BY MAGNETI--TELEGRAPH ILIMPOFITED t OLEGILA PIIED FOIL THE PITTEHURAH DAILY GAI.t./. rt. • itliODE IBLAAD: ELECTION, • ovnmacs, Aag. 3 (4 is R Dixon, (Vibig) is e!ectO*l Comm.. from he Western tagriat by a a+3iby of Coo o ^. Thu -0 " 4 too, (Democrat) F . , I , CHOLERA IKEV,EW YORK. ;,4rar irOVIK. Aug. A% . More - thin city. during tug. 30. The captain of shiPtna..- Havana, report.. that Rey ha beeli",iliberated from prieuq and sent to Nem r leartr;:having been delivered up on the repraen none of j the American qtin. Lams, Aug. 30.. Intelligence has been received from Fort Lams micy to Aog. lat. F.: Sickness ceased amongbr . ! emigrants after nail ing Fort Sioux. ' ; The Indians bad sofferid much from chat*, sad bad hada exasperate ipinut. the emigranta gsr introdumng it nmongt youngCbeye-nne, at Egoitje Blurs, who hid lost several Ailed. by the eholetg , tilled a an an by the name of Melbwcll in res'epge, sod was hong 6, the inane: The cholera li si Tr tori, and ea cholera et la quite GuaL IM:aSZI Another tint took which resulted iu th. Howard, who was I by Landadovni, is bass, and hopes are eutieii ad of his rees4, eIY OFI3II.OFTLIE PEbi L H tlf3 YLTANIA 1 Aug. 30. i The Penosyltrazia Rat? * a, from Lewietogfa liarrisbmg, will be opeSitr travel on Saturday Deit. 'IV • NEW YORK MARKET. noon MillYana, August 30. Flinar is in moderate detnand. Grain—Cori:Via dull, isEtS. %thew =alone! ateh. t. dy. Whiakey--.Sales of Olga*hiakey at Hie Or gallon. Couon—Sales of fair (Moans end Mobile Cus tom at NEW YORK IbIARKET. Yana, Aug. 30. Flour—no market is Without change. Fur common grades Eastern aid home demand is se r7 moderate, and supplant are light. Good brands are also scarce. Sales cot:in:non brands a I. at $5.4355,b0, of straight brands at $5,500.5,62, raid of Ohio at 0,7.505,81. Grain—Corn Is dull, at *S6L for yellow, and 58 1059 i for mized. Groceriree—No change 3C Moleages. Sales of Now Orleans at 22c per gabbil. toffee, condoms firm, with talcs of 1t at : of Java at 83, of Lags:arra, at Walk, and of Maracaibo at 71 per It- Sagan are to good domed at a alight !no prcrvement. New Orient:reSugar sold as 41011 e. Proviaina—Salim of Mein Pork at $1.0,62, odd of Prime at 18.93 per bbL. z; N. Y., Aug. 27. FATAL Erma!, sa.—lrt Erin; a salute from the I.7mted States steamer Michigan, this morning, M holm, of V:co Prendent Figtreere, a erumon used upon the oceesitm nnformdately exploded., by which a men named Gilherl was lolled on the spot, three others were blcitid overboard, and an other bad both hands b10ur011,.,1 he Terence re ported to have shed. • 7„. T.a Ltrm Ctnonsigm.— Dr.l.l"Lane, the inventor Of the best remedy for that fearful which has ever been armed to the pablia, describes the snap p tome indleato a disci* state of that Import an.Byt ergp: fr . rutoma oaf ikeased Liver,—Pain In the Moist aide, under the edge 'of the ribs, increase Thpreesura. Sometimes t 4cpmn Is in th e I efi side e pnriitint is rarelrable re, • lietn the left Ode. Some- Umes the pain is fell ender tho boulder blade, and it frequently emends to the u the shoulder, and Is Othaefilnall mistaken fora oh V.:Masai In the WI. The marestrigis +articled entbiosa , pf tvpesite sad tieirrel4 —rho bawl. in general are e ostler, sometimes alter mrieewflhlar. Tee head Is proubled with pain... ad coeval:tied with it, heartr.sensonm io rho back . part. Them ge nerall y a baidemble to., ormetrt orr, accumpanled with • pain ammirlan of haring lea andarto sameubionewideh aoo t have been don& A slight dry cough is somettaleit .an attendant. The patient complains of wearimig,ll and debility—he is easay siartMd—lne feet ate rot 4 ci•O' horning. sad kg, complains of a pri•kly mins MM. ad the Min. spirits am ler, and although bo. to .2, tialted th at czar • mse would be beneficial to hi bu i ',el he ea. Leereet summon up fortitude enough to try it. in fact , he dm .. • ' musts eeetT remedy.' Yon. ear or all of that. ym sl Call and purchase bog of Dr. liPliarsh i i Pi p t Is. at the Drug `Stem of ausalieiS J it co • runtime L. 03 BCDAI.—P reyibml L Y 1. IV. ga 111 Villimm street, N. V., and for To by A . Juror. 711 Fourth meet 'Ma will I.s Glande d eittnUftli !•rt.; ale of bevertme m butane*, a oil Raritan's elf tar ".. room. Banantlallbritsaa—An imp 1134 ' .6 Chneol we prepara tion, being iefeonattiniuma of cimea nub w twee., lo viroratinparel palatable, bi ghiy reemomen and partic ularly for umalida Prepay id by. W. Hater; Dumb. , " mr, Siam., and for ale by it.ilitiYNlA uth e Tea Store, No. Si Fourth e . neltla lir A gentlemon of Pitt &Marl, woo bad fallen Ia an open cellar after the ...Cr rest Fire," sr - o.ot hs or.. cic so severly that he ono anal,lnlo refrain :rote cry.. tM oat with tbo pain. A f riendorbo had been *mai B. A. Pal:magnet Co's 'ltubef'demat and.been orro of Rheumatism, gave husk what remained in th e bode,: and although his limb was ptatiy swolienhe um completely restored to b clack. m twelve bolas hod treed from pain. This lerd eme b( arrest bomber of apes which bare come andoe the observniron of ape proprietors. kropstre d and by B A F - INESTOCIf. k Co„ • Prrntatneue, June 6,1849. • hln. T. E. litsehur,Dcar BM 1 huge n., berm• using your AVM. is Fluid endlted Lek far near two, pima, mei find nem the beet erkr pin a pen it.. I . think we mut get Meng . ..Moil any nuponed snider in the ink line hereafter. Tome, respectfully. C. HARTWELL. For sale by 11. A. Futinestoth & Co. Pittsburgh; IT., P. Schwurts, Alleghenyelm chithy the menufacturer•' Thomas Y. /libber!, Druggist and Chemin, corner of Liberty and Smithfield suams,rittsburgb, Pe. ang2l-11.1er Light Idgire II- laght I Tom, celebrated b.rolajr add alto mow bo hod, at the Konaotn Lamp Stant, .No. ha Third surst, between Wald and Market. For • portable boon, light It tut. tbe preferenee k of the eastern cities. berag perfeetly safe and thew. void of smoke, 'ream, az any of the disagreeable at.' cadent. to lights now in COSOSISCIi use: also, a beanti.... of akortmant of kettp•of the latest pollen. for bran. ng the same. ./Vdtdeltno: V. 1. DAVID. ta.lF/S—WOILIekLIFto A VALAUBLE FARM OF LASD, situated in L. d, cr St. Clair worm btp, Aileaheny creamy, c 0.... wawa ONE lIUNDEED AND TWILVVV ONE ACHES, with Dwelling Hoop glum. 3e ., thereon. The quality of the land la cacao:, and nu onore n i. e e renders It a Aoltivinlo location. H. not led put e ns to the fill. September, Will Itta , Wo l laitred Public &Felon tho yrentlyes t at , For taxms arnpuiro or JOSESi BOYD, Middloton,. Moon lovarAlp. Allegheny to , or 7110 S-Al. ALABSHALL, • norney at Law, • lyiCtltaort. , Mk at, Pittsburgh. Iron W.ii!it tot& EMI Property for Sale. IWISH to sell toy eilloproperil, containing .boob I 1000 acres Of good fermi rig lane, nearly all enclosed' with good Mutes, and in a, good stale of coltimtion.—. cdr winch &roomed Yam tice.,iFerge, and G ri st Mill with 4 pr. Mates, ealaalam 1 to 40 droth merchant and' country nodi and a Saw - Nil all Lately put in good; repair. The 104.404 is unequalled, kriming a home eviritel: for every 'Utik seranufmntreck I'M will command Yinsbarith and Amend Rock Prides, with the addltion• of height. Thscontemplitted Rail Road Yroin Zanesville to Co Jumbos, out pass very nen r the lororka—rarbich aid ven 2.11C/11 in procuring strauX from a dikance, if, mrspdred. Tao Airmen and Forge aro Mt one ride or Licking • meta, and rite Milks on the owes, 'Muni:mt.d by a good'. substantial bridge arid, sterse.p:ers and ribetmenul.. Them Is a =Ulna ' water dill of In feet 10 inches, ever a redid monk folindatton, rend is coriatdered one of the ben 'renter sites, for manufseririteg purposes, in the I r:l' mU all together, or lel the {creel divide, end diva. of the Mills with a. mfbetedey of land ou ono doe, sad the Iron Works.,, theMher. If not wild by the gnu et - atm.:Mei nett , I will Mau rant the whole dogether, or eepyieuti, as above. To yang. Overpamy ing eme I men, (In ti property holds eat tlarev uoyipro 4000' ttrfweif My age admardeniee. emyltut it id quite time to wilt; (0000 &olive &mutate. 1 tberefore offer the whole of lbw very valuable preperty, On very no nonoble tering, A Moan Pam ably seol4 be requmed to hand, , the balance on attendedllme. . JODN DILLON Er. ta,kio, Walls. 4 males from kwcaving. . lylkamtOclicdlarriT 00 1 IIET RINC—bli fiilYCOOGRAPIWT. 0 cscrAwAstas OP PCIENCE. LITERATURE AND ART.—EA/ma b .ySpcetr ul C e a , P on r d o ofeleasor of P•DDR I3.i..e in '' 4 ..Pr c, N. windrows Dv fire handfed. etert.ertgoasludw compiled J. 6. tu a. Tho c0.3.4.1!0r1t will form two vol. L.,of te2l r loaf MO aliment teltigwe of platem will receive RPM. R/W.lhas can be bouna in „„. mo m In .4 Me lane nod emorenb „.....worehawee. The wart