The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 28, 1849, Image 1

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131181WS age-
Nu.: worraorw caoZER. Cat - ambAtnittrteutiiti
and realm ip Pro4ttea, No.ldatket, Exett
kibure, - ! • .7_, 40,tEi
14 IL sznanum
BUSHI CELL & HAY% Wholesale" slealefil& D.ty
0000 Groceries Sxl.l; Shoeiasttibureibum-1
faccared wades, &C., / . o.2l[l,LAbeTty , :illitet l :Pall , -.
110.L. ,7 i I "UM ", ,`" Amos wait '
FLAUI4 & RErlTit, Mains:de and Seutil,Drug
Pon, urner or Libetirtad Bt. Cial . i streeui Pia!-;
Pa l4 -Mani
CrIWITMS,' • r . • IL /1.. iL01173, •
BHOWII 1,1 , MEtTSON, Mamie tOrneetsil
and Cam:minx/nu &Wettings, No. / 45 ,1Liberq 04,
eundmork , ^. - •
BEsTpciv& Wholesale Oa.
• tail thmaists, atolarr Woodard Oth sts.
.16ALRY & tiStITH % Whole
ED Wood insect Pitts • .h.
77 - 17fiaMMY &Co., Fo
NJ. minion 151.enlannulamol
Ungluing:us Spallogidaslo,
C 5
01 Works,.
& Cq
Coach and Hipuo Springs,
Spring and Plough 'Brad, d
Water and Front streets, Plltsburgy.
also, 'deakra tut Coaoh Trimmings and Malleable
Outings. oain
idt ••••
-.BE !NMI cO. of ,Nonh Ameriea will
I tunke4m ael . gt el limited Ingluiare on pro.
V31:1, 14 gi a 1r1 i r5, 6 74.ter,t4b7h,.... - . d Rb!triz.'eAr.. bo)f.-
Bd. Company are yid] Invested, and-fah/A no avail
ablo, land Tor the indemnity all parkas who
Nt i rllEl W be'Pr WM, P/ONT, Agent, 4I Water at.
• 15311ilDN/TY•
' h.:F;lmiti.Psyy 11=6= Co. ofrOsikolefphia.
p/I,,aiaßCTOßß.—Mkarl ma N. &nick.; .Thtnnaallart,
, ;Tobias wandrkSarelael Grant, Diallb IL Smith,
;py siehards, Mardetal D. Lewis, Adolpho F..
iData, David S. lhant,Mna Panerson , , ,
N. BstrearawPreankin.
Chines G. Banc Saystary. ;
. ~ Canino/ to make ' linsanlnee, perpetual: or limited,
tan vier) , degenationlif Napery la loarlitior, catintry, ,
(/ rates as low as areermaktentudnytecunty.
To. Company have esaeryed a large contingent Food,
Ghia with than Caldtal altd xrettbutt,ll,kire.lY ifavesi-
01, atlord fatale proythionko the assume ,
. Thh nandsn( the deep y, on hmaarYlat, 1949, ee 1
iithletheti agreeably ra act of Assembly, W/re /,
,I T ri
egNupd , Tr , a.r . .r LOG :
I ,,
K4111,,74 /it
, A IStoc 61 /Pi
ke - i ,STI 25
'l,l , . cub, cy,....... „ 31,w4 r
. ' f
' • f
of V 9 ti
swhe theft Inearytqnfi of cq, a Period 40 ?!. 2 .r., boy
14kre Vint tinwards ofSne ylluon four Mum .w mom
*ad Millers, buys by to, thereby atlonlia! etidence
/Alio adirludagus ofingaroce, as well a the ability
*ad dispbattio •
n. to
J. GARDINER C meet with prompOF FlN,, tness al liAgenabilities.
meal y, Ottue.N 13 earner Woodard 3d sts
tt 154 11,111 - 1111BiliW,40ChIrCO•
Di iii.,IILADEIFLA• ?gaol at Pntsburgh the the Dey.
4 . , • Sante klettallitafelylt r surance Comac of Phal
atolelphas. Fireltisks apon .undangs and rchrusflue
11 . ' every desenguau, gad-Swine Braka oft on hulls or
ti vor'es of *lads, fak es Dapon the moat favorable
OEc Itt the, Wiiehaise of W. B. ' 4, 16.. & Bra.,
fan Sy Watersnatz-gnOct in ''"' ri'llb =' .
".1.1. I.l.—Thesnecada a? thif Comps the estab
i4•hlntfint. of ihe *MI Multi. city, Ma gm Pnuhin
la es aria _lberality with. whkb every elaint apart them
Di Inc. has been atklarecylitily wine:int the neat in
in VitVo ..ti s unnfulenee.undpatatainle of hilfii.nds sun
Mr, e at tarp to the Dalawate. 01. B. bun.
ra nos agrany, Whilalt has the addidnail advantages
al an on ameCutthe Most finurishing ta Philadel.
pi f haying an susiglepaidan csa 4 ll, which by the
oi era an, of Its thane,: tal et/wand inetnasbag, as
yi g y ea ch person Insured his doe share of the
ROA or !ha companYi without involving km to any
"1. ihtrwbatever, and therefore is, possessuy
toy Humid principle ditmted of every obahmous fea
t**, and in its meat attractive form. , nov4
„7- 10 - 11M7,07 - 01114,11018 - LysiftrAUßßJE:
?PM bannume Coargany'of North Antalya, through
A, to duly'buthorixed - Agein i gm snliscribtr, oilers to
sm,ke permanent and to mance art papally, in
thy city saint viamitf,and an sluaincriti, by the Ca
nil inn Rivets.& w i t°
Alltnni 0 Collin, . I Charleslt:
S.tat'l W. Jones, - i Ambro se,tie,
Etavard Smith :' , Jacob hi. a,
W A. Brawn, ; , John &NO,
J('an White - t 4 Richard Ikr,oad,
P, gape , , Wm. Wela_,h
Vaunt F. Smith, ' Peonies Bakke., ,
St Suet Brooks, , u B. Aaiun 3.llhboma, '
~- ‘ , ARTIIIIII G. COFFIN, Frail.
ilareav D. firocmccal4Seab'.
This is theablem hnurartee Company in the United
Shoes, having teat akszyged m 17144. De charter is
pelpetual andfrom Itohigh,manding, lontexpenenee,
a.4lelAuts,And amulet:log all risks of 44 .extra, has
aatou:•chanyier, it nut ba ,constdereda4 Offering arn-
Plf ==t l , Etn;af itwoodater JONES .
til ontlFronl inella Pniaburgh. , sosr:
SID SUSSOIW/Elt has been appointedligerot pro
: tem. Of rep insuraboe Company of Nand. Americo,
ant will faarm'Polteief and attend to the other baliney
I:41 he Agency, 'at the usarehatue of Atwood, Jones A
'Co . ' apt* - WM. P. JONESilwaser
& j , Mi Tret i L ti ll/iProll . c and 19.nalangh
facurred articles, Canal Basta near 7th st. LW/ --...--
CONTINITES to . ES Monuments, Herwl
Vaults, Tombs, Head`Stones, Modal Pieees,-Cen•
tro and Piot To otloreign add donrestio marble, at
a retrulat and fan Once.
N. B.—lktwitigs or ntentratenta, vatdta,fri.
eel, of any desciiption. pLe solicits a altaxtrtf potato
patronage, inttt,
WIL IL =NMI, .11:141 . 7. 11112qtr!.
tiii - GraiiiTtarxerro7...7oa4ssZ7itiv
4. Co.) 'Wholesale Cireeea,.COmesuesion.anst'Yoe.
warrhog Merchant., and dialers( In Produeoand Pia
burgh Altsouthessrea, No. 37_Woad sr.,
%I sweet. octEl
1103 IE FACTOR:Ir,,
Htattlil ON ST} A.lo7,tfintrateterm dr. Mail
Shining% Checks, 4.0., nFbeeca sue.; city bt
Auegbeay.• . L0y1.5.11).
LEE, (=censor te. , lllorphy4teLe , e,)Weet Des'
er mod Oommiesimi hterehooy for the site
AR'ric" Woolens, LAMM oppoeite b ah et. fobli
vrm. HELLO, ,
J. 110C111011, atharmiliztalni ,
C. 114a..111011, AWN,: wa.a.sza,
BALD & 131U01(150% Tobacco Commiantion Met-
55aets, 41 litnilt Water u, & 16 Non& Wlumes,
'• n6s9k-tf ' .
-t% wit. r. :carts:.
JONES' le Co., Isneeessars to myna,
Jane. A Co.) Commas= and ,Parwarding an*
..enents, etentem Pitistangh .Idarndacurded, 0W.%
Pet...large, Pa. utc)lso
owed Juan % warn mazy, rs., •
rateadll DICKEY &,00.071.cdesato Gramm, Caw
=lesion Merchants, and dealers in Produce, Nted6o
ee, and 107 Front creeds, Pause •• . LOTS
B. CANFIEI,I.),IIate a Warren, Okay) Oanunla,
arm laid Potortrain tilesehanwaularholeruda
dealer m We-stern Reserve. Chrear - Ilaner, Pat and •
Pearl AM, erld..Western 'Produce ienerilly o Waal'
treat, between Poollhtleld Rad Wood, Pittsburgh. - AO
10IIN We'lT, (amnesia, to Ewalt Gebbitt.,)
Wholesale •llmeel-and. Commiuion Ideramm.
dealer 41 Products and l'ibibrughad.ulawarnes, ear
ner aloha)), and )land lacers, Fumanti. Pa. j .
AniMTB rad:HAIM Ow a the Erna Alpo
lltleG'uire,) Merchant Taller, Sr Charles Buddlaga•
Ward are. mar Wood Phut, h.
JAMES A. UTCHISON, A Ces—Ouccorront
H Lewis Hutchison A Co:, Commission Merchants, Ago, :nts.; of the Rd LotdaSteam Sugar Refuter',
No. 46 crater and lingrrout streets, Pittsburgh.
gS. ALLWOUTII 1r...C04 Wholesaler tirocety rm.
darn and COlllll2ilLikla Mershants, and Agents
r the 1L and Poirdat Co. Of N. V., No. 21 Wood it,
Pitiab •
1 WIN D. NORD datessle= l l : lual de
U er in Dyeetaffs,Parols, Dila, V Ard,No.ll4
Wood street, one doorDouta of Dimond Den Pitts:.
PD. 11 ,.;
Teams Jr, 4 Co,. tareemor,o3 ,Iclora
Dvit) Sbip Chandlers laWater street ;yea
OLIN ItlEtaßT: Drlolesale sad Retail aTel
a/ in Music and Malicia „Instruments, Sehoolltools,
Paper, Slams, Steel Peosi Anil* Printers , Celt% and
„ SyorririlY,No:S}Wolad at, Pinibrite .
ltrotoga Donght or takerrin tiade. se t
p 1. 6.
1 SCINKINMAKEIL & — 4Vboloadel .Druggisti,
No. of Wood gout, Plusbar6h.
0101 D. DAVIS, Atteuotiter, cormrdth a.nii Woad
streets, Pittsburgh.' • 1 oetS,.
pIiNSTON & STODWIDN, 13ooksellers, Printer* .
cud Paper N to
anuOszreta, NO. 13 lilarkcl.l4 !ht.
lousublotrn liantaan Mira •
T tr, IL FLOYD, NVholeisle Graters; Oninuisolon
Illerehants, and Dealers in Pro - dace ' Round
Unmet frantiaLon Liberty, Wood and dth
streets, Pittsburgh, ,_ - • •
TAxim -n A r. - arr :,:aVhdlesele Grocer, ere...urban',
LI Bloch:int, and- dealer b: Produce and Pitirbtftlt,
blarraLueuree No. %Mater at., Plualeugla WAG
/sus L
.Pirrasuicou, pp.. .
- 17 WIMPY, CHILDS & OD Alacturaetneen pr eery
jll aupener 4-4 Meta AA ,
Carpet Chatopotto,t
exicials Iron War/u.•
L EWI& DM mannfileturers a all at
uality, wuehat'lX qou sad NniLsof bee
.0.19 waierand =from sa. t •
t •
kEI WATER-MA[4J Wholesale ilroder, Forward
. log md Comalmon Lterchant , Dealer in psi.:
gh Maoufaccorer .d Produce, Nos. 31 Water
and 62 Front m ;123,
x>esaiEDT & SAWYER,
1-OOHING GLASS Almarocutrera, and Wholesale
derdera in foreign and - darnestm Variety Gorais,2
Western merchants, Pednis and others are invited .
0011 Ind GinizaZlO the Osten and quality stout Mach,
az with aui present Merensdd rank* fa mandions.
Ing and . puschaolug, We thlck wa man offer as peat
inducements to buyer. as coq: thei Muss west artist
Int. =LUZ, yhiladL memewast,
ILLERA. gICKET . BOI.,i , Wholesale tirocers, cud
111. hapotten of Bradrlies,Wines and Begara,lios.
Wu mud 1711, corner at Liberty end Irwin streets, Loins
JOEL, WG112.1. AL D. JOWL& warm C.
vt - eGILLS ta. ROE, Wholeialo Grocers and Comm.s
aion Matthews, ;tio. 44 liberty at, Pitubania
MUltPliY,•wasort & co, (law Jones, binrylry
Co.) WboleialerDealen! Dry Goods, No. '49
Wood street, rittsbuigh. _ suritOr
IL .441iX., 5111 C [ r RIC L =CM+
Ktr.CO., Cormumon and Forwarthas
Merehants, Watts and. From atc, - Lemma
Z and Mar ket au. . ~ land
IvI7.6 7 NMtYLLSOI, Partrattand Ml3:naP - Sin.
ter. Rama, .tactur. of Yost Office Alley and
Fourth deedilit. Meet, entunee on 4dtnenardasket.
Xu A cuArns & SON, No.klarkot sccond
, door from corner or Fonnk . , dealers in Fmtlal7
and Osmotic kills of Excluusge, Cernficatuof Napo' ,
is, Bank Notes and Bikes.
Collr-etiorca task on,all kw principal eines
throughout km United - Slates: . deel7
ScelihteSPEß, LAtmemate—theire, Foarth ciy
. third.door above himkkfie , d, 111:11421 =de.
Colv . 7tuhing oral! ?thuthidone the gleams!
" gales te e fea d li e tate 2ru e l if*' 1, fr.. ocoo.ll.
--- 7 - 1E 1 A7 . 411C 7 01i 7 e 7 06 77 , 7- ALE
OTITIALUICaSIIIWEON, will ruseard tothoirtithi
merit of Diseases Math Eye.
'h. olhaabcen nninged Or this branch of the Evtdli
ed professinn fora/teat( yenra, and has conducted an'
eslablithinent for ihatrtattuent of Gamma of the ey d -
alone tor urvarM ymrt,'
On= and rguderna corner of Sandusky at and
Strawberry alley, Atreglieay. city. amid
neat Wood — All curable. of Green an
Black Teas, damn/ in wiser, half, 'And
Mir m ly l l '" rl/17 ' 0 1 4°%P41 ;. Pr e j,= 4
IfoLIERT OlOOLth, Ahab axle. Grocer, Itectifying
It. Molter, dealer hi Necktie, Pittsburgh Monnfaer
tares,,and all kinds - of Foreign and 'ltoraestio Windt
and Laqoom, Nool 1.11. , eny, - BUCeI. On hand • sal,
alga stock: of supalior old Monongahela Whiskey,
which will be gold Warier each.
jmZS2 10.0501, t *MIMS I. 101120541.
ROBINSON en-,Wholesale Grocers, Prodice"
and Comas aka Merchants, and ifealetsin hue.
540. fill Liberty el., PittAltnlfell
DALZ — ErI se Co., Wholesale.,Srotara,
jL Commission and forwarding Merchants, dealers'
is Prentice nn4 rittaborgh Manuthemres, Ltherty4B.
Pittsburgh, Ps.
lei% A. CUNNINGHAM, Maio titroClV
Dadr: in Pnniann anAhus
Pbnign bliinntenctmes,
144 Mercy .; 0124.
- BISMOLDS *UWE, Forwarding. and Coituatiriaa
.D Diorama:yr tor .1116 Allegheny River Trade'', doaD
era in Groomed, Produro,:aqusiugh AlataiLietardat
and Chloride alarm ,
The highest pricesiin cub, paid at all Unica far Mule
rags. Corner of Foam sad train au iarad
1.14 C. TIM IL
IZ.GAAL A W3I 7 :IS , 4111 Th, WholesaLe Dealers- lo
Foreign ond,Doinestio Dry Goods. N 0.09 1 ,71504 pct
1.70 in Flour Sad Frodoce generally, and Fotioarding
and Commission MorctinnO4 Ho. 11J Water st.,
E2dITH, BAUALEY la (Id,' Wholesale Grocers Ina
Ploduee dealers, Na.:a.lblarkel. tire.als between Bth
.6th, North aide, Philadelphia. t001i,..
F. m. ... , riiiiatraale. waits - liihsoiei
-4'2 ..9 & NICOLS, Produccand Velment
/`J Kalman Kalman Aletchatuay N 0.17 Liberty at, rittabttigb.
tv e n n o, Unwed and , Lard ON:
. ..
F. 'VON UONNI - 101/ST, & Co., Wholesale Gro•
can, Forsimitlni_ Conualssion
alai In Pittsburgh *onofiitnuos and Weszera Fro.
*see bave removed lollteit new orencbonao,(okl sand)
No. dt cot.: of Froni ond.Chancery Lana.
not '
TpOTII A COTT, Wboiesato and
BOOM, Shoes, Trenks; Casket Asp, ti k tv
rner of Ch nod Soilthilol4,lllEshmo pi! '
d'.l2k.WP, Wholesale Graters wad binuia
'ion Merchants, dealers in ?Wim No, eh
' ood st.„ Pittsburgh. Qom ;
& M. MITCHELTREE, Wholeseh,
, Bentif/iag Distillery and Wino and Undo,
importers of Soda Ash and BAseh.
ing Powder, ICAl6olsibeity sweet, Piusberish,
MU D. 161C1., norm wean:aim
WICK & WCANPLIE I 3S, (atiecosson to L.
Wick,} Wholesale Grocerh Forwarding ajtd
Cosandssion ICorchants,-ditiders is Iron,Nai4,oll4,
Cotton IlarnE, and Pittsburgh Manufactures ganeral&N
•c•rws'of Wood'ond Water-.beers. Pittsbacg,ll, ,
XrEft -- raitr aq:,baraud.l. a
111erchan4 No. t.O Front El butwetut Wood and
kat areas. fotiba.:
` 'Al; W,W.ILLIaLCE, I storm asul I.lntusti.
1 11 y !mg t . stablialmatiffio.. 244 Libeny nevi the
W• Tit•se?4, , I,Viintier,Jewelry t affier - V - 47,
• '••• • Military exrdit, corner of Market andlth
Moly Pin.lbargb. Pa. ti; 8.,--IVatches :and mot*
oustauy repara. =
„ ,4 ' .. .f . ... .
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~- 1786';'''''''":-7.1
IL. mar .yeent
rovira Inef , - HD Dr, Artssda, rtb
- - , oor of Illartet us,4l Ranh sta. . ang2l.
- 1731. leo atet,+nealcrir.yyleau . her !cc,
--_ 4
~~ .
_. . .
I a wasalzalloN, WhotgkmA:aote.,,a,.
1 LT T ../el. 14 P"Cd, /re% Nfillk, era PltU4
UUtef /41:nific re:Orally, I.62 , Llftny a; Pia , ..
rur., W WILB4 Dealer W
lIVI rg , .o2f will - 1 1,1mm* 142:a10.171a tY ,
~ .tee :1. .:1:1 • E.'"
, . ,
.!•. . i ! ~. letkiniti I .T ICyr. - - ----- . , .
1 iIy4LERS. DES.AI 43 . TRE/4/ PT:::','
1 Shoe irtedingo,ae,Wo. LibettY litt,
VII teeeited line SERDIO STOCK Of &.2,
'prising elarrs easoiltoetOterattieleti in Vim hoe. to
'Whte' h the attendee Operetta...l is levee&
, retehts. - it , ~
- ' ts ' JP , MICTIGRZI W :. 15 - 0.,
satts, BOAT au Ears
antes aitove M. MS.& Co,
anal° 4 No. 40Ma - we erect._
e Grocers 18
/11 Cum•
tail onfriiiii.
toanutie ts , st
Lissavaitt4, 4ths,
,i, 5..: ZT .o tana.
' 44111.1 ES Sa zweirarnowsa, co.
TOBACCO 110 1 ,1111 i Ill ytd ilati 111811CH*18;
ridgyVil 7 B4initti.liViume 7. Ivo. 117 SottlVaser al
• tfot to Id= the eada abed dealers ke%erally; of
Jit Pi orgh,giatthiyiattrantede such arttments
'onti the Virgla at
!Ilia ancieterers and the ewers of
.tb#West,Westletlies, and other pleestr, our ; ' rotate
a 4sge,tuttl constant seeplxiof the followiag &sent.
tioalrehTobaceo, which; an,l be sold !Awn 45 at econ
c 401 tong term RA any Other house in t h is 04 or else
wirwelcd antoods ortlercb.fmm them will, be war
ren ted goal to non:Ratan= 'A:
Ilttrana; Sc. Do.d.gqi C. "-; / . -CI
YiN , Popo Rico!. Peon',; goegLeat to-
Collo; IOW; • te'Plocida; ,a,cec;
/14.30—Brarrehts celebrated Armada Sisti Ca -
di4l. with a large assoroacnl of other pooch, br oods,
LIP qualities of pounds,' 45,,85,125, les and,Ms, Lamp;
It th as nod 1.11 Plug; laadtea' Twist; Vits4a Twist,
kc, nacos and plain, isOwhitle and half bes,.wood
ani.dtl e togollterwith ofely,oluiery of, amide belong
4'•- ._ ,JO/11/11R, SAW,: •
.03roiralesign lereilant and POW der,
(IPII " Radical-al' allaadOn Oaid to dm pluttaaing of
o ay ankle of Produce. in this market. 47-aoloino
for Pardin of Goods genarady. Refer to ai.
• - Manna John Eiwatay A Col a c... -
o _, ..hiamin A Rona - well 'neinsiini, O.
' EL C. Parkhurst/Zan.
Lippinten b. Co. _ - •
• ',Rios di Jones, . - I }Pitisborigha , k.
Engilati.* Dratiiti , , --t:dtka
'I ,
C11.70.710k772 -
o,*nialsalosi Ana literwarding 111g,,aahasit,,
NO. 28 Woikti ST., rortuvitolt, ,
ry *TIMM to trost)ott asetterttl Cotozolftion
NJ *any esPee , it in the pateaaap andsalaW Ameri
cas' Ilannlnetnres and Piodutte, and in rearAang and
Con rudthr.Ocas eansigned tp hi. care. ACAgent Car
bl.dantptaa, be 101 l boooottootly toadied with
tho 4 linelpat altielea of Pinstmrgh numfaa . snte at th e
WV/ wholesale prism Ottleta 'and oottitiptouout
iti_emely , 'macho. 007
,G :e 0 Ft G E'A
OLEsAI.x onooscii
trail, Nana. Cotton' Yirns A. Plaiiiburgb
V&lttfanfte - Hea - Agelaqrallyifi
NO. 10 WoOD
R..T. LEECm,
. - hkpoi-terGuidikalerip. Ibreigu and .ThAnestx
laddlery,lhadwart Carriage 'Miming;
proi 133 Wood! it., Pittsburgh; Pa.
TBpatte Waiving his ttpring aapply et Goa., nee
E l l
e ras theaaztulen of Brtlets, CoacteartkeTa aea
ems to hlcatoek.: It has been batightptpan tee
bas tereaa, ham *a burl winces, one tre altertfore
tacit coalldeat ar better ablate adore tuttlifttaucsa to
ill frho tusk layer biz:with a calL zee Meant,
M mastics R Prrytan.
Pi lOU ffecond slreoG2
)112023:deatie, T.
171 - PADiSt
I,D volt 40 de Moeoe P01k.% 20 do Grata Maovens do
ilo :'gocken do; Amu, thstetts, Mattocks and Pichs.
tots klis at Manufacture* prices
rrnsßuito tyntm_ . ; WORKS AND .DifiiirTO
Sonty * ". Micao.
• JOBIEN tglilloo,.
gANUFACTUREAS of spring and blister Medi
Minh meel, meet plough 'who, colich,P4ol,ej
hmelltured ogles, and dcalelis in ,
*lee musings, Gm cquact lamps, oast coach.Gimmitfi
ratify, comer °Mose Prom EA, PrOubtt
• Mb
.71intworaiiiit ihitiriss Goo
POD? .Ylfj a WA 14
. .
f Which readers, onthi wa pore by
F. ; temodag ail ,sabstimecattoutduble to
'Phis Craton Water its 7N. Pork,
lu m 7tte, l iet
herlogack, *ors a Jor 6 & - Qoaft
: r t
Import irabalances, worm, &c. Ttat
laps ease more or 100$ with MI hymn.' ...I n ,
lositmentiblolititcycs *beat mid sharable, and is
aoseitemied with the liscpaienitmea buldeti to other
Pitrefs,as lice cieuhall4 l, 4 o4, bth trhodliorli
th water pipe, by motely, outing Om on h t mti,,
do one *Melo the **Y., By thia cmy moSess,,, the
coy* Of water In chump tad 'all amaattiadocs to
Impareiontortances are sum off almost Aintaraly,
w 7 unscrewing thb iltar. It alto pouitouscs Ms
Lige of tieing a apt. gook, sodas such'ist mazy
ea es will intery coccrehical mid soonomloid.
Dinues be attached whe re there la any pm* high
or isms to stash, utak, tot, ise. with cue. To be M t s
of the skis Age., W. WILSON,
• inetl7 corticiof Potash and Minim nu
LAM hatisecto CatrisT,
Or two hones; built M. Philadelphia by .colebro
r2aanufacturer. This isismizt Is itt era.) respect
eit rehe meets, made Swish the ausichrlmproiro..
aims, lased with blue cloth mad tainted-it superior
attlecol• O*, Bad sold (or soma of au.
I;ir P o rMorket NW mania of the Diamoist,
111 , 1/Nattaiitlntvotlhejaffilfel is respectnatealled to
titheltdcfeillnlC Ca eiMfi
aid". nog: wawa aty of Gold
Weighed by- Asematter, I MA the moth proves
rest instrismaral curvet; tad micometeud Ott* of it
to Piton going to Caltforallu * best veined fey ob
-1,01.11 0 - . 1 ° 14 •"I" lin g , LIME ' 116 Maitaatay.
eV:death, March 9,1801.'5
• Muth:7,lBGL
. 44.0.0*-Dear Sits; lining exasobsed this" Arcs.
ma 'tn. maantlatared at Ibutroonca, Ido tit) humus
to 0 0 1 13aratd ha this this dg flab gatilamatc "b° tie
te Citlllbytdais surds:of. Gold.
tit* aelogotypceet tolhe 54.0 grist
-IYPOllleittdmatit win enable *Shicaturer
Inftucattalairhea gdatuthttati c rii -
Won, no% • U. S.
6ROUND PAPPEIL-40besis GroadtP
Ode sot's!, . : t: WICK & AP"
b •
S t I A 7A -74'41"34PnA4',r.(438 1 g 1NV/Titalrati
V. . I
11. B. CAaNATLA.N.
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Fourth rt.
thetlireell Cherry tatty nod Grant At. otyl.l
Butler, Pe
WILL alms attend to colleen... and all other bon
nesa entrusted to him in Butter and Armstrong
eowica, Pa. Haler to
IL Floyd, Liberty st
Jame,Wallace, do
Morahan do / Pittsburgh
ally Kay & Co, Wood et _ Jan:
T SWFJTZE.It, Attorney at Low, office at at.,
LI . ea:maxim St Charles Howl,. Pittsburgh, will also
attend promptly to Colleetions, to W.hington, Fayette
and Green counts., Pa
Rlankstheli, Bell RE Co, •
Church P. Carothers, Pittsburgh.
1 1 J. HENRY, iptorney Councrllor at he
ILI. Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern oi
and in Indiatia, and in Kentucky, promptly and en
fully attended to. Connotsionee for the State of Poo,,
oylyanin, for taking Deposition, nknowiedgmeni
11.11E11. To— lo n. Wm. BeU & Son, Cubs, ClOirell&
Carothers, Wm. Liam Fiv.. Willoek & Dorm sal
1&Y33 . 9.113021 SSW
DIAW & SEWELL attorney ea Law, Office,.
Smithfield, tictamen 3d and 4th
JOHN T. 0001LB.Art,
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Poorth etreeh bercmau
Southfield end Grant. is.l2-d6tn
WO. H. ROBINSON, Attorney al Law, has re
. moved his office to the Exchange Builaings,
Clatr it., next door to Aldermen Johns.
woo.. & co.,
4 & }Lug)
COME, 41 W.,' =ld Ft Pt Streets.
16111ARTICULAA attention pant to oer RemAl Truk.
Gentlemen can rely upon &tltting their lints and
Caps from oar eetablishruent of the Imo- 1.2.1/0...• and
190.14.2f/lIIP, of the lariSf snap, nutlet the WWI=
Conntry Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are
respectfully blotted to salt and examine our Stock;
we can say with confidence that as regards veal.,
and TILICT, it well not suffer in a convention with any
howw in Philadelphia. fear
CALIF° ANIA IiATS-11f doe water proof
California Hats, twit received and for rale by
'M'CI/RD h. Co.
teb27 corner SO and Wood ate
NITORD & Co will introduce on Stalur
alladay, Maze& :Id, the Sprlng Style of lIATS.
Those in want of neat and sorinttor hat, arcs mane
to Call at coiner of :Ai and IVooil streets. uteri:
S _
tuts now open a sigpply of spung Bonnet Rinholts,
o(mm and tudalsowe styles.
Also, new atyle GO Nem; Lisle Lures and Ede.
Inge Linen Edgings; 'Victoria do; plant. hlostina end
Jaconets, embroidered Swiss Mushits, .kr, be.adra a
large autromnent of Spring tioodsgenerully, at north
east corner Claud Market stroetk.
Wholesale ROOM s no stairs. not
It'll 3 9r.AlM.
to in ninny marl. They, ore often ibtabled
so as to be stalest for • long unto. If tnunedtote use
'could be made of 13.. A. Pabneshhek & &theta
client, and the 'wait! part well triturated, cud the
remedy rubbed In, 11 would glee relict and rue the
pain. No fanner thould hr watrout relebraied
Medicine, an it la auks healing to mint or trust. Pre
pared and told by ,BA FANNESTOCK ft Co,
corner of Wood arid I, sit; alto, corner sth and
Wood. myl7
OlifIAN'S WORM KlLLER—Another prowt
the trinarphant @creels of Morgan Veruttruat
Prrmergou, May 10, 1-.4111
Mr. John D. Morgan.—lf my name to of any n.'
the sager - mg antrm:lndy, iu regard to the salmi
1r .T4. 6 'g:'074 :17AT
came alarmed, and very putt!) no, when I trled
renowned Venhufuge, and astotuabing to tell, o'
them wee delivered of' about fifty worms flatten star he
long, of the mom frlghtful kind, rescrahltog more na
appearance of eels. The other child sea, del.ven
about 15. Thd children ore now doing finely. 0,
may well be proud of your Worm }Drier .
Yours truly Damp halms, Virgin alley
prep;iiiZa 'wholesale and D.
MORGAN, Uraggist, Wood street. one door bolos. Di.
maned alley. mill
• ALLVontirm Crev. yld Wo'd •
!orID. R. E. :tellers, Beam 1141iCied !or some LW, 1540
Woe wull
a cough, which was so severe es ba unfit me Mr my
employment. PrequeoLy mf!er eoughtag, I byre
so moth exhausted. as to beaanged to on dawn
aail" rest Hearing in Mt , good erects Fodor,' by
your Cough Synap, I Concluded to gute it n tnal. and
am happy to say it produced the desired effect in my
cam. After using a one men, abs rough was abated,
and lam nowperfecg well. - lsito Jotomot.
Tku pleasant and pular Comet Syrup t• prepared
and sold by It E Sk.LLERS, 57 Wood street ' , old
also by Druggism gear-ratty in the two tales .d vi
Q;VIM lIERALIFE-Ltlellers' Vit - routbas is the urn
els. Latarstslos, Vs_ Jan. tah
I& J. AL Wilson—Dem. Flirt 'rho slat of Seiler.'
Varkuthage I bought from you some tuue ugo, biumibt
vast short dm, hot for this metbeihe.
San N, J r
Prepared and sold by N E SELLERS, .57 Wood at,
sold aim by Druggist. 'amenity in , ,the two erne.. o&
!lace's Colebralid Remedies;
tPFL JACOB S. ROSE, thesdiseoVercr and sole pro
prietor of these most popular and beneficial mod
os, mad aleo the inventor of the celebrated ins tru
etora for inflating the Lungs, in effecting a core of
Chronic diseases, was I student alit. eminent physi
cian, Doctor Physic, and is a gradmitic of the UM, i •I -
LI of Petat.ylvama. and for hurt yea. since liaa I-reu
engaged in the invesugraton of disease, and the atoll
cation of remedies thereto.
' ,m ills use of Ws inflattng tube, in ...rue.
with hie ph d yineuc Syrup and other of ha retneates,
ho has gaine an aziparalelled eminence in curing
those dreadful and fatal muladma Tubercular
Chacers, Scrofit Rhenuristdn, Asainu,
Fever and Agtm,..Fevers of kmcbt, Chrome Eryitpe
-1., and ail those-obstinate dtseaaespecWtar to femulcs
Indeed every feria of disease vanishes under the use
of his leniedies,io which heir—not by the
age of one compound only, for that is Incompatible
with Phystologleal Law, but by the use of M. rt ine.
dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form
of disease.
Dr. Rose's Tonle Aitiirative Pills, when used or, in
variably acknowledged to be superior to all other. u.
a purganve or liver pal, trausmuch as they have We
bowels perfectly free .from costiveness; as also his
Golden Pills is admitted by the faculty to possess iwe a
ltar properties adapted to female disease., but
satiohed that a bare trail i Sllaie/COl to esiablim what
has been sold in tbe'intride of the most skepueal.
The &Slimed are invited to call upon the agent, and
procure (gratis) one of the Doctor's pamphlets, gg
&detailed semi.' of each remedy and its aroma:ton.
For sale by the foltarwhig agents,ns well an by most
Druggists throughout the roautry:
J Sehoonutaker Pc Co, Sk Wood street, l'lttatiurgii;
J 111Towrisend, druggist, 45 Market et
Lea A Beckham, " near We P.p. Allegheny ray,
Jos Barkley, Darlington, Deaver county, Pa.
Jim Ettnon Valley,
T Adams, Beaver, " " "
_ _
Jarnas: )Expectorant.
&lint, Columbiana co ,C 4, Apr. ltd. Jail.
DR. D. JAYNES: Dann Sur —I feel bound to you
and the afflicted public, to avail myself of dos op
pornmity of grring publicity lodic etuttordinary egrets
of your kpactonint onmyself. Ilasing been allbeicil
air !several yea w
rswith a severe elough, hectic fever
and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed
to linger crat a short but miserable nXll.lxllne, until the
fall of lEGIS, when, beteg more severely attacked, and
having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre
acription• of two of the moot respectable phyanuarm in
the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the
consolation of surviving bat a few days or week, at
fardiest—when the last gleam of hope wan about to
vanish, I bad recoarmended to me your Expectorant--
anti blessed by that Beteg who does WI things in the
ILO of the nlniall-11.111:1 contrary to the axpectations of
my physicians and friend., I was to a few days unwed
from my bed, and vans enabled by the one of a bottle, to
attend to my teuineas, enjoying since better health titan
I had for ten years previous.
Reapectililly gouts, ac., Jas. W. FArn.b
For sale m Pittsburg, at the Pekin Tea Sure% .
Fourth sueet. mare
tOCTINEL'S - eittblitik'TlCKVlNMAfL—The high
j. ly sanatory,, balsamic and tome properties of tau
Vinegar render it fur stipertor to Cologne water for
the ordinary purtroam Of the toilet, aurpansing the lat.
ter in its perturne. It prevents and remove. pimples,
letter and asperity Mine skin,
it refreshes and whim.
the skin, rendering it soft and smooth. It correctx the
clammy and bitter taste of the mouth, Imparting • fresh
and pleasant breath. cleauscs and whiten, the
tat:Moe:al harden, the gams. For all the above pur
poses, it Is and with water In mell proportion es tiny
be found most agreeable. By inhaling it end rubbing
it on the temples, it will remove headache. If appued
Instantly to • bum or bruise, it wdleventually pre ens
mortification It correct emoted air, end guaranue.
from eat:tag:mu It In thrrefore verr• useful fur punning
and perfuming •partments. Fire aide by
R. I. SELLBILS Wholeaale Droggist,
1,7 Wood street, rnumeirelt
Dr. !McLane In Ttaismes.e.
Irian ls to certify that I purchased one vial of Dr
McLane'. Worn: Specific, some two m ont h,
and gave to a 1410 of mine, Rome seven yea s ohs two
killiglaXinti fall, and although the amount may °Nurt
bap, yet I have no doubt but there ~r es upward. of
RTICIMUILLI 10 , 0 M, plumed from him, atenaurthig
om a my quarter of an inch to two Inches long.
nowies Crash Carrol )[O. Tenn, Ike L 7, 1,17 li,l
C! ELL Eni VEOIIO.IOE Itl titoituin..—
Mr. RF Sellarte—Vaar Vennifugc ban cold v,
arid bee, well ',pollen of by wtio hart, abed
IL From the 'meccas attending m e adroolistretion of
your Vertrutege to entry cam. I have Leant ot, I MI
colifident 1 can sell more doting the coming ecaeon
theta 1 did hut. I will tie earl to receive anottirr
ply , 014 07 3 gram. Tours, reepeCtialiy,
IMitract bees letter.) ft. t.1.Aft11.31
PrIIIE mhseriber ADO has removed h .
m. Wholesale Grove
1, ry Store to the <Oilier of Hunrock street and Al.r
-glmnl Wharf`, neat door to the Perry House.
ac•Voll JOHN F. PERS V.
Foreign and Domsatto Liquors.
- A GOOD assortment of Fotelgo and Domeme Li
ll onsrs,always on band tool (Or sale In qua/slues
to sail parelumenr, by
epo.rod anii;blll;7k. F SF.L.4.EILA, Wood
paid by druggist, georrally, rat...burgh nod Al
VVE give souse PUMPS, made m Unproved
sou not to freeze in the coldest weather.
Perim. wanting such articles, are invited to call and
see therdat SCAIPE & ATKIN:Wed.
my2s Ist,Octswen Wood Market sts
CiUNDIDES:-14Rdsil60 t Larl;y do — erred.; eels
kJ Mom, snorted; 6 , Fluseedi hop do; 4do
Dry Pero ea; 66 do Fekthets; 6do (Among to arrive;
for sale by • ttIAIAB thelLti & Co,
Front et
:VITOOL-3 iks Wool; I do Pointers, landing from
yv Lg a All Idueolnd for sale 6y
1116 . JA DA.I.ZELL
_J.LL'~pjtGt~ . XO7
•I ' • I ' MORNING. JUNE 28, 1849
THE coliattnersam heretofore cm= between the
subscribers, in the name of Co le, Burke .
Co., is ibis day dissolved by mutual cense= Mum-
Berke ts Barnes will settle the business pf the con
cern, for winch purpose they ace authorised to use the
name alto. coerce. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The undersigned have*. day associated themselves
in the name of BURKE: & LIAIIN.M., for the purpose
of numufacrunne Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors, &e.
Se., at the stand of the late firm of Constable. Berke
& Co., where they will be pleased to receive the pa
tronage oldie cuslomemof that house and their frienda.
THOMAS h.& lean.
In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke tr, Co,
I With nn re pleasure recommend blesses. Burke b:
Burnes to the confidence of my friends and the public
rpm: partnership of MURPHY Zs LEE Is this day
.I. thessolved by monad consent. The bum neg. of the
late arm will be settled 11. Lee. J. R. MURPHY,
r i
Puts urgh, inn. 30, IE4O. 11. LEE.
Nt ICE--The unde”ilyned Swill continue the Wool
busineV and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods, al
the old stand. IL LEE
In retiring from the firm of Murphy & Lee, I ytke
great pimiento to recommending Mr. Leo to ' the
confidence of my friends and the publte.
Pittsburgh, Jan. 30 .1849. J. IL MURPHY.
T III subecribers have ilia ;Lei associated them- Jt, mlves together for the porpoise of triineeeting a
wholesale and retail Dry Hoods and Groom bnaltm'ar
at No 280 Liberty, opposite Seventh street. under the
style 11111 i firm of BUSIIFIELD Jr. HAYS.
Puttiburgh, January 1,1849.
N hl--ertir old customers and the public are invited
fro give as a call. 1.8
00 ..PARTBIERS1112..
B BCAIFF: and Capt. JA.511. ATKINSON
yy have entered into partnership, under the firm of
SCAIFE & ATKINSON, and avrll carry on the Tin,
Copper. told Sheet Iron Wnrr manufactory.
Also, Ulacksmobing in all its branches, at the old
stand of Win B. Sentra, First street, near Wood.
Particular attention given to steamboat work.
'LAVE M. day assognied.seith Me In the whale
iirocery, Produee and Commiminn business
in y Moihor Jo-mph., under the firm of J.B. DILWORTI
Jnnuary I, IS4a.
•• -
• •
.10—PARTNER8 FIIP—%Vm. Young having th
day aasoentind with hun, John IL lireatie, the len
they will hereafter he eolll.illebeli {Mae, th
firm of Wnt. Young & Co WILLIAM YOUNG,
Por many )our connected with Mew.. WOrry fr.
Put nom, end law Joke Wiley, N. York sold Loudon.)
110010111.-EY !CD norm or
No. 63 Wools reamer,
1 Nearly °mutant: the elt. Charles Hotel /
*dl W
English, French, and German Herres., and
Mneannes. and Newspapers imported to order, penes
which may be ascertained on tippheanon to Mr. L
Caudogues grabs , re ygl
1 , 11 I.—Hints on Public Architecture, prepared. on
behalf of the Balidtng Cononntee of the Smithsonian
Instilutton. by Robert Dale Owen. In large quarto,
elegantly punted, with 113 illustrations in the beet
sive of We art.
11.—Green on Bronchitis. second minion, revised
and enlarged A treetuae on duenties of the air-pay
loges; comprunna an inquiry into the history, causes,
and treatment or th ese atfecuoin of the throat, called
Ilronehtua, Chrome Laryngitis, Clergyman's Sore
Throat, .Se An. Ity Horace Liman, A. M., M. U, rec.
Plates Improved and carefully colored. Royal evo
On tofu, .UOO.
111.—Now ready, the lta edition, revised sod enter
god, alga addsuonal Wawa:son, A Treats. on Lama
seepe Gardening and !Ural Archtseeture
&I Wood street,
For many years ronneeted with Mess:, Witty A
Putnam, anal late John Wiley, New York.
Mr. L.sum returned from the FMmern fines
lJ F....tiLei :
11 1-tfe, In the Woodx, by J. T Ucndlcy , author os
- Vi'aphinron and his Genesils,' . tic
'The Lue said V. soup, of Do %Vitt Clinton, by W.
W. ComporD, audio, of - Bonier IVoriore " mat teed
VENN' HOOKS—A Notary' of NVondorfol Invention.,
JA Mos:rated with numerous ongravirio on Wood,
*rtis Ine.sruaLon, or ptourss of the ,rgts ,J her
Sol by Charles tkertaer. Fort ‘Voy no, Isthmus, antb
an introdur,ory essay, by Mrs Burnet Beecher stows.
Just reed hl JOIINKIVN & Si:X7KTUN.
corner J4l and .%larket au
•••• • • • •
ULLIOTT FLNI:LLSII, \ u•al mreet, between
ath and Dunnond alley, have recetved a iarge
singly Theolupcal and other works, among which
, the followlng, via March:mama Kaaay. and Lit.-
euntaca by heudent Chem la Al!, Law and
tiospel, by u IL Tyng, li D., I.die of De Win Clinton,
-- • ,
Living to , nt° an America, Republican Chnsuanity
by Magoon, Mau Pruneval by Horns, Phrenology and
Mesmerism, by Rey. N. L. Riee. D. !loons., us
Import nod Mode. by 13escheit Nineveh and ns Re
moms, blonnuniun of the 1.41b1e, by M'Faitana Earnest
Mmtstry and Church at Earnest, by J. A. hones; Ed
wards' worts, 4 nolo new estruon, J. NI. Mason's "lOUs
completer Cowper's ' Lane and Worts of Cowper, Me
mory on Mac and Fall of Paporty,• Tarr athnneht Theo!.
ogy, Cycnopedan of Moral and Retnnoas anecdotes,
Fugues :terrain-ex of Popery, Clow; liceenenou Sin
ners, Mb!, Evidences for the People, by J. Curenung;
Modern ,comity, Modern Accomplishments, Haldane
un Itanssno, Ortginal Thoughts on Scripture. by corn,.
now first publorrieth Lae of Pollot, hataral Iltstory on
Kattosnasren, Middle Kungdonts, Lectures on POgrour
Progress, &roam,.
. • .
Di' EX PRF..tit. , --The IWi Dlffietelty, amd r.otne expe
notes of L.tte Irt the platns 01 E.lO, with other A ite•
'neghl , tteorge D. elm:ever, D. D.. with Portra,t ut
author A Iva. cop:es reed and fur We by .
Foy In ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, Ss lb 00 ,, •1
ISOOKR..—The New American Gardener,
1.) by Thomas G Fe..den.
The New Amerman Orebardist, by Wl3l. Kennck.
The Complete Fanner and Rural Econuaust. by Fe.-
Slodern Domestic Cookery, by Vm A Hendemn.
myl4 corner market and Wats
VENN' RELIGIOUS WORKS.—Tlic7hts on Public
IN Prayer. by Samuel Miller. D, L
Thoughts on Family Worship, by notes W Alex
ander Just received by
NEW - DiasKS—Agnes Morns, ut we Heroine 01
Domestic Ltfe.
History of King Mimics the Second, of Englmsd, by
Jacob Abbott. with engravings. Just reed by
yin corner lid and Market sot
I AM ES L. LOCKWOOD, (for runny yeam cottneel
t, ed with Messrs Kiley laud Putnam, and .to John
Wiley, New York and London,) has ettab/mbed
thmkselltag House at Nu. Ca Wood steeet, between 3d
and 4th streets. where cony Ito round a vuluable collee•
AUTHORS, at proton us low as in th e Eastern ewe.. HrENOLISII and CONTINENTAL BOOKS, Re•
VICWIL, Magazines, Newspapers, &e.,tnaported to order.
CIETIES arc e,tutled to yet:rpm Me, books duty free.
(Cr Etuilsola and Amerman Camloimes tarnished grs.
us to all those who desire them, or seta per tam' to
an address
. D. L wall always be happy to exhibit to ladies and
geode Men Iris books and Inman to Stern any l/110111121-
(1011 whims se may possess regarding them. myth
am Remains, wah acount of vim to the
Chu/dean Clint:suns of Kurdt.tan, mad the Vereass, or
Devil Worshippers, and an armory Into the manners
and nets of the ancient Assynans; by Austen Henry
Layard, , D. C. D. Just reed turd for sale by
JAMES 11 LOCKWOOD, Bookseller ..a Imponer
of Foreign Books, alt Wood street, has on hand a
valuable coltection of English and ACll[litllll Books
tat the different departments of Literature, which he
prepared to sell as low as they can be obtained to She
Eastern ewes.
1 - .ltglish and Contmentul Books, Reviews, Maga
zine, and Newspapers, imported to order.
'rhe soiree of any Review 31agazine or Newspaper,
rimy lie amen...wit as empir ,
e...ea to Mr t..
I.rtglirli and Amersean Catalogues lurrushed grass.
Mr. L. intends to visit the Eastern canes to • sew
days and will be happy to execute any orders for
Book., Engravings or Stationery, at a small advance
Nuieveh and Ita RESIIKIna,
with an account of 2 wail to We Lhaldean Chrte
pa of hurdi itan, and the Ycildts, or Devil. Worship
pe and an inquiryinto the matinern and arta of the
ent Aasyrinne, with an introductory letter by D.
Dobintion. V volt, octavo, with about IDJ illustrations.
Choever. Lorintee on the Yalgron`a l`rogreps. 1 vol
Rzno. Pnee reduced in $l,OO.
Cruden s Concordance, condenactl• reduced to 81,50.
Macaulay's Iltstary of England, Harper's new ed,
two vols. nets VO—large print and fine paper, per eol.
75 cents.
licsennts . Ilebrrw and Eturti..ll Lemeon• new ed.
ataproved. ror gale by - It 110111 INS, .
,nyll 4111 v., nest wood
DOOKS' 1 / 1 , 0K14 - --lituon 1,1 Church and Stine, by
I) Rev ki W Noel.
lite Church in nernett., by Rev 1 Angel Jun.',
Advtee to Young Alen, by T 8 Arthur, pit.
1 uung Lathes "
Esruye or Lim—Charles Lando
Eptdenne 171tulern, by Prot Coventry
t•y eloped. a( Mural and Religions Anecdote%
Complete Works of Charlotte 1 - .:ltrabeth, vvire m
slaw by her Itu%beitd. IVole, s To. Illustrated wir e y
race] plume
ire Run ne l Celtlurate rn I Plo, by JudgeTlkornion.
Thu lure F.ziN•dittott to the Pend Se.
Proverb• tur the Peoples ur Illurtratlonu of Praetlrel
t,odlinee% drawn (torn the Uuak of 11(0,doln, Tr'y I. I.
I niver.ity !.noon., by Dr Nlittylarld.
Itib-nrcin ulAletroroloKy, by J I.lrocitlemby, A Al
For !air. by 110PKINS,
. ,
tt , y7 Apollo !knitting, •d MC I
I‘ ,I AN PRINIF.VAI. or The Consutimon and Pritni•
Uve condition at the Duman Being. A contrib..
lion to Tliefrloiwwl Science, by John Harris, D. D
Lectures m lonng Men on various important sub.
lain: by II W Beecher.
Cbarionier Works, complete: a vole, Ithoo.
Tbe worse GI Arthur, uniform ed. 15 vo!s. Joel
reed by myll It liitY/ilNti, 4th st., near wood
Birmingham, [near Pittsburgh,/ ,
Warehouse, Pio. 1137, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
irWILL constantly keep on hand a rood assort
ment of Ware; of our own manufacture, and
soperiorquality. Wholesale and country blot-
Chants aro respectfully invited to call and ez•
ammo tor themselves, as we tee determined to sell
cheaper than has ever before been offered to the put,
I 1 Orders Bent by mail, accompanied by the eaab or
iry reference, art it be promptly at:ended to. null;
_ _ _
ar p anda byzubvdd...•TZ:bP:Z7:2lV
dvs2 & . and by theta accepted, for IMO, dated Al ay
1849, at DO days alter eight, and accepted May 10,
pay•ble to the order of drawers, cod by that
eodoreal to P. C. Shannon who boo notice that pay
ment of the ~me boa heed stopped In the hand* of
John M'F.deo o C.. F n. HICUARDSON.
;urn of Richardaon t Geib.
THIS establishment long and widely known .
being one of the most commodions in the city of
give Balumore, has recently tmdergone •ery eaten
alterutiono and improvement.. An vault new
wing has been added, containing numerous and airy
6' Re in t:l P ir ' d n a rut n and ' t U ltU d t7to b a b th e i g.p r— t..47
reorganized and fitted up in a moot unique,and menu.
fat style. In fact the whole arrangement of the House
has been remodeled, with a aingle eye on the part of
the proprieton tacker. the comfort sod pleasure of
their Guests, and which they confidendy as.. will
chnllenge compionson with any Howl ill the Union.
Their table will alwayo be supplied with ervery Salt
zman] and lamay which the inarket afford., served
tp in a superior style; while in the way of Wines, key
hey will not be mrpassed.
In conclumion the proprietors beg to my, that nothing
will be Jell mdone on their part, ood on the part of their
moisten., to render this Hotel worthy the continued
patronage of their friends and the public generally.
The prices for board have alto been reduced to the
following num:
Laulteal Ordinary, gt,75 per day.
N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al.
ern. be found at the Car and Butexaboas Lending.,
which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free
of charge
CORNY. or MN, LAD ST. 11..1. 1.711310T1011, ?L.
2 The subscriber having assumed the manage,
merit of this long estabinshed and popular Hotel,
respectfully announces 10 Travellers and the
Public generally, that he will be at all times piepared
to accommodate them in all things desirable us a well
regulated Hotel. The House is now being thoroughly
repaired throughout, and new Furniture ridded, and no
pants will be spared to make the Exchange one of the
very he be
in the country.
The undersigned respectflall& solicits a continuance
of the very liberal patronage e House has heretofore
LAA - MITINE noosz,
CORM or 90171711 30 13.217 STILIZErb, PITTNSIMGRI.
ifILTHE subscriber respeetfully annonnees that
he h. now opened his new and excellent Hotel
for the areornmalation of travelers, boarders,
and the rouble generally. The house and furniture
are entirely new, anno painsor expense ave been
spared to render it one of the most comfor h tnble and
pleasant Hotels En the coy
The subsonlrer in determined to deserve, and there
fore when., a share of public patronage.
ortl4-dly JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor.
. _
OPPOSITE lateßank of the Untied States, Plebs
delphi. hi POPE MITCOMLI.,
mar2lf Peetteleuer.
Scrip at Par,
HHKLFSER, at WoodwelV, No. R 1 Third street.
. offer. for oath, en elegant lot ClackertogN Pia
nos. (Basuto at the lowest <cub pure
for Putaborgh,
Allegheny city, and County Sem,: ' They compae
from 6to 7 octave, and were selected by Mr Chick
ming for this mark eL ararmided to be equal
to any 1.11 city, having all Me 'stem. Improvement.,
suet. as circular male, Ede.
Wynn, are invitad to call ravtu. to rch:Laing
elaewhere. and, •Iso, to briug p
wait o them Poore good
odze, proficardonal or otherwise, to Judge of the quali
ty of the shove instrurne nut
- . •
N —Wrr rn guarantees will be given mob each
Plano, entitling the holder to ezehnnge In ease the in
etrutuent be proved to the kart degree imperfect, o
faulty. r
nryl h:
.- -
Hacklett & White,
.I) ll al Y te G oron ° : j ll ( l l e ß re n tratts B' to n the V ir .toot ood s tr eet,
direct from fir.“ hand,
Receiving regular sup lie. or first goods daring the
season, and devoting a large share of their attention
to Eastern Auction aalea, they ran confidently assre
buyers they Will fund it to their interest to exami u ne
their stock.
Just received. large invoLees of uow .tylr Drew
Goode, Fahey Prune, Cassimerea Cloths, Summer
Goode. Leer, Who,' Goad., Ires ' h Linens, Tailors'
Trinuninip lOW brown and bleached Shcrungs of van
ons brands. mood
Modern and Antique Furniture,
s 7, Tuts° Smarr. Prrrsositint.
A large end splerultd , ----,-,-,..e.
et.ortmet o( Flo7l/: arr., ..4 .-:.... ,--.... , i
satiable for Steamboat., ' •-"...--''..,....
llowts sod prmite dwe-
Mors. <Alumna,. on hand and made to order.
The present strict on hand cannot be exceeded by
any memufactory in Inc western country. Persons
Wtshlng to purchase would do well to gi•n me a call,
4a lam delerstuned my (noes shall please. Part of
the stork consists in -
Tete a To Erthret Etaquie;
LOui.. XIV Chairs; Queen Elisabeth chums;
Tea Ith!sel Fran Tables ;
Louts XV Comonoder;
irtw e' li . 'th Nilitfl ' o ' gstily Bedsteads; Pirmo Stunk,
10 ;or. with Plush and Ilair-cloth corers;
50 tilahogany Rotting Chaim
40 dos Parlor do
V 0 - ' , miry do
IS eenne Tables;
in pair Divans, 4 pair pier Tables;
liarsathla top Dressing _relinsi
0 Wardrobe r, Secretaries .111/1 Book r•sra,
2.3 marble top Wash Stands;
4 parr Ottomans;
Bpair fancy Work Sthodz;
A our ; largo assortment of common ebairs and other
Immature ton nonaeto. to mention.
[D , .. Steam Boats famished on the shortest ?r,
anal ou the most masonahle terms n
Chocolate, Cocoa, Ste.
W Haloes Amer.. and French Chocolate, Prepar
d Cocos, Cocoa Paste. Brains. Cocos Shells, ike
lui 141CIrhAll:a am] consumers. wo would purchase
the best product. of Cocoa, h
free from tadultnranon,
rnon. nurrnmus than tea or cod., and in quunty
lel, the subscriber recommends the above timeles s
.intactured binaself, and stamped with Ms na
i me.
kt Bran. and Cocoa Paste s as delicate, palatable,
and salutary drinks for Invalids. convalescents, and
others, axe pronounced by the most eminent physicians
supenor to any other preparations. lilt manufactures
are always on sale, n any quantity, by the most re
spectable grocers o n he etutern clue., and by then
agents, Hawes, Gray & eo., of Boston; Jam. hi Bunce
& co, Hartford, Conn; Hussey & Murray. New York;
Grant k. Stone, Philadelphia Tncimes V Brandise, Bal
timore; and Kelloffg & Bennett., Cmcninatt, Ohio.
WAL nut HAKES., Lkorehester Mass.
For sale by au,g3l BAGALEY Zs SMITH, Agu
Wrought arid Cast Iron Walling.
9rOER aubscribers beg leave to inform the public that
they haVe obtained from the East ell the lam and
famhuomble drug. for Iran Railing, both for houses
and cemeteries Person, wishing to procure hand
some patterns will please tall and examine. and judge
for tb.rmeives. Railing will be formatted at the short
s. notice, and in the butt manner, at the corner of
Craig and Rebecca streeo, Allegheny city.
sugei-dif A. LAMONT & KNOX.
manufactured Tobacco
, 13 v) 35.11(: : y A rl iu t c H , fcyster'• eup7or s7e5L5 Ir;
19 lit do }',oS Ilarwood's ."' 5
21 du do do
',el do do Pend .4 iilliNrooll
14 do J Rob " •' Ifs "
57 hide do
23 do do Wm Dawson
al do T Wright s
37 do fi Anderson
9 do I. T Dade's
5 do R Itlaeott's
0 do Dateltd
Just Imadtg from steamer and parkets, and for sale
by 1144ALD, BLCKNOR Jr, Co,
41 north water st and 10 north wharves,
• Pluludelplan
& Sun's super sweet lb lumps.
75 half b., Webs no ter Old supenor sweeten lumps
36 '• Lawrence Lower 7 Ss
'• Gentry &. Roesler 7 & fsa
Dupont (de la Eute)
" Lawrence Loftier " &Os plug
Just lauding from ateamer, and for role by
41 N water xt and 10 N wbarven,
my3l Ploludelphta
W. as, J. GLENN, book Binders.
WE are still engaged In the oboes 1/1111111C/A, corner
of Wood and Ttord streets, rinstrurgh, where.
we arc prepared to do any work ta our line with des
patch. We attend to our work personally, nod sans
toenail te)!i Lc goren in regard to its neatness and du
Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound rub
rtantsally. Books in number. or old book* bound care.
sully or repaired. Names put on books as, 6lt letter,
nose that hurt work in our lino are Invited to call.
?ricer low. mratf
nALBSKIN 44—.30 lot gentnteirreneh Cult Akins: 1i
h ' ln v s, e ln a t n 't'ne " nn i :n k Lifin A n r s'y ' olll'Z' c r st i ,r l l/I, '" us '
arnica the nuention of knot waken to molted. Just
roved and tor rale by W YOUNG k Co,
143 liberty to
. .
AVING sold our enure stork to C. ll.Gaany, with
a view to doting our old tutness, we hereby uo
hest for lino the patronage of all our (Hondo and roil•
' " '
Pittsburgh, Aug. Ch, IMS.
C IL GRANT, Wholenale Grocer, 0111111111.11.10 n and
Fomenting Merchant, No. II Water et. sum
. .
AA FULTON, 801 l end Brim Fouuder, has re
built and commenced Mamma. at his old Stand,
where be will Le pleuseil to see his old custom
era and friend.
Church, Ste:unbent, and Bella of every sue, from 10
Is 10,000 pounds, east Irma pattern. ofilm mo-iapprov
cd mulcts, and cvarromrd a be of the best material r.
lthueral Water Pampa, COMlleli, Hauling, &a , ture
ther wan every var,cl) ui Bra,. U.tinga, it requaed
roman and flonalted an Um neatest manner.
- . .
A I , a the vole proprietor of Baarier's Ateri-Areti.
- ma !dim, . celebrated for the reduction of
( in machinery. fir Boarn tied Compocttion
can be bridal him at all .1.1.
.ellitg the Printing loiter
paper min thin vicinity, will be at till times well sup
plied with the different sizer of paper of superior quail
y, which we oiler ai the lowest regular pricer.
Any size or quality will be manufactured to order at
short notice. IIIANULIJS SIIEF.,
tut Om corner Penn and Irwin los
jNDIA RI/RISER cLoTiiisci—J out received for the
California Vspeibuon, acomplete naszrtment of
Dom Mauna Clothing. at pricer ranging from 36,50 to
eil,W fur suit iinat, pants and hat. For sale at the
India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood Si
Juer liFreF.lVED—Vhree more of these .0 nenri
celebrated Ilamberili Pianos, used co:latently by
List, 'Milberg and other great performer., together
olds a large assortment of rosewood end niaboiLany,
of my owu maisr.facture. The above lustre:items are
warranted to be perfect in every respect, and will be
sold low for cash. F BLUM+,
deale No 119 Wend at 4d door loon, fah
For California.
. _ . .
'Fru , celebrated illikard Mac Powder, in ker., hall
J. kegs, gannets and cans, for .In by
iebil J t
li-LILLWORTH & Co. II:wood si
bilumpT, Pseent nods A. 6
.202= L1V,1 . ,.V.P.Z.`t°, - °"
raehtS IGO Liberty at
OIL—IO bbl. to i rare v a r .r i d l for asile by
mIII • corner Ltbsny .auct St Clan es
lIIESS " •J AS• 801;VAILD s co,
No. 81 Wood Street,
ArrouLDtho attention of the public to their
TY present stock of Paper lianitlitge, which for va
riety, beauty of funsh,dumbility Ind cheapness, is on
sugared by eery establishment In thethaoll.
Bmdaa a large and fall Resentment of Palm , of 'bat'
0 1 11111:11aanfaatara, they are now receiving a direct im
portation of French and EngllshatyleaorPapoe flung -
Logs, purchased by hir , Leo, Howard, one ogee firm,
now to Europe, conflating of •
Pane= menntletnre-, 18,000 pieces.
London do
Of their own mamelactere they 'hare 1100,CO3pleces
Nall PaParr, and 12,00fe pie= satin gland Window
Messrs its
Jamu Howard & Co. have apared neither
expense nor labor In their endelonsm to rival theorist,
ern wall paper emablinusem is, both in quality of man,
=Mum end variety of pauerni and they aro Warrens
ed in war= the public that they have succeeded:
The whole assortment, foreign and home masa/
tore, will be ante on teems as low as those of east.
ern manufaemrers and neponera. utch2ltdtt
of Pittaburgh. of Philadelphia:
t I
And General Cornmatillifium Itterreharatts
No. 4Z3 Mama Bratira,between 'Eleventh and
, Twelfth eta., PHELIDELPHLL
eTHE subscribers beg leavettepeelfally to acmiaint
their friends and theputlle .that...theYhmeiram
ated themselves W Philadelphia, ..far the purpose of
transacting a General COMlrdlantdi Eintinega, and trust
that long experience In business ritti secure to them
fair patronage.
Mr Particular atteration s
o il begi ven to sales of
Floor and Produce genoranr, and ypurenlons in
the Philadelphia market for Western aecorrat.
REFERENCES—The merchants of Pittsburgh gen.
.rally; Springer & Whftemon , Lehmer & Anderson,
Curonnall, Ohio; H D N./comb & Ben., W B Clubs,
Lewis Ruffner, J. Todd, Louisville, fly.; Crow, Mc
emery & BaJtadale, St Louis, Mo., Hewitt, Norton k
W A Violett, New Orleans, La.; Gill, Galena &
Noyes, lirGregor & Morris, New York; NV R Tlrarap.
eon Zr. Co., Jobs Tiers & Co, Peter Marseall., B
Jones, Deal, Milligan fr.. Bart, Philad'a stpU.lm
ter street—
doe very high back Shell Tuck Combo;
3 " medium
2" low "
21 " ploin high " "
/I " narrow beaded top " "
In " fancy top ktueralo "
•• plain
20 gross cam. Horn; 30 doe shell side, assorted ai
xes; 30 gross com lima Side; 3 dot shell dressing do;
dot 14ufalo do do; 4 do Imitation do do; 5d do best
English Horn; 6 do S S S Brie Ivory, extra .to.; /8 do
S S do do, to boxes; 12 gross 8 hoc do do; I do comb
Cleaners. apl6
W02101]..A FAI.MIY. lONHCA U•IGNA. rd. K. ILA.
(Successors to Hussey, Hanna & Co.)
in Foreign and Domestic Esc/maga, Certificates
of Deposne, Bank Notes, and Specle—Fourth meet,
nearly °pp reeemedm,. the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo
ney deposite—Sight Cheeks for male, and
collections made on nearly all the principal points in
the United States.
The highest premium paid for Foreign and American
Advances made on consignments of Produce, chip
ped FRI.O on liberal terms. .92
Pawns crass-fever extension Tablas, Sofas, Bureaus.,
B oo k C t, lErctits67 Dash.
TEE TABLES far at:manning-every other in
, oration °Ole kind now extant. They can be ex
tended from ten to twenty-five feet, and when closed
the leaves see all contained inside; they are made 10
all sixes and 'Mapes, and are admirably adapted for
Steamboats, Hotels. and largo pnvate families , form
ing when closed a complete centre table.
SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval
uable, particularly to those who wish to econo
mise room and convert a sleeping apartment siu into a
parLor or sitting room, an they can be opened d shut
at conyenienee, end when shut, the bedding is enclos
ed. A great an
in room and rent. All We bed
leads when closed form n beautiful piece of furniture
for a parlor or sitting room.
BOOK CAS neat and useful article for parlor
or drawing room.
WRITING DESKS—For low offices, counting rooms,
and oilier offices; when opened a mast convenient bed
stead. when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone
is visible.
All these nruclee need no recommendation: the
beauty of the whole in, they are warranted not in get
outer repass. it will be for your utterer. to call and
examine the articles, at the manufacturer's .tore, No.
1.1 Third street, Pittsburgh. In addition to the alone
advantages, they are proof aineit baps W WOODWELL.
JAYNE—This certifies, that immediately after
hosing attended my brother, who died of consomptum
in March, PAO, I was taken sick with the Comumption
or Liver Complmit and was reduced en low With the
dams., that for four years I woo livable to attend to
my business.. either at home or •broad, being for the
mom ume confined to my bed. During the above peri
od of time, had expended for medical attendance o
- amount of
~...g.W,lt. ' hilTirm'ee.ei;Lindg m any" ' Te e l ' it ' e benefit therefrom. from.
July, 1643, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Meth.
tine., and have taken them more or lea, ever since,
and behave that It wan by persevering Lei their me,
that I can now truly say that I havecompletely reels.
veved my health. I believe that Jayne's Sanative Pill.
and Expectorant are We best family medicines now In
1 result In Springfield, Otsego county, N.ti., and
carry on a furnace and mattihst MET in that place,
and am not untreated In any manner in ma rale of the
Move um-Mmes. and make this certificate toe the ben
efit of those &filleted. ELIJAH EATON.
Springfield. N. Y., Sept 16 1946. jai
MA NU FACTI; R ED TOBACCO—Thi subsenlier
would call the attention of the city trade and
demerit generally, to the following brands Tobaccos,
in sine, and to eve, which being cts onsignmen di
rer, from mmufarmrent he is enabled to sell at east
ern peaces
I bu R W Crenshaw .ss;
70 t James Madison Ss;
n 1 I " Lanusnine As;
:T3 I " Alsrabeau Sr ;
1H I Putnam As and Ls;
IA I " Roberts tr. Sisson 51;
n I - Oscar Burl As;
" Johns & Lewis Is;
3 Warwick sups I.;
An J
" Henry & am. ss, Is and 9.g
Pitt Mix 'Ponittfry;
JOIIN WRIGIIT & Co., are prepared to !mad Cotton
and Woolen Alacluoory of every destramon, such
es Carding klattonos, Spinning Frames, Speeders,
Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, S—le
Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, &o. r rrought
Iron Shafitno turned; all saes of Cast Iron, Ponies and
Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes,
nod tools of ail tends. Chstings of every description
furtosned on short notice. Patterns made to order for
hill Geartng, Iron Railing, &c. Smartt Pipe for bent-
Inc Factories, Coot Iron Window Sash aud fancy Cas
n. generally Orders left at the Warehouse Of J.
Planter & Co., Liberty street, will have prompt anco
Refer to Blacksteck, Bell R Co., J. IC. Moorehead &
Co , K Warnpr, John Irwin & Sons, Pittsburgh; G.
C. & J It Werner, Strube/mil/a. min
Peem Machine Shop. -
WIG llTlMAN—Manufacturer or all kinds of cote
IX ton and woollen mnchniery, Allegheny city, Pist
The above works being now in full and successful op
erauoit I am prepared to execute orders with dispatch
for all kinds of machinery in my line, such as
picker., spreaders, card., grinding machines, ranways,
drawing frames, speeders, throasuls, lemma, woolen
cants, double or magic, for merchant or connkry work,
mare. Jacks, &c.; alide and hand ladies and tools in gen
eral. All kinds °Caballing made to order, or plans giv
en for gearing factories or mills at rernionable charge.
Reyna ro—Keirnedy, Child, & Co., Blackstock, Kell
CO King, Pennock &Co., Jan. A. Gray.
I . ,,Wpiu'lTZ jar,' T.
Lacttek, I•stween Federal acil Sandusky street•. hey
mc now took mg and are prepared to recetve offer, for
every desertption of vehicles, Couches, ChanotN,
touches, Ruggles, Phmtons, Sec.,
r e., which from their
long erperlence in the mautdbature or the above work,
and the foetid]. they hove , they feel confident they are
enabled to do work on the most reasonable teems with
those wonting articles in their line.
Paying particular attention to the mittenan of mate.
stabs, and havtng none but competent workmen, they
have no beanaUon in 1:711.1Talltillg their work. We
therefore ask the attention of the public to phis
N. B. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the
most reasonable term.
:onongahela Livery Stable.
3.01 k, the large stable on First sr, running through
EA. to Second st, between Wood and Smithfield
sts..hi the rear of the Monongahela House,
with en entirely new snick of Horses and Carriages of
the best quality and latest style.. Horse. kept at hoe..
ty in the best manner. /Fedi),
Patimi Gradscand Galmam Basdary and Prams
['vacua Poles far Ittediaxl and other
P" rrir .
THIS is the only Ic strament of thekind that ever
been presented in this country or Europe for med
ical purposes, and Is the only 000 ever known to man,
by which the gablutio field ran he conveyed to the ha
man eye, the ear, the brain, arm any pane( the body,
either Or tOrOrtny Or internal/_ln • definite gentle
stream, gtream, without, shooks or p with ponfeet natty—
arid often won the ltapptest efiects.
Thin important apparatus la now highly approved of
by many of the most eminent physioiana ar this coon
try and KarOpe, to whore the afflicted and other, wham
it may concerti can be referred. Reference will also
be given to many highly reepeoldrle citizens, who have
been cured by means of this most valnable apparatus
of some of the most Inveterate nervous disorders which
wield not be removed by any other known means.
Among various others, it has been proved to be ad
curably uttered for the care of the following diseases,
nerVeus headache and other diseases of the brain.
It is with this apparatus alone that the operator can
convey the magnetic (Mid with ease and safely to the
aye, to restore eight„ or cure arnaIIIVIIISIS to the ear to
restore beatific ID the tongue and other organs, to w 4
More speech; sod to the various parts of the body, for
the care of chronic rhemastlost, asthma, neuralgia, of
lie doloure., paralysis, or palsy, goat, Chart* Or St.
Vitus dee., epilepsy, weakens, from spouns„ some
diseases peculiar to females, contrantion of the limbs,
lockjaw, eta. ale.
Itmhts for surrounding counties of Western Pa., and
or - lunettes, with the instmment, may be pumhesed, Rod
slue tested for the cum of diseases.
Full matreettens will be glee. the the carton. ehenii•
cal. to be used for milieus diseases, and the best man
ner for operuung for the emu of those diseases will a 4
go be fully explained to the parstumr, and • p.apithot
rut into lus hands expressly for these perpowel
telly prepared by the patentee.'Enquire of
ontl3-4/y it WILLI6M9 , Vine st, Pittsburgh.
a. J. artualutts
V MANUFACTURER, (Awarded the firer and high
eut Medals at the New York, Baltimore and Philadel
phia Exhibition., for the super-softly a his Blinds, with
coarmest conhetence in hia maim ..etnJls, astS the at
tention of purchaser. to rue assortment o fZOO Bands
of narrow and wide slaw, enth fancy and plain Trim
mings, uew melee
colors. Win d owiogr ad
general IlAbortment of Tronspamo arl e e.,
all °Twit:oh he will cob at the Mare. ask prices.
Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look e,qard or new.
DFALRRS SUPPLIED on liberal terms.
The enuene of Allegheny COMMIT revectrally
uvite,l to call before haying c l uelihere"oo.nadeel el
levant nil. Open le ;he vegetate.. mewrowan;
rsortmen."raToMMlGllND SUMMIt GOODS,
we acted with more than atroal etre done; the not fem
week., i.ll the New York stain
and enabraeleg groatyariaty of almost every de
acTiption a 1 the latest and moat fasldenahle style*, one
portion ofit having beam bougatat the EAST
ERN AUCTIONS at a great reduction from the regu
lar rates, we are enabled to offer great lmtueements
Womb buyers, either by whelenU or. retaiL We
would threfore rezpeetfoolly invite the attendee of the
public to e
on Stork, feeling confident of oar ability to
rail buyers inalmost every article they may 'risk in
our line. To the ladies me would especially commend.
onr stock of •
artEtral Dam Stmt, of which we have a very
bagel and beautiful assortment of the latest styles and
most fashionable colors.
Lanni Dais* Goons—Motmlln de Ganes, Poll de
Chegsre, silk, linen and mohair Lames, painted
Lawfis, gingham Lawns. Foulards, new style Bareges,
Eg,giish, French and Scotch Gingham*, linen Ging
ham* in great variety, &a. &e.
GotrameNear style Bonnets, very cheap.
%Mae sato Flowass—Of the latest styles and supe
rim in geniis' , . ~..
Fogssoso—A. very large and handsome stock of Par
asold, of almost every style and quality.
Siums—A fine amtortment of spring and summer
Shawls, of all styles and prices.
PLL,Cu Cusses—a good supply of super French,
English and Au:ivies. Cloths and Cassimeres, to which
we would invite the attention of persons needing such
goods. . .
ALSO—A fell and general supply tit - Shining Checks,
Tlckings, browr, and blenched Mnslw, Table Linens,
Sheotings, Diapers, Camb riot, Drillings, summer Goods
mans , and boys' wear, J teasels, Mulls, Saris., Nan
soaks, Nankins, Prints, Gingharns, Crape, Crape Lace,
Cravuts, Gloves, boyHosie silk Mikis,
Persons 'rutting to yby wh o should call
and 02illOttle one as our prices ire such wto
make it their interest to buy.
ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 Market st,
spfl northwest corner of the Diamond
MASON Is err, hl
No. 50 artet street here,
“, on hand the largest csnety of EMbrotdenes
which they have ever offered. Their assortment con
state in pan of the following goods, no:
185 rich embroidered Muslin Capes, from 01,50 lo 5,80
850 " " Collars c 371 to 81,00
500 crochet Collars, from 371 to 75
350 loco " " Sto 12/
700 ()Impure" " 6.} to 121
150 Jenny Lind " 3.4 to 1,00
162 maim Hanna, " 50 to 1,50
590 pubs muslin Cutfa" al to 621
Also, Mourning CollAta, from lei to
Call at the cheap one price store of A. A. MASON
k. Co, No 60 ftlarket et. 12
N E CIW I L B e.-1/1 8 11_ B Illo A rr e ftr i it L a — s K fu; -LK. mo rning A re
ceived by Flrpress a lot of handsome straw colored,
green and blue Bonnet Ribbons. Also, glossy black
Silks for dresses Vanes, mantillas, &c.
Braes Stut Liem—A large assortment lately recei
tvutra Goo. for dresses—sash as swiss and mull
muslin., Namtooks, &c. Also, embroidered mushn•
for dresses, all at lowest pnces, at northeast corner
Fourth and Market streets,
Wholesale Aroma up stairs. ingl4
R. blussur has now open a tall assortment of u
abase articles, for dresses and sackrt-among the lat
ter are some scarce salon, such as pink, blue, preen,
trx.ktalso, pink, blue , green, and mode color. ot
leon Lawns, tud a large assortment of .3ml:unutter
ed muslin. and Lawns.
W. FL M.s recent purchase is now all received and
open, and persons teeming Dry Goods will do well to
look at his large and fresh stock before purchasing—
at northeast comer 4th and suirket as.
Wholesale Rooms up airs. myd
ArUAoinl lan
mine paper for coloring, Pink Sucers, rienves . of eve
ry term, buds, Ups, and callow., ran be obtained at
E If EATON k Co's TrUnming Store,
apl4 dY Fourth st
MIMBROIDERY—Worsted panerns for Ottomans,
.f 4 Piano Stools, Table Covert, Traveling Rags, onth
a great variety °lsmail patterns. Also, Worsteds of
all - colors and shades, by the pound, ounce, or skein
for strle nod
F 11 EATON k. Co, 62 Fourth st
SECOND BUFFLT—W R Murphy, at northeast ear
nee of 4th and Market streets, has now open his
slumen supply of spnng and summer Goods., and hos a
large assortonent of Dress Goods of newest styles, kid
taple Goods of every kind, all of which will be told
MUSLIN DE I,AIW R Murphy has
Greceived the above scarce and desirable article,
of the fashionable shade; else, Green Savages. epl7
A I. 11118014 al CO,
BO Ms.= draw,
A RE now opening the most extensive and varied
.sorunem of Spring and Summer Goods ever
exhibited in the Western eo.ury, coreptialrig upwards
of Eleven Hundred Cases, purchased to entire pasta
: gee from the manufacturers, importers, and large line
' non soles, by one of the firm residing in New York,
who to comtandy sending on the newest .d most
fashLonabla goods, They name in part
-100 eases rush Spring Print;l 30 cases Si de Lamm
24 Lawns and Muslin. 33 " cotton and linen
120 " blenched Muslimiall Gingherets;
grades, 30 " coSci Mwslins;
40 " iduratig Cheeks and " Bipk. Cotton
domestic Ginghams; ades and wmmee Stuffs
230 " Brown filusfins;
Also cases and packages of Bonnets, Flowers, La
ces, Ribbons,. Silks, Shawl ., Scrag... While Goode,
Millinery Articles, Cloths and Cassimeres, Lth . ens,
story and Glavin. Ad. Ac.
City and country member. will find their stock as
large and destrable as Dump stocks, and an exami
nation of their goods and prides cannot fail to con
vince all that with their undeniable advantages and
fagilines, they can compete wan our EaIMII
This fact has beenclearly demonstrated to hundreds
of their NII/CIIIS who formerly purchased ELL Their
Hock will always be found complete. np7
1 600DS, 1849
V - ENNEDY & SAWYER, comer Wood and Fourth
JCL Street, are now reeeiving direct from first hands,
a large stock of Fancy and Variety Goode, Including
Clocks of every variety, gold and silver Watches,
Jewelry, French Prints, Combs, Hooks and Eyee,
Gloves and Revery, Suspenders, Gun Caps., and all
other articles in their line—all of which having neon
unrelieved personally of the manufacturers cast, do
nng the lasi winter, expressly Inc the Spring trade,
will be sold wholesale at a small advance on cosh
Constantly on hand, all deecrtptions of Loaning Glass
e., of oar own manufacturing, at eastern Prices. mh23
ULON KINSEY'S, 67111erket sores.
- -
lOU prs fine China Vases '
wed, 175 sets twist and
rot velvet coat Buttons; 40 fine velvet Carpet Bags; 20
do do Er,.C. t(nOrdipgi, WO gross fancy silk Buttons,
for dresses; ID dim Neil Brushes, assld; 100 gro fine
Mk Vest Buttons, am‘di WO do do gilt and plated, do;
doz rosewood Hair Brushes; 4 do Waslangtou do,
I do Barber. do, 3 gro Fish Lines; Fish Hooks, Lime
rick, he.
JEWELRY, &c.-50 gold lever Watches; 50 do de=
ached lever Watches; 10 do Lepine do; 10 fine dia
mond Fmger Rings; 1 dos fine gold Vest and Poll
Chains; 2 do do (lizards; Breast Pms, Finger Lags,
Ear Rings, &c.
G &c.-200 do: Ladies Cotton Gloves, ass'al
30U do do Usk, Thread, faecy top, &..c.; 1.0 do gents'
ilk (Roves; 12 do do kul do; 50 do ladies kld, ass'd; 10
do do fancy top silk, s
VARIETY GOC/DS-75 pkgs American Pin.; 31:0
boa Cotton Cords; 75 ps Paper Muslin, 500,10/ ribbed
Percussion Caps; WO gro dress Whalebone do; 100 doz
Ivory Combs; Dressing Combs, Back Comb:, &o. Sc.
F' H. EATON A. CO. are now opening their ti CO. r stock of Trunmings, consistum in part of Man
tilla and Dress Fringes, (imps, black and cold Silk
Laces, black Flounce Lace, Buttons, Bride, Bonnet
Trimmings, gcnts., ladies and cluldren• ploin and !Ml
ey Hosiery, Shirts for men and boss, Combs, Ivory and
other Pan. Yarn, Spool Cotton, Needles, Tape. Hob.
bins, Rine, , ha. Ac.., winch they offer for sale, both
wholesale and retail, at Mir Trimming Storei62 Fourth
street, between Wood and Market +pl4
NEW SPRING GOODS.—A. A. Maxon & Co., Poo.
60 Market street, are now opening 40 crise s . and
ra e w k . a f ,es m o u t mg len it d SPRI h r a GOCt„ , c o ol:pL.l4ing
PrPrune, French ' ettmac e a . : three., Ribbons., Lee::
Silks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, and a general as.ort
[neat of Goods. Inch 27
RECEIVED THIS DAY, Carpeting and Oil Cloths
of the latest and moat approved patthrna, and at
peters to suit purchasers, and cheap as can be pur
chased in any of the Eastern cities, comprising the fol
lowing varieties:—
Extra Royal Velvet Pile Clarpcmg
Aixmimater Carpets; any sox hall rooms or vest
Tapestry do tibulea
Sup Royal Elmssels do Tapestry stair carpets
Extra sup 3 ply do Brussels do do
Superfine do do Cheerio Rags;
Extra cup Ingram do Tolled do
Superfine do do Brussels do
Fine do do Chemile Door mats;
Common do do Tolled do do
4-4, 34 & 1 Tapestry Adeltud do do
Dune. do Sheep akin do ;do
4-4, 3.4 & 1 mid Ve- 1,2-4 Embised Phtto covers
ovum do G-I do Table do
4-4, 3-4 & plain do do 6-4 wool do do
Cotton Ingrain do 6-4 worsted and linen do do
do Venetian do Brass Site Rods
8-4 cotton Drugget; 16-4 wool crumb cloths
111-1 woolen do Stair Linen
6-4 do do 6.4 table do
English Table Oil cloth.; Diaper do
German do do do do Crank
9-4 Floor hi cloths; Room-Drop Napkins;
7-4 do do do Crua.n Plunk,
5-4 do do do Purple do
5-4 do do do Maroon do
4-4 do do do Carpet Biudlng;
Sheet Oil Cloths, of nowTransphit Window Shales
Tapestry patterns, cm to fit
(To the above we are constantly reativini oar Spring
Stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths and Steamboat Prinmungs,
to which we mode the attention of till who iamb to fur.
their houses or steacaboato as we will he able to
offer goods on low as they con be porchithed to the
East, and of the reheat and Ater styles. Call aud ex
amine our stock before purelasitgewhsys. Ware
hoaxer, No 75 Fourth at. mehl3l W.eIsSPCM4I33CF.
The Largest, Clatopess and man Foohionabla &ad
of Goods, adapted to Gentlevort's Spring wed
Sum os> Wear, leju-si ',warms , at
.; .
ritHE rroprteuir of the above establishment would
..,pectfulty inform ins mammas mustoinera don
he has Jiro returned from the R 0524.11 eines with the
most splendid assortment of goods in his line, that was
I over broaght to this city, comprising all that is now
fashlonable, elegant and Cheep at Cloths, Cassinteree,
OW/moans, Drop De Eta, and every description of
cotton, listen and woollen Summer Stuffs; Shiro, Cre.
vats, 'ldles ; Soependers, Zee., of the newest style.;
which, together with his very large and fuhlonable
ruick of ready-made Clothing, he is prepared to offer
at Ins usual low prices.
Country Merchants, Contractors, and all who par
chaser largely, ore particularly invited to call and ex
amine the stock., which is decidedly the largest and
most fashionable in the city, end greet auentiou has
been paid to gm It up suitable to the wholesale trade.
Orders in the Tailoring line executed is the Mast
fashionable manner. and that nothing may be wanting
to ensure the newest and best style of cutting. A gen
denten who hos had great experience in the Eastern
cities, hoe been added te the einabllshlrient.
• atlen
— Drat GOODs.
Dry Goods Jobb•r•,
NO. 99 WOOD STREET—WouId call the attention
of Merchants to their large stock of Domestic
Foreign DRY GOODS, lust receiving from the len.
porters and Alsaubsoturers, and which they will sell
at very low rates for nosh or approved credit.
Our mock is now fall and complete, and well wenn
the ationtion of bayers, as we are determined to sell
at such extremely low mice, as cattaot fad to Make it
a siren indsaadtetr ft r tasrahaatr to male a bill with
11111 ' usbAi
VOL. XVI. NO. 277
Vklfi E ILY at tho 11...Y.LTIMORE,
FtLIL~DF.LPfiIu, 'r
Young MEN to wholesalnitad retail moues, and Other
respectable business, to act as Rook - keepers, Sale.
men. Porter, Bar-Ileepers, Winters, Farmers„Coach
rata, Car Agana, hook and Map Agnate, Collectors,
Overseers in all branches of, bUsinefl, A.C. WC hAlve
at all times it large numbet of good situations on hand, d g ,
tablet pay from WO to 82;000 per annum, Thom to
wult of moan°na of any kind would do well to glee
as a Call, as we have age.s in each of the , Orave ci- r
nes, which will enable us to place every applicant In ^"..`
a sratable simsuron at the shortest nodes. We have a p
large acquammnee an all the above named
hich we trust will comb lc us to give entire W7Wf2,
non to all who may favor US with onalL
TA YLOR s. TA itrAJAN, No. 49 Second sa t
between Booth and Gay.
N. B —Persons living in any part of the U. State;
and seething to obtain a situation In Banknote, or er
ther of the above clue,, will been their want. tolme
dintely attended to by addressing as a line, (post-nerd)
as by to doing they will citthuThou, trou bl e . 0
penile, which they otherwise would incur by comma
to the city, and seeking cotyloyesczn for Shentsuiveo.
Address, TAI LOB & TAY.bIAN,
No. 59 Second street,
Baltimore. Aid
- -
V I the most approved English • pattern, formatted
and recommeaded by iThoma Ankrirell, EK., and a
number of calumet physicians;
being a moat Content.
eat apparatus fur the application or worm or hot wa
ter to the bowels, in ease of cramp, in Cholera. As
every person is subject toituthicht °nimbi, no family
should be without at least one
iu7 First at, between Wood and Market
Improvement In Pianos..
fillif TUB subseribiir is loot receiving an
asiortatent of Pianos from the factory
of {iituuts it Clark, N. V, which for el
eganee of exterior, beauty of finish
and superiority of tone and touch, surpass any thing
! ever brought to taw city. Mr. Clark, of the above
I firm, long and moor favorably known as the Conner
foreman in the celebrated Piano establishment of
ktrondwood, London, has recently imped and per
fected the Pianos of Noting I Clark, N . V., to an ex
tent which, unquestionably, entitles them to the repu
tation of being the very best es well as the cheapest
Pianos to be got In this country. The lot now open
ing, CMOS with the additional recommendation of an
improvement in the style end finish, IplAill makes
them at once the moat elegant and tasty thing ever
brought OUL Them lni,mukeats, together with the
stock on hand, form the most extensive, vaned and de
sirable assortment ever offered here; all of which wtll
be sold at manufacturers prices, and onoccommoda
ting terms. Id 10.PREIL,
et J. W. WoothvelPs, tQ Third et
N. B.—The suboterther lvtll he found at the orare,
house from II to 12 A it., and 4 to 5 P. M.
IL K-, sole Agent for Nunns st Clark
THE aubsenber offere (or sale a large and splendol
rtmont of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac
tion Pianos, with and without Coleman's ttelebrated
Noll. Attachment Thu above nustrumenta are war
ranted to he equal to any manufactured in tbit con
try, and will be sold lower that any brought from the
Emu. F. BLUME, No 112 wood et.
at door above sth
' N. B.—City Senn will be token at par far a few of
he above anewriatent. my 2 Fs B
For Sealy at Par.
ff i llo JOHN 11. aIFLLOR. 91 Wood street,
will lien or Scrip at par, the following
and second hand Pusan,
One elegant rwood 61 octave Pl
ano, made by Baker A Raven, .- -Y.•
Y.• • • . L 323 00
Onedo do 6/ octave ................. .... ... 300 00
One rosewood 6 octave, Coles Zs Co, N. 1".• . ps Si
One do 0 do do
011.3 mahogany li do do nearly new. • WO 02
One du it do Loud •• ts • • 2..* 00
One do fah du Roseubautn • • ---• 100 ISO
One do el do Cessna/I 50 00
One do at do 10 fr, W Norms•-• •• • • 90 00
One do a do Engliah ..• • - ..... •. • 30 00
my 3
• _...._. ...
OMN FORSYTH, Merchant Ta il or, Wto
u roovad
r., T to No. 31 Market street, one door front Second,
Fast aide.
I Thankfhl for past favors, Inc respectfully solicits a
continuance of the patronage of his former customers,
cod likewise the patronage of as many new ones as
are of the right stripe.
Orders in the Tailoring line elevated in the mast
fultihnable manner, and with dispatch.
Also, a fashionable assortment of ready made CM,
'hi fltta "l en 'd .l:;.% h h e m a i Goodoin all Weir •aslntln
always on hand, inch es chins, 80.0616. Collar, Cra
vats, Snooks, Sends, Hosiery, Sespedders„ Pocket
HIDE, Glove., Drawers, Umbrellas, de. &tido.
rt.:--- , ----J , t-„._--7;--:-___-_!--" ,
ligipßiorip: tk r - r , i-21
:,--,_40,. , ',_, ,: • i i i"I I K-44
v.' _ --..---,..-••,,, kii:,..-,- 1
N EMINENT and exp.:fent.' Phymeuin from the
of a "' Cut . firnire on ri ' rCfniptne r sn .W and see Trent ty. "
Ills sces in Buffalo end other lone cities boo
Bo ve proverbial. Ilia charges am e moderate, and his
coves permanenc Old cases of Gleet, Stncture, Sere
fuln, Fluor Albus Rheumatism, Agae, Syphilis, or any
chronic or inveterate cases solicited.
A cure warranted, or eheugn refunded.
Gamma St. Clair street, 2doors from the Bridge.
Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor grow.
N. s.—Dr. A. solicits the won t canes Many disease
in Pittsburgh to call. a • Holly
Manufacturer of Mineral Water Apparatus,
No. 113 North Second st., above Vino,
AN experience of more than twelve yearn lit the
manufactunnirof Mineral Water Apparatus, and
the preparation of Mineral Weleria 80W.0.04 I . o=l.
tains, on nu extensive male, with a scientific and prae
ucal knowledge of of bOtb branches of business, toge
ther with recent lAnprOVereletile to the eorartreetioa of
the Apparatus and the preparing of the AVater, which
he has succeeded in adopung same his omit to Pons,
and after years of close mudy and practical applica
ttons as applied to Me arts in
come and Ctiendsi
ab ...Lb ,. lee
c tive o lt o ecal cc, be . r 1 , /3
.serth elcor a e ho th b l e s , 7blie
most and
complet ure e
Apparatus, for the manufacture of Min
eral Water w Dont. and F 01111.11", that can be fur
malted to het United Stares.
. ••..
He also Batters Maisel( that the ertlargod success be
has met with, and the present extentuve and daily so
rrowing amount of Ms business in both the above de
partments, furnishes Lite most conatneing proof of his
claim to the saperionly of Apparatus over those of all
others, and of the purity and salubrity of the Water
prepared therefrom.
Persont orhn order the Apparatua from a drstance,
may be oast:red ihat Wcrr neuructions ahoy be faithful
ly, utropliod with, and ro packed as to carry safely
either by land ur water to any part of the U. Stab..
To avoid ilinappmfitmem, it it recommended to those
wltti intend supplying the:natives the approaching. con
son, to forward their ordere at as early a. day as eau
hltneral Wider Apparatus, Getthrators, Pumps and
Fountains, uninnietiv I Unth arid Pedestals (or Stands,
Counters and Bars of Hotels, for liteming hydrant
Water, together with Cursing and Tying Machines,
and everyttung appenruntng to the above by. 1.81,
constantly on hand, nod for sale on the lowest terms
for cash, aptsuthotithn
Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water.
THIS in to certify that 1 have am- • '
• voluted Livingston, Roggen & Co; "
Sole Agents for the mde of ironing', • l,•
Potent Dieprahone Pitta,, for :tie cif
lies of Pittsburgh and Allegheny.
for i alter M (Allmon, MY 13roodwai;
N.M 1e,1248.
We have been using one of the above articles at the
office or the Novelty Works Oaf titter ortoutlys, on tool,
.4 feel perfectly soothed thut it is a us:. mammon,
we take pleunure recommending them as a use, '••
fat article to all orbs love pure water. Orders will be I,:
thankfully received and promptly ascent..
octlfl LIVINGSTON, ROG/3EN & Co .
SADPLl\i"l:'itUicgArjeWgP%RlA472Tnthecst•re '
a hi frmai e ad public to
general that
Ihe has the inegent mak of the following nemed art, art'
des of hie awn manufacture In this city—S.ldt., liar- tr i .,
w to maleand Wraps,
of a nd Wraps, ell of which he will Warrant
he bed material and by the beet mech
imien to Allegheny county. Being determined to
tam manufacture. mote:Jung lower than has been here
tomer sold by any nmular establi.hment in the coy,
ae would invite pernun. in need of the above named
mucks tu t vearenouse, No. MI Ltherty street, oppo- ,•
me Seventh. Alan. bonen made to order for inuclo.- •
Oetal,ly G. KER BY.
eIIRE Second Session o: tine institution, under the institution, pore of Mr. and Mr.. ft..., for the present
acalie.e year, will commence on the flint of Ache.- f r;
ry nest, in the mine buildings, No. At Liberty mom.
Arrongemetuo have teen made by which they stall ••,
be able to furiosh young indict latalotcn c9uai w any
IA die Went, for obtaining a thorough Englmh,
vol and Ornamental enormous. A full mom, of Phi- ,t
limplocal and Chem./ Lectme. and he delayer. • •(,.
dung she Winter, illustrated try apparatus. The de-
portment. of Vocal and Imarnmentol Movie Madero
Language., Drawnuj and 1 . ..1g, will each by under j• .•
the core oft competent Professor. By close attention
to ate moral and inteltectual onpramoment of their pals, We the Prinripoln hope to meat a continuation of p
he y
liberal patronage they hove hitherto en,loteii. Par
torn., see r treon.r or apply W the Pnocipuis.
ritoN voeNinty t'ott7sALE.- -- :; 1 / 4 s vll Iron Famr
dry in a flourishing town, with Patterns, Tom.,
Re., ad ready for lmainesa, Da cold osi. uccounnu- •••'.
dalirg terms, or es i•hange for Iron or goods
Thu oiler. an exceitent °yeomanry to a young nom
with small captml w cononclace the trait foundry tm- •
tithe's. Enquire al
lst near Wd street.
- dee&
Semleg Cooking Stove., 111iitgea; &Z. - •
MIVALLACE & CO., Round Church,
earner Liberty sittl l\ ood sure% manialkerare
and offer (or sole Platform, floor and CoOract ro Scales,
of dm most improved yenta), Cooking iriovm,for wood
mid coal; I-4g Stoves et various sises,PaglOr and
common Grates, Hollow Ware, &c. fr.k. They saw,
Menefactore the Kitchen Range, which hes given such
which t he saintfriction to tntwe having it to nen, to 4,1
which they would respectfully in,le the attention of
the musens ate puldie generally. oren-dif
EsATENT SOLA It LA11.1.1 catsostre
JL assortment of Cornet:us*. Co's celebrated mum
teenire, and superior od all others in nse; advt..] to
etweltes, steamboats, faetoties, dwellings, MM.n sod
private halls, and to all other Imes where a dletlp, sale
and brilliant bght ss de arable. Also,(lirandoles, Hall Lontesnm,Camlclaltrit,Globst y
Shades Winks, Chit:tulles, Glum, Tslnhoom , &.. Also,
Gas Ctiandahars, tram ono to foes lights.
dash ryr WILSON, 14 market
'alraraa-takeapar than . vort
r OGAN, WILSON ee CO, Importers and Whoicalla
1/I Dealers to llardworAt i l l :tlery and Saddlery, No
Mt/ Wood street, dove ba. LIM is Store very
Olean and seen ..n. t ,d woe of liezdvrese; lot/anal
Adana the deetute of one. , 4 , El. , : , Per, who
itto determined o sod correlposidlttsiy Jog. ItLerehnnis
tirbo have been lu the habit ageing. Lest, are portico.
Laxly requested to cid' as loot throu g h oar 01000, as
t re confidently balkvo they will save tilde expences:
*eta •
PMED BEEF HOUNDS 4o tierces -Dried ELT(
Ilattnitr, very lino, hurt . ree'd and tor axis o r
at . ' S.ELLEaa4 briCOLSZ