:V. . PUGUSIinDBY ' ;V /vWftITE & CO - . ; witiTK] ,V ?.. . ; -(«. Bjaanr.’ qaritk mnLM.vcs, tniita rrurr, hut ©oom to •me «>sr orrfer; .tin -«-S7,DO per uinunj. <M» , .«>• .... s,oa . “ ir dared ntc- II.VTF.S OF AI'VEBTIHISO I AGRfcF-D ITOS I • BY THIS' PITTSBURGH PRESS* - Pad? paper**~*«... T >1 n*\S \Vrt!id|>(ia'mlTUc*)«- : i>o. •• loClulrt,*t*J ’ Our (lOlinea of Nonpareil or lc*«l _ ' on* inir-ruon— • ' One b«o»re, each additional loierttou* Po: oo«.s»eek.—.—v: ' " • It.. two week* JS Ho,. . J|*rreweek«.—- ?* 1,.,. ; . . pne. month—r ®{® iiu. two, month**—.♦ i',” , - IV. • IhTreroon'ht y,w hi. icur mou 1»« ~‘M ... Ho. iixmonibi*- - 1)0. twelve months*** - —■* *• . \ .Funding Card (4 line* or levs,) per annum- »°. w OueSquatc,e!i|ineeab!empleii«re jium)exrlu«ireortbe paper-*.-'-****- For each adduwnal Mamie,. : ane for each additional aquare turned under u>o Tear , 1 1'rltStelS Kco'umoblo forlc,ol : 'WJISSS”* a* “W'fM&ft fied number of luatnJwna, wiU be continued ull lotbW, .on*** . «d »ueh Uke, to be charted halfpriee,payable«t*ictiy. wnotiee* to be charged SO cents. "' • Heath notice*iaierted'without charge,“'eiaaeeoß- • penied by fane tit isttotiom *? obituary notices, and when so accompanied to be paid tor. : . _ Rrgular adrertiaeraand ail otbera iendlugconimn. tileauen*. or wnWrinß notices designed to eall atten tion to Fain, Soiree*, Concern, or any public enter ' ffimeou wherc.chargea are ntadetOTiadmmance-- y til cotici.* of prm te «»0 clatiena-HSutry if" •’••timed to caltattention topti-rate enterprises caleula uTor intended.to promote individual interest, can on it bo tio oodor.umd.ne *ol J.o jaoo I. to be pad for.. U intended to be inserted In the toea "'column, the rune will be charted at tho raw of not if ta lt KalNotfeea to be charged irlple'.price. : •‘'Tavern Ueen*a l*e‘itlonu,-M each.- • Legal ted Medieol advertisements to be obliged at •'jacS Katate Agents and Auctioneers* Advertisements '“"not to be classed under yearly rate*. but to bo dlrcoant ol thirty three and one third per cent from the umoant-cfbilla.:- •' . • ... wktblx on nMmur w sAttT r**«a , '•„ One Square, three Insertions——y—r?lrg Ho. ' each additional insertion— •» ADYS*raa«*sw 13'woni ?****•.. - One Square, (10 line*,) one interutm-** *5O cu. ; i)o. ; eacii adoitien&l liuertica* •'iS A)| iriinjienl advertisement! lo be pa»d,m advance. ■\VIUTE & CO., Caieue, L. HARPER, Po«, • . , . . • ROUT M. EIDDLK, JonrnaL , JAMES F. BARR* CO, Chroweie. l " FOSTER fc BROTHER, Di»p»cli. • JOB.BNOWi>EN,MereMr: JAMES W. BIDDLE, Amenean. PnttBCROB, Dec. I,ISW* BUSINESS CARDS. A LKXANDfiB FRATiKLUN, Attorney; »» t»w» AfFc«nhiLi JSSSJHJL * *^TSS , Ssli«ow. 4sss^h ThIuSTRONG tCROZEB, yittihnrfli. ' ' lJ —.— JOUS HtBANKIBi 'A-rroKNEYud iJobjimUoi a» Law, an* Cojattw-' A far thg Slate of l*«uuyrt*nia, Su Jj>bw, Ha,:-»i F«r.»rf, U«P .oSTSuSST - m&w», - -f.welU *• M>Cotd fc King. _ I -j, r fTSKICTT jfc STEHHICTT, .. TTaKMKVA ANl> COUSiJKLWKS AT |A^i X Ll ylui\h fifr.n, bciwftn Snuisscld rflbira, ~o.-ic7,mxo» \ « Tl'OßNr.Va AT jAIIIKHV. ICBIIU, . * TTORNEY AT I.A\V.-OlBec on Fonitli il, Snailit old »< &».•, P.uaborjA : ™°a“« B»\ fI.K V° w'ijliw Alin A Co., \Vbol«»lt Cror PtlUbnrßb Wori»« isisfessßssa _ nooSAIJ . . _ : ~JSraiWHT eTl— occßibim*. ——=rrsnsi*r “““ “* ;. pouaw, ’ .fcS’-jgSSSd’S/.! w - i ' w * e °° .»* • agmr ; , • '■■•-,-.■■•- toct. :viSS®^i»3S .-A*., lixsa vnn>- jS‘Sfiaz W .MITH & CO, *»««. »*»•■ ,Sn T »S ll E .o ■.-•H J fflSS!!“ S 'V ■“■rsas? 01 -•‘•AUegtogy:’ * “ ' * SSMPPPSI »^“.¥^i'!rKNO l H«- N ° llh I •; tr - • ''■ wH.>ljosxa. - _. * Co ■ <,uccts*of* io AIWOO<H‘ : rhanu, denier*. J& phobic • mcW7 -' Pitubargb} P«- -— : ' .... . jioTXCB. • ‘ _ nivr I. B. MeVAY with »e.olbfr llUeh«i*o WILLIAMS. JMB»ry Ist, WW. ; —' ~I.B.McV»y. Wm. * CO., BANKER AND EXCUANOEBBOKtM, Non, B* or Wood Jml ' * ’ • - J atgpT lasarsss&Y I stolon Motctoito, ond oort ~vi IK UronltlTeCM- I'HUtiOfgP- . —r" ..—.Joeepb Dilwortb. John S. Dilwortb—*—Grocery and T a. OILWOBtH fc ,®®iSJSf3£iWsWao-l «•; (I . AR«BU Toi ilaxaid i’owder Co., no- *<, y c; j.y — ."SiSBfSBi. * <*, J. ddee *nd Co^muncuMertban^M^^^ J no U Martel tt, three deore abotcTbltd *JUJ kMr»h.wiU have constantly on band a well eeiecieu m SSSSJIf the beil and /mbeii JUedieute*. «h £* » K?«eU on tbe moat reMunable lerma. • yB» W f order*,wilt be proaptly attended w,and«Bp 'ffSlwltfa article* they may rety open Miene®*- frrr Fkyaieien* l*t«*etipi»one wiU be aceuraielyand ietfi f, -pared from the. beet naieiialeraipaj be«*®' il*i*» «t«k ol Creih and t°° d £“[*l "' F4LU, Councilor lfLt»r.--or • X ftSi'Oft Founh »t-, above Southfield. - potM7_ ’*' -. '- of Wirren.Ohio,) Caauni»- *rr atoiinndForfwircinßMeteluutt, uiadtolenalo , jKj Jin Wnttm IIeMTT* Cfteew, Bautf. 1 * .- ■-' t£«*7iUH, w.d \tf«t*tn. I‘roiluee gecerhllr* Water - ■' 3»fll&Celd ntul Wood, gitttharyh. _npa "■v:* , ■- -- ■ J **“, , h . g|- Loutgfiteam Sugar Refinery, , iffS? ft**!Fireeu, I‘itoUrgh.; v-- ■ - So.* "' >^Vi-irVßiriTrr^,,(*ncc«»«sr to JoKphO. I ' '< •JU^^- U MFI-x6li,^Vho l « a l o and' nnd Muicsl Instrument#, tkhool Uoot^ r J to M® l , l *. B £v oe » Pcm, QtiilU, printers’C4rd», and ■ v~ ,(!»»’ SS 4 st iii2fS2rtbflß chtorialetthilrate. ; -. i .n lgg^>m«irei^- Woi««M» iSw**. ’' THE PITTSBURGH ;' CARDS. J OHNSTON i STOCKTON, Book«Uer», TrinKr. • 93d PaperMahufocturera, No. 4-1 Market *t, Pitts burgh. T-laim Klotii. RlCllaaPF^d- JA It FLOYD, Wholesale Grocer*, Oomnusaion • Merchant*, and Denier* iu. I’roJttce, Round Cburcnßoildlng*, fronting oa Liberty, Wood andOiU •ireeta,' Fa- „ si£_ JAMES .DALE ELL, Wholesale Grocer, CcmmtsMnn Merchant, and dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manalaciurea K 0.154 Waier ai, Pittsburgh. jaale r’ • ill SWKITZER,' Attorney et Law,office M *i, _ opposite SU' Charle* Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also ttenil promptly to OollActiohs, fa Washington, Fayette nd Green counties; Pa. P refer to IJlaekitnck, Dell A Co., } Church A Carolher*, >Pmiburgh. D. T- Morgan, _ } oMSdty 1 r p-lR A JONES,Forwarding and Commission 51cr chant*. Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh snanti fnciared articles, Canal Basin, near7th *l dvM_ "PEHN nfiiL, PITTSBCUUH, PA. " KKNNKDY, ClULuy A CO., Manufacturer* of v superior 4-4 Sheetings, Carnet Chain, Oo*>y rmne and Patting. ' • ~ jalW-lyttoa LEWIS, DALZELL.A.Co., manufacturers of all si zes liar, Sheet, Caller Irou and Nails of the best toaluy. Warehouse,'frl water and 105 front *t jaiilg ' . LR WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward ( tng and Commission Merchant, Dealer in Put** burgh Manufactures and Produce, Nos. 31 Water si.< Ul6d Front s'- J* 7 _ wtj. MIU.XB, Philada. • c. w. utotrwon, Pittsburgh. MILLER A RJCKETSON. Wholesale Grocers, and importers of Brandies, wine* and Segars, Nos. 17S and l? 4, corner of. Liberty and Irwin street*, Pitts burgh, Po. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarn*, Ac. Ac. con , stantlylon band. angl4 lOJta rrcnlu iix D. K’fiUA. waiiKt c. *o*- EeGILLS A ROE, Wholesale Grocer* and Commis skm Merchants, No, 1M Liberty sh, Pittsburgh. . ■ tag; ‘ . . \ ,1 UaPH V, WILSON & CO- (late Jones, Morphy a. IVA CO.) Wholesale Dealers m Dry Goods, No. 4S Wtiod street, Pmabnrsh. noT‘£!_ 'Portrait andMiniawrcFam iVA tpr. Boons, comer of Post Office Alley anil' Fourth street, entrance on 4th near Market. , dcM-dtf. . k’riTtiUUHUll BTJtXL WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORV. ! tSXSCXOKB,. JOIM ». QVIM. JOSSS 4 HUIGQi MANUPACrDEKSS of spring and blistar steel, plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and dip, fic springs, hammered Iron axles, and dealers in mal esJ>le casings, firtj engine lamp*. and coach trimmings comer ol Ross and Front »u-, Pittsburgh, N -t HOLMES, fc SON, No. 55 Market sl, second • door from comer of Fourth, dealers in Foreign ' and Dwnesdc «>»» of Exchange, Certificates©! Depot*' it, Hank Notes and Specie. (ry Collections mad -on all the principal cities throughout Urn United States. dccl? N' BUCKHASTER, ALnaxxas —Office, Fourth *l third door time Smithfield, south side. Conveyancing of all Kinds done with the greaiei cam and legal accuracy. Title* te Real Estate examined, Ac. puor. menu? boubocu. PENN STREET, between. Wayne and Hand, ha resumed ku protntsional duller, gifing instrue .uotii on the Piano, Guitar, rod in Vocal Music. augl4:dtf . .. 2eS»Pfcl£lK TK& ttTOIUE.—No. 70 Fourth Rim ,t. t near Wood—Ail quantities of Green anil B2ML Black Tea*, done up in quarter, half, and one pound packages, tanging from M et*.’per pound IlfioJ ijj Af-JAVN&*, Agl tor Pekin Tea Co. ITObI&ONT UTTLE - 4t IX»., No. tvs Liberty meet, tv Pittsburgh, Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Sicrehunts, and dealer* in Pittsburgh Manufactures. - IS™ mow. eo»i«ok. tups. Ltrm. *mcl a. aomso:r._ K~' MOOitfiT'fiholcaalc Grocer, JlecblVing JDinilUr, dealcrinProduce,PittsburghManufar tuxrvtud all kinds of .Foreign and Domestic Wmes and Unmirs, No.U liberty street On hand a very large' stock, of superior 'old Manungahela whiskey, which will l>e sold low for eashl „*P. .*• U O. RET.SUL&S, • , i \ t - «*“• REYNOLDS A SUER Forwarding and Commission Merchants, for the Allegheny Hirer Trade, deal tr* ia Groeeriea, l’roduee, Pituhurgh Manufacture! *nd Chloride of Lime. _ Xn< highest prices, in cash, paid at ail tunes for conn ry ttg« Corner of rrnn and I rwia ats. Jand OUERTsDALZKUj A Co., Wholesale Groeen Conuni*«ioa ami Forwarding Merchants, dealer ai Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Luictit ■ . Fm-bureb. >*a- _ ‘*'£l. iToiri' A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Groce Lh* Healer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture sn. 144 l»ihcnv *t. ,Y> ~ '■ ' r «,.. e .i*pr' , nu*. a. wuitv Ci:ACKUXT > WHITE, Whole«ria Dealer* in I rS Kbrden andDonjMUe Dry Good*. No.tf9\Voo«i »l- PilMjuuß. . . - Wool Mcrc-i.*nt», iPcajet* m Flour atul Prod.ee generally, aud tn* CoiflxaUßiou McrchonU, N©- \V aier *t, Put*, fcurrh. v nitAx«siVn*»o»au. • johb iccuou, n*ioru*i<o' mmSh & NICOLS, Frodccr and yfjeral Cora ls v»wa>» .Morchanw, No. l« Iyli«rty * UUbnrgn. dpeiu), JJjiwctlaad Lard OtU. ■ cT~y~ VON BONNHOKST, k. Co., WbtMt*ale Uro» o,'cert, Forwirdin* and Comnn.uonMfrthanu, Dealer* in Piiubairh Manafactnres'and Wertcrn Pro • iacr, have removed totheir new warebon**,toM rtano) .No. 13, corner of Front «t-anil Chancery Lane-i nc.»7 riVftgafcVaTji Who i eiaTTG rocen*nA T- M “ tfff£ut»;«nd if\tn in Trodoce. ftp-M Wotnl rLtPitubnrgb.J . .. . . ... !P?“* . Jons Mwawrx. "Tor., tig ... iiamT —___ '■ DiTID jrCATDLOT ■Stick * m’Candless, *«»« ee SS^^d j JS W Wlttk,) Wboleaale Grocer*, MQ Coimieicm Merehama, dealer. In Urtoo Yarn*, aad Pittsburgh Manttftwtomjr«ierai!T> M>ri>rt of Wood and Water mceM. Pittsburgh sit*-. w xv>i.i.ack. Alill iionfl *Qd wll Fwnali* S No.au liberty it., ««*• W. ClicS •treeu, Pitttbarjb, ?v «•■»• w»w“= , . caruiSlf repaired. - _ -n-' wfSsrasffpass^s iJ.; ofSSttma Fonnh M. M& ' • JJtO. %. JTCU3E. , •^EnLTOiING tCo/—Deilerito lcuierMeg *» W 143 Libenr »i -r-! jttfT.H'CUTCUSOIt* Sf." T'K’CirrCHKON, litx'nA'i- W’. f=Sr" pS««. UsAfc *' d borrh blmsttfactues generally, IS Liberty ■nr \v witSON, Dealer la Watchefc kel <L WM. TISLUITiN, “ d ' coMfiu, J'JVS.rJ, Llfcrtj n. 1 :‘ ../'JKiSsSS; * (‘■‘“•"“fe . !.,, K«vfcCO,Wood«t. I ,i£2Z_ - 1 -—— raTTIOBSTV * CO., • STEAM BOAT AOfcN»S 'UBiMv OIua*MV*M.AUHACO| .ocffl yo. 4a Water »»pet. HOTELS .^Sasassnaws^jK;; It ae,»r^s:■£«. fmtss ?aK«f£«32 -J£] Si IMOT Which *« ■“•*« “1' SSi “liSnTlr,«Ul.h.ll» w.T of «■»'•>*« > *li[ bcji. ..jr, >^s£« , tgSt , .S I.te 1 .te , SJ? & •» •"■ ““SSSJSSinir,, *S^ 4 * T '«g" the How* wiil »l* w&wSld «&Car^ will eonvey bagt*s« to and frOTa H ££r*f pfchtrfc. A^^r j fir |iot)s l c~ f _ VIB or ireo*iß **»'«**** m*rrs, nTI,,B *?“: »nb*crilter rerpcetiolly annonnce- U.a J» V,A«fncw opened hi« new and excellent Hotel ißlferiK , aeco»m«l«ioh of traveler*, boarder*, . L The hoo»« and furniture Md *SdreE «wf£nd no palmor expend have been relder itnneof U«e moat comfortable and to deaerve, and iliere =^^SsTOcEVb»fci7s?«ii: • - B ‘* nf r, t , L t .ala, the STKAM BRICK ll tcf?HKj£ b «i>ov« Eawrenetfille, corapfiuiig a SVURKtS J“Tv, _ nMeuidWaontnc, capable of *umnt &*»»£« Ujick* (out of .fry clay, xaanufactarutg.ETiXiik , pef dayv with three arre* of a* taken from»*» on Which ami kilna and J*nd ontho Alte«hej»y ” *bidj, whec j b „ r o WJS truck*, abeda.machine anj* £ io . to com aboteW, -»paJ e bo^g „ouce. Price, Including mence opetauan* «t » Q g7t oijo-He«a* of ® [ nilJ , tym For paymentmade eaaf. HKNRV MERRITT, particular*. addre** || H M onon<a hela Hou»e- and fnendi. ofejerf aire.from ID U ?5!?;£ES?2$ £ mSelEand warranted to be of iheljertnt.tenahL jffiEtf Water Pampa^un*^^ ihetwitheverv variety of Bran Ca*t»nja, * » lamed apd tdthed in the neale.t manner. A-V L»ihetole proprietor of Basrnr'i Arn ott -ssasswsa!M^.-?T^- eta bo had of him at ali time*- J.^r- iy . Alhantenm Saloon and Dathlnf ltabnaent* PITTSB INSURANCE'. LIFE INSURANCE! TrentoD Bnlnal. Life lnuuaDte Compan: bates OP PEEBiL'B eemiced 2j m COT. capitsJ* siso»o°°» JAMES DURNO A CO. AechU ai PmAbßTßli, I' BOAUD of mBACnOS.ATTIH'TO^S" 1 ™* 1 - , - I Joseph C. Pott*, Prest June* Hot, Jr. G A * ivnlieari*, V. P. laJITeVoSI Eli Mcrri., Bccrf l.iy. J °h" A -""'j„„Alh.nn.«, TrcA...cr. . REFEREES- J PI'ILADELritJA. I Hon. June* Campbell. 11. mite. M.Tiio David Dudley Hfcld. W. J. P. Whiier?. M. Joseph Hoxie. \ I 1 xi nr irssrt- Hi* Exc. Gov. Hi ine«. j p-t*ov. Vroora. ?'bMSl'£-u IIL?:. K Siii,“: S: Ex-Uov. 'i. Dick srion. J ft- i-VJ A Sidney Do.”. kT. «SU». D. A 33Vv““c.Tn.ta s gnyMnu..t.vi.U’o. Wm.M’K Morgan? M. D-, H. R-Belt, M. D., George M’Cook, AL Allegheny etty, Pa. The Ageouts'thi* h fcotnpany, at PiUabanb. are auth oriied to take every Er*t eltaa rttk on Lit* at a rtduc lion oft*tntf-Jk4ftr mitf. Irora the ataal rate* of pre mium a* charged oy other Companies. xuanx A du 30 yesrs of age, taking a Policy of Insurance for One Thousand Douan— To rnn for one year, pays only . .do seven “ •* “ flO^O —unnally. do Lifetime, “ 44 “ And In ihe sane proportion for any sum up to BCOOO, which Is the extent taken on any one life. This eompasy commenced operations on the 1 st Oct., IH$, and its monthly business up to the Ist Ocu, 1810, shows a progress atttdirtg that of any other Life Com* i | P TL”” Cm dividend of profit* will be declared lo the wridon the Itt January, ISSO. Pamphlets containing the various tablet of rates, id dll the Decenary information on the important >f Life Auorance will be ftirnithed on appk- JAME 3 DURNO Sc. CO., Agent*, Odeon Building*. FIRE INSURANCE. mjfE TRENTON MUTUAL LIFE AND FIRE IN. 1 BURANCE COMPANY Will iine I‘olicie* of In mnißCc anuut Lou b* Dajuo* br Fus, opon Dwc l lng» and Furniture, StOK«,Good«, Ac., Ac, on appli cation to JAME3DURNO&CO, A«nt», d e 27 Ode on Building*. HEALTH INSURANCE, at Plttabmrgb* Tbt Spring Garden Health Insurance Co., OF PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL *lOO,OOO, INSURES Male* and Fetnales.against the Expense and Loss occasioned by Bickne* dr Accident, by oil immediate allowance of troin S 3 to 8e per week, for one. two, three, or foar ye*”*. , Tbe-method of ctfeelin* this Insurance, aud the atiioner of awarding the sick ailowanee, will be tull> explained by the Agent. , XXAXM- 1 ... A person can insure against bieknc** or Aeculent which will detain him from hi* ordinary bunnes*, aa follow*, viz: . For one year, by paying 84,30, and t eceive S 3 T week For two » « : “ *• * Por three u “ 7 She * . For four “ 4 1 0 ,* 5 , “ ,®, . ~ Or, for a period of foar year*, the sum of #14,40 paid at irnally, wilt secure S 3 per week whileMck. Every necessary information will be a Corded on the tabjeet of .Insurance generally, by JAMES DURNO A CO, Agents dct7*<9Cm _ _ Odeon Buildings LlfautdllsaHh Insaranei. - THE Mutual Life aud Health in*arance Company of Philadelphia. Incorporated, by the Legislature of Perrtr.ylvatrie. .Wcerh, IMS. Ckj ‘ r "' Capital, 8100,000. lUio wwn tnt.i *in yam iostrasi, and full -JO per cent, lower than ihe usual rate* of Life Insurance, a* lh ® ponsoa will »howt Thus a person of the age of3> m- Jurinc for Slot) for life, mui pay in the Girard SV*— Per“»ThraLa,«fle, Penn Mnmal, #^» «•» lit- New England, S 3 JO; New ork Life. #430, Al tiion!W*>U& **nd Health, Philadelphia, jiui. Ihatetoa*.—Samuel 0. Omck, t-barles D Halt. W • F.Brone, Robert P. King. Charles ■ Baldwin, M.M. Reere, M. D, p B. Chimpbr l, Lewi* Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, K -8 “ ■ office, romn.rreiari.loom*, corner of 'oeiy?*dly Wood anA.Tb»M m, Puwbutgh ■ZSSmZZ INSWiIfCk. KsfftgOii pnoTECTIOmmW AND • fSoiJßlwB*ai aTA RINF. INFUIt A MCE COM PA NY OF HARTFORD, CI>NN. incoaroiUTiD in ISA i" eel Pr-mrem.. Ccp.r.l S,oek. eml.Sitrptar FirnJ, ■IIDOO.OOO* This otd and responsible Company *° B J? n !£J e Y ll ‘njr sue polices on the m6st favorable tenniou Uweiang Booses, Household Furniture. Fiore* !»u>ck» of Good. . Warehouse*-and content*, £ lll i*,/"£ «vpißi“ *’ hi AcaraiuuLOSSOß BAMAt.BBYFHIK. ” Also,* on Hoods, Wares and Merrhandire. against the baxard* of Htuuxo TaxWasThjtos, and upon the Tue'prmeeiion Insurance Company h * vl "£ ,u \‘f‘® U«l*>s veers, oaid SLtXT iuluoss or pubt-aas ut thejr several agencies throughout the United State* and tho UriPth Province*, have established a Jnst reputation for solvency and 7air dealing, which challenges cont our iron with any other insurance company on the Eortitacl of America. The enncjedeitrcel frozen Ur. standing and policy of the Company . wnnneved meu’oitbe ancient and always pro* SSSS“'.S»I|! have binned and managed corporatioa* °fUi!«de seriptiou. No Hartford Rank or Insurance Company ... f-iw! These Companies have for more then n whole generation .cetlere l iheir Hill, io ucer !^e«r7i°«le B Ef ihT Cntort, .Oh hree he.e, (.He. lo p r .? me’ii.»me°eUe leme. which Ore, bee. leered .tiring rrporr mrlieie. signed, will be promptly adjuated and paid at the G oral Agency office, located at Cincinnati, O A large pSiolcfttoffitU. of the Company, (»*>»*"* JSnS received et the We.ren, «r»etej,l u *•- tounty. mK t patmtylTtaUCOiapmy fIESBSjSeK ! E& SSjSs»KT?a MeS wi£3rpwp«»!« and rate., wh«h ■*gllb« made knowa 10 n hi* ttreeL ■P 11 ” - jSßsSas&^s: teBSi£gsS£p=ws *?SterS|^sa;te Jlrooki, lleniT J<*naon, Wii Spencer MdWain,Charlealie»T,^« WnL E ' Jr mAe&Sr3 ATptmilißOU-n- T. &*•», Wb. u»*»l«y, ,n » JiJjsJ3i MARTIN, PretidenL RxcnaKD S. Nrw»ou>i Secretary. Ilfee i CT ofice of u.O A jeol. 1 mUoperauioni .Lipmoou b , sl: ’tSStBS r «*»." *• p, wT; b /asb*g*« w -^-- J J ToblM Wagner, 3*®°*' nTewu, Adolpbo K. Ueo.W Riebard*, Mordecw I>. » * Bone, 8 - Bi clu«!mN. lUscara, President. Chariot or limlled , Couiinne to moke iantnni*t or country, on every de«rtpuon of P»£W ft, 7« am y. at rate* at low at “ e J;° rTCt i»large convlcgpnlFßtul, JSUSSSSSffIffs"2S,"*' 1l "'“" ed, afford ample protections tie » , (li |&ip, M H« aaaeu of of amcS>>7, w«e « published agreeably to an act m n fallow*, via; Mortgages Real E»late Temporary Loan* Ktocxa ■' Cash, 4t, S.dddiheil hare pud upwardaof one '» ding avuleiieo and dollar*, low* bT fif*. we j| M (fi o ability cflhe advantage* •'*"■«££'l/opptneM all IwWWiea. and tfn.pwitioaw'Mft Agent, ,n f odic?N Kcornrr Wood .n-fw at. ■sEffiSaAMsgiss^^ P. £,?msmtT«'reS.« aHelpbia. Fire llink* B P°" »i l , n ,. upon bull* of Of every deaerlpuon. and M»« • c t £« mo ,l Mvor.bl* corgoe* of vettel*, taicn uj • term*. 1/ltl . c ot \V. B-Ilolmea & Ufo., tCT Office i» toe 'Y,* 1 wf, .ireM I'mabcTgh- NcTJJ Water, near Marke' ’ rtnce the nelab* N-!».— r nie »>ucee»« of c ,ty, with tlir pioropV- Uvhmentof ibft Agency , ”.|r ‘_ vuf¥ riaJm upon them nc»* and liWtnliiy wiUi wbi b w J fran , u,e agent in lot low boa bre * , 1 of hla friendi and inviting the confidence fln P ( ijJ’uware 4!. S. I«*a» the community air,, . hn •ddltmiial advantage* ranee Company, wbUc it In Ph.laJrl a*-aninMUßiton among l "\‘V caintal, which by the operation of It* charter »* t,. due-*bar te-rs^ss^t-i'a 1 *» Jure, Dud id iu iDl.lDiin.DUuD farm. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. _ o’coaD * go./ fll ■ (So AKfitg) ij^b * ££%&*. iS»p» from onr e«*bli»hme«‘< 3 ff'*^ d “ #l lbe wtfUJOJMJUT, of Uio u-nwt *ttlx3, a™ » "££«, Mr.chanU) Pr^lSL^n. reSSHr U.-.IBJ >» «■ 1 •”> snrijud. boaae in Philadelphia- GH, THTJRSDA COPARTNERSHIPS. Dlaaolntlon o t P»ilB«»»Ulpi, BY MUTUAL CONSENT this day, the! fore existing under the style of BUSIIPJKLDA LEADER, hat been dissolved by Hcniy Leader sell ing hit caura imeicu in mid firm to John Mcuiu. A i business connected with the firm of Bushnelu a, Lea*'* er will b« settled by 8. B. Bushfield A Co- who ant duly authorised lo make oil colleciion»aadaJ|iut all claim*. BUBIIFIELD A LEADER Pittsburgh, Oct 27,1849. N. It—3. B. BUSHFTELD k CO. will continue the wholeaale and rettll Dry Good* and Grocery Iraawess, at the old more room. No. SB Liberty at, where they will ho hare their fntends and customer* calLandcxamine their mock of goods. _ : 9.8. UUSIJFIEXDACO, ~ Dliiolatlom , TIIF. partnership of the undersigned, unde? the fimj of BaraJey i Smith, wa* dissolved by mutual eoasent on ISXh September, W. Bagaleyporchasing (be interest of]. R. Smith, who retires. The busine* of the firm witl be settled by their successors, Wo. ***** * Co. .. No. 18 Pittsburgh, Oct 8, '49. ISAAC R. SMITH- CO-PARTNERSHIP. —Wm. Bagaley having asso ciated with him Wm. IL Woodward of PWladelphia, John 8. Cosgrave and Ralph Bagaiey of will continue the Wholesale Grocery Business,at Nos. 13 and 20 Wood st under the firm of ; WM. ItAGALF.V k CO, Ktubawh; • «I)d > BAOALEY, WOODWARD k CO, Philad a. -oet» - DUlolnUAii of Co>Pirtn«rtUP’ THE co-partnership heretofore existing subscribers, under the style of Brown fc Colbert dissolved on Ihe Ist mst. by leonsent M. B. BROWN. A. CULBERTSON. Pittsburgh, OCU 5, 1949. The'subscriber will continue the Wholesale Oroee ry and Commission Business, «*”, oW stand, 145 Liberty st. ocis A. CULSKRTfcON. BCAIFK A ATKISBOH, , n t Da irrwna Wood aso Mamw, Pinncsou, /NONTtNUE to manufacture jJI kinds of I»PP*-K> TIN AND SHEET IRON W ARE Black smith Work. Steam Boats built to order. - Special attention given to steam boat work. l/ave on hands a fine asaortment of Copper and Brasa Kettles, Tin Ware, Ae. Ac. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Portable Forges, various siie*-a very con,c “i?, ll irj tide tor-steamboats, California emigrants, or rail roau companies. a We would respectfully Invite steam boat men and others to Call and see our articles and prices be lore purchasing elsewhere. IT?L_ ?d'aori/cur t ' , :i„'i^i. t .srs; l - ss b, the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Muller. . . .. The business will be continued by’ the 1 under the firm of HENRY UANNEN h . CO. Ware house No. 109 Second st, where we wtU b=v* ■applic, of.pp.no, W.„do-Gi i U. iiANNFV HENRY HANNRN. HUGH ROBERTSON, Ibciburgh.-Aug. 87. M>. HENRY UMSTRAP- ■>“ •■•”““ - ‘■'ffa’ijSsS”* oo- Jyia July 9,1M9. SOTIOK. milK Mrtnrr*biP heretofore cutting andcr the fino T of Jl A C. BRADLEY, U dUwUedbj ibo totw ofMr C Bradley. The botine** will be earned on b* A.'Bradley, who will aettleiho ba*lnc»* the late fif REMOVAL -A. BiaSL*t ha* Kwned Foundry Warehouao from No. 119 Baeond iireel, to No. II U*od .treet, between F*" l warehouse lately occupied-by 0. A. D^ rT7 » will beep conrtunity on hand a ru^ c " 1 ° f Cn«»it>w». Qmtea,etovea.Coo_klng Btoaca, Ac. J) L‘. " ' Diaaolntloa* THE co-partnenhip heretofore iel we*n •übacnber*. in the name of ConvUbie, Burke A Co.. » tbi. day dU«ol**d by mutual eoowßt Mc*«» iwJw c ft Barnes wiU aeule the bn«uic«« of the i o.i ccm, <t, which r .rpo» Ihey ■V?£co^-WaTIK »*“' S^S'dL'KE. THOMAS BARKIS The nndertifned have thU day Mwctalertlteuuelvr. .nth'SmoTBL’RKE A BARNES, tor the pu.pch..' of taaiiufactunng Fire Proof Safe*. X* 01 * Umw*. Ac Ice at the .land of the late firm of Oou.table. Hurh. ft cV Where they w.ll tie Dlewed to '**£*?*£*’£ THOMAS BARNES In retiring from the Bnn or Constable, Boric * r « t t with nneerr plea.ure recommend Mea.rt Burk. .. frblWtf . FORWARDING & COMMISSION. J *TC4XT. TllOt. *. Wit. ' STIi AKT 4 SIIJ., Groect*+v>nnd Produce and liom- Biitsion Merchant*, No ll« Wood «■ Pitt'lurfh. Dealer* In Groceries, Floor. RT«,Oat* ; i*n», Usrier, Pork. Bacon, Uniter, Ujccae,; V,o ?*‘* TitnoUif and Flax Seed*; Iron. Nails, Gla»«, *«..*£• 4c. Particular attention paid lo ibe *ale of ttewero Haraaxsci*— Messrs Myers *• Ilonlcr, Bol»l- Ual zeii k Co; M'UiUl A Roc, Hampton. Smith James Mliy, King & Moorhead, fvUiLursU.Fenner i M’Millan, Massillon. Jos. I*. Mom»oa,.WJ'. *> l - IjOKih. - . ions a. attention gfveinoClfeTnfftlu»i?rad * a e Jt Co., J Co. I’iUsbnrgh, Fa.: Lawson A Iti», Siahion M ar . WeHerifie. O-; )otm H. Brown A Co., £ Co. Fhitaiclphii; »•"; S'^S™* 1 ,, 4 - L °> Nucc, New Lisbon, U.; Fr. Skymcx, Hon. u V. u£i i Cincinnati', J. P. KrllT, Youngstown, 0., " • * .^ tan dall. Cleveland. O. OEORQE COCHRAN. Commluion and Forwarding Merchant, no. 26 wood rt~, rtTmunan, CONTINUES to titimact * general Cotumiwon barn- Ten, especially in the porcha*e arid *alc of Ameri. can Manufacture* 'and Produce, and m forwarding Good* coniigned lo hi* care. A* Ageniwr the Manufactures, be wiU be cott*iant]y .applied with & pr“ciH7r?icle. of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowed whole*ale price*. Order* and eoiuigntnent* are rc* pec if oily *oficited. _^___ MlsrffliANEOUS- peaa B*eUa<lhop« HWIGHTMAN— Manafaetuw ofall kind* of eoi* - tanand woollen machinery, Allerhenyciry, Pa- The obSve work, being now in fall and eration I am prepared to extant*lOifar* wilhdupfijeb for all Hnd* of machinery in *y line, *«h a* willows, pieker*r*p reader*, card*, gliding oiilinea, railway*, drawing frame*. *peeder«, thii»*il*, loom*, woolen card*, liable or tingle, for merchant orcountry work, j £ King, Permodk A Co., Ja*. A. Gray. TonN.D. H.jur«mgj, 1,1 No».33tand 333 Stanton itreet, NEW »l)KK~l« 1 not No. 3 Spruce itreet—Would call the attention of I Printer* to hi* Improved Printing Ink* of vaiiou* | kind* *nd order*, at the following pnee*- *»■ *« Je ‘ <br ?" d 3 «, p« lb. s« r. £S : -.■ :* fsfs.'.’s ; mae Yellow, Green and White 73c tOO l W “ I B ht'Sd per lb, and Urcnze at 50, - cU and , W A .oelimen of New. Ink can be seen on ibi. paper. ! FlS* JOHNCTONBnWOKTr,^ c Morgan A Co. Cincinnati, Oblo. _ Morton A firi.wonld, Lonbmlle, Ky. octPnlf.m WOODWUI,, modern and Antique tfnrnitnre, « 83, Tnmß Bt**kt. Pitwicmh. Hotela and private dwct* linr*. eonitnntly on Land and made to order. 'fhe jrev.nt stock on hand cannot anv manufactory In the wentern country. | rm>n» wiahinr to nnrchaao would do well to give me a etyll, an determined my P»‘c«* ihall please. Part o< ‘ h T^ C .T C e°t« i,,,in " Ifuffet CtaqeJe, LwTuXIV Chalrr, Qtreen Ell»al*eih chair.; •r.. Pnvw Fruit Table*; TodetTOe.i Uni* XV Commoner, French Mahogany Bedstead*; Piano Stools; h » with Plant) and liair-cloth eovtrii 00 Mahogany Rocking Chair*; 40 doa Patlor «o 30 “ Paney do 85 centre Tabic*; . t ' ~ •j 0 pair IKvanij 4 pair pier Table*. 15 marble lop Dremlng IJarr»n»i 8 Wardrobe*; « Sefirctaric ami »*«*■» □0 marble top Waab Htandn; 4 pair Ottoman*; t) pair fancy Work Miami*; . A aery large aworlmenl of roinm«nr.niM r furniture 100 numerous to mrnllnn IQ* Steam Boats furm«h*d on the 'bortf.t •(idfltl the Most reasonable t«rrn« Oliphrsim PHUri to r I, P, d, *“‘ .V •* V ) uiapnr.fi .pjuxu meeriify H-«»< vf SSL poinied k ' ]'■ /SSEk Cole A«cM« ,llf 'I 1 ," . o "'j* Safgfr y„ lent * ”'* l •V /’ '* iieaof I'UUhurgli “ fl %* .U JOHN A B m„, •■Mw.nr, mu Jy N *Orl 10, |Mfl llil Office Novelty &*"*'' '"'.I'l?! Z'.'uT'.'SrulZl', fui article to all who In" | pneeuirii. thankfully re.erlvod f/»N. N A Co removing a*'*“ m watsr j„. N , Voik, yflJSEft. water, rj • “,„j puce Ui ihe aye, yet i et > l“' Uf u name* »» hour through All 4A*SSSr/ii"* w . , ‘' ! ! J/w,k ibow* a Imre deposit yjftjaSy Au. Thu Xlggr l»P»« L“|,l. L! u».lr-..l «« lathe eaae more or Ir»a JlB „, otl) J durnUe, and Is The Rnver»iblo ’ nn , o iilenc« Incident to other not attended with the jllloo , ~cinf detached („,a Fllutrer*,a* lli»«' c “" ,, f c B ' y lU rmngtheW or bandl. the water i* pe> by tne> r . eMy proeetf, Uia e «ur*e of water l*eka"ge j^ n off lail(Ul u yi impure mbstanee* ar« Mllef . It aKo pniaem* tha Without onacrewln* U*» oe „ -ndaaauch in many advantage of being ■**"» • eu i»nd economical, cane* will be ’7, co^ o „ there l* any prcMura high Itcan be attached whoro wilh eil *,. b- Ua g or low to a ea»k, tank, tau, * w wILBONi of the aolo Agent, onm , ta r Faarih artd Market *u S .'r£;? SA! ■‘- 1 .*1,047,43? 4! 04,724 Kl 06,001 bi -<l,OO 26 3^«onj7 ORNING, ‘FANTTA. SUSCELLAMS wearepTepnrediedo w work ui j utm nmrh. We bum d to gut *?s Wjff mid dfs faction wilfbe given in regard tola n«UM» ““ r - Conic* ruled 10 hpa»d eMO-' lumially. Cook. in nambmofoWbook* WW« - fully or repaired. Names put on book, in Those that have work in oar lute Me . Prices low. —— »_ “ * M.kk asgggfe^g manufacture the Kitchen Bfta s e ’^ }L all o ■mnml satisfaction to thewe, having u in use, to J which they would rcnepiAiUyinvluj the , the cituen, tunl the public generally. _ •a/r AttUFACTIiRKD TOBACCO—The subscriber cTiheta.enUta of the eta «* »«• PL-nerallT. to the following brands Tobaccos, ?n store Md to arrive, which being conwj«menU^l* reel from manufacturer*, he Is enabled Ioj|gjg»t east ern P r j“*j brB n Crenshaw 6*i 70 ( “ Jttjae»Madiwn »*i t,4 ( “ Lamartine »s; 33 I “ Mirabeau .5*5 83 l u Putnam &* an " *•* 1 IS | “ Robert, A Sisson «*; b I “ Oscar Burl. , 6*i 1 9 | u Johns A Lewis la, 3<“ Warwick, supr l»i . r el § ' “ lltnry & aJnel ~ an put RaehinsW orki and Foundry. rrmsrnon, ra. JOHN WRIGHT & Co., are prepared to build Cotton and Woolen Machinery ofewvdeseripuaa, inch u carding Machine*, Spinning! Prunes, Bpeedcre, Drawing Frame,. Railway Ileaas, Warpers, Dressing Frames, Looms, Cord Gnnders, Ac. VV r ° u Bj*t Iron Shafting turned; ail sire* of Cast Iron, 1 alliesand Hanger* pfuio latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, -iliduols ©fall kinds. Costings of:*vary deaenpuan furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, Ac. Steam Pipe for heal ing Factories, Cast Iron .window Sash ana fancy Cu* &• «Sraiiy. Order, left «. the Warehouse of L FalmejA Co, Liberty street, will have prompt atten rave* aTixasaa. Ut ßefcr to Dlacksiock, Bell A Co. J. K. Moorehead A Co , G. E. Warner, John Irwin A sons, Pittsburgh ;G. C. A J. H. Warner, Steubenville- J~ l l_ ~>RW COACH PACTORT, XLLBOItBXT. MA. WHITE* CU, would respectfully inform . lie public Italic, June dcclcd ».tapo» Lecock, between Ftderul u. 4 Sendtaty ™T ere now rntaln, uid ace piepcjed “f" , £ r overy description of vehicles, Coaenes, Chanel’s, Ba roaeles, Buggies, Phmtuns, Ac., Ae. wluchftom their ”ng cxpcneime in the manufacture of the aboru work, ana the uurihuea they hare, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with those wanting articles in their line. Paring pCueatar-auention to the selection of mate rial*. and having none wit competent workmen, they hare no hesitation in wartaaung-their wort. V.o therefore ask the attention of the public to thu matter. N. B. Repairing drum in the brat manner, and on wa most reasonable term*. - £r~- " PIASOSI .d. The ftubaeriber offers for sale »*«S e * nd assortment of rosewood and non Pianos, with and wiikoul Coleman'a AJolian Attachment. The abore instrument* are war runted to be e 4 u*iu» auy maauiactuied in thtscoan- a 1 *' ” ,ul u * 'rßLUMa^isSh*^ i -J4 door above ilh N H—City Senp will i*o taken .at par for a few of ha above assortment- mV? WASTfi^i Daily m the ualtimoke, Philadelphia, *«F\Y YOHK. noproN aSoNV.WORLEANS IiENURAL AUILNCY ANUCOSIMIPSIONiJKFICL Vouur MEN u» wholesale «n<lre:nil «w«*,and iccpccuLlr taiwM, u» KI M iiit-n Porter*. Bar-ke*).«-r<, larrurr«. coach then, Car Agrm*. Hook aud Map Aaer.ia, Ovcn>r,rs tn nil tranche* of hu«io*»«. Ac- »J« n “*f ai all ume« a Ur*e numbex of Rood *»uauoti» whirl, pay from 3W* w *AW» I** annum. !*«»*»■ waul ol utoauoii* of any Sind woa.tJ do well to Rive u » a call, a* we linvr*. agt'nts in each of the a -ovo ci- Wi»u* Will enable U« l» place rrrty a MiiwMe»ito«Hon aMhe nonce. W-b have a S,„ a «r<raauUuir* >i> C ‘V'*- wA-h. we inu« «iii anahle •». lo g.rc r.uurc ,*Mtac i-a’i i«i all who may favor u» with a ‘-O' l TAYIjOK A TA YMA.N, Nf* M per md «u bewivn Smith »»•! Lay N- D.-Lpfrxm« llvutf. in any pan of Uic U. l ”y on j j.nhiiir to obtain a cuualioa in Ualmuotr, ox e»* •hpr of ibf above cates, wilt have U.ciT wonl* itonio tlialrly aucsid-rd U* by ulJrc-Siu? oa a-lmc. U>o«»naid> , l 3 (, v «-ill turtaifboth trouble undex iHrh«cywhic!i ihrrV.wr«i»e would ineorbjr cumins ! the'fir anti «er*iTiK tuploymrut for ihenimlvcf iMtbec.ir. ■ «"» I A>LUItA TAYMAN. No. Ay Second «ir«ct, Kuftiiaore. >U _ - - BENNETT A BROTHER, OFtTN^WABF MANUI ; AOTt!KF.KS, Hurrimu!, A'u. IJ7, WIW, i Mt^irgk. iecp oa h.uui * joo,. ■ k *® rt * S£) loenlol W*r«; oToor or.’u manu:uc(ure. *nd SR MMiiorqualtfr- \VwH«.*U wJ ««mlry M«j ■H eh«ow *rt Tmpeei£ull,ir invited 10 c*H«nd cl- MIM for iiiem*«!vi», *» *» •»* d f‘ en ?*^ b , f “l! .cfore Uenoftftdto Uopub- ISr ardrra.ent by bf tte«Ml.o» hy reference. i? aJ « I ‘JS:. ™> 16 - T' OTIIK LAiMKS-Jpt rewired,.* <»*•****[£ of cold and wi'.er Thread. U«»-l and Braid, alio and Bullion, for eralm>ide:nis nndolaeror nluneniai work. Al»o. gold ond silver 1 assc!«. bruigc on jet»olfY of the laien fashion*. in 6 real variety. Wntehe* of superior «iueJity mJ ueauuful patiems, tun! for sole at EmU-ru prices- '• xv I,„ sug 7 corner Market and Fourth *ts A TIiES*UM nATUIiu BTABtiSU- A MENT —Ui'fi tfom fa A. M. to U l. M- .ingle uSu dh cent*. Jr 6 for L faollnr. Urpartmem open from Vto U A.M. ui fro'« a 10 J V , . * The Refreshment Saloon. are_iu:>-ijualli.-il hi » t > ,c , i ”c l ”, c“ 'lc P ™p, iy2t _ — T HB AttKOBUSTEB. TUB attention of the rmUhq u ccapacuour e * ll * d 10 Uie lolloping certificate*: lil « KituiS— Haring W*ted a quantity of Gold weighed by your Ateometor. ifiod ““a"?” 1 vour iiwtnnaent correct and rocoiameud the tt»e of it id thoM ioiaff to California, a* the bcrt method** oh laininr the real value of IioML. Eeip-yotua, mning too rea. > „ Gold BeaUi. Final; qrgh, March 9, IMP. Pittocxso, Much 7, ISO. Mil K*nss—Do*i Sir Having examined “****■ melt' "manufactured at your rocina, I do sot bcnuta £ slimcm! ii uto u.« of. tboi« ”??!w wto *” rnboui removing u> California in acarch ©f Gold. fStoXi®Bßarecß»iifi»o =I «'KSSISI I , S i. Cllfeniili • coaplela j» film Cu»o ClotoilJ, « P»«» >"*»£ ***&£>* BU JBU for nuvoj codt! pant* and k aL *f ot * as ° 111 “® India Robber Depot, ho 5 Wood at l _ d*e2o • ■** * ww ROBERT 11. lm opened 7irrsihe large stable on Firstst, running through /VtVto Woodtfd gmiihficld Q£jL, {9 -m the »ar Of the Mouongahela House, with an entirely new stock of ITorses and Camngcs of Sr best quality and latest *tyk«. Horses kcl ’ “* | l 'l T * ry i a theVst manner, . * PITTSBCBOn IHST jTHTIC have been made by which they Will srw&fsiaffi'ssstfsgj.g^ fiteS’pS'S’K Y?'ffiX!.S2S" 1 • | terms, see circular or apply t° l *» jatt-dtt i»'iTrs»u*uu, Sepi. IV, MW^b"d?SSE^S!. , Si.i---S: ;s » lffi *jaa,w. SHS6S-«^S£ss U. merit" demand, «o Me, >°tu» rill. ,e,ether with H.'tten'., lied ' l* and KmilhdeM sis. riU«UuTgh._ ‘ Wk ” evlfenaetlS » 1l.n» 'of VM-Wh. ,i-.idatl.d tut deea«Un—Sidhl Oheche I.lTealr. ai d t.lSoff made '"tdctiriv «V| the pnnural ludnu In ll, di , r'ld'eh?<M'' , ''nlit">Pald «•< V'niewnnnl Anter ,-an "v,ran... ttt.de; fU .1 r.dd„fe,rl,lp. rir*vV’tfi'vf:sVi'.ln!-"vAl.0W ti *'' 1 p» rt-«rr (tm'inui JsrtesM Ist, I.IA To#'** &&». H.fU HVnfojf Owh- M-.vrn or witoiMiirr iron. I»MDt TAIIMUt far surjuUiunK ossry other in -1 Smil now esliiiit, Tliuy enn lc cx- I (HI io iwrtniy-Uvri Ihi'l. itml wUmcU>«d ~r ,U. r, r e nil em.liimi'il *»»Me; lh»7 >»»" made to ,11 .(,«m and •l.npea, add aro admirably mlnpird fot lloti'U, anil huge pjivnlc (iimiHos, form' mb when Howil •» rmnpleir centro table , . ttofAW AND mOir.AL'K—''rww article am insal iisl.ii'. uuMHMilafly '« tho»« d:ho wish to c.cono* 1(l .r mi.l conv. fi » fWpilig npartoient into » ~ mint or s'tliim room, As thfy csblie openedland anal ni Munv.mlnnea, and when shill, tun bedding isenelos* ril. A *inal saving in room aid mil. All me Ucu aivinU when *’lo*ril form a hmuiifUl pkee of uinuiure (mi n parlor or altiinn loom. | . , « lloiiK CAMItg—A neat and useful article parlor or drawlnrf noon. 1 , '... VVItrnSHIM-IAKM—For U'wolßeea, counting rooms, and other office** when opened iinwsicoiivcmcut licu •uiad. when closed a oetnicl Desk and Library alone is vlsil'le. 1 I i All these articles bend no rjecmnmemlauon: Ute hastily of the wholo is, they aro warranted not g on oi repair, h will he for y.oui Interests to call examine thn arttelos, at the itisnufa tnrer ■ * HU Third street, i’uuUrgh. Urn above *'■" . WWKLI, l , sunrracTua^tio; ALCOIieL ASD PU&E SPUtTSi Corner Front anil Vine sire*l» Cinelnnsti t QBOKRS from fo ri Al s®bol, F«« If al . Kasr or Becufied wG.ltcy, * >» > ended u> at lowest mirketrrire- ‘ ** DRY GOODS, fca FATSTTB FHK3IHJM BL&SKET% ’ WHITE AND BROWN DOMESTIC FLANNB* TTTJJ ire now receiving from the factory.* /V supply of Ihero good*, which we are «emng low* ~ |i. u inch rood* caa.honad elsewhere in this cjif. Wbom no Rcidiin bleaetiiixjMh*tinitW«^_*Ws, Ss-iSSSassss CiSvbr-Jlr.Jota DM.,’*.'! « Ul » 7 Z c m Federal at. American Woolen Good** rpnE‘inh«criber ha* on hand, fd- S^S^.WSK«S3S*s*- ribbon bouai.. CO pair* Dark Gentianella Bln®. Blanket*, a »«J .- •‘■esxssss sastett-a rThtiBCTIISOT ha* eommaneej to receive » I J. imnnl of Wool}. Ooßfcm "«4 Thibet, cloth, mao* da lain and blanket BhawU. c**B B.re,\™mh .n 4 wboloo How 5"«“ S?„fSd Hdkf*4 ailt and saiin Cravat* and Sewft, c ffi£i!rs Fnn£*i Irish Uaen,Tablei Oarer*, Cnj*J..*»bw. Laee^bleaehedhnd colored MmUm, Tabby VetrW, Patent Thread*, Sewing 811 k, Batten*, den. Pin*, PercoMion Cine, Almanac *, conunon*M Slw’je.rSiy. «»U Mi .l£i Wwta h CoBb',P«b -et and table Catlery, and many other «»d* which country and city Merchant* ate respectfally tariied o eihtnme. ' ■— FATCITA |H4»CTAOTPBISO OOh MaNTJPACTDHE and will keep on bend FnnuJy l£d Blei* Boat Blanket., lfe«ne#t£ Flannei bine, brown and drab Blanket fcoatin* Bet i neu and Woolen Yarn, wbleb they will Warehowe No. lia Second •«, Pituburfb, P«j Faetorr. New Barca, Fayatte ed. Pa. «P n3 asw GOODS* TTTE have Ju*t received a larre aad complete SUxX W of CI«OCK8, Variety andFaney Good*, mu*; ble Tor the fail trade, to w_M eh, with every of Looking Glasaea manufactured at oorovra ateam power ihcp la thi* eitr, we aak the attention of Weal* •n, , r i9o corner Wood and Fonrth au dry goods nUBPHYi VIIiIOB * oo.» No. 48 W©o» S*n PWOUMBi ARK now receiving their and tuppliea « f * lor the Fell Muon, which they will be tag?T»» exhibit to their old eostomen, end “ ““l now one * u may feel inclined to prevent tbemaelvea. Alwari taking freal pda* to lay in each food* a* are adapted, to mo wants of the Western t ***"*7»nh long experience enable* then to do, they can •*T,*|*S tanffa confidence, and without ttfl of their atock, that the Western retail will find with theta all that hiaeaatotnexa require. ihoac who hare formed the unprofitable to the Eastern citica tor their atoeka or Dry <»«"*» would do well to call, a» a candid comparison_of pn eea would in many eaaeareaultin the conviction that : tha expenao of going further may bo obviated by buy mg in Pic*burgh. ■ iHAClitlfiT* * WHltB, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, W WOOD STREET, , . . Are now receiving a very large Goods of recent purchase and foporation,wluc» they willKllto the trade at anch prteea as cannot fail Merchant* are invited to call and {examine ooxjacock before purchasing eiac» ■” * my 9 Rkwisgkb. miu< t m Urrco GLiu Wore, No. B-M.rtoi Piui bmeb. Pa., keep eon»uu>lly oa t»na «ul m*ltc to ot der% kiniU or Vtaii, Bottle*. &e. Porter an.t Mine ral Water Bottle*, of wperior quality. Fiirtienlor attention paid to PrivateMouWi. novSO-ly 0(Bct of tbe D»l»w*mSlbW«> Safety I •«traace Company ' riULAUSU'HU. N«V.Bttl IS4V. riMIK Board of D.rectors have, thi* «Jny, declared a 1 dividend of TKN PERCENT, in mop. out efihe profit* of the-Company for the year ending O tober.’ 1349. certificates for which will bo issued on and a»i -T the first day ot Uecember next. . . Also, a dividend of SIX. PER CENT. mca.«Ji,on he capital »iock and .crip ft * above. RICHARD 9. NRW BOLD, Sec^- novlO P. A. MADEIRA, AgU Pm**. _ “ Wrought end Caat Iron Uallinff. THH subscribers beg leave to inform the public t*ial they have obtained from the tent all the late and fashionable design* for iron Railing, both for hoaset ami cemeteries. Persons wishing lo procure hand some pattern* will please call and examine, and judge for themselves. Railing will be famished at the short est notice. and in the best manner, at the eomer of Üb ””VNOX. . Osaterat Ojreterat TOURER ACC'S Daily Expressls now regularly de- I > livering Can and Snell OYSTERS, vrhieh are of fered to dealers and families at.the lowest prices. ynaSty warranted equal to any brought to this mar* "'” 1 '°Tl* 0. BIDWELL, 4*. W*«r ... Also—At the following depout-BeisA , i'cr Southfield and Second «UJ E., Heaxletoo, Duunond, Alcrecr A Robinson, Federal >t Allegheny. aaXBKWOOD oakobs! •aTrirr, remain open for visiters nnul the Ist Janaa- W rr. 135 U. Oysters and other Refreshments suit ed toohe season will tfe kept - The Greenhouse, eon uluTng a large eolleeuon of rare and choice Pjams, .-will be open to visiter*. Boqueu wady P“‘“P ** short notice throughout the seMom 45,,®"25S leaves the Allegheny end of the 8t Ctajf BW*« Bridge, every half hour danngthe day, running to the GarJeu; and the ferry boat, Captain from the Point, landing a short dmanee sbove tbeG" den. Parties wishing to * pend the evening. wtU be accommodated with a return Omnibus at rO ocloey P.M. Kepioa Temperance principles, and closed on unday. >pR3 j. M AAin. - BEfiQfAl. £CT°‘ o °-^sr sia Forwarding and Comimsskin Mer chant, hi*.removed to No. 87 Ifront, between Wood and gtaithfield street*. ; *2? —- WE have tome PUMFB, made on an improved plan,so u not to freeze in the coldest wcaiher. Persons wantinjr such articles, are invited, to call and •eo litem ai ttCAlFfe t ATKINSON 8, lst, between Wood Market st»_ "OBINTiNG PAPiiK.—SOW reams of Printing an I: Book Paper, a inperior article. Assorted size onbjrnJ. Any m. mm. u> A CO, navi* NOW •Vooj.l Hew Booki. IyEDBURN'i ULiFii»tVoytje,by OenaBiMcll»ill» Ml twf of° Wnj Alto do^Eng land, by Jacob Abbott: with She engTa'nngt. . . “aortt comer Third and Markf tttgag JV iGUTand abort EXCtIANGEj pay* StLotua, por *” m “*' f "° T * t V.'go,.MMtßON». “-nVEDTr' tCtaVEi. .’UIS DAY, it tl» India Bobby De pot—l cam Women’* ieullic Rnbber i * u “ “ Bautins; 1 « Mluc*’ “ “ SUppMti I “ Men'* “ “ Oitnhocn . H M « •* Sandals; i u “ leather soled 44 Overshoes; All of whiek will l» oolf, wkolt*Jlo o; rmoll,l"w« ‘“““Mr" ci,y - noI w»“ »'*! HEAT : «oOUR-100**ck» (bffiOfc.) ia store and Wlsr.il.Sr _«•»!* BTDAIITABII.L„ S°o A ov?“ 6 - k> H. i u Lavender; i <• ** Peppermint; 1 Bfttsafru; "‘V&UOONMAKER A CO Vi'oLASsr" ‘““V" ■ iVI ltr»- 5O bblt .—lnf from ibft W rr' A ACO p.«V Shsona co_ /'lOVFEE—ti»f» 'Uu>i rcceitins from canal, ana no»3*‘° bV JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO -v-rftCVS~aFFl7E&—Jiiitnse‘d tniTfor i&i( norai__ OOPEtBRKYFOGLK poTAfiH-»-c„hm^^^»C»y Ea T : T™f* “ ,,ro l> "” ““ %J»PY **ra? ilXmiJ AND iiiJSIEUY-Naw opening ai A- A- j 4JT Muon A Co'», 300 dos Glotm and Houery, of all | kmdi and qualities _ — I"’“* ‘Th d i;- l M”ugH c -jß^r K «p’d and for »al« by-deal. J «>aNHKUU lwUugvfi nvl-M a l*Pl.KS—is3 bt» roc’dpfor »nle oy GW A eSra» MW* - ” ‘f^oACTKsrliN 1.1 RAT&KRS-si P™”. e^sgqga.A 1 1| ULIU-W i jl ’ l ‘ 'l' rccHJ w ‘\v\l*H JOHNSTON AdeM —« —oiu ib* last ree'd anil for »ale by Ui’UNOfc—/Kinn h CO. ft! Wood »t KOOT 10° "" ■Pesovian «•} fwBuK.CE-™*>r *. b, Jj 14 J KXDP fc CO,6Q Wood it jJayV. M- —rtry««KS-llriO iibli mima rUnttitoa~Jtoi*McTt “* «^2?SraoS!iSE& ■ no ,u - " IB) Übcnl II MEDICAL, SELLERS’ LIVER PILLS WAS WT DOCTOR.— ' - Air. R. R. Sellers—Dew Slßlfeel ft U a duty I owe to the public, as well at to'the credit of s your Livcr Pills, to state the good efleeu produced by vhcu use In my own case. During the mouth of June, 1515,1 loo* very unwell, my appetite failed, and ray strength was entirely prostrated, with severe pain in my man ena shoulders. 1 was told by medical men that my disease was a sere reattach, of liver complaint- Itookeeve* xal boxes of M'Lane’s Liver Pills, and tome «ynipi, which I was told was good for that disease, but after all I was getting worse. I finally concluded to plsoe myself under the care of a physician for better or worse; but, fortunately, Just ut this time, I wa* told by the Rev. L Nibloek,of this place, that a friend baa sent him a box of Sellers’ Liver Pills from Pittsburgh, which had benefited ‘him very much. I forthwith tenliar a box -of your Liver Pills, end by the time I was done using them, I was satisfied that ft was just die medicine that suited ray cose. I sent for mare, and took five or six taxes, and found myself almost entirely cured; but ihM&rcb lasllcaught a severe cold, whleh brought back the disease, and in a short I was as bud ns ever. I again had recourse to your Liver Pills, and took them every other night for tlx weeks, and occasionally since, and t can now «y, that I cf" now say, that 1 feel Little if .any sympioas of the Liver Complaint, and my general health La as good now as it ha* boon for the last lbyeara. to whom I have recommended the pills, can testify to Tots* Onpno!, aHSSftJSywStew?®*-' &^£3SSSZffiS3Z£2r a§n B. E. SELLERS, PlspneMr. 87 Woodjl - dAtirtori hStela* . ▲ by the anno of BUEL CLAPPh»J5f*fSit with a younff man of tho name ofSJ*. aaea his name to pot up » call Or. Townaend’a. Suwpualte,. dm««««“» *J GENUINE. Original, etc. Tki Ifnj tof'and never wai. bnt wai formerly EW ®j£ e, 2Ji tiiia roads, caaoU, aadtho like.. Y«rhew^ ‘ “Vli! asffiisOTra'jgirftSasga bat the! GENUINEORMINAI. OLD br. Jacob Townaeud’s Sarsaparilla, bavins on lt tha. Old Dr.’s likeness, hi* family eoat of arms, ana bit tig * C ™“ “» ° f '“'“JACOB TOWNSEND, principal Qtiite, 103 Nassau it, New York City. OLD . - DOCTOR JACOB flpß T&WHSBID, TOE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER or rat GEfUIKI j TOWHSESD BAHBAPABII<IiA» Old Dr. Townsend isnow about 70 rear* of age. and has lonx been k nowa as the AUTHOR and DIBCO- ] V KREK of the GENUINE | SARSAPARILLA.** Being poor, he was compelled to itn»w its manuiactare, by which mean* it has been kept out of market, and the~*nlei circumscribed to those only who had proved its worth and known, its , raise. This Glass ass UasgcaiLts Pnxranxiftst: ia manafactnrrd on the largest scale, and is called wr througboni ike length and breadth of the land." Unflko -young S. P. Townsend’s, it improve* with ■re, and never changes, bat for the better? because it Is prepared on seienuAo principle* by a seiantiie man. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest, discoveries or the Art. hare'all been brought two re* quisUien in the man Hectare ot (ho Old Dr.’s Sarsapo* nils. The Sarsaparilla root, it Is well known to med ical men, contains mftdieinal properties, and wane pro perties which are men omselcss; and other*, which, If retained in preparing it for use, produce fermenta tion and acid, which is Injurions to the system. Some, of the properties oi Sarsaparilla ore so volatile that they entirely evaporate and are lort in the prepara tion, if they are not preserved by ascientific prone**, known only to those experienced m its manufacture. Moreover lhe«e volatile principles, which fly offin va por, or m« an exhalation, nnder heat, are the very c»- aeutinl medical properties of the root, which give: to it nil its value. The OETSUUSIfI . OLD DR. JACOB TOW SOUND S SARSAPARILLA i« mi prepared, '.hat all the inert proper*"-® of the Sar mpatilla. root ara first removed, every imtis caph.s of ui-eonting and or of fenn-Mnunn. i- cxtraneti anti rvj-oieil: dim <-vrr>* particle ofnt»dir«t virroe is seen red in a pare and concentrated form, ar,d thus 11 t* rendered mpnpalde of losing any of il» ■ valuable and healing properties. Prepared in mis war, ins mac# the ino'Vpo'jrcrf'it agent ta the _ CUItL OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Hence the reason why wo hear commendations on every side in u» favor by men, women and children. We nnJ it doing-wonders in the cure of Consumption, lKcpepSia. and Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, Setofula and I’iler, Coaliveuee*, all Cutaneous Krop* tion*. Pimples. Ulotrhe*. and all ciTrr.linus arisiug-fram IMPURITY OP TIU-i ULOOa It posse**** a marvellous efficacy in al! complaints arinng from Indigestion, from Acidity of Ibo Stomneh; from unequal circulation, deicmimuioii of Wood to the head, palpitation of the heart, cdUl feet and col.ljtioncs rold custls and hoi dashes overtho body. It has not had it* equal in coughs and cold*} and promotes ea«y cxpccioraiidn, ami gentle perspiration, relaxing stric ture of the lungs, throat, and every other part. l>al in nothing Is iu excellence morn manifestly seas and acknowledged than In all kinds and stages of !- : It works wonder* in cues of floor albusor whitest Foiling of the Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed, ©rFaia fill Menses, Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and the like: end is effectual ineuring ail forma of the Ktd uey Diseases. By removing obsiructions-and regula ting the general system, it gives tone qau strength to the whole body, and enres oil forms of NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, ■nd thus prevent* or relieves a great variety of other u Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, St- virus Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Fits. Convulsions, Ac. Is not this, then, tsi Mxmcras TocPas-Excasm.v Nnot lint con any of these things be said of S. P. Town send*! interior artieleT This young man’s liquid is not to bo COMPARED WITH THEDLD DR.’S, because of the Grand Fact, that the one-U Incapable of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, whilctbc olh cr DOES; it sours, ferments. and blows the bottlei containing it Into fragments; toe soar, acid liquid ex ploding and damaging other goods! Must not this hor rible comnound.be poisonous to the system! Whatl. put acid into a system already diseased with aetdi I what causes Dyspepsia butacidt.Do we not all know, I ,[,31 when food sours in our stomachs, what mischiefs | iiprodnecst—flamlenee, heartburn, pulpUatidn of the ; heart, liver complaint, diarthma, dysentery, eholie and corruption of tho blood! What is Scrofula but an acid humor in the body! What prodace* all the humors which, bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Uead^ Salt Swellings, Fever-Sore*, and all ulceration* Internal and external! It Is noth ini' under heaven but an acid substance, which, soars, and thus spoils all the fluids ortho body, more or-lou. What causes Rheumatism but a sour acid fluid, which insinuates itself between the joints and elsewhere, ir ritating and inflaming the tender and delicate tissues , upon which it acts! So of nervous diseases, of impu- | nt; of the blood, of deranged circulations, ami nearly all the ailments whieh aflfict human nature. New, is U not horrible to make and sell, and infinite-. ' It worse to uso ibis SOURINGi FERMENTING, ACID “COMPOUND* OF 8. P. TOWNSEND! , and yet he would fain have it understood that Old Ja cob Townseed's Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, is an Iffiimlan of hi* inferior preparation!! ■ Heaven forbid that wo should deal Id ah article which would bear the most distant resemblance \o 8. P Townsend’s articlsl and which should bring down, upon the Old Dr. such a mountain load of complaints and criminations from agents who have spld. and pur chasers who have iked 8. P.. To wnsead’*;Fera eating Cospodnd! j We wuh U understood, because if is the. absolute truth, that 8. P. Townsend’s article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide* ip art, aud infinitely dissimilar; thatihey are every par- - tictUar, having notone single thing in eomthon. . ..] It Is to emit trend* upon the unforttmaie, to pour, balm into, wounded humanity, to klndlo hope in the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and .vi sor into the crushed and broken and to banistf Infirmi ty—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunityjind meads to bring his GaxHP UNIVERSAL OONCENTIIATED REMEDY, within thoveach, and to the knowledge of all who need it, that they may learn and knew, by joyful ex perience, its Txasaoutonr row** to bs*l l For sale by J. KIDD A CO- Wholesale Age nl fo*, Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birmingham; Dr. J. SARGEANT, Allegheny; ‘ Dr. J. CASSELL, Fifth ward, O. W. GARDNER, Clh ward, Pittsburgh. q>U JayiTssTEzpsetqrantt 1 Sira, Columbiana e0.,0-, Apr. 24, 1541. DR. D. JAYNES: Dsia.Si*:—l fcol bound to yok and the afflieted public, to avail myself of this op< . port unity ofgivingpublieiiyw the extraordinary effect; | of your Expectorant onmyself. Harms been ulfhcted j for several years with a severe cough, hectic fever and its concomitant disease*, and seemed only downed lolitucr out a abort but miserable existence, until the I fall of leap, when, being more severely attacked, sail having resorted to nil my former remedies, aud the pr» scripuone of two of tho most respectable pliysician* to the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the consolation ofiurvivuiv. but a few days or weeks sj farthest—when the Is.i gleam of hope tvxs about to vanish, 1 had recommended to me y° n^!^r‘-f} J l ran , t . „ snd blessed by that Being who doc* ail Uungsin the are of the mcan*-a*d contrary to tbo axpecutUoiwof Svnb«icmos and friend*. I was in a few days raised M bed. and was enabled by ihe UMof a bottle, to sUeDdwrny business, enjoy ingjuuce betterbealth than 1 j«. W. am;' Formula in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store,7o Fourth Mrceu B, * r ® M- —K j;l.uah kaTi>.v.-> JAYNB— that tmmHl.uoly alter havint: attended my 0/oUi< f, who died o( etmsumpUou £?\ii teh la-12,1 was taken rifle with Ute<-t»asorapuon i ve r botnidainLand ww reducei\fio tow with the lb»t IM 6>“* j“" 1 "»* j"» I> J«, <" “ buiucms ciUicr nt home or obrood.lmuig for the S«t Umo eon&ncd to my bed. Dorinj the otoro peri nJoftime, | had expended, for medical nuemlaaco o Physicians and medicines id the amount of I fffip vn thorn receiving any benefit -therefrom. In JoW 16*4, 1 commenced Inking Dr. Jayne’s Medi lelnea' and have taken them more or leas ever since, and believo dial it vrat by persevering In theiruse, i»iai I can now truly say that I nave completely rteo*. vered my health. 1 believe that Jayne l * Sanative Tills and Expectorant are the best family medicines n*»—' "f reside in Springfield, Otsego eennty,. .N. and •arryoa a faniaccand machine tliop in that place, uid am noi interested in any manner in the sale of the ftboTo medicines, and make this Certificate for the ben efh of those nlliicied. ELIJAH EATON. Springfield, N. Y*j3epL 16,1543. " '•‘Honriy Pialsi 1 ' Blu&eU^ WE. MUIIPUY, al North Lasfcorcer of Fbaiih • and Market streets, has Utplv rc<jerr«ai a sap ply of the abote superior make oftßlarikeu; and in i Tues those in want of the article toMoek at them be* I fore baying. Ho has also on hsnd HomeMadC Hl&n- I kets,a good heayy aniclo, which hels'seUins low. | 4080— Home Made FLANNELS) brown, barred and W Al^TVuf^ ri^wl^l FLANNELS, to which he istitea the mention of buyers. ~ , ifj*A taxua auppiy of Goode recently opened in the wholesale Hoorn, up stain, mokes hi* oasortmact vetT fall ami worthy the attention of dealer*. potl7 ; BRUSSELS CAB.PETS.—W. M'Cmrrocr offer* to porehaaer* a targe and handsome assortment of Ue.moat opproted .pattern* of Uro»*«U Csirpeu, cheaper than ertr before odered In this market Call iaHxandne «*»»««* befcre perehMinj elaewhere, ““Xk .. i w MCLiWTOCK;7aFo«nn»t ' a prune araele, an kale by 1 WICKANeCANDUSS OT Atilt-*"bbl 4e17 '•o’’ iinsnET.T.ANEOPg. v 1 nos AS os xust* or tas smiJt»vtc" T _ _ neons Eruptions, Pimples or Pustule# . Blotches, Bile*, Chwale Sore Eye*, Bitt W«ra . ot Tetter, Beild Ifcid, EttI«!ICT«m»nJ P|Utt of the Bose* end Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, SyphiUie. 1 Symplons, Sciatica. or, Lumbs«Mad«ieMM . arising from sa injudicious tie of «emnr, Am*. tite* or Dropsy, Bxpocsre or ImpredflaeßA Also—Chronic Constitiaiaaal Disorders, to. \ . I. |a this preparation aft strocglyconceattafMia tho properties' of BusspsisUa, • oca bined.with the most esecosi sids, the most sslatyyjnpdßeaoaSt the most potent staples of the vegetable ktagddtt sad it bu been. 10 Ifclly tested, not onlT bypylanttihen; selves, bef also by physicians, thatlt.hasreceived their reeacßoendstloss end ths spprobs* tion crfiie poblicj esAhas tsabUshed, aa.ua own merits, s reputation for VALPiaad zntCAcnrfiCJspo rior to the various compounds bearing the name of Bananarilia. JKse*sea.ha»o boon cured; attehwm not forabhed in tho reeorts or time pass and what U has slresdy done tat the thousands wto JtsWjttod it U is capable of doing foMhcwilHoffi still angering sad atruggling with disease. D P«nhef> ClOAflMvttd cuenpthens the tbnntaln springe of uihiUd-uUsses . The foLowtng striking. tad—<s wißbo yto-frpcr- ■ i r*""- nt core of an iavetonuo esse of Bereaua, pa m* 1 mends itself to all slnliiriy Uffilmdt. • . t SoßtuKar, Conn., Jim. 1,180. Messrs. Sands: Gentlemen, Synpetby forth* tfltct* ed indnees mo to inform you of the TKaartable ears efleeud by year Sarsapanlln, intboesso CLaffwus. , She was severely afflicted with the. ScrofWa ondiflhr* ; entpait* of the body?- the glands of the rieex iw* I greatly enUrged, niwl her liaibs aneh e^eanrAter Suffering over s year, and findlngno relief ton the ; remedies used, the disease attacked, one leg,jSffldbo* I low the kneo suppurated. Her phyiielaa advised H ■ should be laid open, which wo* done, batwtthptt any | permanent benefit, lathis situation we heartpfi and 1 were indoeedto ue, Sands* Sarsaparilla ItojW bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, re&ev i in* her more than any prescription she hod overtaken; I and before she used su borne*—a the .ostotrishtneat and delight of her friend*—the fatal her health quire restored. It is now over a year since the Com*** ef fected, and her health remilnsgood, showingthat 0* disease was thoroughly eradicated ftomtho OTOa. i Oor neighbors are mUkaowlnff to these fee tt, ta*think veryhighly of Sanda’ Sarsaparilla. - , ~-Yours with respect, JUUUB rxXE. 1 ISxtraet from a letter received from Hdr* . ns, a gentleman well known fat LouUlauaco, Yt£, [ ‘-Gentle men, I have eared a negro boy of mine with 1 yoar Sarsaparilla, who was attacked and.of atcrofnioaifamily. +, m xtHmin* ■ “Yours, truly, - N.w.HAKBIS. “Fredericks HaU, Va* July 17,1848." ' Sartos* SAasATASatA.—It teems almost uonneee sta re to direet attention to an article so well known, and _ , ao deservedly popular, as this preparation, but ptuents ! often who wish to ase-theeitraelof Sarcauinua, are i induced to try worthies* compounds beannfflw name, I but containing little or nono of the virtno of this vain- and we thinkwe cannot confer a greater | benehton our readers than indirecting thetr.arientioa to Oie advertiaemer t of the Messrs, Sands, lnanotner I column. • The bottle has recently been enlarged to 1 held a quart, and those who wish a really goodafucle will flail concentrated In this all the medicinal valua i of the root, The experience of thousands hasproved its dlieacy in curing toe various disease* for which it . : j« rrcomraeoiM, »)•> at the pretent time more than any other, r>crb»i«, i* ibis medicine useful,-»a prep** ring the •y-iem fa a change o: eeason.—[Homs Jour .nni.Sipt. ISK '' I’repu ml juid *oM, wholesale and feialU by A. B. * D SAND?. Druei;i«t nod Chemist, 100FRlton street, coriterof New-York. Sold also by wug ei,n generally throu'Lout the United State* and Can ada. Price SI per host!-: rtx bottles for W- _ For sale i>y tl WILCOX. Jr., U.A. FAHNESTOCK i CO., «uJ HD WARD FKN DKIUCII, AL by Dr. S. SMITH, [dcl9-deodfcwT Metallic rubukii pimm r«'d this day and for <*!«; at * . - dr29 No 5 Wood atract JUST RKCRiVEB—- r.rcus 'Vistar* Ua&»m Wild Cherry, for aale by ■* kl DB , j e nrj ■” No W Wood meet IKATUKRS— •* sacks to day rec’J and for Via by OeZ? AKMSTRUNQ ACROZEB lIDKR VINEGAR—G bhia to day rtcHLjfekjute>t>y t dc27 _ j *- iUiMJrBONCACROZEB FLOUfi-sSbbl* Glenn’* E«»? • 4t> u 1 inmjlfoif» Extra: to dalhrac’d. for . de37 AHMSTKCffIO * CBOZOI A IE CUSHIONS—Vi -Air CmUoua, :tqwro *a ji ‘ r " e °, [ fy, , t.^; d ,.ia% , s'wiod .1 AIR PARLOR BALLfc-Jaiijefe, itewiow of Afferent «ixea, a iploldid article, *M wheteaalo 11 " VOOd<lt JATTPHILLIPB t EAtL-s»pljrOalenin«» reo’dperiieAmer I i Critteadea,arid forwlo by , . __ dcST JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO Sew Books. A SYSTEM, of Ancient and Median! Geography, lor th* ese of School* and by Chaste* of Spanish Literature; byGeo. Tieknor. a volt*—toU 1 received. . : 'Q- . The Whale and his CaptlTtaj or ,the Whalen an 1 * Adventuree, and the Whale'* Blifcraphy. h* gathered in the Homeward Croise of the “Oaxnwxlore Treble?* by Bct. Henry T. Cheeyer. . , trW • corner Third tod Marketers. BLACK PABMETTOS.—W. R. Itcwkri at North Esateonerof Fourth and Market streets, has a Oil assortment of the abor* K»rce i rooda. Alao— Black FrenchMerinoe,llembtxlaeftßi*a;AJpaeca*tor Mynminy, cloths forMffnrntnft md aJ*ppty otMourning Goods generally. . _• deW — S’Sff^ 7 * NnUi lJhartV « GOLDEN SYBUP—Ubbls landing per,«»**mer. JWIz'IUIZELL gtaambeat ftnUti eadOewiT*rp*n*a« wo. tt. New Enjtaaa QiUU BmrtOTlwCWW Which they will sell wry low to deataaog steamboat ■rsa. c * u gamwMii»itori« ■ragg-" £s "* *cSpe f£tfP~43bale* Pew Roos4 Kenueky.Beap, rM L oneoßii«nmeoiMid(bt»«tokyj! c' ’ noTgiKIP _ AOOHDO«__ pEiLKB PEACHES—& IiTJNDOWW YV. for tale by »-fioo .dolB • SAW BtrmiE— ÜbbU «nd SO SODA A3H-SS CUi. to JJiSSjjSW’?, ills bT ■ TAgSKYAtUSTj :=- ■ " -a . ril-'.L o/iL ITT YTZETTES— S cases paper French Bias* Billt v SUNDRIES— o bale* Colton; 43bbls NolLart,: 44 bag* Feathers; .-1 tierce “ 1 18 sack* Woe); * ' ' . , 6 do* Lamb Skin*, with wool; 3 do* Sheep Skins,. “ . “ 3 do* *** ** drenad; To »ny oo „ PIG METAL—SO ton*, suitable lor Foandf sm, jut Su “ d •^^HAKDY.JOSiaACO rag#**”?** a co CEDAR!—A lot Of Ceder consigned 1/ io U. Cohen or Urp*er, wifl be ebid Mr pay ehaffe* e if norcallcil for within •...., ’t-_ .» <te!4 I>KU B MIIiTBXBBKOEH,'W F»i»B . ( IAUCUt*-* cases, fait V °^ nm « al • ■ AAMA N?&&ffI'« . frL cn«r*nd. baJo*_^e4T-VttUDiiad Jj Yellow a larje lot of«Oira ***** «*» WtLile -ahu-W iu,. N. ■gi&MDUtaa I ' , »‘ cl,,l wi‘SltoSNDLga ■pr muL-TTKK-J] ELcANPUSg M I S-° NUAM3 - < U "ffieiwiap ' (IUEAP MOUS. DE LAINB—3C»*e» good mb, . j f a »i colored M. do Lama, at ike extremely few r price of 11c. per yard. * AAMASONfc CU, dcU " - '■ No6oM«ikot«t FfijSlTFttCTlT-Adot «*a* fteakPetcke*; ‘ ■6 *• -boaiee.- Ao> - ; 3 « “ Rrtwberiiea: 3 “ : “ . Tbttuoeii • - 3. “ hilfgaLboufeaPiekles; 3 “ qoan ' , do. 3 “ lancy - - do. • Bec’dtndforiale tithe PekuTesßtere, 70 Feuth -• ggcct. • ; •. deelS ••' /*V ATS—SOU bt iaitote tad fcrealaby • ' Uagp • CRAIQA SIUN.Nga GREEN APPLES—73 bt>U is noreutd for ala bv ■■■ - CHAiQfoSIONWgy f fc iWli.iivn ii son iQil for tale fa* .. A.**,. , 0010* OdEnSi |e;j tic.-/-'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers