iei»c or Galt&blc Machines for liaii* F l !wl“'i*»"r*Yr ' • ,CCCJS, J *l«ambcrof McdbjUirccclloiu for U:c;c y.-o.wr 5.. .UcLlion m all cues dfciuciH-, U w ( |, „ r ur mciil. “a ovumer. i’n«i rxr>rrieiit*t- in this treatment «f djaetse* bailed him n» Wfo?vr that there are tew ed'h-’i* Wh,C^ m »J ROl'tor A.jT*BtßffeOß«lr Uc»l t* t>r «‘-p»r e r app!if«Lou o»-U,o jralvanic fluid. The hL.V.. , JI , i^ ,ieU> 2 leitiinonisN will t* given of cure cfftct f ll fc f diu'cfent dift«a>en, fom; of t«!r .? L 6 !*”J* incurable in theordinary medical practice; and on perwn.a welj known among n», 10 wnom reference* uiny tie given. Perxjn* nfßieted With Ob ionic Diressevof arty kind. mrc * , p^ e, R'ly invited to call and examine there te«u tnontal* for tbanaelvea. too, prepared by the mod eucee«if nractitipnefa In the Fn«», and administered by the -iM oft 9 ec,, ® ia * r separate from tbe rperat will constantly be kept on band, with direction* ft* -Si' | OOBPOCID EXTRACT OP SAHSAPAHIUA, The most Wonderful Hedlelne or He Age’ 1,500,000 BOTTLES ‘ MANUFACTURED YEARLY. This Medicine La jrat - np la Qaait «*d, hu cared more ' -100,000 Oates of Chronic wtthln OiaUitTcnTctn.-ireneiiOando< oaleee dgned bj 8. P. TOWHBSBO. EXPOSE. FOLLOWING aftidayit ' r J sbUc le V ll tnirln, or rather where the £*Ci?* for making the itoff they call Old Dr. Jrab Townsend's Sanaptrilla, came from—and will b« «m. .to Judge which b the genuine tad original, tad of the boneety of the men who ere empioyedJa eeliinr It u th« original Dr. Tow mead's Samparilla. Dr. a p Townsend was the original proprietor tnd iaT«dor of EDr. Towwtad’i BamrwrilU. and hie medieine has lined a repetition that ao other remedy over rained, emano&etaredoref one million of bottle# tarn year snd ii tnknnfte taring at present 6,000 bottles per dsn We nee more Stneperflli and Yellow Dock n oar ostablUhmeut each day, than all the other Man abet arete in the world. Principal OflceT lid Fnito&et ' HEAD THE AFFIDAVIT.' VilUaa Armstrong, of toTald City, balng duly Both dmeaa'and ny tort he it a pnetksU Druggist andCnembt That same tlm* in the latter nit of May, or flat of June, 1548, • mu by toe stmt « Jacob Townsend, who at that time me • book eod lyiralrtpoddlar, called upon deponent, at the boose of Mr. Thompson. No. « Hudroo-etreet, where depo nest boarded, tad requested depaaeat to write him a Jedpa by which to make a Bynjp of Btmatrllla. ays, became * 0068 «* Theodoni Fcwter, fS« ss°? »Wnrhom aid Towoeemi fi I 'k»d frequent canvens rSf*i"l?„‘ 3epost J , . t , tbs manufactnracf aa ■rtde of Sarsaparilla to he tom coder the of Dr. Jacob TneimniT That aid Townsend ctated he waa an old man. end W *ad waa, sot flt far herd labor—end wkhed u» !i* “ B ?*T' ,a order to lire eeay to hie old daya, and that, if BaraiiariUa under the name of Town eeod cold to well, and »o much money waa <Ht by to b« «opU tee ,do reason why ha might not make •omethlhtr ont of it toa (hie name being Towneeod.) u be cooid get a capable peraon to prepare a recipe, and maaufocture lt for him. Deponent la one of Um *co»*»attone aked aid Townsend if ha wa related toDr. B.R Townaend, to which he replied, that he “**Dr. AP. Townsendwould bedownbnkia alter be should waimenc*. Bat that he did not can for “*!?} h * t»«4fom*d aeo-partnenhipwfth man who could fomuh the requisite emonnt of capital—aM waa E? •'** *■* *«*k of E^;“St r “at 1 ar? “ £ sr SS , ° a SSS. r * ‘■""J"™* *napr»h i„ - him. Said Townsend charred that ha wanted to make a specimen to -exhibit to hi* partner* tor their approral, u bo wished to gratify them in erery thine. ■», to? 7 furnished all the catdtal-eaJd Townsend *£> tolddesonect that the bottle*they were to use were to Mot the ua» size and. shapo aa Dr. a P. Town aandX and deponent, at tpo request of aid Jacob Townsend, went to the office of Dr. a P. Townsend, and procured one of hie * And! deponent Author ays, that he has bees inform •dls?\Tei!lJj*U*Tei toe Syrup Of Beraperilla. eeU at Old Jacob AownandVb made after the recto# fur- JT i*poM=t, to Jacob Townsend, aa aforesaid. And further deponent aaith not WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, flwon to before me, this uth day of May, lata. - a 6. WOODHULL. y. £lijor of the City of New York „ , PROOF!! PROOF!!! Ben is proof eoacltuire that Dr. a I*. Townsend's flamptnlla is the original. The following U from aooa of the mart respectable papers in this Bute. FROM THE Albany Evening Journal. Or* Townsend’s fiar«*p»rni» Thera probably nerer hoi been so popular a remedy, or paint medicine, a Dr. Towrueods** Sarsaparilla, which was originally, and continues to be manufac tured In this city, at first by the Doctor himself and afterwards for several years and to the meant time by Clapp ft Townsend, the prewnt proprietor*. Fine* toe partnership was formed, the Doctor.has reaided ia Now York, where he keeps a stare, and attends to toe burnnea that accumulate* at that poini.\ The manu factory k in thia city, and is conducted by the Junior partner, Hr. Cltpp—here all the medicine is manufac tured. Few of our citizen* have any Idea of toe amount «.f this medicine that ia manufactured and sold. Besides toe sales la this country, It is shipped to the Canada* Wert India. Islands, Sooth America, and aren to Eu rope, ia considerable quantities. At the manufactory they employ a steam engine, besides a large number of men. women and glxu, in toe preparation of tLe medicine, making beset, pktottog, hi, and turn out, ready for shipment, over 400 dotes per day. or nearly _ 6000 bottles. This is an ewrmous quantity! 7 The great tils the meeieino ha* acquired, has in duced a number of men to get op imitations, and there if at the preeent time, other medicine* for sale, th-t ere called - Dr. Townirnd’i Sam peril] a.” One in par Uculsr started a short time ego in New York, is eiUr ) - Old Doctor Jacob Townie Lit Bamperilft pare ally with a Tiew, by dint of advertfriag. and to usual remedia resorted to to such.efforts, to tppropri ate the name of Dr. 8. P. Townsend 1 * great ramedv and thus gain all the advantage* resulting from the popularity of toe name which be has acquired for it by yea n of patient end erhec*ive labor*. Dr. A p Townsend, formerly of thiy city, as is well known here is the inventor end original croprietor of toe medicine known as *Dr Towhsend** S area peri 1J a," end we think those 1 persons who are attempting to sell their article as the genuine, should be exposed. „ ’.FROM TJIE Tork DWiylTrUnme. Cty* We tmbUshoil an advertisement inadvertently tome tone since that did iijnstiee to Dr. A P. Town and, who Is the original pifrerictor of toe preparation °* SMwpttilla known as Dr. (Townsend's. Other P*rt*e* bare wflhin the past few months engaged or connected themaelm with e man by thename of Townsend whoput upemWieiae and call* it by tho me nama. This mtdiclAa was advertised in 7*» TWfom«t*fteeriglnal,Ac This advertisement also eontatoed matto derogaioi y tol tha character of Dr. AP. Townsend tad that of Ids medicine., We regret U appeared, and injustice to the Dr. make this ax pontoon. | • ' .. FROM TlfE Veer York Deify gnu. Da. Towrsxm’s extraoWinanTadvertisematwhlch occupk* an entire page of the Bee, wUliStaaep* notice. Dr. A P. Townsend, who is the origical pnv Priefor of Dr. Townsend* and Vhae of hce is next door to emit, where he has been for sever el yean, is driving an immense buiineta. tie receive* no lea than four hundred Sammrllla per. day, and even this enormous quantity does not supply the demand. No medicine ever gained to grwet i - popularity as his preparation of the bamperilla. Hu edition Almanacs for 1849 coat SMJOO t and ho has paid the. New York[Bc.v for advertUfog, in the ~ ur .yvtre, over 110,0*0, and he. acknowledges that it Is toe cheapest adrertutog he has had dona isixported to the Canadas, Wert In- Amarice and -Europe, in considerable coming into general use in those countries, es wall aa ben. T - „ . j ®wiadl**L Druggists endothera that nil Sarsaparilla for tha fenuine and De. Towtsaed’eSaraaptrilla. tort iSDrtelgnirtbfA P. Townsend, <©mmS*X*uL and awtodle# the customer*. Men that wwJdbe guiiiy.of such would commit any other fraud —uad no Druggist of common inUUigenc* but knows that ouzs is tha only gannine. ■ Old Jocob Townsend* ' Borne people who are not well Informed, and faavt pot n«d the papera and not seen our adecTtisements : h>ve been led to rapposu that because these man ad , vertia their stuff u "Old Jacob Townsend** that it most, of eoune, ba kha original. ’ It is lees tb»n one year dace they commenced to -make their medicine. Ours has beta in Um market over ten yean. This OU Jacob TovroeeDd. They are csdexvozJjig to palm off on thapnbUeas u oUPhyaidnAe. ll*.is not a regular educated PhystottOi and nerrar attempted to manufacture a med icine, until toear men hired him for the use of his MW They ay they do not wkh toe people to be. Here that their BampiTilie is same—but toe bettor to deceive toe public, they at the am* time j aart that their* ia tt|a Old Dr. Townsend's, and to* original* nafltandmor to make the people believe tort tho-stuff they tt«nufcetur%i* to* Dr. Townsend’s Bamperilla,. that Am performed to many wonderful cure* for too part -tan yenrg end which Las gained a repßtuka jrhich no other medicine ever euiorad- Jtoteh ll kbuM, vHliisous, unprincipled falsehood. We hxva. commenced suits against tha* men for damegw. We witoiftob* understood, tbaltbe old mao tonoralslfaa to DC. Townsend whatever Intoeired yeitlaamenu and clrcnlart, they publish a number of : greeaWahoods mpeetlng Dr luvraaeod, which wa • -• -WAla* Bopertn. • • . Ourcppqoeatahave publiahed in the paper*, that Dn AP. Townsend wu dead. Thia they scad to their agent*-about the oountiy,wbo report that we have preaupburineea, ka fle.> The pahlto should be on their guard, and not be deceived by too* unprinci pled mm. , v * JMn tf JLouhL— Alter the first of September, IMS, Dr. A P. Townsend’s New York Office will be in to* Booth Baptist Church, No. 83 Naano street, ’ which Is now undergoing a thorough, change, and will be fitted for the better accommodation cf tot pro prieton and the reihlin. ■ TkAe yertfeeW XtHct.— No BaneperiUa b to* genuine and original Dr. Townsend's BaraptrUb, un- I**i«ign*d by A P. Townsend. Aenrrfc—R«d4l«f A Co, No. 0 Btatoxtreet, tad Mi*. E. Kiddar, Na 100 Coort«trwt, dostos: Samuel rii<tw; JrvLow«U| Henry Fntt. Salem; Janes B. Ores a, Tforewter* Allison A Oault, Concord: J. Satcli ABay'PTDrtdkDeßi and by Druggists ul M«r chants censnUy Oawgbo&t tba Ualte<P States,- W«tl Wles ud tte'Cuadtt FornaJe by R. & SELLERS, Sole Agent for Pips fcUXh; B.M.CURRT, Aiieghexy; A. PATTERSON ■' TompUn>a««a ainrCMtli Ouil Packets. THE packet BEAVER,?CapL Stanley, will leave Beater regularly on Monday, Wednesday ami Friday evening* at 0 P. M:, and arrive at Youugftown ucxi morning at 3o'clock—mumme, leavr* Youup*- i«»u ToeaJay, TJioridaf and Saturday evAiing* et 4 I*. M., and reach Beaver in time for the trorniiu; boit. ALLEGHENY CLIPPEk, amnn; m PilUhurgb at 14 o'clock. . ' The packet UARKAWAV,- Capt, Downing, will leave B<*aver Tuesday, Tnurvday and *<aijrdav even ing* at 0 P. M., returning. leave New 'Gadle, Monday, Wednesday ami Friday evening* al C P. M- oi»<s con ceding with Uiu morning boat lorFil!»bargh. . are ftJtvd up in complete order, hav 'ing fine tccvtam'dation* for passenger*. nnd shippers ttujr rdr on more punctuality, and greater despatch Uuuthant.etK-e b'eelibbiained on iliese route*. m. FITCH A (hi, Proprietor*. _ J. C. Indwell. Agent, Pitubcrgb.' Ituiwell A Bro., “ Beaver. A. D. Jacob*, “ Youngstown. '''• R. W. Carnin£ham, u New Cattle. The elegant * trainer, ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, will leave Beaver, daily *iB A.«M., and Pittsburgh at 3 P. running in connection with the above boat*, ja 13 “ —OCEAN. IfN? of.tho above Packet* leave BeaveT every day v/ (Sunday* excepted) and arrive next tnoming at 7%° with the Mail Stagey for A*/®*) and Cievelaud, arriving at each oftheie place* before night. One of the packet* leave Warren daily puabu^*''" ln u ““ “ ui ” *• ».« Co ' i _ JOHN A CAUOHKy, Agent, “P* 3 corner Waterand Pituihueld via 1549. ~i£3SUt UNION LINIV^ oa THK PENS'A ANl> OHIO CASALS. Cuawfoud 4 Ciumukrus, Cleveland,i». t „ , 11 G. P-uua. Beaver, Pm \ Fro P r *■ ’lllh Lino will be prepaed on the opening of nhvi- A goiton, to transport freight and Passenger* from I ITI sBUItGII ena CLEVELAND, to any point oo the Canal and Lake*. The facilities of the Line are unsurpassed in munbe.r, ■luslity and .capacity of Boat*, experience of captains, and efficiency of Agent*. Onr Boat leave* Pimburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in. connection with the (teamen „ LAKE EIUK AND MICHIGAN, Beta eert Pittsburgh and Beaver, nnd a line of firstclas* Steamer*, Propeller* and Vessel* on the Lake*. Andrea— R G Pork*, Benver, pa, Jc»*« Baldwin, Youngstown. Ohio. M B Taylor, Warren, •• Cyrus PreitUM, Ravenna, > Wheeler 4 Co, Akron. Crawford 4 Chamberlin, C 'and, O Sean 4 Griffith, Buffalo, N JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent, Office, cor W ater and Smltlifield si*, Piutbarih. mchtiltly beaVkrpaciUEts. , Bteamer MICHIGAN No. 3—Capt. Gilson. “ LAKE ERIK, “ Gordon. HE above regular and well known Beivrer Pack cu, have commenced making their daily trip* to atitf front Uenver, and will coniinqe to ran between follow— * nd 001761 regularly daring the season, as Michigan No. S leaves Pittsburgh daily at 0 o’clock, A. M., and Beaver at 3 . o’clock, P. it. Lake Erie leaves Beaver daily aid o’clock, A. M-, aud Pittsburgh atSo’clock, P. M. t These eteamrr* will run in connection with RU Parks’ Impress,Packet Line, for Erie; Tajrlor A Lefiiiigwell’s Warren Packets: Union Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland: , Clarke A Co’s Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight Boats. * B G Parks daily New Castle Packets. CLARKE, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agent.*. JOHN A. CAUUHKY, Agent, Piueburgh, tnehai cor Water v- 1 ~ • - p -’ Sm:ih£e& •:» 1849. FITTSSOBIiD AND CLKVKLANIk"™ LINE, ON.TIIE PENNSYLVANIA ANBOUIQCANAI.S. 'I»HE Proprietor* of ibii old r»tablltbcd and popular J.' daily line, consisting oi SIXTEEN firti ulass-CumiL Bout, award by themselves and, running in eoim<-i'- Qon with lie swam Loam WiXVEH AND CAI.KH COPE, "are enabled to-offer unequalled ficilities for the transportation of freight and passe u-r r*, on tlir opening of Canal navigation, to allpointsoathe Penn sylvania and Qkioand N. York canals aiid the tat*-?. K. il. FITCH A Co. Cleveland. WDWELL A BROTHER, Agents, Reaver. J. a BIDWELC, Agent, niarff Water «treet, Pittsburgh. I. c. BIDWKU- Pittabargh. BIDWELL & BROTHER. . KotwarJin; SertbanU, , . . BKAVKK, l‘A, Agtitls for the Pilishurgh andClevrland Xjtv, Pius burgh and Erie Line via Erie,' aod for siratn boats Heaver and Caleb Cojtt. Having jiurvbiwd the large anil aalntajiti'al Wharf Boat juw built for the Mouongahcla l'artet*, Lave witlt the addition of a Warebog-c, the most ample oc* conuaodation* for receiving aud forwaidiu", rand pledge their utmost ouealiou, promptiieas and despatch to consignments to their care, auii relv on theirfncmU far atrial. mart-dljr n. & BKO *»ITTBBUIWJI* PITTBBUIWU AND UHIK LINJC. 1849. ilfis-a 1 Old Established Line. ON THE ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. THE Proprietor of this well known Lice of Canal Hosts, m now prepared to transport' Paireaecr* and Freight in oil point* on the Erie Kxleu>iou,Ncw Vork Canal* itnd the I.akrr, apoa the 'noil favorable lermt ami wnli despatch. Tbi« Lute run* in contleetton with the »ieam bool* HEAVER nnd CALF.H OltpK. l»eiween Pittsburgh and Beavor, C M KeedV Line of unom boats and »• «eN on the lake?, and the Troy and Michigan Lake Host Line on the New York canal. C. M. REKD, Proprietor, Kria, p« Bidwcli A Brother, Ageuta, Beaver. \VT Mathcr.Agent at J Aletkirncn’t Passenger Oilier, Mononrahela House, Pittsburgh. CONSIGNEES-W C Malao, Sharon: J HAS Hull, Sharpsharg; Smith A Downing, do; J 11. Plummer, West Greenville; Wtc V, Acnre A Co, do; Win Henry, Hartatown; Dart* A Sutton, Ouffalo; Uanit:T, (iibb* A - Co; Sandusky; Jos A Arm strong, Detroit; Kirkland A Newberry, Sheboygan; M'Clurr A Williams Milwau trie; Knap, Marfey A'Ptittoit.Raeine; John II Kinzir, Chicago; A Wheeler 4 Co, New Vork. «p 3 Plttabnrgh and Packet Line 1849. '|UIK public are respectfully informed th*t J. M. X MARSHALL a CO. have fined out new and iplendid Packet Boat# to ran daring the season, be tween ICairanlle and Piutbargh—the boa;* to lie low ed Ly three horses, and every effort made to accom modate passengers. Dxiaaicax*.—Boats will leave Pittsburgh every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, at < o'clock, ?. sc. From Ulairsviile every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Satnrdur, at 7 o'clock, a. a., and arrive at Pitubarch the same day. A two corse Hack from Indiana will meet the boat nf Baltsbsrgb, both on up ward aiid downward trip— putting passengers through from that place in one day. Freight for the above Line will be received at ibe house of the Bowmen's Line,. by Jno. Farreii it Co . who are our authorised Agents.' All freight received free ol frousmisiictns. J M MARSHALL A Co. JNO FAKRKN k Co, Agents, Canal Uaiia, Liberty st, Pittsburgh A Hack leaves Ulairsviile for Youngstown on the arrival of the l-oat—returns to boat in morning. Fan from Pittsburgh to Youngstown Bi—received at office of Boatmen’* Line through. npdrtSnt BlMijili gfegjßaiB49.J»jJg& For the Transportation of ireigiu le and iron t’ITrSHURUH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, N. YORK, BOSTON, Ac. TKbxas BoasiDU*. Philadelphia. Turn A O'Coasou, Pittsburgh, old established Line being now in full opera tion, Uio proprietors are prepared with their usual extrusive arrangements to forward merchandise, pro duce, Ac to and from the above ports, on liberal terms, the regularity, despatch and iafcty pccutiffr to Iheir mode of transportation *o obvious, when tran •htpmeni on the wav is avoided. All consignments by and /or this Hue received, char ges paid, and forwarded in any required directions free* of charge for commission, advancing or storage. No interest, directly onndireclly, in steamboats. All eomfflunicaiionsprompUy attended to on applies lion to the following agents: TIIO3. BORUUXJLtfTa Market st, Philadelphia. t TAAFFE A O'CONNOR, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. O'CONNOR A Co, North st, Baltimore. mch2l gteda 1849. ; BISGUAAIP TRASSPOttfIIFIUiIIU&Jd TAorßirroAs, Joan Btaauax, Titos. BtsaiUH, Wtt. BuenaM, Jscoa D-ca. Conducted on strict Sabbath-keeping principles. fpHE Proprietors of this .old established Line hsv« I pat their frock in the most complete order, and ar« thoroughly prepared to forward Produce and Merehan dlse to and Cram the Eastern cities. Welnutthgt our long experienee in the carrying business, and aitention to the interests, of cos tenters, will secure to us a continuance and increase of the hitherto extended to Bingham’s Line'.' Our arrangements will enable us to carry Freight with the uimoit despatch, and our prices shall always be as low as the lowest charged by other refpoasible Lines. | We have opened an offiee in No 163 Martel street,; between4tb add 6tb su, Phllada, for the convenience of shippers. Produce and. Merchandise will lie received and flzr worded, East And Weil, without any charge for for warding, advancing freight, storage or comminion. ' Utils of l-riling forwarded, and every direction promptly auciided to. , Allure»», or jipplyjto \YM. BJNIJUAM, liaaiu, <jur Liberty A Wayne sis, Pittsburgh. I BINGHAMS A DOCK, No 163 and 878 Market street, Phi'aOa. . ; * JAMES WILSON. Agent, N* U 3 North Howard atreet, Uauimor© ■ ! WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, rac h2l i No-lb West street. New York 1849. . TO P&ILADSLniIA-jUt) BSITIBOIK. ’ THE Canal* and Rail Road, being now open, and in rood order, we mie prepared to forward all itnis ofmerehandue.and produce to Philadelphia and Baltimore, with promptness and despatch, and onus good tcrms*a3 any other Line. „ C A Me ANULTY A Co, . Canal Ilasin, Penn *t,Pltubujrh Aucrra—CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia.* 11 ninn ROSEMORKILL4 Co, Billtai P re gfe*S3.lB49. Jj§yife FROM mTSBUCH to! tlmore, (Exclusively for Passengers) mHEpablie are rwpeetfhlly Informed that this Lino I will commence running on the I9ih am, and eon turue throughout the Besson. * The boats are new,and efasnperior class'.»i,Wn [.rjod cibio., which will fi.e greet 'X ears are the Istest construction. TU 17,0 * Aboalwill always be in port, and travelers are re SSSJISS." -u “” ‘•ft? «*■**■£ p"- Btooafihera Hoaae, or to D LEiiCHACd U Tl *” Cfmalßaaia . KIKM POBTABLM jOAT f-wv. “ ward Freight with despatch, and at lowest rate*. -a «»»»"■■* 10 Bu,k find it advantageous to ship by this Line, as the subscribers have raiuear nl! *! C® l *® l **; » have *uch freight for Bad “:j“:s"a;.'r ■*““ **"• *■"*«- to Philadelphia goes elearthrough In the. c£ m " ie P u GF “?2> J< ’, bn A - sS^C&SrSS^jSTMe. CuUoueh A Co. Baltimore; Jas steel A Co!! PtiilodeL phia; rranct* A Thomas, Columbia. mebbl ’ PfififiSYLVAMA CANAL da It. ROAUB, 1849. EXPRESS FAST PACKET UNE, Pittsburgh to Philadelphia Qnd Baltimore. (Exclusively for Passengers.) THE public are respectfully informed that this Line will cemmenee running on Monday, 18th March. The boats of this Line are of a superior class, with enlarged cabins, which will give greater comfort to passengers. A boat will always be in port, and travelers are re queued to eall and examine them before engaging pas sage by other routes. They will leave the landing, op posite the 1). g. Hotel, corner Penh street and Canal every night at 8 o’clock. FARE—NINE DOLLARS THROUGH. lYote—3l Dayt. For information, apply al the oSee, Mnnonaahela House, m to 1). LKECH & Co, Canal ilasin. N. It—The proprietors of the above Line are now building an additional Line of Packets, to run as above on or about Jane In, in connection with the Pennsyl vania Rail Road from Lewfstown to Philadelphia. At that time a packet will leavo every morning and even ing. Tune ihrongh, days. luchlO rkLTanck poHtXb lb - boat link, Ste«lB49.»fla | For the transportation ot Mercottiuiize, BETWKKN I’HII.AOKU'HIA AND PIITSDUROK. GOODS carried on this Line-*riT _ not transhipped between Pittsburgh rutd Philadelphia, (►eingcar- Tled in lour scetiou Portable Roots over land and wa ter:—lo chipper* of merchandize requiring careful handling, tin* Ik of importance. No charge made for receiving or chipping, or for advancing rfmrßec. All good* forwarded with dispatch, and on a* reasonable term* at by any othei-Line.^ JOHN M’FADEN-A Co, Canal Basin, Penn si, Pittsburgh JAS M DA VIS A. Co, marl 837 Market A 64 Commerce st, Phils. JOHN MePADEN A Co, Forwarding and Conimi lion Merchants, Canal Basin, Penn it, Piiisharglj. t J AHtESMDAVIS A Co, Floor Factors and Commit* lion Merchant*, 837 Market and U Commerce street, Philadelphia. marl jr7*~Aavaneeg mode by either of the above on Floor, Wool and other merchandize consigned to them for sale. [ marly 1849. HKUCUANTS' WAT FRKIUUT LlUti, For Blalrsvtlle. Johnstown, lioUidayebnrgb, and all intermediate place*. THIS Line.will contiuae to carry all Way tioodi with theifrusual despatch, and at fair rates of freight. AexSn —C. A. M’ANULTY * Co, Pittsburgh. D U WakeCeld, Johnstown. John Miller, liollidaysburgh. RtTEnrrctr—James Jordon, Smith A Sinclair, Dr F Shoenhcrgcr, R Moore, John Parker, S F Von Bo>nn> horst A Co, Wm Lehmer A Co, Jno M'Devilt A Bros, Pittsburgh; John Ivory, Suznll, MulhoUan A Ray, Jno tiraff A Co, Jltainvillc. _ - mch‘J7 HEED, PARKS ft Co'a. PACKET LINE. IS4B. REAVF.R AND CLEVELAND LINK, m WARREN. Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Cant.. Ford. “ “ OCEAN, Capt. Wallers. ONE of the above Packets leave Beaver every day, (Sunday* excepted) and arrive next morning at Warren, where they connect with tho Moil Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of theie places Before night. One oflhe Packets leave Warren daily, at & P. M, and arrive at Beaver iu uine to take the tno.iiing steamboat for Pittsburgh. CUTES A LEFFINtiWELL, Warren, > MB TAYLOR, r “ JPropntr«- ~BEAVER AND ERIK PACKET LINE. TU HOC aII TO TUX UIXJt IX TUSTT HOC a. vanal Packet— PtsnktLvariii, Cnpu Jeffries; “ u Txhseiuru, Pollock; u u L*u Esix, u Traby; “ u Pxrrortu, “ Brown; “ u Fxumiox, “ gayer. The above new and splendid Passenger Packets have commenced running between BEAVER ANDfERIE, and w'U run regularly during the season—one l>oai leaving Erie every morning ai tf o’clock, and one leav ing Beaver every evening, immediately after die arri val oi tbe stcami>oat Michigan Iron Pittsburgh. Ti.v l«oai» are new and comfortably furnished, and wm i ini through in forty hour*- Passengers U> any point on the Lukes, or 10 Niagara Fails, will find ibis route tbe most counortable and expeditious. Tickets tbrourh Wall port* on ibe Lake can be procured by applying u> the proprietors. REED, PARRS A Co, Beaver. JOHN A. CAL'GHKY, Act Pittsburgh, eor. Water and Smtbbeid its. rS;—Jas C Harrison, Buffalo, N\ ■ ■ C M Reed, Erie, Pa. t). W. c. eiDWELI. . Bearer. ; O C Wick. Greenville, Pa; M'Farland and. King, Big Bend. Pa; Hays A Plumb, Shormliurgh, Pa; W C Malan,Sharon, Pa; H C Mathew*. Paiaaki, Pa; R VV Cunningham, New Castle, Pa. jyl VOR CUMBERLAND, BALTIMORE, AND TIIE EASTERN CITIES. > T|>HE Proprietor* oi ilus Ijnc have pot on New Stork, X amlafe prepared to forward packages of all de urnpuons'duily, at the lowest rates. ' J. C. BIDWRLL, Agent, Water street, Pittsburgh. ROBINSON A BOEHM, OftTl 82 South Charfc* st, Baltimore. HARNDEN A COT Puisagsr and Bsmlttanea Offiee. rg> IIANRDEN A CO. coonnao lobring persons yJjWkfrom any part of England, Ireiautl. Scotland or upon the most liberal terms, with their usual punctuality and aueotion to the wants and com fort ofemmigranu . We do not allowourpaaseugcrs to be robbed by the twiediing scamps that infest the sea ports, as we take bharge of them the moment they re port themselves, and see to their welt being, and Uc <pateh them without any detention by the first ships.— We fay this fearlessly,.as we defy one of our passen lers to show that they were detained 4v boars by us in tverpool, whilst thousands of other* were detained until they eouhl Im- rent in vumc old cruft, m a ch2p mte, which too irci;nemi) proved their coffins. \Ve intend lo perform our runtmeu honorably, cost W.Tal it may, and not an a- wm iflr case last season, wiili ether otfierny— who e:ttm performed not ail, or When it suited their convenience. I>*afU drawn at Pnuburgh lor any sum from Xl XIM*), payable at any oi u»c provincial Banks in li land, England, SrntUnd and Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON, European and General Agent, Fifth street. on*‘rtr-®r l«'n* VVwil, EAULE FOPiTPHV roti* «. w. o. rsia*. I'UEoiicorsigned, surcersors in Anlmr* * Nichol son, beg leave to inform the emseusef Pittsburgh and public generally, that they have rebuilt the Ka- OLK FOUNDRY and arc now m full operation, amt have pari of their patient* resdy for me market: Afuoogst which are Cooking Move?, Coal and Wood Stoves, with a splendid air-tight Coal Stove, which is now saperceding in other cities the common round stove. i Also, a cheap coal Cookiug Stove, well adap ted for suail. families, wnh a full assortment of com raoo and mantel Urates Wo would parieularly in vite the attention of persons building lo call at our 'SArehonve before purchasing, nud examine a splendid axuei* of ennmmeiled Grates, finished iu fine style eeiitcly new. in this markeu Warehouse, No. lei Liberty st, opposite Wood tt »og*4saiii nichoeso.n a paynh ALLEOnESYVEaiTIAIT BLIND.' > ANDOA’BINKT WA»*EKUO.V. II- U* ®Kb'WN would respect inlly inform the public, that he 'keep* on band athiVstandonthß west sldeol the Diamond,'Alle gheny city, n enmpleie assort ment of Veuiiian Ultuds; also Ve nilian Shutters, are made to-or der in the best style, wurramed ei;ual to buy irt liie United Mate*. His Blinds can be removed with out toe aid of a screw driver. Having purchased the stock, too la, and wood of the cabinet es tablishment of Katnsay A M’Clel land,-I am prepared to furnish their old customers, as well as i-he public at large, with every tiling in their line. AgeacV, No h Wood aueet, Puuburgh. . mchlJj J. A. BROWN. PAPER HANGINGS—I am now receiving, dlrec front tlie manufucturera in New York, Philadel phia and Baltimore, a large and well selected assort snoot of all the latest and most improved styles of sa sin, glazed and common PAPER HANGINGS, con aistfng of— lo,ooo pieces of Parlor and Fresco; IDJjOO “ Hull and Cutumn; 10,000 “ Dining-room, chamber am! P. iper—which I would particularly invite the u. cnlion of those having houses to paper, to call and examine, at the Paper Wnrcbouse of H. C. HILL, •pi I 67 wood si "17 tXTftACT OF COFFKK— Aji article winch i* ra 1\ ( ni'dlj coinin' into ate ax a wholesome. nourixUiur ant i ao>iciou« lievcra^f 1 , bring more plcuxant and pal* ata Lie than (Oininon Coffee, and fur chraprr, ai a small paper coiuni; ouiy irn cents, will {to ae lit a* four pos indi of Coffee. Manufactured by JOHN 8. MJI.L.KK, Pitubanrb, Fa. Sold at wholesale by ll A FKlfNKB'lt>CK 4 Co, eor tier of First and Wood and Sixth anu Wood streets, PiVj*burgli «p‘<a " ’ ifOrnJ'*' - /i.AiirOßNl'A' RUUUKII GOODS—Jon received, 33 Camp Blanket*; 20 officer coats; la pr» Pouts; 18 pair* licit lined Mining Bool*; 12 Ittbmni Bags; 3 water Tank*, 6 anil 12 gallon* each: 60 canteens, 4 gallon each; 1 doz UockrtNn Money Boh*; Ido oiled cambric do do. The abovogood* for «n!e at the Cali forma oaifiuoc Kitablishtnent. No 6 Wood »l rachit J & U PHILLIPS ASSORTED SPICKS—Pot Dp for family use, lu tin (tai, enclosed in a sliding lid box. containing. Mostani, Alspiee, Cinnamon, Ginger, Cloves, Pepper, Warranted pore. For sole m the new Spice and Mustard Factory, eomerof Ferry *. Liberty «u. mylg' JOHN U BELL ”a NVI LS—Wrought Iron Anvil*, froofthe Tempr?- A aiiceviUtjwork*, warranted; will bo constantly on linnd and supplied to order, by • mr-fli GEO COCHRAN, gl Wood si ONE FURNACE HEARTH, inanutoctured Iron a superior article &f Boli»ar l ire Unek Clay, in more and for sale by KIER A JONES Mr. W. W. Wallace baring used a Hearth of tame, <}• olity and rnanulurture for the past clgnteen months, pn >noances it superior to the hearths now in general use ®.>W *f? INK COGNAC BRANDIES —•& half pipes various H vintages, of our own importation |*er Commerce fro, n Itonlesux, just ree'd and lor sale by %4 _ MILLER A KICKETBON i”T Olio CHAINS —Just received, if beautiful assort- It snent of ladies and gentlemens’ Gold Guard Chain*, from *lO to S» each, eastern prices. Also* Wedding Kings of« carat gold, gold Peacila, Finger Vines, Ear Kings, Breast Pina, Bracelets. Gold Peua, Welches, Ae. 'V W* WILSON, lab coracr4th and Market its -» rELVCT (HI liUONS—Jail received at Zeaulon *5iT , Y «eyK w Market street, ’ 30 ps colored Velvet Ribbon, assorted colon; 30 ’• black “ ** “ 8 “ embroidery Gimp; lOpa wide Plain,Ac 1 SW*?*F i $P‘Y JIEDrCINE4- t Thtj are rt. Me&euteJ of ike day.” \ „ JL„ tiaaean'e Sraraa, Ohio, Mir ?s, lsti ,■? Bellera: IltUik u.n«tafortheteieCl ofolhen to SSeSl*"*? ta 10 TO«t excrjtenl Frier ! hare »«til yoiy Venaifage largely inliy com fam -lly, one vial answering for expelling! tee quantities pay 1 uf StK)> words, from twocbildtei I alto nred vsur Livct PiU« andH*a E h Syrup a my family, ami thjiy have in every instance produced the effect denred.p -A* 1 am engaged ia merchandising, l am able a Male that I have Set u> hear ef the first failure wbe ■* your medicine* have been used (n my aertioD of i e eoiaiUy. Ui conclusion, 1 nlay state that they arc iis medientes of the day, and ore destined to have a vti ? extensive popularity, Yours, (respectful--, Prepared and «|d by R. K. SELLERS No street, and sold bj>Druggi*li generally m the two A ii« and viciutiy. .5 ! mV 3i f CJKIftTIjURKfOF LIVKB t&M PLAINT, by he X original, onlmrue, and genuine Liver Pill. ' fuwtl Camci.lOhlo county, Va.) : „ W .. . „ 1 „ Mareh 2Uih, IS-Ui. < ! Mr. R. h. teller* Dear Btr—ll mink it a duty l ow* to you and to the nubftc (pnera jy, to state that I have been afflicted wig the Liver Uomplaint for a lung time, and *o badly} that an abcess formed and broke, which left me inJi.Tery low state. Having heard of ' Pl, l B bc * n ff f or sale by A R sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by my physician, Dt E. Smith, I concluded to rive them « fair tr|aL I purchased one boi, and found them id be just what ihey are recommended, THE BEST M- : VER PILL F.VKfcUSEDi and after taking four boxes I and the discaacfflhs entirely left me, ami I am now perfeetiy welt, j Respectfully yours. ? i DH COLEMAN. . , West Ltbeny, March 26, IM'J. I certify that lam personally acquainted with Mr Coleman, and catj bear testimony to the truth of the above certificate | A R BHARP •' The genuine Ltvpr Pills are prepared and:»ld bV R E SELLERS, {So 57 Wood street, and liv druggists In the two | ] TO THE PUULip.—The original, only true and gen uine Liver Pills prepared by RESeller*, and have his name stamped fn black wax Upon the lid of each !« lIIKN * 11VII' lr box, and his sigso}tare on the puuide wrapper— nil >uUIU> UOJOj ttCt others arc boso imilaliooa. ; ; • "j —r— — *Pl® Lj VR K SELLERS, Prop ietor i XTKW MUSIC—RoII on Silver Moon; Nelly was - DiUJAY.lidy CAKMijf AtTiVK I* AJL SAJI ~ , .' adr ’ 1 ? n ,‘ w 4‘ 1 Popular Eihiopian melody by S [TiROM the Bev A$A SHUffN, aTwellknown ; ndpop J'. ®* terj kind loUie loved ones at home; Speak P u.ltf ClcigvmanoftUflfrDlesthntMcUiodi.'i Church j* cotl >'» ** * un 6 «y lh-mpirr Minsirela. Row thy Pont The undersigned having been afflicted during hepasi “7 m**- Empire Minstrels; What Must wittier vrilb a dispose oftne stomkebL sometim e pro- B ~ 'l ury 8 ~ f *' a,n be;} Ben Bolt; Louisiana Belle; So, dneing great pmn4n the siomacfffqrtt&or twch ebmtn Vv^,^■, cnl l , *iV ,n l'* ■ doetb uil tluus* we l; withouunu-rraission, and after having tried rarioui , , , ! l ,'°^ lle * ar °. r * “Repertoire devjeunei PulniK remedies wnEhuie effect, was furnished -with « bottlt , lUe ,a,,, av*e* from all the coiebiaied and nonu- This he«red ac- ro ! ll P 0 *«l by IVrd. Beycr,—iu 2U nuaber* eordhig to the directions, and fourid invariably maitb:i ° „V’ as '; i <>acl, i 25c per number medieme caused pain to abate, in three cr fo jr min 1 ~c. * ,, V *L w, „j® •arge collrction of Waltzes, ate*, and in fifteen ortwenty uJmutcscvcrr jtieasj murcUes, i nlku., Sdngi. Ac Ac. rec’d mid or sale by sensation was entirely quieted. T,iie raudicinc rai ui . ..*P ... JOHN 11 MELLOR. si Wood jn terwardsured whenever indications of the appr >acli ol l)ROF. ANTllbNii> SERIES OF CLASSICS —Firs l pain pain was thereby p event- ■* Ec'aons. |LaUn Prose Compo*nioo. ed. lleconiinued;ibuße the medicine every c'enlng ar '. ,, '* on the Gallic War. and sometimes irixhe morning, ajtd in a few weeks I'he j-hirid of Vire,l. Cictro'sSelcciOrationat— health was «o faryestored, that sufferer wai rcl.ct Jncartbinc War, and the Conspiracy offCal* ed from a large angount of oppressive puini F oic ej aline. The Works of Horace. 1 he can confidently rectiratnoid ft First Greek Lraaoii*. Oteek l*ro»e Coraposiuorl. 1) Jayne's Carminative Balsam, a* a salutary n edivin Grammar of the Ujeek Language. \ for diseases uftheitoaach and bowels. ASIIN NO The Anabasis of Zenophon. \ ‘I A'llegheny pit; .jyUl Cicerode Seneciuie, dn— For sals in Piltldiurglt at the PEKIN TEA bTOK lor sale at reduced pnees at the book store of ] , 72 Fourth street, pear Wood, aijd also ntln Drug UOHNSTON A STOCKTON, I Fiore of H P SCHVFaRTZ. Federal i treet. Alig-r> rpffl ; corner Third and Market sti ~ VALUABLE DISCOVKUYI of the Nalionai CbnMiujsn! CONSUMPTIVES, BE ON YOUR GUARD. 1 7 l from May, lalf, by F. Cockran. EsX J)R SWAYNUS History of Feiidenrii*. bis fortunes and misfortunes, COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CfilSßUf. ri} bJf WaL Ttacie * TUS GIUT UKJCXDT roa KetfibuUon; or, the Vale of Shadows, a tale of t as i Cousampuon,Cou£hs, Colds. Asthma, Broncbitn, IJv- siuu, by Emma 1). 11 iNcvett South worth. er Complaint, SpiOtng Blood, BiflicuUy of Bn utli- Ju«t rr t - d |,y JOHNSTON * STOCKTON, iuz. Pain In the Side and Breast, PaiptUlinn of _ u f ill corner Market and Third s» the Heart, liiflaenza, Croup} Broketo Um %yf aNLKaCI bKK oF IKON.—To be publt.i^d stnuuon, Lr’ Throat, Ncnrouii Jtetoh* M. sbonly. The Mansfacturc of Iron, in olftt* brm ty, and ali DtseasesofUeThrout, ches, from tne di R gmgof iron ore and coal to the iSa ! ' Breas{*nd Lungs, themoitef- king of charcoal and coke; Hie buildinr and maoavlnr ; fcethil and speedy) curs „f blust furnace, by charcoal, anthracimandebie e*v known for auy or hoi blast and blast machines, Ac. Ac., includinr an ilie above discos- essay on the manufacture of steel: by Frederic Uver- J,} «»i ** man. Mining Engineer. Complete in one volume, £uu UK> SWAYNE 9 jjnges, with i|iu*trauon», engruved'on wood. Price , OotapoandSytup ot Wlld Cherryl SU l«subscribers. Sdbscripiions received by | ’ This meffleine longer among those ofdriubtful augjo JAS D LOCKWOOD,’fI Wood st I utility. It away from the thousand daily TUsT PUHI ISllElt—The Hisiorv of lie Puritl.r, ! launched upon the tjdc ot expertoeat, and now Stands J tn p ilt rira FaThem'comuiete ir! i higher in reputuUori, and Is becoming more exten-ive- j vo i Loyola and Jesuitisru in iu Hhdimcnufit.v lyW than'*<l7 o|« preparauoui of.medteinc ever Isaac Taylor. The otniu. of ScoUand, S produced for U * rricfofsuirenngjniui. of bco ush s>cenery, Literature ami RehVion, bvßev i It has beru strwloced very generally through the Roben rurnbulli <Ui edition The ILsiorv United States and Europe, and there are few towns of church of England, by B shop ShbrT; ErVkmrT G^ I importance butwftt contain some remarkable cvi- p fl SonncU.tmrder Warfare of N l ew York The I deuce of its goodleffecw. For preofofthc foregoing Oaoll lni (>f Uie UiLle U.Mh.' Vf Si.hS, bv Kre -1 statements, and oft&e value and eficacy. of ffl.s tordi- raachcr. Cottage Lectures, or Die Pilgrim's Progress i cine, the insert a fejw of the maty th - ] raciioally Kxptained; published by A*m. S M Union sand lesumonlals which have been presented to him » The Wonders of Vegetation: published bv Am H H I mtn of the fir»» reitectabibty—mAi who have biga r Union. For sale by : IILLIOTr A ENULISIL * views ofmoral responsibility and lusuce. than io i«:r- . 7u st , .... sf^b*nmßi*6=ivsir,. cl^lyXuudUprising excellence is by iulntrinvie inrr|<U,and Uie unquestionable outlior.- r : . \lVd ra! C j a I>ICU T arT ' * »t«w "* dOT *• * , remedy foyae REhIEMBERI hJboiion'i Practice of Medicine. .mk,. raen acenr from conscientious impulses, ?! an “ au “ Burner’s Anatomical Atlas, vniantarilr bra'r testimony to the tniih of a imng. or Ma *se « Anatomical AUas. For sale by oarticnltr fact, fuebltstimony, being contmry to their _ .. JAS* D LOCKWOOD, ttl Wood st ' woildly interests thiporposet, coerce- conviction, of' r\UFPS BOOK-KEEPING—IiIankV tor Teaching its troth, and cootmeads itseirin a special inaitiier to \_J tin* woric, with ibe author's directions to teneb univrrsnJ crodcnce.fte-O'Hosan's Moral Mnxim*. er. printed on the covers. A new supply just recei- KE\U TIIP.'HOME Ci.RTIFILA ved from New and for sale by Snu.AßoruxaCrwtorl’jruiosaAVCox.CMrTKut:- ju!3 JOHN H MEXLOC, 61 Wood »l There never was a remedy that has been as «ucce»*!ul - p lA w oa in lopm; A BHonmcm s ko-1 S L,S f “t ••'*“»< W.n„, jn., 6. :KST;*2w KtriL blood, PV-00l >-,■ n„ fTTHI ft.’sLS‘3t, , !S i :f 1 ' nu.n, .amoo. .. I Apr „ oa, ,n, A - «“■ l» •»“ to. W ,_ n . Sin 1 verUy believe youf Coin- RLLMEII2 Wood street. «"*aKS3Jfto ta Sa£-MS ! |s allygrewworse.auendcdwffl a severe Coagh, tbu ebasing.elbewhere, as ibey cannot be excelfedby u? resisted all the remedies whichl had u ' in die country, and will be sold lower than any brought Increasing until «y ehso cxUbited M 1 the «/ Irom the East. Alsojum received, two ptanoiof Ham Pulmonary comnlSnUnfreS s* reS barßh -wanted .o’ be to any m hive no effect, andmy complaint tnereasoo juirapia ever sold m this country. ocuO e« ' ly that friends as well as myself, gave up nil hopes of srvrwrTfrff*TT.-.WV>-4ra. -- mvreeoverT At Ut& tin* * wa * recommendod u> try invaluable mctlkioe: 1 did ro with the most bap* 'T'HE subscriber has ileen sppmnied Sole Agent fot or "rhe fint bottle bail the etfeet to loosen the A tke sale of CARHARrS IMPROVED MELODY ?uu«li causing mo ifiexpecioruie freely; and by the ftnd an<l P« fcc ‘«* b 7 Messrs. ®| V j u „"\ si* bottles,! was entirely Well, and cm MarefiAWhite, of Cincinnati. Ihe usual compass SSS L ... in m, life, nuJ ““ l CI "|" ‘'“,s t.i f™, JI TO m. tV. woald be hsnov Vo rtVe any iiitormauiKtxespecting my ‘ n accordance with the general satire and demand, SE« Xn may derive thc.btnefit for have extended the scale ofthe.etaaaumem. toil anJ oS" For Uie truth of* the above ev '° S octtves. Urn. makirg ,t praetmable to yldw Fcter Rath, Grocer, We,: **Jf>n them any mss, n written fortoo . iano or Organ. . Chester o^ l of whom I purchased the medicine. fle oxtenor, also, ba« been mucblmpioved bypluntrg CU Moatsit. b « bo ?l u f ibo instrument upon a east iron from? Kespeetraiiy youp , beautifully bronzed and ornaraented, remlrrmi It ul once o most elegtnt add extremely desirable article. The price i* put to low m to bring ii wiOuii the reach oft very one to obtain a perfect musical instrument, and, at the same matt elegant piece of furni ture for a romjiarauvc trifle. H. KLEHKK, , ~ ApJ W Woodwell’s RKAT M L'SICaLi ! NOVELTY—Tho subscriber a has ju»i received 1 from Europe, ami lor vule, tut entirely new mvcuiion of Piano Foru-, called the CAB PIaNO PORTE} which possessing more power and sweetness tuau the square i'litno, occupies tiuione lourtb as much room, and is a much more khowy and handsome piece;of (unuiure. It is particularly dvslra ble where the saving of space is an object, being ex ceedingly neat and compact, and occupying no more room uian a small side table. The subscriber has in baud a letnmofuaJ of its superiority from Ute celebra ted pianist,Moschellcs.jui his own hand wriunr.whicb ’ay be inspected. H. KLEBh^L °« ta7 _ At J W Wood well’s Wonder/*! Cut* of a Methodut Minister. Dr swaTno—Dear'.Sin 1 feel a debt of gratitude due ••von—and aldoiytO the afflicted generally, to oiler bt bumble tesbmon* iftsfator of your CompounJ <y- Sp Of Wild Cberry.l -Some, three year, amee I an Tiolnndy attacked With cold and inflammation of the Lun**, which au bceompanicd with a eoaeVoain in the hreact and bead, a very considera ble discharge of offetivree mucus from the lungs, epe- Ciallyupon change ot weather, however slight. At first I felt i-o alarm about my condition, but was pretty .