The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 31, 1849, Image 3

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ovnmacs, Aag. 3 (4
is R
Dixon, (Vibig) is e!ectO*l Comm.. from he
Western tagriat by a a+3iby of Coo o ^. Thu -0 "
too, (Democrat) F . , I
;,4rar irOVIK. Aug. A%
More - thin city.
tug. 30.
The captain of shiPtna..- Havana,
report.. that Rey ha beeli",iliberated from prieuq
and sent to Nem r leartr;:having been delivered
up on the repraen none of j the American qtin.
Lams, Aug. 30..
Intelligence has been received from Fort Lams
micy to Aog. lat. F.:
Sickness ceased amongbr . ! emigrants after nail
ing Fort Sioux. ' ;
The Indians bad sofferid much from chat*,
sad bad hada exasperate ipinut. the emigranta
gsr introdumng it nmongt
youngCbeye-nne, at Egoitje Blurs, who hid lost
several Ailed. by the eholetg , tilled a an an by the
name of Melbwcll in res'epge, sod was hong 6,
the inane:
The cholera li si Tr tori, and
ea cholera et
la quite GuaL
Another tint took
which resulted iu th.
Howard, who was I by Landadovni, is
bass, and hopes are eutieii ad of his rees4,
Aug. 30. i
The Penosyltrazia Rat? *
a, from Lewietogfa
liarrisbmg, will be opeSitr travel on Saturday
Deit. 'IV •
MillYana, August 30.
Flinar is in moderate detnand.
Grain—Cori:Via dull, isEtS. %thew =alone! ateh.
Whiakey--.Sales of Olga*hiakey at Hie Or
Couon—Sales of fair (Moans end Mobile Cus
tom at
NEW YORK IbIARKET. Yana, Aug. 30.
Flour—no market is Without change. Fur
common grades Eastern aid home demand is se
r7 moderate, and supplant are light. Good brands
are also scarce. Sales cot:in:non brands a I. at
$5.4355,b0, of straight brands at $5,500.5,62, raid
of Ohio at 0,7.505,81.
Grain—Corn Is dull, at *S6L for yellow, and
58 1059 i for mized.
Groceriree—No change 3C Moleages. Sales of
Now Orleans at 22c per gabbil. toffee, condoms
firm, with talcs of 1t at : of Java at 83, of
Lags:arra, at Walk, and of Maracaibo at 71 per
It- Sagan are to good domed at a alight !no
prcrvement. New Orient:reSugar sold as 41011 e.
Proviaina—Salim of Mein Pork at $1.0,62, odd
of Prime at 18.93 per bbL.
z; N. Y., Aug. 27.
FATAL Erma!, sa.—lrt Erin; a salute from the
I.7mted States steamer Michigan, this morning, M
holm, of V:co Prendent Figtreere, a erumon used
upon the oceesitm nnformdately exploded., by
which a men named Gilherl was lolled on the
spot, three others were blcitid overboard, and an
other bad both hands b10ur011,.,1 he Terence re
ported to have shed.
T.a Ltrm Ctnonsigm.— Dr.l.l"Lane, the inventor Of
the best remedy for that fearful which has ever
been armed to the pablia, describes the snap p
tome indleato a disci* state of that Import
an.Byt ergp:
fr .
rutoma oaf ikeased Liver,—Pain
In the Moist aide, under the edge 'of the ribs, increase
Thpreesura. Sometimes t 4cpmn Is in th e I efi side
e pnriitint is rarelrable re, • lietn the left Ode. Some-
Umes the pain is fell ender tho boulder blade, and it
frequently emends to the u the shoulder, and Is
Othaefilnall mistaken fora oh V.:Masai In the WI. The
marestrigis +articled entbiosa , pf tvpesite sad tieirrel4
—rho bawl. in general are e ostler, sometimes alter
mrieewflhlar. Tee head Is proubled with pain... ad
coeval:tied with it, heartr.sensonm io rho back
part. Them ge nerall y a baidemble to., ormetrt
orr, accumpanled with • pain ammirlan of haring
lea andarto sameubionewideh aoo t have been don&
A slight dry cough is somettaleit .an attendant. The
patient complains of wearimig,ll and debility—he is
easay siartMd—lne feet ate rot 4 ci•O' horning. sad kg,
complains of a pri•kly mins MM. ad the Min.
spirits am ler, and although bo. to .2, tialted th at czar •
mse would be beneficial to hi bu i ',el he ea. Leereet
summon up fortitude enough to try it. in fact , he dm
• '
musts eeetT remedy.'
Yon. ear or all of that. ym sl Call and
purchase bog of Dr. liPliarsh i i Pi p t
Is. at the Drug
`Stem of ausalieiS J it co
runtime L. 03 BCDAI.—P reyibml L Y 1. IV. ga 111
Villimm street, N. V., and for To by A . Juror.
711 Fourth meet 'Ma will I.s Glande d eittnUftli !•rt.;
ale of bevertme m butane*, a oil Raritan's elf tar "..
Banantlallbritsaa—An imp 1134 ' .6 Chneol we prepara
tion, being iefeonattiniuma of cimea nub w twee., lo
viroratinparel palatable, bi ghiy reemomen and partic
ularly for umalida Prepay id by. W. Hater; Dumb. , "
mr, Siam., and for ale by it.ilitiYNlA uth e
Tea Store, No. Si Fourth e . neltla
lir A gentlemon of Pitt &Marl, woo bad fallen Ia
an open cellar after the ...Cr rest Fire," sr - o.ot hs or..
cic so severly that he ono anal,lnlo refrain :rote cry..
tM oat with tbo pain. A f riendorbo had been *mai
B. A. Pal:magnet Co's 'ltubef'demat and.been orro
of Rheumatism, gave husk what remained in th e bode,:
and although his limb was ptatiy swolienhe um
completely restored to b clack. m twelve bolas hod
treed from pain. This lerd eme b( arrest bomber of
apes which bare come andoe the observniron of ape
proprietors. kropstre d and by
B A F - INESTOCIf. k Co„
Prrntatneue, June 6,1849. •
hln. T. E. litsehur,Dcar BM 1 huge n., berm•
using your AVM. is Fluid endlted Lek far near two,
pima, mei find nem the beet erkr pin a pen it.. I .
think we mut get Meng . ..Moil any nuponed snider
in the ink line hereafter. Tome, respectfully.
For sale by 11. A. Futinestoth & Co. Pittsburgh; IT.,
P. Schwurts, Alleghenyelm chithy the menufacturer•'
Thomas Y. /libber!, Druggist and Chemin, corner of
Liberty and Smithfield suams,rittsburgb, Pe.
Light Idgire II- laght I
Tom, celebrated b.rolajr add alto mow bo hod,
at the Konaotn Lamp Stant, .No. ha Third surst,
between Wald and Market.
For • portable boon, light It tut. tbe preferenee k
of the eastern cities. berag perfeetly safe and thew.
void of smoke, 'ream, az any of the disagreeable at.'
cadent. to lights now in COSOSISCIi use: also, a beanti....
of akortmant of kettp•of the latest pollen. for bran.
ng the same. ./Vdtdeltno: V. 1. DAVID.
d, cr St. Clair worm btp, Aileaheny creamy, c 0....
ACHES, with Dwelling Hoop glum. 3e ., thereon.
The quality of the land la cacao:, and nu onore n i.
e e renders It a Aoltivinlo location. H.
not led put e ns to the fill. September, Will
Itta , Wo l laitred Public &Felon tho yrentlyes t at ,
For taxms arnpuiro or JOSESi BOYD, Middloton,.
Moon lovarAlp. Allegheny to , or
7110 S-Al. ALABSHALL, • norney at Law, •
lyiCtltaort. , Mk at, Pittsburgh.
Iron W.ii!it tot& EMI Property
for Sale.
IWISH to sell toy eilloproperil, containing .boob
1000 acres Of good fermi rig lane, nearly all enclosed'
with good Mutes, and in a, good stale of coltimtion.—.
cdr winch &roomed Yam tice.,iFerge, and G ri st Mill
with 4 pr. Mates, ealaalam 1 to 40 droth merchant and'
country nodi and a Saw - Nil all Lately put in good;
The 104.404 is unequalled, kriming a home eviritel:
for every 'Utik seranufmntreck I'M will command
Yinsbarith and Amend Rock Prides, with the addltion•
of height.
Thscontemplitted Rail Road Yroin Zanesville to Co
Jumbos, out pass very nen r the lororka—rarbich
aid ven 2.11C/11 in procuring strauX from a dikance, if,
Tao Airmen and Forge aro Mt one ride or Licking •
meta, and rite Milks on the owes, 'Muni:mt.d by a good'.
substantial bridge arid, sterse.p:ers and ribetmenul..
Them Is a =Ulna ' water dill of In feet 10 inches, ever
a redid monk folindatton, rend is coriatdered one of the
ben 'renter sites, for manufseririteg purposes, in the
I r:l' mU all together, or lel the {creel divide, end
diva. of the Mills with a. mfbetedey of land ou ono
doe, sad the Iron Works.,, theMher.
If not wild by the gnu et - atm.:Mei nett , I will Mau
rant the whole dogether, or eepyieuti, as above.
To yang. Overpamy ing eme I
men, (In ti property holds eat
tlarev uoyipro
4000' ttrfweif
My age admardeniee. emyltut it id quite time to wilt;
(0000 &olive &mutate. 1 tberefore offer
the whole of lbw very valuable preperty, On very no
nonoble tering,
A Moan Pam ably seol4 be requmed to hand, , the
balance on attendedllme. .
ta,kio, Walls. 4 males from kwcaving.
. lylkamtOclicdlarriT
AND ART.—EA/ma b
ul C e a , P on r d o ofeleasor of
P•DDR I3.i..e in '' 4 ..Pr c,
windrows Dv fire handfed. etert.ertgoasludw compiled
J. 6. tu a. Tho c0.3.4.1!0r1t will form two vol.
L.,of te2l r loaf MO aliment teltigwe of platem will
receive RPM. R/W.lhas can be bouna in
„„. mo m In .4 Me lane nod emorenb
„.....worehawee. The wart <WII be published us
~.m . / L lZa r .,,,,ahly pasta, vonhtebentg In the Womb
of Peptember,3sg. Foth n partorill coat of ,w•gy
Clatty large daorm .tell lzp. , ,L,g. o f
B . b ..,.i rt i on !wagon larr-Lar
,oPtnerl. All prep..
Jeri eveabgementeldwa b/T also! . to secure Mc red.
ulaocontiostedion of the PPeetoten plow,
°leach dues nterenneica= on Pe
f r i. o d, of ggi.eee, iilegatuee rand the ens, ors Invited
to con et the Age...oe n d exAmtoe them.
The i coom ,„oi n bkteyelopedor will be printed le
the finest Style, on fine pobov, add trill erwer upward.
or 1900 page. Idrret royal octavo, the whole adapted
to mac heal age by complete indexes and mblea ore.,
emrt7 , el Wood gf
OIL pore— crin;
Oil azinsaiorr, , "
Oil Liotiorr, , 4.
Oil %lob:mean,
Cod Llyer4l E Vreared: for rale by
m i . " 0 11 co, 14 Wood et
9 Nandiy,
au illorsday, .......
Pruixy, ......
armee, Pmreatreco Gezerte,
• Friday Morning. Amptst A , 1849. j
th reviewing tie operations of the market yesterday,
welean notice no new femora in any article. Every
Mile remains quiet as per last quotations, and inlet
are:confined to limited or retail trenaaetiona.
FPOOR—SaIe• co:Minna light, being mainly con
fined to the regular hams demand. None is coming
forgrard at present, and we can time no soles faro Grit
boas. Sale, from More are confined to regular deny
bad lota at $4,7004,74 according taquiliity.
MAlN—Nothing new has transpired under this
heat. &apogee are broiled, and quotationt mostly ed-,
mi,4o,,.y—for Wheat. RIVP - Ogc; Rye. 50e; Earley, 3.9 c;
Corp, Tile, end Oats 93920 c faun snare. ,
PROVISIONS—With the exception of Bacon, very
lialg Is doing to the provision market With a firm
ma let, we to quote plain bacon ham. at Or
forltem q. prime prime bagged and sager cured hen..
IOW: shoulders sold at ne, and macs at tlfc Mb.
Couhtry mired bacon, In loose lots, sold at a single
rethiction from the above meg
i t ._ Th e market toilettes ts comiderahlo firmness.
at f ly rooted rates, say—for Salmon Sig.:A A:nacr
e! bla. 2, 37,110 p bbl for old stock, and sto for new,
No. 8.5,73git3 for this, and 10,25 far half Lbls Sales
ofllhrring ar 85,591014,,V1S p bbl
4:ATOM—The market emanates very firm, web
8•16 of New York sale leather at Fob Ore, and of CM
timeire sole at 2fg3le p lb.
s TPATHEILI—The market conunue, qmet will try.
til4more sales at 37efi114 p 0,
Aug. 30.1""
lam night,
louse of ill
OILP—We noe sale.. of Lard 011 at 56457 c. um
seeti n. very seared, and held at 75, if , sail Sales of
Tamer's Oil at 1117610 P bbl
FRUlT— i. doll. and sales lnit.
ed. L. for Peaches 31,515, and for Apples .50455 e
LibllEF.—Wenotke further sales of Soda Ash at :14
4:434;u3 , 31e op lb, ea In quesltty. Sales of Salm.. at
{le Oe .
W,ool—Priee• ecattinue steadily advanet, stud
the tdlowing may now be gtven as the present rultog
do • • ..... •
1 do • •
Vull Blood
Mime • •
Spirit Of the Domestic Market.
New Charans, Aug. IS, IslD.
Ofegsr-We staled in our hat renew, that. owing to
light reccipm and a steady redact,on of stock, paces
had unproved daring the week id* bent. The .me
causes ha. oceartioned • Dither advance. enabling
as to raise marque... 1 cent The week's trunnac.
lion} anted to 310 hide, and include 1W bbds on
Wednesday at ir foe Common, sod 41 for Fear, and Int
on Thursday al 41 for Fair, and 3 cents for Prone We
nowsluo. Inferior 3331, Common 31041, Fair HOD,
Mr. 9231, Choice (1, and Clarified 510 Ge. p b. We
notiee farther sales on phicitallon of a crop of We hid.,
Fateto Prime. op the cos., at 41c.
1110lasses-The common toroth. ceriume eerleneil
and jansc ha prices from 10015 coats Re-bulled is in
Mnderala request at leratik. Arrived during the pact
week, VD Lb.. Cleared (or Mobile 23, gay .n. 5 3.1
Coffee-Thera has been le. dotngto Coffee not
Sek, but the stock bring ninth reduced and in the
nds of our 0 , two holders only, pores 1.. been
quite firm at 71071 c b, the week's sales, which
amount to about IMO hap, being chiefly at the ou.ide
rate. The steel: remains in beer hands a now about
MOM hags.
Caton-The following embrace,. few partitoll.
thitt have transpired of the week'. operations-c,
et 33 mg, 19 l t 6,31 at 01.83 at bW27 II 91. az 1.5.
13.91,14 at el at 0, 36 at hi t at n, at II end 37
at eke it.
thee-There have been no receipts of fresh, but we
understood that llama salsa, to arrive. have been made
01 440 pb. lotceote tom sell al 31331 e p 10
Floor-The sale. den.. the week bare trawl eon
finad alumu entirely to small parcel., fur which led
ma. has hero 84, 4 71135,1e1 for common Ilhnota and
eine. brands. .d 113,508040 (or intro Pr", choice
St. Lines .d Iliinois, 'anti Wanda in limited parcel
occuirmalhe hanging es high as St,l2lfid.tis 40 Ltd
Grain--We harreagain la entire a honey market for
Corn' Mere being still bat little capon and t h e
week'. aeiea which amount to about fl wicks being
at it Cange 0f401548e, though for a few days /leek 41`10
43 At. been the ruliartgures for good lots of
and iellow. Three is still scarcely nay Wheat erne.
ing, and no itale of arty impala.. has come Oats oar
knosiledge donut the weer . The receipts of Oats
havelfeen unasuely large fare day or two bank. and
pricil4ave declined for lots on the levee to 203685 e far
ord parcels, though prime St. Louts occasmaally
brings; 3.31740,-[Pri. Current.
Ibarroa, Angst
Cadto : a-The market continues very hem for this ar
ticle and the favorable adv.n past received (non
Great Britain has further sullen. the views of hold-
Tie 4 sales of the we. have tie. to small lots as
wan d for immediate..e, addl. up :Whales at A doted
Thd total leccip. of Cation at the different ports of
the cartins7, from 'slept 1, 184.1.10 ate
tal 1
a 1.717
Thkcapor. timetut
year ''''''''
• **-
To Gicat Britain
Fiante• • • - .........
Other forage pons... .
Total 1213 110
kdock on head 1111.343
Doibesoce-There has heea tonte an act,e demand
al lap, and inanana insiances a shade higher one.
Expensed since our last ports, bales-mad cases
Sore January 1
Total 11,32
PIA-Codfish have been in fair - demand from the
mat* mum eur last We notice sales of MOO tits at
83.24f0r large and BID for ,mall, loose. For capon
e aMice sales of GPO Vs Haddock at 131,60, and stn
qua small c0ati.h.122,t141. qtly peeked. Hake ha ve
beeeikelt. et Sin/ons! Haddock .0 01.003 a SU. la .
Thedent, In telt.. to th e catch of filackerel state
that ger! few babe been taken far the pato ten data,
and Sis has given rather an upward tendency if, pones
p.tidularly Pe sod Ws The waltz since oar last by
the fdre have ranged from 512012,60 for No I. gt,7slir
11S Lot No r and rag:IMMO (or No 3, the market clo-
sing Arm bat rather Unsettle, In Ales.. toales here
here Made at 452.01103,75 AP bbl, cub.
..Ex&irted mice our last
bah, ........ 2,219
kAaakerel, nee- -• ••• ...... - .......... • -I.3nt
mfdr Meal-Pr.. remain without change, with
s alca ire iiledrau and Ohio fiat Loop, straight brat.
al ga44 ,0 3,. " 5, came. brands Gl.esee at 15,13.03.671.
end fa c ,• and entre brands Genesee at 15000,114 , bbl,
oath. tl n t lorn Moat .we nobce sales of a few hundred
hhl. tEie m e ov at 54,37403,M, and small Lows of Rya
Lat ine
e.11 , -(Shipping Lin. •
NEW Toss, Aug. 17, ISt,
T et number of p,vkalce• and vain. of Dry Goods
101,, this uric, entered at castor:Moo..
ididfawn from egg ,. \ooze, .d entered for era..
booth*, during the Week' celing ott the Da Ist, ha.
been . [odor.
Entenid at the C.torehartra ,
Packages. Value.
itantriketures of wool
a of silk • • • - • • • - •• • •
do of dat a .••-• . • Dg 178,3.3
do iniscelb. 400
th T
Witikawn from
hiattadacuires of wool
al cotton
o of
Total - •
Enter& for Warehousing:
Package. Velar.
nunaiamares of wool 265 871.433
01133 033
go of silk t3l 41,432
go uf g.• • ........ - • • • . P,M3
Metal Market.
. •
Livearom, Aug. 10, 1041.
hinde our last report the demand fur manufactured
iron his been eed, though peraaps nut su maitre a. in
tae peavions week. Pace have advanced, mud ate
ter 10 be folly raminsitied. Common bars are qtameu
tft o Wet , ' too ano nail iodif.o-b. base lam e
has nth been much
!foliates in Pig Iron, and pecan me
&myrtle; =tied nambera are quoted He 40 main Ulm
ho yhange in Lead, Tin or Copper.
Cattle !Markets.
liaLnerola, Aagasa 17,1E49.
Call,e—The °fel:large at the *wiles to-day reached COO
head, W which 4110 +ere sold to any butchers uld
iv re dneen to I lutadeiptua. Pneca ranged ' from
W. kan...tet the hoot, a tyal to 14176.93 net, sad a scrag •
504 jr taxa
aosa—vit quota at 11.00.—(American
1 t Rawllaaa for Bale.
PAIR niCOND / LAND ElattINES lo tnrh
ders, 4 fee: etrote; I Ilenlera, tytt feet :o .g, 3
lneltet;in diameter, all lo goo I order, wtll be sold at a
barialo, if applteetion be wad a O. Tbry hare only
been la mo about In Months. Per putbealara. :moue
of i iyandll EL "AA , a liege. °thee
...t rr
r 0 EARIst: TRIP ils
OLl.:er Polww, a newly
entetal atilt...ate for C.1=3., Rotten turte ,
Uouge tee.
lea have found a Invaluai .1a for thri. s.:orer
an l coarser wartrin abort, S. remarked :, the
"Emien(ifio louencam, 4, . an erne. tt ate ....Of ~1 the
•011taliCCP whirl. bore Imo
m pail. Guess
and Ramis, mina Can equal Mat subs.. nee known by
tbo napeof Tripoli—thus is a snytentor untie to that
Asa Waugh, ham luily by Otte Veuellane, awl men by
. 1 . . d.: A
_ "' P 4 . . i i t 1'
" P"Ynd".oo.sll:4"t""kl°.V.°: '
1......, .o nr an er pel ty ta ' sol ' l 'h y and every y w ' t ' abop. "
For file by , IL kl tilEilsbiltlll,
me 10 , 67 Wood w
var. em.oldwricm. Virca.TrUt Sigh
lL ly ton, balsamic and tonic propanies of this
Vines render at far superior to Cologne water for
the ord try purposes of the toilet, curpawing the lei
ter in as perfarta. It prevents and removes plcap:es,
tenor akd aimed ty of the skin, it rafriahes and ernitens
the skid, render) ag son and .moot! . It corrects the
clammy and hit art-m.or the mouth, imparting a frosb
latlejtmt oresth. It cleanses and whitens tee
teeth, ,mt abard nes the gams. For all the ease per
ti is use! with water in mien ?rope...lion as suer
col most agreeable. labeling and minims
it on th tempt, 0 , 11 rectors will reors headache. It opplied
Sums. to • C•urn or braise, it will eventually prevent
tantinG4ation. It corrects vitiated on, cod guaranties
!tura co - vast:Mr n it Is therefore very useful for penfiing
std Perplems apartments. For sale by
h, SELLERS, Nl , bolesale prekatw,
'Fri ST Wood street. I lostnargb
bx• loosen elsoiscomEd tios,ul tos tto
CI I dfi do; lu yenow 4o Po• us mote pod for oue t,
..413 hat.L.Ka a RICK Kr ..N
Yon., praolo tsocoo .1. sun Jo. e
dw• Ni`o” , ders, uow ready int
107 H MT111,1114 , , , V. irat
CAA*. a WATS IsALE— tun .eouott rana.
Mag.' and IToIJ., In foe order for been
:,wag manly nnnr, nos Inn; w llartn at Buoy..
are ranted for stdoon urn:an:am - W.lldg
terms. ipplyt (SAGA LEY fr. SMITH,
anti 2 and Wood 51
:'Lotris MeLute, Bennett., Brownsville.
!JR. Wightrnan, - Elisabeth.
! r ;Peytotia,-, McKt-
Doddringe, Brown eespor sville.
? „- Rschange, anawden, Cincinnati.
i!'iLottis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville.
Wightrnan, Elisabeth.
', , Teytoca, M i lieespon.
if.'Toaciareira. Poe, fin.
Ariadoe, Grabill, Brownsville.
Doddridge, Brownsville
. i iShipper,-, Cincinnati.
f: j 1 6 0 4 4 1
Y.? 1
a 0 40
517 U.l'
6 fl 6 C
005 6
3 26 001
RlVll3.—There were 21 inches in the
chcianel, by mem! mark, last evening la dusk.
Louis McLane, Brownsville, r, P. NI
rot nwtompfrt.A.
X. D. Leech& cea, packet km.. 9.p M
Fon rild.l.ll,
giN.. }JAM, & Co'. Ca.] Pxe o'rock
i r 1 2P '077: 1 ,7:1;, ° L1t:;011.5"...
rnb^ `t'3 poi r of ,n.c
.43 , Ounts Fancyflffrent F4xe
49i Nowspnocr Co.,
Iho. ruL to ord.,
, . .
iti , keg. Prop, News Ira
w & ern I;;eawd to Worm thew
Ej_.leusiorners and the pul•he at ;urge, that lb, have
on Wind very ext-wove mock of Al AIIOWONI% . .
41; 01, wood nwahy kep; 1•7 the ...kW. whwn
tollowmg onowal Inw
r.. 1 prtet,. rtt
ZOO ft of as Veneers. from to :het' , per ;a
Bonnie :tsid Plant n;
51,30e.1 4V00.1 Venerrn. from I to 3i fl
per N.:
ritt,Onli 11 Ror.wood Ventura, from 2 to b ets.
•ISioto n , chase •!I thickness.
WJi.leel coati dent from oar long experience, the :W
-91114,6 we 11¢VC to tOrpaqs, and ravine, that we
MeV:always be enabled to keep on hand • stock of
theeiatit sane.), quality and finely 66 , oraii wood, lei
the M 7 / 0 .' 0 . , market pnee..) seined to Me taste ei
the tErtiA fastidious, that may be pleased to faro, us
ara.c.:their patronage.
AR th orders promptly fille:id A liV r e s4 arzf r :U:: l 7l.
Itt On are rt. two doors North of Canal M.
ALPAtckS., It Murphy Jostles the
,cittention of buyers to his superior assortment ol
aboini Goods, from learost pneed v Ihnest—plan, sa
tin alimed and sato, barred. ataw fancy do. in reat
rarid4 of styles, at north east corner Fourth and g AI ar
ke sta.
J 1 : 11.4 F-4 1) LOCK %Vol W. 1300. s yyjny
4,61 Wood arra., wtl: Rare I'l a lew day. fur N.
No(N.'ltotton, .to attend the Trate Ynitkes. and tart I
be hisrpy to execute any order, for Books. hr_ v. bleb
a4F. eatrusted to ant mug.,
poLEy-121,6 oarley. now lanthay and for *ale
soon 10h1611 IllttKEY d f`lir
of the Ponta.
BrEnglan 1 and the Ptlsmm Father., complete to
I sog:; Loyola and Jeausurnt ar Rotuma., :Pr
IstranVrayler. The Goan. of theft... or Signet,.
of *OIL.. Scenery, Lnerature sad ReIICIOFI. by IR a.
Roligti Tomball, Ott canton The [Lahr) of the
CyttyYh England. by II atop Short. Er.ten ,, s G
pel tuna. harder Warforre of No Tort 'rite
Mottoum of the It-hle tyt.t Bat, by CO.
ntach , 3t. Cottage Leeturer. or the Ntlatm, Pro, .es.
Praia:rally Es. ol•mcd, ;molts.."ll Am S Upton.
lliatitronuer. Vegetation,t tvoll.ett by Am S.
1:ottyyll For no by ELLIOT!' tr. F:Yst:I.ISIL
, roal
A hiAPI IN h. CO offer mar
a Ise
Sill. at ntatern wno,e.a.e rata. for few dot
Outtstock compare, noh Tore Nampt. Chatne. nb
heattni,Broatie. satin smite. changeable. Vaal r
Uttar/Sint, ..rn• .1c Rhine. he AC
chy2p One Nat, Ptae, 00 Market at. sugth/
. • -
Thi, THE reßnicriSer, who 6ns heen in bosaiest
.. in the son, building for lb. lair gni - leen ynnr.,
is %/Hine .11 desertpttons of nor Gold .01 Sr:-
Trr Watches, J•rwctry, and Stirrer Wore, al
re4.6i thr• ver, losrezt nees.
(r .. eit and Si,•er P.:ochre p Scent Lrver Watches
1.04 trd St l vrr 16,'Ld Lover and I..epin• Weichns
trartrond Slicer Unmoral] nod yew Waiehr,
4,14 and Silver Independent Second Wittehes for
lining hor,.
11,112.1r0nr11, ors,.
and ...In:tint Gold Sptetire,es
11,114 sod S, I.r P , -neirs.l.oll Pens
Lad*, I.OIJ nnA Stn ..c
Niver riutut.,e
, o mod kt,,cpr,
W 6410... 41,11 c vrrtry '" ezr "I.
Spoett• anti For . . e• pi•trd I..rtulan :illy,. • l...tte
adtArle. All •••ttn ..arrent,ll./ keep< or
the money rrturned Jewett,' repalrml. •o.l•Va•che•
elen“ro and rrpwit,l ....c tc•l mannrr. more Irs•
thanl.:Eo l• ALLEN,
Imjnliner Vdni. t•• and ..tdna.• and
Mall, Wall stmt.: YORK
itt'Flß MILL MTIINie,
A e... 1 to Pm.te ind e, coatroom! or but Caw
Ehort.• and m Mrpe neson.
- meet, the team the ktod. a!waya or
, I hand at greaVy redared pnee
Burr SI.II S tones of
! llmy o% reastalamure, made of a neve
mad supenar qual. at work.. 'bees
• flare.
Otto,ue under ism oven %arena
eedariga, sn4 are ts taken to ma k, the
*nu clam. and to ha , e at Me Works in earn stone
of n unison temper, the, are warranted to he of the
eery yaohly, superior to moat introrted from
FratM and alma .-tremor in me •re I mass of Mom
made 111 this enutter..o.l a, !c.c... lower than have
4a' re 1 ere eiter, M.. rotrket
lim M... Plor.e.a. a.. 0,1,4
J , 47 ,
1.5310:. 1.191,01
161965 379,151
311/.034 =HS
- . . .
ji,„Mf-O, Cif,Ms.n ovrm.ors. the Leer wor
raramt W gm.- •a:m . .mtsun LA" purclaret. oml
fremir;redum d proms
Mkik.lfpoodick. Iron, vorowa •od tr. Ploi
form C.v.. and Cor irovirr:• 1..r,0 ow! Vow
Mal Cestomo (\ll mod, M.'l ForomMos
oral C.
- 19.,1
A 4der• rrtnlncro.. v:1rm1...1 to at 444 sAd 2%1.1)
eTIyC64,II:, l'Ezutaurro.
urns rr Pdrrsayscti r..a COX,
August 1 4 j
A m ilf r r. held a the
Corp4y. on !fPrrlay, fit Mird day of Septetal,rr
re, bp,Pares, LI, Lour. of laud 4 P , fur the pur
posr oP?ireunr prrsons to set, Thlrict,
pasdr: - 4nPffuY fur tbs.'s , Yff , sfs.
laugld:ter /AMP'S NI CHRI , TV Trensuarr.
rA... Poets for the Public.
Wrciatioit in Mat unrivalled ivorliy 83Ive,
a revprietaiiln Phyrivian - [lead
Orefolinarinv. aiiiirevved in my Arvni, r uer
ral r1NT,141 . 1. e'ett litto
Strt sea. of duty [Donato no to akar Int. trittnte
tn Dalifty , Pato ttstrfiesta r litrtng optatott tn year 1.
erT .alt no•trutn• tom'cur for their 0nt0... .tat•ter
snout/ea.-out r...d141,1K notch 'mad trent the - Kin, of
Kffterit't—l a morticed to tender roa rert
cam otve harp, in my 12..0 in my procure...l
wile AU the and wonderful mot ronl4
po•ubt - 5 be inanditted. NI Lt.
use .codes pamtter of linalm ta Last,
hvbxramatory Rheutrustvm-
The.kloanm testimonial rooms from • murre fa:
nalltar n many of those travenna on our %V.-awry wa
ter. gtr !tame, the tacit and favorably Itno•an you
lnetur;dff the Parter•hurg Hotel, is husband to ihr
ady eMost. letter I annex
Pat...son.. V., A poll Iffiff
To rttnry I.4llcyt Chemist, km.—ffir: flaying for
merly Neen lotia afflicted vettit molcut intlautmatort
Riteurnib•in. which appe•red an firmly seated Ail to
defy alkitrtltnaey •ppltancrs to al." 1 vern ram
ittleTutjit It, I ••,.• irohiced to try your Mag../ ffmo
Etatrafftdr, and .1 I havto, effected, almost a. 1t by ms,
gm, .linterdtate relief. end alt.. w atl appearances
. rut* and red: et rum. I ern Inducted for the hen,
lit of differ. who may let valirmd vault pain.c.sed by
.y aitiP of intlannuation, to writ? to you, destarmit
that iff,My , ol.lololl. /minded on ac . 10. , 1 „ 7 . .• , pe a, r , t fr en , e , 0 ,..
your ,51,1Ain /.2.../tra.MOr
o`'sriLl'ir 9 2 , 6 , o ,. l ' l l", "IC .711'.C.T1 0 ,.2,.."..`„dr°,:,7
fdet effritt Pores and defied., and all external tn•
2 .2'.
Package•. Va
111145,1.11. i
. ~,, 156
• • • ..... 654 6154,605
iCoprier and Enquarer.
flatig many amitituntanee• tartan(' by their roms
et my Na.iband'n hi”el in Wt.plaee, I ba.m
by yoa.Orbownm them I tics° rewl.e., it may plaomly
aibtacht bota m them and your.elt.
hz."-seirrn Bums
[I ent'nu e hope that Mrs. bins will pardon the
publicity I give to Ler letter, as well on the sear,' ot
hutnard.V. as of as being the surest male of bnbc.nS
to the rouce of her frunibi.—ll. U..,
Felon Curer!.
a• letter, dated
Bzutor. I: y. Nov. 20, I$Sl
Mr. ifs “1 Lane Wird year e'atn lixtructor in
a .vO4 felon, in my own family, whieh it relieved
nd eltyll to very short " In haste, yours re
aps...lUD). re. M. Yomea.
11,j;,,Burns and Sealds, Pile.. Sore Nipples, Broken
B ,,, e ti, , , , E re p oone , s ore ., Cuts, Wounds. and all to
flamathi:ton, yields readily to Me wonderful properties
of thfccalled faintly salve. Bat, ill the same pro.
portind. at you wok receive benefit from the genuine,
you will- y ou by the deleterious edema of the
eounieffett •alves.
CADVON—IIIe rare and apply orely tathe Inventor,
11. ID Broadway, New York, or to hi. .o•
diuri'aeihgeo‘. JOHN 11 NIONfI AN,
General Depot. ritisbureh.
ikary P. Schwartz, I:egheny, Agent: J. Baker,
; !same W .lohnston, ;
Merrywrther, AllVlnflatt. 0., t I Depot
N Bede t o he severest Burnt and geoids n
(0 estraets
In 6 .1 V
the pea,11141,6-1 1 11 , ver falls Ail I
No.. :21. aSG and ea; Pgana., &roar, Ihroa - ern
rdhon st. and I.lurtlog NEON (INK,
Have On band the lugeat urortn not a(
In Ile dibric l'i Ell [ITS and DRAW LUIS,we
1,...cp rudictis vancly
&Ito the awst eVensave nitoulArloner.of
1111 Clo'Man and Covered Hats
In the world.
. .
Cs.lotus. of sleek sent hy f /Hen promptly
211.....+1.2.511. mid .15r. Port 0
.11112 . 11 EAT% CUM nice'. me eta-rant.
SUP Ell RAI etr:n ;xx.
AL (Abrec doicr from on:hoary Ink, ao, al,' or , nli
gal •o•ntionn co/awning no mcoi
a „„, from any kind of pen—the color deep,
brlght,iiNd darold, Ir or
have In hotter eruclec‘Vmve
ecru nor heard a tbern.
bottitc eon be olnalncd bythe m,romws
e y , from It. A. Puenenork h Co, Henry P.
Seb.clrnc./kllmcbcnY• ^r oc ibe manufacturer. TUC'S
A. tililt .UT Ltn , rant atr,l Chertit•t, co: ner of Lige,
y and li.snithiell otrectc. I,ltchoro, P.
N —Any to
n, romolcv IMllcrlartloll,
731, el:tainted as d price wal be refusolod.
- l a - At Raft. - t=fut ,
.1.11 r” , c end Ica sa , .•
IiOVViZNITE.D at Ms ottkoc, to entry and told pa,
Pog. aegl4
Ftwrnineha in, A emit 30.1819.
Denten., Conorc - r.—Tbuinn . aWatsln yes
ierday loofa:it a complaint liclore the Mayor
against a Mrs. Lockwood, who lives la I•ipetovv u.
charging her with dolorderty condor-I. Alter lienr
ingithe testimony, the Mayor unpoied a fine of
tier dollars upon her, which she refused to pay.
and was commuted to gait for five days. We re
gretted seeing her going there. as she seemed to
he a - deeent woman. except that she used her
tongue a Italia too freely; but the Mayor could do
nothing else
R.oriemte OF rue (Anus AsyLett.—During the
night :3E:Monday, the 20th 01 August, the Orphan
Asylum :n Alleghtuty wan entered by some petty
th.eves, and a barrel of fresh bread Stolen from IL
Not content with their booty, the reseals again broke
into the store room on the Thursday night follow
ing, and some Ten and Coffee, as well as clothing,
which had. been provided lir the orphnus, sass
Onion Wednesday niche they once more attempt.
ed to breok into the asylum, and the minion who
wan awakened by the noise, heard the vcoundreln
try to unlock the door, and failing in thin, they
went away growling at their want of auccen.
Thin ,ia the moat columniation kind of robbery
that we have ever heard of. The idea of stealing
frem the fatherless what has been provided by
chanty to feed and cloth them, is so repelaf veer.
to the degraded heart of a thief, that we really
wonder that any one ran be found among the light
fingered fraternity who h. Funk go low as to
have lost all frellngt of companion for the forlorn
condition of the orphan. We ad roe the Allegheny
police to be on the look out, to order to prevent a
repetition of the offence, and we hop., that the
guilty parties may be detected and severely pun
lv - ratturtao —Aliegueny City &mit
Samuel Mr-Merl:an dr Co. and Alexander Kmg
merchants of this coy, have brought volt against
the Lay of Allegheny, and against (Leary Camp
bell, ex-Mayor of that coy, tor the recovery of
81,902 due the hest firm, mid 5dt,000 due Mr.
The pixtnuffg hold the above amount of Atte.
gheny City Seep, and claim twenty per cent. year
ly from the dates at which the notes were Issued,
in putsuanee of the art of Astembly, passed cn
the 19th dry of Apnl, ISZS, entitled, An am
voucemtng small notes for the payment of mo-
We glee below the .did.•.l of Mr. Meaurft
an. (Mr. King appeared before Alderman Rein
hart, and me prte..-eedingemn lain rate AM precast
ly the same)
Samuel MeClurkon,
George M. Eknone,
and Jon Kirkpatrick,
partner., doing bus- to ibe bottom Warn of
ender the limo oflreoeny roomy. Inane.
S. MeUtak. 5: Co !summon. mum,
able no the IN Mooday
of September nexL
The Mara, Alder•
idea and cazzens al
A Ilrglieny.
Attorney lint Planing.
Tit Iltitan 111 ten, Proth y of I/outlet Court
Home rno, Limo Hulse Pworionicnry nod
fir rod county nersoaatly appeared Samuel Me-
Clorkan, ono of the slay owned platottlf, who,
en his wife-ma oath. depauts and jay , mat tat
abort untried driendimt in Justly indebted to the
soave nooses' platonffs to the .1103 of three moo
ennd nom horn;red and two doltam ($3,9021 by
3004 notes. tithed., or papers, commonly called
°Allegheny City *rip, - upsuetl by the corporate
authority of said n ty. whereto/ line natal city ar .
toowledges twelf t,s be indebted by each of saw:
note., truketa, or paper. to the bearer thereof, in a
mot leas than live dollar, bearing an interest of
1 per cent. per annum, as aoshortzed by the ordi
nance of July 1 91 7, ro omy/aide in all debts doe
vald toy, (a settertale of which. containing the
number and dotes of elen denomination of the
wtoe, the name. jo: the Trenaunera, sad Mayor.
on , whom, VIA their aggro (We Value.
gather w t com, copy of the mod n of
ror ch revers; :am t .nti denowitumto tiled to
ot tt e row of Court. purnone• of rm.
dent: tu men raw mode and provitied. a. hereto:
attached' wnereof toad platuites art holder,
—together wan int, rent, calculated upon ab
atonnut of cacti of said anion, tickets, nr papers,
at the rate of twenty per cent per annum from the
neutral tame. when each of toe same was issued,
13 wit. on, year bethre the bringtng of this met
nailer the promnion. of the Act of April 12, 15223,
tootled "an Act concerning small notes for the
plyznent of money,' in addition to the interest of
oar per tent., payable: thereon by the terms of the
same; sad further deponent matt nor.
$ A !r1 I:El. MO 'LI "ttli A N.
Sworn end subscribed beivre ens Ens "nd day ul
Uo ruotton of Stepan,' I I Geyer, Coy Solicitor
ot Atli:lawny. the fuilo,og flue tn. u, ranted
the Lestrtet Court, hefore Judges Ilepbt, rn and
I....awrty, on WyJyesday morning
`And now. to wit. A ug..r.Oth, lSt nn snot..
of S. It trryer, the Court grant a rule on Ilan
P ainsots in thy attoye case. to show cause, s.' , Y
Ibrt snoutd sot tile the original notes on whs.' ,
not pas originally brought in the egove ease, dn. i
in the ttlealattne they by postulated onto Inking
tuagtueut by default of an nthdavit 01 delenee."
Nest Saturday ham been vet apart for Lae tarp.
anent on the above rule.
The question of the legality of the matte of ecry
mdl aow So determined.
Asers c cell rho aneniion ;I the Sana
tory Comm tter to toe filthy onodltion of the got.
ter to Eathib tiritel, from Grant to Liberty streets.
It thould he cleaned out innoundlately, n 9 11l pre,-
cot eonthoon in really ationonsble.
A.eer I, AND Bornmr.—dane White lodged a
complaint yesterday, before Alderman Major,
against Ann Maria Gray, a colored woman, whom
she accused of committing n violent assault upon
her. The delendatat was commuted to jail in de-
Leila of giving bail
Linear —Earnest Lek, a file cutter by trade,
wan arrested on Tuesday, and committed to jail,
on a charge of atealiug•gtn Iran Antonio Az Co
of 'Livonia-town. File or six dozen were Wood
in hu postersion, wh eh he asserted he had bought
from Ankrito. but which that gentian.; denies
having ever sold.
Trr vox Tor - , Au old arolo . indMan, named
Daniel Reed, entered a complaint yesterday be
fore Alderman Maps, egoist. Charles Smith, whom
he occurred of firing ofr a gun to than public streets.
The Alderman .111Millod Smith to pad for five
days, but in the couroe of the eosin mouton it carne
out that (teed had 'neatened to ,Shout Smith,
whereupon he wen requited to enter Sto recogni
sauces for keeping the pease. &shag beside to do
this, he was committed to jail small he could do. to Prrrannitan---We heard of but
one deem bum Cholera in Pnntrurt .h )esierd,.y,
Dr. lVdmo, a homeopath. phytouno, who heed m
Fiend street, and who bed exposed 1 drama very
much, by wailing on the cholera patio me in Od
ium/them, look the disease, and d,ed of 'ter a ahent
111 noes.
CllOl.ll/1 el EMIT BeltelfJll.ll l tre Were
no new eases of cholera te East limmog.ll um yes-
CIIOLLLIA t.v tiotl nt Prrroutomu—tio hew ra
se. to South Potontroh yesterday.
CnoLima IN bore Was
only one cholera death to Tempe ranecvs tic y er
Cn 1-04 In Mantas od.r.—Three new rn.
Iles of Um cholera and no deaths in Tinkersrik
Ma Tee, OFFICIE, Allramany, August :,'t) ye
pence, were brought before the Mayer Ibis morn
ing, all amused of drunkenceas, with one escape
dun, and he wan a vagrant. l toly On, hod money
enough to pay hof fine. The remainder were teen.
milled to Ail, the vagrant far five days—the mat
die aderfy of the drunkuda for six days, another
for this., daya t i . and the lost for twenty roar boom.
Marou's Oflsici,riftnbititt . cAuguat :fo.—Sts
men and one woman came forward at the morning
vratiM returns to day, all accused of drunkenness
and disorderly eonsfuet. Three of the men tome
ronimitred fur twenty four houre—the woman for
ten dayspne of the men for five daysland the oth
ers paid theme line.
Easton Ceasserro.— la on nrtialn beaded "Hon
or to the Good Samaronn," wturh appeared in Yc.
ierday's Gazette, the name of the Rte. Mr. C.
Jelde sons spelled
Tue.,. rah—The theatre • has barn painted and
refined, end aren't en Saturday main wth no en-
nreiy MOW company.
CBol.li2Ata Btammouest.—Report of the SAria•
tory Committee in Birmingham from 12 o'clock on
Wednesday, 29th, to 12 o'clock to day, 70th
Catharine ?hater, still living.
John Shoemso, attacked yesterday.
General health 01 the borough otherwise good.
11. /I I LT7 Prn•hono!nry
Honor Slot.. sxn Racorzarrh—A man, whose
atom we do not know, went arra Beaver, a that'
time ago, with a fine horse, watch he traded off to
a citizen of that place, named ft. H. Johnston, for
another borne, and ten dollars in money. He then
decamped, alter stealing Mr. Johnston's tat
The owner ofthe home, which was sold al Banner
traced him to that town, and to company with :Nu
J. came up to Pittsburgh, where they employed
lathe., officer Barr, to endeavor to ferret out the
renal. Mr. Barr, with his aceustomed shregrd.
nese, noon recovered the horse, hich had been
left at Stout's tavern, near Herr's Island, but the
swindler who stole ban has not yet been arrested.
This is the second stolen horse which calker
Barr has recovered this weak.
'VMS lonote. uoaer me care of flov. I M. (AI,
HORN AND I.ADV mist re-open on Monday, the
iTth *Amen:lbn, 15 rum., No 52 I.Jaerly
nunet htvon,l 2.e nuaihrr of the, puptla, the
} . 1111C1rUl• hot., ...en... V011.113110/I or ihnt ahem.
rwronagn thoy e It nnJnyed
ion 4,11,4 ihh nav t very 5.1v - antara h - afforded
ttratinurhtnr• if Warnd undnr their char,. frr oh•
one ...haroo2h Knglz.6, fluxion!, cold ..rnAmnp...l
Mingtng AcAdemy•
It IIIN.•I1A 51 or.en hi. 2tr.Ring Arr.drmy,
ronot.ime at thrto 3.ll'nton 11.1'. over NI,
11.5, ahoe morn. r 11r r 111 Mith and am.:lll,
The Juvenhe r•urrr rurnrnenre• Prmurelny next. at
rirlork. P M Arltt, Clam, tre \ tondo y evening, the
ur Seprernher nt r.erecfi
lerrun. .101.ur •erl erfir• per reholnr. or two
&runes for a irdy and sientnn, adurl pnyuble
es Itre explrchre or hair lr.r. sem
nue, n 1 In I. MINI:HAN'. Pr r. .pal
Prof. Thompson's Pomole Seminary.
THE FAI.t. SF-4SIttN a Ow. Sohoot volll cocraneror
an MONUO KEPT 1.19. Roont,ot
Irntro Row, 1.1t,e rty 11/rel. 'flora and Fourth
A rta .ve c awes wol to• toro,,t. I t
destroblet that port,. 001441 lot r otidooce xi the
opontog of ult. w , 0,0n Erts:y oppiotattnn to,ll be no
reap, y rte ottatto, rood. to touttell.
1 qtr.],
N For t-tow nod rrlorenctro.ooe ctroulars, t
o had at tor prootpo: twok ot, , ww, or ot Prot T. a
1 . 000.1.• ourit:dt I
English and CM*Mood Academy
(11,1/0111S IN THE '..kl
TLt• Inez...ton a doe fined to be permanent.
rums Academy vet I be re-opened for the brat
I of ant young tientlemen. on the brat Moo
4.7"hethe.no3a 4. l , f c' s ' lt " :l; N :l7l 6 :m r brace the common hr.-
rhea as an hlngltah Mace:toil, mot the higher dep
mots or the rum Feicileerg with the Latin, Greek,
French and ler rum I..rieuterea
Fmk ren , noronelily prepared to enter Col:eze
tmelitge,ml) a., mmoarraweed c 0.., of
for Om.- notde.narnt i..r Fol.ege, oi 1., comareheo.
mo mug preeneal
The government et] the Instouon will he mild. yet
decided mei Arm Antuord) wul always w Mtameo
by reigron sod k1i , ,1401. and to ecure • proper Intent
to the. geend goesentnent of the ...el. otir netmes
fire,. we endeavor 1,, eOO,llll, the porn! Met what
.we renure rmonehh- nest. that it weans his
Own penonai ',err., a, 'reit a , . Me good of the
whole. Vtunahmeldt ;or misde,rwenore when elm,.
I.. r i r neer.•air err of stu, tmre, us to maser rn•
thee tbr. mind ths, the body, /101 .I..3.a:l.f:tenon for tun
ode., but v prevent,. to the theurremeof tinnier
Gurne, linving Mar, thr. mode of govertstneni pre
tend, e IS ' nd0,,,1 lit future
net ..ccotou eri.t to. paol to 0, 1 . 1.y.10n:. the Ito
lomal. sod tin Moro: t.oootv of the inmate. of
Lit Senna]
'rho INlnupnl I. Annoy ot,:r to announce tea
putt!, toot be hot ecu...l iruitto,le were..., co;
Mr K. V. Wll-1.441[11. a granwtre of Princeton, N J
In NI, J n gneoo. I.llav CoGeec,
gent, loco of ice Wet., tarrory anti
It Is very dearesble Mst stir em shool.l enter the
rSchoso s: the rornmeneemerl aI M Me se•mre order
Met thd classes lun, Ire mamma:m.l , y mrsl moon,
Rd) nthanq hed.
deduceßanr.ll Id made for elmenee. u
ne prorramml meioses,
• ..•,• J
laqtfunaoned MX. rts 4,
1111 l Ned,'
Re, A liaddlc, I Mr Strlrtrel Ed gar:.
A. T. 41.1., itll I • Late Loomi.,
Hon A V W
Mr tiatortre Aleree, I e Ile err %,"%lien..%
uled at %he Heel Store ut
!Ake Lemur, No .0 bVaad street. •re%
era II tfeeeen S t.,.. No .0 Mlettel .; mug -ht.,
quir. A VTUNIN SES , SION ul th. 17inutut.un wel
eornrae.spc. on the 6,t Mond, in Nspie....r
Room* on Federti %v., In ^Colunoule Row,' Ad dwr
from the nr.dge
RAT. nr Terros rex ...eon or rtvr. NlO.l.
- Eng“th Ireeparunent. ittelritrur. Reading, Ut..tll
- and Orftn.s. lia,iftlt Grammer. 11..ets,
e. Enghth Vntkettoton atul ertitetent. Le
rohuaettr• and the hie.- s .4,J:weer
el leir-tatttre. Nereral Philo.ofthy. Chetneetrr. Ate
tertreinzi Ft , tto,ry. treotor,y, latti.eetuttl
,e 1 Mural Mete neer, andel' other belecher terp.:etur to
• thetotteh refoentam - - par IA
Ciaesteal Depertntent.teelodin; the La. ortOttreck
I.ensettees, each • - • • • 6 6 Oft
• • 510 Ott
r. ttereeett, $lll
oterercer. Of I 11.31, ber• .re *etc,
desire th-truotc,c I'rettch Getratan. and
etre ,At r
Uravt a, Petattete and
to a. 4.1n0ttr0.... at poor,. mom m dm cmence
mem o/a moony. tettoal are roemond a spy Mae.
rind ore coorflea ma norm, Motorfm Me Yam of
er ware.. No .!ndikctarto• ma made moureo, cm
cent or c roe• at yrottamed Moos.
• may he obtamml. land *mewl..
Prmetpa'. as his mom•
i goiter,myt m m/mMloym In -Intrm'a
L,l•eny mtem. l'iLt• 3J ymo 4th wee,.
or Ay 4041,..ammy, t'ow ' n tll2lmotmeyh Poa Writ.,
we Priocipst N. W. siErcAty.
Allegbtay, Aar, 7, 1 , 110.
per or Fauna an. Fury strret. In open•
maaaa y, August aarAs
rr • ar.r ram r a
AN rr 404 - ts., ottootettere
lrr” .• ••tateil•lttoent atilt 'led
tl . V on Nove l le., oriortuorr LI. wad mat you, yet:
priAtli tor, nou Alt opt•yrionee tt,ltg
ett.l ea Fonth.outo, t,ust.thrt4 tat orn thette• anu require ,
meat. ray tor
oat thenot tu-roly • 4 ,17. scholar.
but oho e outlet.. l• nt/ ••1•,^ . ../1.1 thyoryetor
feu 41/ 41 a01e•..1.,e. of Moo Igmfttuffe” ace Prn..
perm, who-h, arltif Traftrann.ala. can b. procured
from NoILINCIPA 1.. df the Immum, or of federal
wee; oppomfe to Colonnade Row
few boarder. ertlf be recemed, whose
bc:altb, comfort and lomifeettml adeancemem mtll be
evrefolfy attended to mmle3lll
1•x E Annual coma... Ireton.. wtil commence or
Abe firm WVIDNE,IJA V Ca./ `fo•ember,'l:tu,
and ennunoe .Ate
Henry II Clohl., M Prof 0, OhEtedno• nod Di.-
(Wow, ....% r .atren.
John Ilancrield D Pm!. of the Practice of Med.
11.rhsrd I. I loword, M Prof. of Singer,.
Ir.. P. Jurikina, .11. U, Prof. of General hod Ape
rod hos oany
:4E12.'1 11. Anoth, hl D. Prof. of Ileum& Medten,
Toe raphnhes and Medical hansprodonee.
F'rEncrE Carrr, hl U . Prof of Physiology and f:en
Prederme R. D. Prof of Chemistry mud
Ito I.Y•
'retut (it y, 51. D. Demonstrator of Ass'ornY•
1.e.r111.1 . .r • 1 1...!).. cooshittunx preloomary
rourt, srl,l ba pre., dorms , the month Of
lemammtePo( htst Wednesday; on the fonostru,,
o stress: Manor Sown, Insanity, Pelson, rosro
thetti A.lxtom), and Dithroom. eottMe
still I e sshx. nod are retrucs‘ly warmed to
tavell thetas %Are.. Of IL, onssmattes.
•1!,1 JO i Nlsunactlatton • • •61
0J I Twit, 5 011
,tgorel opetneumm a e
Amp r'aerl:ir•s nee atrordnd lathy,
wno wall mando 1 . ...0urn1 Annum)) 'rho moons
of ratalsation ma *soy , . sundoc those, aro two sup,
nor compound Almroscopeo.
lksod llorad may tre sr:dom.-A at from 81.50 to MOO
per week. NAML. 11. ssi rr,i,
s Jour. Dena onus Y.ealry.
PILOP. vtir.Nity upilitoca,
Mind W.
tor, 1 111 e ha it
no, Guar, and ill Voef7l;una4tc!"'r"-
Olen/ I.llsealea Pla•Ip•,
.Waled by many et,le i'roesmo, and lizrarro,
roren.,..v• • 0. , /, schol •, no the AGth
V W of , •etering for
the newarea/mew !. the vaca
tion with i/oard oi nue 1110111,,, , vlopef super
vision 6r insira•tioo. Terro• t asAr‘ i an d o il
IMeevAtOrn ,41 .0 11 •• raglish cam:a
lien 141.11 , e .rito/stene year In week. Al-
compli ur
hoard in vac,-
OW eitae•
For heeltille , ne u s• of I ‘ , .a.n•// ' noated io a Isiah and
salon nour reelon,; be nu,' Itl ery, and toLlorr et
areesa for tr•rellerr. the l'ol,loolo Inßtoiute, •
pasanl-'• That its advantages for bestow eng nt/eral
sod aerennol•n.ol 1. , 1,211(1,1 arc apprecznl,l helhe
p41.11e. 1.10i.,4V110t1511 1 1.1e1i loy pu.l nod prc•cul
prosp,ity. Mythi,loWdlar -I halt Pot,
Heain tra vo,ed, for sale 11
E r ,e 1 r,itiCl,y, 1, 9 7_
yy AIVI WIT Pueu.s, A/le/rat A.,
lAttratlitr o , Al Are, lloion 1, r orthous Hes
In New Zealand; tr , , As/arson nod Connor.,
eon. Ile/leer, Nopon Oli —Frenc It 1 - Slenztato,•
Fornrature; Crtnen: None,/ Jim est./lot/et/
din Wale by aut . ,/ J l/ e•ti or/D
A er !II VU urtrallLll3ll
- ISIRN —Open tree, sA. NI 11/ II P. Nloolgie
Both !3 en
or 1, I doll., L/l
adlev eper:went
epee (row tt I A. SI and Isom '1 to 5 P
Itelreslanew. ••slooris utsequalled 111 style
. lieruercht lac Creoles'
' 00(15 T. Sl'S'? I.L.Proornnor •
V V (WI. (V' ANT V.l) - OM Ihi Wool Waiped,
Whieli so, cuith price will SA paid Sy
mita. k A RIIA Eli
V tt
llopewrll, , the coy o:l'lttstt
VII our,. Alertthnto fad}... It} M. deed, Lemma
dole the vath day of A. I). and tecorded in
:It- Rem odor ofltt.o 0t Allezbenv rountry, In deed
!took Vol ttri, p tar : satuattetd an
mot trsferred tome
oil 01. a t• to: tot. lto d
!tt r• LII }rum for tomb•
No Ti . Irmo!, arren to Si pettfona ondeloed
est}oo make payment to tlor undersigned. am t
t h, tee hams, t•tilltIl• t to potent them lot net
em tebt. IHNJ,}AIIN iILYBP, Pt .641.0 e.
Mad., PO:. rg
p ar k s' ', Naral and Kapermaenlal Philosophy
lint do toss". In do
flambe!. Treattsnot ot Knowledtre
do F.Letnettia of 'Zoology,
de, do Clmonsary and ittleetrieilr,
do du Grotogy;
do do Vegetable trod Animal Physlology;
do do
graving Philoaophy;
do do Drawing;
Fnltori and Igastosan'ynnagle Mary Book Keepsog;
Teao Idol all OttICPS ititeregOd 111 tttd
ausa of tdoeulyon, Maloortod to nail and etamtne
11, above works, at the book .1000 of
nas rotarr Thl,l and Mart ei
ora9L—lorut. Potash, far sale.
Y angle M'OILLS a ROE
l'he97ll:at're;= e h
el7r l in nth=
J 11.10.1 Coral Ruterh2e. m it they don. out
lewd, they cannot the. highly re....1a eitthens
Oiff ft.. tried
Mr. Geo. Becket, II Elm st, New York.
Mrs. Matilda Reeves. !Ivrea av, Brooklyn.
um . sr
Mr. Wm. Tompkins, P 2 K, New York.
Mr. Thos Jackaon, llnatoWa lslnnd, hear Pittsburgh
H. FL Cullen, late barber steamboat S. Asoonea
And mom than a hundred others mate, though Min
must sutrice;that it will force the hair to gross on the
head or fate, stop it falling off. streugtheu the roots.
removing scurf and dandruff from the room, making
light. red, or gray heir asylum a (on dark km., and
keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair 004 E, soft, cleats and
beautiful u very. very long Lime.
Sold by the Mont, WM. JA , CKSON, EP Liberty El,
Pittsburgh. Price 774, 51.1 cents., and one dollar.
11.3 - Tux tuns or • OILS Rarnba is not more repul
sive than o bad, putnd breath, or dart, yellow dole.,
ed teeth. :Coarsens bare these it is thetr own Inuit—
they eon, for two Walling, boy an article that will
mate their breath pore and sweet as Ns Spry
It cure. diseases of the Gums, spongy or ulcerated.
and for the Teeth it i• tnimralled, removing the toner,
fastening the teeth in the guns and equal them as
white as the more of ohs/mews Net-
Stich, reader are th e propertiu of Jones's Amber
Tooth Pate, ran d, without praiming it ourselves. hear
what one ofmost respeembhe and scientific Den
tists Mr . K. Fi eld, of Nur York. sal. ,
"I have both used rouranalised In. beautiful and im
palpable article, Pones' Amber Tooth Pasted and
can reeocrimend it as possessitis all the qualittescimm
ed for it." Reader. we can say no more to convince
only that if yon try thl• o ne you he well plemcd .
It is put up to beautiful English China Pita, for t!:.
ty mSold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, fa Liber
eet, Pittsburgh. nugfizdikwT
They are not aware bow foghtfully injarious it is
to the skin! how coarse, bow rough. hew •01-
low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin me
peon alter esti% prepared chalk' Re
cder n is imunots, containing a
large quantity at Lea d'
Ws have prepared a neantiful egetahle article,
which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY Wifim
perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleteri
ous (panties; and it imparts to the sin n natural, heal
thy, alabaster, clear, lg whits; k at the same time
menu as cosmetic on the akin, making it sell' and
smooth. Sold by th e Agent. WM. JACKSON, ,9 Lib
erty at. Pittsburgh. Peter 25 tents. aug7.dA.WT
Eacenons ono Sam—JONES'S hal
ite Chemical Soap causes a freeperspirutioa. and at
the same tune melifica, wile., and whiten. the. sktc,
giving it the texture and beauty of an infant's. '
Severe, Sate litter.. ono Soon, are soon not only
heated. Ism cured by its use , as at leant seven Phut •
Man. in New York know, who use It in such cams,
and find it unfailing—ea also in
Paretic., Riurcusa, ForczLes, or any other akin
cue 'the reader is assured that this to too author
puffed tionntio, as one trial will prove I could cOU
memte at least Pit persons cured of -
Soon 11.. u. Seal Laos use tints Duce —lthy
and use it,imd the reader is again assured I would
not rruclly sell it for the above doles, I knew it to be
all I auto. Those who are liable to
usS6l3, Curare . , 011.0•121 Pen, will find this a
eine Any one adhered with any of the shove. or soli
der diseases, will find thus all and even more talon..
ble in its properties) th an I nu,
Rut, reader. the stores are flooded with imitations,
and hi e sum you set for JONES'S Italian Cbemthal
soa, Sold by WM . JACKSON, E 9 Liberty street,
Pittsburgh. vogd dfr.orT
80. 46 Market street,
" ,, Yr i,,N, ?.t::,r0r4,;`="47,,1,,"e a r",
sopemlher respectfully intorms ots friend, enl.lota(od
WM, Mai ta now preparing to receive and exe
e ale their order with dispaech, and in the neatest.
most sultstonhal, and fuhionoble =hum As he
determaned to do
he on the each •y stem, hr (al
ters himse:f idol he will be tilde to do work as cheap
us ilean be done at any establishment in the country.
V et,.c varied, eons - Moo of Ca...acres. Broad
rad ha. esunea watch hie friends are respectful
ly landed to examine for themselves.
oryli.dtf GEORGE ARMOR.
OLD B. Fife'. Patent Diamond Pointed
bold Pen. with and without eases. Ain reed and
tor este h 1 JOIINKTON & VTOCKTON,
•nal crnet , Third and Markel ate
O. W. I/LDDLV, Destist—
,Vler: lI.F.MOV ED In • new three story brick
on Snaithfirid street, one door below
•••a.• Sixth rtreet Teeth frowned from one
• set. on lie m otion principle, with • twat.-
.•.. r-nre.entlition of the natural `rim—restoring the
.hapn tho fele.
_ .
It --Teeth extracted iinth fink or uo pun.
treii•ed Teeth permanent)) oared by ph:timing, pre
• tooth ache. which am
uch barter Man
11 suoold be done in fire mingles, or
k I I itr-N AND lt.i—
,VELThe aabannber
bn • nos. on hand a fine simortmeni of best Eng
a Gold uld Sileer 'Patent Le vet W
• prices 4 are odanid in the Eastern Mom;
one.,, oriler and warranted.
corner .h't and Market au
I , li , na• 'au received et the Pettit Tea
•rev, et very !erre andswell 'e
lected vor , I:Rh:1:N AND BLACK TEAS,
Item • 4, • wiech tics Imen received et this
eau -
of reProssy conmatinp of
a.I tt,tet. rner• irrown in teeleatlal Empire.
t. r r-ork •nan, the !Arco. to the Woo.. We Illte
preparea ...••••k... .hotter term• tioln any other
h0.a.0 •S • tiue Irt ,ropera to call antl
nnr end pnrca They can hare a playa
c.l Y, •ngl 115 par 5,51,5 5 tin canntsters. ay by
etru-ma. to 1,111 Weir fenVelllelleet.
. . ..
tror ref go r. err vary for Odoug, Murk Tea, from
(Oct 1 , . of } per M . Non, Young Sougliong. Cr. cr,
logo &4 nn English nreakfact 50, Young 'lrmo,
Gunpowder • rd buregral. trona :IS ets. to 61,Z per '.n.
Forneler:r rgorre+red to . send and get .ample. of
of our teas, “I try Nero before purchasing.
ruy.l9s.g. A. JAYNES. 73 Fourth street
1, TNN LA B:l..—Just received, g full uguortment
or goi!.l and .firer Torearl. Cordand Braid; Alger,
Spang.e. rod lluboon. for vorbroiderlog and other or
work. Airy gold and nig etrossels, Prtsuro.,
.d Lace.
Jewelry of the latest (ruin°. In great vanerv.
W MI , hes of swertor qualny and beauntlrt patterns.
and far F.acern once. W W
ut.1,7 corner Market and Fourth nt.
r:-.. No 05, DIAMOND ALLEY, R
.;, .,:,, v • few doors below Woad meat, to
sqr,:_d" 4 - ' = VO k li,l DHOW ,
t he ha
..y l 4
.trq" . N. ~.,. redata - ly eineatedt elba ' :
~...,,, ...,....., profeasJort End been for utme Unlit
9 :: ,_ ' t`ts - if ' re."'. Pr...,......fin.
,„ , —...:: la Ulna.. to the treatment of
x:.: a ";, . ~r. thove prvntre and dehente oom
-..,, 5 • lak. pletnto ror ',loch 1111 opportartmea
4.,4 7 ...e . -- ~ and experience {member!, oaaht.
.-,.., ... II year% alindnonsly devoted
to t a y A. treatment of thoee emoptandeAdonng which
ome he has had more praence end he. cared more rm.
ll tan wan can over ian to the lot of any plivele pne
ntonart amply qoannes Mot to offer rs anortmees Of
a,•-dv permanent, and talmfactory co to all aticted
ettm x!ohcate diseases, and all thecaeeo edema there/
Dr. Smartt would Worm those aflheted until pnvate
M•ease• which have become carnets by time nr as
roamed by the use of soy of the common one:rams co
the day, that Melo comphunts elm be radically and than
oushly oared; be banns given bi• eyeful
ate treatment of utek oases, and succeeded ln bmidreds
of in stanoes to coring persons of indatensuatton of the
neck of the !.ladder, an.l kindled doorway* which often
res Sit from theme case. whr,e ether, hare oonstone4
them to hopele. despair. Ile partieulatly invitee Slink
bare been long and avifauna/elle treated by.othere
to conselt him, when every satisfaction will be VIC,
them, and their cased treated m • careful, thorough and
Intelligent manner, taunted oat by • lona commence
c a dy, and mvemmanent. whirl. it is inmosuble for loos engaged in general ,annee of medtetne to give •n
one cha• diner
I,7•llernta or Ilepture.—Dr Drown also Invitee peal
Boom adlicted with Deno. tn call, as be haa paid parte!
alai attendee to thr. Macao°.
ANCF.R.S„ cit , d.
Akin diseases; nolo Pl' a. Palsy, etc., speedily eeeed
Char qcs very low.
N. l i' Patten. of nth see lettny at a diatance, by
staung the,r diseaae of writing, giving all the syso4
nine. ean obtain niceicotes wan diretnans for takz, by
2,14n...tine T. DROWN, hi. D., post paid, and rock.
ing a Ice.
Odic* No. 85, D/L6101.1 alley, opposite the averiy
Ilamtarsaw.—Dr. Brown's newly discovered roma.
Rneumstratu is a speedy and certain remedy mr
tat smell.' trontiM It never MP..
trfi , e and Pame Consutung Booms, No. 4.3 Dia
mond m,of Pittsburgh, I'.. The Romer is always a,
I:7 . No nom no am , dull
Oriat 'English lignisdy.
FVolt Coughs, Cold., Asthma and Conaumpilon! Tb.
GRKAT AND ONLY IdEsNIEDY for the earn of rho
above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN DALHAAI OF
LIFT., discovered Toy the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of
London, Eng !and, and Introduced onto the United Statea
under the immediate superintendence of the inventor.
Ths, extraordinary success of this medicine, in th.
cern of Pulmonuy dis eases, warrants the Amorist.
Agent 111 polidlung for treatment the worst possible ea
.,. that can ho found nt the community —ease. that neck
re her in vain from any of the common remedies of tha
Any. and have been given up by the most distingaished
phyonrins as confirmed and tneurable. The Hangar=.
falcon has cured, and will core, the most deepen.
of caw • It it no quack nostram. but a mandate Eng ,
hst. mc , ..eine, of known hod estafilirlied efficacy.
Ever; tanuly in the United Suttee should he supplied
with Ibtehatt's Efungarian Balsam of IJfearot only to
counteract the conaninpuve tondenuica of the climate,
but to be used as a preventive medicine to all ease, of
cold., enughe, spitting of blood, pout the sideand
chest, irritation and winners of 1.,c long+, broehDia
ffic ti
dil:y of bteattug, I.ectio fever, night sweat., amad.
coacd genera: debility, as indecent, whooi#ny
h and croup
6.1 in hazgo belltiorr, or Il per borllo, with no.' throe,
don. for al< rerworatron of health.
It',lentil., emanating a MIMI of English and /matt.
cnu , rtifiCall,, and o th er evidence, showing the on.
.th,olart. of Una great Kurdish Remedy, natty b.
ohnueed n( the Agenta, avatuntsualy.
Ft.• by Ii A FAlotacrocK & Co.. <orm rot
tt end Wend !uld Wood and ail Rom 1112d/caril
Extension of the 'lnitiators and Ohio
. . .
RaII Road.
( .1 til krg AND MASONRY alba part of this road
Ill,t aii•-ady under contract between Cemberldnd and
Ti rut'. Valley r.ver—a distance of about Ito
t 0,.• The number of sections now to be lei fort Ihe
n( munch XI occur betweeo Cumberland a n d
toe mo'.lll, of the Savage rtver—lS in the Oates, and
the re Enttlndrr on Raccoon and Three Forts emelt.
Thr work Nodl generally be Moderate, although there
ate a number of eretiLler worth the attention of con.
tractors accostined to heavy tubs.
Speetficetions end plans will be ready at Comb,.
land,. and after the 27th of Aileen current. The
pro .al., whlresocal to the underwaned. will bd fa
erlved at Cuormarland. Maryland, up to Fotorday the
I.lflt re Penn.:offer melusire. Further Information
may be bad at the Cornpody's Mice In Cumberland.
1-st,monial. be revered from time unknown
tu the outlets/roe& By order of the President OM Di
reetore. BENJ. 11. LATROBE,
anal Aml Wrier Enaineer.
TV FM 41)0DS' N.Y.SV tctn.)tm . —A A. Ali." 8.
Marltrt suert, have matreceived
Diaper, .Yank ern.. e.n'tl Dri:lings, bled and
llnt, r,nsel, Conneeo, and fancy do;
Y..erani re on, 4-4 ~o Wt., Linen Holland*,
“n• NU. M 0.16. Jo, bar'“ nod strip'd Uin ao
IP Javortri *
11.1k14. he B.c. a0;10
MUST intorno . LIEWX•
rldrrwgtwal b tre erected r!orks in the eny of
Nt ,. nr 1- 0 ,, fnr the puree. of Gelretilmm: all erif.
cba n: Iron, 0 t. Jesarable to PROTRCT FROM
lit:3T, teen as T.:mg:anti Wire, Botta, Spikes, Nail.,
W.rr for PC.1CC.,1111,4 other aniele wlnsti may be
rer 11,mit: tor eu.k., a:a 50b.... for bale
Itop., for C 1.. ., I nt.s.l.delitnion Ruda, and a Iron or
shit ..bmsp and dar.ll.le.
They v•pu'd i.urucuiarly tett alteleno° to the t/..../aiti•
Wyre h.nee, It mittnes no palm, and will trop
'mites and Hells. me preservmmn of
wlncL 10 01.0 .oiB moo:meet, that it anll commend
ia a .M 11 , .mum• of all Mom interested.
1.1: r,U ttl.oliiiW &CO., I . .untwea,
14 enJ t.: armee: .t. N Von.
" !:/tVe ' r s ' : lr' "try
" "
ukirta, xyktag Rtexersu:v
LIktERTV, apposite Smithlied Meet—
bta„e le hide:ta Mon denettd,Tomtet,Taidla Tinny
a n e t aqe ;emu of the abtan 1 land, tattde
. 0 ( ;e n fi ne ., Nlite Inman and dnitteaue marble,
e n ., made to order, by Ilse aid a ma-.
on notice and at the lowest prices!
N. N_Tn n Trade famished tenth all kinds
of !kinetic at love. ,`ter. dedete Promptly at
tended to at 244 Liberty. op,'de , ite Reithithnid dt.
tay3Onlent W W WALLACE
SMUT 1IAC1112: as
. .
ULLE Patent Stone ar French Itivr SMUT MA
CIIIINE--the best &rock, of the kind blase; they
run light, clean fast, do the work well, and will last a
Itle acer. About Sabo( them are to one, in the best
mills in the country, end we nave the strouireet testi•
curacy of rompetent persimu us their sepernortry over
all other Suns Machine. Far further particulars, ad
dress the suhsenber at I/44 Liberty at. Pittsburgh.
ruystbdato NV W WALLACE
STEAM E.NitiliVl - AINDBOII.sai3-PeTrgta law
aEd other mills, always on band, Or made to order
onvery short nouce, and at the lowan prices. All or
promptly attended to at 1 , 44 Liberty street, near
Comm• mythw w WALLACE"
'ARTS -For land, and other purposes,.
al orsy• on hand at SD Liberty 11.
T.TVISEATERFCENf - - A - lwys on hand;
Liberty at. le)3a W W WALLACE
URINDISPUIVP.TILAII nixes sold grits, sheaf. on
Land et 244 Laberry street.
-,r Id AIM
IT is with pleasure that the thbrenbers
inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and at
_ may the, they have completed arrange
's-S.. men. ivid, Messrs. 1 . C. Jenkjes tr. Co.,
of Phdadelphot. to ,ceivr their supernal.
k Aed veal hereafter be kept constantly on
h tnd. '11.17 are neatly and securely put
M • w o P I
t th m e ' i r 'd pr ' inrif e k :rl 2 ...tor.rt i n l g l :tel ' l c n h ei
of Tr. pnee. name of the concern and
depot •biladelphin, with an tilVitlitiOn to return the
Tea, druid likrd.
r Cnnpawaar. ••• • • —O2l 75 1.00 1.25 1,50
linpenal 50 .5 1,00 1..5 1,5 b
rwn -. 021 72 1,00 1,25
Y. llycnn 50 621 75 1,00 1,25 1,50
/ Black 371 50
8L " .. " Fine andextra Fute• •75 1,00 7,113 1,50
We will warrant all the T5A.13 we uell to be equal
to, if not =moon to any sold in this city, and [hold
they not prove acceptable a the taste, they can be re
turned, and the money will be refundqd, al it is only
woh that anderstandmir we
tVe ells a fair trial, that the public may be .We to
edge between our Teas Ind those heretofore sold by
other tompacies as ails city.
All lover* of rich. delicious and cood flavoredTEAS,
sheraqi give us a call,
For auk by JOS. S YOONO & CO-,
N W corner 4th and Ferry street, and
tnyle3llbnia S W corner 4 and Roan atreera
DR. W. H. DAI3..E,
: 1"11211 1116"r (Late D : ' New I j ork.)
Oratce—Smithfield street, between Seventh and
Strawberry alley.
N. II —Diseases of We mouchoruma and teeth [reared
At still gsrater Resittosd Prties.
A A. NI & CO.. destroys of reducing and .Closing
out Wet r Stock preparatory to receiving Weir
Note Fall Goods, ertli °Her greater to
ever Their recent large purchases at the New York
Kates. mode at such immense ourifices from cost,still
all he closed nut the s min.'s rates. Amongst
We articles recently opened, they mention:
6 cows fort eo I orr d Lowry., at
" and Muslim, P and
largo stock Shawl. and Vlsitta, very low.
" cc vde Lome.. Igic
lot hart
(.in al ono Half price
" • 25 at Gingham, at lgic
" " I:ahroiderma, very cheap
Ronne., half pnee
flostri y, Glom, Laces, Trimminis,ke
CO2-4, Merrimack eageoes, at Eg
5 "tekcl Calicoes at - •
2tl `. and bales broom and bleached 51.1 in, champ.
triab Linens M Ifie;.Linen Gingham. 12k
Bonnet Ribbon a and Ilk, Gloves at 4c
- - . •
Wee an mama. variety of other Goods, all of
vrtuch mill prove aso fr og to purees.n al from 25 to
CO per cent. The store aell ae closed ona day for
marking down and prtpanng the stook for the .le.
J 72 A A MASON it CO
117 Front ttrett, New York,
ANUFACTURERS of every variety of Pickles,
AL Preserves, Jelltct, Jams, Glans. &laces. Sy
rups, Vinegars, /dastard, Spice, Pale...
Oysters, Lobsters, !salmon, Mackerel, Shad, Meals.
Vegetables, Ac.
Importers of (Nigel, Corgi, clad On, 'gaoling&
Emit and West India Condiments, etc.
Theo stock is more ovenaive, comprise. o greater
. ...let, and is put op in better cyle than that of any
DM, House en taw invoness in the United State...—
Theo goods are ranked in a!I Tarte. pagikages,
and in so sole a manner as to Lear transportgangn to
any port alba eciantry .
N. IL emnbagues may be seen at the office of this
Ahnms in Boston: Sllaa Settee tt Co. Philadelphia:
Joh B Mane Bellmore: A. Bart it Son. St. Lomi:
Coe Buchanan A Co. Lomerele: John Fonda A Co.
Cacommu: Brun Btaohman. itthohllha
1 11 11rK-liI4gPING-41, j Rrr troelle.l4
t ..4 wor • . aah aufltor . • Jorections to tench
r• p ro w on :S. cart... A ,wor Rapp:). jum
ved wow New York. hod for vole by
)u I 3 JOHN 11 MELLOR.. PI Wood 51
rp hicFALL. hefts to inform Ihs inhabitants of Pint.-
' hutch awl vlcouty, that he has Opened the
above c.tahlithment, where every attention will Lc
peed to the rot:eon ashes, Vita env favor him with
a call I.dterty sheet. between Seventh and Wood.
lee Creams end all other delicacies of the 64.11.011.
Wa ~2.,.orz.h.pv...t.d.aztazone:f•olfLustpt
p lease c. Yap,.
513 w'Lere they will be pleased to theelve the patron
•5t of -public, and the lonuer eustomers or the •e-
They Ann nt at , times Iter, nn hand nu rtseral
sortment of at none. art - amour. ma and vain paPer,
holden hoards. Llama hooka. etc. etc., any
thy... 4
eirbanee for H eon linen and cotton rars.
Printers and boot Pottltt.heescart he 'applied with
every de...noun-a printing imper at short notice, and
at reduced ',nee, THOMPSON HANNA
Aprti I, 49.-turrhtlent EDMUNDS. HAY •
Aaalgraess.• Notices
YoIreItEREAS, Ilernamtn the tieorge A. John-
son. Alert-bent, of the ity of Plualtargh, machr the firm of Sod. 2r. J o hnson have made to the
auhscrther, an assornment of all their Estate for the
henefitof.oll their creditors, as Abell warn tgesosonths
from the date thereof execute and deliver to ate 1.1.111
81111th at loanaon a full and •bdijigle release of ad
their respective chums and demands.
Nouse ts Reentry wren that the a s sipiruent to re
lease is at Om nth., of the astoscramr, on Fourth
trsst. tse rfly of Patalourch, for luspecuou sod sig.
suture with all +ban 0 may concern.
jydaidmo Wll. NIoCANOLLSS, Assignee.
DF.AVTII , II OMAN( gStS Flit( r,s 0d.,10.3.
D James D. LOCKWOOD, 61 Wood asse
t. bas just
rueeised some beautifully onthasentea it AT E
APRONS, of 11 . •aristy of pattents• RR / colors; also,
eat 'Pismo Paper rot ornantenun#.loottog glasses,
swathe hams, nr lamps. jral
1849. &M
Beaver and Erre Repro!. Packet Lane.
R. G. PARKS, Heaver. Proprietor.
LAKE ERIE, Trirby;
_ QUEEN CITY, J arially;
Forming • daily Line betwnen Beaver end Erie, have
commenced running, and aril continue daringrim sea
on to Mete Meurer:dor tripe, leaving Beaver after
the arrival of the morning boat from Pittsburgh, Et oh
rior t, r. e i and arrive at Erie an time for posnagent
totyke morning boots to Dadalo or op tae Lake.
thronue to Erie and all Lake portV i zet be
bad by application to JOHN A CAUGHEY,
corner of Water and Serithfiel ab
under the 8t Charles Betel
tr IVelilageMeme
Hatters , _— g. Ormap for Caa.
1111E:advertiser is now openittg,, at 11l Water
L New York, a complete araorimem of HATTERS'
TRIMMING,‘, selected by himself from the manafaC•
torleam F71.11(.0 and Germany, which will Im sold low
for cash. Plea. call end "mama beton, purelaaain;
N ''
LIGHT—We Omen It • COIVell lett of Lamp;
01 of •arions ma. and kinds, of • new oonstrucamu
that I s quite oilman and complete—aome ornamental.
AIR. the article in burn ta them called - .Mamma
Fluid. or 14Itenal MiL" It has rare gammas which
recommend it to the attention of steam boat men. hotel
keeper, and bonne keepers, for clean/mein, economy.
and brilliancy, surpasses any With portable now in
ate. Penton, who please to cut on us will be Mown
the pecullarmes ortlas now compound.
A constant supply of the Florid and Lasnts kept by
Stain:4F. ATI(P4SON, Firm
between Weed and Market
HNoe IN Wood atheist, Pletabeergh.
PIER AND LAUFMAN, bentortere and dealer.
in Forman end Dammam IFARDWAH.Wi e in
all tm soriettee. are now prepared to Pell ea low and
on w rroemaide terms aa can be
eurchased clectrhete.
We whet. our friends, th publth genentlly,
call and exavasne nor e pt, which column, or part of
SCISSORS, LTIIF.h.R.S, RAZORS, Howe Trimming.,
such as toots, Latches, Hinge. end Screws, toge th er
with creep article woolly kept In hardware Storer.
We write the intention of Carpenter. end bleebanice
generally in mar we/note= of Toole, which have been
se l ecte d with drrat care, and which we ars detennin.
ed to cell so ox Inpve satisfartion. ap&d&wT
Hoonng.--o..Titalm — TWl Pori T
samerthers beg to call the attention of Ithlldem,
Arebltects and owners of to the many
adoentages which these plat... pewee. over all other
metallic ~.stance hitherto need for roofing, Re., as
th e y pooh,. at once the llghtnew of teen, without hs
liability to root, baring now been tested for several
yews In dais pornenber, both In thth country and Na
mpo They are lass liable to expansion mid contrac
tion from sodden change att. atmosphere, tee com
mon tin pick, Iron, :toe, many other level now need
for roofing, and entovrinctitly form a mach bettor mod
ttgittor roof;
No.; fly icoo frequent mount, rrluln
the first cost but a wide more.
A full supply, of all noes, front 16 to 30 W. G., eon-
Manny on bo il and for tale by
and 16 //caved street, New Vink.
The pitent right fat this article haring been secured
for the United Hiatt, all Pullea irtitaitiat thereat,
either by hapunatee or otherwise, will be proscieu.
led. , oct.SlAtwlyT
For manyrs emincem4 wi th Meow.. Wiley &
atom, end late Jobe Wiley, N. Vote and Loodog)
111,...1.6% AND 1-11-rOOO. or
No. MI Went trexr,
(Neatly appetite the at. Chart' uotel.l
PIT nsavaqa
ID . Ensile& French, and Carman Reericwa and
Mawesitus, end Ns...papers imported to order, pens
Cathich mote be weertinned on uppbcauon to Mr. L.
alogue. grans taY2l
D. iltiNTT
=t4'l3,lll:l44ls • \ Den COrnelaf Fourth
and nti Decatur, between
Market and Ferry meeth -
NiliriNitellOSO Reef Eta - Ver., by
JY 7I corner Pim and Wood sth
turc,theruthea wet Mouldings, Framto 4. DC ts,
4ears and Stairs; together with deo . teTeiinp
principles of Viortlelt eornethl. I ".t.
fid e. crvo., won over goti engrain... rot ea n
ce p °
„li s s WOKWGOD, Won.' at
ittol%—the e highett prier le each FaidTor ocati
IT washed Wool, by LE
Liberty E,
angl3 Ft
A Lot of Ground having a hooter 0 Riot on
irnlttio street, bylol
twos to .1 o o
which is erected two gond story tidal
Homan The above property t. .wall hatenrs—
pleasantl mus& and
of be sold eery reasonable.
(either abosether or part of tt,) if application be tos‘le
soon to - HENRI' B. MAGILL, m the prendaes.
R0.12 - BALE—A Briertionse, OM one yeir
MIN) and Lot, on Robinson street, All
near old Bridge. Prim low and mon eany
Inquire of jrzi U 8 SCHOTEX ILO Reeond tr
von 1131:114, - ---
IazFOUR new nee story Brick Dwelling Houses,
ed finished .d complete ordr, on Centre
renne, . llinerseille road, TA Ward. P.
session giv. immedlateiy.RtZlt I. Enquire a
ilLt ifi VAY desirable , resir ie sdimn lz
ning... 1 , 24 ,Tb. Lot is center only 8111 foci dont by
one arid ninety feet daep,an a tWO nory
Brick Bonsai twentpilve teat front, 'nth twn natio%
dining room, and kitchen en em lam A aknime
house, stable and papery, and the lot del nr choice
fruit mem, all to gad order. Erlqmre at the enbseri•
bar, Lumber Merchant, Alleghear <in • ••
leMd.tertfT JNO. hertglicloN.
- DOR BENT.—The three atOry Brick Dwelling
r Bonze, on Liberty, bobil end Mnatrary
treets, new otonpied by IV. Hay
given insmedlarely. SoonLre of Wm. Graham, or at
we Bookstore of
toner Market and Third streets
De b sirable Property raw Sale.
entattill, well known and healthy residence.,
,1 tlatety occupied by hits. E. J. Stewart, dee.'d i ) nth
the by or the hill west of Steubenville, 04and
log the Steubenville and-Cambridge road. The - Mt
contains about cMht aents, part meadow, and undo,
Komi feline. The noproventents are a two story Brick
Leaciliny 'House and Kitchen. brink wink house, atell
chicken bin., • paid frame stable 5.0. Them is •
ranety of frnit trees end Ambbery, ' but • fall descrip
tion of tble well known property is deemed memo
miry. It is oat er the most beaunfal eurat na.ritaks In
the viemity of 8161InenthUle, andis pertseps one of the
most ocalthy,—eonibizung the many advantages-of
lows and country, with few of lint Inconvenlerices of
either. The tide is unerceintortablei Poisankai elm
be town on the first of November. For (whir test.
dowers, apply through the Post Other, nddte.s the
'absent., filtlonsitille, refers. comity. Oi or at hi•
residence ou the bank of the Ohio, opposite New Cam
beamed, do. JAMES R. 31" STEWART.
.Jul , Wend Serer Alex. fibinsart. dee'd ;
a.tatA lame store on Market 111, fl between
fted antand 4th
su, olihed and headwater li up for
ry goods, being • good sued tor that badetes.
Office, and at, aver Philo 11a11—Odin home Nom o v a
12 au.
.15t . Hoene, being the
• nd hoe= from Penn street,. in anyder's
Row, °Allay arced. Immediate pOssession will i.e
given. Edquire of DAVID BJTCI3IE, Attorney at
Lao—otbee an Fourth atom, between Cherry alley
and Grant atreet. Jolladlf
IikPOUR mw two story Brick Dwelling Maw%
en tlnlsbed and In complete order, on Ceuta,
venue, 7th W•AL Possession !lien Julx Ist.
Rout low. Enquire of JOHN WAIT CO,
corner of Liberty exid Mad sts
TO iFeitaiiittisliiiiCoatiliair.itiffai:
MR E nerdoralgeted offer* lb, sale In 111(Ndan county,
J. Pt, ism acres 01'011 timbered LANA. with an
Hcellent Saw Mill nearly new-, and two mw Franc
ouses, one 4( feet film hy 47 hack; the other .71 feet
front by ti hank. Also, goodnew frame th irty
by tarty feet. The mtll and land are situated four
miles from the Allegheny river. A great deal of PLNE
TIMBER of the best quality, and else • vast genially
of the yelp best hemlock. Also, ono aere on the bank
of the Allegheny, near • cove, moat admirably adapt
ed for rafting, where lumber e 0 be rafted on thekire
in winter. and be perfectly safe from all fre-shW.
Prier 39,909, or S 3 an urn Terms tinny. Welttadits ,
a well cloaked small Arm, oth good hoes* end or ,-
chin! open a, 0, part payment, 1(1000 is suitable,
and the balance to lumber or as may be agreed on
This A an excellent oppo4nolty for inn:daring; and
the ptobeebllity A great that in two or three years the n
property will double its Taloa, to con , ooo of ted
proxlmity to the New York •ad EriLemd.
ber sufficient to wear at several sawmil l ooo sev
eral mill sites on the stream which runs nearlythrough
the rent* of the land. About Massa sores In draw
No hill {Dime in hauling lumber from mill to deer.
Tout and game in ahundance. For Ruttier partied,
lure, tutdress,(post-puld,l P. &TEMPLETON,
unniuttlruß Galena office. Pit:Ahura&
;Propos-Sy in Allrighanyetilliii—irerilis—
sobsenbers otter far safe a number of chorea
BE in the Se.. ‘Vard, (rooting co dm
O'fl. easy
ROBINSON, Any !Arras. a t
Lou, ona ot
or (/AB ROBINSON. or, thane..... sr
Two Luria tar Mass
Tvabsenbers will sell at private sale, thew two
j valuable Lots of Oround, situated on Tomato
in Jot Third Ward of Allegheny City, each having a
(toot 0(20 feet, running back 110 feet In depth to a 20
feet alley, upon which is built a stone wall, CS br.loo
km, which contaimi stone enough totbuild Cellars for
two comfortable dwelling houses, and in front thaw
are three shade trees, o years growth, and the std,,
walk I. paved with brick, all of which will be sold at
ghat Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or County Seop,
will be taken io payment.
J A H PHILLIPS, Nos Wood it.,
or to W3I. I3MISON, immediately opposite said lets.
LtSAll—F.,jv_n rNipo mslyfr iEn nicWa
:s•lngtoznof Ltcinghum. The o. an; st
(M — r
mm,trret i f dered in F I : hnona's
rsL.nlntent7reel p tic o n thV 4 r gfee * t * re .
• •
Tqmo---Greator 'pan of porobox- monor rony fa
• nth kir xti year's vaunt 6, coortgar. For panic
s nolotro cf P
ruyiu ILO tocood
V.iluatilikLeavil tor ash.,
A."" fottr miles above Lock No. that the mouth
of Pine Rua, Stenottgettel• River. The Crust Is
Grillevery benyeallty, arid easy of steam Ans
namber of tans, from twenty-five ta a hundred, ought
obtained. Persona desirousof purchasing, can
roll On WALKER REED, on the peen:dui, or Wm.
Reed, opposite the Post °Dee, who will give soy
lormation concerning the. property. The above welt
he told it a great bargain.
att Ln vcal r—A brick Dwelling House, situate on.
Roborson .trees, Allegheny. Enquire of
R 50 ... L R 13,110N S Io OIIOTF.R
F O xfult A tt L on V fi el l jne A P r
street, tal feet f A Fil ' g f li g sTre
VI feet front on Webster, by rib feet to a flee feet alley
—qatto close to new court Musa. Prise EPA Terms,
5100 cosh in hand; helium to one, two, three and foto
yenta from the lint of April last
County and City Scrip taken for emit payment. In.
;mirrot mylfi, S SCHOYER. 110 gamed et
1363 &ores Cams seamu ger matey
SM/Are-iron the Stortongekelarian,abnut lßmHea
from Ileoraurgh anal 3 ranee above third Leek, DC
the immediate naghbortirrod of Meson. Lyon A Shutt,
end Ole. John lierron's purchase. Tins fine body,of
Coal tall be sold at the to price 011533 per acre —otta
third in heed, balance in five equal waned payment. ?
withoot eateries:. Title Indisputable. Logatkrn any
good--eatmot be surpassed. For further particulate
engaire of S. BA LSLEY, who Ms a draft of mid o._
perry. Residence.] at, elow FortyLAdomoT pr arer.
N. IL There ta another b team of coal on duo Mies,
about 00 (eel above the baser, of emetic.= quality.
jr.3llltf S.,
sabseribers are asatharried to one at private
sale, and upon highly favorable terms, a number
of very valuable Rending Lots, commutes a largo
poroon of the Loss numbered Of tai., G 9 artd 111
Woods' General Pitt of the ffity of Pntshergb, altos
tell at Um south eantairdly corner of Penn and Wayne
covets, fronting 210 Met on the former, and eltendmo
tho latter shoot 600 feet to the Allegheny rivet.
and being n port of tee Real Estate of the L4l,
S.Stoseirion, Esq., deceased.
A planes,
or subdivision of the above Lots, lo eenfor.
ashy with which it le Korman.; togall, may be seen
the office Mem undersigned, on Four* between Mar
ket road Ferry Oa WILLIAMS & KUHN "
TWO zziiiriFical, LOTS VISA riAlatC
jela. TWO LOTS on Seaver erica,. in the eity
Jr n a Allegheny, above the upper C.Sl[l6Ollll, an
mu ?lash
intercom! a frame bonding, two Stall. high, table
for two moll tenements. The kits are each twenty
feet in front by one hundred feet deep, and run bark
to a street forty feet wide. The building? with. laral.
buses will papa very banMortto interest on the invearp,
meta. sod the property ardl be cold ebealp tor eadi
Apply roll. S pr oul, office; IL B. nor to
nova KAY & Co
ACHES OF LAND,situaled Peehleo
T .41p, on the Monongahela, three mil. from Pala
harsh—on lots to s puhmera. Foe masher Cf pane.
slam apply to Henry uit
Woo re ds, &I et, or to
novei-dif 4th, above Smith fie d u el
OUSE FOR SAL—'lle s sca
odera for We die three aims brier 'Warehouse
on Wood atreet,ocenpicil FL TaMiet A Co,
apl7 WM. WILSON. Jr.
FOR SALE—A Loa of Oroand shame on Penn
affect, betsvech Hay and fdarbory affects, adjoining
the Loon en flot way. °eclipse,/ Ly 11/clirtll.:4lrafils.
having e. front of CS fen, nrd is depth ISD fah inn he
Edon ftvorabto terms. Till., linexceptiouable. Fa d
claim ar ' C. U. LOOMIS, tat at,unix Woal.
A -
DESIRABLE BoiMans Lot In Allegheny ally, to.
womb. , larated, In size about half(*n acre, and
will be sold oa arcommodating larma , ln q ulre of
let 4 J tl WILLIAMS, 110 wood si
RENT—A;ootain We wary, No.
govn Wood siren. 11,22
Derrostatow lone 12,1419. •
Mr. John D. Morgan—Dear Sic I pm:lone temporal,
full of your Worm Killer to one arny children, au/ In
the *hurt tune of one hair Amu it unwed twenty large
wor tut I (col safe in recommending your Vera:gaga
as th e ben medicine dim can be used for erpellinN
Jana. Meas.', neat Noblestown.
P , tl , srrd and told by the .rounctor, /OLIN MOR
GAN, Dr., gist, one daor below Diamond alley, WOW
We, Matl
gmh 6,, 6( ,
, min* bcpartnT4l_nta nt' aitom 9 m II oselock, It. M.
and n to 5 o'clock, P. n .
Athecinuin 9nloon and nathinn Enablithenent.
!yin T. APPALL. PrdPn•l•t
A Rte:w receiving .2 very lenge mock or leecl,
ti, orrceent parchue and unpartction.wlnch
-will unto the trade nth pieta as CAOIIO, fail
Irc entire sallatartion.
ts arnt Couttle7 Morchaota aro invited to call Aral
ur atoek trefore pureasaitts elsewhere.
mr n
CYO. W. MUTH • 1:104
TNFoRyd their (Handmaid tbsputilinOcatOtokimu.
no longer my someenon sash their tale lattabllatt
mean In Perin sum, STUMM MSG." Pittsb
Metal{ manned their entire basimitablf tbib POW -,
M. , MRV. In Mr imam
RY-4301.1 nod W
Di ICH JIM S—arer swims
!ma vinlirry, at tbe Lam quldities and best rat.
terns: Stir°, Spowns, made ar standard GO t tird war
ranted; Wanly Goods: a l'ullynisimm u s
Lamp., now in mirersal use, and giving Sc
best end arlalMal Cutlery, Tea Worm
Gormiranlon Lame, Speetacirs, Gold Pont. lee:
ang9 aims aluket and Fount, sts
na n/al-a , LShilasta. N.
MILIAIR GICZETSON, Wholesale Grasersinsid,
[toponym oranindies., VlGnes.mi Vegan:, Noel. I
170 and 171,d/rumor Linentimi Irwin strussualiduse...
, MO, Pa Iron; .G.uratu Yams, ',Me -
siantly an hand. _
_ -
Wbrows the austalon of saes
. eras so ass lame supply of tww bloods lust
opened in los wholesale nooses, on 2.1 story, Ulnkellll4
wows ltb and market stereo, Pittsburg!,
'Mt boom his setossa suPPSY los this sPaUg,loiligh
many kinds of goods as restored psis on4;site,
ay le* oat to be Nod elzewbere,