The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, March 02, 1850, Image 2

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.rl4 . Ts.lloßell•
irtrioggrelaaar ore earnestly requested to hand In
het; favors:baton P. i t and ag early In the dor as
practiorbla: rdriverthierroorts sug Inserted fora op.:ci
ted gotemlUtorrorlably be Charged uotil or!. red out
CowryAmn—C.Jame* . No. r•Prr , wo . 6 . 44
Gm= oar *gat far Itti; city. Agnelliseme ll, •
1111 d ptioas tutzlod to bin. receive prompt
PHILADIALPIELL 11106.1.11 a.. 1111011.10,11.111.
Adveithataants and ralaserrpuons to the North ASO' r
an and United Scam Osse o, Philadelphia, reeeivad
ad OM. Odd ft= edit oriee. •
watt Neste; Control Comae!Mew
* members of the Whig State Central Co
are regeested to ...treble at Harrisburg, on the
13th of Blares inst. retuned attendance Is earnestly
.- M.SIehIICHAEL, Chairmen.
Cm. H. Hear,
Gazi—A. furious gale raged for several hears,
on Friday. wonting, between twelve o'clock and
dailigkt, dicing a good deal of damage to loofa,
faitersitromete. The Beaver Street Methodist
4,lleglenty, was seriously injured.
. .
UNIT! piyarrraw re:New Yoga.—A great Ut,
ion meeting Wei laa la New York, at Castle Gar. .
dee, on Monday evening tut. The Courier and
Hew:drat says that the area within the Code was
filled ai 'the boar of organntatton, and from that
time till Um r hiljournment there was a constant
eunreMat Oriel:is setting to and from the meeting,
gamin the caned constantly giving way and re.
tiring -ai taiii:aew arrivals premed upon them.
Theinarwa, probably, constantly within the Gu
ile, frets Iva to six, thousand people, and this
quantity' ' ins kept nearly uniform by the cease
lesalymoving masses, amounting, in all, to not 1
less dim, ten thousand more; so that the number
of persons who gave, by their presence, daring
some, one time, unction to the objects of the
annettt . igi eras from fi ft een to twenty thwacked.
Mayer Woodhull presided, Imitated by a great
number of Vice Prwideats. The and resolution
a lonia - 7in" the knowing ...--
\Reseised, That the people of New York,
distioritiou of actor party, are ardently devoted to ,
the Union of these States, as next to our liberties
the most precious et their Political Institutions;
and having never yet begun to calculus the V.
unCOlSUrcron can contemplate no contiagen
oyint.which Its dissolution would be otherwise
~ than a gigantic crime Against the Peace, Prosperi.
ty, and - Freedom of our country, and of Mankind.
Whdi tliis retiolution had been mad, • call was
Made for LAkaren ,cheers, for the Union," which
wets given with a will.
• The 'remainder of the resolutions adopted are
aanerinisement of the compromise resolutions of
Mr. Clay, presented to the Senate, and are stmt.
ler In pliraidology., The last speaker was Gen
Saw!, who addressed the meeting ink few words;
expressive of hie attachment to the Union, which
he had served fur nearly forty two years, and die.
: Mainiing ill party eonaplerations In his devotion to
the 'emir* confederacy. He was charmed with
the admiribM spirit of conciliation, of harmottj;
which prevailed at the meeting. For biew. l ff he
stood' there- neither si a ' Pao.Slavety ante, nor
an 'Abolitionist, neither a Whig nor a Democrat,
but:iti the firm, unweVelittg friend of the Union of
the motes, which he treated in God would never
be' destroyed.
seems we were mistaken in aserbing the
Tattled° remarks in fiver of the Union, to the
Azakvillcrfnion, a Locolheo paper. They should
bucreditedlo the Nottbsals Emma,* Whig organ.
'liztatoa Turney maid in the Senate, that the Nutt
y,lll6 Unieuvras in favor of the disunion °seven.
t Inizoind so was the Democratic party in that State.
Heald the gkeious resolutions in favor of MUDD,
pulsed by the Letgislesure, which we published
yesterday, were carried by • party vote—the
Whip on the side ortheilnion , the Locos against.
, Thus we see Southern Locofocos plotting treason,
While their Northern allies in this ante are passing
,'ertiYen and 'submissive resolutions to propitiate
•them. Such IS Locator-Ginn ! Destructive in Pitts.
buish, moat spirited In Philadelphia, treasonable
..In the South, and corrupt every where.
The learital, or yesterday, in an attack upon
the Gazette, more diettraceral to its editor than
W Its, found@ the whole of its column of chars
teristto frippery upon a falsehood of its own coin
rug. It says: .
"So the Gaut. u espies the swelling paragraph
from Pat, which denounces the She riff, and
. . - -
mica% We Occasion of twee declaring Ina
tem lent our reatter, for the oorpo.e' of iejoriee
our excelleet Whig Sheriff, Curter C 1.11158, EN."
,We did rot say, or intimate, that the .Tortroni
'hid lent Ito type to the Post rut the purposs cl an.
jarring 2kfr. Curtis. We stated that the Purr had
...rousse!, the type for that purpose. What per.
pose the Joumil editor had In Wangs° mischiev•
ons an article which he most have known the Pert
would 'use against the Sheriff, and against: the
peace of society, we leave the editor himself to
explain. That lea muter which concern. hat,.
self,aot as. The very fact that the editor of the
Post approved of the article of "Philandrus, and
wished to priblish it at title =Ws, was aufficiendy
, indicative of its dangerous character and ten
Disgraceful Riot:
.• ~• I tis with exceeding pain. we are called upon
" lorgive publicity to the details of a very diagram.
fol clot, which occurred in oar city yesterday.—
Frongthe information we have derived from eye
witnesses, it appears that about 11 o'clock, A. M ,
body of women, numbering from sixty to one
hundred, entered the rolling mill of Mews-Graf,
landsay, & Co., and having previously prepared
themselves with emcee and other minibus, mutt
mended an attack upon me Puddlers and botlere,
driving them from their wink, and severely inka•
rqd many of them. They then threw coal and
dirt into the furnaces, ruining the iron, and causing
. injury to the furnaces.
The Airy of the assailants may bejudged of from
Dieted, that a number of them surrounded one of
the puddler', wbo was the last to leave his place,
and hurrying him to the river, were in the act cf
„ throwing bin in, when he was rescued by one
' • • of Ma wolgen, LnE only allowed him to escape op
bellls pion:deo to leave the mil.
;„ „After mopping the work, and doing all the mi.
eidr4 possible, the rioters proceeded' to the mill
of ileum Shoeoberger. Hero they, were met
by an effective and determined police, and after
several desperate efforts were finally compelled to
From the fact that a large lierdy of men aed
boys,'FoLlowed the women and entionnamd their
proceedings, there can be no doubt that the wo.
men were only put Mrward as a feint, to provoke
resistance, and thus give some pretext for far
aroma violence by their backers.
deventf of the men and women who were mos t
• prominent have been marked, attil will he brought
Centspoudence of the Pittsburgh Gamut,
Flmutmenw. Feb. 26, 1850.
In the Senate, to day, Me. Streeter, • from tin
Committee to whom was referred n portion of th,
Governor's Message, reported a bill relallog to
Not only for the ',eke of the innoeent workmen: oerwin convictions for murder in the first degree.
whom rights have thus been viointed, but for the M r , n ye k e r, nom the committee on` hewer , '
'credit Auld pence of our Olt!. we true , that prompt ; Improvements, reported the!bill to no horivs the
and effective measures will be speedily adopted ! cLL y of Pittsburgh to take po melon of, and cone
to *Tani such soother occurrence. t street a sewer io, and fill up t at part of the Penn
.': The evil effects of each articles n. that signed syhriaia canal lying betwee the Monongahela
Pkolandros," published in the Jourmd, and river and Pennsylvania Avenue, and between
"lea tow the Pont, is sufficiently evident In Ibi s
Seventh street and the TunulFl in said city.
'outbreak. We hope, however, that the Bbetiir • Oa motion of Mr. Cunningham, suer a very
Will not be detected by the dangerous doctrine of Ei;;;;;!,,a sod imoreions debate l net
, 000 biog, bow
this reputed e 1 Christian Citixon,. end "Siewl—fi'--. 1 ever, to the merits of the vari us pubjcas ariting
'Wh4r," from using every means in hi. power of under the Tiers:ion, the Com romiso Apportion-
Preserebt the Pence of the county, end the rlfilde ! meet Bill, recently reported b the Apportionment
. of Macaw! The county has
! entrusted its ser.l7-..;..Comodittedwae recommitted,withoitt inntructious:
'mid interests to his bands, and he is bound to see but with the undone:raiding that the Committee
them preserved. AU the losses occamioned by • would divide upon the subject, and make a major
' mob; the county is hound to pay. and the people ! Ity and minority report. The bill already resort ,
Will multi: of their Sheriff that ho use his power ' ea seems to have given satisfaction to, bet few
to preserve them from lea,. . Senators. Mr. Frick, of Northumberland, alone,
We hope the Iron Manufacturers, and every i expressed himself a• beieg fully satisfied with it.
' chine, who feels any regard for the future wet.: Indeed every individual Senator seem, to have a
fare of Pittsburgh , will merely resist this attempt bill of Ma own, and nothing will do.
to overawe the workmen, and atop the Mills. It Oa motion of Mr. fatale, the hill to 'authorize
is high time that Ibis lawless spirit of riot was pot E the guardian of the minor children of John W.
!it etop . ' to. •If it le cot, there is an end of all indi- n o . o° , to sell certain reel elute, was honky
videsl liberty, and of ail low. To yield now is to I pined,
• In the House a good many private hills, were
..jNiawitscringilhe Moors of the totem, passed; but flothisig else well done, we that I have
Oallionday bier, a debate at a somewhat excite' nothing to communicate from this body.
Mg character took - place in the Senate of the UM. jln the Senaglitsterday, a bill wrier - cad by Mr.
teiStatei, on . si 'resolution offered by Mr. Foote, , !Darrie, and plasm( first reading, extending the
of Missisempl, to the following purport I•Jariadietion of the Court to eertein cases or sets
"To terse to a select committee of six member. I for divorce, for which there is now no power, ex•
from the North, and air members from the South, apt through the Legislature.
and one member to be by them chorea, with ie. !! The first section of this act roubles that the
streetiotta to exert themselves for the purpose of ' Cour ts ayn have jo,iiodwthoo of a .. . fa . ,
maturing a scheme of commomlie for the adjust.
of gi n , growing out or eel, whether the reason alleged wilful and con
ihtsinglegoltict triliverjs eed te!.Pcd. hmseddesertion of either of the(partica,or adultery;
" * ,-.J .Z' ,7-7 ' ! " • •
"I did not e: and I =sure that my hon.
(arable friend from Seroth `Carolina hardly espeet
ed.—that the subject could be acted upon by the
committee as soon as within the text four daye.
I should hope, however, that a report would be
made by Saturday nextifor, to kelp_ mu Boma, af
no thing cols be dam lefoso:Saturde, sh
during e
trout sown PlrartMOßT anti take play of a nature, to
+Aids I sell do more than allude. .I Ulster.
thm daring dui meek these guano= mutt be
eagr mama?, - or as anisroVeue mil Is practice.
Ida I have good reasons, air, tar what I state.
I know the facts, I have looked into the owner.
I have conversed with members of both Houses
of Catguts; and; our. span ery honor, that rose
loss toe do annething donne the ;infant . meth, r
maculae* tut the ken doubt that thee subect goal
leave ourjerithiction, amilethe U.formoor.
lam no alarmist; bet I am in the habit of
declaring myself more than my friend from South
Carolina. I know that I express in this state
ment the opinion of a large portion of the mem.
berg of both Houses of Congress. I did net origi.
nate this movement entirely of my own violition;
but I did it after serious +=solution with some
of the wisest and ablest men 111 either House of
Converts; some of the wises of this Republic. Is
it supposed that I wish to Interior., with the Sen•
war from Texan-the Senator from Mienachuto
Mu, whom some of as desire most earnestly to
hear. Ls it supposed that I wish to interfere and
prevent them from addressing the Senate on this
question, or prevent the honorable Senator
from South Caroline, whose speech we hope to
' beer read in the Senate mat Thursdayl"
Mr. Butler. I have no wish to protract Ibis de
bate. I think thoSeuate will bear me =was that
I have shown no disposition to Introduce into our
discussion, any element ofso thflamamtoryfnature.
I have long stppp come 'to the conclusion that it
• It hu an evil tendency, and I am still lees inclthed
to do it now, as too segos tabs approachusg a crisis
if a sok= e ' ater Fortnatouo'clurracur for It caimot
he otherwise than highly unfavorable to a dabber.
MS and final settlement of the question. If it were
ate distance, l could afford to indnlge somewhat
In the temper of the times, but I think the time
Fast when declamation, ionsMatory docile:won
especially, should be allowed ; and I am 'not one
of those who think that these long protracted
spew- hes are going to have much effect in the wt.
dement of the question. I should like to tee the
Senate converted folo a conservative body.—
WiLlltOver may be the reank pf this nonwoven'. I
let es remain personally upon good terms. If the
great calamity which has been Indicated, should
earns Want, I should wish to part without .havreig
any unkind personal feeling with any member with
whom I have been connected. I have no ewliog
of the kind. ; know there have been very tree
imputations made apse some members of this ho
tly, espeetioislly on some gentlemen foot the South,
hot I have made op my mind, thoroughly made
' op my mind, end when that is done it is unneces
sary to indulge in any declamation one way or the
other. I shall yield to no COlTlKOMilethedoesow
rest on a bang recoviiieg, in my opinion, the
equst.ty of the States.
Mr. Dayton,of New Jersey thonght the Union
was notthe frail thing some &Damn sell/wed it
to be. Ile thought it could not be talked away.
Mr. Clemens. f thin!. the Senator is mistaken.
I fur the ligaments which bind no together are
lessening every day, and for tbat =eon more than
any other, I am wady to vote for this intonation-r
-iff sestaitior Limo weaks tango it is not is thews.-
er of wens to WM the num
Notwithstanding all this jIiNKUI foreboding and
threatening, the resonation was quietly 44 aside.
Correepondenee of the Pittsburgh Gamma.
Maw You, Feb. 26, 1820.
The Union Meeting of last night was one of
which the State has reason to be protid, and one
which cannot fail to tell upon public opinion in the
South, as well as the North. Cistie Garden was
eramthed in all its vast proportions, with an au
dience such al rarely assembles, and sic!, as no
occasion. lees shaming than the present, could
attract. The Mayor presided, and the lending
speeches were made by Jan. L. Whiting, and J.
L. White, but that °S mart interest was from the
hero of Lundy's Lane and Chippewa, Gen. Sum
When the towering figure of the old soldier made
its appearance on the platkirm, the enthusiasm
knew no bound., and he received a welcome as
cordial, almost, u would have been extended to
that other old soldier, Henry Clay.
Our State Legislature has at last taken hold of
the usury lima, and made a movement awards
their repeal, not so completely as mild be wished,
but still satiaMmory. Under the sew law the rate
of eaterest is filed at seven per cent., bat creditors
cannot collect, by law, a higher rate, though bor
n:were are left untrammelled. Under the now
law creditor, will have the honor of debtors as
watered, which is more reliable security than the
remedy by law.
As of interest to travellers, it may be stated that
the old Howard hotel, which has Mined every
landlord which has rented it since the lionitards
left, has passed into the hands of A. B. Barnum, of
Baltimore. Under the new regime it most again
take a leading station, and yield, as before, a for.
tune, It the Howard.' plan is adopted. Under their
rater fashionable traveller obtained a good room,
and found, on his departure, a round bill, while
• • - • -
the economical am-stoner, at capital "dinnetw
dept lon small room, was good followed by the
Inalonis,paid a reasonable bill, and went olf con
tented. More than thia, ho ant all his friends to
the Hama, who, In tarn, applied their sliduatt
scateio them.
Preparations am making for the accommodation
of the Collins Line of ()Lie= Steamships, which
will commence their trips on the sth of Aptit.—
They are to 14.18 mom the foot of Canal Street.
now_ he outskirts of the' region of shipping, but
soon to be the centre. Nothing afloat NW exceed
the excellence of these ships, whether coasidercd
as model ships, model engines, or frunishingt—
Ample limo has been taken for perfecting every
thing, and, in all April, cur transatlimtk friends
will see an American steamship the superior of
any that Over bora "the meteor Bag." The mas.
tent of thew ships are all to be bred in the met.
chant service—the subordinate officers are from
the navy, and will, probably, get a few new idea.
of promptness, for our liner captains are rigid dis
The hotels are fall of strangers, and merchanii
folly. and satiaffieterily employed, in most brancWt.
Money remains abundant, at a moderate prlbr,
and such a thing aa failure is unknown. A more
buoyant feeling never pervaded the city, than at
present, and, freely as New Yorkers ever bre,.
they now napalm themselves. Rents are enrol
mons, and there are fewer houses to let, in glib"
of the large number created last season, than was
ever known. A house with a bill upon la quite
a rarity. Real estate els at fanciful prices, and
theTabuleme rates of to day are made reasonable
when contrasted with succeeding sales.
The mail of the steamer reached the city this
forenoon, but the market for moat kinds of mer-'
cluindize has net opened. Holders of Cotton en,
peened an advance, bat have been a good deal
disappointed, and ar: now willing to concede to
crake sale*. The foreign news is not of a char
acter to warrant the hope that any demand is to
spring op, upon the opening of navigation, for our
breadatuff,or for any qaantity of our provislons,now
is cheap and abundant. C.
the jarihthetion of ■ large class of cue. which
now And their way to the Legislature.
The second section provides that for desertion
as aforesaid, and for adultery, the Coatis shall
have juriadicuon in all eases as aforesaid, not
withstanding the parties, at the time of the occur.
rence of said causes may have been domiciled in
another State; provided, that no divorce shall be
granted until the applicant therofor shall have
.been a citizen of this Commonwealth for the term
of one year.
The Committee appointed in the House, to io•
vestigate the condact of the State Treasurer, has
had two or three seasions; but the evidence foals
entirely to sustain the charges made by the. awn—
plainanta, and the whale investigation is little
more than a solemn farce. You will find the evi
dence in the Harrisburgb Telegraph, if you desire
: to publish IL COBDEN.
The Cowing-cation at Now Orleans.
The New Orleans True ails, on Saturday morn
ing,the 15th instant, gives the following particulars
of the conflagration there on the morning of that
About half pun two o'clock this morning, a am,
the most disastrous that has of:clamed in our city
within our recollection, broke out to the afore of
C. G. Barkley, No. 55 Camp street, which was
rapidly consumed, together with the following
No. 55 occupied by C. G. Barkley, grocer; No.•
51, Corson & Armstrong' stationers; No. 59,
Payne & Harrison, Caliiiiilli. inerchauta; No.
53, Bridgeidr. bdurdc, depot for Virginia maculae•
Lured tobacco. and Elder St Brother, commission
men:hoots ; No. 51, Brooder ' Williams & Co.,—
commission merchants; N 0.59, .1. H. Bechtel St
Co., bookseller. and stationers; No. 41, basement
occupied by the Mum Lite, Crescent City, dad
Lexington insurance Companws; up stairs, by
Fosdick & BM, shipping agents, and Downes,
Caddy & Co, cotton Delon cud commission men
chants; N 0.48, banking house of J. Robb & Co..
on the lower door;
H. Frets!. & Co., commission
merchants, up stai n—building OW mach injured;
all valuable property saved. No. 59. lower floor
a portion of Robb's banging establishment; uo
stein, offices of Gordon Plummer's and Lucien
HeAnarOtotaries ,• No. 52, Merclvtota' }pulsatile
Ina. Co. No. 54, J. U. Dunlop. china, slaw and
earthenware; No. 56, A. Hill, Wood and willow
ware and house furnishing goods: No. 59, Henry
Parsons, piano and music establishment ; No. 60,
049. Campbell.; house firoislung MoreillNo. 62,
Ferdinaud Kennett at Co ,commisaion merchants;
No. g,Picayorke office; No. 69, Weld & Co, lite..
rkry depot, on the drat floor; up slabs, Gluey, Cot.
troll & Co. Building riot materially Indtwed; the
property in the interior destroyed or damaged.—
On Beak place, the narrow street motley running
In the e a:, and parallel to Crimp - tweet, the follow
ing buildings were In pert, some wholly destroyed.
No. '7, mini:tied a counting rooms by I. N. Haw
thorn, and ]. T. B Feathenuon'h; No. 9,3. & M.
Ellin, and 4 Bogart; No. 11,Schrodei & Marrow,
and Pion Srßprorsa, produce brokers; No. 13. P.
S. Campbell, N 0.15, Henry Holitand,and Charles
'The lon. !sustained by our worthy cot,lntiornrYt
of the Picayune, must be very Severtt. Tory, not
understand, saved their books and valuable pa.
per., the greater portion of the material In the
composition MOM, and ono double cylinde
press. The files of the Picayune were also de
The manuscript and proor sheets°, the mind
ad decimons of the Supreme DoWt,' VOPMed by
M. M. Robbins and D. H Hennes, were denims.
ed. We have heard of similar leases of valu•
able manuscripts, one which to labor of
years had teen bestowed, sad which cannot be'
The Delta, of the 17th inst., says:
Early iii OA day, yesteday„ there were painfol
remora that aeorerai lives tape lost, but we could
(tolp hear of two deaths, and of the wounded, the
severest was a sprain of the and. The names
of the reported to be be killed we were unable to
team. Both are aid to have been men; one was
crushed by a wall that 101 l on Bank Place, and
the other lest his Ste in the same way on Camp
The fire mopped within a few feet of the vault of
the banking home of rtobb 4 Co, which con
tained an immense amount of specie and vain.
Taw Sonia Swim Tanager.—We copy from
the Near Orleans "Crtaceot' of the 18th taw,
with unfeigned grstificatinn u •'sign of the times:
the fallowing annuncintioso
" 2 . Nankai& Croseartios.—The Home (of
tiepresentativris of the State of Louisiana' hu
called on the (lemma fen any information to
his possession to prove the necessity of appoint.
ing Delegates. The Governer answered that he
had none; and the nominate° repented against the
Me -MUM .
Tne New Odes= "Bulletin" glees sow
sulditimul Won=lion on the tame subjed, ta fa
are t appy to feint that the Coaunlitee
o o
Federal Relations has reported against sendig
Delegates to Nashville, and that the wrong wen
of both prilitiul pestles are'opposed to the scheme.
The subject to made the order of rho day flir
Wednesday, when we truss striae councils will
/sort Liar •eo naiLlMl.—The New York
Commercial proriont..4 es !tido the eairava•
pot atatemeeta as to Barnum having contract.
ed with Jenny Lind for coming to AISIGTICS, and
"The specific terms of the engagement are
theft Mr. Barnum will bear all expenses and
risks, and Min Lind will receive one thousand
dollars a night for singing. The musical director
is to receive £5OOO her the whole time, and the
male 'modest £2,500. So we leitu from the Alto.
on, the editor of which paper says that he has seen
the contract."
The editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer, on Mon
day, convened with the gentleman who recently
effected the engagement, for Barnum, with Jen
ny Lind, and Siva" the following description of her,
"He met Was Lind at Lubec, sabern she was
residing with a lady companion. Jenny is about
twenty nine years of age. She la a native ,o 1
Stockholm, cod the only child of poor parents.
both of whom are alive, and living Meese and in.
yjeperidence to Switzerland. She Is about five
feet sit inches high, of for complexion, light hair,
fine figure, not beautiful, but very intereeting.—
Her demeanor and carmen are natural and,grsee
ful, and free from affectation. She hes already
accionnlated a large !hope. Her vocal powers
were fully developed about twelve years ago, but
she was the pride of Strokbelm, even r . child.—
She made bee first appearance at Helin, at Agatha,
lin Der Freoebutz, was eminently succesefol; and
from that !lumber care.' has beet molt brilliant -
She will leave-for the United States In September
next, and will aing one hundred and fifty nights to
this comity and at Havana. Het first concert io
the United States will be given In New York.—
Her private secretary is now in Philadelphia; on
butiness connected with her engagement
Corzscrtos or sus Ilstwors.—The Secretory
of the Trento:try hos dtreeted the Collectors to
onspend the operation of curtailing mrcolarpf e
previous date. The revenue cutters are iS be
continued In active service, as heretafore.7 he
expenses Wending the oppraisment of macheo• '
dine are no longer to be chiuged to Importers, and
the expenses for weighing, gouging, and meas.
tiring good are only to be amused to the owners
of such gnocchi in cams where it to required that
such charge shall be made by Mr. Walker's tariff
law of 1846. The compenudion of Officers of the
Customs is to be no longer withheld.
AILWIIL OP ihrtIOARIAPP.—Tho British chip
Mount Stuart Elphinenne, Captain Henderson,
which arrived at New York, ou Sunday, from
Glasgow, brought as cabin passengara thirty rev.
en Hungarian end., making Miry six now in
Now York. Tho Tribune aaya that the meeting
between tease just arrived and those
tidenta hero, vas a scene of the deepest interest
Those who had braved unmoved the fire of the
battle field, wept with the helplessness of child
Tlw Itaraga rf Cholera so Lossisraun—TE ,
Monroe (Ls.) Gazette of the 21st ult., he. en ern
clo reepe.etios the arrival at that place of th.
eleamboat .ver on the Itith ult. Several pessen
urs bed died on thway rip, end eecerel other
wet° In a state or_ collapse and hopeless rest,.
A number of passengers disembarked at this
place, fearing to encounter the peril. or a further
contact with the death dealing pestilence ; but the
seeds of the plague ware In nanny of them too
firmly fixed to bo eradicated; three or four funeral
processions in • single day have more thou once
attested its obstinacy. Out of the place thirteen
have died, and it in not impossible that tho number
orAnctims will yet be increased. AISIOng theta
were tour ladies; the other aegTOCO, the property
of Mr. Young, of Clarkessille Tennessee.
• The Indies were Mrs. Ann Eliza Young, wife of
Mr. smith Young, of Ciarkesvillo, Tenn.; Mr..
Martha Tucker, wife o'l Ray. Robert Tocke of
of Christian county, and her two daughters, Miss
Mary Jane, and Miss Virgil:O. J. Tucker.
The peculiar manner or oe appearance of the
diwaae, end -the fact of its being confined ex
eusively to the passenger. of the glamor Dove,
in a reoccartat singular - feature in the ,history oi
the Cholera progrete. There was no elan.* on
the twat when she left Now Orloanr, and no elm
of cholera until she had entered the month of Red
River. This,
la connection with the tact that
otter boats on the river are now, and have been
free from the disease, mars to the circumstance ,
of 113 present appearance a mistery, which we
coerces we ore unable to fathom.
. _
The Moored ilinerimn el 00 2d inst. any.
"We regret to learn thet.ose of the pateehlten ,
who undid from the Own Ho, 2, have cure been with cholera. Om of two tiolies, Stark
• i,b,o,,are white orene ond
Nmenta at Paris.
An maim at Paste took place on the 4th of Feb.
The prefect of pollee had wooed orders for shade
meta ion of all the trees of liberty, planted trier the
late revolution, that were considered to interfere
with she public thoroughfare. The mob fancied
that a favorite - tree in the place of St. Martin was
to be included among the number. They decant.
ingly decorated it with ribbon. and other symbol*,
as a demonstration against such an act ; this caus
ed a crowd, and the police interfered todiopene it.
A fight arose in consequence, and three persona
were wounded, one of whom W expected to die.
General Lamonciere happened to planet the time
and was roughly handled, but the troops haying
been called out all attempts at farther violence
were quelled.
The intelligence from France in other respects
may be comprised ion few sentence. With re
to the River of Plate question it appears
that the negolianons are to be continued, and tbnt
some limited reinforcements are to be eeot "mere
ly ati a protective metoure." The continued dread
of &lowborn is mazuGssted by every step of the
Govemment, and prosecutions end repression net
still the great reliance. A change of the constitu•
lion rots to extend the Presidential term to beyond
four ymirs is looked to with increasing favor by
the timid of all partici. ,A cunous illustration of
the cahootl inseambility to shame has jest been
furnished in the foot that the recent'explods of their
army before Rome are to be made the .object of
state pictures, Horace Vernet havingpot returned
Mon the Etnrotil City, where he has been mating
aketetna expreaoly for the purpose.
Thelecond anniversary of the revolution, the
24th of the present month, is looked to with some
aneariamw—not from any dread apparently of an
actual outbreak, either in Paris or the province.,
bat lest the Democrats and Socislaw should
succeod In getting up a pacine demonstration:—
Lyons is the point which is looked to with
most apprettenalma. It seems, however, that It la
not in coins an much as in the country districts
that oubeerolve notions are now spreading. The
property of the peasant proprietor. of the soil is
valued at 500 millions sterling, and Is locum
bared with mortgages to the amount of 530 mil
thw, and the quertion weather this burden might
net beahualed off to a Socialist movement seems
to be one that It in not altogetherlooked upon with
The Pope has not yet made op hie mind to re
turnt,that • bout to about to he contracted for blot
by Inc House of Rothschild at Path, which will
probably facilitate that event. The amount is to
be £1.600, 000 sterling, to eve per cent stock at
SO, out of which two per cent to to be allowed to
M. Rothschild for C003113Mi01.1. It may appear
strange that any panics should be found, under
present eircumetancer to ;rum their money to such
a security, but it mild be remembered that al
though the Papal finance.' are notoriously rotten,
the loans al that riovernment furnish a [avant°
thacsottent to all the Romeo Catholic prtesta
through.ont the world.
The release of tic Achilli hoe al length been
effected. It to now pretended' that the aunt tance
qi the French mops for hie anew was fraudulent
ly obtained. His liberation or rather pre-arrang
ed escape wan at last effected through an Intima
tion on the put of French (government that it
uf.S, no longer boldeleYed Out it weirdo: pled with
a condition that hie friend* would undertake to
Insure his leaving Ley. The Pope tried hard to
retain him, and in reply to the French demand
sought to rocrastinate on the Mot Mat he would
consider alit go his remits to Rome.
11r. Aehilli of course Owe. b. safety to the ci,.
cumatance of his having friends in Egnland who
would take care incessantly to . e.Tpcso the French
o.vertiment th e h u ng
s tie remained a prisoner.
The We of tha eds of other victim. whom
the eardieals, supported by the French troops,
have been enabled to incarcerate, is never Likely
to be heard et.
From Naples the accounts continue to show the
maintainance of an unmitigated despotism. The
tss, it would seem, ire buil foil. In one pros-
Pce 1516 persons confined for "slight offences,"
have Just been amnestied, but nothing !stlid oral'
those in other parts of the country. The suffer
ings of such as are charged with what King Fees
dined may choose to consider heavy offences
may be tonceived, but the French press is in es
tames that the 1616 whose sins were cookseedly
venial have at length been let off, alter months of
imprisonment, and they call upon the world to ad
mire s government, "which pardons with such
eternal mildness."
The ;elope hunt having failed In Turkey,
AuturM is now turning her attention to
land, where Mazzoni and others have trued ehel.
ter. There are also some Ptuseitua fugitives it
the oountry .. , and Aintria has therefore stirred op
Ponsla to join herbs representations to the French
Government an the necessity of compelling the
Swine republic to eject them, The applicat'on is
an awkward one, static 'Louis Napoleon himself
owed for many years his eatery to the hospitality
accorded to him by Switactiasd, in the Coon of
<outset remonstrances and threes, but the pre
sent mithunissm of French politicians in the gees
of order mein, likely tp r.gocr
in Switzerland the wait they alone at
Rome extremely popular. Indeed, one paper,
supposed to 'peak the sentiment. of the Govern.
ment, plainly hints at inch • step, should eimum
stances renter it neonatiery. Looking et the
qualities of the Swirl people, however, and the
present state of Germany, the task would not be
a very shit onei and theme-au' be little doubt that
for the moment The resenonists will forbear wpm
yoke the esiais that might grew aut of it.
It Will be recollected that, shoot two months
back, news was received of the Ruwians having
achieved a final detest of the fide...liana by the
capture ei one of their principal lortremer, sad
the elaughter et Sehamyl and hie nearest (Amy
era. These accounts mime from Rumba, sod it is
now declared, advisee from other Wale., that
they require 'correction, 011 r t bete(, not that
the Russians defeated the Gress:dens, MU that the
threat:dans defeated them.
It Is alleged that an apology from the Spanish
Government for thelr treatment of Sir Henry Bel
wee, and a consequent reconepition between the
two countries, are likely loon to be brought about
I through the mediation of the King of the Belgians.
Ito added also that tmaa the resamptlon of re•
lotions Lord Bowden, who was lately en aged in
coudneting negoustious with Geo. Roe's, will be
the probable Minister from England to the court
at Madrid.
Oerrosz.v.--Among the deaths recorded in the
Eeghnh papers is that of Lard Jeffrey, long ends
vent as a Judge of the Supteme Court of Scotland,
hat more famous from his - editorship of the Edin•
burgh Review. He died On the 28th of January,
having been horn in October 1773. He was editor
of the Edinburgh more than s quarter of a century,
during which the Review attained its highest re
From Wilmer* Smith's Time., Feb. t.
On Tuesday night and .Wednesday morning,
this town and neighborhood toss visated by a storm
only interior in intensity and duration to the greet
storm of 1838. lo capered situation the houses
rocked to and fro like cradles, (or even well *hen
tered derails, which stood sheenier p ehoulder
with thole companion., like a phalans of soldier.,
were shaken to their fonadatino. The terrible
muse of tha tempest, the crash of broken chimney.
and the noise of their fragments sod of elates fall.
ing on the pavement, caused no small terror to
maoy families, who, no doubt, had their fears en
hanced by the recollection of the appa.ling enacts
of several previous hurricanes Inal which Ws
neighborhood liar been visited. •
About three o'clock on Wednesday afternoon,
the American transit ship, John P. Whitney, Capt.
Glidden, MI aground on a sand, bank near the
entrane,s to the Victoria Channel, and almost nn•
mediately afterwards began p break up. She
struck three different times on various banks, near
Formby, before she went down. Notevithatand•
trig the gale, the weather was no thick at the limo
that it war impossible to get a pilot Os board.—
The crew endeavored to save themselves by
lannehing their life boat, bat on account of rho
heavy sea running at the time, she was swamped
before any body got on board of her. Tho men,
about twenty in number, together with eight pa.-
aengers, betook themseleceto the abitie two boats,
and were afterward picked up by Captain Web.
isuir, of the John 801 l tagsteamer, and landed
at this port in safety, at 9 o'cloek o il Wednesday
The John P. Whitney was a new venal of 797
tons barthen, this being her second voyage to this
port, and belonged to Mr. Glidden, of Philadelphia.
tihe wax ladened with grain, flour, Indian meal,
dee., the whole of whieb will be last. Sho we, in•
eared, but to what amount we could net ascertain.
Oa Thursday the Captain, Mote-, and a number of
the crew, went out lo the vessel at scion n'alook
ie the morning, in the John Bull steamer. The
sea mu so heavy that the steamer event not get
sufficiently near to see the condition of the vesseL
The steamer made a second trip at twelve o'clock,
and after getting near the slop, two boat. were
manned, and retched the vessel. It was found
that all the beams were loose, her decks were
washed off, and she was a complete wreck, the
cargo denting about in all directions, the steamer
having to stop her engines lo get clear ofthe ftorit•
log articles.
Another appalling catestropho has happened in
one of the auxiliary workhouses in the South
West of Ireland, of which the Llinerick Chronicle
gives the following account •
It is our painful ditty to record a fatal caaohlty,
which took place last eight at Clare avert Mull
jury workhouse, by which 27 human beluga lost
their liyes, and 2b were seriously Injured. B
etween eight and njae o'clock, ahortly after the in..
mates (500 lemnies'lma retired tu reshot! the lofts
of the store set apart fur sleeping apartments, 4
false alarm of tire was given by ouu of the we.
moo, whether with the lineation of closing annoy
ance, or by design, is unkttowni tint an electric
*nth° panic crewed that almost install tancously
the &males on the drat loft leaped from their beer,
and, iu the dorkhess, rushed in a body to the stair
case or ladder, leaping tram that portion of the
budding to the grthwid liter.
Ultimately the paupers on the mther bias coo
-1 g regated In the Minaw poleaxe, when the ladder
broke, and numbers were preen pate d to the emend,
item a Neigh of tom Met. The shrieks from below
induced those above to pros. mere eagerly to
ward the Cairene, and a* therri.ame to the verge
of the postage they fell over each other. The city
police, with the mayor, were in prompt attendance,
and all united in relieving the aufferers, and
extricating the dead bodies. At ten o'clock, the
number of dead bodies received into Barrington's
fleapits! we. 27, and • more heart reediest spec
, maieritirra„
twenty eight, and of these there are three not
expected to recover. No blame is attached to
the officent of the Institut ioB, us the melancholy
occurrence originated with :be paupers them•
It is announced in the "Nation" newtpaper that
Me. John Martin and Mr. Kevin 0' Doherty,
tran'syorted for their connexion with the Irish die.
turbulent, had arrived at Sydney Bay in good
• health and epirit/.
- -
There wen yesterday issued (presented to Par.
linmeni) a copy of the treaty of friendship and
commerce between Her Majesty and the Repub.
lie of Lberia. It was signed at London in No.
vernber.lSdS, and ratitisd on the let of Angest
lent There are 11 articles in the treaty. .Them
ahallbe perpetual oats, and friendship between
Her Majesty the Queen of the United R‘ugdom
of Great Britain and Ireland, her heirs and sncw
cessore, and the Republic of Liberia, and between
their respective subjects and citizens." There is
to be reciprocal freedom of commerce. No ton
nage, import, or other duties are to be levied lie.
yopd what are or may no levied on national ves
sels. British merchandize or triode are not to be
prohibited. The Government of the Republic
mop import certain articles with the view of raise
mg a revenue, and in such ease private mere
elainte we to be prohibited trading in such ern
des. By the ninth artfele, it is declared that
, aloveryland the niece trade being perpetually
abolished in the Ropntlic of Liberia, the Repub
lic engages that a law shall be paseed declaring it
to be pirany Or any Liberian citizen or vessel to
be engaged or concerned In tho slave trade."
Free access to be given In cants of suspected
slaver. The treaty wusignedby Lord Palmer•
Eon, the Hon. H. Labouchere, and Joseph lel,
Irina Roberts, the President of this republie.7-Lets.
don Papa.
—ln the Pennsylvania House of Delegates, on
Monday, Mr. Benumak - from a select committee,
reptfued a series of resolutions relative to our fed.
eral relations, which take the same grounds on
the .abject of slavery, (repudiating the Wilmot
Proviso) as the Democratic • Union resolutions of
the. meeting held in Philadelphia on Friday. The
report is extremely lengthy, and pen over a wide
Geld of argument. The committee la composed
cii five, and the report is that of the majority,(airre)
btu Mr. Schofield stated that he and Mr. Solider
(who are of the three) did not concur in many of
the sentiments expressed in the report of the ma
Mr. Allison 'offered a minority report, which
was rand. dissents entirely from the slavery
nontiments uttered in the majority report.
The third resolution of the minority report la as
flowidred, That while Permaylvania will as firm
ly maintain as she frankly awn. her view., prin
ciples and determination on this moinentuous goes
iron, She will oow,u seer, properly respect and
inviolably maintain the comprommes of the Conan
tenon, sad all the foal rights of earn. State erthe
Upion under the saute, bet protests most solemnly
to the name of • common humanity easing any
entenmen of slavery.
Excrnartor to Patozattw.—Singetar Caw.—
There has been considerable excitement at Fred
crick, Md., in regard to the sodden death of aeon
of Mr. George A. GAD. A rmtreepondent of the
Hagerstown Mail says:
"Allot being kept for the period of lour days,
he was placed in Mr. Han:. vault, in the Lothe.
ran grave yard, with the Ild of his coffin open, es
there were very serious doubts whether or not he
was in a trance. Hie disease the doctors ray,
was the erysipelas., the only indication of whica
was a small pimple on his lip causing much swel
ling, and of which lathe short space of three days
he died.
••• • .
Many persons have daily visited his remains,
and all express their doubts. Though In this alaie,
for more thou two weeks, h cheeks are as rosy
and fresh a when in Go od health; his lip., at the
nrst somewhat blue, now have • very natural and
LP like color, and km limbs are as pliant as ever,
not having the ngidtty of death at all—his eyes
are not at all awaken, hut eaten] as when in co
host health. There is not es yet, the least ap
pearanee of decoy, and no offensive smell.
Hte parent. visit him daily. to ancertain flatly
change tom taken place, either for better or wont.
Though doctors any he is dead, mini persons to
the community doubt it. Doctor* are sot intent-
He was dtteen or sixteen yenta of age, line leeks
inn and intelligent. On 'Sunday he was in ex
cellent health, enjoying himself with his c0m1.,.
ion., et Wednesday night he was declared •
man, on the 1216 instant, seat in a mesen,se to th
Leginlature, to reference in the ndmiesion cl Col
iforu nag a State, and beariog preuy heavily.
General Taylor. and reitersitmg the ehargestlenied
in the President's late Calif:anis message. Ac.
compnying the message was a letter fmm the Seri
nuns and Representatives of Mississippi is Con•
gmlis, upon the threatening aspen of affairs at
Washingwo, in which they express the opinion
that California with its restitution prohibiting sla
very. wilt he admitted into the Union, and ask of
the Legislature ad vree as to the coarse they should
pursue in such as event. It wu generally believ
ed at Jackson that the Legislature would advise
the withdrawal of their Representatives from
Cionerces oil the consummation of the act.
Tho COM/Zit:CO to which the goveroor's comma
oicatito was referred, was especied to make •re
port thereon the noel day.
TUE Wuminlen Baines nun -The argument in the
caw of the Stars tar Pronsylvanto vs. The
tog and lielneant Bridge Company, to the Sn•
prime Court of tue United States. was continued
sesterdity by A. H. H. Stewart, Esq., on behalf
of the respondents. la view of the importance
of the qua:Atone involved to the case, the Court,
we understand, have enlarged the time allotted to
counsel on both rude.. With Mr. Stewart is as
sociated the Attorney General of the Coiled
States, who Will address the Coati to day. The
pap will be closed On the part of thc complainant to
morrow, by th'e lion. Mr. Waiter, who is
aced wills Mr. llsrregh nod Mr. Stanton, of Pius , .
A New Sciastaut roe Orrsos.—The Washing
ton Republic, of yesterday morning, has a leptgiby
siniele on the subject aeckies, from which
we extract the followies
, t Washita/ton city is at this time honored with
the presence of a consideralile number of patriots,
'who are animated with the laudable desire of
vine the country in Yariops publio capacities, to.
stead cf the gentlemen whom fieneral Taylor
has selected for that purpose, and to bring about
• result to them so desirable, they aro laboring
with the opposition Senators to procure the re.
Jectloo of the nominee to whose posts they a.-
The Jacksonville Flunda News, elates that the
Plantation of Copt:Sadler, in that city has pro
duced, during the past wawa, 221 kmasheads of
auger, averaging 1000 the each, from 195 acres or
cams. Ile has lost at least 50 hogshead, by im
perfect grinding—having wrought nearly his en•
crop with two broken rollers Which would
iliot admit of aufficient pressure to extract the
juice by 20 . per coot. Too yield Of moliontes is
15,000 gallon..
Ranaoan Btu. Ranorso,--Tba bill to ineorii
porate.the Huyandcgo and Cbatleston Railroad
Company, and making a State anbsettption of
3770,000, was rejected by Vito Virginia House of
Delegates,on Monday.
14 011 , • \ •• Denthit. Corner of - Poeta
'• and Decatur, between
Marko an OUtl-dlvin
Kinpreriiminati — iiilianttstry.
DR. G. 0. STF.AItNS, late of Beaton, Ls prepared to
manefuetere and act Owes Tanen in whole and parts
of set., upon :Amnon or Aunovphetie Section Plates.—
Toot/tams ccial, In 7100 XlNtrin, where the nerve tv
Hooted. (Moe and reanlenee nut door to Use May
or'. °Mee, Fourth Direct, Mother,:
Itareare—.l. 11. M`Fadden. F. it. Eaton. 1.11
1 . 1.1011VN LILNUCI Jlll..—t • rtpkreu toy J. W. Kell
William gnat, N. Y., and Mr sale by A. Jaynes,
ale orFtiatib street. Tint IViii lelioa a deligimal an
baverage in !Main., and tiardeularty
Itanco's IlaoSA.—An Improved Chocolate prept
Linn, being a combination of rorosnun innocent,
Mgormant and palatable, recommended po•
Marl . ; for nwnits. Prepared hp W Itokor, Dor
ter, !Soma., end for sole by A. JAYNES, at the
lon Store. No. NO Fourth st.
A.k no attention or !Framer. to their
rngSit IriP44NCI SVOCK
wiltrh Itin thkra Will COMM., (numbly, Po
extent and cheapness, with that of any
other house, either here or nn
the Eastern CAW/.
le` 21 JA.wl T
1171.irs• Pmts.—These Pills, thecormed by Dr.
McLane, and which bear his taint, wire brat need lu
his own prectice. In • few years they attracted the
'Linden of other physicians, and Claim., passed into
general use. Far curing ail dycarasof thu Liver, they
set with certainty nod regularity. The patient soon
feels the removal of disease, unless he is well, The
eifeet is lamest wend; •nd after swallowing drags
and medicines cfasollter description, the rufferer find.
Miami( relieved at once. Diseases of the lova are
very cowman in this country, and are as frightfal
character as they are frequent in OCCUMee. Ant you
troultlrd with any of tpit , nsairroty complainth *thick
ormthste ins diseased state of the Lives'. Ithrditthe
Dr. gicbanets Pills, and he relieved u once.
Foe sale by J. KIDD & W., Natitycomer of Fourth
and Wood si_, Pittsburgh. lart.-dimstlwg
ernfxaPAIIIION -11130 1
Al!loreb 1141, the Now lock MY.
•4a Paola, of Milo OoOOIKDO
('LOVER SEED-75 bats prase near, a baid anil
1...) far tale by JOHN WA &CO,
Libariv sueet
‘THAV 13ACON--.1000 It • Hog Round, On story and
II tor We by 30/111 wArx k CO,
X[l,2 Liberty sun.
If ACKEREL—Nos 1,2, and 1, in 661..01 tif bbla,
al fur enla by JOHN WATT b. CO,
mrl .veer
TIMOTHY BEED- 2 0 bbla extra prune — Joe band end
for sale by XOLIN WATT &
tad Liberty etreet
BROOM --.900 don 4.'1 Corn Brooms, far wale by
mitt JOHN WATT& CO, Liberty st
A. A. MUON t CO,
N .
O. co Market street, are dally,recciving new and
desirable Goods from the lending manufactories
of this country, and of the lutist im,tonatious.
facilities which they enjoy, in bethg connected with a
house to the rut, enables them to purchase goad. at
the lowest valuation, and keep their stock full and de
sienole at all
They have a fine assortment of House Keeping
Gonda, to which they solicit the early abandon of
their friends and the pukka. mrt
lusparlal Coggh Syrup.
TIIIU must be a prepandon of much merit, when ao
many of Our own citizens willingly nod Veinier.
Dv rectify to Its curative propertiec An lured and
highly respected citizen, after sting it, expreared his
opinton of this Very pepsine cough remedy by easing,
t is
sp a he its weight in •
gold: , An editor of one of
our daily papers states in • note,-.lalways keep it In
my house and would not, on soy secant, be without
it * An old country man says—ol am leadified, of
a Mei of three or four yeas', That It ta the b.., cough
medicine I have over toed, either in the Old or New
World.* If you have n cough, get a bottle and try 1t
it costs but XX non mod
Groat Spring and SamMiir
Dr. 8. P. T.norssewS• Sam:pangls.
. i rp zx o f f titejenuint Ttoreend' i m „
F. Sellers, No. d 7 \l.To ' ad ' arte ' et i , e' elllt; D. gni '' ,
Alleben eit .
vioarbEa OP WolliDiClittll
T HE greatest Natural Cunosltiee in the World, are
now being exhibited Day and Eeening, at
N 0.27 Market area, nits door from Second.
And queen of ail Sheep Kind!
This Mammoth :penmen gins 8 feet I Mob, and has
wool en her from Id to IS inches long. Her Lamb eon
also be seen, being only lel months old, and weighing
015 Ms., with wool from inches long.
The Wool on these Sheep bulge all in rolls, ready
for spinning. It 1/1/1 said by the best Judges at N
Now York State Fair, that this Sheep hat 281bs. wool
on her.
These Sheep ere 01 theßeakwell breed, and raised
by JAMES BICKNELL, Esq., of Amara, Erie coun
ty, N. Y.
The only one en the Continent of Amines.
AVhioh is smellm than the Lamb, bring wry 30 inches
S. s, welshing !:10 lbs., and the mother o t o two Calves.
These wonders have be exhibited to ver lIKWDO
persons in New York, Philadelphia, and %Vaithington
City. The Animals have been visited by the lion.
Henry Clay, and [only other distinguishOd members
of Congress, anve be pronounced the greatest
Natural Curiosi d tie h s a in Am en mlea„
Satisfaction warranted beyond all expectation, or
the money refunded.
Admittance only me. Ladies Free.
Persons desirous of purchasing Sheep of this do
wn • tion, vetll please apply to the exhibllons.
1- ASII-10 ens •in store and for 'ale toClit •
consignment. (mai MeGILLS A ROE
°LAMES-200 G 614 superior oak soopeage, I
Moto and for into by
land and too rale by.
eGILT.Sh R(W Mots prime N 0, on
12 IAP-1110 hr. Cir. No 1, for sale by
BLED PE :COMP, Lazd, and Batter, for eels
!OFFER—ea bap prime Rio. m arrimt this dav, for
rale by L 8 WATERMAN lc 80N8,
tort 31 Water and 6i Front st
F LOUR-93bbls .boles brands Slipmlinei
70 •• Roe; for ode by
earl 1.13 WATERMAN k SONS
LARD -9D bbl. prime No 1 LeAt
843 kegs do do do; for sale by
TAR -10 bbls NC, for sale7l4
OIL -1A bli,a Lard Oil, Illarlthardt &
10 " Linseed; •
13 " Tanners% for sale ha
BACON--5000 lbs ...V Illont,thies, and Shoulder
for tale by .
L ARD -:61•b!. Nn I Leaf; •
In keg. do do; for We by
rnril AL&TVIEWS & CO
tart , 172. and 174 Ltbeny It
ALUM -99 bbl. for .ale by
CRUSTIFI) SUGAR-40 blila Levering.;
12 " U k for enle by
BV SH ULDER.4-40G0 pieces bow landthg and
mor sale by
2 IfARDV, J0N1.5 t CO, Water at
M -
OULD CANDLE.SLMi bye bow landing and for
sale by [ma) tiftDL JONES d CO
B ACON -4 culni 14
do .
d do liboolderto Ant ay reed, for sale by .
01..A1.+SES-7i bblaN 0, s'ee'd and for sale by
C . LA g IFIED SUGAR—IU bbls for sa l e by
PORY-1.5,=10e. Nog Roand, receiving and
lar sale by
fin Latterly st
lIAMS—In tea John T. Mania',superior Sag
Cured Huns, landintr and for Salo by
torsi 144 Liberty rt
B ACON- 10 0 Clnci a n o t!sal Cu a r o ed;a.,
d do do' do Rides;
Landing per grearner Jewess, for sale by
S Ufi"—*.hb4 N O, ins Wore and fur a.le by
30 0 Hanle Ground Sow norms;
Landow and for oak by '
DurrEa-IU bbl. Freak Roll, read and.for sale by
LARD—So &ego No I, In gore and for rale by
UOAR-40 bbd. N 0, ia ' , taro and for We b
y mr). 8 & W IIARBAUGII
BUTTER—IU bbl. ptimaßoll, reed and far ..le b
P ma
84:7 PORK
—lD."th. "c ti .j &lilaltA b l y lOH
W li b l y TE 13Eati m eaVa few bt s olnazinl A r 6 7 , lle
I'ORSE COLLARS—Ied. fa atom wee for tale by
ms , R& IV 11/11111AUGH
THE Law Partnership of Regrew& llelinightwras
this day dissolved by mutual consent. 'lto un.
finished ba...nets of the fine will receive the nal* it.
mutton al both of the undersigned.
Feb. 23, 18.10 —me:l4m Fl. MeldNiotyy,
LEITEII9 of Administrition de hams non. having
been granted to the undersigned, an the Estate of
Job Davis, late of Birmingham, deceased; all peruses
indebted to said Estate ere required to make indora.
ate payment, and those having eau. mill present
them, dale antlientmated, either to the subteriber, or
to F. C. Flmiegia, his attorney.
2 THIS beautiful style of HATS Is now
received, and will be mundeeed Co Bab
orday, Mamh 2d, hy McCORD Y. CO,
tru79 Comer Rh lc Wood el-
- -
T I lAVF. Ibis day sew:misted with me, hi the Whole.
sole Grocery. Comminute, and Forwarding bail.
nem, my two Scam R. N. ind W. B. Waterman. The
business In totem will be eondeeted ander the style of
L. S. Waterman & Seer, old!,
ter nod Front street. at the
& s
Pittsburgh, Mardi Ist, .
-- • -
L.S. Waterman • • IL N. Wnterman..W. D. Waterman.
', warding Merchants; dealers in WI Mods of Pr.
dace Pittsburgh blimufactared Artiles; gni Agenu
for auto of Richmond and Lynchburg Manufactured
Tobacco. sort
To tot,
Fls% of Awll next, the WAREHOUSE Intaly
raccepted by Toney & Best, No 35 Wood at. In
ogre of Nut) JOHN BEST.
par tat*,
T AWE Safe Platform,Seale, Counter, Truck, and
1./ other ardel ' es neceesary in the Wholesale She
eery ha.inerr. Inquire at 33 Wood at.
pro JOHN 13L9T.
ULK HAMS & 81{ OULDERH-60,0130 lb. very
bow! f onto cub packed ILI noacon httds,anitablo
for ablaping can, to arrivri and foramc by
tort I DICKEY & CO, Front of
BACON II AbIS-40 bhde on hand and for male by
mrt I DICKEY Yee°, Front tt
DAWN elObo—le coca, on hand and for sale •
13 lora 'DICKEY & COFlnnt at
TOBAECU-40 biz Sla,.res, rod lb lump;
ky..4gality• kir sale by
CVTIM SN EATIIB-0 do. best .tutlily; (nr sale by
m tam' EMS I. CO
Ili Lk:AU-1470 pip Soli Galena. for wale by
end RIMY, rerniKWS 00
Fri',',';l7,Q4`d'ig:d ' it p7oprtoluTrge a Pjlo * w "
ing nsolid 'facts" rogaraieg our Traraporuttion Line:
It h. bre. generally attuned by lotereated parties,
that there were bat four legator respormible Linea on
'he Canal, namely: The 't Caton Lir.e,".Leech's. Lino,"
"ill/animal's Line, '•nd .Sennsylv sin a and Ohio Linn."
We Claim to ho a fifth regal. responsible Line, and
have a large a stook of Bow nod Cats, as careful
Captains,. commodiortadepots, and offer aa much db.
patch. responsibility, nod oaro to akdppera,. any Litre
ell the Canal. Oar "Sundsvall Tothanctr Line"
r , oatablilie& Ly•ichesithConnors to fu
4l v few
yenta later the Ore ants Changed to that of the "Pat
ont Portable Carbo ly lanai The old style of the
sodTraitgartitili Line"... ...lota lain;
and bas been thcceastally curled on since that date
by ona Moor. O'CONNOIt, who are the Sons and
srmeaysorst in boaters. fa &Alai O'CONNOR, and
who am the oath, O'CONNOR% PlOlO ALLLLT In the
Trithaponation Laziness.' Oar arrangema tits this sea
son aro
entenalve,ind we feel confident that •Il
mho favor oar .oninal" old O'Connor'. Pttothargh
Tr6lllPOß‘lioll WO with their bosinosa, have It
troollactrd to their puke asnalantion. Thankful for
Pool lay... wts . hope by strict attention to the interests
of one potty., to ;wetland melees tordintianith and
increase of the tame.
coorreamicallons Weaned to as will moos with
prompt attention. . -
• • •• •
.01221 C
ITCONNORS & CO , Ralumore;
HALL k CO., Cinaineall;
E. ST,OCK, New York;
• ,
T) EMALIGIIG in therittabarghPostOdlee, from the
I,l4'th ta the Stath or Fehmary.lBso. Pampas cellist'
ier them 'rill please say they ara advertised.
Ladles' List.
/Liter Cub , . Adams Sarah U Medium" Usii
Mb , el• Allen Jane • Masan Mary
&anew Sarah Ander.. AtanbeAvie Hfia
Adam. Amp E Appleby Mesh! Ji
Bury hlce Bawl Boevetbuod hada BEU I
Baker M. " Weld , Emily G Brown E
Benu, E Boyd Mary Banton Mari E
Mecham Ana Lindy Markt PI Buckley Allen
/ 14 . Iddc. Rameuip ace E Batas En /Oka
Blakely Maw Blokes Sank Butler Sarah P
Blacks. Idargt Bryant Fanny Blanchard Jury
Conat Maria F Churnslne Rosa Corbit Man Jana
Cameron Ellen Clanohy Mn Cradl CaWon
Carnal Isabella Clark Bridget Craig ELLS►
Caulfield Mirth J Clemente Jane 9 Creighton Catleno
Chapplin Anna Coleman Sarah A Cnppea EIWIb
Malay Ellen Conner Ellen Careen Mn Robt
cethty Marla Conrad Mirth
Clingy Manta J Cooper Isabella
Day Rachel Demstore Must Dune. Sue.
Deokert Ann Dow. Bridget Duman Jane
Do.. AI L Donnelly Yaw Dme. Bah l
Doily' Mary Lava
Esdie EliVth Edwards Sarah Ems Jane E
Edwards Ellen Omllsh Sidney
Flome.u.k aim Fleming Flutist Fortune Ell=
Elogrart H F Ford Martha Fro. Eliza A
Etscorstd Mrs JasForgusisatoolls Fronts Marl
Fool bes Maria J
Gillespie Martha /Gordon don H Graham Meal:tar
Gilleapia Nancy Gartloa Bluth., L. Graham Haarlatta
Girt Margaret (Jarman Ora. Graham U
riaalla Remy
Hagen) , Heneta Haulm Caroline Hoffer Um I+
Hamlin Ihddir Ilawket Rachel Hort Mare
Ilmilton Mrs C Holenbek
Haan.* Eft% Miayes Raw Honeyw ag ell Ato'y A
Ilarmsn Alm Hays Maly Hopper Banat
liarricgtonAlr•Wlienryldrs-Labooliolracr Sarah .1
Harrison Meth Hiller Econla Houhlson Mary
Harman IdraCWirsanayE Hugo •Dracilla
tuts Marie L Hanker&Mlle
ruin Hannek Isor Mrs John Ivory
,in Mudd.
Jackson [Weak!Jones ?Lanka Jakaston Rosa
Jeffrey Avatilia Junes Mary JobristonECoelia
Jones Mrs C
Keating BarberaMail Mary Kau Jane
Keep Cath'ne 'Kann Emma Knox Mary W
Kenn Rachel KirkparinkSallAKnowleon Nn
Kennedy Eliza Kliney Ellith •
Lambert E - 8 Lemani Lama 13 Lamy Laden
Lorimer Nur ',lngham Hamlet Lowry Ham' .
Lawman CaM'neEnta Mg Karp
Minima Mary A atandenhaLydlaMoanudo Nancy
Marsh Heartens MasaSarah Mowry C A
Marta C Mins Helmut Moon Banta
Mason Carolina LMoineenery MatyMoore A C
M. L Moody Bush Manta Mary
Maranon Eleanor Morrell Mrs W Malkin Mrs Jag
Martin Ann E Morton E Murray EAU
Matido Tabitha AleCalloagia9Walaroiroo Diu •
Cocmmrt Must&Om EWA Morrow Ellshh 9
MoCudlou MurhicGialey Bibdy MolOslght Nancy
McCloskey Mass IdeOtoloy BridgetMogedow.rogo.s.
McCombs Coth'nehteOurso Hetty Melange Omen
McCoy Sarah Whin= 6m MoMeily Am
McCrory Anus Melmook losbelloMoMouuruhall•
McCord) Luisa rotoKana A= 0
O'Brien Battens Mims' klarouthOlCenfa Panda
&Donner Sena .
Padder Mary Patterson N.' RPhlllia Hannah
Putman Outt ISPaneraon riot:lard Muy
Patterson Eliza PatlllyabirsAattlyPrioe Snap,
Rahm Flare R Richards , Enda Robins Lydia
Rea Marla • Maur& Mari Whitman Mrs M
RaterryMnHanryßiebardama May Ross MM.
Ramsay Ahdil Rilay•Marct Rosa Matilda .
Ramsay Birth Ripper Riad& Rowland Alm
Reid Mary Riar Lo z& Ryan Elms •
RaraleyEn.h Risinger Mrs Jos
Rica Mancha Rittolll4o , 2lM Rata
Semple Unfit, Shiptoit Sara. Smith Marl' A
hods Jane &Wes Ehath Smith Mary Ann
Sarre Awns Shinn Mary 0 Smith Sarah
-Elawnity Marc tillkey Dual SpOetliAautudaM
Seem Charlotte Simmons Atugt Steele D
Sellers hiauganSbums Louisa - L. Elm= Mtn
Seth M A Simpson Sarah Stephens Clarissa
Shafer Mary Singer Canute Stephens Mary
Shannon Wrap Sham Cubists Stamm Carolina
Shaer Elizabeth SmiihCatane Stewart Matilda
S ...Sarah J Smith Eliza Stewart Ann
Twor flarnh ToomPeoPhebeMettle Meth
Teener Louisa TnompeonSmakEnTrainer Alm
'Campton Mies J Templeton fleb'eaThompeon Lab
Th mapsonMnJoraterolsost Shah
Wakefield CaridaWeller Elia' Wilson !Canon A
JYall Edon Whit Mr. bl Winds! Mary
Wilkar EJIaYh F Wilbur Mary B Win Lin Medi
Willa Mary J Wiley Ann Winton Kann
Winton Asa Willman Jana Wondybanah Ella
Wardell Pauline WilliamisniMuisWoodbarnMratas
Watson Lantana Wilson Eliza Worth Mamba
M A Wilson h7irtb Worthington AI A
Waugh, Maria Wilson Hainan
Adams floc. P Ames Fres Andrew. Tim
Adems Debt D Am* PYWP lip 46tidn Wm
Addison AlliiitldOr Wm Ayetil Jno
Adlimmen Used IGIAnc hewn Prat Amon nos
All Willi. Anthony Chu A.kinJes
Alden. John Anders= Alex. Ami Meed Mae
Aggostu Aztec Mabel Anur John
Banta Fru Bedard i.e Darla Da&
Hsieh /sail Beata Jo. Breese Jams L
Miley David Benedict Capt O Brows BM P
Bailey Thu J Bellows Ina 71 Bruns W
Bailey Jt.o Fkazoll Jasper Braig Jacob B
Bailey Jae Hamar* SM Readmit Isaac
Barnett A B Bennet Jars Banker itobt
Barnett Zephanlaßinghant Wm Brun Barnard
Dater D C Dun Ju Brant Benj.
Baran Bernard Dimly Bob, Brady John
Barron John Higley E M , Brady Jas
Barrot Oaten Buford Slalom Bender Ju
BatemoJaa Blank Thu Brewer Ebenezer
'Barlow Fred Black Win A •• Brennen Ju
.Barns Jno Q • Blank Win T Breath Jt. Pruner
Barna Jno Black Wm it Brooks 0 43
Baru Win Black Alex Brenitalun Dant
Boma Rehr Mathieu Meadatone ME
Bunn Sand Balers Dr J T Brookabank Ina
Joe Bolden Jaz Ilmnahm J
Beaty ßell
John Boyle Casa Pa Bryan Saud 9 u
Beaty Walter W Mama Mold r o ger:oorge
Bony Geo Boyle Nell
Bens Thu Booth ?hos jr Barna
Moder Band Boles J B bum We. J
Biers i.e Boot Jonathan llama Pat
Benson Darla Baden B S Bader Andes
Behan Mania Boyd Joe Battey Dap
Bowers (Mt C Medan Baal J Baum
Buts Jas
Cahill Riehd Clanton Meson P Cotton Simpson
Cabill Th. Collins David Cousins P
Al. Colin Abel Albert
Cartwright 811 Coats Wm Con Copt N
Cavanagh Jolla Caws Bold Canals F .
Carroll Matthew Collis. Hasa Corwin Henry W
Carnahan B H Cole Wm Carbeu _T
Carnahan H Delo l F Covert Joe•ph
Cannon llogh Id Colo John Craerart Jos B
Canon TA. CA" Ck. Thu
Can. J. AII Cochran Lewis E7 = .,
azaw. .0.145 4 4 . Core James td
Cuter C Connor Corn' Crawford John
Ca Jas COl3BOO Taos Crawford 1110
Cameron AI. Coney C Crawford Ander
Campbe ll rhos Crawford Jos
Campbell Mr Consal Deal C.. Hoary
Chew Wm Conway Thai evokes Coo P
Charlton Woo Donny Jo. Con.haraorptu W
Charms 'War Clowdly Mazda Cards Himry
Chid.. Wm Conolly M Corwin Goo J
Medial I H Comfy Beth I Carry
. 8.11
Chapma . n
Baud Coop:wham J Commutes Banal
Cheats 0 Corms Jacob Curtis Henry
Chiron Geo Corns Jo.. Cont. Oh..
Chalfont Wank Cowlick B Cannlngharalesse
Clark Mr Covina W Canalogham Joo
Clough John Coyle Moot Canninikam Thos
Dmitri"( WA =rty Mehl
Davis Mt Deihl Chsimian ity Joseph
Dans John Dean Z W Diettsr Cluislian
Davis Jos: .Deon Jas Dolly Thom
Davis Wm: ' De Crews J Dolly Martin
Davis David H Dickey /co H Dyer Olivar
t 4,11 Jos D Dillsobaust IdusilDurbovan A Q
Davis Watkin Dopler Hardin Dun p hy SOW
Davis Thai Dobbensllcsa Dann Ow
Deapel Henry DO.OliGir Joe Donn Wax
Dsvol CF. DCIIIO4I. 4. W Dunn Primal.
ik.,,kb kti ; k i v Donaldson Jno hiDonean Jackson
DevinisJaa DoixoellanSieplOnDancan Wax '
Devine Thos DoaghertykSvans
Fortiori Anthony nelson Bg,to) crrggr &
Folio W tt Ennis Wa 11011'
Dimon Mehl k,tlis; Laaitain Fyeser C 8
Ederudg Ereaul t t,ciy Jac Elgigor Wal H
Edmonds Wag &Veil Chg. Immo. WO
E:k.lei - doggspo EgreoiSte Fred N Erang C
Elhherry Chas —Evans /oomph .
Fanicil JAIL Fitzgerald John Forbes Alex
Fagan Geo Fisher Capt J T Fostar lottn
Fault Wm Is Filson .10thila • Tbnyth John
Pahl Abraham Famgan Jan Font* Seal R
Falb Goo P Finlay . Jaa L F rg Wm J
Fahne,tnek Alb't Mauna Wm CoFrarteis Sebastian
Farrell 7W - Fleming Luria Franck David
Fnrraaa? Wn Flaming. Rata b Fotneofelt E
Ferguson etansi Fluigm Fru 0 Pushier Dantab'•
Fonwiek David Manion Pat Feel Pat • ,
Fitzsimons Chns , rFouutim Jno U Franklin Met
F F o o rrdseE Wm h
. FankJWM
Fuld Semi Fonds Fred " Fmk Sirup
Fitch nit Forrester Jaa • Pollan fi
Finch Jahn Fulani Inn ralkinos Wit
Galiaohar Jan . Gillmola Wall Green daml
Gondol tl; Gills= Ek Co Green John
;MONO Par CiliddonlkrnCialoGreen Allied u.
Gearhart CM Glom Alex 'Grove Jonha
rimti,Thrta GUI/ Theo Groxe David
rime 'Grant J Glenn Timothy Grohs John
Grome PAM Cordon Esollial Orme dumber,
Germ John Good John Groats John D
Gann!, larob timid akin E W Choker Ikons •
Gormely Cape Otillen hat
,Gana Jacek Gribbin Peter
Gant Thos Grace Grubb Isaac
carl'ukT►n Unlit Copt June Groan= G
tkic,rd Aaron Grady - Graham km
Wm Ore John • Grusin Wm
Gilmore Arettd ?Wrote/Raab Grimm 2.1
lisailtoe Jas Harelsom/ Heslap J D •
Han Sala Haan Chas W Hoesigluus Pal
Hall Jos" lards Wa H 'Staab /ea
Hall Wok ' flabanty S • . Hisao
Hamilton DbrardHaso Z Broiler Hen*, Hew H
Habana bl Jas H
Maas Lams Hardie Robs Hill Susi
kintrisaa Ugh Harper John Hyland Ms
Hanlon Max Hulett t /haw Hdtbeidel Dug
Halal= Can Haymow' Wm Hiroutalyk Ord*.
11.0Jeafy, Ilavtia Jai Minn Jos
Hanoi Wm.. . Hayden J. a HOOT Ron
Harms Gut Ina Hays Chas A House I J
11•111%4 Mift 4 Hays John llombaker Bann
Wray Sylvester. Hays Ma. Mc Haslet Mean
Hoarsen Jan, Hebron Jas Haman John
14,.. Joh,. maker IlenrylC Honnab Her
Harrison Alfred Hannan, Neal troneyChas
Hartland Geo 11011.0 Jas Holmes Robt
Harman JHoltiorHastou Eased !Naha. Wra
Holmes Geo 11.,... G M Hutchison John
Holmes Rachd Hughes Michael Hutchison Rey
Hall /no Haighea John R Hunter Airm
Hurtling, Geojr Hughes Jena Humphrey las
Hagen Join Hard A J •
Humphrey km W
Jam Stephen 'newsy J Johnson Henry 13
J ames Wm W Janney Wm Johason Geo W
- James John E Joe Amos Johnson Thos Et
James A ndw Thee Jones inn E
/anima Andw Jennings Berj Jonas & Dahen
Intsey.nos Jennings Jan lanc e Geo V
Jackson Stephen Johns T C Jones Hann
Jar.), Sllllll •
Josniso G Jones J.
Janes Stephen Johns 13 Jonas Lien
leeksarny Seth CJohnson leash Janes Jesse AI
Jock SOD Wm Jelmson Clpt T Jones Mr
Kay Eared ' Kelm /no P. Kelly Jas T
Kaye Joseph' - Keyser Joel' gay PhUip
Keenan Frannie Reregan Pat • Kerr Wm
Kearns Tees Kemp noels - Kelly - Amos
Keegan .Toseplr Kernmey Alen Kelly It II
Keane John • Kenning Joe Knox I H
Kenny Rots Kelly Andre - Kirkpatrick leo C
Kelsey Amos Kerr Taos 4- Knox Dm A
Kennedy Tees tr Kerr D Knowles Leveret
Liman Maw- Lewin Than - Ldmiton Z
halo ho Lewis David A Lynch Balmy
Landry P t 3 !Ahem, - Lynn inn
honed Harvey Lewis Jos Love Wm
Lam Jahn P Linton nos Lynch W
Luntnin Brown Whim Lumley John
Lake Henry Linty ho temp Jos
Lanhun Wm huh Thos Lord Co
Lender Jas a — Linde Llavul Lepler 13.treet
LeeettelalswplretLinslsey L 1.11111 Joupts
Llnsey Geo Liseomb Paal D I.ioyd Abel
Lee Edard 'anion.. It I.oteeltieo II
Lewis Wm • Ultimate Jas Lynch Ward
Lewis Joanna • Long It 0 Low /no W
Lebm F Lanny utigh Lyano km
Lewrimn Lewis Lows Evan
Maddoeke Thos Hama P Jas
Maths Arthur- Hosea Sal Meredith Jar. L
alimahan John Mama Jots • •Merruaso J ao
Melton Om; Mason 8 H Mem Henry
Mahany Divid Male6lins Woe Messer Hathl
Mahan Joo Manama Ed.d Murphy Ethal
Mullin Wm Matthews Hob% RaluTpliv Mr
Melisfey Jai Maxwell Joo Murphy Pews
Ma:lM Wastita Maxwell Ono Malvin , Mwom
Martin Jo6B May/. - Murphy Miehl
Norma Fred Welding/Dom Salumby Hoary
Masks J T Heigh. Ander Malloy Jos
Mash Jul DI Millet Chas • Horny Pmk
MattomJanathmatilliager Maeda Mural' AoIOT
Martin Iheolme MalMila itip Homy iv.
M'Adda End , . Went Hoek DPGarri . tV.l...
MVulamsGem-Dosough Led IMimusDaal
DPW* Mich' IWDowell EC M`Goban /as
BPAsulry Jno • . APEITaiI Thom 141146 Eard
Id , Doolld Joseph hPflemh Mield
kwake Hash BPDenoott iro P M`Gimtv Jou
IPCulloosh Jas AWEwen Jas W M'Gdl Hash
Aram' Thos M'lntyre Cain @Voila lua
BMus @ Milroy. Wm • Mnovem /so
fdalany @Abed Wllroy JU B Mviisba Stephan
BPCisno Andy APNa yMichl
kPealbster 111 mi David APNell Marcos
WCavor Rob% @limy RoM. , @Sass las
leCarty @miry Weans P ,MgdolimsW
M'Callister Fras WM= Ism @Wiliest D
APClats Ands, M'Ciesa Wm R. ArNiat Tbs.
',Masker P WiCsiskt Rain ?Mamas Pm
@Cm Clam - APlLnight las IdNolty Wash
breath= Jas • M'ltalig Ono AVNeasbles .1 0
@ -WKes.ron AVNieholl Hugh
M`Cono Jos Mltalvy PII @Volk Mr
kPaal Alex
lY DPlCohry M M'ilgoo Mad
DPCally WOakey
Newland Wm Noonan Jobs N 1,11160.111.2 A
Nemo= Joseph . Noolau That Nelabet Jae
Newmand F Nieeole Joke Nieholeen Ak. F
Neleon Ju Noble Wm _ ?tweet Gee A
Neldle 0 • Nlebeleee Oaost Nada, Semi F
Olives GB - 4nrood AIM P O'Farrell Dalai
O'Brien Jar O'Daanall P Owen Mr
Oaliner Lewis - O'Xana Hem P Orr &mums •
Pack CPLlenell Jona. O'Brian Frio
Osgood L
. •
Pegs, Jos Patton WP. Paton John
Paden J D Paine John Patton Sand
Patterson Al PenningtonG W Palmer Sue
Park Alazazier Pierce PW Pollock Darter
Parks las Pierce Enoch Poke Mr
Park John W Pemberton Israel Porter Mr
Park Henry' L Phillips J PoaliOY' rirr
Patterson JXI Plant Jas Potts Geo
Pierce FranelsW Phlllipe R&W Poor, A. B
Peter! John H Plunkett Jas Pope Howl 'X'
Poet Jae M Phillips Dinka— Price. Heel •
Pease Enos Mhos Luke Price Geo
Pierce John Phillip. &tear Proctor JAIL .
Q 6111034. goner Wen • gust ,Toe
Rankin . Wsa Reed 1.4 •
Ralston Dasld Reed C HO% gam
R. 161115.7 EdroOld• S lit Robb Jos .
Rankin J B Thos Robb A _
Ranier Jos ' Really Owen Rockwell Jai
Kornis G P Riddle Ram . . Robinson .1 a
Ralston Joe Risinger Jscob Robinson Del
Raymond F A Rithardson RR Robinson Sam)
Rome Jelin Rialasnes. Robinson Robs
Rase Thor Itlehenback Dan . Robloson swot a
Ramon C D Roberts Morrisonltobertsoo A B
Redman John Roberts X W By.. John
RisinaerßenseaeSßOberts 'Geo W By.. Sam
Rebbfe Hobert • Rolla Rat • Alan Mos
Reinockl Allis Ross Mehl W Abr. Wm
Reed Dr Cam, Reassrell Rodyard C W
Reed John • Reed Geo RaffSasa
Sala John Shins Mr Smiley Ise
Sample hinter Sheppard Henry Snyder Geo.
Sands dame Skelton in Berns Mr •. -
Savage Francis Singleton Sam Spencer Pee
Savill Fatß Singiston Ed Spencer 7?d 8
Sayre In Sleyllllll - 61 Th. Sprawl Iran
Scarborough J Minns John Nan Goo D
Senn Jas IC Smith Richd • Stapleford 8.8
avilllllo6 Smith WM/ Stanley Hugh
Sears Peter Smith W F Stanley Ahrens
Sell des Stern lane gtergin John P
Seely Clam D Smith Jonathan Enelle Henry •
Seiner Jp. N Smith Beni - Stephens Peter
Sams Wm Smith Wm . Stephen Jas
Seralernoyers D Smith Thee B , evren Jae F.
Shafer John 0 Smith Me Stout NA. •
Shed Bernard F Smith Titanium AStiU J W
Elimeerelt Hen A Smith In Jr Sturgeon.' K
Sharp John Smith'Hen Stout Rohr
Elven/in Rind Simpson (ha 13 Stow El'unna
Shod Valentine Summand* P W • Strobridr T
Sheeler Peter Sinner John Swain Levi.
Shenfeld Jos Strvelain R D Swaney Lode
Sullivan P H Hanle Geo Swain Thos
Sweeney Jai Sweeny Jobe Sweagery C
Swords John
• •
Traey Jas
Ernst. .Thomas Levis A
Turner SW° Taylor John Thomas Leopold
Timatill Josh. Taylor Rotor Thompson Main
Treedly non Tail Rohl Thompson J P
Tyler Pang Thilmsn nos • Thompson W
TarnerHowardA Thomu Americo Timony John
Trainer Omen Thompson Wm 5 Tlbbits John P
Trnynor Oven Tenn) 17:ime9 John
1 1 . 1Wr j fera W ThoisTpso n r Rie ‘ hdr ' re "i le l :lll;
Taylor Jos Thomas Park Taman/otos
Urban Allied llsherman Rad
Victor ' , rands Veatch Jag VP Vail Ciao
Vann. Jou
WalsU Waters In Williams .1 11
Haver Philip Watkins Adam Williams I
t i Vlt2; tieTdkli s „ ITV
Vannes David West Rohs Will=l:llfot's
Walsh EH Wnt Matthew It William John
Walser Gab M Weaver John B Williams
VisnnskaljW H Wendt Cleo W Wilson Alem
Wallace Job a Weston Chas Wilson Jim
Wallace Andw Welsh David 0 Wilson Join
Wallace 0 West Jas Wilber Minors B
Walker Jelin Whipple Henri DM.. Cto &Co
Walker Walker Whitman' Wm Wilkitt 1
Walkes las White In Wilbert Peter
Waller Jaeott White Hagh Wickersham
Watson Jelin White Mr or hlss•Wingard Adams
Waters John ! White &Co Wiltsay Joseph.
Wan Jame Whiteman H Wilde Francia
Wattentome 0 Williams 8 Wickens Chin
WansninghtonW Williams A Wickeraltsm W
Watt Wm Williams tool. Wismar Si W
' 'Warren° P Williams John D Woodcock Hoary
Wand Alfred Williams Silas Wyndham HI.
Winter Ties Woods Edwin Wrigll &Minter
Wilkinson Jas Woods Joe Woad. Wm
Wilkins Wm W Wood. Ju
Yowls Jonathan Yong WII Fester J (I
Young Jess. Young 11 Yowl ins Frearei•
Zi&art Chutes
Intltiada: -
Steamer North River, or owners
&unser West Newton, or owners
R J - • •
PoNlevelea Otßee;N W DOnnend
Clerk steamer West Newton
GUI Grove Lodge -
Zoete_Leage_ *5
Iron CIG Leese:No.24i •
Reverence Demean, Ne-ane
Lawleueevllle Inman, NoTIZ
Oscan Wave Divloon. B of T.
• on, Marc% 1, IBM.
IL A. Pahnosil4iak $ Co,
_•. . • •
TITHOLIZALE DR1.1110111 . 6, sonar of First and
VT Wood otter% offer for rale, on favomlLle terms:
bbla Wllll2ll - 500 Un Cart, Ammonia;
60 do Ahomi - : WO do Awahetida;
3121 do Dye Wood.; GOO do Crude Tartar;
5, de lwmpblack; . 500 do Liquorice Rom;
10 do Ven. Red; .11 , 0 16•811orr;
8 00 Camphor; do Red Pmonat;
10 do Arm. Drown; 100 .10 co.omelgo
or e r;
00 do tellow Ochre; .1.. do line.;
10-do ItlintStOtiel 900 do Horner Lrarra;
8 .do Cloves; VIO do ROULI(I3 11001;
3 do mu. Flamers ; 4to do bloraap, do;
10 MUM Ref. Borax; :All do Granalp do;
do Camila Scam 1411 no Sal Iterhnele;
In pmoonan Blue; 001 do Neidlont 31rmore;
10 dO Cale.lllagnerim 300 do PoWd Rhubartc
13 - do Chrome Green; 030 do - do 84. Elm;
6do do Yellow; 100 do do n. Arabic;
sde Am: Vermilion; 141 do do lam. Rom;
• 111 memo 131md Paperf 121 do do ;boom
25 bap Bialy Santee; 250 do do MA:aye/um:
23 toles ee Corks; too do &dot% Zinc;
2Sor. Ralph. Morphia: 301 do 1 1 nr TIM
16s Cape Alora; WM do Tamarind%
. UM/ da 75145120ra Numb:lso Oo Qmet save,
ZOO do Pink Bach 130 do O. sage Peel;
1523 do - Turkey Umber; 75 do
IEO do Cresol Tutor; 23 do Ilyd Pouuh:
Um do Tommie Aeid; . 60 do Mace;
100 &Ilea Ural; . 23 do tharmilie Lotto.
051573 Weida
Ta1,111 1 ,4 1 97.7:.1.":,, J Jt
be held to I namtfeemi Hall, on the dddhirel of owe
-1.31b of Minh nazi, to width Me Mende of lite
mare end We poun generalleS. ARd reilifolly invi-
ted. • • THOW
J.P. =CT?,
/ • Committee.
ROM the Pittebergh Navigation and Eire lam
comp.ny, will please to observe the claim
FOO, Me same, without ether antic. -
• kegs-Ilt ROST. FINNEY,