ILEGRAPB. BY MAGNETIC TJ . HSFuATSD * TKL tOR TDK PITTSBURGH 1 . BGRAPBKD ] >AILY GAZETTE COSOBESBIt Wa iciotom, Feb. 18. d a 'petition from a- Bxiuk*—Mr. Clay present! it tbe first Senator Union, be expelled n was laid upon the single individual, asking Ik proposing a dissolution or the Grom the Senate. The petitft After the consideration of- «rions t r« solutions, and ihe regular routine of other botiaetfi the Senator retamed the considei ition of the special frder of Ihe day, being Mr Clay’s compromise reaolotion*. Mr. Downs, having the fio >r, proceeded to ad dress the Senate at totno leng h. He spoke against the reaotalioae, and the adaiasion'of California With Us pijbaenl Constitution. He would not ob ject to adlnission; had the < onititution keen ad opted legitimately by the pet rle cf that State; but be believed it bad been adopted by the intermed dling of Itjo Executive. Mr. Dawns, niter some further remarks, gave way lor an adjournment without concluding. Hocn-Mr. Doty offered a resolution, tnd moved the .previous quealioV, that the committee oo territo'riea bo instructed ui report a hill pn»vid ing Or the admiaaion of California ioto the Union, oo an equal fooling with tbo Original States, with tbe boendsnes and limits defined in the Constitu* Uon—said bill not to embrace any subject or mat ter outside of CalifornD • After eonaiderable diaeuaaic n, the yens and nays were called oo the motion to sy Mr. Clay’- rrao* lotion on. the table, wfth-tbe -following result:— yess 70, nays 121. A acene of conToilon followed. Sevcrnl in ; effectual attempts were otado to adjourn. The ! member* tnody got thoir dinners, and there ia : every prospect of a long night’s session. Fob. IS. Davi* has been appointed Marshal of thi Southwestern District of Mississippi. TREMENDOUS FIRE. New Orlxaub, Feb. 16 A very destructive fire occurrqil in this city thi* morning, it broke ,ont on Camp Street, aod already nineteen buildings are in ashes, most nf wUeh are large store houses. The Picayune ct» Robb’s extensive Banking house are de stroyed. Five of the building* ere not yet exiin-i galabed. The loss la estimated at hall a million* doOm—mostly insured. . I A second despetch says, that thirty building* have been destroyed. . FIRE AT BATAVIA. Nxw York, Feb. 13. Yesterday, at noon, a fire broke out at Batavia- Rhaaey’a hardware store, the American Hotel, and eeveral other buildings, were destroyed. The ~ loaeifeatimated at sso,ooo—insured for $lO,OOO. FIRE AT NORFOLK. Pbuadklvhu, Feb. 18. The Avon Theatre, at Norfolk, was destroyed by flra,onPriday night last. The loss is estimated nt $17,000. The fire ia supposed ,to have been the worker an incendiary. RIOTS AT MONTREAL Mosrxxai* Feb. 18. have taken place here against the school act, tad the house of the Aaseasorhts been bornt- The fire last sight destroyed the Canadian Insti tute, Library, and Governor's office. CINCINNATI MARKET. Curcimui!, Feb. 18. Floor—Tbe market is dull, with sale* 65 per brl. Whiskey—Sales at 101 c per gallon. Bulk Meat—Sales of 300,000 lbs 9l Louis meat at, for hams, 37f, tod for shoulders, 2Jo per lb. j Meta Pork—Salts of 150 brls at $3 62 per lb. Coffee—Sale# at lia per lb. The demand is Increasing. Sugar and Molanes are in good demand—pri oes are firm. _ NEW YORK MARKET. Nrw Year, Feb. 18. There Unoehsage in Bresdeinffi and Prbvi •boa.. Coffee ia firm. Recent adv.ces from Rio have caused *a advance. Rio is held at 141, and St Domingo at lie per lb. Naw Yoac, Feb. 18. xvc*mo extort. Cotton—Wo continue oar former isolation*, *J- Ihoagh io eome infiUrree* i -adtratice ha* been o!. ttioed. have no improvement to nolle* la tbfl Sale* of common State and mixed Wc««n «t 's* S 7 0 *5, and of Michigan at *5 12l <3 15 31 per bri. Grain—Corn i» ateadjr, with aides of mixed at s»c, and of jellowat 60Jc petbaalt. ProTiiiona—The market baa exhibited no change for »»• time past. Lard ia aching at 6| 07c per pcaod. Whiakey—Salea at 24*c per gallon. BODID TUB WOttbDl RUSBBIj'B original Panorama of “A VOYAGTK BOUND TUB WOBLD,"wiil be openat Apollo HalLxau (Friday) xvonao, Febroary tat* foraanoii i&ttQtfj. This osnvalled Panorama, the joint pro dnetioa of Uorrington and Bo»»eI, alter two year* ®| •udtoaa application, ia one which hat teen exhibited u many tboaianda in oar Eastern, and several or oar Western CiUca, and famishes one of the most exciting aad noyel exhibition* ever brought before the pablie. iry-Admltaion, »5 centa. DoorsnpcuatCJ o’clock, pertainriot at 74 oVlocfc precisely. fwill LABQB lavoieet of NEW GOODS are being daily received at A. A. Muon A Co., W Market street, of all the now and fathiosaWo styles and colors, whieii. (having been purchased nWvtons to the recent great advance*) they are enabled to offer at very low price*.. TheD auortmenlof Housekeeping floods it now eom- Diets, to which they particularly invite the.auonuoii of purchasers. feb,5 _ CAXIIHMBKB, TWBBDS, Ac. 1 0 PIECES new ttyle Casnmeres; - BU do Fashionable Tweed*; d do superior make French Cloth; J..X n'tii't .. ; WM -,g‘Sv Lots—s*3 lb» primo Dry-Cape}' Lnmbtr for Bilt. n F3PLAR Beunling and f*l»nlr, Cherry Be»rdi gja#"-"-' -* sss^a C ul ' r^MW '^ K &ivNTKmVp”TWct VfcbU U 4 Übany «t -OLT Mol j-trfi l»bl» No} ! | . „ <o fljjflWEsasaa ffggh" *iS£B2hM»M*. 'iIWH-33 ti«ree« an*»»re «"«»<«< r Jti BROWN &■ KIRKPATRICK, V fcMi 141 IjhcrtTJl bt/Tai* KZtn; X- 1» bamU Sflpcrfincj . Iw . cyj^-^^fs^'^nfKPATß.cr ■«»»♦-— - - •• B Looses—115 utaa Kelly * Co. Tenn. Blown*. /or ttUbj febU JAMES DAt.ZELL. ■oiern aad Aatiqnc Porniture. JiRBW.WOODWELL, ___ .j.w.-w. •• SSB Respectfotly informs the" CJ ' hM^M—t>*blie ti»t bn has cow*— pitted his spring slock the largest and mu: varied assortment Affarsd for tale in this city, comprtrinp several at Bcanwoon, Mabooaot, and Dura Wat-xcr, carved. «gnamenta! and plain, nilsMe (or I’arlon*. Pftvtsf aad Bed Rooms, ail of which will bo sold ot •be lowest pfiua parsons desltuut Farnitara of any description, aro •peetfaUy invildd'io call endexamine biskioek, which cabraees every description, from the cheapest nod pUlooet to lbs most elegant and cosily, of which the fallowing comprises a put: Xda a fete Hofei; Teia a Tele Divans Oenveraatlon Chairs; Khtabethlaa'Chaus; Reception dj Extension do Ballet Einqoe; what'Netc Toilet Tahle*; lioala XIV OommadeTe; Dake or York’s (leach; 00 Ho£u with ploth and Hair-cloth cover*; • ui Divans, do.' do d»; • 40 doi Mahogany Parlor Chairs; ■B “ Rosewood do do, - SO u Bfh Welnnt dd; do; •40 m Com Heal. L # ®o; a o lubooany B«al p g da; • 2 u do Piano }*ioo!*, • m UatWo Top Centro JTsb>es; '• S| do do wash fctnods; « Mahogany Bedsteads; h:2" do Werdrober, ''lfiUTt Walnat dg|- • ‘ SSfr&t assort ment of Common Cbeira and cth- on°lho shortest notice. *s***%s£s HaSrtJanfce supplied with all vnrts c/huCgt-T?Walnut,and Veneers, at fod«**£ r, '~ 1 T>ACON—3JWO lb* Hog Rnnd. )o« r*CJ on con -1 ■ JL> tigntacnt, forvtlo by K ACUNNIWOHAM, piaffin CBNiL fct>H Wo 6 Commeici«l Row, liberty »t_ ' From the Now YoA Tribune. f'tLOVER SEED—Xtt bbl* prime, in (hipping order, IT —- rn w kn«« wordU mart reliable, OB'* wb®. forbade by 1,8 WATERMAN, A?*^Mi«ible inwreMinU>® **\ onoof frbtl WWmerMdWFiooi*< s , ’ UA pEs^dTf r rl sa utgf.f"’*",r-,',,l‘'fn>m to* HRjaS *• m bbf* NO, new crop, K.H^.nd ■•lle.RifMUr..«4»i« l » wl Jrto rorMte b T fcbu i.hwatkrman tJ _ tI j W entwiD^^TIIEPERINTKASTORK, •. ,* FPLES-30bl*fTRn»*ai»**,tormlo by I T,,8 3BF«JtI» A BROWN * KIRKPATRICK . j/.'.i"'." "■ V-v.i - - COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADI COMMITTEE FOR FEBRUARY, leaxar-r-*-—taoa. a. bow* —we. mm. omci PmntMß Gutm, 1 Tuesday Morning, Feb. 19,1630. l Yesterday was one of almost constant rain, eonse* qoentty, every thing like business was at a stand, and nothing transpired showing any marked change in quotations. FLOUR—A general quietness prevails in the Hour market; very Mile is arriving, and tales from first bands, which have been very light, have varied very but* from *4 60 P bbl, which Is ihe ruling figure of the market. From store we role sales in rega>« diny load lots, atsl/tfiD4,75P bbl. GROCF.BIK*—We find very Utile, if any variation la prices. There is a regular healthy business doing in limited lots, at the following rates, for the leading articlesN O Sugar, 4103 e; N O Molasses, 2G|o2?c, Sugar House do* at 36010 c. Rio Coffee, l?e; supplies light. Loaf Sugar, 6010 c; and Rice ai 4|e P Si. RADON—We note Mies of some 6,000 As Western and city cured meat at l| for shonldera, 6c for. sides, and 6|of| for plain bam*. Sugar cured canvassed hams are selling aitsFh. , BRIFD BF.KF—Regular sales of Cincinnati eared, by the tee, at Be T lh. SODA ASH—A sale of 0 casks Musprat's, a{'4Jc, 4 mot, interest 00. LARD—Sales VS Mils at s|, and 60 kgs, ai 6e T B>- IlinTKß—Very little doing in the article; best qual ities roll may be quoted at a range of l - -‘l to He, snd keg at Be F B>. and dull. CIIBUSK—We notice fair supplies and a dull mar ket. Sales of good com W R, at t’OOJ; of cream at <»| 06), and of Goahen at 7|c T fi>. CorTrx.—The following 1* an extract of a leuerfrom an eminent merchant in Baltimore, to a merchant of ifaii city, in reference to the preaent condition and fu tore praspecti of the Coffee market. lliaeriuifm*cem« to t* given in good faith, and we give U«* ntatter of interest to thow of our merchant* who may toon find it neccfiary to replenifh their atoeka for the coming spring trade BiLTMOis, Feb. 14,1950. ISsssi^gs , u regard teteral oMhc plaen of prodacucm. tULTixou A!n> Onto JUitioAß.—' The following are memoranda of the trawporuUon ea*tw*rdly Into iho city of Baltimore, of «ome of tho principal staple* ? du fjrig the month of Jitney i B»rk, tone 8 Leather, lone 3* Fire Brick****— ••• 00 Live »tock,vix: Firewood, tone-*** 7 52"A$ keg»*ton*. —••••• <l3 Pioar, tibia--- 53,44 a 41 borre»fcniale»,tn* so Gndn. tone «J St 7 homed cattle, tone* 3M Iron, tone 614 Pork A Bacon, • • • «3 Ironere and manga- ncec. tone 3it Whukoy, bbl*—— -• w Larix Butter, tone* 150jMi*eelIaneoaa.bbli.W7 The revenue for the month hae been Blll,SVl.Ss— an increase oTer the corresponding month of latt year of 810,839 <o* Spirit of the Domestic Market*. pm!.innjiiu. Feb 14. The Floor ro.ikn u ,oith *oJ price* Vl i: ™*'F;‘‘* denieml for expert le lloilled. «n. enl, Srfl bble eun -513 Wend. Jdei *1,75 Pbbl For ell, cooeorop tinn. ihe *ale» are limned at previous retf*- Rye Flour and Corn Meal are in limited demusd »meU tales of the former at 83,04; and oi the latter a i» b dntl, bnt the emount offering is limited; we quote new yellow at 554W&C* , . Oat* are dull—the last tale of Pennsylvania wa« at 3h. and South, mat W®33c r bo. «n«s*e VVbUkey U rather firmer; talet in hhd* at and bbl* at *4c. Barrotoa*, Feb. 18. Flour—The neat bulk ol the eale* have been made at 84,75 for Howard »t. Holder* of City Mill* very generally a»k 85, hut tuyere are not willing to pay the Pr Wbe«—The sale* of fair to good piime red* are at 10 Cont—*>n Monday the «riea of white were at 52413, “Saul'S, Va, at 35c- A .ale of lb Ctotcr^«S—s2e* of old *eed are "if 10 84X0. Sale* of new, good to prime, at Flax Seed—We note tales of 150 bo* prime Penna. **Porx—WiTnote emle. of 50,K» t>. box roond pork at JJc;® hhd* balk Shoulder* at 4|e, and 60 bbl* ”Se^.\Ve’elM. U oMOO bbd. ebooldere, -He., and hams, at s|e,6e, and 94W|c- Lard—We note *aJe» cf 3W Uinew »*"* at *le. <mo«. Holder* generally are aiking &|o7r tor Lard, We uoie *aie« of 100 kg* r ?A bc,l ' 1 ‘ fcrior, at l«|c; and 100 kg* do prune, at IJc. Western is held at Sff»e. Cattle Market*. Baltikoek, Feb. 14 Cede —The o.rtel oo d.od.T - The offering* reached 750 h «*d Bee** • •ml were *»dd to city batchers, IJ) to packer*, l. net. and averaging 83 1 37 t *ro'»- (Vequote from So.—Amer. prmxDELmi*. Feb 14 The .torins. .1 the y.rd Uti. 'W'*J '£“ Be. W ,i»fcrNewVo,h 3J« C.w. a.ine, utj at»9»eep .■«> S7M > . Beef Cattle—Pnnea ranged from to r 100 Xu,a*m ooality. All aold. .....m Mhrh Cew “t" “ «*• » W 5 Spmtrn, M 3 to «-1 -j nr tUUB.. Alt.eU. fu*e troth «' »«. “ q, “'' ity.—Eot|. ou New U- Spem-A .Ale lnd»J;»S •" rr,d ’ A.T«- P«ch.« i : i &'3MSbß!;saf£?.. h 3^--w Whale Bone —No change- . .BOOMB-^ 1 do, gO»P-“ "«1“ '“’ J '“ctU alt A SILL „.,, WmJ „ CANDLES— 50 bx» Cincinnati to L>x« riiuburp-h Din; Tor BROWN 4, KIRKPATRICK, feb!2 HtU^ny^Mr; Ark A y TmcK r~T„SACCO-m H.H IIROWN A KIUA'RATRirK ‘ ' ARD—SO bbl* No 1 Le« j S2O keg* do fcbta ** on hand anil for *nle by L 9 WATERMAN 'LoVr-120 bbl. .«P«rli»e; '"’ d \yan 1 " bbl. Hall, i. “J&VwuKn OILS— C5O sail* Bleached Winter Oil; ISO do Winter Sperm 0.1; 1.. eiore end (or .te b, K ,-vll.S—!ls bhl. Floxeced »nd £1 h[*l. Lord Oil; i u «... .nd for ..Is by r 9[7XL| . Ha 5, Wood ,1 JtPSOH SALTS-»bbl.f.r»leb Tß||FU CT| , MACKEREL— A few hf bbl* be»l qutlily (M»»**- * No IQQ Liberty »t CjODA ASH—24 ca»k» Steel 4 tfonj* make, leading O I. Sj L,dU Cbll-nVjjj"^, B ws fc CO 1“ for “t° bT nnEY. MATTHEWS A CO TVaS?*- 1 " "" C j'SiH.'!SnaKmti & , noTTFR—is bMi fresh, in cloihf, Jun ree’d ttIS £?2K!r .unw aft**®, fehfi —~ I/S" 1 ” jrttoWSEBB-. SaS^B. 10 l* found si the Urjr Qoois 0B R MURPHY i7y[<oKtfK—A bne daft «otrct Ktdtng llorte, S tihtud, higlJ, > t tin Ll' - i fehll ■ TVUEI) ifPL&S»T.» rcc'd J J IcUU IIIBKSK-K* 0» rltr. (I Uag C!a*p», Steel **•» c ABIIUTHNOr • febll —- r^si!^ ohfghg, '^H£r Ylt. TEA—VO (« lb> Caddie*, *jJtSaNT°’ . Jo»t rec’d by C'UWIANT PLOVER' SEED—fiTtaib ® Yj mem, for tale by H A CUNNINGHAM, fcblt Ko 0 Commercial Row, luberiy et Butter— Ttibi* Freeh noii« {oT •eleby ft A CUNNINGHAM, febli NoC Commercial Raw, Liberty «_ PORT OF PITTSBURGH^ Rivxx—There were 7 feet 4 inches' in the channel last Evening, and falling. , ARRIVED. Caleb Cope, Mardoek, Bearer. Michigan, Brie*, nearer, Gordon, WelUnl'e* . Vlroqaa, Galloway, Monongahela city Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth- AUantie, Park: to a, BrowrisriUe. Baltic, Jaeoba, BrowniTtlle* Camden. Hendrickson, f sr.SSShKggh^ S°oS?S^"*b. idepabtep. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Benmr* Beaver, Gordon, Welltrille. Michigan, Brie*, Bearer. Viroqua, Galloway, MonongaWa Qtr. Camden, Hendnekaon, Mekeeaport. Fashion. Peahlas', Biaabeth. Bailie. J snobs, BrowntTiilc. Atlantic, P*rkin«on, Loui* MeUne.Cornel, Wheeling. Cashier, .Cincinnati- Monongahela, Stone, Cinewnaiu BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY ST LOUIS— Pennjylrania, 10*. X NASHVILLE—Fort Pitt, 4r. X. CINCINNATI— Ringß°'d, 4 r- x. Fo. ST.Lem.—The .|d*ndid fc.Tinx been mUToi.Lblr deUlned, wljl r™uu**'y letse this day,at iDo’clock *.M. ' IMPORTS BY RIVER* Clnelimxtl—PaaScmt.sUA-S^eksbnconham*, „ ,r h ” uj"“r. i .k* do, Seller* A Nicol.; 3- let ham*, W HingbsS *l hhda.n'g.r J ney jr;:» do do, »» bid. ■*>•><•—ip cjl2 ro; 7 blit* rerap iron, 1-do lard oil, - do man. Hallman Am; vfi bbl* l.iqoor, BurbnJge, Wilaon tb«o; fi bbl» pop corn. Wandclougb; 6 ck* bacon, Har dy, Jones A eo. Pi. Hianxi* No. 9-«» bbk ® olt ?*rL l^J , n , }“i U : gar, J MeDeritt A bro; 57hhd«*ugar,0l bbl* i Rhey Matihows Aeo; 7 hbd»ieb,L*ceh A eo,CO hor*- es, owner. Hear Orlexna—Pen Meant* WitniacTos—4so hUi*,83 hf do. Rhey, Mallhew* A co; 497 do Jo, J A B Floyd. Prf Baa Warr—Bek» riee, Hutchison A co; 200 bb « laolartc*,»tc* nee, Bagaley A eo, SO do do, 4.h hhdt •near. 101 bbl* mota*aei>, E licairlton; 0 c*k« o.d cop- Mr m,., Mutlhtws A co; Scbeck linca, B'uckbutn; 5n Ul4 whiskey. Miller A Ricketton; so do, J Boyer, IS tc* ham*, 10 bl* toap, 3 hhd* bacon, 4 bbl* molasses, W (ithhacL gt. iLonla—Par. Wioxisn—4l2 pc*, 21 bdl* *tec', ?3l bloom*. Coleman, Hailman A co; 9 c»k* bacon. \\ Bingham; 35 hhd* baeon, Forsyth A co; 410 bx*, Clsrk A Thaw. S 3 bbl* lard,B)ngham;2shbd*bieon. Foreyth A co; 3 bx* mdse. Hays A Black: W bbl* whi«kny, P C Martin) 8 bbl*, 10 kg* lard, J E Perry A eo; 310 dozen brootat, owner. Port* month—Pax L*nv Bvaos-I bx are*. Lip* neneotlAco, 4 do platform scale*, Atwood. Jonc* A eo- bbl* high wines,Mi!ler A Riekcrton; 137 bx* ba* con, 137 bx* tlo do, 53 bbl* latd.Clark'AThaw; 1U ion* tug iron, Knapp A Totten, 171 bars iron, J Painter A co; 7 ale bbla, George W Smith; 4 hhda baeon, J Ket- ZfaakTllle—PsaCoLrmaus—27 bbl* lard, 4 stand* do. 4 hf bbl* do, 8 MeClurkan Aeo, 20 bg*tcaiher*. J \V Bailer A bro; 3 bl* eolton, Jno Oricr, 2 bbd* tob, 3 bl* cotton, Jno McFaden A eo; 30 hbd* bacon, 79 bbl* r*rd. 13 kg* do, 2! »k* feather*, l do gtnreng. 1501 bulk shoulders, 31V do side*,» bl* eolton, I Dtekey A eo; 7 ek* cinders, 190 ton* p«g iren, 15 bbl* cinder* 3 Iwxe* do. Wood A MeKnight; 1 e«k *erup iron, 21 bbl* do, G A J, II Shoenberger. Point Pleasant—Pxa Pilot No 3-1 kt* scrap iron, b bgs wheat, 1 bbl lard, 2 kta do, l bx brail, 3 *ka flax reed. 4 do bean*, X ne*t* tub*, 300 nail kgs,UO«k* rags, 1 firkin, 3 kg* butter, D T Morgan A 3 bbla fixx reed, Chareh A Carothert, 51 kg*, 51 bbU lard, IJ *k« woof. Clark A Thaw; 10 bl* cotton, 3 bx* *erap*,« bbl* do. 2 roll* leather, J J Miller; 0 bales debr •tans, Cole man. Hallman A eo; 10 bbl*, 5 kg* Imttar, J A Roe; l Ibl butler, tObbUftmt. W Bagaley Aco; lbx t 0015,47 be* oat*, J F Pern; I bbl butler, 1 bx egg*, 14 *f* lard, 0 hhd* bacon, owner. 3 bbls butter, l bg gicreng.a kg* lard, 1 tree pork, 0 hbd* baron, R Dalwll A co; 6 bbl* batiei. t hhd baeon, S bbl* iard, lffilpes b meal. L Hea zelton;llSbg* core, lidonau, 3do apple*, 113 dozen broom*, l bx fi.h, owner, 23 bbl*, ffl*»* corn. Sttwirt A Sill; 33 *ks oat*, Benaett A Berry; 104 bbl* flour, Sell er* A Nieol*. ■ V-BITKBR IRSDBAXCB COIFARI OF PITTSBURGH. ! CAPITA! (100,000. FiRE AND MARINE A LL loasea will be liberally adjtuted and protnpily = A Jdme loititßflon— managed by Director* who are well known in tho community, and who are determin ed br promptness and lilierauty to maintain lh* ehar aeter which they have assumed, a* oiferinf the be*l nroteeuon to those who ceiire to bo Injured. P DTiacToae—R- Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, J. W. Bailer, N Holme*, Jr., Wm. B. Holme*, C- Ihmren,tteo. W. JsckrenT'Vm- M. Lyon, JusTiipplneoU, TW K. LitchJ James M’Auley, Alei. f*un;ck, Tho*. ScoO. Omca, No.®-Water street, twarebouse of Spang A Co, up stair*,) Pitubargh. , *V”X "j A CARD. AbIRCULAR *ent u» by a friend, announcing the foimation of a new TraniportAiion Company, by our lite Agents at Uatiimord and ColumMs, impel* a* iu. early to apprire our friend, und the pub.ic that •ueh make* no alteration whatever in our bn*ine«», lave the ehsvge of oor agent, and l ° e ** lo » of h ®" warehoare* at thore points, both of which we have effected advantageously for oarrelve* andoureuitom* er Witb the experience of fifteen year* in the Trans portation bu*ine»*.iu>:f respect, n* we.l a* a regsnl for Se iutcliigcnre «.i our |.ai«u.os lorbid a* to lax the credulity of the r ubl,.- or eater for lenathet»ed proft**ion* in print. We beg leave,there fare losav. in gciicrii terra*, that oor a/rangemeau are eon«iderebfy eitcnded; the coaventence end ca racitycf our warehouse., at Pittsburgh. I'bitsde ahii, Baltimore and Columbia. unturpa**x--dj our facilities for regnlaniy and di-pateh mcreared; and our term* ua ttU-ral a* that of any other responsible line; and that our freight, wbrtUrr m depot or in irtosil, u alw.y* ■nsnied tree of expense to the owuerr. Wo appeal to our part conduct as sn rarticst of out future, and eonfideniy look forward to a continuance or ihxt -ni'.-b h«„«W«n »»t BjJy » dcM-rvo and out ptca»ure to aeknowlcdgy. Under tQch imprc*«ion*, we *b*ll be picparcj at *ll umc to m e-t honorable eompctition; those rrremng to any '■'nn w ;;TrVi^;.'ir.’lrßm”; , r;nr,,T LINK of r-.«; )-■&£ 'SX&t' ;T- Mix, i-! st, Philadelphia; JtfllN hIeOULLOLUH St Norib ««, HalUmon p. U IMJKK A CO,'.* Itoane M, Bn«on; * W A } T. TAPSOfrrr A CO, Hfl boclb at, N. i AMES WHEELWRIGHT. Cincinnati. t^b7 C t AnBCTUHOT HAS jb»i relumed from ihe Eastern Cinea, and i* receiving a large variety of Mkienabla Goods to which he rrapeelfully inviie.lhe auouuon of march anu and pedlar*. No M Wood #U - fryj_ TABLE DIAPBBB. WR, MURPHY keep* cnnitantlyon hand an a*- . aonmont of Bleached Linea Table Diaper. <« diflereni width* and ijuaJiiica Al»o—Tab e ClotUi and Napkin*, Towel in it Diaper* and Towels and • fall axtonmeni of houae farm»hini- good*. fry.L. ■aipraUASoai'Patent B*d» Aato. ono CASKS Will »benly arrive, direct from the 020 manufacturer*, via New Orleans per i iw Atala. Botdfceia, Jceaira, and AufUia, which will be 'wk'MM'.Tcfl'ix’lSrF.. , . .. lfitl Liberty at rry-Tbey will alto receive large «ypplie»durlug the tpcSg via Philadelphia and Ualumorc. Krt* Ctßal»Sl«ttl«a of Officer*. milE Stockholders nf the Erie Canal Company are I notified that an Election will '•c of. free of taid Company, in fcne,, on Monday, the «U» day of March, to choo*e Seven 1 &V* e year. fcbll-d3w WM. W. RKEP, Seo y. To Iron ttaßaftetorsrs< SEALED PROPOSALS will be received ualil Fri day, the S2d day of February ln»ln the Chartier’* Coal Company, on I enn tueet, PilU burgh, for the following deecnbed iron: »ton* Plate Rail M Bar 2Jl| good qualHy, To be deUvered at the landing «tMeKe«* fLocU,oa the Ohio River, two and a half mile* below I Ituburgh, by the tenth day of May negt. .. The form of the bar may be aeen on application at ihe offiee. Z. W. REMINGTON. .Qflice Penn atreef, PitUburgh. Faber'* nafßitle Oamfe, For Pnvtnting Suam Jtoltr Exflosutu. IlllK UNDERSIGNED, Agent for the above ntjined GAUGE, f now on a vUit to ihi. c‘'T. found for a few day* at Chriity’a Hotel, on Penn »U where he will be happy to give all the neceMmryin fonnation relative io thi* (taponant prevenuuvo of Hteaa Exnloiion*. He ha* three now in '*F*f a, ton at tho Eagle and Penn Cotton Factories in Allegheny city, and Faber’* Foundry, in tbu city, to whleh he in- Yl The*»ubic°riber will be happy to wait upon who mny d*»iro to aval' themelve. of dd. *J«ble improvement. _ WM. HRYCL. ITTOOC-The fcigheit price in cash paid for all the W dil=reM,t.i,.ol Wool,H „ i.KK „L eb ■ "v..^ ('TISSiNEr, TWEED & JEAaN3-U'c«»c*onhi j received direct from ihc makers, on couitgan ,„d toyl. »■ m^.r....,^nc.. A y w W— —oaPPINU PAPER—Doable Crown, Mcdiou., “ d T " ' Vr * w;n ' P .p a f „ -- fc. ■■jsf Ka „ Al , u „ w^,d Y-k k ul*u HANGINGS—A great variety of Wall Pa- P^vLiihbirder.; for Arlo»,lUli. and Cham. ber», wkcted from lmjK>rtcr« and ha«urn M*nuf«c fcWJ ... -7 PRINTING PAPKK— Aborted iue», m i*»oro u „.d B u> ■ l rS^ Ka „ A i, u 37 wo^., -IBIGIUUB CAttPK-rs. RFCEIVED thi* day, the Carpel 'Y* f *" on,c ' No 7S Fourth *U a new and rich style of super In- Crptu. Aira-Fm. which <rc Met I. "'fc'!"' “ *“ r tetINTOCK _ /■rrfrciirrTi 3— We have now lii slots the largest I O Md li.t of Oil Clothe ever before of fc«d in Ibis market-ranging from *7 ‘2 2 i Teel—all of wbieh ■« »rora lhß J llO ' 1 •PP^ cd manufacturer*, and of lUe riehe.t and «™*«/»«! We re*peeUnliy invito dealers to eall at oar Carpet Warehouse, 75 Fourth street, and examino oor assort "“fcM?" P“' cl '“ i ° | ! c ‘"* l ‘ ,, °w McCIJNTOCK Host Book* Jwet lUeslasd. THE Fjolt Conflicts of Christianity; by Rev. Wm. Ingraham Fip, U. I>. I vot, 12mp; muslin. James Mounyoy, or I'fe teen thinking, by A. 8- ■too. i eol, !2moi ruastin. _ „ , . _ History of the Mission* of tbo M. E- from the ormtaixauou to the present unto; by Rot. w. r. Strickland, A. M , with portrait of the author, andln rroduelion by Kct. U. F. Te», D. D. I »01, l-h«o, B sixteen Easy Lessona In LandiCtpe Drawing; by F. Memoirs of Mr*. Angelina B. Bears; by Mrs. Matin da Hamline. 1 toI, ISmo; mu-liit. t Devotional llamoiiist; a collection of 3acieu Mu-i tie, comprising a large variety of ™w aiid «rtjrii»i Tunes, Seniem-es, Arnhem*, An , id addition to many of the most popolar tanea iu common o«. ptesanting a ereatcr number of mottos than any book heretofore hnhiished; lo which U prefixed—A Progressive Sys fm 0 f Kiemeniarv t nitrueibo, lor Schools and Private xoiuoo. WiltJ ty Cta'le* UißSky- . Far sale by R- HOPKINS, * ‘ Apollo Buildings, Foorta si I7aROK lot of Cbotee flonurt and CtpTtibUonli ■Uo Jenny Lind and Velvet Dtcm Trimming*, a ß i at greatly reduced prices, at * a A MASON 4 CO, 60 Market st jT-ifXftOM A CO. hasc jiai'lccVlTeno cates A. *«od styles fast colored prints, at the low raw oi tijj •.. . . •"? LOCAL MATTERS. rrrraantag baily qaxxtti - Wit—vt» f p ft ww*w».—Thooewho with to take the YOftga nMid (he world, in company with Mr. Rone!, hAvo no time to lose, u he L* about leav- Signor BUlx wu welcomed last night, by the largest andtence wo have yet-awn in Wilkins Hall. He performs again to night. All the Layers of Tan will be there. The Empire Hiaitrets are ex peeled to arrive in town to day, and will commence their performan ers in a few daya Tan STaixs,—The Pnddferaand Boilers march* ed in procession yesterday, bearing flaps and ban ner*, and accompanied wilh banda of mtißie. They presented a strong array—weeonnted near ly 400. As a part of tho caslern operative* had gono to work in some of the mill* yesterday, acti ons apprehension* were entertained that a not wonld cnaue. Btrong police forces wete there fore stationed at those work* which had gone in to operation, and the military were huld tn readi ness lor any emergency. Every thing, however, passed off qnielly, and the operatives appeared anxious, order ahould bo preserved. We were told by some of the marshall* of the proccaaion that any ono showing any disposition tnbebavo disorderly wonld be, immediately ex* polled from the ranks. Vaui*hub Paonx-rr at Auctior. —We would call the attention of portona deairona of porebas tng an eligible location, either for bnaineu purpo ses or private reaidencoa, to the lidvertiaoment of Mr. Cnthbert in another colatnn. Ho offers for sale, by auction this afternoon, at two o’clock, a largo and commodious dwelling bonre, on the corner ol Federal and Robinson Street*, Alle gheny, and a large quantity of unimproved pro perty adjoining. Proceedings In Common ConnetL A special meeting of tho Common Council waa held last night for tho (rnnaactiou of. unfinished basinet*. President in the Chair. Alter the mlouics of Iho last meeting had been read and approved. A supplement to an ordinance establishing an office of Assistant Aaseaaor of Water Rente, and requiring said assistant to give a bond, with one or more sureties under a penalty of two thousand dollars for the proper fulfilment of his trait, was used by a vote of ayes 11, nays 8. The eommitiee appointed to investigate Ibi claim of Messrs. Skeen and Blythe for the amoont of $3lO 25, as extra nompensation.for work done for the city, reported adversely to tho payment of uy part of said claim, sommittee. i A report oflhe Canal Committee was read, con taining resolutions to request the legislature to paw a bill now before that body providing for the erection of a stoae bridge over the canal on Penn street, and also for the filling up of the canal be* tween the tunnel and the river. This report had been read and adopted by the Select Council- A motion to concur with the action of Select Ccnndl was carried. A resolution waa offered by Mr. Armstrong to appoint a commUleu ol two from the Select and three from the Common Council, in conjunction with the City Solicitor, to inquire into the pro priety of requiring the old Allegheny Bridge Com pany to remove fthe abutment of said bridge oo account of it* obstruction to Doqoesne Wsy. Adopted on the third reading. A resolution wo* offered to appoint a committee of tire from the Select and Common Councils, to investigate the difficulty between the Mayor and the Police Committee. A motion was made and carried, that this reso lution be laid on the table. A petition wax read from steamboat captains, for the better conduct and management of tbe Monongahela wharf. Referred to Monongahela .WharfCorarailteo. A resolution was offered that the Market Come mittee be instructed to draft an ordinance autbur ixing the aaleof country produce at tho CanaL— On motion, laid on tbe table. A resolution was offered thst as iho cootrol o , Ure City Farm is placed, by aot of legislature, in the hands of it^Guardian* of the Poor, the Com. ; mittee on aaid Farm be stricken from the list tff Standing Committees. On mottoo, adopted. Aa one of the members from the Sixth Ward ap. peered dissatisfied with having been appointed on tbe above merely nominal Committee, a motion VII made and carried that bis naino It: placed upon the Police Committee, in order to gike him more employment. A rosololion waa offored that the Market Com* mitueo be inMrurleJ to art In roojttnt lion with Ibe Ordinance Committee loretri*c tho ordinance* reUtieo to ihe market*. Withdrawn till next moet- A resolution was adopted that the special corn* nitlecon tbo subject of a now Mai kct House, be attracted to ioqairo into the coat and expediency »f purchasing the lot now occupied by Mr. Hart sell, a* the Good Intent Tavern, for the erection >f a market house. On motion, council adjourned till next regular night of meeting. K«tfa In California. The following extract, illustrative cl life in Cal ifornia, ia from a letter, dated, San Francisco, De cember 31 at, IM9, addressed by a young Pittf burger to his father, a gentleman of distinction io this city. **l suppose you will be doairoos to know what I have been doing hero; l will tcil as brießy as possible. I worked two days and a quarter for 523 at sowing canvass. I learnnd to sew by mending sails on the passage. 1 next earned boxes of tea, five hours for $5. 1 then worked a day and a balffor $9. A, fellow pataerger and , myself got a small job of papering at wbieh we worked two day*,’when l was obliged to quit ow ing to a son Unger. The Doctor took my place and finished it in two days more. The job was $55, ex peases, $3 for paste, $1 50 for brush, !eav« log $5l 50 for us ; $25 25 for the four deyswoik of the Doctor sndmyself. The next job was car* ryieg three sacks of 1 hundred weight each across the street for which I received $3. Then I got $6 for three hours work at galbrring up the re maining articles of an auction More which was destroyed by the great fire on the 2!th inst. We next built a ahanty for our own are; it is 7 feet by 11 and six feet in height, with an India rub ber roof. It cost the labor of three persons for one week and is worth $3OO as it stands. We inlendto make a hospital of it. The Drotor has had one patient in it already, Wiliiim Mcßnde, of Pittsburgh, who is now recovered aod is enga ged in the Coatom House. For some time past we have been obliged to keep to our beds to defend ourselves from the oold; the rain pours down for two and three weeks at a time without cessation. We live on bread, cheese, and sordines. The ba ' ter, encased in India robber to bis chin, brings us bread every day at 30 cents per pootid. Pots ; toes are 37 cents per pound, fet pork 50 cents per pound, sugar 37*, fresh bccflSf, and ground cof fee 25 cents, all retail. You must bear in mind that there is from 100 lo 200 per cent itiffereace between the wholesale and retail puce* of every thing bore. Tell any of my friends who may fccl disposed to come bore, that if they are ablo to live comfor tsbly at home, they will rue the day they leavo it. We have none -sjf the comfoits of civtlitod life, sad if a fellow gets sick, he might as well blow his brains oat at once. . Steam Baat Stock for Sale* c WE will sell, on liberal term*! [ffljni Jp One-dgblh of •leaner Meuengei Ona-eightb of steamer Schuylkill One-sixth of steamer Pennsylvania. Throe-sixteenths of steamer Niagara. febUXt ■ WALLfofiFOBDACO. HEMP— (3 bales Dew Rotted Kentucky Hemp, r«c ou eonrignment and for suln by * . _ novtp-tip AqonpyPL. IARD OIL-10 Mils Not, in sfo« andfor iafo by j fchlt ENCLWH fc BKNNFTr CU1EK&E~«000 lbs W R. in store and foriii«jby i feblt ENGLISH A BKNNBrr ROLL BUTTER—3 kbit in store and for 'ilcby (ebU KNUUBII A UhNNITTf SOCKS— U do* Woolen, in store and foblt ENGLISH A BENNETT WHITE BEANS—3 bbls in •“>« WtJSJtm I fobtt ENGLISH A BfcJiNKTT HOPS— l bala in More am* to* »•'« fehU WaLWH^BRNNE" ML'UAH—l&Eiid* print DOWjirec’TSurto/Jiaie l? O feblt ARMSTRONG h. lEOZbft aß^AaCTroS&«a*Ell_ F^-njF^M»oVaO^<P r Age* “■'■ N ° '•£ asawSl' cAnvi iTlo C*»Tpkk-16* bVnpri*o new,crop, i<*t rt* 1 * - ~ SpMBWW TOSON*OO^, ■ U. LKSi WOOL DEALER * Ccmmirsion MercKsntfot toa \il« ri AitOTCin Woolen Good., llMrtrrarat, Fifth. “ tU T V. P. BABB,I ALL, Ilicrewi to ursma. c,' n:u,l ___ MPORTEK 5. Dca’rrin FrcMtiini per Hangings and Borders, Window Shade*. RJ* Iveard PricEfce. Al*o-\Vrili«, ninr paper, No. 07 tween Foarth street aluTpinpend ail«!» well ride, Pitlsbvgb, Pa feM3 A, B. KHGLIBII * OOw rpiIEOLOGICAL, Clinical, .nd RnndiT BcbOOl I Bookseller*! and dealer* in *ll kinds ct Wnungt Window and Wrapping Paper, No. 7» Wood •tree!, be tween Fourth and Diamond alley, Pittibargh, ra. LAW NOTICE. milE appointment of Mr. MeOLURF, judge of the Fifili Jadieisl u la, ilisßolve* the long exuilng partnerehlp of we- Candles* A MeCture. The uotmiahed ba*u»e» wUI be attended to by Mr.MeCandle**. .. aa WILSON MeCANDLKsS, WM. B. MeCLURR. WILBOH JMoC ABDLKBB, AT LAW, Office Fourth sttee^nna- OR8T.*|BI«IBB, AUCTIONEERS fc COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. IT Purxa St., Ctnetjnun, Onto. WOULD rerpeeifollr *olirUCon.ifn«enta from Ute Merchant* ami Manufacturer* of Pmiburgh,and would refer to : . vk. Me«M*. W.illL Phillip*, Pitttbnrgb. v> “ Ilrown, Phillip* ft Co., u « Chamber*, * C 0.," John Jl.MeFaddeii &Co n “ Jamc* Dalml,K»q.. » DUaolutlonof Co-Partnerihlp. TUB 00-Partntrebip dialing botwecn aigncd, under the *tyle of “F. Eoion Co «u diMolved by mutual eanwtnt, Jan. JOU. r. M. Baton, hating pureha*od the entire lnterc»t or w r. ‘Marnhall, who retire*, will attend to the »eiJe»ent of the butinoM of the late firm, aJ the »><* *““i* N ° W &."p“Ssil*lu « lunSS-ttn* F. 11. tfATOK. DRALEA in Olote* and Hosiery, Trimmings, Fnney Good*. Ribbon*, Upc* *nd tobrwdpne*, Zephyr Wonted, Pattern* and Canya**. No W Fourth sUer-L Pittsburgh. A fall supply of Fine Bhirl* Under Garment*. DISSOLUTION. ZIIE Partnership heretofore eawting between Elliott ft English, in the Hook ami Paper Ba»tna*a, was wived on the 111* mataal coiwenil The bonne** will be cotilinoed at the eld atand,, N 0.7» Wood street, wider the firm of A. 11. Gngli*l> * * ) sSuKELUo'rr, b## SbW A. 11, ENGLISH- Dissolution. DM LONG, haying porchaied the internal of _ J*mc* Kerr. Jr., in the firm of Jamr* Kerr, 4r. A Co, the Ship Chaadlery and Boat Store hiuineii* will be earrled on a* heretofore at the old stand, No an Water wnl, between Wood tk» tl ylc of febft-lm LONG. PUFF A CO. DISSOLUTION. THE Co-Partnership heretofore existing tinder the fttyte of “Cope A kreyfngle,” i* tht« 7 d,.«1«d by motaal consent. The baainoss will be Milled by J. C. Dreyfogle, at their old stand. No. l« Peeondmreet. L. 9. COrB, iua . i. C. BRKYFOGLE. , CO-PARTHERSniP. . .. .. TC. BREYFOGLE, haring auoctaled with him . A. H. CLARKE, for tho parooso of trammeling the Forwardm* and Coomisiion business, will eon* uutte that b«*iae»» at tho old Hand of “Cope A " re T* roale," ami reipectfully a*k* a eonlinoance of the former patroaage of hi* friend* and-the public gener ally. The bs*ine** will be oßsdncted under the name “ S W" » f ‘ , “ T '“ L * k DREYTOOLE, A. 11. CLARKE. Pittttarirh, Jan, *. liW—fiang . DtiialaUen. THE Co-Panner»Bip heretofore emiing under tn« ,tyle of “J. 11. Clousa A Co,”U tht* day duwltjCd by matnal eon*ent. Tho ba«ine«» of the firm wtirbo tattled by L. S. Walermaa, at their old Hand. No 191 hit So™ ’ ThSBM P*rkla*Oß| Machinist and MA NUF * CTURE ?’7, L t£!& Tobaeeo, lion*in and large Screw* of all. rind*, Brau Casting* and Bra** Work* generally. ‘.Ceroer of Ferry and First »ueets. THE sabseriber, having purchased the Factory of Jure* Pattcrton, Jr, located at the aho»e »land, would ttspcelfully rufonn hi* Inends and the pubUe that be » prepared ta til auy or era in hi* line, on the mo*t reasonable term* and with dispatch, and will feel grncfal for their JOHNSON. trgh, Jan.l,l&& HAVING disposed of toy e.tabluhraent to Mr. Thomas Parkinson, 1 take tb* Hbeatr k® JJfiiifi 1 for him the ratron-ge of my fnend* andthopablu, feeling coofideni that any favors wnferrtrd wUI ho .p P ,«,..=4 i, an—{janl-dj™ I'tLA X—i7fi lb* in *tnre and for **le by _ < ENGLISH A BENNETT ALUM — SO bbla double rebneit, to» tale low by fcbl4 UIIRHBIDGH. A« O \\ flNDtiwl bxa, wsM «ie»,ltiK-r- W fe; h ,“ krJ BO , BB«lfcK.WILTON* CO S'"” ■ N "liSim watt tco ryas‘. s “-* , '‘ 1 "“‘ “ «» g..A.- r t S ot,.R».t», &^.«J;»r«!; b » r frhlfi No SI \\ ood NEW BACON—U.CUO lb* Uam«; •tt,OUO lb* Pbotslder*, 5b.CO» IU Stde*; In *meke hot •nd for aale by KIERAdONRS, i,bt* Canal Ba*n», Saaeath »trp< City Rmok*h*Bi*a r*MJK talwcnbera. Living Mur Urge Smekeboutet. JL ■ ««» prepared. fit all limes, to wa»h, Hto* and •mokr Pork oa ir*Mon«l.le lennt. KIEU A JONES. Proprietor*, janSl Canal Basin, neat TIU si / tOITSTH Y r'ocks—y> A“i, a .ui«-nor »nict«, J«»l O rer'J and lor .tie lowly C YEM.EU, |tw Marker »t i tU»VWsEF.I>-100 barrel* prime uow, in Hoi and for *»le b T BJIoWN fc KIBKPA TRICK. fcd 9 144 UlbertT «t " KUOaOIDBIUKS. ANOTHER large Invoice of ihote ile»ira*>le I-reach Wroafht, Motim-Applieation, and Laeo Cape* ■»d Collars, ju«t received at . . fell A * MASON fc CO. «> Market at Conbtl Combat C\f\ OROSR taper Polka; 10 do do aery #ne; 4\J so >• a»*'d Ueddln*; li “ taper English lions Redding; 0 “ “ Poekel Combti 500 " “ Wood u 1000 do* aa«M Fine Ivory; 30 “ ybnil Rida Comb*; 10 " toper large Nnffnlo; 300 crott uiM Side Combs; reo’d and for tale by leW 8 O YEAGER. IUH Market «t_ Gt I.ASS—will) in »>ore and for *aieT»y r jcbU STUART A SILL, UH Wood tt CHEESE— 300 bit in store and for tala by "ebii STUAKT A SILL CORN BROOMS —1«> do* in More and for sale by frill BTUART A BILL V'g 1 * 3 ‘■“l"”” ri?m yt-jasfl N=anu». rsa rig^»g T „ alu , C’ffir 1 SKt: °- ,a ’‘“■"‘‘"jSSS VVA# Ro l,x ' a-lM ’ “Ton'S WATT ACO G fcbu*"* Ua ‘ r^SK'^r"tcZ '■"“‘“"JoIINWATrACO T® FRUIT—3OO btt GlSl , 1,, ,lo TA°lAf | , l‘»S I KY A CO DICKEY A CO I>ACON-i»eaiki llo* Round, r% 4 do Hidetj for tale by _ ISAIAII DICKEY A CO /-\LIVtTDIL— •iTaskttoperier, juat ree’d, for tale by (J fi M JKIDUA<X>, to }Voo4xt_ yjuKAX-i r.nuA. in .tom QUICKSILVER— SO ibt for toU by feb# - Q*NINE_7S o, S..pb.l=, !«•< tIiIt.OROFORM—vM lbs jutl ree’ifandl /or' tale by » fcl9 JUDD A CO qult-so k„. .o. ..1c b W[cK IHcCAt . DIiEB g_ ll A S N -“ P " C " , b ° B W°CK’AM'c;t. T DI-RS a )^NU I^W.,ck.f. V ....b, ||fCAf , DLEs9 SALEBATUB— 10 catkt prime: 6 do puivtriset-i 1* boxes do; for mto by felO WICKAr.Ht.vS BLESS. nK pvnAi. ARB BUIiOICAL OPfrMOK, No. 08, DIAMOND ALLEY, a fow doors below Wood rueat, la* JfiKl *DR, fiOORHi harlnß been regularly edacatoi to.liis medical profession, and been for seme time general practice,now coniine* bis attention to tbs treatment of those pnvala and delicate com* 'mSfffS&y plaints fur which hi* opportunities 4 and experience peculiarly qualify v ’ bins. H years aatidnoiisly devutru to study A uesunent of those complainu,{dttrfng wbick time be bas had more practice and has cured more pa tent* than can ever fall to the lot of any private prac titioner) amply quallte* him u» offer uuraaees of Speedy/permanent, and satisfactory cure to all affiictsd with dalicat*disease*,and all disease* arising theta- Drown would inform thoMafflieted with pnyat© diipise* which bava beeome chrome by time or **• ■ntflifd by the IH of any of the common no*tram* of nln d*r that their compiaiaucan be radically awl thor oughly cored; he having given hi* careful aurutinA to the treatment of aoch ease*, and aaeeceded tn hondred* in curing purwtn* of inflammation of u» the bladder, and kindred disease* which often r«uU from U»o*c case* where other* hate consigned them u> hopelcw despair. He pnrueularly intileaauch l« have been lon* and un*acece*fuUy treated by olhera " „i. uj m , when every saiuiucuon will bo atven !hem andlhetf >« a carefal.ihojoughand iHfiiiWnt mannor. pointed out by a long experience, Sfdy, m»d i»ye*ugaSoa,wWeh It is imwwatble for thoie engaged In general praclteo of meJiebia to glvato ° n^7-Henuaor^taro.— Dr, Brown also Invite* >«■ ■oas afflicted with lurnia to eall, a* bo baa paid parte** alar attention t® thta dlsea*a. HANCERS alio cored. Skin <liMuse«; also U«, PaUy, *peedlly anted of either sex living at • distune#, by «utin* their di*ea*e in writing, giving ail the *y*p- Mma. ean obtain medicine* with direction* for asa. by T. BROWN, H. !»., post paid, and endos inJriSea*N»-w I>ainoniaUay,oppoaii*tbe Waveriy U j^m**Tt*J(.—Dr. Brown'a nawjr ' ... diKovmd »*&•• dy f or ~BhfßlM ,Um l*« ippedy Uidceruia renedy tor ttoobta. M pcTcf fail*. _ . • otlroi»nd Private Cotwulnnn ttfio»««Ne. «J Di»*- Mad oiley* PtttrtM*b«Pi. T»jo Doctor b '-fET*®WIWKT< ® *•i Wfc To Lama barxata. SEALED PROPOSALS will received aniil Fri day, the *2d day of FoLruary iut, at the Ofiea of the Charlie r*s Coal Compstny, on Pena street, Pitta; burgh, for tha following oawed timber. 3&9QQ feellinoul, of white oak plank, 4x19 taehea. 9*060 “ “ “ . “ raD«,ax7. 7J9J piece* of white oak timber, 6 Cert 6 in. long, 6x7 inches. f The timber to be «oand and of the beat quality, and to be delivered «t the landing at McKee’* Hocks, on tho Ohio Rifar, twaand • half mile* below Pittsburgh, by the tenth of Maygtt R£MINQTON> Ma*,**,, Office Penn atreet, ftttsbargb. * Sbeuoa. a N ELECTION for Offieera for the “Company for Aereetinff* Bridge over the AilnghMTyKlver, op. potto ntiabaifb, in ite County of Allegheny," will Kholdm in tbn Toll House of the Company, at the KtubaSbendf on Monday. March 4th, otl o’clock, PH. JOHN HARPER, Treasurer. ian3»dfowtdt -i " a cAOTION^A^d* I the" ONLY ORIGINAL A AND GENUINE W 1 STAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, the jgreat remedy for CONSUMPTION! And the beat medieino known # to man for Aithma of .orery «“l e ’J Jt ",, Complaint*, Bronchitis, Inflaenxa, Couglia, Cold*, Bfarfing Of the Lang*. Bhortnc*a of Breath, Puna and Weakness in the Sfdc, Breast, Ac., and all other diseases of the PULMONARY ORGANB. A yery Important (Umbm oyer which thUJlaiMm ex* ert* a very powerful influence, 1* that of a DISEASED LIYFJL In this complaint it be* undoubtedly proved more effleteiousthsn any regtedy hitherto employed, and in ; aumerouß inxtaneea patient* had endured long I and Berere suffering from the diseases, without recslv inr tho lean benefit frota yarioni remedies, and when Mercury ha* been resorted to In vuin, the two of this I Balsam has restored the Liver to a healthy aetion, and In many instance* effected permanent cure*, alter every well known remedy had failed to produce this I desired effect. Besides it* astonishing aflteuoy in the disease above mentioned, we also fino itaverv effectual remedy In 1 Asthma, a complaint in which it has been extensively used with decided snerest, even in eases of years’ funding. With the increase of intelligence!!** grown 1 up » knowledge of the dements of health, aid a re* gard for them, and eommen'urately whh the stride*i of science have wo acquired the means of droning dis ease, end averting Us ravage*. Notwithstanding the progress we have made, statistic* show that even now, one sixth of the whole populationdie annually of consumption. i .. , , . , One vf the most important diseovaries'of the age, in ameliorating the eohdition of this large class of tnf f° LIILIAVI^r BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. I Wistsr’s balsam of Wild Cherry i* a fine Herbal Medietne, eompoaed esiefly of Wild Cherry Bark and the genuine Iceland Mdes, (the lauer Imported express* ly tor this purposo,) Ute.raro medicinal virtue* of which arc also combined by a new chemical process, with the extract of Tar, thus rendering tho whole compound the most certain and emeaoicas remedy 1 eTer dI *CMSUMFnON OF THE LUNGS. ' Still (urtber evidences of the remarkable curative properties of thia inestimable preparaiion: IloanLLmu,Brown eo., 0., Anr. 91.1M*. Messrs. Sandford A Faxk: Gentlemen, About six weeks iigo I received the agency of Wisur’s Balsam of Wild Cherry, but with some reluctance on my pint, for thereupon that I had been the agent of so many tills and other nostrums, which were erqcked up to » something wonderfal, bat which turned out in the I end to bo of no ueeourit whatever, exeept to the man* I uteturer. Bat 1 candidly admit that this time I have been deceived, for theextraordinary oures effected by Wistar’s Balsam have convinced me that “good can I come out of Nazareth.*? Your agent left mo one doz en bottles, which are nJlgOß®—having been the means of eurag several obstinate cases,of Consumption— I nojmistakrj (or what 1 see and know lam bound to beltsva. One ease, in particular: A yoacg genue* I mao iri Winchester. Adams county, 0., 10 miles from I this place, was eured of Consumption when Uio doc tor* nus given him up, or at least could do nothing for I him, add it was iheiutenlion of hi* Diced* to convey him toiyour city, and place him under lhe care of some I eminent physietanl there. Bat a. friend told him of ! Witters Balsam, thsitiha eouid obtain it of me. I He tent for it, andibefore the second bottle was gone I u e sound and well, and attending to his every day I businegs. As there are several luquirie* for the medi- I rine, it would be well to forward an additional supply d * 3 '- V " r^IS'^"?LAND. the mlxrti, Iren L. N«wl«iid, • hirhlyrm«- I able country merehaut. eommends itself foreioty to Ue candid altendonjof all those who have doubted I iht great merit of Wisiar's Wild Cherry Balsam. Remember the original and only gennlno Wistat's Balsam of Wild Cherry, waa introduced | to the year (833, laud has been well tested in all comptatnts for which It Is reeommertded. Forl7yeMSitha»proved more eficaetoua as a remedy for Coogh*,! Colds, lnßo* enu, Bronchia*, Asdtma, and Consummion in its so* eblent stages, than any other medieino- I IXWT VOICE, Ae, RESTORER NSW Bcoraan, Adg. 16, IMS- Mr. 8. W. Fowlm ; Hxvmg scon ißsav certiieates PBblWhed to relation to Dr. Wisart Bajsain of Wild cbsrry, I take this opportunity of offering a word to I its favor, which you] are also at libertv to publish. A few months since myiwife’s lung* became so much af fected with a sudden icold, that she tost her voice, and I suffered severely from pains to tho bream. Her aima -1 tion caused her friends much alarm. Having heard I veur Balsam strongly recommended by those who I used it, I purchased u bottle from poor ,sgent in this 1 pises. She took It a«cording to directions, and it pro* daccd a wonderful effect. Before using one bottle she I h*d eomplcteiy recovered her voiec, the pains wbud* ed,-u>d her health was soon folly re^*tabh*hed. 1 Yosrs, truly, UENRY G. BRIGHTMAN- I To Dspoomre am Dciucas t* MzDinm—Thi* Cel* ! ebrafed and infallible remedy for the euro of Connmp- J don. Asthma aod Liver Complaint, has by its own me ] rit*. bean rapidly, sure and safely working Its way I through the opposition of quaeks and counterfeiters, i until, by its true value and intrinsic excellence, it has 1 gained for iueifa most enviable popularity, andestab* i li shod itself in the confidence of an Intelligent and en* 1 lighter ed public, from one end of the continent to the Cihet. The tcsilmonvof ihoorendswbohave beenre. | Ucvcd aiuLcured by tnis valuable atliele, will ahow i inn jt stand* unrivalled—at the head of all other me | dieincS] for thoeurtof disease* for which it is recom mcndr3. The rename IH. Wistar’s Balrem of NVUd Cherry'is tow for sale by duly appointed Agent*, a«d oil.respectable dealer* in medietne*,in alhlunioorttes I >n j important towns throughout the Stales. Purs VI peijßctiie | Six Bottles for 8£ . gold by J. D. PARE, (safieeanrtogand/brd APtrK,) Fourth and Walnut atreots, Cincinnati, Ohio, General Ai;rat for tfce-Sooth' end Weil, to whom ail order* mail be addretsedi L. Wilcox, Jr, /amen A. Jonea; J, Kidd A. Co; B. A. Fahneatock ACo,PiUaburgh. 1- T. Rowell, Wash melon; W. 1L Lweberlon, Franklin; L. a Bowie, Uniontown; 11. Weliy, Greetubnrgb;».KonnUjBo«er wl He oil A Gilmore, Bedford; Reed A Son. Hannng don: Mr*. On, Hollttkysborr; Hildebrand A Co, Indi ana; J. K. Wright, Klaonnlng; Etm* m Co, Bnwk tille: A. WUm A Son, Wayne *boq?b; M’frarland A Co. N. Collrader, Meadville; Burton A Co, &ie; J. Uagaffn, Noreer; June*, Kelly ACo. Butler, fl. Smith, Beaver; J. aganunenon, Warren; F.L.AC.S.Jenea, Condeman; P. Crooker, Jr, Brownmlle febtdAwlyiUTT ' rrichavuh. tub AMERICAN RHEUMATIC BALSAM!! ANEW remedy lately dive ore red in the Vegetable Kingdom'-** sore and permanent core for all- RhenmaUe Complaint*, each a* Inflammatory, Cferoaic, Acute and Ucreanal Rheumatism; Gout, Lambago, Hpinll Affection*, A*- Thl* medicine Jims long been aoughl for. It h*» been •aid that Rheumatism oould cot be cured; bat there i* a remedy deaigned by nature for the enre ol every dia* ea*e that the haman system 1* subject to. At tut a re medy hoi been found that cure* Rhcumttinn of the wont form—ane of the moat valuable vegetable pro ductions of the earth—the greatest and moat important discovery of the aga, and a wonderful bleswag fo Cie human family. It cares without slckerongordebllita dnr. and renew* strength and vigor to too whole sys tem. It has cared, daring the neat throe month*, over MO case* that were considered incurable. Certificate! of the curative properties of this medi cine eon bo seen bf calling on the Afoot*. - None gennme nnleo* put up with on engraved label upon the outtlde wrapper, signed by the proprietor, B. 11. BHYBER, eornerThlrd and Market ttj>inihuTgh. gold also by , a. f. Thomas, No 109 Main st, Cincinnati, O. feb7-dAw«aB coal! works roa b&lk. This property lies »t the upper end of limestown— | ■ ihort ditunco below the mouth of Mingo Creek, i Tho nil road and the necessary buildings are new, u>d the mine has been worked Just enough to pat it in rood order. The Pit Opens within 25 yards of the riv* er and the inelinaiioa from it is just sufficient to carry the ears w theboat* The water at the landing is rood— permitting beau to be loaded at all seasons; and Q,e mouth of MUtto. * abort distance above, affords an ample harbor to protect them from the floods and ico of winter. The Tract connected with these works consists of 300 Acrea.Coal, lying in the neck of land between Mmgo Creek and the Monongahela. . All thinn eonederrd, this property combines, perhaps, as manr advantages, anil holds out as fin# maacementato tha capitalist, as any on the river. The enure tract U offered for tale: b«t,to suit purchasers, a portion may bo reserved. Price reasonable and terms very easy. For farther information enquire of r ror tanner uu JOSEPH B. MOHBI3ON, Fourth street, near Wood. feb t-dlm* * XUraejr* Fleming A 00., UXVX VOZ BALE, FROMFAYETTEMANUFACrURING COMPANY, 80 cue* raperior Family Blanket*, 10 by 13 an; 300 pair Steamboat do Bby Jftj 800 ao do „ do 4by 70; ISO do rcdaadwhitellone do 100 do colored California do ALSO 60 piece* 6*4 while Flannel, warranted Ml wool; ICO do 4*4 -do do do do 100 do 3-4 do do do do ISO do 3-4 red do do do 76 do 3-4 yellow do do do guinea*, Tweed*, Jem* mud Woolen Yam, at enit rn nunaraeteter'* price*. ‘ No-187 Wood it, 4th door frenriflb. HBW TfiLEO&APn OFFICE* rrilß citizen* and bpslsew men of Pittsburgh nn recpeetfdlly informed that the Mono Telegraph arc now in eorapleto operation between U:i« nty and Baltimore. Washington, and other Kasiein Ot ir*. connecting •* Washington City with the Mown Ijne, the only one Sooth to Richmond, BMeiph. Oi*atle*u>n, Aaiasta, Savannah, Mobito ami New prlron*—and connecting »o this city with lin*-» tanning Wert and North to too principal town* and cUnuintue valley of the MUaiwippl, and on the Lakes. The*e Lines wui recetTO and rend mewage* ai cbeao a* any ether line, and the operators and clerk* will bo wand gen tlemanly and accommodating. „„ nrMAee in the lower story of tho ST. CHARLES MOTEL, Wood itml JanS-tlm ISItrOASOK. . Tub dklawark mutual safety INSU. BANOR COMPANY/-Ofiee. North Room of the Exchange, TVirdmr^PMladdpHlfc, Ftn I—myIhutdmea. Merehandjw and other property in »«wi» and couitTar, insured against lore or JUrairc by fire attbo lowest rule or premium. Mxairix I tmmiKV —They alto insure Vesads, Car* aoes and Freights, foreign or coartwiae, under ojx'.nor apeclal politic*, a* the aimed mar desire. - lntartDTlUM»*T4Titjs.—They «J«o tnrere merehan dln? hy Wagon*, Railroad Care, Canal Boat* and Steam B*ata, on riTeta and lake*, on the moat liberal term*. DIEKCTORS—Joseph U-Seal, Edmund A. Bonder, John C Davis, Ud-ort Barton, John R Penrose, Swan c | Geo G Lei per, Edward Darlington, liaae R Davit, William pohrdl, John Nowlin, Dr R M tlaa* 'ton, Jam** Cliand, Theophitu* Paulding, II Jnnoa ttrook*,'Henry flioan, Hugh Craig, George Serrill, Spencer McHraih, Charles Kelly, d O Johnson, Wil liam lfay, Dr 8 Thomaa, John Seller*, Wm. Byre, Jr. 7 DIRECTORS AT.PITraBOUGU-D.T. Morgan Wmßagaiey, J#o-T. Lo ran. ..j V : WILLIAM MARTLV, Preaidant. RievanrS. Nvwuou>tBeereary. , ITT* Office 1 or the Company, No. 42 Wat PitrebantW Jaaßfedlf P-A.MADEIRA ; ' yoiiciottu. • \rr MsCLTNTOf'K M HOW receiving the W • style Tapestry. Oil CU»U»a, wblvh y« tnfilaay also roegs, Hall, or vestibule, "c w*!*®* l r«Uy isvitt-u «jMoinauoa of «ar nsaortmcni «i «> CuyetW*rtte«4>, ?*!'«»* "f**' ' »' Fd&9JklsKt r A DESIRABLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE. mUE subscriber, wishing to remove to the dt7, of ford for sale hu desirable Private Reaidmtce, sita aied on the Eastern Turnpike, to the Boros rh of Law rencevifle, 19 minutes’ ride from the elry. The auovo property is pleasantly located, and improved in the most modern style, with every convenience necessary tt eotafort. For further particulars spp'T to i ROBERT*. THOMPSON, '' No 1 lb Market st Beaiiale To Lot* itifal situation for a Private Residence, nk of the Ohio river, la the borough of Fot term* apply to _ ', OfXl COCHRAN, 25 W ood tt To Lot* rpIUT bea X on (ho hi Manchrrsler. tsbtu • ff ALLEGHENY, within a aquare of the market, a . ; number of three story llnck Dwelling*, with back buildings. There are einht room* In each boose; and the yards ere paved, with hydrants in the same. Bent -erylov. FUR f*ALF —Three Pomps, in flood order, would 'it wells from CS to TO feet deep. Enquire of JAMES RAY, Panrtoiky at, near Bapuat Chnreh Jebos-1» J Bold WE 'will «ell at a hnrgain, one of NAVSMITU‘B JHRF/TT ACTING STEAM HAMMER, with Momell A Tonne’* improvement attached. It i< in rood older, end nan be seen at oar work*. It i» ud olrebl)j adapted to drawing iron, and shingling bloom* For farther information apply to feMld SINOKKsHAIfrMAN A CO. i Foderai Street Property, TIOR SALE, et Aaelion, on Tuesday, the ltih ia«t, 4 .. M o’clock, P. M„ that large and convenient I welling Houle, with the Lot, 21 feet front on Federal street, Allegheny, by 1<» deep on Robinson street, to whole of the adjoining unimproved pn*P on Fed-iraJ atreet, by ICO deep to on alley, will be so'd LOU fronting atreet and "“to Mr“n, . r !«a»»ot «lih<n- Cnr reaidend e* ot business rarpo**, central to both and the] advantage of boitding agreeaMe to mod*ra #«£. BcOTHiiERT ai J i&. rpiiEisEcosD *™ r ra*iufVroitna »f®;^ hoiiae No 5 Market street next door toMalvany 51 ° ,<L * STOCKTON' | A Farm for Haley Containing ioo aches, about half of which it oleare.l, ritunted in Washington comity, Ohio, about five mile* from the Ohio River. Possession fr&lfm'toMlT. C CO, • feb? liberty atreet A*tWo house td Hay street. Enquire of foil! JAMK3 DALZKLL, St Wstont. For Rsnt or Solo* a I THE anbteriber will sell or rent Ma veiy deal table Connlry Reaidenee, in A'lerheny oay,ait* dated on Ohio 1-ane and Allegheny Avenue, treat of the Common. The house u a large doable brick building, in complete'order. There is a Car ri»eellonse,biabk, and good water on the grounds, which comprise two acres, well improved, containing every deaeripiion of Fruit. Also—a spring house ami smoke Loose. Fo-ienka given during the month or March; febl-tf JOHN GEBHART. O' FFIQZS TO RENT—On second story,. No 6d Water *t Possession given. Ist Apnl. • iang> ISAIAH DfCKBY A CO, Front at_ STORK TO HJEST—3O feci front by 40 deop— No 107 Front at. Possession giyeaUt April. jan» IfIAIAHPICEEYfcCQ, Front ft To Let, - - a desirable Residence, sifua'od on the River fSl'Baak, FiritWard, Allegheny City. Enquire dm- „ tjJj offiee, or of Mrs. McAlwayn, on thb pSssbs. IMgtf, For Solo, THB VACANT LOT, in Allegheny, eornerofMid* die alley dndßooth Common; 3a feet front by 110 fC I ol on Souib Common, Sfl| feet front by 110 feet deep, with three story Brick House, occupied by Dr. Dale. Also—Tha Lot on South Common, 27 feet front by 110 feel deep, with two story Briek House, occupied by Mr.'Arnold. Also—Five Bonding Lots on Bank Lane, .each hO feet Ob front by 04 feet 3 inches deep to towpath Also—The Let on north side of liberty street, Pitts burgh, (part of lot No 134 in Woods' plan.) CO feel front by ItOfcet deep toßrewcry alley. Apply to •• i iiaao-dJOt . ueo. dhekUiM Woodtt.-' Taluabls Lot* for Bilal SIX BUILDING LOTS, on Second sirert, betwcen Ferry and Redoubt alley, each 80 feet by 75• back to a led feet alky. They are desirable forprivatc dwell* ings, and will be sold on time. Apply to l ”®*' i . JOHN CALDWELL A SON, ]ao33-lm cot. tkcoed st. und-fiedoabt alley. 1 ' BuUdiagXoti, * FOR SALE, on V»ry liberal terms—Fi/iy Nine Lou ot Ground,sitaaicdonPciin,Wayne.ami Pikests, and the Duqaesuc Way, according to a plan to be wen at this offiee, where terms and conditions will bo mode known. For Rent. A ROOM on Market ureet, near Water, suitable Ter an offiee. Enquire ef jaalPtf GEO. R- MASSE?. Water st For Bemt« TUB large three story BRICK WAREHOUSE, No. 136 Liberty street, opposite the head,of Wood, oc cupied by V. W. Hayward, Oat* Foljansbee A Hay ward,) as a wholesale 6hoe Store. Possession given immediately, if required; ot at any time before the first of April. Slid house is in excellent repair. For par tk‘j[!Ss'iSin> 0n *• ’"-“"ffw. HAYWARD- For Rant, FROM the first day of April next—one large two rtoiici BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, handsome ly siitmed on the Ohio River, adjoining the borcugltor Manchester, with about font acre* of land; a number of Fruit Trees; one large bilck Bam and Stable, and other nut buildings; Apply to . m jantf JAMES A. HUTCHISON A CO. .Tout. A PM MX COTTAGK HOUSE, In Allegheny city, on Esplanade street. Rant tow. Inquire of janl» TAgSKV A BEST. 35,W00d rt. ror’llant. '< A ROOM at tho corner of Penn and Hand streets, now occupied by Mr. Jone*, as a Drag Store. Possession riven on toe Brat of-April next. janltMf Sh ■ A-W. LOOMIS Brisk Ysrd fei Rent.! A LOT OF GROUND, auiUbte for* Briek Yard. and aituated near the city line, in the vicinity of Soiic Bridge, wilt be rented for a term of year*. Ap plyw E.D OAZZMM,*nurd rreet, jaolft Office ortriha PoatOfSee. Fox Bent. A ROOM <m the second *t«y o( the Warohoo* No. ga Wood atrect." Ia°l" A THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, on Liberty street, between O’Hara and Walnnlslreeta, Fifth Ward, at preaenji occupied by the aubsenber Possession riven on the l«t April. Enamre of Janlfl-tt WM. YOUNO. ill Liberty at. For tUnt, . - . THE BASEMENT! comer of the Diamond and Union streets, well adapted to any public husjneaa. It been occupied a* a Coffee, or Eating Establish* meat, for a number of year*. . _ . ~ ALSO—Several Office* and Artiet’a Rooms, well lighted, .with ehtranea from the Diamond,-over the store, of the aubieribera. north west cornir of the Dti* i DA.V^ NT, two pleasantly situated Dnek Dwelling Boases, with the grounds adjoining, at Oakland. Posaexsion! can be given on tbo firvt of April next. Janfi - HARDY, JONES k_CO. ♦ POLRint, THE Back l'art of the Ware how* now occupied by myself, end fronting on Fronurtreet. . land CHORANT.It Water at . A GOOD THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, on Smith&eld street, four door* from Seventh, west side. Inquire of. S.BCHO\bR, |aay ■ noaccondu,^ FOR BEST-A STdWfetyrell fitted .’P for D$ Goods, on Markcltt,JieiwtyKTtard;wid FcurtbJ roeseamon given on the lstofißpriT* _ ( Also—Several ROOMS and F®Mw|on' ad FOR REST.-'The JBSsent occupied by Messrs. Baiieyißrowd “ = ®*on Water street, from first ofApril con. mtSO . jAMESAHUTOmSUNfcCO itJL FOR SALE-ABrir.k House, (hat one£«m* ROB built,! and Lot, on Robinson direct, Allegheny* •““near old Bridge. Price low nml lerns eM7— Inaetwof jyM BBOHOYFJUm Second rt_ TBOR SALE—Eire lots eligibly situated In tne u**> r ushing townofßlnning&wn. *™,** t ?*' ted.on Dennan street, numuerod tn t * , ».* a 75,79, 80, SI and Ba—Lot No 75 fronting ry Annetroet,7o feet deep; the other four *0 feet front of ...chu. »o.« m.y r.l .. ? B SSSS« ALVABLE REAL ESTATE oaf PENN STREET FOR B ALE. —A Lot or Ground eituate on Pena .tractbetween Hay and Marbury atwata, adjoining the house andlot now occupied by Richard Edwards* having a front of 33 feet, and in depth 1M feet, wtl. ba aoldon favorable terms. Titletncxceptiouable. Ec; Sire of C. O. LOOMIS, 4th at, naa* Wood. oetai-Jtf “ “NORWAY PLAINS'* M.AKKRTS. I'HESE ruperior Blaukera, made of the softest and . im-.t Wool,can always be found^B^G.iOds 1,.««c n V. comer Fourth and Market rW G&LLISe OPF AT REDUCED PRIOEBI a I.EXANDEE A DAY, corner of the Diamond and A. Market street aro now selling off, at rcJi.ced prices, ihcir stcck nf. Wimer Good*, consisting of tiaawt* and Ladies in greit satiety. 'Aiao—Blaoteis and Flannels,Cloths,Ca*Bitn«*,S*liu* et», and a foil assortment of beaTy Cotton Goo>. Confident that belter bargams cannot bo had else* where, we invite the attemtou of buyers. ’ ’ ALEXANDER A DAY, i 75 Market street. ‘CJIQiiT and short time BILLS OF EXCHANGE, pay* able in Cincinnati, Louisville and 8t Louis, pur* chased on the most favorable terras. aps< ' N. IIOLME3 k PONS. _ NEW AND VALUABLE IINVENTION! GLISS’S WINDOW LOGS AND SPBISB. PATUTKn,DBCnBBS 19, ISiO. TUIB ii an articlo of great value tn all persons en gaged in building, of to those who have nlrrady built, and are without window fastening.' While v furnishes aperfeet substitute lor pullies- nnl weieb' 4 mtaaavingol at least Ed to cucii window, ati*oJ' the,safest fastcuing Ural has ever been brouent mt. utility and.convoniencc of this Spring 1 others, ta, that by one thumb P{ e «* »«* windowcuttbe raised or lowered. It require be known to be appreciated. (0 UMW the rt , hmiui wishing w buyof «'*»» put into tirair windows, «übsenl>ere al CoUUliea In this Simie. h “ P.tu* too PERRY HOUSE,*" Jh* AUc< jCTUwIeR, burgh, Pa. . c. P. MAYO. Ju*t received,-one elegant Rn«cwopd tr~ I .„ni| Piano Forte, from lire cnle- Jtoaioa. TliiMnstmimenus remarks »», , * * cv and •wr(tnrr»*f tone, and elasticity Wa for *•»! '» x run| iaeonyidered’mtw of tho in Boston, and thrir Pianos, lareloganceerf very H T ’ . V__. v -r L IM ,. «nd duration, sre oi-lFaipoas* •"•JSi “■f, ’ «i;w:w«swuiv.--- ' I** Jta’JW Una <f. Eirpr&Zfoebx Boat* mi Snl Som Cdw* • -.; trtnr .• TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, . Yi* thelireat Central Rail Read K&d Pena*a CmaU. ; ~•* T»i—Silty iinnra. •-.■■•.:••• ;t Pollanthtonah. . ~ .»- r S3O mile* Rut Road. - i.v ISO da Canal . .■■■.>.: KxcLcaiYiLT roa yaaucaaw. >• - t . ‘ niE-rROPRICTORS have bnitt an additional Uaa ■- 1 ■■■■ of (uaerior new and comfortable Paekets, to cooaMC with the MW Central Hail Road. Oa the ©peaiif of-. t rtaviiation. a packet will leave every moniln* ataix o'clock. and every everae* at note o’clock; creating, thePonaao Bail Roadte.dayliehtt at Jaekctswauka the frlenSd Cara of tbeCrauai Rail Road, SOO mile* to Philapelphia. \UmmiKuabera{ pajtenganqalr .. will be canid oa thaw pacieta,*oaiio . , Tbit roots, (or and comfon, boot eaoatlrd byanv now m e»e to the Kastem Citka. For na»«a«re or Information apply to, . ■ • • i- * * corps E w.BUTCH,MononrahelaHomo; - . f.. urto D LEECH* CO. Canal Baalm . N. 8.-On the Irt May next rteCentrail Rail RoaJ ;• * will be open to Huntingdon, which will “Oflan the „ ~ > time thtoegh aevemlhoar*. • • 1 •* J 33& ttISL »i*pan< _ _ : : DKLUSCE riTBPATMI** i ; ro» tui eunrciASc* or Miaaugptxs fifiWß |, :*«. t , with «nso a«• cxitadht, wrwws •- ! « PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBOKOH. /*1 OODS forwarded l>y thia Line are canted to tit® .. ,L_.\ \JT mail train u» Chaml*r*bßrga,*iuJ areinmteiiinte v. It loaded in WsrontßOiaf night,and day thioajn.t#.. v rituhargh. . • ».■ v "* Tbo lione* are rationed etery 15 mileijWßlca, inures the prompt deliTery of goods within ua • 1 promised. .1. *llto Wagons wiii ieare our warehctao.daily, (SttJX-. , day* excepted.) at 3 o'clock, I*. JiL - i - bilppcr* ere usttred that no more goodi ~. , taken each day than can l>o ijmxctaallT . eanild . tbrouk. ■ JAMESMDATOfcCO, . . .CS7 Market atreet, PbtladebbU. JOHN BPPADEIf ft- 00, .. i - Canal Basis, PiU*b«ifc> JOHN McFADEN & CO., FcswaanCM ACODOS* non Mnoiaim, Canal Basis, Penn street, Pittsburgh* JAMES M. DAVIB A CO* Flora Facrois JJQ Com* wnwjojrMsaaiajns, 227 Market, and 64 Commerce si,.. Kl7"Aivanee» nude byeither of the above, on Flour, , woo), and other merchandize, consigned to them fa .-1- ’ UtU ;caios iiiNß. WINTER ARRANGEMENT^ ISSO. TIJK subscribers, now haring _m sueeessml operu tiouan Express Wagon Lina between Fittsbatga and Philadelphia are prepared to receipt for «®0 lbs frefgbt daily. Eacb way delirerable through la nx . d.^B»»d,T.««Pt=d iiENEy GEAFp t co 'Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. - DUTILLE nUMPUKETS A CO-. Innftdfta 107 Market at. Phi Pu. . EXPUEB9 WAGON LISE* lB5O. THROUGH IN FIVE DAYS! ~ niHE lobaoriben are prepared to receive 6CCO pounds X Frmhtdoily, after Monday, 10th in«-to forward to or from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Wagon, through in Five-Days. Bates as low as by any ether conveyance at this season of tho year. ■; - • JOHN MeFADEN A CO, - Conti Basin. Pittsburgh. JAMESMDAVIBACCL. rfed No 237 Market at. Philadelphia. - noaOBQAHSLA ttOITTK. awufii- Only 73 Bilai.BUßi»f« Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and • Philadelphia. THIS morning boat leaves the wharf,' abayethe bridge, dally, al 8 o’clock precisely. Tlaa- to. Baltimore,33 hour*;’limeto.Philadelphia, d&honti. The evening boat leaves daily, (except. Band*y**S '• eninnej at 4 o’clock. Passengers by leaning ©nth*. evening boat, will erosstho mountains in stages MX*, day, and thus avoid night travel., • . ' Secure your tickets at the Offiee, MoaongiMTv House, or St Charles Hotel. -- ectl3-ly J. MKSKXMfcJi, Agent • ABHAsuKiiSSt. m&m. gypwE&fl WAGON LINK THROUGH IN • •FIVE DAY 3! • TUB subscribers, having suspended their canal cj e rations until the opening of tie Spnar Naytgo-- uou, have established an Express Lino by BariroOd anil* Wagon between Philadelphia'aadftittsbuMh,.®! , . which they are prepared to forward 6000 poandueaaj day, and receipt for the delivery ," They beg leave to assure their fhena* ana UrepetK • he that their arrangements regarding rates, regaUiuy and despatch, cannot foil to grve satisfaction to oil WOO corner Penn and Wayne athj-lHßsbareh. TUOMAfIIfKHBIJX}& da? «9 Market street. Phttifl«Phtac_ " , GEE, WO! GEE, WO I WXSTKBi IaUASQOUiaT* , 1850. JIDUJ co*»‘tiiS oi» «OTrW«I-- - » ; BINGHAM’S EXPRESS WAGON LDIS, Pittsburgh «hd PMlrte. , ASih« borne** on the c*n*U* ab<rai brof eWwa A. for th« season, we woaidinformthepaßliel*SX .... weh«ve«*ijiliroo E - ■. ouicUioD, and will be prepared to fawri OOOOJWOOQ* ~ •■ .5 daily, (commencing 00 Monday, the adtli u»t) ACm JcaeiogWnUdelpluadailybylhaßiaUttola fctttfta* . ; bmborg, and the Wagon* troTeUng-day iMJWn|» onituea thedellaeryofGoodiHiflTodaTs.-Appjyto ; WM. BINGHAM, Pitttburgi, 1 BINGHAM fcIWCK, No. lS3Martet«xe«t,. . norffl ~ ; Philadelphia.,- ‘ f J.. WUTKiI ; isso. m&t EXPBBSS WAGON LIHB PITTSBURGH YnII^PHILADELPHU.' Tote Five Daya, (Sunder* excepted,) running Pay Tllfi public i» mncctfally informed thatthli Line. ■ ; which boa been m Rieecsifal cperauoa-tbe two . prcTiotft winter*! will again commence running on - filondayflbe •ifllhof November. . ■ . - A Car will lea«e Philadelphia, and , ?. daily each way with the MailTrain* andfromChTO' or to—HARRIS A.LEKCIL . No 19 South Third itreet. Philadelphia. . poy9o-dtf I • ' . ~■ ' : --—"' . VBW HAIBDWjABS 8T BK mOMOPTBfiPjjAWBASirAWrr- ■ f 9 Vood atnit} WU.lnttfM '• . ANDLAUFMAN.kportJ;-•rfjgk'j ; in Foreign end DometUC ‘BAHU WAR*}# UJ ell it* wielie*, ere now prepared to*eU«»l«*r'»ad. oo eereeKmebletenaii uen We aelicit oar friend*, nod lhepebUe.federelly.lß £5 \ndextmmt our iwVwUeh eo KNIVES ■»* FORKS, POCKET end . i SOBSORS, sheahsl razobs, *g£££2SS£f ' *nehn«Lock* 1 La»ehe*,Hmget*Bd-B*s2* *®SS . wilh every erode wnaliy keplia Harfwnre 8««£lk . We Invite the attention of *«*»»».,- •eaarelly lo oer aiaortment ofTeoU,whieh Utm«- t ,t SS«Sd with met cere, end which weere iktgnafai- x ed te tell »o eetorive mlikctior • Tf?ri»*UK* CD a Tit* Binu » net nonjrapaT... » ■lwthanabad,pttUiibreadt, ordarfcidtow**■“** ■ ! edteeth. IfpeWMbiwthMell-Utheircwntfcdl-; foftwothMiipu'lmy *n uUcto - nutothelf breath pare aaa.awoet astfta'QpfcKwre ... dltcAsea of the or . end forthc Teeth it« aoeqaalled, reopria* theulertaF. • the teeth la the gost, *ad clean. P*®** : gach, reader, are theptopema of Jenea a A®"t 1 , is»°ss® ■ - tSSZJ2&2I eeSt£ BoliTbythe Agent, TO JACKSON, eal^.r; U atreet, PiiUlmrth. . aagrotAW* [T-f-Ai.i«»maio ttonoratly «—, thefoUowiag mb the Mtaal walitiea of a 3*. MOO'.CC ... Josn% Coral Hair BestoraUTß. Jf Uurr dwkf cat. wgni, they eannot then highly leipeouhla rithM«| r . ,- Who hare tried itt— . ' ? Mr. Geo. Bechet, 41 Elm it. New York. , ttr*.Mati]daßeere»,MynieftT.Bioe*ljn., . Mr.Wn.Tcmipkms.WKiDgßt.NewYork.; Mr.Thc«.Jeckacn,Momnmeliland,BearPltuh*fW . ll.RCellen,laiybarbet«teasiboatS.Anenea. , , t And non thatt * hnodred ethen anta, thragh kuft ■ • * naiteuftee, that it will force* the heir togiowtnlb# r head orfaee,*top it (ailingoff, ttrangthen tfca ro «u»: . rtmoTiag aevf tad dandruff fron the root*, matins -• light, nd, or gray balk a*»oap>* firm dark look, ana..., ki*piM dry, hank or wiry hux moist, aefl, dean . «ad ? .y ‘'Sid b7JAYSON, a LibMIT B| Pittsburgh."Pnoo37J l Soceat*i'aad«BoooUax.. . tofcdAwT . E - LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST U« BING COMMON PREPARED CUALK*, :: They ore not aware how frightfully injurious it U. to ike skin! how coarse, bow rough,how Ml? low, yellow, and aahealthy Ibo akin tp* • pears afterwingpreparcdehalkl, Do*.: side* it is injurious, containing a • Wo hue jrrcpircTa'bclatiful »e*cutilo ui'' - cla< ‘which *e coll JONES’ SPANISH MS*;*. It ia perfectly innocent, being parified ofoil dot »i . oas qualities and it import* to thoskinauatuiaii eat . iy, aliffii, clear, living white; M the aa«o,iisui ■Min* aa a ?ouacti«s on the skin, rni s troooui. Sold by the Agent, WJL J ACKSON,S4IJbr Pncc23 cents. - aagl^T 'fry- tarrrioa*ana Jsum -■ i,lt»emic.l 3oinc»u,r, .ln»»M». tho tine time motifieo, soften*, and whitest too sxi>. . rjTijur uthetextare end beauty at an Infant's. . . Beuavr, SatT Rusra nuo Soata, are aooa no. Onij . healed, bat cared by lu mo, 'as at lean *eve». i BT»* . - eian* in New York know, who o*e'it in *e£* caeca,, and tad it unfailing—on alto in • . J Pucrnxs, UunciiJEa l F&xcti.n ) or any other ii n U4* • , ea>e. The reader is assured that this it no a Oiea*. puffed nostrum, ns one trial will prove. "I ootid oan-. berate at least)*) poisons cured of •/ .• ' . ■ ■■ ■ -Soa*Hvap.Sou* LtosaKD Sou JJlau.— oy-M». m>d um it, and the render li again t* eared 1 vvockt’ , nm cruelly wll it for the abovajutfeu I knewi -toba.r all 1 state. Tiio«e who are liable to - Oaar™,Ca*nssh l oaOif*r*»PßSß, will la w* - ' • core. Any one cfiUeied with any of the above, if****, ilar ilia* sees, will find tiiia all and even isora (i hie in it* properties) tlnu| I state. Hot, reader, the stores axe Hooded with imitation*, anti be sure you oak for JONES’S. Italian Cl emkol . Soap. Sold by WM. JACKSON,'€9 liberty ktrMt| <: Pittsburgh. augfcdA»fT ... Property la A(U|hiay City iow #aio* . THE subscribers oiler for sole a number o eboih*r‘ LoW, silaate in the Second Ward,frontin • Coalmen ground, on easy terms. Inquire of. ; W. O'lL ROBINSON, Atty at Law, St Olali «t . orofJASßOUlNSON.onihoptemWfc-' 7 .. qvivtd&wtrr • •_ GBO. W.SHUTU •,co.« TNFORM <keir,friend#o*Hi’A*rabllc th* dhajhat . A ®oT longer my connect Caua . wir 1a« hvnttlii Pedu street,hue twa* tin. Fut*bufS‘ hawinc. recused .weir enf * vurdtjr*lo tLoPOINT pREWERYito Hr »U»«V V . J»® ]:■ V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers