BY NAG ETIC TELECIRAPH. REPORTED & TELEGRAPHED For the Pittsburgh Daily Gasotts« 1014 Car411:10;i:4;11.1141Alifilig DEFEAT OF THE RUSSIANS IN HUNGAIL'i th Su 'reslts of Tlisrty-Sta - Thousand RIMI-16114 to e ilstagartaris PHILADELPHIA, June 7. By the Europa, which arrived at Boston to day, we learn that letters had been reueived by M. Rothschild, at FranEfori, dated MI L y I7th, which Kate that the Hungarians had totally defeated the-Ruislans, forcing theta to fall black upon Cr& cow. A proclamation from Kossuth ea 3 that 36;000 Russians surrendered. The Austrians are.....fortifrog Vire a. ATTEMPT TO SHOOT THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND' Another pistol has been fired at Queen Victoria, withcor, however, IClliCtinit Any injury. The criminal is a stupid Irishman, who, as the pistol only contained powder, it Is presumed only deeir ed notoriety. Political affairs on the cont.nent exhibit no un provement. - recent elections in France have resulted in favor of the I??zial , ..ta and Red Republicans to a far greater extent than was aritiepsted. They will muster about two hundred and forty strong,against three hundred. The latter number, although di. Tided into revers' parties, bolding views of a di rectly opposite charne'er to each other are all considered friends of order. The funds fell, incon sequence of this recall, 13 pet vent In the French Assembly a debate crone on Hun garian and Roman, affairs which ta described as having bean the most violent ever witnessed In that chamber. Several speakers recommended an immediate declaration of war against Russia and Austria-- This rocommendriuon was finally modified Into reimlntions, drawn up and submiued by General Cavaignac requesting the government to adopt energetic measures for the protection of the inter- and external tnterests of the Republic Although violently opposed, the resolutions passed by a vote of 436 to 186. Nothing has been arranged with regard to a change of MintstrY. The war between the Danes and Prussians continues without nay decided result. There has been no matenal change in the con dition of Roman affairs since the 'eat - dates. Neither the French nor Neapolitan troops hove yet entered Rome; and the Republican Govern ment:has thee isr maintained its ground against the French, Neapolitan, and Spanish forces, at all points. In Germany, insurrections and aoaynoidons every where exist. The Hungarians, in thin unequal contest with Russia and Austria, exhibit no want of courage, hut are ardently engaged in preparing for the desperate struggle. The Emperor of Russia Lets recognized the French Republic, simultaneously with issuing a proclamation, announcing his determination to interfere in the Austrian end Hungarian guttural, in which he speaks of the mission of his "God preserved nation," and in the name of the "Al mighty Leader of Battle. and Lord of Victories," commands his armies to move Forward fir the ex unction of rebellion, and the destruction of evil minded men. • WIHM ERCIA L. Carmic—Owing to a slight depression in the market on the 28th, a reduction of was submitted to, for low and middling quhues: 4j fin Upland and Mobile i 41 for Orleans, continue the ruling nitre. good qualities being less plentiful. CHOLERA IN NEW YORK. New YOll6, Jane ' These were 38 new cases and 19 deaths for th 24 hours ending at noon to-day. PHILADELPHIA MARK EM Flour—There is, if any thing. an increased de mand in the market, and Fleas are a sheuie better thu yeateeday. Sales of 200 bbla at $.1,56ca5i, 52 per bbl. Rye Fleur is active, with sales of 800 bbis it s2,bi per bbL Grata—There is but a moeeratc business doing at previous rater. Provisions—No particular movement is any ar ticle. Money Market—Sales of Penn. dyes at 90e; and of sixes at 99e. Sales of U. S. ma es, '67, at 113 e; U. S sixes, '69, et 114 e, sod U. S. sixes; '56, NEW YORK MARKET Flour—The market has undergone rto since the receipt of the •reamer's news. 4 . Grain—The market is without change. Provisiona—The market is steady at Tarn< r qiotalsone. Money Merkel—Penn • a s's have enionne l o ,l 1 2 per cent. Yoax, .11106 7. P-'lll. Floor—The steamer's news had e decidedly'tr vorable effect upon the market, but as yet there Is no marked change in price. Sslesrto day amount to 5,000 Ws. at yesterday's quotations, vim Sips (434,62 for good western and State brands... Grain--Nothing to doing in Wheat. Holders have put up the market, but buycri do not cleat them. The demand for Corn, for shlpMent, bar been large, and prices, if any thing, ere bettor..— . Sale. of Penn. yellow, and of Southern at 620 per ho; Northern white at 631. otton—Buyers and sellers are awaiting the or ception of their private letters by the steamer. The market is too ed to ive correct quotation. Provisions unsettl The market g fur Pork is artelltanged, either in micas or demand. Money Market—The market at the stee.k Board to day was more active, Government ,seduritier and mate stocks were in good demand, io& prices were Orm. Sales were large. The market wag firm throughout, and several of the fancies show , ed an improvement. Sales of U. S. Treasury mutual 1131. Waxing Wonsts!—Various theories have been start ed relative to the origin of intestinal wallets, and yed the question is a vexed one among msdiral authori nes Of one feet, Lowey., all ore informed, and in which all agree—the fatal nature of tie influence Olt) exert on eloldren. As this season of the goat is one at winch. the onsets of worms are most frequent as well es most dangerous, we take groat plelaure in di. reeling the attetasou of parents to the VerMitnge* hFLAnA It is one of the most eltraorchaeryntasa teams ever introduced to the public, and has never Wed of roeness when tried. For saliSat the Drig Stores throughout the city. mygluitenra Nolte. to Ittoekholderes OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD CO. THE Stockholders of the (MOO and PeIIO,SyIOSILLS Hail Road Company am hereby notified to pay first instalment of Five Dollars per shtuterent or be fore the tab day Of July OCII- The Stockholders residing to Pennsylvatill will pay the Ant instalment to the ?resident of the Company, at the Flamer. Dank of Pittsburgh; theta m Cohan- Mane county, Ohio, to the Tlea,lllllOf 6i Sifelit; and IMPS in Stark, Wayne, and Richland eohnties, to the Dire-MOM residing to those counties. By order of the Board of Director. aryielailartryt6 JO5. J. BROOKS, Treasurer. rro COTTON AND WOOLEN MANDFACTU 1. RERS..--Ifav,sg mode artangements for * con stant supply of FACTORY FINDIPiCIS, leg will sell at tow prices Calf and Sheep Roles Shim, Ltee Lea dm., netters, Reeds, Shuttles, Ilemp'Twlue Treadles' No. 5 to 15 Belt Punches, Wrenches, StriPprog Cards, s fr. c 10 to 15 In; Patent Dresser Brush AN, WIesLSON Werte&' Br, . 'LUCI 120 Wood street, Pittsburgh. /INF. YVILNACE HEARTH, munufaaturad from a and article of Bolivar SKIER Clay, in store and for safe by JONEZ Mr. W. man ufa ct ure the a Hearth Of suns. estallty an for pant eigntegnponttia pronounces it superior to the hearths noyr .11$ rector L___Wayl6 FUILIT-2)1) bushels l'encliek; A , Pica for sale by RIIFS, 1U A'rTql , ' rave --..=:-—, FLAII 4 EXI) - 1 ,4 adz J iisi reckl, 3;4 roefale 11 mi2y }min', nuarlitwl & co 1 - W. Ma PLE4-,...tu Lush for so!. by , .1..• m7+109 V VON DONhIIOFIST tx Co ItITE BEANS—La) WAS for sale low te close c sigeseesta, by RIIEY, AIATTakWS d e m LARD -I b• I lust isO tl - i - rid lot ;jai. by my3l Ansismost; abROZF.R lrE PWU R-1d5.4L tact reed by ' R _ .131 ARMSTRONG & CROZER 13OCICWTS-• 60 dos Mnaeteiyi.Ay., "50 d. N r ie . and small Tub.; pis meld and for .alr b . 22.72 ,, BROWN & COI 113ER T YBON nvesjoldll-Vc hall 614 KaaS4U It - frot„„„,„ ~ „ 0 -. i by. W Il Gren. Ws, 4 caeca tilsriose, ~,, ~ d ..4 (or ..1. by inyAl BROWN a 1air24114T844N 'W( ------R--.)114.1,14.4) pounds of Wool, *SPICA by P b. W lIARBAUGII. F IST 5.1 Water mod Ib4 Yroni .1 FISIT--.55-KleNe I timed Slied; SI . do 'N o c ro c o ~ 11.meg, lle do No t Macterel; :o do N. d llsb iest received .md for ode by my3o BROWN & CIII.BERTSON YTA:4II-oteSli, landing (Voin i,T, Nelson, .41 for .ale by JAP. Dakt•ZELL, uty3n 24 Winer st rOIPIN PiNbl—Por sate, azerilein - Lightning Biel ,PM '..°. P l ' "" 'h I . r riet Bil Also. Gold and SAVO( WOW OS 111 61 , 10 a y, • vet. o J.,,,,,,.1,,, L a mps, Girstelbles, Table and Pocket entlery, Military thsoiltivecTintroZ,uve, rte. yip corner 4th and Market Ma WiraNl/Gah.S.--L•trv.Tangla otrareisfa—and Pulverized Pagers, rust nee` d and for sale by the bbl or at relail at the Pekin 'Pea More, 711 Fourth st. Ihll//Mlfak oche, A triese,.lova, Lawny St paaaaga md Coffee:Oust ree'd and for .ate at the Pekin Taii Store, toL t r .TaiNti ANu FIO .ieth DZa Pn." Ja• ma, sad CO mall drains Ire rip, tea received sad, fat sale as the Pekin Tea Store, 7 . 0 1.04-nh o.°oo .A7Dra • COMMERCIAL RECORD. PORT OF PITTSBURGH LOCAL MATTERS. 1t49 I ALMANAC. NAY i3aturday, Sunday, 4 51onday, 5 Tuesday, 6 Wednesdy, 7 Thursday, 8 Friday, PITTSBURGH BOARD OW TII.ADY COMMITTEE FOR JUNE. 1 CMZOTITS¢B. VI a. 1111.4 B MOVEMENTS OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS Crannu Lila—Saila (or America America, Shannon, for Boston, May 24. hang; (or New York, May 31 F11(kli A. 1111..., You ECROPIt Celedonia, heneh, from Bolton. June 6 Niagaru, fly ne, from New York, June 11 Europa, hott, from Boston, June 'XI Cambria, Shannon, from New York, June 21. Amer rca, Harrison, from Boston, July 4 1' S. Malt lase P. PorTILI.WPTOX AND Banns FROM NEW YORK. The Hermann, Ca t. Crabtree, on the 20th June. The Washington. Capt. G. W. Floyd, on •Akh July. FROM BREMEN. The Weatungton, on the 15th June . The Hermann on the 15th July . FROM SOUTHAMPTON The NYtwhington, on the 511th June. The licrtnonn, on the 2.lith July. Ovr, Prresemnon Gazorts Friday alurndig, June n. 1y49. I The general heavy rain which fell nearly the whole ay, yeaterday, brought every thing lo a complete FLOUR eonnnoes to am .< Pretty tut owing to the wirmuney oi the weather, yesterday, hut hide WaS done Sep. way of brat hood operations The role sale we heard of at the river was NU bbls 01 rather extra. brand of 01). Floor al 51,60 4 , bbl \\'e onth homed sale, troth stole at 53,65083.75 • • • COR NIF.A I.—ls to topirrate deistaml. utak sales stool' lots at 142 ie bbl, for kiln dried. (:RAIN—Sale , of Corn in moderate lot. from store et 37e, and front brit hands at 34ff3he Y bu. Sale. of Oslo at the over at 314a..te f bu. Moderate sales of of Barley at 3Sc Ybu Nothing doing An Whitt. or Rye GROCERIF2—Every stung under thts Lead refuron• fir last quoted rates Sugar 5051, tr7o 4. o Coffee 71 , 498 e, and Rice at 4105 c, tn casks PROVISIONS—Eaceptt ng Bacon, •ery hole is do in; under this head. Bacon is quite active at our las t quoted rates, and prices remain eery firm Very lade is doing ia Lard and Butter, and prices are without change OILS—We Lear of no sales to any large extent, Last we any quote the market firm, at the tollowing figures. Castor Oil 51.50DE1,55; Luated tide; Lard 57015'b, and Tayiner's ml at SIGOBI libl, —_ - • net Box. or Comtism - Y.