•oon convinced that I was rapidly going Into consump tion. I rrew duly weaker, and at length »u scarce tT able to walk about, or speak above a whisper, such was tbeegeeed-ng weakness of my lungs. During ibis time I had tried various preparations and prescriptions, but found no relwf-growtofi * u , ume worse. Ju*t here t was adt- ed and persuaded by adearfnendm Wilmington to stake trial of your syrup of Wild C.ter rv I mast eon.**, that previously I had been pre;u dirod against pstritl medicines, and 1 am still agaiuvi those Mining out of the hands of empencs, but under standing yoor r'aims to the profession and practice ol mediciuc. and h.tvjug implicit faith in tae saying of my friends, 1 forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, oneofyour aeenu a few b-ule*, and commenced us use. My dis ci* was *t lh»i time of t»or fc> month*’ siandm : „con- SrquenUy U **• deeply seated l mund, however, considerable relief from the asc of the Grst ,our or five boiUes. Hat being a public speaker, I frequently at tempted to preseh with my increasing strength, and thereby mntareJ those vessels that had already w-gon to beah in this way, doubtless, my cure ws. greatly retarded. In cwAsequftpcc of acting thus imiirudeir I bad to use twuve or fifteen bottle* bciore 1 waspe fecOr restored I have no question, a moch .mol' auiaber of bom,.* would have made me sound, ba the'aimve indiscretion- The Syrup allayed the fe» übhaldt,look -way the distressing cough, puta*; lo she discharge of matter from the lungs, and g«v them and the cu.irrf system good heolih. I have dele red-offering tht* certificate until now, for the purpoa. of being rn-rfee - r satisfied with the permanency ol the cure, and now .nat 1 feel perfectly well I offer u with pleasure. R* v * P Joanan. Dublin county N. C- Jmpormint Caution-Bead! Read! Th ere is but<-> e genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, and that is Dr. Kwats>’», the first ever ottered io the Cublic, which ~*s been sold largely Uuoughoul the 'nited Stales ai*l some psru of Europe; and ail pre paration* cafle* by tbo name of Wild Cherry have been put out siswe inis, under cover of some deceptive circumstances, ■* order to give currency to their sales. By a little observation, no person need mistake the genuine from tl> false. Eaeh bottle of the genuine is enveloped wit a beautiful steel engraving, with the likeness of WUuam Peun ihereon; also, Dr. Swayne’s lignatare: and »-further security, the portrait of Dr. Swnyne will l.' added hereafter, so os to distinguish his preparatiot rom all others. Now, it it was nol for (he great curative properties and known virtues of Dr. Swaync's Conb-oumi Syrup of Wild Cherry, person* would nol be ••tdeavoring to give currency to their "fictitious no- irat” by stealing the name of Wild Cherry. Rctn««»bcr, always bear 111 mind the name ol Dr. Swayi- nd be nol deceived. Principal Oh «e, corner of Eighth and Race steeds, Philadelphia. For sale wn- tsale and retail by OODEN & SNOW DEN, cor dd a»1 Wood sis; B A FAHNESTOCK A Co,cor Islam Wood, and fllb and Wood sis; WM THORN,&IM *vkei st; S JONES, leg) Liberty *u JAS A JONES, eoi aland and Penn m, JOHN MITCH ELL. Allcgbeo city, and by all respectable dealers in medin'"* _ octlU AbTKO.NO EVIDENCE till Dr JAYNE’S EX PEOTORANT is superior to til other retard its for Jougfti, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. tad other Pul mo os ry {fleetionSjislhsi the *ama persons who commenced tbs u* ol il in their fnaibes uu rears sgo. still prefer it la all jtber remedies of the kind; and where, any hate bceninduetd to trylotber preparatioa* they hate almost.invariably bten iuappOßitedm receiving the benefit which was reasouablv ulieipaied from (he high praises bestowed by the proprietors, tint Usee returned lo the use of Jatisi’ ElUcrnniirr, is S remedy Uwl has uever failed lo relieve them, and which probably never bed its canal in arresting puliaousry dnrcir* Prepared ouly byPrl). Jayne Philadelphia, aud sold ub sgeuefby Ai*EX. JAViSha jler* r W.Awif Oil W. P. Inland’! Premium Piaster. Dl|. \V. I*. INLAND, of the Medical College bf I'bil adrlphia, now offer* to the pnLlie bit Indian Vrg. Stable Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, nftri long and tried cjnerieuce, ha* been satisfactorily es tablished. To all womeu who may be alllieted with Prolapsus Utcria or Fallen Womb, be recommend* hi* plaster, guaranteeing a sure and speedy cure in Dm short space of frnm two to tlice weeks, if applied with care and rest—diac.rd.iiß all tne countless instrument* and expcnsiveibandngesso loug in use. .This ho feels conscientious lit stating, inasmuch os be bas not failed in one case dot of tliree hundred and fifty-three pa Also for Rheumatism end Weak Breast or Dank at tended with pain, there It nothing to excel thin Plainer m affording relief or effecting a core. For tale by L Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Market «t 1 Braun & lleiter, “ Liberty and 8L Glair am Dr J Sargent “ - Federal it and Diamond. Alle gheny city . ’ Jacques A Co, “ Denman and' Diamond Birmir.z baaL ' ' • ' . ia.l T> B. SELLERS, Druggist, No « \Vo«<j »tree 7 XV. Sole Axentfor the'*Gen. flno Sarwpar.ha.ha.jU'.trecmedaw down of this Great-Spring and Somber Medicine, Purchaser* should reeollect that R E Seller* it note ageiuwrPittsburgh, and DM CarryJor Allegheny "JI ; ons" Gold and silver patkntT:bvkr\vXti:ii. ia.-Du P le* W.iehev made by !he cclcbrn.ed oooperof London, M J. Tobias of Liverpool, nhd « large assortment ol deUched gold end Lcvn* made by the best Geneva manufacturer* ’ Spectacles of all kinds; Communion Ware in sets Gold Pens; Jewelry in large variety; Stiver Spoons! Porks, Ae. ' , .ID* Watch;repairing executed In the |* it ntai.ter W W WILSON, ' c»n> corner Market andltlr-ts ATACAULAY'S ENGLAND—Harper** fine edition, -'ivl 6 to, with portraits; eloth-75 cent* per volume . For tale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, (Vf aoraayHarfcei and 3d su EXCHANGE BROKERS- H. UOLMSI 4 SOBS* Banker.■( ißzchaeg* Brokers ' i 4KD DUIW m NOTES,DRAFTB, ACCEPTANCES, COLD, SILVER and dank notes. COLLECTION^—Drafts, Note* and Acceptances payable tn any pm of the Union, collected on the tnos favorable term*. EXCHANGE oft New York, Philadelphia and Hai ti mo re; alao, Cincinnati, Louisville, Sami Lovi. nut N>w-«rleau*. rohstantly for sale. DANK NOTKS.f—Note* on all solvent bank.,, [be ['iiited Mates discounted at the lowest rates. A ; v»Ji of Foreign and Athenean Gold and Silver Cans Uuu-fc and Fold. ! Office No. £5 Market street, between 3d Pittsburgh, Pa. ) poiuElQH BxcnXaoEr BILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought •jy amomit at the Current Rales of Exchange. Also, Dyuts payable in any part of the Old Countries, from £1 to XIOOOi at the rote of S 3 to the £ Sterling without deduction [or discount. by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, European ano General Agent, office sth *( on< door west of wood. ocUett iatstin-| ; [edwaxd aasa KRAMER * RAHM, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealen In Foreign and Domestic Rill* of Exchange, Cer tiorate* of Dcpnrite, Bank Notes and Coin, corner ol 2d and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Charles tnardidl WKSTicna ~ Ohio. IsdisnaJ Kentucky, ' / Missouri, • . I Bank Notes; purchased at the lowest/rates, by t „ N. HOLMES 4 SONS, ,C P*3 35 Market itreeL BILLS OF £±CHAIIG£-Si;tii Check. CD New\orfc. i Philadelphia, and „ , i- Baltimore, Constantly for sale by N. HOLMES * SONS. 35 Market »L Ei OKOEOE ARBOR, MERCHANT TAILOR, Do. 46 Market street, HAVING purchased,&a eiirDiirr and carefully »«•- leeted sun k ol Spring and Summer sul>ser,t>er respectfully informs hu friend* and the public, mat he is now preparing lo receive and ex*-- cute their ord-rs with dispatch, and in the neatest, most substantial, ami fashionable manner. Ay be is determined -o do business on Hie ca.ii system, he flat lers nmucli mat be will be able to do work as cheup *t» n ran be done at any esiniiliibwent in me country If- »'oek n varied, cinmsting of Cassnuemi, Broad cloths, \ e'lin-;*. Ac., wuicb bis mends are rcspct-ifui iy invited to extiniliio ior (hDintelves. __ra)L'l:dtf _UKORGE ARMOR. «• W. BIDDLE, Dentlsl— REMOVED to a new three siory bnek ow Smithheld street, one door below 1 1 1 1 Sixth streeL Teeth inserted from one to an enure set, on the ruction principle, with u beau- Uful representation of the natural gum—restoring tlir original shape of tlm face. N. B.—Teeth extracted with Utile or no pain Decayed Teeth permanently saved uy pluraine, pre venting the tooth ache, which is much better than cu ring it, though n should bo done in fire mint tea, or even instantly. ajnMtly MOUNT KAOLE TRIPOLI—For cleaning win d«wi and 5 lamp glasses, tilyer plaie,- brass, On tanma, and other ware. It rapidly takes out ail spots and Muiur, and reproduces the beaouiul and durable lustre of new ware. Just received and for sale, whole sale and retail, by JOHN D MORGAN, . __ Druggist. f Light l Light 1 1. Llgtfl 111 Ifr.yu■ 11 y celebrated burning fluid can now be had at the I jutcrn Lamp Store, No. Wl Third street, between Wood and MarkcL <i For a portable house light it has ihe prefertnee in all ol the eastern cities, beiog perfectly sale and chc* ■ void of smoke, grease or any of the disagreeable at endauis to liglus now in common u»c; also. ■ beauti ul assortment of lamps ofthe latest patterns for burn og the tame. • jyjtdOtuo V. J. DAVID. THE BTAR OF TIIE WEST A venitian blindaunufactoky qA East side of ihe Diamond, where Vemtlan of all the dUTerehi’.ire. ami coW are kepi ou hand or made lo order alle m • toe most approved Eastern fash. - Y iou»,at the shortest notice and on the mo* reasonable terms. Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Tronspi rency and Paper Curtain* of all the different sizes art patterns, on hand and for sale low foreash. Old Veil tian Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken in pai payment lor new R M WKSTKRVKLT, Pro’pr. N’. B— All vvoi. done with the best material an workmanship, and warranted to please the most fas tritons. aoglu-dly Allegheny city, Aug. 10,18*5. 1 IkiriSßCßGli MANUFACrURKri -The‘under- Sigurd, Agent lor the Uiatluluclurcr*, ba* on hand and I. ruin-tunny receiving a foil supply onbe article, oisile ut Pittsburgh and vicinity, winch ho offers lot sale nt Manufacturers prices. I OKU COCHRAN , ./Hhi?. 1 . ’ 510 wood si I NDIA RUBBKK PASTE—I-gross bottle* Lidia Rub. J. her Fasir, an excelleat nrtlele for rendering boon and shoes perfectly water proof, and *ort oa a piece ol ciolli. Our application ol this pn»u Is salticiem to make them impervious to water for a or a months, and a perfect preventative from the leather cracking Krc’il nnd for sale at the India Rubber Depot No 5 Wood M, iet'tri J A II PHILLIPS AMERICASTELKUIUPU OOfifPASY. aaLnuuns, rrmatrauu anti wuulum / WESTERN LINK. - Offlti at Ch« Rtehaag*, DaJtlmoro. }KDUCKD KATES*.—The charge* have been reda . .Weed on all Messages to or. from Baltimore, Pitts burgh of Wheeling, and a; corresponding reduction made on all telegraphlc tiespaiehcs fonvurdrd from Bal timore West of Pittsburgh, Pa. Riris*.—The charge for a telegraph despatch to oi from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and V\ becling, is u cents for tbe fint leu words, and 3 cents lor each additional word. 72 fourth it ID" No charge Is made for the address and tigna- Until the completion of the Sduih Western' Line ol Telegraph from Memphis, Tcnn-v to New Orleans, dr«. pafciies can be forwarded lohleibphi* by this route, and milled tor New Orlrans. I*o F A M I L I E ti—Chemical Liquid lur washing clothes, carpels, silks, paint and hue furniture— •mvtng hai/ibe labor and dispensing euurely with the waahuuard. The finest Wntou carpets, after havne been in use elejea years, have been perfectly resi’ur. ed, wnliohi the slightest lujury to the lahric, und with out removing Inna the floor. It will not injure iiir cloth. Direction* accompanj'ing csch bottle. I*ri■>p ii eenU. For sale by J bCHOONMAKER ACo "y* l *4 wood’ll 11 'Jlrlrti A t IAULLUKPuarrui*FiOKB c o n X taming an alphabeucal Ust of Post Olfiee* throuirh oui the Uillicit sums; disuncek from C.; state mail tenitoriaJ capiiaU respectively; also ti. hibiung the Post Offices in each State, si well as coun iy, with an appendix oltfie United Slates sad British Tariffs. Just rac’d by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON ” ■Til eoraarfldaad tuikataia ’ i Sl i -t “ gfefSigililllitt W jj"si —■ a §’s|?S^[|^ss'==i J =s^ S ilSf|'33is!“UL 6 „ E*--s5-? s^| s |l:S!|s'-§S 513 It; _ .t- -5 *-*-£3 & s *«-;s;3*S...S!<r> c J 1.2 03 so‘g3 ,a -aS3C'i'SSi2rS'i , 2i2-sa Zz2 a I Si! IS *l} S a s t£ fi o § H- h„ - - fvi . 3 a »«<2a 6S2* JSi. *;’9 » n -E u - ? -=*jj $ Qfc §a s8 g ’s£sK|ss* a n|.si£i-3S^i f g§-g S.u> g£ 2S b »HiJJBSfflf SSK;sHH f i Hflifi! Ji i § lilllll iillUlfMll! if if If: “ a ?ij? °??^8: s a« J! E=;.-S:S S,O J »a^j;a*_l!g=--s;jsSss^JS'Sf-g-£.» jga i S ajrj i ) 'e' , 8-§*u *g E** . P. *»g a£»®. «B CA < 5 “‘tf ? ° = i * 1 2 -*' ? *.s s «’* , 3 : c -§s g*s s l*f«" : »sTs?‘?cJ»®i , 3 ? ‘c-* ,a o"o ** S? H2i"i I x 8 -ght&MlvMHi >■ < l^i4ii s ifl-!:si|f!!i 8 i . . l!g|iiKi!iis4si e 2> fc ' «-,£ “c•> S Fa"- rT<£,£ 0 £a f JS -"S'* g;2 * < 3sr2='3 —3 a c ~ cS’H E 2 <0 ■ •!Jf>!l < .i«43«sl !l s 7 ' ' j|4«232*i^si^S6s 4 ;£ s :f«B 5; Pw.bjT»b: P. M- CPBRY. Allegheny CilTj A. PATTBBSONt Knpinyhain. MEDICAL. M’ALLISTER’S OINTMENT CONTAINING T N O MKRCI.'RY.or otliuVr lin erai. It bn* power 10 c&uu all EXTERNAL, tumKf*. t»CROKUI.Oi;«! HUMORS, WKIN DIS. EASE*. POISONOUS /Wounds u> • J tliclf jiulrid rontterv, and *> thun heal* them. li it rightly termed ALE-UKAI.INC, for there Is ■carccly a <H*» cosa external or internal, that it will not benefit. . 1 have used it for tho last AXteea year* for all diaaakas of the chest, involving the utmost danger and responsibility, and I declare before, heaven and man, mat notin one case hat it failed to benefit when the patient waa within the reach of mortal meant. I have bad physicians learned in the profession. I have ministers of the rotptl, judges of the heueh, al dermen. lawyers, genuemen of the highest erudition, asd multitudes of the poor use it in every variety ol way, and there has been but one voice—one universal voice saying—“M’AELISTER, YOUR OINTMENT IS GOOD!" RHEUMATISM—It removes almost immediately the Inflammation and swelling, when the pain ceases. (Read the directions around the box.). li I-£IKACHEr—'The salve'lias eared persons of the of twelve years standing, and who had it regmUrevery week so that vomiting took place. EAR ACH fr, TOOTH-ACHE, and AGUE IN THE FACE, are aelped with like success. SCALD HEAD—We have cared eases that actually dafiapevery thing known, as well as the ability of m ta«n 0 twenty doctors. One mas told us be had spent f,}irf on his children withou any benefit, when's few of Ointment cured them, TETTER—These ts nothing belter for the cure of Tetter- BURNS—It is one of the best things in Uie world for ; Burns. , | PlEES—Thouiands are yearly cured by thisOinl- 'i mem. it Nsvxa fails in giving relief for the Piles. j fry Around the box are directions for using H'Af- Una's Ointment for Sctofula.Liva Complaint, Eryji'ps-, las, 7kow, CAtiMdm, Scald Hsad, Sort Eye*, (juitup, Sort 7kroat, Broixckuat. Nervous Affections, Pains. Dis taste/ (At Spine, Head ache, Ear acAe, Burnt, Corns, all Distata qftS* Skin, Sort’lJyt, Pim ples, 4 -t., Smiling of tilt Limit, Sara, Jlkeumatitm. Pila, cold Ftet, Croup, Sietilfd or Broktn Brtauj'TorVt eAe, tirv* in &U Fact, Sft. se. COLD FKCT—Liver Complaint, pain in ihe-Cheti ml Side, fulling oil of the hair, or the other aecompa irsoold feel. (Thu Ointment is the true remedy.) it i a ibrr sign of dueate to have raid feet. CORNS —Occasional dm of the Ointment will a!- way* keep ccrjie from, People need never be troubled with them if they usa it frequent!)'. Qty- This Ointment in good for any part of the bod)' or limbs when mfUmed. In some cases it should l>c applied often. C^fTlON—No Ointment will be genuine miles* ilio name of JA.MKS MeAUJSXfcIR i* wriiten with n pen on eyery label. For tale by my Agent* in all the principal cities and towns in U>e United Statev t JAMES MCLUSTKK, | ’ Cirerra.Ti rth 1» mi 'sign*. ; £&zri ssg. * l-RICE» CtNTS PER POX. .““.I'm Air™, rorntr »f ~m n K , lire.”-! ... UWnJtt ypodoAtnlSl Mrekre ‘.frel .1» "‘,fc Smitlifield H*; J 11 Cnssel, comer ain! Penn ' no»«ibly l* imuinned II j BMaitM »J5S&at55,S.-£SSS Schwarts and J Sargent; by J(> Smith, Druggist, lt;r- h<> 7W.fck.r-pi. -.». ■ . mlngham; D Srgley, East Übertyi' II FowCmd, Me- 1 . r „, f Jyfr at ” t * tar 7 Rittmatam.. Kee.poiV / Alexander & Son, MMOugahela City; S _,£* ,° a u ‘ lun ‘ ,nl nl c ° mct fro “'» «*»e *3 B .Bowman A Co, and J T Hotter*, Brown*vilie: John • ™ J ““ r {’, m ""> , ™ ,rcl i n « on ®M Western wa- Barkley, Beaver, l*aj are wholesale? agent*. u /*.. > l! J e w . ell favorably known pro fcbd7-deodlr ~ «. jirir.or «f .he Parkersburg Uoiel, Is husband to the DR- TOWNSEND S SAfbIAPAKILLA. ■ tin riosrn ' pßuruina Va Anrill3?iAlo •Just received of Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, the 1 To Henry Dailey, Chemist. Ac.-gir: Hiking for most extraordinary medicine in the world: This Lx- i merly been long afflicted with violent inflammitory ttact is put ap in quart bottles. Ill* six ume* cheaper, , Rheumatism, Mach appeared to firmir seated aa to pleasanter, and warranted superior to auy sold. U defy ait ..Miuar/appliancea to allay the severe Tain .cures disease without vomiting, pursing, sickening or atiend..i< u. I : wus induced io try your Magical fain debihtaung the patteoL , • Kitneiar, omi iT.baving edeeied, almost aa if by ma- Looa out ron UrtATiosa—Unprincipled person* hare , gir, an uzuouUiafo relief and also, to *Ol appearances eoptkd our labels, and pm up medicine in the same ; an entue and petrel core, I am induced for the'bene shaped boule. See that each bottle has the written »ig- ' fit of ofriers who may be afflicted with pain, caused by natutoof 8. P.Town»end. auy kiml orintlaiamauon, to write to you, declaring R. h.SLLLLIIS > ,Drußn*l,j. Wood »»eet, between that in my, opinion, founded on actual Experience Thud and Fourth, ts|>r. Townsend's only who!o*aie 1 yoar MoguTU 1W Extractor is the mo*t Taluable dis and retail agent tor Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine , covery Jt the pre-feut age for the Immediate extraction Kt n>t C i° n i ' i . . , , ! m bodily pain. i* an almost immediate and a per* Curry has been appointed the sole agent for .feet cure lor Bums and Scolds. and all external in- Allegheny city, of whom the genuine article can be Summation. «I»4 • Having many acquaintances formed by their visits DIaINFF.CTIKa,St>t.UTIUNoFCHLf»im>F.S!». | at my hmbaud’s hotel in tlilsplace, 1 have #oppo*ed DA.—lt decomposes Ibe virus or peccnnt princi- !®y ) ? ur showing tnem these few lines, jt may possibly pic of all contagious diseases. It removes the dauger, | ho oi benefit LoUi to them and yourseltl «us effluvia of sick rooms, Ac. By it*demising enrr- i Euzaakrn Gusts, gy it relieves ulcers, and inierrept* nil eommuiiicable < H entertain tha hope that Mrs. Glime will pardon the "•leases, whether in raau nr animals. Ac. Just rcc'd i publicity I give to her letter, u well oh the' score of nl f»« sale by tall H K SKI.X.KHS. 1>? tVi.od i humanity as of its being the surest mods of bringing it : *'■ I the notice of ho* friends.—H. patLKI.J 'Ufcflitiim SAMOA, AVD BATHING ESTABLISHMENT. McPALL. beg* to intona xlie inhabitant,! of Put.- , « burgh and vtoimty, that bo baa opened the above establishment. where 'every attention will be paid to the comfort o( (bow who tuay ;avor him with a eaJl. Liberty street, between Seventn ni|d Wood. Ice Creams and ell other delicacies of tLe .eiison, Julicdly . OLISTON PAPKItUILL, uiui-tsuneit bare this duy UKsocmi'-d uadrr A the name of Thompson llnana ,V Sou, for the pur pose of manufacturing pifcr, at the Clinton Paper Milt, where the J will tie pleased to rerrirt ibr patron age of the public, and (lie former customer* of tiic *e mor partner. ’ They will at all times keep on hand n general as sortment of writing, wrapping, ten and will pnper>, bonnet boards, blank books, cte. etc., which they will exchange for clean lineh ttnd cotton rags. Printers and Book Publisher* can he supplied with every description of printing psper at short notiec, and at reduced prices. THOMPSON HA,SNA ' ApnU, MIt—KDMIi.NO S. |IaN > BEALTJFDI uknaaiknt& i uu pakLokS’ Jakes D. Lociwoud, CJ Wood greet, has ju received tome beautifully ornamented UK AT APRONS, ora variety o?*pattenis and colors; al«i cut Tissue Paper for ornamenting looking glussc picture frames, of lamps. ’ 2 ' ja-ri A ‘f the sign of thel’lane and Saw, 7d Wood Vires it- a complete assortment of Cuicinnaii Coonr; Tools, fur sale by myld lIUUKK & I^AL'FMAN CUiUut u-a'l'K, OUCUA AMI— liaaer s f Broma, No I Chocolate and Cocoa; also, Schmitz aweet stiicrd Chocolate, just rec\l and for mule at the Pekin Tea Store,-To Fourth «. mVAI WHITE SUGAHS—Lovcnng's loaf, crushed and pulverized Sugars, just rec‘d ami for sale by the '•hi or at reiaiLat the Pekin Tea Store. ?t> Fourth *t. mvW "JHUttDdOK'B" PAT c NT DASHER CHURN ■on >r f asie pbuctissbis Sot 10 mrtrraa raux SXW UILJp. <l* Attention of the public fe invited to tht* very . valuable Cboni.'which liu the advantage of all j‘l«r« in cambiums the old and new invention* to* jether. The utility of thi* invention i» apparent, at by a si in) pie proccM the air it forced beneath the uuth, ant] dtoi away with the nece*tilyof purchasing anew Chum, u u can be applied to any chum in uie, and for one dollar can have all the improvement* of the age combined with lho«e of fathering, the Duller in the muni way. . The public are invited to eall ami judge for them •elvet before purebating eltewherc, at 8 7 f corner of Market and Fifth aireeit, or atG3 Diamond aifey, be tween Wood and Market aireet*, Pnuburgh. myJO ' SAMI,. KkOESKN. TUB tinderiilrned having been appointed Agent r the tautwau Mrrr*t Sirm IxsriANcc Cost ►AST. in the place of John Finney, Jr n renigi-«<t, re ipectfollT inform* the public and the friend* anu'ru* loraer* of the Company, that he t» prepared to tuk< Mamie, Inland ana Fire ri»ka on iilirnU term*, at ihn office, Nd JJ7 Water street. P. A. MADKJItA, mylf* . - _ A^ent Hose* uosfc”—iuxi r«ct> m. a jiiy irjia Rubber How—just received for the Borough of Maurbo->* ler, which will be held lu store for a few days. Tim Boron Itching a strong desire fo'r the fire departments of tiie cities of Pittsburgh und Al legheny to call and examinoand make atria! of them. Tiie company is willing to put them to any test tliey think proper to conclaae upon. myto ’ JAUPHILLIPS. Swoodst Books for the subscription op stock in the Citizens* InsaraneeCompany of Pittsburgh, will be opened in the Rooms oftbe Board ofTradc, on the first Monday of November next, at 10o>lork, *. m. Wm. Larimer, Jr. Robert Woods, Wm. H. M’Clure, ‘ Joseph Plummer, 8. M. Kler, Jouah King, ' John Sheriff, Alex. Rotebnrg, - and If. D. King, apl9:dt*ovl Comnnssionera _ GOLD WASITICJIS. “ - H PARRY lias invented a machine for waihihr • Gold, for which he has made application for a Eatent They are now offered for sale nt the ware- OUM! of Parry, Scott A Co., No. KW Wood meet Pittsburgh. ’ Adventurers to California are invited to cal! and ex amine these labor-saving machines. They are simple in their construction, easily transported on the back of males or horses, weighing eighty poaods each, and can be patiu operation in half an hour. They can be nhed with provisions. It is the opinion of those who have seen Uie trial of one of these machines of smallest me, that two men will wasn the mineral -from 150 OBihel* of sand or earth in % day, waliont the loss of n panicle of the mineral. They can be increased in and worked by water or mule power, if eapedienL The operators work without going into the water or being exposed m wet, and consequently without #•« dangenny then health. They will require but it small stream « water, and can be used the L. p», to, .pemi™ -he “5,,"Tn0?3 tent water to wash to the usual way Price of.mallest tixe «J. Orders from abroad, ac-' upaolad by cast will be promptly filled. IL PARRY, atPajry, B C ott ± q#. Nolo3Wood*t,_pi t , s bargh. j SOTICBr MR. SAML. 11. UAKTUAN ham* fold hi* inter *•'mUw co^panaereUpofColema^ HaUman* > j? 4“L rel,miliD * partner*, hta thi» day mired trom tho fiim. February u/IS4P>tS s .e*s-5 : llillitiil a i Ilia fe4i!ili"PP- ! ! s- sll fills HJilllWliiftlirGi I ills fJ E5-**§ " *•• as * «« *■s •* *J, i§ s s k 1 -s *i Mfe ©'—CO SJ . Ste'-e-’S «< •<.JHS!!s J i i 54 M £1)1 CAL. SALTEH’B <3!NSENQ PANAOEAf TO THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED LUNGS.—The nnprecedented «ucoe*» which has lU'itded.iite esc of the GINSENG PANACEA *i «tl the vnrintu forma which Irritation ofthelnnpaa tumei, haa induced the proprietor again to call atteo tion to this M WONDERFUL PHEPARATION, The ebangable Weather Which marka oor All and A-mter months, i? always a fruitful aource of COLDS AND COUGHS. foe*e, If neglected, are bat the precursors of that fa! leatroyer, COSUMPTION. rh» question, then, how shall wb Dip lie destroyer w itic bud? bow shall we get clear of our coughs and j aids? is of vital importance to the public. J TJIK GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY • will be found in the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of tkU we Uuve from tune to tune published the certificates of dozens of our best known cillieii*, who hare'experi enced iu curative powers. These, with.a mass of tea liutocr from' all parts of the country,—from MEDICAL MEN OP THE FIRST STANDING, Ministers of the Gorjiel, Ac., together with copious nof ‘the JOURNALS OF THE DAT, ire haTe embodied m pamphlet form, ana may ba hi 4 H«ti* of any of our agents throughout the country. HUNDREDS OF DOITLE9 hare been used iu this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada, and are cha lenge any matt to polut out a *“ SINGLE IN^tANCE n which, when taken according to directions, and Rn fore Uit' lungs had become fatally disorganised, it bu •rer failed to /- EFFECT A PERFECT CURE, Why, ihcn, need the alilicted heritate? Why rMort t*: Die itu'rrab’e nostrums, gouen np by un:t 'own Individ* c-aUu ler iho assumed name of seme essfwated oby* ucjjin, ami puffed into notoriety by eenifiett?* riper. ioas equally unknown? tVhilata r UNPARALLELED EFFICACY i» to be bad, whose voucher! ore at aeiffc: bors, —many of whom it bu * * SNATCHED FROM THEGBAVK- In order that ibis invaluable medicine may be placed within the teach of the poor as well lharicb, we have pat the price at ' ONLY FIFTY CENTS, )u»t one half the usual con of cough medicines, it is fur sale by our scents in Dearly every town and village over the west, who arc prepared to give full into nan non relative to !L T. SALTER, Proprietor, Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio DR. S.'l\ T«>\VNSkND’S"hARaAPARILLA—WOO uozeu of lir. Townsend's Gcnoine Sarsaparilla. ju>i reed amltor sale by RESELLERS, 57 Wood su only Agent for Pittibarsb. _jus By I> M CURRY, Agent for Allegheny city Facts for tta« Fabltc., In relation to tnat unrivalled family Salve, DlllßY’S JUBICAL PUN EXTBACTOB. t|NK.v|'J M(JNV of a respectable Physician.—Read ± the fallowing, addressed to my Agent, Mr. F. hler* r> weather, Cincinnati: Extract of a letter, dated .. „.. ■ Bklkokt, Ky< Not. 23,1549 • Mr. 11. Dailey: “I have tried your pain Kjtnclor in a ea»e ofTelau. in my own family, which it relieved and cared in a very abort 4ime.” in bute, year* re* 'Pfctful'y. Jc- tj m Jas. M. Yocaa. ID” Horn* and Scald*, Piles, Soro Ninple**,* Uroket, Krupuons, Sprea, Wontids, and all in- Hainmatioii, yield* readily to the wonderful properties of tht* unnvailed family talr'e. ’ Hut, in the same pro. portion that you will receive benefit from the genuine, you will be injure*! by the deleterious effecis of the counterfeit salves. CAUTION—U© Mife and apply only to thw inventor, H. Dau.kt, 415 Uroadway, New York, or lo his au thorized ftgenu. j ' JOHN D MORGAN, „ „ \ General Depot, Pitubergh. Henry P. Schwara, Allegheny, Agent; J. Daier, Wheeling, Va. : Jurat* W Johmton, MaYivilte, F. Merrywemker, Cincinnati, O.', General Depot » N. U —ln the »evcre«t Dura* and Scald* it extract* the paitnn a tew minjote*—it never fail** ]ul4 MORGAN'S VVOitM'kTTXER , , „ . Pmaacaan, June ti I&U>. Air. John l—llear-Sin J gave one teaapocn lull of your UormXi lertoone of my children, and in the rhott time of ond i talf hour it pasaed twenty large I feel «afe id recommending your Vermifuge as the beit raedteitid 1 that con be osed for expelling worm*. Jim* Moaaas, near^fobiestawu. Prejmred.and told by the proprietor, JOHN D. MOR GAN, Druggist one-door below Diamond alley. Wood 1 •treet . - -'inra 1 UIBBE HIT'S CtIHHIOAIi WttiTia's' F£*UlD. limilKßT'S SUPERIOR RED INK. HIOUKUTS MACHINE COPV INK. ALL ihe.«e differ from ordinary Ink, a* they are all chemical solutions containing no viscid matter' tlonr Irrcly fronr any kind of pen—the color deep! bright and durabld. If there hare been better articles made, l have neither icen nor heard of them. Sam ple butties can be obtained grain*, ,by the merchants generally, from B. A. Fahnestock A. Co, lleury p f Scbwsru, AllceUony, or of the manufacturer. THOs’ K. HIUUKRT, Druggist and Chemist, comer of Liber* jr and Mmth&eld streets, I’ttuburgh, Pa. N. U.—Any botfle not giving complete satisfaction; ;*u be returned and the price will be refuuded > * julfctdsm ■ ' Ae. ic.—JW Hed Bark, Chlorie KiW, lodide PotaAh, Strychnine, Chloride Gold. Uvei Bwphur.Uhuo Potaah, jatt re ceived and for .alo by l jtdi BKwki.i i-ay DRUGS* DRUGS}!-* Chmoicine, | Chloroform. Kil Uark Precip. lodidejron « Nitrate Silver,: Oil Copaiba, Jaracs Powder, citric Aetd, Uilotido Soda,' . Chloric l&lier, Rhamav, Extract Qnowia. uMrre’d and formic by RESELLERS, l ' «7«roo?at FaitassTf*' ji. il FaimmS*; ipiniburyh.** **■’ ÜbUi N * Y ‘ Wt)r “'«J w «or. k to u,. on, •®* tea, * engaged in the & eiV S at ' No - *» J*l-u •U«l, in UrnaJ It. ™? ,k Vi anJ , tr ® to tuppl* Ji*’S'Eß'** “d .Aaencii I*7fernery, mr *Uhi%£?J Chemical*, (of their own ,B ttwr-Uno dr ba»i th’i .* lowu they cu bo pur* * h £* aJ I? ‘hwormny euum eiir. . New j>. A. FAUVEgTOCK A r‘ m.. ® R * Javwe’s alterativeT" limri aT S b «n snrorraed by Mrs. Koaoof aeure per* fortiirJonher by Dr. JaynVs AU«ratlT«»wLich /•dPcriority over e»enr other remedy of the « h *lfl ic »«l <br the h»M *ixteen years "**£ WHITE SWELUNOS, attended wim ulceration* and enfoliation of Tariou* bone*, da ring which tune many piece* have been discharged from i uic iromal boned ithe cramam, from both her arms, wnsu and hand* .and from both leg*,and from the left femora. bond and from the right knee, betide* painful u loci * on outer pan* of her person, which hams baffled ‘he *kill of a nuiai’er of the rao«t eminent physicians of our cit> —during mid of the lime her suffering*have been excniiauur and deplorable. Aboat three month* once ahe wu induced to try Dr. Jayne’s Alterative, which ha* had an uitoajibingly bappy effect upon her, by removing all tiain and iwelling*, and cauiing the ulcers to heal, while at (become time nsrgeneri!health ban become completely restored, ro that the now weigha 8) lbs more Uino site «ud before she commenced the ow of tin* truly VaUtableprepauon. — Eve. Post.' For furtherinfonaaiinfl, inquire of Mrs. Rose, No: 189 Fillieit si, Philadelphia. I For sale In Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE, | 7*i Fourth st deaf Wood. jyj MOK«AN?S WORM KILLER ill ihe bent Vermifuge that anj l min can Rive or use in fail (family. ■ WAriu.'KjTon Tp., Westmoreland eo. P*_ Mr. John D. Mbrfaic—ThU u to certify tfaat I have licen icUiug youf \ ermifage for mine 'time, nay about one year—aiul in thnt time I bare nerer known it to to rill in tin'tpina woims away, when the symptoms indicated their presence. 1 bad occasion to giro it to two grown up member* of my family; I gave each of liiem one dose, and one of them passed SOU and the otfa erover 230 woni*. It is the best Vermifuge that an» man can n*e in bis family. 4. w. YoemA 1 Prepared and Mfrljby JNO. & MORGAN, Drarrtct. mie door below Diamond alley, on .Wood at. JoSi I log Stones, Aic., constantly on hand fay uf* WMTOUNO A CO, Ue*£ um for u>u St MISCELLANEOUS ! r PI»4. _ «oateppnj»«d TlJPivi [“feCJS*? £»«eto patters* aadcolon. Alto Jr*S:h l f LA, r *°H? *? r BOaroN, BLIND, otr tiand cUtV Z r,leT , ot afailprice*. •*»^ tr^«WflTC^ EaU4a{, ®“ er, tre * t,T ‘ l * < l to call ud “M™?. ‘“ 0 above , for ilirasclTeS.t. all will be told -J?- lilf ; ' a .'vraraavEw -w-r-rZj “OUceto tbe Public. t* aoufyOßr *ri fiild ® and .correspondents ■ ly^*?,! 1001 ® “d abroad, that we will not, .uitooi -"fchJ.Ne'i■as^»,s^ 5,, ' ftom ror —"Pjl -ttllOßEg A ALCORN. TWf '*TObk imn^S«f. ofßubt>erPaste »** u P° rior article, highly timl w “ JI t0 ‘keep thcij-jcetdry, It prevenu tic leather from cracking, and will take ■ JL . Foriale auhcilndat Rubber Depot, NO w Wood street murf JAUPHILLIP3 OI, P , QOLDIII GObDtm “ I -US •“bwnber, Wholesalemanufacturerof JEW .•A-_~;kKY, amirs wholesale dealers andpedlarstra* am* South and West—■also, country store keepers to« s*fi*■}“ e **mtne bis nock of Jewelry, which will ha ,_ t * at the lowestprices for cash or approved aceciW tuoees. Constantly on hand and mon ufac inring, a targe assortment suitable for city or coentry trade. • , . E. G. A". RAKER, eorner of Fourth and Branch us, op stain,. aplOtdom Phundclphia- HAVINc j purchased at three of the largest Facto ries in the East, {New York, Philadelphia and uaiumore,) a largo assortment of the newest and most improved styles of PAPER HANUINUSfCORDKRS, Ac-aad made arrangements by which twill be earn- Died to procure all new Patterns, snnuitaseoua with their appearance la the Eastern market, I would in vite Uhi attention of those desiring to bajre their bouses papered with the? latest -styles of paper,*to call and examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. ‘ ..r*, % *“® **T (font the Last, ay»o pieces of tiold. Satin Glazed, and common Paper Hangings, which I can sell at pnees ranging from tdl cta-tos3 {P* P w “- ttchls_ 8 C HILL, iff wfaod st H Bacon Smoking. A > ING jast completed the rebuilding of our smoko houses, we ve now prepared to receive -meat and smoke it 111 the mostmercnoniable manner The hoo*e* are fitted with all the modern improve ments, and are capable of containing yOOdiOO lb*. each. HER A’JONtij, Canal Basin, • _ _ near Seventh st thTeteliilVeigiic'y »T JS e J a] ® of ri> Grove Printing Pap?r, (S. B. A J 1 P. Markle, PropnetorsJ we rt ill be constantly supplied with all the different sixes of superior quality, which we offer at the lowest regular prices. ;. rt< REYNOLDS A SIIEE, corner Penn and Irwin sis' _ . DPqPBgBB wnatrs; —— ' /COLEMAN, HaILMaNACO. eoutinue to manu y,^w" maJ , l Spring and Am. Blister Steel, Plough, j-ork and Hoe Steel, ffivets, Spikes and WroV “writer with Coaeh.iand EUptie “Petris?, trif Pat, Taper and common Axles. Having reduced the price of WroughtTlron Nuts, engine bmldera and others uiag the article, willTfiiJ ttto their interest to giv* this new branch of Pittsburgh manufactures their attention. i * Coach trimmings and maieabie iron onliberul terms. Warehouse on Wattr and Fourth su . fefrW-tf ■ SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR,! j sxcn*Rßs lCltolR 6 « | | ST. CbAlB STECET, PITTSDDUQHI nu jcct umiaks vsoa NEW YORK AND PUI LAD EL PHI A \ AoU is now receiving a fine assortment of i " CLOTHS, CASSIHBBES AND TESTIiIGS,: OF THE REST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES, Wfcicb he is prepared wtaake to orde . • - in the best manner . And in the liieit Fsthiooi, marlU Head 4ntrten for Boot* •nd'sitooi." •' Coruerofl-oimkaiurSiniihfield sueeu, TROTH ft SCOTTh.Tia? commenced wEji.'* AUfUlhe general Root and Shoe bosirte**,KJfl r and retail, would rcspcctfullyr ML ute attention of their trieudi««»the Bubiii *5? - orally, to their aplcudld ucw stock, cuusiauue oflncai. woateoa*, hoy*’, misses' ami eUildrecn wear of every th?' t!£ l V!? lU ** lC f J* r ' $2 and at prices to suit the time*. A spteudid article of home made work. '“5 “ gvtnlemen’s tme Root*, ladle*, tnM am/ ehudren# fine work. Please call and examine for yourselves. . TROTH ft SCitTC, t eo J" cr , N. Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bag*, ftc.ftc.j-!*|. ways on baud and low for cash t r.v o °u^» r^»Sfl t^ uM^ a !* *° esj to give u» a call when voting the city. m -his > LOQA9i7 ft co. laipomias and Wndcwle Dealer* Hiforeign knd ' X. Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery ‘ Ac.,15*0. VVo6d*trept| Pittshorghj are now, fully prepared wulh iul l ® l °ek of Hardware, Cutlery, Rad djery, Carpenters’ Tool*, Ac., to offer very rreatlio* duccmenu to Western Merchants, a* in Z&tioii £ haiJ oar predeceasors, Me*, •r*. Logon ft Kennedy, we hare greatly increased oar faciUtie*’ and purchase all our goods from first hand* on the very best terms. ■ ~S.t ]unlor “. enlbe, 7 <, / tb * firm devote theirwbofe i2“ ,c^lT d f «ltng confident ofgtvingsal ' ' 'Btftf : FO&SALKt T'lx often for IUC • .qi.rtorut.cJ. J. of brick for building, made by hislsteamPre*#,. unproved machine, tor which he hu obtained a f ** Ht '■ juur agrees to giro purchasersa written guarantee tKB they are stronger, and will resin frost and wet wealh-. er and Imbibe less moisture or dampness than onyoth er urtek, possessing greater body and superier texture and omen more durable iu every respeet,.etch brick . being subjected to a pressure of several tons, and pos •essmg a' handsome smooth surface and even edges, they make a front equal to the best front brick. Lhey have given me greatest satirise uoo lo'hli who have purchased.' 'A kiln can be seca at my works, and speciueu at the Gazette office. These having supplied themselves tor their buildings, and wishing handsome front briek, or superior hard, and solid paving brick, can obtain them. ISAAC GREGG] — jf_ Birminghiun, Jane 13, ISIA WOOL—Ithe 1 the (ugliest ontc w euali paid for all Uia‘ dtlTereni grades of clean washed wool, bj myill H LKH. Liberty at,- opposite SUi C' iOPARTNKkaUIP-1 ba»e Uit* day associated r with me in the wholesale Grocery, Produce and Commission ifdsiness, Air; John Wilson, under Uj« firm, of Jotift WAIT A CO. • * JOtt*N WATI’. : . . Pittsburgh, April 30, IM». a • SUU’il of On* of Tm, f'mwc AcuL Cu rate oi Ireoi Bi Cubonaieof i’ot&ib, :«!mie ofr Surer, Calomel, Zoaiut of Lead, Ctilonde ofßoda »m v Chloric EUier,'on band and fpr *ale by < r J- ODD k. CO. C GRATEFUL for thererjr liberal .eneoiura*<jin ea . ; i bare received for u> many year*, | have: deter* ‘ uuiicd to enlarge my httilneia couirferably.: Harlnr I engaged a competent Foreman, Iwillbe enabled iu ; till oil order* jirtfrajiijy, and do the work in our Ii« ua l •” Myle arnt «i-t»idpncc», »ud aik the aueuuon of n,... • I <nia»t» and cuirem to my Urge Mock 01 Ul’tlUL&n.;. : Kt UOU.LW and iJcila,- MaUrius*<jj | -jkju| Ueddiiir Cue 1 Wi„ MaienaJ., Oamai.ic« and Jlorcoiis, Cornice?, P t^. C c», bo,d« -nut*, ra-eU, SpUl and .Holler U luiufaSd every arurieu-uaHykepi.ui an eMahluhment ofihe ' t>od- d reipcciluliy aoitcilcd and promptly- au ■ W. JL—Caipeta made am> pci down. ‘ PITTSBURGH! GAZFTTt i-Uiil.iailiilr llAil.V, TBtwSiklS *'Whfli » ilO'oMUoluLlifiiifr, 3ik. iira UATEB O^iD'vEUTmfc OnomeerUonor lSlince, or Jo 50 T.0,„. e ,i,00. wuhoauuHtoooi, One Week • n .!]■■' •••••••«. 1 TO Weeks ’“ IS One Month. •• I S 2 Two >• „ } “ Three - .. * “ tuT.™??" Ueeriieeraente in nme*praoorti're. ' Koch eddHioanal nquin for 6 month., „I”! *5 TO ■: 0»e ‘qouejO month.,renewable el pleuVre, J 5 TO Kjeh.dditicnn.qnnrero, I* m0nU»...“..... 10 «■ J*? “te c “- b , re’wabteal pleeeure.» gf Kech additionaleqnaro,li month., 0 TO irenur o» -rm-watiiT io nail. MM**; °*« aqaare-OloaorUon. .............I* fi •kch additional iH»erti6B..*»»**** , **..* „ IMIIMI CABSV. • .'Sr Fit* Uoet or lets; o»* year, 1 ~ '>!* ,f ait nionUj*,;.;fc.;w...i*« •.*** !. ' *' one year, daily &*eelfT, * “ «ii ionUu •• “1 ■ "> ! unnmnin a »uii . m(U If lines, or less,One insertion, •* i, " '■ “ Two, ......... «73 u " ** Tbit*. '• " " . *! Thrt* »0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers