BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH REPORTED t TELEGRAPHED }OR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE ARRIVAL OP A GERMAN PATRIOT. • Nrn• You, sepp F. Hecker, the Germ. P.m!, moved here, with his family, from Hevre. He inmate! inking up his residence in Beilmde, l:!. •. ; BARNBURNERSA..iId IiIiII:iEllS ',/NITED. New You. ,15. T he Demcemin. Man Con vsntiou th rams 0' aembled at Syr/louse, attpurned pine di last night, after adopting Hunker and Bamboo:ler ireolutiona The Dert.oerane Party is now uncedh—Mere be. Mll g Joust Hooker and Barnbumer u/Sket In the 1 geld. AFFAIRS IN CINCINNATI. tr C15c...11, Sept. 15. Thomas B. Stevenson retired from the editorial • chair of the Daily Chromele this rooming. The Atlas and Cbromilv are to be united. The editorial deportment will be conducted by E. D 1 fdariatield, Esq. STEAMBOAT 1:XPLO8ION-L 05 OF LIFE. CM:1:1:0,1 0 SeYI. 15 A private despatch has been received 9orn N Orleans, stating that the boilers of the fine hoe Mug Klugeland, had exploded, killing eightee persons, and 'emitting 9 others DEATH OF DUTCH CONSUL--ARRIVAL OF GERMAN COLONELS—GREAT DRAUGHT AT NOVA SCOTIA. Burton, Sept. 15. The Hon. Thos. Thomas Dsene, Dutch Consul died in this coy of the Dysentery, lest night. Corn. Henry Hey and Vilashemp, of the Ger man Republican army, arrived here this morning from Gibraltar. They tamped across the moun tains, eller enduring greet hardships, disguised so sailors. Vessels are arriving here tram Nova Scala, load ed with live steak. The draught has cut off the eropsito such an extent that Cattle cannot be sup ported. Mach aharcSa pleVails on that account. FIRE IN CLEVELAND Lut night, at 114 o'clock, the theatre. on the COTS , ' of IVetar street and Orange Alley - . woe alieeovered to be on ate. and before the darner too Id be aulxned, the theatre. the dud tee. of Mr A Cramer. and two small frame buildotee, In Ortnze Alley were enure!) de stroyed The brick dwelling on Mr E follth of the theatre, and a frame dwertng co the alley. owned by Me. Cramer, and ex.:noted by Bent! Bingham, were partly dentoyed. The loss ts e.ltaated at SWIM e f winch about Slat was insured The theatre wa. no doubt set on fire, os there had been no pet I otntanee for the past two erenlne• St. Lams, Sept. 15. The steamer Amelia has just arrived from th. mouth of the Yellow Stone, having been out fro., this port 95 days. She brought down 1500 bale pastes, for the American Fur Company, but nears of importance. The Cholera was subsiding among the Indians. She brought Intrsiligence wore Fort Laramie to the 2Uth Aug. Several California trams passed that point on the lith, tad were getting along welt:grass was abundant. Two Indians, the murderers of Colbert', the Santa Fe trader, were imprisoned in this city yes terday, to await their trial before the U. S. Circuit Gaud in April. A destructive fire occurred at Cape Girardeau, =the night of the 12th inst. The steamer ieventie Cotter, was sunk on the Lower Rapid. on Thuradsy. . . NEW ORLEANS MARKET. Nrw Oat.una, Sept 14 The Europa's news was received here thi morning, in Les then fifteen days from Ltverpoo Cotton-hOO bsles Cotton changed hands at f • prices. Middling fair, new crop, at Brat CINCINNATI MARKET CENCIIC.II, Sept. 15. The River is falling at this point, yeah only 31 P. float thin coy to Louisville. tiFeats is dull—prices are drooping. Whisikey—Pricea have declined to 1910 per gel Lard--Sales of 300 kegs on estate.° terms. Sugar—Sales of 120 laid. at 61e. NEW YORK MARKET. Nam Yoza Sept. 15. Floar—The transactions to day have been mo- .: dame, withmt any material change in prices although upon the whole, the market is rather' heavy. We note aalesafmmaion plate end sdis. ed Western at S 5; sales of good Western and;!' straight brands at $5 15 per bbl. Grain—There is but a moderate business &anti in Grain at previous puce.. White Corn is sett mg in parcels at 60u; Yellow at 6210 per bu. provisions—The market for Provisions exhibitg . no change; if any thing it is dater. Grocenes—Tbere is a goo/ feeling in the Caked market, and prices are firm, with 'sale, of Rio id Sugar—There is an improved feeling in titi market, with inure desire to pumlime, with saki of Grimm at 51860 per lb. Lead—The market for Lead is dull, and Pig nominal. Whiskey—`cr i es of Ohio at 2:40261 per gall, :;: m0 d L...5.5.8 0. ES--80U 01.1.1 N() Mo r :AsAe L sln b4 0 ,, , 1 , .. FLOUR -39 bbl, joet . ree'ci and !or uole be atoll CRAW de SKLNIN Eli. 2b Market .0,, TWILLED BAGg.—A few dawn In store and riftr sale by sptl.l CRAIG St SKINNER.;. O . ATS--ulu touts Oats, in thou and for thin by !i ; spin CRAIG & SKIP:NEC ' CGEESE-165 bus just reecrid at the Maier aiiil Cheese Depot, and for sale tq !! ' 3 V CANFIFILD, il2 Front .3i! apzil B-5 oaks for sale by . _ _ _.. StPE LITU _ ...' . cAn ' tlF +Y.. - jLi 0 HINGLES-33000 PHI! Stng lea, nu hand and Coe .aleby spil4 ARMSTRONG tr. CROZEIV I _ . FRENsachCangriarnooiNt=eur Cilie'syy"Zar"Vet,''diteffril athletes of green drub, and blank. u : I Also, P A RbIETTOS to WI the ahoye colon, in eto ` !! try minty of quality; nno LVGNESE cLorrus, .4?.4, or( All thin desirable eoLon, no., open at Dry G l otol Month of eptl4 3.41 a mu ar HrT i .. lkgo4lllNlNti GOODS—W. R. Murpby has 4+ jn. 0p.......”m ...onxn,...‘ of Slack GoOla, , fl etuoung Momitalinea, French Marione.", Parthe4sl, Mouth d Lathes, Moaning Aiwa., and ouOr iditaraing Good.. .pLI TOBACCO —l3 kg. Kentucky 6 twtab foraM4iy I 49314 8 F VON BONN HORS T it idO litisant—trossi , . T .. REsopsrmership heretofore emaung between:Elba mbseritn-r, ander the firm of SO K, Ktv.og, .4. I; stßlit, sew dissolved on the firm day of August. .1.3 W York will pay all debts doe by the firm, eseeptMe steamer Ranger and Wee Flows. W. YORK, JOS. NIXON. , 4 mos Vi IRK .1i vdtvat• C°V7°,4,7f,',Titgi'..%ll'ol*°l aVUILETB 37-3.1.0 e9--ou taur-iSearei-luateia. A) 20 de Tab& for rale by CEO • Wa39 F VON ON•IIIOR.Frr & , - DIM-10 bra tor sale by F VON lIONIT____OH9J2._ 111 , 74 1 R-10b7rs for. sale t r y F VON BONNHORST & CO rrEA-03 hf elesu '3linoret' Powelsonc and C... 1 .3 by .013 C H Gaeta H .. tr• ROSIN-171t.b10 Rosin, Just reed by ri cratrt . tv3 .... - ____ ~; _.-- lIPA.XEICTIC. &lAA OWILOTVAING 004 9, M ANI /131Ln t A e CTU am ltet Yi d * Nr " t, '" Vin n es h ue " Flett elZ bitte, broara stud drab !Flanker Canting, Satinet& hod e Woolen Yes, which they arII sell at 'Eastern plats. Warehouse N. Ira Second st, Pittsburgh, Ps:i li4 Dietary, Neer thrall, Fayette co. Pa. irirL,t o. M.5iC1,,,., I eooel~tora; n btls b large No 1, sow 1 .;, v Y l sotl3 ISAIAH ICKY.Ir & CO. rnsiii is ------,---_ ,1. cIODFISH-1411J0 Ns - Grand Lana." to arriMrer A._, mile by qui, thtal All DICKEY kW - - 0.1 MACKFIREG-0 qr. to •rrive• fptl rueNe ' MOby _sptl3 18A1All DICKE DRY GOODS. .ti, XICMPEIYs WILSON & 004iir No. lb WOOO 80, Pirrostrastu, .1! A RE 4, remising their usual supplies of youds .' 100 to. Fall season, which may will be hippy to exhibit to their old ritsbumin. aid or tundy tiers hoes es may bet llLC'toed to present thOttliell'eS. , .1 . Always taking grew palms to ley in simh gaiOds as are adapted to the want. of the Weetern trade,'Which beg caperience enalidestlieto to do, they eau sty with Much confidenee, *ad &Moto entering into isbbstail ll of their stock, that Des Western retail merchant, wi God with hero all Malta customers ttynse. %TLose who have formed the anprobustite habit of repairing to the Eastern titles tor tame rtock• of Dry Cilsods, wou ld do wall to call, as a candid compansostiof p r i. ees would ni many call remili in the eAnstetiort that 11M expense ef going farther may be obetated ElYibui leg in Piostungh. .._ . tr Jtt,TRECEJ WED—From the Ykillipsyille OD Cloth Factory. an assortment et Snot Eururturc,',Coach Quitain, and Wagon Cover Oil Cloth, which site offer whmewale purchasers at Disdain prices. nib stock ecuslrla of the folio. too Wiriest FLOUR OIL CLOTH. .. 27t1iyard i G yd wide ta bearpAhect d Good s, lWd' a 1 tin ii ,_4 n edions o i M ~. too ~ .14 0 0 do .111) 0 14 it 0 do • - Obb " 14 " do n. _ ... . - FURNITURE GOO 4-4 Gond...! Cloth.: 3 ' o 54 Green do. for Rllkdour 421 4-4 do d, and rattci: 123 dawn .sorted TotOe I: 4 rer.d9illerld.d 11 7; 4 4 Coowsudy m•insf-tctartng sale at the .01 ludta Wood Irt. •P"' ARAS--traanded acur. ell WU and blast armed, ora-rec. § , TI bred Yarn of all Us. a, just ATOM and for ••11, nr° F VATON k CO, 0.1 „ si COIMERCIAL RECORD ...Ts, BUILGIVIROAILD OF TRADE AinIMITTEE FOR SEPTF_MIIER. MU w. W.-LACK. 7. 0701 C. PrITIIIICIRO1(MML t Monday Nlorattm. Sertemoer 1 15 7. A 1,49 S kluaiiMai on Saturday m t . quiet throughout. and pre ••nted tyie itaiernal change in any article. FLOiilt—The mart. was larguld, and very hale wutt doijSllo the army of aelfa. Sales to a hosted 00 to. welefisastaaeled from first hands at 81 `101.:3, and from stgkrit at 1g4,1410..4.73, a• to quality of brand,. RYlLol:ll—Armati, continua vary light, and the. Utile on tale in the marker. Sale* of 1 bills 714,50. oaPIE-9--Evem Ming under this head eon. lEntlee ! - 447 firm. with an upward tendency. N 0. Su. gar r• ginOve, with sig. in kh d. at Wrienc, and In bbl. an Gic #iib. For Loaf Sugar ore may quote as the outstricrit,ures,Bo,lo, Sales of Lk bbl. N. U. kio lagges4lo oak barrage, or 2:elk,. Rio Coffee. good quaint' nOntindeg Ter/ firm at ?I ilric,ot an article a Won inferior, We now gales in Se Rice ism Mir re• quest ni rietqe. BAON—Saleg of Id casks. in different 100, at—for 5w „.1,44,, GIGO; Sides. oc, and of Rama at elm P 11W14 NlS—Sales at n range of S 2 SOBler2, aceotd• tug to lijahly. CHIRFPE—Tbe reempt4 from the Western Reserve ontin4 very full, and the market it gully Sales tinges common W Rat 61:4101e. and Cream "V*CO sum:LlNOS—Rest quality:brown Sheet ing", kat aburgh maitsfacture, e sold at and esti, man' WNonatook at Ile Sp yard. re at wittre figures the demaSi is good, and prmes very firm COON YARNS—We none ne fe ther chance arid conuetae our quotaLious ad follows: 1:1 No. 13 eta per ib 20 ! • IS 1 11 " 191 19 .`' •• do OrittSS-7b. ( are I h ruling met (or the .•rititte size. Window Glenn, coy lirands 0 by 10, 94. 10 hir t ik.ll4.4os 12 by IS 217, Patent dllO by 14 to 16 by 21 00901115 4? boo F 4 the vanousoiser of cmtntry 1114.nda, the folloventa te 1.1,E established prtees. P by 10 4/ by, 1:1 ° yll .201,22 I u by 10 • •2.22 II by 12 • • :Ln 12 by ill 440 lb by 12 • 451) 12 by 12 • 4.50 04 by .4) tilthvo, or rot 134.1-11,1olla AND Ralt. Roar. Wit learn from the Patriot that at lye regale, monthly mehthts of the I/tractors of the lialumorn and Ohio Rtip Road, held yesterday, the folloWina eraulying re• pan 11,1 the Int ainees of the road, foe, the 'youth of Aug osi,laaffit, Naas made - I h ,s e t o r f e=rt o tt , tt t lt; e r a;: n t or d, a r t . d i l s y . t i Le . th: o. ety ,e n n t o ltaLt • Ili!rk, ions • al Lame. pos. • • ...... 9,ame,Lise hock. wiz 413nek. to. ••• • • •i•Op.t . P3 lon• ••• • • 440 F . t4r, bo4s • •43.P41 , 1! !torsos k Maws 11 loan 34! 43 hOrned come. Is , 10 GOBlute, •-• . • • 45 . 1 i Meal and S•ions, tons 151 Fork and Haem, •• .31 Irtid Ore 5, 3141Totbacen, Mi. •• • •a 73 LArd & Hamer. kr:a • .13!Wkoatey. t•tits• • • .1.1 Ikkther, tons • Miscellaneous, tons a:0 ,'albs mvenne for the month has Imen az follow,: Ahab Stem , ..... Waelmagton Llmmeb 515.51110 Sant uo n mtnl of 5110450.19. The drcrenen Ln the poaiang . cre. compared wsth Me. 71 ou b 1 Maul Steen. :ale SISS3 Di On Ihn Waslongton fitiheb There has been a large Increase Lu lac um. - - ,1114Pcam—The following it the elport of Specie from New York, for the week ending itti Itepablir. Maranhem, Alex. del lam *hip St. Ilenvis, Havre, Mei dollies • • • Stith Prince Albert, Loodivi, Meg. dollers litteonter Caniido, Liverpool, British tither i• do .1 do galit,,dott .• • 570.175 111,-MJCII TO. i l'renousty reported Total from Jan 1 to Sep S. ' r 'a're Cot:tr. - am'arr.—The Baltitaore Bon say, —.We hive been .boon a ten dollar ecttoterfett bank note on pie Book or Vsrazone. litchmonti Braneb, purporting to itaie been 'tatted by William Prl.gront, enghter. •t.l /itoelennrough. preaident—leltee A..number 1%1 , , o, enttsatonof :day &'44 the , Ightnnte relate/ems a •Oated upon no elevahol, with a rural evene te thekvotuad ' ACCIDKVI To 0,11,..31".16111.II Ilarega—Loa or Idxs The steamer liar's°, Capt. dredge Ftahlmes,. hound horn dos roy to .tosci/ knuffs ‘ while backlog ciot irons a wood >sod, .boat Miles ilstmve Weston. on tee 'horning of the 30th ult, r uratE her worm connecting Pipe. killing Capt. Fostiback,- and badly realthog five Meta The steamer St Joseph indeed yesterdar. with Me, pilot; Robert l,nsay. engioner, red s= nu et had on board the corpse of Cameo. F. The were three ladies sevirely i,lured—the alio§ of Boonville. and ,n Miss Tomatoes. cf Pt rlits, neither of them, howeirer. dangerously The accident occu• red about day light. je er as the boat was hacking ont from shore. Toe engine, captain and pi lot. were ell in state rooms on the larboard stile ofthe xoetal hall, and at the first roues! of the explosion rese ed out and onnaediately over Me esea,tug steam Capt yinhback hogered mod the following morning. Nicest . , ?demo and Lindsay were brodght to the city lost cv•e -',lna alive, hut troth are thentglit to be in • very critical toodits3n. The Mix. Powell. end Mi.. Tompkins were left at Boonville. No one nisei . ..apnea.) to have beer. 'serious:7 hurt The boat is in the vicinity of where the accident occurred. and will resatme her trip so sow as the injured machinery can be repaired. tier deck , suffered bat little damage, theexplor ion emoting , but 2 sTight rent in the cabin floor sod along the ...l el hall The ladles imured were On alter cabin, hot, like .ht anfortonat• officers, they rushed IMO danger h e firol sno• d. and cocoontend the *gelding vapor the tolmnt the taloa doors were opened. They suffered serve rt., - in the Immix feet and dace. bat no they did not Inhale the steam, it is thought that all three ',nil soon recover —lSt Louis Rep Fume AND WIiNNT-Huts CANDOM rsou ilia Cr. eta als•Sosirri.-Iraterday three boats reached th•• port with over 12.040 bushels of gram. and tho built of more than 3.0. 1 barrels on board, The Areher, Copt Briefly, from Davenport. larMcbt down alone, 051 bsr rels dour. 3 1(% sacks wheat: 01l sacks Corn. ow, and other crams The Doman from Muscatine. and the Kate Kearney from Keokuk. the m•kins in tbe stare - gale 2,144 barrels Boor; 4.1A1 saek• 1.401 sac k. earn. onta bran, /se; 64 barrel. and 970 kegs 11.'11: besides sondr , lot s of other produce, suMoung on to weishi Over `O./ tous prodOce -ISt. Loots Rep , Vey teniber 5 - - - Iptelt of the Dostaaratla Elarket. Batmonnt. taeptern . wr 1 . 1. Idl9 Floor —We note gales yeaterdar nt 1 00 Wria Howard street flour a. kLi To dey bbyera were offering CS, but them ee., an anwillinanear itte part of holders to operate, to consequence of Match there were no trans 'Mona of any momer, glolders of Coy Wt. ..k hot we hear of no tram...was. Grain—The itoppliel or Wheat yestenlay and to day have come in morn freely, amd the inferior deseriptiout have Gillen 01 • little In one, wtole prime lot. Fes. rain former rate. notti vales 01 ordumey to good at 9±olol nano. and red uf prone parcels at 11M411.3 cents. Sales •isn of lair lb good nib. , at 10641110 Corn has deelmed. Sales kif vrht:o to day 01 564:4e. and or 7011010 at 60861 c. Chas are also lower; sales at Wane. ProviatostWa note sales of 50 Ithds Fodes at elle; 30 Itbds Stlou al Sja6d. Small sales of Bakst:note eared Shoolders ftki Cat Western /lams at 100101lanufacturen In the world Lrincihel Office, 146 ralhatest READ THE AFFIDAVIT. 4.04 Ye.— tort. ... to Ohl. Armstrong. ol su.l ity being Aril, sworn, dolh and my that he la practical Bmaggiat and hernial That some tone in the latter ofof Mat, or tint un• 4044 • man by the name of Jaeoh 'four narsul. w hn at that pole was • hook and pamphlet peddler, called upon depopent at the hone* of Mr. Thompson. No 4/ If urret. where dopo. neat boarded and re shed depment to v. rtte him • recipe by which to make • Ps map of Samapartlla. Deponent further ray, that h. tweame sequaanted with nod Tourmend at the (Ace of Theodore Vostee. Kus . Book Publisher. with w horn taid Townsend dealt That sald Tow n.end had had '..guard conkers. Dona with deponent respect:a,. add'be mannfackure of um article of Narmparala to he under the name of Do Jacob Tow mend. Th at nmwT awl sefint d o m r a theud l h el aboasr an a nodl ds cuallres d a n t d make a tm ). o In order to !Ile easy in he* old days. and theta' Darsaparilla Yoder the name of Town. tend sold ago well. and much mone, rts mule by It her mid see no mutton Irby he nught PM make something out of it tow llus name being Townsend.) if be could get • capable person to prep.. a recipe. and mennfarturs• it for him Derunent In ems rd the Convervtions asked Bud Townsend If he was related to Dr P. P. Ton end. which he replied, that be knew Dr. P. Y. Townsend ould be down on him after ha a/ImM comments, Dot that he did not rare for Wm. as he but formed • co- partneralup with men who could furnish the requisite amount of repitel / was waD pnapancd to defend himself agunst any attack that might he meas. on ham Deponent forthei ml • that pursuant in the segue. of gaol /scot Tow tojr..l 1.• wrote mem.. lot the smolt, tare .• a al". lup m Yu - L*l.ll4llw •Dlgm r to him Daid •I ow P.m, ober, ed mat ant,l IQ make • spectre. i. 1.. et ha partner. Du their t ppros al as he 1.1..1 to gratify tbena thing, as hes farnwh , .II the esitatel 0.444 aloe told deponent that the bottle... the. wr.e to use w ory to be of the same etre end .t.ape I.r l• senat's utd ...portent at rupaut "mi Jacob Townsend •ent D. the ortwe i , f Tweewend. UPI And Doe el hot Lahr.. Anal deponera (nether no cu.. hr has been intern ed. and ',rill !whe.e• the Sirup el ,amaperalla. Dahl sa OW Jarnh Taws...end , ...near alter the rem, fur. rushed bs demmem. :a /aro, I ear nsend, u alweesud. Aryl further deponent .11,D1T110 ,1 I sty.r➢ to before me. Ili.. 44th day .11 %La P.M Vas or of the its of New I auk • Dere i. pmel r ~,,,,,,,,,, Ikr•• r Tr , • 11,11,1'. PROOF ! !! PROOF ! !! ~ Kars.tponl la orig ins I The (..1104:04, .. I nun one el the mat resimetabie papers In the Mate tat 221 TIIF Albany EV11...1214 Journal. Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla . Them ,roteehl,w. too • eon m iota,* /erne ly or 222.th0l roe Orme .. r 111 at 1 ..22W:a oaroatortlla w hob •• ertunult ant tt hoe• to he manrs. Weed to 101.2 fatal Gr. ht ' the 12. e. honeelt sod aitero ants ..eal tsal t the prew ot .on• bat IN p a Tomtorn' silt• perautt prop, -12421 the partue oho was termed tto Macho has /basted .0 Neu 1 s he he /cep. uote at I atten la to tha holiness that itenumahtte. at • that mont Ihe nolakt thrtom 211 tho rat and 2. roodoete.l 1 o th oo porno, NIT 2 len. here ad the hem o mutulat. tome, Veo of ear eitllefii ham. au oleo or the 2111044112 of Out me/ he ore that Is enattolo toes , toot gold Itc./21ea the lobo tho rotator. 11212,21 to the I utmlat Neat lotus UM/a& Mmth antetoo. •nsl torn to La my. In co oselorobt. q isolate. 11 the nanotectary they ern22l y • •lirei. les a large number al the 12.eia Ise EMILIO, I Oh , road. Ito atom/mot over ll* I. Lei Nr J.l. u 4 42m2./1 Woo Marie. Thu.. an en. morn. otanttor The groat tale the nteO mho has •egattrett hot to Womb • tata'te ttp anttettana sat there le at the 1202.2 taw. trcr 2 2/122thea hte that row 1.1:2 4 ll'num!. sera, •ellle t/ne a sr 410 E it... 1 • writ /sm. 2. 2 .:21 2 sew 1 wk. o eollot I 1 1.1 Mort.. J•c, Two so. amain/OF.. on' or. torero!, uth •2 au 4211 elitriemr toosl remeatel mortal le In such aorta to tflOokrt L ie the LT Ili To. ris