. , THE PITTSBUqGH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED 111..iVli1 CE & (X) I•aWTI..BI3 . BOU± FRIDAY MORNING. . MARCH 8, 1850 corxxvxiims are earnaaaly reqtxxxx to Mad in Sett ferns before S r. x., and Ls early Inthedsyss Srsedeable. Adverdseamate not inserted fora speed. ad um, will invariably be ebsreed aatLL orderer old Crecsesserr—Crisrrisoo loe; Ciaeraaol3, caar agent far ths• .ouverrisemeart sad sabesripleas headed to biz w.ll. receive promp rato:Aork. PHILADSLPIALIS Sown' ABICIAISLILIG Advertisements and sabsenpuens to the North Aso./ an and Usioni (BMus Men% Philadelphia, received nd (annulled hs often 6:IISI:ICNEXT PAGE FOR LOOLL autTrEit fl EGISAVIIIC NEW:, lindElltata 111011iTal Commlttoo. lIP"The mamba, of the Whig &am Central Cos- Witten are no:limited to amiable at Harrisburg, oo tha 13th of March lari. Panellai attealnell b tornesill .9=ml - M. IGGGICHAEL , Goo. IL Haar, Opening Opening of the Ositua--gpristg Business.l maim Water Is um being let into the canal, and we may expect a commencement Gra regular told. nets ripe& it, by next Monday. Our riven are all 1111117 e state, so that there is no obstacle. to • cheap, speedy, and large transportation business. Our tra n sporting homes are all prepared to do • heavy business, and shippers need be under no' apprehension of delays, or high prices. We may now look CH bualnew generally to re-1 vise. The Eastern cities have been reaping a, rich harven, of late, and our nun, which is always a raw weeks behind the East, will soon come. The Den Mills are nearly all again in operation, and the remainder willbe in a few days. All oar other manufacturers are driving a brisk, and pee bably,with the exception of cottonos profitable and successful businees. We hope a better day will soon dawn upon the latter. Stooks of I:aerobes . <Use, and manufactured articles, are generally heavy, and prices favorable to the buyer. There to one draw back to our prosperity—the want of capital and banking anilines. Money, which is almost a drag at the Eut, is very scarce hem. This is • erse of much itICOII.IIiOPC4 'and some townie,. Eastern capiudins cold not find a better place In the country to invest their money to adva\ tags. Money will most em, phatically make tar here. Almost any =went can be profitably in 'aired here, on the soundest securities. • Much relief will, however, be felt, when oar canonic:re come in to pay off their bills, and all one Mille are again miming ,fail time. A large amount of money Ica also be expended on our . Eastern and Western Railroads, the most, of which will come from the East. We may leek, therefore, fora sensible amelioration in the money market shortly. , _ The New Market Howe.. Our Our citizens are quite excited on this subject— We are glad to eee so much interest taken In it, and that there is a general disposition to pot up a building which shall be an mamma to the We would suggest, however, the propriety of or , feriog a handsome sum for the best architectural design. A few hundred dollars spent in this way may save thousands in the construction of the buildings, and tens of thousands in future profit and utility. This Braddock's Field Plank Road. About twenty thousand dollars have been sub • seribed to the dock of this company--a good deal of it by persons seeking an investment. They will no doubt reap a rick reward. It Is expected. the remalader el the dock will be taken in a few days, and it is contemplated to commence work almost immediately; se as to open the road by next Calk , A double track is contemplated, as the badness, - it is believed, will require it. - The Wheeling Gasoue makes very light of the accident to the Keystoue State. It says the chimneys are too high, and the machinery . bar Mire:lug them not well constructed. These things, It sap, ought to have been better attended to be• fore the boat left port. This is adding Insult to . Wasp The bridge has proved to be a dangerone obtornetien, and a most Intolerable nuisance, aud will certainly have to go ay or dom. We ex pect to hear that the bridge, intho present flood has peeved a total otogructkm 10 our large bog"; and put an (annealsp far a seaman, to naviga tian. Ezo Worsoo.—Oor riven are lIOW bank (nil, and the bottoms, In many places, are covered with water. The bottoms in Allegheny are par tially inundated, and some inconvenience will be caused to the inhaiitants. this is the highest rim of the mason, and will bring down large quantities or lumber, produce, pig metal, dm. FOX Bartsiso.-7,The eyes of the people lire anxiously turned to the lAtislsture, tO see if there la any hope that enr representatives will give on a Free Banking Law. No net which they could paw would have so beneficent en effect upon the business and prosperity of the Mats. Such ■ measure is almost universally called ae,. and would be the most popular measure ever adopted In the Suds. Such has been the cue in Ohio sad New York, and why should not Pen nsylvania reap the fruits of a system which has proved to be eminently safe and extensively useful We earnestly tali upon our members to use their or. most exertions to procure some legislation fir this object. OAS laeurr.—The exorbitant prices now de. mended for gas,ln the eastern cities, has become a wince of general complunt, mud the cormumers are endeavoring to procure other and cheaper modes of lighting their establishments. There inn prospect now of this being effected by means of a new discovery for mating gas, which, tor cheap. nese of cast and brilliancy of light, cennot be equalled. We hope to * see the matter thoroughly tested, as the tax which we now.pay for gas, in this city, is enormously heavy. The featuring articles from the Baltimore Clip* per, in rethrence to the new diecovery, will be reed with attention, and we hope some of our enterprising citizens Will be induced to test its efficacy here. If gas can be manufactured at no low a cost no the Clipper stain, it will, at an early a.y, be brought into general use: Its high price at praent detail ninny from adopting It. Baswe's Herst. Cauca (fns.—Oar new gas. emote? having just been completed, wader the di. reed= of Idessra.C. W. Bentley & Co., ilachlnUali of this city, we were enabled to light up our entice office with this new and beautiful light, on Wed. nesday evening last, and then continue It hero. l i eller. It is munthettired on the premises , hY the moot simple process, of town and water,and the density of it is nett, that one theueand feet:which can be made with about one dollar's, worth of ma terial, ere nearly equal to three thlinund feet of coal ass. We coasidee the invention tui really one of the greatest of this age of improvement, and bars no doubt that the publio will see the neeess sity of bringing It into more extardire use. Those who have examined this light have gutsily ad. mired its brilliancy, and expreued a desire to ob tain it; we may therefore be indleed to extend a u en e e e fi n ts , softness o,fu oa d r l e ne ay t i a t eg nhbnoolrs. For be ex. celled. Now Warm Oss.—bielaires are now being bike* to organize a gas company Cts supplying the new gas.eatled water gas, to that portion of Bal thnore between the bridge and the Eutaw Noma oh Baltimore Street; thence to Pratt Street, sad for such a distance as may be wood moat &ara ble. The company comemplate to tarnish gas light, equal to the Baltimore Coal au Company, at about hall the preeent cost, and anticipate huge Mats at that price. Tbe gas is Me SIM Caa has bees used at the Clipper moo in this city, and at the National Hotel, an Washington city, tor note time past ; end, although it has been stanufameired under Incipient and Mandrantageotis eirenmstan• ties, yet the low ant of this beautiful light is al. mod too low to meet with general credence. Itls proper to tray that the article, signed "Jae- Lice' in replY to l'hilandros," was written soma days since, immediately after that dangerous arti cle appeared in the Journal, but it was deemed prudent, on the part of the writer, to withhold It until the excitement in the community bad some what Wadded, as It was thought a discuwion might add to the evil effects which the original publicatica bad produced. Some other member atilt.: bar contemplate writing on the subject, and the question of the Sheriff's rights are in a fair way of beim; better understood in the Comm.t Every member of the bar we have convened with applauds the conduct of Sheriff Canis. • The application of Lieutenant Middhston, to he 'disused fown his wiki.Edwardini. bu been dn. mimed by the Peourylsania Legislature. • • A Washington c orrespondent' f the Saltirroire Pattiot :•-•" XL Calhoun as I team, will re ado& hie seat, end ream to ifia ' hotheirearl in South Carollzia, with a view to prepare hisavelfto meet, in the broom of his Way. the aide which hth wththi health seems to warn him le net far eV' . . . , itGr. Orthet . ourser Spree]. eb of the gres t Southern leader Is tubed at length balite Washington Psi unadtased argument, matarinaing Won Isith'ou the part of the Speaker in the principl e and mnions laid dawn, and a solemn sense of the importance ofthe alai& The largest part of it is a reiteration, in milder langtiagr,cf the South.' em disunion sentiment; with this difference—dis , union is considered as an inevitable necessity, end nat a blowing, as all* Southern speakers baie tried to persuade themselves It would be. The opening paragraphs are as follows: • I have, Senators, belieied foam the fast that tee agitation of the subject of slavery would, if not prevented by some timely and effective measure, end in disunion. Entertaining this opinion, 1 lure, on au proper occasions, endeavored to call the attention of bath of the tweeted panic/which divide the acinntry, to adopt some measure to pre vent so great a disaster, bat without success.— The agitation Du been permitted to proceed,with almost no attempt to resist tt, grail It has reached a period when it can no longer be disguised or de nied that the Union is in danger. You have thus had farted upon you the greatest and the gravest question that can ever come under four consid ' in—lttow can the Union be preserved! To give a saticiactmy answer to this mighty question it Is indispentiable to have an accurate and =Cough knowledge of the nature ,and the character of the cause by which the Union is en. danksred. Wit/east mach knowledge, it is impossi ble toe a physician to pronounce an • the case of some dangeraas disease, with. any certainty, by I what remedy the patient could be saved, without skater knowledge of the nature and character of the cause of the diocese. The first question then, presented for consideration,. in the investigation I propose to make, in order to obtain each know hidge,•is—What is' it that bag endangered the Unica? ' To this question there can be bet one answer that the immediate cause Is the almost universal' ' discontent which pervades all the States comp.. I wi t the Southern section' of the Union. This wide ly extended discontent m not of recent origin. It commenced with the agitation of the slavery question, and has been increasing ever. since. The next question, going Klee step larther back, is—what has Owned this widely diffused and al• most aniseed discontent l' It Is • great mistake to &appose, as is by some, that it originated with demagogues who excited the discontent with the intention of aidieg their I penanal advancement, or with the diiippointed ambition of certain politician., who resorted to it l as the means of retrieving their fortunes. On the contrary, all the great political induences of the section were arrayed against excitement, and ex erted to the'utmed to keep the people quiet. The 1 great masa of the people of the South were divide , ed, out in the other motion ' into Whims and De. mocrats. The leaders and the presses of both parties In the South were very solicitous to pre. vent excitement, and to preserve quiet; because it was seen that the effect. of the former would peemearily tend to weakenof cot destroy, the no - , Withal ties which wiled them with their teepee. titre patties in the .other section. Those who know the sliength of 'pasty ties, will readily ap. predate the immense force which this' cause ex erted against agitation, end in favor of preserving quiet. Bat, as great es it was, it was not au& dandy se to prevent the wide:Spread discontent which now pervades the section. No; some canoe, far deeper and more powerful than* the one supposed, moat exist, to account for discon• testae wide and deep. The question, then. re-. curs--what M. the cause 01 this discontent! It will be famelin the belief of the people of the Southern States, as prevalent as th e discontent it.. self, that they cannot remain, as thing. now ere, consistently with honorand withly, in the Union. The next question to be considered is—what has 'arid this belief. - . The causes Mr. Calhoun resolves into two—oat , .the agitation of the question of Slavery irighe North; the other and prineipal one, the dd&ec tion of the equiblnium between the North end South which existed at the adoption of toe Con . Mathieu. This equdibrium, he say., has been de stroyed, principally by the action of the Govern ment. Halting Captained and illustrated these causes, he proceede - to show that the Union has been actually growing weaker for some years— one cord after another, social and ecclesiastical , has been severed, and the strongest cord of all, the political, which' bee held together the two great parties, is now nearly sundered. He then notices the plan of the President for settling the territorial question. He declares it to be but so other MOdifteatiOn of the Wilmot Proviso. The Compromise of Mr. Clay ho passes over with the' single remark, that it will not answer. The ad mission of California as a State he earnestly op poseso—he Clenitni that it is a State, and Bale that hued to be remanded back to the territorial con dition. The most Interesting part of the speech in the confusion, Width it Its follows: "Having now shown what cannot save the Union, I return-to the questioe with which 1 corn% menaced, 'Um can the Caton be saved There is but one wayhy which It eta, with any certain ty, and that is, by a fall and final settlement. on the principleof justice, of all the questions at fir ane between the two trections. The South asks for justice, siniple justice, and less she ought not to take. She has no compromise to offer, bat the Ocmstitution he ; and no concession or surrender to make. Skw already surrendered so mach that she has little fell to surrender. Such a settlement would go to the root of the evil, an ds remove MI cause of discontent. By undying h South, ehe weld reanientoriorably and safely in the Union. and thereby restore the harmony and fraternal feelings between the sections, which existed an- Wrier to, the. Missouri agitation. Nothing else can, with any certainty, finally and forever settle the questions. at tasty, terminate agitation, and save the Union. . But can this - be done I Tea, easily; not by the weaker parry, for ft can of Itself do nothing—not ' even protect iteelf—but by the stronger. The North has only to will it to accomplish it—to do jestioeby conceding to the South an equal right in the ampiired Territory, and to do her dory by canning the stipulations relative to fugitive elev. ' to be faithfully felfllled—to .ocase the Watley of the slave question, and to provide for the insertion of • provision In tim Constitution,by en amend. meat, which wfil restore to the Sorthiri substuee the power she possessed of protecting herself, be fore the egaillturam betereeri then sections was destroyed by the schen of this Government. Them will be no difficulty in devising such a provieien. One that will protect the South, and which, at ass ume time, Will improve and strengthen the Gov-ri ernment instead Otinipatring sod weakening it. -1 But will the North agree to do thief It is for her to answer this gentian. Bat, I will nay, the cannot refine, if she has half the love of the 11 n ko which she profeseesto have, or warmth justly - ex- Poldiry herself to theeharge that bee love of power and aggrandisement is far greater thin her love of the Unite. At all events, the responsibility of saving the Union rests on the North, and not the South. The South capita save It by soy act of hers, and the North may save It without any furl fiee whatever, finless to do justice, and to perform I her dunes wader the Constluttion, should be re wiled by her u a sacrifice. It Is, time, Stanton, that there should be an open and Manly avowal on all sides, as to what is intended to be done. If the question is not now settled, it ii uncertain whether it ever can hewn , ter he; and we, as the representativei fifths , States of this Chino, regarded as trOvernmants, should come to • distine.t understaading as to Our res. petive views. In• order to aleettain whether the great question , at Issue can be settled or not. If you, who represent the Wenger portion, cannot agree to settle them on the broad principle of jos fee and duty, say so; and let the States we both represent urea to separate and part in peace.— If you 01 WIWIILIAS we should put in pears, tell us go, mantra shall know what to do, when you redeem the question to submisaion or reamtance.— If you remain you will compel us to infer what you Wand: that case, California will be orate the lea lea If you admit her, under all the dilficoltles that oppose . her admission, you compel ui to infer that yon intend to exclude us from the Whole of the acquired territerfes,vnth the Intention el destroying irretrievably the equalibri um between the two sections. We would be blind not f ou r perceive, in that case, that your real objects and power and aggrandizement, and infat uated 'not no act accordingly. I have tiaw, Benamre, done my ditty in express. log my opinions folly, freely, and candidly, on this solemn occasion. In dOingno, t have testa gov erred by foe Motives which have governed menn all the stages of the agitation of the slavery qum tins glace its commencement. I have exerted myself, daring the whole - period, to arrest it, with the hammier' of wean; the Union, if it could be done; and if it could not, to save the section whore it has pleased Providence to east my lot, and which I shmertely believe ha/justice and the Con. stitation im its side. Having faithfully done my duly, to the best of my ability, both to the Caine and my Section, throughout this writation, I shall have the consolation, let what will come, that I am free from all responsibility. Ammwracat 013.13IVAT01.T—Ely the last steam. or, Ideut. Gil*, of the United Slues Navy, a dia• lloguished utronomer, arrived In Chill, charged by the Government of the United State., with a ee t e etigg minion of the highest Importance— namely, to ascertain the true distance of the earth Gorr the sup—the computation of which has, Until now, resulted only in *intone mistakes. Various European gowns, similarly. commuaioned with Lieut, are ebout to occupy themselves with --Gillian,E work at dlfferent point& of Europe and Uhlua The Governsuent of the United State. Is., taken upon itself the part that belongs to America, and Chili hu been selected, in South Alitatine, on account of its clear skies and natural topographi nal advantage. Kr. Galles has received the lo strametto which he awaited; arid, having joined the sults, of gentlemen who ore so accompany him, and who arrived at this Fart by az o her vessel, has goon to Sanders, where he him met, oo he pan of the authonties and private citizens, the mom Sank and cordial ecreperation. The hid of Santa Locia,encireled by the streets of thepapital, la the site chosen for the observatory. tbo occupation of whit& will not be delayed. We congratulate our selves upon the preference shows to Chili by the United States Government, and upon the occasion of haying in our midst such illastrious guests . We mud that they may And in its pure, sky the notabitions of science, and the enchantments of life in the hordialityof its inhabitanta—Valporoire Itlanwityaitts. P. • Per the Patebursh. Gazette. The Powers and Thalami ♦ isrLT . lO PECLINDLOIU Nis. Emma—An article, signe,C.Phfiandies, appealed in the Journal of the 25th ult., comment ing upon, and cementing the course of conduct Sheriff Cantle saw fit to parsec, on the Occasion or the mullets and precession of the Paddlers and Boilers, a short time since. The Editor of the Journal has deemed this communication of sufficient importance to republish it, and mace that time,: another communication, from the same source, and on the same subject, has been publish ed in the same paper. Of the authoritive andor- I miler • style of throe compositions, I shall say nothing. The subject disclosed is one of impart I tune. If Sheriff Curtis hat committed an erns, I it is • grave one, and it is of importance to the I whole ,community to fully understand with what authority the law clothes the Sheriff, mad whether, I in this instance, he stepped beyond the limas of his authority. I It is to be regretted that Phileadres has not fol. ly explained what he understands by "military" farce. It might have. saved his readers much trouble in clearly understanding his argument.— He cannel mean, a distinct body of men, separa ted from the people, ander.different regulstioos, governed by different laws, nod puntehed in • dlr. ferent mu, like the standing armies of Great Mi. I Sin and the United Stater. lie cannot mean this, I kr:he says. with truth, that"our institutions in time I of pewee do not recognize a soldier in the lan t."— I take it far granted, and beyond dispute, that such military" ea Sheriff Curtis called cut, V.Tre as much bound by, end es equally ameueble to the law of the land,, es any other cuiaens. The fact of their belonging to a volunteer company, and carrying that formidable Layout, of 'which Philandros lemma to Sand de so much ewe, could mate no possible difference. if - hey were mount, and armed citizen.. The question, then, is sim ply this. Hen the Sheriff the right to use an arm. ed rarer, in the execution of that authority which the lasi , confers, uplan him The Sheriff has in his bailiwick the EIC,CUIiDU of the writs of the severe,gn, ( whether it be the King or Commonwestth,) and in add,i,in is the conservator of the Peace. Although Puilandros admits the power of the Shand' to-be thus two laid, yet he strangely confounds Ids tWo cheese. ten In the discharge of his duties, in both those chaste:err, he has authority to raise the posse com clams, or the powers of the county. In the est imation of civil process, however, he has no power to exert this auttiriry, WWI reslatsuce is made ; and Phdandros appears to have fallen into the er ror, that he has no inch authority in the other character, which is far from being the case. Bat Philudros says that the posse cometstus consists only of unarmed ritionts." I would be riled to know upon what authority he undertakes to say, that It consists of unarmed citizens alone. I would like him to point to the statute or rase winch Je clams it to be such. Bacoo, in his Abridgment, I p. 169, vol. 6, sestet— . By the common law, the Sheriff may raise the pone mareetatur, or power of the county, that is, such a number of men as are nessuy for his eubtanse in the the execution of the King's writs, quelling of riots, apprehend ing traitors, robber., Ace, end herein, every per son above the age of faun, not aged or deerepd , is bound to the aiding, sod if they refuse to assist, may be pueished by floe and imprisonment." He has the power to raise "such force as is necessary 'Or his assistance," even though it should tut the while county. Can it be Jrf a moment.supPoried, that a She. itf would risk the ashy did Heise of his pone by proceeding with them wholly unarmed, Minima "traitor., rioters, and rolibero, from whom be meat expect the most determined resistance?" Bet, says Philanders, they "carry seafood them and with them the majesty of the law, not:the baps net." The law,' apprehend, is as mejestio with mu a .posse" as with one. Bet the panel:warded whom the Sheriff proceeds; see men who have "despised and insulted the "majesty at the and it is neither right nor jostiflable, that the Sherif should expoae unarmed and defencelem citizens to the lawless violence of men who have already ahoWn their disregard of all law and or. I der. Bet we have not to depend on mere at. ' gement and reasaing to support this position. Toe point hat been expressly decided in 1. Wm. Blackstone" Rep. p. 41, where it Is aid, that "ay naiads may arm titatialves to foal note, ?della., That"any subjects" may do this, without s.wartant or an officer, and that they may band themselves together for this purpose.. And io "Popham 121,122, it is decided by all the Judges, "Mat it ss !cold for oil die King's:suf.- flees to ores theotsrlose, miaow cap vette! eon. mitsian forts dbiteg,let order to supra, a molar rdefli.nt." Can any thing be stronger than this? If private pendia, may Weirdly arm themselves, without warrant or commlastou, how much rath er may the Sheriff do it, protected as be is by the authority of the low. I trust that I have folly caul:dialed that the Sheriff in the exercise of his autholty in quelling riots, &0., has the power to cell in to his mids ace no armed force. Hu he the power to do this, before any overt act is committed 1 Most undoubtedly_ be has. Wheneicr he has good treads for supposing that the public peace is about to be disturbed, he has the right—il is his ditty, and it would be highly criminal in him to neg lect it—to use the most effectual mans to pre' vest sorb disturbance. It would too absurd to say that itlooly places this authority in his hands, after all other raids:see has been overpowered. tr this were true, the life and properly of no man would be safe. By a proper display of force, at first, there are few inch, or riots which easy not be checked in their commencement. Bat suffer them to proceed until the passions of the rioters ore folly "roused, until they have gathered strength, until they are emboldened by meet., then indeed it becomes impossible to suppress them, without resorting to the moat desperate meanies, often followed by the most fearful cons eequences The law is to be vindicated at MI heard,. The Sheriff, as Conservator of the Peace, has the right to treat for prevention and suppression of diatnrbanees, so much force as is necessary to preserve the peace. He is the sat. promo ministerial officer in the county. To keep the Peace, he has the whole power of the County In his hands, whether to be used inkreventi distrwhances, or auppresaing them. lana as he interferes with the tighten( no one, he has the un questionable right to use such means as he deems oecassiy, and I am at a loss to understand how a matter so plate could be doubted. to England the quediati has, been decided over and over again, and the power hue been extended by I Statute to Josuees of the Peace. Even private f pendia. there, have a right to miserable an armed f force in their dwellings, when they have reason Ito apprehend an attack frem.riotere. I dimly believe that Sheriff Curtis acted wisely in this timely display of power, for which he hoe been so mach censured. That no disturbance of the peace took place, by no means proves that them was no danger of a disturbance. He bat pursued the count* which has always been pup sued In our large cities, in Philadelphia and New York, where, it le to be presumed, if there I. any thing illegal in it. there is sufficient legal learning i and ability mita.. discovered it long before this. Philandres thinks that a display of sewed torte has a tendency to induce men to commit breaches of the evict. With the same propriety he might say that the sight of our jails and penitentiales have a tendency to induce moo to commit rob" beries. Vtelators of the law are not made Manch intlammahteatu6 Experience has long since prov ed that men set about the perpetration of crimes much more readily when the resistance la Iceble, than when the resistance Is strong. it is a goad plan always to take the safe course, and that such was the course of Sheriff Carib, I am folly can amend. JUSTICE. For sks Patsburek Gaza The Few Market Item Ma. Er:avow—l out happy to perceive that the Councils of our city have resolved to supply the present site of the .Market !loose," in the "Die -mond," with sometkdog more suitable to the once , sioo and the UMW/ of the community. Every theNg• on the premises should he leveled to the ported, "Old Court Hoorn" and all, Red a stMc. tare made to supply the place worthy of the loco , Con and of the wealth and enletptise of our lioari.hing city. The structure should be orna mental ea well as useful, its calumet:din ftegiiim demands it, sod I venture to say none of out zoos would begrude a greater or Will amount In the outlity,in order to have some thin/somewhat creditable to architectural mote; at all events, some thing that would not Le offensive to our pride ae Piusborghets. • It le to be hoped the open Fled', web at now disgrace the thamond, will Had no advozaten; nothing could be more absurd, la ouch a climate as ours. Let"proper bottles be built, .wtich will tgr.titi perdu:don from the weatber, .afterebrig degree of traria in winter, and ample vemtle lion In summer; it might be mule -two or Ares Morin to height, and each subservient to the Im portant purpose the which constructed; and when moo finished, it is to be hoped, in its manage• meet there will be evinced proper regard to the decencies end proprieties of life, and not have the carcasses of acimals . throcighout the day and throughout the year. capered dangling from the awning posts, fee., offensive; to the sight, not to uy nostril, of those whose business requires the use of this great thoroughfare. I). For thz Pittsburgh Gazdie. Th.. New Illsrket House Ma. Wurrr.—l have read, with touch plea sure, the communication of "Metropolis," In your paper of this morning, and approve of his plans, so far as they go, but yet should proceedui little farrier. A museum of Pittsburgh manufactures would be intemting to our own citizens, and tostren gen.visltiog our city—besides it would he useful to our manufacturers, a couveniince to buyers, and could be made to psy,,a fair revenue or rent for the room occupied. Make the building three stories high, instead two--appropriate tho chambers of ono for Tow Ball, Council Rooms, arid officers, and of the oth er for the museum. Induce our manufacturers to associate for the purpose of carrying out the plan, and let them hem deposit samples of their manufactures, in all their variety,. with models, machinery, add soy and every thing produced or Lututfactured For tale. The apse occupied by ooch to be paid for at jur t and fair rates of rent, rind shelves, tables, du, to be fitted up by each to astir his own taste. Thiel then would be a general plan of exhibition and adver tisement. Each would have his name and place of boldness diatincily marked with prices, if so de• aired. The strangers visiting our city far goods would ' then resort to the museum for information, and his business would be meditated. He would learn more in as hour, than by the ordinary facil ities in one day, and by this 1.31.45 his purchases might be mutt ezteuded—though looking for one ou• half dozen cackles wanted, ha would see others not before thought of, and his trade might be double. . • - The usochaion miaht pay a lair root to the city, and remunerate themsolver by the rents or taxes charged to indietduals—adruissmo free to subscri bera and to these introduced by them, but tociti. sena and etrangerit, a inel lIIIISZiknit to cover all current oxperwee—thete are my suggestions, which please tato f r meal they era worth. Yours, ace. March 7, ISSO. Q. PROF/ 111-ItRISBUROH Correspondettee 01 the Put.bargh Gamma. 11/4111,611110H, March 4,1950. to the Senate t , day, Mr. Dante presented a petition, and also read a bill in place, to embedst the extension of Hancock simet in the city of Pius built. The twine gentleman also read in his' place, a so ppletricut to an act, for the better mess lation of the Potwe its the city of Philadelphia, and adjacent Districts, and emending the provisions of the fifth, sixth. seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, elev enth, and twelfth sectiooe of said act to the Conn. ty of Allegheny. You will hod the net to which tuis is a supplement in the volume of laws posed at the session of 1815. It may be well for you to la refer to it. The substance of it is, bo‘rever, I believe, that the eilCtiff is empowered, tn 4 cases of 004 alter elhainting the civilpower, to make re. quisitioa upon the commanding otfieer of any mili tary brigade, resolvent, bawdiest or company with in *aid city of PhilailelPhia, tee the auppression of the same, under the rules and regulations me se-rated. Mr. Derain also read in his place a farther sup-1 Oct:tient to an act regulating Turnpike and Plank . Road Companies, pawed the 26th day of January, 1819. The first section provides, that whenever • vacancy shall occur fa any of these companies* miller by death or resignation, the-hoard of mum* gets of such company, shall supply .aid vacancy by appointment, at a special meeting of the board to be called for that porpow, of which, iliac notice shell be eves, and that sorb appeintrecnishall continue until the [MU succeeding' annual oleo-1 don. The second section provides that' the bawd of managers of any such Company may hereafter require the Treenzer or any other Ohs ear of the company waive bond, with one or mote sureties, for the faithful performance of the duties of the office to which he may have been elected or appointed. The third Section providei that all Plank Road Companies incorporated under the provisions of the set to which this it a supplement, shall have power to regulate their tolls without reference to the breadth of tires of the wheels of vehicles pasaing over the same. CULLA 3,5111 D. OA motion of Mr. Packer,. the Senate took up aud mooed the bill to authorize the State Tossour. er tonoocel and destroy certain mutilated relief notes of the issue of 1819. . . On motion of Mr. Drum, the Senate resumed , the oopinderation of the bill reported by him none I I days ago, end the substance of which I sent you in a former communication entitled •ta supple ment to an ameoccerning divorcee; which was amended by providing in substance, that no bill or petition shill be filed in any such case, until after the expiration of oix months from the time the alleged desertion shall have taken place. nr. ter some further iliecomion, the bill wits finally pasied, almost unanimously, only four Seaver, voting in the negative. On motion of Mr. bing e the hilt for the relief of t he Seventh day Baptists was taken up, exit after • long and very general debate, to which most of the talking Senator. took part, was finally passed; yeas 18, nay. 13. lathe House, M. Espy, of Allegheny, presented a petition for the c'ew county of Youghicigheoy.— Mr. E. also read in his place a bill entitled an act to incorporate the West Branch Saw Mill Run Improvement and Coal Company. Mr. Walker presented Iwo'petitione Goal chi sensor Allegheny, utriag that Dunlop's temper. anon bill may be enacted4noo • laW. Mr. W. alto offered a resolution, instruoting the Committee of Ways and Means to inquire into the expediency of providing means for the State Geologist's Report, which was adopted., After th e readitg of petitions and reports of Standing Committees, the Howe resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, Mr. Roberta In the Chair, and proceeded to the consideration of tho Apportionment Bill, which we.. the epeeist order of the day, Atter tho hill was gone through with In Committee, It was token op on second reading, when ration. Important amendments were pro posed by the Whim and uniformly voted down by the hOCA kleo majority. This is the bill reported . _ by the msjority or course.. It is thought tow, that the Whigs in the Hansa will mate but lade resistance, receiving themselves for the battle in the Senate, who:elite question must eventually be settled. ' COBDEN. THE GAINES CASE DECISION Jersoa McKumar Masaeatima.--We give the following more particular amcoteat of the decision in this great case, from the New Origin. Ores. cent. of 92d ult. Visiar I States Circuit Court.-211yro Gams cc RAir arld Ciam.—Yesterdriy morning the decree of the spurt won rendered. diamaYing the bin of - the eomplainant._ Judge McKinley (an U. S. Su. premo' Court Judge) remarked that he felt biros sett bound by the detention is the ease 0/Galatea v Patterson. It had hero said that was a made op case; but the evldeace of that case had been ed in this, and he saw no reason to change his opinion. But be differed from his brother, and be thought it beat for all parties that a judgment should be rendered by the Louisiana Judge. Ile shoald therefore withdraw from the bench white the opinion' of the court we. delivered." He or dered the clerk to enter on the minutes, that the 'declaims tithe court was rendered la his absence, and left the bench. Judge MeCaleb thee read s long and stP l . lO . opieloo. Ile decided: FIPI, that there was uo -proof of the martin° of Zulime Carries with Daniel Clark. Sewed, that the marriage Of ever celebrated) mu secret, sad under the Spaaish law, 'did not create any rights for the wife or her e g s pring. Third, that the complainant was born In 1901, and became. of age in 1825, end the prescription often years wee mature belbie the institution of berisult. The opinion is handsome ly Ste, ratan, showing much reeled:eh and legal abate. tyr i tajournalesta, and cameos within the ceopo of out duties, we may add that the opinion is paeans aequiewed in by the profession.' The on.. ofeourso gees to the Supreme Court.. A Pails correspondent of the Washington Re• public says thattho..intirvat amount of silver in the world is at the present tune on deposit at die Rank of France; eta: far hundred and sixty millions of fumes, or ninety two tnillions of dollars. The air- . cal elan of the Bent is now font hundred and eigh t millions of : trans, si he mail from the Sonde, on ilte,way to Butotivo Saturday, urea robbed of oil the letters for Beaton. The door of the car is said to bevy been looked. MWEIMIE2' , RayinSeat.Poor -04 De.'Fiantleyg: Light pume,heeorpbeitt. He. e fool, that makes his doctor his heir. Ne'ee take a wife, till thou ha.t a boom (and a Mel to pot her To lengthen thy life, imsen thy tr etas. The proof of gold in greorbe proof et woman, gold--the proof of. man—woman. He-that hen down with dogs, obeli rise up with dose Men nod melon, are hard to know. He's the best P 4 Belau who knows the worth lessness et the mart reidieinee. Maley diehea, many disease. Would you live wtth ease, do what you ought, and not what you please. Where there's marriage without love, there will be love without marriage. The magistrate should obey the laws, the peo ple should obey the magistrate. God sends most wa lk ) eay,) the dead moks. The poor man most walk to get toast far his stomach, the ash matt to get • stomach to his meal Threw may, keep • secret,, if two of them are • dead. Are you angry Mat others disappoint you, mi. member 'you cannot depend upon yourself PHILADCLUta (louts Or Romeo—The twenty third Annual Report to the Legislature of the I Board of Directors B 1 this institution, slates that in the department for white children the average number of male inmates, for the year 1819, lists been 171, and of female 42—befog a 001 of 218, sodsnumber far acceding that of any'previou. year. A table of COLOMiIIAGIOS of boys and girls during the years from 1828 to 1819, inclusive, shows that toe annual colnusitments of boys du ring that period ban ateadtly increased from 3 in 1828 to 139 in. 1849. while those of girls remain a.allY stationary, as regards the:average. The average age of the buys wee 131, or therea bouts, while that of the girls was a little over 14 years . The manufactale of mot strop., cane seat chain, ' and umbrella furniture and book binding has been I pursued during the year, and the earumge of the 1 boys meant to $6,350,54. De.ducting these corn ing. from the execute!, of maintaining the White Department during the year-514,2 5 4, 53 as stated in the Report—and the nett exporter will be found , to be 61,897,99, or $30,66 per inmate tor the user- age number during the year. The Repert at eteti that the librarien clove receiv ed an addition of more than 600 urell selected vol. UlllOl4 doling the year, the gift. of ettixens of Phil adelphia. A philauthoopic Individual has also Ptosented the sum of $l6OO, to he wrested as a permanent lend, the Interest of which is to be applied to the porcine° of medal., and other pre sents for well behaved children. The extracts of learn front persona to whom boys end girls have been indentured, tweak to , very favorable terms generally of their good con duct • During the year a department for colored chile dreg hes been opened, which is represented to be in a dourtehtng condition.: Tue PARICSIAN Arrant—Ono of the Boston pa. pets, of the lower order, made an immense dour• fob yesterday, with ton Irene of a fish edition an. nouncing a wondrous discovery, which, according to its ailment, threw the whole city into on la tease eveitement;-said excilemeht Mama priori pally, we prratlear, amoab tha vender. of paid ltd. edition, as Or weal 'trench caws. The d .cove• ry wan or a dead body, in the water, sear IW:om q, whirl wy immediately deelnred,t.y somebody, to tw that of Dr. Perlman. tt does not appear from the 'published account, that there ie any valid reason whatever lee the supposition.— Noe Y o rk Coo , Adv. There was not only no valid reason, but there was no reason at all for believing the laidy to be that uf Dr. Parliman t and no one in fact did eo believe. It BUtprittesll o here that respectable papers in N. York should cone tonance:such obvious nu pOsitione npoll the public, by awing currency to reports which they might eataly ace are not entrained by any creo noble testimony. —Horton Trervller. Tun Ilausse.—The folkiwing appropriate pan. eityrio ou this primitive instrument, which was the first invention in mechanics. and perhaps, also, the first In war, is taken from the Scientific Amer. lean The Nimbler is the universal emblem of lee ched.. With it aro alike forged the sword of \ contention and the plonslnhare of peaceful agri culture—She press of the free and Lbe shackles of the slave. The eloquence...of the forum has moved the anat. of Greece end Rome to a thouguind battle fwldt, bat the eloquence of the hammer tras coveted those fields with victory or defeat. The inspiration of song has kindled hob hopes and no• his &spinal°. In life bo-eims of brave knights and gentle dames, but the inspiration of the hammer her anent the field wuh uttered helm and *hick!, decided not only the fate of etivalrio combat, bat the tote of thrones crowoe, and kingdom. The rot ging of • than der ' bolt was ascribed by the Greek' as the highest act of loves omnipotence,end their mrludegi beautifully ascribe* to one - idiheir gods the teak of presiding at the lalsors of the forge. to ancient wartime the hammer was a powerfu, wee. pon, independent of the blade which it formed. Many a stout skull' was broien through the rap sod helmet by a blow of Valerie's weapon. The armies of the Crewcut would have Waled Eu rope to the ewsy of Mahomet, but on the plains or France their regress was molested, and the brave and simple warrior who saved Christendom from tie away of the Musselmsn was Nlartel— " the hammer." The hammer, the savior sod bulwark of Christendom. The hammer is the wealth of tutiuer. sty it are ford the ponder. our cosine and the tiny needle. It is an meetly moot if•the ravage and the civilised. Its merry clinks point out tie abofe of Induitry. It is a do mestic deity, presiding over 'the grandeur of the snore wealthy and smbitirons, as well es the most bumble and tmpovcriahed. Note stick Is ebsped, ' not a image is ridged; a ahip Oasts, a eaniege rolls, a wheel spine, an engine mores, a peen eoliths, a viol sings, a epode delves, ore nig wave*, with out the hammer. Without thy hammer civiliza tion would be unknown, and the bemoan sorties only no defooneleas brutes; but in Mallet hands, directed by wisdom, it is an instrument of power, of grantees', and true glory. Tacna wnu AU/111,—The treaty with A.us. trig, which was 'concluded in 151 n, by Mesons Buchanan and Hulsernan, bat been ratified, •ad a publitthed in tho WasAinghig Ropublu. 'The treaty mutually extends to nil descriptions of pro. petty the eleLoplioo Gore t9301,6nd chargee bevel lorant secured) , " pertnnal properlV. A hl r. Ikrunan, who meta a weekly nesvoringer . in New York et ty. netted the 'Tooth Teller. was .abided to the at., on Someday, by Mr. David l o ll:twit, President of the American Exchange Hank, The canoe of Mr. beavett'a indignation, war some remark, upon het eharocier, in the notiopeper °Caroled. - LOGAN, WILSON 4 CO., 129 WOOD STREET, ABUSE FIFTII, IMPORTERS OF IIaRMWARE, CUTLERY, Sc. Aft the attention Of percher. , to their FRESH. SPIL.ING STOCEI, Mach they think will compare favorably, both iri tweet and etwahnew, with that of any other house, elthei here or to-- the Eminent ewer. ' febo6 dik trs..l.lvsa Pius--These Pills, discovered by Dr McLane, and which bear his mime, were dm used In his owe piartice. In • less years they &premed the ...on of other physicians, and thence passed into general use.' For curios all c imams of the Liver, they act with certainty and regularity. The patient soon (eels Ste removal of disease, unless he is well. The ed,mt is almost rosgicel; and after swallowing drugs and medicines of another deseription, the sufferer finds 'Massif relieved at once. Diseases of We Liver are very ..unman in this country, and are as Dighifal in character as they are Deficient in OCCUR.e. Are you troubled with any of the numerous complaints which origicate in • diseased state of the Liver' Purchase Dr. 010Lanc's Pills, and be relieved at once. For sale hp .I. KIDD P. CD., No. 09, comma Fourth and Wood eto Pittsburgh. Dar2...llkwlw3 &mother Witness six the Stand 'CHRONIC RHEUMILTLEINI. .nlw. EL M. Knot—Allow me to express to yno my tient tfelt thanks for the great beaeGt I have received from an article called PETROLEUM. or Roca Ott, of Which you are the way proprietor. Iliad occaelou to nee it about the bat of January, in violent attack of Rheumatism, ulnch was very painful, flying about from plant to place, accompanted with much melting, 10 04 to keep me in constant torture. I used the Pe troleum externally, n few applications of which re. ?mitred all pain, and every oymplom of the dlsease. 4111 now entirely well, and would at, tide occuion to recommend the Petroleum to all whom) , be salter. ittg under the agonixing pains of Eneuitiat.m or kin. sired diteases. ISignedl Omuta Ultaaant near Perry Mom, Pittsburgh. geninl advansement In another column IcblB Iniproretnenta in Dentistry. DR. U. It. RN:I, late of Boston, 1 hole Kllkolli.teltire and set BLOCK Tabu In whole and peril este, upon Suetion or Atmospheric Suction Plates.— Toot lISCILECLISSO m rtvt wtxtrete, where Ike nerve I. erposod. Whew and residency next door to the Nay g o, oihee, Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Auras ht`Fadilan. P. li. Eaton. Itla humotrat Lwow! cease.—Prepered by J. W. golly VVlllhan street, N. F., and fur solo by A. Jaynes, No. 71/ Fourth weer. Tins will be found a delightful ult. ele of beverage in audit., and punk warty toe sick rooms. being Plaosit.—An o f Chneelate prepara tion, being a combination of Cocoa not; innocent, an. Mcroating end palatable, highly recommended pante. otarly for invalids. Prepared by W. Balm, Mathew ter, hinss, end for sale by A. JAY NES, at the Palma Yen Mora N. 70 Fourth at nuabl4 .DA. D. HUNT, Dentin. Corner ofPourth Deezuar, between oati•dhin On Thursday morning, Yth Mo., by Rev. Mr. rams not, hlr. !duos, to Miss Moir 11., deoghter of Florence totter, Esq., all or this city. ---- 111/A0III•ETT It. WHITE, DRY GOODS 3080E69, NO. IN WOOD STREET, AVE in wore r vind will be mutually [mewing, H dataing the season, a larya and well-selected 4.- sentnemi'y t• le and Nancy Dry Goode, aikacli they will will. cash or applaud malt. Wotan Merchants are Invited to examine ear Coati nut . , • NeIILVAIR NO. 10 GERMAN -A STREET, BALTIMURP, 6171. of S°9ttB 1611M)1 1 , Pane nore. and will continua to receive, full aopplie• of the following well known Mande. “bimprafts," .Perianta,” •and "Jar row,' which they offer for sale at market rates. roOl•Mtw A. A. MASON a CO., C. L. ANTHONY A CO., rrrnacts. now sou. • WDOL,DBALIL DILY GOODlit A. A. MASON & CO., No. 60 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, NV °IDT` 11 T1 1 ! attion IF y .testryg.7,2.. , glireTt.nsi ,4Ze, comprising probably the largest and most varied as. acultriellt of Foreign and Domestic Goods over exhib• tied in this market. Pr of the Moat staple facili ties for the transaction their business, and one of the partners being constantly In the eastern market., thus presepting every advantage enjoyed by Eastern i Souses, They belle, that they hose clearly club • hilted the fact, that th y otter greater Inducements to Merchants yenerally, h styles, nu..., nod Ph..., than any eastern mark t. Their Domestics, baying been purchased previous to the advance, can be afforded. the love rams of Wt Yee. NOW (700,1!C0611t . 17 arriving. Merchants intending urchasing east, are particular ly I , olkitell la ex..% their assortment. A. A. MASON PC CO. Pittsburgh, March SW, ISSO.—(etre.dk.S.3 For Bait, rp lIE four section Canal Boat Ncor ENGLAND, no • J. laying at ttlatpaburgb, and in good Ap ply to WHAVE ite H, Wayne , at, tnrACt oppos Caoal Baain Fitain—wo bblgtjast rec`d;l for ma b JAMES DAtzr.i.t. mM61.11.1) CANDLES-30 bzk or b y r 9 JA M ES Nit A LCOHOL -10 bbls for sale by J SCHOONAIMRLIt& CO, " " No It Wood QUP. CAR& SODA-5 tees for sale by J SCHOONMAKER & CO LO , VER S t U:D 1 SCO. —3 " 1 " rorge VklitETß & CO • ----- MANNERS , OIL-10 bble for sale by 1 raft .1 SCHOONMAKER & CO TOWNSEND'S SARSA PABILLA—H dna for eal by tenni] J SCHOONMAKER it CO IRUCIBLFS—Dinon`s best Meek Lead Croat,lee sts , d, trout 8 to 50 Nos, for wee by nue rk altgLet—NesiiisinsbriieireiiiiTaTiTnirWro n 1 'Tweed., Cotton Warps, jest opened and for sal tiIIACKLETT k, WHITE. 101 Wood skeet VELVET CORDS—Antal Albert, Walderosr, ono, Cons:Outten, Cable, Thick Set and Nam Cords, for sale by 1 HECK'S—Vitra heAVY AProa, FIIMIIIIrV and Shirt ‘..1 big, Dash, and Pict and etch Checker, Indigo Bine best makes, received and for sale by 10,11 SIIACIMETT 6 WHITE BLUE PLAID WOOLENS--81, dark, blue, and black hotrod Rob Roy Plaids, just reed and for tale by yfIACRLETT CHIE, 10od street OLL DU ITER—IS Gbh ends bolos Prey), now 1 lynelnly and far yoly by sorB LIREITOOLE k CLARRE R A n tig—A mat 10l no it a IrVVOGLE k CLARKE A KEEN APPLES —A few Obis sound, for sale by 1.3 ford BILEVFOOLE& CLARKE puTrEg—r s kegs for sale by 1-2 .r k BREY BOGLE &CLARKE BOAT Quilm4-13 boxes for sale by turd BREV POOLE te. CLARKE umpitArrs . SODA ASII—I2 casks oo hood rod 11.1 for "le by owe J DILWORTH &CO CIAIVER sßr,u-41 sart• prime, D royee'd and far yam Ly Imt9l J R DILWORTH kCO 77 U TTSR-01 kegs lon reed anl for yala Ay 17 tio fer 1 S DILWORTH & CO ARD-30 kegs jast landing and fot soda by LlnstS S DILWORTII & CO 'DEANS—ID bbis Small Whit, jost reel anJ Gar JL, Inns] J S DiLtVoIiTIII &CO pit W DER-I,WII kegs UMstiny; SW do Dear Ride; UM Jo Ky. Jo; tee'S tbo Jay and lot role by Imre) J S ou.wowrit &CO bbls fo jr,s3ll,6llTil CO VALUAULIC LOT/ role 114.LZ. 1. undersigned ogees for sale THANE VALUA LE Lt/TS, In the Cny of Pittsburgh. taunted ',hem wee, On one of the Lots there is a FRAME DIY ELLIND HOUSE; the outer two Lou unimproved. the peeped, Is situated near the ... n un, of Liberty 'area, tilpecnl to the Atonongsbela River, mid coutiguous to the Ferry Landing._ Alsta—Founeen other LOTS, situated in West Pt lank., above Jones' Nem. and adjoining lots of Me. Cuddy. Also—A GLASS FACTORY, in the borough of Elizabeth, with all the building. neceatiary tor the manufacture of Gime, and Coal aufficlent to run the factory for a another of years. The Coal it about • mile daunt from the Factory. Foe terms, twhielt will be made easy,) enquire of Robert Smith . , in Etitobeth, or of Daniel Haughey. In Patistiutah. CAROLINE SMITH. —Washington Reporter, &MI utedwetS • • A Pnisaat Ow 'Your family. 82 • oThe beat pope in the tlntort."—Erening Stn. nßaihet get in cool than go without 11.”—Boit. Peat. ?Dia anbarribers can bumph.' from January t.t, lnio, if innueltate appllcatios bc made Mider per• moony or by lencr) toMe MD. of publication. 1) LOCKWOOD, 61 Wood at J. D L. has alto received— Blackwomks Madonna, for FebraarYi Edinburgh Review. for J..ryi I nadou gnarterly Review, for January; W.l.:Water do do; JAAIU4 D LoCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer, CU Wood ft, 11119 (After Ise Aped 01 Fount, at, east of Wood.) Allegheny County, am 1711.: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the heirs and executors of James McC.drmirk. deed, (or t e devisees of the real estate of said McCormick, if there be such:) Wbere. At an Orphans' Coon, bold at Pittsburgh, in and for said Comity, on the 03* day of Febroary, A D. ISSU, the petition of Alexander Wait, of Moon Mivaship• said county, wu presented to the Court, I praying that some day certain be designated,. which .ore may be given to the heira and execator• of the said James bleCormick. lot the devisees of said real then he .000,) to a.mar in said Court and answer thin hill or petition; and, furthermore, to de. trey the specific perforta.re of la certain) contract, accordina to the true inteut and meaning thereof, or cording to the Act of &muddy in web ease Mille and provided: Now, therefore, we command you and each of you, that, io your praiser VOW.. you be sod appear before our Orphans' Court, at rittabUrgb, co the ro.nh fiat. arday ECM day) of Malch next, then and there to shear cause, if any you or either of yea have, why tar prayer of the petitioner should not be (fruited, and he reef fail not. Wltsie.the Hot:arable W. D. McClure. Preaident of nor said Court. at Pittsburgh, Ibis Ittla day of February, A. D. 0.. mre seltS DANIEL MeCURDY, Clerk. To the lionorolte the Judged tt the. Coon 9f Gene • rat Quarter &MUM! of the Pecos, 11l and for the County if eghror Ilig pennon of biontimas Steuart, of the Fourth I. Ward, Allegheny, in the county aforestald,butably stamen, that oar petitioner bath provided bunself with materials for the accommodation of travelere and others. p al s a dwelling house' In the Wald afortsaid, and ray that your tionore will be pleased to grant him a toots to keep • Public in of Fie un nertain• meet And your petitioner, so in duty bod, will Pr qe, the subeeribere, mittens of the aforesaid ward, do realty, that the Moose pentioner a of ;god pote (or honesty and temperance, and is ureltprovided with home'rooni and eotoreoienees for the aceornerm dation and lodging of et rangers and travelers, and that . "i d invent to oenolgy. L. Walter, John Wane, NVen. F. (looter, 11. Anschunt, C. Photon, C. 13111"", Ads , . To" r,.V. CI uchen, DLllntatusynr, P. Paulin, A.llty J. Kronen. oire.3to JADED D. WIDMER, (Successor to Lame. A Astaxasue,) COMMISSION b. FOKWARDING MERC fl HANTS, S. W. comecof Walnut and tItCODLi CanalMusD. Promptness given to be parehaseand saleP • duce. mrr-dt • • DomesticSt, Foreign Exchange, Sink Note, Gold and Silver, Bought, Sold, •od , Exchangcd. At the Exehange and BanAhag House of WM. A, HILL A. CO, N o , giNv 00 0 STRUT, 4d do. above Fourth, (e ast aidej 171T6BURGII. U7' Sterlingi la suitable for remittance to the Old Country, let min in r, sums of ft andnpararia. Interest allowed on hole depolitta of par rands or CUM.], tor7.erMlS Pittsburgh and Broddock's Field Plank Road Company. NOTICB is hereby gtiren Mot the Book. will be opened by adjournment, for the purpose of re :lig further subleripuons to the Capitol Stock of said Company, at the booster THOMAS P. BROWN, at Turtle Creek, on 'Chemurgy, 14;11 Morel, inst., from 10 o'clock, A. PI to 1 o'clock, P M., at wineh bow and place two or more of the undersigned Commissionets wrlt Kneed. T M. Howe, Robert Palmer. homas Jame. Rosa, FAMMIII U. Hallam, William FAchbaum, Wtkara M. iiYunt Jcsva Carothers, John Lytie, Alexander Miller, Hones W. itechonart, Unmet Kuhn., Henry Woothi, Robert Robb, John A.. .my Theinea WWI.", Wm. M. thuipsen, Andrew Women, David S W .ee John ArthureL ticurge . Irwin. cloy. lta tor. Far effectually ferlifurtgc.ita..iletido,kld Glove. thei Dlt.l7.'°, aprz.„°;.°4 l :79°, Ith,"l over Reply the lIIEUOVatOr with a piece of clean &an: tubbing gently Wail the It elect co produced. Per &ILI by SF.LLERS, 37 Wood at Te Il eTllonse liana spent rnext IL Three he U I tßge, .I . llnm:eel nee upied by the Rev. hit ex Passsvant ex~ nuor so the . Posses en given on the Ist of t. it ply on the premises. tar74t• April BULK HAMS & SHOULDERS—KO casks about war very toady cob Red well peeked M oon., it good new east., would suit to keep here Of .111 D ariiire On steamer En nillitra, for ode by .mr7 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, Front la . . -DATTINO COTTON -0 bales en band and for sale ItSAIAiI KEY & CO, 'pp by DIC /Front street JOON Nole&OK& C 0..& FORWARDING k COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Candi Boaia, Yem sued. PRObiugh. grid} ZIAILILIED, jAMEB IR. DAMS & OOq PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. T. 17 hlarket, an) )I Commerce rt., Philadelibla. Advances more, by either of the above, ou cormiru a* of Produce tafitAeLyaar,_ _caret EXCUANDE AND DADISINO WODOD OF A. WILKINS & CO., R. E. CORNER OF MARL= & STREETS Pltubargh. oull BiscE Tro/auf, Rosstroofl,ati itudwen Ar On Friday aft,noon, March Stk, at 3 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and _Fifth verts. trill Ite sold— ' box med V7Obtott Rosewood and Mahogany Venters; 3 boxes Stekormy Veneers.hoe • mt 7 -TIMM D DkYl9, Bank and Rae Road:Stoch of Ase#an. On Friday evening, Moth f‘lb, at 8 &dont, o r the Commercial Sale. Rams. comer of Wow and inn. nova., will be gold, without mom, let nntb, Po et— • - .k: DO thorn. Swot in N. &111. Bank or Pitishargi' 37 do do Exchange Dank, do• 10 do do Penn. J OHN Mkt it. H. Compan) , Im s • JOHN D DAVI& ¬ ------. Easters 'Mammas Wanted. AND the bigbestpriee p•Li for the same, ed. Fs change .d Banking Howe of mra A WILKINS ik CO FIGIOUND-A Lady's new BOOT. on the 4th ?daub, which the 001. t can base by cattle at the were of the subsetthee, and paying for this advettlsetneat. ROBISON, LITTLE k CO, lure au Libetir at IDENIVETT & BROTueammare D torero. have remov ed to R, N Q o 27 Wm. street,Maniac be 'wo ro Market and Wood. Pittsbureb. outbrm r CASKA liuspic&Tr & SONS' SODA ABM Le jinn laddingfrow wiener J. J. Critteen, .and for sale by tir /Olt eIIITCIIF.L.T nd REF, outt Volt OALS—Ao casts ed Stiooldeni • 20 do do Hams; EDWARD IIk:AMMON 111=31 100/10ingbom tul 1111 lug for 111 reute, " of avert gotrotrolity, ° east corner of Fourth nod Market sut. " nau° mrfl MURPHY &BURCHFIELD AO do Not; 20 do No 3; in Core, for isle by JANIE'S DALZELL lUr OURNIND ALPACCAD, Bonsbn4nerfinithl a ft. INK noun une et north eryorner north and Mai MURPHY t BURCHFIELD Stairs Saw Mill for neat. subscriber offers to rent • Steam Saw Mill, in . moots. running order,*tuate on the Hank of the Allegheny Ma, within one mile of Tasmania, The b:egiuts and other galore. are all in good order, and capable of doing a large business. The Coal is convenient or thelllills and theta is a m(orteb to Dwelling Home attached to the premises. which is sufficiently commodious fur tho use of the sukca.err &wad -F. ACTION SALES:. Jolimp. Davis. Auctleaser. =LEI LEACIIED lc UNBLEACHED USLIN, boo/ • Wore the avance, and ffelling at the old price tneut corner of Boorat and btot su. lost MURPHY in: LWECHIPIELD ROAD CLOTHR—AM C full loths asso of all rtment of French uld osta , prices, th east coiner of Fourth and Market sus arse mte Mill. For further particular. enquire of the subacnber, on LOC prenums, Of ID Peter Peteraou, 1160 can be found at the Warehouse of John MeFaden k Co; Ca• nal Bari. Pittrburgh. LEWIS PETERsoN. roff.los Kittswita6 Free flea, sad Allegheny' (War. all,copy 3i. each, and eh. tdvertiser.l . BENNETT 4 BROTHERi QURENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, Otrealngham, tamer Pittsburgh,' Pa. Office, Nu. 37 Watt, et, &maws Markt and Wood, Ptlt:burgh. irILL eoustatuly keep on band a good assort • cent of Wan; of our oleo manafeeters , sod seporiorq Imlay. Wholesale toeoy Mer chants are respeetfally malted call and ez• mains for themselves, as we are determined to KU Momper than Lae ever baroni 'been offered to the pub- lie. . IrrOrders mint by mail,zecompanted by WI gash oi goal rotetoaco...ll,. M 030331.11,./.• BaioGß Piitaborgh, March lat. I°3o. Masiagers or the Company to, .ere Bridge are; the River Monongahela oPPdOw Boobargh, in He County of Allegheny. beet has day declared a dividend MB per COOL On lit stock of said Comp.y, which vvill be paid to Bo thoekbolden or their legal repreventaneen, sae at tar die Ilth mat JOHN THAW. mr6Ri• Treastiter._ .• To the ripnonasls tho Alga of toe Coot Otran-! .d Qteser Sessions of the Pasta, in and foe the ', CoontS) 4ft Allegiuny. TllEpepton ofJoas Ilas. of the township Of Ohio, to the ermaty aforesaid, tumid) elleweitt, that / oar petitioner Ina provided himselfwith materiels •qr the Accommodation of travelers Aid others. ac his me holm la the township afotesehl. pnryr 1 baton will be piramed to grant him s lieeor rahlle lloose of . Entopainment. And ye u to duty ppmd, will pnY e enbseribers, eitheris of the township arose , enlly that the above petitions, is of rood se . • runty and temperance, and to welt provided toad end conveniences for the seems.. d lodging of stiangen and 'revellers, and totem is accesses), Ilairy, John Dickson, Jame , Porter, Thee. phr SclealeSeld, Ihlward Oakford, Wm. Fre. Maslen. Junes Merriman, Sr, R. Andel es Stephenson, Frederick Michaelis. ts, We, t oath. do pow for i with bo dation al thot .1,11 • alrce,tas ledge, ef tAs Court of Grim. • rter Seinons of ths rem, is and far the i r of Allegheny. tiuon of Jil,o2llCourierou of the township ow, iu the county aforesaid, humbly slaw yllouer gu=l.1 m ll flo . vided tm luntee v, If ti n t his dwelling home, the o fierualtp prays that your honors will be pleased to a bean. to keep • Tebbe name of lb,. i • I. end your peutioner, es in duty bouud, Tate TQI Conn Tli:i • eh, that mat nal ether+, a , said, and mist hi; tertatairil the subscribers, citizens of the township do certify, that the above petitioner is of , • pomfor honesty slid temperance, and. is well ,Jed with house room and COllCllittlf-t• fur the ,outuo ticm and lodating of strangers and Mare' . --r dT.ieir7Laieeteerr. - , imp rd er, Thor . Mowry; Be. i, id* Arud".yr" W Il b eeh n, - San Crider, John , o0,111:12•Brooko, FJi Plardrinton, &Goo/ coaks limed, to antra on steamer En for 'Mosby ISAIAH DICEY ic CO, Front si .llwas• Wastird. VITA .I)—A two or throe story House, with TY d , übio parkas, within 4 squares of th e motto. A toe s osot eon be lout by apViLlg , La.ny Elorgao , s Cough "Syrup. who owl Morgan's Cough Hymn Can con. I.nously recommend From rho 'Evening Whore, Feb. 40,1m0. al, c 0..), eram—mr. eon COUteitlBloati, nd this medicine for coughs, as tthu eared • t aggravated attack. It la a dtiferent 7 • the ordinary patent medicine. If you have dd and sold, wholesale and retail. by .101 IN D. MORGAN, Druggist. Wood .41 door below Diamond alle Tee Lets elfin; liouse.Third.l o .ffe Etratbfiald. ans. ied by Rev. Mr. Batmen. ,or one or more years, stone Inge Lots o 'n the Ninth Ward, on and near the river [r Lumbar Yards. }]ionise of 301 IN Id rTON,os of DARLINGTON. Fourth it. • To Pia s Orowt okrrs. Shoat or ghat elaso UV ANTED, so engagement so conductor or mane ., der, in an establishment in any of the above Winches, by one who pc [Golly understands the trade in all its branehea, with an its latent improvements. having had footmen years' es:Damon° In one of the !ordain manufactories to England. Can have an un exceptionable character from his present employers, and has a knowledge of the French too ens Letter., post paid, to Me. Geo. Archbold, Summit Bank, Smothwick, pear Dirotiagbane, England. turd Ma Bridesburg 31..ak1150 Illamataaaoty. THE subscriber informs by friend* and the public, that at his extensive estabUshment, (capable of employing from two to Wee hundred wet traces end where he always keeps a large umber of the beet =Oudot engerred,l he is prepared to execute, in the bear manner, and with great despatch, all orders for MILL WORE and COTTON and WOOLEN MA , CIIINERY, of every description. For the workman ehlp and style of his Machete, he would refer to the numerotta nuinufae wen lathe Maitre and Southern Sates, a. well as the Middle SW., who are now op erating them. Re has recently made great Improve. menus, both In the style and plans of his Machinery, reined will be furnished at reasonable prices by ap • plying to • rornktu• ALFRED JENKS. Brideebunr, um rum' ti TEn—su Of stouts jut tre'd au. fo sale by C ['GRANT 0 (7ort--111 bales Batting, (or sale OZ a_f (.. II GRANT . SIL MOLASSES-4a bbls landidg franiitiam • . Crble :attire Maraltall, and far sea by kora JAMES LIALZELL C LOVER SEED-40 Du for . e!tl7 JAAMS DALZELL M°LASSES -30 Gals NO, just reed and for sale by tutS A CULBERTSON, 143 Labatt) al SVOA R-50 had, prime N 0, la store and for sale 4T mr5A CULBERTAON La ICE-11 tea last reed anifiot sale by . ... Lla unr, . • A CULBFRTSON .. . B rr uur "P m"*" ”d A a Llti l lgtTSON qi n ftr: 1117 Mei DO&CO pßnj SIAN BLUE-3 oues for salabl um co -M ---- tiLAN tr, - 3 O 3O . Battle Crouodßagar Hu l a; L.andiai and fat ante 61 - ( mgt .. BROWN & KIRKPATRICK IITTER:-IrbiliPßlAßon, ree'd and fat sale by XIA tart;- BROWN ta 'KIRKPATRICK 'T - A11.15- 7 50 - Fiil No I. fa sumo atrtire.ln by Li mgt BROWN It lURKPATRICW. . 0 . - uliiii=atiiiiiii - dc - ri - i - 4,riartwiia -- b - F --- 1, 7 1..' ' Bk. W lIARRAUGH FlAtlintir..l.-gr bbls No 1 Plum an band and for HUTTER-1U Ude pima Roll, ree'd aud for ilsoe b, gale by . . 'RAJA!' DICKEY' A CU, n maxi _ RAM BARHAM/II mo 4 • Front at 1:lithlIELION-3 earn extra any Jut nee'd and for •a!e by , 11.1.4] J KIDD dr. CO lIIN ESE - cue fat bee J b_y tbri KIDD& CO ACONi—di Ahd nean, in slum and for ula by ISMAIL UICKKY & CO, Front sks Just ree`d end tor mac 4 , 4 pm 4 • , 151k1All DICK . III' k.OO A RD_Fs bht. N. 1; t reed arid for se & e by lJ " " "414°1' rz,,,:li DICKEY CO tort i'"1 1 " drill ( 11 . 1=It Y & CO Ron/MS-150 Jul Pomeroy's! rout; • IA •• do medium, _•. ••Cloth Booboo. for wdo s d , DWILLIAIIk. • tomer Filth and Wood au VhNIaUN 116M8--1300 lbs Ems Cared, Als by . D WILLIAMS ( .. 11 ! , 1 ER SEEF)3I bbls is storeisisitpasittiYs Crag= SUVA A.sll--(4ea.k4ibtupratta7 to attire per am George Wasbingtork let side by W mercui:Likas, mr 160 Übe axel iILuV Ell •41:Ell —75 Digs mime ummr, - on •ea r .. 1 . b 7 • JOHN .WAT; & co, ma LEbenY Aral IYMS oACON—JULM Its RomaDs ORM and for sale by JOHN WATT AC% ma • ' Üb.ny street fAcer.st EL—Nos t, 2, and 3, In Mtn and hf bbis. XJ. kw min by . JOHN WA7Pt CO, mVi !anon' street taliY SEW-20 bla CUM prim, cm Wm. , T'for sale by JOUN WAIT &CO. mr2 Lll.Nrstteet IL 15101488 M-10 Giol bblal o ol Ooand,ra race CoMP.gosod foDLZELL jr DOW GLABS-60 bry en , d sins, Mob Ylf ban k C 94 bnad, for mg/by GDS!.A.tM DALSEII T 4144 FloazraElr lA, Adv.+ e tka Court qf - tag Qua it Sessions of aur Prate, is and far 4 , • • C..nty of ,Altexhour 'THE petal= of Ports Iltaortax, or Peebles tewe• able, in the roomy alorrsai4, tunably alsessark, t at yoarpetittorter bath ptoti.le4 himself yeah mme -ridr we the •ecootroodraten of travelers land rehertaet his dwelling booty in the merest.* aforesaid, row prays thus your hereon , will bepleaaod to groat him a license to keep a Pablio 'noose of Eateratiateeta. And lOUS petitioner, se in only boa:A . l6ll pray. We. the subscriber., eidsens of the toornehip anise ssid, do certify, that the above petitioner le or rood re pew for honesty and Ltesepersnee, and is Well proehled with bonne MOOS Wadtonvenience• for the seeommo. 'Whin end lodging of stronger. and travelers, and that said tavern is necessary. Geo. Grier, Wee. Johnston, P. 11.1rerin,John J. S. Nankin. Welter Penis, Henry Iledit, Jet. Cleft, The. U. Maley, Wen McCall, W. Wahine, 11. Barter. - sers-30. • gelloss. Imperial Cough Syrup. TI II IS =unix, • preparation or meek merit, urban so mazy odour own citizens wilfingly and returer. liv earthy to its curative properties: An steed rmd WSW =enacted eitisen, after using ir, expressed dds. Ztirwnint firvg,ittrl",`,74 0. deli, Oen states in a note— -1 always keep it iu ray home, and weed not, on any seem.; vsrlheta it" An old amisnry man astys- , 1 am Initiated, after • trial of three or fear years, that it is the best coast, medicine I ban ever tried, either, in the 014 or New. World. ° If you have a cough, get &bottle and try in it coats hate% cent.. mr2 11170111,1k1 1 . TBEgreatestNaturalCuriositiesinib World, WS now bei exhibited Day and Senator, at - N 0.27 Mm MLY.I Stral, o n door from &cond. THE LARGEST SHEEP IN THE WORLD, And QUEen of alt Sheep Med! This Mammoth Specimen xi rts 8 fact I inch, and hes wool on her from IS to 25 inches long. Der Lamb can also be seen, being only 18 sandal old, and weighing 222 lbo. with wool from 19 io 17 inches long. The Woolen these Sheep bongo all In rolls, ready for spinning. It v. as seld " the beet jedces at th N,w York State Pair, thi n`a BliaP 10 . 0 ?' 0. • wool . . • on her. There Sheep am sr the Beaterell breed, and tetrad by JAMES BICKNELL, Esta., of Aurora, Eon camp M. N. V. FOUR-HORNED OR ICELAND SHEEP! • The only one on Continent of /119a,14. A LILIAPUTION COWS Which is smaller then the Lamb, being only 30 . Inek e • h'lteTedro'n"lferlslaVeendutheelMit7tooftrea, tIVU'Att pentane In New Toek , POiledelphin; end Weslttealon Ctly. The Animal* have been Mooed. by the Hon. Henry Clay, and many °Mee diatinguiralld members of Canute., and hare been plonounkal the greatratt Nataril Curiosities in Amedea. Satiefaction warranted beyond all elpectmioo, or the money rebottled. Adirdokee only 'llk. Lathes Fran. Perot. desirous of purchasing Sheep of:this de scription, mill please apply to the °Mahouts.. mr2ft A NSW AILUANOSINICNT. W. R. MURPHY I. M. BURCHFIELD. T HE Relit Dry Hoods business heretofore condo-cl l. ed by W. R Marphy, at North Fad corner Fourth and Market eta, Pittsburgh; will hereaber be curled on by the new Sun ot • MURPHY 6; BURCHFIELD,' Who respectfully solicit a cannon.ee of the calls of the old enamels of the establishment, and the public in general. large and esti:daily selected stork of Goo°s will always he kept on band, sod every in ducement offered In Be way of low prices. • N. kg—W. R. MURPHY will cionnue the Wr.olo• sale business, Fo rth ore, an the 1001:91 Up bu mrtms, entrance tram st. DION SPGING GOODS. ALEXANDER t DAY, 75 ?Arkin tt, Nonh Wen corner of Da Diamond, have commenced meet, log their stock of Spring Dry Good.. They have opened • choice assonntant of Saks, liken, usu.; and other Dress Goods.. Also—Bonnets and Sonnet .ilibbons, a handsome arnotnnent of French Worked Collars, P.O. Splendid French CloSui.Cunnicies, and Satin Vest . D ire Furnishing Good•—a complete aormunent at the lowest '""rtgariDEß &DAY. Miriet critt N W corner of the Diumaud. A. A. 'lissom A. co., NO. 60 Market street, are daily receiving new and is esirab Goods from the loading resusufactories of th country, and of the latest importatioos. Tha facilits which they enJoy, to m ing conaecial and. a house t o the cast t enables' the theirpuas goods at the lowest 'alt.., and keep stock hill and de sirable at all eeawns. :They pare a fine assortment of House Kespier Goods. to which they 'solicit the early attention of their friends mid the priblic. 'Carlo's Out /gaol gauss a'art Strops. 'EIaRLF7B Cast Steel Hones and Strops for Razors MI and Surgical Insuinuentsi' an article superior in any thing of the hied offered to the public, both for re storing and giving a doe and perfect edge, as well as for us durabilit. The above ran be had, and persons supplied in any. 'var.:nubby qutunity, at the Methodist Houk Depository, at, between Wood and Market , HOPKINS. mubllt lltsMoo to Stapp Ors, Steam Hose Owns.. and others. .CA.rpi.AiIINeELMUE,L 11.errrIliEft.S,rbagos. fieett sigoadt:feuce"PCltlePraties flt this illy s , o a r el e sfl ' fic c a e : lion of Mats will be made, and taus of premium charged wicordlogly. All shipscente under open roh. rice sabsequeot to this date, will be subjected to such rates and regulations as way be adopted under sock Inspection. Every info:station will be ri we cat the e spective offices. J PINNSW, Jr., &c . f.i.."' Western Ineurance Company. P. A. MADfilitts. Ascot - Del. M. W IS los. Co , Philadistrati. M' P;JONES, Agent • Ins. Co. of North Atoesies. A. W. MARKS, Secretary COI - retie' Ins. Co. I intshorsh,Alarch td, Graaf. Spring . and Mannar nellalma, Dr. S. P. Sarmmarrals. 150 L0„,57.1tuf,6..;..,1.`Da aTn7,%'.7r41811: R. Sellers, No. 87 Wood street, and by D. N. Corry, Allegheny oily. . - awe CINROSIN-YEELOW=ISeases for an by mr4 .1 KIDD I CMG , / Wood m 1101tSr.IN.M.LAI/4—lo co: in .ore .an lot nolo by r 2 m & W HANN/WI:II pOLAIv,II-10.tuksEr,,Tores VaLleatriuer M.O.litne.ii-Atitttyaupecior oak cooperage, In sae. EicGILLS & ItOE BROOkS-31X1cloaasa',1 Coro 80306 M, lnr 5.11; Cs' 7 3 TR _JOIIN NyKrEa. CO. I.iheny et t 2 R—M "4"5" • °"VGIII.4I.ttOFY SOAP -100 bap Chu No 1,"le MeIILLS & ROE TIMED PEACHES, Lard, and Baiter, for sale h 1 air!MeGILLS ROE: J., rIOFFEE—SO bass prime Rim to ants, ibis dr?, for st.l sale by L S WATERMAN is SONS, • ma • 3.1n - AtivEt . 6l,l 7 2lLna st F L6u..6 bbb eboleebrando Superfine; •• Fate; for rule by • nut L 8 WATRILNAN A. BONS . . . LARD —9) bbl, prime N o a o ll .i zr; 37 for roo br. mei keg. de L 9 'WATERMAN 1 SONS T Ak a ,i;bbis NC, r ;17, 1;;• -- ‘" L . 9 WATERMAN & SONS ri - L—la ' bbla Lard Oil, (Burkhardt k Co.) . ki - 10 “ Unread; ma 13 " Tan*e lt i ll; r l'7=7l(NWS k CO. DAWN-4010 lb s ass'd Mum, Sides, awl &book& rs, LY for solo by me 2 RHEV IVIATTMiVB & Cf. . bbls No I Leafi . ad teas do do: for sale bv .- mr/ HUEY, MAT THEWS CO, SIIINULES-105 M. lititgir l it V ivosi ma 17t and 174 I.lbeny LO~i-111.1 bbb fat salear ama a aleKrmil CRUSHED SUGAR—VI bLli Loveringn & R; for sale br lgtl2 _ _ MILLER & RICRIsTRuN BULK SHOULDERS-4000 pieces now landint. for Wet by mr2 HARDY. JONES C 9, MOUt e t n reed for U d 22' DD Y do Nerve; 2do Sbooldend to dal r , C O met WA 1. LEK , r(A, Dl . I►IOLASSIM-75 bbi.N 0, ree'd — And fdr bY 1811 DEfI ANT CLARIFIED SUGAR-0 LLD for silo bY • tort (I II GRANT Er MAC 'PORK—MAO Ins How Round, reeeiving and IR for nab, by ROBERT DAL2FILL, zuri lattany et 115155-10 tee John T. Mania's soper,or 7 ' .l_ C'"" llama, lendW end for eele r i ZT al CK. reril 111 Liberty at lu do do do Shout 5 do do do Side% Laufer* , per worrier Jewess. for ale 1/y_ BROWN IaRYrATRIR,K _ 'gcf,,?,g—wid'i" °drag rili%cifleTtioit sore • B&W itARHAVOH 6° l few bbli in ohne and fnr •sla TV by Imrti _ kW. If AIII4ALIGII Dlssolausa. TRR Law Pertnershlp of Naylor &Weight was this day . dissolved by mutual consent. The un finished blueness Orilla Brut vrtll receive the united et tendon of both of the undetslped. MAGRAW. ideKNIGIff. Feb. 041530.—t0r&10a I.IMBRii-T;i4iiiailliinatr2; " do; 50 " Sow dome, 30 ht " • 15 do Golden Syrup; lgols do do; Sod Teed sod fo r tale by fobIS RIMY, MATTHEW R & CO Jain QI7OAR.—tI2 hbd. 11e. crop. 1.0 fetal and for .le by • RUE?, & CO, tebta 27 and Wale: ft (or sal. by WINDOW OHATASH=M - erA r ibiii quilliy - Tc H is F ii ii ' WSk CD Saand 1,0, Webb 11 Prima Scorching's; store , fobtB - BRET, MATTHEWS k. CO ,11150. 'lll5O. • SPRING DRY GOODS! WRare now receiving our male: supplies of Ilo ammie and Dorman DRY GOODS. which wo aro prepared to seLl tie Lowest market prices ED erode buyers and prompt buinew men. We would ask the •11.1100 of City eaffWe.tnn , Merchants to our meet. believing we no offer many _ lodine moats to purchase frowns. • gUACKLETT WILMS, • atoll Dry Goods Jobber, SP Wood rt FMsoUNB—A ram of blowy was found, arnica, epos proof of ownership, can be bad by applying to. B ULLTENBEWBB , febhB No 87 MOW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers