THE PITTEHU . 411 GAZETTE, PVIPIIIHEII HY WHITE ar. co .rl4 . Ts.lloßell• SATURDAY MURNING, MARCH 1, lam irtrioggrelaaar ore earnestly requested to hand In het; favors:baton P. i t and ag early In the dor as practiorbla: rdriverthierroorts sug Inserted fora op.:ci ted gotemlUtorrorlably be Charged uotil or!. red out CowryAmn—C.Jame* . No. r•Prr , wo . 6 . 44 Gm= oar *gat far Itti; city. Agnelliseme ll, • 1111 d ptioas tutzlod to bin. receive prompt PHILADIALPIELL 11106.1.11 a.. 1111011.10,11.111. Adveithataants and ralaserrpuons to the North ASO' r an and United Scam Osse o, Philadelphia, reeeivad ad OM. Odd ft= edit oriee. • Irresz NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL biAlq' ElLt ZILEGRAYITIC NEWS watt Neste; Control Comae!Mew * members of the Whig State Central Co are regeested to ...treble at Harrisburg, on the 13th of Blares inst. retuned attendance Is earnestly requesied. .- M.SIehIICHAEL, Chairmen. Cm. H. Hear, Gazi—A. furious gale raged for several hears, on Friday. wonting, between twelve o'clock and dailigkt, dicing a good deal of damage to loofa, faitersitromete. The Beaver Street Methodist 4,lleglenty, was seriously injured. . . UNIT! piyarrraw re:New Yoga.—A great Ut, ion meeting Wei laa la New York, at Castle Gar. . dee, on Monday evening tut. The Courier and Hew:drat says that the area within the Code was filled ai 'the boar of organntatton, and from that time till Um r hiljournment there was a constant eunreMat Oriel:is setting to and from the meeting, gamin the caned constantly giving way and re. tiring -ai taiii:aew arrivals premed upon them. Theinarwa, probably, constantly within the Gu ile, frets Iva to six, thousand people, and this quantity' ' ins kept nearly uniform by the cease lesalymoving masses, amounting, in all, to not 1 less dim, ten thousand more; so that the number of persons who gave, by their presence, daring some, one time, unction to the objects of the annettt . igi eras from fi ft een to twenty thwacked. Mayer Woodhull presided, Imitated by a great number of Vice Prwideats. The and resolution a lonia - 7in" the knowing ...-- \Reseised, That the people of New York, with distioritiou of actor party, are ardently devoted to , the Union of these States, as next to our liberties the most precious et their Political Institutions; and having never yet begun to calculus the V. unCOlSUrcron can contemplate no contiagen oyint.which Its dissolution would be otherwise ~ than a gigantic crime Against the Peace, Prosperi. ty, and - Freedom of our country, and of Mankind. Whdi tliis retiolution had been mad, • call was Made for LAkaren ,cheers, for the Union," which wets given with a will. • The 'remainder of the resolutions adopted are aanerinisement of the compromise resolutions of Mr. Clay, presented to the Senate, and are stmt. ler In pliraidology., The last speaker was Gen Saw!, who addressed the meeting ink few words; expressive of hie attachment to the Union, which he had served fur nearly forty two years, and die. : Mainiing ill party eonaplerations In his devotion to the 'emir* confederacy. He was charmed with the admiribM spirit of conciliation, of harmottj; which prevailed at the meeting. For biew. l ff he stood' there- neither si a ' Pao.Slavety ante, nor an 'Abolitionist, neither a Whig nor a Democrat, but:iti the firm, unweVelittg friend of the Union of the motes, which he treated in God would never be' destroyed. seems we were mistaken in aserbing the Tattled° remarks in fiver of the Union, to the Azakvillcrfnion, a Locolheo paper. They should bucreditedlo the Nottbsals Emma,* Whig organ. 'liztatoa Turney maid in the Senate, that the Nutt y,lll6 Unieuvras in favor of the disunion °seven. t Inizoind so was the Democratic party in that State. Heald the gkeious resolutions in favor of MUDD, pulsed by the Letgislesure, which we published yesterday, were carried by • party vote—the Whip on the side ortheilnion , the Locos against. , Thus we see Southern Locofocos plotting treason, While their Northern allies in this ante are passing ,'ertiYen and 'submissive resolutions to propitiate •them. Such IS Locator-Ginn ! Destructive in Pitts. buish, moat spirited In Philadelphia, treasonable ..In the South, and corrupt every where. The learital, or yesterday, in an attack upon the Gazette, more diettraceral to its editor than W Its, found@ the whole of its column of chars teristto frippery upon a falsehood of its own coin • rug. It says: . - "So the Gaut. u espies the swelling paragraph from Pat, which denounces the She riff, and . . - - mica% We Occasion of twee declaring Ina tem lent our reatter, for the oorpo.e' of iejoriee our excelleet Whig Sheriff, Curter C 1.11158, EN." ,We did rot say, or intimate, that the .Tortroni 'hid lent Ito type to the Post rut the purposs cl an. jarring 2kfr. Curtis. We stated that the Purr had ...rousse!, the type for that purpose. What per. pose the Joumil editor had In Wangs° mischiev• ons an article which he most have known the Pert would 'use against the Sheriff, and against: the peace of society, we leave the editor himself to explain. That lea muter which concern. hat,. self,aot as. The very fact that the editor of the Post approved of the article of "Philandrus, and wished to priblish it at title =Ws, was aufficiendy , indicative of its dangerous character and ten Disgraceful Riot: .• ~• I tis with exceeding pain. we are called upon " lorgive publicity to the details of a very diagram. fol clot, which occurred in oar city yesterday.— Frongthe information we have derived from eye witnesses, it appears that about 11 o'clock, A. M , body of women, numbering from sixty to one hundred, entered the rolling mill of Mews-Graf, landsay, & Co., and having previously prepared themselves with emcee and other minibus, mutt mended an attack upon me Puddlers and botlere, driving them from their wink, and severely inka• rqd many of them. They then threw coal and dirt into the furnaces, ruining the iron, and causing . injury to the furnaces. The Airy of the assailants may bejudged of from Dieted, that a number of them surrounded one of the puddler', wbo was the last to leave his place, and hurrying him to the river, were in the act cf „ throwing bin in, when he was rescued by one ' • • of Ma wolgen, LnE only allowed him to escape op bellls pion:deo to leave the mil. ;„ „After mopping the work, and doing all the mi. eidr4 possible, the rioters proceeded' to the mill of ileum Shoeoberger. Hero they, were met by an effective and determined police, and after several desperate efforts were finally compelled to Satire.' From the fact that a large lierdy of men aed boys,'FoLlowed the women and entionnamd their proceedings, there can be no doubt that the wo. men were only put Mrward as a feint, to provoke resistance, and thus give some pretext for far aroma violence by their backers. deventf of the men and women who were mos t • prominent have been marked, attil will he brought tojudice. FROM RAILUISBOHAII. Centspoudence of the Pittsburgh Gamut, Flmutmenw. Feb. 26, 1850. In the Senate, to day, Me. Streeter, • from tin Committee to whom was referred n portion of th, Governor's Message, reported a bill relallog to • Not only for the ',eke of the innoeent workmen: oerwin convictions for murder in the first degree. whom rights have thus been viointed, but for the M r , n ye k e r, nom the committee on` hewer , ' 'credit Auld pence of our Olt!. we true , that prompt ; Improvements, reported the!bill to no horivs the and effective measures will be speedily adopted ! cLL y of Pittsburgh to take po melon of, and cone to *Tani such soother occurrence. t street a sewer io, and fill up t at part of the Penn .': The evil effects of each articles n. that signed syhriaia canal lying betwee the Monongahela Pkolandros," published in the Jourmd, and river and Pennsylvania Avenue, and between "lea tow the Pont, is sufficiently evident In Ibi s Seventh street and the TunulFl in said city. 'outbreak. We hope, however, that the Bbetiir • Oa motion of Mr. Cunningham, suer a very Will not be detected by the dangerous doctrine of Ei;;;;;!,,a sod imoreions debate l net , 000 biog, bow this reputed e 1 Christian Citixon,. end "Siewl—fi'--. 1 ever, to the merits of the vari us pubjcas ariting 'Wh4r," from using every means in hi. power of under the Tiers:ion, the Com romiso Apportion- Preserebt the Pence of the county, end the rlfilde ! meet Bill, recently reported b the Apportionment . of Macaw! The county has ! entrusted its ser.l7-..;..Comodittedwae recommitted,withoitt inntructious: 'mid interests to his bands, and he is bound to see but with the undone:raiding that the Committee them preserved. AU the losses occamioned by • would divide upon the subject, and make a major ' mob; the county is hound to pay. and the people ! Ity and minority report. The bill already resort , Will multi: of their Sheriff that ho use his power ' ea seems to have given satisfaction to, bet few to preserve them from lea,. . Senators. Mr. Frick, of Northumberland, alone, We hope the Iron Manufacturers, and every i expressed himself a• beieg fully satisfied with it. ' chine, who feels any regard for the future wet.: Indeed every individual Senator seem, to have a fare of Pittsburgh , will merely resist this attempt bill of Ma own, and nothing will do. to overawe the workmen, and atop the Mills. It Oa motion of Mr. fatale, the hill to 'authorize is high time that Ibis lawless spirit of riot was pot E the guardian of the minor children of John W. !it etop . ' to. •If it le cot, there is an end of all indi- n o . o° , to sell certain reel elute, was honky videsl liberty, and of ail low. To yield now is to I pined, • In the House a good many private hills, were ..jNiawitscringilhe Moors of the totem, passed; but flothisig else well done, we that I have Oallionday bier, a debate at a somewhat excite' nothing to communicate from this body. Mg character took - place in the Senate of the UM. jln the Senaglitsterday, a bill wrier - cad by Mr. teiStatei, on . si 'resolution offered by Mr. Foote, , !Darrie, and plasm( first reading, extending the of Missisempl, to the following purport I•Jariadietion of the Court to eertein cases or sets "To terse to a select committee of six member. I for divorce, for which there is now no power, ex• from the North, and air members from the South, apt through the Legislature. and one member to be by them chorea, with ie. !! The first section of this act roubles that the streetiotta to exert themselves for the purpose of ' Cour ts ayn have jo,iiodwthoo of a .. . fa . , maturing a scheme of commomlie for the adjust. of gi n , growing out or eel, whether the reason alleged wilful and con went ihtsinglegoltict triliverjs eed te!.Pcd. hmseddesertion of either of the(partica,or adultery; " * ,-.J .Z' ,7-7 ' ! " • • "I did not e: and I =sure that my hon. (arable friend from Seroth `Carolina hardly espeet ed.—that the subject could be acted upon by the committee as soon as within the text four daye. I should hope, however, that a report would be made by Saturday nextifor, to kelp_ mu Boma, af no thing cols be dam lefoso:Saturde, sh during e trout sown PlrartMOßT anti take play of a nature, to +Aids I sell do more than allude. .I Ulster. thm daring dui meek these guano= mutt be eagr mama?, - or as anisroVeue mil Is practice. Ida I have good reasons, air, tar what I state. I know the facts, I have looked into the owner. I have conversed with members of both Houses of Catguts; and; our. span ery honor, that rose loss toe do annething donne the ;infant . meth, r maculae* tut the ken doubt that thee subect goal leave ourjerithiction, amilethe U.formoor. lam no alarmist; bet I am in the habit of declaring myself more than my friend from South Carolina. I know that I express in this state ment the opinion of a large portion of the mem. berg of both Houses of Congress. I did net origi. nate this movement entirely of my own violition; but I did it after serious +=solution with some of the wisest and ablest men 111 either House of Converts; some of the wises of this Republic. Is it supposed that I wish to Interior., with the Sen• war from Texan-the Senator from Mienachuto Mu, whom some of as desire most earnestly to hear. Ls it supposed that I wish to interfere and prevent them from addressing the Senate on this question, or prevent the honorable Senator from South Caroline, whose speech we hope to ' beer read in the Senate mat Thursdayl" . Mr. Butler. I have no wish to protract Ibis de bate. I think thoSeuate will bear me =was that I have shown no disposition to Introduce into our discussion, any element ofso thflamamtoryfnature. I have long stppp come 'to the conclusion that it • It hu an evil tendency, and I am still lees inclthed to do it now, as too segos tabs approachusg a crisis if a sok= e ' ater Fortnatouo'clurracur for It caimot he otherwise than highly unfavorable to a dabber. MS and final settlement of the question. If it were ate distance, l could afford to indnlge somewhat In the temper of the times, but I think the time is Fast when declamation, ionsMatory docile:won especially, should be allowed ; and I am 'not one of those who think that these long protracted spew- hes are going to have much effect in the wt. dement of the question. I should like to tee the Senate converted folo a conservative body.— WiLlltOver may be the reank pf this nonwoven'. I let es remain personally upon good terms. If the great calamity which has been Indicated, should earns Want, I should wish to part without .havreig any unkind personal feeling with any member with whom I have been connected. I have no ewliog of the kind. ; know there have been very tree imputations made apse some members of this ho tly, espeetioislly on some gentlemen foot the South, hot I have made op my mind, thoroughly made ' op my mind, end when that is done it is unneces sary to indulge in any declamation one way or the other. I shall yield to no COlTlKOMilethedoesow rest on a bang recoviiieg, in my opinion, the equst.ty of the States. Mr. Dayton,of New Jersey thonght the Union was notthe frail thing some &Damn sell/wed it to be. Ile thought it could not be talked away. Mr. Clemens. f thin!. the Senator is mistaken. I fur the ligaments which bind no together are lessening every day, and for tbat =eon more than any other, I am wady to vote for this intonation-r -iff sestaitior Limo weaks tango it is not is thews.- er of wens to WM the num Notwithstanding all this jIiNKUI foreboding and threatening, the resonation was quietly 44 aside. MOM NNW YOWL: Correepondenee of the Pittsburgh Gamma. Maw You, Feb. 26, 1820. The Union Meeting of last night was one of which the State has reason to be protid, and one which cannot fail to tell upon public opinion in the South, as well as the North. Cistie Garden was eramthed in all its vast proportions, with an au dience such al rarely assembles, and sic!, as no occasion. lees shaming than the present, could attract. The Mayor presided, and the lending speeches were made by Jan. L. Whiting, and J. L. White, but that °S mart interest was from the hero of Lundy's Lane and Chippewa, Gen. Sum When the towering figure of the old soldier made its appearance on the platkirm, the enthusiasm knew no bound., and he received a welcome as cordial, almost, u would have been extended to that other old soldier, Henry Clay. Our State Legislature has at last taken hold of the usury lima, and made a movement awards their repeal, not so completely as mild be wished, but still satiaMmory. Under the sew law the rate of eaterest is filed at seven per cent., bat creditors cannot collect, by law, a higher rate, though bor n:were are left untrammelled. Under the now law creditor, will have the honor of debtors as watered, which is more reliable security than the remedy by law. As of interest to travellers, it may be stated that the old Howard hotel, which has Mined every landlord which has rented it since the lionitards left, has passed into the hands of A. B. Barnum, of Baltimore. Under the new regime it most again take a leading station, and yield, as before, a for. tune, It the Howard.' plan is adopted. Under their rater fashionable traveller obtained a good room, and found, on his departure, a round bill, while • • - • - the economical am-stoner, at capital "dinnetw dept lon small room, was good followed by the Inalonis,paid a reasonable bill, and went olf con tented. More than thia, ho ant all his friends to the Hama, who, In tarn, applied their sliduatt scateio them. Preparations am making for the accommodation of the Collins Line of ()Lie= Steamships, which will commence their trips on the sth of Aptit.— They are to 14.18 mom the foot of Canal Street. now_ he outskirts of the' region of shipping, but soon to be the centre. Nothing afloat NW exceed the excellence of these ships, whether coasidercd as model ships, model engines, or frunishingt— Ample limo has been taken for perfecting every thing, and, in all April, cur transatlimtk friends will see an American steamship the superior of any that Over bora "the meteor Bag." The mas. tent of thew ships are all to be bred in the met. chant service—the subordinate officers are from the navy, and will, probably, get a few new idea. of promptness, for our liner captains are rigid dis ciplinarians. The hotels are fall of strangers, and merchanii folly. and satiaffieterily employed, in most brancWt. Money remains abundant, at a moderate prlbr, and such a thing aa failure is unknown. A more buoyant feeling never pervaded the city, than at present, and, freely as New Yorkers ever bre,. they now napalm themselves. Rents are enrol mons, and there are fewer houses to let, in glib" of the large number created last season, than was ever known. A house with a bill upon la quite a rarity. Real estate els at fanciful prices, and theTabuleme rates of to day are made reasonable when contrasted with succeeding sales. The mail of the steamer reached the city this forenoon, but the market for moat kinds of mer-' cluindize has net opened. Holders of Cotton en, peened an advance, bat have been a good deal disappointed, and ar: now willing to concede to crake sale*. The foreign news is not of a char acter to warrant the hope that any demand is to spring op, upon the opening of navigation, for our breadatuff,or for any qaantity of our provislons,now is cheap and abundant. C. the jarihthetion of ■ large class of cue. which now And their way to the Legislature. The second section provides that for desertion as aforesaid, and for adultery, the Coatis shall have juriadicuon in all eases as aforesaid, not withstanding the parties, at the time of the occur. rence of said causes may have been domiciled in another State; provided, that no divorce shall be granted until the applicant therofor shall have .been a citizen of this Commonwealth for the term of one year. The Committee appointed in the House, to io• vestigate the condact of the State Treasurer, has had two or three seasions; but the evidence foals entirely to sustain the charges made by the. awn— plainanta, and the whale investigation is little more than a solemn farce. You will find the evi dence in the Harrisburgb Telegraph, if you desire : to publish IL COBDEN. The Cowing-cation at Now Orleans. The New Orleans True ails, on Saturday morn ing,the 15th instant, gives the following particulars of the conflagration there on the morning of that day:— About half pun two o'clock this morning, a am, the most disastrous that has of:clamed in our city within our recollection, broke out to the afore of C. G. Barkley, No. 55 Camp street, which was rapidly consumed, together with the following baddimpi • No. 55 occupied by C. G. Barkley, grocer; No.• 51, Corson & Armstrong' stationers; No. 59, Payne & Harrison, Caliiiiilli. inerchauta; No. 53, Bridgeidr. bdurdc, depot for Virginia maculae• Lured tobacco. and Elder St Brother, commission men:hoots ; No. 51, Brooder ' Williams & Co.,— commission merchants; N 0.59, .1. H. Bechtel St Co., bookseller. and stationers; No. 41, basement occupied by the Mum Lite, Crescent City, dad Lexington insurance Companws; up stairs, by Fosdick & BM, shipping agents, and Downes, Caddy & Co, cotton Delon cud commission men chants; N 0.48, banking house of J. Robb & Co.. on the lower door; H. Frets!. & Co., commission merchants, up stai n—building OW mach injured; all valuable property saved. No. 59. lower floor a portion of Robb's banging establishment; uo stein, offices of Gordon Plummer's and Lucien HeAnarOtotaries ,• No. 52, Merclvtota' }pulsatile Ina. Co. No. 54, J. U. Dunlop. china, slaw and earthenware; No. 56, A. Hill, Wood and willow ware and house furnishing goods: No. 59, Henry Parsons, piano and music establishment ; No. 60, 049. Campbell.; house firoislung MoreillNo. 62, Ferdinaud Kennett at Co ,commisaion merchants; No. g,Picayorke office; No. 69, Weld & Co, lite.. rkry depot, on the drat floor; up slabs, Gluey, Cot. troll & Co. Building riot materially Indtwed; the property in the interior destroyed or damaged.— On Beak place, the narrow street motley running In the e a:, and parallel to Crimp - tweet, the follow ing buildings were In pert, some wholly destroyed. No. '7, mini:tied a counting rooms by I. N. Haw thorn, and ]. T. B Feathenuon'h; No. 9,3. & M. Ellin, and 4 Bogart; No. 11,Schrodei & Marrow, and Pion Srßprorsa, produce brokers; No. 13. P. S. Campbell, N 0.15, Henry Holitand,and Charles Oakly. 'The lon. !sustained by our worthy cot,lntiornrYt of the Picayune, must be very Severtt. Tory, not understand, saved their books and valuable pa. per., the greater portion of the material In the composition MOM, and ono double cylinde press. The files of the Picayune were also de ,trotted, The manuscript and proor sheets°, the mind en. ad decimons of the Supreme DoWt,' VOPMed by M. M. Robbins and D. H Hennes, were denims. ed. We have heard of similar leases of valu• able manuscripts, one which to labor of years had teen bestowed, sad which cannot be' replaced. The Delta, of the 17th inst., says: Early iii OA day, yesteday„ there were painfol remora that aeorerai lives tape lost, but we could (tolp hear of two deaths, and of the wounded, the severest was a sprain of the and. The names of the reported to be be killed we were unable to team. Both are aid to have been men; one was crushed by a wall that 101 l on Bank Place, and the other lest his Ste in the same way on Camp street The fire mopped within a few feet of the vault of the banking home of rtobb 4 Co, which con tained an immense amount of specie and vain. bits. Taw Sonia Swim Tanager.—We copy from the Near Orleans "Crtaceot' of the 18th taw, with unfeigned grstificatinn u •'sign of the times: the fallowing annuncintioso " 2 . Nankai& Croseartios.—The Home (of tiepresentativris of the State of Louisiana' hu called on the (lemma fen any information to his possession to prove the necessity of appoint. ing Delegates. The Governer answered that he had none; and the nominate° repented against the Me -MUM . _ Tne New Odes= "Bulletin" glees sow sulditimul Won=lion on the tame subjed, ta fa lows are t appy to feint that the Coaunlitee o o Federal Relations has reported against sendig Delegates to Nashville, and that the wrong wen of both prilitiul pestles are'opposed to the scheme. The subject to made the order of rho day flir Wednesday, when we truss striae councils will prevail. • /sort Liar •eo naiLlMl.—The New York Commercial proriont..4 es !tido the eairava• pot atatemeeta as to Barnum having contract. ed with Jenny Lind for coming to AISIGTICS, and says: "The specific terms of the engagement are theft Mr. Barnum will bear all expenses and risks, and Min Lind will receive one thousand dollars a night for singing. The musical director is to receive £5OOO her the whole time, and the male 'modest £2,500. So we leitu from the Alto. on, the editor of which paper says that he has seen the contract." The editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer, on Mon day, convened with the gentleman who recently effected the engagement, for Barnum, with Jen ny Lind, and Siva" the following description of her, "He met Was Lind at Lubec, sabern she was residing with a lady companion. Jenny is about twenty nine years of age. She la a native ,o 1 Stockholm, cod the only child of poor parents. both of whom are alive, and living Meese and in. yjeperidence to Switzerland. She Is about five feet sit inches high, of for complexion, light hair, fine figure, not beautiful, but very intereeting.— Her demeanor and carmen are natural and,grsee ful, and free from affectation. She hes already accionnlated a large !hope. Her vocal powers were fully developed about twelve years ago, but she was the pride of Strokbelm, even r . child.— She made bee first appearance at Helin, at Agatha, lin Der Freoebutz, was eminently succesefol; and from that !lumber care.' has beet molt brilliant - She will leave-for the United States In September next, and will aing one hundred and fifty nights to this comity and at Havana. Het first concert io the United States will be given In New York.— Her private secretary is now in Philadelphia; on butiness connected with her engagement Corzscrtos or sus Ilstwors.—The Secretory of the Trento:try hos dtreeted the Collectors to onspend the operation of curtailing mrcolarpf e previous date. The revenue cutters are iS be continued In active service, as heretafore.7 he expenses Wending the oppraisment of macheo• ' dine are no longer to be chiuged to Importers, and the expenses for weighing, gouging, and meas. tiring good are only to be amused to the owners of such gnocchi in cams where it to required that such charge shall be made by Mr. Walker's tariff law of 1846. The compenudion of Officers of the Customs is to be no longer withheld. AILWIIL OP ihrtIOARIAPP.—Tho British chip Mount Stuart Elphinenne, Captain Henderson, which arrived at New York, ou Sunday, from Glasgow, brought as cabin passengara thirty rev. en Hungarian end., making Miry six now in Now York. Tho Tribune aaya that the meeting between tease just arrived and those .aircady tidenta hero, vas a scene of the deepest interest Those who had braved unmoved the fire of the battle field, wept with the helplessness of child hood. Tlw Itaraga rf Cholera so Lossisraun—TE , Monroe (Ls.) Gazette of the 21st ult., he. en ern clo reepe.etios the arrival at that place of th. eleamboat .ver on the Itith ult. Several pessen urs bed died on thway rip, end eecerel other wet° In a state or_ collapse and hopeless rest,. Lieu. A number of passengers disembarked at this place, fearing to encounter the peril. or a further contact with the death dealing pestilence ; but the seeds of the plague ware In nanny of them too firmly fixed to bo eradicated; three or four funeral processions in • single day have more thou once attested its obstinacy. Out of the place thirteen have died, and it in not impossible that tho number orAnctims will yet be increased. AISIOng theta were tour ladies; the other aegTOCO, the property of Mr. Young, of Clarkessille Tennessee. • The Indies were Mrs. Ann Eliza Young, wife of Mr. smith Young, of Ciarkesvillo, Tenn.; Mr.. Martha Tucker, wife o'l Ray. Robert Tocke of of Christian county, and her two daughters, Miss Mary Jane, and Miss Virgil:O. J. Tucker. The peculiar manner or oe appearance of the diwaae, end -the fact of its being confined ex eusively to the passenger. of the glamor Dove, in a reoccartat singular - feature in the ,history oi the Cholera progrete. There was no elan.* on the twat when she left Now Orloanr, and no elm of cholera until she had entered the month of Red River. This, la connection with the tact that otter boats on the river are now, and have been free from the disease, mars to the circumstance , of 113 present appearance a mistery, which we coerces we ore unable to fathom. . _ The Moored ilinerimn el 00 2d inst. any. "We regret to learn thet.ose of the pateehlten , who undid from the Own Ho, 2, have cure been with cholera. Om of two tiolies, Stark • i,b,o,,are white orene ond FOREidWITEMS. Nmenta at Paris. An maim at Paste took place on the 4th of Feb. The prefect of pollee had wooed orders for shade meta ion of all the trees of liberty, planted trier the late revolution, that were considered to interfere with she public thoroughfare. The mob fancied that a favorite - tree in the place of St. Martin was to be included among the number. They decant. ingly decorated it with ribbon. and other symbol*, as a demonstration against such an act ; this caus ed a crowd, and the police interfered todiopene it. A fight arose in consequence, and three persona were wounded, one of whom W expected to die. General Lamonciere happened to planet the time and was roughly handled, but the troops haying been called out all attempts at farther violence were quelled. The intelligence from France in other respects may be comprised ion few sentence. With re gard to the River of Plate question it appears that the negolianons are to be continued, and tbnt some limited reinforcements are to be eeot "mere ly ati a protective metoure." The continued dread of &lowborn is mazuGssted by every step of the Govemment, and prosecutions end repression net still the great reliance. A change of the constitu• lion rots to extend the Presidential term to beyond four ymirs is looked to with increasing favor by the timid of all partici. ,A cunous illustration of the cahootl inseambility to shame has jest been furnished in the foot that the recent'explods of their army before Rome are to be made the .object of state pictures, Horace Vernet havingpot returned Mon the Etnrotil City, where he has been mating aketetna expreaoly for the purpose. Thelecond anniversary of the revolution, the 24th of the present month, is looked to with some aneariamw—not from any dread apparently of an actual outbreak, either in Paris or the province., bat lest the Democrats and Socislaw should succeod In getting up a pacine demonstration:— Lyons is the point which is looked to with most apprettenalma. It seems, however, that It la not in coins an much as in the country districts that oubeerolve notions are now spreading. The property of the peasant proprietor. of the soil is valued at 500 millions sterling, and Is locum bared with mortgages to the amount of 530 mil thw, and the quertion weather this burden might net beahualed off to a Socialist movement seems to be one that It in not altogetherlooked upon with distaste. _ ''llOllE AND NAPLES. The Pope has not yet made op hie mind to re turnt,that • bout to about to he contracted for blot by Inc House of Rothschild at Path, which will probably facilitate that event. The amount is to be £1.600, 000 sterling, to eve per cent stock at SO, out of which two per cent to to be allowed to M. Rothschild for C003113Mi01.1. It may appear strange that any panics should be found, under present eircumetancer to ;rum their money to such a security, but it mild be remembered that al though the Papal finance.' are notoriously rotten, the loans al that riovernment furnish a [avant° thacsottent to all the Romeo Catholic prtesta through.ont the world. The release of tic Achilli hoe al length been effected. It to now pretended' that the aunt tance qi the French mops for hie anew was fraudulent ly obtained. His liberation or rather pre-arrang ed escape wan at last effected through an Intima tion on the put of French (government that it uf.S, no longer boldeleYed Out it weirdo: pled with a condition that hie friend* would undertake to Insure his leaving Ley. The Pope tried hard to retain him, and in reply to the French demand sought to rocrastinate on the Mot Mat he would consider alit go his remits to Rome. 11r. Aehilli of course Owe. b. safety to the ci,. cumatance of his having friends in Egnland who would take care incessantly to . e.Tpcso the French o.vertiment th e h u ng s tie remained a prisoner. The We of tha eds of other victim. whom the eardieals, supported by the French troops, have been enabled to incarcerate, is never Likely to be heard et. From Naples the accounts continue to show the maintainance of an unmitigated despotism. The tss, it would seem, ire buil foil. In one pros- Pce 1516 persons confined for "slight offences," have Just been amnestied, but nothing !stlid oral' those in other parts of the country. The suffer ings of such as are charged with what King Fees dined may choose to consider heavy offences may be tonceived, but the French press is in es tames that the 1616 whose sins were cookseedly venial have at length been let off, alter months of imprisonment, and they call upon the world to ad mire s government, "which pardons with such eternal mildness." SWITZERLAND. The ;elope hunt having failed In Turkey, AuturM is now turning her attention to land, where Mazzoni and others have trued ehel. ter. There are also some Ptuseitua fugitives it the oountry .. , and Aintria has therefore stirred op Ponsla to join herbs representations to the French Government an the necessity of compelling the Swine republic to eject them, The applicat'on is an awkward one, static 'Louis Napoleon himself owed for many years his eatery to the hospitality accorded to him by Switactiasd, in the Coon of