The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 08, 1850, Image 1

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W H LT E iffr CO..
a. N. WM, J l i , twarr.
illlWl - 1 - 1t am .DINGO, 111 D mu; Kin' DOOR TO
Dade per.a -lupe per 11.n112.
Mi-W - "
eetly, te adv. ee)••••-- ••• . 2.00 "
Do. o Clot, at a iedneed rale..
A. REED (aim .•
I .
one Sq.' •, ROA nrs Of Nonps still; !ess)
o. % ear. addstranal IrtninSarn • •
Do. nne erk LIS
Do. Dire care kr ••• ' 00
Dn. one 'Valk GM
- illo. taro • • at:..._.._....... 7•10
In . lheee mani, ••• ••-- ..... - OP
Da. ten months 100
Do. • troche wombs. -• • --- • • DP. .
anding Card ld hues or Dna pee manna • 100/0
ie Nu are, eh angeable al pleasure (per asa
am) ear:uric, at We paper-- ..... • • 2 5 , 03
f etch add iti onal aquae% Insetted
evned retr,. h m onth,or,aal •dditiouslKinninserted eTear
. l pane.
rtiumcata etceeding a square, end not Over
et Iron, to be charged as a square and a half
loihers not aceountable for lepf advertisements
the amount charged for their pelitteation.
.tio ... uti , bl: 4 r d stgi , d .. at . ea ,n ro u rothce, to he charged the
A • ertnienicon. not maikedon the copy for a speci
fied umber of inscriiurni, will be connuned forbid,
sod procuteractod accord,
pn•ilesea of yearly litiVeratere Will bet confined
el oh to attar regular business, and all mast adver
eta,. not reratatial to their reanlar Laziness, as
agree lot, to toe paid extra.
Ait advertisements (or ebaritable meeteeoll6, fire
cow' ward, foreasfilp and Other public merbeg 6,
•b lac, to be chaffed baitprice, payable strieby
Alai Inge nnt.teez to be charged GO cents.
Dent wares utterted withoutchurgo, unless 'nem
puuttni ty laurral invitatiou• or °Whiney notice., and
ween ineorepamed to be 'paid tot.
Rent at adventure. and altinhers sending noinnute.
ntenttotf, or requiring notices designed lo cult Innen.
Lon to hush, Soneco, Conceits, or public enter.
tiontr.ents wirer charges are made for adsnittnuneo—
all note" of patine associations—every notice de.
it'hoed to 'rail lineation to private enterprrses entrain
ted of uninded to promote tudividaal interest, tun ten
Is be erected with the auderstandlng that the saute to
rots said toe. It Intended to be ineceted ht the Wee
collat.°, the acme will be charged at the tate of not tent
than, to et I, nen Due.
FASlNoticts w be cheesed ttipte pike.
lavetn I.iceeme Peeeen..lP2
Leeei utal Medical adrertiuments ie be charged at
Let ptlice.
Item! Iserle Agents an.l Auctioneers , Adyertiseneents
lo be classed udder yearly word her lone allosscd
ce./en lln i.k 'dime thsrd per rent. Gam Ile
airtnu/11 LW,.
O".• VU•WEIL[I.I . TO DAMN Pint..
nii,..:•quart,,,latelsieurtlocm*---ni..... 3 4
. 10 7
0., o.lzattm• IH afiilir Par t•.
(Inc N,Ll.uute, pD lineal to.e in.serlbo• • • •'.:4 eta.
eetc addulonni •Uri "
41,1 11.nitill • •1 venisca.tga to be paid;ia ad•ulee.
WHITE& CO Duette.
J &MIS LtAllit fr. CV, Chronicle,.
I.USTEIt & BROTHER, Diepuelt.
JOS. X 1011714101, Mercury.
JAMES W. BOODLE, American.
111&01 MAIN}, Hooting Tribune.
Plorteution, Dee. I, 1849.
DCII,IIIIII ?mum William I:Ow/mil
A 70111.11WS AT LAW— OA Wilma. Hall
Grantmmi, simaallia Comlilome.
A TTOPNEY AT LAW—Oboe, on Pour* ruvey
11 Mg. Slulthfauld—Lowrio'a
' l7 ±l 17/
,A ELAN_ e.ll FRANKLIN, 2.ltorney at Lair;
/I. Found m. . •
FOR PEN N S YLN/ANIA,..Se. Loon, Mo.
All caummuicadous promptly unmoved. e.ce.3-lp
ARMSTRONG A CROZER,Coununalou Merenann,
and Dcalesa in Pp:alum, No. 21 /dulcet auxeo
--- azinutrauchaurs,,
- far the State of Ponasylonora, tih Lours,
, la. Oars ol Fittaborah.) -
%arra znead—Pittsburahr lion. W. Forward, !lamp
ton d Mintr, :d'eandlenr d tVedue, John Parkr,
....ells 5e0.1 , 10.111'C0nl k Mar. aur,l4:dly
.• • .
Fourth tacct, between Smoak/told .u&. Grant,
ontoburgh, Yu. jug'
, -
2.811.614 & PULE ND,
A Tll5lO tiEVS AT LAW, Fourth au ee jant.
A TTORSEY AT LAW.—ollee on Foartb .t, be
tween til:llth4wld and Grans; rtataburett.
• - .
BAGALEV. 'WOODWARD tr. Co., Wholesale Gro..
tem. tin.Vl Market.nrent, PitilkJeUhia. nov27
Pittsburgh Alkali Works. ,
BENNEFT, & CO, Manatsetwers of Soda
Ask. bleselony Powders, Ma 'bate and linlyherie
Ands. Warehouse No. —Water Street, below Ferry.
/11..111 41.>1110. BZITZW.
t RAU Ream, slew and Retail Drag.
jJI tinter of Liberty .414 St. Clair lanais, ?nu.
Lama, V. auali
•..4114. W. S. •lIMAIroc.
J &SKINNER, ForwardLo3 Commivoon
lJ fat errhar33 No. rri !dirket at, Piusharell. api3
j'i A. aIeANULTY & Co., Foraranlues and
Vss mission Merchants, Carte HiLI; Plits4.gtt e
H. ti RANT, WhoHoule Grocer, CATCOMIIIIIIII and
Forwardnig Merchant, No. 41 %Patera. mill
- bug uuuu arspring, Axle. Sites/ wad Ira
OLEMAN,9IAILMAN to Co, otanolleturers
Coorli 454 }Zink. Spriuge, Hammered All.,
fluting mod Plough Mee!. Iron, An. Wareham, on
ulur owl Front : . he LA, urnh.
. -
Als 4. Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Comoussi. and For.
warthrtg Aferobano.,aud dealero 10 Produce and Pitta
burgh 310.Nem0., N 0.37 Waal st., Lawton:Sl and
'4l -crvels octl
J. ilk It Attorney and Couumllor elf Law,
‘tincionatt, Ohio. Collections m diouthem Ohio:
mid in (hammy and in Kentacky, promptly and care
fully atmuded to. Commiesioner the Stale of Penn
sylvania, fur taking Depcieniorm, .sciauertedgmcate,
'Ctn. to—lion. Vaal/ell it lion, Cords, Church k
et.-. 0.0.• W. 11.1 , 4 Willott k- Davis. aIS•
holicracy Andrew Me:am It. K. Viewing.
uuttsir.v, FLEMING *. 00..
MIOR die Jain of Doinewle .Woolen and Cotton
4 Goode, also, Dralcro alitind• of Tailors' Tam.
ump., No. IV Wood spent, Conon dinn•lroas kalki
linvioodson M . Wm. A. Dill A Co, Basktre. •
J. C c y log lo• ..... •• • •—• •A. aarno.
ANTS., and deniers in Window Glow, White
Lead, .te. No. 100 Second.(.
W 11. H. • ' .
No-I Isecond Wren. ritinhurrh. dolt
060.0% 1.11211. ...I= D. rve u.
KoSSE W. SMITH & CO., Mowers, Alaimo"
IT and I lop Dealers. Pia I. ?limbo rßll. WWI
Sio.ohot. No. SO Vood MrceL Pitniburnk. mil]
110XLE LaiiaGitigWettiiil77 - 7.
A\III.7ON STEWART, mainthintorer of Homy
Shirtiugr, Chocks, he : , Rebeeon n kt city' of
(seceessor to Morph , " it Ler,lWoTti Deal.
er and Cam:nisei. Merchant, (or the sale 'Ol
An6eric an Woolette,Llberw. opposite athit.2el,l7
0. hurroos, ...WO MAU S MOM..
D. C. M'CADIDION. 10$01 A. , 4,12111,
fIEALD & BUCKNOR, Tobacco Commission Met
-CIL. chants, 41 North Water or, is 16 North Wharves,
Viola nov:104!
•. 'MDT. WIG r.10N16.
11.1 A
i ttri, it E
c t & Co, (so e cl airs so=
shwa, alms Pittsbarg7 ' AlsnaLsetared Goods,
Pr•harsh. P.. =MG
. ...... B. Id6Y.T.
WTI. TI. WIR.6TA➢is A c0.',1
Nano Bud COM. of Wood rod Third street*.
W. P.
• triersuos to satsvitl G flu.!,)
ISI POILTER Dealer is ' , tenth end Muesli. Ps
i Per ItsnXinp sad Ikederti:ndner Strades Fire
LoseaTtirtts• &e,/llss—Wr Printinq and Wrap.
Paper, No. b 7 %Vasa street, tweets toorti street
sod Ds. mond slier, west Ado Fittsbursb i P*.
TSAAUot DICKEY II Co, Wltolnsole Orogen!. Cam.
BlerehtetS, gad dialers In Prodsea,tios.6o
water. an d 107 Pratt struts. Pittsburgh. Own
Jri t7. Alldbilent••Lake Ele an
blsehig. Llano Bearer and the lakes.-011Sce
.0 the earner of Water and Potithlield
Joh; 8 :••• • iii—lezieph Dilworth
S. LiILWORTII de CO., Wheleole Grocer* and
decide, for Hazard Powder Co., Ila. I? Wad id.,
Paolo teh.. • ' des-y_
OUN 4 01LY... • • lOW. 1,14111,01111.
S. & Co,*ioltuale Groter , Pro•
el . dote sad Commission Merchants, and &gent.
for or, Retard Powder Cm of N.Y., No: 27 Wood at,'
sold •
ttlIN ToWlTlEWiN, — brainnat sod Apomemity
*I No. 44 Market at., three doors above Thud .e. Pitt 4
berth, will here constantly On hand a well *elected aO.
runeht of the best and ftbaheet Nedmines, which is
will coil no We atom seasonable lams. Pitysielans
se adios/ order.. will be promptly attandmi w, and sap
plied with article. they may only apesao genuine.
irr irlaysitian*Prestrimmuswill be separately stall
neatly p
o 'Duce from the best materials, at any boat of
da r nilda.
g (Thoit ---- 771 4 ressao gs - i r alt — iTheibatt)
.) Who , . sale Groner and ConmOssion Merchant.
dealer ut Prolong and Piustargh Mountie:sm. t COT.
alr "4 1.44,7_1.4 Hand stream, Pittsburg% Pa. ialid
11 AM FA — A. ILUtGlfitGtl; AcCOSZGionia — arsti 10
I.setis 11 . , eh1. , ‘ , CO, Commission Merchants,
A t s,q t of the Bt Loam Steam Hagar Banners.
N o 4, stater 00402 trout strOCUl,PittaLargb.
Jcord if. MElXOlLT — ArimlesaJo and Metall dealer
in Magda and Musical implements, &hoot Ilona.,
paper, gimes, BondCtipfiii, 'tiros& Cards, and
el and athrinabargh.
17 Ltags 664414 at Masa to trade. wig
filt - PITTNIALRGR . -1)
JfIARRIMON sEva:LL, Coonaebor 1 /Av.—Or
• bee ou ?Daub at.. above Satilhaeld. novrrly
4 7 D. CANFIELD, (lam of Warren, Obla,) Controls
desleiliannVVlterrn° Resent t ing M. rA::lof7Pott"andfl
Pearl Asla, and We:ann.:l , ll./Isec generally, Water
Peat, trainer, Smithfield and Wood, Pittsbargb.• ap
scnuorimAKEß & Co., Whelita laDrirglota,
Ot Na. al_Woral streeL Pittattyah.
1 OILY D. MORGAN. Wiodooolo dw . j.
er in Dye snal,Polnu, Oils. Voroet, N 0.03
Wood street, one door Sooth of piarnand Alley; Pato
burgh. _
WI . DAVIS, Attenonee•
•trees., Pitabcreb• .
0 and Yam: Alikanlaesamni,N,
Jon klutz.
T FLOYD, Wholesale
Merrhants, and Dealers
Church Buildings, fronting on Li
sancta, Pinsbuytt,
Tim whoi..NGroccr,CemmlitiOo ,
Aleteham, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh
Idenufneturre.. N 0.14 Water at, Pittsburgh. janle
11. liwErrzEß, Attorney
oppositesc Co.ltatt Hotel,
!Wend promptly to Oollentions, iu
and Green counties, P. . .
ltlackatock, Ball t
amid, Cloothers, }Pn
U T. Morgan,
T LER It JONO3,Forwardlrug sr ;
IX attains, Dealers in Produce an,
(soured ardelem, Canal Basin, Ile*
n, parioi 4-4 Sheennss, C
Tonne and Swans.
Vesuvius Iron •
D,ALZF,LLk C0.,t0
Kea Bar, Skeet, Boiler Iron
;malty. Warthouae,s4 water an.
/3 \VAT - 0611N, Wholtaa
ing and Cooonassion March
burgh Manufacture. and Produce
and au reoni
irrLtberal advances mute co ,
Ana , ' am
wY. muss; rauaa..c. w.
I, , fILLEN. & RICK b:TSON, Who
imponers of Urandies,
172 and 174, coracr or Libeny and
burgh, Po Iron, Nails, eouon V
swnily on hula.
mane.. JAMS. i1 . .1171.
N 0.1104 Libe
is4l .
)t I
U N..)Whol % oe 'l Vi t t e t r
Wood Wont: thusburgh.
1'"yN•'l ui l;"141., to ear ne roPa:
Fu Loth mree enuanco on 4th near hi
Nr -- /Entlk. b. SON, No
a door from corner of
an& Domestic Villa Of Eachanr
rank Nome and Sneer.
fcr•Chrlicedons mad on
..Monello. We United Stmts.
Culrecynticing of CI Crude ,
cam and legal acenlat:y.
Titles to Real EStlliz avina e 4, /to.
DENN :311lEtrr, between Wique sea Ilan, hm
A. enemas:4les refeamenduees, n) Amu,
done en the nano, Gnu., and in Voenl Mane.
ErA k llOrAilA
IA near A
quadded N
of u
Omen ind
done ap in qmom, bolt, and
one pound packages, ran flag from W eta. 'lieu pound
td,fo. 174 •A. JAYN}A\ Agt
.fbr Pekin fea Co.
11.11USINGICH. WELLS of. co.,
G. 27 Market meet, Pinsbotgb, P., keep eon stant
onn hand ood make to order all anus of Vial.,
Wu:mice. Ponce and Mineral Water Uottlea, of do
pey.. quality.
Particular attention paid to Prirate Mould.
laneny street.
PiLtaburgh, Wholesale Grocers, Produee and
Casondation Merchants, and deem in Pittsburgh
Slazufastarea. I r 7
DAM. 1[4.41344. 11101. YXL L 11041..5.
liltrelEKT Griseerclieelliyll4:
0/44.110, dealer in Pinnace, Pinsbotali Manufac
tures, and all herds of Foreign and Domestic 'Mona
and Liquors, No.ll . Libeny street. 04 hand iery
a.rge nova of aoperior oid Monongahela abiskey,
whirl will be sold low for tank. .
L lIIT.IDLINL 1. L. tlin.
ISt 6 2111...uts,fo 8 r i tTe r. :41 F LIS7btl d Y i rf flade, dc i til ' -
as In titoCelleN Produce, Pittsburgh Manufactures
•nd Chloride of Lime.
The lughesprigu, in cash, paid ni n l dines Att con--
ry net. Corner of Penn told Irwin sts.. ianta
Lciftflaff iliii;thlt; Ci .. .7; - {triccilinslo - finieeg.
C00'0.4447[1 uld Forwarding Merchant. dentin
n Prodece and Pittsburgh llannfacums, Lawny er.
coulomb, P. • PIM
DOW': A. AsibiLNIIIIAbI, WholcSale Grocer,
LI/ Dealt, in Produce and Pittsburgh blitudlurtures
n. at,
SiEZ S. u. Ati.E.Vl",
. Formosa/mg and Corm:inset. Zdor•
etiant,haeremoeeilto No. o 7 Front, hetrieeu Wood
and Smithfield streets. aim
SSINGER.HARTMAN tr. CO.. ithelfield ',au and
Steel Works—Manafeetrarers of dn. It :thong
•11.1Plongh Steel. Aleo—nyringe, Ankh,
kr. They invite the attent.on of blerelotn.• hod
CU11.111.1• to their cont before purr belong elnto where.
They entrant their emelt* to be Nola to hay wade to
tide country or it:upwind.
_ _
-- nun. a. wane.
lIACKLICEF WHITE, Wholesale Deuces In
Foreign and Domestie - Dry Goods N 0.90 %Vow' sh
P.naoneen. •" • • fenttif
14;W: lIAitBAGGH,WooI Merehents,.ltealers
1,71. in Flour and Prod., genetally r and Forts ardolg
ant Commission Merchant., No. 4 Water at , Pitts.
m.rt, %rr i m i lm:e and General Cam
immtt, I.Mmeed und ant OINK IM. PlittMaro
lt F. VON LION NIIMIST, &Co., WiiWrit e tiro
al, coo, Forwardiug wid Conunithion gler,hanta,
Oralen in Pitoburgh blumfloares and %Vette. Pro
tare, have removed to their new warehonthArild wand)
eoraer of From wt. mid Chancery Lane.
1111F-OLUGICAL, Claraickl, end Sunday Behan!
Booksellers, and dealers in all kind. of t% ruing,
Window and AV rapping Paper,ffilo. IP Wood sioset,lre
tweeu'Pourtli and Ltiasnond alley, Poisbargh, Pa.
Tr...S.6El * a GEST, Whole=Ls Grocers and Cosartos 7 .
Mercrutut, and dealers in Frodnee. IVo. 73
'old G., Pio/lough. paLl
11. Lax.
WCOL DEALER Donanirrion Merchant for Dm
Amcnen Woolen liberty street,
upporitc IIGD.
W. n WOODWMP 1/41,11 FACIAL'S,
W Mai? C L O A. W i t g le t tlole Bracer., 18
sc. nrranzemrs.r...z,
ANTS: • Also—lananen, of Soda Mb and Bleaching
P et owder, N. ZOO Liberty .L, (oppooite Sixth 0,1 PM.-
brrb. ow=
Wick.) Wholesale, Grot.ers, Forsrinling and
Commission Merchants, dealers In Iron, Nails, Glass,
(sauna Yarns, and Pittsburgh Alabufanuires getteratly„
rents. etc Wood nod IVstr green, Pittsburgh.
Nir W..WALLACE, . 'II swnet and kll/1 Farwell
' • Ina establishment, No. 244 Llbcny sb, near Cm
saw,. - mar=
Vir - W-"WILIV, - Wile - iiiirY, -- P - iFta W ;Si r
e - ,
TY •
and Military Goods, comer of Ilarketand 4W
wrens, Pinsbaratt, Pa. N, D.—Watches and Clocks
sasendly repaired- der4 . •
aIIiEZT BOWLI4-t-Conowssion and Forwardl4
Merchant, No. DO Front at. between Wood and
krt trew fcbill
"'dr "sp..— ,
MD 41! ailketail tirxiiTx
TV. lOtLiftl. and Domain Thy Goods, north east
cornet of Market and Fourth wt.Rasta
Urn you've& Co.—Dealars in leather bides, Sco.
WV • ICI - Liberty at ,wl3-11
WIL Wtlllll.llllll.
Ro T '.
W ttlTCipON, WhoteslOrocers,de::
orro : .kan l N r j.G'a
bu . lanntaetteFereraly2lbcnj
lo r b. L :
. Butler Pa
. •
W'WILL also attend to collemlone and all other haat
nem emmated to him in Bader and enuetrong
cocotte.,Pa. Beier to
I. & R. Floyd, Llberry at
W. W. Wallace, do .
Jamas klanshall do Pittsburgh.
RoY & Co e Wood at
•—• . pErrricaur.w a. 00,
072tcz own/d. /Luso & Co,
0031 No. 42 Water street.
W. 411, J. OLE:MaI. Book Illaderi.
are Bull engaged In the above business, comer
• TV of Wood and Third street., Pittsburgh; where
we are prepared to do any work lu our line with des.
patch. SVer attend tooar work personally, and sans
faction will be l oot In regard to 11. neatneu and du
Blank Book. ruled to anypattern and bound sub
atantially. , in number. or old books bound care.
fully or repaired. Names pot on book. In
. 01 lertera
Thou that have wont in our line am leaned to call.
Price. low. mydb,t(
II&also, Goo Mug Stoves, Orates, a..
earner Libirty arul Wood meets, manufacture
and mar far-sale Mattoon, Floor and Counter Scalar,.
arrive omatimproved quality; Cooking &area, for wood
...di 'Egg Moves of serious lases, Parlor sad
eccamon Otl.ll, fallow Ware, .&a. They also
manufacture the 'Web. Range, which has given nich.
general aatlifaction Mow having It In me, to all o r
they would mapeetailly Invite the attention al
the eitaena and the pada generally. ocautt
arsuralun rsuma- inettroa'Hanura. ulna A DAM
• Htmeessons to Hussey. llama A Co.)
II in • Vcrreign and Domestic Exchange, CertlLeatee
of petard. - Bank Noon, and Specio-Younh street,
aMtly oppOsiteihe Banli - of Pittsburgh. Cutrent
my received on &positx-Sight Cheeks for sale, and
folleetlan• made an nearly the x;rineipal points in
the United Slates.
The highestpremhm paid for Foreign and American
_ .
Advances made on tonsigrunenta at Predate, .4ip•
pad Eat,* on libar.l lams. sa2
NO. PP WOOD sratxr,
H AVE, new lu'rese a large and general sosortitent
of DRY GOODS., which they oder w hich nod
Couuty Memnon. at reamed priers: and they
will sell au et •t IndueemeA• to emh buyers, or for
approved ere '11:19
- _
Perin Black/km Shop.
H 110111" WlGHTMAll—Mankfacluter of all kinds otos.
s tanned woollen nutelinery, Allegheny city, Ye.
The alto. works being now (a full and sueeesstal ogs.
<Tattoo. 1 am prepared to encore oasts with dispateh
for alllltols of machinery in ay hoe, rash as willows,
pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding mankines, runways,
drawing frames, speeders, thiswils, looms, woolen
cards, double °esthete, for merchant or country work,
mule ,jacks, ere.; slide sod hand lathes and tool s in gen
eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans ply.
en for gearing faetori or m at rasonable chare.
Florin no — Kenned y
Child.& Co., e Blackstock, d ell
A Co. Film, Pennock h Co, Jos. A. Gray.
AA FUL commencednd lira. Founder. has rei
built and bosom. at his old mend
where he will be pleased to see his old custom
ers and friends.
Church,Steamboat,and Bells of every sire, from 10
to Ohtani pounds, emit from patterns of the Illnalapprov.
ed models, and wurnoned to lie of the best materials.
Mineral Water Pumps, Couttlere, Railing, he., tore
titer with ereey onziety of Iltwo Casttngs, it required,
tamed antrfienhed in the neatest manner.
A.F. is the sole proprietor of Llonor's Ano-Arou-
Siont . thityal, so Unity celebrated fur the reduction of
(better, inmachinery. The Boxes and Composition
ean he had of him at all times.
• • kaellers, Printers
44 111nrket
',veers, Commission
n Produce, Round
'any, Wood and 6th
Law, afte at,
It:slough, will al.
illa.ingtazi, Fayette
Yu YR., =WS. WS. AND Al.uct,
PrONTINUE to MoStatelllre oh kinds of COPPER,
south Work.
Steam Boats built to order.
• d Pittsburgh mane.l,47th st. del
lawn, PA.
• ufacture rs of very
• t Chain Comm
. .
Spcmal attention given to amain boat work.
Have on hands sfine assortment of Copper and limn
Kettles,Tin Ware, de. de. Sieasulmai Cookum Stoves,
Portable Purges, various sizes—a very soave:dent Cr.
ode for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail rood
iVe would respectfully invite Ileum boat men and
others to volt mid see our sstieles and priers before
purobavina elsewhere. iy:l7
111.11/{[Ttil. Or
• faelaret• of-all s
d Nails of the be
105 frontid:
Grocer, Porwird
4 Dealer in . Dim
Nos. 36Watet gr.
Corner Front and Vine meet, Cincinnati. 0.
front Pittsburgh for Alcohol, Pare Spirits,
URaw or Rectified Whiskey, will be promptly •,
ended to at lowest market price. metilfed I r
IlmsoneriLikelle Livery usable.
ROHERT PATrEitsJoN has opened
the large stable on Mister, rultning thiough
io t a, to &gond st, between Wood and Simitiliel4
.13., to the :car of the Monongahela llointe,
with an entirely new stock of \ioo,ol and Carnoges of
the best onaLity and latest styles. Rinses kept no twig
gy in Um best Inßoner. I, 'ldly
'mon, Piugnagh.
ealeGruee rs, and
and Regan.; Nos.
..veer., Pit..
ae. ke.'cua•
, eys and Cotltzttmt
ty tll., Pittlburg A.
ones, ?dumb} &
tioml.. No. 4,1
. . .
-1 (LANCE CONIYANT.—Uffice, North Itooin of the
Exchange, Thad street, Yhdadelphi.
Emu fasostancy.—Buildings, Merchandise and other
property in TOW, and cometal, insured majors lon or
damage by fire at the lowoni rale o: premium.
Mama: DiMurrx—They also Insure Vends, Car
goes and Freight., foreign or coaalwtm, under open or
special policies, as the assured may desire.
IstanaTuusroarsnou.—They me re hui-
Aliso tramported I , y Wagon, Radioed Cam, Canal
Roam and Steam Doris, on. riven and later, on die
most liberal term..
Ace Alley and
. .
DIRECP 'H.S.-Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A. Sender,
John C t ,s, ert Durton, Job. It Perose, Saran
Pshrant • Deo e. (Alper, Edward Inultru . son. Isaac
R I , wis, tt anon rolls - ell, John Newlin, Dr R M
Jame , lo,d, Tneophilas Panlthng, H Jones
Clrcok., Henry Sloan, llngb Craw. Getune SentlL
Spencer MeiPraln, Charles Kelly, J U Jabeton, 1% - tl
Da. MY, Dr S Tbornan. Jahn Sellers, Wu, Eyre, Jr.
Wu, Hagaley, Jno.T.Lonnu.
Itrotatu S. Navranta.,Sectensry.
[l7 - CiLee of tie mpany, No. 4n Water street
Plustutrgn. lan Co
P.A. MADEIRA. Aleut.
Treuton Mutual Life 111511110te Company
-•• larm OP 111.13111. 'MIX= 2.5 rm Oltst.
Capital, 5160,000.
JA/lIES' 1./URN° A CO., Aga. at Pi1i.01.144, Pa.
James flat, Jr.
Netts. vas.
John A. We t. an.
Jonah. Ile
.11? 1011.
Comptroderoactor York
,Ueorge Wood.
'John F. Mackie.
David Dadley held.
His Ear. Gov. Hesse,
NV. L. Daps, U. FL Gnu
G. H.
F.Y.4.30v. M. Ackonao.
A.:Utley Doane. M. D.
3i Warrcet IA; N. Y.
WALMIC. Morgan, M. 0,
Grorre. M'cook. M,
Patabural4, Pa.
The Agents of thin Compnne,•l Pittsburgh. are oath
MIMI to take evert first elms rink on Lae Or n ratue
ties of nsersty:fire per ans. I font She totes Of pre
mom as charged UT other CotoPtott.
A man 3(1 years of Age, olnny a Polley of Insurance
or One 'llousand
T. no we one Yr. , * yoYs onlY gAe 9,
do seven "
do Lifetime, $17,50
'And m the came proponien for any sum Op to D. 11.0,
which to tee extent taken on any one life.
This company commenced operanonv on the Ist 001,
1.34,,, and to monthly 1. , 11.10[4111 up to the I4t Itrt, 1010,
cholas a progresa cruttfing that of any other Coto
paay on record.
The hest dividend of prnEts will he deeleted to the
assured on the I Al January, I,LO.
Pamphlets containing the •ariona of rates,
and all the necessary information on the anaporrma
sullen of Life Aascranre will by. furnished on apple.
twat . , to JAhIIS DURNO A Cft., A4ent.,
del] Odeon 9011111 g..
milt; THEN lON 3:1•11/.1 I AVE 'I(ND FIRE. Ili
StmAric F. /111',1 NI wt. have Poliete• of lu
guru..< !gun,. Ltru , viz Ilalua,‘ Ix: Fiat, upon Dwell
ings and Furniture, Storer, tluoda,
cation 10 JAMES 1./REMO/Deli, Altrntr,
del: Wean Ituildinga.
lIJLAI.TII INSUItANCIZ, at Pittsburgh.
The Spring Carden llealth Insurance Co.,
issunts Males and Female• against the blzpenee
acd Lou occolnoued.hy thettles 01 Arrideni, by
an immediate allowance of (mm Li to ge yet weak,
tar one. two, three, or (our yeses.
Tbe•method of etreehng Ode Insurance. and the
manner of awitaliug the sick allowance, will he lady
explained by the Agent.
A person tan intuit against Siekneas or Archival
width will detain bon from tis ordinary brininess, as
folbows, tic
For one year, by paying 114,514 and receive 571 p *Oak.
For two " 1,5 n, " 1 "
For three a 0 7,95, a
Forlorn. " a 10.75, "
Or, fur period of four yeses, the dam of 1131,10 paid
usnuelly, will secure W per weer While wet.
Every necessary inforounient will he afforded on the
lubject of Insurenee Feoenil7 b j ,
Odeon Buildings.
LID wad IlesJab Inantlana••
BE Mutual Life and Health Insurance Company
of Philadelphia,' Incorporated by the lerdi.lmare
of Pennsylvania. March, loin. Charon perpetual.
Capital, SlOCOnilk Rana want rime Alen P. tin.
VAR. Cow... and full 20 per cent. lower the
usual rates of Lfe Insurance, ss the following com
parison will show: Thus, a person of the age of 3U In-
Pring for CM for life, must pay la the Gitard 52,3d—
ennitylvaida,IPJ,36, Penn Mutual, W,Pfn F.quitable,
Stud; New England, ftikkk New Turk Ufa 52,36; Al-
VIM Lire .4 Ilea., Philadelphia 51,31.
Dissevosa.—Samuel U. Orrick, Cherie. D. Hall, W.
F. Boone, Robert P. Eine, Charles I'. Hayes, Al. W.
Baldwin, M. M. Reeve, M. D., Cbaa O. B. Campbell,
Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barter, E. 11. Miler, Elwin
R. Cope. Pretident--Aainuel D. Omek; Vice Pre.i
deni-Robt. P. Klnc,• Secretary—Prime.. Illnekburne.
Applicatio. im received, and every information
given by SAM!. PAHNFETOCE, Alt,
Office, Commercial Rooms. corner of
octl7.dly Wood and Third sin, Pitoburgli
/13111.1 INSURANCE CO. of North , America will
make pernimient and Hustled iatiltl.o.3 on pro-
perty In this city and vicinity, and on .Idpment. by
Canal, Rivers, Lake., and by km- The properties of
this Company era well invested, arid famish an avail
able falai for the ample indemnity of all perm. who
desire to be protected by insurance.
mil. WM. P. JONES, A en 44 Water at.
Th. .Prithifits Firs Instironec Ca e
J lIRECTORS.—CburIee N.Batteker Thomas Ilan,
_/ Tobias Wagner, Samna! Grant, Jacob H. Smith,
Geo. W Richards, Mordecai D. /e-Wis, A dolPho
Bone, David S. Brown, Morris PetloGo..
Cuamas N. IllMtelae, President
Charles G. Blocker, Secretary.
Continue to make inintranee, perpetual or limited,
no every description of property in town or country,
at rate, ulOll Us. erineletept wills security.
To Corey:my have reserved a large coutint eat Fund,
which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invest.
ed, Ilford ample protection to the assured.
The assets of the company, on•Jannary 15t,11149, es
published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were as
follow!, Ws:
Temporary Loans
Cash, an.
111,,199 71
&nee their incorporation, • period of 19 years, they
have paid upwards of one million four hundred thous
and dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence
of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability
and disposatou to meet with promptuees all liabilities.
Online N E corner Wood and lid sts
The Pennsylvania Company
FOR 1N..... I. too 0..1. A WOCWILIA.
ill"first Life Ins... Company 10 t h e U. SW.,
Incorporated Mar. ICI, Iltill--ehaiter perpetual
'apital ISSUIiCAU—siI paid m.
Har i authorised the undersigned Id receive appiri
cations for insuranee, ou which policies wili be ssaucd,
according to their ipropcsals and rotas, which will be
made known to applicants at his office, N 0.20 Wood
111.u."2.1. 1 "01'111.27 1 017:( 7 0t0IMPIT:111, 11 :;%:1:11'1 3
Le found at the Vry (tools Ho use of
(atilt W U NUR Pity_
Turtidro, imAlLLlATunietrz•
Wit. MURPHY has reteived a further sipply
of forked RedTvrilled o.lCuints, for cuttionSi
at lowest prier, at the Nocth .Eat corner of FOOrldl
and Market tits.
it i' a C igli V e i rTary " .. " l S n
Wrought Cape.. Collar., and Cuff.. Al.o—litourrdng
Colter. and Cuffs, and IrAl pieces rich titaelt
Lacer. ill width.. feta%
dos Ladles' sod Item's Limn
L Csdnbrie 11111.0. Also—A small lot'
Choice Esub'd do, recd per express..
febld A A /MASON A CO'S
. . . -
'f C. BREYFOGLE, having associated with him
U. A. R. CLARKE:. for th e purpose of trarisseung
the Forwarding mud Commission business, will con
tinue Mot busisess al the old stand of ••Cope & Buy
surd respectfully .uts a coullittionce of the
former paw:maga of his friendi and the public genet.
&Ey. The Liminess will be conductod under the name
and style of Hartsoing & Cultic&
A. 11-CLARKE:.
7. 18$0.---Rang
Dissolution of CoaParinorship. d
, P onrgrtre P o;lt is o n f ns F. 4 ll7E:to th n e d ". W 4
eras dissolved by mutual consent, Jan. VA. F. H.
Eaton, !wlet!: purchased the cane Interest of W P.
hisrshall, who retires, will attend to th- sot:lemma of
the busies. of the tate hem, al the old stand, No 62
Fourth street. F. H. EATON,
leby W. P. MARBUALI..
V. 11. LISTON,
TA PALER In Gloves and iloslery,Trltondogs, Fancy
./ Goods, Ribbons, I.uren and'Esubroiderles, Zephyr
Worsted, Pnuerns and Canvass. No 62 Fourth meet,
Pittsburgh. A tall sopply of Finn Shuts and (Num ,
Under liAnnent.s. . fehitt
Partnership heretofore misting between Mho.
& English, in the Book a P
nd aer t
Bottoms, Wm
dissolved on the dub lost., by m u tan t consent The
bottoms will be feeminued at the old stand, No. 79
Woini street, ander the firma "A.. 11. English & Bo ,"
by &tom the bummerfo
of the rmer partnership
be settled. SAAILIEL ELLIOTT',wiIi
fell 3 A. 11. ENGLISH.
DAI. LONG, h a ng purchased the Interco of
• James Kerr. Jr. in the firm of Jame. Kerr, Jr.
aCo, the Ship Chandlery and Goat Sums business
will he earned on to heretofore at the old stand,No Ns
Water street, between Wood and Match ander the
style of felte-lat
Cssi l annerstop heretofore existing under tbs
JI style of "Cope Bteyfogle," Is this day dissolve
by mutual eons... The !AM.. Wlllbenettled byJ.
C. Breytogle, at their old .bond , No. len :seconds's.,
Full +-P.nner.llip Lem:ohne existing under the
H. Cloy. k Co," i. this de , / dlasoltred
by mutual content. The buatnese of the firm will be
eettled by I. S. Watetrook, el their old .and, No 1:4
-• ' •
Dissolution-or Partnership.
D [I)) V MUTUAL CONSENT this day, the firth hereto.
fore existing under the &rile of DUSIIFIF:LD
LEADER, has Leen drew:dyed by Henry Leader ril
ing Lis nano. Interest In said firth to John hI eUUL All
bonne.• eLannered with t h e fine of lialfifield Lead-
er will be *ruled by S. B. Basbfield & Co, who are
duly auiliorised to make ell collections and adjust all
N. IL—S. IL nUSIIPIELD h CO. oral contirtae
wholesale and mull Dr Goods and Grocery b1i5411.14,
111 ale old store room, No. •M.B Llbany ft, where they
will be pleared to have their friends and mummers
tall and esamine rhea stork of goodt.
ufhlr. Mr. 0. Bradley. Thu buoittego be carried on by
A. ltrailloy, who will oeOlt the toulAysa of the Isle
REMOVAL—A. Mumur has removed his [Townley
Warehouse from No. 1111 Seednd after. to No. it
Wood street, between. First and Second streets, to the
warehouse lately occupted by li. A. Derry. where be
will keep minstantly oh hand a general usidnatent of
ttasonipi. Grates, Moses, Cooking Stores, ite._ Yyl2
TM ecegartnerahip bereteiore existing bet* th
oubsenber& theiaante of Coessehlet. Sorb &
Co., to Chi. day ilisoolved by maim conown. Mews.
Burke k Baines will lingo the Ludes's of the roo
ters, for which potpose they are 1.311.141361.1 0•11 the
nal. of the concern_ NATHANIEL CODISTABLE,
. .
The anderaigned 'tare Hos day associeted Mewed..
in the name of DURKE k BARNIN, for the purpose
of manataerarina Fire Proof Safes, Valet Door.. to.
to at the stand of We late firm of Constable. Berke
& ~ ,
where they willlhe pleased to mei.a the p..
tronags of the coupon sof Wat house and their Mende.
T salmon. AC I X 31.3
Joseph C. Pans, rival_
. A. Per:beans, V P.
Eli Alorrla,'Seeretary
In retirsna from the Bon of Constable, Backe k Co,
I r•'rth stneere pleasure recommend hlessns:Cerke &
Els f . ll. 14,1 confelenet of asyfnerds and tt,l , public,
fre k h & aryl N&T , II.INIXL CONdT
Hon. /wars Clunnt,ll
I)avta 11. White.
A:ex.der Cs:rmor.
W. J. I'.
J. & J. TasAsa. Coaaasisiamon Narchikat
NO. 31 Old Leen at., N. urines, keep contently en
and a large amoebae= of Braddin of the /Wear.
Inn bnxida, wawa they oder for Wea. Nona tor J.Da
krand tCo Bardeen, etc klaglory, J. Bran, J./blind
k Co, Lnoendle, J. J. Durant Own. A. de ildulnan,
A. Bindle. 4. de Illundore, Jean attis, Lc; al.o„k n.
en/ Glib Bordeaux Red aad White Wbse• lnee.kaadd
.ea. ueleeted Nth care by Jon Durand &On bet
Champagne Wine tr. Benet Baryandy pen.
tz11.4,r 5...
War Wadnek, 111 C.
Ws. A. Newell, M. C.
lion. S. 11.11eaulton."
%V. IV. Gerhard, M. D.
11. R /Jell, M. D., •
Allegheny ehy. Pa.
. . . _
TU&KT & SILL, Groan, and Prodene and Con,
Intranet Merahanta, No. 1.18 Wood at. Pdtaberet.
Dealers to Gtoteries,Flostr, Whea4 R a, Ouse, Corn,
Harley, Pork, Bacon, Butter, Lard, Cheere; Clover,
Tanotby and Plan Seds; Iron, Nola, Blau, &e. &e.
Partitnlar auentida pant to the ante of Weaern
Prottaa. ••••• ..•
Itxraaxieidi—Maans. 111 yen & Mawr, Ran. Dsl•
yell a CO.;' ZdGilt. a let., Huainan, Sam& & Co..
K.lns k Moorhead, Pima. tug b. Fenno,
Muntlou. Jos. P. Morr.on,
Louis. apr-Tr.l y
w. a..1111.:11
AGEACti t Coo=lsOon and•
VT tog ilerebants.,.No.% Market .1.. Pittntatrgit, IY
CD ... Promo atteuttan glean to lime purchase sod .310
of all kolas of Product..
Uncn ry.—John Woo at Co., alorphp, Wllron 6 en.
Pinrborsh, Pa, LAVIPOLS k. 1611, Mahlon Marron,
Welisaolo, 0.; Juno 11. Brown 6. eo„ 1:11,on h.
Co., Pll,l6.lelphin;. It W. Snodgrass tc Co., Onrcn .t
Noce, New Liabc,n, U.; Jr. Annoyer, lion. C. D. coGn,
J. P:11:ollnr, Yoangstown, 0.; W. 1.. Slat,
datc. Clevelnatt 0. ner.Dl
a. na wows sr., trersenacit,
CIONITIN UFA to tranoet a genera/ Ounrcassion boi
-I,"espeet.lly to the purchare and side of Ameri
can Man ufactures and Produce, and in teeming and
forwarding Mod. consigned nt tall care. As Agent fa
the Alanniactures, he will be constantly supplied wort
the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the
lowest wholesale poet.. Orders and constainifeins
are respectfully wtheited. In '-
7.41 ago
io n,
THIN establishment long and widely known
born; one of the moat coramodlo. in the city /f
Baltimore, bar recently undergone very eaten.
sivr s and improvements. An entire new
wing hest been added, containing numerous and airy
tamping apartments, and extensive Lathing roams.
The Ladies' department hes also been completely
reorganited and lined up Its a mo Sankt...4 i.e.. ,
fill style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House
'ha. been remodeled, with • single eye on the part of
the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of
their Burins, and which they conadently amen will
challenge comparison with may Hotel in the Linton.
Their table will always be rimplied with every sub.
mantel and bleary which the market affords. reeved
op in • supenor style; while In the way of Wines, kn.,
they will not Le surpassed.
lu eOnclUslen at proprietors big to sey,.don nothing
will be tell undone midget, part, sad on the part of their
11.14dalanls, to render this Hotel only the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
The prices fur board have also been reduced to the
following rates:
Ladies' Ordinary, 51.,73 per day.
Gentlemen's 1,541
N. IL—The Baggage Wagon of the 11011/41 will at.
way. be found at the Car and SteembOat Landings,
which will convey baggage to and fronstbe Ilotel, free
of charge. ' raarld
nano 01 Mani an Gann reams,• nrneoaon.
AILTUB subscriber respeellully announces that
ha has now opened his new and excellent lintel
(or the accommodation of tmvalers, boardern,
and the public generally. The house and furniture
are entirely new, and no pins or ape have been
spared to render keno 0 the Thou comfortable and
*stunt Hotels in the city.
The subscriber Ls determined to deserve, and then,
fore solicits, a share of publicpamonage.
0ct14.411 JACOB HOBO% Proprietor.
AI .0
(ilaccesktre to M'Cord k King) EAL
Pa•hlonablik il•tt•es,
Corner of Wind and Pifih &emu
DARTICDLAR attention paid to oar Retail Trnde.
01,11/461en can rely upon getting their Data and
Caps from oar establishment of the my karemara and
woankramme, of the Lame mbaa, and et the town!
Conntry liferchants, parchnsing by wholc.tle, an
rerpectfally meted
call and
our Poc) aa
we can any with conlidence that regard. ficatrer
and eon, it will not toffee In a compariron will. any
house in Philadelphia. 0:1.17
TOIIN D. ItI'CREARY, Printing Ink Manufactuter,
LP N.. and 323 Blanton Went, NEW YORK —Dx•
pot N 0.3 Spruce street—Would coil the attennen or
Printers to hi. improved Printing Ink. of various
kind, and orders, at the following prices
Extra fine Jet Week, for Card arid - Wood
Cam - • 113 Mt and 3 CO per lb.
Fine Book Ink • . g yg a t 0u
Does rk• ,•
0 40 "
Neou - • 0 tru ' n oft
Vine Red Ink .7b o 1 . 100 .
Dine, Yellow, Green and White 750 100 1 on
Gold lint at Be per lb, and Bronze to 1511, 75 ell and
St per oz.
A specimen of News Ink can be seen on Om paper.
For sale by JOHNSTON h. trTOCKTOI4,
Pittsburgh, ,
C. Morgan k Co. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Morton A Griswoold, Louisville, Ky. ocilbilern •
81,047,4L9 41
97,:_1 1 , 1
9 1 7.111
61.6 . I
3 ,1x11; J7
itirc-A. WRITE & Cii7; . ,;l;lllili respectfully Infer=
/V.R. the üblic that they have erected a shop an
Lacook, be Federal and Sandusky streets. They
are now m d are prepared to receive orders for
ovary desert of veincles, Coach.; Cb....., BA'
...bear Doggie Ph. tan., te., ax., wltch from their
long expensitee n We oianufacturcof the above work,
and the (betimes they have, they fecloonfident they are
enabled to do work on the most reasonable tenor• with
those wanling . artieles in their line.
Paying particular guention to the •electron of mate
rials, and having none hot competent warknuni, they
have no hesitation in warranting their work. We
therefore ask the attention of the pablic to tit)! motor.
N. R. Repairing done in the bent manner, and on the
most reasonable terms. tent-tf
DOLL BUTTER--3 blds in store and for ..le by
azoaar. codiiitAir
-. ,
.. .
.. .
. . .
~...„...,.......„,...,.-1: ..?? , :-..71--6?- , '-'72-< . 6..:zi.-,K3x:k. , ...%---" , 4 1 -•- -.,:: - -
.„.......„..„..„.„h... 4 .-, , ,„ , .-„,...,, ,,, ..-..i.:, , ,50,,, , ,,,-cf.„.-y,...0 . .,p..2', 2 ,. ? „k .? ... , ,,4--„,... , ....:.-......1 5 -1. 1 „ : ,..-,...,... „ .1 4 --...., ,, , ,, ..
.< 4, p,,....,,,,,,....,---1,, ,.v„ ,- ...: .,.... i.,,, . 1... - ,. ., ::, „ ,
-,-, •,. ~,-.., . .-','!f•--is:s'. - -.- ,. , . 77 ; , . ,- ,' ~...1: - - -::-.:‘ N.. ,, ,.. - -.e....- - ,--,-...-2, - A , .,--• - ; - : ., •:.- . ,... - -----.!,..-..-?r ..,_• -
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~ ,
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. . .
. .
b. ...
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, of- --..--
f i r r i '
; ...• - :.----
_.,. ~. V 71 ,,
i ... •
.. ...
ti.:: t •
. . . •-. ..- ,
•- - -
, .
. . .
r, I
WANTlfiros •
Young MEN iu vehtdesale and retail Mores, and other
respectable banners, to act rut Lkiok-keepers, Bales
men, Porters, Rae-keeper, Wallace, Farmers, Coach.
men, Car Agents, Book mud Map . Agents, C.lkcion,
Overseers in all branches of business, rte. We have
at all times a large uumber of good mutation. on head,
which pay Om tot td. SVC° Pm - Mon% . 11 .. i.
want of muittiorm of aity bind would do well to give
us a call, a. 'we have agents In each of the above el-
Ues, which will enable us to plane twiny applicant In
suitable situation at the shortest hotter. Webs.
urge acquaintanee in all the above omitted Citlea,
Etch we trust will enable as to give entire satisfac
tion to all who rimy favor us with call.
TAYLOR 5. TAYMAN, No. M Second n.,
between &kith and Slay.
N. R— Persons Bring in any part of the IL States,'
and wisbuig to obtain a situation In Baltimore, or eb
Wee of the above cubes, will have their wants IMMO.
artery attended to hy addressing um • line, Ilion-paid)
as by on dojos they will curtail both trouble mid ex.
pease, which they otherwise would incur by rooting
to the city, and seeking employment for themwlyes
Address, TAN LIME tr. TAYMAN,
N 0.59 Second street.
Baltimore. hid
pia thention of the poblie to reepeettolly celled to
the following cortificatan
Me. S. &emu—flaying tested quarally of Geld
weighed by your Mummer, I find the renal WV e
your instrument corns.; mad recommend the ne of
to those going to California, aa tbo tram method for ott•
raining the real sloe of Gob/. Reep..7oooe.
J. B. DUNLEVI, Gold Geom.
Pittsburgh, Mooch 0,1942.
l o
March 71140.
Mn Eaurs—DearSin lining ea:minedWe`Axo
mete ,U
manalactured at your rooms, I do not hesitate
to coma:mud it to the ore of thou gentleman who are
about removing to California in gumbo( Gold.
It gives a clue approximation to the specific gray'
ty of - metals, and win certainly enable Do adventund
to ancrialn when ids pluar yielding Gold.
marld Yuan, J K. IPCJJNTDCK.
California Expedition, a complete no.orUnent of
Dom Elaine Clothing, at price. raliginu loom $5.51.1 to
8145 U for suit of tall, onto and him fior sale at the
India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood at.
Wiiikifor diae•
rilifE su S bscriber offers Cor ale, the STEAAI URICK
WORKS, above. loavocovaeltro nouvrtsing a
/VW= E11,11110,,180UC11, 6 Mould Meenlna, pgpoble of
assinfactunng ru,ooo Pressed Bricks (Lot ofdry oo , f,
off taken (root the bank,l per day; arab three acres sot
land on the Allegheny over, on lorlosieb are 4 kilns and
shoots, rade/Sae and clay sheds, wheelbssvoors, outdo,
'hovels, spades, La., ry wing regulate to coon.
the p operation. at au Lie ge, moue.. Price, including
atent right to use said msehino, 57Offlomo. or
payment undo easy. Witless the land tro,loW. For
postcodes', address HENRY
isileo No ltd Mobongahela House.
Wrought mad Cast groat
7 illY.aubsetsben beg leave to Worm the public
they have pbtairied from the East all the late and
fandonable do t&. thr Iron Ralliog, both for booms
sod cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure hand
soma patterns will please call sal *panne, and judge
for themselves. Railing will be furnished at the short
en notice, and in the bestmanner, at the corner
Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny any:
auteM-iltf A. LAMONT AS KNOX.
Oysters! 07 -----1
'DDICE Cady Viagra. to now regularly de.
L/ herring Can and Shell UliSTElttl, erloett are of.
feted to dealers and families e. the lowest prices.
(tweak warranted aqui to gap brought to rah. max
km, an by
J. C. BIDWELL, Agt, Water et.
/ilea—At the following Cepurat—ltsto l lk rase. cor
ner anottlificld and Vocesultos; E, Illezoleten, Diamond;
Mercer A Rebtoson. Federal ot Allewheny. eslita
tI7IC halos same PLIbleS, made oe Improved
pill; 40 ow au to freeze en the Coldest weather.
Comma wanting such articles, ars tarried to coil red
see them Cl SCAIIFICk. ATISINCO:gI),
IneaS la. between Weed Market etc
WSW . 1190KIII NEW 110011Li1
to BE Gotha:shooand Sthodard of the Associate
to sh
iLe ee forthed Church North America: two, bound
The Other Bide, or Notes for the History of the W.
between klealcia and the United raises, written in
Mexico. and translated Saw the Spentsh, with notes:
By A. C. Ramsey.
Sketches of Rehiron and Haussiers of Wont Briteic
and [reload: By fl. B. Stanton. _
'lle Winks of President Eththrds, in 4 vole; • rat
clot of the Worcester edition, with addalons, and • I lode s. t:l woa
Bible: By E. L Ilawlifl3.l)th.r.l.!intethlthethth‘ th e
kfeenoirs of David Hale, lath edam of Journal of
Committee, with selections from bin Mtheellatoons
Writings: By Rev.!. P. Thoetthou.
• The Puritan and the Daughter. by J. K.
(i Patildcap
Loy nagos, or an Insiee View of Mexico and -
ifrimist By Licith Wise, U.S. Navy.
Familiar Letters to Toon/ Meth OP truths. thbreethi
desif i n r ed es a
A CsAapaolon to th e Fowl Moo'. Sande:
u rre.'r`..." . .c k nl 4L Pro.- Wriungs of IL A_ Haan: g t.,
Nutevek and Its Remains: By Layard.
For ale by r.t..taurr ENGLISH,
Muth "No 19 Wood at
• A I...mmllWe - or roar rAmlly.
----Arawace Ws:my—ft via asemo:
"The 1.1 paper la the llalatt • it:yeateg Stet
"Rather get to real than go wittioat it." iflostota l'oe4
Near rubsentters can be .applied front Jan. I, LUSO,
if linatediale applicsoon be matte (either Person.(lT or
by letter) at the Off Are of Pubheattom, CI Wood es
rich enemal dengue by Parley.
The l'oethe and Prost IVnbugy of IL H. Dena.
Physician and rebind. or a Yraettent View et the
Moral Danes, Relanona and Inteteyth of the Medical
Pmfurlsoa and the Conn:tunny; by W. !tooter, M. 11.
The Puritan and Ms Debibton by J. R. ranldthltt
.arbor at the Dutchman , Fatetida.
_•• • .
litinpor. or an Inure Vit.. , of Moiler; sod Cal
11ornroi ornil Worukrisrc• so Peru, CAW •rwllioosro;
by We.. Wise. rot old< I.y
dcgl El-I.IMT tt 711 Woods
BROWN'S American 4ltleea Gotdd4 lull of dlur
trations, I'2oo.
Yaaldin['• Yuman and.lli. Daughter, lvma
Or. Hooker'. Paymelan and Patient; Itano.
Urn Dna' Oceans and Ham", aro.
Acandet . • or Catlin; 800.
• .
rivalolet's Ilinaovk of Cbro.u.Chureh; 3 v01v..-nvo.
Nev fh. eprute. Memoirs of !tbs. Murray, nvo.
AMeIICALI oluivose, IMW, nvo
foals. Dookortier is Importer. WI Wood a.
Plow I. th• elm• to ambscrlb..
riFFICE or acue, Reprints of the Fear gannets
J lies and Ularkwood; per year.
Morris Willie Howe kruntal, published in Now
York weekly; at par annum.
Downing'• Illonwalturetst, Monthly; /3 F.T. yea,
The Cultivator. monthly; $1 per annum.
The henceMarmites, monthly; SI per year.
The Democratic. Review, monthly; Rl 'per ann um.
The Rueter.' Illagmine, do Q 3 do
- _
Bookseller dr. Importer, u Wood et
Plat Rlstablsta Works amid. P
Mresuunt, Pa.
JOLIN WRIOLIT Co aro prepared to build Cotton
and Woolen hlaehimiry ofevery sizeh
as Cardini Frames;
t,pp Sgendan,
I D )r r:74 , Gri ‘V nderv ' rece . .' Wraurhl
Iron Shaking tornod; all aism of Cast Iron, Palle, and
Hangers of Me luau pattorna, slide and hand bathes,
and tools Droll kind. Casting. of every de.eription
hmished on than notice. Patterns made to order for
NW Ream*, Iron Railing, du. Steam Pipe far beat.
log Futon., Cut Iron Windom Sash and fancy Cas
stag. generally. Onion! tel at Me Warehouse of J.
Palmer I Co., Liberty meet, .
have prompt anon-
It to Maekowek, Bell &Co., J. L Moorehead &
Co, E. E. Warner, John Irwin & goo& Paneborgh • U.
C. &J. Il Warner, Menbeovlllc. lama
sabseriber offers for sale s largo-and splendid
assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac
tion Pianos, with and without-Coleman's celebrated
Atelian Attachment. The above 'mull:tient_• are war.
ranted to be equal to any m.ufastared in this coca.
try, end will bo sold lower than any brought from the
Last. F. BLUSH.; Nolll wood it,
24 door abort 6th
N. IL—City Serip will be token at par for a few of
be above assortment. myll F. 11.
lAT FL MURPHY eortnnues to keep on hand a full
VI . anotionnt of the I Vet. Unshriatable Flan
and Las recently sentient! a supply of the Ones
qualities. Alto !Swansdown Flannels, • .cateo anl
ale and well adopted for the wear of invalids, and
other. wanting something warmer than nail. Also,
Perstan.and Hausa Flannel. for Infants meat ; with a fall supply of Ascetic. nonufactered
Flannels, of different qualities. Al*, SHROUDING
FIsANNF.L3, of all the didetent srldths,n taro North
East earner of 4th and Market ate.
. . .
MrWholessle Rooms op stairs, where deniers will
always find • good assonoteut 01 new style goals.
Mapbras= leiliter. tor klydrwist Watii.
401 TINS is to certify that I have apy
pointed Livingston, Roggen & Co.
lola AgetlLl for the tale et Jennlngis
Patent Ilia c
Filter, for the ell
ties of PitrAr i lli c glae , S s lig ra; Y
for Walter M Sidman, 3i9 Broadway,
N. Yr
. Ock WOOS&
We have °anointing etre of the shove ritual the
a nd e of the Novelty Works lan three atnalit, nu trial,
a feel perfectly satisfied that it is a Mattel ivention,
nisi we take pleasure In recommending them si a one
tor article to all who love pure water Order. will b•
thankfully received and promptly earcon.d.
Oelig LIViNtLi run, Until;EN & Co
MR"loci received,ose elegant Rosewood
4.l4ClaWe Plano Forte, front she tile.
Noted rectory of T. Gilbert fr. Co ,
Roston. This instrument te retburka•
bte for btilllancy and sweetness of tone, end elastioth
of touch. The stone hem is considered one of the
very Ant in notion, and their Piano., for elegance 0
exterior, beauty of tone, and duration, are apt surpdsl
ad by those of any other make. For sale on rhaeona
ble terms by R. KLERER,
bu - rn at S. W. Woodureirx
Iranian rlittraisigreKtii, - , --- .
Hoeg rot toss,
10 eilott superior Fumtly Blanket., 40 by Itt ors;
WO per Steamboat do sby 7 it;
700 do do do 4by 7 It;
150 dp red and white Norm do
IOU do colored Caltromia do
Go pieses 154 white Flaneel: worrantedlell wcwl .
WU do 44 do do do Jo
IWO Jo 74 do do . do do
450 do ,34 red do do
75 do 71 yellow Jo do dd
• • •
Beane:U. Tweeds, Jenne tad Woolen Yarn, at east
rn roudgeetureee penes.
Ctri - Wariboose, No IV Wood st, 4:11 door from FIRS
Velvet P 11• Carpet.
W ILIeaINTOCK I. now opentoT dte handettatent
over t!te fore jel ' arirtl i' is i tTt r t W e d t iort I L
t e n Tel
the althotturt of yardmen.
TrearPel Haachs, 76 Rauh el ign3l
recommendation is so eotepletely satisfactery; as
e px.dJeripe and complete nears, of any Loamy
Bon, sm the united tettimony of thew who base esp.,
mooned Its benchts. • Duriost We lam Glicen;yeave, in
alt yy rla of s ei l in rd s, Earn 4dld' our
bout I.Lbirrt'o"rwb't4 and
o the
superiority', ease, and roman of Mts. ItETT.S Wren
dons f0r"7.46,1' aodyring. They donut compress by
steel pressure, which now proved to be au ended by
bad effects:cassial. ISM dMealty th an before .ist
ad, Der long sanding in Philadelphia, and large and
!caressing business both Wholreale and It soil, is •
guarantee Of the eerreeteau Of the above.
To proenre her Gaussian SuPPerlef, nßply only to
WM THORN, Fruni.t. 53 Market it, Pinsbursh—
all others arc
comae rfehs.
JAMES BETTS., Wholesale Agent, Plailalephia.
• fkbACtecal
eILOVPIL reed and lor sale by
lIFALLIBLP. for renewing, invigorating, and bets
.' tyfying the Hair, removing Scurf, Damdrllr. end all
effections of the Scalp, and coring. thuptions on the
Skin. thrower of the Gland?, Muncie+ nod Intyle
meld., and relieving Stings, Cuts, Bruises, SprAns,
&e . te. With. this preparation, Plltcre is no rodh
wool as fail." The first Journals In &merles, medical
men of the highest eminence, prominent citizen. of ell
professions, end ladles who have used it for years In
Moir dreming morns and nurseries, admit with out se.
.eoni, Mgt, for imparting vigor, glow, and
curl to dm lair, vindicating wprf end dendreff, heal.
log wounds, coring contusions, sprain, Wing, &e.,
and relieving diwases of the shin, the glands, and the
mottles it has noequal among the multitude of com
pounds advertised in the public prints, or used In pa.
vate . preetire. In el:teepee. es well as clicecy.llist.
Ol'STFl.PaiberOlis ir unrivalled.
.I.r...4l,t7fld'iXic ZVI . = 7:s h
ci:L h jt:r . ;
from thls triple envelope Is very sin a. All &cases
of the hair originates In the skin of the head. If the
pewee of the scalp ere eloped, or tf Me blood and
other fields do not circulate freely through the email
vessels which feed We roots with moistare and impart
lite to the fibres, the remit Iv scarf, dandruff shedding
of the hair, greyncsr, dryness, and hominess of rho
rain W 40109ess fts tho Casa ma y bas_
rilimul4 e the i rain healthiel action wins ,heir Theo,
herons. and the torpid vessels, recovering th IKUV•
ity, will annihilate the diocese.
In all efectionr of the skin, sod of Mc substrata of
mossesend integument., the grocers and the effect
are the eame„
It Is span the skin, the masealar fibre, and the
glands, that the Tneugherous has Its speerfie action,
and In all affects/ma and injuries or there, orgago,
g wiwereiga remedy.
,1 / 4 .1 ti, in large bodies, prier ip cent', at the principal
Odlee,l.77Broadway, N. V.
BD.ldor sale by R F
mat Pittsburg.
I" NOW all men who are sick and afflicted with di.
L ease of the bladder and kidney., with rheumatic
psi. In bark or limb., milfjointa, old urea, running
thatulaws.ii.e 3 they can M 1•
be cured by taking e -
trolentn! ten .bout itsbeing a nostrum av
nuch asToo pleat. but ibis does not mite it es, for
we proclaim in the face of an honest community, that
it has vinoce which the nut contained in any ether
remedy. The WWI who a racked with pun and suf
renng from dire..., can for fifty cents_ get relief from
any alba ills enumerated afore. Reader! it rows
yery little to make • trill. Tots reiroleaut la nu ma
ture—no swap:mit •gut op fgr the pupa.: of lamming
on the community; but It Is a remedy eiabarateil by
the muster hand of nature, and bubbles up from the tin
t/10o( one mother earth in its original purity, and of.
fen to auffering batman y a ready remedy, a certain
and cheap cure.
It Am cured riles after other medicines have failed
In render any relief. It has oared R.umatitim of lour
standing, and of Ms nowt and must pane lcharacter.
It .a. cured (Male. Morley. by one in twe doe.; it
has eared old cu. of an, in which every other
remedy bas been of no trait. As a local remedy In
horns and scalds, lt Is better than any medical rum.
pound or ointment Mat we know at. It will cure chit-
Mu. or trusted feet, in • few applications; undoubt
ed testimony can be Amish., of the truth contelued
in the shore stn... by calling on Samuel Al. Kier,
enll4lHaLls, ttb wean . tether of the agar..
Envier kMcDowell, earner of Wood sweet and
Virgin Alley,. IL &Sellers, 67 Wood turn, D. A. n
um & D. bL Carry, Allegheny city, an the agents.
A mun by the name of DUEL CLAPP has engsged
with a young maa of the name ofd. P. Townsend ' .1
awl his name to put up a Oarsepatille, /Web they
Uail Dr. Towneeed's Danseputlia, denominating 0
ENUIND. Original, ate. Thm Townsend is no doc
tor and never max, but ar u formerly a worker on rail
roads, canala and the like. Yet he assumes the tide
of Dr. 6r the purpose of gaining credit fur what he is
not. Do is seudlng oat cards headed 'Tucks of
4 4.....ka," in which he sap, I have cold the use of my
name for In a week. I "'Waive EL P. Townsend SSW
If he will produce one singlets/Dory proof of this
This Ii ;o caution the public not to be deeeived, and
purchase hems
Lied/mob Town•entl'a Damage/ilia, hawing on It the
Old Dr.'s likenen, his family coat of arm s , and bas sig.
oatare across the coat of arms.
Piiorip•l Odae, LU Nass.v;.l:tierYur
To vv sescrto sAtunkeen.u.a.i.
Old CM Tnarasesal Lr now about 70years of age. and
has longbeart knows. as the AUTHOR. and DISCO-
SARSAPARILLA." being poor, he wits crrnmeiled
to ham thrtmthsetere, by whtch. means tt !ma Leen
kept out of tairlet, and the sales emennurnbed to
Mare only who haMproved Ms worth and known it.
rake_ Ilits Glenn evu Pusesarrou to
manufactured on the largest scale, and is rolled Mr .
throaabout the length and breadth &the land.
Unitise young H.o°. Townsend's, it impmees with
nue, and never changes, but for the Letter; Leese -e•
is prepared en setentibe pllnciptes ter • oeldhrnie tsaft.
The highest kOollaCilt of ..senuatiy, and Me late.
d.eoverier We Art, bare been Lrought Into re
quisition In the manufacturn or the Old Dr.'s Somspas
val. The Sarsaparilla route it Is well known to toed
teal men, I.o.Mtn rcediehmi properties, and mme pro-
pectins which are inert or useless; and others, which,
retained nt preparing it Mr eve, Mistime, Influent.
and meld, whiett Is induriont to the system. Sante
of the preperties of SarstiparilLa ale RO volatile thel
they entsrely evaporate and an lost in the prepare
non, Vibe,' are not preserved by a mit-Male proem.,
tons.. only's* those experienced in its mmtufacture.
hioreover these volatile principles, which ty mf in va
per, or as an exhalation, ander heat, are the very e.
it n ll itstlal tun-heal
alue. pro 71. rap
of Um root, which glees to
a v
is ut prepared; that all the inert prnperties of the SKr•
enpanda root am first remove!. every thing capable
of becoming arid or of fermentation. extracted arid
rejected; then every particle of medical rinse Is seem
red in a pure and concenumeit form; and tinne it is
rendored InPapable of losing any of Ms Valued. an •
healing ympvrths. Prepared in this int), is is mute
the most fursterfal at in tho
.• • -
Henn, the rennin, why we bear coutinsedmicins on
Te r ion si d d i e t QC:nu " f w " oi o n ' d b ers e ' i ' n ' lie w en o Te e o n f ‘ Vinst 4i m i p d t7ot,
Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism,
Scrotal. anilTiles,Costivenco, all Cutaneous Erup
tions, Pimples, Matches. and LH affection+ ariong from
It pouesses • mersellous et/cony ia all nimpl tints
lng from Indigvetion, from Acidity of the Stomach{
trout unequal nrculalon,demoninoien of blood to the
head, pelpututon of the heart, cold feet and cold,bands
cold chill. and hot Sashes over tlle body. It has not
had Its viola in coughs and cold( , and promotes cozy
expectoration, and wale perepirtlon, relaxing stric
ture of the loop, throw, nod every other part.
Ilia let nothing I. Its excelienee morn manifestly neon
and aeknowledged than in nth kinds and stage. of
It works wanders In cum of fluor alba. Or whites,
Ealing of the Womb,Obstnicted, Suppressed, or Pain.
fat Nesse., Irregularity of the menstrual penal. and
the like; and is effectual to curing all forms of the Kid
ney Diseases. fly removing obstruction. and resale.
Ong the peers? system, It pen tone no d illtelagO,
the whole body, and cures &Ilion. of
and the, prevents or Paine. 41TILI vanity OrOthOr
diecura, as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, St.
Dance, Stwoontug, Epileptic Ens, Convuloons, Ar, le
not this, thett,26ll blames. T. PlO4bltrtiArt.l NOM)?
BILL CAA any of throe things bo said of S. P. TOII/1.
send'. Interior article? This young man. liquid to not
because of the Grand Fact, that the one is incapable
of Detenoradon Ind NEVER SPOILS, while the oth
er DOTS; It GOO., ferments, and blow* the bath.
containing It into fragment.; the sous, acid ex
ploding and denteong other goods! Must not this hot ,
obi, compound be noisom e
. to the ayinein? What!
put acid Into • system already diseased with end!
What ea... Dyspepsia hot arid! Do we not ell know,
that when food sours in our stomach., what mischiefh
it prodaccd—datnienCe, he
head palpitation of the
heart, lode complaint, diarrhea, dysenteiy, cholla and
eortupuou of the blood? Whet detofula but lot acid
humor to the body? '.'het
of all the humors
which being on Emotione of the Skin, &mid Dead,
Salt RheamiErTOPeiolWltim Swellings, Fever-Sand,
and ulcerations I ntern al sto , external? It is nottr
leg under heaven tint an acid serstanee, which coos,
and thus spoils all the told,( of the body, 000 re ..
Who cause. Rheumatism bats sour and Bold, which
Insinuates Itself between the loom and else vette to, is
olating and the tender and delicate fixture
upon which It acts? ,to of nervous diseases, of Imp.
My of the blood, angel circulations, and nearly
W the allocate which outer hamlet nature.
Now, is It not borate to mate and all, and infinite.
lyllloras 10100 thin
and Td yeowitunt he would fain henuLn a ave I I Understood that Old Jar_
d Or
latilltiOrla ginal
his inferior preparation!Sarsaparilla, Is au
Heaven forbid that we should deal in an Wllele
which would bear the most edict
resemblance m b.
I' Townsend's artile! anti which should bunglaunts
upon the Old Dr. Such a mouotrun load of complaints
and erintinations front aunts who seen '. sold, add pile.
ebuers who bau mil S. Townsend Pernimiung
We wish it understood, because it Is the shook*.
truth, that a. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob
Townsend's Sarsaparilla ere heaven...ids upon, trod
infinitely ifiSUMilar; gist they are unlike to every par.
bruise, having not one single iota; an common.
It is to arnn frauds upon the Unfortunate, to pout
balm into wounded humanity, tio kindle hope in the
despairing bosom, to restore health tool blot. Mil vi
sor into the crushed and broken and to banish lidsrmi
ty—that old DR. J Aeon WOrn War hos hOUutiT
nod FOUND the OPPoilb.“T" ..... no
within the reach, and to the knowledge tit all who
need a, that thoy may luau nod know, by mull en.
pe mime; its runacennur row ere to bash'
For sale by J. KIDD CO., hi , Agent for
Western PCJI.YIVAIIia; J. 6511T11, Ihrinlitglia.u. Dr.
J. SAIWEANT, Allegheny; lir. J. eat:SELL, Filth
surd. U. W. GARDNER, eth ward, Poi:botch euU
LIVER COD PLAlNT.—Another culndte performed by
using the original,' only troo genuine Litter
4aceencn, prow. Ilarch 0(), 1e47.
o,l, er .—ln April nut ray wife WWI attack
ed with Inver Complanns,so4 bad the IONIC!. of taro
nwho tried marina. remedies without pro
ucing any good effect. Having heard of polar cele ,
brand Lice!
concluded, to give there e fair
Mal. pure a c one box or bk. Scott, of Aberdeen,
mo gave there according to the direction% by which
thee wag greatly relieva. I procured a areond box,
which entirely cured lter, ILUO thi now ernoys excel
lent health. have used theca myself, and pronounce
them the beat finaily snedteinc I Vier tried,
Yours, to, . Matrix BlaaLV.
prepared and told by B. BELLY:RS.37 Waal sY
saki hy Moulins gelid Mil WI Ole IWO CEI.I.
Containing , ma - Mercury, rive other Ilfixerat.
Tiu: • followink atnnonlal Was given by the &le
heated Pt. Woorter/tranb. the a uthor of the great
medical work entitled “The American Practice of
hlediciae and Family Physician."
•tl•tiring been made acquainted with the ingredients
which ompoie bleAlltrterts All.llcaling Ointment,
and having pftgeriliht and 'tested itin several cases In
toy private pra ictce, ham saying or
certifying Met it s • Vegetable itemrtjy. cootantlng
;to maternal Flltslitytee '6 - bitterer, thatila logredients,
combined as they are, and aced at directed by the
Proprietor, are not only harmless. but Of great Table.
bet ga truly
,scientifie Remedy of gra agperarcrs and
cheerfully Sitcom:lmnd it a compound which bar
done muchgood, and which is adapted to the cure of
a great variety of eases. Though I have never either
reeonamended or engaged In the tale of secrertnedi,
eines, regard fur the polo honest. cOnseicatinea, ha
inane character of the Proprietor of ibis Ointment,
and the value of ht. discovery, oblige ate to any thus
morn regarding P. w. I/CAA:11,11;A.
NetV York, April fahh 1046,
BURSA.-4r wane of the bozuldrign in the world
or Bunts
MlA:S.—Thu.lnd. are yearly cured by thin Oints
ment. It never fails In giving relief. •
For Tamers, Ulcers, .d ad kinds of Sores, It has
no moral.
If hlorborel and Nursers knew its val. in cues of
Swollen or Sore Breast, they always ooply
In loch eases, If used according to directions, It gives
relief in a very few boon.
Around the boa are directioneforeainghloAlbster's
Ointment , Or Scrofula. Liner Coraplmn, Erysipelas,
Teller. Chilblain, Scald Iliad,. Sore Eyes, gamey,
Sore Throat, Dronclines, Nervous Affections, Pains,
Disease of the Spine, Iliad Ache, Asthma, Deafness,
Ear Arlie, Hums, Corns, all Diseases of the Skin, Sore
Lip., Funnies, go. Swelling of •he Limbs, Soren,'
Rbf Plies,bidd Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro
ken Utmost, Too th Ache, Agac In the Pace, Ac.
From the Heading rattle
There was never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be
fore the public, that bas in an skiers a time won arch a
reputation . McAllister'. All-Healing or World
Sglee. Almost every person that hoe made trial of It'.
%peeks warmly in ate prof.. Oust has been eared by
tr of the 1,40.1 painful rheumatism, another of Mention,
third of a tniublesome pain in the side, a fourth of a
swelling in the Ilmhs, be. If it cloes nor give inune•
dime retied, In every cue, it can da no. limiting, being'
applied outwardly.
As another evidence of the wonderful healing pow
er porseesed by this aster, we set.. the following
certificate, from a respectable citicen of Maidencreek
township, in lids county:
Maidencreck. Betts co., March Mt 1817.
Meows. Shier & Coil desire to inform you that I
wan ctirirelY eared al severe painted,. bark, by the
ose of SlcAllieter's Alblleating Sabre, which I put
chased from you. I tottered with it for oboe, sit I ears,
and at night wins unable to sleep. that time I
tried various remedies, which were preseribed for ma.
by phyriciansand other perrons, graham receiving:my
relief, and at Ism made trial of knit Saive,_with a re
surd favorable beyond expecte.. I .11 now entire
ly free Rona the pain. end enjoy at night a peaceful
gnd sweat sleep. • I have 11 , 11.11111Etld the Salve since for
unitG•lla other complaints, with similar happy
results. Your frrend, ions llounmescit.
Sole Pr primer of the above medicine.
Principal Oibee, Nu tN North Third street,Plilladel.
. . . . .
Aorll, to Prrericsotr—ltman k ONter , comer of
Liberty and St. slim, streets; and-L. tVilcor,Jr. i cor
ner of AI urket street and the Diamond, also ranter of
Poan/i and Smithfield stremet J. 11. Cassel" comer of
Walnut and Penn streets, Filtb Ward; and sold at the
Bookstore in Smithfield Street, 3.1 door from Second.'
. .
In Allegheny City 117 H. P.Schankrix and/. Sargead:
By J. U. Smith, Drug - gin. thrall:lslam Neglay,
East LAharty, U. Powladd, AleEo.pan; I. Verander
I Son. Iliooosagrhela Pity; N. B. Bowman*. Ca., and
J. T. Roger., Ilroarneville: John Ilarkley, Bearer, P.
John Walker. Jr, laixabeth. fatd
— Judd'a Medicated Liquid Cuticle.
mins is undoubtedly the ben preparation etre, dig.
I covered, or dresains Burns, Scalds. nuts, Club
bitting, Bruit., or any tied of teeth wounds, also for
sore :Nipples a rewedk nonleaded.
This article is intended for family we, and should be
found In the powession of every family in the land.
Mechanics who are its constant danger of Injury to
their pentons through accident. and the improper or
careless use of toole,will find dela aniebe to be loy pe al..
able to them, and tiler a fajr trial wAlleonaider
it j 1 gat exacilent substitute for adhesive plaster of
all kind., without any of its fueonywderiees, and le so
mulicated as to allay all pain tannetbstely and mutt
A very thee applied any ...Women tho t waken of tie
skin, immediately tarn.. Wm, smooth costing. very
similar to the natural cuticle or outer skin; which may
be freely washed with water and soap, without any ru
nty to the wound.
The snick" is freely rival and highly recommended
by the most eminent physicians et New Euglaod, and
other putt of the country.
For sale orals by II E 57 Wood at
11—Sine trade supplied an the manutbetwer's
peter. ew
TT 111,9 NEVER, m a single balance, failed to et•
pet Worms.
Caau Courix HO.; Va l July. G. lel7.
Mr R Seller+. Ima will ter alieet that v.. vin
wereatt dinsliurgh, in November 1.1, you preceded.
on us to try to your Veratiiuge, telt its vritte.o. We
did en, and throughhe winter ttro roll what we phr
shared, which mate ma Mix reputation, In Nay Nat
wr ;mattered more, which wax dfrposed of imolai
utely. We then ordered more, which' /rushed us on
the 11th of the-prefrut month, hid on yesterday w
sold the lout of tun dozen bent.. We and it w. val. e
eta. a medirino, that every . person of a Inanity axial.-
. to have it to their poweastoo.
Thom who have purcLimed it would Le peciertli
willtng to rive certlEixte, of Pia excellencle. Viol of
the quantity we hove eroded. it haf never, in a single
twitance.f.ikd to expel worms.
Your fraud, Wm. P. Matte &
Prepared and sold by R. C. SELLERS., 57 Wowd at,
and .IJ by Diiiggiata generally tu the two cities.
TATTOO TIMM AN nroaa SUSS 07 to 12000
011 MAIM 07 tat arena, T.
Scrofula or Emirs Evil, Rhenniallam, Obstinate Cala.
aeons Erriphon., Pimples or Poen:des on the Face,
illhches, Riles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worn,
or Terser, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of
the Bones and Jolnth, flarbbern Ulcers, Syphilde
Symptons, Sciatica or Lumbago,—sod diseases,
arising from an iniudicions ace of Mercury, Ad
ult. or Prom, Exposure or iTOWSLOOO. In Life;
Also—Chronie Connitudonal Disorders, At.
In this preparadou are Strongly concentrated all the
Medteinal properties of Sanapardia, combined with
the most animal aids, the moll salatazy produelim an al
the moat potent amplea of the vegetable/Einem,
It has been es folly tested,, not only by patients theat •
selves, het also by physitians, that ithaa received
their me, allied recommendations and the approba
den of the public; sad has established, at Us own
merits, a reputatien for vans and mantle far sw
ear to the various TOollqunds bezelng the 1113110 of
Sarsaparilla. Diseases have ipyrt eared, such as
not furnished in the records of time past: and what it
has already done for the thousanda'who have used It.
It ls capable of doing far the miiiaastill aalfering and
struggling with disease. It purifies, cleanses, and
trengthens the fountain springs of life, and Wham
new Inger throeshout the whole animal frame.
The following striking, and—as will be men—per.
manna eve of an inveterate cam of Scrotal., com
mends hself to all similarly afflicted:
Borrarorr, Conn-, ,Tana,lBlo
- Sands: Gentlemen, Sympathy forth. affltet
ed Induces me to inform you of the remarkable tare
effected by your Sarsaparilla, in the ease of my wife.
She was severely afflicted with the Scrotal. on differ
ent porta of the body: the glands of the neck were
matly enlarged, end bee limbs much molls.. , 4 ter
suffering over a year, mid finding no relief fronsithe
remedies, used, the dimes° attacked one leg, thuilbe.
low the bore suppurated. Her physician advised it
should be laid open, which was done. bet without any
permanent benefit In this sitaatioa we heard of. and
were Induced to use, Sande Sarsaparilla. The at.
bottle prodeeed a decided and favorable elect, relied
lug her more than any prescription she had•ver ulna:
and Wroth the used sex boulea—to the muinahment
and delight or bee friends—she found her health smite.
restored. It is now over a retrainee tho sale was ef.
(ceded, and tier health remmna good, thawing that the
these was thoroughly eradicated fromaxtem.
Our neigh tars are all knowing to ese fee thlah
very highly of Sands' SarsaparUla
Tours with respect, JULIUS PILE
Emmet from a letter received from Ur. N. W. Hag.
rig, • gentleman well known lit Lottislana co. Vat
us:runlet:nen,' have cored a negro boy ermine with
your Sarsapatills, who was attacked with Berard.,
and of a scrod:lout family.
"Yours, teal I N. W. UAR3jS
arredericks Milk Vs., July 17,13111."
-Smuts' dstemesatts.e.—lt manta ablest nenneeeata•
ry to direct attention to an article ea well known, and
so deservedly popular, as this preparation, betlleata
often who wish to are the cittlet Of Sampan aa t ate
induced to try Worthlem commands bratung the Mona,
but euntfunimy little or none of the virtue of thig Tutu.
able root: end ten think we eannot <maw a greater
benedit on our readers limn In directing thew attendee
to the advetidente• t Of the Messrs. Sands, to another
coloten. The bottle has recently been enlarged to
held •quart, and those who wish o really good ankle
awl concentrated In this all the medicinal Taloa
of Me root, The eXperiener of shoe:ands has proved
eNewy in curing the Tatiana Menton foe which it
is recommended; and at the ptesent time more than
any other, perhaps, is thia medicine useful, in prep•.
nog the eyulrm for it change of senson.-111eme Jour
unl,9ept. IBIS
I•repared =4 aold,wdolealle and regal!. by A. 0.1
D. SANDS, proggint and Chenttni, lea Fulton alreet,
•r of Willignr, Near York. analal also by Drag.
anon generally Wrangling; 4,e Untizal grater and Gun
4 , 1 n. Ynee UI nor baffle; nix battle• for 13.
For .ale by G 1 ‘ . 1141AX,31., D. A. FAitriimerocic
& Cl)., .q4l HOWARD FF24 DERICIL Nunbargh. AI•-
o, by 14. 11.14111111, ItrldreaSer. (do in-JendkwT
ty R. MURPIir keep.. ndy on hand an
• ment of Bleached Linea Tatar Dawn,' of
drool' width, and quaioiroi. Also--Tabla Cloth.
and fdatikint, Towelina Diaper* and Towel., and a
full apartment of Louse fdtatilkinr
HAS list troarued (rum ale 11 , ..ment Casey and i 4
remota( a 14,ar ',anew of oraconabla lioodo,tl
•• Inch kr to,pectfuOy limo:. the attertion of march
sou and N. W. 1..
and full rupply of all Ito
fufent met, on hula mono to ante,
iota° REYNOLDS at !MEE •
VOL %VII: 181:.
TAE Second nession of this Sunman, order Aka
cure of Mr. and Mr, Golinunny. for Re present
nestle* !sera will 00011111 . 1400 011 ebisday.
Februnty 10th, in the tame buildings, No. St Lasers) .
Arrangementihave bean made by settled 11 , 07
be able ;to furnish young reslics famlitiea equal to any
/a the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Classaj
cal, trut Ornamental education. A fell course o( Ybi
isophice and Chem', eat .Leentres 'will be &gleam&
during the veinier, Illumined by. apparatus. The de,
r .. . o meOur oir Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern'
1, Drawing and Panning, will each be audar
the canpa cerppetent ,Proressor. 13y,q1crse attention
to the ve al and 'Meade Mal trOproventent of•sherr pas ,
pits, PrineipalaloMe to aunt • continuation of the
liberal patronage they have -hitherto enJoyen. For,
terms, me circular or apply to tharrineipals..
felds•du ' •
slPllE;ettlsens and business men of Pittsburgh are
J. 1'04,e...1111y informal that the... Morse Telegraph
Lutes are now, in eomplete Opuntia! , between this city .
and lialticeere. - Wishmanono.Prothit Rotten , 00 .4'
connecting at Washington City with the Masse Line, .
the yelp one ;tenth to Richmond, Raleigh. Charlesten,
Augusm, Savannah,' . Mobile and New °skims-411dr.
comic og 111 this car, with tines running West and
Mann the principal terwrd i and cede, Intnevalley of
the bli Isslppl, and on ittaLakes.: These Lines sfeW .
recces sad send messages as the as any other
Line, Mtil the operators and elects will be lend gen.
tremanir and accommodating.
,H M,Mnt_u lower story of the RT. CHARLES
.-..... W ood., !!__.
A arili.--
, d
A CIRCULAR soul us by • friend, ammuneing the
formation of a new Transportation Company; by
our lan, Agents at Raltimord and Colorable, impala tth
thus Wetly to apprise' out friends and the pabtie Mat
soth makes no alteration whatever In our basluem,
lave the ehattge of our Roma and location odour ,
situations. at those points, both of which we lava
effected advantageously ter muscle. and our mutton •
cm. t
With the experience Of fifteen pears in the Trans-
Portstion business, self reapeetta. welt es strayer& far
the intelligence of our last:dos, forbid 'no so eat the
eradallty Of the poblie, or enter (or its rim mement by
lettatbened profeasious in print. We Gee leave, there
fore, to my, In general terms, that one ~ ernangemeatti
ro nOnttialellnly extended; the coon-menet, end ea
pa Miro( our warehouses, at Piusburgh, Philadelphia,
Biltionore nod Columbia. turourpaned; oar &militias
for regularity and dispateb increased; and our low as
liberal. that of any other responsible line; and that
our frnigat, whether in depot or In transit, ts always
insured free of expense to the Owners.
WaiWPPerd to our past condoet as an earnest of oar
&tare, and confidently look forward to a continuance
of that patronage anmen butter been our study to
s d l er h rg p , and .
o our Ve e szy l i b to .
p a m e r &now i lLdu
mwt honorable competition; those resorting U t m o U
°the rave shalt neither elm nor imitate. or
will be conducted as usual, by the proprietors,
corner of Penn and Wayne at*, Pittsburgh;
175 Marketst, Philadelphia;
Ana by the &Mowing Ageowt
RHIN MeCULL4UtitI & CO, dElNorth at, Baltimore;
r B. RURIf m co.ts
T. TA r9CO IT & CO. Vii S at, N. Vora;
JAMES WHEELWRIGHT. Cincinnati,' '." , Bela
Steam Boat Owners aad Blaaaarat taro.%
by Steam
ARE respectfully 'alarmed that a raying of about
one fourth of their fuel may he egeeted by rating
AIR ;HEATERS. UT the operation of the Steam
Mowers, the droll of the femme can be Inert.. to
almost any extent, *Mont rerand to-the hetifiah of
chimney, or In any way depending. on the natural
dull; whilst the Ate Heaters reclaims a large portion
of the wants heal from the tom and mum. 11 to the
tomato hi heated ate, whack also to a great degree
rem:slims the delittramt effector the nitrogen in the
air white Impolite the draft, thereby producing amour
perfect combustion, end a meal brisker and homer..
In burning .0, it will awns the grate bars from being
hernia:L. by keeping them clean and free of clinker;
and the Leo renew. lese-mirrum or *shaking up..
For further particulars refer to Capt. Gordon,. steam
boat Ware NAM eapt Storting and Ne. Joaeph Tay
lor, &ginner of steam boat A J. Crittenden; Captain
Htiteldson, Meant !methane Newton, and Scalds fr. At
tin., Front street. Pittsburgh.
NOTICE Whereby given to those who bare been
ng Steam Bowan, to ignorance of - the
eared under my Patent,' toot opPortimity n given
them to examine the Patens itself, by calling on Eng.
bah A Bennett, Wood at, opposite St. Charles Hotel,.
Pittsburgh, and purthaslog the privilege of using this
improvement. Alt who do not alait thematicee of
this, will be proceeded again., without .ception, if
they continue to Infringe an aetd patent right.
%ME Partnership heretofore unsung between the
subseribms, in the Shoe business, was dissolved
by mutual reagent On die Idth rust. The bminess of
the tirmmill be settled by John Parker, sr the old stand,
comer South eemmen and Federal erect.
Allegheny, I dso.—lfebl3.lnt
A Groat kaUlonal Work.
Daguerrtbypo by Bridy.—Engraved bY
A eiymon. —ls'dited by cH Amnatient y riurary
MR Ibis title veal bipubb•bed, doting yaw
• 1,23, tsreitit Jour Portraits and fitiogrispbical
el!i2,eus:vrtkc7i - ive 7 .7ma-ii•
lumens irt the servile of the comm.. Every Matra
of the workwill receive the most careful attention,
and uothlng will be spared to render Ii awoolly sod
endannu monument to the great men of the Republic.
The Typography wilt be cleated u carefully and
in me superb .1710 as the engravings themselves. 'The
entire work will be on the hnest imperial folio paper,
Id by 24 inches, made expressly for this purpose.
Thu work has nothing sectional fatts scope; it will,
therefore, be compeer:entire in its spirit_ Teta name
of those tarn only will be admitted, whom talents and
public services have won for them an hounrablefame t•
throughout the nation. Each of the great departments
'of lice Ina have its representatives. Art and I.4tera- -
lure are universal in their spirit, and this Gallery is in•
tended to be a worthy and enduing monument m the
great men of the Republic, whore achievements and
fame 'constitute the chief glory of the nation. We
hope that every lover of an and friend of one &dons
()won, will respond to our appeal for mmeuragemem, • 1
and. aid La etente:l.oe undertakieg, that its
publiewion may mate an cis in the progress of Am•
drives Ati, and, by storming the !Hamitic* men oldie.
Union toge th er, consolidate it still more finely.
Aa ro versa of this kind has appeared In America, !
and the prices they sum. iu Europe would place it
beyond the reach of most of our citizen:, the 'publish- -
era have resolved to mem la large etrculatien. by
charging • very low price, vie: SI per No., or 9,20 lot
dte entire reti e of 24 No. '
. . • - •
Two No aro now published, cootainior romans of
President Taylor and Iton. John C. Calhoun.
(abut Agent for Western Yennsileanta. .!
OEhILIKL; or, Going down to the Colton Field;
w uttta "ell' Popular Ethiopian Song , as sung
risty's blinstrela, Neer 'Pork. Composed by et,
C. Foster, Ebb, mho, of "Uncle Ned," "%Susanna,"
Nelly was airily; by P. C. Foster.
Den Bolt—the gettaine'ropy; by Nelson Remo.
tipeab Gently; a very popular song; by V. Wallaee.
lodises Prayer; by the author of -Be Kind, to",
Be Kind to the Loved Ones si Home.
_ .
Thou but wounded the 'pint that loved thee..
Ftittalaw Polka; by atzukoseh.
Alla* Polka; by Sara,.
6kra u t i lV a al . t . l)yyrofraar Ital? a ck
•• • .
La Does daPertes' Greed \Valtsi by Osbonme.
The wild fitoWers won will shed then bloom; from
the opera of Lucia de Lammermoor.
Carina, or May Day in the Olden Than; by C. E.
Essy Variatto. to “Tko Last Rosa of Summa,". try
Tien An Gone; song booths opera Of Amelia.
The Groves of BO teen (tom Belhaven.
When the Illoan on the Lake is Beaming. • •
A Voice tram tho Waves; dente by C. Glover.:
Joys that We've Tested.
. - -
Aram Macon:lt easy VasialiOrts for hegira...
Bonspatte's Ora .
New Happy and Free.
Festoon Paths; by J. H. denriu.
Reek' and for We by JOHN H. MP' oR,
Jan= No. el NVOod sweet.
N. B.—A large stock of new PIANOS, to arrive this
13kookiest's:Pa Xstignatrao wadi tam Bennis"
waartarly Itemlawns
V IZ: TooLotman Quartnnue , Rzystsr;
Tim &etymon Itamaar,
Ton N 0.,. Bamout Brom
Tint Ws: mamma Itinnerm
And—Beacuircon's 'Solomon Mansnt
For any ono of the (our Reviews, gyp per Ignore,
Por Blackwood and thud Review., rpm
Pmentsbe made in all nuts an ad
Pab ay lisbad
simultaneously In NeW Yorkvance.
mad Pie.'
barges Office, 63 Wood street
ID - Blackwood and Edinburgh Review for .lanuri
are now ready.
Oren* Arzlama ear Mew Good..
THE subscriber. are cum prepared oral aid
gramity Inducement's to pamhason of Dry 6Wods.
Tacit ostabliahed ion priest and !almanac receipt of
Roods, (harlas reroived coot MO packages of caw
gdo poetry) complies paro
• 105 dot Remo& Wrought Collars and Capra;
10 yr Rich prowl Silks;
Wu pa Alpaseas, from xp to 50 tutu poi yard;
5 cues Monsha D'Laioo, from 10 to Ott per yard;
XS 'Meth:me Prints, alt style 15
" blooming " from 10 to Pak per yard;
10 Illtt ‘ ra, good styles, Irikaperard.
Shemin" 3 r, and llonsakeeputg Goods, to
Mat varieuel, a/1 o fwhich will be °floral at extreme
ly luw pric,csal
A A MASON & 0013, RI Marlon - at
RECEIVED the. day, at the Carpet 'Wareham,. N.
73 Fount ay s and aloha* of nper !a
lma Carpet,. Alao— new
Fiee Inarata, which we °Car to
patehtmets a. cheap as toy 0101.111 house.
febli W MeCLINTOC/C2
AVED HEE Venalhge I. the lull
-1.3 ele!
Lehttremer, V., Janzarylo,ll349.
Mr. J. AL Wileon--Dear Var, The mar of Sellers'
Vermiform 1 hong ht from you, some time aeo,„hmooor
hoot my gin Ave yews old, Me asumleldno honsbev of
Eve hundred wont,. I believe the woof..thieve lived
very *bon dm* but for Ws medmin,
' , monad and Wad by IL K SELLISRS, Sr 7 Wood at;
SOW aloe by Druggists generally In the two eine.;
, kl4 ‘ 92 , l2fl ,,,s Bl; i AraU . lll ,4 Aiill e PAZU4kf
kits. Coating and Las Work; generally. Comir
of Moir nod Foot streets.
antwriber, hariug porchased the Foetal) Of' ,
James Pauctran, Jr., located at the above *wad,
would rropenthaily inform by friends and the peddle
that he Ix prepared to hit any ones to ins lose, at the
Tomo reasonab:e terms and vat, diapalth, sad will
feat angel& for them patronage.
dupe.-1 off eitablishrbeat to:bit.
'Mum*. Parkinson, I take Abe 'liberty lei- batten
for bau U.,. 'intro...Kb m) (Cicada nattlliepablia.
ectning confident flint any fawn conferred will be ,
fly appresate4 uul protuplly ationdad to. •
J ItAW4 PAT/TH.26N; Jr..
Pittal•amb,Jaa. I, 1,30.-Liatt74:lol