. ... 1 .___. ESTABLISHED IN 178 b, BUS ' S -CARDS. CARDS. A LEXANOr.A. I.A.A. ALIA, AUM.Y . 1 Law, 14013 T. A - MblINCi A. tiAtil, Wholesale Grocer .L.P:! „ durtbst. . noyl3.ly la. Dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, DAVID 0. TUTTLE. 1..144 Liberty st. 1 , 41 AIiTTORNEY AT LAW AND CO. eerASIONER a:C. saacarsm, jr , I , E, itil. A wIIITA' . m a r,....,,yyJ,VN1.A., Sr. Loots, Ho. . QUIACILLETT &WI Wholesale Dealers In A ...Melanges promptly ...leered. eetAD.ly ky Fmk, .„,,,d D am .. , 1 , 7 Goods. No. vow . A 9111STRONG)),LCROZER,Comenseton Mereasme Netsborcl... febt7lf JoIL and Dealer , to Produce, No. rd Market street .0 — & - W. HARJ3AUGH, Wool blerehants De le l'lnsbunrl.. de. ila in Flour end Produce generally, .d F ' n ' 7 - -- c(i iii.-,,-.46-1..--dirarwed,... sot ...a.i.. bi.. 1,...., No. ID Water • Pin/ DENNETT, Bratettle.CO, Matruntentrers or P.olla bah. LI XII Awn. Blotching Powders, Alari.tie a. Sulphorie s n0_,...., ~,,,,,,. ~..s , ~ , .....4 . Acid . Warehouse No. Water term below Ferry'. C't ELLERS NICOL% Prodnee and General Com: noe2o.lY 0 Mis.loll Merchants, No. 17 Liberty et., Pittsbnigh. and asts .1.1 EL., Linseed and lArd Oils: p 7 4" RAtl y, k e, " wVits,.. Wholesale arid Retell DM- Q F. VON noN,saiostar, e. os Wholesale a guitA :truer of Marty end St CULL, woes, Mae k* cem, Forward/ex mut c om iak,,„ ~,,,,,,f,..": mayle Dealers in Pinsbargh bLeardas.rm.sed ve,,,,,,,,, A Po ' ' ... z i sow ,.. N da t re t.s4 , ha e y o e ,7 7 .f ov p. ed to nt et .t eir . new d ch lare ce b r o , %tarsi...ld stood) ...--- - coos IlWne. DROWI ; .4.• CULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocers, JUI and Ca tronts..n 51erchants, No. as, Merl) , et., de.. 71, 7. • T A4:..-77t.1,EWTTA'holouilo Grocers an - d — Cocuals- PulaboccA. pa. . 1 - 5. ---- A FAHNEsPOCE & Co., Wbc — ii r e t/--9a. Ete. - C.A Iderehanti,and dealers In P.a.. No. 35 ,PIII till .Druesuts, corner Wood and 6* sta . ayl.,_ .H._!lll l . l .a.ncia. i tirriaitii , NAY LOH, attorney at Lay—i;-/itTrd st, or. a. :am= s. at. wirer 4J Ise door above Smithfield. 5,,,,,,,54,,, TROTH &SCOTT Wholesale and Retail bealeMin V. 51. PAILTIUDOMis DIE-MT--- l3 ° ‘ "l 6 h.w.i 3 Tranher Carpet Bev, On., 8. W. N 0.195 SPAUCESTREEr, PHILADELPHIA, co rner of thand minuted...la, Piticbdilti , Pe. HO'' L/NM:IIEn to gem Ins per ocular attention to th e ----ireint—wwmant, ja., _Jvestment of Dmeaws ot the SRO!, SCROFULA, yirIIOLEBALE OkOCEIL ImPeMee of FOREIGN Diseases of the TlllitrAT. .' s, WINES, LIQUORS: and CIGARS, dealer in 0 Monongahela Rye Whiskey and ?mamma bl an. 0111 0 : ,Et e h at., orir , w u A. ts. I_______P. AL , " 1 ' P. aafse.tans, comer or Market and Eno in.' ~.....,..,,, Superior articles supplied at market rate!. oc MI /01/Jll. C. 14. CE.A.IO & liaiNNEß,i'orwurding and Coutousaion Mo. erchants N 26 Market st, rittsbeigh..;i'spni PM: kteriNULTY it CO and Co. N... 4 mission .IPrehantr, Cartel Basin, Pittsburgh Pe. utehl buquaata• Sprints , A 1 11, 81•111 l WWI 1.01 WOrka. COLE.MAN,' IfkILMAN & Co, annufacnuers of Coach and o Jaipur Suri . ege, IlalLn ., t ; trod Axles, a7:laFroPinrfthre' iti r s4irgh. ''''hcm" 00 , Also, dealer. ofCoachTrimmings and Malleable Ceasing's- " bb w. U. mutt 13114 1114• (Lae i Newllork -Olifica4,Sminh.ei 'street, between. Beventh and - 1, gm ark/TY ad.) , • N.14,-laseases or the'esputh, guns and teeth treated HOMOOpatklesay. sptloAnos Incl. Maxist, , Wan I. Inzarni. ENGLISH k lIVINETT, (late Enebb, Oall.ther Co.) Wholos•le 6rocere, Comminion tad YOT 2tarcanna,,, 4 dealers in Praia. Ond rill* 117 - 11fartares, ti,i: 71 Wood st., belt= 04 and SI Erects. pal - d'IMIRGE W. o=ll tr. Bowers,. braLsters Ur ma Hop Dealers, Ptu st, Putsburgb. optg3 81/AGE COCHRAN, eorostusatork end borwiiauss Merchant, No. 20. Woodetreet. Pittsburgh. myt /I.I3IACKIP. VAOTORY. latiANaujoN STEWART, mozotfootorer of Heavy J-L.Eatztna, Chocks, &0., game. 'am c! , ly of /41%' l.fo . cessor to Mum hy tf-Loo„f"'Wooll)Doal .4..iciy, Vootr:c.=p:prchsg,Ard.hotatll7ol wa. us".i, ll:JUlgtora. ib..;.ircs,.. , a, n 001,30 =LL d ... D, L ruu. D.V..110C41111,11. 10331 a. arAzna, R EALD & Lai CK.NOU, Tbt..co Commizikal M. ' clan., 41 ti az th Water ai, &le Nora. Vaarves, n0v374.1" . .. PLUM. • 4:'Dr, lONEI3 t Co., (successors to Sturm!, Jetta* Co) CO1=0113“ork and ronrardlnd MOT- Seaters : to • Ails/anti hlatuatactarati: Goods, Plusbarilo,S a. . nteh27 etca 01, . Incur, na, I=kl DICKEY s Co, Who tiroecta,_Coca. duioa ame Merchants, and dealers in Frames, {7 m 0'.64 Water s Led 117 Mat 'tree% Pittobttostt. t.mS ntLWCatd. goal% IgLiruern. DILWORTII &Co Whole atheerS; Pro. doer and Commission Merchants, and Agents tor Huard Powder Co. of N. Y., No. 27 Wood at, Pittsburgh. soW jalllN El. TONVidIiND, Penegat ad Apothecary 2E N 0.42 Slartet it., three dams ahem Thicti at Pit 24 boegh, will have annual:nig On hand II welt • elected sc, sorunent of the bat and freshest Eledmines which hs will sell on the mat reasenable toms. Mums= sending olden, mull be punaptly gnaladedto,and sop. plied with articles they rasi x elly noon as (=kr, ,27 Physicians Preseri will la seared:ly sad noddy , P hysicians the t.Thlte , iels,S l soy ltw.4 bs Also for sale, a lugs stock of (rah pod good Perla. - PPP T NARdiPtiN tiEWP,(.1..., - Coansellear Law.-1/2 U.' flee au Foam st, snare • nervbslp "er'lf. — C - 214F113/.1 1 , (late of Warren, Ohlo,) Commis lion and FOretercting Elerehant, and wholesale dealer in Western Re3Grte Cheese, Boner. Pot and Petal Ash, and Waters Padua - generally, Water Peet, between tintithneld sad Wood, rind:m.3hsPa OHN WATP, (euceasor to Ewan & GridUrts l • Wholeule Oxnard and Commission literatants in Produce and Piustinrsh blunfseraes, tor n. of Liberty and _ !land strieat, Pittsburgh Pa Is xi ifASIFFS do.—tisotessors to Vi Lewis UntchisOn A Co, Commission !dualisms, mad Agents of the Pt. Lout ammo Sagas Raillery. 51.42 waxer and la (ma streets, ?inshore. • 77 URN D. MINOAN, Wholesale Druggist, sod deft or In Dye titutitt, Riots, Oils, Varnishes, d.0.,N0.03 Otod Erect, eta door Sank of Magma Alley, ride i • 011 1 "2 /4 3 )81=1.1 4. rele ra c w . ..r 0" = ". 1 h 1 1." Retail ague. u Maxie and Musical Instrantezta, School Boone, Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, Willa, Priam. , Cost% and Stationary genera/4N°. bl Wood a, Pittaborgh. j_tste_ought or token in trae. sept 4 to C 0.., Wholesale Draggats, No. SI Wood street, Pittsburgh. 1 OBEN D. DAVIS, Aneuaneer, corner Ste and Was! 1,/ memo, Ptusbulgh. ' end if WINSTON St STOCKTON, Bcoultsellers, rowers 11 and Paper bleaufuntrers, No. 44 Market st., Prru burgh. role nein. ltictuao FLoni. T FLOYD, Who!nate Grocers, Commission . Merchants, and Dealers in Produce, Komi! Church Buildings, fronting on Liberty, Wood and 6th Wets, Piusburgh, Pa. • myitl • TANJEZ IJALZELL, Vholnside (ironer, Cemmneon 0„1 bleinberdonid device in Produce said Pittsburgh glianfireturea N 0.24 Weer at, rnribargh. Anti Olt WEAVEit, J., Wkileeen and genii Den. Term Foreign Wine. ad Liguori. and old 210=2. gales Rye Wl:atop, comer. Fere and Market to VIER a JONES, Forwarding and Coed Met. Ja.. Omni; Dealers in Prodnee .aPiusborgh mum acuixed arunlea, Canal Basin; near 1111 . at _ . PUlrbi - TniLL, 49WC - VISSIJELCID. PA. .116. kI'iNEDY; MOPS & CO., Plaonfacturers of very impanel 44 tetteettro, Carpet Chain Conon Term Lod Llaitittir. 123047 ----- Vesurlor Iron Works. Lses 11 WOI, 2,IOte Z ELL et, Dotter e l : 7ln mensal r e!f o l f h:, l eea 6- t quality. Ware/once, 41 water and Itid front M. janla • S WTE.1141102, Wholesale Grocer, Forwent. Jja inff and Cocutdatoon Merchant, Dealer in Pins. burgh / Front lcto/ee and Produce, Nos. 31 Water et., and tel s:. /27 221011.11.0 =Mc., it /OEM 11. SAWS KICSES.DY: 411. 11AVITTEit, T 00)11111Ci Glialin,Alrmulanturen, and Wholesale La dealers in foreign "and dornesde Varier) , Good. Western merchants,Pedlan and others an auVllO4,. to call and examine Me prices and quality of our mock, as with our present increased facilities in manalaeter aqd purchasing, we think mean rifler as great inducements 10 011 y ell , 00 soy enter house west of the jan.ly 1111.3111.1.33., Putman. c. so. awswasta;Piiisburge. ihrg ILLEIt to ILICKETSON llamas °weer', and importers of ktrandies, Wines and Began, Non. yrs and rya, earner of Liberty end Irwin sweets, Plus burglq'Pa. Iron, Nails, Conon Yana, 0,0. ac. COU• sunny an band. 00111.. .0001 /11. D. WOW- C. au. raLLS ROL, Wholesale Grocers and Count.. sten Plerchant., 114 Liberty mt., Pinsburgh. IVIRC..K.F)IiwYto\Y4I.SfJ.I Dealer A c jO r. ., m two wy Jo w.d.. nes, Atur N p o b . y u k. Wood area, riusbut,sit. _ our= ITATCF/ILW—CYLLtION, Fortrnstunf Natant:oral:T. /TA tor: Rooms, mina of Foot Office Allay and Fount moot, onunane on 4th near Harter. Mt Y . BYRNE AND AXLE FACTORY. '/011111 V. 4,01.. JONES & 417100,, ANUFACTURERS of spricis and blunor Ow& tanelonnoi Plo , =n .. .R.l., , d = o p m d trIZ ftlegs,fize"edngi:o amps:andeoseb Unnntult tenasay, comer of Ron: lud - Front Ms., Finkle and=tifill: of k...'n o c bane, dertLncalon of //von. it, llank Piot. end IlEr Collections mad on all the principal cities li throughout the alfcd num& , on' N' timiludi ° " 4:7l jA Ua W tom above Smithfield, amith• • Converincing of all kinds done with the dreatie care and Rol anew. T. Tides te Real Emma examined, &o. oesal'il H. T. Roberta, H. - -q1711AL1.114.: UURGEON, *Lund to do treat , magaof Wes.. Of th e Eye. kas been eniptited to th.is brinuch.on.al the.m.dmedit; cal pntanb¢ I:=•= '. ordi h srasii or O. .7' alai. , be sevarid seen. OM= and .odenee, coiner of 9a1:14..4Y " , :r 4 3 Ballarbe.rty .110, jukom and Heel Fttab I . D . liteler m 1. DieL ' y A Co. octlsdlm DISCarattLXIiirtOUBOOK, insHriAl STBELT, between Wayne max, Hasp, nes reseeded km profimeiodal dunes, Wing nuude- Sons ou the ham, thaw, and in : Vocal MAMA anglesdli ira - 11 , 01t—hfirto SS, neat Wood—An In utles of Green and Black Lime up punnet, half, and packages, !Figingirom dd etis 'per pound Jye Alit tor Pekin Pea thv. R'Roam , / a. CO. hoeing noted THOMAS urSr with thensin huelneee,the Whole. Prodide and Cmnalsiden buil:less will b i e esigilineLd as rude' miler the firm of Hobiam, LAS. 0. A Co: , miatori, LITTLE CO., Fie.l94 Liberty street, ilkihnsburgh., Wholesale Camera, Produsa add Mission Merdhants, and dealers in Pittaturgh Manniseturta 117 yeR. goat.. Tuts. Lein.. HIM Is Ilielnon. kiW Distiller, dealer in Freemen, Pitubargh anufam. and all kidds of Foreigla and Donresise Wines yo i Liberty street. On fiend • very sodmck perior old Monongahela whiskey, 11 „ 21,7,4111.5e1d ." lour far cash. whouta, J. L. BILL tr.SHZE, Fllorrkirirg teD r Cee lYad. ioion e Merchant ,6 Va Ar etree ern Giocerres, re ed and chloride of lame. hi e heet wet., In cult, plait 111 all times for maw 19eN mss , G_ seer of Yenn ande Irwin au la¢43 tL ii o , Cosseiwori sod o mem Predate end Plusbarsh Athrishettares, Setcli rilitliohrfth . . . . . . ... . . . . . I.; . . . . . . .. . . .. , . - - .„,''' . . . . . . . . „. _. _... . .: . . . ~..• ..., ~,,, i _. ~_ . . ~ .- - , $_ , b . L ; . . . . . . . 1 , . . . . . . , ~, • VOl .. )( VII. - NO. 102.- r"‘ 7, '+rlYv , l , r l 3 VVHOLLSALF:GBOCERti, IEO lIPVING tDIS. TILLERS, and ,WINE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS. Also—lmporters of Soda Asb end Illeaehing Powder, No. 160 Liberty et., (opposite SirdaPao brt oeto2 ' lOUS D. WICK. DAM IrCADDISO TIMM k IPC4NDLIZS, (successors to L. et J. D Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Commission blereharlls, dealers' in Iron, Lions, Glass, :lAnrost Wo o d d Pittsburgh Idlinufactures generally, cocoa.. oandWatcr (awes. Pittsburgh. stone and N U Furcush canal. " • j*"'r f " ;j rare. and Maury Gaid., comer of .kior:andt :%PitsbrPa. N. B.—Watete• d r. . repaired. • EST — FOWEN—Caousual.oo d Fru, , lading lerehtlo, No. 00 Fromm betwrou Wood and erkot strttets. feb.2.7 17111, • es e an. CeMerns areign and Domestic Dry Goodsolorth cam corner of Market and Fourth am asnal 091 M. Lly‘ NOM 1110021.3.0, W ra U ZIC RI TO. Iron W dltr ia t G " ITV:m .- burghla Ilium& eta. ire y , 152 s.Mrli R Piu• - mrgh. " fides; V7 '' sx '. ; kill ' lrood . w, ' &c h ., 14: 1 57 ?Ss; D— EALERS IN HIDES AND LF.ATHER, Moroceo, Shoe Findings, & No. 143 Ltberty street, have just received their SP R ING ING STOCK of hoods, com prong a lame assortment dardcles to liol/ lute, to which the anent= of purchasers V Lusited. mehts "" 1 41 ds PSTTlellairv. ..... STEAM SOAT AGENTS Otitas K. Alias Co, Co, oG2I NA 42 Water street, PRMIN Lib mad Health lass ram.. PHI Mutual 'Llfe and lieadb Inegrance Coops:ay I. of Pblladelpbla,lueorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, March, 1541 Chaney . perpetual. Capital. 11100,000. Ram row. awl am Paxson rave COaI,IIIr and gall 20 per cent. firlireildan the UAW, nd. of Life losurance, as the following - ergo. guidon will show: Thus, a Parson of the Igo of 30 id eating for 11100 for life, good pain the Booed 14,38 Penturyistais,ll3." Penn Mutual, 82.30; Rotatable, ILAN; New England, thldt Now Yorkl.Re, WO; 112,4% Life mold Health, Philadelphia, ot. Ihaecrass—Samosi D. Orrick Charles W P. Boone, Robert .P.glog,. Chute. P. Hayes, ht W. . Baldwin. EL AL Reeve, M. O. Chu. 0. B Csmrlll, - Lewis Doom, I. Rodman Barker, P- H. Maier, lewd, It Cope. PrWdeor—Sentuel D. °trial Vice Pram derit--Rold. P. Secretary—Fraws BLitekburee. Applications, !rill be received, and every Information perm by BA.ILL. PAELNESPORR, Art, Ofhte, commercial Room, corner of oe2/7..i1y Wood and Th. rd it., Pittsburgh ..-:-- , -. - INSURANCE. • viii: ''.... • pitovevnotr FERIA AND • --Sl.i., MARINE INSURANCE COMp . A. . )4' 6,.: , 5 , •NY OF HARTFORD, CONN. otcoareanexp ra lea Anneal Preattartia, Capital Stock, and Sari:dun Fond, 111.000.000 e • The old end rinponnible Company continuer to Is sue politie. on the most favorable tenon on Dweldng Ilounee, Household Feminize, Store Stocks of Goode, Warehousen and contents, Mille and Binsnifeetorten, een en... egeinst LOSS OR DAMAGE RIFLER. Aloe, on &rods, Wane and Idetchaudise, Woo= the hazards of MAIM Tathelroaxmlos, nod Upon the Cargoes of Scit Vessel. The Protection Insurance Company having, in the . 4 ...ID year% paid warm ettatharte or Mae= at th eir several agencies throzurbout the.UnitedStaten and e , British Premiums, have bat a / cast rep n lot solvency and fair dealing, wkich challenge. - 1 patinae with any; other insurance company on e .011110e12t of *menu-. The annexed attract hamar, i &dela ea' the amtieet erlosentate Comps:dm. taken 1 *pm the "New Toth Day Doak," ezhibitabriedy the ' standing and policy oleo Company. "The 'Moneyed men' of the ancient and alway. pros permm city of Hartford, lave for half a century oven fameroughout the Union for the elm, discretion, rigid h . throughout and unvarying niece.* with which they have formed and =Alleged corporal.tu of this de sarsipvor. fa N il o e d H ! a rt These B a C n o k m o p r a n l i n s e r have e Company . more than a whole generation scattered their rinks in near ly eeery . fltate of the Union, and knee never failed to pay the innumerable loners which they have noticed agains" All lo t. osen arising upon policies Issued by the under signed, will belts:ARAI, adianted and paid in the Gen eral Agatha' ogle*, located' at Cimelmath 0. A Luse portion of the fends of the Company, (inoludiell ell Ora:Bums received at the Western egencien,) is de posited with the General Agent of th e Company at Cincinnati, for she payment of Western and Soothed loosen. Apply m FAIDETTE BROWN, Agent for the city of Pittsburgh, and for Allegheny county. - ocolld3m ICUs Peasessyltraaila Company Fon Inesomeca cc Lira sib Gasathat Arsenics. fPRE brat Life Inemenee Company in the 11. State.. 1., Incorporated March 10, 11319--ehai ter perpetual. Capital $503,0:0-41l paid in. Elating authorised*. undersigned to raceme appli cations for inearance, on which policies wilt he aimed, arsording to their 'panic...hi and rates, which will be .made known in applicants at his office, o. WI Wood Orem. spit GEO CO N CHRAN. WISITSEN 10$1.111ANCE COMPANY ; OF PITTS BURGH. CAPITAL $300,000. J. Foam", Jr Body. I Malan, Jr., Plash. Will Lanni aged= all kinds of dab, FIRE AND MARINE. A LL lessee will be liberally mhomed and pro4ay .A pule, iton—managed by Daemon who are well known in the community, and who are detail:an .ad by prompt.. end liberality to cumuli; the char acter which they have untried, as offering the Lein protection ILI those Wig) Cl.= 10 be housed Diascrou—lL Miller, Jr, Geo. Black, J. IV. Butter, N. Holmes, Jr, Wm. B. Holmes, C. thirteen, Geo. W. Jackson, Win. M. Lyon, Ju. Lippincott, Thos. K. Litchi - James hl'Auley, Alex. Ntmiek Thos. Scott, Orrics, N.3ll.Watisr wen, (warehouse • of Spoil S Co., uostaiss,) Pittsburgh. saintly IRROBARIffiks I.IIE DEWARE MUTUAL SAFETff [hilt U RANC C O MPANY.—Offiee, North Room ot the Exchange, Third sheet, Philadelphia. Fru I.lol7.2lCl,..Bgalelinga, Memhandib tad 01./Les property to rows and commas, insured against loss or damage by be. at the lowest rate of premium. Elsa= leseassecti—They also insure Vessels, Cat goes and Freights, foreigner coastwise, under open or special policies, seam assured may desire. labscroTssauoassimeTtiey aiiio trotaremerehan• disc transponed by Warms, Railroad Cars Canal Beau and Steam Dom, on rivers and lakes: on the wet liberal tarsus DIRECTORS—Jobph 11. Seal, Eslnaind A. Sender, John C Davis, Robertßorten, John R Panacea, Saab el Ederards,Geo O Leiper, Edward Darlington,lsami Davie, Pollee'', John Newlin, Dr it bl Hut ton, James 0 Hand, 'Theoplubm Paulding, II Joins !hooks, Henry Sloan, Itagh.Craig, George /10,411, Spencer Diellvain, Charles Kelly, J 0 Johnson, Wit I ' BIWA T A E Morgan 'r. 6 We. Bagaley,Jao. T. Lague, WILIALM MARTIN, President atceua 8. MonoLo,PeocetAry. jp Oface of the 'Compaq, No. 42 Wolof . meet, Putsbargh. _31.16 - Atf P. A. MADEIRA, Agent PlaIC ARID suuunia OZ. TIIE, INSURANCE CO. el Nonh America milt make permanent and limited Insurance - on pm perty la this city and visielty and on aldpesents by Canal, Rivers, LekeN.and by Sea. The proPenies Cat this Company me well tmeauid, mai famisii avail able fend for the ample indemnity of all persons who dealre to be protested by inaumnes. • myld WM. S. JONES: Agent, daiSater st IRDZIUMWV. Tie Franiiin Font lantraxas Co. of Phitadelphta. J IRECTORS. , -Calls N. Banker Thomas Hart D . Tables Wagnee,Sanntel 0111111, acob R. Smith, Gam W &sherds, Mordecai D. Lonna, Adelpho F.. Botts, David S. Mann, anti. Patutwn. . Cum. N. Liana" rrealde.a. CharleiG.Saneker,llecretasy. Continue to snake infallatati perpetual or limited, as every ducrimlan of property in town or country, at f Wow as are esuaistent with security. y e company have reserved a large coming entPund whleb Witt. their Capital sad Premiums, ufely laveat• ed.,_afforst sarple protectioula the assured. The WO. Of .0 conspanynots January hi, 1b43, published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were rellovih vim ter:: s TemmorarLoan s Cash, ko. 111,3&,492 71 Since their incorporation, a pedal our han of 10 ye dra ars, thous gm have pud upwards of one Althea fl dAntlers, lows by Etre, thereby affording aside., of the advantages Of inthnlnee, we lling ma the &Way and dispoaitten te Meet with promptness all liabilities. OARDINER CCSYFI24, Agent, thartAlly Oglea N ECM. W oo d and 3d sts SAW C tit DIADEIBA, Agent at Itinsbargh for the De* A. wath Arathal Safety Insmanee Company of Final- Wiphia. Fire Risks apon buildthp_end sonzahmithe of every description, and Marble Lake upon halls 01 cargoes of vessels, take* upon - the Oast favorable iermy 014. in The NVainhown Of W. B. fLolmes Dro., N 0.37 Water, neat Market erect, Pittsburgh. N. D.-113 nieces. of this Company lance the eaten lishase et of the Agency In ita, ProMP,- tn.mid liherality with which every apon them for loss has bean ajusted, fully ...rent. th e Inviting the confi4enee and paw:mese *lbis friends and the conameally u Imp to the Delaware AL go tam ranee Cmstputy, while it has the additional advantages as us Inwitation among she most fientrisidug P ade P"*".. Urine an ample yyaiddn capital, which by the oyonuJon of Lis chatter is constantly. increasing, as yteldlinr to each person =wed his lee ahem of the prolts of the companycerithout involving him in uty tesponaibility wit:m.lm and thereinto to possessing MS Mini! ptiampla &rested aloofly Ottomans fea- Tr. apt m lm Most attractive bra ttoN HOTELS FOUNTALS HOTEL. LIGHT STR,F.ET. HALTING B. • 1000 /OM 713171-11.3. riCOMITOIII. antra establishment long and widelylknown being one of the mom cornmeal°. in the city of Baltimore. has recently undergone very even. live thermions and improvements. An enure new wing has been added, containkrig numerous and airy sleeping apartment., and exteninve bathing 'lmola. The Ladies' department has also been completely reorganised and fitted up in a me • uturme end bcanu ; ful style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House has been remodeled, with a single eye un the omt Of the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasureibf their co and which they confidently assort a. II challenge comparison with any lintel in the Union. Their table alwayi be supplied with every sob. Menial and luxury which the market affords, aerie& 'up in • superiot style; while in the way of Wine., de., they will not be rsrpmsed. In conclualon .he proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be leflundort on their part, end on the pert of their meistents, to render this Hotel worthy the continntd patronage of their friends and the publte generally. The prices for board have also been reduced to the following most Ladies' Ordinary, 51,75 per day. Gentlemen's 1,54 N. IL—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be found at the Cat and Butambor. Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free f of charge. _renyZ LAISAItIiffE novsm, ..-„ C031.111:1 OF WOMMI AND FLUFF STILFTS, FlTTurilott. THE subscriber rexpectlully announces that he has now opened his new and excellent lintel far the accommodulan of travelers, boarder:, and the public generally. The house h ave nit are entirely new, and no pains or expense been .pared to render it one of the moat comfortable and pieasant Howls in the eity. The subscriber is determined to deserve, arid there fore solicits, • abare of public patronage. , 0et.1.4-dly JACOB BOUGH, Prop - Lew. CriiITUD STATES 110 TEL, Mean, ire.; arrest rococo anD vrrrn NIL M POS hp U . E late flant i of p n E U . 4ited tiineL,Phila untren PrOptLetor. LAW OFFICES. JOHN H. RANKIN, A TFOHNEV and evonsallor at Law, and CURILII.-.. SitrlPP for the h'tate of Penneylvana, dt. Lour, (Igor or Pittabwrgh.) arrra snow—Pittsburgh: Hon. W Forward, Harry ton & %Her, M'Candleas S Bl'Clote, John E Parke, sempie, ?word A lima . P rra-narrr IL DLL. B . AIRD At STEMMA:TT, ATTORNEYS AND CQUNSELLORS A r LAW , Fourth street, botweuo Southbold and titan, •ttuborgh, PA ju 101101 t Lk.. LAILGIA "L'" A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Fount streehneu ti rant tuldai - 37.1ivairi. A A. weer n i•I F I - 11.11r " --9-4 2 •4 7 • - W3l. TIMBLIN ATTORNEY AT L AW, ,Buarr, Pa WILL alao attend to C. 001000•1104 10.101004 01.1 entrusted. to him In Butler a n d !arum:4 0013011011, Pa Refer 10 J. 6 11. Floyd, Liberty sr. W. W. Wallace, James Martha!' Pittsburgh thy Any t Co., Weed 'l. 1 13117 18. bIIVEJTZER, Anoniey at La...obit. a& .t., • opposite Bt. Chaele. Hetet, Blltsbargh, will elan attend rrociptly to Collection., in Walhington, Fayette cad GR. couritica, Pa. REFER TO Blacks , . ek, en Co , Church es Carother a, Tihttebargh D. T. Morgan, E. Cin J. HEN lan ß atirOY, ATLlrney and Commellor ai Law. ebio. Collections in Southern Ohio, and to Indiana, and in Eentooky, prom U 7 and care rally attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn sylvania, for taking Depositions, mknowiedgmonm, &O. Ice. Ram ro-116. Wm. Dell & Sou, Coma Church & Camtheis, Wm. Heys, Esq., Whack & Cana mai RATS, CAPS AND BONNETS ALPALL ITA/0110.31 FOR IIATO. liM 111cCORIed. Co. trill introduce title day alt o.nooloTi lo" :Mtn,' iha fall uric of Get:Women , Elva, cor PIN+ and Wood nroata angtO ner of CORD & CO., ji. CP ( 8. :. c..—0r, if til'Cord lt. King). Yia lo n•tta'r:n. Corner of my cend Apt Streets. "DAR7iCULAR tutenuon psad to oar Retail Trade. 1 Gentlemen' Can • rely upon among then and Caps from our somata:Um:tot of the Inn mnd WYSII.I.OIIIBIY, of the says. eLP d the Loon. swam Culinary Merchants, parshaaing by wholesale, are respemfaily invited to salt and examine our Stock, as we can say with confidence' that as rosards nesszn acid rya, u w il l not suffer in a comparison with any truss In Philadelphia __let a7prOof p i Califordi Ilan; tut muttered and for sale by ,1 • V filleußD & Co, tebta sortie, oth and Wood Sot • ra lllMllllo FASHIONS IWHIS49. MOOED 6 Co. wlll Introduce 012 SOW, vne day,Match .1.1, the Sp ring st7lc at WATS. Those in ward of *neat supenot toot, sr tn to call to comer of Ash and Wand streets. mart • . PRI Nt4 Er INNICT RIBBONS, R Murphy S or. open a .apply of sprit. Bennet Illot*nn, of new cod handsome styles Als,ncyr rtyle flrd Netts; Lade l.a.ces aO.l Edg. ags: Lanett Earn.; Victor. do; plaid Aluslin• %ad Mwoner., embroidered Mush., be... a large tussortrcent of Spring Goals generally, ail nor. cut corner 4. and Market scree. Wholesale Rooms up colon. son 'WARDLNG & COMMISSION J. OBRAT.- TM.. %ILA STUART & SILL, (irneers, and Ppoluee nod Lore melba. blerehahts, No. Iln %Poi. at. Pitaboran. Dealers In Ci totera , Floor. When . , Ryn,Dol , Batley, Pork. Bar., Baum Lard, Cline., Chafer, Timothy luld Plot Se eda; Iron, j.. Glass, he ke. Particular &pennon pool to the sale of Wren On. Prolate. Ranoscho—hlthara. Micro A m Ilulacr, Rota Dal -- Co., ArDilla A Roe, flar tan. South Co. :fame. ' , lay, King Oloorhrad, Pasolerah now - OPOldien, Massa.. Jo.. S. Illornton. , Loma. or 5, • ' • 10113 a.nuia hate o f N Llauac. U. ws. sa,m,a• CRAW a SKINNER. GENKRAL Mak-.NCY, Commission and ut•t og Merchants., No. .26 Market sets Pcusburst , , Ps 00" Prompt atten Lion given to the purchase sous •sie °Call kinsis of Protsuee. Rosso ros—JobnWrot h Cu., Murphy, WO,. ACo. POtsburgh, Pa.; Lawson Ms Al.,',u Wellsville, O.; Job n 11. Brown h. Co , Pi:ost.l Co, Pheadelptos; Er W. Snodgrass 14 Co sltogg o. Nice, New. Lithos., U., Fr. Salons, Ilun C Is ....din, Csuemnst.; J. P. Caller, Issongssossu, ,W I. stun. slan, SugV.l . - • Cligatiti/r• Commission and Forwarding Marc hoot. S. :VG woos/ , rerimusuo, CIONTINLIKII to trunwet u general Conirui,, ,, n heel' V) new, especial!! in the purehe.... ono wle ui hinnufsealieu and Produc, and to...ludas taw& eonsigued win. care A. /67 ,tur, myTtrf the iiitinufactures, he will hr euneouttly supplied with the prittelial sitite• 01 atel/nigh lisnsfuelnle a the lowest wsolewle pores. Orders and COIIOI,IIIIW/1141 sia respectfully n.ltetted. ,107 Pesent Aleterklem tattOp. la MrKlUTMAN—Mantfactures of all km& of vet- Ali... tun and woollen roara:uery, Allegheny cty, Pa The abom works being now tn Mb ar...1 surcess.b. bp ...a., item preparml to exceete off •re scth mt;rsteh for all kinds of machinery at AY Or-e, met oe '5010... p,.ekes e, opreadare, c ants, gnotong 05,211111, Testa ay m, drawanc frames, apeedere, tlnceals, /C... WOW,. earda, oublc or oingle,for merchant or country wits k, mules, ur Ira, P.e., lisle tool hand lattsc• and wail. 11, gen eral. All kind; 01 Maning suede to order, of pl.". giv en for gearing fee. rim or nulls at reasonable charge. Kamm so—Keane dy, Chtlde te Co , Illackstock, Bell i C 0,1,14, Penn.• k er. Co., .1 se. A tray.— - 111 °ar:inkit Voris . isi• err y Stable. eli. ROBART 11. PATTEKSON na. nbetird the liege eta tile on First et, running through to p ec e•Ast, between Wood and :Assert Isfirld stc,i the te,lo . of the Mostoghela House, wttli an enorely n n ew ate ca of 'foram a n nd u Cameras nt the beet quality and latest . style..liotsca keptrat',ve ry in the beet manner---- . iyVdly -- --- ~.. von. ouzieriviroou 01‘14.1./ba S. re- The ate am boat A. MASON now rune from the n Poo., ben of —l ets sret, o the Ga co—letts ring ate o'clock , A M., mud at Mc beginning of emit hour anal a I'. M s e rves may rely on folding the boat at the hour. Oho le-ores Ore Garden, the last up tri rt, at lir o'clock. The season Is fast adve name,. and I.buse wi.h.ing lo ' w t thie delightful retreat, now is the tone to spend • Yew NMI., not in Me erupt t and dust of the city, moist a pure anoolphcm, perfm tied 'with the leagrunce o dowers. All kindsof refreehineure„eteept intoalcaung drinks I am kept on the prcouserb Grceattonee Plato., an I Bongoes of Choice flowers for ealc. Cloned ou $Oll JAMES hI'ILAIN. da &i•Change of ern g dl . og made on account of low wa _ asov - if,. - - °so IV•REILTENBILILti kat 11:11. SENT, Forwarding and Commasoin Mer chant, has removed to No. 67 Prom, between Wood and Smithfield streets. soot IV E balm dicta PUMPB, resole on au tuoiroved V V plan, so as not to (mete litre e c oldest weathand er. Persons Wang ng such arireles, a Melted to rail ace them at BOXIER tr.. ATKINSON'et, ntor/5 Uri, between Woof , 11 arke i go, Steam Brick 'Works for Salt. :VIM yubsectber otters for rale, the STEAM BRICK i ll, WoRSS, 'above Lawrence. illy, . compriong • Steam Region, 2 'rollers, to Mould Mac hine, capsule of manufactumgc tio,ol.ri Pressed Bricks lout of dry May,. as taken from the hankl per day; with _three emus of hich are 1 kilns and Lod on the Allegheny river, on w sheds, osactune and clay sheds, vr.beelbarrows, trucks, shovel'', spades, he., every thing requisite to com mence operations at au boors notice. Voce. incluMeß the Ps Mot right to use said machine, PAU—Arms of pay.' met made easy. Without the Ithd, llS,tritt For path colony adifiteth HENRY NERRITC, II iirift-dif No 118 Mo ow:mbels /los.. EIMLL ARID BIiaIigWFUNDELY • ALA FULTON, Bell and Brims Founder, him re built and commenced border , at h old stand. where he will be pleased to se is e Ine old custom era and friends. Church,St and Bells of every m, frith 11 to 10,000 pou nd. , east from patients of the mast •PPRI ed models, and warranted to be of the best material. lament Water eumpa,Counlert,ltsiling,Ac., urge they with every variety of Broth Ca/Alegi, a requacE Weed and finsthed In the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole proprietor ofßaltart's A.Sri.Arta 'vox !drub, so busily celebrated foe the re-docile. t friction in machinery. The Bones ...a Campo.. and be hell or him..ralAuy pliVkNpolcAYEß —ll , .... — reazas a. Snorted sit Col hand. Any elm ' o s Te r trorYln ' r a t:i stariest e notte 00151 ' 6 C 11113, V 7 WOva." •$1 147,43 d 41 44,744 Kl 94,14 , 1 113 • si,ssa .13 • 38,804 GII, TITURSDAY COPARTNERSHIP& DI•oolulloss of Partnerships ppY MUTVAI, CONSENT this day, the firm berme 0 fore exianng under the 'sry le of BUSLIFIELD & LEA OF.R, ho. been dlosolved by Henry Lecder *elk inn his sinew interest in snid him to John Metall. All nosiness connected with the firm of Bushfield &Lead er will be settled by S. B. Ilushfield & Co., who are duly authorised to make all eolleenons and ediurt all damn BUSLIFIELD A LEADER. Pitubargh, ty. 57, 1649. _ N. B.—S. 11.BDSIIFIF.LD & CO. will continue the wholesale and retail Dry Goods aodDn.erY bosmen tu the old store Ilion,. No. NU Liberty i, whom they will be pleased to have their friends and customers call and examine their stock ofgoods. ncell S. IL,BUSHFIELD le CO. TME partnership of the undersigned, under the firm of Baistiley k Smith, was dissolved by miltnni tO•sont on t9th September, W. B•ralny parelossikg the interest of/. B. Smith, who retires. The basiness of the firm will be settled by their successors, Wm. Bagaley & Co., at Plas. IS mid 20 Wood at. WILLIAM DAUALEN, hughorgh, Om. it. 40. ISAAC H. SMITH. CO.PARTNERSIIIP. — Wm. lbahleY clued with him Wm. 11. Woodward of Philadelphia, John 9 Cosa i rave and Ralph Radaley of Pittsburgh, will continue the Wholesale Grocery Business, at Nos. 14 nod 9) Wood st, under the firer Of Whl. BAOALEY a CO. Pitudiurgh; VIJBAGALKY, WOODWARD lc CO., Philad . . dei9 Dissolution ottiiosPortnisrshits rinsEsbcgrrs'oSunbelPerhi"e ts°lf;l7i:(ll:oirr son, Was dissolved on he Ist mist be mutual pCeooe 54.1 i. BROWN, A. CULIDGILTSON2 Pittsbrugh, OIL 3, 1t49. The subscriber will cootie. the Wholesale Gm... y and Comnaosiaa Etesioesa, as heretofore, at the ald sattal t l4 3 Liberty et. coca A. CULREFITSON MGM ZINT. PROPRIETORS OF THE PITTSBURGH ALKALI WORKS, are now prepved b furnish a Sllpenal article of Soda Ash and Sltrriauc Arid. Persons artshl tog to purchase either ot tbe.ahove articles, are re quired to call on ISAAC W ALKFR, No. 13 Fifth sk, and examine the articles before purchasing elsewhere. N LX—The Soda Ash manufactured Kins establ Meet is greatly superior to •lIIT other bro d ught to this market liNZi75 /WAIVE i ATHIBIROINt rri _04111,..C1 WOOD DND MAXIM, rrolsouvatt evottiTINVE to manufacture CI kinds of COPPER. l— , TN AND SHEET IRON WARE Al•o : Utast sauth Work. Steam Boats bath to outer =fa ' : ro y e e asso r"o r s oneit '"' t o b itoe . pr wo . , „ r r k laiad Bolos Konica, Tin Ware, fte. fte. Stearabom ine.gßitmtm, Portabir Forge., ammo. aise•—• very cermet:Sails Kr. ode for ateamboam, California emigrants, at toad %Ite=ld respectfully matte Hama host men Lel .thers to call mad we CIOIt eludes and prices before elsewhere, _orr _ et ears,..r.kij.. mir. copartnership of HENRY HANNAH & formerly Hanna., Oldler & Co, to the WiAdreer 1 Colored Wass blunts., is this d dissolved by he wandreseal of Mr . Ercilerrea ay The Lowness will be continued by the undersims4, oder the Rao of HENRY HANNEN &CO War& No lOs Second at, where we will toe. ett..=l.= if superior Window Glass. JOHN HANNEN, HENRY HANNV , I. HUGH ROBERTSON. 17, 49. HENRY UMRTV.&O. ==2 Corwin...lllp. pill: undersigned have this day associatett with 11Wm Ito bust.. JACOB L. SCI,IW &WU, awl Meo tirme the business se heretofore, and. the fiwo of fr. A.PALINVMOCIC & CO. 171 Stay 9, Urn diricat: THE partner shrp haratoforo earning ander the Ina f A. b. C. BRADLEY, lad isaalvad by the doerraae of M. C. Beadlay. 71:w billeilASS will be carnad oft by A. Bradley. who will reale the bulb:leas of itelato fthiu. REMOVAL —A. BaimlAS has rescued tite routdry Wasebotthe hnin No. Second are., to NO. la Wood street, bellnera Fir* and Second sweet, 0 tha *archon. lately occupied' by G. A. Berry, w ham ke wal keep constantly on hand a goner* athortmeal of Casilge. Grates. Stoves. Cooking sumn, TH.E.themo.grepthip heretofen t i . e=rit i ze , h *a Co, is tins day " dao '' ' ' ,C o ed by e m o urnal canes*. 3ltt Burke fc Barnes win settle the business of the Con cem, for which purpose they are au th orised to art the name of the concern NATHANIF.L CONSTABLE,' KUM ONO BU THOMAS BARNES. The undamped have ILL day aasewdum.lthentedtrai c the name ot BURKE a. BARNES, for the purpose. nhanufacturthg Flee Proof Peel s Vault Doors, to. C.. at the 'mod of the late tree of Constable. Burke Co., where they Will be pleased toteceive the, pa• renege of the cumulate...sof that house and their friend. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS DARNED. In reormg of from the firm Carats*, Burke k. Co., ssub sincere plcsaore recommend Messrs. &ache k Barnes ro the eoufsdenee off muds and Na pdbllc. II Feb. 9,1,0. NATANIEL CONSTX.OLE. febl.l.lsf DIDIOLVEIWIL. I.HE pastneretttp..of MURPHY & LEE tal&litay thautlved by mental consent. The ba sine&l the late firm will be settled IL Lee. J. H. IdUrEPIE, Pinnbergh, Jan. Su, 1949. H. LEE- NOTICE—The undersigned sirtll continue thilro Ginn.. and attend no the .ale of Woolen I ?ne LEE. the old stunt!. In retlnne from the firm ofll4l. Murphy & I take areplenaore 1.1,01.6194.63 Ise 11,0 eonfidence of my frwed• and the pabhe. Ptttaburgn., /SY J. Ir.:O. J. It. MURPHY. Co-reathticitsillP. - WM II SCAIFE and Capt. JANES ATICINSON have entered into pannerslop, under the firta of A Ana:itu.N, and wed carry on the Tut. Copper. and Saco Iron Ware manufactory. - Al.u. Illackemalung in all tta ltrunekee, at lhe old laWiti 01 WIZI. nr.t etre., near Wocel. P•ructlial . 1.1,•00011 'trawl:wet work. ' • IHAVE One day oweiated with Me in the Who Pale iaoerry. Prodoee and Commieswe boat n ess, my cnother Jewell, ander the Cam of J. 9 DILWORTH & Co. •'• I.S. DILWORTH. J.inuary 10-ricuaNIKRSHIP-Wm.. Young having ais .j day associated with tam, John R. hl'Cune, the es thrr business sill herenfter be conducted under the Kern of Wns. Young & WILLIAM YOUNG, /NO. R. • hiISCELIANEOUS /Ltasiovaal. 011EKT w. CCNNINGIIAM ttax removed to No 0 Ommeretal Row, house formerly accepted by slory. Orusn, where be will be happy to see ht. (nand. and former ettetamora. 1,10 • TO ToliN 11. APCREARY, Pouting let AiliOUrafidttr. tl No.. MR and .13 Stamen oreet, NEW YORK—tre• NI No. 3 Spruce atreet—Would call the atteadost of Prtotery to los mproved Printing Inlo of canoes ktud. and order. at the following prlcea Kama bee Je t Black. far Card and IVocal Cu. . 82 00 and 3 00 pCI In Fine Hoot Int Boos rt. New, Fle 0 d luk (kr OU 1 5U 011 • blue, I.lern and "White 75c I CU I .50 t. 0.1 tale a: 82 pet lb. and Bronze at 50,75 co. and pet , . A nu, men at New. Int eau be .ern on Ow peper Fur •ele by JOHNSTON d. STOCKTO , N, Pinabergh P. Morgan k co. CI. %Pap. tc Griswould, Louisville., K>' India Rubber Paste i sf ' rell j e ' n ' t L ac ' o c cle fi rr rc 'h o ' de P r b to ll g a4 2t h s 'n en r rA t in perfectly Ivalor proof, and ..olt az a piece of cloth. Une uppitclitioti Of OP, Paste Is sufficient to make Worn tenpemou. to muter lot two months, and Ls a pOtfret plVventutiVo 15050 Iha leetuercracktog. Sold whole. vale and retail at N 0.5 Wood st d . Pt H. PHILLIPS. JAAticii W. WOODWICLL, Modern and Antique Yurnitare, '• • • • El, Tullio Sias., Prrtestmati. e A larg and splendid amumunent of Furniture, suitable for Steamboats, Hotels utdprivate dwel lings. constantly on hand and made to order. The .resent stock un hand cannel be exceeded by any manure... 7 in the western country. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to gist, me a call, lie I aril determined ray pnees stud; please. Part of the stuck consists in— Tete Tem; Buffet Elegem; Limits XIV Chairs; (BureElizabeth ottani., Tea Po y Fran T ables; Toilei Tab les; es; Louis XV ennimoder; French hlakogwiy Bedateadsi Piano Stools; 50 sofas with Plush and lialr-clotit @Mom 9 0 hlahogany Wicking Chairs; dox Parlor Coo rs; d Palmy do Irs eenue Tables; SU parr Illvarta; 4 pair pier Tables; • 15 marble top Dressmg Borealis; el Wardrobes; Secretatint and Book twee, 20 marble top Wash Stands; 4 pair Ottomans, 8 past fancy Work Stands, A very large assortment of common chain and other furniture too numerous to mention a 3 on , ts .. fu n r . tie t tl e ig . tha shortest d mir, Diaphragm Pilger, foM — Lyetrri , 4 TIIIS is to certify that I have ar: role% e: u for re' eneVentin e gt Patent Dutpraham Filter, (or the oi Ues of Pumborgh and Allegheny. JOHN GIBSON, Agent, for Walter SI Gibson, 340 Broadway N. Y 1 0cL,1849. We have en cuing one lo of the above articles at Um ogee of the N o vety Works for three months, on trial, and ( we perfctly satisfied that it is a useful invention, and take e pleasure In recommending them m a use, fat article to all who love pure water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly executed. octlP LIVINGSTON • ROGGEN re Co ---------• 11 ICJ DlW7°rMillre ll FOR PURIFYING WATER, Which renders to watt' pure by .0 b, muumlna all substances not soluble tn water The crown water In N York, (0 'Ll vetc ° n " i h t 'l p ' ' '' s . Vro ' vrtla th ro ' 14 °). : ' rt . : filtering cock, shows a large fIOPOCII KW./ 1112b51.11..0•01111s, &... Vt. is the cue more or loss with all hydrant water. The Reversible Filterer is neat and durable, and I. not attended smut the inconvenience Incident to other FiSmo. m tt as elem.! without Moog dataehnd from the mete pipe, by merely wrong the key or handl. from one mde to the other By Um easy process, ths course of mum Is changed, and all amomidadons fo . =pun substances ar efdd, dnven off almost tsunami, without umerewtog th e Filter . It also posse... t i„i adantage of bang a amp emk. nvil Its . B iiit m many . eases will be very convenient and monamiesd. f Item be mantled where there is any premium high a or low m a cask, tank, tub, ac with ease To be hag of the sole Agent, 'A , W. WILSON, d lani7 corner of Foanii and Market at. PoOratfornta. : OTUIE celebrated 41111111 d RI& Powder, in kegs, halt i g., L ly , q —. 7 ravorrul. ba, .., ORMNG. - DICE Al ISE ELLA N EOUS • ',bowel/Lae Coops.die.. Wa.k.W,corka+ko4E Freiteb ChooolueLiPePas d Co 'Taste, Brame, Comm Rhalls,&lB.. TO me ts and consumers; arto.ammklpurabase . the Eproducts,of,Cocar free from adolteiettoi„ more on ous than!. pi cadet, and In ttlityonkbt-' passed, eubsertber recommends tke a ventricle mannfaewfVby &Moen: and atansped.yrith,b4s Ilia Brokaland C0C0,P11100,1. 1 1 delicate, palaMbl • and aiMmlrt drinks for Invalids, etirrsafeiebatisi arid, cam!, ataproaomeed Wide moot minas; phjam4ma Importer bear othet s preparanrs. 11.ta ca. aeMrae are a/stela . nale4m any q amity, by the most* i , spectable miceriin theas eastern aka andby Moir gene, r. -4.°.` z _BragritLitittrt Grant; Prone, rnuanell e bin; rnomaf VD natiotalhltal.l Mame; tad Kellov& onett.Cinc CAM , WALFER BAKER, Do shelter Masa_ • For sale by ang3t BAGALE? & BADTB, Apr Wrought and Cast Isom 91 HE sabscrers be leave to inform the puhlie that I. they have obtained from the . Bastsilthe late sad Pitshionable designs for Iron Railing, both fot hoiset and cemeteries. Pervuns wishing to proem Mtn& mme patterns will please call and examine, anCiadge for themselves. Ratting will be famished al the sham cut notite, and In the best manner, at the comer Cr sad Rebecca streets, Allen henreity. tingrdtf - A. LAMONT K KNOX. W. J. GI.ZINEr, Book Ittadsrs. TATE ate still engaged In the above baeincsa, comer T o( Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh,. where we are . .cpared to do any wort La our line with deer :teach. We attend to O. work pervonally, and lan* tacuou will be given in regard to its neatness and dor mighty, Plant'llooks ruled to any pattern and Lamed nib riantielly. ht numbers or old books hound care fully or repaired. Names o ur n books in gilt letters. Those dal have work In Ilne.are Invited to call. Prince low.' -_- - - NOTION:. 1131-AVINO to our mire mock to C. IL Ourrs, with 1.1. a slow to citrons oat old business, we hereby so , for film tUo 'sr of nil our friends nod co wmen. ' TILE POINDEXTER.POINDEXTER to4B. • - • - ("I H. GRANT, WholesaloGrocer Comothision sod Forwarding /11crchavt,No. el Water at. well -.- Setae.. Cooklsag Stoves, itefAUSHALL, WALLACE A COQ Spend Church, In earner Liberty lied Wood stroets, manufaetege •nd etfor for sale Piatforro, Floor and Cannier Scales, of the moo treproved qualit; Cooking Stoves, for wad and Coal; Egg Stones of various uses, Parlor and C 013120.011 Grates, Hollow Ware, AP. fee. They stet roanafsetere the Kitchen ntAlp, which Ass given suet general satisfaction to al.. haying it in use, of chick - they would respectfully made thn emotion of the citlsosta and th e public geostrallit .0127-dtf. TOBACCLS--The subscribe, 2VI, *bald roll the attention of the nay rode and alone recently, to the Itßasotho; brands Totanner, in stone and to artiva, which being consignments di rect from etatadartnerro, he is enabled In sell al Mit ers prince. IT,t I Las H Clengt".• 10 " June. Mullane Se; II I " LOttuuu. to ' HI f hltrahcan V I Patattaa ana Is, IS 1 " Unbent /b Ellison Ss, Oscar Dont Se; o" Jahn. Oa laws Is; 3 " Warlonek, sup lo; • 40 0 Unary le James to, traod as; L II WATELBILS-3 Pitt rinobla• Works and Posnisdry: ITlvenaint, re. JTottri WI/1011T& CO., are prepared to build Cotton al/AAP...len I.l.hustry of even doscripaan, sorb as Carding liar tun., Spot Presses, Speeder,/ Drawing Frames, Ilanpnry Heads, Warpers,tlpoolars, Dress/rag Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, &e. We/ight Ir. Rhein/ tamed; a.n uses of Cut Iron, Polltes and liar.gess al she lessor patuarns,sll,l* .4 kkand.L.H., salt nails of all Coolinge Of every deferipllon forsdrlsed short notes. Pacer. made m order fur g 1 C Rano., riteara-Pipe for Ws/- mg F.r.timr.4,Cass lir Mbar Sash and fancy Cas.. wgs generally. Orders lan Warchnose .tJ. u Palmar & CoAterry will /rave prompt sited. non. Refer toßen RGo., J. 6 Moorehea d Co., O. wacior, John ',via tr. Hons, PnlakraMaj H. C. &L H. WarniLlineobernrsae. ------- - FRIT COACH FACTORY. Auxins.. Vf A. MUTE & CO, would rupeetfolly Inform I 11.1.4 the public that thr7 here mooted a ehop on Laeoek, between Federal ILI ditto:dusky street. /ley are new maltiogiutd are prepared In receive orders for every description of telitclea, Coaches, Chances, .6a touches, B o Plume., km, he, which Deatthert 10134 eipenelleo lit the atansamitura of the /hove work, and the facilities they have, Mae reel conddent they ere enabled to do week on the moti reamemble term a with thoee wended vtieles In they late. Pam; particular anemone IQ Me telefoon of mom- Malt" and haying none but competent workmen, they have Do hesitation in warvuumg them watt. We Mention ask the alteration of the public to this manor. N.D. Bcpaning done la the best tamer, and an the motrreuonable terms. MAIM( I , OII — COTFON AND hiANUFACTU .I. illEitri—klaving made amegemenm for a con stant supply of. FACTORY FINDINGS, we will tell at low prices Calf and Sheep Rolm Skutt, Lace Lea , thekheters, Needs, sanuit., Hemp Twine Treadles , No. to lb Belt Fermium Wranotica, Stripping Cards, to WO int PLaml Deemer Brasile% Wearerse Unlsh• s kg. Ike. LOGAN, WILSON k. it 74 IMP Wee smeet, Paul:tomb. P nehamary. 71 m 4 dry BIS. OthOath'. 150; Pbtre leAre Pure mice par. On Pollarris Sons, Pura /Moe, thtable dam. scandals , o Grown .Titcao winos are all etre. Led tot thc medical properties, and can be had !c -reole Or retail at the Wine S JACOB ITEAVER;Jr PLANOBI ILIE subscrtber offers for sale a large and splendui assortment of rosewood 21141 mahouts.) . read Am , rt Planes, with and without COleman'u celebrated Noll= Attachment The above tnitttanme Mu are war ranted ti he equal to am y I:manufactured in gni. cowl. try, and will be sold lower that. any brought d om the East. F. BLEME, Net WI woo at, ni door above 5111 1.1 Sonp will be haten at par for • few of be above amoral.. myJ F. B. IllardwaraaaChaapar thaw Evart L 04.110, WILSON I CO., Importers and Wholeaals Dealers Cutlery and Saddlery, No IV Wood street above Mfth,itave now to stores eery cheap and wall setected mock of hardware, imported wore the drohuc of Sutler ' in Europe, and winch they e determined to sell correspondingly low. Morel...Ms who have been in the halm of going East, are panic. lath requested to call and look Omagh our Mock, as we rouhdcotly behove they trill cave Melt upences oct4 _ I.IIABITICD, vaLy at the _BALTLMORE, PRILADELPIII.A. 1.1 0 I.IV TOW, .13t/ - 3 ON A.NDN Eh. ORLEANS tinNERnL AGENCY ANL COSIMISSION OFFICE . Young MEN to wholesale and retail stares, and tithe , respectable tostineas, to net as Boot-keepers, Sales meth Porters, Ilar.keerta, Waiters, Panucro y Coach. men, Car Aureola , hook and Map Agellts, ColleetUra, Overseen In all branches of business, he. We have et all times a large number of goodsituatione °Abend, winch pay how mu to kind Per ununt Th." h l l want of situations of any kind would do well to give as a call, as se Lave tut:Ma in each of the itherc et. ties, which v.. 11 cubic us to place every applicant in table utualion at the shortest notice. We have a acquaintance in all the above named aide., ' . y es, air trust will enable as to give entire sattsfae• liAlt Wall who way litthot us whit • call. rAYLOR n TAN MAN, Nbetween o. 59 Secon and st, South d hay. N --,Persona hymn in any part of the 11. Staten sou wtshing to obtain a ultimatum to Baltimore, or ei ther 01 th e above rill., wth hams their wants mum- Mutely attended to by addtemaing au lime, (post-paid) u 1,, so donna they will curtairbnth trouble, and ex. pent, which they Other/me twOmltt :near by coming to the city. and seeking empluytuula for Mel:metre. Addreem, LA') LOB 1 TA TMAN, No lit beeund Street, Heldman, ith/ ----- Dr. Alalame la T.:L."... Tiue is to certify that I purchased one vial of Dr. .j.. kinlans'6 Worm Specific, some TWO months ago aha gave to it um of ounc, moue seven yea old, two mammas fall, and although the amount may meow. large, yet I have no doubt bat there was upward. of net memro wumes parsed from him, measuring 'min one quarter of en Inch to two inches long. U W HO LLIDAY. Rostov Creak, Carrot eo. Tenn. Dee 07. P.M 1.24 BENNETT 4 BROTHER HFEENSW ARE MANUFACTURERS, h. I Ifirmllsalyhoos,f smor Plltsburgiffithb,) Pa. Warehouse, Nu. 137, Wood street, Purg qpW ILL a onstmtly keep on Mind • good assort. meat or Ware, of our own matmlacture, and imperial qualay. . Wholesale and country bier. chants are respeetfhlly invited to call sod es. anon. An themselves, as we are determined to DOH cheaper than hes ever before been offered to the pub- [Er lordcrs sant by mail, accompanied by the oath or reference. will oc promptli ..00dorneL_TYla ni) THE LADIES—Jest received, a hill assornuen of gold and mister Thread, Cord and Baid; Oso ssngles and Bullion, for embroidering and'ther or medial. work. Also, gold odd stlver Maul Pelage Lace. Jewelry of the latest fadhsons, la great variety. Watches of superior qaality and beautsful patterns for rale at Satinets puce*. W W WILSON, aug7 corner Musket and Fourth sts THENACIIIII BATHING ST &11/.1111. q.. 14.121 , —0pen from 0 A. IL to It P. M Nagle Meth 23 eerrts, or I for Itiollar. Ladles department open from I A. M. and from I to I P. M The Refreshment /MMus are unequalled in style stiendsoce. Recherche lee Crumb! _ sual3 T. MiPALL, Proprietor. • -- DAV - aM iCdKIEY --- ritliE lineation ofthopublie is respeectury Galled w the following eertgeutes: Mo. S. Essme—Raving tasted • qamultV of Gold woighed by your Areomemr, find Um result proves Dour Instrument correct: and reeonmitend Itto nee of thse going to California, as the best method for Wrong me, real value of Cold. Resp,imars, DUNLEIPZ, Gold neater. Pittsburgh, March g, 1645. Dear Pram:Own, Mara 7, 04 2 . Fax.no-131x Having eXamined the "Areo •• tolltlalettlitd at lour roOttis, I do not hesitate • commend it to the two of thow gentleman who am shoot re m moving to California In search of Gold- It glees close approximation to the apecito grail ty of metals, mid will Yor ten/only enable the advantata accertain when his planer I. Tlntthris Gold. - '"" Toen`Y. 3. R. ItI,GLINTOCIL INDIA. RUBBER CLOHlNG—ntsureceind forme California Expedition, ion, complete usortment of Gum Doom. Clothing, at pieta ranging from 1i5.5 0 to be for suit Depot, t, pants and hob For side at the India Babb. No Wood et a 7 d H PHILLIPS _ SAlPlPAlntMTeutjNiLf4talleWs ris r mrdint .1 . ben hi.. (deride and the imbue in gement that he has the largest stock of the following mimed a cles orb. own mentifecone in ads elll- 41 . 01 . , H oc. tins, Trunks and Whips all of which he will warrant to be made of the beat aimatial and by no best mech anics in Allegheny county. Being his marinfactures some Ming lower thesis., been "..-- Inane sold by any similar establishment In th e city, he would invite personain need of the above nam articles to hi. weretwase, No.2llLiberry wen, OPPo alte Seventh. Also, bend. made to order for machine! ocHnly 0. RERBY. win .3d &mu. BILLS OP EXCHANGE.PaI• able in Si. Los* Ow man tas most N =am . 1101.NPIt BONII, 6, 1849 itiscnkiMot - • Hy ;41..ppep, lILTat, of thii Otaltea !tete* i ,IN pareennsca Of laW,l; • Adtt kW TAYLOR; President& thb Vette &ileac: Armin% do hereby Niskternlhad !rnake t knowsk,thak Pabl,l4 W. Witt h. Acid at alts underatertlictied Land Meet td the State "of BIlliSOURI;:alliti Windt tudeinaftet designated, is At the,LaustOilice . at JAMESON, cotinnenciateen Mundt, ' dub loinasib:day offs:wort tutus, far the dtio pled pobu. *Ws alutated endue the under esentionta.kownsitlps,4ind'parts bf townthips,vis , thS bits . t ivafth, f th.t.a eq. 3,TPtenskin twuPaYttwns tuT.cuP *it' ventembeighteen, nisteteentrg. tvrentTenne, tlttr .tYthlstroessi multbin,M.o serene four. • TpernaitilS itonintptwo, of range Ave. Aractlonal trotegip eutieen, And township sweaty tt eniOttfnagi Frantional, uswhships pimean and sgettahfeni, Sad tawnahip tentotryttens, of range seven'. Frehtal telaltadia , sixteen, serrentecn, pights and twentyoone, townships twenty.two and Wing ' three; And nation. three to ten 'inclusive, sawn u. twenty:toe inclneve, end tweraysnine rtY4sio inclusive, In township twentyeix,of range hi. Township nittelecis,ieseept fractional sections this*. one, shirty-two, thirty-three, thirty.fonr, thim-Ave., and thirtyelx,) fractional township tvr.ty, and frac dons' toanseitip tsrentylone, lexcePS ecatiorte, twelve,ldneen, tereutpihtee, letentauft Avve. ty . five, twenty-fit, twenty-seven, thirty- us, thirtytfiae, and thirty-111j of range nine. .The northwest fraction of aection six, In toirnstrip nineteen, and fractional township twenty, of remise ten. • Mahe/ the Sie ease line, O. wart ay tote Aim prilte4w, emaidinn. Townships twenty.hree, twenty-one, terentreigbt and mar ty•atee, of range eight. Townships twenty-three, twenty-four. twenty4llc, twenty la, and twentyelghL ef range nine. , • Townships twenty..., twenty two, twentyentec, twenty-roar, twenty-five, and twenty-six, of Flag* tan. At the Land Office SPEUNGFIELD, commeanhrl on Monday, the foarteenth day of /winery aces, fat the disposal of the public lands within the underareanoned townships and (sectional townships, vise NrotA of OW ewe tine, end waist tAs Esincipal !no ridiew • Fractional township .twenty.one, add townships twenty-five end twenty-Ps, ot range elev.. Fractional township twenry-oue, of range. twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteenoseventeert, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, uld twentypna. - Fractional township twenty-one, and township twen ty-four, of range rwenty•two. Fractional township twenty-ono, and townehtps twenty-three and twenty-fonr, of range twonty-dinse. Fractional township twenty-ores, and townships twenty-three sad twenty-four, of range twenty-four. Rondonia township twenty-one, of ranges twenty- Seital"../..=.ollfice al CLINTON, commenctng on Monday, the twenty-first Sep of January nett, tor the disposal of the public land s walla the follostrup nun ed townships, to wit Nerd sf tM tars lima and a-or p• tts M 5 rietcpsa ow. Township thirty-five, arrange eighteen Lands appropriated by law for the Ilse of Schools, military, and other potpines, will be excluded, from me sake: The offering of the above menuoned lands will ba commenced on the day. appointed, and proceed in Me order in Which they areadvartieed, with all copycat. noddespatch, until the whole thsll have been offered, the Wm' tkon eloWitil bat co vale shell be kept open lour Mao two weeks, end no prisms entry of ration of the the Ilan. will be &donned wail after the expi- rati of o weeks: Glenn raid o er my hand et die city of Weabitagoco, this fifteenth day f September, Amu. Dommi ona thounnd eight hundred and forW.ll.. Etet : D N rcsr VT Coannwitioner or the General Land Otica. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. • Every person entitled to the right of pre emotion to any of the Mods oto4n the townships and pans of townships above ellen:tinted, is required to establish the same to the sattsfactioa of the Register ad Recei ver of the proper Lad Office andmake payment there for as soon practicable tier seeing this non., an berm the day appointed for the commencement of the public ale of the lads embracing the tram claimed, otherwise amen elan will be forfeited. J. BUTTERFIELD, Coinmissiomr of the General Land Office. ostffidlawiSW Boom and Moos. SPLENDID aseortment lost resolved.,aallable for din Fall and Winter Trade, col:mining lo py , of EN'S, WOMMVS, BOYS', MISSEIS , AND CHILD. WARE. of every variety and style, and at prices to suit the times. Those within; te parchme, wholesale or retail, will And ft to then. advantege to give ma a call and newsiest (co thamselves. TROTH SCOTr, Oco7 corner Ranh and Smithfield to. is Dont fa -t the plata. SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, ■zOf&NQS IT. GLAIR syszET, PITTSBURGH NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And is now woolving a fine usortmeat of CLOTES, COBIIIIIIB LID VESTII6B, OF THE BM QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES, Wtooh be is proparal to nuke to man' IN THELIEST MANNER' And to thlr I ttttt Faahlona. Ott tti PITTSBURGH NERILLIE INSTITUTE I. N'S Institute, under the cam of fie.. J. N. GOS AND LADY, re-apen on Monday, the l7th of September, to the same rooms, No. 63 liberty trum. theta( limited the number of th eir pupils, the Prtocipale hope to memo • continuation of that liberal pattonage they haws huherto enioyed. Parents may met assured they every advantage will be affonied their daughters, if polaced ander their charge: for ob • raining • th orough English, Classical, and Ornamental education. aupPidtf 1. - Ki INSET, :DILE ILIUM •11.411:011T. AUTUMN el/liitilON of thin InstltUlion L commence on the firm Monday in Septet:ohm Rooms on Federal street.in "Colonade Rom," ted di from the bodge. Rants orTcrnos rat manote or wive Manna. English Department, ineinding Beading, Orthogra phy and Defining, Writing, English Grammer, Huma ne, Logic, English Composition and Criticism, Geo grophy, Binary, Andactedo and th e higher branches of Alatlientalles, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, As tronomy, Botany, Physiology, Geology, Intellectuul and Mond Benenee, and ell branch. tequisite • thorough English Education - • lete Clasen:al Department,lncluding the Latin and Greet Languages, each - - • - •6 00 French, MO 00 Gannett, $l6 The *ernew of competent teachers are secnced for such as deture instruction In French and German, and aim in Drawing, Painting and Nunnc. It is desuablo that pupil. enter al the commence ment of a session, yet they are received at uly time, and are changed at the above to from the time of antrume. Na deductions are made, for absence., ex co=cer inlo=cni "e nra d y tro s :fained. end applica tions ade by calling upon the Pcipal, at his moms on Federal street, or at hts to rin dging+ In "Irwin'. Row," Liberty street, Panburgh, between bid area 4th streets; or by addresung, throogh the Pittaburgh Post Office, the Principal. N. W. Tdb....ALF. Allegheny, Aug. 7, left. PITTSBURGH PIiSIALT. INSTIT UTZ flillE Secood2ewion of this Inatitadon tm der th e .1. cam of Mr. and Alm Goanowt, for the ptheent academic year, will commence on the first of Frbru. ry next, In the same buildings, No. 12 Liberty street. Arrangements have been made btwhich they will be able to furnish young Duties facilities equal to any in the West, for obtaining a thorough Eighth, Clard Land Ornamental education. A full °curse of Phi. luophical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered dating the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The de parunenta of Vocal and Instrumental Mame Modern Languages, Drawing and Painting, win cut: be under the care of a competent Professor. By close attention to the moral and intaUccurad improvement of their plc pith, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of the hberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For teem,,rethe ci Gar or apply to th e Principals. /. Prreuraisa, Rept 10, CO. 114 R TllOl3. K. lIIBBERTt--Daar Pie, Your WRI• TING FLUIDere have now been ustng more than a year, and on looking over the comes made by it, we And the color • bright blue blacx. It Is pleasant to writ. with, Kowa free, and does not clog the pen like the ordinary Inks in nee. Wishing You the ready sale its menu demand, we are, yours respe_etf SIMPSONuI, Iy CO. For thle, Us ether with Hibbert's Red Ink, and Me dulla Copy Ink, by B. A. Palumstock IL P. Samaria, Allegheny City, and Dp the minelnctigee , T. K. fithbert, Dreamt and Chemist, corner of Liber ty and Smithleld sts, Pittsburgh. nett welsaaten PAWS. rant. StannA Wel. I. next PATALIGII4 EIIANNA • a Co., iSeccesson to Hussey, Hanna & Co IDANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealer. I) in Fa Lido ami Domestic Exchange, Condom:es of Deposlie Bank Notes, and Speen—Fourth 'street, nearly app osite the Hank of Plusbergh. 'Current mo ney received on deposlte—SAght Cheeks for sale, and collections Inds on neatly all the principal points in the United Sates. and Americo[ The highest premium paid for Fondle an Gold Advances made on crountomonds of Praline, ship ped Est,. on liberal tonn e &pi GREAT INVENTIONI—VALUABLE piscoyEart Parra RscommiJenasav lst, Patent en:anew ectenston Wes, &Sofas, Bureaus, Bank Cans, Writing [auks LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. TABLEIS for surpassing every other in j, vendor: of the kind now cant They can be ex tended trom ten to twenty-five feet, arid when elosed the leans are all contained inside: they are made to aU sixes and shapes, and are addrshly adapted for Steamboats, Hotels, and large private fandlles, fano -4,l;llllll`oMucallf742.=..title. noble pardenlarly to those who wish to aeon mise nom, and convert a sleeping apartment into a parlor or situng room, as they non offid and shot et . coveence, and when shot, the be Is enclos ed A great unclog la room and not- the bed steads when closed form • beautiful piece of laminae for • parlor or doing room BOOR CASES—A neat and need aside for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—For lassoglees,conting mom% and Owe Officeq 'rhea opened a mosteonvenlent bed stead, when closeda parsec[ Desk and Library alone vimbla All these articles need no recommendation: the nasty of the unto is,.they are warranted oat to get Sul of remit, It be for yon interests to call and .remind the uncles, at themannfacturefe MOM, No. 83 Third sun% Plusbenk. lo addition to the above ""ntit chop"eP l. l :A= " a,r ~~~ ALCOHOL AND PONE OPINION Comm From end rum ovoid/. Cinclnnarl, 0. 1:111R8 Prim Pumbargh tor Alcohol, PanTipitito, Qtitaor or itcodled Markey, Will be promptly ot. •^ at lowest market price. rochtkolY - Ohlawl9 o AND AWL. ' . A EA Wes essonmeat et Debased Plano and Table corers can be Ana es NV AVCllshork's Gorr Ware house, es reduced plias. Oa earl Immune before parelsuras elsewhere. mall • DRY G) VETTFA PILEMIIIII BLANKETS, TA WRITD AND BROWN DOMESTIC FLANNELS,: 'W ‘e h "a.E art :e P It s ')(l'4° W r " i n Thega bleaching,"b:fah": t eh ' "rn 'b ra; ' s t Wile t It l e ". n.l goody," ;lY our object belegto produce goods oat (Co shove only, but for comfort nod dutobilMfi "i d . "" h they . re' cave the firM i d i rentium over all othlVirrde e it. *dl?ottllettheellthanelyetAtt,..“ti,ll7:3.s Steam at, •All thelrarb rooms of the Fayette Mtutufaelariof Co., No Italledsnd et. Blankets of one Alanufactute are sold in Allegheny 047.1/Y Mr. John Ileac. mud also at the ..Tvro Big Wi.dWM" Federal as oetts American Woolen Goode• Tue subscriber has on hand, Bcceived the P. 1 1.“ eensivied from the nextutaelutieh the fol. Inwior Gaols, which he is authorised to close at prices very low Zh pioces yap) wide Barred Flannel. 2.10 pairs White Bed Blankets,- ribbon Maud, ora pounds to the pair. I care 60 pairs Steamboat Blankets, ribbon bound, awry superior aniele. 4 eases IBMpairm Grey Mixed Blankets, 50 pairs Dark Gentimalla Bloc Blanton, a very vu pener article. 8 caves Grey and Hire Blanket Goebel. 40 pieces:Sneed, Stnavemille linnet; case assort ed_pLiin and barred Sew ' s Steubenville manesernry, 'The above food. are all maligned direct from the author, and Ind be sold very low for cash or approved notes. orB9 H. LEE, Lamar sh oFi'd"' l sth. _ SEW—GOODS! NEW 00011fitt •• BARGAINS! BARGAINS!!:" 'NEW BILL IND WINTEILDBY UOODB, .THIt mg at mil eta iniu siva, SR Market at, between ad and 4th, Pittsburgh. TM. L. RUSSELL, No. 62 Mark m aireet. between ladrd and Fourth, sign of dieing golden Bee Hive, has Bill ernarnenCed receiving and opentng the l_a_rgest, cheapest and most splendid stock of Fall and Winter Dry GaAs ever offered by one hot= in Pg. - burgh. All of these foreign goods have been parches td oldie importers psr the last steamers from Sin end for nehoess of style and beauty of arcs U- Atill y ,ll36o 4 in this or any other market. The domestic and staple department wit) also be found complete. and cheaper Ilan at any other Lousy .2 this city. The subscriber would here respectflXy mill the attention of his nuncio. - customers. and all winking to buy new and cheap goods, to th: priors which will no doubt astonish them, being des, trawled sell cheaper than the cheapest. Good dark Calico, only arenas per yard; Best quality dark Calico, fast colon, a to Id; 4-4 Brnish people Pnnts.'fast colors. 5 to 100. Heavy Bed inking, from 5 to 10 cenw pet Yd; • Bleached Muslin*, good quality, 5 to Of per TM, Belt quality Bleached *haling, g to In per yd; Heavy yard wide Unbleached ahullia, 6}; Good red Flannel, firm 15 to 25 cram per ink Goodyellow Flannel, 15 to 29 en per yd; Good blank Alpacea from It to 95 per yd; • French Gingham* teem tO to 13 au per yd; Ihsh Linens at prices from 93 to 1,23 per yd; Sennett and Kentucky Jeans from 12/ to 60 rem; Cloaking. and Limeys froml2/ to al cm, Heavy Dogmatic Gingham, 10 to 19/ eta; Crash sad Diapers, all Flees and guiltier; LADIES' DRESS GOODS. A splendid assortment of all the aewest styles. Thibet Cashmeres in high colors, rich goods; Lupin French Thibet diction the finest imported; Rich Caraelian Silks, in all colors and qualities; Blank Armares, best quality, plaid and stripe; Black Gros de B'oe . ,s all widths and qualities; Lama's fee black Bombazines, beanutal goods; do best French Merinos,. black and colored; do da do do In high colon ' do do fine French de Leine, all` 001, high rmlom; Rich fig'd Caaluncren, beautiful ed., crop cheat , Dotted Pans. Idaslins; for evening dresser; Brecht, Thibet Scarfs, late torportation,• Beall/Satin' French Kid Gloss*, all colors: Mourning Cashmere , and do Lathes, nil pricer, Ladies embroidered Neck Ties, splendid goode, Ladies guest quality French linen Miffs, Belting Ribbons. a full assortment; Worked Cape., Collar. and Culls, in great variety Black and colored Crape*, all mightier.; Brocade Lustree, in all colon. and oraalities; Mohair Came+an figures, hch.goods; French claskingr, superb goods, high colorr, Also, black Brunel Lace, all tendlits and pricks; Black Silk nun es, Ind. and heavy, best quality. Together with a large stork of whim Goods, Swiss laconet and Mull Muslim* besides a very large and superb hock of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, of the latest its. phonon and most fashionable styles. alany -of the above goods have just arrived per the last steamer's ... smi ate wonky the attention of the las dies* COZZI A splendid assortm Frenchhawls— Super eat,. size Long Shawls. best imp'd Super extra size Long Bruhn finest gaunt); Superbality Long Plaid Shawls, rich colors; Best qu ality square plaid fine wool Shawls; Bich and heavy extra moo black silk Shawls; Rich cunion changeable silk Shawls; Super black and white, all wool, long Shawlu Soper extra sae Languid Sq're Montrung Shovels Pans printed Cashmere Shawls, in great variety; Taken all prices S. qaal's ?lode embed Tbibu " heavy frlnge;' Black " s 4 a . Block Whit e emb'd Th ibet Shawls, beanolul goods; Highland pl'd long and ogre Shawl., very cheap Mourning Shawls and Searys,ln great variety; Also, a large lot of plaid Blanket Shawls, from 75 as Do 54,(0. Together with a fall supply of(Acres ; Mitts and U.. aim, with all articles usually kept in a Wholeule and Retail Dry Goads donne—all of which be " V ' Etem ° a d m 'f i l icf. ‘' ‘f, ' e P V ' o ` g, "- Itio. el Market Me. tweet Third and Fonnb, sign of me 1310 Bu t lers, whsle Ear can at all time . Mot mes be w WILLIAM lo ROSS ' L. IkantITUNOT bus eoinnieneen to receive a large usorunent of Woolen Ccrinkirt. and kia:als Barba, buckakin and woolen Gloves Thibet, cloth, moos de lain and blanket Shawlr, rub mere, wonted and woolen Hose; Pongee and linen HMO,: adk end sawn Cravina and Scarf, (ionic and r6nges4 Irish Linen. Table Covers, Crape, Itibboo, Laces, bleached find colored hlu•ltne, Tabby Velvets, Patent Thread., veering Silk, Buttons, Gum Suspen ders, Pin,, Percusaion Cap., Almanacs, common end gold Jewelry, gold and stlrer Watches, Combo, pock. et and table Cutlery, and mall) other hoods 'which country and city Merchants are ceapectfully toeited o CZYSILLOor. entl9, FATZTTEI NIANUFACTURIHO MMANUFACTURE.and will keep on hand Family and Steam Dont Blanket., Domestic Flannel., blue, brown and drab mantel Coating, Satinets and Woolen ti urn, winch they will Fell atlinstern pion, Warehotthe No tll Second at, Pittsburgh, Pei Factory, New Haven, Fayette en. Pa. aptltt NEW GOODS. WEoliaaecaitc7e,i.„%dt; I . a . rge p an .n d4o 6 m 9 F , l d e:a Lthek a ble for the fail nude, to which, with every Jewrthtion po wer k Mama mumfactured at our own %team po sho g p In dais city, we alb the attention of We.- .. Merchants and other dealers. KENNEDY A SAWYER, • a 1 20 corner Wood and Fourth ate DRY GOODS-. !MURPHY, WILSON & CO., No. 4h Wood Sr.. Pomotoe, A I RS now renaming their usual aupplies of Goods lor the Fall scam), which they will be happy to egh bit to their old custotactu and as many new on as may feel inclined to present themselves. Always taking great pains to lay Ili such goods as are adapted to the wan. MS. Western trade, whir', long erperienee enables them to do, they cutesy watt much coutidence, and 'without entering into a devil of their stock, that the Westetu retail merchant will find with them all that his customers requite. 'Phase who have formed the unprofitable habitof tepatting to the Eastern eitle• tor their woeks of Dry fiends, oald do wall to call, as • candid comparison of that thewould in In the COIIiIIC/1011 that expenth of gung farther may he obviated try buy. log in Pitubargh. staid. NEW PALL GOODS. WR. MURPHY is now teceiving DS and *apply of Foregge and DOUICIIIIC GOODS and has arready opened an in of new and be'auti. DI styles' dark fait PRINTS, warranted foot colors. and new style Fall Muslin de IpaceLames; •L A. and Mo tile estres; Damask fig'd and sullied du Para:cum and Lyonese Clot.; Of the moat desirable colors; sad a fall supply of bleached nod unbleached Muslins, lush Line., Ilan cheater BY Az., at northe.t comer Fount and Market ata. rs are invited to call and see. aptS 811AOKLETT & WIIITE, 'DIM GOO OODDSSTEL JOBBERS, WEKT, AiLE now receiving a very large mock of Utah Good of recent purchase and importanoiliwhoM they will sell to the undo at such prices as cannot Mil I°Eyanelgsun'"l.4 fil u e ' ro n liiinis are invited u. and examlne our Nock been. purchasing nun _ _ ------- CHICILICIUNWS PUNCH. fiImHECEIVHD and now open for canon nation, a now and sp undid ar,on mum of 7 °cove Pianos fm "CLIA enng" Boston, arenvg th ro em a ful carved Louis XIV. ordered for one of mu c wareameos, .m wkindly permitted it to Temlat in my room I • day (Wednesday) for exhibition. Those who may bar - ared to see apd haat this splendid aproimou of art respectfully invited to rah Is day at the store of JOHN II MELLOR; 81 Wood st Agent Mr Chickering's Pianos for %Veneto Yr . WIGHT BATHS FOR ONE DOLLAR, or a single .0 Bath for fifteen coots Doponmentppec from 9 toll o'clock, A. IL, and 2 to 3 o'clock, P. AL Athemonol &loon •nd Ra T th . in m g ,F Es A teLlls i Lm i. 4%t. tor /YIB liur R. ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE IV UN JAYNEThis cerufies, that immediately allot having attended my brother, who died of consumption in fdarch,l642, I mu taken nick with the Consumption or Liver Complatut, and was reduced so low, with the disease, that for four years I mu unable to attend to mo t ustne either m home or sbroad, being for the moa time confined to my bed. During the above peri od of time, bad expended for medical attendance o regular Phyaielarm and medicines, to the amount of without receiving any benefit therefrom. In /WY, land, 1 eontmenced taking Dr. Jayne'. Medi cines, and have taken them more or less ever since, and believe that it was by persevering in their ase, that I can now truly say that I have completely reco, vexed my health. I be at Sayer's comp letely Pills and Expectorant are tie beat family medicines now in I reside in Springfield, Otsego county, N. V., m carry on a banana and machine shop in that plea and am not interested In any manner in the sale of th above medicines, and make this certificate tar the ben efit of those aillicted. ELIJAH EATON. BPrinfifi4 l — , N. 1848. '3a4 liMiters% °pliant 'PURIM& CO'S Daily Expreas is now regularly de liveting Can and Sbell OYSTERS, winch ere oG felted to &SIAM and families at dm lowed prices. goality witnessed equal to any brought to .niis mar ket, and for sale by- J. C. BIDW ELL, Agt, Wm. at. Also—At die following depots:—Bets t Barger, eor net Smithfield and Second sun E. Ileaalmon, IlisMond; Mercer Sr Robinson. Federal at .Allesbeny. oetls NOTICA. T ls6jm o ta i„ v . D . E s t v 417 di. i ziv i Cemelission Business at Me am boa* landing, FRANLIN, and respectfully Informs his friends thar he MA gone to the expense of a heavy 11=11.0 on the , mare Dow and COMMAS, for several yerus, and *rust. he„ will give reline sausfaction io all who miy h®.Ho c Zi ll receive frlasal,lVLom.... • MEDICAL. SELLERS'' • • LIVED_PILLS IRAS MY/EIOCTOR. , Mr. R. E.- ftellett l =e r efliTs . tdrt ' y L lte to the pnblio, es ns to the etedlt of your Liver Pills, to maw the goal effects pesduced by their use in my own saw - DuriAgthe month of Jane, ISM; I took very unwell, my apeman, fahml, and my strength ww•. entirely pmmatcd, with .severe pain in my stile and shoulders. I was told by medical teen that my disease was a memo attack of liver compfalnt. tont seve ral boxes of Sl'Lsoel 'Aver Pills, and Wine sprays, which I was told 1•14 goal for that disease, bat after all I was getting worse. I finally ,coneloded to place myself ender the care of a phyatelan for better or worse; hut, fortunately, Dist alibis tintejl was told by the Rey. L Niblock s of this Once, MaillLlDend bad sent him a box. of Sellers' Liver rill. frouiPittsburgh, which had benefitted him very much. - I forthwith sant fort hog of your Liver Pills,. and by the lime I was done using them, I was satisfied than It wax lost the medicine that soiled my ease. I Sent for shots, awl took five or six basks, and found myself almost entirely eared; but in March last I caught a revere cold, Which brought buck the disease, and In avhort time Isom as tied &sever. I again' had re , o6t. to outliver Pills, and took them every othei night for six weeks, and occasionally since, and lean now say, Mai I fon now say, that A feel little if any symptoms of the Liver Complaint,,snd toy general health is as good now us it has been for the lastlD years. My neighbors ask me who was 'ay doctor. I tell them that Sellers' Liver was my , doctor, and by rile Wu/U:4 of Divine PrthirlcatO the means of coring me. I nen confident that when the public become cc quainted with the value of your Liver Pills, the des mond for Meru oral Malcom:. Many of my netghbora, to whom I have recommesided the Mils, can terrify to theiraalne, in well as, to the facts above stated: Respectfally yours. Geoloshltamb •••.! „ Tote. Pouts. —The Originot, only trite end CC.' eine Liver rill, are pregaw I by R. E. Boilers, end beet his name aid tilsik wok upon the li d of each Box, aid law signutur.BM outside wrapper. ILTAII others are noanierfett'.. or hose iteliatiOna. spa: , R. E SELLERS, Vroprielor, or Wood et • man by :hells., of Itk':'.LCLAPP has engoged with, young mats of the eau, of B. 1.-Townsend'and uses his name to pm up a ran vaparilln, which they toll Dr. Townsend's -Sarstutarille, denote..fink it G &MOINE, Original, etc. Th. rownreadt.,tmeoe tor and never we., btu an. fOrIDCIIy. worker on rail roads, canals, and the like. Vol he solitaries the title of Dr., far the purpose of gaiaing credit for rdhet he is not., Ile is sending oat cards headed “Treks of Cileank." in which he says, I have sold the use of toy tome for 17 a weak. I will give P. P.Townaeod Ydna If he wilt predatie one single solitary proof of this.— This is to tension the public not to he deceived, and parelosse wane bat she GENUINE ORIBLNAL OLD It,. Jacob Towneendfs Sarsapantlo having ont rho Old Dr.'s likeness, his family omit of arum and tii.klk• nature across the coat of awns. JACOB TOWNSE—ND. Dtieeipal dace, ICU Nnesau in, New York City. OLDs ' DOCTOR J &COB .-s` TOWNSEND, TRH ORIGINAL . , OT TUX DISCOVERER TOW NSEND SARSAPARILLA. Old Dr. Tact-wend is now boot 70 Touter' age, and hits long been known the AUTHOR mil DISCO VERER of the GENUINkypItIOINAL"TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA." Being poor, he was celtlim , k , to manufacture, by which means it hen been kept out of market, end the seles eimmuscribed to those only who had proved as worth end known its value. This Owen anp thr.UKra..3 , rountfithturcd an the largest scale, end is railed! throughout Me length and breadth of the lend- Velma young S. P. Townsend's, it improves with age, and never changes, but for the better; becaam ti isprepared on nclettufic principles by a scientric man. rho pr highest knowiedge of Ilemistry, and the latest dtheuvertes of the Art, save nil been brought dal* re quisition in them emo, mu of th e (nd Or', Sir ot thp N The 80.tuattarP.In root, it I, r:ell tun kvn lo gun& Intl won ...illy...die/1.1 - - ••- Pertier. which nre inerturelrer; Ind , ttner-, wa:c4 f retained in I , l,partF.g it (an are. produce (erm.uta non and acid; which is itdl.lll.l to MC system.. Some <tithe prop - flies or Sarsaparilla lice w olntilelhat they entirely evaporate and are lost in the prcpara non, if they are not preserved by u rietenullc process. known only to those experienced In' as manufacture. Moreover these volatile principles which ho elfin va por, or as an exhalation, under heat, ore dim , very es sandal medical properties of the root, winch gives to it all Ito value. The . GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOW Ns EN OS tk.E . I.2A PARILLA •••• . • . - is so prepared; that all the inert properties upend. root We Ent removed, every, thing riptide of becoming arid or of fermentation, is directed and rejected; then every particle ormedical virtue is secu red in a pare and concentrated (orbit; and thus it is rendered Incapable of losing any of its valuable an healing properties. Prepared in this way, his maim the most po-verial age. in Die CURE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Hence the tensile why we hear comendations on every side in as lava! be men, women m and children. Ws find it doing wonders in the corn of Consumption, Dyspepsia, end Liver Complaint, and in Rheumatism, Scrofula and Pilesawsuveness all Cutaneous Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches, and aleadectionv arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD: - - - It posscauts a marvellous efficacy in all complain. arising from Indiration, from Acidity of the Stoma-hi from unequal circulation, determination'oChicod to the head, palpitation of the heart, cohl feet andmild,hantis ad ctulis and hot flashes over the body. It has not had its equal in coughs and colds; and promotes easy expectoration, and gentle perspinnion, relaxing stric ture of the lungs, throat, nod evry oamY pan• • But to nothing ls its exdellente mom munifeatly aeon and ackmarledged than in all tun. and singes of FEALAEE COMPLAINTS. It works wooden intense& of floor jibes or whites, Fading of the Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed,or Pain ful Aleaws, Irregularity of the menstrual pencil. and the like, units effectual to curing all forma of the Kid ney DI.ONIBC ft. By rentomng obstructions, and regale system, n glees tone and strength to the whale b ody, and mines all forma of ill====lMEßEl - - - and mu. prev nt• or relicvro vrieiy other discus,.., as Spinal irritation, NeNeuralgia,Si. Vial. Wave., Swooning, Epileptic FYs Convol,ato, Sc. I. not ILi., then, VII MLOICINZ Tar l'i4c-F—Nnzirvrt, ft=nll==ll2l2:a wad's intermit truck? This young minis liquid 131101 10 be COMPARED WITH 'PRE OLD DR.'S, became of the Grand Fact, gist the one is'incepahlo of Detenoranon and NEVER SPOILS, while the oil, sr DOES; it sours, ferments, and blows the Monies continuing 0210 fragmentsr tbs. sour, Iwo , Liquid b. - plealing and dumagung other goods! dust not this hos. nide compound be poisonous- to the system? What! put acid into system already dthers-od with acid! What causes Dyspepsia but acid? Do we not 3.11 know, that when food sours in our stomachs, what miscidefs. • • . 0 produccat—dandence,Scastburn, palpitation of heart, hver complaint, dtarrhom, dysentery, chatc and corruption Grit. Mood! What to Scrorulabut cn acid humor in the body? What produces ell the humors which bring on Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head, Salt Rheuto,ErYmpelas,White Swellings, Faver•Sotea, and all ulcsmuons internal and eitentall . It in non, . • _ . ins under heaven but an acid substance, which sours, and thus spoils all the fluids of the body, more or less. What causes Rheumatism but a sour acid fluid, which insinuansanself between the paints and elsewhere, Is riWtind and infliontug the tender end delicate tissues upon which it acts! So of nervous disearies. of impu rity of the blood, of derandril circulations,iand nearly all tbe ailments which rater hdruan stature. Now, is It not lion - 161c to wale and sell, endinfunto ly worse , to use this SOURING, FED stENTINCI, ACID "COMPOUND , ' OF S. D. TOWNSEND! ni yet he would fun have it understood that Old J.- lb Townsend's Oulu.. Onunal Sfloapaollu, is an inaunn of Cu inferior preparanon!! ..en linind - nna stioald ae.t.te en eruct. . . which would bear the meet distant reiemblance to S. F. TownsonPs Bradt! and which shook! bring down upon no Old Dr. such n mountain load of complaints and criminal/on. Rolm agents who have gold, and put. • chasers who have used S. P. Townsend , . Fennel:tong Compound , We amid:rt . :understood, because it la the absolute truth, that S. P. Townsend'. article and Old Or. Jacob Townsend's Soocaparilla are heaven-wide upon, nod itifoutely ditoinolar; that they. aro unlike in every par ticular, having not one single thing o to common. It ta to attest treads upon the lonunain, to pour balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom end vi gor into the crushed and broken and to banish infirmi ty—that cid DR. JACOB TOWNSEND husSOUGHT and FOUND the opportonity and means to bring hi. Giatin UNIVERSAL CUNCEN CHAFED REMEDY, within the reach; and to the knowledge of all who need it. that they may lasso and knew, by joyful eu_ perienceous mosses: oo r rowan. neat.: For pale by J. KIDD 4 CO., Wholesale Agent for Western Pettaylvania, J. SMITH, Birmingltan. Dr. J. SARGEANT, Alleglooyi Dr. 3. CASSF.L.L.. Fmk ward, G. W. GARDNER. Mh ward. Pittsburgh epta Jarses , 4aiiaatoraaat. - Salgat, Columbiana c0.,0., Apr. 24, 1641. 71 R. D. JAVNE-'4. 1.4.. n Site -1 Iced bound to you jj and the altticted public, to avail myself of this op. poitunity of giving pubhcity to the ..raliaordinary effect • (your Expectorant ou myself-old/song been a:Rood for several years woh a severe cough, hectic leery and to concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed rage, nut a short Out miserable ehihienee, Cool We eel of 102, when, toii,g more .vcrely i. attacked, mid teems rosoosted to all at; former recnok., one the irr: ac tuitions of two of the most rea t .oetales phy twin.% , 11 the notghborlooss: urttbOut tint IV., tame ;Manta, or dor 0n...W1t aon of sursortar unt s revi dayi or 'ass,- NI arwut- 11 •11011 the ..‘ Itritrn, net., I torsi recoratnend ed to me iour wan. n and blessed,try that Being who loos all thing: it, the Am of the means—aid contrary to the sips -claw. • of uty - physictaos and fronds, I was in a few days mneed from my bed, and was enabled by the woof a bottle, to attend to my Mont.., enjoying glace batter health than I had for ten years previous. Respectfally yours, Re , .1.4. W. Earrllla For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store,7o Fourth street. .._ Coat Dr. awrq DaCook HAi selected Plushurgh .. Ins future reside.... tuts token the house lately occupied by Ala ert man Miller, on Fourth tn., near Grant. unecediately ad fouling Use Lamnoune House. His other is 01111011.110 his residence, where he will constantly he found, co tes, absent on professional duty. Office hears from 7 to 9 o'etock AV 71., and from 5 to'? o'clock P. M. now.3.ll4July omen of the Delaware Mato al Safety in. mammas Company. Pattsomems, Nov. SM, 1849. I. Beard or Dirretoi• bare, this day, declined a I. ankle.' of TEN PER CENT. in scrip, oat of.fhe 1 profits alas, Company fortlio year mdina 0 :Wheel', IMO, "Mamie. for which will be issued on and after the drat day of December [MIL Also, a dividend of SIX PER CENT in cash, on the capital - stock and scup previously boned; payable as above. RICHARD B. NEW BULD, Secy. novlO P. A. MADEIRA, Agt., Foul. OLLEENWOOD 13/11118211 IILTILL remain °pelt for visitere until the in Jana. yv ry, kali). Oysters and other Refreshments sun• ed m the Como will be - kept. The Greenhouse, con taining large collection of rare and choice Plmts, will be open to visitor. Doqueta needy pat up at short notice throughout tee gestalt. An umnitnts leave. the 11.111ghertyend of the St. - Street Midge, every hull hour detour the day, running to the (leaden; and the ferry boat, Captain Walker, lit.. from the Point, landing abort distance shove the liar den. Parties wlihing to spend the slimier, will he accommodawd with a return Omnibus at In a s P. M. Sept 011 Temperance principles, ana LiMed,o6 outlay. _ satin allamisami Saloo sh n mid alas ilmeinf. runt , . PROPRIETOR is now preparq 14 1 up meals at all hours, in connecuon with B:= by the day or week. T.:IITALL, • Prop-icier w••••—• newcwor . •
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