The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 28, 1849, Image 3

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Ronan, Nov. 27.
t The London Times contains a letter from Ans.
tea, dated the 4th inst., from eh eh it appears that
the Emperor of Russia her carried his point 'sub
the Tarkiih Government, despite the Interference
of the 'French and English Governments. • The
Tate has pledged itself to beep in safe mistralY,
in one or more of the - Turkish tonresoes, all those
refugees whose names may be mentibned by the
Arminian and 'tussles: Governments, and immedi
ately to banish the ethers. Under this notate
mint there is De Glance for KossutnAnd his cons
patriots ever escaping to Enable:id or the United
Otates. t, •
ncon Acme,
New Yoax, Nov. 27.
alltton—The market contieues tirm at the ad.
lance Ma (berth to a toff on twiner prices.
flor a s. - -The demand, if any thlrig, In less than it
ass begs, and prices are a slide lower. Sates of
common to good and straight brands at St 620
)14 75051 fa; Genesee, at
. 55 12355 25 per bbl.
Grain—Tbere is but a landed busineas doing at
• previous quotations. The demand or cora is leas
Akan it warn
Provisions—The market for park is firm, and
priori have an upward tendency." Sale. of mess
pork at 010 GI; prime, 52 31 I$S 44 per bbL
Late—The demand is good, with sales at form
. er
• . Itrr and Cheese arc active. Saki of Ohio
Coffee--Therc is a good feeling inthe Coffee
market. Prices hive advanced to per lb. Sales
- .‘of Java at 107 c.
Tobacco—The demand has been brisk.
are sawsr37,so feta. they hare beets made public,
stslcs of Kintinc:Vat 6102:.
Whiskey—We have no new feature to notice,
• Cattle Market--Sales of Beef Cattle at $5,5063
7,50. Market chaaJd with 303 bead over.
s y 7 tit* Primldeal of the United'States.
of law, 1, ZACHARY,
Totaidont of the United Stites of Amenea, do hereby
declare. slid-make known, that public °e lm till be
held at the undermentioned Lend Offices in the State
of MISSOURI,' at the periods hereinafter designated.
At the Loo4 015 CO JACK S ON, commencing nn
lidondity,thcantenth daysif January next, for the dis
posal of the public Wadi, situated within the under
mentioned townships, and parucoluswinships, vie:
N ot h oh, hose Una, soul scat of M., fifth principal met
'Township horror-two , texcept notions seven, se.
Tenteen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty.vinel thir
,, an thirty-two,) of range font.
Township twenty. two, of tan fie five.
Fractional township sixteen, .d township twenty
tplarri of tangelo.
Frac'donal townships sixteen and sevinteca, and
township Twenty-two, of range seven.
Fractional uswoslitps statece, Seventeen, eighteen,
and twenry.onc. townships twenty-two hod twenty.
throe( and sections three to ten inclusive, stxtecn to
twenty-eve Inclusive, end twenty-nine to thirty-two
belastve, in township twenty-six, of range eight ,
Township ninclecn.(except iractsonal scamras thirty.
one, thirty-two, thirty - -three, thirty-four, thirty-five,
and thirtyvtix,) fractional township twenty, and frac
tional township twenty-one, (except sections one,
twelve thirteen, twenty-thivertwenty.four , twenty.
he ,tw enty-six, own:as-sewed, thirty-tour, thirty-her,
and thirty-six.) of range rats".
The northwestfrichon of section six. in township
vineteeni and fractional township twenty, of range
• • -
Arra al Addle base tint, and tacit ,z 1 the fifth principal
,maid in n.
Townships twenty-three, twenty-tour,laretity-eight
and twenty-nine, of twice eight.
Townships twenty-three twenty-four, twenty-hvc,
twenty-six, and twenty-eight. of range nine.
Townships, twenty-two, twenty-three,
IRCIIIy-roar, twenty-five, and twenty-six of range ten.
At the Land ( la nce at SPRINGFIELD. commencing
on Menday,the fourteenth day of Imurary nos; for the
disposal of the pithily lands wi th in the undermentioned
townshipt and tractional townthips,
. . .
Nrosh Veit hastinis, and rear of ih• Rik principals /Is
Fractional township twenty-one, and township.
twenty-five and twenty-six, at range eleven.
Fractional townthip twenty-one, of ranges twelve,
thirteen, fourteen, tilleen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,
nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one.
Fractional township twenty-one, and township :wen
ty-fout, of range twenty-two.
Fractional toWnship twenty- one, and townships
twenty-three and twenty-four, of range threnty-three.
Fradtionil township twe n ty-on eand townships
twenty-three and twenty-four, of range twenty-font.
• Fractional township. wenty•oue, of ranges twenty
five and twenty-mt.
At the Land Othee,at CLINTON, commencing on
Monday, the twenty-first day of Jarmannezt, for the
disposalof the public lands within the following nam
ed mar - whips, to win
• •
PlorrAqf debase tine, arfd trod of do fifth principal me
' Township thirty-five,orrange eighteen.
Lands apprepnamd by law for the use of School;
military, and otherporpotes, will lie •seluded from
Me gales.
The offering of the above mentioned lands will be
commenced on the days appointed, and proceed in the
order In which they are Advertised, with AR conveni
ent despatch, until the whole shall have been offered,
and the miles Mos closed; but no sale shall be kept
open larljer thou MO Week, and r 0 private entry ell
an of the lands.will be admirted until after the akin
ration or' the two week; • '
Giviatender air band at the city artValheigtatt,thls
fillecath day of teptcallei, Anna Domini one thawed
eight hundred and lany-osac.
By the Pccsidentt
Coatadssioncy or General'd Chime.
Every person entitled to Om right of preemption to
any of the lands within the townstips and yarn of
townships above enernerswd, is required to establish
the same to the satisfaction of the Rugister and Erect.
tee of the proper Laud thrice, and make payment there
for as .006 Oa practicable after teeing this notice, and
before the day 'spanned for the commencement aunt
public sale of the lands embracing the tract claimed,
otherwise cock claim' will be forfetted. •
Commissioner of the General Land (Maw.
Perr-rias, Diterwain 19,1819.
ms is an article of great value to all persons en
raged In building, or to date who have already'
built, and are without window. fastening. While it
furniakes a perfect substitute for pulnes and weights,
t a saving of at feast et to each window, it adonis
the safest fastening that has ever been brougut into
The utility and convenience of this Spring 'over all
wthers, ts, that by one tliumL'Oiece, both sash of the
window can Le raised or lowered. It requires only to
be known to be appreciated.
Venous wishing to buy the snick, or to have them
pot into th eir windows, or the right of selling st tar
counties in this Stine, may apply to the subwnbers at
the PY.11111( MOUSE, on the Allegheny river, Pais.
burgh, PA , J. S. TIIRNER4
nov2tEd3mtislap C. P. MAYO.
Freight to Philadelphia.
WE will receipt far two oiihree more boat load.
freight for Pteladelphia. (at advanced mead if
offered coca. C. A. MeANULTY le CO,
- 111ourialog Loss' Shawls:
IrR. MURPHY too recd a Nippily of the abo!ve
article, of the best quality; also, plain Blade
et Long Shawl.; black (Souther ince, bloarning Al.
payees Percale Cloth, black Coburg., Ferments,
Cashmeres, Mons Jr Lain. and French Merintw, black
Cravats and Mourning Collar., Mourning Rib.
joa.tiorts neck de, and a tall nrsertment of blooming
generatl Also:
I! iA large 11110(101 , 11t, including a few Pieces very wide
and ouperier. Beyed are invited to look at them, at
North Fast corner of Fourth and Market eta.
Wholculc (loom. OP .to,oi o•here a large anon'
ment of New Good. bar lately been received. intolin
r‘st .21 hf pipes Lafayette, Extra Rochelle, dark and
pair, 'vintages of '3O, DJ. and 48.
11 hf pipeaLecer Frere's Extra Rochelle, dark and
pale. vintages of '110.42, 47.
6 hf Japes Dine Castilian Jr Co's Cognac, dirk and
pale; vintages of '4l, 41, 47. •
6 hf Pt.* Anchor enantot, pa le,lB. & c 0•1114 of '47.
2 do James Ilenntissy, Cogunci pale. do '42.
6 do Charattet Hordes., pale tc dark, do 47.
2 do J J,Dirpoy, do do, ,do 47.
7_ do - Caltillon, do do '47.
1 do Hastrau, dark.
7 do Old Coruna, dark.
2 qr eaakaOlard, llakapik Co, pale,
do Magloky Croarrac, ark,
2 do ' Old Pale Hector,
.. • ,
2 do .Pe lleeoirid
4 do 'l7:Latter,' ,
6 76 Leger Prem.; Vintages of 17,10,1"d3,
2 octaves do do; eo 1062 and 1,32 U.
2or casks United Vineyard Prop ne no; nal_ of '4O.
2 octave. do do do do .47.
I do Mamoagne Cognac.
.211 bbls Old Peach Btandy.
•Y dO Cherry Brandy.
ISO dos Vine Old Cognaes, by the don or eagle bottle.
Thin clock of 3,30 proof choice Brandies has been
selected, by , the salmenber and cannot...on, 0,736, to
the advance, and aro now offered to th e tra de noon
morereaaoutthb:tertaa than heretofore. and ..11
Mina before pareatuingelsetsbers.
qrso pipet Cognac Brandy, lae Ben netiney ft Co
ho , do, do do;
yor do do. do,
Soo rat;
1110 f do Rothe, do, Pellevoiehr,
l r: il°l : aud (o's theosa tCx5ll Whiskey;
I do Ili%
I do 014 bialaie ;
- 4u or reale. (Verret Wine
10 or do au p. TimenCe Wior; •
5 pipe. ealahria Port do;
:Mgr ranks Sweet Malaga do; •
3t/ laihan 0011 Dry do ' do;
15 heehaw Ala itinthi Champagne Wine;
16 do BridAtk`a do
15 do Gehars do do;
3 or casks tierrial Madeira do;
In e.ore and for tale hy
• • s '• q,l- No •
Y1..11.f1r; y "
ItF;ii;; EED.-1 '“
novt . • DRAM le BRXPER.
a —11 of.-A OW, for oal-. by
,L, b uctsinv a1L1 , 23
,t 1" Y 111 . 1 . AUN dz. 11}3713t
Clrroot Time.
name attentierf buying toes es:led, by the press,
•ff" enee tit time between the regulate. In
to s id to I.e us emelt as "18 minute. too
tune '
had a teletreph columenietutoe from
M W. C. C. Riggs, req.. who is tea
A t etty; I awl soy regulator la et.
• 1:10,11
IOLP. tO ONE: UUST--41Lb jtoi reed. far sale &
• mewl,' JOON MrYADFN &CO
b nun, g nod for
. A . r ..l':4: 4 :Fn ' SCHOVIat.II.O Second sr
AartrrATijc.. 9rotigqinry and bate Bail
j u , t hada e.and ft.i6 by '
- ' • SSClLOYEll,llofteosiss
1349. 1
is tinnday,
26 Monday, • •.
27 ineaday; •.-
21 Wednesday,
29 Thursday,
30 Friday.
1110: •llPlpi s •{ll4. .....
roa vas "mu trines somas. tC, ISIS.
A. usual at this season of the year, business doting
the week just closed has been done on a limited stele s
and notion has transpired showing any materiel
variation in quotations from one last weekly review.
The weather in the early part of die week was very
unmated, an we had coimiderable rain, bat during
the pest few days, it has been mild fed open, and unu
sually pleasant for the reason. The river continues
111 fine navigable order for •0 classes of steamboats;
bat owing to the lateness of the reason, bosiums In
that quarter has been compete:melds light. •
The arrival' by river of Breadstuff, Provisions, and
o th er a gre es of weriem production, hate fallen some .
thing abort of More of the premedum week, they have
been sufficient, however, to keep the market fairly
suppled, and the 'applies of every thing in the market
are abandantly auticientgo meet all demands at the
most reasonable prices. •
The season for heavy shipasents of iron, and the w
est other artieies of Pittsburgh manufaCture. is now
pretty well over; still, shpuld the weather enflame
open, we may anticipate quite a lively bunnies, for se
veral weeks to e owe.
ASlll.l.9—The receipt. of all kindve Ashm daring
the week have been rather limited, but nothing has
ttanspired ahowinratty important variation in prices
Sale. kayo been on a restricted wale at the following
rater:.Salemass;os`de; Pear:km[l, 64 Bekci Soda Ash,
for the better 'qualities. Potash is sold at Oa
3c, and Smirching* at 31201 e
APPLES—The receipts of Green Apples have been
Molted, and there is .a continued good demand at fully
q?atell rote., asp foe the better quallbes, 32.370t3U
hitt. The prices of Common or ordinary qualities range
Isom 11,75 to 52,11, bid.
rlitild,We have no alteration to notice is the prices
of Ale. Oar Brewers are doing a fair business at, for
common; including cask, SG; for best quality, In riot
bound packages, Si is demanded, emir includ2d.
BACON—The wpplies of old Bacon have become
quite Binned, the receipts of the wret having been
mall. A Dander ate business only has been donut al
the following pricer:—Prime Sugar Cared' Fend*
llama lit tierees„llloloe, bagged Baum at en, Shoal.
dent 11, and Eat, al Se gv Ih
BITTER—The receipts of B ant, have not been so
fall, and we notice abetter demand at improved prices.
say for prime roll in cloths,l2lol4c . ; keg,9loloc. and
packed in bbli, Si 6.9 c die Pb The sales of the week
here not been heavy, and supplies fall short of the de
BEANS—We rote fair, sappllr s in the mattes, with
sales of pi ime whiteat Tset and of ordinary or mixed
at 65c p bother. •
BROOMS-4re note resoles, Ales of a prime article
at ft . .,Z0417, and of eoniplon to good mercharthible .
at 51,0 2 51,75f:d0wn. The market 14 fairly sup ,
BUCKETS In TUBS--We !lance sales from Wore io
regular limited lout at 152,25 doe, for buckets, and 9a
9,511 for Luba.
BRAN—Very little hat been brought to for tome
time, and suppllea bare _fallen off. We quote from
Core at IRe p bashel.
CFLSNBERRjES —We notice the receipt during the
week o(91 bbl, nod 45 boars, and the market a now
pretty well supplied with a paid article of new crop
Sales are effecte4 from more at 1LL382,30 p tar, by
small lota. •
CIO:EST.—Sonic 2,000 Loges hare arrived from the
Weatent Reserve, and supplies-ore quite sufficient to
GO damilid. Salm m lots amounting In ,l.< COO la.,
at 5/06c for goad romaine, and 6196 f c for Cream
Goshen is sold at 1038-e V b.
COTTON—The reempts of the raw material hare
amounted 'only In a kw; swill lots, and tee can rerun
neaalea; p Eli may be given as a nominal quota-
COTTON YARNS—We nettea no further change a
prices since our last. For the venous articles ender
thts heed, the following is a correct list of press:
ei.e n per Ib le4
"7. --.•—• do
" 10. do
.11, I
No. 13 Vs per lb•,---•21
" 14 "• •-• --22
No. 800.dto per doz • • • • • 8
" 17Ce, " - do
Candlewick, , 1 , 4
Beg Paling, do
No: ZOO, any.. lb 10
" 490 0
Carpet Chain,
COVetlet Yarn
Baillng.l , 4;‘ I and 2=12.11 ma.factured
is hri.k dfanand a
quotations. N. 1 Penn Saratoga is and at
omoon, or Nonaboka, at no ? yard. The
of the ankle quoted la very superior, and IS t
the priers giver. • •
CRACKERS—A respirir ambers b doing ni the col
taming quoted rates: .•
Wateeenekers, pet tdd
Butwe do "
Djopeptie do " ••• •
Pdot Brood, " • ••••
M rict Croakers par lb
CORDAGE—Far the vans oiartieles ands, this head
there is a regular , steady demand si the CAlovrtng
hlnmilarope, by eoil,•
White Rope,i'Cy coil, • •
Tarred Pepe, by coil ; ••
do cut,
Packing Yarn, fine,
Manilla, 152,0il'airJ,oua/4,c0 r don
do P b.
Hemp, 151.1b02,5003,1 , 5 doz.
do P eoil,.••.100 "
Kyanixed Cordage is sold regularly at 10Ie P. ft
DRUGS—The following is itllist of prices of some 01
the most prominent allicles ander WM head:
Aloe.: lbs 15013 Ito Brimsne."' th• ••• 40
Alum, " • •• •• •• •3104 Camphor ref, 33,040
Asa/rends, ba.•• •In0".0 Chloride here,"...- 70 0
Arrow Real," •• • -1201.11 Csiehineel, '•1,3001,50
Aaral.% ". • • •10011 Copperas, "--•110
LtlburffDi " • • .310 5 ! Liquorice root - ,.' 7 0
Hodder Umbro,lhal2ol3l " ball .• • • o.tattitt
Castor Oil,bbla 51,63 Sal Soda ,• • 4041
Quinine, ox• •• •1113.30403 Glue, common "..• 11013
DRIED FRUIT—The receipts of Dried Peaches
have amomted to some Mat sacks, sad 75 Mils. We
note male. of 1500 to 1153 bushels new crop Peaches at
56, 0 03 P ho, the market elating very Ore.. Pared
Peaches have Leen sold in limited lota at 31,50" int
Of Dried Apples, the market is very bore, and a amid
efficient new crop is in deviand g 0.515.5" bushel.
DRIED BEEF—With light enmities in the mother,
we may:quoin 0109 c B lb, as the ruling figure, rot sn
truernot strictly prime.
FLOUR—Daring the week preceding Saturday the
11th, the receipt. of Floor by the river amounted to'
over 3,000 Wits, but for the Pam few days, the arnval•
have been lees abundant. No heavy mules have nuns
, pixel glaring the week, Wee having been mainly eon
fined to the regular home demand. Sales on the wharf
have bees regularly effected at 54,4304,50, closing
firm al the latter figure. We quote from store in reg
ular dray load lots et 31,61, 4 01, and 4,73 V bt.l, ac•
eordmg to quality of brands.
Rt. Funs—The supplies are light, and so lone
ham been done, m barely to admit Cr quotations. 143,51
03,71 may be given as the nominal rates.
BOCOWOLOS—Bockwhest Flour has, rather slacken
od to demand, and prices show a alight decline from
our last quotation.. We quote hulled to marks at $O,.
101 V 100 Ds, and common grademt SI 0201.739 100,
Floll—We notices good demand In the market, for
all articles under this head, with regular sale, et toe
Dllowing ratec-illelroot, 510 V bbl, end 207 41' tierce,
No. 2,310,50; No. 3, best, at 57,50 4r bbl. White, or
Lake Fish, we quote et 1100410,50, Salvador Hering,
5650, COMM. eastern attire p bbl; Codfish at 1111,7,
FRATIIF.RS—Receipts have been less 211Ondant, but
see notice full armpit. In market, wtth sales in loaned
latent 33034 e from store.
FRUIT—We v ralm of new crop Rotains at $3,.
121 9 boa; A lilleMbl,lllol7C t th. Groundnuts, ma
70c; 7c P t; Filbert. ye; Creamettls 7e, and
ZOJAO Carnaits, dente; English Walnuts ea • lb.
FRElollll)t—Tbe rates on the river from it,, point
IV.; are tow, ranging from 15 to 10e per 11149 Cin
-6,,,1;1910.%) to Lqulaville, mil OM to 05 ro St`tligno.
GLAS4—We notice no chave in the prices of Win
dow Glass. City Ormils,llb In, etc sold at 59750
N; 10 by 10, 45501,50 per boarother aimin prom,
tion. Conan brands are without change L-0 by la is
told al 453,25; 10 by 10. 33.50 per boo, watt a cot
posting isneeaoc for larger sixes. Of Fara Glass, our
~,,g rgh pu e gg am richly et:matfett with all the various ar•
ticks of iittsbusgh Manufactur: In !Menem of quali
ty, and beauty of pattern, ,P Itsburgh manufactured
Flint Clam will bear a compariann with any ether,
whether of Barite Orforeign Manufacture, and price,
are fired so law, as l 0 make this market sit object omit
all dealers in the artaele.
GlNSENG—Couslicrable .qhmtities have recently
been federated from use West, but so 11.11 D is sold rt
this market, that. quotations are of 0.1102.11 , 1 COW.-
ter. It la held at .17e' pee b.
CR6l:4—Tbe rec l aim of Grain have been light, end
no heavy sales of any kind imlro room to oar know
•ledge. Malay has advanced.° 701/f Se per ho. Of
Meat, very halo has been brought in, and we acme
nominally at 400aba. We mite sales of Rye at told
Maio( Iblal La Corn oathe artisan. 45e per bo. Oats
a/selling ai th; rime at 3)3310, and from storm at 310
lee per . ..cabal .
MALT—Saks of Malt from storWat slol,l2lpar La.
GROCERIFS —We find no changes under ails bead
dace oar last weekly realer, We note tales of 40
bhds common fair at 5.c, 4 Mos; for gond fete to prime,
Mafia may be given as • correct range of para..—
tria Yaw at a range of 8 tone per b. Sale. of pl .
o.istolames in oak, in lots of lb, IS and :labia. at Vie•
time, nod OllPPlic ...cypress tilde. Stager Iloaseltio
lasses is mold at 370100. Rio Caro raionin. Lem a t
1040110114 per 2.,,pd Rice at flOale per b, by the
IRON SNAILS—Shwa W. opt:nolo; at Ma t 11 wide,
e good homeless hw heen . domg to the Iron market at
the folkortztg range or pneem—Flat Bar t h' 4 4 415 3 er, ...-
cording to. tux, Round fr. Square ,Bar, 0433GLi Band
Iron, 14393 e; llooplron, 3lele; Sheet Iron, 4106 e.
N A .,,..t0 to Ski, £I3,C. ♦ keg; 94 to 04, 53,50; Od hi 7d
SI; 94,114=; 44, 54.94 31, WAD • keg. Srram—Cut
g 99, 4, 41 (nett, S 4 ♦ keg; 9,2 h and 0 inch, MAR Se and
7 inch, Sd ♦ keg.
1 San
I itet•
4 34
4 33
4 3t
6 67
6 .69
6 Y 1
7 0
7 1
7 2
INDLOL.)-Stales of Spattiab at SidPOO; of Manilla at
autlifg.k.per 6.
LEAD I'll —Prices range aecortimg to mr.. flora
'llOl2lO P
..s . awr D —Sales by the Skeet at kb, and vhon
WWI% LEAD—Sales of pone at si,n, .4 of No.
a 1 ,111,60 g. keg..
PIG & 11101. LEAD— The tecelptaot the week hale
been emaparatively heti, but t h e market is telly sup
plied. Sales of Pis at 111041, and of Bar at 4joSh• per
Lamp—Not much is doing in Lard. We net. sale.
In keg to st hashed extent at 61, and in obts at MS fik
pet ID.
LEATHER—Every deitrriptfon of loather contlnae •
fltnt It fully stowed rote. N. Y. Sole la soli at Isaac
and Banknote Sole at 1i of IA •
MARINE -VittUßANCE—Rates of Idiarance on
eaves 01 steam and keel boats:
Foss Pius . b . orgh t to o Yilte lf.
0.. 1 f l a
to toaisville.•Kr, --• • • 1 01
St. Lon a, filo, 01
• " to Boonville, do • IfOn
" to inflependenes,. • ..... 04
" " to Galen. 111,• •• • ...... 1100
" to.Mensplas.
N. Otleans, 1 01/
From N. Orleans to Pittsburgh,- •• • —1 01
LARD CM.—Sties to entail tots lo libla at We fur
No. 2, sal 5.12255 e for No. I.
LIN3EEO 011.—Prieos are rather sanding down
soaids, with salon at 73c per
PIO IlIKrAL—The Bonding price of Hanging Hoek_
aMetalper ton. Salim of VI tons ton s. In two
lota, at G add d mos. Of Allegheny Metal, we
have sales of IfA tons Anchor Furnace, 620, 0 mon; 500
totts:Mariiin, to three low, at 11.11, 0 1901; 71 woe Clay.
at al, G mos; and 03 One Victory, an inferior article, at
0 PlO4
POWDER—SoIes of flagard at 115,23; and of Rook
at $3, ?..52 . 34:0 P keg. •
ROSlN—Regular taloa at 3,45 P bbl.
RACatt—Regular sales of good elean mixed from Erst
hands at . 3)e P 6.
SOAP—Sales of <Manton Roam at 3104e,0f variegw
led at 10rIlllIc P lb;
STlCKS—Cinnamon, 30e; Cloves 29e, and Nannega
at 111:1/01.S y. lb.
TOBACCO—daIe. of good Vs at 160119 c; 6 Mat Las
e< , Plug to atali! et: Leaf may be quoted
at 4 to :a r@.
.TALLOW—Reeeipts have been:more moderate, and
we have beard of no large operations. In small lots
we may quote ;ft° 71 as about the raltng figures ?Ilk.
VINEGAR—SaIes of good etderial 0010 c P ga ll.
VAttratlll—Sales of copal at 111,10832 P gall, by
WIIISKIEW—The supplies hare largely increased,
and price. hare met a eurrespaadme decline. Rem.- now al _.Site f' gallon, in bale, cash .
In the bent :Stoney Market nothing of tnosment has
transpired The rates of discount al the Ilroker's
board ere without change. See general Sank Note
list lit another column. Currency seem, anrheiently
abundant to meet the resent Ilruitod demands ortrade,
at the usual discount rates
ALL..... 17, Nov. MI.
REEVI.7..S.-We notice no change In prices. from our
weeks reirort. About NO bead wcrereffercd et the
yard, which were sold to Butcher. al 53,2 to 53,00
per ILO', including all grade.
11011d—The offerings were large, and .ales to a
considerable extent were effected at 303! per 6.
SIIEEP—Pnces ranged from 5I to 52 each, accord.
tog "clonally.
RP:ha—There were 6 'feet 6 tnehes •in the
channel Ia t evening,,and citing,-
Caleb Cope, Murdock. Beaver.
Viroqua, Galloway, Monongahela City
Beaver, Clark. Wellsville.
Fa,hion, Peebles, Elizabeth.
Atlantic, Parkmaort, Brownsville.
Lake Erie, Gordon. Beaver.
Camden, liendricloon, M'Keeaport.
Baltic:Jacobs, Brownsville.
13ulliant, Grace. Cincinnati.
New England, No 2, Dean, Co.i
Ohio, Stoops, Co.
Cashier, Cincinnati.
Cindrells,—, Sunfish.
De Witt Clirzon, Devinney, Bt. Louie
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville.
Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville .
Canien, Hendrickson, MlCeesport.
Viroqua,bltiloway, Monongahela City
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownestlle.
Baltic, Jambs, Brownsville.
Hibernia No. 2, Klinefelier,Cin.
Z Taylor, Lucius Louisville.
Telegraph No. 2, Mason,Sl...Wayne.
'Brownsville Packets, at 8 A. M. and 6 P. M.
Beaver Parkes, 6 A. M. sad 4 P. AL
Cincinnati, New England Na 2
American Star.
St, Louis, J.I. Crittenden.
Si. LAIL, , Wyomitt
D. Leech d.o c 0 .., packet hue. 9 P M.
k . 0.1 CUTrINNATI—Th splendid Issr , retu.dng . packet
steamer New Endland 'No. 1, leaves as above, this
morning, at 10 o'clock. Let thou, who are fond al.:
ry bear this in mind.
OAP —CS bar Cincinnati, Sint recd. for gale by
L urtan.;
I avender;
1 " " Peppermint;
1 " Samatram
Freak and pore, for male by
SAO . LA ,c tiI:I9 ,
by from
noval A oir'rciosoN & co
T EAO-1210 p: re alt. s
a Tor alely
C O L F . EF.-- b l y on bag. Rio, receiving from ciatiZ, ma
Gfa SEEN APP - 1.6--d5 bbl.gist ree'd and tor sato
novgl COPE & RE 't FOCLE
I.l7p e o E i E el " .?lti l o S na l eg t s Y hlnall::
" " BuslunN '
I " Aliases'
c „ . Bl , l L .h lieral m..;
I " Nu
I" : Vandals;
I " o leather soled Overshoes;
All of which will he sold, wholesale or retail, lower
than at any house in the oily. JA II PHILLIPS,
howl No .5 Wood .1113G1
MISER CLOTIIINO—Ree'd at the India Rubber
UT pot, Sus day-6 pair Pa
" Baonoal Panto
6 t• Starred Leggings;
6 " long Legrogai
Sold at No 6 Wood greet, by
bov2l I d. II PHILLIPS
EC'D DAV-35 India Rubber Sack co.;.
it 24 ." " Capes, sleeves;
For sole at the Depot, No 5 Wood vs. by
1y WIRER STEAM, PACKING—Jan reed at the
1., Rubber I/elan, IRO lb. Steam Panting, from 140
Inch in thzetneas. For sale by
J k H PHILLIPS, 5 Wood at
Lx•rHA Fmans FUTIR-65 Rd, just reed and
for sale by COPE & BRIWFOGLE,
.ov2l ILVI t+ernnd
. . .
TIOTATOE3---41 bbla just reed and for Kale by
CIIII-11 4 1.: —Justrro'd 011 consignment, tarot tor, awe
1.„/ a rho., lot of Cl:cese.
Et—ln store for sale try
SI‘oVoE,I2r :r "TATU
1) t
T; al 'h
HYSICiAN AND PATIENT, or • Practical
of the ma nn' duties, relations and interests of the
Medical Piefession and the Community; by Worth
ington Honker, M D.
ffic t ttn. of Michael Di, litontai his sna, comeasine
111 rs. he. Ily Ilastett.
Nita:veil and as RCLOWO*. Ity Anion ilenry_Lay.
aril. Ea, , D L.
tilailiars of Spain; or . Notes of an Unfinished Tour
By D T. Walls.
Tapih.C. Proverbial Poliosophy,new edition; Bias
:rated. Joel received I.y
corner Market and Third streets
iiournal, Chronicle and Post copy.)
CA of cuttroly new and fashionable Ciastis,
.4tl now opening at A. A. MASON & CrYti, fAI Mir•
ket sacra, comprising-330 Long Shawls, 4g pas Rich
Dress silks, ...Par Long Brodie Shawls, kW pieces
French Merinos, Paramaans, an. nnori
ERMAN SLATED, No. 2,3,1 and O, recdo ann.or
U. lade by noell C ARBUTHNOT
_ _
:1111,— , 09 y
y novall
WE will continua to Carry Freight to Philadelphia
rr Paltimote and New York, via Claud and Rai
Road., as long Solite water permit..
5 .A. , =. 1. 3== i = ow
no=2 onorsiy Secretory'.
Factory—l atom of that ozeellent article 01 . Rob.
boo Puts, tor rentloring Boots and Shoes soft and am
.•pervious to wooer. For sale at UM India Rubber De
pot, ATo. 5 Wood StreCL
nor2o J a H PHILLIPS
t .
AGON CXJVERS—Iast rookl from thoZallbPs
"Tie Paetory, 2 yards Wagon Cover Oil Ciotti,
a splendol oracle IM wide, filt said at N 0.5 Wood sc.,
„CARR/MIK CLOTH— uoi teed, 3 pea of lfcwuo
Rabbet Carriage Clow. a splendid article, for sale
noslo PHILLIPS' Rabbet Depot,
No 6 Wood street
T7ilea bls Pitch;
vtit7YfifirtL , 4l - ao 2 - T,-;; 0 i„- Isola bY
v2O H G RANT, 41 Water street
R fi'"rN 0, for ellfi . 14
C. R GRANT, 41 Water street
outasEs—voo bbla prima N U. for sale by
aor4o C 11 OilLicr, ft Water runt
la usual on similar oceanic/us, the Pog °glee
will ckme en Thursday. the 29th instant, Thenita•
giving Day, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
co.rt et cin rrrrr Innloss.
Preaeut—Hoe. Benjamin Patton, Piesident
Judge, and Samuel 'gem Associate Judge.
The cue of the Commonwealth va hi mid
Edward Hughes, indicted for burglary, • an taken
up ■gme, but each was the conflicting nature of
the testimony, that the Commonwealth a endoned
the Cite, and the jury returned a vertin• of 'Not
The cam la fate Commonwealth vs. So • n Haney,
Mary Evans, Mary Coenoly, Mary WI • ham, and
Elisabeth Brigham, won °lir dup The e parties
were charged with Conspiracy, and a c ['eminent
Abductien, committed in formbly carry rig away
from Freeport, Elizabeth Magraw, aged 12 years,
daughter of Geo. W. Magraw, of that lace.
The case wk. opezed by Mr. Kuhn, o the part
of the prnsemilion, who read the indictment, and
stated, in a very lucid and &conceit manner, the
Gems which he expected to prove, as well es the
law bearing on the point at issue.
Mr. Shannon mooed that the indictment ahould
be quashed, but after conablerable ribmnasion be
tween that gentleman and the Attorney General,
Mr. Darragh, the motion was overruled,
Geo. W. Magraw,swom-Mn. Coonoly, and Elis
abeth Brigham tame* my home in Freeport.
Mr. Shannon objected. lie contended that the
Cdnamonwealth moat prove the existence of the
conapiracy in the County ,alleged in the indiiimentt
before they proceeded to prove any thing which
took piece to furtherance of it in another County
Considerable dissuasion craned on this point,
but the objection wax overruled.
Examinatima - Resumed-1 got information what
heir purpose Wu; hastened down to my house,
ad got in with as much speed as I could without
Elizabeth Magraw was called and sworn, for the
purpose of proving the abduction, ao that Mr.
Magraw's evidence,could be revival.
Mary Evans and John Haney carried me away,
and drove me hook the city; they took me to Mm.
Coneolly'a house.
Mr. Magraw - Went cotton to my dwelling by.
the back way; went into my kitchen, and from
thence to my dining room; there 1 met Mrs. Can
nily and Mrs. Brigham; I told them that I knew
their Intentions—that they had raised disturbances
in my family. and l wanted no more; they said
they came with good intentions—the old lady said,
to see her grand daughter; we came into peace
able conversation. She said she wen old, could not
live long, and wonted to we her, she finally went
away into the tavern of Mr. Hearty; I was in his
bar room afterwards; the uld lady and Mrs. Brig•
ham had insisted on my dmghtcr's going down
with them; I told them the should go to nee them
during the Bummer. I finally told thilm that she
should not go down with'them. The old lady in•
silted strongly on her going down; said she wanted
to pot her to school. I said I ddln't went her
Milted ■ Catholic; rho said I wm Nothing --didn't
beiom to church, and what ditlereoco did it make
to me. I then went away. I came to Pittsburgh
on the 16th nf4Auguat. 'On Saturday morning, I
was informed of my daughter having hden taken
away by forms. I got out n habeks corpus and
par it in the Sheriff's hands that jay; it conlifnt
be attended to that day, and was postponed. The
parties didn't appear; then I made Inhumation, and
the parties came op on Tuesday; Mrs. Connolly,
Mts. Brigham, and Margaret Bnattam came up.
It was postponed tiil Tuesday, to see if I could,
not get some information where my danghter was.
On Wednesday, I got the information, and saw
Mr. Erret. I got two rarer, and we went out
seven or eight miles to a Mr.. Lee. We wali. on,
and on Thursday morning about four o'clock, we
came Into Waehington, Pa. The:officera maid at
a bowl, aad I went to the house where I supposed
she W.; I discovered a light in it; went hack to
the tavern and told the officer"; they Caine with
me; I placed one of them back or the haute, apd
the'mher op the street; we had been these hoc
glinetes when I heard a baggy coming. I ran and
enegbt the horse by the reins. hly daughter was
is the buggy; I told her to Jump oaf; SU. Ekqet
and Mn. Erane were in Ii; my daughter wanted
io jomp out and they wouldn't let her, I laid
I'd blow their brains ow; they hollowed for ataint
&nee; Mr. Erret and other rename came on:; I
holknired for the policemen; Mr. Ertel stoope
down as It to pick op tome thing to throw; I told
him I'd blow his beams out if he did; my daughter
jumped out, and I took bet awry, telling the odl
nem, Mews. IL•II and Glenn, to street Lt ,crews
In the boggy.
Tina was &trout day !gm—oa dark you could
scarcely tell • woman from • man norms the
etreet. My daughter Vas going on twelve years
old when thi'a occurred.
Cross Examined.—Saw my daughter In Arm•
strong =Anti, the week before the was taken
away. My preaeot wife is not the mother of the
child. Her immix . , was the daughter of Mee.
Coact°lg. Mea. Mahan, iv a grand daughter of
the old lady. ad not toy to Mm. C. when my
wife wee an her duth bed that they whould mice
toy child. They made me pay IMO for the hoard
married again, they took nothing. My child was
walla drased—well treated—more kindly treated
than if my wife had been its mother. The day
that President Taylor arrived, l learned that my
child was taken away.
Colonel Black here stated that he wished to
raise a point on which he was sorry to are that
the witness had not apoken the truth. Be wished
to show that the prosecutor had promised to give
the guardianahip of the child to the grand mother.
That he did give it, bat that when Milgrim mar
ried again, he took the child home, and treated it
very harshly.
Goss examination returned. About two or
three weeks •before this 17th of August saw M.
Brigham and Mrs. Cosooly, at Freeport. She
said she wanted to put her to .spol—that the
would put her to any school I saw proper. T . c - is
was in the same conversation tha4 I raid I didn't
want my child raised a CatholOr Didn't morry
for some three years after my wife died. I board.
ed with the old lady for about a year alter my
wife died. Did not promise to leave the child at
her house, in pursuance of a request to her dying
:Direct GlttrianatiOn resumed. I offered to pap
for the child's boarding, but toy refused ull I
was married, and the brat or ecoud day after that
they sued me. They obtained a judgment for
8300. Connoly ;told me that she would
charge nothing for an hoarding, if I let the child
Colonel Black here raised a legal point an to
the J unadwoon of the Court, which wig over
Eliza McCabe, sworn—Heald a aereaming and
went to the door, thin little girl wan crying out
me to help her;;John Haney and Mrs. Evans had
hold of her; they took her down to John Haney%
(of Freeport) tavern, and put her In a buggy and
drovo away; her month was all bleeding; when
saw her Gest they were dragging bar down the al
ley; thin alley was a back alley to thetavern, and
it was further mend than by the front way; this was
about one I ,'clock; I asked her give tip the oltild,
and Mrs. Evans staid ahe would not; am a sieter of
the present Mee. Magraw.
Cross examined—The chtld wan •ern ming very
loud; they 'were dragging the child along when
caught it, and Mrs. Evans swore atiat she would
knock my bruins out; think she acid —;
111 knock your brains oui; the child was dresiod n
a calico frock, end h&d bore fact; couldhat soy what
the popolatmo of Freeport a; there were not mit
up persona about that time.
, o ,„„ 0000 ,„ mo „,„ o o The Court here adjourned until this morning rat
C AKUCTFINHT I g o'clock.
ACCIIMIT. - A horse smelled to a elnl wagon
upon Seventh street yesterday, fell into the large
hole oPPosite Mr. Paul's grocery store, which woo
dag for the parpose of repeirtne the wstr pTes.
'run .42'11 ea ihe PREWIPTHRIAti BOOK ROOM,
eft No. VP Wood Brest. and for sale at Eastern prices:
Deseniao Hebrew Lexicon, Townsend's Avrangemeni
of the Bible, Meander's History of the Christi. ben
:non and Church, Milton's Trend. on Ce, 8 0 ,
trine, We offeremish Ennis. Esq, Robinson's Greek
Harmony of the Gospels, do Eopltsh do do, Scon's
bin B vole, 80410131 edition; Parisbin Bible Cildi'llcer,
Medbarst's China sud its Prospects, Dr. Wood's Lec
tures on Suredenborgincion, llolits Missionary Ant. ,
dotesand many (slier iniereiling works, in addition
to the above. all at runess eaten. norttr
DEISLNGER, WELLS t CO.. Manufacturers of
Green Wan Vl are, No. 27 Market street, Pitts
burgh, Pa t keep constantly on hand and make to or
der all kinds of Vials, Joule., Or. Loner and Mine
rs) Water Bottles, of ripener coalite.
Particular &Caution mud to Private glonids.
rribIDONDS-In raZI= EL
& CO
AA. MASON Jr CO. tcepeetfally nollcit attention RIBBONS.—IOO - bores beautiful new styles of Man
. to their contort.ta and arienstve.aseomnent of net Ribbons: do do C. P and Neck do; Mehl Mantua
Fine New Forerun on. Purple Goods; n large portion ; and Satin Ribbons, 'all number and qualltrea Also—
of which hos been recently receive. per late packet Crapes, Bonnet Velvet,, Ginty., Fringes. Braids, VG-
Alps and Weiner., and arc confidenq recommended vet Tranmings, de.
ts being among th e hest and mosifashionable styles in HOSIERY AND OLOVEI3.—A fall stock. White
he courtier`_ . Goods, of eve ea
_ .
• SILKS-100 pen Orb changeable Roma& Osumi
Ow &Ardour., Oro Orod'Rhlnc, Oro &Al
giers. Sohn de Chine, Tine Satin, Taffeta, Ottoman,
SHAWLS —Over one thousand Shovels, of every
description, comprising every quality and Style of
Irons and Neale Wool Shawls, In oh colors. A-law,
Rich CosiiIILCIV and 13.6,whe Shawls, Vlectles, Mantil
la.. Cloaks. Ile.
l i on AND LT
°NESE CtireflA —More than hundred !deers,
the forst, conk we hove ever exhibited, and co /every
warlrly evinr.
ROMDAZINEk,Ese.—IO eases Alpoc•
ea. nod Domhazi..e• tlanlon Clothe, end* every ...her •
deperipth nil of Mourning Garde
mere. and Do I.ninv.lo <ores latest dollen., very rich
nod high colored, superior to ear heretofore offered.
Alen—Eu[l6h nod French Chintzes, Opera Cloth, Pe
lisse tool Pro wen Cloth.
' LACF-9, tr.e.—A large Mock of
Porto FoubroleleOcc.Lace non 111u+lin Capes, CoHoc!,
Om:CA.11410o ScurN Belt Ribbon. Alto—A full ogc
1849. ffigi
TO AND moat
Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.
A 13 the bumneas on the CA.! is :dent being elowd
a for the veaion. we would inform the public that
we have Arlin lit - might the Conestoga Wagons into re•
quinitinn, rinu will lw prepared to forward OW pound.
lennunenetng on Monday, the Mb inst) A Car
leaving Philadelphia doily by the mall train for Cliam•
beroburg, end the Wagon. traveling day end night,
entitles thu delivery of Goode in five days. APIA? to
WM. RINDIIAM, Pittoburgh.
DOCK, No. 121 Marken street,
novrn PU1110..1,0,1.
Mu. F. ,0 ihiPN lundaNiahys excepted,) tanning BAT
111, and
iIE public iv reapectfully Informed +hat this Lin,
which halt been in Pacceesfol opersttion tuctwa
Idd l
reviou% %MUT', will again mime:tea ranning on
on/tty. Cie Mk of November.
A Cat will leave Philadelphin and Chainbontburgh
daily earls way with the Mail Timm . and (tom Chant •
bon IN r; I, wit 4 relays of how.% la nmul 0 .1 and night.
W.% err prepared to Onward GINO ILA trright ‘latly by
lb. above Linn. Appl y to
D. LEECH & CH. riti%burgh.
O. S. Mel* Steamship PHILADELPHIA,
THE nevi and oplenthd
Ir-.. -• , Sommohip PHILADEL
er . • • , , .\ . 1•IIIA. J. Gallagher, emu
, Sr -Mariner. volt mall from
. s k . 4
44, Ark i r) ion' Savannah. Havana
. !?.tl!'----- ' '''',: IVec U s h oNr " :l7 ' a r t ‘ lt " ::
clock, A 11.., from the Compauyni Marl; foot of Lem.
bard cruet.
. • .
The NAM.lphin h. aernetrnalnunne unveil:wend
by eny steamer yet built. 5..1 ltevingtionble tide lever
menue engutee, of great strength and Pawl , / '''ii
nnee caul be platted wen her for safety, erect' end
Ladle,' Saloon Stale Room Ilarths 3'oo
tirtn!ruzen'a Saloon and Salle Room Ben Ila• • 100
Secon4 cla.runm. GU
Ssea,vgn Itenba found artth Naututhßoard .50
AU Baggage allow.rd In ea,ry pappenger.
FRE:UIu in Chagre., 60 cenlsper.culne IDOL
C tbla Slot, R FA
oa ME
n.. IITTAN•. ..
Sterrige an. faux: YS
air. or ram to savansiuarm casucrrna.
Can llassagr, State Room, to Silsmulati• • • RN
Stsie rote Pomace, IO
Cabin lissanry to Charleston Tt
No Rents created unul paid Rd.
All .Ttelteta mast be procured in.the Olftee of the
Company, No 3.5 North Wharves
re W.eTH.—O{MoPsANPreidon
loop Tarr
THE followini crack we copy with pleasure from
We • Itn•or. Memetnule J0u....0," of Mardi, 194 D,
Ynd wo hope Vint el any of our readers me sulreetne
from uny u( iYe comp:arum which it is Zalki weure
w av
they .nepeedlly ail tberSeclets of it:
It was west hooter, relay years ego that the wild
cherry bark tree of Wi. climate possessed vplu•ble
uteetetnal qualities. Indeed DO fact 'was knowtmo
the ahlogams. and decoctions of the leaves or burk of
OF , tree bas ever been regarded by then physietaus as
one of the mom effectual ranted:es In teeny di , C;SCS.
Thlpt.e4., !ever.' years date, arecistedthe anuhuon of
Dr. guise, a highly respectable practlanner of Vir
ginia Re invesngated with care the heating proper
ties of the wild cherry—tested its ejects when ustawn
istered alone, aud when m combination wr.h other or.
tredtel assents Ile food that to naty6tl virtue might
be greatly improved, and by [OnV.tnipg tt with Ingre
dients whom properties were an well proved and gee
erally rreognioed, • met/mine was produced which
con•lltallei a remedy of greafinsportance to pulmena•
ry off onions nod din area of the 'elms* nod throat—
&scum.% which are proe-rbially prevalent., oar cute.
nod large towns, and once prove fatal. *welting Os
bill et mortality to a mach greater extant than is the
ease with most others, we had chacht said all classes
at disease.
Tire genuine Wit.tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry Emma
fan airuile of the signature of Henry Willer, M. D.,
Pmlidulphta, and Sandford and Park on a finely exe
cuted steel ewavcd wrapper. None Other tut gem
We nee Jun i , tempt of the following . voluntary tri-
Lutcto ice eurativopowcr Wtstar's Dakota of Wilt/
Cherry frnm E Hsi!, D, of NIL Clemens, Michi
gan, v,o ts physician of tugh Stutding, and an ex
teem,: &mum:
Mr. Corwont, Mich , Oct. 2rih, 1819.
To the catchttl, this rutty rertity that Mrs. 11. Rob
ert, of tins citla6e Owe orfour week. alter coofinet
pmeet, was snacked with . violent cough and great
ploetratiati, awl seethed hwttohing to the grave with
fearful rapldlty. I advised her to urn Wirtar's Balsam
of Wahl Caerly —she did so, getd with that valuable
mrdirine alone ents rector health, and is
hautenow •
ta< proof of the. value 0 nue. Balsam of Wild
Cherry. C. II A
Phyetcian and Div gist.
Read on and be convinced still further of the !emir
kel is ninon of Winer , Lta:sam of WIIX - Cherry:
NI, .ra. 'tenni - aid a. Park: (kola As a niatier - ofjus•
tirey and for Me benefit of the public. I would
odor the follou lag Riatemeht of mire edecied try your
edicine. known . . Wmtvis Mama of in, Cherry.
tbespring of le-17 mywile was severely atMeked
with Pennueumoilin, or Pleurisy, which rcrulted in a
p ecated pant in the ride, accompanied with a ae.
vein eau, hi she was intended by some of the beat
/rhyme.... in Chicago, but to no purpose; for weeks
she sulferrd, without reiief, coughing incessantly night
and ,ray. I cam... the conclusion that all the reme
dies alai,. n'to Me physician. could not help her, and
boninduced to to your (VIA Cherry. I prom:redone
,/a...1 inmone ced using it according to direr.
non.; lo.lore it we. nil gone—the rough stopped, the
yam tr. her rtile left her, nod with the aid of another
bottle she was retired In nuance 11.1.111. In COll.
udersti. of these circumstances. I would recommend
It to the pch ile as n valuable medicine
Yont • . resucetkiiiy, GARRATT.
liasao Heron, Mirk , Oct. a ,1,40 .
1 , 1 all ;;Ir cures that Italic been recorded, there are
eel thinly 1141111 . equal to the one Grin mentioned, which
plainly the eurnbilny of ConsonsiMon, even in
some of W , , , t form,.
wa Poi:, Luke ro„ la, June IS, 11 , 19. •
I It l' Cau
Pear nu, A• 1 have a deep enmmtseen
, tor te untried, pi.raut mei to give you n Lod
history my ariticttons, end the benefits derived from
the ioic i•I lir. Wii.tari. }Nisi. of Wild Cherry.
In Jul 1104. 1 ‘l.llll attacked with a lover of the tr.
phod eliumeter, which tell min very debiltMied
swim, when in Mll
Mr foowing woo a er 1 was taken wits.
severe which reduced me to such an extent as to
ti far nie tile appearance ufx confirmed consumption.
I latiorcit under it severe rough—rape...ell a great
deal, nil was treutded molt cold, feet and night sweats.
o h i o tir,o.ntly raised Wood I'r-,,pp i in) !nogg. I con
tinued to this state. erridualiy *acing under Me di.
ease until Jan... 1,17, when 1 was again attacked
r. Mimils despaired of iny life, and toy
hystritio4 thui ght 1 co 'd .urrivo at it short time.
My ell" min., ciiiecially my . e et, were ermr.nrir
cold, nii I alutott lost their feeling. Under these cir.
Stlllltiltlltt. CS it nifty witty he sold that 1 was. hvink
5k51,41,1 I f...C17 determined to ...king Medicine
present, •I lip p'hyll.4.lllll. end try Or. Wistaria Balsam
of Wdd t cry, mid from the last week that I eons.
nod .aktit., it. I can date nigradual recovery. I
ciitmoof it Its iso six Sttalottlit, nt the cud of which time
1 mu. cordil, and have enjoyed sood I.ealth ever since,
at.d cheerfully reironneend the llalsam to all those af
flict< d e.tth dn., of the lonia nod would say 10
those commencing its use, net to 'he discouraged If two
or dace t.ottles do 1101 er. mote; but per... a l l
have an., and I Lave h d o doubt bin nine eas. Out of
ten will be Wee , it with renewed health .1 have
geispectfutiy, ours
p. 107. El per—ear 1301110. for SS
Sold by J. P. PARK. (successor to itrordfcrd & Farad
Four,h and Walnut streets, Cwonnatl, Ohio. General
Ageut for the Soul and West, to whom all orders
moo I,e addrerred
I. Wrlona, Jr, James A. Joner; J. Kidd A Cat D A
Fahnestock A Co, Proshorgh. L. T. Russell, Wad,-
ington; W 11. Inmherton, Foorkirn; L B
Unions° , a, 11. Welly, Greonsburah; P. Koucw,Sonteo
eon Scott A Gilman-. Bedford; Hood A Son, Dwain.
don. Moo Orr. Hollolayaborg; 'lndebted ; A Co, Wi
nne; J. K. WNW-, KK‘vmdvn Eva. a , Co. Brook
s:11c; A. Wilson A Pon, Waynerburgh; WFarland A
Co, N. Callendm, Meadville; Bunco A. Co. Foe; J.
alogollin. !deicer, Janes, Kelly to Co, Butler; S. Smith,
Beaver; J. la Ski/mono. Warren; F. L.& C. S. Jones
c on d m oort; P. Crooke', Jr, Brownsville.
;.ort9 d&wlytorT
iron u 64.1 rued Havana, .Itogoe.;
oloodne wed. do do, Unmoor,
En,trod Regolto do, CortroopeliM
101.00 do do, La I:rmrralolN
10 & 01 do do, , El Peptone;
1041/0 I:roper:al Regalia, 1.0 Norton;
Polodo Genuine Pontotoc, Crux k Bong
raw() Eagle Scgars
Ind,noro Etwerior Half taponiolt Sellars;
lust recetaed and for role by
Nos 170 wail 174 Lain" ct
NO, 60 MUSKET 6TUJ16141 . ..P1TT118011.011, PAL,
No 13 Baum nod Area. PloloslelpOok.
Wad the flawing. Teatime:midle
HOUSE KEff'INGeGOODS —ln Ws department el
our establishment will:always be found the movt com
plete neck, Comprising in part. Premium. Bath, Whit
ney and Mackinaw Blankets; Linen and Conan Sturm.
Mg. Damasks and Diapers, Napkins, Towels, Flan
'. Clnottu, Dim ities and Counterpanes.
INGS.—A most extensive stock always on hand.
MUSLINS-10W pieces Callcom,iuf all kind. MON,
Tiekings, every width and quality: :INXt ps Bleached
Mualins, of every grade; SILO ps ;Brown Mieles, of
all prices; 30 bales Red, White sad Yellow Flannels.
Also—Country Flannels, Brown pressed do, Curtain
Goods, Sailor's Trimmings, Millinery Articles,
'rho above, with a very large stack of other Goads,
wore purchased by one of the reFidelit inrtlien in the
ea.y and eau be affords-4,st ettheriwtioleAde or retail,
at as law pikes as they can be procured in the eu.
ern cides,i . Purchasers can here been the Fame ad.
all ly s
ar G
. A. MASON 46 co.,
offer for tale the most extensote assortment of
Foreign Wontaple Goods tbat can be found In the
wcnern ry . , comprising in part--
40 caws Mennos, Paramatta• and Apace.;
dd Cashmeres and Moo s de Loins;
do Calicos, trot *tries;
sU do Bleached Muslim,
3uU bales Brown Mealier
73 do Ttokingrof itligrader,
3U do. Flannels, of all colon;
10 do Blankets, of the best manufacture; ,
60 cases Cassimeres, Canteens and Jenne;
70 piece. Broadcloths 103 pieces Dress Silks;
1.0 boxes Bonnet and Cap Bibbona, Mantua do;
Ma Shawl.. Also—Scarfs, Cloaks, Pinata, kg.;
Wens, White Goods, Alillincry do, Tailors` Trimm
ings: alto, caws and packages of other Goode, in alt
their variety. New Goods constantly retriving.
neap A A MASON A Ct)
in extent of stock, choice selertions and
r s that are presented by Earner. Houses.
Is constantly arriving.
KAT Or PITT/1817MM, A ',LE-
L LE911 , ..NY, AND VICINITY, ledo be ready for
the eneraver to IV gay. retro. who may' wish to
have 'lever of their gauntry grate pot on the romp east
do so by matter aoplieation to the undersigned, age
time before the DCA teal To defray the erpenth of
the view. re. - .• ill be required in addition
to the liner of tho CUM novID Rot MeGOWAN
TPA VETTE BLAPIEPTS, manufactured in Payette
J.' county. %Vetter - xi Pennsylvania—a superior arti
cle to any Mina mitered In Um city, and An rale at a
much lower pipe at the Wankel Depot, Cartel
street of the Fayette Manufacturing Co. novittiw
I 0%%":4 tikNE/ENESOAPS.-11rown Witslidrttoapj
Hen Join -Poop Honey do.;
Tablet do.,
purchased a Loc.:lli/O.W Ea .ale by
noatO R E FELLERS, f. 7 Wood st
, •
SATEY, ifTRiPEDDE LAINES—A lot of 7,uperior
Blatk Satin Strlkd de Lalnes, of an excellent
quality, and at very low prices. jult opeued al No OS
Market street, nonh wool corner of the Diamond.
. _
Ohio rod Ponarylvania Railroad.
om: Stockholders in the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Railroad Company are hereby notified to pay the
Third Instalosent of Five Dollars. on each abate no
pectively heW l.y Otero, at the Orrice of the Cothpaey;
Third in, Ihusburgh, on or before the liktti or niovem
b7.l6.o.. J . BROOKER, Treasurer.
THE subscriber will let, for a term of years, the
large Building on the east side of Craig street, in
Allegheny city, together with the Steam Engine In thesame.
U. will also sell separately the Sawing and
Lath Coning blachineyy in We nine; gone will bell
the whole estahlislanent, building, machinery and en.
Terra, will be reasonable and accommodating. For
particulars enquire at the Saw Mill anSee, OA Craig
street, oppottio the mouth of /Mandl% Allegheny.
utturr.diturgaili NEVILLE B. CRAIG.
-- "Norway in&lmas. Blankets.
WR. MURPHY, at North East ranter of Fou rt h
s and Market Intents, has lately received sup
ply of th e above superior mate of Blankcia, and in,
ones those to want of the article to look at thei° be•
fore buying. lie has also on band home. , lade Blan
kets, a goad hefty %Male, which he is selling low.
AUO-1101. Made FLANNELS, broken, barred and
white, of a sopesiof quality.
Ala.—Twine& rt e let FLANNELS, to which he
invites the attennon of buyenk
Good. recently opened In the
ed - r A wt l le= l :, i' o o p f makes his as
cqry full and worthy thestairs,
attention of dea/ers.sortment
T Utl .it t / L IW C ze• Pound Loerp, Samoa! Miem &C.&
to) dwarf bosk lb do 1145 each) do;
..alf do lb do Fl Dorm/. J Thomas;
10 do do 0' do Russell & ELobthoons,
5o do do s'a do Cubans's&
15 do do s's do Jones IsHudson's;
10 do do s's do Freeman's,
In 4/world° glo, do enhances;
40 do do S's do Diekitts•m;
lu,t received and for s olo /.y
lIJ iV Rld;l7latzdel . 74 Lib:tit' Ft
Log f MISLAIII-1 trunk Shoe*. weagsliox la
lb., marked t'l & J R Otto, Meadville. I`eis'a
•Loal the hor viol October last. , Alao—d hi ehema
Tea, make, aT &. II" They may'bavo been mita-at
to aortic cotantisuort 0.1• G or eteavutow.
A lootral reward wall be gayer, for all or either of al e
ackages, or, their recovery, by
toto/2 JgNN Mefth.f/f34 &
1101.S-IU bates Now Hops, growth of 1.911),
tog and for talc by..
, TA n y„,...1. 1 1W —l3 t l
M. per 01! ‘ r
m V , 741 . 411Z .
bbl• s H IL St lames refiner);
O y
:L. hi bbls do do do;
For .n!o to close roohtgornent,by...,
DIG METALLEH tons Ray - malt. Furnace, uow land.
1 tog at the Allegheny wharf, (or sob: or
novt4& ft FLOYD
BitOu.M.S.4o do: last Ri'd and tot sale - by
r Ntiti W. - I n prime order. re
iZ Fell by ovl6 B A FAHNS,BTOCK &CO
Soll'll. QUININK- - 100 - or not ri - e - trand for sale by
noolB J KIDD a. CO, 60 Wood et
IroG MTOD-too Ibis eloppeCtor sate - by
novti . J SCHOoNMAKER & CO
pu RM - OIL -4 east. tor sato by
liL fn E r t . C l l . l , F , .D y Whale Oil in rusks and bbl.,
novln No ;11 Wood al
'Dia IRON-ISO tone Somerset County, a desirable
L 10; or Rolling Mllle, or atmne eastinm, now latull
ing end for sale by JOHN IvAtr & co,
novlSLiheity street
SUNDRlES l 466ll4 7 sEnightTers; 4do Wool ; - • •
10 do (ginseng; ft do Flugseed,
I cask ltegarwM, 4 casks BaCilpi
To arrive OK steamer Exchange, for Bale by
bxe ears and for sale by
ki novls ISAIAH DICKEY ft CO
and lunging, for sale low to
airs. consignment, by
C0 ,, 1 , f , .;121;RT SOCKAVO donAl
Wood .
u'""r'lt — u!V - ;`A{YB„.„ ltnl:,r.,ood Ft
NEW IRKIKST- 7 Chalinere InsiituirTorti;ecitc7 i ti.
vol. I, being vol. VII of Mg Pm.humons Works.
Coullte's System of Phrenology, will. upwards of 100
engravings. Just reed and for male by
oovls Apollo Moldings, Fourth it
Elp Oet
INBURGII REVIEW, for eber.—Jumes D
.E 1 Lockwood has received die October number o
the Edinburgh Review. Price, 11.3 per your; 74 rents
stngly. JAMES D LOCK WOOD, lloohmller aad Importer, and Agent for all the
Itrivab Reviews if o ard end Illankwood; when ell are
token together, SIO per year. novls
PAPER-150suiw Paper;
ISO '• Rag do do;
Just med and for sole by
rI4 J ft FLOYD
C lt , t o rle;k r :l; ;7l ll o .7 . l,:g p s - 4re c e s n o - a li l li f o or t n te ,; ,sew crop,
novt4 J 811 FLOYD
YTTARII—S nun di] nand and for alit - by
~, J & R FI-OVD
1-IA" D-4'
''' kegs No I m store and for *ale by ,
no vl , l S & W 11ARIIALIGII
r1111•ISN---Yiitin - Finicarliairee'6:for sale by
fILOVER SEED—We be prime, pmlndio{ and fo
.J Kele 11 , ' ovl4 9 & W HARBAUCWI
SUGAR—GO Rids NI I, Motmadlii from the velum- ,
l'Arnyer, and for .ale by
, ovl4 9 & W lIARIMUGII
I INER'S.-HAIR-I'sa,k for vale by • -
punttar - Z-07.1W. today reed and f oriteMW
S. ' c l a : Zole 46 r bl'2`j r n°' Refine" ' °
nt It sal e l
OLigSSate=itgrat - Gin prime oak packages, o
al consignment and for sale by
tonvl7 J S DIL WORTH 3 CO
St:allltiES-1 bet Roll Buteari
1 do Beeswax;
20 do Pant. , test reed, lot ta , e by
nnel2 EN ' Ol.lOll lIKNNETI'
tiONtY-9 •x• ue
/1 nm.l2
1 ,r
lIGAI: , -1W,OuLeprineo on hood end tor sole
ne‘.l2R MeCUT 'lll 0
DONNE I-vat - as-A t Mown &Co haver.
calved I caret! ps of Bonnet Velvete,of
Ateettoole Ogees, and et low priece nere
e LOVES AND 11091 E N
R ow op. o et A A
I,X aann & x, ,U(I do. Wove. owl Iloitery of oti
kinds awl cothues .rovfi
uoTimi-2D casks reed Ulla day, ntr
I 1,4. 're‘,SLY & UE'T
LAHI,--13 imp No 1, for aria by
HI AT woks (of SO lb. . inanl re and
or sale by nor 12 STUART .4. SILL
130 ,, T . AZUES-40 bbls PRA /Lb),
YEAGFR, froporte• and Who'mats llcaler Iv,
Sign 01 Enc.°. Condi, It. Market tt, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Western Merchants Pedlars, and ~rose
Pittsburgh to pureivartrGoints. RTC raspriertoity ineitsd
to call and .rioter the eitensive amortment of Eng
limb, American. French and German FROC) Goods
All Foreign Goods at Wts crtuolishment arc Import.
ed direr , by myselt, and per .. .. may rely on gel-
Ling good. trona brat hand.. I hove the targestiuson.
i.ut of articles, its rho WRTICIr hue, to LOG city of
Pittsborgh—ad of which will Le sold low (or rash or
city acceptant:ca. The Stnet condom, in past, of
Lose Goal., Hosiery, Glove., gibbon.
Silk Cravat., Shoe and Patent Threads, Bowleg SiLk,
Spoot Cotton, Tapes, Suspenders, Buttons, Pow, Nee
dle. end Cutlery.
Gold and Silver Wasik.% Gold Jewelry, all hods of
Smiths, Comb, and Ramer.
• -
. .
Psretontinn Caps, Revolvers, Pinola, Clacks, Silk &
Oottnn Purses, spectacles, Steel Peng, Mane
carpet Sog. and Baskets.
Bindings, Foidtngs and ?rime:doge
Tors and Egney . Ctools; together *kb a large varie
ty of Fame, and Staple I/RV - GOODS.
C. YEttliKIL la alp agent foe tke celebrated Lan.
edatar Combs. nava
CANTON, Stark county, Ohio, eensiaung oNf
455 ACRES rLAND, in a high slam of culti
vation, with a imitable proportion of umber, and an
abundance of siongeoal and limestone. About KW
proportions of this land are rolling upland, adapted to
ho:m.l.d meadow land adapted to gmsa and eons
the Improvements ase a goal Frame Durclinr, Large
Brick Ham. a young thrifty Apple Orchard. of dunce
grafted fruit; a good supply of young FaachTrees, as.
Terms—One fourth in hand, balanee in easy annual
payment. Title indisputable.
For further particulars apply to H. Griswold, Esq.,
Canton; of re the undersigned. at Swabonsille, 0.
lAdminionator of the Estate of lino. Hun.
now s—iiimBrrftT
T Fog -- Rnts
desirsble rropertr accepted by rue ‘ the bor
t ough or Manchester, beinta good Outgo Brick
and Two Acres of Ground finely Unproved.
Possession greet insisiediateJy. &quire of Jas. An.
Erg suboining the premises. or of
novel W . MeCLINTOGK. 73 Fourth st
AA WELL FINISHED RDOH. scutabio for a
Variety or Genneseenht Furnishing Store. AI
40—Several rooms scalable tor offices at Ass
ust o s monis. E D GAZZAM,
.nit! Offlee Tiara street, over Post °face.
/for bate or Rent- '7
/CUE very derirable ireldence In Allegheny
City, lately oceopird by R. W. Poindexter, me
e•CS3iOI,I given immediately.
Par terms, apply at tbas office, or to W. W. WIL
SON, Matket ex °MX
k — RO/11 IRENT—The bumiton haul:neer
occupied by Mrs. Atwood, siIt:MICA at Oakland,
with ct) acres of
. staund attached. The abuse
ntspaciotta and ca net, and the around well ho.
proved. Abu!) to ' HARDT, JONES & Ott
klt Water it
jaißat SALE—A Betel House, (hat one yeas
botlt,) and Lot, on Robinson street, Allegheny,
near old Bridge. Poise low end mints rosy.—
Ingtum of WM B SCHOYER, 110 Second
'FIL.U"e:" . OO .— LitTLy' a re, e M n r lta i ti n ald /17=3
IllteCtl, now occupied by W. Graham, Jr. Possession
given immediately, &matron( Wm. Otabain, or at
the Ilooksterc of
iy274hr corner Market and Third street.
Rom. sent,
A TIIFIRF. storied I/Walling Ilotwat bait% the
second house from Penn awe; in finyeer's
Row, on Hay Weal Immediate possession will be
given. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE, Attorney at
Law—oleo on Routh street, between Cherry ullar
and Grant stmt. • intiadtf
11Esublenbers will sell at private sale, those two
valuable Lots of Oroand, situated au Tomato at.,
in the Third Ward of Allegheny City, each having •
front of 1111 feet, running back 100 feet ht dept] to aAI
feet alley, upon which o built a stone will, 25 by HO
feet, which contains stone enough to build cellars for
two comfortable dwelling bailees, and m front there
are three shade tram, of e years growth, and the side
wane ls paved with brick, all of watch will be told at
WOO. Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or County Scrip,
will be taken in payment
J & 11 PHILLIPS, No 0 Wpalet- •
arm W5l. BENSON, immediately °ppm , '
mvalt _ .
volt SALE—Fote lout eligibly 610110.1 W ma u-an
thing loan of Birmingham. The lots are 154/1111.
ltd on Denman street. numbered in F Bauman'. pl.
75,70, ea, ea and SX—Lot No 75 framing 20 feet on :Bu
ry Alin street, 70 feet drop; the other four DJ feet front
each, by feet seep.
Term—Greater pun of purchase money may re
main for six year., secured by mortgage. For partici
titan" ingture 6 SCHOMi,
raylo ISO second et
1 - 611 - KirriletTsilLitit - d tor Hair,
_ .
SITUATEDon the Monongabela river,about 1 6 milea
from pyla orgh and 3 outer above third Loot, in
the immediate neighborhood of Mem's. Lyon Lc Shorb,
and Mr. John Herron'. purehare. rhi, fine body of
Coal will be mid at the low price of acre—ona
third in baud, balance in five u-aol artmial payments,
without 1200101.1. IndlspOlable. Location very
good—cannot bo yorpas.ed. For further particulate
enquire of S. BAISLEY, who has a droll of avid pro.
perry.' lterbieneend st,below FerrY,M , AdltbriVHC"W.
N: Lt. There to another seam of coal on lid. tract,
0.800 feet above the lower, of excellent quality.
/7 _ 6 "dlf S. lb
9alitable Hatiding Lots tor 5z7.77---
T, :ix .„ l,lf..ribe n ie h z s 7 o ; r v o o n m z t L4 trLo a . t privets
or very valungre Molding Lore, , yr:devising Inr;e
PP onied-of the 1,0. nu...tcred bf, Er, told in
Woods' General Plan of the City td Pashto-A, rites.
at the walls eastseardlyeorner of Penn and Wuyins
streets,Trontiak 110 Wet on the former, and extending
along the latter about Wu feet to the Allegheny river,
and being a part of the Real Estate of the late James
S.Stevenson, Few., deceased.
A plan or subowiiion of We above Lots, in cannon
ywith which hilt proposed to sell,y be seen at
the office Oahe understgned, on Fourth, between Mat
tel and Ferry en. IVILLIAMS & ti"Clibt.
V TUC SALIe, —4 Lot of Ground imitate on l'cri
street, terweert Hay and Mutter) . streets, nilinlning
the houxe and lon now occupwil by Itartherd Edwarils,
having a front of .45 feet, and nn depth ISu feet, tell! la
cold on farornblc term, Title unexceptionalile. En
quire ot . C. U. LOONM, 4th st.near
Woe Sale.
A DESIRABLE Duildiog Lot is Allegheny gay. In.
vornbly ',waled, in sme about gal( an acre, and
nil! be told DE, oceoguvdadne, terms. Inquire of
feki J D W11.1.1A US. Iln vete , gt
.There arc dote thing• in hewco and earth
Tbw cre dreampt of In philosophy..
ern.; VIRTU! S ofthis we/thrice:ln earner, an
the fOrl•lallt application tor it, to the propreetor,
has induced heal to have it panup in nodes with lis
bets and direeonets for the benefit of the public.
The PF:IfItOLEUM is procured from n well is id.
count), at a depth of four hudlree (debt. a pure una•
!altered) amide, wi•hou• coy check:al change. bat
test u• flovattrone Nrou-a2 Groat Lanratter)2 Th. it
contain. prope. reschr
ne 1.111,Mb, of disc..., is
no looger • matter of unceitheniy. l'here ere mow
thence ',the awana of nature, which, if known. might
be of V 11.31 useful... en. ellevinting •uffering, and ie•
store. the bloom of health and vigor to many a uf
ewer Long before the proprietor thought of puffing
it up its bottles, a had a iLP.2II'OII. for the cure of di.-
ease. 'lite constant and daily•increating calls tern,
and several remarkable cures it hat performed,:t. a kl
mere judloottow - eritho- galore isepaherhy gred:wesio i i-• -23 pcir of Cases; '
spread ...piked. in the ,arc of disease. 45 founts Fancy Litter, different,
We do rot will: to male a long parade of seats- Um, Newspaper Cats;
cams,. we are commie. that the melamine can lecod 520 Ithr spoil. , cm to °filer)
work us way into this favor of demo who outer nod 10 Coialm.tag Suck.; •
we, to
te be healed. Whilst we do not claim! rnn • WO , 00. F...C. News LAIC
~.. ~.,,,,,, i n n„,..„ divest, .., „ .n h„,, n . I Brass Galley, Calm. Rules, Doss Rules Of
tingly ray, dons in one mbar of Chronic Diseases it 1. d.k.filltiona. fve.
.. A. JAYNES; •
marvelled. Among them may be cometerated -all .„ Pekin new Store, 70 Fourth st ,
&wows of the mecca. wane., such as CHRONIC . '.. - C. -400 ......Lved kn . Tn.. i.111° 1 ".. 3 ge
seINCHITIS, CONSUMPTION Ha its early stage.) --- GEOTIEV. SYSITII Ps CIO., - . '
/Whine. and all dims.. of the en, pasnorea, LI 2.1,1 INFORNI their friends and the pablic thattheyeare
Colti PLAINT, DTSPEPSIA. Iliadic.. of I no longer any cannection'weth their loth enable& -
the Madder and Kedneys. Peas in see Hack or, meat in Penn street, known. the Pittaburgh Brewer.
Nervous theca..., Nestredgla:Patey. Rheumatic P.n.,, baring removed their emir. buethera to the PODS: :
Go v . hic.y.elax Tine, &e
In Banes, Scalds, 1311.. - WhIRV o. Pie' stew. .n 010.4 .vs .
Praises. 0.1 Sores. Ac.. A.:. In ease. of debehly re
salting from exposure, or tong autCrirotrtieted c.o. of TO BOYERS OP DRY 400031 ... . •
disease. this medietne will bong relief. It well act as ,ir R . Nryeßyrg, ~, ~,,,,b e i y , cy ,,,,,,f F,,,,,,E, -
a 'general TUNIC and ALTERATIVE in such cases, IV .rect an . Market . 0 . ; i. ~,,,,, . .na l yin g. i i .seo p a ..•.
...Pam ll
.. to.. and eelrt” whore
. thefriii. 34 . a.' supply for thee awn, and min offer indacetnts ne
en. •
Ow obstrucuons, opening the sluggish reactions, which bays„ dell u; e, ,t.,, with . tn -...,,,,,,,..,, or _ _
cause dense and et broken counitutioa, end giving LADIES' DBMS GOODS • . •
i., Ta". , n , :a p d m 1;',.:r 0 r1 i ...v 7 ..1. 0 : , , , ,, , 2, 1 11 o c r g„,r.. , c. ,, , Is very full, consistiugof French Merinos, Cashmeres, •.'
PILES. that resinted every
treatment, get ' wen C ''''' .3. ' l4° " . "' C'P" Printed F "" 4 - E --
ender toe .0 of the PBTROLEUM foe a ahort Urea. ...., . P ri ' .. c',' lower dvvt they lIVIlld.
'Foe prom c. be given to any pars
who deserts it. b. ''''''',h' early io d .. c .. 00 . lii.. l i.nk . 1.
None genuine without the signature of the peel:aims. LONG SHAWLS •
Sold by the proprietor, - If large, rod ..brazes Many of rho lies-nail styles ...
0. A. Kum; Canal twi n; ~.....r g n i nn u, now on exhilinion at Franklin lonntote,phlLld'e.
AI. by P. 11. SELLERS.S7 Wood an BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS, • - .., .
mul-KEYSER A M'DOWELL, - Of new and very handsome etylea, Volved Trine.. :
comer Wood st. and Vogl° alley; whom hie mugs, ac. • .
nook-Lily regularly ap painted Meath SACKING FLANNELS, . •
NEW GOODS AT DIGIBY'S.- • iit Serious styles and qualities, plain andembreidered • '
Rick Silk Laces, Needle Worked Coders and Cads, .
IXT DIGHT wood hereby lateen his friend. and - Bonnet Satins and Velvet Flow.- Ca • and F ethers.
Ty s cuswiner, and the public In general, that he t. ,e,,,, 0 ,,,,,.. ~,,„g1,4~
las just received his roll sopply of lath end., chrap_ . .""''''"i'-' . ... ..•."•••"-''.. S I LKS,
end good RS U 54111.1. Of the newest styles, and at lower prices than usual;
fiu IoCeVI black and colored French, 7 listi and and rich chaugesble Silks and Satins, for Mantillo,-
American Bro.deloth., of every gualny. • • Ad.; and n terfe erock of
100 pieces black and fancy Cetlmeres. . • STAPLE. AND HOUSEISEEPLN GOODS,I '--
OH) patterns Vesting., many or which can only be at lowest prices. And In the gentlemen's &Nutmeat
bad the. enable:dement. • will fie found fresh
DI do: mereno, lambswool and cotton Shine ned FRENCH BLACK LAND FANCY COLD CLOTHS, ..
Drawers- Meek Doeskins, Winter Votlngs, Fancy Comoro.
A full and band.ome lot of Cravats, silk Handier, Undershirts and Drawers, Silk Craeats;Peekerlihnd.'
chEafe, Suspender, Gloves, La. • kerchief., ace
1 A large lot of :Am and common whhe Shirts. . KY-Merchant. are invited to visit the Melanie
Also on hand, 400 drab. blue and black felt and bleu- Rooms, np males. • oeMO '
... . _
ken Over Coats , from 52,50 to 512.00. ' RICH FALL GOODIII ' - ..••
lon dresn, frock, bus and neck Coats, frock iIT6SS3. • •
A large stock of fiae and common Pants, from ill to A I.F.X ANDF,,R. 5.. DAY, comer of the Diamond and
AI 0 per par.. ..t k Market .threct, notify theirthlences cud toe pabliC
700 Vests, of variotomalerials, from 75 etc to .....2, oat they have received t heir stock of Fall and Win- -
A fine onset of lade. end gentletocas' Cloak., ter 00C)00, direct (cost rho i.P000n4 . ......0ACt0t0r. -
alway. on hand. end 111101025 al the cast. Tsar ettOek Or now itylo made'
N.8.-Custom work will receive particular nice- fochiodebb. Gond, I. term and present. etrongiStraar
non. thendrame garments and good fits warranted. eions to parch... la:Ladies Drees Goods an ' •
Any person In want of clothing eon be be suited to =thaw's, the Most splendid sod feshionableGoods o •
hem entire satisf.tion, at - W. MGM'S tie wawa ate I:OW offered, et remarkably lbw prices • ,
cheap Cosh Clothing Store-VS Liberty so roods-nen in part of Mc following .
ocfilidgere - L.UM E' DRESS GOODS. .
. ..
•• 1 1=-- - .1- , ------' New aisle Bombe fig•il Camelioo Silks;
Cold and Weak Coda Du Cheney and Taro Satin
~.;'-'.:jl.-..--, ....tan. ' - • - ••iti i ...r..,,, Col 'd Cameltan . Oroder , hln . es. of the best rinaltumg..•
~ , q ) .... 1 - 11.h atius-ril.,
„I. ll , ltra , lllo..y.f.sroderi •Of the eclobraled f:usi
. LE ER I N 1 . 3 L1.D3 1 . 1: - ., The above teamed Black Sifts
ma warranted oat to •
\ N; 47 3 ~. -.,... . _..-. cut in the wear; for mantillas they are the
'es; 1'N1,.. 41, 7 iS t , it-,.: p.,::••••,,,,1 .Lest o f .
0 • .
..... - ..,...„,,,,...„...,,,,,„.„ ‘ „_. 7 . ! toot ng d (Anthem Satin Do Chene y the bandenunatt.
I 411 rki el.,' •:, Silks nn too bea.oll
.1. ;.:1 4 111 IT ''' ' 4
; . 1 t44 1 ,11510.317.L,: New e.)la Pilch, Silk figure. r.51e12 Idennoat A -
. t , .........i.,?..,•-:_g,tta es: and eplenned anlele for 'Clic. , walking dr....
~..., _
_. ~,... Silk linthro . .dered trench DeLaines,fororesses and
.- . - - sacks, an entirely new nausea.
A N EMINEN T andregpfneneed l'lsySiman from the Cashmeres, Da brine., Merinos, Alpszeso end Pox .-.:
.....a. Fast, of In year. sunning, Offerr to treat alleam. met..., a large 6.0(11.111. .
of o Delicate Nature with pwrapoohies and secrecy. . - s.H AWLS AND SCARFS! ' -
iiis success in Buffalo end other large ewes h. Brochtt Long aud - Shawls, of the.bket quill'.
'wen proverbial. Ilts,chergcs are moderate, end his ties r
carts permanent,-Old cues of Ole., Steieture, Sots-, pl u id Lang Shawls, of the newel designs, yernerh.
fain, Fill. Arhus, Rheumatism, Ague. Syphilis, or any ann. cheap
.. • a .
chronic or inveterate cases whetted. . spididid rerkeri Shawls, at greedy rediteed prints.
A cure Warranted. or charge refandcd. Cadebou Brocha Lgid Silt Scala illth Vt.; ,p.,!Ctf,..
OPIICXII, M. Clair street, .2 dnars from the Dredge_; Crep`e Shawn, well.. tad colored,ln gags canceler. ,
Teeth distracted. Advice to the. poor grans. . .
N. 1i„... „ . A. icio inn ~0 „ , nu... of ~..di.r . .. CLOTHS, CASSIMEHES ANDNESTINOS!
in I•tt:•bursh to call l . „Atm ) , 11150 St., cab French Twilled Clienlis,iall pricein
, • -- Lem Sedan test French Csisimeres; tame. myth amens
• LOllll3El[l LUMBER!
. - . tn. Csssitnerosi super Sa•iit Vesting., . •-- i . •-- -1-'
lA6I now receiving enu yardeng, at my yard near Peco'b mid DelgLut Eick sod 011veCkiths, foi '
on upper Cory ' , clop: tintlAC. a ler. awl etcellent , dice' a oaks.
lot of Weil re. PINK BOARDS ' all a.scs end stole,. BLANKETS! ; ' \:..:. , : -..• t ‘-',
r.• a,. a..d , ssa.3.o. Alto , 5 , 1iNi. 3,,, J, of ..P , lar A Imlendid enarlion'at of Antriiiin ;arid :Ilitperlat
eidory. nu in any yust.lity tiesife.i. : nisalltets,...ltatasnatec WO' prsc,s.. .. _ n•...• . ._., ,
lc aildilton lo nine above stook, i hale made an as D 9 AE i Cl. J. ANL), STAPLE GOOD4,' . i .
~„, „, winch dormer tar: to give .fiecnc , ion i . ... . ' _._. . ....... • .... ..1 ; :„....
I.•e d ode ocd aln 141st ts,e 1,1%3113., 3.3 , 1 s TI II If FA, '• Leff. so . . J , ^3 3 P , s , F 3, ...,3 ,3 3 , 33.• , ... s. .. .
, ~,. Al to n oor pre- in .ernet of S{ pee U radiiWerk.
";' ,, ' , ".',.7 , :, c , , 1 7'!,::,,; ° _ . :',„7::',' . ' '''''''' '.'"' -"", id it fro ....he pre
previa...of t ie.Prall. ll
•• ..„).iett 1.1:110Eit, of all kinds, fonts:it lat Jail V, 4 `,1:,.: ‘ ,. i ' P,l - ;.'i,,, A 6 ,,,,rhtt - btlt::;:k1.1 - 2,11....",
great A coon slims tit. eaustaiput . .LO4 scow: F..' ..
~.., tot re 010 a arallberore pureharog.
velliel•tacalle••olin urn i'atesied wag matt In •30.1.4,-.
US.RUE 11. FURESIAN, ' , , i
itln Or-g Old• la est boo of Midas.. • E
Msysv hie, April 21, Priv. bracer end at Us st. .''''' •• I ""'''E - - - 4 o jAB
. . C Ea, try Metnistnis. 6 riatut faders, Ai
novC-I w IA drodet
~ Wh0.,....... Ind }..,...., Imo.. RIO itlVllAtila.all volt .
tit' IN LS 70 c . sks I ent Madden, Sherry and coca, t agine e ..oe eDo cars nett .ind oness....' , -- . -.. -$ •
M Ito s , de.; for aale OY lad Xoek on . 3 now.. stLERANI.I6 ,I , I. 11. i V, 7s hlarket WE E.,
lat lu elnt Purabstem. lip • '", omit ilor.n wo•t an, orrorf $4,-,11...5.5ia. ,
N.Rersesers P.l...itimi• LOSE,
E.-81 No PO tAberty at s '
Mors to arrow no steamer Riogeoal, foi I , FOR -PIOLADEILPHIA AND UALTIMORR, '. L
• beciawacty fdr• Ps...gin.
• E ovs lAAIA II OICICKI kCO ' , -
_. ..
..„, ~,,,..„ ~,r ~.1,,,e - w ilneoyg
' 150 begs prime Re. sieving nod or sa.e i '
'21.-- f ' lO .. 41S s'el..le itit rit4o.l;
V s ' • I ithi ;
~ ••-'; e.4„..N0,,..inn,
57th. .. .. :.,. ,
L0....1i0ci-. 1 I. To/Peron, rbounlay,l,
i„d ie nu -P itorkey, C.54 4 41, 1 _:2_ ,„„. ,' •
licsisesy..- 3 3.0 ~ r , , ,, ...,,"° . 4 71 --- i
oneu--i-iel''• A : ; " 4 ' "" derl ,o-d y en, ,I •
Loo who, A-1 t rnocfpui. t a t , .
i nataday,
"" "'' "'"T..-.- 13 Friary.CM :• '
IS, nee. ye-Cap. 00 • . Yi
~ -. t
redo-slOpt A. 0r...4,1:E5ter0..., MEL:, .
Lo 3,.a,10 -J IJ thompson, I:sundry, emis„...
.. ;
. dirsapsatt a Sonar Patent wod. A. ,„.71.. twee), lidowasy,Oth.• . -
• .y...,
CASKS Glass rod Soap maltere. tt...a n,, A;ls .
.. 11 ,,,c ,, ,,_ ucty 0 -:Li g :ta w ^ .. 15! , ,..4 ,3 17.‘ 27 . ‘13. ' ~..-,:' 1 .
wo impaired diruct how the above cite
dtufacturcra. per ccut test, arns, ,, ,, and
~ L o .stana-J e roothp.oo, 'Monday, Edda ,
or sale by nova WZs 61 610 - roil EL .. ~ Er. 1 „,,i..„.-1 , 13,,,k,..y, E r ,d„,, 3,a, .
iquoß.S=l7 h. pipes lirsatly,o3a4J, - 1)...&.. - ii , For passer. apply le I ..___. _. .W °TeErs
2 pipes
~_ ~,, „ 0 . D . ", , ,,,17,:..:=
6 <wk. N 11 Rum;
bbts Whi•kcy, for .1. h 7
li T
121111.› I 'lf Al—locoon , al. t0.a,,a , 0w a. r rel.l ,1 °W.(
115 , n0 Teas, of rUperIOT qualuy, all hf cheat, LI
and G pound Asa 1 ou'al sod lot sale 1 , ,
noon NV b. ‘1 Fl a 11 , 11E1.1R or.
01..As4Es ieu bt.t. prim, i . lantmen.,
1.11. in elk tails mild igo,xl ord., 6., to., by •
IV 5t..11.111TC1 , 1 , THI4I.
e , - -
/ALTRl:rat:dr .od th e public me rimpeettaily Warne
:lova -•- —' .. '" --- 7 ------ ,0....; : 1,./ ed that the Reliance Liner 'MU c eava lo clip
• 13.,0ds via (72.12.1f70111 Pinelnargh en the 10dt, airlift=
1.5 .-' UNDRIE-'H ... "r' afii . Y, l 7:'„ ' ' ' . L'a•
I c.':" : ..‘ii. iilrit ' f '4 orf . Phi adelphis on tha Vatt inn. We Mall 6121:1011130.411
g ".'"--- 7 1 , 1. SoJr farm; carry aoodv by railroad md Ingo. data; whiter. ,
Zki , 1.. Chtc.e,
tioPJ JOHN aleP&O)11 1. CO
.1.1 ~ ..Log rii , , o , ... b p J 0 coNFIELD . a a EAL:II/113.• el. wuki- , .. r0 casks . &iprint if
_,---- o , . -- " ---- . 7 ---- 1 er — ''',, ‘ ,, 1311 L Maud, a rape rim articl, tor sale by _
It- ' CE-- ' - ' '" m --- 1 • 11OCCILLSON &CO . mall Waif MITCHELTIME
emir, - • • .
Ma l i - . tar . the Petard nra bm* Vinas. Of
Jo:mat Corn Ilarr Reimrauve. If they doubt Ottr
word, the) Farmer these rashly temiceinlii miasma
Who hue tried it:—
Arr. boo: Serer% 41 Elm st, Non Tort. ' • ' "..
Mrs. Matilda Reesoo.ftlyrtne se, Drooklyn.`, • '
Mr. Wm. WAS New
Ale. nook Jackson, Komar. litand.nir rhino?*
M E Cohen, late barber steandwat S. America.
And mere than a hundred others "stale. Mough "this
=Mil suffice, Mat rt will forte the hair to glow csith•
head or fare, stop it falling off. strengthen the rona,
moron. 11(1111 . and dandruff from the mote, making
light, red; or gray hair menace a fine dark look, and
keeping dry, harsh or why hair moist, soil, clean and •
beannfol a very, very long time.
Sold by the Ann, WM. JACKSON, 89 Libertyk.
Pinaburgh. Pelee VI, 50 tents, and one dollar. - r . ' •
They are not aware how frajtafutly injutioati
to the skin! how coarse, tom rough, haw eels , • -
low, yellow, and mbeallity the skin up t ;
pent* uterus:rig prepared chalk!, Des
atdes it is injurious, containing a ,
large quantity of Lead! • t
We hate prepared a beautiful vegetable wattle,
which we call JUNE:3' SPAN'S!' LILY W 11175.,
. . .
It ia perfectly innocent, being purified of all deiced.
ens qualinem and 'thews:iv mWeaMin a natural, heal.
thy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the sauce time
acting or a cosmetic on the akin, making It soft and •
smooth. Sold by the Agent, WAL JACKSON, SO Lib.
any 54 Pittsburgh. Puce E 5 tents. narantarT •
Farman assn Sun DissstssONESPS
in, Chemical Soap causes it free perspdatioo. and for.
the tarns tune ntelifies,-softens, and whitens she NUN. ,
giving a the team= sod beauty of an infautta , • ,
Scrim, Saks Enna .no ants, are soon not oily ,
healed, bdt cured by its use, ata atlenst seven Phys.
andin New York know, who use -it in rack Oases,'
and End It o nfalling—as oleo in.
Poems, Skov:ton Flommrs, or any other shin dia.,
ease. The-reader is ensured that this u•nooselew
puled nostrum, ati ono trial will prove. I amid mut
trleflle at leastEe persons eared of ' ' ' '
So= Henn, SOME Loos Aso Sang fixago..—Bor
and me it, and the Testier" is again assured I'
not cruelly sell it for the shove unless l knew it to be
all I state. Those who are liable to,- •• _
Clues°, Cascara a CII•MID Fr.nou,-vrill find Ibis
care. Any one afflicted with any of the above, or sin.
Car diseases, will bed this all and even mom (admi re.
C ar
In ire properties[ than slam • ;•,;, ''']
But, reader, the stores are flooded with , imitatic. ,
and be sum you ask for JONE S 'S. Ita li an Chemical
Soap. Sold by WM, JACKSON, SO Mail street,'•
Mr 'lnc SUNS . • vita R• 1112.1 II 110% MOM maul-- . • . i
sive than a bad, putrid breath, or dark; yellow dire's*, ' . ' •
ed teeth. If persom have these It is there oven fault— . ' '''• ' . •
they can, for. two shillings, buy •• article that wilt
make their breath pore md As IS r liirja to.
• : '
eAltbSiti. ' '
It cares dimes of the Gums, spongy or „ulcerated, „ • .. , '
and for the T eth it is unequalled, removing the tartar, • ''..
fastenir,g the tee. in the gums, and elestd- Mem aa ' , '
--'•' ;
P ate the mama,/ ski fnmen North,. ' • • , ' ~.,...
Saab, readbr, she properti. of Jones's .6.libCT •.. rn, ' !
Tooth Paste, and, without praising it corselets, hear . . , '
.: •
what one of our molt tespeetable and scientific De. , ,
lists, Mr. E. ice, of New York; say*: . ' ''• ' '
"I have bo - used and anallied thabeautifal Indira.'
palpable a clo, (Jones' Leber Teeth Pasur,) end",
can recomm dit es possessing allthe quedietelain.-:; ~ '1;
ed for it.n Reader, we cm say no more to convince, .
only that if you try that once you will be wellplessed. . . .
It is put up to beautiful English Chinn FLU , . bed; ''
cents Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, SS Liter. , '
ty street, Pittsburgh. . : augetfi/korT.: :;.. . •: .i. -
- -
II E'W D. A It ISW A,2I,JE-. -
SIGN OF TRE.P.LANE AND 5A)V,........ • '-•
R. 711 Wolid. Plaksburget.
la UHER AND LARFAIAN. importers sardesiers
LK In Foreign entfiDomesoc lIARDWAJLP,, la
.. I
all dovurietica sae now prepared to uni t ' at low. and.: ,:1. ; 1
till reasona ble
e tertra Blain be parch:iced elsewhere.
We solicit our friends, aml the pallid gereually, to , , ..: _
e all and manom oar seek, whirrs concrete mime of ' '
bCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, . !louse Trimmings, • n . -
such as 1.-neks, Latches, Hinges and SCIV.II., Welker .
witlusvery article - usually kept In Hardware, Storer. : . .
'We invite the attention of Carpenters and Mechanics ,
generally to oar amortment orroole, Art:act:antra been; '
selected with gent care, and which we are dem:M:l-- ; !
ed to eel so es to eve eetigf.4.d.
Property CB Ail•gbf ay pity for Baba. '•
- ,
,1', 1 ;c17,f1i%e(.".1 - ; - ViAT',',lgVoatt. --
Common ground, on easy term.. Inearre cr • •
W.I.PH.IIOI:INSON, Arty at Lasnifgt Clair a
or of IAS ROBINSON, on thooremlasS.' •'
, (Err STAMM) ' -•. .
VIIIEBRE will baloond for sale an alsortmeat
V V - yaltiable religioas Hooke aollTracts eompriaesl•
Dia arrica.or about FOUR lIUNDRED
Bestial.; lc( which catalUgrae C.IIO had on applies
bon,) many standard worts in Theolpm
Biography, Zee. &c., selected sad published •by she'
Presbyterinn !loan! oy, Pali:Madan m Philadelphia;
lorid well adapted Saab= Settool, Congregptlocral,,
Masters' and Frigate Libraries,
Person wishing to purchase such fractal= tatt
led to cal and examine the assortment
Depoaitory °rite Pennsylvania Bible Bonier
is tent so mom, Oat.S - daVetal.3 •
rfll sumth
erer has past received at the Patin Tea
4. dad, 70 Fourth street, ...try large and well Ow
I dited stock of pace ti11e.:7:51 6.1 , 70 LILACK
from Sale York, ail of Which line been received in tho ,
'a try wince the Grit of February Imo, m 5411.4 1 ,14 of
2'l ,ndereirt grades proven io the Caludet Eatplre.
Oarrivet halm( area.% the largest theWisd, we Are
priTurca to wholesale, on beuer term. than any other
houin me coy. We invite retalygrocem to call and.
adamine our Ca,Ck and•prices They canhava packs :-
4 , 1 Iri {, and I Ili packages, Shi tie ClaralisteM'or
bad* cher., to suit their convenience. -
Oar retail prices vary for Oolong, Mack : Teas from •
SO sm. to 51,50 per 154 Ning Yearie, Saachortg. 50 els!.
Cinigo 54, .and English Ildiakfist SO, Tridirey ityran,'
krunpbedler nod Imperial, frond G cm. to 151,.3 Po ,
Patiliilel are requested to wild and get Samples al
of oar Tea.; cud try them before purchasing. •
rayi,dererS A. J/kYNF,A. Foanh etre&
I 11 I Lb
o e
~n 2m, wr h . a r ag= p r b fr