inieitFifaTA °NI IJNES. o iivrxinad- u • 111 • .1 THE P4'ek 4l - *l PA l* gat arl4l LifiVe! Ilenyer Larly on Alselafi,Yreaneetliy lad Finlay evenifige old P. ill . in it Vonttrannen next moridni of c..eliteketirrntrig. !tenet 1, nage. town TneAday, !reminder' : reel etiaGirday even/ ige It 4 P.M_ a.a in.4olleneer on tirne foe th. mood is bent. A LLEOHENY CLII9PEG; tenni - 14 in Pritatangb at It o'clock. • • • • The treetel 11ARF.AWAY. quill Deernal• 0111 lave IleanefTtardat Thensdateled ant... 40 even .. P. if.. rleuresng, Imo Ciao , Cern', Mon.!or, 15 ednesilay and Friday se..finis-OA P. AL taw con twerp! ,filmareg Go.Eellirn lusintrge. The. ;as :in. inert - lifted 410... ingensplete agar, har ing fine tecnnirninertfions for p.reirliera and iltoppers roly'internalit y .otr gmater deepalib than has beettelnained on de ntrouva . FITCH WC.. Propnerori I .CIL411.11: Ain!. Piu.erga. • ifo ettAr..l.lroAl .`. Ileac" et. A .las-dm 17.nOtotert. It. If. Co4lnOiam,“loenr The efegnut 47000060.ALL.4.41111iNV CLIPI t 'F.It. 49 leave I Bearer , eXell , air P ratuung ConzICYOU '56" 0100 abosr bon a int+ . _ mat •184p.12aft Claw Warren - wad and plaßangast Mu. Canal Pantrac-8 ALLOW: • . - .AN. .Y PNB of the above Pa am leans Beaver eYrery day iftunitay• excepted sued. anti's , best morning al ansn, when they eon eet vent the Mail *ages Mr Akron sad Cleveland, a ring at earl of Myra pls. - . Won night One at di pockets !earn Warren daill at 3P. M. and arrive I Ileuff..y. Id time m tate me morning boat for Pittsburgh. .-... CEP LEPPINGIVKLIiitiCoi Wameur I p m AI B TAYLOR, . de t JOHN A COEGIIEN", Agent. apM earner Waterauid Pretiiikald so aggEgai 1849: , : , magi. UNION LIN It; , ON TIDE PONN.A AND OHIO C 1 4 4 PALe. Cmirnt' m & C[1...6113.1.1", an, 0,, t 0 IL O. Pam...llenVer. Pa. tt LHIS Lute will be prep. ed ng the fTkalnK of nsf .- gagon. trinort freight Mid Passeri ‘ ers front SI/CRON and CLEYKLAIRD, to ant point on the Canal and Lake. The (ankles Orate Line are artitirgossediit manse. ry quah and capacity of Boca, etpirience of caplet.. ind eifiuencg of Agenu. .; One Ikwt In Pittsburgh eadflereland Lg., ran. ring in conneetion with the nerairars LAKE ERIE AND rdigliiif AN, Hemmen Pittsburgh and Beam.snal a ling of arra rims Sweaters, Propellers and Vemels on We allea. Agturrw—if 0 Parka, Beam rAift Jena: Ualdwin,Yougginognt, traig. Al D Taylor, Waracw,.. , Mls ic P , TU ec, a,:re Crawford & Charstratlut, CicycLiral, 0 Bc." & + JOH~ MLA 031ce. car Wa'lnroad Sambraid ma, Pnw.butab. mehdlily • • Llid" - IVlTillt lACTAgS. Etteamer MI CHIG A N No. 2.4.CopLiiiilsco. " LAKE ERIE, ," Gordon. THE above regales and well itnown Denver Pae ta, have commenced mak ics their dolly trio.. to and from Beaver, and will continue io ggi between Pinsburgb and Beam regularly daring, Michigan Na *leaves Pintail:l - Tb doily 413 detect, A. 31, and Deaver at a oleleinh P. M. Lake Feria leave. Baiter daily au M, Pinsbn rg at 3 o'clock, P. M. . Theme steamers will min in ommection H Parke' Express