—The. Directors of the Nev. York Bank of Commerce, loitfe passed • rasoluttot that they will Issue no notes after the 3lst of (Jambe next, nor any kind of paper credits to el rcuiole no nay. This if in view of the credits of the State e.tllon goiag into operotion the Ist Cl Januar Finkrendcnng personally hankfor the debts of th !rink all stockholders, to the amount of lbw stock, all banks issuing etreulanng notem.--[ Albany Atlas list.rtSioss., June 4.1.1 P Cottle—The supply of Beeves et the males lo dor was smalland prices deefined. which wee oecomoned by the offertng of an znfenor quoin) , of second crop cattle. Those of a better quality were all sold at the Upper figures. The offerings reached 250 bead, of which %Ir.! were sold to coy butchers. and 4. were left over unsold. Pners ranged from Sit,O2i to 54.50 on the hoof, equal to .5.5,25a458,75 net, and overoging Lel groan. 1 . 11 0 . , -- 25 Tb , aaLk et vra, exceedingly dull We quo f. tiamodox, fileY 30. 1519 At market during the *week tochofing Its left over from Lai, week, Su Beef Cattle. en Sheep and Lunt,* and 109:5 Swam. Beef Cattle—Prtrea—Extra, 157.50, first qualtty seond, 5.G.,59', third 85,75. Sneep—Priee.-014 820E.2.90, attd Wltts t o yeah,. Lambs-8.,5108 7 , • . 5 . Swine—Pewee—At wholesale 4191:*.1e, *elected lot 4ifftsfe. Bptr/t of theDamostle Market. ST. 1.01 . 1.., May 2.9, I —la The neer is rising s and the le sire is in the most crowd ed condition imugtunlile. Receipts of produce eon.- ne liberal, with but few changes deserving of portico an mince. Hetrip—WlM a fair supply, sales to day reach fie) bales, tit lots, common to prime, front SIM to to Ultin tan. Lead—Sale of TO pLgs (lop.' Mines to arylve at 54 none on the landtng to 1111.1 , POW-1.1 CS to 005 of 555 bids iiurittlo.o Cut; Mill of SI. and 150 blots gtkod upprr Plissottopp, brand at 5: 95; MO bids second brand ray, yesterday, at 54 and choler- -ample with sales of betwronn 21,00 and ?Lust sacks or omit ranging from GU 4 -17 c lin—sacks returned Corn—Sales to day of bags-4:9 and 476 at and 700 at :Pic —note trunruc• included. -Salt , et :1-atletc -ettek4 included .earleV -Market very dull, end no sales reported Frovt.tons—No mpqrtant sett , of erther pork or lard id with the r set tenet ot one lot 01 pork, the levee t‘ oiart of laith. • Bacon—Solos nt W<ski principally Thasourt river rorotin loth. :•411oulders at 303 i. ribbed sidct at 44 ta 41, clear *Wen 41. rood to choice hams 41050. and a tow elks chine , eliy eurc,l ham. at 514 Dry iildea—Sali 4 at 711997;e. j Rep Nato 01.1.hatths. May 1049 Stiles of Cotton on Saturday, confined to about 100 0 baldh—parties awitiung the Caledonia's vino.; of So gar", 130 hhda hhdt, at preen,. ra te,te of Molaawa, 950 htils,7intitorn clam ge in prices: Ttac. hhda Admitted, atv.l led Refuted. oa private Irony. :at Admit -0 al—, Admitted at til• 2at6, 1 at GI, and lat 4i. 'and Adinatted. and 9 Retusad .G, of Floor, confin fl to a few small lon, includtng 1110 St Laub, at fl at 44,90, rind 110 choice at ti11.114-o . tailing at 14. .1054,95 gut . Illinois, 1947.71 9994• for s4Cond st Lou - Is, and 55,1214455;4 for choler, of Corti. WS , tacit white. yellow and mired, wlthoot inspection, (070 and 150151 Mk—Markel nearly bore. of Port. eh 1.60 prone (71 and 411 at nod 1 prime hiest at tit , ...9i—Nlrns rctanhog to en/.50, mod Prune at 9,50. 01 Boron. co, fined to retail transiscoona pr e tai rae., Co Lard, 37 bids at Ge, and 191 0161—keg+ retail mit at 7. CO TON A fiD TOIIACCO STATF.NI ENT Cotton • hale 1-151 Stock on bond Ist Sept 1545, 37.401 Renamed month Pent 51.7 tad do do October, 161,2 v do do Spvember, 116,60: I.LJ du December, 153 WI do do Jan., lain, 144,4 a, do do February, 166.114 du do Alarch, I 7Y,Ctel do do April, 1111,‘,1. do on Ist to 4G.h May, 51,150 do on 2rel •nd ./1111 May. Fsported 4GW /day 19490 IE4 da rreviou,ly 1,0'9,CN1-1,00- 590 41.003 —21,1,1 BMW ...... OM AND floNe —Tile Imports of Sperm and NVltale I nod Whalebone inio Me United States, for the week ding May .4 , 111. were as follow.: 13141 s sp. libls orb. lb tone 20 I'4h 35.001) ELI 0.0410 07.10.1, New Bedford vamngua, From Jan. t to dm, Navy BEDFORD, May ke, tele Pparte . deinand, and the lei...yahoos of Abe week Indicate an advance, milesof WO Lb. at lOU, 120 U bid. at 10t, and bbl. eta mac below the laar price. Whale—Thece was a filar demand in the latter part of the week; and axles to the extent ot lilt were made in • Conker advance; sznee which the market it. become inazuve, owing to • demand for higher roles by holders. The transactions include cargoes of :ohm bbls at We; 1400 tibia at :17e, and a lot of lon fills, dark N W Coast, at 36, cloth halebono—No transactions —(Ski?. Lint. Wont:a—As this is the reason of the year when worms are most formtdatile among children,ffie ri etors of APlgtoes Vermsfuge beg s leave to ca pr ll u op pon pvents, soltmung their lineation to its virtues for 1110 Felling of them annoytng and °L an fond enemies oi children. Their Invention Is by a phy,irian ot arced experience to Virginia, sod cam!' Usinq It for several years to law own practice, and finding its sorter r en universal, ha has been Induced at last to offer it to the pablieas a cheap but certain and excellent medic. ne Call and purehue et tha Drug store ol mytvlivr. J. KIDD tr. CO - - To ma Aerate ran.—To those affneted with That dreadful scourge to America, the Liver complaint. the proprietors 'of I,ll,artet• fryer POI. are happy to of. fer this remedy, m alOl, 00 Colnplete and safe. It has been tried often in allarts ol the eountry, It ham beast u sed in the practice of the most eminent physicians, and always with triumphant success. In offering these Pills to the pa 1..., the proprietors areactuated by • desire to alleviate human suffering, and offer a remedy for one of the inbst terrible disemes, which shall be within the easy reach of all. Fur sale at the drug Int. of my2l:dtall , 1 KIDD k. Co M'lssashi atone Vmattruo&The following •rde shows at once the demand for and the excellence this great medicine. CertiSeates have been so multi plied in favor of thi• Vernal:lgs, that we consider unnecessary to add any more. Tom. July Reth.D.47 "I. Kidd It Co—The Vertnifuge left tm on sale min time ago by your agen t . is all sold. It sells very oidly, anti foam great satisfaction. As we are emir I; out of the article, and havlng frequent mills fur I you win please send us some imMediate. C. A. ly. MORRIS & Cm - or saki at the Drug Store of 1 KIDD &Co my • TITPRION Cliabs FLCIO —An ankle in• dispensable for the toilet Its virtues are truly a•ion. irking, completely coring baldness, and cresting • fresh and rigorous growth of hair Otto ban a rte tendency in restoring la the hair to sis pristine Color, wh l en Frown grey from other causes than old ' n o r,: i l o bZ,"<sh'in"p"ge'rv"e s tls w o i r l i l kin tc2b :or te lLga n rVl and scurf, so detrimental to the growth of the h wr, are completely &sir I)Cii by to uppiteutton,w We a brigh y a ii4berionfal lustre w giveby no use. It w Wee Irmo all 111JUM•1141 nip.unds, • pr [wed f r p. vouctable., and may be used with die greatest safety. and the conviction that it will prove truly bent efietui. Fur by L. WILOOX. corner of the Thu:nand and Market and comer of Smithfield and Fourth sts. myt.Mdfiteod The PATAPSCO FEMALE INSTITUTE. tot SILLS Irsom,.!_ixri,,,,TOFFlCE. ELLICOTT'S MILLS (MD.) P os t-OFFICE. =Matt ma 1011CC210, o 9 Era. Linos.lsa Ph•lps, itlllli/Ufi by starry able Professors and' eachers, h WILLS nt:rnae:b'VatralV.l.lclre7tncrthitigtr the.ew year c•tt he accomutalated ourtng the ••r a %ion with board at the Institute, under pr o C.V. , , - •sson or instruation. Term. , ;Nu, For boar d a'. ad risecnaries connected with It, and for .Euglish educa tion for the scholutio year of forty•four wee" A complishments,Lngaaaes, tic., with board in vace• bo, tilt. charges. For bealtidadue. of location, (satiated tn a high and salubrious region s beauty of napery, and factory of access for olivellars, the Patapsco Institute Is anent , putted. That its adirantagel for bestowing a liberal sad seettatplishedh educatitin ato apprectated by the pablie,is tally d suo m us i trat i el=l: it aiii a resent Pill, ARRRIV ED. Michigan No 2, Gibson, Beaver. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Murdock. Wellsville. Lake Erie, Gordon. Beaver. Beaver, Clark, Beaver. Z Taylor, Lucca, Cincinnati. Oriental, Butcher, St. Lady Byron, -- Portsmouth. Allegheny Clipper, Abrams, Beaver DEPARTED Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver. Baltic Jacob, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Louis MeLtne, Bennett, Brownsville Lake Erie, Gordon, Peeve, Lowell, Dexter, Zanesville. Peru, Calhoun, Sunfish. Genesee, Moore, Cincinnati. Artsdne, - Brownsville. James Nelson, Moore. Wheeling 4 31 4 11 4 :pi 430 4:w 4 • 4 ..0/ Tot Rtes.—There were .4 feet 2 inches in the stable, Myers Barker, hod permitted Hobbs to es. channel, by pier mark, last evening at dus k, and cape whfn arrested, whereas,we understand, that at a stand. the Alderman before whom he was taken, did not think the charge preferred against tiobbs—assault and battery—was one of saffieient weighs to Joule fy him in lining him over. A lawyer who was in the office, advised her not to mind the Despatch, though the article referred to was bleiiious, and refused to undertake the ease. , The woman ieft the office, vowing vengeance ago net Col. Foster and threattng to brunt; the suit before conic other Magistrate. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAN. Brownsville Packets, 5 A. M. and 4 I'. M. Beaver Packets, 10 A. M. and 4 P M St. Louis—Deacon. Hocklogport— ohm. Cincinnati—l. Q. Adams D. Leech Sc co'a, packet line 9 l' lIIPORTS BY RIVER. , .1 rIENDED D1“,43 c 7 —John McFarland appeared - t ;\ CINN All —per 'Zachary To N lor - I 01, i ts, I ' pig. Msker 4 Forsyzli. 'A/ hhds lineon, 41 id.:• do ~ri yesterday before Alderman Park inson,of the Frail la • estulle,l):: , roll. spun hogs lur, 11 ii6l. hustle, Ward, and complaored that the keeper of his ilar bis Lacun a D Leech A . em. Ulll, 1”1111.• IV Bow CB , Idols tot). :', Ire. haul..? tod. do. I pork , hoarding house, lames Murphy, had nou - noted 1 hos Wok*, ado drY Aac , •. il '' ..l ''' ''' 'lea n. '''' an assault and batten' upon ins person. loth hams. r li t.reod.lo ads sugsr, .1, r lo R., ' i sms, O no ~,ies; lii o rs dry bort, , t ,. tiers & •.,do .. l'Av patties are Isom the Emerald late, and McFarland's 1,1,1 s whiskey, It Moore. '.'', rld do al Mn Al i k is..o do doSoriplioo of the assault, and the nations that led do, lan : , .0011 --• to it. was rather ludicrous lie said that ho had -. • _ _ IUtRTSNICPI7II - Per Lady Byroe—:}. , m , lug me , . '`. ^ --- a , . NI Allen & co. lOU lihls whiskey. Clark & llisw.L. boon ~,,,g hue f i f floor. aid o oboe of Iwo/ wo , h a bls Geo ,th & co. 1 hid. lard. .P. hints ha con. I corn she ..rtulter, J Sly Paden & co. nu 1,1 o, la handed to tom which he vain endeavored to Ntillar & HAekri.on. It: kcs ...age ..loor..:"11.1. ha o, tuasitcate. - Ile Jebel - a, se. Ito Murphy, lee I H (grad A. o; 2 I,tos halos. i.g. lard. I 1.. W.lOl W Bolghato VI blds dal,,d, ( i MoCague. I L,os mdse. H quart thought about this beet. What is ti, aes he' T l ''''' ." tubule '''' " ''''''' k r°•"'"' '"''— " 1 . 0, th.Ln i . so, I. wloch is the coldest, the beef Leecit a co, Ili I tons tug metal. NI \h., & , 0 or VOll.. lie then illnipad at McFarland nod . 1.111 on n part not 10 Oe Wiled to r a ll \HOC 01, A TE, COCOA AND DENIM A Raker Brow.. No Chovolate and Coco. also, Scion. polite 1111E11 he oily larked him Into the streo ` wer‘ '‘"‘" """''' '" anA lu ` " 4. Murphy war bound over to stand ht. Mot at tt Pekin 'l'ea Store, Fourrh ru y. 2.1 next wanton of the churl Sl' l''s TURPENTINE - 1u libls Rm. To IT , IIIII, rust rertived and ior sale 1, MoCoe'n Orrice, Pataburgli. June 7th —Three myth BRAUN ok. REITER r ip ,o r ioN _. roor , i „,,„ prime ti o ',.,„, hie round. rill -1 e.t . a were brought lu-firre the Mayor et the morn - D alai to wile tiy iiirg• WICK k kl CAN l)1.1.1.. ing Watch 1'0 , 101,10 day, itemised of drhukenness i '1_1..C ., , , -37.; loon syy . ,l yore, just Trek' and tor .alt and disorderly conduct. The only case of any 13 by toydt 11 fr " HA R 1 1 A 1 ate interebt, or. !hat til it young lad of stout coven e,ll VIESE—:Itt lay new Cream tech! and tee. yours ~., age, win, h o d 1 e0g ,,,,,,,,gd oi. the hir yaly by ony .1 S k W lIA Rita laill holmitaiiiiti of My mother. Ile is n good work- S:DA -- .0 t atis Ikoda Abit iiiit il sod iiir r I. sa!e, by _ _ iiib3l ti. &bb if llAt't. II Ulan at his trade, If lie were not ho, lazy to work SCRIP or the ogo row. and mum) nought amt mid at ail, mid his mother, who is a widow, h. to 1 " . "" " s '''''''' l ' H • Ito '`'"" d it arena the most of her scanty earnings, and those (y i r E J . :P u 'r„t t ; ' ,..:, l :, ` ;, " ,! ` " ,' ' ," , , ‘ 7,!, " .17 1 1. 0 ,! ' „ ‘ ,-. 1 ,.;•;7 01 the rest of her }'„anger children, to support him ,11 t:ro llortly st in the cootie of drunken deirsiuchery winch he is _ D ,, ,,.., , ,• . ; :1,„A L ' 1 :,, L ,'„ . ' "--- ' 706 " ' h uric, ' A "" • r j" ..4 porstong Ile was ceoinctled lu prison for twenty myJtu u A ICII k R11,11..11 four hones, with an assurance on the peat of the 1" AM , MI.-A ices barrel• recd and tons e toy 1,4 nii3o era W Ilatill Ai 1,11 Mayor, that if he were rru;,tin brought hefore hay, L ARD OIL ,u, inio,ling andlh.Ki•iiii,ii;i3/4tiy,.* he would send him to fail for thirty days. Nol l. S—W rought Iron Amid., !min the Temper - . i-AR"'"'r --A colored Wo awn, named Ann Wil - mtge./ill° work, warranted,iv on io: be codoantly horns. way eyierday committed to lad. charged on hand and supplied to °Nei. by inylsl 6EO er Wilit, ,, ,N.N W o ,: ~ with stealing n topper kettle from Thou,. mown DOTASII—ei t.i•kio mo reo-',l old for .air by ' Ira and copper wroth, on Liberty street. 1 niv?u Jar --- - ~...frkryza- m y 3, 4. 5 liertlVlll Slate, rce'd Unit for , 1 ` , .. , — A hirge Portl - of ' 010 "d P°l-.°°' mule 0 sale by my - 29 t' ARM' Ili so - r, -A Wood st and Inmate, were brought before are Mayor poster `LATE , : ,,, I . F.A CI h'•--1 task rec'd Jo . r , d i t i v , r }i t ~ r day, charged with rooting up to Hayti. There most have been at least forty, criminals and wane's., .11)A ,, T i 1 , - ..T y T1111F1A . 1 , i .. - , - I:ai " "" " t t . '" A . R . ll " tql " l .- b "1 i I t ' ', present at one limo. The allnir ended in three ot Q Pout.. COTTr IN- GOO doe Ilowar.l -, :I cord white. them being sent to jail. A 7 ui yds• received and for We. nit's! C ARRI-TIINitT FICUT.—Tcm deck hands had It tight on hoard f - IOLLECTIONS upon accesotde pointy mmek in a .team best yesterday, w Arch ended in one thro w 'l,..) red slaws rondo promptly. rind upon the low., term, tor toy3l N HOLM ES k StiNS ing the otheratato the river lie teenaged, how• MouRNCCI , AI.P.iWA - k r —W R Nit I,IIT 'lion oj. ever, to paddle 1 , 01. and r, dripping from hit re ceived the. rooming. n few pies.: of Mack AI- taut ,„,ree,o 0 the Slayer A warrant waif poyeeay. llombnxine Inman, for mourning drowogy, of • --- -.-----100, 1 ' very superior quality. mooed for the arrest of his hppi,ent, hut one I clog On hand. a full assortment of tile drdereat quantica brought , that L . , _ or , _ o w , r og ail wool 'dark kl uo h n d e f 00in0 .,,,,,,, or k,,„. vs gel , up, and it app. otring Wart v. .so a too per vd. Alai, black 110141i.11411144 , of all minima, thing to be lard on both side, he wici di-rharged ai north eno minty 4th and alorket u. rot on paying the eosin MI:11: „ Ft , A TT,,..'SLA.T.I---;::,l=A., A,Utliz,rpti,e•o..lia _.,... - 010 lion . ICkl•h• W h r • il.ledelphil Must landing and fur sate toy W dr. NI him - In:LT KEE, The appointment of Min gentleman lIT Fiat N" I° . LaII , IY 't rompleulli rot toe 'rrenytir, —on o Mice in voivitto EL - e - Another shipment whio aro , " milt mond, per orgoi gro p o nyohlit v in ibwortting anil applying the imp American. via Ilaihmort nod Ingitreleiwaril '' ,ool.le . be 5r.... _„ . ., e. we .b. ,,, I ur , , ,.. he haeer , w " large ouppliet for the Fiii . trade int undivided iaLataction, by ah who appreciate oho. 1)11,0Y,V;PII0,1,‘ ir, a . ni , li n ityn Dry Apple• for car woe lily and integrdy, and who desire to roe the publ c oil ' '4 l lilt .4 en Lithcet diypensoil for the advuothge 01 the eon , FR . t .s t:L4 ., R , IC . L F 1, 1 1 ..0 . t ., 11 „ — i tu: c l . 7 . ,i , :r•= , o r , .i i r ., 74 ro.-. 1, ":‘ , , i ' ,. " : a L z g ,;‘,.,, ~,,,. mr, \\.,i,,1,..,,,,...1, 1.,,,,, •nd Liberty at my It liiIIN II 101.1. nritiOnal reputation. and who etoply the confidence - . -- - - --- -- -yeti of the connter, irrespective of party , _ N'r r f . a\l ACE Jta d trot tit , , f . relrau .. .l ter • aie - I,y - no ' y i, "' i iZt JILL "' . 'nd .l. 9' t ' in i nu, A.. W005..rue...1 contributes to ITRIED APPLES-3n sks Dried Apple, fur aale by lg o own pewee and r ntioce„, t o r whatever m ay ory3l A RMSTR"N" A. " I°4 " 't I. the ',Menem of poltd.l Oran - n.. 1 1 ,, no patty in IVl"•LalAci'in",'3i"T N " ; S l ' Z '' ‘V7l . . r rFf d AN ' : ,' . "` ' %.7, " , " „1:!,,, ' , '' : ` , ' . ,;: - L,,170:,% - , I.. ' n d„ ::: ' : - „7,7„:: 11-,=1,,,,:n. ;, , ,:,.„7, " .„ .- :; - :, ~,,,,,,,..,...,,... i, - :., moral Worth, or to diarreard Ihr ohltgabon which rny3a hIROWN A. CULBERTSON , 145 Libor. st aI. of s.scelrenen and honor is entitled to con, II AST—Berle.' not live Mart for ... h • For loony ,OrteetniLt c Seers, Mr Whlttlearry we. dotting.. .her' in (Imams. by ton Industry end I Al'l-17 ' 6 ' N° I l '' ' ' 65 ''' C '' " '''' k° '''' on n• the Elmiratnn of the most upefel by -4 -1, 0 WATERNI A N 1 , and In. - mons Cottruottee-that of Private flair. ir:rj .. l-: ,. H , -T ot.i. , :r ~,,,. Roil IM , lre a r. „ ts A rr i cuir , , ,, : i r , „ ,., : i cr Ir. th.• Dino klcur orrice, for the fo.thfid dimharge of in.t.o.T.T._,,r7i ~,, ,i)------,% n.,,--F.--,,*,Tini-i-,in. A the dote. of re loch. Ito, prruon h o t& ag . m ust r r o; , pi—• to; sa:, ,:y" - ~;;:'," r: ~. ', , :',fl.:RNI A N ' rtr e ev r ' r Y hot°, of 010010 core or eo.l°Y. ell. • he 0 UNDRIE , -V: •nri. 55 I t.t.,, Rs, i ,t„ i ta, netielred n thaltnelion 11151 nver was est - eller , by 0 ~,,i tar t t.,, .. s .„, , u 0 s .„, a ,r d t i„ nd „. ~,,,, ~,, any predeerroor and never hits horn equalled by sale by „ow'. I. AW A 11.11 , 1 Aet any one who sorAmcded loin. 111 FLOUR-A few lad. prate It, e root ta ytore A Ler devoting henuell thus Mr ii series of year , and for sale by mylll I. A 1,1 A pEg si Ae, I.i the interest- of the lth!, 11 , relartied to the corrattluet.. wl. It•El so long honored himrond firEtts Attar IiCEKETA-b 5 do:. Bulk els. a do Tniu J, trarge,i Ido Keeler , 101 saie 1,, ‘oluntarily relinquished lit. Mist lenvrng as the tnytSl 1, A W .tTERNI AN rel....tentative or Ina distrtct, a names %cahoot CIORN BRUOMA-LO dor rust r -- n. aroi PIT ',TT. , , lilrrnish. and as a men, o character rl d rntfied with ‘.../ ml - 67 RHEY Si Arrirli F.WA A. Ir% tho noblest and lure. ...linnet, an ti phlluuthro ,,,, , pi. nod a benetaittrir. 1[6°.uteu;,54.,".1.r.n1 G , ,, , do i''''' 3° " Re • \k bile in the lament of his prole...on, he was ~ ~,,. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,, 1,, invricrl, alter the electron ..f lien I tampon, lo the rey9 s charge of one , I the most li)t:rtstit lure.. al I . .t . hy ' .. rlN , ° ,. . t l i ; . ,r , ;rr -.I I .l .l ; i k t I f i r l 7 l ': N e ,‘ ” i ' l . , , r. h .l h e i t T i, r i. .: °- '. r ; Vo o ah r t i ntlon. f. ur t htedlikheofillyrd.Wt pro per eirb/RACCO- 245 bores 5 Lump Thl.arro, eon, tY . from Mr. Tyler, and resigned his place, been.... 1 which are of Me ,oust superior branda, Just tee .1 he could not hold it consistent web personal&gm on consignment and tor sale by nayt6l Ii u wATER m A N i r}• or propriety. Allot it recess of three or four ----- yearn he was ritvited to assume the chief agency 121. m. sAi.FA boat... , roooly C•rrielre•l" , 0 . 1 irt the A.uerety for constructtng the National Mono- J: or Iwo h .-- err, 00111 at Ripladelphla Is y a role Ira • talent to Wonfloißton. ilis alleft,l3 at thi, porsition led manufacturer "rou carriage i• Iti evcry ...mei , nod a brat rate emote, made with nil the Inndertt onptove. IR W,Il known to the country, and the zeal en rue., lined with blue eloth and lammed ill superior ' orgy which he hap imparted to it, have command- , mtniter It 1 . entlfel 1 nee , • 64 `eh' . 1 ' see" , el are.' rd alike raise and thr orinitrotion of every elute of Enquire of r "• EXA ND " ." V I the eninelently. Without soliettotton, without pi, null 75 Market .. N W runner al Orr Dranneol Intro! influence, wlllartit the retrial. applianre., 1 13 LiCK POWDER-17 , 0 Leg. Mr sole trY , ,he ha. now well invited to take charge of the Viral i II seVAI 0 F V"S W"'" ° " °°T & L'.l_ . Gonaptrollership of the Tteautctr. ,r)rrilE sNit.:orrils—,c d o s f o r sa l e by . Padre pitch cirentainanres, it may well he per , - 1.71 any 26 e r YON 11l INN 111 MA rN. ,ro . ~,,,,,d, toot, oya, ,f Mr. Whittlesey were wont-1 _ . , , ii AY „, , R , AKE.IS-.Pa s dri.r srl7;.'"';'''''''''N'i"R°T k ” 11'11‘,1u"e'e'mb'enntrdlo'nerLinr„r7PP:e1VI'retpirlUr'ZIli'o'slaftit'r the 01 L WATER -ito buis !real. lot tale by benefit of the Mi. which hos been l IMllllilted to R ~.,... . R F VoN IioNNIIORAT ft Eu l o , , bin keeping. bet with nti pre-ellllllenl abilities W 1N . 1" ;, ', 1 ". s "",:r N%• 1 .Z 11 1 1 1:, i ...7?•171 1 :;1 1 ;T A. i M and character, We feel imitafied the place will be - -- tilled WM% singular distinction, and that Mr. Who. Fl.ot it --:, Ws a E doer. l u ~ le ~ r , dot , .a r tr i dr , ~A l N s l• l . ) ilesey will elevate the high reputation be has at. Ironed by los aipoluity and devotion to the prop rnr26 31 Water Eton, It ' - or Imam... of his office. 1\ JOLASAES-Itio 1005 N 0 1411001110 H Moto• , e , . for It .1, not be fare, whilst thus hau,,,ut our lel rule try nit In I, A W ATER NIA 't: '- - Inhofe al rewpeel 10010 appointment made by flea. 0 UGAR-" Itha' rr"" N '' S I! ' A r' lr r lA'Flt i , ' R ' .\ rA N r,,yinr, to deny Ilan his predecessor, Mn. Mertil -0 tot% lob, distingutehed himself a. it man al entire em i. "kir:W. EAAVI.I.t.LAAS--Runitire mats . t o t s Uri. 1 . 1 or brand window Ola. reeerved. and note. pobilay, and al one who won the good opinion o will he promptly Idiot by 14 A W 11A RBA UI.II all who lind connection equals department, and mylo who proved himself folly lO the discharge of every duty and responeibilily.-North Amer. JOIIN IIY LIE'S 14 POOL BILK. E X PRENSI.I FUR AEWINti -The ...noon ri • tamM ~, : ri ,r r ' s ‘1,,,t;',1,1,0P1,r,,,,,-o.lsusotrree,s,rl:ll, s t l . s sl m s e 1 . 1 1 1 7 , , , ,e 1 y r Merchants ts invited to a new ortirb. of AEU. INtrP . • I P • SILK pot up on, tanortinctured by JOIIII Kyr, of !cr e s ' to ei , i , ell , 6:ter s, l , l , l 6 ., elt:t s t ,, Y o ee e ne s r , ot p e s a i ,, , , ,Y, llt ,e ro co o :h s Proterron, New Jersey, which from the marry nilvtan, '",,,,;:tii15",10;010!,,,n. shape ote patenta 1 medicines 1l a are tag." " ""“". C'" list ''''''''' "rill ' '0", b" t r:ra i n L ri„„d ' . r i:ocrev ' er..thet l s, „iity oreepa„r to gore fore long. entirely Me no. 0(11 rernetly it taw to place 11 IR .0111115 eta 111 l RIIUR far "' h. " 'h .ratty 1101 " 1 Ih° ' - ' oh °°h. d°—" I. 'L . '' ' . all artheol ova.. al. L. e ver offered to -fitly of watch Macs, or Le dot siu•ole, ore contained the 0 , , , ,,i , 0, ~,i 1011..,,,,, 0 , si, er, , ,,, , , , ,,,,, , , 0 _,.. morie ease. suitably a.orted for moiling Among ,he t, l' en ' r t r,i s,, t ,t ' ~;;,,,,i,,,,:,,,,,,' who for ."..,, t y,o % Teh're'Ynd'p'rve's'e"i'ilag',:nowy'be'rhclia7senortle"7:ll'siw'riti."'""C isle r . " ;° 11 0 le ' ol ° oo Pr eeoe r when 1u great s ue eoss l l° ~,,. Th „,,,,,,,,„„ duple , A , i „, e i „ d i d ,l l , „, due •J him to oiler a t i the ...Idle at large. For sole at rerting the rilk, alai suffers no loss 111 thy tairglorg ao lilt Drug Store of mill 1 KIDD ACo common to this operunoir, ',brie the N exaton. trouble 11 ., m. i . „..,...L . .,.... p.,...,• , - 1 011, rant Amer,. of dicenanglng the rketit is eintrely avoided. remedy for our of the most torn - ridable ill. that lash . 2/1 The country storekeeper will 11:tve at Ine end of bel , IA in „ do di ,,,,,,,,,,, di i ni ,„„ di . id ddy ~,,,. the year hi. ammo] noes In siml 1,11fi1110,1. WIIRP.M.I it, cine of the kind evrt offered In Iho matte The nenon Mailing ley the •ketn, he finds at Dre end. (hr armor, in on. ~ errs t on, mid attends. , \Rah 110 unpleasant re st low ttultalny v. Intermingled a• to IA: utterly worth. nnid, It „„ „„, t ,„,, „,,,,,,,,,,,,, i id .„,,,,,,,,,,, lice leas . most •rrlurary eifer t. Compounded by one of the most trot The Solesinon instead "'`losing irme, Ili IS 01. ~.,,,„, ~,,,,,,„, .., „ L ,„ 0 „„„ ) .. I , , rite „.,,,„, V r. " U. 9" ° • " I ""'""" g " c ' - "`'" r°l " r "". • P`''' Wp.t. 1, ,ettee ••L ill nod ezpertenee offer• to meow eel ill n build red or trio. skeins, will require but 0 IRO- 5 , 1 . ~,,. ~,,, 1 ,,,,, ~,,,n , . b .,„ ~, ~, ~ ,u , gpel ,l 10 hail it. strut of the shade or color lie .in , ii,, Intlr 1 101.11.1 A. Eo. search ot. The quality Id den solk Is equal to the ltalian rir ~. occAcal ... NVCA 1...1..' and or Al r Shields had Irst the inarket. The quoulay on a spool ts wetteranted 10 ii , ni , 5,, ,, , , iii or the „ on . , 1001, 1, he ~,,,,,,, ~,,..„. es. yard ., "le' 'allie drot "' 10°0111 of 11 ' ° " 1 """ , •ed theoey soot homed( mum, physical sidle lag, bill shrub ltort "°"°°.°" n '' ""' "". ‘ l° ' '°°'" “" read the tones., letter, rt.rterl April lut h. Intr. wed isssorted, and cannot Intl to art a all purchasers, Alr Wnt. Shields, ir respectable 'Ulmer of IRIS Yvon. Mom et e greatest variety. Ur was take-a ill: called in u Worm who doe mrstri For .Cl e o nly by the case, of 50 CIO, 1.1.01., by t oo , f o r Dy•peplia tor one year, but be still get wom. W5l. II 1111KSTMNN fr. AtINS t Sole Agent, Ile then disrbarged Its Doctor and paid bon dory No 51 No Third St l'hihr ' Jiii/Pf• Ile torn got a vrol of toil Veronfoge, ar.d aryool••41/w one box of Sedative I'll.. end by the me a ... lord _ - . . - 4.111 , 1 ,•••1111,1 orilt 50 reniyi he thaeltarped, he says, 10 0 0 PRIOIIOI I BLINDS. . toast or, thousand worm., and In Eau weeks was IL J. WILLIAMS, so Improved rit health as to uttend to hls humors., and No P.l Noma Amen Stractr, PIIMADELPIII A brit been 111 got. halt` ev . r . T .., :n i rr ,, e , . 0 b t 0 01 0,. ..11 ,,, ye ,,, Dr a ATP.etifteN IMIND AND WINIUIW ADAM: lay'''. V.-"""“" "j S' \ ' VLl. II . 111;A N. I . 51 . , V Al ANUEAUTURER• (Awarded taa Irma:id high. •01111.1 mall 111 hon. pet Medals ut the New York, Raton.. and Patlndel- To Dr D Jayne, Flora rit.Errst.Wriiierti.:_l F. plan Estoimorm, for the superrotity of los illinita, wait Ern oile or Pittsburgh at the PEKIN • t f ' ,. l , Alr s„, l , ll confirmed erorfideoce Its his inonotnetirreb n-ks the 70 roarth •treet. near Wood .01,1110, pure to his nprertinent et ... 800. _ ______ ----- of IllifrOW and wide slot., with lame sod Pte." ..rim ge•cotor's Sale of Real IC ttttt . ""05,0"0-06.5 0 " 11 '' N.. ' ' " l i ` n " ° oN TUESDAY. JENE 10., or a wet..., I' hr, genetal asaartntent of Tr....parent Wlntlow e :plea, *lll , ..„, „ ,„ pr „,„.. „ „„. o , .„ ~.„. ell of watch he will sea a the lime. emir pricea e tutors UM estate et the Iron Ed0...0 Patehell• de . li d Blind' P'"'" 0" ' . '" u '''' ." ''''' "'''' new ~..,".4, that vn'ult.le 1,13 T 1111 11111.'N D, ortiointng 1I r DEALERS SUPPLIED on hirer. tern• t he proper y to John eeatott, leginntne on the Dins The eitisens of Allegneny county ate respectfully rood or 'OlOlO H oare, ell the dlstome of 9•1 fret from ny"''' ' co" '''''' ha"" rise s ‘ rber '°°"'" al the corner of the Dramend on 4 Mark. street, leo leasing all. Open in the evenings 111,1,2 I ~'b utt, „. ihon „, 111 ii ,,, 010,00.,10 and by ,0, Nn 30, west --- - wardly 141 fret In Decatur street, theme by gaol at TANNERS , OIL. s oothe/potty alarm 16 feet to a 3 feet alley, wlttela runs 400 li b U . Ll T . ANN ERA' 011, iitllon d so me small , 1 1 ,7 1 ; 11 , 1 ,, n ,, • , , , , , d tr1 , 1 , 7 , w . : .. .. ,, b u n , r ar e I , a , te , o.tutaym:..„,,s ,A,,,d.u.r:, OIL.--ronstantly en band, blear boil and mildew:l.; u parallel lore wan Fourth street, until it woes the ea whiter and spring Sperm, Elephant and Whole OM no rm east corner of the surd waramere Wm. ye. Also 'tight colored selected N. W. I. Whale Oil. fret, the southerardly n all line yeah Ito catta ' ble for retailing. about eight feet; Memo rostwardly a parallel PATENT OIL FOR DE R D l'-The rubric, Irn • web Eiturth street toml it range. watt the west be me now prepared 10 supply 'Dvlan's Fluent in , s ole of the Diamond; theme seutliwa dl y a parallel In any quantity, toriebin.ts, tusinufmturers, are are i,,,,, d oh At. 6,,, .1,1., ~..., lent; theme eert requested to call ltd examine the article. Cettateate. ~,,,,,l, ~ parallel h„,, with F.,,,R, s i r e., aa ark eet,m• • eet nd or.- effieoeY and sol'en" lt Y .ye ' °I other oil., tr.” thence nerthwardly a parallel letd writ, Ntet several of our most extenatve manumetarers. ate oi ,i1, , 1 to the piece of bestruirint. n Attleb are etert• out reasoaston. ALLEN A. N EEL/I.ES, Ara, ed 10/11.DINti1i bullring en WY Dtatnentl, awl on lA, Y and . 0 south wharves, mar Chestnut al i c 3114, street, tatletel to an •satnual Iguana teat of 5L5 febl6 eodneo Philadstphtn tis payable send normal. - n t e . r, I sumo. tis 4 isCAULAY'S ENGLAND-ll•rpet a line column, I 'lr. " - "dr Hr" ' nail ' " , i 'a i r u „,,,7,, i , '' , ' ,,. „ n i un g 0.1. BVO , with portraost cloth- 75 011. p er volume . t rl Pe"°'""., wt ""`,,Li l ,i s 1 . ,' i.iiAr ,,, , ,, nd ,,,u ddtd , For sato by 1011NSTAJN I Krtx.icroN, mortl',;' - cvnaer gasket and 34 los 1 ' 7 .43tt" se , 611- 9.576 27 2-7 I I U 62.1.100 44.500 1711,509 I ,rILI,OO. _ µ'u9o 1.16_7;ti I 913,10., ypoir.TED TO6 THE PHITEELTIOH DEILY GAVZ.FTTE. Wasrvs C71.1/1110.—The Canal Bsain is in a most horrible condition, the water being black as ink, vary noisome, and covered over in places with de caying animals, and vegetable matter. In these times of peril, when we know not how long a will be, ere that fell destroyer. Cholera, makes its ap pearance amongst 111, such a state of things should not lie permitted to exist. The public health imperatively demands that the Basin should be immediately cleaned out, and we hope that the anthor.tio. will attend to it. SEL Sri r -A woman named Hobbs, yesterday afternoon. went to the office of Ald. Morrow, wish' mg to bring a sod for libel, against the editor of the Despatch It seems that that paper had stated that John Hobbs tens a grog seller, whereas hen mew -1 plater by trade, and never sold a glass of liquor in his life. The same article also stated that the Gan- 12=1 RATES OF DISCOUNT BA CEB OF DISCASU NT-CORRECT ER BY - N. 110LBIES i SONS, Ear hang , Brokers. No. 65 Market curet, near Ito It • Pennsylvania. Indiana. Danko( Pdtaburgh • —Par Bata & Brunehea• •1 , Ifor tangr Bank Pat • • • ••• Man. Bank • Pail Virgin i a... Bkaot Ploludc 1011.. • • -Par Exchange Elk. of Va. • 1 ti•rard Dant • . • parinarmert ilk ot Va• - • Bank of Germantown pnrißk. of the V a1107,--• - • " " Cheater County • •partllk of ihrstnta ..... " " Delaware Co • • par',sl.& NI Bk ,EV horlag " Montgornery phtl do Morgantown •• • I.; Northumberland put IN. W. Bank Va-- • i Columba Undge Co. par' do Welliburg•-• I Dollettown Bank • • pad Jo Parkezeburg•— Farmers' Bk. Readtog par , Tenn Faniers' Bk Buck. Co. pur Bk of Tennrawr• • • • 5 Farmers ilk lattrair • pat Far. & ItlcrelCo Elk • " LaneGnet Co Ilk • par Planters' Lik.•-• •• • • " 1.11.ra...ter Bk. ..... •-• par,Unton Ilk. -••-• • " Stater Bank ——3 O itionnoville Ilk. par , State Ilk orMtisourt•-• 1 Wa•lttnetron Ilk • - 5' North Corollas" Gettvenureh Bk • 1 'llk of Cape Feu, •• . 2 Chumhersbn re• • • " !March's Rk., N ewne en • I Surquehvntta Co. Ilk, 1 ;State Bunk Leh,. Co Hank, South Corollssa. I.rwatnwn • • • • --•- !Camden Ilk ... ; . •• • • 2 51.thltritvrtt ..... . .1 • Bk. of Chttrlrmon••• •• I Cart tw• • •..... •• Cornmera.a! ..... 2 Erie Ilk ...... • • tifllt Bt. Georiewien••-• 2 Farmer.' and lirorerii , liaivihulg•••• Ronk, Wayneaburg . 1 Merchants Elk••• • Ilarn.our4 •-- 0 Planter. &Meets slik Ilonrsdnic .... 1 Bk. of Booth liaroon• Lebanon •••• ....... poi Maryland. Pothlvtile •• • •• lialomore Elks.••••• •••par yonong ....... • . • • 1 liattee &0 BR Sertp .10 Tor k Bk. • . ...... . itiumberland Bk.of Alin. West Brooch Bk. I eksfit. 0. 1 0.1 of Notes 1 For. ilk of hlarylund•ll A • " 51 Rt. Fill. Jo 11 Formers' & Meultamet " h , erm IS-All no s Fredertek ••• • • • Ohio. •Frederick Co Bk.-- • State Ilk. and !Genetic. 1 Ilagerstown Bk bloom Pleasant..... • • '• Bk•-•--- 1 ..... • " Putapiro Elk • ..... •• • 1 y t clutrivtue ...... Wanhington Bk•-• SlanOna " " 1115.01 csoninoer ••• • i• Now 1.L11 , 0 • • Michigan. Cara nor Banks " Ilk of tit. Clair -- Columba. do • , Itk of River Raisen•-•- e.felek -• • • • • 51telttgan In. Co. ••• • 5 anwa Ile • - " Far. & Meth's Ilk •• 5 " Wisconsin Terriey. 71iNlar.&I'lre In Catiltlve'e S 1 Canada. 30 All owlvent Banks- •• • 5 t•tavev - - •••• • • If Bank of England Note, Norwalk ... 50 • , a , 1 O old £ Spoel• Vsana. ..... Napoleons •.• • • • 3 et 3 ..... -..-..- 0 Bur ate 15 0 5t Western Reserve •• 0 Eagle, old • •• • • • 10 60 Franklin e.E C o l u mbia" Eagle, new ••• • • 10 00 Gtolheothe " •Donhhons, Spanish 16 00 1,01, ..... " no. Patriot —•IS 50 Iti•inta • • Sovereigna ' 4 hancaGer • 4iu,cas 5 00 Harrolinit -• .• .• • •-• •13 Frederickihr -47 :' 0 Granville ..... • .• • • So Ten Tlalor• • • • • • 700 Form ITV CA/1.1.-5U Ten Gwldera •• • - 3 0 hitiana • ••• ..... —.50 Louia.Pors• • • • • 450 Ksatsucky. itsahasag•. ilk of Kentucky 1 New York -• iPn Ilk of Lout ain't e IPh•ladolph ..-• pit Norhrrn Bk. Kentteky " Balumore •- —•- oft law York -City Banks. par Interior ll'ku „a..,: nn • —.— Aatithist GREAT BALK OF GOODS •T rift ONE PRICE STORE, 00 Market street. A MAStiN Cl/ . tom their patrons aill the it. panto'. that they will commence the sale of thelr iplendid stock nit Friday. Jana I•t. and continue Wei) Days. dorms winch tone, the whole of their estalilmbnient ;including their five wholesale m• 1 will be thrown open for retail trade, and for roo the dmplay of one of the largest and most fislatonable ai•ortment• of FANCY AND STAPLE: Goons in the country. which have all been marked down, with. out regard to coot Forty Thousand Dollars of their stock. of their latest situ richest styles, have totes re rerattly purelia•ed at the large petemptor) 111 N.m York at tint - newt., •acrtlices, and will be found. on r saminatton. it , he nearly one half less than menet T 1,., Invite attention to a portion of their tioods enumerated helm, won their prices annexed: Present 1 usual Price Prtre. 2niat yards French (iiiisli•ms. 1 , 4 h 200 iNi.tsto yds lawn. NI ushtts, bilk I t:/ rt. 4oVo ydi Moos de Lain, 12/ cts 'err e 160 n yards Alpaceas. 14 eta 31 :Om ) Floc IScreges 1 , 1 cm 37 tc. Mk' Merrinvir Calicoes, -1 A oe-r• Pike yomai yd. last eia,il do tit cm 12Se it - hiattl yd. Brown Muslin. all grades. Ai per rent la than usual prices 100.0 0 0 yds Bleached Machos six prices. marked do. 10 to 30 per rent Inn pieces Bonnet Kibhon 460 Wrought collar -am do do rel e`. 4.1 e IU h 111 et._ . 2.1 c :11 /t 54 , /Is 75 th SEM 31AI !Adv.. CrAv.. lo. I.F ench IA rtr :CA r.A. ti .:AI In :I. 9 , 1 to 5.00 141 1.. e Cap . .:7 I h Mt et • I's to 81,19/ 124. GI eta 5o cts PI 25 di 31 rtssus:. Casstnetui as 10. sa I , lc. Jean. for 15c. A,krg. .tocli of Bonnet.. reduced thodt 37i per et. Near •ole f.oods. 50 ris 07 in $l,OO ‘Vh.t.: LAI rn .25 and 31 et s r 50, Tocether with the laryeat .tort SILKS. SIIAWI,S, and fun. DII.F.. , tI3IiOODS. bo found In thi• 03y. with an Immense variety of other oods.—alloraltng to retail porritaser• • r•e opportuntty of obtaining the beat st fro.ll 25 to per rent less than regular pnces The) a ar.) al: as nanny of their choicest goods `r oan 6 tic sokl Lr No de at from the insrand owe A A MASON A. CO. in , 31 65 hetureen Third and Fourth JAMES D.LOCKWOOD, Pia many ,onneFtrd wtth Mt,. Wiley h Vona, and la i• lona \ , Y. Y.rt and London,) ne9a,O.L.I“III,VirTX! Or I.ltl A ND 1, ERMAN ROOFS, No e.'d °op rrazer, .Nearly opposno me tl. Charles HoltLl PITINBURGH. f. F.nit.h, French. and German geOleVrl Ma 4 artne.., and Newspapers Imparted to order, prices co whirl . . ma) be ascertained ott applteanon to Sir L. Catalogues gran. mr2l GREAT SAL® crry Lom , or ALI-lit/11E IO N? AT runuc ACC• TN 1,k01271 * LOTS nr , Fs lera: Vrett, tit the rent. of r the co) M Allegeenv, earn Wt feet (rant by Dal to mtc..• to a 12 feet nitey, be at l'uLtic Sate ott TuEm II AY. Nth •ta) of /UNE. at 3 o'clock, Al , o Drat n the pre ote•es The.r tots compro•Pe the ocry amt mo•t • .Ile untmitrovell pt,perttr to either of ute• •n.l 0.012 continue no crow to ',Mae no v. tone to met- mod to eotot 11.•1. mmt ocersenctl) 1 11g,.1..i0m00t.....ty for thanote...mem ot Immo, 1.0 where M., to t 111 me tteighttorhoott, OT wtthot the r •:,. tics' wl , l mitt *nl,, to lc •1111.101 groucol rent co one Molar pm toyt. ott term• accututno a.w.w von made known Low t rmie A pit 11 to the lot. ran :exam , ad 1.• iteroon• wtshm• t 010 o purchase at the YOell Ilto BERT CAMP HELL. A Mtehenr. Ma) crt of Coro lull `1 0 DAVIS. Aurt IN ANTED, I / MIS at the BALTIMORE, PIIII.AIiELPHIA , NIA% Yolig, Ili , It iN AN LIN LIN' ORI.FANS I FN ERA I. It t. EN , ' A\ It CO M °MeV.. 1 ante N holes., and retail stores. and other r•ticetaii , boso , .te inn as Rook , licepers. l'orters, liar beepers, t%1111,.. Coach men Agents. Rook and Map Agents, Collect Ors, 11,,Ct1l bit 61111.'110$ of business. !kr I', have INOP• istrKr 1,111.1 1 P1f a good SIIIIIMMS on hand, whit ii•y nom WO la 11 . 2,1151 per annum. Ilium , in witin iit of any kind would de well to give cal!, as nr have agents each of the ' , ore ci. it, which will ciishie us to place every applicant are' .rte I\lloll the shortest non, applicant h•ve a ure , sea...inaner in all the above nained rates. N Inc n h we trust will eable us to give entire sawn.. non to .11 who may i•vor us with a call TAYLOR b. TA YMA N, No. between SouSth econ and Gay N II —Persons living in any part of the U. States, nd wishnig to obtain • situation In BalllMOre, or el vhrr at the above runes, will halre their wants Unhan ds:Orly attended to by addressing us a line. (post-paid) as by nt dos they wt ll curtail both trouble and ea• which 111 , y otherw‘se wo ild incur by coming to the city, and seeking employment for thenavolves. Addreas, TAILOR b. TA VMAN, No. fin Second street, 131111.11110 re, Ald DR. F. 711011:0-1/V, • the pit Orleans, would reaper dully announce to rturens nt Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he Ito' located himself on Southfield street. t/CMCCII HIM and Sixth, Weat elde, where he will devote h. Clan on, to the treatment of the Cholera, in which he has nit, with unequalled scess, having treated over three hundred rases dur uc ing the fast winter and spring, and au case foiling to re•tore the patient In proper state trl health, he dotter' hunnell taut he has n tnedt• I:11W surpassed by hone to the country, and when pro perly stlentnistered never fails to odurd mho( Tor r-ons who are traveling he would any, bus no.thritie can lie put up en Mot they can carry It about Mete with but little inconvenienCe, and by taking small dose* at nowt, c would prevent an attack of the fell destroyer Ile would recoinmend it to pecan,. traveling and in larinhes, as being a cheap and ettee• lunl nerdy N —Dr ?dorm's will Ito found in hla office at all 11111 Co Di toe :1e day, except when out upon professional 1 my 4 , SORTED SPICF- 4 —Put upVor leanly use, 111 tin .I‘. esn, onelowil in n sliding lid ho:, convening 7, Mustard. A Iwice, $ t'intininon, (Singer, Cloves, Pepper, NVarrented pure For isle at the new Spice and Mustned Factory, collier of Ferry & Liberty err 111 yls JOIIN II PELL Ptah and Tar. r s n 1181.5 , No Hermits, r ?lay inspection I +/V 30 Ws No I Shad, 20 do No 3NI aArtri , (Roston inspeerton.) 50 du N C Tar, .n prime order, reed and for sole TA ArFE tny2l:dint corner Penn and Wayne lii FOIL BALE. VORTY-Xtb:V EN ACRES OF LAND. being part of of the estate, situated about (mound a half note. onto Ptusbersh, and two miles from the Arse nalv Sixteen acres are cleared, and the remainder Is red with excellent timber. If the property is not diseased to at private sale before the Iltb at lune, it will be sold at suetton ott that day, at 3 o'clock, P. . at the new Court Douse, without reserve. to the highest sntl beat bolder For terms to sale and other particular, enquire el DAVID D. DRUCK Attorney MI Lee , Filth street, next door to Alderman Ill'ltlaster toys! dot PEKIN TEA STORE. subscriber has lust received at the Pekin Tea I Store, 70 Fourth street, a very tarp and well se lected "net of pure IIREbIN AND BLACK TEAS, twilit New York, nil of which has been received in ibis country store the first of February last, consisunk or all the dtirerent grades grown In the he Empire. t tar sloe. borne among the largest in the West, we are prepared to "whlesale, Ott better terms than airy other house In the an y . We tovne retail grocers to call and Luanne or stock and prices. They eau haven pack e.lto I. and Ilb package", slb tin eanitliters, or by half chests, tonull their enttVcittellee. Our 1,18.1 ',Wee very foe Oolong, Black Teas from Po eta 5140 per lb; !king Young Southeng , 50 eta; Com -, SO and English Breakfast to, Young Dyson, ionpnwrler nod Itoperntl, from 35 ets g et s d6 per Ili. I snob are requested to send and sampler o r of our Teas, and try theta before purehastng. myl A. JAYNES, 70 Fourth street 011,1 rtt. , FAMILY MEDICINES—"They are Mr MetllClnes 01 the doy." It asimseatmartorr, Ohio, May 05,1919. It. E. Sellers . I think it NMI or the benefit of others to stem smite LICIA f ti•ltGo 10 your excellent Faints :tledienics I have toted your Vermtfuge largely in my own fam ily, one vial frequently answering for elpelltrig large ,quantities May lto Stall worm. from two chtldren. I elm used your Liver Pills and vough Syrup In toy family, and they have to every ins ant produced the effect desired. As I am engage.) in rocrehandronc. I um able to slam thm I have let m hear el rho We failure where your metheine• ham. been used in my section of the et-worst coneluston, I may state that they see the medicines of the day, and are A0•11/104 to bert a very •xl , -nsi•< popularly. Yours, respectfully, W. IL PIN,. XII. Prepared and sold by H No 57 Wood streM, and sold by Druggtsts generally so the Iwo et. Pr, end vlcittity rovtll g lIIKESE-2 0 tur by myth V VON lIONNIIORST k Co LAID—No. Ila kop.,•cotrignod nn r ale - also SO keg. Butter. inyll Malt-Ls k ias 131: RLA PS-2 bale 4 extra heavy 40 tneh plod reed by SIIACKLETT t WHITE. DV Wood ft INDHAMS-7 tutu new style &salmon, French Ur and Domestic. Just opened by mr29 •aft ACKLETT /a WHITE Vit I NGF-S-150 pieces pl.m. laneY eon, d bindk I Sewing Silk and Bullion Fnninewi onadati by my?) SlinelaelrYT RIBBONS -15 0 canons black and colored mentos and 1•1111 Stillborn, Alto. phut, and Elg'd Lira de Nap and Saw, Cap and Sonnet Ribbons. • ve ry large wasontnent of new sprats/ styles. Jost opened nod for sale low by SHACRLE.TT WHITE inr29 110dIF.RY—A coraplete assortment of blk, who, unbleached, mixed, and colored Cotton Hose, opened and for %ale by m 29 SILACKLF:IT & wIIITE moll. and white3ilk,bla and o,t. co , ll ~1 Inerun, black, brown, . t lose, Obtid , s ,, s' Fancy, white, stale, brown and bib Stockings; Gents Vtrtttn, mertno and cotton Socks. for sole wholesale and retail, by F II F.A FON & Co, Fourth at, 25 between Wood and Market YAR ASOLS—A small lot of well selacted Parasols ore odcred for sale at reduced prices by F H EATON & Co, 62 Fourth st GLOVn;--A large assortment of ladies and gents K Neapolitan and embroidered Silk, Lode, Cot ton, kr. , of all COI., and sizes, for men, women and children, can be obtained wholesale or retail, at F H EATON & Co's Trimming Store, o • '5 62 Fourth at IAIINGS—BIack and cola Bilk lace Frlnge I_ Gump, Braid, and Buttons, always for sale at risy2s EATON'S. On Fourth st MANTILLAS—F. 11 1 .. ..0,01.F & Co., keep constant' on hand, or make to order, Stlk Alm:tuna. of ev cry pattern, end of any color decralde. Also, Man tido Scarf., n new style. Embrotdertng, aeodoptn, rutlllng. mai king, and all ktnds of fancy needle won -xecuted to Order at thew store, No GI Fourth .tree between Weod and Nlorket. m)25 111••• Goods and Great Bargains! n D. TIIOOIPSON, No lan Market street, near Li lt bony, lust returned from the Eastern Cillt4 s has second supply of SPRING AND SUMMER (Anil)", He haa now on hand one of the largest and best selected stocks that he has ever had the pleasure of °lndiana to has monomers and the public—among which may he found every style of rich changeable and fancy Silk., Turk Satins, black Elwin.< Si a, all awl labs. (or Cardmala, Ac.; with every width 01 Week Silk Lace. and Fringes, for trimmings; FULLARD SILKS, TISSUES, fird and piano Bereges, Embroi dered Swiss, Organdie.; Lawns, Emb'd Linen Ging. ham, a new and beauutul article; plain and bard do; French Gangbaaas, &c. Ora Walpole ?soca as very full, comprising every deseripuon of Chintzes and Calicoes, some for Is. that sold Iblo sating fur Is; Linen and Malaita Sheet ' Inge. from I to 3 yards wide, also, Sheeting Muslin., very low. with a lull assortment of fine Irish Lantos, I tor window hanginaga; Turkey Red Chintz, en/broader cal and sniped Drapery, HMI Holland, &a. tin. Our Shawl department presents every description of plain and embroidered Canton Crape, changeable and hg'd Salk, Bemire, Cashmere and Delaina, plant and em broider, d Thabet; al.o, a large assortment of Parasols, Ilonnetv, Ike Ice . Coach Makers will find a full vupply of Cloths, Da masks, Moreenr, he, their line The above Goods have been purchased on the MO advantageous terms. and purchasers may rely upo getting them at the LOP , WIT couleur eaten. irtrarltv. ROUT It THOM P:SON SILK .ktorrl..S—W. ft Murphy has ju II received an assortment of black Silk Parasol figured and plant, soma of which are extra Pllf Dark firren Caravels, figured and plait; largo •'} brown n do—alt assortment received, end offered at le pnees, at ortheast corner of itti Wad Market stn. reyli It TTON USN ABLIRO—Yard wide—One bale lam- ly received at Dry Hoode House of my-ZI W Ft MURPHY UANCY SUMMER CASSINIEKES —We have t am received a very handsome lot of French Summer C....amerce, of a very fine quality, which we are set. ling at very s, low prices, and to which we would invite the athettuon or the gentlemen. myel ALEXANDER A DAY 4;!, rLENf nd D CH ANL' EA c hangeable Js Ter...teed, co • lot o very hasomen Silk., Includtng come of a very superior qualtty. which weare selling ut very Inferior pnees. ALEXANDER St, DAY, must 75 Market, N W cot of the Dmont! MORE NEW ROODS=-W7R.ATi".., Wls niorning open new and _handsome styles Vrtnts for 11l cis per Yd: Salts, Mull and Nanactok Muelin• for dresses. Aleut reeetved within a tew days, Bonnet Rib .o ns, Black Silks, Ae .al northeast corner 4th •Ilti Marker meets. etdantrd Merchants replenishing their stocks, will find • choice t.sorttnent •1 low priers, in Wholesale Rooms, op emir, myth lADIFS [MFRS 000113—W R. Means, north -1,1 rest corner Fourth and Market sir, invites the at tention of ladies to his excellent assortment of the Mi. tr rent styles of Dress Goods, suitable for the season such nt rlmo, Pink, blue and drab Barages: Printed do. a .age assortment; silk and linen Tunas; silk and lin. en Lucre., linen do, a various strides; Walsh sod French printed Lawns. shoe and embroidered Itla•- It.. enibrotated Lawns, French Utahans—lt"t which will be offered at low prices for quslity. Wholesale Rooms on ad story. owl 7 DRY GOODS AT WROLKSALE. --- WN. MCRPHY invites the attenuon of mar ~ aen mto the larse supply of new Goods pis openedin his wholesale Rooms, on ad story, 'lattices , corner 4th and market streets, Pittsburgh. This being his second supply for this samg, he ha many kinds of goods al reduced ptic. and son, styles not to be found elsewhere toviallkorT VINE LINEMS—W7R. Muar ins tle• F paticulat attention of buyers to Ins assortment • fine Da n t. Lows., lately received, warratted all Ilex and of superior make. Also, Liss, Gos.t. generally, such as Table Diapers, • of different wi,iths, and at ausuelly low prices; Llieurbed Linen Table Cloths, also mach lower M. ever atore acted. Linea. Pillow case Linen, Di pen and t'tinh for towelling, tee. M . Also, Fe Ram. Rim,. o rfr suntmer bedspread supenot colored' Quasi low ticesl do, and whit Counterpanes, •er, loss/ puce for sistahly —at nor cast Corner of 4th and Markel sn. holesale Roo. • myks 81HACKLETT & WIIITS., DRY GOODS JOBBERS O 9 WOOD STREET, A RE nowreceiving a very large stock of fresh ft Goods, or recent purchase and importatton,satuch they will .en to the trade at sock prlee• as cannot fail to sloe entire slalom - two Cay nod Corwin Slen•liant• ore invited to call an exactor. out Kock hefore purchatung elsewhere d Nh. 6001-P-i—Now , opening at the One Pnee Store, eases and package, of new and desirable Goods, eotoprmiok a large lot of Silk, Bewge, M de Thrber, Fahey and other Shawls. at consider.. bey reduced prices. myti A A MASON is Co 11/ ROUGIPCOUrsAir.S., p er he —it /CTSG• TY SO. A. Co. hare ro ta per bleprent, more than IRE Collars, Capes. C•ps,Chemiona, Cub, Ire. Al. to, kklongs and Inserting • al half the usual pates.. tura ( t Z IDE STRIPE CASs! Al PR ES—I case new rty le laney - ode stripe" CllSWlDefee. lilat reed and fur tale by MURPHY, WILSON tnyll in wood 111 - RONS -A handsome osortment •nd neautinal Lyles Rootlet Ribbon, just reed and for sale at reduced prices by tuyli WII•SON & Co 11 l '‘‘ r ! l ie ) t!: U :re k tr: ' t l b ter o a l t t' de h cV w ' aVrri n c o Du ot c r k s . just removed and tor sale by MURPHY. Wlliartnl A Co . 1:1 3 1 Et GOODS—In pr (told Simeracie, o fine Diamond Flinger Kier.; In Statical Boor., 00/1 cooed; A large aoorunent of Fans, with fine paintings also, gold and silver gilt. Saver Butter Knives; .• with agate handles, Gold and Elver waist Buckles and Slides. Also—PAktAr9 , JES, dark green nod other fashiona ble eolurs. The above good., with • large assortmentOf Jewel ry, l'aney Good., he , will Sr sold for abate or other good motley, at Non) Market rarest, by moll ZEkII:IA/P1 KINSEY SIBRELLAS-4 0 coca cotton and gingham U IT Mello, cant - Null whalebone nbs, jotreceived arid for sale b) SIIACICLETP wHrrr od , IMJ wosr IjARAMtII.9- . ..9 eases cotton, gOrghato sod silk 1 Parasols,ne styles and design.; green Tam sai on, with innges a nd plain borders, and beautiful no. ry and imicy handle., min recd and for .ate by 9 t Y. 91IACK LAM' & WHITE f1A991 , 11F.RF , -0 pieces veiry fine doe skin (black ‘_.) Cr...inert, received as a sample direct from the manufacturer. for sale by myB II liEhl ith Liberty ot ,?pposite DU MAY AN — FWOOL SACK—On band and th snie by ali , . 11 I.F.P: Wo r4 pe N effg k tit ' rhe P P r i i:e w q ' t2 l.°4 one lot lctr; Ile etc my 2L A A MASON & Co VANCV have feat °pencil V large lot of Fancy Silk Shawls, to which we 0 rate the allentiOn of the lactlea. tong ALEXANDER & DAY NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CANAL LETrwo.—The under -4:=11, signed, Trustee• of the Wabash - ••••• - "-"*. • •` , - --, b -7,- and Erie Canal, hereby give orifice that they will receive sealed proposals at IVriabitigion, Davies roomy, Indiana, on the sith day of June nest, for the constniction of shout twenty-four mile. of said Caned, extending from the proposed Data across the West fork oh White River, near the South line of (keen county to ht•ysville, to Davies county. On this por an ot there •re to be constructed five WI Lecke •nd one Cloned Lock, to he both of timber, a Dam across Slink/trills Creek, and one or two small Aqua duets. together with the usual variety of earth work town,on to a canal. The line will be divided into sec tions averaging stout half a mile in length. At the same time and place, proposals will he recei ed for building, with eat stone masonry, the piers of the Agnednet over East fork of White River. The stone for this masonry inns be procured from the Rut ile. of durable limestone to be found on or near either the Fast or West fork of WWI< River, from willed point they can be delivered by water. The line to tenld under contract, will be ready for inspection drys previous to the time of lent ng, and till necessary tnforroation in reference thereto will he given hy the Resident Itneneer. CHARLF BUTLER, A. M. PUETT, TEIO. 11. BLAKE . Tuerrao• Onset, Terre Mom April' ~ 1t49.1 my7:hunail • - • • I " TNno FO l o nger thew friends ti and the public thatthey have any ennection withtheir la thete establish went In Penn mynah known as the Pittaburgh Orewer having rerarered their entire baatness to the POINT *MEW ERN". In PILL street. nryleid yd CIIICHICIIIIIIO4II FIRM_ _ 1011 N 818.1.1,011, No. 81 Wood pleasure of announcmg the rental spletubd assortment of hanos, frora Wt of Jonas Clocker - mg, Boston—among them • cent Rosewood full Brand Piano Fotto, 7 Men, a superb square Piano Form. octays, care rovemorel, the style of l a ss ns XIV, 7 with •e variety 7, al and 11 Octaves, to which the Stlettliae oflatetth, cm is respectfully toltettol. 3011 N 11. ItIBLIAIa, Role Agent for Clnetering's Piano Fortes fat ern ['roast I roma •f 123 PIANOsi T IM miliserther offers for sale a large and splendid a n of rosewood and Mahogany grunt Ac tion PlakWM, with and vrabout Coleman's celebrated Mohan Attachment. The ahove i nstruments grew's rented to be eye& in any manufactored to this coun try, and will be rold lower Pier any Irroaght from Me Fuel F. BLUME, No 112 wood M. 51 door above sth N 11.—City Senp will be taken at par for a few 0 Le 'bp,* asaOrtlilant. millF. B, TRANSPORTATION &c EXPRICHS PACIEJMT LINN, - FUR PIIILADELPIGA AND BALTIMORE, Fselvatvely for Passengers. i lg4lll—The Boats of this Lane soli leave as follows, at 9 o'elw& at night: Lotiminno--Copt..l P Thompson. May 31 Indiana—ls }turkey, FTldny, June 1. Oluo—A Craig, Saturday, June 2. Kentucky—ll 'Freq. Sunday, :1. Inanal P Thompson, Mondry, 4 dtom—P Bargey, Tuesday, S. Obto—A Craig. Wedneaday, c. Kentucky-1i Truby, Thursday, 7 Loursonna—J P Thompson, Pnday, B Indiana-1' Burkey, Saturday. 9 Otoo—Caps. A Craig, Sunday, In Kentucky—ll Truby, Monday 11. LaaLsiana—.l P Th m y son, T uesday, 12. Indiana—P Bulkey, Wednesday, 13. 01,10—A Craig, Thursday, 14. Kentucky—Copt H Truby, Friday, 16. lAutstana —1 P Thompson, Saturday, 16. Indmna—P Rurkey. Sunday, 17. W SUTCH, For passage apply to Monongahela House, m 31 or D LEECH & Co. Canal Hawn 1849. azi E M . Warren and Cleveland Passenger Line. Canal Packet—SWALLOW. —OCEAN. NS of the above Packets leave Beaver every day 0 (Sundays eXcepted) and amve next morning at NYarren, when they connect with the Mail Stages for Akron and Cleveland, arriving af each of these places before night Otto of the packets leave Warren daily at 5 P.M., and arrlve at Heaver in time to take the morning boat for Putsburgh. C E S LEFFINGWELL & Co, Warren, 2 Pro. B TAYLOR., de JOHN A CAUGHEY, Agent, sin corner Water and Smithfield sts REIM 1849. UNION LINE, ON THE PENN , A AND 01110 CANALS. ClUaleclumt, Cleveland ' O. r-ropr s. R. G. P•ms, Beaver, Pa. THIS Line will be preps ed on the opening of nfavt ..t.rg'utiitlo`i"Tart.W.LAlD,Ptm'o miTP"0.07.70 and Laic.. go. ie• or the Line are unsurpassed in number, capacity of Boats, experience of criptalns, and efficiency of Agents. One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland duly, run ning to connection wlth the steamers LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line of firtt elms Steamers, Propellers and Vestals on the takr& Aommei--R tr Parks, Beaver, Pa. Jesse Baldwrn, Youngstown, Ohio. AI B Taylor, Warren, Cyrus Peanuts, Ravenna, TEhaeler A Co, Akron, Crawford A Chamberlin, Cleveland, 0 Seam A Griffith, Buffalo, N. V: JOHN A. CAUGIIEY, Agents sce, roe Water and Smahfield sm, Pittsburgh. BEAVER PACKETS. Steamer MICHIGAN No. I—Caps. (bison. ii LAKE ERIK, " Gordon. THE above regular and well known Beaver Pack ets, have commenced making their daily trips to and from Bea•er, and will continue to run betwee Pittsburgh and Ikaver regularly during the season, a • • • . Ntichigan No 'I leates Pittaborgb daily at 9 o'cliwk, A. M , and Beaver •t 2 o'clock, P. M. Lake Etta leaves Beaver daily ate o'cloek, A.M., and Paniburgh at 3 o'clock, P M. These stamen will run in connection with If (i Parks' Express Packet Line, for Erie; Taylor tr. Gelgingwell's Warren Packets; Union Line of Freight Bouts for Cleveland; Clarke & Co's Poisloirgh and Cleveland Line Freight Boats. R G Parks daily New Castle Packets. CLARKE, PARKS A, Co, Beaver, Agents. RHIN A. CACOHEY, Agent. Pittsburgh, rnchal car Water and Statthbeld sts Alti - L 1849. Etzd PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS. HE Proprietors of this old eotabflobed and popular I daily tine, consisting of SIXTEEN first elm. Canal Boats, owned by themselves and running In eonnee non with the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE. ore enabled to oller uneqnsiled facilittet for we tranoportation of freight and passengers, on the opening of Canal navigation, to all points on the Penn sylvania and Ohio and N. Volt can als and and ths FITCH & Cleveland. BIDWELL & Becirimn, Agent., Beaver. J. C. BIDWELL, Ant, ge mar 2 Water street, Pittsburgh. C Pittsburgh. Beaver. BIDWELL & BROTHER. Forwarding !aeronauts, BEA VEIL, PA., Ageea e far the Pitubler gA enuiCfrustalsel Lene,Pete. burgh and Erie I.isee via Er i e, and for steam &WSJ Bawer and Caleb Cope. having purchased the large and subetanual Wharf Boat just built for the Monongnhela Packets. have watt the addluon of a Warehouse, the most ample ad commodattons for reediting and forwarding, and pledge their utmost attenuon, promptamta and despatch fo consignments to their due, and rely Oa their friends mar2Aly C. & For Greenwood Garden. Naw A MILWONWNI: —The steamer THOS. SCOTT, commence on Monday, Islay 7, to rust from the Old Greenwood Landing, foot of nit st In thr Garden, leaving at SS o'clock, •. a., and at each even hoar mall o'eloek, r. Is. nip from the isvr den at 10 r.. The Saloon. are supplusi with al the delicactes the semon. Tee at U o'clock. The Garden, with large collection of Greenhouse Plants, Dahlions, An netal Floor Plants and Shubbery. The comfortable wharf boat Greenwood, will be placed at the PM street landing. my 6 — DR. D. iIIUNT, \,- Denat. COTTler Or POUllil and Dectur, between Market and Ferry meeto GI. W. DIDDLE, RIAIOY ED to • new three story brick 41111,.; Sionxt Smithaeld street, one door below h street. Teeth inserted from one to nn entire set, on the 'action ponciple, with a Mau uiul repremntattm of the Worst gum—restoring th inal shape of the face ( 4 11.—'reeth extracted with little or no pain. Decayed Teeth permanently savetilly pluggnig, pre venting the tooth ache, which u much better th an cu ring it, though it sho uld be done in five minute., or even inetantly. spat! rip/Mkt AY NE 'S TABLE OF POST OFFICES, eon 11.1.11111 K 11111LIptatlbelleak list of Post Offices ihroegro out the United States; distrume• (coin Waroungion, D state and territorial commis respeenvely; also ex tobitnig the Post O th er. in each State, as well as enmi ty, wlth an appendix of the United States and British rands Just reed by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, mph; corner ad and wicket sts MRS. ; l ie A p a Ce= Vg \ l ' : r t; I r ly O e BL— a t f ' ` l T L H ° a o t i ' d nien's tales... "Erullin yndbam," ' - Angelia,'' etc. last reed by JOHNSTON & SItaCKTON, epigsliwT comer Markel and Id eta floontig.--Onlvaniaad Tin Pintas. riptit:aubst raw,' beg to call the &pennon of Buildera, 1. Architects and owners of Duildnigs. to the many 114V1Illage01 which these plates possess over all other lIIYULIIIC substances hitherto used for roofing ; &.e , as they possess at once the lightnesa of iron, without its lothtlity to rust, having now been tested for several years m this particular, both in this country and in Eu rope. They ore less liable to expmsiou and coutrac win from suddette„_hange of the atmosphere, than com mon tin plates, tißizine, or any other metal now used for roofing, sod consequently form a much better and tighter roof; requirtng M frequent r less repairs, whilst the brit cost is but a tulle more. A full supply, of all sixes, from 16 to 30 W G , eon • meetly on hand and for rate by GEO. B. MOREWOOD A CO., 14 and 16 Deaver street, New York. The patent right for this article having been mewed me Untied Stairs, all para. tutruiging thereon, - by unportnuon or otherwise, will be promea. oet3CidldrwlyT • • RUST liltoor 111 - 01". 111141 underrigned have erected works in the eny of New York, for the purpose of Galvmusing all arti cles of Iron, which it Is desirable to PROTECT FROM Ilus - r, such as Telegraph Woe, Bolts, !pikes, Nails, Wire for Fences, and any other article which may be required. For 'loops for Cask., as a substitute for bale Rope; (or Clothes Unes, Lightunq Rods, and a host of other applications, it will be found cheap and durable. They would particularly mill attention to the lialvani red \Vire (or fences a requires no paint, and will not rust. Also to Spikes and Dolts, the preservatton of which is of so mach importance, that it will commend itself to the notice of all those tuterested. UFO. B. MOW:WOOD te CO., Patentees, ocOlit-sltsw I rT 14 and la Beaver st, N. York. WALL PAPER WALLICILIOUI . . . _ No. 47 MarEot stred, Pittsburgh, Pia, THOMAS PALI:ISM, 1 - ) ESPBCTFIILLY mnounees to his friends and cas. IX, t o mer., Mat he has had at no past period so exten sive a Stock as he has at lament Henan odar to par. ehasers, oil Vrai moderate terms, at the old establish• ed Stand on Market street, almost every article In his line—including Counung-room, Bed-chamber, Dining room, Parlor and Hall Paper. With Borders, Land 'capes, Fireiboard Prints, Paper and Transparent Window Medea Bonnet and Binders' Boards, Wri ting, Wrapping, and Tea Paper, he ts abundantly my. plied, and retstests mummy nierehttnts and housekeep er. to e•II mid examine his assortment Raga and Tanners , Scraps taken tri trade, at Una highest perinea. mettilatb.w3mT dgW i‘ — lrklr A R T 0 a M - • SION OF THE PLANE AND SAW, No. 7111 Wood *Arose, Pittsburgh. lit'llFlß AND LAUPMAN, Importers and dealers L to Foreign end Domestic I.lAlLDlditlblheiv to all tts varieties, are now prepared to sell as lot and on ail r li cit terms mean be parenasedelsearaer e. We solicit our friends, and the public gccb ,o4 l , to' call and examine out stoat, +hick coausts m pal of KNIVES and FORKS, POCIIKP and PEN KNIVES, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, Norme TOmmin.p. such as Locks, Lateltes, Rinse. and ey with every article usually kept in ilard•rans We mule the attention of Carpenters and Afeehatties, generally to our assortment of Toole, ',bleb nave been selected with great rare, and which we are determin ed to sell an as to giro satisfaetton. aptAkerT amo, Dedford, Pa. lona arowou.o, Indiana, Pal KENO ifa RTOOLLEILICAD, TITIIOLFEAIJR GROCERS, Forwarding and Com. yv Akr ,..y„,,,ne, mid dealers to Produce and Pittsburgh Manafaetures, corner of me Diamond and Diamond aliey,Pombwß h. Rarnmacm—Pr. r. Shoeuberser, p a „b urgh. Itteltard Bard, eklT'llo't'lfatl'. L... Simon Drum, FT, lireensburgh: . T. lies tr. Co., Philadelphia. J te. Dona, LotlinitOWll P.l Ille.mer, , Hon. Win J Dougherty , a l 'af.d• hlulholleti fr. May, ktiatiset. epawAstalk Notice to Dag • vsT reeetvetl, small invoice of vuIuTLAF.74- 11 DER'S LIU ICKWoRKINtr7 INSTRUMENTs— ue. construction. These Instruments posses. great silirmteges over ell others ever mode, rovernig a 2.3 site Plate, reducing the dim of sitting ene-half, end producing a sharper, clearer and better defined ture. They, therefore, deserve the attention of all Ar tists engaged or tntending to engage in the bonnets. Prier for the 'rube A general assortment of Volgtlacinler's justly role brined Instruments, a all sane., at on"! So Dsperiro "rtiatNlr lowest rates TII, Cincinean, Ohio, is our so thoneed agent tor the sale of the above Instruments. r- A List of Peters eon be buricad by dd ares ßN sing post paid, NY X. F Exchange, rauladelptua, !moaners 01 Dago , rrrrrrrr /damn:kis, and General Agents for the sale of Voistlaender's lotnt. tuestemodbm '2;7the sign of the rime sad Paw 78 Wood street rx a complete assortment of Cineinnell Cooper. T. 1., for sate by tovle 111111Elt te I.AUFaI AN . . SELTS43k [reel, hos No of a new and w(MIL—The trypes, price in esili pare lor thi dtfemni glades of clean washed wool, by roy2l li LEE, lrberry n, eppocete CAA To WILELRIMIIII AND LURIBICIIIIIMISIL r1•11E undemped offers for sale in MICE.. county. 1. Pa., 1900 acres of well urnbere4 LAND, with excellent Saw Mill nearly new, and two new Frame houses, one 41 feet (root by 17 back; the other SI feet front by it back. Also. good new (mate liars. thirty by forty feat. The mall and land are Pawed four milm from the Allegheny river. Agreat deal of PINE TIMBER of the best quality, and also a vast quantity of the very hen hemlock Also, one acre on the banl l of the Allegheny, near s eove, most admirably adapt ed for ranting. where lumber ran be rafted on the tee In winter. and be perfectly safe from all freshets Priee 130.110 D, or 115 an acre Tems easy. lobo a well cleared small fano, with good house Pad or chard upon 14 as pan payment, If Imam° is suitable, and the balance in lumber, or as may be agreed on. Thu as an excellent opponuruty for lumbering; and the probability as great that in two or three years this property will double us value, in consequence of proxunaty to the New York and 1,71 a Railroad. Ttm its ben sufficient to wear out several saw mills—and sev eral null sates on the stream which runs nearly through the centre of the land. About fifteen acres to paw • No hill to rue 111 hauling lumber from mill 113 river Trout and rune In •bundanee. For further purlieu lam address, tpost-prod,) P. B.TE:mill.F:Ttilat, mreCtlikurtiS Gazette office, Pittsburgia T . . . HE subscriber...lll eell at prcrete sale, those two valuable Lots of Ground, mutated on Tomato st to the Third Ward of Allegheny City, each havtng • front of At feet, running back Itat feet to depth to • 2t/ feet alley, upon winch is built a intone malt, 20 by 100 feet, which commas mon< enough to build cellars for two comfortable dwelbnit houses, End in (min there are three shade trees, ofd years growth, end the side walk is paved wrth bock, all of which will be told et gm*. Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or County Scrip, will be taken In payment. J A II PUS LL11.3, No 5 Wood st., or to WM. BENSON, unmet:betels opposde sabl mylfl THE Dwelling noose on 'nod sue., aborts fr Smithfield, occupied by the Mealy of the late " Dr. A. N. 91'Dowell. Posatession giveu on the tat of July next. A 1.,, some large lots of grown' in the Noun Ward, between the Ftfth Ward and Crogbansvolle,saitabla for lumber yard.. Will N. DARLINUTON, myiPkdtf At H. Darlingtott% Fourth st UDR SALE—Fire lots rligtbly attested in the amy l' tatting low, of Bermingham The lots ate slum. led on Denman street, numbered to F Bausman's plan 75, 710, 1,0, 91 and En—Lot No 75 (mound 20 feet on Ma ry Alin street, 70 feet deep; the other foot 20 feet front tett, by et) feet deep. Terms—Greater pan of porebam money may re 416 (or six years, secured by mortgage. F'or panic 19CROYE19, ABOUT four mile. above Look No. 2, at the mouth of Pine Rust, Monongahela River. The Coal is of Me very best quality, and easy of access Any number of acres, from tweny.6ve to a hundred, ought be obtained. Persons desirous of purchasing, ran eaII on WALKER REED, on the premises, or Wm. Read, opposite the Post office, who will give any tu- tormauon eorteernteg the property. The *bore will be told at a great [tamale. my-21:d6re IN ALLEGHENY ctrl'.—A nest and corn • Portable bnce Dwelling house , and Lot of insund, (IN feet front by In feet deep,, suttee. on the bank of the river, near FahnesmicliN lend fen tory, Is Mimed for tale low Tunes easy end title in disputable. Apply to Abraham Fulton, Monongahel a City, or JAMES BLAKELY, raisbursh. _...,..,... Lrr-A amid brick Dwelling foam, situate oil Rolinison street, Allegheny. hhiquire of myth SOLOMON SCHOTEE LiOR SALE CHEAP FOR SCRIP—A la of groom I.' mutate on Webster street, 'M feet from Hi gh street; 40 feet flout 00 Webster, by et/ feet to a five ea t alley —grate close to new coon hoax, Price 8950. 'Tenon, 8350 rash in hand; balance in one, two, three and four years from the first of Apnl Inst. County and City Scrip taken for cash payment. In quire of myth H SCHIDY RR- 110 wood ,t *CB Acea• Coal Lard tor Salo, SITUATELIon the Monongahela river, about 16 miles from f;isaborgh and 3 miles above third Lock, in the immediate neighborhood of Mews. Lyon & Short., and Mr. John Ilerron's porebriza. This fine body of Coal will be sold at the low price of $33 per acre—arse third in hand, balance to five equal annual payments, without Intermit. Tide indisputable. Location very good—cannot be saTassed. For further partienWs enquire of S. BALSLEY, who has a drag of said pfo. party. Readence td at, below Ferry, Mr. Adam.' flow. N. IL There to another seam of coal on ads inset, about 60 fact above the lower, of okeellent quality. jr/Oidtf 8. D. -•- — Flom. and Lot for Sale for Befir - s. ,Agg, A TWO story Brick House, containing eight „Marano, erthalliVe of basement and cellar, and suitable for two families, almated on Liberty street, Allegheny, will be sold low for Bung. Enquire of toyaidtt E. HAYS, Gazette office B6lld LotU MBE subscribers me authorised to offer at private J. sate, and upon highly favorable terms, a number f very valuable Budding Lots, comprisum a large portion of the Lots numbered G 7, 00, 60 nod 70, in Wands' General Pion of the City of Pittsburgh, situa ted at the town eastwanlly corner of Penn and Wayne streets, fronting 240 teat on the former, and extending along the latter about 600 feet to the Allegheny veer, and being a pert of the Real Fame of the late Jam. S. Stevenson, Esq., deceased. A plan or subdivision of the above Lots, inconfor mity with which 'tie proposed to sell, ma y be seen at the office of the undersigned, on Fourth, between Mar ket and Ferry eta WILLIAALS do KUHN. Valsmisbie newt Earwigs for sa... E subscriber will eelq at private sale, that vales- J. tile Property, on the Fourth street road, adjoining his present re•Menee, and give poaseasion immediate ly. There are about TEN ACHES OFCHOICE LAN U, in a high state of cultivation. The improvement. are • huge and well finished brick DWELLING HOUSE, a superb Bam,and other mat building , . Adjoining the dwelling is a running Ftsmusia wal a good Pump, which furnishes a constant sV of excellent water. There is a variety of Frail s and Shrubbery on the prenisses. lithe above described property is not sold soon, It will be rented for a thae, Alto, for sale, a large IAsT, on Penemytrartla.A•eune, at the end of the board adk. Inquire of iipittd3m Vahaablo Real lifiStato Mar Mile. TI E Trustees of the Vdemern Theo)ogl Seminary baying decided to sell, on perpetoM lease, a por non of their property in Al l city, offer on very favorable Lerma, from 31.1 to So Lots of different tiles. A swot rantee tale ill he given. A plea of the lots can be seen at No. Wood lima For pans:oloam enquire of other (lithe smdenurned Committee. JOHN 7. LOGAN, ALEX. LAUGHLIN, MALCOLM LEECH, H. CIIILDS, EIAML. BAILEY. At a vary low Rawl. • tritA TWO story Bock House, on Federal L. one door above the northweat eorner of dm North Common, Alleeway—wide hall, parlor, doling room and kitch en on the God floor. Faux rooms on al story, with a Anished auto. Pomona.on to be had lmmedintely. Inquire of 1.11. GEO II AIILTGASUF.RGER,37 Front a T"...ditint.netbg,ro=d'l'dthehce.4.,"or, rgt flyer, is offered for ante on accommodating test n: Lou betng •üb-dfriwou of Lot No 46P int o e plan of be city of Pantburgb,) baring 20 lent front n Se of WOOL, by 540 feet to Strawberry laid)... 10 one sent Lots fronting on an Avenue, hi feet We. rninung'froin Beaver road to We Ohio river. ail. Phillips`a Oil Cloth Factory. For term, enquire of CHARLES B. SCULLY, or /AMES 0 0 11.11.11A.,' Bartels thilliting, 4th at. • Valuable Property for Sol% IN THE NINTH WARD Up FITTSBUROki.—Se, mail Lens thildwut and Liberty streets, in the Rb Ward, 21 feet by IN and adamant 'the proposed depot of the Antral Railroad. HARLCS For terms InqLLY uire of C B. SCU, or JAIIII O'LIARA, mmltekf Borke's Bull4nrk, SA n 1 TWOIIOOB6S AND LOTS FOIL SILIL TWO LUTS on over street, to the city o tm Allegheny, above the upper Commolin welch is erected frame building, two at hits imitable for two small tenements. The leo are twenty feet In front by one hundred feet deep, and mu baelt to a SIMEI forty feet wide. The buildtega ma the pro] Moe. will pay • very handsome intateat 00 the lniresti merit, and the property will be sold cheapfor cask Apply to IL Sproul, Clerk's office; U. novy9 KAY & Co Boole& Dloltsimetts. TEN ACKF E. O LAND, situated in Peebles town sett, on the Monongahela, three wiles from hutt bursh—ut lots to slidpurchasers. For further pante ' app:) to Henry Woods, ad at, or to A WASIFINOTON, 4th, above Dettithield ot notritt-dtf jtik.Milli:HOUSE FOR SALE.—Tae sul,scriber offers for sale the three story brick We:rehouse on Wood street, occupied by IL Tanner& Co. apl7 Wbd. WILSON, Jr. _ VALUABLE HEAL ' , STATE ON PENN NTLLELr FOR SALE.—A Lot of tiround &knew on Pe street, between flay and 111 /obeli streets. adlo4, the house and lot now &coupled by Richard floireattl ,a having a front of 25 feet, end in depth LW (wa l led' be sold on (evocable term.. Tale unexceptioneb a. En quire of C. O. LOOMS, 4th st, near Wood. ocoll-dtf EZTEM! A. D,ES,..l%fiLF...ridi.ll:l;ot in .houtilhnt.enyjreies:,.fsj he cold on accommodating term.lnfinire of • feed 1 D WILLIAMS, 110 wood at second stosrgY, iand — Ad, FOR RENT BMW Wood area. - [frog..:.f - fia - Alfirg - k - i - sijillit - y subientrers oder for sale • number of choir. 1 Lots, Ida , . in tho Soccond Ward, fronting on the Connuon ground, on CUT tam.. Inquire of W. LPIL ROIIINSON,Arry at Las., St Molex( or of IhS ROBINSON, on do, promises: roradlEvred in tantosio is tikrtecTroAi crPriTtia,: No. 634 DIAMOND ALLEY, a `'' few doors below Wood street, to; 'm rß..' BROWN, Wing begs -wi l N.. regalarireducated to the medic& fession and been for soma time ..'. ' r-ge ne ral ' practice, now confines • ' Ida attention to the treaunent qI those private and delicate cocci . . s . _ A , plaints far which hts opportunrites -, and experience peculiarly qualiftr ~'. him. Illears usulimasly deinted lo • y treatment of those camplahria(during which time he haittad more practice and ha cored more pa: liens than can ever fall to the lot of any private p uttoneri amply gegltfiee him to offer muumuu or poodo, permanent, and satisfac tun , °ere to all &filleted - with debate d t s.e.sue, and all diseases arising there) from Dr Brown would inform these afilleted with private diseases whieh have bacome chronic by time or agg 'teemed by the ass of any of the eottunoa norisums of the day, that their eomplariate can be radically sad thine; oughly caned; he having given his careful attention to the treatment of meek ewes, and succeeded to hundreds of tnetenees In caring persons of ingammatton of the seek of the bladder, and kindred diseases wirich often resell from Mow eases where others have consigned them to hopelees despair. Ile paruoilarly writes such as have been long and ansaceesafielly treated by othell to tonsult him, when every sausfacuoe will t,,,,,,,,, them, and their cases treated inn careful, thorough and intelligent monitor, pointed out by a long e aperient, study, and investigation, which it a inmovitble for then enraged in genet.' practice of medietne to give an one el.& of disease. IrT•Hertua or Reptura—Dr. Brown also invites ;seri cons attuned with Hernia to call, ae he hal paid perm Mar attention to this driense. CANCERS also eared. Skin Mecum,. also ev s, Palsy, eta., epeedilY u° l44 ChM—retievery ' nts . of in se; living at a distarice, by stating than discs= in writing, swing ill the eIATi touts, can untrue =dimes with dirsenege fur trim, by addreering 'T. BROWN, M. D., post pgid, and mictuti tog • fee. Ott. No. OM, Diamond allay, opPerim Rix ' 'Mixt/ Rouse 1111•011AIWIL—De. Brown'eunielY diwx.x , iirl Colin dy for Rheumatism is a speed,' to , e‘'" . "meal be that painful trouble. It never fed._ Olgee and 5i,.0,,, cog:malting stomas, No. Op Ohs. ~,,,,,d alley , Pittsburgh, rs. The Doctor as always al hams. [tr No curd no pad __.-_. . GLAS...I .--um Go 13110 W utdosc,Glass; 360 do Mit ~,,., iix , 4o mid d.; 80 do-.91Y30 doi tot was lii sorde 9 F VON SONNIIORST & Co DAVID PEELER. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers