2-• _.,, BY MAG NET IC -TELECRAPH. REPORTED t TELEORAPIIIID ioa.THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE isAY LATRIT FROM EVEMIPM Ft RTHER PARTICULARS BYTHE CALF, Ronan, Nov. 27. t The London Times contains a letter from Ans. tea, dated the 4th inst., from eh eh it appears that the Emperor of Russia her carried his point 'sub the Tarkiih Government, despite the Interference of the 'French and English Governments. • The Tate has pledged itself to beep in safe mistralY, in one or more of the - Turkish tonresoes, all those refugees whose names may be mentibned by the Arminian and 'tussles: Governments, and immedi ately to banish the ethers. Under this notate mint there is De Glance for KossutnAnd his cons patriots ever escaping to Enable:id or the United Otates. t, • NEW YORK MARKET. ncon Acme, New Yoax, Nov. 27. alltton—The market contieues tirm at the ad. lance Ma (berth to a toff on twiner prices. flor a s. - -The demand, if any thlrig, In less than it ass begs, and prices are a slide lower. Sates of common to good and straight brands at St 620 )14 75051 fa; Genesee, at . 55 12355 25 per bbl. Grain—Tbere is but a landed busineas doing at • previous quotations. The demand or cora is leas Akan it warn Provisions—The market for park is firm, and priori have an upward tendency." Sale. of mess pork at 010 GI; prime, 52 31 I$S 44 per bbL Late—The demand is good, with sales at form . er • . Itrr and Cheese arc active. Saki of Ohio Coffee--Therc is a good feeling inthe Coffee market. Prices hive advanced to per lb. Sales - .‘of Java at 107 c. Tobacco—The demand has been brisk. Prick are sawsr37,so feta. they hare beets made public, stslcs of Kintinc:Vat 6102:. Whiskey—We have no new feature to notice, • Cattle Market--Sales of Beef Cattle at $5,5063 7,50. Market chaaJd with 303 bead over. s y 7 tit* Primldeal of the United'States. of law, 1, ZACHARY TAVI.ba, Totaidont of the United Stites of Amenea, do hereby declare. slid-make known, that public °e lm till be held at the undermentioned Lend Offices in the State of MISSOURI,' at the periods hereinafter designated. towit: At the Loo4 015 CO JACK S ON, commencing nn lidondity,thcantenth daysif January next, for the dis posal of the public Wadi, situated within the under mentioned townships, and parucoluswinships, vie: N ot h oh, hose Una, soul scat of M., fifth principal met 'Township horror-two , texcept notions seven, se. Tenteen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty.vinel thir ty ,thirty.one, an thirty-two,) of range font. Township twenty. two, of tan fie five. Fractional township sixteen, .d township twenty tplarri of tangelo. Frac'donal townships sixteen and sevinteca, and township Twenty-two, of range seven. Fractional uswoslitps statece, Seventeen, eighteen, and twenry.onc. townships twenty-two hod twenty. throe( and sections three to ten inclusive, stxtecn to twenty-eve Inclusive, end twenty-nine to thirty-two belastve, in township twenty-six, of range eight , Township ninclecn.(except iractsonal scamras thirty. one, thirty-two, thirty - -three, thirty-four, thirty-five, and thirtyvtix,) fractional township twenty, and frac tional township twenty-one, (except sections one, twelve thirteen, twenty-thivertwenty.four , twenty. he ,tw enty-six, own:as-sewed, thirty-tour, thirty-her, and thirty-six.) of range rats". The northwestfrichon of section six. in township vineteeni and fractional township twenty, of range Um. • • - Arra al Addle base tint, and tacit ,z 1 the fifth principal ,maid in n. Townships twenty-three, twenty-tour,laretity-eight and twenty-nine, of twice eight. Townships twenty-three twenty-four, twenty-hvc, twenty-six, and twenty-eight. of range nine. Townships twenty...ye, twenty-two, twenty-three, IRCIIIy-roar, twenty-five, and twenty-six of range ten. At the Land ( la nce at SPRINGFIELD. commencing on Menday,the fourteenth day of Imurary nos; for the disposal of the pithily lands wi th in the undermentioned townshipt and tractional townthips, . . . Nrosh Veit hastinis, and rear of ih• Rik principals /Is ninny. Fractional township twenty-one, and township. twenty-five and twenty-six, at range eleven. Fractional townthip twenty-one, of ranges twelve, thirteen, fourteen, tilleen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one. Fractional township twenty-one, and township :wen ty-fout, of range twenty-two. Fractional toWnship twenty- one, and townships twenty-three and twenty-four, of range threnty-three. Fradtionil township twe n ty-on eand townships twenty-three and twenty-four, of range twenty-font. • Fractional township. wenty•oue, of ranges twenty five and twenty-mt. At the Land Othee,at CLINTON, commencing on Monday, the twenty-first day of Jarmannezt, for the disposalof the public lands within the following nam ed mar - whips, to win • • • PlorrAqf debase tine, arfd trod of do fifth principal me ridian. ' Township thirty-five,orrange eighteen. Lands apprepnamd by law for the use of School; military, and otherporpotes, will lie •seluded from Me gales. The offering of the above mentioned lands will be commenced on the days appointed, and proceed in the order In which they are Advertised, with AR conveni ent despatch, until the whole shall have been offered, and the miles Mos closed; but no sale shall be kept open larljer thou MO Week, and r 0 private entry ell an of the lands.will be admirted until after the akin ration or' the two week; • ' • Giviatender air band at the city artValheigtatt,thls fillecath day of teptcallei, Anna Domini one thawed eight hundred and lany-osac. By the Pccsidentt J. BUTTERFIELD,.. Coatadssioncy or General I.an'd Chime. NOTICE TO PER P.M PTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to Om right of preemption to any of the lands within the townstips and yarn of townships above enernerswd, is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the Rugister and Erect. tee of the proper Laud thrice, and make payment there for as .006 Oa practicable after teeing this notice, and before the day 'spanned for the commencement aunt public sale of the lands embracing the tract claimed, otherwise cock claim' will be forfetted. • J. IIUITERFIELD, Commissioner of the General Land (Maw. oetStdlawl3OV NEW - AND VALUABLE INVENTION: CLINN'S WINDOW LOCH AND SPRING. Perr-rias, Diterwain 19,1819. ms is an article of great value to all persons en raged In building, or to date who have already' built, and are without window. fastening. While it furniakes a perfect substitute for pulnes and weights, t a saving of at feast et to each window, it adonis the safest fastening that has ever been brougut into The utility and convenience of this Spring 'over all wthers, ts, that by one tliumL'Oiece, both sash of the window can Le raised or lowered. It requires only to be known to be appreciated. Venous wishing to buy the snick, or to have them pot into th eir windows, or the right of selling st tar counties in this Stine, may apply to the subwnbers at the PY.11111( MOUSE, on the Allegheny river, Pais. burgh, PA , J. S. TIIRNER4 nov2tEd3mtislap C. P. MAYO. Freight to Philadelphia. WE will receipt far two oiihree more boat load. freight for Pteladelphia. (at advanced mead if offered coca. C. A. MeANULTY le CO, norM - 111ourialog Loss' Shawls: IrR. MURPHY too recd a Nippily of the abo!ve article, of the best quality; also, plain Blade et Long Shawl.; black (Souther ince, bloarning Al. payees Percale Cloth, black Coburg., Ferments, Cashmeres, Mons Jr Lain. and French Merintw, black Cravats and Mourning Collar., Mourning Rib. joa.tiorts neck de, and a tall nrsertment of blooming generatl Also: Pi . AI BLACK SILKS, I! iA large 11110(101 , 11t, including a few Pieces very wide and ouperier. Beyed are invited to look at them, at North Fast corner of Fourth and Market eta. Wholculc (loom. OP .to,oi o•here a large anon' ment of New Good. bar lately been received. intolin I:Bri= 4 - ) PIPES OLD COCA; r‘st .21 hf pipes Lafayette, Extra Rochelle, dark and pair, 'vintages of '3O, DJ. and 48. 11 hf pipeaLecer Frere's Extra Rochelle, dark and pale. vintages of '110.42, 47. 6 hf Japes Dine Castilian Jr Co's Cognac, dirk and pale; vintages of '4l, 41, 47. • 6 hf Pt.* Anchor enantot, pa le,lB. & c 0•1114 of '47. 2 do James Ilenntissy, Cogunci pale. do '42. 6 do Charattet Hordes., pale tc dark, do 47. 2 do J J,Dirpoy, do do, ,do 47. 7_ do - Caltillon, do do '47. 1 do Hastrau, dark. 7 do Old Coruna, dark. 2 qr eaakaOlard, llakapik Co, pale, do Magloky Croarrac, ark, 2 do ' Old Pale Hector, .. • , 2 do .Pe lleeoirid 4 do 'l7:Latter,' , 6 76 Leger Prem.; Vintages of 17,10,1"d3, 2 octaves do do; eo 1062 and 1,32 U. 2or casks United Vineyard Prop ne no; nal_ of '4O. 2 octave. do do do do .47. I do Mamoagne Cognac. .211 bbls Old Peach Btandy. •Y dO Cherry Brandy. ISO dos Vine Old Cognaes, by the don or eagle bottle. Thin clock of 3,30 proof choice Brandies has been selected, by , the salmenber and cannot...on, 0,736, to the advance, and aro now offered to th e tra de noon morereaaoutthb:tertaa than heretofore. and ..11 Mina before pareatuingelsetsbers. JACOB WEAVER. Jr B— qrso pipet Cognac Brandy, lae Ben netiney ft Co ho , do, do do; yor do do. do, Soo rat; 1110 f do Rothe, do, Pellevoiehr, l r: il°l : aud (o's theosa tCx5ll Whiskey; I do Ili% do I do 014 bialaie ; a BABB; - 4u or reale. (Verret Wine 10 or do au p. TimenCe Wior; • 5 pipe. ealahria Port do; :Mgr ranks Sweet Malaga do; • 3t/ laihan 0011 Dry do ' do; 15 heehaw Ala itinthi Champagne Wine; 16 do BridAtk`a do 15 do Gehars do do; 3 or casks tierrial Madeira do; In e.ore and for tale hy MILLFR It RICKETSON, • • s '• q,l- No 17d.gd • Y1..11.f1r; y " ItF;ii;; EED.-1 '“ BRAUN A RrATF.R. let>. novt . • DRAM le BRXPER. a —11 of.-A OW, for oal-. by ,L, b uctsinv a1L1 , 23 ,t 1" Y 111 . 1 . AUN dz. 11}3713t Clrroot Time. name attentierf buying toes es:led, by the press, the •ff" enee tit time between the regulate. In to s id to I.e us emelt as "18 minute. too tune ' had a teletreph columenietutoe from M W. C. C. Riggs, req.. who is tea A t etty; I awl soy regulator la et. • 1:10,11 IOLP. tO ONE: UUST--41Lb jtoi reed. far sale & • mewl,' JOON MrYADFN &CO b nun, g nod for . A . r ..l':4: 4 :Fn ' SCHOVIat.II.O Second sr AartrrATijc.. 9rotigqinry and bate Bail j u , t hada e.and ft.i6 by ' - ' • SSClLOYEll,llofteosiss COMMERCIAL RECORD, 1349. 1 ALMA-AC C R. NOVEMBE is tinnday, 26 Monday, • •. 27 ineaday; •.- 21 Wednesday, 29 Thursday, 30 Friday. PITTSBURGH .HOSILD OP TRAGIC op.s.or. :CCIMd/T.TIT4OICSO V E MBES, 1110: •llPlpi s •{ll4. ..... REVIEW OF THE - PITTSBVI3.I34I gIAIIILETs roa vas "mu trines somas. tC, ISIS. A. usual at this season of the year, business doting the week just closed has been done on a limited stele s and notion has transpired showing any materiel variation in quotations from one last weekly review. The weather in the early part of die week was very ti unmated, an we had coimiderable rain, bat during the pest few days, it has been mild fed open, and unu sually pleasant for the reason. The river continues 111 fine navigable order for •0 classes of steamboats; bat owing to the lateness of the reason, bosiums In that quarter has been compete:melds light. • The arrival' by river of Breadstuff, Provisions, and o th er a gre es of weriem production, hate fallen some . thing abort of More of the premedum week, they have been sufficient, however, to keep the market fairly suppled, and the 'applies of every thing in the market are abandantly auticientgo meet all demands at the most reasonable prices. • The season for heavy shipasents of iron, and the w est other artieies of Pittsburgh manufaCture. is now pretty well over; still, shpuld the weather enflame open, we may anticipate quite a lively bunnies, for se veral weeks to e owe. ASlll.l.9—The receipt. of all kindve Ashm daring the week have been rather limited, but nothing has ttanspired ahowinratty important variation in prices Sale. kayo been on a restricted wale at the following rater:.Salemass;os`de; Pear:km[l, 64 Bekci Soda Ash, for the better 'qualities. Potash is sold at Oa 3c, and Smirching* at 31201 e APPLES—The receipts of Green Apples have been Molted, and there is .a continued good demand at fully q?atell rote., asp foe the better quallbes, 32.370t3U hitt. The prices of Common or ordinary qualities range Isom 11,75 to 52,11, bid. rlitild,We have no alteration to notice is the prices of Ale. Oar Brewers are doing a fair business at, for common; including cask, SG; for best quality, In riot bound packages, Si is demanded, emir includ2d. BACON—The wpplies of old Bacon have become quite Binned, the receipts of the wret having been mall. A Dander ate business only has been donut al the following pricer:—Prime Sugar Cared' Fend* llama lit tierees„llloloe, bagged Baum at en, Shoal. dent 11, and Eat, al Se gv Ih BITTER—The receipts of B ant, have not been so fall, and we notice abetter demand at improved prices. say for prime roll in cloths,l2lol4c . ; keg,9loloc. and packed in bbli, Si 6.9 c die Pb The sales of the week here not been heavy, and supplies fall short of the de mand. BEANS—We rote fair, sappllr s in the mattes, with sales of pi ime whiteat Tset and of ordinary or mixed at 65c p bother. • BROOMS-4re note resoles, Ales of a prime article at ft . .,Z0417, and of eoniplon to good mercharthible . at 51,0 2 51,75f:d0wn. The market 14 fairly sup , plied. BUCKETS In TUBS--We !lance sales from Wore io regular limited lout at 152,25 doe, for buckets, and 9a 9,511 for Luba. BRAN—Very little hat been brought to for tome time, and suppllea bare _fallen off. We quote from Core at IRe p bashel. CFLSNBERRjES —We notice the receipt during the week o(91 bbl, nod 45 boars, and the market a now pretty well supplied with a paid article of new crop Sales are effecte4 from more at 1LL382,30 p tar, by small lota. • CIO:EST.—Sonic 2,000 Loges hare arrived from the Weatent Reserve, and supplies-ore quite sufficient to GO damilid. Salm m lots amounting In ,l.< COO la., at 5/06c for goad romaine, and 6196 f c for Cream Goshen is sold at 1038-e V b. COTTON—The reempts of the raw material hare amounted 'only In a kw; swill lots, and tee can rerun neaalea; p Eli may be given as a nominal quota- • COTTON YARNS—We nettea no further change a prices since our last. For the venous articles ender thts heed, the following is a correct list of press: porn ei.e n per Ib le4 do "7. --.•—• do " 10. do .11, I No. 13 Vs per lb•,---•21 " 14 "• •-• --22 No. 800.dto per doz • • • • • 8 " 17Ce, " - do Candlewick, , 1 , 4 Beg Paling, do No: ZOO, any.. lb 10 " 490 0 —43 Carpet Chain, COVetlet Yarn Baillng.l , 4;‘ I and 2=12.11 Pittsb.gb ma.factured Twi- COTTON SHEETINS is hri.k dfanand a quotations. N. 1 Penn Saratoga is and at omoon, or Nonaboka, at no ? yard. The of the ankle quoted la very superior, and IS t the priers giver. • • CRACKERS—A respirir ambers b doing ni the col taming quoted rates: .• Wateeenekers, pet tdd Butwe do " Djopeptie do " ••• • Pdot Brood, " • •••• M rict Croakers par lb CORDAGE—Far the vans oiartieles ands, this head there is a regular , steady demand si the CAlovrtng hlnmilarope, by eoil,• White Rope,i'Cy coil, • • Tarred Pepe, by coil ; •• do cut, Packing Yarn, fine, Manilla, 152,0il'airJ,oua/4,c0 r don do P b. Hemp, 151.1b02,5003,1 , 5 doz. do P eoil,.••.100 " m. PLOCGII Y7llll M;=MI IMENIIIIIMI Kyanixed Cordage is sold regularly at 10Ie P. ft DRUGS—The following is itllist of prices of some 01 the most prominent allicles ander WM head: Aloe.: lbs 15013 Ito Brimsne."' th• ••• 40 Alum, " • •• •• •• •3104 Camphor ref, 33,040 Asa/rends, ba.•• •In0".0 Chloride here,"...- 70 0 Arrow Real," •• • -1201.11 Csiehineel, '•1,3001,50 m Aaral.% ". • • •10011 Copperas, "--•110 LtlburffDi " • • .310 5 ! Liquorice root - ,.' 7 0 Hodder Umbro,lhal2ol3l " ball .• • • o.tattitt Castor Oil,bbla 51,63 Sal Soda ,• • 4041 Quinine, ox• •• •1113.30403 Glue, common "..• 11013 DRIED FRUIT—The receipts of Dried Peaches have amomted to some Mat sacks, sad 75 Mils. We note male. of 1500 to 1153 bushels new crop Peaches at 56, 0 03 P ho, the market elating very Ore.. Pared Peaches have Leen sold in limited lota at 31,50" int Of Dried Apples, the market is very bore, and a amid efficient new crop is in deviand g 0.515.5" bushel. DRIED BEEF—With light enmities in the mother, we may:quoin 0109 c B lb, as the ruling figure, rot sn truernot strictly prime. FLOUR—Daring the week preceding Saturday the 11th, the receipt. of Floor by the river amounted to' over 3,000 Wits, but for the Pam few days, the arnval• have been lees abundant. No heavy mules have nuns , pixel glaring the week, Wee having been mainly eon fined to the regular home demand. Sales on the wharf have bees regularly effected at 54,4304,50, closing firm al the latter figure. We quote from store in reg ular dray load lots et 31,61, 4 01, and 4,73 V bt.l, ac• eordmg to quality of brands. Rt. Funs—The supplies are light, and so lone ham been done, m barely to admit Cr quotations. 143,51 03,71 may be given as the nominal rates. BOCOWOLOS—Bockwhest Flour has, rather slacken od to demand, and prices show a alight decline from our last quotation.. We quote hulled to marks at $O,. 101 V 100 Ds, and common grademt SI 0201.739 100, Floll—We notices good demand In the market, for all articles under this head, with regular sale, et toe Dllowing ratec-illelroot, 510 V bbl, end 207 41' tierce, No. 2,310,50; No. 3, best, at 57,50 4r bbl. White, or Lake Fish, we quote et 1100410,50, Salvador Hering, 5650, COMM. eastern attire p bbl; Codfish at 1111,7, drum. FRATIIF.RS—Receipts have been less 211Ondant, but see notice full armpit. In market, wtth sales in loaned latent 33034 e from store. FRUIT—We v ralm of new crop Rotains at $3,. 121 9 boa; A lilleMbl,lllol7C t th. Groundnuts, ma 70c; 7c P t; Filbert. ye; Creamettls 7e, and ZOJAO Carnaits, dente; English Walnuts ea • lb. FRElollll)t—Tbe rates on the river from it,, point IV.; are tow, ranging from 15 to 10e per 11149 Cin -6,,,1;1910.%) to Lqulaville, mil OM to 05 ro St`tligno. GLAS4—We notice no chave in the prices of Win dow Glass. City Ormils,llb In, etc sold at 59750 N; 10 by 10, 45501,50 per boarother aimin prom, tion. Conan brands are without change L-0 by la is told al 453,25; 10 by 10. 33.50 per boo, watt a cot posting isneeaoc for larger sixes. Of Fara Glass, our ~,,g rgh pu e gg am richly et:matfett with all the various ar• ticks of iittsbusgh Manufactur: In !Menem of quali ty, and beauty of pattern, ,P Itsburgh manufactured Flint Clam will bear a compariann with any ether, whether of Barite Orforeign Manufacture, and price, are fired so law, as l 0 make this market sit object omit all dealers in the artaele. GlNSENG—Couslicrable .qhmtities have recently been federated from use West, but so 11.11 D is sold rt this market, that. quotations are of 0.1102.11 , 1 COW.- ter. It la held at .17e' pee b. CR6l:4—Tbe rec l aim of Grain have been light, end no heavy sales of any kind imlro room to oar know •ledge. Malay has advanced.° 701/f Se per ho. Of Meat, very halo has been brought in, and we acme nominally at 400aba. We mite sales of Rye at told Maio( Iblal La Corn oathe artisan. 45e per bo. Oats a/selling ai th; rime at 3)3310, and from storm at 310 lee per . ..cabal . MALT—Saks of Malt from storWat slol,l2lpar La. GROCERIFS —We find no changes under ails bead dace oar last weekly realer, We note tales of 40 bhds common fair at 5.c, 4 Mos; for gond fete to prime, Mafia may be given as • correct range of para..— tria Yaw at a range of 8 tone per b. Sale. of pl . o.istolames in oak, in lots of lb, IS and :labia. at Vie• time, nod OllPPlic ...cypress tilde. Stager Iloaseltio lasses is mold at 370100. Rio Caro raionin. Lem a t 1040110114 per 2.,,pd Rice at flOale per b, by the • IRON SNAILS—Shwa W. opt:nolo; at Ma t 11 wide, e good homeless hw heen . domg to the Iron market at the folkortztg range or pneem—Flat Bar t h' 4 4 415 3 er, ...- cording to. tux, Round fr. Square ,Bar, 0433GLi Band Iron, 14393 e; llooplron, 3lele; Sheet Iron, 4106 e. N A .,,..t0 to Ski, £I3,C. ♦ keg; 94 to 04, 53,50; Od hi 7d SI; 94,114=; 44, 54.94 31, WAD • keg. Srram—Cut g 99, 4, 41 (nett, S 4 ♦ keg; 9,2 h and 0 inch, MAR Se and 7 inch, Sd ♦ keg. 1 San I itet• it 4.34 4 34 4 33 433 433 4 3t 6 67 6 .69 6 Y 1 7 0 7 1 7 2 7 INDLOL.)-Stales of Spattiab at SidPOO; of Manilla at autlifg.k.per 6. LEAD I'll —Prices range aecortimg to mr.. flora 'llOl2lO P ..s . awr D —Sales by the Skeet at kb, and vhon irlise.demended. WWI% LEAD—Sales of pone at si,n, .4 of No. a 1 ,111,60 g. keg.. PIG & 11101. LEAD— The tecelptaot the week hale been emaparatively heti, but t h e market is telly sup plied. Sales of Pis at 111041, and of Bar at 4joSh• per Lamp—Not much is doing in Lard. We net. sale. In keg to st hashed extent at 61, and in obts at MS fik pet ID. LEATHER—Every deitrriptfon of loather contlnae • fltnt It fully stowed rote. N. Y. Sole la soli at Isaac and Banknote Sole at 1i of IA • MARINE -VittUßANCE—Rates of Idiarance on eaves 01 steam and keel boats: Foss Pius . b . orgh t to o Yilte lf. 0.. 1 f l a to toaisville.•Kr, --• • • 1 01 St. Lon a, filo, 01 • " to Boonville, do • IfOn " to inflependenes,. • ..... 04 " " to Galen. 111,• •• • ...... 1100 " to.Mensplas. N. Otleans, 1 01/ From N. Orleans to Pittsburgh,- •• • —1 01 It. LOUIS, LARD CM.—Sties to entail tots lo libla at We fur No. 2, sal 5.12255 e for No. I. LIN3EEO 011.—Prieos are rather sanding down soaids, with salon at 73c per PIO IlIKrAL—The Bonding price of Hanging Hoek_ aMetalper ton. Salim of VI tons ton s. In two lota, at G add d mos. Of Allegheny Metal, we have sales of IfA tons Anchor Furnace, 620, 0 mon; 500 totts:Mariiin, to three low, at 11.11, 0 1901; 71 woe Clay. at al, G mos; and 03 One Victory, an inferior article, at 0 PlO4 POWDER—SoIes of flagard at 115,23; and of Rook at $3, ?..52 . 34:0 P keg. • ROSlN—Regular taloa at 3,45 P bbl. RACatt—Regular sales of good elean mixed from Erst hands at . 3)e P 6. SOAP—Sales of