The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 19, 1850, Image 4

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OOOKSI 13006111
allbritrated sr the PRESBYTERIAN SOOKBOOM,
Weed suns. and for safe at Eastern prices:
uai tlebrese Lesko, Ton 'nerd's Arrangement
of Ow Neander's Hillery of the Ciltisl2.ll Reli
gion and Church, Milton's Unwire on Cohn. Tree.
trine, Lhe of Jeremiah Eitirs,T,sq- Roble son's Breeh
Rdlnt/Orf of the Gospels, slo Intnns,h Beett 81-.
it4=l4.l=o.n.Vitirx Pariah , : I : 33ta l ,e n tr io r:
taco on Beredenbornianista. Banta Id irkonary A nee
denrg ud taw diner trovrestine morns, in addition
to the above, all at Wan= aunts. nor= .
I,EOWISITY, AND VICINITY, grill be reedy Ibr
e -taver in 10 days. Veraollll who may wish to
hate views of Bole aosntry seats pat on the map eoa .
do oo by snaking applicant= to the undersigned, any
Woo before Oa Iblta Inst. To defray the erpeese of
Ike aisle ill be required in addition
tst_thri_r_t_f.tlintsna.,,nitrflSl,, MeG_OWAN
. .
CSfour years &Mai; I was traveling =Math
Sate of Ohio; while spending a few days ln
' I disemezed a =Mutat Xetalto wabstance.
nut subseqeently teamed MAIM. had been known for
sad =spaded to be of No use or value.lin from
its of. telntre and singular appearance, I
ergs I ti • Ileve it might . be made omfal, but for
whet se I bad not the least Idea I commenced
!It ente try burningly boiling it. end Pelecr:
Ye&V ,
toUsght, and compounding it with venous substances,
angle siren Wu my confidence Wane ere was valtie
In it, thatl pee agony entire time and memo m Me
prosecution of them espenmens; nod from that time
o Ws, I have attended to m other Main.: el thee'.
Wahl.. of about two years,l fina ll y discovered. dtal,
bymAgeLuxit to a gnu powder nod tolling It with ho
und oilto •botil. the consistency of thick int, mil
applyiely this compound with a brush, that this pa coating
In abut months would ecome, • perfect stone or
Male; us thad die sabalsoice when applied was actually
slay la • Wand owe; and the largo amomt of titles,
elinsma,megneate and
°ride of Iron that it con
Wool, rendered it bole wenn= and fire proot; as die
lune. expoeed, the harder and morn jpernteneid it
ablest' Leconte, and as the caning (alter it turns to
stale)/e of itenf todeettnctibis,bl gk.'r c.....9.,..U__,Y IL I hereby ee - rai IV, iineOf 7iniCiii;en, when s_
MM.. rho .... 1 .. , "a .• 4 ... t...." , ..... ked, tall into a large fire of live coals, and was bunted
w h ere
is no air, Om._ .L. ''. 0 . 0 , _.._°' °. , ..,.._bu._,_
_OW. severely from head to feet. The best ot medical old
thorelstih eMomYebeet onerO • m°".° and attention wee given to thee hild for few or five
corning will glee way."3,l: 3 11 I days without my rebef—enchday's mfferings toms,
I neateiderM the disnaterY Of We emote= io}l'on - en Obis Krona coldd be heard tat • great distance, in
an tad
loGohortuttea for tt Potord ll> , .t__,T, which entreat pond one of my osighbots recomenefa
....710. or dincescrit fondly boettql =el 1 eon'o and and presented to me n box of Soan's Oinun&nt
net. .to ur
fr.' all ray annoy In tune " ...* and In le= than fifteen minute • after the &pollen*.
any. The government, without any limitation, grant. of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the nattering
to =melanin& retest for the Sole right to manufae- zOOO,
cove p n o, 00,0 entirely; and he speedily began
tam eelbend use toy Implovemeut in the tanoulnettire to roottoort sty e . 0 ,,r0 00c0 I. I o Ho, ~,,,,..,14. v.,
of • "'Weather and Fire.-Proof Composition or All m ini on monis., rind Simon( Indirmn.
fictsl.l3llm." for founee LI yea.. TLIBODORE 1.. TA 51-nrc.
.Ammua 1 4 .1 , 1 0, WM' O "Er- Chong*, Aar. 24,1848.
WE, the tehabitants of Sharon, hoe end rho shove'
Miaow= of Mr. Slake, and believe no be subteen.
tis/ly correct, as we are knowing to rent of the state.
meats thereto contained; and we will (anther state, that
we de not believe that there ever we, a. patent mare
honestly and laborlanisly earned, or more deservedly
eranteai u he pursued kb esurnaculs with the rust
eldOntltable pet...ranee Mader the most stbscuaraging
eimuumusucee, as the public had twill the least cosh- 1
den. that there could he any
Mos the subunit.. Ile therefore had to enoanter foe I
yeas the leers end nage of pearly the whale connate
4 tiny. Notwithstanding all this, he was indefatigable p
la the prosecautin of his expetimeets, and we Jo noi
behave that then is one mon in a thanaanno would
Wee partnered cadet all the circumstances. But he
hat at Put triumphal *let all tentacles, add we be
. Mere la now but one opinion In awarding kint
h auk of th is velnable discovorr.
OhO. W. CRANE, Jame. of
HORACE OMB, • } the
LEWIS 43. CHATFIELD, 'lnnate.
H. W. BULL, of
• BENJAMIN JONE, Township.
WM. EVERETT, Towns ip Clerk.
ALLEN lICSWE, 'lnnate Tp,
I have ...mined that Ulric are individuals engaged
to dhiging, grindin and preparing for rale, th e above
Usentrand Altura]; g,
to be edged with oil. and nsetrpre
tingly as I use my patented article. I have be. to
Moselmmo= and shown than my patent. 'they say
they do not Intend to tarmac or trespass upon my
tiukan; that they have a right to tun grind, and sell the
powder, if they can find purchasers; that they are not
bound to know what they •re to do with in that k is
no iefringement until it is mixed with the oil to mike
the compelled; and that then who buy, mix end toe it,
mast sake the responsibility. Meet of them Say that
they belles that the patent is goal against those that
mix and um the compound, and some have said that
• whet they wanted to use they shonld certainty purch ,
ent of me, as they did not intend to make themselves
liable in any way. Now I feel myself to duty boned to
expose this baref.ed Hata
where t
public; as can
call It by no milder name, where • man sells and re.
eel., pay for . article. the eme of which he well
knows .Neva the purchaser and as. to • promcm
tine and fine. Scone of these who are entree in this
nefarieus mem ' will nunetionably conte nd tithe
militia that my patent will not nand, and that I due
cat prosecute , Now, to take this argument away hem
.nem, I went some of these who were proclaiming
that my patent wa• of no vase, and made the follow
ing proposition: that they might select •thtige and Iwo
lawyen who have had some pr.nee to Petoll
and we would nnbmtt the patent to them, and if they
decided that the patent tees d. thuthey should slop
atl farther s In
n th o; ITlPlgto!fi t tn l h r
I wittald agree to let thorn goon end sell all theyeeed,
without saying any thing to the public stout therm
This propeution they would net accede to. So IV as
the validity of my patent to eoneened:.l do not de •
pea timbals, upon my own jadgmeat,althauts I have
the West confidence in it; but I have suutted it to
et.y Of the Judges, and several of the m oo n
patent Lawyers, who have, without exceptibe, decided
that In them amnion It was good,and would protect me
to my discovery.
I Mind the article to a fine pourer, sad pet ft up in
barrels, th e which are Marked: •}3t.sia's ?arm Eno
arm Weems Paper lirrinni Stara •
therekire give notice to all wan boy and one the
Wave mentioned mineral for the purpose set forth in
my patent. except Isola no .or m atuhrtered •Eetiur
that I shall hold th em t * stria y
that! commence suits at law against those who them
Infunge upon oty nght. . BLAKE.
Maas., Medina Co , 0., Aug. 14, ISIS.'
lilnl•TWO TONS of the above Fire and Weather
Proof Artificial Slam on howls and for sale. The
above we can recommend, for we hum been using it
for some 4 years, and know it to be what it is set forth
in creep Perdu elm. J.*. IL PllLLLlrd,tigt,
ntore7sHat No A Wood st
F. lI:EATON & CO.,
No. **mutt% Strwirt. Pittsburgh
- Have now in StorAtltalr 4ill alsortment of
Ttlnunh: ics,. Gloves, Hoiden , and Lace Goods
A DAPTED to the wants °fever) . elossoftlefetteats
Aemit Constutsoft...tio pasts here beets epssul
present She newest and MOST 'fashlozollAs style of
Goods squid: tine. Their stook consist. to-part of Use
d Gimps, of army variety; new aplea
EigFa= mi
Galloons; and riAlgedne Imperial Braids; wide
and narrow Bilk and Worsted Embroidering Braids
Geared and rot Velvet Ribbons plain do do; Corded
Nomad and plain Satin Ribbons for 1110113ing; bided,
whim and miored Silk-Lams extra wide do do, fer
flounces with a fall amorunent of Diem Buttons
' Presses Pinked, Bumped or Embroidered to order. '
LACE 00(ps.
Embroider.' Lee and Maalin Cape. Chemiretrea,
Breakfaa and Retiring Cape and Half Sleeves, French
Worked Collars and caul* great "artery; Lece Yetis,
Lappets and OpersTiesj Bono. Mewl:enc., Col
lar., Cade and' mu' Sleeve.; Wen - town /Ml ~
plain embroidered and hemaitcherldo, plan Litton do,
real thread Lues. and EdgV a
eo do; Rabble,
Lids, Lace Navin and Cotton and l.erting
Rielt new Wile Bonnet RiatronalFrench Face Float
er., BalmerTabs, Velvets, Amine and Sorences, Silk
Illesions and Tarlatan., Bonnet FfIOGICS . .ti Tip..
Ben. wisoattetuie, with most hilproved Litt:cant
and choicest colors. An c KLVIISIVC •A•untrlant
on hand.
A rust 'satiety of Silk, Wool, Cotton, Merino and
Cliatunere, far Latta+ and Misses; Tartan Plaids. and
• nal asolostAtent sates styles Aineyand pain Maid.
reniii Hair, newest style. litnints• lbws And Soars
Gents' Grlllo 'Viscidity Merino, Conan lon/ fir
Wool Half Hose, • • '
.. • GLOVES. ,
A 114 l asneedlicid Gar men, women and children,
among erhieb are Derby Bibbed, Polidelle and plain
Bilk; ribbed and pleb Cada:wee; Chamois Lined Rer-
Wy Marian, Ear-lined Deaver , beaey and
MN Buckskin; Military sad !dole flrbread and Lolloo.
Such as Ladies' and Children's Heed., Children'.
Wooten Seeks, lIaI estarrs and }lam, Childreide flail
em and ta,E Mina, Waisted Cid Knining War.teds
oral Wootut Van., Caltfarnia ,Camlon•; also, fine
Cashmere *ads. ford.adies.
zephyr 'raresay Worards , Cuitess. Patters,
• El.. and. Enab'a 2t17, Saadi ns.Sl'cad Uanrd., l's.
per Parer Mderisis,
_Laud Alias, Tidies, it: Eus.
laddered Work. Alsu—Lsulies' Vests
and Unwind klualaidlered Suck. asdiFlannels, Freud.
Worked Caps and Waists far Infants; skilSwarOs.slossi,
than !bids, Cravats and Collar.; Merino, Silk and
CordeisWeappen.aud Dnaveid . Susperiderk, Shoulder
tinges and ficentng Gomm-, Mt and Lawn, Miffs;
-iitavea and Bowery.
B lob pauarna
and im. d e o lT t l i ttr . l,VlLic o ll ng lit? Cozh m s!
do; BMW*, lain and Rowinni..lll,alr Brushed shot,
Hanle an d Lag. nom Divaaing Radii= Ivory Comb.;
wash ea aseortment of. Nail .4 Teeth Brushes.
Ilietbsollrsoflol4 Medan Verfuseenr.
Needles, Pins, Tripes, Stool Bags and Parses,
Ramona mad Steel Goode, Gatlin Wire Baskets,
rarse Twist and l3ass_or t k"lne Rosewood Desk. and
.Coat Bradiegs all
&Gon - Fancy Work Bullion ,
-Cloak Cord and Tassels, Portfolios, Papianrcs and
Bled in Shade Trhandue Lidles , Slattorivr, '
Ytt . pit t ßanner Tassels ; ' French Cork doles
Upbelslereed Fringes, ...Mir& lingo. . 1.111:brellas,
Bag Liman, used wid th s, \ Paper Abrams& Holland s
Basilan Oil Cloths, • Garde Bands &Webbing,
F r .... „..._,...... 7 .... k i1i'd Chia' iliw/ 0 11 , Corret and Shoe Lacers. .
