ESTABLISHED IN 178 b. PUBLISHED BY WHITE fc CQ. s. x. whit? ] (a. HAifIHT. •AZZTTZ RT JDLISf, THUD ■HUM, KKXT DOOX ID Daihr pa t ' .87,00 per annua. TrMVee T-" 5,00 “ WeeUy, InadTaneeJ*— — u Do. o JClsbi, at a redaeed tub. Hal os of Tdyxbtuibo I AGREED UH *S by Tl C PITTSBURGH PRESS* OneFqn' •e, (11> lute* of Nonpareil or tesi) oue ' •tenion- » ~.-80,50 One Bq«f 'e,e»eb tJdiUouaimMrUou**- o>® Dp. one week - * >i 7s Du. two wceki* U,t® Do. three week*---- 4,® Do. one month ■ ■ fl,® Do. two roontlii 7,® Dt. three 9,® Do. | four month* —-*.-10.® Da. 1 »ix month* —• ■ ——• 12,00 Do.J . twelve months- Standing Card {B lines or left,) per annum* lb.oo OueSauarc,changeable aipleasnre (per an num) eicinirre of the piper--*— 23.00 For each additional square, Inserted over one month, ana for each additional rqaare inserted under the year* Ijr rates, half price. Advertisements exceeding a square, and net ever fifteen linct, to be charged •• a square and a half Publisher* not aecoautable for legal advertisements beyond the amount charged for tbeir publication. Announcing candidate* for office; u> be charged the same as other advertisements. Advertisements not marked on the copy for utpeei fied number of insertions, will be continued till forbid, and paymenlexuaad accord. Tito privilege* of yearly advertisers will be confined rigidly to their regular business, and all othar adver tncrncpia not pcrtalul&g to their regular btmneas, aa agreed for, to be paid extra. All advertisements for charitable institutions, fire companies, ward, township and other public meetings, and such like, to be charged halfprice, payable strict!y in advance. Marriage notices to be charged SO cents. Death uotlfea inserted without charge, unless aceem pawed by funeral invitation* or obituary notices, and when ro accompanied to be paid tor. Regular advertiser* and all other* tending commu nication*, or requiring notices designed to call alien* tihn to Fair*, Soiree*, Concern, or any pnblie enter tainment* where charge* are made for admittance— all nolici» of private association*—every notice de sieved to tall attention to private enterprise* ealcula* ' ted or intended to promote individual Interest, can on ly be inserted with the an demanding that the same is ip be paid for. Ifintended to be inserted in the loea column, the same will be charged atthc rate of cotless Ilian lu c« i* per Uoe. liisbop )t FmNotice* to bo charged triple price. ‘Tavern License Petitions, S 3 each. Legal and hledieal advertisement* to be charged at mil price*. Beal Estate Agents and Auctioneer* 1 Advertisement*, not to be clamed nndcT yearly rate*, but to be ollowed discount ol thirty throe and one third per cent from the amount of bills. WIIILT OE TXI-WSXU.T U( DaJLt raTKX*. On* Square, throe insertions—*— *91,30 Do. each additional insertion-••• 37 lunnnxiiun a wxxu.t rvrxx. ' One Square, (10 lines.) one insertion- • • *5O cu. Do. eaeb additional insertion--23 u Ail transient advertisements to be pal din advance ► WHITBACXLGaxette. L. HARPER, Post, ~ ROtTTM.-RIDDLE, Journal. J AMES r. BARR A CO, Chronic la. FOSTER A BROTHER, Dispach. J US. SNOWDENi Uerenry. J ABIES W. BIDDLE, American. UIRAM KAINE, Evening Tribune. Piyrmcen, Dec. 1,1649. BUSWKSS CAKDiS, Beniamin Patton*-*- —-.William Bakewall. PATTQB * BASRWSbLi ATOKNEVB AT LAW—Office In TUghmaa Hall, Grant street, near tha-Court Home. febd ALKXAHDKZI K. WATSON, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, on Fourth street, above BmiOtfield—Lowrio’* Buildings—ap stain. i > JanfrT - A LEXaNDeK FRANKLIN, AUoroey at Law, >\ Fourth st. novlMy DAYiD O. TOTT£e, Attorney at law and commissioner FOR PENNSYLVANIA, Sr. Lons, Mo. All communications promptly answered. ocCO-ly A RMSTRONO ACROZKB,Ccamlsaioa Merchants J\ and Dealer* is Produce, No. 23 Market street' Pittsburgh- deed JOTfIS tiuESSTEXST, a TTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, and Comsus* XX. rioter for the State of Pennsylvania, Sh Louis, Ho (lats ol Pittsburgh.) Hcrsaavcxa—Pittsburgh: Hon. W. Forward, Hamp ton A RLUlcr, M‘Candles* A M’Clure, John E. Parka, 1 ssell* A temple, M'Cord A King. anglLdly X. U. «il»n- 7. T RXUEXT. BAIRD* BTEREETT, Attorneys and counsellors at law, Fourth meet, between Bmi infield and Grant, Pittsburgh, Fa. jul3 lom a uut **. c. non. IiA&OB * FRIEND, % TTORNEYS AT LAW, Foanh street, near Grant. X • ' , juldnf ; ariMßTFriUiSii: ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Offiee on Fourth *L, be tween and Grant st, Pittsburgh, sptlibdly •JOBS a. CCMUTI. w. jl wootrwass*——-uaint uutn. BAGALEY, WOODWARD A Co., Wholesale Gro cers, No.gHMarket itroeyPhiladciphia. nov27 FitUhurgh Alkali Works* BENNETT, BERRY a CO, Uansmeturen of Soda *mV_ Bleaching Powders, Mu ri«tie and Salphene Acids. Warehouse No.—Water sued, below Ferry. PorgQ-ly ' nmu n mw, •*<?•* ir» to REITER, Wholetale and Reuul Draj ciiU. inner «(Liberty and 8L Clair •ireeis, Pitta 6uAR S*X l i_ fnam m . caaia* •••• “*•*' . GBAIO k SKINNER, Forwarding and Commiauoi Merc h « n t» No.» Marbet »u PttubttfKh. «pis C‘ A. McANULTY fc Co, forwarding and Con , misalon Merchant*, Canal Basin, p * luba^» h^' h.uKXNT, Wboleule Urocer, oomnuMioa *n , Forw&nhnit Merchant,No. It W <L nn^~ DuqmcaßS »t**l ltd iwm COLEMAN, r HAILMAN A Co, mmar*ctßt*r» of Coach and EtipUC Bp ring*, Hammered Axle*, Bprin* and Ploagh Steel, Iron, Ac. Warehouae on Water and Front *»reeu, Piu»bnr*h, - „ .. At»o, dealer* mi Coach Trimminp *ad MaUeahl* Climn. ££“i ~w*7 s. enuu« iakb J. aoamr. ENGLISH STbENNETT, (l**® English, Callakher * Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission and kor w aidingMerchants,anddealers in ProduceandPins- Iram Jdaaafae tares, No. J 7 Wood it., between *d and M streets. . 2£!L_ Vi j. HE.NKY, Attorney and Chancellor at Law, tj, Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Soathern Ohio, and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly and care fatly attended to. ComraisaiouerfortheSiaieoiPenn* ■ytrania, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments, *Ron» to—Hon. Wbl Dell A Son, Cortu,Church A Caroihera, Wa Hays. Esq., Willock A Darn, a2»_ Irt iicracjr Andrew K. Klemlng. IIKRSICY, FLEMiaa * CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, TJOR the u>e of Dwnettie, .Woolen end Cotton r (joodf, a!*o, Dealer* in all kind* of Tailor*' Trun -sng,, fio. tsff Wood street, fourth door from Filth, Meur*. Wm. A- Hill A Co., Bankers. j*n*r ~T C ffrejiofl* H.cW»e. I BBXimOLX * CLARKK, T7OBWABDINO AND COMMISSION MEBCH- H aNTjs. and dealer* in Window til***, Wlute Dad?**. *No. »osßeeond_*l._ 1 )»£:£. \ I—W^bTHTJUIISstOSi FORWARDING * COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 113 Second etreet, Pnubarsh. dcH 0 , ty, fSmt! : ia**» e. rsKXn. GEOKUB w. SMITH &CO-, Brewer*, MaDtor* Tnd Hop Dealer*, Pitt «t. Pitubnuh, iptC /s~ Commlmon and Forwanlin* G Mer?hinuN*T«W«Kl»treet Pitrebarth.. mr!7 3=2 UOMB'tKAGU* FACTORY. TTAMILION STEWART, manufacturer of Heavy s&£<**** **” Bebc “Vo^rL! n LElMiaficeiMt to" Murphy A Lee,) Wool lh»l* H. C.SS*«ioa MercW or the mde ? or Jjaerieefl woolen*. Liberty, oppoaUe *th »> _ftbl7_ ”” am. uxaxji, Baltimore. a.i.atrwo*,®**®®* I *®’ IPhilada. s|S% WK. f. JOBS* TTAMJv’jONES * CO, (IOCMWon lo Anrood, ftmbtirgh. Pr tanirwuum. * “ eV,? m. u. wniußi * co ’> „ BANKERS AND raCHANGEBROKERS, NortitEoit comer ol'Vood end ■w. P. »*MUtU, (itCCUHI TO lAVCII* C. }"•■*’>). p TMPOETEK a. Dealer in F, Imt Hamrian and Border*, Window Sou • - i.oard PritU, fcc. Alao—Writing. lt reet ping Paper, No. 87 Wood itrtet, oelween Foanh urce* •ad Dtaioood alley, we it aide. Pituborgb, F*. febU U»UH StCKXT. lOJXM BICXIT, TBAIAII PICKET * Co. Whcletfl« J. BxlMloaUerchim*,maddiiieffUJ PtodacejN Vfaiet, and 107 Front iw« Pimbnrrh. DOT ° Jtifh A.UAUGHEY, Agent for Ui’n Uiebigui hint 10 BeaTcund the Lake*.—Office on the cflrecrcf Wuer *n4 amltbfield »u- Jobs 8. Dilwonb*—•••- •J® #e P h DUwor “t T a DiLWORTII A CO., Whoterede , da A*enu-for H€*ardPowderCo., No.¥7Wood<t., L . Pltubahtb. ,qwji ■ BU.WOITH. ' Jo*xrn mlwo*. J -1° 8. DIbWOKTII A Co, Wholerelo Groeere, Pro d. deco *nd Ceminlwioß MmhuUi 55 wis fertile llreard Powder Co. of N.*.,No.S»Wood«x, PitUbßTjh. • E2_ JOHN jSTTrbWNSKND, DmefiO end ApoUrteetT No. 43 Markniat*threo door*aboreThird K.Put* « will ti>n eonsiandT on lud t well eelected as, SS&jSfthrbSJsS »*Ae«t Medicine*, which he K i tom* Pkreielue will be promptly attended to, end rep. ra»7 W “ rmUoe. PTtietipin. wiilb. ««»relri7 » r - d p.SJSrfliomlh. Ul»>»7 >!•"»' .X"*IMP «« 4 > »7iiiN""WATT (lueeeuor to Ewatt A Gebbert,) .Iwholerelo Grocer end Commi«lon Merchant, and A*enl* of the Bl LonU #ic«n Refinery. No 45 water end S 3 front etreeti.Pittsbargh. J' OHN H^MKlXofiTWholesale' and in Mneie and Mnilcel Jn»tntm<*nt*, Poser, Slate*, Steel Pen*,QtiiU*, Printer* Card*, and Stationary faner*lty,NoTw\Vood tf-, Er B*J» bo*f hi or taken U uil «PW THE PITTSBURGH »AIH GAZETTE. J HARRISON SEWELL, Law._Of. . fiee on Founh *L, above Smithfidd. noyS-ly —b~CANFI£LD, (I* te of Warren, Ohio,) Conunir •ion and Forwarding Merchant, and-wholesale dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, Pot and Pearl A*h, and Western Produce generally, Water aeet. between Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh. ap_ —• KCUOONALdKEB A Co- Wholesale Dm* rut*. . No. 84 Wood street, Pittsburgh. ’ JOHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist, and deal* er in Dye Stalls, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Ac, N 0.93 Wood street, one door Booth of Diamond Alley l Pit-j -burgh. janl T'UIIN D. DAVIS, Aaeuonee:, comer sth and VVc v streets. Pittsburgh. JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printer. and Paper Manalactnrcrs, No. 44 Market s’-, Pitts* borgh jrf Jt —V—™ _ ■uvaiuirMmi- JAR. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Commission • Merchants, and Dealers in Produce, Round Church Balldmps, fronting on Liberty, Wood and 6th streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. myg JAMES pALZKLL, Wholesale Grocer, Ccitumasio’ 1 Meiebant, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburg* l Manufactures. N 0.84 Water si, Pittsbargh. janlti JH BWEITZEH, Attorney at Law, office ad st., % opposite St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, ui Washington, Fayetts and Green conn lies, Pa. REFER TO Blaeketoek, Bell A Co., ") Church A Carothers, VPmabnrgh. D T. Morgan. J TT'IER A JONES, Forwarding and Commission Mer- IV. chants. Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh manu factured snides, Canal Basin, nearTih st. d<l PENS MILL, PITTSBURGH, PA. KENNEDY, CHILDS A CO., Manufacturers ofv anpenor 4-4 Sheetings, Carpel Choiu, Co cy twine and Batting. j*no-ly»on Vsiaylos Iron Work*. , T EWIS, DALZELL A Co., manufacturer* of all tt | / tea Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nails of the best inaliiy. Warehouse, 54 water and 1W front su £g WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward' , Inr and Commission Merchant, Dealer_in Pitts h Manufactures aud Produce, Nos. 31 Water st.' and Cd Front si. l~ . KERCER * ABTELO, rENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —-rmLaDELFaia HD" Liberal advances made on consignments. jaUi4-6m • wmlkiu.k£ Philada. c. w. mcsrrao’i, Pittsburgh. MILLER a RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocer*, and ) importer* of Brandies, Wines and Segari, Nos. tTS and 174, eomer of Liberty and Irwin streeu, Pin#- burgh, Pa Iron, Nails, CoUou Yarns, Ac.Ae.con stantiy on h*nd. - aug>4 ions M'snxl ila. n. srani. watt** c. aog- I I eGILLS A ROE, Wholesale Grocer* and Commis- M tion Merchants, No. 1W Liberty *u, Pittsburgh. • _ ■ : URPHV, WILSON A CO- (late Jones, Mui I /*. , 1VL.1...1. I~\—n I. in I, n. llAAlla 1 Wood street, Pinsbuißh. noTtftL MATTHEW WIESON, Portrait and MiniatureF sin ter. Rooms, comer of Pen Office Alley *ud Fourth street, entrance on 4th near Market. tlecG-dt£_ __ . N HOLMES'A SON, No. &5 Market su, second % door from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Utils of Exchange, Certificates of Depos \ Bank Notes ami Bpeeie. U, -~ulK iN , , . . JCr* Collection* mad on all Ui* pnncipal cite* throunhom the United Sintfl*. dfecl? BUCKMASTER, AiEnxxn—Office. Kosnh r_, » thini door above Smithiield, soalh tiue. Conveyancing of all kinds douo with Ute greiteti eire and le*»l accarmey. Title* to Beal Ettale exaßined»&c. PRO*. UKBEY aOHDOOtt, TjENN STREET, between Wayne end Hand, baa r returned his professional duties, giving instruc tions on the Piano, Guitar, and in Vocal Muaic. JU Fourth ESH au near Wood—Ail quaatitie* of Green and |&i& Black Teas, done ap is quarter, hair, and enepoasd packages, rearing fromso cu.’perboand an jyj A. JAY~NES, Agt. forPckin Tea Co. &EUUOBB, WELLS * GO., MANUFACTURERS OF GREEN GLASS WARE, NO. 87 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pm, keep constant ly on band and make to order all kinds of Vials, Houles, Ac. Porter and Mineral Water Bottles, of so* paid to Private Moulda novgbly _j ‘ . 1 sOBISUN, UTILE A CO-INo. IW Liberty streeL K, PiUsbujgh, Wholesale Grocer*, Produce and Merchants, and dealers Is Pittsburgh Manufacture*. if 7 »o»t. Koatsoa. tbo*. urax. tun. *. aoßwea. ÜBtIKT MOORE. Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pituborgh Manufac urea, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wine* and Liquor*, No. U Liberty street. On hand a eery large Block of superior o«d Monongahela whiskey, which wlllhe sold low forcazh., uo. UTSOUJS, . i-t- *«**■ REYNOLDS ASHEE, Forwarding and Comrotaaioc Merchants, for the Allegheny giver Trade, deal trs in Groceries, Produce, Pituborgh Manufacture! ud Chlnade of Lime. 1 , , The highest prices, in cash,paid at aUdmeaforeoun ry rags. .ComerofPena andlrwm su.. I*? 50 TToBERT Ttargrj!!. A Co., - IWholesale 1 Wholesale Grocers, A\i Commission and Forwarding Merchants, dealers a Produce and Pittsburgh Mana/aetares, Liberty si. Pittsburgh, Pa- tf.lL. DBT. A. CtNNINGHA-M, Wholewie Grocer Dealer in Produce and Pituburgh Manafacturei *w. tM Liberty at > 7 |v .. r’poi BE3IOVIL. r Id B.MILTKSBKIIItEIt (ajly. s. a. auent, Forwarding and Commission Mer chant, has removed to No. 87 Front, between Wood ■™t «n.iiK6yid street*. 5?? SINGER. HARTMAN A CO.. Sheffield Iron and Steel Work*—Manufacturers of Am. 1». epnni? and Plough Bteei. Also-Spiiag*, Axle*. Vice., An til*. Ac. They invite the atteouon of Nerebanu an«* container* to their stock, before purchatingeUewhere. They warranttbeir articles to be «jual to any made in thi» country or imported. * e _* _ SHACKLCTT k WHITE, Wbole«ale Dealer* »n Foreigo and Dome*iie Dry Good*. Wood m. _ feM ‘» S'fc'W. HAROAUCiIf, Wool Merchant*, Dealer* _ , in Flour and Produce generally, and Forwarding tnd Commi**ion Merchants, No. K) " ater rt., 1 iti*. borgh. 9 muxs -hnanan. whs wcjjot*,ji**TL*j«D. SELLERS h N'lCOLS,Produce m-J ueaeniiCom musioo Merchant*, No. 17 Liberty »t-, Piu»burga. Linseed tod Lord Oil*. __ S“ F. VON BONNHOBST, * Co., Wnoleiale <iro • ccrs. Forwarding and CcmmUiion Merchants Dealer* in PituburghManafactarea and Western Pro fore, have removed to their new aland) No. 35, corner of Front it. and Chancery Lane. A. H. EHOLIBU * CO** fTMIEO LOGICAL, ClMueal, and Somlair School I BookicUen, and dealet* in all kind* el Writing, Window and Wrapping Paper. No. TV Wood nrret, be* tween Fourth and .Diamond alley, Pituburgh, re. rjnASSBY A BEST, Wholeaale Grocer* and Commu I - non Merehanu*-and dealer* in Produce. No.- Wood fL, Pituburgh. _ _ . . P a£i n 6B g l TIT OOL DEALER k. noramUsien Merchant for th< W tale of American WooloaGoods, Liberty stree opposite Fifth. > w*. Joan acwßura W H WOCBWiU Kim BlOiUT' WM. D-GALKY A CO-, Wholesale. Grocer*, 18 end SO Wood *treei I‘itUbargU. uoV/7 W. ~n. 911T0HEX«TBBB» WHOLESALE GROCERS, RECriFYING DIS TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS. AUo — lmporter* of Soda A*E and BleaeUjn* Powder. No. 100 Liberty *U, (oppcaite Sixth »t.,| Pitt** burgh. L * ct ~ TOHJI » WICI PATO) ■•CAJTOLm WICK A M’CANDL.ESS, (»uece«wr» to L. A J. D Wick.) Wholesale Grocer*, Forwarder and Comminuoa Merchant*, dealer* In Iron, Nail*, Claw, Cotton Yiimi, and Pilttburgh Manufacture* generally, of Wood and Water street*. PUttbnrgh. _— "W. WALLACE, Mill *toae and Mill Furni*h . In* eatabtUhmest, No. 844 Liberty at, iwAt IXT“ W7WllJiONrWaiche*,JewelrT,Bileer V/are, W • and MitiuryGood*, comer ofMarketand 4th atreeu, Fimbargh, Pa N. D.-Watehea and Clock* carefully repaired. ~ ° ec * TtVesT BOWEN—Commission - and tooaardinU W Merchant, No. 90 Front *t between Wood and Market streets. - _ _ W' R. MUHFnTTWtbleiialeknd RctairSeaJerin , Foreign anti Domestic Dry Goods, north east corner of Market and Fourth su. WJtr TOV3»j w- *• WM. YOUNG fc Co«—Dealer* In leather hides, fc*. 143 Liberty %L i*" s :**. WX. M’CBTCBBWI. *0 n - **CCTCMr - W* R. M’CUTCHEON, Wholeaale Orocer»,dea. . lert In Produce, Iron. Ntil*. Glow, and Pjttt torch Manufacture* Rene roily, 1W Liberty »t, Piu»* tank. — 5 vv'SrTiatlCW,” ITTOaiET AT LAW, Butler, Pa WILL HIM attend to collectlona and all oilier buii nest entnstdd to him In Boiler and Armiironj w. W. Wallace, do [ 1 Jamea Manholl do (Pitubnrrh. dly gay & Wood et. j Jan 7 ’ J PBTTIOHEW * CO., . STEAM BOAT AGENTS UssteKfl ' Orncs a»ov« M. Allka&Co, OCI3I No.4a W»ier (trect * T 7 ftJ.OLEaii Book Binder!. ~, «ull ongoffed in the above buiine**, comer W of Wwd andTbini itreet*, Pittsburgh, where T» ° - R ,t«l toilo tar work moor hne with dee *c,£e P We aUend to our'work perwnally, and eaus- ESSoa will be V° 1" “ i J “' sssfesi sat Tboie ut»l haTo wot* »“ myjfctf PHci Se » 1 A cb-. K° und Chor MARSHALL, WAI*UA |tn .’ € u, manufactur. comer Liberty *n4 Floor ud Seale*, and offer for » a!e F ‘. ft *f°r?. l Y ■ (^>king Stove*, for wot « oftheoe*UmpTDT^‘l^* , 7' ££ ua B |jxcl p a rU.r and and coal; Egff Ac. A-e. They oUo common Grate*, Hollow ’which ha* given *nch manufacturethe Kitcljenßang j, into a ll oi general aatiafaeuoa to tbo *® ~“, f lo aiienuon o which they would *Sffi 8 oct27-dif the f iiiienm end the public generally co-T"” PALSIKOt lIAJraA • vw.. (BoecctMin 10 Ayp na. rjhJ dealer* Bankers kxchangM|wkebsi rtiscaU ,, In Foreign ofUepotue, Bank Noie*i -?*"■. nnmnt mo* ncßrtyoppoßtie ihe lUnk of FituWi. extern ocy Ti«,SSoniepooile-Sirtt Ch«c»- for eotleciiono tnaile on unrig all ite principal p the Untied Stale*. _ . The higUti premlwa paid for Foreign and Amenean Advances made on consignments or pod Ebm on liberal term*. *»” SHAOKLKTT * WHITE, WO. 89 WOOD STREET, HAVE now in store a large and general assortment of DRY GOODS, which they offer to City and County Merchants at reduced prices: and which they will sell as g! at inducement* to cash buyer*, or for approved ere „ l* ll * 9 BENNETT *• BROTHER, QFEENSWARE -MANUFACTURERS. 1 Blrmla(ti*m,(»*ar FltUbarwh,] Fa. Warehouse, No. 137, Wood street, Pittsburgh. wms WILL constantly keep on hand a good a*sort> S/ncntol Ware; ofonr own manufacinre,. and SQpericrqhality- Wholesale and country Mer- WM ehtnts are respectfully invited to calland ex* amine for themselvei, as we are determined to sell cheaper thanhasever before been offered to the pub* Inr Orders sent by mail,accompanied by the cash or tty reference, will be promptly attended to. my!6 Penn naehtns Shop. TT WlGHTMAN—Manxfaeturer of *ll kinds of eot t~i «, ion and woollen machinery. Allegheny city. Pa. The above works being now in full and succesiftl cp eratiim, 1 am prepared to exesvtc oiiars wit* disnoieh for oil kinds of machinery in my lina.iteh as willows, piekera, spreaders, eards, grinding nathinca, railways, drawing frames, speeders, thiasads, loom*, woolen canis,double oraiugle,for merebontor country work, mules, jacks, Ac.; slide and hand lathes and tools In gen eral. All kind* of shafting made to order, or plan* giv en (or gearing factories or mills st ressonable cnargn. Rsrsa to—Kennedy, Child* fc Co., Blaekstock, Bell A Co, King. Pennoct A Co., Jas. A. Gray. • BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY. A A FULTON, Bell and Brass Founder, has re; built and commenced business al his old aland where be will be pleased to see his old custom ers and friends. Church, Steamboat, and Bells of every sire, from 10 id 10,000 pounds, cost from pattern* of the most appro*, ed model*, and warranted to be of the best materials. CU UiUUAIr, tuiu M.f tnlluu ,w - Minernl Water Pomps,Counters, Railing, Ac., toge therwithevery variety ofDrnsk Casting*, i! required, turned and bushed in iho neatest manner. A. F. is the sole proprietoi of Babbit's Aim-Amt- Ho.* MftaL, no justly celebrated for the reduction of friction iu machinery. The Boxes and Composition can l>e had of him ai *ll time*. urAhiv SOAIFK * ATKINSON. Pm aarwazn Wood ahd Maaxrr, Prrwatmon, /"WNTINUE to manufacture nil kind* of COPPER, O TIN AND SHF.KT IRON WARE Also, Black- Steam lloau built to orler. Special attention riven to steam boat work. Have on hands aline assortment of Copper and Brass Kettle*.Tin Ware.&e.Ae. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Portable Forges, various sixes—a very convenient ar ticle for steamboat*, California emigrants, or rail road companies. \Ve would respectfully invito steam boat men and others to call anu sec our articles and prices before purrhasin* elsewhere. itU7 LOWELL FLETCHER, KaxcracTran or iLCOOei. AND PURE SPIRITS, Comer Front and Vine streets, Cincinnati, O. /■'VRDERS from Pittsburgh for Alcohol, Pure Srtrit*, U Raw or Rectified Whiskey, will be promptly at rndrd to at lowest market price. mehlfcdly ttOßoanhiU Livery Stabls. A ROBERT H. PATTERSON has opened large stable fin First ft, running through to Second si, between Wood and Smithfield the .-ear of the Mor.ongahela House, with an entirely new stock of Horses and Carriages of the best quality and latest style*. Horse* kept at live ry in the l«e»t manner. * jytWly INSURANCE. INSURANCE. . .. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCE COMPANY .-—Office, North Room of the Exchange, Third street Philadelphia. Fiai Ixscaaxc*.— Buildings, Merchandise and other property in town and cocxtxt, insured against ios* or damage by fire at the lowest rate of premium. liwtraaltcx.— They also insure Vessels, Car goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or Special policies, a* the assured may desire. tw,-. wr> T».i** mwi tioit.--'They 41*0 insure mereban dlsa transported by Wagons, Railroad Cars, Canal Boats and steam Boats, on nrera and lakes, on the most liberal terms. _ . DIRECTORS—Joseph IL Beat, Edmund A. Bonder, John C Davis, Rolen Barton, John R Penrose, Samu el Edwards, Geo P Leiper, Edward Dariij’gton. lsaue R Davis, William Folwell, John Newbn, Dr R. M Hut ton, Jame* C Ua.»d, Theophilas Paulding, “ Jon*s Brooks, Henry Sioun, Hugh Craig, George Semi , Bpeneer Mellvain, Cbarle* Kelly. J G Johnson, W d Uam Hay, Dr S Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH—D. T. Morgan, Wm. Bagalev, Jno. T. Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. RicasaD S. NswMU.,Secreury. ITT* Office of the Company. No. 43 \> ater street Pittsburgh. janSSidtf P: A. MADEIRA, Agent. LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Bnlnnl Lilt Ininranee Company satis or rusTDX Bsoccto 2fi rss exxr. Capital, 5150,000. ' JAMES DURNO A CO., Agent* oi Pituburgh, Po. bossd or Diaxcnoii, at Tiiwros, sew ixasar. Jame. lloy, Jr | i 0^ 0 / ° lUl ‘v*^ Beniamin Fish. G A. Perdican*, V T. JohiTwearu I Eli Mom*, Secretary. Jonathon Fl*x, Treasurer. refeaees. saw to*k. I CompirollcrofNew York. I George Wood. | John F. Mockie. i David Dudley Field. Joseph Hone. I His Exc- Gov. Haines d*ow. Vgoom. W. L. Hayton. U. S. Sea- I l**ac Uildnck, M. C. G. D. Wall, Ex-U. S Sen.! "m. A. Newell,.M.C. liX-Gov. M. DteXrrson. \ Hon. S. R. Hamtitnn. MEDICAL J-.XAM.NhKS. A Sidney Doane. M. D W. W. Gerhard, M. U. 33 Wanes tfc, N- Y. Ml Walnut .t„ I‘ a. Wm.M'K Morgan,M.D., IL R- Bell, M. D-. George M’Cook, M. D. Allegheny city, Pa. Piiuborgh, I*a- The Agent* of this Company, at Pituburgh. sre aath orixrd to uke every first elss* risk on Lite at • *««e tien tftwntrfin ftr «*U. irom the usual rate* of pre mium as charged by olhe.r Companies. XXASrLS. A man 30 year* of *cr, taking a Poliey of Insurance for One Thou*an«! Dollar*— To mo for one year, pay* cnl 7 * 9 >®; do itrrn “ - “ Biu,3fr-anntteily. do Lifetime, “ “ *l7,e® twM And in the tame proportion for any tarn op to which it the extent taken on any one life. TJu» company commenced operation* on the »•« wi, l«4s, and it» monthly t)u«iiier» op to the Ui Oct., i- • , •bom. a progresi arzttding that of any other Life Com ,ia-r^e°£r«e!C dmdetid ef profit* will be declared to the assured on the i« January. IWO Pamphlet* containing the varmua Übl-«of rate*, and all the nece*aary informauoD on the subject of Life Aaaonince will I* furnished on mppu eaK » JAMES DURNO ACO Agenu, del7 odeon Buildings. P|HK IKHtIItAMCK. Thf. tren roN mutual life and *-’*rk in surance COMPANY wtll iitoe Police, of In •arauee annul Lo,. oa Da«*ea by Ftaa.upot. Dwe • ins» and Furniture. i p Tuoa. *. wiuT*. HEALTH ISSBRASCB.«t PUUbargh. Tlw Spring Garden Health Insuranee Co n OP PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL 8100,000. INSURES Male* and Female* again*! ihc h-xpeu»e and Loa. occasioned by »ckne. or Academy an immediate allowance of from S 3 to 8a per week, {ax oue,two, ihree, or four year*. , The method of effecting ih»« In.BTMM. nnd the ■atimer of t-mrdmi Urn trek tllowture, .111 be felly explained by the Agent. IXAttCLZ- A perion ran in»nre ngnin.i flieknc. wbie'u will detain bun from his ordinary bonnes*, a« FwSli 'ye' ptyibk «d», “■> reeeieetar -eek. For two “ “ u ' For three J .. o" for" period of foor yetrt. ,bc , of l '"" 1 .»Ih. J4 * IM ‘ Odcon IluiMmgi. Lir/tad Uulth lainrane*. j THE Maui) Life and lleailh Jnanrance Compwijr SSTfe?- .K !TpS o»«.M?» £ uwatnue* or lire loaurance, m .JfiT t,3n, «4H ui| opd g*’»lill. W P. Boone? Robert P Kinc, ® h “l' h ",J o'°lii'c«mpbdi| 8 ? office, commereiel Rocmi, comer of oct37>dlr Wood ood .u, Pm.burjh ~ FinE Aab nAni*K iksuuanck. T“SLS!?S2S£2SS » “a^SKs?'' ISDEMSITY. The Franklin Fire Insurant Co. of Pkttaddpkta. DIRECTORS.— Oharlea N- Bancker, Tiiomaa Han, Tobiaa Wagner,Samuel Grant, Jacob'!• Snutb, lieo.W>, ItonlMU !>• fc. »«,*«. D ”' J “• muton. ..“"I? dwrip»™ «' ’'TM. *"n% ’’ „£°h wWKic.plul «»d Premium*, eeiely inu.M r“.ffo,d Lpl. pruiunlon .o the The ».«,U ol ie J.W .UIMS, “ p&biifhetl agreeably w an act of A*«eml.ty, were ej teliowi. tii: Moriragea Real Estate Temporary Loana Stocts ; h, I Caab, &c. 7i Office N K corner Wood and 3d *u Th* PcnaiylTanls Company Fo* la»»v*ncxos amx> ti. riMIK brat Life In.aramc Company “ lUle ], IncorporaiedMafeii-Ui.lsU-cba.lor perpetual. Capital SiOOJW—ail paid in. , Having snlhonscdthe undersigneds rc *f * e . ■‘I’PH" cations /or inturancc, on which polieie* will be wsu , according to tbcir proposal* and rate*, SS.*”” “‘g““ “ g^cScM** 4 VToUKNINU PRlNTS—Handsome” WsekA white jVi and black and dote colored Print*, for Mourning bdfjjjd .. u.. Dry Pood. H... 0 Of B MORNING. PEBRUARY 26, 1850- CaPARTNERSHIPS. DlsaolnUon off Partnsratxlp. BY MUTUAL CONSENT this day, the fim hereto fore existing under the style of BUSHFJELD k LEADER, has been dissolved b'y Henry Lf*der sel * ing his entlro Interest in said firm to John McGill. AU business connected with the firm of Bushfield A Lead er will be settled by 6. D. Bushfield A Co., who are duly authorised to moke all collection* and sdjost sji claim*. BUSHFIELD A LEADER. Pituburgh, Oet 87,1649. N. B. S. B. BUSHFIELD A CO. will continue the wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business, at the old store room, No. 230 Liberty st, where they will be pleased to have their friend* and customers call ana examine their stock of good*. __ octal RB. BUSHFIELD ACO. lIOTICB. THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of A. AC. BRADLEY*, i* dissolved by iho decease of Mr. O. Bradley. Tha busuteu will be carried on by A. Bradley, who will settle the business of the late firm. —.— REMOVAL —A. BnasfiXT has removed hu Foundry Warehouse from No. 118 Second street, to No.M> Wood street, between First and-Seeond streets, to the wsreboase lately occupied by G. A. Berry, where he will keep constantly on hand a general assortment or Castings. Grates^Stoves^ Cooking Btovct, A_c. _JyW_ 'btssoTntlon. THE co-partnership heretolore existing between the ■abieribers, in the name of Constable, Burke A is this day dissolved by tnatual eonaenu Metsi*. Burke A Barnes will settle the business of the con cem, for which purpose they are authorised to use the name of the concern. NATHANIEL EDMUND BURKE. THOMAS BARNES, The undersigned kave this day assoeisied themselves in the name of BURKE A BARNES, for the purpo*e of manufacturing Fire Proof Safe*. Vaplt Doors- Ac. Ac., al the stand of the late firm of Constable, Burke A Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa tronage of the customers of that house and their friend*. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke A Go., I with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke A Darnea to the confidence of my friends and we public. Feb. 0,1P49. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE , feblA-dlf • FORWARDING & .COMMISSION. J, A J, Tardoi, Commlsilen Esrehautii Old Levee n„ N.Orleans,kccpconsiuntly on bano a large assortmem of Brandic* of the follow ing btands, which they offer (or sale as agent* for J. Du rand ACo .Bordeaux, viz: Maglory, J. Kraud.J Durand A Co, Larochelie, J. J. Durand Cognoe, Momesun. A. L Uleville, Mondorr, Jean I-oui»,Ac; also. An chor Gin, Bordeaux Med and While Wine* in cask* and rases, seleeied wiUi care by John Durand A Co, be*idc - Champagne Wine A Sweet burgundy Pot t [feb7*l v* a t. aroitr. Titos. STUAKT A SILL, Grocer*, and Produce nnd Com muaiou Merehaou, No. ll« Wood st. Pituburgh. Dealer* in Groceries, Flour, YVhea', Rvo,Oai*. Corn, Harley, Pork, Bacon. Butler, Lard, Cheese; Closer, i Timothy and Flax Seeds; Iron. Nails, Glass, Ac. Ac. Ac. Particular attention paid to the sale of Western RxvaeaKCi*—Meesr*. Myer* A Hunter, RobL Dal le 11 A Co-, UHJiU* A Roe, Hampton, Suutb A C». Junes May, King A Moorhead, Pittsburgh, bennrr A M’Millon, Ma»sillon. Jos. R Momton, E*q., M- LooiL spttSMy ;ou.i i. ckaioi late of N. Lisbon, O. w. a Ut.maa CRAIG * SKINNER, GENERAL AGENCY*, Commission and Forward ing Merchanu, No. 8# Market »t, Pittsburgh, P*. atiention given to the purchase and sale of ail kinds of Produce. Rsrca Wait A Co., Murphy, Wilson A Co. Pittsburgh, Lawson A Hill, Mahlon Martin, WellaviUe, o.|John H. Brown A Cu., Grigg, Elliott A Co n Philadelphia; 11. W. Snodgrass A Gregg A Nace, New Lisbon, O.; Fr. Bkinner, Hon. C. D. Cofliu, Cincinnati; J. P. Keller, Youngstown, W. L Sum dart. Cleveland, O. augdl GBORQE COCHRAN. Commlaalosa and Forwarding Merchant* no. 36 wooo vt., rrmaraas, CON ITNUES to transact a general Commisdpn busi ness, especially in the purchase and *aie of Ameri can Manufacture* and Produce, and in receiving and forwarding Goods consigned to hi* care As Agent for the Manufactures, be will be constantly supplied wuh the principal articles of Pituburgh Manufactnre at the lowest wholesale price*. Orders and consignments are respectfully solicited. 197 LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE TOOO Alt D TSTOTOS. rXOFSUtrOBS. a THIS establishment .long and widely known a* being one of the most commodious In the eity of Baltimore, has receutly undergone very exten- sive alterations and improvements. An enure new wing has been added, containing numerous and airy sleeping apartment*, and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies’ department has also been completely reorganized and 6nnl up ut a mo runiqoe and beacu foi style. In faei the whole arrangement of the House ha* been rcseodelal, with a single eye on the part of the proprietor*, towards the eomfort and pleasurc of their Guests,' and which they confidently aloCit Wir challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union, Their table will alwaya b*-supplied wuh every *uh «,.n,«t and laxary which the market offerds servcil up in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, Ac , they will not ba aarpassed. In conclusion sac proprietor* beg to saT, that nothing will be left undone on their part, and on the pan of their assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the contused . patronage of their friends and the public generally. The pnees for board have also been reduced to the following rate*: . Ladies'Ordinary, R 1,73 per day. Gentlemen's “ ... . N. R—The Baggage Wagon of the Houao will al ways be found at the Car and FUaaboat Landing*, wmdi will convey baggage to and from U*« Hotel, free of charge. nmuDXLrtn*- llon. James Campbell. David H. White. Alexander Cumatncs W. J. P. White, P. M. coim or rovxrs *Jn» seakt srasXT*, nmacioa. MTJIK subscriber respeeUttUy announcesthui he Ku now opened his new and excellent Hotel for the accommodation of travelers, boarder*, and the public generally. The bouse and furniture are entirety new, and no painsor expense hare been •pared to render it one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city. The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there* fore solicits, a share of public patronise. ociM-dly JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor. fI’COXUTiJh CO.. idk JO (Successors to M'Cord A king) WR 0% PaiblonabU tlatt«r>, Comer of Wood and Fifth Struts. E PARTICULAR attertiou paid to oar Retail Trade. „ Gentlemen can rely upon getting their II»l» and Cam from our establishment of the van katjcxmls and of the‘L*T*lT*TTLXs. and at tie uiwbt Merchants, purchasing by wholesale. are respectfully invited to call and examine our Stock; n* we can nay with confidence that as regard' and raico, it will not suffer In a companion wi;n any bouse in Philadelphia. _ _ __ *' i.P TOPttISTKa*. JOHN D M’CRKABY, Priming Ink Manufaciorcr, No*f33l and 333 Stantnn street, NKW' YOHh—De pot No. 3 Spruce street—Would call the aitrntion t>( primers to ht» improved Printing luk» of various kinds and orders, at Uir. following prices : Exua fine Jet Black, for Card and Wood Outs • • • tv UO and 3«) per lb. Fine Book Ink - li 75 '• lW> " Boos rk • . . 040 *' u sfl New. Ink • el9u *» “ o sfS - Fine Red Ink • 75c I W I iti “ V '*> Blue, Yellow, Ureen and While 75c 1 Otl t L<l (jo id »ae at 8V pel lb, amljirnnre at 50, 75 ett and tiperot- A soeeimen of News Ink can be seen on this paper. For sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON. Pittsburgh, Pa. C. Morgan A Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton A Criswouli), Louisville, K) MA WHITE A CO., would respectfully inform . the public that they have erected a shop on Lacock, between Pederal oi-d Sandusky street* 1 hey are now making and are prepared to receive order* for every description of vehicles, Coaches, Lhannl*. Ua rouches, Buggies, Phtelons. Ac., Ac., which from their long experience in the manufacture of the above work, and the facilities they have.they feelcoitfident they nre enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with i those wanting articles in their line. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate l rials, and having none but competent workmen, they have no hetiuuon in warranting their wort. »c thcreforcask the attention of the public to tin-matter. N. U. Repairing done in the beat manner, and on the most feasonable terms. ja^mf Diaphragm Flltir, for Ilydraal Water. • p * THIS is to certify that I have up* 3 pointed LiTingston, Roggen A to. J|H»L Sole Agents for the sale of Jenmng * vfc a 9 Patent Dioprahgm Filter, fortlicei| Tnr ties of PiIUDUTfh anti-Allegheny. > II JOHN GIBSON, Agent, for Walter M Gibson, 34» Broadway V N. Yi X Oct 10,1848. , , We have been using one of the above 4r \‘ ele, t i office of ibe Norelty Works for three month*, on *n*'i and feel perfectly satisfied that It u a useful ' nYe "“"“» and we take pleasure In recommending hem as i -t ful article fo all who love pure water. Orders wiil be U,„kMy * <* put naokklma' Works and FwUmlry. rent. 44 Water «t. riTTssuasa, f*. . JOHN WRIGHT A Co n are prepared to burid Cotton and Woolen Machinery of every descripfion, such do Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Bpccdcrs. Rawing frames, Halfway Heads, Warper*, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, Ac. Wrought Iron BhafUng turned; all sizes of Cast Iron, I alliLS und Haneersoftne latest patterns, slide and bund Lathes, iSd&*. .ftu kina..-«r "'P furnished on short notiee. Patterns si*4«. M ord. t foi Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, Ac. tobtom ! f* {° r in* Factories, Cast Iron Window Ba h ami *‘“' e £ tings Order, left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer A Co., Libert* street, wdl have prompt a.ien- U °Refer to Blackstock, Bell A Co., 3. \MootAcnd* Co., G. E. Warner, John Irwin A toons. P.tuburgh, t*. C. ij. H. Warner, ateubeiiviUt . • *1,«M7,438 41 , 04,754 KJ ; OA,UOI S 3 31,553 25 3d,S(H 37 PIANOBI , ... THE-snbseriber offers for sale a large and »P assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand A lion Pianos, with and without Coleman . celebrated Aiolian Attachment. The above instruments ■« war ranted to be eijual to any manufactured n tlns couu gK- "• “ ld “* Sd door above sth N. R—City Scrip will be taken at par for a few of he above assortment. 5?” ’—— nrrssexiiu, Sept. U», Itoitf; MfLTHOS K HIBUEKT:—Dear Sir, our W RI TING FLUID W« ba*** , l ow hrc, ‘ u,,l!g , moTe th »" a rear, and on looking o/er the entries made b, H. we find the color a bright blue , ' lac '- ''ihi^nlikc ,u menu donad, « «. ?”“■ CO. For nlo, lo.elli.r wild llilibort’. Rod Ink, .nd M.- -Kino r.M ink Lv U A. Fahnestock A Co, H. 1. city, and by the manufacturer, T K lhblim. 6ruggi*i‘irod Chemist, corner of LiUer. 5 «d«ihffi.idS n** HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LAnAUTItIU HOUSIC, MISCELLANEOUS- g£W COACH FACTOttT, ALLCSHKirr. * p\AILY .1 Ibe rinLADELrm E^L Y A O oSo«J,S.S3»Fnc £c£, foitcr*, i)or-kccpcr*, \Vojtet*, Famirf», Co«^ meu. Car Agentt, Book and H«P. Agenta, °?v' C v“ nreraeen in all branches of baiine**, Ac. Wc h a nambcrofgood.ituauoD.onh> which pay Irom 'buo to ti£QO per wnum. *%•* of muauon. of any kind would do well » g u. a call, a. wc have agent, in each tie*. which will enable u. to place every •{£“£** a .aiiable situation at the .UorteitrioUce.Woh.-t larec acaaainunce in all the above named ci wKch wc trust will enable u» to give enure .atisi linn to all who may favor u. with a call. U °" TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. S> Second «, between South and Oa N. B Penoni living In nay part of the U. Sta and wishing to obtain a .Unauon in OalUmore, 01 thcr ofthe abovecitlc., will have thcir.wanuim diately attended to by addreaiing w a Une,{posi*p a» by io doing they will curtail both trouble and pco.«, which they olherwi«o would incoi by_coj "' ki «TAY f l2R A TAWUNr Jio.69 Second atreet. Baltimore, & my*Js:dtf *• * f‘ THE &BEOHBTEB' I The attention of the pultlie is respectfully called tho following certificate*: Ms. 8. Eaxins— Having tested aqaantity ci Go weighed by your Areometer 1 find your instrument correct; and recommend thaw* « to those going to Colifonuu.M '-bo best method for o “ tata « "Ee r«l B.«n. Pittsburgh, March ®, l*A9. Prnnmaa, Starch 7,ISW. Me. Eaaittt-DearSir. Having examined the ‘ ATftw meu :manufactured at your rooms, 1 do not hesitate to commend it to the »« of those gentlemen who about removing to California in search of Gold. It rives a close onnroximilion to the •P ec H^.s!'.\ l . ty of metal* end will certainly enable the adventurer to ascertain when hii plucer is marly V«o»*. recp*v. )R. RPCUNTOCK._ I NUIA RUBBER CLOTHIPsO—Juii received forthe 1 California Expedition, a complete asaortment oi (ism Elastic Clothing, at prices rouging from MAO to flljio for suit of coal, pants aud hat. xor sale at the “ t II NjII.UPS GREAT IN VKN i’UiN!-'V ALU ABLE JdSCOVF.RV! Pat&xt Bbcubxd JaficaST Ist, lbW. Patent aoss-Uver extension Tahiti, Sofas, Burtaut, Book Cases, Writing Desks. LEVER OP WROUGHT IRON, mu a TAULEH far surpassing every other m ! venuon-ol the kind now extant Phey con he ex tended Horn ten lo twenty-five feet, and when closed the leaves are aJI contained tustdej they are made to all size, and shapes, and arc admirably adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and large private families, form ing when domd e complete centre table. < SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles arc tnval ■able, parucnlariy to those whs wish to econo mise room, and convert ■ sleeping apartment into a parlor or sitting mom, as they can be opened and shut at convenience, and when shut, the beddtiix is enclos ed. A rreai saving in room and rent.' AilUtc bed steads when closed form a beautiful piece of furniture for a parlor or sitting room. , . , . HOOK CASES—A neat and useful article for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—For law office*, counting rooms, aud other offices; when opened a mosteorrrenienl bed stead, when closed a perfect Dost and Library alone is visible. , , .. All these articles need no recommendation: the beauty of the whole 1«, they are warranted not to get jut of repair. It will he for your interests to call and examine the articles, at the manufacturer's store, No. S 3 Third stjeet, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above advantages, they ate proof aguinsi bug*. rachlc JAMES W WQODWEI.I- Btaain Uriels Works for Sale. . THE subscriber offers for sale, the HTKAkI HOICK WORKS, above Lawrenceville. comprising * Steam Engine, *J Boilers, 6 Mould Machine, capable of mtiuufuiimng yu.iAiU Pressed ilncks lout of “O'j ! «Vi as takes from the hank.) per day; with three aei+s of laud on the Allegheny river, on whieb are 4 kUnd and slieds, machine and clay sheds, wheelbarrows, trues*, shovels, spades, Ac., every thing requisite to bora toenee operations at an hours notice. Price, including the patent right to use said machine. *v. a 5r!5?K. paymentmaoe easy. Without the land. •WwOjl ror particulars, address HENRY MERKITu acgVNdu __ No * ,!J Mouongaheia ilovfse. Wrought asd Cut Iro» Raillngi TUB subscribers beg leave to Inform the public 'bat they have obtained from the East ail the late and fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both for booses and cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure hand some patients will please call and examine, and judge for themselves. Railiug will be furnished at the shon e*t notice, and in the best manner, at the corner ot Craig and Rebecca streets, Allerheny city. augtP-dtf A. LAMOXT A KNOB. Oriurit Oyi BURKK A CO'S Dajiy Expren u now regularly de livering Can anJ Snell arc of fered to dealer* and families as she lowest price*. QuaJfay warranted equal to any brought, to thi* wax kei. ■Q't tar talc by ; j, C IHDWELL. Art. "«ter *’. A!*>— At lire following depot*- Rei* A U*rger, eot* ner Southfield and Second .U, fc. lieaslrton, Diamond, Meu-Ar A lloi.maon. Federal »s-Ailcvheny. ? C, J 5 - \l7 fc n«»e aoiac PUMPs,'ciade Sa"an improved • *o u nol to <r*«ao i& the co)Je*i weather. nvrr.r'* “ ch t»t lieiween Won’t Market »l» HEW BOOK®* HEW BOOK®* HPHK CotrftUation and Standard of the A**octaie 1 Reto-ined C&ureh in North America: tfvo, bound '"l bcOiher 9idr, or Note* for the History ®f the War between Mexico and the I'nttrd Stales, written in Vcztco. and tranulated from the Spans.h, with note*: By A. C. Ramsey. _ . - Akrtcbrs of Reform* and Reformer* of Great Britain siuMreland: liy H. U Stanton. T!.e Work* of President Kdwnnls, In 4 vol*; a re print of the Worcester edmor, with addition*. and a eopiou* general itidcx. .. , , Tee Mountain* of K*yin, or Egypla \\ line** for the Bible: lty F. L. Hawk*. U.b-. L. L. 1). I Memoir* of David Hu e. late editor of JourritJ of Commerce, with selections from bta Miscellaneous \V*ilin*»: By Re*. J. I*. Thompson. 1 The Puritan and lII* Daughter: by J. K. Paulding. Lo» Gnngo*, or an Inside View of Mexico aud Cal tforma: By Lieut. Win?, ,U. S. Navy. Familiar Utter* to Young Men, on eanou* subject*, •leurncd as a Companion to the Young Men’* Guide: tJy Wm A. Alcolt _ ■ . _ The Poem* and Prom \\ nung* ot B. A- Dana: J v* Nineveh and tu Remain*: By Layard. For sale by KU.IMTI’ A ENGLISH, jnnis! _ No :o .^ Vofwl . ,, _ A P/oaont'for Vour Family. -MORRIS A W 11. L! * * HOME JOURNAL l'mtiUiiisi Wiuu—fr ni attjitrjr. l Tbe first paper in the Luton.” (KVenn-;. ’ Ur. “Rather get in coal than go withoUlil- r i -l New fub«enl>-r» tan be aupplied from Jan. if miuctliiir application be made (ritfl«rper«>i>a" T “ r inter) at the Office of Publication. GJ Wood »i * jHiilti _ JJ> ' ' K«W Doolu~3aii Arrifid. SACBKO *C£NKS AN’U CHARACIWRS, by J. T U. nilly, wnb oMjr.iial; dciigna t>y Dancy^ .... I'ucmt anil Pro»e VVmmp'df It- H. Dana. I'liVMctan and Paueni, nr a Practical View of ihe Murui Dune*. Keleiloiu an\i InWreaU of ihr MHietl ProtrrMon ami ihe Oouunupiiy; by W., IlnoHei, M. l>. The Puritan aitd Hta D*n;birr; by J. K- I nuldms, aoiborot me Dutchman'* Fireside. lx>« (irinso*. or an Iniide View of Mexico and Cal ifornia; with Wandrriiitrs in Pern. Chile and Polynesia; i.r ljrux. Wiie. . Kortaleiiv 1 dc-jl KLLltrrr 4. UNGLISH. at • MUSELLA.NEOUS LITERATURE, AT LOCKWOOD'S, S 3 WOODSTRKET. BROWN’S American Augler's Gnide; full oi illus trations, limn. I’auiding'* I’umnn and ilia Daughter, ltmio. Dr Hooker's i'hysiciun anil Fattent; laroo. Mrs K , li« l Hearts nnrt Horars; Svo. Noander’s Ulr. oi Chriat; nvo. , _ , „ Seamier'* History of Christian Church; 3 vols, tJvo. Hev. Dr. Spring's Memoir* oi' JUim Murray, svo. American Almanac, fvo „ JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, janlO Bookseller A Importer. A’l Wood «!. flow Is tb« tlma to Bibserlbs. OFFICE of Seou> Reprint* of the Four Quarter* lira and lllnekwood; *lO Mom* A Willis' Home Journal, published in New York weekly; Si per annum. Dowuiughi Horuculturaliet, monthly; *3 per year. Invaluable. IllVttlUdim;. The Cultivator, monthly; SI p**r annum. The Agriculturalist, monthly; SI per year. The Democratic Review, monthly; W per annum. The Danker*' Magazine, do 83,«l« _ • JAMES D LOCKWOOD. janS Bookseller Lnpnnur, 03 Wood «l _ . SIIACKLKTT « WHITE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, m wood street, ARF. now receiving a very large stock of frerh linods, of recent pnrebaso and uuponaUon,which they will sell to the trade'al such prices ns council fail to give entire satisfaction, , , City and Country Merchants arc invited to call gnd examine our «ock bcfore(purcliU*JHg mye DRY GOODS HDRPUYi WILSON * CO., No. 4b Wood St., Pirrsßctiatt, ARK now receiving their usual supplies of Good lor tbo Fall season, which they will he bnppy t,> exhibit to their old customers, and as many new one:- as may feel inclined to present themselves. Always taking great pains to lay in such goods c* are adapted to the want* of the Western trade, whiff lone experience enables them to do, they can soy with much confidence, mid without ort'-criag inio * of Dmir stock, that the Western retail merchant will find with diem ail thui his costumers require- Those who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing to tho En»teru ciiic* tor their stocks of Dry Goods, OToald do wull to call, ns a candid comparison of pri ces would in many cases result in the conviction that tbo expense of goiug further may he obviated by buy ing in ’ fytjq UNStiIUNKAULE FLANNELS. WR. MUIU'HY continues to keep on hand & full • assortment of tbo Welsh Unshrinkable Flan nels, and has recently received a supply of the finer qualities. Alto Swansdown Flannels, a scarce arti cle and well adspted for the wear of invalids, and others wanting soractl ing warmer than usual. Persian and Uyusc Flannels for weal* to gether with a full supply q( American manufactured Flannels, of different qualities, Also, SHROUDING FLANNELS, of all the different widths, at the North East comer of 4th and Market «u. {£s"Wbnle«aJ« Rooms up stair*, where dealers will alwnysiiud a good assortment of new stylo goods, juut FAST OULORKD PUINT6. WR. MURI’UY invite* the attention qf buyer* in • hi* present choice stock ,:f Trim* at cent* per yard. «f ya*t color* and newest Myles. Alst*—Ne*csi style* English Canities, from 12} t«> l>J cnriu. 4ll»o—A fall B*«ortwent or imiil figured light Print* and ChinUes, buff, blue, pink, Ulnck, purple, orange, Ac' L_/" Wliolessdo Rooms up »tuir*. j»nt? CIALICOE3 —10 ea«*, fast Color*, al o|c; former i price 10c. jaiuiu A A MASONA 00__ BLU£ CHECKS—I ca.-e very dark Shirting Checks, jost opened by SHACKi.EfT A WHITE, jbulß t>;i WoodtUret BLACK SILK LACKS. including a few piece* of jSiT “ “'H'M'uiSv MEDICAL, PROFESSOR BARRY’S TRICOPHKR OCS ORHEDICATED COMPOUSD. INFALLIBLE forjrenewlng, invigorating, and bean tyfyinsr the Hair, removing Bcurf, Dandruff, and au affections of the Scalp, and curing Eruptions on the Skin Diseases of the Glands, Muscles and Inlets meat*, and relieving Stings, Cats, Bruises, Sprains, *e Ac With this preparation, “there is no such word as fail." Thcim journals In America, medical men of the highest eminence, prominent citizens of all professions and ladies who have used It for years ta their dressing rooms and nurseries w,Ul oB ® ac : cord/that, for impaling tiros gloss, l«“r>ance and eurito the hair, erad'csung scurf and dandruff, heal* ine wounds, curing contusions, sprains and relieving diseases of the akin, the glands “dj*® muscles it has no equal among the multitude of com pounds advertised in tho pablte prints or usediapri vate practice. In cheapness as well as efficacy, Bar ™«hnuw wteh from this triple envelope is very clo-c. AIl dise*M of originates in tho skin of *£S pores of the scalp are clogged, or if the Wood _*nd other fluids do not circulate freely through mall vessels which feed the root, with moisture andimpart life to the fibres the result is scurf, dandruffishedd tog of the hair, grayness, dryness and bareness ofthe ligaments and entire b"dne« as the case maybe. Stimulate the skin to heatlhfal acuon with the Tncop herous. and the torpid vessels, recovering their activ ity, will annihilate the disease. , rtf In all affections of the skin, tod of the substraU ol masclcs nod iitegumenis, the process and the effect are the same. , ... , . H is upon the skin, the muscular fibre, ami the glands that the Trieopherou* has its specific action, and in all affections and injuries of these, organs, It is * SKtoCI"SUbSi... flic M ««„ .1 .to priiicip.l Offico. 137 Broadway, N. Y. xzsr"'* __ PROCLAMATION. T r NOW all men who ore sick and afflicted witn dis- IV eMe of the bladder and kidneys, with rhenmailc nsin» in back or limbs, stiffioinu, old sores, running ulcers Ac, that they-can bo cured by taking the Pe troleum! You may .talk about its being a nostrum as much as y«ou please, but this does not make u so, lor we proclaim in the face cfan honest community, that u has virtues which = re not contained tn ony other r-medv. The man who is racked with paui and suf fering'from d.sease, can for fifty cent*, get relief from any of the ills eiiuumeratcd above. Reader , it costs very little to make a trial. Tma Petroleum i» no mix* tu:«*-nq compond, pul up for ihe purpose of imposing on thecUromunity; but it is a rem-dy elaborated by tbs master hand of nature, and bubbles up from tlic bo som of our mother earth in in original purity, and of fers to suffering humani y a ready remedy, u certain and cheap cure. , . . . Uhas cured Pile* after otber.medieiDes have failed to render any relief. Il has cured Rheumatism of long •unding, and of the wont and most painial character. It has cured Oholera Morbus by one or two itosesi it has cured old’cuses of Diarrhea, In which every other remedy bas been of no avail. As u local remedy m burns’and scalds, it i» better than any metlical com pound or ointmeut ihat we know <>f. It will cure chil blains or frosted feci, m a few applications; undoubt ed testimony can be furnishad of ihe truth contnuied in ihe above stMcment by calling on Samuel M. Kier, Canal Basin, 7th street: or either of the agents. Koyser A McDowell, corner of Wood su-et and Virgin Alley: R E. Sellers, 67 Wood street, D. A. W- Hot A D. M. Curry, Allegheny cuy. are the agents. jan3l ' j CAUTION EXTRA A man by the name of RUKL CLAPP has enraged with a young man of the name of 8 i • Townsend. and uses bis name to put up 0 Sarsaparilla, which they eall Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, denominating n GENUINE, Original, etc. This Townsend H no doc tor ami never was, but was formerly u worker on rail roads, canals,-and the like. Yet he assumes the title of Dr., for the purpose of gaming c . red * l noL He Is sending out eardi beaded Tricks ot Quieks." in which he says, I have sold the use of my name for «7 a week.’ I will give -S. P. Townsendi 8000 if he will produce ope itoglo solitary proof of Utis.- Thit is to caution the public not u> be deceived, und “l lh, GENUINE ORIGINAL OU) l)r. Jacob Townsend’s Sanapanlla. bavin* ou U Ihe Old Dr.’s his family coal of arms, and bis slg ““ ““ ''““Jacob townsend. Principal Office, 102 Nassau st, New York City. OLD DOCTOR JACOB TOWRSEND, THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER TOW)lBSID BABSAPiULLA. - Old Dr. Townsend it cow about ?0 rears of age, end bat lon* boon known as the AUTHOR end DISCO VERER of the GENUINEORIGINAL “TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA/! Being poor, be wtu compelled to limit in manufacture, by which racam it has been keut out of market, and tfio idea airsuaiscribed to uio»c only wlfc> had it* worth and known it* value. This GtasP *5O UIt*qtM.JXXD Px*raaaTi'>!i is manufactured on the largest scale, and is fur Ihroachoatihe length and breadth of the land. Unlike young S. P. Townsend's, It improves with age, and never changes, but for the better; because it is prepared on selenitic principles by a ecirr.hcc man. The higher! knowledge of Chemistry, ar.rt the later discoveries of the Art, have q|l been brought into re quisition is the Bpippfaatare ol the Old Dr.'s Sarsapa* till a. “fite hanapatilla root. It Is well known to med ical men, contains medicinal properties, and some pro perties which are men or useless; and others, which, if retained in preparing it for use, produce fermenta tion and acid, which is injurious lo \he 1711010- Home of the properties Of Sarsaparilla are to volatile that they entirely evaporate and are lost in the prepara tion, If they arc not preserved by a scientific process, known only to those experienced in its manufacture. Moreover these volatile principles which 8r offia va por, or as an exhalation, uudst heat, are the very es sential mrdical properties of the root, winch gives to it all its value. The OKNUCStS OLD DR. JACOB TUWN'aENUB SARSAPARILLA is t«i prepared; that all the inert properties of the Scr supanlla rooture first removed, evriy thing capable oi becoming acid ©rof fermentation, is extracted and rejected; then every, particle of medical virtue is secu red in a pure and concentrated form; and thus u :■ rendered Incapable ftf loungfcuy of iu valuable an healiug properties. Prepared in this wuy, it is matte the most powerful arenl m the CURE-OF INNUMERABLE diseases. Hence the reason'wuy we hear commendations on every side ia its favor bv men, women and ehildren. We find it doing wonders iq the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, Scrofula end Piles, CatUveneit, all Ouiaueous Erup tions, Pimples, Blvtehas, and ailaficciious arising from ' IMPURITY OF THE BIX»OD. It possesses a marvellous efficacy in ail complaint* arising from Indignation, from Acidity of the Stomach; from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the bead, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and cold.haods cold cstills and hot -flauhe* over the body. It has not had ita equal in cough* and cold*; and promotes ca»y expectoration, and gentle perspiration, reining stric ture of tpe }utj£», throat, Ut:d every ntnor part Uut in nothing it Its excellence more rsaniicstly sees and acknowledged than in all kinds nnd stages of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Il work* wonder* in cues of fluor alhus or whites, cl the Womb, Obstructed. Suppressed, or Pain ful Mpiuck, Irregularity of the menstrual period*. and dir. use; and u effectual in cams all forms of the Kid* 1.0 Disc •»*•»• Dy removing obsnuctioiic, a*td regal*- •.•ns ihr general sr»;ets,Uf«<n mn« end strength to lita whom bony, anil cares all forms o 1 NERVOUS DISEASIS AND DKBILITV, and thu* prevents Or relieve* a great variety of othet disease.*, a* spinal Irriiattou, Neuralgia, St. Vuus Uance, Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, Ac. Is not this, thon. mi Mimas* Ton l k ax-KutsKKTi.T Nun! Um can toy of these things be stud of S. I*. Town send's inlerior article! This young man’s liquid is not to he COMPARED WITH THE OLD Dll'S, because of the Grand Fact, 'hat the. one is incapable of Deterioration nhd NEVF.It SPOILS, while the oth er DOKSi il sours, ferments. and biow> the buttles containing it tnio fragments the sour, acid liquid ex ploding uml duraugiiurotnergoods! Moat notthis hor rible compound be poisonous to the system! What! put acid into a system already diseased with acid! What causes Dyspepslabatacid! Do wo not all know, that when food soars iu our stomachs, what mischiefs it produces!—flatulence, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, diarrhma, dys?r,iury, cholic and corruption of (be blood! Whai is Scrofula but an acid humor in the body! What produces all the humors Which bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head, tiult Kheuia,En» l Pci"*i w ' l ‘ le dwellings. Fever-Sores, and all ulcerations internal and external! It is noth ing under iu.avrn but an acid substance, whigh ami thus spoil* nil the Quids of the body-, more or less. What causes RUeumatiaiu but u sour aeid fluid, which insinuates itsolf between the joints and elsewhere, ir ritating and inflaming tho teuder and delicate tissues opon which it acts! 8© of uervoas diseases, of impa rity of the blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly all the 'ailments which afiCcl human nature. Now. is U not horrible to make and sell, and infinity* lv worre ut use this OSURINO, FKR«ENT!NO, A> ID “COMPOUND' UEtf. P. TUV, N'.-riND! ami yet he would fain have n nndersiood that Old Ja cob Townsend’* Uetiume Original Sarsaparilla,!* an urn union of his inferior prcpataiion!! Ilcsvcn forbid.that we should deal In an article which would bear the most distant resemblance to S. 1* Town-end's arucia! and which should l«fyyj down upon ihc Old Dr. such a mountain lost! of complaints and criminations few? Rg«*.u who have sold, and pur chase* have used 3. T. Townsend's Fermenting Compound! We wish It uodersiood, because it is the absolute UuUi, that 8. I\ Townsend’s arucle and Old Of. Townsend's SarshpariUu are apart, *ud infinitely dissimilar; ftcy &tu unlike in every par demur, having nbtone single thing id common. It is to arrest ffaods opon tho unfortunate, to ponr bulm into wouuded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairing bosoni, u> restore health and bloom and vi- I rot into ills crushed and broken and to bam«h infirmi iy—ibstold DK. J ACOU TO WN3KNQ Ha* hUOGHT > within ihc reftc!;i and 10 tie knowledge of nil who I need it, taut tbey : may learn and know, by joyful ox l perience, iUTa*l»c*.VDfcSf mwij. ro uxal! For sale by J. KIDD A CO., Wholesale Agent for [ Weiiern Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Uirtaltiglia.n, Qr. , J.3AKOKANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CA««;;yL, r'.lili • ward. O. W.OAllDNhiK.eth ‘ T IVKR by using tie otigiotl, only true and genuine Liver Abehqkxx Biown :o, 0., March SO, l*«7. Mr. R. b. Seller*—ln April U*tiny wife wiy» tusk ed wiih Liter Cpmplnmtt, and had tfoc »,dYice ol two physician*, who'tned various remedies without pro ducing any pood eifccU pitying heard of your cele brated Liter Pills, * conp'uded t<> give them a lair trial. 1 purebaited ono box of Mr. Scott, of Aberdeen, amt Rave Uiem according W the directions, by which (he waa greatly relieved. ll procured a »ecoua box, which entirely cnred her, ind she uow enjoy* excel lent health, 1 have u*od (ham raysell, and pronounce them the best family medicine 1 ever tried. Yoons 40., Masmk Duilt. Prepared and sold by R.'E. SKLLKRB,37 Woodst; sold al*o by Uniggiii* generally in the two cilie*. inntfJ Vl«tT of PltUbarßb MY VIKW Will !* u h* Short a time Q( noMiij(ej l y-iift insure my »uh*rnt>er*, opj ilic tuulio 'crueraliy, ioai it »hall w: »Be*au»a— bollt In fidelity <•> detail and beauty of execution—lo any ruber whatcerr. L.ct those wuo doolit, won a (r w aerkit and tee. . K- Wlt ITKI IIILD. N*w You*. f»rr. stb, IVW.—{dril A FEW very fine UIJITARS. Just tec'tl from the celebrated maiiui'ueiiiiy nl i*. \\ Aiatuo, aiitl f.»r •ale by jail? N«i.i*UOß. Si Wood at.- I RUI.U BUTT tit-Ofi bbU in tooJ order, for sale by __ i«Qft _ wSi UAtiALEYACO^ Ct REES APPLES—3d t*M»(*ood winter) toraate by r Janie - UREYrCKiLE & CLARKE MEDICAL, BPALLISTKU’B 01STMBNT» Coiudi&ing' rid Mtrevnfy nor atibr JtiintraL THE following testimonial vrugiven by the cele brated Dr. Wooster Beach, the aatheref the great medical .work entitled “The American Practice of Medicine and Family Physician.' l ‘ Having been made acquainted with the ingredients which compose McAllister's All-Healing Ointment, aad-hxvmg prescribed and tested it iaseveral eases lit' my private practice, t h«7c no hesitation in saying or certifying th«t it '* a Vegetable Remedy, containing no mineral substance whatever: that its ingredients, combined as they are, and used as directed by the Propnclor, are not only harmless, bat of great value, being a truly scientific Remedy of great power and 1 cheerfully recommend it as a compound whleh has done macb good, and wjpeh is mlipied to tho care of a great variety of case*. Though ! have never either recommended or engaged in the sale of secret tttedi cines, regard for the ttulv honest, conscientious, hu mane character of the Proprietor of this Ointment, and the value of his discovery, oblige roe lo say thus much recanllnc'iL W. BEaCU, D. D. n New York, April ttd, ISIS. BURNS.—It is one of thebesx things in the world for Burns. PlLES.—Thousands are yearly cored by this Oint ment- tl never fails in giving relief. For Turners, Ulcers, and all kinds of Sores, it has no equal. If Moiborsianti Nurses knew iu value in cares of Swollen or Sore Breast, they would always apply it- In such cases, if used aeeording to directions, it gives relief in a very few hours. , Around the box are direction* forming McAllister's Ointment lor Scrofula. Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Tetter, Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Quincy, *<ore Throat. Hronebites, Nervous Afleeuona, Pains, Disease of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, De.afness, Ear Ache, Burns Corn*, all nisea-esofthe Skm, Sore I ironies, Ae n Swelling of 'he Limbs, bores, Rheumatism, Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro ken Breast, T&otfi Ache. Ague in the Face, *e. ' From the Rending Engle . . . There wa* never, perhap*, a Medicine fore tbe public, that has la w rt»« » ««« *"»" •*« * reputation as McAllister • All*lleaiinrt give. Almost every person tent has made trial or U speaks warmly in its praire. - One has been enicd by itof the most painful rbeamaosm, another of thepiles, n third of a troulileaome pain »n the aide, a fourth of a swr-lline in the limb*, Ac. If it doe* not give lmm«* diale relief, in every case, ii can do no injury, being MtothereSSence of the wonderful healing Pf> w ' er po.*e~rd by Utu aalve,, we *ttb|°»n the followtac certificate, from a respectable citizen of Maidenereek township,in thiseoonty: , „ Muidrncreek, Herk* co., March 30,1817. Messrs. Hitler A Co:—I desire to inform yoa that l war entirely cured of a severe pautmthe the in it McAlli,nr'« AII.-HriliraMlii. wlilrtl pir chased from you. 1 suflered with it for about JfO year* and at night was unable to sleep. Daring that Hint: I tried various remedies, which were prescribed lor me by physicians and other persons, without receiving any relief, and at last made trial r f this Snive, with a re-. salt favorable beyond expectation. lam now enure*’ ly free from Ihc pain, nud enjoy at night a peaceful and sweet sleep. 1 have also used the Salve sines for looih ache and other complaints, with similar happy "«*“* Vo “ r JAMES Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. Principal Office, No IS Norm Third sireet,Philadel pbia. PRICE as CENTS PER BOX. Adeth t* PrrnnoKitt.—Hraon A Relier, comer or Liberty and St. Clair streets; and L. Wileox, Jr n eor* ner or Market street and the Diamond, also comer of Fourth and Smiiliheld strceir. S. H. Castcl. corner of Walnut nad Penn streets, Pifth Ward; and sold at U»d Bookstore in SanthCold itr-eu:W doorfroraSoeond. In Alktfk.ny Oily ky H. F. g<=bw«rti »n<l J- Snrgciit. By J. G. Smith, Dm?ffi»U Birmingham. D-Negier, East Liberty; 11/Rowland, McKeesport; J. A. exinder 4 Son. Mocongxhela City; N. B. Bownon Co., utd J T Rogers. Brownsville; John Uarklejr, BeaTer, P«J John Walker. Jr. MiantTth fehtleMlr i Jadd’a Hodfcated Liquid Catlola* THIS ia umlouMedly the best preparation e»er dis covered. 'or ilressm; Elams, Sc«ld». Cats, Chil blain*, Druises, or any kind of fresh wonnda, also for tom Nipples a remedy anequaled Tbii article i« intended for family use, and rbotudbe foand in tb« possession of every family in the land. Mechanic* who are ia constant danger of injury U> their person* throach accident, and the improper or careless oae of tools, will find this article to be invall able (o ihem, and after a fair uial will consider it in dispensable. ..... , It is an excellent substitute for adhesive plaster of all kinds, without any of its inconveniences, and Is so medicated as to allay all pain immediately and mat little applied any wheie on the rorfiee of the skin, immediately forms a firm, smooth coating, very similar to the natural cuticle or outer skin; whtehmay be freely washed with water and soap, without any In jury to the wound. • The article t* freely used and kighly recommended by the most eminent physicians of fiew England, and other part* of the equally. For ti!e ontT by RE SELLEHS, SI Wood st D —’lTie trade supplied at the manufacturer's prices. ; feH, rUB TIIS KSXO7AL ASD mXiKSNT CCBK OF AtAPIttISB .«mxa non as mruat btatx cur tax buos OB HASTT or ths •nm, VIC Scrofula or Kiog’s Evil. Rheamatitm, Obstinate Cuta neous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Pace, Blotches, Bile*, Chronic Sore Eye*, Ring Worm or Teller, Scald Head. Enlargement and Pain of ihr Bone* and Joint*, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiliie Symplons, Sciatica or Lnmbago,—and diseases arising from an injudicious u*e of Mercury, Ael tiics dr Proper, Exposure or Imprudence m Life; Also—Chronic Constitutional Disorders, Ac. In this preparation arc strongly conecniraied all the Medicinal nmpcru' , « of Fonapanlla, combined with the most effectual aids, the most salutary productions, the must potent simples of the vegetable kingdom: and it hat been so fully tested, not only by palienldlnem je vts, hut also' by physicians, that it baa received their unqualified recommendations and the appraba* Uon of the public; and has established, on its own merits, a reputation far yaLCT and srncAcr far tape* nor to the various compound* bearing the übtne of Sarsaparilla. Diseases have been cared, rneh as are not furnished in the records of time past: and what it has already done for tho thousands who have used it, ii is capable of doing for the million* uul suffering and struggling with disease. panics, cleanses, and strengthens the fountain springs of life, and Infuses new vigor thraushout tha whole animal frame.! ANOTHER CURE OP SCROFULA, > The following striking, and—as will b» seeh—per manent euro of an inveterate case of Scrofula, com* mends itself to all similarly afliowd: , I Satrsurasr, Conn., Jan. 1,>1843. ! Messrs. Banda; Geuilemen, Sympathy for the afflict ed induces me to Inform yon of the rcmajkatilecore effected by your Sarsaparilla, in the cose of rty wife. I She was severely alilicted with the Scrofula oft differ* | cm parte of tha body; the glands of ike neck were greatly enlarged, and her limbs stuck swollen. After suffering over a year, and Soding no relief from tbo remedies used, ttys ffUeaso attacked one leg. Bad bo* low tho kr.pu »«ppuraietL Her physician advised it should l>e laid open, which was done, but wiiaoat any permanent benefit In this situation wo heard of. and were induced to use, Sands’ Saraspariila. The first bottle produced a decided and {huorabto effect, reliev ing her more than any proscription tho had taken; and before slie used *iZ bottles—to the astonishment and delight of her friends—she found her health quite restored. Uis now over a year since the curb was ef fected, and her health remains good, showing; that the disease was thoroughly eradicated from tha system. Our neighbors are oil knowing to these factb, and think vcw highly of Sands’ Sarsaparilla. Yours with respect, JULIUS PIKE, Extract from a letter MCetvod from Mr. N.W. Har ris, a gentletaan well known in Louisiana co.. Va.: “(tentlesMn, 1 have cured a negro boy ofialnowitb your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Bcrofste, and of n scrofulous family, “Yours, truly, N. W. IfARBJG. “Fredericks Hall, Va_, July XI, 1W3." i Sahps’ seems almost unoreesssa ry to direct atteniipa ta an article so well known, and so deicrwlyr jutpular, as this preparation, bit patients often who wtsu to use the extract of Sorwpbnlla, are iiniuotii to try worthless compound} Waring the name, but containing little or none of the virtue or Mils valu able root: aud we think vefi aannot confer; a greater benefit oq our readers thas ui directing their atteuuou to the adveru*cft\?. r taf the Messrs. Sands, in another column. T«* buttle has receutly been enlarged to hpld « apart, ami those who wish a really gbod article will findconcentrated in this all the medicinal value of the root, Tho experience of thousands has proved its efficacy in curing the various diseases far which it is recommended; at the present time bore than any other, perhaps, is this medicine useful,! in prepa ring tha tar a change of season.—[Homo Jour- lectured and told, wholesale and retail, by A. D. 4 D. JJANDS, Druggist and Chemist, 10U Fulton street, oorner of YVillum, New York, gahl also by Drug gists generally throughout the United States and Can ada. Price SI per bottle; six bottle* for S 3. For sale l>y L. WILCOX, Jr„ U. A. FAHNESTOCK 4 CO., aud EH WARD FEN DERICH, Pittsburgh. Al* by li a. SMITH. Bridgwater, tdMB-JcndftwT ’£2 AVKD HER LlFE—Sellem’Yoimifngd i* the ani- C * C T «'n’p>oa, Vx, January 30, 1849. Mr. J. M. Wo*oir-Dear Sir, The vial; of Selim’ Verrmfurr 1 Usoghl from yon, some time >(0, brought from wyVtrl five yean did, Uie astonishing number of five hundred worm* I believo the would have lived a very abort urae, bulfarUtWmedictno. I'rcpared and *o'd hy R. E. SELLERS, 97 Wood it; ■old alto by Orufgitlit gecenJlj in the two cities. j an3s_ - Thomti Parkinson, a MACHINIST AND MANUFACTURER—Latbea, iVi Tobacco, Hnuiinand largo Screw* oi all kinds; Brats Castings ami Brass Work* generally. Corner of Ferry and rust street*. THE subscriber, bavin? purrha**d the Faetoty of Jatnr* pattrr*ji\ Jr, tioiL’d »t ihc shove-stand, would r< spcctfnHy i's:*nn h‘* iriemi-, and the pu.utc that lie ittuepAied to iih ony or era -n Ins line, on the ler.o. »».l «ii» J-P-icl*. .nJ will ,«1 vmM (or ta I-'";“*J MAS PARKINSON* Pittsburgh, Jan. I, IMU. HAVING disposed of my establishment to Mr. Ti, b uia« Parkinson, 1 »»k* the i.borty to solicit for him the of my friend, and the publie, co.'fid-'iii that any favor* cottlericd will be duly appreftsts-t uu-i »■ I^**I*ATT*KRZON, Jr. Ittisi.urch. Jan. L USQ.-<i«’t7*d3m TABLE DIAPKR9. ■\\r R MURPHY keeps constantly oh hand an'as* W . .unuent of Uleaebed Linda Table Diaper*’ of diflrreut widths and qualities. Also—Table Cloth* and Napkin*, Toweling Diaper* and Towels, and a { U p arsoruncut of house tamiiUng good*. - ' fob It VOL. XYIL NO. 172. r A Great national Work. m . THE GALLERY OF ILLUSTRIOUS AMERICANS. &ag%ierrtoiyp*s by Brady, ■ -ftpiwrf tyjlb* , 4 Aiigna*.—Edited .by an Ancnatimtf IMtrary Mm, TENDER this title will be published, durfngthe feAf IJJ 1850, twenty four Portraits aa4_fl*optpkau- gketehe.of AmericandtiteMjwhftbeee become U* luitrieus in tbe service of the country., Every portion. of the work will receive the most careful etteaMn,' aria nothing Nrilt be spsred to render ft u-worthyßXd:*-.. enduring monument to the peat men of the Renublie. k The Typogrephy will be executed eg eerefutlf ma ■ id as as tho eriftevings themselves. 1 : Tfc» t ,i lire work will be on the finest imperial, foliopsper, t , 1« by 2|inches,made expressly for <hu Tois work ha* netting Motional iniMseopejiiwillt;, tricrefore. be eoaprehwisif; u it» . or those men only will be ad mined, wtoMtaMU - pnblie services have won for them •ahwozaWa fun* • j ihroagbounthe.itnilon. Each of the pwi of life will It iveiU representatives. ArtwSW*- J tore are universal in their spirit..and thisGailcr* lain, e . landed to be a worthy and aadanng n»nameal U> tM (Treat men ofaho ?*potiUe„whaM l achiewnenta.,eg« fame conttitate. the chic! glorT of tbe tnUort we hope that every lover of art ana friend af Union, will respond to our appeal tor - and aid in so commendable an undertaking. tnl n*' - publication any make an era in the profieas. ef An* vI ericas Ait. ami; by ineupiugtte Uiustnous men of the 4 Union together, consoliaatelt still mote flralv. l ' • * •As 10 w«*rk ofitu kind hat appeared ip.;Amnnnnr : > and the prices they sustain in Europe would plaee it beyond the reach of most ot our eitizens, the pabuMi* t. ers htve resolved to merit a, large circalauflD, or . charging a very tew price, viz: SI pot No., 0 r K® ter - the entire senes.of !f4 Not. '' ’ Two Nos. are now published, containing Portraits 0T President Taylor and Hon John C. Calhoun.' - <:■>■ ? JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, 03 Wood stf . , febvt Agent for Western Pennsylvania. .... A CIRCULAR sent us by a.friend, annonneittf tho;- formation ol a new “Ibynsportation Company, by* our late Agents at Baltimore and Columbia. Impel»e*7 thus early to apprise ear mends and tbe public that - inch makes no alteration whatflver ia our business* save the change of our agents and location; of our ' warehouses atttioie points, both of which Wtl have effected advantageously for ourselves and bereustna*' ers. ■ ...» With tbe experience or fifteen- yean ut tbe-Trmnu*, portution bQSines*,selftespect»asweUeasrejuidlbr. the intelligence of .our patrons, focbld tu to tax the credulity of the public, or cuter Air 1u amusement by' lengthened brofession*.in print: Webeg leave, there-' fbre. to say, in general terms, that our utraagamestt ure considerably extended; the convontMoa and ear, naeity of our warehouses, ut Pittsburgh, Philadelphia* Baltimore and Columbine unsurpassed; our facilitler for regularity usd dispatch increased; and cor termaaa llbeiai as that of any other responsible une; ana that our freight, whether in depot or In transit, isrdwaya insured free of expense to the owners. We sppeni to our pest conduct ss an earnest 01. on future, and confidently look forward to a conttfluanca of that patronage which haa ever been* our study to deserve and our pleasure to acknowledge.:.Ußuey such impressions, we shall be prepared at all times 19 me*i honorable competition; those resortiug'to any PITreBUttG r H n pORTABL^ e BOAT. LINE will be conducted a. corner of Peon and Wayne its, I'ittsbereh; THOMAS BORBIDGE, J7B Market at, Philadelpfoaj | And hy the following Agents: . ! JOHN MeC ULLOUUH * CO, 09 North sL Baltlmor*; P. B. BURK A CO. iS Doane sCßosumf' * .. \V A J. T. TAPSCOTT AOO.M South G,.NvYtnJ , { JAMES WHEELWRIGHT. Cincinnati. : IfebT, Dluolutloa ofOeaPartusnUpi . TRK Co-partnarsnip existing between die, under signed, under the. style of *'F. H. Eaton A Co was dissolved by mutual consent, Jan. JPth.Tr. H. Eaton, having purchased the entire interest of W P. Marshall, who retires, will attend to the settlement of the business of the late firm, ux tha-iold utand, No d* Fonrth street. F. H. KATUN, febd W. p. MARSHALL. V, H. JCATON, - . v/! DEALER lu Glovei and Hosiery, TrimmingaFaney Goods, Ribbons, Laces and EmbToids»ies,Ztphyr WoniedTPaUemv and Canvass. N* 63 Fourth. Kre*L , pituburgh. A full supply of Fine Shuuand Gents’ Under Garments. fet>4-tw DISBOLUTZON. rpHE Partnership hereurioro existing between EUfelt I A English, in the Book and Paper Business, was dissolved on the Uth insu, by mutoal consent. Tho basinet* will be continued at the old Stand, No. 79 Wood street, under the firm of “A. H. English A Co., te u, “ b “ to '“ °' “• samuK^uAt feb!3 A. H. ENGLISH. ,1 Diißointloa* D M. LONG, having purehased tbe intend of • James Kerr. Jr., ia the firm of James Kerr, Jr. A Co., the Ship Chandlery and Boal'Stere will be carried on as heretofore at the old gland, N®® Water street, between Wood and Market, undor the style of' fehWra LONG, PUFF A CO. DISSOLUTION, THE Co-P»Ttner*h;p heretofore existing undet tho style of ‘•Cope A Breyfogle," is this day dissolved by tnumai consent. The bosMiess will be settled by J. o. iireyfogle, at their old stand. No. 103 Seeondstreet , L. 8. .COPE, Jana J. C. BREYFO6LB. CO-PARTBEBIHIPt. JC. BREYFOGLE, having associated witlr him • A. 11. CLARKE, for the purpose of tiaa«pting the Forwarding and Commission business, tiouo that bosiuessnt the old stand of “Cope A Brey* fogle,” and respectfolly asks a continuance of the former patronage of his friend# and the pabiie gendr* ally. The business will be eoadaeied under the name ud style of Bearvoou A Clusxx. - • . . _ 1 J. C. BREYFOGLE, ' A.IL CLARKSm Pittsbargh, Jan, 7,~1850>-I3un> Dlueolatloa. THE Co-Partnersnlp heretofore existing under tas style of “J. H. Clouse A Co,” is this day dissolved iby mutual consent. The business of the firm will oe settled by L. 8. Waterman, at their old stand, -No Ul Liberty street h. 8. WATERMAN, febd J. It CLOD BE. Combat Combat HA CROSS *uper Polka? lSdodo very loo? &\J SO u ass'd Redding! w - 12 “ - super English Horn Redoing; 8 “ M Pocket Comb*; COO “ “ 'Wood . 10W do* aw’d Fine Ivory; ' 30 u Shell Side Comb*: 10 “ fuper large Buffnlo; 300 rrou n**’d Slue Comb*; rac'd and for tale by febs ' C YEAGER, IQS Market at ■ Sew Hnaics O LEMUEL; or, Going down to the Colton Reid; a new and very popular Ethiopian Song, at «•** by Christy’s Min*t«ls, New York. Compote* by H, C Foster, Esq., aathor of *‘Unele Ned,”>o, Susanna, ■ Ac.'. Nelly was a Lady; by 9. C. Foster. -: Bea Holt—the genaioe copy; by Nelson Kneas*. Speak Gently; a-very popular eons; bjrV. Wallace. Indian’* Prayer; by the author of c ße find, Ae. Be Rind to the Loved Ones su Homo. . , .Thou hast woanded the tpint thor loved Utee. Flirtation Polka; by Strakoseh. . -1 Aliee Polka; by Bpraus. ... Carol Walls-by Professor Rdbboek.- ‘ ‘ Aliquippa Waltz; “ '- i Atalaaia Waltz; ; “ Debar.. La P'nee de Perlet’ Grand Wahzj by Oabocrne. The wild flowers toon trill abed their blow from the opera of Lucia dc Lammennoor.. Corlna, or May Day in the Oldefl Rate; by C. K. Ilowe. Essy Variations to “The last Rose of Summer,” by Her*. : •'<'-J , Thee An Gone: soag from the opera of Amelia- The Groves of Blarney; from Bethoven.' When the Moon on the Lake i» Beaming. A Voice from the Wave*; dneue by.C.Glover. Joyathat We’ve Tasted. " ' Make mo no gaudy Chaplet; from LucrtU* Borgia. Low Backed Car. ... •• Dearest Mae; with easy vaiiauons for beginner*. Boaapana’s 6rave. • • i .*• • v -. We are Happy and Free. Fashion Polka; by J. 11. Hewitt - - - Rec’-d and for tale by < JOHN H-MELLOB, jac23 No. 81 Wood street N B—A large stock of new PIANOS, to Arrive thla week. 1 , - - , Buff Holland! BoJT Holland! TAKE NOTICE—Thit W. McCHmock hA» thi* day received several case* of the finest and best Buff Window Holland, to which he would most respectfully call the at ton lien of hit cuttoaen and the pnbue in ** Ware Room*,7SFourth *t' j*o3l Birisy, FltaUai A Cfc, UAVS FOB BJLLC, - ' FROM PAYETTE M ANUFACTU RING COMPANY, cases superior Family Blanket*, 10 by ISqts; 20A pair Steamboat do dby 7 ft; ado do do . do .. 4by 7 ft; 'ISO do fed and white Horse do 100 do colored Cahfomle • do ' . ALSOi so piece* 6*4 white Flannel, warranted fill wool; luO do 4-4 do do .do , do 100 do 3-4 do do do do 150 do 3-4 red do do do 75 do 3-4 yellow do do .do gaiinetts, Tweeds, Jeans and Woolen Yarn, at east* rn manufacturer** Prices. . - , nrs-Wsrahouie, No 187 Wood it, 4ih door from Fifth, jantt ' BJiukwood'i Htgulßt sad Uu BttUii 4»imrlf B«Tlawj> : TZ: Tn Lokdoii QsixrxtLt Bxnxv;. Tns Eomtrtoß ttsmw*, Tub Noant Barron Rarnw; - Tn* Wwnttwn* Rimr, ■ And—ul4c*w6ob'» Eommaa Miatmr*. TERM*: For aar one of tke'foar Renew*, 9v>o per aaxuna; For Blackwood and the 4 Review*, |O,OO M | ' Payment* to be node In aU eases Is advaoea. poblwhed ainahaoeeatlf in New York and Pitts* bnrgh; Office, 93 Wood street. {£7” Blackwood and Edinburgh Be view for Jaaasrj are now teady. feb-JO T«IT«tPU« Ctrp«t*. Tir MeCLUsTOCK is oow opening thehandaomest W # and must superb Impottrd Velvet'Pile Carpet ever before affe'ed »n this attract, to whifeh he invitee the atteoiionof purchaser* - ILTCarpet Ware flnore< «•».Fourth «l. jan*l Great Arrival el tfxr Uqode. rpilE -subscribers are now prepared to offer atiU l itreaier to parebaieraofDn Goode. Tneir ettabliahed loar prices and immense roeeiptel Goods, ihavlog received over lbo packages of mv and desirable goods,! comprise in part ita doi Fret eh Wrought Collars and Caper., in p» Rich Dress Silks; 100 pa Atpaeeaa, from »to AO cents per Tart; S cases Measlia D’Laias, from 10 to She per Tard: •ii •* Menmae Prints, all styles}' 1 5 1 Mourning ;“ fromio to 19fc per yard; 10 “ Ginghams, food styles, isje per yari*™ SheemißS, Shtrann, and Hoaukeenlng Goods, in mai varieties, aU of which will be offered atextreae. iy Iwv piiees, at ’ w feba A A MASON k. 00*8.8) Market a How Pianos*: r~tm '^ss^^gsssi braud iketorr or T. QUbertfc*?^ ** * i,.? 1 «o*wn. Thisinstrument is reuxkn? ble forbrilUauey and sweetaeisofkroe, andeLasSSrv uf toach. Tim above firm la onarfS very first in Boston, and their PUnWifweiertaMef exterior, beamy of tone; anddawaS-w* ed by thaw of anji other make. r FortaJe on S2S bletomaby . iH-KUMhE"* '“** ■ «r;w.'w<«Ss& l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers