MISCELLANEOUS. BOOKBI BOOKH jj'USTtec'dalthe PRESBYTERIAN IHDOK ROOM, 1 No. 19 Wood street, and for sale aiEa*ternpnce« Gfiaenins’ Hebrew Lexicon, Townsend's Arrangement of the Bible, Keander's History of the Christian Pen non and Chureh, Milton's Treatise op Cnatiui Doc trine, LUc of Jertmlah -.KoLlnton’iiG "Z* Harmony of the Go«pel«, do Enßtish do do,goou ■ 0.- ble.flToil, Boston edition: Pamh’s Biblft-Oaxettcei, Meibom's China aud it* Prospects, Or. \\ odd’*. Ue nre, on Swcdeobcrgianuan, Unit's Missionary Aiwc i doUa: an d many o.her Lnmreitinr works, in addition ' io ibo above, all at xaxtxu mess. ■ . oovZt rwinr«rreirpiTfBßimoii, aize- I LEGIIKNY, AND VICINITY, will be ready for the engraver in 10 days. Person* who may wish to hare view* of.their eoantry seat* pot on the map «« do so by making application to the undersigned, any To aoSwtb. «««””“ the view* •*.' -ill bo repaired i» «d«t» n to the price of tba mo. iiotlP R.B Mcp o - TO THE PUBLIC. i i A BOUT four yearn slnee, I d‘ly *m I A. theßiaiejbf Ohio; while *Pf^°jf,* dii/ortred a M nown for tod subsequently learned th at l,^“ o r^ l j QCi bat from year*, and supposed to be of no « ippearance, I it* aniCormityfcf texture and * useful, but for wa* led to » I eorameoced what porposil had not the le bo ;ii n - ju ahdpolver? my experiment* by b ?^f t wilh varums substance*? ixing it, and value and so strong wa* »y c°nCdcn«m“ , ta Uie in it, that l[ra«®P»y from that time proaeeouonbf no other business? at the ex o this, I hri« •“ended to nooww di}COVCTcdi omt, ■irfji L coririilcDfly of itek puni, »»4 -Input, ■ magnesia uud black oxide of ironthat it con it both weather and Bre proof, m the En« 7 crnoicd, the harder and more Permanent it Sm. and as the coating lariertt torn* w I Jute) l* of itself Indestructible by tra.c protects the wood covered with it from tbe air, and where there is no oh; there is no bU therefore the wood will nctaidy char, before tLe *late e TcOTki7e l i^ i of the Xt«te*t!nipeTt ance, and allied to Government for a patent for my #“ -%ion o/Siscovery, fondly hopin* that I *M>uhl now be remunerated for all my ouUavln b®® " ney The government, without any hesitation, fir* me Letters Patent for the sole right to osuaftm ' ure, sell sad use my improvement ui the taanufactnre of a “Weather and Fire Proof Composition or Arti ficial Slate;" f*r fourteen years. * AagaftH, IHfi. WM. BLAKL. WE, the inhabitant* of Sharon, h»* end the aboee I •lalementof Mr. Ulake, andteltete tially correct, as we are knowing V?“ u 's 1 ® r “* menu therein contained; and we will ra ” h “. B -* ie ’ ore we do not belktc that mere e*rer wa* honestly and lahorlotudy more tnMtl aahepurised nla experiment iidomiwTe pTOTtnuee “SfVi?uo”ie '«■"iSJ MBSBBBBgg SysSrfiSassaagiaS ha** iwraeTered voder (01 the circumstance*. >»ut t ha* at lan triumphed over all obstacle*, and we Uctb there U now but one opinion In awarding him •) °< J 1 Tn^' ceJ ' fENi&JONF, , S WM EVERETT, 'Towrtliip Clerk. ALLEN HO WE, Treasurer. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. I hire aaoeHoined that there are IndlrHsalsengaged ctielTuluenr patented aruele. I andtahewa.them my they donot Intend tv infringe or • .'V %fai itas ter taw VW*" *».•£**: “£5 powder, if they can find porcbwex*i ***• ~ .. bound to know what they ere to do wt. no Infringement until It t* mixed wiiht-_-. j ~ . lha compound; and that those who hor, nuattakethe responsibility. Ihit they believ* that the patent ta goodi ogm- . o mix and use the compound, and *°® e ,r-- , what they wanted to use they aae of me, aa they did not inteadto liable In any way. Nowlfeelnry*eni.i---i _- . expose this barefaced fraud upon and “ eaJlit br no™Hdf.r narue, where a tnfin «n--* a^ U I V | eSlu p.TSrif «nlcte. ito ■»,.»< knows Bubjecu the purchaser “ nd^ tfa, lion «nd fine. Some of there who ore engugou .. nefarious. traffic, will umjaertiooably: * dirt SublfeXhatny patent will not aund, and ttaU dare not prosecute. Row, to take 3S .nun, I went to some of tl«c*e who were preeiwonuf that my patent waa of no ralne, and raadeiho- Ing prapoaliiom that they might seleet ? lawyer* who hare had some praeuoo in | f ,V f ffif S 3 iiSS CSSi 0 «y 1 5.“5 0 »' Tail proposition they woold not accede jo ™ the validity of my potent is concernedlll do'no* pend entirely open my oamjadgmeat, aipougti l bitesKSSa T,’*S c S?^to.»• si.. p~«. “i'2“ i barrels, the which are marked: “lluiM PxtiSl H. ■mi Wtifim PinoF AnTjicntStiti- I ,v. I l therefore gire notice to all wire buylaml nse the above'meniianed ro:a;ral Tot the r UT PT®_f •, nt my paJfiL except fnmi n.e or my onihorired that*l shill hold shall commence suit* at taw again u,.aKV. .infoagouponmy Tight. . .. Snxios, Medina Co., O n Aug. 14,15«. _ rrrTV,*D TONS of the above Yf*“S£! Proof Artificial Slate on hand* and above.we can reeommftnftfor we hare for aoine 4 rear*, and know it to EXCELSIOR! E. H. EATON & 00., So. 6* Fonrtb Street. pnubnrsfc* ... ‘Have bow in Store their full assortment of TrimmiDt*. Clora, Hositry and fact Hoods ADAPTED to the wain* of every elaiaof Mercham* £dkm*umer*. No hare been .po«a w o resent tbs Dcwttt and mo*t fashionable »t) ** tteULlne. Their .lock cco*..u mpanof me following: DRES3 TR IMMINGS. Frinres uil Gimp*, of crcry atr f ‘W* fijrored*GallOon»; Algerine and imperial Braid*; *»de *nd narrow Silk and Wonted hmbroidenug Braid*; ta.K'.Svelue. Ribbon*-, pluin.dn do, Sfuouin nnd P Uin Selin Ribbon*, lor tnomljii btaej, ““m und colored fill* Rncc« flounces; sold* u full uMomoent of Drcis-I* Pinked, Slumped or Embroidered lo order. lave goods. Embroidered Lace and Muslin Cape*, Chemisettes, Breukfnul und RdRJSSS*?* “ 4 vSi Worked Collar* and Cod*. in great vaneiy,Lsee veu*, iS«““d Open*Tie,! .Moununfl CbemireUe*, W - BLSS j££ SJSTBX bonnet trimmings. Rich new Itrlo Bonner Ribbon., F ',' ersßonnel T.b*, VelreU, fluun. und Florence. Bill lllutiono und Bonnet Frurnc* und Tip*. KID GLOVES. Best msnnfsemre, will. mo*, upproeed ujubrieeit color*. An exteniruo u*«rruneni ulurur. ob band. hosiery. cAS, sa?.' MS «Ssf. *5“ lS.V.nd tou’ Gramrun, Vigonia, Meruio, Cotton and fit W “‘ GLOVES. JbJi£SEfc*V . WOOLEN GOODS, Q..L raJtes 1 and CbUeren'a Hoods, Childjcn* D-.u, Knit *<eari* and iJaas, Children’s Gsti* SFstef fcssss sse c “ tocr ' ladl^depahtment. Zephyr u<t Tapestry Wot.led. vuZiZi d Kmb’gSi'.k, Bnslol aJui Pcrfd boards, ra s?y£ierMlLi.l. L»mp M«i* ™S,V“ vSI ElniJwnti Work Also—Ladles’Srik and MerinoVenJ and Drawers; Embroidered Sucks oud * n Worked Cap* and Wants for Inlur.ls; and Swan’s-down T ™ attlllSl " GENTLEMENS WEAR. Fine Bhiits, Cravats and Collars; .Merino, jfflk and Coaon Wrappers arid Drawers; Saip* , ndcrs, Shouidet Brace* and .Dressing Uownsi Silk and Lmen lldkfs, Glove* and Hosiery. COMBS. BRUSHES AtiD PERFUMERY. French patterns carved andplain Shell Buck Comb!, Buffalo and Im. de; Shell Side and Long Combsjlm. do: Buffalo, Satin and Rosewood Hair Brushes Shell, Buffalo and Eng. Horn Dressing and line Ivory Cootbi, with an assortment of Mail and Teeth Brushes. WetherilTa “Gold Medal” I‘erfornery. variety goods. Needle*, Pint. Tapes, iSteel Bags and Puree*, Xtattos* and Steel Good*, Berlin Wire Baskets, ' Buree Twi*t and Sowings, tme Rosewood Desks and CoatßlndlngS A Galtoons.l Fancy Work Basket. | CLoakCord and Tassel*, | Portfolios, Faptenre* and A Shade Trimming*. Ladles' Stationary, K French Cork Soles, ihtifnUM-rer l * Fringe*. Silk A Gtng’m Umbrellas, OphpUt« * F J paper Muslins A Hollands, c'illh o»u. k W.PWnj, KSdChlMi an.iulWia.LM.'. Kec’d this cay, at W.M’- riifinmck’s Cnrpet Warehouse, No. 75 Fourth it, a Cltnwcss of the latest and raostap* funher*oW‘y' ore Invite the attention of proved style** ~ ri ._ w i,hine to luratsh Hoases, Sttuntou S?SJ;SSSo,ti«.»i ii, u,. Clip, to call and e^.*“i .V® i*7tban ever teiore offered in which WC wiU *e»» W MHJLINTOCK the westernmarket. DoV>>^ pace**, d' t^ in ,and French Merino*, black fcashmercs, Mota de Lain* M Bonnet Rib ss,";? g'zt’Xh™™"*' ““»■« o a.t.«.« I J iu *j“: w( . K SILK S, . . . nr i U iiir.e a few pieces ver7 wsoe SrtfESi««r '.i F0.,1. „ wn . 1”" • by > et ot ber remedy of the E r *l* , «£ alSciedror the last sixteen yean ' l? .ti,reKo3ES “white SWELU.NCS, .luoded WI, J I ' enfo]iall”n of vanooslmdes.da c with .. k.c-esfiuvfll.eend^-ehorcedfrmn nng nra frocu lKrtJl Jic , afmf , ■*» iw, •*«'«■■ u» leu uleer* en otter pari* ®*. iw.«A»t eminent physieiuusof •“!! ".“SSi" “STtoKo .XU. , «lf-d»«"*“f? t d ;', ora i ) le. Abw» three months bees flxerwatwff *®d P . p,. jayce’* Alterative, lined htppyeffoeiupon her, • ■■ 'SKas^^ssssass: " SgSffiSKS».. s SS^“ ,b,p ” AOT EI SLOAN’S COLUMN. ' UJ" All IbeAltdlclnc, .d«rtj«d by IV B. “I. Wood uieol, JOHN K.SCOTI U li'miSh^Sr t SoHN 'o|J. , n' l i cln vAßTZ .n Allcal.roy C.iy, by 11ENH* V D. M. Cl;Kill'. Tl.. Bc.t.od CB..p«.t nor., n.dloln. IS .THE WORLD. SLOAM OUWmA™ CONDITION He “^“„C2‘o^tOAN^oS'™SiT , &S >y^ nnd 'T’i t Ntmerseding all other Ointments and UnlmentSwS in use for the cure of the followms tits Cl £!!' h wounds, fail* of all kind*, sprains, braise* *£& X nn'bone, windbone, windgaUs, pol eviLcallus, spavins, sweener, fistula. siUastvstrain* lamenm*. sand crack, touudered feet, teraldmi or «ea»e manga or horse distemper. . • ‘I “ The powder will remove all inflammation ana lover pu rify the blood, loosen the akin, eieanse lid water on-J strengthen every pan of the bodyt anrttuUproved a sovereign remedy tor the following diseases! Distemper; hide bound, loss of appetite,- inwsru straih, yellow water, Inflammation ©fine ey.esj'faugue from hard eiereise; alto, rheumatism, (commonly col* led stiffcomplaint.) which proves so fatal tomkny vai* uaWe horses in this country. It is also asafe hnl eer tain remedy for coughs and colds which generate se Tnrnny fatal diseases. ' W. B. BLUAN, "Grand Depot, 40 Lake ft, Chicago, Illinois. Tire PROOF. I , Extract ton the “Galena North Western Gazette.. By the use of Sloan's Ointment and Condition Pow der, J have entirely cured a fistula- on nty-horte anc otherwise imoroved hU condition more thhauOO pc cent on the cost of the medicine And a edw wmeu was to feeble as to he considered wonhlets by mysett and neighbor*,wis restored to good "heal lit and strength by the use of less than half a package of the powder, i and is now-doing-better than any other fow lbvre. Small Pox, May 13,1849. t\>L VINCENT- THE SUFFERING CHILD. Thereby cenify that one of my children, when n* ked, foil into a large fire of hve coal«, tind w*» burned severely from head to feet The best of bMi»I "J and attention was given ,to the child for four or &vr day* without any day's anffenngatncrei»*■ ed till his groans could be heard at a great distance, a I winch critical period one.of my .led and presented tbrn* v^ 0 * and in le*» than fifteen minutes after the “rplical.oi of the oinuneal to the aggravated sores c etiiid, tho pain ceased entirely, and he aperttilj B be .g® I to recover. My residencei is in Helt township, ver „nu.b L TXyulK I Chicago, August 24,1849. extraordinary cure. Arrii-lX 1849- Four miles north ofChtcago lonine road *o Mtlwaukie,) Cook county, Illinois. , Mr Sloou-Dear Sir: One of my hotel had a large bony tumor on hi* breast bone, immediately unucr the ’collar, whieh lajaedhtm and .rendered his services ol “err i'liule value. 1 futhfuUy.applied several bolties of Dr| Taylor's Nerve and Bone least benefit ■ I then procured " i ?, d l er *- Ccleb ™V?; Horse ointment, and used that until 1 bdeume fuHj i satisfied that it would never relievo the animal- F se asas iis wcii. vour” '”' ire " r ■WaSS isaa POPULAR OPINION. • If papular opinion i« any eritarion of the worth of an article, we invite the incredulous to read at least a few of the many voluntary certificates that appear in oui columns respecting the great variety_ofrem* rkab it core* effected b/jhe nse o' ‘ Sioan’a Celebrated Otm ment and Condition rowdera.” i These remedies no longer remain among thosa o doubtful unUty, they have passed from the tide of ex [.eriment, and now stand kghena repugn ttd an more extensively ased than all olhsr aru cles of the kind.—Mich. Cuy New*. TIIE HALF HAS SOT BEEN TOLD. Fox Kiras, June 12, 1545. Dear Slow—Sin rieaae »end by the ear ® r ,s •aunty of Tpßi-Horse Jlediciflea. Tbey are the he SuclM of the kind that I Ua»e erer o«d. new hae i:i 5 been diaappointed In their effectual li t»«u the of other*, even the mMteeiebraiedOintmeiiU Liniment*, fee., of the day. lUkererT jh a A“J* tore m them, to: that.tbey doaUihavU|ironu»-d, an£ onoa * thorough trial one u coutiaine-1 to add, tha “half ha* not been told. 11 RespeetfrUy, THE DIFFERENCE. , ■ The ordinary ointments and liniment* tt is wst known are severe and partial in tbcir Sloan * Ointment xs milt! yet thorough—U wic removes the can*e, Unco ugnerieal and pemtanent relief. .For purity, mildness, safety, cen J i I nI J»JVw thoroughness, Suiait's Ointment exeeis and la "P-J> •urperceding all other Ointments and- Llnlmenj n«» “ ““WE CAN’T GET ALONG 'YTTHOUT IT. Damn's Gmlvx, 111., Oct-54,1843- 'Mr Sloan—Sir I have tested the tmue of yet Oiiiuiionl imho core of mile.nakc.‘“Sl’ST bums, out! many other intones, and ill every rare bafVarpasMd our expectations. As a oient, I have never aeen ha equal, and for beasts * =“■' ?of' “• MILES M, JOHNSON. EXCELLENT OISMEjIt. Mr Sloan—Dear Sin For a considerable length 01 inic [ was seriously afflicted with the rheumatic eom plaint, and applied frecl*ihe various killers, A -re without obtaining any relief. your ogre ot at this place influenced f Ointment, and within two works menced u.inx it. the pam ceased, anul waseaeeinnui cured, and shall recommend all who are "f dieted with the di*tre**ing complaint, to procure >o “"“SSS?”'.“ ”“'™' “"Wr f.mott. PrineevvUe, Peoria eOre May 1,1*4A yn- From >l. linn. 11. V. S Brook.. Afoot" Si. IE. and Michigan Dr. W. B. Sloan—Dear «n For the last **“>**;’'! have had occasion to use many horse*. andhave u. ed the great variety of itairarm- mid ointments »“**•’ ucveVfound any UtiugegM ° ment for injune* on horse*. ••Within tae last v»o months* have applied yoorointmenUo for various injures, and in every instance it has p ved a sovereign remedy. 4 FINGER BITTEN ENTIRELY OFT. Two miles south of Chicago, Sept- 14, 164-j Dr Sloan—Sir On the fith instant my son had a an re rbrnef Entirely off by ahorse. We immediately ap 'lied root erlebntcd orolmcm, wine!. "'“T"? 5*E,Jj Min i- a f.w'lri'nMet and P'cvrrm-,1 the lin.er ire® Will.-, the 1«n Pkfiie'e, "■ts’SSIOCK.VA v“ f Lpidif R,.pTF»«". ' UKGCHV.iI. DOCTORING IN GALENA tried in vain, until from sympathy and improper ire*. yont ointment, and yon can judge ef J “> ‘V?<tmvwli ffimde better thnn I can express »*»*"**" fSSreiy well before I had finished using the second U i The/- fuels 1 make known that other* afflicted may bclicve ard not delay using so valuable .an omimen: S your* ha. proved to be. Resp’y £ d - Galena, Hire Dec-lU,I«S. EVAN DAVIS. ONLVffI DAYS. Before the following order. Meagre. Vanghn t Co JSW^& fc <iSffi v iK£S _j __ eroeciMion. If yoa con manage to »end me Ih.i yon nn. loro, nod rroM. 1 «h*U bo a larva cmaatitr in the eoone of Uio year. U wtnoe wt<l Vcr, t cO . Dr. Sloan—Sir Aloottwn a'stfS.sKfi ■>££%: •ore*-** ih/knee, which for many month* discharged h?6od and mailer of the most offensive character. My DiooaanaiwM f . ai lime* my suffering war SS iS' fiJScealWi a heart* "cl Fortunately Mr. Wilson, tone of my neighbors) advL'cd me to try your Ointment. 1 obtained ■ box tnnlirJhaccortinr to direction J-thc*ore**oon»-e*an fo P Kme “b?S i PP *anu«eVind in three month. I was entirely cared", and enabled to do hard labor. VoQ r obel.cn, w ■SSssssr- ■“ s r M as? .Thomas statement. jaMES WILSON, PETER LA-MU. GOOD . _ cjo Cuicseo, Jaa. Btb, !&)»- W D Sloaa-Sin One ofmy horses was hoof bound Ac, IIIAN WIDEN. TESTIMONY FROM lirrTLE FORT. County Chronicle. ■“™» ZZ°Z Wffipvsa. Cook Co. Feb. 13, l«o- Mr sioan—Sir I have a find young horse that wa« S 5“ ic“^ Sssw^^v^jslS ” el l ?^ o r r obc|irnt, coLßY FACTS FORTIIIt PEOPLE. Mure than fifteen year* of unrivalled *opci*«* in the cure of every variety of esiernat <li»ca*es and injuries «ueh as sprain*, bruises, euH, burns, eutaneou. eruo t|oa<, sore lit*-*, sore bree«te,| chapped hands, chill- Oiarnr. i>ilrs, ulcer*. eoru», jnith* in ill" bock, side*, or other ohiu of the system. rattldM.ake bites, *r-, amDle testimony that Sloan’s Oinunrht .»ju«ttt.e thing (or the hour. Certificate* without number have been received by the Proprietor froth di.interc.teJ individu als, giving details of remarkable cures by its use. A WISCONSIN Granville,Wlwaukie do. >Vi»., Oct 13,1 M». Mr Sloan —Dear Sin lleecn ly my horse, runaway with a loc chain attached, which out aud slhenviw TV 1 -*,seriously, so much so that 1 eon* deren SKffISM tor . ptonatately • frlmdlre my wain ra of Tour Ctutment 1 went to MiL eotnmcm-e a boi It soon removed the u few days the wound, healed derived from the u*e of your Omt- induced the to acquaint you with ??h° '.SLvins !upublicli>l -could Iced you cud tde public. ItccpccltoJly COJ[STOCt , ' rrisAfpamyErACT. Aod hu become > commod »7io«. SWM tSssrszzx shs sra Ms P"‘X JXhon ony Oocccroi cold, or •^rolin K Sonin, ..«■» u**y » Cttro ifih* directions are followed. jyHml/fl MISCFLLAiNLOUS B«ml-&nn«al lalo of Dry Good** at tux ovx rates mu or A. A. MASON & CO., WILL romruence on New Year s Day, lW **»“ continue through the raonih of January, eunug wliich lime the whole of their immense (including all their Wholesale Roams) will be thrown open for Retail Trade; and their enure Wbdesuto Block will be offered at Retail, on this occasion, at fully oss TorxniLXrs than usual prices. . . Their Shawl Saloon eontain* more than 3000 -nowis, comprising every 1 derenpiion of Dong **l Wocd Shawl*. Cashmere,Broche.Ae. Also, Cloak*, Mantilla» ; Sacks, Acre at an immetise reouc uon from: usual puce*. .. _ DRESS AND CLOAK GOODS. .. Their stock comprises more than 1000 P lC “*’£H > Cloths, Merinos, rarameUas. Aipaceaa. Op era and Pelisse Cloths, will be sold from ’JO to 40 pur i*d SILKS, red.- “.!>«• and AUo—White Goods, Mourning do i_5 mljr ° n . *!!’ Luces. R.bboiu, Olo.c. ol 'Si ■Ji ce. FUunel., 10 ctec. now .rylc LalJ.'oc., bo <« re. Ilieonhcd Mc.liui. 1«1 bnlc. Tickles*- Aire. Clolbi, CMWcelbb J=cu.,Lclnct», r '”bi J cnlM.““ ’ n>rielv ° ! 01h " ramkrec cn o.iortmenl one cl Ibe meal extensive in Sn ccJcuv-cIl ol *kl«k beve Leco reerked down u SSSto pnec. Han Ikcir ellccM.e ccnc.l relc 1c ■’“blj’rel'ire en ceil, ce11,.. duly of Sto okoi«" Good* will be sold. • . fr7**Tbo lowest pnee named at arsf. TonT A. A. MASON A COre 60 Market at .TT «BTorway Pl*ln»" BlmrUietS. WR. MORPHY*, at North Pint corncr/of Fourth , and Market street*, has lately received a sup ply of the above fuporior mak? of BlankeiL and iu vites those in wont of the irtUle to look ni them be fore buying. He has also on band lUome IJarie Ulah- Icet*, a good heavy article, which he i* selling low. I Alto— Home Made FLANNELS, brown, barred arid white, or a superior quahty. t ' Also —Twilled Scarlet FLANNELS, to which be invites the attention of buyers. , large supply of Goods recently opened in the Wholesale Room*, up stairs, makes hi* a*.«onmeut very full and worthy the attention of novl7 SELLERS’ LIVER PILLS Was MY DOCTuR- Hctlxb, Pa-, Sept. *JS, IStff. Mr. R. F- Sellers—Dcat Sir. I tecl it i.« a duty l ow* to the public, as well as to the credit of your Liver pills, tu state the good effects produced by their use tn my own case. Coring the month of June, ItttS, 1 took very unwell, my appetite failed, and my 'strength entirely prottzaieu, with severe pain in my side and shoulders. I was told by medical mest that try disease was a severe ausek of liver complaint. 1 took sevo ' rut boxes of M’ttOne’f Liver Pill*, and tome syrups, which I was told was good for that disease, but alter all 1 was getting worse. I finally couclttded to place myself under ifie care of a physician for better or woree; but, fortunately, just at this time, I wa* told by the Rev. I. Niblock, of this place, that a friend had sent him o box of Sellers* liver Pills from Pittsburgh, which had benefUled him very much. 1 forUiwiUi sent (or a box of your Liver Pills, and by Ute time 1 was done using them, I was satisfied that tt was Just the medicine that sotted my c*»e. I sent for mote, and took five or six boxes, and found myself almost entirely cured; butin-Mareh last I eaught a severe cold, which brought tfack the disease, and in • short time 1 wo* a* bad aWever. I again had recourse to your Liver Pills, and took them every outer night tor six weeks, and occasionally *inec, and 1 can now k»y, that I can now say, Itjat 1 lecHiltfe if “TW* of tho Uvcr Complaint, and my general health U as oood now os' it has brien for the last 10 yeura. My neighbors ask me who was my doctor. I tell them that Sedcra’ Uynr Pill* was ray doctor, Md by the blessing of Divine Providence the means of curing me lam confident that wbcu the public beeome ac quainted with the value of your Liver Pills, the de mand for them will increase. Many of my neighbors, to whom 1 have recommended tho pills, can testify to iheir value, as well as to the facts above %ut«*d. Respectfully yours, Gtoioa Minima. To tux Prauc.—The Original, only trueiandlg«mn oipe Uvcr Pills are prepared by R- E. Sellers, and have tus n*«" siampea ut black wax upon the Ua oi each Box, and his signature on the outside wrapper. ir/“AlI others are counterfeits, or base lnm*4 oni *- jpuG R. E SELLERS, Proprietor, 57 YVood Jsyuti’ Kipeetorsnt. pki.ru, Columbiana eo n Apr.B4, 1841. DR. D. JAY'NES: pRAX Six:—l feel bound to yoa and the ufflictedbubUe, to avail myself of this op. portunity of giving publicity toihe extraordinary efl«u of your Expectorant pnmyeelf. Having been afflicted for severJ years with aaeverecough, hecue fevrr and it* eoncomiiant dJueasea, and teemed only doomed lo linger out a short but miserable extstenee, unulthe fail of l£», when, being more severely attacked, and having retorted to all my former remedies, and the pre. seripuon* of two of the mast respectable P h T“ c, “'‘ the neighborhood without deriving uny benefia or the coiuoiauou of surviving but a few days or week* a) farthest—when tho is .t gleam of hope was about to vanish, 1 had recommended to me Toor aud blessed by that Being who doe* all thing* in the use of Lite mean*—aad contrary to the axpectatiotw of my physicians and friends, I was in a few day* rawed friTm my bed, and was enabled by the areof w attend to my business, enjoying since better health than I had for ten year* previous. Rcsnecifoily yours, Ae., JaE-YY - in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, .0 Fourth street. . M. DUDLEY. R. FXIJAII EATON’S CERTIFICATE TO DR JAY'NE—This eerufics, that immediately afu r ne attended my brother, who died of consumption in March. ISVi l was lakeu aick with the Coosumouon or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low with the diseare, that lor four years I was unable to auvnd io inv l*a«incss, either at home or abroad, being for the must time confined to my bed- During the above pen -Sd of time, 1 had expended ior medical attendance o rexulnr Physicians and medicine*, to the smount oi fjuo, without receiving any benefit l J iere^ on h ! a Julv 1*45, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne • Meui cL-iel. and have taken them more or less ever since, that » was by persevenns m , ihnt l ran now truly say dust 1 have eomp.etely ’ vered my health. I believe that Jayne’s dansuve Pills - and are the best family medicines now tc Preside in Springfield, Otsego eounty, N. Y n and oarrfou a furnace and machine.shop in lh» r P sm not interested in any manner in lhe ‘* l * o ibore medicines, and moke this ceruGc. e tor the e&t of those afflicted. ELIJAH bATU.v SpnngfieJd, N. Y. Sept- Iff B'IOH FALL OOODBI ALF3LANDER A DAY, corner of the Dumond and Martel .mn, oonlr UierltoM. •»f Jf.FJy ' Uite (hey Irate teteiterl rh.lr ..tek of FGI “ ler GOODS, direct Iron Ur.iimponote, “"'J and aucUon* ar lie oa.t. n.air .look of now .ty l* and fashionubluGood* i* targe. andpre*enU stroi e a-ir*c lion* toirqrebONcr*. In Ladies Shawl* the moil splendid and fath.onAula 1.00 I £, e now offered, at remarkably low price. Con.i.uoy {"J|y!” D ‘sfgSlf o ol)S. New style Unwha fig’d Camebou Silks; Col’d and Black Satin Du Cheor. and r ' Col’d Came Hon Groderhmes, of the best BUek glossy Grodenens of the celebrated Eagle m The f above named Black Silk* are w .f rT *? lcd, l“ l ll ‘‘ cal in the wear, fox dxeaae* and manullas lb«T areiti eat Caraelian Satin Du Cbene,ihe handsome Sl \ew f *tT^ , Uroc h » Si,k fiifuted French Mrnno*, new and splendid article for Indira' walking dreaai Fiilc Httbroidered French De Lainea, (ox areare* a sack*, an euiirely new aniele. Cxhiaerea, l)e Uine*, Merino*, Alpaceas and Pi mrtio« a lane assortment SHAWLS AND SCARFS! Broch* Long and Square Shawls, of the beitqi tii ud Lon? Shawls of Iho ncweal de»:Rhs remaik "silcSS'Toikeii shawls al paallT rodnoed ptlcCT. Siaohoo Urocha 6 t 'd Sill J"SI' rranf Shawls while «n«J colored, "J CLOTUS, CASSIMERES AND VLSTINCjS. French and ISeljlan Black and Olive Cloth*, for L*- iliei’ Cloak* BLANKETS! a .nlendid assortment of American and imported ““‘SSmShO '*JSd sfAM* GOODS! & from ■*>» mumucuiei* pterion. u> P"“”' | wjufuni nriiicioal pari of ogr.stoe* of EkS“» »i*> .!>■•**■»• ■» * lmo " „£K7 "i reuil tal««. *« M k?I l oct-i north «c«i eornet of Diamond. •fSTIfrrEKS o* Utt* OUUD.P W fL MIJRPH V, ai norm east eomer of Fonrth . rot Mukat *:*, Id w>« "“‘Wf •i V »nn D Bod can offer inducement* to ; »pp.y f " £“ ill. uronmem of p.,e„ Jmss GOODS I. eery toll, eon.i.unp of rn«l> <Vibur»R. Lvauese Cloths, super Printed French Cash merraf at price, considerably ft™*™} * beboegh, cl, SACKINU FLANNELS ' “• ; staplWS.* HODSEKEEPUJ ooods, a,!?»%.. pri«.. And id «• ,'ntlcm',: dcp-upcp. SeNcTbLMK AND FANCY COL'D CLOTHS, Kick Doo.kbiOYiorer Vctinss F«»I Cu.irai.j ifehE. *nd Dr„,™,., Silk s»™u. Took., lliu,d. ore in.l«A « o-i> 1» Boom*, up *uiof. _ ——- —; a “VERY WONDERFUL CUKK!— 3bLLr.ni' A VERMIFUGE! lft4B •*■ Msacsß. Mercer co., Fa., sept- »«*• r E. seller*: Dear Sir I bonijhione bottle of row n( m* iieiehSot* to to' a bourn of >' ou ? Vermifuge— ® uappy lo Inlonn you of It Kariny the dewed Jfffetof rclievinß my »il He p««eU, w the *bort *„* „f OJ houta, 1W worm*, »ome of thein raea«ur m“a* much a* 1« and 14 inehea lo«*. I feel bound in 1 u*i“ w si« you the above statement, *c a» you may makc any «.e of my name U*a» **nk proper. “■ kC iour., —V«T«.rully, a^ g m- Prepared ood .old b, R. K. SELLERS, 5, Wood „ES .old by D'W" VTVadi ILKAI> l—liT-XLEKS* CULOII SY- I From W. K. 0od«n, Erq., Cltik of Ihe JJjJ of «u«n of Bc«er County: U M. I R £ Heller*; Sir, Somo uine in the winter my ..v. J»» afflicted with *severe md dittrcwing cough, 7. d hformc of your invaluable Cough Brrap, I pur !h»»ed 7 bottle from ». T. Trimble, of Bridgewater, i »?Jr takinf « portion of it two or three evening* jJ2 d «>!iS »o »•«>. fouoti immediate relief, a* aUo -" .i ?,i,.rwl« have beeu relieve! In revere care*. I thereforenatiafied that It i* * *a& and valuable me- SKS Jm recommend ,t to tbow who may be «' 1 S“ c °" s ‘w. k. boden: RE- SELLERS, 57 Wood street, and byOrogaUu generally In tho two citie* and vieinitv. ’ defi , Tn-XT eases Bine uid i)rab H riotln. iust rtc’d and for «nle by _ U °UI,J MURPHY, WILSON* CO. novia S""oaRuKV MO US. IIK J.AINS—W. K- Murpny Uat iiut rec’d a loi of high colored Mona do Luna, inch as Cherry, Sc&rlcl, fcCnjil the low price ■■ o S-f ; i>cr yard. Alto, Plain Drab, Brown, Ac , atl2* 10 is! cents per yard; and a large assortment of neat styles finred Mous. de Lains, at various prices, together with a choice assortment of Dresa Goods generally, loith as-Fancy Silks, French Merinos, pashmeres, i'nh»t(i and LTOnese Cloth*, at the * N.E. comer of Foarth and Market tts. Wholesale Booms upataiis. “«vU TRANSfORTATIfi?LJiINE& HAP* vr, EN A CO'* __ Potssaisr snu Ramtttsxe* Offla*. Hffwstos upon aott w’SiulS corn 1 osuol punctuality and uuenuon U * e w “'“ c ®™ fan ofemmig rants We do not be robbed by the stncdltag seaiop* ttojjnjto* JJ? 1 ports, as we take charge of them the MBeat they re port themrelves, and see to their wellbeing, ud de spatch them without any detention by the first thips.- \Ve say this fearlessly, u» we defy one of our passen- Era to show that they were detained 48 Mura by u» m verpool, whilst thousands of others • are detained months, until they could be sent in some at * chSp rate, which too frequently provet. iheir eofflns. We Intend to perform our contracts donorably, cost what it may, and not act as was the ease last seuson, with ether officers,—who either performed not all, or when it suited their convenience. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from £1 to £lOOO, payable It uny of the orori.ieial Banks in Ire landTkngland, Scotland and Wales, tana, wig . JOSHUA ROBINSON, European aud Gent tal Agent, f # M Fifth street, on* doorb«lnwwoodl_ &SS& i 849. afe^ Warren and Cleveland Paiunger Line. Cut) Packet—SWALLOW. « “ -OCEAN. ONBofthe above Packeuleave Beaver every day (Sunday* excepted > and arrive next morning: a* Warren, when they connect with the Mail Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of tbe»e place* before night. One of the packet* leave Warren daily IatSP.M., and arrive* at Beaver In time to take tao I morning boatfor Piiwborah. C E 3 LKFFINGV> KLL A Co, Warren, > p ro M B TAYLOK, do \ JOHN a CAUGIIEY. Agent, Hjl3 corner Water and Smithlicld *ts 1849. \££k. UNION LINE, OH THU PBKN’A ASD OttlO CAHAIsS. Crawtosd A CuAiißnus, ClcTclnndjO » prop,*,. HU.Paup. Beater, Pa. S r mins Une will be prepa-ed on the opening of natJ pnuion, to transport ireight and Passenger* from PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, w any point on the Canal and Lake*. ~ The facilities of the Line are unsurpassed in number, quality and capacity of Boats, experience ol captains, in ""SrFlm'^B'Sr.AN Between Pitubargh and Beater, and aline offirstClau Steamer*, Propeller* arid Vessel* on the Lake*. Aassra-n G Park*, Beater, Pa. Jesse Baldwin. \ ouugsiown, Ohio. M B Taylor, Warren, Cyrus Premiss, Ravenna, - Wheeler A Co, Akron, . . „ Crawford A Chamburlin, C . and, U Sear* A Griffith. Buffalo,?* ' ■ JOHN A. CAUGITF.'i, Agent, Office, cor Water and Smithheid sta, Pittsburgh. meb»:ly . . . _ ... bbaveb packets. Steamer MICHIGAN No. B—CapL Gilson. « LAKE ERIE, “ Gordon. THE above re pilar and well known Beater eu, hate commenced making tbelr daily trtp* to and from Beater, and will continue to run between Pittsburgh and Beater regularly during the aeason, M '"mSElii No ! Itaro. Mitrtorjh Ml u l * A M and Beater at 9 o clock, B.M. Lake trie lo'ates Beater daily atB o'clock, A. M., and Pittsburgh 3 These steamers will run in connection with R G Parks’ Express Packet Lane, for Kne; Taylor A Leffiingweil’s Warren Packets; Union Lino of Freight Boats for Cleveland; Clarke A Co’s Pittsburgh and Cleteland Laao i ruighl Parks dally New Castle Packets. CLARKE, PARKS A Co, peater, Agent* •JUILN A. CAUCHBY, AgenC PlUibunrh, mcb3l cor Water BtnithfieTd sts 1849. “piSuEim AND CUJVKUND LINE, I "ills., Cbb.UIiwofSIXTKKN «r« onr. with the steam boats BEAVER AND CALtu COPE, arc enabled to offer unequalled facilities tor the transportation of freight and passengers, on owning of Canal navigation, to *«poinuon*« svltaniaand Ohio and N. Yoik canals and the Lake*. V r M. FITCII A Co. Cleveland. BIDWELL A BROTHER. Agents, Beaver. J.C.BIDWELL, Agent, m>fS Water street, Pmsbaiga. I. C. BIDWatL, »• A BROTHER. Forwarding Bmoanti, BEAVER. , , _. Acrrufor tie Puuhirgk arufOwW Uru, Put: bzrgh and Eru Uns via Eru, and far rt*t* boats li*av*r and Caleb Ccp«* , un,«. Having purchased the targe and sabsiaatial Whai Boat just bailt for the Monongahela Packets, hay with the addition of a Warehouse, the most amp-e at commotions for receiving and forwarding ™ oledie rteir utmost auruliou, prtnnr-n«* ‘"d despate o consignment* to their care, and rely " for . trial. gmrd-dty B AJMUj SBW PIAKOS. _.. MnR JpsjT RteKIVKD, a nrw awortment of rIAWUr tom lta -I Chk*o»., D 0.»» and B»cos A Rates, New % ork. ALSO —A fewetcrantlf earned PIANO for «aie at manuf«ctnfvf , » P f,re *tJ'T . JOHN H MKLL«*R. e! Vo«vl *u Sole Agent ft*t Ch«eleni * - » de-.M for Wr*trtn_Hrnw»i-- - : VIMOI. ONK »e*oud liftr.d I’uuo. • ocUje», J>nc« j “ ; " n 11“ “ ««>■ r w««i.. iv Vi.A V Ktti* Sroni't Cwto Vious T *'«**« tuA connected &<•*«»■ *£J t t.U'"' *£»«°Srf" .'teV"r't(«VpW4.c«d.. * retie r Jorabei of il!»tm*ui»heU popiU lb*n «»J other 3^*&^iSS&SiS^ A S EMINENT and experienced physician fr< A East, effoyeata .landing, offer#lotted nf » Delleata Nature with promptness and secrecy. HlHucc“. in Buffalo and other l«g* ciUe.be, beenproverbiul. Hi.eh.ri*. are moderate, *** ** care. pennwteßL Old caresof Gleet,Btnctare,.ero fal- Floor Alba., Rheumatism, Ague, syphilis or any chronic or inveterate case, .oliched. A enre warranted, or ebatge refunded. Omen, St. Cliir street, 3 door, from the Bndge. i Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor graUi. N B —Dr. A. solicits the wont cuti of UT £•***• ,n Pittsburgh to eall. vUtdlT.„ PETROLEUM, OB BOCK OIL. “There ore more thing* in heaven and earth Than are drenmpl of in philosophy.” TIIE VIRTUES or tbit remarkable remedy, and the constant application for It, to the propre l ° r ' ha* Induced him v> bate it put op in bottle, with la bel. and direction, for the benefit of the public. The PCTROLKUM i. procored from a well tn thi. county, at a depth of fft*r hundred feet, u a pure ona dolteraietl article, without any chemical cbange. bui lust a. tlow. from Nature’. Great Lubretoryl! Thant contain, properiie. reaching a number of *>iware*, i» no longer a matter of uncertainly. Thera are many ibine. in the arcana of nature, which,if known, might be of vast usefulness in alleviating suffering, and re aring the bloom of health vigor to many a .uf* ferer. Lonjr before the proprietor thought of t up in home., K had a reputation for the cure of dm ea»e The constant and daily increawng calls for 1% and .everal remarkable cure, it ha. performed, l* a *ure Indication of tia future popularity aud w.de >nread uppheation in the «.ure of disease. • *\v'e do noi wish to mnke a long parade of c.rUu rate. n. we are cou.eiou. that the medicine can won _.,k j W -wiy inio the favor of those who .offer and with to be healed. Whilst we do uol claim for it a universal application in everv di§*are, we unbe.it*- Unirty say. that tn a number of Chrome Di.ea.ca it» KShll.A Amon, diseases of the raueoua «och a. CHKUNUa BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION (in U* early Asthma, and ail diseases of the air passage., LIVLK COMPLAINT, LVSTKI’riIA, the Bladder and Kidney., Pam. in the Back or Hide, NervousDiseaiei^Neuralria, Pal»jr,JU»euiuaUc Pain., Oout, Erysipelas Vetter, Kingwprma, 13 Unu.es, Old Sore*, Ac., Ac. In. ca«a of. debility re •ultinir focm eipo.ure,or long afidstotnflfo'i ewe* of diK.te, till, medicine will bnnf Tellet■. It Will act a. SSJ«WL TONIC and ALTERATIVE la neh cmc, imparting tone and energy 10 the whole ing obstruction., opening the iluggi.hfenetSoni, which cause disease and a broken eoo.Utotwm Misgiving increased and renewed energy to all the organ, of Life! Tho proprietor know, of acverai cures ol PILES, that resisted every other treatment, gel well under the me of tho PETROLEUM for a short urn*. The proof can be given to any person who desires it. None genuine without the signature of ibe proprietor. Sold by Uie proprietor, _ _ „ S. >r KIKR, Canal Busin, near Seventh si. Also by R K. SKLLKRH. M Wood «U and—KEVSKK A M’DOtVT-.LL, eorneT Wood st. and Virgin alley; who nre hi# mivg-diy regularly appointed Ageuti TUBS AND CIHIRNB. PINE AND CEDAR WARE MANUFACTORY. No. BT, corner Market nml Flfili—or 4» Maikct, tween Third und Fourth *t». THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand, whole sale and retail, the lollowinc articles, v«: IVath Tabs, Ftotl Churns, Meat Tabs, Barrel Churn*, BalliTob*. Half Bushels, WoAJen Bowl*, Peck* and IlaU Peeks, Wash Board*, Bra* Bound Uucket*, Cioibes Pics, Towel Roller*, Woo<len Ladle*, Bread Roller*, Clothe* Baskets, Market Uarket*< *«:» 4a - SAMUEL KROESEN, novl4 No 03 Diamond alley, Pimburgh J. Muanratt A Bona’ PaUßt *?'!• CASKS Bias* and Soap maker*’ SodaAsb. ijStJ imported direct from the alwve celebrated manufacture r*,b© per cent Ameiican tCTi. axrivine nnd for sate bv novfl WA M MITCHELTKEK ■ mOOKS-pi? ill pipe* Dupuy, I j U pipes litllaml (Jin; " desk* N K Kura; , t 40Ubbt* Wbitkoyi for wle by noT e W A M MITCHE>TRRK_ BLEaCIHNU >oVVDRR-’JU ca.t* Ja» flue prut A * "^TailfroßKftsE?. ■—j- CASKS jTuspraii'i' Bo’Ja X»U, aod lb eaik* 70 Bleaching Powder, arrived per*hip Oxcebridge, and now coming on by VimWIHEE N B —They will receive, daring ihe fge •sppUe* via New Orleana B MEDICAL. SELLER* FAMILY ire l*» Medicine* of the day.” • Guua'i Sxatjou, Ohio, May t*v, l&ti. R. E. Seller*: I think it right for the benefit of other* to itate some facts in relation uJymT excellent Fami* Iv Medicine*. i . , I have need your Vermifuge uimy own fam ily, one viat frequently answering torexpelUng. tge ooantiiiM (nay lto 200» worms from two enudiet I Cm aleo afcd yoar Liver Hits and Cough 3yrap in mi family, and they have in every iceemee produced theefleet de aired. A, fam In mefchasdlMn*, I am able to Juts that Iliate yetlo bear ef Uie tr»iroj!u.'c where tonr medicine* hate been used in my tecuon or the country. Ii» conclusion, I mnT suite that toey are ikt medicines oi the day, and are dceuued .o hate a tery exieneito pspulamy \our».res Prepared and sold by B. i > WtB,No & Wood atreet, and sold by Dnigg» ► t e«eraUy in the two ei viemitt. ® y3l . Ue*Mid vicumy. . ... i<i hsMtUVSLR OF UVBR COMFUAirNT, b ’ *“ (j original) > March Jftkh, 1(341). J Mr a! a Seller*: DearSlr-J think it a doty Lowe to You and to the public rsaera hr, to stoic that I have beJn alEicied with the Liver Complaint for a long ooe, and *o badly that an abce»» Wbich left mo in a very low ttaie. Having heard ot venr ce’elinued Liver Pill* being for «alo by A. R in West Liberty, and recommended to me by E. Smith, iTconclnded to cm worn a hit trial. I purchased one 11 LL K"n ni™h..cnu™Wlnll.mn, «*l perfectly welL Ucfpecifnjly 7 cO LEMAN. « - • Waet Liberty, March, ‘“to THE C ®JC.-Th, oitjiiul.onlr “ sssss «■»""« S'Kag'fwi*. relSSi^§S| s^-™- s^Sisi:¥ss ■« dL \7«i,™» tn”!wv For Mil l» Flluliuijl : i. 1 “u,Jd™» B2AVMg£»&g*£9e£ COff JwOT|“sSOTr|OT« GUARD. COBPOBIID SKBlir lIP WIW» CIUSBEI. „ Conplum, gJMg jjp.- p.fpluum « ”■. frctaal *Jtd »j»tcdy curt aver tnown tornny of the abqye duet*- 00 . r^a R B^|5«-"^« Thi* rocwcrtc w d { c ibou**«d»d:uif winy. launched u P° n *£_ r, ld becoming wore extend*®* P**!ZK£ll£*%£ preparation of mediate ever a* v Übu been -*yft„~ ™7fcro are few town* of UulWdeutMi«fa^u^.“ n Mra „ Trtna rkable ew importance but what proof of Uie foregoing a«ce 6f iU *»£ «*s£ * ‘ ld ifieney Of tin* w«lf *»temena,»nd®f “rt H j ßtcrt a {tm 0 f ibemar-y thou cine, the ptopne , | ||K cn prcwaleJ 10 him by u*Bd ie»tvmomal* win uitv—wen who have higher men of the firrt and justice, than 10 err view* ofmoru l '‘ another * favor, and tlfy » fact*, )' c f n Such tcaumony prove* oou ih«jni«lve» no tnjwtw eiceUence i* eitaMidied slttMtely. that ‘® •“{J’Tnd ? he anquevtionablo anthon by lu utmnite Tne iml« nliuiewu relief u uf ty of public ojdnmn ™S£g?, U>«d through the <S£iX£ remedy ftt •‘““{JemE-iIBES! • . ' «W 1„ »«. «■>»* '™ ®S“ ; voionintily'*****£ uftimony.bemg contrary to theu particular fast, » . aarpoie*, eocrce* mnnctiou of Worldly interest* md PW** a manner to it. truth, and Moral iluxnu*. aoiver**! credence. r^i K " t ;RTIFiCA fbi. - RKAD THh llL ?. ~c lJ, osarr Cosseicrn<vv>- Stnx Aaotusa haaheen a* auccc.*fu There never ***£ of Consumption, a, D r . Dwayne i m <Je*perato ca^” f N vUJ Cherryj tft Mrengtberi* the Compound Sf ra * ?L , ‘ b e«l Ur ukoxaon U>c Wur lr - idicine. CianraCOf April iStii, n^. f «ir. 1 verily Vlwvc your » om- Dr.P* bmtnXM »«»«• pound */«P o i \\ MCh colUf which grudu; taring my life. I caUK , . a ncrrre coa-h, thirl ally grew worn, *‘ ,en “* irh i had recourse to,at>i! reatocu all 3£!.wd all the .jmntpm* u. v increasing Kvery thing I mod ’**rwd pulmonary * ouaurapuc n mcreaaed «> »P«d to ha* eno effeel, end my ""g*" up *ll hopea o! , |y that fniadi a* well u J^ T j wa* tacomtnendcd totry my rreoTflry- A ln , i did so witn themo« hap- {, your myaJaabte «’edicin. effect to loo*en the py results. expectorate freely; and by the cough, cMilr.f entirely well, and am ime I h*4 ur* s M ,'\W erei waa u» my life, ■»* now a* Warty 4 ®. ' ihfonnaUoMerpecUCf my would he happy '»***??'.“y derive Utebeatftt for - ea»e, that otter «*'£[* yj the truth of tha above which lam a©y, peter Rash, Grooer, W#»i | euteracotj I refer T northaaodthe medieina. | , VrevM<AC£‘J[. f(2ufdSfo/|H»iiieil» da: j£^-SSSTiS Spot Wild cj«m- i»“ ; nJ >te violently Mcwnpanied with a *atraatm* Lane*, which *• “' head, a rery cou«Wera tooA,P*ht m U» ttca« frcta Ukß ton«a.e»pe ble discharge Ol®*- 1 * however slight. At ciallr open change oi c01;(liu0 n, hut tw pretty 6r.t I felt r o •oon waa a . lfngtb *car. e don. I *n>w datfy ' ,* above a wla.per, lurii ly able to walk about or P^ u[ m) lwngfc During Uu» was the exceedmg we“ linru ol .j proenpuons, Unse 1 bad *V^ ro wmg all the uinc worse, JnM but found no rcHef-gro ded t, y tt dcar friend in here i waa 4d (J vl your M rup of Wild Cher- Wllmmgton to maxe m J lou , ly j ha d been pteju tT. I must eotneas } *,,d j fU n agntiut dicod aga^«l^»‘“ d hut under those coming out o‘“>* n u - w f rMWn and practice ol •madias your fa|th in lße » ayms of raj medicine, and huemg of tthrw.ooe of your (head*, 1 commenced It* u*e. .My ihs agent*. a few U-nie*.» Handing, «m- S«wi»»aitt.sUß» o u )u;awd j foond , however, ■eqamily. it waa deegT ke (K of firfl four or five eon*:derah.c relie ® jpeatrt, l frequently at bortlea. But hc«E * P increasing airenjrth, nnd tempted u» preach wnu «jy eU u,at had already urjun thereby ra^! my cure wa* grraUy j u» heaf; »n Jhia of ae tm< thus imprudent retarded. Imulci before I wa* p«. “ „ 4tienj a mur h tmalf feetlT tea taxed I W h ., e made me touod, ba numkrpfi>om-«^ 4ld T ”J|“ Bjuj-cd lb c fen the above Indtacreuo cough, pu» t»*i ■ teh habit, took ftomthe lunga. ud«< to liiedLchargu of matter u |^ ave themmnd-lUc cmire « until now, for the pa ryot red offering tht* the permanency ui the 01 feel pTScUy well I offer ,t with care, and now .oat iic *■ n*v, J. p. JoabXf "SSSi-m.i"- lOTTiortnni Caunon—Eaui- 1 R/ai r f ’fTr.Munf preparation of Wild Chorry - There in buU- ««« «“"* o P j lf ,t ever ofoeU 10 ihe indthatUDr. ** 54 Imgely tlirTughooi the paMie. which ‘^V£l c * 0 r Europe; Lidail p^- lining Sute. P of wi merry knve p oration* C*D» i 7~ Ln( i cf co err of *>rofe deceptive bwa pul iU *®order w give eancooy to'iheir *ale». ciicamsuneesj**»« * * ireriwrt freed mistake the CS&g^a^teWftt L; "is nil's his prepnr »U a t‘o m o „ n j known wnw ol l>t. Ihn jre.l ‘ o( Wild Cherry, pereon- Swayne • 3,, w klvo cormney In llieii would not “**?E*illM the ..moo of Wild &?sr , i£^'.aWiSi“ n,u,J 0,0 ■'KSK-" «*** •** B “ < > ph ;r:r-ht.. ...m .na «>n, j-ro™™ ?!*■4 :tri^d“ d nnd'o.h U „ A „; A w 5 HA A&ton. “1 *•» '“l* ,: “ bl ' iaUniV* Pramlum Plaiisr. _Pn* iv *p I*NI*AND ofthc Medical College bfriul- T) R public his Indian Veg- Plaster, die qualities of which, after eiable irorui been inuofactonly e»- S women who m.y bn nlOlewl with : ?„°”one euo out of l&rec houdretl ot.d filly-three po- “'So loi >nd 'V„» Breui or Back, „£ 2 ihp.in, U.« 0.. notion, to c*ceUhls flu 1* oif/irilme rclicJ’ot effecting n core. For sale by \ wurox, corner of Diamond and >lnrkcl»l h. idler. u Liberty and Sl Clrur st* “ ™"» | • i “ d «““ c “- a ' jdqo'u AZo, “ Bmuma util Diumiiid Dime Vv"E SEI.I.bKS, Uroep.u No S 7 wool .lira. Vi Sole Agent for Hie sale of Dr. Townsend • &*«• tJne*Bar*apnrma, lm»jurt received 2UO doien of Urn fsnritiß wni number Medicine. . ° p2reha«»r« should reet.llect Uiai K E Seller* is sole JUfo f Pittsburgh, and D M Curry for Allegheny ttiTTRACT - *»P"COFFKB—An' arttele winch .* in- KAi.iii coming into iw a* a wholesome, nourishing J-J P li/.nutUcvrruce. being more pleasant and puf mW\.tScoK, Kiffee.and far cUprr, a. a *iua» ?jSi SSS»S?««It ton ccttM. ' wdl Kou.furu.4our Manufactured by , „ pounds of Loac 8 ftiILLKK, Pittsburgh, I’a. -.a wholesale by B A FAiINESIUCK ft Co, 8°“ ywaud Wood and i*iMi and \V ood imxir, corner oi nr*» “• upai Pittsburgh . (-~ i i foRNIA RUBBER OOODS-Just received, Blanket., ai officer eoala? Uprs I unlsj J Boot*; 12 Dthmuii Bags J IB P wr ‘-"nkal *Md 12 guUOH* each, Wl canteen*, -i water T *l.*\!i 01 Buckskin Money Bells; 1 do oiled jdion each, ld« i>uc oTe „ |e Uic Ca ii- SSTS.S& E.u bU .h,w». «« w~s«- ujre mchiM . - - "TrsORTBD SPlCER—i’pt up for fMUijr u«, iu tin Mustard, Alsplrc, Oanamoß, Linger, Cloves, Pepper, O ntt n. Por im»c at the nsw Spice; and Warranted pans- af y cttJ k Liberty si*. Mustaed Factory. canter t fc —^r w r, sHWroujrht iron Aimur'irem-tbc Temper* A wMMrWarrjiniedi wjll be constantly on hujsad suppliedgjg^JjcußAN, » Wood si SKW BOOKS! rj»Ut2 WAR WITH MEXICO, by R. 3. Ripley; f Elment* of Rhetoric; comprising an Anslysu ot Oic Laws ot Moral Evideuce and ot Pereaasiom ty_ Richard Wbaiely, D. D. . , mt Busy on Christian Bapusm; by Baptist XV. .Noel, M A. TheOgilvies, a Novel. . . _.. Ftury Tale*, from all Nation*; bv Amhouy R. Mon talba with Ml illustrations by.IJOTIc. Jin .rc'd b, JOKNSTmN t OTOOVTON, dc!9 corner Third and Market stiecti Sew ana Elsftnt Gift Book*! SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS; by J T Headley, wnh eleven oitjlnai designs by Darky. Pcems and I’roae \V riling*, by Riehinl H. Dana; * Gem* of Sacrtfi Poety, with six iUiatra tioiorengraved on steel, by Jbhn9armn_ Just received by JOHNSTON A corner Thtrd and Market st» Saw Books. PHYSICIAN AN U PATIENT; or a Practical View of uic mutual duties, relation* and in«m» "fthe Medical I'tctcsston and the Community; by Worth- De Montaigne; comprising his Eiuiy*. Le«:er*,«c. By Wm. Haxleu. ' Nineveh and iu Remain*. lJy Au*iea IJenry Lay tro’ump-e» of'sfTain-J t>r Notes of an Unfinished Toot in 18-17. By S. T. WaHis. Tapper** Proverbial Philosophy, new edition; ilia*- Hated. Just received by i , JOHNSTON fc STOCKTON, no vil corner Market and Third street* 1840-30! LOCKWOOD'S ILLUSTRATED WORKR-Mn initiated Hook*—Uookiin r.cbly carved binding, illuminated an'i iliustraied~Booxr superbly liimwU in Velvet, Silk, Moroeeo, ami Com, Milted,. m.' imiiauou of the Middle A«s-BibTe» and Prayer Hook*, beau, tifolly bpnnd in Velvet and Moroeeo, magnificently or ..,“““■“1 11 "‘“‘“TSliraD.'uScJwooD, - dettf BookrelleHA Importer, Wood sv Christmas and HawWsaf Approaching: ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS, In Magnificent Antique Binding, forth llolidayt J AMIS' D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller sad Jptponer, tU Wood street, ba* received abeautiful collection of illustrated Hooks, bound ir. the most splendid man ner by the best London ana,American binders—among them may bo loutidt ■ - , Penn* of Amur.: I’oeiry; magnificently illorama "“i'fyfol ute \Ve«t. rn World} illuminated In gold and C °Woriiiworth’* Greece: neWy'lilustTatcd. The r cachet; lUomlnaied by Owen Jones, ang bound < carved wood. Tiuj Soug of Bongs; illuminated by Jonr*. Pow'cr* and tbeirKiudred Thoughts; illamlnajed by or Bhak*pe*re; illustrated. - M r , Juineson'*Churaetertmie*ol Women; iliustra tec' Poyiilrby ' J AMKrt DLOCKWOOD,, del 1 03 Wood «tr*et__ Sew Books. REDOURNi Hi*Fiist Voyage.by HermanMellvil author of‘■Typee.” “Oraoo,’’ Ac. .... History ot Kill* Alfred o! England,by Jaeob Abb< wiih fine engravings. . • ...... su “"‘ ite nov-Jl comer Third and MarkeUtreat “ Onr. of ikt Most Retrutriaii* W&rks of the Age.” Nineveh and its remains; with M «tpmi ' of a mil lo ilse Chandman Christians of Kurdis tan, -ml u.o Vendim. or D«*il*\Vo»bipp«>r; and an Inquiry into the Manner* and AW of the Ancient As syrian*. Ity A man J!*nry LaTard. D. C.L. With Introductory Note by Prol. B. Uobtnaon, H. u., LL. D. Illustrated with 13 plateaandmmpa, and BO wont! cnti. ” v<»!i.8?o. cloth, S4jso. . .. “The book La# a rare amount of graphic, emd, pic turesque narrative "—Tribune. . work of La yard is the most prominent eoouv 1 Luttoa to the uady of antiquity, that has appeared for ”“??©t»nccxcets in intercut the ae count of march and in Rains, given by Mr. Layatd."—Washington ’"‘As wf/cHow the digger* with breathless intor«l In their excavations, ana suddenly fird oursetve-i t>e lar-i a tnouiTC fifute carved with minute aocnnicy, now liftm* iu gigantic head from. the.dust_ of rear*, wo ate ready to cry ont with the astonished Arab*, •Wallah, uis wonderfa4-li«« if *» true - ‘“ ,n ' dependent. For sale by ItOTld JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Go WOOd St The WOMEN of the Old and New Testament. Billed by K. B. Sprague, D. D. I aol. Imp. s>*o., ciccautly bound; IS exquisitely finiabed engravings, wiui description* by celebrated American Clergymen. POHMtS UV AMELIA,(Mr*. 'Velby, of kyj R and enlarged edition;, illutiratcd by engraving* from oneintt! design* by Wmr. 1 trot. * 4 nare i y bound and gUt. Also—A variety ot splendid Annu als and Gift Hooka. . . ScwdP. Child's Hist Book of Che Hlttory of Borne. THE MECHANICS ASSISTANT, adapted forth* se of Carpenters, Shipwright*, Wheelwright*, sow er*. Lumbermen. Smdenu, and Artixana geoerallj. rung a thorough and practical Treatoe on Menaan* ;on and the Phdm* Rale. By I). M. kaper, A- M. Roue's Treatise on Greek Prose Composition. OhcQdoiO't Elementary French Grammar, .tfyiroi- Jreeue, of Brown University. I vol. lemo. Koedlcer's (iesenJa*' Hebrew Giammar, by ConanU Ocsennis' Hebrew Lexicon. , l.oomi«' Trigonometry and Logarithmic Table*, l °Tli' uhtnanVGreek Concordance. 1 tol.(Jdu*- Anihon** C»a**lea! S-nea. Websier's Dictionary, revised ed. 1 *«u- a*o. do jo unabridged. 1 vol. 4to. Barne'a Note* and Qucsuons on New Testament. Wbalely'f Logic. _ . r, Moshcna'* Ecclesiastical History. 3 voln. nod ols. i»hecp.> « . . Vp*hee» of Creation 1 vol. Ismo- , fc Morning* among the Jesuit* at Roma. 1 vol (c.ot* "jicenea'whore the Tempter bo* Triumphed. 1 *° l - Boeu-'s ‘fbeologienl Lectures. 1 voL 8»o. (doth.) Abler 1 * Pronouncing Uible. » Uoyrr'* Krpiieb Dictioaary. ..Anr.k-e Horace; For sale hy R novlU Aoollo Building*. Voanh *t XTKW UOUKS JUST RrAjchVf.U.-I'uo wurt. » N Motua.e..-. edited by IL ILulm, comprising his K*la\< LeUer*. wid Journey through Germany and l£u with note* from ail the Comuieutaior*, Biogrnpli ,c*»l ard Hibliographicai Notice*, Ac. Ti-.rory and Praenee of Teaching; nr, the Motive* ard Mirthod* of Good School-keeping, by PUge, A. M., Principal of the State Normal , A lT"nk Forester'* Ki*h and Fishing of tho U. State* and Brtu.ii Province, of North America, by ll.tnry Wo Herbert. JOHNSTON A s>r<j>CKTt)N, „ ov j corner I bird and Matketst* _ The Oldea Time. JA.ME3 D LOCKWOOD, Bo*»kwt!er and Importer, >o. £J Wood street, ha. for rale a few copies co tn oieic, tihu remainder of the edition,) oi iht* valutWo wotk. devoted lo the Pre*ervation of Documents, a.JU «tbrr authentic information rolat ug to ihreariy e-t* plt.rauou*. .ciilemcnt and improvement of the coumr.v arouiot tiie lie ad *>f lie Ohio, .lly Neville B Craig, l “_* . LpCKWOOS iyo.MAN LIBERTY: A History, w-th a view of ibo k, Liberty oi oilier Aneteni Motions. By Samuel KUiott, Km. Illustrated with twelve engraving*, axe* cured ut Home 2 vol*., nvo-, uuiform wuh Prescott s Hunrleal Worlti. Ja.t pohli*hea : and for sale by , JA.MEd :U. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and ootid Importer.Cl Wood rt Tf ANNV' KEMBLE IN ITALY: auihonxededilion, Klamn 75?i«l MBS. FANNY KEMBLE’S YEAR OF CONSOLATION. ... . ‘•The reading of this book has Impressed u» with a ouch higher opinion of its author than wo bad tinned irom refusing lier other wmings. Itdisplaysadeeper mne of taou(ilu,.umteU 10 more pure womanly (trace ot iVclincthun any other producuoa ol the ftmole min wiib which we arc acquainted.”—lEso.M'rror. -It is a very agreeable and readable book, vmltenln Funny style—bold, spirited and eater* We recommeud it lo oar readers ua the best pabtieuiiou of the see*)n."‘—Heading Oa*. P -U couiaius ibe Journal of a uavetlhrongh Europe,; and n-iudeiicc in Italy; niid is one of the pleasantest and ruu*i miercting books of the seaiou. n —Cour. and .‘fl’S d»r»c«mllc 1»0». Wf *• f "“ SJ,KfL“.?«2I«S£ "K?‘Sf“'‘" b “ ! Kara D LOOK .VOOD, - novii BonkseUer A Importer,Wood «_ LltrtoßTaplslo Eitabllihment OF WM. SCHUCfIMANN. Third st, opposite the l*o«-Ofiict, Pittsburgh.—Maps, LanUitcapes, Bill ucaus •*iiowi>ili*, Label», Archiicclural and Machine Drawings, Uusineis and Visiting Cards. **-i* n %**** or dru* n on stone, and printed in cotori, bold. B»w» or Black, id tito most approved style, and «t the mosi reasonable price*. ocU *jy K 'j S.CANDLK3A. p^ R^bl ' ,i? '"' I NtSI. 0 » l “i^ r D LE s S _ bbb,< " "‘SgcANKHa.pI C,nr.il' MOUS. DE LAlN*—'l „*?» J (L. coloM M. 1c Lain,, “«» ”i 1 'Ilow 1 low U,.p„ ,-ri. A A UJSJJ^V pKKAi. c.u. c .,5,» l 4 ■> .| Pine Apples; 3 “ •• Chemes; 3 “ u airuwbcrries; 3 u “ • Tomatoes: ’ 3 “ halfgol. bottles Picklos; 3 “ quoit do. , 3 “ toilcy do. Ree d and for sale at the Pekin Tea Stere, 70 Fourth declS street. . . _ .. .... - ■Y YE FLOUR—I 3 bids rec’d and tor s»le by jc-j! WM H JOHNSTON. U 3 Second st RECEIVED THIS DAY, at the India Rubbe De* doi—l case Women’s Metallic Rubber Sandal*; v 4 - •• “ “ Silppcis; s ,a « “ “ Uusklnai l “ Misses’ “ “ Slippers; 1 “ Men's “ u Overshoes j » •* “ Sandals; l •• “ leallicr'soled “ Overshoes All of which will be sold, wholesale■ oir retail, loyc: than at any house in the city. JA 11 PHILLII S, nordl No 4 twd sttcel PEALEL MW bbl» ami au sc**, packed, iu prune order lot snipping, lor sale by oum ior ‘ L S WATERMAN o caiks u» ornvb per Ringgold, tot S b» aal TAB3KY &. UKaT l' kXAO'iTWADUI^U —l y bales Urge sue and heavy !•> jy.t rrcU by SIIACKLhTf A WHITK, Nd»_Wo..d»t VlZKl’l t>—<- rises super French Black Silk YI icttesr extra inmuiingt, rec’d per express, si ,Ip>ju AA.ftLA.SUN A CO’S UNOIUKS—S bale* Cottoji; 4ri bbls No J Lard, 44 bogs Feaifters; 1 lictce “ 1? sacks Wool; ■ Odor lumb Skirts,witli wool; a doz Sheep Skihs, u “ 3 dox “ “ \ dressed; To arrive on steamer Fort Pitt r 4nd for sale by dol4 ISAIAII mCKRY A UP, From »1 G INSK.NO—1 bugs Clarified, for sale b'y .. dr!7 WICK A McCAN'Plj^a ' .ifcA l UKKr—ib sacks prime,l for saJo by • WIOM* .I? t iip|Y’_ McO/' jj oR»iT l»or«B v Xi bciivy and •p.lendld article, )»»•' rec u lor sale law, al No. 3 Wood urcea. by ipt4 dc.9 \J * H FIUI-f'. iL C — IASToII OIL—I > dca* ■ __ >lil lu store m LCUHOL—IS U»la just ibcM c( > »!“*ss £ Sll TtfkE «Jg Xj «U»ject u> Clurges for £«>» ' I*ll J*J» « u ' or ° U It.. t. .V."”;. k . r . . "gssgs&.6oiA6u.v» COLLECTION9.-^^jJ*J“j llUMW loll£om»« payable in any part Oft* l ® ÜB,B favorable terms. .. y’nrk. Philadelphia ana BaU s “”' “ d SSiS. w 5 »d Sil-crooi. to.,* and sold. , ~ r , h-tween 3d anddlh. Office No. 55 Market street, M»we pctitS -DILLS ftoo a u. fimo, u to •f'j'HSf EoBlN withoutdeduction or discount, by.Jv®. s w ona BON, European and General Agent. «»*•- is.h^ — ■—ar s^’ DANKER 3 AND EXCHjSgE ?• “Siirß! 3d and Wood street*, directly oppomte St nrßSTlitta FUMDB— W Ohio. lnduna, Esntaeky, -MuMttrt, Bank Notax; .1 to tom. b »epl3 35 Market iw«t. BILLS OF' KXCH'AilOfc—Sighi Cheeks on NeW and Baltimore, QtotoU, N.HOLMak.SONS; MISCELLANEOUS. iAULB FOGNPaT. .nrl public .cnerally, Ibol ibey tare “ 4 CTinhf.p"«to^Vb^B»«,-bl.h,!. article of enammelled Grate., finished In hne.iyie eniirely new in thla market. w<v>d at "S”Su’ N °' la ‘ WClloLsoSt P^YNL one. orth. Bmtmtyl * m ittrMo* Company* / ptuL4D*ifjn*» Not. fiih. IM9* i nl”: ;“L°L^x n /a^Tj r <uj sss! ,u,ek “SaKft&l | qovlO t*. A. MADEIRA, AgU,^ PITTSBURGH 181 PORTATIC c YEA fScv Kd vaeictv gotiF!“ p “ p:.,,harch U» parch**® Good*, *» te«peeualiy» f„"SSI IS H= «*“""• w American French *ndGcrcn&n Fancy Gooc*. _ “tar-Ss?: fefeS!ffiSSa®E«w ta *S£ C o Sl»°d sfe WMcto, Gold all kind* ol S£s3©a«»fiK cuter Comb*. 2f'sskacs'i"rM;«^ a*ssffisws: “dte.no, and would lecomnand ll lo ilmo who maj h« *5 i ' ! «J S l .Vu' re "" W. £ BODEN. .old by B E. SELLER!), n « .I and .lid by drossliU f cneroUy, io Pltlaburjh and A) I le > rtinT ' “ 'Tli« Oharttari Coal vonpuiyi nNCORPORATED.J Books win be open for »üb*cripu°n to ihe itockoj -The Cbuiiere Coal Company," on.■sj i 2SS Mond.y.ibo'JimdayofSepteoberiMt, ai iheoffie# «f *■ *&*“»*• T °™ “■ £ W°gfellNCTbH. Great Kaffllab E»oiay. ■nOR Coorhs. Cold*. Ailiun* Md Con»nmption! Th» K rDC?r » NT) oriLY REMEDY for the euro of lb« •n»« ovtnmrdinarT SUCCtSS Of UUS TOWllClne, UX it* ,J*J tfSSSaS diseases, warrants the American A«rentin soUciungfortreatmemthe worst possible ear be found in the community—casesthat seek relief in rain from any of the common remedies of ihi Jar, and hsve bem girenopby themostdisiingiiished nhTMcisns ssconhnned and incurable. The Hangun affiK ba. cored, end will cure, the most £fpenue of coses. ltis no quack nostrum, but a standard Eng* lisb medicine, of known tad established efficacy. • FYerr tody in the United Bt«tes should be supplied irith Bocbsn’s lionganm Balsam of “sffdtaCSyStflM.Bmwtaih.-o «* ="*“■ r 1 V"'- rrßificates, and other endenee, showing the on- Sifl3tSs’ o?UtU great polish RemeJr, W ». w UA n * Ce,eonjet° ,t and Wood and Wood and 6th sts. JuOdAwS fTIH 1 before—Wade on lha moat approved £ l4 ? £L wss^M.sssfflSjfga ezaiaine the above for IhemselTM, aj all will bo sol J wholesale or' retail,and a liberal dedaauon mada tt ’'“uil“‘""'“ t "' A WETTERVELI THB BTA& OF THE WEST T ' 4 VKNITIAN 11LIN D MANUFACTORY i past tide of the Diamond., where Vennian | minds of all lie different tliei and colon i are kept on band or made to order alto ihe latest and most approved Eastern fish. ions,at lie shortest notice and on lie mas cheap Boston roll'or split Blind Transpa rency and Paper Cartaios of all lie different patterns* on hand and for sale low forcaah. Old Vent* nan minds paintid over and repaired, or taken in part SjSfcfSSr EMWESTEEVELT.ProTr N B—All wo». donewni the best material and workmanship, and warranted to please lie most fat i dt oss. aagio-dly Allegheny city, Ang. 10,18 t& . SELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGU SYRUP-Taiai* Nutuiko Lu.s It! Pittvscmh, March 27, ts 47. Mr. R. E. Seller*—ln ja»tice to you and your in com parade Cough Syrup, I be* leave to slate, for the ben efit of tbs community, that my wife ha* been several lime* alllicted with a moat diatreuing cough. I pur chased, in Janaary last, a bouieofyour Syrup, which cured a conga of two monlha' standing. About 'one mmih since, the cough returned, and waa so severe that she eoulil hardly move, from weakness in the breast; I tent for one bottle of your Cough Syrup, and a part of one bottle cored the cough 1 gave the ether to u journeyman wbu was severely afflicted, who had, 10 use his own worda, ‘'eaten enough eoogh candy to cure all the peopte IQ Pittsburgh, n if the candy bad been as good as represented. _ Youts, respectfully, ALrirs B. Kaxrn» prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 67 Wood street, and sold by Druggists generally in iho-two elite* del9 __ A CARD. GRATEFUL for the very Übersl encouragement I have received for to many years, I have deter* mined to enlarge my business considerably. Having engaged a competent Foreman, I will be enabled to &LI ail orders promptly, and do the work in our usual style and at fair pnees, and ask the niwrr’ chants and citizens to my large stock of UPHOLarfc* RY UOOD3 and Beds, Mattresses and Bedding, car* into Materials, Damasks and Moreens, Cornjees, ran- Spill »nd BoUcl every arucle asually kept m an establishment of kind/ respectfully solicited and promptly at* tended to. , m p« N oblr^ ALLESnSST V?JS , TSSnn« I ’ ~,n| ANDCABINLT WAi.hROO.M. Ib J. A- BROWN would respect* Ifally inform the public, that he ■keeps on hand aims stand on the I west side of the Diamond, Alle* I gbeny city, a complete assort* I meat of Venitian Blinds; also Vo* I nitiin Shutters are made to or* I der in the-best style, warranted I equal to any in lire united States. I |i\, Blinds can be removed with* I out the aid of a sorew driver. I Having purchased the stock, K tools, and wood of the cabinet es* I üblishmentof Ramsay AM’Clel- I (and, 1 am prepared to furnish K their old customers, as well at with every thing in their line. \ the public **'"i l Vy oW | Street, Flusburgh. *5,73 * JA. BROWN. - rTcV." Bjmwmss •«: iw* .Itoo ibo cci.bi.ted mamir.eloip of Muon. A B.”S.V,ol..p«n«uiiu ! ,««lT^rmdMj»prtM. Ly ~ atJ.W.WMdweIV xlr imjams-ivory peari,tooth powder, W for removing Tartar,ipeurvy, Canker, and all ■nbsten *e» destnieikve to the Teeth. It u delicious to Ae tasie, cleansing .the mouth, healing and strpngihen ina the gums, and purifying the breath. For sale, wholesale and retail, by dctfU R E SELLERS, 57 Wood st WATCHES 11—CHEAPER THAN EVER!— Juitrec’J, an invoice of fall jewelled patent le ver Watches, 19 carets fine eases, which 1 can sell as low as thisty aud thirty five dollars, and warranted to hero good time. Also—A splendid assortment of JEWELRY, com prising the various and latest styles, and best patterns v ■ w. W. WILSON, Watchmaker sad Jeweler, i eornsr Market sad Fouith»u**ifc , G> W• UIODLK, DißtlltM BEMOVKDte t«» lire* «o*7 brisk . fVVyIIBBk OQ Smithdeld i«ttt oae-door below P**II,J T r g*ah street. Teeth iniened from ono tlaneniireset,oSth®suetwra pnneiple, with a be aa . tTful representation of the natural pun—restoring th» "15 »,»*'«■:' i'■ • StTu, though it would be done in &Vu rnami, „r even instantly. _ . SB^ylT SALTER’S GINSENG PANACEA! TO THOSE SUFFERING < }VITII DISEASED LUNGS-—The unprecedented meem which hi* • ““‘"‘““•“OINSENO PANACEA .11 ik* various form* which irritation of lha lungs**. tlStaKocd Uro proprietorapunto cmi wren. lion 10 tM ’ WOOTE RfUE PREPARATION. _ . W vt. A —father whieb marks our full iU If *= P~ »' ™ . *5Js» ssra dozens of o»J»«“W« c ™£rW * nui of us B g,W £*&>•' ice. from ih* OjnLNAL3 n p THE BAY,. rf j Si‘"^wlrsfe C 0“ SSSassa®. l gS|l£ instance . , . laken according to ditaeiiont, and b#« F.'to h l'.op“.“Scomftu!lT di..*-™* UJ.M .nr Niiod to _ ~ pEKFE cT CBSF. ,w >^ 2^sSXSi.«*«, 3s* the miserable nostrum*, gonaa«r atv u u be had, whose vonehere ard at hoaoj—w Mijk| THE crave In Older that this invaluable mediomc °*T b *P 1 “** within the reaeh of the poor a» woiiihc w» havo palllloPn c < OHLY FIFTY CKKTI, t n it one half the usual cOsi of cough meCMUtek « “sale by our went* in nearly every .town »«££“**• over the west, wko are prepared to pre full in.onn ' live to it. T- SALTER, Propnrtor. Hroudway, Cincinnati, Onto. .ibe in^ol^i 11 * KSjJbSS!. U." «■•<• SSs donnen. awjen, **^“ e r n -«e it in ««5 TMiety ol 1R . .'%.s£s£%£*& fcSU'ptj«™»rj«; KffiSSfe :^§ss' r,:’oVT U “7k.ltoaw,toU any UatSl, -to.fc* ar a. ««.' T BUBHS-I1 u one of lie bell til”? li lie world fee ess fe^M?JESsassafßfi;- r pikt*iid FnCnvTi Sledded er iretoi BreM, Jt»>» pein In lie then nnd side, iSSjof ef tie bill, or lie olier oceompe- S» folS’fUl. jTiie Ointment le lie uno rpmedj.) .11 “ 'lieoT lin iwill V: wktb keep corns from rrowinß; People ue*d neter be troubled with them g they we u fr^® y. nr?- ThirOieiraenU* jocxJ for an? part of lhe hooy or umbiwhealnflamed? Ix> some case* . H Ointment will be pentUne tnjleMtho nwrfJAHES McAUJLBTER it written wuh*pea ? Vo' r r'3“r‘ii7 Agents in ell Ue“prinelpnl cities end ta lie United s ‘*“‘j AJrES McA r,USTER, Sole Proprietor of the above medieine. rr Pnneiptl Office, No tt North Third «treet,Ph4* “® p!d *' PRICE a CENTS PER BOX e ..,[. PrmaoxoH—Braun & lletter, corner of •tfad door from Seeond *c- in. Alleghany .city, by UP s^feraiiSs?I Stf^-Sc f SSS jiSfflFtafn, Mwmngnieln Citn N BbKS!S» * Co, end J T Ro s em, Brown.rile| /sin Utrklcy, Beaver, Pa; are wholesale agent*. ! febiß-deodly ' ■ ■ ■••■■■ - Fietifortkt Public* : ; In relation to Wat unrivalled family Sim, DiLLEV’S magical pais EimctOE. TESTIMONY of a re*pectat>le rhy^oaii.— Read the following, addreued to mjr Agent, Mr. F. Met ryweather, Cinemnati: CisciTmiTJ, Peb. 10,1349. Sin A nr.ie ofduty compels me o Dailey's Pam Extractor. Being opposed lo fuaefc err and all nostrums having for their object A“|* t ® r f motives—nut realising much good irco.tlwKmgof Pain Killers”—l am induced to tender jou this cerim cate. 1 havo used it in toy family, in my P ra(^ e4 ' with all the happy and wonderfal cteeu fflat coaid possibly be imagined. M * *l)r. lirodie is the seiuor partner of Utodie « Lert, Druggists. . Inflammatory BJiovnatum. The following testimonial comes from a touree faj miiiar to many of those traveling on our Western wa ters Mr. Glime, the well and favoraoly knows pro* p£h>. of the l>. l tor,!.ur s Hold, i, hu.btmdloUe, lady whose letmr I annex: ‘ Psaanasßrso, Va, Apnl ll»U. To Henry Dailey, Chemist, ke.—Sin llavingfor merly heed long afflicted with violent inttammoUiry Rheumatism, which appeared » firmly *« “j® defy all ordinary appliances to allay the severe pain attending it, 1 was induced to try your Magical Pain Extractor? and it having elected, almost as if by ms gic, ar immediate relic? and also, to ail “PP* ar “‘“* an entire anu perfeel cure, l am induced lor the J«ne fit of others who may be afflicted with, pam, any kind of inflammation, to write to > 0ll » **!*"“/ that in my opinion, founded on actual expen poor U.'iMl Sita Kxtraeior j, the -oftt-dj-h eovcrY ol the piotoul ogo fot ihc.unmodiolp exlreemm of botflly poin. It ii on dmon imotodldo drioj* feet core for Bams and Scalds, and all external in many Mqudatahees formed br j T^1 (^ be of benefit bo& to them and GLJ>t^ [l entertain the hope pnblieityl giveto herlewvMweI*® 1 *® fbrlJlgln it humanity as of lU bang the surest to the notice of her friends.—lf- Ftlc* Cars*** Extract of aletter, dll “* Ky. N«v. 29, If 19. Mr. H. D»n« n «. r; uWV»; spectrally, . _ ji # piicjt Sore Nipples, Broken IET Woanil.-id «n in- Breast, hrupuons,^ ih * WO uderiul properties flommailon, J a i Te . But, in the i>ime pro*, ofllu* Qnrtvsl! receive benefit from the genuine, deleterious effects of the C 0 sure and apply to the Investor, .i°n »T«V 414Broaidway,Ncw hork, or to bissa il. DaUJtT,«» m JOHN D MORGAN, thorued agents. General Depot, Pmabnrgh. Cincinnati, O n General Depot. »j the severest Bums and Scalds it extracts ihenSn i« a few minntes-it never fails' iu» -~- (T’a.FatU‘*v rocx ’7 Adi*. Usu*N» if.cuy 0. L. jPutsburgh. «hoUud? < BraK lion Im ths City *f ” Hsw.Tnkt , THE undersigned are extensively engaged In the WbolsaaleDra* businnsa at No. 49 John street, in the <itr of Ncv York, «34 are prepared to supply Unttisu and eettttT Merchants with Drugs, Paints, iki. Drr-etsfis, FWtign and American Perfumery, Manner, Asm k Hander's Chemicals, (of ibelr own swot tatiea) *st all otlrtr anielet in (heir line o f busi -«sa.of ■ as lowu ±eyttaYepoi* «hasoi in tbit or any ewuern city. Now VnHt, Fabl* 11 ». KMfV t*rnry h r» CUBE FORWOIUfft?. • B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE* OUR9I or sxrxttnai, wxarruu IN order to afford all possible security to tbe pubue, as well as to themselves, against fraud cut* imp®* sition from counterfeiting, tlte proprietors base made a change in the exterior wrapper of lable of their Ver mifuge. The new label, which is a steel engraving of the most exquisite de&igu and workmanship, has been introduced at a very great expense, nnd is from the brain of an Urtiatefthe first talent. -Thedctigaisnew, and the execution elaborate. Several hgurcs »mJ» portrait are most prominent, but the •wordr*Vtf*£ sros,” printed m white letters on a red ana finely graved ground, should be particularly exaaui**£ When held up to the light the letters, shsdiof w jg lettsra and every line, however mtdnie, whole cfthls pan of the eugravins match *»®.ir' on . aa it the Impresaion had been made upon it, e ly.aliboßgh it is actually pruned on bath siu» 14 . oaoer. This should-in ail eases be i. .1., printed In •ides, and sboald be examined in the -my Tlu» preparation has now stood the test * ( a years'lnal, and is confidently »he and effeeutalmedtfcine for expelling wonM >ncodea system, 'the unexampled succe^tbat_a eßtwM lu administration in every ease where u wor really afflicted with worms, certainly., thr the attention of physicians. . Meef ulft U» Tlio'proprtetor has made tt a poutf -h hia result of iu use m such ca «* °* found, knowledge andcbsenratloit-and b ®V n^7 an (requent-. it to produce die mosiaalaieryedeci*-®* recent ly alwr nearly all the ordinary to mended for worms bad been preTiouw». *7 aCt j ( at* without any permanent aoyaiiiage.-*£*, fclfl dreds tested by the certificates and statenrew ofrevpectablepersous In differenepait*' ‘ kfe p * vial . try, and should induce families fti ** y, ,,i,niild in its . oi the preparation in their posre**'® ls lj. rlcc t safo , operation, and may be admuusiereuw i i ty to the most delicate infant.- . The only
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers