ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CAB.DS. T. R. Salsa • • •• • • BMILP STEELIIETT, riltabuoßNgys AND COUNSELLORS AC LAW, F ou , t h Detwecn SEMI/Acid .4 Grant, rgb, Ps. JuIS JOUR IL LAZO. WY. C. LARGE & FRISNII3. ITORNEYS AT LAW, Feu Ala 'tract. neir Gram. iatitrf giaa - TaniolTSfireannia 10. tr.l Market aural d7B a. 1 •Catiata.ll3. MOM inpliStiFIELD & -LEADER, Vholesate dealers in .Ulll DriAGmts Grocenv‘ ts. Shoes, rlitsburge saamiadtured ti . SRO I.Abertx street, Manna Is intaarr, iterral. )3 3 RAUI.I it HEITML a Waal mil Retail Wag tattier of Liberty an Ss. Clan atm:ts, El4tu!.. &CROZET., C .nd Donlon in Produce, B . . . . . . EO% I i bin/MATSON, Wholesale Grocers, and C a amtlsnoc Merthuns, No. 145, Liberty st., Pinibursh Pa - d0211y.: BA 1 AkiNZISTOCK & Co, Wholesale in . d KO- . ow .Droggists, corner Wood nnd Guk as. al 11:7 — kiALITS — A Mar H, Wholesale Grocers; 18 and 2/ WeAdstreOt PiUsburgh. -.! I iA. ItIeANULTY R. Co., Forwarding — al CiTak La mission Merchants, Canal Homo, PittsbUrgh Pa. ihurdensaa 1411 at/sale, Steel an Iron arks. COLEMAN,"HAILMAN Zs Co, manntserurcre of Coata and Diptie Springs, Hammered Axles, and Plana Steel, Iron, An. Ware Souse on VaPe t ; and FTOut stnelly Pittsburgh. Also, dealing IN, Coach Trimmings and Malleable Gunn • new . HADDLE WORKS ON LIBERTY ST., OPPOSITE THE HEAD OP WD,TPSISLIROB. EDMUND W IL D IN S, CONTINUES to notunfacture Monuments, ; Burial Vaults, Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel Pieces, Cen• Oa and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic maple, al regular and tan price. Ma—Drawings for morsuneata, vaults, Eceismisti ad, of. naiy description. He sonata a abate SI Naha anks-da 'psv w*. ki17014 . 871 & BENNETT, Ilya Co.) Wholesale Grocers, COMIMI3IOO and 'or winding Merchants.' and dealers in Produce awl Pluo. bisgh Momotactores, No. :17 Wood sh, between &I and ad meets. octl HOME LEAGUE FACTO/LT.3 HASIILION STEWART, trautafac barer of : Heavy ' Shirtiest, Cheeks, &a., Rebecca street:city at yiesheny. novts.4ly• ELLEE, tsuotersor to blerphy & Lee,) Wool Deal• er arid Commission biereham, for the sate of Ahaelean Woolens, Liberty, opposite sth st. fella] 11/7/. usat.a, Rattle:tom A. J. 1113.1031, =arms° 11.1. D, p hili .4.. 11==ltki,NOft,T w obaeco Coutraisshia bier. eilaritS, 4.1. North Water .t , & it North Wharves, Pal. noo.lo-tf 4a. a WADI. wx. r. tuxes. IJAILDY, JONES Co., (snecessors to ictwood, AL Jones do Co.) Commission nod Forwasding Mer., eJtants,,doolersis Pattsburgh Manufnetured , Ooods,. Pittstnalb, Pa. =62 7 Jno.uut =lSt & Co, Wholesale Grocers, , Com mission hlertatteres, and dealers to Praduce,plos.6o car, and tO7 Pinot streets. Pittsburgh. nosy H. GAINFLELLI, (late of Warren, Ohio,) Commie elan end Forwaraing hlirrchant, and wholesale ex in Western Reserve Cheese, Bauer, Put nod Pearl Ash, and Western Produce generally, .Water met, between dmithlield and Wood, Pittsburgh. isp3 EaRN wArr, ( successor to Ewan & Obbart4 Wholesale Grocer and Comm-won Metals*, r to Produce and Pittsburgh Mumtaz:axes ' rob. ear of Liberty and bland meets, l'iustitugh Pa. lalM ididES 8 Mat . ; ULRE,Alatte of the firm of &Igen and V rdeGairej Merchant Tenor, St. Charles Bm/dinge, land street, neer Woal_Plusburgh. 1 &AIM RUTCII.IBUN, & to V Lewis iimettison & Co, Commission Merchants, and Agents M . the tit. Loots Steam *agar liehnery. fie. 43 water sada% Trent streets, Pittsburgh. • hml 1 8. DILWORTH tc Co., w omen.. Grocers, Pro. Uduce and Comminaion Mcrchunis, Agent* fot . the Hazard Powder Co. of N. Y., No. .21 Wood at, Pittsburgh. ias sO/01 LI. MUMMA, Wool/mute straggles, arid dealt ex an Dye Suds, Paints, Oda. Varnishes, &a, N 0.73 Wood sin-shone door South of Ilsonsoodleg, num: 'AMES K.E.R. Jr., & (successor to Joseph G. Th.thcl eaup Chandlers, arfliCit street. reJt• OSIN Itlia,LOS, Wholesale and Itetailaerder . U in Mate and instruments, School loo Slyer, Sltes, Steel rens, goals, ?rimers' Cards, and' Stationary generally,No. di Wood si n l'utsho*. 87 . Rags bought or token in Trade. JSCHUONALLSER R Co, IN'holasaln Draggisnii , • No. gi Wood Wee., nusborgh. JOII.N D. DAVIS, Auruar.rsr, corner ath susa estut-,. streets, Pittsburgh. ; eon jOHNSTON fr. STOCKTON, Booksellers, preaiiii ami Paper illnaufurtarers, No. 44 glifrket Plus.' berth. ira Jens nom RICHARD. V:1011, J i - Jonas.—__. J. & K. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Lobrioisston J iderenards, and Dealers in Produce ' ''ltomd Clurrela truddlogs, frown:kg or, Merv, God and Sib Knew, riosbargty Pa. * 0 • TAMI 23 DALZELL, Wholesale Grocer, Cemmismon Medoza, and dealer in Produce and Paksburgh. Marcatadarcer.- Nati Waxer se., Pittsburg*. tartl6 &IE2 a JONES, Forwarding and Cominiuloon 7,14- • einem, Dealers in Produce and Piurburgh =curb, rod amides, Canal Main, near 7th sL 421 Pir.l9/11 AMA Pl/I'AB li/ttaki, PA. jiENNEDY, CIIILLYS CO, Manufacturers of very • in:penal 4-4 Sheenngs, Carpet Ulan, Cotton Imsw and Batting. Vesuvius Iron Works. LEWIS, DeI.ZELL & Co., martufacurren of all ti y sus Eau, Sheet, Boiler Irontuld Nang of tho best laSulity. Warehouse, 54 water and 114 trout at., I=l9 L4B WANEII.SI.IiI , I, Wooissate tiroecr, kiii;sosd tog and Commission sieschasit, Dean, l'ats -8,8 Moanflactives and Produce, Nos. WIMI" Fr 011147 . IMAM. 1[221717. DT , JL . , KENNEDY & SAWYER, IYOOKING GLASS ilinnufactionni, and Wholes* dealer. in foreign and domestic Variety Goo , * osieso merchants, Pedlars and others are :Ratted to call and eililninn the prices and quality of oaf sunk, a* with onr present Increased facilities m runnufactur e. purelisiong, we think ere can oiler sAr great nticcenents to buyers as any other house wee, Of she Painuttins. UottY ebnac.. C. W. ittell73ol, naiburg iLLA.:II Ss RACKETSON, VV nolesaleliroefrs, and AR, insporrers of Brandies, Wtoes and E•egars, Not. 17* and 174, corner of Liberty and lrwrn meetly ruu• Pa_ 1011111 D. 21'6,1, wLLTIa r. tai VWILLS &ROE, Wholesale Grocers sad cSossons don Merchants, No. 104 Laberry a, Patpargh. 114 ' trEPIIY, WILSON & CO, (late Jones, hlorphy & I Co.). m ) Wholeanin Dealer. Dry Goods, 4No. 49 WO hoot, Pittsburgh. aora •'. X. atish, atstr. xxxica, moat. a- wham /111 AI.A.MI &Co ~ COllMlllifiCal and Forwarding Merchants, Warm and Front SUL, 99119909 9 , nod and Marker at.. _ _ , Th roan ono AliniantioPsdn 'ba A . a "" .'" corner l4 of Pool Office &Id) and FOuraistrognotutrueo on 4th near klalket dertknt. ; WIJOI.CPA de BON, No. 55 Market ot., Aneond a door from ear= of Focath, dealers to to reign and Domestio Bills of Exchange, Cerunesueo of:Depoo 14 Bank Nalco and Boccie. tar Collections mad on all the proneilord cluei toonetout the United Snows. deel7 I Af J3VC,MasTEB, Feetesk at thud door %bine Smithfield, sante aide. • - I . kkitietTeneing et en kinds done multi the treated, 141tertelg i sd 'c ELOM edi DR. 17*COUGISL noGOOK. Tonnte strut, near ore.; u the room , i rtely occupied by it Ile imigedinie e may beimind at night • In NO. 71,Se Charles lintel /Lastest., Dl. D., BURlikrifi, will attend to thlo treat- Meuse( Diseases of the nye. ( Ir.& be. been engaged in mi. branch o( the tnedi eel profession (or sixteen years, and haul condUcied establialubant for the treatment of diseases orshi, eye alone for sense years. Unties and residence, corner of Sandusky at alai , Strawbeiry A ll egheny city. :.soctlll I'aPIGALLIg - Ili near Wood—All "quaraines of Gram and Sleek Teas, done op inquarter. dud sue potion peekage% , - ranging -frost dO eta. - pd pound Jy4 - A. JAI-NSA Act. for Pekin Tie CO. • brohltAlg - Idlltnitl, witioicsale (Jeerer, liAtifylng • Allisiliadller, dealer toProduce, Pittsburgh Illautillic. tares,. _and,ALl kinds of Foreign and Wines mad Ltquars, No.ll Lilieny street. 0. hoed. a very , Jorge Kea Of turior old hlionengabela Aldskey, 1 .- Yrbseb will be sold low for cash. aplOgy 11011.0313.7501, wren 1621.60711. EIryjoBENSON Wholesale Ciroceri, Prodttee tad Commisalmaterehunt, and Dealcrsiu Pint. lituatierwes, No..LBU Liberty st., ritisborg6. ju.lo tt • • T DALZ.ELL & Co, Wholesale Grocery, Cexamiiiloa Forwardmg Zderchasaa, dealers -deed tad Pihabargh lilandaeleues, Libetty _46.4 . kotnST. 6. CUNNINCiti6 SI ., Wholesale :Grum Pager In Product and Pittsburgh Matitastures, .144.L.1bert7 N • • • • ud ' E=4 Mumbunts, to al eilhheng ruler Tr a de Uhl:L. eri - Produce. Pittsburgh binurlfseturhi lind Chloride of !Jaw,. - • - : . Thatillthedime.% in cull, paid asp times 6, coin. no. Cotner of Penn tuna trwin -..L O. faMC ILETZ Tu .. i Inum CCX4r: £ mum. Vaoar D L Odors l . 4i r eawl Domestic Dr a c .d, N o .po . Wood.t q Frti --, 7 1 J0i1, Woo m e i6iiiiiZ9kilui In flout and Produce gene-tally...A Inman:ll4 saf - coiniaink. Merchants, NO- G;) Water ft., Pitts MITH, BAGALEY & Co., ‘VholeEnlo c m . ! -* .;„. - ;, - ,, • BProduce deniers, N..e.M Marker inrcet,b,.4 e ,... 4 th std etbailorth..idetPlitlee.. _ , ~.v e, i1f7.1- ImiLitnott.: innii - Mbiids,ii4m;,.... SE4L,IHK., b' roc..s, Produce and could C.,. = mon htereilllll6, NO. 17 Lborty at., Pittsborgh. Doer* 'Atwood and Lard Oils :'. VON SUNNI-10.1tiT, & Co., Wholoinle QI. eery Forwardiug_ and COOLOUSWIM M,E,eb,gay, 111 Pittsboro Itlannfactures and Western Pro. IPS.. rEMOTO4 10 their new arareltoose,(did stud) M. cornet of Front it. and Chancery Lank S. 7, SOM. roam & SCOrf Wboleeato .4 Retail dtaters to -SWAN Shoes, Trunks, Carpet ling. S, SV; o .me et 41b land Smithfield.?l,itoburgli, Ra -I.tCeinads. sacra Merchants, and dealers in Produec N. 33 mi., Pittsburgh. pnZ Fft M. MiltNELYEtrA — Wit -10 ;fleeces. e Rectifying Distillers, and Wine sent Lida% escheat. Also, Imperial, of Soda lush and Bleach t, 110.160 Liberty street, PM... 1N Pl.- al soic •:. • . • ' .t . . .., . . . . . 5... .. • • : . . . .„. . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . -..... ~ . . . •;,. . ~. .. ! .. i • . _ , . . , , i. . • . , - - , • ::, , i '• - . ~ : .. • ..:':".••• .. . NB .. ..,. , . . • , ..-', 1:-.• .„....y..,.. • AZ ~. ~ _. a c.• ~ ... , . „ ~ • :":0 1'44 ~..- ~ I ,_, , :,.. ''-,' '.' ...-', . .'.l . ~ • • • • ' T . ' ' ,,, ..!'i1,.vi -,, i;. ,, ii4'i.....,. • !...: ...;..„ ,t, CARDS. 13 WWI, • DAVID %MASI Ur WIC k SPCk NDLESS, (successors to L. & L D yy Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Columtsatou Merchants. Orders in Iron, Nails, Gllll. Lo-to, Yams, and Pittabia..%h Manufactures generally, roesw• 11. and and 11 athr . treets, putsbargh R WAI.I..ACE- fill oiTe and Milt Faulk,- TT . tag establislanenti e No 244 Liberty ms, near the canal NV.d Military Good , creeds, Pittab l'a A 1 17C12. ". 11.17 , i'e/Or • narefelly repaired dec2 1 - )ErEsr unwEN--Colltraisszon and Forwargin,g TT Merchant, No. 00 Font at. between Rood and %larked Erects. feh3l WMCDPIII mod , Wy - toieuse and Retail dealer to • Foreign Dodlgrue Dry (toads, north east corner of Market and Fuacth w. atyt•7 WO sorsa, . oto arc,. WM YOUNG A Co--Dealers in leather bides. fret. 141 ',berry N. 4 r eally wst aorr et- saws -IA 7 &R. sl , Cl.7ctiritiN Wltniesale Grwers, dea l/ V . Inn fn Produce, I,lon (sews, and Pitts burgh 111annfeetures generally. 12.2 Liberty at, Pitt. burgh dr,/ WW WILSON, Litjaer Wocbc , .. Jewelry TV Silver Wure,litAry Goodt, &c.. O. S Mar _ wk. YOI NO C 0. ,& DEALFRS IN HIDE—SAND LEATHER, Morocco, Shoe Findlns..&c.. No 143 /./tivrty street, have Jou receive.] their SPIIHN44 STOCK of gooas, coin prwint u law, witortniciqw nricies in .thrtt line. to which the notation of pure:haw. t. my sled. nicht& & CO" AM BOAT At. ENTS (Hivicfi &nova M. Co, ocoll .t Nn. 42 Watt, town INSURANCE. FIR& AND 111LARlarE INSURANCE. Tlll. INSURANCE CD, of Norm Ames., will make perrannsut and limited Insurance on pro. perry In this city and vicinity, and • n hymen s .by Canal, giver., Lakes, and' by igen Tar pro,reruen or this Company are well invented, and furnish an avail able fund for the ample ratemnity of all persons wile desire to be arraign ed by innaranee. myth WAL P. JONES, Agent. 44 Wales P: The Fnraldin Pus Inntheettc Co. of Philadelphia. DIRECTORS.—CharIes N Henske, Thomas Hart. Tobias Wagner. riazulard (rant J . greoi. K. Smith. Geo. W Richards, Mordetai D. Lewis. Adolph., L. Moue, David S. Drown, Morns Putter... Cur. .up N. BA3ccv-a, Prelude. Charles ii. 'Mocker, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limitef on every description of property in town or country, at rates as low as are cousistent with security. To Company have reserved a /Arge coact:sent Fund. which with their Capital runt Premiums, safely mere, erl, afford ample protection to the ensured. The morels of the company, on January Ist, 1849. ns published agreeably to tureen of Assembly, were es fralowww.. rtgnFa 51,617,438 41 Heel 94.,714 e 3 Temporary Loans 06,180 s 5 Stones . 11,513 80 Cash, &c. • 3 7 4-04 37 61,3'..,41/1 71 Since their incorporation, a period of 1p years, they have paid upwards of oue tinnier. four hundred thous and dolbus, losses by fite,llereby affording evidence (the adv.iteges orinsorance, a, Well an rise ahuny and thepoeution m meet Iva promptness nil hubititiess • - " " ' J. GAMS ER tOFFIN, Agent, marl-dly Office N E corner Wood and ml ne 6it.L7.IC.N,VMUCBIIII'II.A..i. INS IrliAN Cfi, CO. .1) A. MADEIRA, Agentat Pittsburgh for the Dela . warn Mutual Safety Insurance Comptuzy of l'h tal elphia. Fire Bilks uponhuildnie and merchandise of every description, and Alarine Risks upon bull. in cargoes of vessels, token ;upon the most favorable terms. IrrOfEce to the Warring:be of W. B. Holmes A. Bro., N 0.37 Water, near Slarketatreet, Pittsburgh. N. 11.—The success of thii Company some the eriab lisliment of the Agency id, this my, with the prompt ness and liberality with which every claim upon them for loss has beenadjustect , fully warrant the mtent in .4: inviting the confidence atrontqc of has friends and the community at large udy the Delaware N. S. Loss ranee Company, while tt bas the additional advantages as tin institution sarong titalnost I.lmtrtstoog o 11.1..1' phia—as liamig an ample 'rid-to eapital. which by the operates of Its charier igj constantly increasmg, as yielding to each person uttered toe due Mare m the profits of the company, wiliniut evolving turn in any responsibility whenever, iuJil thereiore Ns possessing the Mutual prinmple of every °Maximo , fea ture, and to tia most ottrztepe torn, nest SIRE AND RAMO E. INS URA NC E. ri , HE Laurance Corapaatuf North Amen., .rough A . to duly authorized Afrivoz, the subs riucr, odera to mate permanent and lintitatt initt,ance on property, in Ruawry iStd rzeinuy, on atupmetus by the Ca oal and Rivera. • - - DIRECTORS. Arthur G Collfm, Closelen Taylor, Smo'l W. Jones, „ Ambrose %Vann, &wont Smith , Jacob M. Thom., John A. Brown, Joan R. Sea, John White, ' itichonl D. \Vood, Thomas F. Cope, Wm W L ,b., Samuel F. Snob, Frunto• llookeou, Samuel Drool., S. Au-nu Allthotte, .AllTiltiß U. COFFIN, Pteet. . . aIaRT D. SHlEntr3.o, Seel. This is the oldest Insurarite Company to the United States., hawing been chartered in 1704. I. Minims is perpetual, and from its high standing. long crpentume, Cling Mt rusks of en Col.rll = a s m eltaract:r d , rum ' y be 'considered as offering am plc security to the pubbe. W. P. JONnSt At the Comung Room of:Atwood, Jones to Co.. We for and Frbitt streets Pinenfirch meth_ rit'Lln SUL:scull:inn not Teen appoln . th agent pro j mm. vane Insurance °Tiian) of North Anima a. and will issue Policies alai ffuend to the other bI.I.IICtS of the Agency, at the wartime, of Atwood. Jones. Co. apt"! WA! I' JON Es, water ii FORWARDING & COMMISSION, DASENIIONVAIrrai. ` TUBACCU 001131100 A ILE liCilAll I' 8, No. 59 2..111 NVllarec.., EGS to inform the .Icl dealer% generally,B of Ptuoburgh. that they uaye made poet, urrongrou sus wan the Virginia mum:indium,. and the Brower. of the West, %%est aniluiner places, as will unsure a large and constant pplo of the tollowing descrip tions of Tobacco, which win lie sold upon az carom mantling tr rms as any otitm house in this city or else where, and all goods orrieitirl from them will be war ranted equal to representatlign Ilavanai Dormogoi Conn.; -) Siang Farm Paco; L. Peon's.; :-.Seed Leaf to- Iguisti; blondes, bane.: Al .I.o—Branett's celehriWid Arontsue Suig Caven dish, with a large assortuseut of other popular brands, and qualities of pounds, bs i .bis s l.l., 16. and Va. Lump, be, o,Bs and On Plug - , Ladbare Twin, Virginia he., uteri and plain, in vollole and ualf Loxes. wood and tin, together with ever sanely oC article limning ing to the irmie.pal bus y' JOLIN A..;911A NV, PACKER OF PU4I: AND DF:EF, Commission Merchant and forwarder, o== ED- Particular attentloll i ,paid to the pUrclossiing of of any article of Produce fa this murk,. Alto to She folorardtag of Goods generit&y. Kolar to Meson.. John lateuaeysk Co, " Martin& ttle.lvrell/Ctoctiotati, 0. B. C. Parkhurst, Esq. lotpputcou & Co. '. Kier Jones, }PUtsburgh. Pa. Eng&eh h Bennett , inortildfon rEI=Z:I=DM:I Contralselon and Porivardlng Merchant NO. 03 WOOD rt., nerves con, CONTINIMM to transact is general Commission blan netts, especially in the purchase and ale of Ameri can Manufactures and PrOduce, and or receiving and forwarding (lads easignitto hi . can. As Agent for the Alaulacturea, be will be constantly supplied with the pnecipal articles of Pittsburgh Alanufamore at die lowest wholesale prices. 'Orders and consignments are retgieethilly solicitmL 1117 In. .2. F. ?MEWGEO. a. MAINE., YEATZIAIII, I'II_TTAIAN dr. co., FORIVAIIDINU at aIaiBUSSIIM MERCIDINTS, No. 155 Sec And Ftraet 102.12:721000. ST. LIRAS, MO. 4.2 PAMEA,SNOVEIS, trAI--.50 do. Spadv. and Sho O yak.; Oda Marline Yorks; 20 do Grain Shovel., 20 do Socket do; Al., llatahets, Ma. 00246 and Pm le, b ac y llolV4 V an ' 4 , 7l a.'‘" ,, , a PITISBURGTI ST EL ,IWURKS AND SPRING AND A.XI.WPACTORI. mu. lONI3, JONES E. QIIIGO, - - Ifi/ANUFACTURERS alt spring and blialer steel, Axi plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and only tic eprutys ‘ hasurneted noir .3.lcs, and deniers tn anal leablle. casting., fire <net...lamps, and coven trimmings gerierullY, comer e .a. end Front sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. JEW/ ' ILoverallble Ifs tertog Coe_ FUR PURIFYING W ATtE, i . Which renders turbid water pure by ,frrilA` :arc r. i'r flt i fi l c7o b to '.' n water in ' r T. ) ,_), _although dear and pure to the eye, yet 5t..••,:,, I - when it passes an hour through Bar ‘,7 so altering cock, shows s large deposit impana albianacary ...num, &a. 'ran is the case more or leas with a/I hydrant Water. The Revertible Pilterer is neat and alembic, and Is not attended with the incenververice Incident to other Ptherers, as it a clammed without being detnehed Iron the water pipe by merely,Lamb* the key or Wolf. from One Ode o the other.; By this easy process, the coarse of water is changed, and all secumelatlons In impure gabes are driven off almost inelandy. without unscrewing the Filter. It also possesses td .advanuee of being estop e oak, and sur such In many cases writ be very convcafent and ocanorolcaL Bean be attached where/there is any pressure high or low to s cart, tank, tinliiic. wait case. To be liar of the sole &gent,o• IN, W. %NILSON, octl7 comerfif Pourth and Market stn tiff Sail.,..—ti. ttand•eitainitii,:;sW...7. 1;7 . k 7a . or.tarwhomes, bull at Philudelphla by 0 celebre• te milantlacturet. This darnage i. 'to every teepee, a lino rote article, made with ail the modern improve ment., lined wan bine elOth and finished see widen.. anner. It is entirely new, and told for Want 01.0. m .- fingnire of It LEX A NDY:Ii & bal. myat 75 Market 51, ICNV corner or the litannond TO COTTON AND kVICOLEN 31A.NUFACTV ILEIRS..—liaving castle artuneement. fo r a coo. meet supply of FACTORY PINDINIis, we will s-li so low prices Calf and Rftisp Rater : , kin.. Lace Les ther, pl a ters, Reeds, &tattles, Hemp Twat., Treadle.. No. Yto IS Belt PuncheoYrencbes, Stepping Cards, ' late 15 in; Peeve Brewer Brasile.,' Lire•st. • &g' 6.e. LOIIA4N, IVILSON & CO., _ turd , aBl Wno street, Finsbergh EIENKETT ;IS BROTHER, fameNsiveße baANUFACTURERS, 81, a ghtinet,tintiFr Plttibanintx,ll.... liVsbtk ou ,,,,, No.:171,liood street, l'iltelturg A. VITA. et:MS=o:44ov on hand *pod anort te moot at Warei Or. ar own manufacture, and nel"e rtorqualuy. . tiolesale and country Met, are teepee ly maned to cult and ex amine for thenuteives, W. an determined to nob cheaper thanhatever begin been offered to the Wi no. tEr Orden lent by tnatt,eccompanied by the with OT oIV referarme.l.lll he prympay •atleaded tn. tepid `ALP SILIN I3,-- 4 0— doujte7mine Pretielc Chi f iiiiini, i verf fine uncle . 'At to dozens Philadelohla :Ira' ` from 11 1:nr - 01=7 ,:,...v . r . .ilt .. ,,,rzTM.T, received and for a:To by . yr ' 7ollnfie Co, jet 7 . 7143 away a . LAW OFFICES. R. B. CARNAHAN, ATTORNEY Ar LAW. Offace on Founh lornet, between Cherry alley and Grunt sr. nol:Ily WM. TIMBLIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bother, Pa WILL also anend to collecuons and all other bus, VV nes, entrusted to lionin Butler and Armstroits counties, Pa. Relay to / Ic R. Floyd. Liberty W. W Wallace. do James Mar.hivi to 1 Pittsburgh.. 7 Jip _ Co., Wood in. I i. JSWEITZF.R. Attorney at Law, oilier lIJ opposite St. Charles Hotel. Pittsburgh, veil nitn attend promptly to Collections, to Washington, Fayette and Green counties, Pa. Blackstock, Dell & Cn., Church & Carothers, I.Pmsburgh. D 7'. Morgan ,ect3dly EJ. HENRY, Attorney and Couneellor at Law. . Cincinnati. Obio. Colicetions m Southern Oldo. and in Indiana, and in Kentock y, promptly and care fully attended to. Commismotier tar the Suite of Penn sylvania, Inc taking Depewmods, acknowledgments, &v. An. R rs. co—lion. Wrn.lkil it Son, Crues, Church h. Carothers, Wet. Hay, Foy., 11 clock k Unvu. se .3 IX. TX,11.,P, _ 1. TIL . .?,LOP h. SEWELL, attorney mLaw. Offices on Smlthfield, between hl and 4th sts. JOHN T• COCHWAN, - A TTORNEN" AT LAW. Fourth Suet, hen:seen Southfield and Grunt. jat2.,nim ur 0 IL ROBINSON, Attorney..., Law, hos y utousel his office to the Eseltunur litultintss.SL Clew M.. asst door to Alden:ono Johns. upt7ly BATS, CAPS AND BONNETS svcon_o s Co, (threcesomot to breord & King) set , V••hionable Llatter's, , Corner of Wood and Ftii4 Streets. PARTICULAR attention paid to oar Bolan Trade. Gendemen eau rely apou getting their Hats and Caps from oar establishment of the ant stimu.ism and V709.1/1"OillI2, of the 1,411= MISS, and el the LOWLe! MOM Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully invited to call and examme our Stock. as we can say with confidence that as regards Occurs and rates, it will not suffer in a comparison with nay house to Ptaladelplua. CALIFORNIA' doe water proof Dalrfortila Hats, just received and for sale by NIT , /RD & Co, corner 6th and Wood cu ni SPRING FASHIONS FOR 1840. M'CORD a. Co. will introduce on Satu, 11.1111,day, 'larch the Spring style of Those to want ont neat and superior hat, are ineite to call at corner of sth and Wood streets. mart SPRINC BONNET RIBBONS, ez.c.—W R Murphy has now open a supply of spring Bonnet Ribbons, new and handsome styles. Alm, new style fled Netts; Liale Laces and Edg ings, Linen Edgirigs; Victoria do; Woad 3litalms and /armlets, embroidered Santa Muslim, he: besides large msonment of :Spring Goods generally, north east corner ith and Nara. streets. tatbolesai. Rooms on •mirs era MEDICAL. D LIHEFACIENT —Horses while runnlng at large IA, in the fields are very ant to bruime and imam ' themselves to many ways. They are often disabled so as to be useless for a long time. If immediate use could be made of P. A. F11211.511.k & Co.'s E übeia meat, and the I ruisedmpart well marated, and the 'remedy rubbed it would give relict and mime the pain No farmer should be without this celebrated medicine. as it is alike healing to man or bear, Pre pared and mold by is A FAHNESTOCK 1c Ca corner of Wood and Ist los; also. corner Ott and Wood. rnyl7 MORUAN'S WORM KlLLER—Another proof of du triumphant success of Morgans Yen:dance. Prrysaruni, May In, 1 , 19. Mr. John D. Morgan:—lf my name ni of any uto the sutfenng ammonium. In regard to the uncle se of Morgan's Verninfage, you are perfec welcome It I had two children sorely addicted wan worm, be• came alarmed, and very many so, when lined your renowned Vert:tamp. and astontehing to tell, one of them was delivered of about fifty worms fifteen niches long, orate. mom frightful kind, more the appearance of eels. The other child was delivered of about 'a The children erlt now doing finely. You may well be proud oft our Worm Killer. yours troy DAVID Smits. Vagin a.ley Prepared and sold wholesale and rem. by Rill,. D. Druegtst, Woad street, one door below Di. anrod &icy. ir Oda cui%;ll MAY ALLaungs7 Ca, (3d Word- , April 1,14/ Mr. R. K Sellers, Being afflicted tor some taw with a cough, which was so severe sit to wihi me ter my unity employment. Frequently alter -ouch,,,;, 1 have been so much exhausted. a. to he ointged to •II dswn and rest Hearing of the good streets produced your Cough Syrup. 1 concluded to gar• it aitital.•ll.l aim happy to nay it produced ihe deiorril effect m, ease. After ustog a one night, the cough was amited. and I runnow perfectly wed dasias This p,ciwani and popular Cough S, rup is prepared end sold by E St.LLFLEIS, 57 Wood street Sold also by Druggists generally in the two eats, sii.l ni t t nay. S AVED 11E.R. LIFE—St law' Vermaute IS 1:1/r nru cle. Va. Jar, 20,1.9 Mr./. M. WiLson—Del;t :. 6lr: Tha - vtal of Sentra' V< rmifuge I bought from you some time •go, brought from my gal ta y cars old, the uvlonie long numb, ot 3 hundred Worutg. I I.elle, Afie wsuld have Oe^d a very short lne, but for thttneutrom. S.A., Jr Prenst...l and cold Lv R F " , }SI.I.ERs .5' V. n.nd raid 21-4, ny Ilruggnm generally on the two one. ro, 121111"01t.TAST TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. goal Celebruted fametlica DR. JACOB S. ROSE, the thm.overer and ,ole pro prwtor of these wog! popular and neneheial med icines, and alao the Inventor c° the re,etqated tn•tru tnent tor Lneuling the Lung.. cfferung a en, nf Chrome dt.ewten. was atudent ot erninen: plo•i -oatt, Doctor Phy.te, audta n grade.- al tic I ty of Peonsy,anta. and for thin) year. Inee ha: engaged In the in veniiptuonof dial., and the appn• canon of retnedlea 'tweet°. Through the u of hi. inflating tut, in connection ortth hr. Prophylactic. Syrup and other of MA rernr,ie, he h. gamed an unparatelled eminence to curing orate dreadful and fatal inalarl/e, 'tubercular gumption, lancers, Scrofuln, Roeumato.m, Aainoin, Fever and Ague, Fever. of Ni kilid, Chronic Er) ,pe. .1111, and all amt. °hallootc dt.exu, pee o li. to (mates Indeed every form of duke.° VARIFiIf under the u, of his which humanity a heir—not by the uak- of one compound onty, ter that i• incompant, with Phromogical Law, but by the no, of tux reine d:ea, adapted to and preacrib,d for each peculiar twin of dote.e. Dr. Role's Tome Aberative Pills, when used are in. variably acknowledged lo he superior to ad other. WI purgative or Ilver tub. /tiasraucla as they leave we bowels perfectly tree eront COSLIV.C.; as alto his Golden Pill. is admitted ay the faculty wpossess peen. liar properties adapted to ittUll/C , 115,144/, but L. , 11, eallefic4 that a bare trial IS authciehl io establish what hot been said in the muds of tar most shepoesl. The adlieted art divimd to end upon the agent, and D roud., (Kiwis) out of the Doctor's pamphlets, pr tog a detailed Recount preach remedy and its application. For sale by the rol'owing agents, as well as by most thograts throughout the country: .1 Seboonmaker A Co, 24 Wood street, Pittsburgh, J 21 Townsend, druggtel, 45 Market st Lea A Beckham, near the P O. Allegheny city; Jos Barkley, Duranotors, Beaver county, 1•a. Jur, tittot4 Ennon Valley T Adams. Beaver,• novlo-41 y Jayne& Expgctoreuat SALE. isilumbiana t0.,0., Apr. 24, 1041. -n,EL D. JAI Data 1a:-1 feel bound to you LP and the aillicten public, to acid myself of Lids op portunity of gyring publicity to the eatraordinary etkets fCyan( klipec tyrant on my self. Dosing been agile attuned or min aestri years with seve cough, hectic fever and t concomitant climaxes, and re seemed only daunted LO /111 Ker out IL shoe but miserable egmence, Mau the fall or when, being more se rely attacked. and having resorted to all my former remedies, and We pre scriptions of two of the most respectable physimuns in the neighborhood without deriving any benefit- or the consolation of surviving but a few day. or eeks at farthest—when the Mat gleam of hope wax about to vanish, I had recommended to mo your Expectorant— and blessed by that Being who does all things in We use of the means—and contrary to the expecmtibos or my physicians mid friends, I was in a few days roared from my bed, and was enabled by the use of a bottle. to atend to my business, mouying since better health than bad for ten years previous. Respectfully yours, kc., J. W. Ea - ru.l.. For sa,aut Pittsburgh, at the Pekiii Tea :Store, 711 Fourth street. mare Dr. McLane in T0Z11310./004 101011 I. Qll7lOO toot s, I th u r.cohmurld ouewo ta v o l . u ttt l o . f sad gave to I 1011 01 mine, some seven years old, two ouspoons and although the amottat may appear large, yet liove 110 doubt but there was upwards 01 rue town.. of passed from hest, meuuram torn coo quarter of on [ltch to two inches long. Ii W HOLLIDAY. Roos', Creak. Corral co. Tenet, Dec 17, led 7 lo , . I. 11, h. I.\ L PA c it"...: t l L A.— .tt eta. 1010. r. R. Id. yeller.:—Your bermittore has sum well, and inn been high y spoken oh l) all who Have used From the sureess ...mediae the adromistratini, your Vermtfuee Incvery ease I have heard of, I am confident I eau roll more daring the coming season WWI 1 did la. I will be glad to receive another sup ply ofl or S rem. Yours,, iPatract from letter.l R. CARTER. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, .57 Wood at, and sold by druggist. generally, to Pittsburgh and Al REMOVAL. T if r E y S er r s e e t n o be r tok the „,s,nr:rrnoofvTiLtrocli:l.b‘o47,lxl.e.lo/ rnre gnenyharf, toot door to the Ferry Hour, mettti7Altf ltnlN t Y ERR Worelfin and Domestic Liquors. A004 , D tog.ritutitt Fulaign n.•ue guars, sawaysou hand Lula for pale lu qua.uue lt.lly Rri2.s w s M mactiki-Tal..); lA/ E base seine PUMPS. mule on no traproved Own, An 00 Hot to freeze lit the coldest weather Fern ma is:ilium.; 'melt articles. aro invited sea ,re there at SesIFE & A Itlitlfh,WKVS, - _ - my2s 4t. oetwel./1 Wood NI ark, lo SL - NDRITS—I4 61,6 No I Lard; 4 do 4,0000, 0 t. 44 8417.013, usoorted, ll 1.610 Ilaxaced. 9 bag+ do; 4 I, Dry Peaches, tts do Featkersi li do GLll.cill, lu prz,v ' , fur sale by LlelAli Lit-LEI & t 0., - 1,. Front , P.,,, Nroi. --- a .k. wool; I " Feathers, 10101010 I tutu h. L & 111 Line, mud for Kole ny 300 1 A .NIFS DA LZEI.I. ri Ink, from the malufacio.. ry of J. a Al'Creury, New 1 ork, in cans and Si As, (turn I lb. upwards, and kora 22 cm Io fl per lb. so red, blue, pet, and yellow lugs, in dun. oil Ili. to lbs. constantly for me. li•ving used Mr. Iti'Cr,o ry,s ink in our oak, for ulna months past, we is &mut It equal to any dial is ninde at any outer inninifnuory. 'terms each. 3011NdTON d RiCISTON 1i220 corner Third and Market,lits_ LINIALLESI4 I bbl. NoILeM; I bag Flaxseed; liarden Peas, 64 - Feathers; 7 " Ginseng; 9 " Wool. Nowisidispr tram Cotabociantl, No 2, for axle by iI 3 113A.L&LI LUMLEY & Co, Front at PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY MORNING. J Ul4l ;.2.,ir‘;.:4849. Co. 'AIITNERSHIPS. Dissolution co.partnershtp heretofore extrting between the T soloteribera, in the name of rourahltde. Burke & Co. Is this day tiiattolved by munaal mittens. ?here. Burke h Itaruee aetti aetde the inutile" of the coll een:, for winch purpose they are authorised to use the dame of the concern. NATHAN' h;I, CONSTABLEI. EDMUND 111.'RKF THOMAS The undertived have tins day arnotinted themssives to the name of BL'Rt I k II& RNF_IO, to the purpose of tunnefarturwe Fire Proof hinfes, Vault Doori, ke. be., at the stood ol the loth faro of Constable. 13orke tr. Co, where they ...11l be pleased to receive the pa tronage of the eustomers of that hoanoand their friends. EIMIUND Ring THOMAS In refiring from the firm of ConrtAde, Blake A. Co, I With sincere pien.urr recommend ?dram Burke d Dame. to the eoll9Jesiee of my friends dud the public. Fen B, leas+. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. felt DISSOLI7'rION• RE partnership a MURPHY & LEE is the- day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm sell' be settled /1 Len. J. FL MURPHY, llttuburgh. Jan. at, 1-49 H NOTICE—Ttio undcritittned will continue the Woo/ busicesit and auond to the sale of IVoolon Goods, at we oid stand. U. L.E.Y.- In rettrlng from the farm of Murphy & Luc, I take great formate recommenthug Mr 11. Lee to We ennfinenne of my friends and the public. Batsnurgh, Jan. 3n, 1049. 1 H. MI.ITLP lIT. rpm; .•bucnbers - tmoe Chiaslay amputated them selves together for the purpose of trammeling wholesale and retail Dry Goode and (irocerybusinetta. al No lt.'M Liberty, oppouito Seventh Street, ender the style and firm of BUSLIELELD tr. BAYS. Pittuburgli, January 1.11 0 49. N It —our old C.:001G, earl the public are loeimd In give US ncall. CO-PAJIT.NEIISIIIP. WM. . scidEE mid Capt. JAMES ATKINSON soot entered IMO partnership, Wider We limo of SCAIFE ec ATKINSON, and will carry on the Ttn, Copper. and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. Also. Bloc k sraltillOg toall Its branches, at the old stand of Wm. B Scenic, Ewa wren, near Wood. Particular attention !item to steamboat work. I id is tiny HAVE this associated with me in Me sat, tiroerry. Produce and Commission bottoms, my biotlicr Jotcprt. under din firm of / DILWORTII tr. Co. J. H. IJILWORTIL January 1.1649. • P AUT N ERSH IP —IV z. Youll h.' log uu• lj day .soctated scab him, John IL M'Cona, Malan liuntiism will hangman, be conducted under the firm of %V,n Young & Co WILLIAM YOUNG, /NO 2 M'Cli7:inr- BOOK TRADE JAMES D. LUVK WOOD, iFor many >ears nrctod woo Meer.. & Put nom, cold Iwo John, Woey, N. York awl Loudon.) 0001 ENGLISH, FRENCH '' iv SD '"' tXa 0 ERAI-4. 7 N BOOKS,, NO. 173 Wooll 117IISES deafly the rt. Char., Howl PIT I' 10' English, French, and German Review; and Magarines, and Newspapers imported to order, prices co which may be ascertioned ou application to Mr. L. Catojogues gratis. myA UNCYCI.OPF-DIAS AND DICTIONARIES, lowa. .EJ mg special and independent works.. edited by errs. tern doiongmmbed in Vic anginas departments. Ilrande's Dictionary of Sc.cnco, L. terature, and Art; Copland's 11 c Con iry or Practical Medicine; Johnson's Farmer'. Encyciopiedia, Loutions Encyclopm Imo! leurdkring; London s Encyclopaedia of Plants; Lou don's Elicyclopmcha of M Collo h Dictionary of Commerce: M'CUlloth'il Dictionary of Geography. lire's Lt- ovary of Are. and hlanuf mtures; hoopoe. Medical DiCttOnary, \%atetstou'a evelopiedi• of mecca; Political Dictionary, 2 vols. too, %Velosier and Parks' Encycsopecio. Domesac Anthon's C a.ocal Lhetionary. • Clone be ken art tali of noforansuont of the best kind, arranged and pre.enned to the bet moaner For sale by nudni J.\.%11.., , IJ Wool) Ud Wood Id 11 0l the Ifone, flair. Cattle, Sheep, Seim., I'ool tr) and Farm IMg., oath directions f..r their m•n•ar meat. I/reed/Im, ero.aing, rrarmg, feeding, and prep.,- 'noon tor a profitable morsel. Alto, Mr, Ilaeues and lietneahea. together With full week.. (or the management 01 the Hy ft L Allen. lersto.witb nunerou• iauatrations. For .ale by fY.f I AS D IA le W,/011.G1Wf/bd at E;V: VALLA ULF, Ltionsb.— • 11 IL—flints On Public Architecture, prepand, on benall of the Building Committer of we Smiunaottiatl 11140luilon, lay Hobert Dale Owen. In largo quarto, elegantly pruned, oth 117 ilia...ratio. an dm best style of the art 11.--Green on Bronehoth, strand edition, tottuied nd crl:arged .k its ants, on diseases of th e airspoos ages, ,nqUir) into too history, causes, trent llko%c alccLunv 01 the th roat. coded Chron... Loo ng,:so. Clergyman's Sore 'Fbroot, CO Cc BT Ilorsee lireen A Al. CLD, Le. ths g l: tro :s veal and rare:n:ly et.lorel Iloyal oqs,macro 6.1 on. 11l - on. rend . the tin edition, trythed and color`) Sod, wish cad mend ilia...anon, A Trr mine, on Loon. , ocepe (thrdr,o,.g and Rural Archilrenaft For sole by JAMES 11. I.OOKWOOD, 'lls oval tlleet, Formesly enniireled with Messrs - Wiley ; Fathom, ot.d ls.te Joao ey, Nes.s orn„ Alf. L. Lei j rota fled troth toe I:as:tern ci 5. gull lILA ULF.% ‘VOILK—TIie A duo!, 5. ,Zr Loth oa Lae Woods, I.y J. T , a s od4 askronaton oral his Cienorom,^ etc. be Lire and %Vnungs or lle IVitt Chalon. by W. W. Csthp..,c atialar or .I.torder NV:onion " J ug ',l'd by iu7 J U I visrk)N le STOGIC 141•10ry or lt'orrdcrlul In sesame., IN 114 41111,1,4 rotorll.4l,flall engravings on wood, VVi 111U,1/1. TN< .artmoos, or pie of lb , Vmsln and her Nan by Coario• !Scootlet, Fort Wayne, listhana. wuh nn introiorlory essay, Nl's. H , s ornet lierehor,osac. Jac rro'st .k //CSLTOIN & S I (K.:lift/7C I:l.l.lcrrr A ENGIA 11. 7t, ood ...met between 4.11 J 1304 Inarnotid nney. hove reemved a large supply to I beoloakeat owl witer worxs, among whmtt are tin , NI/Abb11•1,0[11 E.P.O) 111 Dir coot., cy Ple•olent Hopkins, Christ is All, 1. 3, aw and Gospel, by S. 'ryna, D. D., Life of pc %Vitt C.lnion, Living 1/ratur• at America. Republican Christianity by Magoon, Man Prunevia. by Ham., Phrenology and Nie•mit rim.. by Ilea N 1.. Rice. II D.: lieut., its Import nod Mode, by Re.elier, Nineveh mod .t. Re. motou„Mouctiton. of the Bib l e, by M'Farinne, Earneet Minti•try and Chorea in Earnest, by J. A. !atom E - wardi` wors•, 4 yak, new edition; J M. Momon's won s complete. Gown,. lam and Worst • of Cowper; Flo intog en llbe and Pall a' Popacy, 'Porre.hine • Theol ogy. Lye open,. an Moroi and Reny°. Anecdotes, E.tgar • Nntratives af Popery. Cbri.l Reeeiving &in ner., mute 133/13/018Cbs f r the People, by J Coming: Modern Society, Nlcidern Aecomplishments, Ila in nlane on Raman., 0,0.0 Thought. on Scriptuie. by Ccen, 130 w fit, publiabed, Lite of Pont., Natural Binary al Enthnetawn. Minnie Kingdoms, Lectures 0.1 ?Moons Progre.., Beecher. b.' PREnS—The Hill DX - irony, end wme expe rience,. of bile in the plain. of E.t .e, with other Ali, ellre, by lseolp, R. CtlCE , btr. D. D., with Portrait of nuttier. A few cop ea reed and for rale by myth & ENGLISH, Wood .1 IRAIRS .. —Tbe Now American Gardener, I) by Thom. Peasenden. Elie New AV, r , Mk orchardist, by Win. lin:rick. The Complete Runner and Rural Economist. by Fes enden. modem Domestic Cookery, by Wm A liebileroot mei, by JOIINtiTUS h STOCK !ay corner mask. and 'JI AVlDUS—Thougins on Public Pra, el., toy Samuel .Nl/11cr, 1). L. U. - '1 bong; ts en b Worahlp, by June, %V Aka under Jwl receivcd by my!: JOHNSTON & STOCKTON Nr.W Fi1„.1433---Agnes Morn.. or tb o Horotno 01 ilcuncsbe L. litatory ni Irtng Charles the SeColld, Of FAgland, by Jacob Abbott, wilt engravings. Just reed by .I'ttNATON h SIOC.K rttN, • tnylD cornet ad and Market eta ECNGLIEIII AND AMIEBICAN BOOKS 1 Alt E+ D lA.CKWOuIt, (for runny year, ed waft Messrs. Wiley and Turnout, and lota loon Wiley, New York and I.,ooriond has e•tablialled Book.'ling House at No. a 3 Wood street, between 3d 0113 am streera. wrie:e zoo) be round a valuable cone, uao or STANDARD ENULI6II and ANII.B.ICAN A BTllOfLa. at prices as low as n dle Eastern 01000. ID - E.:VI/USD cud CONTINENTAL BOOK:, Re views, Maglanne.i, Newspaper., c., unported to order. TIuNS aoJ INCORPuRATr.I. , ru...3 are entitled to receive their books duty free. I.J - Ir:wig/sir 4/111 American t atalogue• furrashed 'fre t. to all those who desire them, or sent per marl to on address. .1. D. 1.. aid always be happy to es lubit to ladies nod gentli into hrs Looks, and impart to thew any nt.orroar. iron which he may posse., r . cgartlo . 4l them. ¢Httf R A m N nV web .I.lnL not or a T r . , " :ni t ,. 4 1 .1:d . Chaldean Chnsurws of Kurdistan, arid the Yeseass or Het, Vier...pliers. and an inqurry into We manner. and acts of the ancient Assyrians; by Austen Henry I.ayard, Esq., D.C.!). Joel rev d and for sate try in .7 .1011AbTHP. k re I'OCKTON 1) LoCRWOUIT: i,Z,rlicr el or Foreign Hooks, cd Wood tweet, has on hand a Menhir. rotteetion of lAnglish and American Books um darer,. departments of ',Hornier, which he is [Hewn ell to sell as row a• they east be °banned in the Lantern Cities eneltih and Continental Books, Reviews, MAW/. sine- and Newspapers, import. dm order. Tine price of any Review, Magazine or Newspaper, ainy be artained on applies. 11011 to rL. tnrittoi and American Catalogues furniabcd jrN 1.. Introd. bvroll .lie Eastern calve In , cw day. and wii be happy in cicenie any order+ for thinks, L.llFra eing* or StaUoilery, at a enial. ad+ani d r t. no yll V, LW 111/I.IKS-I.ftyrrulf No..Vell rou /la it.1114/ilt, WWI 1111 of • VIP. {0 We of I.uolf luf,llllll lilt • ZILI,•, ut UCVII WOrn.p. y. r t.d u toqufry tt,to the 1.1,4 or. of ltft A .cfct.t Awl) flub, with an fotroductory i uy 11 Vol, Of tOOO, will, Clitcycl • I . l4ol3ll3'lll'l . ogrer, I .1, 11:MM P fleesl,Uo • Macuolo 11,•tury el F. 11.1.114, Haflycr's mew ea, vetavo— Litge Lulal Inc paper, per vol. Hebrew and k:nghati Lexicon; new eil unioto,cd. For uy H 11,-,PKINB, • uuyll 4th at. ocar wood _ DOO/0I BOOKo"—Untou of Church and Slaw, by ill KZ;R W IS rho Church Earnent. by Rev J Angel Jame, Adv4ce to Y mug Men, by r S A Moir, aut. Panay. of C hu era. Lanah. }.pideause Cholera. byc. Po or I 'uvr otry Uycd3yedia of Mora/ and Ramona. ndlcestotes. Cou.petc S% arks of Chardate l:./tabeth, wan nte• aunt . by ner buoband. outs, y so. Inuatrated with ALCEI Oregon and California to 19Iu, by Judge Thoroton. The late iSpetlllloll no the Dead Sea. Proverbs for the People, or llluaration• of PrtlCOr al tionituesr drawn from the Book of Wterlorn, by E L. Mcgoon. Lmvontly Sermon., L y Dr Wayland. Klement" of Illcconnloo. by .1 Brockleslay ? A. M For rale by K 110PILINS, uty7 Apollo Ilutldum,Stb at; &lAN . kitaigYALt or ltte Ltottslott oon and Pinto. tire couottron of the Human Being. A contnba uou to Theolomcul SDIDOCO, Ly John Hums, D. D. Leotnee. to Young Men OD iIatIOUS unporfont cub. mew by LI W !keener. Charming's Works, complete: a rots, Dino. The cur bf TS Arthur, uniform rd. 13 vols. Just re aslb myll 1101%.1148, 414 at, =sr wood HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL.. LIGHT STREET BA LTIDIDAb. Man • tgs:nom eIOPIIMOIII. Wills establlshment long and widely known ket being one of the most commodious In the city D! Baitunore, has recently undergone eery erten, save attend:ens and improvements. An owe new wing has been added, contatong =undo. and .+- 5 , sleeping apartments , end extensive bathing A.m. The holies' department has also been ettepletelr reortranned and fitted ap an a most unique and beauti ful style. In feet the wool, arrangement of the booth has linen remolded, with a single eye on the part of the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure of their Guests, and which they confidently assert end challenge comparison with any Hotel In the Union. Their table will always be supplied with every sub stantial and beery which the market affords, nerved up in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, ho.. they will not be surpassed. In conclusion the proprtetors began say', that nothing will be left undone on their part, and on the part of their assotants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their (nods and we public generally. The prices for board have also been reduced to the following rates: Lathes' Ordinary, 11.75 pee day. Gentlemen's a 1,60 N. B—The Baggage Wagon of the noose will al ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free of ch•xe. =TIM( EXCHANGE INOTEL, CO7O. 07 7770 AND 77. CLAM FM" rerratreasn, ea. 21 The sotwenlaer having usowed the manage ment of this long establtsbed and popular lintel, respectfully announces to Travellers end the Publio generally, that be wall be at all umes prepared to acenmmalate them in all things deitirable In a well regulated Hotel. The House it now being thoroughly repaired throughout. and new Furnmate added, and no pants wrll Im spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels in the country. The undersigned respectfully solicint a continuance of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, feigrdtf Proprietor. LAIEIARTINEitSM. C 0... 07 /000111 000 fikIWIT ITRILLTS. PlIT•11171101. THE subscriber respectfully announces that he has now opened his new and excellent Hotel for the secommod.ion of travelers, boarders, sad the public generally. The haute and furniture are entarely new, and no pains or expense have been spared to render it one of the most comfortable and pleasant Hotels in the city. The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there fore solicit, IS share of public patronage. octl4-d1 JACOB BOUGH. Proprietor. tritrrEzi sTiOrifs not,Ef., ems.vrx ST., SETIVICILY TOOITL AND RITE MI. OPPoarrE late Bank of the Halted Statea, de!plun. M. POP.E MITCHELL, ma r2tf Propnetor. MISCELLANEOUS. Scrip at Par, TAKEN FOR CRICKERING'S PIANOS . . - Dr KL.F.BEIL. at Woodurell's, No. FT Third street, lA. offers for soh an elegant lot Chickartnira Pia nos. (Boston) at the lowest cash price, for Pittsburgh, Allegheny city, add County Scrip. They comprise from n to 7 octaves, and were selected by Mr. Chick ring for this market They are warranted to be equal to any to the city. buying all the Latest improvements, such as circular scale, etc. Bayers arc Invited to call previous to purchasing elsewhere, and, elm, to bring with them some rood judge. professional or otherwise, to judge of the quali ty of the above instruments. N. 11.—Wrtnen guarantees will be given with each Porno. entitling the holder to exchange in ease the in strument be proved in the least degree imperfect, or laudy. myd H. K. FRESH E1P8.1310 GOODS. Khadlett & White, DRY GOODE JOBBERS, 09 Wood street, ask the attention of Merchants to their stook of AMER!. CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, now monolith direct from firer hands. Receiving regular supplies of first goods doting the season, and devoting a large share of their attention to Eastern Auction sales, they con confidently aware buyers they will find it to their Interest to examine them stock. Just received, large invoices of new style Then Goals, Fancy Prints, Cassanerea, Cloths, Summer Goods, hares, White Goods, Irish I.inens, Tailors' Tnmmingl. and brown and bleached .9.heetings of ♦ars. vas brahrls. marl JANES W. WOODWELL, nadern and Antique Furniture, 33, Turin Stun. cruet •on. A large and splendid assortment of Furniture • suitable for Steamboats:, llotels and gar d olie ddivel luße e p ' Te . se - nt tj' sgoTk o e n e eannlo't ardor.' by any manufactory to the western country. Prrsons wishing to purchase would do well to give me a al no detenroned ny prices shall please. Pul a nt the stock consists to— Tete a Tete;Buret Elmovie; Loam IV bgles; Queen Ebtabeth chair.; Ten Foy, Fruit Tubb, Toilet TO , lee, Louts X V Commode.; Preach Al atioganv Bedstesdv Plano stools; 60 sofas with Plush and coming 50 Ala-hog - any Revin,/ o.airs, 40 dos Parlor do 3t/ Fine y do Yo centre 'Futile.; VO pair Divans; 4 pair pier Tables; 15 ;noble top Bureaus: h Wardrobe. Fee/outlet and Book easelg 20 marble top Walk Stands; 4 pair Ottoman.; 13 pair fancy Work Stands; A very large as.ortment of common chats. and otter furniture ow numerous to mention. I hteam Boat. furnished on the shortest notice, mad oate moo reasonable terms. dects =o3o=l eil Cocoa. Cocoa Basic, Brom, Cocoa Shells, he. inerithatits and consumers, who would purchase tbr be.l products of Cocoa, free from adulterution, mote nutritious than tea or code, and in quality arum, pawed, the sutrierther recommends the above arucics, manumetured by himself, and stamped with &a name. His Bream and CO.. Foote, as delicate, palatable, and salutary drink. for Invalids, eenealewients, end others. ere pronounced by the most eminent pAysirinns superior to any other nonc preparations. Hu manufacturer are always on sale. in any quantity, by the moat spectable grocers 111 the eastern clues, and by then agent., Gray & Lto“on. Jam. &I Dunce it co, Hartford, Coon, Huasey Murray, New Vora; Brant h Slone. Plutadelphia Tame. V Brundtge, Dal tonere, and Kellogg h. Seamen. Cincinema. Ohio. WALTER BAKES, Dorchester Mass. For rale by aug3l DM/Ai - IV hAgts Wrought and Cast Iron THE subscramm he leave to inform the public that they have obtained from the East all the late and shionahle designs tor Iron Halting. loth for houses and cemeteries Persons malting to procure hand. mane patterns art ll pleuxe call and e ammo, and Judge for thernyelvea Halting will be furomard at the short. cot nonce, and to the best manner, at Mat corner of Crag and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. attC4S-Iftf A. LAMON'I' & KNOX. Manufactured Tobacco Q 13XS tientry k Royster's superior .weer 3 Ips; "V.-3 15 do 01 A Bailer's 10 hf do Price Ran:wood's " S " 21 do do do, "td " 25 do do Pearl & ffartirood 8 5 & Ib " II do J Robinson " His d 7 hf do do 23 do do Wm Dawson 33 do T Wright'. 8 37 do ki Anderson " 9 do LT Daft , ' 5 do R blacona o do Ratehif 8 lb " Just liniding from summer and packets, and for sale by HEALD, BUCKNOR & Co, 41 north water it end 10 north wharves, je..slPhiladelphia _ . MAar4144:,A,C4.1.111nE0rD,V,6,1 lb 2 , --40 bx la 6 aones 75 half bss Webster Old «upenor .weer. lumps 34•• Lawrence Lanier " fts d 25 " Gentry & Rnes(er " 34 & 5s " Dupont (de to Eure) " 5s " In " McLeod " n Lawrence Lanier "Se &Us plug Just landing horn steuner, and (or sale by HEALD, 11UCKNOR 4c. Co, 41 N water st and 16 N whazves, tur7l Philadelphtaj W. s J. GLENN, Book BlrtGors. TET - b: iire still engaied In the above business, corner yy of Wood and third streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work to our line with der patch. Ve % attend to our work personally, and sans laction will be given in regard to its neatness and du rability. Ittnisk Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub stantially. Books in numbem mold books bound care fully or repaired. Names pot on books in gilt Inners. Those that have work at our line are invited to call . Prices low. iny2Onf ItAWING sold oar en.ire nook to C Dearer, with a view to cloying our old tou.iness, we hereby so for him the paironage of all our friend. sod ea.- Wine rai. RO. W. POINDEXTER, IMMM=3I Pittsburgh, Aug. th, ISO. C. 11. GRANT. Wholesale ()sneer, Commiasion and Forwarding Merchant. No. Al Water at. null DELL AND BRASS POUNDDI. dakA FULTON, Bellitind Brass Founder, .tend. has built and commence d business at his odo where he will he pleased to sea his old custom es and mends. Church, Steamboat, and Belle of every stee, from IQ to 111000 pound, cart from panenno o(the moat approv ed models, end warranted to he of the hest ntateruile. • • • Mineral Water l'unips., Counters, Railing, be., Loge. thar with every sal•ely of those CAeuage, II required, inroad and finished ill the neatest Manner. A F is the sale proprietor of Ilaneir's ARC-Anal nun Mgr., so ponly celebrated for the revluetion of friction in iliac:worry. The Boxes slid Composition can be And of lure at all owns. Pohnlv A A. MACULA ACO GO Markel .treal, Orr offer ing their .iock of Sdk. Shawls, Visaton Law. reel M•ustow, ai son greater reduced prince. i yard wide beat make black Silk. to PA/ etc crammer Shawls at 73 and same, t 00.% fashioner,. Viso. and Mantil la. at es to gti, Lawns and !qualm. 9 and 11l coy lest Nlerrauee* Calicoes ate air, usually 12i. Calicoes et by etw Wrought Collura act.; do Canes el 81 and at, Florence Brno! 'Sonnets. 01 end 73 cis, Gloves at 4 co, TOgelle, svlt't a genet.] Of goods, at near ly one half the usual rater. talk Seals., Cooking Stoves, Grates, .ko. MARSHALL, AV giI.I.ACE k CO., Round Church, corner Liberty and Wood streets, nnuiutacture and otter for sale Platform, Plow and Counter Seale., of the most tummy ed quality; Cooking Stoves, for wood and coal; Egg Staves of ano. saes, Parlor and COIIIII3OII Grace, Hollow Ware, he. tee. Tbey also manufacture the Kitchen Range, which has given such general stalsfacuoit to those Hornig It in use, to all at which they would reapeckfully mote the attention nt the citizens and the public generally. DlAph giagut Filter, i. foe evenly I.l,ydrasst I ha ve Ap e a to Tins tothat,, p oi n t ed inted Livtngston, Roggen AL Co. Sole Agents for the sale of Jenaing's Patent Ikaprahlrm Filler, for the ell ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. /011 N GIBSON, Agent, for Walter id Whs., 312 Broadway N. Y 1 Oct. 10,184& We have been mane one a the abate article, at the oalceLot the Novelty Works for three niouths, on trial, and feel perfectly smutted that It Is a .eful wreath:to, void ore take ple.nre In recommending Rim as • use, lot witch: hit all who 1.0 pars water. Orden trill be thankfally recaMed tertllk_romplly maraud. ocgli LIYINOVION, 40QQ8N 4 (4 iILANEOUS 0 A PER,' ANGINC3S nEssi*s• JAS. ALA Da Co., Pict. 81.1Youd dtrtgt, -1-1-rouLD. tho attention of the publie to their V grese-nt mock of faper llangines, which for vs , nety, beauty of hniabolunthility and elwapntA, t• uu rotp,'",d by any estotaishment in the trnion. to latgeyndfoll assorloaro: of pager of their ° l rn m " .. .cUpeOrker arnnow receiving a direct on ponanee of Freud/ anti:T:4llst stylcsof - Poper bong- Purchamaittrale4orriflowart, one of the firm. now in I.:axone, ro.d.sting of Permian equipro t g ge . 10,000 pieces. Loudon - , 4,000 do Of then own maniefaetara they have 100,1hq pieces Well Paper, Sind 1. 0 ,000 pieces mann glazed Window Bhoda,..te. 3 rimom. Jame* Howard /F. Co. have cpared neuher aide-axe nor labol - 111 their endeavors to rival the east wall paper ettablishments, bmb In quality of man ufacture and variety of patient; and they are wereani ad at aartaingtha public that they have .11CeMded. The whole assortment, foreign and home manufac ture, will he offered on terms as low as those of eau: ern manufacturers and importer,. molar-MI N E k W , o Co . : . l o l33=iAt ZEBULW KINSEY'9. dos very high book Shell Tuck Comb.; 2 " medium " " U " low u •• pink high u " Darrow top U 5u fancy top BulEalo 4 to plain Salvo. corn. NOM; 2D don shell side, lissorteili zer, 22 grow coin bon Side; 3 do r shell dressing do; 12 do: Baal° do do; 4 do Imitation do do; So do best Euglish Hom; do 13 S fine Ivory, extra sue; la do 9 do do, in boxes, 12 gross 9 fine do do; 1 do coma Cleaners. morrIIIIAN rotas.. MM.. x.xw VIM a. EA. PALMER, KANSA. Irs CO” (Successors to Hussey. Hanna k Co.) DANCERS, EXCHANtiF.HROHERS, and dealers I) in Foreign and Domestic Exch./se,. Cenifiemes of Deposlte, Bank Notes, and Spocio--Fourth street, nearly opposite the Bonk of Pittsburgh. Current MO. nry received on deposite—Sight Checks for sale, and the made on nearly all the principal points in the Llailed States. The highest premium paid for Foreign and Americtum Gold. Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship tad Eat,s on 'Mersa terms. apel GREATr VedNTIi:N - -TATALIi ABLE Aida VER Panic Sneotam JANUARY let, Idl9. • _ . . .. .. .. . . Patent crust-lever crionsion Talcs, Sofas, Bureaus, Book Co,. Writing Dr. 2.6. ' LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. - - - - - - THE TABLES far surpassing every other m g, vention oi the kind now extant. They can be ex tended from ten to twenty.five fret, and when closed the leaves are all contained inside; they are made to all sizes rind shapes, mid are admirably adapted for Steamboat, Hotels, and large private famillet, form ing when closed a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval uable, particularly to those who wish to econo mise room and convert it sleeping apartment Into a parlor or sitting room, as they can be opened and shot at convenience, and when shot, the bedding Is each,. ed. A great saving in room and rent. All the bed steads when closed forma beautiful piece of furniture for • parlor or sluing room. BOOK CASES--A neat and oseful article for parlor or drawing room. WRITING Dii.SKS--Fm. law canes, counting rooms, and other offices; when opened a most movement bed stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library Hone is viable. All these articles need no ' recommendation: the !meaty of the whole is, they are warranted not to get out of re part. It will be for poor taterests to call and examine the articles, at the manufacturer's store, No. X.l Third street, Pittsburgh In addition to the above advantages, they are proof agtunst bugs. mchie JAMES W WOODWELI... ELIJ AIIkATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR JAYNK—This cernfies, that immediately after having attended my brother, who died of consumption in March, Intl. I wax taken sack with the Consumption or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low with the disease, that for four years I was unable to attend to my boetnees, either at home or abroad, being for the most time confined to my bed. During the above peri od of owe, I had expended for medical attendance o regular Physicians and medictues, to the amount of &WO, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In July. 1E45, I commenced tithing D. Jayne's Medi a, and have taken them more or less ever since, and believe that it was by persevering in their Ll4O, that I can now truly say that I have completelythen, ved health. I believe that Jaynes can., Puts and re aspectortuit are the best family DlCaleille• now in I reside in Springfield. Otsego county, N. Y., and carry on • furnace and machine coop in that plate, and stn not interested to any manner tit me rale of the althea 'ardente, and make thu ceruficate mr um ben efit of those aillicted. ELIJAH EITON. Sprtoeiteld, N Sept_ IS IN9. pi M t O w ß u A . 11, of the c ity crude nerd ,frolera er,terani v, no the foltoertng brands Tohneco•, u •tore rind noarrive. Neluvh enesnenir., trrt ta , :nlllo.l4Y/111 . .urcr•, eslallell to sell at eat, ern prne,e• 1.. i bz.s R W Crenshaw 5, " Jame,. Moth.. •• Lamalope - 31,ra beau Y 1 j ?main 56 5.5,1 Is, 15 Roberts S siason Burl # Johns tc. Lewis I, Warwick, sane It; 4, - Meaty tsls and es; feb. L .S , WATEItAIAN Pitt Machine Works anri Fatldri. J 011,41 WITIC:DT &Co., are prepared to build Cotten and Wooled hlrwhintry ofetury description, melt as Carding Machines. Spinning Frames, :Verdi:re, Drunaros Ratiway needs, Warpera,Simolvra, Dewing Frame., LOOMS Cool rerviders,&c. Wrought Iron Shaqing turned; aJI site. °reset Iron. Pulliee and tl to,ert , or the latr.a payer,. ehdr and hand I.uthea. uat tool. of ad kinds. Casting. of eutry demeription rrantsbed on .110. nutter Peden.. made to order for Mil levering. Iron Railing. &a. Stearn Pt for licit in Tartrate., Cast Iron Window, Sash and fanny Cac hou, generelly. Irrders led at The %Varrhoute of / Palmer & Co., Liberty street, mu: have prompt aunt.. non. Refer to Blarksaek, 6eil & Co. !. K. 3loorehend & Co., O. E. NVaroer, John Irwin & PAhrburgh , G. C & NVnetter. Struheor 10011 Penn Machine tahogi; TT MAN—Nteaufacturer or all kin& of cot. _a s ton and woolten machinery. Allegheny city, Po The above works being now in full and succesoul motion! son preparhi to execute orders with dispatch for all kinds of machinery to soy line. such as wi [tows, pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding inactimes, runway, drawing frames, speeders, throssos, loom,, woo cards, double or ankle. for merchant or country won's, antlea,jacks. he.; slide and hand lathe. and tools 112 po rno!. All hods of allotting made to order, or plans thr eat for geumg factories or mills at reasonable charge. Karim so—Kennedy, Childs Co" kilockstock, kCo., King, Pennock A. Co., Jan. A. Gray. NSW COACg - SAOTOIIY, 1-1-161.0. would respectfully M. A tho W p H ablie ' tta C t O they I. i l:o 'r p "m on liairock, between Fedeml and Sandusky street.. They nre now tanking and are prepared to renown orders for every detwripiton of vehicles, Conches, Outrun Bo 'ouches. Buggies, Phretons, ho., which from their ton expenenen in the manafacture of the stove work, arid the facilittes they have, they feel oonfideut they ore enabled to do work on the moat reasonable terms with those wanung articles in thew line. Paying parucular attention to the selection of mate rials, and having none bat competent workmen, they have no to...lumen in warranting their work. W 0 therefore nab the attention of the pade to this matter. N. Lk ltepturtug done m the best manner, and on the most reasonable term. tattbilf torso h.L ROBERT H. PIT-NlZl'ht . opened the large stable on First running through • pa h t . o t. Ble , o , n k t , / e st , ,.b . e r e of ‘ e h n . and b Smithfield Witt an entirely new stook of Horses with bets the best quality and latest style. Horse. kept at live tit!, the best manner. jyttlty Patent Graduated Galtonse Battery and Palm , huulated Pam for Medical end oder Fury.= THIS Is the only Instrument of the kintl that e Ver I been presented in this country or Europe for med ical purposes, and is the only one ever known to man, by which the galvanic, And ran be conveyed to the hat. Man eye, the ear, the brunt, or to any part of the Indy, culler externally or Internally, in a definite gentle stream, without shocks or paw—with perfect arty— and often with the happiest effects. This important apparatus Ic now highly approved of by many of the most eminent physticians of this coun try and Europe, to whom the atßiektd and oilier.; whom at may concern eau he referred. Reference will Liao he given to m ea n s )y respectable citizens, pe r have been cored by of thl• mon valuable appaatus of some ofshe Weal inveterate nervous disorders whtch eau id not be removed Ly any other known mean. Among various others, it has been proved to be ad mtrably adapted for the cure of the !stowing diseases, viz nervous headache and other it the brans It is with this apparatus alone that. the operator can convey the inagurire thud teak mum and safety to the eye, to restore sight, or cure amattrusas; to the ear to restore healing, to um tongue and other organs, to re. store speech; and to the varmus parts of the body, tot the cure of chronic rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, or tic doloureus, permits's, or palsy, gout, chince or cit. Vines dun., epilepsy, weakness lona sorer., some diseases peeullur lo females, contract/on of use limbs, lockjaw, me. eta. Rights for .urrounding counties of Western r•-, sod privileges, with the Instromentottay be purchased, and wt. tested (or the cure of diseases Full instrucnoof unit Le given (or the various chemi cal. to he used for venous disease., and the hen wain tier for opersting for the cure of those diseases will tai on be fully expinned to the purchaser, and a pamphlet put nun his hands expressly fur these put pal.e, ate hilly prepared by the patentee. Enquire of octid-diys \VILLIAAIS, Vole at, l'inshursh -1.-1114 Tt I et:Mount. Oahe pobite respectrody caned to j. unlowiog cerlMoutost S Karatte.—Having tested le queutiti of Cold ramidme by your Areometer, I land the result plummy your instrument correct; and tecommend rtm ...o of it to thrwr game . to Cencorele. as the beet method for ohs tenant; toe real •adoo of Bold. Ream. ;yours, I. Ir. DUNLEVI. Vold Beater. Pitethortth, March MIL EAKINS.-- Dear .?“, Havoc; er =tined Ode " muter.- manufactured ut )our rout., I do cot bedatate to rofurnend it to um tee to. th.o yottotn au VFLIO .0 about rumoviag to California Lt smirch of told. [lvrea a clone appso.r.uoation to the 3.pccifin gravi ty of metals, and li enttantly chalJle the advehturer to arcertniu wean Cu placer in yieldtog Cold. marll Yeart, reI.WT. .1. II : 11I'CLINTOCK. NUIA eurrinSii—i.;"n!CeleCil for the Call/Orem Kipedaton, a complete insourtinent of I,,um Martin Cluthtng, at pricesra .. the nging from to 811,50 for run of coat, panto am.l hat. For eat at e Ind. , Robber Unpin. No 5 Wood ot. J h /I I.IIII.LINS_ celebrated Ilambel,;11 Paulo*, need emtmallnY by Wet. Thaillarg 0-441 . great performer*, •'•• 6 r , **lin n large ttemrtm• of rosewood and inalloceny, of my own manni4cw •j. The above instrument/I Ore warranted to be parr... In every reeperl , .nd alll be mid low for cub. F Arc IN IMESIEMI . _ . THE. relebrairil ktn.ra P: d sinier, in tega, hall A i.Ar q" - "; 417.'7;476 Alassisites P.tent Salt Ash. 202 °.#%6P,,5, Ivnntion tV k M MIrCHELTREE, mehl3 IGO liberty In NelklLL' OIL—LO 0!a to store and for niely BRAUN & REITER, myll a ar Marty and St Clair dia DRY & VARIETY GOODS. VERY LOW—W. IC hlelkleti wilt sea - the follow tog Simmer Goods, et reduced mites, et= Dr,* Lam., Citrates, Bumges, Tivuies,'Prena- Balzikrints„ Citr ates , Shaves, Seed's, Bonnet 11,hlmos, Belongs, Mcoi altd, BOY& B.d.deS Wed; • Penn, yynnugg any alttmai al any all" an.noY. 1.0• I Or Dr v (jowl., Twill Jo well to call at northeant do•nt , ur ith and Market .On. iv 0 111 T —Fl GOODS FOR dlarphy I V h. a large !carom:n.4 of above 4:ll.ofivi huffy re, eived, such as plain whin, Mulls, from per 5 ,1 vp la very fine; plain Scalia do; barred Swiss do em broidered do; sawn tterredlanbartatm Mak fiVlivVV 4 vane striped do; sad a general alaortraerit of White Goode. each as plain and- innirtvi Net* Bd6 - p, to —u,a Vholeule Booms np stairs at nartnean Borne[ lib sad DLrket Ind/ 1) E-OPENED.—d.. A. Nikaos A. Cos, Dn. Gooci•V• 11 labllshment mill be re-opened oa Friday:laq' etti. A:I of theta cock baying beep. muted ,diroyn, v.VI DO °dared at the greatest bargains. Patehasers may de pend soon wearies goods at LOWERRATIite than ever before. D RUSSELS CARPETS—The le.nyeskossoruntint JUOI Brussels Carpets ever offered in this city, fof sate et the New Carpet Warehouse of W. PPClintock, No 75 Fourth at, comprising the latest and richest sfYiedi and at places lower that, ever offered la the market. All who want Bmtuels Carpets, should call *fore purchaatng elsewhere. ictla W APCLANTOCK IP FLESH SPRUNG 600D11. W E srmate u rt o7 P ;PUPIMID ' gr=tiZa selected with more than nantl rare during last few weeks. in the New York and Philadelphia ettatkrta and embracing a great variety of almost every de. tern:clan of the latest and most faxhionable limits, end f e g lkTA P l C' lln . I n O ° 7•Wit ha t ay.great r e= ' f ' r t o th m e th r' e loges tar raw, we are enabled to offer great huhu:clients th cmh buyers, either by wholesale or retail. We '''ould 'hew**. tedPeettbily invite the acention eft pnbilc to our Stack, feeling ecolident new stilAty tO wit buyer• in almost every article they , may satin to our line. 'Po the ladies we would especially comtutoli our stmk of SPUN.) Dam Sax', of which we have every large and beautiful assortment of the latest style! and most fashionable colors, . . . LADI. Baas Gooce—Mouallo de Laines, Poll de Cheevre, silk, linen and mohair Moths, yalnted Lawns, gingham Lawns, Foulards, new style Be* English, French and Sno'cb Gingham linen liAt hams in great variety, &a the. Hoszers—New style Bermes, very cheap. RISISON9,11:1 Flames—Of the lateststylea and Frye rior in quality. Peassok•--A very huge and handsousk sleek OCESII awIs, of almost every style and quality. Susam—A Pine assortment of spring and smktMer Shawls, of all styles and prices. Fern. Cuevas*—A good supply of super French, English end American Clothe and Caasiute= r lLleh ould mite the menuen of peones good.. ALSO—A full and general ripply of Shifingankeke, Ticking*, brown and bleuhedki.l.ina k Tifile Sheetinge, Diapers, Carel:ides, DrdlingatlMmertßeasia me.' and boys wear, Jeconeta, Swiss, 1 4 1.- seeks, Nankm, Prim, Gingham, Crape, Crape [me, Cravats, Gloves foolery, elk MON, Veils, &c... &e. Persona washing to buy by wholesale, ehould and exemine our stock, es our prices are inch kale make It their Interest to bay. ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 Market at, moll northwest corner of Ric Diemaad AIA. MASON Co., No. 60 Market meet, have oo hood tiro largest variety of Embrolderies ware they have ever Offered. Their amonment con crete in part of the following. goods, viz 185 rich embroidered Mimosa Capes, from .111.66 trro 5,00 " Collars " 371 to $l,OO 600 crochet Collars, from 77} to 76 36u lace 6 to 10 - AM Uramare 6} to ISS 150 Jenny Lind " " 64 to.LOO It.o muslin Hanna, " 50 to 1,50 560 pairs muslin Cuffs," 34 to 64 Alga, Mourning Collars, from 14 to rsc. Cal/ as tho cheap one price stout of A. A. MASON Co, No 60 Shirket at mylg STEW It RS, aßOlZSiLßedfnlLeltti,l3Lls...: eelved by Eggs.. a Lot of handsome straw col red, green and blue Bonnet Hatboro, Also, gloesy ['jack eLLIks for dsessas, Vutites, msetillas, As. SLIALACI3-11. isrga assorUOCllt lately reea reA. Werra GOODS for drosses—such so sorts, and mull Natwooka, tee. Also, embroidered muslin" for dresses, all at lowest prices, at northeast cotner Fourth and Market streets. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. my l 4 17RENCIL LINEN AND L.LNEN EIJSTRhi. 4 4 I W; R. !drams has now open n fall assortment Of s abot, articles. for dresses and sacks—among the • In ter arc some .carne colors, such as pink, blue, gncen, ke.; also, pink, blue, green, and mode colors of Ch.' 111C.C.411 Lawns, and aJarge assortment of embrokler cd TIIIIII/111, and Lawns. W IL AL's recent parthnso is now all recoiscrid open. and persons wanting Dry Goods will do we 1 to 'oak at Ins Ante and fretn +tor:. berms parehari g— at northeast corahr 4th and =Act au. %Viso;can't, Roams up Maim. mr.l g H VIFICIAL Pl.t , WEBS--ftlatertalt far AnitretZ Flowers, v. Pima misue paper, spotted .11a, CH, !IT paper or ; coloring, Polk Sancers, -obtains ve ry coral. loth, tip.. and callow., can by -obtain at F it EATON Ir. Co's Trimmiug Shire, spit fl./ Fourth at I,II.IIIRUIDERY—W tasted Patients ins otioames, Lc' ?nano Stools, Table Covers, Traveling Dag., yeah a great variety at small patterns., Also, I Vacated' of all colors and Rhodes, by tne coined. nanee, or skein for rale by apt I FII EATON & Co, 11l Fourth at Cv ECOND SUPPLY-1V 11 Murphy, at northeast tor ° ncr of 4th and Market streets, has now open his moon supply of sprmg and Gamer Goods, and tons • lamp assorted,. of lima Goods of newest styles,l.4 staple Goods of every laud, all of 'which will he sold low' ~' - - - A A. 11,180.4 4 CO, A/NI:IRS AND IMPORTERS, th) 111 • MET Frtll.lllr, A - - HI: now opening the most extensive find vaned assortment of Spring and Sommer.Goods ever exhibited in the Western reentry, comprising upwards of Birren Bemired Cmes, perchased at entire paean• ars from the manufaeoners, importers, and large dna min nales, by one of the firm residing In New York, wao cru tarry sanding us the newest and most faMionabl o e goods. They name in part 11ot eases rich Spring Pnnta;l 30 ensee Itt de Lain.; no 24 Lawns d cotton and lioon tun - bleached filaslins,all GinghaMs; grndes; 30 a oihAtitsslinte 40 " sinning Checks and lIN a Bipinis Cotton &anemic Ginghticas; ades and summer Surfs 250 a Brown Mueliam Ako cases and packages of Bonnets, Sowers. Ribbons, Silks, Shawls,. Berens, White Geniis, ytuwery Articles, cloths and Classsoseres, Line., lie nrry and Glovet, tiny and eonatry merchants will find their stock as large and destrabto as Eastem stocks,. Ind en nation nreinl f their scrods and prices cannot fail to tott n ee all that amt. their undeniable advantage. d faci Hues., they Can compete wins am lawns JOMISM The fact hos been clearly demonstrated to hmdsrs of then patron s who fornterrly puteincsed East. T eir stock mil always be found complete. , art 7 MN 1100118, 1849. ifENNEDY es SAWYER, comer Wood and Fourth street, are now receiving direct from first hands, a la rge stock of Fancy and Variety Gleans, inerinißng Clocks of every variety,gold and silver Watclies, Jewelry, French Prints, Combs, Beat and Eyes, Gloves snd Hosiery, tiuspenders, Gun Caps, :mil all other articles in their line—all o( which having neon purchased personally of the millnufacturers east, du ring the last winter, expressly for the Spring Linde, will be sold wholesale al a small advance on cost. Cousuthtly on hand, all descriptions of Leaking Glass es, of our own manafacturing, at eastrmilrfaes mhq ENY FANCY AND VARIETY tilit.w.—ALJi ULON KINSEY'S, C: Market siren 100 pro fine China Vases, ass'd; 175 sets • mist ind at velvet coat Buttons; 40 fine velvet Carpet 13.1120 do do gent's traveling; 100 'gross Gluey Wk But ne, for dream II du Nail Brushes, ruts'd; 1(73 gro ne bit Vest Ba.uorts, astod; 250 do do gilt and gaoled, do; 95 dos rosewood Hair Brushes; 4 do Washington 'dot 1 do Barbers do, It goo Fish Lines; klsh Hooks, Lure rick, &c J6WELRY, &e.-511 gold lever Watch! r, 50 do fle tacked lever %Vetches; 10 do Lepthe do; 10 fine dia ' mond F111(1, Rm.; 1 dos fine gold Veit 'and Fob Chain's 2 do do Guards; Breast Pon, Finger Hurt, Ear Rings, &c. GLOVES, &e..--200 dos Ladles Cotton Gloves, ssFd; 300 do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, &a.; 10 &Tents' nib Gloves; 12 do do kld do; 50 do ladies kid, toted,llo do do fancy top silk. veaugry GOODS-75 pkgs lmarlcan Pins; bee Cotton Cords; 75 ps Paper 111.1 in; 5rk1,000 ribt Fercasston Cops; 200 Fro dress Wholebone do; 100 dos Ivory Combs; Dresuog Combs, Back Combs, ko. Ise: ap9 EN H. En TON & Cu. are.nour opening men' upring L • stoek,of Tnmnsorgs, consisting la part of al rt. rill* and Dress Frmges, wraps, black and cord I k L.sees, black Flounce I..see, Dutton , Bride, Bon es Tnnsfaings, gents, ladies and ekildrens plain and f - ey Hosiery. *hitt, for men and NHS, Coruna, Ivory lied enter Fans, Yarn, Spool Cotton, Needles, Tapes, Bob bins, Pus, fke. &e swarth they offer for 141110, be U , Wholesale and retell ., , at this Trimming Store, lUSI murk street, tirtweer Weed sad Market. sotl ' 'TED: SPRINU titnirks —•- VENN SPRINu uuuos.—A. A. awvs /I 60 Mark. arc., are now opening 40 eases laid packages of splendid SPRING GOODS, coraprising 1"4""4"' " 4 .44?-a, M:da Loins's, Gingita.s, Prints, French Cambric., Limns, 14. 1, 4c0aal Laerai Silks, Shawls, Gloves, liosbary, and a kra. 4 a 46 . 04- Mr `lll of Good. radon CARPETS, OIL CLOTHEIrtoc. I)1dClil V Ell THIS DAY, Carpetiog and Chi Clothe 11, of the latest and root approved patterns, and 'at prices to wilt purchasers, and cheap as can ha per chased an .rof the Eastern clues, oompriaits the tins lowing vaneuesr— Rine Royal Velvet Pile Carpets; At sutiurster Cospetsi pure h./ 1 ...W or oori Taprn:). do tibulr, Sup Royal Brussels do Tapestry stair .dartlwhil Satre sup 3 ply do 'Weave!, do r• do e S atre do do Chemin Rays; Elan rap Pig teem do Tutted do Fttp,rfinn da do Bria ,, ,ln do Pine t ie do Citendie Door mat. cowman dl• do Tutted do do 41s:Lite'Tapestry Adrlind do do Dstritn& do Shecp thin do do 4,4 . &f tw I'd Ve, 10-4 Emb'scd Plano tours do ti-I do Table do I_4 3., plain do do 0-1 wool do s o d,. Inntam do 64 wonted and linen do do do Ws-nude:l do Bmw , Scalr Rods' • ' codou /intake; 16-4 wool crumb cloths w,olra Stair Lowe 0-4 do do 6-1 table do pncllso Table Oil cloths; Diaper do tie t mad du do do do Crti% u.-1 Floor Oil cloths; snow-Drop Nuptb‘r, 1.4 do do Crimson Pitah; OA do do do Purple do 5-4 do do do Maroon do 4-4 do do do Cypet Binding; Socut tit! Cloths, of neasTnumPat Window Shade. Tapestry Pottaroa• cut to Bt LIG tar above we are constantly receialngisaredding Sows of Carpets, Oil Cloths and ktcunacceTrimsatugs, to whtun we mono the attention of all whet wish to W aist. their Looses or steamboats . as we will be Ole to oder stools as low u they call be purchased in the East. and of Anhui and Imcat styles. $ Call and ex amine our stock before parr-basks elwarlsers- Ware house; ( o 75 Foarth reckal W. M'CLIINTOCK. - • - . _ nail 000Ds. • SHD Jo bb ACKLET WHTE, ry Goo T ds er I, NYO. 99 WOODSTREET—WouId call the attentlen .111 of Merchants to their large stock Of DOmeide acd Yofeign DRY GOODS, just reeetvingfrcon I portent and Manufacturer% and which they .9r111 . 1 I o at very w rate• lor cash or approved credal. Our stock unow full complete, and heel the lawman of buyers, as we am dam:kin/tale sell at such extremely low prices as cannot fatl to nukkoit. ilitteng lialsoassiew its stankaaists adios tilt • '.!-,111411111 VOL. XVI. NO. 302. FrlrlritrM WAITS:Ith DAILY at the BALTIMOR4_P NEW YORK, HOS TON AND GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMTMiIq °ma% Yee.r•F BIM to wholesale and retail stores, and other respectable bush:was, to sot as Float .toepies,Bales. teem Perron. B6l , lreepett, Waiters; Fume 'Coach men, Car Agents. Book and Map Agents, °Tepees, in rill branches of business, Le We have at all times a largenember of good situations on hand, winch pay hoar Jod ro E 2 ,0 00 Per drank. Those In want of mutations of any hind would de-well to give as • call, ea wo have agents In each of the ab ove el. ties, which will enable os to place ovary appeact Ia a .stable situation at th e thereat 1101iCO. A abase large acquaintance In all the abovh tatted , cities, which we crest will enable a• to stro expire soaarao - don to ell who may favor as with we'll. TAYLOR A. TAYMA.N, No, MAccond Boa • W. B —Persons W berates' eigle any pan of * theacid bay. ll.Btanui maiwtshing to obtain • shonen in Matinee% Of el. tber ottho above auks, will have ihelrarszeta tram *tray licapied to b 7 oddtessipt cm as by ao.deta they 10.1 mull both troepis and at. pease, which they olhereries weird War by,•andag to the airy, and seekthtenapl rotibatesaltia. Address, • TAYLOR& WM/AM N 0.69 Second Bittiotgortstkt =lime von, ontaxvik • 13AVE ABEDMINAL VVl,Wh il Maga fr om V V the moat aptlrimath English , firalshad and crrotoramahaily.Thootha Babas! !, add nnmber of eminent phynieLtent being martial. mar apparalna lqr tho application at warm or hot wa ter to the howeht„ to calm of crainfa-111 Chohms Aa - maztra=gljett lose kaR r :17a, attafths, Pauly scarFS & ATKINSON, la 7 . Etta tyt, b annum WaadhMk Market Isngurcrvectirsit In. Mom*. . iffifFifi TEEMtbactiber is, JIM womb/ la asseenment of puusos from the fisciery of Nuns &Mutt . N. Y. ; Whist firrel; y Of fish& and superior ty oiruie * gl Mecca, ar ' Wi t - soy thial .3,1:7 bought to this - city.- , Kr. Clark; or Ot.abavii fitm, long, and most Favorably kotnaL as the keener foreman in abs - celebrated 'Plano . establishamat or Rroadwattel, London, baa recently improved tad peg rested the Pianos of Silials &Pak, N.Y.,. to an to tent which, tamtenfoothtyeeatitlei theta te Ihe reps tattoo of being the very Emit ea well u. %s cheapest Pianos to be got in this coqatry. The let .cow orot• log, moan with did additioaki redomatemialloo bJ as totyrorcossat io the style mat fudalq. Waist snakes thenf at epee the most elegant and tasty thing These- brought ant. The huttenrcaents; together the stook ee bond, form the most eamossivlS, oldest end do altable-assotiment ever Oiled hare; eu of which will be istellantanufactutere prise, Ind tro . enema:tied. tiogicsuta. L H. I:LEBER, at L W. liirttodweilts, 83 Third at Ica—Tha ottimeriber. will be Read et /he ware. hotse from II 101.2 &M., and 4 too P.M. . JO4 Holt, sole Ageat for Noma fr. Clerk Puatos; rpHE subuniber eters Am eats a large andsplendid assortment of tosewood and mahogany grand An- U. Piano; with .ad without Coleman, celabtatod &oil. /mach:near She above hutment= am war ranted to be equal to trig mannfacutred in this corm try, and will be .old roarer than any brought tram the East ' P. SLIME, No 11 2wead it, 2d door above Nh N. B.—City Serm wN be taken at far for a few of he above wore:tam. my 2 P. B. Par norlsa at Pim oftJOHN Ha M,14.013,01 Woodearess. will Nell for &rip at NM t he 10LlestIng now and seennet haM Pianoc One eiegarnsomonsod 0/ sadr o Pi.. ono, mule by Baker ez Raven, N. Y OD doe} One so.nosomi 0 octave, Gahm a Co, N. Y..• In 00 One do 0 do do do. • 130 CO o[lo mahogany 0 do do nearly new• • 10:0 00 Ono de d do Land . a—os OD One do 01 do Rosenbaum • ..... NC CO ChM sdo a do German .._x . 4o CID One do 51 do Ait W Nosey—, ..... 00 0 0 One do 0 do Lfitliah --- 30 CO TO TOIIN FORSYTII, dierokintiaiLor, hu - mimed to No. 31 Market nose; Otis door horn Prooottd. East side Thankful for past favor, he' re4rtCtfallg ichelts continuance of the patronage orbit former mistosaars, and likewise the patronage of Limiter *Them, as are altos right stripe. Orders in thu Tailoring liao egettengst in Mentor* fashionable manner, rre dispatch, ' Also, with dispatch.' also, a fashionable assortment b i . r. MiadO Ming, of ail kind, Cheap for cash, of Gentlemen' Furnishing Goods in all,,therseluflethell always on hand, slob ariShirts,Dostormyestatos,CrO. vats, Stocks, Scarfs, ILwiery,gautpa,, lirretria Hall, Gloves, Drawers, lleubrollsa,*.e. mph/M.3m 11r. - it 11K/4 th u = . 'o f 11 , goo ;,1 A N EDUNENT andexperieneed PhMemo from the East, of 20 years standing, °Tem to treat encases Delicate Natife with promptness end secrecy. His success in Beffalto and other large cities hos been proverbial. His charges am moderate, mid his ores permanent. Old liagel Of (.74et,Suictctreglan. ha; Prior Ansi, Rherhatisen, gue, of any chronic or Inveter ate esti. solicited. A core warranted, or charge colloidal'. Oustroti St. Clair smice,lldoors from the Bridge. Teeth }atomic& Adore to the poor gratis, N. li—Dr.' A. solicits Me worst cases of any flame in Pittsburgh to call. spindly wee.eadee Hems, Banntaetorer of ill oral Water APParatitlh ROll cut ens oommit luau MID No. 213 North B e/, ins,a i roW ff r P nDetll aAN expenence , o e than twelve yeah In the mormfacorngfkhnnd Wooer Apparel:l=nd the preparation of &hoer Mat h a SOW. Mad - wins, on an entendre e,asith a aelentifle and prae. dad knowledge of of tto brooches of tomincom, toga. her with recent Impro nts in the ConsMuce of the A,pparams arol the preparing of the Water, which . 1 he ha succeeded in adopting since Ids vies to Pads, load alter yeas of close mady and plandeal svplica dons to applied to the arts in alechanbil and , ftmle• a a, en . ab . g: the o. ko d tb . se e rti a n y c o trus e, l=. best thrt fitill most completoApparmai, far the marrefitettera of KM rod Water io Soule. and Fountains, that. can be for oished to the United States. He elm datum Imnatdithat the enlarged success d• has met with, and thaprescutemteusive and daily in nreaslog amount of hie Mullen, In both the above de. p.u.nts, tarnishes the most convincing ,prac4 of Ma claim to_theauperioriry of Amiantus over those of all others, and of the pottty pad salubrity of. the :Mater prepared therefrom. • Persons wt. order the Apparatus from a Cain., may be that their brume.. shill ba faithful complied milk. and no packed na to cony sandy either by I.d or waier a r - partef the U. HIM. Ttiavold didapprmtm t, it is reemomontled to those w h o wend suppiptins Ives the approaching sea ., to Durward then orders urns early.. day - as coo. verde. bimetal Water Apparmom, Ocrietatorr, Pampa 'aml Fouuouue, Oroamewal Bms azul Pedestal.. (or Counter, am, Bars of Hotels. (or Ormolu.= Water, mamba with Oary.imp mutWag aohbles, and ererythinir womb: um to the abooo Madam, eonatanUy on hadd, tad 800 tale do the lowa= lama for cash pitEbrrnil&R LARD . WM' ti,Auz mw.v. assortment of Cornelius & Co% celebrated mann- Isoutro, and super* Wall other. in 0:66; thiPtell to churches, steamboats, &Opines, dveltiop , gmblinand precut, halls, and to all OR* woo where a asap, safe and bra** leght *towable. Alw,airandolne,iall.Lantorlobaai sbadisa, Molts, Mamito, Cans, Trt=or.,&.o. Also, Uu Chandeliers, Dann eta to fool:fight& deeb • P 7 WILSON, 44 market in GREAT WESTERN c§ADDLE, HAENESSOTRUNH AND WEEP. ptdAN UFACTORY.—The probseniber takes thla method lniloming bl. friends and thograblie la general that he has the largest soot Of the Molnar natlad' ant cics Or his own 1981101111.= sits, .4misileatim net; Trouts and Whips all ofwkleh he will warrant be °Me best m End by the belt` mach- Aw es t o Allegheny county. Being determined mean Ms mannthetems emething lower Will has heap here tofore said by any • establiehromat in Ike Oily, he would Invite persons _peed of theaters* mowed ankles to his ware& No. TO Liberty street, oppo. site Semoth... Alsr;b rude tomb:mien:tad:lnm r 7. °MIDI G. KERBY. PlTTPltittrairlF PI E /Nil Et/WM WEE Memel &seam/ des Multudem miler 'the eam of 'Mr. and al Gomm, for the needende yea; will eo enee on the first of =a- li ry noiyinthesamebuildings,NaEMateyatrem. Arrangements hare been made_ by:Mash they will beable to ituolsh yeetzup Wks meillile n aa k ud= in the West, for obtaining • Marc:rah cal, and Ornamental edneadon. A foil morstelt,Phl limpid:mil and Ehendml Lemuel will be delirreml dump the winter, illustrated by sal:arum .Tham. panmenth of Weal and Instrumental klualca.,MOderra Languages, Drawing and Pandas, willeaeb be adder the care of a competent Yrofeeser. By ekettansodon to the moral and Itaollemaal. improvement of theirpt. pils, me Principals hope to merite eanthattation of the liberal patrompe they bare hitherto enjoyed., Fog term, [PO eireadaHr apply to the PriaMPMZ. TANNERS , OIL, 400 B la ß arrla rANN4S' "a"4" an 4, OlL.—Conametly on hand, bleached and Imblesiha ed winter and spring dpeirm, Elephaetand Whylaollr Also, light colored seleeted N. W. Coast Whirls Oil , sortable for reutilina. PATENT OIL. FORI:CHITIEDY—The Matadi. ben are now prepared aupply Wevfan , s Pit= ow any quariury; ouch ta,manefictscrent, &c., an requested to call and examine the article. ~..ecificumi of its efficacy and superfluity over all other oil., friari several of our most esnantuve mama:mum% We la e ur mammon. ALLEN A NEEDLES, Agtv,. 28 add SS south wharves, neu Chestnut feble•cond. Philadelphia Notice to .111% . ..orevea rum. .. z, TEgT received, a mull invoke of "VOIOTLA&N -e) DER ti tfUICKWORKING INSTRUSIVITS— new construction. Those leounmenta possess great ...teamsters ovm all oaten ever made, COV,ITt;oI-3 sue Pim°, reductor, the Isms of &ulna o va . emblems • sharper, clearer Dud better define pic ture. They, Menton, deserve Me attention of ail Ar ruts ms.E. 4 or immlthg to nogg" in timberlines*. Pura; for tue Tube AIM. A general assortment of Volgtlaendees justly cele brated Inausimenta of all ersca as well as Dadnerww type Materials, al the lowest nu. MIL PETER 0311T14 Cuatilunatf, Ohio, i; cur au thorised twat for the sale of the sham festrakents. A Lut of Pneciean be obtained by address/Nu paid, W.&. LANOKND Eichanyt, Importers of Daguerreotype Matenals, and enema Age n nts for VW tale of Vointlaenders Wl,Ol lustre meu. . liardr—= - ellwass—.ohosper Slum /twirl r MAN, NVILS:in &V.O Imposers and Wholeinlii JLA Dealers in Hardware, CollekY ,_alladlery t . No us Wood sneet„ above Sfikkvre saw 1k02711/43 clitespwnd sett selasteststock of Hinlnire, 1.132 sine the decline of pricks lo Europe , LA* thgy dittinnin' esti° sell correspondingly low. klneksats stunkaus been in ino bib& aping East,' ineyaytlce, STIP legnescil to csk. And look tkrough els, /too, , wedonfidetdy pter Rill sate th.V. w.:l oo2 nEsp rz eilA—lo Ito = Nam "Ile :‘, 1" .. • I - "WIWI INN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers