BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH REPORTED t TEMCGRAPIII6D Per the Pittsburgh Daily Gasette CHOLERA TN NEW YEW: Nno Yore. July 9. During the 4S bourn ending at noon today, there have been 153 new rale , of Cholera, and 53 deatba. CHOLERA IN pinADELPHIA. rna,DIMPIIII, Jilly 9 There bar been 62 new crown of Chol*n, nod 30 death! dug the 49 hour, ending n;:d.oon ir.- day. • DEATH OF MRS. MADISON.. W,MINOron. July 9, 1519. Mrs. Madison, relict of cx..President Madison died IP Wu city this. morning'. CHOLERA IN CINCINNATI CIVC,NIATI, Jolt , 9. The Cholera in this nay apoearil to be atilt on the I decline—the CAR, reported to.d . y not ezeedtng seventy-one, and the denthe fro other diseases being less than ke. some dsys r -iou, CHOLERA. IS ST. L :WIS. S. CM., itiiy 9. The Cholera conunnes had in thin city—hav ms, el yet, abated but little. The 9uarantine reg rdations are strictly observed. CHOLERA IN COLUMBUS, 0. 13 , ARD OF lig%Lhl, Cot.mantN, Jane '6, 1519 The 1 . 011".v/ne repors of Cholera cases bac. been received for the 21 hours ending at 2 P. this dap. Dr. J. D. Thomas-2 races, no deaths Dr. Wm. Tremtt—l case, no death. Dr. Trevnt has addressed a note to tbefeereta.. ry, stating that In runtwiuroce of the dines, of Dr. Lathrop, he had preseri,ed for the sick injho Ohio Penitentiary op the , 4tn and sth lasts. On the 4th. 151 of nail diseases, most of them were diarrhea, hl of which were decided cholera; 11 in the mild Nate. cod 10 , a,vere—no deitha. Oa the :uh, 131 of all diseases; 44 new eases decided cholera. 7 of 10.61 Were severe, the rest to the mild stages—no deaths. Dr. Trevitt reports tiro deaths at the Petitent. ory, one last evening and one this day. ALEX. E. GLENN, Slc'y. —Journal. NEW YORK MARKET Juiy 9. dearripnona of dour are firm. Ohio commernds from $1 93 to 55 per hbl. Wheel—There i 3 nothing duing in wheat worth noticing. Provisions--There is some enquiry for park, arid fielders are asking higher pnees than buyers are Wittig to give. Mars pork is held at $lO 51:1;* and prime at $9 25. Land—There is not much dome in lard, and prices have rather a downward tendency. Waltww—As Out is the season of the year when worms are most formidainln among cluldrendhe proprl nOtarS Of 211`Ltone's Vermtfuge beg lease to call upon jrarenta, soliciting their attention to os strums t ir the wlpelling of three pnilOylng and of en fatal enenues of rlaktren. Their Invention is liy a phystmast of great waperience nn Virgima. and after nun& it for several an in his own penee. and finding its so universal, he has been led:need at last to oiler to the Dublie an a cheap certain and excellent medicine. Call and purchase at the Drug store of say&dtr.wT. J. KIDD & CO. 1:7.. A gentleman of Patsburrh. who had fallen Into an open cellar utter the -I.reot Flee," sprained hi* nu de no easterly that an vets uttolde to refrain tarot cry ing out with the pain A blend who had been Soong B. A. Fannetatoeir A Co's Rob.- .remelt anal been eared of Rhounsonsm, gave Ilan what reetateed in the battle, and altlsough hth blob WM% greatly smokes, he wan casaplewly remit. cci to health II twelve boors end freed from pat. This a but Otte of n grent noraber of eases which have Come under the oleservnuon of the prOprielors. l'repored nod .01.1 by _ FAIINF., 4 TOCK It Co. • owrorr lit and Wood; also, norner un and Rood s 8 • DIDII.GICYCYI of TIDE LIVE. 10 one el toe mast cont. Mon, as well as the most formidable Maces. blown to American ph) slrinus. It has in no case failed in .attract the closest attentton trout the Faculty in all quarters of the l'olon. wll. hownver, tatousaods an• nuafly perish, and thou:ands in,ro are made to feel //re bordenfame by tn.stiscase. The oprietors of /11'Lane's Bee t Pik ter , ronkilmtt t hot t pr hey offer to the afflicted a remedy which time hai te•ted, and has never failed of succe•s when Colt mai h. been gi ven it. Call and purchase a boo at the Drae Store-of pal4“l&nrS J KIDU & Cy Assignee , . Notice TerEREAS, Benjamin Snail. and G , ear A John win !demand, at the ed) Pawburati, trading n the ' firm of istnitit Se Juhittion have made to the wobseriber. art of All the,, I . :cate tor lbe benefit anti their eren g nert. o • 4.01 Vd1 , 14111 tarn months ftom the date !hewn( exemor nod deliver 10 the said *nab & Johnson a full and release at all their respective elniiiii and detaind, Notice it hereby given that the a.asenment and re lease Is now et th e office of the sorirwier, ott Fourth street in the cab of ?Mahn rah. to tilapection and sig nature with all whom a rimy etinceru. Asrignee. REli. DR. UPFOUI—The Aged Chrtsuan'a Coin Baotou, contenting a variety or Essays. adatnet ILO the improvement, eoitarttutton, and encouragement of persons advanced In I.lle. By Bev. John Stunlord D. D.. w th a mrmotr of the author. Ly ktr v. George llpfold. D. D Hector of 1 runty Cnoreb. Pluatntrati Z Vol. Iwo. Just recenve.t and t oe ee l, h.., te27 J AS I) 1.1 tt7l: Vot tit 63 Wood et FISH -50 bblp No 7 Mur kere. w ht., 20 I 1,6. do.j.t reerlvcd at. lot ”.1 , by j 0.37 2..1110 wATT co, ry •t OAR BOA RLIS—tA Cer, Oat Floard•. 112 rin.llrl for ealo by XlEft hll JNES. ,3R Deft( :IL I)ACON—SIIr, Shourric, Pi] 113 , 1 , •. In nook X) bonze, and for Fait y j 7.1 I lilt & JONES YINK LINES 1.1-3TRES— gills .4 etuldrra's barks. EC= Also, Mall and S'Ol2l/ —Ford nod mat Its. Mnt, barred lacknne.. far do, same 0121 eta., sonardr tnr Indo, vrrnpp-rs, a great variety .(Embroidered Muslin.. or dresses and wk.; while, pork nod bale ronled . Ir rly recei ved st Dry Goods Hnusc of W It MC Ri'll Y, jug"n ol orthro..l for. and Nlarke, 'ORGAN'S WlOl KILLER Prz,at a n, Jun 12.11.49. Mr. John D. Morel a—Dc or Sir Iy ave one teaspoon fall of your Worm 11,1ler m out or my children, and in the snort time of one hair' hour n pasmd twenty lime worm:. I feel safe in rerommendsna your VernoMgc as the best medico e that eau tm used for eveillug worms. Jaura Moaasb, near Noblesimen. Prepared and gold ny the proprietor, JO fIN 1) MOIL sI3OI, Druggist, one door bolder Diamond Olaf:, Wcmtl amen. Jule flooglang...—Galvantsed Tta Pbatied• .111 HE sobscribers beg to call the nttenuon of anilders Architects and owners of to the ping advantage. which these plate. ponies. Once all other metallic enbstanees hitherto used Tot roofing, ka , as they at once the light/lets of iron, without its linitiory to Mat, having now been tested for several yeses to this parucular, both in this reentry and in Eu rope. They are lest liable to expansion and Contrac tion from sadden change of the otinnimhero. than corn. mon tin plates, iron, sane, or any other metal now used fur roofing, end consequently form a amen better mid tighter roof; reqvonng far lens frequent repairs, whilst the int tent Ls hot a trifle more. A &di supply, of all sizes, from la to 30 W. con- Inanity on band and for sale by GEO. B. MORE - WOOD & CO., 14 and 16 Beaver street, New York. The patent nick for thin article having been scented for me United States, all parties infringing thereon, eider by =pore/non or otherwine, will he proneco. led . oeCitt.d.kalyT O. 3 MACKEILE K L I 7=II,II:::r t. 4.ah o cbL , julsnear :ieve.nth strret PILDE.3—=,OOIIII. al nom and for jetls ir I b.: It & JONES, IrrONA OP.L7b - rafF.- 7 -200oOl.oneil Olt, pore wad to good order, reed dor god for aolo by • ' • === SASH -ZOO Ugh. Winslow Sash, ased xis*, I. store and for sithi by jolt , JAS DALSALL DAPER—I99 reams Craven; 100 do medium; 63 do doable Crown Wroppin; Yet pr in worn sad for SOIL' LOW by jolt JA S'S DALZKLI, aIriNNERS' One—nal Was mrata , 'landalg-mi7n dmd and for sale min SAS DALZEi.I. ir - 6....r - h - g - NUFACTURk:ItS Corudum, of altos Nahms, with details m the procesises and umieta and modern ornamental (; In.. Aps , ey Polls.. In ore voli*.square 800. Just received and or ealc isl 9 JAC; D ',Oen WOOD. thi Wnsd st IllsrA.ol4. elk. IMMOTIGIa, !low p. 41103 Iroilt steamer Dolphin; for stele by 1 0 .20 ISAIAH DICKEY k CO, Front sr COOD9--Sarordo. Connie:m.o, SaiheY, /al. Copp Plume, Hutton., loads anima:Wig tor Nluennic. Odi and otb ;ei Alm— egal Gold and Silver Eraid. embroidnring, 11.Thecod, Spangle, LlOll/oe, }MY corner 4th and hlarliet alore and "(iir sole by _ I‘ll 4 HARDY. .1, iIORO .t Co GL"S in,lowCV War., miti loy;7.; do; 10 do 10/.14 do. 5.1 Jo 111i3 1 / do; (or BeVe by F VON soNNifotest & co OBACCO-10 L O , r/eder'. No 1 0 Ivro•1 Tobareo T landing per :noir litllSlUurg and (or vile by iot Jils3lFjil DA hi ELI, - - - I) YE FLOUR—iv nt-1. for to: jul9 1 VirN ISO NIIORqTA ro W INDOW 1 e..,ete.i;irrel for sore 1.7 Jul. S VI/74 11.1;NSillriltrit Or) VrT..l.;///'..t end neweet vor nle Carp. 1.. (or •rtle et the. New I:arpot wore room, Na r 5 Fourth wee, heteece wo“.1 awl .1Inr• (11(0 (1 ' U , •1.1N11)17.K _ . INIINSTI:I{ ,ARI . I.7rS W ' ,l• Cinott. No 7 3 A Fourth Cl, otf, n In purrom-e, 'tyro Axo.r.nAer Carpet.. ever urrere.l All 1 / 1 111 market, to'oloch he invltes the gritentiou 41 porch u.. •es. )ul,l QM CI or rot AN'tt.L.l4elsruer It na~rc ) ) 1.1V.1 THE guivA4,lEßs Qf the AVilltnot •port ulgu C, nn . p•ny, Lave tin• dal declared o die.dena, payable to the Stotkboldert. or thelr le4 I reprem-man•ea, of TWO AND A HALF ?EH CENT • !or One donor and 144,1.1 y-hire rents) on the eapnal , tor ott each slier , PrttbrS on or beta) , tee ler of' July lllsr JUZIEYII WILSON, Tern4u re r Monongahela City, July 4, le49.—lVamlielgtot , Repor ter. Sandy and B Canal. LIE BloOkachiers of tue Sandy and Delver ['Anal Company, are hereby flOrlikiblbal au rleenon lor tots Cl said Contpany wit. be t olden at the Canal A. In New Linhon, (Eno, on wN. ED. tail/ AY, the bib .if AUGUST neat, between the hoer% ol lUb'elock, A. •An 4 4 o'clock, I% M. of cad Joy. BY orde r .. the Hoard. CHAS. B. IBMTllill'Elt, )trOnornWS Ssn'T S. h 0 C. Co. - • S HEREBY GIVEN, that applicauon Rdl be 'nada I the Leilitlntere of,reortnylvanto, at its nett ree. ntar newton, for the renewal of the chaner of Om Ex change Beak of PnueorFh—sahl Bunk to be located = h, with a capital of one million of dollars. IV7tI. ROBINSON, Jr., PocaL vi s glMEitaiii, RECORD EAU 11 - 111r;iSy; ' 'JO 'T. , .414;‘ V; r 2222alky, • 12ThurtAliyi • 13 Pru 13.7., a- • • 1,- 7Zr '' • 74,4 d og. talleial iladlateas lfr F t sin n lawn avv ry i,r h of lituaniiN %pad 41ee gelielitlly have bran co II Ltied limited 6r retzki' I ttama6 , tillsaw. FLoUll—fn lesdtria:lclr to the market. we have no beady setlea 141 ierost. Receipt, et:mit 4 t.t. ry tight; siipplierti are-444ressi.g f and prier. ar.• on the ad vattee.i The rebitp.ibi by river yr ..,rda ery Nth!, aitd sales ealdkft rbail finoutil,l vto boat 1:0 bbh. at. ara,iriiir WO; torn. holth.r• 153,80. ftttarrqal.loats have been 'dripped from tn. , ' potat . Went; and trout the laci Orli the farmer. nr I.w. nd '• /II be foi some Yme, hunily eniugad in hare, oil , UMW prat., the ireceiptr crust be even morn than at rircitent. Some a:our dealer• here o t uppite nn advaiien bSi per lihk. from fait hand. ..tidS,Ccuin store tire rectrlavly etTeelcd at Si: :p• 10,1, c areith an upward tendency. PI OUR -'We pirate: fight i, tied .ode • rata pales only. ai 6241 pUrirlil CORN eottnnue very nu.l saint are limited for kiln dried., • PROVIPICiNti: • rAlllr ailicrles under Inl. ittlTht, with the all exception apon, rbirunue very inn., iv.t 11(1 . 'change ili;qtlC42ll,l%. • ratrall trnprovtnit. with •• n 'c War anlert . rof C1ni.111110.111.4 el, cored at. 1., !tarn, • `7671. Sat. 41. and stiatide . t..t Zal;,l icountry (4,rd Barqn may F r quo:rd 1:1,m •tare a: 411 Lja-11;p11.1Ginatp, I . of FilOuldr r.% And hvu quainty, hlotirdlto 19x4,0f Lard in bblx of • et:Llarr utter i 4 •rer, td: we h. , ur 'lain, worth rrportiLg., _ G ROCGRlES— , (dperuponu tonhnur veri hr In. 1,1 uprice• gel rally arP witiout r! • Vi' n ur quotation. a fulloluo! Si. Cl Sugar ni t in bhlr •t.51,e \.II-Mottrit r ru laid iiled rFnt 27a`drid. for oak Ws, Old rural. hour,. nu , n. 1044 c per gall. .5.1.1 es 4( lttio Coffer. n ran, ni • ••q• peril. arrordidigtd !docility Kier ha•••••an ativa, rtng tr.nder y, We. ai, 1 . t•: , anti . ontury *lade: ' i .. t he nonne no rtolniolal eilll,l. 111 'II , oe-n-rn. qu0 . .1- ions of . the tnarketleverr thing 4 '. , '..:.T at ,! , !ormor qtiotanioni. i .. ... 1.. CA.ll.l.Constaaeq—The 14. owing ii a oo of th e va 1,010 ante of eOnliner6e,'pasetng EJ. ~, . I \\'e, ~,: : . .I. Peattsyleatue &ad Raiirea I, Us], pr, nic month oatine, leS9:i -1 ' • tioar, ' lib ti ,' , '" . .. "'I 1 .. :1 05 4 Dr) llt r ):!,,;: ' , 3 il,s w ' I p.m .its) IDief ...I Pork, blil. 6172 /lard.- are . - tint io .t iltion, lbs. 3 ,,, 1 3 ,0i1til ac custom's ° iati 1,.. ileitis, btiehel, .Itilitirner ries. , t in. n :Tobacco, IL., I .7qa Collo, 1.1.9 titl, , Cheese, " , 17.teid Fish, . Mutter; - I ...lII,IIQO !lat.& , hoes- 22 1,411 'Lard , • I ptiD.elol l eopper, •• let.-010 ;Feathers, " 1 31..c1i An, RI :gym , : 1..W0 . 11/. , " teat 04 I'ortlitil re, • vs VI, ration. " 1 ti1. , 41 , pros, • 1 , -• , )"' 4lemp, •' 1-. :Nan., 1,12ni r i 1: , 131b13 7 : 21,7 IHg Meta, - tt.,int) itin -. / 57.001.1 tiloonis, •• I •itse.."4,o , Vlitskey, : blils; j 1,#.1. Tobacco •• :AS -oi Sr r''''''' ' lb' . rill ' l g ar ' l ° :,:. asting », '- ,toolitcs, • " 071,700 Brie 1c..11, • 1 57-70 V Clay .1 , ... t7lali•VClll4 .. . 1 1.(40 Whiting, “ AO Proilions, IL.. 151 ellsteirtes. illyeat, bits). , • : Ost.., toohc:i, boa). . o- I 1.400 S&L Lb.., Tallow, nin, ; I,.raits elate, 11..•, i • - .ware, ', F'. '; Coszatirron's °mei. j . OIL ~..usttarglit, July 7, 'SD."( Tar and Res. I t, Aroontlt or beattitie And ar,,es. Co..o(tolls reet..besi it _ l int,... ‘ office Ilan lig a”i accit 7itee I, Inning Siturnay, .1)4 7. Nay, I. ' ..-10: Tonnage, 52.1,441 s Tells, Vaelll 5V , Is Wsststi s 'l &ud if Sir had bto sovOrned by tlie hithve tnott t, be in, hi hare %,. Ate,' r[lol/e) . and hluifell knelt pa ' , les, -nder.,,e, but send the'follasvinv I+un ryy J¢tad Apell 1011, I-1- ~ Mr. Will Shields, h reslreeinble former of inf. stein• . sits.'si Wren int_ dulled n Itorior who due Lore.' 11;iit tor Dyepepsin 14,r sti ‘ sk vent, hdi he rot WO,. slim then seliargell rktelor and It:1W I. fa . Nollara. Jim then t.,K n. Of your 'Venni:are. and thne box 01 Satintis rani-and I.m the u•e the, med. letnatitt; only pl ant) he dt-t, hart. d. h. _n. , s one thoomet IVOTIII%, 1111.1 1,1 OA, a• ao Improved to he MAUI alnussl,lo h.l•.vt••• aml !has Smell AooJ s ear uom,. and sm.- Vera - mule Owl - ii.essus.os. knn , made II nounsl matt us hue WAS. El Di' Vs , To Do. U. Jaynl, rhirs_ at Post II 11 lon tale at rak. resi at the PEKIN TS -se s.• P. Sa , Pourlh sure, isenr NV,Ma - - - ciess T • 2.t..0f City Pur YLIKSUANcEIot . "nie Orthoser.. • )ocrerine Of the Ic.ltridtle - of tot-rt.,os t , .tt 9•1 16. ttoo re A . 4c.sor ha, to todeLfor ae re 14.1 . 14441 r, 401/4! •• C011 , 1:IrMIIT 1,1 134411.1 , /• upoozSoltes,:rirt Lail reek tberra.M.4 Qn , tierred .4y ~...1 • ,oent, they shall (ligtrittne to 1,1 nti.•13,1, 4didavit shell sloo ,r.irtreo *roost. of the.. si , e4. Orator tr• can ilutavtt to li r witivem itrer.WLJnn {NVO We k. WOf. tn.- ,hr i.. 0•• Treviso of the nog^ ,¢fore , l4/41. llostrairilali be ratros , o: 1,:, toe all. Osvir of the M-rwort o I.lrrot hiker rd: an,J ail. ..., i. tee 41111.41.131Vt:eroiettre or Ore farts Raced to the stelits a I of ' •r• ri JOIINSTON T re:•ttr. • Mr' Ofliee.Ott Thit strel... or tt door to :I, I.t 1'.,-- Qtcrieua Ch., h. v WATC/IliS, - alii - V -7 141 -. T.R . V, A . .." - Cl3 SII, RIG • . • ! lir;lCti. It. Tlir , ,',.:• lin I.a. k.,..... ta ale .nro.l.uip.ltog for ./le ...: ~.... -I id sellsoc'ull dracrinion• ot 1',., ,• .1 .... vi, Willcille , .17alri:ry ali,l, ‘l, .r.. n• fetal. Pt (Pe Petry. 10 r,‘ p . V.,,,,,, ‘i.141,..1 s, ~,./ 1.: gli-41. "Met.: I. %Dr Al DADA... •: G ill o:d w Silvc( Dit•ha .1:Alv, a0.11,,,1e Watr i. , ... 2 Gold sad Wive( /I riZoiattl sia.l Den,- ~ ., r h..• 2 GOA arhl,klver I deilllftent Serol,l IS aL, un- ~ - - .. '"'', l ' , ..1.:' • . ",' 1 , 0... l -.i. , [fining b°'''''i v... 0, or 0,6,1, ~.”. I. tn.- 1,4.. ..• ,,l 0.101 Jul 2- Gull Girard, Lot fi n trJelt Chains I . /Speetaele• 4,-••arierr..,,• , ...I or:11... 0, •1. .1 I. AU , du..a. . Gold ado litlyer l'kneil•i f liold Ilenq"G0:d aild .3.01,4 arseel,ts r,rip....urn , -.14. i . t01..g...... A , . a..:. ~nail .r 1 vlra • 1;.1141 Lockets. .14id Mid 'Silver 'Dumb ,- 10, 021r11 ettrirc, • f/tarnoad aing arid PA . '. . For bra:tali. ....., ,of 10,11i."1.,41:111, .1 .0 3 ineh ..rd D.' ' laldire,aod GetilldaeltrA'Breastplo, Sterliti¢ Silver P..pdanl:Lflap, For... A , : Gold Watch,. p. , t3v,O4:W to 525 ra,li - Watche. and Ira' 11l -.Unharmed. acrornp , .•hr.: ...1ur..,..r. ,tr , - avi,r...,n....i , 1 1,-. Spooncand Foiltiiipluttia on I:,rzian g.iv ,, . a t‘ne 1' .: ' , ' . .. , b „ Amick, 411 watdhes wr(rt.intrd to ke•To v0,..1 L. w.. ~ . l•ro ,`• r ~, I ~ ,,I TZT - a,t l 1' the mono returned. l 3 , ,cdTry repaired, 1,111 s'i wets, 1 - d l ' .... '''''''‘ nd " ,41 " . W ‘ h 5' ... ""'" .. '. "'"' sh ''.." I olllt I AN N ITYI-7 N ' N ' S o l7. ' S ° S7's k i i .sl(..i ' 7l . l; PA ll ci . P the ttnual price .. , GEO. C AL.1.1 N rir L . , „, _ ...„., „. ~ _. ~,,,,, 00,1 ~,,, , ~,,, import,i, 4 W 4,1 mi. end-Jen,.-Itr. who e.. e :-.11,1 .- • '" •":" ' '". ''" I It:, liou 1 t "top,' .r. ,r,.., onotied ... r , Av tetail, St \Vail afire tap . stilor•,) NLW 11,th. lutralizill - 'VILA:. DARIUS: '''' 1 11, 1,•• ”ca,oi...- .4 Fit , Do. .ar. p• r 4:4, 0.. or 1,.• 11, 1 1, 14111 ..: k, hey TI .n 'to( klio.der, m....1.,11., .:1 1' , ..,.•,,,,,, ‘.. 1 ~, - 4 , 4R,-. the hr.: 1.-uito,:, toils , Pre•ole,i ~, ta, 1 . 1,0,0,i, 010/ 0 LSI/1000r 15, of Al r 1 . 1,,01 0 11 , 1,0 .• ,- 10 , 0.,•.” Olae:a vuouty. A 1.... to the 'fr.,.."....ii ~..ein um! 11,“x..i Stark. IS , roe, nod 11,,,, a., ~.tlttir, 10 1115 1.01, 1- 11. • • (,011 'V ,1, 000. , . 0000:15, By order ot tin 11...r.t ol I/ ree.or. iny'll'ol a wt,l4 21110 J /Mo. 0,,, T,,,,.,,,,., IN THE oorRT ~P Cl/MVP o, pi,E A s ,q.. A lA . , I WI E\'. l't ll' N • Y. 1111101,,, T.r1,.. 1..1- 'No AS ill We 111,1115, 0 . 111, 1 VOllllll , lll - 1,115 I'o,lol %V ar- It, Mar,” .5 Co 4ATiAsz •• 'OYti 4EIFTHIz BAY. THEriZJEUM L.ll, rind fient',,own'm n. Bathing Enka,aqua:lent. Hot, cold rind ow, ?WWI. lew Cronin,' meal CI o&rr drlearp, of isaoon. wiry alto fine prd w th, rornfon of wo., *rho may,favor We Aote ertalthatunent Wl , l o ell )026 - "T. APPALL, Proprt,wl .ArALUABLE nowcs ON MACHINERY. he SciatVlO.Engtoteer and Marron,. AR•IP11, 1/. lgilio vOilij • f - 7 . Holtrapffel's Tartu! TredlOhl on thCliti rir.OStt a Cotton Roar pellmiti Curio:ohm! nThe Hand Huai ofi aThe Apprentice, hot e Creaera Encyclop Muthe'rSurveyon Bourne Stearn tat Y, American Archtte ti Carpentry and ;Jo hormk for carpentry tart of mart thatfot ' pelt, Ito cattl . lslechatneel :11pu;atIon , 4 1......e•r Ilar , .•A2i. nwi ‘,. ..: c 0.,,,,,, enggl'or Cnet Iron; 2 voi• - , vo And a .w. 31411 ... : NI. I^l, N 0 ,.. • nx.ring I.•rli g0....rt t lilt !ilanniarturr.r. 1 v.. 1 —.n ,:r , n• 1 . ..:,,urer. I . 1,,,,, , ,sj„i ,i,.,.. r , ~,,. ~,,...,. Of tilirera AI a.lring. ,vo week..., the I. r :: .., Ut• a•-rot, , r. aikl no rs•punn• tpi-1 . p. 5 ... 12 ran M1..., heen 1,.,...1 m-reio.,,r, m0n..., .1r ,on rtro.i. tun Arun. , ~a , . 2 V..... lin tne are - .urn i. 0....r0ned a,..01ut• ' non V., 1 V A.... 1. Bunter Engtnre r.n, LIA. LAti. hri10,31,, A Iltil. r ~ 111.1.1 11...) ad,. 1nt...• hrtginter and Arend, I, 4tu count. or , add timgc d. •:r larao, among [4 , , 4104 tq A ri...e:ui, thom. From mhe lt , cottl 'l` 4 Mt. HIRAM 111'1.77. l'roti,.. u rn rtetytZ A mprrlicnv no gaol.. E - te. 1 av,l:,lnlnd no time du,.. or in• too,. n0,..,0,1 ; 4 Ei 4 ,ri month ra , r. ton ~”,) Incr i .my 0i1 , .. :I. Pli.l.orgh on the i7ch Ju r.l-19. a_il",g, and num,rous plates nh 2 0,,0rt,1• M WNI.I:. AusTi N. Awl,W, e; plat. Engineer % Magazine, 11 mr.ition toM,lte. CrAddOek's Leeßat Attion'slitth FIVPI Hann' Theol e Torrittutuen'u RiMarl Dotmoehi Rudiment w!mndollta Rut:llmm RortheAe• /um red! )J EW LIGHT4Wi II of thermos AM.( clot m MOM mint 4 Mao, rn ao, dm ee' id ri.d. or DhenetkOil Formatted it to lie t ~ kroP., and hoe e d Lrilliuley. suipM ®so. f'ellions who pit Otte peeI:IMMO. of IT A consteutt muddy SGAI • ft On .ffeauff Engine. , •yrf ,ols, and lA-animal alechafffr.. nnuary Auchanico. aline An of Hurl ling ithany Treslitc on We:l D.upna delved flnd fur aale uy Ift:LOCK W(1011 ",...I .r 11itrjrr . rcccrverd ran 'Le tn hripride, of n new fonotru,... ends ntplete--eome ornarnernal hurn'ln them called ••111, rump If Ji Ye rare qua'iur• Which , tte.ton or gleameonsnrrn. hotel ttepesiw for elearrir nnr , •. cc 0n...). Lrins Ihnig portaid•• now in t. Nend ho or ochi he • hors rot 00 or.cornpountl. f. Ine(lent and Lamp. kr•pt tint ATKINSON. F .t, trtrearer, Wond \tar ar, • ' al -u pativrEßB-1.. a_ 'el , o ( .J. D. M!Cr • kom to. oproutdd, in red, bloc, greei, condiontly (or J. td,'s to out oak , . Ir equal tO naly thlal a, Tr rm• tonal - 17) I t'l,l PLOTH—O )u2.1 kJ for ital , by Sr) F bozo. C suit., 2 do L'ata,,, 1021 rl'A b.. 6tdC,C/111.1nlialt. .n”. 1,1 ,u2l J I) lt 11.1.1 d Nl< 4 w Midi fait —Ltd....m., 1(141, ury.../ at, gyulvonted :•loaltatlyktta rood and for roo 61.01 0, 01 tool], m tO4 14,14 Tea Sao,. 741 Courp, •1 Y 22 . ik ODA Anil —AO r+, tor eao. t.) L) bill TM,EI d ,„, ..!, ssEv .1 1,1 r Vinly l,d, fr o m tro. mono ot.oto r. 1.7) NSttt ork. i n enll• and al fres :et cos. to St ;Mr O. hl ir.yabsv Intx, n can. ell . Zatrtog urod Mr M om& month* n.o nrrtszo toile nt 11,1 '10/Mr,111.11111:ii tor y )1044"11 t h tlroce,l,,N, rother Third gool Mork, %Ir. Talleikirtlperfutc. for 1../ lE=El= IZ7=MM! IM=MEI MESE 143 No Ahnuncl. J U NV 11.1.1 A %IS Paint, ,-.• II a ..t1 .1 1 KIDD I=l abovt, tcurre am, totyrlling, rtact i ed thy Good. lino.. at \V It MI 1 a kijr-in - Grai,Nri tlaAfimodina. for un't , by , I ).:S1 :V;IS.SI All I.OIC4F:Y tt in Fit.alll.4. Y.Y iWkliantoelt oar,. n, tht , givialting no (til44l. 4 telnatottatt Iloutt”. a Yrry rdit atm:tr.:twin lt n ,nrY o, " s `^b . Idtrlnnt. rower than ran tker,Pull to any 01 it, F.,...-nt Wn inane al fa -fail and mann.. our lan, astnrlettant before ourattitailta ela.'w here. to In 11,1 , CONTOCK, No 75 Fourth at Nift 1.1`04 llAMSl46,l4.Slutton to atom nnd 0. 1 , rot laic by Ihitv4 J AM.FI4 1341,7.E1,1. -- - ---- IF)RA NUTB-54113tita It Not., in inoili and lon wait. Innn by i Ibi ' JAN 1.7. 1 ,. . 7 , :' i b` .- IL MUL.AN.SI.4—“D., i e• ~ ~,0....e. , ~, Mutt' . cad for Jr lean la .t!..lL ' : eowenment ny 1010 „ ___ :..;, . JANIEs DALIELI• IFaICAN CAYNIINFA'EPYF.E, worramed pare. han reetiang.l and rat .1 by jui4 : ' I, '-' RII SELLERS j I.INA KY NEVA), pitig , *, Cantbar ides, 1 , ,,...',1 Inlay, 1,/ Tarlfry blyrik,,lpeat i eou, Am. so droal,/. 5 1 ~' '.l and for sale by . Lt E t. , Fr 1 1,..14 . , , , PORT OF PITI`SBURGFI. PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE CO.II3IITrEE FOR it I.}' rart 4 34 77 4 7' - 4 a- AtittltlV U. Mwhienn No '2 , t %dorm, pw, ver , Hrownlv,;l.• CoUO, Cope. Murdock, Weloo.11.• Lake Eno. ;onion, Cover. P,n We4ll, St. I.IIN. Shenandoah, Bowman, 11,1 Columbia, Green, Cm. DEPARTIM s N“ '2, (1!!, ... Beaver I;altie.Jaenir, Brownr,vl+4e. Alinuo, Parktnsrm. I,lle. M , •Lnne, Penneu. Gruen-,d'r Peaeer. Heaver. t;ene,e, Cirietuutti, Peru, Cuiu,,un, Tut It:vert.—Then. ' It-et trirhe. in tFr elinnnel, by metal Mark, 1.1 evrnmg 01 du•k and al a ,I.tad. PAJATS nit:: CIA), lirrni•nnvili r Pnek,,. • A M. and P. M Brave, racket, 111 A. M. nod 1 P M. Cln , inonti —Mount Vernon. Fort PILL U. I.4.<ch S rds, pftrkel lin, v I' Id R. S A . =EMI 13= 1 1 1: 111 1 - NA - 11.1.I . -Per A !a..1..•--13 rap. pkx.. - I. wt., Yet 1. - ; I , tlx•• Hx•xlval-Ifibb.s ll o to ••• 1. 1, ..1 ,1 51,1 cora, 211xuary x` 1,1 Ben 12 rt. -1..2 dr t . 1,15.: 21. , ••t!t•.....t. tt-t •d. , ; , C kfar.. o . t'd '1 rt.k...• p .r r A 11,. 5. Ithd. loaaxxo, C.nrk Tkaat• k Itr•nn II I•rall k t'n. 1.2 !Lat. . Z• '.Si-. A I•or td.o, 12 ,• lentaxt• NI •Ir. woo' 11 k C ttt. do. 111. d k Al'.., Ibx F. Todd. I to, 1,111, l ' ol l / 1 1. , 11 1 bales Itrrox, J.111.5•P W I LE.i.iNtr -1 . , - at..!• Inhofe, 1 A Roe. 32 do do, D Id•rr 1..1 Co. tln a. Thavt to 4,, dd. 11 . .0 II •1•. do It Da.L.•ll .2 Co, 'l,lO 2.aa. A I..lworti. Cn 2 .44 00,1: Asst. ..tong Cfllll, 511 w - 14. , vaper. 51M1... 4' bla I 'taker a. For.)”., 4- ••• Roar, kl . C:urkan..s 1-1,50.10, Rugg., k Co. 5- nt. S.trut rtlaoa. 1..'• • tk W Ilarbauxh a tod , I l exga, R Ira 9 9,41 bt , l lard. own, 51.0a14. 4 .1" ap p•x.. 2 50s cher-, I bx retdxt• •nntx RATES OF DISCOUNT g 1/1, ,, X/U NT-CORFU:X.7ED II 1101.11 KS it SONS. td.55 Markel rt. 11r, st a•caayl v n l ula. Indiana. • •-•Par S 1;'1. Bra3c:irs • t 1. ac arid, Ban. •,• •I'.t. attacri. • •. tirv, Mtu. Viralnla. x • •rr. 1:1 , 1t V.: Bart own rt. Ilk .ware 1.... • lA , -11 A M . Wrrei rig 1 •• .Su tidovrt. • • " Nor r utn:rt:.ll.l. \ Ur.... Va.-- •t,tg. Irtd2 • V: r 4 vi 'renacs•ce. t•tortri rr ..... parsot, th, •-• •rt.. 3 1 :Wort 11 l'arollna. (;,, , ,,,rek . I :lc n r i . „, . 2 CO. .it. 3 • .... • • 2 r • • • South Carollma. • • d! 1i • M=MEMI I t t• U•• —, re It rent tacky Itk 1.,. •v , .- . N•vr York The PATAPKCO INSTITtTE Mrs. Lincoln ik •Ips, W " 01 . S ' 1771::%"1.;;;;;i' - VINE ,n, Alll , llll. J.a St 10.01rIgo Collre• Ter d ~o 1 .r .11M et lIIC 1 , 1. m .t my 2,2 I ,AI,NS A \!J Flo, 200 r,enth pr... 10,- and ndunnli drum. ITP,I Fif• rece.erd lot ante Four.J4 .trem. bush 11.1 n: ret n xi, Int 01(NNTRI.N1. k 'RI V' /ER, • CR 11 rIDER - A lEW bt.. of yyry •upertor •alel by !tr.!: A RMI. , TRI,NI..t. CM/7.ER AR W 111.1 A oz ) A E-IN , S--31 , u rqu. 1,. du LalytT, .11,4,1,a• 44/ do du. tor t,r prn .1.1) \V I 1.1.1 04,+. nu Woo.l .1 1)1{1. I e:,•1. v.,. e, inr •4,1 , - by ii u~l .1 I , )1, 1)1 , --II I I d.r. ler p.lll J I, \ , .'11,1.1A1.1,+ - . I VI.: k_f ,10 yL ,1,,. 2 a., t•.r rli 1,1 1 I , , V 11,1.1 .%,,I, \ Shottl,r*. 01 I ) •ink , 11011, Vi liloll. Sldra. Sh9ult,•, 41 .utr, E.t/,(1 1011.1. nr, vns••• , l 'I tiyanty. .tgro, a.” 4 •ulr '0'1.1.410 , A. Nl.',/1.11 ~.24111A -111 0 144,11,. 11. r by 1011 F.XIIEN I, R A Sql n.`:11:- . I 1. , . .u• 1 r ;1 I ... I 111 I l \ 1I t I ; Kr „, ni 0.0,- t4,lluttir A.. VI l Vero, o F, nor, •up.. ,, 0 , Sul ao l n*.ortfOoot tl.llllslllll o letiktr,,. Vl/11,1t S.P.d oot - ItienolrOf nor of rortit 41,1 %i r No Ma , ker. AP N.r , Rio OP 1.i. , . So I 1,..1um„, =EWE =MEE J lslkrA WA i i. t! „ :!:, r 4 c 0, :i i ..;: 0. 14 , ..r t v.l Id° , %. I , AIA II 1/14'1.1 , .) A CO, Fro, s. A 1. 1 .111.1: IN NI VAC 11 NI A• CIIINERY A, —Sro. A....1m, being n oggii • • ••t ebb, lillll. t ota• rit'Sle ion Engl... ' , inn .tr . 1 and ll.emtr.. cot, .Ito EnrlclopetUo of r,vli rol Cotton Sionitnr nod Ni , nufarlurcr .Tre.leohl O.Jt the rtmorh of ta•t Iron oro: ed. by I;n.'elko•vm 111 11, St c.,. Enatne. by 1 the Art•nto r , ob: I VOI Ito. Moth. , So ve) o. Kormeer Ar,htt..rt Mtnibro' Drawing 1t001....v0 For “91c by !Lk 21 J U WC!: W 001), CU Wood at • Tv - ITE I:1.1 L1.11loopef'• in.l rer n and VV for aabe by I I R E SELLERS Room • _ SPTS. TURPENTINE, and Taoo , r.' elil. /art rre'd and for *air inl-1 It F.-$l -. .1.1.K1N DIME WINE AND BRANDY - Inetbent ourpo. PPR, for sale by I/ I.: +F:1.1.1:10.. jul4 57 Wood at Wm-trail 'xiveartirk.—The Trustees alibis in stitution have now, thanks to the late fire, an op porthnity of rebuilding the L'uivernity in a manner w.ieh will not, at lemat disgrace t. ur city. It was !mposnible to conceive or an uglier, store in els, cant building than the lost, and we cannot imagine how any one. having the least tante, and bricks, and mortar nt his command, could erect such an archi tectural monstrosity. Ronunny.—A German named John Schmidt, Caine to the Mayor's Office, yesterday morning, halt frantio. and complanwd that nineteen dollars had been stolen (rum him, on a steam boat itt the wharf. t Mier r Barr immediately went down and arrested two persons who were suspected of com mitting the robbery; but could find no traoes of their guilt. It %reins that the German had gone to sleep with the money in lain watch pocket, and to make it Rafe, had tied a string rnand the lower pert of his lob, bat the rascals rut it not. The poor Ger man was on his way to the east, and will now be obliged to defer his journey, as he has no friends here. Mr.N.s a man named Andrew HORN in a lit of Mau. a Putt:, rushed out on the roof of the how, in which, be was on Sunday night, at the corner of Decalitre. and Liberty streets, and jumped to the ground. He was horribly beamed• although uo hones, we believe, were broken. As two young Germania were returning from a ball at Croalmaaville, on Saturday night, tolerably drunk, one at them missed his watch, and bad hall oOtnrade arrrsted yesterday for larceny. lie was taken lielere Alderman Melidastera, but giving up the watch, he explained the manner in which n rarer, into los possonslon so clearly and Satedridies illy, that he was dtaeharged. MAYOR'S Orrice, PirrsnonoTt,.lm.y 9tlL—Two Common cases of drunkenness, only, were brought before the Mayor thin morning. They both paid their tines, and were discharged. We are much rejoiced to see the tone of public morality so much improveslas it Las been of late. At no time, with• in a year past, have fewer persons been brought before the Mayors of Pittsburgh and Alkigheny,for Burjpary, I..iirrieny, Assault and HatterT, or Drunk cone,ss than at present. Our police officers tee almost without employment, and the cells of the watch house remain untenanted. We cannot but hope that so pleasing a state of affkurs may cotinue. Sunday, 12 o'clock, M. .entlernen —I have tire eases of Cholera tore p rrt since noon yesterday. No deaths. One of the ea., reported to you yesterday noon died at 2 o't lock. I' M. Very respecuuliy, W. WK. MOROAN TJ the Sanatory Committee. Monday, July 9, 12 M. Genttenien:--Six cases of Cholera in oar city Liner 19 0 i.lora yesterday. Two deaths. Very reapectfully. \V. Mc.K. MORGAN. To the :+enalory Committee. A NTIMASONIC AND WHIG TICKET !k g ike,•• t W; LLIAM II ASI-ErT, of Buil, Couoty. tan r) Iwnd •AIBLT. l\ A 1.1i171( e IM t ..Llixabeth Borough Jun \ of x 4 bnrp•buriru CALFIB LEE. of 1 . ,, , ..burth W 1-..1•1". of Low, St CI., CARTER CURTIS. P..burgh t1i01110401,111. UFXI S 11.1\.SUpp,r St Clair Attl N Ni iK FUSON. nl Allegheny 1111 J{, MT of ropovr. 11',11 NI .1 ot / ,, IN 1:\ 112 S ~r 1-'4nsPe y IN NI. 1,, • LIS, 4 "—Tfit• {rest Amerrohn r• thr "go ••• thr torruittolge tit. that 11,•1.. It .•0.1,15i • Itta ntueautu... WOO 00 egruraumunt re• ••••••• It las. ti vr.thout pro4u.sno Wt ougg offer, Cotootturuird gm/ of OW nowt htman • t0r.1.. purritu•r hoi at the .Iruu /tore rot m g t I 1 KEW 6 Co. Golti./t. , ,,ecla Value C ,, 's I'ATION UE TUE GREAT SAI.E AT A. A. MASON t owe ONE PRICE STORE, At gal Re4miwi Prier, A . l'n.. ,ar,e purrn,ws atin. Nvw York .7 •-lef awes m re5.....51, Xl,bange NI I•a ualins... nd Dr A 'a%lock lka. Slanark a a and vaults,/OW et NI de tot nee, IVto •• Int larrecelt at one bat( price • 2...! Ota(hasos /I take `• Lin hrolde rig,. very cheap Ilonnetd, hall prlce •• I lo•tel y, 1:lovee, Larcia Trim:amp Ad Mermnark Ca:/enes, at cc S 01 Causes at aie 100 Ivalea I.rown and bleached Nloatin., cheap Linen. at IGe, Ltnert litnithamel2aer 1:0.i , , 121,011 6 1 , 111 li/r I.iovea at 4, .rnen.-noe ot 01,1 1, ad., ad of ••• prove a onv na in porch ol Iron/ 25 to at. per •t• •tore I b. cloNed one do) fix dada trot prepartna the•tock for Lhe aa , c. AA M , ASI. d C(I WELLS, MILLER Sc PROVOST R 1.1 0,, of r,ry •trirty at Makiri. I. —,ves, Jan”, Catsup., Saur , *, ,ur., ..elcar PE a, Ma•tard. Sp P ec., Extract.. ,.. R,ER VED ROVISIONq, sue+ al oyorr, Lol.tcrs, Markeml, Shad, Mneta, Importer• of 1/1/ves. Caper, Salad 011 a, Sardtnes, • a:n I lVe.t India Cond.inents, eta. •toe k more eateinner, etimprlses Fres.. r • tt asd la put up in better style than that of any lino., in their borne.. in the Untied Slates 11..., ~.od• ore packed in all the VIIrIOLIS package., ,tt safe fen manner BA to bear tranaportation to • part of the country N. It Catalogue.; naay be seen or the othee of 11114 IluPur Agra. in Bor.ton Peace & Co Phrladelphre. 13 Ilu Asierfume,: A Ilan& Son. St Lout.: I:tiehanan IL CO. LOLOSVOiC John Fonda &Co rinel.lncr Henry BraeLinan jn30:12:0 Gentlemen's Furnishing Warehouse. HERRICK 4 SCUDDER, 95 William street, New York, M A N s ' DIVA rri LINTYiTOLO - Rl+ STOCKS.SHOULDUR ItILACk:St, CRAVATS. 10 7 E111 TIES, SCARPS, MONEY BELTS, UNDER i.AFINI F.NTS, GI .1 VES, SATINS, LINEN BOSOMS; A N I A ER HOSIERY, BUCKLES, SUS DERS. BOMBAZINES, &e. Thr above stock will. on examtnation, found not xi:racing, extensive and full, but Cheap r long experience in the business and knowledge n. manufacturing. with the facilities of perehasutir, are •.ieh iltni we are confident we fan otter inducements :lint COllllOl be surpowed by any House in the city. Ps rbeular attention paid to order, and the peeking good• II h.RRICK A SCUDDER. u 5 Nrtillan3 st, opposue Platt, New Fork. t, FII.K[ I.SELLIL W. SCIJODIIIL IZZICI 1 )1.:11: SIDES-341.10/ pecan fee sale by 1) !,v KIEV & l'IlEEK—C6l,sa just reed and for axle Ly .1 H CANIIKLU, Water .1. between Nrtnthfiald and Wood 1111 ll.\ SllELLs—:n)lbs C. 0., Shells, for Bede by N../ It 2 C GRANT - --- j 1: I ATA 8L00 , ..11.5 tons Itt ii loa ti antjArg/o ,; , N 4 S— -1 tIll<1.:11:N I'Olll)lALS—OrKre•h Abxynth, 1 4 Nhren.wna. Ansusette•nd fancy French nnil 1....nn Cttrtlittle, ba•ke:t sod cows For sale by Ins houlr or loam, at the Wine Store of )4 r WCSIES-4011ey. I , Vebber, & Forrester, M 34, 1 Pure 1..11 and dry, 1.01101. Campbell & Co. 014 .I,c I -M . ilaiumrlC• 1,34, Pure 1,40: Purr /wee Sup Par!. 1131,1. & Sot, Pure au.. 3,1 .i,le I.rnpe, l'bree wine. are all relebra i , OK, eriediral propertre, and can bc had whn.e Or retail at the Wine No, of ) JACOB WF.AVF.R, Jr 1 ) rN I4llKln lbs Shoulders and Skies, reed and 1 'or .a.e by I. S ATERM AN, 31 Water and r' , o Front st 11111 lseik, o, landnrg ,tm r Shenandoah. and b JAM F... V 0 t 2 MA CO F.lll-:l,—al hlds No 2 Mackerel, land 1,11 og by canal and or sale loin to close contogo• o , fil JAM ES LZKLI.. Wan, at VCIII rl Nr. - Id Inds just n-e'd alTdiorial; by - V 1114.A11N A lIVITKR .1., Not I irontal,l :ill) to; .nor ),ksF: 1 . 1 W. 1.,. a witerlor ;; , C1 ror ua, by it., 1114 A IN tc- HE:ITER h dory' tile.., Maraball',b a r Uli,. and d i:tia . 4 . 7 „ Vii r t.. ,rnlth Ilerron's 6rand. sn liar , . and ler ule by I I 11i &RS • • 100,000 comtnoll Cig•r. just rued, tit .torn ) ' . "snleby Ju3u 4S W 11411 A NI t'llY:l , .&E---Su Las prlnic Cream ebee.o. In kj • .r.• and for Pal. Ly & W NA KR 011'611 I` 111 ED A P1 . 1.E1,--11, .ar.lll tli 1 , 10112 uod iut su. I.y jual) S & W lIAKUAUG If _ ~.2,11/A ABll-20 cnak It 131 store and for ask b y l.:l ',lli S b. W lIARBAMII I,l' 1,. 1;1•Uf.e11.4g1 , ., 4 -70 iZITN.... Molac.vost morc 11 . nnd for .nle by 10 311 ii k W lIARBAI/1:11 Alit , OIL—IS bula, a EtTacAlWarle, ang/for •flin bT XX. 0 & W HAUB TrOIIAQCI)—IS kegs No l ao tenbt Tobacco, South pate'A brnnd, for .01. by !0 2 1 1111E1', MATTIJEWSh CO /1110001,,a'rr, 1760,1 A AND 13}TONiAttaier't ki Drama, No I Chtteolav and ttoeost Ilan, Schaaf 'lured Chorotute, ;at roc 'd and for oak at the P ekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth at ottlY 121111 K BRICK-15,V , u l Flee It7 A lc ,:t e meld for e by LOCAL MATTERS. Cholera Report they inettLion ,• WII• a: rt• PICK L¢9, PRESERVES, &e ?..17 Front greet, New York, !AMU WEAVER, Jr, corn, of Market arid Eir.tst• INSVILA NCE. THE. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCE COMPANY.--Otbee, North Room of the Exchsage. Thud street. Phdadeloba. Fur lbsuits.ach. —Butldinga. Alerrhandtse and other Properly to 0001 and forneal. 1.00 red agrninn On or damage by bre at the lowest nom of proninal attar lasussrcb—Tbty also insure Vessels. Car goes and Frelghts, foreign or coastwise. under open or special pub es, nil the nano rent may desire. I sum Than. PORISTION. —They also ilinn re in , re la n di.e. transported by Vdagons, Railroad Cars. Canal Boat and Steam Boats. on rivers and lakes, on the most liberal terms. . • .. DIRIPXTOP.:4—.Jotersh 11. Seel, Edmund A Sontlr, John C Dawn, Robert Burton, John R Penn.+, Samu rl l'Alwanbt lino Ealward ihritegloo. It Davi, N%illtarn Folwrll. John Nrw Ink, Dr It NI Iln.. t. Jvn, C Hand, Th,oplon. Punkin,. II Joit. Brooks. Henry Sloan. 11.0 lg. ~ , o' Se Spenser Nlellyagn, Char.. Kelly. 11. Johnson. Item Hay, Cr S 'rhoinns. John Senert, Wrn I , vrr. Jr DIRFA7I - 0R.., AT PI rrsisuiit,ii—D T Nlort,4 , Wt. &Aga's% T lugrin WILLIAM MARTIN, at, RirmA aro S N krws,,o, t.rrem•ry. tD °thee Comp, ov. No 42 Walrr %trey: ritt.lonrqh. I A Al ,k AP'? Journal, A Inc F .- wan, Poo. 31er-corr. 111.pmea, Chron icle copy WRSTEHN INNURANCIi COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL *AMON. J. l'imcm Jr. R Jr., %VW /on, :won. nll kind. of nsk FIRE AND MARINE: A • II lover will be Itberally adm . .ted and promptly prod A home to.litultem—rnlnafed by Director• who me well known In the rot:noun:ly, nod who ore ,I•tertnfo ed by prompiorsot Ili,ermloy to nmuoato the roueact, •vhirh they nil 11*.0111,11, in offertng the brit Protectoon to thole who tir.ore to Ile Insured In • • • exer.L.-1(. M.lier. Jr rleo. Black, J Butler, N Ilohnes, Jr., Wm B. Ilona, s, C. Ihmaen, Gen. W Jackson. Wm M. Lyon. Jo. I..poneon, Thu.. K Lore, )0014`. M'Aule y. Mez Nvonek, Scutt OTIII . II. Nu unt Wuter •treet, twerehb use of Spnvnt lk Co . up ev•or..lPotal,orgh vuevdt, JOAN M. T(rWNSEND, Druggt.t can A potheee.Y No. - 4S :Market or three door. above Third at. Pitt.: burgh, witl hose con.urnily 011 hood o well .elected . sortment of the best end fre•hc.t Mcdrcv nee. wltreh he will sell on the most renoonohle to Pity.... sendtitg order., will be provnptly et ended to, nod Cup plied with •rtaeles they tn. rely upoo rout.. trr l'hY•tetayt• Pre.ctiption. will Ivr arcurntaly and neatly preparerrfrom the boat inaterhsla. a: any hour of he Also or nactlL for sole, a largo stock of fresh and good Perfo rmer, iota None.. to the Ntnekholdors of the A ti kek. - • • • • . lb and Ohio Telegraph Company. The Arnele.. of A...0r:1140n adopted by the A Lion!' and 0100 Telegr.phic Company en Lhe ld of Jut! , IMO. providing. that Inc 10MM:a mooing. 4.111 be hr . the city 01 Philo ielph., on Ole tiro 13'e4log,,Ply Jon whichDruck, hove been •oper-ed , ,l by ta' adoption or Charter pa .rd ut the MO of Legnelature, wench :be uon“../ being held on thad Thur.da, —the t :toe, NOTICE ts herebyloo 01M.m. Met. tote of the ,IOC \bold,. of •nttl Comp., I,•• the Telegraph Office, No 101 Chegn ' ar Y:1114.1, I pl., on Tharad.p. theloth lop ol July ?lel, nit In o'clock. A NI hor the trungartlon of such Lurtne.. 04 only then be blot loelorr, MeM, 03 who . ] bin.. Note in rectors will be cleele, In for the ensu..•!. boor. Its prog,deti lOr in lit, Churl, tV NI K •ar y Yluls.'.r•.pL~., Junc Y. 1-4 JOl5 UNITED STATES WHOLESALE CLOTHING WAREHOUSE! LEWIS& HANFORD No• 2% , 334 2, andt. .ravvr vv., .en Fuaon and Darling N,21 1 1111 s. Have on hand the large.t aa.ormle, of C L 0 T 111 I EC G IN THE UNITED ~rATE,q. In the awt+eie SUI[RT6 and DRAW M.RS, MBIEffitIMI Oil Clothing and Cetera Data la the Plorl.l. PLAIN AND FANIIIONAID.I. ('Lt tTIIIN UI all kind, Catatogo, of yowl: .cot oy 60 f.,11 LEWIS.% HANINOFIU. jO2II No. 2ZW, WA; all: 'IL- rear. N V DISSOLUTION T " L ' l P V " l3:::treid b" a ' n ' tl f' l , 7l tld, the faro ~ 1 111*NlIFIVI.Id,4 /lAV.. 0 a • hug dm, ct- diasolved Lh4am 11. II y. hut euttre Loterrst 411 the firm to tt• It d A. 24 roulti duo the hem wail Le rut, 'tad h. ta 11 Ituthhe.d. and tall deb to Awe by the tate 6no w be paid by the ruche to It S/IFIFI.D. P.ttaburgh. June 41 IMO \\ II II A 1 1,. co.PARTNERS•III . —S II Ilcauclrto havlnK rt., day •ted h.ole•I LIADISII, form, iv •IJlon aaa-m .l. l'•. Sad recen.:y of the Naltonnl 1'a1.1./urah. url,l cononae .he hum.. under Ln- 1,111 o( LEAI4.R. of the old wand \o 2i 1./ . +Prty oire, S. II 111.ISIIFIELII. Ytttsburr Juan 14.9 U. LEADER !laving re,red Itor former buslnea., I Inke plemwtefrrolnoiendirte 61) . nue •esstp•• In the tron•gr any rt4.tull.r• and the pnl.the Feneral tll7 11.111A1, J. T. DECKER & ROBINSON LIGHTNING RODS, 03 • 11,11rrir•C PM,Tr7I,I. IL foal • aro. or L I • I rw:o , rout. Irrtwern Niarlgrt and Alfreer. re,rive aII•SIMUM , Pro/ Ilormor Wrlogoo.Drorrs. ' 1 Prof Cherrer Drorrf. a D M 11. Ifo.r.rr.• r.. 4 J I. Corr...clot ao•1 Ilarroook, Sts.., ti ”raoor.ooorer..l 11J-At1.0•11. k• 111, ~ .•• J arn• •or! 0.1,1 roor.), ir tllfll 111.1.11,11LT•S t ft IC :011C AL IN HITINU FLUID. itiusF:nr's SUPERIOR IWO IN A •nuf/./ [min ottlisn.ry Int. o arr n :low Iterl, Iron% uny tn nrn the von, :41/1 and dtrra:•.• I: turr- r marl, I 1/Avv 1/1-:://er I:ur brur.l : eru:ts, /ruin 11 A / ://,/,:tork y t/..lrnr,, A ::.,/ rr: p, MI 1111-.111. Irruggi, 14 hem:, coriler 01 I.:1 , r: r/ : and r.oruthfirld •Ircrts. 1.1::•//or0li R— Any Non, nut Arcingquiet.•.l.4l . art.on ecol I.e , 11.. t the Ilfll r wldLy 1,,,,,.,,~' ,~ „ ~,,,.,.. °,~.. I=l I=l OILY GOODS AT W 1101.14 •A W. K r ~.-1 oper4 wbow..< Room., all $1 nur rr . ry. “or.uca,4 corn:, ALI and marl.,l rh..• ...cone 131444 In, dim •prlng.llo ha nny 1.3.1* co gmul• el mdurnd wit., and mm. tu Ir• Anl In An Imind el,orhme 13‘...31A we 1 . , , Nl'1C1.111 . 1:111AS A \ Anm au , erAll and imlep.m.lem ars/ mAird 1 , 1/ dmlenEambral m me ‘mmou. drmsrunenm Brand... Monona,'cu So o nor. lon-I - au:re. and Art, Copland, Donor, of ,turd Nled,ran.., Jotin.on farmor'. Eno yrdoinuj Loudon'. Euryelopud,ta Oartlll nog, Laudon • E.o in, oyo.ovani,a 01 Pinto.; Lou. don'. ratoyeloredm of I roog. NrCullo Dtenonary if Coot/tierce, eullorls'd Mottonary of Ioooarapny. re , Lholiooar n ) cot rt• and Slanui.tot re., I norm M odioal Mono a,. at[l , lo/1 , Corlopu.llo lo mom.; POIIIIenI thrtioustry, 2 vont •no.. Webetor and Park , Eno, olovetha Dotneadc lidonon/y; Adllton , teal Mr uonary. -The.. bolt. or . full ot Infor,r atiou oltho do .1 lot). arranKod and pro.ontodmr do t 010-nirl For •no by J AMEN D LAU:101'011D ad w oo d Da/ED FRUIT—MU bind, innon od reachos, do du Apple., 111 sun, 11:.d for oa. ja2o I. S WATrut .611,4 'DOT ASII —.5 cor./ Pot .A. 11; I Jo rrarl do. H. ,nore I - and for sn , ,,y SWArEtt'll AN F IN kilt Ile rt ing; I 9 do "o"1 1.7 r 1 I II / tads Ling •od UPI for rlue J It C :01E1E1.11 TOW YARN-1 ltox Ann reed and for •o re Lr ArlIS J II CA NF11:1.11 DDT AS/1-10 ask. lust recd and :or 11.110 uy jaVs J I (;111 ~ j ~ I : AISE-100 Las Just recd fora , a 3 l A: :, il,ll) WHISKEY-GOO bids W1...1,y. store and (or WV sale by lulu WA 01 311TetIF.I.TREE I,' , IORERCiN AND DVAIKStIE I.IQUCIRS-A gene P ral nalsoruverti always on band and tor sale by 00111 W A al miTcHELTHKE UU /lITE BEANS--30 bblo 'small White Beans, just V received and for sale b) W a itNI . CUTeII Fl ,N, Liberty st lIIEESE-2110 boo prune Western Reser oe Cheese, I,J just revived and for scut by etal (V a R 11'et - n:11E0N 111lNINIE-111.10 010001 reed tun' tor ale by ju2l K E SELLERS! L 7 %Wood sr A LOE2--436 lbs once dry, just reed and for sale AY iroJd K E SELLERS pß j., f s t AND s ALIS , rase y llig- i f t Jt i a . . ,i.., 1 : h 1)E1.7(4h! DRL'ESr-011 ('nisi.. Aeetate rotusa. Citric Arid, Vrocoe Arof Cyainure 1' 0 0 ‘ ,,, rec'd and tor male by F:LLEIIS st Nutt . t.isTEß , t (,NraiENT , LARD-11 bogs No . ltatd (‘rsLeby .Ai i o; L i 0,,, - I IR I F:D peters Drlctl Beet Rounds. to 1/ arrive and lot sale by 102) SELLERS a NICIII,O LARU-70 kegs farad) , No I Lard ta store and (or sule)sy ;ten SELLERS A NICOLS r A RD OIL-10 bids Conk 0 ttg's N., 1 Lard Oil, Or. R.s do No Ido, storr and for only by sELI.E.RS H NlCtiLs S l.; C ,. ; ‘, A ., 11 ,, ,:y 360 now rt. yln ne by 11 , 21 IS ATA . 7 1 ` A1 . 1 . 1.1 , -q 1%0 I'EAI'IIES-10 Jr-. 1 1/ A pploci 10 do do Fr n r ja•l tr.•'d unJ b r y by A IUIPOTItt..Nti , Jubi ty.: Ma; tnt ti I)DACON-120 Ind Shouido.r, 4o•dav and lor nale by AKA!, flit/N,. & CHOZ1:1( ERMAN _Arireed no 14anonorr. p. .h., Ironlar, Yawn. , 0/ ul, which we AM '<re, n Ina lent , days per ran•l. and for nnie 1 , 1 1 in 2 . 4. TASSEV d. BE.ST I - 13,yr rot a 011 Loud and for sale by m2l TA SSEY & HEST ANTI It! cal • w 'Lon: and for .21, ;py ja2l TASSEN & KEST WILITF: freati nowecled, I-.LI IT d.dai Met rer'd and Int' gale by 00/2 SF' VON MINN HoRsT 1 -31 bx. (mole .14re.r.,11•1 Ino.lotg until lor 1.../ tale J DII, Ar. el E " ;11 ' I °ext.:4. row I tad for pule tpy jut/ 1 S 1/11.Wi)112Tl 1 h ro 1111.:F0F:-.473 b o [l , lChtele, just rreclved and on ‘„, .ale low to close WICK A lIVCA N DI .FSS, pall corm, Wood and Water. .• prr . l i al i • ; : w 4l,l. Plich, for J .a k l , e ,. l7 ,:i la r, Jr k C. A A. MASON d. CO. are now utlyrinv Iyd wide brown Morin at 14 etv; Itlettelied du at 44 rtv, very One ti rts, Sommer Stuff, or every varletyi mare Calicoes at e! cu, Lawns 9e. fuiit colon, warranted: here gyv IS and ddr; more Wrought Collar. at d and lust Chemisetut 15c, Sc. &c. MbSCELLANEOUS. FURNISHING GOODS ooH~~~ R "En% JOH% Stgattla t Importir, Manufacturer, sad Dealcr In : 4 11111T:4. CRAVAT: 4 . SCARFS. sTOCES. . . siERy, nIA , VES, TNDRR GARMENT , STRF‘ENDERS, Bus()NIB. coLI.A Rs DRESSINC; BoBES. BRACT -R. lIANDKERTIBI:Fs AWNEY BRI.Ts NI I :TA 1.1.70 ATER-BRom. &Ts. • (BLED BILKS. sr The fartlittea Of thr muh , for , mPor ,, , tt ., ! Mattufactitrtne ht, good.. r him tn ,trplvh.. ,, ur• tnmers trte very :0t.t.,..“ tti.trlcrt ttrtrrs. etind ry effort will be mod. to render it 111 olqr•ct go , loro ntlett!..r. troll! ev , ..ry 000110tt of the rm, 1., 0.10 tut run I•. II 1101' 'II Dr. Wlelray's Cale biited CHOLERA AND DI,IIOIIIIEI MEDICINE N. ri , 111: pub], nr”reque.teil in rratl r r tflirnie. mech, u ,rd nil the Sounlarrn ;Ind Faxtern We dorertfty that fir Wif ot fork. l'a took under hi. enre and nutatadeonent. on or dhow dot. hr., of t Irtoher tont, o yoono tone lattortnt; dhder •evere attack of “Anon' Cholera " 'lll,t we ',foa med the said patient. and found hot, to hetl the ro.- tapped mate, tlt,ane. with ...fur. out eoptous nee venter dt•chard, That we pronoureed it a rune ot 1,11L1111.1 Cholera. and declared moreover that we. hefteved 'hr nod patient wo• beyond the hope of med ic,' tint In for we thought the pattent would die. 0041 no der tared at lb, tune' . . W.. lankier rernly that - the acrd lima tt ,key par, •nr..., Ills own mwde o( treatment. and admin....errtliii. t•liokrn Remedy, and riferted a rare or the patient. We :limb in four days merealtrr the said young rnon was at work, and pertertl) well. Jo! Dor,xy. V Dccx vrr. M I) I reruly that I vi.aLed n rm.. of lgotlifwil l'ho...rn un tier Ow cure nt Dr .II Lou.. 1111 , $.l i 1.• Mate 01 Mar) land. %Vaah/ngton County 4) WI! I ccrilty that I am wer, avywont,l ‘vt, o.nne• men who have ••,ne.l the wtllosit reruhruie• of Dr Lout. \ Vlrliey, and they are tonll Of reopyr - • sextimorts WIlt(+01 I he trunto •üb.rnlor Y aryl ot office. 'lt, fml Ler.. day 01 Nov.-1141,r of huntirr.l and finny-mrec II WLY.IANIS. t , r% COUTIty ,nurt. Marylund. I witnek..etl toe adourostraoor of Dr Lou.. Wirli• prepay rion for Cholera. in thr 011111 a., , pr00 ueo tho piaatorl, huaulera 111 tho. town Mar,. town araw a welt marked ra,e of A•ia, Cho to - a. With nee orator cold e.anony pklr puler..-1 111 1t.,1111111 trulv rroAcal and alarnun, I • 111113 pr-- , ocl• no Dr %Vo.key. and wan prr..rot at . .hr adouni.. tratfon of the hrst dose of Ins:donne. and saw if. fe• pesteflly durind Lac attendanee of Dr W.elf es he rr• effvered so as to Ife hole to attend to and worn al fus trade of a Icsr day. lam sure ne . k none other Ifut the Inc.:lac ads's:nixed by Dr Wfrkey MM'I2IITMF,I The only Irue ani genume Da. WrceeTT. Clv..ern and lharrl.cra Med.elne 14 prpared end ~ o ld ..u;e And retell, by JOIIN e MORGAN. Druggs, .t1.,1,.nt one dn., Thertmed ai.ey. CM=ll=ol UITTSBURGII Flit:NUB BUBB MILT. nod MILL VURNI , IIINei I—` , TABL-1,11N11:: F No. ?II mud At laberty 'g near the nun: French Burr Mid Slone, reet, my own znantua.:tu,. mode °pro n..w and super .or u: !Bur rare I. taken t..have the 1d:11:1....," nrl a I the lotor:11. in cue, kdone of a uniform qua:dy rieu are wreflanted to I.e rut.. to nu) in tne rountry arul raper: o Bo- great mass ut Burr*, w newer al tort z•I or doalelotc manufacture. and .n.. 1 ut the lowc•i pr.• 818 home., manuiartured Fraure— rot nu.ortrnent. at reduced pnecn, a!way: Laurel 41.1: 21.11 ...Bone, •Ites itinu Ana Stump. wurrutitud i-ritt quit vet., fralyr,d price. Irtma,o-. and Pwts. Yu C.orn rttal Cob Sc N brio nr , h 111111 Ca.llllEra EN al. kludEE, and Nll.. Fu•m.t., .ti ern. Al; orklcr. prompt v nttrmietl to n, 214 end 21f. lot, erty 1.1, , t. !tear Inr Cana., l E ELE..I.3It.EII Vi .11.1. A ,'F. Pittsburgh Stimisi Slarble Work.. Vrti. 144 tAbEicry. :Siam, NI Int', rr i.• . a gar, N nI It•• ,au;tlu: •,41.1 of thellCa a. , I .. ,o ".•'`a , uti 11,1.1 or ma, to °Wet. zu.l tot al I . h.tte. ll l.ll •Tla U...lloi:eV 11.1,11 , nod at the tuut , ...t price u ,orrualtett %.,16 MMBIMiMi Ilurr Slll T tlOll4, WO' 1,1...4. NO are, • I 171 Li° ilflrt ..r. pr.rript, ut 241 ,•ar C•a• outer n 111110 a: 'l4l ',tot., ‘t w, Ar It 1.1.{,'1: Ili u¢ rl it er.Nir.N r A •w,. . ljr I..l,crtr •trcrt IMMENICIM A . A NI 1,41 V O. I , rk V. 11.1 4lol,KreAt.rr frth,ed , ....Id,. or." mate I-m..lS,,nt r ,•111 , . • at ;5.n I /no, taokional•t, V•.tz• 1•. m lll Set tO Sll. e 1111 t \1.. e....• 1 . anti In Nie '' 1•.• 1 ain, I 'Alit . .., at 14 1.1 rla, rau,w • - • Florener• brn,,l Moot.e.. a. (.ov. • .. 1•• rogrther wa't n v.e.wrnt "r" I y hail - the u• 11,1 ,•11 • TEAS! TEASII TKASIU I r vvitst plea. tre 000 me .ttit,rtlter• ; inttornt the ettt,lo. 00.1 v that the% tint, 000.0400A1 •0 ,- 000 Iw,, 0101 J _ o 1 I'M adelpitta Itt reectrr their , Ittetvtr TEA,, k Ami ort• ttoo.olo, be 1001 vottvtato Itnnt: Tht-y tt, 0010 y It, 00.10itte. pnck • 1 lip h With t printed c‘rd—•oowtt, Ott t.ttt; --- of Tr, 0000, mote of me etttterrt. o.ttl depot 101./0000 0 , wlth nnlttvitattov to rrturn 11. Teo, Ir 000 liked 111.6.1 - •11. Fj . ~, tic r 1.14 :5 1.011 I scl 75 I 110 1:25 15. ',Lon • • .50 rit'l 75 1.141 . te2l 75 1,0 1,25 1 :AI ...I r 5 7 ' ] Ii lv I ...Li We ort.l warrant thl Ine TEAS wr •rol In. ar not et et.ittost 10 111. •010 tht• rtty. tont •Itnuttl n , y not pro,. reeproble to MC 13•14 . , 11101, I'oll t , re turnrtl. themonne . , will rrtutirlerh n 0 tt only with that untirrrlntntant we well W. aak a :tor tr ul. that tk. Lublin may he no udgc our T.... and those hr rriofort .md L.) nth, compfloo.. Op. coy A.. lover• rieh and good flavored TEAS. .hou'd ut a For ,r b 1 IOS YOUNG A. CO N cam., 4th uml I•rry DR. W. H. DARE, DE \ • • lair -1 Nr w Voric ) ESNMMMEMI MEiiil Enclne• for Sale. (k ti': PAIR OEI HAND EN ( ,INKA, 10 ll c) Under, 4 fret woke, 2 Boiler, On Ices loi 0,36 melte• in diameter. ail in good order, will be .old at a bargain, dupolicutinn be made .00n. They have on!, beet aAt about month. For, inquire o( ,ul4 Ott' It 11A15.1.alrite mitt , 1 )1 er- l n•rtcd on the rover•. A ovw supply Net rrcr.• von Seer York and (orate by I Jt iIIN 0 W.-. 0.• , ,A 11,11 .11,11,1...•—,n0 gcs,n of Dr Townscod'a Genuine Sdroopondu, Jo, ,or d and for talc by It I.:1.0-11.1.1 , 11,d bl Wood ot. Duly Agent for Pntobur,h lua it•, I) NI CURRY. Agent ior Alb.cheoy my • W T r , , i . t .. D n i , 111 , 5., ,, F,,,. : ‘ , v . . 00 F 1 ,1 1117 , Th y ree:ved.ruch n,ato lute Nloho. • from Plc per yd y e to very tole, 1.1,111 swift. do; burred ,soq.s do. en:- bro,dere‘rdo, uttlo barred Jz. toner.; anti finl•hed do. satin ,rwed do. laotl gene 4et ral aortme ehhh , •, ouch ao pladL nod figured • Ne —at northra. corner ith Etna darter •1. Wh,deoele Room, •Inir• ,hdd rrIINA 11 r•Nr . r. FOR PARLOR' , -- 1) J•rinr, U 1.c010Ar00,.. 64 Wood .rre, Jr. rt.., • ,1,1 .nmo Irroutitiffir oroankontrol tt A rI: A 1, ,, N5, n variety of poorrn• nod calor, l't rue Pepe r for orooloontoig orukoll wo of . .. frame.. or hoop. ,0111 A I Orr ot the Moirloot 000., %tree, o votopirre A•sortoreur of Ciiopern to tovla 111:BEll A I.AUFNIAN T ., RIC I.— I.; z 1 i VA kiNl , ll. No I F.0...t0ru —4:u Fu j received unJ iur n r iiy II )11n,Un"'1'n,"litt.1.‘„.:;:r - tyt I, ,nst I. and In, .ain bylt F. SELL! U. 57 IVood .t ". 1 -“ H " : ' ,l7l ' ,l ' 4V. & I. , r‘' 1 nlfi 14 Fi c 0 . 111 1 4 1 1 1 & ' l,". ` 471 Vdnr\l bx• 6-ornrd rey'd and ter • Jun, It ilt /1:ISON A „_. aura VAl•1'Il h; tip t 1 . 1 ,nnll.•itlLer it•sorte.l ."; 111 - She.l nod ll.rrl oe 111 e 1411.1 W 1 , . A 1•11,IIIIRTS4IN I:N114 , 1(1AI-I CA1111:1' , et! Lin. .luv vt IV. ' ,1 C1...C0L Ni.w C.& archoute, Ne Fourth sirrei. lee 0, 3 WY Ceree,e, in whirl, ht. e .ev..-. et. 0.11... of evrshiee In !enlist, $.•,011....1. Ilnuse•. es he is Le trotr.l 10w... can In purr hesed in IL,/ E. et. 111111 NI'CLINTOCK TEAIC- 7 1.117int1 , .- ~.11.0 Gutironereler and Week Tra., cot heed ..t r lulu It 1111 II \ a CIIIMERTSON NTA •n, Mot. AS,E, - pntno packa,e., Itl ItOE ARU-6 keg. Lela Lan!, on 1,1.41 end for sale by Joel! k I.IL.NT ('1 RtICERII , -= - Rol Coder-. 75 packR,VP ky lorprrtar. 00 Irowehorrg Too., •Ino bro. N 0 Molar-r. Orr Loot r-ritor, No .1 too.with a e eteral amaurtletrut nt Grocenr.. tor •ale by toot &HEY, AIArr". , VS a, Co TRANSPORTATIOIC& c . EXPllliebb PACKET LIMP, FOR FIDLAIDILPHIA AND DALTIMORE. u•Lve, for Va....tag-1,. 41( tlva I.tne leave •-•. ,ck me hl: In Thornp).. D.Dana—P Burgry.Ta,..d, A Cra,. W. , ..^.•1nv. 4 IsrniLiekv--11 • Lo,•,:o.n—J Thomp•on. I rertny I ).••) Ilurtry, Sutarda), 7 I 1 11.0-I',l, A t•rn.,, - .y In i. 1 P rhomp.too, 10 - aII y. , 11: I ; NC' SFT , II. Mononsali , a m., or I) I)». Canal 4411-1 /I ,tre ,71 Ala net Ertl, Expre•s Packet Lime. R FL4 I l ropme:(01 . I I „ PENNSYLVANIA. 111 llodamis; LIKE 'MIK Pre.v, 1•IT1'. J . liraver and Ex.... have roonutr,r, rm,.,1r),). ermlinue durL,r 11., own - . tom lo tntOct. ,nrar lleavvr triter t, rray:, c,f mnru,a, ..oaL from r and :Amy, at 1,1 ;in, , or pm ...roger* to tqo mora,,, her, to Ilutla,lo or up the Lake. T:rx , ~ .11,rouvu in 1, , r. hake ROl,l, tmd JOIIN A CA rtrrnt: o: %Voter :1,1 rt, or 1.E , ,Ft1.E 11 , 14,11, St Churl., lintel 1 , ,V AR. rnu,' —The %Wainer Till eommrnec on 01...u1ni. av 7. lo run trom Ne. Old I.n..•nn.nod I.andine.. , crot of I'm .1 . to Nn 61. n A . rncli v., hour untl. 4 •'.OC r Irom Ne Gas n. 10 r n The SC .11% art—toppltett with al tlehearle. or the trtason. Tea at ti o , irtt.k The Gil rdttn, with a is rre le oi ttret,:toti—• ran, Dalt:ion, An- I111:11 P 1011( rae r.httl , !tery. The %hurl trtat Itlaectl a: the PIII rArr, tatitttng tnys IL. D. iteNor, t4 l V IM p t h u I M O, of rourth s. 9 1 nrd Decatur, between Market and Fen, •ept2-rllyin G. W. DIDDLE, Dentist— 1D.V().).11.10:.,,,, three ••ory Irrtrk .411 "•. on.. door 1.e,0w -1,•• • re Ins. rt', Irma one rz,re • J. With a Mai na:ura: etscil—re.tOnng' the ortrin.../tapo u--rr.l 1 -Tr.:.d.e:hho. or no loon vooon • 1,011 , ,111-11t. ‘shlrli IA rourh L. .1,1, li• rat, , d llVrt 1111,Orte, . . SC A 'FE Q. ATKINTsON, LII 1 . 1 WOO', AND si Aaron - . rrn - ..t - a , .. \ TIN I I. '•. o. O.10.1f011f•Uli kiflik Of CLIPPER, T , N A \LI OIILEr WARY- Al., Illack• smith Work lo,; to order Hu haul. n (tor toe.ortioent and lima Kee e• T•o k. yoenmooat Coolitng firmer, orce, very convenient ar. to tor not e,r00t.., or roil Wad compone \N. wu.•l rr•pr rite m 6oatln., and tolo , cui; and %cc our nntr., + nn.l pr,. butnre purchuame ripro-Lurc GEORGE ARMOR., MERCHANT TAILOR, No. dti 3larkel stmt. TT FF VlNfi pon ha+ed a.t t: , :t• , ••• an , ear , "tt'.;,. +c ll. .cc.+d 0! ,prn.i ,1,1100, I 1000, the suh+enber rr•trectiu.iy tr.iorin+ friend, and the public. that .• new pr , parozg to receive and est cut, tat, nru:r• with 1i11.2011. au.; in the ncutest, 100 l'i•hiuttatnr !wanner As he i• ,rd u.E.I +u•. , tr•+ 1..... ne ter+ natl. , a;to worx cheap b.. 11 . a ,) e+tabit•in to tn cc...try. ar.t..! Urua \ er•t.t, Ai. wt.., 104 urr re+pertful lor then, , lve• • TANN/CRS' OIL. 4()0 1{1:!.2+ TAN \ OIL, in hand•on.r. small I N 111,s], /It'd tlt,lenr . • I vriv , er I:iepumnt n Woa, ,/r. 1.% . r...\ . r ii. riql sut.•er.- ettteeet •itoerion'y o,,er a other 01., n. ttt •I tr.uttt wn.tra , toot, L.ltt•tout ,i; E W II A it UWA It E STO IL E tti"I . IIEI'I,ANI: ANDS“ , .. tin. 74 Wood street, Pittsburgh. I . j I JtVII ANI/ 1.,1 FM+. import , r. hoti deul^r% I I . v... 1 \ WA, A\ 1\'1.,, ou- H Tr“tott,,,, I'M 11114,1..15...1'd 112/1' crt`r,t..l WO., 011, / 'New .•r purro,r •r• Jr.,. .:r•trn••lr P:it at.,' FKONI 1 r..rrtr r :a It. .In. t• ••.,u0r..1 lor 1.••••••• •r Cr -6. •4, t •43!......• tor •.t r EMEMISIMMI ~; ;,.. 111. ,r...r!. r~\,\,,.k Notice to Dagt te rr eotype Artists. T . I 4r rt. Lt.' • otyttrt... or V. rri.A ih•R s itl o IN-Tlll 111.1NTS— .tt.tre t•tttit,ritt .tttrt lit. rum,. re k grt.nt Ii \I It t. our au- W 1..\Nur.N10.1,1 0: I , ,warrr..nt) Nfitterta •, • -r • ("1.1N1 . 0N r A e, Ett. MILL. - • . Toil'. . ' 0 .. 11 7 „ 4' inci.• 0' 111:001' 0,11014 ; •u.uu• au.: wormer customers , ••••• nre. , .1 howl a genera. a.• wr..,•p,nc, tea and ov.lll IPOnk•. rte . Which the} w.. 1 . I, . 1,1 ,, ,11rr• can ha . oapplical wrh cc-rc hth. cica raper at ahurt untie.. and ni rrdared T110N11 . 30,a1 -HANNA • • - ==M=al2!l = ,cellred at the Peksn Tea j •Itirr 7 , P 1 oural very large runt well hn- GREEN AND iaLACK. Tr:As, irons• whim 11m been received i.i tin. inninry •nion 130 lir at 1 , ,,,,try I t I.~•anti al .Intrrtnn 151.3 , .• nr,own in the Crln.t,al Empire iur Ol, %Vea,., WaL •rr 55/1 ands• 331 e •3 0. on inntrt 1,111% my. nny ,n • cny r frt., xroccra Io rAII and 43,. a., Ipr icrc Tht., Coll I"ve Ll rack ,. 1/3 1 , .1r1,1, , , 3 I b lull cumn3trr, , by rne-, z., cnn"enls—.3.e. r ,1.0. 1 1 01000. Tr-at from rt• p. •Ittg 10u.1g SooChong. t 1 CAI, 11"1,1.1., 110111 .11 to 51,2-i p , r F 611110. 1, se.l ,1 001 smoplr3 01 mil' 10 Mem urrimmog. My I • rhoA JA Wourth Creel. Inc it (or the Public, 11 . ...01 1 untiva,tl 1 . ...1Y Salve, DALLEI'S 31.NICAL FAIN EXTRACTOR. 'l P.ibru du, Agcnt. Mt F Mrr- er tt. rqr r rtmr .1101.1,.. —OM ( l'am rr • I JI It. r:or. I are or; anti. the nu wood. • rt , a t• Inacould s II J lir 1. • , rarliwr or Ilrolio2 t Lcvt, I rsfial fon o , v hl, n. man „n Or 1.1, hushand Wo tor ho , !) whwo. I,LWr 1. . a-nt Is, Vl, prtl om.: At. - Itnvatg =ME . I u a•Lu ..Are ails rtn V „tied n • .0 END= u. 1.., .u11":1 • .1. I . lli .11. , It Alr• I.lrnre I 'cl~.o C,u r.L ,r y Nov NI, I I .55 , 15 5,, ,or.; Cam I.:llraearr rrr a r tr-r- or ke' , ..•• • 1 5115 VINO 1 / I msl4aht.ti rc ••-.1 3,1 r. u ‘ tu.rl irtratr ICI Iyoar. re• JA, NoVN, I. Irora- Jar; Sore Nrypir-4. ll:trkerr 14nrwr,” • Cut-. N, :rad a, 11, rraorr, rat , %%um', rral proprrtir, ro urrttr. 1..51 i..•arror Ilar. 111 tire pro i/.. 1rc,..141 from thr. grnerr,, , tri the 'll% ur , appli .olty lu It, mv•olor, II 11. 41:,11r,.3,1wAy. !,-wr 10r4.0r Ln 1i14117, I}IN,J, Pal-tout IL Ilen, P Fehwt.rti. Allegheny, A cent; J. Ilakrr, Wneeong, Vo ; Jame, W John.), Ky , Merry wra.lirr, t'tor•ntrtti. .1, N It —l , l :bevery, Burn. and i 4-3111. It itirtitt, We Path in Irv. ,ver faila iot t Milt: PA NA:11 111 V CONINIII7I-11 , . ileditoto. of oh loom,- i.iformatlon in tervard to the TIDO*, of den.. toot o.•ror in the nay errekly. the limreicter or 101 l die asv orate, would reapret °illy rctinu.t the l'lwatettin• to report to [brio 01 ...- L1...1MM, Hotnn Old Conn lino+, •.• Froloy LO alnN• • NURSES, LOTS, TARIM iio FOR SALE. . A VERY definable reanienee in tbei keg mach of Manchester, adjoining:into, Wee nin a, Von The Lot honeofner one, El feat taut by one hundred and ninety feet denp—trit • nerit nary En. It Howe', twenty-five feet front, arab nem para.% dunng soom, and kitchen on filla aoot. A eart bout,. .table end groper!. and the lot fallen' choke ;rod tree,, all In good oilier. Enquire of the subscri ber. Lutnect Merchant, Allegheny eity. lalenhvitfT JNO. PATTERSON. FOR SALE, A THRFT. storied Dwelling Home, being the ewtiel house from Penn street, In Snyder'. 11., , on nay street. /mordiate posseuion will be t,en • Emmen. of DAVID FUTCIIIII , , Attorney at i. - twlotfice on Fourth Street, between Cherry alley Ind I;rant iallketht ml FOR JR6ISIT, Ml't/tIR near two story dwelt Nulling Ifonarts, eell Entailed and in complete order, on Center ven E ue. 7th Wa.rd. Posseasson 'liven JPT & CO, uly Ist Rout tow nqulre of JOHN WA tut; corner Of Liberty and Itud sets FOR SALA, rp F.I.V F. 111 'ILDINO LOTS. ennead on the month and 1 sta., of Pennaylvania Actual. heturne,h 4 ill.agen SILVO,ISOII streets, and about tliree . talnnlea walk Iron, the New Cenci House. Six of thesolets front el tort web., on the Avenue, and Rh back 120 feet to a at tee i alley, and the other ma front %tte same width on Forbes street, (71) trot wide,) and run bank yyfeey to the name alley. If the abeee properly I. dhptall, ea or by prtente al before the 7th day of Slily next, it will be sold at ntiction, at the new Curt Hoe., on that day, at 3 o'clock, P. hf, to the highest and but bidder. Foro•rm.of pale and other panicle...l.a, enqutre o DAVID D BRUCK, Attorney at Law, Fifth otneat, lICJI door ‘o Alderman M luSalta ®'TO FARRIERS ARID LURIBICHRIEVS• r . l! I an , de rat Jlu :ed ea o o f ff w e offers i fo u r . st , d e e to NV He an i nto: : I'a CieellFill nearly neap and ger . o.lMkg r rramo !louses, one 41 fret front by 17 Dna"; the other "at femt trout by . 2t hack. Also, igOOd new limo Barns darn I, forty Pert. The toll and lead aro Mutated few mile• from II .Allegheny filter. A From deal or o PINE TI rl 13 , 5. of the best quality, and also a vaaf citatory of the very hest hemlock. Also, one sere On lan bank nldie Allegheny. hear core, most adrotrably, adapt ed for rifling, where lumber can be rased on't.he tee In winter. and be perfectly safe from all (milieu.— Print Shdaki,or SS an acre. Terms easy. Wirtake well cleared small farm, with good house and or chard upon It. ns pa rt i payment, tfloeadoe Is suitable , sod the balance lumber, or ae may be agreed op. This is an excellent opportomry for nuabminin arid the prohabihty Is great that in two or three years tars property will double its sake, in gonstnergeo of its proty to the New York and Eels Ra il road. Tim ber sufficient to weal Oat several Saw mills—and sev eral mill sites on the stream which fun, nearly Month the rmitre of the land. About bites, acres In gran.. No hilt to rise in hauling lumber from mill to river_ Trout and gems to abundance. For further particu lar., add rris, ipoet-puid,) P. H.TEMPLETON, rvtilicarteet Gazette office.Pittshared, • Taw. bogs for Sue. pliF, su h sen burs will sell at pnvate sale, moue nee valuable Lou of Ground, situated on Tomato at., in we Third Ward of Allegheny City, each baying a front of M fret, running bons 110 feet in depth 10 aID fart alley. upon which It built a stone wall, 25 py 100 fret. which stone enough to build tellers (or l.vo comfortable dwelling houses, sod in front there are !lime shade trees, o(0 years growth, and the .ide •a'k a paved with brick, all orwhich will be fold at 500 u Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or County Scup, wul be taken in payment. J & H PIIFLLIPS, No 5 Wood at, or to WM. BENSON, immediately opposite said lots. alyiN THE Dwellmg HOtlrie 011 Third street, above Smithfield, occupied by the family of ihe late D. n. N. hEDowell. Poisession given on tie I •tt ot July next. Also, some large lout of ground in the Ninth Ward, I , eltveco the Filth NVard and Croghanaville, mailable for lumber fwd.. WM. M. DAIMJNOTON, inyannitf At 11.11arlateisn's, Fourth a (AM SAI..F.— Ma eligibly situated In the soar. r . tatting town of Thritunghani. The lot% an 4tas -1,1 on Denman street, II amberetl tzt F Baunnark's piss :5, 79, sli, , I and ea—Lot No 7b fronting 20 (moo Ma rY Ann litree4 70 feet deep; the other four 20tbat from each. by lb feet deep. Terms—Greater part of purchase Inner May. re nem for .in years, secured by mortgage. Forrtle, laf 4. Inquire of S 6CUOY . m )'l n llo aecon a • Val.:rattle Masi . Land for 4 BOUT four miles above Leek No. 9, at the month of fine Ruh, Monongahela River. The Coal to on he very best quality, and easy Of accatta Any number of acre., from twenty-five to a hundred, Might be Mammal. Persons destrom of purchasing, eat rail on WALKER REED, on the premises, or Wk. Rec.!. opposite the Post office, who will give any lit lorntatton concerning the property. The above Will be sold at a great bargain. mpg:Sans To LET—A good beck Ihirelhug House, meant on' Robinson street, Allegheny. Enquire of ji I tt SOLOMON SOMOTEII 1 . ; tin 't A at: CHEAP FOR SC r RIP—A lot of omir, r..swate on Wetnner. sireet,23 feet from tiiith street; 29 feet (rout oo Webster, by oil feet to a Ave feet alley - lute Close to now court house. Price IMO. Terms, ram in hand; balance ht one, two, three and fear yrer n the tint o(Apnl lust. nn .) aid City Scrip taken for cash payment. In• quire Cl fella S SCHO YER. 110 second st 200 Aere• Coal Land tar Bala, rrun Calton the Monongahela river, about Ulatilea 0 from co sigh and It wile" above third Lock, In ter nomediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon &Shorty, and Atr John Ilerren's purchase. This Hoe body of cent unit Le mold at the low price of =per acne—one Li/11,1 In nand, balance in five equal manual payment., let:limn totemst. Tnie indisputable. Location very Good—esonot be surpassed. For farther partleidere re of S. BALSLEY, who Ma •ilraft.of raid_prer 2;1 at, below Ferry, Mr. Adanislglow. It. Ettnr.• Is another seam of coal on this tram, o btu t t al.n.e the lower, Of excelleot j qui! R . Vas r.ii3lll trable Bialidltig Lord foriiiiiin— •l•Ml.,l•:,,,:int,o,7ruip,bemeshit,s7lytu;nhtivo.r,..i7ll. to w o tar; 4 m i %at . : valuable I:Wilding Lots, composing a large porta." of tn., Lots numbered 67,..151, aad 70, in inst.. in neral of the City of l'itteburNltua t,, nt .00111 emtwardly corner of remixed ayne • rrt.. ilontauK leet on the former, and extending .1.. butterabout Um feet to the Allegheny river, and to mq a part of the Real Estate of the law James Esq.. deceased. Api or aubtlivtaton of the above Lotu 'econfor: t..) . with willeh it propoaed to tell, may be Mon °Luce Of uu4crsat ou Fourth, between Mar t au! Frrry us. WILLIAMS R. KUHN. VannAble 114•1 - 113•6ste torpors. ~lIE lo..owing property In gm nay of Pittsburgh, and :rear the borough of blanchmter, 00 this Ohm rl l lll , recl Uri' sale on accommodating Lamm i 3 it,cmc of Lot No 400 in Mo plan hi,. clry Via•borch,) haring 20 trot front no So vll •, - er, by 040 loot to Straw-horsy alley ball !RIO meet. 11l 011, acre 100 fronting on en Averus, p, foci rd.., front Beaver rowl Wilms Ohio nye,. ad ' og Cht. in: Cloth F. tory. For tvrron, e rn Loire of ellit.6l.iFS or JAMES OMAHA, Ilorke's itisilding, 4th st Val b . 1? „ 1 . .. t.1.R...! . tiff fox: Salo, N TIIP; NINTIi WARD WI:" tr, lag. nn Baldwin and Liberty street•, in the 21 le, 1,y r too, •nd adieeent the ptopo•ed dry"; at cue Central /Laguna] FOY team Inquire of CIiAItLES S. seuuN a g or JAMhZ O'HARA, Burke's Beiltlingotet et TWO trOUSICS AND LOTS IPOIL gALtG rh - / IA) on !Lauver street, to the . A n ahoy,. the upper COnintenVltlaiell envsted a frame budding, two storie• hig enitabl• for Inn , mall (ellen:Mtn, The LO4ll ate GEC tWISSIty tset In front toy one hundred feet deep, and run back la a nlrcof forty feed wide. The buildange on the pre, oxes will pay a very hastalAnten Interest on the Invest, o and h e property will he sold cheap for erten. App:y ‘o 11. Sprout, Clerk's office; U, B or to • ,SAY 4 co scotch Diatom, Sat. „L on ' q N xttira,ll ''i ree l' alll P en VZ: rah —ln lot. to Sun parr hunts. Tnernrthei itie iars :crply to Henry W 0.11431.40/ .WAS 4th, abaTe—ginint coy - 22-W AWA RElOUtali; attbserriber otten, for sale dot three awry brick Wareltouso J.I Wood atrect, occupied by IL Taturor & Co. apt; WM. WILSON,Jr. • LTA lA/ABLE It L KSTATE ON PENNSTR.P.P.T Y R'R SAI.h: —A Lot of liroand rituale otrPo. between Hay and Meteor, streets, tuliolning nil let nose occupied by Richard Edereni, av Li 3 • , •:•nt 3 feet, and in depth 15U feet, 4•111 be sold ua •.. 40 , 10 tame. Title amereepttonahtet FA • C U. LOOMIS, 4tb st, boor Wood. Ml= 4 ABLE Owldlng Lai Allegtrmy A. vorably locetrd, ui luxe aLrout half. nem and Iwo] I, -0 d 0,1 •e,otninotlating term.. Inquire of J O WILLIAMS, 110 wood 3n At ... Eon RENT—A room in the See Dud Amy, No. 5V04,4 Pro party Irailegairmy eubsenbere otter for Lela a riarabaralArniar j_ Lou, situate in the Second Wart froatizigria tha Ge.ieei, ground, on easy terms. Int to of ROIIINSON, Aity at ay., Si Clair r: or of JA ROBINSON. on thepreaSsaa rl7:dawrtrr 'LEGG:AIa di SURGICAL OPPICI_L' ,r,..,...., No. 65, DIAMOND ALLEY. • I rt . '... fear door. below Wood Moe% to; DR. BROWN, having beta .... 3 74.1;‘,, - ... reyalarly educated to tho mer Lea .;..f. , , ~." _.', profesaion, and be. Co r salile Ilaut „,,,;,:i . :17,• .- In general practiee, yore confirm! 14; , ..r.• - .• Ida attention la dlt• treatment of ~,,,,,,,;;:,, - .444 those prorate .d delicate coal 't , :-. - .-", , * ~ pianos for arhtah hi. opportenttlee 1 . ...t -,, ,i;',1:,.. . and experience peeallarly quality 71, 1, , ,, io- , hut. II years maidoottaly devoted to Irtody ,l. treatment of those complainta,itillrftlehith lane .•• bar had more practier end has eared Mtge pa, Lient • than can ever fall to Op. lot of any private prae. erg carry quattften torn to offer aosoranees of .p.•”dv. permanent, and ....factory oonito all idSletad „.,,,„„ ,j,,,,,0a, end ail also.. arieing Genf Dr Drown winiabi inform those with private wince nave locator chronic by Slimier Nu th, rated by the on of may of the common noetranss at e .ley. that men complatots este be radically and Dior oush, y cured; hr tiering given hie careful attention to the trent/nerd of ..II raises, and succeeded in hundreds of vvineoes in curing persons of Indorse:niacin of she trick of the bladder, umi neared disease. which often t how nitre eater where Onterill have colitogried then, to hopeless despair. lie partscularly 'Deno Pleb [LA ha nit and onsueee.W2l4 grtmed byath en tn ennouit arben evert satistsethre will!. gisan them. and their rases treated in • earefuL, thorough and il.e nit manner, pointed oat by • tang experience •tedi led invesegadon, which ttas aapotaible the that reesteed in gen ra el practice of medienus giyo as tine I"rim Of itwase. errlt epture —Dr.. Brown Wee Luang. par' oe tr.] with tisane to evil, as he has rata pajuoi heir evcotton to ties disease. SCKFL.I also cured. diveeses vise eel v, Palsy, el., Recdoketar.d liturgy, very low. N Patient% of nib sex livlng at &Mamma, suatng 11,eir thwase in writiag t ,giving alrtha rhn pi tom, I' n statute medicines with dated. for use, by euldresung Y. klitoWN, M. I),,postrual, area exselosv ing a Ice. rare No. VS, ikessond allar,apposlts lleure. oitr.A.Stsil.—Dr. Drown'. newt' discovered ranee dy for Ithromatom 14 a %peetly and certain remedy for 11,01 sinful troohlo. It never lairs. ottv, and Privute lloosulting Roans No. dSnla nnd Th. Dortoris always. at Lome.. No cans nn per bale W ATCHR.d —Jun received korsTereorpogi, duvet, very 6ne lot 01 Gold surd Silver Patent Laver w ssc s, m ods rsamsely 10 neler, by 0110 of the best tl.nullatanting evtlahltahmcno in England. . . , At eo , s complete arsornwrtu of Geneva sad English Gold end Silvcr Watches, from alb to 81.411. Gold Chains, Keys, Peals &c. W WILSON, INtatehildahnlso elf (corner Fourth and Marketata oihO. W. 8 / 1 111I'll GO" TNFORAI their friends and the public timidity bay* longer any connection with their late establish tnrut In Penn street, known on the Pittaburgh Brabrey:' havnm Ireenoveni thou entire basineaato the POINT stemwetatv_ie
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers