ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CADS, 1. IL ULM J. 1 la . /ELEM . , . BAIRD a STERRETT, 00::1 L I1ORNSYS AND COUN.IELLOIIB. Kr LAW. Fourth 'meet, between Bothltfteld end Gracn, ItlabUtgb,2!.. / - .jlll5 IN 1— LAJLE : _ WS. C. ERMAN. "" LARGE QB' END. ATTORNEYS AT LANY,IOOIIZINITIMI, nest Groot itatkif commi.ton tikta.nt. A and .oealers Produce, No. T.. 1 AlaztOt .treat ....„„riiiT----1. B ur y }- 4 ELE : . tr. i.. c ., , ,_ D ,J 4 D ,.. rt 1a . 1 e l e d?i i i i lr u s ' it manufactured articlen, ad;, No. in I.ll;crtr: strelt, Pntaborgh. , - 0000 Int , t BRA,: oacraoa Innpdj, 4.1Et.M.110 tg. !LET :R, 7holesala and Retail Will i) Be,lu i artier of Ltbert and St. Clair stream, Phu, bugh, Pa .. 5 14 CVLN I TM., K. a. isoWn. B • . . ROAN ;I cuLBERTsoN whoiemic Grace. and C 0011Dils10. Merchants, No. 145, Liikrty t 1 Pinaborri, Pa. J3A. PAILCSIZTSX:K es Co, Wholesale ß. . tad Drugged*, earner Wood and COI sat. • B.L WI i.SALEI( a shirr'', Wholesale Grosses, I; .71 21) Wood street Pittsburgh. A. hIeA.NULTY tr. Co; ForWikiding ilia tom mission Marehauts, Canal Basin, Pitsabutgh Pa. Duquesne Spring, Azle Bros/ aniiron . Works. riOLEMAN, • HAIL:HAN & Co, manufacttirece of COrteit and. Eliptie Springs, Hammered, dales, Bpring and Plough Steal, Iron, &c. Watch/lute on Water and tint ams, Pittsburgh. • Also, dealers ; Coach Trimmings and Medicable Castings. tutia „MARSLE WORKS ON LIBERTY ST, OPPIitSITE. THE BEAD OP WOW), PITTSBURGH,: EDMUND WILIKINS, CONTINUES to manufacture Monuments, Yuults, Tombs, Head Stones, Mantel I•teces,l:on- Ire and Pier Tops of foreign and domestic mmbla, at a regular _gad fair price. N. B.—M•awings for monomania, vaults, k c. Erni M ed, of any desenption. He animus • shareot gable . pSbl patronage. augdiltf st?u e. raat.un ,.._._.-_.__ 1.111.0 .1. 112X11111-1.. ENGLItlki t iI ' ENNETT, (lainDagfish, UditDitit 4. Co.) Wholesale Grocers,.Commismon and For warding Merchants, and dealers in Produce rind Flu,- boigh hliundaetnres, No. 37 Wood lb, between MI and 3d streets. ii . E . D.bittikl Ct./CU/CAN, Uorantuesionenet Forwarding la Merchant, No. Mt Wood sreet. rtnstedgi.. t layi • 1.10111. - LEAGUE FACTORS'. "laithllVi UN STEWART, autinumederer of lieney sg )g u r , ) , Chocks Om, Rebeeca street, city of Allegheny. _noel _y! ` VI LEX, tßaceDlo`or le MellthY Loot Woof Lasal. or mei Commission Merefient, for the eme of American Woolens, Liberty, opposite 6th st. wo. own, italumore. r. atuaaa, ICJWAJLD a. est'cusszna, /MIA " It:A.LDts brUCKISUII, Tobacco Commiseion jSer enana, 41 North Water et, d: 1G North whb,rte., !luta _ ao 7 CM - if wen', /*le.. Wirl)l 7 , JONES & Co., Isoecessors to Acadod, Jones & Co.) Commission end Forme&linear,- chants, deniers in Piasburgh dlnnufnentred 00nAn'• 1:11..1.. 0102.01, noire. urcarrolt, VALAII DICKEY St Co., Wholesale Grocers- Copt mission Merchants, and dealers in Produce, 7404. - hti lttf. and lU7 Front strems, Pittsburgh nissB NFIELJJ, limo of Warren, China) Consuida i Mon and Merchant, and wholesale dealer in Western Stanton eIICC6c, Boner, Pay mod Pearl Ash, and Western Produce generally, Wafer treet, between Smithfield and Wood, Puasturthit,.; dpi iOLIN WATT, (successor us Gwen G.:agar:Li Whoiesole Grocer and Conintiesion Merchant, nter 121 Produce and Puliburgh Alanolamores,Cori nor of Liberty and Hand streets, Pntsburgh Pa lab 1/011.88 hIeGUIHE, Oslo of the Lirm of of d /McGarr - e s ) Merchant Tartar, SI. Charles Burldingis, /tad street, near WcauLPiusbas i gh. AblEli A. HUTCHISON, a Co.—eucceasorai,to Loa. Notokos• Co., Commission blerchartis, and Agonto of the Eh. Lotus Steam Sugar Refute*. Na II seater and P 1 front streets, Pittsburgh. NA( t, 1 B. un..worra & Co., Wholesale liraccra, Pro- Carldace and Caranumnou Merchants, and Agents ton !loud Powder Co. of N. I', No. 27 Woo 4 at, rithihttrnt. . 1 ORN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Lints-gut, and dell a/ er in Dye Studs, southils Vans..., Ac., N0..0:3 Wood street, one doof Dutinond Alley, Pal. bu ,h . , TILIVEM KERB, Jr, Lc Co., taaccearor to J Doe") SaspChandlers, ad Water street. 0c...11 CiliN LC 'M Val; Wioleaule aLdfreLarid 4ter J ILL Allure and littatcal lastrueacuts, School Waits, Yapor, Slams, Steel Penh, arinns, Pruners' Cards, tad Stationary; enerally, No. el Wood at., Pittsburgh. Mr Ragbought or Wren iu trade.nT , S JSCHOONALAKER a. Co, Wholesaic braggloy, No. 24 Wood 0000. Pit.b. , PL • JOELN D. DAVIS, Auto:suer, earner Ste atal NT4d: streets,Parsburgh. litiiiNgTON 4 STOCKTIJN, Booksellers, BitWks U and Paper Manufacturers, ?0.44 kluket et., ?BB- Jona PlOih. g mae Phorsa,:i. Jab IL FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, rtononassW Mombassa, and Dealers na Produce, Itoensl Lahsreh I:landings, fronung on Liberty, Wood andriailh Streets, Plitsburah, Pa. JAMED rtt Una v Who . lesal e Grocer, Commisscon Meacham, and dealer an Produce and Paroda , ,h klamahleturea Din 21 Water rt., Plushurgia. • "Cr lER t JONES, Forwarding and Commis.= Agr.- chants, Metiers in Produrt sad Piusburgh butuz- Incurred artieks, Cam! Basin, near 7W s,. chl: • PENN DULL PITTSBURGLI, PA. KENNIIDY,C & CO, Mariana =era of vety anterior 4-4 Sheetinis, Carpet Chat,,, Cud= Two. and finning. jattniy ~. Vesravlus Iron Works. •.-'• L EW IS, DALZELL tr.. Co., unnufacturen of an 6 ,- ;es bar, rheet, Boiler iron and Noloo of the oftt quality. Wurehoose, 54 sewer and lIU front AL ,E 8 WATERALLN, Wholetauc Cs TO r, F ° MdCom sv mion Alerchara 1 ?Wt.' . t j A y eauf t ateturts and Produce, Nos. 31 W:ter 21101L13 Joi rittalrt, Yd. ..... nt IL se wed. KENNEDY t. SAWYEII, . .. bVes rs OOKINO GL.S.Zn Manufacturers, and wholes.;;' in fOrm ti gn and domestic Variety Gent' ; ,i, tern merchants, Pedlars and otherii are levied to call and examine the prices and qUality of our stecg, as with Our present increased hocihnes in manufacidgt lag and purchasing, we think we can oder as groin inducements to bagels as toy other house west of dee' Mountains. ;ab-ly 'll ______ Wa 11111.1.., n fads. .w. HICIMON, Plazburgi. Ag'ILLER t• RICKETSON, T% , hotelman Urocers, aikt, AIL importers of Brandies, Wtn. and Sega., NO. 172 and 174, corner of Liberty aLd Irwin Pa. mr.r.J Jowl ICS/1.1- lAA D. il'Occc_. WSl.iii c. Meg/ILLS k MOE, Wholesacle Groser• .41 Commis: aj. on Alerekants, No.-LW Liberty st., Patiburg& Joe MUItPUY, WILSON &, CO , Date Jonee,MOrphy.t. Co.) Wholesale Dealers to Dry bonds, No. a Wood curt, Pittsburgh, novddo). Y. /LSO. manna, - NVSI. NALLEN & CO. ColnotistiOO and Forward,,a Merchants, 't% atm. end Front its., between od and Market sus. 75! MN/T L..HEW Wl..Ofs, Portrait ano Aumature anco ter. Room, cornerof Post Office Alley mid Fourth Km/ entrance on 4th rear Markel • seed-dtf, s: Ii HOLMES SON, So, 5.5 Market st„ .coon door from corner of Fount., unaen, Icrmidd;. • id Domestic Uili. of Exchange, Certsheates of Depoa:• it, Bank Notes and Specie. radja" Collections mad on all the principal moor 0. taroagbout the United States. • deer) NBVCKALASTER, A Liarusts,—thlice, Fourth sif 11 Cothud door above Smithfield, south side. onveyancing of all kinds done Intli the &rester& care mod legal accuracy. Thies u Real Estate examined, ke. oe 1304 y DR. GEORGE 1110000 K. OPFICE, Fourth greet, near Want, m We roao • lately occupied by Alderman Rider, immedlaie, ly tibscishe AU, way be lound tsLge# , ' 1 , 1 No. 71, Elt. Charles Hotel. jtillAßM kl. T. Ltoberta, al. D., - -';i: gI•TEIALMIC SURGEON, will attend to the tree;il meat or Diseases °Me Eye. .. . R. has been engaged in this branch of the medi cal professzon for suseaa years,, end has conducted al-S; establishment for the treatment ul diseases of the ey" . ...,, alone foe several years. Omcs and residence, corner of Sandusky at an§.; Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. erell3V: EitPIIiALLN 'UNA STOBJC..--No. 7.1 lo a itS: at, near Wood—All quantities of Green aaa„ Black Teas, done up in quarter, hall, 14. One patina packages, ranging from SO eta. "per ponml. MAI,' jyl A. .1.11 NES, Aar. for Pekin 'len Co. . 1 jOkikatilliliSeittE,.. Wholesale Limner, FlSCiSiyir4l J.. 11, Thatiller, dealer ut Produce, Pittsburgh Manniail.l fares, and all kinds of Foreign and Losuesuit Win and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty street On handa tier', largo swag of sopertor old Monongahela wlttsker: which will be sold Jaw for cash. 3' . . ioixThcr 103110305, 111V1 C. B. YOBLYSOfi, & WholcanreZtrceia, — grA Ina Commusslon Merchants, and Dealet., in Y 0.1 4, utigk Mumfactures, No. ltu Lsberty I . Plusbufgh; Pa plata atOBEBT DALZELL Co., Who!erode Grocery; COLCIZIRIKIOII...d Forward/11g Merchant., doine‘i Produce and Pittaburga Alanufactures, Ltheny 4.; Ptuateerch, PR. fetal lDir. A. CUNNIIII6II.4Iti, Whoierale °mettle- Dealer le Produce and I'lltaburgh Alooefactur4l o. 144 Libeny ot. L. o. ursotara, ; roma "DEYliol,tre 6. SHEA Forwardrng and Canualsaroe blereiturna for the Allegheny Raver Trade, dent., an in Groomes, Produce, Pittsburgh Alsaufacturq aad Chloride of Omil3lo. Thehighoweriess, in cash, paid at all time, for eottar raga. Corner of Penn and Isom ata. las= ‘ir ,_ IL C. CILLCILICIT, r, TllOl U. WHIT bt . HACKLE:LT at WAITE, Wholesale Deale Et:, i ku Foreign and Dement. Dry Goods. No. Illif Wood a,, sborgh. 1e.b1711 -,-. . -- r, W. - IL.l2:lLkUbil Wool Merchants, Doalri4 0. in Flour and Produce generally, IL II d Forwazdtor and Commission Merchants, No. Oa Water mt., riaq. , burgh. ah . GALEy a Co , Wholesale 0 Product dowers, No..W Market otreeLbetween and 6th. North side, Philadelphia, nov6 P. inIU.KaN nostortmon. JOHN NICHOLS, la.M.A.r., ELLERS NICOLS Produce and +General la mignon Merellanu, No. I 7 Liberty at., Pittsburg/rt. bpenn, Linseed and Lard Oils. L con, y. VON BONNIMPT, & Co, Wholesale ti T Forwarding is _ and Commission Memnon - rs in Pittsburgh Alanufacturm and Western Pro dinee j tosve removed to their now VVII rt house,' oI d elan . Pikk ' comer of Front 01. and Chancery Lune. no 1214= friFfilTritCOTT, Wholesale and Retail deasers ie &KIW I Shoes, Trunks,. Carpet Bags, etc., S. WI rat, of th utd Smithfield au, Pntsburgh, P. jai a; rein EnST, WlSdiesalc ttnocers esti Commis. • LA Merchants, and dettlets In Produce. No. Si wldat., riblabargh. paiti EE — tiffelfiEWlTATWlToTeialis — drocerk Tv • Rectifying Dtstiflers, and Wine and Lajudi. narehardS. Also, OP2f. Imponer• of Soda Ash and Bleach. , W Powder, No. MX/Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Po. . ~ . .• ..- rj:ii. •2• . • , . . . _ . , 4 .: . ..,,...-- .- '----- - ... .'!";, 1 • .. • . ; . e' " . - '.. .'•- . „ . ' • : .- . . . - ....". . . , 1 2, ;e.'; ' . • i —.., - . . ilf - ,1 1 . • ' .. . s q / . . , ... .. V/ ' , ~ • • . DART . . • .. ....,.. E: ..„ GAZETTE,' ---- r i. , _ ..,!,..... I_Ds • - 101111 D. WICK, DAVID .NI,I.NDLICI.I WICK & KPCANDLKSS, leacecalow, to L. & 1. D. yy Wick,' Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Commiseon Merchants, dealers in Iron, hi Snit, Glass, Lorre, Vain, and Pittsbteigh hlanothelares gencrWly • e0n.... of Wood and Water .tr-cl- VPW. WALLACE7IIII stone and ALIT Furnish. . log establiskment,'No. 244 Liberty st., near the enal. art& W. - WfatiN, - Wir : re - ties,Joweiry'rower W•re y y . and Military Goods, ro`rner of Market and 41, streets, Pittsburgh, P. N. B.—Watehea and Clock , easefully repaired_ dre4 hiiiVEST BOWEN—Commotion and ferWitrihrn Merchant, No. 90 Fgont st. between Wood an , ;utrit streets. feblitt V-Jl ign llti! l YZ . ltoltale Sco dry Goode, wd;ahleLl cornet or Market and Pena Stli anr2l wlt TUTSO, WrotING & leather hides, &a TT 143 Liberty 51 ion&ly wIL IirCLTCUILON. BOOT wen - m.Ol,- W& R. 11PCUTCREON, Wholesale Grocers, den. lers in Produce, Den, Nails, Glass, nod Pins. borgh . Manufactures generally, 157 Libeny et, Pitts burgh.dec2 'vxr In Watches, Jewelry yy , Silver Were, Military Goods, &e., No. 57 Mr, tnl noV7 ar. TAF.ALERS IN HIDES AND LEATHER, Morocco, D Shoe Findings, he., N 143 Liberty street. hoer mut received their SPRING p. STOCK or goods com prising a large assortment Of armies an their line, t o which the attention of purchasers is invited. mrllls FET4IGILF6W 41t, CO., STEAM. BOATN"r °roll:lo°3mm Al. Ala..; A. Co, Oevrt Not 42 lA"uter Ftroot. INSURANCE. _ - FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Tl.lll INSURANCE C0.4a1 North Ame rlca will make perracusent and rhanted Insurance on pro perty this4aity and vicinity, and n ta. by Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and Ity Sea. Tat, pi/s me p.-rues or this Company are well invented, and furnish an head ble fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to be protected by inmrnnre mylB Wirt. P. /ONE+, Agent 44 Water at. INDEBINFITy. _ The Franklin Fin, Inattrince Ca of l'halacir4then. DIRE TARS.—Charles N. Rancher, Thomas 11 Tobias Wagner, Samuhl (irailt. .1 aeon It Sunni, Gee- W Rivltorp., Mordecai 1). Leo,. Adolph° L. Boric, David S. - 11rown, Morris Panes..., Ca. 11... E•3CIER, President Charles G. Rancher, Secrelary. Continue to koala isisuranke., perpetual or limited, on every deseripdou 01 properly in is .on or country, at rates as lota a, are consistent with iscearit). To Compact; have reserved a large cocuncent Fund. which with their Capital tool,Premune, safely invest ed adorn ampleprotecuon to:the assured. The ....PI the cosilianyi. on January Ist, I Sit, as poblished agreeably to on aht.of Aueralcy, were as fellows viz: origages . 4 1,047,43 S 41 Real F.stitte 94,731 v 3 Temporary Loans , 06,001 06 Cask, tan. 3-. eta 37 191.3 . e5.492 71 Since their Incorporation, perted of 19 yeas, they have prod upwants of one mlllson four hundred thous and dollars, lessee by fire, thereby atrordlog evidence cf the advantages ranee, [lll well au the ebony and dispossuan to meet mm prom p tness all hunnues. J. GA Rill Nk.:R cOFFIN. Agent, marl-dt y Orrice :sr E cc:4, Wood and lid etc /rELAWA7HE DIITTUAL INSURANCE CO. DI9 A. hIASSEIRA, Agent ntPittsburgh for the Dein wore MIMI' Safety insistence Company of Pitted. sdelphte. Fire Risks upon b4dings and Merchandase of every description, and Meiktne Risks upon hdLls or cargoes of vessels, taken uppn the most favorable term,. 1 - ' l DeTtee:the. WarchousArtf W. D. Holmes /Is Dro.., Isl0.:17 Water, near Market stock, Pittsburgh. N. s.—The success of this diempany since the estab lishment of the idgency is lAD city, with the prompt ness and liberality with vrhicl every claim upon them for loss has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in inviting the confidence and patronage of lies friends and the community at large ea the Delaware M. S. Insu rance Compaay, while it hem the addrtional advantages as an ensumuon among the moist [lmmeshing inchiadel phia—. having an ample paithrte capital. whih by the operation of Its charter m canstantly increasing, us peldlnuo each person Insarld his due share 01 the profits, of the company, without envolveng him in any responsiuthty whatever. and the-retort, as possessing the Menem principle divested .1.11 every obuogious fea ture, and in its most attractivaYorte nov-I FIRE INSURANCE. gill]: Insurance Company otiNttrui America. mrough as duly authorised Agent4e scusereber, otters to make permanent mid Inserted its armlet- on property, al due city and its vicinity, and up shipment. by the ha d and Rivera' DIDECTOtS Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, • Jacob hl. Thomas, John FL Neff, Rsvhard D. Wood, Win. Welsh, I:Frames Hoslrens, ht. Austin Allibone, AR.THIA% G. COFFIN, Ferrol_ ilia. D. laxasitam See'y. This to 113 oldest lrisnrance Company in that Crated Sates, having been chartered in 1094. In charter m perpetual, and from its lamb inauding, long erpeneneg, ample means, and avoiding all auks of an extra has aolima character, it may be considered as oPering am ple securely to the publeC. j W. P. JOP.F-X At the Counting Room of Atwood, Jones Jr. Co.. Wa ter and Front 3/3,3313 P113.11311133/11 IIIIHE SlitlSCßlfigii hat bee& appointed Agent pro teen. oldie limeranee Comphrly of North America, and will moue Policies and attess to the other 1,115i/ICSS aline Agency. at the warehouse of Atwood. Jones efel2 disNErt, wit th • ti Arthur G Fothu, Som . ! W Jones, Edward Smith John A. Brown, John Wtote, Thomas It Cope, Samuel F. Grua, Smnuel I:rout s, FOR IV MIDI NG 43CC : 014 Id SS lON C. B. 1.3.11-CNINJWLY, J. 11C1,1,40 CHARLES As DANENT:IOWER as CO. TOBACCO COIIOIIB.OII- MBOCIIAIITS, No. atis.aith Wharvea, n.. 4 No:" 117 South Water at PHILA Lii.LPHLA. 13EGS to tufo= Um trace oaf! dealers generally, of I,lllsPlttsburch, that they nave aspic such arrangements with the Virginia manuwcturers,and the Growers of the West. W. eat Indies, atm °Meg places. ea will insure a tame and coustaut supply of lbe folliumag descrip tions of Tobacco, which will Ls; sold upon as ...mi. modoune s uernss as any other hohse in Ma city or elw where, and all goods ordered tram them 'nil be war rented ritual to represenmume Havana; It. Dogungoi Cola.; Yarn; Pert& /Leo; ; }Seed Leaf to Cuba/ & FinkSala; //ace°, ALSO—Branch's celebrated Aromatic Stag Caven dish, with a large OdeArtntellt of 4oliter popular brand., and qualum. of pbanda,• Ss, Ss ? Its, 10/land Corny; ss, 6, eg mud IN Plug; Ladles Tram; Ylrgmta Two, ovrert and 'Fb.ttl, in whole Sad half Loxes. wood th and un, togeer until every yttrltY of arbats ...S -ing to the tade. jelnalty. JOHN A. 11114AH7, PACKET. OF PORK AND BEEP. Commission Merchant and Forwarder, NO. 4 CANAL, tiT., CINCINNATI. 01110. • 117- Portvakt, attention paiablo the purchasing of of‘ny arnele of Produce in thisim•rket. Alert to the forwarding of Geo& gene raft y lirlet to Messrs. Jahn Swamp & Col Martin & Sw tt: eaon Cancinnatt. O ' S. C. Partburet, Esq. .: Llpptticott.& Co. ~ Kier K Jones,. }Pittsburgh, Pa. English ar. Bennett, tuar..dian , _ GEORGIC COCHILAN. Commission and Forwarging narchant. 110. 211 WO. cc., rrrratitinun, CONTINUES to transact a general Coramomme buc- Ile., esproally to the purchan aml sale of Ameri can Manufactures and Produce, gad in reentvlngand forwarding Goods consigned to tisk tare: A. Agent for We Manufacture,, he will he corisouttly supplied with the principal articles of Pataburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale prices. Order 9 and couniguments are Leipcetholly witched. 197 i• JUL a. T.a.Tst.4o. Y orrnd.”.:. 000. Y. noatcwa. YEATMAN, PITTMAN s CO" FORIVAILDIAItis COMAIISNION 111EliCIIANTS, No. 162 Second :street, mch2246m. • ' C.T. LOUIS, Mb. ... .. 40. FAITW SIIOVF. -- .e. -50 din Spades and Sho - 0 eels; 40 do Alanute Forks; SO do thud Shovel.; .50 do Soc k et do; Axes., fftddlaela, Rial-. 5 c , • l'll , P. 1... Bellow., Vices ; Re. ; for sale Ea otanufaeto re rs pnce a be nays. GEO CI Cit It AN. lal ten.a..l .1 PFITSBURGH STEEL WOOS AND STRING AND ATI P FACTORY. - . DIAAD 30:129., : JOHN P. Q 111.20. JONESIIIG 0, pi AN l WACtUuvauo . f g xer , 3 s. uo r d o. b , h h oe s t ,,d stee r l ,i tie spring*, hammered iron . axles an,l denier* in mal, !cable missing. Eire engine lumps, and Conch trimmings generally, corner of Ross and Fiont sus, Pittsburgh, P. _ Fli•ovalbla Ft/tering Cook, FOR PURIFVING WATER, Wht m eh mF ren a ll l ez b. tirrbid ei w m at t Lr mrLbj: weite o r rh l e crotnu water in N York, k( . ) '' 'a setTen 'g i k t Pas ear ses ' l pa h r ot rth th ro e ttg " lNt ' is t filtering cock, statues • large depoest . impure substances, worms, too. Thu Is the ease more or less with v 1 hydrant water. The Revennble ?Ulmer Is oral and durable, and le 1101 attended with the Ineonveniance incident to other Pfiterers, as It is cleansed witheutiocing detached hem the water pipe, by merely natant the key or handl. from one nib to the other. By Itris easy pecan, the rescue of wirer is changed, and ell ateronalattons fa impure aubstancra are doves off althea instantly bout unscrewing the Filter. It also possessea the admmtage of being a stop cock, and or such in many cases will be very convesnent and °communal, It can be attached where there Is any pressure high or low to a cask, tank, tub, &a with ease. To be had of the sole Agent, W, W. WILSON, - -•• octl7 corner of FotiVillUnd I SALE—A handsome Family LArriage, no one .12 or two horses, built at Philadelphia by a celebra ted manufacturer. This carnage Is in every respect first rate amens, made with nil the modern improve ments, hued with blue Cloth and finisned in supenor manner. It is cotitely now, and told for want of use. Enquire of A Li:LANDER h DAY, mygt 75 Mareet at, NIV corner of the Diamond Pp() CUYTCTN — AINTD . WOOLEN A(.01 i;FA mode iutangements fora toll s:ant supply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we will sell at low prices Calf and Sheep Rake Situs, Lace Lea ther, Plckerib Heeds, Shuttles, !Temp TWllie Treadle, No. 5 to 15 Belt Punches, Wrenches., Stripping Curds, 10 to 15 la; Patedt Dresser Brushps, Weavers , Lirusb• tee. de. LA/GAN, NYILSON a , my 4 18 WeolAgtreol. Pittsburgh BENNETT 41/. BAP TH ER, QFEENSWARE MAN UPIACTUHERS, Ellgssartgbaiss, [Minx 'Plicatargr4l P.. ' Warehotate, NO. 137, Wood atpect, Pittsburgh. irWlLLeonstantly keep ott hand a rood ..rt ment of Warei of our own osanntaotare, and ~v,,io , 4 ln otty. Wholesale and country Mer chants sserespeettally invited to call anti es. amine for themselves, as we are-determined to sell cheaper than Weyer before beenoffered to the pah a°. IV" Orders sent by mall, acconntaied by the cash or , tyr referektee. wilt be promptly at! ended to tor , (rt 5 W l3 7 - a 0 dos. genuine Pkench CAM Skins — a . "7 -.. article . Akm .14.1., Philadelphia S. as, nom the .mnoutactory of .8 hl Crawford to which the attention of boot makers is faulted Jest received and for isle by WNOUNG & CO, Ja? • 143 liberty st R. B. CARNAHAN. ATTORKEV AT LAW. OfEee on Fourth street. between Cherry alley and Grim at. _rayblly DiNf. TI\IBLI f, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa TAT ILL alt. attend to collections and all other bust y,' Ile. entrusted to him in Bader tied Armstrong rounder, Pa. Refer to J. & R Fiord, Liberty st. W. W. NVid,are. do • James Ali:initial' Pittsburgh. • BY Kay & ('r,. Wood ,t. I tnn7 JB. SWEITZER. Attorney at Law, office 3.1 at., a opposite St. Charles Hotel. Pittsburgh, will afro intend promptly to Collernonk, in W.itington, Fayette and Green 0011111.1