BY MAGNETIC TELECRAPH. REPORTED & TELEORAPMED FOR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE HENRY CLAY'S TO NEW YOU. its* Yoax,Nov. 23. Mr. Clay visited the Herald office yesterdsli to witness the modus operandi of priming. After introduction to Mr. Bennett, be expressed a wiab to see the machinery that aimed so much mis chief. Utica reactilog the prep room, he aid,'•lhis is the place where you forge your thunderbolt Mr. Bassett!--this la the region of Plato." After some few coMmerita he lan.,:plessed and astonished with his visit. THE BANK ItOBBERS CABE, Sr. Lome, Nov. 23. The examination of witnesses . for the, prosecti- Xion, in Made cww, closed to day. It Is anderstocd that the witnesses for the de. fenee"Are but few The acquittal is ex?ectoil.— Notliag but circumstantial evidence hu as yet been elicited• Thera was a Arc at Vandalia, • Caw days since, and a stable cainid din foil bones was bona. THE PACIFIC RAIL ROAD LOIIIIWILLZ, N 0 1; 425 r Mr. Whitney addressed a largo meating . last night at the Court House, explanatory of his plan of baildlng i a Rail Road to thi Pacific, and WWI listened to: with tereotrod interest and attention; after which, the klllowing resolution. were adopt- .ed ae WhttAy Th fU r r b c f !o b st a c i tro av oLitifi l ltls o e r from Lake Mictusso or the Mississippi river, to the Pamfie °mac, and csrasstly recommend its immediate adoption. Resolved. That the r. tkera of this meeting he, and are hereby requested to stets these resoluticms sod transmit a copy of the same to each of our United Stites Senators and tembers of Coupon from this dttcrict,vsho ire hereby requested to give to thi rest measure the.e prompt co-operatioo sad support. APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIDENT. , Wg.auccoion. N0v.23 . , 'Cherie' 'll- Riley has been appointed Colledre at Netelis, vice Hutehmon,tesigned. Now Yoai, Nov. 23. „ Nothinibas been heard of the Caledonia.-130 ibis are =riling to H.dirac. NEW.YORK MARKET NOON ilrt3ll.l Business to clay t In a winner suspended, as dealers are anxiously awaiting the Caledonia's news. • Flour—Li firm, iii3d in active Provisions are dull—Palk is declining. We have no change m notice in articles usually /noted. . New Yoni, Nov. 23. - Flour—There lo a good home and stamens demand with some shipping irmniry, without any material charge in prices; we note sales of common suns and mixod western,' at 044211475; good western wad sn•lght brands,st 4,7.7.01,C0 hbl. Grain—There is nothing do , og is wheat, buyers ask • larger concession than holden am willing to yield. ,Coot—The.demand it Lees andpriets ars receding. Provisiont . i—Them is not much movement in the market—sales went ,trade to • moderato extent at, moss pork, 10,4 , 910,50; prima 8„4.1. Lull—Sales of keg el. l l/86} 4fr barreL Butter and Maus ars dell at present. Groceries—There is no new feature to none. in Cot. fee, Solar, or 3tolesFes. • Whiskey—Ss:et of Ohm at Vt per gen. The ptettner Is now our doe, sad is momeeterilx expected to amye. .CINCINNATI ht&ILKET Canes tan, Nov. - 93. This iivar fell °Sae inches. The wreathes Is warm sad wet. Hoirs—Sinoghterilig stopped. No sales today. Cork—Sales of U^ bola., on private tannat—.loo Wks Elena *old et RS CO. Whiskey—Ad:tanned; lank Eden at 2Dl'por gat. , Flnor—Loondy, bat nal en II tutehangyd. MlUTtlit Villain BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. THE fallowing article We copy with Meanie from the "DM= Mercantile Journal; of Much, 1.4t9, lad we hone Mat it any of our readers are suffering from any of the camploisus which It is said to cute, they will speedily avail themselves of it: j , DEL %VISTA Ft'S DALSa.M OF WILD CHERRY. It was. well kedure many years ego that the wild cherry book tree of this climate Possessed •aloable medicinal qualities. Indeed this fact was lawani to the aborigines, and diteellons of the leases or bark of this tree has ever been tegteded by thr.irphytticiats es, ousel the moat creme remedies In many dimness. This fact, several years sine., arrested Ms szteetan of Dr. Wieser, a highly rupectable practitioner of irir gents Re Investigated-with emetic, Imam. prow! "du of the Wild che rry —tested Its effects when whalm. armed atone, end when in combination with other or, medial events. lie towel dAu its neutral rime might' be greedy improved, nod by combining It with ingre dients who., proportion woe, Lit well proved sad gem • orally recognised, a metheine was prod!tced which muumuu a remedy of great Importance in Names op aliredonvand die area of the chest and threat-- dseases whmh aro proverbially prevalent is moseitle and largo to.vns, and often prove fatal, swelling W bill of mortality to a moth greater extent than Is th • cue with meet others, we had almost raid all clone of disease. • Thy genuine Wittaes Statham of Wild Cherry has' 4c simile of the sigrunue of Henry Whs.., AL atiladelphia, and Sandford and But on a finell,ena ‘ tuned ausel engraved wrapper. None other are pa. nine. wears jolt In mccißkof the following solontary ul timo to the curative poWer of Vrtsmes Balsam Of Wild - Cirstry, from E. Hall, M. D., of Mc Clemens; brittl e= who is a physician of high standing, and an uz• waive druggist • • • • Mr. Cuzco, Mich., Oct. StOtti,l9.l9: To the elllleted, this may eertity teat Mn: & Rob e:U. of this village, three or four week. alter confine, wan emceed with a Vinirtit loop and great piocration, and semed hastening to the pyre with feared rapidity. 1 advised der to use Wistarte Balsam of Witd Cherry--the did en, and with that valuable 'Medicine alone was restorcd.lo heeltb. and le now ' living proof or the vales of Wieser , . Balsam of. Wild Cherry. ' E. HALL, Phyaleiartised•Draggin. Wad on end be convinced all further dike issuer. kahle •inns of Wistsea Belem of Wild Cherry: Ifs ors. Sandford a. Park: Gents, da a matter aim els., se you, and for the bem6t of the pablie; I would ogre the fodonlog statement Of a COM agreria by your medicine. known as Wistses Ilaismn of Wild Cherry. In the spring of ib47 my wine was severely attacked with Penpueurnottio, or Pleurisy, which molted in a deep seated nein In the side. accompanied with a se. were coogh-, Ch i cago , „attended by some f or e best physicians in but to on purposel week. she suffered, without relief, coughing incessmtly night and day. I Came to the conclusion that all the reme dies Known to the physicims could not kelp her, and area induced to try year Wild Cherry. I orotund oho houie, and room:meted urine it according to direc tions; before it wee all gone—Se cough mopped, the pain in her side len her, and with the aid of another bottle she. wne rest• red to reser= ussynt. In con; .ideration of theao eirencostmees, I would recommend it to the public ay a milimide medicine. Yours. respectfully, I. N. GAILILAST. OLAND Farms, Mich., Oct. 8, 1 6 4. 9 . Read Mr follutrilfg Tostisnonizill. Of all the cures that hare been recorded, there ate certainly none equal to the one first mentioned, which plainly shoves the corability of Constunption, eyed Ist Some of its wont forme. Lane Cadent Parer, Lake co., la., um lA, ma. Parkt Deer Pir, Aoi have • deep Cootualzhrtr Sion ter the afflicted, permit me to Moe yea a brief •hour if my aftlienons, and the benefits derived front Ma use of Dr. IViitsr's Balsam of Wild Chatty. In lady, le 11, I was attacked with a fever of i t. tea Mind chsraetzr, which left me in every deb loam state, we, ,e f die wing winter I was taken +Ma severe cold, wine, reduced nic to such an extent . ta pre me the oppepc.,..e of a confirmed consumption. t 'shared ander, eines—expectorated 11 great dea w a a cold feet and night sotto. .1 also sa t e , fremmil ed Moor: tinned in this st, aradually Cue until January, patted sawn attacked erulifeser.. bly (rico. &spatted Or In: . " 4 ,bui g ht I could survive to ri enert time. erneetally my feet, were dorefinttl4V CC selalmost lost their recline. Un d "' 11 " r"• entertaneis it may Daly bo sold that I wee • Iltrinif skeknon. I finally determined to mannikin"' medicine prescribed by anking!, and try Dr. Wismealtalsam of Wild Cerry, .4 from the tint week that I cons. merited taking a. I con due a gradual recovery. continued Its use h a months, at the end of which time I way era are elinped good health ever since, .d cheerfully recommend the Balsam to all those r , dieted with fines. of the longs, and woeld say to 11: " . " 110 an, not to bedtseontsged if two or thr. Oodles do not atm eurr, butpereeve as I bare ewe and t hare ho doobt bat nine cams out of we will be blessed with renewed health u I have beeta . Respectfully, yo.. JOSEPH JACKSON. I s+ 'a per Bottle—Sta Boni. for OS. ' by 1. D. PARE, temeeseorto Sandford &Parish Fourth •d .1001 a, Citteinnad, Ohio, General Agcat f o. booth and Walt, to whom all orders most tie 1. Ig James A. Jones; J. Kidd Ce; hnes 1' tuabargh. L. T. Russell, Wash- Fatock d. „ von , pr; L t , 'lab..., Franklin; L. IL Bowls, Uniontown; If. Welt) ‘C'scu'b.tkb:s•Kontrthikmrse .; s et; gem% do Gilmore, ReedS you, Rooting. don; Mrs. Orr, lloilidayab, Mr.) ithiebran I b Co, Ind- Loa; J. K. Wright, iiiitenriC t rr &finn sr CO, Brook wip; A. Willloll,t one, Trayn..g.mTrit; ll'Fartand k. w Callender, Meadville, 8a,"... d• Co, Erie; J. , Mercer; James, Holly /LC., f t. 041 .; S &kith, r, J.D. Sun:memo, Warren; P.L. -40 4Limien , d ,.,„,0,t; P. Crooker,.lr,Drowrumille. - norl9 AVAN A /aid VRINCIPE In,lo 0 fall •ized Havana, Uugue,r, 4e,bou med. do do, Remain; o Bag do do, Cosmopolite; , 10,W do do, La Esmeralda; 30 ptm do - do, El Nemo.; 1 ,, , ,00 Imperial Aerobe • La Nectar, we.= Genuine Primps , . Crud Benz; - y,tf:o l eapeli fi ja tat s yyn Begets; stut Monett and kir tate by kiILLIDi 9,110=110w, . , itdPS led &Id 40dMV/ COMMERCIAL RECORD. CM= 24Thriaraiy; - 20 Suriday, 20 Monday, 27 Taraday, 22 Wednesday 29 Thursday, 30 Friday . RUTTIIIBUILOn soiLEID OW SAM= ■nCWT4 =HAM M COMMITTEE FOR NOVEMBER JIM 11116121.0 SW MU. T. CM& • carom, Penniman Gaverra, 7 Satardayldormna. November al, 840. We noticed no new feature in Me mat ketieaterday Too weather eras dark and gloomy, and bonne eon- Munn wen bunked.. The river continues to fine navigable ides, and fro. the rssss essina we anticipate another's. - fweras—The tecelpte yesterday were to a 4r Mount. bat sales from first lands wens prbably not exceeding:o7 bbls: The sa/es from storeittre con fined to limited lots to the retralaiicitj tradcitS4l,4lo Kekla4,7s, as in quality of brands. pun—gales onshe wharf of 1100 be yell. Coin in doeryears, u bushel. We hems of no nes to any Ism amount of other grains, bet may codnae oar gsa mke t s u follaivs:—Wheat, beatific; arbsy, oo die; aye, 50.55, and Oats at 31031 e is be. • Gancsattaa-91das 10 tatiaN. 0. Sugar, ft qaallty, able, 4 mod. SaleMbbts N. O. idolassean oak, at gzie Net ebuigeln other attics. Batas—Sales 1044. IDs Side. and Mauldin at 41e far libonluet; and 54 for Sides. Sales c bagged Hants at Se, and of extra angst eared Ilatnat 1110 1.4 e ♦ Lan--S , of 40 to as 610e1e. .Berm—Sales of roll batter in cloths in smil lots by the 411, et Inc; also, of a few boxes tuns gusty at 16e IP lb. Re 6 t. wlllos at ongio Mom ftcoos—Sees of 3,700 ms as 3e, 90 sta. Asseci—Belo of 10 casks, lll.Etteel & PO lel rand, ak , 20.4 ama We nose farther awes of blospraO brand at 3184, cash sunt stow. Salesof Pearlash all 00k; • Haleness 01►6e. Pots 50. and Seorehings OtO3le 41 b. • . Dunn Factr—Sales of 100 ba peaches, ttroarop, at MU. ba, Ned crop Apples are icarce, ar held , at SIAS fr , ha. Daooss—Prkes range from 11,75 to WS' dozen. P 01.013 —Saki Nethannock• (mm stem te1.3750 1,50 t bbl. Soar—Sates of COMMOO Rosin at:1 1 / 1 c; alma, or colic aced at 102101 c Camas—Sales of Star at VSlic, of moo tallow at.IOOI and common dipped at Sc. Catiatomms—Sales In lots of II to 10 Gbh, 551,21® 2,37112,50 • ha, according to neallty. WHISSZT—Saka of Rectified at 22021 c. Atconot,—May be quoted at We ♦/ gall. In bb. of the Dom eeeee Marken. Ply..Loms, Nov. 14,7. M. Lead—No arrivals 1110 C. Monday until to.dayant the market la still well sopplied , ahil dull. On Mosay,2,- 000 pip sold. In three to at 1 3 ,0 0 . Yesterday small lot, about one half orwhlch was hard, sold at 390. Then Is twerp limited demand at present fro any quarter, and sales of raandlots of Upper Mine:mum be effected at r price above 14303 1 . Flour—Today, dales from Sew Orleans Übe sth ware received, and as the markets appear to he im proved slightly below, Molders here were