MISCELLANEOUS., - OOOKSI 13006111 allbritrated sr the PRESBYTERIAN SOOKBOOM, Weed suns. and for safe at Eastern prices: uai tlebrese Lesko, Ton 'nerd's Arrangement of Ow Neander's Hillery of the Ciltisl2.ll Reli gion and Church, Milton's Unwire on Cohn. Tree. trine, Lhe of Jeremiah Eitirs,T,sq- Roble son's Breeh Rdlnt/Orf of the Gospels, slo Intnns,h Beett 81-. it4=l4.l=o.n.Vitirx Pariah , : I : 33ta l ,e n tr io r: taco on Beredenbornianista. Banta Id irkonary A nee denrg ud taw diner trovrestine morns, in addition to the above, all at Wan= aunts. nor= . ranarhalr-OirPiTVIOSIBBOO7-Alre I,EOWISITY, AND VICINITY, grill be reedy Ibr e -taver in 10 days. Veraollll who may wish to hate views of Bole aosntry seats pat on the map eoa . do oo by snaking applicant= to the undersigned, any Woo before Oa Iblta Inst. To defray the erpeese of Ike aisle ill be required in addition tst_thri_r_t_f.tlintsna.,,nitrflSl,, MeG_OWAN TO TEX PUBLIC. . . CSfour years &Mai; I was traveling =Math Sate of Ohio; while spending a few days ln ' I disemezed a =Mutat Xetalto wabstance. nut subseqeently teamed MAIM. had been known for sad =spaded to be of No use or value.lin from its of. telntre and singular appearance, I ergs I ti • Ileve it might . be made omfal, but for whet se I bad not the least Idea I commenced !It ente try burningly boiling it. end Pelecr: Ye&V , toUsght, and compounding it with venous substances, angle siren Wu my confidence Wane ere was valtie In it, thatl pee agony entire time and memo m Me prosecution of them espenmens; nod from that time o Ws, I have attended to m other Main.: el thee'. Wahl.. of about two years,l fina ll y discovered. dtal, bymAgeLuxit to a gnu powder nod tolling It with ho und oilto •botil. the consistency of thick int, mil applyiely this compound with a brush, that this pa coating In abut months would ecome, • perfect stone or Male; us thad die sabalsoice when applied was actually slay la • Wand owe; and the largo amomt of titles, elinsma,megneate and Lief °ride of Iron that it con Wool, rendered it bole wenn= and fire proot; as die lune. expoeed, the harder and morn jpernteneid it ablest' Leconte, and as the caning (alter it turns to stale)/e of itenf todeettnctibis,bl gk.'r c.....9.,..U__,Y IL I hereby ee - rai IV, iineOf 7iniCiii;en, when s_ MM.. rho .... 1 .. , "a .• 4 ... t...." , ..... ked, tall into a large fire of live coals, and was bunted w h ere is no air, Om._ .L. ''. 0 . 0 , _.._°' °. , ..,.._bu._,_ _OW. severely from head to feet. The best ot medical old thorelstih eMomYebeet onerO • m°".° and attention wee given to thee hild for few or five corning will glee way."3,l: 3 11 I days without my rebef—enchday's mfferings toms, I neateiderM the disnaterY Of We emote= io}l'on - en Obis Krona coldd be heard tat • great distance, in an tad app loGohortuttea for tt Potord ll> , .t__,T, which entreat pond one of my osighbots recomenefa ....710. or dincescrit fondly boettql =el 1 eon'o and and presented to me n box of Soan's Oinun&nt net. .to ur fr.' all ray annoy In tune " ...* and In le= than fifteen minute • after the &pollen*. any. The government, without any limitation, grant. of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the nattering to =melanin& retest for the Sole right to manufae- zOOO, cove p n o, 00,0 entirely; and he speedily began tam eelbend use toy Implovemeut in the tanoulnettire to roottoort sty e . 0 ,,r0 00c0 I. I o Ho, ~,,,,..,14. v., of • "'Weather and Fire.-Proof Composition or All m ini on monis., rind Simon( Indirmn. fictsl.l3llm." for founee LI yea.. TLIBODORE 1.. TA 51-nrc. .Ammua 1 4 .1 , 1 0, WM' O "Er- Chong*, Aar. 24,1848. WE, the tehabitants of Sharon, hoe end rho shove' Miaow= of Mr. Slake, and believe no be subteen. tis/ly correct, as we are knowing to rent of the state. meats thereto contained; and we will (anther state, that we de not believe that there ever we, a. patent mare honestly and laborlanisly earned, or more deservedly • eranteai u he pursued kb esurnaculs with the rust eldOntltable pet...ranee Mader the most stbscuaraging eimuumusucee, as the public had twill the least cosh- 1 den. that there could he any valuable...de Mos the subunit.. Ile therefore had to enoanter foe I yeas the leers end nage of pearly the whale connate 4 tiny. Notwithstanding all this, he was indefatigable p la the prosecautin of his expetimeets, and we Jo noi behave that then is one mon in a thanaanno would Wee partnered cadet all the circumstances. But he hat at Put triumphal *let all tentacles, add we be the . Mere la now but one opinion In awarding kint h auk of th is velnable discovorr. OhO. W. CRANE, Jame. of HORACE OMB, • } the JONATHAN EY ERHARD, geom.. LEWIS 43. CHATFIELD, 'lnnate. H. W. BULL, of • BENJAMIN JONE, Township. WM. EVERETT, Towns ip Clerk. ALLEN lICSWE, 'lnnate Tp, CAUTION 'TO THE 'PUBLIC. I have ...mined that Ulric are individuals engaged to dhiging, grindin and preparing for rale, th e above Usentrand Altura]; g, to be edged with oil. and nsetrpre tingly as I use my patented article. I have be. to Moselmmo= and shown than my patent. 'they say they do not Intend to tarmac or trespass upon my tiukan; that they have a right to tun grind, and sell the powder, if they can find purchasers; that they are not bound to know what they •re to do with in that k is no iefringement until it is mixed with the oil to mike the compelled; and that then who buy, mix end toe it, mast sake the responsibility. Meet of them Say that they belles that the patent is goal against those that mix and um the compound, and some have said that • whet they wanted to use they shonld certainty purch , ent of me, as they did not intend to make themselves liable in any way. Now I feel myself to duty boned to expose this baref.ed Hata where t public; as can call It by no milder name, where • man sells and re. eel., pay for . article. the eme of which he well knows .Neva the purchaser and as. to • promcm tine and fine. Scone of these who are entree in this nefarieus mem ' will nunetionably conte nd tithe militia that my patent will not nand, and that I due cat prosecute , Now, to take this argument away hem .nem, I went some of these who were proclaiming that my patent wa• of no vase, and made the follow ing proposition: that they might select •thtige and Iwo lawyen who have had some pr.nee to Petoll and we would nnbmtt the patent to them, and if they decided that the patent tees d. thuthey should slop atl farther s In n th o; ITlPlgto!fi t tn l h r they I wittald agree to let thorn goon end sell all theyeeed, without saying any thing to the public stout therm This propeution they would net accede to. So IV as the validity of my patent to eoneened:.l do not de • pea timbals, upon my own jadgmeat,althauts I have the West confidence in it; but I have suutted it to et.y Of the Judges, and several of the m oo n eminent patent Lawyers, who have, without exceptibe, decided that In them amnion It was good,and would protect me to my discovery. I Mind the article to a fine pourer, sad pet ft up in barrels, th e which are Marked: •}3t.sia's ?arm Eno arm Weems Paper lirrinni Stara • therekire give notice to all wan boy and one the Wave mentioned mineral for the purpose set forth in my patent. except Isola no .or m atuhrtered •Eetiur that I shall hold th em t * stria y acco.taldlity, that! commence suits at law against those who them Infunge upon oty nght. . BLAKE. Maas., Medina Co , 0., Aug. 14, ISIS.' lilnl•TWO TONS of the above Fire and Weather Proof Artificial Slam on howls and for sale. The above we can recommend, for we hum been using it for some 4 years, and know it to be what it is set forth in creep Perdu elm. J.*. IL PllLLLlrd,tigt, ntore7sHat No A Wood st EXCEbBIO.RI F. lI:EATON & CO., No. **mutt% Strwirt. Pittsburgh - Have now in StorAtltalr 4ill alsortment of Ttlnunh: ics,. Gloves, Hoiden , and Lace Goods A DAPTED to the wants °fever) . elossoftlefetteats Aemit Constutsoft...tio pasts here beets epssul to present She newest and MOST 'fashlozollAs style of Goods squid: tine. Their stook consist. to-part of Use following: DRESS TRDIMIINGS. d Gimps, of army variety; new aplea EigFa= mi Galloons; and riAlgedne Imperial Braids; wide and narrow Bilk and Worsted Embroidering Braids Geared and rot Velvet Ribbons plain do do; Corded Nomad and plain Satin Ribbons for 1110113ing; bided, whim and miored Silk-Lams extra wide do do, fer flounces with a fall amorunent of Diem Buttons ' Presses Pinked, Bumped or Embroidered to order. ' LACE 00(ps. Embroider.' Lee and Maalin Cape. Chemiretrea, Breakfaa and Retiring Cape and Half Sleeves, French Worked Collars and caul* great "artery; Lece Yetis, Lappets and OpersTiesj Bono. Mewl:enc., Col lar., Cade and' mu' Sleeve.; Wen - town /Ml ~ plain embroidered and hemaitcherldo, plan Litton do, real thread Lues. and EdgV a eo do; Rabble, Lids, Lace Navin and Cotton and l.erting BONNET TRIM NOB. • • Rielt new Wile Bonnet RiatronalFrench Face Float er., BalmerTabs, Velvets, Amine and Sorences, Silk Illesions and Tarlatan., Bonnet FfIOGICS . .ti Tip.. ELD GLOVES. Ben. wisoattetuie, with most hilproved Litt:cant and choicest colors. An c KLVIISIVC •A•untrlant on hand. NOSIER' A rust 'satiety of Silk, Wool, Cotton, Merino and Cliatunere, far Latta+ and Misses; Tartan Plaids. and • nal asolostAtent sates styles Aineyand pain Maid. reniii Hair, newest style. litnints• lbws And Soars Gents' Grlllo 'Viscidity Merino, Conan lon/ fir Wool Half Hose, • • ' .. • GLOVES. , A 114 l asneedlicid Gar men, women and children, among erhieb are Derby Bibbed, Polidelle and plain Bilk; ribbed and pleb Cada:wee; Chamois Lined Rer- Wy Marian, Ear-lined Deaver , beaey and MN Buckskin; Military sad !dole flrbread and Lolloo. - . WOOLEN GOODS, Such as Ladies' and Children's Heed., Children'. Wooten Seeks, lIaI estarrs and }lam, Childreide flail em and ta,E Mina, Waisted Cid Knining War.teds oral Wootut Van., Caltfarnia ,Camlon•; also, fine Cashmere *ads. ford.adies. - -LADI FZ' UEPAKTMEN r. zephyr 'raresay Worards , Cuitess. Patters, • El.. and. Enab'a 2t17, Saadi ns.Sl'cad Uanrd., l's. per Parer Mderisis, _Laud Alias, Tidies, it: Eus. laddered Work. Alsu—Lsulies'S.lk Vests and Unwind klualaidlered Suck. asdiFlannels, Freud. Worked Caps and Waists far Infants; skilSwarOs.slossi, Tr .GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. than !bids, Cravats and Collar.; Merino, Silk and CordeisWeappen.aud Dnaveid . Susperiderk, Shoulder tinges and ficentng Gomm-, Mt and Lawn, Miffs; -iitavea and Bowery. COMBS, DRUSIIEN AND PERFUItIERF.. B lob pauarna and im. d e o lT t l i ttr . l,VlLic o ll ng lit? Cozh m s! do; BMW*, lain and Rowinni..lll,alr Brushed shot, Hanle an d Lag. nom Divaaing Radii= Ivory Comb.; wash ea aseortment of. Nail .4 Teeth Brushes. Ilietbsollrsoflol4 Medan Verfuseenr. VARLET Y . GOODS. Needles, Pins, Tripes, Stool Bags and Parses, Ramona mad Steel Goode, Gatlin Wire Baskets, rarse Twist and l3ass_or t k"lne Rosewood Desk. and .Coat Bradiegs all &Gon - Fancy Work Bullion , -Cloak Cord and Tassels, Portfolios, Papianrcs and Bled in Shade Trhandue Lidles , Slattorivr, ' Ytt . pit t ßanner Tassels ; ' French Cork doles Upbelslereed Fringes, ...Mir& lingo. . 1.111:brellas, Bag Liman, used wid th s, \ Paper Abrams& Holland s Basilan Oil Cloths, • Garde Bands &Webbing, F r .... „..._,...... 7 .... k i1i'd Chia' iliw/ 0 11 , Corret and Shoe Lacers. . A Yr, :. •• b . Trar .-4 " F toelt Carpets (erase amtpply of peered . wyles, to watch atosoboW sood, and thom to eon and examine the I widelt We Will Sell elm& the lenient market. Noitrerints on` Shawl.: ILlbriUill'llY r, teealas' upply of the above q article, of th e be t qualit also, plain Week Shasta; bl 1 Sorabarines, !dooming Al. preens, Ponies .Cloth, trick Coburg*, Pitmn., i f. tUrihnterear Moos de Loins and French blesitne, black GYaves and blooming ' Ilara, blooming Bonnet gib liio seek do s and a II sasonmern of, Mourning din generally. Al. , • PLAIN B ACS SILKS, ' • A lane atoortment, tnel doly . r law Fleece very wide ad eoperlor. Boyers al Invited to lolk bet th em, at North emit corner of Fo Ith and Market sta. WboleaMe Somas op s gni whew • large aiisort. meat of Np! Coeds has tey been reeenfed._ [nvyti Da:JAYNE' ALTER/alitE. • We have been informed by Mr. Rose of lour. par• formedan her by Dr. JarnA , lll Alterative...Mel emus, its superiority over every other remedy of the kind. She has been atiteted for the last sixteen years . with i1b.V1109}.13 or WHITESWELLINGS,rttet , Jed arab ulceration , and 01014110 n of boner du rum which tune Many pieeeshere been discharged (torn Ina mutat bona of the erantoun,froat both her LIME, h=l-t vaults and hands-add from both legs, utd from the left 1 (*mom. bone. soli (min t h e right ante, betides youths!' ' *leers on otner parts of her person, ?goat brie begird ' • the aktU of a umber of the corn emtnebt phyricia”. of Our uty...-dartnis nom of the lIISIC err sutterinua have Ottenesegatarmg and deplotabkg About 'three Months . since she um. J odueed •16 try Dr. Jayne'. Alterethe renteb has had an eatiadshingly Loopy effect upon tee by removing MI pain and nurellinge, and esteems the rcee* heal, Witte attbe same timelergenerel health bre bcoomeeempletelyremored,so thatabanourvreigtat !Siberians than ehe dtd before she monmaneed the use of this traly valuable prepanoo.—Pnat. Eve. Pon. - - Far farther infortaadeet,lndnite of thy. Bose tio.llB gAbertst,,thllideiplus . .. - for gale in - Pietsbergh, at the PEKIN TPA 17701L6, .. , %filbert. lent Weed. • .. .. . 11 , j ' SLOAN!S COLUMN. .0- At. the Medietriandwenistd by W. B. SLOAN Are .d by R.- Wood meet, and /OHO P.SCOTT Grant' e. Prtenegt. .Binninnasn by JOHN G. SMITH. MicEbeny Cpy, by. 111-7NRY P. SCHWARTZ •n The Mit and Cheapest Oases Iledhstse IN TILE WORLD. CO.sLOAIVIS OINTEIEAT LSD ITION POWDER., Harr earnede vou won.. For &Wry, IT, • Sat. gown! Tkerenlekras,S . LOANTl OINM iNT /Snub And it rapidly supensetling GI a6r r Gsu wenn, end Linimonta now In nee for the cure of !hero] (mini dis west • • . • Fresh wounds, rails of all kiiiils,lprat cracked heels, nnibene, winds:me wi evil, callus, spavins, sweeney, foordi,_ sltf lameness, sand creek, Wondered feet, to grease mange or bone distemper. • The Powder will remove &Iliad= purify the blood, !Desert tie skin, tleasse and strengthen every part of the body- and sovereign remedy Mr the following dire t Distemper, hide boa:1410a of *pistil strain, yellow water, Inflammation of Wee from hard exercise. also. rheumatlsou le led stiff cemplaint4which 'stoves so fatal t sable horses In th country. -It is also a taro remedy for reefs and colds which ' nosey fatal diseases. . Grand Depot, 40 Lake st, Chleag - • Extract from the "galena North Western! By the use of Sloan% Ointment nod Cu der, hare entirely Owed a r stale on my other•.dise in:Droved his condition more thl taut. on the con oldie amAcine And was so keLle as to be coutudered worthless y Itlr.ep and neighborsmas restored to good health .Istrength by the use alesa than half ► purbage of the powder, and is now doing - Inner than any other eons I bane. Small Poz, Nay 13,1b111. WM. VINCENT. ' EXI7tAORD . INARVCURE - • - April 13, lOW. Fora miles north of Chicago ion the road to hhlsrankind Cook county, Illinois. 'Mr.:divan—Dow Sal One 111 Iciy horses had • large bony rumor on his hernia bone, immediately under the coon? which lathed him sud rendered his services 01 ery LIM value. I rantifully applied stirermi bottle, f Dr.'flaylarls Nerve and flour Lumen', without the et,' benefit. t Men proeurdd Wilder's Celebratee torso Ointment,, and used that until I 'became fully misfied anti It would never relieve the animal • idly 1 obtained • box oi your truly valuable Chno eat, laid in lea. than Go days from .the first applies. .n die minor entirely 41i. appeared, and the horse VW 5. all. tiIIIVARD nabISTRONO. CM= • If popular opinion is arty erltenon of the worth clan artloW. We Invite the Increduloue to read at tract a ie of the many voluntary eertiliestra that appear in our cohostna reapeetlatt the great variety of cares effected by the are or ''Slower ectalttated Uiat went 11111 Condttioa Powder'," The. tame:ilea MI longer remain among those dnelaullll.lll4, they have passed Irvin she tide ot perimerit s and now stand nigher in rtpinAlii.lll tad Am becoming ware exteneively used di. all other aril ales of We kind.—rilieti. City News. THE lIALF HAS NOT IMIN TOLD. lon N l ivea, Juno It, Ible. Dear Sloan—Sir. Please mad by the bearer • new tepply of your Horne Medicines. They are the Lew valid. of the kind that I here ever teed, newer huy ing been disappoinwd in their effect, as I have been Ir the not of Miter*, even the most celebrated Ointments. Lini.eau, at., of the dry. I like very Moth this fen UM in diem, vie that they do all that a promised, and amt. • thorough trial one Is siontrainal to sad. Ilia , "half has not been told." Respectielly, TILE DIFFERENCE. The ordinary ointments and liniments it is I. known are severe and partial in their operation.— Sloan's Ointment Is mild yet thorough-41 reaches and retorts the mosso, hence it gives real and permanent relief. For panty, mildness, safety , certainty, and thoroughness, Stone' Ointment excels, and is espial ea rperceding all other Ointments and Liniments now in use. I WE CANT GET ALONG WITHOUT IT. 13 - mrs Own; ILL, Oct $l, IS4B. Ms. Sloan—Sir. I have mated the virtue of your Ointment in the cure of rattlesnake bites, sore throat burns, and many other DIMS., and I in entry ease it hat surpaesed One OnpeelltiOne. As IS family Owe. scent, et never aeon its equal, and for beasts we can't get a long without it Tours, an., MILER IS. JOHNSON. • • Mr. Blown—De.Sir: Far a eon tiderable length of int e I was seriously anlietednruit the rheumatic corn. plaint, and applied freely the rations liniments, paint killyrs, Er 0., wlthout obtaining uty relief. After which your .gem at thin place hAtteneed me to try your Ointment, and within two went, from the time I corn. menced using It, the pain centrd. and I was effectually erred, and snail recommend 'all who are ahnilarly at. Nord with the distressing complaint, to procure your excellent ointment without delay. • 50.[1T Soars, OSCAR F. MOTT. Piineerille, Peon, en, May 1,15 1 0. - frj From the lion. 11. V. S. Brooks, agent 01 di • Illinois and hliehigan Canal Packet Boss Companl Cum.., ue /s Si. ISlai . . . Dr. W. D. Blown—Dear Sin For the ;Last 311 yea., 1 have had occasion to nor many hones. and have tined the great variety of liniments and ointments inuse, but have never found any thing equal to you elms meet for Wearies on harms., Within the last two taonthal have applied yOur uinitOr nt to some 60 homs, for venoms thinnes s and in every instance it has pro ved a sovereign remedy. A FINGER BTITEN ENTIRELY OFF. Taro miles thud, of Chicago, .lept. 14, 1843. Dr. Sloan-3 Ou th e ea, instead my son had • fin ger bitter eatirely ad by allow- Weymmediately ap plied your celebrated mamma, which relieved kure el pica to • few miautec,.ithd prevented th e Oakes from 00171yPo.anc, m e .7IrIIC DOCTORING IN GALENA hlr.Slou—Dear. dirt About three years ago I was severely injured in one of my leas by the falling . of s Pilo of wood which oceutoned large naming ewers. Ireerly every doctor in Galena tiled to cure them; but tne.l In lain, until from sympathy and improper trees. meat my other leg became as bad as the one originni ly woutdod.• I despaired of ever being well agaiu— but in order that I might neglect no means urine. my reach. I purchased of you spans in Galeria soma or your ointment, and you eanpidge of my wenn.. on I gratitude better than I can erpress it, to find my.; it entail , will before I had finished tut:lathe wcond bit These Diem I make known that others aftlicmd may believe and not delay using so ealublo an °Mate; as Galena, has proved to be. Respl your auroral fed, Galena, 111., Dec. In, UK' EVAN DAVIS. ONLY 22 DAYS. . Del Ore the foll owing order hteurs. Ymglua A Co. purchased a large Ilapply of Strian's preparaumiL /season, Mich. Feb. 24.1142. S. C. ,libber:l—Deo Sir: I am oat of Sloan's Cond. Eton Powder and llorre Oinusent. The sale tar es: reeds my espestation. Diu:Lean manage to eend me dozen Ointment, I will pay for Meta the fast has that you are into, snit presume I Mall be able to sell S large qattotity in the course of the year. It win be an object to To as well as to myself, to keep me LOU• oantly *applied. o, Very resp'y yours VA, S. S. UGHN & CO. MIASISSIDDI RIVED do. LANA, Feb. 21,13.1 a. Or. Sloan—Sir: About two yeura ago, while Tatung on the Dirrussippi river, in pasting aver the rapids, I WWI pi un Wit, the water, and by Me - raft daylong against a mottling my tattle; arid othemtive se. nearly lrduntrg tue, to touch that f loat all wmitillity. When commeurietv tetatued 1 found myself In St. luaia, surrounded by ray weeping family timid nat. in; and auAieal aid, enabled me to about two swath, to babble around with Ma ...tame of n crutch. The wounds only partially healed, leaving large - running var. at the tote, which for many months discharged blood sod matter oldie most oidenvive character. lily paws were innaprevrible, at limas my wagering WSJ so great that death would have received a hearty wet Corn , FortarratelY Dtr.Wil.ou, (mtor my neighboto advised me to try . your Ojtltnteal. I oWilited • box applied it ...ding la direction—the area soon !regan anoint a. healthy appearance mud ta.thrce moral. sow.l w• entirely cured. cad enabled to do haul labor. Your oludient servant, 111 RANI W. Tf tttlf AS. %V, lac anderfLped, neighbor , . of 11. W. TIIOIIIII.I, C re acquainted wahine case above .tatc, sa Ito ow e ,ae r oeuttotance, abet cheerfully catifi aaal lomat' tstameat. REV J..DOUGLASM, JAMES WILSON, , , PETER LA3I6. GOOD NEWS. , Coteau, Jam Fth, IRO W.D.Slou—Sly One ormybours wait hoof boultd and also wounded in the stifle, which be took told, and became to crippled that lie could uareely navel. ltd the free application of your voluble ointment, his hoofs were moon softened and the stifle permanently cued. I have alio used the Ointment In the cue at PolbEvil and on macre galls with equal careen. Otto aushedinger that was very painful, it opera. ted like a chart, Wan, &o , A. AN ORDEN. TESTIMONY FROM LITTLE FORT. Slean's Ointment and Condition Powder 'are ae. knowledged by all who have used them to be the lest remedy for horses and cattle that has been discovered. Fresh wounds, galls, spnvinst bruises, ringbone, poll evil, and In short every outward disorder or 101.1 ran be oared by this wonderful remedy. The Powder is designed for, inward strains distemper, hide bound fatigue from hard exercise, diseased eyes, tr.e.—Lalre County Chronicle. • 'RnTHER b0V..1.!.4.0L1 TRY IT." Wmas.orrs. Cook Co. Feb. 13,1918 Mr. Sloan—Sim I have a fine young horse %hut wa taken with the wretches last fall. I paid out alma three dollars for medlcine to cure him, but he ,grew won. then borsht a box of your ointment at , yeer office when in Chicago lost, rather doubtingly, but I thought I would try it. Judge of my surprise and my opinion of its beneficial outdid., when I found any horse'. legs smooth and well iu bear days from the time I commenced applying It. Your obedient, E. F. COLLIY. Hest tine city, Vf house, N. 75 tfonnti se s • of the latest and =cat op- We the attention of wishing to fantails Musts. gees rual Mtn,. la the eit y, r thin ere( betore effused to • rn W LITLINTOCI More than fifteen year. of unrivalled success In the core of every variety of tSt