THE riTTSBD H rtH tf aCTTTF, >LI MOEHWa. JAN. % 1830. PdiiiiofiiiPoiA am^^ah, sSSSaasKas •>• gyaes WPT FAQg POK LOCAL. MAITO« •• •- .•' . TELBOfiATBIOMEWB,Ac. -*v PDE MAYOR OF PITTSBURGH, ODVODBOSt poe mayor of Allegheny, i huqh b. puchixo. ... eta have so; controversy with the person! : *bO) over the signature of “J. T. S." 1* allowed i ' (liWy to libel cn in the Mercury. Having drives I ttatornthecover of.ibe editorial the HCeteury, corotyect U tuffieieatij accomplished. •If the editor thinks he can gain public approbation . v ,jbyi»rful[ilug his. columns. to be soiled by and nare blackguardism, he baa utterly mistaken his ’vocation. T Wr' <*/• !• V* repaired from M. T.Moree, Foortb '|fefte*, «ji eojTiy»a portndl o< Hon. Walter For ward, b)rBtftaio» 6bm * : paiailog by LamMfc-r IfcMrwfcoaOThlp Urcryfine, tratwo do pctthiok U tfOOdUbeiMO. - . •- :Euvaxtos or Wsxsuira Ban»s.—We have recfvedaeopy cf a drawing made by & ». Wick, mahim, '■ of ' toe’ Wheeling*. Bridge' showing la Stages of the river*. It ahowa plainly ih*» the Budget* a (real obttructioa to - the navigation. by Wm. Schachman, Pitobnrgh. ■Weareliid«btedtoMemf.Dmie,*iui Haalett yJSapf» tai public docctneau Croat Htrrubarj. Mimflsiah JtneCUrke,of Now Brighton, Bea« ■VW Ooaniy, better known a* * Grace .Greenwood,’ , WUete here Saturday eyinlng, on her return home Boston, where the ha* bees staying for some tWe, engaged in superintending the pubUcaiios of a voiuao contsmiag a collection of hex prose com pQStttoai/‘; . ...... . . . ' The Cfawueb, which fa exceedingly earnest fa the sappcnSof Cap*. Gatorfe for Mayor, makes the fefidwihg declaration >-** They (the Dnaavsto) are infevorcfCapt.Gixtorie,eoVttax, and not one will befonndao grtn* as to vote for the ! Whig chadidite!* Thirl* no dsubi pretty near the truth, but that . flame paper expects to find many Whig* ' l gntrt* OOCHuhtoforsake their own principle* -aad-go Against Mr.M’Cut:heoo. We are tony tojny thit there u reason to believe that the CtamideV estimate of the Whigs ta true of a few rr*sary who have hitherto pro* .teed to be Whtge; bat we think the “gram" . wfll be found, on the day of the decried, -ftirteia number taan- the Chronicle Imagine*, and there wlll alre be found aome Democrats who ;'w3T.ttot consent to assist a Locofoeo* via has been put forward under false colors. * i j ZdEwa A. Goner, of the celebrated lady’s - Book, i» a ine cooturimear in pictorial embellish* *.\aucta, bat about the moat interesting one he ever hast data % portrait of himself. His dee, good . hnmmed.conntenaiim it is a pleasure to look 11 upea.aad are shall place it la our —nrtnm to ante away the “Woes," should they ever attempt . 'to payura visit. .. „:,Mxw Tbuotutbic Wax.—We have received ,teaouraitealive eorrespoudent at NewTork, a of new telegraphic wire, to which We lavfU? the carious is each matters. It a complete. Ijr insalaled, sod cannot be affected by atmospher* '.feohanfes, or other ceases. Etcan, says our cor respondent, 41 be famished for sixty live do&irs pc' , aftile, a prleo which must give it general use. If ft ta pitted under land or water,it is alike pro* . iacted from the elements, and makes the telegraph a more reliable means of commuaicatioß than any echo known method. • At present, a despatch of l ' Impbrtaacefs almost sure' to find the too phrase ta, and uaete." VBOI WSIHUQTOS. Correapsodqpee of the Pinsburgfc Gratia. »/• Wasamoxoai Jan. 1,1350. ~ ' . Wcli r bare, we are, just tamed the corner of * Itto fitslhalf ol.lhe nineteenth century. The in i - ionise. year has been greeted with gay festivity, aaaaoaL .I have just returned from Jthd White Haase, where the first grand annual reception •Since General Taylor's assumption of the duties cfatate, has taken place. ; The throng was wtia ; many-think beyond all precedent, but in . candor; I most admit that I cau never perceive • any dißereare in the density of the .crowd at the ■< Prtfidestla! residence, on' these oec slices. I have alwnyafoaßd theaqoecae jnst'ap to the flattening : point, pafewhidTit mold not well go. All ware pleased with the unaffected cordiality : and beirtiheu of GenerilTayfor in receivingmsd ■ fftnrning.iJ»Mlnt»lw>naofhiafricn<k. HsWSS tabled fa' the ceremony of too day by; Colonel ' te Mrau Bliss. The quiet gravity and courtesy of I y) toeCbUneVwere.well.tdapted to setoff too lead -v tog qahlßJmi of bis character. Mr*. Bliss was \l jagpxtScdvfitoa atgiplfolty that would havebro -• . kea'too heart of a desterin.iaflnoery ware to 'rC kard'oeen. . A aingk'brsceletcoasritutcd her ; only decoration, -act so iiuch as a golden pin set rigid punnets oi her coaume, or betrayed ; ha/r maififiined Uagtace ' :fal arrangeaaaftft'-; She; wore a sober lead eoiour* ]*;;j v od^;dress,, ; 7khoßtAdance*, fitted'-closely to ! her well rounded form.'Mrs. Bias Is under, twen* ;/ ty years of age, and hsi a dark complexion,; tad ; - lively dark eye, which sufficiently sUest'her to be / t usJiv eof a. more Scmthera clime than this. She exchanged complimenia with' the distinguished gaera who gathered shout her, with an nnembsr* ' fumed &wdom and * nataral ease Mmanuer that WuMghly (dealing. . . Mr. Clay, wax proainenr tnabag ail those who ! hud aaMunUed there to pay their respects to the Chief Magistrate of.the Bation. Wherever be, moved, tbt|eye> of all followed. Hewasaeeom* - pmued by a very tall elderly lady from his own atatv, whom name 1 thought 1 beard given is MV Zee, a relative, probably, of too unfortunate Col. ’ ef volunieera otthat name, who was killed while is . j canoand of the regiment ofKentacky cavalry, to I which Mr».Clay , e eoa belonged.—Mr. Q-iyV btp*. py eoovemttoaai faculty was never displayed to grteV than la chatting wito toe ban* : died* of hew and old about ■■ Mm. 1 . V • • law here protest against the pweoUtipa of eerie oftoriiga dlplgaatfrtfi before .the tp •f\ ' r ‘ pointed hour for ths reception of untitled ! and un \ ! official Visiters. At Dear as 1 can leant this was \ •’ jte cm© yexiarfiay. These geafieoen, with their 1 \ eeckedWtesad laced coats, tad auuca,anfibril' \ tim inrignls, and other splendid toggery, are' \ —"wr the rarest, natural, and artificial eariralv \tte* exhibited at these popular laveea.—Sir Hen \t Bnlwra was not, it is etid, among them yea . terday, bis £!xce being fitted by aotno interior MUheroftbelegßUos. Thecauao ofhis ab* > doobtless illoeat. ’’ ■: Aoou the least gratifying incidents of the day, at the White Howe/ were ana dry exploits of a - j r oi 'light fingered gentry, who tookadvan cf the graertl hilarity to possess themaatve© ofx ujmhoWfold wsiches,bracelet*,,andotfc ; «r trinkets, to w nothing cf various poclcei hooka, j *; and pnnramorear less supplied with the risews r -. j* i ngnery, In otWwords the root of til «viL I - Tbs Vioe President, tbo members oflbeCabi . net,lheMsyoroftha city, andaome ofiheBeii*. -v. V«ett, likewise held lovera, that were muneronsly ..} • attended. . " \ . ! ' ,So ends tbs holydays. OnThirsdny.poagtess V' 1 . . wiH ooauaeaeebwifleaSjanduittobohbpodiWill ? proceed in it with more stsidtaws and dispatch, ttealbeir prerioosjconduct woaldgiV® reasons ter • - ejecting. Jir. - Wot* J. Brown has isxaed another card, . . tho third of the series, npon the nxptarion of his p>, ■ tehemes fcrtho Speakership. This last is ad# . dimed to hlsdonstitncnts, and is decidedly the nrssl of the lot. In this prodoction the honora- V Ue xadeetmav© member denounces "the slave* r • informs the world] tiat, heaoetortb» . : hlsisto hi looked - upon as a martyr to its teU ' spirit. Bat Brown also states that hs has been done,lho*he s*y»," M xax non?*-* * ? • • : BROWNS TUk Uaia he mute be believed. Thera - :>•■'}■ fcao doobt that he has the ■: Tho^tdhim, there might bo n »oms goeatioa, He i» a m*rtyy/«jjd il now only remains to be - - wiaiaeoeediti dolDghiscoa » «ttesnls as Brown as himself Jcsiux. WanaaOTcx, Jan. 8, 1850. : ym- iapodent fthricator of sews for * certain ivitfp drmkted prist la New Yori, tbit seed extended the *phae of hieirf ucatery and pretended to report a private conver- Htioa of Gen. Tajlpr nbjec* that is now exciting the public mind o£&s country to its pro* , ksxdest depths. This person tends forth, upon : the lightning’e wings, the assertion that Gen. T*y» hu lately deelaitd, to member* eT CoagTOts, that he shall veto a bill, should Oongreas submit one to w»»»«Mut>ing governments for the tern* tones with the *nti Slavery proviso ts a danse.- Now a more arrant falsehood was never invested. The President has made no declarations, and will make none, ontaide of official communications, that could be eoostroed or tortured Into a desire to influence the action oT Contrast upon this cob* jeet. It to poasible,thal ii bis individual wishes wen eouinlied, he would prefer to see Congress pass bills, for the above porpoae, without the pro* viso, because be believes that the object of it wiij be attained whether, it be adopted or not. Another ttory, (tom a source of-about equal credibility, is, that the nomination of , Hon. Abbott Lawrence, as Minister to England, is already be* fore the Souls, and is likely to be rejected. .The simple taer is, that Mr. Lawrence has not yet been nominated to the Senate, and that there Is no ret* onabla doubt that he will be confirmed when tom toiled, without any noticeable opposition. There is no disposition on the part of a majority of the Senate to martyrize Mr. Lawrence, or any body else, and should the red democracy <jf that body aetootto show its teeth, and-grotrudo its claws, why then the conservatism of that' side of the chamber will interpose and check the ament of Us fie, so that things will go on smoothly again. Ho wrtiwtwtfaw* have yet been made to the Senate, except that of Mr. Morris, as Charge to Naples, a lot of Collectors for reomte and unimpor tant districts, and a parcel of military promotions, on Monday last, la saying that a majority of lbs Senate may be relied upon to oppose any thing tike a mere factions opposition to the appcdalments of tho administration, U la not yet certain that the moderate men among the Democratic majority will be able to resist the:moro intolerant in their assaults upon Us general policy, either as respects domestic or fereign afifcin. Calhoun,, Hunter, Butler, and asms other Southern Senators, are in* disposed to join in that soit of “bitter end" war* faro recommended by the Union, but they are in no alight degree incensed la view of the encourage ment which they believei the President and hla Cabinet have extended to(ihe efforts tor the forma tion of a Stale Constitution io California, and they may be induced to unite with'the “ bitter end era” of the north and west, who an prepared, in the mere fall ocas of party hate, to censure, harrass, and annoy the administration, “ whatever face the future may-wear,” in order to get that help from them, upon slavery issues, which their own indif ference, or. a whotsesomo dread of the general sentiment of their part ol the country, might in duce them to withhold. 4 Ur. Benton's petition tad that of tome others I may dependin some measure tpos the retail of the great battle which will take place whao Atchi eoa presents the Misaoari Resolutions. If AtehU I toa pretamat to make a speech, if Calhoun lifts his little finger, old Bullion will rise, and tho j&ock will be awfiiL IT prepagaadists.nadertaketo bear hard down apoa Mr. Ben toa and bring the party I strength upon him, they may tocceed in driving j him and a small coterie of northern Senators who 1 wills tand by through the straggle and abide the I issue, into an independent position Sneh a detach* I meat trom the ranks of the regolsr opposition would at this time be of immense service .to the ad ministration and the conntry. Ur. Foote, otherwise known as the'Hon. Ur. Ketch, has consented to lay his valuable tad inre portant bills concerning the sew territories, before the Senate, to be printed. I have not yet aeen it, end if it is as wordy as one of the boaorahle'e own speeches, lam afraid l ahali never read it. How ever, a check mats will be provided in the House by the bid that mast be introduced in compliance wtth Boot's reaohuios. Which will, no doobf, be p—to morrow, or as soon as we get a clerk. Root, yoo will remember, proposes to instract the committee on the territories to report s bill forth with, extending territorial government td New Mexico and Deseret, and excluding slavery there- Eaoogh has appeared daring the first month, to prove that a large part of this session will be con sumed in speaking, before wo get to action. We | shall have high gales, raging wwutr, and s terrible ground, norif, all in words, for the next three mowtW- tot after the ooontry has been sufficiently stirred ap, then it will demand action, and the voting will begin. Bat every stage scene and ia« ddeat of the performance will attract the highest interest, and will deserve all the attention it will receive. . J cures. FROM nsREWBPHO. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. Hsbxusum, Jani 1,1850. The Senile met this morning, ptmntat to ad* Jotmimeßt The first thing ia erder vu the pre» aeatatiog of petitions} after which, '' Mr. Crabb,, presented a bill entitled, | “an act to establish a uniform system of police in ,tbe City and County of Phfladelplda. Mr. Danis, on. lease, presented a bill to author ise the Commissioners of Allegheny County to borrow money on their corporate bends; and on farther motion of that gentleman, the Senate proa eceded to the immediate eoasWention of the bill, which was taken np and passed tola.aeeond reading. •In reply to a query by Mr. Frafley, Mr. Dtrsie. said, that so far as hit knowledge extended, there was no opposition whatever to the -bill In Alle gheny County. It was a mere local matter, in the wisdom and manifest propriety of which, all par ties concurred, and lhe money would be borrow ed at home, where every body fully understood the object of (he bill, and so far as he was in formed upon the subject, desired its immediate ptnage. Mr. Frafley professed to be folly satisfied with tboHon.fe&tlemin’s explanation. Mr. McOtslin said that the only objection be had to the bill waX, that it had not been passed soon enough. Such a law should have pessed long ago. . The bill was then passed to its final reading, and adopted. • Bcsolntioos being next in order, Mr. Parka of fered a resolotion to the effect that a Committee of Five be appointed to apportion the State into Senatorial and Representative Districts; and the resolution having been read a second time, after some conversation between Mr. Darsio and Mr. Parker, was finally adopted. Candidates ter Clerk and other officers were hers so&lsated, bat no eflbrt was made to con* mpum an election to day. Mr. Prareon, the present , efficient, sad gentlemanly Clerk, was .pin m nomination by the Whigs, and Colonel Moamiehen by the Locoteeot. It i» supposed that the Speaker will cooperate with the former in ‘the flftion of these officers, and that the present incumbents will bo generally retained. At 12 o’clock, the Secretary of tho Commons wraith was introduced, and presented the annual Message ofthe Governor, which was read and ordered to bo printed. The Senate then adjourn, ed. The House met at 10 o'clock. Mr. Meek offered a resolution that the clergy of Harrisbnrgh be invited to open the sessions of the House with prayer, which was unanimously adopted. , ttesnt. Lewis, Smyser, and lAlrd, wer<> ap pointed a Committee to revise tho raleaof the last sesiioo. . . Mr. Hoge offered tho following resolution, I which was.agreed to: * Committee of thirteen bo up pouied to divide this Commonwealth into Senato rial and Representative Districts.” Mr. Forter a memorial Crotn Peter A. Browne, •'king for an appropriation to defray the expense of publishing a work on the aatgect of improving the breeds of sheep, in this State. Mr. McOintoek presented the memo rial of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Book ofPiui burgh, ask ing ter additional privileges in tho fen e of I'loies, which was road the first Urns and laid on the table. At 18 o’clock the Secretary of the • Common* wealth presented the annual Message ofthe Gov omof, which was rrad by the Clerk, and seven }taasand five hundred copies, ffvo- t.hotuand in EcfiDah, and twenty five hundred In G ten nan, or* dered to be printed.' On motion cf Mr BUHager, the Bpeaker * was' re*’ paired n Cbmmittee to divide the anna. aiMewaginlrthe Governor under separate a TP* 0 * priate heaxls;fi» the eouideratioa of'ths He ta * c i whereupon Metsn. BBlin*nr,\ Watsoa', .Bub her- Cad,' and Paeko, were appointed said Commit! *<• and so . Amber terinesibsiagbeterstks Hons *» oeettoinoTTowmnHii*, r atiiydook. \- The. Governor's Message is no don hi before yon, 1 shall sot, therefore, speak of its merits, as yoa have doubtless made yoar comments apon it before this- It isibe theme of universal admira tion, amongst the members ° n( t strangers in oor | borough, and will certainly attract the respectable attention of the people in every section of the Union. The finding Committees have not yet been announced. Cospct. rBOBSBWTOBK. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. Saw Yoxx, Jan. 2, 1850* The New Year’s Festivities are safely over, im) all looks like work again. The old Knicker bocker custom of New Year's calls, seems rather tohirafoUen intodUnse, in the past year, than to increase. To be sure m aotqequartem the cere j mooy it still bald in its purity, bat in ibe majority I of eases, it has been crashed with fashion, or kill |ed by the lack of all-form. In some parts of iho I town the receptions took place, amid the glare of gas light, which so well displays the arts of the toilet, and the ravages of time, tod the j refreshments were served upon plate, the valne of a ship. la moat esses the toilet'of ladies was plain, the light of day admitted, and the refresh- I meats comprised in a glass of lemonade, and a I piece of home made cake, iced at the bakers. Ho- I tels sad other bar rooms do not keep open house | se of old, and the day is soon to be as etopid as j other* . New York politicians are rather at a loss to know what has become of Messrs. Duer and Brooks, who have been found in the warmest em braces of the South, apon the- ‘question of allow ing slavery in the Mexican Territory, east of the Siera Nevada mountains. This seting with the Sooth, by a few Whigs,is ratberquestionable, and qniio impolitic after the experience we had in the i choice of a Bpetker. Unless a very clear explan ation of this vote is made, new men will go to ! Congress next time, from the District cf Mesu*. Doer and Brooks. >• There is a.good deal of activity in freights, jost now, for round about voyages under the new English negotiation law, which are pretty near I the realization of free trade in ships. For East I India voyages oar ships are wanted, and we shall, I for the future, have an opposition at ali points, ex cept those protected by the Charter of tbo East Ins dia Company. We can also lake a part in the tea trade, and the East India sugar trade to Lon don. - la finsqelsl affairs there is grest activity to day, in consequence of the payment of Interest on the Nations], Stale, and ether debts. The disburse puytjtj on account of interests and dividends, will not foil short of two and a ball millions of dollars, which mast, to a great extent, come into the mar- I kettor re-investment, gives a new impetus to the I downward tendency of the rate of interest. The I change in commercial hoaeea are very small, sad very few new firms are storting.' s number of merchants retire from business, indeed more than osnsL , The California Mali did not leave to day, in I consequence of some trouble at Charleston. The I Empire City will sail to morrow, and call at I Charleston, which will give the digging brethren I a foil mail trom home. We have also a telegraphic I account of an accident to the Crescent City, I which after an accident was foorteen days reach- | ing Charleston, and her passengers now wait the I arrival of the Empire City, to proceed. Oar Legislature meets to day, at Albany, and we shall have as much trouble in organizing, as Congress or the Ohio Senate. The Whig mem- ber of Assembly from Orange, 100, has the certifi- I cate ofeteetion, which makes the Assembly stand ItM to 63. Tbe Loco {oca candidate, however, I claim* to have received a clear majority, stands I ready to demonstrate the some, so that a long I contest may, and probably will, be the result We lean afford to wait, for tbe State needs nothing I but a little local legislation, which can soon be sc- j eomptiibed. In the Senate we have a majority of I two, so that the .Whigs in any contingency contra l P. S. Tbe Telegraph says Mr. Fallerton has abandoned a part of bis claims, that not to vote upon the organization, if he would be | sworn' in—consequently we have a Locofoco I Speaker of the Aarembly. As ot interest to yoar numerous agricultural I readers, it may be said that ten more Saxony sheep, a part of a lot of forty, imported by D. W. I Collin and C. B.Smilh, arrived bsre, from Britain. I The other 30 came by previous arrivals, and ore I now on tbe farms of the above named gentlemen, lin Connecticut. "They are large framed, full I breasted, well shaped sheep, covered with wool, I from the eyes to the toelj the wool is pronounced Iby manufacturers to be o£ that, precise quslay I needed to make the fin'esund firmest cloths. I They oombine with quality,—quantity and hardi- I ness, so much needed in fine sheep of this conn- I try. They are much larger than any before im- I ported; and I understand the weight of fleece is I much greater. The wool has been sold this year I for *B3 per 100 lbs." I Theseahsep are accompanied by an expenene led shepherd, and a well trained dog, with a view I of introducing into thiscoanuy, as far as our cir- I eumstancea will permit, lha improved system of I wool growing practised in Germany. I The United States can grow wool cheaper than I any other country in the world. Tberieb prariee I of the West,and their ezhaustleas granaries, com- I bine all tbe necemry elements of success. When I those vast tracts are covered with folds of iaprov- I ed breeds cf sbeep, as they will be, we may sefe- Ily predict that America will export wool u> Eu- I rope, at she now does cottos, wheat, and corn. For th* Pittsburgh GoztUt. Thz Raouaajppatiow Co.TvxrrjoTt.—Amo:g all the tricks of the so called Democratic party, the one resorted to by the lata Convention is de cidedly the most insulting to the Whigs, as a par ty, as well as to that portion of our community who really desire that party should be laid aside io cur municipal elections. Let us, ter a moment, fba a glance at their proceedings; In the first place, the Committee of Correspondence, or the Committee that has the power, sefforth tbo expe* diency of a regular nomination; in pursuance of this, delegates are sleeted to meet jiu CpnveotioD> and what is tho result ? Dothey qominate? Oh, no, they neonnnd John B. Guthrie 1 And who are they that arrogate to themselves so much os auranee f For tbo information of the "reeotn mender ” Whigs 1 will name a tew of the most prominent members; three of them are renegade Whig!. I refer to W. W. Irwin, 8. W. Black, and J. B. Sawyer. 1 congratulate these Whigs on their new alliance; they, no doubt, are under ob ligations to- this u trio ” for their uoited efforts in* the recommendation convention, for it forfeited of Democratic, notwithstanding ell its members were out and out " tooth and toe nail ’’ Democrats, and even the “rocommendee” teas radical as the most radical, and as bitter a parti san as can be found. And yet, in the face of ail ibis, there are Whigs (at least some who call them selves so) willing to swallow the u recommendee ” trio. Morning Post and all, ter John D. Guthrie is nothing more or less than the Locoteco candidate, by the party, and, if elected, it will be blown from one end of the country to the ether as a Democratic victory,-the Morning Poet to the contrary, notwithstanding. How pleasant it will be to the Whigs (in cue the "Recommendee a suecsedi) to read from the “Morning Pott,” and bom that copied in all the Locofoco papers in the country, that the Whig City nf Pittsburgh, in a county that gave Genl. Taylor ItSep majority, has rebated him and bis administration, by electing to its chief magistracy a man who was removed from office on account of hia open and avowed hoaitii ty to Whig principles, and Whig measures. I, for one, am not willing that this shsuld be tho case, and will go the nominee of the Whig party in pref erence to tbo * Recommendee " of tho Locofoco party, and so will all good and true i Whigs. SILAS. Cornscx or tbx Unro Statk—Wo learn by letter from oar Wuhington correspondent, ihst the total value of imports brought into the Cmied States daring the year ending sod of experts, of which *132,5M,955 were domestlo exports. Tho imports exceed the exports only $2,101,819. During the previous year,lhe value of Imports wss of exports, $154036,436, of which $132004,121 were demeslio The figures in exbipit a healthy stale of commerce, without say material excess either of imports or exports.—JV. Y. Jbtr- Cam. Tax Kxa JUileoad.— I This giant work is park ed on with wonderful' rapidity. On and after Monday, the rare will rua-direct to Coming, a distance of manrthaa three ' hundred mile* from this city. At Corning, the- road connects with the Corning and Bloasburg Railway, opening a direct communication wiih the coal mines ofTio n county, FeansytvsaU. We learn, a to, that on Tuesday areek the branch efthe Eria road to Bewbnrgh will be open, and commence regular operations«— lf. T. Cam i Ada. The rope man triad ored for the indeed plane on the Colimbia Railroad is six thousand feet long, moo inches in circumference, end weighs upwards oftweuty-five thousand pounds. How tuet no TffLtaa a Bosros.—What wfl l not be coni*, when we have records ol such things as this :q the Boston Post: Gaosi otrnuax.—lf the abandoned villain who left at No. y Washington Court, on Thanksgiving eve a 15 pound turkey, flanked by a pair offal chickens, should repeat tbe insult on Christmas moraine, be will meet with a warm reception. A preacher, who advised a drowsy bearer to take a pinch of annfl occasionally at service, to keep him awake, waa advised in’retora, to put the snnJin his sermon. INDIANA.— SaIk ok Da M’Lahk’j Vmi* toil!! —Among Uae hundred* of letters, certificate# endotd.7! received by the proprietor* of this medi eina, the following l« selected to *how its character, and the effect of tu me iu a distant part of the Wen. The Messrs. Colton are dry good*’ merchants, but are also agent* for the aale of the ehoieen medicine!. “ Wwcamia, Ind. Sept SO, IH7. “ Messrs. Kino A Co.—We happened to gel a lot of M’Lane's Vr.rmifoge lait rpriog, prepared by selves. So soon as the Vermifuge w-- ' - /ennifuge was introducad in oar community, the demand became so great for u that our stock was soon exhausted. It hat produced the beet effect wherever it has been oacd in this tec lion, and it very popular among our people. We are desirous of obtaining the bedicine hereafter direct from yomnelTcs, as it tell* ntoro rapidly llisti any other medicine we keep. Plca«« 'end us a grots iin* mediately. D. J. 4 J W. COLTON." For tal* by J. KIDD 4 CO., No. 69. comer of Fourth and Wood »l, Pittsburgh. |jsn4-d4wlwS A Coro and Certificate at Homo. vbat a said or tub I’itioucm.- I hereby certify that about two week* ago I wai irit ed with it violeut attack of vomiting am] purging Ctiul era Morbus, wi'b very distreasing pain* in lie stomach and bowels, wbieh was completely relieved by two leaspoonfnl dose* of Petioleam, taken in a little wa ter. Alter bavin* taken the fint dose, I slept soundly and comfortably for three boars. (Signed] HENRY WISE,.Jr, On board the steam boat Atladne. Pittsburgh, Dee. Uth, 1949. I am Captain of the Ariadne, aid was a witness to the astonishing effects of the Petroleum, in the case oi Henry Wise, who is one of the hands on the boat. (Signed] NIMROD GRAUELL Pittsburgh, Dee. Uth, 1849. . QT’See general advertisement In another cntnmfi dc!3 DR. D. lIUBT, DentiM. Corner efPourth *nd Peeator, betweea oeU-dlyin Market and Ferry ttieeti. JOB FJUWTIHO. BILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Manifests t Bills Laiing, Contracts, Late JUarJtt IUMD *»” '*, LLBXU, CEEnrifiTlS, cure is. poucio, Ae. Ac., Printed at the shortest notice, at low prisei, et;tbs de£> GAxnTiOrriCK.Ttnit>rrxKXT. IraproT«o«ai* ta Dentlatrjr. DR. G. O. STEARNS, late of Boston. Is prepared to manufacture and act Block Ttm in whole and part* of sets, upon Suction or Atmospheric Suction Plates.— Toothache rvus 13 nva mnCTXs, where the nerve ,< exposed. Office and residence next door to the Maj or's office, I'ourth street, Pittsboreh. Kim to—J. U. M’Fadden.F. If. Eaton. jal9 Fhxkium Lkmos ?doa»u—Prepared by J. W Kelly William street, Pi. Y., and for safe by A. Jaynes, No. 70 Fourta street. Tbit will be found a delightful orti- of beverage in families, and particularly (or sick Basra's Droua.—An improved Chocolate prepan lion, being a combination of Cocoa nut; innocent, ir vtgorating and palatable, highly recommended parti, ulariy for invalids. Prepared by W. Baker, Dsrehei ter, Mass., and for sale by A. JAYrtES, at the Peki Store. No. 7U Fourth «t mcbll HARRIED, On Thursday, the 3rd. inti, by the Rev. W. D How ard, Mias Martha Howard, of Philadelphia, to Asa P. Childs, Merchant of this city. Buckwheat flour— in racks r-rM and for sale by WAR MeCirrOHKON, jan7 _ 153 Libcriv st GLASS —150 bxi 9xt», on hand and for sale bv j »n7 W A R McCUTcm-ON POTATOES —lUOhbls Pink Eyes, on band and fa sale by janT WA K McHUTCJIKON_ CHEESE— 400 boxes prime W. R. for sale by , ao j W A R McCUTCHEON BUTTER— 2 bbls Roll, ree d and for sale by jan? WAR MeCUTCHEON L INBRED OIL—I 3 bbls hi store and for sale by jan7 ROBISON, LITTLIjA CO FRESH ROLL BUTTER—SDUlhsjurtrrc’d and fo ■ale by jai>7 ROHISQN, UTTLK ACO Buckwheat flour—woo iu, m bbis and b> s < ree'd and for sale by Jaa7 ROBISON, LITTLE ACO. Baltimore herring:*—is anf ®f .sale by jaa7 ROBISON, LITTLE ACO MASKER EL—CO bbls No 3 t.srge; Sqr blh No 1; lAI •* No th in store and foraale by jan7 ROBISON, UTTLK A CO PIG LKAD—lfiOQpig* Soft Galena, in store and (or gale by jan? RHKY, MATTHEWS ACO BROOMS— too dot Com, in Ktcre and far aale by jan7 RHKV, MATTHEWS A CO BUTTER— 25 kegs prime solid. in store amt for *a!e by j*n7 RHKY. MATTUBWSfeCO LARD— ii ken and Vi bbls No 1. in store and it sale by jar»7 RUBY, MATTHEWS ACO Dividend. THE President and Board of Managers of ih<- Nonhent Liberties Bridge Company baye de rltred a dividend of one dolls/ and fifty centson each rhare of the capital slock cf said Company; ike ssnje to be paid lo lbs Stockholder* on or after the IDih iuu. Ci E. WARNER, Troasarer. Allegheny, Jan. 5, lSJO^—[jan7-3t* For Bent, AS'fORK in Market itreei, near Liberty. Also—The Store on the corner of Market and iberty gireeis. Also—A Dwelling and Store on Penn meet, n jc Canal. Possession given on the Ist April m Also—A Brick Yard in the Eighth Ward. Also—A Slone quarry in the Eighth Ward P< session given immediately. Inquire of DAVID GREER, Penn »t. )an7.lm* 3 doors from S. K. comer Hay it Por Rent. A TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE on Bay street. Enquire of jan7 JAMES DALZKLL, 84 Water at. A GOOD THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING. on Saiithfield street, four doors from Seventh, watt side. Inquire of S. SCHOYF.R, jan7 UOSeeondsU Soar Publishing Is Bonthly Parts. ICONOORAPHIC ENCYCLOPEDIA of BCIKNCE, LITERATURE, AND ART; Systematically Ar ranged by U. Ueck. With 500 qa&rto steel plates,.ex eruted by the moat distinguished anista of Grnaany. The text translated and edited by Spencer F. Bain), A. M', M. D a Professor of Natural Science! in Diekinaon College, Carlisle, Po. The iconographic Encyclopedia yrilJ embrace all the branches of human knowledge, which can boil lasirated by pictorial representation!. Theao iiiuslrs tiona are arranged in strictly systematic order, on SOU large quarto steel plates, and are accompanied by let ter press, printed in the finest style, on the best paper, in toe most convenient form, of a large, handsome oc tavo. The teller press will Ull 2000 pager, and will be a thorough manual of the saiences, with constant refer ences to' ibo figures on the plates. Alphabetical in dexes and tablesof contents will make it practically useful and of easy reference. TJie Irooograpbie Encyclopedia will be published in 'iZ parts, each containing 80 pistes and 8s pages of letter press, issued in a convenient portfolio, in which subscribers ean keep their copies in perfect order un til completed, when they can tie bound. One pan ia published every month, at the very tow price ol St, whiehwill enable all lovers cf instruction in the most beautiful and practical form, however scanty tbeir means, lo beeome subscribers to the work. ITT-Foui Nos. are nowpublished. James d lockwood jan7 Bookseller ft Importer, <l3 Wood st ThoraU PaYklßioß! Machinist and manufacturer—Lathee, Tobacco, Houiin and large Screw* of all kinds; Bra#* Casting* and lira** Work# generally. Corner of Ferry and Fir*t »weeU. THE subscriber, Laving purchased Uie Factory of Jame* I‘atterun, Jr, iocsled al the above •land, would respectfully inform his frieud# and <Ha public that he is prepared to fill any on'erp in hia line, on the mo«t reasonable terms and with dispatch, aud will feel grateful ter their patronage THOMAS PARKINSON. Pittsburgh, Jan. 1, IPSO. HAVINti disposed of my establishment to Mr Thomas Parkinson, 1 take the liberty to solicti for him the patronage of my. friends und the public fecliug confident that any favors conferred will b< duly appreciated and promptly attended to. JAME* PATTERZON, Jr. Pittsburgh, Jan. I, IgSO.—Uan7-tU(n FOXI REST, two pleasantly situated Brick Dwelling Houses, with foe grounds adjoining, at Oakland. Possession can be given on the firat of April next. (jau2) HARDY, JONE 4 A CO. JNO. A.CAUUHEY, Agent for foe L&ke Erin and Michigan Line ut Heaver and die Lakes. —Office on the corner_of_Watcr and Smithfield sis Jant SUGAR— tH hbds from new crop landing from the steamer Brilliant, and for sale hr jtpj JAMES A. HUTCHISON A CO. MOLASSES —UOkbit-PianlnUon new crun. land ing from steamer Hamburg foraale by - jand JAMES A. HUTCHISON A CO. EAKD— 71 kegs in store and for sate bv jan3 JAMFIS A. HUTCHISON A CO. EBGLIBB, CLASSICAL, AND MATHE MATICAL SCHOOL. CORNER OF CTH BT. ,AND CHERRY ALLEY. ritHE ensulnx term will commence on Monday, foe X 7th Inst, unending to spare neither pai&s or ex pense, in order to render our sehool all that a reason able public ought to demand, we Invite those wishing to educate their sons or others, to coil and examine our establishment and judge for foenselvea Terms ofTtution per quarter vary from $6 to $lO in proportion to the popil’s advancement. Jtn&dJt ’ RKV. J. M. SMITH, Principal. QOIHIIDS PUfSdE NEW CROP N. O. SUGAR— OA/ Just received per steamer Brilliant, and for sale by C. lUMSEN, jan3:lw Second sL OQ CASKS ADAM’S SUP. PEARLASH-In store £& and for sale by J. AR, YD, )ftn3 RoamUCharch Baildinf. TALLOW— 23 Vbli prime UllowiuM ludinjr fit the siesinboat Lous McLane end fot mIo by ]u3 _ d.AW. IIARPAUGH. SHEBP PKLT&—tSbiiii, No 1 Sbeep pelts, jus loading and fur r&le by jm3 . S.fcW, lURBAUOH. r?L^slJE—oou l>bla extra aad 8. F. Floor, io store 1* sad for sale by % S. 4 W.ILARDAUOU. J*a3 . B“LUE * ORAJmSTPRINTS—4 £&»*' "‘“"’rgfflgn.CT* WHPTE a eula Wao mad Wool Dl» • / Black) opned and tnjgtabi BBACKLETT & WUllll (■/-A-O .ALLEGHENY COUNTY. S 3. - us. S- f.N Uc Orphan’s Court of said. County. J. In the'.matter of the administration ac count of Robert Lytle, surviving; administrator of Nathaniel Ftkels, late of Mifflin Townihlp, deceas ed. No 4, June Term, IB4A. _ And nov. to wit, January 3rd, 1350. On motion of Robert Words, Esq- exceptions having been filed, Uir Con" appoint Wm. Bakewell, Esq-, auditor to audit, udju-t and settle tho aceonntand distribute the '“'KSI M'CUKDY.C.’k. All pertie « iaterested will take notice that I will at tend to the duties of my appointment at Ay office in Tilghman Hall,Grant Street, Pittsburgh,on Saturday the second day of Febroary next, at 2 o clock P M. jans __ WM. Auditor ALLEGHENY COUNTY.B9. 1 l. * 5-1 N the Orphans* Court of said County. 1 X In the matter of the AdminiiOalors ae count of Henry Chelfaut, administrator of the estate of dames .V cOracken, deceased, and also qf the sale of said estate of said McCracken. No fit, March Term.l9io. And now to wit, Dec. SSth, 1849. On motion of Al exander 1! Miller, Esq., the Court sppomt Wm. Buketvrli, Esq-, auditor, to distribute the balance in the handsthe Administrator, and on the settlement of ti» adini'iiitraiioH account, und also, to distribute the pruec’tU of the sale of the Real Estate of said deerdcuL By the Court, / DANL McCURDY, m. All persons interested will take notice that I will at tend to the Julies of my appoinimenrat my office in Tilehraan Hall, Grant street, on Saturday the Bth day of Prbrnarv next, at * o’rloek, P. M. j,na ’ WM.BAKFAVELU Auditor. GREEN AI*PLF.3-flO bills. Bomanite and PicpJ Apples, a prime article, tn store and for sale by jant _ RHEV, MATTHEWS ACO. »ALCOV\ -25 bbls pure Tnllow, in store and for die j,y RHEY.MATTUEW3 ApO (IOTTON -3'i bales Cotton In store and for sale by yiunt RHKY, MATTHEWS A 1 kEACiIKri—4WJ bu»heli;<itied. p«aches, best quality halves, in store and for sale by jaM RIIEV, MA’rTHFAVS ACO. n i iiu i.s (I Molasses, tor safe very low, to elose ol) by J. 3- DILWORTH A CO. js»4 _ _ ' 'VkV’PEACHES— HW bushels, prime quality, now I in »io:r•. and for sale by • _ ianl _ J 3. DILWORTH A CO. TOtTEK 7 r*fi|s prime lilLluvi ree.-ived \ jat ,4 ORTH A CO. u tfST received and lor sale 2tKKi lbs by , J. KIDD ACO, j m ,4 Mo 60 Wood street u N 3TORK— -80 barrels Spirit Turpentine and for die Vy J. KIDD A CO, 1 ' No.WW.od., 1 AIID W kc*9 No 1, in «iore and for l>y j jai,4 _ ARM3THONO A CBOZER 1 SACK HOG 3 lIAIR fortale by jaii-1 ARMSTRONG A CROZER and for sale by ARMSTRONG A CROZER. jau< __ f/yBULS CIDER VINEGAR—For sale by |(J j a „4 ARMSTRONG A CROZER j". i.’.UBLS FKKSII LOUISVILLE LIME—li» »tor i/w and lor mle by jv.4 ARMSTRONG A CROZER [lOIlN "BROOMS—SOU doien this day reeeivedlnd J i'or «a!e by ARMSTRONG A CROZER jan4 ; BACU.N—H) piece* new Bacon. - in jo jo tfc’d and for tale by jajjj ARMSTRONG A CROZER T?LOtR--iOO |,bit Frr^K. 1 lUO do Old Wheal Extra, in *iore and fo -ale by j»n4 - ARMSTRONG A CROZER [ TRKKN APPLET—SOQ bbl« in Ilore and for sale bj J ~,,4 - ARMSTRONG A CROZER UrrEK—lU hbU Roll Uulter Fresh, 1 60 krt prims <lo do just received and for -ale by ARMSTRONG A CROZER 6 DOZEN BALSAM FIR—Fot aalo by janV J Kl DP A CO, No. 60 Wood it TUSTON HaND—C-OO fn» Gam Arabic and for sale . hr J KIDD A GO, jan4 | CO Wood *t UST RKCliiVElTirisy lbs 'American Arrowroot, and for tale by J KIDD A CO. jant No 60 Wood it UNSHRINKABLE FUNNELS. WR.MURPHV continues to keep on band a foil » a.-*onmentof the Wqlsh Unshrinkable Pan nel*. and hai recently received a supply of the finer qualities. Al*o Swansdown Flannels, a scarce arti cle end well lulapted for.tbe wear of invalids, and other, wonunjt smnethiug wanner than uiual. Also, Persian >ml Uause Flannels for Infanta wear; to- Ftbrr with a foil supply of Amerieau manufactured lannc'i*. of dilfcrent qualities. Also, SHROUDING FLANNELS, of all the different tbs North East comer of 4lh and Market «t». Wholesale. Room* up stairs, where dealers wi I ways, find a pood assortment of new style goods. JMI< RBLtASCE FITE DA Y LIKB, FOB TUB CJSTKTAKCE OF JrBBCUBSDIX* BSD FACBBOD, wrrn bfekd bud caarAistr, arrwgis PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. GOODS forwarded by thi* lone in carried in the miui tram lo Cbamberaburgb, niid ere. immediate ly loaded la Wn*ona going nigbi and day through to I’iUiburgh. The horse* are e>auoned every mile*. which insure* ihe prompt delivery of good* within ike ume proniiwd. The Wagon* will leave our warebomo daily, (San. day* excepted ) at 2 o’clock, P. M. tihippcr* are assured that no more good* will be taken each day than can be punctually earned • through. JAMES M DAVIS h CO, SX7 Market MxrcL, Pbitaiclphii 'JOHN M'FADEN A CO, Canal ILmu, Pitubargh JOHN MrFAUKN‘*~CO., Hoawaannw A Comas io.i M ski h 4 via- Canal Basin, Penn street, PtUtborgii JAMES M DAVIS A CO, Fujca Factorsaso Cost-», 12/7 Market, tuid 54 Commerce »u, Philadelphia. (D“ Advance* made by either of the above, on Flonr, Wool, atul other merchandize, consigned to them for raie. jaai VALUABLE FAIUS FOB BALB. THE rub.cnber ofTers at private sals his valuabl Farm, situated in Allegheny Township, Wes raoreland ‘County, on the road leading from Greem burgoo miles from Leechburg on the Pet sylvani* Cans! and 'JO from Pittsburgh. The above Farm is beautifully situated in a fertil valley, coiumning leu acre*, of which about 85 ar cleared and m a high stale ot cultivation. 18 acre- t meadows, a young and thriving apple orchard of re eel fruit. The building* consisn of a lance new log bourne and kitchen. AIM a large bank barn with graoenes.. (•lieda, Ac. •» Atrnrtr»pulablc title will be Riven. . Term in* winning 10 putchaav would do well local* aud eiair.inr for tbetrixlve*. For icria.i »i |>ly 10 ibe •uLtctibcr reading in Wi reil, Armstrong County, Fa. P»ian4w?t*.-< DIVIDEND. Ornot nr AU.XGIIUTT Uridos Co , » hnucuu Jas’i In, IMU. > 11IIF. President and Manager* o! the Company for .erecting a Bride over the Allegheny River,.opl*»- Mie PiUthurgli, in the County of Allegheny, have this day declared a Dividend of Tiro Dollars on each »hare of the Capital Stock, standing in the name of in dividuals nil the Books of the t'ompany, out of the prqGta of tlii last six mouths, which wilt be paid to Stockholder* or their legal representalives forthwith. janUiilltnwii JOHN HARPER. Treasurer. Administrator’* Roilts. NOTICK is hereby given, that letters of admimsus uon up«.u the estate of Samuel C. Hill, late if Pittsburgh. deceased, bare been granted this day » ihd undersigned. All persons having elsims agmu»i the estate of raid deceased, are requested to make known Ut» same. without delay to the subscriber, at the tloie room, So. 87, Wood street. JOSEPH H. HILL, flecOl-dlwAwCt of Pittsburgh. *r HOTICE fTIHE Co-KariDcrsbip'beretorpre cxutioc under the I fmn of Jaxes Ciusun & Sox, is dissolved by Ute decease of James Crotsan. The business will be con tinued br the subscriber. who will settle the account* afitbo laic firm. JuHN M*D. CROS3AN. Alouong&heta Home, Dec, l&lP.—[deB3-lm ADMINISTRATOR'S BOTICB. NOTICE (« hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration have been granttd to the good* aai chattel*. r.ghu end crcdiu. wiiieh were 01 the late Jarae* Cretan, of the- City of Puiiburgb, deceased; and all perrons indebted to the Estate of mid deeadem ere roqueticd to make immediate payment, and all persons having claim* or demand* against the Estate of the »aid decedent, are reqeestcd to make known the «ame to me, without delay, at the Alonoogaheia Moose, in Hie City of Pittsburgh. dcgg-dOtAwdtS WM. WILSON, it. DepnaUoa and Balaaoti ofl*#poaltea' IN fllK BANK OF PITTSBURGH, ol the amount of Tan Dollar*, and exceeding which, within the three yeat* preceding the date or this statement, have uoi either been increased or dimioithed', with the name* of the de|-o*il«rs, the dates when such dtpoiltea were made or balances teemed, and the amount there UfIDKMS. PIT* AXOtmr. 1813,N0v. 27. 52)98 ’Ueajamiu Chew. Jr- • 'Conn of Com. Flea* of Allegheny Co- - - *Jno.& - tho». Cowan 'Daniel Curtin •Ralph Dari* 19i:j, Jan. 15. 15 3U •John Dickey Beaver IKJA, J*neB. 1U 82 •Henry Foutke 18.13,Jaoett. 8000 Jacob Fowler i Cg-- I@l4fBept.2l 43155 •A. C. Hamilton 1830, OcL 3. 12 60 •Thnic«i* Hamilton- • Arms’* co. IWJ9, Dee. 0. 17 85 Thomav Kearnea--.. 1810, A of. 20. 1300 OU •Jacob Painter 1814, Mar. *. 10 Oil •Nath’l Plotnmer, Jr- IH7, Sent. 10. fiOtt •Jilin lB3O, Feb. IS.. 10 OO •Jim. Ramiaj (cannier) lc3l.Jaa.fl. 00 00 •Prctl'k Scberer.alia-i /Frcd'k Sebroeder • 1830, July 8. 30 00 William T. Smith- • ■ Pinee»*k.lM4, Mor.Si. 8000 jihn Bw*art 1640, Jan. tit 400 00 ArUinr Thomson •H. 11. Wutfietii'-* '•Hharle* Wilkins- •• •Hannah William* •- Gitrlouc Kedman • • •Johnnies bclimidt^. .Otuo.-~-.1831, Mmy 11 100 00 1818, Mmy 7. 9014 IMS, Not. S 3. 105 00 1815, Mmy 1 100 00 1844, Dec. 7. 1303 00 DIVIDEND* UNPAID. kuunm. no. uranuxs. am't 8 610 5 400 IN 800 J ISO 0 4(0 8 0 40 S 3 80 8 6 40 I HIMC.I. •Wjbu Clark *T. Neal k Co. •Charles Funk •K. Hawkia* peak m an, Say&. Co •Duniel IJkuie •|ll. Doane •John Osborne •George Huey 20 jftuo •George Murray it) |4 00 •John Wnllucc * l so •Baal Morrow 21 120 •J. &. T. J. Dobbins- • la ’ 43 20 •George Bchwana-- 10 UOO •James Nicholson-• 10 SOOO •Wtiu-MeeJran Beater. 4 740 Margaret Sltippeu .-Mcodville. 9 2926 9. Kißtmpl, gn Stoystown. 4 8« I certify that the foregoing appears to be balances and dividends due the persons named, and having re* molded in Dank and unebaoged for three years.— Sworn to aud snbseribed this 23d day of December, 1619. JOHN SNYDER, Cashier. Gao. WAlton, Aid. Norn—-Those names its at have • attached, haTe now been published three timet, and unless'the balances are culled for within the year, the same will escheat to the Commonwealth. ldcS3-*td4t4twT| J. 8. NOTICE. Allegheny City tad Perrynillt Plant Rkad. min-', Sioekliolders or Allegheny City and Pcrrrs- X *Me Road Company, are repaired to pay Five Dollars, on each share of slock held by tbes, on the Isth days of Jannaryi February, March and April next. The work i> now profressuc, and the Instil menu are expected paid promptly. By order of llie Board. THOMAS 11. STF.WABT, *oew*etyfee dc29-wtAnrillSM ’ Treasurer. WATKH. OUOK BITABLIIHHBBT, BY EDWARD ACKEB, M. D-, FUlUpabug, mr*. •itaUteioimofß«»Ter, eatfcaQUo rim, Bet- Terowmty, Pt- dilAwibb hvtcal atpKTT xa- SUOA9CE COHPAIT, • On TTiird Street , Phladefykia. TOUE following ststemeni of liie afftin of the Com* . . pany.ii pabllfbedin conformity with a provision of iu charter. Premiums received during the year ending Octo ber 3 let, 1849, On JUuine and lnlmnd'RUiu, On Fire Eiaka, Earned Pmntumj during the fear ending at On Marine «ad Inland Writ*, CO On Fire Riika, 66 ’ $251,090 16 13,910 74 uerent, Salvage, and oilier Piofiu, Lomus, Exptmtu, fa, daring sum* ***•*?” Marine and Inland Navigation Loue>. *2 Fire Uaaea, **,«» <« 8109,100 71 Retnrn Premium*, 5^ Ke-inrarmaeea, Agency charge*, B -?'* £0 Eipenaet, Raul, Saltrie*, Siaiionerf, tc , 9,090 S 3 Tkt Aurtt ef the Company art at follow*. Bond*. Mortgage* and Ground rents, 823,714 33 United States Six per cent Loon, 13,0*0 00 Pennsylvania. do do 10.000 00 Do Five So do tJ4*OO 00 Philadelphia City Six per eent- Loan, OO Bills Receivable, 03,670 51 70 Shares Stock Union Bank of Tennes see, 3,150 00 SO do do Merchant and Manofac* _rer* Dank, Piuwburen, SfiOO 00 ISO Share* Slock American Mutual Intur unce Company, S Share* Slock Philadelphia and Havre de Grace Steam Tow boat Company. SO Share* Slock Delaware Mutual Insur ance Company, JCO 0$ * Sharet Slock Philadelphia Exchange Company, 100 Sharee Stock Pennsylvania Rail road Company. Cmb on hand, Scrip i>{ Mutual Imuruiifie Compani'-M. Balance* in ilia bands of Aftenls, and I’re •mums 011 Marine Policies, recently is ■ Bed, 64,330 «9 Interest doe, IJM 00 Subscription notes, 100,000 00 Noranra 9th. 1849. The Board of Director* !h*ve this day declared a dividend of SIX PER CENT, m cash, on tbe Capital Stock and Scrip of the Company, payable on and af rer December Uv 1949. Alm, a dividend of TEN PER CENT in Scrip, on the Capital Stock, and earn ed Premium*, certificates.for which will be taiaed ci above. DIRECTORS. Joseph H. Seal, H. Jones Brooke, Edmund A. Sender, Henry Sloan, John C. Davis,* Hugh Crain. Robert Burton, George Serrlll, John R. Penrose, Wm Eyre, Jr, Samoel Edwards, Charles Kelly, George G. Lei per, J. G. Johnson, Edward Darlington, William Hay. Isaac K. - Dr. S. Thomas, William Folsrell, John Sellers, Johns Newlin, Spencer Mcllvain, Dr K M. Husujo, J.T. Logan,'Piusburgh.g JnmesC. Hand, D.T. Morgan, do Thsipbilai-Ptulding. Wm. Bsraley, do WILLIA.M MARTIN, President. GEORG F. BKRRILL, Vice President. RICHARD 8. NEW BOLD, Secretary. By. the Act incorporating this Company, the parties insuring property ihet ein, are entitled to a sßiaxcf the profits of tbe Institution, srilhont subjecting them selves to any liability ireyond the premium paid The Capital Stock and Subscription Notes are pledged by the Charier for the payment of losses ; and tbe profits of tbe Company are directed to be invested and remain in the po-isersion of the Corporation, as a fund for the farther fteunry of the assured. This fond will be represented Ly Scrip, bearing an interest of six percent, divided amoag the Insured and Stockhold ers, pro rata, mpon the amount of earned Premiums ana Cspiul Stock. janfdif WNDO W GL ASS—&OO boxes SxlO window glaa 300 do 10X13 do do 6| do 7x9 do do 80 do 9x13 do do 30 do. 10x14 do do In store and for sale by jan3 S. A W. HARP AUG H. BROOMS— 10 do ten Corn Brooms in store and ft sale by _jan3 9. AW. HARDAUdII. NoTsGGAR— T*”hhds N. O. Sagar landing Ire . steamer Brilliant and for sale by jan3 J A M ES PALZELL, 3.7 Water st. SUGAR— lo hhds, now landing from steamer Ha burg, far sale by ISAIAH DICKEY ACO , janS • Front st CtllKlhSE— dOO boxes in store and for stile by / , ISAIAH DICKEY A CO., ;an3 Front st. * OSTO.N COPAL VARNISH—On. rconstgnmeot, for sals by . ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, lartJ Front sl l/rrON bales i-ood Tennessee, for sale by jan3 ISAI/ill DICKEY A CO , Front «L 1 fur'sainby jsnO _ ISAIAH DICKEV A CO.. Front«l ' union Lmih WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1850. THE sahscribers, now having to successful opera tional! Express Wagon Line between ritu&urch and Philadelphia are prepared to receipt tor COOO lbs freight daily. Each wa< deliverable through in six dsyi. SandaVs orrepted. HENRY GRAFF A CO, ♦•'anal Basin, Pittsburgh. DUTILLE HUMPHREYS A CO. janldSm 107 Market st. Phi Ta. OrMsry Btand do Usui. «Ti!E GROCERY STAND, at preaeut occu pied by Mr. W. VVilaon, corner o( Second and Bou cu uow be rented, and posieswon the lit ot April next. Enquire of 1 A. JAYNES,: « Pekin Tea Foorth uretjt. jank - - , '■ |ow la ibe (tm« toßmbscrlbe OFFICE of Scott’s Reprints of tbe Poor Qusrte ties and Hlarkwoed; 810 per year. Morris A Willis’ Home Journal, published in Ne York weekly; S 3 per annum. Downing's llorticalniralist, monthly; 83 per yea ItiTslaable. The Cultivator, monthly; 81 per annum. The Agriculturalist, monthly; 81 per year. The Democratic Review, monthly; 83 per annum. Tbe Hankers 1 Madeline, do do JAMES D LOCKWOOD, ]an2 Bookseller A Importer, G 3 Wood si Closing Oat Solo of DlankoU 4 Flannels. fnuE fa virrrtr manufacturing company, X unending u> reliuqulih their retail trade on Mi: kel street, now offer tneir Urge usd splendid stock of 01 silken sad Flannels,: si prices heretofore unknown to this city, el the BLANKET DEPOT} No SC Market »t «. C BOVARU. O. SUGAR—<O hhd» olif, good article, for tale by . jan* 8 4 W HARBAUGH Hum.kpnnsl gale ofDrjr Goode, AT HU 05* r«3C* BTOkK Of A. A. MASON & CO., WILL commeaoe on New Year's Day, IBM, and continue through lbs month of January, curing wmch lime the whole'of tbeir Immense eaiabuahmr nt, (Including ell their Wholesale Rooms,) will be thrown open for Retail Trtde; add their entire Wholesale Mock will be offered at Retail, on ibis occasion, at folly oai rocuru leu than osnal prices. iteir Shawl Saloon contains more than3CooShawls, comprising every description of Long and Square "Wool Shawls, Cashmere, Broclie > 4c. Also, Vueues, Cloaks, Mantillas. Sect*, 4c., at an Immense reduc tion from usual piiect.i DR&3 AND CLOAK GOODS. ( Their stock comprises more than law pieces Thibet Cloths, Merinos, Paramcttas, Alpaceas, Lyoncae. Op era and Pelisse Cloths, will be sold from JW to 40 per cent, less than asaal prices. Alto—3oo pieces rich plain and figM SILKS, redu ced 30 per cent. SO cases Cashmeres and De Lains, entire new styles* Also—White Goods, Mourning do., Embroideries, Laces, Ribbons. Gloves and Hosiery, Trimmings, Ac. SA) cases Flannels, 70 cases uew style Calicoes, Wca ses Bleached Mcslins, 100 bale* Brawn do., 70 bales Tickings. Also. Cloths, Casauneres, jeans, Csssiaetu, Ac., at eiueTc.y low prices. Together sv|th an Immense varietv of other Goods, making an assortment one of the most extensive In the country—all ol whleh have been marked down at much lower prices than their exteuslve annual ssie in January laiL They invite an early call, as many of their choicest Goods will bo sold. lowct price named aifirst. jantl A. A. MASON A Cu., CO Market it. THE Fayetle Mannfactaring Company have remo ved their Wholesale business to ihe store recently occupied by Messrs. M. 11. Brown a Brothers, No-127 . Wood street jani-dw (XLOVER BEKD—O ÜbU. Prime Clover Seed, just / received und for isle by l*. B. MiLTKNOERGER. No, 97, Front Street. Jan. mu IMO. FEATHEBiJ— 60 iaek» prime, (or aalo br Jana S&WHARBAUOH 18W, Mmr. 7. 1814, Mar. 3. SS 53 1831, July 11. MCG GKCEN APPLES—73 bbW io itoro ud for fate br jutt SAW lIARBaUOH iT'Aßiroily—MbbtTTM' XJ jmt CREAM CHRESE—SO bxs Howe's extra, for salo by Jang SAW HARBAUGH ROLL BUTTER—fi LUIS prime, for tile by jan3 SAW HARUAL’GH FALLOW—£O bbls just ree'd tad for tale by X Jana , __S AW HARBAUGH SHEEP PELTS—333 in note and for tale by Jang SAW HARBAUGH 1813, Not. la 110 07 I HAVE associated )■ U. MaVAY with roe in the Kxobanira and Banking basinets. Jauotryut, 1850. WM. 11. WILLIAMS. Wra. H. Williams- ■» I. U. MeVay. WB. H. WILLIAMS * CO., BANKERSI AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North East corner of Wood end Third streets, - janl Prmacaon, H* T# Lot for Ttoreo Yssri. r|i|lE very desirable Brick Maation Hon« Grounds X and appurtenances, iu the Sixth Ward, at present occupied by W. R. Crisp, and bounded by Crawford and Pollan meets and Centre Avenue. The House comprises Parlor, Drawing, Butina and Dining Rooms, and Kitchen, five chambers, threo pantries, elm* room, closets, Ac. The onV bouses are a two atorv tenant house, a wash house with two rooms for ser vants, a meat roompAc. A large Garden, filled with choice dowers aud fruits, tastefully laid out and kept in perfect order. A paved street connects this estate with tho denser parts of the oily. Undent low. Possession given ea or before the Ist of April proximo. „ . _ , Apply to Joriah King, ui Eagle Cotton Works, Al lexacuy. or to ISAAC-M. PKNNOCK, * No. SS Wood street. THE MERCY BEAT; Thoughts Roggested by the U.rd'r Prayer, by Gardiner Spring, D.D. Jast Dut.lntied end received by express, for sale at the PRI*BYTE&(AN BOOK ROOMS, 79 Wood street, up sialrs Also —The Attractions of the Cress; by the Rev. Dr. Spring. janl COLLARS— tt do* In store aad for aalo by jant SAW HARBAUGH rriANNED HOG SKINS—I dox rec’d nod for sale by X Janl I SA WBAHBAUOn EGGS —i this Eggkia sure aud for sale by : COPEABREYFOGLR, • janl ■ IQS Second street Fresh dutter-w tubs. 14 bbis, and 9 ton Boil Duller, in cloths. Cor sale by janl COPE A BREYFOOLE STEAM BOATS; PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING VACKEf. The splendid fast running steamer , LOUIS McLANE, W. B. Conwell, master, (having undergone a ihor ■Ajagja!a%fi» onsh repair,) will run hereafter as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Wheeling, leaving Pitubnrgb every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 9 o’clock, ror freight cr jiassage apply on board, or to janl W.B. WHEELER, Agent. FOR CINCINNATI A NEW ORLEANS, rv The splendid fast steamer . <V*? ~ ft SCHUYLKILL, Marshall, Master, will leave for the HXjßGaßMabove and alt intermediate porta on Saturday, Nov. B, at 10 o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. . jana - Tbe splendid steamer Samuel Smith, roaster, will leave for ■SaSKa&tbe above and all intertncdialo ports mauic auutc «uu ■■■ «**—* n tbe 7tit. For Ireight or passage apply on bonnL FOR NASHVILLE. [. The splendid_steanier FORT PITT, t |i|. fn ft Miller, master, will leave lor above livtcsStOt and all intermediate ports on Wednes- MKHMsEKHtIie 2d insu, at 4 o’clock. P. M. For freight or passage, apply on boartl. J»n‘J tv The splendid steamer i(l . . ft RINGGOLD, iJVSyf'itt Copt. Cope, will leave for the above all intermediate ports this day .allo’clock, P. M. ' For freight or passage, apply on' board jani CINCINNATI A PITTBDCIIGII jJil, jIS jUit DAlli.v PACKET LINE mins well!known fine of splendid passenger Steam* I era i* miw composed ofiiie latgeiuswrAest, pcs finfahei'and furnished, and most powerful boats on (ha water* of the West. Every accommodation and ccn* fon that money ean procure, has been provided for {.aw scMiircr*. TV Line has been in operation for Gee years —has carried a million of people without the least injfl* ry to their persons. Thu boats will be at the foot Ol ’ Wood strccljtheday previous to starting, for iho rcccp* con of freicbt and the entry of passengers on the regia* ter. In.all cases the passage monoy must b* paid tt advance. swdatTaoiobt. l .„ I T ’» AAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, wil leave Pittsburgh every Sunday rooming at IQ o’clock Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 1. u. ' May ‘4l, l£l7. MONDAY PACKET. The MONONUAIIELA,, will leave Pitts* burgh ever? Monday morning at 10 o'clock; VVbtclinj every Moniiu y evening at 10 P. K. TUESDAY PACKET. , Tbe HIBERNIA No. ?, Capt. J. Kuhoilt**, Will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at It) o’clock: Wheeling every JTue'day evening at 10 p. a. WEDS FfStTAVOXGKET. The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Capt. S. U« a, wtli leave Pund'nrph every Wednesday raorma |Ut II o’clock. Whirling every Wednesday evening a 10f > : THDRSDA'XPACfffiT. The BRILLIANT, Capt. One*. will leave Pitta burgh every Thursday morning at 10o’clock; Wheelini every Thursday e.vemng at 10 P. M. FRIDAY PACKET. The CLIPPER No. 2, Capt, Pus Duval, will leave Pittsburgh every Friday morning at 10 o’clock; Whs* ,nt every’ Friday evening at 10 r. u. Bjr Jobs D. DaviiiAnttleaitri EzteuStrrs Sale <f Haiti and City Stoei. On Thursday ermine, January lOib. at 7 o'clock, a the Commercial Sale* Roots*, eorner Wood end Fifth stroets, will he sold, without reserve, for cub par fords, by order of J. V. Myers and M Underwood, Executor*, &c, of Wa Smyth, late of the City of Al legheny, dec'd: «0 shares Stock in the Bank of Pitlsbnrgk 10 do do do Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh. 6 Certificates of Loon to the City of Pittsburgh for •500 each, interest payable half yearly and redeems ~ble on foe 3lst of December 1643. . jant J D DAVIS, Anct /~!IG ARS—W,ooo(Common) jest reeUaird for sale by \ ) janl SAW HARBAUQH FLOUR— 38 bbls Extra, Just recM and for sale by Jjuil COPE A BREYFOGLF. CHEESE— ICOO bxs primeßhippingandCutting; 5W> “ Cream “ u For sale by la*'! * J B CiNnr.LP BUTTER— 14-bbls Fresh Roll, tnst ree’d and for sole by • janl J B CANFIELD TALLOW— 30 bbls in store and for sala by _ janl _ ___ J B CANFIELD SALERATUS— 40 bxs and 10 casks for sale by Janl J B CANFIELIV SCORCUINO*- 0 casks for solo by janl J B CANFIELD. VIAL CORKS—IC bales, lone and short, ars’d, fa tale by J SCIIOONMAKER A CO, janl • No S 4 Wood street FINK 9Pt»N«K-For sale by janl J J SCHOONMAKKR ACO ALUM— 10 bhls tor sale by janl J PCHOONMAKER A CO_ SPT9. TURPENTINE—’2S bbls. in good order, for tale by janl J SCHOONMAKKR ACQ ■YITRAPPING Pal’Kß—sooo --tfiamj, ▼mriou* *!«*, ' W for sale by |_>KOOMS —-JdO doz on band and for ink by J> j M j JQHNWATTfcCO W'IND'CFW GLASS—SOO bxs, ass’d sixes, for sale by janl JOHN WAIT & CO MACKEREL— 100 bl>r» N«. I, 3, and 3, on hand _ and for saJc by jral JOHN WATf <c CO I'UKE CARTWRIGHT— 1 Carpet Bag In atore; j subject ut chargei, for Luke Cartwright, which he will please call for. G S MILTEN BERGER, dc3l No 87 Front at SODA ASU—7 casks Soap Makers’ Ash, rac'd pet steamer Ohio, and for tale by ' ~ dc3l . tASSEYAHEST NEW- SUGAR—IO casks ree’d and for sale bv dc-lt TAS3EY A BEST MOLASSES— 93 bMi rac'd perUhlo,and for sale by dc3t TAS3BYABKST MOULD CANDLES—2S boxes for sale by de3l TA33KV A BEST SH. MOLASSES—I 6 bbls. a prime' article, for ule .by dc3L TAS3EYA BEST OWNKRS WANTED for Two Tarpaailn*. rac'd per Wyoming. G B MILTRNBKRGEIt, dc3l No 87 Front at ON HAND and for sale low to close consignment -10 bbls English Ycoitiun Ped; |0 “ Hal Soda: 150 No 9 Rosin: 3 u Chloride Lime; 6 boxes Palm Sosp; 100 ** Blitiih Lustre. JOHN RTFADEN A GO, dc3l Canal Basin, Psnn street SPICES— 1 cask Nutmegs; U bbls Cloves; 5u mats Cassia; 1 case Maee; for sale by de3l J SCHOONMAKER A CO, 91 Wood st PEACHES— 230 bu new, for sale by • dc3t JOHN WATT A CO CHEESE— bO cssks Goshen, for sale by dc3l ; JOHN WATT A CO CODFISH— 'JO drums on hand and for sale by de3l ! JOHN WATT A CO HEAVY canton FLANNELS.—Persons want log a very heavy article of Canton Flannel will finu it at the store of WR MURPHY, HORSE CoVtCHH GtunElaitie Horse Covers, a very henvy and splendid article, jast rac’d and for sale low, ut No a WooJ street, by dett JAH PHILLIPS bl,t in store aad for sale by dett J KIDD A CO ALCOHOL— pi hutsyust rec'd and for tale by deal J KIDD A CO LINSEED OIL—It) bbls for sale by dett J KIDD A CO, CO Wood ft BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—tUO sacks iu sure and for sale by STUART A SILL; de?o -iMo lid Wood st IllLOL'B—3O sacks (30 lfm caehYior sale by I? d tSS i . STUART A 91U. Rimoval. 17GG3— 3 bbls Fresh, just rec'd and for sale by' j deg ' STUART A BILL MACKEREL— In hf and qr bbls, for salo by dc'.O STUART A BILL CIDER YINEGAR tSJ bbls Extra, just rac'd by Jett | STUART A SILL KEG BUTTER—A few kegs on hand,' for »al» .by Jett I JSTUART A BILL CORN— 200 bu In store and for sale hy dcS9 i STUART A SILL tEACUES—WO bbls finter Strained, for sale by SAW HARBAUGH Cl LOVE] t dcffl i boxc* W. ii. Unal’l Hr, X US - ,k Otaiei'a S'*, Oo “ W-JL Ronald 1 * &'*; 3l> keg* (ledger 1 * 0 twist; Vor wie l.v Ucit» BROWN k KIRKPATRICK RECEIVJ POT— notice, tt&OOMg—ISO dot in aicra and for sale by ..USS STUART* 811.1. BUCKK’ftS— ?4> dox in store and for sale, by deg) STUART % SILL C !!!£(£$!' —i'-ul'oxea Prune Cream; ’ i i;o *• Uotben; in aiora and Tor tala by desu STUART A SILL. I^BATJIEnS— 2900 1b» prime, reeritinr, for aalo kj 1 dc3> STUART A bH.L Paom;cE-4 bblt Clover SeaU; 3 “ SbeHed Cot«i a *• Rye;. jun rccM toifor wle by TiURRRIDO'E, WILSON4.CO, AVutr atieet _ dcl2> IjtLOUJI~4O LWt Superfine; i; 'Js u Dim’ Kxtt»{ au “ ■ndlokfbbU RitherV EzUc fer deVJ BROWN h KIRKPATRICK HOPt 1 —.15 ba!o«, firtt tori, growth of 16(9: ornTi&r and for •altTTJj’ 6 Butter A: L.>RD>sske««fioiiArdi ' 15 ** Dilrr Batten landing ■Bdfrrwtnby dcTO BROWN*; KUKPA^TRiQK. STATIOXER’S GUM—A. *apply jaitrccM aad fa - tale at the Robber Depot) by . * • ■t de ®_ _ JfclUTilLLlfro *pARBADOKd TAB-a* tbß Tt&\ nr'a .Prorate by tleiß rn “— -—— dci? BUTTF.K-8 bblt Frc«b Bell, In elotha. tndav anaforwleby dcCT Qteia£§mSfig! r~" • Cdctf7 , CaAIQfcfrKINNRP BEANS-IO bu. Snail Wtia, r« „t s b b _ CRAIQ k SkIN'VF.R POTATO! ■ it s 7 IGA—• hales heavy, last ree’fliy SHAGKUXIk WBTTB FOR NEW ORLEANS. FOR CINCINNATI AUCTION SALES. J SCHOONMAKEIt A CO corner Fourth and Market «u 9EEI>— l t>bl in itore and for iile by STUARTA 9ILI. Kb ibu d&T, at rinrxir’s rubdkrdk -12 Gun Elastic Cloaka, largo •izi>; Upair “ Pants SI u Genu'GloYCs. a superior article; SI “ .Mittens; sold at No S Wow ■tcs9 JAM PHILLIPS GROWN A KIRKPATRICK til/ta jut tteM tod for ude inV •• •' ~ COPEffcßßn ivarA.K batted, w atom a. CRAIO k SKINNER OoL—»»tok»io«wr*ia44wt\)il)y'' * taa ORAIviUDCNEK. SLOAN’S COLUMN. |jy Allthe Medicine* advertised by W. B. SLOAN ere said by : R. F. SELLERS, Wood street, and JOHNP. SCOTT Liberty ft. Pittsburgh. ' Birmingham, by JOHN O. SMIYm. ... Allegheny Cuy, by UENRV P. SCHWARTZ an D.MCBRRY. . t - Tli* Beat And Ckkonpeat lloraa Medicine IN TUG WOULD. SLOAN'S CONDITION Hbw tamed a frwl name. Ft* Parity,'iH/tWmo Stf*. ly< and F»erow«An/u;SLOA,VSOJNTMimj£3* Audi* rapidly superseding all other Ointment*. and Liniment* now in use for the cure of the following dii cases: ; ; ' Fre*h wound*, galls of all kinds, .sprains, braise* cracked heel*, ringbone, windbone, ;wtndgail*, pel. evil, callos, spavins, sweenor, fistula, titfast, strata* lameness sand crack, foundered feet, -‘scratches or grease mange or horse distemper. , The Powler will remove alt inflammation and finer purify the blood, loosen the akin, cleans* the water and strengthen'every part of the body; and ha* proved i ftOvere'Xß remedy tor the following diseases: ' Distemper, ■ hide bound, loin of inwan. •train, yellow water, inflammation of the eyes, fatigue, from hard exercise; alto, rheumatism, (commonly cal* led stiff" coinplaint,) which proves so fatal to many val uable horses In ibis country. It is sdso a safe and ter > tain remedy for coughs ana eolda which generate to many fauU disease*. W. B. SLOAN, Grand DepoU dO Lake si, Chicago, Illinois.- ' PROOF. extract from t|e “Galena North Western Gazette.’, By the use ofjjjloan's Ointment and Condition Pow der, I have rnofelF«ua4* Astula on my burse and otherwise' unoroved hts condition more thaw fIOA pet cent, on the cost of the medicine And a eowwhic* I was w* feeble as to bn considered worthlessbv myself and tfeif?hborm,wa* restored to good health an J Mrength by the use of less than half a package of the .powder, and is now doing better lliau_any other cowl have. Small Pox, May 13,1043. WSL VINCENT. THE SUFFERING CHILD. thereby certify that one of zuy children, when na ked, fell into a large fire of live coats, and wss burned severely from'head to feet. The best of medical aid and attention was given to the child for four or fitfe days without any relief—each day’s sulfeiings increas ed till his groans could be beard at a great which critical period one of my.'nelgbWrs reeoniuiea ded and presented to me a box of Plonn’t Ointment and in less than Dfleen ininuid* sifter tlie. application of the ointment to the aggravated - sores of the suffering child, the psin ceased entirely,"and he speedily begat* to recover. My residence Uin licit township, Ver million county, and State of Indiana. THEODORE L. TAVLGR. Chleago, August 21,1543.; EXTRAORDINARY-CORE AprinilSlS.- F6ur miles north of Chicago (on the road to Milwaukee,) Cook county, Illinois. • j Mr. Sloan—Dear Sir One of my hones bad aTorgr bony tumor on his breastbone, immediately under the collar, which lamed him and rendered hit service* ol very liulo value.; 1 faithfully applied several bottles of Dr. Taylor’s Nerve and Bone Lintiacm, without tha least benefit. I then procured Wilder's Celebrated Hone Ointment, and used that until I bectzrao fully satisfied tint it would never relieve the animal: Fi nally 1 obtained a box o( your truly valuable Oint ment, und In less than COdays from the first applica tion the tumor entirely disappeared, and the horse was well. Yours, _EDWARI> ARMSTRONG, POPULAR OPINION; If popular opioloa is any criterion of the worth ofaa article* «r Invite the incredulous lo read at least a few of the many voluntary certificates Urn; appear In our columns respecting the great .variety of remarkable cures effected by the use el “Sloan's Celebrated Oint ment and Condition Powders.? JJ These remedies no laager remain amoeg those o! doubtfal utility, they have passed bom the tide of ex periment, and now stand higher In reputation, and ara becoming more extensively used than all other arti cles of the kind.—Mich. City News. THE HALF HAS NOT BEEN TOLD. - . FuZ Rirxx, June 13,1543. Dear Sloan—Sin Please send by .the beater a new sapply of your Horse Medicine*. ’. They ore the best articles of the kind that I have overused, never hay ing been disappointed-in their effect,** I have tho use of others, even the most celebrated Ointment#, Liniment#, Ac- of the day. 1 like very much this fea ture in them, vix: that they do all that (* promised, and upon a thorough trial one I* eootrauud to add. that “halfhavtiot been told."- ..-i . • ' Bispecifdlly, I M. DUDLEY- THE DIFFERENCE. " -T * The ordinary olnunedu- and liniments U • known are severe and partial in; their operation.— Sloan's Ointment is mild yet thorough—it teaches and ", removes the cause, hence it gives real and permanent ?. reliet For purity, mildness, safety, certainty, • and '£• thoroughness] SuisS'aOintmcnl excel#, and is rapidly ? sorperceding all othef Ointment* and Ltnimenu now z ln a **WE CANT GET ALONG WiTUOtJT IT. ; - Bean's Gsovu, 111., OeL 54,1&13. Mr. Sloan—Sin I have tested ths virtue of -your Ointment in the cure of rattlesnake bites, sore throat, bums, and many other injuries, and In every case it has suipaftsed. our expectations: As & faniOy Oint ment,! nave never seen'its equal, #r.d for beasts wa can't gel along without it .... Yours, Ac., MILES M. JOHNSON, EXCELLENT OINTMENT, Mr.Sloan—Dear Sir: For a considerable fotifftb-sd. ime I was seriously afflicted with the rheututlit; com-, plaint, and applied freely the various linimmtrt killers, Ac n wuhoni obtaining aiiy,relieL-?“AficMWeh‘ your agent at tliis place try .your/ Ointment, and within two weeks-fi;om ■ thrill me J ttu- * menced using it, the pain ceased, wjvasffqetßhUy cured, and shall recommend all who are•juisllgfl/’kl- ; flicted with the distressing complaint, to excellent ointment withcat delay. - " Resp'y yours, OSCAR-F.’M<)TT, PrineeviUe, Peoria co;, May 1,1&49.' • ! From tfcfl V.S» Bripofcc^Agßnfcdllfc* Illinois util Michigan Canal Packet Boat OntSffijf. Chics oo,Jnno Dr. W. H. Sloan—Dear Sir: For the last 30"yean 1 have bad occasion to ase many horses, and have used the great variety of liniments and ointments ia. use, bat have never found any thin; equal la yoor oinl menl. for in/ories on hones. Within the last Jwo months 1 have applied youointment to softettObptaea, for various iniuncs, andiuerery instanca ithaspro* ved a sovereign remedy. A FINGER BITTEN EMTinELY OFF. Two mile* tooth of Chienfo,tiept. 14, 1848. ' Dr. Sloan—Sin.On the filh inctui my tbn hadAfio ger bitter entirely off by i horse. Weiounedla(Ety’n|K piled your celebrated ointment, which relieved hut of pain in a few rainates, and prerented. the finder from ■welling the lean panicle, and the wound i< hfeaQnt ispldly. Re>p’yyoo«j •<**• • • S. BROCKWAY. ' DOCTORING IN GALENA \ Mr.Sioun—Dear Sin About three yean agol *u severely injured ia one of my ler* by the falling of a pile of wood which occasioned "Jarre ronniniguleera. Nearly every doctor ia Geleaa tried to can bit tried in stun, until from sympathy and improper 4r«a!<> ntnt my other leg became at bad as the onocrigilaJ ty wounded. 1 dcepaired-of.eyer.behjg vrey a pur l but in order that I might neglect tui tmtana reach, I purchased of your agent id Galena / youi ointment, and you canjudge of my turpt. gratitude better than I can express it, to brad entirely well before 1 bod finished using iheioca These facts I nakeknown that othersaiSjgt* believe and not delay using so valuable air oil as yoais baa proved to be. Besp’y yoar rraief jUaleoa,' lit., Dec. 19, I&19. (EVAN D/ . ; ONLYsffl DAY?.' • Before the following order, Messrs. Vaughn.» purchased a large supply of Sloan's preparations Jscasos, Mien. feb. tM, 18* 8. K. Hibbard—Dear Sin I aa'out of Sloan's C liotv Powder aud Horse Ointment, The «alsf eeeds my expectation. If you can macifte to v 4 dozen Ointment, 1 will pay for them tin, fir that you tire here, anti presume 1 shall lie abl a larre quantity inlhe coarse of lie year. - It an object to you, as well as to myself, to brep •lastly supplied. Very rcjp*y^roun, MISSISSIPPI RIVER - Sr. Locts, Feb. 28,\ Dr. Sloan—Sm About two yean ago, "while r. «m the Miuituppi river, in poising over tbo toph wa* plunged into the water, and‘by the raft dash Stainst a rock, crushing my let\ lee aaii'oihemtefl ouely injuring me, to much that l l lout all KttubQhy. When consciousness returned J.foandlayrclf In B*- Louia, aurroundedhy myweepinjlajaily.Goipduiir*- in* and medical aid. enabled mo la «batri tw? maath* ho nobble around with the omis lance of ecraieb. .The wound* only partially hewed, leaving Large rantun* sore* at the knee, which for many months dljcJtnrx«d blood "end matter of the most offensive”character. My . pains were inexpressible. at time* ’ my • ieffenng t wo* *o great that death would have received a heartr.wel come. Fortunately Mr. Wilson, {one of my neighbor*) advired me to try your Ointment. l.obtaineA* tax applied it according to direction—the *pr»*<)ol>neßaiv to assume a healthy appearance, aodia iWee-ttoata* I wns entirely cured, aud enabled te do labor. v«;Vi3iSJ .TiioMis, We, the undesigned. neighbor* ©f.lLW.'niomaa, were acquainted with the ease above stated, olid know ssaSsSf 1 . ißomu siaitmem. JAM £B WILSO.nT^ PETER LAMD.'- COOD NEWS. ' Ctucaco, Jan. &b, 1840. W B.Slosn—Sin One ofay horses washoofboan^ and also wounded in the stifle, in which lift ibehr co* / and became so crippled that he coald acareely tv' .7,’ By the free application bfyonr Taluabia ciot**' hoofs were soon softened and tho stifle pety eared. 1 have also used the Ointment in \jr hnently PolbEvil and on severe rails with equal or" 01 —on » mashed fingtr.that was very pair* ■ «jiu..<b«v TESTIMO>fY FROM ISY* , Rp Sloan’s Ointment and CoadF' „ - ‘ knowledged by all who havg r Jon Powder. axe ae* remedy tor ioraw and c»tt> ?}5 le ? Fresh wounds,galls,ipaV ■»«*•»be««discovered, eril and inthoM exv> * n »> bmuet. ringbone, poll. {£, eared by this ye* A disorder or injury ea* for inlr^ ud 5 rf ? 1 *®edy. The ptrfrder I* fclljSi from “ 4 * County Ciuw.ici'. ’ Cl[ra, =- t>r», lc.-Lrt« ‘RATHER t JOUBTINUI.Y. BBT I TJOCOUT would tuy it.” Mr a 'Y«f*W*,CookCo.Feb.ia.»« Uken V 1 h ?* e 5 yo*»or horse mat wss lau 1&]l - 1 poidwt'ibottt worev i 1 ?/* f ? f "* tl ' c,ne to <utehlW t butbe R ww * l * ,xof your olni«n«-at'st vour th-ourMr 22,ji n ..Tatherdoahtiagjy,t*ot 1 SioinfnTi ‘llf 7 l r , J . nd 6« •< my Bnrprfse and my when J found my PeammitS^^V 1 .“d * a lour days from the time i.ewuiaeneed applyiog it. Voarobedienl, • -t . E. F. COLBY. FACTO TORTHB PEOPLE. , years of unrivalled sueecft In t** 5"? ®i e,cr 7 WWV *t external diseases and injuries M *P r ~«*> bnusea, euU r bams, cutaneous «rsjT Uph sore breastfl chopped hands, c«&- btaina, biles, uleero, corns, pains ih the back.ofc**f! p . att * oflho rattlesnake bites, fcei, ample Ustraony th*tSban'fcOintm>riJtiOastthe£“f 51- kour.'Cenilieiies withounituaber batafff receivedhy the ProprictQFtfrsnudisintercftedinsrvis^ ala, ofremarkable cure* by jtau»®- . ' A WISCONSIN-WTTNEfIR 'J,ua. Granville, Slilwankie co. Wis., Octld»»’'T _ Mr. Sloon—Dear Sir: Recently my horsfss^f—jA with a log chain Attached, which cat ary Injured them, seriously, so much so that ! ce* , »y team rained for basinets., • Fortunately *I?L m:i commended the use of yoor Cuumest. i waakioand purehased'a box. Jt sees »{**.. inflammation, and in a few dhyv'tbc The great beHeCldrrivM fmm the «» *U2L\Z!h ntent, on or horses, indneed meto ae*} 8 *”, the faet, broeving us pablicitysiwld oeaefltyou the pußfic. llBapseoWlocK. IT 13 A EOSITIVF. FACT. *■ And has become a common •*y io £ , j.iS -Oimmeui and ConiUtion Powder are raprutf **P«f*a ding all otherremedics Cor all disease* J>f horee* M* cattle. The beauty of the medicine*-e-®"**®* ®~*J* parity *"'l aafeiy, to wit they oar freely without any danger of uJdaf *®**« 51 SSL?SSa laiuy resulting fromtlvD freqaest oae, to oaxe if the dtreettooa are fenewvd. yyMntxy>
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers