The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 21, 1849, Image 1

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1. IL ULM J. 1 la . /ELEM . , .
Fourth 'meet, between Bothltfteld end Gracn,
ItlabUtgb,2!.. / - .jlll5
commi.ton tikta.nt.
A and .oealers Produce, No. T.. 1 AlaztOt .treat
B ur y }- 4 ELE : . tr. i.. c ., , ,_ D ,J 4 D ,.. rt 1a . 1 e l
e d?i i i i lr u s ' it
manufactured articlen, ad;, No. in I.ll;crtr: strelt,
, -
0000 Int , t BRA,: oacraoa Innpdj,
4.1Et.M.110 tg. !LET :R, 7holesala and Retail Will
i) Be,lu i artier of Ltbert and St. Clair stream, Phu,
bugh, Pa .. 5 14
CVLN I TM., K. a. isoWn.
B • . .
;I cuLBERTsoN whoiemic Grace.
and C 0011Dils10. Merchants, No. 145, Liikrty t 1
Pinaborri, Pa.
J3A. PAILCSIZTSX:K es Co, Wholesale ß.
. tad Drugged*, earner Wood and COI sat. •
i.SALEI( a shirr'', Wholesale Grosses, I; .71
21) Wood street Pittsburgh.
A. hIeA.NULTY tr. Co; ForWikiding ilia tom
mission Marehauts, Canal Basin, Pitsabutgh Pa.
Duquesne Spring, Azle Bros/ aniiron .
riOLEMAN, • HAIL:HAN & Co, manufacttirece of
COrteit and. Eliptie Springs, Hammered, dales,
Bpring and Plough Steal, Iron, &c. Watch/lute on
Water and tint ams, Pittsburgh. •
Also, dealers ; Coach Trimmings and Medicable
Castings. tutia
CONTINUES to manufacture Monuments,
Yuults, Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel I•teces,l:on-
Ire and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic mmbla, at
a regular
_gad fair price.
N. B.—M•awings for monomania, vaults, k c. Erni M
ed, of any desenption. He animus • shareot gable
. pSbl
patronage. augdiltf
st?u e. raat.un ,.._._.-_.__ 1.111.0 .1. 112X11111-1..
ENGLItlki t iI ' ENNETT, (lainDagfish, UditDitit
4. Co.) Wholesale Grocers,.Commismon and For
warding Merchants, and dealers in Produce rind Flu,-
boigh hliundaetnres, No. 37 Wood lb, between MI and
3d streets.
ii . E . D.bittikl Ct./CU/CAN, Uorantuesionenet Forwarding
la Merchant, No. Mt Wood sreet. rtnstedgi.. t layi •
1.10111. - LEAGUE FACTORS'.
"laithllVi UN STEWART, autinumederer of lieney
sg )g u r , ) , Chocks Om, Rebeeca street, city of
_y! `
VI LEX, tßaceDlo`or le MellthY Loot Woof Lasal.
or mei Commission Merefient, for the eme of
American Woolens, Liberty, opposite 6th st.
wo. own, italumore.
r. atuaaa, ICJWAJLD
a. est'cusszna, /MIA "
It:A.LDts brUCKISUII, Tobacco Commiseion
enana, 41 North Water et, d: 1G North whb,rte.,
ao 7 CM - if
wen', /*le..
Wirl)l 7 , JONES & Co., Isoecessors to Acadod,
Jones & Co.) Commission end Forme&linear,-
chants, deniers in Piasburgh dlnnufnentred 00nAn'•
1:11..1.. 0102.01,
noire. urcarrolt,
VALAII DICKEY St Co., Wholesale Grocers- Copt
mission Merchants, and dealers in Produce, 7404. - hti
lttf. and lU7 Front strems, Pittsburgh nissB
NFIELJJ, limo of Warren, China) Consuida
i Mon and Merchant, and wholesale
dealer in Western Stanton eIICC6c, Boner, Pay mod
Pearl Ash, and Western Produce generally, Wafer
treet, between Smithfield and Wood, Puasturthit,.; dpi
iOLIN WATT, (successor us Gwen G.:agar:Li
Whoiesole Grocer and Conintiesion Merchant,
nter 121 Produce and Puliburgh Alanolamores,Cori
nor of Liberty and Hand streets, Pntsburgh Pa lab
1/011.88 hIeGUIHE, Oslo of the Lirm of of d
/McGarr - e s ) Merchant Tartar, SI. Charles Burldingis,
/tad street, near WcauLPiusbas i gh.
AblEli A. HUTCHISON, a Co.—eucceasorai,to
Loa. Notokos• Co., Commission blerchartis,
and Agonto of the Eh. Lotus Steam Sugar Refute*.
Na II seater and P 1 front streets, Pittsburgh.
t, 1 B. un..worra & Co., Wholesale liraccra, Pro-
Carldace and Caranumnou Merchants, and Agents
ton !loud Powder Co. of N. I', No. 27 Woo 4 at,
1 ORN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Lints-gut,
and dell
a/ er in Dye Studs, southils Vans..., Ac., N0..0:3
Wood street, one doof Dutinond Alley, Pal.
bu ,h . ,
TILIVEM KERB, Jr, Lc Co., taaccearor to
Doe") SaspChandlers, ad Water street. 0c...11
CiliN LC 'M
Val; Wioleaule aLdfreLarid 4ter
ILL Allure and littatcal lastrueacuts, School Waits,
Yapor, Slams, Steel Penh, arinns, Pruners' Cards, tad
Stationary; enerally, No. el Wood at., Pittsburgh.
Mr Ragbought or Wren iu trade.nT , S
JSCHOONALAKER a. Co, Wholesaic braggloy,
No. 24 Wood 0000. Pit.b. , PL •
JOELN D. DAVIS, Auto:suer, earner Ste atal NT4d:
litiiiNgTON 4 STOCKTIJN, Booksellers, BitWks
U and Paper Manufacturers, ?0.44 kluket et., ?BB-
Jona PlOih. g mae Phorsa,:i.
Jab IL FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, rtononassW
Mombassa, and Dealers na Produce, Itoensl
Lahsreh I:landings, fronung on Liberty, Wood andriailh
Streets, Plitsburah, Pa.
JAMED rtt Una v Who . lesal e Grocer, Commisscon
Meacham, and dealer an Produce and Paroda , ,h
klamahleturea Din 21 Water rt., Plushurgia.
"Cr lER t JONES, Forwarding and Commis.= Agr.-
chants, Metiers in Produrt sad Piusburgh butuz-
Incurred artieks, Cam! Basin, near 7W s,. chl: •
KENNIIDY,C & CO, Mariana =era of vety
anterior 4-4 Sheetinis, Carpet Chat,,, Cud=
Two. and finning. jattniy
Vesravlus Iron Works. •.-'•
L EW IS, DALZELL tr.. Co., unnufacturen of an 6 ,-
;es bar, rheet, Boiler iron and Noloo of the oftt
quality. Wurehoose, 54 sewer and lIU front AL ,E
8 WATERALLN, Wholetauc Cs TO r, F
MdCom sv
mion Alerchara 1 ?Wt.'
. t j A y eauf t ateturts and Produce, Nos. 31 W:ter
21101L13 Joi
rittalrt, Yd. .....
nt IL se wed.
bVes rs OOKINO GL.S.Zn Manufacturers, and wholes.;;'
in fOrm ti
gn and domestic Variety Gent' ; ,i,
tern merchants, Pedlars and otherii are levied
to call and examine the prices and qUality of our stecg,
with Our present increased hocihnes in manufacidgt
lag and purchasing, we think we can oder as groin
inducements to bagels as toy other house west of dee'
Mountains. ;ab-ly 'll
Wa 11111.1.., n fads. .w. HICIMON, Plazburgi.
Ag'ILLER t• RICKETSON, T% , hotelman Urocers, aikt,
AIL importers of Brandies, Wtn. and Sega., NO.
172 and 174, corner of Liberty aLd Irwin
Jowl ICS/1.1- lAA D. il'Occc_. WSl.iii c.
Meg/ILLS k MOE, Wholesacle Groser• .41 Commis:
on Alerekants, No.-LW Liberty st., Patiburg&
MUItPUY, WILSON &, CO , Date Jonee,MOrphy.t.
Co.) Wholesale Dealers to Dry bonds, No. a
Wood curt, Pittsburgh, novddo).
Y. /LSO. manna, - NVSI.
NALLEN & CO. ColnotistiOO and Forward,,a
Merchants, 't% atm. end Front its., between
od and Market sus. 75!
MN/T L..HEW Wl..Ofs, Portrait ano Aumature anco
ter. Room, cornerof Post Office Alley mid
Fourth Km/ entrance on 4th rear Markel •
seed-dtf, s:
Ii HOLMES SON, So, 5.5 Market st„ .coon door from corner of Fount., unaen, Icrmidd;.
• id Domestic Uili. of Exchange, Certsheates of Depoa:•
it, Bank Notes and Specie.
radja" Collections mad on all the principal moor 0.
taroagbout the United States. • deer)
NBVCKALASTER, A Liarusts,—thlice, Fourth sif
Cothud door above Smithfield, south side.
onveyancing of all kinds done Intli the &rester&
care mod legal accuracy.
Thies u Real Estate examined, ke. oe 1304 y
DR. GEORGE 1110000 K.
OPFICE, Fourth greet, near Want, m We roao
• lately occupied by Alderman Rider, immedlaie,
ly tibscishe AU, way be lound tsLge# , '
1 , 1 No. 71, Elt. Charles Hotel. jtillAßM
kl. T. Ltoberta, al. D., - -';i:
gI•TEIALMIC SURGEON, will attend to the tree;il
meat or Diseases °Me Eye. ..
. R. has been engaged in this branch of the medi
professzon for suseaa years,, end has conducted al-S;
establishment for the treatment ul diseases of the ey" . ...,,
alone foe several years.
Omcs and residence, corner of Sandusky at an§.;
Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. erell3V:
EitPIIiALLN 'UNA STOBJC..--No. 7.1 lo a itS:
at, near Wood—All quantities of Green aaa„
Black Teas, done up in quarter, hall, 14.
One patina packages, ranging from SO eta. "per ponml.
MAI,' jyl A. .1.11 NES, Aar. for Pekin 'len Co. .
1 jOkikatilliliSeittE,.. Wholesale Limner, FlSCiSiyir4l
J.. 11, Thatiller, dealer ut Produce, Pittsburgh Manniail.l
fares, and all kinds of Foreign and Losuesuit Win
and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty street On handa tier',
largo swag of sopertor old Monongahela wlttsker:
which will be sold Jaw for cash. 3'
. .
ioixThcr 103110305, 111V1 C. B. YOBLYSOfi,
& WholcanreZtrceia, — grA
Ina Commusslon Merchants, and Dealet., in Y 0.1 4,
utigk Mumfactures, No. ltu Lsberty I .
Pa plata
atOBEBT DALZELL Co., Who!erode Grocery;
COLCIZIRIKIOII...d Forward/11g Merchant., doine‘i
Produce and Pittaburga Alanufactures, Ltheny 4.;
Ptuateerch, PR. fetal
lDir. A. CUNNIIII6II.4Iti, Whoierale °mettle-
Dealer le Produce and I'lltaburgh Alooefactur4l
o. 144 Libeny ot.
L. o. ursotara, ; roma
"DEYliol,tre 6. SHEA Forwardrng and Canualsaroe
blereiturna for the Allegheny Raver Trade, dent.,
an in Groomes, Produce, Pittsburgh Alsaufacturq
aad Chloride of Omil3lo.
Thehighoweriess, in cash, paid at all time, for eottar
raga. Corner of Penn and Isom ata. las= ‘ir
r, TllOl U. WHIT bt .
HACKLE:LT at WAITE, Wholesale Deale Et:,
i ku
Foreign and Dement. Dry Goods. No. Illif Wood a,,
sborgh. 1e.b1711 -,-.
. -- r, W. - IL.l2:lLkUbil Wool Merchants, Doalri4
0. in Flour and Produce generally, IL II d Forwazdtor
and Commission Merchants, No. Oa Water mt., riaq. ,
ah . GALEy a Co , Wholesale
0 Product dowers, No..W Market otreeLbetween
and 6th. North side, Philadelphia, nov6
P. inIU.KaN nostortmon. JOHN NICHOLS, la.M.A.r.,
ELLERS NICOLS Produce and +General
la mignon Merellanu, No. I 7 Liberty at., Pittsburg/rt.
bpenn, Linseed and Lard Oils.
L con, y. VON BONNIMPT, & Co, Wholesale ti T
Forwarding is
_ and Commission Memnon -
rs in Pittsburgh Alanufacturm and Western Pro
dinee j tosve removed to their now VVII rt house,' oI d elan .
Pikk ' comer of Front 01. and Chancery Lune.
friFfilTritCOTT, Wholesale and Retail deasers ie
&KIW I Shoes, Trunks,. Carpet Bags, etc., S. WI
rat, of th utd Smithfield au, Pntsburgh, P. jai a;
rein EnST, WlSdiesalc ttnocers esti Commis.
• LA Merchants, and dettlets In Produce. No. Si
wldat., riblabargh. paiti
EE — tiffelfiEWlTATWlToTeialis — drocerk
Tv • Rectifying Dtstiflers, and Wine and Lajudi.
narehardS. Also,
OP2f. Imponer• of Soda Ash and Bleach. ,
W Powder, No. MX/Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Po.
. ~
. .• ..- rj:ii.
•2• . •
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GAZETTE,' ---- r i.
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• -
WICK & KPCANDLKSS, leacecalow, to L. & 1. D.
yy Wick,' Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and
Commiseon Merchants, dealers in Iron, hi Snit, Glass,
Lorre, Vain, and Pittsbteigh hlanothelares gencrWly •
e0n.... of Wood and Water .tr-cl-
VPW. WALLACE7IIII stone and ALIT Furnish. .
log establiskment,'No. 244 Liberty st., near the
enal. art&
W. - WfatiN, - Wir : re - ties,Joweiry'rower W•re
y y . and Military Goods, ro`rner of Market and 41,
streets, Pittsburgh, P. N. B.—Watehea and Clock ,
easefully repaired_ dre4
hiiiVEST BOWEN—Commotion and ferWitrihrn
Merchant, No. 90 Fgont st. between Wood an ,
;utrit streets. feblitt
V-Jl ign llti! l YZ . ltoltale Sco
dry Goode, wd;ahleLl
cornet or Market and Pena Stli anr2l
WrotING & leather hides, &a
TT 143 Liberty 51 ion&ly
wIL IirCLTCUILON. BOOT wen - m.Ol,-
W& R. 11PCUTCREON, Wholesale Grocers, den.
lers in Produce, Den, Nails, Glass, nod Pins.
borgh . Manufactures generally, 157 Libeny et, Pitts
'vxr In Watches, Jewelry
yy , Silver Were, Military Goods, &e., No. 57 Mr,
Shoe Findings, he., N 143 Liberty street. hoer
mut received their SPRING p.
STOCK or goods com
prising a large assortment Of armies an their line, t o
which the attention of purchasers is invited.
°roll:lo°3mm Al. Ala..; A. Co,
Oevrt Not 42 lA"uter Ftroot.
_ -
Tl.lll INSURANCE C0.4a1 North Ame rlca will
make perracusent and rhanted Insurance on pro
perty this4aity and vicinity, and n ta. by
Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and Ity Sea. Tat, pi/s me p.-rues or
this Company are well invented, and furnish an head
ble fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who
desire to be protected by inmrnnre
mylB Wirt. P. /ONE+, Agent 44 Water at.
The Franklin Fin, Inattrince Ca of l'halacir4then.
DIRE TARS.—Charles N. Rancher, Thomas
11 Tobias Wagner, Samuhl (irailt. .1 aeon It Sunni,
Gee- W Rivltorp., Mordecai 1). Leo,. Adolph° L.
Boric, David S. - 11rown, Morris Panes...,
Ca. 11... E•3CIER, President
Charles G. Rancher, Secrelary.
Continue to koala isisuranke., perpetual or limited,
on every deseripdou 01 properly in is .on or country,
at rates as lota a, are consistent with iscearit).
To Compact; have reserved a large cocuncent Fund.
which with their Capital tool,Premune, safely invest
ed adorn ampleprotecuon to:the assured.
The ....PI the cosilianyi. on January Ist, I Sit, as
poblished agreeably to on aht.of Aueralcy, were as
fellows viz:
origages . 4 1,047,43 S 41
Real F.stitte 94,731 v 3
Temporary Loans , 06,001 06
Cask, tan. 3-. eta 37
191.3 . e5.492 71
Since their Incorporation, perted of 19 yeas, they
have prod upwants of one mlllson four hundred thous
and dollars, lessee by fire, thereby atrordlog evidence
cf the advantages ranee, [lll well au the ebony
and dispossuan to meet mm prom p tness all hunnues.
J. GA Rill Nk.:R cOFFIN. Agent,
marl-dt y Orrice :sr E cc:4, Wood and lid etc
DI9 A. hIASSEIRA, Agent ntPittsburgh for the Dein
wore MIMI' Safety insistence Company of Pitted.
sdelphte. Fire Risks upon b4dings and Merchandase
of every description, and Meiktne Risks upon hdLls or
cargoes of vessels, taken uppn the most favorable
1 - ' l DeTtee:the. WarchousArtf W. D. Holmes /Is Dro..,
Isl0.:17 Water, near Market stock, Pittsburgh.
N. s.—The success of this diempany since the estab
lishment of the idgency is lAD city, with the prompt
ness and liberality with vrhicl every claim upon them
for loss has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in
inviting the confidence and patronage of lies friends and
the community at large ea the Delaware M. S. Insu
rance Compaay, while it hem the addrtional advantages
as an ensumuon among the moist [lmmeshing inchiadel
phia—. having an ample paithrte capital. whih by the
operation of Its charter m canstantly increasing, us
peldlnuo each person Insarld his due share 01 the
profits, of the company, without envolveng him in any
responsiuthty whatever. and the-retort, as possessing
the Menem
principle divested .1.11 every obuogious fea
ture, and in its most attractivaYorte nov-I
gill]: Insurance Company otiNttrui America. mrough
as duly authorised Agent4e scusereber, otters to
make permanent mid Inserted its armlet- on property, al
due city and its vicinity, and up shipment. by the ha d and Rivera'
Charles Taylor,
Ambrose White,
• Jacob hl. Thomas,
John FL Neff,
Rsvhard D. Wood,
Win. Welsh,
I:Frames Hoslrens,
ht. Austin Allibone,
ilia. D. laxasitam See'y.
This to 113 oldest lrisnrance Company in that Crated
Sates, having been chartered in 1094. In charter m
perpetual, and from its lamb inauding, long erpeneneg,
ample means, and avoiding all auks of an extra has
aolima character, it may be considered as oPering am
ple securely to the publeC. j W. P. JOP.F-X
At the Counting Room of Atwood, Jones Jr. Co.. Wa
ter and Front 3/3,3313 P113.11311133/11
IIIIHE SlitlSCßlfigii hat bee& appointed Agent pro
teen. oldie limeranee Comphrly of North America,
and will moue Policies and attess to the other 1,115i/ICSS
aline Agency. at the warehouse of Atwood. Jones
efel2 disNErt, wit th • ti
Arthur G Fothu,
Som . ! W Jones,
Edward Smith
John A. Brown,
John Wtote,
Thomas It Cope,
Samuel F. Grua,
Smnuel I:rout s,
C. B. 1.3.11-CNINJWLY, J. 11C1,1,40
No. atis.aith Wharvea, n.. 4 No:" 117 South Water at
13EGS to tufo= Um trace oaf! dealers generally, of
I,lllsPlttsburch, that they nave aspic such arrangements
with the Virginia manuwcturers,and the Growers of
the West. W. eat Indies, atm °Meg places. ea will insure
a tame and coustaut supply of lbe folliumag descrip
tions of Tobacco, which will Ls; sold upon as ...mi.
modoune s uernss as any other hohse in Ma city or elw
where, and all goods ordered tram them 'nil be war
rented ritual to represenmume
Havana; It. Dogungoi Cola.;
Yarn; Pert& /Leo; ; }Seed Leaf to
Cuba/ & FinkSala; //ace°,
ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven
dish, with a large OdeArtntellt of 4oliter popular brand.,
and qualum. of pbanda,• Ss, Ss ? Its, 10/land Corny;
ss, 6, eg mud IN Plug; Ladles Tram; Ylrgmta Two,
ovrert and 'Fb.ttl, in whole Sad half Loxes. wood
un, togeer until every yttrltY of arbats ...S
-ing to the tade. jelnalty.
JOHN A. 11114AH7,
Commission Merchant and Forwarder,
NO. 4 CANAL, tiT., CINCINNATI. 01110. •
117- Portvakt, attention paiablo the purchasing of
of‘ny arnele of Produce in thisim•rket. Alert to the
forwarding of Geo& gene raft y lirlet to
Messrs. Jahn Swamp & Col
Martin & Sw tt:
eaon Cancinnatt. O
' S. C. Partburet, Esq. .:
Llpptticott.& Co.
~ Kier K Jones,. }Pittsburgh, Pa.
English ar. Bennett, tuar..dian
Commission and Forwarging narchant.
110. 211 WO. cc., rrrratitinun,
CONTINUES to transact a general Coramomme buc-
Ile., esproally to the purchan aml sale of Ameri
can Manufactures and Produce, gad in reentvlngand
forwarding Goods consigned to tisk tare: A. Agent for
We Manufacture,, he will he corisouttly supplied with
the principal articles of Pataburgh Manufacture at the
lowest wholesale prices. Order 9 and couniguments
are Leipcetholly witched. 197
JUL a. T.a.Tst.4o. Y orrnd.”.:. 000. Y. noatcwa.
No. 162 Second :street,
mch2246m. • ' C.T. LOUIS, Mb.
40. FAITW SIIOVF. -- .e. -50 din Spades and Sho -
0 eels; 40 do Alanute Forks; SO do thud Shovel.; .50
do Soc k et do; Axes., fftddlaela, Rial-. 5 c , • l'll , P. 1...
Bellow., Vices ; Re. ; for sale Ea otanufaeto re rs pnce a
be nays. GEO CI Cit It AN. lal ten.a..l .1
- .
DIAAD 30:129., : JOHN P. Q 111.20.
pi AN l WACtUuvauo . f g xer , 3 s. uo r d o. b , h h oe s t ,,d stee r l ,i
tie spring*, hammered iron .
axles an,l denier* in mal,
!cable missing. Eire engine lumps, and Conch trimmings
generally, corner of Ross and Fiont sus, Pittsburgh,
Fli•ovalbla Ft/tering Cook,
Wht m eh mF ren a ll l ez b. tirrbid ei w m at t Lr mrLbj:
weite o r rh l e crotnu water in N York,
k( . ) '' 'a setTen 'g i k t Pas ear ses ' l pa h r ot rth th ro e ttg " lNt ' is t
filtering cock, statues • large depoest
impure substances, worms, too. Thu
Is the ease more or less with v 1 hydrant water.
The Revennble ?Ulmer Is oral and durable, and le
1101 attended with the Ineonveniance incident to other
Pfiterers, as It is cleansed witheutiocing detached hem
the water pipe, by merely natant the key or handl.
from one nib to the other. By Itris easy pecan, the
rescue of wirer is changed, and ell ateronalattons fa
impure aubstancra are doves off althea instantly
bout unscrewing the Filter. It also possessea the
admmtage of being a stop cock, and or such in many
cases will be very convesnent and °communal,
It can be attached where there Is any pressure high
or low to a cask, tank, tub, &a with ease. To be had
of the sole Agent, W, W. WILSON,
- -••
octl7 corner of FotiVillUnd
I SALE—A handsome Family LArriage, no one
.12 or two horses, built at Philadelphia by a celebra
ted manufacturer. This carnage Is in every respect
first rate amens, made with nil the modern improve
ments, hued with blue Cloth and finisned in supenor
manner. It is cotitely now, and told for want of use.
Enquire of A Li:LANDER h DAY,
mygt 75 Mareet at, NIV corner of the Diamond
mode iutangements fora toll
s:ant supply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we will sell
at low prices Calf and Sheep Rake Situs, Lace Lea
ther, Plckerib Heeds, Shuttles, !Temp TWllie Treadle,
No. 5 to 15 Belt Punches, Wrenches., Stripping Curds,
10 to 15 la; Patedt Dresser Brushps, Weavers , Lirusb•
tee. de. LA/GAN, NYILSON a ,
my 4 18 WeolAgtreol. Pittsburgh
Ellgssartgbaiss, [Minx 'Plicatargr4l P.. '
Warehotate, NO. 137, Wood atpect, Pittsburgh.
irWlLLeonstantly keep ott hand a rood ..rt
ment of Warei of our own osanntaotare, and
~v,,io , 4 ln otty. Wholesale and country Mer
chants sserespeettally invited to call anti es.
amine for themselves, as we are-determined to sell
cheaper than Weyer before beenoffered to the pah
IV" Orders sent by mall, acconntaied by the cash or ,
tyr referektee. wilt be promptly at! ended to tor ,
(rt 5 W l3 7 - a 0 dos. genuine Pkench CAM Skins — a
. "7 -.. article . Akm .14.1., Philadelphia
S. as, nom the .mnoutactory of .8 hl Crawford to
which the attention of boot makers is faulted Jest
received and for isle by WNOUNG & CO,
Ja? • 143 liberty st
ATTORKEV AT LAW. OfEee on Fourth street.
between Cherry alley and Grim at.
Butler, Pa
TAT ILL alt. attend to collections and all other bust
y,' Ile. entrusted to him in Bader tied Armstrong
rounder, Pa. Refer to
J. & R Fiord, Liberty st.
W. W. NVid,are. do
• James Ali:initial' Pittsburgh.
• BY Kay & ('r,. Wood ,t. I tnn7
JB. SWEITZER. Attorney at Law, office 3.1 at.,
a opposite St. Charles Hotel. Pittsburgh, will afro
intend promptly to Collernonk, in W.itington, Fayette
and Green 0011111.1<la, Pa.
Blarkstock, Bell & Co.,
Church lc Carothers, }Pittsburgh.
1) T
_ . Morgan,
..q J. HENRY, Attorney and etsincellor at Idssr,
m, Ohio. Collection. in Southern Ohio,
an in Indiana, and In Kenturk y. promptly sod care
fully attended to. Commiastoner fer the State of Penn
sylvania, for taking Deposittons, acknowledgmenti,
ke. kg.
Bassi: yo--Hon, Wm. Bell k Son, Curds, Church
Carothers, Wm. Hays, Kul., Willock& Davis. 8.25
+sal. hestste, J. HAIOII.SON WWI.-
D Smithfield. between :W and 4th att.
.101,121 i T. COCHRAN,
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Fourth street. between
Smithfield and Grant jalgilOna
ti. H ROBINSON, Attorney at Law. has re
. moved his otfice to the Exchange Buildniss. St.
Clair sL. next door to Alderman DMus. apl7ly
ree., Plnsburg.
& CO.,
(9.cee.„.0" to M'Cord tr. King) Olt
Fashionable Hatter'.,!
Comer of Wood andPtfth Stroom.
PARTICULAR attention paid to oar !toted Truett.
Gent:amen ean rely upon getting the, Hata and
Cap. from our estahltahment of the Era KATEILL/1-01 and
woluogaasuu, of the hauurr srmata, and at the LOWICSI
Country htereh•nts, purchasing by wholesale. are
respectfully twined to cell and rianalne our Stock. as
we can say with confidence that as regards `calm
and talc. it will not satrer in a comparison wall any
house in Phlladelpluw ,1.17
CALIFORNIA OAT-A.—RI doz .cuter proof
Calif.,: ma Rats, ju.t receiver and for sale ny
M'CORD k Co.
tell! corner Ma and Wood sts
spitixo FASHIONS F0E1.1849.4
& Co. wit, introdi-ce on Bsttur•
alladay, hinroh Bd. toe Spring style of FIATS.
Tno.B in want of a thank and superior hat. to
to call at come r of sth and Wood etrec.. mar'
tz , PHING BONNET RIBBONS, Ac. —W Nlurpity
LI noor opem u suppiy of sprlng Ronnet Ramona,
anew and handsome style,
new qtro ked Nen, Lisle Lare• and nig
tng,; Linen Eelgt.nt, Vwlorta Jn, plooi luenns and
Jaconat,embrord.cred Sart.. Musnns. Sr., tn,e , 3
large unarm - le. of Spring Bonds generally, at north
ea.t earner 4th and Market gtrrell.
Rnom• , tun. vr~t
111.11EFACIENT —Horses while runntn4 at large
1. to the fteld• are eery apt to bruire and lotture
themselves in many ways They a, often Msabled
to be for a long tame. If trtortediate use
could be made of II A Faltitettmck tt. Co.'s Mittel.-
meat, and ate rutted part well saturated, and the
remedy rubbed ta, it would glee relief and rose the
pain. No farmer should he without this celebrated
tnedtmitte, Hs IS Z.I/ISI to man or beam Pre
pared and .0111 by It sm FAHNEttiTOCK k_ Co,
corner of Wood and Ist Cl., also. corner 6th and
r ..ILLER —Another proof of
. the triumphant •ueersos of Morgan's Vern/tinge
Prrr.Atuartn, May lb. 1.-.49
Mr. John D..Morgent—lf tuones is of ney use to
the suffering community. in regard to the article of
Morgan's Vermnuge, you are perfectly weScorne
he t . I had two children sorely affiteted corm wormy: he.
came alert:nest, and very molly so. when irted your
reriouswd Vermoug,e. nod assonostong to ten, one of
them ,uMs desivemd or about fit.y worm• fifteen Mr..
long.:pi the most frig hour kind. re•trulditut inore the
Is The /thud oar de:lye-red of
‘ u 4 l:Tt l f reis are nor: stouts; finest, - You
may (Veil be tumid or your Worm Kaden
Vows iru y Dts v.. Sroira. Virgtn alfry.
Prepared and sold wholesale end retail by _lt II 's D.
Mr sliClAN:Dru,glist. Wood streets uric door
antood ailey. my 1i
yUCR CO U.ll M
Mr. R. K h oller.: Bring allttcred tors onic time wstb
et cough. which us 3. so or rerc ast to unfit me for my
doily employment. Preqt,lstsy niter cool:On:Iasi have
peen so touch egbausted. as to in casitged ion sit down
and roll{. fkarUlg of the rood effects prodaced fry
your Cough Syrup. I concluded to give it a trial, sod
rim happy to nay tt producedod me desired effect 111 my
case. Aler using It night. the touch woe abated,
an .am t how perfectly werl J• to /sumo,
' d int. 'nnon. and popular Cough es, rup Os prepared
and coldby R E SELLERS,. 57 Wow street Sold
•1,0 by Druggists generally or the two Colors and vt
unity. nun 1I
SAVED HER. LlFE—Ssitlhsr, Vcrmthsee Is Use ero
de. LASINCTON. vs., Jan. 20, Isselo
Mr./. AI Wilson—Dear Sir. 'llse coal of Sesicre
Verouttqe I !sought Iron yon soe lime ngo, brought
from my pi, years old. the usto m ntibing number Cot S
hundred forma. I beoe%e she would have bred a
very short time, but for al. MealCl/10.
SttAw. Jr.
Prepared and sold by R E SELLERS. 67 Wood
sold al. by Druggists generally in the two eDiey naS
Dr. Rose's Celebrated Remedies.
‘R. JACOB S 1(07 , 11, the dici . oSteraand.ole pro
_Ll primer of the.c taunt popular .cl beficamaS ined
:ea., And oleo the inventor of tar relebrated instru
ment tor Intlaftfor Lutmc. effrettnK a,a
Chronic cliee.r.a. was a •fudent of that mown! ph, •f•
elan, Doctor Physte, and le a !ruduato nie Cioversi
ty of Pennsylvaloa, and for Mtn, years ..nre has I,en
eugassed tu nvestgallon of dancase, and the appli
cation of remedies thereto.
Through tar UP, of ha trill., tithe, m coikner,on
with hie Prophylactic Syrup and other of hie romrdirs.
be hos gamed unpar alelled min.., in rin
those dreadful and futal maindies, Tuircreurar cu t. g
salami., Cancers, Scrofula,, Aythuta,
Fever and Attu, Fevers or all Lind ., Chronic hryuyc
las, and all Move ob./late &wearies peculiar to females.
Indeed every form of disease vamshes under the use
of his remedies. to which humanity is heir—not I.p the
Use of one compound only, fur Mat is IneompaU , ,e
Wllll Phyl.lo/ouleal Lavr, hut by the non of his 'erne
dies, adapted to and prescribed for earl, peCu./al
of disease.
DT Rose's Tonic Aileron,' Pills, when used ary to.
vanably acknowiedged to be superior to all other. as
a purgative or liver poi, inasmuch as they e the
bowe/s perfectly free from eostrene., as also Ita•
Golden Pill.. adnutted by the me ally to posse:aspect,
Isar propcmcs adapted to female thseases. h ut betne
satisfied dot n bare Mal to sonic tent to estabo•a VVl•at
has been said to the rai
ndl• of we most skeptArai.
The alH:elett are Inand to cal. uponthe agent, and
•pmeure (gratis) ate Of UM 1/or tar', pamphlet., givlog
o detailed amount of each remedy and tie appltrs non.
For sale by the rot owing agent., as Wed a. by 111011
Drugrsts throughout ate cougar).
J Sehooninaker & Co, 24 Wood street, Pittsburgh,
J M Townsend. druggist. 45 Market st ••
lea A Beckham, - near the Pt) leghen:' coy,
Jos Barkley. Darlington, Beaver county, p,.
Jim Enoon
T Adams, /leaver,
nor lU-dly
Jaynes' Expectortust.
Sst.ex. Columlnana cu., U., Apr. 24, Irell.
DD..IIL 1 NES: Da.. Sim—l feel bound to you
and the alnico:it public. to avail my:sell - of this op
portunity or giving politica y to the extraordinary
ff your Expeetoraut on myself. Slaving been aillicied
or several years with a severe cough, hectic fever
and Its concomitant diseases. and seemed only doomed
to linger out a short but mownible existence, until the
fall of 05. M. when, being more severely /marked. sod
having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre
script.. of two of the most respectable pity stetona in
the neighborrotbd without denying any benefit, r the
consolauon of surviving but a few days Or wee o ks ut
formest—when toe last gleam of hope was about to
vWish, I had recommended to me your Expectonsoi—
enad blessed by that Being who doe. all things in the
use of the means—aud contrary to the expectations of
toy ptlystoons and fnends, I was in a few day. raised
from my bed, and was enabled by the use of a bottle, to
attend to not business, enropog since better health than
I had tor ten years previous.
Respectfully vows, ice., Jut. W. Emu..
For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 72
Fourth street. morAt
Dr. McLane In Tennessee.
THIS to Lo certify that I purchased one vial of Dr.
fileLaneds Worm Specific, some two months ago
and gee. to a no of mote, some seven years old, two
.easpoorm and although the amount may appear
arta, yet 1 have no doubt but there was upwards of
MO MOD.laa wok,. passed from turn, measuring
Tom its quarter of an inch to two...hes long.
Roue% ()reek, Carrel co. Tenn, Dec 27. 104 7. 1a24
• -
- .
Mr. R. E. Sellers:—Your Vermlfuge has Fold well.
and has been nigh y spoken of by ail who huv• Lurd
IL From the mae
e.. attending the adnnmstrabonof
your b ermiture in every cam- halve heard 01, i
unbdenl I talii
8,11 more during the conong aeason
than I did last sup, ply of 4or 5 gross. Youry respec...y,
(Eltram from letter. I CARTER.
Prepared and sold by R. K SEL7.EFL 4 , 07 Wood at,
and rold by druggist. gene Illoi y. iii htuburgh and Al
legnny. ja:r.;
TILE aubsertber hue removed his Whole.ale Grove ,
ry Stare to I VD( of Hancock street and A..c
gueny Matti neat door to tile Perry House.
nteltl74lf JI ttiN F
Foreign and Domestic Liquors.
A 0001) assortment of Foreign and Domestic
quors, always on hand and for sale in quantities
to suit purchasers, by
3.1,25 W & Al MITCH ELTREE
WE hove some PUMPS, made on oh . lnsproved
plan, so oa not to (recta to the coldest weather.
Persons overhung such arueles, are invited to call add
see them at SCAIFE S ATKINSON'S,
01005 lat, txmoreen Wood Marks! Si'
I:NDRIES-14 bbis Nu I Lard, t do wens, o o.l‘
S Bacon, als,red. 6 bias FM.X•eed; 0 bags do. 4 du
!try Pesettea, 9.9 do Feathers; 0 do Utaseng t to arrive,
fur sate by ISAIAILDICKEt tr.
From •I
00,1 1 —.1 Firs %%rani; I do Feather., landing, from
L Luc, and for aerie by
from lb. upwards, and from 2.5 au. to 81 per ili &T
-ared, blue-, green and yellow Inks, ut emus of i lb. to
lbs ronsimaly sa.a. Havin, used 1111;res-
Ty s ink in our other for nine romfto• pan:. we warrant
11 equal to any' Mat is made ai alp other atanufneory
It) earn, Third end NI iraet.'srs
_ 6 LArxtalk--..—,9 ur,.gs cOlll.lll,
21 Obis No I Lord,
I bag Flaxseed;
Winton Peas;
7 " Giamatti,
2 " wool.
Now landing lrtom Cumberland, No 7, jor sale Ly
11 3 ISAIAH DICKEY & Co., Prom st.
SHE. co-partnership heretofore erhsturic between the
subscribers. to the name of Consalle, Burke &
Co. is this day titssolred by enamel comma, Near..
Mike tr. Harries will mule the business of the writ
ten,. for which purpose they are authorised to One the
name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The underatgoed have Mrs day aiodated themaelve
on the name of BURKE k BARNES, for the map. •
of manufactunng Fire Proof Safer, Vault Doors, /lc
he , at the stood of the late firm of Constable . Dark.
k Co.. where they wit! bepleased to reveler the pa
nonage of the customer. of that home and their friend
EDMUND IlUtttly.,
In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke & Co.,
I With sincere *Anil.< recommend Messrs. Burke it
Barnes to the confidence ant). friends raid tholkttblie.
rrifEparmemblp of MURPHY k LEE it this day
diwolved by mutual eoritent The bueinewof
late firm will be waled H. Leo. J. It MURPHY,
Powburgb, Jaa 30, 1043. H. LEE. I
ondereigned .111 continue the "Woo
talainess and attend to the sale of Woolen Hoods,
the old stand. H. Lk.'B.
In retiring from the firm of MurphYlt. Lea / Inks
great pleasure in recommending Mr. H. Lee to the
confidence of my friends end the
Pittsburgh, Jun. Be., 1n49. J. IL MURPHY.
subseraters have tine day assoelitedthern - -
j selves together for the purpose of transacting a
Wliol , Blllo nod retail Dry Goods and Grocery buds:Less
at No Mal Liberty, opposite. Seventh street.sundar the
style nod firm of BUSHFIELDIr. HAYS.
Plimburgh, January 1,1849.
N. It —Our old ctuttome. and the public are Invited
to give us n cell. jay
Y I have entered into e artrirngh.p, under dm 111 m of
BI'AIFE it ATKINSON, and will carry on the Tin,
Coppet. and Sheet Iron are manufactory.
Also. Blackstnitlung in all as brtmchns, m the old
stand of Wm. B. Senile, First street, near Wood.
Panamint attennon given to steamboat work.
or to
I ILA v E ma* day eseociated vent ma m the whole-
Ewe Urocery, Produce and Commmoon Imeioce,
my blower Joe.cfal, under Me firm of J. S DILWORTH
ann:,s,- 1. IE4O.
- - - •
f 10-PARTNERSHIP—Wm. Young having this
day associated tenh him, John R. &PCs:to, ths lea
hr business ern] hereafter be conducted under do
hr/II %Vim Young & Ce. IVILLIA.AI YOUNG,
pent JNO. R
j For many years connected with Mean. Wiley
Putnam, end late Joh, M'lley, N. York and London,)
800.11-LIZE AND IntrOYrnt Or
No, tc3 Wm. kraut,
(Nearly opposne toe St- Clarice Hotcl,l
OF" English, French, and German Reviews and
AI/watten. and Newopaper. Imported to older, pnces
whien may .a .datUutied on applicant. toMt. In.
Camino:an grout. my.ll
tog •pecial and oidependent works, mined by WI,
ter• ni.linguinhrd In tan Vallons departments.
lirkudr. • Dictionary oiSelenue, Uterature, and Ara
Copland'. D.ctionary of Practical Medicine, otinsan's
Farms'. Pricy clopmdia, Loudon'. Laccloturdta of
Gardkring, Loudon s Ed ' ItyClol/I.iIII of bloat., Di i Lou..
don's Encycloptrdia of Frees; M'Cullo-iCe cuonary
of Commerce, Dictionary of Geography,
Ure DI manary of Al, rnd Manufacture. hoopoes
Mcdkenl Dictionary. Wateratou's Cycloptetßn of Com
merce; l'ofttical Diruonary, S vol.. Svc,: Wenner and
Parks Encyclopedia Domenue Economy; Anthon`a
C a . ssical Dictionary.
..11ese nook. are full of teformatton orate bent kind,
art - anted nr.l presented to um bent ruanner For sale
uy JAMES LoCkWOOD 63 Wood rt
) kill
ANIMALS—Higtory and Deliaription
of din Horse. Mule, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, gool•
and Farm Dogs. arch dirrenons far their manage
,. breeddia, crooning, re rung feeding, and prep.-
mon for profitable market_ Alno, their Dtaeaties
al Remedies, together with full dtreettona for the
anagement of the Dairy fly L Allen. Jthao,wati
• ,
illustrur:oo, " For tzle by
J AS D LOCKWOOD 43 Wood rt
11 —Hints on Public Architecture, prepared, on
toenail cc we Bonding Connwnee at the Smithsonian
litatuution. by Robert Dare Orwrn. In large 1111.(10,
elegantly printed, With It) ninatrattont in Inc treat
el), of the art
11.--ratenn oit bronelnu, second edluon, revised
and enlarged A treatise on diseaaes of the au-pea
rage., noinpriaing au "bolo . Low we history, e•usea,
and treatment of those atfennoll• of the Wont, ended
bronehnia, Chronic Laryngtna, elergyrnaAn Sure
raroat, Ac. dx. By Horace Green, A. al., 31. D, he.
rate• unproved and carefully relate). Ro) al n .0.,
gln tops, 5) 00.
lll.—Nov read' ' ', the lm edition, revised nod 011ilar •
get, with edditiou.l I:lugs - alio.. A Treati.e ou Latttl
scope Gardenia!, and Rota/ Architecture
For sale by JAMF.A U LOLIOVI.HiII,
Li Wood street,
For nanny years eoutotried with Messrs. Wiley
Putnam, alt.' tate John XVltry, Nr tat
Mr. L. has lust returned (UM Eastern clues.
l_iEtaiLi.:YS NEW WORK—The Adam;Towle, ot
Idle in the Woods, by J. T Headley, method' of
\%.•lnnpon and hie flenerals," ete.
The nod %Youngs of De Witt Clinton, by...NV.
W. Campbell. author or'elordei Warfare JualreeM
NHOOKS--A Himory Of Wonderful
tliumented acith nomorocio •nieramereper on . troot,
I .0,
The In. arrt•hon. or ptetures of the Von and her
So I.y I:ltude. Beettew, Fort Way ue. Indians. with
ua torroc:uetory coway,lq Ntre !Tartlet liercher Stowe.
Just reed by JOH:Ss:I'ON & STOCK roN,
u: coruer 3d and Market ens
TT A Y.:,./.1-11, lb Wood street, between
4to li,moniid alley. hare reeved o large
'll.ou,ogical and other swot ks, among; which
are . be following. via, Aliscellenenoll Esmays und Dia
courses. oy President Napkins Christi. All, haw and
Gospel. by S. 1 . 711 g, D. 11., Life of Dc
Living Orators sI America, Republican Christiamte
by Magoon Man Pnmeval by Harris. Phrenology and
Mesmerist, by Re• N L. Rice, D D., Baptism, i
Impor: and Mode, by Beecher, Nnieven and :Is Re.
mns: Mountains of the Bane, by Nl'lastanc, Earnest
Min ai i...). and Char. Iu Larnen, by J. A. J &Ole, Lel. I
wards' wort.,) vo/s, new edition. J.N.Mason'. work,.
complete, Crsper's Lilo and Worn of Cowper, Flo-
tog On Ri.r and FBI of Papacy, Turrethuie's Theol.
ogy, t.',)e,opedis 01 Moral and Religious Anecdotes, I
Engar a Narratives of Popery, Christ Receiving nun. P
nets. Bible Evidences f,r the People by Cumming,
Moder , Soo:, ty, MO.. Accomplishments. BehluilV
ion A, :...tputniasedi Lae tit Naniral 14;ttory of
Mteldis Kingdoms, Lectures 0 - 1 Pilgrims
Progress, Beecher.
Bt . Htil Difficulty, nod some expe
e. ol lair in the 11;atn• ot Ease, wan Die Aloe. uy I..euryfe D. tacos- C. D. 1.).. wall Portrait of A low cop... ter'd and Int sale by
mOl9 Wood st
li!—The New Amencen 1;1111,11er
by room. Fee.enden.
lig< New Asuerkeen Urcbardtm, by Wm. Kennet
The Compicte Fernier and Kurat Eeunomlnt, by Fr.-
Modern borne.. Cookery, by Wtn A Henderson
Just reen by JOHNISTUN a tyrocicroN,
market and LW CA
1 N\ l ' ' lt KL I U WOR " K7— " Thought t : rbn
• •
1.11 1) Samuel n. L.
Thong!. on 1. - many War.).tp, by in:nes W Al•x
der Juxt reetived by
TEW 13001{,t—Agnes Moats, or the Heroine of
Dotnestle Life
Ilastory of iisng Charles the lieeond, of England, by.
Jacob Abbott, virn.g engravinr. Just reed by
- • • ' •
myll) corner 3d and :Market
ir ANI D. LOCK WOOD, (tor many year.. Bonn-cl.
I cd with Messrs. Wiley and Putnam, and late John
Ncw ‘ork and London,) has established
Rook ,elling Rouge) at Nu. I.UI Wood street, between Id
and 4th streets V , whete may be bound a valuable collec
tion of BrAI);DARD E`i6L/811 and AMERICAN
AUTHORS, at prices as low as 111 the Eastern cities
vie we. Magazines,wspapets, a e., imported to order.
1:7 - 1NBI'll L. and INCORPORATb se/-
eIk:IIES arc entitled to receive their books dilly bee
!Ls — Engl., and AinerwanCatologues furnished gra
us to an those who desire them, or scut per mail to
any address.
J D. L. wail always be happy to exhibit to Indies nod
gentlemen his Looks, and inioart to them .y automa
tion which he may possess regarding them. inyllf
i l / 4 .! - EW ANL) VALI:ABLE WURK.--iitiftt 7 att, and
Remains. with an account of a viii to the
•. .
Chaldean Otrootrans of liordratan, and the YCLIDOIS, or
De•li Worshippers, and an inquiry o use mariners
and acts oir Iw
f the ancient Assynans, by Austen Henry
Loyard. FAN, D. C. L. Just reed and for sale by
nry7 JOHNHTON A. IsTucwroN
J " :( 1 V0 ' re 1' ig `. .. ( .7:,!,, v("' ,,.., `,),;,„B.7.l`,,seecl,',`Lae".„'"hra7:
1/11/011. t • 11011 ni Engh.h and Amerman Hook.
$ll the dtir,renl deportment. or ialetatUre. which he la
prepared to aol low a• they van be obtained in the
eatr.l met Contmental Roots. Review., Maga
and Newspapers, Jnapu,leU to order.
e 1
l e tur price 01 any Herm w. Nlatra.rte or Newspaper,
may be a_seertatned on appltcatton to AU
Eim.isti and American Catalogues rur t ushed gratis.
Mr 1.. intends to vt.l the Ea•tern mue• in a let,
day to, and wilt he happy to execute au y orders tor
Engravings or Stattonery, at a stoutl advance
ort me reel. to y 9
VEW BOOKS • I.eynnle :Nineveh Katito Ilea,
with itecouel of • I,lolle, lee Climidlena t'hrit.-
Itans of Korditian, and Me Yr elm, or Devll•Worship
pers. and mi inqutry if:10 themrs mtd tattle! the
Ancient Assyrtans, with totr anne oonetory letter by D.
Robinson. u vole, octave, with about 100 illusimuuns.
Clteever's Ixclaren on Me Pua Itro
ilgrt's g res. I Out,
Itntio. Price reduced an Sl,tal
Cruder, s Concordance. con,..,ed: ',Jutted to 5.1.N1
Niue aunty's Ils•tory of England. Harper's new ed.
two vols. octavo—large print and fine paper, per not.
liearnine Hebrew and Engl,sh Lextron; new ed
unproved. For snic by K HOPKI:VS.
3 11.1 e 1C v Si i k \ l ‘ t i .lagR o Z . :—Untor t of Church slut State, by
The Church to Earnest, by Rev l Angel James
Advice to Young Men, by 't Armor. g , lt
1 onng Lathes
Essays of Una—Charles Lomb.
-- • .
Krodenur Cholera, by Pad ovary
Cyclopedia of Moral and liallgions A necdote..
eosupiels Work.n, Char.. Ill:tr./loath, with toa.
molr by her hurhand. 2 vols, a vu. Illustrated wall
steel plates.
lacgon and Conran.. to In4O, by /edge Thornton.
Toe lute. F . -tallow. a tOe Dead au.
Proverbs for the People, or Ilium rauons of Pructleal
Godune•s drama i . rum the Book of Wisdom, by E L
Clover,:ty Serniou., by Dr Wayland.
Lleineuta of Meteorology, by J Ilroeklestiy, A M.
For vole by A 110PliINS,
tuy7 Apollo Bonding, jib st. j
AN SIF:VAr.:Ur rt/C iO i oWuon aod Vtllic-
IYv< coniltilon of the Human Doing. A contrrbo
to Theological Science, by John Irani., D. D.
Lecture. to Young Men pn various important sub
jects: by II W tte,cbct.
Charming'. Works, complete: a vela, I2mo.
The Worts rAT 21 Arthur, mac= ed. 15 vols. Just
zere4 by myll 11 110141.11213, 4th st, now wood
soon svn rat:intros, vaormgro.. -
THIS. establishment long and widely known as
being one of the most commodious in the city of
Haittmore, has recently undergonevery egyen
live alterations and Improvements. An entire new
wing has been added. eontaini op numerous and airy
sleeping apartment.. ants extensive bashing rooms.
The Ladies' department has also been completely
reoroled and fined up in a most unique •nd liectuu
ful style In fact the whole arrangement of the House
has been remodeled, with a ample eye on the pan of
the proprietors. towards the comfort and pittance of
their Guests, and which they confidently I:Laren will
challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union.
Their table will always be supplied with every sub
atonal and luxury which the market affords, toned
tp in a superior style; while in the way of Wino., ho.,
hey will not he surpassed.
In conclusion the praprietors beg to say, that nothing
will be left undone on their part, and on the pan of their
aanstattla, to render Bus Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
The prices for board have also been reduced to the
following ratan
Ladies' Ordinary, 151.71 per day.
Gentlemen's LSO
N. 11.—The Ila,ggage Wagon of the Hotter will al
ways be found at the Car and Steamboat Landings,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of charge, mtrhf
.BNICiI Of PENN Leo Ili. CLAIR trS., pinyOrt.. PS.
The subsenher having assumed the manage
• ment of this long established and popular Hotel.
respectfully ahnounees to Travellers and the
Public generally, that he will be it alt time• prepared
to accommodate them in all things desirable to a well
regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly
repaired throughout, and new Funuture added, and Ito
pains will be scared to make the Exchange one of the
ve 77te be u e n t d i e i rs ot i e gn s eT t re h .s e pe '° c= r iy Y. so. licit% • conunuance
of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore
reorient THOMA 6 OWSTON,
rehear Propr,etor .
Comm or YOURTII AND easarr rtrrautream
T}l} subscriber respectfully announees that
he hes now opened hie new and excellent Hotel
for the accommodatton of travelers. boarders,
and the public generally. The house and furniture
are entirely new, and no 1011111 a or expense have been
spewed torender It of the 010.1 comfortable and
pleasant Hotels in the city.
The suhrenber is determined to deserve, and there
fore soltems, a slime of public patronage.
or tl.l-d1 ).Aft it HUCOH. Proprietor.
rh- l'int,l Stair, Ph
hr.. I.,rwt.'N ANL V.. ft ST'S
OPPOSITE late Unlit or
del luc hi POPE NITI'CIO:1.1.,
Metrit Proptlonr
Strip .t Par,
)(LEPER, at Woodwel No t 1.7.1 Thin( street,
11, oilers for sa •/1 elegant or Charkenttg's
nos. (Roston' at the lowest rash price, for Pdt•burgh,
Allegheny coy, and County Perm. They comprise
from 6to 7 OrlAVelk told were selected by Mr Chick.
enmg for dnamarket. The
) are warranted to be equal
to any In the city, having all the latest onprovcnt,
such as circular seat, eto.
Boyers are Invited to cd rrviu. prh a+lnG
I•ewhrre. and. aiso. to brio a ! p with o them .0 n
111 C hood
ode, profesa/nnai or otherwise. to Judge of the qua:l
- or the above Inotrunaenta
n. 1,1-Wrlttru auaralttees W/11 he gtventat rar'l
rte bAllitllng 111 e holder tn t-xcltnge we the it,
crone. be proved 10 tbn team degree antral-feet. O
fa r
ulty IL
Nhaeklett 6r,
RY 000 DR IoRIIERS. VII Wood street. ask the
atteettnn of Merchants LO M:ol• k of AMERI
direct from fast hands.
Reem , tng regular .upp!le. of fit, good. daring the
aeation. and devoting a large share ni their attention
to Emote. Auction *aim they can confidently agaure
buyer* they find ;t to their ;Mere, to examine
Just receved, large Invoices of new style Dress
Goods, Pa r
ry Pnot Cassimeres, Cloths, Summer
Goods. Laces, %Vb. Up. Iresh 1,111,1%. Ta
Trlmming• and brawn coil bieuched Sheeungs vari
ous brands. mor3
Modern and Antique Furniture,
13, Tlllll3 STEM.. Prrrytn.GE.
..• • .
XA large and splendid , -- F ., e_• . .-c..,.
assortment of Furl° tire, ,1 1 .. , .... , k.eri;',.
suitable for Steamboats. .• • ••,.; ; ;. --. . ---- . - 27,
HOlfill and private dwel-
hnn. eons:al:11y on hand and sonde to order.
'The present nook on hand cannot he conceded by
any [manufactory to the western country Persons
wishing In purchase would do welt to Fine me is call,
as lam determined my prices shall please. Pali of
the stock aorposts kit—
Tote a Tete; Bart F:l.Agew;
Lout. XIV Chat•a; Queen Eltanbeth
Tea Poy: F rut Tal u s,,
Tolle Tse
ables. I.uo. XV l'ommoder;
French Mahogany Bedstead.., Plano Stoma.
SO uMa. wttl. Plush and Ilan-cloth covet.;
SO !Mahogany FLoehog Chao.,
40 del Parlor do
30 Fancy do
2.5 cent, Table.;
20 pair Mynas. 4 pair pier Tablet;
IS rnarbh , top DreAamg Bureau.,
wardrobe. ' See...,les and Book mucs,
20 marl', top Wash Stand.;
4 pax, Ottomans,
S pair fancy Work Stand.;
A very large. a...aorta:lent of common chairs and other
Ivrmture too nu...arrow. to melltinn
V." Steam Boats tumid:tea on the shortest notice
and on the most reasonable via! deel.s
• Chaco/ate, coon.;
W Baker's &merle,. arid Frtm.h l'repnr.
ed Cocoa. Cocoa Pace. Bronnu. Cor-ou ~ 1.A..-
merchants :111.1 0Z,11111 , ,. when Wily ,nurn-tnuse
11, pro ddet• ot Coro, ire , ' from 4 , lnerabar.,
more n tat raton• than ten or code, and qual,ty unsur•
peased, subscriber recommends htm above armles,
tnanuforture4 by hiroselb and stamped with ans
ot name.
H aroma and Cocoa Paste. as deocate,
and salutary dnulrs for invalids, convalearents, and
others. ore pronoucd.l by me most em rent phystrtans
supers to any tither preparations lit. 1111111tan,ture•
are aJways on sale. 0. , y toartuly. by Mr mu., re
.preutb., Krocer• it, the raotern canes, ams tnen
agent., Howes.b.ray &. co , of Boston. James NI Bum,
& eo, Hartford. Col, Husury . Murray, New hock,
Grant & Stone h';inhna. T 1101.4 V Brunoltd, Bal
timore, and kelmq! & Be Villellllllll, Mon
W Al. rER BAK F.:14. Dorchester Ma..
For sale by aurril & SNIITII, Arts
Wrought and Cast Iron
rPHE subscrawra beg ieuve to Inform the that
they have obtained from the Vaal ull the lute LLA
rashionatroe design. 101' Iran R.111 . ”2, /Win or hou•es
0./141 cenirtenea Persons sa,alax 010 e urn hand.
matne patter. era) a-aur
tor themadiyea Ru p Attul he :urnanaeal 111 the .nort•
eat notice, stud ot 6,4 manuer. to the eurner
Craig ond Rebrcr• Alitaaeny
autc..l.-dtl A LANIONT A KNISX
!Manufactured Tobacco.
Q 1129 & HolmcCo •uperlor 3
' - 1 - 1-3 25 do 111 A 'toner,
19 31 do Trace & Harwood', `. 5
21 do do do
143 do do l'oarl & Harwood 5 &
II do J HoUnison
57 hid.. do
2:3 do do Wm Haw.on
:31 T Wrlght'4
37 do G Andrr,on
0 do 1. T UnAlr's
3 do R -311,011 . 11
do 44010112
lust landolg 1109. •tromnr and ',lrk,. ~:n 1 for mj,
by 111:A 1.11. 111 , 14.\ &
41 north or., 4; 4.. d M.141,r4,
Phi iphll
u. hl g s i ones
I's &all' Lys Wrbster Old supertor swrel 51 lumps
ae Lawrence Lotto-, " 5s "
" lisotry & Rovv , er &5s "
20 buyout lu Hare) "
10 McLeod
Y 5 " Law mace I.ltter 5s &6s plug
Just landmg from str umer, and for sal.. Icy
1111A1,t), & Co,
11 N water et and 16 N woarves,
my3l Yhiludrlyl
W. dr. J. GLENN, Book Blodens
WE strti engaged in the altuvo corner
of Wood and Third streets, Pliittburgh, where
we ere prepared wart why work Moor One wort dr,
porch. Wr attend to o work personally, and tort r.•
fortton wt.l be gtVCII in regard to its heath,. and du
Blarik Books ruled to any pattern and bound 'bah.
ntannaily. Bonk to nuotner, or old hooka Ipound cure•
fully or repturrvd. Names put on book it got lener.
Thoac that have work in our line are to col!
Priers low Int 20.1.1
.1 1 A . V , ILO 7 . l e d ,
n ot , i ,
u k
11. for tom ilia pa , ronaga of all our 111 - lend. and c 0...
1001 a r RU. W. POINIWATER,
Pittuburgh, Aug 4t1,1b4b.
C.H. GRANT, Whoir•ltle Grocer, Coninititsion and
Forwarding , Mere anal, No 41 Water st
ALA FULTON, lien Jan.! Sra.• Fon/idler. has re
bunt and conunrocrd humor.. at In. old aloud
where he will be pleascd to see his old ruatosn
-3, and Iriendo
Church. Steamboat. and Bello oCe•ery size, from 10
to 10,0110 pound.. on., from pottern• of the moot approv
ed model, atal ovarr.ted to be of the best mate rta o.
Nlmoral %Voter Pumps, C0tm1er.4.11.,"100c, &0 togc
Lhor 'rah ever) var:efy of Br,. C/1.111p., 0 requirt-.1
turoutl mad 100.11 , .1 to the nenvt manner,
A F . the m.O proprietor of A Trt-Arric.
rios Nlirrm., nu justly celebrated fer the rmiumion o•
friction 111 tonchntery. The 1100 r. and , ;oinpomtion
,ati be had ol Will at all notes
A NI A:SON . tree,, are
ft s tag their stork of Visetts, Lawn,
slid at
CA! urea pile. are
wide 0,4 [Mae Sin. U. liell el., PlieleleeSltn all.
at 73 and 81,110, most fashions Lole Veil. and Alanttl
las at 63 In 80, and 9 and 10 ets, best
91trrunack Ca1m...4111D Cie, Cailroes at
rf eta. Wrought I ctn. do Capes at 81 and MI,
Florence Bred 80119, rid and :9 cis Glove. nll rt.
Together with a general I.4%olleletil of geed, ill Ilea.
iy non 60.11 the usual rates. jult/
Scales, Cooking Stoves, Gorastssa s &o.
11RAR$11ALL, R ALLACE & CG., Round Cheryl,
corner Ltheny and Wood street, manuthcluth
end oiler (or sale Platform, Hoot and Counter
coo, at the most =proved qualny, Cooking Stove, tor wool]
and coal; Ens 5n0,,,, ne Carious sites, for and
common Gramm Ilnliutv Warn, he he. Toss auto
manufacture the ISoetthn Haag, watch has ins co ouch
general Mal/1(6.n.° In those nayinst tt in use., to 11.1 i 01
which they Would respectfully mane the Eirli/Lio/1 ul
the ClllLeux and the pulpits. getherally. 0et27.1t1
Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water.
i e sam THIS. in to certify that I hare Au;
pointed Livingston, Roggen & Co,
Hole Agent.. for the vitlo of JC1111111,..
Patent Lamonthem Filter, for the ell
ties of Pitiahurgh end Allegheny. .
JOHN irlitlON, Ageni,
for Walter MC:dwells 348 Brouthmy
N. Y 1
Oct. 10 1.48.
k ,
We have been natng one of the ahoy =ldes at the
office of the Novelty %Vora!, (or three z mhs, on trial,
and feel perfectly .lllOsGli that it Is a u iul uoienUon,
arid we take pleaame In recommending am as a use,
ful article to all who love pure water. Orders Will be
duzalltlly received and promptly executed
No. 89 Wood Street,
WUULD call the ettenuon of the pulthe to their
present stook of Paper Hanging', whath for vw
a r t y , beauty of finish, durability and elwapner.Os fin'
surcw , wd by any woublishment in the Untold.
Rellde• a large and full assonment of paper of their
own manufacture, they are now receiving a direct Im
portation of French and Fruerish styles of Peeper Mang.
mar, purchased by Mr. Levi lloward, one of the firm.
now in Europe, COn.igtilig of
Punsian manufacture, 10.1:05 pieces.
London do 5.000 do
Of their own manufacture they have 100.000 mere+
Wall Paper, and POW pieCet Balm glaxed W,ndo,e
Marla, h.c.
Messrs. lames Howard & Co. have spared neither
expense nor labor in their endcavon to rival the east
ern wall paper establishments, both in onaltrV ."-"-
nfacture and variety of pattern; and they are warrant
ed in assuring the public that they have succeeded :
The whole assortment, foreign and home manufac
ture, will be offered on terms ns low as those of east
ern narmufaeturers and moaners. mcler.dtf
S--nt ZEBULON KlNskil 'S, of Map
i don very high hack Shell Tuck Conthe,
3 " Mechlin. " " "
2 low
•• plaid high "
Sit 11 " narrow beaded top
" fanny top kluirido
" plain "
20 gross com. Horn; 30 doe shell sole, aecorted cs
- Cl4l:l,mdbolr: r ;:f .. do 'r b d ev o
English Horn; 6do S S fine Ivory, extra else; 1.8 do
S do do, in boxes; 12 gross S tine do do; l do comb
Cleaners. ripla
(Successor. to
BBANKE RS, ilusatey, Hanna & Co.)
n Foresarn and Domemtc Exchange, Cern()rocs
of Deposita, Bank Nowa, and Speme—Fourth street,
nearly opposite the Bonk of Piumburg& Current ma.
ney received on deposit.—Sight Checks for sale, and
collections made an nearly all the principal points in
the Lotted Staten.
The highest premium paid for Foreign and Amene.
Advances made on consignments of Produce, ship.
pad En‘s on ItberaJ terms nrul
P4l - 41 . Sterktl, JLNS.4.I7IT hit. 1 , 19.
Patent mu-fever eaxeraion Tab , Sofas, Bureaus,
Book Cases. Writing Desks.
THE TABLES fur surpassing every other m
y oration or the load now extant. be ex
tended rem ten to twenty-five feet, and when eloned
the leaves are all contamed lb.- are made to
a/I sires and •hapes. and are admiral,f7 adapted Mr
Steamboat, Hotels. an large prittfite amities, farm-
Ing when elos,l a eomplete centre table.
SOFAS AND BUREAI:II..—Them entries are tonal
gable, panteularly to those Alto a,.h to clone
son., and ...sove,l• sleeping apartment into 4
parlor or I,i ttienK roons, an they ean he opened .hut
•t conventenee, and when shut, the neddlns In enetos
ed. A great Intent& iu roorn and rent. All Me bed
stead% when cloned forma beautiful piece cdfurulture
for a parlor or sitting room.
BOOK CASEA neat and useful aruele for parlor
or drawmc room.
R MIN(. DESKFor law office, elounna, rooms.
and other offices; whoa openrd a most uod
.dead, when :lo,cd a iwneet Dr.'i and I.:orary one
is ,vidne
All Lt.esn artie,ea need no r, omtnentlatwn• the •
beauty ol tne wote tue) are W.11,..1rd not to .2ct
our repktr Er writ for yourt:,, Ali 10 and
the, ,
:themularurer. NO.
rJ Tr. rd •tre ar l r su a r.h addn.ot L tied t rove advanta,s. tow, are proof' neninAl lour,
ntehlti JAMES. W A . OOO WELL.
m H i A 1 . 1;; 1 i i ... ,1 1 r t:. , •1 4
, Ir r . if;
hays attended my brother. who ,Led of consumption
DI Marra. IA:I, I was taken •sek way the CO.I.MpUon
or laverComplaint, and am. •P with we
disease, mar (or (our years I was un..ine a.
my Imo.. either at home or abroad. being for th ,
most unto m. confined so my bed. During the a's", net,
od of time, I had egpended (or medical attend..., o
regular Yhysietans and medtentea to the anouns
Wan. ...ghoul receiving any benefit therefrom. In
July, INS, I columenced taking Dr. Jayne's Nledi.
ernes, and have taken Went more or isee ever since,
and beim, that it was by perseveringm thei use,
shot I ran slow truly say dint I have completely tree.
Yered ray health. I bas that Jayne'. Sanative Pills
ad Kepeetoront are We heat nurMy medicines now in
I reside en Isprlngficld, Otsego roonty, N. V. and
Parry on a 'unlace end machine shop en 041.1 place.
and ens not intip - ested in any 11 .000114 We sale ol the
anone medt-t.ins. und wake Otis coati/eau; for the :•••11.
eftt of those adlicted. F.LIJ ALI E.lll/N
nl. N Y Sept_ lit Iqs. ot4
ANArritrn 'I'OIIACt7OLYhe - . e 1.. rt
itt. urc
would atteotlop oi the rely rind. r fled
ret ,riteraps. to use tottowing Lxrands
to aloee and In whit, p ronsipnimen, de.
...e e.
t from snonulor aloes. he it pnabled to .re. at pm',
ern plc.,:
1:2) 1 bra R W Crenshaw ss,
;0 1 lames Nlntliaon
al I " Latnartnn•
'• attralteau
t rt t- Putnam va and Is,
IS '• Rotten* a Siatton
j tacar Hurl
it John. & Lewls Is,,
3 I .` Warw.r vvpr
4" I “ Henry h. lanana Zmt Is am! - v,
Pitt Machine. Work. and Foundry.
JOHN WRIGHT .4 Co., are J a mmu...nit', but kl Cotton
and lVmalen hire tottery of ovary de , nottatt, such
us Canino( Machines, riptuning Frames, Speedma,
Drawnta Prattles, Ratheay Heads, Warp Spoolms,
D Ft.., Lonma. Card Glanders. ,te. Wrought
Iron Shanutg turned, all sues of Cast iron, Pulltea land
Ran,geraof thn tateet patients, slide and hand ',MI.,
nod tools Of all Of every d-. rr pt:o
I,l:matt. , l ot, aaort Made ord, I
qt,..ant Pipe . fur nt . tt.
• /fn., CV,:011.4.,,,0:1 and
C ,a
not:, r - re,,ilV tr,lera lett al the weeen.,,.e J.
I'IMUCI ht. C 0.,. lAberty street. 0111 have prompt 14.1e11-
Refer to Illaclittnei.ll/.. & CA . I K. Nloorchentl
, 1. E Warner. John Irwin & P Itsboral).
t AJ 11. Walner, Stennenci lan
Penn Machine Shop.
r WlGllTNl.{N—Munu,con e r m kind ,
• 4.411.1 w.loitt 11 machinery. Allecuer., ~1,. l'a
.IH3vc work. '.,ng now NA, and .ueecs. "p
-r:mem. I am prepared IE3 execute order, with cl,pcelt
10l all kind. of machinery in my Ant, curb as
•prraalcrs. rand.. grEll.l"tg .1111rhtilrt., ral,way
ti:s IrmtlErs. spretlrr, Itmm, woolen
e..A.l..doalde ormagic. lor merchant or coumr} work,
mu.cs,Jacke,Ac.,ulide and hand .411. c. and Inuts.n g
eral kinds .L p, made to order, or plan. c.v•
c for cearinc moron.. or mil:* at reaeonalno elturce
Kassa it../(conetly. CllLl‘l4 & C. Blackttock,
& , Kane, Pennock & Ja, A. l.ray
•1.1-1.01.11. V.
1 /.• I,,Wpiti"tflEr i111"iii[n"):"Lh"yd„":';:tr!k"i":': ndur
Ettrock, ttetweett Fedrra) d Sand ttelt, y
Ur , now ttta:ttut and are prrparett ret.,,, order, tor
ever) oekeription ot veinelek, t:hartkn's I.
rtt,tcst,,, Ilakette.. l'lttetoott. he., he., winch in. tit.
'tong t . iper:ence lit the rnatiulactu , re el the otto o , k,
anti OW 13 , 1 per, they have. they It,: econft,l..
ettaided to do work on the Illokt 1,1.11 s with
Woke tt. muting work
in their lute.
i'a , purUculur anent!. to the neleenon c' rnlve
rtal., um d httNitte no:te i,ut t.otnpetent w.rktnen, they
Live 110 r,OllOOO 111 Warranting their work AN ,
ther , ,,re as K the 11,110011 Of the public to thin nom,
It Reps. - mg done tu the hest 1 1 311.11er. 0111 i nit the
most reavlttuble terms.
_ _
Monongahela Livery Stab/e.
RUIIIIRT 11. PATT..H.SON bon opened
r 1k .c.44
the large stable on Ftrmt st,runittng through
to Second ft between Wood and Sr:llolsnd
so, i.t the rear of the Monongahela llousr,
with utt entirely new stn..ld of Horne , .d k ept of
the be.t quail and Intr,, styes. Horses kept 111 Elve
n, in the hest tnattuer. jy.l I y
'. • -
Patent Graduated Ga&ante Battery and l'eaen
inruerreed Pcdor for Medical and other purpodol.
Istlnv is the only instrument of the kind wit ham ever
been presented in this country or Europe for med..
teal purposes, and to the only one ever known to man,
by which the and
fluid eon ho conveyed to the 11,
01.1 rye, the ear, the brain, ur to any part of the boos,
eater externally or internally. in a definite gentle
strrem, without shocks or pain—with perks. gaiety—
Toften with the happielt effects.
his tniporient apparatus is now highlyapproved of
by many of we moo: eminent phy Airtime of bum Coon.
try and Europe, it whom the afflicted and others whom
it may conceit, edit Pe erred. Reference will sloe
be gtven to many ref
trotifeetalneeluzens, who bort
twril cured Ipy t••• a of of tins 1110.1 valuable Opportune
1,01110 of the most Inveterate neivoos lt.ort.lers 4 Inf.::
onnl not be removed by any small men:,
A !inn, various ~. ha is, it has linen provoil to tie ad
iiiy admitted Inn tuncure of the tollow,ng disease.,
vaf nervous lieadnehe and Other thien/Inlf of the brain.
It tt with true apparition atone that the operator ea,
convey tire hugnetic dual with ea. and sorely to the
eye, to restore stght„ or eurc amaurnaas, in the ear to
',tore hearinit: to the tongue and other °rent., to re.
store speeeni and to the various parts of uic body, la,
the nitre ol chronic rheumatism, return etn, I/1
tie detente., pnrel)sts, or palsy, volt, hot en
donee, epilepsy, WC... :rem sprain., motor
difteases perulimi to leoraleo, contraction oi inn antts
torajaw,rte eto.
Ittght. ior surrounding counties or Western
prt +hese., with th stistruturni. may 00 pure nun u, .t.O
u.o teste for tenure
of disca.cs.
ruil le/Art.ocm, Will be giver, thr the vsrtnus hr,qt
t to I e wird Jar v. ,,,,, a.lmettses, sad the best
ner lor nprraung for tbr cure at those dtsensea vr: ' tt.•
.. a mill expinined In the purchaser, and a painphlri
putlnto hard. expressly far these purpa,,,,,. care.
prepared by Lilo patentee. Enquire el
0, .1 Idly h WILLIAAIS. Vine .t. Pitt•hureb
TM& nL OM KIT ilt.S
1 III: ~ i , ,t ri n o t iw z , 0f ,,,, t1: , ez . 11 , 1. , ,t 1 , 1 is rcspectruhy
Eeatni—linving tested e lunnety ti Gold
wmglind by your Are rector, I tool t reenit prover
your in•trument correct; end recommen he d
the me or si
to there going to Crtliforidch us the be.t method- oh.
mining the reel value of field. Helm your,
I. FE DC N LEVY, Do:d :Ye eter.
Fideburgh, March 9, 1010.
Prrnoroaan, March 7, 10.50.
MR. Es cuu--Dear Sir: I lam ) ; cmunmcd Ric rem
meter." munala,tured at your 'wile., I do not hesitate
tocommend Rto the use of thou gentlemen who are
about removing to Califorma search or Gold.
It twit , a clove apprournatzon I t o the opt, .he s ray]
ty sit metals, and will eertun:y eablo trio vdre..mrar
to Imre... when his placer )ictd.or, 1. 011
morhr Your. ...WI R ll`Cl.C.l"yr.r•sl
J, I..xpednion. a complete a—Liu-tut., c.
CiUta Elastic Clorhmo. al pneer , rattail,l.tutt
811,01 tor suit at eutit, par. anal hat. lot ram oi tho
to ins Itubtror beput, Nu .5 Wcual
dordo J.s II l'llll.l.lrA
Fit L fifore 01 i bues sO •tIY
El cetebrated frunlffr .„11 Pianos, used by
Lis. Tbal,,erg u , great perorate,. tueetber
a large ....rub.. ut rosewood sbd
of ift, Mllll{l/31(1, •:. LIM RIPON, r.JIItA ere
warruoted to be per,- ia ever) seep, a: of will be
sold oar fur cash.
IV.. rig Wwel at. 2.1 •I..••. ~•..n 20.
IlP , : g e .,, el g e “ , J . c r rt Ilecrarn 1241 , Powder, in, heal
Ter. and to -ale Lp
1)11." /li I. II It. Co. 'Cooed ‘I
lrl asprati`. Patent Suan Ash.
)i 10 CA, tt eti per alennanra lynnhoe
Gll and ..rn Cinn.l. :lit for .ale by
& u All reIIEt.TREE.
„oni i tau LabortY at
LErirrEj•lt uILto .tore surd tor sale by
myll a es Liberty tap St Gut.
WE arc now opening very large and chalet iis-
V V sortment of SPRING AND SUMMER. UtrOLfii,
selected ur. mom than nmal cane dartng the .1 few
weeks, In the New York and Philadelphia mamma
and embracing a great variety of
...nom every de
scription of the latest and moat fas hionable Myles, and
Elarge portion of it having been booght at me K.,yr-
RN AUCTIONS at a gnat redaction Irma the regu
lar rates, we are enabled to offer great triducements
to cosh buyers, either by wholesale or rem.. We
would therefore respectfully moire the auention of tho
public to our Stock, feeling confident of our ability to
suit buyers in almost every article they may with in
our line. To the ladles we would espectally commend
oar stock of
SPIA.II. Clams Sags, of which we have a very
large and beautiful assortment of the latest styles and
most fashionable color•.
Lanni DIII. GP:MS—Nowlin de Lame., Poil de
Cheevre, slim, linen and mohair Lustre., punted
Lawns, gingham Lawns. Foulards, new style Barettes,
English, French and Pooch tanghams, 'lntro Limp
hulas in great variety, Sc. Sc.
Bonnets—New style Bonnet., very cheap.
Kinross IXO klawasa—lif the latent styles and supe
rior in qualuy.
P.ustas—A very large and hanisome stock or PAT
uols, of almost every style and quality.
SHAW LP—A fine assortment of spring and rummer
Shawls, of all styles and prices.
Currna—A good supply of super French,
English and American Cloths and Cassuneres, a which
we would mute the attention of persons needing such
goods. . .
ALSO -A full and general supply of Shirting Checks,
Ticking*, brown and blenched Muslin*, Table litneus,
Sheoungs, Uapers, CIMb neo, Drillings, summer Ckrode
men.' and boys' wear, /*cone., Mulls. Swiss, Nan
soot s, Nankin', Prima, Gtughams, Crape, Crape Loco,
Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery , silk Ildlt fa, Veils, he. An.
Persona wishing to buy by who'esale, should cull
and ocainiint our stock, as our pries. too such as to
make it then' Interest to buy.
ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 51arket at,
northwest corner of the Diamond
A A. MASON tr. Co., No. GU Market street, have
on hand tile largest variety of Rorbroideries
which they have ever offered. Their assortment con
.. ;n part of the following good*, on:
Itts nth embroidered Masan Capes, from 81,50 to 5,00
Cc 't - Collars .` 37j to 31,60
50 , 1 crochet Collars, from T7j to 75
350 lace ^ tr to Iffj
7UO (impure dj 121
- .
15i1 Jenny Land "
1.0 muslin Ilnbity
• 021 to I 00
60 10 140
.9.10 pays [ Cuffs, `•37/ to 624
Also. hlouriuns Collars, trots lei to 25e.
Call at the cheap one price mare of A. K. MASON
. 14 Co, No 60 Market st.
L\ fiES, fcc.—W R. Ai CEPIIT has this teeming re
solved by Express a lot of handsome suss./ colored,
green nod Was Sonnet Ribbons. Also, glossy block
Silts for dresses, !annuli.. Sc.
AVirrry GOOD, for dressea--sueli n.mai*. and mn
mason,. Nam.ooka, Lo. Abto, embroidered mein
for dreneo ab at lowest prices, at northeast earn.
Fourth and Motto, streets.
Whmesalc Rooms up stairs. myl4
R. ‘lc.rur has now open a full of a
artielc, for drrsses and sacks—among the :M
-t,. um *OM, scarce colors, such as pink, 1.011.43, Fern,
pink. (.10!. green, and mods colors of Cha
meleon Lawn., and 4 Larac assrosunent of embroider
rd Lowo4
W u M. 4 recent purchase is now all renewed and
opel . nod persons wastung Dry (foods will do well to
look at los am: and can stock before purchasing—
r. • ,rtnes , t corner 4th and ttarket Its.
_ .
Who.cnale Eaton up ontra
a . ll f t b ,, r d A a rn . ufBr r
aunt paper for colortng, Punk Saucers, reaves of eve
ry toren, bud, tine, and callow*, can be &waned a
P EATON & Trustaing_Stons,
cpla ea Fourth et
UMBROIDERY—Worsted psherns for Ottomans,
Plato Stools, Table Covers, Traveling Bags, with
n great sanely of small patterns. Also, Worsteds of
and shades, by the poand,ounce, or skein
sole by spit P BATSON & Co, ad Fourth st
BOOM) SUPPLY—W II Murphy, at northeast cm.
er of hit and Alnrket streets, has now open his
SECOND supply of spring end summer Goods, end has •
large assortment of Dsyss Goods of newest sryles, and
staple of every kind, all of which will be sold
IT recetved the above scares and desirable article,
of the fashioaable shade; also, Green Banque, erpir7
60 Shorn Selmer,
A FOE now opening the most extensive and vaned
A.•assortinent of Spring and Summer Goods ever
tn teal in the Western country,coomnsing upwards
mEleven Hundred Cases, purchased in entire packa
ges from the manufacturers. importers, and large auc
tion sale., by one of the finis residing in New York,
vvhe tomstaitt:y sending it. the-newest and mom
mathenahle goods. They name in pan—
It Hai Stinng Prints; 2O ones hide Leine;
- Lawns mid Muslim 25 a notion and !men
" blenched Mualin. , nll . Gingham*,
grades; 30hlustling
4u " shirting Checks and n w itmkas Cotton.
domestic Hine-hams, edes and summer :thefts
ton lirewn Manlius;
Al., co.* and packages of Bonnets, Flowers, La
eeg, gibbons, Silks, Shawls, Bcregea White Goods,
Millinery Arts , les. Cloths sad Cessimertis, Linens, Ho
sier und Wove, An. 3.c.
Cit y y
awl country merchants wig find their .took as
large and desirable no Eastern stocks, mut un claim
notion of their goods and prices cannot fail to eons
Vl.O all that with these undeniable advantages and
tucilittes, they eon compete went An, Emmen, Amiga.
This fact has been clearly ,demonstrated to hundreds
of their paten. who fortuirly purchased East. Their
stock will always be found complete. ap7
MEAT 690113, 1849
I:NNEDY t Sit W VER., corner Wood and Fourth
Ire nave receiving direct from first hands,
.nr, oi Eidey and Variety liomls, inc,unling
Cineks ol every variety, sold and slyer Watches,
iry, French Prints, Coml, Hooks and Eye.,
idovet and IluAirry, Suspenders, Gun Caps, and all
other article. In their line--all of which having iiecu
purchaved personally of the manufacturers east, da
mn; the last tvinter, expressly for the Spring trade,
wid i.e .31,1 who/egmle at a small advance, on cost.
Con•tantiy on hand, all de...towns of Loakinig OIELCS
,n, or°. nRI atlarto../n. at eastern primes mleigl
FA ow
1:1,ON KINSEY'S. 67 3larket street.
. .
lUI prs fine China V. aas'tl; 173 sets twist and
cut velvet coot Buttons; dufine velvet Carpet do gent'. traveling; 100 gross fancy silk Button,
for dre•se, 1U d Uroshes, s, , d; lon gro fine
htu Ve.ti ii 11.1114. a.F'd. • do do gilt and plated, do.
lot rosewood {lair iltushc, I do lVashington do;
I do Ilarbers do, 1 gm Fish Lines; Fish Hook, Lime
rick, .t.r.
W El. RN' r gold lever Watches; 50 do de
ached le v-r Wale aes; I 0 do Lepole do,. 10 fine dot
mond rioter Rot,. Jon fine gold Vest told Fob
chao, 2 do do Guards, Breast Pins, Finger Kluge,
Ear Mo.,
GLOVES. kr —2OO dot Ladies Conan Gloves. ass'd;
:kb do do Thread, fancy top. tr.c.; tu do gents'
t.,oves; id do do kid do; 59 do ladies lid, tutird; In
do do fanr :op ftlik.
VA RI ETV 6DODS-7.3 ;AID American Pins; 3101
bx. COMM Cords; 75 p. Paper Muslin; 500.000 ribbed
reussion Caps; 400 gm dress Whalebone do; 100 , 10:
I vory Coign, Dressing Combs, Hack Cotoos, /re. !cc.
EvroN Jr. are now opening the
r . swea of Tr:mining, consomn6 to port or ;11an.
t. 's and Ilres. nges, lumps. bloc[ and cold Silk
black Flounce Lace, gottotts. !Inds, Bonnet
Trtmmtnsw. 1,11111, 1.1. es and el...liens pls.n and fan
cy lichorry. ' , thrill for men and hot s, Conths, Nary and
other FILIII, b ant, Spool Cotton, Needles, Tapes, 80h
01..., Puts, he. &P., which they otter for sale, both
wholesale and rel.% at dor Trimming Stone, 6 Fourth
sue,. Itetweer. Wood and Market. apl4
IV - ENV SPIIING I.oolJet —A. A. !ilusors b. Co.
Bu Market street, are nowopening 40 cases and
parkages of splendid SPRING 600L/0, compriaing
Lawns, :11160“.11, Hereges, M. de L 13.14,11, Gi”ghBlll4,
P I HI), French Canitires, Linens, Rilibomi, Laces,
.111, 0, Shawis, Gloves, Hosiery, and a general assort
ment of Goods. 1.1‘27
I ) EC CI vEr) THIS DAY, Carpcuaq and Otl Clouts
of the I.;:rg and fro‘t Approved pattern, and at
przee• to .at:, I..fid cheap tus can be par
chn,cd nt any of the hastato citie,, cempriatag the fol.
Erten Royal V.lvrt Pile Carins;
Aixrnitttstrr Carpe n ter any si I, ha:l room. or veal
Sup Royal ID - duels , l'up,..try stair carp , tot;
Elmo sup J do do do
Superfine do do Chroule Rug 4
Fat. Ingrain do Tufted do
Furfine dy do D.u.sels do
n ald do Door grubs
Common do do Tufted do do
1.1 3-4 /e Tapestry Ade:aid do do
Daina,k do Sheep .kin do do
14, 3-1 , 1 / 4 Iwl'd Vr. 1 . /.4 Nano covers
netted de 6-4 do Table Jo
1.1.'14 er. p,a,n do On d-4 wool do do
Cotion In. rain do wor.tett sad linen do do
Vertruan do Brass Stair Rods
-• 1 ootton Druirent, 114 woo, crumb cloths
13-1 woo'en do r LitiC/1
0...4d0 do 64 table do
1,..g',.;1 To' II:! riollts; Mope, do
doon do do Crash
- 4 Floor 1 , 11 cloths; Show-Drop Napkins;
-I do .10 do Crun•ort bush;
.• 1 do do do Porp do
do do do Man.. , do
4.1 du do do l'arp.. • 141:,dingr;
Cloths. of neurTraiisp . ot Window Shades
pottrros. rut to fit
100tro- beyo we am ecootantly reeetviocipr Synisig•
.; It of Carpets. int C,0t1.. and steamboat TTlmininga,
io h oivitc tbe ant lawn 01 ell who wtah to far
ir•ti their housr. or gteamboats us we will he able to
041", gnats on low no they ran he porehased in the
t.:nd., and of th•-. nrheot and late. pi) les. Call nod ez , .
aoli, our stock before purehusli.g e:eiewhere We re .
hounr. N.. 75 Fourth st. metal W. hrCLINIT icX
TA., 1, 7 and twist 1.:34-ImanailA Stuck
;cod, a.,pred to Gelttlenton'l and
moan fl jr..rt r • rely:lw
'l ' ME Prone...tar of the above estatiltshment would
anyto Manta his numerous customers, that
In- has ,usi returned from the Eastern cities with the
en.•l .piehoid ewottinent of goods hi hwitue, that woo
.-r brought to this city, comprising all that is now
ti-liionable, elegant and Cheap In Cloths, Ca...ltems,
wimerects, Drop De Etc. and every description of
eon., noon and woollen Summer Stuffs; Stuns, I'm
Suspenders, hut of the newest .ty We;
niceihsr with his very liiege and fashionable
oi wad) made Clothing, he is prepared to oder
newt low prices
merchants, Contractors, and all who par
eh., Lara.ely, are particularly Invited to call and ex
:inner Ihr stock, which is decidedly the largest and
rno.l fs.hionahle in the Clip, and great attention has
lard to get It up suitable to MO wholesale trade.
I /rarra 111 the Tailoring line executed in the most manner. and that nothing may be wanung
to enni re Wm newest and best style of cutting. A gen-
I below, who has hod great experence in the Eastern
nine.. ha. been added to the estabhshoseutt„
Dli - t - tioolols
Dry (Goode Jobber•,
M WOOD STILFAIif —Would call the attention
IA of Nlerchanto to their largo sto4 of Domenic
awl Foreign DRY GOODS, just receiving from the Ica
porter• and Manufacturers, and width they aria Bell
At eery low Rtes for rash or approved stadia
Our Monk is now full and complete, and well worth
the attention of buyers, rui we are determined to sell
at such extremely low priers unmet foul to make it
a WV nig isdacamea Oct mom/Lisa to *aka a kill with
0 1, •
VOL. XVI. NO. 296.
ottng FAN in wholesale end retail stores, and other
respectable builneas, te act n a Hoot-keepers, Sale.
men, Portets, Bar-keeper.,
M lles,W Farmers,Coach.
men. Cu, Agent], Book and Agents, Collectors,
Overseer. in all branches of bode., kn. We have
at nil nines a large number of good altuatio. On ham!,
which pay from 300 to YAW per autnan. Those lh
want of cumtions of any kind would do well to give
a. a eau. as we have agents in each .4 the &wive d
ue, whleh will enable us to place every tin
iksaitable .iteation at the shortest notice. We have a
large acqoaisitance ia all Use abash 112.10 ed
winch we treat will enable as to ve attire satisfac
tion to .11 who nasty favor us with •• gi
TAYLOR Or. TA I - MAN, No. CO Second et,
between South and Gay.
N. B —Person. living in any part of the U. States,
and wishing to obtain a situation m Baltimore, or ea
her of the above ethos, will have their wai t imme
diately attended to by addressing as e bile, (post-paid)
as by so doing they will curtail boo
,M trouble and ex
city, whicthey
and se h thekin arbo
cm loymerd walla . incu
kr r
the by mselve n s.
the p
No. 10 Second street,
Baltimore, Md
RELIEF PGA CritA26.lla -----
r S the most approVed English pattern, (=fished
end recommended by Thames HakowelL R•q., ..I a
number of eminent physicians; being a most conveni
ent apparatus for the application of Vann or hot wa
ter to the bowels, in ease of cramps in Cholera. As
s e ;: . . e lPb`e".,°°dt.:',LTl:.` t fo'nu. a " . n a u- " , no I'L'dlY
Jta First at, between Wood and 'Markel
Improvement In Plantar:
illowTHE subscriber is lust rumoring so
assortment of Pianos from the factory
of N mins & Cleric, N. V., which for el
egance of exterior, beauty of finish
and seperionty of tone and touch. sutpass any thing
ever brought to this city. Mr. Clark, el' the above
firm, long and mow favorably known as the former
foreman to the celebrated Piano establishment of
greedy:moil. London, has recently improved and per
fected the Planes of Nelms & Clark, N. V., to an ex
tent which, unquestionably, entitles them to the repu
tation of being the very best as well as the cheapest
Planes to be gat in this errantry. Tim lot now open
ing, Comes with the additional recommendation 01 an
improvement to t style and 'Musk, which mak.
tGem ahe t
once the most elegant and tasty thing ever
brought OW 1111,,0 instruments, together with the
stock on hood, form the moo extensive, varied and de
sirable .sortment ever offered horn all of which will
be sold at manufacturers Mem, and on aecommoda
ung terms. H. KLEBER,
at I. W. Woodwell`a SlThird to
N. II —The subscrlber will be found at the ware
house from II to tll A. M , and 4 to 5 P. AL
Col H. K., sole Agent for lianas & Clark
THE sabscriber offers forlo It largo and splendid
.sortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac
tion Piemos, with and without Coleman's celebrated
LIAiII.II Attachment The above instruments am'war
ranted to ho equal to arty mannfactured-in this coon.
try. and will be sold lower than any brought from the
East. F. BLUME, No MB wood st,
111 door above Oth
B —City Scrip will be taken at par far a few of
he above assoninent. my 2 F. B.
For BarSp at Par. --
1011 N R. MELLOR,BI Wood streot,
will sell for Scrip at par, the following
ne w and second hand Pianos
One elegant rosewood 64 octave Pi
ano, mails by Baker &Raven, N.V. &NS 00
One do do tljoetave• • • 300 00
One row:rood 6 octave,,
& Co, N. Y... 275 00
Ono do 6 do do do• •-•ZO 00
One mahogany 6 do do nearly new• • IMO 00
w p m
Ono do 6 do ' Lond " ". • 225 00
One do 5j do Rosenbaum .•• •• •-•••—• 100 00
One do 6 do Gem. •• • • ....... r 50 00
One do .54 'do R& %V Nun. 90 00
One do 5 do English • ' 30 00
• RID niiiVA L. — --
TORN - FORSYTH, Merchant Tailor, has removed
LI to No. 34 Market street, one door from Second,
East side.
tankful for past favors, he respectfully solicits a
iontinminne of the patronage of his former customer.,
and likewise the patronage of as many new ones
ire of the right limps,
Orders in the Tailoring line executed in the most
ashiknelde manner, and with dispatch.
Also, a fashionable namstment of ready made Clo ;
thing, of all kinds. Cheap for cash, of course.
Geoilemens' Famishing Goods in all their varieties
always on hand, amen us Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Cra
vats, :gook*, Scarfs, Hosiery, Suspenders, Pocket
Mars, Glance, Drawers, Umbrellas, de. Au. toe.
coral:dam .
i i-PD I : ' - '7ll :VAN 1 ` ,1 1 NO:E)
1`......7. , ' - 1 .- - •-:' ' 4.:'..t
L.,.-- - ' ff lEt ''ft.,,,__. 4 • P.tratigZ,,--;
r MI 4 I 14 1 1MVPAI OA t ir
_fir- - ', .
A N EMINENT nod ile.erlettoest.P4ysicnu from the
Fitt, (20 yo sanding, °Lk , rs to trout all cue'
of a Del;oato Piano, with promptness antladorecy.
HiSsureess to Buffalo told other largo,,eities hu
nen proYerbiel. Hts ehargis ire Moderato, and his
cares permanont. Old eases of Glee; Stricture, Sent-
Ada, Fluor Athos, Rheumatism, Agno,Sypiiiiis or any
chronic or invoterato eases solicited.
A cure warranted, or ektalgo refunded. .
Omen, St. Clair street,2 doors from the Bridge..
Teeth Extnined. Advice to the Poor Krutts.
N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the wont ones of any dine.
in Potehorch to call.
WILLIAM seise,
Manufacturer of Mineral Water Apparatat,
atoll or too 001.00 LG. AND 101nrratZIE V
No. 213 North Second at., above ine,
N experience of mare than m yenta to the
' menufactortng of Mineral Weer ee
Apparatus, and
the preparation of Mineral Witter In pettier and Foun
tains, on an extensive scale, with a scientific and peons
nerd knowledge .1 of both branches rof business, loge
, she, with recent improvements In the conatrucuon of
the Apparent. and the preparing of the Water, which
be has succeeded in adopting since lug elan to Pans,
and after yeas-sten' close ' , lady nod practical
lions as applied to the arts in Mech./des and Chcaue.
try, enable. the •übscubor to come before the potato
with enure confidence, end offer them the best and
most complete Appelants, for the manufacture of Mu.
erel Water to Bottles and Powitaitur, that con be fur
matted to the United States.
Ile also flattens tmnaclfthat the enlarged niece" be
has met with, and she press., extemaive and dailyta
ereaning amount of his business in both the above de
partment, fortuah, the most convincing Front of his
&nun to 'he sniper:envy of - Apparatus over those of all
011101, and of she
prepared therefromportly and aeldbray of the Winer
Perlons who order the "...tractional a distance,
ay he a. tired that titetr shall be faithful
compned watt, and co rooked ma to rry solely
Idler by land or water to airy part of Me IT Staten.
T e s sew di...appointment. It I...recommended to those
who intent sapnlystey them micas the approachtng sea.
vitt, turward then order, at as early a day ma coo
fa tent.
!du: al Water Apparam, Genenitors, Pumps and
Fountains, Oritament..l Erna and Pedestal. for Stands,
Conn.!, and Hats of Hotels, (or drawing Hydrant
Water, together sash Corking and Tying' Machines,
and evarythusg appestat/wig to the above, buslnessi,
constantly on nand, and (or sale on the lowest terms
(or cash, apftdeodato
ATEN'r SOLAR I.A.Hti iailatlP - S—Art eaten. VO
t.sortmatit of Cornelius Co.' celebrated manu
facture, and .upenor to all other. in uses; adaptcd to
/thumbs., 5trt11131,04.. factories, divoiiings, public and
private habit. and to all other uses where a cheap, cafe
and light is damnable.
t ran ks, Chid isles, I a Lanterns, CaldelahrwhElobes,
Shed,. Wicni/es, Cans, Trimmers, am. Also,
Chandeliars, from one to four lights.
W W WILSUN 40 market
- -
easioseaaa t aari t fil
A 1/111.1.1, IRNErin, TRUNK &ND VVI(IP &LAN.
V • ft rhe oubscribier takes thin Method
of Informing his fn eil4A and the publie in general that
he hen tie iargeni tn.z of the following named WM
6es of hm owo rnaholacture In this city—Saddles, tier
fleas, 'Fronk s acid Whip., all of which he viill warrant
to be mad. oldie lie, inaierml sail by the best meet°
eine, in Ai:cc:hen y counly. tieing determined to
huh niinnia.ures •onirthing lower than hew been here
tofore sold by any nimtler astabliebineist In Um city.
he winhal nivite rk:rmhts in need of Me above named
articles to Lila ware hou.e, No. 214 Liberty errant, oppo
stte h4ren:h. Also, bonds mode. to order tbr innehlnO
ry, KERBY.
rfi I r•eerrtn: Ser,oh ofLing Institution, under the
oar, of Nit. ani Air, (Onions., for theresent
academy. car, den uu the first of Fpebrua
ry nor', In
Lisa arrow I+,li:dings, ce
N 0.52 Liharty hlreet. —
A rran,nien. have been made by %aseil they .471
be able to l'orthrh young Indies feeditles e9oal to any
in the %Ve+t. fur obthinnhr a thorough Engltah, Chrsorl.
ea:. and iirilainentat educe Lou. A fall canna! of Pty.
li:optima: and tTheinacio Lceinres wall be delivered
durrig 'Anther, niu.trale.l by apparatus. The de
partments of Vocal and In oreinental slusic. Alodern
Languag , i, and Painting, wilt el.!, be under
tee eare nt a cocuyetimt Pr./lessor. By close attention
II; nod nLoilectual linttievoment of their pt.
none umrit a conlinualltnit of the
pr nn.or, , e th..y .havn :uttiorto ehlOyed. For
IsAt-tit( ••••• , ircelar or Uppl,y a rhe. Pr-Lahti/MIL;
h . .dsome small
y en hand, bleached mad unbleach4
.e„d , pernt, I , :tephatit and Whale OIL,
:it c , , , cr• , 1 ••••, - eted N. W. Coast Whale
.111 1 .0' /el 1,.01.1111,
PA IT yr 1,11.0
CFR:VERY—The subsert
bee s are • dte pt eptrcd teupply 'llevlan's Patent th I ,
in ant' tie 0110 Mcmt,,,.. manufacturen. Act., are
teguesied ottl era:woe aruclb. Leruhentes
of, ' c eifir te, dml eupe• orpy et cr ml other oil, from
1 1, (101 1 0111 nu-t tr-e,re utenuttemron, 010 111
our 7055 r,,,, A f.1,1,N it NRE.Dlttd.u, Agit,
22 Z 1 400 A :I.ll"Vra,
(OA rt.,•.,:m t l'inlodelptos
Notice to Dag iserreot ype Artiste.
U.,: rt. emecd 41/000 111VOLCC of' votuTLAEN•
1100 , Them In , eats p os ad sess great
v occr al. cold,. ever . made, covering a /...t
sus reducing toe tone of sittlng onmhalf, and
producing, a sharper, dearer and tattler defined pie
la , . They, 11101,110 1 4 1 :st,rve 1110 atteotton of all A.
engaged or intending to engage ni ate butane..
Price tor the Tube Slio.
A genera: :LS 4 0(1010111 of Vingilacndee's justly cele
brated Instrument*, of all sue, as well as Roenerteo'
type the ioutett
tin- Pt:TER 53.111.14, ClllOOll.lOll, 01100 Is our It
thorued age.: for it,, sale of the abore ' lnstruments.
A lest of Yucca mut be obtained by addressing, post
paid, W. ,t P,LA,NuExlifrAm,
Exchange, rbild , leipbta.
Importers of Daguerreotype apa Orem-a
Agents for the sale of Voagthtenderts. Optical Instru•
menu. Martkendllm
Hardware .Cheaper titan Ewell
r °GAN, WII.SUNk W Importer and IVholesalit
14 Dealers in Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlery, N.
LIS Wood street, above Fifth, havo now 63 'torn a very
cheap and well' selected stock of liardwave,lreported
since the decline orpricee In Europe, and orlueb they
ore determined to veil correspondingly low . Merchants
who have been in die habit of going Eau., arepernee.
lady requested Inca!' end look through our- , stock, as
e.e6deouy believe they will save ewer espences;
lJ Hound, very fine,put reed end roi tale by
PLO • BULEallit 141C9/4