ESTABLISHED IN 1786. PUBLISHED BY W H LT E iffr CO.. a. N. WM, J l i , twarr. illlWl - 1 - 1t am .DINGO, 111 D mu; Kin' DOOR TO TO rOUT On/CT. Dade per.a -lupe per 11.n112. Mi-W - " eetly, te adv. ee)••••-- ••• . 2.00 " Do. o Clot, at a iedneed rale.. LS . P ADVICRTIRIBG A. REED (aim .• BY TI C P TTSBUILUEI PELEIS. I . one Sq.' •, ROA nrs Of Nonps still; !ess) Um o. % ear. addstranal IrtninSarn • • Do. nne erk LIS Do. Dire care kr ••• ' 00 Dn. one 'Valk GM - illo. taro • • at:..._.._....... 7•10 In . lheee mani, ••• ••-- ..... - OP Da. ten months 100 Do. • troche wombs. -• • --- • • DP. . anding Card ld hues or Dna pee manna • 100/0 ie Nu are, eh angeable al pleasure (per asa am) ear:uric, at We paper-- ..... • • 2 5 , 03 f etch add iti onal aquae% Insetted vi evned retr,. h m onth,or,aal •dditiouslKinninserted eTear . l pane. rtiumcata etceeding a square, end not Over et Iron, to be charged as a square and a half loihers not aceountable for lepf advertisements the amount charged for their pelitteation. .tio ... uti , bl: 4 r d stgi , d .. at . ea ,n ro u rothce, to he charged the A • ertnienicon. not maikedon the copy for a speci fied umber of inscriiurni, will be connuned forbid, sod procuteractod accord, pn•ilesea of yearly litiVeratere Will bet confined el oh to attar regular business, and all mast adver t eta,. not reratatial to their reanlar Laziness, as agree lot, to toe paid extra. Ait advertisements (or ebaritable meeteeoll6, fire cow' ward, foreasfilp and Other public merbeg 6, •b lac, to be chaffed baitprice, payable strieby Alai Inge nnt.teez to be charged GO cents. Dent wares utterted withoutchurgo, unless 'nem puuttni ty laurral invitatiou• or °Whiney notice., and ween ineorepamed to be 'paid tot. Rent at adventure. and altinhers sending noinnute. ntenttotf, or requiring notices designed lo cult Innen. Lon to hush, Soneco, Conceits, or public enter. tiontr.ents wirer charges are made for adsnittnuneo— all note" of patine associations—every notice de. it'hoed to 'rail lineation to private enterprrses entrain ted of uninded to promote tudividaal interest, tun ten Is be erected with the auderstandlng that the saute to rots said toe. It Intended to be ineceted ht the Wee collat.°, the acme will be charged at the tate of not tent than, to et I, nen Due. FASlNoticts w be cheesed ttipte pike. lavetn I.iceeme Peeeen..lP2 Leeei utal Medical adrertiuments ie be charged at Let ptlice. Item! Iserle Agents an.l Auctioneers , Adyertiseneents lo be classed udder yearly word her lone allosscd ce./en lln i.k 'dime thsrd per rent. Gam Ile airtnu/11 LW,. • O".• VU•WEIL[I.I . TO DAMN Pint.. nii,..:•quart,,,latelsieurtlocm*---ni..... 3 4 . 10 7 0., o.lzattm• IH afiilir Par t•. (Inc N,Ll.uute, pD lineal to.e in.serlbo• • • •'.:4 eta. eetc addulonni •Uri " 41,1 11.nitill • •1 venisca.tga to be paid;ia ad•ulee. WHITE& CO Duette. J &MIS LtAllit fr. CV, Chronicle,. I.USTEIt & BROTHER, Diepuelt. JOS. X 1011714101, Mercury. JAMES W. BOODLE, American. 111&01 MAIN}, Hooting Tribune. Plorteution, Dee. I, 1849. BUSINESS CARDS. DCII,IIIIII ?mum William I:Ow/mil VATTON 6 OARS:WELL,' A 70111.11WS AT LAW— OA Wilma. Hall Grantmmi, simaallia Comlilome. febt ALEXABDERII. - iiVAiStli. • A TTOPNEY AT LAW—Oboe, on Pour* ruvey 11 Mg. Slulthfauld—Lowrio'a ' l7 ±l 17/ ,A ELAN_ e.ll FRANKLIN, 2.ltorney at Lair; /I. Found m. . • ATTOIINEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOR PEN N S YLN/ANIA,..Se. Loon, Mo. All caummuicadous promptly unmoved. e.ce.3-lp ARMSTRONG A CROZER,Coununalou Merenann, and Dcalesa in Pp:alum, No. 21 /dulcet auxeo Potrhurel.. deoS --- azinutrauchaurs,, A TTOdNIX and COUISICIIIR RI lta4Cooll2ll - far the State of Ponasylonora, tih Lours, , la. Oars ol Fittaborah.) - %arra znead—Pittsburahr lion. W. Forward, !lamp ton d Mintr, :d'eandlenr d tVedue, John Parkr, ....ells 5e0.1 , 10.111'C0nl k Mar. aur,l4:dly .• • . DAHLIA & STIGILIASTTi A'rrottNEys AND COUNSELLCIRS Ar LAW, Fourth tacct, between Smoak/told .u&. Grant, ontoburgh, Yu. jug' LANG. Wk. C. MIN. , - 2.811.614 & PULE ND, A Tll5lO tiEVS AT LAW, Fourth au ee jant. =I=MM - A TTORSEY AT LAW.—ollee on Foartb .t, be tween til:llth4wld and Grans; rtataburett. vtEtuily • - . BAGALEV. 'WOODWARD tr. Co., Wholesale Gro.. tem. tin.Vl Market.nrent, PitilkJeUhia. nov27 Pittsburgh Alkali Works. , BENNEFT, & CO, Manatsetwers of Soda Ask. bleselony Powders, Ma 'bate and linlyherie Ands. Warehouse No. —Water Street, below Ferry. /11..111 41.>1110. BZITZW. t RAU Ream, slew and Retail Drag. jJI tinter of Liberty .414 St. Clair lanais, ?nu. Lama, V. auali •..4114. W. S. •lIMAIroc. J &SKINNER, ForwardLo3 Commivoon lJ fat errhar33 No. rri !dirket at, Piusharell. api3 j'i A. aIeANULTY & Co., Foraranlues and Vss mission Merchants, Carte HiLI; Plits4.gtt e touln! H. ti RANT, WhoHoule Grocer, CATCOMIIIIIIII and Forwardnig Merchant, No. 41 %Patera. mill - bug uuuu arspring, Axle. Sites/ wad Ira Works. OLEMAN,9IAILMAN to Co, otanolleturers C Coorli 454 }Zink. Spriuge, Hammered All., fluting mod Plough Mee!. Iron, An. Wareham, on ulur owl Front : . he LA, urnh. MiiMMI=EI3I CZNAZ=I . - UNGLJIH h ICITINEIT, (lale EKl4h, Als 4. Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Comoussi. and For. warthrtg Aferobano.,aud dealero 10 Produce and Pitta burgh 310.Nem0., N 0.37 Waal st., Lawton:Sl and '4l -crvels octl J. ilk It Attorney and Couumllor elf Law, ‘tincionatt, Ohio. Collections m diouthem Ohio: mid in (hammy and in Kentacky, promptly and care fully atmuded to. Commiesioner the Stale of Penn sylvania, fur taking Depcieniorm, .sciauertedgmcate, ke. 'Ctn. to—lion. Vaal/ell it lion, Cords, Church k et.-. 0.0.• W. 11.1 , 4 Willott k- Davis. aIS• holicracy Andrew Me:am It. K. Viewing. uuttsir.v, FLEMING *. 00.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. MIOR die Jain of Doinewle .Woolen and Cotton 4 Goode, also, Dralcro alitind• of Tailors' Tam. ump., No. IV Wood spent, Conon dinn•lroas kalki rinsburgh. linvioodson M . Wm. A. Dill A Co, Basktre. • Jens/ J. C c y log lo• ..... •• • •—• •A. aarno. RIKER FOGLIC A CLARKE,. I:6ORWA RDINU AND ROMAIISSION MERCII-• ANTS., and deniers in Window Glow, White Lead, .te. No. 100 Second.(. W 11. H. • ' . ORWA RUING A COMMISSION MERCHANT,F No-I Isecond Wren. ritinhurrh. dolt 060.0% 1.11211. ...I= D. rve u. KoSSE W. SMITH & CO., Mowers, Alaimo" IT and I lop Dealers. Pia I. ?limbo rßll. WWI Sio.ohot. No. SO Vood MrceL Pitniburnk. mil] 110XLE LaiiaGitigWettiiil77 - 7. A. A\III.7ON STEWART, mainthintorer of Homy Shirtiugr, Chocks, he : , Rebeeon n kt city' of • (seceessor to Morph , " it Ler,lWoTti Deal. er and Cam:nisei. Merchant, (or the sale 'Ol An6eric an Woolette,Llberw. opposite athit.2el,l7 0. hurroos, ...WO MAU S MOM.. D. C. M'CADIDION. 10$01 A. , 4,12111, fIEALD & BUCKNOR, Tobacco Commission Met -CIL. chants, 41 North Water or, is 16 North Wharves, Viola nov:104! •. 'MDT. WIG r.10N16. 11.1 A i ttri, it E c t & Co, (so e cl airs so= shwa, alms Pittsbarg7 ' AlsnaLsetared Goods, Pr•harsh. P.. =MG . ...... B. Id6Y.T. WTI. TI. WIR.6TA➢is A c0.',1 BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Nano Bud COM. of Wood rod Third street*. W. P. • triersuos to satsvitl G flu.!,) ISI POILTER Dealer is ' , tenth end Muesli. Ps i Per ItsnXinp sad Ikederti:ndner Strades Fire LoseaTtirtts• &e,/llss—Wr Printinq and Wrap. Paper, No. b 7 %Vasa street, tweets toorti street sod Ds. mond slier, west Ado Fittsbursb i P*. fetal 'AMT. TSAAUot DICKEY II Co, Wltolnsole Orogen!. Cam. BlerehtetS, gad dialers In Prodsea,tios.6o water. an d 107 Pratt struts. Pittsburgh. Own Jri t7. Alldbilent••Lake Ele an Elie blsehig. Llano Bearer and the lakes.-011Sce .0 the earner of Water and Potithlield Joh; 8 :••• • iii—lezieph Dilworth S. LiILWORTII de CO., Wheleole Grocer* and decide, for Hazard Powder Co., Ila. I? Wad id., Paolo teh.. • ' des-y_ OUN 4 01LY... • • lOW. 1,14111,01111. S. & Co,*ioltuale Groter , Pro• el . dote sad Commission Merchants, and &gent. for or, Retard Powder Cm of N.Y., No: 27 Wood at,' ritt,bersi. sold • ttlIN ToWlTlEWiN, — brainnat sod Apomemity *I No. 44 Market at., three doors above Thud .e. Pitt 4 berth, will here constantly On hand a well *elected aO. runeht of the best and ftbaheet Nedmines, which is will coil no We atom seasonable lams. Pitysielans se adios/ order.. will be promptly attandmi w, and sap plied with article. they may only apesao genuine. irr irlaysitian*Prestrimmuswill be separately stall neatly p o 'Duce from the best materials, at any boat of da r nilda. Mi=;l;== g (Thoit ---- 771 4 ressao gs - i r alt — iTheibatt) .) Who , . sale Groner and ConmOssion Merchant. dealer ut Prolong and Piustargh Mountie:sm. t COT. alr "4 1.44,7_1.4 Hand stream, Pittsburg% Pa. ialid 11 AM FA — A. ILUtGlfitGtl; AcCOSZGionia — arsti 10 I.setis 11 . , eh1. , ‘ , CO, Commission Merchants, A t s,q t of the Bt Loam Steam Hagar Banners. N o 4, stater 00402 trout strOCUl,PittaLargb. Jcord if. MElXOlLT — ArimlesaJo and Metall dealer in Magda and Musical implements, &hoot Ilona., paper, gimes, BondCtipfiii, 'tiros& Cards, and el and athrinabargh. 17 Ltags 664414 at Masa to trade. wig t==l4 filt - PITTNIALRGR . -1) CARDS. JfIARRIMON sEva:LL, Coonaebor 1 /Av.—Or • bee ou ?Daub at.. above Satilhaeld. novrrly 4 7 D. CANFIELD, (lam of Warren, Obla,) Controls desleiliannVVlterrn° Resent t ing M. rA::lof7Pott"andfl Pearl Asla, and We:ann.:l , ll./Isec generally, Water Peat, trainer, Smithfield and Wood, Pittsbargb.• ap scnuorimAKEß & Co., Whelita laDrirglota, Ot Na. al_Woral streeL Pittattyah. 1 OILY D. MORGAN. Wiodooolo dw . j. er in Dye snal,Polnu, Oils. Voroet, N 0.03 Wood street, one door Sooth of piarnand Alley; Pato burgh. _ WI . DAVIS, Attenonee• • •trees., Pitabcreb• . STO & I'UCKTON, 0 and Yam: Alikanlaesamni,N, burgh. Jon klutz. T FLOYD, Wholesale Merrhants, and Dealers Church Buildings, fronting on Li sancta, Pinsbuytt, Tim whoi..NGroccr,CemmlitiOo , Aleteham, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Idenufneturre.. N 0.14 Water at, Pittsburgh. janle J 11. liwErrzEß, Attorney oppositesc Co.ltatt Hotel, !Wend promptly to Oollentions, iu and Green counties, P. . . itEPER TO ltlackatock, Ball t amid, Cloothers, }Pn U T. Morgan, T LER It JONO3,Forwardlrug sr ; IX attains, Dealers in Produce an, (soured ardelem, Canal Basin, Ile* PENS MILL, PITTS ENNEDY, CIIILDS tr. CO., M n, parioi 4-4 Sheennss, C Tonne and Swans. Vesuvius Iron • D,ALZF,LLk C0.,t0 Kea Bar, Skeet, Boiler Iron ;malty. Warthouae,s4 water an. Apia /3 \VAT - 0611N, Wholtaa ing and Cooonassion March burgh Manufacture. and Produce and au reoni INNIUCEIR & AN GENERAL. COMMISSION irrLtberal advances mute co , Ana , ' am wY. muss; rauaa..c. w. I, , fILLEN. & RICK b:TSON, Who imponers of Urandies, 172 and 174, coracr or Libeny and burgh, Po Iron, Nails, eouon V swnily on hula. mane.. JAMS. i1 . .1171. M cIiILIS & HOE, Gr N 0.1104 Libe is4l . )t I U N..)Whol % oe 'l Vi t t e t r Wood Wont: thusburgh. 1'"yN•'l ui l;"141., to ear ne roPa: Fu Loth mree enuanco on 4th near hi docCrolu: Nr -- /Entlk. b. SON, No a door from corner of an& Domestic Villa Of Eachanr rank Nome and Sneer. fcr•Chrlicedons mad on ..Monello. We United Stmts. N SW . rSLEPC. ALur ruithi Culrecynticing of CI Crude , cam and legal acenlat:y. Titles to Real EStlliz avina e 4, /to. 11KNILY ELOIIIIOOIC. DENN :311lEtrr, between Wique sea Ilan, hm A. enemas:4les refeamenduees, n) Amu, done en the nano, Gnu., and in Voenl Mane. nueltft( ErA k llOrAilA IA near A II T quadded N of u Omen ind done ap in qmom, bolt, and one pound packages, ran flag from W eta. 'lieu pound td,fo. 174 •A. JAYN}A\ Agt .fbr Pekin fea Co. 11.11USINGICH. WELLS of. co., 21A.NUFACTUITtfil OF GREEN GLASS WARE, G. 27 Market meet, Pinsbotgb, P., keep eon stant onn hand ood make to order all anus of Vial., Wu:mice. Ponce and Mineral Water Uottlea, of do pey.. quality. Particular attention paid to Prirate Mould. siov:olr_ laneny street. PiLtaburgh, Wholesale Grocers, Produee and Casondation Merchants, and deem in Pittsburgh Slazufastarea. I r 7 DAM. 1[4.41344. 11101. YXL L 11041..5. liltrelEKT Griseerclieelliyll4: 0/44.110, dealer in Pinnace, Pinsbotali Manufac tures, and all herds of Foreign and Domestic 'Mona and Liquors, No.ll . Libeny street. 04 hand iery a.rge nova of aoperior oid Monongahela abiskey, whirl will be sold low for tank. . • L lIIT.IDLINL 1. L. tlin. • ISt 6 2111...uts,fo 8 r i tTe r. :41 F LIS7btl d Y i rf flade, dc i til ' - as In titoCelleN Produce, Pittsburgh Manufactures •nd Chloride of Lime. The lughesprigu, in cash, paid ni n l dines Att con-- ry net. Corner of Penn told Irwin sts.. ianta Lciftflaff iliii;thlt; Ci .. .7; - {triccilinslo - finieeg. C00'0.4447[1 uld Forwarding Merchant. dentin n Prodece and Pittsburgh llannfacums, Lawny er. coulomb, P. • PIM DOW': A. AsibiLNIIIIAbI, WholcSale Grocer, LI/ Dealt, in Produce and Pittsburgh blitudlurtures n. at, RIMOVAL. OEfiIII.2IILTENUEELUICIL SiEZ S. u. Ati.E.Vl", . Formosa/mg and Corm:inset. Zdor• etiant,haeremoeeilto No. o 7 Front, hetrieeu Wood and Smithfield streets. aim SSINGER.HARTMAN tr. CO.. ithelfield ',au and Steel Works—Manafeetrarers of dn. It :thong •11.1Plongh Steel. Aleo—nyringe, Ankh, kr. They invite the attent.on of blerelotn.• hod CU11.111.1• to their cont before purr belong elnto where. They entrant their emelt* to be Nola to hay wade to tide country or it:upwind. ;Ad{ _ _ -- nun. a. wane. lIACKLICEF WHITE, Wholesale Deuces In Foreign and Domestie - Dry Goods N 0.90 %Vow' sh P.naoneen. •" • • fenttif 14;W: lIAitBAGGH,WooI Merehents,.ltealers 1,71. in Flour and Prod., genetally r and Forts ardolg ant Commission Merchant., No. 4 Water at , Pitts. - olts m.rt, %rr i m i lm:e and General Cam immtt, I.Mmeed und ant OINK IM. PlittMaro lt F. VON LION NIIMIST, &Co., WiiWrit e tiro al, coo, Forwardiug wid Conunithion gler,hanta, Oralen in Pitoburgh blumfloares and %Vette. Pro tare, have removed to their new warehonthArild wand) eoraer of From wt. mid Chancery Lane. A. U. ENGLISH & CIO.. 1111F-OLUGICAL, Claraickl, end Sunday Behan! Booksellers, and dealers in all kind. of t% ruing, Window and AV rapping Paper,ffilo. IP Wood sioset,lre tweeu'Pourtli and Ltiasnond alley, Poisbargh, Pa. febl3 Tr...S.6El * a GEST, Whole=Ls Grocers and Cosartos 7 . Mercrutut, and dealers in Frodnee. IVo. 73 'old G., Pio/lough. paLl 11. Lax. WCOL DEALER Donanirrion Merchant for Dm Amcnen Woolen liberty street, upporitc IIGD. wY BuRAIXI Tuna s. INWIIIIALVL. W. n WOODWMP 1/41,11 FACIAL'S, W Mai? C L O A. W i t g le t tlole Bracer., 18 sc. nrranzemrs.r...z, 1471101.1:8ALP. GROCERS, RECTIFYING DIA. Vl' TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS: • Also—lananen, of Soda Mb and Bleaching P et owder, N. ZOO Liberty .L, (oppooite Sixth 0,1 PM.- brrb. ow= DAVID WCANDLUD ANIL% d I;PCANDLMS, OneCCIMIII U. o & J. D. Wick.) Wholesale, Grot.ers, Forsrinling and Commission Merchants, dealers In Iron, Nails, Glass, (sauna Yarns, and Pittsburgh Alabufanuires getteratly„ rents. etc Wood nod IVstr green, Pittsburgh. Nir W..WALLACE, . 'II swnet and kll/1 Farwell ' • Ina establishment, No. 244 Llbcny sb, near Cm saw,. - mar= Vir - W-"WILIV, - Wile - iiiirY, -- P - iFta W ;Si r e - , TY • and Military Goods, comer of Ilarketand 4W wrens, Pinsbaratt, Pa. N, D.—Watches and Clocks sasendly repaired- der4 . • aIIiEZT BOWLI4-t-Conowssion and Forwardl4 Merchant, No. DO Front at. between Wood and krt trew fcbill "'dr "sp..— , MD 41! ailketail tirxiiTx TV. lOtLiftl. and Domain Thy Goods, north east cornet of Market and Fourth wt.Rasta . OWL TWI LL ' • MO. L ICLIML Urn you've& Co.—Dealars in leather bides, Sco. WV • ICI - Liberty at ,wl3-11 WIL Wtlllll.llllll. Ro T '. W ttlTCipON, WhoteslOrocers,de:: orro : .kan l N r j.G'a bu . lanntaetteFereraly2lbcnj lo r b. L : - ATTOIINZY ATLAW. . Butler Pa . • W'WILL also attend to collemlone and all other haat nem emmated to him in Bader and enuetrong cocotte.,Pa. Beier to I. & R. Floyd, Llberry at W. W. Wallace, do . Jamas klanshall do Pittsburgh. RoY & Co e Wood at _1_.._1.07 •—• . pErrricaur.w a. 00, fTEAAI 00AT AO ENT2II 072tcz own/d. /Luso & Co, 0031 No. 42 Water street. W. 411, J. OLE:MaI. Book Illaderi. are Bull engaged In the above business, comer • TV of Wood and Third street., Pittsburgh; where we are prepared to do any work lu our line with des. patch. SVer attend tooar work personally, and sans faction will be l oot In regard to 11. neatneu and du rability, Blank Book. ruled to anypattern and bound sub atantially. , in number. or old books bound care. fully or repaired. Names pot on book. In . 01 lertera Thou that have wont in our line am leaned to call. Price. low. mydb,t( II&also, Goo Mug Stoves, Orates, a.. In dIIXRSIIALLOVALLACE& CO., gonad Church, earner Libirty arul Wood meets, manufacture and mar far-sale Mattoon, Floor and Counter Scalar,. arrive omatimproved quality; Cooking &area, for wood ...di 'Egg Moves of serious lases, Parlor sad eccamon Otl.ll, fallow Ware, .&a. They also manufacture the 'Web. Range, which has given nich. general aatlifaction Mow having It In me, to all o r they would mapeetailly Invite the attention al the eitaena and the pada generally. ocautt arsuralun rsuma- inettroa'Hanura. ulna A DAM "PALA:UM. MINNA & CO, • . • Htmeessons to Hussey. llama A Co.) DANKEIttI, EXCHANGE {FOYERS, and dealers II in • Vcrreign and Domestic Exchange, CertlLeatee of petard. - Bank Noon, and Specio-Younh street, aMtly oppOsiteihe Banli - of Pittsburgh. Cutrent my received on &positx-Sight Cheeks for sale, and folleetlan• made an nearly the x;rineipal points in the United Slates. The highestpremhm paid for Foreign and American Gold. _ . Advances made on tonsigrunenta at Predate, .4ip• pad Eat,* on libar.l lams. sa2 MMEI=M SLIACIEA.EITT £ NO. PP WOOD sratxr, H AVE, new lu'rese a large and general sosortitent of DRY GOODS., which they oder w hich nod Couuty Memnon. at reamed priers: and they will sell au et •t IndueemeA• to emh buyers, or for approved ere '11:19 - _ Perin Black/km Shop. H 110111" WlGHTMAll—Mankfacluter of all kinds otos. s tanned woollen nutelinery, Allegheny city, Ye. The alto. works being now (a full and sueeesstal ogs.