! PUBLISHED BY WHITE 4 CO. », x..wan»] Is. UAiaitr. •surf* mil sptas, rant* rur, *nr doo» to Dally p a r~— ■■ - '87,00 per annua. IXii-WW***-*—-r— 5.«* !! Weekly, in advanee}*—•-•• 2JW ' Do, fj> Clab*, at a reduced rate. KAI CB OF ADTEKTIBIRO . AGREED UPON or Yf <c PITTIBUBOH PRESS* OuSqV rfe, (lOltses of Nonpareil or ten) one I .~.§J%50 :OMSqurrs,«iehsddliionaliattnlon..* o& Do. one week v- I-** Do. twoweeks-—lOO Do. 'three weeka*—— <**2J • ■ Do. one month——•••——••• A l ® Do. two months— »—— 7,«[ Dr. three months ——— ®.f® Do. four monthsUv® Do. six months.... W,W "Do. twelve month** •*• * • » 18,00 Blinding Card (OUne* or lest,) per annum* 10^0 OBeßqßi»,ebangeabloaipleß*tiro (perao *Mß)*tula*iT«of the paper— •*•••• 25,0 w - For cuh additional square, inserted overone month, ana te each additional square inserted under the year* It rates, half price. . " ' Advertisements exeeodmg a square, and not over . fifteen lines, to be charged as a square and a hair. publishers not accountable forieful advertisements beroud the amount eharfied their publication. Announcing .candidates for office, to be charged the aaas as othcradreroseneou. Advertisements not marked <m the copy lor aspect* fied nuT'T* of insert km*, will be continued till forbid, and MySßcaianttoJ aecord-. The pavtlegvscrf yearly advertisers will be confined ricidly to them TSfaUr bwlneis, and all other adver tisement* i»t pertaining to their regular biuincis, as agreed tor, tone paid sxtra. iJI adfcrtiasments for cbariiable inititutionsj fire eompa»is% ward, township and oiherpublie meetings, and like, to M charged half priee,payable strictly In advance. •. Mas nag* oolieca to be charged 50 cents. Death notico* inserted withouteharge, unless aeeom panled by fhncnl inrilatlon* or obituary notices, and srhtMfc-dCCOiapo&MdtoAo paid dor.- • -«■■ •• *- - --- *■— Regaiar Tdrenlsers and all others tending comma* nieanont, or requiring notices designed to call alien* boa to Palis, Soirees, Concern, or any publie enter* fftnawti. where charges are mado tor admittance— all nolleso of private association*—every notice de signed to etU auemion to private eaicrproeb calcula ted or intended to promote individual Interest, can on ly be inserted vrilh the a&dcrstuding that the same is to b« paid for* Jfintsßded to lie inserted-In the foes eolaaUftbe same will be charged atlbe rate of not kss than lb ef ts per line. Bishop ■ or FistNoiieea to be charged triple price. Tavern License Petitions, S 3 each. Legal and Medical advertisements to be eharged at fail priee*.' Real Estate Agents aixi Auctioneers’ Advertliemenu sol to be.classed, ruder yearly rates, bat to be allowed discount bf thirty three and one third per cent- from the amount of.bills. ■ ’ ' WXXXI.T OB TE-WXXtLT Ul DAILY rAVKftS. One. Square, three insertions— **1.50 .Do, ; !. each addltioualiasertion*--* 37 One Sqparp, (U> lines,) one insertion* •• *&0 eta. ...Do- <; each additional insertion**aS u AJrjransicnt adveniaements to be paid-in advance. *\. * WHITE A CO-, Gazelle. L.HARPER, Post, { • ROOT hL iUDDLE, Journal. JAMES F. BARR ft OO n Chronicle. FOSTER fc BROTHER, Dispach. * JOS.SNOWDKN, Mercury. * JAMES W. BIDDLE, American. , BIRAM RAINE, Evening Tribune. FCRtyVMB, Dec.l, 16-19. ■ ' BUSINESS CARDS, William UakewelL ! fAVTOff* BIEBWBLL, ATO KNEES AT LAW—Office in TUghmia ileU, GcmiU ifircet, pcerlAe Ccait Iloaac. feba jU,BXABpEK B. WATSOH, A TTORNEY AT LAW—OJEcc, on Fourth *tieet, A tiow SmltMcW—Lowrie’* op suite. ALkAAftDfcil FttAWKUN, AuirMy'it L*w, J\ FButOiiL ; ' : /• --• notlfrly DAVUI O. TOTTIiK, Attorney at law and commissioner FOR PENNSYLVANIA, St. Ldbu, Mo. r Ail eo«*tmleari«n pronpOy antwcreti. ogtZMy ~I~RMyTHONG~ACRQ2KR,CoPBnt*iQn (tcrehma J\ uuliJrafexvinProdace, No. Si (Uriel •ircot* FutebuncL • ■ • ■ . IST ATTORNEY and Councilor at Low, ■ndCommis- Bioiier lor the ytale or PeantylTUu*, tiu Louis, Ho. (lue of Pittsburgh.)' Hon. W. Forward, I Lamp iOO & Milter, M'Cindlesi ft RTCiorc, John F- Parker .dwells* Staple, U*Cord k. King. angH:illy ■ *. a. HI SB. * J. rtTKUCTT. BAIUDdABTERILICTT, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Foartb street, between Smithfield and Grant, '■’msbargfa, Pa. ' ' nil *_ t« m« . VX C. SSIGO. LABOK A riUBBDi ‘ • ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth stteeijnearGraftL . . . jsifctf jana-n n *n »>, ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on Fourth «t, be tween Smith field and Grant si, Pittsburgh. tpU tally ■’ ’ »'• • •tons a. comkavx. y. xl woqdwasb- —■ ■mm uciut; BAOALEY. WOODWARD A Co, Wholesale G« . cere, No. 8R Market street, Philadelphia; JtoriJ PitUbargh Alkali ‘Works. TAENNETT, BERRY to CO, Manutocuirers of Soda n a«V Bleaching'Powders, Muriatic aadßulphenc AcidsTwarebouscNo. Water street,below Ferry. OvaO-ly ' - raxnxu ci saaoa, oiom* *ctsi •PßAUFtf to REItERt Wholesalo and Retail Drug- K ciaUf*smer of Liberty and SI. Clair streets, Pius ctr«t:i~. : 2Hy_ ' ai ■ ■KiMHU. CBAIO * SKINNEE, Forwarding and Commi»»io Merchants-No.WMarfcetat, PtlUburyh. aptf A. UcANUIiTY & Co, Forwarding oojl ““ a mbuonilerctunli,Cu«l Buia, FiiuburghJ'* H. GRANT, Whole**le Grocer, Commi»fion *i: • Forwirdun Mcrehm,No.4l Water»t. mIS lUri mad Iw* Co,' mnnafeettrm *( (JceMh *nd EUptie Springs, Hammered Axle*, Sprinfnwi Ptoegh Steel, Iron, Ae. 'Werehooiecn wuer and From vtreeti, Pitubnrgh. Al»o, deeiere tul Coach Trimming* and JXalleeLl* C**tin«. ■ ' : •«**- - yygT wrtr. ' ' ’ iUUI 1. ENGLISH fcl/ENNETT, (law Eng Uri, G “^ a f^ i e 7 # Co.) Wholesale GroMra, Comnusaion tuwi tor martin* Merchant*, and dealer* is Produce and Pitu harrnUaniifreture*, No.37 Wood *L, end M street*. 2£i!_ -rv J. HENRY, Attorney sod Connnllof at Imw, Pj dncinnad,Ohio. Collection* to SootlicrnOluo, iSi In Indiana, and in Kenioeky, promptly and care fully attended to. > CoßtmiMioner (or the blale or Penn sylvania, for taking Deposition*, acknowledgment*, *a£SlTO—Hon. Wm. Boll t Bon, Cnnu.Chart ki Csrotheta, Wm. Hay*, E»q~ Wiltock k Davit. aaS__ Ira Uarsey-"*— 'AndreWFleming R. K. Fleming. H FHBBY r gLEMISO k OOm COMMISSION MERCHANTS,: J 'TItOR the-«ale of Dameitie, Woolen and Cotton I r rwxU, ai»o, Dealer* in ail kind* of Tail or*’Trun- I Wood meet, frank door from Fifth, Mewr*. Wm. A. !CU k Co., Banker*. iantU: “ j.O. iJroyioglo— -A- H. CJarte. OBJBTPOOHB 4 OhABKK, •nn*WARDING AND COMMISSION KERCH -2d to Window Glam, White Halt On WeeoiiJ at. jan9-y . ■ 1 "\ffH. ir3tni««oa, . / V" Forwarding fr commission merchant, No. US tteeond meet, Pitubargh. dcl*___ - J«.w"Siii Janas ». vax-Tna. , GTSrGE wTbMTTH a <X>„ Brewer*, WaUierm and Hop Dealer*; Pittat, Pimbargh. C/itjfif,COCOßaNTCommi*iion ana Forwarding O'BBehant, No. HP Wood meet. Pnuburgb. my!7 TTAS?TON^wSBTfI'nS“o? ffiagSPSk w«—» -a,*/? “ H7S»ssßiSSSS^va!i Aiuneta Woolens, Liberty, op[»o«ite 6th »t. febW_ ' ‘ inc.tE£ji», Baltimore. ' t n.r.wtnwt,*Dwn*»B*ns, Jphilada. 5-e.iPeajQicji. joraa. wash**,l .. •fJEAIDk DUCINOR, Tobacco CommlsalonMer- JjL North Water it, k t» North Wharves, A.A.BAIBT* mL t.-iona*. HABBY* JONES'fc Co., (fiecenor* 10 Atwood, . Jonti k. Cgißtni«gi«>B and Forwtrdinß Mer* eiumtt, dMlen.ia Fituborih M*naf»eurea C*o«u, Fitttbnrth. P*. • meh«7 -f n MtVir Wl, B. WiXdtlABS * CO., BANKERS Ain) EXCHANGE BROKERS, Non* Ea* comer of Wood and Third itreeU, !ml -i ■ •• . Pimucgan. P/ , . IDIOT , TSAIAUTOCKEY & COnWholeule Grocer*. Coni' * l'm t ** lnn ud dttiere in Produce, No*-M Sfatex.mdlWrnmtttrectt.Pmabnrirh. . rio*^ NO. A-cAiiuriliy, Ajeni for ihtLake Erie nod J Jdiehl|tn. Line to Better end ike Lake*.—Office oaeke cortex el Water tad gmhh&eld tu. Jtn« -Japp B. ldlwonb—.. Joseph piiaronk o,' ORTH k CO., Wkelestie Grocer*, end l Afonta for lltxtrd Powder Co., No. 37 Wood at., TMrtttgfc.-' ; ■ . • dcS-y- join ■-?u.wo*njv ‘ wot tiLworriL i s. DJLWORTII l Co, Wholesale Groecre, l’ro* - J'«*nce afld Commimon Merchant*, tod Arrnts Sr'M JU»rd Powder Co. of N. Y n No. 27 Wood »t, pirSaryh. 'I--. told TUHN M. TOWNSpiD, finitm aid Apothecary •I Ma Matt£l.ei-.U»ree coonaboTo•Runt m. phiA X—vwill btvo eoutamlT on buul a well teleeud u* SSK&ofibe bMtaad fresheii Medielnej. which hi Zmush on ibe OM»t reasonable term.. Pby«teian» •.■Wrorden.will be prompUy «iendedto,andiep fTEjr&UH onieleJ ibey mar rely upon u genuine. PirrV Phr««ao» Preemption* wiU be aeevrauty and gfeUjY»wred ft?™ «*• beat matt riili, at any hesrof !«!• at o * ll of fre4t ' “d C°od Perfa; Uounaellar"*ib»w.— 1 tayounh >UabereSmHhfieU.norS-ly | (1»M o( Wirren, OUo,|lCoomlf Sfaiisnttss&sim J-" WATT, (fuecuor to Kwatt ft.-GebhtrtJ j ?«Sflle«ale «rc*er and CosuaiMion Merchant, -.2SS Pwl«e« wuTßlUbaijh MwufMWreis eor *J*4 Hand PilubnraU Pa.l*Bo * t® Utttehiwn xfc C&, Cawwiwinn Mrrelunu, « a* »• 80*ar Refinery. and« froaiiuwu,Ptf»b»T«b- •. wkotctaiq antT'RaUJtdflalcT THE PITTSB CARDS. J" iciIOONMAKER A Co T Wholesale Droggists, • No-lM Wood street. 1 rtKbnTtn.. JOHN R MORGAN* WholesaleDrorgisi. and deal* e» In Dye pda Vanushes,Ae n N 0.83 Wood meet, one door South of Diamond Alley. Pitta* booth. : )*gL, foiiN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, eornerfith and Wood ,) limn, Pittsburgh. oetB OIINsTON A STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers end paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market it-, Pitts* burgh- J oils FLO TO. Ricuau Flois. TA R. FLOYD, Wholesale Groeert, Commission _ , Merchants, and Dealers In Produce, Round Church Buildings, fronting on Liberty, Wood and 6th streets. Pittsburgh* Pa, myS J A MES D ALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Commission Metcbsnt,and dealer in Ptoduee and Pittsburg" Manufactures. No. 84 Water it, Pittsburgh. janlo JB. SWEITZER, Attorney at Law, office 3d st-, « opposite St. Charles Hotel, .Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, ii Washington, Fayetts and Grten'coantks, Pa. • REFER TO Blukttock. Bell fc Co* Church & Curother*. l). T_Moir»a, KIER A JONES, Forwarding and Commiaaion Mer chants, Dealer* in Produce and Pitwburgh out factored article*, Canal Basin, nearTth at. d<l _ PENN MILL, PITTSBURGH* PA. KENN ED Y, CHILDS A CO n Manufacture™ of» superior 4-4 Shceung*, Carpel Chain, Co"ry twine and Palling. jaMM*^ Vcan-rlos Iron Works. ' EWIS, DALZRLLA Co., manufacture™ of all *l - xea Uax, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nail* of lao best juality. Warehouse, 51 water and 105 frontal. Unia . •• : 1 8~ WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward* j* ing nndCommunion Merchant, Dealer ui litu* burgh Manufacture* and Produce, No*. 31 Water *U and KJ Front *- ’ _1"" aiEUCEU dfe ASTELO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —yHiLaoEtuna— {o* Liberal advances made on consignment*. )au!4 dm wm. Fhilada. c. w. ucunai, Pittsburgh. MILLER k lUCKETSON, Whole*alo Grocer*, and importer* of Brandies, Wines and Begars,No*. ITV and 174, comer ofUbeciyand Irwin streets, Pitta burgh, Pa. Iron, Nail*, Cotton Yarn*, Ac. Ac. con stantly on hand. nußld johr rreux- js*. n. H’etnL walto c. aoi* McGILLS A ROE, Wholesale Groce™ and Commis tion Merchant*, No. 194 Liberty it, Pittsburgh. ia6 • i A UUPHY, WILSON A (XMlate Jones, Murphy A VI Co.) Wholesale Dealers tu Dry Goods, No. 49 Wood street, Pittsburgh. __ nor.S_ M' ATfiIKW WUJJON7>ortraU>ndMiniamrePain ter. Room*, corner of Pott Office Alley and Fourth street, entrance on 4th near Market. decfi-dlf. PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE. FACTORY oa*o sons, iosm *• qno». JONES dt 4TJIUG, MANUFACTUBEKS of spring and blister reel, plough steel, steel plough wings, coach ana clip, tic spnngs, hammered iron axles,, and dealer* in mal |eabie castings, 6rt engine lamps, and coach trimming* generally, corner of Ross and Front sir-, Pilubu^n, JJOLMES & SON, No. 35 Market ft-, ttcoad 4 • d oor from comer of Fourth, dealer* in Foreign ,cd Domcnic UilU of Exchange, CcrtiicnteaofDepo*- Notes and Specie. • , Collection* mad on all the principal ciUea throughout the United States. ' . decL NUUCKMASTEIL, AU>e*»a»—tMic©, Foaitlist-, • third door above Southfield,. south side. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the greatest core and Icral accuracy. Titles tc ileal Estate examined, &c “ £u.or. UKHftV UOUBOCK, PENN STREET, between Wayne ard Hand, hu resumed his professional duties, riving m»uuc- Hrtn« o’i the Piano, Guitar, and in'Vocu Music. BB£l4:dlf 2S^r^inB r TTEX^I«BK = N 3 -u Fourth ISu «t., near 'Wood—All quantities of Green and Black Teas, done up in quarter, half, and SncTvond packages, ran ring from 50 eta. "per pound OSISIBGRR* WELLS * CO., MANUFACTURERS OF GREEN GLASS WARE, XTO. 17 Marketstreet, Pittsburgh, keep eoniiaiu ,JV ty on band and make to order ail kinds of Vials, bottles, 4e. Porter and Mineral Water Bottles, of su perior quality- ~ _. .... Particular attention paid to Private Moulds. noVJO-lj[ __ __ iTItISON, L«TI LE A CO.; No. vn Liberty meet. Pittsburgh, Wholesale Grocers, Produce and commission Merchants, and dealers ir Ibtuburgh Manufactures. ' » 7 BOBT. nnSJM>3. THOS.UTTLX. US MX.>. BOS ISOM, —CiIIKRTMOUKK, Whoirsale Grocer, Rectifying Distiller, dealer in produce, PiUshureb Manatee lures, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic \\inei sad Liqnora, No. U Liberty street. On hand a very large slock, of superior old Monougabela whiskey, Which wilt be cold low forcaih. •P*. fc ‘7 t. o. aernou*, J- *- ,n, %_ REYNOLDS fcSHEK, Forwarding and OammiMum Merchants, for the Allegheny River Trade, deal tr» In Groceries, Produce, Pittsburgh Manufactures tud Chloride of Lime. • "Oja highest pricer. In cash, paid at all times for roan ryrav* Corner of Pena and I rwtn eu._ _ lant?l_ JJUBEttT DALZKLL A Oj.; Wholesale Groeert, lV Commission and Porwardmg Merchants, dealers jj Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty st Pittsburgh. Pa. __ J .._* pb ‘-’L. TToirr. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer, IV Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture* >n. m at. IV> * r«v BBBUIVAL. f ffij -dS^OSOD.niLTKRBKaGEU . *3"®*®®*porwardJpg and Commit «it>n Mer chant, ha* removed to No. e 7 Front, between WooJ and Smilit&cld ttraeta- L l ?*.. “V c. wucxLxn, Time. a. wait*. OHACKLETT & WHITE, Wholesale Dealer* in o Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. No. W Wood aU febtTtt rS —U W.' HARBAUGH, Wool Merchant*, Dealer* O- In Floor and Produce generally, and Forwurtiog and Commission Merchants, No. M Water sc, Pitta, boreh. ‘ r. nu!k» nrtssciatt. job* mraoi*, kamlaot. OCUJEKS * NICOLSj Prodoce and OeMnl Coin- O miuton McrchanUt No. : 1” Liberty at., PiUiUnrgh. Speno, Li awed and Lard Oil*. FrvbN BONNHORtrr, & Co., Wholesale Uro . cer*, Forwanfinr aad Commission Merchants Dealcra to Pittsburgh Xlannfaciure* and Wesiern Pro dace, hare removed to their naw warehoaiejold itand, No. S 3, corner of Frohi at and Chancery Lane. f-yfcsEY ifc'BSr, Wholewlßatoeert «ndCcmml*- *jo.i Merchant*, and dealer* in Produce. No. 33 wood »l, Pitubuixh. . P***- ” wB. BjioALfit *.eo*oa*vx w. B WOODWA.ID -• -HAUTI BAOAIXT. Wu. BiGALEY fc CO., \Ybole*ale Grocer*, IS and 20 Wooiljtreei pituburgh. novi!7 _ W.~V Mi BITCKELTEESi IXTIIOLESALK GBQCEHB, RECITFYING DlS vj TILLERS,'and WINE anil LIQUOR MKRCII - Al*o— 'lmporter* of Soda A»b and Bleaehlnx Powder, No. ICO Liberty *L, {oppoiite Sixth «l,» Pitu bßfgh. - WICitTM-CANDLESS, =j' Tr ww* i.t.ACK, Mill ttope and ftliU rttrniib yf. ini eVtSdUlunoM, No. SM Übonr j*«o,o • and MiJitaryGoodo, corner of M»rket*nd4th ureoli Piluboißb, r«. N. U.-W.icbc *oj Clock. carefully repaired. Thfr’KtCT and WlUerchant,No.oo Front at between WwJuSl Market meet*. ‘i*/CL -1lf —67 mObPITY, Vtholcaale and Eetatl dealeria \Y, Forcigu and bomeiue Dry Good*, north en»t earner of Market and Fourth IU. VOtJNfI A Co.—Dealer* In leather 113 Liberty «. wi m’trrcttioii" non. w‘cutcu*o»* t|> &^-.M’CUTCnEON t Wholceale OrocerMcn- W. ler* in Prodoce, Iron, bnrjjb Mmnfactarc*_eener«Jiy, hrt Liberty - WAf. TIMDUN, ATTOBBET AT LAW, Butler, Pa - fiss:sfKKfttfSsss W.W.Wilwee, do I t . James Mari&ail do frPitttbnrrb. dIT Kay A Co., «t» J _ J“Z_ . FKTVIGRKW » 00., , ff' e rri& ST KAM BOAT AG KN TS yonfiSß OmciiiuriM- AuutACo, I octSl ' No. Li Water iirret I. B. MeVay- w, * J. GLEBKf Book Binder*. -ijte are toll engaged in the above butlne**, comer •W of-Wood and Third atreets* Puuburgh, where we are prepared to do any work in oar line with de*- patch. »Ve attend to oar work personally, and »aO»* faction will be given in regard to »U ncatne*» and du* Book* ruled to any pattern and bound mb- Manually. Book* in namber* or old books caro fatly or repaired. Nameaputon bookn in gilt letter* Thoie that have work in our Unc are invited to call Wee* low. i mr Haiu.. Stow. Cr*t««t , TIiTAKSUIALL, WAU-ACB & CO., Koond Church, SbS;r 1 i!Sr“«"“”'Sw”“ ii v l aJ' *sis“/ I the ciUien* and_tho publvo Kcncr»ily- I WatCUUKkiiLMU. >*ti******± CO*' I,M " I»ALHICXI« IIAHNA M, CO., «AKISrtSc?IASfcnKKB», -ndi^OT ofOrpoNic, funk Noted, »nd SpeeJe-POUIth •tTrtl, nettflyoppodite the Hank of ntuburgh. Currem mo ney reived on drpo«tr-Slpht Check, for «£»•«£ collections made on nearly all the principal points in theUnitedMuiU». _ . . „ Tbe liigheil premium P«id tor Fortrpi and Amtri**n Cold AdTancettaado on consignments of Produce, »aip -1 ped Kaua'on liberal term*. *F~ LOWKLi. FJUKTOIIICII, ■itrerACTvtnar ALCOHOI AND PURI! SPIRITS Cower Frost and Vino street*, Cincinnati, O. OR DIIRS Irma Pittsburgh for Alcohol, Pore Spit Rawer Rectified Whiskey, will be promptly ended to at towesi.m«Tfrft pncc. wchUtdly . . doßOßßthtlt JLlverv tfiabU. *£| ttOUEKT-H, PATTKHSON ha* dpened largo mile on Ftrii it,running tbNucl* 7 15\ to Second, at, between Wood ood' smilhfieJd I JbwMawssuVltl the .•ear of the Monongabela House, jrUh oh entirely-new stock of Horses and Carriages of I the best quality and latest styles. Horses kept at lire yyintho oenwannitr. i. Jyadly V !' BHAOKLBTT *l.*WHlTi, NO. 99 WOOD BTSEET, approved : 1 BENNETT * BROTHER) Wareioute, Vo; 137, Wood tired, FUiiburgk. VWlLLconftenUy keep onhuadt rood imn meat el Weni of oar own manafaetare, u< aaperiorqaalJtjr. Wholeaale and ooantry Mer* ekaati are reipeetfblly invited to tail and ex amino for them»«l»e*, aa wo art determined lo foil ehtipf l, ikaßhaaeveroefore been offend to tba pub* ICr Orden sent by mail, accompanied by theeaah or Itr reference, will bo promptly attended tfl. mylfl . P«U VuUMlhOp. TT WIG HTM AM—Mmifhatmr of til hind* of cot* H.iflntndwoollen machinery,Alleghenycity.Pa. The above work* being now in fell tatTaaeceiafil »- eration, I am prepared to exeaitactfara withdi*?aleh for all kinda of machinery in a.y Ima, iwh a* willow*, picker*, ipreaden, card*, grinding mulinei, railway drawing frame*, apeeden, ibtaaaili, loom*, woolen cards, doable or tingle, for merchant or country work, mule*. Jack*, tUae andhandlalhe* and toolain gen oral. All kind* of shafting mado to order, or plana giv en' for gearing f&ctorie* or mill* at reaatmable charge. Bttti to—Kennedy. Child* k Co- Blackstoek, Bell k Co., King, A. Gray. .PUUtar*. mUJI] BELL AHD BOAU POMDM. jfc, A PULTON,BeII and BraiaPdander, has ret SS built and eommenced baalneu, at hi* old aland where he will be*pleased to see hla old CO*torn and friends. j ' Church, Steamboat, and Bella of every alxe, from 10 to 10,000 pound*, eaat from pattern* oflhe moat tpprov ed models, and warranted to be of the best material*. Mineral Water Pampa, Conner*, Bailing, logo* ther with every variety of Brass Casting*, U repaired, mrned and finished In the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole proprietor of Bawd's Ari-Attu* tioxMral, so Justly celebrated for the reduction of frietion in machinery. The Boxes and Composition can behadofhimat all time*. I jaSftly BCAIFK * ATKIHSOW, Via am- liiwm Wood ahd Uazut, Pmsaraaa, /"WNTINUE to nianafaetarc all hind* «f £OPPER, V/ TIN AND BUEHT IROItWABEi Also, Black- Steam Boat* bailt to order. ' Speelal attention given to tfeamboatl work. Have on hand* a one assortment of Copper and Bran Kettle*. Tin Ware, he. fee. Steamboat Cooking Stove*, Portable Force*, varioai tite*— a Tory convenient ar» beta for iteaaboai*, California emigrant*, or ml road companies. We won id respectfully tnvna steam others to call sod aee ear article* ant pnrcha*inf elsewhere. LIFE INBURAN4 Trenton Butoal Life lunnne batxs or ruxnm bxducxd 35 Capital, iivo,Ooot JAMES DUKNO A CO, A«ctU» *t Pa ■oaks or Diucnon, ax JameaHoTjJr. | Benjamin Fi*h. | John A. Wean. ] JonAlhtnFlal nv you. Comptroller of New York. Georre Wood. John F. Meekie. Datiil Dudley Field. Joeeph lloxie. His\ixe. Cot. Heine*- , .'7~:r~ W. L. Dayton. U. 8. Sen. j Imm WUdtick. M. C. G. D. Wall, Ex-U. 8 Sen. ( Wn. A. Newell. M. C. Ex-Gov. fit. Dickerson. Hon. 8. R. Hamilton. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. f , A.Sidney Dome. M. IX \V. W. Geikard, M. D. 32 wanea »t, N. Y. *1 Walnat at, Phi Pa. Wm.&FK MotkuvM.D., H- R- Bell,;&L D-, George M'Cook, St D-, AUegheny eUT, P»- The AgenuofthisCompany,at Pittaljargh. are auth orized to take every 8 rot elosrriak onjLiia atatsdne tioniftu*Hir&* pw wax. from tho osiel raxe* or pro mian u charged oy other Coinpaniea-'. JUMPU. I A van 30 yean of age, taking a Policy of Inn ran eo i for One Tboarand Dollars— I - To mn for one year, para only W,BO. do seven ** « “ tlO^O-annaally. do Lifetime, “ “ “ And In the tame proportion tor any ran np to fat*®} which la the extent taken cm any one life. This company commenced operations on Urn let JKt, 1948, and in monthly basinera op to the Ist Oct, istw, shows a progress trcttdtng that of airy biher Life tym pany on record. 1, , .. Tne first dividend of profit! will bo\declared to tbo arauredon the Ist January, 1830.. ■ . Pamphlets containing the vanoaa toblea or rate*, and all the neecssary information on' the important ■abject of Life A*»orance will be famished oo appli cation to JAMB) DURNO fi iIX*, Age«•. el 7 Odeon Uiuldinga. PIUK im| Tin: TRENTON BimiAL ure AND FIRE IN -BDRANCB!COMPANY will n»a* ,Polieiea of Wj* •urance against Loea ut Ujusaoa by B P®f * Inga and Farnitare, Biorcs,Goods. Ac on appii cXd to /aMESDUBKO a j Odcqa Baildinga. nBA»n MIDIAWI, mf KtUbMB. The Spring Garden Health lnnranee C»*" OP PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL »100,000, INSURES Male* and Fomaiea again*l the RipcnM and Loti occasioned by Sickne* or Accident, by •n Immediate allowance of from «3 to «S per week, for one, two, three, or four year*. The method of effecting ihia Inraranee, and the ■uaeror awarding the tick allowance, wtll be folly explained by the Agent. v Uivnt. A person e*a inter* again*! Siekneu or Accident which will detain him from hi* ordinary buunoa*, *• For" one year, by paying aad reeeire nr*eck. For two u “ W “ „ * u For three “, “ **«. t| „ J u Orator" period of four ytnrT, the nm of SIMP paid ■« l *" ,or t co,^ de!7-dftn Qdeoa Baridlnga. Ufa ud Biallh Uimita*** TtlE Mutual Ufa and Health lnanrnnee Company of Philadelphia, Incorporated br the Legialatnrc of Pennayleanfa, March, 18tt. r*anii>] moo noo. Rarea lowd tiui **t Pwobstl feovrasr, and fall SO per eant. lower than the of Life Iniaranoe, aa the joUowinr com parison will ahow: The*, aperatmof theageofSom- Jurinr for #lOO for life, meat pay in the Girard fi"3SSSs“Sp>|fJ ££!&, ??*ia£r£^-p^& T muJfSSSim aad UmlledI»«™"«»P"- oertT iaihttcity tad TieinfeT. “don obipmenu by SS!LbSS?iS, Labe., and H i,^.wto,w^.l yn i asgau« iaottniriTT. r n* VranJcHn Fir* Insurance Co* of Pjkikdehkia. iVRSroK-ChmrU. N.Bneker. tagu. l) Tobin Winner, Samuel Grunt, Jacob B. Smith, On. W KichartU, Monacal D. Uwm, Adolpfao E. ; S^£Sfi£22?iw~»s£3£ oa every description of property COttllU7 ’ Miraiei ai low aa are eonaiaieniwitaaecurtty. ViySSSKw re » erTed »t“*® eoDt “yifL , ‘ whlchwhb their Capital and Premium*, *af*iy Invert ed, afford ample protection to the WMM. ; 'the assets o(the company, on January published affreeably to an act of Assembly, were fellow*, viz: Mortgage* Beal Estate Temporary Loan* Stock* - Caah, fee. f 1,328,493 71 flinrn their ineorporttion, t period- ofl® ye»rt, they a^%#SSSSS Office N E corner WoodmJad »u mi.. rSSSipHHs-'tSffi according to thsuoffice, No. 8# Wood mule known to applicant* at tu, £jJ O , CO oHRAN. street. aP l^ fountain HOTEL* LIOIIT STREET BALTIMORE. 11. C .Ucralion. uid airy | a^^«!s2fss , sK»=s«» ful siyle. In r fac tho»tolo«nan|e»« oD tbe p „ lof has been remodeled, with » “'W® 1 |euure of the proprietor*, toward* j Wert will their Udests, and whleh they eowmenuy will be left undone on their the partoftbeir assistants, to render thla Hclci worthT e .]_ 'I^IMSftS , S , SSSSSifS“- “13R5Sa«,, Gentlemen's “ , . L 3". N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of w** ways bo found at the Car and Byhjgf uSbftSa which will eonvey baggage to and froealho HokMree af charge. - ; ®H5i- LAHABTINB IIOUIB* Minf count o» vooxtb an iukt araxrr*, nt % THE sabaeTiber reapcotluUy announces that Mha haa now opened Alt new and excellent ilotei *"»for the accommodation of traveler*. boarpera, ind lb. public jcnerellT. The ho«»“? 'S'bSIS asirrai^ttfiia^av's rtemsant Hotels in the eity. ■ . “The aabacriboria determined to deaem, and thart- Dissolution ef Partiunblp. BY MUTUAL CONSENT IH* dhy, the firm hereto tore existing under the- ittle of BU9IIFIKLD to LEADER, be* been diisolvedby Henry Lf*j« ■ e ’ : lac hi* entire interest In said firm to John McGill. All business connected with the firm of BnshfeUl to Lead* er will be settled by 8. B. Uuhfield to Con who an dolT authorised to make all collecuon* and adlurt all clause. BUSUFIELD to LEADER. Pittsburgh, Oct. 87,1640. N. R—B. B. BUSHFIELD to CO. will continue the wholesale and retail Dry tloodi and Grocery business, at the old store room, No. 290 Liberty st, where they will be pleased to hate their friends and customers eali ana examine their stock of foods. octal 8. B. BUSHFIELD to CO. jakxaATsmojL »oat men and price* before iri* INSURANCE. :e Company Ira CXHT. raarrros, axw inm. Joaeph Ci Patta, PnttJ- O. A. Perdicari*, V. P. Eli Mom*, Secretary, r, Treatarer. 1 (Hob. June* Campbell. David IL While. Alexander Comminn- W.J. V- While, P. M. raw juut. [ | ■ •1,0(7,433 41 . 04,721 S 3 90,001 BS 91,923 25 33,804 37 OTELS ItGII :GH, TUESDAY M< CO-PARTNERSHIPS. lOTIOB. , u t rriHE partnership heretofore existing under the firm . I of Auto C. BRADLEY, Is diisolvedby the deeetse oTtar. 0. Bradley. The business will be carried on by A. Bradley, who will settle the business of the late REMOVAL.—A. Biasut baa removed his Foundry 'Warehouse from No. 113 Second street, to No. 19 Wood street, between First and Second street* to the warehouse lately occupied by G. A. Berry, where he will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Castings. Grates. Btores, Cooking Stores, toe. ]yl3 DUMIBtIOUt . THE co-partnership heretofore existing betwean the subscribers, in the name of Constable, Burke to Co~ is this day aissoired by mutual consent Messrs. Burke to Barnes will settle the business of the con cern, tor which purpose they an “toorisedto use me name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONBTAULE, EDMUND BURKE. THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned hare this day associated ihemsetrea lathe name of BURKE to BARNES, tor the purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors, Ac. toe, at the stand of the late firm of Constable, Barko to Co., where they will bepleosed to receive the pa tronage of the customers Ol thntlionie and their friends. EDMUND UUKsti. THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Constable. Butkoto Co., I with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Bark* to Barnes to the confidence of my Oiendiandma pubue. Feb. 9,IMP. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, febl&tf 1 FORWARDING & COMMISSION. j, 4 j, Tardeii CommUsloa Ssrehaatit NO.ai Old Lorca st.,N.OTleans,keepeonswntly on hand a large assortment of Brandies of the follow ing brands, which they offer for sale as agents for J. Du rand to Co , Bordeaux, via: Maglory, J. Eraud, JJhiraad toCo, LaroeheUe, J. J. Dnrand Cognae,JL do Monleaun, A. L. Olerille, A.de Mondore, Jean Louis,toe;ai>o, An* cborGin, Bordeaux Red and white Wines intasksand rases, selected with care by John Durand to Cr* besides Champagne Wine to Hwoetßurgundy Port. jfeliT-lT* a. i. eroaXT. tuos. a. sux. STUART to 81LL, Grocers, and Produce and Com mission Merchants, No. lift Wood st- Pittsburgh. De alert In Groceries, Flour, Wheat, Rrc.Oau. Conr, Barley, Pork. Bacon. Butter,'Lard. Cheese; Clover, Timothy and El aX Seeds; Iron, Nails, Glass, Ac. toe. tod. Particular attention paid tc the salo of Western piwmu is Messru. Myers to Hauler, RobL Dal tell to Co., At'Gills to Roc, Hampton, Smith to Co., James May, King to Moorhead, Pittsburgh. Feuner to M’Millan, MassiUoo. Jos. 8. Morrison, St. Loou_ »pl85:ly loan a, cuaio, late of NTLJibon, O. w. aTaximn fiRAIO AIKIIBKR, - GENERAL AGENCY, Commission and Forward ing Merehanis, No. # Market si-, PitUbargh, Pa. CT’Proapt attention given to the purchase and salo of oil kinds of Produce. . Rxrxi to— John Watt to Co., Murphy, Wilson to Co. Piutbarrh, Pm; Lawson to HIU, Mahloh Mama, Wells vine, O 4 John H. Brown to Co., Grirg, Elltou to Philadelphia; B. W. rinodgrua* to Co., Gregg to Nace, New. Lisboa, Q.; Ft. Ukinner, Hoa. C. U. Coma, Cincinnati: J. i*. KelW, Youngstown, l).; W. L. Stan dart, Cleveland. O- «»»*** GBOROB GOCHBAH. CouuaUsleß sadPerwardUtg Msrebsnt* mx 2d wood st.. ptTtasnaea, CONTIN UES to transact a gene ral Comarisalon bail ness, especially ta the purchase and said of tome ri can Manufactures and Produce, and in receiving and forwarding Goods consigned to his care. Aa Agent for the Mautuacturcs, he will be eousuuttly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh Mtnufsnnre alike lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments are respectfully solicited. I 9? MISCELLANEOUS- ■•CORD * CO« Kg (Successors to MMonl to King) hL H Paibloasbls Hallsrt, Comer of Wood and Fifik Street*. PARTICULAR attention psid to oar Retail Trade. Gentlemen earfrely apon getting their Hsu and Ceps from oar establishment of the sen mitxuaLs und wosaaamair, of the tstxrr mm, ah<l at the utwm Co an try Merchants, purchasing by Wholesale, urn respectfully invited to eal) and examine oar Stock; ns we ean say with confidence that as regards weauff and raica, it will not eaffer in a comparison with any hoase In Philadelphia. <l b JL. JOHN D- M*CREARY» Printing Jnk Manufacturer, N 05.331 and333Sianlonstreet,NEW tOßk—De pot No.3Spruce street—Wosld callthc attenuon of Printers to his improved Printing Inks of various kinds and orders, at the following prices: Exua too Jet Black, for Card and Wood Cuts - - - •#a 00 end 360 per Hl. Fine Book Ink * • 075 M 100 “ Boos rk - • -0« “U » “ - 0 18 030 “ IHtS “ - 75c I 00 -1 60 " 2 00 *• Blue, Yellow, Green and White 1001 SO “ Gold size at S 3 par ib, and Brotixe at CO, .i cl* and **Aspeeimen of News ink can be seen on this paper. For sale by JUUNSTON to STOCKTON. Ptiubargh, Pa. C. Morgan to Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton to Crlawonld, LouisTille, Ky. ociOidCm ■BW COACH FACTORY t amtogcnr. MA WHITE A CO, would respeetfally Inform • the publie that they have erected a shop on , Laeock, between Federal and Sanduaky tweet*. They are now making and an prepared to receive orders for •verr description of vehicle*, Coaches, Chariot's, Ba- I roaches, Baggies, Fiuetons, ACn whieh from thew lone experience to the manufacture of the above work, «nd the facilities they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable term* with these wanting articles in their Une. Paring panic alar attention to the selection of mate* rials, andhavifif none but competent workmen, they 1 have no hesitation in warranting their work. We therefore aak the attention of the pabQe to this matter. { N. B- Repairing done in the beat manner, and on the moat reasonable term*. ****“_ DQTphirarm VUt.r, KTBillutWiUn ia* ***“ » *l*sllB uto certify that I havo an) | Ba pointed Livingston, Roggen A Co. fcia Agents for the aale of Jcnning’s I «Juf Patent Dtaprahgm Filter, for the ei| Tnr ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. - If JOHN GIBSON, Agent, 1 Oflßflß* for Walter M Gibson, 349 Broadway, V N.YI A Oct. W, 1948. I We have been using one of the above article# at the efiee of the Novelty Works for throe months, on trial, 1 and-feel perfectly satisfied that itiaa useful invention, and we take pleasure in tetommenfing themes a u»ej I fol article to all who love pure water. Orders will be "“‘" d B^ggsaSfl^-ENtc. pit* HMhlus Works and Pauadry, rrmacaas, r*. JOHN WRIGHTACo,are prepared to build Cotton and Woolen Machinery of every description, such as Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders, I Drawing Frames, Railway Head*, Warpers, Spooler*, Dressing Flames, Looms, Card Grinders, Ac. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; all sixes of Cast Iron, Pulhos and Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, tndtools of all kinds. Castings of every description, furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing. Ac. Steam Pipe for heat- I ing Factories, Oast Iron Window Sash and fancy Cas- I Unn generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J. PalmM A Liberty street, will have prompt attco -1 to Dlaeksteek, Bell A Co., J. K. Moorehead A I Co. G. K. Warner, John Irwin A Sous, Pittsburgh; G. C A J. 11. Warner, Steubenville. isntt pianos: THE subscriber offers for sale a large and splendid Assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac- I tion Pianos, with and without Coleman’s eelcbratm 1 jKolian Attachment. Tbe above instntmenu arc war- I ranted to be equal to any manufactured in this coan -1 trv. and will be sold lower than any brought from the Eait F.BLSME, Noll* wood si, ltd door above oth H. R—City Senp will bo takes at par for a few of 1 he above assortment. my 2 F- R- ' yimiDuo, Sept, tv, IMP. MR. THOS. K. HIBBERT:—Dear Sir, Your WRI TING FLUID wo have now been Ming more than a year, and on looking over the entries made by it, we; find the color a bright blue blaea. It is ulearaut to‘- , write with, flows free, and does not clog the pen like . the ordinary ink* in use. Wiahiug von the ready sale iu merlu itmtni, we .re, your. n*g-«g>^. k m I For tale, together with Hibbert’t Red Ink, and Ma chine Copy InS, by B. A. Pahnestock A Co-, It. P. Schwaru, Allegheny City, and by the maimlncturef, T. K. Hitmen, Druggist jtnd Chemist, eorner of Liber-. I ty and Smlthhcld sts, Pittsburgh. octla A Ptsisnt tor Your Family. 'ORRIS A WILLIS’ HOME JOURNAL - Week- "The best paper in tbe Uiuon ”—[Evening Sfat "Rather get in coal than go without u.”—(Boat. Published in New York and Pittsburgh every Sat urday morning. New subscribers esn be supplied from January Ist, IfeiO, if Immediate application be made |eilbeij>crsoii i ally or bv Idiot} to the office of publication, C 3 Wood •trLt. fcb7 - i. D. LOCKWOOD. SAVED HEBlLlFE—Seller*' Vermifuge U »hi elel LzxinaToif, Vu..January SO, 16-0. Mr. J. M. Wilaon—Dear Sir, Tho vial or Sellera’ Vermifuge 1 hooght from you, aome tune ago, brought from my girt fire year* old. the aatoniabin* number of &r« hundred worma. 1 believe ahe woalu have bred a venr ahort lime, but for tbla medicine, prepared anil aoul by R. B. HKLLKRS, C 7 Wood bi; •old alao by Proggiala gcaeraltj ia ttfl two eitiaa. jan'ii ■ _ Velvet Pile Carpet. WMcCUNTOCK i» nowopeniogtbehandiomesl • and moil superb Imported Velvet Pile Ceipel ever before offered in this market, to which he invite* the attentioa of purchaser*. I |[_y Carpet Ware Rooms, 75 Fourth it. 1«Q31, Greet Arrival ot Hew Ciooda. milß subscribers are now prepared to offer (011; , I mater inducement* to putoharer* of Dry Good*. Tpelr established low price* and immenw receipt ol Goods, (bavin* received over 100 package* of new and deiirable good*,) cotnpn** »o P»rij 105 dnx French Wrought Collars and Capes; 10 p« Rich bress Bilks; 100P» Alpaecae, from *) to Meenu petyard; fi cates MouslmD’Laiit*, from 10 to Ssc per yard; 85 “ Merimae Print*, all styles; 6 « Mourning “ from 10 to 12Jc per yard; 10 “ Ginghams, good *tyl*J, Wte.per yard. Bbeatmgs, Shuvnn, and Uoaiekeeping Good*, In greaivarjeues, all ofwhieh will I* offered at extreme -11 ‘ *' A A MASON A CO'S. 80 M..t» .1 PSaf-* "f*; Hill Q, {FEBRUARY miscellaneous. Young MEN la wholesale and fetailamrea, tad e Act I respectable basinets, to act as 1 men, Porters* Barkeeper*, Walwi, Fanner*, Co tea* f men, Car Agent*. Bom and Map Agents, I Overseers in all branches of business,*?, at all tiaee a lane ndmbar of food sitaatioimonhuid, which pay freafaboto per annua. t Tboae m want ©f uuuaions-ef any kind would do well to pw as a call, at we have ejema la each of tho aboae el* tier, which will enable as to place every »»»»“*« a suitable situation at the shortest notice. We have a large aeoaaistanee la all the above aased clues, which we trust wiQ eauble as to give entire sattsuc* | lion to all who may favor us with a call TAYLOR k TAYMAN, No.» Second it, . between South and Gay. N. B.—Persons living la any put of the P. Stttei, and wishing to obtain a situation la Baltimore, or •» theroftheabovecities, will have theirwiaulmmn* diately alteaded to by addresawjt aa aliae.(po«-P«“) at by so doing they will eartaUbotb treable and ax* penso, which they otherwise weald iadur by coming No.M Second street, ' xnySfcdtf Baltimore. Md, ; maBMJSSdSSfRSSU-Mi., te°tt-llavii t g“Ud aouaatiiy of Gold weighed byyMTAreomewr. I find themaitpwyei your instrument correct; and recommend the usaof H to those going to California, as tho best method tor Ob* iaining ifia real valne*B^. Piusbargb, March 9,1649. Potmttmh, M*reh7, l&*&. M*. Eexnm—Dear Sin Having examined the “Areo mewr,” nuinafulared at your nxnne, l annot-beiaat* to eommead Uto the nee of those fcitilcnoa wao tn about removing to California is aoareh of Gold, It rini a clow aporoximatkia to the »P«cfs“ *£*;_ tf of metaU, and will ctrtaiolT enable the adventaw to ascertain when his placer it I l^%lS <> I , ! i roc * maria • You re, rwT, J- B- MHmNTOCa. t pjni a iittßHHßfilxrrww^ INDIA KUBBKB CLOTHING—Jwi received <ortb« California Expedition, a complete aawnmeM « Gam Etaatie Clothinf, at price* reading from »V 0 » •HjMfortttltofcoaupanuand Fot**leatUie ■j-tIIPILUXIPB GREAT INVENTION!—VALUABLE NSCOVERkI Ylteti Ssctmin Jasoabt Ut, ISM. Patent erptWrwr extension TaUe3,Scfat t Burton t, Book Cam, Writing Desk** LEVER OP WROUGHT IRON. \ TIUB TABLES tor *mrpaiainf every «tb« ,n * veationofihe kind now extant. Ttoy een bocx-1 .tended from ten to tweniy-Ave feet, and when cjoeed Use leave* an all contained they an made to cU sites and itupei, and are admirably adapted for Steamboats, Hotel*, and large private families, ftm* inr when closed scotaplete centre table. I SOFAS AND BUREAUS—Then article* an inval sable, particularly 10 I hate who wish to econo-1 mite room, and convert a sleeping apartment uno * parlor or sluing room, aa they can be «P* ned . “**.“*. at convenience, and when shut, Uw bedding i* ! ed. A gnat'saving In room and rent -AllUwbeo ateads when closedTona a beautiful piece of furniture for a parlor or sitohg room. . . . BOOK neat and useful artiele for put** ° r WBJTI^(GDESK3—FofIaw offices, oocnting rooms, ■nd other offices; when opened u most convenient bed stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone U visible. , , .. - AU these article* need no recommendation: Uw beasty of the whole is, they are warranted not to get oat of repair. It will to for year tmeresu 10 call and examine the articles, at the munsfacDtrer 1 * store, No. 83 Third street, ln addition to Use above “‘'ESS?' •" P, °ffI£wTOODWELU Iteaim Brich Works forlals, rE subscriber offers for sale, tha STEAM BRICK WORKS, above LawreaeevUle,, comprising *1 Steam Engine, 3 Boiler*, 0 Mould Machine, capable of manufacturing *y#oPre*sed ; Bricks (out of dry clay, us taken from the bank,! per day; with ltr«s acres of! land on the Allegheny river, on which are 4 kilns and sheds, Btchino and elay sheds, wheel bat tews, tracks, I •torSli, Iftda, *e, e.erj tki«S mencc operubon* si *a hour* notiee. Brice, including | the patent right toihsaald mactOne. •LOW « PISaIMSS-' WUk “HENRY , »(Fjffir, F anrW-dtr /No US Moaongahela House. Wrought and Cut lr«m BalUa|< 31 HE subscriber* beg leave to inform the public iha they have obtained from the East alltne late and Ihlonible designs tor Iron Railing, both for houses and cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure hand some patterns will please enll and examine, and Judge for themselves. Bailing will to fanushedetthe short est notiee, and in Uw best manner, at the comer et TfiS T o#* KNOX. **T oyraterat Oyateaax j BURKE A CO'S Daily Express is now regularly de- : live ring Can and Shell OYSTERS, which are of fered to dealers and families at the lowest prices, (duality warranted.equal to any brought to this mar ket, and for sale by Q BU)Wf:LLt Water st. A!*o~Al the folfowing depoto—Reis *BargerjCM ner smith field and Second sts; E. Heaxleton, IRamtod, hlareer A Robinson. Federal at Allegheny- oeGft ! ££-r i "‘ -* sgßasßS*»si“ 4 i SiM ailwwiVmVulMM ' HEW BOOKII BRW BOOKfil, I TIB Constitution and Standard of th* Associate Reformed Church in North Amenee: Bvo, bound. Rida-or Note* for the History oftto WarJ between Mexico end the Vetted States, written in] translated Cram the Spanish, wuh notes: Reform* and Refomervof Great Britain and Ireland: By 11. B. Stanton, i.-.-: : , _ The Work* of President Edwards, In 4 yoU; a re print of the Worcester edition, with additions, and a C< ?iwMnuutainsof Egypuor EgyptVwimessforthe I Bible: By F.L. Hawks, D.IL,L.L. II , , Uemours of Devid Hal*, Uw edttpr of Journal of Commerce, wiffi selection* from hi* MisceUaaeon* Writings: By Rev. J. P. Thompson, The Puritan and His Daughter, br J. K-Paaidinx. . Los Gringo*, or an inside View 01 Mexico and Cal ifornia: By lieux. Wise, U. & Navy. 1 Familiar Letters to Yeung Man. ouTanpa* subjects; designed as • Companion to the Young Men‘« Guide* llr Wm. A. Alcotl. _ . _ The Poems and Prose Writing* of R. A. Dana: t it. Nineveh and its Renaint: ByLaysrf. _ A Pruut for Y«tr rwUf. MORRIS* WILLIS’ HOME JOURNAL Ptbusbxd WmiT-U m ajob*. j ‘•The beat paper in the Union.” [Evening Bl»r, ftt la coal than go wilfcoatit’ 0 [Boston Post. New subscriber* can be supplied fron Jan. 1,,1950, if immediate application be made (either personally or br ].M,| [UI'OSU'CI . “Mow books Jart ArrWea. ~Z SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS, byJ.T. Meudly, with original designs by DarUyl The Poems and Prose Writings of B. iLDana. Physician and Patiaat, or a Ptaetiea} View of the Moral DaUes, Relations aed lnisrcm the Medical ; profession and the Community; bpW.Heoker, M. II The Paritsn and HU Daughter; by J. K. Paulding, I uuhoroi tho Dntehmsn’s KresUa, ! Los Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico and Cab ifornia: wits Wanderings lnPcra,ChiH and Polynesia; by Lieut. Wise. For ssiflJiT • • 1 ELLIOTT A BNQLIBiL 78 Wood st misellaneous literature, AT LOCKWOOD’S, 63 WOODITRBST. BROWNS American Angler*! Guide; fall of illus trations, Umo. _ . ! Paulding’s Puritan and HU Daughter; lfcno. I Dr. Hooker’s Physician and Patient; Mmo. I Mra. Ellis' Hearts and Homes; Svo. I Neander’s Life of Christ Byo. Neamler's llUtory of Chnsuan Church; 3 sols, Bvo. Rev. Dr. Spring’s Memoirs of Miss Mnrrayi ovo-. ffira'D. LOCKWOOD. I jsnlO Bookseller A Importer, 63 Wood st. Bow la ttse Umi to labwlbs. OFFICE of Scot’s Reprints of the Four Quarter* lies and Blackwood; 610 por year. Morris A WUUb’ Home Journal, publUhed u New York weekly; 63 per annum. Downing', HorueuUuralist, monthly; 63 per year. Invaluable. .. The Cultivator, monthly; 6t per annum. The Agriculturalist, monthly; 61 per year. The Democratic Review, monthly; 63 per annum. The Banker!’Mngaxine, do 6® _ i JAMES D LOCKWOOD, I j E nil Bookseller A Importer, 63 Wood ,i BRAGKLETV * WHITE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS,. V» WOOD STREET, w , , - Abe now receiving a very large stoek of fresh Goods, of recent purchase and imponauon.which tUoy will sell to the-trade at sueh prices as cannot fall tonve entire satisfaction. , . . . , , Cit* and Coaairy Merchants are invited to call and I examine our stock before purchasing else**---. | myfi DRY GOODB. MUBPHV, WI LI OB 6 00., No. 49 Wood St., Pzmauaaa, Are now receiving their usual supplies of floods lor the Fall season, which they will be happy te exnibit to their old customers, aud as msay new ones u mty feel inclined to present themselves. Always taking groat pains in lay in sueh goods as areSptedmtnewants of.tbe Western Uade, wbieh Si. eiperlcoce eeeble. »>.“■ “ dc, «>», «“ »“jj mack ionhdeeee, and wtUtoul emend, talon de»l SflSlr Block, that the Wmlem letetl mecohem will fctjwllh them ell that hie cunomeij mantra. Thole who been Ibrmed the unprofitable hehtt ofrepeino, to the Eealem-ottie. lor their Btoeka of I try Uoodp, SoSd dewell to cell, it • candid ecmpcmoe ef prl would in many cases result m the eonvietion that S:.,pewf«"h« •» ohrietod hy bey- I In, to Pittsburgh. ‘h ll3 , UNSHRINKABLE FLANNELS WR. MURPHY couiinaes to keep on hind a full usoruaent of the Welsh Unshrinkable Pan* \ n j hss recently received a supply of the finer' oaiuki- A»w Swanzdcwn Flannels, a scire* arti- SuTud well adapted for Iho wear .of invalids, and oihers wsitung something warmer than usual. Also, fK.n .ed '.».e Flejoel. (Or Intmuo warni to .u . Liih s full supply of Ametieau manufactured tfiTneU“of ffiSFqLfilto. Alro, KHROUBINO fi JwNNKLff,of aU the different widths,attha North Kast eornerm dlh and Market its. . _ , irrWhoUssie Rooms up stairs, where dealers will alwsye findAgood assortment of new stylo goods. ian4 - ‘ FAST OOLOOKD FOISTS* WR. MURPHY invites tbu attention of buyers to , Mg present choice slack of Prints at I*l cents nor vard, of f*« color* and newest etyles. . styles English Chintzes, froml2|to : full assortment of small figured UghtPrihta I and Chintzes, buff; blue, pink, Uloek, psrpk* **“*•« ft Pi |prWholesale Rooms gpetuirs. junlb n A „vag- 10 Ta ,M •gafl»*‘g! Blur CHECKB-I oewiTenriLwkffllrtMCtoek^ ‘.rteperted by BIIACKLETTA WdUT^ Black bilk lacks, including •*w oj jSS* fc ™*’ . ' Jf', ~ XT €r.V7il?TTfl. _ IS, .1850. ! . MEDICAL, mOVBUOa B4BBTP* TBICOPnEE - 6B* OB BEDIOATED OOBtPOUTO. t ■ “H k °', k f: Ji nlto ,5 iSonuh fa Auntie* ■**•>} i^wgii fc«J?ensSyM«wf*»4 dandr*ff,bea)- ipriins,.«unKs,*o-, MMSS I vaSpraetiee. In cheapness MWenaieffleeoyjßar s*asi& I W»tbo^tftd^UtrwWchdr*w*lu»a»woMetf I fromthistripleeawlepe Uw! elcre. *“«*?£s 1 0 t iha ihair oriainaio* Inrtho skin. of the heed. If w sßiiai^W'Sssssi^ S2fiMa»saasttasig£ SS^^*!ffi!2s2s'SS3!: PwasiSSfS^SSSS - -* .ca-pwnjL •; I and Integuments, the proeeas. and the efleet '”ftU «£n tbo rtto. «i» m«Mn]»rilibith «»1 Om I rlands. that the Trtcopberotu has its specific action, I and in ;all inflections ans Injoriosef these, organs, U l* I * SoldfltfiurgiibottUs, price 85 cent*, at the principal Offi«e7«7B»adweT ll K.y. P sfiiptis. | crg;,»i.tT r H - E - BEL a , „. phocubatios. KNOW all men who arc *iak and afflicted with dis ease of the bladder and kidneys, with rheumatic pale* in back at ilxabr, disjoint*, old sores, running nicer*. Ac, that they can be cored by taking the re* troleamlYoo mtyjtslk about It* being a nostrum as moeh as yon please. but thi* doe* *«n make itm, Jot we proclaim tn thefaee cf an hoocst- eomaonlty, that whleh »» not contained in anynther reatedy. The ntaa who 1* naked with pain and suf* fenny horn disease, can for fifty cents, *«' from u »■>»£ sra?srsfc'a?6S r . ,, s£irsS s^ ier* to suffering humanl'.y a ready remedy, a certain : haSf««dslle» after other medicines hare failed to render any relief It lia* eared Bheataatlm of bog | standing, and of the worn andmost palnlal character. It baa eared Cholera Moflm* by oneor twodoMi.ll baa eared old eases of Dtarrhaa, in whteb erery other remedy bas been of no avail. As e loeal remeayin bim.tod ll UluilerHun “7“? I VST Dmad or.ointment that we knew oC • It will earn chU* \ Mains or frosted feet, in a few applhsations; undoobt ed testimony can be famished of the troth eoptained ia ths abose auteaeat by ealling on Samuel U. Kter, I Canalßasin,?th street; or either of the agents. F Eeyser A McDowell, comer of Wood street and Virgin Alley; R. K. Hebert, 57 Wood street, D- A- bi- Uet A D. M. Cany, Allegheny city, are the agents. I isnat : CACTIOH BXTBA BVELCLAFP bat engaged | with 4 yonng man oftbe P“ eof k?;£ 0 T5, , £b“ , ,v25 I ate* hitnuuip pu sp a sail Dr Tbwmm 1 * flaftapanua* acnonnnawMK *• GENUINE, anginal, etc. “ no do«* lor'-and ncrer wa*. bat «• farmorif a road*, the like. Ye» of the pnrpote of gaining «*fj* £} loot. Ho i* tending ou eardt headed "raw « chuekt.l in whichEe tape, I bare told ike uta of nj X£Tsr'«ffa«ek. 1 wßlgiw S. •*» if be will prodaee one dnglo aotuaiTproef of thu^-- This It to caaltoa the pablle not» V# deettWan® parchtse none but At GENCINLORIGINALOLD K"j Mi To-wend* SamparilU, baaing oa U the Old Dr.’t likeneaa, bit fhmilr eoal of am*, and hu tiff* >atue aero*, the coat ® r * nn j' ACOBXO wNSENn. piiacipal Often, M 3 Nnuatirt, New York dry. OLD DOCTOR: JACOB TOWHSBND, THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER ' •- nnnui : TOWHIEBD ■ABSAPABII.Ii&i Old Dr. Towccad 1. now .toit 70 TOn o(.«o.«od Being poor, he was compelled to limit it* menufaetire, by whieh means it ho* been •. kept oat of market, and tbo tales elnameenbed to . those oalr who had proved tu worth and known its> valde. This Goano ahs UmquAUXO PsarsuTtoa It! raanufrcmrodon the largest seale. and.is called for; ihnMuhoaithe length and breadth of too land. JJhfile toom 8. P. Townsend’s, it improves with i tn.’oad Deverehoaget, bat for the better: beeaaseit it Prepared on scientific prinoiples by a eeientiio man.; Tbehiehest knowledge of Chemistry, ami the latest, discoveries of tbs Art, have all been broaglu intoiw* caiiitiea in the man sue tare oi the Old Dr?* Sampo-; nlla. -The Sarsaparilla root, it U well known to med-. I ifni nn, ymtiiM Bedleinal properties, and some pro l perrieswhich are inert or aseless; and other*, which, llfreteined ini preparing It for ate, prodaeo femeata- I don and acid, which l* iaiarioas to tho system. ..Some I of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile that I they entirely evaporate and are lost in the prepare* I eon. if they are not preserved by a scientific process, i known only to those experienced in us manufseture. I Moreover three volatile principle*, which fly oa La vs- I por. or as an exhalation, under heat, ore the very es* medical properties of lha root, which given to I 1 '* 1 ' I'* 1 '* "•oMO.aB OLD DR. JACOD TOWNSENDS SARSAPARILLA it ao prepared: that all the inert properties of the Bar tiriniu not an first removed, every thin; capable or of fomentation. U extracted and rcjeetsdi then every particle of medical virtue is soea* red in a.pun and concentrated,fom; itu rendered incapable of losing any of its valuable an>l healing properties. Prepared In this way, iluttiae DISEASES. jlfv» the reason why we hear commendations on every tide in its favor by men, women and children. We end it doing wonder* in the cun of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and liver Complaint, .and la RhenmaUsm, Scrofula and {Hies, Costiveness, all Cutaneous Erop- It posseucf a mayvelloas cfieaey in all complaints arldnxfroßi Indigestion, from AelAty of the Bt©maeh; from anconal circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and eohhhands cold *"»<■ and hoi flashes over the body. It has not had its equal In coughs and colds; and promotes easy expectoration, and gentle perspiration; relaxing attic* on of the lungs, throat, and every other pen. Bat in nothing is its excellence more manifestly acan and acknowledged then In all kinds end stages of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in eases of floor alb us or whites, Fulling of the Womb, Obstructed, Buppresscd,orPain* lUMaaset, Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and tbolike; and Is effectual In earing all &>nns of the Kid* uv Diseases. By rtmonng obstructions, and regula ting the general system, U gives lone and strength to the whole cures all forms of NERVOUS DISEASES ANDDEBLUTY. ud thus prevent* or relieves a great variety ofother diseases, u BoXnal Irritation, Neuralgia, fit. Tins Donee, Swooniaf, EpUeptio Fits, Cenvuljioni, ie. li not this, then, tbs Motors tot Pan-BBnxmv Nnot But can any of these things be said of 8. P. Town* sr'^aaaai^Ra®®!*" 1 because of the Grand Pact that the one is incapable of Deteneratfon and NEVhR SPOILS, while the oth er DOESi it soars, fennentt, and blows the bottles eoeiabiinc it Into fragments; the soar, acid Ifaeid ex ploding and damaging other goods! Mattnotthli hor rible eompband'be polsoabus to the system! What! eat aeid into a system already diseased with aad! What causes DyspepsUbntacla! Do we not ill know, that wbeaftod soars In oar stomachs, what mischiefs I it produces!—flatulence, heartburn, palpitation of the 1 heait. liver eomplahthdiarriusa, dysentery, eholie and corruption of the blood! What» BeroAUa but an add hamor in the body! What prodneea all the humors which bring on Eruption* of the Shin, Scald Uead, Swellings, Fever-Sons, and all nice rations internal and external! It is noth ing under heaves bat an aeid snbstanee, which sours, and that spoils ill the ft aids of the body, more or lest. What causes bat a soar acid fluid, which Infinn.tas itself between the joints and elsewhere, ir ritating and ««■ w*««ing the tender and delicate liuaea anon which U nets! So of aerroas diseases, of impa rity of the blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailments which afluet human nature. Now, is U.not horrible to make and sell, and infinite ly worse to sse this OSUiUNO, FEBMENTINO, ' OFjTP.’TOvJNBKNbj knd yel he weald Ada here it understood that Old Ja cob Towascad'e Genaino Original Sarsaparilla, is ah Imitation of his inferior preporalidaU lieaTeu forbid that we should deal In an snide which would bear the most distant resemblance to 8. i» Townsend's article! and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. each a mountain load ef complaints and oruainalions from agents who hare sold, and pur chasers who have ased 8. P. Townsend’s Fermonung Compound! We wish U understood, because it is the absolute truth, tit»< S. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend’s Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, aud I infiuittly dissimilar, that tbeyare unlike in every par ; ticular, having not one single thing in common. . i His to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to pour ! balm Into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the I despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vb I cor into the crushed and broken and to banish infirmi ty—that old DO. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT land FOUND the opportunity and means to bring bis Utana UNIVKBBAL CONCEN TKATtD REUEDV. I wiihin the reaeh, aiul to ike knowledge of all wtu< need it,that they may learn and kuow, by joyful ex perience.li*TaamcamiK2ir rowasro BaaLl l*Fb r by J. KIDD A CO.. Wholesale Agent foi | Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birmingham; Dr I J.SARUEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSELL, Fmb { ward. G. W. GARDNER, eth ward. Pittsburgh- spfl LIVES COMPLAINT.—Another care performed by using the original, only trae and genuine Liver Attuna, Drews eo., (X, March 20,1947. . Ur. R. K. Sellers—ln April laat my wife was snick ed with Liver Complaints, and had tha advice of two physicians, who tried various remedies without pro daeinir anv good effect. Having- heard of your cele brated Liver Pills, I concluded u give them a fair ! trial. I purchased one box of Mr. Scott, of Aberdeen, | and rave <**«» according to tho diresuona, by which she was greatly relieved. 1 procured a second box, which entirely cured her, and she now enjoys excel lent health. 1 have used them mysell, and pronounce them the best family medicine 1 ever tried. Yours, Ac-, Masai* Bassur. < I Prepared and sold by B- & SELLERS, £7 Wood st; I Mid alto by Druggists generally In the two cities. I lanlft ' - Vlowof Filial My vtKW will be published In' as ahon a time as possible; 'and 1 can assure ray subscribers, and the public genieruUy,.th*ijt shall be surnato*— both in fidelity of detail and beauty of execution—to anr other wtjatevcr; Letlhoso wbodoabt, wait a few weeks and us. K. WUITBFIELD. Nxw Bth, ISO.—{dell A FEW very fine GUITARS, Jnxt ree*d from the celebrated lusnufsctcnr ©fC.P.Manin, .and Jar sale by .JanS J. U. MELLOR, BI Wood at|| KOLL BUTTER—I 3 bbis in good order, fbr sale by land- - ■ WHBAGALBVA CO_ MEDICAL. " f;. ; Jadd*» Hadleatod UtgOLldCmUclii* mHIS Is undoubtedly the best preparation eveinlis- I covered, tor dressing Bams, Scald*, CaU,dul* Wains. Bruises, jor any kind of fresh wounds, alto for ■ore Nipples a remedy naeqaaled. . . ... This article isjlntenaed for.bmttT ass,nnd.thotudbo foand in the possession of every family in the tand. Meehtmes who are in constant danger of injriry to their persons through accident, and the improper or. careless use of cool*, will find this article to be invala* able to them, arid oner a fair trial will consider it In* dispensable, j • ~# It Is an excellent sabstltate for adhesive plaster of dll He**, wilhent any of iu Inconveniences; and is so medleatod as to allay aU pain immediately and most **AveiT Uttle applied any where oh the surface of tW skin, immedinxely forms a firm, smooth, costing, very similar to the natural cuticle or outer skin; which may be freely washed with water and soap, without any in jury to uie wound. - . , i The artielou freely used »nd highly, recommended by the most eminent physicians ofNe w England, and SELLERS,S7 Wood «. tjprN. B—The trade supplied auhemanufaetnny’i IR <tUAB.T BO' 90S THI SXK9r.(kZ. A3B rXBUBEH CTXX 0* AU> tnSUOB AKSBO TXOX 4JI Dtrvtt mn B 1 TH> SLOOO os nun or Tits moot, ns Serofulaor Brig's Evil, Bhcnraailatn, Obttinuie Cats* oeosj ErapUßU*, Pimples or Pustules on tho Face, Blotches, Bile*, Chronic Sore Ejes, King Worm or Tetter. Scald Head, Enlargementand Pain of the Bone* and Jotfltt, Stahbom Ulcer*, Syphiltie Symplon*, Seialiea or Lambagty-and diseases, arising from an injudicious use' of Mercury, Aet> titet or Dropsy* Expo*ore or Imprudeaee in Life; Also—Chronic Constitntloaal Disorders,’*®. In this preparation an strenglyeooeeatrated all tbe- Medieinai properties of Sarsaparilla, combined with the most effectual aids, the most salutary productions, the most potent simples of Urn vegetable Kingdom; and U has been so fall? tested, not only by patients them selves, but also by physic tans, that it has received their unqualified recommendations ana the approba tion 'of too poblie; and has established, on its own merit*, a reputation for vaica and amour far rape*, nor to the various eompoond* bearing the name of. Sarsaparilla. Disease* have been eared, such as are not furnished in the records of time past: and what it has already done far the thousands who have used it. : 11 i, capable of doing far the millions still sufiering and struggling with disease. It purifies, cleanses,and strengthens the fountain springs of life, and Infuses newriror throuhoui the whole animal frame. ANOTIIEB CURE UFSCROFULA. The fallowing striking, and—as will be seen—per manent cure of an inveterate ease of Sc refills, com* mends itself to all similarly afflicted: Sotmirorr, Conn., Jan. 1,1648. Messrs. Sand*: Gentlemen, Sympathy for the afflict ed'induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla, in the ease of my wife. She was severely afflicted with the Scrofula on differ ent parts of the body; the glands of the neck were, rreatly enlarged, ana her limbs moch swollen. After suffering over a year, and finding no relief from the remedies used, the disease attacked, ono leg, and be low the knee suppurated, tier physician advised it should be laid opeivwhich was done, but without any permanent benefit. In this situation are heard of, and were indueedlo use. Sands’ Sarsaparilla. The first produced a decided and favorable effeet, reliov ht« her more than any prescription she had ever taken; 'and before the used sir bottles—fa 'the astonishment and delight of her friends—she found her health quite restored, it is now over u year sinee the earn was ef fected, and herbeallfc remama good, showing that the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the system. Our neighbors are all knowing to these facts, and think >rerT hbrhlT of Bunds' Sarsaparilla. Vtwrswiih respect, JULIUS PIKE. Extract from a letter received from Mr; N. W. Har ris, a gentleman well known in Louisiana Va.: “Gentlemen, I have cured a negro boy of mine with your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. • _„. • “Yours, truly, N. W. HARRIS. “Fredericks Hull, Ve* July XT.TSU." Sejms’ seems slmosttuumeemsa- , ry fa direct auention'to us article so well 1 to deservodly popular, aa this preparation, but patients 1 often whowmh.fa use the extract of Sarsaparilla, are ; induced fa try worthless compounds bearing the name, but containing Utile or none of the virtue o? this valu- : able root; and we think we cannot confer a greater on our readers than in directing their attention : to tho advertisemert of the Messrs. Sands, In another ffinmn. The botUe hsi recently been enlarged to held a quart, and those who wish a really good aruete will find concentrated In this all the medicinal veins of the root, The experience of thousands has proved its efficacy in curing the various diseases farwhieh it; is recommended; and at the present time more then - any other, perhaps, is this medicine useful, in prepa-: ring the system for a change of season.—{lieme Jour n7i,ft»nt- lfttfl. prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. £• D. SANDS, Dniggtor-aad Chemist, 100 Fulton street, eomerof wiUum, New York. Sold also by Drug gists generally throughout the United Stale* and Can ada. Priee SI per bottle; six bottles for SS. For sale by L. WILCOX, Jr, B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO, and EDWARD FENDERICU, Pittsburgh. Al o, by Dr. S. SMITH. Bridgwater. [delS-deodfcvT DOCTOR WIITiR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, THB folio wins article we copy with pletsaie from the “Boston Mercantile Journey of Mareh, 1949*. and wo hope that if any of oar readers are toffering from any of the eoaplahus whloh U is said to ears, they will speedily arei! themselves of iu DBl WISTAR’3 BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. I It was well known many yean, ago that the wild I .cherry bark tree of this climate possessed valoabb 1 medicinal qualities. Ip deed this fact was known to I the aborigines, and decoctions of the leaves er bark of I this tree has ever been regarded by their physieians as I one of the most effects*! remedies is many diseases. | This fact, several year* since, arrested the attention of I Dr. Wistar, a highly respeetahle practitioner of Yir- I fiala. lie investigated with care the healing proper* ties of the wild cherry—texted its effects when admin istered alone, and when in combination with other re medial arena. He found that its natural virtue might i be greatly Improved, and by combining it with Ingre dients wnoae properties were all well proved and gen; erally reoeguixed, a medicine was produced which commutes a remedy'of great importance in pulmona ry affections and dis uses of the chest and'throat diseases which are proverbially prevalent in our cities and large towns, and often prove fatal, swelling tiM bill of mortality to a much greater axtant than is me ease with most others, wo had almost said all classes of disease. • The genuine Wlstar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry has a fae simile of the signature of Henry Wistar, M. D, Philadelphia, and Sa&dford and Park on a finely exe cuted steel engraved wrapper. None other are gen nine. - We are just in receipt of the following voluntary tri bute to the putative power of Wistaria Hal sum of Wild Cherry, from E> Hall, M. of Ml Clemens, Michi gan, who is a physician of high standing, and an ex tensive druggist:. Mr. CUOXXBS, Mich, OcL 20th, 1940. To the afflicted, this may certily that Mrs.- D. Rob erts, of this Tillage, three or fbnr weeks after confine ment, was attacked with a violent cough, and great prostration, and seemed hastening to the grave with tearful rapidity. I advised her io use Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry—*ho did so, and with that valuable medicine alone was restored to health, and is now a living proof of the value of Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry- 1* HALL, Physician and Druggist Bead-on and be convinced still further of the remar- ACID. “COMPOUND* kable virtues of WUtar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry: Messrs; Sandford A Parki Gems, As a matter ofjas tiee to you, and for the benefit of the publle, I would | offer the fallowing statementof uenreeffectedbr your i medicine, known ns Wirtar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. , la the spring of 1947 my wife was severely attacked ! with Peripneumonia, or Pleansy, which resulted in a deep seated pain in the side, accompanied with a se vere ecash; *he was unended by some of tho best phyaiciias in Chicago, bat to no jmrpose; for weeks Ihe suffered, without relief, coughing incessantiymght and Jay 1 eaiee to the conelauon that ail the reme dies tuomi.W the physicianscould not help her, and was induced to try your Wild Cherry. Iproeutedone bouic aiul commenced using it ueeording to.diree uon*, i«*iore it wus all gono-the cough stopped, the oam m bersude left her, und with the aid of another Oo.tic »be was restored to rxxrxcr uisuß. In eon udersuun of these circumstances, I would recommend uu> the public us a valuable medicine. • Yours, respecually, . R.N. GABBATT. Gts.vu Karros, MichL, OcLB,ISIB. tUad tka follamng Testimonial*. Of ail the cures that have been recorded, there an certainly none equal to the one first mentioned, which plainly shows the curability of Consumption, eves in tome of its wont forms: Caowit Potsr, Lake co., June IS, 1949. | J. D. Park: Dear Sir, As 1 have a deep coeunisera- I lion (or the- afflicted,' permit me to give you a brief | history of my afflictions, and |he benefits derived from I the use of Dr. WUtar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. I . In July, l&tt, I was auacked srith a fever of the tv- I phod character, which left me in a very debilitated I state, when in the following winter 1 was ukrnwftba I severe cold, which reduced me to such an extent as to j Fve me the appearance of a confirmed consumption. 1 labored under a severe eough—expectorated a great I deal, »nd was troublod with eobl feet and night sweats. I I also frequently raised blood from oy laaei. I con- I llnued-ia this slate, gradually Making undertho dis- I ease, until J aaaary, 1547, when 1 was araiu atuekod I wilhfever. My friends despaired of rajrUfe. and my I physicians thought I could survive but a short tune. I My extremities, especially my feet, were constantly I cold, and almost lost their feeling. Under these eir- I cams lances it may truly be said that 1 was a living skeleton. 1 finally determined to quit taking medieuie I prescribed by physicians, and try Dr. Wistar’s Balsam j of Wild Cherry, and from tho first week that I con* meaced taking it, I esu dsio a gradual recovuy : . I eontinuediuoso six months,at the end of whieh urn* \ 1 was cored, and have enjoyed rood health ever Mace, and cheerfsliy recommend the Balsam to all those a£ ; Meted with'disease of the lungs, and would *ayt© thpy, eommmeieg its use, not to be discouraged U, twb [ or three bottles do not effect a cure; hot persevere as) have dona, and 1 hsve ho doubt bat hit* duermtqf tan trill b# blessed with, renewed Ji«aUh,g*lktYß Kyra. • ‘Respectfully, years, J . ■ ; josEmiACKsa.i 166..; g_xvn. no. MISCELLAHEOI . JPALLlim*t OIBYBBIVi . v ] Contci mo Mnwy, mor THE following tcstiianßiai was giv« by die eala-- ' brmted Dr. Wooster Beaeh. the aathor or the groat t* medical wort entitled ‘‘The American-practice of Medidodend FteUyPhysician.”-r »•*.»;avin • ••Having been made acquainted with thoiMtedtent* whleh com pose MeAlUswrio All-Braling Oiaanou* and bavin* prescribed and tested it tn several cases la' tar prirate practice, 1 hrreno heritaaca in saying « . eerwytag list UU a Vegetal le Remedy. eocdateag.. rio mtasrarsabstancc whatever lhatlta.iamttm »; ?lm“l»ea u ttar aw, AltwbrfbTtta Piopriblbt, u« o« P»« bels*htruly scientific Begiedyof KraatMsraiaaU ebeerfttlly recommend It as * compound which fra* . • done mndigood;'aad which ft adiptid toihacataaf-d agwstvarfcryof l have never *!£» reeonuaeadedor engaged-fa the «da modfr ; New York, April 89J, 1841 ■ ‘ 1 * BURNB.—II U one ofthe bestihlngf'laihp;W«f|4 • for Boms. ~ —'.' l. '' 9 ■ piles.— I Thousand* an yearly cored by this Oint* meat. It never fails la giving reliet - ‘For Tamers, Uker*, and ad kinds of Sons, It haa, Nmses knew. its value fa cast*.of Rwollen.or Sore Breast, they waald always applr 1L In inch eases. If seed according ie<Sreeiiensi ft givca: relief in a very few hoars. . i . ._•* ; Around the box are directions for nsi&g McAllisters Ointment for Scrofula, Liver Complaint,''Erysipelas, Tetter. Chtiblain, Scald’Head.-Sore Eyes, jQaißdy, Bore Throat, Uronehiies, Nervous Aflseuens, Pains, , Disease of the Spine, Head Ache, AsthuryDcafiTTfS, u Eu Aehe, Buns, Cons, JKseases of the Bkln. Sosa; Lips, Pimples, Ac., Swelling of the Limbs, Sores, f •'Rheumatism,Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, SwellMOT Bro ken Breast, Tooth Ache, Ague la tho Face,' Ac, ; i From the Beading Eagle ' There was cover} EeftUpe,* 3fcfflfttnebreught bo» | fore the pubUe, that nas in so abort a time won seek a I reputation as McAllister’s All-lie sling or World . Almost every person that bas&ade trial of it’, speaks warmly In its praise. Ono has been cured by., itof the most painfttl rheumatism. anotherofthepilM,-- . ■ third of a tronblesome pain in tan aide, a foarth of* 4 swelling in the limbs, Ac. If It does not give Inuas-, diem relief, In every ease, it can do no- isjuy, being.: Bf AJ of the-wonderftft beading poy.' ‘ \ er possessed by this sslvo, we l subiofalfce foUowttg certificate, from a respectable • township, in this county;, .«-*-»• y Haldenoreek; Berks March 30,1347. ' Messrs. Bitter A Co:—1 desire to inform yw ma 11,.. was entirely eared of a severe paininthe back,bytae we of MeAlUster’i Alt-Healing Balra,,whtehlpttv c based from yo»._J suffered vrithit for abooiSQ yea>% and at night was anable to aleep. Dttringthartuoa a tried various remedies, which were prescribes ler»o- 4 - bv physicians sad other persons, wi theatre earing any. relief, and at last made trial of this Salve, with' • •** fait favorable beyond expectation. lam new enttm*. ly free from the pain, and enjoy at night a peaceful' and sweet sleep. I have also used theSalye since ft* * tooth aehe and other complaints, wiih.ttmilar.happyj. resnlts. Your'friend,. JoanHouraasca. | 7 . ’ JAMES BoALUSIKB, .! - Sole Proprietor of .the above medicine. Principal Office, No 89 North TOrd street, FWH«I* phu-1 - PRICE as CENTS PEE BOX. ‘ - ! ‘ Aoiats ta PnnsusoE.—Brann A Reiter, eoraerof . liberty and 8t Clair streets; andL. Wilcox, Jt, eor> ; . net of Market street and the Diamond, 'also comer of - Fbarth and BnuthSeld streets; J. H. CasseL eomet os;- Walnut and Pena streets, Fifth Ward; and Mid ai the ; Bookstore in Smuhfield street, 3d door from Second. In Allegheny aty by H.P:BehwamandJ.Baige«^ By iTS. Smith, Druggist, Birmingham: D. Negtoy K East Liberty; H- Rowland, McKeesport; J. Alexander' A Son, Mononcahela Cur, N. B. Bowman A Co^aad. J.T Rovers, urosrsivllle; John Bartley. Bearer, Pa;; Joba water. Jt. fcblleMlr L • ■ Haw. Ma*lc» OLR&tUELvor, Golnr down to the Cotton Field; *' new and very popular Ethiopian Song,, a* md*. by Christy's Minstrels, New York. Composed by B. C Foster, Esq., author of u Uncle Ned,” “O, Stuanaa,"' Nelly was a Lady; by 5. C. Foster. ' : Ben Bolt—the genoino copy,- by Nelson Kaaaa*-- Speak Gently; a very popular eornn byV.WaUjce., - Indian’* Prayer: by tbe author of c ße Kind, Jto. D „ 1 Be Kind to the Loved Oaes-at Homo. •• Thou bast wonnded the spirit that loved thee. , ■ , x Flirtation Polka; by Strakosoh. Aiiee Polka; bySprana. . . - • •:/ I . Caral Walls; by Professor Bohboek. Ahqnippa Waltz; **' . *» ' Atalanta Waltz; tt , - Kleber. - La Piuee de Peries’Grand Waltz; by Cteboante. The wild Sowers soon wtllehed their bloom; from} the epera of Lucia da Lampenaoor. ; _ ■._» Gorina, or May Day in the Olden lime; by C.H Howe. Easy Variations to “The Last Rose .of Summer,.” by Her*. - Thoa An Gone; seas from the opera qf Amelia. The Groves of Blarney: from Bethovtn. ....... ; When tbeMoon on the Lake Is Deamlttr. A Yoiee from, the Wares; duetto by C.Gtover.t: Joys that We’ve Tasted. " . _ • •_ ' Make me no gaudy Chaplet}from Lagmhtßggiil Low Backed Car. . j. tj_u-Sr Dearest Maef with easy variations for beginners. Bonaparte's Grave. - Wo aro Happy and Free. : : - Fashion Polka; by J. H. Hewitt. ReeM and for sale by • JOHN H. MRMDB, -■•y.-. 1 jan33 No. 81 Wood stteeL.- i N. B.—A large stock of new PIANOS lo arrive Oil Iwcek. ■■ - . ■ - ; • ’■ . • --■l*, j Bnff Holland! BuffHallsidl . - V 1 rTUKE NOTlCE—"that W. MeCJlfltocl} hM this day X received several eases of the ftonl and pest Bgf. Window Holland, to which ho would most rezpeetsulf call the of Us customer* and the publican S'SSi ' - ' “ ,„»• ;t Ware Booms, 70 Fourth at 1 SUGAR CURED BEEP AND HAMB-H* *bt« «f Ba**r Cared Beet Rounds; «Uiereet Su**r Carat Uuxu— Kraus A Swift**—for sale by ' ' ‘ ‘ __ \ .J*n3l \ SELLERS A NICOLB. vr LjS‘ OU^'“b ’ ! '“^liSimcos, piece* bacon Beau. . '• • ' ’ 11 jOOO. • “ u . >, [6OO “ “ golden lost, fos smoke house for sale by v janffl * BELLE&3fo NICOLS.. kEBV—lh »n"ee*oVted, for selo fey. J. SCHOO.tMACKEB k. CO. « ctf. mEBB-aco b„wß,ug rv ..^ ! ,b & POTATOES —60 ba Beds, in store andforsstobt' —1 Jana • CRAIG A BKINNEB YTTOOL—3 sacks in store and tor sale by -• ■ VV jscaa - CRAIQ A sfc«NBB« IHINESB VERMILLION—OO lbs Inst ree y d and Ik ; sale by jan» J KIDD A CO, OfrWood if S' AND reams (Smith's patent) In store and for sale by . jang * PDD ACO >UVE’ OIL—IO baskets for sals by ’ ■ ' \... jsaa J KIDD A CO IQUORICE—SO lbs (refined) joxtree’d and fbrrelA J jby lantfi - -■ J KIDD A CO- • HARLEM^OIL— 3 1 gross (genuine) « Bud-aui fbtsalofay Janffl J KIDD A CO NO. SUGAR—£O hhds (naw crop,) Justreeeivod a t*d for said by A CULBERTSON, . / m Liberty« - N~o, bbU (new crop)Jqit recM • and fbr tale by A CULBEBXOOS, I _jVi» lCLPmrtr m i (new crop) iost ree’d and for sale b ACPLBBRT9ON IOLTVAB FIRE BRICK—2SJXX) in cJore'aad lor I sale by Janffl- . KIEBAJONBB-- F IDEA-WATER PROOF Pitot, for tils \>j' - - IRAI AH DICKEYACO (BAYER *j|fg^|vVcol CANDLES-lObxsStar; 0 “ Spers; . OS « Bieaane; . O) « Dipped} for ule by jatfl»~__ J D WUiLlAlifl /"UIEESE-twV*» Creami • v li 79 English Dairy; . , . SO “ Common u for sale by ' 1 j»» JDWILtAAMft kbMaW CLAY—I 9 casks for sale by . tr SgVONBONHfIOBgTfcOO enrtft LBS BACON UAM3; • • OUUU 9000 lb* Bacon Shoulders; : jut we'd on i consignment and for ule by , . juia ' . PEEtfJONES SUNDRlES—lOgrouisaMPocketßooks; ' O 20 “ •*. Poraesi -r.. -< ■'■ir, 20 dot Pen Monies; recM end for tale by Icb4 C YBAOBR,l»gecoed« - p OLD A SILVER WATCHES—A largeasaortmcnt \X alwmya.ea hand, at wholesale, by ■ . fcb* CYEAtiEß,lo9Marktat ADDER-1,200 lbs tsperir, last ree'd, for sal* by - fob*’- '• ' JKlDPA'OOiflOWeodat Flour sulphur—ooolb* for »aie by , ftb4 1 J KIDD A CO, to-Weed at CREAM TARTAR—9OO lba In store end foe aeleby fcb4 KIDD A CO. 90 Wood « CHLORIDE LI ME—LOOO lbs on bud, fosjmla by fcM J KIPP A CO. 60 Wood « ifRKEV UMBER—3W lbs for sale bY “'.l? fet>4 ' J KIPP A CO, <0 Wood «f Sundries— 50 bhd* n o soger; ■ ■' —> 130 “ “ Moiuwii • so pkfs Y U, inpl, and Black Tna^' 4 bbts TUnotby Seed, 19 “ Clow Seed; • : I IXI H Potatoes; 3 bbls Wlitiac Y, 3 “ Madder, Secer n-1 30 bx* S’* Tobaeeo; 13S run Crown. 4; Med. Wrap. Paper; ' 7 ska Ky. Feather*; 60 dox C Brooms; 40 doz Walnat Backets,' 10 do do Tabs} Sisks PeaNaU*. • I 20 bxi and 6 bbls Sakrat&K ‘ ‘ I lOcak; Potash,prime article; ' ' i I A “ Scotched Salts: . ... j 2d 11 v and 21 bbls Sou Ash; ~ ' | Id “ and 10 bxa German Ctfjj ’-'• I AM bxs eas’d Glass, bon- 7x9 to tiit o, | ISO kg* Nails; 30 kgs Lard, I 30 Butter; 80 ooi Tow Ban; |On bead and for sale by IfcM] TABBEY 9c. BESBP- 20.000 i • -jaitfl KIERAJONEa : j CASK AMERICAN AUfcUW JUN/T; W : ,; r " 1 f £-SSs'&* Preston’s concentrated extracts of Lemon. VealUe, and Nutmeg; for sale by : ' . febß • * J SCUOONMAKER ACT I /’IUAhIOMJLE FCoWEßß—ibbUffor ule by S 3 \\J foba j bchoqnmakeracuj SPONGE— 1 ease Extra'Prae; . -.leaseCommon;; tr-.iu— | ■ tA l bale Coarse; lor sale by ; . 1 teb * ~ J 6CHOONMAKER &CO (JtUGAR-^fiOtihis'N o, newetop, jurtree’d end for Q. sale by. y-'-.Vfori y «»*■»»« RAOLABSEA-N D.ia.bbl* and hrbbU,in ««e«2 ill; for tale by ' ; fob* ;McOILL3 A_ROB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers