The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 17, 1849, Image 3

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• Nrn• You, sepp
F. Hecker, the Germ. P.m!, moved here,
with his family, from Hevre. He inmate! inking
up his residence in Beilmde, l:!.
New You. ,15.
T he Demcemin. Man Con vsntiou th rams 0'
aembled at Syr/louse, attpurned pine di last night,
after adopting Hunker and Bamboo:ler ireolutiona
The Dert.oerane Party is now uncedh—Mere be.
Mll g Joust Hooker and Barnbumer u/Sket In the
1 geld.
tr C15c...11, Sept. 15.
Thomas B. Stevenson retired from the editorial
• chair of the Daily Chromele this rooming.
The Atlas and Cbromilv are to be united. The
editorial deportment will be conducted by E. D
1 fdariatield, Esq.
CM:1:1:0,1 0 SeYI. 15
A private despatch has been received 9orn N
Orleans, stating that the boilers of the fine hoe
Mug Klugeland, had exploded, killing eightee
persons, and 'emitting 9 others
Burton, Sept. 15.
The Hon. Thos. Thomas Dsene, Dutch Consul
died in this coy of the Dysentery, lest night.
Corn. Henry Hey and Vilashemp, of the Ger
man Republican army, arrived here this morning
from Gibraltar. They tamped across the moun
tains, eller enduring greet hardships, disguised so
Vessels are arriving here tram Nova Scala, load
ed with live steak. The draught has cut off the
eropsito such an extent that Cattle cannot be sup
Mach aharcSa pleVails on that account.
Lut night, at 114 o'clock, the theatre. on the COTS , '
of IVetar street and Orange Alley - . woe alieeovered to
be on ate. and before the darner too Id be aulxned, the
theatre. the dud tee. of Mr A Cramer. and two small
frame buildotee, In Ortnze Alley were enure!) de
stroyed The brick dwelling on Mr E follth of
the theatre, and a frame dwertng co the alley. owned
by Me. Cramer, and ex.:noted by Bent! Bingham,
were partly dentoyed.
The loss ts e.ltaated at SWIM e f winch about Slat
was insured
The theatre wa. no doubt set on fire, os there had
been no pet I otntanee for the past two erenlne•
St. Lams, Sept. 15.
The steamer Amelia has just arrived from th.
mouth of the Yellow Stone, having been out fro.,
this port 95 days. She brought down 1500 bale
pastes, for the American Fur Company, but
nears of importance.
The Cholera was subsiding among the Indians.
She brought Intrsiligence wore Fort Laramie to
the 2Uth Aug. Several California trams passed
that point on the lith, tad were getting along
welt:grass was abundant.
Two Indians, the murderers of Colbert', the
Santa Fe trader, were imprisoned in this city yes
terday, to await their trial before the U. S. Circuit
Gaud in April.
A destructive fire occurred at Cape Girardeau,
=the night of the 12th inst.
The steamer ieventie Cotter, was sunk on
the Lower Rapid. on Thuradsy.
. .
Nrw Oat.una, Sept 14
The Europa's news was received here thi
morning, in Les then fifteen days from Ltverpoo
Cotton-hOO bsles Cotton changed hands at f •
prices. Middling fair, new crop, at Brat
CENCIIC.II, Sept. 15.
The River is falling at this point, yeah only 31 P.
float thin coy to Louisville.
tiFeats is dull—prices are drooping.
Whisikey—Pricea have declined to 1910 per gel
Lard--Sales of 300 kegs on estate.° terms.
Sugar—Sales of 120 laid. at 61e.
Nam Yoza Sept. 15.
Floar—The transactions to day have been mo- .:
dame, withmt any material change in prices
although upon the whole, the market is rather'
heavy. We note aalesafmmaion plate end sdis.
ed Western at S 5; sales of good Western and;!'
straight brands at $5 15 per bbl.
Grain—There is but a moderate business &anti
in Grain at previous puce.. White Corn is sett
mg in parcels at 60u; Yellow at 6210 per bu.
provisions—The market for Provisions exhibitg .
no change; if any thing it is dater.
Grocenes—Tbere is a goo/ feeling in the Caked
market, and prices are firm, with 'sale, of Rio id
Sugar—There is an improved feeling in titi
market, with inure desire to pumlime, with saki
of Grimm at 51860 per lb.
Lead—The market for Lead is dull, and Pig
Whiskey—`cr i es of Ohio at 2:40261 per gall, :;:
m0 d L...5.5.8 0. ES--80U 01.1.1 N() Mo r :AsAe L sln b4 0 ,, , 1 ,
FLOUR -39 bbl, joet . ree'ci and !or uole be
atoll CRAW de SKLNIN Eli. 2b Market .0,,
TWILLED BAGg.—A few dawn In store and riftr
sale by sptl.l CRAIG St SKINNER.;.
O .
ATS--ulu touts Oats, in thou and for thin by !i ;
CGEESE-165 bus just reecrid at the Maier aiiil
Cheese Depot, and for sale tq !! '
3 V CANFIFILD, il2 Front .3i!
B-5 oaks for sale by . _ _
_ ...' . cAn ' tlF +Y.. - jLi
0 HINGLES-33000 PHI! Stng lea, nu hand and Coe
.aleby spil4 ARMSTRONG tr. CROZEIV I
_ .
FRENsachCangriarnooiNt=eur Cilie'syy"Zar"Vet,''diteffril
athletes of green drub, and blank. u : I
Also, P A RbIETTOS to WI the ahoye colon, in eto ` !!
try minty of quality; nno LVGNESE cLorrus, .4?.4,
or( All thin desirable eoLon, no., open at Dry G l
Month of eptl4 3.41 a mu ar HrT i
lkgo4lllNlNti GOODS—W. R. Murpby has 4+
jn. 0p.......”m ...onxn,...‘ of Slack GoOla,
, fl etuoung Momitalinea, French Marione.", Parthe4sl,
Mouth d Lathes, Moaning Aiwa., and ouOr
iditaraing Good.. .pLI
TOBACCO —l3 kg. Kentucky 6 twtab foraM4iy
I 49314 8 F VON BONN HORS T it idO
litisant—trossi , .
T ..
REsopsrmership heretofore emaung between:Elba
mbseritn-r, ander the firm of SO K, Ktv.og, .4.
I; stßlit, sew dissolved on the firm day of August. .1.3
W York will pay all debts doe by the firm, eseeptMe
steamer Ranger and Wee Flows.
, 4 mos Vi IRK .1i
aVUILETB 37-3.1.0 e9--ou taur-iSearei-luateia.
A) 20 de Tab& for rale by CEO
• Wa39 F VON ON•IIIOR.Frr &
- DIM-10 bra tor sale by
111 , 74 1 R-10b7rs for. sale t r y
rrEA-03 hf elesu '3linoret' Powelsonc
and C... 1 .3 by .013 C H Gaeta
tr• ROSIN-171t.b10 Rosin, Just reed by
ri cratrt
. tv3 .... -
____ ~;
9, M ANI /131Ln t A e CTU am ltet Yi d * Nr " t, '" Vin n es h ue " Flett elZ
bitte, broara stud drab !Flanker Canting, Satinet& hod
e Woolen Yes, which they arII sell at 'Eastern plats.
Warehouse N. Ira Second st, Pittsburgh, Ps:i
li4 Dietary, Neer thrall, Fayette co. Pa. irirL,t o.
M.5iC1,,,., I
n btls b large No 1, sow 1
v Y l sotl3 ISAIAH ICKY.Ir & CO. rnsiii is
,1. cIODFISH-1411J0 Ns - Grand Lana." to arriMrer
A._, mile by qui, thtal All DICKEY kW
- -
0.1 MACKFIREG-0 qr. to •rrive• fptl rueNe
' MOby
_sptl3 18A1All DICKE
No. lb WOOO 80, Pirrostrastu, .1!
A RE 4, remising their usual supplies of youds
100 to. Fall season, which may will be hippy to
exhibit to their old ritsbumin. aid or tundy tiers hoes
es may bet llLC'toed to present thOttliell'eS. , .1 .
Always taking grew palms to ley in simh gaiOds as
are adapted to the want. of the Weetern trade,'Which
beg caperience enalidestlieto to do, they eau sty with
Much confidenee, *ad &Moto entering into isbbstail ll
of their stock, that Des Western retail merchant, wi
God with hero all Malta customers ttynse. %TLose
who have formed the anprobustite habit of repairing
to the Eastern titles tor tame rtock• of Dry Cilsods,
wou ld do wall to call, as a candid compansostiof p r i.
ees would ni many call
remili in the eAnstetiort that
11M expense ef going farther may be obetated ElYibui
leg in Piostungh.
.._ . tr
Jtt,TRECEJ WED—From the Ykillipsyille OD Cloth
Factory. an assortment et Snot Eururturc,',Coach
Quitain, and Wagon Cover Oil Cloth, which site offer
whmewale purchasers at Disdain prices. nib stock
ecuslrla of the folio. too Wiriest
27t1iyard i G yd wide
ta bearpAhect d Good s,
lWd' a 1
tin ii ,_4 n edions o i
M ~.
too ~ .14 0 0 do
.111) 0 14 it 0 do •
- Obb " 14 " do n.
_ ... . -
GOO 4-4 Gond...! Cloth.:
3 ' o 54 Green do. for Rllkdour
421 4-4 do
and rattci:
123 dawn .sorted TotOe I: 4 rer.d9illerld.d
11 7; 4 4
Coowsudy m•insf-tctartng
sale at the .01 ludta
Wood Irt. •P"'
ARAS--traanded acur.
WU and blast armed, ora-rec. § , TI
bred Yarn of all Us. a, just
and for ••11,
nr° F VATON k CO, 0.1 „ si
MU w. W.-LACK. 7.
Monday Nlorattm. Sertemoer 1 15
7. A
1,49 S
kluaiiMai on Saturday m t . quiet throughout. and pre
••nted tyie itaiernal change in any article.
FLOiilt—The mart. was larguld, and very hale
wutt doijSllo the army of aelfa. Sales to a hosted 00
to. welefisastaaeled from first hands at 81 `101.:3, and
from stgkrit at 1g4,1410..4.73, a• to quality of brand,.
RYlLol:ll—Armati, continua vary light, and
the. Utile on tale in the marker. Sale* of 1
bills 714,50.
oaPIE-9--Evem Ming under this head eon.
lEntlee ! - 447 firm. with an upward tendency. N 0. Su.
gar r• ginOve, with sig. in kh d. at Wrienc, and In bbl.
an Gic #iib. For Loaf Sugar ore may quote as the
outstricrit,ures,Bo,lo, Sales of Lk bbl. N. U. kio
lagges4lo oak barrage, or 2:elk,. Rio Coffee. good
quaint' nOntindeg Ter/ firm at ?I ilric,ot an article a
Won inferior, We now gales in Se Rice ism Mir re•
quest ni rietqe.
BAON—Saleg of Id casks. in different 100, at—for
5w „.1,44,, GIGO; Sides. oc, and of Rama at elm
NlS—Sales at n range of S 2 SOBler2, aceotd•
tug to lijahly.
CHIRFPE—Tbe reempt4 from the Western Reserve
ontin4 very full, and the market it gully
Sales tinges common W Rat 61:4101e. and Cream
"V*CO sum:LlNOS—Rest quality:brown Sheet
ing", kat aburgh maitsfacture, e sold at and esti,
man' WNonatook at Ile Sp yard. re
at wittre figures the
demaSi is good, and prmes very firm
COON YARNS—We none ne fe ther chance
arid conuetae our quotaLious ad follows:
1:1 No. 13 eta per ib 20
• IS
1 11 " 191 19 .`' ••
OrittSS-7b. ( are I h ruling met (or the
.•rititte size. Window Glenn, coy lirands 0 by 10, 94.
10 hir t ik.ll4.4os 12 by IS 217, Patent dllO by 14 to 16 by
21 00901115 4? boo
F 4 the vanousoiser of cmtntry 1114.nda, the folloventa
te 1.1,E established prtees.
P by 10
4/ by, 1:1
° yll
.201,22 I u by 10
• •2.22 II by 12
• • :Ln 12 by ill
440 lb by 12
• 451) 12 by 12
4.50 04 by .4)
tilthvo, or rot 134.1-11,1olla AND Ralt. Roar.
Wit learn from the Patriot that at lye regale, monthly
mehthts of the I/tractors of the lialumorn and Ohio
Rtip Road, held yesterday, the folloWina eraulying re•
pan 11,1 the Int ainees of the road, foe, the 'youth of Aug
osi,laaffit, Naas made -
I h ,s e t o r f e=rt o tt , tt t lt; e r a;: n t or d, a r t . d i l s y . t i Le
. th: o. ety ,e n n t
o ltaLt
Ili!rk, ions • al Lame. pos. • •
...... 9,ame,Lise hock. wiz
413nek. to. ••• • • •i•Op.t . P3 lon• ••• • • 440
F . t4r, bo4s • •43.P41 , 1! !torsos k Maws 11
loan 34! 43 hOrned come. Is , 10
GOBlute, •-• . • • 45 . 1 i Meal and S•ions, tons 151
Fork and Haem, •• .31
Irtid Ore 5, 3141Totbacen, Mi. •• • •a 73
LArd & Hamer. kr:a • .13!Wkoatey. t•tits• • • .1.1
Ikkther, tons • Miscellaneous, tons a:0
,'albs mvenne for the month has Imen az follow,:
Ahab Stem , .....
Waelmagton Llmmeb
515.51110 Sant uo
n mtnl of 5110450.19. The drcrenen Ln the
poaiang . cre. compared wsth Me. 71 ou
b 1 Maul Steen. :ale SISS3 Di On Ihn Waslongton
fitiheb There has been a large Increase Lu lac um.
- -
,1114Pcam—The following it the elport of Specie from
New York, for the week ending itti
Itepablir. Maranhem, Alex. del lam
*hip St. Ilenvis, Havre, Mei dollies • • •
Stith Prince Albert, Loodivi, Meg. dollers
litteonter Caniido, Liverpool, British tither
i• do .1 do galit,,dott .• •
TO. i
l'renousty reported
Total from Jan 1 to Sep S.
' r 'a're Cot:tr. - am'arr.—The Baltitaore Bon say, —.We
hive been .boon a ten dollar ecttoterfett bank note on
pie Book or Vsrazone. litchmonti Braneb, purporting to
itaie been 'tatted by William Prl.gront, enghter. •t.l
/itoelennrough. preaident—leltee A..number 1%1 , , o,
enttsatonof :day &'44 the , Ightnnte relate/ems a
•Oated upon no elevahol, with a rural evene te
thekvotuad '
ACCIDKVI To 0,11,..31".16111.II Ilarega—Loa or Idxs
The steamer liar's°, Capt. dredge Ftahlmes,. hound
horn dos roy to .tosci/ knuffs ‘ while backlog ciot irons
a wood >sod, .boat Miles ilstmve Weston. on tee
'horning of the 30th ult, r uratE her worm connecting
Pipe. killing Capt. Fostiback,- and badly realthog five
Meta The steamer St Joseph indeed yesterdar. with
Me, pilot; Robert l,nsay. engioner,
red s= nu
et had on board the corpse of Cameo. F.
The were three ladies sevirely i,lured—the alio§
of Boonville. and ,n Miss Tomatoes. cf Pt
rlits, neither of them, howeirer. dangerously The
accident occu• red about day light. je
er as the boat was
hacking ont from shore. Toe engine, captain and pi
lot. were ell in state rooms on the larboard stile ofthe
xoetal hall, and at the first roues! of the explosion rese
ed out and onnaediately over Me esea,tug steam Capt
yinhback hogered mod the following morning. Nicest . ,
?demo and Lindsay were brodght to the city lost cv•e
-',lna alive, hut troth are thentglit to be in • very critical
toodits3n. The Mix. Powell. end Mi.. Tompkins were
left at Boonville. No one nisei . ..apnea.) to have beer.
'serious:7 hurt The boat is in the vicinity of where
the accident occurred. and will resatme her trip so sow
as the injured machinery can be repaired. tier deck ,
suffered bat little damage, theexplor ion emoting , but 2
sTight rent in the cabin floor sod along the ...l el hall
The ladles imured were On alter cabin, hot, like .ht
anfortonat• officers, they rushed IMO danger h e firol
sno• d. and cocoontend the *gelding vapor the tolmnt
the taloa doors were opened. They suffered serve rt., -
in the Immix feet and dace. bat no they did not Inhale
the steam, it is thought that all three ',nil soon recover
—lSt Louis Rep
Fume AND WIiNNT-Huts CANDOM rsou ilia Cr.
eta als•Sosirri.-Iraterday three boats reached th••
port with over 12.040 bushels of gram. and tho built of
more than 3.0. 1 barrels on board, The Areher, Copt
Briefly, from Davenport. larMcbt down alone, 051 bsr
rels dour. 3 1(% sacks wheat: 01l sacks Corn. ow, and
other crams The Doman from Muscatine. and the
Kate Kearney from Keokuk. the m•kins in tbe
stare - gale 2,144 barrels Boor; 4.1A1 saek• 1.401
k. earn. onta bran, /se; 64 barrel. and 970 kegs 11.'11:
besides sondr , lot s of other produce, suMoung on to
weishi Over `O./ tous prodOce -ISt. Loots Rep , Vey
teniber 5
- - -
Iptelt of the Dostaaratla Elarket.
Batmonnt. taeptern . wr 1 . 1. Idl9
Floor —We note gales yeaterdar nt 1 00 Wria Howard
street flour a. kLi To dey bbyera were offering CS, but
them ee., an anwillinanear itte part of holders to
operate, to consequence of Match there were no trans
'Mona of any momer,
glolders of Coy Wt. ..k hot we hear of no
Grain—The itoppliel or Wheat yestenlay and to day
have come in morn freely, amd the inferior deseriptiout
have Gillen 01 • little In one, wtole prime lot.
rain former rate. notti vales 01 ordumey to good
at 9±olol nano. and red uf prone parcels at 11M411.3
cents. Sales •isn of lair lb good nib. , at 10641110
Corn has deelmed. Sales kif vrht:o to day 01 564:4e.
and or 7011010 at 60861 c. Chas are also lower; sales
at Wane.
ProviatostWa note sales of 50 Ithds Fodes at elle;
30 Itbds Stlou al Sja6d. Small sales of Bakst:note
eared Shoolders ftki Cat Western /lams at 100101<i
and MO do at SIC.
Whokey—rnces beve .drellned. nolo sales
of barrels to day at 4f do. and of 771<
Nam iroaa, September to, 1949,
Offered 1601., Bed Crude...ll2ol Southern, the rest from
thta Sure and the Easy OU Cows and C 0. 1 ,1.. and 0101
Sheep and Lambs
Pace., &a.—There ha. been a decided Improvement
la the Olga, alone 0131 . 11144 Lath 11.1 regards priers and
purchase; sad to day. in pitmen:a., amen activity w
evinced. Sates or gmslretet.tug qualMes at from to
cents, m gosls It Was probable that not mote
than 100 bead woul ty. d renaMn over us the yard., podia.
posed or. T., market (Geod., cattle remains without
much alters Mon from Mat week. Cow, and Calves
bring $0.103:015. Left ogee, 15. Sheep, $0 33015:050
1.3 n. Laredo, 5101.25.91,60. Left ovdr, 500 Market
ERESIIDRUGA , Emei Calomel. Chloroform. Chic.
no Ether, I.lq. [ode! Yorks, Pipenne, lathe,. ro
uses, Tannin, etryelmajOpmes, Hhobard,/usl
reed and for sale by J SCHOONSLAKEIt k CU,
ism 3 RI Wood et
SUNDRIES -3 bbl. polverixed Ginger; 20 by Ca.-
the 6corp . , 2 tit& Cm/on Tartar. just reed and for
ale by .pr.S OCHOONAI AK ER A CO
COD LIVER OIL -t ata or soperior ita.lity, Jost r
eeived and for We by
MACkEREL—t77 bbl . No 3 large Miteliereao µere
and for vale by rprl R& W HARROLTO II
SitGly 60.--1 1 3 bbds. Sugar, In store and lor sale
A. G 4 IltD , ,^7
riILEAM CSIEESE , --2 0 Lis reed Ltui ..<
vto _ WiCK. k M'CANDI.P.
CH EESE-" fi,,lf.:R & 31•CA'N'IlLWR
toci'd and for t,
FRENCH BRANDY—A and Mr rior artml. ior meat.
Moat p1um:1.1,041 reed an by
JOHN D MORGAN, lictqFlot
T )0 RT Viriit:--Wartaii-ITd pure. for medicinal put ,
j pasta, just receive". and for raid hi
JOHN D 310Itti
S P NWARITI"—"I'b'"' ..rdaN D MOM AN
ell' TURPENTINg4I2 bbisji=l;Zyta,Ve
,'Y 'P
or s•le ny
C"""""--24 ''
JO „ N D MORGA4_ .
.1.5 -----
M a
re nd for .1.1.• by
11 \YE WOOTI3-50 gbh'
j'" joint . 0 MORGAN
A A. MASON & C/0, No. 60 Masker stre.l, hays
lost received 60=130n - 12e erect of NEW FALL
00005, to ..hied they invite the attenuon of *bra
Inende and the p t
them that every art--
c , e will be sold at theri nasal low prices—. 2 lOW
to defy competruon- este
_ .
Q IGIIT and abort time BILLS OF SIX.CH ANTI 11, pay
-0.1 Ode in Cinernrw,, Lornsvtlie and Si_ Lorna, purr
ehawd on he moat bearable ter. ,
T TAIIIRELI.AS—A small lot of Ladtra .111 r Uml,nl
- tar, both h lark and colored, far sale at•KA I tnil9
I nnt o : A lorat i ore foltl; r t lt , s
ir, „
inio sp , l7
Stelve 7 d " artdi ' o d : sale by .' ..
1 . '
art, I. 'a W ATV lIMAN Water •I
F ---
IK.ATII}IRS—Vaat lb. ann. Foa.bera, to a.. to
morrow, and for sale L,
FLA:T.Z;;r.....,r, — . '.1.d.., - ..d.':;" . "
apal Cit. , C. Cr4t RA". :IS Wand at
1 (10ME-4—Wtislito Codze,,ust ree'd and tor sal
.t./ by • +Fan cII OIL&NT
Lents McLane, Bennett. Brownsville.
Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville
R Brtgbtoran. Elwabeta.
Papp., M'Beestsart.
San Francisco. Abrams, Cincinnati.
Enterprise, Cm•
Tee KleeH.—There •are 16 inches in the
channel, by metal mark, last evening at dusk,
and falling."
Lou. McLane, Brownsville, 6 P. M
rot 1 1 1,
a Leech & co's, packet hoe. 9 P M.
R, i, RA= Ce. Canal Packet, 71 o'clock,r.
Fun Cmcoman—The fine lutht draught steam
er PAM No 2, Capt. Duval, will leave as above,
this day at 10 A. M. Capt. D. Is an ea...comman
der, and will render easy and comfortable all who
will entrust themselves to his care.
BRAVER—Per keel boot I,,,ghtrool—l'.7 1.31 shrew , .
I II C.rilleld; .19 Jo do. Budsle Y & . 4 mdh.V 3 bales hops.
li W Str.dh 1 CO. i box ma,. llama , & Co. 44 boxes
cheese, J C Bldsreil. 3 sls wool, Chores h. Carothers,
Si big cheese. W & R ArCydebson, VI dodo. R A Cu u.
tanghetn: 7 10.1 s peed soil. I ta R lloyd. I cop, -belle,
2 I,s, rndoe, Forsyth .k. Co: 11 las cheese, Ry ng h Nloor
h-nd; to do do. 1 Insley h Co, II do do. F.; Haze. 25
bas starch, 1 rauder & Co 31 do cheese, VII do n,
R Dairen & Co. 14 bx• marsh. J Jord MA. l 0 do do. Del'
lers liner. 'do de. sMc Millsnt Co,tsdo cheese,
D A 2.45 do , les. J A Csughe. 1 h
.• du do, 3 tasks
*a lernius. 12. Dalsell. 5 bls d0..1 B Canfield, 3 ok• wool.
H l.rvlT, 1 loss mdse., IS NI Ilartol , 4 sk• wswal, S h. W
Per keel host Beaver —O2 .ks wool. 11 Lee, I do do,
R Al,.cre 4:11.•,... thee., 11.cales h Solon. 21 dozen
brOemas, Wrn Dyer; 5 his ml, Robison h Lullle, V do do,
same. 11 Ws rye dour. SA. ii./.1111. 1 1, 3 bales scum
sarks, 0 T Mora. 01 Ist,. hams. W Illnaham, 1.1 his
e he-•e, 170 do do. 311 C•ntie Id. 3t dor bruonas, '2 boxes
cheese. 5 W. stm.lllll seed, Clark & Bidwell. 2 sks wool,
1 do leathers. um I,oxes cheese, I Cs ys rut, Ida rep./
C Ric. , e,:
W II EYA.ING—Per keel boat Grand Turk-14 casks
bacon. 9 bit I Id rods., 'i ,,, las borne,. 1 Ol slrot,l, 6
B AI iltenberxer.o2 ohs wool, Chart &thaw. 'AI LI s floor,
Lambert & Shipion: 44 do do,
deemto, Jr. 1:03 do do, 1
1 Indsey, Si Las 4 Ids butter 5 , rho seed, N . Rlsi•
born. G ob.. ryes, Reyno'ds h Sher. lu Ws dour, Arm.
strong & Crozer
Per tee: boat Cool Perry-3:3 hhds tobacco. 0 bbd.
Rooms—'Dam.'' llMet, - Fed e sal
at. door below ll.
P pehwarta. •
oF,Go R lP: r s i6 4itoo . l7o a r d l ' iMs e e o n '. ll .a ol l' i c drt C y * . " 4:
tenth, 3.1
Inetruction will be green in the Latin slid Greek
language, and melt brunches as are a laMed to the
P tr:e .".27 ;i ' pe " r ' r c tiToT five months.
The number of poptle is limited. and epplicants can
have an interview with the teacher st hie lodgings in
- Imin't I.Mett, et. Patstmegh
Reggae:mm-1 1 ov hre' A Paseavent. Prof Thomp
son ourNsmtlve•
In.utune. tinder the care of Rev J NI GOS
.I. HORN AND LA DY, will reopen on Monday, the
17a, of SemcniNer. in the same rooms, No Me liberty
street Hernia limited the number of their pup,. the
Principal. hope to mei.. • continuation of Me. literal
patronage they have tiv hemp ne ed Parents may
fret mural that every advantage sirtil he afforded
their daugh t
ers. if placed ander their dliarge. for oh •
lemma a thorough English. Classic,. and temaincntal
education aurprild.
" ---- Yovro Leuteas sznisear,
fir lIE AUTUSIN 51.9510 N of this Initunittoo dl
commence ott the first Monday I September
Rooms on Federal street-in “Colonade Row," !1 door
frusta the btu* ,
Rotor Terrrott stasson Ma Moirrint.
Fditifidt Department. ineludioir Rending, tlt''shosrt••
phy and Defining, Writing. English Cidammer. eto
rte. Lope. Fsiglish i - omposmon entre... tiro.
graphs, Ilisods,, Arithmetic and the higher bronchi.
of Mathematics. Natural rbitmophy. Otirmiiitry. At
trapomv. Botany. Physiology. Geoloyy. Intefiettual
and Moral Setente,
and ail other branches requisite to
a thorough F i nnish • • - 6J9 Co
Clasintal Department, Including the Loon and Greek
Language., each • - .56 on
French, . • -
Rio On
German. SIG ID
le as der,. tosir•ittior. in French mid Germa n and
la.. io Df..elnt• ramung and Morse.
It et de. rah, that pupils enter at the commence.
merit of a. section. yet they a•i• motley,: at toy drue,
and are charged at the above rates from the ume ot
autranue. No ...Mellon. ere made for atuu-ncea. ex
cept easel of rotructed dine 1c
Further :nformation may I y obtained. 1.41 mature.
ttons made by eatfing upon th r PAMC. I II I . at MOM
orFeder•J au-et. or at ms ~, Ito,
Liberty tug, Pitts...fen. helix-ten ld an" 11‘lrelt
or by addre•atug, through the Pun...aryl , Post like
the Prinetrist N, W. METCALF..
Allegheny. AAA 7 1149. dii
Cd of
19/. wrning. Monday. August L.V. 1,19 •urto
R_ COPMAND nmpertfuLty [amount' that tb
datteo of W. .tabLoihruent bo macaw.
ID. V ion Monday, September and that young gen
dequeu have now an opportunity of “<tog thomoithi
and espeatnon.lyqualtfied tor the Ours and rqut
ocCnt — s of active lit ,
That the Pontine/ le 'mat merely and veltalar.
but Mao a sud,mode and non succental
Min be apparent to soy intelisaent and m t tbiused
mind,( from die numbest of Honors and prizes obtained
by lams in Malty Cplieje, lAd,sin, from the Testimo
niels recesved trot. neer. of mon ninneas Feb
lows *rot Isrofessors, •nd, loom the sdusfarstinn
caprasswed permits al the rot...sews m e Ins
pupils For adatimnal inforaon as to ibis peed. ,
features and samsmeges of Ibis Instalment, see Pron.
peetus, which. antli 'rentrtionsals. ran be pt .:seared
from the rItIrd1711 • Al. at Me Institute, or in ledera
rem, opposllle us Colonnade Row
:N II —A 'few beans,. led be tees.ed, whose
health. comfort an, intetleetara advancement setll be
carefully attended in augle.dtf
PROF. HENRY tionsocu,
'DRAIN ?TR F.k. - T. bel , MCfll W•)Ile and nand. Sao
I resumed hts profewsional duties. 111.11 C•
tione the Piano . Guitar, and to Von. Mame.
FIII,ANKET , t—Jast rreeivefl fro
r on of saparof Family Limoket
pale at F.Ymeru prmes. at the ararrimome of the
FAN 617F1 NI •
spill No 112 Sseotpl .. op slats, Pittsburgh
(lASI' FOR W001.. 1 W anted. naJ ib~ tub strgs ,
1. oil soil common Wool, fog vett, IJ iceloghes l sul pro
La pod by the FAYE:I - PE NVl'll 00
.pi. 11ffsse, 111 :second .1. Potshurgh
BACON -15, 00 0 lbs Sboulders and St•Jeg for sale
close by ROUT DA I.ZELl.bgrty Jll.
CToi ' sst B l '— g „ '"'"" sp0 " %7 1 ; a K rlllt n g " !:. '" XlVossl '
e ll ho. Just lardolg a:id i t i o L r
VEATIIKRS-2.....postuds Fealbstr
r for oak by spill
BA , " IIA: ,
7 ,
." :j}'o:
krttele.,l lauding svper: .
by spill Sl
4k‘'NsPAN OF HORSE‘...-A span of y
blerk mateh !loc, sound and pr.
Csre:a„ill 7 rse ' :. e::.31.1: ,,, :.%t
sociable prier. Apply in
soli I JAI'IIII W P.• Vl,l I
C. ILK: , SiI.KS . 511.1,9!•'-ebe riche.. tage•i
t") elte•pect ....meat ever offered by any one ho
inibs Western country. A A MASON 5 CO,
____ spill) erti Market 1
C " ted E el i 1 0 .- ptm AN ic ir a M CA D . A. l ii ' A ' l 4 t . ) - N '-21 C 13 VJ
Prier, Store. 00 Market st. , sptio
kj than LOA. yards alb. above owned geode have
been received dorm, Mr peat seek. at the only cheap
one prier wire sprin A A klAiiiiN hCO
I li A "..F.ii-t, canons Lscs., of every dcotrabie pat.
L.l tern. pmea varying from 1 to fin em Vier yard.
antitiA A MASON at CO
. .
1 son & Co. No GO Market at. have in re`*to he la r'
ge. iumorment. Al priers non veiled. Call at he only
prier store. •pt i n
COrrl CS FI.aNN F. 1,. card and whoa-A .egi
•ssorinicst just received by
9'3. A A MASON k CO
A • A MASoN h. CO all Martel .. will open this
Li. • Mor ..... g a fes ptec ,, nth a. it choiceoatteru•
Fresich Chintz-Me cannot be fling. ...share
r i " lt W r i Ta I \ r Tltiy T"a1.7.1.1Ts
c ° 6 1,`E.17,17,; , 'Nfe1 ,1 :'
beat gal: ki n:N . l fr ,ii( . t W,, ,*
?FORA Cl 7 O-39 bas S's and 7 noon& of best brands.
for sale by spell SELLERS & NICOL&
_ • _ .-
TOBACCO-1r; I d ro o s
R,A.'.1“1 r
ll .710s,fus.1.aucr.r.r.b.,,0
10 do Ilanover 3's
' 10 cares Brown's Tot, . rust ree'd and
for. tie by spill BROWN h. VI'LBERT`rON
s r &) A RCII hos Chat reserdarch,
lo ir Strut) , Starch. rust rac'd and
loot sale by opt. BROWN & CULBERTSON
M.ACKF:RF:L-3.1 bbls No I :Banterer, GO do No 3
do run reonlyeel and for tole by
soperlor quality, past re
I ol.Aeeeila±l-1 00 burr
II MoJesse.; 100 do Nei
C do, to store and tor so by
•otll nkowN cuLuvnTsort
/TOFFHT.-101 I. 8• Rs. Codes, to store and or en
Y .T , 109 • BROW NA C ' I.IIKIITeI tN
sLtherty sweet. oppaatte the head
of Wood. aril: IntrOd.t . lila full lore of FIAT,
trl. l amed,
day. Ow Illth in . which, far neouty of
Lawn. 00111.1 r/c sutr"".
1.. Pv uneylw
Foe I,OICANCX 0%1,100 AlllOtimanrrr ie
rlssE brat talc Insurance Catnap., in the U States
fin al March 10,1evi—cbuter perpetual
Capaal Skekooo—all natd In.
Hostile author.. .1 the undercaned to mene spell.
ann. for IrkAlfl.ler. 011 IV tile+ policw• will he e l. oued
aceordtne to thew proposals and rates, which will to ,
mWe known t..OP , .canto en ht. odwe, No 111 Wood
SODA ASII—SI coke Hurts, Soda Ash:
1•8 kl Steele A Son's Soda Ash;
50 bids
For 1.3./C low Ito arnvet by
o,l ou ,a,•nd Mow Sudo, kept for the
der. Also, Reg...s mode up complete.
p II
per td ,, Leo n a
veil lkwnd foe .de by
.pl4 ' ) c tr. R FLOYD
I„itcnbblt exts Fauity Flaso;HTireed sod
F 1
BI.rITRRL-30 kegs Batter, rac . ,lai - t/ foi ItTsieTy —
y - -Grai...ool-1100 boss.
. andfor sale by rptl SA W RARIIAI!OH
SODA ABll-17;dt• Soda As& reed and for mit by
yyt4 & W HAEUIAL/011
DIaYEI.CMSI -7- 4o inya. sum bud km We by
yptt 'St W tuaaeutni
METZ, FOR Tot rrffssultait DAILY GAltTft
Pirisse lon THIS, rota h . tal.. A
now beinre us • moat viten...El% work —• direeiorT
oi Tear
Borough of Pittsburgh. - pobt ' O,
tr is nual arno•lng to ginned over it. and not
tne e
the ennui,* which hate taten plate lance then
At that ume, Pittsburgh eonulr'''' on"
Wm... and there were only a.:,te tamatile
tutt• it. the whole county.
The dtrOftOn 111 welt Rot up, and as WI of veinal I.
inforation Tlonking that It wall interest our citizens,
we pti m the penult KI whieti the Kul. sod Vartlant
Fire Companies were established, as vre:l as their urn.
ern. In 1. , 15
-Tux F....L. Part COSVANT —This institution ta as
formed in May. I 10, and e late
composed entirely
of young men. is She oldest 110(tety oi the kind in shut
Isureb- Acti ve and marled men are now
admitted as menthers • • • •
President—James R BOW
aceratary and,"freasurer—Atllony Vanes.
Eltpaeer—Waal Egthlthataa, Jr
Asmatant Faaparer—Joseptt Roseman
ihrectora—Wm. 11111: \l'm Graham. Jr, Deans ,
11:o John c.lawru ,
-Vtirttarr 1,1a11".1,17 —Grtahhohed Jlat Al.)
'GI • • • Adoatati m three dol'ars. Month , ' eon
thuttan cern. The number at member , not to
Fr , u.rnt number •ns.
.Wnz Wilt
—Thorns. Usinl
er Thom‘s But rtl
Engwec r Scott
In•pr ebr— .S fidknld :11t.+
Ale Men—lob , Ldggett, ..I ,, ef • T6omuMe
Kee, J. W. Tr 111314
Propor, Men-1 B Clow, Joseph 01,er, John
Burton, Thenta•
NV...smell —Thorns.. Furman. Thomas Iltorken,
John Dal - reel, Robert Yettergor
I.utder Men—llenry Parry. John Fr., }Award
Goody. Thomas I.iggen. Joint Manerron. Anne.' l p-
Jeered - . lint Semple. John McGrew
Audnors —John McDonald, hl Murray
Tre.urer— Robert runIOT
S:eretarv—lnavol rtsde
Cory, Srptember 13th —l'rr.nt Holt
ed to-day.
Robert Wood,. Rut Attorney far the two minor
chndren of I. re. Anu Re) nolda, deceased at fe of
Lot C) Rey nold.. presented e petakon for an order for
the sale td the modhsnit onhe one-fourth of Killhoet
d.stassgtons as the reason sor this promo's. that the
id .as unpsoduessys, and its yearly income slow ,
nt sor sae education stud support of said minor ehol
The perillen •.rured. and the third Monday o
ktrher •pponaed ior Ore sale a( Wr properly 'stool
• ree under...rd. auhrect to ihe late estate of Mr Rey
irois.—We called, a fem 1:loys ag
be Varlet} Store off/lettere Kennedy nod Sas
, on Wood street, for ihe purpose of examining
port folio of niagnlfcent engravings which they
aye reeent:y rem, ,d, and which are, we think,
hitherto been brought to Pittsburgh
Therm g entlemen have a large collectlon of the
6 oral Penman engem vtu4pt, moat beautifully colored.
muieh mere imported lota this roautry by Messrs.
Gouptt. VA:urn & Co. of Nem York. and which,
—o—Lbe beloved or France—the beta whose
:plaits painter poet, and historian have equally
imbined toorate is introducedced into tarsi
them. are designed and executed in the most elan-
Yoe and spirited mannaa.
Lovers at the floe arts should call and examine
d we arc :terthal that they will not go I
y d syppo pled
By the way. we cannot t-e what neat...say en
Wu for our elt.aenti to go East to purchase mir
rors, us many of them now do. Meows. K.. and
S. bane them of all qualities, and at all pncm, from
two dollar; to over NI hundred. The plate used
in every large giant in the United States is mane
factored by a house in France, and wooly import
ed by one firm in New lora, who veil the plates
to the framers. Nowt it ts evident that Pittsburgh
dealersn purchase trout this firm as cheaply as
any other ra persons, and We have OS wood framer*
and aildera here as in the Elm..
Messrs. K. sod S. nave recently remeed nor.
he moat bracalful %featly°. tut tnme. we have
r neer. They are really magnificent, tad as
of volt desenbe thorn, elaborately are
hey wrought, we advise our vmeens in want of
each %Mews to call en these gentlemen and judge
for themselves.
. Ga.ntw 01 , FULTon 6; 21.17.—The Delip•thll of
Friday last, still seems to be coorinced that Mr.
McCabe. the contractor fur paving Fulton street,
has not door his duty, and that the pa•iog is not
•ueb as to required by the ordinance. The editor
of that paper was rearrested by the contractor in
go up on Wednesday afternoon, and ezatrone for
himself, in order to nee the falsity of the charge•
he prefermd against chat gentletnam. He ramm
ed to do 110, but neither the editor nor the local ed-
dor. attended at the appointed hour.
took the trouble to inspect the paving peraonallyi
Perelore, sr di not do to again as the Despatch
Ishes us to do. We stated, nod again state, that
be pawing ts seal e• la 'alluded by the ordtrouroo,
and .rc authorced to refer, in proof of this user
tins, to the member. of the Street Comoottee--to
tee coy Surveyor and Regulator, Mr. Meriveren,
arid to the Street Gamow...f i lar...T. & Rowley.
The interest , of ell thew gee-men run counter
to that of Mr. McCabe. B. le the a:retractor—
they are appointed by the city withorille• to tee
that he, and ell other contortion do awer dory, by
rigidly fulfilling their agreements. It is not to be
supposed Mr a moment that all thew person.
would enter into a canal:anal to deltatni tea clty, ,
beaeJea Mr. McGowan canine d. asastalve. He
now. prociaely, by actual aurvey,tbe condition al
the ground before the gravel is laud on, and shoat
Mc McCabe the he•ght to which to rouse it. Fie thee
surveys it atter lb.! us done, and anankuilaanica do
,uxt rßi A • d
We have Data fulfilled our duty. We hove el
mined the :Itoner in which the work was done,
..ot to one place, but in various. parts tithe street•
and to us the paving teemed to be such as requir
-d by the ordmao•m. We have besides the awn,
anew, of such competent Judea as the city sur
veyor Pod wet comintssioner, in additon to the
Street committee appointed by the Councils. If
we are wrong, so are they, and we refer the edi
tor dthe Despatch (or cup further explanattons to
them, &saunas hint that we will lose no more time
:0 thw matter, since we have already dune our
duty, and occupied no mach space In the Gazette
di me intend to devote to it.
Aasesswo.—Sharp, one of the street preachers,
or II ern roil on Saturday and lodged in tail, in
default of the proper security, to answer the char'
gel preferred against hon. Kirkland, We believe.
has not yet Leen found by •nyof ‘ she police orfi•
t -
The Horton Family appear to night Gr the las
time. They hams hitherto drawn very crowded
houses, and we have no doubt that the Theatre
will he well filled to night. a. it 1M the occasion of
the benefit of "Liule Agnes."
STIILINO FIUIT.—We ere afraid that some of
he young lads mho are in the habit of stealing
led by the discharge of the young cobwed boys
last week, who wore imprisoned for stealing Dr.
Pressly'y grapes They moat remember that those
persons escaped by a diem technical evasion, and
not because they wery am both legally and morally
godly of a criminal act. lied the proper form of
action been brought, they must have been con-
mead end imprisoned, lee any others Who ow be
`Why a the same offence will undoubtedly be, It
teey arc detected.
■nprosxs Costes.
Entraxamt 15,154'J.
Erin vs. Rysn; District Goon. Judgment affirm
ed--opinton by Mr. Justice Rogers.
Franey vs. Miler; Distrnet Court. Judgment
Mlirined--opinon by Mr. Justice Rogers.
Irish vs Johnston; District Court. Argued by
Messrs. Metcalf and Lxlinis fur Plaiotiff in
Error sod Messrs. Shinn sod Woods for DA in
MATUICII Orrica, Pi common, September 15,
The ?daynr was presented with a clean lull of mor
al health to day, not a aingle drunkard or vagrant
having been taken to the watch house during the
11 W. ,
Mama's One; Am.:awry, September 15.
Only one common carte of drunkenness this morn'
ing, who was committed to Jul or tweet) , four
Insprovemihia ins Dentistry.
DR. 11. 0. sTmARNSO.. of Roston " e ndw ho le parts
of set, 14.011 Suellen or Atettosphetne guetson rlttes..
o ow
nye Otne - ree, where the eerie to
exposed. Otttre end redee net
door to the Ida) -
orSt When, Fourth street, I.lo.sburgh.
Rsrat Irn--J It. Id•Fadden. M. 11 Paton. 1.19
``CODA ASH—tl ions Matsui& Yams;
& Sots, Ict W. by
&&& IN Waters
IDm 11'1)771:T%%
aaaa ; o w 11111 !,
• ''
nu I
or r - • -
The most Wonderful Medicine of the Age
1,600,000 BOTTLES
Thu Medicine Is pot op In Closet iklitilea,
and has cored more than
100,000 Cases of Chronic Diastaile,
within the Last Ten Team --None is Giennine
unities signed by !!I. P. TiIIOWNSEND.
- the Public will learn the origin or rather where the
recipe for making ihe .tee the% call tad Or Jacob
Townsend's birsaidrilla came front—and will to able
to Judge which a the genuine and original owl of the
Mineztl , of the men who are ample% ed selling it as
the anginal Pr l'ou nacrid, Sarsaparilla Dr a r
Taw rattelsess the angina proprietor and inventor of
Di Townsend'. Sec...patina, and Ins medicine has
gained areputation di a another remrd% ever gained.
lb manufactured "%et one million W %Katie% last year,
and a mwattactu nen at present Nag bottles per clay.
We ism more sarstiwrill. and I elle. Dock in our
eaataisliment ear I. dam, than all the other Sarrapanlle
>lanufacturen In the world Lrincihel Office, 146
4.04 Ye.— tort. ...
to Ohl. Armstrong. ol su.l ity being Aril,
sworn, dolh and my that he la practical
Bmaggiat and hernial That some tone in the latter
ofof Mat, or tint un• 4044 • man by the name
of Jaeoh 'four narsul. w hn at that pole was • hook and
pamphlet peddler, called upon depopent at the hone*
of Mr. Thompson. No 4/ If urret. where dopo.
neat boarded and re shed depment to v. rtte him •
recipe by which to make • Ps map of Samapartlla.
Deponent further ray, that h. tweame sequaanted
with nod Tourmend at the (Ace of Theodore Vostee.
Kus . Book Publisher. with w horn taid Townsend
dealt That sald Tow n.end had
had '..guard conkers.
Dona with deponent respect:a,.
add'be mannfackure of um
article of Narmparala to he under the name of Do
Jacob Tow mend.
Th at
nmwT awl
sefint d
o m r a theud
l h el aboasr
an a nodl ds cuallres
d a n t d
make a tm ). o
In order to !Ile easy in he* old
days. and theta' Darsaparilla Yoder the name of Town.
tend sold ago well. and much mone, rts mule by
It her mid see no mutton Irby he nught PM make
something out of it tow llus name being Townsend.)
if be could get • capable person to prep.. a recipe.
and mennfarturs• it for him Derunent In ems rd the
Convervtions asked Bud Townsend If he was related
to Dr P. P. Ton end. which he replied, that be
knew Dr. P. Y. Townsend ould be down on him after
ha a/ImM comments, Dot that he did not rare for
Wm. as he
formed • co- partneralup with men who
could furnish the requisite amount of repitel / was
waD pnapancd to defend himself agunst any attack
that might he meas. on ham
Deponent forthei ml • that pursuant in the segue.
of gaol /scot Tow tojr..l 1.• wrote mem.. lot the
smolt, tare .• a al". lup m Yu - L*l.ll4llw •Dlgm r to
him Daid •I ow P.m, ober, ed mat ant,l
make • spectre. i. 1.. et ha partner. Du their
t ppros al as he 1.1..1 to gratify tbena thing,
as hes farnwh , .II the esitatel 0.444 aloe
told deponent that the bottle... the. wr.e to use w ory
to be of the same etre end .t.ape I.r l•
senat's utd ...portent at rupaut "mi Jacob
Townsend •ent D. the ortwe i , f Tweewend.
Doe el hot Lahr..
Anal deponera (nether no cu.. hr has been intern
ed. and ',rill !whe.e• the Sirup el ,amaperalla. Dahl
sa OW Jarnh Taws...end , ...near alter the rem, fur.
rushed bs demmem. :a /aro, I ear nsend, u alweesud.
Aryl further deponent
.11,D1T110 ,1 I
sty.r➢ to before me. Ili.. 44th day .11 %La P.M
Vas or of the its of New I auk
• Dere i. pmel r ~,,,,,,,,,, Ikr•• r Tr , • 11,11,1'.
PROOF ! !! PROOF ! !!
Kars.tponl la orig ins I The (..1104:04, .. I nun
one el the mat resimetabie papers In the Mate
tat 221 TIIF
Albany EV11...1214 Journal.
Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla .
Them ,roteehl,w. too • eon m iota,* /erne ly
or 222.th0l roe Orme .. r 111 at 1 ..22W:a oaroatortlla
w hob •• ertunult ant tt hoe• to he manrs.
Weed to 101.2
Gr. ht ' the 12. e. honeelt sod
aitero ants ..eal tsal t the prew ot .on•
bat IN p a Tomtorn' silt• perautt prop, -12421
the partue oho was termed tto Macho has /basted .0
Neu 1
s he he /cep. uote at I atten la to tha
holiness that itenumahtte. at • that mont Ihe nolakt
thrtom 211 tho rat and 2. roodoete.l 1 o th oo
porno, NIT 2 len. here ad the hem
o mutulat.
Veo of ear eitllefii ham. au oleo or the 2111044112 of
Out me/ he ore that Is enattolo toes , toot gold Itc./21ea
the lobo tho rotator. 11212,21 to the I utmlat
Neat lotus UM/a& Mmth antetoo. •nsl torn to La
my. In co oselorobt. q isolate. 11 the nanotectary
they ern22l y • •lirei. les a large number
al the
12.eia Ise EMILIO, I Oh ,
road. Ito atom/mot over ll* I. Lei Nr J.l. u 4 42m2./1
Woo Marie. Thu.. an en. morn. otanttor
The groat tale the nteO mho has •egattrett hot to
Womb • tata'te ttp anttettana sat there
le at the 1202.2 taw. trcr 2 2/122thea hte that
row 1.1:2 4 ll'num!. sera, •ellle t/ne a sr
410 E it... 1 • writ /sm. 2. 2 .:21 2 sew 1 wk. o eollot
I 1 1.1 Mort.. J•c, Two so. amain/OF.. on' or.
torero!, uth •2 au 4211 elitriemr
toosl remeatel mortal le In such aorta to tflOokrt
ie the LT Ili To. ris<ll.l gre•l rearatly
Lod tbn. run all the .11 antage. reenlonir fmen the
)l a n •of the name o hob be acgtorotl for It
.2 ent..r and orumal promo... 12/ the
tomlotte Immo he Town.enr. eatutaatlta.
au! oe thol thou pew.. Oho are attemptoog 20,211
thelr artkk as 2110 Fenmeat tatto4.l rupoed.
7110 1 1 Tlll
Frs. Sark flan, Tribwes.
w. Faiaithril yr, ote.l.rrtently
dee. tame erro • that 1121 motets e 2 2 LI, I I o
M.. be ts the otsroul roi
of the pretoratent
Moseosolla tom na. 122 Too mtent Other
put.. too • w tminlto peel ley ea7agt.l or
Tothemern et 0116 a lota to the ratoot 2 . 4
Too neer2l sron tot up. noottethe 02 calls It I I lbs
moo* nom , Tao modtrom es. whet-tom] to To
the enamel ht Iho al• ertoement a/ao
contaloo.l ntattor 4.0+54 ors let the eharacter of DI
I Towurn.' sod that of Flo medosto e res.
st oppose/of• sod m fuath'e to the lo /lake thus ea
ReM Tilt.
New %t..'ia Daily lean.
D• ntore.nai! sit.itiwmitut tuck
in az entire nage
r esi
prnapr of In L . . eatta!et!!6,
L am! u how of
hre to nest door Ls. OW • h•rr he h. ech user
al ye«. 6 tretng an !• evert.«
kei than lour 61.14,4 doze. 41 ear...paella per
day sod et em this •oontious 4lttrei ttitt utpply
the dem...! No 0w...c0w gained a! groat .
ptpulsety a. Ou peep...two of the harsaksen. Ito!
eistan a Almanac. for tetti veal ST! 800. and b.
ha. pent the No. loth , etor .4...etava{. to the
leat four y «re o•er }lnn. ismi b. 'chy
Wt thr I heaped .11 riteasg he /I.k. toid done
The medico. ta .sported In the Weat
*mei America asal unver. to conanierable
gnantete, sod o coming thus general n.e to those
coutrie.« well a. fart.
orl other. time
Townnuril for the
germane sod original I. nd'. Struienll..
that i• tat signed by 2. r - 7,01ti050.1, commit fr. 24,
sod swindle. the custuraent Men that a t om be
...Ur «sch th art, would commit any atom fraud
awl no broggot of common watlbgenco but know.
that ours a the omly genuine.
Old Jacob TownwwL
• •• • •
home people who are uot ell informed. and hare
not read the'tepere. end not tern our arhertisernenta,
have nee, led to suppoar, that because these men ad.
• ertoe (Leo stuff ae - Jacob Tvorneevbbk" am
a course, be the or/ pool. It Is leas than one
ear since they commenced to make =ahem.
ton hal been In the masket over ten yours.
This Old Jacob Townsend
• • -
They ore r ude...rng to palm off on the public ea
old risy strum Lc. Ile 00l • regular educated
Iri, sir tan. and never attempted to menutectore a need.
Jessie. until these men hired him or the oleo 01 hie
w heir
say they do one wish lb* people to b. Lea
e that eir marmites mile /3 mare, or the same but
hetter to deceit e the public, they et the same time
sesert that thetr's is the Old fir Townsend's, and the
osigunal . and endeavor to mate the people believe
that the styli they manufacture. a the Ijr. Townaenda
narwiparille, that has iverlormed L/1•3/3 •inuiertul
rums Ast the past tea yeers, end which lan gained 3
reputation • ho b no other medicine ever enjoyed—
's/ob I. a has, villainous. unprincipled felechood
We here commenced suits against these men lot
damages We Isiah it to tinders..libel the old man
relatum N lii role vuend u Lam, et In their ad.
vertiaemems sod rireulars the, publish a numbs , of
grime telsehoods respeettng Dr. Toe userat. which we
will not ssame.
Far Repori.
Our oirPOIll• here puhluthed in the Hpors , that
/UV wend as deed. This thoy tend to ther
agents shout the rountr, who report that a. ho es
given up toiamess, lie kc The public should be on
her guard and not be deceived by theta unprinci
pled men.
. .
Nonce J•ltmersl —Aver the first of September,
Irsth. Or tl. P Townsencl's Ness I orb ;uream he
w h ich South Baptist Church, So al street,
wic is nwar undergoing a thorough etmgr, and
will he fined for the better accommodation of the pna
pr Raton end the public
7•41• porneular No. • Str Sarsaparilla it the
enuine , enJ original Or Tow wend', Sarsapartlls, u.
less signed b 7 S P Townsend
AGLI.T • Redding k Lo. Ns. a Slxte•ttroct. and
L Kidder, No 100 foustAtresd, BostonAamuel
K.ddor. Jr., 1..0* ell, Henry Prat. B.lem, J.... U.
Oren. Worcester, Allison k 0.011, Concord,
B.lch k 500, 01.rre Wane. , and by Drugglst..nd 01e.
ohenla imoorrJle throughout the Uolled WO.l
kuhes sod dm ealushts
For sale by II P. SELLERS. Sole A.. 01 SOS Thlts
-101,0 II 01 135:1(01', Allegheny. A I'ATIIIRIM/N
Burrow{ ham /00117.05 i
(Exclusively for Pam.lngere.l
THE public are informed that on and after Saturday
the Ist of Sebteinher, the passengers by %hie Line
will IN2 carried over the Central Rail Road horn Lew.
' , down to Ilornaboreh. and front thence to Philadel
phia by the Ilarrtsburgh and Columbia Rat' Roads
Is 4 this neve arrangement passengers will go through
i eina 04,1 t•=s math. her
The Peacu of this Linenre and of the beet
etas. This roots for safety. speed and
d comfort, ht the
most preferable now in tow to the Ibutern ettias.
ri on d s am atb passed In day light. TM,
do's re. Ten Dollars. For Inform...ion apply to
(V IsttTCll, Monongahela Floosie
au .9 or I) to LEECH fr. co, Canal Resin.
Premium Iltrawb•e r ry PI. 1.,
AT U gy,F,NIWi Ai GARDEN—Guist'. Pnie, the
prem.l3l Plant. $l,OO per hundred. VICUITIL and
cylt needling*. au cents per hundted—all thofty
plants warranted. Orders from a distance carefully
put up and forwarded. Also. a lame volleetinn ni
Greenhouse Plants. Futolph and Taylor's Seedling
Raspberry, ire
An OMNIBUS leaves the Allegheny City
haile of the
Rh Clair Street Bridge, for the willry f haul
during the day The etas= boat earaseenee
regular trips as own as the river rise.
SCORCIIINGS- - en cobs beet qUellr for sale by I
attll—liTA• fast eons, Mr sole by .
COFFEE --.15:1 bap prime Green Rlo, for sale by
016 RISEN, hiArro Has I co
TM-10 RI a.m. Y 11, Iniperii and 0 ?Tea, lb
do do Powebong To. MI middy boo V 11,G P and
Imperial Teo, of recent imonnatioNby
FiroUf b• to INto 3 kloo ere!: 3o do Gibt..r.
— ralagoo =abed do. for L. b.
RSV, pixtruzwo s co
JOHN 11. NIELLOR, No hi Wood street, ha• 4 0.0
epsod is new Mock of Ptano Fortes from the bl
lowing reltbrated matimucturens:—
One Rose word 7 ort..rved in Me style of Louis X.V_ ,
Ono do 7 do do do do .
Ono do 7 do round corners. carving.
Onh , do 7 do Main round r otecors.
One do di
do elegantry carved.
One do di do Main round corners.
Of. do 6i do do do •
( I g: do
: ,I°. p7.r. -d ,0 f ."1",:L; 1
One do 6 do do do
One do 6 do plain rquare. ;
All the above nre from the celebrated manufnemry I
of enrekentur. Boston. and are warranted tll ntl cw,
and the purchase money refu n ded. ti found drictove
tit any particular; the prices are the none •• charged
•t one manufactory. and ate as low ma those of to er
or q ultry trout other makers.
ALSO •FC . 113.0
Peven Rosewood a oct's from Baton & Raven, N Y.
One do d do do II Worces , r, N Y
Two 4 - HI do do Huron & Raven, N Y
One do do do Gales & C o. 1 .
• II the above P lano
ano Forms warranted to N
every re-
sot., betng made expressly to order, and are such .
ran b. ret.ett on for durubnity; even in touch. and of
supenor tone JOHN II NIEL.I.OR.
Sole Arent for sale of Chick, tor 's Piano Fon.,
ont7 for ‘Yestern P c lnry,on*ll
Yen-Cloth C 41 Plaano..
ofigifi THE subscriber hat toot cronpieted
his stock or PIANOS, COrtligned of ft.
styled 7 octave. of every ••ricy of
mid price, with and wahout Cole.
man's celebrated .I.ialiatt A 11.11113.1, from the rele
heated factory of Non. a. Clerk. New York They
are all provided with the above Important trap/AV ,
wt All o th er Piano makers in thlll roon , ry ro•rr
the on [...lntl'. (WiliCh rail. the String and produce the
mum.) with leather. Thia, . they all ashlar, wears I
badly. the leather g O
rowr hard and har s h. and th.
czarina, a(ler the Pizzo has been used a while.. mart
ditarrreardl. 11..11 and wiry WTI, Nun. a Clark
hove rektor. the 11.11 Iry month. covered the honourra
with/dr rioth an entirely row invention, product. a
om naelodsou mud voluminous tone, whmh sun prove. m
by age. instead of growing harsh end hard, as
leather nanly doss. This may merely he pre.
flounced th ecess e
mutest Improvement to Piano.))et in
•rnted The ontenor of these Ptanos ts rearnificently
gilded and embellishe , d, altogether the nehest finish
imainnahle Keeptng an assortment of Boston and
other Pion.. the public c•n eonvince theen.lves of
the superiority of MB to leather, by c•Iltor nd v ying
thr instruments H. KLF.Br:R
Bole Agent for 7.411. n. k , att.
At 1 IV Woodwrlrs
N B.—The M.o. will he sold at manufacturer.
one.. and the money returned to Nand In the mem
JOllO 111r001....100 0 W. 11 40,17
• tiliderawied, unceseare to Art'. ri 30.1 •
.1 son, beg leave to inform the eitteen• of Plitatiargh
sad public generstil, that hey , nave re bull , the EA
itiI:NDRI and are irit. in full operation, and
have p r of tbs., patterns ready lux th• market , -
inongat which are Cooturig etove•. Coal and Wortil
Suuees, sirlth a splendid 0114101111 Coal Stove. artoch 14
1100: supereodint in alter eines Ott common snood
:Stove Ala, a cheap coal Cooking itto•e, %dap
ted for small lam ‘1414 Wllll a full ittaortineni of eont.
.- .........- -.- . ,
._ .
mon find mantel term., W e wou2d pea &calmly in• !t ut . t , e „ t ,„ ... t. o t tt i t ,„,;;; t t on „. t .,,, e. wmh . hems
mto the sitentior , oe ',rano building to roll at on l Oa! repremeamon of the oakum/ gum-restorum me
wa , honm before nurehmeente •nel roam, • ep.endld „,,,,, ,th., at the Cate.
ert.e ' e °ie....le. "' ''rele• finished ill '' ne '''l ' e- N II -let. the wlth auk or no pun
crewel) new ut tins mallet. Iwo ay," reeve permanently saved by plugging, pm-
Warehouse. No Inn Inteertr o noll'l•lle W...! .1 " titt tMe tooth ache, which to much batter than co
arte-dtt till 111 il-S ON API) NE " '
• • '- rot; It. though st Mould he done to bee ...tee ar
riIICRS REDVCRO. even llolt•ltlly seetti 9
Itatetasloo of the Littmansmell Ohio
III:RR RILL WT'UNES. manuftio , •.
111. All Road.
A red In France, compewed a: but leo
~,,,.., so , oy . . i t .,.. .. m „,„ DRIMYS '1 I.S ARS INVITED FOR THE GRA DU.
„ j ATII.N AND AIASUN RI of the port of 0.. road
- - ; .7,,. th t ,Z,,% t ',. e 4 ,, ‘ ,,,,, "‘ „1 . „ ' . 1...." "• , not already under contract between Ournbertood and
I "' '' ,. .,.'aL t „.. - t . t ; ett - ii.,; Id:, ~t . ,„. „r , the 11, nett • V t Icy neer-a thou., of about 103
li r a Ilf• 1 s At • d ( hew , macs It, number or seetion• nave to be let see Ibe
.... w 7 . t, 0.„7,,n r ,-.77:,-„T r ,7l 1",,5,„;,* m •,„, , maim 5... of t w , hir ., ll fl ocean betw ., ren I: l. lmbe n tja , i . ed rd .
B• " . w• m" ' ' 4" a) a ''" I "''""an o a d, , l . X.,! " .:,:, " :.. - Vri, ' ,% For:: -%A. - '''
tendaeo. and so great core is taken to took •• the I 1r , , , r ... ...71
„.., - . 7 . , ,
17 n tt ' i r tm ; r e t t ,',..'
.•..,,:. 1;2 1 : tt l. t t. k t ' ..d '' ,: l' e '. ,: ' 0 * , " ,, " ,: ,I ter . 7 ,, a o i r. l a
. mbar ,c.. o n Loe . e d u
,0 0 ns t zn;r y t 0 ,
o t , tos , at. noon or con
vert Idol red tr, tape tar . dtalle us q''''',., d , ,r..: 1 ' clfi.• non. and peal. will he reetd, at Cumber.
trt F l7 e te * ',': tt • t ` t t r°',7„.4"..747, p i r,:,:1 a ' :77,,,;, la„ t ra de, . and
the .07 - th of Anat. corr.. The
1 pr t ,peralt addressed to Me undemugne.l. vela be re
eve, h 'fore bean edema r., rhea mart i al
1 celsed M Cumbm.nd. Mar , tad. up to Saturday the
Laurel Hal Me, Stone., all ow,. , lsth at September me1t...0 Further information
a .ty war.
''''‘ ln e C''''''' all ''''''''' at th ` tell -•''' • I may be had itt the Compeny , in Cumberland.
el.nte '' •° ‘ L " '''''''''''" ' the ""''''• " ' Pule tramoneat. will he required from Mow unknown
gl• m e t ti t ,Tr d pt Z e t ::' . i m ' •. :r it . ettt , 5‘ ,,,......, rteht, Plat- , te, Mr undersigned 13, order of the Preserlont and Di
Soak, Corn ad COI. Goode,- Gnat and Saw I r“ . .e . . , BV- A U II .L AT .R. E,
t net Ihrtglacer
al kin.. and 11111 Formatting In gen. I • 1 11 11 'Ha -Da Alat
Mell Casting" let . • I - Light i Llglttil t - Llght lit
All orders promptly operated to at 111 and IR 1.41,- i rrllEtustiv celebrated bureang lined ran nose ite. Lad
eery street near Mr Con, l'lttsburgh 1 1 at the F-wern Lamp Store, Na tell Tloral t street
MOO 'lam W W WALL SCE I between Wood ad Nl•eket
MALL mm .... err .„. „„. ,„, ... u n-, FUT n por , lmadr i!c . c.ar_itql. It tat. the prejerene . knn :11
N ow,ng ae , .40 mean; . t • 111:1,1ep of ais ~,... et of ~ •....‘,. •,..,.. t ,,, 1G PerleollY :me tlon,eoe P
/oat. s Cot, 110 r Reolarahve I( they douht uut 'lord . 1 'Met.' groom
, 11e ,, r anY of th ,, e .e bese . a:leste , le est- .
'''' “" r " s' Lla" htg'"l """""' ''''''. .4 ' , " • l :. ' 4 . rtra ' erot . l4Ta ' po 0 ' 11:7 " ft:A pat o •
rt ' r bur
who have tried en
Mr tree lb .. , m. .1 Em ot. New Vert .. ~,„..,,,,, ino drarto V a DAVID
- --
Mrs Main,. Peeves. Me
Mr Win To
Urn Keng st. New Vert ARR..
Mr The. Jar kuun, M. nom. I•.se el. near Potshot - 10 Tut: lebser er, who ass been ire ettoness
HFs tntlke. me ~,, ,e.R...... ''' A+ ,,,,, '• ei the 10.1 Mishima le, lite is st Bitnren lea.,
And male ... l. • ' , oat" °We. l'lm , tIl. • ‘• l ' ll•
,L jits ~ , ,t, a descrtionnes of ' , Peet...old mud sii.
me . ' laffiee I,l ° ll all. (oleo the h a ' l" el''' . l "` ' le " , re N% atenes.. Jeweln, and Stlser Ware, a'
bead nr face ston II fiLl.i.• ••• al neat I. ,0•IA re a „ at t , „, ,„,,, a t pr t ,„
remover, se orf end 4111 . 0.11 , 1 1 , 111 th- 1 . .. t, M• 1 1 ,1 1, t.ttt , 0 , ,, , ~., „ t t. , , ,,, , ,, ,.. ... tt , Lt. ,„, w . ,,,, ,..
ttlfhtt I ,', a , V. , net ,' • '"' ''''' ."" k •'''' . (to d .ril e s 'net De, het I, ver and ',pole Watches
keeping drs , harsh or 'try lIKIr moon, art can an I , .„., „, itm .,,,,,,, t , a , t ., ~..„, ~,,,,,,,,,,
bcaolffal a •on. very long ome. loud and so err Independent Second Waite. fon,
Sold by Pm Agent, WM. / ACKSON, Hi Utterly 11. ‘,.., h
0t ..„
reusteargh to aft, GI nem; and one dollar. 2 Gold Guard fan and xr..t Hamm Gelid Spectacles:
d•lter'T , told kul Si, rer l'enens Gaul Pen.
lIT Tao M.P. or A Mtn a .,,,„ es not mare moat Lad eel Goal and Stone Bracelets
Rive thmo 'bad putad Irma ,or dank. yeilove Mow., Gold Le,lielo. Gold and hither 'tables, '
eel teeth If persons base them tt I. their own tali- Named litngo and PI..
' Ow) e•n for two shallogo, buy an article that wt.; Ladle. and teentlemeno . Brettatjuna
mote Mal, breath parr lend sweet as t. Spica dor • Str rhea s.i.rer Spoon, Cups, }lyre, So.
I Aeetne ce...1 Wet l, as tow W IN to gal each.
II mares di heates or the Gun. spongy or u l cerated. %Votene. ad levelly each...gad.
and lam tluk Teel., It is unequalled, removeng tar term, ',PO, and Forte rimed oa Herman Seleer.' a hoe,
fownlog the tee. ot eh• gums ad mean theu o 1 . 1. a .. A . -a . ..4es erarrnmetl to keep. ood tone m,
wane as the /weer of VW jro•r9 Nem , . to. moo, retorted • Jewelry renewed. id Watches
Such, reaer •re the properties of .1. - me.'s Amber dreamt ond tembeti in the leco manner, at much le.
Too. Pl.l. and vetthout profstog et 0ur,,•., near I than the u•on: moes. labia C ALLEN,
what one D ad at, ~,, .1 r•weelnltte •2.1 weentifie 1. 1 • • •• I.ll,lrlef 4.1 Walchco and Jewett', who.reele. mtd
usts Mr F Pe d al New 1 ork. sal, rens . .1 Wall street. DM awn,) NEW YORK
, -1 taave to , th oved ad &eased toss orku , ine: and on• ' 11 2.1 items
polpable eruct, iloneo . Ant., TOOIII P.le I and ir.xPitMen PAC:a . Lallill.., - -
ran recommend a ao peasewieur an me aualittes olm no FOR PHILADELPHIA AND lIALTRICIRE,
ed for it • Reader. we run soy no mote io <entente-, .
.. Eke:novel; for Pouer t gers.
only that 0 1no tr Nis mice you . 10 l'''• wet: l'''" •e d -The Baotou( this Low vett! leave
It . put up in beaublul Engler/3 Cben• I, to. en 25 . tm i m ,'„,,,.... „ ~,,„k d , ~,,,,"
-centre Said 1., the Agent \V ]1 JACKSON. •th Libre. lodeona-P lid gay, Satunlal. Sent let
In street. Patoburgh. augd dno.orT tihm-- A Cratg. Sunday, tal
Kentucky- 1 .1 P Thompoon, Monday, ld
rty - LADIES ARE CAUTIONED i.G. I ,INST 1.". Kentucky-i Trilby, Tuesday. We
Oh i o -P Harkey. Wednowlay. 5.L
Then am lme how fetSMIOdY l'ttalma• 0 .• ' Ohio-Cmet A Crolig, Thur.-lay, CM
to Bee shin' ham roars, how weigh. haw s tl. I Ammons - 1 P Thoinpoon, Friday, 7th.
low, yellow. and unheolthy the 4kin op- Renter It, -Copt It 'Fraley, Saturday, nth.
pears net using moored chola' Lk- l Into
-I' Durkee, Sunday. VA
solos el is ovonoaa lea
a , Obirs-Capt A Craig, Nlondny, leth
large qoantity of Lead' , lwaistaa-.1 I' ThoMpson. Tuesday, 11th
We hoer menaced • beautiful vegetate erne :et Regatta t -Cat II I rolo,. WedneadaY, ITM .
*Men 'we 4•11 JONES' SPANISH LILY Wlll rt , ... Iteeleana- I . Ilurk•y,Thaesday, 13M.
It es perked, moment, Wang nitrate , ' of all doled,. t tn 2 o- A Craig, }inlay. lafft
ova quoletees ad It imparts to the slim 4 natural, beed• ' ~,,,,m , ,,...-,lp Th0m „,,,,, , 8 ,,,,,,i, m t.
W alphastm Meer, Itmnd whim, sel the same tone F. t . p.,,,, .ppl, ~, VP BUTCH,
arung m • roomette an the .1,0, making a son ond Monongahela House,
smooth Sold by lb. Agent WII JACKSON .9 Lett. ~,, , ar D LERCH k Co. Canal 11. ,
arty al. Ptuotretrylu fore 35 cen. nue dal ev'T NEW GOLD..
Ur Ea rm. •so eats Dtsga•as.-JON ES'S
a l X y IPCI IN IN iCK tt now constantly receir , ng his
Ma Chcaucal bony e•uma • fry, perspiration. and al Ba r . y., 4 1nel of fIA R r Erim3, OIL CLOTHS.
the mmte
amt flea e°oeelb .lea whl.". the H.° , , h.cs mama/ which may be ; found the following 4 artetiest
cling It the texture and Meaty or a- infant s Asmtnster Cm pets I Sup Cheadle Rugs;
Scram Sour Duero meet dean. are soon not on , y o e ,„, do do 'Tufted do
healed, but eared by its am, as at least seven rate, T.," do 'Common do do
mans in New Vora Snow, setto t r io It 111 race tort, . 11,.„.,,,, do .sheep ohm Mats,
and find tt unfailing-. also in , Extra our 3 ply do 'Chenille do
lellartme. IttoretiO, Faxcahas, or any othel akin J.. ~,,,,,,, , d do „ o ~,,,, ,
ease.- Tbe reader I aooured that this I. no useless • , r ,„,,,,„ ,„„ th , mei ., t e.
paled nowirum. a. one I,l.l nit prove , I could 011 Y. r ,„,, ~, „,, ...,,, 7 . 4 , ~,, ~,, 44 ~,d 3.4
inmate at least nn perm. eared of , Common do do 041 CIOI.,
Son Hun, soalo Leon •ren Ern. Haan -Buy it. ' ~,,,h , „ a . liable Limn,
and toe It •1141 the react . again moored I wohtd , ~,.. do Hue kehnok Deeper,
not ' t a t .c set, it fur the above unless I knew a to tte 1 1.., I. d ,,,, I T,,,, y e , d o ~,,,,,, ~,..••,,.
.11 I These who are bale to . 1.1, Ift 5.4 Twnel do do iftomask Linen dlr. Cover;
Cll.ltD, C.f . , an, oa Cna ran Ft.C•l4, will find 1111. • I_l, 1, Ja X 1 nem , do Jo IP. 0 .l 'a l b d° l'•
rare An, one offlrektel with .ay or Me ahem o'•'.' I-I. I .le I-4 tom do do .5 mr Rods, Binding, Ac.
tlor disease.. well and M. ott and even ma. ,•Ita.rn• G • whkh we ore two , abbe la oell lower than
ble en ets prop. neer i Man I stole en e r, offered let Ilea a ny We tnotte all omitting
Rt.. ie.. , ill ^ •.le• Ite• 4..., " w n' ..."^:', , to lb rats h Houma end at -ant /3••t•.lo rail and exam
ad he oure 'tut molt lot JONES • S lualla Chem ea. ttte our . t „. ~,ty„,„.„,,.., e m em ,„ ..
Soap Sold by WM JACKSON, II Laren, streen. ' Carpal al ~,,house, Na 75 Fourth m
Ptitshurgh. are dkw'r ~,
• ' .•‘. '•.• °' NL''...• I. • ••l•llm.- Di•solatickiiofPartnerTthip.
CRAIG i SKINNER. T HE eopormerotop of 11F:PERI HANN EN & CO,
GIIIER AI. AIrENCY Conientosion and Forward- tortne ,,, tit ,, me , t, Built ., kCa . I . the wt .,.
•••°, M•eell•el.' Na ..' Mel.° el • I''''''.o.• I'. 1 a d Colored Glow buoue., VI Ni. day ditso/neol by
fl' Prompt •net'llan Leven . tho nor"... and ••'e I llama; of lie Eredertelt Mailer.
of eal Med. of produce.. , 1 ri.,1,...-...t11 be continued Ity the understaned.
Rates tO-Itattt Wan A Co ., AlorneY , "%Boa.- ''. 1 under the firm at HENRY II ANNEN /4 CO Ware
Pettemorgh, P. 4 1.4..0n A Hill, Mahlon M•ron, ~,,,.,.. ~, to . ~...,,,,,,, at. w h ere me 0.4 h.„,,,,,,,,
Wel/smile, O. John 11. Brown i Co , Unita. Elltott A.
...„,. 0 r , ..,„„ ‘,..„..t 0m Gl i t .,..
Co.. Pluladelphia, H W Soridgra. A to. Gregg d. . JOHN II ANNEN.
fi.. 1 5, New Lisbon.° ; Fr etionet, Ilan C D. Coffin, I HENRI II ANNEN.
enema/ion, I I' Kotler, Youngstown, U, W. L eta- lICIIH ROBERTSON.
dart. Cleveleapd,o . ...r ill Potoburgli. Aug 37, 'l9 HENRY IMS 'EAU.
EMILCIrkm Ts Op 11 , ITTalii/111111 who
ars deans+ of extending their blames, to the
of of ',reit, Greene. SometroeL and ohm In
Weoterte Viritlnia. ivlti find the FAA Err E WHIG,
published at niontown, • . operated. at etr
e...airs largely In the piste.ra awn. 'rerms
Indere. auxin d.let•
so.. 48 Wood Pit labstrigh.
IE-I.I.•,:T,RnreAu,Nni'eLn:IULZIILAe.; 4 tc: h VILIIVAAnkV:I r
ell. violet., are now ared to sell .lowand
on as rea.onnht terms aseon be purchased else where.
We I.ollell Oar (hands, and the public generaltTKl
cell node...tine our stook, whteh comae. to arty(p
SCISSORS, SIIRARS, loauad, [lon. TnossuleSa,
such an lacks, LUG 0.1., Homes nod Screws, together
with every .vela Tonally lent to Ilesiwara Noma
We 110/W l l l l O auenbou of Carpenter. and Mechanics
norally to our as.ttounit of'Foola, which have been
selected with great earn, and whioh we an &Morin
ed to sell so lose ...coon. artd.karT
. _
TOP. undersigned have erected works In the city of
New York, for the of Uelvent.sig all arti
cles of Iron, which 0 la desirable to PROTECT FRAM!
RUST, such u Telegraph Wire, Bal., Sok es, Nails,
Wire for Fence., and any other article which may he
required. For Hoops for Ceske esnsubsutute for hale
Rope; Inc Clothe. Linea, Laghtiong Rods, and hoot of
other applications, neon be found cheap and durable.
They would partmunsrly call summon to the Leis...
nod Wtre for fences, at require* 1 , 0 P.., 000 . 01 0 .
rust. Also to Spikes end Rona, the preservation of
which I.
of so notch that It will con:mason
aself la Me nonce of all those 11114 rosted.
DJ. 11. MI Ole:WOOD a OIL, Patentees,
neenela set TT It and le ileaver .1. N York..
NO. 1 SAI.ERATI:I 4 —. I7 II a.,1 prenauta
Salcrato• cam's by
ttgll LFII &
k:ri.ksl4,-.711.,11.r.1, ,llat'L.N.,-
I.V 1.1. N 111 01. liettry & Jam , . I lamas:
110 .in IV /1 liraot and
Ilu do tIS Myers' top/ I. at Ann for tale
try nog:" HMI& I.EY A lIIITII
it iNINILIN VI, 11,-11t.11 Cottonott Seg., •
~ good .reel..ltot • tie 1.0
1-'7. 1,
o a. for sal o uy
au(/' 1711 on' 171 !Abe/1y st
Gi l :,',''.;4',',;';, - ,4:1;' .0. ::.:4",ft.1r:z. - gAr; . : - El4 Ol
m LIT AII GOODS —Copt, Plom.• 7.arcorcla, Saab-
E . 4,pyielslf•. Luce. Hatton, Floc, •1111 all tto
tnmmnrc.s • •
y to tqutyt solvates/ escapantes
re, coomatile• equipped m complete aryl
a haap a. door Me, at i..• Military Mora, em-
Mmlirt and Fourth ma NV V WILSON
foe mmo Ilass and Tenor Drums. 11(
Germantown malty, for male and marranted . b)
get M M
" •
" .
mr mite hy
P a tT "(..-1"'".
;NuM twv
al Ma Mall known brand*, front _
Pt. toborgtt Steam Marble Works.
Nu 244 LIBENTY. oppodm
Al artte Al mulct Moamar nts.Tomb • Table Top*.
Ame venal)' of the moat beautiful tend, made
of the (meal d uallts of romp , and domestic marble,
or.), On 11,11 d or made to order. by the aid of ma•
etddery. do the sho meat mace and at the loom. prices.
—The Coadtry Trade famished wrath all kinds
of NiorlOc at the invest rates All orders promptly it
tonded to at 244 Liberty, opposite Smith6e/d at
?sten! Sto
e 67 French Burr bbt btLT MA'
1 :/lINE—ilie I.imt •ruele of the kind In u.e, they
run helm, ries.n fah,. do the work well, and will last a
Itle nine AlKiut Nu of them are La use, in the best
insile in the coupirr. and we pave the atreiege. , tea
many nt comprieni retro,. Ili their superionW over
all oilier Alum Slarlaines. Far further bar , ii ,, 8. 1 . , ""
dress the sohscritiet at 244 Liberty et. Pittsburg!
m)01 1 01,, w W WALLACE
TEAM \F_+ AND BI)ILERet—For grilat,saw
\ - 1
not alio, milli.. always On hand. or mode to order
ery short Wilt,. and at the lowest prices. All der.or
promptly attended to at 04 Liberty watt. near
a. , Canal mei:o WWWALLACE
DLASTLA OA - MA—For land. atis other purpose.,
I always on hand at 141 Liberty at.
W IN WALLACE , „ .144
LI Liberty n, W' WALLACE
RINDSTONE.U—AiI and ems. alsrat •
Ghand at 4.1.1 Utterly 'trees.
nay3uw WALLACE.
TEASrgA - 1111
IT Is ,nth pleasure that the subscribers
Worm the citizens of rhusborgh and vt.
any that they have entnp:eted arranre
mews with Mw
e. C ient.ins a co.
of I . lld4drlphin. to reeelue their super - tor
And wt;: hereafter he kept constantly on
hand. They are neaVy and securely put
oft to theththo packs off, and Ilb each,
veldt their prnated curd—showlng the kind
of Tea prlce, name of the coneern and
depot in htladelphia, with an mynah. to retort the
Tea. tf not liked
Gunpowder 03i 75 1.05 1,23 1,50
Imperial.. 50 75 him 1.25 14 50
) Ilyson , SO 1524 75 1,441
„ 50 024 75 Itat 1,23
tlucca I f ti t7l; h rO • td s e . Ztra . lOe ''
1.11 .'" / 1,60
We 1.111 warrant all the TEA S we eon u, be equal
to, if not sortaton In any aold 3/1 thl• coy, nod •hould
they not prove acceptable to the taste, they ran be re
turned. and the money ,vial be refunded, .. it Is only
with that understanding we sell.
W may be able to
edge between our Tea. and those heretofore sold by
other conaparues in Oils city.
All levers or nen. delicious and good flavored TEAS,
should have us a roll.
For sale by 103. S 51. YOUNG A. CO.,
N W comer ath and Ferri streets, and
roylaldiSmta S W corner 01 end BMA arena
No. 46 Market street,
AVING parehmed an extensive and carefully se
lected start el' :tonne and Sommer Goods,
matiseriber resriertfally informs lo• friends and the
public. that h• I w preparing to rreeree and exe
cute thetr ord•r• with dopetch. and an the neat
most nod (outworn , . manner As ke p i
deternoned to de L.inesi on the rash •y stem, he dar
ters hirt.eil :bat he will be able to do stork as cheap
m it can he done I• 1 any estahl,shrount In Me
H. sloe Is is vaned, consisting of Crtsromeres, Broad•
eloths, 4, which his friends are respectful
ly Invited to examine (Cr themselves
myt:4:rtlf rIVAIRGE ARMOR.
O. W. tiffICILK.
1th.1.10 V RD to • hew three story bock
••• •
Smithfield street, mu door below
ath street. Teeth inserted from one
1, - ,2/11.1.1NG OFF AT 17,),T .Loot to decline
buattees, I onil sail of my stock al cost. Thou.
wishing DRY G(X)US or GROCERIES de. AC., win
find Co their advantage In rel 111 , 010 the Ist .I.Y of
Ottoher, no I otto determined to sell It very low Paces
for eASIL
FR RS.NT—Thr eoratnceltotts double Stn
Room O which 1 occupy, toreth r with a coloGariaUlt.
darelitt g house. Th. 6t1.11 I us one commanding ad
vantage, to a humness matt as Sold a. any In the city.
I will sell my enure stork. er astsuste of Dry Goods,
Grucenes, Shoes. Ao.. well selected for the locaunn,
at the lowest posstble prices, to any person dtsposed
to enter Into • comfortable business. and [Ere rowies
&ion at any tune SA EL GROVE, •
Federal street, Allegheny, abase A. North COM
morn spit Bins
Sienna Brick Works for 9....
MBE mtteenber °Jere for sale, the STEAM eruct
IVralltS, above Lswreneestile. comprtsing• •
Ste.. Engine ii Roden.dMould Machine, cep•ble of
ortnufaeturtng :Bats] I.rnared Bricks toot of do etey.
as taken from &he letnk.l per day; with three acres of I
lend 01 the Aliediteny winch are 4 kilos and
abed.. machine and clay sheds, wheelb trenors, trucks,
ottoe , s, spadtts, 6.e.. every tb.ngre In rem. I
at an hours 1101100. Free, i ncluding
the patent tight to use God, S. 000—terms
perm,nt mode, easy. \ V °hoot the land. 1113105
perucul ars. address 11F.NRY hI ERRITT.
augs:.sltf No I I s Mo..onirshela House.
plit: :Boot bolder" of the Ohio and
1. Ruh Woad Company are hetetvy none./ to prey
the Second Instalment of Five Dollars per share on or
before the trUtt reptetater.
Thr Saw 1 holders rerdtng Fennstyle aria, vilil pan,
the sad instalment to the 'Frestdent of Compeely - ,C
to. thetr °Bee in Third street, Pittsburgh. By arsine of
tor ihrttetore. .1. 1. lIROORB, Treasurer.
Sthere. U., Aug YI, 1411. ausg9,llSer3
SIOIIT CIIECKS on New Vedit; I'4.7:Globs* sod
tiedunere for we is SONS
Oeakvaes;d risme.
6f hfl SUti AR CULLED, last teeets 44 sn e.. 61 -
l/l) meet and for sale by
sp b:d3t JAS. P. HANNA . , Second el
S";Ptr llljit O ntg 121;&.it C.
Moolisai..-obriimiliell Vim Prifee.
9,lll:subscribers beg in sell the attention of Bolide.,
1 Amtateets In owners of Lbuidior, to the many
add rantnge• orb.. th ese plates pease. over all other
iennlie submanees hitherto 0.4 for roohng, Le, as
they pOSSrall aionee the lightness of Iron, senhoot MI I
liabiltty to rust. bevies now been tested for .versd
years in this parontilai, both so this coon."' and to F. - I
e loon 11010 II eapansten and contr.- 1
.To7froTbro They
iron of t healmoephesa. Man r
e u se d
tin pler, , fon. une, or any ether metal nom used
for moans. i and ronsequently form a mach hatter and 1
nabter roof. requiruis Car I.e• freqaent repute, gebßet
the b r-i rem Ls inn a vide more.
A Inn .upply of .11 inzea from la to 30 W. 13., eat-
stands on hand and for std., by
GE'). Id. MOREWOOD k CO . '
14 and 14 Bearer street, New V otl.
The paver neat los thus Ankle eseinig beenaecesed
for tee (Joined &Woe, LI parties befronging %bateau
etcher II bajoerokitoe Or ethennee, RR! be propene.
Rel, solllHl4-1,1
And possession peen imusedistaly.--A
Ma r k e t mud completely furnished STORE ea
Market at. bezug • good stand for Dry Goods.
hi SO—Several rooms suitable for 015eas or Artirs'
ALaf)—A large public Parlor, min:drably ealcul•
te.l fora Ladies' Refreshment and lee Cream Saloon.
From In mac. elegant finish, and central Roman., be.
n., t be immediate risighbothood of the fashionable
thy Kopd• mores, and adjuining Philo Hall, this room
senald afford • percrimment sand every wry desirable:
end io the bands of a person qualified to eonitum Ma
11.1.1,0011 1 111 C. in as style, would snPPIY • •••• 5
ninth felt by strange. nt itlnc Pittsbntgh and ladie•
residing in the vicinity of the city. To mica en occu
pant it would secure large
. genteel and profita ble custom. The spaitous and well lighted basement of
the buil din rill be rented with dm Saloon, with
'thigh It iv co g
nveniently connected. Foe termaarbieli
are moderate, apply to
22•4121, ea Dar Bale.
O cylinders, 4 feet stroke; 0 Railer., 20 feet loud, I
Weller in diameter, all in good order, twill be enkl a 1 a
bargain, if application be wade soon. They bare only
been In ode about lo =mac Par partienlers, Inquire
of jyroilf R. HAYS, Gazette ogee
ja BOIL 889'1!'—The =mane hoe . atm
oetepled by Mrs. Atwood, ennated at Oakland.
w, 00 acres of ground attached. The
nt.pec,env end to
and the emend well la.
proved. Apply to HARDY, .1024 h. P 00.
-Waters .o , ol
IP° r Bala-
THE nodenonned offers lor wale, eta pram , mai
den, on Goal MI, with the twenty 1413 M of
ground attached thereto
Tea noose ta in vb.' order. and the ground ennead
erobly unproved, ow-lading a large /antes ami Ina
•- •
•• • •
Ile will .1.0 eel l . if deured, the whole or eny portion
of ht. hlusehottl Fermium, !bets, Pteterec to
hillOttEßT FINNKY,
autk2s-11 No 21 Market 'treat •
lI7E Al gaTATM
A Lot of Ground having • front of 42 feet .
Fulton street, by tlai feet deep to en eltey, on
whielgis erected two good tyre story brick Dwel ling
Honaris The above property Is well Unproved end
pleasantly shoaled .d will be told vary reasonably,
(either altogether or pert of ILI if applicedou be eads
soon to HENRY B. PLAUILL, on the premises.
K -*OR but one year
builL) and Lot, on Robinson
near old Bridge. Price low and eas,—
!moire of 195 4, 8 SCHOYER, 110 nen.. st
FR fiFINT.—Tba Area story itnek LWocineg
House. on ',berry, between Hay nod Idnrbory
strewn . , new occupied by W. Graham, J. Posreasion
Ern:mins of Wm. Orainun, or ua
Book ic of
cornet Market and Thiel streets
el A THIEVE stoned Dire'bag House, being dm
second Emma from Penn 'Hem, in Rapne*
Rom, on Hay street. Inionedlate proasedaion will be
amen. &Kum of DAVID RITCHIE:, Attorney at
Lam—otTles on Fourth mreet, between Cherry alley
and Grant street.
. .
POD. 11.12121 V,
POUR new two story lines Dwelling Hoes.,
well finished and to complete order, au Carder
7tb Ward. Possession giv. July Ist.
Beni iow. X(31101111 of JOHN WAIT ADO,
tuacorner or laberty .d Hurt RS
TO ligliajlifiCHlS &ED LOaUaEJlatal•
MGR undeedgued offers Mr We in Mille. county
1. Pa., ISM acre. of well tirnbered LAN:, will au
excellent Saw Still nearly new, and two neer Prams
Houses, or. 41 feet front by 47 beeki the other B 4 feet
b7Plis t gyffe b eb eek The A .11 and n l ' s7nd l' are Gummi feel
mil. from the Alleghenl A PINE
TIMBER of th e buil yarditY, en d W. • Tut Ilu•ini
of the very twat hemlock. Alao, one acre on the MA
of the Allegheny, near s. cove, most ailemrably adapt
. ed lot railing, whore lumbar an be tufted on the Isle
in winter. and be perfeerlpsafe from all freshet.—
Dice 6.9,16 Q, or 65.0 .re. Terms buy. Wail take
IF cleared wall Item, with good house and or
chard upon .e pan payment, if lonation .
and the 'balance in lumber, or as may be .we.--• en.
Tina is . excellent opportunity for hamber
the probabili dou b le g va l et,wo or three
propert7 wil its la consequrnee
proximity to the New York, and Erie Railroad. Tim
bnSwlent wear tat severah.w milla—erut wa
it.l 01 0 1 the .Boomwhich Mall nearly throegh
e centre 0 the laud. Abend fliteen acres,. trio.
No alli to rise in It.llog lamber from mill to rider.
Tract and game in aband.ce. For farther
l., addrewipow-peidd P. 13.TRAIPLETON,
otralialkenti Gazette odic, Plitsburith
Propartfin iLllrglarair City for amt..
IHP. subunbers oder for rale a umber of chow*
Lou, situate in the Second Waal, fronting art thill
mmon ground, ..syLuqure or
W. CPII. ROBIPIP.ON, Arty el, Law, St Clair
or of JWS ROBINSON. en theorem..
TIIF subserthers will sell at private sale, moue two
q~ hoe lota of fanuoul, swotted on Tomato It,
to the 17tot Wetl4 Or AltegheeY City, elmit hoeing •
front a feet, rantung bank 100 feet In depth to a 231
fro • 19 07. Moen whieh is both n mom wall, PS by 100
feet, which contains noon enough to 90474 cellars for
two comfortable dwOlitor houses, and lo front there
ex three alaele owes, of ti years growth, and the side
walk a paced vette hack, Mt of womb will be said et
ADM Stilaburgh and Allegheny, or County Scrip,
will ha token in payment.
J h 11 PHILLIPS, No 6 Wood sty
• r to Fin. BENSON. immediately opposite mud lets.
Vole SALE—Foe loin gunmen in Um Bow
l: 1100, 100 , 11 lionnoghein. rho loos ere gues
ted on thromail street numbered to F Bauman's pl.
70. aipt tr2—Lot No 73 fronting .1 , 1 feeton 31e
ry Asu street. 70 rem deep, th e other Coto 20 feet treat
each. by re feet deep.
Trons--lomates Lout of purchase money MO 10
moot { yoetsa, seemed 6 t in For pectic ,
man: in.., of SOBOYER.
Ile severed at
Valuableinina ter at..
A"`u r roar mt too. 00.4, at rho ,moth
~ an le Byer. 'Ear cod la
of me very hest finality, and easy of eceesa. Any
another of hetes, from twentirAve to • hundred, onto
lie Mitained. Persons daimons of purnimsing, as
call no WALKER REED, the Feint.% or Wt.
Reed, opposite Mc root °dee, who will gist any ta
lon:tau. coneeruto,g the property. The oliMee vs,
be sold at U. great harmain. yarin.lian
o good bnek 13-trethng Hosts, snooks on
Robinson street, ditegiresty. Engem: of
.301.0510 N SA - 1110YRR
ra l6
L PALK CHHAP FUR SCRIP—A tot of ground
I' saws. ou Wens., runnel, el feet Ham High street;
.1 le4 front .1 Wetater, by 250 Put to Gee feet eJley
-qute close to near ooart berase. Price OHS Tarots,
/HO eseb Insult: balance four., tnrnt thra-t ,
yearn Isom the first of April lest
bloomy awl esty Scrip taken for cash paysoetab
re or a/TO AtlffOliHß. itaseeontl et
• _
96440 res °oat woad for Note,
srEtrt..uor6 the Monongahela river,aboot if nap
Ihr +Stash and 3 miles above third Leek, to
the immediate neighborhood of Mesas. Lyon t Mark,
itcol M. John Herron' parehue. This due body et
Cool will be sold al the low priori of 433 per aore—oca
dote ha h.nd, balance in five equal ann.l pomane,
without interest Tide twitspatablo. lareadon.
good--cannot be mimosa& Pew farther particulars
engofte of S. BA.LBLEX, arid, !moo draft Ili said pm.
perry, Redd.. Web below Perry, Mr. Adam.' Raw:
N. B. There is another warn of ea& on this Bast,
&heater) feet obove the lower, of eget:Bent WON B. 8..
f _
- 173eas — SfiE5 ziraldisig soma toe arm
rptim sabsenber• are atithonsed mons at pneKtie
I sale, and upon ably favorable terms, a eambitt
of very valeableAlitilding Liss, • wt•
portion of toe Lots numbered 67, CO, OR ma 70, aa
Woods' General Plan of the City of Pittsburgh, Om.
bulat the math outwardly corner of Naomi:l=
streets, fronting iflo met o the former, slut •
along the latter about NE feet to the Allegiteng 06 0 6, '
and being a pan of the Real Eatate of 5110 late Jamas
S. Steveloon, Ein.. decease&
plbn or substivlaimt of the above Lots, In melees
may YAM •b eh its proposed to sell, may be men at
the sane ratio undersgued, on Foartk betsrean Mars
o tot tad Ferry al. WILLIAMS a KUHN.
HOUSAGO AID Lure .rota
Jpg, TWO LOB on Bea•ev mewl, in the easy •
NI. Allegheny, above the appur Commons,. whlark
as erected a frame handang, two suniet high, tailgate
(or two small tenements. The Wm are stela twenty
feel in front by one hundred feet deep, Inc saiii awels
co a street forty feet wide. The holdings on the prei
Imams will pay a very handsome Interest on the mewg
meat, and the property wall he sold cheap tor emelt.
Apply to 11. Sproul, Clerk's Mace; U. S. es
p,otato. irottoos Load for 50L0....
ACith OF LAND, situated in Peebarrs Mem.
shipon the Monongahela, three miles from FM.
bargb—in lou ‘33 sun purchaser.. For birdies p.m.
atary apply ao Henry Woodsildvier as
nor. -daf 4th, above Smatdiolil
ot „ e v„„ o „.7 . , a „, e t.,B lth ,OC T S. o A ll : 6 — nl ito k
w ra wv o.=
on Wood street, incepted by R. Tauter It, Ce.
art? Whi. WI LYON, Jr.
V FUR SALItt—A L Lot of Uround situate on Pena
treet, between tlay and ttlarbary street., g
the house and lot now nerupted by Richard FAl , rot%
ttartng a fro. of US feet, and in depth ISO feet, wttl I •
sold ou favorable terms. rule uneyeepuonable.
quire of C. 0. 1.00.N115, eth &Lucas Wood.
. .
IDESIRADLE•DniIdint Lot la Allekbeny etty, fa' ,
', e ye, butted, in taw almat half . are,„
wtlPbe soli ba deco...nog ban. Inquire of
fel. J D WILLIAMS, HO wood ed
ma FOR 11.1• INT—A mom to Ma mew. stc;FA.
MYR owe.. tug
WOOL--Ttin fitgnestrpnee in elan puo I'm oteas
washed Wool, by If LII
aurid LlbertT irk
* lrstif Oß f (CT. —
ttath for fifteen den".
Lath. Department open from 0 to lko'clock, A... V...
..d i to 5 o'clook, Y. M.
Atheummtialoon and Dathlng PettabllabmeatL •
lyllt t:.:.• T ‘I'FAI .1. Proof-Mt.
1121113 11111 • Dania. Corner ofTelrOi
and Meat. lemon
_ _
INFORM their friend. sod the public tharthey lufv•
no eager Loy oouseetion with wen bus estahlub
mem In Peon meet, known at the Pittsburgh Usu..
it togremoved their outlet business to the POI%
1.1. Wile V. In Pit' sur.t. saute-. st.
atthaa 1849. Ewa
..... and seal* Capella , raciest Lana.
R. G. PARKS, Mat., ProPmaMt.
MBE new and elegant Passenger Paekete,
1. NIAGARA, Cain HII Janes
Fondling deny Line wi n bee Bear. aim .1% nat.
commenced runnine, and llwean. dating gama
r e.relar tnp% leaning Deaver
the amt. , of the mOrning boat feat Pmandrgb,
clock, 1,111, .1 &Mi. at Ene Ume fat Indelithgelli
haat. totago CT op
Ito Lk t
Tie.% throu‘h to Ent and all Lake pona eau bit
bad by *prince.. to JOHN A. CAUGHBY, Aati
tanner Watei and gatiadield en
t h e <AWR KECK,
ender tdi Marine Heti
'l:3 TAN NI:III-60u Nailed Pam. ICip Saw, j..t .
trees-red and for wake by
1 PriNS--.11. O. Viiel Patent Asmara Motel •
Gold Ports, eridt ined - eildoen essei, fastragediuslLL;
tot sale by JOHNSTON a. OTOOITTON, ..
comer Thirdaed Marta our
by 11VirrenPENTINB- -0 - 66 ft setittuet -tor aall
yiezecaosr - isurvEß3ficuA.l-2uusing.
"ItlliellrOilii 11) do do Veorrierill, lost resit awl
or elle by .111/3 lILIGLP.R A , Rwcgram
sEciAti*--30,01N oup.l. Urbana aeon, .4,ww no
t 1 lama da, various brands, lira oxi'd sad rat sal.,
Iby as
- MILL= & EICIt.1111)ZO
Ili ICE-43 ids fr - i Rm.., jag mew C H ORA L_
ji b marl
dm.; 'fig - IT LUTE.
.0 woad sb Pittanagb, two &Iwo Cks-ami