The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 11, 1849, Image 4

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    inieitFifaTA °NI IJNES.
o iivrxinad- u • 111 • .1
THE P4'ek 4l - *l PA l* gat arl4l LifiVe!
Ilenyer Larly on Alselafi,Yreaneetliy lad
Finlay evenifige old P. ill . in it Vonttrannen
next moridni of c..eliteketirrntrig. !tenet 1, nage.
town TneAday, !reminder' : reel etiaGirday even/ ige It 4
P.M_ a.a in.4olleneer on tirne foe th. mood is bent.
A LLEOHENY CLII9PEG; tenni - 14 in Pritatangb at
It o'clock. • • • •
The treetel 11ARF.AWAY. quill Deernal• 0111
lave IleanefTtardat Thensdateled ant... 40 even
.. P. if.. rleuresng, Imo Ciao , Cern', Mon.!or,
15 ednesilay and Friday se..finis-OA P. AL taw con
twerp! ,filmareg Go.Eellirn
The. ;as :in. inert - lifted 410... ingensplete agar, har
ing fine tecnnirninertfions for p.reirliera and iltoppers
roly'internalit y .otr gmater deepalib
than has beettelnained on de ntrouva
. FITCH WC.. Propnerori
I .CIL411.11: Ain!. Piu.erga. •
ifo ettAr..l.lroAl .`. Ileac" et.
A .las-dm 17.nOtotert.
It. If. Co4lnOiam,“loenr
The efegnut 47000060.ALL.4.41111iNV CLIPI t 'F.It. 49
leave I Bearer , eXell , air P
ratuung ConzICYOU '56" 0100 abosr bon a int+
. _
Warren - wad and plaßangast Mu.
Canal Pantrac-8 ALLOW:
• . - .AN. .Y
PNB of the above Pa am leans Beaver eYrery day
iftunitay• excepted sued. anti's , best morning al
ansn, when they eon eet vent the Mail *ages Mr
Akron sad Cleveland, a ring at earl of Myra pls. - .
Won night One at di pockets !earn Warren daill
at 3P. M. and arrive I Ileuff..y. Id time m tate me
morning boat for Pittsburgh. .-...
CEP LEPPINGIVKLIiitiCoi Wameur I p m
AI B TAYLOR, . de t
apM earner Waterauid Pretiiikald so
aggEgai 1849: , : ,
Cmirnt' m & C[1...6113.1.1", an, 0,, t 0
IL O. Pam...llenVer. Pa. tt
LHIS Lute will be prep. ed ng the fTkalnK of nsf .-
gagon. trinort freight Mid Passeri ‘ ers front
SI/CRON and CLEYKLAIRD, to ant point on
the Canal and Lake.
The (ankles Orate Line are artitirgossediit manse.
quah and capacity of Boca, etpirience of caplet..
ind eifiuencg of Agenu. .;
One Ikwt
Pittsburgh eadflereland Lg., ran.
ring in conneetion with the nerairars
LAKE ERIE AND rdigliiif AN,
Hemmen Pittsburgh and Beam.snal a ling of arra rims
Sweaters, Propellers and Vemels on We allea.
Agturrw—if 0 Parka, Beam rAift
Jena: Ualdwin,Yougginognt, traig.
Al D Taylor, Waracw,.. ,
Mls ic P , TU ec, a,:re
Crawford & Charstratlut, CicycLiral, 0
Bc." &
031ce. car Wa'lnroad Sambraid ma, Pnw.butab.
mehdlily •
• Llid" - IVlTillt lACTAgS.
Etteamer MI CHIG A N
No. 2.4.CopLiiiilsco.
" LAKE ERIE, ," Gordon.
THE above regales and well itnown Denver Pae
ta, have commenced mak ics their dolly trio.. to
and from Beaver, and will continue io ggi between
Pinsburgb and Beam regularly daring,
Michigan Na *leaves Pintail:l - Tb doily 413 detect,
A. 31, and Deaver at a oleleinh P. M. Lake Feria
leave. Baiter daily au M, Pinsbn rg
at 3 o'clock, P. M. .
Theme steamers will min in ommection
H Parke' Express Packet Ltrie, for Falb;
Taylor! Lertingerehl Warren rackety,
MUM] Line of Freight Boats ldt • EleeMmtiii
Clarke Cols Pinabargh and Cleveland Line Freak.
Heats. •
. _ _
El 0 Plats daily Near Cadda,taekri.s.
CLARKE, PARKS &_qc., D.Mr. Agana_
101LN A. CAUGlifili, Pittelairgu,
aze.h3l dor Waldh and smithan;.l..
mega 1849.':.',,
THE Proprietors of this old iaaCtlithea a{al PS u
duly bee, consisting Of SIXTEEN firtt
Boma, mooed by themsolrea running, al ronara
thin with the steam Loam 'IIEAVYIt ANC t'A LEL;
(XIPE, are enabled to offer tiijoalle4 beames ye,
the tranaportatioo of freight and pasiengars. OD th.
opal:arty of Canal eariratiort, ui.alf pintas on the Penn-
Bylvayua and (tato and N. liort aed the Late,
E. H. PITCH & Co, Cleveland.
81DWE1.4.11. BROTHER,
• .areou s l Beaver.
J. C. BIDWELL Agent.
man \Valet street,
; C. BUSIVELT.I e.W.C . :
• •
Forwardlnt !tram nts,
tssevta. tqk
- • •
Agents(or the Pittsburgh ataicirmistmllLenr.
burgh and E Line riti.Etirir. and fo• sr..=
!oats Bearer and CaLd
Having purchased the large detd. sabstaintial Wharf
Boat rest built for the MenCdtgultels rice.,., but e
with the addltiou of teearrhomel thr moat ample ar•
for iving dud Consist:hog. r 1
pledge Muir utmost neentiou.rdeimpmers and der •,.
to consignments to their care, bpd rely oust., r tl•
for atrial. marl-sty; , . , It a_
Nam is o,
Old EnablishailLine.
BEYM ropricor of thls well known Lthe of Canal
A. Boots, I. now prepared tit, unspent, Pmsenmr.
and neighs to all poltua on Ow kris Extkoston, Now
York Canals and the Lake., upon no Inuit famoratue
terms and win despatch. s
Thu Lone runs in conneenok with nab pramhrnas
IitEAV*R an C
d CALEB COPE, bows-ren Pittsburgh
and Boaster, lel Reed's Loo of steam O uts and yrs
*els or, A. Lairs, and the Tro and hbehman Late
Boat Lim on We New York BREWt y,
C. M. Pro p -Imi, Ede, Pa.
& Brother, Audets, Beaver
W T hlather, Agent at ‘r Id es it erroops Passsneor ,
Ofilee, Monongahela House
CONSIGNIUMM—W C Menu, Sid • on 4 F. Al Ire
Shorpsbarg; Smith A Dowling, do, J Plunihrt..
West Greenvilni Wick. heard& Co, de,: Wm /tern,,
}lamb:nen Dwets& Sutton, ilittfalo; Ham, r,,bbr
Cer, Sandusky: sas A Ar.starbg, boron: Kim:sus e
Newberry, Shebaygw; A Clair & M0w.,.-
AneP, Muller& Bonon, 11 tutszte, A Wheeler ik Co. New York- t apo
Pittsbrarght n =
324 Blalr
18 i l .
yklle PielAat. Lime
. ppnn act 11 iatgi
ap wield Paskot Mats to O
te n tonna the, season. 00l no
[wren Blairsville and P/tobaztb , bn boos to be tow
ed by Huainan., and evoritkron made to agents
loollate passengers.
Dnametass.-1130ans vnit -iveve Plutiborgh every
Menday, nmiday, Tbursduptiad Friday, at 10'0100k.
0.0. From Blentottlle esterT, Mondayu Wettnetuvl•
Thursday and Smartt., at 7 done k. and amuse
In P/oAnme tht mote •A•tveo kal.ft Hack from
Indiana ad noun. boat arPHlsborghl both on up
wardand dtrernwardirip—pettlag pasmegmt throktn
from that place in
Freight for the Choy? Linulkill be received at rho
house of the iloatneuhl Lirthr s ' by Jno. Parrett & Co.,
who wooer authorised Agent.. All Weight recesvcd
tree at rtganutisatans. MARSHALL & Co.
JNO FAWN & A as,
Canal Barns, asherty st, Pursuargb
A Hack leaves Blairstallorpr Yoomppown on We
arrival erne
to boat La marling Pato
from Pittsburgh to Youngsumett ed—recemed et oil..
Of Boatmen's Lime throoth.r . .. . •eghtern
VIVRIBE AMU POlLlrfallaLM isrd•r
irialM lB4 %;lllM
For dm 1}
YE 4 mot to end from
YORK, 1.10R;ON, Jae.
Taunus Umnittion Phtladelphta.
Team CPCourroa, Ptusinneh.
reold establithed no w in fun Mr..r
p, the proprietors ate prepared with thetr usual
erterialre arrangement. to thtir.fd mem, hmolirei pro
duce, rte. to and from the ahfryp perm, o 4 lam.] terms,
with the regularity, despotcyland safety peculiar in
OW , trunle• trensponnuon,so obvinths, when Imo.
shipment or. the way ks avoided.
JW muthignmentabylend lOWA line received, char.
dmr. Monte.. ,d till
in Charts eadWlLLlasan, adrationg or lstorage.
No Interest, directly or indlthelly, to steamboat.
emmunilkcaticomprompp anendel to on applicai
Tll W OrN ‘ f c lt d ßllartrhietket
TAAFFE ic O'CONNOR, Pinot Basin, Pittsburgh.
O'CONNOR ft Co , North eiti Iltiltimore. ruettOS
HMO 180.
suegpalauv,ramnri l att Jr.
Jaen Illmanair4 Tun* Tithonan,
WIC Emus, Jacop Do r i. •
COddletAde ethics Sabhullokeepind principles.
rll:Propstelort of th is did establithed Lille have
pm their mock in the oneidoomplete order and are
ULOVOOftd7 prepared to forvrioi Prude.. and Me retool.
duo Wand from the Ewers - eine.
We trust that our thug ciperienco , the cluvriild
badness, and mato. suet:Mots to the lowed. of ea.
tomere, Will encore to us a eentinuande and increase
of the perronsge hitherns edianded to linnehasis l ease
par arrangements will tenable us Us carry Froght
with the .meat demateh, aled our prices than armoire
kg ,, %.• bre as the lowedetillOged by other respoesible
We have opened an lidded" No ark st
betweshipen dth and Sth ate, Pidilida, for the con
of enience
PrOdaCe and iderchandisir,voll be reersived and fer
vors:dad, East and Wow, stril)ent lot for.
warding, advancing freighheutrare oreotrunwrion.
Rill. of Lading forvranled, and every direenotl
pnlylorn eted
f'= A r -
NO IE3 and shrect, l'hiltraa.
jeldirs, WILLSON, Agent,
No 1M North Upward Italtomore
Nn girth Newt
MEM/ 18 01
TrottiOortaglou Lane.
rarLAZZU.1.4 4 A51 , ... 11110 . 4
TEE Canals anditati PAO. be/n6
ove opn, uld
In good order, we atei prepared :to forwald ell
kinds emerehandate and to rhlladelphla
Beldame% wifSproatpenea Sod despSten, and on as
good lemma aaanY older
e l',„ kA bribiry s Co ., .
Canal Main, Penaat, Putobuigh.
Aniono—CRARLS2. RAINOR, Pilladelplos •
lola ROSEMORRI & Co, lfaltlmme.
Potasksylvant. 11111 load .14x-
ProonYoust r&tokirt ne,
latigai 1840
t t ,.
rigw thin th~s
coo -
turns iltreasto4t
The boa. soKaatood d a apetito• elan, with
Imo& cabins,woch wiU eye greuu# moron. The
eva MIA /Mist nonstraqlon.
•bosawill Otraysbo
nti Imam ars m
oaned to sin sad await thanatOro atrabot poi
2.robootala • '
say nine dpllars 1.4' One *OM Now of
Linn leave•Os ant.ioptioskto a Ilatel,
eatsertalPeonatreat end Cat oral otga nia
skit Tina _ . I ,b.aat_oßP l 7,!O• O.
Kozaseb Fl'"'" "°,
- ' • .
'• 4 1L , • .
,•;.• `• - •
; •
. '
IDLPINKSS ort.lba .C 74.1 1.4i0g
reartined. tt
l'fo.ortetora of the law , * t.tue reapeettally.inforn ,
the p4im :hat that •re preriared to receive and (or
ward rrubt With deaoateb, Mid at /oven rates.
They would oleo call the ilie'lllloll Of lOoppen. beat
wird op the fact that the 13etas a cme
by theta le
trans* - tatton, are owned by them and
etperieneed eaptatha.
4 t , thippers or Meat tn Balk find it advantairexha
to 00, by thus Line, ta. the gulebersbers nay. trade ar
angemet+ at ._:olttuttota bßee frigte.. Inc Bal.
tanombruided threctly from btaut tn. ea..., thereby se
tart warehott•te hudtoir
eyealyht to Putimlclphaa ries neat through to the
rito charge made for soreivrii •to pot ng or edvnnunq
citarris KALIL & o.F-S I`i op novo,.
CoortOltosin, Se ventO
AO INTS—lohn A. Skov. cineonooo, o , ; ..o
CUlioteqo &Ca-Voluatqcv . S. drool & rho, Po o d o i.
pa* Friincl, A Tbaco.o:L49mbia- nrebat
virarisyroNLka A..1±4 A it..
1849 &lit.
Patsbwrgh to PinhufelP(a and ilaithatn.
E....v.0y for, ..,..ter,)
T OE public are resoemeeltrinfoonne Mat Ova lame
win commence running cn Nioeday. Deb Mulch.
The boats of this I..sue are of a .upend r alas, with
ralarged cabins, white will,gore Kramer comfort to
bomelvers be in Ks., and travelers are re.
gamed to call and eamoone them before collaring pa..
amps by mbar rooms. They ;toll leave thelandow. op.
pane the 1 , . 8. Rotel, corami Peon filttel and eau,
every ntryln at 9 o‘tleck
For inCormauon, apply at:the attire, Monongahela
Hoar al D I,EFCH Co. Canal {Wain..
, ta
1.1. Vacproprietor. of above Line are now
building an ruldsbonal Lane n y 'Packlats. Loran Above
Ott OT about June lot. ill romreolon - wol, the Penn.) ,
canto Raul Road from Us...tow.: PbO,,or mon. Al
than time a pocket will leaveeeeerylarons, and eve:.
010 Time through. at d.,•, umnlo
1849. =ilia
F., the traosrMBarbt or ....err ne/.01.r.
FIE - TWEE:sI FRILADEL.I . I fe% Air D Prrrallirlir:ll
(n 001;k8 carried on this ,Litzr are not tran.blppe , i
kj between Pittaburgli and Philodelplim, lieu, car
ried in four recOon Porteble a 4Joa, ,and on o a a .
Mr.--in shipper" of merehemda., remOrtna macre!
handling, duels of iraportadee No ebnrge mole lar
ramviaar or shlpplng, or for. naval - irony charge. A
grods forreartled with dmpaich, end oil a. res.on•ble
term a. by any raker Line
JOHN WFA1.8.7.1h Co,
Canal Lti.m. Penn .1. Pittsburgh
.8.18 it DATIB P Co,
marl 0117 Market if ,0111111eree
JOAN MaFADFAN amt kfcaarmr
ram Me(COOIItS, Causl Bruin, Peon l'autarrakk.
'ANSE§ 31 DAVIS a Co, Plow Femora nod Commis-
Moo Merchants, 417 lie rlref,wel M Commerce weer,
.Ptidadelphia mart
,E,tdr athan mes made by either of the above on Roe
sale_ er merehr a4esee consigned m them b.
AMR/ 184
ME RC !lAA Wee WAIF snailtlliT
For Flairertlle, liothrlaya,olga, end all intermetkate plaern '
rplllB Line vont:nue*. carry all Way Goods
with their natal desp*lt. ei.d at fair rata et
Ausrrni—C. A. M'A(CI.TI' & Co, Pituburgh.
D 11 WakefieldiJohuviown.
John Miller. liollalaysnorgh.
Ito, roan—Jame. lorllon. Suva a Storlatr, Dr F
Shoeisberger, R Ploore..lv7a Porter, S F Von Bonn
ham & Co. Wu) Lehniv , It Co. JIM M Drum & bro.
Pittsburgh; John Ivor), Steal, Molholten & Ray. Joe
Bran' It Co, BLLr.viue.;
Canal Packet—Slt'AliLlJW, Coot Ford.
" v OCKAB, Capt. Warier..
914 E of amnia/v.3 Beaver every cloy.
IStuoluys ekeepte..4 ho d . trive neat morning ai
anen, artxre they ronn6cl arab the kind Stages for
Akron and Cevoland. urr.ttog ho oro, vi tnene
velure nitrbk One of 1.10 rackets leave Warren do, t
at 5 P.M., and arriveat f)vater la ume m tort tt.r
zoo, hog otooraboto tOr Pitt , burrh.
COTES & V. tro
a Ppra .
Mantua roma dale LI swat nor taa
wanal Paeltet—PriTsVaata, Capt. I r
Tataastaro. • Pollock:
Lau Eats,
- Brown.
", .ayer
Tye abtivo nrw mond **band Pnaseuger Poch-to have
eonaawneed flllllltllg banwien ltalAkFAI AN.D 1,1111-
and ve run regal-ally 11 . 0 n., toe aoaaon—one
learnt.; Eno every utorrugg o eloel.and one ma,
i.e Deaver every evenine. immediate+) all, the ern.
va, at the steamboat Attetalgen from Pots nutab.
11.,, at. are new and .cuturaably turni.ned,
,ort through in 10c..," !tours Poo:scoot:1, to an%
poinvon the lobe., or to Nimzura Folic Will. Leo
to the most comfortable and earattuous. Twat,
tbrnueb to all porn on the Late con hr plOre9,Cli at
aypsyna( to the proptketras •
FIID, PailKq a, Co.
JOHN A. CAIIA:11E1 .241 l'lta,aret.
tor: O ater and :manna e,,t
CO:—.laa C Darrutee, tiodatu. N 1.
C Reed, Ezle. Ps.
Rap Mai, Slmrpahuren, Pa,
W C MuLuLk....toolt. Pa,
D Matnewi, Putaatt. Po;
W Catarnl,goarn. New 115.1),. Pa. ,}1
ptiE Proprietor+ of tbiALine have put on New Stock,
and anprepared tOoturward packages of all
ue notions Jan), at inch:Areal rates.
'J. C. BIDWELL, Agent.
Water street- PnhoolratE
/-LA RN ItF.'S S , 'l , .
Pnger and ,ell t
( 0'• thee.
ifi tt HANRDEN (..V( euoutzar Iv:, yero,
from try part oftctrod. I r ,Jlll-44.1, I I
Wroes. upon la ow-El:he: , ler?. t.
vat punctual:q and ,e.ohmE to Me Wail, J
101 l WC , IiIO out allow our
be robbed by the arctedlttlese•rops non .1110.11., +ea.
NM, CY are man ettarrecol tr(cen 140Mr/i/ Loki re
! „,r-r sad :a (loot wen oo' , g . and dr
Apoteh them without anAcietenuan by the first stop.
We say 111111 fearlessly, el we defy one of our
ten tO show that they wire detained 10 hours by us to
iraerpool, whilst thous b e of coiner+ were dcia.oed
months until they counhate sent 111 atone cod croIL
eb gate, winch too freimehtly proved their codu,s.
We Intend to perform:rt. contracts honorably, c.or,
what me 7. and not aet as was the ea, hiat seasor.
with ether otheers,—who either performed not o,
when it muted Men eolnienee.
Drafts dilstort at Pit vetch for any sum from to
any d gl: the , coLioelal Davos. En Ire.
, 10A UA
Lao! Ram' REAL Genera. Acco..,•
Fifth street nee d
AND CABIN , - I . WA. ER , to,lt.
A. DIII.WN would
folly inform the public, Mot he
, reaps on hand 1.1211. .1/114 1114,
C Diamond. A ne•
n4ll or
guano ' , utes are m.o. or•
dd . , . Me beat at, Ir on w 4frAILICLI
metal td aoy In the Ired ;sales
Bluds can he rem., ed
▪ owl the aid of a Koren, driver
r•-• tl/Pulu an purchased t L e +rock,
- lofts, d wood of the enbinet
targahmentof Ranohy a M'Clel
lag(i, 1 are , N'ePo (o, furtorh
their old anatomers, as well a+
the Mahan ',Deese, ndWeerY thing in then . line.
ire), Nos Wood ,
Me. 1041 J. A BROWN
•- •
PA,PERone lA-m'tll:.6;;,<rol-„I";:wr1F:;57P-rtit:T
-pole and Buttimore. a largo and well .elected "sr... -
meat of all the latest .0l most Improved sty lea OI fa
un. un.glared and comrade PAPER RANGING.% con.
mating Of—.- •
10,000 pieces of Parr and Fresco . ,
" Hall:and C 011111 : 111
1.40J 0 " DE-44-room, chalutker and office
Paper--which I would particularly invite the attention
of those having bousesho paper, to call and examine,
at the Paper Warehoufe of 1. C. 1111 X
PI rrocol st
AKBCTHNOT ass ear...nee to recur. a
\J. tare suserunenfvf Fancy VARIETY 6001J5J,
conalstrag is pan of AY - side/ate, ibbtaul. Lacce, Ho
iery. Gloves, Crape, Ifaisse, Cruobnes, Nursing %Lace
Veils, Shawls, Pollee ilandkerchtefa,
gingham and conon flandkerelnelu cerdeel
cowing ailk, Thoosd klanons. Combs, Jewelry, On
let., &a de. Coml o, , and caw merchants ape res.
needed!) Invited so call und examine his swell s No el
Weed meets corner eg Diamond alley. caele-1/
=RAM OF CO FEE—An article vshie. is a
-LI P 49 naming toto as • wholenomc, nourisniog
sod dedesousbesorago, being more pleasant and par
apptable 111401 corn/non Wree, and far cheaper, a oriel:
er coating only ten gents, will go an fas
at as four
pounds °reale. Mt. itOractored sty
JOILX S. KILLER, Pittsburth, P.
Bold at wholesale Sy II A FAIINF.9TIJCIC A. Co,
turner of First and Wood and Firth .d Wool Attests.
Potobargh ap9l
((\ALIFORNIA RI; E~PF.R GOODS—Joni e;o7jd,
L. 39 Camp Blanketat ofßrer coanu 19 prn Pants.
Pun omf hoed klndog Hoots; It Isthmus Has;
water Tanks, 6 and its- stliona each; .911 <lmmo., I
gal on each; Idol Slone y Hotta; I do oiled
cambric do do. 'lle dove sood. Jar salts at the 1.:11.1/-
(ornia Outfiung Establishment No A Wood at.
rrich.9l 1 k. II PHILLIPS
Abg.tORTEDSPICPiti op for family as, in on
cans, cnelcard ni r a sliding lid boa containing
Nastard.F A lopico,
Cinatimod, bousgt,
Clor Pepper.
Wunanted pure. ;For 'Us at Is., tie. Spier and
umacd Faemry, caner of Perry & I.L.erty
nuyld 10119 B ItELL
AI/ ILLS— rouglit iron word, from the'
=cosine wforasiorarranted, WlO be cunntaotiy
an band and supplied 9n order, by
IiFtst , CIIRAN 91W od
g VertrUILKAGE. tuattumotured Jruto — •
nepedar arttelet gat 801 l ter Fire Line k Clay, it,
.ore end for, elle by Klk:lt A JON -
Mr. W. W. 'Wallet hatrtny end a Ilrartb or me,
quality alui isiumatuc re for the peat eignteen s.
proeourteeelt soperloe to the Leval. how 1/1 general
use art le
F INE aNiNAC ilflAN e‘ Dlkiu--it halt ptpt, •artous
n( or tfrrtertportattent per Coutrnerre
Gore Baneauz, Jon nhe'd ouht , er eete by
' • -
• • • •• -•-- -
a{ . b1.114.F . 1L RICKF:TSON
urtrlaCHAl beeoleal {MAW,
oaerd of ladioC6l.
Md., (room Slo to flaiese - 11, eamorn pot,. M.o.
Wending /111114 of 1.., rot goad; gold Peocils, Finger
Nolgv, tor am" klos, liraeatett. (low
iVoiebeto, he. W W WI
Comer 4th and Akar...
ra..4 Vff - liiii664S4oirzercelvenl at z<eeme teen.
V seysit,entlatteVstree,
pm edosedVereet Ribbon, mooned colors
31) black "
8 u oddsraierphas lop. wide Mein, Ice.
r 'OULU...tithe:3 T0.1n.. thr PUtcr Trim
1.. taining4lpural list at Poet Ogiree through
oinitteilli4l64B.l r distance. from Wrxibingiaa. Lit
slaw and grg espilala tespeesirely; oho ex
hibiting lite Rag Offltrom is each Su., as wall as eau.
ippolir.eir the gilled Blahs Da thitlib
TAM • cogist;cl vat■artalsW
S. L FAMILY. NEDIONEA--"Tttcy are a.
..Mett i-; :35'
;li..*of the day) ,
0 110700101 Ohio, May 2A 1840.
R. Sellers: I 'dunk It right for the benefit of other
to P ee some facts in rejation b Tod' excellent Fan
ly ht etheinea
.ease abed your Vernal:lw largely in miens . * filth
sly one real freq.:idly answerina for Gavelling large
10110. oily Ito llet) worms (coon two Children. I
he s Reno need your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup In
nee /amity. and they bare in every instance pranced
the. effect desired
A! 10n. enraged in merchandisidg. I sem able to
I haveyet to hear of the drat fallen. where
0000 medleen• have Imes Elora in my section of the
gauntry. 111 , 911 f 41/ PM, 1 may MI•10 that they are-the
mediebirs tee the day. told are destined to have ft very
extensive portals my. Youth, rnnfn'entreer,
W H. Porents.r.
Prepared end sethl by R. F- SELLERS. No 51 Wood
!tree, and said by Draggle.. generally in the twoet
en and •ecdoety, ate3l
f Kr., : r 1: CK E OF 1.)1 - Ek LALNT, hi he
LT annum!, air!". into, and genuine Liver Pill.
Sanaa Clutha, Unite county, Va. j
/klatch tniels, lbth. f
hie R. F. Sellers: 1)000 Str—l tooth It a duty I owe
you and tat
ly, to state that I have
alittrted alto lee Liver Complaint !or a long,
tune. 0111 -o ben ne 0..14 abets. formed and broke.,
• hiea :en nor en • very Ins state. Having heard o/
your celebrated Lies, Pols teeing far bait by A R
,tharp, ii, 17ett Idberty r and recommended 10 me by
en, puyeema .. Dr. K. Smith. I teem Mond to men them
ato r 1r.., I parchned one bar, and found them to
lee )(1•11.111/3 they are fecommended, THE REST'
-OER PILL EVER USED, and sAer taking four boxes
I find the assent has.entirely lee me, and I am now
perthecte y Respectfully yours,
West Liberty, March :It, !Saki
I certif . ) that 1 cm perronally acquainted with it),
Coleman. tens ran bear iestunony to the troth of the
abve rerni th e, ' A R SHARP
Toe genuem. Lever Plies arc prepared and .01.1 by
R 11 st..LLERS, No 07 Wood street, and by druggatht
in the two cnies.
TU TIIE PUBLIC—The original, only true and gen
uine Lever Pills 1001' prepared oy It P.Sailers, and have
io• team. stumped In black wax 0100 the lid tee east)
, ex. and epee ate re on the eusaide arrunper —all
others •re euunier.enei, or the
01 , 1 , R E SELLER., Proprietor
Tilt. JAY A WS 04141.2115AT1VX SALSA 21
1, 0 HUM the Rev ASA SHIN N, a well known and oar
L' year Cierro. man of the Paotentaut NI elltudin , thurteL
The andersigned having been &filleted during :he pea:
winter with disease of th e stninseb. sometimes wlO
dating great pain in the seinmach for tenet cve:te 1101111
ferilittl. Althea - union, and alter having Iced • mmae
remedies war-lade areal, was furnished with a 1 , 0140
of Dr I/ Jaynes Colniaative 13pIsna. This he ned se.
cording to the direction!, and wand Insatiably thee tem
medicthe caused the pans to abate in three 01 lour nun.
ties. and in fifteen 010...017 mthatesevere uneasy
sensation was entirely !mimed. The nactlictue was at
terseardnesed 'whenever indications of the at pleat' le of
palawe Sop-geeveil. and the pat a was thereby prevent•
rd Ile ntithed ta use. th e medicine terry cvenieg
and soineurnes en the Morning. and in a few wren
health was so far centered. that the sale err 111,11 retie,
ed !rota a large amoont of opproimve peen. Front ea
partcuctt, th-reforr. he too confidently recomme.d D
D Jayne • Caren ns tive Daimon, ISIII/ 111 y med. , e
for dthenes o f the stomach and bowels. A ell NI ,
Allegheny city. wet
For role in Fltsbargh the l'Eth 11 TEA .t.rt
S.l Fourth street, 1.11 Wood, teed .1.0 a: eb•Drug
re ol 01 I' W API - 2 Pedrral street. Alter
iIAT ninety , rot
Coolarnpuon. Conchs, Colds. Asthma, Bronctatm, Liv
er Complaint. spitting Dlood, Difficulty of Breath
ing, Pron ;u the 3trie end Bethel, of
Mc Venn, IntloMaa. Cruaz, tholren Can
s, Sore TorOsl.NerVoll , Deb
V, and ell Wear , . of We Throat,
Dream und 1,31g5, the 110.0•4
fennel rnd speedy rare
netlchown for soy of
Me above &reas
on, is
DR. SWAYNr...r,
COmponnd Syrup of WILL Cherry!
'MAI medic: , ts no 1014 , r alnong of doutatul
many. It has passod aw,y from the thoum,d• daily
launched upon tt.,c tide ot e %penmen, and tow statol,
htg bet rcputatton, and is been.lnne more c‘l<l/.Ve.
ly used than any other preparation of medtcoin ever
produced for Me relief to rufermg Man
h been introdneen vest' g,nerally
. 1h - roach it.
R e ds Vattd States and &trap , end awn, are few taw,.
Importance what anatc.oi mote evo
dance of as cool effect. For proof Dine 4.471{1 , 11t
atutemento. and nt the vlor. aid enieser ot th • men,
the proprielor ..111 a limo a few to me mat., thou
sand which none aeon presented to aura lit
ran of the Lett re.pectah.hty—men who have higher
rt, a; •
at morn: re..pott.,toitty and Duo.', than to ear.
11) to Mem, bee:lase it er.ll no another favor, sod
~e.osetvet oe t owtiee Istren pror•
.111,,VCIlenee I•
7y polo.: Opinion. Ton in•toonmeons relict II al•
•Dd the Looming indurate dttius , d throdrh i t ,-
ornoto frnice 1,, its ote. renders 0 a mast tormear , ...
:moody for the offitrtoct
“Whenmen. meting trout cno.rienuou. iropolv-•
•a!iiiitari, .aimtrony to the trate of • throe.
thce.• r urn trioirrionv. coattorr to Me,
to:tore.. acid porpove.. enerre• conviction ni
I tt• roth. sod e..namentl• to a speeisti manner to
urnversul etc len , • —tr y
Moral Sieultv,
Till , . WM!: ST I FIC,Vrr:S.
I ..111111101 or Ce,,cerriorr
I rho re never w• remedy shot h. Loan as sorreatleti
t desperate ett,es of Co-surtmlon, ea Dr „
Compound py rap ol Wild Cherry, It streuviteor tar
,t st o,44.•mi oporitt , to herd the tlil,l, roue loop,
r. swar mud nee blood, power by
Alter Irredteine.
Ctn.'. Co.. Apo' 25th, ISIS
PrSyrp,-Sir: I ventmoo ,'
beett beheve tear
ana Corn
.ou•LY Syr u up et %,.t%,.t Chem., the m•
,tttv to; uu. I raueut •-vent eotd watell grutu
,,cy we.- at to, o • , ,If C.. 14 W..
ree.tolt , 11.1 0:1,1,11 I had recourve tu. •tot
melon-mg . outtl my rise eshthtted the t.ymptozns
Nlll4ol,ary tlototemputth lacy thutg I trted reetzted
ht tot-, eu edect. and my reattptaynt Int reared vo raptd
.y that , rt suds es well a. rayeelt , trove up el; hop., of
rot rerev- Ty At dhot • date I tea. reennyntended to try
dor etveltothle medicine: I Vol art woo the moot tat:,
try result, 'rue houie hed tor sleet tot Lae
• uodh c auslnd me In
mud by the
yme I had need ..L.x bottlet,l was [tummy 11.61, sod am
non as hearty a care ht. I vett WO. cly We, and
.5.,"`..";!"Zr,..:"t1=" , (u,
lam tro p.ocfr.: Fot Of truth of the above
turtement, I refer yoa to Peter Rath. lvroehr, VV.
Cheater. of ed , . I pureld.ed the medtcoue.
Resparrall) yours, iasma Motto.
'm/ . l*P' Ca.• of a illethaiast Maaarar.
• •• • P- llt ..1 d due
rap nftChrty. !tome three real, I
r attar 1 , 4 wan cold attki sullossuuntiort If Tee
Ln Table, was a ccompa -, Ail wall a
Toaugh. ~
rein in the east and kcal, 3 eery Lott „,,i„
I , e discharge of offensive mucus from the lungs, es ,..
:tall) upon change of weather, bmwever slight At
Um: fey, ro alarm about condition, hitt was pretty
mon cet.vineed that) was rapidly ening into eonsunap.
n. grow doily Weaker, and at length or. se erre
-41.1c to watt Moat, or speak ithove a whisper, .itch
was he ciceedthr irealt.est of my lungs !taring this
erne I had tried preparations and prescripuons,
re.ticf—ant the ume war.' Ju.
W ye f a wns admired perusaded by a doer I:tend tit
Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup of Wi:dr,t,,.
.• I roast confess-that previously had Lc. preth
diced aganwt patent raedtmovs, and I ant slid against
.1.00 coieung out of the hands a covert, but under
uand,ng your custom to the prof...a and practice of
methetith, and Iworing milieu faith in the saying of my
rends. I forthwith purebased of Dr. Shaw. ono of your
age nt,, a f e w bottles, and commenced , . ckac. bit dis
ease was at that time of 20 or 20 months standing, eOll
- to was deeply ter.zoll 1 found, however,
considerable relief from dm use of the first four or five
wales. Rat beang,a public speaker, I frequently at
thawed to prenek Wan toy Terztking rngth, and
th ,o e . r;by ruptured theme en sei that had aheady
0 ad. in Oats war, doubtless, my cum was r erotty
imarded lit consequence of acting thus imprudently
I had to use twelve or fifteen bou:es before I was prr•
Wetly rutored. base no iitiLtllo.l, a much smaller
number of .ttles would have made me souud, hat for
etpove trate.renott. The Syrup almyed the fever
mt. habit. toot away the thrtzeentng °meek, put a stop
to.,the discbarre of mallet' 1.61. T tangs, and gave
them and the ratite system good henna I nave defer.
red offenng tits. certificate anal novr, for the porpos4
et being perfectly stationed wan the permanency or um
mre, and now that I feel perfectly welt I oger Pt Wlth
1 Joarian.
Dublin county, N. C
important Centrum—Read.' RmuD
Tnere to but setae:lmile preparation of IVIld Cherry.
and that I. Dr Sway:iv:a Inc first ever offered to we
puidie. which hes been told :ergely tar0ug,,,,,,, the
United :states and arse ports of Kurope, and all pre
parationa caned by the name of %YIN Cuen - y hoer
been vin out slime tem. under cover of some decepuve
eircuoistruseet. in order waive eurreneY M alai , ale..
little oiiservation. tinesrson need neonate the
genuine front the laiae nettle or the genuine is
enveloped with a beautiful .tea engraving, unit the
Wiener. o(Wlntam P.m , Morro!, vim, Dr. Snr 51 no . ,
signature.: and ea farther security, the poets. ol Dr.
Swayne will be added hermitic', oo as to antronoish
his pmpranum frt. all others. Now, 11 it was um on
the greet curative prevents. and known V11111<• Oh in.
Swayue's Cernpotnid Syrup and
Wtltt Cherry, persons
would not be endesvonng currency io their
. fiCtitious nom.ruinli" by stealing the LOORIC Oh P. Lid
Cherry Remember. alway• bear in trued we
or Dr. Swayne. and be not deceived.
Pnnetval tnfiee, turner el Kightli and Race sweets.
For Silk wholesale end retail 117 CirrDF.Nl & ,`N OW
DI.LN, car Yil.d Wood at, B A A F tINESTOCR &
Co, ear lon and Wood, and dal and \Vail sts.
hintkot 10.SES, 1. I.inert) At. JAS
A Jir.SF,‘. roe 11. d ad Penn sts; JOHN MI
ELI, Allegheny city. and by all reapralable dealers in
medicine. Dell'!__
A STRONCI GPIDC; , :t:P. Nat Dr .1 AYNIVa F.
La. PEA:TDB-ANT Is superior to all other remedies fin
t :misuser esi, Bronchitis, Asthma, and other Polon.
ten ad - setts:2s, ts Nal the cams person. who commenced the
ase of it in awl( Mathes Land ears iv dill prefer to all
later remed of ate kind; and
when hews beta unlaced
to try aher p reit.. 0.7 haw b slaw. torar,ohly twin
isuriotalwll us rat-mein, the benefit which was reasonably
natespaimi from the high proses bestowed by the prupr.etnre,
and nays itinrued to the of 1 ttttt • Beracroaa ss
rastedy that has uses; failed to rol,eve them. and which
probably never had its equal at arresting pobammty discuss
Prepared tad, by Dr U Jayne Phi ledelphla, me .tW 011
matt y
4derYld&self ALLY.. /A'. Nk):1
PS Fourth et
Dr. W. P. IttlantPe Premium Plaster.
tt. VV. Y. INLAND, o( the hlesiteal College ut Pk
D adelphis. now odors to No public hie, loran
etable Prenatam Plaster, the quainter! of aon a i,ei
long and to elperteuer, has been sansiartor..y
tablished. To all. wiewn Who ma) .tilocted
Prolapaos lee cia or Fol,ou Wool, tr. 010..1.. Sil•
plaiter, riarantWeing gum mid .w•wly COI< the
short space of front IWO 10 lire 1/
care and rest-41.1LN. tw ill the
and ezpenarro bandages so long in Tiin, k n .,.
conscientious In stating, inasmuch as be hat not faned
in one ea. out of three tutuctred wed b ee
Also (or Rbeaotsurin and Weak Breast or Hoek, it.
fended Wah pun t /here insating to excel this Pia•ter
to affording relief or ting • cure. For sale her
I. Wilco., Eother of Inamoad and Market et
Braun & Reiter," Liberty end St Clair sot
Dr I sargerit Federal et sod `
Paraded, A,,e-
Ja g ern " ja rZo., n Denman and Diamond Binning.
Dragtpah No V taanl slreet,
I. Sole Agent for the Italia Dr. Townsend', Gen•
nine Sarsaparilla, bas jos! radeised dozer of iLts
Greet l.aprtng and FurnEer
Purchasers should recollect that R E is sole
ahem for Pittaburgty and LI AI Curry lar Allegheny
,P 3
EN—Duplex Watches, made by th e eelebreted
Cooper of London. Al. Tobias of Liverpool. and a
large aworunent of detached gold and olver Levers.
emcee by the best Geneva maduMourers.
Gfuwiaem• of Under Commaulon Were in goo
Gold Pens; Jewelry In huge variety; Silver Spoon",
Forks, &e.
l Watch repairing executed to the bestr.
W W WlLSON.manne
mite corner Masker and eth
M A El a g l it= "Al i th—fl.
Por de b 7 /02.4A)N1 WZijitja7 e '
corner Aluket and 11
PAT' NT DASHER CHURN or au vurcrrs nos .
/1. TalelillOTl a the M
lovard to thatvex,
I .1 valoable Chard, watch TIT" The Jut, aht.tee of oil
ern at rowan:dor, the ofd and new Inventions la,
g ether.
, .
The of of thi. lo•ent.ion is Ipioirent ea by • Emit
p,e proem... the an. ix forced heneath th e dash, and
does uway with the oecessuly of porch.utn; It new
Chu, w. it eon he applied to any thorn in v.e, and
(or one dolls, enn hove nll the athroaesnonts of the
age comlnnod with those of pi.theitne the flutter In
We umal way.
Tho inillhe are invited to call and lode• for them
elves rur,beiung el.etvitore. at 07, corner of
Market itto. Fib streets, or .11 roanoth4 alley.
tween Wood and Market street.. P,n..1,0r.).
n.y2a SA MI. K RC , Ez3T,N.
5tr,47.1 417 °"7:,!LdZ.e`,!l,l'.`
cam. In in , place of JUtlll Finoey. Jr., realened. re.
apeetfully the and the mends and env-
Miner. oft or, thati• prepared to take
Marin.. I n'a• d and Fire riaks Eberol term, at their
office. No 07 IV ate r street_ P A NIADEIIi-A,
mY , Agent.
lEEE Y in. it ply India Rubber
II Itrw—mst rreetved for the Borough of alanebes.
ter. which will be held in store for a row day. The
Ilco•on !Yelling Company express a strong desire One
the fire demi coxes. of the cii,e• of Pittalnirptr and Al
legheny to call and examine and make atrial of them.
The contpauy veining to put them to any teat they
dunk prone r in conclude immi
.1 000 J h II PHILLIPS. f. wood at
i 'oft'rl4t eRI rri,C , ir
n the I , trenelneurreCompani
of rx h.
mill Le opened in the litmata of the Roan) of Trade, on
the first ttloot!ay of November next, at 10 O'clock, a. a.
Wm. Latimer, Jr Robert Wood,
%Vat It. Joseph Plummer,
P NI goer. Josiah but;,
John ca. Alex. Ro , .burg,
and II Fine,
TT PARRY Lae invented • maclarke for areehing
. 6r.d. for wh:ch he he, made nophernion for •
Doter They are now al/creel for usen at the ware
hof P•rry, (colt ee Co, No. 111.1 hood street,
Ad les tu rer. to caltioruta are mooed to eon end ex.
amine mese Ishor.saviete machine. Th ey am simple
to their, easily transported ou the back of
mum. or horses. weteitux eighty poonds mud, and
put to operatic. to half an hour. They eon he
fik d watt proronoint. It is the uptown of than who
have men the tool ammo( these machines Drama/test
.t4c, that two met. will wasn the miner.. tram 1.5 n
bushel. of ...LA or etuth in o day. wihout the lon of •
rhcle of ion 1 1 / 1 11,61.. They ran he messaged in sire
and oinked l.y Waler or mule powrr, expedient.
Tl, operators work without prong Into the water or
being m Sr). stud eonsendentty wihout en•
don...rine their health. They will require brit a small
stream of woe, and can le. used the whole season,
and cs ,, pot into opertraon where there ni not sorb.
e'en. orate, la wash to the usual way.
Price of :modest ai.e 633 Orders from abroad, ne
conmasued Uy rash. will lie promptly filled.
IL PAItHF. at Parry, Semi IS Co's,
No 1.1 %V nal .1. Pittobur c h.
DI ospratt & Sonsilgod• Ash. -
9 , llE•ubarribers are now receiving their Fall crock l
of the al.°, orne.e, three vessels. viz: the Juniata.
Medisloon snd Lydia, having arrived al Philadelphia
anti Baltimore. and two more. the Stephen Ilaldwin and
shortly expected, they rim therefore. prepared
to 'revive orders They will receive donne
ter 411 , 1 opriag regulnr suppit, vitt Neve Orleans.
o .l l n T ‘ s , nd p ;
gt 0 , , , , ,, ,, , , ,,,, , ,, , ,,,
tannta.,,,, .1 other ware. Jr rapidly inter out all spete
an: stanza and rer.roduees the lorautitul and durable
lustre of new ware Just reeeivrd and tor stile. whom
sale nod rata, I , y JOHN D MORU Mo AN
Ja,n w.
M R SAM..II lIARTSIAN haven; sold his int.-
the co•partnenship of Colonial, 14.1 man
Co . le,
the rcznalanna . purialars has tilts day reured
it. , !um. Februori 10, 1040-0"
Ihtnriary World
Cooper—l Sew canon of ear.y worts.)-7ho Spy,
....c.c.!, . woh new ml on and nnres. Com
p, te int vol U. norm who trams, work... 5t....V..
and the Sketch-hook wee toe last Amen.
ran Mm!" vehteh we rually acknowledeed to
canton.n re...mauve a. mei. a. pro thn.e Wr.
veall renaarther the eTL1.0•(.51•61 wan winch the won,
rerrivell, and the proud expectattunt which
wahened among the. Ithert. winded ahmed and the
the 01 h roc. Irving was root. allowed a sera 1.).
toe .Itlr, or 1111 d ddiwn, :tad Cooper Wa•
11,1,1o1fai Lit ea
3, comaity of the eonurreas where
on, A Pi• 3 , tr. 0 torch. iheratah. —l.nerar)
Hee tor sale an the Intim Rubber Depot ' . No 3 00 . 1 % 1 ' 1 . , Fan
)111 - 1:.10h1.11 L FACtI asler.
!Los. •nr troo•Loor toren,. has on hand
run.:annay ruceivlut a lull sunPlY n( the uruale.
IJ. Poobursh and hcdul,erhul odrrs wor
cosotoorturors prlces. GEM eLSC /MAPS.
Rl' riwit PAsTE—t bo ,o <.
i'.• e.xeroeot article for rrndurine
si.or• p••ffert.y wow proof, and soil nr a pierc
r. 4 ., arylwatlon th.• p.m. is attallerrnt to
wisl. • t Imper•ma• wet,' for lmontha, and
.rerriasti, fro.. the lenther rtnAir,.
Goner Frnnt.n 1 Vlne C.uchmati, 0
. , T.W c7."-- ?. ; r=e - •
ig.E h ;:i i : r3V
; • -
Dip - 1 , 1.-
r , -(amac,.. .....
Ul4 I @ II
)Vgigt, gi
rj - - 4 Lrdro :rent Patrit,. For AleoboL, Purr goa
t., Raw or !Lento Led Whirkey,arLll promptly ....-
drat toonLon., pro,. mail:l'4l)
r LION LYorprt Wore.
KlLou, No. 'L.S Four. orret—
!Le h onabor. , l Nano corn. L Plato Turkey red Clout;
do do TOO, do Fig'd du do do
Worrted do do doto Condor.,
Woe Dorian.. Carpet Mato, ,
Green marten
Ao—earops Gothita Truosporent Shade.,
tow re* do to
'Eurk..d do do do
Clot.. do do do
Drapery Clone. do do
!dom.:Lehi Vire. do do
!Andrea,. do do 4.,
. .
and cuAtocarra, or ..-
p.erst•h rtes. boa,. Ina Loa,.
F.W ZANY k.T.S..—Recelirell tn. day 1.4 a
11 the manufacturer—
New .3. Tapamry 3 ply Carpet, extra super,
da Brasoals. vary rheap,
Oa ma roiar. sap. Inarairt
and 5 , . heirry Venetian
as.d cam:n.l do
..:Iwhaqi wrll t.e sold at a small adrar,
wl.lgunranter a.• ler as purr n..e..1 „q NI . CLINTIWK. 73 F
FROM the eery ltberot ancestress
sen, r Mont the subscoher has recerred some
as. / he has located hsmself afiechen),
e s Cameot• ho. , educed fit to take • lease, (La a
term of years, ott the property he now
occupies, to ltessver 0000 t, lvdficlillsle/Y beside the
Vrestertertso Cruch. FM= the lona eaperie nee to the
at ore basoless.d a duce to please, he hopes to mer
•id towers share of public patronalre.
Now on hand and fintsl, ne to order, Rockslesy 13 . , 0
&ie., poen and top Baffles, and every deser,puou of
rrtees made to order, from seventy-five dollars to
The Allegheny Cera.tee ‘ y r .. „
A T ervuet oceung nr the t.rporrt I .rt h . e , ld on
3% the th Inv • tne lolloanne Pet..a. et r e
VVllnt th i e t(7% ', l l'easWeat.
J(.111 . 4
1% lISIIN NI`CA 1.1.1.:5r1.
JOHN II S1101::::•11Efil.ER.
I. FIXSZI. . C re. tar) and Trounrer.
. . . .
The 011,0111 ploneotrd the affairs of he t
Centwany .1, • eee posperou• condition Their office
to the elty .• Wwerl,3
ode of Ihr Intrnond, where Wenl.lan
Blinds of all the diarrent 10/.1 and colors
arpt on hand or wadero orddr alto
the late., and moat approved Eastern fast.
lona, at the saorteat notice and on the sods
Alm, the hap Roston mil or split 131 ind Tronspoi
ropey and Paper Curtains of mil the dare/rut sires and
patterns on lurid and for solo loss for <ash. Veni•
tion Blin , ds painted over andruporruil, or taken in port
paymt for new it M Pro'pr.
N. If wtn. dont, MI6 the In, material and
ork aud warranted to plea.- U. most
Aiteoliony airy. Aug ID. Had.
Orate at the Exchange, Belthnore.
ItF./ IL —The eltatar• parr Ler, rt.Ja•
ettd OIL all 31esttogo• ur from liatutrittre.
burgh ur Wlicoill,, alul •otatzraprordinK retitled°,
made ou ylur denpatchert tursvarded trout lArt •
umote Witststut l'surtbutght
• •
Its.m.—The caul, !or a telegraph despatch TJ.I
from Ualungorr P.rtshurgry and AVlgeeling, ccras
fog the hr. gcu words, add 3 ecuts ior each add1...0
1D So charge le made ior the add read and soma
Unttl tLac cc..npi.mon of The gonth w....„,n(
Televaph from .‘lcutphix. Tv.m., Ye.. p
pnteLexeat be I..rwxg.lc4l iu Alcibplas by routr.l.l
ACIIFSON WrottrllOterE A JOHN tvonnri(lt • RE.
1 1 AS IN, thrt oat riadoctored Iterate-Iv, Lowther ll or pa • do - rttr.,t, und• r the firm root rt))le of A. J
th'tertatottaa. tor the ntnaufaxture arr . '7IN. COPPER
ANL/ rail h.lrd IltrrN trA ARE. 011 tto corner or Itottro
eon street to d Orr Ist Word A td.r.tort.,
Clll. woe, dee Ore prepared to formate to ord. r
otholerorte awl retart. .1 .reticle. In their 1,, wort
F o ou p ndry drounonga. and rarpentere order. 4, .0
!trlll.ll ahrerr woo meet, ororarolotre .011111,
Coy of MO - cherry, eel, I. I`4l/ —atm
id I the Battle or Vnnvr-v.
" - Buena at,
-C Auvetp,
The above lb 14111akilic icor paper., Jargr Wow.
moult Ju. ree d c.rect from P.m, und ,
, ha waroh• -, ...4 ^ 4 .41'1111.1.
- F . A Laqh.ts
em.the. c•tpri•. pc ano fiim lurwnr
. . . . . .
half the labor and itope.ieing cnuroly wilh the
tornshnourd The fineet Winon tinvAlc,
been in tine e!even en, have here perfeetly reont
ed. without the elight...4 uoury to the u ad w ith•
,yywrinc thefloor. It will ;on Inver Ike
cloth. pimen ,
neromponying cub bottle lyre.lyre. F
35 cents. ur et by J YIIIIOO Mnli En n on,
Cor , Y 1 weeel 41
D RU“S— Potash, in lh bow,.
Can! Ackd do
Hypo. Sulph. Rode do
Sob N 0 I.lonoth do
rirno‘slo LAY. do
Chloroform do
/oat recotv,d and for sale by
my 3 ti A PAHNESTOCK A ro
dos lot ule - •
ju9 S yON NI.IORST b. CO
Endai , KEl.l-4 ea.° - aleamer Caw
berland end for
. . • ,
• LOLL r.CTlONtl.—Drafts, ;Stoics and Accepte.ner?
payante in an pan of th e ()mon. collected on the most
favorable terms.
EXCHANGE on Sew York. rhiladrininn nod MI ,
dmorr; nloo. CLorionnii. LooUnllu `Saint Louis Ind
Nov, °Henn.. coll{{l3llli y (or so le
DANK NC - MRS.—No,. on all colvent tank• in Ibe
CArtr.l.ll..tatro diatom...lnt the lowest mem Alt kind.
1( Foreign trod America/I, Gold and Sliver Coin bough,
end •oid
Office No. GS Market street. Wrenn,: :Id and dna
PVIAIrgn, Pa. on :25
. . - .
on England. Ireland. and Sern , and Fought
J. any 66101101 at the Current Roles or Kreasatten.
le., lu any pork of the OJ c een , c ,
oth .E 1 to 11004, nt the rate or SZ to Om , Irrt•or,
ithout deilectona or dueonnt, by Jr.t4FIUA iit/131,.-
I..N.VArapeon General Agent, oa - ,re :,th at f.,r:
nor ot wood .
Inowattv tuna
I) of••••••, v.d 1...01114,11.1. NI. • ••, •.• r •
afi•ntt• /...p.o.tte, Bank Noteo I• 111. rwaer
Id nod NVonll arret,. dlreelly oppople Cl•crie, lito•
ES tr. ,, - .119 letri DS— --
Hank Nntes,
purchased at the limest rates, by
N. HOLMES a sr./NS.
sept 3 35 Plarket street.
B r ILLS O RICHANOE—SigIat Cheeks on
New l'ort,
Ftulade3thla. and
ConatanUy far sale by S. HOLUM & PUNK.
sept 3 35 :Market et
btlUh6. U6IC,
- I tin ir ?taro room. or, lb, Illy•Lorr
Nlotoohy,rol my.. !v 1:0 go r A Poe. E.t.,
,ato , canci) panted. lAA, cloth. rt•
‘Va • nal. id. vent:, •urpf lard 11 flog %urk due. not
•rent I a profound •eff•aunff roonflf: litrfrnfa a,al
ordfille cooffaen aU over ola laafoff, dirpfuyfug or it
on. a rrufoo Ip purer aud grant., RI Ilfoup,lll fnhfc
eannot Tronaddy Car to !sone the f rptferal afrouder o.
yrf nforf rurrflerr foadnr f—Eipresu.
/Sl , M,ll und In-oh en v•coy.oni
nno nV Kurdt.t.. nr.dthr l'e.
or Worxourp.,, sad aniuyurry IWO line
Illeury Itlld utt• c.l the Ar.r.eJil As.r non, lry Aur
I.llyetre. Kay., D. C. L..; in zNoI4, with nurner•
triad rrrunts, :‘ . tr, isakea psnrile. writ, rl•
In.tri roo.• 01 Dar let • 2tl en. Ltypo. etc.!, cu.
J r.-. .runpr.r..ll, my., a no s- and beaus,
r”: edit,nu, reersrrd tor lise nutrro . S. with i n ew preface,
he . to Ire lurloured r y tire Pour, sn the tame *yle.
The Wrrrlor rr , Wuslunginti rearwed and en
larged Le i.e author. la e , egartt duodecimo volume.:
maisurut.) ,rrorred br new is pe, and ori superior paper,
made expresrir) thr purpose.
For.a e !.. J &Al k • -••LASCOVOOD. Ifor many
years connected setr.h Messrs. Wiley & rutnarn. and
lan John Wiley. N V.) 63 Wood as. io W Mr I. ho, lust reiu rued from the Eastern cities.
jar Et). - ItOrIKS--Ir g—The Cray nn
consprtsrua The Frans, Abbotaford, Nearalearl
Aube, Cenre.ere rri one volume—clepvaly printed.
Curtnn —The .11onristrceic. of the Levant Post ,vo;
A vu.utu• Ltora than ordinary tniereat.
wer,c o' morn eUrtoti. and oar. antaang alvt .ert.
• • • 11, field occupied by Uns valLuzin to air:lost
ennroly n, , ..—Cooncnrreial Advertise,
A hnot DC ,rl.l/e/rinony, Itttornl, scholarly in:crest.
winch rein um r. !ittle BerkioArsSpamsb
runaon.. or We vivid a nattrn rmninla•ente• of Eothen.
N , i , , ,, ,) , , , : k n X 4 )k v ... 0i1 C0tup1et.) Work. , a Jam Al
mid • V. ye, Ilithr-. by Herman Melvi , le.
4rlrr Wariarb of N oti., by W estopt,U.
I ler. lc and Thrra Lit:le, by the author a
"I.te e upon lane. nod
upon Precept"
Monsoss• as toy loath. by A loonartino.
I:as•ss west of Ernsa ost, part etts, pus, merit:est
and lur isa,r. by JOll Nsrro.: k STl,ritroN,
cot ;ter Thud ond ltv rtct
U. CuVrEllty ‘Vc.rk 011 EpiJelule
1, t'link r Ilwory.Cauxes., PuLho:qcy vuJ trco.
1 . 1" , by / d. .11
ltcro•nr'•nt th , ,ttram Encr.e
Charm:.., , . l'..rioprdsa /AULT, '( TWA
oetnr,. Li,. ruolo.l nice. otatr.
ol I 16elut Kind F.:11[1,1.11U,
11 . 1.0%,^11,-10 1,1%. II MO Plastralrd
Atlrla, w loung Alen, by 1 5. Artl.ur, FIIL
F.emen:. of Nlr!rnrolt,gy. by J. At A.,
ror Prnp , e. Magoon.•or 411 I•y Dr Wayland.
Fr , act . H.lllll ixr‘nrr, —'rat h.r••
of llo.v ,r1,111re• nlr r •.rrnan.
°lt I voi
. 1.. c, t.. umxtr,
tb.• l•y t v
inp,l ANA. iloodnig, 4th al
11,71:W 1'l.111.11: on thr the I
01, Not., A
An nal], worl:
ar.“ ionl En non any. on .t• n. Londn'
I.nav-• itnen ,nnt , • Jo u rt.n . tbe I.r
Con, of NI tninsebo.te, ,tmo
Ilnyt • - Nton-nos of 1.41.. nnt: L.l4l4lficupe.
R., Ralph -ne. cd en ,trzcd—u - i..a t. u,rn
,11 .
I. 10.
A Cntnebistn of the Alegre Hnglno,lllnrlTenive of tho
.onbuln pnneLplas upon 'blab Ito epernuott depends,
nad the prneuca: drlnt, orin. strurnt.,.. In n. appLien
'leo la •teatn nsynrauon, non nulway.
man vnuono.AugArnueons 01.1pIOTriltelil: by 1 Lioatve
E. rn 7.5 c
.trn, I r 'n It I ,tni
ann.. Vlcturn. I`o , ‘ I 1,.
• !...c ...u,taind. Vans I\ and V E4Lo
TL , ltu. [tom,. ee Icy YroL Tyrcr—ll.tao. For sale
II 110110 7,+, ith
r.Z..",....C644;rt7.'; ._—L'.,?,
I e -, •, Si v :" . % ; •
f.f. ; " %At ---- - ''''--..;,.4-.1- ~.-----..--;: lb
~21 1.: .11 - 1 .: a-, `qt ::
..:-.YZ;-'i ' i t 1:
.72 . • -,; g417,7-zi-:;ii - ;17 ... -- ir , 1
• V c , -'-- - !fr."--,-".....; ..,-g.,..,- i ..,
Bro•we.. Garpets:
TOII% II No. ‘Voo.l tea 11,
t.l ..r antievaticio: the arrival a a ar. alai
a66,rtment et haw., from the lIIIII.NCIOTV
orient. Ch.eavring, 136atori—arnong tha=n u.go.ti-
Movewood full Grand hone For.. '7 OCIUVeI.
Al., a f0p..., mt.. Plano 'retie. 7 ovtave, era
roweato.6l, of .tile of Loota XIV. lath a var.. et
7.61..16 octaves, to whieh the attention of purchar.-
Arent for Chic...noels Piano Fat.,lot Wrist
Sole Agency fbr Marano, Clark , a Plano.
JUST RWEIVI:D and opening.
new lot of eiegant Piano, from the
celebrnted factor) . of Nu.... ('lark.
N. Y, compriaing 6. 6* and 7 octaves,
with important Improvements, both ,a mechanism and
el/.01" posanaaal try no others.
ALSO—A fine selection of Chickertng's Pianos, from
a,,. 7 m,1,41. 111. KLKEIKII. solo Agrbb
at 1. w. Wootlwvll,,n3 Thsrd et.
N. 11. The above ..,A Do sold at masuLlacturcra oral
sr, ,hoot an). addition for freight or expenses./
marl° Journal and Chronicle copy.
. . . .
ffftil A SPLENDID assortment
ratty aro" Rousso" Plan., Jos' fi..
tatted. These Instruments are madt• o f
kite at pattern sod best matertal
and -..rt". Le Bold IDs, RR rank l'y
r LILL":111" lII' Wood street,
fd door abovr
N. !S.—Those who ere in want of a good instrument,
ciamtne these bethre pun.
chasing tv he re, Oa they cannot be excelled by cog
it, country. and will be void lower than any brsosata
from the East .klsujust recetvell, two planosof Ham
burgh manufaemre, ',sere..ed to Ire superior to any
e , er sold tot thot rectory. oeVO
THE subscriber hes Uren ap;.fltell Sole Agent In
1 the sale of t:Allif A RI'S I.IIP g 0 VEO 511iLUDE
.• mlnuiArt,..l and 1111.4 perfected by Ness..
awl] A. NVlnte. . .Colcinnati. Ihe 11.11/1 compass
and extent being bet four octave, lessrti. ?it A %V..
tn areordance with the w.neral aosire nod demand,
have extended the settle et these troornmenta to 41 and
even octave, thus mate g it pre stseehle to pertoros
upo them an) music written for Lae r Moo or Organ.
ne t eitenor also, hat been much I.scr , h , ad byplacwg
the body of then n.-nine. upon • cost Iron frame
ally bronze/I nod ornamented, rendering it al
sewn and extreme.) . desirable article
Alto jot", to poi .0 tow as to bung it within the reach
or every one to obtain a perfect =talent instrument,
end. at the lune ume. a mast elegant piece of curet
ttue.or coinpurcure KLEBEIt,
At .1 NV Woodwell's
/ • HEAT 11,11'SICAL NOVkLTY—The subscriber
l_,llLes ;oat reretted from Europe, and for solo,
I.lrely now invention of Piano Forte, caned the CAU
t.r rt,wrr, posseuing owe imwee
cod .wertnes titer, the square Plano, Oce notes but one
counnai much root, and is a touch mute. *Lowy and
lino.l one,. plece:of furniture. It is parsicalarly desire
nn• the toying of spare to an object, being et
c,..-d1,1) rear and eonipart, and oreupythi no wore
,to,/. som.l side noble. 'The subsonber ha. to
WcUnlol.l.ll at as superiority faun the Celebrel-
Ind ~.untst, Illp.ehelles, in 510 own bond wraing.winch
ma!, ”InprAed 11. K1.1:151_31,
At NV NVoudweil's
ChlehericiFei Plawai. ----
eImJI..T rcceived arld fol tale al coun
t...weirs pncea,lllll{Mr. neee nano
Fano, ri, i.f and 7 f toe net
carp., patterns 71 . furniture, ped with
the iv Le unproved • cute.
Ai-o on for ash, low. 3 second band Plvn
or lot llootermg, INanos for We..tern
ood mime, mar
I.W L'l, 1f V ttEriftt III;RZ-70; last !tote
al rinnuner wan on introducuon uul brolient va
rlollf/114 for IL.. Piano forte, a. perfonned 11l oil hi.
r, in Inc I:nord State. by Henri flcri..
I,tiary l'olog by Henri Hery
Cyme l'n/ 1 / 4 1, Lt., Polka,
Jo, recelved and for •ale by
/11. 1.1.) JOHN H el wood ot
Vocal Exerotaeli
% N1,501.14:4:1•i,t5. With an cc comps bliceet tor the
Pieibuirte, ailapied to the won of
ucitu-1. its coca/ locite. Selec t. p ted tram hilliest.
aud atm - rtrepep compose" by Lowell Menem 76
iercv bares of r/bilely piloted imbue, comteinuo, JUG
c i cerones progreiwirely Arbil/pit Price 75 exc..
ltett recetveth a supply of the above., direct (turn the
bolpleahrrit, by JOHN 11. MELLOR,
W b" t l PFi ' r tThICIVNIN
I ERRING.-200 t•mi No I Herring
jl rd, in store and for sate low to close consign
ment 07 101 l JAMISN DALZELL, Water st
• Ilea, Cleni•tTA - iiilfZilT.Fia.t.,.—W - ~j.
la rut has received a *apply of white nod colored and Crape Lasc—nmeog die Isaac green and
older dcrinibie colora. Mao, white, punt, and Line
title sail West, Blood..
on Farr'', put 'COI and for min b7W 107 B • FAILNIAMOON & CO
- - s_.- - x-" , .1*../ v - -tl , r -- =-= - a . . 1-4" . .. • - ...-:- i, - ----- - 4;0311r.ia.. , ,y... -- e. A - -,.. - .i - - - ---'--- .;
2..,,,..Z ., ..... 2.g 52, g 5 L-24. - : ..- i. : . •,, , eitia.:iz.27,-..v.4 - = -...-• 1 - .1 - 11. ---- "" ---
= - 4.iisa. e. l a - -..-t E.. :::-- i' g• .w.1a5.12 •,i - • '' T N - , - E.L....'..-•vg , t . z-1......1 . . tR , .‘ 'i
a..- , .. g=2.,_•-..1.,5,5.1,1:.7.. 0
- - al Z eirci y- - E - _ - ',II, t , H if - .. - -5.z4-Jt;y 'Ll' l!i..;:i 414 7 ....1P'eg ' i' 1 l '...--: I ' 4 ' iV 4 '
= . :,t., i i t.,4l.E. 3o .4i i :...... iii.i i i i ilim i .R.,z, I : -... ; ,.,,c, i _... i .z., 6 ., 12 Ai ~g i
-.- ~.....,..,ct-,3--.._0, -... ..,:,
co : 1 ) 44 .9 il•Zie-1.4 - .' Ili F'" 1 5- 2 F•f-4.,.i!i- -1--? .. ;.. .... ~. .. Velg
.„,...a--..,,,....2.4 .1 r= ...t.1... 0
iYtnt . -'l . -1 , 1" - ,215 ' t 2, :. 11 t ..-3 : ;=. 7.2. , : ' ,. - . z •§,ret<l.b_i*tvairc t , 1 - ,- 4,
Q. §ll4-4:=:=4iBaCij-E:7(2:1:-..t.1.-3r1*.t.g.' : -3 ,-. 6 .l*Etr,=or ..9 ;=i,E =3 ;%"•ii Tl - ; :Si
et .0 'Ail ' .1 . 1 ' .;! ' if. °7 4 2 -Vi':"4_:i. ; _i. 4 3i.i ' ?,:i l ' i S , -.;:' .." .'. 4 ` . " 4 111 . 1.1 f! 1 ; 11 11:41 V ' t i lgit:
1 4 > 0 ii . .z.,..1 1 . -9 1:_sP1.% 1 1s , f- - :,,!E:' 3, €:- - !.1-: ?. q .. ,i1 3 :. , !Eye,v4:4 , 13:.. 51 .11-1.; iq : a"1
= -I 1:9 :%, t c_:igtt--Teiil.liliiil7.l-2 , 97,
C., .c . j t.. 4 es >.......-...';E:,,.:1::-:-.2...c:it-.... •-• ,
z.,....5_t;;•.-......,14, , ;-' 1 .1t35 a i ::: -
w 0
.10., c 5e . g...5. , -,7•• 2"
EC Ilgx e t , i p z, . 7 . 7,iii,&oi:ar.z.:: - . 2 38V 2 111 1 3, e i §- 4
Um <
• 0 IR
= ~ Et gg 2 °3 E ;'" 7 .A 2' E-S-t•s§t' 3 ;l . '"r• E ti: .11 , 7::
:11 4 -
.4 --, c. .e. -5. r .E.;1.-;:z•V,.."7-,:J=-• ,, ,...-.1- ‘,. .. t a
z W
C., < t:: vill tr. .71 -, .Z. ~...- . .....t.• , ,...,,c1.. -
WO' .." ti> -k: . 2 2; -- , ' - . 7 -3 . .. ,- - •-. , : : ' ;1 3 -.0
t 0 4 , .. - -t. 4 -r ~-;-2E.:N.2...v.2a..,.. . 8-r..
t•NE 77- , . 4 E r , ',..... - .1,..x;: .. : •, , i ,... .
~ `, : -.";.t''
-CS ~. ~:„...4., .2
11 :. ; ' :: r., F.; ..
1Z . !t7 7 E 2 1 - .7, - ;. 5 ';‘ , :7..7 . "? . t:t: "2' ""-
s = t: S' - 41 , !"::; - - .- ::1 'E'6 1 . 51: ' i .5 7 * Ete . Zi
0.. 1:4" - -'41 - :: - ;Z3 . 5i. r gli'C. ..,,,-.. '... - --, - ;"'d -' a, jr:‘Cr- 7. ' "Z - " . e7e:tc - :1-PigEii'a4 4 '.;4,;.Ar a.•
0 Cl• 7!HZl::.9ii==.ii.::i `, s . .i ., .t , -" .- "-f-r.-4; 7 ' t:- ,i4 . :t 2 f- . .:....1:::' , "ifi!`.;• - ga , " i' ,
W E': ..: : . f .- 7 54 851;-.0;4.: . . - .! , E_.'.1.. ~ ,,,,, . ...,- z ;E• :a.' ..-; ,-..:-:,
.-;..._ 41.1
-J i t; ', :=l -:-. -• t...--',..F.1:,•.,...":1,- • .
ci, < .....e.,".;.,.?1,. - ....g.g. - a.. 7.4 ,c
25.7:3'1.,' , 4,t ; '?"- -11 ' 2
.- ' r.t . 4: g Z'• 7“ ' ..; ~i 1.1..7! - e." , i - -- i , ? .2. - .-!E.4.3 . . - -.L: - :.- , g3 - ':•,z
1 e
fzl-•.,:‘?..,!!,1 , ;5:r. - w 11
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aCIC al4 i.,.`1 .--- .:t'.'s = ': - :::'LT..: , • - `• =- . ` . . - r . - 2,- : 7- `-:iit - :i; - 0 - i.k . ::i1:?: -- 1 .- F 7-0 7 a
C.O d:....'!: . r.! . '-...'2:::.;:: - -`l'. -s-- - . 7 , 7.,..,,,,!iN,1,v- - --,,i; ... .11'?::
_ - • - • , • - •
1 ACIENITHI—WIt /AMNON JOHN 1) MORGANI Pnt.harel DM. CPRRY. Allegtxny City, A. PATTERSON, Ittramtaltittn
— I.P;. , ~r- CONTAINING N 1.
r .'. :i...,,e..‘-z, mIiRcU I R 1, or other Min
; 12 P,.... 1 T1 e ' ase - all EXT77(VJ.
try M. ,. .ct74 , -,retf SORP.S. PCROPULOIitI
, a, g,...A. 1!1;MORA, sKIN LIS
, 4" ---- - 4 I}' -,'''' I. .., .? e.. , ;. POISONOUS
'l'. •( -. T. i .--. • Lir . :_„,.,.
~ Yerputrid n trl ' at d ir 'ha Ttf ;
.-. • . dt ' ... '.—.=-- ".-- . .t ,- sl , then heals them r.'
''. • - •7 ' ".' p..'-=•....A,1:i , fha .-- T°
-.-,..-- the .. I ' d :'
~x 5 .1 4, , „, . , ~...„.
~...,r ,
. 4 , a n e aic eq.; is. ,
'` '*r f'.,, • .Y. a: .°- that it wal ' ' '} onr . en ' e7s!
' - .'.."....7 , .•/ 5 .'.fi... -' I have asellt for the ta ' st
matey. yea. for all diseases of the ales , . In`sulvlint
the tunnel danger and responsittality, and I declare
te , nro heaven end matt, that net innne enhe has, it
failed to benefit when the patient max within the reach
al nactal meant.
I have had phrricione. teamed M the profe•stOn. I
have iwnisterallf the animal, judges of the bench, al
de lawyert. gentlemen of the highest erudition,
end mul rmen.
litudre of the poor axe it in every variety of
way, and liar rc has been but one voice-onr universal
voice .o.:100-'.1IALLISTER., YOUR OINTMENT
It• Grail):
ItHECNIATISM-It removes almeest immediately
the 1..9 am ruaun. and eweamg.mhon to
pain emmee
(Read the .s ea ductLis around i. box.)
I,r A d al
re him: boa cored an d
of the
L0t...-r eof twelve years titanding. and ash. hod it
'tern ? t rery took
yo that awaiting tont plare. EAR-
are a, y p tl with like soccer...
a d: IIi:AD-We have eared ea.. that actually
dat , as, cry dung [stoma, as wall a ., the ability of fif
e ery doctors. One masa told as be had spent
0 .05 oa t hot oh:Atom witboa any benefit, wheat a few
hot Ointment eared them
I EV FM-There is nothmg better fur the core of
ill IL 3-It at clue of the Lest tamp; ;a the world for
PILI Thousands are yearly cured by this Oint
mem. asievrtt Mtsin atom; teller for the Pries.
MT. round the boa
bas are directio,. for insiog hl...ti
lir., sane. for Scrofula, Lira C oe. Errs).
bar. Tr . C2..thta , n, S.GI Head, Barr Eye. Quincy,
Se. TA .., Bomealins, Sr rrou• Affieti.t. Pear.s. D.s.
en-. 4,1 I 4 Sprns. Head at/ii,smarna.tkasucto. Pe. odic,
Buenz. Nim... all Lama... of as Skin,
Lips, Piet
yin, 4- . Siscum4 R I ad Lunar, Serer, Rstrumatiton.
Piles, Fret Clapp. Seethed or Broken 'Bra..., Z..
erAr. .ditur an lA4 lace- 4.c. 4.c.
t.:01..l) FEET-Liver Complaint, Pain lit the Chet
and Srd.s, falling off of the hair, or the colter accompa
nies rat
I fret. flak Otannent i• the IT, remedy.) It
ua sue. stgl , of .11.02... e to nave ried le,
ClittNts--tmeasinnat nye ot the Osoutnent wall al
-1 ways kcc,, run. front grown., tootle . need clever
Le trod...led with men. .. they am. it erequantly.
ks- I at• I , 111111,111. IS coati for 11131,F pars 01 the body
or luau. mhett .tinned, In wore ease. It .honed Le
I imp..... 1 of.,
LAI I'll aN -No I ;tam.. will be genuine sinless he
hame al J A Mt, NI-ALLI6TER t. written math a pen
For mile t.) my Agents in all the principal eluca and
warns nt the l'inted ' , mom.
Sole Propel , or Cl metheuve..
QT Iv.n! c. Nurtil Third sac,. n“i•
t.O Pirr,..6ll Braun .h Relter, corner of
1.1 , cr0 t .hkr h.I com
W,:cr.x, Jr, e, of
Nlnr,l s. .11he Ihanloht l .. 1110 cu4ncr of :th :ma
SlntLhtz....l aka. J cognor of Whim. and PC..
.ss, .5:5. urn., .5.1 Sala mt tbe , c
.5,5.1,0.5 mon byl r
; braggishßir.
mt,huan, r).l-itp.l.lbern,, II Rowlawl,
J Via, hiono.,galaclu City, N
llownna. , n... 5 r Hones., 13rt”..".••511e, John
C-as• are vmh,le..le aye ta.
rl , lll-: rapid s , tides which llydrormthy hes rude
slue , n.trodoetion nuothis epuntry—the bril
liant and astonishing curative effects ot eMd sower it
ch font e soul some ewe.., when employed after dm
ineti,al of the eeietirated Priem have removed from
me in of en intelligent and disc erning public every
mdual. ss to us ediesey, and !tuned it um
versa. (Aver Considering e unsationistory results
et e.nes heretofore aped bathe treat:Mein oi elitonse
comp ton, whin!. are inemmung ev
ery year., o nemrel a t.h to see to rs seere
of a method winch so many tmfortuaate suffere
will be freed 'rem their pates sad infirmities.
Teo suhrer, ,, er luring practised successfully dam
method eu,,t years at his trydropsthie estatni.4.
mein, w Melt rm. keen considerably enlarged and lin
proved tn all its parts, end to wary rests. , is now
re' toner., and accommodatepatients who may
choose in pLace illentselises Coder his rue. skill nod
ellitiptburg. MUM/cid upon the lett hank of Me Ohio.
opposite Me mouth ni ine tha Beaver, is well known
fur us tetreshing and eminences atmosphere, its
h quietness and <harming astern' scenery. com
bining every requisite to render the .1 0010 of this in agreesh e. and contrilmung not • link to re-es.
1u1.10,0 Initialled health and physical susucta
The umblishindin. the first maned in hr United
State.. coitus.. every thing, both for pleuure and
mutest a to insure a speedy an happy ter
m...el, ol Waxing. of the Peden,
Persons wishing to semi themselves of the advanta
ges tore mitred, snit please midreu the subscriber
s.tter. tout paid,l stating as near as possible the
usu., of their complaints, In crier to decode and
on their fitness and earabilny by the Ilythormilue
treatment. and alsowhat will be necessary for Mena to
take along. for weir especial and penning! use.
k.D . X.s. It It Atli hal, Id. U. Proprietor.
Plunpoltrirg. Beaver county, P.
R xxxxx litiukelly, Arm/Wong, Y. D.
Clare. Ere ere Don Thom. Henry. Dearer, Pa.; Dr.
Baiter, nu: Pref. Ch num. Pittsburgh, P.; L C
Perk:, , , I tui limo, Nev. S. 11. iuced, Now Arbony•
u I rm. Princeton, J. T L Station, Do,
New York, Dr. Ch. %%Inter, Philtpubure. W. H. MC
COltnel. Er.o Putri,urgre A. fftdwell,Jiq., do.
(Z . PIi.CIA I. Al NlPTlr.ilat LIP et/NSDNIPTION.-
0 Quick pulse. ha eainu cough. gotwral weak nem,
remit'. sleep, •amtailit arr...., irregular bowels,
own. between the •houlder blade. behind
I.l7•LtAnnin etvarrioas or Dommalseenat,—Coughtitg
night and day, MOM' muse ie., general debility, great
shortness of breath on going up. stales, ascending a
bill, or walking Ma a little fast. polite alway• above
one bandied. for weeks together; drenching cold
ya C rn. toward. 'immune
.. .
atarrhal thin.twin., comes an like a common
catarrh or rola. hot about the Domed when thar ....-
eau usua.iy ,it expected to subside, some Cl the symp
toms ... aggravated. The cough la more trouble.
some, ...ten lymg down. There ano fined
pain tit the chest, but difficult breathing, watch in
worth on lying down. The appearance of the expee.
Mutton. which tscopious, la cheered froma thick
yel,ow uto a Illuntir substruce. It i. very it 11.
pleasan muc t to the .,
pp teat, and•unts an unpleasant smell
when burned Lt is ot an uniform appearance, ti.its
probably n mfitdre oh pit. and mucus, as oh Mixt it
with water part snit• and part swim. This disease
nay cone in any habit or at any age, and La elute..
larked by the peel:dial - ay alba tough
The Ralson. of Liverwort Edwina the cure oiling in
s/thous disease b expectoration, the and heals Me
affected ltings. It never fail. Wintinnngn Ike medi
cine has hCen used, we hear of ns success. For thir
st year it has born before Um nubile. and has he
thorough! tested for all complaint. of the Lungs, and
bw pro ve noel! superior In merit to any thong in use.
We an hi stye hundred. of testimonlids front phyal.
clan% ‘boi Press, clergy, and these who have been ea
red but all wo desire. to call the entail:on of the an
d tette, and for their own good they wilt try it.
...oak out for counterfeit.: Always observe the sig.
neuter, 9.4 e. Taylor, M 11.. an the csupraved label,
ann arcuated at We Wholeulo Depot, n
Wert., New York.
timid in Pittsburgh by 1 D Meagan 03 Wood as; 1
Townsend. 46 ;dark. in; H ftsyser, cor Market and
3d nu; !Sanderson it Co, s,Liberry at Price reduced
o 81,50 par bottle. mart
ffoROAN'S WORM KILLER Is the heat Hermitage
IYI that nob may can sive or use In his family th'estmorelartd en. Pa.
Nfr John D Morton: -Thl• t. w certify lOW I base
l a ,n
re : your V I.IMINgIS for tome time. any bout
tate year—end .1 that tune I have never known a to
w fvl in bnitame worms away, when the symptoms
Indicated their presence. I had °veterans to gnu it to
two grus a op members of my family, I save each or
Weis one ran! one of them passed:ran and the nth.
r the beet Vonneforas that any
eon 1.0 to has faintly. J. W. Yneon.
Co pared and sold by J SO. D. MGRS.. A. 14, Drogetse,
ow- door below lhoinotal alley, on Wood M. 1. 5
tUt . a 6 ;:. - .:+t ' :;711 1 „ 74 e. ' , ' ;7:lo t. r„Ps h' ,7.l,l, F.6°,7;
Strobe , White Precipitate, Cyenuret Penaeb, pew en
ccived and for sale by 102 It Ft SELLER,
Hatt orp. lolule
Nitrate tedver, Copalba,
Jame , Powder s Citric Act&
Chloride Sod, Chlorie Ether.
Extract Ithotany. Extract gnu".
Jain rr.'d and for sale by It E
lull 57 Wood at
hie \k' et 11i. .1..L11 . 11J1N VP ,H LURID!. Iso.
if DA deeomnoso• the vim. or proceed print/.
I re of ell contarous ca.enses. It removes the dutor
out effluvia or mot room, to. Br its clattering . encl..
, a relieves ulcers, and latereepts all coonnottreabla
dlioates whether to man or normals, ne. Just reed
and for role by Jolt It E SELLERS, 57 Wdod st
AT be sten of we Plane and Sow 71 Wood street
n complete easortment of Cincinnati Coopers
Tent., for sale by myle EITHER & LADFMAN
AClAlll:kraiiisititiy OF
LY/ lees relittoo. emit/wont all the Metter, Verbenas
et 'lterate., of Veda. I and lel the London edition, erre
bellneed with a portrait or the antbor--a Vol., In one.
Pete , csymplete, Sno. A !erg... l =l l .lo e a b ove , vv .
eeired and for ludo by MELLOR.
rnehaS al wood at
'dbI.:W.ICM, COCOA MU)116.. , 0.11;1. - - - klikera
Vdrama, No I Char-Dials and Cana Bcloits
Pei ,
eplced Chocolate, just Moil and for calm at the
Pei , v. Tea Store, 70 Fear* d.
11.1. r•v.s.C.-1•01,1}11101 oroukoci of Id
I V 0n1y...4 ttal raced and tor anis by ;be
WA Or .1 the &Dm 70 Fourth .1.
Ll.ll,OB—The unpieccticriwil success which Us
wended the are or Inc
all the •artee. forms which irrnauen u! the lutgaeaa
umpa, has induced the proprietor nada to call att.-
Yon to tel..
Fue change:4e vre.a:her erluch marks emir fall and
+tic: r uson:ht. is always a fruitful acute of
!hear, it neglected, ate, but the precursor. of that Call
• • -
Ilse townie., men. how shalt we nip the destroyer to
the-bed! h Obeli wo get clear of nor mtg. and
lidie Pt of vital importance to the public.
all be found in lie Glowng Panacea to ?roadiehia
see have fromtime to time published the eurvaentee of
lore. a our beet known eturene, who hove cape&
armed to eurattve powers. Thew, witha MU, Of in
linaost7 from all p rts of the enuntryfrwo
hittusterl of the Gospel, he , together with comma dot
lees from the •
nu hare embothed pamphlet form, and may bu bud
craw of any of our cum throughout tho eozmul.
•us, OF DurrELkz
have tmen 10,4 m thm city.
throughout the Comm! States and Canada, sod we Au
engo emy man to [mint out a
vritieb, when taircn oceordtog o directions, and be
fore the rune had become Wally dwrit....4l, II has
rrer failed to
Why, men, need the nellotod hesitate by resort to
the sui , eroble tmetrums, gotten op by an. on indisid-
Oes o ter themonied Imo. of SO= to +tortoni phy
nem; and pinTeit 11110 notoriety by certificate. e. pet
ters equally noknoven! Wlssiet a medicine of
us to be bad, woo., vouchers we home,-b.. saighi
eons—ems of %stoma has
In order Mot tine invaluable medicine cony be piseed
within We reucti of the poor . yell the nee, one lave
pot ilor price et
~ 1 one half tae ovnal eon of cough medicines. um
for 'ale by our ngetaa 11/ nearly every town end "dine
over the we., woo ore prepared to sit's full informs
'AU, io T. SALTIO, Proprloor n
Ftn,sd.usy. Cincinnati. Ohm
ro N,EN altS„kr at L.Ln--u
.J.J 000-n of Dr Town.end'a Genuine *sr...peril*
re, rer .1 and mr rale uy E SELLERS,
.17 %Voud At. oily Agout for l'ltuburgh.
M Cl It lIV. Aunt for Alleehetly , tur
_0i1.4.:00.111 . 111014, 1 11 / 1 .
EDS\ EDWARD Al hl-:11. • toter thts means of re•
J j turns'. nu Wan to hts friend. and We public
for tlie ex, asi we patronage he hat received, and of In
forming term that be bus lately erected a large and
e-eti constructed buildttig for the cachous< purposes
1/1 . 104 %V ATE li CLUE E....erABLisIiALENT, old
Memnon, at I . L.11:p•Im rah, Pa., 011 We Ohio riser, °pro
sin. Mt steamboat lariMiiv at Beaver, where he is ready
iu receive patients as boarders, and treat Wean on ily
drone too prnm.ples. lip addi,on to Ins long experi.
eime, mid 11, great +access which nos heretofore at
leaded I,:s treatment of patients coon:anted ht his ears,
he LIT% Ilato addniona/ teeth.* !Worded by an es erected ex,ress/y for the purpose, eon.
in,almus sml ant rooms, and hind up, with
es:ry necessary apparmita . for ['ethnic, and demists.
wring Ireatmetit to We utmost oeiintit and eoinfon
of nv 1.00011LP11111111111.03r00 IA a roost delightful and
seamy 53: , easy of ague. by “ramboahl, and of.
fords 6ric and wuoirsoine water. In Artier assures
n-Cstan...,d wbo rony isein , relves Un
der 11111 rare. Mai every attention shell he paid to then
comfort; and OS o,•ur.ince of we substantial [assents
to tie derived, he points with eoofiderme to We bone
Med. 0-tio have been rermanentiy cured at his mush
hsbnient. Wan, Core leas., no lap:mous eget.
hewed, as is' too often the ease with those who have
been treated on the old system. It removes the dis
ease, tuvigorates the system, protects from the dangers
incident in changes of the weather, creates n mineral
and settee appetite. and imparts vigor to We digestive
powers Term •of t•eatment and hoarding ,able.
For further- puroculers as the estahAsunent, or
uddrr,s the in - optic., at Phillipshergh.
L A L'e fiLLtP.L, riot
We boor been .:formed by Mm Roe: of a care pc,
mined or Iter by Dr. Jo,yste's 6 tttttt Iv.. Iffircb
superiority over every inner remedy of the
kind She hos leen &acted for dm Last eater-11 years
er. to SiXilt 'Aral rE SWELLINGS, Wooded
" . .p. ulcer:llmi, ud catenation of various hones, du
rum which ame miuty pier. have been drschureed from
the Ire of the cranium, from both her arms,
anon 'tad buds, and from both logs, and from the left
lea urn, twee, end Irma the r.gba taco. besides painful
swell 011 oilier pans of bet per which hove balked
the wa •II .•lnumber of We man e mn, minent physician!of
our eit — most of the lime hie sufferings have
ves, ex:rit sung end deplo-able Alain three monthr
eone. sbe 1.005 induced to try Dr. Jayne's Alterative hat had risionvinnely hippy effect upon her,
by removing all pain arc swelling., and reusing the
oieces A heal, wall at the sometime her general beetle
nos becrume completely remrced, so that she now weighs
2.5 .05 More tun she did before she commenced the ore
of Ma truly aslant/1c prepotion.-4,not Eke. POst.
For further huormatlon, inquire of bin. Coop, NO. /W.
Filheit it, Vtilladelpain.
For vale .0 PnuMareir, at the PERIN TEA ITI/Rl O .,
72 Fourth rear Wood. fed
J./ mut received of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, dm
most extraordinary medicate to the world: Tins Va.
, vain is put up to quart bowies. It ts six times cheaper,
• pleasanter, and warranted superior to any rind. It
eore e umeue without vomiting, purging, sickening or the patient.
stet reit hatizioss.—Upprinelplee persons have
copied oar labels, and put up omdicine in the same
abaped tude. coo Wet each bottle has the woven sig
nature DI S. I'. Townsend.
FL ILSELLERS, Dragion,- , 57 Wood street, hetweer.
Third mid Fourth, Is D, Townsend's only wholesale
and remit agent for rambargh, of whom the autaine
artiele cur be bad.
La. Al. Cum hu been appointed the sole agen tClal for
Atiegheny city, of whom the ruin° article be
had. apt
. _
.1 A. t •Unebroce, A. A. 1 Loy
U.haotemona,} . 11. 11
Id% IV Fellnearoe,
W tto/cenhi Deng Store In the City of
New Yeti.
rotRP. underrlimed are extensively eniperad te l the
1 I 1 !tolerate Oros holiness . No. IP Joldi street, m
the city of New 1 cot, and are replied to timely I
thus eau and ramble Merchants with Drove, Psanui, I
ea, Pye-stele, Frrart and American Perfumery,
dan nr, A mmt A Matters Chemicals, lel their corn
mt orninoal sic ell ether attfc/m le their hne of Inuri- I
es.. a upon, titan,/ as low u they min he par-
Via,/ in hit erne , / engem cite.
Ner %AM. Pehl6 It A. FAWRESTOCX. r
BRlCK • iiits. MALE.
Lim Wickes/le Celebrated i MIIE undersigned arms fat sem sepaeley Wends
COOL ERA AND MARILEE 1 MEDICINES. 1 a bnoi for idm... d. b r h i . j... , P.
omved ,liver which Cm has ob ed a p.m.
•I` il II publte ore requeuted to
reedre the folkomng cer- 1 n i
_,, m .........."....,.
j oficates Thts medicine itensivety aged m , L,.3,..T1.....,,,,.,..7"."----...„....,“ reds Ronan " ..... .
M the Southern and Fenton stun,
er anti Imbllialematelsome or th.mpeess Gay bd.. -
We do certify Olat De Lome Wtmon. of Vora, P., I
..., ,
f 1. 5 . ,.. „,, v 0..... ...., am* ."
boa under hie eels ant, on or about ibe 1 .„,,,.'"...“,..... ---- " th. ...,, ~,, ~,,,, ~, each area of October tan, a Tonna roan loborlog ...See a ' ~—,.......,,,%,-,_,'„.„,..°',,,,,,,,,, i ,... of .0,0,p0f .m ~d„, .
.evere allack of “Asiauc Cholera . That we elem. I " l-4 ." . .11tzi1.; .. „ , ~,,' . ye...di... -
Med the said mane., mud hand bon to be frt the col- I nr_ , g , ...-zoz,e i nal to the pert (loath oak.
lapsed stare, of that deettsc, with frmment sad mop... I —...,.....---„, .„..;.,., ea .........mifiemni mall aah e y
rle 42 venter dierharge• That we pronouoretil et seise i, 1,„: - „I'. -- c a,rie; Aka ne. Lo wan tan; en/Ikt, Inch • •
of as nalae Cholera mud declared moreover 'hal ere ' n T,,:ar a L ~,yr e" Geyee,, a ise., , , .
belie ve.d the sold pall. Were beyond the hope of teed ' , havin g supplied themselves for elttlr
ical aid. In feet nesteentaht the pm.. would Me I'— 4.attaomo (rimy book, or napano bl =
' and limning
and so declared at Melton
" nod send paring book, 0. abate them_ l
.We mother certify flat the taliPtentis 'Matey Inn ISA-AC GREIIIg •
Icily mot mode oftrmanent, and admintnered hot ,
I..megb.. Jane IA IRS n o
IT Remey, andeffeeted a CUTO of the pauenh , • -- 1, - _,-, ...... mice 1 . 00 . ~,f ,, Ore .
We :kink In her as stet teeter the red Tosiog man W different ' goyim or Moan wished wort, h ' ''.
wets at wort, and perk-city well. i
II LAN,Laberty ar, nomedmet. . d
Joan C. DOSIZT, M. I. I mril
T. B. Ihrum M. D CorAßTNlfillll , —.l have the tray mstieldang •••
oath, he orhoksato Winery, Product° ned ...
I erectly that I 'yelled a emeofmmlified Cholera vie Cmanctssne. // ILL .oho POlsOlhanderthe My* I .
e., the care of DI, Louis Wickay, and that I believe of JOilyi %V ATT.! CO JOHN WATT.
hat medicine relieved dm. i, Apnl 'JO, IRO. . i,-
State of, Invehington County, to sot. E, uLiiii Or tfoolit,a Oanle of 'Oa, Prune Acid. 1.1.
m at „...'
I eery that I ton vet svan he gentle- ~ re,lre,:,e 0 , Ir., 11l Carbonate or Potash, Nitta. try
~,,,,,, ..........1.... „ ..,.......... e h e mes M Dr. . Mho', Catomet, ZOMie of Imcol, Chien., of Soda an! •'•'•'
Louis 'Wm tey, and tie,/ e u, uirespee anisity . clone Ether, oo Mold and tor sale try
In teiatmoterliereof I heteunto mobserthe my •
J. KIDD h cl/ - ,
, a nae, and a Ilto acs of my off , d.-• four ~..."
ki th day of Cr - -mbar, 0. , -00 h."'" ...' -
j°.' o7 b l7 . NC' ' e g e. h lel-SM .'".." .Yn 'n e d l ' l -"".
Ner,,,,i,,,,,, fr.„, 0 , 0e Conerlenr7M.4 :PL IIIsISDED DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY lb WEZZL•T
Lou. ~,i,i,_
At the fiessetieflisiidesess,34 st._, mode Peas ejOkie -
I ernnemed the elminirt renere at Dr . _
~ 1.1.2 i Tla a 09 ♦AD V r.21.7"1111121131. -
)''. PesPderraa fineCnaren, n l'..'" *( i . " .''' • 01e toneLlon Or Lfillnee or less, .
..........go 00.
.... ct pa
it.' irithiena:4"4"eivlrTllfarke.)"'ce'We. or ' 2 ' serti: ge"-- Clos• : Two internam* • eth . aa , tellers , , Doss,
, lere, with nee enter caaeuranans , dard Oilb ' 'Three "
•••• ...see,/ Oa ,
' meld tongue, remstl maul.. peasesr-loontdered b. I Oa. 01,,,,k
.. . ~
.... I 20
tilaarreer• Den tritest sod alarm:as. 'saw bianpan. i ~....., w.k.
nd ~.- .
2.11 a. ..Oa.. 2.40..
Yuma la Dr, Ric bd . .. , •••= q7-" , '" ' 4 ' h 5:, 1 Three "
wwwei sae. 3.011 , -,
Dation debt Gras am of me mile, aril sew I re-
r r
pentedls 0 . 1010 L e attendance of Dr. ee faker be re. Una Month , 6.0 0 --
4:erpsy,.l.. ant L, abt. to attend re tul weds at heal r r „ A/ "
6 00 , ,
Dade In a few drew lem sore ym me oatmeal,. bm I Three " ~
PO.•• SOO ••• 0-... . "
A. Madidtle &darns , by pr. " , L Q T Loßger advert la sauna proportioli.--' --
Illennetem-.Dam, M. D. , ..,_ .
only ~„,,,,s ie nale e De Wearers Choices '1? . ..1.",,. ' 12 6 .T..1h....i1ba51l taterre.Da,,,.„ 110 wo
" ~. " ...Of. , t.
r 7 i Di : V:, - “ d " ' 7 ~., I }' 4 ' TO ' I l'N ' : ' D r" U. .mu, ' "4 1
I. 0 Al d , " D
m g7ks t. s " t i *. I Each additional immure for outoutk., 4 ......, 0-03 . $
00 a 0 dear below Panama! eley. Wc..l st " . " 12 . , 12102 - •- -
J ueuein a ...
i One aquare,6 aeosites,renewsble at! r l6 • 71', 16 4 : 6
Each additionalsquarefor 12 niontice..:....; go ° O"
. ' ,. '
00 '
Two &wares, 6 mou th s, reNrible at tlotArtler '-..
Each additional equate, 6 month., ...: .. . ... 8 00
innutiT pa xramozuki ror volit / 2, 4 ,06 - '''
One square. 3 insertions .... ....... i.....n 60
. 4
" " each additional i ne0 ni00,....... 37 Y 1
Ramona eons.
Fin Hoes or Ins, one ear, ••• • •"" • ' l5-°°
,i, .1 0 , dt : a :: . ' .......... SAC . ,
' • '....";... okl 10 00
ono year, daily i
if 111 ~.• • 00
in months ' - - •
41.avairrusicaziro to magus roman • •,-,
for 12 Met, or Iwo • One insottios....‘saiPowt- , '
, „ „ ~ r . .. .. ........ tr 1 :;..;.-.
ea ee o .. ..a.•••• 1 . 63 : , ,
" " " Tins Tina,
606 -,
G, T ,-jeut fel we vets !Omni encouragement
•;.„ ~e o cti for so mink years, I have deter
m,ned to en i v ne d 7 brine. considcralily. Daring
g .aed.corgetent Paternal, will tie amyl:dal
611 en order. ro mp tlromil worn; In oar mat
Mi... at (.1.0.1 and svittlie asteution of mer
'enema and eine. to cop large sock of DPHOLSTF,
UOODS and Bed, alenturnin and Bedding, Cur
tam Material. Dem.]. tu. COMMet, Frt.
g i rndernots, Tarn... Spin andloller Piled*. and
every artrnit usually kept on en . rentalstunent of Die
kind. (Wm respectfully eolmued Rd promptly at.
tended to.
PLll.—Derpets made and pot down.
.derielf . NOM
kep No ii-cad:ar ;ale. '7
APTLF 23-300 .. ) 10- t r A' . .. 4 2M 1 % 4 =bl
,1.1 /TO
~`=`~' •.
Td mom (orleo:abie Eametl m prelfaadeelamh
TliE CHEAP ROLL, or ft)N BLIND, as king
of made toorder of all rises, mull al all pclaila.
Cruller) , Merchants and others are invited to calla&
amine tke ebouc (or themselves, as all will be ea%
Km:dente or tail,end a liberal dalmatian mad" ID
wholesale Nar re ita...a.
Notre* to the nubile.
wE bomb) , ootify out hued. modaernespeadonht
et home and abroad, that we wall not tram
tar commemancla receive height float .7. Rael
which J. Newnan /ones Ls tiger..
anti 11.110 D fr. /axonal.
JOHN KELLY I CO., einecwwww a Robb, WWI. ,
broom fr. Co., law Witham Whim) No. 10:1
CHESTNUT Street, above Third, PtilhWelfddle. bog
Mare to inform their friends sad 4 petroas Ihat io ta
hove reeelved the Iciest SPRING AND 131.1
PASIIIONS, with ri larremitirtorent of NewEryla
OODS; compriaiog Clo QueirriereYestingeolith.
of every eronytion—a/1 ofwhich ire of Melloonximi
nomioors. haling been earefully releeled AP
Ip - mutterers Wain Philadelphia, are l'expeetfiaj
ly welted to anti and exansiao their extensiee gawk.
roelietteeert '
'FNMA REESER PASTE—Jaw resaivinf i : l y
.a. trots. of Rubber Paste, anytime:of attic illy
Important to persons that wish to keep their • t
Fhaente the leather from ernalttex, and will lake a
over It al For sale the lath. Relater Depot„
'o 5 Mod meet mar* I. II PHTLEI Pet '
atizan 004011•00Lai1li 001.111111
matsubwriuer, woolesale Inananicturae of .18W-
V, "tykes wholesale dealers and pedlaraistle
ding Sown and Wess—al country store Areparate
call and entrain° hi met set,
of Jeweler, whihn , o/1
*old at the lowest wines for cosh or approved unapt
moons. Constantly on hand and manalaantring t
large sasortment snonblo for city or soahr
E. , -
0. A. r 0
corner of Formit nod Branch sts, op stain s .
P, at
, F a te a
Lldldreored a larg a In rho e
amortment of 11w (Mew York,
newest and non
improved style* of PER, PIA-Nt,iIPIUS, BOILDP.O4
Sc., and made unangernents by dlb leb I wilt be earn
bled to procure all new Patterns, mourner:eons with
their appearance in the Fasten market, I would Pi
vot Me attention or those deurmg to have thellhonses
papered with me lam, style. of paper, baud led
caamme my stock, before elsewhere_
I nave now oa the way from the Four, :AMA Moe.
a Gold, c an blancd, sod common roper Ilangirly
which I can veil at proms ranging Porn lei eta to VI IP
piece. meltl3 a 4 1111.4 b 7 wood n
LI A visa Jart n er u:l ' eted m tbe ak re a Magofour snake"
nit. Louse. are are uow prepared uo receive, mean.
midalnake it in th e wog tarrehantabliaraasucr.
The hea.e arc Oiled arlth all the tbralern iraprere ,
men tn,ad are e apable .m11.431..1; 4111,0110 lb. amt...
KIER ir J(rNE, Canal klasirs,
newt Se•enth
fiINTiNIT PA PF.R.-1 - favitig ezelnslye teen}
fos the sale of the Mill Greve Printing Paper,
LL & P. Alorktc. Proprietant,) we anli be eonstantly
suonnest ems ail ale dttresent suss of superior a...10y.
sonteh stapeer In the lowest serslexprieen.
Getr24 corner Penn and kyr= us
(10LESIAN, iInILMAN it Lan amniane to lawns
locum Small Dm, Spring and An. Elinor Steel,
Slough, Earl: and lane Swat, Swett, Spates and WIOn.
Irov \nl6lla sista Ingather with Coach and Elio.
SP=Ph PM. TaPar and cowman Asks.
Having reduced the price of Wrought Iron Nan,
engine builders end others Ilene the ornate, will fad
It to their interest to greet ns new brunch of Pntshingit
tenottnientrel titetr allezn.
conch dintounra and tradeable In= on Ilberidternm
Warehouse on Water and Fourth sta. felaaMl
f2C11”10% BUILDIbGe,
+TA. Ina ■csaE En IRON
And is now receiving a line alltOrhOOlft of
Which he in prepared to make to wide.
And in the late. Faahioa•
Heed Quarter. fur Boots and
hornet. of Fourth and thalthfiehl amen,
thruntrans, Pa." /
TROTH A. scum' 6nriug commenced eg - ta
hitor h ;orZe 'L Ld ik' ea ' ail a' , t ' ea ' al 6 rres b'''' T 'r tgL . ..)
We itellutut of then (flood. and the petal, gen
emit", to An splendtd and stock, eunstrnn Meta;
sromena', boys . , tense. and ouddrens wear of 'very c
varle, uutaLle fur the wason, and at prices to
the times. A splendid artlele °theme mad. Unitlr,
such as gendesnenn One Soots, 'lodic; miaewathi.
children. Roe
wort. Please call mei amid= Qr. .
corner 4th a nds ntield M.,
N. 2.—Tutreling Trunks., Carpet Bags, an. an., .J.
ways on hood and km for cash
Counrry mercliants bid And It to thalrinteiMM
penes p call when •nuine the eit . m .14
W 1./..8081 s moo,
1111 . 01111 - .1115 and Wholesale EWalers la Pontplaild
.1. Dome.< Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, tic, Lit
Wood street, rittaburgh, are novrfully prepared
a l
recently imparted ...a a Hardware, 00007,
Watt, Carpenters' TOD* to wfar zwitY
daventenw to Werwern Harehints, as In adalbiti .
the muty advantage. hid by oar predeeesww., Meg.
sra Logan e. Konnwly, WO 4.0 g.. 1/
heilitial,Azd porelt.ap all oar good. IMO ant natwa
on the yew best Lerma ,
'lo tto atentbers of tbo Ana devate tbetz wide,
atteation .ales, and fieltag cooddowl of &tying mt.
tsfaetton, respectfu lly solicit . froM wbormay
vizi. W. maraca. ^ m 497