The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 07, 1849, Image 2

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- iiiißrii - ai.u - c , iii; -- giiiv.Y. -- rrk. -- 7 -
i Nta 1849. .7:
Old Ertaldit bed One
T HE Pro rimer of Ibis veal known Lhoe of time]
Roam, . tow prepared tu transport PeteseMors ,
LarkGheigh lo WI pow. ati the t Ise Idoenslo., - Now
York Cao owl Me I -a1.., tam. the mow, favorable
terra and t try despatch.
Thu Lt. wale to eouneenou wall the Veen. Itnant
BEAVER awl OALP.II i 'OPE. between thurborglt
Leff Beaver, C ht Reedat Luc of west.. boot and p...,
sell on he lake., and the 'Prop awl NlMlliglth Lake
Boat Lane art the
C. Nat" Vim k r auat
Al. REED, P tarnisher, Ella, Pg.
Kidwell A Brother, Ageme Braver. ,
101 'I Aleillee, Aftwit at J Mestkasigiff , Pal.roger .
Orate, Alormitgahela Bailee, Paulturgh.
CONSIGN --it' C Malan, Sharon, SE de S Ball,
Bbornabargs Smith & Dowmog, do, J B Plummier,
(lent Greenville; Week, Mitre A Co, do,Wm Henry, '
HeIISWW. Davis &Sotto, Buffalo; Bar ney, Gibbs M.
Co, Poodoelty; dap A Armen - oil, Defrost, ADrllAnd A.
.Ncarkardy, Bletboy gem; !tl'nbare re Wllilffnms.,ltLlwou
r se, Rug , ' Abs way re Dutton, lbw., Jo,. II Gi nv ,,
eto...mro, A. Wheeler & Co, Year York. , ayory
Pilinbiolitot;.nd Iliad rsville Pajokil Ir.bie
araiM 1849. itglibi t
trial pantie are ,tinge.tlnt4 inforrwiff Ant J. 111.
k MARSHALL ti. C. nave fined out ottY and'
eplendlid Pocket Bowe to t
tan durtng 11,0 sewn., be
tween 131wwwlfe nod Pliwburrh- hit, bunt. ha be- low
ed by Liam. bane., and it., ; y ettost made la Wire. ,
mindere prerettgers.
DceartreaM —Beata IA tl. P. v e l'ntahurch every
Iffouday, Therday, Thurodity nod FOday, at 70 clock,
e r Front 1:14410. the twerp Motet., Wed.... WO .
FLUIPday rad Saturday. ut 7 4 c lock, ... IL, Wed ernes.
st Pittabargh the same day A two hot. Hock irum
1/411411% Will meet the host at :a•lwburgh, hot7Cmt .P
-word orld do...wore trip i•4144g pa • ,ligef inhf Through
VOOl that Diane In one dui
Prerght 10i the above /41/1.• ail: be rcceivea St tit,
Louse of tlie iliintructiii lane, by 100. Farrell & Co.,
who are our uttnorucil Agents. All avoid teevssed
free ul eaudonatoon. PI MAR:WALL &
JNO PARRUN & Co, Agents,
Canal Basle ' Liberty it, Pinshorgh
A Hack leaves IRairsvillcfor Yoangsttisett on tiro
at weal of the boat—returns to heat in mornimp rare
!tom Pittsburgh to Youngstown 82—receivesothee
ut [batmen's lane throng t.
VIVA` OtataATPOEtt&iii.aftirliktriahriii
alittEol 1841).
For the 711insrportatton of brag it to al Pont
Cuestas Ilistatuck, Philadelphia.
Taasse & O'Coittiott, Pittsburgh.
rrEns old established Li. being now in ?all opera.
I duo. the ProPtielors are prepared with their nmtal
extensive arrangements to forward merchandise, pru.
duet, &e., to and hem the above ports, on liberal tenor,
with 'the regularity, despatch and safety peculiar
their mode of wonsriortatui ma,obviou. when man. to
shipment on the wars avoided.
.Vsileoncign.m. by
it for this line received, eau.
Kea paid, and forwarded la. say requireAdireetiOns free
of charge fore commission. , advancing or storage.
Na internal, &Urals , orlochrectly, Mounts...
coeurnedilmatitarapromptly attended tu 011 smitten.
bowie, die follow - us agents:
THOS. BOR.BILICiFiIIn Market st, Philadelphia
'PA& PPE & CRCONNOR, Canal Basta Phuiburgb.
0'..:010101t & Co, Notth at, linitimore.
SLATPIENtir. Lima::: •
1849. r: : :.-.2111111ktia
Fot rho Traie,porltaion of ftlerel;at'n
ClOols 01.1;peeldor lane- are carried to four.
..ecuotz Portable Boats.
ri,nEwabccrll.ers having made arrangements in cam
of a Want of Stole Thiess at Columbia, IA have
boar Foods forwarded over the Railroads in cars, FO
RA to avoid the detention that by Iterriofure occurred
to die want of Trucks. Shippers will find thls to their
advantage. Nu charges tunic for receiving or One
ping, or - fur advancing charges. All gored. fortauded
'Atli despatch, and on ns reasonable terms as any °•.h
et Line. JOHN I'AttREN ft Co.
comer of Canal and lAbertySt,
TZ Pittsburg l•
P. K. FRE it Co,
meld:Lam 165 Market re, Philadelphia.
laces OrlYilte,
boson Ilwart.w, Tues. Bltic mot
Wait. lhastok, 3.005 Pet ,
Conducted on met Salibain.keePlag principles.
FlE o P h iO e p yr i le
p o
th Jo e s moot
c c e d tn :t i hr t a e te o d r dLr,n w e
d lo
thoroughly prepared to forward Produce amt Merritt
diseko and from the Portent cites.
We trust that Our long rape et
In the earryii
hostiles., and kenlou. attennott to the interests of en
touters, will secure to as rt continuance and inertia
of the patronage hitherto extended to Bnighaents Lin
Our arrangement. will er.oble w to carry FITT.
with the utronat despatch. and our prices shill al tray
he an taw us the lowest charged by ether reap:kited-I
We have opened an office In No ISJ Market .ire.
etween Ith and sth s•.• !Tillma n for the o:motorist ,
or altippers.
Produce end Nlerrhanatee et, , I i.e reCeiVet.l and for
warded. En- , and WeA... , ;1., , • any charge for for
ruiveo,tor tretrht...tot:o . c or vonuranson.
Lit:ls of I.ter.t,T tot mooted. nod every' dire,.;...:
attended ,
Address. or apply to Wlll. BINGHAM,
C. 11.1 Ba•tu, vet Liberty k NN'ttyne Ott, Pittsburgh
Nu 153 and :ft. Markel otter!. Phtle.l•
JAMES WILSON,'- 4 'yeti,
Na 121,4°11h Ham g stteet, Baltimore
'WILLIAM TY sori t UV,
inchtl No To Wee., Grneet. New Voris
Persusylvasaa Cartel as. Waft Road -
prese.Fiaat Plachet Line,
IS 49 .
elaelufavele tor !Noise/taco, •
rut_pc,bh , reeper IOW) . talon:Med L
lkts nie
will coronae.... running on the 19th loot, and cut e
i.nue throughout the _season
The bows use new. and °I • VI. vent', whin e t
urged cabin+. to/ h will rove r:ratre comfort.
cars we the Torres eotyetruenon.
A Goat Will always be In I -nn end travelers ale I.
quested to oath nod .1100 11,1, I.eiorr enraging pa
•aen tlseerfict.e
(Fiat- rune One of the ban •o ,
tlos Ldno :vat lento the tandolg loppn.ito U. al Note
:weerof Penn .:rest und every night et nin, o
cloak Tito. i day For itiformatton, apply at M.
office, klanotigoheln flow, or to B 11.7..X11 &
meat? Canal Bunt
11.0.iiiT A OLE IC,
For the Tranaportanun of 'tetra to
on the Owlet being now resumed, the
BProprietors of We above Line respectfu tnlortn
the public that they are prepare to reemvlle y
and tot
ward Freight with detritueb,aud ut Lowest rates.
They woold oleo call the nuentitirt of shipper. Best
ward to the tart that the Maio employed by them ut
tradsitortariotn, are owned by them and ediattililiged by
exkneacea. captains.
Shipper. of Aleut it. Bulk will find it advantageout
to ship by it. 13Re. the
have made ar
rangemenut at Columbia to het, such 6eigh• far Bal
MOWo handed directly from boat. to cars, thereti> so
vtng warebutiSc hlt0•11:^6.
Freight •to Phdadelplart goes clear through itn-
No charge made for receiving shipliingor advancing
charges.. KIER & JONES, Proprietor.,
Canal Rasta, Seventh street.
AOCNTS-i-John A. Shaw, Cinemnatt O.; Jno kl
Culloujh & Co. Balumore; Jos Steel
1, 14:1611,/k Therual, Columbus. meat
ataM I A
1849. "%la
ImP4+l , S ' , Asa PAcia. - E
iht.1.5121 - gis to Philaddyllin andiktithanre.
lEschutvely for Passengers.)
T ll w E i ptZle a; , e , rmapocifnutlLirgooTtiaddr th:tttniA..l4,:ine
The boats of this Lula ur g e of a supedor will,
enlarged cabins, which will give greater comfort to
A boat will always hem port, and ird'velera are TO
weird In call and exiname. them heforo engaging pat
sago by other routes. Tney will Wave the landing, op
patile the U. S. Hotel, corner Penn raren&and Canal.
every Watt at 9 o'clock.
Forbiforsnation, apply at the office; Monongahela
ROOF, 0117 D. LEECH /a Co, Canal Basin.
N. B.—the proprietors of the above` Lida are now
ballding an additional Luse of Packets, loran ea above
On or about June let, la connecnou With the Penneyl
veal& Hail goad from Lewistown to Pbiladelpbia. At
that time a packet will leave every morning mid even
lg. Mare. through, 21, daya. • Mehle
itzLiAlibt PORT.I7~LI+". BOAT LINE,
ElfelllB49. Sac
For the transportation of tilrel!rtitalie,
nOODS earned on this Line are not transhipped
931 - between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being car
ried in four secuon Portable Boats over land and we
tar-to snippet. of merchandise requiring careful
handling, this Is of importance. No charge muds for
receiving or shipping or for advancing Charges. All
goods forwarded wall dispatch, and mina reasonable
terms ea by any other Line.
Canal Bas
JAN in, Penn al, Pittsburgh
soul' 2 2 7 Eiarterk7i - i - COmst — iteest.,chili.
JOIENTIerADEN a Co, Forwatilig ettiFomm , r
.ioo Mereloutts, ential Baaln, Pena it,
jititTEM lid DAVIS & Ca, Flour FaeuiriartdCoakta' ta.
aloa Merc
p hants, Vi Market and M Caipielieree • tweet,
UV - A
Philadelhia ,
dvances made by either of Y 6 On Flour,
Waal and other atereLcutdize tp there for
iSittMl 1849 .
plerohants , Transport/010a Line.
ro tutnurr.erna. /OW
ITIHSCanala and Rail Roads htiot.pow open, and
4, in good enter, we aro prepared to forward
klada of merehandom and produce tO.Philadelphiarind
Baltimore, anthpromptoara and dhapatch, nod On 00
good rersas an my other Line.
C A hir-ANCLit" & Co.,
Canal Rasta, Peon: et, Pinsburgb.
Agri—CHA RIBS RAYNOR. Philadelphia.
rola ROSBZIORRILI. k. Co, DaLlmore...
18_49 •
Far,Blaltrdlle, Johnstown ' Flollidayaharp, and
all itnettnedinte placia
• Tms tine will eonanue to carr yall way Goods
'With - their usual dePpatch, an dal fail tales of
ft - tight.
AdlCtla—Cl A. 15FANULTY 21, Co, Fittabotgh.
D 13 Wakefield, JohnstOtto.
Sohn Miller, llollldayshorgh.
itlidridrlcss—t note, Jordon; Smith 5,60., F
Shoonborger, B Moore, John ' Parker,. F Von Bonn
bent & Co, NVcri baluster Co SW AFDr-vitt 64. Bros,
?mope& John Ivory, Suallt,'lllolhollan tr. lbw, /no
Grallria Co, Blairsville . Meal
Belimia'ar an Urfa Eipreme Packet Line.
B . G. FARE.% Hover, Vronoctor.
row end elegant Poseatet Packet.,
.:ENIAGARA, Cam 1111 Jeffrier
• - PENNSYLVANIA, 1 1 11ollinaii;
. LAKE EMS, Trebyl
QUEEN CITY, . Mciraul.
Peemtos &da il y Line betweektlKAT“,... ~..., Lave
commenced :wady, and will coonnue dunes me tea
- son to.tnake their veento trio, .leattog *aver tan
the =teal of the meaning Oat from Pttlaborgh, (I v..
'clock, e. is) and arrive at Erie an time tat Pactehoem
'es earths Morning boats to Buffalo or up the Late.
—Tieketittitratutt, to Ede and 5.11 Lobe
bat by epidtmulon to JOHN A CAUMOY,
istrinsr of Water and SailtbleW na
sailer the St Mike NOW
origirml, Only trim, and genuine Ideal' Poll.
Snore Caw. Ohio comity, V.
Mulch liGth., 1040.
Mr. FL E. Sellers: Dear Sir-1 Rank a • dart I owe
to you and to the public genera ly, state that I have
heed&filleted with the Liver Complaint lor a long
nra~ noel w Ludt)'
that an
ow t
lab.coemri. toliran2ved.rrai.c
your ecl Lover d
ehtated soda being Mr sam by A R
Sharp, or Went Liberty, sold recommended to vac
mV physician, Dr. E. Smith, laoncluded to give them
lair mai I purchased vale /A.., and found them to
what they are recommende, THE DEMT LI.
VIIIR 111.1. EVER I.ISER. and alter taklng rout boxes
I had tie thereat, has entirety len tor- maid 1 non Rots
well Keepectfutly yours,
1/ 11 COLEMAN.
NVeyt Liberty, March 46,11149.
1 comfy that I ant personalty acquainted wan Mr
Coleman, and eon bear teeurnony to the vats of the
above ceruficare. A R !SHARP
The 'rename Idver rm. are prepared mod coo: by
R E SELLERS, No 57 Wood atreet. and l,y druggrew
it the two clue[
TO THR. PUBLIC.—The ortgtual, only irue and gen
uine Llifor Fels are prepared by E ilers y and bane
hot awe Mantroted Week wait upon We 01 rad,
boo, and his signature ou the outside wrapper --oil
&hers are e ountertmts, or base anima, A.
sparlt E SELLER Proprietor
ROM the Rev ASA SINN N, o well known and po
Fnine Clerrait.llo ( the Ptateritantlttelltualitt Chat eh
The undersigned having been afflicted during the pas!
winter With t 1 dreclue of the motuach, sometimes pro
clueing great pain to the sawmill for tenor twelve
Wahoturntermisaion, and after baring tried vot wtu
r nned,r= with hale e dect, was airmailed with how/
of It, U Jaynail Carminative Univ..: Th., he used at
corilmg to the directions. alai found rut erithly out tho
medicine c d
anoed the paw In In three or lout Ina,
htea, and in fitter ur twenty IllittuteneVery
Itee.riatiOel ort.ehtirely yowle. The medicine woo a
terwarda used: whenc•r r indications or the approach
pularric pereeived,atid the paw Wad thereby pm yr.
ed. Ile continued to use doe I•tedirine ever) r • er..l,e
and botnotintet in the a ruing: and .11 0 fc as oust,
health was ao far ristmed, that the mineral was relic,
ed riom a large amount of oppre..civc putt. Front to
perience, therefore, he can coo y retiorine..d I
U J myne'# Calera cadre llakani. al a salutary rnedimi
for disc. , of the. stomach and bowels. A 9111NN
Allegheny ray .Ivll
For sale to Prttel,tgli at the PEKIN T El. S'Etrlt
70 Fourth Street, near Wood, and aloo at ihe Lang
Store of 11 P SCR W IRI'Z, Federal rtre•t. a I,eithao
Growl English Remedy.
FOR Centel. , C.ltny Asthma and Consumption The
O REAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of the
above disease, to the ISLIAIGARIAN BALSAM OF
discovered Ly the celenated Dr, Buchaa,
London, England, i n n insreduced into the Caned State.
under the immediate superiathinicitee of the InVentOr
The extraordinary sueceas of this medicine. 111
Mc of ruhnOnnry . dlneasen, W6rtnnl• the America: ,
Agent to .011eiting for treatment the wort prostate Ca.
aes Mat can be sound so the coatimany--e ases that se..
relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the
day, and have Leen given up by the most driunguislied
physicians as confirmed and Meta/able. The
an Balsam has eared, and will cure, the most desperate
of cases. It is no quack nostrunfi but a standard Ens.
Loh mcdmme, of known and established efficacy.
Every family in the Vented Slates should be sopnied
with kluchan's linaganan Balsam of Life, not only
counteract Um consumptive tendencies of the elanne,
but to be used es a preventive mcillooe is an taint
cold, coughs, 'invite of blood, path in the tide and
chest, irritation and sorenr.i. of he bins*, broehilis
difficulty of brewing, hectic fever, night sweats,
sown and general debility, asthma, indents*. wht opt sg
ooagh and croup.
Sold in large bones, at Si per bone, with full three
tions for the restoration of health.
pamphlets, condoling a anne of Flnghnh and Amen
can certificates, iriul other evidence'
showing the wt.
climbed merits of thin great English Remedy, luny be
obtained of the Agent, gratatiofialy.
For sale by B A FAIINFSTOCK i Co., eoincr ei
at and NVorid and Wood and doh etc. inure.
CcusliraptiOn, Comb, Colds. A ethms, Bronehius,
er Complaint, Sinntng 134.04, Difficulty of Breath.
ing,, Pain in the Side andllteast,ralpiut,lon of
the Beam Influenza, Croup, Broken Low
emotion, Sore Thront,Nervons
ty, and all Diseases of the Throat.
Breast and Irina,: Ilia mostcf
fennel end speeHy cure
ever known for any of
the above threes.
es, Is
• ,
DR. SW A. YN C' 9'
Chomparind Syrmp of Wild Cherry!
This medicine is no longer ;wood those or doubtful
natty. It has passed away from the ttrousands dolly
lao.heri upon the tide of expenotent. end ef e lW 40tee%
higher el reputation, and is becoming mom lten,ve•
ly need then any other preparation in medtmne ever
produced for the relief of suffering man.
It has been introduced very generally through tbc
United States and Europe. ant! there are lcm mason or
impordoce but what commit some ternaskable vt v..
dente of its good caeca For proof of the three attic
eatententa and of Ate value rind efficacy of this Inert •
Moe, the proprietor will insert it few of the mat. y how
sand onstimounsls which have been presented lo 11111,
men of Uae first respectability en who have tugher
views of moral responsibility and imAcc. than to cm
ofy to lams, because It
do another a favor. and
themselves tio torusucc Such tesuniony proves con.
e Immely,khat its surprising excellence A establistred
by Its intruisie merits. and Mc unqueenonable author,
ty of public opinion. Tbe 11:111I11.1.00UX retie: II at
lords, and the soothing leetteliCe dareeed through the
whole frame by us use, renders a n moot agreeable
remedy for the afflicted
When men. smog from cosctentlous impulses
voluntarily heir testimony to the nruth of a mod, or
pithead!' (set. such lesurnony , heutg contraty to Me..
sv o.
orldly intermna and purpose., coerces 0011VIelle.11
At truth, and commends ...ell in a atrecial manner
untVersal rredenee Moral 'datum.
Al.Olll erltr. I.l,l.N.riAltr Cmast,trrna
Mere Weer was a remedy that ban been as sueecselt.•
in desperate elutes vd Coosomplarth is Dr Siva> in•'•
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strengthens we
rystem. and appears to heal the ante. We lung,
crestung new and nen Mood pea.L•bed by no
other modem,
Corms. Co April bakth.
w. Swoyne—Dear I 'lefty behove a
cooed Syrup of Cherrl has been dos moans o r
toying my life. I caught severe cold, orlecta grodu • I
ally grow worse, udended ..ub a :severe rough, ho !
restated all die remedies width I had to
to, toll
me reasing until my ease exklbtied all the symptoms or
rulmonari Constimonoa Emery Wow I tried seemed
t, have no effect, and my complamt ancrel.dtd ao rated :
ly that friends as welt mymlf, gave up all hope. or r
my recovery At this tote I was recommended to try
your invaluable medicine. I dui so with the most hap
py recalls The first bottle had the Meet to loosen the
Gogh, ceasing me to erpectorate freely, and by the s
une 1 had used sic booles,l was courtly well, end ILL
sow ass hearty as I ever was to my life, otad
w o uld he harpyglee any reforoasuou to p
my ,
coat, that other tosufferers emy derive the benefit for
*bleb lam so grateful. See the to of the above
sudemenoirefer you to FYI.' Hash, hooter, Well
Cheater of whom I Purchased the medusum.
Res Lilly yours, Jmmo MORAL.-
Iroweksful Gum of a JklaModia Manama,
Dr. dwayne—De. Sic I feel a debt oftentode
you—and ditty to the afflicted genelly, to o
my hatable testimony in favor of your Compound Sy
rup of Wild Cherry. Some three yens stone I was
violently attacked with told add rodamMatton tith e
Longo, which was accompanied with a dastroo
cuagb., plan ill the breast and head, a very mg:widen ,
lilt -discharge of offensive macros from the loupe, espe.
eially upon change of weather, however slight- At
knit I tell en alarm about my condition, but was pretty
.wee convinced the I was rapidly going Into corm:lmp.
o n o. I rem deity weaker, nod at length was Pearce
;y able to walk about, or speak above a whisper, ouch
was the exceeding weakeess of tangs During this
time I had trice Vatitl. proparadom and preacrip.ns
but found no relief. tilt Um owe worse Jost
here was advised and persuaded by a dear friend in
Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup )!Kilt Cho,
ry. I meet confess diet prevtously I lad been preju
diced against patent =Minutes. and I am still against
those cooling out of the Month, of emperma, but under.
sirmaling your claim to they rofession nod pructice
medicine, .d having Implicit hi the '. aying of gay
friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Sha one of your
agmts, a few bottles, and commenced ita a.. My you
WSJ 11.1 that time of kta or Igo Mona.' 31/11/11.1111E, cora
sequently It woo dmpty sainted. wood, however,
conaiderkble relief from then. of the fa ar five
hordes Dot being a paistio speaker s , I freesntlyat
temp to preach with my increalung strength, and
thereby ruptured those vessels that had already be
to heal; in tide
sny, doubtlem, my sun was greatly
relardeda cola... Amoco of hf-ring time iMprudently
had to eve twelve o fifteen bottles before I as per
reedy restored. s.l hone no question, a much wearier
number )!body would haye madetne sound, hat for
the above iodiseroucat. TillfSyrup allayed the fever
ish habit, took away the distressing cough, put a stop
to the discharge of matter 'from the lungs, and gave
them and the enure system good health. I hare defer
red offerlog this cm:unease until now, for the purpom
of boon p e rfectly ...raisins:l with the permanency of the
taro, and now that feel Pa Roe
well I offer It with
pleasure. Ray. J. P. JORDAN
Dublin county, N. C.
Important Caution—Bore' Reed'
There is but one genuine Orepuntion of Wild Cherry,
and that is Dr. Swarm's, the first ever offered to the
üblic, which bas Urea sold largely throughout the
Halted Stade imd some parts of Europe.; and ell pre-
Warta. called by the name of Wild Cherry have
been puto titslie dos, under cover of some deceptive
circuital..., in order to give currency to their sale.
Dy a little obscovation, 4o person tided minute the
genuine from the false. Er' ich bottle of the genuine
enveloped with a beautiful sired engraving, with the
likeness of William Leon thereon; also, Dr. Swayne's
signature: and ea further security, the portrait of Dr.
2wayne will be added hereafter, so as to distinguish
his preparation from all others. Now, it it was not lot
the great curative properties and known vine, of Dr.
Swayness Compound Syrdp of Wild Cherry, persons
would not be endeavonorte give currency to their
vgarripm wartime' by eteeling the name of Wild
man. Remember, always bear m ccund the name
of Dr. Sways. and be not-deceived,
principal Cane, corner -of Eighth and Race suiceta,
Philadelphia ,
Por sale wholcaide and retail by oomizi A BNow.
DEN, cor 2d and Wood ad; )3 A
Co, cor let and Wood, and ath an Wood zur, W
THORN,S3 Market st; S JON as, MO Liberty et; JAS
6 JONES, o f
Hand and. As; JOHN HITCH.
E 1.1., Allegheny city, n by all respectable dealers in
_ _
- 1
A YECTOR.ANT is nor to all ad.reeddie. f ee
Caughs,Coosurapticm,Bnaichitis,Asthrox, 4.1 4.4 Pale.
sary effectionyisthattha oolas persons who eemainie-,1 the
e(it timir Gatlin ley ago. still peeler it .11
,thee maladies ofthe kindband where my have boon induced
to t,l of °v KePetv,l9.l din hare adman arranaLly beau
enepparnten m warm% dui benefit which was reasonably
intrib.wareet fres the high pealees bestowed lay the proprietors,
odd ha. retuned to the &deaf datum' ExtecrOlerre
a noddy that has wer e Idled to relieve them, .d which
Probably Soot had id egad ton meeting putundiary dwasu
Yrayeawd ally by Dr D. Jay. Phifieeciphia,.d sold DO
‘a. , l
72 Fourth st
4 =&11,t1
Dr. W. P. inbLIIIVII PVIS,IIiiIMM Plaster.
rtillt. W. P. INLAND, Oahe Medical College bf
adelphia, now offers lo the pub. his Indian Veg
etable Prannent ?LaMar. the qualities of winch, after
long and tried experience, has been satisfactonly
tablisheii. To all women who may be afflicted with
Prolaps. Uteri. or Fallen Womb, be recommends his
•quier, guaranteeing a lure and speedy cure in the
On [WE of from two to thee weeks If wild
e and ress--disctudnig all th e eouoheas.Weynne,,,,.
and expensive bandagesso long in US, Tin. b e
conscientio. In stating, inasmuch as he has f
in one ciao oat of three hundred and thy-three pa
Alan fir Sher man= and Weak Breast c4,Baek, at.
tended with pain, there Ia nothing io excel tale Fta.,.l
,n &gun:nag warier effecting & cam For rale by
L Nilwa corner of Diamond and Market at
Iltaaa h. Reiter," Liberty and SL Clan . ats
SargentDe J Federal et and Diamond, Alle.
gkkony <ay
Jac rtes 1 Co, o Denman and thamond Birrning•
awn. . Bites
. ,
"Ept E. SELLERS, Douala, No 57 Wood street,
.Lllos Solo Ageot for die sale of Dr Townscod's Gen-
Woe Satraparilis ‘ hrol received 0:00 cloaca of One
Great Spring sung;SumEer Medicine
Purchasers should recollect that R E Sellers is sole
grew for Pitlaburghcand I) M Curry for Allegheny
city I ups
POUF PaINT-=4U tarts The Proof Palm,
17 &drab color, reo , d and for rale at dam paunwar
Who of J El PHILLIPS, wcal a
i. f.i
: TI 11:1):-IV11,47i;
1 111., 11)4A;t ''..t.
:_;:. li II 4:' .4 f 0 I_ 1
:t • 11,17T - il t - ,..i
~_ ' . 4.7 ..1....0kHr4,41
--,.;-, 1 l'i•E i i?,_ tt 11.1 t.ftli:).ti : T
. .•.•. - 14 - liii - TAL3 7 11:1114.) 0 titl i t : ), .
~......,..-7 , -----;,---;z - .....,„; . . 1 ,...1
.., - =. - ---::::-.7.--:-..„-.•:-" ,, ,, --- 7"..,::: -1 , --;-------,..
!fowler ami Biesriaw of MI Arc
The mast extraordiouT Medici. la A. World I
rho /IV, ad it Ind IT 4 Qesart Bottles: It
tises wep.r, so4l , er, earreigao
darPC- .11... .m00t
P .t:
The great beanty and enfri . ierhy f tide gerseparbile
of or eh other = M atelotta in o• while h eradicates tiro db
Bpgltiitior bW
fiver heorn it net wily pugs Ile alai* •1 0
sad urd
aroartheit the person, but it •
°arts am intro sad rich
li .. pa {d
s eeped by other medicins And ta
!air lir.. the grand ecret dm wendertial m o re
It her
eorfornied within the lad ore yearn more than 101%000
rarer of serer. rasa of dia..* lout ISJAO Were
considered incurable. It ►u oval the lilies of neon
Woo 10.000 children during Oa Me peal erasion..
10,000 mums of General
Energy Debility and
want of !fermium .
Ile Townsend's Banapanilla Invigorates the whole
6tem permenently. To those who have lost th eir
, i
•Ctlill energy brat* erode of inedienne or ladieers
ln committed In youth, or the ettnamiv• Logielgerem ot
the panning, ad brought on • gen] phytlcal prom..
tom Ma star:roes spites; era]
(enemy .111•Alli01111, premature decay end decline, amnest
ies towards Mat fatal di....; Catsamption. can be mi.
neatly .3.01 . 15 , i by din plemant remedy. This Mars.
WWII. te for superior to may
invigorating Cordite',
A. n frees. sail invigorates
the system, glees activity
to the Itmhe and strength to the ular ry•mni, to •
too, eatruorilmary degree.
Consumption Cured.
the-en meet Sire-agave Cseneeptses can be erred.
Brovichene, emesueaptiss, Liver Olompbsiat, Coldo.
Catarrh, O•agis, Anne, Spinet if ewes,
Serneemis tha Meet, Hei d e Inntot. NtgAl
Sweat., Dipceuor Prolon Zrp.k.
ones, Petals de Dela, In, Awe
bass sad no is aural
Da. Tenamora-1 molly behave that year
eliteWbon thecae-In thlaugh
ay M. I have fm emend men had a bed
bums worse ma worm At In I rand large
tior diem had vigil Swum and tram gym* ela.
wad erti reamed, sad iltiut upon se 1 bare
Daly rani year Barseparee e short thas, sea there lam
eroadertsi cheap been orrught la an len caw ahb
awalk oil ••Ilf the atty. I ranose bleed, nod my
sough tee left tan Tee no wall Magna that I OM
thoikhe he these garaln.
Tear elsedlenaternst,
WIC LOgO6L4 a Otahninek
Venal* ragsellolain
Dr. towssald's lismapenlis la • wend. sa d
Pre laelpiant Ceanuaptles, BUTIPII4I.i
, we
Used, or ?ening of the wean Coutonan File.,*-
sambas; or Whin abandon( orpithecarldustroo.
um. Inueneensa d Defea t er hordmany dlschugo
thereat and fee lb. paaral proeiredea et the mans—
tio many whether the renal ettahoreatamee es saw,
produced by ammlantY, In sr unions Nolan
can be more onpriant than In I= . llag ohms
on no hunt hams einem eh or end
vole from taking is at ems nem. rebut eyol fall at
...orgy ander In legumes It Mumdlataly sinetnasts
the melanoma N the Mown trues, wink la the peat
aeon of Dammam It wiii sal be ...ted of es, la
us. of 'Mina. a eaten le ext-Nt sualloana et
moss perferenal but we au aware the arkted, that
hundreds damns hare been reported to en Thinned*
of coo whoa (maw have bees without children
eller min( • he bottles of 0.11 landnaln neadae,
have time blend MO IN Witty "Nren•
To Metier. owl Morrial Ladles.
Title Emmet of husaparan be. bees exprmaL a. inw
parch to maraca. to timale somplabos. Be
.be ham rsates to suppose alto Is cypresalag tiam
withal ported Tie One of WYP aside. se
take Is sa It is • amain premed.. Pry uy MI the
and borsibla dna.. ft whin. Postalse
esteem at Oh time Deg& This period way de 44-
layelfir moral mom al using this ouniciae.
is It lee. minable far Mew who am approacishog wo
manhood, as a is catenated to sada sato., by quick
ening the blood and imigoratag the mann Indeed,
tale medic tee is imalmble ear all the delicate Dom
et. to which 'MOO ST subject.
It brsces the wage myna mans permanently Oa
natural recent., by removing Me nyerities qt the
body, not so far uhrolating le to prod.. subeequaar
nem.; which is the en Wen. medldon takm
female rooks.. and hens. By vial a few nolo at
this medicine, many lavers and *On rogical opera
nom may be prevented
tiros. Blessing to !Mothers and Children.
I It le Oa not aril can anon mcdeciassfor purify
lac Ma mom, and nimble eta sugaringe nucleus
one shad-birth ever diamond. Is strenolwo both
the isother and Mai. prevent. padaead doom In.
ones and auricle. th• food, tn. •bo hays used le
thank it a indopemable. his highly medal both Ono
and after ennfonnont . Is proven noon attendant
upon childboth--in Convene., Piles, Cramp., Dwell.
the Fro, Deepondency, Ilmnburn, Vomiting.
Ps. l 0 the Rack and Luton Fon. Vein Ilrosumbnin
and In regulating the mono. and equalizing the sir.
rulanne it has no equal Tito Foil beauty of elle
menthe it le Jeap safe, cad the most delicate use
le most ancousefully, vary fewrequire any ober
istodielne, Co muse
a little Cantor Oil. or Megan, is
useful Pawn. Co opea ud Dglit food with
th. medicine, will anus ensue • safe and nay cow
Beata', ud atmlds.
C.toetten Chet. end a variety of p.peritiona pars
rally to .o. when applied te the face, very soon epoil It
of lie beauty. They that die pores or the all. and
check the eirculaiou.. Melt whet a.ure Is 1101.... -
ea by disease or powder, or the Otte hillamed by the
Micah. rued le wraps beautifula ha own prodecinas
the human face Drviee.. as well .to the patters al
rick and dediverely hadand •aeleirs.d flowers, A
See,cod healthy eirculation t h e he fluid. or tla
coursteg purer of the e. 'kb blood to .umnities.
that clikti palate the sountanance It the mom aqui.
111115 beauty It Is that what. Imparts ilea Indereribehle
shad. .el Il.bes of lovelinesa that .11 admare, but
maw ea. il.erlhe
Thy. beauty le the offspring of as--
bree—ooref pearls, Of Nap. If than is eat a fros and
Mushily eir.111.040, there is no beauty. If the lady le
fell as driven ma., If ela pain
nee comedic.
ead .ha blood I. ...told and Impure, eh* is not beau
tifla If she he brows or awl that: p . n n cad
active blood, it give. a rick bloom to the r h ea r, and a
brilltaacy to their ape that faschtades.
That is why the southern end eapectally the . ■ Spar
leb 1ad1e.... much admired. Ladiee in the earth
who take tort Hale enema" or we confined in does
room. or lave grated their maple.. by the appli
es... of deletes.. min..., If day wish to re.
gain elaatierty of sup, buoyant mirk. sparkilsi r e
and beautiful complesio. they should use Dr. ••
add . . Serseparill. Thous.. who have tried It an
more tiara waited , are delighted. Ladles or every
erowd ear office daily.
the Lodi..
Those tn.i4111.0 Dr. Towtaeuda Saaapeurill. hese
Invariably called theur muff a creel Remedy Ira Fa
m ei, la_ he., and have copied ear bill. and ortolan
rad. mist. to the complaint. of noun¢, west for word
—other .2.11 who put ap medkhe. barmans tha great
•LLGVASI of Dr. Tow.eeff. Sarsaparilla la complainu
modeut ta female. recoduaseded thalre,althoesti pre
vie.y they did nut A camber of those Inlet.. roi,
world. to facia. a. they aggravate disease,
and uodastront the email.... Dr. Townsend's k the
only and. beet remedy far the numerma female coot
pleura—ll rarely, If eras fade of effaming a permeneut
ear. It MI be taker by tie NMI delicate Sutra.,
In any ea., or by tbo. expect.* to beaume mothers,
with the greatest ravutages, u it pre... the wyatem
arid prevents pais or denier, .4 strengthens both
ember and ebliel. Be carenate get the genuine.
Scrotal& Oared.
This artiticau concluelettly proves that this Sus.
wills, hit perfect control over detolottesut
easel of the Mood. Three person. cured le out heats
ts unpreeedeuted.
Three Chltelreis.
D. Tosresents—Desr Sir t I have Me '
infarct Del that three ef &Urea heyetVntr:l
of th e ..efule by the 01 eof your excellent medicle.
They wten afflicted very severely with had Sores; have
uken only foot bottle.; It took them sway, for which
I feel myself ;lder gnat obligetion.
Years, respectfully,
ISAAC W. CRAIN, 106 Wateeter.t.'
Opinioas of Physicians.
Dr. Toed Is els.•t daily receirtne orders frets
Physicians lo different parts of the Claim
Tins is m certify Mtn we, the undenigned, Physician
of the City of Albany, hose in 11.10001111 cuss neonate
eel Dr. Tosramad'e Sorasparilla, sad before It 10 be
oue of the most valuable preparations is the mark.:
Albany, April I, 1841. P. E. EIJIIENDORP, li. D
Owls( to th. areal meccas and Immense asla of Dr.
Toirosend'a Sem:T.llla. • somber of men who ware
formerly our Ass e ts. have commenced maidai Sarsapa
rilla Swazis, Elisirs,l2lt.ra. ElllletSor Yellow Desk,
fur. They generally pot it up to the man shaped bor.
ilea sod vortisof therphave stele and erupted •ur dvm.
traeseenta—they are only .worthlam taritationa, sad
rhould be avoided.
Principal Office, 153 FULTON Street, 8. Building.
N. Y. Redding 4: Co, S State street, Bost.; Dyou
Bons, 153 North Senond street, Fs 3l saldiads S. B.
Rance. Druggist. Baltimore ; P. LL Cob., Charleston ;
%Velem & Co. 151 Chartres Street, N. 0.; 105 Booth
Pearl Street, Albany; and by all the principal Drug
girt. cad Korchanta.generally througtiout Me United
keel.. Won ladies and the Canada , .
N.B.—Persons Inquiring for this sumbelne, should
not be Indexed LO lake any otbre. Druggists pat up
Sarsaparillas, and of course prefer selling there own.
Do not be deceived by.npoquire for Dr. Town
send's, and take no other. Remember the gents
“Townsetirl'e Sartori-mei' a.," sold by the sole agents.
R. R SELLER/3, Demerol Wholesale A. Retail Agent,
No. 57 Wood street,.. and D. AL CURRY, Allegheny
AD quick pulse, hacking cough, general weakness,
restless sleep, variable appetite, irregular bowels,
pains between the shoulder blades babied.
Invorratri hverro. or Cometnerrate.—Coughing
night and day, flabby muscles, genera/ detail ty, pent
shoo :pus of breath on ;mirk; up stairs, ascending a
hill, oe walking bet n little fast, pulse ahvaye above
one hundred, for reeks together; drenching Loki
sweats towards moftling.
Catarrhal Consuraption come. on Ilk, ncommon
.catarrh -or cold; bet-about the period•whon that dia.
inset:many is expected to etibeide, some of the syrup
lama hoe aggravated..-The cough la more trontd,
some, especsally when lying down. TllO,O 'Ana fined
pain In the. cheat, but dliheult breathing, which is
worst on 4'14 down. 'The appear a nc e of the expe,
Jamison, %each Is copious, 14 changed froara duck
yellow mucus, to a thinner substence. ft is very un
pleasant to the pettent, and PPS, an unpleasant smell
when banned. It to of an endorse appearance, s
probably a inirtnre ot pus and mucus, no on ushonglit
with water part sinks and part Minn.. This diact.e
may occur In any habit or at any ego, and Is cbarac
tensed by the pecallarity of the cough.
The Balsam or LiNntwent effects the rare of :lot. ,o
cdious disease by expectoration, the end beats the
effected [oats. I , ranter Pula NVtir sever this nteAl
dine bus been used, we hear of its succesa. For thir
teen years it loss been before the nubile, and has been
Morgingbly :feted foe all complaints of the Lungs, and
has proved Itself sopenor to moot to any 411Ing in use.
%lc ruled pre hundreds of tesernonial• hoer physi
cians, the pre, clergy. end those who have been ea
red, but all we deal., tr to call the *flounce of the of-
Meted e I for their owe good they will try it
Loa Out (or eouoterteas ! Always observe the lig
nature, "Geo. Taylor, D.," on the engraved I.
and prepared at the Wholesale Depot, 73 Bookman
thee; Neer Vora.
Sold la rittabargh by J D Homan 03 Wood J
toiernsettdrda Market
Co,I Sniper, rot reduced
nets; Henderson a o, 6 Liberty at Price
to 8460 per bottle. roar?
"""" . 4 4 " 4 " au magus=
THE undersigned haring been appochted Agent of
the DEL& WARY Mortal Same lOsoluatcx Cow
, In the place of John Floney. Jr, restgned, re.
epeetfully inform. the puhhe and the fruend• and cus
tomers co Ito Company, that he is prepared to take
Marine. Inlat dud the risks on liberal terms. at thrtr
office, No. 37 Via., street Pe A MADEIRA.
myld Agent
2 to 3 ply India Rubber
JOIE Dom—just received for We Borough of Mulches.
to,. Which will he held In store fora few day. The
Houston Belting Company express a strong desire for
the hre departments of the mom of Putobergh and At
' leglueny to call stud examine and snake a RIM of them.
The company to willing to pal 01,01 to any test they
Think proper to conclude upon.
n In .1 & H PIIII.LIPS, .5 wood st
1,1006, Pitt( TH SOBSCPIPTION OF BrOtli
AO in the Cutmens• Insurance hompaay of Ptholturg 4,
will be opened to the Rottlont of the Board of Trude. on
the first blonday of November next, at lUo'cloelt,
Wm. harmer. Jr. Robert Woods,
Wo. It. APClure, Joseph Plummer.
Kier. Josiah
John tlhend, Alex. Roseburg.
and 11. D. Runt,
gonmo.sone r.
H PARRY ht. Invented • machine for washing
Gold, for which he has made application lot a
patent. They are now offered tor sale at the ware
use of Parry, Snort & Co., No. ten Wood street,
Adventurer• to Calaorma are invited to call and ex
amine these labor-wan( machines. They are sanple
to their construcuou. easily transported on the back ol
mules or horses, weighing eighty pounds each, and
can be pat in operation to half all hour They can be
fil.rd with provisions. It ta the opumon of those who
have seen the teal Moos of these mac hales of smallest
. .
st.c, that two men will wa.n the mineral if umIW
bushel. of sii.o.l or earth m a day. without the loss et
partieir of the mineral They can Le increased in gite
. . .
and worked by water or mule power, if coped.e't.
The operators work tv'thout going Into the water or
being espooed to wet, and emsequently without en.
dongertog their health. 'flsey will retinae but a mall
stream ut water, sad can bemed the whole seem,
and can he pm into operanon where there is tint audi
rient water to wash in the usual way.
Price of smallest size WM. Orders from %Mood, an
compacted by cash, will be promptly hlled
H. PARRY, at Parry, Scott & Cols,
febd-dtf No led Wood at, Pittsburgh.
lEtnapratt Sons' hod. Ash. -
THE eubserthers ere now receimg their Pall stock
1 of the above gauge, three vessels, via. the Juitiela,
Medallion and I.ydre, having arrived at Phtladelphis
and Kenmore. and two more. the Stephen Ualdwoi and
Leila, shorty expeeredohey are. therefore, prepared
to receive orders. They Will receive stUnltg the win.
ul sprtng regular supplies vu New Orkans.
17 W h M hirreIiELTREE
ouNT EAGLE TRIPOLI—For cleaning ran
ILL dors und lamp glaases, silver plate, brass, Br
mama, nod other ware. Itrapidly takes out all spa
an: wams. and reproducer the beautiful and durab
lustre of new ware. Just received and for rule, what.
sale and retail, by JOHN 1) MORGAN.
raZl Druggist.
AS FL SAW.. IL HARTMAN having wild h. otter
in cot in the co-partnership of Coleman, Mailman Si
Co., to the recumiung partite., ha• this day retired
trent the Om. February 19, so-10-tf
ar e Pi th l , Llti .t h u i. r .
, 711 . r on a cruder
and to conensidly recr toK a ma
full supply at the aTtwlex
made in Pittsburgh and 'eternity, which lie oder. for
sale at manufacture re prices. OEO COCHRAN.
tehgn :So wood st
1 N b lij A P 11 , 11 .. E . 11...tA l SI
c g i T f : t b o r ttl , e ,a s c l dn
and Moe. periectly water proof, and toll ax a piece of
cloth. line application of this pasta is sufficient to
make them impervioas to water for or 3 months, and
• perfect provenmum from the leather cracking.
Reed and for sale at the India Rubber Depot, No 5
NVood at, fetal /s. II PHILLIPS
1 - )FRLIC ATTENTION Is solicited to MI entirely
1, new article of RAILING, made of wrought won
bars, and soft annealed rods, or wire, anti expressly
designed for siaclostng Cottages, Cemeteries, Nalco
tura, Public. Geounds, hr., at prices varying from 50
cents to 63.00 the running foot. It is made in ponnels
of carton. lengths, Si to d feet high , with wrought won
poets If inch square, at intervening dlstances of 6 to
10 feet. If desired. the panne!, con be mode of any
I eight, in C 010.11.008 opens of 50 to GO feet, cant or
without posts No extra charge for posts.
The comparative lightoe.s, great strength and darn.
bility of the WIRE RAILING, the beauty of no vaned
ornamental designs, together with the extremely low
incest which it is sold. are causing it to supersede
' the Cast Iron Railing wherever their comparative
merits burn been waled For further partienlars, ad•
Age,. for Patentees.
Diamond ahoy. near mitahlield ot, rttuourah
Garner Front and Vine streets, Clncamati, 0
.. , .._. ._
de.l toot lowest market prtre
il l in k t 'l, , V . ' : T l l. !M v.,'' < , __ .
Ito lk etutdoserd l'inno covers I Play , Turkey red Chows
do Jo laLle do I Ftg d do do do
IV or.ted do do dodo ilordortog
blue Damask, Carpel llndlngs,
1i . 7e13 Marren
Atd:4-1---elampli Gothic. Transpareni ahr-Jr,
oetipture Views do do
Turk *lt do do do
('a t , .d•a do do Jo
Lhapery Chiaeas do do V.e we do do
I.audyeatke do do do
tholde• do do
Cord and Tassel'', Itoiri• .od Si... Rack Paihes,
Roler hod..
The •hove Gonda no 01 the ',hest sod oewerl
41)1e., lo wlodo Nedvite tie alleidtoO or ota, rentiz
and ruatookers. an ;hoar wishing to hontskr 01
Mellish steam hoists and hotter*
Mar? W. 1114.71.1NT0CH
NEW lARPETll.—Receteed—thi• day direct nom
the manufacturer—
, New etyle Tapestry 3 ply Carpets, ertra caper;
do do do do
do do Brussels Carpets,
do Broome''', very cheap, do
do rielfeolots super (spool do
4-1,3-4 and h-B n eheavy Venetian do
44 Sy ,14 and A ctaronon do 4,.,
Al: of whleh sollEhe sold at a small advance, and
will aneroid , : as low as can beyurehurd Jostle east
.r-AS AV 111'C1 INTOCK.IS Fount at
at ti.< isew Curp, W•rt
FROM the very Ilher•t encourage'
has the eubs cated en htmselfber has reemved SI nc e
be lo it Allegheny,
has iaduced Lim to rake • lease, for a
term of years, on Me property he now
occupies, m Beaverstrect, trnmeatately beside the
Presbyterian Church. FrOES Ike long elpericnce in the
above bueinces and • desire te please, he hopes to mer
it and receive a share of public patronage.
Nova on band and finishing to order, Rockaway Reg
ime, open and top Humes, and every deseriptrou of
Camurem made to order, from seventy•fivo dollars to
•Ight bimetal. feep.l,ll(l JOON SOUTH
The All bony C e m e tery.
T the annual mo b of the Corporators, held on
the brio isistOlua to g persona were anent.
morely savaemed Managers far the ensuing pear.
THOMAS M. HOWE, President.
NATHANIEL 11(.11.1.11 m1 33
WILSON M'C.&NLL Managers.
JOHN H. 811013NUEMR,
1. Pnewar, Jr., Secra.7 end Treasurer.
The annual statement presented the affairs of the
Company in a very prosperous condition. Their ogler
Ilt the city is No. 37 Water street. jag
East side of the Diamond, where ',oilmen
Blinds of all the different mu. and enters
are kept on hand or made to order all<
the latest and most approved Cement fad,-
- tons, at the shortest nonce end On the moe
reatonalde terms.
Also, the cheap 8011100 roll or split Band Tranapa.
Fancy and Paper Conan. of all the different sues and
patterns, on band and foe sale low for cash. Old Vein
tian Blinds painted over and reptured, or taken in part
payment for new IL M WESTERVELT, Pro'pr.
N. B —All wen.. done with the beet material and
workmanslap, and warranted to please the RIO, firs.
JJt muglLLdly
Allegheny cP; , Aug. 10,1848.
41.1 . 31101., 111T1131,11011 • WIIILILL.p.
001.1 at the Exehange, Dalt'thong
XrDUCE.I> 11..1.TY.S.—The charges have been redu
ced on all Massager to or from lialitmorn Pitts
burgh or Wheeling, and a coresponding reduction
made ou all telegraphic deapatch r es forwarded from ILO
umore West of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Raexa.--The for b. telegraph despate.h to Of
from I.lnluntore, Pittsburgh and Wheeling, w 43 coats
for the firer
words, end 3 cents for ench addineual
QT No charge is made for the address and signa
Unul the completion of the Routh Western Line of
Telegraph from blenaphia, Tann., to New Orle a ns,
patches ran he forwarded to ltiethpliir by this tome. and
mailed for Now Orleans. tot I
LTAVING this day mwor tared themaelves,
11 In partnership, under the firm and style of A. & J
Woo Deform, for the manufacture of TIN, COPPER
AND MITT-IRON WARE, on the corner en Robin
son street and the Canal, In lie tel %Yard. ALLlSollittly
CITY, where they are prepared to furnish to order,
wholesale and retail, all articles in thew line wttb
Foundry Trimininge 111,1 l ‘ er,.itti - r., ' orders are so
lidded, which will reccotellarneOloto attention.
City of Allegheny, Feb. I, IS4O —darn
Llot, a view of the Baltic of Monterey;
, .." Carr° (Junin;
" u Buena Vista;
I ." Fels do Paris,
Chase de Lyon;
•• Uarde Fisurur;
I " " Col C Auvergne;
The above is suitable for papering large nubile
rooms. Just reed duvet from Pans, and tor sale at
;he wan,housd of KIM 8 C HILL
11 , 11 - 1 , •E to, washing
.1„ elodms, carpets, silks, paint and line furniture
saving Ufa the labor and dlipenwog entirely m a i n he
Washboard The beret Wilton carpet., tales hvig
been in use eleven years, have been perfectly restor
ed, without the slight injury to the fabric, and with
out removing from the floor. It will not injure the
sloth. Divections accompanying each Dottie. Price
IN cents. For tab by J BCHOONMAKER &Co,
my 9 al wood at
D RUOS — Cuhi . m,. ratecal Potash, in lb. baules;
Hypo. tiolph. Soda do
Sua Sia.insmath do
Cr.asota do
litanvillo Lotion do
Chloroform do
Jost monTed and for sale bL
QAT. SODA-4 cake Poi .sk• kg
I. 11.01alliCS & BONS,
Bank•r•,Bxehrsage Brokers,
AND 113.1333
COLLECTIONS.—Draft Notes .cl Acceraneei
payable in any part of the Dawn, collected on the most
favorable .rtax.
EXCUANUE on New York. Philsclelplaa and Hal
tiroorej also, Ilineinn•ti. Lontsedle, Saint Low, Y and
New OTICYJIII. constantly for
RANK NUYS.. —Notes on all I,.ks In the
United States dt.counted at ate lowest rate, All k
Furelgn and American Gold and I4l l lvrr n bought
and sold
odic, No Si Nlarket street, bet,ecen 'l,l and 411,
Plll l o.i h, Po on 121
•_.. • •
I.7llo .En unt Jir l l . ll. l : e l l l n r d r . r n m j d t ßn ' t . e .* : " OT d r.r. b* cra h n ' ge.
Also, pram payable in any pen of the Old Conotnep
front LI to .f.lOllO, at the thee,
vntikeno deducuon or ihscount, by JOSItt" ROHIN•
SON, Fakropnan anj General Agent, other 5111 Cl one
door weal of wood 0011011
•L1..........t.1 _
[40W•41 , a• 114
In Forgo and Domesuc Buis of 'Exchange, C.;
ae. of Depoxite, Bank No and Coln c. 0.., ..1
3d and Wood .treed, dmeetly 0pp0.... St Charlem lio
fel Ina y 2-411 ,
VS -- T - CUT - il -
Kentue Iry
ht..o a
purchased at the lowest rare., by
N 1101. M ES .a. SONS
- - -
sepia 35 Markel meet.
BILLS OF g YeltAlitin —Sigh Cneeks on
New York.
Phaladelphsa, and
Conktantly for axle by N. HOLM & SONS.
eoplk 35 Nlarkrt .t.
NEW BOOKS—Complete Wotkk or John NI Meade
D. in 4 yolk
Nlarth and u Voyage Hither, by Herman Nlcivrim
Border Wurture N York. by V. W Campbell
Here • ',tic and There a [duly, by the author of
"Lune )400 1,)00, and PTocept upon Precept
NICIII01() 0110) VO)1111, b) A Latnertine
llWormed I ite of Franklin, parr oth, rust received
told for wie by JOHNSTON.A STOCKTON,
app corner Third and Harker at.
'XT F:117 11004(14—th. Coventry'. Work on Epidemic
Cholera, lit Thatory,Cianacii, Pathology and ire:it
Pluluaophy Religion, by J hloreil. A M
Bourne. Ca , eettism of ihe Steam Eng.,.
Chamber'. Cyclopedia of Rtigltan 1.11.,41ure, 2 vols
ocravo, fine cdiuust, steel plate..
Chamber , liliiierill•rty of l'oeful and Entermining
Knowledge—lo vols., 12 mo. Illu.rated.
Adviiie io °wig Man, by T S Arthur. ph
1 oung Women, "
Element+ of Meteorology, by I.l3rockles6y M A
Proerb. for the People, by KS Magoon.
Idolveresiy ....ermona, by Dr. NV•ylaad
Frolloh , Leeinreo, for I-11;-7.—'The biller
of 11oiy Seripturcs for unfolding the iduritual ine
card ' I vol. iivo
No. 6 Frankrin's Dia, illustrated
Received thr. day by
NEW IT BLICATIONS—Emy on tt, the l'ition
of Church and State: by liaptuit W. Noel, hi. A
I vol. itmo.—sl,Z. An enure edition of i n s. work
WI" sold in one clay, on its publication in London'
Leaves (tom Margaret Smithbi Journal, in the Pro.
V.I. of Mir
asachn.a. Bay-1678-9. 1 vol. 100
Dor's Poem. —Sketch. of Life and Landrcape. by
Rev Ralph Hoyt —ncw ed. enlarged—With biustra
non. 12mo. SLIM
A of the Steam Engtne, Illustrative of tho
scletin.fic pnocipies upon which as operation depend..
and the practical di Wl.Ollll structure, In it. applies.
uoit to mutes. mills, steam navigation. and railway.
with cartons auggesuon. of improverourai by J Boar.
C. E. I vol. 10mo 75c.
Cheevcrbr Lectures on the Pilgrim'. Progre.--neu
ed. Itisio, Price reduced to SIAM.
The Cantons, a Family Picture. Part I. lbc.
Franklin'. Life, illustrated. Parra IV and V. Eac.
by Y''''''' "is tri ' c r h74 , by
TV;IOPTI'r4S,P4oIth sal
tole Agency for Nunn. & Clark.s Plano.
fffisli JUST RECEIVED and opening,
new lot or oir K om natio, from 11,
relebtetod factory of N nuns A t'larl
N V , compuung 6, ti. and i P. :A. e
with trureartaci improvement., both in wed an
exterior, poeeceited by no oilier..
A I.S. i— A fills selection of Ch lc kering'. Piano., tro
6 to 7 min.. 11. KLEBEEL Sole Agent,
at J W Woodwell's. e 3 Third st.
N ft The above will he sold at manufacture. pr
ee.. without any addition for freight or expen...3
multi Journal and Chronicle copy
A ?•PLEN1)11)
gl43y and Rosewood P.M.. )11“ lan
Ililsbed These tristrUntents are mud. 0, I r -- - . -./ - ' • •
thr latest pattern and bestcoalonais .: P.a . , .
rend Fen. Crone, Seneelnef 0• Breksn Jamul, Tenni
2.1n1 vinll be told love tor cl.h by I ache, Ache m 0.• Face, f 1 fr.
F HU:MI.IIIV Wood tut., 1 ' , q.t.) VEY,l'—l,tver Coroplomt. p.n . mMe Chest .
ye th,„0 . ...1.,0v, i.,,,n. I and 91d, WM, oo o( the Mar, or the Other accognpo
N B.—Tho.r who are in want ril k ir..,ol.linstrtatlelit. i et, told feet. (Th. Ottament to Me true remedy ) It
are respertfolly Lnv,t to exam... these befor•
, os a sure s , gn orM s eo.e to hove cold i . e. -
~.,00,n0 „1.... t n.,. n . ,boy cannot
the roniiir), and will he polil lower than an) I.riiii,b' ' Way • keer , ror n4 iron, growing_ Pe.P ,e n ee, 1 . e .,
from the t . '-ast A Isomst ran te d vet!. two p•.,,,,. of lii,m. l be Irotil•led
n th Mem if th,y 111, .1 (rnyneotly ,
l.urgh inattuni . iiire. warranted lo be ,up,irini •ii ani 0/ - n.m. thntinenl. Good mr any pnrt ol t,e y
eirpr sold ~, rlos country
cw.t...1 1.. B Of 'MW. whin intlained In porn< carom 11. 5110.1141 br .
.. - gpv l lPd often.
NNW INSTRUMENT. k.'ll 'l'l U\— No 0111,111entwIll be genuine ulileati the
q'll ki ....con, hag Lien apponneil ri.ole Ai. n, !or it , - ~, 1 A ‘11',.. , Me ALI-INTER . written no, a pen
.I . li,e 'we o(CARIIARrs IMYRi.VI.I) M1 . ...1 ,1 : , ~,, 4e,y 1,11 , 1
ON, s• tosnotarto , ..d and and perfected 1,, Mrssr• . i„, ~, , ~, ,n, Ag,..t. la ;Ili the ormetpa/ emes and
7.111,..h A “ Itll.. of Inez nab Th, Ila WI. 1 1 ,,1tip...• ~,,,,.,1 0, C,/,,cd stntes.
and eltUrnt hem,. but hoar octaves Memr- M A. W IAhIF.6 Me ALLISTER,
2,•01 . 11.1 •• tiate general desl, nnd demand Sale Impostor of the above medico ,
b 4"
''' '''''' .. "'".m's.“ . 4, au ' 11 , 1', , ,, , spat office . No 1- - North 'chin/ strr,t,P,,, ,
. . .. . .
~ 5 octave, .ttus mak,g it pmcbcable in pATIOMI , A d; ~,,,A
you them sti; no , wrltten roc the I term or Orman , MR li'F, on CE.NTS PER BOX
rhc mirror. nts" , ...been mach 1 .1" - tved by Pt" ."F i A .Virx Is Prirsaimin-Brun ft Reiter, renter of
e boat ". "" ""drumem "P"" n cast .t . '" ' 39 .' ' Liberty and St Clair ste; and I, Wilcox, Jr, corner of
I...aunts •y et
rt. red • aid ornernemed. reidentir Aat Market at and the thernond. also corner of 4th Sad
1”..r a" '''''''' ' d “ ... " c 9. '` . t e . Smothfield sts, 1 II Cassel, corner uI Walnut and Penn
;',',' Pr '","„ P , u. ",. " 99 t0 ..," . fi .3 ....h , t 3 ' 'lie test h at,
:di, wet J, and told at the bookstore in Smithfield
r'' ''
'' s ''' " 'La"' `` P `"' "" ""`"‘' ..‘" 9.9 ` 9., it, ;St d 00( from Second in; in Allegheny etry by Hl'
and. at 4 " 9.9. ' "'TM' 9 me' , ctleffit" piece 01 01.0 "chwerii and 1 Sargent, by .1 (3 South, Drurgiet.lin•
tore tot • coutpulutve vide •H KLEBEFL 1 rmngham, D Negley, East Utterly; H Rowland, Sic-
Al jIV " .. dwe " .9 Kee pilot, 1 Alerts:ldr, & Son, Monongahela City; N
ftR FIAT Ml'sicAl. NOVELTY- rho ..b.,,,b,,, p80w..., ACo and I T Roger..Bre..97'7flet John
An, ft.. received trona Europe. 11./1.1 for sa,e. ai, But Inn. Renter, Pa, are wholesale agents.
entirely new is Venue, of I'lBllo Po., culled me CAD nob'!, .deadly
!NET Iti.S NO FORT N. when possessitta mote 1... WA TELLCCU& EST IraIILISIMLINT,
and "'utile. than the •Q are Pram,. oceupies out one PHILIPSBURG. PA.
tourth a• mu, h !emu, and is a much more showy and riIHE rapid sit utes which Ilydropethy has made
""a. o re .. "' "L''''' ' ' I. " 1''"r" .9.1, ' J `' • slue its introducuon into this country-the bill
b. while the saying 10 apse e is 9...1." being . ' haul and utontaltung curativ• effect. of cold water m
c w. 7 .17 nem and compact std utt." nit 9.. c chrome and po.y.m diseases when employed oiler the
'''''' an a "M."
The ' inh " uh ' r h•-. i n , ,neto , ..i of the celebrated Pnesetta, have removed from
hand • testunonna/ of its Rupert/o.oy irona the eibrit- I the misd nt on intelligent and diseermng public every
tea pianist, Mosclielies, .ii Inti own hand wrtung,watch ,,,,,, , c,,, ~,, ~,,,,b, n „, in ~,, e ff,, eag y, and gained it mu.
may be inspected
octal 11 ' KLEB ",', 1 sersai laver. Com ri
mleng the unsauslactory results
At j W Wu ' dwc.• ;ut remedies herctotore used in the treatment of chronic
Chlckerhars Plano. , A0111p13.1.3, (complam., too, which •re incremung evi
JUST rerelved end for sale at tun 1 eft )car.) a must be enatotal 990 dt . itc. atc 9 ... 99
waiter,. prices, reurraca new Piano i ea it method by which AU many . unfortunate suffice,.
Fortes, a 64 and 7 notaves of me most will he freed from their pus. and tufirtnitmit.
elegant patterns of turniture, and with The subsenber having pracused succeuntlly this
the late improved scale. nuttliod for eight years at It., IlyillOpethle estabb.h.
Also on hand and fur sale low 1 second hand Prat , loolki, which has been considerably enlarged and Ilse
us JOHN H MELLOR, I pinned tat all tie parts, and to every respect, is now
Sole Agent fur Chtikettng's Pianos tor Westernl ready to revolve and aiimatuodate patients who may
Pennsylvua, 51 Wood street Inert! ehoote to place themselves under his rare, skill and
NEW MUSIC BY 11.E.NRI HERO-The last Rose , entrt 7en
of Sumpter, with ni t n i trodnetion ~,,,I 3,,,,,,,„,„. I i Ittitp•burg. attuned upon the 101 l bank of the Ohio,
°Mama for the Paulo Forte, us performed tu all h,, ' .P170.0' the ...nth of rho Bit Bea celt o well 111....
conecrts in the Untied States liy Henn Herr ( fur its refreshing mid salubrious atmosphere, us de-
Military Polka, by Henn Here, ; tig hit ul (monies. mid charming natural scenery, corn-
Comte Pella i bitung every regnuute to render the Papuan
the ft tit--
sliver Bell Polka, " - 1 valid agreeable. end contributing tel a hole to me
/net received and (Cr sale by l•lilish unpaired health and physical strength.
utchl,l JOHN 11 A11'.1,130R, 91 wood it 1 The establishMent, the Gist started in the United
States, coittisins every thing, both for pleasure and
emiort, rah:elated to leisure a speedy and happy ter
int netten of the ailments oldie Paden..
I'l he r e istung to lived thenmelves a the adv..-
g.offered, will please address the subsctiber
b y y letter. (port tumid staling as l‘ear as passible the
nature of their compiaints, 01 order to decide and ad
,. oil their fitness end curability Ity the Ilytttootrarato
tzerattront and also what will be neeessary for them to
take along. fur their especial and personal use.
EDWARD ACKER, 51. D. Propnetor.
Philipsburg, Beaver county, Pa.
Bareaucas.-Ree'd , Eillikelly, Atoyarong, Y. D.
eark, Esti, du; Hon. Thomas Ile nry, Beaver. Pa.; Dr.
Barker, do, Prof. Ch. li'lliot, Pittsburgh, Pa; L. C.
Peat., Ex; Ohio; Bev. S. 11. Sued, New Albany,
Rev. AL Alien, Princeton, N J. T. 4 Stratton, Fey.,
New York; Dr. Ch. Winter, Philipsburg; Wa3.11. Me.
Connol, Esti. Pittsburgh; A. Bidwell, Esq., Jo.
met a/
I C 1141.11,
A N U SOLFEIiIsIOSt with an aecos•P•itLmm tot the
Pica-forte, adapted to the warn. at private pupds,
or Mosses in vocal music. Selected front Italian,
French and licrsuan composers, by Lowell Mown :•
large page. of closely printedmils., contaiuing 106
exercises progtelasvely •rranged. Pvice ern..
Just received. • supply of the olove, dliect from the
publishers, by JOHN IL MELLOR,
meal el wood st
MEd= 1848 .
Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford.
OCEAN, Copt Watters.
(yr( of
f i
lathy: .bore Packet.
k' ar ' l k a a m " ; l e j 7eTm e o v ;n7n a g .Y ri
where they connect with the Mall Stages for
Akron and Cleveland. arriving at [lll<h Of there placer
aedoceurisht. One of the rackets lesve Warren daily,
at S I'. :11., and arrive tit /Mayer in time to take kin
B TAYLOR, ropnors.
rnaucau TO SI. LA./O. 110. S.
anal Pocket—Prmsni.vnsts, Copt. /ernes;
'• TXL.K.II, " Pollock;
" " Larks " Troby;
" " Parroma, " Brown;
above n
Fefthuon, . Sayer.
The above new ond aplendid pxnetenger Pack ear hove
commenced running between BEAVER 2,ND;ERIE,
and rail run regularly during the mason—one boat
leaning Erie every morning at o'clock, and one leon
ine Benner every evening ; trumethotely after the arri
val oi th e meamboot Michigan from Pittaborgh.
TL, bouts are new and comfortably furnished, and
will ,on through in forty hours. Passenger. to any
point on the Late.. or to Niagarn Fella, will find ibis
rvote the moot comfortable and expethuoua, Ticket.
throuith to all ports on the Lake can be procured Ly
voiring to the proprie H tor..
EED, PARKS 2c Co, Beaver.
JOIIN A . CAUGHEY, Agt. Pittsburgh,
cor. Water and Southfield sts.
C Harrison, Buffalo, N Y.
C M /teed, Erie, Pa..
C C Wink, Greenville, Po;
M'Farlanil and King, Big Bend, Pa,
Hays & Plumb, Shorpsburgh, Pa;
W Chlalau,Sharon, Pa;
D C :Mathews, Pulaski, Par
W Cunningham, New Castle, e
Proprietots of this idne hove put on New SP. 1,
and are prepared to forward packages of all do
teripiluns duly, at the lowest rates.
J. C. BIDWELI., Agent,
Waxer street, Fourburgh
octal Ul South Charles at, Baltimore.
Pa...anger and Remittance Onrco.
AkiIANRDEN & CO. eonntiue to bong pets°.
from soy part of England, Boland. Scotland or
Wales, upon the most liberal le rme, w,W areal
usual punctuality and attention to the wants and com
fort of emmigrants We do not allow our p.sengery to
be robbed by the swiedling scamps that infest the sea
ports, a we take charge of them the moment they re
port ther.elves, and see to their well being, and de
spatch them without any detonuun by the first ships - -
VVe my this fearlessly, as we defy one of our passer,
gma to show that they were detained 48 hones by u. to
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were detained
months, until they could be sent in some old mall, a , n
chap rate, which too frequently proved their coffins.
We intend to perform our contracts homstably, cost
what it may and not tet so was the case last season,
with ether othsere,—who either performed not dl, ter
when It suited their 0011VOILIthee.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from LI to
l .f i l j nWrc u tb d l , c se a c t u aLy d o an ftl d te v r r lLvin cud Beet,
Europe. and General Agent,
febt Fifth etraert.Ona dewy below Weed.
- VELVET RIBBONS —Jut received et Zebuion Kn
V eers, 57 Market ffiriet,
30 pa colored Velvet Ribbon, assorted color.;
30 • black a a
=bream Glittpt 10 pi wide Plain, lie.
B —b. (rub, oat h..%
Ytto by tabl7 ARM.STRO olk CIL9 ZRR
THE following from George E. Pomeroy, EN., the
1, well khown ptopnetor or the EX=Prurr for
user, of the importunee o(tha Pain r to every
Emma DMus, Alhmsy...9ept.l.
M Dr,ttri My Dear
feeltriga of no or.
I have received Irom your ingslmible Pain — Extractor
toy little daughter. 6 years old, bed • Piwtnr ,
of bourne water tamed into her bosom; her screams
dmaat.i. that crowd =hardly gathered be
fore the house to learn the cause Of the terrible screams
tore her Clothes uunder, and soon spread on You
rolv , uhe
'd she wow c•rned and laid upon bed. She
wus -oon relmved from her pains, and uy• "Ma. 1 feel
I could laugh." and was soon m tercet sleep She
Wu, f , ea:Lled to a Mtmer from the tor of her shoulder
over 1110 f t than half her chest, and roundcoderth e
rt n l rum the brat hoor,
was rtre.sed The tom healed rapidly, and there no
mplamed only when 11
coo. settun of form uscles.
With many ...hes, my dear sir, for your meeem in
the •hle or
this mighty armele,
The genuine will ever produce the sun
./..ItOYS and sooting, eooling effect, I/1 the
sevelesi cuss. of Burns, Sends. Piles, fro
The Count< riots—no ratter under what names they
may appear alway
TO s irritate. and increiroe the pain.
I. Edward P. Holmes, of Chatham, tdelvta Bndg,
Cotmoln• county, , . Y , have beer, etflieted with rheu•
matotrn in my breast, feet, and all over my body, for
s• so that I could not stand, and was eared by
appileutton. al Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor
Dallev rut roy finger with a copper nail,
pathanou. neenatu of which caused my arto to swell
et asoleraldy, with suystant shooting pains up to the
shoulder. A large swelling taktug place at the arm
/it. with increasing pain, I became fearful of the Lock.
jaw lit this extremity your Pam Estractor was re•
eoin.nended to me, and which I was prevailed upon to
try The eutt4equenee was that it afforded me almost
mount relief, ned in three days I was completely nth
corner Broome and Sullivan's., Sept h. 1845.
NOTICE!—II BALLOT II the inventor of this invalu
able remedy. and never has and never will communi
cate to any living mitt the secret of tolcombinallon!
All Falnlela.. lilelrlOre, 1101 ma and pui op L
net. are hose couuterfetth
Paoranrraa's Darthrs•-415 Broadway, New York
•Xtft Chestnut street. PIMA
JOIIN D. IDURCiAN, General Depot; Dr. Whl
TilunN. Agents for Pittsburgh.
1 liziley'• Antynal Guluante Coro -A/4
rune. humors, spavot, tputtor, grease,
ores, galls, and bruises. Pamphlets,contatomg car
!mates of respectable parties, ma
D. hIOP.Gy be had on applies
on to
Agent, Pltothargh.
nOvISA yi p
AIF.RCURY, or other Min
oral.— It boo power to
-IL cause all EXTERNAL
' WOUNDS to diseharge
them and
L , then heal , them.
.1 It ie riFhtly termed
n.; there is scarcely a elts
?Yoe , . ease external or Internal,
-1 that tt .11 not benefit.
• I have used it for the last
sixteen year* for all digetteee 0( .4 , chest, involving
L<iore heavenge
the utmost danger Ka reapousibility, and I declare
w m a n, that not in one case hae
(ailed to benefit when the patient was within the reach
of mortal means.
.1 have had physicians learned in the profqvaion. I
have minister. of the gospel, lodges of the bench, al.
den, lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition,
and multitudes of the poor ore it in every variety or
way, and there
voice haV A e L e LIS O T ut ER
VO c U e— R on l e N u T n M ive E r N sa T
saying—" l
RIIEUNIATISMt removes almoet immediately
the infiammanon and swelling, when the pain ceases.
t Rend the thrections amend the box
HEAD-ACHE—The salve has cured persons of the
head-oche of twelve year. standing, and who had it
regular every week so that vomiting took place, EAR-
art- nrlped wall like success.
SCALD HEAD--We have cured eaves that actually
defied every thing known, as well an the ability of
to twenty doctors. One man told us he had sp
rsen t
t tur; on Inrchildren withou any benefit, when a few
yr: •of Arnett: curer the.
Tr Fl'ER—There a nothing defier for Me cure of
BURNS-It is one of the best things in the world for
PlLES—Thouaands are yearly cored by this Ono.
mem. It not on fails in giving relic; for the Piles
tne box are direetiOns (or valet , AUst/.
haw's (h..s, for SaaNla, Lira Cvmpleint, gerfpr
rev Thu, C.l;la , n. Scold Hood, Sere Eye, quonek.
Soo Tkroot, B•onertoar, Nerve. Affections. Pain, Do
rao of Ms Sm... Hen , ache. asthma, Dsainda, Ear arhe
Hv•4s, Cora, Dl3f.. of Slow, Sew Lsps. Pt ,
rre• , Sleeting of the Lontrs. Selo, RAromer
.• ,
Apollo Buildings, 44.14
SUNDRIFJ. , -11 , 0 packages Bed% Teen—Y. Hy
Gunpowder and Imperial;
5101 bags puma Green Rio Coffee; CA do Logo
do; lt, do Old Java do;
35 bags black Pepper; 10 do Punento;
hhds new crop N O Sugar;
501 bbl. Montanan Molassea;
50 do Sugur H.. do
30 tierce. Desk Rice; 150 Elsa Bunch Rarsinr,
150 hos manufactured Tobacco, various brand
20 kegs (ledge a. Bro. 6 twist Tobacco;
10 S Herds' " "
IU Pll.l.rgh plug
1501,00 0010 Window lila.; 50 do 10 010 do;
300 kegs nasorted Nails: 111 casks Solemn.;
5000 P ounds Cotton Yarn, as.rted Nos.
Together with a full and general assortment of
cies In the Grocery line, nu Molds wad for wale by
R FLOYD, Round Chnmh Buildings,
mbl6 Fronting on Liberty, Wood and Sark.
Iest.ISOIINIA RUBBER GOODS--Just received,
Camp Illesuketa, 20 officercoots; 12 pn Pont.;
id pain nett Mining Boots; 12 Isthentni Bag.; 3
venter Tooke, 6 and 12 gallons each; 50 canteens,
gaion each, I doe Bock-skim Money Bolts; Ido otled
cambric do do. The above good. for en!, at the Cali
fornia Otitnutig Establishment, No 3 Wood I.
metal J h HP HILLIPS
A. BROWN would resport
inform the public, wet he
on hand at h. 'nand on the
Ai Side Of the DleelOilti, Alla
my city, a complete nation
nt ofVenittun 31inda, also VG
im Shutters are made to ar
ia the host style,
al to any in the United States.
Illiods Cell he removed mat le
the aid of a screw driver.
flog purchased rho stock,
, lob
wood °CU. ea billet es
whment of Runway ,k
I am prepared to furnish
old cuotorners ; m well as
eNrry tlong in their line.
Aireney, Din L'Wood street, Pittsburgh.
mchtltt J. A. BROWN
1) AYER HANGINGS—I um 11010' receiving. ron
from the manufacturer, iii Nose York, 1./Waded
pude and Baltunore, large and wt II steleoteal assort
ment of all the latest an dunproved styles of sa
un, glawl tutd common PAPE R HANGINGS, con
arquig 0--
10.000 meets of Parlor and Fresco;
lii cystv Hall and Column.
lOat Dining-room, eh:utter and Dame
Paper- w htoh I would particularly invite the intention
to 'hose having bowies to paper, to call and examine,
at the raper Wnrelionec of S. C. HILL,
ate ST wood at
CTaItSaHNOT has commenced to receive •
U. large easonment of Fancy VARIETY GOODS,
comosung part of Artificial., Ribbons, Lace,,Ho
•l, ~ Gloves, Crape, Leine , Cambria, Neump, Lace
Veils, shawls, Pongee Handkerchiefs, gents Cravats,
gingham wad cotton Ilandkerchlefs, carded Slam,
sewing Silk, Threads,Bouons, Combs, Jewelry, Cot.
try, tcr So. Country and city merchants are res
pectfully invited to call and examine his stock, No 04
Wood sures, corner of Diamond alley. mehgo
TIKTRACT IF COFFEE—An article whieh
rj redly coming two use as a wholesome, nonsishing
and delicious beverage, being more pleasant and pal
amble than common Coffee, and far cheaper, as a small
paper costing only
_Lea cents, will go as far as four
polled. of Comic. Mitaufacturedl
JOHN S. MLLE Pittsburgh, La.
Sold at wholesale by It A F ESTOCK ft Co,
corers of Fust stud Wood and Sixth and Woodstreets,
Pittsburgh anal
I.T.L lees edition, containing all the matter. verbatim
at literatim, of Vols. 1 and 2 of the London edition,
ballishe(with a portrait alb. anthor-2 Tots. in one.
price, omnplets. bas A large supply_of dor aimvs , nb.
calved and for sale by JOHN H IttELLOIL
maw wool II
I um yoam, with respect,
Scrofula or King's Eva, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cum-
Eruptions, Pimple.. or Pustules on the Face,
Blotches, Bales, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or
Tesler, Scald Read, Enlargement and Pain of the
Bones and mOillto, Stubborn 'Ulcers, Syphilitic Symp
toms, Scattiest or Lumbago, and Diseases anstng
from an Iniudscious nee ofldereury, AlleltelOr Drop
s', Etsposure or Imprudence IA Lita Also, Chrome
laustautional Disorders.
In this preparation are strongly concentrated all the 1
hleilscinal properties of 81.111A.P.111.1.4, combined with
the most cleansel aids, the most salutary plaductions,
the most potent simples attic vegetable kusgdonsi and
a has been so fully tested, not only by plateau them
selves, but Al. by Physicians, that it has received
Wem uuqualified recommendation and the approbation
of the public; sod has established on i s own menu a
teputatton for value and efficacy far superior to the
venous compounds beartng the name of Sarsaparala
have beets cured, such as are not furnished
in the records of time past; and what a has already
done for the thousande who have used a, it IP capable
of doing for die millions still suderiag and suniging
arab disease. 1, purifies, cleanses, nod siren tens
the fountain springs of Ilk, and infuse• new vigor thro ,
out the whole animal frame.
The following . striking and, as will Le seen, perma
nent cure of an inveterate cam o(Se rofula, commends
itself to all similarly afflicted,
Socrurou, C 0.., Jan. 1,194&
Messrs. Samos: Gentlemen—Sympathy for the efilic•
tad induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure
effected by your Sarsaparilla in the cue of my wife
She was severely aflllicted with the scrofula on differ
ent purrs of the bode; the glands of the neck were
greatly euluged .d her limbs much swollen. After
suffering over a year and thichng no retie( from the
remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, and be
low the knee suppurated. Her physician addled It
should be laid open., whioh wit done, bat withoet any
perm... benefit. In rho situation we heard of, and
ware induced to use Sande' Sarsaparilla_ The first
bottle produced a decided and fuvomble effect, reliev
ing her more than any prescription she had ever ta
ken and before she had used stX bottles, to the mato.-
ishreent and delight of her blends, she Nand hoe
I.llth quite restored. It Is now over a year since the
cure was effec'ell, and her health remains good, show
ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the
ystem. Our neighbors are all knowing to these
fonts, and thins very highly of Sands' Sarsaperille.
Yuan with respect, JULIUS PIKE.
Extract from • letter received from Mr. N. NV. tinr
rt• a gentleman well e known in Louisa county, yet :
'•Gentlecueit—l have cored a negro boy of mute with
yone Sairmparilla, who was mucked boy
.d of a mrofulons family.
''Yours truly, N. W. HARRIS.
"Fredericks 11•11, Va., July 17, ISIS."
So ten' St wit ',ants —lt seems Limon unnecessary
to dace: attention to an article so well known, and so
deservedly popular, as dile preparation ' but patients
often who wish to use the extract of Saskapardla, are
induced to try worthiest:, compounds bearing the antes,
but containing hide or none of the virtue or tide vain.
able root; and we thick we cannot confer a greater
benefit on our readers 'ban to dirce•l•.g their attention
to the advct Uscrnnut of lb. ',lntact. Sands In another
column. The bottle. has recently been enlarged to hold
a quart, nod those who wish • rally good article will
find konee.rated m this .11 the medicinal value of the
root The experience of thouninds has proved its ef
ficacy in curing the vnnous diseases for which it is
r. comended; and at the present time more than any
other. m per 11 opt. e this medic,ne useful. in preparing the
tq..iem for n change of season—Houle Journal, Sept.
Prepared and sold. siMolesale and retail, by A. W &
D. SANDS, Druggists and Chemists, 100 Fallon inreee
corner of NVillitan, New To - k. Sold also by /ledg
er. generally throughout the United States and Cana
da.. Prier SI per Houle, nir. Bottles for 85.
([:'For sale in Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail, by
B. A. FAIINESTOCK, A. CO., comer of Wood and
Front eIA., also, corner of Sixth and Wood ors; by L.
WILCOX, Jr., corner of Smithfield and Fourth sta.
nod alio corner of Market m and the Diamond; also,
by EI) \ V A RI) FIN DE ILII.II. cor Monongela
10101-3 m
LUNttei.—The unprecedented success wtwb ho
ended the lute of the
, . . .
I all the various Mans which untunon ditto lungs us
sums., hits suduccd We propmetor ague to call &ten
to to this
rho ettanguble weather which marks our fall and
ouster months, Is always n frumful source of
rhece. If oegle•red, era but the precursors of that
the question. Men. how shall we nip destroyer m
Me tad , haw shall we get clear of oar tougits Mid
olds' is of vital importance to the paidic.
will be found to the Gamma Famines. lit proef of this
we have from time to tune published the ceruficates of
Hmens of our best known ginseng, who have experi
enced its curative powers. These, with a mass of tes
=may from all parts of the cousetry.--from
Ministers of the Gomel, ho., together with copse= hOf
ices from the
we have embodied m pamphlet form, a=mayh ad gratis of any of our agents throughout the country.
have aodirrllfl AN lw
throughout the Ututed SW= and Canada, nod we ohm
lunge any luau to point out I
winch, When taken according to dieectione, and be•
ore the lungs had become fatally diaorgainred, it haa
vet (nand to
- -
Why, then, aced the afflicted hesitate? NI by moon 10
pst, rotscrahle nostrums, gotten up bl ass 4.1,
U ter the ustutted earns of some Co tbrattul
and puffed tom notoriety by canificatot f. put
sou equully unknown! Whilst a medicine Of
• -
Is In be had, whose voucher. are at home,—ear
bon,—many of whom a boo
In order threthis invaluable medicine may be placed
within the reach of the poor ail well the rich, Ica baye
put the puce
mar one half the usual cost of cough mod:OMM
for sale by Oar agents in nearly every town and village
over the moot. who are prepared to give full taverna.
non relative to H. 'l'. RATTER, Proprietor t
Broadway, Cumlimati, Ohio.
emusetuntatin,BakYlia CO., PA.
DR. EDWARD ACE LIZ takes due mouth of re
tendng his thanks to hie friend.; and .the public
Inc the extenetre patronage he has received, *odd in
forming diem that he hoe lately erected 'a !Urge 'and
...ell constructed building, for the exclusive purposes
location, at Phillipburgh, Pa., on the Ohio river, epito
me the eteamboat lemding at Deiver,where bete ready
to receive patinas as boarders, arid treat them on Hy,
dropaibie principle. In add Lion to his long expert
ear. and the great secrete which has heretofore at- '
waded his treatment of patients committed to Ws ease, '
he loss now the additional Ineilitiee afforded by au ex
tettsave building erected expressly for the purpose, eon
wining commodious and airy rooms, and fitted up with
every necessary apparatus for bathing, and ddmini.
tering the treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort
of the patient. Phillipshurgh is a most delightful arid
healthy village, easy of access by steamboats, and af
ford. hoe and wholesome water. Dr. ACkaf 1111.•1911Col
those afflicted persons who may place themselves an ,
der his care, that every attention shall be paid to their
comfort; sad as an assurance of the sulurtantial benefits
to be derived, he points with eoafulenee to the hun
dreds who have been permanently eared at his estab-
Miami. The Water Core basses no injurions effects
behind, Rs is too oilers thin case with those who have
been treated on the ou spawns It removes the dis
ease, invigorates the system, protects from the dodge
Incident to changes of the weather, creates a natural
and acute appetite and Imparts vigor to the digestive
omens Terms of treatment and bceardiwg reasonable. For farther paruculara Inquire at the eststblishment, or
soldreu the proprietor at Pldllipsburga
nit. JA y ed ALTEL6:IIV&
We hove been informed by Nrt. Rose of a Cart per
formed on her by Dr. Jayaeta Altaral.tlYa r which
proves tie mperionty over every other remedy of the
kind. Rho has been otthcted for the last aliteen yenta
sv,th NECIIO9h. or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended
with uteeratiorrs and ertfaltetion of VItIOUSIones, du•
nag whteh time mar hove been discharged from
the trorant ettneel 010 ...14,1G1, from both her arms,
Witte and hands, and from both tegs, and flow the left
f emora l bone,, and from the right keee, besides painful
ales:dean other parts of her person, which have balled
the skill al a aumber of the moat 'eminent physicist!u of
en, --darn% look of the lime her sadertngs have
been axe:waling and deplorable About three months
amen she was induced to try Dr. Jaynes AILDMiVe,
which has hod an rtstonialtlngly happy rivet upon her,
by removing all pain and swellings, end causing the
emote to heal, white at' he came time her general health
has become completely restored, se that she now weighs
IS 11 , 4 more than she did before she commenced the i-c
of this truly valuable prepauen.—{Rat. Eye. Post.
For further information, inquire of Mrs. Bose, No. IP3
Filbeitst, Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh, ti the PERIN TEA STORit,
:2 Fourth so. uoar Wood. lYn
Jun Teemed of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, the
mo.t extrnordinary medicine in the world: This Ex
tinct is pat up in quart bottles. It is id. times cheaper,
pleasanter, and warranted superior to any Bold. It
naive &maze willinat vomiting, purging, sickening or
debilitating the patient.
Loon ODT rota Durartorts.—llaprincipled persona have
copied oar labels, and put up medicine in the same
shaped bottle. Sao that east, bottle has the written sip
nature of S. P. Townsend..
• • •• • • . • . ••••
IL K. SELLEILS.DrugriId, 57 Wood street, ben,
Third and Fcvrlh s Dr. Townsend'. only wholaal •
and mail tren. for Pidtatntrah, or whom the Rennin •
article con be hod.
• ••• • • • ••..
D.:11. Curry hu been appointed the sole new for
Allegheny car, of wham the genuine article can be
had. OP4
O. A:Fanaccrocx,l .. . A.B. ifou, N7l. tali
Li. I. Isussirroes, Pittsburgh.
O. W. Femmes
Wholesale Room stare ID tae Oily of
Rem York/
irWI usidetwacted are extenalvely engaged in the
Wholesale Drag Limbic. at No. 42 John street, in
e city of Nay York, and a. prepared to ...nPly
ragaitte and wintry Merchants wile Dela - wade .
Oda Dye-lady Familia and Amancan Perfumery,
Saanner,, Revel tr.ldandom Chemicals, ( oI their Own
dilertatioa) aid all ether articles in their lime of boat
alma ef t : Apeclo lagLai km ea they can bora,
Now York, gb l nfl IL A. 6 1/7inigerromci r.
••o •11D.
GHATEFUL for the very liberal en c ouragement I
have received for so ninny years I have deter
mtnedealorge my barmen emeridelably,
engesed • competent Foreman, gui.l„.• sC~bled to
a . .ll o ,ews pmmptle i end do the work in our maul
win and at fair prices, andasirthe anentkin of me -
ehanis and eideens to my large mock of UP1101.417i-
RR GOODS and Reds, Alattrasses and Bedding, Our
refs Demob and Sloreena, Cornices, Fen
ger,Dorderuiry, Tine* Spilt and - Roller Nods, and
every aruele IWIII4 ke pi
, to '
an establiahman of the
=Orders VMPeelsw, solicited mid promptly at.
• iii_,..ll.447anat. ,Fain P dar*-
mmio, • WK. NOSIOt,
Aries. & MISS GILLAND tampeelfally l aLotheir
frieoda and the pabliej thew have - math
removed thie it seitool to a roomy and ranannient home
in Lacork .veer, t.crood dwelling eadt of Federal ti ,
where they Mn prepared Mahan a 6...rder.,•4 4
wen .n a fear more day sehilara s wherelltairwl
eloarre attention will be d voted to tadlettetion in all
Me ordinary branches of 'lab edneatifia.
Strap ere referred to Mr. Wm. Elebbanca, Mr.
John O. hlgers
eFadden and lib. P. Dina:. or virfttoarigh,
Mg. A. ?hot I and Mr. 6.irge Reiterof Allegheny city
V it — NUTIA- 1 7 TlLlfilhila •
TtlEgicstestand ben vatieirerrarAteredinOdstuut
before—mule on Me mut approved /4steroplaim—
auti most fashionable &min pattemm andeolang Min
THE CHEAP KOLL, of BOSTON BLINDiAA: keptor made to order of all amen and at all prices.
Country Merchants mad celery are invited to Oil) Asa
examine Cite above for the
as all will healo l 4
wholesale or rem!, and a I Moral Outsmart mute to
wholesale horehasen.
THE SUBSCRIBERS Iniviug removed Ikons N 0.170
Noa. 172 and 174 Liberty street, odor for sale goods
as follows, in store and mew landing, sir,
330 bags prime Coffee, sear crop;
Qi old governmetil Java Lolled;
130 bilds prune New Miami. Sugar;
700 bbls Plantation MOlasses;
100 St James Sagas House Molmam;
IW hf cb Young Hymn Tea;
40 do Gunpowder and imperial Tee; new
40 do Chubut Posrehong do crop
70 do catty boo 111 and II I' do
white Brasil Sugar;
50 h i s white Havana do;
40 bgs Pepper; IN do Alspice;
100 boxes MusUird, u In .1 and i lb cans,
100 do Malaga Pnch Raisins;
3u do do do do. in layers;
50 blbss do do du
50 qr " do do do
ril csk s Zenist Curtains; 10 balm Sicily Almond.,
110 boo Richmond Tobatco;
10 baskets Bordeaux and Marseilles Ohm. Oat
100 !MU and 110 hf Mils No 3 large Mackaml,
9 . Honey; 1300 lbs Cheese;
01001 guile winter and spring Sparta CM;
Mid " bleached north west Whale Oil;
lOW " crude " do
300,000 Cruz and gods Principe Serum
300Nt Havana do
hf pipe. Cognac Brandy, of various bends, •
S puecbcooa Jesualea
3 pipes Holladd Gin;
21.1 quarter caka sup. Tenertels Wino;
lu do Madeira do
•.91 do Lisbon do
40 do oporto do
so do Sweet Malaga do
II Indian Mils do do
13 Mid. (Jlareo 20 qr oaks Haut Bantam;
40 cases sup Bordeaux Claret,
SU baskets Champagne Wins;
2 don tope Stomach Haulm;
200 bbla"pure Rye Whiskey, from, Ito years old
Notice to the Public
w .
E hereby testify oar friends and corwarponiddinis
at home and abroad, that we will not,
•n• cuterversimp., receive freight from anP t for
which J. NI, woad Jones is agent.
AO.IIN KELLY & CO., (mecums. to Robb, Wine
brener & Co., late kletCllll.lllTiolorsj No. IN
tkIIITNU'r Street, above Thad, Philadelphia, Leg
leave to Mania their friend. and pain.. that they
have received the latest SPRING AND SUMMER
FASHIONS, with a large assormeient of Nein Style
GOODS; comprising Cloths, Casein:Loma, Venting's, a a .
of every description all of which aro of them own EEO
portation, having been cagefally aelinned to Part.,
i e S d
S ::L 'l‘gP" h . e a n " a ""
Ipvite2 exAleieiv=
INDIA RURBF& — PASTE—Just re ceivb
bottle. of Rubber Paste, a superior attic highly
Important to perscam that wish to keep their dOl.
ItAuven. the leather from cracking, and will take a
over it. For sale at the India Rubber
cTiTtVootl street. maid J H. PIIILLI:Ir
rPHF, subscriber, wneflcarde mantifketsiet‘er JEW
ELRY, invites wholosolo dealers and pedlars tra
ding South and West—also, country store - keepers to
call and examine his stock of Jewelry, which will ba
sold at the lowest priees for cab or approved accep
tances. Constantly on hand and mannfamating,
large assortment suitable for city or country trade.
corner of Fourth and Branch Rh up aßlini
ap MM. Phlladedpina ,
Paper UsugUagee
TTAVING purchased at three of the largesi
I 1 ries in the loot, (New York, Philadelphia ur
Ltslarriored a large Y•Ort6l.ll of the newest and most
improved sty les of PAPER lIANGINOB,BORDERS,
Jr.c., and made arrangements by which I will be CIL,
bled to procure all now Panacea, simultaneous with,
their appearance in the Eas.ern market, I would Ind
Tilt the attention of those desiring to have their Misses
papered with the latest aryl. of paper, to call and
exammc nowstock, before liarchasing elseWhare
I have on the way from the East, 20,000 pipe.
of Gold, Satin Claud and common Paper ilangthigs,
which I eat cell at prices ranging from I2la Mete $2
piece. melt. S C HILL, 87.w00d at
Bacon Elmollglnqg
g oft!ur =iota
j=c a o:tolaed :eb , L l til t dut o *
and .mot in the moot tu r e ' reEantable mmemere meal,
The houses are fined with all the modern improve
ments, and are capable of containing 30a,000 lb.. each.
KIER &.10Pih, Canal Pont.,
att near Seventh at
DRINTING PA Pcift-:Havinilri apse,
Ca the sale of the Mill Grove Printing Paper, (S.
B. &41 P. Markle, Proprietors, we will be constantly
s w itatet e w o itLal m Ml e dt i ferent stres ., of saperlor quality,
''" IIEVOI4I9 &
feb24 earner Penn tend Irwin Cr.
00LEMAN, MAILMAN & CO. earldom to mono
facture Small Iron, Spring and A. Blister Steel,
Plough, Fore end Hot Steel, Ravem,Bpikea end Won't
iron Num, all user, together with Coach and Eliptie
Springs, hlf Pat, Taper and common Axles.
Having redneed the price of Wrought limn Nuts,
engine builder and others wtang the erode, will And
a to their interest to give this new branch of ratibtugh
manufactutes their attention.
Coach ututmusgs and undeabla iron on lateral Wulf
Warehouse on Watur and Fourth Its foldilo4
And in now receiving • fine assortraeat of
Which he IS prepued to make to order
AnJ in the latest Fashion•
Head Hoerter• for Hoots as • Y • • a.
Corner of Fourth end Struitifiebrauests,
Preraviou, PA.
I c a
..1, TRLH ,. 21 SCOTT ,
n h . a i •T t f o ro=4,ll .
t w o 55 nod retail, would re.; , ; • tl — alyr
merit me atention of their friend. and We public gen•
erally, to their oplendid naves took, coll.:Ian:ova Mont,
womensl, Errs', masers' and Midden,. REM' of every
trite, writable for the .¢l.l, end at prices to &lin
the times. A .splendid article of home mada work,
such •s gentlemen's fine BOWS, ladies, Minn
childrens fine week. Please call and eitamdna for
yourocirei. TROTH re scorr,
• corner lth and Smithfield sta
N. IL—Traveling Trunk; Carpet Raga, be. , al•
ways on hand and low for cash
country merchants would find it to their interest to
give no n call when visiting the city. startill
IMPORTERS and Wholesale Dealers. in Foreign and
A. Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, be..11/19,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, ate new fully prepared-intn
recently imported stook of Illtraware, Clattery, Sad
dlery, Carpenters' Tool; Ike., to offer ,rery atm, In
ducements to %Verne= Merchestii, es in addition to
the many adva ntag es had by our ptedecessorri, Met
ers-Logan/A Kennedy, we hate greatly increased oar
(anilines, and purchase all our goods from first hand.
on the very hest ter..
The junior tae sobers of the firm derfile their whole
attention to Wes/ and feeling cool/dent of giving sot
tonscuon, respectfully *elicit a cell from ail who may
visit this market tutfar
liz undersigned offers On sale asupefor article
of brick for ; building, made by Ins idicam ems..
improved machine, for winch hq hits obtained a pram.
and agrees to givb purchasers • written gasman that
they um nrongeri and will resist awls and
er and Imbibe leak moilsorre or dampness than any Pth
er brick, possess* . greater kadr Nat
and mach more thimble in every respet4csen brick
being subjected leas
a pure 6f metre! 'and ?oa
sessing a anadsome smooth sarface an . a' erect
th bdek
7hry i k r.:47l " Z i gt2. 4 4" t
..trumi94 Ina who
have purchazed., A kiln eon be seen at my worim, and
specuaen at the laceUe office.
Those harms Implied themselves for their baildaigs,
and vrishing halidsclue front briet,-oratiperint bud
andLsolld paving brick, can cdunitt to
land.o GREGO;
Brompagham,,Jladn 1J,11;19. tf
MEW i'lo/1-80 bbl. tNo 1 t 11EaroodEktac0.110 halinto
No I do do, :5 bbl. No 1 wear de% 30 do 014%1 &U
-nworn Herring . ; :11 half dq 1 , 0 1 do dol. 20 bbl* No 3
Mackerel; 10.10 "lo l Salmon, Nut untiring by Canal
and for sate l.y 4011 N WAIT,
.001& Item at
CIOPAHTNit&IIY-1 have this day ammetated
N_/ with me in the whotemla (lamely, Prodders and
Commismon Business, Mr John Wthoo, andttthe firm
of JOllOl wArr & JQLI.I%.IOI.IkTr. •
husbargh, Ap it 1819.
CURN BROM 11 S—. os Corn Brooms, teed on.
for nle •D'a K Itr,MitSON h. Co
, A coN_2o,o6o Roots; Z,Niu — StialTd . c — riClirtwok•
B bow" . for ado bY .1 ,2 3 K ROBISD & Co
P0063611E0 UYIILY, TRI-WEEKLY , k,W14614.1.7
ta• Oaa,as. Aradiner, ad a., esarads.Prel
LLATEIC ADV 4613,24184,140.
Oee Insertion of 12 lines, or I tore, 5,0 6 0
Twe•aW11101111*MOUt alterations,. 0 7
4 4•41
Three " 4, 4 4 , ~ uo _
Oao Week '. .4441 60
Two Weeks •• •• ''''" iso
Three •• ••`. 300
One Mouth; •• ....
4 00
Two " • 600
Three •• ... ' „
Er Lodger adrerusemeela
ODD equate 1 6 2 raootiu arab: 4 : 1 1 0 0 0 :
12 ' " ,4 .4,r11 6 00
Each additionial vinare [or 6 rraddldr.4l.4 6CO
flue muse 6 mouths, renewable* P 1616 . 6 # 6 ; 16 00
44 re '_ 20 00
Each additional equare for 12 ... ... 10 00
Twosqa6 months, ret•wahleale, 30 130
Each addition aree, al square, 6 mood., 4 800
wargaat oa Tupwsigst
One square. 3 ilarertione, ..•, 1 60
4 . " each addilionallosertion,..:..... 31
everwasa •
Fisa Rasa or less, oae,ye l3 . ••plryT. 600
0 4 , al roe 4. D 0134
.•cote year, daily*. ivei*. to op.
" air P9utim 00
Fm lt anes, or tem, SO 543-
4 , Two, " 075
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