The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 28, 1849, Image 4

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TOILUVIUM a anti New Castle Cassia
IHE packet BRAYER, Capt. Stanley, will Idive
Beaver regularly on Moseley, Wedscsdey' , and
dly evenings at 6 P. M., and arrive at Yotmestbsti
next Mdming at 4 o'clock—returning, 1 Vannes
tOwn Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday eventriguat 4
P. AL, and Teach Heuer in. time for the morning boat,
ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, arriving at Pittsburgh at
12 &cloth.
tho . pracket HARRAWAY, Capt. Downing, ertll '
leavelleaver Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday even
ing. al 6 P. 21, returning, leave New Cutle, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday evening* at 0 P. It. ante eon
peeling with the morning boat for Pittsburgh. •
Thasopauete are fitted ap in =WI.. °rd.' ,low"
inflow accommodations for passenger*, and sh ippers
mop Tell , us More punctuality and .greater despatch
than has bature beers obtained on these routes.. .
I. B. FITCH & Co.. Proprictdrs.
J. C. Tidwell, Agent, Pittsburgh.
,I lts
Did well & Bro., " Denveri..
A. DI ec a. "' Youngs, ion.
R. W. C ningham,“Nrw Castle.
The elegant steamer, Al. vGilt,ti Y CLIPPKR, will
leave Beaver, dally at a A. 21... and Pitisenrgti at 3 P.
AL, ranallig in conuesuon with the above.t.oate jute
. . t
w igl e 1849. .
W en g want Cleve an d Pffe:4o , *
Canal Packet—SW MOW.
" —OC PI.N.
QNH ertha above Y.. ets leave Denver eviryeeY
(Sander. excepted) d notice next cenronts at
arren, when they eon et with th e Mall titognit for
f 3
Akron and Cleveland, a tying at each of theaAplaces
before night One of the p. c rky I na ne Warred daily
at 6 P. 6 1, and arrive t Renner in time to take the
morning boat for Pituhrimh.
C E 9
A. CA, W.^ , ., I pr o .
At 11 TAYLOR, do
apl3 4 comer Water and .douth-hditte
Ea= 1849. '. V
~,, ,
'.0,, .
Casurrogo & Cguaroscatrr, Cleveland. 21
IL G. Palki, Heaver. Pa. S upr
TeLute will be peon 'ell on the opening of un•l.
ion, to transport freight and Passengers from
n'TFBURGH and, CLEVELAND, to any grant on
Cho Galant and Lakes
The facilities aloha Line are unsurpassed in dumber.
quality and capacity of Boats, experience 431 calming
and efficiency of Agents.
One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland deity, tun
dog in connection with the rteatnen •
Between Pittsburgh and Beaver. and a line of first
Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Laken.
Aaaieta—R G Park., Beaver, Pa.
Jesse tlaldwin, Youngstown, Ohip.
B Taylor, Warren,
C igre le r & Co, I L :r ' o ' n n , n' '
Crawford A Chamberlin, Cleveland, .0
Sears & Griffith, Buffalo, N. V.
Office,cor Water and Smithfield at., Pittsburgh.
hl l ly
Steamer MICHIGAN Na. 2--Capt.
LAKE EFIIE, '. Gordon.
TE above regular and well known Beaver Pack
ets, have commenced toning their dailg, trips to
and from Beaver, and will continue ton between
Pittsburgh tuiti.l3eaver regularly during t he season, as
Michigan No. 2 leaves Pittsburgh daily at golelock,
A. AL, and Deaver at 'J. o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie
leaves Beaver daily ate o'clock, A.M., and Pilishurgli
ArPeteek, P. AL
These steamers will run in connection with
0 Parka' Express Packet Line, for Erie;
Taylor & Lcllingsvell's Warren Packets, •
noon Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland; •
Clarke & Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight
G Parks daily New Castle Pocket".
CLARKE, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agents.
JOHN A. CAUL HEY, Aged, Putsburgh.
meh.ll eor Water and Smithfield ens
rrHE Proprietors of this a d emoldt*ard mai r
j daily lia misung of SIXTEEN fast <his. Canal
Boats, owned by themselves nod roonum 1111.01111,e
-narl with the steam •boats BEA VElt AND CALED
COPE, aro enabled to offer anemia/led facilities al
the transportation of frelFht and pasrenyers, on
opening of Omni narigahon. to all points on be Pe , I,
sylvarnaand Ohio and N. 't or k counts and me LAS,.
E. M. PITCH A Co, Cleierland
:teems. Dowser
I. C. DI nwE:LL, Asent,
nharp •tieet, iNnalmrph
J. C. NUMMI,O. c sTnAcc
Forwarding Morchants,
• . . .
Agents fur the Pittsburgh ansiCletriand Lsrsr, F
buret and Erse Line via Erie, and Ix 01,2 /.
lows Beaver and Caleb Cop. . 1•
Having purchased the large and substantial Whir.
Boat piss Inuit or the Monongahela Packet., ha ,
with the addition ore Warehourc, the rao.t antrile r.
corernodations for receiving and forwarding,
pledge their utmost attention, pronninters and skips: ,
to consignmeito. to their care, and rely on their fret
for a trial. tnar2 , ll y BP°
Magi 1849. attm7.
Old Established Line.
THE Proprietor of this will known I.!ne of Cann!
Boats.. now prepared to transport Peewee , .
and liiitightio all point, on the ric EatenSion, Nr • v
York Cannb end tae Lakes - , upon the Molt favorrib!<
terms and with despatch.
This Line runs in counecuon with the steam boo ~
BEAVER and CALEU COPE, between Pitulmick
and Bearer, C Reed's Lute of steam boats am! ve•
eels on the Lakes, and Me Troy and Ittutitien Lake
Boat Line on the
C.M.e Nv York canal
REED. Proprietor. Edo, Pr.
Bidwell &Brother, Agents. iieWeee
W T Mather, Agent at J c.timet'.
Office, Monongahela Honor
CONSIGNEES— C Malan. Shbron; J ft Oat
Bharpsburg; Smith & Dowun,g, do; I B Plummer,
West Greenvale; Wick, Acyre ft Co. do. We, Henri.
Hartnown; Davis tr. Sutton, Buffalo; Barite..., Gibbs A.
Co; Sandusky; .1. A Armstrong, Detroit: Kirkland 4-
Newberry, t'l.t.T6'..; & Milwati
kierKnap, Morley fr. Dutton, Racine, John IA
Chicago; A Wheeler & Co, Year York. apd
Pittsburgh wad Bin' erville Packet Lime
imam!, 1849. fifireo -- -
`,."`:!,1` 1 .1,1,.'1,7.1".:, h tunt..-' and
ap endld Packet Boats to rem donne the season, be
tween Blairsville and Pittsburgh—ate boats to be tow
ed by three horses, and every effort made to sceom-
Medlars passengers.
Die/LATIMA.—Boars will leave Pitteburgh every
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fnday, at 7 o'clock.
P.m. From Blairsville every Monday, Wednesday.
Thursday and Saturdas. at 7 o'clock,. a., and arrive
at Pittsburgh the same day. A twohorse flack from
Indiana will meet the boat at Sultsburgh both on up.
ward and downward top—putang p.sengers through
from that place in one day.
Freight for the above Line wit' be received at the
bottle of the Boatmen'. Line, by Jim. Farrell & Co..
who are our authorised Agents. All freight received
free of commissions. JNI ARSOALL A Co.
JNO FARRF:N A Co. Agents,
Canal Rasta, Liberty st, Pittsburgh
A Hack leaves Blanavale for Youngstown OR the
arrival of eke boat—returns to boat tit morning. Fare
from Pittaburgh to Youngstown tr2—eccei red a; od.ce
of Boatmen's Line through. anitalitm
riffman the T. 67: 17=E'r.pilrAfignuLT tairt7 N.
TUo. 13.11111. L. Yhlladc;phia.
Turns & (Mamma, l'inenrua
Marla old established Line beteg now in fall opera
yon,'. the proprietors are prepared wile their usual
ellenarre Arran mans ID forward merenanilow. pro
duce, to. to'and from the abases:writ, on liberal terms,
with theregularity, despatch and safety peculiar to
ado mode of transportation so obvious, when tran
shipment on the way ts avoided.
Ap conidgemeate by and for AM line recce/est, cher.
treepaid, and forwarded in any required directions fire
of charge ler eornmissiOn, advancing or storage.
No Interest, directly or indireetly, m steamboats.
All edevartnicationa promptly attended to on applica
tion to the followitidaiTentai
THOS. 80101MB:ill , Market st, Philadelphia.
TAAPPE & O'CONNOR, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
O'CONNOR t Co, North at, Baltimore. mciiee
altgai 1849.
lona Brnonsat, Tnos.lona&
Wt Iltsintan, Jams Duce.
Conducted on stria* Sabbath-keeping principles.
I.IIE Proprietors of this old established Line have
pat their stock in the most cornpiele order, and ore
(Highly prepared to forward Produce and Merehrin
doe to and from the Eastern cities
We train that our long experience in therarrying
business, and realms attention to the Interests of cus
tomers, will secure to to a continuance and inert-ass
of the patronage hitherto extended to Hingham's lane.
Ong arrangements will enable no to carry Freight
with this utmost despatch, and our prices shall always
be as low as the lowest charged by other responsible
We have opened an office in Nd 183 Market street,
between4B and &Kau, Plailada, for the convenience
ist shlppers.
Produce and Merchandise will be received and for.
werded, Eau and West, without any charge for for
warding, advancing freight, storage or cominie,ion.
Bills of Lading for-warded, and every direction
prrotaptly attended to.
Adams * or apply to W.M. DINO HAM,
Canal Basin., nor Liberty & Wayne gas, Pituhargh.
No .d 276 Illarket street, hP•ola.
WILSUN, Agent.
No 129 North Howard street, Baltimore
No West street w ink
alma! ,
merchants , Tres:importation Lino.
TO rixtuoistmits aturnatins.„
PYRE (yeah and Rail Roads being now open, and
&4"ti gale= 50 . 1057, produce e P'Tod to
P I at; on nrd o
Baltimore, with promptness and despatch, and on
good terms as any other Line.
C A MeANULTY et Co.,
Canal Basin, Penn st, Pittsburgh.
Aezers—CTIARLES RAYNOR, Philmielphis.
mr97 ROSE MORRILL a Co. Baltimore.
Pesstaxylvanta Canal t lladl Bead Ex
' pressyast Pocket LllllO,
nig= 1849.
• (Eieluslvely for Pusengers.)
Tr s tr ubite" Ce l"P'c! n fi'l'Y on ' rh a e m llV Lthasat, Line
Ihrroshont 5022‘.
The boats are new, and of aniptiiof class, with en
latgodeabins, which will give greater oontfort. The
eats are the latest construction.
A twill always be in Fon, and trove Mrs are re
quested to tall and examine them before engaging pas
only Wile dollars through.) One ofthe boats of.
Line will leave the landing (opposite E 8. Hotel,
.01136 f *Mean street and Canal every nightat nine .2 ,
Moat Time 31 days. For information, apply at the
°See, blocionipthele Moose, or to D1..W.0 -
11. Co
Fertile ThumpOi of i'remist io
tivsvarzs on the Canalleing new resumed. we
Proprietor. of the aboard Lim respectfully inform
the public that they are Wham , to serer, and tor.
ward Freight with despitichjisind of lowest tines.
They would also esti thetralention of Nineties. East
ward to the fact that the }Rao emPlw}edbythem to
transportation, are Owned GI. them and commanded by
expeneneed sgstains.
Shipperfof Meat to Bulk.Wl ll find it advantageous
10 ship by this Line.. the dialweriaers wave mode ar
rangements at Cdhilerthin to ihave such freich• Mr Bal
-1 damns hamihd Ercirtfream tc 011,1, lacreny a
-1 'mg warehouse ltandll'lg•
Freight to Ehilsdelpitiu ;goes color through la ths
No charge male for receiTlng shipamg or advanm nd
charges. KUM IW - .1 o • It- , Eroperetors,
Canal Riot, it , nr,nan street.
AGEN Tg.—John A. ShanriCovc:nnan, J 2.0 Nlc•
c u ij oe ,t, tc. CO. Baltimore, •en. Isleel .*c . Pei,tdel
phim Francis Arraomar. Nuto . .ta O
ple.ll-SYLVANIA C..0.1A1. 4 H. LtOAl).,,
. • .„,Qlll
Put-rburgh to PhttadeVtin and Baltimore.
Ititatustvely for:
- -
HE . public are respectfuOy 1111. reed that thl, Line.Tmilli commence runnt4on .Motn:ay. lath Marro.
The boats of "hi" Lane nig of it superior ethss. w tan
enlarged cabins, which watt give greater ,0113(01.1 to
A boat will always be an Port, cad travel,' are re
quested LO call rand ex UM II eithem fore eggsv ng ipa
sage ny other route, Theyi,wall leave the :ending. up.
petite the U. S. Hotel, romp Psi.° treet and
every night at o'er et
For information, apply thg Monought.-tu
Mole. or LEth:LI es. Co. s'ahni
N o.—rue proprietor. of tut 11511VC Line are now
busiding cot sulditsonal Itszto-hf Packet, toms sts nts.wo
Ott or about June lea, in rostijernott yr Os l'ets
rants RAW flood from I.ews(htow.. so Phu:weir, to A;
that tune a paelsol. 111, tyr y onorm, tt
hie 'run, through. US .
iftil — Mb 184:9 . Zit..;.
Yor Inc tranAportattim
(NI 001)t: cornea on lOW il.l. are oottran•Ln - ped
briwren Pittsburgh arid Plonoln:nloa. tong r•
fled in four ...ion Porlanid Qs, I.ud aa.
ter —to shimeol of . inerckiandis- 1111 R cargitn
IrondOog. this 14 of mi °nem< Norourgo usu.., I,
roctoviog or slappiot, or 1 vuor oor coot cor. A I
goOd. forwarded wob °igite!, and of rot rnwoon'
terms as by any other Lane:
1011 N MT A DEN Co.
. Canal
marl `ell] Musket & .54 Calumet,. st. 14a
/WIN 111cPAD - EN — li - TikTFur;anfing stet Cruemis
sion Merctowts, Canal Hahn, Pe:.n st.l`,..ebutgh
JAMES M DAVIS & Co,l.'!our Farrar , al.ll Convms
sion Merehz Ws, 227 ...larke4 to.d f.. I Comm..r, ~,,.
PtuladelShW ~ NMI
We A lillro r rre mmaedree by
r e a o t :=:: n tl v n e o v n 0C r l: : ::
We. ~,,,1 .,
S 9, t 7 ft'r
AI MAC LLltal TS' WAV Ris Iti if 'l' L IAR.
For 13:n11,1,111e, Johustuern. blurry r;h, arid
all tnttrEne.tiate • . .
11115 Line will conlrand carr, INay Good:
s et h, irtk their usual dcsp4tch, and a: rn:cs
Acicsrrr,--C. A. Nt'ANl.7l.l.l"l" k. Co. l'imoburg:t.
D I; Johll.o 7 , 11
John IfolLtdayslAugh..
RtmecitstMs—J easel Jordon, Fatah s. Fienß r
Shoenberxer, R Moore. Joint Parker. S 1 -"de d :ts ...•
host /c. Co, %Cm Lekmer cr Co. Is). :n1 Late, t L
POsbargh.L.John Ivor), Slum. Aly!notta.. A. Rat. Jdu
brark. Co. Illairsrdte. ) m
REED, PR AES S (jo' rt. C E L
ft,.. --;- ' . "' l l l3lll ' 4 ' 1 348.
Canal racket—SWALILOW, Capt Ford.
OCEA4. apt. \ Vatters.
\NE of the above l'nekSta leave Bear, every day,
!Sundays excepted) and arr,re sect mortar..; st
Warren, where they connect mutt the Alm) Stave. tvr
Akron and Cleveland. arrtfangat each ot thdre a
nefore night. One caners,.ct, 'rave V- s
at A P. hi., and arrive at Deny, id tin, to tate on)
ma. mug steamboat !Or I),Jsourgh.
CtfrE.s LEFFINUA ELL, Watts.... /.
„. prop •
ttiatMon T, TUS t' , `”r" mrr
Packet-.Paarmal torts, t7apt Jr art , - , ,
- Tattolara,
" P. 70,41, browt,
" " FAtcuto,
The above new and Splctithel Pa-.r ny-r Pt a, ,a tat e
etomaeneed runtutm totortri, 111. A tt-R. AND.' k: r.,
uol cc II run regularly dproor ta,
leaysng Erie every mortuog at a ~ 4. nut °or ,
tor I3eaver every evenoot;,mosenb , te. , oar r :t ..•
401 the strombont altenigan boor
rt., boats are new nod cum.,. I) urnmue,
arm I[lll through ut forty bour• P . O to-torrta 01,
pol ^ l en the or toplatata Yap,., ati,
o .•
mat the most contfortaa od re a utrvilllloll, Tt. kr..
diorama to all ports ott the UM, e eat MI
apptyrug to the prtrpl/Cloli.
Eth.t.Ll, PARK'S CO n• aVei.
CUt;Wait, am, amtitur:. ,
C RarrmAt, N
C M Rend. (.40, Pa
C C Wtc c. amens:ale. Pa;
NPFarland aura king, tot Rend, Pa.
Rays a Plumb, Soarptoureu,
W C 31aluma:haton,
D C alanaeurryPumeat Pu.;
ft W Cunningham. Note Castle.. Po )y I
FOR 'ltA LI I.Sittttl.,, AND Till.
Tur..,,,PaT r i7ePa'rro l (l'''to't.
seriptione at the /01,C,1
J. BIDWELL. Agent,
Water 5100,
oet.:11 1), s.buthl:lhartes
Plislaellgalr and :Vaemltteitee 01:11c•.
afiIIANRDEN d. CO. “rlnz prt.o..t
from any part of * . :.nelacd. Jr-lend
Wales, upon tha,inost 1,1-oral rtn• w wt
usual punctuality and aternono to the wtht,. and 0.,00
fort of enartilTrants Welk co: s!lnw. our pas , et.eet•
be robbed by the swtedlttcg scamps that .lest .
ports. as we take charge pf them then iniocct :hey 1.--
port themselves, and scdt llor, 00,11 1.-1,0. am: Je.
spateh them without any:Amen:tun by int- Itr,t, ps
We say this fearle•taly, es we de:y oat of f:-tr
gels to show that they were Jetamed :mu rs
Liverpool, whilst thousanda of miters were
months, until they eould,,lte sent in /tome Old era, A. a
eh; p rote, which too frequently fresco 'II- r rota
We intend to perform Our contra, ts to,
what it may, and not aft wa. „ 4 ,„ .
with ether Officers,—wila; perlonn, no: al., ,
when It suited their conventenee.
Drano drawn 'at Pcolliturch for nap s-in ',urn tl
LWreatlhrl4iev"'''"' 13,:.0..1- I"
lan gaft,Sco suLu
nirtpea.n and Lien ere! Aver,
Fah at., nor mi., I,etrat
- - -
AND cAiiiINVI' WA. EfitiONl.
A BR , 'WN wna:tl , t•
orm p. •hrl
on ha:. th at lo u t tiara u.,
I side Of the Diamond. A
ty eity,a comp:etc g: 3,..:0rt
.1 of Vt.:tacit:mA, n:art Ve
in , ore mode to Of
thc hest st)le. warrtn trd
al tit any illy coed
Dim&r renoried w.:h•
an re
11,0 aid of 5,.r.-w drivr
lug purchased 1: e A.Ol 0,
end wod al cabinet r•-
thniento o f Hams., I. 11'.21,1-
I am prepare, to istrash
_ aid eu,tomers, ik}
the pantie at large, with 4 , ' , " , Y tionti in :hetr.o.r.
Agency, Nob Wood stieet, Pla.uuret.
metal J A P.ROWN
PAPER lIANDING-1 am an* ruce.tring. agree
from the manufulstrers 111 New Vori. Pia.. ,
pant and Baltimore, a itaxe sod well irletlell
scent of all 12th latest anti:most truproved styles 01,,
tin. gloved and common PAYk.B. HANGING , . ..on•
sosting of—
pteces of Partihr and Fresco;
10,000 Hall..and Commit.
111,000 " Dtaidivrooni, chamber and °tee
Paper—winch I would pp.rucuiarly tamte jit aVenton.
of thOse fluvial; houses Cc paper, to rat!: .1.41 axe:mute.
at the Paper Wurrhoush. of
aptloffwood st
_ •
11 ARBUTHNOT 1150 rommenred to receive a
larg(t aescrtment kif Fancy VARIETY let itcils.
conersong in part of Ar4ficia.le, Liern. Ho
siery, (livens, Crape. lidase. Can/Once, Netungs. I ,ner
Veils, Shawls, Pongee Ltandkeretuels, emu, Crwvo...
gingham and cotton Ildndkorchicie. corned skirts.
sewtng Bilk, Threads, Hine.. Como, Jr weiry. t et
lery, Me. boo. Couutry.inild coy inerehunts nre rce
pectfully invited to rail And eZi.lle les Aleck . No - 4
Wood street. corner of lisainotot ullry. rnehoi
EXTRACT OF COFFEE—An am,c.r wltch ra
,E./ pal, caroms 000 use its u woolemme. nuur,.,oue
nod delicious beverage, Amor more pieneniu um, pn,
utoble than common Code, und.fur yin-riper. as a , :nall
paper coating holy tep.lcent., will go ae inr as lour
pounds of Coace. Slantrfuetured by
JOHN S :BILLER. Pittsuureh, l'a
Sold nt wholesale bk R A FA 11.NI:e lOUK at v
corner of First and V. and Sixth and \ Voted streets,
Pittsburgh spot
riA1,11 , 011..M.1. tit/1111ER (IUODS—Just re elvrd,
Camp Blankete, gd odic, coats; 12 pre Pant.;
IS pairs nett lined Minn* Boon, 12 Isthmus Bogs; 2
water Tanks, 6 rind 111' cello.. carry CO contemns, s
Gal on each; 1 dot Butlek , i AlbileY Belts; I do oiled
cambric do do. The al err goods for wile it the cult-
Outfiting Establishment. No 5 Wood et.
mob% 1 A. 11 PIIILI.IPS
awtry enelwind in a a llama I'd box. coma 1111 l
Mustard. • niernee,
Cinnamon, ctnurr.
Cloves, t •Fenper.
Warranted pure For rale at the new Spi•e. and
Mustard Factory, eared of Ferry & Lterry
AWN 13 lira .(.
AA N V ILS—V lion Any from the Tr . nipe r.
ancenlie worth lei:wanted, w 1.0
on hand and supplied Terlordc r. try
m • cit;',o OW /IRAN. UM Nvooe
V superior article oC Far Dries Coky.
Wore and for sale
. . .
?dr. W. W. Welhme me ans used a Hearth et .ante,
quality and mssoniuctumfor the past =sateen rao,.ics,
pronounces a superior t 0 the hear=s now It general
nu, in
ULNF COGNAC 8EL.4;4/11.1. 4 --17 half pip;. von°.
vinlageo, of our oaih irnpannunn per Commerce
from Bordeaux, just net and or sow by
- . .
- • 04 •
• . MILI.V 4 R C`r
Ortfibifalf4o--.14 rec. red, a I•eilt tau I a aaort•
meat of lathes 030 re orlentans' try d Gunn;
Chains, from 8(0 to B.okettett. eastern prtees 17,
4Veuding Batas of ad carAt Fold gold Pn eru.. Fmgcr
Pingo, har Brags, lirear7 Pins. unseen. Go d na.
Watches, rec. W (V W I LtnliN,
pr 3 corner 4th and Mark, •
TrELVtt 14IBLiCrSig-Zimn reietved ul Zeno,on
V lacy's, 07 Market aMbet,
ps colored Velvel)ittaton. assorted colors;
30 blank "•.
8 " embroidery Gliilp; 10 ps aide Plun, de
(teeth :44
g ttlithlAt 1.1111 . e. of' Pottru e elaa. eon
tainiof an alphabeytal tut of Poet Offices through
out the Veiled State.; clOtutees from V. a.imovon, D
C.'ataro Wad territTial oponis respeouvely, also es •
illbitibg the Nu C/ffirealll each State, no well as row,
ly, with as appendix of the United blew, and UrtUalu
TarilTs. - 1=1;044 by JIMISSTUI`i k tiTWICTON,
!;Whrots hd and atarket hi,
S FA , MILT . NTD I CINES—"They arc the
Gninsx'n rTATICCi. Ohio, May 25, 1849.
It E. Seiler.. I thin: it richt tor the innefit of others
to etc to some fact, in :elution to your excellent Perms
ly .Vledmines.
I nave used your Vermintge largely in my own fam
-I,y. one vial frequently answenas for expelling large
to tthii worms from two children. I
nave lose ussni your Liver Pills unit uough Syrup In
my family. and they hove in every instuice produced
the sliest desired.
As I eta engaged in merchandioind. I am able to
rime that I have )ct 'near et the first hillore warm
your metlititle• hnve Leers used In my section o( the
e..untrc concillation, I may state that they are tAt
to , licine• of ntc oal. nod ore destined to have a very
eitena, re popolorny. Yours, respectfully,
W. H. Pm :am,
Prepared and road by R. E SELLERS. No .57 Wood
street, and su.kl by Druggists in the Iwo ct.
t awl vtcsany. MY3I
LX origami. only true. and genuine Liver NIL
Santa Canna., Ohio county, Va..
Manch 20th. lew. {
Mr IL E. Scliera: Dear Sin--I think it ik dory I owe
,• you and to the publ, godera IT, to state that I hare
ne-n utt.c.....d the Liver Complaint tor a long
limn, an I so bud'' tin abets• formed and brone.
vt hien , menlll, ry /OW awry. Ilasang beard of
your cstebrated Liver PI.Is bring for sale by A It
Sharp, it West Liberty, and recommended to me by
inn ph Dr. E. Smith. I concluded to gtre them
ulent trial. I purchasisd one hon. and found them to
what mey are recommended. THE: BEST LI
VER EVER USED; and aßer taking four hoots
I find the ottaettae has enure, y Mc. ao4 I me crow
perittet.y welt. Re.pertiutiy yours
I'Ve•t Latterly. March .5,1,49.
I certify that I em personally arquatoted onto ?
Co' :mail, and can bear testimony to the truth of the
a trend fflllfiralt A R SHARP
r..r ,emoine. Liver I'd. ere prepared and by
1-:5F.L1.F.11, , , No 5: \\ rod .trey:, and by drugpsts
• tar rato,
1 , 0 T If K orkgmal, nrly true and gen
r. ate L.r r 4,re preparel f..,..1cr, and have
.4 woe sinntpe,l it. I.l.tet svux upoo tal hd tact,
I Qu.s. wrapper—ail
coat.: or L./LA .. .•.
K N tiELLF.R . 1 , Proprietor
11..q.L. N151:14 GA.O..3IINA.TIVE BALSAM
1 4 % RUM yoF
nl.. thr PrOlett ,,, W M,thOdi ,
iir.. l erFigni a.llll,triliParir.eih,
WititeT with o!the aZotnach, aollintml, pro
dur grelf p•L tr. to a. , t:011111(Ilfer tenor tWelve r,ty,
r.. , ri.• rent h $
',int,. • w
- -
.1 II .1 'Lyle', CarrntnAlnyr Riegun. TIDP he •r
v or di-^rti , ,s,u.nd found Invor.ady ..$
at...forme crrr^d tl.r ',am to abate In three or four th.II
n•c:, Ind in fine, PT wenty ...ante-saver , Ones. ,
r,nsation ern, et:Li rely quieted. The medicine an,
n't - ranolr wont volien. , - , nonce:m.of the ar.TotoarP...
L.rrceort.:. andruin preach:
l!c con,nur..l 115, ti/C 111011( . 111C Wier) . evng
one soroct.nto.. io the morning• and in a few week;
ht , nl , mar •o !ar rerlored. that tho golfer, V72r
...I front amotint of oppronirve pain. Forma
pero , oe, the o.:orr . can confidently recommend
'lv to.'s ( rr:r.ranve roionm. an a SEill4Ll,ll,Ck .;.
for .I.seas, and h00.e. , A •:111:s:
A llng hen-..Lt
For sale P ',burgh et the P EA' E` , ( T EA To
Fottrth thel,ragt;
t•or,:;. , Ar a Alleg
v Aux./11LE DISCOVEItYI nr
istE EAT 11.3:C0T roa
COU,llrap:lon. Couaha. Gß Cold., Asthma, Broach., Liv
r Loutp.a.m., Wood, Difficulty of Breath
inn, Pain :he Side and Brea•t. Patintation of
the I lean. 10a.11.1.711. Croup, Broken eon-
I oroat. Nervoo•lnn
co.,. of the Throat.
glinimo iv., 'align, the tuovlef
ter,Lin nod ipeedy cora
ever gnown tor any hi
the above dive.-
.. is
DR. S !A' A N r..
Compel-Ind Syrup of Wthl Cherry!
'1 men , • ior ger . limos'; those of &WWII]
oas owai troro the thou, node
inc.:pertinent. red now viand,
higher in reputation. ao3 hecoloitig more e Veiny/re
p propnrnllnis et' medicine eve:
produt•ed for the re.let notn.
It Lov been iniroduced very generally through Lhe
I 'niteid Stoic , . and 1111re?e, nee tact^ Orr lew awl 4 a
i ona•.ee uat rental.: von, r,narka , :e er •
le. te hr. goal raear.. For acre! al the toret , nor
vu.ietnenti. nod of t the va.uo a..d rifichey of th med,,
enit, the proprietor wt, insert a few of ho t mat. g moo
wood testimonials which herr. prevented to
of 114 e cy —Oleo who have n.gin.l
vire.% of moral re- than lo cer.
• ...her a fan. mot
'H la lac
die y
,nselve.., cn re-mnony prov, n,
ticr ',rave estab!.:l,..l
I,y and anritort
ty pubic ri a.
rd., sod tar. 5tr., /I,air , ,,ced , ihr•cd rough Er,.
11• a a moat agree:olc
rem ec ; to,
n.act..lq IruEri Col4,entlol.l•
lo truth of a 11.1,g or
pm•lv.rer :net. •or, tr. imo,. cou eantrary
.le Truln. n.,tl COMM. SO. a er ,, cm: manner to
,„,„„ t o • Mcrul Maxlm,
A•ontr.,',lrx or i'..LHONART
never avg. rettp•l) cet...•
•11 de-pent, ea.., t 7.,nrtnprrt., .Dr Swayne •
c0 „,, 0 ,„, ,„.. Ch.nri. It ,rernrheng the
.p.tern tud tipper,-:o u'ccr. on rile Icing,
rreittnte new ar.:l n. power
Camal . Co., Apni 25th.
Pr. Surayue--Dmtr Is. S. your Corr.•
...4yrup ‘V..I Ct.err. the rneens of
s tot .11e. I!, a •qvcre 0041.505 m, ruiu
.l..s grey
Me e rworn. a.trntled n try -rt eougo.
restc,l cm ,111.,11,0 wmeh I had recourse to. still
Ill) Itiltte. flitillitt`ll hit toe symptoms of
l'u , amour , Coumn.,.tton. Mom I Irmo seemed
to hare ao edert..nJ m, roomful. mc reamel r 51.141.
ly mat . r.e,tia o• r. ILS tr...setf ...-cre up all hopes of
recovery At
tit t• IttllC I - rr,ornmendeet to try
yo y m
ur mvu.a' , tuedieme• I Jai an 10115 the most hop
Oy reits T st s . he Is. .'.ottle told Me etTerl to loosen Mc
ouch- ....u.mta tor to rx..ect0... ,, ere< 'v. eml - by the
time 1 hod used 11. ywelt , and
aor , as bean) f tire, 550
w0u:..1 he happy to nt.y tr.Mrnyrr6f!respecumg
ti . /. ll f t . thltt °Me! •wlerer• mov Oen" , we benefit to?
set, h I art so emit For Me trot , of the .Mcere
,Istemet.t. 1r •er V...r Itn•s (;•nee . .,
'.1he1uer.,1,46.u0; wa..a. 1 ,
',tr.., Jaxv M 01.111..
JJ• f• IC: • 0
li•waylt , Deo' 0-.l' , of
• you duly 10 Me 01,10.1 grnereuty, to offer
my humble tesumna Itt tul or ot 10a: CoMpound Sv•
tui. 0 1 Coe, Sorge yell+ rnoe la%
ylolor.t:v atMelted wah old and ts•flarnmtom of 1110
w „ . „ h sg .„. a ddttregerdg
-rue It, yato to 1 110 aad head. a rye eon-iers.
!,It dirt hare , or ay,ee otoeur (torn the Wog:. eve
•r.7 upoa 01 w e•••ttgt, I•owever at. At
m rot I led go molt', about toy ut WO/ pretty
l e to WO, ,VlOl ratod.) gott.g Lula rar•alalp-
JO• . I grew weaker, aot.l Al length was roar, to
y able to you.o al•Out. al•OV , •erlnapar.
sans the exereding wesattege of toy ,Ottge. Durmg tat.
, Inle I had mod var.. preparottons and
`rt.t found no rthel -yroartrie or, the tone worm ,la.,
ae•e I wax aslgt•ed a. , d persuaded 1.2 a d• 01.? (need :a
1,1 Itrlliroll to make trial of until rup of lVurl
ryl molt ern., Mat I , r , etu.ty I hod ttera pro
:weed agotngt pute , rued:coo, and I am sUll ago,.
d,ge corning out of the hunde empertee, but uadt r
.rmn,foly your e.atats to pin and PlOOOO,
,(silo-.0,:11 pa 1.11, 1111110C.11,111 in the raytng airy
frtenda. I forthyrdlt purettooed to Dr. Shaw, o•
of your
agents, a low bon. , and commeneeditl. are' My dta.
lose Iva, at that Woo al:190r ;la moo s' elandlng, con
e.ment,y 11 wh• d• gdy .rated I Mu., however,
eortraderab e tenet' Ira/alba urn 1,1 . the fins (oar or aye
td, But td-Ing a putOlc frequently al•
lempled to preach orna my inort - aag di'n't,,
....eterry ruprdred :ho•e vee•elr taut hod ntread) t ,t;
hcad. to m. way. doubt:et , my cure yea, Aleut .
rtardrd er0,....0er Id 101..11 :a., impradedu y.
I had to It, twelve or linden 001 oc. beforc I war ~er.
Metly :Teton-J. have querdrot.. a much muader
eth lor
er or .1,1 r• world ( have matte me sound, bot
the ahoy? tndo•eretton. The Syrup atiaye.l toe feVer
tool away the dt.rre..tog cough, put • stop
. .rr the d.chatge of matter from Inc Mos, tuld gave
,Item and me enure sy.tent good I have ..11.•
red oltormy, tins rerttfira, •tti now, for Ira, purl 0,1
baing parreCtly ollolhed with the well
al lac
•urto and now that I tee: perfect] welt offer tt 'gab
,mare REY J I'. Joan,.
Dahl. county, V C
important Csolon—R'&' Rtad ,
There ts t.ut one genutne preparation of ‘Vtld Cherry,
and that le Dr SW scsak, toe er odercd .
na. ,ee, .41,1 largely throughout the
Unsted S.ten nod some partA I.oro, and an p,•
paratioof ea.11 ,- d 1.1 . the name Of mi l;a herry have
'..etn put out %e, 011, covr r of decepuve
nrcinAtuners. In order ' to currency In their an:r . s.
Ity e 1111, o,lwrval.on. nO persoo need ta:•take th ia
Lfenotne from tne Ont.. gcnotne
no/eloped unto Imauti. urtlit /ise
..tene,s of NVIIIIOOI Inercon, el., Dr Avrayne's
•igi...oule: and as turtner aeeurity, toe portran of Dr.
,way will be added he Feltner. •
so as to dionuguisit
nis preparation froth all others. N 0 .., 11 n Won not tr
the great earn., properues and known 'tutu. 01 lit.
.flonyu`. Lompooad rup S‘. pero.n.
uvutdd not be clidelsgroling to gilt eurrrocy to Mei!
- be tato. no.trum, •:ea;tog the
of Vlod
Userry. lirumaamr. *only. Lana i h
n mold the nag,
01 Dr Swayor anti ne nOt tler,Ved
rflOttprt: Inficc, cornet of and Race stacets,
rot au, nrao!esa!r and rei.,l I.I6DEN
OF.A. ton 2d and Wa0 . .1 B A FAlt:sii.TocK
Co, rot 1.1 an 1 Wood, And Gilt and It rood Os, WM
/ A l 1 1 /KN,S:I Marto - t .1. i t JONI:S. I^ , l hone:, et: /AS
.1 , ) , 4 eor Wine and i b ette •t.. / 11N GI ri'l.l l-
ELL, Alleort.y a1.,1 ,y u!I re.pectul,le dealer•. In
k STSIO;Ste EVIDEN. t Blal Br JAYNE."... LI.
Cl I F...:TOILA is aupenor to • I ether retard.. in,
orbs, t:oedut.oth Broach., A eaten ~ wad oil.. FUI MC.
so ry elltfliaLS, m F• p am, the emote pr.... We
.1 In died Irsathes tun year, ado prefer it to all
..herretards.. of the kind. and where any hare been trolueed
.ry other prep:wet...a they have alma. .nvortahly bee.
lesappointe4 on rear et, the beneft. rehteh Iry ramannably
adte.pated from the blah " pre..... ...towed by the proprmlura,
end haes returned to the ore of Jltuta' eac - roae err, as
• remedy that has never lad ed to rehere thrrn, aud
,srabaLly never had rrrrr tlng pulmonary dtteurs.
l'reparld only by BF Jayne Phllartriphot..l4 wl.l un
r6.adY by I.E.F. t
7 . ! Vourtn vet
Dr. W.P. Inland's Premium Pla•ter.
T) K. 'IV. P. INLAND, att.: Medmai Coltege
if adc;pbta, now olrera to Urn put , lte In•Ii
viable Prennam Plimmr, the guaktica or . which, alt,'
tong and tried eximrtence. Ltn• hero mrsmarlordy e‘-
tanliebed. To all womem who may be alticird with
I . rompaus Ur.oo ar Fallen Womb, be recommendlt hr.
pnener, guaranteeing ..urn and gored), cure in the
Mce (Torn .hors apa.' (To two to Men W eek.. aprlmd writ.
and real—altscardtttg ml the eoutttlea,ntstrument.
and expernmve botalaKes m long to tmr. Tt. he India
enneetenUnti• In etellng, Inasmuch ir
M• ha, not told
In one ease oUt of three hundred aid filly-thorn pa.
A..° for Rheumatism and Weak !freest or Bark, at
tended wah rein, Mere LP nothing to excel this Plaster
to affording rrlicior etTeettog a earn. For italo by
L Wilcox, corner of Mateo. and hi arket et
Prison & Rutter, e I.itterty and St. Clair am
Dr Sargent Federal et and thamond, Alle
gheny rity
Jacques & Co, " Denman and Diamond Birming
ham-. dl
RItK SELLERS, Droggoo. No 137 Wood street,
. Pole Agrot for the sole of Dr. Townsend's Gen
nine Snrsoporios, hoe ptsi trc,gved . ..1.10 dozen Or this
Great Sprotg and "ismErt Metileine
Porch:sae, rerotleet R E :4ellery Is sole
agent for Pittsburgh, n od DM Cony for Allegheny
_ . . . .
X_T I —Duplex WnscheA, by the eelebrored
cooper of hoodoo. M. J. T 0619. of Lreerpool, and
Inge I.l.ollinr 111 of deutelicil gold end ally, Lavern,
mode by the hest 0011 1,01 1numufacturera.
Spectacle, oi
all kinds, Communion Wore In .era;
Gold l'ens: Jeveesry In large lonely, Silver Spoon:,
Yorke, &o
(JlVcwh reptrirutg ereeutvd an the best tonna,
MACAULAY'S ENGLAND—llarper's Eine edition,
8 vo, with portrane4 cloth-75 cent., per volane.
F uor sale by • J LINSTON h"rocuTuzi,
•4 0 somas Abukei sad 7d st•
In,. • 015805 - 55.0 to 5o; 10 YIRTn fox
II t lateunon of the public is :united to this very
J valuable Churn. which has the advantage of ail
er era tn combining the old and new inventions to-
The utility of tht• invention s• apparent. as by a mos!
pie protest the air ts Correct beneath the dub, and
does away with the tieceuity of parch:mac a new
limns, as it eau be applied to any churn inone. and
for one dot it eon have all the improvements of the
laze combined with those of gathering the Butter in
the usual way.
The publke nre Invited to tab and Wye for them
se: Vra tp-fore porchasooc elsewhere.. at 137, comer a
Market and Ftfth wren., or at 63 Diamond Cloy, be
tweet] Wood and Market stmt•. Pothbunch.
my 23 SAML. KROK.N.
THE undersigned haring been appointed Agent of
the DuLaws. atramm. S•rart laseltalica Co,
Pan, In the place of John Finney. Jr., resigned, re
spectrally informs the public and the inend• and cus
tomers of 1 . • e Compelly, that he is prepared to take
Mare. la 'and and Fire ri•ks on liberal terms, at their
office. in No .r; IPater street. I' A MADEIRA.
mvlrl Agent.
f ffog:l-italO met Y m. 3 ply India Bobber
jl lio.—last received for the Borough of Manches
ter. whir, will be held to store fur a few days. The
Boson Belting Company express a strong desire for
the her departments of the rites of Pittsburgh and Al
legheny to call and examine and make atrial of them.
The company is willing to put them to any test they
think proper to conclude upon.
my lo J & H PTIILLIPS. 5 synod at
1, °Wok FOR THE - RfiL•4CGITTION - iirnGri
L 3 111 the Citizens' Insurance Company of Pittsbaryrb.
will he op
and in she Rooms of the Board of Trade, on
the first Monday of November next, at 10 o'clock, A. as.
Wm. Lorimer, Jr. Robert Woods,
Wsn. L;. M'Clure, Joseph Plummer,
S M. Kier. _Josiah King,
John Sat riff. Alex. Ratebary,
and IL D. King,
apt Poll Nov I Comnirsmonern
HHPARRY has invented a machthe for washing
. Gold. for which he has made application for a
patent. They are now offered for ale at the ware
hotim of Parry, :Mon Co., Na. 103 Wood street,
Pin.lturc h.
Adventurer. to California are Invited to earl and ea
:melte those labor-saving. uthenines They are simple
melt . co,•truction, easily troneporled on the back of
mules or •
horsey, weighing eighty pounds each, and
can he pu l
tto operonon t o half an hour. They eon be
0, ed with pro t is the opmion of those who
ove seen the trial of one °Mese machines of sotaltest
-,re, that two menwtl, wasn the mineral from 1.5 t/
'bushel. of sand or earth in n day. without the lon of a
particle of tire mineral. They can ha increased in taw
nod worked bywater or mole power, if expedient. The operator. work without going Into the water or
hemg expen.rd to wet, and Coll3rqUellliy without en
donsertuu thcir health. They ill recliner but a small
wrram of water. and can be used the whole wawn,
and ran be put into operation where Were Is not auth
el,ll wafer in wash in the usual way.
Prthe of smadest KW! g. 35. Orders from abroad, ac
companied by cash, will be promptly filled.
H. PARRY, at Parry, Sean ar. co',,
No 103 Wood at, Pittsburgh.
fioda — kaite ••
uspr at t & Sons. in
rp subscrihers Ear now receiving their Pall cock
1 of Inc above article, three vessels, vix, the Juniata,
Meda:11011 and Lydia. having arrived at Philadelphia
and Baltimore, and two more, the Stephen Baldwin and
Lei:l. short* . expected. :hey are, therefore, prepared
to recto. e orders They will receive during the win
ter sold rcgu;nr supplies ale New Ilrleana.
AIM NT FAULE TRIPOLI—For cleaning in
IT dews and lamp glasses, saver plate, brass, Br,
and other wore. It rapidly takes out all spo
un. mnis. and reproduces the beautiful and durabl -
lustre n( new were. Jam received and (or sale, whole
sale and retail. by JOHN D ItIOROAN,
M R.
3t S.A m 3 t l h l ; h
ro-permerohrp ofe ly i t e rt r g sold hie
Co. lo the retratimng partner, has this day retired
from the firm. February I. 1879-tf
1)11 - 1 Ht,ll hIANUFAC'FFRKS The under-
I :. !or then anufacturer, haa on band
and !:1,1 yrr eel ng tult .apply of the attacks
nn,dc I . .l•l•urch end cicinity, which he offers for
anuses. prices. GEO COCHRAN.
22 wood et
N1..1 A RL PASTE—I ato, bottles ladle Ruc
k her i'a•te, on excellent article for rendering boo.
and •no-• TV iLiCT proof, and soft as a Neer of
t 0. , applicanon of dn. Nast. is otathment to
mat e then. tuprrvlous •water for 2or 3 months, and
it nett preveutettve from the leother cracking.
Retch: stud for toile ut the [mita Rohner Depot, No I
l\ bon •t. (chili J et. H PHILLIPS
z..rr/Lerrru Or
t'nrr,r Front ant! vine Cinannad, 0.
bsit..lCr Li TM: , DAT. at the new Carpet Ware•
71 huuac.. No 75 Fourth street—
Par h embossed Piano coven Pl6l.llTLLIter led Chali
do do loble do Fled do do d.
iiVorsted do do do do Bordering'
lilac Daninst: Carpet Ihndfors,
more ',
4.1,50--critrins Goihiew Transparent Shades;
iwttpture Views do do
Turlosh do do do
Chow's do do do
Drapery C.hinesa do do
Nlocliartht View* do do
Loodora tie do . do
T do do
Cord sod Ta“els, Rulers and Slats, !leek Puffins
rti•r hard.
'Me above Goods ate of the =beat and new's.,
st).cs, to mobs. we divue the attention of our friend
Ind custom:Lt. aid moose westung to furnish or re
p:en:sh steam Loots and house..
tour. W. hi'CIANTOCX
loW i'Ali N- Received tics day cliTent - irOm
the manufacturer—
:ben, • Tapestry 3 ply Cropeta, eatrwsuper,
dot, do do do super,
do Brussels Carpets.
do Memel.. very cheap, do
do net, rotors aupe, Ingrain do
4-4. '-4 and rer beam Venetian do
4.4 3.4 and icreamer do do
A,. •. 11, .11 will be bold at a small advance, and
will miaranwe as low a. mat be purchased in the east
•cct , lV 741171,1NT0CK.T3 North et
FROM the very liberal commas
m meet the sabscnber has received since
• • be has located himself in Allegheny
"ICANga•uf has induced him to take lease, for •
term of peon, on the property he now
mope., in Beaver street. immediately betide the
Frenlimerinc Church From the bog experience to the
stave basin,. and a Sleeve rs please, he hopes to met
a id rcce.m.u share of public patronage.
ow Lund and neshing to order, Rockaway Bag
e• open l,
nod top !Mmes. and retry deseripuon o
ilsr-ctres mode to order. from smenty•five dollars to
a eht ' , unmet hwoh-•n •
The Allegheny Cemetery.
4 T the err:nal mooing of the Herporuors, held
Ito Hsi Intl., Ire 101 l wing persons sore linen
manor re.aeeted Managers for the ensuing !icon
THONIAS M. HOWE, Preardent.
JZSSE cnauTHKris.
1. Firarin, Jr.. "Secretary and Treasurer.
. .
. .
The annual statement presented the airturs of th
Company is a very prosperous condition. Their athe
in the en,' I. No 37 Waler went. jet 2
East side al I be Diamond, where Yentas"
Blinds of all the different sizes and color
ore kept on hand or made to order aria
the latest and moat approved Eastern rash
ions, at we shortest nonce and on the Enos
reasonable term..
Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Transpa
rency and Paper Curtains of all the different sires and
patterns, on hand and for sale low for cash. Old Vent-
U. Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken in part
payment for new B Al WESTERVELT, Pro'pr.
Y. B —All win. done with the best material and
workm.shlp, and warranted to please the most fits
"" sapid-di y
Allegheny e,.y. Aug. 10, Inge.
Otnee at the Exchange, Baltimore.
D EDUCED ICATI.:44.—The charges have been redo
Ll ced on nil Niessagew to or from Delmore, Potts
ittrgh or Wherhitg. and % corresponding reductio
' made on all telegraphic despatches forwarded from Dal
tnnore West of Pinitliorgh.
Rams.—The charge for a telegraph despatch to o
from Llalintinre, Cntslitrigh and %Vhcefing, Is 45 cen
tur the Ent ton words, and 3 cents (or each oddluona
ID - No charge ta made for 'the addrom lad om
Until the completion of the South Western Line of
Telegraph trom emplun, Tenn., to Neuf Orlenn.A, des.
r n be fen ,arded to almhplois by Mr. route, and
1,41..1 for new Otlem,is fell
ACItISON & Juil& W00D1101781.1.
H&VIM, tins any as metaled themselve. together
tit punnet . ..lllo. unfit r the firm anti style of A. S J.
Woonitoone, tor iar manufacture or TIN, COPPER
A ND siiKg . r.l RON WARE, on the corner of Robin
n street anti the Canal. In the Ist Ward, A 1.1.401iZA1
am . , where they are prepared to furnish to order,
wholesale and rm., all article. in their hue with
Foundry rrtmmtnge, and Carpenters' orders are FO.
tattled Whir h trip r mediate Stlcillloo
- of A Imehetty, Felt. 1, 1e49 —dtltu
L A Nj t, ),...C. A Pk. I . A P
n I, UAW( of Nfonterey;
Cerro (undo;
I •' Feu de Pans;
I —' Coasts de Lyon;
I • '• (turd° FrancaLs;
I t• " lot C Auvergne;
The above a stumble lor papering large public
rams. Just recd Mrect front Pans, and for sale at
thew arehnood of spa C HILL
I 't/ F A hi IL I P. ni--9.netaical Liquid for Wash . .. 4
clothes. carpets, silks, paint and line furniture—
surtng half the labor and dist:castes atturely anal the
urtmhbourd. The fine •t Vinton carpets, after barons
been in use eleven years, have been perfectly restor
ed, without the slightrm niter) to the fabric, and with
out regnovlng I roan lho floor. It will not Intone tar
cloth. ihrreuons ace
ompanytng each bottle. Price
25 cents. For sale by J SekILK.2/91AKER & Co,
tare 29 wood at
D RUClp—Chlorate Potash, in lb. battles;
Cane Aso! do
Hypo. sulph. Soda do
Sob Na. biannual do
Crnastne do
O rue villa lotion do
Chlorolorto do
Just received nod for sale by
i AYitrAift.--3u don for sl - E - 37
11 .1.5 81 , VON BONN/10118T /r. CO
1 , I...a..X.sEaL)-4 cosi.
!midi:o and for dale
Bankers, Exchange Broke.,
COLLECTIONS.—Ihafte, Notes .0. Arrepta%e •.
payableany part alb< Union. collected on the mo••
favorable ln
EXCHANGE on New York. Inti:adedvbia and Ell'
tirnore; also, Cinclanott. Loutsville. Saab Lout. a :
New Ora-anr. Constantly for sale.
DANK NOTES..-Notes on all solvent •bank• in•be
Llzinfal Suttee discounted at the lowe.t ra:est •
of Foreign and American Gold and Stly , -r Co. n..
and sold.
°thee No 15 Market street. between :Id n,el 41
Piusburith, Pa recta
BILLS on England. Ireland. and Sernithud
any amount at the Current Rates of Exclbinc,
Also, Drafts parable in any part 01 the Did C.a.:, s,
from 11 to LIMO, at the r.e of SS ta toe L ater
without deduction or thscount. ny ROPV.;-
SON, European ana General Agent, °thee Sat st ore
door west of wood.
in Forman and Domestic Mils of Prom-, .
linemen of Deponne, Book Notes land Coln. co-ne:
3d and Wood screens, directly oppomte St. Cherie. Itn.
wz - V3FrEn hm zi FUNDS-
Bank Notes,
purchased at the Isorest rates, by
35 lifitrke,,,L
New York,
Philadelphia, and
Constantly for kale by N. HOLMES & SONS
septa ti )larkrt
Yoe—Eureka, n Yrwic Peen, cr, 11. ytrci.'
and Metapby.ical Universe, by E.Nar A.
histi.isoiTiely printed, 12iiio
`We shalt b,: Grentiy aurploool thi• wiirk aro., no .
recall a prolouriti .111.1.11011 iiierar,
teJu be all over Om Unit/ I. n
doeol a reasocang p v.vor 1.111 griksp %Oil •
'allllol possibly fail C,lCte o
en the most careless reader '—Esprv.•.
Ntneveh and tte lictnnen, ve.itt /10 o,ot n: s
the Chsidatan Christ.als
. • . . • , •
els, or Devil Worenipperii; and sit I..qiiiry 1 yin m.:
sorters and ann of the Allem. 11•• Atwell
envy Layard. Esq., D. e. L.i inn volt,
oos illuetrations.
Orie of the moot remark aLde works of the age —The
Times, fLondon.) Feb 9
The Salamander; a Legrall of the free Fa tuners of
Rockland county, N Oaken wah
Werra in of DarleN; ed . l2tno do , h 75 eta
J. Frunimorc Cooper: The Sp), a fiber and beau,
fpl edition. revised by the author. w ith ri.o.v prate,
hc • to LAO followed try rile Pilot. m ii, •ante s vlr
The Woorks of Waehingron Irvnit: re a•nt en
larged y the author,. I. elegant duodecimo volumes.
beautifully primed in new type, and dupe for p .per
made expressly for the purpo.e.
For PO, by JAME:, LOCKWOOD. tior many
years connected with Nese, Wiley and
are John et, trey. N Y I try Wool ott
al r. I. bun iubt returned from the Eastern
1-,W ROOKS--loving—The Crayon Morn.
1.1 comprising The Promo, Abbotsford, Nee
Abbey Complete in one volume—e:,aro! or nted•
Cureon—Thc Monnatcrics of the Levan, For eve,
A volume of more than ordinary interest, rt.along a
...les of most cuus and °lien em,. 1 ode, rule
• • • The held rio OCCOpled by the vo u leme almoet
enurely new —. 1 ominercia:
A book of eentleman,y, ; t•
which reminds 4101 a 4it:e Bectietd'aSpamel.
Indrawn, or the vivid eastern reminiscences of :nea
COOPer—lNew edition of ear p work,
revised, &r: with new introducuon and notes t
pl- te I vol. (liitorm ',IOC 4 WO, '!LI r
The Spy and the Sketeb-ktook were the first Arne r
can book. , which were acknow. e,,,ed
00111.111 a performanee as well us a I rorr,d V •t . the etaliusinlon w [non oup
received. and the proud expertain,, :!“. V
awakened among the liberal Minded :Oro •d n !
painotic at me. Irving OIL. near, coo +re" a Pent by
the side or t.o.denuth and Add‘eo r. rod t'onpr r wee
translated in every country or the tont tvberc
any Interce was felt In a :urrten literature nc, y
World. For ante by J DLI/Cittb"Otit,
tut 4 h n d st
ivr b.bbr 0011156—Complete Work, of Joan Al Mucolo
13 D. in 4 vol..
Mord, and • Vogue Illthec. be Herman Mrlytl,e.
Border Warfare ct4N l ora. by W W
Ile, a Lour and There a Ir. I.y tbc .111111Lir rat
"Ltbe upon Line, And Precept upon i'recept ^
Memoirs ;briny licalth. by A lte Itcntarbne
Illuatratcd Lne In. par re.
and for sale by JOII,NWrON : , •11 rCIC:
corner Th,rd an..l ararL
NEW f:01/KS—Dr. Covr3,lry WcrN I..fu .••111
Cholera, Its tisstory, Cause.. Patho.ogy trca
Philonophy of Rehgrort. by 1 D Mow,. A NI
blouroe'z Caterbasm or the Strom Erterr.c
Chamber.' Aliaceham , of Ulmer& and Entrr.,nin
Knowledge-10 voic 12 mo. I ,”.trlited
Advlre'to Young Men, by T S t
FJement• of Mcleoro.ogy, by J. DrocLir•V. ?: A
Prover, or pm People.l y K Mop..
. .
. .
on y - up .ores for unto
'...tit, , we ,Erv.l.
awn o . I vol. -o
N. 6 Fr:Loth:l4 1.110,11;:ustr0lr4
Received this day by
ar.1.1 Apol o su“ding, ~tfi of
NEW PUBLICATION-E.Fay onlot. toe Union
of Church and Slat, by Ilapum W. Noe:. ld A
I vet. 1trn0.— . 31...Z. An entirr edition of t.i.•
wa• cold in one day, on It. puboratlon In Lon.lor'
Leaves from Maryut.; Smith'. Journal, 1,. 1. , r Pro
VIIIG4 Ma.achu,e. Be) —161,-P. I voi i2OllO 75e
Hoyt's Pmen..-6ketchea nl Ltit, and Lanti.r.upr.
Ipli Iloyt—ncrar cd. eutargril—WlLll
uou. ithinct. $ll,OO.
A Cairchista of tho Stearn Engine. illitsiroti-cr of In
scientific principlc• upon which Ile open:Mon ileoccd•
and the procucal details of ne Mrufture. ilt
00. to Mice., Mill, ....111 navla.,on, nod rr.Ovitil.
with von°. suggioniont of improven.eni: by J hour:.
C E. I opt litnio ;he
Enterer • i ”roio-• on the P,r •.ni • Pro:,
ed. It o, rrire redoes. to SI..
The 1'....5, a Family nature. ram I. I-,.
FmnYllu'a Lab, Lllastrated Parts IV a:al V Lac
farm.' Ihneyte•; by Pro:. Ty'et—ltbnn. Pr r
by mcbtl IS HOPKINS. Ca
JOHN If Mk:LIAM. No. n 1 Wood street. hu. the
pleasure of announemg the szr,vai u ,
splendid assortment of l'isnos. from .e En,ooolo.
Di Jonas Chirlrertna, Lioslon— .mono hem s
llnsesvoal tub brand Kano No f o-. 7 0. la,
Also, superb square Pte. Forte. 7 octave..
t0...w00d, o( the style of Louis XI V, 'mu vnt,
7,64 sad oetsves. o:11,ch the aueuilon of 4,:e1:4
!11l Is respectfully soliefted
Sole Agent roc Chiekertng's ox Wes
see Pennsv ivarla .pis
Sole agene7 for Satins & Clark's Pianos.
JUST IR.ECEI V FAS nod opehing. t
new lot of elegant Pianos.
eelebrated factory of Nunn. 4 NerS
N. Y., eoroprunng u. 61 nod 7 octave ,
with important Improvements, IKoih tnechatissru
exterlor. possessed by no others.
A Let /—A fine selecuon of Oh, tonne's Pi anon, rot,.
(Ito 7 octaves. 11. KL.F.I3EIL 0010 Agent.
al J. W. Wood rt
N. EL The above will be sold al 11111t1l111,,Ilfrl• prk
era. vrtrhoot any addition fur fretuln or r xpeorcr.;
rnarlo Journal and Cl/muscle ropy.
Ifitl9lllA SPLENDlllassooment
any and Rosewood P M
a/1014. MO h.
l'htwe etstrununt• are nude o
the latest pattern and best material
and will be sold low for cub by
. .
Yd door shove Furth.
N. 13.—Those who aye to want of a rood Instrument
ere respectfully tnvtt-d toexectune these before par
c4astne elsewhere,. they C2llllot be eser..4,l a,..
In the country, nod will be sold lower then any I , ronci,
(rota the Also)ttst received, two pea , o, Ilan.-
burgh rortuulhetare, worrunted to he •nportor to sn,.
ever sold in U. POUlltry. OCI.I F B.
1 the rule of
Ma r, as manufactured and a.m. retfected .\ ter, r
March & White, of eincinnatt, le usual comprz••
and extent being but (our octaves. Mews &
us accordance with the general ..-• re nod &omen
have extended the scale of these l,• ument• In 11 Am;
even 5 octaves, thus make g pr.,. ir able to prirforitt
re n e tahteen'noar,nitsrno,"l'l'o'ri written
ut t it o tT o ' v a n " ;b7i!!:ifi ' l!:
we body of the instrurnent upon a MLA noun
brimillithy bronzed ornamented, rendering it at
once a most elegant and extresnal tirs.ratbe
The price In put low as to bring it within the Rine.
of every one to obtain a perfect Musical insinanient.
and, at the Rattle Mae, a most elegant piece 01 (urn,.
true fora c0mp...U.1,00. H. Ii1.1:11E.11,
At J W Wouttumt's
has plot received from Europe, and for tar, a.
calmly new invention or Piano Forte, called Mr !'A N.
IN ET PIANO Ft)an:, which po.seastne more power
mid aweemess Mall tho square Piano. et:numbs but out
lanai-0 as much room, and tea moon nsure showy nod
handsome pidee:of furniture. It in partimarly de,m
ble where the saving of space is an oluect, being ex
ceedingly neat and compact, and occupying no not re
room than a small tide table. The sulteentler hoe to
hand a testimonial of to mapenonty tram the celebra
ted piamst,Monehelles, to his own nand wraing,which
may he Inspected. 11. KLEBER,
.127 At J W Woodumil
C Woke ring's PI anos.
priffilJUsT received and Inc sale at man
ufacturers poces, 'MIST., new Piano
Fortes, 6, 0 and 7 octaves, of the nnuu
elegant patterns of furniture, and with
me late improved reale.
Also on bond and for sale low. 3 second hand Pia,
Sole Agent for Chtekerinies Plums for NYestern
Pcnusylvoura, dl Wood street. mare
of Summit, with an uttroductuitt and b 12/11411i
nations for the natio Forte, at per:rimed Us all Lis
concerts In the United States by Hears Herz
Military Polka, by titans Herz;
COMIC Polka,
Silver Lied Polka, v
last recerred and for sole by
mehIJJOHN !I hIELLCS .91 wood et
Vocal Exerclaei
A ND SOLFEGGIOS, With on accompaniment for me
Plan-forte, adapted tO the wawa of private pop,
or closes in vocal moue. Seloctrd from ita.ts..
French and German composers, L. Lowell Clown:
tango page. of closely printedmama, suntan:Log ion
exermses prograsavely arramted. Price cents
Just recmved, c supply of the above, direst from in
publuhers, by JUDIN 11. MELLON,
metal el wood st
rrE LlCANrs—tt bbl. emotl ALal fcC u.
sale by Jul] W 3 R 111'CUECIISON
ERRINGS-2010 bas No l Her:lugs, on
rd, to lion and for sale lovo to close sonmat,
moot by lull JAMES UALZaLL, Wairr
catArkiAa`W Clierk.a.lOa=ts H.,n t n-
Tj Plar ban reoetved a supply of white and
Lisp., and Crape Line—among the latter green eon
other dew. bit cobra. Also, white, pink, and b.ue
8.111 and Want Wood*. _ 101 l
ciTULALPIE-1600x FUT% 11.11111 Red and tor mare by
)47 li • FAUN&MOCK • Co
. ' , -i..• . 1 7 :4;,..-;.:.11:-1.61g'Iii=A.:t.•;. iil .4giiii-iit, , : t i • HIV &I' --1,144 - MA 2:2 tli CS i
2,- .TE1A ,74 ;i12:' 1 -5s - r * , , :-' 1 ! - . 5 1 :i ~. .t2 : 1 7 75.:.=:5- 7 t- !"
6 7 f 2 17,Z t' l l , •lg t . ' 2 ' 3 tg ..g t 3
.. F . ,•,t..; -, ..i. e-t `glhq'AVEgiiii . -2:. , ,g'ilir T-.
Sz.l - ,; . 1et , ..'i1r0' 2 ,0=1:?..;.; //{ / r 2. .2 Sl2 - 2 itif:, .1: V; 74 -1!- ; r - F.:
..1 1.1 . al a
= .0 'it". l. r› . . , FElE 4 :15 . 112 7- a - ' 1:4 4-3 :4 3 f7.W:1' E 4 , 1 1 5; 14- 7.l't El i:? 1. : 4 :h1; ...VIE :2 3
c o 2 .4 4:iii . l:;.q./F , ..4.:,! , - . .i.1t,0i1i1ii.:......L.1 : 1 1 4 nir, ,. ;; . .wi1;.:F t 41.,5. .“ . 2 ,..,....-.z....q
• e:44.;:..2.,,-1.E. 2 e-21 . Lt .4 Zo; -; .:.• .r. a
ICE gl_!.!l,iiiNtli - V311.! -, iNii - in - n1.1:!..: ::: •7 1 gt a Tell;ri * ElflIg It . -73 1? i ; 2 r
"a 5 4 7 ,- .1i17, - 1
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0: ~... R.
~.z g• t ,-.?. -2. z... f... 4 ..5 Pt ' 7 : -4
Z c 3. Pe, ° — g3 i.....,1-11,1.1.2-iri- , ,,g , t: ,:,_
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cel -I :.-1:-::,:-: : ::,.. i ..57- 4 r _ 7- 4:if - r. 7 7=7:-E7P-t r g
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r 4 -.2..:,:. ~. - . - e ,tl.sao-..a.,:-.5.-.y.,.cdt .-=
‹ c pa 5.L. :.:..7. -.."..,..q5. -7. _ ?t t 'f .4 .t.t.l 7 g:! - El:se - t-z•-afg,y ta
° '''' .4 - - ='“ , '.E.=;4',E - . F .11J .L; =
OgiC .r. - :=';:tt.,-7i...;-...""::=:: '-- - .5.F - -tr-1".,_-,, •=. •AK ' '',4l4'g _t L Y t-- i. ° o; , ,l`tr i q 1 '
~,,.47.,,,,:.7,: L. ,- .1..,-E l,- ,— . 6• - - =,...,..-7. . .- . 4.1- .
CZ i::: .“ 7 . ; : ', . : ', i ` r.- -,E ‘ ."-1'..;. - - , -; ---; '7ir; 1 •::F:t :. •t - '7 ,t,-.',,T g t t :1 = 7 .2r..: L ' . 4-° , :z..;;..1... °.:
1 -- /- %G V. Nl , 4l:—W‘l 3 kCK.IN, JOIN D NIORr;AN. , trgh: I) M CPRRY. Allegtyerl C1:7 7 ; /:P-MirttSON,.3-5 - z .
BiMingh... .9,411134
AIEFIC C NV. or otner AI in
II has Power to
range all KKTERNAL
HUMORS, .lON lil+-
WOUNDS to discharge
their putrid matters, o/.411
then heals them.
It isrlF termed
A L L 111.ALiNt., for
there is scarcely a dis
ease external or internal,
that in will not benefit.
I have used it for the hist
iinuaer and erapollsibilay, and I declare
• mad Ina; that not in one cave has it
faded to b., •fit when the patient was within the reach
, a••
• , • y learned in the
hu•. gospel, 2udges of the nand., al
ii••:, • •. • •:•iluthen of die highest eruthuon,'o e pear are it in every variery or
d:••re t ut nne voter-v-one universal
e•-• i• • •ry— YOUR OINTMENT
I b t , '
RHEUMATISM—It Iteraneen itnmedlately
the Ictlanir.anon and swelling, who,, the pain ceases
It :he .I:rerhune around the boL/
• r AClt-I-11e Ablve has cored persons of the
1,1 • • he of twel , fe yearn standing, and who had it
r • • , evew week •o that vorruuna took pines. EAR.
• ,s.l2Ctregi.
:.1) )t Mt. D—We nave cared cane that actually
vet-, tin.; known, as well en the abiltty offa.
tthe Ulna told us he had spent
out h wnhou any benefit, when n ton
k rinlmeut care I
1 - I'ER , --Ilere to notldns better for the auto of
one n' toe bent :lung• to the world for
LES—Thousan Om
, m
ay. yearly eared by this O,
theit it f n 1• In etyma reltef for the Ptlec
Ur - Around the hoz ore direetton• for ustog
hitt , (Antonia/of .Sennula. Lima Complaint, Erpipe-
PIA. rent,. Cdn4ta.n, &cad Hr.!. &sr< Ertl. Quincy,
Mee Throat, Brinolnies.Nemots affertoons. Palm. E,,,•
ea,e of i. 40 !lend ache. aqhmet. /karmaa. Ear rah,
Duns. ('erns all /bosom , of the Skin. Sort Lips,
or,, , `7,1:,n, of the LiMbl, t , Olll, itationatisten,
cad Feet C•oler, .Bushed a... Broken Brea., Toola
a 'ad. -irue the Fait. 4.e 4.0.
yEFYI—Llyer Complaint. aim in ti,e Chest
tr. I e.ll,rie off of the :in, on the other areonypa.
ate, o:•1 !vitt. Crap. into:meat 1• the true remedy .1 It
is sur• !lg., or Mica., to have mold fem.
of the Ointment frill
way Leer , Irina giOSVUIg Peptide need never
he I roubied wan if they use in fretnint.y.
inetmedt good for an) part of the body
er inflan.i.d. In some cainis it should be
L iest the
in I,,TR,N —No 1•.! genutne
name of .1 AMV.S written Vllth a pen
ott every .a..ei
Fur sale tiy my Apenii La a'.l the prmeipal mace and
1.0WIL• .11 Uae.
'Sole Proprietor of theat,ove medicine.
Prt:.mimi Ole, Nu Third street, I'm
l' It IC 1..: k'‘'.Nl'!= imx
A Ur, , I:M4/MA4El—Braun & Itett - r, comer of
Leber.{ and St Clair •t•. Wiicox, Jr, corner of
r•t and the elAo corner of 4th cud
:..held •t•, J II Cassel, corner of Walnut and Peon
•••. 0010, and void at the bookstore et Snuthficitt
. -
:':id door from Second at: i 3 Allegheny oil) , by 11 I'
r-h . .r . art n• J Sargent: by J South, Dru,rgh.r. Ihr
on,:bum, Nr;ley. V 31.11 H ROW laud. Mr
hee•port. I Aicxander b Saln. Monongahela City;
Itu.surnn.s r'o. mid I 'l' litners., Brow trarra.e, Joan
hurl, %. Heavrr, P.. 17 are wbolcsarc agents.
VI; A T C L 1S T,
1 , 11L11(i, PA.
'HE rup, , tolid. which Ilydropathy h. made
I since its iiitrodurium rat° alt. country—the tali
haat attd a-tonishAtig curative effects at raid wr Ir.
awl acute when empiw,cd after ate tile
Me•h•n! n• it: • re.ebrate , lPrie.Mt.g hare removt, from
d ni 1. 11.1e.hgrut ¢nd discerning putd.c every
pens , ' e .14 efficacy, and P. 11,1
.•, , a,i , a; ; ILO, watch ore thercnl.lne 00-
~ •ar I 1r.., nuturtU oelsh see the •locerof.
••1 nmr.• od by wmco •ti many unfortunate anderet.
• a lo• t:re., 'rem their pail. .I.Lront:ra
T. e ItaYthg aueceoafolly into
tno'..od m. 0 :01.1 year , at 1.14 sli)
ollent. melt La. been conviderahly en'areed and lin
den, I tit ad Int pan, n..d in every ((.rect. 1 0 now in ter - I,n and ac2olommlate pone.. who may
110/..0 1.. ther,clves under I.i. Care. skol and
Plitl.p.bur, tuna:od coon th ^ lea hank of the Mtn,
^m.o th o snonto n. I;; ; 2 ; wed known
ror ?I. rot, t . .1 , g and .3111 .1 . 101” nlna,pacra, dr
cao,• and charming natural ncent - ry. eort,
every requtoite.., fonder the rolourn of the in
e and ~ o• b uttng not a little to rent"
nava red It nib •un tn. Y.tcut strength.
Cclall.:.lllDCal, Lon • t areed 1.. e United
echtai..• every mine, both for pleasure and
eout.ort, eu:volated tothan,. Greedy nod happy
of c wane . . ol the Panent.
1'0r0on• ...tan, to avail I.'lemgrl tea of the advent:,
ge• here otleted, oddtres the soh o rrn,er
1.0 letter ,;mot paid.) swung ax
near a , povvlble the
..alute . .r romp:a:at, in order to deride and ad
,.00 on :In,' urnlnlity the 11, ritOCCIIaC
rrlcit... am! also Haat c 13.111 acccr•ary An them to
take along. ILII MCI( ttepetnat and parnottni an,
W A It D Al: 11. D. prop„,,nor .
Pht..p o hurg, Beaver county, Pn.
Ttle•rgt,4 - I,—Ftev'd Kto.nkrth , Arm.rong. T)
C Thom.. Ile.lry Beaver, Pm., br
t!0, Pro, CI. Elliot. Pitt.uurgo. Pa, L. C
P kS•4. 1 . 41; 0010. /UV. S t , New Altut).
M ineeton, N T Staiton,
Conne! L.,. no.
7{ '- i i nrall ' aML . ltas • reuah, ben cal ra knrsa.
vartabie wane:lle, irregular bowels,
nania 11, •houlaer blades behind
IN/ALL:MA Sven - roam or COVSZNIPTION.--Coughtng
night and due. flabby IMINfieS, general debility. great
shortness of breath Oa Raiiar or ga
ad!, or walkitic bat a Mac rash poise always above
our hundred. for weeks together; drenching cold
saes. ds mantling.
Catarrhal a eatlsUalplloa comes on like a common
catarrh or mild, but about the period when that dm.
eemi usua'y exp--med to subside. some of thesymp
tom. are aggravated. The cough Is more trouble
ne, especially when lying down. There is Ito fined
pai the chest_ bat difficult breallung, which is
wor•: on tyirg down. Toe appearance of the ripen
notation. is copious, is c wiped from a Mick
ye.:Ow Mem, to a thinner substance. It is very un
pie Et•tli1110 ale patient, and emus unpleasant smell
warn burned It t• of on untiorm appeerance„ ands
uminitily n mature of pus and mucus, as ott miomg it
watt WY., pert otuk• mid part SWIMS. /1114 diocese
Tay rear al any habit or at any age, and is charac•
Tm. -ed by the penult-at, of the cough.
The Balsa of Liverwort effects the core ague in
us disenar ti rape o: soothe and heals the
affected lungs. It 'levee fails Wherever this mein.
eit, has been need. we bear of its success. For dur•
It-en years has lie., liet i are the public. and has been
d.owicaltly tested for ail complaint. of the Lunn, mid
an• c•oved itself super tor rtierit to any thing in
ght ,• e. hundreds Olitrataammal• from phph
lan, the pre,rrgy. and those who have been cu
r, f•ill all Wls am roll the [atrial. the af
dic • sod e
their own geed they will try tt.
• ..s oat for counterfeits! Always observe the Me
e. "Deo Ta):or. h! IL!' on the engraved label,
orepared at the Wholesale Depot, :II Beckman
••st. New fork.
2 -top In l'itudiurph by I D Morgon D 3 Wood st.;
Pott.p.iold. 15 Morltc,t. I 1 Smyser, cor Nterket nod
llouderson dt Cu, 4 Liberty st Price reduced
o ,53 pet bottle. mord
m () , !ti , T a N n t I ,;T v . R to i ..t:V s ,eLV , gml . fug e
n • tti,...rom Tp, Westmoreiemd co.
Ni e John It Nn eon, —This ts to verify that I bare
Iwo , ccl 1.. g your V.-rirPfuge for wine Inn, say alma/
one ye - sr—on,' rut that onto I bare never known It to
tot., hrotsnig worn. away. when the symptoms
indicated their Pit a l
had occasion to give it to
two Fri et n no members or Inv family, I gave each of
them one do-, ,out one of them passed XISI and the oth
er over Nora), It 14 that Vella/taiga that any
man an toe in le. ' V.. Vociro.
Cr, psred and -oat by Ir4o. D. hi nrtii AN. Ortpintst.
Mat door below Dminond a:ley, on Wood o.
j_)lO.l 7 X. ke Red
mint.. Potash, ,tr)ehnine, Oold,. Liver
,o phur, White Preetpttate,C)anuret Potash, pot re
vetoed and for sale by int! R E SE:I.LBR,
Est. Rork i'rectp. lodide iron,
Nitrate Silver, Oil Copaiba.,
James Powder, Cane Arid.
Chloode 00410. Chlorin Ether,
Extrnet Rheumy, Extract I.4l3antill
dd.t reed and for kale by R E 5 ELLERS,
67 Woal st
\lnl.\F'hA, rust, doi,U Uhl UMW,. SO-
If IJA.-11 ilecom... the virus or peecrini arum
pie or all cot:meows diseases. It remove. the danger.
es. eel° vi not ./Ck TOOT, he.By cleansing one,
Ay it reli c ve. elect., and ieterectits all communicable
11;.,•c5, reliciner In man or noimals, item Just reed, ale by Jult ltl SELLER:3, S 7 Wood..
T the sign of the Finite and dare. 7H Wood street
rt.complete Assortment of Cincinnati Corients
Tool., for sale by 'role 111.111Elt A LAUFMAN
IV 1 dire edition, coutaining all the matter, verbatim
rl literate. of Vol.. I and J of the London edition, em
aeilishril ere% a portrait of the author—a Vols. in one.
complete. &tic. A huge supply oldie above re
eeived and for sato-try JOHN H MELLOR.,
hi dl rmod st
• •
Omuta, N^ Chocolate and Cocoa; also, Schmitz
• weet Weed Chocolate, Ann reed and-for tale at the
Pekin Tea Store, 7u Fourth at_ tavUN
Ir t V levet:red Bug lust reed and for rele-e T tut
bid as at retail, at the Pekin Tea &ore, M Foanhat,
a. -a• F4'
fiM 0 w
216 E
•-1 r4l4,7=='; ° co
eN ° F.! 1 1 fig
°a n
ki el
—The unprecedented success which kw
.0r!,,1 :he u.e of the
. - --
ii. een
In o. forms winch irritation of the 'wigs aa•
quilt, han duced We proprietor Kam to call emu,
.0 0 1 1 il, thl•
- .
rl.e chansuble weather which marks our foB sad
cm ter mouth.,„ always a fruitful source of
The question, then, how Anil we nip the destroyer to
he bud' how shall we get clear of war coaglts and
olds? fs of enal importance to the y bile.
mai be found to the Otnseng Panacea. In proof of has
me have from time to ume published the certificates el
losens of our best known citizens, who have
enced its curistive powers. These, with a mass e :nt
dummy from all parts of th e country.—from
Ministers of the Gospel, Ac., together with copions a 4
Ices from the
.e have embodied in pamphlet form, and may ba hai
gratis of any of our agents throughout be country.
have been toted to this city.
throughout the United States and Canada, and an chm
enge any man to point out a
awhich, when taken Recording to directions, and Da
re the lungs hod become fatally dlaorgazused, 4 tau
rms . (Riled to
~7l>f lID:NII.~Ai JY.M iHii;i
Why, then, need the &filleted hessian:a Why resort Ms
the nus , rable nostrums, gotten up by ma oFalndloid.
eels u ler the assumed name of some oe sbroisid phy
oo lan. and puffed into notoriety by certificates el pa.
sons equally unknown!! Whibrt n medicine al
bw be had, whose vouchers are m home,—mm ate**
ony—umby of whom a has
In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed
attain the reach of the poor as well the stay VII dm
put the pone at
lust one half the usual cost of cough reedteines.
'or rule by Ou :Tents in nearly every town sod village
' over the west, who me prepared to give full Inform.
ton ratan ve to tl.l. SALTER, Proprietor,
Broadway. Ilinetnnnli. Ohl°
gl C S. P. TOtt NnErslra satteArArsiLLA—'w
If doss n of Dr. Townsend'. Genuine Sarsaparilla,
lust Fri: .1 and
57 for Pale by
Wood et. only gent toe Pittsburgh.
in+ fly U M CURRY, Agent for Allegheny city
elltll.ll,lBLson, mural t t At..
\ It. I.IIWARD ACKER, takes this means of M-
rnitfe Ins thanks to Ms friends and the public
for the ex:comm. patronage he bus received, Nadal in
fortung them that he has lately erected a large and
—ell constructed building, for the exeltuthe purposes
lee anon, at Pluilipsburgh, Pa,, on the Ohio niter, oppo
site the at
lauding at Beaver, where he as ready
etre patients al o orders, and trent them on el 5.-
--"'"Lorp' •c
proimples. In addition to his long experi
ence, end Inc great succem which has heretofore at
ended his treatment of patients committed is has tare,
he has now the additional facilities afforded by an ex
tensive builutug erected expressly for the purpose, con
tammg romminlious and airy rooms, and fitted op with
every necessary apparatus for bathing, and ddraints
tering be treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort
of the (.anent. Plullipaburgh Is a most deltghtfal and
heattliy moage, any of access by steamboats, and af
fords fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker assure',
ar o.lhlCted permitas who may plate themselves Lin
der ins care, that every attention shell be paid to their
toand as un assurance of the substantial benefits
to i.e derwril, he points with confidence to the hun
dreds who have been permanently cured at his estab
lishment The Water Cure leaves no injurious effects
behind, as is too often the ease with those ebb have
been treated on the old system. It removes the dis
ease, in VigOratath the syttln, protects from the dangers
othideut to changes of th e weather, creates a natural
and active appetite, and Imparts vigor to the digenhen
powers Terins of treatment and boarding reasonable.
For birth , r pas et:voters inquire at die esuoilishmeut, Or
address the proprietor at Phallipenurgh.
- -
We have been .ntormed by Mn. Raw of soma per.
formed on her by Dr. Jayne's Alt•rati we, welch
or , vey as superiority over every otherrenterly or the
rid. Sto. 1110. been attl.tmed for the Last sixteen peon
ohth NECrtIaYK, or W iiiTE SW EI,LINGt3, attended
no U , ..t . r.1111111• and caul. at.on of various bones, du
teg vrArh time many peeve have been dtsaharged from
he :root, oone of rue eran.urn, from both her arm..
r ,, or am! and Mom both legs, and from the left
tea oral tam, nod !Mm thy right knee. tooodos painful
a.oerr On other ,tarts o; bdr petrol, which have baleen
he \ ,iiot n dumber of the most eminent phyaiciasteet
0.1.. —during most .1 the time her autiertnes have
.tre tex nod deplorable About three months
ITV% Induced to try Dr..layne e Alterauve
watch be .4 lied on astontstormly happy eft - eel upon her,
rrmorn, pa.o and swelllngs, and canning the
etets to heal, wht le at the game time her general health
non become ,mmpletely reetored, so that she now ersugbit
la ins more Man she did :refore the commenced. the
3i Mile truly valuable prepabon.—Meat Eve. Post.
For tomer intormauon, trmume of Mrs. Mose, No. 12
FOhett at, l'hlladelphos.
for .1., di Ihtte,,urgh, et the FERIE TF-d. STORE,
FO , irth e.. o,.at IVrxt.i. jrs
Djust reserved of Dr. T A , S n A se r , lll.l t !. L-- • 5
i d zg
most extrnordsoary medicine in the world! P
I. act in put op tn quart bottles. It w ing times cheaper,
Curesand ,warrnined superior to any sold. It
Cures Intense without vomiting, purging, sickening or
debilitating the patient.
Loon OCT ton IleSTATlONO—Unprincipled person. have
copied our labels, and tat up medicine in the same
Warted bottle. Poe that each bottle has the written mg
. nature of S. P Townsend.
It. E. SELLERS. DrogiaLS7 Wood street. between
Third ud Tetuan is Dr. Townsend'. only wholesale
land retail aerent for Pittsburgh, of whore the genuine
article ran be had.
D. NI. Curry hoe been appointed .the sole Agent On
Allegheny city, of whom the genuine tinkle on be
II A. r•II,MITOCIE, A. It. lidu..., PI. I. Arty
It. L. Fausarroc.,}Pittsbargh.
O. 1%. Fatm anw.)
Wholesale Drag Store In the City of
bow York.
'UNE andersitned aro extensively ensraemi in the
1. VI, balmier! Drextrualness at No. (P Jake street, in
the city of New York, and are prepared to eupply
Urns vets and country Merchants with Dru_aa, NUMB,
Dy,,tatr, Voreirti and American Perfumery,
*len •ar, kett•ter k kliudere Chemicals, (of their own
em or union) anti all other articles in their line of beat
of • superiot,lsalny u low he they eta be pap
iharpol la this or any eastern city
Near York, Fetal) 11. A. raiipmeippt
Dr. Wiaiii.i&elebrated
THEpublic are requested to tend the following ner
nis innies. Thu median. extensivelysited in
' all the Southern and Eastern cities
, o
ec . •
We do that Dr. Lams NS map, orWork, Ps,
not under In, care and in.ageme.n. on or about the
two 01 October last, a young men laboring ¢..der a
;Berrie attack of "Asiatic Cholera.' That we exam.
oleo the said patient, and found him to be in the col
' leveed note, of that dlteaae , with frequent and coplos,
rice water discharges. That tee pronounced it amtie
oi genuine Cholera., and declared moreover that we
believed lie said patient was beyond the hope at teed
ical iod. In fact we thought the patient would die,
and go dccihreil at the time.
We masher certify that the said Louis AViekey pm
sued lug own made of treatment, and administered has
Cholera Remedy, and effected a care of thepatient.
We Junk in four days thereafter the said yoang man
wraz at work, and perfeelly
lona C. Dan., hi. D.
T. ii. DVCCEICS, M. D.
I certify that I visited a ease of modified Cholera un
der the care. of Dr. Louis Rickey, and that I believe
his medicine relieved him.
Siam of Maryland. Washington County, to wit:
I certify that I am welt acquainted with do gentle
men who have Opted the within certificates of Dr.
Lotus Wit key, and they are men of rese ability.
In testlinoily whereof !hereunto pe sabseribe my
L t name, and netts the seal of my office, this roar
temuh day of November,. elghteett hundred and
thirty-three. (I IL WILLIAM._ht , Clerk
Wai.hington County Court, Maryland.
I witnessed the administration of Dr. Loula-Wick
et.s preparation for Cholera, in the case of an arrten
tun to the plastering business iu this town (Hager.-
town.) His Api a well marked ease of .A.slatte Cho
le-e, with rice water evemuallons, told clammy
cold totgue, small tremulous peisas.-1 et:mattered his
sttuatton truly critical and alarming. I saw him pre
vtoue to Dr. ‘Viekey, and was personas the &denials
tntoon of the first dose ormedrein•, and saw bier re
pealesily Inning the attendance of Dr. Wicker; he re
covered so as to be able to nnetnl to and woes at bus
trade in a few dors. 1 are 11[1.11, he WEAL none other bus I
the olediente adminised by Dr. Wickey.
Menu. %V, DArm. hI. O.
The only true and genuine Du VrteLer. Cholich;
and Diarrhea Aleduine is prepared and sold whale=
sale mai 10111 , i D.MOHBAN, Ortigin
tult)dern one door below Diamond alley, and at
GRATEFUL, for the very. aband encouragement 1
have received for ire man)! Year, I lavo,deter
coned to enlarge ray humor's. eenederably. flaving
,gaged a competent Forties", I will be enabled to
fill all orders promptly, sad do , b 4 rub' id.rour meal
rule sod at fair prices, and art MO inlander% of mer.
chants and Mizzens to MY ItPita staakotyptioisrE.
RY GOODS and Beds, alattrammitnidatedding, Car
laid Material, Damasks and Malteds, Cornices, Fria,
t en, Dardermea•Tagoel, Split and Roder El Inds, and
every aruete usually kept la on establishment of the
kmd. Oaten ferPsoPPPl.Oolidted and itmutPßY !P
-leaded to.
" n. n m c n*D~u made and.pat down.
......°'. 0 , 00 ,
' -
JJ rk / RIED APPLI3-300 bush inzra:l noir.
i or file by
• .7.:
THE greatest and best 'grimy emtroffeted Mate wit LI
before—made on the mom approtiedEintemplatta..
tad most thatuonable EMI= pausrms and eateira Abe ft
ir made to order of all alses, and at WINING.
Oonntry Merchants and others are invited to oallaal
examine the above for themselves, ad al/ will be geld i' s . -
wholemlo or rebut, and a liberal dada:than each le
wholesale purchasers.
coldly A WE/MR/MEL,
Notlee C. als PubtAte.
VIVE hereby notify our &Mode and comet:oda I
yy at home and abroad, that we will no imam
ncmcirstardramt, receive fringht from any fag Fa
which J. Newton Issas is germ i::
•Y '
War • . l
TORN KELLY & CO., tmicessaers to Hebb, Vilna A
ti broom & Ca, lam Harchant No. 10 : i
CHESTNUT Street, above'PEW, beg ..,
Move to Inform their hiesida Ti nn patrons that tbs
bises received the Latest BPZING AND 8
FASHIONS, with a lar meertmem of Nem Stylh ....':
GOODS; earnpriain; Clo the,Ciminero,. Vestirtge, ea. :!..
of every descriptton—all o whialt area( their own Ws-
oormuon, hammy bean carefully selected in Parish,
LOndon, ins. 1
_ to- nuangers Maiden Philadelphia, am reapectfati
.i ,
Iy invited to call and examine Men omemive Omsk. .n:
LNHL& RUBBER PASTE—Just recoil 11 grope _..,
bottles of Rubber Paste, a superior onto wear "...f
portant to persons that with to kocp Stab eat
It prevents/1m leather from cracking, and will adc. a
polls!, over it. For sale at the Indus Robber
No 6 Wood meet. malt Ja H Plifl, ; 1 ,
-- -
GOLDI GOLD!' 00/14,117
THEsubscriber, wholesale toannfacturer or JEW
ELRY, snvitea wholesolo dealer. and roams xe
sing South and West—also, country store keepers ta
call and examine his stock of Jewelry, which wth be
sold at tho loweat micas for cash or approved weep. .-"!•
Lances. Constantly on hand and mannfacnning, •
large assortment minable for city or conn a =re.
corner of Fourth and Branch eta up stairs, t .
Paper glohistragus
HAVING purchased at three of the largest Paolo.
ries in the East, (New York, Philadelphia heti
Bob onore,) a large iuusrunept of the newest undßstout
improved styles of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS,
6e., had made arrangements by which I watts eon. ij
bled to preteen all now Patterns, simultaneous tight
their appearance in the RaAern market, I would in- ;„
sae the attention of those desiring to have their houses rt
papered with the latest styles of paper, to call and 7.
examine my stock, hefore purchasing elsewhere.
have now on the way trout the East, 20,410 pieces
of Gold, Satin Glazed, and common Paper Hangings,
which . tall sell at prices ranging Gum eta to Pr
plece. mchth S L HILL. 87 wood
Bacon Smoking.
EL A h V ou ltG ., cas: , e a o: p .
0 1 e w tedge Leta tug o stooks
and smoke it us the most merefoutrable manner. neap
The houses ore fated with all the modem improve. :d
amnia and are capable of containing .101,000 Iti. seek.
KIER h.PONEkti•Canal Basic,
ai near.Saventb
I. FuNITNITTAPER—Hiimg th e exelaslve nanny
for the sale of t h e Mill Grove Printing Paper ~ (S.
li. & C P. Markle, Proprietors,) we wilt be cipsuuttly
suppiied with all the iliderent sues of superior gulag,
throb we offer at the lowest regular prices.
febbi_ corner Penn and Irwinna
OLEMAN, HALLMAN & CU. pontinneln men.
factu Sandi iron Spring and Am. Blister
Poogh,Pork and Hoe Steel, Rived., Spikes and Wren It
iron Nuts, all sm., together with Coach and Elipt•
Sanngs, hif Pat, Taper and common Axles.
aiming reduced the price of Wrought Iron Nam,
engine hudden and others using the eructs, will Ond
it to their interest to give this new branch of Pittahnigh
manufactures their attention.
coach trimming- -Id mineable
ant. —Linable iron on liberal terms. 0
Warehouse on IN nor and Fourth ma febla:Sef
And is now receiving a fine moment of
Winch he is prepared to make to ordo
And in the latent Faehlons.
Howl Quarters for Dooto mill
Corner of Fourth and amidst:eh! streets,
Prrrinman, Pa.
T. eco
sgee rel !Soot sad Shoe ltmene..ed P
an oe
holesale and retail, would rerpeetfullyM
Mat. the 6/LCUIIOO of their friends and the puha! 11447.
in their splendid new stock, curuitting of =mg
woman', boys', misses' and children* wear Of every ;
variety, sonahlo for the season, and at prlees to suit . 4
the dams. A splendid ankle of home tirade work, q: •
such se gentlemen's fine Roots, ladies, misses and
etuldrens fine work. Please call and ecartilho tor C;
yourselvea TROTH & .
corner 4th and Smithfield am
N. R.—Traveling Tanks, Carpet Bags, &a &C., al.
ways on hand end low for cash
. .
Comtry merehmts would find it to their intMesS to b
grre as a eel when visaing the dry. m ble •-•
IMPORTERS Wholesale Dealers in Foreign mil
Dbmestie Hardware, Outcry, Saddlery, &sr, IS% a
Wood street, Pittsburgh, are,now Pally imposed sal*
a recently turponed stock of. Hardware, Cutlery, sat. L.
dlery, Harpeuterf Tools, &e, offer tr...syyrorat
ducements to Western Merchmta, 1.11 addition to
the mmy advantages had by our predecessors, Mew.
Logan & Keenedy , we have greatly increased our
female*, and pardoner, all our goads from Ira hands
on the very but terms. 5
The junior members of t h e arm devout their whale =,
attenuort a saes„ and feeling confident aiming stn 3
isthmian, respectfully lolled a call from dl who may s,
chill this market. mr.h.o
cq:j - Ito:iurlPF
. .
HE undersigned tams 637 sale a superior vitals
T Li
of bock for beiking, made by his Blunt Pleas,
improvod macre, (or which he has okedned,• ;eV
to 's
mud agrees e purchasers a written granuster
they are stronger, and will moidet frost and wet. walk- .1
et and imbibe less Moisten or darmanom than any Mi
or brook, posemising greater body ands superior texture
and ,oathi more durable in every reapecti each brink
being subjected to a presses of several tons, and
. poir
se • handsome smooth surface and even edge":
they make a front meal to the best ftentbrick.
They have given the greatest satlsfeetion to all who 1.
have purchased. A kiln con be men iMmy Work% and
specimen at the Gazette office. to
Thom having rte plied themselves tor iheithltat=
wiM In
ing handsome to briek,lot Rimier F
and solid paving brick, can obtain Mena.
110.413 GMEOGI 'l'' . .,
Itlrminghlun,/rme 180. lt a
WOOL—The hi anima. In eas& pad wain WO ,
&Career grafts of clean mute' wool, by ,
my2l' H 1..k.T., Liberty 41 oallsmitr alk k.
I 10PARTNIIRSHiP-1 hava thy.. day Aubsociabod ',.!
VV with me in the wholesale Grocery, "'dace sag
C , omxabbubb Itasibbo,Mr. jabn matte, indlertlte bib ""
of JOHN WAIT & CO. JOHN WATT. ;-':.:
Pittsbargh, April MI, 1849. ;
giii.pir of Quinine. Oxide of '& 1 , Loaf .Acid, 1A 7,,
rate et lam, Hi Carbonate of Mask. Yaltriva of v.
St.Ver, Calomel, Zodiac. of Lead, Chlelnde of Soda sod ',,
Chborie Etner, on nand and for labs bt
jyd . 4,IEIDD A CO. „;
e ÜBLISItaI DAILY,TRI-waggLy & wErAu x ..f.
~,,,,,,G4s,cuEsildisterAdst., Iwo the Pas 9p.5.• tr•
a .rrsoi ov &BYRE/Tiffin°.
Ono insertion'of 12 1 littei . , of lesa, .... ......J0 30 (
Two insertions withoutalterationa, eeee 0 7h .''.
'r ......... 1 lElj
One Week ~ „
........ lao 44 _,
Two Week, w w ....4 ..
.. I 60 >t_
throe" . ..... 3 00
One Mouth, di 4 00
Two w ..
t? Longerrdwertiseroents le ono . eii . **** * ***** ***** * / 2
** 61:.
~O no tquarefo months , without ulteratton,... 1 w
" • " 121 " " " .••• 1 . 13 k-
Each additional square for 6 m0nth5,...... IV 00 ? .. 4
~ il di ..•••• 10 00 ,
Orie square s 6 aloatlea,resewable at pleasUca, 14.(10.,:.'
12; "`" " " " 50.00
Each additionalsqtatre for 12 months..•••ss• 1000 x.
Two lagoon.; 6 months, rewahle at plea:we, 30 00 6
Each additional square, 6 months, 8 002: .
Wllltla ow wai-w II DA/IT IMIIIIII.A
One square. 9 insertion. ......... .•••ei.../1 60Ik
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