M:M= • •- • ; E§TAR,LISIIIID . 1786., iflismmue IPIPTLIC, "VI 0. W Ayr 'MO COmussiostit. ATrAritZ;tt p.rm lISISTRONG &CRAZE:II,O:OULI/titian Aierenams anckikalistat Pradatse, No. Zilarket ant( 'fir , • , 'dace fl ) 6 1FATigragira, aft' z 'llltall U T4- - guist t r2t/ af , - 4,beri7 ma St. Clair mallet., Phis- LBELEISN;wkda.do and p.asuaTagalya. Alatoluol4,llo. 145,, Li dt ber l ty t., Va. .l. DA .Viiirtarucx wh . co.g. taailsogina, tornat Wood and ail am. ' jyt a Wkoltsalo procers, — tdluid t. 4) Wood ante Pitlat'arat: . O. 11. PAUTILlikan 704 D.i tr NO:los SpnIictSTRENVPHILNbEttIia; • cluN Ti ?ato toga., WA particular attention to the :Le d t i rawa n ar t zt tt t ts4sl,,VA .. e Office hot.: V A. AL,I P. AL, and 7 PAL • rourta.maaor.-. ____ GMAIO & HlHNNEH.Fararardbir and Commission V Mere:rants N 0.26 Market at, Pittsburgh... spts Cn- iktaNiaa 4 r a V; Poiuraidirig and' Cont. V. triimilbo Bterehams, Canal Lazio. Putabargh Pa. • • Duii • U•sa• Sprla t Ar.l6 - Steel' and Iron I - COI.DII.N, , IIALI.Mati A'Co,manaritotorers • i Coach• and-Bliptio. Hpripsv, Ilattrinoi,t ~r.!ci, Spring and Ploogh Steel; Holy &c.' 1.5 .ittou.o.. Water and.PfOIitOMOIL Pinabargh: •• • Al., Oralara,24 . Coacii Trisattdow. 'IA Me. atlratl 1 la .....- - Da. NAT:ll;7lr.iikki, , (Law of New 1 ort I , Oarics—Saudosiou illYtt, baton:ova ~ Soseatti and suawbnrp. may„ N. 11.—Uiarases otitiO . mouth, gums and teeth. 'raided Itomaeoraokmatik - L.• + ~; ... •, - apHtt.tbsi • _. VNGLISII4I Terri :M , Eogli4ii Harm. _AU 4. Co.),Whki . Motors, CoisszonOnon and Vor. . warthog tdereb • ,r,sdut deadars En Prodnee and Pitlll - - „ fie Largo Alsnallieta ti,1...37” Wood at, tetsreer j? rni c li i nd •iOUZ W. EMT • . . GEX:Ii Et - 8 1 t,' WA ... , 0 H Pea us, Pitt sr, ..,. oflitfr i Ti . . "'' 'do Woods , I.Wriur..t.ti - Fiemp,:torts• 1. - I,v/4 , t ticoy.":%F . , t " .. .117., , k ; 71, (a al io !:°-..Y0 3MlTll'*ilitk.;,lormelu Nesters an, PM Pntaborgh..,.eptl4l tloilooofia lon lialiriroiallif 064 street. Piasbaro4 mli , cittz.vet , icidErT -- maoufactorcr 'of Ilcavy to;. !Witco& :street;• city of • -oovls-dly• soor.to urpby 4 Lca,l Wool lkol atloir blcrebruni for the sale 01 lab.W.OPPorate (ow. .; •r.• ; ;: ::••: • • ..w.urn tssato roma a, wuthoz.. , s : KNOB, Tobacco Coolooa al WM. , al, 6.l,o.Diortb 11¢wfiCan wa d e 4 7 .11 !lUD* D. C.&GUM, L '4 BU cautts; 4VN AUDI", Vit. 1.1. Jones & Cp.) 'Mugs, destert Pitlabuygh, - , • • faaiin mcxxirT. ItSAJAII DICW, .1 iclAsian Merck, Water, au4107 •. i. • & :Am.:mown to Atwood, I ttotozowoott Vat Minting Ater , pttabure, yamsfattltred Goods, Co, Witt:anomie Grocors:_Com: itti and anions' in PlochweiNoZo3ll' „Dm; P44 a "U''' " 1 S. DILWORVII a. Co,' Who . lesola ta.W9 on .. . ElLl_eo and _6oOromlosion't4orchontoothrhttoor. totiho 16:?eo-Co.',ot: %VOA 1'411 . 1N M. ToWNeti,sl),-Dx — ngglstard,Appthroari No. 43 Mark?, Wee deersebows Third et. I'm; burgh, will have astantltotchead • wellselett44 noructent of the bc t sad freshest Aleducinesi,lthselt be' • • 'nil sell on tho wen regoctable cermi.ll9iyeithee, lending ardent, will be preettorrauesdedur, eap: plied with ecticies.they lel - rupee areenalue. - Irr•rhysiciani Pteacciptiotie will be leo:rattly wad ze4Wy prepexed 4,0 )4 A. ..beet trutterial44l.llAy hear of .n tamb indioed hirtk' .1. 13 . W.r.joS.,) &min. (trek.; asid, vslugisido. Pot .4 Vd.4 ge.tallyi• 19atzr Ws:od, .p 7 to Lirati i . 6c1,1,221,/. b2,laniala biercluma• .f.tosts, cot 11, 14.erelTalos, disa. Sugar •Relinery. ctt,rittWough, Waldo Dmamai, atm nom- Viuni ice, N 0.93 of Diamond Allay, rata. t..•••••••ar iaJosc-ph G, WSJ. orat• rjrrtvyrrniAtene-QtsdicAlsni i ' • Btauousa7 parenerpail yOpd it, giFsbari* Ap.- Rap WV, ttL i tttca la mule. 1 , 013 j 24/100:014 91=tesillw Lingu., 1 OHN D. V V creels, Pierb J - 411DISTOPra rEand Paper .4.L ' ll 'crONi Book=lltrs, Planters n.euttrs., N. 44 ISlOcet st r Pitt. • je6. . . otIAFLoTD..•.- , ... , " ... Rumen Ram. ~. T & R. FlAlRDlWholessie"Oroccre, Mumma= U • Meretesum, ea Deakts• lxv...roadoce Round church Mintage; estihg:an Liberty, Weal Ana tith streets, l'lMllntrlt NC- ..- .. , ~, . • .;•isse , ' ' JAMES DALZ r r Wbaleien sisocer,Cemerileam Mc, chant, 1. 1 ..dt. l o.'inF Produce and Ratsburgh Mantaitemet. ; .21 Water oci Rtueberge.. recto ..' 3 ACOLI EA:ER, re., W — Ae — sictsillll nellairEla;, ji l /el. m Roreign tee. sad /Alessi., cassis gre,,,s s : schen. Rye W „ . .eyereracr,iltrstuid Market CA, 19r LET R PIN . Ifprcntrang-saa Commission Mex. .a.. en.nuokai • tirßseduce.sudratted,Oreastetr f.cturctl crueler, slailalsiit , ' near TM its, 'inl Pit.NN 1., _' .. P.I.VZSIWIttIII; OA. FRNRDV,4it.O4 kW,. Msashmursre 0 1 . lerr superior 44 8v?.94.4 , Savel Chefs, Much _time and Re ,• -• 'L _ - ,,,35.1y „ .. ,_ -- - • , Vaasa las .Yarsta eras.. c EIV,IB, Luiz If.' Co4inanittaeturenint alfai• --14 nes Bar, than ' Ogler Iron. and 'Nada of the i.eat quality. W a, ettlarateetunt,los front.: . • Aran L. ' c,ial.;. s tiroeur,Yoratard• :haul, Dealer in. Atm.. bore '.. i`i ea, 4 Water. at:, and t' /00.111 X. LAMS rell, 4 4 Thelesale awe Variety Goods: d others are invited I van alettirauiet, UMW. bIte 00) del Nei to call cpuMfar.o.great house wan o(the i.torsly I. 3najir, itusburi46. noleasle Grocenoind Stgars N. '4. I mill 111U1e1.14 t!'o.!, At, !cc: , cOo. roectassid Cssuul.! Laktrty 44.4 PittOargh.' • ste-Joiscs, Ainrptry & :filsoda,. No. 41 Fu Cliker All • .14 „. „ . /VI Io M I Wood M A, Fourth • roim 1. !irrtimi.' 111 4 .bliirtei. .sloe, ri;cmich elly ,- 4 dcoters Ili mat ,stoleotcti iritazologi .nt• at * pi/Abu/0, t . ii nr• • t hil! roUt trf' 110 / 44 hs zuve, tr. a Dierket et, socodd at l dl=7.. " :l ° .l: ° lrkftot= b al te Os tiro QV c0ut0..., mad on .all • the ,klrineipal mtes throughout Um_ yky BUChhLANISR, Atasestan. , OeSce, Fourth 21., third door damthhold,eosith Conyers...4W • tank dente with 'the peateat Thies to Seal £t ezamixed, &e, 00 304 1 _ {} • AtO/11 MoCCKI/C• FF/CY, Po &met, near Grant, .this room Q oceop by Alderman Arnim, uomodieto I p oppoalin Kr. Lk melt's: inay be {nand at night lea No. 71, Bt. CZ'llittntent • t • • 44, YTTIALIIIO • UltGEOlVerill attend to the mat mato of ollhe klye. • • U. has been naked In thin brooch of the mesa tat orofeamon for 0 yearn and has comdueted o.gabllalnerd for t titminsent a disease. of We eye Osmom and e nee, eon.. of Sandusky n grid Srnwbe_arki..l . l T. !epoxy eq. seLLB Et. JAA - LOODI. PRODUCE,G it 1..0 „„d Rawl Dime Broker, Ain imktetenun 1. iel_ly h . , P inkaNN tairzt. , between Wayne and lined, boo JE resumed has nofess,onal dour., a mug mow. none on the Plan • UMW, mod k o t,„,a ortun ttlita t fOliad-ti - 7 - t2 ft, near nod — All kaantities of Green and ju ke k . done up in quarter, half, and o pack as ern 'per pound canya A. Al NES. Att for Seim, tea Co &DT. — R ROBISON CO. having um:witted THOMAS urryk:,l3r,letth them in business, Me Whole. Yrodoee and Contatinfori basteem, entt tinned as awl amter rho fires of Robwon, - u.. tie & DN. LiTTl,llk. CO, No. ltl Marty street, Grocer% Produce Vasst",in- srgb5 rg b lerehauts, nod denten At ru. k b u Tik, sant.a.a.nome. VWdesaWoeer, i5 t i,.... 1 •••„;,-& - ik ai. Produce, Putsbursh k ads of Foreign nod Domenic Wine - I.a goon, Na. i to _t Oa ban/ . a seri Large mock of so.Pswttn.f .rbr47. winch will he soll a.. alrhotni , i ) Er).ol.Ds&o , “--- Au i ri gaverTrade, deal -11; hterehsral, for fhb on in Grocerie., 1.4111,04. 4"41..111..urt"W. and Chloride of I.lMe. The highe.t prices, , e "1 7,14 (. .p. ' 17,,u , Lya r Of 1.'"!-1.- dte„. übe , m Produce end riankor, 77: &kit rusbasSby Pa. -C AR 11 it in 'CUN Pnd, tg e N . GlJA l lllZellc h lle..al n e uf at - r, Ikde r gin. 41 lithrety 11 , 76 .7 f 7 iLlfT___7 7 i • IV . 111' pi,thb.ro; ...11092estic D r y boorrt Deniers , lo " 'YffAi Le MTN, AeLei4LEY.rs, Co., Niitoiittale . Grocers and 0 'Produce desiers,No.e.e3ar4 ot atreet, between Sth and W. Noriltsido, Chdaeleindia. ' • toed ~5 d: 19. lIAHISAUGII , Wiolifferetourts, Dealer. 0o In Flour and Produce generally, and rph, r4 ji n ,, and, Nonlethal.= ilerehanta, No. .5:1 Water at., Piny. • • rrrrannuan. NlCOLS.,'Produincitnil General Merelsauts, No: Liberty at:; Pittsburgh. Linked sod Lust , . VON' BOYINHORST.•fe 6;7, Whisinoa — “ STS r 4, Forstording tool..Commithion klerthosas Dealers in Pim/iamb Monist/sets.. and,Western. Pre face, havered/ore/ to their new sea rehoute,tobt stand NO. Lai cninu.of Front et. and Chancery Lane. 41 4 AltgET..t BEST, Wtiolesale:Grosens thud tins Merchants, atuLdenfena in 1W aeo...'No. Wend as. Pittsburgh. • ' • pal? 2 0./ YCOTT, Whotesale:and Retail dealers in .1. Boots, 'Shoes; Trunko, Csuperliags, S . cornet of 4th and titithlleld 111.8, Pittsburgh, Pi, Ja.: • • Il' T 7 W 71/Cd , il r-aWttiECEC:rIgao;XIIOLEEALEIQUORtIiiody rt er of F d O e R sk EI s GN to Old Morchgahtla 11)o Whiskey.. intlehargh Man. u/ketures, corner of Market wilt Past sa, Superior nniek. oupplird.at market intro. vle. & 11. BIITCSIELTILKE, - Wilgtrstit,EanGdßONl'L' RpcnrVl,G onit lHF ;ANTS. Alt - orters of ttodo Asti and reaching 'Powder, No. I/0 leheofy (opposite tfuith st rq." ocnil •0.11 D. WIC/. DMZ/ 11 - . TiCK & M'CANDLES. tsucoessors to L. tr. Wirk,) IVtuolexale Groeerr, _Forwaring and .conisziation !denims, dialer• in Iron, Ni.. - Glans, Lottarr YuniN and Pitiotturgh Manufgetures generally, D%• of Woo 4 and Wtogr •tenet. Pittsburgh. W. WALLACE, hint rin e and Al' I/ lag estribilabment, No. Liberty, at., near tbe mard.3 1V. :1 22! - t fi jc:,r s e ' t_Tr Streets rsitsbargli, Co. .N.ll. 7 kintel ' en r and t earnfryly repaired. 'li done9rcttb~, IXTFET • BOWEN--Conww.lon .11 ' Fnewnrdind , Merchant, No. 9d Frtint at. between Wnwt an Market FITCCIII. rmr..l • f Z • roretEn and Commie 'Dry tiood••,, north cnst enrner of Markotand Fourth • an¢ll •wi TUnalit, Thlo. 1:11,1n. • {IT 2L Y 9 LEGA Co: Dente:eio Irs4ts hid ct. 143 Libenr. kiturcuson. 'nor. Werrenieni, tr n. .- i ir n Te li eEjZs'•"lt'tP"7'.7li;',.. b.tgh . islinfeetstch generall'y; 11,PLibe " . 6 y a n t: Pug. burgh. • .LY WILSON' Denier W . Jew eirp W. <rikulta , Ty Gmla,.tc., 100.57 Mar ... . . %ik: YolAci . co., . j)r4i.L.,7l,lilg"lP,.','l7;'4'dtif',4 l :",`• 1 ` 1 71"° , lust received he SPRING STOCK of g00d5.....4m r ! .priaing la luxe ossoiisoent at sr , leloii .io 11 ,, .i , lm , , to •FlOok the all . eirlosiicptirelysi•r, is insiicit. • ' - MEWS _ .. _ _ _ _ 1 — 7 - f i li:TTlGEriTirt — Viii. C 0.,. H , OA' -1 STEAM liti&T AGENTS Orrice &soya Al.-Au.ssi &Co, oci3l' No. &I Water street INER,VCE • . • P.xtorrF.critini•vmse AND d -- "ed • , 11LARINEINoll/Li.IiChiCONIP ! s't • fi t latirenY.yc. to .NT 05.11AKTFORD.thsliN. • 1521. b. An.al Premiongs, Capital Stock, and Stugint Fetid. N1000 ) 000. .. • • 'payola and responsibie ComptiltY emotione• , of pollen - a on the most favorable terms on Dmehing Nowa, lloasehald Fulham, Sliares,idtorks of Iledds 1), embodies and contents, Milk .41 Alanafaeteries, - 'he. ad., Against Idt)93 OR DA AlAtill toy FIRE. • Also; t Gratille..Wites and Merith.dire. sgniirt - the his:mils of.lmamo - Thanarovrarron, and open the Cargoes nfSea Vero., ' • • ! • 'The • groicedinn Imam. Company having. in'the la Et Oil - cuts, pent' , !WIT MlLLlotes 07 DoLlans at their "Several ugenmeashrooghout the Caned Staten ett.ti the Alritish - ,Trovitmea r have established a itotsePatation ler softer.- untlAnir iihich cheltene. coin . parison retth., any other humane° company on the ' conttneot of Atoefici. The antlered oXO net from an article - On the subject of lestirance Compottiee, lokeo fro t the -Near Tail Day. Honh , " ! cahihtm trial' the slandlor and policy of the Company. - • tletote yeti Then' of the anent:nand slithys proi permla city:of Dartford, have .for hair a•crutury twee famous tittoughouttlie Union for the care, tiOcection, rigid holierty,and unvarying success win which they • hare - format 'sold Dianage4 , LorporaltOlth of tide tie seat:4loD; hp Hanford !Ehmk.or leshrunee Conipiny has ever failed: These Compshies have foe more than amble genet - Minn tiestte eel their risks in nee r eVerrtstile of lie. Caine:and Anne never failed In pay the inii l. imerable losses which they bare insured ..g - dinytn . • 4—Alt Wan heeising arm policies issuedhy the under. sigued, will he promptly 11.1Aticidand poitt.o.altie CEO.' • end Ageetey I.ated at Cnnati, A larre• portion of the ' funds el-the Company, (including all premiums de at th e -Wcitern egeneiesd. is de-. ,posited,vride thebGeneral Agent of• the Company at! ettleitulat4 for thelta [Tient oftWestein and Southern' Mises. Aryl) . to FAINT t BROWN. Agent furore city otrinshurgh, and.thr Allegheny nc. . • • r • tri4o Pain.;lviunlo. enockposair —r : 'Footman*.aca on Liv.aiiiriconcrito narrri cn. ri , llEfirei Lao Insarance Conipww 11111liku Nlestri. 11 Incorimated North lotd—ch tor perpetual. Cap* i5:410,000-ollpold in. r ' . linvininablinicrl the oudetoinned" rin,eivoappis cadmic forloaurarice, on Wlnen polintea incurd, according tai proposals . and rue, wi n ch will be nude ktioron to applicants it bit calico, Pio. toll Wood street. spil piiiHR.AN. WSSIt.ICN-1116TISAlitti OF PITTSBURGH spo,uou. "11:11117.1an,:r., Frew • Mil more agollost ell kinds of tisks, I , I6IIAND MARINE A n. will' be 'Lie ly adjusted and promptly Abome institution-romaged by Directors Who are waII kaawn.in eammumcy, arid who arc deterinin . ad by prottiptaeas and liberality to Maintain'the char. Wet watch Wy e. ave smell, as ofaring- die beat protection bilh. who desire to be itiguroa • .• • Dascro.-6. Miller, Jr., Geo. Sleet, J 'W W. Sutler, ZI. Holmes. Jr., Wm. IL Holmes, C. Rms., Geo. W. Jaekson, Um. hi. Lyon; Jae. Llppineon., Thos. K: Lima, Janws - WAuley, Alez,Nbzuek, Thos. Seen. Ossma, No: 39 Water envoi ronieshonse of Fpailf Co., up calm) Pittsburgh. • .• rtrLdly • lIMIE - DELAWARE riIIiTUAD SAFlrrit INSET ILANCGCOMSANS.-01Seej Nord Doom of tau . I:haulage Third Grecs, Philadelphia. EWA Isrs ' nnsares...43.ldrays liferch.ilisc and other property In Town and commit, ramrod against loss or :mow by fire at the Itraresy ratO of memo.= gran 1 - - - 49 9 .3. 1 .- i nteTedeOßtertro Vessels. Car ,•goes d FraistAloreign or C0R.4.50., under open.. special polietia as the assured Ineydoiire. -.D.MOSTIIIaSPOSISSIOIC-TheralsOleSereliterehan tdite Tratisynried by Wagons . , Ralizoo4 Can,. Count Dos. and tiles. Coats, on over. and lakes, en the moo libecali zms.. . - • DIRECTOI:9-Joseh,4 Edmond - A. &rad., John C Dav,s,,Robert R ot t en , John R Penrose4.9Atne el Edwards, Lelpe4 Edward Darlington. tsanc it Davis, V, FolareD, John Newlin , Dr R tS Jamul andj , Thoplilleir rankling; H Janes Brtielksi Henry Sloan, Hugh -Craw, George_ Scroll, !Spencer Stellvai. Chan.. .1 O.Johroon, Atilt , Lam Hoy, Cr i l Therotas, John Selles, Wou.Eyre, Jr. DIRECTOR AT. PITTSBURGH-IX T: Mom., .Wro.lltasaßty, Mr. T. Logan. , . • . , ' 'WILLIAM ItIATTITN, EleSident. Rtestaie 0, Ntiwnato, Secretary. , ' G lee of the 'Compairyj' riot - 42 Waier Greet, 11ttsburItli Agert. ft/4M AHD At A KILN tall 81/ItAiYC C.' J.: • mete i:rtumeat send- limited Imuraneetin.pro .tl.ll,4lll!?,`.,"l..l%,".V:yrk.`"....d Tan Company arc Well iiiiiitsted, - and Tarnish an :wall ah's fond for the ample indemnity rif all persons who desire to Loproteeted byinsarenee. • . JONES, As ern, 41Worr st. . . ,1 JH ISSMNIT Thf Frani/in:Fare ludiedner Co. of . Philadelphia. ,lIIRECTORS.-.Charies N, Rancher, Thorn. Hon, JLT Toblas.V.Zgoor.lSomeel GrillOy.l6COL IL Sran.h. Esc W Werra blonlee. D. Lewis, Adolphe E. Hopei David .% Drew., Morris Psuercha. : Eds.= fl klascata Prishleht. Charles D. lisuckey,lie.ereta.cy.... Gonlitsixe to slake /rummage, •pelpeliial or hativd, on every description of picot:Perry. IlljOyal or tolintri, 'al Mauro low his an consistrisswith emu Sty. • • To Company have reserved a large - en..re ,I and. -schleti‘orith their - Capita land ,Prennisais, anydlyi d subd, ed J adind amyl protect.l ro the aware!. . • The m." or-the oampanyi Odlanuary let , that , . published agreraLlyloau net of Audetabl y, were as . : 1,017,439 4i . • Real Estate T by . Temporethr • ji" , ,l',Zl Smelts • ;iILLI - A cash, ax, • • •• '' .......... • V,..1.4 37 I:2=M3 :.,' ii. . , . or $1,34,41/7 71 . &ace their :tempope 111)ean, they liava PM uP 4 ...d• eon. millio nal n•four hundred Mewl. and dollars, lassies by.firs, thereby atferding u , r i,k,,,,, c a 0,,,,,,g,,,,,i.agks Of Ltnutance, att scat .0 005111410 y and dispautlon In meet with pr.ompreass A,, lbilides .: . 1.-GAILDINLIL LObIIIIN,,, - 'marl -lily . : I Office N Ecoraer Wood and : t „ ukiSANArgrodl l l ll ' l43 / 11 • 1 l li FS V ILANCZCOs . /...11 A. hIADIDRAiAgent at Pittsburgh , f,g,b,,, ~,,,.. .11. d ',arab/atl*aletylniimsenCompany . .fm,. Ati adelphia, Fire trPon llldidltall...lld sss , Yltyntlizi , 1 1 . 01 every dew. . don,. andAlarine JtmUs qaul,,,n,„, cargoes of Yes 1h - takes-spun OW mon” avorablo t i[r ". l3l3lco . ca tge Warehouse of R. D. I ielues &Dm., lb o. 37 Water, near Market Orem, l'ittrborgL . N. arlie en; ease argils Calnittoty eittCY 010 0104- lishatylit of the Agency 'MAIM , city, wait tits prompt. new and liharali.verviti -which eycry skim een.them for loss liar Imre adjusted,fally warrmat the agent in limiting the confidence and patronage alibi Oh n.b. and the community confide nce large to toe • INneware 1.1.1%. Insu. mace Conipany,!while It !me die:additional aditUttayes ay. ittilityliios ILlnond /ha Mast itanrishin; 10‘10001$1- pltty-05 having f .. a ample II capilal,wludi by Um operation of its ,charicy tS COMltatitly ittereatittr, on yteldlng to each 'Pel.o4.- wired idualismallare m the PrOhm of Me (atonally, without i uvolving • Mails any rwllmilsibillty whatever, and theiefore as, poMeseing, the Mutual pruielple diveswdof EvYry 0000.Tial fea ture, and in its matt attiVdive Yowls. . '' : Mul 1)0OT AND is WEETSEb7.3 . : New Celiac:ha' of • 0 Chtirco Music, reprising men? of Um mompop, ular and aural mnes la coniseelll ~., t o *4' veal vaduly of: stcw.and.original r” neate r and lowa " 00 % A.lulealis:Oliants,And designed for the ay et .0 balm, Coyeesylittottst Winging Meho‘ll't 4 ' o ' ' in ' ''' cylved and tor Pale by ::ELLIOTT .Y...06 1,1 d1L actin _,_ • • • 7lO Wood el r,....., WAhltfINU CiLOVII.I--JaeiWsi'd; Y-liiS pair Ladie s, I nein Rubber. IYesbiag , Gi°"*. 44) 0 1 sale asWie Iniiiiltubber Depot. Na 'u Wood et. I "li' , - • ',. .-. 1 44 it t iiit.i.lis • /Warl • trazga , amine —tswv uor"" • ' tar "" ""mb*.agynascum, ws baud 6)4 (or Hie by • • G pixamori; , • IM=E=MZM;I== 11 0 E FOUNTAIN 110T/IL. • LICHT STREET.FALTINIORE 'Awes •FD mil:Parma, raoramitna. TIIIS establishment long and widely known ing one of the Mott commodious in Cot city of ; bag recently -.naergt.. alterations and intprovmutth% An enure ^'Av Piing . has been added, containing moneroup end aity Merino; cOartuients, and extenPlce hotting oIAA , ' • The Ladies , department bap also been completeiy •••corganiscr4 and.fitted Uyt in a mo sonigue and beat.- AO style. In loathe whet, Itrangement of the /louse has been remodeled, with a-single gyti en the point' the prnpreter, towards the comfort and pleavure nt their Guests, and whieh they' confidently aPvert will challenge compaction with any Hotel , in the . Their tab. will always be supplied 'with everysat ttnnial cod luxury 'which the market afords, served tp In • superior style; while in the way of Wines, So., hey will not It carpaaned. In conclusion Inc proprietor's beg. say, that nothing will on their part,and on the pan of their assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends nod the patine generally. ' Tic pare for beard hove al so e been reduced to th following rater: , ' ladice Ordniary, per day. _.tientlemen's 1;50 . fi...13.--The Baggage Wagon ell the ilohan will ai 'ways be found at the Car and efeaanbor. Landings, Which will convey baggage to and frets Oa lintel, tree of charge. maytlif LAVIULATIWE MOUSE. comets ov conceit stra Cuter alum, tnvtalmnen. THE respecttully announces that he hasnot+ opened hit neer .111111 excellent lintel 'ter the accommodation of traveler, boarders, and the public generally. The hymn" and funtfture are enttrely new, and nn fining or expense have been spared to render it one of the most comfortable and plensant Hotels In the city. The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there fore VolLcits, is share of online patronaf e. onsl4.dly JACOB 110tIts11. Proprietor. VIC Tsit t [lei - .Nrr sr, II risks. rovcrn •!rti nrtn tas. OPPOIMTE late Blink of the United States, Phil& delptun M. I'OPE MITCHELL, mora l - Proprietor. LAW OFFICES. JOHN H. RANIUN, • - A WORICEXintid enameling sit Lam, and Carom, eigther for the State of Pelithiktminia, Si. booth 'in (lot Pittsburgh.y - Rergence.m.—Plimborgh: lion: WP. Forward. Kim ion it littler , beCanilleag tr. heClure, John K Parke i teKing. - _ , - - ' DAIFID rt. STERRETT. TFOR NEI'S AND COOSELLORS' AC LAW, JA_ Fourth street, between Smithfield andel:mm Inert a. Wm. . . LARGE & FRIAIELL . A TrOIiNWPS AT LAW, Fourth street, near Grant, jaUbtf . lifice - an Fourth L. I. 111. V. 4j eC ita ll79 : llll l-- lal i d 4A L — ant et, Pittsburgh. ' ATTORAFET.AT LAW. 13talar, Pa W lLL ness . 4 " , ' ared d ir Kirrn I . 3tile! ' r and dr¢etron~ couarks; Keay to J. tc. R,Floyd, Litorty cc l W do ,• • James Marshall do I Pittaburett. Kay It Co., Wood atJ tan: J KWF.ITZOK Att — o7ney at Law, °Bice nal .t.. V a i oppaane 51 Cheeks Hotel, Vittaburgh, will alma al Green mpily to Ciallectlana, in'Wwildnaton, Fayette and Green coontica, Ltl=l litlachtnock, Bola at Co,. ' Churrh trait•laturgh U. T. lahrrgen, nolhany t J. _HENRY, Attorney and Counrollor n; Loo - , /2t o Chicanntti t Ohio. .ollectiotut in Sointitrn Ohio, 111111 in Indians, And in kentuckS. rtoinhtly 'And cairn fully Attended na.• OunnaisAinuer for tho'S.tote oL Penn- Aylinotio., On' inking Dtpol6lloll, Arlantooledgmeno, .k.r. Ate. ‘Vm. & Son Curtii,cnurch & Canalters, lVta. flays,Hort ' & Dem. ntr. UAW, CAPS AND BONNETS r'D FALL PASIHON FOR HATS. r e . 1.11i20-1:1) it Co. will norodure this dayj-lit tSoturcloy, Au; pie fail Mile or Gentfornoies. V.,(l),T'Of Fifilhand Wood roost, oug2il • 11 . 4 , DitinCOILDCO., CO tenon...ore or dreord King) rzaltirentabto litatteca,s Cornev of Wood nod Frith Strws. ))ARTlCUl,Alioncouon ) , aid to nor Retail Trade. I. Gentlemen can Toy trot, getting their nat. and Cnia from out cetahnehnont of thu We etarratto nod vonotanw'nr, of the 1-01.51 . 1"1...5 and nt rite WWl.' PPIC. Country Mr rehante, Mart-bating trY am reepectfultv lotted to call and etantine our Stork; as ere can sliy with to de that as regurda iiretor cad num it et Al nor serer in, a contiparoon wait oy loiyeo in Philadelphia. • • %fail; 4 -CALWIJILNIA tIATF-42 do - r venter .. proof Cantionta Bai r jot received and for eats by id'eußllk Co, ""7 ..murnn Ana wpw rbSPRINO FASHIONS FOR 1840. 21VCORD wilt introduce. on Santa- Atarch thet ttptiug at* of HATS. Taos.: iu waitt Dia neat and supertor hay arc invited to rail at earn,' Grath an.l'll'oud .M 45. marl PRINIS Ite/NNET itlitRONS. R Murphy L has now open a supply or p slug gennet Ribbons, of Imes Avid havaltoite style, Al.n, I,IV ttyle Ged - limts;• I.lele linseo and WK- LinCti Edgiup; Victoria do; plaid 31astins and embroidered Swiss Idualins t to.; beside,. o /arse asNitoornt of Spring Goods generally, at', north csit corner 4:0 and Niarkerstreets. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. • ape: FORWARDING & tiros R. $11.1.. TVATIT Cirocerr, and rroduce and Coo, onvonn ,Nlrrehants, No, II& 'Wood at. Pittsburgh. Ikulcrs In tilomeries, Ploor, Whew, nye, Oats, Corn, itarley, Pork, Baeon; BOter, Lard, Cheers) Clover, Tonattly and Plax. Seed.; Iron, Na:ls,Glnas, to. te. to. Particular anennon paid to the aale of Wailer,, Produce. ' • Irrszeracce—M , . Myers it Hunter; Rid& Dal eh & Co., hITAIIa Jr Roe, Illimplon, Smith & Co., Joints Aloe, Kota & Moorhead, nag:writ& Fanner Allusigon. Jo.. S. Itforroon, I.outit. eptighly tons & union. 1017 DI'S - TU.llton, 0. W. 3.111./370N• CRAIG 11/ ARIAN A,. V E NERAI. Alihricv, commt..i. and Forword• k.T ng.klerebants, No. :X. Market eta Pitoburgb, ef" . ll - runiti attention given to the . parchthie trod rale 411 01110 uf Froduce. Raven vo—Jobn Wan fc Co, hlurpily, Waren & Co. Pittaburgh, Pa., Lawton & , klahloa Mo Wellsvalo, 0.; John 11. Grown & & Co.. Phitadetphut; -B. W. Irnodgrass Co, Gregg lc Nam Platy Lisbon, O.; Fr. hkitinur, Dmt. C. D. Coon, C1001,0:1; . J, P. Kell.r, Youngstown, OS; W. H. hone Ono. Clcve. , lnnil, 0., • • aural 'GEORGE COCIIRA.N. • Commission and Forwarding Merchant. Irwin woolen., rrnaserinn, arAtiriTirthrai to trimmer a general Cortardstion tun. cspecially in the purchase and side of Await esti lilarreinatures and Produce, and In receiving nod reiornriling bonds eonsigned to hin earn. A. Agent for r.n-alninuarturrs, be raid be Constanlly stipplird with the principal articles of Pittsburgh hlnnuaretnre al the inward WIIIIICMIE girders and consigunierns remxl/ . taly solicited. Pr Pews Iflschia* Shops WlGllTMAN—hlalsfactorer °roll kinds of cot rli son and woollr mactinery, Allegheny city, _Po 'll,O above works beim, sow kiloa :. 7 sucersa:T.l 07- ensign . , l at, Proposed or extols° °lf cra °;lh dis?arch for all kis* , ol machinery In Yylae . f aTN to lockers, sproadors, cords, crinfizir otokiaee, railways, &s wing homes,speeders, 'noose:ls, looms; Woolen cools, °outdo br Angle, for merchant Or couniyork, oolos ; jocks,doc.; slid, wad .hond lorhrsaml tools yen oral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or pl forgrariog fa-clones or mills ot.rezwoiable Charac. Aryan' To—Rosh:4, BlockstoCk, hell (fray. PI on anat.. laver Stabl " ittl Ilkia Patl . 7 LO, opened Lho large atabiepn s kint ra,tunning ihrouel to - Second between Wuxi atoll lirnithfie,l te., in thqFeox of„lhe,lilonon,teheas ent. axienwelyeew stock of I lor•es sand Cornsigra of the bent qunlitt and lawn stylea. at Itve rY the held' wanner. , jYt‘ll 'UL MICICEN.WOOD.OA4OE NB. ' The slam boas •A,MASONZkvo n orl ' en "fr aTete ,. t a tte '' l f rarllit en—leavig. at 9 o'clock, A. M., and at the neginning of chat twat Argil 9 P.M. Sieitera they rely On findtng the boat at the hour. She Icayes the Mauler,. the lens:. trip, at Itt o'clock. The season it fastadvanciug, and thyme wishing to visit tat. delightful relrenf, a nd is toe ume to spend a few re act not In ere emake arid dust of the city, limb, n pure nonorplicre s 4relluined with the fragrance of gourcrit sew 1 All kinds of refreshruents, except intnxicatinWarmka, nic kept. on the gcrejoriwe. Mrcenhouve Flout.% and Itraguits of choice flaw.. for role. Closed on Sun. day, '• • jy96 . JAMES :Ai -Change of landing made on act.vorit of low wa ' GYZO BstIt'LEAIIEILGER . • forwarding and Cominismun Mer chant, hieCanove4 Or t: Front, between Woad Rnd Smithfield Firm-hr.. son lA/ ;num I'nAll'l3, mule no so Improie'll T • Oath so no not to freeze to the coldest wean.er. Persons wanner, suck articles. are sunned to esll nod see them at SCAIFti 1nT1,5 Ist. between Wove Market 00. • St.!. 131-Ick 'Works foe !ills. ' r ir " \ .l*. i:"l! ". .g, b' ai,:!: " l f . " . ' „Vet, ' Ca th . ' l;47r E a A rn ' p l ri n .l g lig i" a . ' .i .i.i. Lagatc, I Lanier', d Mould Ii ,hint, tenant, of tnenufactunng att,tat PreePad Brick.; lout at dry 'clay . al taken Crean tilt bark.) par ilsf; 'with three nerc• Of laud ea the.)tlilteuy Toler, on which are tide. and ehed., MIMI.. and clay aSod*,.yrbeeiPerro. wo., ...", ..aboveti, apedes, ke, every th i ng reynistle to com mence antennae at an titan nettle. Price, including the pateta tight In tate a4id 'radium; f 7,ooG—terms of petytnent made easy. NVlthudt thu land, Vi,014). For particulendaddtesa , JIENR V ,:11ElittlIT, sturiAltt Din 116 ..1101.1111114,1101 HOUSC. BhLL AND BRASS FOUNDItY. a_ .A 11.iliToN, lien and Bra.% Puutclicf, b.. r . "" boil) and commenced basin,. nt In old etend, where ha id!' be rileitced to zee hi. old eti.intri err and ;rim's. . . • Churrit,Stenntbant,antl Bells ore very silo, fronVlO to 10,000 warm earl front lieponts orate mart appro.". edlnotlela, nod ate 4 to of the licut mateoula., Ointerel•Wolet Pumps,Counters, key ter. Sher with over variety of Ikon Cauttiles, al rntintred, Inrncd Sol &visited in the totatest A. F. lu titge proprietor of Ilauan , s Mott-Ariel ronrAforOLY oo /Putty ertehroved for the rollactian of (notion in marlin: err. T.,e lievon used tTlntortr , ttlun ran lot It nil nf burl ut all tone.. lotittly p - rr 'l to o r o. st " rlVr ;. t:t " A i ;Pt i ft ."'' ll ' :• -' :i g if i' lt . l oa AA n i ll • Any USE 121114 k 10 •Jlnt,l . at .I.ortert water. Woad at, • ~T PITT§BTIRGII, MORNING,; NoYEMBER, *6. COPARTNERSHIPS. E=== .••• • - • . %MIK partnership of the ade.tgeed, under the fine X/ of llngaley 'dumb, arna.hatelved by mutual cow,. on Inth September; IV. Manley rawebawnS the :methyl of.S. R. Smith, who The burthese 'of the firm will be 'tattled by thew nu CVC1,01 . 5, W Brumley la Co, to Nos. lb and 2 , 1 Wood wt. WILLIAM BAGAI,EV, Pittsburgh, Oct. .9, 'lt. ISAAC R. .MITII CD-PARTNERSIDP.—Wxn LlagairV eiwrd with him Wok. It. Woodward of Phl . adelpttt, John S Coe:Trove and Ralph Ha.lcy of Pttor.orgh, mill coahnue tholChol,rtlefirot,ry Lholuts..at No, PI and vo.Wood at, under the bona of WM. RAGA LEV.& CO, Cittaboigh; and BAOALCY, WOODWARD & CO., Pitilad'a. 4,49 Dlosolntloalf Co.Partn•r•Allp - V l Zam "" 77.t . Pre ' n o re:AVZl74 l7 wm, Elmolved on the 141 in. by mutual cau,ent. !1. R. BROWN, Pitttburgh, OeL 5, Litl. A. CULBKRTSON. • The suliscriber will continuo the Wholesale Groce. ty.aoll CommirsiOn Bushier% us heretofore. at tier old stand, 145 Liberty M. Deli A. CULBERTSON • • ' TAYLOR & BENNET, ROPRIMIRS OF MP PITTSBURtiII ALKALI P WIIIIKS, ow now prepared to furnish a supermr orucle of Soda Ash and lllurtioic Aral. Persons wish; lop IA purehasn either of the above aVicles,'ure re. lllnrcd to rail on ISAAC WALKFR, No. 13 Faill st., and examine the articles before purchasApe:sewherc. N. B.—The Sods Ash manufactured at ibis esiabllsh men! Is greatly superior to any other brought In this markeb spt.2l LxinsoN. 964 F E ATKINSON,. 1.3 1 Vomit ♦IT rr. tl-WriralE anufacture kinett of COPPER, I_l TIN AND SIIERT IRUN WARE. Ako. Meek tiunh Work. Stettin Boats bull; to order. Special attention given to steam hoot work. nave on h•nds antic assortment of CopperN.nd Hews kook yTtn Wooc, Do. ho. Stcumboat Cooking Stover., Portable Forges, varioun eizen— a. very convenient ar ticle for steamboats, California ertokrivos or rail road co pamnies. life would respretfully invite steam boat men and When to Loll and see our article. and prise. lienire pureb.ine elsewhere • Dissolutioesof Parener.ittp. THE - copartnership of HANNEN h. CO.. torinerly Hartnett, Moller k Co. in the Window a d Colored Gloss business it thin dry dirsolved by the withdrawal of NH. Frederick Muller. The bust:lsis will be continued by die andersianed, Under the firm of HENRY 11.1NNEN h. 1 - .0 Wore. hot ne No It* Serumd ni, when, we will supplies ofauperior Window Glass. JOHN HANNF.. 11F.NRY lIANNEN. 110.11 ROHERTSON, Pitifibunet. Aug. ft. VP HENRY usrsTHA D. Copartnership.. - TliEnntlersignett have nib. day a...gelato:l with them • m business JACOB L. SCHWARTZ, sad will eon .s_ibue lb< business an heretofore cinder the fiturtir 11 A. FA HNESTOCK A CO. JYR, MEM MIMI T _ partnership heretotore ezisting under the firm of A. &C. BRA BL.CV, to diasolve4 by the decease U Bradley. The busioees will be earrusd oft by A. Bradley. who will peon: the business of the lute finn. RE2IOVAL—A.I3.mA, has removed Lt. Potandry Watehouse from - No. t Second Meet. to N 0.161 Wood .treet, between Ftryt owl beeped street., o the Yrarehooett lately oettopted by t A. Berry, where he trill keep conatently on hood n general moonment of Ra • Atinga, Grates Stoves, Cooking Store, he. jy1:1 _ - DISSOLUTION. parinerstrip herrtaore mating between SIUTP Busbfichl aod tV,lnxnt IS. H•ys, tradiurr under the firm of BUSHNELL/ fr. BAYS, bas the day te—n dissolved by Willow B. Bays if elltr, fits emir, inmrciit in Abe firm to S. B. Bustificid. AB acount% due the firm ',it no collected by B. Bushfiel c d. and all debts due by the hue firm to be paid by the some. S.. B. BUSIIFIELD, W. B. BAYS. pinata:ugh, June 2.2,1.12: CO-PARTNERSIIIR—S. B Itcvtnv.o haying tam tloy assoctatett with himself Briar Lamm. formerly tif f Betiford. Ea., and recently of the National flotel, PAl.lturch. win continue Me business under the ftun f, LEAVER, at the oldtamni.tt•At Liberty sweet. It. B. RESIIFIELD, l'utaborgh, Jane VD, 1f49. IL LEADER. lihrtng - rettrtd fsom the former btialne“, I tnke ple i.g = r lay cu tome. g n my h ep ee. c o r , eoro t l N . . tl. HAYS. 1==1323 , f 1 LIE en,artershto heretofore. ezirting between the 1. stainorthets, an the name of tOi.ttablo, :Male h. Co. i. cat day diroolved try mµtual eanaen, 31eamtit. Burt.. A. Marne, wall '