The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 24, 1849, Image 3

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its* Yoax,Nov. 23.
Mr. Clay visited the Herald office yesterdsli to
witness the modus operandi of priming. After
introduction to Mr. Bennett, be expressed a wiab
to see the machinery that aimed so much mis
Utica reactilog the prep room, he aid,'•lhis is
the place where you forge your thunderbolt Mr.
Bassett!--this la the region of Plato."
After some few coMmerita he lan.,:plessed and
astonished with his visit.
Sr. Lome, Nov. 23.
The examination of witnesses . for the, prosecti-
Xion, in Made cww, closed to day.
It Is anderstocd that the witnesses for the de.
fenee"Are but few The acquittal is ex?ectoil.—
Notliag but circumstantial evidence hu as yet
been elicited•
Thera was a Arc at Vandalia, • Caw days since,
and a stable cainid din foil bones was bona.
LOIIIIWILLZ, N 0 1; 425 r
Mr. Whitney addressed a largo meating . last
night at the Court House, explanatory of his plan
of baildlng i a Rail Road to thi Pacific, and WWI
listened to: with tereotrod interest and attention;
after which, the klllowing resolution. were adopt-
WhttAy Th fU r r b c f !o b st a c i tro av oLitifi l ltls o e r
from Lake Mictusso or the Mississippi river, to
the Pamfie °mac, and csrasstly recommend its
immediate adoption.
Resolved. That the r. tkera of this meeting he,
and are hereby requested to stets these resoluticms
sod transmit a copy of the same to each of our
United Stites Senators and tembers of Coupon
from this dttcrict,vsho ire hereby requested to give
to thi rest measure the.e prompt co-operatioo
sad support.
Wg.auccoion. N0v.23
. ,
'Cherie' 'll- Riley has been appointed Colledre
at Netelis, vice Hutehmon,tesigned.
Now Yoai, Nov. 23.
„ Nothinibas been heard of the Caledonia.-130
ibis are =riling to H.dirac.
NOON ilrt3ll.l
Business to clay t In a winner suspended, as
dealers are anxiously awaiting the Caledonia's
news. •
Flour—Li firm, iii3d in active
Provisions are dull—Palk is declining.
We have no change m notice in articles usually
/noted. .
New Yoni, Nov. 23. -
Flour—There lo a good home and stamens demand
with some shipping irmniry, without any material
charge in prices; we note sales of common suns and
mixod western,' at 044211475; good western wad
sn•lght brands,st 4,7.7.01,C0 hbl.
Grain—There is nothing do , og is wheat, buyers ask
• larger concession than holden am willing to yield.
,Coot—The.demand it Lees andpriets ars receding.
Provisiont . i—Them is not much movement in the
market—sales went ,trade to • moderato extent at,
moss pork, 10,4 , 910,50; prima 8„4.1. Lull—Sales of
keg el. l l/86} 4fr barreL Butter and Maus ars dell at
Groceries—There is no new feature to none. in Cot.
fee, Solar, or 3tolesFes. •
Whiskey—Ss:et of Ohm at Vt per gen.
The ptettner Is now our doe, sad is momeeterilx
expected to amye.
Canes tan, Nov. - 93.
This iivar fell °Sae inches. The wreathes Is warm
sad wet.
Hoirs—Sinoghterilig stopped. No sales today.
Cork—Sales of U^ bola., on private tannat—.loo Wks
Elena *old et RS CO.
Whiskey—Ad:tanned; lank Eden at 2Dl'por gat. ,
Flnor—Loondy, bat nal en II tutehangyd.
MlUTtlit Villain
THE fallowing article We copy with Meanie from
the "DM= Mercantile Journal; of Much, 1.4t9,
lad we hone Mat it any of our readers are suffering
from any of the camploisus which It is said to cute,
they will speedily avail themselves of it: j ,
It was. well kedure many years ego that the wild
cherry book tree of this climate Possessed •aloable
medicinal qualities. Indeed this fact was lawani to
the aborigines, and diteellons of the leases or bark of
this tree has ever been tegteded by thr.irphytticiats es,
ousel the moat creme remedies In many dimness.
This fact, several years sine., arrested Ms szteetan of
Dr. Wieser, a highly rupectable practitioner of irir
gents Re Investigated-with emetic, Imam. prow!
"du of the Wild che rry —tested Its effects when whalm.
armed atone, end when in combination with other or,
medial events. lie towel dAu its neutral rime might'
be greedy improved, nod by combining It with ingre
dients who., proportion woe, Lit well proved sad gem •
orally recognised, a metheine was prod!tced which
muumuu a remedy of great Importance in Names
op aliredonvand die area of the chest and threat--
dseases whmh aro proverbially prevalent is moseitle
and largo to.vns, and often prove fatal, swelling W
bill of mortality to a moth greater extent than Is th •
cue with meet others, we had almost raid all clone
of disease.
Thy genuine Wittaes Statham of Wild Cherry has'
4c simile of the sigrunue of Henry Whs.., AL
atiladelphia, and Sandford and But on a finell,ena
‘ tuned ausel engraved wrapper. None other are pa.
wears jolt In mccißkof the following solontary ul
timo to the curative poWer of Vrtsmes Balsam Of Wild
- Cirstry, from E. Hall, M. D., of Mc Clemens; brittl
e= who is a physician of high standing, and an uz•
waive druggist •
• •
• Mr. Cuzco, Mich., Oct. StOtti,l9.l9:
To the elllleted, this may eertity teat Mn: & Rob
e:U. of this village, three or four week. alter confine, wan emceed with a Vinirtit loop and great
piocration, and semed hastening to the pyre with
feared rapidity. 1 advised der to use Wistarte Balsam
of Witd Cherry--the did en, and with that valuable
'Medicine alone was restorcd.lo heeltb. and le now
living proof or the vales of Wieser , . Balsam of. Wild
Cherry. ' E. HALL,
Wad on end be convinced all further dike issuer.
kahle •inns of Wistsea Belem of Wild Cherry:
Ifs ors. Sandford a. Park: Gents, da a matter aim
els., se you, and for the bem6t of the pablie; I would
ogre the fodonlog statement Of a COM agreria by your
medicine. known as Wistses Ilaismn of Wild Cherry.
In the spring of ib47 my wine was severely attacked
with Penpueurnottio, or Pleurisy, which molted in a
deep seated nein In the side. accompanied with a se.
were coogh-, Ch i cago , „attended by some f or e best
physicians in but to on purposel week.
she suffered, without relief, coughing incessmtly night
and day. I Came to the conclusion that all the reme
dies Known to the physicims could not kelp her, and
area induced to try year Wild Cherry. I orotund oho
houie, and room:meted urine it according to direc
tions; before it wee all gone—Se cough mopped, the
pain in her side len her, and with the aid of another
bottle she. wne rest• red to reser= ussynt. In con;
.ideration of theao eirencostmees, I would recommend
it to the public ay a milimide medicine.
Yours. respectfully, I. N. GAILILAST.
OLAND Farms, Mich., Oct. 8, 1 6 4. 9 .
Read Mr follutrilfg Tostisnonizill.
Of all the cures that hare been recorded, there ate
certainly none equal to the one first mentioned, which
plainly shoves the corability of Constunption, eyed Ist
Some of its wont forme.
Cadent Parer, Lake co., la., um lA, ma.
Parkt Deer Pir, Aoi have • deep Cootualzhrtr
Sion ter the afflicted, permit me to Moe yea a brief
•hour if my aftlienons, and the benefits derived front
Ma use of Dr. IViitsr's Balsam of Wild Chatty.
In lady, le 11, I was attacked with a fever of
i t. tea
Mind chsraetzr, which left me in every deb loam
state, we, ,e f die wing winter I was taken +Ma
severe cold, wine, reduced nic to such an extent .
pre me the oppepc.,..e of a confirmed consumption.
t 'shared ander, eines—expectorated 11 great
dea w a a cold feet and night sotto.
.1 also sa t e , fremmil ed Moor:
tinned in this st, aradually
Cue until January, patted sawn attacked
erulifeser.. bly (rico. &spatted Or In: . " 4
,bui g ht I could survive to
ri enert time.
erneetally my feet, were dorefinttl4V
selalmost lost their recline. Un d "' 11 " r"•
entertaneis it may Daly bo sold that I wee • Iltrinif
skeknon. I finally determined to mannikin"' medicine
prescribed by anking!, and try Dr. Wismealtalsam
of Wild Cerry, .4 from the tint week that I cons.
merited taking a. I con due a gradual recovery.
continued Its use
h a months, at the end of which time
I way era are elinped good health ever since,
.d cheerfully recommend the Balsam to all those r
, dieted with fines. of the longs, and woeld say to
11: " . " 110 an, not to bedtseontsged if two
or thr. Oodles do not atm eurr, butpereeve as I
bare ewe and t hare ho doobt bat nine cams out of
we will be blessed with renewed health u I have
beeta . Respectfully, yo..
I s+
'a per Bottle—Sta Boni. for OS. '
by 1. D. PARE, temeeseorto Sandford &Parish
Fourth •d .1001 a, Citteinnad, Ohio, General
Agcat f o. booth and Walt, to whom all orders
most tie
1. Ig James A. Jones; J. Kidd Ce;
hnes 1' tuabargh. L. T. Russell, Wash-
Fatock d.
„ von , pr; L t , 'lab..., Franklin; L. IL Bowls,
Uniontown; If. Welt) ‘C'scu'b.tkb:s•Kontrthikmrse
.; s et; gem% do Gilmore, ReedS you, Rooting.
don; Mrs. Orr, lloilidayab, Mr.) ithiebran I b Co, Ind-
Loa; J. K. Wright, iiiitenriC t rr &finn sr CO, Brook
wip; A. Willloll,t one, Trayn..g.mTrit; ll'Fartand
w Callender, Meadville, 8a,"... d• Co, Erie; J.
, Mercer; James, Holly /LC., f t. 041 .; S &kith,
r, J.D. Sun:memo, Warren; P.L. -40 4Limien ,
d ,.,„,0,t; P. Crooker,.lr,Drowrumille. -
In,lo 0 fall •ized Havana, Uugue,r,
4e,bou med. do do, Remain;
o Bag do
do, Cosmopolite; ,
10,W do do, La Esmeralda;
30 ptm do - do, El Nemo.;
1 ,, , ,00 Imperial Aerobe • La Nectar,
we.= Genuine Primps , . Crud Benz; -
y,tf:o l eapeli fi ja
tat s yyn
stut Monett and kir tate by
kiILLIDi 9,110=110w,
. , itdPS led &Id 40dMV/
24Thriaraiy; -
20 Suriday,
20 Monday,
27 Taraday,
22 Wednesday
29 Thursday,
30 Friday .
JIM 11116121.0 SW MU. T. CM&
• carom, Penniman Gaverra, 7
Satardayldormna. November al, 840.
We noticed no new feature in Me mat ketieaterday
Too weather eras dark and gloomy, and bonne eon-
Munn wen bunked..
The river continues to fine navigable ides, and
fro. the rssss essina we anticipate another's. -
fweras—The tecelpte yesterday were to a 4r Mount.
bat sales from first lands wens prbably not
exceeding:o7 bbls: The sa/es from storeittre con
fined to limited lots to the retralaiicitj tradcitS4l,4lo
Kekla4,7s, as in quality of brands.
pun—gales onshe wharf of 1100 be yell. Coin in
doeryears, u bushel. We hems of no nes to any
Ism amount of other grains, bet may codnae oar
gsa mke t s u follaivs:—Wheat, beatific; arbsy, oo
die; aye, 50.55, and Oats at 31031 e is be. •
Gancsattaa-91das 10 tatiaN. 0. Sugar, ft qaallty,
able, 4 mod. SaleMbbts N. O. idolassean oak, at
gzie Net ebuigeln other attics.
Batas—Sales 1044. IDs Side. and Mauldin at 41e
far libonluet; and 54 for Sides. Sales c bagged
Hants at Se, and of extra angst eared Ilatnat 1110
1.4 e ♦
Lan--S , of 40 to as 610e1e.
.Berm—Sales of roll batter in cloths in smil lots by
the 411, et Inc; also, of a few boxes tuns gusty at 16e
IP lb. Re 6 t. wlllos at ongio
Mom ftcoos—Sees of 3,700 ms as 3e, 90 sta.
Asseci—Belo of 10 casks, lll.Etteel & PO lel rand, ak ,
20.4 ama We nose farther awes of blospraO brand
at 3184, cash sunt stow. Salesof Pearlash all 00k;
• Haleness 01►6e. Pots 50. and Seorehings OtO3le
41 b. • .
Dunn Factr—Sales of 100 ba peaches, ttroarop, at
MU. ba, Ned crop Apples are icarce, ar held , at
SIAS fr , ha.
Daooss—Prkes range from 11,75 to WS' dozen.
P 01.013 —Saki Nethannock• (mm stem te1.3750
1,50 t bbl.
Soar—Sates of COMMOO Rosin at:1 1 / 1 c; alma, or
colic aced at 102101 c
Camas—Sales of Star at VSlic, of moo tallow
at.IOOI and common dipped at Sc.
Catiatomms—Sales In lots of II to 10 Gbh, 551,21®
2,37112,50 • ha, according to neallty.
WHISSZT—Saka of Rectified at 22021 c.
Atconot,—May be quoted at We ♦/ gall. In bb.
of the Dom eeeee Marken.
Ply..Loms, Nov. 14,7. M.
Lead—No arrivals 1110 C. Monday until to.dayant the
market la still well sopplied , ahil dull. On Mosay,2,-
000 pip sold. In three to at 1 3 ,0 0 . Yesterday small
lot, about one half orwhlch was hard, sold at 390.
Then Is twerp limited demand at present fro any
quarter, and sales of raandlots of Upper Mine:mum
be effected at r price above 14303 1 .
Flour—Today, dales from Sew Orleans Übe sth
ware received, and as the markets appear to he im
proved slightly below, Molders here were <baling an
advanee. The stock on sale was, however,looned,
and transactions imareely reach 1,600 bbls, binding
some common at M 374033,014; 473 unbrands at gli
100 ordinary brand sibbout guarantee, at 114,..V9 soar
teed at SIX Rut L at 100 good at 1440; ISO
choice a 1111,43
Wheat—To-day, nearly 3OM bags were reined at
the Exclusge, tram 63 to 90c, and a canal toabad of
4,000 bushels at Lie. The Mentor for shipast has
not been Teri. eativa
Corn and Oats—To-d ay the largest lot on the arket,
about 400 bags new, sold at 3le sates relent. Of
Oat,, 1, 600 bp have been sold at 31020
Yesterday, MI sack., lit 000 lot, at ale. To datiree
or four small lots, 97 at 3lc, 104 and ISO sacks age
The demand for earn 12 limited, . but oat, aro ionise
" War 'e ttriralieflte former Is quits doll, anwith
a large stock on the market, but few • ales barmen
Made- Store 310.4.0, about 3,oo3lsubels haSsean
*obi lOisrlices ranging from 60 tolgo, Principal :9D
76 row -
. .
Nr.w You, Nov. 23.
Bacitatteatnaar—Ligta tales of good at 52.29.103
- - .
Brradstat4 and Shorn—Oooi Stilarter tells t4oe.
Shorts from 45 to 60e • 100 lbs.
Provisiona—S few small parcels of new Lanese
also arrieed,bat they too were forwarded. Primmer
Lard, in bbts
ands, may quoted at ric; in beau 5-$
o*. Pork Beef norninaL Abort 30 eas of
Bacon Shoulders sold yesterday at ale, and so. 10;
000 lbs ribbed sides oh 2; eertla.
Butter and Cheese—Common 'hipping better
with sales from dire 7e, good and choice for retina.
and prices eery, wounding to qeslity from WS;
sales Minima Ohio cheese from the landinti at tfic,
from store by the 45 and 00 box., at 6106d0.--4ot.
Pustanarsoa, Nov. 19 M.
100 inclemency of the weather:today has moral
ly reuuded oat door operanons, and prevent, the
landing of some canoes. The. Float market es-.
ceedlogly MOO holder. ..Mt S 5 ♦ Ohl, for mandaship..
ping brands, bat uo sales rot export ham Men tort.
ed; for rind
s tues, limited. ales of team and
good brand at 13•5,Mk, and extra at 17,3706651.
Rye Float —A sale of MO bble •s.- Corn Mem in
active—me quote Penns at so btd. Grain—Tre le
a fair demand for Wheat, sad prices are meadyale.
of 6k6,00n baskets fair ta d prone Peas.. red at 65.2
1,07, and prime white at 10,13. Rye ho scares., d in
gond demand; eake of KS barbels at 65 eenu♦ thel.
.Corn is In Roiled demand; sale. of 405,MP tarns
Southern at CO. and a small lot of Penn a.
—A cargo of al= barbels Southern mkt ma path
terms. Two cargoes of allegheay fintnoarimi
said basheL Crocuses sha y s savage
pp node.. LWMdtay Mandy milks. la bout !Mond
011tX.A.13, Now 1.7. V. '
Mks OtCotton.yortoldaY.2.Zo bales—fwirrrirr.
ad the Ca=Mail new., without asblistrg ode
adrarow hflddbny 10;111101. ta
13,000 o
1012101. Of Sofa; 400 Ithdr at a Oroltne of ', Wt.
4041 r. Of Motamer. 100 bbls al rtlett otoaabf
021. Of Tobarco,litthda Low Admim four:Ro
tate,* at be; 21 flefased at 41, and 10 flacon Cotton P.
Of flofr. I.OW bbl.. ineladtny 1 171.473 Illinois lON
fd IL Lasts.) at 5121; 1001111*a* at Off; 451 az St.
Loan at 55,50,and22 at 11342 f .1 Of Corn, mallow •
few mall low at 13051 r Ineioding frO sack.
Of Pork, confined to retail transactions at Of form;
round low await at 1P3,17k. Of Met. a mail
Pim* cif: -Of theta, 10 eaakssboo.deta at 41.hd
-2114103 of 41e. Of Lard, 11ZtalL and WJL me
at 0. and SO bbla and ISO ego chotte at Of
Whiikay, sflo, MX and I at 64 r.-0011.1
LotproVenionts In Donal Gary.
DR. 0.0. STEARNS, lan of Bonoo,l. propn
• • Winne sad an Bloat Tarn in whole an
. . . _ .
of sets, upon Section or Ataurspherie &tenon Pls.
Toornacna eons ut enra =tyres, where the ne t
ex_ d. °Mee end residence next door to the ay
01 . 'S oEoe, Fourth enreet,litubnrett.
illsxsto—J. B. IPFadden. P. It. Eaton. 9
Panama Lamm nocas.—preparedCy 1. W itty
VW Os= atreet,N.ll(.., sad for sale by A. Jaynetio.
70 Fourth Street. be found delightfati
ele of beverage In families, and partic •
alarly Wick
Bunts Baohr.a.--,an Improved Chocolate rue.
doe, being a combinatlea of Cocoa nen Mama, In
vigorating and palatable, Inghly recommended pie
aluiy for invaltdi" Prepared by W. Beier, Doles.
ter, Mau., and for sale by A. `.SAYSI, at the Istr
ea Blare, No. 70 Po-myth n Melt
The Badding/lAm° all been put op motion font yearn
and mot 134 000 My Orchards are ..gru rmaental—Mor
teen year. ago I =ported from the east and west,
great expense, all the kind. of Feat Trees which
JOS PBIIrTIIIIO. tho Coned States and Europe etraid produce .
BILL :BEAM CAEDB, CIRCULAIEtht, .400 Apple Trees are set An as s
ey tardard, loco
P arm
M'n i f" u, BUJ ' C ' anza4 Bbal C74::137;;;r0!..1.%1Ti . lad 7: tit
lua:c. um" Neetanne, Shrubben and Evergreens. P The :gamer)
paiaaa, a contains from tIO to 00,010 Fran Trees, of all .us and
SI shorten notice, al how ages, of the above .I:Amdahl.
dentGAMOW Orrice Tman mum. . The Parer wall he sold together or In part, es tail
Da. D. LIONF, Pereh e e: ran along the pate and perehry run along
ta patine road, and =gi all be cot up In lots
\ • • Dentlrt. Corner ofr,lll y or b y le lt
and Deetturi pence J L P ' , DEt
_ _ oettAlon Pombargh ost Office
men d'Aikw INS
The Mayoralty.
The name of Alderman A. G. REINHART wit t
trantAtted, by hi. friends, to the consideration ot r A lillST rood at the PRESBYTERIAN COOK ROOM,
oproactung Whig Convention. as a soluble candid* u No. n Wood streot. and for sole at Eastrro ones,:
r the Mayoralty of Pittsburgh. nova. te trueniust Ilebrevi Lexicon, Townsend'. Arrangement
of the Bible, Netwderts History of the Christen Re't!
fry•Wea. Algae. will be a candidate for the Me:gion And t botch, Milton!. Treatise on Ceti...lan D.
°nth/. allthata In the rumination or the Whiff Coo.e!trtne, Lax of tercmteli Er tete E.g.. Robtnaon . a Grerk
Geo. .00 Harmony , of the Gosp el, do Engltsh do de, Scott's Li..
Seamy Willierupa will he a candidate fil' i :Z.Z.! Ilf , "lit l , ildt?i P 6 rwh's !!it!ln,Ona,entwt.
tho Mayoralty, tablet( to the oomination.of the Wh,„,..... ttotn,Arat!=lt::-.1..,....e.... ~ ood • • le . K
I Holt , lismonary AnelX-
Cormentirin.. rior2 A_*" .. A
. ositea; and many o.ber Interesting Or ke, in addl../
IV - Jonathan Rash, Mao,' the present 31a to the atnore, all at sarwiab eaten. aorti
or of allesbray, will be a candidate for re.eleettol 3 — , - A7A7z,.._ 4_,_ _
subject to than nomination of the Allegheny Whig Co' eta , " oa , z, C on FS. GINn, an
Teraina n0 ,,,,f Al hf plpes gac Brandy, Jos Hennesaey Ir. Cc;
30 gr oo do do, do do,
'The . 111•7 orally. stye do do do, Sateree;
The noon. of OLIVER H. RIPPKY will be ethos 10 hi do Rochelle do, Polley...own;
ted, by his .tiiesde, to the consideration of the a 61 pipes Holland Gm;
proachlng Wilde Carmen:tot:yea amiable candid. a puncheons Scotch Malt Whiskey,
(or the Mayoralty. norle.le • I do Irish do do,
1 do 0!d )woolen Spirit.,
Y ga1:74,1%Tel ' di ' no t fOr " theli7a o y 0 OVt . j . l e u . br,.. ` : gz,".r.": ,, , , . , .r.„W.,i, , y,, , ,„ine,
the Domination of the WhiteConVenuon. nosll. , * 3 pipe. Calabria Port do;
_ ! r 0 gr easseßweet Malaga do;
HEILEIW:-Creass and Sim!Mn always on hand Ibld.r.qt do do;
Nollt3 Wood street Champagne Wino;
nosh; STII . I3IIT BILL d" I,od.dolt'a do do.
13 do bemlegs do do;
OM KEAL—w bu prima, to more and for aide qr cask. Sercial Madeira do;
nrryll 9TUABTh 814 In more and for sale by
1 EISINGEEL, WELL% ia M arket re 141L1.X.R RIMER - NOS,
Oman 471aaa Ware, No. 27 avert, Pit novl2 No 172 and 174 Ltberty at
. .
bargb, Pa., keep constantly oC band and make to f
der aft kinds of vials, flottles,4o. Porter and 1111UXTRA FAMILY FLOUR-2i Darrel. Farmer I
ral Water Bottles, of seperiorignalitY. AA Kirk's Brand, to-day reed and for sale by
Partlealas attention paid to Private Moulds. . nc,lo ARMSTRONG b. CROZER
, Correct Tole , THbE Life of Hr.. , Ashbel Green, began to be wriuen
, by to his 53/1 year, and continued to his
DUBUC deaden haying been Celled, by Me pre
I - na the diSarenee in time Wiser. the regulatoreb4,"" Edney by Roe' J. h' Jones.
~,,.. .I,y
.....,.. , ~..1 (0 b.... reach ..,, on .0 00 .,„ i•-,ouili , ry L j u i rs . nn the ..171111.115 to the 41:10,111.01
lastv—l bevel had a telegrapli commenicadon fn illy ."'• .• , 7 b ,'"` ~ Bid.
Philadelphia, from W . IL C.[Diggs, Esq., lobo is 1,,,...7..... " . 4,` i ,'" t "l" i'11.,,P.1"?.31,,i Yew
0 ,,,,0,, fektime to that city; I had my regalator is t e l,i."„ 7,7 , 0 "' 0 ,.,. '" "` """ "'"'" """
orly right, and hub een so folr several months put ' .',.. Vi,,;',,"", r i 0 .,,,; 0 ...., L,,,t,..,„. By R Rob
. W " W ' WiL ""Philip; with au InUoductery Eursy b y Re:. Albe rt
.---30 - a7l - 1.4. -- n4na.... Barnes..
2 TITER OLD COCQ; . Evenings at Woodburn; being a selection of lie
s 0 ,. pip,. 1aa....a., E.E Rochelle, darks gentle ud Traditions of European Countries. By ?Ora
i.a.; •Riinell a '. 3 "1„, 40, ...,_, . . Ulm.
ki bf pipet Leger v Ieli•• , . 4 ,,,,, , 5s ua. a•rh s .Ilistory of the Pilgrims and Punt. Fathers.
pale, Ticultlie..l . , 1, 17 4 . , , a,i The Bleary of the United States, from the rheum-
A lir pipes Pine's ‘as an ,Co • gone, dark l eery of the Continent a America to the Organization
Pale. waggon a 44'45,47. 1 of the Federal Government. By Richard Hildrett..
0 v pip.. An. h. Cognac. ale. (a ,k. c Th. al Masses (rein an Old Manuscript. By Hawthorn.
k do Jame% Hennessy Cognac; PM, do The Windings of the Water of the Meer of Life.
g 4 0 Hhewriiet &odes , pale A dark, do By G. 0n,,,,, •
2 4., J i AVM`, 4 40/ do Tan Complete Werke of Hunch Moore, '3 l ...r i els.
&I Castillolv — d do , Just reed and for sale by
neyta No 7n Wood st
7 17 ,. ,,ks.. ',1,.
_______ ...__
2or cash, Hind, Holey &pc., F.le , j " COAR—S hhd
1: S *ale by :0;3 smerglVlll;l r crEg E ll , ; ° `
• rIOFFEE-100 bagii prime Rio, arming and tar sate
1 ' d id: : . O G P M e h l r i le m Pi v ld :::l ,.. .l.a uhl 7 Wa' Ll "
Leger Trete' • ' gei M '37. 10,"4, VEl , r - S - arlliEßEL—oti bile large No 3, al — iiiiiikt
6 ' 1" 'a. la; 'le to 1505 uld 11_,L1 .NEW
No k,(likm.nh k uirie tupectiouT put recd
2qr casks United intieyals Proptiatora, vint. I. sad for WEI by •
1 mntaves do do do kp
I do Cheosoagno C0r....
22 la
Old Puck Brandy.
ado Cherry' BreadV•
•pa dot Fine Old Cermet, b the do: or single b
"Fhla .woch of high proof twice Itrandiei haa
...we, by th e =beer/bar sad b
to peso
n o Maga., and ire now tffcred to the trade
on kaasoashie tenni than eretoArre. Call and)
Atairlibeiars pituoteahng els...hors ,
re:••11; "--" b 4.
• I Ear, Yi-tH dor
aavis W46{0118: HENN
i f raw' :111,15:—S a t i aa ir e4ar.
4 Tat.
Rival—Then were 5 feet 5 Inches in lb
chance! [net evening, anti at • alma.
ALMANAC. 1 fan 1 - dm
I file. I Ile..
4 37
4 31
4 ad
4 35
4 35
4 35
4 34
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver.
Viroqua, Hailorry, Monongahela City
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Fashion, Peebles, Elisibeth.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownrville.
Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
Camden. Hendrickson, M'Keeepon.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Wellsville, Pone, Sootlab.
Cinderella, Gado°, Wheeling.
Mary Ann, Cinrlaoati
James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling.
luau Newton, Hemphill, Cincinnati.
Z Taylor, Lucas, Sr. Louis.
Allegheny Clipper, Abrams, Franklin.
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville.
Lako.Erie, Gordon, ficaver.
Beaver, Clerk, Wellsville
Camden, Hendrickson, Mlieesport.
Viroque,thillouriy, Monongahela City
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Bailie, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Clipper. DuvolCin.
Pennsylvania, Greenlee. St. Louis.
Peru. Cslhonn,
Wave, Franklin.
Reveille, Stone, Dalliopolis.
Hudson, Poe, Bridgeport.
Weliville, Higginge, Sunfish.
Allegheny Clipper, Abrams, Franklin.
&corneallle Packets, at 8 A. M. and ti P. M.
Beaver Plackets, 8 A. M. and 4 P. M.
Cineinasti—Capper N. 2.
St. Loois,SebuylkilL .
Cincinnati, Messenger N 0.2.
D. Leech& col, packet lice. 9 M.
8.21. BseLrec Co'. Canal Packet. 7 o'clock, p o
ST. LOMS—Per J. Q. Adams-1 hi, 1 track. Clark
rs. Thaw; S Les, Sures or of Cooma.% 5 ionsrental,'
Lnonna; 30 Mils sii, Young, I mien k
Plankeik G. B Miltenberger: 50 lona g
M Alien lON id aka nags, J SI Mellor, 44 Us potatoes,
owner aboard,
LOUISVILLE—Per Mary Ann-21 ton. bloom',
Capt H Coleman; 100 tone pig metal, Pattemon.
CINCINNATI—Per Massoneor-5 ton, metal, 51 .nl
len & Ce; 29 rib]. cranbennes, Wro Dyer; 19 do do, el
& Nicole; II bales wool, Barker: 1 LT books, El
Imu & Ergiistr 8 bbla lard oil, J P Hanna; 9 bbl. cran
berries, B Barren.
BEAVER & WELLSVILLE—Per Beaver-15 sks
peaches, 80 bale Bear, Arrastrongt&Sj_roseu; 40 sucks
peaches, 13 do chestnuts, I do elder berries, Rein &
Boma& 4 bblii knobs. lAwingsron & Roggen; 2 do do,
caiik,J Park & Co; 8 bbl. dour, W Brown: 3 tift boo,.
2sks 064•,'3 boo tobacco, C Heys; 14 OA, door; owner:
WHEELING—Der Cinderella—ld Ws dour, Lam
bert A Shiptora 62 do do, Brown A Kirkpltriek ; 30 do
aopkv, James; 50 do 0 oor..VA D Waugh; 14 dodo, lIA
Weaver, 30 do door, Vaokirk; 132 do do, owner.
ST. LOUIS—Per Zachary Taylor-1n pig. lead
Chareh & Cansherc GU bills • h malasses,l A Hotel..
son; IS dos 'rash boards. A II Springsteen; 13 do do, 0
011ekbaro; 7 bin tools, 4 brl. screws, tiathroore
Wolff; 400 b. soap, Miller& 13. , ekelson.
BEAVER—Per a b Mary Ann--10,000 fall. none.
BEAVER—Per Like Erie 14 legs banes, 37 b.
.eheese,4 do 3 B Canfield; ;24 bo. Meese, I
D.ekey; 33 do do, R Dalsell; 63 dos bruoms, 33 box.
cheese, 4 bbl. oil, J C kl.darell; 3 bbl. Massed, 1 do
Lard, 3do lard. Y kg. do, Badtb fr. Sinclair; 9 kegs. 2
bbl. balsas, Morgan /a R.s.
4ebange Broknrs, No. 5
Bank of Pittsburgh --Par t
Exchange Dank Pas ,
Meech. Ir. Bank •Par
Dkabil'hilatlelplna• —Pax
Girard Dank par
Bank ofGermantown • •par
'•Chester Coanty••• par
• " Delaware Co.. • •par
" Montgomery Co.• •par
Columbia linage Co.. • par
Doylestown Bank par
Fanners' Bk. ftemllpg• par
Funeral Bk. Harks Co. par,
.119CTS Laneasly•parl
L a ucaster Cu. Bk.• • • •pnr /
bummer Ilk. Par
U. Sower Bank
Brownsville Bk par
Waskanglon Bk. , • • • • •i I
Getrysbunrhlllk. •
Chambersborg— —• • "
dosquebanna Co. 13k.•
Carbide ;•
• Erie Bk. .. .... • • 010
Farmers' toi Drovers ,
Dank, Wayuesburg • •
liarroba a • --•—•
• -- • I
Lebanon •
fsensvllle•—•• • •• -
York Bk.
Wen Branch Bk.• •
Relief Notes
Mt 110 k. Para de•
Bollb—rittsb. I: Granola
A lHe b i r o a . y,
Pram Bk.and Branches
blountrLassat ...... • • "-
New fAsbon
CinnSnnuißanks o illk.of et. Cialr•--
Cob:taloa do- o Bk. of River Salsas,-
--• • •• • " iliebiam Ina. Co--. •• 5 .
Zaneavilio •—.— •• Fa.•.o.stech'it Ilk 7
INlscoutala Terra PF•
- 7151rar.aFirele•Co.klilvea
Saudnaly .... 70 All wlventltanka•-••-
lannk of England Nowa
Nonvalk • ......... 70 • •-•---$4 70 P st.
Clveland—. k ,Gold Hpaa Vain..
,Napoleon —•-• • 3EO
livelna 1 158 2 20
Franklin •Cagle, old • ••• .• • 1060
Franklin Hi
new •••• • 1000
Chillicothe •—•—.— ;BouhloeinaNywnahie
- 1 5 00
Lobo ..... :Do.Fatriot•—•— 1 70
raeuraa• • • .Nivereigno ..... • • 4 00
Larao..rata Gammas ..... •• 00
Hamilton ..... --•13 iCederietallora— •57
Granville 50 :fen Thalera • • • • • 7
Farm'. Cantos.-59 Ton Guth/era •• • • 750
Urbana 'iradiad'ora• • •• . • 450
Ileatmcky. Enchants*.
Bk of Kentucky Now York Cm
Graaf Ural...die ,Philadelphot -• • pm
Narbern Bk. Kentralky • " Baltimore •—• •• • *Pm
New York-City Banta. tear !Men. IFlca•—rai
letosson flu rrrrr and Farm for Sal..
The handioineet and Lem 100 ACRE/
of ap-land in the Conn.' of Allegheny, on
ly One miler f rom the City of Pittsburgh. on
tha mw tan:pine leading from WY city to Washing.
BONNET V B.l.Nbil'hi—s A . Haan tOs bun te•
calved I cue Sins of Bonnet Vets...a Ins...
desirable shades, and at low panes. . 0 . 0
( a
i i: r..o'
a. ~ I lil thilthalti;:hioss operibigiit A. A.
Mason Cs s, ICC doe Gloves and Hosiery, of all
k as and unlit,. novel
freDff:.lber — tris reed this day, tor siiF A
A: . SS op No i, for role LI
n 0
bas Horsey, landing frog asultl
14111 J. A. Casittsy, and Ns sale by
• Mallet elleel, near (in
Scale B'a 3Branchea•• I
, BiateSerip • .. ....•
V irginia.
Exchange Wk. of V. • I
Farman Bk.hf Va. • "
Bk.: aline Valley,— "
Bk.of Virginia "
!B.& V. LIE., Wheeling I
do Morgantown. • I
N. W. Bank Va—•
do Wellsburg•—. t
do Parkersburg.— 4
Bk. of Tennesore• •• • • 5
inv. & Merck's. Bk'— ••
Planters' ••• •
Union ......
North Carollan.
DaumCane Ecar.•••• • It
March's Ills.,Nowiscrn.
Ante Bonk., • .....
South Carolina.
ICacaden Bk, .... • -• • • 2
Ilk. of Charleslon•.• • -
Ilamburs-•• • • :
Merchants Ets-- .--
Planters k-Meena • llk•
Bk. of Somtb tarol:n• • •
IBahme 60 Rascrip
leamberLsnd Bk. of Abe.
; 55
. of Maryland.
;Fanners' & Mechanics o
Pk. Freslerlok
'Frederick C 0.116—. ••
/51intral Bk.-- I
e~up.~o ac._.
iV P ~
hxs Cream Cheearr;
77 do. W lit. do;
e) The IreMenfactniere ,
The gentlemen composing the Iron It
M.' Conventkin, huely held it this edy
wiled by, the Board of Trade, to pasake
fie supper, Cl the Si- Charles lioier, on
night. M the appointed hoer, (nine cr.
spacious dioicg room of that Hotel was
the members at the Bard of Trade, end
ted gueatn, when the Hon. Judge %Vital.
pointed Chairman of the meeting, an
Before titling his seat et the head of
Judge Wiltiue addresied the assembly
quern speech, on the necessity or a pail
our Orauulacrunor interests, which war
with an his fire, end most hey
many a pluhs air rectfileclaur of the
to the roiotliof =Tref hie beaten,
'We regret that we were unable to take dowahla
reainrks,siaee we were surrounded hysuch a crowd
as to be unable to !Write—the proprietor of the Ho.
tel laving furniahed no accounnodationa for re
• Ho dwelt upon the wealth sod resources of
Pennsylvania, as contrasted with what they were
In his young days, when the arrival of a "pirogue,'
paddled by half naked Crcolea,,and laden with pe'-
tries, caused more excitement In Pitt'sburgh than
the arrival of a dozen steam boats does now.—
Great, however, as were one resources—despite
our coal, our iron, oar honest and industrious ope
ratives, the interests of Pennsylvania mast lan
guish—the fires of our manufactories be'extin.
&unshed, and a common rum Visit all, it American
industry be not protected.
The guests then attacked the good cheer before
them, and after supper, the meeting having berm
milled to order, Mr. Post, of New Jersey; was call
ed on for a speech.
He said that, although he had been compelled
Au two or three days past, to speak a goad deal in
public, such was by no Mean, his usual - eastom`
though if they would give him a subject, he would
make a few remarks. The tariff was the queston
which was now occupying the minds of all pres
eat, yet it would be, he thought, out of place to in
troduce that topic bete, as “they had:el:tough of a"
in the Convention, LIM there was one theme at
which every bosom would throb m unison, and
that was toe hospitality of the citizens of Pius•
burgh. They were uoveliers, nod had come
amongst them as such yet in the space u( a few
hours, they felt as if they were no longer strangers
but friends. It win a pleasant thing for travellers
to and brothem where they had nut even expected
to meet with acquaintances.
Alter paying a handsome compliment to the su
perior advantages of our,city, the gentleman con
cluded by offering, "in a glass of .1,1 water,"—
Tire fans Crrv—May It prosper! May its fires
grow warmer, and thicker clouds of smoke envel
ope it, beneath the cheering induence of the tar
iff which we were about to peas. (Load Ap
The Chairm. invited Mr. Port to call ou . some
of the gentlemen present for a song or a spermh.
Mr. Post called on Mr. Stewart, but that gentle•
man said, that he would give them a sentiment,
not a speech; though in a glare of cold water, yet
in a warm spirtt—'. Prosperity to the Iron City—
the Iron States, and the law -Interest.
Mr. Dempsey, of Ohio, then gave
May American interest.s;?thnve and prosper.
Mr.). K. Moorhead ma. loudly ulled for, and
biamg, made a very happy address to the Aisema
lily, on the importance of protecting home indus
try, and expresteveof the pleasure be felt at wee,
ing Judge Wilkins preside over a meeting com
posed at tariff elem. A mirctnevous and ialce doc
trine had recently been instilled two the minds of
the people—tbat labor and capita: were antagants.
Oral. This was !also, and be would conclude by
giving— , Labor and capttal—May they ever re
main firm and united, as it is their intcrect to he
Mr. Painter svavrJhol, but nagged leave to beexcused.
Loud cries of lit4ton Kerr—Kerr—Kerr—were
now heard. Ileufiin come foi4krd, and in the
commencement of fits remarks made several very
felicitous obrervatt4ns complomeniary of the Chatr.
man. He had learned his tariff doctrines from
him, as well as his Democracy, and he had always
endeavored to walk in his foot turps, although he
was allart” legged. (Laugnter
Ha proceeded warmly to advociate n tariff for
protection, but sat, notwithatanditig, a Bentonian
Demxrat tithe first water. (Laugfiter ) Ile p)edg.
ed Benton to the rapport of ProleCtion, and cotr.-
plirtentai him in that eulogia4cil style which
seems to be so natural to him, when be apeolts of
any thing eantwate.l welt the nen+ or Bentern.
Gateeref fram altnos every Stsite were there,
though, he than had God, as I hoog§t that therhen
iIT with a wercOurarrant mold tit., find a Vouth
Carolinian amoo6t us. (Gaughtert) The be.t
tenon ever he had read or, the sublet or the land,
not even excepting Audi Sternal*, was written
by Judge WM:l4s. (Here the miiettker's throat
seemed to befoul.; dry, and the byatanders banded
him a ginnc of wader, whichrelented, observing
thai lie clever Jul lite a aupper:Without liquor.)
The Democrats hid put him no thvir ticket when
McCandless ran—l.for a twcrifite,l'he supposed—
hut nolunthatandfiag he heat thee au th or of the
Clarion letter 300 ~etteit. V
The gentleman; concluded a apalech which sx•
cited to, of lauihter througholit,iwith—“ A sdid
aq seals, with spt.ige duties, way always be to
adjusted as to tip rye balauce In favO of the United
Mr. Latsreneel of Washingtoti County, wan
called on, mud mope a very neat sprat.
Mr. Totten galiev—d l The St. Lapis Convent,oo
and the Piitsburgi i Conventtoa—lei the one matte
the rail road, a s the other fur9islx We ire,'
1 .
(rremendous applause.)
. ..
Mr. Hodge, (a ) oe Rat! Road Journal) wa. enti•
tad on, but deehnell speak:log.
Mr. ltskewell troposed—"Suec4tvi to Itoi RAII
Road Journal, an tie editors." Ajloast to Witch
Mr. Hedge repb . .
By Judge Robilert- I tNeut Jersey 6.1 Penney is
vaeia—New Jersfy brought to Pennsylvania rich
into ore—Penns Isenin vent her Lost in return.
Mien next led eto PittaLurgh, tiny the Central
Roil Road be lan • with Ainertcsa lion." ,-
Judge Myers, .' Clarion. delivered an appropri
ate address.,
, .
I 11.411 d cries of '• tiler, Shale, i
Judge Staler, . •ho had been repeatedly called
for during the CO no Of dle proceed ngs, nypenred,
and he end the / airman broke tlleir lances very
fairly against enefi others errata iq (he tournament
of wit which generally , ensues when these gentle
men meet.
We regret that Want of room prnerhts us fr at
giving an account of the intellectual combat be
tween these old f,enda; but those who hod the
gratification of !listening to It will [hit uoou forget
the pleasure they enjoyed. •
We omitted to give the fallowing propo,cl
by Mr. J. J. Roggen:—
"Iron Manufacturers of the United State--The
Tariff of IM6 mutt be modified or the prgr will
Da. Howca's Ls:moans on PIIT3IOI,3OI—The
first eerier, which concluded on Thursday even
ing, was fully agended, and veryi generally ap
proved. Many persons being desirous tor their re
petition. Ur. H. will deliver them tepon on the
four fief days of next week.—See hie Advertise..
A catalogue of very rare and valuable 'oaks Is
to be sold at DAVIS' auc.tmin rooms, offering great In gentlemen atm..; ltbrarms.
The Yuttag So.nety. of Patintrgb,
will hold as regular Anniversary Meeting. in the
Liberty street Methodist Chureh, on Monday even.
hag, November VOA, at 7 oielork. The Reverend•
D. I. Howard and Reverend Win. A. Pasiavant,
will deliver addresses spriropriste to the °erasion,
and a full report of the, Society's opetations be
regret LO Main that our eamem
ad punt!, Mr. Stanton, Mel with n acsere nee:den t
o• Thursday night. HE WWI coming Ctir the Men..
longer, and in craning the deck• of the gear.,
Cumberland , No. 2, he fell into the hold, breaking
his leg, and fracturing the ca: , m hoi knee.
TUE proctediugs of the Conrcn•
(len base excluded ell court initilhgeucv Item our
columns lately. The jury in the Hosier rise went
outlast night. Nothing of importance has liven Joan
in the Quaver Seexiong
' Mr. Hopkins. late Charge do A nat. to Portugal'
and Mr. `Stiles, laterCharga de Atr,res to Austria,
arrived within • few days past , at the scat of goys
Col. Arthur IP. Mayne, ur South Came., la
also among the peasant vulgate of this city.—Nat.
bag '
Wen! it
.l" a pat,
I. reday
-lo the
ed wah
heir In,-
WAS sir
cc Pr -
A A. MASON & CO, respectfully solicit nommen RIBBONS.-100 Imam beneath l new styles of Bon"
A .
m their complete and evennve assortment of: net Ribbons; do do Cap and Neck do; Plaid Manna
Fine New Foreign and Steple Goods, a large portion und Satin Ribbon., all number and einalltlec Man—
or which has been recently mceived per late packet Crapes, Bonnet Velvets, Gimpa, Fringe.. B4rods, Tel
ship. and 'learners, and are confidently tecoruenended ' vet Trimmings, &c.
as being among the best and mos aahionnble style. in' ' HOSIERY AND GLOVES—A fall .rock. 'Mule
the °.".."0".'.
Cootie of everrdeseription.
S/LICS—MaI pee rich changealde Itrucc.dc, figured i
HOUSE KEEPING GOODS—In this denim,. of
(Ira d'A fedi", tiro d'Peltin, (:m &Rhine, Gm d'Al- t our eatahliahment will always he found the most cnea
glees Satin de Chine, Tine Sidi, Taffeta. Ottoman. , pi nt , stock, comprising to pan. premium. Bath, Mil
an. la. ; hey and Mackinaw Blankets; Linen nod Cotton Sheet.
SHAWLS —Over one thousand Shawls, of even' , ink., Damaskairnd Paper, Napkins, Towel., Flan.
descriptton, comprising every quality and style or , nets, Chintres,,Dinsides and Counterpanes.
Long and Square Wool Shawls, in all colors. Alm— i
Rich I'arbinere and Brooke Shawls, vilielleo t
Ins, he. M '''''' i INGS.—A gait sated rive stock alway. on hand.
ONFISF. CL (WHS.—More than five ndred plere.,.' MUSLINS—IWO pieces Calicoes, of all kind.; 1000 pa
the !street shuck we have ever eskiin , and of every ' Takings, every width and quality; 3300 pa Bleached
vanertv of color. , Modica, of Beery grade; Site pa Brown Mall., of
ALPACCAS. BOIIBAZINES, &c.— 0 cases Alpac • j all pricer, 30 baler Red, White and Yellow Flannels.
nod ilarnboxinea,l4nton Cloths, d every other . Aim--Couittry Flannels, Broom Pressed do, Carina
doses,. n of Mourning Goods. . Gooda,
h on e, Trimming", Millinery Articles, &c.
CASHMERES, SE LOINS, tie '-. . 1 The shove, with ' , epistle. e' St of other G 0...
... .
... —4fjch Pans Cash.
rite and Dr Lohytlo cares latest drYigna,rerY ridh
Old MO lolnrtd, raperior to any heretofore offered.
Also—l:polish and French Chintzes, Opera Cloth, Po
lir.c rind Pa7tnet,o Cloth.
ENII4ROIDERIES, LACES, 4!..e.—A. large stock of
Paris Enil , roMenea, Lace rind Muslin Capes, Collar.,
Cars. lfdlo, Scar's Relt • Also—fr full au
sarim•nt of Laren, Edgings and lusertingo.
LEGII -'NY. AND VICINITY, will be ready for
tits spurn ver in It/ days. Persons who may wish m
hove views of their country orals put on the map Can
do pa by making application to the undetvigned, are
time before, the 24th inst. To defray the expense of
the riew• fnur dollArs will ho truotrod In sdlliEnd
to the price of them, p. novl9 It E McGOIVAN
TPA ETTE BLANKETA, manufactured in Fayette
V county. Western Pennsylvania—a caper. arti
cle to any Orin, offered in this city, and for rale at a
much looter price at thejllatiker Depot, No 5d Market
street. of rho Fayette Manufacturinc Co no la-tar
Be s lmo Soar , Honey do.;
Tattles do.,
purchased of the importer anti tor sole by
R E SELLERS. 57 Wood at
ATIN, STIMPFD DELADiTES--A lot - of superior
0 Mark Soon Striped no Lainea, of an eicellent
quality, and at vent low prices. jolt opened of No 75
Market street, north west corner of Die Diamond.
no-to 11.1.1iXANDER A DAY
_ _
Ohio and Pennsylvania. Railroad. -
It 1 I
1% , I t : h c b , ' ; d m e p li , o • . th r ;
he U rr l
noio 7 4 n t n o ry p l a v y ar ,
Third 11.00ment of Fire Millar., on each share re-
hp them, at the I . lffic, of ,t,,,Oompqnr,
lard nt . , Pittsburgh, on or Lefrre the rah of Nevem.
tier. J. J. BROOKES, Treasurer.
Salem. U., 23.--(nev2 '
THE subseliher will let, fora term of years, the
large Building on the can side of Craig street, in
Altenhenv city, torether with the Steam Engine It. the
omnr. It, scat al, sell acparaiely the Sawing mad
Lash Cutabg Machinery in themaniet or ho will sell
the whoie rambhehment, building, machinery and no.
Terms will Im reacnine.le and •.ottimodtilitg. Foe
particulars esquire a Me Saw Mill Office, on Csaig
street. °spot ne the mouth cf Killiock, Allegheny.
liovl7-04 NEVILLE B. CRAIG.
"Norway Plains" Blankets.
;MURPHY, at North East corner of Fourth
11' . and ;Market greets, has lately received a sup.
ply of the above annecor make•or Blankets, nod in
coca thaw in want of the article to look at them be
fore buyinc. Ile boa also on band Mate Made Blan
ket, a good. belay article, winch he is selling low.
Also—Home blade PLANNELS, brown, hawed zed
what., of a Boperiorquality.
Also—Twaled Scarlet FLANNELS, to which he
inviws the attention of bar.,.
large supply of Gopd. recently opened fn the
IVbol..vnlt Hoops., up .pp,, mak e . N.
very (all end woithy she attention of dealer..
boIe. round Loop, Samuel Myers o 1 Co;
Modally( bxs 1 11/ do 1141 each/ doi
5 Lad do lb do 12 Dorado: J Thomas;
10 do do s'd do Russell & Robinsons;
40 do do s's do Cabariesd
It do do s's do Jones & Hudson`,
on do 1 1 0 Ws do Freeman'6;
40 dwarf do lb do Cabeners;
40 do do s's do Dickinson;
receive) ond for sale by
11111.1.. ER & RICRF7DSON.
novl2 Ma. 172 and 174 liberty at
0:31' OR 511k41411)-1 imak Sboes.Mmkame
LI 1 , . marked J R. Dirk, Meadville. Pcon'a."
soma, thr mpdist October Inst. Alm-2 hr . chests
Tea, rook d '•l' S ES •• They may haw* bans ~rent
to solar conirelsslon hour. or swami. por.
A• littoral reward will be given for all or either of the
package, on their recovery, IS
I- novi•t JOHN AreFADEN &
Nl,lll—tta hags far ;ire :ow tO-Liaceetlalgn
r tinent. ovin HARDY, JONES A CO
ONti SHAWLS—A. A Mason & Co. iive, just ro•
reircd, per rapt eaa :Icor:ono Extra ;ion, Long
Sbawis .£lOOlO
TEAS--131 . ;pip g ,, co of Y. H., G. P
Icapl Libukreas,p4t and for sale by
FLOUR—hell bUts. various Wand., reed, a,rra,cly
Roa.lo & CR,,ZER
Ql;OT—al Imps In sin,. and (nr .18 by
D RIER Pt:ACRES-70 bo .too and for Ankle by
Finti—:; !! you
15 " Not ••
15 hl '• \ei reed and for tale by
10 PL r uF.ltl lb bbl. Ciletned Girtsam, as
Piaster Yana, warble far laming IlloulJa, tret
.reattl and far .ale by
knits JOHN 111eFtApESI h. CO
r , ASS. —loltoleta Alet reed , aila for male by
r.m.10 W a R McCLTCHEON
fAuTrri en 4.• Jusz reed. Hr ..ale by
JV J ÜBE ViiSTV.L - 41 - .l•juit reerf:.4li.Fiak• Ly
nrvli 4 F.: SELLERB
21. OIL—LW bbt••No I, awl 5 Dbl. Na 2, landing
twin totamer Flurrnoont, for oato by
cblbOtibiliy.:-41 - ca.slis . for.vle by --
CI node HARDY, /ONES &
• _
Lg. Cl'h—io balmbalmNew Hop, growth of 1919, marl.
'no s.“l for sale Ivy
p _
OTABII-20 first is+. In store, for sale by
nosl4 ISAIAH DICKEY dr CO, Front .t
S/GAR-10 hbds noSTIo Hose, kr male kw to dose
L. eontafrntfiso, by ISAIAH DICKEY I CO,
LALT -1,50 lAile Pi . c7l - girLinnring snd for esis bY
SII I NGLE,..--11kIdA) Syr rale by
n0• , 2 MILLS H 3 nICKEMON
LA Coan,ry Leather, an congign..
mrla and lot sale ILA CUNNINGHAM,
wow No 0 Coral Flew. Lthrtty el
ASD COI; Ii GI. DE LA IN6--A. A. Mason
Lj h tb. sn rsn.a. openuta G 4 piectx or ail-wool U
.1r C.Ocuer... now 10
Tnl Ws per eir Mt Verne& 10 sale by
It/ OLASAFfe—Ie bbla If, &Junes refinery,
hf Lobls do So, dui
1".4 Az, to close consignre..e`, by
nor 14 HD KV, ALATTEIKWI3 fr. co
r TO 311.7.1'371.- 64 tons Royoulton Pomace, now land:
trd C.e All.Thetly wharr, tat seln by
ttn , " Jm It FLOYD
1ntt0131 ,,, d0 doi j.t reeddsonior eileTy
I) nnvl4 . & H FLOYD
kfi bf eq,;(zi,rar
w teed end for - sile by
{l uevlfl J KIDD is C0,C13 Wood at
LoGIV6OD=UN IFl7aiTord, for Role by
.flov ls J :31,1110UNAIA HER it CO
ienF, WINTIM HFEHM OIL-6 e., Tor sa — leery
. 7rlTbllOil in el. - sit - inn:l bbl.,
li j i l in L y 4 l ,C etPlo? "."
vkvi , No 2I Wood at
lIION-13u mu, Somerset County, a ciegirable
il/E no ing Dr Plfong continua, mon lends
itte an Rale by JOHN w co,
nnvl3 Liberty street •
Log ro th ni Woo l;
I 13 E 8
— l4 do ' Git a itiq; ' 3 - dn o Flteed.
vindi Beeswax; 4 elskr Decor;
To noire on cram, Ezentmve, for sale bF
nor 13 LIMA Fl DILKEY & CO, }runlet
PESE-400 bxv in mem rind for ante
brad - druid lumps, for sale low to
oc it
pc imiigninent, 6 7
1)111'.1TOES-30 b 414 Dud and Pink Ere, far solely
11 nvll STUART &SILT.
iolls A1E31,-3u tiffvein kV
ovls STUART & SILL, On Wood 44
Il k E T A: o r h. Fl i O y FLOUR—LOO rij erkii liiizzl4 , 7l:4ran'd
, b 61.01; •
. /. ‘ . I • I'L.E
.17n.. - in
been Pippin.;
U 0 uo "moo; for gale by
no• 15 STUART k SILL, 112 Wood st
f r IIIUSTRY SOURS-10 en, for eats by
/10V15 • STUAR r k Oil 110 Wood st
ffill47l7 .— 'WW.Arriailifr—ull)4lll For sale by
o , la STUART er. SILL, lid Wood
P. 12 n W /lb( AS—Chalmers It ut, •of Thee! ay,
vol. I, being vol. VII. of hi Poo Immo. *cries.
Coutbe's System of Phrenoldg withupwarda of lOU
con, nving. Joel rued and for hide by
R 1108KIN13,
nov li Apollo 11118411 p, Fourth st
oo bl 1 t i l e 0 j . w „ tr i —.l . a . m b e e s , Do o
fsllnburgh Review. Pete, 13 per year, Ti een.
Bonkrellr r add Importer, and Agent for dl the
(r. ,, J0 rod Blackwood; when all are
together, 6111 per year. noy1)
14 AVER-130 warns Straw *rapping Paper;
LSO .•• Rag . o;
041 reed and for sole by d
00014& FLOYD
eIOfFEE—ILT Lags tlreen 'Rlo Colfee, he* crop,
ree'd this day by canal, for role by
Lori) It FLOYD
POTAI4II-3 casks on band and for lisle by
lwel , J & FLOYD
I — Alllv—Rikege lin - Shore and for sale by
CI I I End E-7; Lt. pilrne nm , Fliee . MTTor saTe4
4.) novl4 B k W lIARBAUO/1
etOlital CIEFTI-201) bu prinnb just landing and 15 .
pole by novl4 SA IV BARRAUGII
`L'O AR-60 irbdii N O,J an landing from Rio Irma:nor
ID Farmer, and for ale by
uovl4 8 & NV HAREAUGII
nEER'S lIAIR-1 rack for air by
PTAT//ES-0 bids to day reo'd and for sole b
b.. , 1,101.,A88F-9-0 bble - Bf Jame. Refinery, on
..ennsigornent and too sale law by
novl7 '""`la
t s b Lri.won. k CO
UNDRILi. - -ibbl Roll Butter;
0 I do Beeswax;
. ^. ll do ronvioeff. lo.breed, foi lode by
novl9 ENCB,I9II a uerincrr
recd aare s - ntek
nosit rintrm
CWARS-150,M prime, on hand and for do by
he above, a very.largo not of other Goods.
were parchissed by one of the resident partners u, the
can, and can I, afforded at either wholesale or retail,
at ea low plicea as they,can be procured In the east
ern cities, Purchasers can here have• the same ad
vantagex. In °agent of stock, choice lielectiona and
great variety, UM( aregretiented by Eastern Howes.
New floods cOnstan y arriving.
novl4 A. A MASON A CO.
FLOUR—Ze lib's Fenner & Run Gunny brand, re.
mired ands or sale by
ULLED B. W. FLOUR—eIO sacks just ree'd and
IX for sale by
I. l r o - ‘, L; tr
. :F. 1.1 7 , 0 VOGT - choice varieties, Way
TURNIPS -50 lack. roc'd ond for nate by
GItELN APFLES-25 bb. ' .• boa;
~ 40 do ripploo, and ether v
H 4o44 Tinst rec'd, (sessile by
CORN IN EAR—HO ba day 'bob', tor oak by
LAUF—GO bb 'brio. brand, Is Joy reed by
DRIED PEACHES—It bble ht choice ardtlei to
day reo'd and for mile by.
(AN10N5...2 bbla to morn and or pita or
Ganovr7AIMAS-40 nhl readnd for .le by
DELISSE—A. A. Slaw. k Co. are now opening •
full awortment of Pelisse Cloths, in all the Steh•
losoole colors. Also, 30 pieces Opera. Cloths, au eni
tarty new nrticle. novi3
, CllED3reiiiitikaig• Western Kosierye Cf. i. = Cocoa
12 do do do Saga do
For sale by ' ROUERT DALZELL 3. Co,
novl3 . Linen at
q OMUTA Y 7 3 .011 ER SECD—In wore, for solo by
ATERITU to., in ei — olos ano bIR. !or tale by
COATING -5 rarer Drab tiluiket Coating;
2 do do Cloth 0.;
2 do Lavender den
do (Ivey end Mae Mixed Beaver
Cloth, to 'UriYe lo alba/ days, tad fqr oAle by
novi2 ELM?
I CASE California Plaids; 1 do Brown Janos'
1 110 Tweeds; Jost reed and for sale by
novl3 U LEE
A very auperieNot new In .are and for pale by
bevla W W WILSON
TOINLIA - WiatiFS f poons, Emits, Gutter &c.
" o r Tr& 9 - " ' " " LT
flitlatiELL LATIORICE—wO It. Jag: reed and fa
kd sale by no• 11 It E SELLERS
WATCHES, in large variety, for sate; and 6. re
VT pairing done by novl3 W W WIL80:1
EAvEgt Bucia.vs-25 dos In store. for sale by
A PPLKS—bIo bbla (doom, varobtaa) JosiirtadtrA
A (rum canal boat, and for sat- by
o lces a e~~u ens e -
aom. ao do mmp.~
_ . .
OS bbt. 9 H filohisser
- tiovla lei Liberty at
_.... _ _
VIHARLFS NAYLOR, Attorney at Law, Third 14
V Ist door above Smithfield. novls 3nl
(lUPPEE—rehrr sacks Rao, on hanind — rwri - trng, at
boyls 144 Liberty et
s UliAft a IMULAViSk. 11 1 0 [gilds NA) Llugur,
GU bids do Holum;
1:11 bbls 9 II Molasoes; on hand and for sale by
T‘ni - 47,P1v f'orialliGeTyr°•de`' "d Black Tool
pkryr a'a, -- ca rann
j ufacturtal, scone very br.ds, . band
nod to arrive, and for sate by
iODFISH—S tes, very eupetior, j reo`d, for W.
ll by nolos A CULBERTSON
A LUM—UX, bbla for .10 hl
novid corner You and Woad a.
All.lll IE-Y-100 pass Reck, tor sale by •
novla Wh's il lo AZ FtIVESTOCK A CO
TbRIED rEACIIES—IO bblo now PeaelWiCray
JIJ ree'd asnl for mato by
LtATINEIT-1 case black fnatiutu, jut real trout
t. 7 the menifeentrer, and for We by
novt4 II LEE, Latert. at
1011 cro
(Or ode b
UNT4tED - 911,-1 - 66 — Wasz rood anti fur ode by
J KIDD & CO. 00Wood
F lALAP—ILO lb. sat
Y 00.76 J KIDD & CO, N., Wood at
L , , b rooa_... n b o b .. 7 o Clup`,l, pot re . rc ii iwil r c ztle
rjAISITE CURRANTS -II oaks ,00 reed oor ode
4,4 by noylS A CULHERTAM
If , &IFIZEISEE—IO Al. No 1, jas , t , reed, rer .eie by
PEA RIAI3II-20 eaellejuit reed and (or robe by
norl3 WICK A Mee& NUL ENS
p 2 I bbl. is alas, add foreolo. I , y
n r ot °Bs— i r3
s . CRAIG & SKINNEII,23 Blarke”t
G1i":::t.47 3 fit - ESLea 60 Igan i t d s az4tay
L A n ß ov i- ta 01000
and for .rle bCRAIG:SKINNER
Vk," U n I . 7. S BEANSLS 4,43 - Ingie u r i l
ROLL BUTTER-3 WI, Insnore and for este by
KEG BUTItI—A ic4 io spare and &reale by
ParATEs --
°Enz R o d .;
00y13 uRAIG to SKINNF.R
IN/ASOWS Chaneage ine, etys'd Axes, for We
X WOOD—GO Itii tAiliulfspYsTroeTtire-Fy
-12, no, 1.5 J treIIOttNSIAKER & CO
£ no. 1& bwit`anN"lYukr.R & CO
-ffice - t-ci&b-fiiEn..,,--a ease Super nese style
r FrorT Cluoitee its, Just rend strd tor , a , ^ py
IJILACK WADOINO-25 bales henry - Mast Wei.
I) ding, an band, bought herorn the ltnyanee. for on;.
by 00•13 AIVRPIIi i SON tr CO
l-6hP i 'P'''kd°"'
1,~ 1n oat bbla aTl;acdger,erealeoa4
nowl3 100 Mery st
- eitririlificWlLS—A. A.. Alma tr Co. will reestre,
J per express, this day, upwards of Lsn Long
Shawls, of entirely now and faabtonsble s•yles Al.
go, Square Shawls of all the vartsus eoregns.
hug ht all, ono of the largest ‘111411.10111l in weeoun.
`ROAN—YS blids prime N OTr ..te to close c.n
. inteccos boien . nuTenor ri's,lnnaling and in
I non., for nalo by
Addy hz. Harrows , j lbs, for sale by
novin J 8 DILWORTH & CO
HEEI4:—.7O eons and 140 hoops, of Prieto qwkli
4'. for .ale low by
CI YEAGER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in
Sign of th e Gilt Comb, IN Market n., Pitmburgh, Pa.
Western Merchants, Pedlars, and o'ben Smarts
Pittsburgh to purebaseGoods, are '<spectrally invmd
to call and examine the estenstre assortment of Eng•
lith, American. French and German Fancy Goads.
All Foreign Goods at this establithment are import
ed direct by myself, and parehesen may rely an get
ting goode from first bsmds. I hove the largest nem.-
ment of ankles, in the variety line, in the city of
thitsbergh—all of which will be sold low for cash or
city acceptences. The Stock consist., In part, of
Len Goods, Hosiery, GleVes, Ribbons.
Silk Cravats, Shoe and Patent Threads, Searing Silk.
Spool Cotton, Tapes, Saspenders, Rumens, Pats, Nee
dles end Cutlery.
Gold and Silver %Vetches, Gold Jewelry, all Muds o f
...Brushes, Combs and Razors.
Clt . t ' o ' n " ru i t ' : c ' s t ,re'c i tt ' l Vs " , Pa e l .l l PTil ls s, C l!l a a r li s O , ge k e k s,
Carpet Bags an/Benkets.
Bindings, %rigs and Trimmings.
Toys and F ay Goods: together with a largc emir.
iy of Pitney an Staple DRY GOODS.
O. 'YEAGED is also 'agent for the celebrated Lan.
easter Combs. U novt7
Pa mt. Chilled Rollers.
1.m.,-.7.T.d.p..7,7,„"i;f:Litzarr:lo-,"1 , , , ,:-..
lend superior mode of misting CHILLED IttiLLEIDt,
whieb are now Offered for mete at the lOWA FOI'N
DRy, Pitudiorgh, by PARRY. SCOTT le Co- at a hell
cent per. pound lower than those merle by any other
manufocturere The Bowen are super". in pcilection
of surface to aoy hitherto made, and we
from the atrongem Iron of this ennottar.
oci-V-3m ' JOHN C. PARRY.
" -3 D l R l iNiAli 11{(14 0:LOIN h5.1
i'— :' -%.;',•.?a,,m-/.2....
'.,. l'''''',..l...lLW•
. p,.&• .09. f .! •,
' - cATrilt,- 4 fire Ni'Strellici L.,4
_.:','-;-.•-riq-Z'.k..keft•Zjl'L."'c:..---,t;Ai',:xit,:- .
N EMINESPP end asperieneed Physician from the
East, of 20 yeen stanimg, otters to treat all CU.
or Delicate Naloremith promptness .d secrecy.
ils Buffalo and largo clime b ar
be en p ro ve r b ia l. His cherava are °they
moderato, and his
lcore* permanent. Old Cal" of 6 h: O 4SM/came, Sere
la, Fluor Albin, Rheumatism, agne,B,,b a u s , ~,,,.?
chrome or inviter., cases aralenodi ,
A cure warranted, or chip refu nded.
meamss, N. Clair streat.Rfters toms the Bridge.
Teeth attramml. Advice to the .or grails
N. I.l.—Dr. A- solicits the worst tales or as discs.,
in PitishsiriAtolall.
IA T INES-70 ask. Pon, hladeka„ Sherry andPwats
a Y Kayla Wines, for sabs by Mc cask or in qrs..
alas to sou porshosarhEy
al, no,. No lk)Liberry
‘Tlirtß CANTON, Stark county, Ohio, ce,,,.1,0„.../.
j 3 980 ACRES OF LAND, in a high state of culti
vation, with a imitable proportion of timber, and an
abundance of stone coal and limestone. About equal
proponions of thi. , land mu rolling oPland, tanned to
wheaL and meadow land adapted to Ass and corm
The improvements are a Frame . hoi. Marge
Brick Darn, a young thrift Apple Orchard, ea choice
grafted (min a good copal,' of young Poach Treei, An.
'Tortas—Orte Mardi in hand, balance in eery atucu.i
payments. 'Fdle imitspatablo.
For lusher particular. apply to H. Griswold. Eq.,
Caaton; or to the undemdgned, at Reabenville, 0.
• Administrator of the &Mtn of Geo. Hall.
coy s—dlut&-rjniT
. .
THE de.irahle property occupied by me in the b50r
.1 augh of Manheater, being a good. Cottage Brick•
HOUSE, and Two Acme of Ground finely improved.
Voarevaion prep immediately. Enquire of Jas. An
a, no., adjoining tin prezolsee,or ot . j
posy Mer.LINTOLI i 75 Fourth%
ent n`
r A
19001 mumble for offs:pm or Ars
tiSINI roams.
oetlfaf E D GAZZA3I,.I
&Dee Thud street, over Post °Moo.
For Nolo or ilont. -I—
o THE very dealrable residence in Ailegbkny
ty, lately oceopied by IL W. Poindexter, and
ssesalon given immediately.
For menus apply at dos office, or to W. W. WIL
SON, Market si. ' .1.51
12. .4:,. ItENT—The mansion time tow
occupied by Mrs. Atwood, situated it Oakhind,
witb W acres or greond awiebed. Tho .4..
isspation• and convenient, and the ground web hal
proved. Apply to HARDY, JONES & 00,1
augal — Water F.,
B-MA ek House, et one yyear
bneto and Lot, on Robinson street, Allegbeny,
nen. old Bridge. Price low and terms
re eas
!Not of jy2l SSC OYE y,
R, 110 Second itt
FILIOR three story Bnek Dwethog
Howe, on Liberty, between, flay and Mart nry
streets, now occupied by W. Cubism, Jr. Possession
given Immediately. Engels° of Wm. Grabens, or at
the Bookstore of
jy27.sltf corner Market and Third eine.:
. A THREE storied Dwelling House, being the
second house (tutu Penn street, to Snyder's
Row, on any street. Immediate possession will be
given. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE, Attorney at
Law—rbee on Fourth street, between Cherry alley
and Grant awe.
HE subsentmrs will sell at Inmate We, those two
va.luable Lots of Ground, situated on Tomato. .. ,
In the Third Wand of Allegheny City, each herr! .et
Hoed of 20 feet, mnning . back WO feet in depilvt
feet alley, upon which in built nstone well, 25 by 100
feet, which contains Woe enough to build cellars for
two comfortable dwelling houses, and in front there
are three shade tree., of o years growth, and the side
wade Is_paved with belch, all of which will be sold'al
6960. Pithiburgh and Allegheny, or County Scrip,
wul ba taken in payment. .
J II PHILLIPS, No 5 Wood st.Z.;
or to Whl. BENSON, immediately opposite said lota.
L'OK SALE—ilvelots nimbly named in the boa
r tatting Mum of ihmaingham. - The lots are situa
ted on Dean,. street, ered F Bansman's plat
75, 79,60, el end 82—Lotnumb No 75 fronting 111 (oaten Cla
ry Ann street. 70 feet deep; the other form W) feet from
each, by elf feet deep. •
Trnne.finsater pan of purchase money may rot
main for six years, secured by mo
tilers, imam of TaligiVe kl
myl6 110 second al
— 2lsll — Anres Coal Land gor Haler
ITIJATED on the Monenrateld river,aboat 16 mile.
l flen! Phut sigh and 3 mules above third Leek, in
the Immediate neighborhood of Mean-Lyon A. Sherif,
and Mr. John Herron's purchase. This firm body of
Coal Will be sold at the leer price of .33per acno—orte
Sardis hand, balance inlve equtd annual payments,
without interest. Title indisputable. Location very
good,cannot he surpassed. For farther parricidal,
=forum of S. BALHLCY, Who has a draft of said pro
pony. liesidence 2d st, below
coalr Adam& Row.
N. B. Them ts another seam of on ads tract,
abont 60 feet above the linrer, of excellent qualify. .
liZtanb - alltatilding Leo, car s
mug sulmribers nallorned man at private
sale, and upon hig hl y favorable terms,
,a number
of very valuable Bolding Lots, comprising a large
pimion of th e Lots numbered 67, 62, 69 rind 70, to
Woode Genend Plan of the City of Pittsburgh, situa
ted at the south eanwantly comn of Penn and Wayne
*free., fronting 740 feet on the former, and extending
alorut the latter about KM fait to the - Alfegheny river,
and being a pan of the Real Estate of toe loot Jame,
S. Stevenson, Esc., deceased.
A plan or subdivision of the Lon, in confor
mity with Which it is proposed to .11, may be seen at
the office of the anderstgued, on Fourth, between Mar
kat and Ferry . ate. WILLIAMS A MALY.
V FOR SALE.—A Lot of Gronnd situate on Penn
treet, between Hay and Alaska meets, adioining
the house and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards,
having • front o(20 feet, and in depth 120 feet, will be
told on favorableterms. Title unexceptionable. En.
quire of C. 0. LOO3LLS, 4th st, near Wood.
, For Stale:
ADIRABLE Building Lag in Allegheny uty, Yor
vorably :geared, in size about half an acre, and
will be sold on aecommodating terms. Inquire or
feb6 J D WILLIAMS. lIU wood a,
-There are mote things In heaven and earth
Than ore dream:pi of in phdomphy..
TIIE VIRTUES of this rematkable ve reedy, and
the constant :thong:LOG:a /or It,. to the proprietor,
has induced bun to have it put up In bottles with la
bel,: and direct:a. for thy benefit of the public.
The PETROLEUM I. procured from • well in ibis
county, en a depth at four hundred feet, is it pore una
dulteramd article, without any diets:len Mirage, but
past us flaws from Nature's Great Labratoryl! Thatit
contains properties reaching a randier of diseases, is
no longer e matter of uuranainty. There are many
things in the amtna of utuvre,whieh, if known,might
be or vast usefulness in alleviating sofferiug, and re
storing the bloom of health and vigor to manya se
fever. Long before the proprietor thought of putting
it up in bottles, mhad h reputation for the cure of di.-
ease. The commas and daily lee:cuing calls for it,
and severalkable cures It has performed, le a
sure Indicati ve of its future popularity
,and wade
spread application in the ~are of diseave.
We do rot wish to make a long paraddef cmtift
cams, as we are conmiems that the medicine can soon
work in way into the favor of those who rader and
wislime be healed. Whiles we do not etaim farina
icoal application in ever, disease, we untiesits
ra ngly ray, that in a number of Chronic Diseases it is
dirivalled. Amoca three may be erarnerated—ell
seases of the morons mem% such as CHRONIC
BRONCHITIS, CONSUfiIPTION. (in Its early elsigul
Asthma, and all dimams of the air passages, LIVER
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Marra.. Diseales of
the Bladder and Kidneys, Puns is the Back or Side . ,
Nervous Diseases, Neuralgia, Palsy, Rheumatic Pains,
Mom, Erysipelas, Taper, Rao s, Bunts, Strada,
Brum., Old Bates, he ., 2.. In eases of debility re
sulting from exposure, or tongd rotracted eases of
ddecaythm medicine will brin g re lief It will stet as
,s geueral TONIC and ALTERATIVE to math cams,
tramming tone and energy to the whole frame, remov
ing abstractions, opening the doggish functions, which
ase di
Ceeesm andthelre ea:alit:Mau and giving
thertesed nod renewed e nergy
ergy to all the arse. at
Wei The proprietor knows of several cures of
PILES, that resisted evert attire trelttfiroub get well
ender toe use of the PKPROLEUM for • shun time.
The grant can be given to any person who demise it.
Sean geopine Milian, the signature of the proprietor.
Sold by the yrbr , lblolL,
S. hi. KIER, Canal Brain, rear Seventh at.
Alsuey It E. SELLERS. 67 Wood au
comer Wood at. and Virg in allay; wheeze his
no-tilt regalurtv appointed Agents
B ac.`"ts-4(' doe "'e Arld ' A t tL f XlG W : t Y aoZER
DlGel' would hereby inform his friends and
• customers, and the public in general, that he
ban jest received his fall supply of Call roods, cheap
end good an natal
00 pietas black and colored Preach, English and
Ascent. Broadeloths, of every quality.
I t o)
pieces black and fancy Caul:dere.
pnnarns Vesting., many of which can ottly•bc
bad at this establishment.
kb doa merino, lambswool and cotton Shirts and
A full and handsotne lot of Cravat., silk Handker:
SupPeuders, Gloves, ese.
A large lot of fm :. and common whltePhirts.
Also on hand, 11.0 drab, blue and black fell and blan
k, a Goer Coats, (min UN) to SISAL
100 dress, frock, boo and Back Coats, from $3 to sai
A large stock °flint:lend common Pants,' from it to
Sit per pair.
700 Vests, of various materials, from 75 els to PA •
A fine ossanmems of ladles and gentlemeas , Cloaks,
al » on bend. '
N. B--Castam work will receive pardealar atten
tion. Iland•osue garments nod good fits warranted.
Any person In want of clothing e. be be salted to
their entire ssasfaction, it W. DIGEW'S
cheap Cash Clothing Liberty sit
------- Cies. or Navtgatien -----
i I.3it. friend+ and the pabile aro rospoollhilly Inform
lj «t the , be Reliance Lino will Yearn. to Rho
Goods VI• Canal :root l'ittnbnorb on the lOtb, end from
pbi adelphin ou the I.ldr bat. We shall. continuo to
carry goads by rear-rad .04 menden. donut
_ .
J. Atianstt floiii , *alilitiSr/s Ash..
325 impo sed rted KN 6 le " et s' f d rora 6. le7;tt r e le Aod t
rra A il,l
manufacture:lo9 piteous Amalie. test, arriving and
for wale by nova - & MITCHELTREE
juquoits--17 tit pipes Brandy—Hurd, Da puy, ete;
9 pipes H alined rile;
ests N E Rung
list buts Whiskey; for sale by
k.AVI/YR-04 clues J. MusprattA
EA Puna' brand, a superior ardela, for sale by
P _
ow n D AF. CA 'ENN-1225D ibi MI rerobf and for
Y.Y . , by 1101 R E ESELLERS
UrvA UR9I-0:10 Ina Just reed and for sale by
noall R E SELLF.RS
GROCERIES, dte—lso hags.printe Sao t.lodea;
hf chest, V. H., Impll and G. P. Teat
40 catty his do do do do;
15 bags Pepper; 5 bags Alayiee.
00 mans Cinnamon; bales avast
5 tes Frew. %ea; 71 Ws Large No S Mack%
0 tea Cod 64; INI era Sealed Harting; &Hiv
ing and foe sale by DROWN fr, KIRKPATRICK,
noelg lO4 Liberty at
1.: - ./.57 Ing. Lead, reed and tot sale by
anTITbI teedadfor sale by
/110 f r . eXt;,. k;g c, : t o vd;lZlNl,(4.l,jrilzn:ci)
(11LEAM CHV.LISE.--16 b. superior, for aale by .
noTIO ' HARDY, JONES & 1,0
1. 71 . v , - --- 1 9, A for all e Lva ,v o h rif s en . t . zi p Pate .,
h - Blore4
Steamboat", ea. Wholemin and retaiL
nov9 -comet Fourth and Market as
VI/ 7 . 5 bp astts, do, last received and for
r0e10,5 - • I B CANFIELD'
MOB itECO--W two s's, Hooey lkw, supeSor quell
ty, lout reed and forme., by
no' , lo W R 51eCIITCREON
CIiOCOLATE- - 3S — Coicks - 11„ we'd and - la - 4W
SUGAR CURED RAYI3S perces tope nor, lass In.
ceased and for sale by
TALLOW -3 bbls Jim reed and for win by
S lll . 2l , F p gaTCl ve, E.9- 4 4 .
f t bb l . l, 171 10¢dtog from
W INDOW GLASS— b. 6.15
100 b i. 1000 d
70 66010614;
60 bls 71
All of Markell'a, In good 0 j t6 f i 1q 16, 6 , 1 14r . .. co,
norl.o comer or Llbery
Lla.l tlt
WHITE PIPES-23 bss ree'd and for sale
nolrtti No LW Liberty et
COFT bags Rio, reed az:a for sea by
wail •EE—llu •
Valuable Vann for Sabo.
Cy. Ark Gook mama are honorably heated thitt
the following are the actual qualities of a ne. battle d
Jinena's dank Ede Restored.. - If they loch iner 4 •
mo rd, the
ate y ied !n net Mta
Mato highly respeelole atm= •
Mr. Geo. Beek., el Elm st, New torit. '—
Mrs. Matilda Reeve., Myrtle air, Brooklyn.:
Mr. Wm. Tompkins. kg Enke at, Near York_ ~* ,
Mr. TLC, Jitelmon. Nemours blend, near PiaMbragla.
H. E Caen, late barber steamboat 8. Anomie. - '
And more •thut a hundred tuber% etata, Menet this
mast suttee, that it mill forma the hair tirgrour cm the "
head or tine, atop It falling of, strengthen the mou,,
removing scurf and dandru ff haw the mots, making
light, red. or gray hair aetome a fine dark look, and
keertg dry, hen or miry hair moist, soft, clean ant
jt‘t'l-dt triMkti . ‘ •
rinsharg y h. o P
'en 375 50 rents; and ono .dollar.
. They are not aware how fnghtfutly Nations Is la
to the akin! how Coarse, how rough, hew 11•1,1, .t.
low, yellow, and unhealthy the 'Env-
pear after using prepared chalk; .11e.
{ldes it is inthrtons„.eontailiing,
large quantity of Lead! •
We bare prepared • beautlful,vegenable Intel%
It is perfectly innocent, being pacified of all deleeth.,
one qualinem and Dimness to the akin a natural, heaL
thy, alabaster, clear, living whim; at the am, Vow
aeung aa a commieon the skin, makiug it soirand
smooth. Sold by the WM. JACKSON, SD LOW
erty et. Pittsburgh.- Rue 25 cent.. autadAysT
1:11:r barm Sun Dosarixx.—JONEShi
envies So a psuses a fret penpoution, and ati
the same tune monfies, soltens,-atd whiten& the akin,
giving it the texture and beautyofraninfaut's.
Boron, S.: Runny ago Sowari are' troon•net only,
healed, but cured by Its use, as at least seven Ply. •
Claus In New Yort know, who , tots it in each caws,
and find it unfailing—as a lso in .• • .
Comae, lUitellbe, Famoss, or npy °Over skin Akw . ,
ease. The reader u s that thilr re no miens.
pulled nostrum ' as one trial will prove. .Itould
merate at least so persons eared of '•
Song BEAM, Boa. Loos unto as Illasa.—BarA;
sad ore it, and the reader is again Aeratetil.ureaMr.
not cruelly sell it for the above unleara know Ora bra
all I state. Those who are liable to •
Cum.,Clara:D.on lot.. xrsa, ad! dad Ude • .
cure. Anynne afflicted C
with an F y of the above,or sim
ilar diseases, will find this all and cremator* (adnalra.
We m ioproperdes) than I stow
Ma, reader, the storey are doodad with Imitation,
and be soreyou ask for JONE S 'S Ctpunioal
urgh gold.
. by WM. JACKSON; fill Libel stroal,—
To - swine or ens thoot more repel
titre thou a bad, putrid brea ac merk, yellow diseas
ed teeth. ((persons have these it is their own fault—
thee tan, for two shillings, buy an article that *MI
make their . breath pure and sweet tugs Eiden Jiro
It mares diseases of the Gems, annum' or oleerated,
and for the Teeth it is unequalled, removing the tans;
fastening the teeth In the gum. and clean ) theth u
white as the swam of no panes North • P
. • • •
Sank, reader, are the propcniegor Jones's Amber
Tooth P aste, and, Witham' praLling,lL L oaraclves, hear
what one of our most respectable and *cicadae Den- •
tuns, Mr. E. Field. Cl New York, says"'
"I have both used-end annleud this beautiful .d
palpable snide, (Jones , Artiber Tooth Poly) and
can recommend it as possessing all the qualities claim
ed for it.” Reader. we can say no more be 00110100!,
only that if you try dux once you will be well pleased.
It is put up in beatnik! EnglithlChinalti.M, for.%
rms. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON,•gIi Liber
ty street. Pittsburgh.. ) , augdidicsai.
NIMW IA AItDW A R iltroll ,
No. 78 Wood I,
IUDER AND LAUFALAN. imdinners and dmileni•
' in Foreign and Domestic II Alt DWILIEUIS, Is
Ins varieties ,are now prepared tki low 'lid
on all reasonable terms es can be purcharcdelsewhore.
We solicit our friends, and the Public amorally;
cad and examine oar stock, which cousists=g
SCISSORS, 911EAILS, RAZORS,Morthe Trirdnaingi:
such as Locks,Latchcs, Rinses and Screws, Wea th er
with every article usually kept In illanlware Stoma.
We invite the attention of Cutpenocrs and MeChaniel
gencmlly to arm assortment of Toots; which have been
selected with great care and which we are 'delitreeln
ed m sell to as 10 rive sktis 4, etiett-1 ' • Inted(OVE
. .
Property Ili inegheny Ilty tor
rimiE satAAmbers otter for sale a ionnberOe.
.11. you, slwate in the Second Ward, fronting
Comma. ground, on easy terms. Inguire of
W. 011. ROBINSON, Airy ¢t Lato,St
or of ;I AS ROBINSON, on theorem:dm
rar.artirriCitienißlirar. ROOM,
NO. 79 Avnon writes-A' • -
it, •1,11.1
IVHERE ',ifl be found fox sale . aso of
valuable relive. Books andTiacts rued
la a ones °Cahoot FOLIO. IIUNIDILD MM. pub
lications, (of which catalogues min be bad On op nca
lioe,l em bracing many standard works in 7111.0kr&y.
Biography, tee. ke., selected and published b' e
Presbyter.. Hoard of Publication in Philadelphia;
Md well adapted for Sabbath School, Consvegadoon4
inisters' and Private Librarie,
wishing to purchase sock bookkao Invi
ted to mitl mid ex... he atnortatent.
The Depothory of tbc. Pennsylvania Bible Scold/
is kept at these rooms. och7.drkalatS
T lLldx , bgtte . r r lg.g . taF I race ived i at the Pt.
leered stock at pore Gat.T/ Y ATLACIZTA
from New York, all or which has been received its this
country. since thr hot ot Februnu last, eourioding or
all the diderent grade. grown m Colutiat &Spur.
Our stock twine among the largest In the Wort,ydri sro
prepared to wholesale, on better terms than anytother
baIIPC is the city. We invite retail grocers to and
examine our Muck nod prices. They can havonpack
ed to t, t, and 1 th packages, 0 th tin cannistern, Or by
half chests, to rail their convenience..
Our retad friees vary for Oolong, Blank Teas from
50 Os- to 5 1 . 00 Per lhd hire Youg Sonehong. '6O Us
Congo tu, and Breakfast 60, Young_Hyson,
Uuntiowder and Imperial, from 5 5 eta, to 01,0 0 per lb.
Families are requested to tend and get ean:Zad
dog, Tea:, eel try them before purchasing.,
myloolkutri. JAVNE.'I: 70 Fourth •
T - . . . . .
IIE sabsenber has cm band and los Islo, as .1'
of L. Johnston er.. Go., of rtailadolphis, she to ,
Mgt. .
a 5 pallor Cases;
45 founts Fancy Latter, diffeTantjalassi
3t* Newspaper Cana . .
500 lbs. Leads, cat to cadet; . ..
, .
td Composing Sticks; , , •LL ..-
GM keg. Bront's News Yak; l
I Brass Galley, Column Hales, Brass R ul es
desenptions, &c. , . ; A. JAYAGB
. •
Pekin Ten Store, 7P Forste!
N --Order, received farmer Tv.. aulOdi
[SPOIL'S Moir (Sends mid *public that they •
uo longer may connection with Meir• taw es 4
mem In PC. street, Itnown es an ttsburgh •
Loving removed their entire bnim tO tee PO
4141 , ....V.PV. in. Pit. stoat • • -envII.J,
TO nwrgas OP DRY 0000111
ur it. MURPHY, at north cast comer:of Fo
VP •
and' Market au, la nova receiving his sae ted
supply for the .C. 014 and can offer inducemen ts ta
buyers rue/ yto be met with. Ilia suortnient of
Is very foil, ennsisung of Fiench MetinoaCashatteres,
C'lburgs,Lyoners Clod., roper Prlnted.Fronek Creak.
wens, at prides considerably cold , lowerahaathajl
be bought early in the season. stark of •
Is large, and embrace. mark of the beautifal /ties
now on exhibitios at Franklialasutute, Palled'.
Of news sad very fiandrooto sttlei;',Atelvot Trli
slings, &a
Or varints styles and qualities, plain and embraideVed
Black Silk Lases, Needle Worked Collars nod Corn,
Bonnet Satins and Velvetflowers,Caosand Feathers.
Of the newest styles, and at Joker prices than, sins);
end Well changeable I Silks and Satins, for Mantilla,,
ite.tand a Inge mock of
- -
at lowest prices. And iota° gentlemen's depAnamiat
will be found (tali • • • r
Block-Doeskin, Winter Fortino, FitnerCiteaurtenisi
Underahirts end CravarsfrookitHand.
kerchief., Re
FFprilerclinnto.arortiviied Ron , Whelestitio
Room, op meant. c ..orean
ALEXANDER & DAY, corner 9r the Dihdfoltd and
Market street, nottfy their friends lied Wepabuic
that they have received their stock - of Fait; mud MI.
tee GOOO.l, direct from the irrioorews,. Inanefariterers
and auctions at the east. Thelma:shot now Style and
(ashiaifkble Goods, is large, and presents strong attract
dens to purchasen. le Ladies Deep. Moods. no
Shawls, the- most splendid and fastdeniible Goods o
the season are cow adored; asresonrhablyloW Pries.
eonsietiog in part of the following
New styles Drachm he'd Canute. Silks;
Cold atiditleck_datin Du Che is add Tun Satins;
Cold Csmeltartelroderhinas, the best petalitieg_.
Black glossy 6rodericns of t he -celebrated
e _celebrated Eagle
. _ ..
The above named Black Silke are warTaated ant to
at in the wear; for dresses and mantillas they area!
•est imported.
Neat 40 Cadmium Satin Da Clicod;thilk kaudaavadit
ilk. of toe Reason. - ' . ..
. . . .
New style Creche Silk figured French Merinos, •
now and splendid ariele for Ladies , walking dresime.
Bilk Embroidered French De Leine', Air greens and
sacks, an entirely new ankle. .
Cashmeres, Do Leine.% Merinos., Alpacrsie and par
; mama, a large assonment.. -
&oche Long and tigluiro Shawls, or thi bait goad.
p 17 1 .1.1 Terkc ri Shawls, at greatlyrednend gri . eira
C Brachia fard Sala &awl., in great vartelY.
Crape Shawls, white and colored, an great variety..
Bert Sedan real French Twilled COUIO. Nl priem4
hest Sedan real French Cassinacrest new style Ames%
iota Cassimeres; Soper gala Vesting..
French and Belgtan•Black and Olive Clotho, for La
dies, Cloaks. .
A splindld assortment of American:and Lopozask
11 Blanket., at remarkably lots once.. .• ,
A larjrp and complete assortment noon oa hartd.
Mang of our present stock of Staple Goods wore
hough( from the madirfacturen prevloos to the present
as In prices. A principal part of oar stook of
French and English goods haws been porelosed ths
great Auction Sales in Philadelphia and New Tort,
(which enables corn offer decided bargalas• la almost
every description of goods in oar line of business.
Country Merchants, Merchant. Tailors, and all
wholesale and retail buyers . , .nre 'transact, sol eso/7
eXasninatlon of our Poet and prices. -'
ALEXANDER ft DAY, 73 Markin it,
oent2 north west corner of the Giamatti/IL PAPILICT /ABM s
~Erehnively for Passenger,
I lgl il igVirrh. Hoists of Waimea will Nana
um Ffo ll ows at EI o'clock ai night;
riday, Croix, Friday, Nire.l6thi
P Thompson, Saserday,THA.
I odium -P Berkey, Sunday.l9th..
ic,,,,, c iey--.capt II TruhyddrindaV, nth.
A Craig, Tuesday, Wm..
Lonistaria-J P Thompson, Wednasday, Hsu
Indiana-P Darrey, 7'h May 2a.
Kentucky-Cipt cruby.Fttaty.
obi.-capt A Craig, Satarday,;e4M. •
Losisiana-J P Thoinprem, Sanday,lititt.
Indiana-P Barley, Aloriday, teas
Kentucky-II Inaby, Tueitiday;Dth.
Crais.-A Craig. Wermeadgy,2eu,;
Louitiaaa-J P Thompson, Thursday, ISM
Dtdians-,P Harkey .
Fay pasaage app ly it:HUTCH,
- • .
norle .• - -D'GEEcti a O
Ca:taw Wain
"Emesii TKes—hope • (* annoy q and Yong'
je firm l'ou, of superior *pain!. la. id dun% La
and 6 pound bra, Ana renni and ran 5a.164
.4t rit teg i v
R:11,1"" 1 = 8 T_ ...=11=4: 24 °""