TRANSPORTATION . LEES: - iiiißrii - ai.u - c , iii; -- giiiv.Y. -- rrk. -- 7 - i Nta 1849. .7: Old Ertaldit bed One ON'THE ERIE EXTEDIt ION CANAL T HE Pro rimer of Ibis veal known Lhoe of time] ..I Roam, . tow prepared tu transport PeteseMors , LarkGheigh lo WI pow. ati the t Ise Idoenslo., - Now York Cao owl Me I -a1.., tam. the mow, favorable terra and t try despatch. Thu Lt. wale to eouneenou wall the Veen. Itnant BEAVER awl OALP.II i 'OPE. between thurborglt Leff Beaver, C ht Reedat Luc of west.. boot and p..., sell on he lake., and the 'Prop awl NlMlliglth Lake Boat Lane art the C. Nat" Vim k r auat Al. REED, P tarnisher, Ella, Pg. Kidwell A Brother, Ageme Braver. , 101 'I Aleillee, Aftwit at J Mestkasigiff , Pal.roger . Orate, Alormitgahela Bailee, Paulturgh. CONSIGN --it' C Malan, Sharon, SE de S Ball, Bbornabargs Smith & Dowmog, do, J B Plummier, (lent Greenville; Week, Mitre A Co, do,Wm Henry, ' HeIISWW. Davis &Sotto, Buffalo; Bar ney, Gibbs M. Co, Poodoelty; dap A Armen - oil, Defrost, ADrllAnd A. .Ncarkardy, Bletboy gem; !tl'nbare re Wllilffnms.,ltLlwou r se, Rug , ' Abs way re Dutton, lbw., Jo,. II Gi nv ,, eto...mro, A. Wheeler & Co, Year York. , ayory Pilinbiolitot;.nd Iliad rsville Pajokil Ir.bie araiM 1849. itglibi t trial pantie are ,tinge.tlnt4 inforrwiff Ant J. 111. k MARSHALL ti. C. nave fined out ottY and' eplendlid Pocket Bowe to t tan durtng 11,0 sewn., be tween 131wwwlfe nod Pliwburrh- hit, bunt. ha be- low ed by Liam. bane., and it., ; y ettost made la Wire. , mindere prerettgers. DceartreaM —Beata IA tl. P. v e l'ntahurch every Iffouday, Therday, Thurodity nod FOday, at 70 clock, e r Front 1:14410. the twerp Motet., Wed.... WO . FLUIPday rad Saturday. ut 7 4 c lock, ... IL, Wed ernes. st Pittabargh the same day A two hot. Hock irum 1/411411% Will meet the host at :a•lwburgh, hot7Cmt .P -word orld do...wore trip i•4144g pa • ,ligef inhf Through VOOl that Diane In one dui Prerght 10i the above /41/1.• ail: be rcceivea St tit, Louse of tlie iliintructiii lane, by 100. Farrell & Co., who are our uttnorucil Agents. All avoid teevssed free ul eaudonatoon. PI MAR:WALL & JNO PARRUN & Co, Agents, Canal Basle ' Liberty it, Pinshorgh A Hack leaves IRairsvillcfor Yoangsttisett on tiro at weal of the boat—returns to heat in mornimp rare !tom Pittsburgh to Youngstown 82—receivesothee ut [batmen's lane throng t. am VIVA` OtataATPOEtt&iii.aftirliktriahriii alittEol 1841). For the 711insrportatton of brag it to al Pont PITTSDURIiII, PHILADELPHIA.. IiALTIMOILL N YORK, BOSTON, hr. Cuestas Ilistatuck, Philadelphia. Taasse & O'Coittiott, Pittsburgh. rrEns old established Li. being now in ?all opera. I duo. the ProPtielors are prepared with their nmtal extensive arrangements to forward merchandise, pru. duet, &e., to and hem the above ports, on liberal tenor, with 'the regularity, despatch and safety peculiar their mode of wonsriortatui ma,obviou. when man. to shipment on the wars avoided. .Vsileoncign.m. by it for this line received, eau. Kea paid, and forwarded la. say requireAdireetiOns free of charge fore commission. , advancing or storage. Na internal, &Urals , orlochrectly, Mounts... coeurnedilmatitarapromptly attended tu 011 smitten. bowie, die follow - us agents: THOS. BOR.BILICiFiIIn Market st, Philadelphia 'PA& PPE & CRCONNOR, Canal Basta Phuiburgb. 0'..:010101t & Co, Notth at, linitimore. _papal/ SLATPIENtir. Lima::: • 1849. r: : :.-.2111111ktia Fot rho Traie,porltaion of ftlerel;at'n PPM=RGH, PIULADELPILIA, & KALTIMORK. ClOols 01.1;peeldor lane- are carried to four. ..ecuotz Portable Boats. ri,nEwabccrll.ers having made arrangements in cam of a Want of Stole Thiess at Columbia, IA have boar Foods forwarded over the Railroads in cars, FO RA to avoid the detention that by Iterriofure occurred to die want of Trucks. Shippers will find thls to their advantage. Nu charges tunic for receiving or One ping, or - fur advancing charges. All gored. fortauded 'Atli despatch, and on ns reasonable terms as any °•.h et Line. JOHN I'AttREN ft Co. comer of Canal and lAbertySt, TZ Pittsburg l• P. K. FRE it Co, meld:Lam 165 Market re, Philadelphia. Mbf.'l,S49 111BiGITLABIS. TRANBP O laces OrlYilte, boson Ilwart.w, Tues. Bltic mot Wait. lhastok, 3.005 Pet , Conducted on met Salibain.keePlag principles. FlE o P h iO e p yr i le toot p o th Jo e s moot c c e d tn :t i hr t a e te o d r dLr,n w e d lo thoroughly prepared to forward Produce amt Merritt diseko and from the Portent cites. We trust that Our long rape et In the earryii hostiles., and kenlou. attennott to the interests of en touters, will secure to as rt continuance and inertia of the patronage hitherto extended to Bnighaents Lin Our arrangement. will er.oble w to carry FITT. with the utronat despatch. and our prices shill al tray he an taw us the lowest charged by ether reap:kited-I Lines. We have opened an office In No ISJ Market .ire. etween Ith and sth s•.• !Tillma n for the o:motorist , or altippers. Produce end Nlerrhanatee et, , I i.e reCeiVet.l and for warded. En- , and WeA... , ;1., , • any charge for for ruiveo,tor tretrht...tot:o . c or vonuranson. Lit:ls of I.ter.t,T tot mooted. nod every' dire,.;...: attended , in. Address. or apply to Wlll. BINGHAM, C. 11.1 Ba•tu, vet Liberty k NN'ttyne Ott, Pittsburgh BIN , :BANN. & VOCK, Nu 153 and :ft. Markel otter!. Phtle.l• JAMES WILSON,'- 4 'yeti, Na 121,4°11h Ham g stteet, Baltimore 'WILLIAM TY sori t UV, inchtl No To Wee., Grneet. New Voris Persusylvasaa Cartel as. Waft Road - prese.Fiaat Plachet Line, IS 49 . IROM YO PIIIIJABEILINIIA. Sc BA I TIMORL. elaelufavele tor !Noise/taco, • rut_pc,bh , reeper IOW) . talon:Med L lkts nie will coronae.... running on the 19th loot, and cut e i.nue throughout the _season The bows use new. and °I • VI. vent', whin e t urged cabin+. to/ h will rove r:ratre comfort. cars we the Torres eotyetruenon. A Goat Will always be In I -nn end travelers ale I. quested to oath nod .1100 11,1, I.eiorr enraging pa •aen tlseerfict.e (Fiat- rune One of the ban •o , tlos Ldno :vat lento the tandolg loppn.ito U. al Note :weerof Penn .:rest und every night et nin, o cloak Tito. i day For itiformatton, apply at M. office, klanotigoheln flow, or to B 11.7..X11 & meat? Canal Bunt 11.0.iiiT A OLE IC, WINIWat. For the Tranaportanun of 'tetra to Ttt P/ILLADELr LILA. LTIM OH F. & ;NM . YORK on the Owlet being now resumed, the BProprietors of We above Line respectfu tnlortn the public that they are prepare to reemvlle y and tot ward Freight with detritueb,aud ut Lowest rates. They woold oleo call the nuentitirt of shipper. Best ward to the tart that the Maio employed by them ut tradsitortariotn, are owned by them and ediattililiged by exkneacea. captains. Shipper. of Aleut it. Bulk will find it advantageout to ship by it. 13Re. the het, have made ar rangemenut at Columbia to het, such 6eigh• far Bal MOWo handed directly from boat. to cars, thereti> so vtng warebutiSc hlt0•11:^6. Freight •to Phdadelplart goes clear through itn- Loals. No charge made for receiving shipliingor advancing charges.. KIER & JONES, Proprietor., Canal Rasta, Seventh street. AOCNTS-i-John A. Shaw, Cinemnatt O.; Jno kl Culloujh & Co. Balumore; Jos Steel a ?bi1g0.,.. 1, 14:1611,/k Therual, Columbus. meat S LVANIA C&NAI. R. ItUADD, ataM I A 1849. "%la ImP4+l , S ' , Asa PAcia. - E lantl iht.1.5121 - gis to Philaddyllin andiktithanre. lEschutvely for Passengers.) T ll w E i ptZle a; , e , rmapocifnutlLirgooTtiaddr th:tttniA..l4,:ine The boats of this Lula ur g e of a supedor will, enlarged cabins, which will give greater comfort to passengers. A boat will always hem port, and ird'velera are TO weird In call and exiname. them heforo engaging pat sago by other routes. Tney will Wave the landing, op patile the U. S. Hotel, corner Penn raren&and Canal. every Watt at 9 o'clock. rANE—NINT. DOLLARS THISpDGII. Day. Forbiforsnation, apply at the office; Monongahela ROOF, 0117 D. LEECH /a Co, Canal Basin. N. B.—the proprietors of the above` Lida are now ballding an additional Luse of Packets, loran ea above On or about June let, la connecnou With the Penneyl veal& Hail goad from Lewistown to Pbiladelpbia. At that time a packet will leave every morning mid even lg. Mare. through, 21, daya. • Mehle itzLiAlibt PORT.I7~LI+". BOAT LINE, ElfelllB49. Sac For the transportation of tilrel!rtitalie, LIE/MIV)-7-Zi PHILADEL.PIIIA AND PLTITSDURGH , nOODS earned on this Line are not transhipped 931 - between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being car ried in four secuon Portable Boats over land and we tar-to snippet. of merchandise requiring careful handling, this Is of importance. No charge muds for receiving or shipping or for advancing Charges. All goods forwarded wall dispatch, and mina reasonable terms ea by any other Line. JOHN IIVt'ADEIV tr. Co, Canal Bas JAN in, Penn al, Pittsburgh M DAVIS Cs Co soul' 2 2 7 Eiarterk7i - i - COmst — iteest.,chili. JOIENTIerADEN a Co, Forwatilig ettiFomm , r .ioo Mereloutts, ential Baaln, Pena it, jititTEM lid DAVIS & Ca, Flour FaeuiriartdCoakta' ta. aloa Merc p hants, Vi Market and M Caipielieree • tweet, UV - A Philadelhia , dvances made by either of Y 6 On Flour, Waal and other atereLcutdize tp there for iSittMl 1849 . plerohants , Transport/010a Line. VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL k. „RAIL ROADS, ro tutnurr.erna. /OW ITIHSCanala and Rail Roads htiot.pow open, and 4, in good enter, we aro prepared to forward ill klada of merehandom and produce tO.Philadelphiarind Baltimore, anthpromptoara and dhapatch, nod On 00 good rersas an my other Line. C A hir-ANCLit" & Co., Canal Rasta, Peon: et, Pinsburgb. Agri—CHA RIBS RAYNOR. Philadelphia. rola ROSBZIORRILI. k. Co, DaLlmore... 18_49 • xiEIICILIANTH. WAN 171LEIGLIT Far,Blaltrdlle, Johnstown ' Flollidayaharp, and all itnettnedinte placia • Tms tine will eonanue to carr yall way Goods 'With - their usual dePpatch, an dal fail tales of ft - tight. AdlCtla—Cl A. 15FANULTY 21, Co, Fittabotgh. D 13 Wakefield, JohnstOtto. Sohn Miller, llollldayshorgh. itlidridrlcss—t note, Jordon; Smith 5,60., F Shoonborger, B Moore, John ' Parker,. F Von Bonn bent & Co, NVcri baluster Co SW AFDr-vitt 64. Bros, ?mope& John Ivory, Suallt,'lllolhollan tr. lbw, /no Grallria Co, Blairsville . Meal 1849.* Belimia'ar an Urfa Eipreme Packet Line. B . G. FARE.% Hover, Vronoctor. row end elegant Poseatet Packet., .:ENIAGARA, Cam 1111 Jeffrier • - PENNSYLVANIA, 1 1 11ollinaii; . LAKE EMS, Trebyl QUEEN CITY, . Mciraul. Peemtos &da il y Line betweektlKAT“,... ~..., Lave commenced :wady, and will coonnue dunes me tea - son to.tnake their veento trio, .leattog *aver tan the =teal of the meaning Oat from Pttlaborgh, (I v.. 'clock, e. is) and arrive at Erie an time tat Pactehoem 'es earths Morning boats to Buffalo or up the Late. —Tieketittitratutt, to Ede and 5.11 Lobe bat by epidtmulon to JOHN A CAUMOY, istrinsr of Water and SailtbleW na sa GIXIRGE KECK, sailer the St Mike NOW MEDICAL. (1 AT CURE OF LIVER origirml, Only trim, and genuine Ideal' Poll. Snore Caw. Ohio comity, V. Mulch liGth., 1040. Mr. FL E. Sellers: Dear Sir-1 Rank a • dart I owe to you and to the public genera ly, state that I have heed&filleted with the Liver Complaint lor a long nra~ noel w Ludt)' very that an ow t lab.coemri. toliran2ved.rrai.c your ecl Lover d ehtated soda being Mr sam by A R Sharp, or Went Liberty, sold recommended to vac by mV physician, Dr. E. Smith, laoncluded to give them a lair mai I purchased vale /A.., and found them to what they are recommende, THE DEMT LI. VIIIR 111.1. EVER I.ISER. and alter taklng rout boxes I had tie thereat, has entirety len tor- maid 1 non Rots well Keepectfutly yours, 1/ 11 COLEMAN. NVeyt Liberty, March 46,11149. 1 comfy that I ant personalty acquainted wan Mr Coleman, and eon bear teeurnony to the vats of the above ceruficare. A R !SHARP The 'rename Idver rm. are prepared mod coo: by R E SELLERS, No 57 Wood atreet. and l,y druggrew it the two clue[ TO THR. PUBLIC.—The ortgtual, only irue and gen uine Llifor Fels are prepared by E ilers y and bane hot awe Mantroted Week wait upon We 01 rad, boo, and his signature ou the outside wrapper --oil &hers are e ountertmts, or base anima, A. sparlt E SELLER Proprietor L$D.. V C MI.AIII2IA tllif SA BALSAM ROM the Rev ASA SINN N, o well known and po Fnine Clerrait.llo ( the Ptateritantlttelltualitt Chat eh The undersigned having been afflicted during the pas! winter With t 1 dreclue of the motuach, sometimes pro clueing great pain to the sawmill for tenor twelve Wahoturntermisaion, and after baring tried vot wtu r nned,r= with hale e dect, was airmailed with how/ of It, U Jaynail Carminative Univ..: Th., he used at corilmg to the directions. alai found rut erithly out tho medicine c d anoed the paw In In three or lout Ina, htea, and in fitter ur twenty IllittuteneVery Itee.riatiOel ort.ehtirely yowle. The medicine woo a terwarda used: whenc•r r indications or the approach pularric pereeived,atid the paw Wad thereby pm yr. ed. Ile continued to use doe I•tedirine ever) r • er..l,e and botnotintet in the a ruing: and .11 0 fc as oust, health was ao far ristmed, that the mineral was relic, ed riom a large amount of oppre..civc putt. Front to perience, therefore, he can coo y retiorine..d I U J myne'# Calera cadre llakani. al a salutary rnedimi for disc. , of the. stomach and bowels. A 9111NN 1 Allegheny ray .Ivll For sale to Prttel,tgli at the PEKIN T El. S'Etrlt 70 Fourth Street, near Wood, and aloo at ihe Lang Store of 11 P SCR W IRI'Z, Federal rtre•t. a I,eithao Growl English Remedy. FOR Centel. , C.ltny Asthma and Consumption The O REAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of the above disease, to the ISLIAIGARIAN BALSAM OF discovered Ly the celenated Dr, Buchaa, of London, England, i n n insreduced into the Caned State. under the immediate superiathinicitee of the InVentOr The extraordinary sueceas of this medicine. 111 Mc of ruhnOnnry . dlneasen, W6rtnnl• the America: , Agent to .011eiting for treatment the wort prostate Ca. aes Mat can be sound so the coatimany--e ases that se.. relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the day, and have Leen given up by the most driunguislied physicians as confirmed and Meta/able. The liuuguto an Balsam has eared, and will cure, the most desperate of cases. It is no quack nostrunfi but a standard Ens. Loh mcdmme, of known and established efficacy. Every family in the Vented Slates should be sopnied with kluchan's linaganan Balsam of Life, not only counteract Um consumptive tendencies of the elanne, but to be used es a preventive mcillooe is an taint cold, coughs, 'invite of blood, path in the tide and chest, irritation and sorenr.i. of he bins*, broehilis difficulty of brewing, hectic fever, night sweats, sown and general debility, asthma, indents*. wht opt sg ooagh and croup. Sold in large bones, at Si per bone, with full three tions for the restoration of health. pamphlets, condoling a anne of Flnghnh and Amen can certificates, iriul other evidence' showing the wt. climbed merits of thin great English Remedy, luny be obtained of the Agent, gratatiofialy. For sale by B A FAIINFSTOCK i Co., eoincr ei at and NVorid and Wood and doh etc. inure. VALUABLE DISCOVERY CONSUMPTIVER.S, BE ON YOUR GUARD. D SWAS CODIPOEND SYRUP OF WILD CLIEKRY , lon CcusliraptiOn, Comb, Colds. A ethms, Bronehius, Liv er Complaint, Sinntng 134.04, Difficulty of Breath. ing,, Pain in the Side andllteast,ralpiut,lon of the Beam Influenza, Croup, Broken Low emotion, Sore Thront,Nervons ty, and all Diseases of the Throat. Breast and Irina,: Ilia mostcf fennel end speeHy cure ever known for any of the above threes. es, Is SW • , DR. SW A. YN C' 9' Chomparind Syrmp of Wild Cherry! This medicine is no longer ;wood those or doubtful natty. It has passed away from the ttrousands dolly lao.heri upon the tide of expenotent. end ef e lW 40tee% higher el reputation, and is becoming mom lten,ve• ly need then any other preparation in medtmne ever produced for the relief of suffering man. It has been introduced very generally through tbc United States and Europe. ant! there are lcm mason or impordoce but what commit some ternaskable vt v.. dente of its good caeca For proof of the three attic eatententa and of Ate value rind efficacy of this Inert • Moe, the proprietor will insert it few of the mat. y how by sand onstimounsls which have been presented lo 11111, men of Uae first respectability en who have tugher views of moral responsibility and imAcc. than to cm ofy to lams, because It will do another a favor. and themselves tio torusucc Such tesuniony proves con. e Immely,khat its surprising excellence A establistred by Its intruisie merits. and Mc unqueenonable author, ty of public opinion. Tbe 11:111I11.1.00UX retie: II at lords, and the soothing leetteliCe dareeed through the whole frame by us use, renders a n moot agreeable remedy for the afflicted RE-MEMBER! When men. smog from cosctentlous impulses voluntarily heir testimony to the nruth of a mod, or pithead!' (set. such lesurnony , heutg contraty to Me.. sv o. orldly intermna and purpose., coerces 0011VIelle.11 At truth, and commends ...ell in a atrecial manner untVersal rredenee Moral 'datum. RF.AD THE 1-O.OIF. C ESTI FIC Al.Olll erltr. I.l,l.N.riAltr Cmast,trrna Mere Weer was a remedy that ban been as sueecselt.• in desperate elutes vd Coosomplarth is Dr Siva> in•'• Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, It strengthens we rystem. and appears to heal the ante. We lung, crestung new and nen Mood pea.L•bed by no other modem, Corms. Co April bakth. w. Swoyne—Dear I 'lefty behove a Coos cooed Syrup of Cherrl has been dos moans o r toying my life. I caught severe cold, orlecta grodu • I ally grow worse, udended ..ub a :severe rough, ho ! restated all die remedies width I had to to, toll me reasing until my ease exklbtied all the symptoms or rulmonari Constimonoa Emery Wow I tried seemed t, have no effect, and my complamt ancrel.dtd ao rated : ly that friends as welt mymlf, gave up all hope. or r my recovery At this tote I was recommended to try your invaluable medicine. I dui so with the most hap py recalls The first bottle had the Meet to loosen the Gogh, ceasing me to erpectorate freely, and by the s une 1 had used sic booles,l was courtly well, end ILL sow ass hearty as I ever was to my life, otad w o uld he harpyglee any reforoasuou to p my , coat, that other tosufferers emy derive the benefit for *bleb lam so grateful. See the to of the above sudemenoirefer you to FYI.' Hash, hooter, Well Cheater of whom I Purchased the medusum. Res Lilly yours, Jmmo MORAL.- Iroweksful Gum of a JklaModia Manama, Dr. dwayne—De. Sic I feel a debt oftentode der due you—and ditty to the afflicted genelly, to o my hatable testimony in favor of your Compound Sy rup of Wild Cherry. Some three yens stone I was violently attacked with told add rodamMatton tith e Longo, which was accompanied with a dastroo cuagb., plan ill the breast and head, a very mg:widen , lilt -discharge of offensive macros from the loupe, espe. eially upon change of weather, however slight- At knit I tell en alarm about my condition, but was pretty .wee convinced the I was rapidly going Into corm:lmp. o n o. I rem deity weaker, nod at length was Pearce ;y able to walk about, or speak above a whisper, ouch was the exceeding weakeess of tangs During this time I had trice Vatitl. proparadom and preacrip.ns but found no relief. tilt Um owe worse Jost here was advised and persuaded by a dear friend in Wilmington to make trial of your Syrup )!Kilt Cho, ry. I meet confess diet prevtously I lad been preju diced against patent =Minutes. and I am still against those cooling out of the Month, of emperma, but under. sirmaling your claim to they rofession nod pructice medicine, .d having Implicit hi the '. aying of gay friends, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Sha one of your agmts, a few bottles, and commenced ita a.. My you nose WSJ 11.1 that time of kta or Igo Mona.' 31/11/11.1111E, cora sequently It woo dmpty sainted. wood, however, conaiderkble relief from then. of the fa ar five hordes Dot being a paistio speaker s , I freesntlyat temp to preach with my increalung strength, and thereby ruptured those vessels that had already be to heal; in tide sny, doubtlem, my sun was greatly relardeda cola... Amoco of hf-ring time iMprudently had to eve twelve o fifteen bottles before I as per reedy restored. s.l hone no question, a much wearier number )!body would haye madetne sound, hat for the above iodiseroucat. TillfSyrup allayed the fever ish habit, took away the distressing cough, put a stop to the discharge of matter 'from the lungs, and gave them and the enure system good health. I hare defer red offerlog this cm:unease until now, for the purpom of boon p e rfectly ...raisins:l with the permanency of the taro, and now that feel Pa Roe well I offer It with pleasure. Ray. J. P. JORDAN Dublin county, N. C. Important Caution—Bore' Reed' There is but one genuine Orepuntion of Wild Cherry, and that is Dr. Swarm's, the first ever offered to the üblic, which bas Urea sold largely throughout the Halted Stade imd some parts of Europe.; and ell pre- Warta. called by the name of Wild Cherry have been puto titslie dos, under cover of some deceptive circuital..., in order to give currency to their sale. Dy a little obscovation, 4o person tided minute the genuine from the false. Er' ich bottle of the genuine enveloped with a beautiful sired engraving, with the likeness of William Leon thereon; also, Dr. Swayne's signature: and ea further security, the portrait of Dr. 2wayne will be added hereafter, so as to distinguish his preparation from all others. Now, it it was not lot the great curative properties and known vine, of Dr. Swayness Compound Syrdp of Wild Cherry, persons would not be endeavonorte give currency to their vgarripm wartime' by eteeling the name of Wild man. Remember, always bear m ccund the name of Dr. Sways. and be not-deceived, principal Cane, corner -of Eighth and Race suiceta, Philadelphia , Por sale wholcaide and retail by oomizi A BNow. DEN, cor 2d and Wood ad; )3 A d AEOC Co, cor let and Wood, and ath an Wood zur, W THORN,S3 Market st; S JON as, MO Liberty et; JAS 6 JONES, o f Hand and. As; JOHN HITCH. E 1.1., Allegheny city, n by all respectable dealers in °oda _ _ STRONG EVIDE that Dr JAYN VS EX - 1 A YECTOR.ANT is nor to all ad.reeddie. f ee Caughs,Coosurapticm,Bnaichitis,Asthrox, 4.1 4.4 Pale. sary effectionyisthattha oolas persons who eemainie-,1 the e(it timir Gatlin ley ago. still peeler it .11 ,thee maladies ofthe kindband where my have boon induced to t,l of °v KePetv,l9.l din hare adman arranaLly beau enepparnten m warm% dui benefit which was reasonably intrib.wareet fres the high pealees bestowed lay the proprietors, odd ha. retuned to the &deaf datum' ExtecrOlerre a noddy that has wer e Idled to relieve them, .d which Probably Soot had id egad ton meeting putundiary dwasu Yrayeawd ally by Dr D. Jay. Phifieeciphia,.d sold DO ‘a. , l ALEX. JAYNES 72 Fourth st 4 =&11,t1 Dr. W. P. inbLIIIVII PVIS,IIiiIMM Plaster. rtillt. W. P. INLAND, Oahe Medical College bf adelphia, now offers lo the pub. his Indian Veg etable Prannent ?LaMar. the qualities of winch, after long and tried experience, has been satisfactonly tablisheii. To all women who may be afflicted with Prolaps. Uteri. or Fallen Womb, be recommends his •quier, guaranteeing a lure and speedy cure in the On [WE of from two to thee weeks If wild e and ress--disctudnig all th e eouoheas.Weynne,,,,. and expensive bandagesso long in US, Tin. b e conscientio. In stating, inasmuch as he has f pa- in one ciao oat of three hundred and thy-three pa th lents. Alan fir Sher man= and Weak Breast c4,Baek, at. tended with pain, there Ia nothing io excel tale Fta.,.l ,n &gun:nag warier effecting & cam For rale by L Nilwa corner of Diamond and Market at Iltaaa h. Reiter," Liberty and SL Clan . ats SargentDe J Federal et and Diamond, Alle. gkkony 11..1.TY.S.—The charges have been redu ced on all Massager to or from lialitmorn Pitts burgh or Wheeling, and a coresponding reduction made ou all telegraphic deapatch r es forwarded from ILO umore West of Pittsburgh, Pa. Raexa.--The for b. telegraph despate.h to Of from I.lnluntore, Pittsburgh and Wheeling, w 43 coats for the firer to words, end 3 cents for ench addineual word. QT No charge is made for the address and signa ture. Unul the completion of the Routh Western Line of Telegraph from blenaphia, Tann., to New Orle a ns, patches ran he forwarded to ltiethpliir by this tome. and mailed for Now Orleans. tot I PAIITNERSIIIP ACHESON WOODHOUSE & JOHN WOODHOUSE. LTAVING this day mwor tared themaelves, 11 In partnership, under the firm and style of A. & J Woo Deform, for the manufacture of TIN, COPPER AND MITT-IRON WARE, on the corner en Robin son street and the Canal, In lie tel %Yard. ALLlSollittly CITY, where they are prepared to furnish to order, wholesale and retail, all articles in thew line wttb promptness. Foundry Trimininge 111,1 l ‘ er,.itti - r., ' orders are so lidded, which will reccotellarneOloto attention. City of Allegheny, Feb. I, IS4O —darn _ Llot, a view of the Baltic of Monterey; ANDSCA I'M PAPER— , .." Carr° (Junin; " u Buena Vista; I ." Fels do Paris, Chase de Lyon; •• Uarde Fisurur; I " " Col C Auvergne; The above is suitable for papering large nubile rooms. Just reed duvet from Pans, and tor sale at ;he wan,housd of KIM 8 C HILL 11 , 11 - 1 , •E to, washing .1„ elodms, carpets, silks, paint and line furniture saving Ufa the labor and dlipenwog entirely m a i n he Washboard The beret Wilton carpet., tales hvig been in use eleven years, have been perfectly restor ed, without the slight injury to the fabric, and with out removing from the floor. It will not injure the sloth. Divections accompanying each Dottie. Price IN cents. For tab by J BCHOONMAKER &Co, my 9 al wood at ;k D RUOS — Cuhi . m,. ratecal Potash, in lb. baules; do Hypo. tiolph. Soda do Sua Sia.insmath do Cr.asota do litanvillo Lotion do Chloroform do Jost monTed and for sale bL mm BA FAHNESIOOI( • Co QAT. SODA-4 cake Poi .sk• kg PC WISI - J NM 1 ONDI AAA k Co XCHANGE BROKERS, k.. I. 11.01alliCS & BONS, Bank•r•,Bxehrsage Brokers, AND 113.1333 NOTRS,DRAFTS, A CC EPTA Ns. GOLD, SD. VER AND BANK NOTES— COLLECTIONS.—Draft Notes .cl Acceraneei payable in any part of the Dawn, collected on the most favorable .rtax. EXCUANUE on New York. Philsclelplaa and Hal tiroorej also, Ilineinn•ti. Lontsedle, Saint Low, Y and New OTICYJIII. constantly for sale. RANK NUYS.. —Notes on all I,.ks In the United States dt.counted at ate lowest rate, All k Furelgn and American Gold and I4l l lvrr n bought and sold odic, No Si Nlarket street, bet,ecen 'l,l and 411, Plll l o.i h, Po on 121 FORSGIGI2f IC XC LI ANO IC •_.. • • I.7llo .En unt Jir l l . ll. l : e l l l n r d r . r n m j d t ßn ' t . e .* : " OT d r.r. b* cra h n ' ge. Also, pram payable in any pen of the Old Conotnep front LI to .f.lOllO, at the thee, vntikeno deducuon or ihscount, by JOSItt" ROHIN• SON, Fakropnan anj General Agent, other 5111 Cl one door weal of wood 0011011 •L1..........t.1 _ [40W•41 , a• 114 ELHAELIOI. A EL/11114, kANKERS AND EXCILANGE EIKE/KERS, dealer* In Forgo and Domesuc Buis of 'Exchange, C.; ae. of Depoxite, Bank No and Coln c. 0.., ..1 3d and Wood .treed, dmeetly 0pp0.... St Charlem lio fel Ina y 2-411 , VS -- T - CUT - il - Oho, Indiana, Kentue Iry ht..o a purchased at the lowest rare., by N 1101. M ES .a. SONS - - - sepia 35 Markel meet. BILLS OF g YeltAlitin —Sigh Cneeks on New York. Phaladelphsa, and Claltimore, Conktantly for axle by N. HOLM & SONS. eoplk 35 Nlarkrt .t. BOOKS. ^ USW, &TC NEW BOOKS—Complete Wotkk or John NI Meade D. in 4 yolk Nlarth and u Voyage Hither, by Herman Nlcivrim Border Wurture N York. by V. W Campbell Here • ',tic and There a [duly, by the author of "Lune )400 1,)00, and PTocept upon Precept NICIII01() 0110) VO)1111, b) A Latnertine llWormed I ite of Franklin, parr oth, rust received told for wie by JOHNSTON.A STOCKTON, app corner Third and Harker at. 'XT F:117 11004(14—th. Coventry'. Work on Epidemic Cholera, lit Thatory,Cianacii, Pathology and ire:it Pluluaophy Religion, by J hloreil. A M Bourne. Ca , eettism of ihe Steam Eng.,. Chamber'. Cyclopedia of Rtigltan 1.11.,41ure, 2 vols ocravo, fine cdiuust, steel plate.. Chamber , liliiierill•rty of l'oeful and Entermining Knowledge—lo vols., 12 mo. Illu.rated. Adviiie io °wig Man, by T S Arthur. ph 1 oung Women, " Element+ of Meteorology, by I.l3rockles6y M A ravin engg.. Proerb. for the People, by KS Magoon. Idolveresiy ....ermona, by Dr. NV•ylaad Frolloh , Leeinreo, for I-11;-7.—'The biller of 11oiy Seripturcs for unfolding the iduritual ine card ' I vol. iivo No. 6 Frankrin's Dia, illustrated Received thr. day by alubi NEW IT BLICATIONS—Emy on tt, the l'ition of Church and State: by liaptuit W. Noel, hi. A I vol. itmo.—sl,Z. An enure edition of i n s. work WI" sold in one clay, on its publication in London' Leaves (tom Margaret Smithbi Journal, in the Pro. V.I. of Mir asachn.a. Bay-1678-9. 1 vol. 100 Dor's Poem. —Sketch. of Life and Landrcape. by Rev Ralph Hoyt —ncw ed. enlarged—With biustra non. 12mo. SLIM A of the Steam Engtne, Illustrative of tho scletin.fic pnocipies upon which as operation depend.. and the practical di Wl.Ollll structure, In it. applies. uoit to mutes. mills, steam navigation. and railway. with cartons auggesuon. of improverourai by J Boar. C. E. I vol. 10mo 75c. Cheevcrbr Lectures on the Pilgrim'. Progre.--neu ed. Itisio, Price reduced to SIAM. The Cantons, a Family Picture. Part I. lbc. Franklin'. Life, illustrated. Parra IV and V. Eac. by Y''''''' "is tri ' c r h74 , by Prof. TV;IOPTI'r4S,P4oIth sal tole Agency for Nunn. & Clark.s Plano. fffisli JUST RECEIVED and opening, new lot or oir K om natio, from 11, relebtetod factory of N nuns A t'larl N V , compuung 6, ti. and i P. :A. e with trureartaci improvement., both in wed an exterior, poeeceited by no oilier.. A I.S. i— A fills selection of Ch lc kering'. Piano., tro 6 to 7 min.. 11. KLEBEEL Sole Agent, at J W Woodwell's. e 3 Third st. N ft The above will he sold at manufacture. pr ee.. without any addition for freight or expen...3 multi Journal and Chronicle copy ffMI PIANOS. A ?•PLEN1)11) gl43y and Rosewood P.M.. )11“ lan , Ililsbed These tristrUntents are mud. 0, I r -- - . -./ - ' • • thr latest pattern and bestcoalonais .: P.a . , . rend Fen. Crone, Seneelnef 0• Breksn Jamul, Tenni 2.1n1 vinll be told love tor cl.h by I ache, Ache m 0.• Face, f 1 fr. F HU:MI.IIIV Wood tut., 1 ' , q.t.) VEY,l'—l,tver Coroplomt. p.n . mMe Chest . ye th,„0 . ...1.,0v, i.,,,n. I and 91d, WM, oo o( the Mar, or the Other accognpo N B.—Tho.r who are in want ril k ir..,ol.linstrtatlelit. i et, told feet. (Th. Ottament to Me true remedy ) It are respertfolly Lnv,t to exam... these befor• no , os a sure s , gn orM s eo.e to hove cold i . e. - ~.,00,n0 „1.... t n.,. n . ,boy cannot in the roniiir), and will he polil lower than an) I.riiii,b' ' Way • keer , ror n4 iron, growing_ Pe.P ,e n ee, 1 . e ., from the t . '-ast A Isomst ran te d vet!. two p•.,,,,. of lii,m. l be Irotil•led n th Mem if th,y 111, .1 (rnyneotly , ~,,,, l.urgh inattuni . iiire. warranted lo be ,up,irini •ii ani 0/ - n.m. thntinenl. Good mr any pnrt ol t,e y eirpr sold ~, rlos country cw.t...1 1.. B Of 'MW. whin intlained In porn< carom 11. 5110.1141 br . .. - gpv l lPd often. NNW INSTRUMENT. k.'ll 'l'l U\— No 0111,111entwIll be genuine ulileati the q'll ki ....con, hag Lien apponneil ri.ole Ai. n, !or it , - ~, 1 A ‘11',.. , Me ALI-INTER . written no, a pen .I . li,e 'we o(CARIIARrs IMYRi.VI.I) M1 . ...1 ,1 : , ~,, 4e,y 1,11 , 1 ON, s• tosnotarto , ..d and and perfected 1,, Mrssr• . i„, ~, , ~, ,n, Ag,..t. la ;Ili the ormetpa/ emes and 7.111,..h A “ Itll.. of Inez nab Th, Ila WI. 1 1 ,,1tip...• ~,,,,.,1 0, C,/,,cd stntes. and eltUrnt hem,. but hoar octaves Memr- M A. W IAhIF.6 Me ALLISTER, 2,•01 . 11.1 •• tiate general desl, nnd demand Sale Impostor of the above medico , b 4" ''''"d" (ho 'o'o ''' '''''' .. "'".m's.“ . 4, au ' 11 , 1', , ,, , spat office . No 1- - North 'chin/ strr,t,P,,, , . . .. . . ~ 5 octave, .ttus mak,g it pmcbcable in pATIOMI , A d; ~,,,A you them sti; no , wrltten roc the I term or Orman , MR li'F, on CE.NTS PER BOX rhc mirror. nts" , ...been mach 1 .1" - tved by Pt" ."F i A .Virx Is Prirsaimin-Brun ft Reiter, renter of e boat ". "" ""drumem "P"" n cast .t . '" ' 39 .' ' Liberty and St Clair ste; and I, Wilcox, Jr, corner of I...aunts •y et rt. red • aid ornernemed. reidentir Aat Market at and the thernond. also corner of 4th Sad 1”..r a" '''''''' ' d “ ... " c 9. '` . t e . Smothfield sts, 1 II Cassel, corner uI Walnut and Penn ;',',' Pr '","„ P , u. ",. " 99 t0 ..," . fi .3 ....h , t 3 ' 'lie test h at, :di, wet J, and told at the bookstore in Smithfield r'' '' '' s ''' " 'La"' `` P `"' "" ""`"‘' ..‘" 9.9 ` 9., it, ;St d 00( from Second in; in Allegheny etry by Hl' and. at 4 " 9.9. ' "'TM' 9 me' , ctleffit" piece 01 01.0 "chwerii and 1 Sargent, by .1 (3 South, Drurgiet.lin• tore tot • coutpulutve vide •H KLEBEFL 1 rmngham, D Negley, East Utterly; H Rowland, Sic- Al jIV " .. dwe " .9 Kee pilot, 1 Alerts:ldr, & Son, Monongahela City; N ftR FIAT Ml'sicAl. NOVELTY- rho ..b.,,,b,,, p80w..., ACo and I T Roger..Bre..97'7flet John An, ft.. received trona Europe. 11./1.1 for sa,e. ai, But Inn. Renter, Pa, are wholesale agents. entirely new is Venue, of I'lBllo Po., culled me CAD nob'!, .deadly !NET Iti.S NO FORT N. when possessitta mote 1... WA TELLCCU& EST IraIILISIMLINT, and "'utile. than the •Q are Pram,. oceupies out one PHILIPSBURG. PA. tourth a• mu, h !emu, and is a much more showy and riIHE rapid sit utes which Ilydropethy has made ""a. o re .. "' "L''''' ' ' I. " 1''"r" .9.1, ' J `' • slue its introducuon into this country-the bill b. while the saying 10 apse e is 9...1." being . ' haul and utontaltung curativ• effect. of cold water m c w. 7 .17 nem and compact std utt." nit 9.. c chrome and po.y.m diseases when employed oiler the '''''' an a "M." .1' table The ' inh " uh ' r h•-. i n , ,neto , ..i of the celebrated Pnesetta, have removed from hand • testunonna/ of its Rupert/o.oy irona the eibrit- I the misd nt on intelligent and diseermng public every tea pianist, Mosclielies, .ii Inti own hand wrtung,watch ,,,,,, , c,,, ~,, ~,,,,b, n „, in ~,, e ff,, eag y, and gained it mu. may be inspected octal 11 ' KLEB ",', 1 sersai laver. Com ri mleng the unsauslactory results At j W Wu ' dwc.• ;ut remedies herctotore used in the treatment of chronic Chlckerhars Plano. , A0111p13.1.3, (complam., too, which •re incremung evi JUST rerelved end for sale at tun 1 eft )car.) a must be enatotal 990 dt . itc. atc 9 ... 99 waiter,. prices, reurraca new Piano i ea it method by which AU many . unfortunate suffice,. fel," Fortes, a 64 and 7 notaves of me most will he freed from their pus. and tufirtnitmit. elegant patterns of turniture, and with The subsenber having pracused succeuntlly this the late improved scale. nuttliod for eight years at It., IlyillOpethle estabb.h. Also on hand and fur sale low 1 second hand Prat , loolki, which has been considerably enlarged and Ilse us JOHN H MELLOR, I pinned tat all tie parts, and to every respect, is now Sole Agent fur Chtikettng's Pianos tor Westernl ready to revolve and aiimatuodate patients who may at Pennsylvua, 51 Wood street Inert! ehoote to place themselves under his rare, skill and NEW MUSIC BY 11.E.NRI HERO-The last Rose , entrt 7en of Sumpter, with ni t n i trodnetion ~,,,I 3,,,,,,,„,„. I i Ittitp•burg. attuned upon the 101 l bank of the Ohio, °Mama for the Paulo Forte, us performed tu all h,, ' .P170.0' the ...nth of rho Bit Bea celt o well 111.... conecrts in the Untied States liy Henn Herr ( fur its refreshing mid salubrious atmosphere, us de- Military Polka, by Henn Here, ; tig hit ul (monies. mid charming natural scenery, corn- Comte Pella i bitung every regnuute to render the Papuan ofy, the ft tit-- sliver Bell Polka, " - 1 valid agreeable. end contributing tel a hole to me /net received and (Cr sale by l•lilish unpaired health and physical strength. utchl,l JOHN 11 A11'.1,130R, 91 wood it 1 The establishMent, the Gist started in the United States, coittisins every thing, both for pleasure and emiort, rah:elated to leisure a speedy and happy ter int netten of the ailments oldie Paden.. I'l he r e istung to lived thenmelves a the adv..- g.offered, will please address the subsctiber b y y letter. (port tumid staling as l‘ear as passible the nature of their compiaints, 01 order to decide and ad ,. oil their fitness end curability Ity the Ilytttootrarato tzerattront and also what will be neeessary for them to take along. fur their especial and personal use. EDWARD ACKER, 51. D. Propnetor. Philipsburg, Beaver county, Pa. Bareaucas.-Ree'd , Eillikelly, Atoyarong, Y. D. eark, Esti, du; Hon. Thomas Ile nry, Beaver. Pa.; Dr. Barker, do, Prof. Ch. li'lliot, Pittsburgh, Pa; L. C. Peat., Ex; Ohio; Bev. S. 11. Sued, New Albany, Rev. AL Alien, Princeton, N J. T. 4 Stratton, Fey., New York; Dr. Ch. Winter, Philipsburg; Wa3.11. Me. Connol, Esti. Pittsburgh; A. Bidwell, Esq., Jo. met a/ 41) ..1 I C 1141.11, A N U SOLFEIiIsIOSt with an aecos•P•itLmm tot the Pica-forte, adapted to the warn. at private pupds, or Mosses in vocal music. Selected front Italian, French and licrsuan composers, by Lowell Mown :• large page. of closely printedmils., contaiuing 106 exercises progtelasvely •rranged. Pvice ern.. Just received. • supply of the olove, dliect from the publishers, by JOHN IL MELLOR, meal el wood st TRANSPORTATION. REED. PARKS & Co , s. PACKIZT LINE. MEd= 1848 . BEAVER AND CLEVELAND LINK Yu WARREN Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford. OCEAN, Copt Watters. (yr( of f i lathy: .bore Packet. k' ar ' l k a a m " ; l e j 7eTm e o v ;n7n a g .Y ri (Sundays where they connect with the Mall Stages for t Akron and Cleveland. arriving at [lll