The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 10, 1849, Image 2
THE PITTSBURGH AkETtB. PIJBUPIIEL 111" PITTSBUILO TUESDAY 151011.N1NG,, JULY to. 18t9 • Per Local 1104. re see ;mg, - Mos next page for Telegrfpitio News . P1241371.1iA11i1t 4111/4„ 9ilo Haiatoitt..— W,, tole Omura ia.preielitfieb gut reitlerh,, to-day, thr eloquent al:awl,* &ILOSION W. Itnnitrr,, E,,q., e , deliversd!ii l lli ,edilEiinu mn of tog contuienMet ceil 0 . I- Iha Opio tut d Penttsylvanto Railr,Na, end lhr .-very interesting letter of Ilta. CtntottartalYntatto, - read on the oeensioni• . . • . . 7 - Mr. it °awn' spier b, like cshry. thing whirl ,'' Meet from his pen t 6 inttrucuip, and po,terse. t - . -, . .- the internal evidence of the Curdett nets and tin ' eerily of the emitter. No one :talll r part it ove Without &careful perusal. The letter of Mr. Datinhio alto that the h.riihr Italy apprialea ther 141riaaie e . icetkace of Ihr _,, great work which Pittsburgh hai vodertelen . It affords turn allght . patisfacturn :to Gad the .cot•- . meats we have no long and to realottily rorport •:: ed, even at the risk of exhausting the potence of •• .. ottr readers, and being etteemed ho ettibo•cam;.. ' earnestly and BO ably...pported bk ner, good au thority. Mr. D fano ',rulea as if Ile Nit that the - People of Pittab rgh did Oct yet ffrophrly appuici , ate the surpaasi g 'mix:entire of this piidertakdlg. ] We have felt ihl ~ in ill our efforts, and we we Iv ' they. will mot tint I its effects are developed to their amazed tinders dings. Did the rildtalcua nod i l • ' Property holders of PUtabn rgh really 414t'ci.t•ihe ' vital Importance, to this city, of thdollllfld Peon. eylvanin Railroad, they wsuld soy In the arectore —.hint is the money-pause not ( oti &ley, mad Oh 'ire able to send a Locomotivefruni l'aurorgh to-Mansfield." . 7 . Tun \VET Durnans—By ucotnmunir hfunnother column, oar readers will Tee 'ha destroyer is abroad among the Artium: fu the put of the county, naive!l as the .out h. It xvht• also, from-the remarks of our correapandem, who is 111 intelligeat feistier, that the 4etft of destruc tion la a IMO insect,?one never before seen, ribil that its•ravages,wbgrever it is boned, are ro inpi4 tr. We have seen heeds of wheat to which the little destroyer is Gm4hta, every grails baing alerted, and containing several of the worn., which eat out lurcatira sub:Mu:ice. Although the head stay look as fair, and give as much pr4mtle as t held bled apples of Sarkin, yet within,:bur worths nod chat are found. la the early etagitt of the destruc tion, the worms arc white and stilt, Out they Le come red as they approach to maturity, and are exceedingly lively. 'We hope this destruction isnot extensive, as, if it is, its effects will lee, tenet] deed. , , There is food for nn i licHl reflection in the ni‘eovery of thin new insect, taken in convection wnh /he mysterious potato oit: and with the *gunny mys terioos cholera. .Siew calamities . " 113.1:e n ntorr • far par aiu-disordered worldoehieh, qms wi daily dada the wrath of the Ahrghty. The Raman Itepuhtic We bave prepared a reply to "tho .Pot.lroir b Catholic," but are oaropelled lo lay it over ir,lav, from inability to find room for it, and ihe mn the Reveraud EailOr, as we wish 14-11 to ntipFa ia the same paper, that our readers may see the we do him no wrong, ,0 our remarks. W trust tolls acme of juntlee to extend to ttv ih • same courtesy. In the mean time,' we may tell our Reverend • neighbor, that we are delighted so seo' Clint, while Bishop Hughes, at New York —and 'may we tit t say. Bishop O'Connor, at Potshorgh —is tilinhit voting to Mice money to help euttinln the Pope in his pteseat attitude Inwards the pesiple r,t Roo, Gee. Johnson, of LOUlelann, in prriielifinii and advocating, and the people of Ne:av Prlenns. She aide( Catholic city in the l'n.ted Status, are ing resolutions of the warmest sym portly %rah ki.c. the Italian Patriots and their reuse. ' Tim meeting to which re f erence In here .ndireal • ly made, was New Orleans on ?tJ ions., and presided over by Governor inborn.,, who ail , dressed it in a strain 'of impressive eloquence, de ' elating that the people of this conntry Might w s ---aed rumor the Remelts, by maniteetini their syfr • pathy with them in the present struggle. and every other way not hiciartninleni with our lions of neutrality whh European Powers. The fttßoasing is the first of the eerie, of resolutions passed. “Bssoload, That eminent the present struzn:e of the people of Central Italy as the idrucgle 0 1 tight sad Justice against brute knee end lyralWl in their mord odious Forel.; and that we deepl•, aympathise with the Rotrian - repottli.,na In :hra efforts to rid thettuseirra toren, ot ou opi•tes.ll.- forte nfgovornment,and to estaltheh fo titenvelar. and posterity, free and liberal iprigutants. t 1 a••• earthmen with the spirit or the and het getout and wants of the Italian people: We, also, In this connect:on, would Pall the at tention of the - Pat.piurgh Call.l.c” to the ,ant. meets expressed by a eoternporary ewer, rf thr same Church, which , appear to hareptatze with those of our very reverend eelsbbor,asrnprrssed In the article assailing the Genetic. The Bowe! " , Tomah Catholic Ohterret," speaking ilf the pp. pointment of Felix Foreett, a respectable resilient of New York, as Minister of the Roman Repel.- lir to the Government of the United :gates, nate. "Will Gen. Taylor receive him r We trust that the present adminiatmtion will not he so . inulotied and so regardless of national honor and wommor, sense as to accredit an Envoy from the repasts mad rearm who call themselves the Roman Re public. If it does, then r. or doom sealed, and in 1852--at the latest-4A will descend IMO the tomb of shame, unwept, unhonored, and unsung"' Such language as this, one reverend neighbor must see, is eurpassingly modest, and comes with excellent gracifrom the organ of a Chorea. No doubt Gen. Taylor will take the warning, as it b Meant, as a threat, that the voted of slinerican Calholitm shall bo given to put down any adinin tralitm which. dares to sympathize with (he norde struggles of Roman Republicans for freedom Gan. Taylor will heed it no more than a pull of idle wind, and it will receiveTwe feel very sure, the indignant condemnation of' every intelligent Roman Catholic in the country. • Choler% Itaeord At Louisville the cholera case are iew . inuurnber, et Lexington, Ky., thought to be ini,renning. During the lag 'reek there were deaths in Nem Albany, lndtana—on Saturday Sunday lest, 9 is Madison, and one on 'Monday. A letter of 34, tntt, to the Ciacbmati Onzette, stater that 'the Choleya in Aurora, la. continues unabated. About 14 persona have died there within 24 boun paid,'Out ofn population of three hundred--the inhabitants having mostly left.— Prom the best infortruibso that roe be obtained strew one oat of evyry4en of the whole popol, Lion has died, estimntint the population at the lull number at the beginning of the epidemic: A'grent er proportion than one not of ten of those !hat re: matted knee died. The attacks ere very malig nant." At St Louis the oltikens have commenced born- Jug stone coal, resinous tar, and cuiplillt in the streets. The Republican says that at least three karts of the mortality in that elty,m *fined to etolgesutts. One thlr'd of the population of the city are foreigners. eon in the papers that whole families have fallen victims lo ihe epi demic. On Thursday. the 2t4th ult., the St. Loins tEnio states that the number.ot interment 111 84. 1,1.1 i itt ten eemeterhst, N 41.137-0( which too were cholera. The rettiereing three eemeteriea wont, if reported, carry the:number ottleaths by choler up to about 130. .sCVlien we reflect, ~v, Union, "Malmo third or onr population ha" tied o died, thisinterment is truly startling." At Buttalo, N. Y., duOns. the 2d and 3d, forty on ewes and thirteen deaths. The whole numb.• °Ceases for the Iwo welts ending July 2, was deaths 38—from the tommenoement or the di, ease 134 cases 51 death's. • The St. Louis liniorr, of the 29th 1 . 5. "The following Staterhents of the wreldy inter ments in the city of St, !Axes, since the Igo/ hlny, mity serve to show the ; progress of disease among us, and its rapid iserease for the past three The wiwle number of interments, nr slimmed to thei Register, were, • For the week ending May 7 - 14 . . " June 4 2456 Maize 2,486 from thi first of May to thn Zith of June. Since the twenty fifth, the mortality has certainly in nowise abated, but, on the ernatnry, there is reason to belieie it bee steadily itereae ed—one hundred and thirty deaths per 'day, at least, have taken place uinee that time. :Taking thisestimate and the actual number reported above, and we have the frightijil list of three atoll:sand one hundred and thirtytair deaths in St. Louis during the nionths orMro"and June." C!!!1 - 1.1 ,- : 'l.A4lldirene of Bateman VV. Robert.. ,GDIRF ENGINEER OF TIFEDDIG AND PENN 811.VANIA RAIL ROAD CoMrANY, iCalyeredaot t the RA of Juky,l.49, as the fFtate I! , lhr the village of . P•le.ftio• t' ,, atithtana t'ooaty• I :tit., on We oceuton of lacak, , gtooo,i tor the i tt aluntentetner t t ot thr , on4tructtoot ..• r t . ;v.! .• Penntlylvan t a Rad Road 1 Fe94.1, C, itins of (Ara ood 1',. , o , o'roo.- , 1 hold la toy hand a copy of the law ee kr whs.!, 1 1 ! . itaVe this day met. 1 ifi,J. the 2411 i ...i FehruAry: I'l- ihe I,ea .httute nA .t. tiro incorporated the I eta, and r-1.11., ..t illil Rond (4,,apen y di two slat e . ..a...W. copy of tar Ail has op 1a.,, t-.•,. sell c I ifaitargh by t:,e !lon. t :cure.. I•ar.c. t {ht.., u, AO , * SiacttLer el the senate it Per. 1., I ea; ~. 1 Os President 01 11114 meeting, the .varier ....- Ad.T,I in 0 a law, of rent,ylvaatti on the ; ~. Xpiii. (Sit. II Jfider the ample no eri, th,t. ...rioted n I. IpAtinveary surveys were t.e,nr, ,o, the :: lliip, under nip direct ine , a. t 'rel I,: 1 ,, , 110 tam tea. pr,teth eel iv 11,, htt-t the .. t. 14001 til.otti In 1., ,e' •rn• ........, . Itc ,l l.ltousandet :...• In, Int vc no l's! We art....—„n„..,, .„ „,,, ,I,v, iI, I n o 3. 0.:50., Si Inc verction.v cd'ec.4. I, ,'IIIII:, , Lt4l9 the siganenencelh• at • t t: •• ..htt-trtl ht . t . ititi ilittl Pet,llll,,,lii /.1 I' . Ho i.t. r l ffi c tis v, /4 th , ~ ,r it • , ,o is ~, , it .t., il l ihrlill . y e it ' O a l l .t l" 7l l : t hr th t;:l i e ' . r ." :it:: " .. I- 1 t... dark.; dermal slyer, 11 •. enterpr r. ~. •, • •.•. . tri , ddru.e .111 ittliiiirterithte nc., id-, 1 .. .. • W3/eh We how eelettrhle wth he re, -,. balk It as n 0 ettontu.,th 0. t. A• , .'l' ",.ti t .:rt. itieOppreeihte doh; it thtt we h is e 1./I ...rta,cti. it Alley berVe 1., awoken ,n te• • cw resolves I . be (Pr best h. th , eittito,--1 ttttt •ol f - . rilltrt Ihe carltrat sees toci, 1..,c. in! ill Pkoprlate err...toll • .the ~ otth—hehit.t , lie ecithi.tet.oi 01 tht st. ert .it w.tti...., oh. '. nvreded the cotrenne4 et , , , ,, , t era, - . 'COI' !hind., tel wlocn wee ,:e.:.,,c., • , • • •• lahaihute who pro;ect,..l an.l Ih ~., u -,. ~ ,e,.,, 'Zilitem, had gone 11 •wn ~. Jo- ..• ~ ..••• heal perhaps or their ite,.l, ~, at" Ithh: in ' - 'en'thymonument. l. s ',.. r an to rgpienn.htlie t .t ..tyon , •;wcultl m,-ti to I, _ 'n4,itiat Re had rui't•.l , 1 , 7. 'III A' bi s nOutitry anti 11.• r.tre. I Whoever Item:. -cc ItIV ~, , i) , 1.. , .., 1 ,`,O 4ihrriiiw view of human mutt,. The tear ,t, ftlittry.ueetel ta tt.litthittitht ~ tt. 1., ~..:•e tit -the priXtpeillt,' ht . earl , htl V.,1,,,,t . t.,,,,, n thnt ni lie community W . wh.t Ii he :. a ~, !I When an adequate rtettirt..ttt tieht...- lite iltrititttp.AdVatia lofts' inthtto kitir 1 ht a w hot... hittililyincior.e eon lately ..,et hol.ind..o ~ 1 1.6..w.r. ~Seventy. three yen, nust 11, O. •V A .1.• :lean E l :tigress declared toot V.e Ainer eel. or , le ma Igthe M and the ;N , ' ~ .erreo-ver• nalepennent sett-ao•erornen...troi ;a voiitn tie. } o - tventient of the condition Err the, trin , ! from (urewn interierettee 'On the 4th of Jule. 177.1 wine arena Arc. -r •t. Levo t omonve "Liberty - woo •tlictatt •:o• ty id l'hilodelpbto lac the C. nonento: iiiitopet tone. have .ence notroled u nearr ., Inn h./dinar. or the earth. and. 1.• r Wind a pillar of tire by tog 41, a La- •"1 •T o 4•614. try which they ar- endeavor r ; And no it win , he wit • 6Likie constionanoti ofo,rr at to ..-e s ri every country. art) rnt, ,„„ elaint the rartrt to t Ike the lra., rn . .re r .`..• itrqther wit hour an sec...thine reit. ;..! • • • We sum) upon ter.. Inalarlary ne .4.4rea of o,lt .11••• *Eta have given Ala a eharter to constrner. a raarood alai , pd them forever inn mare pers.. utoon A w rte ot the advantages ot a • o' firprts, :a the erar•tra. rare , a .,r, hale pr.:sled acrag...ran. ni wan powers tift.i•have (,f, Or,, ti.iote• .1 grrai (I.7 , llrtioriseealth• iu .1,•0 e. NVhell eve Dan otir yr- t she Slate of Penn.:slant...a ..... !.,,, 41e Ohl thirteen. in sera ra. s, ..n.l 'ewer (ler earlylit•tora. , ,• .• • ~,, V,lBOllll Lawerver, who t ~- LI, el retpunatbilne to in,. t re ,t. •itud wilting in Ilve 00r1r-r. , .hall annoy ea, le rnoleate i r on a..A.n1.1 or the opinions. Pm - tapering order toe , • ire,:c; rrr • an:lions of free I e, try innotnNiertawirea evor ~„, 1. 04 &aid.... .1 1 . •• • M • • o,..Vem as entrain, nerd ra I diSilopernent of tr. r eonattnetron. if, to tithe Pdv.lnlave 0' 1,04 - IVO lor suer. worts. throur.:ll the re that:fiat advaltaed t 0 a .r h ,.,Shun and her wr ant. rothrl, now in rand pr .gress teed-Long be c molt, which berm .1, tract' - 41 nfie Pulliam , the 0, ~ Pli t rodelphia sod Pitt,tarct, travel ot •tt:o 111,, thteletmerits whtvo w a ••. tird!wyon~ the 00.1111. 0( ;osier o, in,agtve aierilae. With a doal tn.), 0r...11r ,• 1 rerlOnit, any 'an iron Icole aira,•. us poOnce, Tentisylvan 01 at ca.!. LT, .rn'tntyttentuting States el toe I • 141rtding the A Ilegnentea se c it; . ittittewasheil jot th, ode Ail ••• VonAter u,.ite.h t • t. ..` , 1;! can !matt aut a , tau. tt • • mho,. potsectae• ' ^- linchwiement 0 .c. abt441,1 , linereot trip, a . h . ttv4hg otnehritery. Aitl t. d ankoltrot, yew. w:th t• r that: dtvarady oi err, lov., • • Wh;th give, larth t •r• 11. . IV the h . In n r, airra r Shen er .• • • e la-b I rarti. the firm Iron fa Ise to, .ree a.. ' c.v.* war won!, to tat tha w . melt wOntfern,' mate., r , no, .! .. 1 ,-at ; a groglth to the atory of nay al, Tye line .on art, en sae Are lee, .t,o I z t ti4e , Al a.c d t at f elt , g o e r AA:t re o.% we can n ear r • h hOdd ar. v I. , bumper share am n e 4.1 ar tatntlr not tnierert n , savi'oly an soncullurat IP morel, living in tdetnt. rum.,ir innFl amount of turopf. , o.l. :.n ; see:, 6,aq:toads to carry u rtor* that enentritter art,: • , r; • - Thit•OhPo and Pea, satoa ~r 1 a ' pliqUut ohject ma n d therct.y edd va.ey t ere watt of the farmer. and In tr.s orr Lie aria F#ll . o the weatern boundary 01 i',111.1 1,1,11. a the iitsFto.tippi rivr, and 0,0 r If the..ianket. there I. err irnine,e vxpan., riVe ten I, coutry, free from ottionta n ronsea. In Con g het passed on net that , hostol tied inn. r`l.tarits , . s and that shone Stater 51...a1d Ire r•rever , I tree, In the foitowing taring Inv tot.. t that an,, fo , , i * .rJed, and the lint tilreauy OM., fa 10, 01 the old thirteen that first blrtaed l e d, cal 4:overntnebt Her march is , waril wan anifi*ging pace, and the pate ochre /ler 5c .. 414.,410pe. Tay peevess oft mw .0 agriculthr., wegi his a - moat: incredible. The stater, a V.s•l n sna , , cu pabir;r , 61 feeding millions of men nrrave.l .n tlNCiUreff; 041 d its geographicat T ar terraitry the meeting point of the ver whikh the Eastern Atlantic caret are Erow prta,,ree icrwll.rd toward, the we.: 'DLO ecvnlTal Railroad id Pe t o ws - van., oar mad lathe 0012011001 on. W , ,1 ttlford nest nod 'holiest route to connect the 1 . 1,0/or , vatern Ohntr„Avith the Eastern col,-..Ea., r n ., Prowtoiyivanio, and thr.,ol l',...qhumr..s (Mips rasa ad, La. P. 1111.0. saes , be •peat I,y ewe:tit , / the Nerth and to the r, rata I , f it, lust rhea linele4anst be carcirdou• to the end or tune. Tne woperroure rac al,l P , trirryinantat Ralf /:...rd 11, tie dent 4in/I of p.murrtz... ri,r par agrvu(rn,nf .Van trah , lho firsi ,Vac of the torMae.d., Wert/. she roarinwrs en- , So n prtqwrly ~.o..truct,i, and we mast he bettor •tossisie the rime s ho/d4vg, as wells, vastly betretteoir to the come tit g. • - ioettling and pliAning tae w•nt, we ha • kept constantly et view the t. whi. we w, are laym tiltt nation het; It would he n inflict much Injury span 'he !it:wt.:nettle who;itivent their money in it in the ex peetatt, of ample return.. if we periii.l any encl. ernitjas to divert It tiom it, trite aco..t.cantodittes the town% renitek id., we t, hot rottr,e,g It cannot pas, tairotieli every vniv.i in the - counties that it traver•en. Its temert. , etinttts will, however, i.e telt throutihrett n %trip, emettry many note, 111 With 11. AhPr t Ireful and thorough preliminary survey etiriuoiid lor nearly twelve months, the Itent her Itreitt veiveted. !laving 110 /4,111 bias pay dettonon. the selel - torta el the rot, ta• wa eoutitied to nice by the Ilenrd ai bireiiitorii and hum,. FiliciesvottiLl petilimit the door 1,4 iatreirienitotudy, and to the lend of to a1).11%V. Theleall rhould he pleated.. not to In ropee ed, lot-where the intereeute, or men vary, their opii n dill differ. lint toe reuielt cahoot het 1.- ly 1104. e who Carrltllly uniel eel the :a, re eel by :ietual 0,1 careful iturvey...lll/ pule inentrluire unbiessuell liv hien! oiliornee.. EViery new einterpriue or .1 'midi, elemneier un avo,dieibly interleree more or lee. 04.111111811 V Mg meretta. Men are ant 1,. tioak opera if the properly or ietnet isinere.leed umr. in relative Value 10reir eiwo, and they c l ohnot deny the geneeal e.llllldneaß (en troknplain of the pearl„,' ie. .4 16, prineVe, t hale great horn oue II no n Cooteneiti country road. le ery dPreetion to try to phew., every propriety hut Owl One commences at the twin t.,1,4 of Pot.,. [align:had Allegheny, the met/14.Na of 14';.terti PennariVanta, to which the notaznnuee and dive, say al. tlie:r trop tottnefortureng nave elven the name hfuhe'Urn ngltRID of Amerien. They now ha, An atm-Tante L,pnlannn of,abto 70.000, .ttictidn tartly inerenaion, anti, I !teak. Elmt fir natiripg indaatry, they are not sorna-a.,1 hy no, other ydople. A. yet they have in, rutlroad, but they hftve adnoted "new at run .GOAT WC , TIEFI RAILIaAD OF PIITCJIMCII: and it Will he t h e theeo road' tAtheir best rostOMerei; rut , nine through the bean lithe Let Ed State, Welt( 01 and Goilnecling Potsburgh Wnit Clecelt. SI. Uniis acid Cincinnati. IEMIM - • The City 01 Pitt,,burgh has extbsmbed $200,000 In the stne, ,Is ,-,ol}-4e Alleghetty ell ) , hes r o , rtbed equal amount; and individ ual r.225,00u; Inaklng 6 8 2 5 .000 alread% -01 , -orted n end about Pittsburgh, which oappl • t!;r noir, of rood in l'enosylva ma. N amount Anby.ont,foi up to this time in $104) 000. FM1,1,1 / . .tl . 4ltlratl, our line is traced along and near .le t .elrthern hank the.Ohin river to the mouthitie Beaver, a diataileo of twenty-five Thence path/0g throngh the borough. of hhrtte.ter and New ibtahton, and in the ;fume ,.( reveral toner town', e,ntattong ita oopstlattnn of about I 0,000. and ad noel -ttoetl latorl."', ''" - e• the ,ft , g lieaver three mile. and a .h•ons soil beams innta,rtld to the aoil iinnin grade in no vnee ea t.... dour. I • feet in the note. tLe summit. at I o Iwrlv c • muss from the mouth of `, and the radroad at the tatinlllli eat will watrr marl: 111 the Ohio =MN= tve•twari train the I,llllllta. with a A crud. in In that an an eastern e (L . L. s :se vh.ley of liie Lath, Iteaver. and 'bet- , 4 en li_n•oar l'alentitte, we have w :I; L a a roe:, wttleh will afford conve - LLL c•Lme•L L Lena w•Lth Newcastle, anal other . .h .• t•ottli el tin Jut curvature is mod er LI tri no esne with a less radius than th.stenou IL et. ( coarse we shall be able In `'" "' at in veloe:t ea. which In an t h I t of niculern railroad. fly an e •ta.t. L surcevn we have ancer latord that tte. valet . 011ie rag Heaver alliali the bent lay:a of d. of rZetiee rtr ralt,atl t aLave the Ohio Cr to teacti toe tabl.. lands of Ohm in the three- IL n of Nlns..tion and Po. went, and a 1../ for the on with (level/tad. Ihe summit L. tioultace sherter, nod the country Ittrd , h - than Ott more southerly route.. NU , nv .1 laoleuhr , the Ulan river, and by the in. t• " -- "t eveland ',virtual near Nittlllll I, ttt• , Lottlhttsbutgb to Cleveland be •oi lot butigiug those vales with ,/ • n Itttll, ft' 1-1011 r \Pn our told in :ode nonipleted In Mansfield 11,1 I. ~ 'IN. 1,.131 , 61, u expert to he Milt r .n i• . .r hr.: • inn,r.Mas through between Mann livid nn ; iii liut little over mix hours. . 11..• ,t 1 iv. t ' , Nimbus nod l'ittaburgt Coiniinnv eilOSlrtlrt them road from illril=llll Mi=al=3=llE =2853M Cineinnatt, running i•o• ri. to-W part iif Ohio, and with a string ot h. al.iiin tho whole line. Inc distance het errwre Anil thnrion,,, bring about 330 iu-: 0. ih lira v}. iron rails and good Ima m. Sr, ran reathiv be run in fifteen hourniinclud. ineces.ury Aloppaten. W.- r n at r.l4h velueitrei to compel the in uluert. ke •torre Inc: . which i. ou We F, nye the advantage of a shurler a Is•co. a :mg, lustal po tion, sod r abundance of bituminous and c e. Tat. ',toads train Ilutta.;,. I, A Innnv In Bost° manned a nry:r. t,tate htprovrowill. Tb des 111,1 IS an nan•ual t.tna•tt. and it ,1 - % mun.l ~110 last,rnme than I.a! a it, ot,le in the ume of. Ijl--tI Tn.. Pet.ii-vlvanta tt.,:tnid In Inc, adl connect tr 1,1,e eit ved: ,t d v•i•II rtnki nftl4 pnuntiv pew's: and n ea: the nest Sew Eng and toad. i• • ..trit• flki In inv neni.en %ye have hut lithe, In (ear o n nv e •• , .,11 !tic and Ohio t: •••-•.td • ! ft nt nut to he extended from lurn• et. I 1,1, 1 0 over tit the mou,a of Fish Cteink, 22, !.•• when nn: It 'v.ll hnrr grade* of ona bun ire I 7,0 • it tern feet per nok• in raining n• tit Vaattim. bestde.the 1 .1113 rtvrr in addition In . . . I. 1e rk trtll rx..e...lve, Th euhir rnrclJ r.i • enn.,,n:lnvni rr. Erin lb e• our "nii and In.. St nun rxuned 17! Ice, I h le 1.101 I== It, r. Ir.--trtr , In pirt.ll V: ...VW • ' s 1,411, tut t rl,tti t.r , t/t, wh , ••lt .t Win I,•••t • cr, • '. • • • . •• 131.=1111 t.t., nr , :la •• . .011 . ..•.E1'. . II t.• •ko ,rrttl 1.1; • .1 .11 I . 1,••117g '• li E.. r..:ineet me zr u . . 111 tne ~en, i•tt ot I•ut.fie,,, the foture luny ' " - .1 - nor irnaz.ruoton bon 1.11 , 1 , trio rt.vt.nne or the Wr.orn H 'tn.! of 114,-nrbu-rt, from Albany to NVorreal =ffiNfM2b our nt the and , Itou Had noad. Ihtntortre to t . Itoiteriand. 171 rn lee long, SL~l wan we average the two, it .11 give um a nett revenge of Stlll l t h . ll, for ,r dottnnoe ni leo alle, and we e.t male In., an the length and eat treetote oi nor rAtth, war, •rt toll operation el . t.tairem .thd Manane , d, it .11 give art nunl eltlon 10l /weenier, and hal percent. -,nnu investment :hrre and bail niillkone of .1 1 4 If Twenty two vrtirs have riapiv•J the it /boa,/ in P.O ungivan A %a- rein•irtietrd, upi down Icn ...e ow wan lbe tr t.a rlcern. , M lit :ted ever .me, WAII INV ihirrnni irnprov mt. lit lily nat.vp if in withlpride aunt ple •mre Inal I I.the part n Ihe commencement 01 work. Nehmh w. , 1 make her the areat Ileiraugth 0111, l'non. and taml.l gyp Ina future 16romee .E.ecern a . wel a, al her \l'e.tern melropoli flat !et m.ever remember flint it la 11/e men th, the Cale, and that in he m uul todue, • • • aOl in , ern a roptu, omen la we may set! Inez toet vaitmlne etiaraelenatu.a. Stmts. me a cone y It i.ted, and it:.fithw me a country Isarharotta Or Jproot. Fong I.r h rhitr.M. Sh.lw me Orte,:orn th Jalrary, whemr i•trimay. are ?a 4 stai.:74 . lugh roprovrenenl, liar, I rila l are a rrerp,lnd.. law alevrioin•rteal c,./1/11.frini ro and P!./1 Igt W.lBl ' AI .:T.Ooranrt• ni each of he, inlLeg I hem jet!. Ir.: eneh other. ni It, lint a. We (iri . .ll”te ;herr otratin ut :flier uric. tug draw them ttqz,lher by tea thoo•and • iep ol it,lere.t hod nileenon. Thum, lime ttJ rx:etuete ere the melte, of duthhher, tour .ti'rond. lute 3 uncontu of drutteung p2ett.., who! , . rnirl , th , II in 4,1 broth Let 04 then do what we can both by ex vino] d pr.ef,,.l. In aid in the construction. and prom' onio.d.on or the, areot rinuonnl hahwayy. -, t h e Urth dny of our lu v, tie rn ad, wirldh ~, w more the enytern land n' la d d with the wrsiern land of future hope, Cr.'a v, !artlk day or nor beloved country. Th. otintry tyke, et,tr .t.parn:lrd leetner, now weetng toe ht —t etotttent ta the high nod heavenly Am.+ with It wit. rounded. The rcrd wham titan lanog the lent Limon.; flu oi earth ha. become 111 the life tone o wlei now hear toe, the patient of thew all. 11 It li,e nt Diva: Proyidenve rite , 014th t,. t cony lie mete is worthy to be her into win. nod .00.. and may *he • he t h e bri,rhuit ale ni the iive• every people, 1111 the earth shall he hill of the 4irwledge ill the Lord as the wafer* row, the 1,1 - frq Itmt. Ihr Dr 1.41,10, Moon(, (non. 011 the tothret of the con ottclotti tottwttett 11, roltintitottnnti hit 3 ba, g t, and tln- t tha. and l'enuavlvanta Rad Road Vran.,N, June it I slit. WILLIAM Kont•oon, Jr , President tt. ii p g . R. If. co. • I has , the bon,. 10 netrnowledge the receipt • your letter it! u • 1. 4 11 hist , mvumg soeh of the tut.zitit of this !dace as esl snake a convenient, to lie present at a celebration of the event of breakutig ,10111111, 1111011 1)1.• litho and Petinsylvuoia Hail to. taa.l the Stale lane. near the vll- 1,.. ow oi 11, i. Having p,,enn.d vwir 11,,11/tll/11 to the blretlol, or the l'olutritios and Pitisburyflt Kad {Lied Company, I 1101 direen..l hv their order, to thank you for the amnionentai, am! to ' , lf t m. hat our nae feel a ioteriad in the well you are about to cram and look int prolOand anxiety for the elb-nts+llll nod eto , y ennylettrin of the work. We tect assured, that so far front being over eintnnOrd, the linpOrtanee of norli a road as you are abnot to noininener, In not tally appreciated. lie cunutrtietiOn an DOW proposed ; wdl atlorti at 11= si reuirr if and lo U = 1 ! =III 01road whl,-h the •- I.k! , a.i.sei,ll. iwrn n !,• ry ••. ' , y M. 1 -- ..lwArd • r • L./W.lO,Yr 11i t/41 n rallrond in ~I.lluning u - 11..x.uti t t—vt Itte ttl,l tta•t, , ttr.- u.. ~ I nkro it. ru e Im., t• ,rinone• .eopurt R•il•nat and tiocki u.and• bt b 1.1 111•MV y ha. tho sv Avnot. d on u h tk• aour , onntry h.tve Were months, an 111 w. 4 pOplllllll.ll that en. plaint the looms.. in the mortality at the coy with reMmess. The ;meow desire of passengers limit tip his thirty dry. try vegetables and fruit, esnoot 1 mit 'Kielceit ts strayed lie g ivarned fry any tear of an epidcrnre, and Chi.'' " li," "' I " r ill,. °"a yeti. ~ Jill " chiei tarnishes many victims. _ . • re railroad .1 cid .16 , •t110,1 1 10111.11 Stoat • ~ tliwt•r•••,.n.l ruti, I •• .11 't••• I v. Ito .4 w .rthy t, 1,.1. ,111, .1111,11. Nlnlast • lu nr,d,hy,behlng ==ll I lib te.ittihre, rto,. :..‘te i.r.e. it•ol three lb•-r n, "I,r grand irunit. : te, .htdi ..onceet 'rah the uctlon Chicagr 111, I,u•• un the Minn. ..ErtinK lw ni.„fth• P , •• to the rn once to the adlige and- industrioris agricultural population of Eittleen,Central and Northern Ohio, an muyaccess lathe mineral wealth end products of manufacture, which cones nLrale at Pittsburgh. in zilch inexhaustible quantities. The prodneta of our farms must then inevitably reach your city in some brio for the primate of compensating for that which you produce, that we are compelled to COOMMIe. The commerce of Ohio, thus receiving a new direction, when not required for consump tion with you, will hod a natural. cheap, and easy transit through your city, to the Philadelphia mar ket; and In satisfactkin thereihr, the commerce of Philadelphia, passing through Pittsburgh, will be diffused through the same plots of this great and productive Stale. But your road, once completed, ought not and will not be thus limited in Its indnences and bens sits. h has a higher mission, and a more general purpose to accomplish. It will, of itselt, when constructed to Mansfield, in-Ohio, almost connect Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with the Upper Missi ssippi. The_ bnk then wanting in the great chain ceeeaaary to obtain the nearest and Mast raeti able rail road from Philadelphia via Pittsburgh, to Cincinnati, will be 'the rut oil connection from Wrmeter," (or sonic point west thereof and east of Mansfield,) .'to Mount Vernon and Columbus," in Ohio. This link nerd not exceed sixty mil., :n length, and will make the rail road distance from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, thirty miles shorter than by any other proposed connection. I hazard nothing in insuring you, that this hiatus can he speedily filled; and should your road he PO located an to justify and facilitate the undertaking, it will be the object of the Directora of the Colum bus and Pittsburgh Rad Road GMlpAlly to con nect with your road, end thus complete the chitin Philadelphia and St. Loins, Pittsburgh and Cin cinnati, with the Intermediate cities and towns, will then be nutted by an "Iron River," elways navigable ('n boats of every size—never requiring !tie .1 of COnglaaol to remove obstructions. and therefore beyond the reaah of vetoes. This done, end Phiiarbelphie rte well an Pittsburgh is connected Nen h the entire volley of the Mimisrappi, and mint c iinmand a large sham of its immense trade. The mutual advantages to the risen before mentioned, and t h e country thus drained and fed, which will reonit from each connection, are not, I am sure, folly appreciated; and nothing chart of time suffi cient to develop and er,e the capacity for pro duction and ronsumpatel which this valley pac e, will afford no adeqtate idea, of the realities that are in store for us. It is presumed, that both Philadelphia an.l Pitte borgh aro folly aware or the importance of the connection with your ttmd, to which I have allud ed; and that they will give the undertaking such assistance within their power, as to metre them selves the first of eastern cities to be -pat into toll commercial communication by Rail Road, with a country which may truly be called the nEgypt or America." You may asaure your Board, of our anxiety for the success of your great enterprise, and of our readiness to cooperate with you in every effort .nepessary to the speedy accomplishment of the important object to which I have briefly adverted: Wtth great rtllp<C4 I am your oli't PerV . l, C. DELANO. FROM NRW YORK. Correspondence of the PkttoberiehJette Ncv Yoax, July 5, 1514 The coaistioo between the Barnia.rner and old Hunker divisions of the Locoroco party may be regarded 03 complete, and the party once more to be dreaded as election day comes round. The cir cular mentioned seine time since has been publish ed, and a allied by the etrongest men of the State. The tree .1;1 principle has been recottnrseil, and the party given a new ettength in coonertnence.— The o, has been taken with much deliberation , and cur idate election will be contested with a determination not shown for • long time. The %le inter's new• reached here at an early hour, and is, gioked upon as very favorable to Amen,. .11 trot. Collatl has improved, with an inerrant' boviness in breadstutlis. Loth indications of priitpority in trade. The mail will reach brie the iitirrowin, and boaters tomflence. wrn' Merl- null the order of the day, and no ray in the =IMIEN rlcilern varies very nitwit each day, n "mall mor tality, invariably producing confidenee and rest, lenenes• of diet. followed by a large increase of tee deaths stonerr. Most of the rases are fenced to imprudence of some kind, and the careful ones pins barrtilesA through AIL The new cater to day are tif , and the deaths 24, and this, eller a hoLdap• more than ail other ealeitiAted to derriere the Einiarant• nontinna in arrive la large nugiber., and nn les. Ihnn . 40 1(b) base lana/e.l in tbe, la., The pleasure bunters , were l lati aidin admitted to ..Niblos" [hell:loSL nuirseeptinnebte theatre la New Yost. The attendance of stet! and sober entrees wt Immense, and the amusement i e s tined and aud agreeable e a the pall:mesa days of the No speettin for the Cholera ha. been torind .o enrolee a. ttat.--tuelanett.tly as depress ed the .peed of naeguettsm, end the and- tent, wet ••areepm■ twiny laughter) to their Fed• Father Matthew . . room. are thronged at tm Airy by a Croutl, who will aearrely take any de ant presence. He ha• been ended upon by ',rpm.. de...xenon, front °lto., rate., and wilt goon eave ny. He p. to spen4 a short tome with !untie., C.tvel on on extended tour.— le ye•teraky vh.,ted var.ous char./able itiat, mucus at the cur, at which, he expreased rcn pleared The New York Stale eincionatus Soi•tety have just held a mretiog hi receive a letter fro., reen. Tsylor,acknowlediong the receipt of a renovate howirary membership, transmuted through i;riv Fish. Crencrals Wool and Belknap were also elected members. Mr. Collector Maxwell has made a very aim. ourb change in the r:gastom House, and the finan cial affairs at ilia government are now in Whig hands, where they should he. The appointments have not been from the moat clamorous pnbtimona, but from -those who will toract that. they ore palm ran t in close application to their borne., The appointments give complete natesfartion. I a mdney niwier• there it no change. Capital di sun superabundant, and the rain of interest very low. Four and five per cent is all that can be had .1c short loan, and 6 on bond and mortages. In •a-ckt Were is no eau:nation, nor do prices vary aierially. The absence of speculators account. for this dullness, tor the greater part of the lint is now .ril!ing at !es. than the actual vainn. The re. tarn of cool weather will create •ti advance in every thing that look, like a fancy stack. Cotton in very buoyant ander the newa, and an advance of cent contemplated. Flour i• bold, with more firmness since the news. The reports of rust in the wheat crop, has also strengthened the market, and higher ninen are obtained. Good state may now be quoted at $4,62/44,81. Of the sales, 5000 bbls were for export. Wheat is in demand for the Philadelphia market, and poem, arm. Cern t. up under the effect of the news, but in the absence of the letter, ostles are smalL Pro visions are firmer, and for the home trade there is good business dinar. Ohio Pork, mean, $10.370 10..'•0. Prime, 11/8,9/09. Beef ie firm, and in good reqdcat. Cut meat. are better, 600 hhds at 5/ for plain hams, and tlCt4t for shoulder.. Lard is heavy. Butler it plenty o: torat3i for State, and 761101 for Ohio F a. Pure/mesh Gort Ma. WHITE—I observed, In your paper of ibis morning, a statement or the destruction of the wheat crop, in oar county, by the fly; and the purpose at thal note W to correct a mistake into which yes have fallen. There has been very lit tle, if any, injury anatained by the fly , bat there is a new, and previously unheard or insect, whose ravages are more destructive, perhaps, with us, than the Hesston fly hoe ever been. The fly has never been found in the bead or groan of wheat. It takes posseasion of the shoot or stool ol grain, soon after it vegetates in the fall of the year, and by its operations there prevents the growth of the atom to such an extent as to prevent it from form ing a head or grain at all or 1r nay, • very im perfect one. But this sew species of destroyer is found in the grasst, in the form of a very small red worm—many ol the grains containing from three to me of them. W , lll‘i the grain is sufficient Ice their eupihnt, they hrii alive nod about ■s active as miles in cheese; nil in the grains whose aul, stance they have es ii.eistcd, there is found the r mains of the deed 'c ram, or more probable the shell or ease 01 then]. Gum which an insect Cl seine hind has been dirtehatged, prepared for future op erations. Not had a atria, for the p 011... re observation, this tatter point I cannot decide, Let will have it ascertained. The destruetion nl the Whrnt crop in my immediate neighborhood is • very great, many field. wall not be rut. 'flint vu. rerly Of wheat called "Mediterranean," is the exile one which appears to have escaped, and even the Into sowing or it is considerably tutored. I will need to your office to-morrow a 'penmen of the ! wheat thee affected. eta it is a thing entirety ores in its kind, it should be made the sitlueet ui minute and partieular in vcatigation and I think we should be very Val, floats about sinking use or .1).4.t thus affected, un til we tat, well assured that those Nile worms are not very deleterious, even poisoneetton their effects on the human system. Truly, the Judgments of (hut are nlirnall in the lend, will the people learn righlenumtess t Yours, J. S. Rout totemilttp, July 9th, !WU. To rho Editor of the Pittoburgli Gareth, Sir—Your paper, of the 14th ult., contains an article over the signature of lames C. Leonard, relative to the death of Nicholas M. Kennedy, in which he arcanes me and mine of "barbarous and heathenish" conduct, in relation to said Kennedy, Now, inarmuch as he has gratified his vanity web a tlJuni.h to the public, I deem it but justice to myself and lialy. to state the facts of the case as they ozeurred, viz:—Said Leonard and Kennedy passed by my house, as I afterward. learned, when loud Kennedy sal down, or, as Mr. L. has it, fell. This took place at the gate of Mr. W. and not mine, but two places below mo t yid nevi) , hail way between Col. McOandlesd aar4 myseill afar - _ which, a tad called at my hon., and in•rather an anduarative manner, asked for a room a man that was dying with the cholera. I informed him that the family and boarders occupied every room to the booze. when shortly after, said Leonard came up, and in somewhat ore boisterous manner, applied for the milk wagon and horse, t Carry said Kennedy home, when he was 1{110( MVO that the owner was at meeting, therefore could not at prevent be consulted in relation hi Thi.. ap peared to enrage him, and he at once declared that lie would take no more milk front the owner of the establishment, who little t holiqhf urthlst at tending divine .irvieeri on that :Sabbath, of the great loss he was to must:tin, in the withdrawal el his patronage, which amounted to just o,lr rit ro day. He also says, that hoe friend had been labor ing Inc several day, with watery runless ilintrh,a, notwithstanding he was parading in the but Sall with his sick friend. And again, he says that litter (tang to his application for the milk wLtdot. that be and his friend stopped at l'olonel Mc a r'acd'esie when that gentleman kindly offered them a room, and every necessary acronm - relation, which was not accepted by either, notwithstanding the m - parent extraordinary exertions to procure shelter Mr the deceased, but still persevered in urging his sick Inend, and that no foot, through the burning ram to Lawrenceville, a mile and a quarter thriller from his home, which says very little for his Judg ment, cud leads me to believe, that the Ins he made relative to shelter won merely intended to show himself oft: Very reaperifully, your obedient servant, ANDREW MeCRREDY. Peebles Township, July 5,4819. FOREIGN NEWS By lIIE CANADA. Corregpoodence of the N. V Commeretnl LONDON, June 22, 1,49. Bombardments and shootings still form the sta ple of European news, but nothing decisive liar occurred since last week. Rome COLlrinnPa the great point of interest, but the foregone conclusion of her inevitable fall before such p power as France makes the conflict comparansely me:citing. From Hearsay we have an changes of importance. A as bankrupt and beaten bat more brutal then ever, pauses to gather up her remaining strength before commencing the final struggle In Get many the revolutionists are giving the Poulain, troops more work than had been eontemplated. but the discouragement from the failure ofthe Red Republicans in Parts will most probably produce a speedy submiredon. In France, thanks to Ledru Rollin and In. !mends, the triumph oftlic G atom. meet is complete, and the COLIC of the fops and of all potentates, from the Emperor of Rerun., down in the Grand Duke of Baden, to rendered for the pre sent secure. From Rome we received no farther news until yesterday, the only olEcisi communications of the French Government consisting of reports front General Oudinot of the gradual progress of his works for taking the city by assault These being nearly completed, it appears that on the of of the 12th Instant Oudlnat despatched o message to the President of the Roman Nattonol Assembly, making a last demand for the surrender of the city, and offering 12 hours for consideration. The reply of the Triumvirs was short, and must hove been disagreeable to him. It ran as follows—the signi. Grant emptiest, on the word " IVe" appearing in the original: "ttaasaa.t.:— We have the honor to (ranee) it to you the no, seer of the Assembly, extraordinaryly t unvoiced. to consider your communication, dated the /2 , 11 inns. We never betray our esagattemenL In the c 1,111 1,111 of he orders of the Assembly and of the Roman people we have undertaken the encanrinenta defend the standard cithe republic. the honor of the country, rod the sanctity of the capital att. c.,ltz world. We will do so, MAZZINI, ARMELLINII, ,‘" Troonvirs. SAFFI, I mmedtately oo receipt 'litho, o.fdiOnt announc ed to Ms army that he shoold attack fortheroth— tomlently userting the world-wide inlsehood that "hho Rovnoment which oppresses the tahatotuoir of Flame," i.avtng replied to his words of pence and moderation by a retool to ',ohm'', had mode, ad themselves respoesible for all t he eon,- qUepec. Tilts wv the news of yealertlare—the f.orther in t& tteneo to-Joy of the progres• nl la. Freneh very mearre. Indeed it merely eonaiat. of de . ail, nwardin,g the tool preparation. for the Il4.lloltenup led with ace:mole which confirm the otrcuttwianet prevlowdy known, of two or three wtWea ha vinv taken plane donna the proaresa it the aege to which. without any definite result, there were hard fighting and eon ederable Lets on Ina!, inks. The health of the iny up to the prefeto urema have bee n pretty well 11181 n. ne.l. will Ire utter the welipation to eifert...l ind when the ex. -dement auleudee that illaea, w:11 Oa a wed:. Whde the Freneh are thu• dintinmonh,lla we've. their talltsm, the Attntrtanat ore rominione their booth.rdo.ut of A neon, li n th e dib Ihey made a ernernl ollack bat were repnl"ed Ott lona Another attack tam he mode on the llth and:of momne, it - that should fait/mother rind moth. yr until the defendene are loom opt. "&he tnaman of Naples and Spam,like tnenneestransom aiiiptia , lithe lions am gauged, are at the "Jane onoa hov• ering no the trent/gr. Thus we bone lb. a tad despotisms of Etirope all upon one hula guts, whom small population am enervated by roaster idleneas•nd long minnale--the - crime being that they chaase a government for theninelvea not maintained order after their legattmate ruler Fool volontatity absconded, while not ;a power dared to nine n hand nagnorst Fenner when .he r I-wiled her long by brutal force, and whe a t a r (tom maintaining order slier he land dells rh•al, she wan compelled to me her veleta] on, r ill over stain dello/v.llmin blood and inAtnia.neil .0 "toe of nJear, The asg-egatte relative the in•sder• And of the in vaikd,nn rey,rdn i n i, laoi is about 100 millions to 2 million,. vrvic. We have Tel no ntrlllgenn of the Jinni tureen. dor Venice, hot in the central d•.,oa} 1 be eprend by the new, of the ininieten.l tiee• Ames in Parts, there can tea hub doubt that her le will be sealed. The terms of pear. are at lemo!/ rool to Immo been tletirotorely settled between Amur, rml Snr his not Sarilmott to to pay a line of 7u 000 010 :• rr , ;Inte.ut 51:000,000J and tins most r.....n!”, rein. toreernent to the Imnkropt tretontry nt Vtenes eine Me to the future operattonn ttgultiht the Ilun germ.. In Baden them I. .timed., been ,even' at hi- between the Prortsional tiovernment and the Prussians. Mier°,lawaky, the Polish gene,' who volunteered to defend Syrneuse arainnt the Nea politans, arrived from Pans to take commend id the insurgent troops, and he appears to have hue needed in Making a resolute stand. iu their first attack the Prom., are said to have been reptiii etl, hut they recovered themselves on the iollowine day, and it in supposed that a great tattle Ilan been lought attire—probably on the 15th Instant. At the last dates Mannheim was undergoinr Inim• bulb:neut. The general attack on Hungary by the combined oil RUM. and Austnan forces 15 put oil Lit the end of the present month. Meanwhile scveral battles still occur. with varying success, Recording to report, but in reality, It is to be suspected, with decided advantage to the Hungarian. One orate Austrian generals has been taken prisoner, with a lots, according to the Austrian, Meinselves,of men and 3 pieces of artdery, but which most pro bably wan five times more severe. On the caner hand it a said that Joliet:latch has gained a battle in the South, in which he slaughtered 15110 Huh. gariane with a lees on his own side of only 2. This In SO exactly the counterpart, however, of previous tales which turned main fact to be quite the other way, that no dependene,, can be placed upon it. Among other accounts It Is mentioned that choler. nod a fearful disease known a, the"war pestilence" arc spreading in both the Rues= and the Hmn marten camps—probably with most severity in the former. During this Mate of affairs a fresh note has been addressed by Count Imdialas Teleki, the Hu nga nen Minister for Foreign Attain, to M. de Toe queville, the Foreign Minister of the French repot. lie- In this note Count Teleki calla nitr:mon lv the rapid progress of event, to the significance of Rosman iniervention—n ctrenmstance, he ob serves, which more than any other led the lion- Kennon to depose the Austrian Emperor. This im tervenuon, he points out, has given a European importance to the war, and he describes the art which Hungary has to play. He shown the entire constitutional independence of Hungary—that she has never desired mtythmg•ttiore than the inmate- Dance of this independence, guaranteed hay hero, in saeevsel••n, II all her kings for 300 vent. —and that it Is the house of Austria and not Ilea eery that, by violating every prinmple of 6 - v.1 , 1y. ,• in the state of rebellion. She ni•ed tip nation. al hatred, decreed the partition of Hungary tutu provinces, launched armies against 1b.., who rt am/net! lattlifui to their country and their lawn, and finally called in Itossiet, the meat danger.. of her rletkin, m accompli s h the Iniquity to which ripe herself hod been defeated. This alliance, Count Teleki contends, is adverse in all Europe. ••itop t.rt has been looked on as the bulwark against Ravon. Iklil like present 'Menke:Won in the death of untrin" The Russian Autocrat already looks upon him. sell in the light of leglintrate I•4l vere own over die tt•lnvic population of the Austrian Empire, and wlien he has succeeded in reconstituting Anetrm ether his uwo fashion, the Hungarians will L whin ha expect. I faving suoneeded Ihu. in, i his peal move will be to the Bosphorus. IVO! h rune, is asked, permit this and leave the Aninorai, who by his last rnali,kvio. ban avowed biniveli ibis' nriteral enemy of all civilised people, lo priniced unchecked, For en answer as to what Prance will or will not do, Costal Telekr, and all the succeeding indo,re,, an long as France shell exist, need only turn to what she has done at Rome. tattoo. John Martin and Kevin O'Doberty, the live edttots of the lrtah Felon and the Tobuor, at length been shipped, in maroon., of their aen. tonne have 10Iveare tra,napottution. The nnonunt I of the harvest promise as early and abundant one. The potato crop is KID a matter of doubt. W. 111. Wright, 11. D., Dentist. Chrvlca and residence oe noi,nt. oppo.tta site riaan t h Ito„ k. otti, ic,. 11411 hours from o'rlork no 12 Ait and from 2 tielnrk ms p. M mApl4- 1 - - Jo PILINT.LEG r:sc.L. tit-4N CALMS, CIRCULARK Conan:, Law /11.1 alt, Vl•qu tua, Lmuts..s, CLITITICATki, enscio, ctra, Primed 141 thr •Lorw.l 1..0, at low prlera eIIIC (ICE) (arms °rims, Min mum,. Improvements to Dent'sexy. 1 / 1 1.. 0. 0. ST/U.-RN:A, Into or w Boston, is prepared to nit re and ar,.1112..nen Terre in hale and parts ”Pon lion or Atmoßpherie Suction Plajes it et im viva vatareta, where the nervr to t other and red/dent, next door to the M•y ^r uit'ourth axreaet, nu t, ekJ. 11. llFFeddett.F H. Katnn. jat9 Plre end Marti. lnsvarnsee--Tnr F' Flur iNSI,ANCIE l • to tn.,. upon every J. rt,•ll.lit prorwrlT. taier.l Min ~ e vlrc 111 Ale iqr'el it t. tur MUEL GORMI,V. Pre it FINN KT, SA tr1)5.4.10n1 I . ! ast,r , t.rr. —l . repalrtl by J W Kelly, r.N . Rilli for sale by A. Jaynea, No. 7t , Fourth Nirr, Thu veto he found a delightful aru r,!•!,...vera!, to (wadies. and j!artsru!arly for sack 11111116'N HAW", —A n improved Choroluie prepur ti u: ecinlnoulin.i in Cocoa out. a itnnne ot. mail int tat. toe, highly NeOrlMMltard pant n at' tor in On lid• Prepurril %V Dorehe ". • • nn. , rur A. JAYNES:, in tare rugrl'c-.~ No nielt/4 At Inv Paralysm, on ',mart...lay, ST rue• litnl,run. In the CCM year of tar age. Th• friends of the family are respectfully inetted eu.l tur funeral limo morning or IP o'clock, from M. ram: rusldenee, On Penn street YOVITi Ai EN% Itlascantrux hntnaaY AND Ma .. I slrrrur v. —A putrierly Meeting will be held at the !lull, Fourth etreet, on Tuesday, 10th mat., at a o clock, I' M. Al. members err earnestly requested to attend. D. W. DELI, Secretary. --- EAST LIUIIiRTY ACADEMY * It: tECOND QUARTER of' the Sumsnet Se j of thct Incaution commence on Monday 3,01 July Tr.vaix Pia Qualm-a. Primary branches, Reading, Wrting, /r.c....53 GO Aruhmeor, Erg, Grammar, Geography, His wry, r , 4 W Lakm 3, Greek Languages, irlaihernaties,64 R au :name, (Pia.)e , • • •••••0•10 w JAB H. SALITII, Principal. MISS MILEAN, Assistant. CII. NIYI H , Prof. iyill wlpT 1311,PHAIIMI 00UUT SALE, CIF A FARM OF LAND.—WiII he sold nthe pi ll n mi.ea, o Saturday, the faith day of July Mann. it o'clock, P. M.—The IA RAI of I ugh M'l tyre, de ceased, iinuale aocout II nines from Pittsburgh, on the Franksiowu Road, in Wilkins township, and contain ing nue hundred and le enty acres, ma or lONS, and by kad. nria. , ell It Keating, William Don ultlaan, Henry Morrow, John Morrow, and others. ;and is of excellent quality, arid contains coal. 1, Indulputable. To be sold by order of Coat, by WILLIAM LW:ALI:SON ' Au.l JOHN SHAFFER, ;) 10 w iiT DIVIDEND Orrice or Oat Costs/OM } Juty 149. Tt fm/11,.1.1:1.,r,gd1io f r o 2ogmy n p h ave 1 22 1110111.1. I'lloo Stock paid In, Fito• ohl• or their legal representatives fords., %he unit, of (ft Company. .t A HE.: ft. CHRISTY, Treasurer. TllEl'l2'2 -I.t t'iNCINNATI AND LOU IS- All, I. f V.:.1 f.ILAPII COMPANY, have deelar• ed a Dive:rm. of fl,ree per rent. for the last quarter, payoule 021.1 at the inn; at the office of Pal mer, Illran...k ns JOSHUA HANNA, Treas. .ylO 4 DM INOO KA /OR'S NOVICK—Nonce is hereby that Letters of Administration have been xi to the subscriber Ott the Estate or WM. ileseseeil persons knowing UMW pelVes indelacd to scud estate, will make immediate puyinerit, coil all persons having claims against Bald est., will, printout them properly ambenneated for sr iaal nc., to the ar M TAYLOR. AdmintAntior. C.: CI ITC A LE-5. din prate, Ire, inapomuon, al 1,4 :Is Ss day or ro. For tale by — j% I U JACOB AVF.AVER, Jr. I )l. I( RR ANDY-20 eases I dor. each. I) • Thee... , Supeitor," Inert Ikea, to arrive. 'I 1.,. otn.ended Nltringeut coribul can be relied upon , ouliden , e Prr.ons natehtug to buy hsel bettor For "rd. by 111 JACIIH WEAVER, Jr 1 11 I.VE.RISED SUl:Alls— For sale wholesale and grades. by I, le JACOB WEAVER, Jr • / It F. j ILO gross 1.11 Hampers, clear It holues, fur oral:. by 1Y to JACOH WEAVER, Jr 111 11 , 41‘.. Cite. baNkets, pea. uol quarts of Op* relebraied Wine. past to ued lot pale ey a it, JACCM WEAVER, Jr ( - and H•iranas. lorands, lot iv lu lj !AO iiiWEA.O:II., Jr Li ki expiori. A lichoyiei, ohvee C. . :saromsst hist,. fresh Oil, I dux """ ^ "''Yin JAriiii WM/O.' Eft, Jr LAND FOR SALE. i t AI.AIIIIY. FARNI LAND,iu Low er own*lon, A Ileetreny eoenty, eon oNE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONE it with Ilve , ll3rs,; Ifiniao, Barn. !le. thereon I outy of tn. lan) oexcel.ent. and itrr r It• (a, r.,tr rrukOo it ttraonble locution ca II n...r0 , a1 tarevuror to all. n ab September, 1-1•./, it wall t, oliered at l'utoltr Sole nn the prentoe., at iertn• Oraqtllll. JO , EYII \D, td,Dc. I. , %ntitip 11,1, ny count), or filt.e: 11 MARSHALL, Attorney et Leer, Fifth it. PlLLsl,lrg v - y LulV—w. It. htnplt. II The f0i1.," Gr+.l4, ri v auteTt7e, Ire•+l.ew ns. Itlncharu, Durugra,'nsomes, Gress •., Summer iloonet ..... Sl,.t•' and Itoyi' :summer %Weer .nyl.boVd, or any other deseript ..• Wlfi do well to call al Isorthetrat an./ %I :tricot als VV . h;r ou. an c. d , rolored IV R AIUR PRY, F'. arn, and Merkel 61 se,onit edition. revised I I sail eti arrt , a —A Treatise Lhseases the A rornpro no iniiairy into the history, rs • s. fl aitneist of those atlocanos :he throat, s.l Ft - err/ie., chrome Laryngitis, Clent - ythan's e Vitro,. Ai. he Ay llnrare preen. ANI . LI, onprovrituud care:ii,ly colored Royal nu ,, kor ha. Anne . * 3 rnott valuable addition to • • • Wt• Lave adopted the inodu rt • ettuitauttuirj to - II in, and can carrot.- • tut •tuteruelts et. to 111 gnat value. " —artuah and ‘ 1, 1.• . , Iterate, m moth core and exeellem arrange -1.. t,/ a told, 1:110:Igiblt to the unprooeamoue/ -N t:vmone Poet. ‘V•titeut douhl Ohe remedy over all Others."—\, Y. I •em,t Mirror - • LIIIIrI4,,,NIAN PUBLICATION—Hunt otoPohlic Arhlirnum repo red on beh•lf of the building c ~ r /r,tce of the tqlotbsoroon In•utution, by Robert ..‘ree oeurto. eleganUy prthted, woh Mr best s.vle of the ail. 10.1 reeetved n, l bq •n, e b y J.UIE,y D LOCK WOOD, ,11,, 63 Wood in h . I )1 I.E.11)P.II, Wholesale dea l e r s ) Dry I.lood, tiroceries. Boots. Ski., Pittsburgh od.ndiaciared articled, ac., No. Yin) Liberty street, I ...bunch ' / Y9 1 - 1 I I -II) Pr..ACI/ PS-15 Lads in store and for sale by 1 TASSEY R li r,rr ANt ecd EastnYedis tisruTi.l2l do Tdy,or de Co • cugur eared do; 23 do Leeds ok. Pon Ili do Drovve, & Haight.' do do do, aJI can e d and )cilow washed, store and for sale by SELLERS de NICOI.B j L %V lei I drii ANCIENT NII-1110LOGY.—Oreetau P and Boman Aldthology. for colleges and Schools, I , it A Dangled with seventeen illustrations in out :. , I'dmo Jo n reoeleed and for sale by ,v 9 JA lA)CKNVSOD. SI Wood st CIANVA.Y.:4E ,, iiNNI,—Ill !lila. Yellow enn....a ' linmt, orinc, brand. In store and for sale by iv./ SF.LI.F.RS tr. NIODLS 12;,1 II —l2 , b.. 1. fine Flour. en excellent article, In 1' /rood order, 6,1 do do do common. ior sale by _ i• 2 SELLERS_ .2. NICOLS 12 ,1 0 N—In 'dick Side., 20 do Stionldeia,l2llo ) /lam., in iitoir and for role by 'y9 SELLERS .2 NICOI.S Lllll . l AND LINSEED 011,-40 bills No I and 2 Laid Op, 11l Jo Linseed Oil, for sale by ~.., SELI.F.RS It NIODLS • ) BHA DY-20 bbla three year old Peach Ilra rul v. reed on constipintent and for tale by TASSEY d BEST Bait or Preracenton kin Tann, K Hleyourrr—Dear Sir, I take pleasure .•toro good noulltret of your WRITING I and In rceoonnacndtng ato the public It has ec., wed in lb. Institute for oboist a year, union re. boot, I find 4.1 the color improves by the ton being n. fine blue black. It bow. freely, those who use metalne pens, it be found a v, ry 1 d those Gk. Respectfully yours, JOHN HARPER. Par m.•• with Hibberis Rad and Mach., , Ink,4 Fahoccoek Co , Yntitbaratti I` Sel. war, lirgheny city, and the manufacturer, K lIIHIiEffTS , ornet of Ltbarty and Month -1,:.1 • , r,t., I'infsafah, Pa jy7l.ltor ml/31*()N k CO ha vlng, agnoctaird THOMAS I\ . I•ITTLY. sr . Anal them in In...less, W kale iir.rery, 1 . /0111.11,1 111111 ranin,slan baluaeas will • 81' totter :he flint of Robuun, Lib 1 ) LITTLE h CO. No IVY Labor, Greet,l 1,, hokoain Grooerg, Vrodure eod ConnnonAon Morehno, and deafen to Pnbebursh on •. 11'7 1“, ,110 , 1.”1 - 1 . 1.ft B NIKRON. 1 r 3.1, }teems Solon, lust reed nnd bar 1. WATF.RMAN 11FH ICA N JOURNAL OF THE gEDICAL .F.N.'bbo- • Ednod by Lane Hoye, H. UD.i. pub ..ti ,rter ty ,be of .14nuary, inqf r.. 1 b tEIIIII6, COMM. about two ,d. u , :tnvo 1..5c., ait i , PMDI . I- 411r11 . Ow word o till onr,ryv loon on coeper. elnae, 111 e )1c.,,,1 Now, and I.l6rnry, is pishitshed month ' o, I ,•. ~ 1. tit ihirtt two very large octavo pate; r V .. , , , ..r ~ . •1. , ;;•••1.; Al o•lorknutiott at tea day; ll ... liclu•- ni n Lurk o,l:varier on a preautieol do- ... ... „,,..,.„,, \\ atm.'. Lectures on the. i t . ....7.. .., PIA • Air, Clinical Lecture. on SI • ~,, it'd 1 1. 0.1.1 A 11..wmall , I'lly.mloo have dm Jr , and the work at peanut pubis. , • .I.'" ..:r d " L ' i , , t • t Downs,. of I nrnor y Cud Chilaw _Pag 1. . ~.. The rub,ription la Dna Americ ... ...°T__ . n • ;;•,. ..tltrni elctenees, i. flee dollc,, ....!! r . ftu_ry_!• , . ‘, :. a 11.1. aninn..i , fur warded, it.. orpo ,; o . ': o n.Z . ;•:, •• ;. l, •v l.. "'''' ''''' I. ' .••oturs entored to the N 1...,„ .i N , ..Y.• ved L .... , one year. veabout fur ,,,, , , ...;.,. For the ~.•• „um or five dollen., there t. •. 6. crlt. , h. ohustn a Quarterly and • 11. ,, ,1 , v, Ittarc. l nr Lae !nate. rharecier, presenUng .1 Wt.., litn•ored roues octavo pagft, with apprch rt,l•• .111+.1,ttin.11. übscriptiot.• received, and Ito work;,elly sai , eited lo• J A hi F rt LI LOCK WOOD, C 3 Wood st„, Act for Pobliahans I 1 rALI'ABLE Tao of Napoleon iluarnrie, 7 vol, 113,0 u heriarel on the Poem. ' on th e Comic Wow.. the I m r ary Age °TPA:abed.. Tole. by Potru oldie Age, or Comemporary Edgar A. P lAtarrn Clcarkng by Cro. Ilel.duy. Abroad, Of LUTON from Um West, by Mrs. fitrYlcatl, Roca/ ',nets and other Record, of Thoagtos at to Lctorre. ruten in the amervuls of more hurried Late ral, Labor, Wink°. The A...runback, or I,Te in .be Woods, by .1 Llendley. Phrenology find Nle , monAm Extontned hiseutthay'. 111.fellithles I , synre'', Ni-cveb its Rermin. The Indienior. by Letrl. Flont, A WI m. 0.., el Atnerlea° N. 3 tr Booth, on heed and far .ale at Philiolelph, a poem., by 197 ELuurr & EN6LISII, 7R WoOst AUCTION ' BALES.. Ely Jobs, D. David, ditetlitmossrs . 4./mg -ow Sole of Dry Good, Thtmday womittg, July 10th, litt 10 &elect, al the Commercial Salem Rooms, earner .1 w oa d ta g Flab streets, will be sold, terithoot reserve, to clo® • eoncern— A large assortment of staple and (alley Dry Goods, eousuung of splendid Maros. caper pouts, Fret.. s a d Manchester ginghams, barsmes, de lames, alpitcm, dress silt, black:Latin, fttsey resting. superfine Moots, caistineres, satthetts tweeds, Jeans., summer moths, cheeks, bleached andbrormi muslin, leghorn bonnets, hots, hosiery, shawls, hdk IS, table cloths, the. At t. o'clock, Groceries, Mucensworei, Foronons, Ac. Young Hymn anl haps riot tea, Va paw:factored tobacee. No I palm soap, In bbts vinegar, et:tomato booze safe, wire sales, shovels, spades, hoes, fork.: axes, hate , heta, gnaw sneath.. writing and wrappung paper, Hy nets, window blinds, manual clot k looking glasses, lamps, earpeung, Sr A large and general assortment of new.ud second band household furniture, cooking store, te. At 8 o'clock, Fashionable ready made clothing, boots and shoes, umbrellas, parasols, whips, saddles, Sao cutlery, dou ble sod stogie barrel shot guns, pistols, gold and silver watches, fancy articles, the. • AdessaistratoTs' &leaf Beal Estate. soldeadey afternoon, July 17tb. at 4 o'clock, will be on the prewbes, by order of the admintstratoni of the late Thomas Fetrinan, deceased, that valuable Lot of Ground, situate at the corner of Liberty and Eth sts, having a tont 0(54 (coin ineees on Liberty at, 15 feet se Incites on Eighth at, and 50 feet el Inches on all alley 10 feet wide. Also, one other very valuable lot of ground adjoin ing the above, having a front of St feet on Liberty at, and extending back an avenge depth of OP feet, to a to feet alley, on which it has a (root 0(27 feet tit! in. A plan of which may be wen at the Auetlon Room. Ten - ms at side. ltg JOUND DAVIS, hut t. THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON TRAlL—Be ing Rketchva of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life: By Fralleu4Pnrkman, Jr. with Rlnsigalhrni by Dar ley. In am vol. IL.Nno. Par .ala by JANE S D LOCR-PIOOD BACON -4o cask. Shoulder. IM columtn mom; for gale by jyG ISPOILLS Et ROE r A RIN-40 kegs No 1 Lard, for male.- 1.4 jye. DPI/ILLS .tacrs 1.1 TIRIED APPLES-300 bush igist RPOIL ask, fr.orROE sale by )1 6 LS poT y lell-10 cooks good Potook ii rm k ROE Two LINEN—A Cm pieces country Tow Linen in .rtcre4 foT =ic. .1a m' ILLS & ROE t°ST—LrEI ftKZ The fi" will cooler al taton by leaving bel ene office. N 0.2 MACKEREL-60 bbts N. 2 Mackerel, reeev vrd thi. day by ems!, and for male very 100 to close ronsignment by j. Mama & Co* Dry Goode ga ll, tablultment will be re-opened on Friday. July Mk. All of their stock having been marked down, vrtil be offered at the greatest bargain. Purchasers may de pend upon accruing goods at LOWER RATES than ever before. FUESEI SUMMER GOODDr AT REDUCED 'PRICER. A LEXANDER & DAY. 76 Market street, northwest I /1 corner of the Diamond. are now opening a choke stock of fresh SUMMER GOODS. A. large portion of these goods have recently been parehmed at a great sanifite, from the Auction Sales at the Fast, and from the importer, and manufacturer. We have decided upon offering this stook of goods at prices so sedated ea to meet the approbauon of them who do bashes on the cheap cash principle. The Silk Department is very extemive, embracing the different kinds of dress and mantilla Silks, Satin de Chem. and Camehm Oro de Rhine,. The Shawl Department embraces a splendid towel. mem of India Crape Shawls, from the lowest prices to the finest qualities, elegantly embroidered. Alm. Ore. nadina, Berage, Mohair, Neu and splendid figured Silk Shawl. SCARFS—BIack silk , Lenge and GranedineScarf. - lIERAOE and other thin DRESS GOODS—Elegant end novel style of Barnes, SUk Tisanee, and other thin Dress Good,, worhy ante attention oldie ladies. LAWNS! LAWNS:!—In the Lawn department, our additions front the Eastern mellow, are woe Inge. embracing elegant aryles at remarkably low prices. Imported and Domestic Ginglisms. Prints and Chintzes, illroorn arid Bleached Moulin, , Cheeks, 'licking., Flannels. Superior English and French 'llotha and Camimeres, Simians and Jeans, Pantaloon Stripes and Drillings. All of which is offered at snob a reduction of prices that punting ra cannot fell to be pinned. - ird ALEXANDER /a DAY • _BOORS! BqcTs!.-1,03,, —Loola rid Jesuitism: In us Ho dintents; by Isaac Ta y ylor, a atrdtor of Hamra! His tory of Frubusiasm." Sketches of Scoulati Church History, by Wert. Memoirs of tan Rev. Mimi. Haitybuitan, sena appendix, embracing an account of th e Church of Be. land during his time. . _ The Life of Dr. S Johnsog by the Rev. J F Russ English edition. Seems's in Scotland during the Iflth century, loath three Sermons by Res George Whitfield: by Di Mac feriand, D. D. Manuel of Presbytery, by S. Waller,. D. D., with on sppendts. by the Res. J. U. Latimer. A Doctrinal. Experimental am! Practical Treause on Effectual Cuffing, by J. Foote, A. M. Yoems by Amelia. Ihr hand and for sale Irs vI ELLIOTT dr ENGLISH, 79 Wood fft • - - Ovine& or rtrs Auss nen, BoxDoo Co j July 1649. l'rerldeni and Managers ef the Cc:Hannay for erecting s Bridge over the Allpgheny nver oppo site Pittsburgh, m He Comity of Alkghany, have this day deelaretFa Di widow! of one driller and seventy-five the on each share of thespnal Hoek standing in the name of individuals on book of the cootpsay, to paid to the Susekhoiders or their legal Representa tive fordinth. JOHN liAßeEtt, Jyidi wrailt Treasurer. 7IOMIIIBSTIC ANIMALS—History and Description LI of the Horse, Hole, Coale Sheep, Statue, Poul try. and Yana Dogs, with directions for their manage ment, breeding, crossing, rearing, feeding, and prepa ration for • profitable market. Also, their agleam. and Remedies, togethertinth full dlrectiom for the management of the Dairy. By R L Allen. Itteso,with minter°. Itlunrenons. For wale by Jr 2 JAR D LOCRIVOOD,63 Wend at UM UM lba. on hand mid for - ale ey jy3 J. KIDD a Co. cH i l4 - 4 „ RIDE OF LIME—On hand ilud i g t 7 n ;C: . by 12 , 00TE , S CHOLERA MEDICINE-0 land and r for sale by Dy 3 J. REDO & CO. Q A RUENTS CHOLERA MEDICINE—On hand end lon ra , e bp pV_ V 1.,17ARN HAIM-12 daa onlll.azladeforcre SULPII of Quinine. Oxido of Tin, Pro.le Acid, C.-I rate m Iron, 111 Carbonate of Potash, Nitrate of Serer, Calomel, Zoelme of Lead. Chloride of Soda and Cblone Esher, on head and for We by in J. KIDD 1 CO. rirtlrstOormlAYTNtoi-e Lola for Ave. oT u. l:e t rzsz . lv d ar c ta n Avenu:; one on forte front. 21 fmt :4 in the rear, and r>uetnl47 (ce l l ileep.— A nether on the Snail stdejnal beyond Me. Wasion's properly, 05 !rout front and rear by 112 feet deep. Also, a Let on by street extending baek Lo cum, 130 feet deep by 25 feet 71 in from. For term,, Az, inquire of D. W. & A. S. DELL, Attorneys at Lave, 4 th between ~ LL3 _:d•24.•• • Smithfie/d and Grant. • NOTICE. ROPOSALS mall be received by the tinders:l : paid onul JULY 126., at 12 o'clock for the gone Work, per perch, of tyro Abittotente of a Bridge from bank Lane to Barr'. Island, be/ow Stephen Moivieou'e save mil. For birdie, pardeahn, co G. L W ARNER , zoire flo A. JAYNFS, TO Ebortk i rt7littabitrgh. _ IY2ALIaiyIU Light I Lightlt Lightt II TuE Jost eelebimed horning told cart mow be had at the stern Lamp Store, No. Third arta,- For a portable house hen It has the preference is all of the eastern eines, being perfectly safe and cheap void of smote, grease or any of the dlsagmeabk at tendants to lights now in common arm also, a boon. ful :assortment of lamps of the luau puss. for barn mg the =me. ty'ldtkno V.. 1. DAVID. TACOD WEAVER, Wholesale and Retail si ler in Foreign Wines sad Liquors. an 4W Monon gahela Rye Whiskey., corner Punt and Market ma 11 OLD ]ION. RYE Wills/CRY-3t five gad Daeadea ms 1820 Pure A/Thiakey. Gerdlentan andf Bean invited to call and examine 14 2/ they yam a. finean &allele can be had in the Western mem try, at the Wine `Stem of JACOB WX&VER, k. I OUISVILLE LTME—aa geoeived and l.4 b ) jya AIUSWITONG t CROZral. PCRE CIDER YINEJUR-20 bbla received and for ..In by . ly3 ARMSTRONG t CROZEL S UN"— ;lt:l7N c ..lll. ' I bag Flaxseed; - Giarrloo Par. ; " F<1L1.6c.. ; " Diliaa. 4g; 2 Wool. Nov /coling from Comborl44. No 2, tor sale by /2 ISAIAII DI CK EY Co.. Frau* g. Stearn Blowers. 1N reply to the "Notice and Warning' , of Christen Etu rkhanit, No Cincinnati Gazette, httna 274) ore ~ the Orly:lt:snag opinion of ear Cthanselt SIMMONS & , ANDEIIT Put.. Lama., CM.MA/1 , T Mama SIMMONS & A June :7W, 1849. accordancew i th y our request ten hove Clitgabl attuned the Loners Patent grunted to Chriatiati hardt unprovententa in ISt 0 0 11ILLW44{111 • itnilt. memo boiler and other Carnage" and latteo fret WISIt of oninio.l,thno. you 40. • idnd br,ra, fo pap)c.r.triz.n&nanncod. % W e foces 4,1" . De na4cLiira r fo O r r . o ' 74o t a ” ed lowed Ati• DuSlikirdl in that P artnrina .1- , 017,17=gail- steal 1.40 U. a NIGHT & BROTII4, -- Potent Aronta and Atuynira. p • AWED PAIII7SA r Ttlta— num • been carefully and rally dby onumn,e oar Of the medical profesalon, bo re it taws!*.ne mom valuable of all the far ea mu, an use, It Ifennr much tope:for to „ tapioer., sage, barley, ke,fOrlaralbill An a. erticle °Common diet fovehildrata, tittCll. tarty thaw of weak bound., or of feeble-ind i elicate constitution, n will be Maud to give health and . endth with more certainty than any other.witanauce. •Tins a n d has bean chemically analysed if' DR and Karma and Professor Rang all o when , hear t.linnony to go great value over all other I farm. cetam substancs, for layandsand children. no flautist tram the report of eaoh ariallala 1 a hen' glaett Its claim to the =avian of Me mosdicai prod , wioni wi lttsgreal upon I a containing in thoghtten and ag latunon T u n euired annotates, vegetable Parri. and al ( • UMCLIces not found Ls arrow-root or statatt Is adies." , --i Reid. • The great aupeaority of this tootle over /mirth, •rrew root, tapioca sage, &cq Ils an uncle 014441 for invalids and child-en, to yrtncipally owl to th a gla ton it contains, tonal , I. 16 Pil per dant" et...hilion. on ram. (therannni • very agmeataa ir ga nor-- tiro C rude of food, tautly dtges„ltonitul rably adapted for lambda and children- Tile above uncle always on hand, and r„,. Piet by Braun le - Rotor, eon. , "WberlY and SA. cl„ie...: )7, jCbromela cowl...l__ ___ Partner WamittmL • , IgnoTED,... partner with num° GO oo n . la a plea 'i vy ,nt and safe jaws in 01t0 Of . t i. 1 d on . ndm caw -h mate dr. , ~. ,u, mad e .fritenutvo. nt propriew 4 srria* to ti 1 &Orb , • ....Medd@ Port of the timer bo n a y s . eiz „oted with the House, he therellwa on , .en with soma means, good addresa in „d etably .enneeted, to Mtn an dews* Iry A him dilmea . .ALPIIa, rd Odic°, awing rod or me and refemnoc, and when an interview may he hod jradiw Lpyrrk2El_------4r-----lii7i ~„,-; 3 keg. do do. U landing from canal bear Mon • thiiibten and for de by W iii 3BLS - 01 g & co, iato ouromNATI & priTsmio.: 3 l ; Dli la* . m ai A I LY. P K.E T E. yturs well known line of nplendid passu t pu t . g . era Is' now composed of We Merest, tat, hes nutted and furnished, and most powerful . water. or fhe West Every lueonsterulatitmeha yog, that mousy can procure. hat WWI prov/Alor pas. tengera. The tone h. been In operation Vin.,pre y ew —bror married a million of people without tlist%lst yy_to their y,em.on*. The twain woll be l ic p [ mg or Wood ... sot the day premium. to marling , rft.p. ben si freight end the map' of purtigerAttprii4e Pelt. ter. It all eases the paseede nume rerV4 - .l.Pue is advance. IN ik • SUNDAY PACIRKT.;'t Tie ISAAC NEWTON, Celseix Ili 1, leave Pittsburgh every Sunday gt74loeni Wheeling every Sts t rogy gentling itt 10 P. May 1047. 1160/DAY The MONONGANPl.A,Capt.Ervatrstre Pitts burgh every Monday otorniug ke ecirsc T e el every Monday evetung at to r. TbIY "?- The lIIREILNIA No. Cupt.'l. No:Unica4 alb leave patebutgh every Tuesday*oloalt; col c,fi g g even. Tuesday overarm at thy.* 1 - .• vrEDNkiloAVii - atmixv.,.4 The NEW ENGLAND No. I, CAN. *Vt . Rui lease Pittsburgh every Wrthitrnis/tont6likist o'eloek; Wheeling every Wednesdaveventgyo r ti RE:I:UIt .- PA CAN, The DRILLIANT, Capt. nun, ' - burgh every Thursday morning ea lOokloit„, ee'bry Thursday evening at ID T. N. The CLIPPER No. tk Calk. Pus Dovit4f , El tetra Pittsbutgh everfPriday , toorrtlngat lOeVoirtelikAltera, Dar every Friday evening at 10 e. r. . ~,.,, LICKIII3 .13. ARFIANGIMMENTS. for , 849. AIONONOAUELA,ROUTE. ~.-,. ~: Only 73 311/ern Stift Oil ; yin Brownsvllie and Cumberland to i.fa,4 - and Ptdiadelphhk, .k; T fl A rgend unAgai .t r . mmg . ll . 9 ftl i l i tf4r , Jaeobs, IAtUIS C II a ' I LANE, Copt fießenne ate now making doable d' y trips busemn s 4 4 7 .i . PITTSBURGH APIDECROWTISVIB?„P„; The trioralag boatVwill leave the Itgmentehels Wharf, above the Bridge, daily 018 o'clorelf. Pusengers vrill takeSUPP.IHICOACH Hstowns. vine, at 3 o'clock, P. ht.., end the splendid tht the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at, Cato alai, ma. o'clock, A. BL, and arrive in Baltimore thria,sehreven les, in nine far the evealag tine to PhiLweln* and W goo hb trttlb c n% 'lt to Baltimore, 0n1y.39 11{Wi Pare SW., • . .'. I se.. From Pitubtugh to Philadelpam, only iont; Fan only .., ,I' The evening boat will leave at ft o'clock, weviit Sun day everunga Pusengers by this boat wp .Ps . ge on board in comfortable State ItheAls thafirsCulpl33, pass over the mountain the following day in !W ASS built Coaches, and lodge the second night In Cu Eked. Passengers have choice of either Sthainto ER Ball ii ‘ ..l Road between Baltimore and Philttelpi4 . .:,W the privilege of stopping at Cumberland and, on e , and resuming th eir seats at pleasure. Gar .. Jebel, tared to panics to travel as they please. -, ; •.; We make up the loads and way bills ( oniite.aoh, es in the Pittsburgh offices, lin order to .o ei ihno on arriving at Brownsville) dI. therefore ia -. .. for passengers to get their tickets before gnat 0h,.. of the boot, at our office, Mon:gel* H. _,„.• ' '''' mu mewl, or St Charles Hotel, W ' Phu ..-,.._T" 1 sonantlm J. KIM '''.; *el • Plttabur ditt ills tooalavillia Piroirt iiine FOR CINCINNATI AND LOWRY 'Ill; The sp=l n i e u r iif 1,, f r k al ialLu ri lep, mama, will 'cavil; " jasper, intermediate ports lkarine s . dee. the tith inn, at le o'eloc i k s.. at. ;' t For—ffutSM°rP°TaMiUMo,:!Filuo 103 OED B MILT tußlttl ' Ri. : . • - JAUFZ DALSLIS, PITTSBURGH AND LIWIENLLIA PA y,4 LINE The newt, and splendid Xostssen, her rL'k' T , LBORAP/1 j' ffi um; mute!, will /co - ,, „ a onch, nati and Louisville On Thiusday, thr, - o'clock, A. M. For (Voisin orrttoy to 4 4 0 . 1 , BORLIG 4io GEO B HILTEN,Jgga Louisville and Rt. Ler .1 - ,'•p,,,,ki5 .: 7.7- .. 1849. 15 549. REGULAR TUESDAY P ACKET FOR e . * ottis The . rine fast iaing4Kfeenge steenrer ATLANTISM if Cho. W, . Wicks, nstutef,ZSNlq leave r dr e above and intenmillat pony every Tortristr, et 10 o'clock, 0. st. a 3 For freight or par . sage apply. on board, glig mso.A.leat r... C. KING, No. 153 Coritilleir, ireld‘ble. . REGULAR 9.7 . rummy PACKET FOR ' ii * OGIS * The AIM Om rennin kititenger i steamer ' GEN. I.: • I Al McPherson, mutter, vr Dive for above and taterinalis ... 144:itIts eve ry Saturday, at 10 o'clock, 1.. M. -5 ' For freight or pas E sma.z , o r . „ l l. board, 0g , • . % 153 (Ant? . ~ ____l,oei iln --s -.- , FOR CINCINNATI, . ~,, ,I; 7 The splendid reamer' ~ , 1 -*,.. RILENA.NDUAIti :11 an alLEtowenu, master, tea , le? the hove and intermediate poßkt • - ...`a day at 4 o'clock, P. AI _... , ti: For freight or passage •apply cm board, mekol iylo riVriencE2,y_imk7v_ FOR CINCINNA7L . ‘9 ,"•: mat The firm lightdrag ;M: , tl j Miller, muter, will own aritiliAlt do ting low wares, and ortibitleitle for the above and intermediate ports We day. iia t ! 'k ._ For freight or pasiTEe.„ apply on boa rd _ ; ICI FOR CINCIPALATI. . • - • . This BA IT. assmoger stean4 'O. VERNON, .:,-: '• Kontz, noisier, will katiii4go in ut and intermediate on , , . this da7 at to o'clock, A. AI. Fcjyrlei.h—Pl,7lll4 tlLTE oo N bc rAtri4ikk i. g t FOR WHEELING AND FIRLDIFII4S'---- The mat and substantit, glitg,nce HUDSON, .i:. ;g. m ai r r ehlillen, master woll leco ron er regular trips betwee nday, F ti... Whenhag and klndrepon. She will leas / . 0 , 1 n ,t, on Wednasday and Saturday. For freight or passage, apply on hoa...n. ;1 2 Mkt WHEELING AND SU,Nip'fP' .. Tim fine steamer ' , , , er CINDF.FIELLAmt 8 ~ Gorg e s Osamu:, ...ter, WIT,. above sad imermedistEW - on Mondays and Thursay MU I'd III For (night ar passafte, aPVT oa b0ard._..,,... SUNDAY TRIPS TO-tiatillik7F.'__rf?.. makThe U. A. Mail stearnerTMOßlgAN 0 . .1 3 w il l les oh= IsadlaS:4lpasstr. Re turaingo• ' I/ ar:4 n2a m o Fe bek ? w i l . 1, 4 6 r.ra 1,14 P Fare to / leaver and back, Torentfi & Z‘va as: is tu SUNDAY TRIPS TO DRIVER: elit3Ti The steamer BEAVER -1., ve the wharf, oppowe the At beta House, AVery goad s 12Aierzr 9 o'clock, for Beaver, d • will leave Beaver at 1 o'clock, P. hi, an •,... C • i 4 o'clock. Fare, Twenty-Eve Crew. l';‘3 R1321;' AL. 1 4. - NO 11. INIL TENNE444( zit- Forwarding K a ll odAt.s=4 ' ,,i Her a.; ha removed to No. of Frort, b<nre.4o, ; ;Wood and Rmlthfinld streets. '3fei... •-•— "Wliri, ~....../ . 1; TA li-fet draught coamercAll PLANTER. 0 • ,,r Wells, master, will kar t Cc* the ~,,,t,,,,. Rom eu roacley,.pm ~ id. PAL at o'clock, P. ~. ,:' i; For Sulllkst or pump apply cm board,' .et -: . 173 D W - D194 -A' Int FOR CINCINNATI AND SCHEAV • . , 1 --- ,. ~- The apleadid weeny ow : ; c . - LYDIA COW .R - ‘ ' , !hl Hunter manic; V ,rIE-‘1 An ribose and all Loam 41 , 4te lona on Tuesday, toe 3d, at HI °elm* A. In .• l), e . For caught <apace:um, appkg ors bold et /orp,7 iY3 1 3t . :3'41 , 94 4 43. M TLIBMITIALOth; : - ,i . , i;.; b. AND ue.TuYnie,m r 00. rgt kIeFAI T , begs to inform the itth, adorn(ii,.l.. borgh and vieinkY, Om be hen the,__ at.% estaltdistumant. wtere awry 3Bentitic 0. paid to the comfort of those Whit meg fa v or y 7, ti.. ' lo/111 a idl e LibertY Ur 1w , .. 3 . B ' 3 _ v omh ."!4V :KA Ice Creates and n i lother delicauwa otimr,l Q.. julliully .• n Or 44 4 irt- - piHks o hand wed for sale by . s t r,l W thl hlrcelo4 oft th g. They win reeel're bestir • k all 4141 , 4 "Pt prime; NO phis v • 4-41 ka , do ,,l o' kr , in store and for sole by ,__ AMO • ns parr l ,ll p Patent Hods by of shipment per 0 . alma Jr sale by W &brITC .ey have received Insole. by • sarefters ot shipments per arnericen, L 3 P Writt#4:eteed "CHM Baldwin, which vrtil arrive at tr . , A .n. ~P.M ecy trill also receive large supplies for Utcri9Bo...• 1020 • 7 L cAsx ,. ~, PY' A A Y SEED-600 lb, ree'd and for r 7 1, Prat BRAUN & R — IIIIAOILLLIDTT AC WILMA - DRY GOODS JOBBE ir9 WOOD STREET, .` A RE nosy receiving a very tarp striekor,l'Ob Goods, of recent parchmeandiniporta mush4nwirr. they will &din, the trade atmushprice.s 511 ta give entire satisfaction- City and Country Merchants tire invited, ' - cOn&I, examine our Knelt before purchasing els rIrI., 72 4.I"FOJI:idr , ST-1 vrarrant* Tfor k_.l .1. by ( BRAUN &, T A J R . 7 2 1:0 bbl. ou hand and or ge 8 146 r-ovERINGI.4 (nevi. sapply kJ ingh. crashed and pul v e n is ard Pagers, nod for in by mid BROWN & CULBEI 13 RUSSRLB CARPETS— The largest eifthhidd ' Ad °‘ Brussel@ Carpets ever offered in this eltfiloP id at the New Carpet Warehouse of W. arm:011. 73 lqm.h ~, compriaing the West and riches@ n • Vii and at prices lower than ever offered in thaladO_L All who want Brussels Carpets, stii2tldAriA24l:" purchasing elsewhere. add 7 Art4.tT..? -.0 - Great Vatic ItthGameig. - • ! ~:,.. F°llRtlvhz,ci3hAiroz - wl,f°,:ea. 4. 4 g: above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALrap, ,•9p uFE, di., a red by the celebrated De. BiltiilmAr, of Louden, U.4ll ' :nd, and introduced Into the UMW Ffnaes under the immediate supennuithience of theinßpnitrA The esinionlinary success .of this nsediehreg in thf„ core of Pulmonary diseases, .sauna die efigan Agoet in soliciting for Mamma Um wend le ir a . ses that can be found to Ahe taintannirp‘clums . • Ot t ,* / relief In vain from any of the common rem t rim • day, and have been given ati by Om mu abut . physicians as confirmed and mem-We- The y de cry . an Balsam has cared, and will cure, the most tgml. of mina It Ls no quack nisarinin,lnit sind g. Ush medicine, of ketrarn and establian e triealty. :.7 Every Ihnuly in the Usiitodjia Les should be4ditAtind with Buten% Htingsrian Mi.= of Weiler, outo t counteract the consumptive tendencies of the ellitell but to be used as a preventive medicine is 631..t.41c. o cold., coughs, spitting of bleed, pare in the eidn'kul cheat, irritation loth .01 . C.1 3 or the 'Num Woeltiti, 4 dlgletilty of bleating, hectic them, night irwealA, efieci anon and general detsUlli !Alma, Mfluensa,•l4ko,oldng wash aneap. Bold in large bottles, al RI Per boob, to q - ..adi : ';2.., bona for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, az:mutinies . e mass of English anV Ani.ert eau cerafthatts, and Other etailleithe, showing tali , un *planed merits of ads great Ecqglieh HentedtiAlhat bunted of the Agents, gramitocudy. Par sale try D A FAIMWTOM.' 4 of .ind Wood and Wood =dad' ca. o , *: i jP itoenia