sTRANSPORTATION LINE& TOILUVIUM a anti New Castle Cassia Packets. MEtOl IHE packet BRAYER, Capt. Stanley, will Idive Beaver regularly on Moseley, Wedscsdey' , and dly evenings at 6 P. M., and arrive at Yotmestbsti next Mdming at 4 o'clock—returning, 1 Vannes tOwn Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday eventriguat 4 P. AL, and Teach Heuer in. time for the morning boat, ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, arriving at Pittsburgh at 12 &cloth. tho . pracket HARRAWAY, Capt. Downing, ertll ' leavelleaver Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday even ing. al 6 P. 21, returning, leave New Cutle, Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening* at 0 P. It. ante eon peeling with the morning boat for Pittsburgh. • Thasopauete are fitted ap in =WI.. °rd.' ,low" inflow accommodations for passenger*, and sh ippers mop Tell , us More punctuality and .greater despatch than has bature beers obtained on these routes.. . I. I. B. FITCH & Co.. Proprictdrs. J. C. Tidwell, Agent, Pittsburgh. ,I lts Did well & Bro., " Denveri.. A. DI ec a. "' Youngs, ion. R. W. C ningham,“Nrw Castle. The elegant steamer, Al. vGilt,ti Y CLIPPKR, will leave Beaver, dally at a A. 21... and Pitisenrgti at 3 P. AL, ranallig in conuesuon with the above.t.oate jute . . t w igl e 1849. . W en g want Cleve an d Pffe:4o , * Canal Packet—SW MOW. " —OC PI.N. QNH ertha above Y.. ets leave Denver eviryeeY (Sander. excepted) d notice next cenronts at arren, when they eon et with th e Mall titognit for f 3 Akron and Cleveland, a tying at each of theaAplaces before night One of the p. c rky I na ne Warred daily at 6 P. 6 1, and arrive t Renner in time to take the morning boat for Pituhrimh. C E 9 LE A. CA, W.^ , ., I pr o . At 11 TAYLOR, do JOHN A CAUG HEY, Agin', apl3 4 comer Water and .douth-hditte i Ea= 1849. '. V ~,, , '.0,, . UNION LINE, ', ON TWA PENffirA AND 01110 CANALS. Casurrogo & Cguaroscatrr, Cleveland. 21 IL G. Palki, Heaver. Pa. S upr TeLute will be peon 'ell on the opening of un•l. ion, to transport freight and Passengers from n'TFBURGH and, CLEVELAND, to any grant on Cho Galant and Lakes The facilities aloha Line are unsurpassed in dumber. quality and capacity of Boats, experience 431 calming and efficiency of Agents. One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland deity, tun dog in connection with the rteatnen • LAKE ERIE AND Al IC HIG AN, Between Pittsburgh and Beaver. and a line of first Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Laken. Aaaieta—R G Park., Beaver, Pa. Jesse tlaldwin, Youngstown, Ohip. B Taylor, Warren, C igre le r & Co, I L :r ' o ' n n , n' ' Crawford A Chamberlin, Cleveland, .0 Sears & Griffith, Buffalo, N. V. JOHN A. CA UGILEY, Agent, Office,cor Water and Smithfield at., Pittsburgh. hl l ly HILAVEIII. PK - VIC — RMS. Steamer MICHIGAN Na. 2--Capt. LAKE EFIIE, '. Gordon. TE above regular and well known Beaver Pack ets, have commenced toning their dailg, trips to and from Beaver, and will continue ton between Pittsburgh tuiti.l3eaver regularly during t he season, as follows: Michigan No. 2 leaves Pittsburgh daily at golelock, A. AL, and Deaver at 'J. o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie leaves Beaver daily ate o'clock, A.M., and Pilishurgli ArPeteek, P. AL These steamers will run in connection with 0 Parka' Express Packet Line, for Erie; Taylor & Lcllingsvell's Warren Packets, • noon Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland; • Clarke & Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight Beam. G Parks daily New Castle Pocket". CLARKE, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUL HEY, Aged, Putsburgh. meh.ll eor Water and Smithfield ens 1849. PITTSBURGH AND CLEYLLAND LINE, oN THE PENNSYLVANIA AND 01110 CA N rrHE Proprietors of this a d emoldt*ard mai r j daily lia misung of SIXTEEN fast ce •,,,.. , z-E.- , z2 1 , .. 5 .ifii:i.-2.ltg;;;;,'-i:f,--.-°°- , ii '•• I.= 72.;-.111.7 ., .. 7 !V=01!:7•.:.-..::::,. 5 ,.71.7 -:."2 g - -.: z e.- E E:r'.--1..-- r.,- ..1 . .E .I , =:;= , E . ;; ='!....,- 2°. 3.. '.= ... 3" . ''' ,, '''''i'' .. '• '2. 7'. '4' ...--' - " - ' 2 E =_l E 4 .4:.° -* •-—---- ' - -- - - - ---'="— = • ' a- T: 1 °;• - t . - : --'.5'..1it. , .. -i: cip el r.-- A ;.,, :a. -- .. •,. : . 5.1,Z*Z0..: g' . 6 . :1 I 11 , ..... . 841.4-3i.i. 'l. - - Zli al. 44 ..... 4 . a . l 4 s 0: ~... R. ~.z g• t ,-.?. -2. z... f... 4 ..5 Pt ' 7 : -4 ; Z c 3. Pe, ° — g3 i.....,1-11,1.1.2-iri- , ,,g , t: ,:,_ az iii 2 C. 9 , E cc LA. < cc c'' l''' ZZ.Fir .. t - 4 ... .. i ~4:i a ,- E,r FT.VI.E7I.!'t,-Z!'g - Lit fl. 3 4 ri ci L ,_ e ~, 2. '•-• lt. -- z!eitgt - s -= !;zlF-a:,.OE - 1-;:ig T 6. . :..-, :.:. f;•::,, i1 : n 7 0-_",]_,, , fi ,g . .; Et - r, 1: i- 12 t . fi! t:,51 - il 2-; 777 . ell '.-: a. 2 7 t. , ! . , ce 2.... :% ‘ % ': 1•21 25 3 '.: 7 .E . r 3 - , :i-ilio :g • a,l '''=. 2.f,VE^i' Z' I ' k t "!l '"?.3":',.tir''. " ''' 11 ,;il.llitifi cc c 4 ~ ,,,L . 3.-. .:,.%E:.L, -! _.E! g. ; r'. :21:2-41.r,:;•rse:•21,;fi--,.al:E..T•ii 6 " 2- Z ..t!iA.?-:`•;i1L:1117:'-i .; E lli z F ; 1111 g tll;ii:i=alirrd:t!:'6VeZ;ili'g t'4 cel -I :.-1:-::,:-: : ::,.. i ..57- 4 r _ 7- 4:if - r. 7 7=7:-E7P-t r g 3 iri,r.-Til.fillis.„:l:ii.qiE.-211:..111 a ~.z.: .. - ._a. , . -,- , - _ , E . ,.i.izz•a,z...g, ....., 0 :- .. -., •- , ;i - :: : - .,A-.2- i..7F --, :--c . . _ --ttlZ,7-2.=j:,4"ilell'i 2 ' d .:a r 4 -.2..:,:. ~. - . - e ,tl.sao-..a.,:-.5.-.y.,.cdt .-= ‹ c pa 5.L. :.:..7. -.."..,..q5. -7. _ ?t t 'f .4 .t.t.l 7 g:! - El:se - t-z•-afg,y ta ° '''' .4 - - ='“ , '.E.=;4',E - . F .11J .L; = .1;410:2.:8:q,...'a,:111wti- OgiC .r. - :=';:tt.,-7i...;-...""::=:: '-- - .5.F - -tr-1".,_-,, •=. •AK ' '',4l4'g _t L Y t-- i. ° o; , ,l`tr i q 1 ' ~,,.47.,,,,:.7,: L. ,- .1..,-E l,- ,— . 6• - - =,...,..-7. . .- . 4.1- . CZ i::: .“ 7 . ; : ', . : ', i ` r.- -,E ‘ ."-1'..;. - - , -; ---; '7ir; 1 •::F:t :. •t - '7 ,t,-.',,T g t t :1 = 7 .2r..: L ' . 4-° , :z..;;..1... °.: 1 -- /- %G V. Nl , 4l:—W‘l 3 kCK.IN, JOIN D NIORr;AN. , trgh: I) M CPRRY. Allegtyerl C1:7 7 ; /:P-MirttSON,.3-5 - z . BiMingh... .9,411134 AIEDICAL. OINTMENT CONTAINING N 0 AIEFIC C NV. or otner AI in II has Power to range all KKTERNAL SORES.. SCIO/FULOI'S HUMORS, .lON lil+- F.A%trn. POISONOLiiI WOUNDS to discharge their putrid matters, o/.411 then heals them. It isrlF termed A L L 111.ALiNt., for there is scarcely a dis ease external or internal, that in will not benefit. I have used it for the hist zemagmozon iinuaer and erapollsibilay, and I declare • mad Ina; that not in one cave has it faded to b., •fit when the patient was within the reach , a•• • , • y learned in the the I hu•. gospel, 2udges of the nand., al ii••:, • •. • •:•iluthen of die highest eruthuon,'o e pear are it in every variery or d:••re t ut nne voter-v-one universal e•-• i• • •ry— YOUR OINTMENT I b t , ' RHEUMATISM—It Iteraneen itnmedlately the Ictlanir.anon and swelling, who,, the pain ceases It :he .I:rerhune around the boL/ • r AClt-I-11e Ablve has cored persons of the 1,1 • • he of twel , fe yearn standing, and who had it r • • , evew week •o that vorruuna took pines. EAR. end IN THE FACE, • ,s.l2Ctregi. :.1) )t Mt. D—We nave cared cane that actually vet-, tin.; known, as well en the abiltty offa. tthe Ulna told us he had spent out h wnhou any benefit, when n ton k rinlmeut care I 1 - I'ER , --Ilere to notldns better for the auto of one n' toe bent :lung• to the world for LES—Thousan Om , m ay. yearly eared by this O, theit it f n 1• In etyma reltef for the Ptlec Ur - Around the hoz ore direetton• for ustog hitt , (Antonia/of .Sennula. Lima Complaint, Erpipe- PIA. rent,. Cdn4ta.n, &cad Hr.!. &sr< Ertl. Quincy, Mee Throat, Brinolnies.Nemots affertoons. Palm. E,,,• ea,e of i. 40 !lend ache. aqhmet. /karmaa. Ear rah, Duns. ('erns all /bosom , of the Skin. Sort Lips, or,, , `7,1:,n, of the LiMbl, t , Olll, itationatisten, cad Feet C•oler, .Bushed a... Broken Brea., Toola a 'ad. -irue the Fait. 4.e 4.0. yEFYI—Llyer Complaint. aim in ti,e Chest tr. I e.ll,rie off of the :in, on the other areonypa. ate, o:•1 !vitt. Crap. into:meat 1• the true remedy .1 It is sur• !lg., or Mica., to have mold fem. of the Ointment frill way Leer , Irina giOSVUIg Peptide need never he I roubied wan if they use in fretnint.y. inetmedt good for an) part of the body er inflan.i.d. In some cainis it should be ap L iest the in I,,TR,N —No 1•.! genutne name of .1 AMV.S written Vllth a pen ott every .a..ei Fur sale tiy my Apenii La a'.l the prmeipal mace and 1.0WIL• .11 Uae. JANIFS !iIeALLISTER. 'Sole Proprietor of theat,ove medicine. Prt:.mimi Ole, Nu Third street, I'm l' It IC 1..: k'‘'.Nl'!= imx A Ur, , I:M4/MA4El—Braun & Itett - r, comer of Leber.{ and St Clair •t•. Wiicox, Jr, corner of r•t and the elAo corner of 4th cud :..held •t•, J II Cassel, corner of Walnut and Peon •••. 0010, and void at the bookstore et Snuthficitt . - :':id door from Second at: i 3 Allegheny oil) , by 11 I' r-h . .r . art n• J Sargent: by J South, Dru,rgh.r. Ihr on,:bum, Nr;ley. V 31.11 H ROW laud. Mr hee•port. I Aicxander b Saln. Monongahela City; Itu.surnn.s r'o. mid I 'l' litners., Brow trarra.e, Joan hurl, %. Heavrr, P.. 17 are wbolcsarc agents. VI; A T C L 1S T, - 1 , 11L11(i, PA. 'HE rup, , tolid. which Ilydropathy h. made I since its iiitrodurium rat° alt. country—the tali haat attd a-tonishAtig curative effects at raid wr Ir. awl acute when empiw,cd after ate tile Me•h•n! n• it: • re.ebrate , lPrie.Mt.g hare removt, from d ni 1. 11.1e.hgrut ¢nd discerning putd.c every pens , ' e .14 efficacy, and P. 11,1 .•, , a,i , a; ; ILO, watch ore thercnl.lne 00- ~ •ar I 1r.., nuturtU oelsh see the •locerof. ••1 nmr.• od by wmco •ti many unfortunate anderet. • a lo• t:re., 'rem their pail. .I.Lront:ra T. e ItaYthg aueceoafolly into tno'..od m. 0 :01.1 year , at 1.14 sli) ollent. melt La. been conviderahly en'areed and lin den, I tit ad Int pan, n..d in every ((.rect. 1 0 now in ter - I,n and ac2olommlate pone.. who may 110/..0 1.. ther,clves under I.i. Care. skol and Plitl.p.bur, tuna:od coon th ^ lea hank of the Mtn, ^m.o th o snonto n. I;; ; 2 ; wed known ror ?I. rot, t . .1 , g and .3111 .1 . 101” nlna,pacra, dr cao,• and charming natural ncent - ry. eort, every requtoite.., fonder the rolourn of the in e and ~ o• b uttng not a little to rent" nava red It nib •un tn. Y.tcut strength. Cclall.:.lllDCal, Lon • t areed 1.. e United echtai..• every mine, both for pleasure and eout.ort, eu:volated tothan,. Greedy nod happy of c wane . . ol the Panent. 1'0r0on• ...tan, to avail I.'lemgrl tea of the advent:, ge• here otleted, oddtres the soh o rrn,er 1.0 letter ,;mot paid.) swung ax near a , povvlble the ..alute . .r romp:a:at, in order to deride and ad ,.00 on :In,' urnlnlity the 11, ritOCCIIaC rrlcit... am! also Haat c 13.111 acccr•ary An them to take along. ILII MCI( ttepetnat and parnottni an, W A It D Al: 11. D. prop„,,nor . Pht..p o hurg, Beaver county, Pn. Ttle•rgt,4 - I,—Ftev'd Kto.nkrth , Arm.rong. T) C Thom.. Ile.lry Beaver, Pm., br t!0, Pro, CI. Elliot. Pitt.uurgo. Pa, L. C P kS•4. 1 . 41; 0010. /UV. S t , New Altut). M ineeton, N T Staiton, Conne! L.,. no. 1/1 , CONSI'MPTION 7{ '- i i nrall ' aML . ltas • reuah, ben cal ra knrsa. vartabie wane:lle, irregular bowels, nania 11, •houlaer blades behind IN/ALL:MA Sven - roam or COVSZNIPTION.--Coughtng night and due. flabby IMINfieS, general debility. great shortness of breath Oa Raiiar or ga ad!, or walkitic bat a Mac rash poise always above our hundred. for weeks together; drenching cold saes. ds mantling. Catarrhal a eatlsUalplloa comes on like a common catarrh or mild, but about the period when that dm. eemi usua'y exp--med to subside. some of thesymp tom. are aggravated. The cough Is more trouble s ne, especially when lying down. There is Ito fined pai the chest_ bat difficult breallung, which is wor•: on tyirg down. Toe appearance of the ripen notation. is copious, is c wiped from a Mick ye.:Ow Mem, to a thinner substance. It is very un pie Et•tli1110 ale patient, and emus unpleasant smell warn burned It t• of on untiorm appeerance„ ands uminitily n mature of pus and mucus, as ott miomg it watt WY., pert otuk• mid part SWIMS. /1114 diocese Tay rear al any habit or at any age, and is charac• teet Tm. -ed by the penult-at, of the cough. The Balsa of Liverwort effects the core ague in us disenar ti rape o: soothe and heals the o affected lungs. It 'levee fails Wherever this mein. eit, has been need. we bear of its success. For dur• It-en years has lie., liet i are the public. and has been d.owicaltly tested for ail complaint. of the Lunn, mid an• c•oved itself super tor rtierit to any thing in ght ,• e. hundreds Olitrataammal• from phph lan, the pre,rrgy. and those who have been cu r, f•ill all Wls am roll the [atrial. the af dic • sod e their own geed they will try tt. • ..s oat for counterfeits! Always observe the Me e. "Deo Ta):or. h! IL!' on the engraved label, orepared at the Wholesale Depot, :II Beckman ••st. New fork. 2 -top In l'itudiurph by I D Morgon D 3 Wood st.; Pott.p.iold. 15 Morltc,t. I 1 Smyser, cor Nterket nod llouderson dt Cu, 4 Liberty st Price reduced o ,53 pet bottle. mord m () , !ti , T a N n t I ,;T v . R to i ..t:V s ,eLV , gml . fug e it n • tti,...rom Tp, Westmoreiemd co. Ni e John It Nn eon, —This ts to verify that I bare Iwo , ccl 1.. g your V.-rirPfuge for wine Inn, say alma/ one ye - sr—on,' rut that onto I bare never known It to tot., hrotsnig worn. away. when the symptoms indicated their Pit a l had occasion to give it to two Fri et n no members or Inv family, I gave each of them one do-, ,out one of them passed XISI and the oth er over Nora), It 14 that Vella/taiga that any man an toe in le. ' V.. Vociro. Cr, psred and -oat by Ir4o. D. hi nrtii AN. Ortpintst. Mat door below Dminond a:ley, on Wood o. j_)lO.l 7 X. ke Red mint.. Potash, ,tr)ehnine, Oold,. Liver ,o phur, White Preetpttate,C)anuret Potash, pot re vetoed and for sale by int! R E SE:I.LBR, Chloroform, Est. Rork i'rectp. lodide iron, Nitrate Silver, Oil Copaiba., James Powder, Cane Arid. Chloode 00410. Chlorin Ether, Extrnet Rheumy, Extract I.4l3antill dd.t reed and for kale by R E 5 ELLERS, 67 Woal st \lnl.\F'hA, rust, doi,U Uhl UMW,. SO- If IJA.-11 ilecom... the virus or peecrini arum pie or all cot:meows diseases. It remove. the danger. es. eel° vi not ./Ck TOOT, he.By cleansing one, Ay it reli c ve. elect., and ieterectits all communicable 11;.,•c5, reliciner In man or noimals, item Just reed, ale by Jult ltl SELLER:3, S 7 Wood.. T the sign of the Finite and dare. 7H Wood street rt.complete Assortment of Cincinnati Corients Tool., for sale by 'role 111.111Elt A LAUFMAN \ Ai'A MAN . 'S HISTORY OF ENGLANLV-iliuT IV 1 dire edition, coutaining all the matter, verbatim rl literate. of Vol.. I and J of the London edition, em aeilishril ere% a portrait of the author—a Vols. in one. complete. &tic. A huge supply oldie above re eeived and for sato-try JOHN H MELLOR., hi dl rmod st • • DION , LATC, COCOA AND lIHONIA—iViker . Omuta, N^ Chocolate and Cocoa; also, Schmitz • weet Weed Chocolate, Ann reed and-for tale at the Pekin Tea Store, 7u Fourth at_ tavUN Ir t V levet:red Bug lust reed and for rele-e T tut bid as at retail, at the Pekin Tea &ore, M Foanhat, a. -a• F4' fiM 0 w .1 216 E •-1 r4l4,7=='; ° co eN ° F.! 1 1 fig °a n ki el hiEDICAL SALTRUIS INSENG PANACEAS T 4 O-- - E SUFFERING WITH DISEASED —The unprecedented success which kw .0r!,,1 :he u.e of the GINFP.NO PANACEA . - -- ii. een In o. forms winch irritation of the 'wigs aa• quilt, han duced We proprietor Kam to call emu, .0 0 1 1 il, thl• - . rl.e chansuble weather which marks our foB sad cm ter mouth.,„ always a fruitful source of COLDS AND COUGHS. COSUM:PTION. The question, then, how Anil we nip the destroyer to he bud' how shall we get clear of war coaglts and olds? fs of enal importance to the y bile. TUE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY mai be found to the Otnseng Panacea. In proof of has me have from time to ume published the certificates el losens of our best known citizens, who have enced its curistive powers. These, with a mass e :nt dummy from all parts of th e country.—from TIEDICAI. MEN OF THE FIRST STANDING, Ministers of the Gospel, Ac., together with copions a 4 Ices from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, .e have embodied in pamphlet form, and may ba hai gratis of any of our agents throughout be country. HUNDREDS OF BOTTLES have been toted to this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United States and Canada, and an chm enge any man to point out a SINGLE INSTANCE awhich, when taken Recording to directions, and Da re the lungs hod become fatally dlaorgazused, 4 tau rms . (Riled to ~7l>f lID:NII.~Ai JY.M iHii;i Why, then, need the &filleted hessian:a Why resort Ms the nus , rable nostrums, gotten up by ma oFalndloid. eels u ler the assumed name of some oe sbroisid phy oo lan. and puffed into notoriety by certificates el pa. sons equally unknown!! Whibrt n medicine al UNPARALLELED EFFICACY bw be had, whose vouchers are m home,—mm ate** ony—umby of whom a has iiNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed attain the reach of the poor as well the stay VII dm put the pone at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, lust one half the usual cost of cough reedteines. 'or rule by Ou :Tents in nearly every town sod village ' over the west, who me prepared to give full Inform. ton ratan ve to tl.l. SALTER, Proprietor, Broadway. Ilinetnnnli. Ohl° gl C S. P. TOtt NnErslra satteArArsiLLA—'w If doss n of Dr. Townsend'. Genuine Sarsaparilla, lust Fri: .1 and 57 for Pale by A E SELLERS, Wood et. only gent toe Pittsburgh. in+ fly U M CURRY, Agent for Allegheny city fiIeDILOPATIIIO ESTABLISIIMEarr; elltll.ll,lBLson, mural t t At.. \ It. I.IIWARD ACKER, takes this means of M- I, the rnitfe Ins thanks to Ms friends and the public for the ex:comm. patronage he bus received, Nadal in fortung them that he has lately erected a large and —ell constructed building, for the exeltuthe purposes of be WAFER CURE EbTABLISIIMEXY at ha old lee anon, at Pluilipsburgh, Pa,, on the Ohio niter, oppo site the at lauding at Beaver, where he as ready etre patients al o orders, and trent them on el 5.- --"'"Lorp' •c proimples. In addition to his long experi ence, end Inc great succem which has heretofore at ended his treatment of patients committed is has tare, he has now the additional facilities afforded by an ex tensive builutug erected expressly for the purpose, con tammg romminlious and airy rooms, and fitted op with every necessary apparatus for bathing, and ddraints tering be treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort of the (.anent. Plullipaburgh Is a most deltghtfal and heattliy moage, any of access by steamboats, and af fords fine and wholesome water. Dr. Acker assure', ar o.lhlCted permitas who may plate themselves Lin der ins care, that every attention shell be paid to their toand as un assurance of the substantial benefits to i.e derwril, he points with confidence to the hun dreds who have been permanently cured at his estab lishment The Water Cure leaves no injurious effects behind, as is too often the ease with those ebb have been treated on the old system. It removes the dis ease, in VigOratath the syttln, protects from the dangers othideut to changes of th e weather, creates a natural and active appetite, and Imparts vigor to the digenhen powers Terins of treatment and boarding reasonable. For birth , r pas et:voters inquire at die esuoilishmeut, Or address the proprietor at Phallipenurgh. burdlid EZIUMEIM:MEM - - We have been .ntormed by Mn. Raw of soma per. formed on her by Dr. Jayne's Alt•rati we, welch or , vey as superiority over every otherrenterly or the rid. Sto. 1110. been attl.tmed for the Last sixteen peon ohth NECrtIaYK, or W iiiTE SW EI,LINGt3, attended no U , ..t . r.1111111• and caul. at.on of various bones, du teg vrArh time many peeve have been dtsaharged from he :root, oone of rue eran.urn, from both her arm.. r ,, or am! and Mom both legs, and from the left tea oral tam, nod !Mm thy right knee. tooodos painful a.oerr On other ,tarts o; bdr petrol, which have baleen he \ ,iiot n dumber of the most eminent phyaiciasteet 0.1.. —during most .1 the time her autiertnes have .tre tex nod deplorable About three months ITV% Induced to try Dr..layne e Alterauve watch be .4 lied on astontstormly happy eft - eel upon her, rrmorn, pa.o and swelllngs, and canning the etets to heal, wht le at the game time her general health non become ,mmpletely reetored, so that she now ersugbit la ins more Man she did :refore the commenced. the 3i Mile truly valuable prepabon.—Meat Eve. Post. For tomer intormauon, trmume of Mrs. Mose, No. 12 FOhett at, l'hlladelphos. for .1., di Ihtte,,urgh, et the FERIE TF-d. STORE, FO , irth e.. o,.at IVrxt.i. jrs Djust reserved of Dr. T A , S n A se r , lll.l t !. L-- • 5 i d zg most extrnordsoary medicine in the world! P I. act in put op tn quart bottles. It w ing times cheaper, Curesand ,warrnined superior to any sold. It Cures Intense without vomiting, purging, sickening or debilitating the patient. Loon OCT ton IleSTATlONO—Unprincipled person. have copied our labels, and tat up medicine in the same Warted bottle. Poe that each bottle has the written mg . nature of S. P Townsend. It. E. SELLERS. DrogiaLS7 Wood street. between Third ud Tetuan is Dr. Townsend'. only wholesale land retail aerent for Pittsburgh, of whore the genuine article ran be had. D. NI. Curry hoe been appointed .the sole Agent On Allegheny city, of whom the genuine tinkle on be had. II A. r•II,MITOCIE, A. It. lidu..., PI. I. Arty It. L. Fausarroc.,}Pittsbargh. O. 1%. Fatm anw.) Wholesale Drag Store In the City of bow York. 'UNE andersitned aro extensively ensraemi in the 1. VI, balmier! Drextrualness at No. (P Jake street, in the city of New York, and are prepared to eupply Urns vets and country Merchants with Dru_aa, NUMB, Dy,,tatr, Voreirti and American Perfumery, *len •ar, kett•ter k kliudere Chemicals, (of their own em or union) anti all other articles in their line of beat of • superiot,lsalny u low he they eta be pap iharpol la this or any eastern city Near York, Fetal) 11. A. raiipmeippt Dr. Wiaiii.i&elebrated CHOLERA AND DIARRHIBI MEDICINES. THEpublic are requested to tend the following ner nis innies. Thu median. extensivelysited in ' all the Southern and Eastern cities , o ec . • We do that Dr. Lams NS map, orWork, Ps, not under In, care and in.ageme.n. on or about the ; two 01 October last, a young men laboring ¢..der a ;Berrie attack of "Asiatic Cholera.' That we exam. oleo the said patient, and found him to be in the col ' leveed note, of that dlteaae , with frequent and coplos, rice water discharges. That tee pronounced it amtie oi genuine Cholera., and declared moreover that we believed lie said patient was beyond the hope at teed ical iod. In fact we thought the patient would die, and go dccihreil at the time. We masher certify that the said Louis AViekey pm sued lug own made of treatment, and administered has Cholera Remedy, and effected a care of thepatient. We Junk in four days thereafter the said yoang man wraz at work, and perfeelly lona C. Dan., hi. D. T. ii. DVCCEICS, M. D. I certify that I visited a ease of modified Cholera un der the care. of Dr. Louis Rickey, and that I believe his medicine relieved him. Siam of Maryland. Washington County, to wit: I certify that I am welt acquainted with do gentle men who have Opted the within certificates of Dr. Lotus Wit key, and they are men of rese ability. In testlinoily whereof !hereunto pe sabseribe my L t name, and netts the seal of my office, this roar temuh day of November,. elghteett hundred and thirty-three. (I IL WILLIAM._ht , Clerk Wai.hington County Court, Maryland. I witnessed the administration of Dr. Loula-Wick et.s preparation for Cholera, in the case of an arrten tun to the plastering business iu this town (Hager.- town.) His Api a well marked ease of .A.slatte Cho le-e, with rice water evemuallons, told clammy cold totgue, small tremulous peisas.-1 et:mattered his sttuatton truly critical and alarming. I saw him pre vtoue to Dr. ‘Viekey, and was personas the &denials tntoon of the first dose ormedrein•, and saw bier re pealesily Inning the attendance of Dr. Wicker; he re covered so as to be able to nnetnl to and woes at bus trade in a few dors. 1 are 11[1.11, he WEAL none other bus I the olediente adminised by Dr. Wickey. Menu. %V, DArm. hI. O. The only true and genuine Du VrteLer. Cholich; and Diarrhea Aleduine is prepared and sold whale= sale mai 10111 , i D.MOHBAN, Ortigin tult)dern one door below Diamond alley, and at M=i:l GRATEFUL, for the very. aband encouragement 1 have received for ire man)! Year, I lavo,deter coned to enlarge ray humor's. eenederably. flaving ,gaged a competent Forties", I will be enabled to fill all orders promptly, sad do , b 4 rub' id.rour meal rule sod at fair prices, and art MO inlander% of mer. chants and Mizzens to MY ItPita staakotyptioisrE. RY GOODS and Beds, alattrammitnidatedding, Car laid Material, Damasks and Malteds, Cornices, Fria, t en, Dardermea•Tagoel, Split and Roder El Inds, and every aruete usually kept la on establishment of the kmd. Oaten ferPsoPPPl.Oolidted and itmutPßY !P -leaded to. " n. n m c n*D~u made and.pat down. ......°'. 0 , 00 , LLLS ROE ' - JJ rk / RIED APPLI3-300 bush inzra:l noir. i or file by NEUU6. • .7.: ' ITICIIIDTTAN BLIND& ;. THE greatest and best 'grimy emtroffeted Mate wit LI before—made on the mom approtiedEintemplatta.. tad most thatuonable EMI= pausrms and eateira Abe ft rilE CHEAP ROLL, or BOSION BLIND, oa haul ir made to order of all alses, and at WINING. Oonntry Merchants and others are invited to oallaal examine the above for themselves, ad al/ will be geld i' s . - wholemlo or rebut, and a liberal dada:than each le wholesale purchasers. coldly A WE/MR/MEL, Notlee C. als PubtAte. VIVE hereby notify our &Mode and comet:oda I yy at home and abroad, that we will no imam ncmcirstardramt, receive fringht from any fag Fa which J. Newton Issas is germ i:: apLl RHODES k. ALCORN. '. •Y ' War • . l TORN KELLY & CO., tmicessaers to Hebb, Vilna A ti broom & Ca, lam Harchant No. 10 : i CHESTNUT Street, above'PEW, beg .., Move to Inform their hiesida Ti nn patrons that tbs bises received the Latest BPZING AND 8 FASHIONS, with a lar meertmem of Nem Stylh ....': GOODS; earnpriain; Clo the,Ciminero,. Vestirtge, ea. :!.. of every descriptton—all o whialt area( their own Ws- oormuon, hammy bean carefully selected in Parish, LOndon, ins. 1 _ to- nuangers Maiden Philadelphia, am reapectfati .i , Iy invited to call and examine Men omemive Omsk. .n: mehdtbilos LNHL& RUBBER PASTE—Just recoil 11 grope _.., bottles of Rubber Paste, a superior onto wear "...f portant to persons that with to kocp Stab eat It prevents/1m leather from cracking, and will adc. a polls!, over it. For sale at the Indus Robber No 6 Wood meet. malt Ja H Plifl, ; 1 , -- - GOLDI GOLD!' 00/14,117 THEsubscriber, wholesale toannfacturer or JEW ELRY, snvitea wholesolo dealer. and roams xe sing South and West—also, country store keepers ta call and examine his stock of Jewelry, which wth be sold at tho loweat micas for cash or approved weep. .-"!• Lances. Constantly on hand and mannfacnning, • large assortment minable for city or conn a =re. corner corner of Fourth and Branch eta up stairs, t . apilactinn Paper glohistragus HAVING purchased at three of the largest Paolo. ries in the East, (New York, Philadelphia heti Bob onore,) a large iuusrunept of the newest undßstout improved styles of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, 6e., had made arrangements by which I watts eon. ij bled to preteen all now Patterns, simultaneous tight their appearance in the RaAern market, I would in- ;„ sae the attention of those desiring to have their houses rt papered with the latest styles of paper, to call and 7. examine my stock, hefore purchasing elsewhere. have now on the way trout the East, 20,410 pieces of Gold, Satin Glazed, and common Paper Hangings, which . tall sell at prices ranging Gum eta to Pr plece. mchth S L HILL. 87 wood Bacon Smoking. EL A h V ou ltG ., cas: , e a o: p . 0 1 e w tedge Leta tug o stooks and smoke it us the most merefoutrable manner. neap The houses ore fated with all the modem improve. :d amnia and are capable of containing .101,000 Iti. seek. KIER h.PONEkti•Canal Basic, ai near.Saventb I. FuNITNITTAPER—Hiimg th e exelaslve nanny for the sale of t h e Mill Grove Printing Paper ~ (S. li. & C P. Markle, Proprietors,) we wilt be cipsuuttly suppiied with all the iliderent sues of superior gulag, throb we offer at the lowest regular prices. RBI NOLDS & SHIM febbi_ corner Penn and Irwinna — DOQ,TIESNE WOBJECHt. • OLEMAN, HALLMAN & CU. pontinneln men. re factu Sandi iron Spring and Am. Blister Poogh,Pork and Hoe Steel, Rived., Spikes and Wren It iron Nuts, all sm., together with Coach and Elipt• Sanngs, hif Pat, Taper and common Axles. aiming reduced the price of Wrought Iron Nam, engine hudden and others using the eructs, will Ond it to their interest to give this new branch of Pittahnigh manufactures their attention. coach trimming- -Id mineable ant. —Linable iron on liberal terms. 0 Warehouse on IN nor and Fourth ma febla:Sef SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, ppp G :`•-• C H•NOE BUILDiIf 3, ST. CLAIM STREET, PITTSBRECint NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And is now receiving a fine moment of CLOTHS, CASBIIIBBEB AND 118T11183, 4 OF THE BI:ST QUALITY AND LATaiT fiTY74:I, Winch he is prepared to make to ordo IN THE BEST MANNER And in the latent Faehlons. mnrlo Howl Quarters for Dooto mill Corner of Fourth and amidst:eh! streets, Prrrinman, Pa. T. eco sgee rel !Soot sad Shoe ltmene..ed P an oe holesale and retail, would rerpeetfullyM Mat. the 6/LCUIIOO of their friends and the puha! 11447. in their splendid new stock, curuitting of =mg woman', boys', misses' and children* wear Of every ; variety, sonahlo for the season, and at prlees to suit . 4 the dams. A splendid ankle of home tirade work, q: • such se gentlemen's fine Roots, ladies, misses and etuldrens fine work. Please call and ecartilho tor C; yourselvea TROTH & . corner 4th and Smithfield am N. R.—Traveling Tanks, Carpet Bags, &a &C., al. ways on hand end low for cash . . Comtry merehmts would find it to their intMesS to b grre as a eel when visaing the dry. m ble •-• LOGAN, WILSON di CO, IMPORTERS Wholesale Dealers in Foreign mil Dbmestie Hardware, Outcry, Saddlery, &sr, IS% a Wood street, Pittsburgh, are,now Pally imposed sal* a recently turponed stock of. Hardware, Cutlery, sat. L. dlery, Harpeuterf Tools, &e, offer tr...syyrorat ducements to Western Merchmta, 1.11 addition to the mmy advantages had by our predecessors, Mew. Logan & Keenedy , we have greatly increased our female*, and pardoner, all our goads from Ira hands on the very but terms. 5 The junior members of t h e arm devout their whale =, attenuort a saes„ and feeling confident aiming stn 3 isthmian, respectfully lolled a call from dl who may s, chill this market. mr.h.o cq:j - Ito:iurlPF . . HE undersigned tams 637 sale a superior vitals T Li of bock for beiking, made by his Blunt Pleas, improvod macre, (or which he has okedned,• ;eV to 's mud agrees e purchasers a written granuster they are stronger, and will moidet frost and wet. walk- .1 et and imbibe less Moisten or darmanom than any Mi or brook, posemising greater body ands superior texture and ,oathi more durable in every reapecti each brink being subjected to a presses of several tons, and . poir se • handsome smooth surface and even edge": they make a front meal to the best ftentbrick. They have given the greatest satlsfeetion to all who 1. have purchased. A kiln con be men iMmy Work% and specimen at the Gazette office. to Thom having rte plied themselves tor iheithltat= wiM In ing handsome to briek,lot Rimier F and solid paving brick, can obtain Mena. 110.413 GMEOGI 'l'' . ., Itlrminghlun,/rme 180. lt a WOOL—The hi anima. In eas& pad wain WO , &Career grafts of clean mute' wool, by , my2l' H 1..k.T., Liberty 41 oallsmitr alk k. I 10PARTNIIRSHiP-1 hava thy.. day Aubsociabod ',.! VV with me in the wholesale Grocery, "'dace sag C , omxabbubb Itasibbo,Mr. jabn matte, indlertlte bib "" of JOHN WAIT & CO. JOHN WATT. ;-':.: Pittsbargh, April MI, 1849. ; giii.pir of Quinine. Oxide of '& 1 , Loaf .Acid, 1A 7,, rate et lam, Hi Carbonate of Mask. Yaltriva of v. St.Ver, Calomel, Zodiac. of Lead, Chlelnde of Soda sod ',, Chborie Etner, on nand and for labs bt jyd . 4,IEIDD A CO. „; PITTSBURGH, GAZETTE, e ÜBLISItaI DAILY,TRI-waggLy & wErAu x ..f. ',- ~,,,,,,G4s,cuEsildisterAdst., Iwo the Pas 9p.5.• tr• , a .rrsoi ov &BYRE/Tiffin°. Ono insertion'of 12 1 littei . , of lesa, .... ......J0 30 ( Two insertions withoutalterationa, eeee 0 7h .''. One 'r ......... 1 lElj One Week ~ „ ........ lao 44 _, Two Week, w w ....4 .. .. I 60 >t_ throe" . ..... 3 00 ~.... One Mouth, di 4 00 Two w .. Three t? Longerrdwertiseroents le ono . eii . **** * ***** ***** * / 2 ** 61:. 1- ~O no tquarefo months , without ulteratton,... 1 w " • " 121 " " " .••• 1 . 13 k- Each additional square for 6 m0nth5,...... IV 00 ? .. 4 ~ il di ..•••• 10 00 , Orie square s 6 aloatlea,resewable at pleasUca, 14.(10.,:.' 12; "`" " " " 50.00 Each additionalsqtatre for 12 months..•••ss• 1000 x. Two lagoon.; 6 months, rewahle at plea:we, 30 00 6 Each additional square, 6 months, 8 002: . Wllltla ow wai-w II DA/IT IMIIIIII.A One square. 9 insertion. ......... .•••ei.../1 60Ik " " each additional lel:aril= ..... ..... 3ilii 10.1111111 Ching, 6 00q ... 6 Five lines or lens, one year. " " " months, 7miea, dilly Ar. weekii:.lo Otra " six months " . 011;`, AZIIIIIIIIOOIII3II El Irma? was. . For 12 lines, or leu, Owe insertion, w Two, " 0 TAW w Throw, " ixr I%z maw, •Pk ' '