A Yr, :. ••
b . Trar .-4 " F toelt Carpets
(erase amtpply of
peered . wyles, to watch
atosoboW sood, and thom
to eon and examine the I
widelt We Will Sell elm&
the lenient market.
Noitrerints on` Shawl.:
ILlbriUill'llY r, teealas' upply of the above
q article, of th e be t qualit also, plain Week
Shasta; bl 1 Sorabarines, !dooming Al.
preens, Ponies .Cloth, trick Coburg*, Pitmn.,
i f.
tUrihnterear Moos de Loins and French blesitne, black
GYaves and blooming ' Ilara, blooming Bonnet gib
liio seek do s and a II sasonmern of, Mourning
din generally. Al. ,
A lane atoortment, tnel doly . r law Fleece very wide
ad eoperlor. Boyers al Invited to lolk bet th em, at
North emit corner of Fo Ith and Market sta.
WboleaMe Somas op s gni whew • large aiisort.
meat of Np! Coeds has tey been reeenfed._ [nvyti
Da:JAYNE' ALTER/alitE. •
We have been informed by Mr. Rose of lour. par•
formedan her by Dr. JarnA , lll Alterative...Mel
emus, its superiority over every other remedy of the
kind. She has been atiteted for the last sixteen years
. with i1b.V1109}.13 or WHITESWELLINGS,rttet , Jed
arab ulceration , and 01014110 n of boner du
rum which tune Many pieeeshere been discharged (torn
Ina mutat bona of the erantoun,froat both her LIME,
h=l-t vaults and hands-add from both legs, utd from the left
1 (*mom. bone. soli (min t h e right ante, betides youths!'
' *leers on otner parts of her person, ?goat brie begird
' • the aktU of a umber of the corn emtnebt phyricia”. of
Our uty...-dartnis nom of the lIISIC err sutterinua have
Ottenesegatarmg and deplotabkg About 'three Months
. since she um. J odueed •16 try Dr. Jayne'. Alterethe
renteb has had an eatiadshingly Loopy effect upon tee
by removing MI pain and nurellinge, and esteems the
rcee* heal, Witte attbe same timelergenerel health
bre bcoomeeempletelyremored,so thatabanourvreigtat
!Siberians than ehe dtd before she monmaneed the use
of this traly valuable prepanoo.—Pnat. Eve. Pon.
- - Far farther infortaadeet,lndnite of thy. Bose tio.llB
gAbertst,,thllideiplus .
.. - for gale in - Pietsbergh, at the PEKIN TPA 17701L6,
.. , %filbert. lent Weed. • ..
.. . 11 , j
.0- At. the Medietriandwenistd by W. B. SLOAN
Are .d by
R.- Wood meet, and /OHO P.SCOTT
Grant' e. Prtenegt.
.Binninnasn by JOHN G. SMITH.
MicEbeny Cpy, by. 111-7NRY P. SCHWARTZ •n
The Mit and Cheapest Oases Iledhstse
Harr earnede vou won.. For &Wry, IT, • Sat.
gown! Tkerenlekras,S . LOANTl OINM iNT /Snub
And it rapidly supensetling GI a6r r Gsu wenn, end
Linimonta now In nee for the cure of !hero] (mini dis
west • • . •
Fresh wounds, rails of all kiiiils,lprat
cracked heels, nnibene, winds:me wi
evil, callus, spavins, sweeney, foordi,_ sltf
lameness, sand creek, Wondered feet, to
grease mange or bone distemper.
• The Powder will remove &Iliad=
purify the blood, !Desert tie skin, tleasse
and strengthen every part of the body- and
sovereign remedy Mr the following dire t
Distemper, hide boa:1410a of *pistil
strain, yellow water, Inflammation of Wee
from hard exercise. also. rheumatlsou le
led stiff cemplaint4which 'stoves so fatal t
sable horses In th country. -It is also a
taro remedy for reefs and colds which '
nosey fatal diseases. .
Grand Depot, 40 Lake st, Chleag
- •
Extract from the "galena North Western!
By the use of Sloan% Ointment nod Cu
der, hare entirely Owed a r stale on my
other•.dise in:Droved his condition more thl
taut. on the con oldie amAcine And
was so keLle as to be coutudered worthless y Itlr.ep
and neighborsmas restored to good health .Istrength
by the use alesa than half ► purbage of the powder,
and is now doing - Inner than any other eons I bane.
Small Poz, Nay 13,1b111. WM. VINCENT. '
- • -
April 13, lOW. Fora miles north of Chicago ion the
road to hhlsrankind Cook county, Illinois.
'Mr.:divan—Dow Sal One 111 Iciy horses had • large
bony rumor on his hernia bone, immediately under the
coon? which lathed him sud rendered his services 01
ery LIM value. I rantifully applied stirermi bottle,
f Dr.'flaylarls Nerve and flour Lumen', without the
et,' benefit. t Men proeurdd Wilder's Celebratee
torso Ointment,, and used that until I 'became fully
misfied anti It would never relieve the animal
idly 1 obtained • box oi your truly valuable Chno
eat, laid in lea. than Go days from .the first applies.
.n die minor entirely 41i. appeared, and the horse VW 5.
If popular opinion is arty erltenon of the worth clan
artloW. We Invite the Increduloue to read at tract a ie
of the many voluntary eertiliestra that appear in our
cohostna reapeetlatt the great variety of
cares effected by the are or ''Slower ectalttated Uiat
went 11111 Condttioa Powder',"
The. tame:ilea MI longer remain among those
dnelaullll.lll4, they have passed Irvin she tide ot
perimerit s and now stand nigher in rtpinAlii.lll tad Am
becoming ware exteneively used di. all other aril
ales of We kind.—rilieti. City News.
lon N l ivea, Juno It, Ible.
Dear Sloan—Sir. Please mad by the bearer • new
tepply of your Horne Medicines. They are the Lew
valid. of the kind that I here ever teed, newer huy
ing been disappoinwd in their effect, as I have been Ir
the not of Miter*, even the most celebrated Ointments.
Lini.eau, at., of the dry. I like very Moth this fen
UM in diem, vie that they do all that a promised, and
amt. • thorough trial one Is siontrainal to sad. Ilia ,
"half has not been told."
The ordinary ointments and liniments it is I.
known are severe and partial in their operation.—
Sloan's Ointment Is mild yet thorough-41 reaches and
retorts the mosso, hence it gives real and permanent
relief. For panty, mildness, safety , certainty, and
thoroughness, Stone' Ointment excels, and is espial
ea rperceding all other Ointments and Liniments now
in use. I
13 - mrs Own; ILL, Oct $l, IS4B.
Ms. Sloan—Sir. I have mated the virtue of your
Ointment in the cure of rattlesnake bites, sore throat
burns, and many other DIMS., and I in entry ease it
hat surpaesed One OnpeelltiOne. As IS family Owe.
et never aeon its equal, and for beasts we
can't get a long without it
Tours, an., MILER IS. JOHNSON.
• •
Mr. Blown—De.Sir: Far a eon tiderable length of
int e I was seriously anlietednruit the rheumatic corn.
plaint, and applied freely the rations liniments, paint
killyrs, Er 0., wlthout obtaining uty relief. After which
your .gem at thin place hAtteneed me to try your
Ointment, and within two went, from the time I corn.
menced using It, the pain centrd. and I was effectually
erred, and snail recommend 'all who are ahnilarly at.
Nord with the distressing complaint, to procure your
excellent ointment without delay. •
50.[1T Soars, OSCAR F. MOTT.
Piineerille, Peon, en, May 1,15 1
0. -
frj From the lion. 11. V. S. Brooks, agent 01 di •
Illinois and hliehigan Canal Packet Boss Companl
Cum.., ue /s Si. ISlai
. . .
Dr. W. D. Blown—Dear Sin For the ;Last 311 yea., 1
have had occasion to nor many hones. and have tined
the great variety of liniments and ointments inuse,
but have never found any thing equal to you elms
meet for Wearies on harms., Within the last two
taonthal have applied yOur uinitOr nt to some 60 homs,
for venoms thinnes s and in every instance it has pro
ved a sovereign remedy.
Taro miles thud, of Chicago, .lept. 14, 1843.
Dr. Sloan-3 Ou th e ea, instead my son had • fin
ger bitter eatirely ad by allow- Weymmediately ap
plied your celebrated mamma, which relieved kure el
pica to • few miautec,.ithd prevented th e Oakes from
00171yPo.anc, m e
hlr.Slou—Dear. dirt About three years ago I was
severely injured in one of my leas by the falling . of s
Pilo of wood which oceutoned large naming ewers.
Ireerly every doctor in Galena tiled to cure them; but
tne.l In lain, until from sympathy and improper trees.
meat my other leg became as bad as the one originni
ly woutdod.• I despaired of ever being well agaiu—
but in order that I might neglect no means urine. my
reach. I purchased of you spans in Galeria soma or
your ointment, and you eanpidge of my wenn.. on I
gratitude better than I can erpress it, to find my.; it
entail , will before I had finished tut:lathe wcond bit
These Diem I make known that others aftlicmd may
believe and not delay using so ealublo an °Mate;
has proved to be. Respl your auroral fed,
Galena, 111., Dec. In, UK' EVAN DAVIS.
Del Ore the foll owing order hteurs. Ymglua A Co.
purchased a large Ilapply of Strian's preparaumiL
/season, Mich. Feb. 24.1142.
S. C. ,libber:l—Deo Sir: I am oat of Sloan's Cond.
Eton Powder and llorre Oinusent. The sale tar es:
reeds my espestation. Diu:Lean manage to eend me
dozen Ointment, I will pay for Meta the fast has
that you are into, snit presume I Mall be able to sell
S large qattotity in the course of the year. It win be
an object to To as well as to myself, to keep me LOU•
oantly *applied. o,
Very resp'y yours VA,
S. S. UGHN & CO.
do. LANA, Feb. 21,13.1 a.
Or. Sloan—Sir: About two yeura ago, while Tatung
on the Dirrussippi river, in pasting aver the rapids, I
un Wit, the water, and by Me - raft daylong
against a mottling my tattle; arid othemtive se.
nearly lrduntrg tue, to touch that f loat all wmitillity.
When commeurietv tetatued 1 found myself In St.
luaia, surrounded by ray weeping family timid nat.
in; and auAieal aid, enabled me to about two swath,
to babble around with Ma ...tame of n crutch. The
wounds only partially healed, leaving large - running
var. at the tote, which for many months discharged
blood sod matter oldie most oidenvive character. lily
paws were innaprevrible, at limas my wagering WSJ
so great that death would have received a hearty wet
Corn , FortarratelY Dtr.Wil.ou, (mtor my neighboto
advised me to try . your Ojtltnteal. I oWilited • box
applied it ...ding la direction—the area soon !regan
anoint a. healthy appearance mud ta.thrce moral.
sow.l w• entirely cured. cad enabled to do haul labor.
Your oludient servant,
111 RANI W. Tf tttlf AS.
%V, lac anderfLped, neighbor , . of 11. W. TIIOIIIII.I,
C re acquainted wahine case above .tatc, sa Ito ow
e ,ae r oeuttotance, abet cheerfully catifi aaal
lomat' tstameat. REV J..DOUGLASM,
, , PETER LA3I6.
Coteau, Jam Fth, IRO
W.D.Slou—Sly One ormybours wait hoof boultd
and also wounded in the stifle, which be took told,
and became to crippled that lie could uareely navel.
ltd the free application of your voluble ointment, his
hoofs were moon softened and the stifle permanently
cued. I have alio used the Ointment In the cue at
PolbEvil and on macre galls with equal careen.
Otto aushedinger that was very painful, it opera.
ted like a chart, Wan, &o , A. AN ORDEN.
Slean's Ointment and Condition Powder 'are ae.
knowledged by all who have used them to be the lest
remedy for horses and cattle that has been discovered.
Fresh wounds, galls, spnvinst bruises, ringbone, poll
evil, and In short every outward disorder or 101.1 ran
be oared by this wonderful remedy. The Powder is
designed for, inward strains distemper, hide bound
fatigue from hard exercise, diseased eyes, tr.e.—Lalre
County Chronicle. •
'RnTHER b0V..1.!.4.0L1
Wmas.orrs. Cook Co. Feb. 13,1918
Mr. Sloan—Sim I have a fine young horse %hut wa
taken with the wretches last fall. I paid out alma
three dollars for medlcine to cure him, but he ,grew
won. then borsht a box of your ointment at , yeer
office when in Chicago lost, rather doubtingly, but I
thought I would try it. Judge of my surprise and my
opinion of its beneficial outdid., when I found any
horse'. legs smooth and well iu bear days from the time
I commenced applying It. Your obedient,
Hest tine city, Vf
house, N. 75 tfonnti se s •
of the latest and =cat op-
We the attention of
wishing to fantails Musts.
gees rual Mtn,. la the eit y,
r thin ere( betore effused to
More than fifteen year. of unrivalled success In the
core of every variety of tSt<IIIII diseases and 'Mori..
such as sprains, blame, cots, boots, cutaneous crop.
Mms, sore lips, sore Imago, chapped bands, chill.
bloom, biles, ulcers, corns, pains In the bar k, sides, or
other paws of It,, system, rattlemoke bites, to., bears
ample testimony that SloatCs Ointment Is iust the ming
for the hour. CeMbetties without number hove ULEII
"received by the Proprietor Onto disinterested indorldtc
giving details of remarkable cures b 7 its one.
Granville, Milwitik in en. Wis., Oc Isle.
Mr. Slosio—Dear Sir Recently my ho me y y mmLwq
with a log chain attached, which cat end otherwic
injured them seriously, so It thou I conadered
env wins ruined far Laciness. Rationale!) a friend re.
commended the nos of your Con:neat. I went to Mil.
oritakie and parchund hon.' It wort removed the
Inflammation, and in a few days the wounds hailed
-Tha-irettleentat derived from the use of your Otote
went, un my hone s, indite to acquaint you with
the beiirvlng at publicity would benefit yen, and
the pul,bu- I .'" P `" .l°7 o(rAtuE cumSTOcit
• . . . .
'And has beanie. a common. saying, that g,..ny
Ointment and Condition •Powder are rapidly
ding an other remedies for sll thaeases af homy , I
attle. The beentrof the medicine. eonsiats in in,
ay and safety, talent V, he aged aver„
any dangers( wM, sr asy own
inbui mailing ken their net as istafeer fall
V cars if the,enet are followed. !warm
Seml.Annital sue Dry. Goods,
A. A. MASON S. 004 1 ' •
- MILL commence on New Year's Day; MO, and
continue thrcmgh the mouth of anary, eating
which tittle the whole of their immense atablishment,
(Intlading all their Wholesale Roomsd will be thrown
opus for Retail
and their eallsk Wholesale
Stock will be offered at Retell, on this °cession, at
folly on roams me than asaal price..
Their Shawl Saloon comainanrote thanaterem
comprialng every description of Long and *mare
Wool Shawls, Cashmere, Ruche, &C. Also Vueltas,
Cloaks, Mantillas, Sacks, &e., at an immense re
in from mini prices.
Their stock comprises more than 1000 plece•Thiber
Clothe, Merinos, Parstnettax, Alpaccas. Lyonme, Op,
era and Pellsie Clothe, will be sold fosse SD ID 10 per
cent. less than Kaiak pricel.
Also-300 pieces rich plain and bed SILKS, redu
ced 30 per cent.
20 Mee Ceenreetee and De Leine, enlist Dew el!".
Also—White Goods, blotto:dog do.,Embroldenes,
Laces, Ribbons, Glares and Iloalerykitamings, dec-
W cases Flannels, 75 eases new style 0101Ceen, Ott ra
ses Bleached Muslin., 107 bales Brown do. 70 bales
Ticklngs. - Alsm, Cloths, Cusimeres, Jeans, Cassioens,
at extremely low poem.
' Together with an immense sorters of other Goode,
mating an assottinent one of the most ellensire to
tke etnnttry—all 01 which have been marked down at
mach lower prices than their extensive anneal sale In
Jimmy last.
They invite an early mill, et many of their choicest
Goods wilt be sold.
irritle lowest prier named at first.
Ann A. A. MASON & e 0 Merkel st
es, fatigue
• • oly
many sal.
' • and tor
morass SC
mkorway Plains. Blankets.
W. R. SIURPIII, at North East corner of Fourth
and Market streets, has lately received asap
`ply of the above superior make of IlLinkets, and In
vites those m want of the article to look at them be
fore buying. Ile has also on bend Home Made Man.
hew, a good heavy articles which 14e to
Also—Home Made FLA N NELS ) brown, burred and
white, of a superior quaUty.
!so—Twilled &Inlet FLANNELS, to witch he
sit he attention of buyers. '
117.... supply of Goods recently opened, in the
Wholesale am, Up nabs, makes his attainment
very n f o u , li r d worthy the attention of dealers .
TOWLitlit. 4 `l.l9lfit PILL., Wan St 1 Dial ImR
Hunan, 1'.., Sept 'Si loop.
Mr. R. e' Sellers—Dent be I feel it is a duty I ow,
to the public, as well us to we credit of your Liver
Pills, to mite the good elects produced by their use le
my own cast. During the month of June, 1,15, 1 took
vary unwell, my appetite foiled, and my strength was
entirely prostrated, with severe pain rn my tide and
shoulder. I was told by somber-1 men that my disease
wat mvere attack of user complaint. I took ties.
rel boxes of APLanon Liver Pills, and sonic syrups,
which 1 wah mid was good for that diressc, bat atter
all I was getting worse. 1 finally coucluded to place
myself under toe care of a phy sicim lor bettor at
Were., Lit, fortunately, lat this time, I was told
by the Rey. 1. Nthlock, of this place, that a friend had
trot lion a boa of Sellers , Liver Pills frouFPntahurges
which : had befitted very much. I forthwith
scut fui a hoz of your Liver Pills, and t'y the time I
Wilt done using theta( wm satisfied that it wee last
the medicine that muted my cam. I sent Mr more,
and took five or sit betel, and Mond myself almost
entirely cured; but in hltuch last I caught • tevere
sold, wluch brought back the, disease, sod in . ..alien
num I was as bail as seer. I again bad racoon. to
your Liver Pills, and toot them every edict den for
ail Weeks, and occatimally since, end I eau now say,
thst l um+ my, th at I feel link D m symptalla
the Liver COMplitlat, and my getters! y
health is al
good now m it has been for the last 10 yeam.
hly neighbors ask ate who was toy doctor. I tell
diem that Sams , Liver Pills was my doctor, and by
die of Divine Providence tbe means to curing
eke. I eta coufident that when the public bermme se.
postured with the value of your Liver de
mad fur them will inetease. hituay of my neighbors,
to whom 1 hove recommended the pills, Ma testify to
their value, as well so to the farts stave •tsted.
Respectfully yours, ' Geom. Stunt'.
To sine Pearce.—The Original, only Imo and gene.
nine Liver Pills are prepared by It. K. Senora and
bare Ms name stamped in black wax upon the nil of
each Box, and his .thuature on the outside sesame,
trrAti others net counterfeits, or bam tations.
opm7 It. E tiELLER, Proprietor, 57 Wool to
Jayasa , Lop aat.
Porno, Coluabiana 1 64 1.
VIII D. JAYNES: Dian Su:—l feel bound to yoa
jJ not the afflicted public, to avail myself of this op.
purtunity of giving publicity to the extraordinsry effect.
of your Expectorant on myself. 'laving been afflicted
for several years with a seve comb, hectic fever
and Its concomitant diseases, sad re
seemed only doomed
to linger out a short bet miserable existence, until the
fall of 1a39, when, being more severely attacked, and
having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre.
tie drawn. of two of the most respectable phYelcians Ire
theecighborhood without distil.; any benefit, or the
consolation amperes, lot • few days or weeks el
farthest—when the lea gleam of hope was about to
vaalth, I hod recommended to me you Expectorant—
and bleased - by that Dieing who does - all things to the
use of t h e means—sad tourney to the expectationn of
phyaicitne and Mends, I wen in a few days raked
from my bed, and woe trilbiCa by the litho( a bot.le, tO
attend to my bialreas enjoying mime bottet health the*
I had for ten year. prevloue
Respectfully yours,fic., Jas. W. Emu.
For sale in Pitteburgh, at the Pekin Tea Btore l 7o
Fourth street. marl
%Trl F C imme t atT E el T y 0 DR UL JAYNE .— TuIa recede,, ,
having atmuded my brother, who died of consamption
in !Retch, 1142, I was taken sick with the Conaumption
or Liver Complaint, and was reduced no low with the
disease, that for four years I wo unable to attend to
my Inumesc, either at home or abroad, being for the
most time confined to my bed. Daring the above peri
od of time, I bad expended for medical attendance o
regular Physicians and medicines, to the amount of
Rim, without receiving any benefit thersh•en. In
idly,{s, ls I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's bled'.
elites und Lava taken them more or leas ever aloes,
and behave Mint it -was by persevering in their am,
that lean now linty say that I have completely reels.
until my health. I believe that Jaynes danative Pins
and Expectorant are the beat family medicines now In
I ruide (ornate d, Otsego county, N. Y., and
carry on a and machine shop In that plate
and am not interested In any manner to the axle of the
above medicines, and make this certificate tor the ben.
efit of those undated. F.LUAII EATON.
Springfield, N. Y., Sept la 1134.5. lea
RICH PALIa - 00 . 0Di I
ALFX AN DER A DAY, comer os the Diamond and
Market infect, notify ,lick friends and the public
that they have received their aback of Fall and Win
ter GOODS, direct from the importers, manufnetunms
and auctions at the east. Theirstock of new style and
fashionable Goods Is taiga, uldromients strong aurae
tionw to purchurrs. In Ladies Mesa Goode end
shawl+, the most splendid and fasbminable Goods of
Me season are now offered. at remarkably low prices
consisting n. pan of We following
New style h • lit'd Camelint Salts;
Cul'd and Mack Stun Du Chance and Tura Satins;
Cord Camellan tirodertanes, of the best gnediUer,
Sleet clossy liroderiens of the celebrated Eagle
in there named Mack Sell. are warranted not to
cut in the wear, for dresses and manillas they teethe
best unposed.
Neat hed Camelima Satin Da Chene, the handeomest
Silts of me Kasen.
New style Breeds Silt figured French Mentos, a
n and splendid aniele foe ltdiesl walking &twee.
SOU Detbroidered French De Lase., for arrant and
De y l r .n ' iree 'n e,lfe k rinos, Alpaceas and Par
metes, a large usartment
mocha Lem and Square Mt...M.4e( the beat quall
Plaid Long Shawls, of the newest delay., remark•
ably cheep.
splendid Terkeri Shawls, in greatly rodneed prices.
C 1.161110 Brocha 6g'd Silt Shavels,its great variety.
Crape Shawls, Tatum and colored, in great variety
nest Sedan real French Twilled Cloths, all prises
Lest Sedan real French Caturnereai new Mlle Amer
can Cruisimeres; super Satin Vesting,.
French and Belgian Black and °bye Cloths, for la
•- - -
A eplendol armrtmnt of Ammo. and imported
thank., al remarkabl e y lowporker.
A large and complete assottment now on hand
Nlany of our 'qr.,nt dock ol :Staple bloods wale
bought fauna the stasomfacturera ptevious to the present
advanhe in priers. A prtucipat part of our stock of
French and English goods have been purchased at the
great Auction ,ales as Philadelphia and Now Yolk,
Lich eatables us to offer decided hatpins in almost
every tern upturn of deeds its our One of business.
Country Merchants, Merchant Triton,
and all
wholentle and retail buyers, are Invited to an early
examination of our stock and latices.
ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 Market st,
octal • north west corner of the Diamond.
Toßvr.n.s try LILY 4UOJJaI
W. IL MURPHY, at north cast corner of Fourth
and Market as, Is now receiving his screed
supply ter the /Amman, aud can offer inducements to
buyer. rcrely to le met with. Ilts assortment of
. _
tr,try fitll t railitbilittil Or Ff etlek Mtlillo*,Cashnsercs,
bitty, Lyttared Cloth', nutter Printad Flettch Cash
cam., at polar. collude:ably lower Shari they could
bought early LO seatlatt. HOC. a
• - -
le large, aud embrace* many of the beautiful sty
no's, on egnlbitlon at Fnuslilos Institute, Phllatt's.
Of new and very handsome miss, )(civet Tri
ruing, /I , c.
• ••••
Of various styles and paalltles, plain and embroidered
Black Silk Laces, Needle Worked Collars and Cuffs,
Bonnet Satins ant Velvet Flowers, Caps and Feather.
Of the newest styles, end as lower prices than sisal;
and rich changeable Silks and Satins, for Blarallas,
Sc.; and a large stank of
it lowest prices. And In the gentlemen's department
will be Mond fresh
Black Doeskins Winter Vestings, Fancy Cmainteres,
Undulating and Drawers, Silk Cravats, emket Hand.
Uncl e Sc.
cirmerciinis are invited o visit Me Whole.ale
stains ova.
VERY ‘PuNDERYUL. 4/UttE2.--6 n. L. L. a. ft
Masons, Mercer on., Pa., Sept. 01, 1041.
R P. Sellers: Dear Sir, I bought one horde of your
Vermlfoge at the Iron 'City Furnace store. atthis place,
and It has performed what we cooside r out heron won
derful cure on one of my boyssight years old; he bad
been unwell for some yens, so much so that I had tie
en op all hopes of him recovery. I was advised by one
of 111) , neighbors to try a home of your Vero:Wage—
and 1 am nappy to inform you of It having the desired
effect of relieving my son. Ile paned. ro ne short
space of 14 hours, 101 worms, some of them menur
big no much .12 and 14 Inches long. I feel hosed in
justice to give you the above statement, so as you may
mate any use of my name that you Wulf proper.
Yours, very respectfolly,
• .10.111401
B. Lima.
07 - Prepared and sold by R. &SELLER:3,O
Sine; sad sold by Druggists generaily Luther
ewe- n
Clerk of the
KUP—From W. K. Loden, Esq.,
Court of Quarter Sessions of Beaver County:
Mr. B. E. Sellers; Sir, Some time In the winter my
wife was afflicted with a severe and dish-calm cough,
aed !leering of your lavalnable Cough Syrup, pur
chased a bottle from 8, T. Trimble, of Bridgewater,
end after taking a. portion or It two or three evening.
on pane to bed, oho (sand immediate reliefi as also
meetal friends bare been relleval In were eases. I
ore therefore satisfied Mat Ids ante and valuable me.
dicing, and world recommend it to those why May be
0010041 with severe coughs and colds.
March 2e,1843. W. Y. BODMI.
11Xliold by IL E. SELLERS, 17 Wood street, end
by Inessists generally la thetwo cities and "lobar'.
ukaa ciArrits-3 cases Mae aad Drab E.
Clinbs,jast reel and for We br
',won • 48 Wood a
MOUS. Ltt LAINS—W. R. hisuphy au.
) •.. 3 Nti me'd a lot of lash colored Mona ~
bock am encery, Scarlet, /kn.., at the low price&alai or 10p.
per yard. Also, Philo Drab, Drone, ,at 111 to lot
centspart arsd a large aissortme er neat etylee
fikured Aloes. de Lain. at various prices, together
setth a choice assortinerit of Dress Goode geocrally,
sack as Fancy Silks, French Merinos, Carlassree,
tiottsigs and Lyenese - Cloths, at the
. N. E. cornerof Foanh arid Markel sta.
Who tenths Rama op Nair.
If' 6 EN &Clys
Panaesiyer saw Basso sane Otiaa. '
IS EDEN & CO. continue to briny, permits
from any part of ErAland, Ireland. Scotland or
MilaWale., upon the mom liberal terms, with Melt
annalpanicanalny and Lanni:ion to the wants and comp
fon of emmigrants We do not allow our passengers to
be robbed by the annealing seamy. that infest the mae
poets, as we take charge of them the moment 'they re,
von thentselven, and nee to their well being,l and dee
spateh them without any detention by the brat ships.—
We my this fearlessly, as we defy one of
monthto show that they were detained 48 iiist-s by as in
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others • see detained
months, until they could be sent in some DA :eft, at a
eh :p rate, which too frequently proveC Moir coßns.
We intend to perform MI CollUitell Amorality, east
what it may, and not act as was the ease last season,
with ether atom,—who either performed not all,Or
whm flotilla their couvenienee.
Walla drawn at itts fOr may MIT from LI to
Lim, payabl Sco t land m i nd W ok.. protium] EseJta
land, England,and Wok.
JOSUE/. RODldlettng,
Fdrepeartm.d Gent CV agan,
401 Firth =silt OM dear bola. woad:
glatimer ALIBILIO AN No. 9—Ca pt . Gllwn.
LAKE ERIE, 0 Gordon.'
rgIRE above regular end well known Beaver ,
ets, have commenced making their deity trips to
from Beaver, and will corium.. run b. MED
Pittiburgh and Beaver regalarly doing the 5e..., aa
'Michigan No.ll loaves Pittsburgh daily at I dclock.
A. IL, and Beaver at 2. o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie
leaves SW. daily Ed o'clock, A.M., and Pittsburgh
al 3 deloak, P. M.
These steamers will run la coruscate. widi
A o ii;rl:bii
Taylor & terkingire:Pa Warren Packet.;
Union Lae of Freatltt Boats for Cleveland;
Clarke tr,Co'r Plltrkargir sad Claveland Liza palkht
U G Parka dilly Neer Celtic Packets.
IttFtC, PARRS deCo, &Kier, Agte.
JOHN A. CAIJOHEY, Agent, Plttsbur h,
meL3l • nor Water aud Scrtithle so
111 IE Proprietary of this old established and pellets,
dads line, consisting of SIXTEEN Ern classes.]
BOalSO.vrned by themselves and running coon..
Linn until the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB
COPE, are enabled to offer uneepardled facilities for
the transponarion of freight and passengers, on the
opening of Canal travail/Jon, to all points ou the Penn.
sylvarde and Ohio and N. York canals and the Lek..
E. AL FITCH & Co. Cleveland.
Agents,.ll r, e aver.
mart ' Water street, usburgh.
letuaturei. Beaver.
Forwarding Merchants,
• • ,
Agnsta tho PutsburgA axilefetstforui Crust, Pitt/•
burgh and Eta Linn via Erie, and for .156111.
boom Bracer 0114..(4165Cupe.
flaring paralimed the large and autotaatial Wharf
Boatst built for We Monongahela ractoto, have
with t h e addition of a Warehouse, the most ample to.
commodationo for receiving and forwarding, and
pledge their utmost attention, ptumptuevo and despatch
to consignments to their eve, mil snip on their friends
Cur a trial. rY-dip B. IL BUM
, . .
IN L E.III7OIId ht/1.1 Pit/IY,
..!. 0ft6 , !0, poce it . V.
1 '' " " 51 " ' " 4 - 1;
I ,
For sale for moll of nie *hove prints. b,
dein i JOIIN II MELLON. el Wood 0
To VIOLIN i'fiAl ERN—Scotia's tiaawn Yuan
SCHOOL, *Resod and connected from the last Fdta
lith edition, to cotreepond with Spobr's °Spool
School of Violin playing, by his Putli; IL C. 1101 . "or
g:,`",=,.e d l::kli'Lltrt',,t'.7,47;
to the system hod sown in the abions *oil, and that
hr has by the 114111 e mode of instruct on, produced a
greater number of distinguished pupl M. soy other
master In Fampn" -
A supply of the at ove Net med. (Price V.) mtd foe
axle by dry J II tiIELLOIL St Wood st
" . • ' 7 /..7.`,
' ..^e7;`'PYiAf" C it`t 1 V` 7
• • - ;
. •
A N EMINENT and explode-Imnd Physic= from the
cm. E. of 20 years standing; offers to treat all eases
of a Delicate Nature with promptness and scene,.
IlLs 'lleum in Beale. and, other large cities hu
been proverblaL Ills chugs' are moderate, and his
cores permanent. Old cases of Glee; Strfetare, hero.
fele, Fluor Albns, Rheamatimn, Agne,Byphills, or any
chronic or Inveterate cars solicited.
. . .
A cure warranted, or charge refunded.
Ovvress,St. Clair street.o doors frees the Bridge.
Teeth Extractech Advice to the poor gratis.
N. IL—Dr. A. solicits the worst cases of any disc
Pittsburgh to seltdly
poyarn.srunt. Oreobts 011..
"There me mot, things In heaven and earth
Th. are dream i pt , l , tf urPhtlfilofbr."
r .r i tfe c ' cli t
hi nt ap S o plics:i n on tor " it, ‘ th ' thet '' pro ' p l iieor,
has induced him to have it put up in bottles with la
bels and directions for the benefit of th e poblic.
The PETROLEUM is procured from a well in tthe
count), at ft depth of Poor hundred fir, is • pure abut
dolterwed article, without any e hemmal change. but
Just as flares from Nature's Great Labrutooll 'Math
contains properties. reaching • nambor of dtheaies, In
no longer a 19" tier ef uncertainly. There are essay
'things In the arcane of naturawhlch, if known, might
he of von toothiness in alleviating offerilig, and o•
storms th e bloom of health and vigor to many • suf
ferer. Lotus before the proprietor thought of gaming
it tip in bottle., it had n reputation for the cure of dia
-1 ease. Th e constant and duty Increasing calls for it,
and• •.. . .
several remarkable eines it kas performed, Is a
sure indication of its fawn polarity end wade
*arced application trt the cafe 0 al•Cilee.
We' do not ',nett to make • long parade of ceniG
catee, 06 we ore rOUSCioos that the medicine can sum
work its way Into the favor of them who wafer and
Wto be healed. Whilst we do netolaim tot it a
urovereal application in every discs., we animate
ugly . that in • umber of Chronic DMA." It Is
annulled. Among thew may be enumerated—all
diseases of the mucous tissues, such no CIIRONIC
BRONCHITIS, CONSUllertos (in its early stage,'
Asthma, and all diseases of U. air passages, I.JV
COMPLAINT,' DYSPEPSIA, Dieriteen, Dimas. of
the Bladder sail Kidney., Pains in the Back or Side,
Nervous Diseases,Nears/gle, Palsy, Rheumatic Pains,
first, Erysipelas, Teller , Ringworms, Rants, Scalds,
Weisel, Old Soros, ke.,do. In eases of debility nw
salting from exposure, or long and protracted ease s of
this medici ne bring relief. It will act as
a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE In such cases,
departing Mee and energy %the whole frame; reams.
log obereetions, opening the slaggisn futetionywhich
cease dinsse and a broken content:it/on, and giving
iureased renewed enemy to oil the errs. IR
Life! The proprietor knows of several came of
PILE:3OIdd resisted every other treatment, get well
under the use of the PETROLEUM for a than time.
The proof can be gtun to nor Person who dour. it
None gennine without the signature of the proprietor.
Sold by the proprietor,
KIRK. Canal Basin, near Seventh at.
Also by R' R. RELLERS, 67 Wood eu
corner Wood at. and Virgin alley; wbome his
_ trivadly • tenter!, appointed Agent.
No. el, comes Markel and Filth—uf 49 Mallon,
mesa Third and POunh us.
lIIHE uabstriber haps 0011.muLly on band, whole
'. gale ad land, the following ankles, yiu:
Wash Tabs, bumf Chums,
'Meat Tubs, Barrel Chums,
bun Tons, Half Boatel.,
Wooden 80b,,w Peek. .04 Half Peeks,
WWI lloords, Um. Bound thicken..
Clotho* Ewe, ' TownEflollerg,
Wooden Lndk., Bread Rolle",
... ennligg klo.tos, M ttttt Hookas, le., An
nOrlll No 63 Diamond alley; Enthbugglf
J. Blu•pratt & Boas' Patent Soda •.b.
32 , 5 f;:mAposKs
0,0 ve:ker:'
mallututurcts,r& rted
pct eyfil Atnelwan test, mammy, tud
for .1,3 by .odd • W & aurctuELTKEF,
poWDFR-411U kegs Wasting;
• we - Veer ibiki
" 14.
do, in 'tat reetaylog IA
y 12 ' 1 " ' d ° Jkl i UII I .NVoI a...!: ' )
far sale
b l''''
••-•-•- ns mid tiis.ile by
l i' f. e bti r"--#.44 ' a ' ''''' W5l 111 WINSTON
U 64-4
Ereed^b4 fur .010 by
(dlt Whl
NFAMR-8 bbla Cadet,'-i ••is bY
Obit %V .. :11 II
A, L, W
ZarAll.-10 Wide prima new. reed a, tut paw by
0 febl4 AitAISTKOPiti & CRUZLEt
I.UE DRILLS-3 biles - KestbeavySeddllt arid
Stark Sloe Drill:, opened and for title by
A L SODA-2 cub! for We by
—ibiTieSii - efi, for role low by
013-O . Z Ibiprima Dry Cape;
110 do Docotrlne; for solo by
Titti:E-75 bags
BRO Kin, In store and for dale by .
14kLibany .
SUCAR—PA) bh.l4 N 0, km We b
fe6l 3
rerci tombs forWa ,
(8613 144 1 a b4pt, rt
F LOUR-100.ntrels r. non;
IVO barrels floperfin c
Lt barrels fine.. hand and for es In by
CORN -26 ac. receivingpe . ra i t i Aelan i. iiit
, tur
sale by febl6
d for
W 11 =77 th
*A lt? "' ",.I*Alira
B US4nkll- & Co Teem Mom.. tor
BUTTEU, 1.1.43t5gs !letter;
4 auks Fesoliers; for sale by
T Jot r 115 gall fay rile
ItO r :tiKINIC-15/J sapenor,
SOAP-7:.0-sßoam, In Mora and for sale by
(obit No 3711f00d
SOCKS—I 2 dad Woolen, 111 stare and tar mia B
WWHITSBUNS=2 - 6hlrin itorelandfariale by
V bale rHENNErr
HUBER GuUDS-12 pair Loog Lentias — i
apair Igatecl Legglospg
9 Air Cashloos, round and eqoaxe;
13 Pea Coats;
I rk . cit tl 'Tor
I do No 3 do; Jost reeland for sale at m
Robber Hipol, No I W ood st.
gebl9 7l 11 PHILLIPS
(ebUl* " 1114.4 D °bkoßgAN
Medicine. at the day.. '
(illounothr Slayton. Ohio, May ROMA.
R. E. Sellers: I think it right for the benefit of others
to state same farts in relation to Year <lndiana Fami
ly lileditinsz.
I have nood your Vennitage largely In my own him ,
ily, one vies frequently answering far expellingt rye
quantities nay Ito 200) worms from two child.' I
have also mond your Liver Pills and laugh Syrup in
my family. and they hava in army inshore produced
BAse detireil.
I am ingaged in merchandising, I am able to
Wan , that trate yet to hear et the fast failure where
your have been
m ay in my section of the
=L.:rt. Its coachman, I may state that they are Us
medicines al the day, and are dastined . have a very
extensive popularity Youro, rev staidly,
v.. Ponca.
Prepared and sold by R. e I likßoldo/R Wood
greet, and sold by Dmirgli • nencially in the rap
deo and vicinity. mygt.
PilletAT CURE OF kivEßasitiaL - Ntb - Thi
original, only true, and genuine Liver Pill.
Snort Cora, Ohio county, Ve.
March 26th, 1849. S
Mr. R. E. Sellerm' Dear Sir—l think it • dory I owe
beenOß and tO the public Ennefll mot that I have
lariats& with the Liver mplaint for • long
woe, and so badly that an *been formed and broke,
Which left me in • very low state. Hanna heard et
your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A R
Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by
my phymcian. Dr. E. Smith, I coecluded w grve theta
• fair trial. I purchaied one boo, and found them to
heat what they are recommended, THE BEST LI.
VER PILL EVER USED; and after taking four born
I hod the diurnal, has entirely left
CO me, And I am now
perfectly well. Hespectilly yells, II LEMAN.
West Liberty, March 06,164%
I eenlly that I am personally seqnaiated with Mr
Wlem , and can bear testimony to the troth of the
three :ertifielate. A R SHARP
The e canine Liver Pills ens prepared and sold by
RE 3 LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
tame wo Vida.
TO THE PUBLIC.—The original, only true and gen
uine Liver Pills are prepared by RESellera, and have
tits name stamped in black wee upon the lid or tub
len, and his signmere on the outside wrapper--all
others are eounw rfelts, or base inthetirms.
sold A E SELLERS, Firm
VROI2 the Rev AW-A dHINN,a well known and pop
L• star. Care of the PrOtelltant2dethediltEhereh
rho an ned Imams been afflicted during Meerut
414151 with a taease oldie nomachorometlmes pro
due. n r stem pain in the stemactifor toner twelrehours
wahoat :curter van, and after having tried various
remedies with, elect lame furnished with a herds
et Dr LI Jayna'sC . mauve Balsa. This he used at.
cording to the direat.ons, and found invariably that this,
medicine caused the pain t° abate in three or taus mut
ates, and in fißeen or twenty nunatesevery sn o w,
sensation eras entirely quieted. The medicine eras a
terwardansed whenever Oldies:damsel the approach of
palnwere pc reeived, and the pain Was thereby prevent
ed. lie continued to oat the medicine every everting
and sontedimes ir...he morning, and in a few warts
health wt.. fart e stored, di at the d utterer was entice
•Li from. large amounted' op prey e pain. rront ea
can conidently recommend
la Jayne's Carminative isain, •• a sal GIST) meinelit
be &Nasal, °Me stomac h and bowels. A till NNU
Allegheny /211,1721
Far gala In Pittsburgh at PEKIN IES STOII
72 Fourth street, near We t. and adm at inebrag
StoreofH P SCHWARTZ. We • galamt. Aliegh^o)
- •
VIM filaal WOW 100
Ooastnpuon, Coughs, Colde, Asthma, Bronchitis, UV
et Complaint, Spitting Blood, Didlenity of [heath.
1,,n Pato Or the Eda end Brem, Palpitation tar
th •
Heart. luflue d nse, Croup, Bra en Con-
Whence, Sore Throat, Nervous Belli{
ty, atol all Disease. of the Throat,
Breast and Lauds: gm most ef
fects.' and speedy cum
over Shown for any of
Me Stave dame.
DR. Std, A Y NE'S
Syryp et Olverryl
This medicineis no longer among those of doubtful
amity. It has pus d away hum e th e thousands daily
!winched upon the tide of esparto:mut, end now stood.
higher m repatatioe, and is.bocomhig more cstensive.
ly used Wm eny other prepaation of medicine - ever
.pn:alexed for th• relief at enduing man.
It hes been tetroduced very generally through the
WWI States end Eon-pc, and there net few rowan of
Isitpormiee but what cants. some remediable evi
dence of Ira good elem. For proof of the foregoing
statements, mid of the vaLue end efdesey of this moth
be:enwp r o a f s ea t h' ie m d trl * b u y .
men of the host respectability —men who hove higher
views of moral responsibility and justice, than to cer
tify to ram; because , it will do *nether a favor, end
Injustice. Stich testimony prove* con
serprising excellence is established
by Its Lnoinsle merits, and the commatible authert
ry of public ;opinion. The instantaneo o us na relief it af
fect% and thesoothirry induenee diffused throrigh the
whole frame by Its use, render. it • most agreeable
remedy for the afilieterL
'When men, acting front conselentlons impulses,
• voluntarily tau testimony to the truth of a th ing, or
intrnoular fact, such testimony, being contrary to their
worldly interests andparpoos,, coerces . conviction of
trathoind cononends m a special manner to
'universal elVdente,.n—ollogon's Mend Maxims.
Brae Mona Cram ea Pctmoasav Comintracm—
There never was a remedy that bas been as successful
Ln desperate eases of Connamptioa, •as
Dr. Swayne'a
Col:mound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It swengthens the
system, and appears to heal the ulcers on the lungs,
cream;new and del blood; power possessed by no
other dichm.
Curru Co. April Zth,
Dr. Ss, syne—Dear Cherry verily lve your Co ro
saving my life. I caught a severe cold, which grads.
ally grew worse, attended with a severe rough, that
resisted all the remedies which I bed recourse to, still
increasing until my ease eskiblied all the symposia. of
Puhratuul Couseseptlen. .filvery thing I toed seemed
to haven* effect, ud my mitaplauttinerrused so rapid.
ly that Steads a. antl as myulf, gave op ell bona, of
my recovery. At this time I was recommended to u 7
your invaluable medicine: I did so with the most hap
s) results. 'The first bottle had the egret mlocun the
sough, ceasing me to expectorate (ruin and by the
drue bad used six bottles,' was entirely well, sind ant
now as Leary a man as I ever was in my life, and
world be happy to give eny inforudioncespecibqf
cue, that other salmon may dense. the benefit for
erbieli lam et, gratsfal. For the troth of the above
ststement, I rear yea to Peter g1.11i4 GM..., Wool
Chester, Pik., of whom 1 purchased the mmlielne.
Rupee/folly yearn, Jams. klostax.
Wlll4ltha Can ofelffothaia Mindsts*
Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir: I feel* debt of gratitude doe
e you—and &dm to the adlitted generally, to oder
my humble testimony In favor of you Compound Sp
:up ortlTlld Chary. Some three year. Luce / was
violently touted with sold and Indunciation of the
lAtrilz: which was accompanied with a distressing
the breest and heed, a very consider*.
tfeli=slo. of offensive EMMY from the lunge, tree- ,
ea) upon change of weather, /tower. alight. 'At
first I (elution...tarn about my muiditiou, bat was pretty
cpo sineedi that I woe rapidly going Into cottemtp..
dal!y weaker, and at length woe scarCee
ly ablate walk *boat, or apsak above avrhisper, such
wit the weldrous of my Imp. Darieg t hD,
time I had tried varlets propeutitsus ant rescripues;
but found no retref— gin
all the Ulna worse. Jut
here I was adt,ed and persuadedby a deer friend in
Wilmington to wake total your Syrup of Wild Cher
ry. I omit emus that prernouly I had st ill po-
Mewl airman patrol medicines, and lam against
those coming oat of the hands creameries, hut under
Standing you eisarts to the professum and practice of
medicine, and Using' implicit faith to the saying of my
friends, I forthwah parchased of Dr. Shaw, one ayeur
agents, a few beaks, and commented its nue. My di s .
use was at thee time of Sim Si months' standing, con.
tegnently it waa deeply scaled. I found, however,
unsiderable rend from the arm of the first four or five
bottles. Sat bung a public speaker, I frequently at.
tempted to preach with my increasing strength, and
thereby ruptured thou vessels that kad already upon
to kmai,• in this way, doubtless, my cure was greatly
retarded. In cauequence of acting thus Imprudent ,
I had to use move or fifteen bottles beforei wee pr.
(telly restored I have no question, sou
n d , sll
numer .botti , .. would have made me soud he
th .Goes indmeretion. 'The Syrup allayed the fee,
Ish !mien, toot .way the distressing rough, put •et
to the 11.elLaxlu of matter from the lungs, and Sr
them and the ...ate system good health- Ihave deist
red offertory doe certificate until now, for the rupee.
al being unshed with the permanency or re e
cure, and now eau I feel perfeall well I oder It with
cancan. EV. J. P. Jr
Dublin costa.. N. C-
importama Caution—Read' Read'
There is but se • genuine raration of Wild Cherry,
am/ that is lie. Swayers, t h e
Int ever odercd to the
public which was been dell largely throughout the
Dodd States sod dome parts of Europe; and MI pre.
notations eerie , by the name of Wll4 Cherry have
been pm out Mee. MD, ander cover of some decepove
circumstances, us order stigma currency to their sales.
By a little observation, no person nerd mistake the
genuine Dora 14 false. kick bottle of the genuine is
enveloped wit • beautiful steel engraving, with die
likeness of William Penn thereon; alai, Dr. Serayne's
signature: and .• further security, We portrait of Dr.
Sway,. will L.: added hereafter so as to distinguish
his prepared°. 'tom rdrather• Now, il it wn not 10f
the great comm. prepare. and known virtues of Ur.
Swine's Conoround Syrup of Wild Cherry, person,
would not be endeavoring to give currency to their
.iietitious maw mose by stealing the name of Wild
Cherry. Rentember,
nunslaw bear in mind the name
Ur. Swayne cid be mived.
Principal Crime, unmet of Eighth and Race steams,
For sale and retail by OLDEN A SNOW
DRN,urtddaod Wood atm B.A_EADNESTOCK
Co, cortat ans , Wood, and oth and Wood sts; Whl
hleeket sg 8 JONES, 180 Liberty at; JAS
A JONES, cot Mend and Penn ats; JUUN 'Weil.
ELls, Alleghen. city, and by all respectable dealers in
medicine. _t_octl3
DO. W.F. Inland , * Promlnn PI
Tilt. \V. P. INLAND, dike htedical Colleggee bf
alelphia, tow offers to the rialle his InDan Veg..
amble Premium Plaster, the qua/Hies of which, after'
t W ablft i' T d o 21° ="1!. .
Pr011Ipttl• Uteri.. or - Fallen Womb, ho tee amends his.
guaranteelng a sure rind spud,' attire in dial
short apace of from two to thee Weeks, U applied with!
care and mat—discarding all the countless instruments
and expensive bandages ao lung in a.. This feels'
conseientloot in Eating, inaminnetr as he haa not failed'
In one GaAs out of three hundred sod (My-throe pa- ,
Al. far Ithenotatiam and Weakl n or Book, at.
tended with pain, there la nothing creel this Plaster
In affording relief or effecting •cure. For ale by
L Wilcox corner of Diamond and hlarket at
[lmam & meter," Liberty and St. Clair am
Dr J Sargent a Federal at and Diane., AllO4
phony Denman and Diamond Etintlagl
wa •
. 0P COFFEE—An enjoin which is ra..
pidly coming Imo nee as a wholesome, nourishing
UM deicing. bevera., being more ple.ant and pal.
amblo than common Coffm, end far cheaper, as • small
paper costing only ton cents, will go a s mitosis
'pounds of Col.. Manufactured
.101114 S. MlLLElt i4 Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sold II wholemte by A FAH ESTOCK a Co,
comer of rust and NVood and Binh and Wood`ets,
39 Camp Blankets; 22 officer mate; pn Yuan;
Le peers nett Ilned taming Boots; 12 'Wanes Bags;
water Tnks, 0 add 12 gelloos rich; 20 eddlecest
plied each; 1 dos Bockikas Money Belle; I do oile d
cambne do do. The above goods for sole et the Cali
forge Olden/ Establishment, Nu 3 Waal st.
AtiVICS.-WtOtAht Imo Anvils, from th e Tempe,
- -ftvilto works, warranted. Will be
1741.1131t8-17 p p ei ßnaldi-1/Lazd, bopar Ms;
WI bbl. Whistzt . for saleby
andW & 14111CCIIELTREE
Thla ' Mulct Alasytau
„„... i.., • onapetior =Iola; for sale by -
x5" 446 .:r0."101:7.rri , :d Pet Alp Ox.gbridig
and naw einnuasaa grAllumf, for Mils by
ni.a.ano will tllO6llll, opulag
suplletitia Plaw Origin!. ,
pared a nest arithmencal work, a copy of which
will br presented to each 'and toeryTencher in the
United Sum, without charge, open their application
to A. 11. English it - Co Wood - street, Vittebarnh,
(post paid) 'I" he work it entitled. • _
oc, An Aualysts of the Language of /gums and Sci
nce Of Numbers..
The following notice ta copied from the New York
Tribune of Jan. 22d,
"Ciussoi a• or Alrnmsre . , an Cork Damn, L. L D.
m se , pp. 1444—1 n this work the langenge of fig ores,
and construction of numbers, are curefellranairsed.
The alphabet, composed of ton figuresl,thmwords de
ierdtromthe ujoiabet, and the leak by which the
figures are connected with each otheraxe clearly
"The analysis shows that there do but four hun
dred and eighty eight elementary Ponebinations in
Arithmetic, each corresponding to a *ordered coos. '
mon language; and that these combinations are Bo
connected together ar to be all expensed by only
sixty three different words: The system prep.:men to
commit those words to memory, ntid then read the
results instead of spelling them, as row practised,
"In another respect the system grant an impan•
ant change namely: us crusider an metal' fractions
as entire things, having a given relation lathe nnitoeo,
from which they were derived.
"We scarcely need narthex the little work evinces
the ingenuity and skilful analysis, toe which Professor
DaViesl writing on this salient aill;justly celebrated,
Re commend n io the attention orpractical tetichen.
believing that they will find it crowded with newksid
valuable suggestions." .
From the Prefeteors at West Point ,
"Murder ACA.nnle or 11.8, Wear Pons, intl"l 7 .
'The (Hammer of ArithenetiNtiy Professor leonine,
presents the subject in new ht It so analyses
Arithmetic as to Impreat the mln of the learner with
the first principles of mathematical Paled, tin Weir
rlpht order and comedian, and the new roles for the
readink oft gores are of great practical value.
signed, W. H. C. Darden, Prot of Not fr. Ex. Phil.
A. E Church, Prof of Mathematics.
U. H. Median Prof. et Engineering'',
In Prss.
A.B. BARNES fa Ca woeld respectfully announce
teaehere, and to all interested in mathematical In.
ernetion3 that they visll publish, on or before the UI
of August, 1650. the folloanng work,. •
Or, an Analyses of the Principles of the Science—al
he Nature of the/ reuoningt—and °Oho best Methods
of Imparting Instruction. By Chas. Deems. L. L. 13,
Author o f "A Complete System of hlaniendnies"
N. 13.—A. S. Barons & Co, ate the. flatfishes. o
Haste.' System of hfatbentillea
Foe male in this city by A. 11. ENGLISH'S Co., No.
79 Wood street tetii7
Prostate's Nave Ethiopian Itlolonlion
(1 WINE to Ran all Night. Dolly Day;
Dairy Jones; Go down to do Cotton Field;
Nally was a Lad), We. •
Re Rind to the Lazed Ones at Home;
How thy boat lucidly; True Love, by T. flood,
Our way across the rep, dueth
A new medley meg, by R. Corot;
Jenny Gray, music by Muller,
Joys don were crowning, Wedding March:
God Glees the hardy e, ti n e{ Febuyitill Waltr,
Conscrist'a Depanure, by W. C. Glover,
Sound. Haul Home; Waltzes, oneyermazkische Co,
Lan Rose of riontmer, catty variations by aerz:
United States Polka; LadicalSouvend Polka;
Corn Conker Chaadnlie; Louisedle Quadrille;
Inmates of Italy; Docile, Trios, hr.
A large lasortntent of New Manic on band. to which
airman are made weekly. For sale h
!obit J H. MELLOR, M Wool at.
'HE WAR V;ITII bIEiICH, by H.R . . alptry;
Fitments of Rhetoric; compiling art Analysis or
the Lows at Moral Evidence and at Per•uavmn; by
Richard Whetelv, D. D.
The Old, loses, a Novel.
Fury Tales, from all Nallons; by Anthony K. No
'alba; with at illustrations by 1/.41e.
Just reeld by JOICUSTON & SI'OCKTON,
dela comet 'Lunt and Martel streets
Brew, Ei•Vall. QUL Doolui
B A lfetdl D c c.ENZ
POCUM anti ?rale W titans', by Richard 11. 113.134 3
° 31, 033. 1 iu
• •
Illuminated Gains of Sacred Poeiy, with tic ithwira
Sons engraved on awni by John Sartain..
Jutt received Ly Juicisrorg & STOCKTON,
dew earner Third and tI arkri rte .
110IIITSICIAN AND PATIENT; or a Practical View
the mulnal dudes, relations and interests of the
Medical Protemlon and the Community; by Worth ,
4411; ton a r-. .Trs r, Of ‘l ilthetel De Illontahroe; comprising
hl. i ncurs, LAttera, de. Dm. W Hulett.
Nineveh and its Remains. Dy Amnon Henry Lay.
Glimpses of Spain; or NOWA of an Unfinished Tour
in 1311.1.1 y a T. Wallis.
. .
_ -
Tepper , . Provertnel Philosophy : new edition:
traded. Just received by
nor2l earner Market and Third streets
mmmed Booka—Uoota to richly carved Londmis
Min:n.l.l and illustrated—Bosasperbly bound m
; Voir., Sae, Morocco, and Com, osid m on, m imitatio.
of the Middle Anca—lliblea and Prayer Dente, be,ua
nfally bound in Velvet andhlorotco,ma„-nineetalY or
manumed and For sale by .
Boni:idler x Importer. Wapd
hlagzuf f went Active Ilinding,forshaltati.iay.
rAmEs D. LOCKWCKM, flookaclier tad Importer,
0 AI Wood street, Mt. received • ecuntifol collection
of illasanded !looks, bound in the most spleothd man.
net by the best London and American blade ra—turtoux
them map be Lonnie
Puna of Amer.. Poetry; Magnificently illinalltsw
Lapin: the Wee./ m World; illuminated in gold and
Wontsworth's Greece; richly lilnatrwed.
The r•raelier; illuonnaied by Owen lone., and
booed • carved wood.
•• • .
Toe Song of Songs; illuminated by lonen.
Flowers and [heir Kindred Thosgbislitlarolosted by
• .
flewlb. of Shakspearel il!antzattd.
Atm Jfitoesonbi Chanstryimfes of Wowed;
tea. For able by ' JAMS D LOCKWOD,
dell GI Wood .10001
~.~ ; ~:c•z ~7
. .
R6DI3USNi His Filltt Voyage, by Hermes Ndleill
author of 6 Tymer.' •`Omoo,.
History of King Alfro.i . qi EggLnd,f.y iss‘M Abbot
'.fits Mir en6rsessgs.
Slassis the Sirceters, by Wm. :Weil - Moll
soya minim 'thud sad Market streets
'Oar of do Nast Roosariable Works of Ms Aga?
XYINE:VEH AND ITS REMAINS; with an swevans
.1.1 of a visit to the Chaudrenn Chrietiuts of Kurdis
tan, and the Yezidis, or DevibWorshlpperr, nod an
yNoiry into the Manners and Ails of the Anesent A.
yrians. 121 Mimeo Henry Laranl, Req., D. C.• L.
With Introductory Note by Prof E. Rolizason, D.D,
lA.. D. illitstrated with 13 plates nod maps, and 90
,wood etas. vels.bvie. 401h,51,50.
.Trie book has • moo amount of graphic, vivid,piat•
turtzqui) rarrathe
"The walk of Ward Is the men prmaleett event
ibuttou to We Moly of soulettity, that has appeared lm
'sooty yeasi..,-Chriat. loq.
, "Plot ere eitele in interest the termini of Nitzevelt
:and to Seine, given by hir,'Layarl."—Washingten
, "As we follow th e diggers wi th breathleso interest
;iv their exemalecs, Roo red,latly find ourselves be•
ore untaseive Ryan) Caned with minute loteitizsday,
'now idong its monde. ; head Dtdo the dolt of 3000
lyearo, Ma ate ready Is cry oat with the oatoolobed
tWallth, It is wenderfal, but It is true.
For sale by
MI Wood ti
Now books.
rpflE , WOMEN of Os Old and New Testrimen
I . ginned by K. a Sptaroe, D. D. I vol. Imp. true
elegantly bound; IS caquisnaly tini.bsdengrumng
with deresprions by eclabmted American Clergy - me
POIMIS ANKLIA.Orm. Welby, of Kis) ane
and enlarged edition; Ilkastrared by engravings fro
oriFinal designs by Wit,. I vol. mama Ivo.. clegan
3bound and gill: vain ry aplandld Ann
h and Gal Woks.
Soorell's Lim Book of the Karim) of Rem%
1 vat IMno.
sa of Carpenters, Mu ywrights,Wbeelornsum, sow
en, Lumbermen, Students, and Artisans generally
eing is - thorough and practical Tenant on Alton.
on and the tAltdmg Role. By D. Al. Koper, A. Al.
Bolards Treatise on Greek Prose Composure.
Olicndortrs Elementary French Grammar.' By l'roi
. 12CliC, of Brown Ur.iversity. 1 vol. lento.
Ruedtger's (resent.' Hebrew Grogusor, by Conant
Stemmas' Hebrew Iserricon.
Loomis , Trigonometry asul Logarithmic Titbit.
Tim Eng((slgan's Greet Coseordasee. 1 sol
A lithrneg Clavisal Series.
Webwor's Dictionary, mined ed. I vol. Iva.
do do urmlindsod. I voL eto.
Dame's Notes and (lustrous 011 New Testisormit.
Whalely`• Logic.
Mosheim's Eccimiasticol History. 3 vol. and 2
vols. ivitsvP.l
Vestige* of Creation I vol. Dino.
a M d
orn,ngs among the Jesuits at Home. I voL (cloth
n paper.)
Screws when: the Tempter has Triumphed. I vol.
(cloth and paper.)
Bo gna's Theological Lectures. I vol. evo. (cloth.)
Alder's Pronouncing Bibte.
Boyer's Frenoh Dictionary.
Sman`s Horace: For sale by II
novl3 Apollo Buildings, Focrth at
hrIV - 130 P
. 6105 JUS - RGOLIVED.—Th.
bloutaigne, edited by 11. Hadiu, comprising. his'
F A .,,,ys ; Loners, nod Janney through Germany and
Daly, with nolo& from all tine Commentator*, Drograph-
Mai sod lirbliographical Notice., Au.
Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, the Motives.
and Methodsof Good Schooi4eciiing, by David
Plage, A. AL. Paincipal of the State Normal School,
Albany, N.Y.
Prink Forester'. Fish and Fishing of the U. Steles
and thilish Provinces of North :Lorene., by Hry
Wm. H .t.
_nov6 corner Third and Mali. sts
• Ths Olden Time.
TAXES D. LOCKWOOD, ilookseller anti Imparter;
No. 67. Woad street; has for sales leo. cattiest:ono
Pie., 'the remainder of the estitton4of this valuable
work, devoted to the Preservation of Doeunieuts, and
other authentic inlotmation rolal its to tlitt early ea,
ploraviona settlemeat tad improvement of the couniry:
wound the head of the Ohlo. Ity Nevtlle U. Craig.
Esq., of Pittsburgh, in 2 eels tivo.
w tit a vpw of jj a
jy Lanny of other Ancient Nations. Uy Sealed
Elliott, Esq. Illastreted with twelve vogruvings, exe
cuted et Home 2 vols., eve, wafer= with Prescott's
Historical Waits.
Just published and far sale by
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Linoliselier and
nosh lmporter. ct Wood si
"The reading of this book has impressed as with a
monk higher opinion of its author than we bad funned
from pp... mhos other writings. • It displuysa deeper
wn.of thought, auimd to intite . pure womanly grace of
feeling than any other produc tion of the (rotate naiad
with which we are aequatoted.,—Ese.hEmn.
alt is a eery agreeable and rink, wrateran
Fanny Kembleis beat style.bald, _ spirited and enter
mining. We recommend it Mont readen as the beet
publication of the semen."--Heading
olt antennae Journal of a travel through Enrope.
an d eesidepee In Italy, and .Isone. of the pleasamen
and most Interesting books of the season"—Ceur.atili
. .
very charaeterift4o book. We have read IT from
Ude page io Colophon with unabated interest. A vi•
rid picture of life in Rome. In .all respect s eminently
Fo, sale lo
novls Bookaeller hilpOrter, C.l Mad Ot
)0 consult 7;
Lltlhogriplalo Saaabllahanant
raF W I. SOHlTilliblaNN, Third 51, opposite eke
ll Pon-Cdee, Pittsbuigh.—ldapa, Lamb. , Pbst Md .
had, 8 h 0 . 0,0, 4 Labels,Architectstral and blackens
Drambita k linekeese and Waring Cud,. a0,e4.:.a
or drawn on slat* and prim oolong, printed in 0010, Goni,wrwr.d•
or ElLack as sangapprowod odylo, and sr tiro moan •
ocrlfdly •
. •
. .1. natancs.a, some,
- •311) DLL." IN
. .
COLLECTIONS.—Omit=. Notes and Acceptances
payable in any part edit UniOn. iollee aid on the moat
fat terms.
EXCLlAGEonliewTork,Jrbiladelphia foul Bal
timore; also, Cincinnati. Lealsnlle, Burn Louts and
New Odeon., constantly for wale.
BANK NOTM—Notes on aR trolvent beaks In the
United emu" disernmted at the lowest rates. All kinds
of Foreign and Amerieaxa Gold and Silver Coin bought
and auld.
Office No. 65 Market stre,et, between 3d and 4d2,
Pittsbergh, occ2s ;
--roazioni.E•xoneklicue. • :
DILLS on England, Ireland , and Scotland taught
-Ll any amount . at k the Calll 140.*1 a Exchan . ge.
at In any p or .he O ld C " m" '
from Et to £l OOO, at tho cd *5 to the .f. Sterling,
without deduction or amount; by ..10911171, ROBIN
SON, Eurolic. and Unmoral Agent, odic. 011 at ono
door went of wood. • —'stiBg•
A... UllatilLlilt LDSVAIE I ILE&
lit& & IL&Inno
dflea l tea F T= P r i aaa N Ho ta lls at Cain, kite ' rot
.11 and Wood strentd, , diteetty °Roane St. , Chules Ho
Bank Noting
paraband at ins lolinat area, by _
33 Market street
It t. V ,, of .
tuardiliiricia - morai
New 'York, •
Philadelphis i r
Consiandy for nla by it HO=ft BONS.
wpt3 Zlll4aketet.
Deseetesei Cared.
Floht the Neer Vote Tame,
A ritieND, word is mostreliable, and who.
„fft• hosno possibl e Interest in the matter, but ono Ot
gratitude, derv. us to say, that he has been eared of
nv.erate dearue3l, by the unto( ..Scarpa's Compound
ACOIMIC Oil." a Pintadelphia medicine, widest is not
for malt In thiscity, bat which he thinks ought to be,
for the good of the afflicted.. He has a sister who Wu
51.0 burn cured by It. Ile urgently advises all who
see suffering from deafness, to rev this remedy, with an
assurance th at. unless, the CEI , O be extraordinary, .the
experiment will prove abundantly successful
•tior tale at THE PEKIN TEA :MORE, •
feta • '7O Fourth st, Pittsburgh •
Gambit Combat
GROSS iuper Polka; 10 do do very fine;
as •d Redding;
to super EngllW Horn Radian
0 `. " Pocket Combs;
LW IVocit
1000 doe tired Fine Ivory;
30 " , Shell Side Combs; •
lu •• 'super large Roffido;
'etri , gross coed Side Combs; reed and for sale by
kW; 0 YEAGER,IOO Blake% et
Buff Holland] Bid/
A day
r eV; i ,r ; i ed " ..e lC v t Pc 1:1 .Wo. RlcClii f
e ' a c a " d " a: Hay
Window liationd, to whicti ho would morn respectfully
rail the lineation of hi. customer. and the public in
general.' • •
117 - Carpet Warr 'Hoopes.= Fourth st. • •jan3l
A FEW very feu GUITRS, Jost reelrom th•
celebrated atarturactery A
of C. F. Martin. f and kt
.k b) la. I. H. MELLOR. $1 Wood at.
Books Just li.o.lVad.
Miff: Complete Works of John Buoy., 9 v0 4 . 800,
et 1 vol, illustrated; mastic gilt and gilt edge.
Allichen's Bibheal twit Sabbath School Geography;
a neat work; I vol, LtUtm.
.Tosvtie Analysis wad Speller.
Llfe of, lolm Q. Adam; by Wro. H. Seward; 1 vol,
Mato; =Glut
Poems by Mr. Heated.; I vat, 'Moo; media: gilt.
South'. Sermons—Set - mumpreached nowt severed
teems. by Hobert South, B. 114 nem
cols; liteludang Cost/utteuts lliscourtes.
Sarat—l vols. in t sheep, extra; Soo.
For sale by FL HOSKINS,
'lebdl Apollo Builthogs,Fourth st..
300111(1.01.305 a. IV. a. riven
THE smderanneksuceessors to Arian &
son, beg leave to inform the oil Of Pittsburgh
and public generally, that they have rebel; the' EAi
(ILL. FOUNDRY and are now in full operation, and'
have par. of their patterns ready for the mekeloi--
• Amongst which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood
Stoves, with a splendid ainnitht Coe Stove, which is
sinneeding in other entail the common Since.'round Abe, a chap coal Cooking Stove, well adap
ted for small families, with a fall assortment of com
mon and mantel Grates We would particularly
va t
u beng to l - - oi r ae!
marc he n =G bfo n e o p fp ha o s n g, an nd zandn ca sp a endid
ankle of eitammelled Grin., finished to, line style—
entirety new in thls market. • " • - •
Warehouse, No. lel Liberty et, oppoaite Wood. 'at
YEADIDI, Importer and Wholualis • Dealer. In
_. • •
Bien of the OniComb, 108 Market st,Pittsbinyb, Fay
‘Vestom Merchants, Pedlar , see other. 'runtime
Pittsburgh to purchase Goods, are respectfally invited
call and examine the extensive assortment of Rap
UM, American. French and German Fancy Good,.Ml Foreign Goods at this maabllstunent are import,
ed direct by myself, end punka/era rimy rely on get
ting veils from fired han I have the largeness:is
mein of anicles, in the variety line r in tbseity of
Pittsburgh—all of bleb will be mdillow for ember
elty ecceptences. The Stock consists, to part, of , ••
Loco Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Rlbbona_.• .
Silk Cravats. Shea and PloontThremle, Sewing
=l.Cpctil:74lna,-BrlePenders, Buttons, Pins, Nog
Gold and Silver Wateltes, Gold Jeseolznall kindsof
Itruthes, Combo and Razors.
PertCll4l4ollCaps, Revolvers, Pltatils, - Clocks,
Cotton Purses, Ppectseles,, Steel Pam, Mesta Boxes,
Curpm Begs and Hugest. • • . •
Bindings, Findings smdTrlmintrigs: •• '
Toys and Fancy Goodm together with a Dago earl.
or of Fancy and Smola DRY. (100/ivi.
C. YEAGER. is also agent for the celebrated Lan
caster Combs. nov/7
Onost 'MagiISA Ramsay.'
"DOR's Cosßhs,Cnld e,lanta and Consumption! The
t:REA'r AND ONLY RE.\lFloYforthe cure of Mt
Untie douses, is the BALSAM OF
LITE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of
Loudon, England, and tutrodtmeil into she United Suttee
under the immediate auperlntendenes of the inventof.
The extraindinuy success of this medicine, in_th.„
core of Pulmonary diseues, warrants the American
Agent inuliciting Mr treatment the worst possible ea.
swam. can be foundin the onnunenity—eues that seek
?chef in vain from any at the COMM. , remedies of the
day. and have been given up by the mom distinguished
ptirdalres as - confirmed and wearable. The Ranged.
an Balsam ha. emed, and will care, the mesh deaperntl
of eases.. It is so caul nostrum, beta standard Eti •
bah medicine, of known and established efaosey...
Emory City boinUnited Stitenshonld be supplied
with Carbon's Hargarian Batumi of Li4lnoronly to
couummet the consumptive tendencies *tam OUrtilaa,
be. to Le laud. a provemive medicine la all cued of
colds, tiougla, spitting of bleed, pain in the side and
chest. Orilation and •OrenCs3 of the Innge, brochitiv,
ditfieulty of breatingateede fever, night sweami elancb
atinn'Andgentral debility, asthma, Witten., whunint
cough and crimp-
Sold in large bellied, at I. pub/Stile, with lUD AEU.-
, doss for the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, cc:lull:1Ln a mass of English and ilioexi•
ran certificated, and other evidence showing - the ea
recoiled mutts of this great Eng:MI:RW..4Y, mm7 ho
obluied of the Agerda.gratuitously. . ,
For sale by It .d FARNESTOCE Co., tomer o
at and tVood and Wood and GM vss. '
Lefota—made on the moat approved Eastern plan.
end mt. fat bkiniblo
or andeolortialloo
or made to ante rof all Caen, and at all print's. • ,
Country Merchants and others are invite d to canaille
examine the - above for therneelvae i ts all twill he told
whoireare or retatl, and IL liberal delantion made to
wlutleeale pl.:thaws.
coldly ♦ WESTERVELI,
' Flat side of the Vimnoud, where Vennian
Blinds of all the differestt nice and rotors
are kept on hand or mede to order rate
the latest and most approved Eastern ha
. ions,al the Alton.' notice and on the mos
reasonable tern..
Alw, the cheap Boston re/I or split Blind . Transpa
rency and Paper Curtains of all the different alrea and
patterns, on hand and for sale low forrash. Old Veld
t,. lamb painted over and repaired, or taken invert
payment for new Et WIDSTEXIVELT, ?color,'
N. 13 • wet done %aalt the best material and
workmanship, and warranted to please the Mon
. anglo-tily
N0n...1 Lax It!
Prrrataan, March 27,1.947.
Mr. R. R. Sellem—la Justice to you and your it:com
parable Cough Syrup, I beg leave to mate, for dm twe
e& Of the community, thump wife has been several
awestatheied with a nest dastrewlng cough. I pur
chased, in January last, a battle orybur Syrup, which
cured a conga of two months' standing. Abobt one
nowlt since, the cough relented, and was so severe
that the could hardly move, from weakness in the
bream; scat for one bottle a rule Cough Syrup, and
a part of one bottle eared the cough !gala the ether
to a Jtetrileyrnats who was lietteraly s mutted, who had,
.to ore hts own words, twaten enough cough randy to
beenall the people In Pittsburgh," if the tangy bad
as good es reirresented.
Vourv, rerpeelfolly, . Annie It. Irgerrt.
Prepared and sold ny R.. R. BIiLLERS, OrsVmd
street, at.d said by Druggials generally ins
ePt two
emirs •
. . J. A. HRUWN wdold impeet
fully inform the public, that be
-_----=----=-. - , ! keeps on hand at hi, manakin the
';', - - - - - -- - .-z.. - :,' west aide or the Dutiond, &Ile.
phony city, a complete tumid.
C..." .----- ` --- meet of Vet:Linen Blinds; also Ve
-=‘,--• 'nut uhutters are made to or.
..,====-........ h . ,, -
=-7•-- - ,. d er Of me best style, wanututed
mt- -- -...--' - ',:m equal to any Intim United html,,.
----- Fr: His Ulnas cut be remereedeeith
e;,===e::: put the aLd of a screw &thee.
...:. : i ... ... „...0,,, -== :: :. , ...
__ll . e. d ir : i_n i g i p la re l : jp arkl ,: t u tt wa lu o.
fw Lbee l.. k h ,
tools, and wood °rine cabinet els
.. --- ; it. tul fishmeal of Ramsay & M'Clet
- ,'---;-'-''''' ' their old custotacra, us cull as
ale pU bile lit large. with evert thdttg in them line;
&tenth.; Nob Wood stree t, Pittsb u rgh. ••, .. •
t - UPT rend, nnekilhh 4 ' . " ith'w w orei 0 Oct. Piano ,
Ur from the eelebramd Manufactory of L 5.... t
c ,.,,,, N. Ir., ° flume:for mut, and Verl i MOderaterthe
Fo, tale by
MP - al.l. W. wo.4weii, — .. .
VY for removing. Tenor, Scum, Canker, rad . " if
4db.w.c. devorneuve to the Teeth. I i delicnn:
, h 0 pugnmae,mg we moody heeling and attorgatdr
pm, and puriljnng the breath..
Vas sale, vs holesaia and , by
dede -RE SELLERS, 37 Wood
. -
YY Jett reed, 16 invoice H (Hi jewelled parent 'e
re, Wat c hes,' n enrets fine eases, WWI I can sell as
low as thirty and thirty fire dollars, and warm. d to
fe=Aspiendtfi assenntent of JEWELRY, eon,
the varlOas and West Styles, end hat pwer.s.
W. W. WILSON, Watasater and .Tevreki,
44. • . watt nista end Pala pew i
lIDTP,I . V..
O. W. BIDDLE. Donti.t , ""
ILIMOVIMto a new %lure story brier.
i n .... on Stillitteld street; ant door below
ItreeL.' Tettkin.ened from oaf
to an en ure .et ?n the ruction rrionple; with a bean
drat representation of 'the nataral the
oriental shape ot.tholteb..t.:4f
N.B.—Teeth ercractpl with ttle or no pain.
peons-wetly eased
le plage.og. pre:
sannng the moth ache s whtah mas h .bees them eu•
no, tt, though its hottld be done in bre minutes; or
mb.,Lntd . r.e . __.l __IL MOAT •
LUNGS-11m ttopteeedeeme camas artnelt has
ttendedthe use of tee • - • - •
• • .6E48E50 PANACEA; .
n all the serious forms which lunation of Ow lenei
inns., has induced the en:prime...nate to call anis:
Con WWI •
The etuteighte 'weather which malts oar tall • aee
winter menths,,ls always* trance..., of
Thew, If itenleattd, are bat the pretence . * of Italic
Its garmlee,.gria, how shall we nip the &mom
the bud! how shall we ger clear of our carigha and
oldal is f
ww be found In Ohmeag Vinare& La proof of Usli
lie h as from mite to time P.ltsZ6ed the certifreatra of
dermas of oar but 'mown eltisms, who have oxport.
oared Its curative powers. There. with a psoo.of too
lI TS . Z2PCAL "a IifETI; ' F a i ' n ' i 7 Piai ttANDING,
Minorca of the GaoPols fon, togother with copioas
ices from the
we has* embodied to pamphlet Corfu, ano Ma
grotto of arry . uLsmurseltifta l humdiZ ectourcy. •
kitritheriansed in .this thy.
thma;b6ytlW Urtned States and Canada, and we
Lenge.) m. to point Ott a • •
a wpiep, irtumulum.aceorilug to dlreenotut, ami bei
Orethelundihdbaooma filtr disorganized, it has
s ear tolled
Why,. then, need the dead hesitater Why resort is
We miserable ncourous, gotten up by us. nom indiyid..
sets o ler the assumed name of Mae CO firated
WMaa, and prided into notoriety by ecniflomee cper!
sou equally unknown!: 'Whilst a medicine et •
lite be had, whose roachentArs at home,—ear ntlikj
hove r -many of whore it has.t
la ardor that this intraloable medicine ma gaged'
within the reach of the poor ist well the rich, we bars
pa We price es'
loot one hall the amid cost of cough mediates. zits
(or isle by oar scents in neatly every town and vlitage
neer the west, who are prepared to ewe fail informa
tion relative to it. T. SALTER, Trepnete e
Broadway. Cincinnati, Ohio.
- MERCURY,o:otherldin
enl.—lt ha ppoower to
• WOUNDS to diveharge
their patrid7mattera, and
then been th em.
• It iv 'rightly termed
• 3t AL L IIIiAtING, for
ethereee is
To: re 4l :l_,
• • • • that it we ll not benefit.
• • ' . I have used Trier the that
aizteen yews .for all distathe of the cheat, involving
the unrest' danger and ratheneibility, and I declare
before heaven and man., that not In one ease has it
failed to benefit whantha patient was within the teach
I have had phydl4ni IrLaiied In the profeseion.
have ministers allot ro, eind, latlltee of the beech, ea
dennen, lawyer., gentlemen of the higheet erudition,
tad , mltitudes of the poor nee It In costs variety et
*ay and there has been but ohs 00400—Otte wavered
.RBEUMATISId—It removes. Almost inensamely
the inastaragUea and swelling, when the pain cease..
la the directions monad the bor.) - •
• • It.d.Cl3.6—'rtutanive hasoured persons of ohs
heart•selo of twelve pout standing, and who bed 0
mmterevery week no thatemniting toot place. EAR. ,
are *wiped with like succem.
SCALD HEAD—We have cured cases that notaally
' Ws/every thing known, as well as the ability of 4f.
Mtn ; o twenty dootort. One Man told Si•he had spent
RIM on his children withou soy benefit, when • few
sores of Ointment cared them.
.TESTER—There is nothing better for the ears of
BURNS-11D one of the best adage in Um world for.
PlLES—Thousteds penny eared by Pile ..
m nt. h oard manta fails in giving relief for the Piles
Ar the boz are directions 'for using PPO
I.fines Ofiuseereif or,,, Coat
Tata, Clalblesin, Scald d,
_Sore Poo. Draw,
Sem Throat, Branches% as, &moos difeethins, Pains.
qf floe Spina - Nsad Das, rtithner4Drefireo, Far leis,
Burns, Cense, a 4 Dann., qj At Shin, Sore Legs, Piot,
pies, ie., 511111 k( of as Limbs, Sara Rhsuiriation,
Pass, co l d Fos, Croup, Bendirdeellrokni Dream, TeotA
itcht, Ague isi tt. tra•
COLD FEET.—Liver Complaint, pain In the Chest
and Side, Whin!
n off of the hair or th e other accompa
nies cold feet This Ointment the true remedy.) It.
ie assure sign o disease to have colt feet. . •
CORNS—Occasional on of the Ointment will el:
ways keep come from growing. • 'People , need never
he !troubled with them If they use it freenendy.: . •
DJ. Thin Ointment in good for - nary ;pada the body
or limbs when inflamed. In same eases it shoehl -be
CAUTION , —No Ointment will begenuine unless the
name of JAMES MedLLISTER Is - written with yen
on every label. - •
For note q u o!" /
mlednot the rind - pale - hies and
..Sole Proprietor-of the:above medicina
?victim! Office, No North Third street, Pb
, .AOLtee Be Parsionton—Drounk. Reiter, 'corner of
Liberty and St Clair stm and le Wilcox, Jr, corner of
Market st and the Diamond, also corner of 4th and
Smithfield Met, ' I .11 Cassel, corner of 'Walnut and Penn
in. Mk word; mad sold at the bookitore in Smithfield
et, 3,1 door from Second lir, ,Iti'Allegtieny city
,hy P
;.!chvron. Sargent; by I G Smlthi Domgmt,lfir
sainghann. D Negley, Etat Ldberty; - 11 Rowiand,. Me-
Beesporn Alexander d. Son, hlonongohele N
II Bowman &Co, and I T Roger., Brownsville' John
Barkley. Beaver, Pr are wholesale agents..
FaticA for ch. Publle.
in relation to Mar anrivalled family Pahre, •
ISE_ATIMONti - of a respectable ithysicean.—Read
j tAe followint, allarcened to car Agent, Mr. P.Piler
rporeatiter, Cincinnati-
CticurnstY, 'eb.1.1,19t9i , •
A• seta of d'art' eon:mils me to glee ertlrlinne
to Dalley's Paatt - htruetor , • 'Defog opposed to genet. -
ery and all coatroom haring for their object' stnister
motives—but realising mach good front the "Wing of
Pain litllers , .-1 am Induced to tender you this mint&
este,' I have Used it in my family, inary practice, nod
with' all the Inthpy and wonderful effects that weld
ymrsibly be itnaltnel - 'H. J. Booms, hi. D.
Dr. Brodie is the - . senior poetess . _ of Be diet Levi,
Aldnierirbery Hiustetraird. •
The following mounonial cotacs from'a soarer. fs.)
ca. to Many of those travelhig, on nor Western wa.
ter.. Ste Glime,' the well and laver:day known pns.
prietor th e Parkersburg Hotel, 'Ls hatband to the
holy whom letter! annex . ' ' •
' Of P/lI I MBITRIa , 13;1919.
To. Henry Dalley,,Cim Le.—pir . .llavilig
merly .I,ten :long afflicted with .irioleuLanflanonstory
ilhetuamism, which appeared so firmly seated ass°
defy all ordinary appliances to allay, the severe pain
attending it,.l was =daces! to. try your:dagiell Pain
Exteactor,: and it haring elected, almost.. if by 0n..,
or. immediate relief, and also, to all immolates
onto rfail lem induced for the bent.
fitofothers w h o may be adliebol with- pain, caused by
any kindatt inflammation, to write so you, declaring
that In my opinient.founded. ea Cabot experience
your Malice Pain Extractor is the most valuable dis
covery of:the present age for the immediate extraction
of kiddy pain.- It. is an almost immediate and ft per
fect caroler Bums end eicalds, and ail external in.
flionmatkin. • . . •
Slaving many senuaintsoces formed by dial: trishs
at ray husband's hotel in this place, I have: slimmed
by your ,bowing themthese few Imes, it co:woo:01y
be ofbanebt both to them and yourself. .
kluthrirre Guns.
ti entertain the hope that Moe. Glime wtll psnlua the
publicity I give to bet letter. as well on rho score oi
humanity so ails being the sorest mode of tinagink
to the nonce of her friends.-11. Dsurral _
Extract of a letter, dared'
• . 1313-
Iltardrorr, Ky. Noe. M,
Mr. H. Dailey: "I bare tried Toe, ruin
het in
of felon, in m 1 own family, ~ •!iv
and eoredin eatery short time.” In hams, years re
ID — Clans ardtWalds; ?GCS, Sere Nipples, Woken
Brener, Eruptions, Sores, Caw, Weand., ntol In-
Ilainasion, Finkle readily to the'wondertul propertlea
of this onrivalled (Gaily sale e' HO , ill It' somn pro
portion that you will reteire benefit front the genuine,
you wig be injured by the . deleterious °dews of the
'counterfeit salves.
CAUTION—Remy eyed aPPIf m the inventor,
11. Daudet, 40 .New York, or to Ina au
thoriacd *gems. JOHN D
111B(I AN,
General Depot, riirdrargh.
henry- r:Schwerw, AlltsbenY, 'Agent; J. Baker,
whmting . , Johnston,fig „
P. Merryweadier, M.1[1.11, It., 1., Genera, Dorm'
N. —ln no severest llama and Seeds if entracte
the paid .111./ 13.111. - .. it Infer falls.
154 414 Fans Naroczys inzum trim*.
• 222:12C OP XIMENAL *balm.
a ff o d. all posaible ae curity to the
I 21 well Este theratielea. against fraud
sod implo
titian from counterfeiting, - the proprietors have made
a charge in the exterior wrapper or table of their Ver.
=hag. The new label, which Is a steel engraving of
doe moot exenixim design and workmanallip, boo been
introduced at a very great expanse. • ant •Is from the
brain of an'artla et the first talent. Then edgnia near,
and the execution elaborate. Several figure. told a
portrait are most prominent; bet thew ord "Vast
rges.,” Prated to white letters - on a _red and Getty ea
araeed "Mend,' ahontd• be 'particularly .exatomm2—
When Mid unto the light tM.-leuers, shading oi7 the
letters arid Carry•line., however minute, throughord the
whole Mil& part at the intgrevmg ewe', as exactly
as if t h e impreswou hod boon mode epee one aide
although aetually printed on bob •1426, of the
puprx. sett shoed in all eases be observed. .M la
et' mien meh,dorsn'is alto printed in red.npart.beth
sides, and shoulttas examined in the carte niattalf.
This preparation , has now stood tha risany
years trial, and is nottfolently reeomusandedisasahr
d eSectual msaleina. for expelling wormy fttatitho
system. 'I he analtampled mimes. that ha. Weeded
its administration W only one %ahem the pament was
really afflicted with.wonns, certiordy [cutlers it woe
thy_the atienuon of oSystesamt --
The proprieter has made 11_2 point to nacertaln the
.resell of Its Mid' in 'swab eases as' came within his
'knowledge rind oba,rvation—and he Invatietly foono
Mprodote the tiso. t salutary elects—not unfrequent,
IT alter nearly tali the ordinary preparations emote , .
mended Tor Worms Lad been previoasly owned
without any pormahent sdeantaga. This Met
tested by the gentle lee and statement. of keodlid ,
of respectable per Fell. In dißirent parts of the cotiO;
up, sad should indtvo families always to keep_a_2=
or the ptepamtion their possession. It Is meta
operation, and may to ndeniniste red With perfect asw 7
tyro the mint delimit. it. nfan
The only gentler ,• PeePered
'Read, • 4
QELLEII.S 4 . C011t; .1 SYRUP. —From NV: K.lBOnas
1.4 ',oat of (blare! gessiOni ,
Braver Co.,
iri , e e evae lt. n. nlll l -1 .- jd ' sr7. ‘l ,. • . &. ere m e e e e ti a m d e dl i a n tre th eTer hatelaga'y.
.Il b n . d . hc d a:i b al u ar . fLu .. e
T b d ie m c , T e u , gh of ßin dds P, oo ,l
and Mier tali Tga p... ion of it m r
a- or three ad , lBl
on going to•b l she ionod Immediate relict, to .
OevaJat ava. 4 , :en relieved in seven 220 2 c ,e
an therefore- eatirG.- , 1 that it • man mid salaam
medic Lae, and won.. recommend It re these ?=" 1.1
be alllicted witlisevite Coughs .4
March 28. .V, K. BilDbe.
Prepared and sold L 7 B.E. sELLEits, 57 WOad g
mullsoldby dentine aceagally.lafinsburgkas t r t