Packet Ltrie, for Falb; Taylor! Lertingerehl Warren rackety, MUM] Line of Freight Boats ldt • EleeMmtiii Clarke Cols Pinabargh and Cleveland Line Freak. Heats. • . _ _ . El 0 Plats daily Near Cadda,taekri.s. CLARKE, PARKS &_qc., D.Mr. Agana_ 101LN A. CAUGlifili, Pittelairgu, aze.h3l dor Waldh and smithan;.l.. mega 1849.':.',, Hyman AND CLEVELAND LIMA' ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIQ CANALS. THE Proprietors of this old iaaCtlithea a{al PS u duly bee, consisting Of SIXTEEN firtt Boma, mooed by themsolrea running, al ronara thin with the steam Loam 'IIEAVYIt ANC t'A LEL; (XIPE, are enabled to offer tiijoalle4 beames ye, the tranaportatioo of freight and pasiengars. OD th. opal:arty of Canal eariratiort, ui.alf pintas on the Penn- Bylvayua and (tato and N. liort aed the Late, E. H. PITCH & Co, Cleveland. 81DWE1.4.11. BROTHER, • .areou s l Beaver. J. C. BIDWELL Agent. man \Valet street, ; C. BUSIVELT.I e.W.C . : • • Pmsbnegh. BIDWELL & BROTHER. Forwardlnt !tram nts, tssevta. tqk - • • Agents(or the Pittsburgh ataicirmistmllLenr. burgh and E Line riti.Etirir. and fo• sr..= !oats Bearer and CaLd Having purchased the large detd. sabstaintial Wharf Boat rest built for the MenCdtgultels rice.,., but e with the addltiou of teearrhomel thr moat ample ar• pledge for iving dud Consist:hog. r 1 pledge Muir utmost neentiou.rdeimpmers and der •,. to consignments to their care, bpd rely oust., r tl• for atrial. marl-sty; , . , It a_ PITTBI2IIIII.OII ANL!, LLlllt6. Nam is o, Old EnablishailLine. ON THE ERIE EXTENSION CAIVA BEYM ropricor of thls well known Lthe of Canal A. Boots, I. now prepared tit, unspent, Pmsenmr. and neighs to all poltua on Ow kris Extkoston, Now York Canals and the Lake., upon no Inuit famoratue terms and win despatch. s Thu Lone runs in conneenok with nab pramhrnas IitEAV*R an C d CALEB COPE, bows-ren Pittsburgh and Boaster, lel Reed's Loo of steam O uts and yrs *els or, A. Lairs, and the Tro and hbehman Late Boat Lim on We New York BREWt y, 40 C. M. Pro p -Imi, Ede, Pa. & Brother, Audets, Beaver W T hlather, Agent at ‘r Id es it erroops Passsneor , Ofilee, Monongahela House CONSIGNIUMM—W C Menu, Sid • on 4 F. Al Ire Shorpsbarg; Smith A Dowling, do, J Plunihrt.. West Greenvilni Wick. heard& Co, de,: Wm /tern,, }lamb:nen Dwets& Sutton, ilittfalo; Ham, r,,bbr Cer, Sandusky: sas A Ar.starbg, boron: Kim:sus e Newberry, Shebaygw; A Clair & M0w.,.- 010' AneP, Muller& Bonon, 11 tutszte, A Wheeler ik Co. New York- t apo Pittsbrarght n = 324 Blalr 18 i l . yklle PielAat. Lime 6 . ppnn act 11 iatgi ap wield Paskot Mats to O te n tonna the, season. 00l no le. [wren Blairsville and P/tobaztb , bn boos to be tow ed by Huainan., and evoritkron made to agents loollate passengers. Dnametass.-1130ans vnit -iveve Plutiborgh every Menday, nmiday, Tbursduptiad Friday, at 10'0100k. 0.0. From Blentottlle esterT, Mondayu Wettnetuvl• Thursday and Smartt., at 7 done k. and amuse 00 In P/oAnme tht mote •A•tveo kal.ft Hack from Indiana ad noun. boat arPHlsborghl both on up wardand dtrernwardirip—pettlag pasmegmt throktn from that place in Hut day., Freight for the Choy? Linulkill be received at rho house of the iloatneuhl Lirthr s ' by Jno. Parrett & Co., who wooer authorised Agent.. All Weight recesvcd tree at rtganutisatans. MARSHALL & Co. JNO FAWN & A as, Canal Barns, asherty st, Pursuargb A Hack leaves Blairstallorpr Yoomppown on We arrival erne to boat La marling Pato from Pittsburgh to Youngsumett ed—recemed et oil.. Of Boatmen's Lime throoth.r . .. . •eghtern VIVRIBE AMU POlLlrfallaLM isrd•r irialM lB4 %;lllM For dm 1} 11, YE 4 mot to end from PLITSBURGIL Pine DICUPIII4. VALTIMORE, N. YORK, 1.10R;ON, Jae. Taunus Umnittion Phtladelphta. Team CPCourroa, Ptusinneh. reold establithed no w in fun Mr..r p, the proprietors ate prepared with thetr usual erterialre arrangement. to thtir.fd mem, hmolirei pro duce, rte. to and from the ahfryp perm, o 4 lam.] terms, with the regularity, despotcyland safety peculiar in OW , trunle• trensponnuon,so obvinths, when Imo. shipment or. the way ks avoided. JW muthignmentabylend lOWA line received, char. dmr. Monte.. ,d till set free in Charts eadWlLLlasan, adrationg or lstorage. No Interest, directly or indlthelly, to steamboat. emmunilkcaticomprompp anendel to on applicai • Tll W OrN ‘ f c lt d ßllartrhietket TAAFFE ic O'CONNOR, Pinot Basin, Pittsburgh. O'CONNOR ft Co , North eiti Iltiltimore. ruettOS HMO 180. suegpalauv,ramnri l att Jr. norarcsnm, Jaen Illmanair4 Tun* Tithonan, WIC Emus, Jacop Do r i. • COddletAde ethics Sabhullokeepind principles. rll:Propstelort of th is did establithed Lille have pm their mock in the oneidoomplete order and are ULOVOOftd7 prepared to forvrioi Prude.. and Me retool. duo Wand from the Ewers - eine. We trust that our thug ciperienco , the cluvriild badness, and mato. suet:Mots to the lowed. of ea. tomere, Will encore to us a eentinuande and increase of the perronsge hitherns edianded to linnehasis l ease par arrangements will tenable us Us carry Froght with the .meat demateh, aled our prices than armoire kg ,, %.• bre as the lowedetillOged by other respoesible We have opened an lidded" No ark st betweshipen dth and Sth ate, Pidilida, for the con v of enience pen. PrOdaCe and iderchandisir,voll be reersived and fer vors:dad, East and Wow, stril)ent lot for. warding, advancing freighheutrare oreotrunwrion. Rill. of Lading forvranled, and every direenotl pnlylorn eted appltto f'= A r - NO IE3 and shrect, l'hiltraa. jeldirs, WILLSON, Agent, No 1M North Upward Italtomore WILLLASI TSioN. Agent. Nn girth Newt to MEM/ 18 01 TrottiOortaglou Lane. VIA PENNSYLVANIA OA& SAIL rarLAZZU.1.4 4 A51 , ... 11110 . 4 NUAAi TEE Canals anditati PAO. be/n6 ove opn, uld In good order, we atei prepared :to forwald ell kinds emerehandate and to rhlladelphla and Beldame% wifSproatpenea Sod despSten, and on as good lemma aaanY older e l',„ kA bribiry s Co ., . Canal Main, Penaat, Putobuigh. Aniono—CRARLS2. RAINOR, Pilladelplos • lola ROSEMORRI & Co, lfaltlmme. Potasksylvant. 11111 load .14x- ProonYoust r&tokirt ne, latigai 1840 t t ,. FROM PirMUOR TOIPIODADWOU. /to BAT, Catelatintrk, rigw thin th~s coo - zr---..—nroromivra turns iltreasto4t The boa. soKaatood d a apetito• elan, with Imo& cabins,woch wiU eye greuu# moron. The eva MIA /Mist nonstraqlon. •bosawill Otraysbo nti Imam ars m oaned to sin sad await thanatOro atrabot poi 2.robootala • ' say nine dpllars 1.4' One *OM Now of . Linn leave•Os ant.ioptioskto a Ilatel, eatsertalPeonatreat end Cat oral otga nia skit Tina _ . I ,b.aat_oßP l 7,!O• O. Kozaseb Fl'"'" "°, - ' • . '• 4 1L , • . ,•;.• `• - • ; • • . ' lITATION.. - • PORTA-ISL* BOAT LINIC, OVIIII.ADEII.I . /U4 11 -M•i'MORE NEA. V YORK IDLPINKSS ort.lba .C 74.1 1.4i0g no reartined. tt l'fo.ortetora of the law , * t.tue reapeettally.inforn , the p4im :hat that •re preriared to receive and (or ward rrubt With deaoateb, Mid at /oven rates. They would oleo call the ilie'lllloll Of lOoppen. beat wird op the fact that the 13etas a cme by theta le trans* - tatton, are owned by them and ea by etperieneed eaptatha. 4 t , thippers or Meat tn Balk find it advantairexha to 00, by thus Line, ta. the gulebersbers nay. trade ar angemet+ at ._:olttuttota bßee frigte.. Inc Bal. tanombruided threctly from btaut tn. ea..., thereby se tart warehott•te hudtoir eyealyht to Putimlclphaa ries neat through to the rito charge made for soreivrii •to pot ng or edvnnunq citarris KALIL & o.F-S I`i op novo,. CoortOltosin, Se ventO AO INTS—lohn A. Skov. cineonooo, o , ; ..o CUlioteqo &Ca-Voluatqcv . S. drool & rho, Po o d o i. pa* Friincl, A Tbaco.o:L49mbia- nrebat virarisyroNLka A..1±4 A it.. . 1849 &lit. =i;3== Patsbwrgh to PinhufelP(a and ilaithatn. E....v.0y for, ..,..ter,) T OE public are resoemeeltrinfoonne Mat Ova lame win commence running cn Nioeday. Deb Mulch. The boats of this I..sue are of a .upend r alas, with ralarged cabins, white will,gore Kramer comfort to plsassigars. bomelvers be in Ks., and travelers are re. gamed to call and eamoone them before collaring pa.. amps by mbar rooms. They ;toll leave thelandow. op. pane the 1 , . 8. Rotel, corami Peon filttel and eau, every ntryln at 9 o‘tleck FA RF.--NIN IXB.tA RS THROUGH Tiage-3irDava. For inCormauon, apply at:the attire, Monongahela Hoar al D I,EFCH Co. Canal {Wain.. , ta 1.1. Vacproprietor. of above Line are now building an ruldsbonal Lane n y 'Packlats. Loran Above Ott OT about June lot. ill romreolon - wol, the Penn.) , canto Raul Road from Us...tow.: PbO,,or mon. Al than time a pocket will leaveeeeerylarons, and eve:. 010 Time through. at d.,•, umnlo POILT/LbLE — BOAT LINE, 1849. =ilia F., the traosrMBarbt or ....err ne/.01.r. FIE - TWEE:sI FRILADEL.I . I fe% Air D Prrrallirlir:ll (n 001;k8 carried on this ,Litzr are not tran.blppe , i kj between Pittaburgli and Philodelplim, lieu, car ried in four recOon Porteble a 4Joa, ,and on o a a . Mr.--in shipper" of merehemda., remOrtna macre! handling, duels of iraportadee No ebnrge mole lar ramviaar or shlpplng, or for. naval - irony charge. A grods forreartled with dmpaich, end oil a. res.on•ble term a. by any raker Line JOHN WFA1.8.7.1h Co, Canal Lti.m. Penn .1. Pittsburgh .8.18 it DATIB P Co, marl 0117 Market if ,0111111eree JOAN MaFADFAN amt kfcaarmr ram Me(COOIItS, Causl Bruin, Peon l'autarrakk. 'ANSE§ 31 DAVIS a Co, Plow Femora nod Commis- Moo Merchants, 417 lie rlref,wel M Commerce weer, .Ptidadelphia mart ,E,tdr athan mes made by either of the above on Roe , sale_ er merehr a4esee consigned m them b. miesth AMR/ 184 ME RC !lAA Wee WAIF snailtlliT For Flairertlle, liothrlaya,olga, end all intermetkate plaern ' - rplllB Line vont:nue*. carry all Way Goods with their natal desp*lt. ei.d at fair rata et freight. Ausrrni—C. A. M'A(CI.TI' & Co, Pituburgh. D 11 WakefieldiJohuviown. John Miller. liollalaysnorgh. Ito, roan—Jame. lorllon. Suva a Storlatr, Dr F Shoeisberger, R Ploore..lv7a Porter, S F Von Bonn ham & Co. Wu) Lehniv , It Co. JIM M Drum & bro. Pittsburgh; John Ivor), Steal, Molholten & Ray. Joe Bran' It Co, BLLr.viue.; REED, PAJEMB & doom. PACKET LISP.. latlB. REAVER AND CLEVELAND LINE. vut Canal Packet—Slt'AliLlJW, Coot Ford. " v OCKAB, Capt. Warier.. 914 E of amnia/v.3 Beaver every cloy. IStuoluys ekeepte..4 ho d . trive neat morning ai anen, artxre they ronn6cl arab the kind Stages for Akron and Cevoland. urr.ttog ho oro, vi tnene velure nitrbk One of 1.10 rackets leave Warren do, t at 5 P.M., and arriveat f)vater la ume m tort tt.r zoo, hog otooraboto tOr Pitt , burrh. COTES & V. tro a Ppra . rt. 11 TAYLOR, BEAVER AND EIDE PACEKT LINE. Mantua roma dale LI swat nor taa wanal Paeltet—PriTsVaata, Capt. I r Tataastaro. • Pollock: Lau Eats, - Brown. ", .ayer Tye abtivo nrw mond **band Pnaseuger Poch-to have eonaawneed flllllltllg banwien ltalAkFAI AN.D 1,1111- and ve run regal-ally 11 . 0 n., toe aoaaon—one learnt.; Eno every utorrugg o eloel.and one ma, i.e Deaver every evenine. immediate+) all, the ern. va, at the steamboat Attetalgen from Pots nutab. 11.,, at. are new and .cuturaably turni.ned, ,ort through in 10c..," !tours Poo:scoot:1, to an% poinvon the lobe., or to Nimzura Folic Will. Leo to the most comfortable and earattuous. Twat, tbrnueb to all porn on the Late con hr plOre9,Cli at aypsyna( to the proptketras • FIID, PailKq a, Co. JOHN A. CAIIA:11E1 .241 l'lta,aret. tor: O ater and :manna e,,t CO:—.laa C Darrutee, tiodatu. N 1. C Reed, Ezle. Ps. Rap Mai, Slmrpahuren, Pa, W C MuLuLk....toolt. Pa, D Matnewi, Putaatt. Po; W Catarnl,goarn. New 115.1),. Pa. ,}1 BILIELK.E. dt, CO* NAST IR XPRICbto FOR CL - 11111ERI—ANI.I. AlAI:IIMORE, AND Till k;_kerll.7. ptiE Proprietor+ of tbiALine have put on New Stock, and anprepared tOoturward packages of all ue notions Jan), at inch:Areal rates. 'J. C. BIDWELL, Agent. Water street- PnhoolratE IROUINSON BOEHM /-LA RN ItF.'S S , 'l , . Pnger and ,ell t ( 0'• thee. asse ifi tt HANRDEN (..V( euoutzar Iv:, yero, from try part oftctrod. I r ,Jlll-44.1, I I Wroes. upon la ow-El:he: , ler?. t. vat punctual:q and ,e.ohmE to Me Wail, J 101 l WC , IiIO out allow our be robbed by the arctedlttlese•rops non .1110.11., +ea. NM, CY are man ettarrecol tr(cen 140Mr/i/ Loki re ! „,r-r sad :a (loot wen oo' , g . and dr Apoteh them without anAcietenuan by the first stop. We say 111111 fearlessly, el we defy one of our ten tO show that they wire detained 10 hours by us to iraerpool, whilst thous b e of coiner+ were dcia.oed months until they counhate sent 111 atone cod croIL eb gate, winch too freimehtly proved their codu,s. We Intend to perform:rt. contracts honorably, c.or, what me 7. and not aet as was the ea, hiat seasor. with ether otheers,—who either performed not o, when it muted Men eolnienee. Drafts dilstort at Pit vetch for any sum from to any d gl: the , coLioelal Davos. En Ire. , 10A UA Lao! Ram' REAL Genera. Acco..,• Fifth street nee d AIsicEOHIENYtICNI rIAN BLIND, AND CABIN , - I . WA. ER , to,lt. A. DIII.WN would folly inform the public, Mot he , reaps on hand 1.1211. .1/114 1114, C Diamond. A ne• n4ll or guano ' , utes are m.o. or• dd . , . Me beat at, Ir on w 4frAILICLI metal td aoy In the Ired ;sales Bluds can he rem., ed ▪ owl the aid of a Koren, driver oven r•-• tl/Pulu an purchased t L e +rock, - lofts, d wood of the enbinet targahmentof Ranohy a M'Clel lag(i, 1 are , N'ePo (o, furtorh their old anatomers, as well a+ the Mahan ',Deese, ndWeerY thing in then . line. ire), Nos Wood , Palsourgh. Me. 1041 J. A BROWN •- • PA,PERone lA-m'tll:.6;;, , SPLER. I. FIXSZI. . C re. tar) and Trounrer. . . . . The 011,0111 ploneotrd the affairs of he t Centwany .1, • eee posperou• condition Their office to the elty .• Wwerl,3 THE STAR OF THE WEST 440.. Vk.NITIAN BLIND MANIFACTORY ht ode of Ihr Intrnond, where Wenl.lan Blinds of all the diarrent 10/.1 and colors Om arpt on hand or wadero orddr alto the late., and moat approved Eastern fast. lona, at the saorteat notice and on the sods Alm, the hap Roston mil or split 131 ind Tronspoi ropey and Paper Curtains of mil the dare/rut sires and patterns on lurid and for solo loss for 0 ii . .z.,..1 1 . -9 1:_sP1.% 1 1s , f- - :,,!E:' 3, €:- - !.1-: ?. q .. ,i1 3 :. , !Eye,v4:4 , 13:.. 51 .11-1.; iq : a"1 = -I 1:9 :%, t c_:igtt--Teiil.liliiil7.l-2 , 97, C., .c . j t.. 4 es >.......-...';E:,,.:1::-:-.2...c:it-.... •-• , z.,....5_t;;•.-......,14, , ;-' 1 .1t35 a i ::: - w 0 .10., c 5e . g...5. , -,7•• 2" EC Ilgx e t , i p z, . 7 . 7,iii,&oi:ar.z.:: - . 2 38V 2 111 1 3, e i §- 4 Um < • 0 IR = ~ Et gg 2 °3 E ;'" 7 .A 2' E-S-t•s§t' 3 ;l . '"r• E ti: .11 , 7:: :11 4 - .4 --, c. .e. -5. r .E.;1.-;:z•V,.."7-,:J=-• ,, ,...-.1- ‘,. .. t a !i!,l z W C., < t:: vill tr. .71 -, .Z. ~...- . .....t.• , ,...,,c1.. - WO' .." ti> -k: . 2 2; -- , ' - . 7 -3 . .. ,- - •-. , : : ' ;1 3 -.0 t 0 4 , .. - -t. 4 -r ~-;-2E.:N.2...v.2a..,.. . 8-r.. t•NE 77- , . 4 E r , ',..... - .1,..x;: .. : •, , i ,... . ~ `, : -.";.t'' -CS ~. ~:„...4., .2 11 :. ; ' :: r., F.; .. 1Z . !t7 7 E 2 1 - .7, - ;. 5 ';‘ , :7..7 . "? . t:t: "2' ""- s = t: S' - 41 , !"::; - - .- ::1 'E'6 1 . 51: ' i .5 7 * Ete . Zi 0.. 1:4" - -'41 - :: - ;Z3 . 5i. r gli'C. ..,,,-.. '... - --, - ;"'d -' a, jr:‘Cr- 7. ' "Z - " . e7e:tc - :1-PigEii'a4 4 '.;4,;.Ar a.• 0 Cl• 7!HZl::.9ii==.ii.::i `, s . .i ., .t , -" .- "-f-r.-4; 7 ' t:- ,i4 . :t 2 f- . .:....1:::' , "ifi!`.;• - ga , " i' , W E': ..: : . f .- 7 54 851;-.0;4.: . . - .! , E_.'.1.. ~ ,,,,, . ...,- z ;E• :a.' ..-; ,-..:-:, .-;..._ 41.1 -J i t; ', :=l -:-. -• t...--',..F.1:,•.,...":1,- • . ci, < .....e.,".;.,.?1,. - ....g.g. - a.. 7.4 ,c -- 25.7:3'1.,' , 4,t ; '?"- -11 ' 2 .- ' r.t . 4: g Z'• 7“ ' ..; ~i 1.1..7! - e." , i - -- i , ? .2. - .-!E.4.3 . . - -.L: - :.- , g3 - ':•,z 1 e fzl-•.,:‘?..,!!,1 , ;5:r. - w 11 0 ii-t4. 4, i1:-.1 - 2, , -. -'.f . 'g .:- :72i , it . : - !4'r ,- I_ --t •il!?' 6 :; .1 aCIC al4 i.,.`1 .--- .:t'.'s = ': - :::'LT..: , • - `• =- . ` . . - r . - 2,- : 7- `-:iit - :i; - 0 - i.k . ::i1:?: -- 1 .- F 7-0 7 a C.O d:....'!: . r.! . '-...'2:::.;:: - -`l'. -s-- - . 7 , 7.,..,,,,!iN,1,v- - --,,i; ... .11'?:: -.;`...21:1.ii _ - • - • , • - • 1 ACIENITHI—WIt /AMNON JOHN 1) MORGANI Pnt.harel DM. CPRRY. Allegtxny City, A. PATTERSON, Ittramtaltittn MEDIUM, ... MIALLISTER'S, OINTMENT — I.P;. , ~r- CONTAINING N 1. r .'. :i...,,e..‘-z, mIiRcU I R 1, or other Min ; 12 P,.... 1 T1 e ' ase - all EXT77(VJ. try M. ,. .ct74 , -,retf SORP.S. PCROPULOIitI , a, g,...A. 1!1;MORA, sKIN LIS , 4" ---- - 4 I}' -,'''' I. .., .? e.. , ;. POISONOUS 'l'. •( -. T. i .--. • Lir . :_„,.,. ~ Yerputrid n trl ' at d ir 'ha Ttf ; .-. • . dt ' ... '.—.=-- ".-- . .t ,- sl , then heals them r.' ' ''. • - •7 ' ".' p..'-=•....A,1:i , fha .-- T° -.-,..-- the .. I ' d :' ~x 5 .1 4, , „, . , ~...„. ~...,r , . 4 , a n e aic eq.; is. , '` '*r f'.,, • .Y. a: .°- that it wal ' ' '} onr . en ' e7s! ' - .'.."....7 , .•/ 5 .'.fi... -' I have asellt for the ta ' st matey. yea. for all diseases of the ales , . In`sulvlint the tunnel danger and responsittality, and I declare te , nro heaven end matt, that net innne enhe has, it failed to benefit when the patient max within the reach al nactal meant. I have had phrricione. teamed M the profe•stOn. I have iwnisterallf the animal, judges of the bench, al de lawyert. gentlemen of the highest erudition, end mul rmen. litudre of the poor axe it in every variety of way, and liar rc has been but one voice-onr universal voice .o.:100-'.1IALLISTER., YOUR OINTMENT It• Grail): ItHECNIATISM-It removes almeest immediately the 1..9 am ruaun. and eweamg.mhon to pain emmee (Read the .s ea ductLis around i. box.) 1 I,r A d al re him: boa cored an d of the L0t...-r eof twelve years titanding. and ash. hod it 'tern ? t rery took yo that awaiting tont plare. EAR- I AC t , I . • I,OTI-1-ACIIE. and AGUE IN THE FACE, are a, y p tl with like soccer... a d: IIi:AD-We have eared ea.. that actually dat , as, cry dung [stoma, as wall a ., the ability of fif e ery doctors. One masa told as be had spent 0 .05 oa t hot oh:Atom witboa any benefit, wheat a few hot Ointment eared them I EV FM-There is nothmg better fur the core of Ter...r ill IL 3-It at clue of the Lest tamp; ;a the world for Burl. PILI Thousands are yearly cured by this Oint mem. asievrtt Mtsin atom; teller for the Pries. MT. round the boa bas are directio,. for insiog hl...ti lir., sane. for Scrofula, Lira C oe. Errs). / bar. Tr . C2..thta , n, S.GI Head, Barr Eye. Quincy, Se. TA .., Bomealins, Sr rrou• Affieti.t. Pear.s. D.s. en-. 4,1 I 4 Sprns. Head at/ii,smarna.tkasucto. Pe. odic, Buenz. Nim... all Lama... of as Skin, Shia. Lips, Piet yin, 4- . Siscum4 R I ad Lunar, Serer, Rstrumatiton. Piles, Fret Clapp. Seethed or Broken 'Bra..., Z.. erAr. .ditur an lA4 lace- 4.c. 4.c. t.:01..l) FEET-Liver Complaint, Pain lit the Chet and Srd.s, falling off of the hair, or the colter accompa nies rat I fret. flak Otannent i• the IT, remedy.) It ua sue. stgl , of .11.02... e to nave ried le, ClittNts--tmeasinnat nye ot the Osoutnent wall al -1 ways kcc,, run. front grown., tootle . need clever Le trod...led with men. .. they am. it erequantly. ks- I at• I , 111111,111. IS coati for 11131,F pars 01 the body or luau. mhett .tinned, In wore ease. It .honed Le I imp..... 1 of., LAI I'll aN -No I ;tam.. will be genuine sinless he hame al J A Mt, NI-ALLI6TER t. written math a pen ort For .1.,, For mile t.) my Agents in all the principal eluca and warns nt the l'inted ' , mom. I ANIFIS hIeALLISTEIL Sole Propel , or Cl metheuve.. QT Iv.n! c. Nurtil Third sac,. n“i• ade.pbta_ PRICE 2; Cr—NTS PER BOX. t.O Pirr,..6ll Braun .h Relter, corner of 1.1 , cr0 t .hkr h.I com W,:cr.x, Jr, e, of Nlnr,l s. .11he Ihanloht l .. 1110 cu4ncr of :th :ma SlntLhtz....l aka. J cognor of Whim. and PC.. .ss, .5:5. urn., .5.1 Sala mt tbe , c rr .5,5.1,0.5 mon byl r ; braggishßir. mt,huan, r).l-itp.l.lbern,, II Rowlawl, J Via, hiono.,galaclu City, N llownna. , n... 5 r Hones., 13rt”..".••511e, John C-as• are vmh,le..le aye ta. MOE! IIIMIMIN!B= I==4=l rl , lll-: rapid s , tides which llydrormthy hes rude slue , n.trodoetion nuothis epuntry—the bril liant and astonishing curative effects ot eMd sower it ch font e soul some ewe.., when employed after dm ineti,al of the eeietirated Priem have removed from me in of en intelligent and disc erning public every mdual. ss to us ediesey, and !tuned it um versa. (Aver Considering e unsationistory results et e.nes heretofore aped bathe treat:Mein oi elitonse comp ton, whin!. are inemmung ev ery year., o nemrel a t.h to see to rs seere of a method winch so many tmfortuaate suffere will be freed 'rem their pates sad infirmities. Teo suhrer, ,, er luring practised successfully dam method eu,,t years at his trydropsthie estatni.4. mein, w Melt rm. keen considerably enlarged and lin proved tn all its parts, end to wary rests. , is now re' toner., and accommodatepatients who may choose in pLace illentselises Coder his rue. skill nod eiiienettee. ellitiptburg. MUM/cid upon the lett hank of Me Ohio. opposite Me mouth ni ine tha Beaver, is well known fur us tetreshing and eminences atmosphere, its h quietness and