ESTABLISHED IN 178 b BUSINESS CARDS. ~l~.c..nrxrr~. ate+ ~~...,.~.'.~a ~lJ.a • DA ID G. T ATTORNEY 'AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOR PENNSYLVANIA, ST. Loma, M. commuskadowt promptly nutwored. or OMIT A PLNISTID)NO &CROZER,Commmuon fuerenAnts A Ant.Donien I krodace, No. 21.11arket Motor Putslount.. dtte ' • Alk7aTiAlroilio. 1011PENNETE, DERRY & CO, idamonclumrs of Pan AtIO Blenching Powder., hiorl.tic and Putphotto Acid. NV are6oluo No..—Water meet, bolo nr Ferry. y WAYlli CI aura., aio atm ax, DBALII‘ L REITES., Wholesale and Retail Drag- JJ earner of Libany and Et. C:air attects,Ptisu. ^arm :1%714 _ _ mai intro. S. 3 iIOWIL BOWI i it CULBERTSON Wboloule Ceroooob Mgt C o.l[l24l...slerehams, No. 10, Liberty et, rittotioreb Pa. D A lA/IN EAItICK A Co., %VholesAle. nod /Le y". carr - (3971, 1 C0f 7 a .. 11 ‘ ; A v - ol t u nt tVd'."'"l7l—g.,;l2l:" U. u..r9.11.131//atilf., ktD. NO. as' SPitti STRE.E. i, LOO oNTINUEb to 9,e his porueolar suentiou to the C trefaroeil of Duero. of the SION, 9CROFULA, and Disofocs of the 11190 AT. Otlieo boon: 9 A. 81., 1 P. 91., and 7 P 111. OetßeAs*. • Jolla O. CVOIO. ---------- W. I swum. (\RAW t slll4NCR,Forwarding and Commaeion V Merchants No. 26 Market at, PtusbuXa. apta I,A. liIcANULTY k. Co., Forwarding - owid Corn V. mission iderenanis, Canal Bunt, ititwant . La b. .. ... Dugs:minas Dyeing, Axle, Stool and Loom Worts. IDLEMAN," MAILMAN - a Co, manufacturer. of Coach and. klipiie Springs,' hammered Spring and ‘Varehonse on Want and Fronde:ear, Pittsburgy. Also, Sentare in; Coach Trimugn and hlalleaLle Castings. , . • cede 4 DU. W. H. 13 . D 1111 DENTIST, Mate of New 1 ork ) Ormso—Satnument stree t between Seventh and Strowbeny N. LL—lnseases often month, gums and meth treated Hotaceops.donaM7. • • spuo.alm 117):mituirki DIM I. TWORST. is BENNE/7, (late English, Unlimber + Co.) Wholesale Wm.., Communal& and For wardiair Nurehards,arol dealers in Produce end Fins bury& blamfaeutscs, 117 ood at., I..•clarnett and 3d meets. •11.01. W.efurn lADDIM D. ruumust. GEOI4GP. W. SMITH k CO., Brewer% Maims, ant HO Dealers. Pin se. Ptusburgh. •parS Coranussum hiercbazu, No: NVood street. Pittsburgh. awl: — illang — L/s1 MAI WAOTOILY. ThiraalrefhTrALT., afat c. tu=o4 , 11 , e ,y at utU.Shu.Y. • • , • usulikity• to 21r ----- y v %d Col4solti.j.tir_retshhan4l4l."-4(or itbV7lirio; emerlcan 0 Mrt °Meta ath n f,,b17 ---TCTAC.:II2LAPI/2 than.... . , A., lOWA. JILIN ,1 phiud .„ c. lleC•30801% scituu.A. wux.., K EALD &BUCKNOII,Tobateo Commission Ale, .eiseekla, 41 Nora Water st, & 16 North IVharres, ourOC6tf . - .11.4 WtRDY, (ONES ( ) ceesiots to Atwood, Joon & Co.) COVLIIIIM6OII and Forwarail4 Ala o,e &idols,. in Pittsburgh, All.outago.ted 1.;06413, Pltubor I, Po. • 11161.A1l DICIMY a. Co., Paige.le Groec.n, Cam- A Mod. fderchmt.and deem" In Producr, Noa. L 6 Wider, and 10 . 7 Front olreet. Patel:l7lF_ awed s. • 305.11 DIMOLTIL. ti..O4AVOISTEI Jr. Co, Wholes... Grocers, Pro. w "duce uld Cosonsiiiiee Mereb.ts , mod !swots Witte Maw! Powder Co. of No. :a Wood sr, PliieNtreL. , rota TONvristzal, Drowst sad ,Apothecary J No. 45 Alsrket st., three doors above nom 01- P . /L:4 TZ:7 11 1 o l f h ll, ' l,7o=tstl n d . well will .011 rd Lt....30.10.011111.bi1a ray:leis. ormitog orders, mill be promptly .tro d to, sod sop plted-sritlCanielcs duty mop rely spoil as poem, Erklaysicions Proserlpuens will be mecum:eV Avd nosey prepared from tho Lost =stories, at ary boor of. Of to r r mglt• • Also see, a ley Stook of fresh sad goal Petty , tnta 'ueltq..ON tlis‘ Coodsottor La,s.—tif U. lied Font= at., above Smithfield. Do v.l-1 y LsI.:A.NFLELD, (late of Warren, oasts) t.otemia ioll and Foresaw:my itlstellant, and wholaala es in Western /User. Cheese, Bauer, Pot end Pearl Lebow& Western Produce generally, Water use; between Smithfield and Wood, Ptusbargii. 111: er liii WATT, (successorseY.l.n a Gehbart,l Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant, in Produce and Pittsburgh himufaitares, ear ner of Liberty_and Hand stres Pittsburgh AM/ 11.10.1M3 A. HUTCHISON ' t. Co..—Satee.sors to IF Lewis Ilateldson Co., Commission blereLanu, and Agents of the iit Lams Steam Sugar, Lefsery. 10. 4b water and tet front streets, Pauburgh.. 4; 011/4 11. tgualieN, Who*emote Draws:ollW oe.d -10 et m Sado, ons,•Vamiones, A.e., Wood Erre,' Out door ziouslt of Diaroood rm.- burgh. • ,Pat _ imorTr- A. CO., Ouccazor lo Joseph U. Davis,Jattip l.fiatidlcra,3D IValet atrect. oczl./ JOliN FrigELLUlt, Whole-talc and !twit icaler , Music Acid /Waxiest ilig1:11=11th School Boa ram, Blame, 81.1 Pew, Quay Printers' Cush, WWI Stiladlarf genenaly,lio. el.Woodst., PiSalaugh. 120 bought zakmi . sepls I tr. Vihulesule ~Ihuggats, V • No. Stl "Wood Pittiburgh, JOM D. DAVIS, AucLossect, came: 5:2, runt Wcvd strews, ViUsburgl,. ucis Joleitfl'ON 23T(N.1 !ETON, klookselk-n, Crtsuere sad Yapcs Dlapetreuttcrs, N0:44 Matte Pius. jeC iT ,dtaavollt=oL7l42rlt7;: , Lanni inoildinssi, fronting on LA bony, lY ood,anaVuo strono, MILL...Lb. Po- taps t .7.takSijAJAELLi Veulevee tiroccr, Cie...sued , kletatut, and .dcalcr n J'roduce add Pkoiburge No. di %Viler se; Paudnirgli Amu 'Tau - 0 InAVEII., Wcalaaila Dela U ler m PareigirW rues and LAquors, and old Mattel plata By Walakays, donor Iltat aDd . Mattel au. re JONES, kW:wardlug sad Cerenissuin Ater • elk=l , e c tilYro4uce - mul 7 = . tagtr 12:11 . 11r • eac RAI I niza.onTroiraiWirit; - , FE.NNEDY. CULLDS a c CO, Aterugecturers elven. eilt.Tit fiecutigs, Cerpot :Chain Cauon isms and Ltarluke• ' —JO.IY Lrea.,liliarJua ZWlBo.).ef 7 . 1 I & Ca, faanafaraucts of all 4- za.-/Sar,2lleac, Isoa aad Bails of dm best iaaltry.•:.Warchana,S4 'rams and WS Croat at. W . Anla kurs;WAT.Elthlit.N, Wholesale firmer, Forwarei thg and Coes:pisslon diorehaht, Dealer in 'Pim h lahostraccures and Prodoee, hos. 31. Water at, and a d Rout a:. it 7 11/01/111 CLITIZut, /0112111.• , • ' 'ICASMISDY L & BASITTERs and v • • -14 d rs ° to foreign ned do uu' rte V ' ty moo ch *le wear merchant,. Pedlars and others are monad 10 sell and examine ihe prices end quality of out sneak, ss with our present Seressed greocco In nutestsesr gSeemjff'bto Itlitt w aa e sn . y. other c tto c* w r ern 1 1 :!rtrti: Mosenstes . • jed4p • yrs. =ass, Pradads _w. sacerri &harsh. Al, HICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, and porters of irritudies, Wines and Began, Nos and •171, corner of Libeny and Irwin sleets Pius. burgh, Ps. iron, Nets, Conan Yarns, te. ree. con stantly °Shand. • ..sesll "=:. Nov' e. Alet c elLacm, No. COO Libeny at; riligargh. M4 - 11trifY, Wll...baN it CO, (laic Jones, lklusphy.a. •Co.) Wholesale. Deaden m 1117 C 444.1., No. 48 Wood stmet,-Pinsburoh. uorti Rooms, corner of root Ogee Alley 43.4 Fatalist:coy entrance on 4th near Morkot • f44.4641 i- ti• STEEL WOXX* AND AXLE FACTORY usae /03113, JONES da 4UIOO, ' 1 IiKANIIPACTUNERS orspring and tiliater .nmel, I.ll,.ptough smel, tine l plough wings, coach and ahp springs, hammered ken axles, and dealm in rival Iside ewunga, fire eVac lamps, and coach trimmings ~11g1 1. 1 4 1, comer of Eon and Front sta., pluebn fa r g b, d/ • ,No. 53 Markel h second "°L.A4c6., A ' ere bthl Fontitt, dealers in. Foreign CertiLeutesof Drpo•• • it, U.* Nese. and Nicole. c a e .. (Collections end on ail Na prinelpd • • d e cl7 tbzotighout the United nucradAerrii, Atnexsaus—Crthoe, Founh at .LAthird door abase Smith [mid, south aide. Chtaelancieg of all Studs done with Ote greatel care and legal occaracy. Iltla to Heal Estate examined, :se. 0e'1.36.11 • 11. T. Upbeats, U. D” will attend to the treat. Neater Diseases of the Lye. 17r. bees tamed in this branch of the wadi., sal profession for sisteeit yens, Sod has conducted so establishment for the toe stoma of diseases of the eye alone for several yea's.. omag 11.134 Tesuleste, Co rn er B.duky SI 1011.1 Folawbeffy alley, Allegheny city. foetid . . PII.ODOCE, Grocery Mauls. re and Real V.S4st. • NroVes, Wbeeling: Va. ergefer ?al. Dickey • squat. EMILY ILUIABOOKr — IiNN STRuer, between Wayne and Maid, bas reinuoad las professional thn., tieing instrue• tams on tad Puma, (knits:, and )m Venal Main • asillidd st, near Wood—El qu fro fi antities of Green i and Blank Teas, drone up in quarter,. half, nail 101 s ROBISON t CO. having associated TIIOhIAS . Lirrut, Sr., with them in baldness, the Mole; ale "proem, riodune and COMIIIi841•11 Imudoma will ye continued as usind under din Cum of Robison, Lli ,lolt CO. R oBISON, EirrLE gr. CO., No. to-! Liberty slim , . Wholesale Grocers, Prodnee and Commission Slerehants, and dealers in hhushiogh• -Illanartmtu res. 1.4,114 1Y.1111.111. 0011111 k, ETiM - lcsale tirocer, Roo woe, D and all ktilicr, d inds er of Forvigneal u, Produce, P and itivlnroih Mau fx ina 0 a Lioaori, ,s. II Lsbelly erreet. On handa very wee stock of eurerior old idonougahela veldekey, 7. 41, Rill be cold lour for crab. aplAziy, ° A7,115 " 7„ SHEA For.rnrrilerrd ' a=n kleridoreebarue, for the . d.llen . !reny 'wee Trade, deal. Grircories, Produce, I rusbargh and an Crdondo of Linke. price., in card.P.Lar.. 1111 ...C.!".? Corner of Pena and lemon arr. 0u,23 2.5*-tria D.U.ZELL tr. Co; ,*Oolesda GrOecri, Rclounieuion sod 'Forarardrsur Idercturna.deslera pgabgila ktaaufammer, Libonl"m• ProdoCo laUslarrlbrrg. g*b.i CARDS ''ltUltr — r --- ! CirSITGNORAN, Whoiceale Grocer Dealer to Produce end Pinsboreb•blannfaclues, :n '44 laherti et iYI9 11111CSIATI.wIltrl Q HACKLE:TT & WHITE, Wholesale D=a b s fa Troo..iFn nod DaraelitiC Dry Goode. No. vo W bl ood sr 141'2Fro:Oil/on 11 1 A 'rL : I G u i c i e iren o ol l ak i . " 2/Vnrrl F" so: Comotisolon Merchant*, No. Wore; lo.a:riTOF. rem.. rrresscuott. roam Sumo., MARYLAND. ELLERSNICOLS, Piodnee and Oenera/ Coln mitstort bleichants, No. 17 Liberty tr., Pittsbargh Sperm, Linseed Ind •Lard Oils. Q. F. VON KONNIICOUST, Co„ ‘Vholesale ecru, Farwardlng and Commission Merchants,. Ostlers In Pittsburgh Manufactures and Ream/11 Pro duce, haws removed to their new warehoute,(old stand) No. :KA corner of Front at. and Chancery Lane. nov7 • rimstsswy 8 DRsT, Wholesale Grocers sett Commli• no., hlerchsees, nod dealers le Troduce. 2.5 riusburgh. par. 2 . . •• TROTIIte SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail dusters in Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bugg, lee, S. W. corner of 9th and Smithifeld sts, Pittsburgh. PA is , a-ATtilitrvlrmalrbut, ' SIIGLESALE GROCER , Importer of FOREIGN WINE:, LIQUORS and CIGARS, dealer In Old Motongsbela Rye Whiskey and Pittsburgh Man ufactures, corner of Market and Mrst Superior mheles supplied at market rates. •cettO W. AS Pl. IMITGLIRILTRIOE , • WIOLESALE GROCERS, REC rinaka DIS TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS Also—lm, mon of Soda OM, and Uleoching Lwer, No. 1601aberty es, (Opposite Stott et, Pitts urgh. eee23 utla U. Wtcl. arCA3nl.323 ITICK & WCANDLESS, tseccessius to L & J. D ry Wick.) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Doomloion Merchants,dealers in boo, Nail& Glass; Gomm Yam& and Piwitiorgh lilhonfortures generally, pews...l , f Wood and Wwei tree.. Pittshingh. UT W. AVALLACE., Mil stone esl.l 611 U Parrusb IT Log esutblislament, No. 211 Liberty at., nowth. mer2s VITAVILdeO, WiZies Jeniry.thlarr are. • and .1111inuTGoods, comer of Market and din too., Pittabeugh, Pa. N. ll.—Waubea and Cloaks aerially ielialred.' dead iSSTHOWEN--Comannsion and rn — r - Waraintr blerobant, N 0.90 Front et between Wood ewe rket etrer-In feb2l • • .7 WinTRZM - reil;al Foreign cad Domestic Dry Goods, north coat corner of Market and Fourth Ita. .13 ell TOrMl. 1110. L XrCGlill. AL YOUNG Oi—Dcalers in !ember hides, &o. 1 , 13 Libcrw st., „t i NTLTCHE9N, Vl"clesale 0r..., den rrLd , and Pot.. burghmui dre.2 . . Tl 7" W WILSON, Dealer in Watches., Jew - ai7 y y Silver. Ware, Wham Goode,. /se., No. 57 Me r in go nov7 itiiinstraCco., EALERS IN 111 DES AND LEATHER, Morocco, D Shoe Findings, tic., No. 143 Liberty street, have just received their SPRING STOCK of goods, com prising a large assortment of articles in their tine, to which the attention of putehmen is invited. P&TTIGUILW £ CO. STEAM BOAT AOEN, INSURANCE E=2=2MM=t TIE Mutual 14fe and Health Insurance Company of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature of Penneylvor., March, ISIS. Charter perpetual: Capital, 811.10,000.: RASES town rust, .11 Porno, I,IIIIA. Cure err, and per CCM. lower than the usual rums of Life Insurance, as. the following com parison will show: Thus, a pers. of be kgeol 30 in semi; for Slut for life. must Pay to the Girard szat— Penasylvsnis, cc% Pe. Mutual, 'UM; Equitaole, ISS,01; Now England, 2.1,36; New York Lite, 82,16, Al bion, EMS; Lim and Real., Philadelphia, SL • Dtexcrots.—Samgel D. Orrick', Charles D. Bull. AV F. Boone, Robert P Barr Charles P. Hayesol. W. Baldwin, M. M. Reeve, 31. D, Chas 0.8. e'er:cipher', Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, E.H. Butler, Edwin R Cope. President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Petrl dc.-IRobt.F.B.Mir, Secretary—Francis Bluckbunie: Applicatio. will be received, and every information given by • SAAR. FAINESTOCIL Act, • • (ice,commercial Rooms, carnet of nett: dly Wood and Third tts, l'oulturg UR InCE. TION FIRM AND - R.B.OTEC sNIARIISELNSURANCECOhiPA , .. NY OF ILARTFORD, CONN. uscoarouna Animal Yromiams, Capital Stock, and Surplus Food, 61,000,000 • This Old sad . reapomible Company co otinoes to Ls. sue policies on the. swat favorable terms on Dealing lieuses,•lionsehold Eucaltares Stores, Stack. of Gonda, Warehouses sad contents, Alan and liiimufactorica, an. k.A, spins% LOSS OR DAMAGE BY ELBE. Also, on Gonda, Wales Sid hieretnandtze, again the itaxwds of insamaTaaitatroaanort, and upon the Canoes el• Bea Vessels. . The Proteetiati insurance Company having, in the lasi tyrant, p aid tar irtillOna or WM., of th eir arver nen ea throagboat the Camed States and the British **antes; have established a rust roman:mu for solvency and f air dealing, whieh challenge.. corn. panic,, with any . other imorunce company on the continent of America. The annexed extract from an article on the subject of lasanume Companies, taken Non the "New-York Day Book," exhibits briefly the alandlng nod policy of the Company. "The •meneved men' of the ancient and alwayi pros. =city or Hanford, have far half century been throughout the Union,for - tVe cute, discretion, !lira beneath antfiararyingmeans •7ltta 101101 th)y aar . Olortaed and mane rorrarahuda or Jail do sera, on. No Bamfordserindon. ed Bank or Inaurance COmpany; Mu eves failed! These Companies hare for more than a whole generation seatlerei them tins in near.' ly oxen , . Stan of the Union, and have dryer failed to pay the Innumerable knees winch they have human agratnet." ' All losses ailing - upon policies Issued by the-under sired, will ln_PramiAll adinted tad paid at the Oen. mat Avncy arra, joratrd at COldnald, 0. A tarps portion of the fund/ of 'the Company, toreludlng all premiums terairad at the tticaterit anaemia, m del ,posited grin the Generar At r ent of me Comp y . al I.3neineaa, for the ;tomcat of Western and ',robe ru losses. Apply to. FAYET E BROWN, Agent for the oily at Finsbmgd, and for Allegheny County. ocatalam The Pwassylvanta Company Foe Lassos-sexes 11tH Lao Oaatrano Amerman • THE brit Life lasaranee Company to the U. times. Imerperated MoabLi-etta ter perpetual Capital 15.103P-01l paid un Hanna authorised the undersigned to recetTe apple. cane. forbearance, on which policies will be ,turd. according to their proposal* an 4 revs, which will be mace Immix to applicants Lilts office, No Wood street.. Spa (10) COCHRAN. W - 158T1StIA , 11181JUANCIS COSPAtiI OFCAPITA PITTSL iIIIO, BU U R O GH U. • • L POSIT. Jr., See'l. R Mama, Prestt. %ViU iterare aping all kinds of wsks, PULL AND MARINE. ' A LL losses . wiU be literally soh:teed nod promptly .11. A home institarlan—managed by Directors who ele well known in l b . ocaummity, sad who &redetermin ed by promptness and liberality to maintain the char acter whtch they have assumed, as offering the bet protection to those who desire to be Insured Disscross--R. Moiioo Jei Uwe: Blank, J W Beth.; N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. U. Holmes, C. Ihrasen, Geo, W. Jackson, Wm. AL Lyon, Jas. Lappumott, Thal E. thee, James APAnley, Akx.Nitaick, Thos. dear. Omer., No: ID Water street, (warehouse of Soong Co., up mina) Pittsburgh. natdly • nrsura - NCI;. TE DELAWARE MUTUAL fIAIL - TY INSU. RANCE COMPANY.—Omer North Zoom of the Exchange; Third strew, Philadelphia. limvaercr--Buildings, Merchandise and other property In roan, sod counts, Masted apinst loss or damage by fire the Merest rate of plenum. • Maras Insuaattei.—They also insure Vessels. Car ,goes and Freights, foreigner coastwise, ender carnet peci•l policies, on the assured may des ire. .IxLsmoTasssronsmos.—Theyabio Insure mtrebs.n. dim transpOrted by Wagons, Railroad Cars, Canal Boats and Boum Boats, on rrsers and hikes, on the Most Rhona terms DIRECTORS—JOseph 11. Seal, Edmund A. Seeder ; John C Dav*Robart.Bunom John R Penrose, Sono al Edwards, Geo 0 Leiper, Edward Darlington. (mac R Davis, William Falwell, John Newlin, Dr R. 1.1 ton, James Cllned, Theopitilta Pudding, II 10I1W Brooks, Henry Sloan., Hugh Craig, ricorge Sorrily Spencer Zdelloain, Charles Kelly, J (1 Johnson, Wit ham May, Dr S Thomas, John %oilers, Wm. Eyre, DIRECTORS AT PITTSUURUII—D. T. Moron, Wm. Dooley, Jno. T. Loser!. - .WILLIA.II MARTIN, Pre:idol. Rieman S:Nrentoup, Secretary. JD' 02Ans of the Company. No. 42 Wore( street, Patetetrelt. -. jolisdg P. e. MADEIRA, XKom. 7 — irliMAND asa.ui isstrunribiL; TILE INSURANCE CO. of North 4010,100 Will • make porno.* sod limited Insurance on pro perty in this city aucvicioity, . nod en shipments. by Canal, Rivers, Lak and by Sea. The properties of Mil Company see ore !Invested; and formstssusetenil. able Mad for the ample bider:ono , of all persons who desire to be protected by ins:trance. royli ' • W2l JUNE-, A Kent, 44 Waist ME C= lIIDEDIAITY 2750 Fronkin Yu. Insurance Co. 'of Draw/et;Ain. TlißECTOßß.'—clmrlea N. Baneker, Ilona. Ban, if Tobias Wagner, Samuel Gram, Jacob K tiqnith, tieo2W fUchardr, Mordecai D. Lewis. Adolphe E. Done, David B. Brown, Morris Paneraon. ' . Caen. IV. Baum, President. • auks O. Dapeker, Secretary. Continue to MGM 101111MCG, perpetual or limited, on every description of propeny in town or Country, at rates as low mina consistent with security. To Company bane reserved emerge contintent which witli.thor Capital and Premiums, later tune ekattord anifile protection to the armored. The amens of the company, on AaAnary Ist, lsl9, p e bliebed agreeably to on tif Assembly, were NU. Beal Bsuu Is TeMporarr Louis /Rocha • Cash, de. 111,31N,412 it Some their incoiporttlon, a perlial of 19 yes.; they have paid upwards of one million four hundred tho.- and dollars, looses by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of lasumnce, es well assn We shills) 'end diepoution to meet with promptness liaNlines It 1:U11E1Ni:A Agent,. , marl-lily: OMNI N N cornet Wood and 34 rat INUTIMLINBUILA 2IIOI A I)A , IdADt2lid, Agent at Pittsburgh or the Dela wen Mutual Safety insurance Comnd.T. ll 'hia 4 sdelphia Fintilitles upon buildings und cuerchandue of every description and Marina Rasta open hulls or .cargotra ef upon the moot favorable • ONee in the Wareliease. ot W. D. Holmes Ike, tcima Pio. WM..I, at uhlarket avec; Pittsburgh. N.D.--The merlons of this Company edict, the eats!. Ushmeat of the Allericir In this city, with the prompt. nese and Libera li ty...ill which every claim epos them for leas tan byen adjusted, fully warrant the agent in oinking the cotifidence and patronage of his friends and the ernrunnaity at law in the Delaware n SAO.. ranee Company, whileit has the additional advanias. anlestitotlon among the most donnshing iit Philade l oda,. hoeing an capital, which by the operation of ho charter to constantly Inert ailing en yieldling to each person irmired his due ehire' of the 'pram of the compaay, without Involving him In any winPonsibilny whatever; and therefore as possessing the blatant principle - dive sted of every obnoxioallen • tan, stl4 m its almt attertive form. .v 4 HOTELS ---_—_—FOUNTAIN MOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE soca 11t0 TlthlthThh. ‘ .4 TIIIS establishment long and widely known m being one oldie mast commodious in we city of I Rao/more, has recently andergone very even atm alterations Ind Improvementa. An enure new ,wing has been added, coammiug annie n rout md airy l'l'Reinl.rdi.e77l"4l%rtmsodernaraLbabbeieng e7rnmeetely m'Orlrtht”' and hued u me in unique and mum MI my lc to fact the whate gcnwhi of,thr honor has bees remodeled, wlth a single eye en the part of the propnctont. toward. the comfop and pleasure of m ahe (meats, and which they conldently Rosen will thL u diense comparmn with any Hotel in the Gni,m. Thru table lain Away* be *applied with every rob. al and luxury which the market affords, Reeved up In a anyenor etyle, while In the way of Wines, foe, Whey will not b. turitanuqd • •,9 onclusion Or propnelors begin say, that nothing will be left undo," an their part, and on the part of Men ammtanta, to render this Hotel-worthy the continued patronage of their friends and Molnar!. generally. The pie, for board have elm been reduced la the following rates. Ladies' Ordinary, $1,75 per day. Gentlemen'. " 1,50 N. B The Baggage Wagon of the Hoare will al ways he found et the Car and Braimeabos Landings, which convey baggage to and from the lintel, free .1 [large .hr -41 LABIAIITINIC HOME, uam 07 VOORTH /150 arum IMI!, riltbrilel. THE rabacriber respectrally announce. that he has now opened hie new and excellent Mite/ for the accommodation of traveler. boarders, and the pablie generally. The house and furniture are entirely new, and no pains or einem. have been spared to render it one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in th e city. The subscriber is determined to deserve. and there- Are solicits, a share of public patronage. HOUGH, Proprietor. UNITED STATES IIOTEL; uruurov It, ertyarg POC.B u k71 . , 11 1 :111 STS. in hue Bulk r_ 411 , P . :1 1 13117. M. POPE MITCHELL, " Proprietor. LAW OFFICES. JOUR U. nAri ILI R, cI iTTORNEY .d f'oonsellor at Law, nod Comm.- tipriet for the Kate of Frowsylvor., ilt. Louis; n (lat. of Pittsburgh ) %zoos loc.—Pittsburgh: lion. W. Forward limp t n & hillier, hi'Conilless & idTlure, John V Parke, ssell. & ‘cmple, AlTaril't flog. nugliAty . il. AltilD. I. P 1117.81/11p. BAIRD £ STERRETT, . ATTORNEYS AND FOUNPELLORS A r LAW, Fourth weer, between Putithßehl and'Grunt, •turburg. P. ,n 1.3 /010 11. LAIII4,- Er2=l LARGE. & A TTORN EV6 AT LAW, Foam street, trll6G.trrant.. JA/12 - 644 - IEILICK a A TTORNEY AT LAW —Office on Fourth - lo_, be A. tween ffroithEeld and Grant in, Pinsburril. WA!. TIMIILL'i, ATTORNEY Al' LAW, Bailer, Pa • TIFILL also attend to collections sad all other bun- TV ten entrumest to him in Butler and Armstrong griatillaa, Pa. Relet to J. ts R. Floyd, Liberty et. W. W. Wallace, do James Marsl.ll do _Pittsburgh. dly. Bay t. Co., Wood rt. y lI7SWEITZER, Attorney nt vs, °dice t . oppoette St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh. will nisei nttend promptly to Collections, to ‘Vntungtou. Fayette and Greets counties, Pa. • • • REFER TO • Ell acksiock, 1341 & Co., ") Church & Carothers, )rmslitirsh. . D T. Mont., ) 0,13.11 y J. HENRY. 'Attorney ind Cout - vilest sit Lam, 1.2 b, Cincinnati, Ohio. Codections in E•outf.ers Ohio, and in Indiana, and to Kentucky, promptly and earn. fully attended to. Commissioner for the State of Penn sylvuus, 6r Inking Depositions, neknocrlodummt., Ac. Rum. to—llon. Win. Bell & don, Canis. Church & Cdmdlessi Dar, Esq., Willock/k Dents. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS AILFALL &SILICON FORILATIL mocußD. Co. ad) introdoce this dariM, tUutroday, Au; nth,) the tun style Gentuneenn Wilt cantor of Fah nod Wood prat" sureil II'CORD6 CO, it(Succesrs to &Peon; & Kbuy) Ww•hleinablat Ilatt•Ow Corpses of irscsa soul — On S r 'gror44. PARTICIILAR ntlenuen runt to on: Rota , Trade. Ocoderuen cat rely upon got ug their Itsa and Cap. from our ertoaraortit of :hes toorradsio snit teassuinnur. of the hursairrstics, it as the tireio” 111X31., 011111107 Merchants, poresaaltue y whams's, ors respectfully Invited to call cod ex a oar Saul, as we tan say with en:dads:we that s regard, ncnurr t ot . r/tflkwlll , ;t:Lssafror to a col parison, at CALIFORNIA OATS—I 2 dos . vracr proof Cultiornist Hsu, just received and fey sale by JS 'CORD & teb27 fOrll[r tt and Wood as SPR ING FM5111038 FOREL:HUI. itACCORD & Co. will introduce on Sul., day, Starch 31EGie Spring style of Those in want of a neat and aupe.nor hat, are mei& to call at darner of MA and Wood streets. Malt TILING GUNNKT 11111BONS. Sn tV If Garphy Shas now open a seppty of opting Bonnet Gibbose, tan,. soil /121141 Some style, /Lbw, new style fig'd time; Lode Lore, 3.E.,1 Edg ing, Eisen Edgings; Victoria do'; plaid Muslin, and Jocund ~ cnabroidtwed Swiss Muslin,, Lc., to eides inrge astortment of Spring Goods generally, or north cast corner 4th and !Harlot streets Wnoleutle ROOM, ap Mire. PLO FORWARDING . & COM AtISSIU N. S. TIM X SILL S • TIJAIIT & SILL, Grocers. and shd Co. mission Merchants, No. 110 Wood st. Pdt•liorgh Desicnos Ci,o. ones, Floor, Whoa , R, e, Oats, tarn, Sacco, Port, Macon. !lithos. Lard, Clieeftc, Clo,er, 'Timothy and Fin Seeds, Iron. Nitilft; Grafts, the &e. Vsotleolaz aseasoa sold to the sale ot Western Voodoos. Monsoon—Messoo. Myer. & Roarer, Rost Jelr dt Co., Al Odls k Roe, 'tampion, Smith N. Co., King & ALhorhead, SiiiiOurgh. Fenner lilasodlons. Jos S. Morrison, C. 0., St. 51 , hjilp 1011 n S. m . um, DM of N. Lotion, u w e se CRAIG a. SKINNER, CIENF:RAI. Ave-N.:Y. emmt.mon and Foram...l- U leg Merchants No. :a Starlet at , Pittsburgh. l's IL , Prompt aneution gi sea to the purcbuc and sale of of kinds of Priducti. Kern to—John Wait it Co, Musphy, Wilson it Co Pittsourgh, Pa.; Lawson 0.. 11111, Atahlon Nano, Wllinnile, 04 John 11. Brown Co , Unrg, Innott Co. Philadelphia, B. W. Siloilgruis Atm, ran Nemo, New Lisbon, IJ Fr. gaudier, Boa C. D. Co , ,,ffi ohm:tenon, J. P Keller, Youngstown, O, W l• Snln. dolt Cleveland, 0 turgl_ 01.0110 E COCIIII N. Commission and Fora .sell a Slierelsamit. 4/0 , ../9 n, eirrase on, / ioNTIN UES to transact • general msnission brow nin, espcnitilly in th e purchase sale of Amen. can Manufactores and Produce. and inreceiving and forwarding Bonds corangued to ins ca c As Agent fot the Manufactures, he will be comas, dy supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburghanufacinre at the lowest wholesale prices. Orden. d constant/wide ate tespecn/ally solicited. ni7 -•-- - lennßaolsine Bh p. LT WIGIITMAN—M.T.fsvmer fall kinds of cot. too and woollen tanchinery heny city, Pa The above works being now in lal , l soceesrtal a". eranoinl am prepared to cachet , or. C. with dispatch for nil kidsmachinery nof machine in 'ell:he, feet as a"illows, pickers, spreaders, cards, aunt Mg !as. inner, radurave, drawing Daniel, speeders, Nacelle, loon., woolen card., doable or single, for ritcrebmiter cannon' work, males,jacks, tee.; slide and band latlicsprid tools in gen. eral. All kAuds of 'nailing Mode to Ord.', or plane giv en for gearing factories or mills at red...BMW charge. atom To—Kennedy, Childs I CO., Blaokstock, Bell fr. Co., King, Pennock Je Co., Jas. A s Gray. ----idolacaltelLs. Livery likable. - ROBtIEtT 11. PATI'fiIIf.SUN hemopened bat, the :urge stable an Sm. ofilrunning thrnugh cond., between Wood and Smithfield SPA m % us . :,in the rent of me kimiongahola I louse, with an entirely new stock of IlokariOand Carriages of the heat quality and latent styling. limas , kept et bee- Ty In she Lent wanner. iy,filly ~ ..,_.—_ 1 . ' .. p 1 10 r=4 .` 11 t,qf the ries r' lsek, A. M., mid It P. .11. 'boilers ow. :he leaves b`oll. GILMEN WOOD • ••••••.- The 111.110 boat runs from the of Liberty street, t n—leavarg at the beginning ,n each hoar anti .ty rely on Undlog the boat at the MTh Gorden, thn lam up trip, at 10 .1 e w...0n fast advancing, al and this delightful retreat, now is I fe w hours, not to the smoke nod rltu pure atmosphere, perfumed oral flowers. MI kinds of refreshments, exceptOoaleating drinke, am kept au Me prmniars. use Plan, an d 130{{q.,4 of choice Dowers for Weer m Plants, sal Closed on Sun day_ I yatt 1 klEdt AVKAIN. A(- -Cbanate of landing made oo 141 01111/ of low too cr. RENO • ... . .. - - 404 AL. taco Et.auLTENnEamscu. K. IL /ENT, oduen Met. Forwarding an omm chant, has removed to No. a; l'ro A between %,/ and Smithfield streets. 1., 4 . 1/ k; ha v, some l'firltlt•tt, mad on an uutornved Y plait, ro es not to (recce In ie coldest weather. Permian alumna such articles, ar . invited to call and are them at SCAIFE. ter ATKINSON'S, malt.h . Ist, between ion' Market ins .. _ . . • • 81,017 438 41 • • 94 7 , 1 83 pa,2tl 1 83 • 61, SS ae,es4 Steam Be lick War kator dales fr IlEaubscriber offen for eale, tl e STEAM BRICK 1. WidlthS, above Loos:x.oode, cutup/stag a Steam Egigine,2 Moiler, 0 bald Moo Moot oope , k of manufacturnig WSW rreered Hooka tout of dry clay, as taken front the bank,) per day, with three acres uf Ind (lathe Anegheny river, on which arc I kilns and sheds machine and clay abed. so meiberrotve, trucks, shovels, spades, &a, every thin resin:dm to coos taxmen opera thins at an hours limb , c. Prlce. including the patent right to use said much, 0, 91,000—terms of payment mime easy. Without th land, SMUt. p ar puileuters, address HEN tY maaturr, augaishf No -ltd 11 ininguhrlit House. BELL. AND DILASIN OlllO DILIrs - aA FULTON, Hell .d It ea Founder, has re liant and commenced bush Can Mae old eland, where be will be pleased see his old enstoth. cm and friends. Chnrch,Stentahoilowd Bells o every rise, from to to WAD) pounds, coat from patter • of the most ripprov• ed models, and warranted to be o the best materials. Mineral Water Parops,Counter , Ruling, ha, gage , ther with every tie Brass amino., II requited, rotted and fi nished in neatest sinne r. A. W. is the sole proprietor of arc's toral-Arrao nod Mow., so pad, celebrated or the reduction of friction in machinery. Tho 110 es and Gomytaition can be had of lam at all times. Jtt DRINTINCi PA PER - --doOar a am o . Of 17rintIn sod .1. Nook Paper, .s a d urior muck , . Avsorted uses 00 band. Any size mto order at shortest noose. so* 6 C WILL, Cl Wood at rff§tMtrIFAIW,SDAY IsIORNINc4. ISrOYEMBEI. qB, 1849. COPARTNERSHIPS. IPS h I IIat " C t OT.IA f T P t 41 . 3:11 ' hcrko. Li fore existute ender Ore tulle of RU RFIELD LEADFIfLhas been distoleed by Rehr) , .entler hut enure Internet in 494 Gm to tigitulleGill. All barium, connected .wittt the Ertu of lihrblleld 2 r- 14,0 er trill be seated by S. B. Iturbaeld & DC: who are ditty anthorired to make all eolleetiontt trld of tort all cleans. DUSHFIELD & LEADER. 1 1 tudturgh, Oct. 27, 1249. • N.' 11.—S. 11. 61...$11FIELD k CD. will Continuo tbe holerrt , e nod retyil Dry Gordis and Grocery be sinew, the old store room, So. 2. , 0 Liberty et, where they 111 be pleasid to hare their Trienh rind customers WI end examine their stock of good.. 00131 S LIUbIIFIELD re CO. Mesons.. T":iPr.L7e . "l:9"kin . th r e u fi uTi cosseta on Ln Y ttepte m innier: v er. tea * c " ale ' y purchasing the interest oft, R. Sawn, who retiree. Ter business of the 'firm wilt Lt e sealed b their euccessors, Wm. litegalcry IS Co., stNos.l6 and .20Wood WILLIAM lIARALF.V, Pittsburgh, Oet. e, , 16. ISAAC It. SMITIL CO-PARTNF:RSIIIP.—Wm BegaleY hawing cimied 'with htm Wm. 11. Woodward of Phtmdelphts, Joan S. Cradmoe and Ralph Ussraley of PitthLurgh, will continue the Whnle.leGrocco . LluslarMhnt No. 18 and PM Wood et, under the firm of . WM. BAOALEV A. CO. Pittchurgh; and RAOALEV, WOODWARD & CO., Mad'. 0019 Dineigutlorn-or Co.P.rtn•rshlp . I , HE empurmership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the style of Proems & Culbert. .n, was &volved on the lit 11.- by mutual eut.sent. M. IL BROWN, Pittsburgh, Oct. 5, 10349. A. Ctill.likiliTßON. The subscriber mill continue the Wholesale Groce ry and Ccuirol.sion Ka/duels, as heretofore, at the old stand, 113 Liberty yr. A. CUI.RS.IfTSO2I_ VirKLOIt £ B&1111/i1lac 'i P norrtit:Totts. OF TOE PITYSBUROIIALKALI WORKS, are nom prepared to furnish a kurieetor article of Soda A.h and Slurbstle Arid. Persons 'wish; in to parelume either or he aboee article., ate rm golfed to mai on ISAAC WALKSR, No. la Fifth oh, and examine the article* before purchaang ememhere. • N.B.—The Soda Ash ,nanufociured at telt establish. men. is g,omlp superior to any other breach{ to Mil market. optl WAIVE & ATKINSON, i Jun., nerwitel WOOD allo Almon., Vann - act, mo.nolocroev dl kinds of COPPER. V TIN AND SHEET IRON WART Al.o, R&ok smith Work. Steam Seat. built m order. . • . Special attention ;wen to steam boat Wort. Have on hands a Sue assortment Dreamier and Kra.. Kettles, Tin Ware,le. le. Steamboat Cooking Slopes, Portable Porges. ear il.— very convenient lt• tele for steamboatu, California et:nip-outs, or roll road compoillea Wo would respectfully invite meant boat men and others to coil and tee our articles and prices before purebaltine ebuorhere. . - Dluolatfonof Partnoreilaips MBE eapartneeship of HENRY HANNEN & CO.. toroterly 1/nonen, htuller k Co., in the Window 'd Colored Glow , business, Is this day dosotred by the vnthdratral of Mr. Fredenek blotter. The business wilt be condoned N by the ondersinned, under the firm of HENRY lIANEN Wan , house No. 100 Fecond st, wbrre <re wtll t-- supplies ofouperior Window' l ee.. JOH MasN Ilb NNEN. HENRI' NAN tiF:N. HUGH ROBERTSON, Paishafgh. Aug. 97, 49. HENRY UNISTEAD. Copartnership. tame the business is betetedare. under the hem of B. A. FAIINESTOCK ACC. July 2. Ibits. IYI3 . . Tll o ßjar a tnjl i htp har l fol: , z.ittot: d under ticemrr of C Bradley. Luau... will Le s, ae on by A. Bradley, who will •ettle We Lassoe of tbe Into ann. REMOVAL —A. Baaraxr.has ten:Loved his Foundry Warehouse from No. 114 S,COIIII streei. to No.lo Wood street, between First and Broom! streets, .0 the wse lately occuptctl by V, A. Berry, wherelfr Cull keep constantly on hand a general lt Cutings. Grates. Stoves. Cookie; Stover. Ike. jyll Dlaholatlon. eoltannerslup eytehtdir between Ote outivertbeto. m the ho.ate of Conetable, Berke h Co., le thin day dissolved by mutant cottretd. Moser. Burke thanes tvOl settle the lomat*. of th ...n -eer, for 'which purpore they ate autbor....l to oot thr name of the conrern. Al II ANIEL. MX, FlthlUND UURKF., TIIO3IA9I3MLNEte.. The undersigned here this day seroeisted they've:Ter to .I.e name of 111.:RKE a LIAILSP-n, tot the porpose of ebytufstettosite Fire Proof Saler, Tull Doors, at. he_ to the rayed of the late Gob of Constable, Ibid. et. Co, where they wth i.e { , t .d to receive the par trostarte at the cur tooter* of that house and their foes& EDMUND BURIN, 1110 MAS nAIINES. In retiring from the firm of Canso,.le, Burke & I with eincere pleuare recommend ?desert. Berke A Unreel to the confidence of nay (moils and toe pabl,c, rett. 9, It-19. 14.11'11A NIEL LIJNSTO.BLE. lent]-411 missirTii.iNfoliF. ---- martneranty of MURPHY at 1.IFI1: It thla dq olumulved by mutual ea: annt TDB batine-s et lien ate firm will he settled M. Ise. J. R. M111.7R1•11V, l'ittahurgh, Jan. 30, /rig. 11. LEX. NOTICE—The andcrurned will COl.l. Lbr XV. bnut:cas and attend to the nth o ViswitaLeocth.. the old stied. 11. LIZ., In rturutr fron.the art * Murphy h Lt-r..1.1t Cni plcaauro ot rv - comm vlding 1h it. olt4denec of toy fric , do nand thc rittOur,h Jar. :NI, 1,49. 1 R..MURPILY - 00-Pi lITNEHISInif; . • . • ._ . TN.R. OCAIFE and Capt. JAM ATKINAhN have entered into ttertrierthip, under the firm of SCA WE & ATKINSON. and trill carry on the Tin, Copper, and :Maid Iron Ware entoulattory. Alto, Lilackendthista 113 it, brar.ehett at the o:d stand of Wm ft ScadchFirst curet, near Wood. Particular •ttennott amen to etc.:dent work. ocut . • - 11TAWk - ita; .61.fiTii — ,. , ;T;ri.1.- 1. osie Grocery. rirthilif, lishlCornnussann hasirer 4 , ti oilier Jr seph. ander he brutal J $ LH I.WOII (I a. Co J. S. DrI.AVOUTII. 1 nary 1,1,49 110nPkitTLY ICIISHIP—Wm. Voting haring in l_J thy impel/veil with tans, John FL n. ihe to they business will hereafter he conducted underr to fine .11We. Voting & Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, inns JNU. R. 211'CUNFI M ISCELLANEOUS. ItOllll6T A. CI'NNINGHAAI Aar removed to No 6 Commercial Pow. bou.e lorno.n) n.currilby tn. Ontua, born to ore b.. Inendo . JOHN H. IPC/Oda RV, Printout Jut Illimisfseiarer, No, 3:1I and:WS:at:ton street. NEW YORK—De pot . No. 3 Sprat, crect—Woald cell the attentorri of tender, to his Impr..vcd law:tine Ink* of yarn , o* kind , : and order., at the tollithaing prier!: Eon hoe Jet Bract, for Card and Ward I' ne C illk Ink - . - . 7, r, ,T. ~, ?,„ p "•? . I si k - - - 010 r: 09 , '' N vr,. Ink - • 0 0 0 20 " OPd - Fnn Red Ink • 73e I la: 130 o 2io Li oer rd , O., Green and White 73e 100 I 511 ~ ill ii Wad a' $2 per lb, and Bronze at 50, 75 cis and 64 per or. irt epecimen of News Ink cut be seen on thin paper. FOt sale by JO/INKtON it STOCKTON. Pittsburgh, Pr. . . . . C. Norf. k Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton a Gal./01116. LooWyllie, Ky. otalhdeat ORO:1S put reeld'from the Phtladeiphis r•CID11, on excellent article for rendering Iktote and Shoos ip7rfoctly orator proof, and @oft as n piece of cloth. ne appltcallon Of thin Pane IS Sufficient to mile thew tritperelone to water for two month.; and la a perfect ptewnl gl ative from the leather crooking. Vold hole• sale and retail at No. 5 Word it. ,00t19 J. a 11.4.1111.L1r5. ,•-.-.:__.- . _ _ -• JA/11.1Zil 'W. WoiltiNNEffil;, 9 odern and Anilque Furniture, e. 3, TllllO Sr.., Prrosekno. A ge and splendid , - • o ‘ir c itable of Fu me d id . ..14.....Y1 imbior for Steamboata, v ..'-:- . .e' liotele and private damn lie.. emmtenny on hand and made to order. ;The present stock on hand cannot be; acceded by any mantractore ln the western country.' Person. wishing to purchase would do well to glee me a. call, ea I am determined my priced shall Rican. Part of the mock consists 111— /Tete el Tete; Gullet Etagele; • ILoals XIV Chairs; Queen Elisnbeth choice; Tea ray.; Fruit Thuile.; Toilet Tables; Inuit XV Commode,. French Alnhogony Bedsteads; Piano Stools; 50 sofas with Plush and Hair-cloth censor • Grb Mahogany liftektng . Chairs; MI don Parlor do 30 -" Fleecy do Ca' eentre Tables; MI part [Avenel 4 pair pier Tables; IS marble top Greasing Bureau, 8 Wardrobe..' ri Secretion. and Gook eases; O. marble top Wash Stands; 4 pair Ottomans; t pair fancy Wort Stand.: - A verry.large .aortment of eon:noon chairs and other furniture too numerous to mention. irr Steam ports itittliFts•td on the ahornot nonce. and on the moat reasonable terms. deeta DIII4IIIIItIPLI Itilto, for Flydraiet W•fer. TIIIB is to certify that I kar t ,,,, ..-....-: .tle'..iireirart:"(cfr4Tet4 rile g er:le t h e ae'. ''R . R - , Patent Diaprabon Filter, for cif 1 nes of Pittsburgh mol Allegheny. /GUN GIBSON, Agent, (or Walter AI Gibson, 340 Broadway N. PI Oat. If, 1841' We hove neon toting one of th e ebo ve minks at Ms oiler of the Novelty Works foe three onn oral, mid feel perfectly safied that it it a ueeful invention, and we take pleasure tis In recommending them as a u.; fui onsets to all who lore pure water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly elecuted.. , 0, 7 ~..„„q.5.,,iN..,i1,61,7, Ano Bevereible liniteiluel cock,' Fort I. G RlFllivti WATER, Which readers turbid waterpure by ....4 atom te r iri nf r al o e r u a t . : r lt n a w n c a e . e r n ci o t w i tttl o e r i k . (..). r although cleat and pate tD the eye, yet ; when it p.m. an hour through rho ,' Altering cock, 'haws a large deposit - impure acbstances;worme, Zee. Thu is the ea. more or le. with all hydrant water. • The Reversible Fllterer Is neat add durable, and Is not attended with the inconvenience incident to other Filtmore, es It a alenneed without beinr to from the moor ipe, by merely. turrnnor the - key °timed]. from one ado the °Met. By Up s easy proem., Ws course of water Is chusged, and all accumulations It Impure substance , are doe. otr Utmost Watt:llly, without •narrewing the. FULD, It afro posseesee the advent or being 6 mop wet, and en each in moo ens. will be very convendent red eniciermeid. Roan be attached where there Jg any prevent. hie or low to a cask, oak, Idler iee- .. 1, ease.' • , ro be bad of tli gal. Az L ..., •W. WILSON oe ' tp - ,'-'' ' comer °yew. and' Merlon g... Ono< w.lon • 11111 C 10 .{rend 1 0i Use city, loan ho !naval ro o -For talltorrala. T its celebrated Bawd }Lida Piped., La Item ball g"77 17L'r V6Noalo,77weed IMMIX! KM=II EMUM2= MISCELLANEOUS Chocolate, . ColOtr• £0.., W. Baker's American and Fro &Chocolate,. Prepay ' ed Cocoa, Cocoa. Paste, 13 ro 3, Cocoa Sheila, &. To merchants and constuniri; wo•woald parekoise We best pro - deed irf Cosok free from ItOolteranati, more nut:einem. Hunt= or co e, sod is qtraliTY ay."'parsed, parsed, the rabscriber recommends dm, above articles, It mtmitfoctored by himself. and alarnrie evl 'Ms name. His Brows and Cocoa - Pastel* delicit paldtable, and sideway drink. for itiealtds, , cony a scents, others, see pronounced bythe most dmin t physical:is vHDeHor to any other timParations. Ms ttnanclAirel , ore always oo male, in any" quantity, b the most no spectatilis grocers in the eastern meet, and by their aventi:lta eves, Cray fr. eti., of Boston; 1 1.11 Bence & en, Hartford, Conn, Hauer & Warn , New York; Omni A. Stone, Philadelia;•Tnomas V Ho ndine,Bal, tirnore; and Keilme A. Bennint,Oinvinn ',Ohio. • WALTEFt BAKER, .I)orch Her Slaw. Per sale by rinvill EIAGALEV SMITH. Ara - Wrought road Glatt Iron rptr. subscriber. beg leave to Inform the public 'tar I they have obtained from 'the Mutt all the late and • artdonable dergna for Iron Railing, both for hours And renteterler Prod. wicking to procure hand patter. will please rail and town., and judge for themselvet Ratting will he (crumbed at the short en notice, and in the beat manner, at the earner of Craig andatheeelt•treett,Alli.,thedY auehrl-dtf A. LAtIONT & KNOX. W. is. .1. BLESS, Book Binder.. tuti ull unbiased in the above busineu, corner VV Or Wood eiid lliwil arsons Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do .op wort in our hue with doe- Wesittend to our work pewonelly, end salts. faction will be given in regard to its neatuese end du. ~ ti Munk Books ruled to tiny petters, end Mend sub• ..tantirdly. Beaks in numbers torah, books bound cane, fully or repaired. Diemes pot on books in gilt Letters_ Those , that horn work in our lino an invited to cell. Price. mytAktf NOTICE. ItAPING sold our entire stock to C. li. Coca, with a view to cloung our old hu•ieeoe, we hereby so. it for him the patronage of all oar friend. sod em. 1.01.114 Pittsburgh, Aug. 4th, 1.94 a. C. GRANT, Maolenalo Grocer, Commission and s Forwarding Me reliant-No:4i Winer se ante - _ Beal.' 'Cooking )3toron, Orates, is.. "Rff n RSRALL, Wal.l.aCCA CO„ Round Church, corner Liberty and Wood streets, manufacture and after fur race Pintform, Floor and Counter' Seidel, of the moetimproVedricatityi Cankinatturrea (or wood and cool; Egg Stover of various 114.0, Parlor and centscon Grates, Hollow Ware. fr.c. de. They Idea manufacture the Kitchell' Ritnge,which has given eh general satitfaction to those hating It In use, to all el which they wou:d relpeettlilly done the attention of the ciureus and the public generally. -0cc,17.4t1 N ii ? 'l P i'ATt lf b'ib 7l call ention o the city re s 1 ' deniers generally, to the Mowing brands Tobaccos, sin store end in arrive, which being eon/dam:tenta dr sect from manufacturer*, he is enabled to sell Al Call ern prier.: 131111 biz M W Crenalum Gs; 1.1 I ". James Mattison 5 .; Sr; TI I " MiraMou ' So; 23 1 "Potroom As and Is; UT n Roberts & ss; 6 6 Oscar IT% Ss; .4 0 /obits Ir. Lewis Is; • 3 Warwsek,' sops Is; Id 1 " tc lames at Is ands; febll 4 8 WATERMAM. Pitt Maehtn• Woh.ka and 'Finandrys tormentr, PA. TWIN WRUTITT & Co., *.re prepared to build Cotton V and Woolen Machinery of ever' , descriPsiaa, ."eh' as Cutlini &Dubin% :roams Frunes, Speeders ratin Dog Frames,Malian Mends, Wrs arpe,Spoolcrs, Dressing Framer, Istoins, ardannderv, do. Wrought Iron Shaftine mined. vll .ices of Cast Iron, Fallen and Hangers of the latoei bauerae slide and band Walters, and bats orall kindd. Ca.stinga of every dcacriptaros ron•islisd. mt.bortoouee. Pasterns made to order for Mdl Gearing, Iron Hailing, Sc. ?tram ripe foe heat nig Factories, Cass Iron Window Stub and Amoy Cas tings generally. 'Orders' left at the %Tanana. of J. Palmer & Co., Liberty stress will have prompt ante bon. . . Refer us illsokrusa, hell & Cu., J. Moorchend Co., ti. E. Warns', Ions; Irwin & Sous, Pllisiburgo; ILL C. ,t J. IL Wiimcs,Lltenl.r.nvitin fault SIGW COACH FACTORY, .01£0r11.1. A,,,w,211,r, betwee Veilemlll .1 y etieria Tee n y t oo nownanling and am prep.. to teem. oiders for every description of .meek., Coaches:C.lloV., leo allyiPcs in ae., tie, welch from Shell caloric:me in ins. intotneurtuni of the oboes wort. and . the nonlittra they ht.. they feel rourslent they are enabled to do work on the moo reasonable terms with test wonting antelcs la their brie. PSYMI partirMar attention to the select]. of,mate riaia, and barmy none bat competent workmen they bate no hesitation towammting their work. We tiretefare ask Me alicutiOn of the public to this maitre. Ilsynotegdone in the best manner. and on the most reasoner. terms. op) corfoN AND, ,AVUOLEN SlANCF1&11.1: ILERS.-IJustne nude Ittren,msnents fora eon r . Lant supply of FACTORY FlPilllisatet, we will tell at :n. places Calf arid Sion9p [lnfer Sttns, Leen Les thee, Pteters. Reeds, Sauttles, Hemp Toritte Treadles' Pro. 5.15 Belt Panches, SYntarhes• 14 1oPP0 0 0 Caul. la &a lb to; Patent Dresser Brushes, Wesvers Brush. sac-Ac. LOBAN, WILSON k CO., tuyi It 9 Woe street. IBusburatt. URN' LNES-41 — &ey, Webber it Forrester, POI• 1 - Pure neh dud etry troold. Campbell ft tha's old dry Bete ',thrones e. 31, Purnlo4lo Punt Jute° pits• uvular Port. Barns Boos t &Pure Jame, threhle, door We sad smelt Chapel, Thse oriom are .1 etleture. ml..ltaylissstemeOleal properties. end eta he had track auk or retail the WU. titare 11? JACOB WEAVER. Jr • we glut sainertiter offera rov a large and aplend,l assortmeur of rosewoOd and Iniiirsgany rrand At. uon Pisan, tmth tttai. wattool Co:soarer celebrated rEoltanattaruatent Tar shore instrument. aromas. ranted t,. be equal to any manufactured in this roan. try, and will be sold lower tha- any brought from the East ' FAILI:111.', No lit woo d st 24 door above Sth MMMW!MM --- Ilardwar.—Chroper Chau Ever! Le()GAN, A. CO., Importer" and Wholesale to Hardware. Cutlery and !Saddlery, No P.e.s Wood Altrel, above Fob, haverwar h sore a very cheap and well 'elected mock of Ilanlwara, truponed wore the decline of tweet o klarope, and wWelt tl.rt e dew ...A to K"tormato.oltunly low. Merthera who have peen to the habit ofgoing Yiat, ate partlce. tatty requested to cell and loot "Yroogn_ oar moot, as rooPtdently Geneve they Will sareVbbir expos/era °et% WANTED, I %All.) . ra the BALTIMORE., IJ NEW YOKE KOS lON AND rikiW ORLEANS LNINIA raill:NCY ANDCMIIMISSION OFFICE 1 ming whom-ale and retail hoot. and other re.peemblo Hittites', to act Sc Llook , keepetia, Salem men, Yorter., Ilmr-lieepers, %Yantis, Farmer. Coach.. then, rm. Agenta Book and Map Aganu, Col:retort, Overseer. In all branches of 'moats., to. Wc have at all WOG+ a ;mac number of rival vituationa uu fend, p a y i n ,. szotai par anoutn. Thom 111 warn at ...Waon/ Many kind would do well to gilt 11. • call, as tie have agetta to each of them 'one m ile., Which will cua4M a. to place every applicant to • suitable .amtiton at the ahorte.t notice. ‘Nre hove a mess in all the al named cams, wweb we trust will rant/ca. gme oott re Wan to all who may favor tae with call. TAYLOR A. TA Y M AN, No aSecond .1., Litt vrocri Smith and rimy. IC II —Pet•nn• Iliinc-many part of the 11. State!, and whining to obtain a situation la BUltlglOrt, 01. WC, ot Ms above murk, will have their want. it attended to by addre•str.,r U. a line,ipoet-paol a• 11 so dame they will curtail both trouble and CO. pram, which they otherwise would Incur 47 coming to the City, and necking employ:nem tor tlicamelsca Addrcas, TAI Lotto TAYMAN, Pr 0.51. Remind street. Baltimore, Itid ' Dr. Pie Lane In Troammaea. 'HID Is tocerufy, that I purchased ono moist Dr. I MaLane+ Worm t‘pectfie, some two moturs ago tud gate to n tun of,mble, some seven yearo od. two .ocurpoont fulL and although the anumat 007 ofpear org., 7.1 1 have no doubt but More swat upwards of TWO moms. manse passed Odra - Ma, Mcasurrop Tom me master of an meh to two incites tong. O W HOLLIDAY. _Routsworune.. Carrel on Tenn.eDee LI. laty 1041 BEN N ETT A. BROTHER.; LIFLENhIWARE MAN LTAL7III HERS. Birmingham, tracerr it.tttsburribsjPss. Wood:owe, No. 137, Wood sired, Pittsburgh. WILL constantly k cep ou hand a good *won 7 [4Olll Or Oi mei or our men manufacture, nod • suponotqaulny. Wholosale nnd country as hler chants are respectfully nailed to cull d sal ammo for themsolros, an we are determined to tell cheaper than hes aver heare boon offered to the pub ”c. 0". Orders scull , lasi I, acernapented by tho...tabor rofe,cner wilt to, prnmptiv attended to mild rrerived, a full mtm/ttmon of gold and 'door 'reread, Curd and Ilraldi •lats !Mangles and Bullion, for embroidering and other or munental work. Also, gold and taleerTasne/s Fringe sod Lace. Jewelry of dm latut faslttons, In great vartety. Watches of suportot quality and bentinful proterna, awl for sale at Bastero irices. IV Wild.:4; tow; gluonr klarket and Fourth su ISATIIIPII3 MEN I'—Open from 6A. 11. to II P. SI. :stogie • !lath as emits, orb for I uollar. Ladle. department open from V to IL A. 61. and front stn 6 P. Al. The Refreshment Saloons m unequalled to style attendance. itrehernhe lea creams! TILE AilklohllETWkl; r nuentlnn attic public is reipeetrutiy celled to the tolloVring 00nd:cutest Ai. S. Idaite.%—jMoving tested quantity of I:old wattled by your Amon:leder, I fittd. the reiult proves t o our Instmment correct; end recommend the tive vf it tease going to California, no the best rr.ethed far °b tu:tic:a tbe reel value of Gold Heap:yours, J.ll. DIINLEVI, Gold Beater. usburgh, March 9,1612. Paßtergatt, March 7, 11119... It.. Castles—Dear Sir. Having esamlneAthe "Arco• toott.." manufactured at your rooms, I do notrheintate to commend st to the ate of e gentlemen Who In about removing to Californi ansearch of Hold. It gives a closcapproximmlim to the•specifie grail ty to ;octant, anti ortil certainly enable tho alcorlain when his ;Lacer to yieldlng Gold. toorl2 yoort, resp'y. 1. R. SPCLINTOCR IRILHA RUIIHER the California Expeditton, • a complete easonment of Dem Wee. Clalung, at price. rouging_ from MAO to BII.LO for auk of coat, pone aud hat. For Bale at the India Rubber Depot, No 3 Wood at. J fr. II PHILLIPS ==M . . . Ll A LNA, NAHNEttIi,TRUNIC AND WHIP MAN UFACTuRY.—The sublicrilmr takes this method of informing task - lends end the public in general ling be has the largest stock of the following named arti cles of Ms own numnfacture m this any —hub/ lc s, ness,'Yroults and Whips, all of which he will warrant no be made of dm beg materiel end by the best mach , onion in Allegheny county. Mciagdatcrotined to .ell ta. manufactures something 1611• Cf than kris been Imre tofore sold by any similar establishment In die city, 'he would invite perm. in need of theraboan named -articles to his - warehouse, N 0.244 Libeity gram, oppo , con Beneath. Also, beads madi to order for machine "' G. KEKHY. tad 121ILL:t OP EXCHANGE, pay .. u 6 ... .tge on i , Cl . l2llna n . th ildal .b c t l e lte and. St Loam, par 446 N..1101.X.E8 i BONL MISCELLANEOUS. 040 . Au & Shoes. - . A SPLENDID usortmernjut received; suitable for lit the Fall mul-Win Trade. consisting . ean of AUSSEV AND CHILD. RtLIPS WARE, or &relic_ mint,' and style, imd at prices td gull tire bulge. Thane , witrhicee pareloaae, wholesale 'or retail, - will - find it to thew advautage . to glee tee call and exbraine for themselves. • Timm& SCOT,. nail] earner Fourth and Smithfield sm. irj - Dooi forget the place. • - 111 . 111 - IMITT - C HP311.0 AL W KITING FLUID—We /A.A. retommend Ribbon's Writing £laid-to the rat, *age ot the- public: from fire; tato entr,lis 1.01 re.' sports. It Rows free the pen without cloying It trf4and In the wane of a few hours 'becomes a deep bright black. vika linoln & Son, A. Faineant ki - Co., Robert Moore, Mclanewan& Douglas, • We & 111cent:idles', John Parker,, S. Wightman & Co, Franck !fellers, . C. A. MoAmiltv k. Co. 'For sale (together with HibberVe Red and higehlue Cep)! Inks) by EC Patineetack & Co 4 Henry P. Allegtteny , City, and the manufacturer, THOS. R. HIBBCRT, Druggist I Creratin, ,tort-ti.tar • car Liberty and Smithfield Os SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, F N MOSIMI I I Z 3VILDINSI, ST. CLAIR STISILET, Iq.TTSIIIIIIOII, lug LVfl zrrtratan 1.11. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And is now receiving a fine awortmest of CLOTIIS, CASSIMERIN AND VINITINGB, OF THE HEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES Which he Li prepared to make to orde' INTIM BEST AIANISTELL And in the Latest Fashions. Oct Id SACKING FLANNELS—W. R Murphy ha. now open a great variety of styles for Indica', Miser.' nod CntildvenW Backs, tocluding black and blank grey for Mourning Also: Rik:NCR MERINOS, of all the leading colon, such as Cherry, Cranson, Scarlet and Maroon; different .hides co green and drab; Macs of al quinines. Also: CASII SI ERRS AND COBURG'S, of briatanud plant' suit all to des. and at lowest cash priers. The parucedar attention of burets Is asked tonic ( which luoludu a great Loony styles of Goods that are Wholesale Rooms up inn.. noon . . . PRICES 11.5213110ZL1. BURR 211L,L, STONES, =arum. red in Prance, composed of but few Blocks and solid oyes—a large amen mandeet, at the best of the kind,rice 'al s. ways on h greatly reduced p ALSO—Frerseh Burr Mill Stones of my own manufacture, made of • new and 614K...hi1t quality - of Blocks. Thew Burrs are made under my own superb,. tendance, and m great care Is taken to make the jtants slow, and to base all the blocks in aortl stone of a smite= temper, they are warranted to be of the very best quality, superior to thorn imported from Fralcm and also superior to thert mass of those made in this country, and at pdees lower than have ever before been offered In that market. Laurel 11111 Mill Stones, all scam Bolting Cloths, all numbers; of the beet nasally, war ranted to give satisfaction to the purchaser, and at greatly reduced prices. MITI Spindles, Milt Irons, • Screws and Picks, Plat. tom Seale. Corn and Cob Grinder; Grist and Sew Mill Gaming, of all kind., mdAlill Famishing in gen .. • All orders promptly attended ID at 214 and 246 Lib erty .tree: near the Canal, Pmsburgh- - • my3l2:66en W. W. WALLACE. Plate/meg b Stearin Marble Works. VV. 1144 I.ILIERTY, opposite Smithfield street.— 11 Marble Mend., Mettoments,Toroba,Table Tops, te, large variety of the most beautiful Mod, made of the boost q.ality of foreign and domeatie marble, always on band or made to order, by the aid of ma e hint ry, *honest notice and at the lowest price. N. ll.,—Thre Gauntry Trade furnished with all rinds of Marble Mille Moon rates. All orden promptly traded to at MI Liberty, opposite Smithfield tn. mikellho W W WALLACE • LILL'S Porta Do. or French Harr MA CHINO Ile beat article of the kind In uor they run lirlorders fas, do she work well, and wilebtst life ume. Shoot Meet them are in rise, In the best souls to the liGnarf, and we ha y tbe strorgest over many of eowythest persons as thew otpenority over •ll other Seri Muthines. Feb further particulars, ad d trio the sabMmber at 444 Liberty at ?hob umh. rity3lbilba W WALLACE TEAM E.24riaNk.73 iiNDADILAS—Far wr S and ether atilt, %lotto en head, or made to order very short memo and at the lowest prices. All or. dem promptly attended to at 244 Liberty street near the Lima/. my3r W W WALLACE P 10 — CASTER VAlllS—Foiland, and other' cep alwaye on hand at 414 Libeny st. inyTl W W WALLACE lIIiN.MENT:—.4dway on hand. m tit Liberty I. roy3o W W WALLACE G Rail d r . ra i t: „ . y ll . 6l4:l ,.. . l l grin., Moray. on • my3o W W WALLACE ILEILILLE INSTITUTE Institute.nider rho care or Rev—l. M. COS 1. kion:i AND LAPS, reropen on•Akdiday, the 17th of Schtemtwa, tn the same 100 , 130, No. hi Ltbeny street, !Inane limited the number of their pupils, the Principals here to merit a continsationot.tkat lihetal pato:map they have unbolt.* enjoyed. Parente m ay (eel enured that terry &di/malice will ha afforded their daughters, if placed ender weir charge, for ob. mining a thorough English, Clarity, and Ornamental edoestioa atirlthat SOUND LADliCal - - rift'. A t/TUNIN firdinlON of this Inwitution will IL commence on the arm Monday ia Feptember.— Rooms on Federal "Coloude Row," 2.1 door from the Irridge. RAM or Tome's no sitTION as nos Masora • . . Engltch !averment, including Reading, Orthogra phy and Definisg, Writing, Enoch Grammer, Ramo. rie, Fngifah Composition and Criticism, Geo. Arithmeue and the higher brenche• of Mathematic., Natural Philo.ophy, 'ee<mstry, As. swami, Lanny, Physiology, Geology, Intellectual and Moral Science, and all other branches requisur-io a thorough Emeith Falneatinn - • - On Ciwaleal Department, including :ha Lavin and Grcek Langlages,mach - • - - • 8 6 let , azench 4„ , 510 00 516 CO The serviees of competent teacher,: are secured for such a. desire Inctruction in French and Berman. and ales iu Drawlng, Painting and Music. 111. desirable that pupils enter at the commence ment of owseion, yet they ate received at any dine s and eirsed at the shove 111. from the time of entrance. Sin deductions are made for abunces, et. '' ru i rt ' h e Cr in formation ' m 'd ay H i!.roZathed, and WlGlen dons rrinde , by valo r upon the Principal, at his rooms on Fedonitiorrei, or at his lodging. tu "Irwm's Row," Liberty street, Pittsburgh, between :td ant, 4th streets, or by addrcislnk, through the Pittsburah Pest taw, the Principal. N. W. METCALF. Allegheny, Aug 7, 12411 elf PITTSBURGH VIZERLIC — IBSTITUTIE rIIME Second Hessian of this Institution, ander the tare of kir. and Urn. on ce , for the present academic yen,, will commence on the beat of Imbrue ry next, in the same building., No. it Liberty street. A ble have:Wan made by which they will be able to furnish young ladies factlities equal to soy In the West, for obtstning a thorough Englich; Class: cal, and Ornamental education. A fall coerce of Pits lisophimil and Chemtcal Lector s will be delivered during the winter, Illustrated by apparami. The de partments of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern Languages, Drawing and Painting, will he under the care of a competent Profrwor. By claw attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pis pals, the Principals hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto elyed• For terms, we circular or apply to the Princip _jaloltl Prnsacwii, Sept. ID, Isle. MR. THOS. K. IIIBEIERT:—Dew Si,, TourcWl4l• TING FLUID we have now been using mon than a year, and on lacking over the entries male by it, we find the gofer • bright blue lilacs. It is pleasant to write with, flows free, and does not clog MO pen like the ordinary inks in ow. Wishing von the ready sale its merits demand, wa are, yours reapeetfully, , toiPsoN & co. - - For sale, tokether erkta Ilibherl'e Red Ink, and Ma ehiuo Copy Ink, by R. A. Fahnestoek A Co., • 11: 1' Selorarts, Allegheny . City, and by the manulacturer T. K. Ilibben, Deanna and Chemilt, comes'. of Litter ty and Smithfield eta. Plnsborgh. oett3 WATTS., porn. _ JOSHUA HAM.- WY. 11. HAAT PALMSII 4 LIABIZIA it CO., repecesaorn to Hussey, Hanna /c CO.) 101lIANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dedon 1,11 in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposits, Dimk Notes, and :deceit-4 , r00m punch nearly emeriti, tha Dank of Pintshargh. Current mo ney received en dcponite—Sight Check. for ode, and colleen°. 1111,40 on nearly all the principal paints in the United Staten. The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold • Advance. made onconailcuagnts of Produce, .hir. TIM Eat,s on liborni term. ap2 GREAT INIMNIIOI4I—VALVABLE I 'ISCO VERY Palmier Saccaap Janeaar tat, 140. Patent erossleve;iatelteta ' n ILNu, Soft, Macau:, Boot Caw, Wntiiig Desk. LEVF.R OF WROUGHT IRON. . MILE TABLAS!, far a - arousing every other vention of the kind now extant. Thof ean he ex tended ham ten to twenty-five 'feet, and when cloned the leaven are all contained they are made all sixes and shapes, and are admirably adapted for Steamboat., flotalr, and large private familia*, form ing when closed a complete Centre table. SOFA/3 AND OUIMAUS—These articles are meal+ cable, particularly to those who wish to ceoni, nese room, and eaneest a sleeping apartment into a ,parlor al sitting room, as they can be opened and shot at convenience, and when shot, the bedding is enclos ed. A great mitring in room and rent- Ali tho bed stead. when closed norm a beautiful piece of furniture for lfoF=A o 9Et.4.7, itea r t ' and useful article for parlor OS drawing ioeol. WRInNODESKS—For law afaceLeounting rooms, and other officesi when opened a moat convenient bede mead, whoa closed a perfect Desk and Library alone ia All/ these articles aced no recommendation: the out of the Whole IL the 7 tire warranted not to get out of relmir. It will be for your Intermits move, and einnthe the Male', at the mu edam Cote, No, b 3 Third eireet, Patsburgh. addluim to the above ativantages„ they are proof stunt bugs. mehla DAMES WAVOODWELL. LOW LVI:ETOUEIIy xuxarsccvan 01 111,0020 L AND PURR SPIRITS, Comer Front and Vine atrects. Cincinnati, 0. CaRDERS from ?Menorah for Alcohol, Pore bbirf Rare or Rectified Whiskey, willte promptly o ended to at lowest market price., meitle:dly Ems! 1111E-Srm of NICKLIN iIseRYPEN being dissolved, the undersigned will com ar inne the rofwdinz and Commission Llnsioess al the oteam heal landing, I.IANY LIN, and respectfully informs In, friends that g eee mane wiper.e of a heasy insurance on the awokenaa and contents, tot sevens! gnarl s and trust. he will give entire smisfaetion to all who may ,atrtinliie him- He will meetye freight at the Lower JASIKIS BR fI6FIRTNOS-6 bbla No 1, ixt store and for male bi oovil STUAIII" ft BILL DRY 'GOO fuourff.,,ISLANIESST9I NIIIFFS Al= .DSQVFN -DO/1 NNELS 0 FLA WanY c gs•tr i s, g arl:t we'sre selling " tiddreant te•had elsewhere In this city, We acute la bleu/don. th, st ortr object prpdyev 45.00..2!1 120 t; 101, Mr' : !req . ,. bat for comfort and Orel:1111w, and!•aa 'Aar thAT,..r. e " alma tho.nrstereinitun over aliother . geeds .... o . l . !7 . ed at the late Alfe_ , gbehr Altint!ltt r zl o rr For sale at the Blanket Depot, -Nt.the ware rooms of the Eny4tA o.'ll*Satond ..... • , Ane,rheny Blankets of oar Mansfeenne • • City, by Mr. John Dean, and . also 'At the - *Two Big Naturdowair Federal sc • • •Ikroiseinast T ilEpproterlber.k.". On hand, lree. f .e im .AP i r ie t. wi 'e n 4.0 eor.,!grlrlf flTs s i=l 2 s n agalciate &Cyan:. very lox: 30 pieces yard wide Haired ElanneL • 250 mars White Bed Blaket., ribbori bearta.' erk.: poem!s to the palr. • lease SO pair. Steam irle." boat Blanket., ribbon bound, ► 4 case. 00 pairs) Grey Mired Hu. " ' ' pairs Dark' Gentlemen& Bloc Blanket...l very ort, perior article. . eases Grey and 8100 Dlanker.Coaung. 40 peers Tweed. Steubenville maker I cease B.ISOII-1 ad plain and barred Jeans, Steubenville nkahrifectory. • Tee shove goods aro all consigned direettfronarbe maker, anti wall be sold serkt low for cash or approved aster. .0 IL LEE Liberty oppettin, eth NEW GO,ODSI 1115 , 91( GOODS It BARGAINS!. BARGAINS!! NEW FULL AND WINTIPIDIVIGOODS,. AT TIM HOS 0, tOO era 113. OS Market at, between lid andith, urM. L. RUSSELL. No. Mb Market street, between . 11' Third and Fourth, sign of the Mg golden FA!. Hive, has lust commenced: receiving and °peaos lb. largest, cheapest and most splendid stock of Fill and Winter Dry Good• ever offered by one bone in Pies. burgh. All nf these foreign goods have been parches. ed af the importers pro the l ast steamers front Europe,. and for rinhness ofstYlearili Imattir or dengn are nn-. aroassed in this or any other inarket., , .The domestic and Maple department will uteri be found complete, and cheaper than at any other house in this city. The subscriber would •.hen, respeelfility call the attention of his num:noas customers and:all: wishing , to buy new and eh goods, to the :ptices. which will na doubt tiloollh them, being deterattned • sell ebespertliansfie cheapest. Good dark Wino, only d crumpet: yard; • • Dostqaall4: dark Ca . leo, fast colors, to 101 44 British purple Primo, rut colerv.3 to Ilk - Heavy Bed 'licking, from S to 10 cenieper yell . , Bleached Molina good quality, sto per y 3; Mkt qUlailY Bleached washes, e to 10 per mit : Hem yard wide Unbleached Muslims, 3 to tli; Good red Flannel, (rep 15 to Ii cents per yd; Good yellow Flannec - 15 to (O ct. per yd . ; Good blank Memos from P 5 to 23 per ydi, numb Gingharris tram 10 to 15 MS per y; ' • Irish Linens at Mice. from 23 to 1,25 per. yd; . • Searles and Kentucky Jeans from 14 to 50 stn; Cloakings and Unsays from 12i to slets; - Heavy Domestic G :h in aghallm 10 to 12i Mai: : Crash awl Diaper Pncea and nualities; LADIES' DRESS GOO DS . A eplendid assortment of all the it/mewl styles... • Whet Cashmere, in high . colors, rick goods, Lupin Freoch Thihet Merton, the finest immuted,: Rich Canselion'Sdks, In all colors and qualatea; Black Aromas, best quality, plaid and strip% Black Gros de Rhine, all widths and qualities, • , Lupin's fine black Bombazines, beuntatul•goods;- :do best French !derives, black and eofored; • do do do do In high color do . fine French de Urines, all weal, high colors;, Rich fig'd Cubmeres, beautitulgoods, dory cheap, Dotted Swiss Muslim, for among dresses; . •. , Brodie Thibet Scarfs. late importation; - Beat quality French Kid Cloves, ail - color-15 . Mourning Cashmeres and de Lames, all prow, Ladles embroidered Neck Tice, splendid pads, Ladin finest quality French linen HUN 1 Belting Ribbons, a full assortment;. , . ' Wetted Capes, Collars and Cars, to grdet vsaletl Black and colored Crapes, all qmiditieO Brocade Lastres, in all colorsrutlz h olities; Mohair Caution figures, Belt g oa • , French Clkilip, superb goods, big colors; Also, black BroOel Lime, all widths and prams; Iltask Silk Frubos, wide and heavy, beta quality. • Together with a large stack of whim Goods, Swiss Jaconet and Mull Mush., bealde• a very latTe and superb stock of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, of the latest im portation and most fashictuble stylea Many: of the . above goads have lost arrived per the last • steamers from Europe, and are worthy the attentlint of the la dies. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! • • A splendid assortment of Shawls:— Paper extra al= Fancy Long Shawls. best imptil Super extra size Long Broche, finest eittalitY; Superb quality Ixoly, Plead Shawls, riell•coloqr, , Best quality square plaid fine wool Shawls; ,_ Rich and heavy extra sac black eilk Shastl r t...* I : Rick changeabl,ilk Shawlw • • . Soper black and white, all wool, bang Shawls; Paper extra size Lane and Stem 3loarong tittawls Pans petrol Cashmere Shawls,: in great rattan Terken . all ptacest quaPs Mode embrd Mixt heavy silk: hinge; Black 61 Black and mode colored heavy cloth Shawls; White emlid Thibet Shawls, beandraf goolw Highland rd long and sq're Shawls, very cheep; Mourning Shawls uJ sanely; Also, alarm, lot of plaid Blanket Shaver, from 3'5 eta m Sr,ro. Together with it full supply of Gloves, Mina and Ho: airy, with all articles tonally kept fa a Wholesale and Retail Dry:Goods at prices to defy compesitioa Or . Remember the acre Na 42 Market street he tweeze Third and. Fourth, sigh of the dSte thcolliga where Dorgan:a can at all times be had. - spicidalzat ' WILLIAM L. IitUSSELL. - ---- (1 AltIll:rIINOT has doromentenizeteeektpw large used:Went or tVeotea cornrow , }o4. idoodsi_liaakin, Berlin. buckskin and weiblenGlalresi troth, MOUS de 'lain and blanket Shawls; cask. mere, wormed and woolen !tom; Paagee and wen Hdkfa; sad satin Cravats and &eases plEops fad Fringes; ;rah I Jinn, Table C-0 - 1611, Crapes; Ribbilnae Laces, bleached had colored ktodins, Tabby Velvety. Patent Thread ,eon ne'Sllk, Canons, Gum Fasfwee , ders, Pins, Perc s, ussion Cops. almanacs, common and Rola nd tab ry le , Cutlery, and manyrit•ch country and oily Merchant. are respeeestly . ;miss& o examine. • sinl9 FAT EVTIS. ELANUBACTVItING 00Ce it ANUFACTURE and will keep On bond Fnikil* VI. and Swank ikon Blanket, Domeatin Flannel, Mae, brown load dial, Bank. Cantina, Satinets End Woolen Yarn, winch thoy gel t maEastern price, WarebOone rib 'Uri Second FabOaryiNew Ravin. FeSe.o , en. So- 'On NEW OILIOD 4: .VcrE a tiaj l eAzea...f , d , a . la n rge F ra'eodaplete aack Ole for the (nit true, la evict Kith every tlesCrio n uon of Looking timid mtmufedured at out own steam power mt op in this dty, are ask the Intention of West ern hlertharas hod other denim. KtlsN COY k. SAWYER, spt2o corner Wood aed.fourth It. DRY GOODS. 211711.1.11 T. WILSON G CO., No. tt , Woos Sr, Prrosorsoo, •• - . ARE now recelving then' umal supplies of doods tor the Fait geaaan, which teey will be happy to exhibit fe e thn In c lin e dustomers, and air many new One, ar may el to preeent themocivex _ Always taking treat pains to lay M such goods na aro adapted to the w.tx of the Western trade ! vsbicii long expenenee enables them to dO, they east may with much confidence, and w,,hoot eo,eriog into anthill of their sock, that the Western retell - merchant will find with Item all that Lis eustotaers Inquire. Tomo who bate formed the unprofitable, habit of repairing to the EaMern cities mr their minks of Ors Goode, would the well to cull, as a candid . ..wink. of pri ces would in many cases mauls in the conviction that Ms expellee of going further maybe obviated 'by bay ing in Pittsbnigh. DEW PALL GOODS.. jar R MURPHY is now rateiring bin 1i i,.1 Fall • supply of Foreign and Clo!twine GOOO3, and has already opened an aisortment ottleafttud beauti ful styles dart fall PRINTS, warranted fast ehlora; and neat new style Fall • ' bluslin de Laines; Alpaccas and Mohair Lusting Damask fig'd and striped do' ' , Pannemis and Waimea clathid. I Of the most desinvile colon.; and • lull annPlY bleached arid unbleached Madan% [deb LineWrilan• Chester Gingham% dee., at nintheast Carpet Four* and Market ats. [layers are inched in eall mdse. sine . . • . . . ILITAR • GOODS.—Capa, Plumed Psrordt, Pash a" , et, 4.lettea, Lace, Buttons, Flap; and tll the trimmingsnecessary to equip voluntiercenspardes.,;: Irr Volunteer toraptuncenVdPPtd et .d. 0 . 1..". °bent as done in the East, at tee Midisq •Stort, ear-. ner Market and Founh eta. AP WAVILION P. B.—The Vain. States Dasa and Tonne Donna, of Germantown inateoer selo and =slanted b . ( apti IMACTILLETT WWTX.. - 1 .. Day GOODS-JOBBERS,: v WOOD :STREAM, - ANF. now receiving a very large suSels of (mi.'. Goods, °fractal purchase and auppriation,which they will sells° the trade at such prices - . canal fall to give entire satisfaction. - • - ; Coy and County Merchants W. invited. to nail and examine our stock before purchasing eirtirk.. - nor; al • ' , a • ex 87 -- RECEIVED and now open far could; "filial", nation, a new splendid anon meat 617 Octave Pirousefrom lettief axing" 110.100, Among theca. a 'flak caned Lialii• XIV. ordered for one of onreitizenswlto nos kindly permitted tt to remain In iny. Ware 100111 to day (Wednesday) for exhibition. Thee. rtIC. MILT kin • desire to see and bear thla splOndld speenners of an, are respectfully invited to call today at die store " • JOUN II 111ELW1481 Wood try. , Anent for Chielicring's Piano/ for Weste44l. • • - - . BATAS FOR• UNE DOLLAR, or ht singl XS Bath for fifteen cents. Ladies Department open !rain 9 to 11 er , eloe, A.l and 2to o'clock, P. ' '• • • - Athena= Solitan and - Deakins Estalllstanent. .•. lyls - T. IiPFALL, Proprietor 1\ AIL ELIJAH EATON'S .CERTIPICAnt TO Did JAYNFL—This certifies, that immediately after having attended my brother, who died of consumption in lilarch,lB42i kwaa tetanal:els with the Coneumpnon or Liver Complaint, and wu reduced no. lost/ tvithita disease, that for Una Veal I RIM unable' to attend to my busmese, home or abroad, being for the most unto confined to mrbed.' During the.almve peri od °Mime, I had expended for medicalatteedance o regular Phyaleharut and medicates, to the Manilla er IMO, sailboat receiving any benefit therefrom. le July, ins - Ft commenced taking 'Dr. Jnyne's ' sines, and' have taken them more or leis ever siatesi,• and believe that it wan by pe....thks In ihcirare, that l can now truly sirthat / hare , completely acted my health.' I behave that Jayno's Oanative Pills and Espeeteraut are the but fatally medicines now to no Springfield, Otsego county N.Y. , end earrynn a furnace and'machine shop in that pace, and am n I interested In any manner 44 the isle of Me above medleineaand make this certificate' tor tbe eat of those maimed. ELLIAIi taroN. .. 1. b.. re tairly de. BU.lrßagern • svblett ere bb wed to dealers and Mann. m temp.!. prlcea. , Quality warranted ertnalre nay S. If, and foe "" br I.U. BIDWELL, dr , Vi r d , e , A the follow ing Second am; E. H .:teo.cmt rmatz er eillortfic. mtd Federal st ,altegbanyr Lool _ n r . Ea .„ RS' Lame PiLLI3 PTAS MY , DOCTOR,— , • &mt. 93,1845. ...Y , R: E Selierm"-DeasW a itel it to a duly lg to . e public, ma well. as .to the credit' id your . .„ Pi ,v. to state the pxd elect' prodneed lit their 4 . own came. Dunes dm 3 , PSapa • if e. m u i rs p e . ll, mity ti %petlpvl,Fr p ir ui tte i navol . ski eiders. I,waa toi • • 1.1 tan tkrit lay disease a smrarnattaak or voi comptaimi: I Oakmont, • boxes of - hULine's Liver Pills, oadsoate imuiPs, w ;e h f wwitold was moodier dim diseases. bar sn, tar . al I was getting WOme.;, - 1 - linallpsnmehded wpm.* m self ender the nom - of.. phynelaw dor bettor Or roe; bet, rertllletrely;rest at *iv emi, I woo told b the Rev. L bilbloclr,of this place,shist a frieurtleel . s t hire b ox of Sam. Liter PillairomPittaberght • ,T:11 had. benefited him 'verycntells k I fothselit ut a bog - of your Liverr'Pllghwa4 by the time I done Using them 1 was sanded Itiarjt WM MU -..-' • i medicine that -sithed'rey ease=:. I Mlabfat =me a d took five er Sir btrxes; and fogad myself alemmt. • •. - a tirely .oittettf but Eivalleretl , but leased .....,Per_itrie, , r. Id;'wlifeh brought book the • disarms; rindin ii."..M. tt .' ' 11.6, ea bad es ever.. PaSalo tad "ecotone to ,y or Lim Pill"; and look them every Mbar eight, In: -• • weektiland Oen/candy tines. sad late asereah .s Dot ein nowiarotott Ines! Iltlw if; al* intiptonts.,, 4 the ,Lir cr . Co.mplinit, and my general health Is se, ghodatirr as h has been for theslam 10 year. ,. •. fitly 'reighbonr islet ma who wax kaydaMor.,..ll,tedt,., -. . i 1 t em that Paden , I dye, PUNits w my . 4Peter, end. by .., a blessing or. Divne Providence the meets atm:ding. e a. „I ant eonfidititthet When tbe petite - behomotaoe . , - iltued,sidth .Itio sahib of year Lever finer .tbrivAt-..,, ! and for Mem will knees, Many al anytnlghberes „ •.. wheal I bails reeemm the pill; can Unlit ta : • tar value, as well sta to the' fats atoms stated. • .., , I Rcipectfully yours, -:• -, sn : , (lssentehluAailh •- :, „ •.. J To mra Pertsi:—The Oristuali only Woe .id C insati m"' .".Pil Llverls ' we prepared brit Ellalent, eti. I L.r. areltis name stamped In blackwvaximon the J.- . , sch Sole; end his siguntur- on she outside .snatiPM: - All otheri are eountetfets, or bum itelunkcia. „ .. , 4 spi.27 ' FL P. SELLERS; PrOprterer, rik Wand td.. - }.. * [ . .. . . . r_OßLPPlODrlirisft As-—--' -, '" ~'. ! AMen by nie name of - 'RD= CLAPP hasengugodf'. in a young wan oftbe eame of,S.,P.Tovressindituidit, see his name to. paint a .Sarannstilla, Which , they ..! all Br. Towasenda damananits, denemlnatittp it E 4 ElNE4 l trinal, etc._ This. Townsend tato a0c..:,.. tor and nove: ; v: th ar d ;ttt the qkfT e r h tiPiserlte; &rt . t e st . '. \ • I:ait, liFi l eputeise tif gsinleradit fur *Bit ha,Le • ',,- Quacks," In sniterfrUllgthmrkebt tinie ' VZifs - ....., i .... name for al • week. I will give S. P.Toornund 1008!....... " :if lul 'will prodimisona µnee solitary Proof of Misc.- , , s- Is to cannon the panne not ta tie demised. and ' i • - -,purehate none but the ONNWNEORIOINA/cOliDe I, Or. /scot 'rewound' , Barsaparria; having - on It.the • 1 . Old Dr's Ilk... Whit!. (molly coat "done; uttdhillidiPt, 0011110 oozes, the Coot bfnrma' - - .. t kriecipal °dice, LO Nano st, New York. City.. :- 1 Otto' ~•, '• .., • - D0vr0u,.... ; , • JACOB. - • 5., , .' '•:tiviriamsot , ..;,, , j . . , THE ORIGIN:4, ~ 7 . Visclovra4k4 ~.. .._ TOWNSESID SAIiIiAPA.PALM, • Old Di. Tesnimind it jaw Shoot 70 }ears of twerand tie lone been. teak, as tie AUTHOR. mid iIIEgIA. • VEREtt of the GENUINEORIGINAL , TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA." Being prior, , he:waxmortnriblet to limn us memehetem, qtly, which-m:4ns it has Won_ , i.. -kept seat .of market, and the .sales eirentasexibad to theta Only who had proved as worth" tnettoovin its • - • *value.. The Gun ant thastemiSnriterellamoi* t. -- autionfamaned on the, largest utile, .and it coiled fee • throughout the length and breadth' of tbn land , - :.71 1:olio.' young S. P.:Tovmsend'e,itdmprovee.lritji • . . ere, sad never eirtumes,,bot for the bette4.tieromise It is prepared en relentifle - prlnciples by it semehAlstma. The highest knowledge .of. Chemistry,. and {being's discoveries of the An, have. all been brought Cute re. quisition in the manufactattiel tbrOld Dr. , reemlepe.• • Ulla.. The Partaparillairom, is is koolvp to Mod ica! men, contains medicinal propenics;andsomm. pre. pertles which are tan OF maker and others, sylstel e if retained in preparingit for rush Prod..e ferlactim tonand acid, which Is ndutinas An the system, Rome • of the properties of Banana:Mg are Igo idlailleethat - they entirely evaporate and 41a kiln itl :the urepani- • • uoa, if they are not preserved by,a scientille proem, _ - known only to those experieneedlt in mksralisemst. • Moreover them volatile prmeiplas,whialt fl yoain ms- Pot, or as an exhalation, under. hem are the very ell- . waist medical properties of the root`orltich simile . - it all Its mane. The .. 1 OLD DR. JACOB TowNskENTrill BAESAEASIEZA --- . iv so prepared; that oil the inert pmpertics of . theßar- . awn-ills root are first removed, army thing eatable or b rig .la or Of fetesehtatiou, .is extrootedoutd • • vele7l:l; co'‘ rher, every pancile of atediesti'virt e is amen. red in a pure and condentrated broil andlburiris ___ rendered incapable of lolling 8317: of its xalcabbii esti . • healing properties.. Prepared in name,. leis one • the tom& powerful agent in the ••- ' --- • - i'. -,' q '-' CUIIEOF INNUMERABLE DIBEABIII.,: .1 . . Bence the reason why we hem commendations' on every side to its them hYstran . , mdfoeu• flf.d" We find it doing wonders In the cars of rePPAßtPlients Dyspepsia, and Liver. Gomplubd,_andln Rheinnatitun,, • • Sentrain and Pile., Goativeneas, all entancone dorm, Piniples.; Blotehes, and all afeedonsMising from • ISLPURITYOP THE BLOOD. Ityosseams a marvellous efficacy in all Complaints • arising from Indigeition, from-Aeidity of the SO !mild . from ,normal eirearation, determination of bloter head, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and col s cold Millitrand hot flash,, ove.r the body.. t • bed its equal ineoughs and coldsi,und promotes easy • . expectoration, and gentle peropfration,' relasingsdic. teen of thelasgs, throat,.and every other part._ • hot in nothing Ls its excellenm more manifestly moan • sad acknowledged than in all Chid. and magas of _ %. Lt weeks wonders in case. of floor tabus Or Palling of th=thrtructed,Supplemehltaai fislAlcaseai, of the menstrual pe the ham an d effectual in curing all forms of the Rid. hey Dlse4sey - Ely =mesons obsinietielm, aniseed. • nag the general system e it mew tone and , the whole body , and cures ellforms of • • . NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITYj I • Arid thus prevents pr: relleyeti !LIM4 Tf - as Spinal "'mantra, NeuraigA Donee,.lllwasenig; Epileptic Fies,Convalrrons,kei Is • net 01114 - 111011, TEM dastavfig TOI7 Pits.L.Nromart.v= Rat tin any of these things' be Mid of mod% interim. articled. This yang, =al ilquidu pot or be COMPARED WITETIIN OLD DR.S, _ because of the Grand Pact, 'hat thecae la leeajhbia of Denyneranoesoul NEVER SEIHLS,•.while oth. er. DOLS; It sours, ferments, and hlows the /multi containing it into frac:neat* the Mar, acid - ilonid ex eluding end damaging ether gambit 1 Mail net Mis bon chic compound be poisonotta to the 'system? What! put acid into a symem- already 'cl/seasid with end! liittat causes Dyspepsia but acid? Do we not all knots, hat when tied Seer. ln oar nomachs, whet relliehlefs it produces? --datoledee; heartburn; palpitation oldie bean, liver conmlaint, diartheca,dysentery,cholicand borroption of the blood! Mod as Serefittalitit ea acid hdroor in the body? What predawn ad Ma Edmore wnien bring_on Emma°m of. the Sitio. Scald Ilea, 3 a l, RbcctcrSn'siPePts,N.VhiteSeselllngi,PeverlSsors, • and an aleeratunis Internal and : amen:WU. lt innotts log ander !mason bat at acid sahsolnee, which Som., Wd thas spoils ell the Raids et the body:aromas leas. hat catmeaßheumausai but a mastoid finid,,Vehlek nuisuues itself between the joints and elvessbue sinning and Inflaming did tender andlielleate dimes upon which it aeon! So of nervous disemeti, of =pee rity of the blood, of deranged circulations, and Marty ell the ailments which afflict hints nature. Now, is It not horrible to make and sell, nod IMMIte. • ly worse to rise rhiti SOuRENG, PER al &WINO...ACID SCOSEPOIIND”.. Ur S. P.TOWNSEND , and yet he Would fain have. It ninientood 'thai Old /b -oob Townsend% Genntne Orig . nal Sarsaparilla, la el indunion of his infetior preparative: -•• Heaven forbid thetSre aeoald deal an. 'mkt. • Which would bear the meat disuant retemotanee to S. • - -- P. Tomusend'a anislttl:and,lattlelt shauld bring,deven apon'the Old Dr. such a psuentain lead often:plaints 'and erimiaatiaa from agents who have sobiiind pur chasers who hewn used p,P.,Tpsy . rtaa . nd'a Ferulentuag Compound!' • • '• - We emi t midevanoodibeeanser irial.thi abseils% irate, thsu S. P . Tnysensend'a ankle and'Old Dr,Jaeoh ' Toorasend's Sarsaparilla beaven-sride insert, st;t toftnitely dusisollary that they Yekettllkejk cacti per. nentar,baving ninon* aingte thing I n,eortnou, " Ifts to arrest Yrinds anon the 'auvorturfam in pony baths bun sronedeti humanity, *ge t in the despairtng !so-Sum, to restore health and bloom and,i -e..,r Into the ernshetand broken sand to banish biaxial-. ty..-that old - DIL JACOB TO WNIiEND has r3OI.II;HT and FOUND the opportsinity andlonanaltibri4.loll Demo UNIVBILSAI. CONGENtHAVELD fIE.II.EDY. ' within the reach, and to the knowledge of air who need ft, that they niaf lean and gnaw; by. Pantie/. per.enee, Its vitaiesencocur mama= smut • _For „sale by. J. KIM; in CO., Wholesale Agent, fur Western Pennsylvania; Bikrilnchg. •• Dr.' J. SAILGEANT, Allegheny; Or. J. CARISEJ43" .Flttli - ward, 0, W. 0,11113Ne.13. Wt. ward, Pittsburgh .03 . ayees , • apeeterees. ' • Sala, Columbiana Arr. etcIESIL DD. JAYNES: Dna' ctrlfeel boW, Ten. end the aillicted public, to avail myself of Oda ope portunViving publicity le the extraordinary effect* _ a ye. ototant ohmyself. 11; nabossm afflicted for sever years with a severe hectic fever and its concern:aunt discascsoind only doomed to linger out a short but miserabby =lateen°, until the All of lble, when, being more severely anacked, and having resoned to all my formertemeches, and the pfts. **ripe*as or.o orate moat ,relpectable plmiclans the neighborhood without dallying any benefif, or the consolation of surviyhts but a Yew lays' or 'reeks ai farthest—when the le a giram 07 hole_ ,tY'u Ib'mn• vaned', I had recommaided lo'ine feet tapitesorant— ami [dewed by,thetleing who &walk Mama in the use of the means—and contrary to the - erpectations of • my phyaleians and (deeds, I wan fat fee, dap raised from my bed, and was enabled by the ascot a Don't, to ttend to mylinsiness, enjoying mace benne henith than I had for tenloars presume; , •L . , t Respectfully yours,k,c, , . • JAL W? Faros: For sale in Pittsburgh,' at the Pekin Tea thore,7o Dr. Omni dLeCeet , , HAS selected Pittsburgh as .hm (atom nablenea tie has taken the house lately occupied by Alder . " man Miler, on Foarth et, , Margrani, Immediately ad- V u lf d ' ° • 442 " .llre, na..aa,t odleeirattached to redden., where he will ee.tiutUy be food, an- teal abeent on professional ditty: °See boats from 7 too o'clock A. M., and Amuse tol.d'clock,P44: ,Oetoe Milks Delaware 211140144sittlft ., AttTalks* o.ollllpf.tt7e • tsto. HE Beard of rDlreetora Itsenishis day, &elated da • dividend of TEN PER, CENT. la neap, pat of Me pro4t of the Company for Be year ending o..dober 31, 1840, certilielies orhlrA 14114 lamed reload alter Be firm da.) of December ravel..• •, Also, adistdend of BLIC PER DENT ineallt, on Ms .pnar stock and wine amenably Irenedi parable anent.,MCD.l RD FL NEWBOLD, Beely.2 noilo r. MADBIRS; A ye.: Pitulg. • ' GIIICW.XWOoD L IMLIWICIF • urriLLremaln open for 'dollen - 1440U 1. 1 . 7 .5 05 ry a °toter. and other Elent•Otanerds gun. sd rd the gesso will so Sean. The Greenbaum, con- • liege eoUgellon. of rare and choice Pfeels, will, be open .to waiters. Snouts neatly put op at snort 'nonce thrormitenc the ' season. An Jambe* leaves the Allegheny , cod . of tint' fltr.delelr Street Bridge.. erer7 htllthhttr &ding the Say, yenning to the Dwane; and tha Arm/mu, Caputio,7alkerf. ram from the Pond, landing a SnOft Masa. Met/U -de.. Parties 'Batley to spendSbe—twinfilg, will to accommodated wit a man Oa:Maw ai.dillteClOM P. :11, Kept on Temperas. prinsipla, *ad closed on. eollA , itheneesuallaiiioei.aiidZatbtel Itsub. 3111 E PROP.RIEWII. At F;iAlt* MM 1. op mialca.tall Wan, la aoullectioald 13.andog tlythc day or week. . Tit! 'AfoLt W ja47411-7b4l .ftirtatEtli kz ' • Axes w
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers