The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 02, 1849, Image 1
M:M= • •- • ; E§TAR,LISIIIID . 1786., iflismmue IPIPTLIC, "VI 0. W Ayr 'MO COmussiostit. ATrAritZ;tt p.rm lISISTRONG &CRAZE:II,O:OULI/titian Aierenams anckikalistat Pradatse, No. Zilarket ant( 'fir , • , 'dace fl ) 6 1FATigragira, aft' z 'llltall U T4- - guist t r2t/ af , - 4,beri7 ma St. Clair mallet., Phis- LBELEISN; and p.asuaTagalya. Alatoluol4,llo. 145,, Li dt ber l ty t., Va. .l. DA .Viiirtarucx wh . co.g. taailsogina, tornat Wood and ail am. ' jyt a Wkoltsalo procers, — tdluid t. 4) Wood ante Pitlat'arat: . O. 11. PAUTILlikan 704 D.i tr NO:los SpnIictSTRENVPHILNbEttIia; • cluN Ti ?ato toga., WA particular attention to the :Le d t i rawa n ar t zt tt t ts4sl,,VA .. e Office hot.: V A. AL,I P. AL, and 7 PAL • rourta.maaor.-. ____ GMAIO & HlHNNEH.Fararardbir and Commission V Mere:rants N 0.26 Market at, Pittsburgh... spts Cn- iktaNiaa 4 r a V; Poiuraidirig and' Cont. V. triimilbo Bterehams, Canal Lazio. Putabargh Pa. • • Duii • U•sa• Sprla t Ar.l6 - Steel' and Iron I - COI.DII.N, , IIALI.Mati A'Co,manaritotorers • i Coach• and-Bliptio. Hpripsv, Ilattrinoi,t ~r.!ci, Spring and Ploogh Steel; Holy &c.' 1.5 .ittou.o.. Water and.PfOIitOMOIL Pinabargh: •• • Al., Oralara,24 . Coacii Trisattdow. 'IA Me. atlratl 1 la .....- - Da. NAT:ll;7lr.iikki, , (Law of New 1 ort I , Oarics—Saudosiou illYtt, baton:ova ~ Soseatti and suawbnrp. may„ N. 11.—Uiarases otitiO . mouth, gums and teeth. 'raided Itomaeoraokmatik - L.• + ~; ... •, - apHtt.tbsi • _. VNGLISII4I Terri :M , Eogli4ii Harm. _AU 4. Co.),Whki . Motors, CoisszonOnon and Vor. . warthog tdereb • ,r,sdut deadars En Prodnee and Pitlll - - „ fie Largo Alsnallieta ti,1...37” Wood at, tetsreer j? rni c li i nd •iOUZ W. EMT • . . GEX:Ii Et - 8 1 t,' WA ... , 0 H Pea us, Pitt sr, ..,. oflitfr i Ti . . "'' 'do Woods , I.Wriur..t.ti - Fiemp,:torts• 1. - I,v/4 , t ticoy.":%F . , t " .. .117., , k ; 71, (a al io !:°-..Y0 3MlTll'*ilitk.;,lormelu Nesters an, PM Pntaborgh..,.eptl4l tloilooofia lon lialiriroiallif 064 street. Piasbaro4 mli , , icidErT -- maoufactorcr 'of Ilcavy to;. !Witco& :street;• city of • -oovls-dly• urpby 4 Lca,l Wool lkol atloir blcrebruni for the sale 01 lab.W.OPPorate (ow. .; •r.• ; ;: ::••: • • ..w.urn tssato roma a, wuthoz.. , s : KNOB, Tobacco Coolooa al WM. , al, 6.l,o.Diortb 11¢wfiCan wa d e 4 7 .11 !lUD* D. C.&GUM, L '4 BU cautts; 4VN AUDI", Vit. 1.1. Jones & Cp.) 'Mugs, destert Pitlabuygh, - , • • faaiin mcxxirT. ItSAJAII DICW, .1 iclAsian Merck, Water, au4107 •. i. • & :Am.:mown to Atwood, I ttotozowoott Vat Minting Ater , pttabure, yamsfattltred Goods, Co, Witt:anomie Grocors:_Com: itti and anions' in PlochweiNoZo3ll' „Dm; P44 a "U''' " 1 S. DILWORVII a. Co,' Who . lesola ta.W9 on .. . ElLl_eo and _6oOromlosion't4orchontoothrhttoor. totiho 16:?eo-Co.',ot: %VOA 1'411 . 1N M. ToWNeti,sl),-Dx — ngglstard,Appthroari No. 43 Mark?, Wee deersebows Third et. I'm; burgh, will have astantltotchead • wellselett44 noructent of the bc t sad freshest Aleducinesi,lthselt be' • • 'nil sell on tho wen regoctable cermi.ll9iyeithee, lending ardent, will be preettorrauesdedur, eap: plied with ecticies.they lel - rupee areenalue. - Irr•rhysiciani Pteacciptiotie will be leo:rattly wad ze4Wy prepexed 4,0 )4 A. ..beet trutterial44l.llAy hear of .n tamb indioed hirtk' .1. 13 . W.r.joS.,) &min. (trek.; asid, vslugisido. Pot .4 Vd.4 ge.tallyi• 19atzr Ws:od, .p 7 to Lirati i . 6c1,1,221,/. b2,laniala biercluma• .f.tosts, cot 11, 14.erelTalos, disa. Sugar •Relinery. ctt,rittWough, Waldo Dmamai, atm nom- Viuni ice, N 0.93 of Diamond Allay, rata. t..•••••••ar iaJosc-ph G, WSJ. orat• rjrrtvyrrniAtene-QtsdicAlsni i ' • Btauousa7 parenerpail yOpd it, giFsbari* Ap.- Rap WV, ttL i tttca la mule. 1 , 013 j 24/100:014 91=tesillw Lingu., 1 OHN D. V V creels, Pierb J - 411DISTOPra rEand Paper .4.L ' ll 'crONi Book=lltrs, Planters n.euttrs., N. 44 ISlOcet st r Pitt. • je6. . . otIAFLoTD..•.- , ... , " ... Rumen Ram. ~. T & R. FlAlRDlWholessie"Oroccre, Mumma= U • Meretesum, ea Deakts• lxv...roadoce Round church Mintage; estihg:an Liberty, Weal Ana tith streets, l'lMllntrlt NC- ..- .. , ~, . • .;•isse , ' ' JAMES DALZ r r Wbaleien sisocer,Cemerileam Mc, chant, 1. 1 ..dt. l o.'inF Produce and Ratsburgh Mantaitemet. ; .21 Water oci Rtueberge.. recto ..' 3 ACOLI EA:ER, re., W — Ae — sictsillll nellairEla;, ji l /el. m Roreign tee. sad /Alessi., cassis gre,,,s s : schen. Rye W „ . .eyereracr,iltrstuid Market CA, 19r LET R PIN . Ifprcntrang-saa Commission Mex. .a.. en.nuokai • tirßseduce.sudratted,Oreastetr f.cturctl crueler, slailalsiit , ' near TM its, 'inl Pit.NN 1., _' .. P.I.VZSIWIttIII; OA. FRNRDV,4it.O4 kW,. Msashmursre 0 1 . lerr superior 44 8v?.94.4 , Savel Chefs, Much _time and Re ,• -• 'L _ - ,,,35.1y „ .. ,_ -- - • , Vaasa las .Yarsta eras.. c EIV,IB, Luiz If.' Co4inanittaeturenint alfai• --14 nes Bar, than ' Ogler Iron. and 'Nada of the quality. W a, ettlarateetunt,los front.: . • Aran L. ' c,ial.;. s tiroeur,Yoratard• :haul, Dealer in. Atm.. bore '.. i`i ea, 4 Water. at:, and t' /00.111 X. LAMS rell, 4 4 Thelesale awe Variety Goods: d others are invited I van alettirauiet, UMW. bIte 00) del Nei to call cpuMfar.o.great house wan o(the i.torsly I. 3najir, itusburi46. noleasle Grocenoind Stgars N. '4. I mill 111U1e1.14 t!'o.!, At, !cc: , cOo. roectassid Cssuul.! Laktrty 44.4 PittOargh.' • ste-Joiscs, Ainrptry & :filsoda,. No. 41 Fu Cliker All • .14 „. „ . /VI Io M I Wood M A, Fourth • roim 1. !irrtimi.' 111 4 .bliirtei. .sloe, ri;cmich elly ,- 4 dcoters Ili mat ,stoleotcti iritazologi .nt• at * pi/Abu/0, t . ii nr• • t hil! roUt trf' 110 / 44 hs zuve, tr. a Dierket et, socodd at l dl=7.. " :l ° .l: ° lrkftot= b al te Os tiro QV c0ut0..., mad on .all • the ,klrineipal mtes throughout Um_ yky BUChhLANISR, Atasestan. , OeSce, Fourth 21., third door damthhold,eosith Conyers...4W • tank dente with 'the peateat Thies to Seal £t ezamixed, &e, 00 304 1 _ {} • AtO/11 MoCCKI/C• FF/CY, Po &met, near Grant, .this room Q oceop by Alderman Arnim, uomodieto I p oppoalin Kr. Lk melt's: inay be {nand at night lea No. 71, Bt. CZ'llittntent • t • • 44, YTTIALIIIO • UltGEOlVerill attend to the mat mato of ollhe klye. • • U. has been naked In thin brooch of the mesa tat orofeamon for 0 yearn and has comdueted o.gabllalnerd for t titminsent a disease. of We eye Osmom and e nee, eon.. of Sandusky n grid Srnwbe_arki..l . l T. !epoxy eq. seLLB Et. JAA - LOODI. PRODUCE,G it 1..0 „„d Rawl Dime Broker, Ain imktetenun 1. iel_ly h . , P inkaNN tairzt. , between Wayne and lined, boo JE resumed has nofess,onal dour., a mug mow. none on the Plan • UMW, mod k o t,„,a ortun ttlita t fOliad-ti - 7 - t2 ft, near nod — All kaantities of Green and ju ke k . done up in quarter, half, and o pack as ern 'per pound canya A. Al NES. Att for Seim, tea Co &DT. — R ROBISON CO. having um:witted THOMAS urryk:,l3r,letth them in business, Me Whole. Yrodoee and Contatinfori basteem, entt tinned as awl amter rho fires of Robwon, - u.. tie & DN. LiTTl,llk. CO, No. ltl Marty street, Grocer% Produce Vasst",in- srgb5 rg b lerehauts, nod denten At ru. k b u Tik, sant.a.a.nome. VWdesaWoeer, i5 t i,.... 1 •••„;,-& - ik ai. Produce, Putsbursh k ads of Foreign nod Domenic Wine - I.a goon, Na. i to _t Oa ban/ . a seri Large mock of so.Pswttn.f .rbr47. winch will he soll a.. alrhotni , i ) Er).ol.Ds&o , “--- Au i ri gaverTrade, deal -11; hterehsral, for fhb on in Grocerie., 1.4111,04. 4"41..111..urt"W. and Chloride of I.lMe. The highe.t prices, , e "1 7,14 (. .p. ' 17,,u , Lya r Of 1.'"!-1.- dte„. übe , m Produce end riankor, 77: &kit rusbasSby Pa. -C AR 11 it in 'CUN Pnd, tg e N . GlJA l lllZellc h n e uf at - r, Ikde r gin. 41 lithrety 11 , 76 .7 f 7 iLlfT___7 7 i • IV . 111' pi,; ...11092estic D r y boorrt Deniers , lo " 'YffAi Le MTN,, Co., Niitoiittale . Grocers and 0 'Produce desiers,No.e.e3ar4 ot atreet, between Sth and W. Noriltsido, Chdaeleindia. ' • toed ~5 d: 19. lIAHISAUGII , Wiolifferetourts, Dealer. 0o In Flour and Produce generally, and rph, r4 ji n ,, and, Nonlethal.= ilerehanta, No. .5:1 Water at., Piny. • • rrrrannuan. NlCOLS.,'Produincitnil General Merelsauts, No: Liberty at:; Pittsburgh. Linked sod Lust , . VON' BOYINHORST.•fe 6;7, Whisinoa — “ STS r 4, Forstording tool..Commithion klerthosas Dealers in Pim/iamb Monist/sets.. and,Western. Pre face, havered/ore/ to their new sea rehoute,tobt stand NO. Lai cninu.of Front et. and Chancery Lane. 41 4 AltgET..t BEST, Wtiolesale:Grosens thud tins Merchants, atuLdenfena in 1W aeo...'No. Wend as. Pittsburgh. • ' • pal? 2 0./ YCOTT, Whotesale:and Retail dealers in .1. Boots, 'Shoes; Trunko, Csuperliags, S . cornet of 4th and titithlleld 111.8, Pittsburgh, Pi, Ja.: • • Il' T 7 W 71/Cd , il r-aWttiECEC:rIgao;XIIOLEEALEIQUORtIiiody rt er of F d O e R sk EI s GN to Old Morchgahtla 11)o Whiskey.. intlehargh Man. u/ketures, corner of Market wilt Past sa, Superior nniek. market intro. vle. & 11. BIITCSIELTILKE, - Wilgtrstit,EanGdßONl'L' RpcnrVl,G onit lHF ;ANTS. Alt - orters of ttodo Asti and reaching 'Powder, No. I/0 leheofy (opposite tfuith st rq." ocnil •0.11 D. WIC/. DMZ/ 11 - . TiCK & M'CANDLES. tsucoessors to L. tr. Wirk,) IVtuolexale Groeerr, _Forwaring and .conisziation !denims, dialer• in Iron, Ni.. - Glans, Lottarr YuniN and Pitiotturgh Manufgetures generally, D%• of Woo 4 and Wtogr •tenet. Pittsburgh. W. WALLACE, hint rin e and Al' I/ lag estribilabment, No. Liberty, at., near tbe mard.3 1V. :1 22! - t fi jc:,r s e ' t_Tr Streets rsitsbargli, Co. .N.ll. 7 kintel ' en r and t earnfryly repaired. 'li done9rcttb~, IXTFET • BOWEN--Conww.lon .11 ' Fnewnrdind , Merchant, No. 9d Frtint at. between Wnwt an Market FITCCIII. rmr..l • f Z • roretEn and Commie 'Dry tiood••,, north cnst enrner of Markotand Fourth • an¢ll •wi TUnalit, Thlo. 1:11,1n. • {IT 2L Y 9 LEGA Co: Dente:eio Irs4ts hid ct. 143 Libenr. kiturcuson. 'nor. Werrenieni, tr n. .- i ir n Te li eEjZs'•"lt'tP"7'.7li;',.. b.tgh . islinfeetstch generall'y; 11,PLibe " . 6 y a n t: Pug. burgh. • .LY WILSON' Denier W . Jew eirp W. <rikulta , Ty Gmla,.tc., 100.57 Mar ... . . %ik: YolAci . co., . j)r4i.L.,7l,lilg"lP,.','l7;'4'dtif',4 l :",`• 1 ` 1 71"° , lust received he SPRING STOCK of g00d5.....4m r ! .priaing la luxe ossoiisoent at sr , leloii .io 11 ,, .i , lm , , to •FlOok the all . eirlosiicptirelysi•r, is insiicit. • ' - MEWS _ .. _ _ _ _ 1 — 7 - f i li:TTlGEriTirt — Viii. C 0.,. H , OA' -1 STEAM liti&T AGENTS Orrice &soya Al.-Au.ssi &Co, oci3l' No. &I Water street INER,VCE • . • P.xtorrF.critini•vmse AND d -- "ed • , 11LARINEINoll/Li.IiChiCONIP ! s't • fi t latirenY.yc. to .NT 05.11AKTFORD.thsliN. • 1521. b. Premiongs, Capital Stock, and Stugint Fetid. N1000 ) 000. .. • • 'payola and responsibie ComptiltY emotione• , of pollen - a on the most favorable terms on Dmehing Nowa, lloasehald Fulham, Sliares,idtorks of Iledds 1), embodies and contents, Milk .41 Alanafaeteries, - 'he. ad., Against Idt)93 OR DA AlAtill toy FIRE. • Also; t Gratille..Wites and Merith.dire. sgniirt - the his:mils of.lmamo - Thanarovrarron, and open the Cargoes nfSea Vero., ' • • ! • 'The • groicedinn Imam. Company having. in'the la Et Oil - cuts, pent' , !WIT MlLLlotes 07 DoLlans at their "Several ugenmeashrooghout the Caned Staten ett.ti the Alritish - ,Trovitmea r have established a itotsePatation ler softer.- untlAnir iihich cheltene. coin . parison retth., any other humane° company on the ' conttneot of Atoefici. The antlered oXO net from an article - On the subject of lestirance Compottiee, lokeo fro t the -Near Tail Day. Honh , " ! cahihtm trial' the slandlor and policy of the Company. - • tletote yeti Then' of the anent:nand slithys proi permla city:of Dartford, have .for hair a•crutury twee famous tittoughouttlie Union for the care, tiOcection, rigid holierty,and unvarying success win which they • hare - format 'sold Dianage4 , LorporaltOlth of tide tie seat:4loD; hp Hanford !Ehmk.or leshrunee Conipiny has ever failed: These Compshies have foe more than amble genet - Minn tiestte eel their risks in nee r eVerrtstile of lie. Caine:and Anne never failed In pay the inii l. imerable losses which they bare insured ..g - dinytn . • 4—Alt Wan heeising arm policies issuedhy the under. sigued, will he promptly 11.1Aticidand poitt.o.altie CEO.' • end Ageetey I.ated at Cnnati, A larre• portion of the ' funds el-the Company, (including all premiums de at th e -Wcitern egeneiesd. is de-. ,posited,vride thebGeneral Agent of• the Company at! ettleitulat4 for thelta [Tient oftWestein and Southern' Mises. Aryl) . to FAINT t BROWN. Agent furore city otrinshurgh, and.thr Allegheny nc. . • • r • tri4o Pain.;lviunlo. enockposair —r : 'Footman*.aca on Liv.aiiiriconcrito narrri cn. ri , llEfirei Lao Insarance Conipww 11111liku Nlestri. 11 Incorimated North lotd—ch tor perpetual. Cap* i5:410,000-ollpold in. r ' . linvininablinicrl the oudetoinned" rin,eivoappis cadmic forloaurarice, on Wlnen polintea incurd, according tai proposals . and rue, wi n ch will be nude ktioron to applicants it bit calico, Pio. toll Wood street. spil piiiHR.AN. WSSIt.ICN-1116TISAlitti OF PITTSBURGH spo,uou. "11:11117.1an,:r., Frew • Mil more agollost ell kinds of tisks, I , I6IIAND MARINE A n. will' be 'Lie ly adjusted and promptly Abome institution-romaged by Directors Who are waII eammumcy, arid who arc deterinin . ad by prottiptaeas and liberality to Maintain'the char. Wet watch Wy e. ave smell, as ofaring- die beat protection bilh. who desire to be itiguroa • .• • Dascro.-6. Miller, Jr., Geo. Sleet, J 'W W. Sutler, ZI. Holmes. Jr., Wm. IL Holmes, C. Rms., Geo. W. Jaekson, Um. hi. Lyon; Jae. Llppineon., Thos. K: Lima, Janws - WAuley, Alez,Nbzuek, Thos. Seen. Ossma, No: 39 Water envoi ronieshonse of Fpailf Co., up calm) Pittsburgh. • .• rtrLdly • lIMIE - DELAWARE riIIiTUAD SAFlrrit INSET ILANCGCOMSANS.-01Seej Nord Doom of tau . I:haulage Third Grecs, Philadelphia. EWA Isrs ' nnsares...43.ldrays liferch.ilisc and other property In Town and commit, ramrod against loss or :mow by fire at the Itraresy ratO of memo.= gran 1 - - - 49 9 .3. 1 .- i nteTedeOßtertro Vessels. Car ,•goes d FraistAloreign or C0R.4.50., under open.. special polietia as the assured Ineydoiire. -.D.MOSTIIIaSPOSISSIOIC-TheralsOleSereliterehan tdite Tratisynried by Wagons . , Ralizoo4 Can,. Count Dos. and tiles. Coats, on over. and lakes, en the moo libecali zms.. . - • DIRECTOI:9-Joseh,4 Edmond - A. &rad., John C Dav,s,,Robert R ot t en , John R Penrose4.9Atne el Edwards, Lelpe4 Edward Darlington. tsanc it Davis, V, FolareD, John Newlin , Dr R tS Jamul andj , Thoplilleir rankling; H Janes Brtielksi Henry Sloan, Hugh -Craw, George_ Scroll, !Spencer Stellvai. Chan.. .1 O.Johroon, Atilt , Lam Hoy, Cr i l Therotas, John Selles, Wou.Eyre, Jr. DIRECTOR AT. PITTSBURGH-IX T: Mom., .Wro.lltasaßty, Mr. T. Logan. , . • . , ' 'WILLIAM ItIATTITN, EleSident. Rtestaie 0, Ntiwnato, Secretary. , ' G lee of the 'Compairyj' riot - 42 Waier Greet, 11ttsburItli Agert. ft/4M AHD At A KILN tall 81/ItAiYC C.' J.: • mete i:rtumeat send- limited .tl.ll,4lll!?,`.,"l..l%,".V:yrk.`"....d Tan Company arc Well iiiiiitsted, - and Tarnish an :wall ah's fond for the ample indemnity rif all persons who desire to Loproteeted byinsarenee. • . JONES, As ern, 41Worr st. . . ,1 JH ISSMNIT Thf Frani/in:Fare ludiedner Co. of . Philadelphia. ,lIIRECTORS.-.Charies N, Rancher, Thorn. Hon, JLT Toblas.V.Zgoor.lSomeel GrillOy.l6COL IL Sran.h. Esc W Werra blonlee. D. Lewis, Adolphe E. Hopei David .% Drew., Morris Psuercha. : Eds.= fl klascata Prishleht. Charles D. lisuckey, Gonlitsixe to slake /rummage, •pelpeliial or hativd, on every description of picot:Perry. IlljOyal or tolintri, 'al Mauro low his an consistrisswith emu Sty. • • To Company have reserved a large - ,I and. -schleti‘orith their - Capita land ,Prennisais, anydlyi d subd, ed J adind amyl protect.l ro the aware!. . • The m." or-the oampanyi Odlanuary let , that , . published agreraLlyloau net of Audetabl y, were as . : 1,017,439 4i . • Real Estate T by . Temporethr • ji" , ,l',Zl Smelts • ;iILLI - A cash, ax, • • •• '' .......... • V,..1.4 37 I:2=M3 :.,' ii. . , . or $1,34,41/7 71 . &ace their :tempope 111)ean, they liava PM uP 4 ...d• eon. millio nal n•four hundred Mewl. and dollars, lassies by.firs, thereby atferding u , r i,k,,,,, c a 0,,,,,,g,,,,,i.agks Of Ltnutance, att scat .0 005111410 y and dispautlon In meet with pr.ompreass A,, lbilides .: . 1.-GAILDINLIL LObIIIIN,,, - 'marl -lily . : I Office N Ecoraer Wood and : t „ ukiSANArgrodl l l ll ' l43 / 11 • 1 l li FS V ILANCZCOs . /...11 A. hIADIDRAiAgent at Pittsburgh , f,g,b,,, ~,,,.. .11. d ',arab/atl*aletylniimsenCompany . .fm,. Ati adelphia, Fire trPon llldidltall...lld sss , Yltyntlizi , 1 1 . 01 every dew. . don,. andAlarine JtmUs qaul,,,n,„, cargoes of Yes 1h - takes-spun OW mon” avorablo t i[r ". l3l3lco . ca tge Warehouse of R. D. I ielues &Dm., lb o. 37 Water, near Market Orem, l'ittrborgL . N. arlie en; ease argils Calnittoty eittCY 010 0104- lishatylit of the Agency 'MAIM , city, wait tits prompt. new and liharali.verviti -which eycry skim een.them for loss liar Imre adjusted,fally warrmat the agent in limiting the confidence and patronage alibi Oh n.b. and the community confide nce large to toe • INneware 1.1.1%. Insu. mace Conipany,!while It !me die:additional aditUttayes ay. ittilityliios ILlnond /ha Mast itanrishin; 10‘10001$1- pltty-05 having f .. a ample II capilal,wludi by Um operation of its ,charicy tS COMltatitly ittereatittr, on yteldlng to each 'Pel.o4.- wired idualismallare m the PrOhm of Me (atonally, without i uvolving • Mails any rwllmilsibillty whatever, and theiefore as, poMeseing, the Mutual pruielple diveswdof EvYry 0000.Tial fea ture, and in its matt attiVdive Yowls. . '' : Mul 1)0OT AND is WEETSEb7.3 . : New Celiac:ha' of • 0 Chtirco Music, reprising men? of Um mompop, ular and aural mnes la coniseelll ~., t o *4' veal vaduly of: stcw.and.original r” neate r and lowa " 00 % A.lulealis:Oliants,And designed for the ay et .0 balm, Coyeesylittottst Winging Meho‘ll't 4 ' o ' ' in ' ''' cylved and tor Pale by ::ELLIOTT .Y...06 1,1 d1L actin _,_ • • • 7lO Wood el r,....., WAhltfINU CiLOVII.I--JaeiWsi'd; Y-liiS pair Ladie s, I nein Rubber. IYesbiag , Gi°"*. 44) 0 1 sale asWie Iniiiiltubber Depot. Na 'u Wood et. I "li' , - • ',. .-. 1 44 it t iiit.i.lis • /Warl • trazga , amine —tswv uor"" • ' tar "" ""mb*.agynascum, ws baud 6)4 (or Hie by • • G pixamori; , • IM=E=MZM;I== 11 0 E FOUNTAIN 110T/IL. • LICHT STREET.FALTINIORE 'Awes •FD mil:Parma, raoramitna. TIIIS establishment long and widely known ing one of the Mott commodious in Cot city of ; bag recently -.naergt.. alterations and intprovmutth% An enure ^'Av Piing . has been added, containing moneroup end aity Merino; cOartuients, and extenPlce hotting oIAA , ' • The Ladies , department bap also been completeiy •••corganiscr4 and.fitted Uyt in a mo sonigue and beat.- AO style. In loathe whet, Itrangement of the /louse has been remodeled, with a-single gyti en the point' the prnpreter, towards the comfort and pleavure nt their Guests, and whieh they' confidently aPvert will challenge compaction with any Hotel , in the . Their tab. will always be supplied 'with everysat ttnnial cod luxury 'which the market afords, served tp In • superior style; while in the way of Wines, So., hey will not It carpaaned. In conclusion Inc proprietor's beg. say, that nothing will on their part,and on the pan of their assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends nod the patine generally. ' Tic pare for beard hove al so e been reduced to th following rater: , ' ladice Ordniary, per day. _.tientlemen's 1;50 . fi...13.--The Baggage Wagon ell the ilohan will ai 'ways be found at the Car and efeaanbor. Landings, Which will convey baggage to and frets Oa lintel, tree of charge. maytlif LAVIULATIWE MOUSE. comets ov conceit stra Cuter alum, tnvtalmnen. THE respecttully announces that he hasnot+ opened hit neer .111111 excellent lintel 'ter the accommodation of traveler, boarders, and the public generally. The hymn" and funtfture are enttrely new, and nn fining or expense have been spared to render it one of the most comfortable and plensant Hotels In the city. The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there fore VolLcits, is share of online patronaf e. onsl4.dly JACOB 110tIts11. Proprietor. VIC Tsit t [lei - .Nrr sr, II risks. rovcrn •!rti nrtn tas. OPPOIMTE late Blink of the United States, Phil& delptun M. I'OPE MITCHELL, mora l - Proprietor. LAW OFFICES. JOHN H. RANIUN, • - A WORICEXintid enameling sit Lam, and Carom, eigther for the State of Pelithiktminia, Si. booth 'in (lot Pittsburgh.y - Rergence.m.—Plimborgh: lion: WP. Forward. Kim ion it littler , beCanilleag tr. heClure, John K Parke i teKing. - _ , - - ' DAIFID rt. STERRETT. TFOR NEI'S AND COOSELLORS' AC LAW, JA_ Fourth street, between Smithfield andel:mm Inert a. Wm. . . LARGE & FRIAIELL . A TrOIiNWPS AT LAW, Fourth street, near Grant, jaUbtf . lifice - an Fourth L. I. 111. V. 4j eC ita ll79 : llll l-- lal i d 4A L — ant et, Pittsburgh. ' ATTORAFET.AT LAW. 13talar, Pa W lLL ness . 4 " , ' ared d ir Kirrn I . 3tile! ' r and dr¢etron~ couarks; Keay to J. tc. R,Floyd, Litorty cc l W do ,• • James Marshall do I Pittaburett. Kay It Co., Wood atJ tan: J KWF.ITZOK Att — o7ney at Law, °Bice nal .t.. V a i oppaane 51 Cheeks Hotel, Vittaburgh, will alma al Green mpily to Ciallectlana, in'Wwildnaton, Fayette and Green coontica, Ltl=l litlachtnock, Bola at Co,. ' Churrh trait•laturgh U. T. lahrrgen, nolhany t J. _HENRY, Attorney and Counrollor n; Loo - , /2t o Chicanntti t Ohio. .ollectiotut in Sointitrn Ohio, 111111 in Indians, And in kentuckS. rtoinhtly 'And cairn fully Attended na.• OunnaisAinuer for tho'S.tote oL Penn- Aylinotio., On' inking Dtpol6lloll, Arlantooledgmeno, .k.r. Ate. ‘Vm. & Son Curtii,cnurch & Canalters, lVta. flays,Hort ' & Dem. ntr. UAW, CAPS AND BONNETS r'D FALL PASIHON FOR HATS. r e . 1.11i20-1:1) it Co. will norodure this dayj-lit tSoturcloy, Au; pie fail Mile or Gentfornoies. V.,(l),T'Of Fifilhand Wood roost, oug2il • 11 . 4 , DitinCOILDCO., CO tenon...ore or dreord King) rzaltirentabto litatteca,s Cornev of Wood nod Frith Strws. ))ARTlCUl,Alioncouon ) , aid to nor Retail Trade. I. Gentlemen can Toy trot, getting their nat. and Cnia from out cetahnehnont of thu We etarratto nod vonotanw'nr, of the 1-01.51 . 1"1...5 and nt rite WWl.' PPIC. Country Mr rehante, Mart-bating trY am reepectfultv lotted to call and etantine our Stork; as ere can sliy with to de that as regurda iiretor cad num it et Al nor serer in, a contiparoon wait oy loiyeo in Philadelphia. • • %fail; 4 -CALWIJILNIA tIATF-42 do - r venter .. proof Cantionta Bai r jot received and for eats by id'eußllk Co, ""7 ..murnn Ana wpw rbSPRINO FASHIONS FOR 1840. 21VCORD wilt introduce. on Santa- Atarch thet ttptiug at* of HATS. Taos.: iu waitt Dia neat and supertor hay arc invited to rail at earn,' Grath an.l'll'oud .M 45. marl PRINIS Ite/NNET itlitRONS. R Murphy L has now open a supply or p slug gennet Ribbons, of Imes Avid havaltoite style, Al.n, I,IV ttyle Ged - limts;• I.lele linseo and WK- LinCti Edgiup; Victoria do; plaid 31astins and embroidered Swiss Idualins t to.; beside,. o /arse asNitoornt of Spring Goods generally, at', north csit corner 4:0 and Niarkerstreets. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. • ape: FORWARDING & tiros R. $11.1.. TVATIT Cirocerr, and rroduce and Coo, onvonn ,Nlrrehants, No, II& 'Wood at. Pittsburgh. Ikulcrs In tilomeries, Ploor, Whew, nye, Oats, Corn, itarley, Pork, Baeon; BOter, Lard, Cheers) Clover, Tonattly and Plax. Seed.; Iron, Na:ls,Glnas, to. te. to. Particular anennon paid to the aale of Wailer,, Produce. ' • Irrszeracce—M , . Myers it Hunter; Rid& Dal eh & Co., hITAIIa Jr Roe, Illimplon, Smith & Co., Joints Aloe, Kota & Moorhead, nag:writ& Fanner Allusigon. Jo.. S. Itforroon, I.outit. eptighly tons & union. 1017 DI'S - TU.llton, 0. W. 3.111./370N• CRAIG 11/ ARIAN A,. V E NERAI. Alihricv, commt..i. and Forword• k.T ng.klerebants, No. :X. Market eta Pitoburgb, ef" . ll - runiti attention given to the . parchthie trod rale 411 01110 uf Froduce. Raven vo—Jobn Wan fc Co, hlurpily, Waren & Co. Pittaburgh, Pa., Lawton & , klahloa Mo Wellsvalo, 0.; John 11. Grown & & Co.. Phitadetphut; -B. W. Irnodgrass Co, Gregg lc Nam Platy Lisbon, O.; Fr. hkitinur, Dmt. C. D. Coon, C1001,0:1; . J, P. Kell.r, Youngstown, OS; W. H. hone Ono. Clcve. , lnnil, 0., • • aural 'GEORGE COCIIRA.N. • Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Irwin woolen., rrnaserinn, arAtiriTirthrai to trimmer a general Cortardstion tun. cspecially in the purchase and side of Await esti lilarreinatures and Produce, and In receiving nod reiornriling bonds eonsigned to hin earn. A. Agent for r.n-alninuarturrs, be raid be Constanlly stipplird with the principal articles of Pittsburgh hlnnuaretnre al the inward WIIIIICMIE girders and consigunierns remxl/ . taly solicited. Pr Pews Iflschia* Shops WlGllTMAN—hlalsfactorer °roll kinds of cot rli son and woollr mactinery, Allegheny city, _Po 'll,O above works beim, sow kiloa :. 7 sucersa:T.l 07- ensign . , l at, Proposed or extols° °lf cra °;lh dis?arch for all kis* , ol machinery In Yylae . f aTN to lockers, sproadors, cords, crinfizir otokiaee, railways, &s wing homes,speeders, 'noose:ls, looms; Woolen cools, °outdo br Angle, for merchant Or couniyork, oolos ; jocks,doc.; slid, wad .hond lorhrsaml tools yen oral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or pl forgrariog fa-clones or mills ot.rezwoiable Charac. Aryan' To—Rosh:4, BlockstoCk, hell (fray. PI on anat.. laver Stabl " ittl Ilkia Patl . 7 LO, opened Lho large atabiepn s kint ra,tunning ihrouel to - Second between Wuxi atoll lirnithfie,l te., in thqFeox of„lhe,lilonon,teheas ent. axienwelyeew stock of I lor•es sand Cornsigra of the bent qunlitt and lawn stylea. at Itve rY the held' wanner. , jYt‘ll 'UL MICICEN.WOOD.OA4OE NB. ' The slam boas •A,MASONZkvo n orl ' en "fr aTete ,. t a tte '' l f rarllit en—leavig. at 9 o'clock, A. M., and at the neginning of chat twat Argil 9 P.M. Sieitera they rely On findtng the boat at the hour. She Icayes the Mauler,. the lens:. trip, at Itt o'clock. The season it fastadvanciug, and thyme wishing to visit tat. delightful relrenf, a nd is toe ume to spend a few re act not In ere emake arid dust of the city, limb, n pure nonorplicre s 4relluined with the fragrance of gourcrit sew 1 All kinds of refreshruents, except intnxicatinWarmka, nic kept. on the gcrejoriwe. Mrcenhouve Flout.% and Itraguits of choice flaw.. for role. Closed on Sun. day, '• • jy96 . JAMES :Ai -Change of landing made on act.vorit of low wa ' GYZO BstIt'LEAIIEILGER . • forwarding and Cominismun Mer chant, hieCanove4 Or t: Front, between Woad Rnd Smithfield Firm-hr.. son lA/ ;num I'nAll'l3, mule no so Improie'll T • Oath so no not to freeze to the coldest Persons wanner, suck articles. are sunned to esll nod see them at SCAIFti 1nT1,5 Ist. between Wove Market 00. • St.!. 131-Ick 'Works foe !ills. ' r ir " \ .l*. i:"l! ". .g, b' ai,:!: " l f . " . ' „Vet, ' Ca th . ' l;47r E a A rn ' p l ri n .l g lig i" a . ' .i .i.i. Lagatc, I Lanier', d Mould Ii ,hint, tenant, of tnenufactunng att,tat PreePad Brick.; lout at dry 'clay . al taken Crean tilt bark.) par ilsf; 'with three nerc• Of laud ea the.)tlilteuy Toler, on which are tide. and ehed., MIMI.. and clay aSod*,.yrbeeiPerro. wo., ...", ..aboveti, apedes, ke, every th i ng reynistle to com mence antennae at an titan nettle. Price, including the pateta tight In tate a4id 'radium; f 7,ooG—terms of petytnent made easy. NVlthudt thu land, Vi,014). For particulendaddtesa , JIENR V ,:11ElittlIT, sturiAltt Din 116 ..1101.1111114,1101 HOUSC. BhLL AND BRASS FOUNDItY. a_ .A 11.iliToN, lien and Bra.% Puutclicf, b.. r . "" boil) and commenced basin,. nt In old etend, where ha id!' be rileitced to zee hi. old eti.intri err and ;rim's. . . • Churrit,Stenntbant,antl Bells ore very silo, fronVlO to 10,000 warm earl front lieponts orate mart appro.". edlnotlela, nod ate 4 to of the licut mateoula., Ointerel•Wolet Pumps,Counters, key ter. Sher with over variety of Ikon Cauttiles, al rntintred, Inrncd Sol &visited in the totatest A. F. lu titge proprietor of Ilauan , s Mott-Ariel ronrAforOLY oo /Putty ertehroved for the rollactian of (notion in marlin: err. T.,e lievon used tTlntortr , ttlun ran lot It nil nf burl ut all tone.. lotittly p - rr 'l to o r o. st " rlVr ;. t:t " A i ;Pt i ft ."'' ll ' :• -' :i g if i' lt . l oa AA n i ll • Any USE 121114 k 10 •Jlnt,l . at .I.ortert water. Woad at, • ~T PITT§BTIRGII, MORNING,; NoYEMBER, *6. COPARTNERSHIPS. E=== .••• • - • . %MIK partnership of the ade.tgeed, under the fine X/ of llngaley 'dumb, arna.hatelved by mutual cow,. on Inth September; IV. Manley rawebawnS the :methyl of.S. R. Smith, who The burthese 'of the firm will be 'tattled by thew nu CVC1,01 . 5, W Brumley la Co, to Nos. lb and 2 , 1 Wood wt. WILLIAM BAGAI,EV, Pittsburgh, Oct. .9, 'lt. ISAAC R. .MITII CD-PARTNERSIDP.—Wxn LlagairV eiwrd with him Wok. It. Woodward of Phl . adelpttt, John S Coe:Trove and Ralph Ha.lcy of Pttor.orgh, mill coahnue tholChol,rtlefirot,ry No, PI and vo.Wood at, under the bona of WM. RAGA LEV.& CO, Cittaboigh; and BAOALCY, WOODWARD & CO., Pitilad'a. 4,49 Dlosolntloalf Co.Partn•r•Allp - V l Zam "" 77.t . Pre ' n o re:AVZl74 l7 wm, Elmolved on the 141 in. by mutual cau,ent. !1. R. BROWN, Pitttburgh, OeL 5, Litl. A. CULBKRTSON. • The suliscriber will continuo the Wholesale Groce. ty.aoll CommirsiOn Bushier% us heretofore. at tier old stand, 145 Liberty M. Deli A. CULBERTSON • • ' TAYLOR & BENNET, ROPRIMIRS OF MP PITTSBURtiII ALKALI P WIIIIKS, ow now prepared to furnish a supermr orucle of Soda Ash and lllurtioic Aral. Persons wish; lop IA purehasn either of the above aVicles,'ure re. lllnrcd to rail on ISAAC WALKFR, No. 13 Faill st., and examine the articles before purchasApe:sewherc. N. B.—The Sods Ash manufactured at ibis esiabllsh men! Is greatly superior to any other brought In this markeb spt.2l LxinsoN. 964 F E ATKINSON,. 1.3 1 Vomit ♦IT rr. tl-WriralE anufacture kinett of COPPER, I_l TIN AND SIIERT IRUN WARE. Ako. Meek tiunh Work. Stettin Boats bull; to order. Special attention given to steam hoot work. nave on h•nds antic assortment of CopperN.nd Hews kook yTtn Wooc, Do. ho. Stcumboat Cooking Stover., Portable Forges, varioun eizen— a. very convenient ar ticle for steamboats, California ertokrivos or rail road co pamnies. life would respretfully invite steam boat men and When to Loll and see our article. and prise. lienire pureb.ine elsewhere • Dissolutioesof Parener.ittp. THE - copartnership of HANNEN h. CO.. torinerly Hartnett, Moller k Co. in the Window a d Colored Gloss business it thin dry dirsolved by the withdrawal of NH. Frederick Muller. The bust:lsis will be continued by die andersianed, Under the firm of HENRY 11.1NNEN h. 1 - .0 Wore. hot ne No It* Serumd ni, when, we will supplies ofauperior Window Glass. JOHN HANNF.. 11F.NRY lIANNEN. 110.11 ROHERTSON, Pitifibunet. Aug. ft. VP HENRY usrsTHA D. Copartnership.. - TliEnntlersignett have nib. day a...gelato:l with them • m business JACOB L. SCHWARTZ, sad will eon .s_ibue lb< business an heretofore cinder the fiturtir 11 A. FA HNESTOCK A CO. JYR, MEM MIMI T _ partnership heretotore ezisting under the firm of A. &C. BRA BL.CV, to diasolve4 by the decease U Bradley. The busioees will be earrusd oft by A. Bradley. who will peon: the business of the lute finn. RE2IOVAL—A.I3.mA, has removed Lt. Potandry Watehouse from - No. t Second Meet. to N 0.161 Wood .treet, between Ftryt owl beeped street., o the Yrarehooett lately oettopted by t A. Berry, where he trill keep conatently on hood n general moonment of Ra • Atinga, Grates Stoves, Cooking Store, he. jy1:1 _ - DISSOLUTION. parinerstrip herrtaore mating between SIUTP Busbfichl aod tV,lnxnt IS. H•ys, tradiurr under the firm of BUSHNELL/ fr. BAYS, bas the day te—n dissolved by Willow B. Bays if elltr, fits emir, inmrciit in Abe firm to S. B. Bustificid. AB acount% due the firm ',it no collected by B. Bushfiel c d. and all debts due by the hue firm to be paid by the some. S.. B. BUSIIFIELD, W. B. BAYS. pinata:ugh, June 2.2,1.12: CO-PARTNERSIIIR—S. B Itcvtnv.o haying tam tloy assoctatett with himself Briar Lamm. formerly tif f Betiford. Ea., and recently of the National flotel, PAl.lturch. win continue Me business under the ftun f, LEAVER, at the•At Liberty sweet. It. B. RESIIFIELD, l'utaborgh, Jane VD, 1f49. IL LEADER. lihrtng - rettrtd fsom the former btialne“, I tnke ple i.g = r lay cu tome. g n my h ep ee. c o r , eoro t l N . . tl. HAYS. 1==1323 , f 1 LIE en,artershto heretofore. ezirting between the 1. stainorthets, an the name of tOi.ttablo, :Male h. Co. i. cat day diroolved try mµtual eanaen, 31eamtit. Burt.. A. Marne, wall '<tile the Lacier...l nl' the eon cern. fo 'hleh purpose they art nothorired to one the nhrne pram enneern. NA'ell ANI Fn. CONSTABLE:. 1:1)AIUN1) • TiltIMA:l4 . . The utoler4ied hare this diyy associated themselves in the name ot BURKE & BAR: 4 4X for the purpose of nweibetunng Fire Proof Farce, VAtill . DOotr, &c. &e., RI 111 stood of the late fl TM or Constable, llorke & Co., whore they will be pleased to reeeiVe the pa tronage of the customers °ldiot house ant . . their friend, 111.1FRE; THOMAS DANNY: S. • In retieinc from the firm of Constshth, BoAte &Co I 'SOB, sincere pk - Asuro - reeommendfilessr&l.L.Bko K Burnes to the confidence of my friends und the public. Bch. & NATIIA NIES: CONSTABLE. fubßLdtf DISSOLUTION. MIIE partner-Inn of MURPHY k LEI° 10 130• day ilissok.rd bylnorituel consent. The born enrol tbe late firm will le-settled IL Lee .I. R. 3111111•10', Pintthurgh, lan. 30,1,19. 11. LEE. NOTICE—The undersigned will continue the Wool burinean and attend to the bale of Woolen :Goody, at the old rtand. JI. LCE In retiring from the (inn of Murphy & Dee, l mire greet pleuture 01 recommending Mr 11. lire to Me cont.:knee of nay mend. and the public. I Ihttaburgh,Jan.:lo, J. IL IIE hutMdiihera — have this dny arm:omit:Ll them -1 Fellers together for the putotme of troasueung a' I.'4°lmm:a and retail Dry Gomla and lirocerylbumne”, at No 241 Liberty, oppomm beventh atrcet, ander the style and firm of BUSIfFIRLD A 1113 0. Pttlaborg4, January 1, 1919. N. LL—Our 0113 ens:mums and the public are invded 13 Ktveaaacell.' - late - CO-PAB.TNEILNIIIP. - W :a. D. SCAIFE and Capt. JAMES ATKINSON 9CAhave ert ATKINSON, a ntered into nd pane r wi shi ll c arry oil the rm antler the fi of IFE O. Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. , Almo„glarismifhing in alt tt. Manche., at the old stand Of Wm. B. Seaife, Pint street:near 'AlOod. Particular attannon given to meandwat wed*. IDAVEIbis duy with me to Uie who!, Lt Groccry, Produce and Co'utano , sion loodue“, my loather Jo.eph, under the lino of J. t. DILWORTH O. Co. J. S. DILWORTH. January I, Alit' if i Vobey emaciated with him, lobo R. al'Cun. Mc lea ther !a.m.. MU hereafter he conducted Under Me feren of Wm. Young & Cp. WILLIAM.% (Hil t:, Mori JNO. It, met:NFL MISCELLANEOUS. DURICV: 1 CO'S Detly It now maul:lov tit— Ilverine Can and enell OYSTERS, witteir rc at frred to dealers and f.snilien at the lowa.' prate, Quality warranted equal to any brought qta mar. Jet, and for rale by • J. C.ttgt, Wnoor at. Also—At the following deport—Rail 4 Bericr, cor ner Srnithfittld and Second era; E. Ilrarricton t l,9tanond. Dlereer tr. Rob I main. Vette rn I c0..11 altrtny. ncrl JAMES W. WOODWRI.L, • modern unit Antique Furniture TUIRD Prrrsseuuo. A. large abli bolendol • . uolortment of Furnhure, tunable for Stroluboato, Holelsand potvate noes, cOnntnntly on toold and ande to order. Thep resent stock on hood CUIIIOI e.r.corded any munofuctory in' the w trni country. Persocs onohlug to porch., would do woll to Kleetne n as I detemtmod pneeo pledse. 'Part of the'stoek consists in— . . . Tote a Too; nude,. k.i.yeivi ' Louis XIV Choirs; queen Eli taboth Chairs, Tea roysi-; Fruit TRW., Toilet Tableri Luton XV Cotaitin:jor; . French Mahoettx /3.-dttowis. rhino Stooin 3J.6.5 with Plin.h ..tol Ileur, loth o..ts; . . . 00 Mahogany floeknor Chtmi • 4tl doe Parlor do • Ott . Fancy do 05 centre Tables; 20 pair Demos; 4 pair pier Tables; 15 marble top Drenring lturertas; S Wardrnbem B Secretaries a nd Ronk erica; 20 marble top Wash &Imam 4 pair Ottomans; . . 9 pror Panay Work Stands; ,', • A very large assortment of eommon jhnirs nodal:l . Fr suture too numerous to mention. [rte Steam !Mats furnished on the oltnrtesV notice s and on themost reasonable ten.. ;11ssel5 Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water. 1111$ le to certify that I hare ap; pointed/ Livingsnons Rog h. Co, Sole Agents for the stale offerlinlVC Patent Diaprnligru kilter, for ths oil ties of Pittaburgls•and Allegheny. ' JOIIN GIBSON. Agent, fur Wolter 11 bilbsoli,:110 Broads.) , ' Oct. 10,1E44. ._We have been smog one old. , reeve 'attseles et no rause of the Novelty Works for three tumult, ms Irml, oa and feel perfectly raushed that it Sr useful us:sr we take pleasure in recommending them J. fat article in all whn lore pore water. Orders will Ise thankfully received end promptly executed. netts, !AMU:ST(IN. ROGGEN A. Cs. tiaaereibia . Pliiaring C'eohr FOR PURIFYING WATER, IVlsleh render. tarisld water pure by r w nz t o , vin fr: !i ,ar ilmtere tas, , , , , o t t , m4ov;: , t k r, of:4 Ahnou . h padre s .lN purr ' . the N. yet • when tt padre . .our through thir \Naas/ filtering cock, show a large . sleposit imps sobpancel, aroma, Le. Tim i. the Cane more or lota with all hydrant seater. The Reversible Filterer le neat and datable, and I. not attended with the Inconvenience incident to other Ft heresy,. it in alarmed without being detached Iron • the water ripe, by madly minima the ley or b.dl. fronfone side to the other. By o.a easy process, ths roue. of water I, Chang d 1 and .11 aeemmalations beporn sabst.ces are dnven el" almost inst.tly, without .Icrerrlng the niter. It also possesses tha all•.tage o being f e .top reek, and as ends to Om) eases wsll be ryent .d ceencesdeal. items be attached where there 1..7 pressure high or low to umiak . , tank, tab kn. with rue. Td be had of the role Agent, - W, NV. WILSON, , netl7 earner of Fourth and Market a. /IARPETS . CA ai . vms , .—lter'st thts day, at NV. 31.- %1 GLINTOCK'S tr ece l souse , ysy Fourth st, a further suppll of G.OTVOt, Of ma latent aild most approved styles, in iv Inoue the ationtien of STEAMBOAT 01EN, am those Wolling 10 I furniah ,tiouSt.3, to call nod esemine Om Imps% assortinent in the en,. sash , . Ayr rout cell chests, itsen ever be tote oderest Iss she western muncher Carpel Ware. house No, 73 Fourth street. i _ ; 111 ._F,_ Ml= IEIEII - ' 1114' !LSC/ELLANEOUS Otterealate, Comma s Saw- :,,, W. Baker's Ametiein no French Chocolate, Prepar le ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Dram, 'Cocoa Stalls, . TO merchants and consumers who worth] p hew the best products of Cocoa, 'free from adult., nen, murr nutritious rhea tea or.caltee,. and inquality !tsar passed. the subscriber recommends the above a cies, numufactured by ldraielf. nod stamped with his ante. the Prima and Cocoa Paste. as de li cate, pal table, and refinery debits for invalid., convalesecti , end others. are pronounced by the most eminent phyaicians siiperior to any otherpreparnlions. Ilia nmameturca e always on sale-La any quantity, by 'the most re• np m crtab:c grocer's in the eastern cities, and by then aeons, Hawes, rimy Ave., of Boston; James lil Dunce t to. Dartford, Conn; Hussey A Marley, New Fork; Grant lc Stone. Plaladelphlai Thom. VBrandige, Hal limece; nod Fellore A Bennett.Citteinneti, Ohio. WALTER BAKER, Dorchester nes. For sale by atigat BAGALEY &SMITH, Apt. Wrought and Iran ing. / 1 E te2 Cast to inform Rail the public that they have obtaliteil from the FAO all the ItudAnd biehmonble designs for Imo Railing, both fur bowie. atm eemeterie , Perrone vrithing to urocure/'hinid .Tee patterns will pleinie and °gnome. nna judge for themtinlyee, Hulling will be innumbed obit. short. eel none, null In the hest' mariner, au the corner of Crni, nod Rebecca ntreete, Allegheny eity: A. I.A MONT A KNIAT.. W. & J. GLENII, Book Ulnae.. W ' OrWoo ffil d ' =Vgen *b 7ti t :l i ta n r e gti, W ' rens ' we are prepared mdo any troth id Cal line with des patch.We stood to our woripersonslly, and satm faction Will be given is regvd to ns . neatness and do , 'ability. Blank Banes ruled to on,: pattern and bound sub stantially. Books in numbers or old books boiand canoe fully or repaired. NamoS put on books in gilt letters. 'Chose that hive work' in our line are invited to call. Prices low. . ' raynktf /NOTICE. . r_TAVING kld For entire Hock to C,'ll.Osuirr, with a view to cAndngour oldbusinesa, we hereby SO licit for him dro'pairoonge of all our Glenda and cus tomers. X RO. W. POINDEXTER, THE. POINDEXTER. Pittebarplkitlug Ith,l64di 11,ORAT, Wtinleaule Grocer, Commission and k." ,Porwarding Iderchmo, No. II Water at suit Seale., Cooking Stove., Grates, Liu AA ARSILALL, WM:LACE & CO., Round Church, 11'1mailer Liberty and Wood greets, manufacture onil offer for bale Platform, Floor and Counter Seale f the O•t improved quality; Cooking . Stoyea, for wood and comb Egg Seven or yarrow, *Mt, Parlor mud comn3en Orator, Hollow Ware, rte. ite. They alto ' manufacture the Kitchen Range. which ho given tech general eatialbetion to those hoeing it in we, to all of which they mould reepectfully invite the attention or the eturena and the public generally. set glighf ANUFACTURED TOBACCO—The entree - fiber 11 would call Me atielltiOn of the city Bade ,and dealer. generally. to the fallowing brands Tobaccos, more and co notice, which being consignment/ di re.ct from manufacture., be ie enabled to roll at east ern prices:" UW 1/ boa R W Crensbaw ha; 71/ I Jameshladmon Cr.; HI " lutinartine Cr.; " Mirabeau St; PClParn 5e and Is; 15 I " Roberts t Sisson Cr.; s Omar Berl se; t/ I " donne& Leen. I.; 3 •` Warlyick, actor I.; 4. 4 I `.. Henry it James -Cr., I. and Cr.; fcl.l 'L d WATER MAN Pitt 3lsclia., Works and Feandrr. nrrsacaau, 0101 NITREDIT S. Co., we prepared to build Conon te) ond )Voolon Machinery Drovers. dowriptiou, such ns Cantata Machines; tipinning Frames, Spoeders. rk,,,„;,,, Frames, Railway Hoods, wupen,SPooo4.l Dressing Frames:Looms, Card (Molders, tro. Wro Iron Shafting turoodt allenos of Crmt Iron, Pull!. d Hansom of the latest pattern., ollde and band Lathe., LW 10013 of all kinds. Caning!. of every dens non furnished unshod Itatterna made to order for Alin Gearing, Iron Railing, ke. Steam Pipe for bear ing Factor am, Cast - Iron Window Saab and fancy Coo. bu t ts genera lly. Orden left at the Woodmen< of J. Yo.otock Co., Liberty nowt ; will Lave prompt anon- Reim m Bhmkstoct, Bell h Co., J. K. Moorehead tr. Cu . O. r. Warner, John Irwin tr. Sons, Pptsborsti; G. C. F. J. IL Worn. , icul.ertralo. , 1.19 Old:W comm PACTOWV, • Vat — . :cr'L'ed'",r.t".',.. aret between Federal al il S.clusky streets. rem are noW retaking arid are prepared to receive orders he every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chnriol'a, Ba ranehee, !Juggler, Pmo., an., which Dorn their lone clurntence tit ilw manufacture of the above work, aal tho facilities P.; have, they fceleotifideat they .1,3 enabltil to do work on the wort reeeonable tern• with reeeemranting omelet in their litie. Prqing pae uctrt. attention to the selection of meta Otis ; and haviag untie am competent workmen, they linen no haitehan in warranting their work_ We therefore ask tut attention of the public tbi. manor. act - minas done us the best manner, and on the mat reinathable *Dar' . rrst CUI7'IIN AND WOOLEN JttANUFACPO• HERS.—llnv!nr mints most "apply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we will sell ut lbw (Dees Calf .d Sheep Refer Skink, Lace Lea ther, Pickers, Reeds, Shuttle., Hemp TWittO Treadles, No. 5 to 14 Belt Punches, Wrenches, :Stripping Cards, Dr to tom; Parma Odense Brushes, Weayers , Brush- LOGAN, WILSON it CO., Iny.l IrD th'eo street. Pittsburah auicr WIN ES—Othcy, Webber tr. Forrester, lert4; kr-Pore rich and dry, Gould, Campbell it Co's old • imbritain's Pare INS Pure Jaffee par tioulor Port Maris le thratr--Pranselnice, tbreble, doe 'Be and aingle Gratms. These wines are all - cerebra , en let their medical proper - ilea, end can he had whole sale or retail at the Wine Stare of . ft 'JACOB WEAVER, Jr_ PIANOS! rill: subscriber offers for tale ti large sod splendid J. assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Pianos, scab and withoot Coleman's celebrated AS.' It. Attachment. The shove instruinrnis wryest , tinted to be equal to any otimaiactured this coun try, and will tit told lower thn• any borught from the F. BLUMF., No ILI wood st, MI door above Sth N. I:.—(:Its, ectln will be taken at par for a few of be above 'internment • my 2 F. 11. - nardware--Cheaper than Kroll r ouaN, wiLsoN is CO., Importer, and Wlsolthabs Er Dealers in Hardware, rtinlery and Saddlery, No Iter.Wortl street, above Phil!, irmvr now in atOro• vary sirup and well selected etoe of Hardware, imported more the decline of prices In Europe, and which they ricicrolincti to roll correspondingly low. Merchgnta who hive Leon ;a the habit of going 1: - .2.01. are portico. forty requestc , .l m eicll—ted look through our stock,. confideutry believe they Will sun:Bleu es - peaces nets • ft AGA' at Me BALTIMORE, SIIII-ADELPIIIA, 1- , NEW Vtritg. ik) , srori ANUNEWORI.,EANS GENERAL AGENCY ANDCOMMISSIONVSFICE, Young MEN in wholcsaln and retail Flare!, dud other rewpectable Int Rims, to act es Bookekeepehs, Sales mu, Porter., Ilar-krapsra, \Valiant, Fanners, Coach uen, Car Agents. Boot and hlsp . Agents, Co l lectors, versvere In all branches of bitatuess, Mv. We have wt all times a I.rge namtwr of goodsituations on head, hirl] pap trout 3114, to 82,..H1 per adman. Those In want of rituahone of auy kind would do well to give nt a call, as we base altnias in each of tha s'neve La hr., which will enable Ur to place every appliesat in a eetaddo maJalion at the shortest notice. %Vs have a bug., acqUaliltallec in all Om abwe named cities, whlett we tract willeliable U. in sit% entire s.ijsf.e. /ion to all who rump favor us with a call. 1 YLOR A. TAY MAN, No. n 9 Second st., In-twee/1 South and Gay. N. lt —Peewit. 'itvine in any part of the U. 9 ../1 g„wirina o vitlkelnUll In or cf. zher or the .tietve . ritaw, will have their wants irnme .ll.o,ly au.nde.t shy midi . ..slog all hoe, loon,-poid~ a• by ILO they', will ennui both tunable and es. wi:ieti they utile rw“e world lactic by coming to the esy, mud ectking. employment thct.ov.. Adar.f, • TAA LOA A. TA Y AN, ==! 'llls Is to cerals that I purchased one slal of Dr. 1 Stu Lesley Worm stpectite, aurae two months ago sun pusa to n son of mine, some seven year, old, two '-ennPoeut full, and althimists the amount may appear ante, sat I Its ve no doubt but there way upwards of rwn rtnnsarin wmues patted front measuring fi rum tn., yuntntr of attpnelt to two molten tog. W HOLLIDAY. I=II=XM:IMM==I • BENNETT BROTHER, tt vEr.:Iz 4 W A ItE 1I AN LiffAlfrUltEllS, nt r-allias ham, [ isenr Plttsbwrgbd Pa. Ao rc loosse, No. 137, Wood sired, Piits3,yrgA. WILL seep on hand a Food smut.. &mein or Vt".e„p4nur own nianutaciare, and eurcriorquallW Wholesale and country Mee ch.. are respectfully invited to call and en. anione for themselves, ea we are determined to sell cheaper than ha. ever before been offered to this pub- IL". orders sent cor can,!, ace...panted by the wow or .ivr..(crenee toll attended in inyla rile I;Alnyaa—Jusi reeeived, n lull al...rune ri ni gold and Tnrual. Cord and Wald; also Spineh., owl Bunion . . for embroidering and other or' naturnial work. Al.. gold and .Over Panel., Fringe , and Lace. . - Je,eiry.of the law.eiashlns•, in great variety. %V*lthet vipe:lor quality and Leauttful patterns and t".r sale at I , :nsttrn pnees W W WILSON, tang] corner .Harker sold Fourth s. ATHEN/EMI BATHING VITABLIBEI. ME:il l -11pol from GA. M. toll P. M. Single RAM 25 centn, or a Mel dollar. Ladies deparunent alma fromn 10 11 A. M. and Irma 2 to 5 P.M. Itelreshment Saloons ant unequalled in style attendance. Recherche lee CICOMA ! 0,15 lI'I'ALL. Proprietor. rt intentlin , Mr public is respemnsity called to j_ tine lulln.vtnG esisMente. Mu. si. te , t,il quantity of Gold dreomettir. I Mid the result proves your instrument rotrech mid reentamoil the um of it thliFe goinit to Codfornitt. es die best method for ab. miabig the reel value of Gold. Ilesm y_ours, J. Ig DU Boater. Pittsburgh, Much Si, hfi4o. Pyrraneson March 7,1942. Mo. Mauro—Doer Sin Having exisulned the "Asea motet," suanulactutod nt your rooms, I do not hesitate cud it to CIE one of those gentlemen who are about removing to Cedifontia search of Gold. • • • It give m clofic approximntion to the.spogihe grad it of melds, and 901 i cennuas enable UM kiventura to certain when his placer In yielding Gold. rtiatlV Your, re•StOlt. J. IL hFCLINTOGE. y NUL.. RUBBER GLAYllllhiti—Jusa received foram 1 cadorma tapedinan, a complete armament of Gum Elwin Clothing, nt price, tonging front 173,50 to 1,54 for ault of toot, panta and bat. For elle at the !mho Iltiblwr lkpot, ho 5 Wood at. deed° J k II 'ILMAT WEST/dna -- CLI ADDLE, NAILN ESS, TRUNK AND WHIP MAN 1.„) BEACTtiliT.—Thc subscriber takes Lida. method e(informing his friends and the public in 11..111 that he hy the largest stock of the following named:an'. elee °this owu manuf.tare In this cisy-6.da1041j., nes., Trunks and Whip., all of which he will warrant be Lamade ofthe hear material and by the emit Mech anics in Allegheny county. Being determined town his nianufactures soutethiug lower than imp heed here. tofore cold by any similar establishment In the ell), be would invite person. In need of the above nutted article. to his s.rehouse, NoMil Libeny arced, °ppm silo Seveth. Alta, bands made in order for m.hinee G. KERBY. ~,11 I ti I IT nod Marl Man BILLS Or FAB II ANGE, pay. ij mile to etticentian.l.edimllle and St. Loins, par ... on the 111oRlISTOMDla tem.., • spat N. MIXES & SONS. IMES . . . , • FaIII,IIII2IIOVAL A-19 713=117.1.7 Cr. 07 ALL DOM.= ylOl •1 131717yESTATE 0. 1111 11L000 • 011 /AMY ne VIZ LinFilL .17:. • Scrofbla or Klugis Evil, Rheumatism, Obethiate Cam. name Eruption•iPtmplee or Pantiles on the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm Or Teller, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiltie Symplons, Sciatica or !!Lembago,—and diseams exiling from . Inindielone use ofMereury, tiles or Dropsy, Exposure or Inmmilenee in Life;" Also—Coronie Constitutional Dieortlert, , This Medicine has acquired a very exteMed .d tabliebed reputation wherever it be. been used, based entirely on Ile own merits, which its superior efficacy_ has alone sustained. The unfortunate victim of her editary disease, with swollen glands, contraeted el • new., and bones hell carious, has t een restored' to health rand vigor. The mrofalone mina:d i covered with ulcers, loatbeome to himself and his attendee% has dean made whole. Handrail of Persona who had groaned botieleesly tor years under cutaneous and gl.dular dmorders, chronic rheumatism , and many other complarrite springing . from • derangement of Me seetence erne. and the circulation, have been raised as it were from the rack of dimwit., .d now, with re. generated corteunnions, gladly test fy :tithe efficacy f this In.tintable preparation. "TRUTH IS STRANGER. THAN FICTION. , The aoenlioe of the reader is called to the following moulding care, elfeetaiby the use Al Sands`Sarsap. orilic This Is to certify that I hime a colored 17.10. Who had been afflicted Mr the last five yam with &Mills, end all the remedies I used had no efeet in &meting the,rogrees of the complaing en the di n b et, ern .2111 y grew worse; sod after expending between 079 and IPX, with physicians, betides today other tiler remedies enthrals success, till the dietate' had eaten away } he . mtiage of bur nom, made ha appear apse oa vas - lon parts of her body, .d bed finally commenced ravage. in the roof of her mouth. In thie dreadful Weldon, with the pretreat* ofd eath staring her In the fame, I mated her ease to Dr. Dile. way, the agent fur Sanded ..mina Newilern, N. C, by whom I wes advmed to ale that article; and to my surprise and that of my neihbors, to whom her ease was known. after acing four .d a half bottles she was restored toperfect health, and Matte Um apace of three. week., and was able to work in two weeks from th time eommenced taking ik In witness of the truth of this statement, t have here. unto affixed my name, th is 19111 day of Beer. ISO. - - JOSEPH avccrrria, J. P Meath of Neese River, Craven co., N. C. PORE THROXT. The knowing il_att extract frost a letter received from Mn. Bevan , who had been articled several years with Scrotem. Ulcers, a, de., and recently . affection ei the throat rad cheek— Beileyburg, Y., Dee. 13,151 A Messrs. A. B. & D. gam= Beton, I commenced us ing your Sarsaparilla, my saferings were almout past expression; my threat was completely ulcerated, I bad • dresdhl cough, and them were freqemuly weeks to gether that I could not speak above a whisper, and be sides, the inflammation from my tinsel extended to my heed, an that my heariryg was very enech•lmpaired. Aftrr taking thißarss pantie * abort time, my health improved, end my throat is now weale VI free from cough and tightness of the chest er I was, and. cut hear quite distinctly. My throat has been well about three soonthalthe tare of svh.lih bee been erect. edentlrely by the nun of your Sarsaparilla Your fnend, LOUISA R. - BEVAN. , • The following testimonial to the value of the Sarsap arilla, is from the Bev. Lather V. nein, aged 76 years, Congiciationsi Ilinister, ;eliding at Webers. Weaves, alaria,March 'WM, 1646. Messrs. Sandr Gentlemen, From what I have expe rienced, and from the information t have recently re. celled from • number of pers., of high rerpectabili ty who have used year &reseal-We, I have not the least doubt but that it Is a most valuable medielbe, and that the numerans ttlrtifientes you have received of its eheady Ire folly sistained by experience, eni al though as repot/Hod end utility are very extensive, and stand in no need of my humble efforts to increase them, I went a ll who an atilicied by diatonic to become acquainted with the efficacy and power of year vale able medicine. • am, gentlemen, 'gratefully, and very respectfully yours, LUTHER WRIGHT. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retell. by. A.D. strain, & D. SANDS, Druggist and Chemist, Palma rain, meter of William, New York. Bold also by Dreg gime generally thoeughoit the Unlieti States and Can dee. Price SI per bottle: six blittles for Si, For sale!y. L. WILCOX, Jr, D.A. FAHNESTOCK & CO, and EDWARD FENDERICK, Pittsburgh. Al o, by Dr. S.SMITH. Bridgwater. octl3 PITTEIBURGEI FEMALE IPISTITUTM. alms Insutute 6 under the care of Rev. J. M. COS- I MORN Aff LADY, will sewpcn on Monday, the 17th of September, iri the sonde rooms, No. 421.1berty Pn7iptYsVo l g mt:Atte:°.T.b.`,ll`„tho'r"thPautPteZ patronage they have httherto enjoyed. Parents may (eel matured that, every advantage will be afforded their daughters, if placed ander their charge, for oh. tainingadborough English, Classical, wad Or, educanon. eagefialif voTING 4.A.mics smaxualwav, 1111 E AUTUMN BSION of this hmtitution will L .commence on the fint Monday in September.— Rooms on Federal street. in "Colonade Row," MI door fromd snur o brhi rSC R rnom rR intro, or inn Monies Fuglish Deparuneot, Beading, Orthogre• pity and Defining, IVriting, English Grammer, Limo. ne, Logic, English Composition and Criticism, Geo. 6 rkPity, History, A . rithreetie . snd thekigher branchee of Matheateues, N atural Philosophy, Chenustry, As. InktomY. &laity, Physiology, Geology, Intellectual and Morel licnce, and all other brandies • theroagh English Education. - eao 110 ClasilearDeparment,tnehading the Laths and Greek Lenges/es, each • - II 600 Prenelt, 610 00 German, ' IBIS 00 The services of competent teachers are secured for melt as desire instruction in French and Germ., and also in Brewing, Painting and Music. It is desirable that pupils enter at the commeme meat ore session, yet they are received at any time, and are charged at the above rates from the time of entrance. ho deductions are made fotilmences, " Agg i f:fo o rinTrOrray I:: e :bia.lned, and as , pace- . lions made by calling upon th e Principal, at his rooms , on Federal street, or at his lodging. in L•lrwires Row'," Liberty stood, Pittebargh, between ad mu 4th atrecta; or by addresstng, through th e Pittsburgh Post Office, the Principal. N. W.METCA.LP. Allegheny, Aug. 7,104 d dtf PITTSBURGH PERArIIIIISTITIPTIG Tut: Second Session of tide butittalon, tinder the care of Mr. and Mra. Gamow., for the. present academie year, will commence on the first of }Mims' ry mixt, tattle same buildings, No. Liberty attest. Arrangements have keen made by which e they will he able to furnish young ladies facilities ogee' lo my in the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Clud. cal, and Ornemental education. A fall course of Phi lisophical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during the winter, illustratmlby apparatria The de. partments of Vocal and Instrumental Music Modern Leagues., Drawing and Putnam, will eac b . be under the CI. oft competent Professor. By close attention, to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pa. pas, die Principals hope to ment a conammtion of the liberal patronage they have hitherto 'enjoyed. For terms, are circular or apply to the Principals KMEMI .1N o. 59__Selo i ls o t , r , ret ia d THOS. K. iliklailac:Nea7gr,rVeUrFifil ivi TING FLUID we have now been noon`` re than a year and on looking over the entries mule by It, we find the color a bright blue Mace. Itis - Pleulun to write with, flows free, and does not clog the pen like the ordinnry inks in usc. %%shin you the ready sale its merits demand, we are, yours respectfully, SIMPSON & CO. For sale, together with Hibberfs Red Ink, and Ma chine Copy, Ink, by B. A. Fahnestock & Co., IL P. Pcherant, Allegheny City, and by the manufacturer, T. K.llibbert, Ittuggist and Chemist, corner of Liber ty and tlinttUeld its, Pittsburgh. 00113 wevieweei rams. seance HANNA. WY. o.nAwr PALMER, HANNA t CO.; nA (Sccessors In Hussey. Hance & co.) EXCHANGE' DROKERS, and dealers in komp. and Domestic Exchange, Certificates or Deposits, Hank Nome, and Specie—Fonch street, nearlynel opposite the Dank of Pittsburgh. Cana& mar ce on deposite—hight sale, and collections made on nearly nil the principal points Le the United State. • E=iMi=l=;l trainee. made oaeonalignrosata of.Prodriee, eldp raid Erna on liberal tonna aid GREAT IN VENTION!—VALUAULE IiRCOVERI7I PATS2I7 1/119. Pcueni nos.lovor extension 113811s ik r, Burarn4, BookCato,Wruing LEVER OF . WROUGH:r, lEON. . , . ritliE TABLES far 'surpassing every other to y volition ante kind now extant. They can be ex tended Item ten to rarenty-five feet, and when closed the loaves are all contained Inside ; they are made to all sixes and shapes, and are adnirably adapted for enormboats, Hotels, and large private families, feria inwahan cloned a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are instal. noble, particularly. to those who .. wish to econo mise room, and convert a sleeping apartment; into a parlor or sluing mom, as they can be opened and shut at convenience, and when shut, the bedding is enclos ed. A great saving -In room and rent. All the bed steads when closed form • beautifabpiece of fornicate fora parlor or sitting mom. HOOK tiAtitM—A neat and useful article for parlor or drawing room. • WRITING DLISKS—ForIaw ofileeadildutliaeromtutt and other oflicec when opened a mosteatlvetuent bed. stead When closed a.perfect Desk' and Library alone Is visible. All these 'ankles t need. no recommendation: the Nanny of the whole IS, they are warranted not to get ontof repair. 'lrwin be for your Interests to call and examine the article{ at the manufacturer's store, No. 83 Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition 'to the above '4 = l' they a": peaJrt!i =lo l f ' 70t".) DWELL. 11C01181'19111 PURE - SPIRTS, ,Corner Front and Vine gitata. Cincinnalf,O. ORDERS fromihtubargh for Alcohal,Pnre Spirits, Row or Rectified Whlskey,erill be promptly at• ended to at lowek Wallet • 'ee. tar..111.5:d1• . . . II: firm of NICKLIN k DRYDEN Nu; dissolved. the underserneti will cannon thOFOrwarding and Delon Rumen at the steam boat landlog. FRANKLIN, sad respect/alio Dams his friends that he hat gone to the expense of a heavy insurance on the warehouse an* contents, for meerel yea, and toms he will give cadre malefaction to all who may vti luz ilt w m him. Ile will receive SIVALsB RYDEN.t the Lower . c.ettit ~-7 "'"""" ' MISCELLANEOUS: K=%=ZM L - Xitirici;L — #l.l4TOßEH, NOTICE. 1111=11= ..• =EINE DRY GOOD ••• • •.i • BARGAINS! BARGAINIM.. 'NEWV.III AND WINTER - DETICRIDB, - ATTU; MIS or =cram= Karrn , 2 Market sL, between ad and 4.114 .L. RUSSELL. No. Rl Marketalreer, between' V Third and Fourth, sign of Gm tug golden Bea Lliee,•has lust commenced receiving and opening:the; largest; cheapest and moat splendid snick or Falrand, Winter Dry Geod• ever offered by and house feline. burgh. All of these foreign goodshave'been porches. ed of the importers 0.1.11 r lan steamers Mon Fan:ate; and for .riehoers of ogle and Penury., design are ati sivoused in this or any other market. . - The domestic and staple' department Will 'arse he found compkte; and cheaper than at any other house in this city, The subscriber would. here respectfully call the attention of his numennoVeristoiciary and all swishing to buy acre and cheap goitsdri nt, the prices, Nvldeh will no doubt astonish them, being detennumd - to sell cheaper than the elMapeaL', Good dark Calint, only 3 eentri . ter yard; Best mislay dark Canto, fart colors, a to ti:k • 414 Mash sample Pratte, last colors, 9 to to; Heavy Bed' icking, from Kto IC emne per yd; Bleached Mustier, good qoality ; s to per yd; • Beet quality Bleached Mullet; Sla leper yd: Heavy yard wide Utitdemehedalutina, 5 to if; '" Geed red Flannel, fruit IS It VI acne per yd; - Goody ellow Flannel, ti eta per yd; Good black Alparmafrom 15 to 25 per yd; French Ginglnuar hamlet° IS eta per yd; Irish Linen( at pricer (rem 25 to 1,25 'per yd; .., Sadden and Kentucky , Jeans from lif to 50 cis; Cloaking sad Linsey+ frotal2l to 31 em; Heavy Domestic Ginghantr 10 to 121 eta; Crash and Diapers, all pncee and qualifies; LADIES'. DRESS GOODS. Aapleadid usortment of all the newest Miles. Thiber Cashmeres in high colors,- Het goods; , Lapin French Thihet Merinos. the Bonn Imported;. Rich Camelion Stllm,la all cetera and qualities; Black /minims, beat quality plaid and stripe; ~, Black Gros de Sh ine, all - widths and qtialit r iLl Lupin's fine black Bombazines; beaming' lc do best French Merino., black and co lored; do do do do in high color% • 'do One French de Lames, all wool, high edam, Rich fird Cashmere., bealndol . goods, very . cheap Dotted :terms Malin., kw eve ning drearesr Brodie Tbihet Scarfs, late Importation; • Best quality French Kid Gloves, all colors; . ' ' blooming Cashmeres and de Lames, all i ces; Wier embroidered Neck Iles, splendid goods, Ladies finest quality French linen Ildkfs; • Belting Ribbons. n full assortnienr . Worked Copes, Collars rind Cobs, in great variety Block and colonel Crapes, all qualities; Brocade Lustre's, in all colors and qualitie Mohair Carnelian figures, rich goods; . French Cloaking', auperb goods, high colors; Also, black Brunel Lime, all widths and pricer; Bleak Silk Prm ca. wide and heimy, bast quality: Together with o large stork of white Goods, -Swiss Jacoect and Mall Merlins, besides a very large .tad superbitock of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, of the latest im portation and most fashionablemytes. Many of th. above grants he lam arrived per the last! steamer. from Europe, and are wonky the emotion of the In dira. PRAWLSIsIiewLi.: A splendid assofunent of Shavolo:— Super extra size French Long Shawls, best imp'd Super extra size Long Reecho, driest quality; Superb quality Long Plaid Shawls. rich eolong 'Rest quality square plaid fine wool Shaw l. Rich and heavy extra size black 'silk Shawls; . Rich camlion changeable silk Shawl.; Super black and white, all wool; long Shawls; Super extra size LongandSq`ns litoomutrShowls Faris printed Cashmere Shawls., in great vanety; Terkeri " all pnces Mode emb6iThibet " heavy • silk. fringe; 13Iack . Black and kende colored heavy cloth. Shawls; White emb'd Thibet Shawls, humeral goods; ' Highland p I'd long and sq're Shawls, very cheap; Mourning Shawls and Searfain great valley; Alio, a large lot of plaid Blanket Shawls, from 14, oon. Together wi a full supply of Glovea, Mitts and Ito key, with all y rticles usually kept In a W ho d Retail Dry Goods Geese—all of rake will be t prices to defy torapetittou.. 11Wr'llemnmber the nose, No. 02 Market rioter. be tween 'Mad and Fourth, sign of thd Uto I.lololltra, here bargains can at all aisles be had. . •• sper4d,tra WILLIAM L. RUSSELL. CAIIIIIIT112111)T butoramencea recelie a large assortment of Woolen Comforu and Hood.; Suakin, Satins, backsk in and woutdca Gloves; Thibet, dotty moan de lain and blanket Shawls; cash mere, scouted and wooing Rosa; Pongee and linen Mar.; lilt and mina Cravats and Scarfs; Gana. and Fringes; Insit Line; Table Covers, Crape., Ribbons, Leos, bleached had colored Elaslins, Tabby Velvets, PaMat Thrada, :Catalog Silk, Banana, Gum Suzann.. data, Pins, Percussion C. Almanacs, common and gold Jewelry, goht and silver Watch., Combs, pock.. t and table Cutlery, and many other goirla which country and city Ilderchanteare respecually hunted • Gill:MM. NUM ' PAYETTE BIA.NUPAIFFIVRINGI NS, ANUFACTURE lud will keep on . hand Family INA and Steam Boat Blankets, Domestic Flannels, blue, brawn and drab Blanket Ceatiag, Satinets and Woolen Yarn, which they will sell at Eastern pricer. Win.ehouse No . lid Second et, , Pittsburgh, Fn Factory, New Haven. Fayette no. PR. .0111 • NEW 000 D, W - . -• • • E have jun received a large and complete itixk of CLOCKS, Variety and F`ancy Goode, suita ble for the fall trade, to-which, with every neaoription of Looking Glasses manufactured at our own steam power shop In thl.• city, we eat the attention of W ee{- Merchants and other dealers. KENNEDY fr. SAWYER, comei Wood end Rol:mhos DRY GOODS. BIORPIILY, WILSON & CO, No. 48 Woo Sr., PISTS.II.O4 A RS now seeming their usual supplies of Goods 21.:-fita the Pail season, which they will be happy to exhibit to their old customers, and as - many 01:00.10104 0J may feel incluled to present themselves. Always taking great pain. to lay in ouch goods.. are adapted to the want% of the Western thole, which long experience enables them to do, thoy.con say with Muck confidenes, sodwithout entering into a detill of their cock', that the Westerly retail merchant will kid with them all that his commons require. - .Those who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairier to the Eastern cities for their stocks of Dry Goods, would do well to call, as a candid coraporiaon of pri ces wonld in many caeca result in the conviction that the cope of - going further may be obviated - by buy in - IPittaborgh. . sptl3 R.T.v.41 jr . • • • • • .. R- MURPHY L. now receiving - his first Fall V'l. supply-of Foreign and - Damn. GOODS, and baa already opened an assortment of new and beam.- fat soles dark fall PRINTS, 'warranted fast Color.; and neat new style Fall Muslin de Lathes, Alpaccas and Mohair Lustre.; - Damask Ned and striped do Tsrmetten and Lyonete Cloths; Of the Moll desirable colors; and a full supply of bleached and unbleached Muslims, Irish Linens Man chester Gingham., he, at northeast comer Fourth and Market sta.' Bayen are inched to call end ace: spt9 FREAfell MEHIMOS—Of all the desirable colors, each u Maroon, Garnet, cherry, scarlet, differed shades of green dn., and black. Alto, PA RMETTOS of all the shove colors, in ere; rT variety df LYONRSE cLorits, 11to of all the deurable colors, now open at DrrGoods flow of spa; \V If. MURPIIY- It/MORNING GOODS—W. R. hlnephy has how la open an extends° assortment of Blank Goods, Ineinding Bombazines, Ftanetr Matinoes, Palmettos, Moose do Llama Mourning Alpaseu, and other Mourning Goods. sptl4 GOODS.—Caps, Flames, Swords, Sash es, Epaulettes, Lase, Damns, Flags, and all the trimuungs necessary to equip volunteer remounts. Volunteer compares equipped Incomplete ad cheep 's done In the East, as the Military Sae, cor ner Merkel ad Fourth eta. W IV WILSON. P.B.—Tae Uniten States Hoes and Tear Drums, of Germantown make, for anle,andararrated by ePti W. W. W. MACKLAITT ,11 WHITE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS; 09 WOOD'STItEST,f, . RILE now receiving a very littrelat . of fresh G4ods, of recent pnrchave and torpor they will sell to ite,,trade at such pre. as cannot fall to eire entire satisfaction. . City anitlnantry ftlerettants an invited tArtattintl controne sartgock neon" parehaving chows-- ,ye 17MITI=M THE eelebrated'llarard Powder, key bait -1 kap, quitters and eons; for rale by febt3 It In I.WORTII k Co. Pit:rood Si.:` . . firs• - o - : • • • Iran. DATIIS . FuR ONE DOLLAR, or 6 Ilnkfe Bath for fifteen eent • Ladies Department open from 9 to ll d 9 to 6 o'clock, P. M. Athenreura Salmon and Bathine Establishment. ' iYI9 T.• 59FALL. Propriety* biFL EL,LIAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DLL JAYNIL—This cerufics; that immediately after having attended my brother, who died of consumption. in ',larch, lett, I was taken nick with the Consampttim or Liver Complaint, and wan reduced so low with the disease, that for font year. I was unable to attend to my business., either at home or abroad, being for the most time confined to my bed. During the above peri od of time, I had expended for medical attendance o' regular Physicians gad medicines, to the amount of 8300,•without. tecciving any benefit therefrom. In liFfifi, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Medi etnes, and have taken them more or less ever since, and - believe that it was by persevering lu - their usti, that I can now truly say that I have , completely seen,' venal my health. I believe that Jayne's IdanativePilla and Expectorant are the best family medicines now In I reside it Splingfield, Otsego County, N.Y., and carry on furnace and machine shit" In that place, anJ ant not interested In any manner in the sale oftho above medicines, slid make this certificate tor the ben— efit of those atilicted. ELLIAII EATON. Springfield, N. Y., Sept. IC IFIS. • Dr. Rose's 'Celebeated Remedies. 1T y. . JACOB S. ROSE, thodiscoverer and solo ariefor of these most oopulu and beneficial med.. le nes, arid also tle Inventor of the celebrated Maim. merit for inflating the Lungs, fn egecting - core of Chronic diseases, was a student of that eminent phlgi• ohm, Damn; Physic, and to a gimitiateof the Universi— ty of Pennsylvania and for dung years dace has been engaged In the investmatioa of disease; and theappli. cation of remedies thereto: • Through the use of his Inflating tab*, In connection ith his Prophylactic. Syrup and otherof his remedies, he has gained an unparatelled eminence to coring those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tabercalar Con sumption, Cancers, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Asthma, Fever end Agne, Fevers of all kinds, Chrome Erysipe las, and all those ob pitinate diseases peculiar to females. Indeed every form of disease matabes under the use of his mmedies,to which humanity Is heir—not by the use of one compound only, far that h &compatible with Physiological Law, Mit by the 11/t of his reme dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form Dr. Hose% Tonle Alterative Pins, : when used are ltn. variably acknowledged to be superior to all oshar , a purgative or liver pill, insomuch an they Icaveittte bowels perfectly free from costiveness; no also his Golden Plll.ll admitted by the faculty to posse...pecu liar:properties adapted to female diseases, bat being sausft.W that a bare trial is suibcinet to establish what has been said to the utinds of the most skeptical. pr ltatflieted are ins f itxt upo% , the hi agen sad: a gtilit ' ATee th isi o n n t e o ' f ' sait returd r y . snd Foe sale by the [ottoman meets, u well ash,' most Grannies throughoat cosintry: nehoolunaltsr Se o, Wood street, Pittsburgh; M Townsend, druggist, 45 Market at " . la th A Ueekthea, " neer the P.O. 41thatethe elth; Jos Barkley, ltheltheum, !leaver county, Pa.. Su Death ilmon ~," ZEE= '',VOL :,..-,'%Yl.T;:.:l4taz-'::74:. ES , wise Pala mullity_DocrtE—' :AC . it.•kilelMM-llietit Pl an r=%•? i tA r ' C l a tn 3 .• • bat puli as srell a.- ut theme& of you Liver Pills o state the good th e prednecahlittallie ampland my o eats • Daring* month attune, 94 ... i100k), ; very nwellottr palm'fairedi and rar . liras - et' 7' Preldreted, with Mit.M.P.M"let i ells" t shoal ra.• I was told by waft.' men Unduly sots moms, attacker_ sa t complahml rtasig stans ,, ' ha .of APLanes.Llver Pilla r mid mgmoglrellehm, whit I wen odd wis good Mr that disease, boo till moult . warm • ',finally aanelolite timpleilaS , ' • ! my under a elm of a physileinot_ .Mr better etc . • wo bat, , fortanalelP, imil Mitts tiMai - ronu Mil. by th Re,J.ltibloak,mr Otis place,olutt iirdiandlad • -.. sun him I box of BeLlere Liver Pills from Pittehamilhoi, which! had • bonektbd , him vary Much. - I ItatheMll7. -- seen 1 a bar of you Lirm.ltills,vand by the SWIM -' as d no mingthein, I was emisfied that a wag Ingo , 'tie m dieims that: salted" my ease. , lairist fat= l ' M k five of .in boxes, and Mend myna*. moire' cored; bot in drarch• list I caught 0 Mane,.,,, , cold, " Taal brought back th e - dittenie, amilaii theft 4 4,3 I es as bad a. aver. I Ulan kV" 7. li '-'' Your Imo Pills; end tobk them every o th er tbi - it weeks, and occasionally 2iLlery sad Lein altif•••• • till I ea n - mow my, that I tml litUts if any sywilltaila ii, 'of the iLlver Complalat; and my. sacral health is et ' goed p w os ii hes lima let the lastle yams. , r i • -,• 1' , . , lily eighbors isk me who was uty.docior— I tell diem 1,4 t "lettere Liver Pills its, try doetoriand• by ', the blelming of Divime Providence the nommalcumitlf i ' - ' , tea lam confident diet when the public beeerneetr., quaintell with the valuate your Liver Pills, the deit - ''' mend Air thin Will Mous, : ?deny or wry neighhatio •ii' to :Mom I have recommended the pills, eau 0'214_ ill , • • , their Tahoe. as well as to the fact s shore stood: • -•- ' - R `T e F ul ! u 7:.Y . 4.. , . • iiiimmagiditra; r:ii7 i• ...... ltl Lail 4 . 6 . 1 . : mvus4d.'a o lEistsg a. •dAnnagtinuilLrt.'l ::•-., tor and armor w On as; tinsltr ic its Auroral, a IstA aaead tc " :2 Inili! • road; odnals, and the lika Tor ha alissellestk•OUll 3,,, :. o( Dr JO the purposonfolning credit 61 . what dto I s ",.. , noL Het Is hi out - earth hoard ' gnsdknl' in which lio any% have sal shai mig diom: '• ' 'name lb 17 a week. IwW gins B.P.Tamunind SW ' this wil piodnce one dui., nolltary• smote dds..-:',' , ' This in caution ,the c not tn no doentrndlotodc porch none hut t OENUDIE 011.1CiINA.I. OLD . . Dr. 7aco Townsetidls Barzapacilla t baying sat IS On • .-. Old 04'a likeness, his family,coat of arisiond bikeillu - :c malare abr., the C.oaCof 11.191 a. ' i • JACOWMPISSEND. .. . Principal OtlIcri;1011 Nassturat, Now nattily:: '... • '-' OLD , ... I , ISOOTOIS • .e...; - : l ' JACOB- ' ' ~,;,1 1 " TOWIIIE1D; • ''"•, TIkeIIIGIPIAL ' --;- '2 '., ntscovsitsa .... : .,..i. 07 TEI . . TOWNSEND SARISPAH.II4aI s ~, ;, : . . .... ~ - . , Old Dr. Townsend Ix now about tin of mad, ,:, has long been known as the AN CH OR and VERIER tithe GENUEVEORIGINAL‘TOWNSENDH ;i• SARSAt tR ILLA," Reins poor, he was compelled to hunt i manufacture, by which means it has been kept out f market, and the Was cineumsenlard te ,,,- ''' those 001 l who had proved Its worth and Imam be •, -. value. Thi , ,Cluxo, ,31, Unloi , oaliXta Purslarrin Is -' - manui , senurea ou the larger: 'reale,. enned g,,,,., throughom the length and linadth of the land „:. .. • ... Rase young S. P. Townsend's, It beinarma , lIMI', - age„and rioter change; bat for the boner bananas b :•.. - Is meowed en thlenufic principles by • scientific Man. , The h i ghest knowledge of Cheating, and. the latest. 1 gd„ - Lia_nd&4".Ta'... - 7.hc.ivtittzsoim.chi--:::•.'. rills.. - rn Sarsaparilla toot, it le well known to mad- ..• ;. ical men, °Mains medicinal properties., und riontopfe-r; Fettles w ph are inert or useless; and athetts, which, Irclaitio. 111pm:earns n,. products ficoncona-0. ... lion and id, which Is it to the . oaten. of the pr o nice of Saraitparilla are .so vplatile thin ', r. they anti ly evaporate and are lest in the overt-, • Can, if the are not preserved by asciedillic..process, • , known a to there expevlerneed , in its matmfactu. , Moreover es° volatile principle. which Sly ofrinvw , .." pot. or so en exhalation, ender heat, are Moen es- sential me , pcal prapertim of the mot, which gives to it ill its v no. The ouvlNz OLD DR. JACOB TOWN.ENDS SAESAPARILLA-, Mao prepared; that all the Men properties of the Sat-: i.•.. • eaparilla root are first removed, every thing capable •.i of becomidg ecid or of fermentation, is ostraeted and ...• -- rejected; then every particle of medical virtu:lfs Wm- I: red in a pine and concentrated form; and the it I. - '.' rendered tecapable of toeing arty of . Its s ahib ant Pl': • healing prone rtiee. Prep ared is this my - ' the most powerful agent in the • OISSIE OF INNUMERADLEDISEASES: , .lienceThe reason why we bear commendadoin on *I • every aide in its liver by men, womn• end .ebildram':.i - -- Re find it doing wooden in the cure of Consammlon,.. Dyapeptia; and Liver complaint, =Lain abbabbiamb,.".. Scrofola and Piles, Costive..., MI Orlincons'Eral..;' - tlons, Pimples, Blotches, and. sdections arising Dec.. . ,-. IhIPORPTY OE THE 'BLOOD. • " • ' '. .Itpossesiea • marvellous cfileany in all complaint .... ' wins. froth Indignation, from Actdayof the Stoma.; 7 : froz , uncipial.c , bc o u t lati e o k mdethrmin=r to °dinars '''' -•; hold crtil send riot th e oarl art, ike body, .1= ei . ..; had its ear in to nghs and told.;. and promotes easy expectoration, and gentle mrspiration, relating Elias , tare of the Wm', th roat, and every other pan.. ~ . ...,. Mu in nothing is lto excellence repromanifebly earn - and acknoirledeael than! all kinds and stages of , . ".• .'.'.' , FMALE compLierrs. - -,. _,- - i. ; It work. wonder. In was of door albus or Mite; "... '': Falling of the Womb,Obamened, Suppressed,orPsioe• fat Menses,. Irreauludy of the . mennotalymmths and l • the like; mid is effeettial in mum .I.lfOrma of the RM. ..., .. ..y Mamas, By mansurgobsitactiOnmorM Lths the general aystemot gives tone ann . ia-e thewhle hods, and Mona ell Canes of ' , . NERVOUS DISEASES AND DERILITY, ' " ••• - and thurprovents an ; relieves a_gotat 'beam amber . . • ~ diseases, as Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, 81.. , 41311 Dam's. Swooning, Epileptia EM,Cormlnotta Set:' Is • ' ''• ' not this, thee Ina Mitucats tau PmEtanstwrm Nun? .r.;•, , Rut cim i T:y of these d4 , l t nAs: be said of & .P.Townv t "' t, ' , l : "''' Z 41.411f..6 WlTtl'7 •2 E ' olS ' itg.7r- ..i..' robe of ehe Grand ract,•that the one laincanaolo;:. • o rO DotenOritant and NEVES SPOILS, while the Obi , ,•, ,'.• r DOES; 'lt man, ( menu; sad Wawa the. bottles - containing A into fragments; a sow, acid. lig en, . ,-,, plotting antildsmaging oil. geode. ldustnist 'hot- - ' rible compound be palsenous to tho. cycloid . Mae:, i.: put acid !nth a em already D aease with avid,:..; Whru cause. Dystiepda but acid- we not anknow, ' that when filed sours In nor stomach. what mimhhof. • . ~,.., it pniducestlaudenee, heartburn, palpitattha *Mhos ..' heart, Bo n o dientioca, dpontery. cholla., ' - l' •'' corruption of the blood? Whams ; •Serefulabitt an aid, . .1 •.: humor in the 'body! , What erode/Mall thalami... -.... which brillr Orl Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head, Salt Rhenta%ry, oipelas,White Swellings, Feveollores e ..:: ~.... and an ulce'etlens toternal and external? It Linea. i., , ing ender he even but en acid substance, which MOM, -,• and thus mails all the fields ef the bear, mare or lass. What canna Rhemstiamtmt a war add duid,Widah • .', inlinulliea itself between the Joints end alomtham, Is., ii Mating andindaminis the to and delicate tinstnnk. , i upon which fit ems? de of neivonirdiscao*of lit Mat • ;' , my of the bbod, of derun_ged circaletiemet end. smet,i7 .i .- -t . : all the ...One which aSiet human natant. . , Now, is it hot horrible to make and sell, and infinite: . • ' ' SOURING, FERMENTING ACID n CO3IpODINtn. I'l OF S.'P. TOWNSEND: - .....• • end yet he cold fain have it undentosod that Old Joo ~ « cob fawn Ws Genial= Original Samparilikis an,. ~, . . Lctiunion ars inferior PM...4 , W • ' ' Heaven f Mai th at we thould dotal In . an .male e'. which wont bear the most distant restanblsace to U. P. Townsend's anklet. and which shonld bring down l • '•., upon the Old Dr. mat kmountain load of complaints and e.t.a:ions from gents who lease Kdd,atniPar• Kasen wheihsve used I% p. Toortumndto Famentihy,,,, We Tit undontiod, became It is the abeelato .., •i' . 1 100th, .tll. SR, Townsendts article end Old On Jacob '',,, , Towitsends Sarsapatilla are heaven-wide am:nowt . '''' .‘ Infinitely distimlthr; that they are unlike In evuy pep, '1,,,. denier, euvillg not one single thin to Orman= It j' a Co ...rem frauds upon the unfortzumus, to pea' 1 balm into arannded humanity, to kindle bow in th....! : .. despairing briaoro, to restore health and bloom and Mi.' gar Into the Maahed and booboo mato ban lanai. • ••. -,'• ty—that old q & JACOB TO ILND has SOUGHT, ; ; b and FOUND e eMertunity sod means to •hrin hie : • Gas. UNI E.RSAI,CONCEIVISATF.D V, •• 'i' ' within the. retch, and to the knowledge of all who i S . need it. that they may learn and know , by joyful es, pericuce, is la r 'own to Ar. 1.1 , • , For Dale by J. EMUS CO, - Whilesale ASeiti for'-' l'•. --. Western Pennans.ia; J. tOLITH, Birmlnstroco; irks, .- -ii• . J. SARGEANT, Allegheny; Dr. J. OASSLLG, . Etta ' ward, Q. W. fiIARDNER, Mb Want, Pittsburgh sip - - ... ..--,. Jaglalle r leMpleSolll.lll4, Dt j rift s Co . &Mire •„-, iniu.Llieted rarlairOf ponuniSgiving publicity to_titerzf;rdlitalYareeta of your. etorant onmyself. a cog for- save .yeara with a severe emig beetleliett and its eoneoMitant diseases, antlimems only:km=o4, to limps, out outs short but miserable exlstiMee, mantle • fall °Clean,when, being more severely &Meted, having resortdd to all my former reined/et, and the pre., „ 1 seripnons of two °fib° most' respectable phyaleisaa In the neighborhood without deriving may benett, or - thar consolation of:surviving /luta few. days or weik. LI • fartitest—whet the last gleam of hope was atelut to vanish, I had recommended to me roar Expect - rani-, , end blessed by that Being, who does all ;Map In the of he me i~as_ a. Deana; rxrdWerecy Ills success in' It and other Urge' chits Us • been proverbid: ilia charges. see . thederseli kle" °Wife% 81014 ULT%Selp . .. • fola, s kriortt n ns, L I3hlL9atlim, edit_Agee,Syyddlle; Or any chronic or Inveterate ease. , • Acne Orricee, Pt. Clair street, 2 eon:iota 0 Teeth IR:traded.. Advlee ro the p.a. -, N.B.—Dr. A.Roliche the worst ram aanoyy in PitteberghTeell r yir, ILL rem. open for ',gaiters oath the Id Janes , ' ry, iesw owen and o th eultemakineros se* to the seam will be kept: The Graenhen.wh.cgo . v.- tabling a tared celled:cld rare and . cholea Plants; will be • open Ite emitter. - Ikeprets neatly pet up , bon notice thneuthoste the beet. An om4b. r leave. the Allegheny end of. the Pt. CAW' Street. riridge, every hatched daring the day, mein hem. Garden; snd the ferry - boat, Captain yirdk r , from the pointi lending a ationdhosnee ate . yre them., dela Parties wishing to wed —emu& arreentmodt4 with enure Omnibus air fa o'clock Kept on TemperadethrleelideN and•clownlaa• anday. • .013 hr , muri..... Alkerattcat,sS glees ftssalkel. terra ;PM PROfiItIETOR ta - now ltritiiing4 - t o' op meals et allAtei%leisheeneetkaterith }gadding ''•'!.".• the er. or IM , L - I",.IIOFALLe ••,• • ESIMINIEM =MEE