;,! FisiißusgED- 131181WS age- Nu.: worraorw caoZER. Cat - ambAtnittrteutiiti and realm ip Pro4ttea, No.ldatket, Exett kibure, - ! • .7_, 40,tEi 14 IL sznanum BUSHI CELL & HAY% Wholesale" slealefil& D.ty 0000 Groceries Sxl.l; Shoeiasttibureibum-1 faccared wades, &C., / . o.2l[l,LAbeTty , :illitet l :Pall , -. bargit. 110.L. ,7 i I "UM ", ,`" Amos wait ' FLAUI4 & RErlTit, Mains:de and Seutil,Drug Pon, urner or Libetirtad Bt. Cial . i streeui Pia!-; Pa l4 -Mani CrIWITMS,' • r . • IL /1.. iL01173, • BHOWII 1,1 , MEtTSON, Mamie tOrneetsil and Cam:minx/nu &Wettings, No. / 45 ,1Liberq 04, eundmork , ^. - • BEsTpciv& Wholesale Oa. • tail thmaists, atolarr Woodard Oth sts. .16ALRY & tiStITH % Whole ED Wood insect Pitts • .h. 77 - 17fiaMMY &Co., Fo NJ. minion 151.enlannulamol Ungluing:us Spallogidaslo, C 5 01 Works,. & Cq Coach and Hipuo Springs, Spring and Plough 'Brad, d Water and Front streets, Plltsburgy. also, 'deakra tut Coaoh Trimmings and Malleable Outings. oain idt •••• _____ kiRE-aulgefikussmisxfsaficz.___- -.BE !NMI cO. of ,Nonh Ameriea will I tunke4m ael . gt el limited Ingluiare on pro. V31:1, 14 gi a 1r1 i r5, 6 74.ter,t4b7h,.... - . d Rb!triz.'eAr.. bo)f.- Bd. Company are yid] Invested, and-fah/A no avail ablo, land Tor the indemnity all parkas who Nt i rllEl W be'Pr WM, P/ONT, Agent, 4I Water at. • 15311ilDN/TY• ' h.:F;lmiti.Psyy 11=6= Co. ofrOsikolefphia. p/I,,aiaßCTOßß.—Mkarl ma N. &nick.; .Thtnnaallart, , ;Tobias wandrkSarelael Grant, Diallb IL Smith, ;py siehards, Mardetal D. Lewis, Adolpho F.. iData, David S. lhant,Mna Panerson , , , N. BstrearawPreankin. Chines G. Banc Saystary. ; . ~ Canino/ to make ' linsanlnee, perpetual: or limited, tan vier) , degenationlif Napery la loarlitior, catintry, , (/ rates as low as areermaktentudnytecunty. To. Company have esaeryed a large contingent Food, Ghia with than Caldtal altd xrettbutt,ll,kire.lY ifavesi- 01, atlord fatale proythionko the assume , . Thh nandsn( the deep y, on hmaarYlat, 1949, ee 1 iithletheti agreeably ra act of Assembly, W/re /, ,I T ri egNupd , Tr , a.r . .r LOG : ° I ,, K4111,,74 /it .4A M . , A IStoc 61 /Pi ke - i ,STI 25 'l,l , . cub, cy,....... „ 31,w4 r . ' f ' • f of V 9 ti swhe theft Inearytqnfi of cq, a Period 40 ?!. 2 .r., boy 14kre Vint tinwards ofSne ylluon four Mum .w mom *ad Millers, buys by to, thereby atlonlia! etidence /Alio adirludagus ofingaroce, as well a the ability *ad dispbattio • n. to J. GARDINER C meet with prompOF FlN,, tness al liAgenabilities. t, meal y, Ottue.N 13 earner Woodard 3d sts tt 154 11,111 - 1111BiliW,40ChIrCO• Di iii.,IILADEIFLA• ?gaol at Pntsburgh the the Dey. 4 . , • Sante klettallitafelylt r surance Comac of Phal atolelphas. Fireltisks apon .undangs and rchrusflue 11 . ' every desenguau, gad-Swine Braka oft on hulls or ti vor'es of *lads, fak es Dapon the moat favorable : OEc Itt the, Wiiehaise of W. B. ' 4, 16.. & Bra., fan Sy Watersnatz-gnOct in ''"' ri'llb =' . ".1.1. I.l.—Thesnecada a? thif Comps the estab i4•hlntfint. of ihe *MI Multi. city, Ma gm Pnuhin la es aria _lberality with. whkb every elaint apart them Di Inc. has been atklarecylitily wine:int the neat in in VitVo ..ti s unnfulenee.undpatatainle of hilfii.nds sun Mr, e at tarp to the Dalawate. 01. B. bun. ra nos agrany, Whilalt has the addidnail advantages al an on ameCutthe Most finurishing ta Philadel. pi f haying an susiglepaidan csa 4 ll, which by the r oi era an, of Its thane,: tal et/wand inetnasbag, as yi g y ea ch person Insured his doe share of the ROA or !ha companYi without involving km to any "1. ihtrwbatever, and therefore is, possessuy toy Humid principle ditmted of every obahmous fea t**, and in its meat attractive form. , nov4 „7- 10 - 11M7,07 - 01114,11018 - LysiftrAUßßJE: ?PM bannume Coargany'of North Antalya, through A, to duly'buthorixed - Agein i gm snliscribtr, oilers to sm,ke permanent and to mance art papally, in thy city saint viamitf,and an sluaincriti, by the Ca nil inn Rivets.& w i t° Alltnni 0 Collin, . I Charleslt: S.tat'l W. Jones, - i Ambro se,tie, Etavard Smith :' , Jacob hi. a, W A. Brawn, ; , John &NO, J('an White - t 4 Richard Ikr,oad, P, gape , , Wm. Wela_,h Vaunt F. Smith, ' Peonies Bakke., , St Suet Brooks, , u B. Aaiun 3.llhboma, ' ~- ‘ , ARTIIIIII G. COFFIN, Frail. ilareav D. firocmccal4Seab'. This is theablem hnurartee Company in the United Shoes, having teat akszyged m 17144. De charter is pelpetual andfrom Itohigh,manding, lontexpenenee, a.4lelAuts,And amulet:log all risks of 44 .extra, has aatou:•chanyier, it nut ba ,constdereda4 Offering arn- Plf ==t l , Etn;af itwoodater JONES . til ontlFronl inella Pniaburgh. , sosr: SID SUSSOIW/Elt has been appointedligerot pro : tem. Of rep insuraboe Company of Nand. Americo, ant will faarm'Polteief and attend to the other baliney I:41 he Agency, 'at the usarehatue of Atwood, Jones A 'Co . ' apt* - WM. P. JONESilwaser (Ist ._ Awstaaran 'gam & j , Mi Tret i L ti ll/iProll . c and 19.nalangh % M at n, RIVAXIdG &COMIII3 IN, facurred articles, Canal Basta near 7th st. LW/ --...-- itilltiLE WOODSON LIBERTY EIT.,_OITO . Strg THE HEAD OF WOOD, PFOIBBITSWIL - • JEDDIUNDINWILLINfIe ' CONTINITES to . ES Monuments, Herwl Vaults, Tombs, Head`Stones, Modal Pieees,-Cen• tro and Piot To otloreign add donrestio marble, at a retrulat and fan Once. N. B.—lktwitigs or ntentratenta, vatdta,fri. eel, of any desciiption. pLe solicits a altaxtrtf potato patronage, inttt, WIL IL =NMI, .11:141 . 7. 11112qtr!. tiii - GraiiiTtarxerro7...7oa4ssZ7itiv 4. Co.) 'Wholesale Cireeea,.COmesuesion.anst'Yoe. warrhog Merchant., and dialers( In Produeoand Pia burgh Altsouthessrea, No. 37_Woad sr., be weep had %I sweet. octEl Mgl4l4OwEE;r;Ml9liN 1103 IE LlCAOtt.gt FACTOR:Ir,, Htattlil ON ST} A.lo7,tfintrateterm dr. Mail Shining% Checks, 4.0., nFbeeca sue.; city bt Auegbeay.• . L0y1.5.11). LEE, (=censor te. , lllorphy4teLe , e,)Weet Des' er mod Oommiesimi hterehooy for the site AR'ric" Woolens, LAMM oppoeite b ah et. fobli vrm. HELLO, , J. 110C111011, atharmiliztalni , C. 114a..111011, AWN,: wa.a.sza, BALD & 131U01(150% Tobacco Commiantion Met- H 55aets, 41 litnilt Water u, & 16 Non& Wlumes, '• n6s9k-tf ' . -t% wit. r. :carts:. JONES' le Co., Isneeessars to myna, Jane. A Co.) Commas= and ,Parwarding an* ..enents, etentem Pitistangh .Idarndacurded, 0W.% Pet...large, Pa. utc)lso owed Juan % warn mazy, rs., • rateadll DICKEY &,00.071.cdesato Gramm, Caw =lesion Merchants, and dealers in Produce, Nted6o ee, and 107 Front creeds, Pause •• . LOTS B. CANFIEI,I.),IIate a Warren, Okay) Oanunla, J arm laid Potortrain tilesehanwaularholeruda dealer m We-stern Reserve. Chrear - Ilaner, Pat and • Pearl AM, erld..Western 'Produce ienerilly o Waal' treat, between Poollhtleld Rad Wood, Pittsburgh. - AO 10IIN We'lT, (amnesia, to Ewalt Gebbitt.,) Wholesale •llmeel-and. Commiuion Ideramm. dealer 41 Products and l'ibibrughad.ulawarnes, ear ner aloha)), and )land lacers, Fumanti. Pa. j . AniMTB rad:HAIM Ow a the Erna Alpo lltleG'uire,) Merchant Taller, Sr Charles Buddlaga• Ward are. mar Wood Phut, h. JAMES A. UTCHISON, A Ces—Ouccorront H Lewis Hutchison A Co:, Commission Merchants, Ago, :nts.; of the Rd LotdaSteam Sugar Refuter', No. 46 crater and lingrrout streets, Pittsburgh. Ltd gS. ALLWOUTII 1r...C04 Wholesaler tirocety rm. darn and COlllll2ilLikla Mershants, and Agents r the 1L and Poirdat Co. Of N. V., No. 21 Wood it, Pitiab • 1 WIN D. NORD datessle= l l : lual de U er in Dyeetaffs,Parols, Dila, V Ard,No.ll4 Wood street, one doorDouta of Dimond Den Pitts:. PD. 11 ,.; Teams Jr, 4 Co,. tareemor,o3 ,Iclora Dvit) Sbip Chandlers laWater street ;yea OLIN ItlEtaßT: Drlolesale sad Retail aTel a/ in Music and Malicia „Instruments, Sehoolltools, Paper, Slams, Steel Peosi Anil* Printers , Celt% and „ SyorririlY,No:S}Wolad at, Pinibrite . ltrotoga Donght or takerrin tiade. se t p 1. 6. 1 SCINKINMAKEIL & — 4Vboloadel .Druggisti, No. of Wood gout, Plusbar6h. 0101 D. DAVIS, Atteuotiter, cormrdth a.nii Woad streets, Pittsburgh.' • 1 oetS,. pIiNSTON & STODWIDN, 13ooksellers, Printer* . b cud Paper N to anuOszreta, NO. 13 lilarkcl.l4 !ht. lousublotrn liantaan Mira • T tr, IL FLOYD, NVholeisle Graters; Oninuisolon Illerehants, and Dealers in Pro - dace ' Round Unmet frantiaLon Liberty, Wood and dth streets, Pittsburgh, ,_ - • • TAxim -n A r. - arr :,:aVhdlesele Grocer, ere...urban', LI Bloch:int, and- dealer b: Produce and Pitirbtftlt, blarraLueuree No. %Mater at., Plualeugla WAG /sus L .Pirrasuicou, pp.. . - 17 WIMPY, CHILDS & OD Alacturaetneen pr eery jll aupener 4-4 Meta AA , Carpet Chatopotto,t exicials Iron War/u.• L EWI& DM mannfileturers a all at uality, wuehat'lX qou sad NniLsof bee V .0.19 waierand =from sa. t • t • kEI WATER-MA[4J Wholesale ilroder, Forward . log md Comalmon Lterchant , Dealer in psi.: gh Maoufaccorer .d Produce, Nos. 31 Water and 62 Front m ;123, • TUCCILLS JD- Jolla IL HMIS x>esaiEDT & SAWYER, 1-OOHING GLASS Almarocutrera, and Wholesale derdera in foreign and - darnestm Variety Gorais,2 Western merchants, Pednis and others are invited . 0011 Ind GinizaZlO the Osten and quality stout Mach, az with aui present Merensdd rank* fa mandions. Ing and . puschaolug, We thlck wa man offer as peat inducements to buyer. as coq: thei Muss west artist Atomising.' Int. =LUZ, yhiladL memewast, ILLERA. gICKET . BOI.,i , Wholesale tirocers, cud 111. hapotten of Bradrlies,Wines and Begara,lios. Wu mud 1711, corner at Liberty end Irwin streets, Loins JOEL, WG112.1. AL D. JOWL& warm C. vt - eGILLS ta. ROE, Wholeialo Grocers and Comm.s aion Matthews, ;tio. 44 liberty at, Pitubania MUltPliY,•wasort & co, (law Jones, binrylry Co.) WboleialerDealen! Dry Goods, No. '49 Wood street, rittsbuigh. _ suritOr IL .441iX., 5111 C [ r RIC L =CM+ Ktr.CO., Cormumon and Forwarthas Merehants, Watts and. From atc, - Lemma Z and Mar ket au. . ~ land IvI7.6 7 NMtYLLSOI, Partrattand Ml3:naP - Sin. ter. Rama, .tactur. of Yost Office Alley and Fourth deedilit. Meet, entunee on 4dtnenardasket. . Xu A cuArns & SON, No.klarkot sccond , door from corner or Fonnk . , dealers in Fmtlal7 and Osmotic kills of Excluusge, Cernficatuof Napo' , is, Bank Notes and Bikes. Collr-etiorca task on,all kw principal eines throughout km United - Slates: . deel7 ScelihteSPEß, LAtmemate—theire, Foarth ciy . third.door above himkkfie , d, 111:11421 =de. Colv . 7tuhing oral! ?thuthidone eru.lt the gleams! " gales te e fea d li e tate 2ru e l if*' 1, fr.. ocoo.ll. --- 7 - 1E 1 A7 . 411C 7 01i 7 e 7 06 77 , 7- ALE OTITIALUICaSIIIWEON, will ruseard tothoirtithi merit of Diseases Math Eye. 'h. olhaabcen nninged Or this branch of the Evtdli ed professinn fora/teat( yenra, and has conducted an' eslablithinent for ihatrtattuent of Gamma of the ey d - alone tor urvarM ymrt,' On= and rguderna corner of Sandusky at and Strawberry alley, Atreglieay. city. amid EITOSSYL—PIa Yo 9 neat Wood — All curable. of Green an Black Teas, damn/ in wiser, half, 'And Mir m ly l l '" rl/17 ' 0 1 4°%P41 ;. Pr e j,= 4 IfoLIERT OlOOLth, Ahab axle. Grocer, Itectifying It. Molter, dealer hi Necktie, Pittsburgh Monnfaer tares,,and all kinds - of Foreign and 'ltoraestio Windt and Laqoom, Nool 1.11. , eny, - BUCeI. On hand • sal, alga stock: of supalior old Monongahela Whiskey, which will be gold Warier each. jmZS2 10.0501, t *MIMS I. 101120541. ROBINSON en-,Wholesale Grocers, Prodice" and Comas aka Merchants, and ifealetsin hue. 540. fill Liberty el., PittAltnlfell built) DALZ — ErI se Co., Wholesale.,Srotara, jL Commission and forwarding Merchants, dealers' is Prentice nn4 rittaborgh Manuthemres, Ltherty4B. Pittsburgh, Ps. lei% A. CUNNINGHAM, Maio titroClV Dadr: in Pnniann anAhus Pbnign bliinntenctmes, 144 Mercy .; 0124. . - BISMOLDS *UWE, Forwarding. and Coituatiriaa .D Diorama:yr tor .1116 Allegheny River Trade'', doaD era in Groomed, Produro,:aqusiugh AlataiLietardat and Chloride alarm , The highest pricesiin cub, paid at all Unica far Mule rags. Corner of Foam sad train au iarad 1.14 C. TIM IL IZ.GAAL A W3I 7 :IS , 4111 Th, WholesaLe Dealers- lo Foreign ond,Doinestio Dry Goods. N 0.09 1 ,71504 pct Pittsburgh. Deaten 1.70 in Flour Sad Frodoce generally, and Fotioarding and Commission MorctinnO4 Ho. 11J Water st., bare!. E2dITH, BAUALEY la (Id,' Wholesale Grocers Ina Ploduee dealers, Na.:a.lblarkel. tire.als between Bth .6th, North aide, Philadelphia. t001i,.. F. m. ... , riiiiatraale. waits - liihsoiei -4'2 ..9 & NICOLS, Produccand Velment /`J Kalman Kalman Aletchatuay N 0.17 Liberty at, rittabttigb. tv e n n o, Unwed and , Lard ON: . .. • F. 'VON UONNI - 101/ST, & Co., Wholesale Gro• can, Forsimitlni_ Conualssion alai In Pittsburgh *onofiitnuos and Weszera Fro. *see bave removed lollteit new orencbonao,(okl sand) No. dt cot.: of Froni ond.Chancery Lana. not ' TpOTII A COTT, Wboiesato and BOOM, Shoes, Trenks; Casket Asp, ti k tv rner of Ch nod Soilthilol4,lllEshmo pi! ' d'.l2k.WP, Wholesale Graters wad binuia 'ion Merchants, e.ad dealers in ?Wim No, eh ' ood st.„ Pittsburgh. Qom ; & M. MITCHELTREE, Wholeseh, , Bentif/iag Distillery and Wino and Undo, importers of Soda Ash and BAseh. ing Powder, ICAl6olsibeity sweet, Piusberish, MU D. 161C1., norm wean:aim WICK & WCANPLIE I 3S, (atiecosson to L. Wick,} Wholesale Grocerh Forwarding ajtd Cosandssion ICorchants,-ditiders is Iron,Nai4,oll4, Cotton IlarnE, and Pittsburgh Manufactures ganeral&N •c•rws'of Wood'ond Water-.beers. Pittsbacg,ll, , XrEft -- raitr aq:,baraud.l. a 111erchan4 No. t.O Front El butwetut Wood and kat areas. fotiba.: ` 'Al; W,W.ILLIaLCE, I storm asul I.lntusti. 1 11 y !mg t . stablialmatiffio.. 244 Libeny nevi the W• Tit•se?4, , I,Viintier,Jewelry t affier - V - 47, • '••• • Military exrdit, corner of Market andlth Moly Pin.lbargb. Pa. ti; 8.,--IVatches :and mot* oustauy repara. = „ ,4 ' .. .f . ... . ... ' - - • - . ie. • ' ~ ~ , • - ~s ;" ":1:: ---""' • , , .' - ' , . ' ,. , 17 , : , ,.1: -. ',C.. , ::•tr ,, ,'7F• 2 :' , ' , Wear, leju-si ',warms , at WIC D WRY'S CIIRAP CAM! CLOTHING BTOBB, 196 LIBERTY STREET. .; . ritHE rroprteuir of the above establishment would ..,pectfulty inform ins mammas mustoinera don he has Jiro returned from the R 0524.11 eines with the most splendid assortment of goods in his line, that was I over broaght to this city, comprising all that is now fashlonable, elegant and Cheep at Cloths, Cassinteree, OW/moans, Drop De Eta, and every description of cotton, listen and woollen Summer Stuffs; Shiro, Cre. vats, 'ldles ; Soependers, Zee., of the newest style.; which, together with his very large and fuhlonable ruick of ready-made Clothing, he is prepared to offer at Ins usual low prices. Country Merchants, Contractors, and all who par chaser largely, ore particularly invited to call and ex amine the stock., which is decidedly the largest and most fashionable in the city, end greet auentiou has been paid to gm It up suitable to the wholesale trade. Orders in the Tailoring line executed is the Mast fashionable manner. and that nothing may be wanting to ensure the newest and best style of cutting. A gen denten who hos had great experience in the Eastern cities, hoe been added te the einabllshlrient. mchM • atlen — Drat GOODs. SHACKLETT & WHITE. Dry Goods Jobb•r•, NO. 99 WOOD STREET—WouId call the attention of Merchants to their large stock of Domestic Foreign DRY GOODS, lust receiving from the len. porters and Alsaubsoturers, and which they will sell at very low rates for nosh or approved credit. Our mock is now fall and complete, and well wenn the ationtion of bayers, as we are determined to sell at such extremely low mice, as cattaot fad to Make it a siren indsaadtetr ft r tasrahaatr to male a bill with 11111 ' usbAi VOL. XVI. NO. 277 MISCELLANEOUS: WANTED, . Vklfi E ILY at tho 11...Y.LTIMORE, FtLIL~DF.LPfiIu, 'r NEW YORE, ROS roN AND NEW ORLE ORLEANS j ILAL &ND COAIMIS_MON OFTWIL, Young MEN to wholesalnitad retail moues, and Other respectable business, to act as Rook - keepers, Sale. men. Porter, Bar-Ileepers, Winters, Farmers„Coach rata, Car Agana, hook and Map Agnate, Collectors, Overseers in all branches of, bUsinefl, A.C. WC hAlve at all times it large numbet of good situations on hand, d g , tablet pay from WO to 82;000 per annum, Thom to wult of moan°na of any kind would do well to glee as a Call, as we have age.s in each of the , Orave ci- r nes, which will enable us to place every applicant In ^"..` a sratable simsuron at the shortest nodes. We have a p large acquammnee an all the above named hich we trust will comb lc us to give entire W7Wf2, non to all who may favor US with onalL TA YLOR s. TA itrAJAN, No. 49 Second sa t between Booth and Gay. N. B —Persons living in any part of the U. State; and seething to obtain a situation In Banknote, or er ther of the above clue,, will been their want. tolme dintely attended to by addressing as a line, (post-nerd) as by to doing they will citthuThou, trou bl e . 0 penile, which they otherwise would incur by comma to the city, and seeking cotyloyesczn for Shentsuiveo. Address, TAI LOB & TAY.bIAN, No. 59 Second street, Baltimore. Aid RZLIELF FOR CRAMP& - - IA7E ILA V F. ABDOSIINAL WAIMEA:4 inane from - V I the most approved English • pattern, formatted and recommeaded by iThoma Ankrirell, EK., and a number of calumet physicians; being a moat Content. eat apparatus fur the application or worm or hot wa ter to the bowels, in ease of cramp, in Cholera. As every person is subject toituthicht °nimbi, no family should be without at least one SCAIFE A ATKINSON, iu7 First at, between Wood and Market Improvement In Pianos.. fillif TUB subseribiir is loot receiving an asiortatent of Pianos from the factory of {iituuts it Clark, N. V, which for el eganee of exterior, beauty of finish and superiority of tone and touch, surpass any thing ! ever brought to taw city. Mr. Clark, of the above I firm, long and moor favorably known as the Conner foreman in the celebrated Piano establishment of ktrondwood, London, has recently imped and per fected the Pianos of Noting I Clark, N . V., to an ex tent which, unquestionably, entitles them to the repu tation of being the very best es well as the cheapest Pianos to be got In this country. The lot now open ing, CMOS with the additional recommendation of an improvement in the style end finish, IplAill makes them at once the moat elegant and tasty thing ever brought OUL Them lni,mukeats, together with the stock on hand, form the most extensive, vaned and de sirable assortment ever offered here; all of which wtll be sold at manufacturers prices, and onoccommoda ting terms. Id 10.PREIL, et J. W. WoothvelPs, tQ Third et N. B.—The suboterther lvtll he found at the orare, house from II to 12 A it., and 4 to 5 P. M. IL K-, sole Agent for Nunns st Clark CIEE:I2I THE aubsenber offere (or sale a large and splendol rtmont of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Pianos, with and without Coleman's ttelebrated Noll. Attachment Thu above nustrumenta are war ranted to he equal to any manufactured in tbit con try, and will be sold lower that any brought from the Emu. F. BLUME, No 112 wood et. at door above sth ' N. B.—City Senn will be token at par far a few of he above anewriatent. my 2 Fs B For Sealy at Par. ff i llo JOHN 11. aIFLLOR. 91 Wood street, will lien or Scrip at par, the following • lICSV and second hand Pusan, One elegant rwood 61 octave Pl ano, made by Baker A Raven, .- -Y.• Y.• • • . L 323 00 Onedo do 6/ octave ................. .... ... 300 00 One rosewood 6 octave, Coles Zs Co, N. 1".• . ps Si One do 0 do do 011.3 mahogany li do do nearly new. • WO 02 One du it do Loud •• ts • • 2..* 00 One do fah du Roseubautn • • ---• 100 ISO One do el do Cessna/I 50 00 One do at do 10 fr, W Norms•-• •• • • 90 00 One do a do Engliah ..• • - ..... •. • 30 00 my 3 • _...._. ... ItErCIOVA OMN FORSYTH, Merchant Ta il or, Wto u roovad r., T to No. 31 Market street, one door front Second, Fast aide. , I Thankfhl for past favors, Inc respectfully solicits a continuance of the patronage of his former customers, cod likewise the patronage of as many new ones as are of the right stripe. Orders in the Tailoring line elevated in the mast fultihnable manner, and with dispatch. Also, a fashionable assortment of ready made CM, 'hi fltta "l en 'd .l:;.% h h e m a i Goodoin all Weir •aslntln .° always on hand, inch es chins, 80.0616. Collar, Cra vats, Snooks, Sends, Hosiery, Sespedders„ Pocket HIDE, Glove., Drawers, Umbrellas, de. &tido. my2lidain rt.:--- , ----J , t-„._--7;--:-___-_!--" , ligipßiorip: tk r - r , i-21 :,--,_40,. , ',_, ,: • i i i"I I K-44 v.' _ --..---,..-••,,, kii:,..-,- 1 N EMINENT and exp.:fent.' Phymeuin from the of a "' Cut . firnire on ri ' rCfniptne r sn .W and see Trent ty. " Ills sces in Buffalo end other lone cities boo Bo ve proverbial. Ilia charges am e moderate, and his coves permanenc Old cases of Gleet, Stncture, Sere fuln, Fluor Albus Rheumatism, Agae, Syphilis, or any chronic or inveterate cases solicited. A cure warranted, or eheugn refunded. Gamma St. Clair street, 2doors from the Bridge. Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor grow. N. s.—Dr. A. solicits the won t canes Many disease in Pittsburgh to call. a • Holly WLLLLAIII Manufacturer of Mineral Water Apparatus, 14.1 OF 'MIN GeLDILN EAGLE AMID FOVITIALN, No. 113 North Second st., above Vino, PHILADELPHIA. • AN experience of more than twelve yearn lit the manufactunnirof Mineral Water Apparatus, and the preparation of Mineral Weleria 80W.0.04 I . o=l. tains, on nu extensive male, with a scientific and prae ucal knowledge of of bOtb branches of business, toge ther with recent lAnprOVereletile to the eorartreetioa of the Apparatus and the preparing of the AVater, which he has succeeded in adopung same his omit to Pons, and after years of close mudy and practical applica ttons as applied to Me arts in come and Ctiendsi ab ...Lb ,. lee c tive o lt o ecal cc, be . r 1 , /3 .serth elcor a e ho th b l e s , 7blie most and complet ure e Apparatus, for the manufacture of Min eral Water w Dont. and F 01111.11", that can be fur malted to het United Stares. . ••.. He also Batters Maisel( that the ertlargod success be has met with, and the present extentuve and daily so rrowing amount of Ms business in both the above de partments, furnishes Lite most conatneing proof of his claim to the saperionly of Apparatus over those of all others, and of the purity and salubrity of the Water prepared therefrom. Persont orhn order the Apparatua from a drstance, may be oast:red ihat Wcrr neuructions ahoy be faithful ly, utropliod with, and ro packed as to carry safely either by land ur water to any part of the U. Stab.. To avoid ilinappmfitmem, it it recommended to those wltti intend supplying the:natives the approaching. con son, to forward their ordere at as early a. day as eau veldent. hltneral Wider Apparatus, Getthrators, Pumps and Fountains, uninnietiv I Unth arid Pedestals (or Stands, Counters and Bars of Hotels, for liteming hydrant Water, together with Cursing and Tying Machines, and everyttung appenruntng to the above by. 1.81, constantly on hand, nod for sale on the lowest terms for cash, aptsuthotithn Diaphragm Filter, for Hydrant Water. THIS in to certify that 1 have am- • ' • voluted Livingston, Roggen & Co; " Sole Agents for the mde of ironing', • l,• Potent Dieprahone Pitta,, for :tie cif lies of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. JOHN GIBSON, Agent, for i alter M (Allmon, MY 13roodwai; N.M 1e,1248. We have been using one of the above articles at the office or the Novelty Works Oaf titter ortoutlys, on tool, .4 feel perfectly soothed thut it is a us:. mammon, we take pleunure recommending them as a use, '•• fat article to all orbs love pure water. Orders will be I,: thankfully received and promptly ascent.. octlfl LIVINGSTON, ROG/3EN & Co . OKRA W ESTE R.N SADPLl\i"l:'itUicgArjeWgP%RlA472Tnthecst•re ' a hi frmai e ad public to general that Ihe has the inegent mak of the following nemed art, art' des of hie awn manufacture In this city—S.ldt., liar- tr i ., w to maleand Wraps, of a nd Wraps, ell of which he will Warrant he bed material and by the beet mech imien to Allegheny county. Being determined to Bell tam manufacture. mote:Jung lower than has been here tomer sold by any nmular establi.hment in the coy, ae would invite pernun. in need of the above named mucks tu t vearenouse, No. MI Ltherty street, oppo- ,• me Seventh. Alan. bonen made to order for inuclo.- • Oetal,ly G. KER BY. PITTSMRILOR FEMALE •••aa. eIIRE Second Session o: tine institution, under the institution, pore of Mr. and Mr.. ft..., for the present acalie.e year, will commence on the flint of Ache.- f r; ry nest, in the mine buildings, No. At Liberty mom. Arrongemetuo have teen made by which they stall ••, be able to furiosh young indict latalotcn c9uai w any IA die Went, for obtaining a thorough Englmh, vol and Ornamental enormous. A full mom, of Phi- ,t limplocal and Chem./ Lectme. and he delayer. • •(,. dung she Winter, illustrated try apparatus. The de- portment. of Vocal and Imarnmentol Movie Madero Language., Drawnuj and 1 . ..1g, will each by under j• .• the core oft competent Professor. By close attention to ate moral and inteltectual onpramoment of their pals, We the Prinripoln hope to meat a continuation of p he y liberal patronage they hove hitherto en,loteii. Par torn., see r treon.r or apply W the Pnocipuis. AZ-MI • ritoN voeNinty t'ott7sALE.- -- :; 1 / 4 s vll Iron Famr dry in a flourishing town, with Patterns, Tom., Re., ad ready for lmainesa, Da cold osi. uccounnu- •••'. dalirg terms, or es i•hange for Iron or goods Thu oiler. an exceitent °yeomanry to a young nom with small captml w cononclace the trait foundry tm- • tithe's. Enquire al SCAIPH & ATKIN.Kor,r, im lst near Wd street. - dee& Semleg Cooking Stove., 111iitgea; &Z. - • MIVALLACE & CO., Round Church, earner Liberty sittl l\ ood sure% manialkerare and offer (or sole Platform, floor and CoOract ro Scales, of dm most improved yenta), Cooking iriovm,for wood mid coal; I-4g Stoves et various sises,PaglOr and common Grates, Hollow Ware, &c. fr.k. They saw, Menefactore the Kitchen Range, which hes given such which t he saintfriction to tntwe having it to nen, to 4,1 which they would respectfully in,le the attention of the musens ate puldie generally. oren-dif EsATENT SOLA It LA11.1.1 catsostre JL assortment of Cornet:us*. Co's celebrated mum teenire, and superior od all others in nse; advt..] to etweltes, steamboats, faetoties, dwellings, MM.n sod private halls, and to all other Imes where a dletlp, sale and brilliant bght ss de arable. Also,(lirandoles, Hall Lontesnm,Camlclaltrit,Globst y Shades Winks, Chit:tulles, Glum, Tslnhoom , &.. Also, Gas Ctiandahars, tram ono to foes lights. dash ryr WILSON, 14 market 'alraraa-takeapar than . vort r OGAN, WILSON ee CO, Importers and Whoicalla 1/I Dealers to llardworAt i l l :tlery and Saddlery, No Mt/ Wood street, dove ba. LIM is Store very Olean and seen ..n. t ,d woe of liezdvrese; lot/anal Adana the deetute of one. , 4 , El. , : , Per, who itto determined o sod correlposidlttsiy Jog. ItLerehnnis tirbo have been lu the habit ageing. Lest, are portico. Laxly requested to cid' as loot throu g h oar 01000, as t re confidently balkvo they will save tilde expences: *eta • PMED BEEF HOUNDS 4o tierces -Dried ELT( Ilattnitr, very lino, hurt . ree'd and tor axis o r at . ' S.ELLEaa4 briCOLSZ