i!HE FITTSEWRGH iiAZETIT lIITE A 1.11 PITTSBUItu 111 MoRNING, MAY tSt9 CrTee Puresenan Din., I:therre po.n.Lest Tn-Weekly, and WerA , y.—The binly i. Seven (lunar, per annum: the Tri-Weekly le F 1 ee lol:vr• per nanum, the Wenily s T - nth Dollar, per ni.euth, trnady n adrunts. 7APvairnant. aretatoearty reque.ned to hand in .hen favors Lon., n P. 11.. ands an early tae day an Drattnahln. Adv,invnritnn. not Inver,l :or a ..pe, he'd time will lavanabl., charged until ordered 011: PHILADELPUIA NORTH AMERICAN Ad ~ 1 115,11,10 )41‘1. - 11 . ,, , ,,pi,nu. to th• Nratt: A rner• !eau ant !' . ..tle• vesl and lorw rdcd Irani •^ Y•• next page tor Telegraphic Newt Vow Local Matters tee next page. ANTIMASONIC AND WHIG COUNTY ECE=I in 9.r...0ne of the entnirnnhed u.nnen o r . ro, p a n, the Llesurn-rune Antunanon• nt A!leirhemy tr•snnll,i, 1,1 ono, ,nre,norr, to rho„ several Elenuon r rt. nn nonrilay. the 01 flay or June, 1919. to elert two or,o, Itorr eanit dither. an Delegates 'on County Convention, to meet of the Court Ifoonn on Wrnanrdny. the hilt du , t, Jo n, or to A. 01, to put In ilotmii.on non,lidan, to he nupported try the party uI Ole Elevuorn in Or. taher neat. The A min ...or, nil Wtnrys of the town. ship, (p i p ~.repted,l rho luro, far holding p44lnrtr) hetvreen the boa of 2 and SP. AL. and throw of the Word, cod borolic , nod Pitt tovrtorhip, between the hon., 01 7U . •M. otrr 1•111, or :n Ciourman ot Conatuntee oft on, .901n/ennn• Apnl w, 181.10. STATIC CONVLYTION.—AIIatrIg ii.ci dill e. t.) be performed by the Anti- , ,mon, and Whit County Convention, to nsAeni...,:e to.m,row, t. :att. of elect. r„. Mg Delegates to the State Conventi , n, to asemble at Harrizburg on the 1 4 th el' Aunt... A dere to attend to this, would Incur the beeemty of re-rs aembling the Convention. iliac t , cuont.—The election for a High Schots' In this cry, takes ranee to-day. "Sere hos been but Ittite raid nn the we have no doubt the enters have nun-tie made up their enniKon the subject. Ii sve ea- permitted to advise, we would say, that lee g,;nertil Fund e - yeteelfor High Schaal in nut t .deviated no well for the pramotasti of economy, and probably not as Jeer and beneficial, in the lone mu, a,. the Ward Fund System. We should prefer the latter whether we lived in the old or new Ward., a, the relauve pO - of the Wards are changing continually as re gards population snit pecuniary ai The appointment of Fredt.r.ek l , ..Lmner, Esq., to a post In the Patent Lithco. ;byes universal pleasure. No min in the count•y ro probably bet ter fitted for the situation. He is the only son of that celebrated and veteran agr,cultoral J. 5-Skinner, the editor of the “Plouch. the - Loom and the Anvil," The son in an neoomplislied scholar, and is a pron.:tent in the branchos access nary to fit him for his new dames lie was brought up in the family of Gen. Lafayette. in France, and Is to.t...cr cf the French and Spanisn Inngitage, One of ha:: translations from toe French. publisher , lately, is very-volunble and ought to be extensive ly circulated. It is entitled, "Elements of Agri culture, for the use of primary and secondary schools." It is pleasant to see men of learning end genius, and who art fitted by their acquire ments and favorite parsons for certs,n offices, promoted, Instead of mere politicians, as an! herc.. been to moot the ca., The neroor Sklencr hue br,:u I..fht,ded the csiooos, but Wee not app , ,ealot for ',opt tin der this admirnetrat,oo. hnvinsi withdrawn his pa , per, before they were ,onrroiled to the Cithsnet forection, irt the di,,,molotrhi of Cotma.. caner o~ Pra.elltS. The mot! Inc.-tett ug tep.c nl poi.ttul Internat. !Le present moment tol.l I.n let ent,lrn pollinun teheo 10; ::.eit.itur Benton, rciatico the extension ri . - 3130etti Lhr I,rw LerrilOrt and in OrpOSJl:vls h. the tn,lttlt I.otts ut the Mis twuri The hearts ot tons WI ittonsolots. fends of mankind. nod lovers of the heel, tad. be made to rajO.Ce Lv w .lneee.ng fearless.defenee ai the right, and hr. .ippostinin to (he tanker cry. ts a host in himself when ne and Ins powerful in. [limner at the together w,th the coia ple x ior given to that body by the nee: eteet.,ei, to gether with the mend influence „,1 the Whit; nil ntinistretton, will for ever prevent, we most un hesitatingly believe, the extension of slavery Into New Mexico or Colifornia. Neither have we any tear of donteshe dissens.ons (rein this cause. Mr. Calhoun and his buten.e will tunic end fret, and threaten, and niche treasonalne speeches tor a but they win take mire to keep their necks cut of the holler while "Old Zook" ads in the White House. It is an American's privilege to talk: and to blunter too, if he has a tame inc it, e4l breaks no bones, and relieves • nine nurdiarc,l heads, to tithe their vaporing* free vent; but let them commit any oven net of treason, and we would not give much Gnritheir necks. either before tin bar of the Ameri can people, Or in the t: . esneney of the President We published ,ume days since. a telegraphs sleeraei of Mr Neuron's late speech, but the f , lowing more dr-titled and exi..le, re!lott of th speech, has Leon received by the New York Eve. tog Post:— Benton takes very strong ground in sup port of the principle that e..oligrri.4 1198 complete authority over the territories, including the power to abolish or to exclude slavery therefrom; and he declares that the citizens 01 sinvehrilding Stales have on right in carry tueir slave piontrty into the territones, and hold such property .n them. without the sanction of the NaLunn! Legislature- Tree, the power 01 Congress, in respect to this matter bee never been folly exercised. but be in sista that the fact of its existence has been recog nized and sanctioned' by all the federal and State authorities from the foundation of the government to the present time. He mays that a niaveholder cannot lawfully carry the slant' As property, all inch beyond the boundary line of the State which hos created such property, except by the consent of the government within whose junsdiatton he proposes to enter---thill the only result 4.f the con eeyan o f acmes to California, Se at the present time, would be their freedom. Besides, he thinks that the people of California and New Mexico are almost Uulniniothily (mooned to the establishment of slavery among them. The resolutions of the Missouri in atrocung him in reference to his future course in the United States Senate, in orinuention with tics subject, Colonel Beaten regards Ma an echo of the resolutions introduced by Mr. Calhoun into the United States Senate in 104 ' To know the ob ject of the 11,60lution't of instrte-tiee. it was unit' necessary to know that Mr. Calhoun's resolutions were aimed at the stability of the Union. as well as at those members of the Senate from the Slave. holding States, irtoluding himseirparbenlarly jarho would not submit to be led [by Mr al He could 'discover no difference bety,en the refoletions of Mr. Calhoun and those of the Missoin Legislators, except that the former - had the man immediate re. fereDee to the dissolution of toe Union: COiinei Benton enters at some length into an exposition of the inconsistenc'ea of Mr. Calhoun's public career, in rafereice to the ylavery ques tion, Rs well as other matters. The position now taken by the Senator frem South Carolina we,. that Cowmena had no right in interfere with slave• ry many manner; sod that there could not be a compromise upon that point. Yet, in 1.420, the ad mission of Missouri as a Stars 040 the result of a eproprodaise of this very gue.stion--and Mot compromiw had beep emented to try Mr C The present course of Mr. Calhoun and his tonowers ems calculated to prevent a oomprortin, with the North. inasmuch as the latter were iro.,eimed to take also tai extreme position, in opposition Cholera anti Its Wrentment In Tux key The Ptuladeliable Ledger publishea a letter e closing remarks on (Thule re, dated at Aintsh, 1 u hey to Awls, March 29, 1919 front the yen pt Pe Alaruth Smith. M. D., ishatoottaiy cd toe Amer.. Board to the Armenians et Tu , keV Ravin; tr yelled extensively dt that eenntry, for the last Ai yen, and had opportunity in al. ,eter,ou rt.. medical Mtn ent)gon ddf ant kand• of treatment en this his resit, will commend themselves to the puld particularly. as they have been In 3iell 111 i.ra.ursr. and approved .0 by his twsoetatee in the various stations of the Armenian Bunion. In Syria, the article was translated into Arshi.., and with add,. Lionel suggestions troni the medical men of the American MISP4OII. was published as tlit• toren, of disseminating correct mews as to the nature and treatment nt this disease. The remark. Wert, drawn up f,r the Mie.wna• ilea of the American Board, by their Physician, to enable them to be more generally multi!. The great similarity of treatment, as tar as the principle remedy is coucerited, with that of Lir. Hawthorn•, will not fail to attract the attention of the render. The article starts out with some general propo sitions, in reference to rpidersv diseases, with a description of the agencies which will produ,x the disease, while the epidemic prevails. These agencies, he says, being the means 11( which all non•contagenun diseases are called into action, they receive the common mime of non-naturals. They are, Excess, deficiency, or irregularity, LP sleep ing or watching. 2d. Excess, deficiency, or irregularity in ever. ciao or rest. 3d. Excess, deficiency, or irregularity m the al - - actions or passiocie 4th. Excess, deficiency, or irreguiwily m ae,res rictus or exertions 6tEr: . Excess, deficiency, or Irregularity in eating, or alistnence. (lilt. Exposure to viclusitude, and alteratt , uP , of terperatu re. 7th. Exposure to vtctssitude% and ulterattons drought and moisture. sth. Exposure to effluvla :rum .0 o vs,se Matter. The article then pro,eeds to ties, •valpt ,, n , and to define the dtrea,e, ,uhr n 11 the most lerpnrtant part I, the general reader. , what I ‘ 4 " been 'aidabove with regard ame. be kept in mind, it will he mien r , n it useless to keep quarantine against void., it.mi era) Diarrh.ra. The predisposing roinie probably exists within your system, and may have beer, there for several days, when you lien, of the first case of the disease m your •intally. Ail ra,,,“"- thins are to he directed to the exciting causes of disease, Walton( the existent, of whirl!. the pre , disposition with you will not find the occasion necessary in its developement. Guard, then. against the non-naturals mentioned under the head of "general Propositions." and never forget that what irregulaiities, raft...es, deficiencies Sleeping and watching, of exercise and rest. Sc., and w h a t exposures to changes of temperature, would do no harm at another lame, mac be, daring the epidemic. the rlinting caner of ,a tathl disease. Wines and ardent 'pints are believed to be particularly injurious. and fruits, winch nee healthy at other tones, linecvkad viireirlileg, and all indigestible food,should be. abstained root as attendance upon the sick Induces fatigue, and ex poses one to particular acuity add cis impend atmosphere, all should take care to relieve Lice who are liable thus to be worn down—for the temporary attendance of a well person st the side of one sick ct this epidemic no more tends to produce the disease. than other exposit,' to noziolia effluvia, fatigue, &d. one w'•• n peculiarly , ortfincd ur alloy fictional hood, it fa better not to change quarters with a into 01 escaping from the disease. The pred-.7osic, in yop, and the fatigue and fear wlnen attend. flight do more to bring on, than a change of t•lncr does to ward off the Olsen.° Since the Ibsen, inn diarrhea, no per.on 4.1011. ing the continuance of the epidemic N:104 , a thud discharge from the Lowrie to pass without nn attempt to proves! or recUrrunve. Even there is reason to lechere tne discharge not to br the drsea•e in quest.on, it should he checked. for it is nue of the irergulnr.res which prepare the way for the develOpegnent of the el/kir:nu. pr, disposition. These last remarke alone, o attended to, would eve multitudes 01 bees. To ohedli the diarrhea or this epidemic, mot or...tea as a is with much depresmon sod rmlandr ly 01 the nervous ',tem, °maim, whether in the form 01 opium, morph..., laudanum. or paregoric. are the right arm of the healing on. In prescrib ing for the diarrlmea, your object should 1.101 Le a.•- cnunted as secured, mo long as the dm barges lire fla:d, however ran• they may occur. but an suvti Its they become of a natural consistence. the m:ca- pion for prescribing ibis class of remethes, may or dinertlV be viewed as past. The dgierent opiates above mentioned (and so with other forms) may be substituted. one fur another, if their relative power, be kept in wad. The following equiva lents are suffiwently accurate. vu: one grain of ino , phtne, six grams at opium. 150 drop.. of ,auO. 'ileum, 1500 drops of paregoric An adult in ben th may take six drops on laudanum and yet pinnate his ordinary buigness without interrupt:on. then, is a dote Which every adult sicmid take in cholera 7) times, far any, homes:es slight. di.a,rha, and it should be borne in and that such a dose Produces no ronstil stirs, effects sf er three or four hours, after which time the system is in the same state. so far as the present constipating no tion of the remedy is concerned, as though no Opiate had been given. Let this dose then be re peated every four hours, until night succeed.. even if the discharge is not repeated, for if coo discontinues the use of an opiate during the day. he will feel many disagreeable symptoms alter 'getting nut from tinder its influence, ,say in fur hours,) which at night he will not iitit.de, when io a recumbent posture. ehould not drops of laudanum be k the diarrho, in an hour tifirti . sad yet the dn.t•e on boue 5410 take cur more, and soon awn Ina, atter tour hours,ii in mot rhe..ked double the doss. and repeat toed, to,d increase scam, there .Leing u.t bunt Which sou ins"' out vu tit it,,, rote, provided tne etlerda of in itaredlie don l.reortte manifest I Vine,, shoo corn mover ACTIvItLY or trout.., se PI 5P11.1.1 . , let the aloe oj and tie frelae n ol•• . tion Evrrespolid. At roll tunes. stisedite re•t. , st horizontal porlnrlo, vrii, do more than alut. , •i any thing aloe In favor the acaon of it, o p iate•. Flu. ids should he taken as, ,eidom and GI 'gunwales as may be, and where urgent symptom. let apem or. letter stld, [nor phine, be preferred to laudanum. When ere, depression exists, and the opiate riven well:. to produce no elleet, it will olt en do O' a take spoonful of hot brandy he ridded and ,i the tem:- dy is made Mete artier by adding a red pep per, all tne better. Terser 'et., to arouse the stomach to the action of the opis:e•, and thus they pps,rfully erintrtlkote to a 01111 :31:01:a mint dna', N3l l / 1 133/ ant 111 we same Amy. Tf a p 1 .31- eon be suddenly seized with on active dourMl 1 and severe pain in the bowel., an active cram.: of ipecac, a scruple at a dose, repeated one- in ten minutes until it operates, will produce a m>si ezimllent effect, especially if the stomach be re cently dustended with food. If any thine :el needed to qa.chen the notion at wen,. odd some astrinsent emetic, (as sulphate of mar grains, or sulphste of copper 3 grumoi to each dose. as above IVO. mended. Tartaric emetic or auttmonial wine should on no account be given as emetics in this thsesse; they. set an C3Oll/1108 also, and "bet.eit, boil: I Je depresstou and the diarrhoea wawa you are atrivtog to combat. For the same reason n'l simple ca thartics should be strictly Interdteted Iltbe opiate, whoa given anent, ed, seems unavailing, rotuoiu, acetate, iAugai , of lend, a grain or more. twenty grains earn na ve beet given without injury With en•qi die, Tan nin, for rather Caine arid,i• moat iiti astringent, and not ',onengent, a. Nat.,. lead o, produce Irt unq unpleasant etleeta do. given in large quantities, may be given, instead it, in connection With ciliates. Iroae—a grain, an may be moreased to any extent!! .1 Joe• n n dr range the stomach. To fever perspiratioa and secure of the limbs when crud, Warm appinolcons ,h3tl'.l IK made to the feet, and the patient be kept c ivered also, an opiate may be given in the i.iiiowing t crui. ,vir Morphine, 1 grain. Camphor, powdered. Pre pared Chalk and Powdered Loinonce. :it e , ,ina, parts, each scruple. Mingle mad do:irk:o , o powders, and each will equal u grain cf upcum in narcotic power. One of these powders should lie pit cat., a bowl of her sweetened water. and drunk ,etere lying down. This eall! peeve al., a good &ape,- rite powder is the Tarr cases where the :r :au fever LS moat icrOrninent. and the dlarri3 , l 3 whoily absent or nearly so. 11, amitetimea happens, there should be a didirulty in keeping toed/cape, (not melte+, of course, upon the stomach, the patient should do all in his power lcy voluntary efforts to prevent their ejection. A lew 1130titelln gained ta thin way, may sometimes be the turning point of the disease. To secure a return of bile to the discharges, Turpeth mineral (1 grains) may be added to each dose of the ipecac, as maximmended above, in place of the sulphate of zinc, etc. Calomel is also good after the discharges are checked by opium, .in which case, a grain or two may he combined with the opiate for three or four Moles. So long as the discharges C1331113as frequent. it in impoasmie to eeeure this effect, for the recretmn of bile cle ponds for iteaupply upon a comparatively gammen 1=203 After the violent symptoms of this disease ar passed. the patient is left peculiarly mesh. In thi stale.tonics—stimulants it maybe—. nourish ing diet. are to be retommended, governed by to same principles as in the convalescent gage typos fever. But as in this stage the 4.weaeson to actinf unadvised by a physician can hardly Oft, it is ddt thought necessary further to trimly In another place the same writer sayer— If all persona would take the, simple prermut.on to carry shout their persons, during the prevalence of this epidemic, a few pills of opium containing a grimier of a grain, or of morphine containing a twenty fourth if a grain, each to be taken one by one, two by two, or ten by ten, at regular toter , ' els, upon the fret appearance of dual discharges the bowel+, one in dose, proportionate to their frequency and copictuaness..my firm belief i• that this scourge would lose hall terror rtion ifir National IntrlllKe.wer OFFICIAL. A PI'OINThIENTS HY Tire: Lawrence P. Crane, of I..ou,and, w be An, nay of the jailed tiatr• for the Western al Lou.zarm. vice 0101 , 1. N Ogden, wtio de cline's the othee. Orlando Brawn. of Kentucky, to lie Cowman. rt. Indian Altmm, nom and niter %OM Juno nox , vie W,llikut Med,ll, removal. . . , Lcnuag B. irl/zurr, ?dm higan, to is egoge of the Land ( , itize at betroLt Michigan, rtee 'he Taylor, removed. Robert S Kennedy, of New Jerey. to be Mar diluall of the I: aired Stalen lue the llyttnet tie Jersey, vice Samuel McClurg, removed. Aleurter C. lilake, 13elfast, Alfred Niareball, removed. Oliver M. Hyde. Detroa,Nliclitgan, vice CI arie U. Ihmanund, res.ved. Wtottlt-sriy, to be First Comptroller, vve W. Mr.Colloti reiogned FIY THE. SECRETAIi.I . OF TllE INTERI()FI. William S. Wallace. of Springlicid, lihuou , to be Pension Agent at that pieoe, trine and aver the June next, vice Churls.. R. Floret, ft...tem...1 We learn unofficially that the lion. I' Marsh, of Vermont. has twee appointed by the President, Minister Resident of Conatantsuonie. iu the place of U. S. Carr,revalled.. Also, that It, Thomas M. t00t,,, of Fit:0110.o. N York. ha.' hem, npienateilChart,'e d'AlTautee Bo gota, ;u the Anse nt li. A.deceased. Mr. Frederh k G. Skinner, of MarYland..on id the eminent Agnceltttrnl wrier, and her tenor time past Joint editor with his Inter of the peputar magazine, ' the Plough, the Loom, and the A n " hen been appointed by the Secretary of the later- Mi. to the sub-bareau in the Patent Office cbarged with the collection and digest of agricultural and other statistics. From the National Whig we lenru that Laois Fitzgerald Teener°, Erq. has been appointed hi a piece in the Consular branch of the office hi Liccre. Lary of Stale for Foreign A/Tau, Thromth other channel. we hart Irsrui a: .. Charles F. Hoffman, Esq., a gentleman • I'vurably known to the world by his literary big been appointed to a respectable position in the Department of State. • P0.1.43NRT. in a letter published in the Brit:sh jaws a,. says that to Ina be, knowledge dissolved camphor has proved a certain cure for cholera, both In Paris and Germany, and if taken in time, the cure is generally effected before it is poschle to procure a physician. The following is the rec.pc fireirre--One and n hal. ounce of Spirits of wine; one quarter nun, of camphor ilinsolved in the w in e. I:et a ntuall vial of 'pouts of harialiorn. Ihnpwn~— F rst. gtvea tensuminhil of harttutorrt In a Wine plus of water. tmniediateiy and give live drips it re. =f wine ^amption the tom spoon water and a hide roamr. Repeal tuts ets-ry live minutes until you have given . three Then wait fifteen minutes and rninnlenee again as bolero, and contuitte hail no hour Doles. lnere it returning beat. Should this Le the eat, Five one dose more, and the cute it mit:vied. Let patient. , perap.re freely, as on !hut hie depend., but add no ittlditional elothier Th. Cathr ,,, - • .• VI IMO to" . CCM rpOiith . ,l And praittired no by the llu ntepalhenr Dr. Humphrey% in hi. work nn iiChol err , Homo,- patheeally ray• that in a certain stage et the drowse eamlinor in the remedy. 'Every three Or live 1111110,., Iwo or three drops or eirong Spirits of camphor rhould he given. and the Iv( of the ruinineid the abdonie u, arm and en ire.- dee, -dhinkl Le bthelly rubbed wall camphor. held in the hollow nt the hand [LIMAN MULL NEI, IN ' facts.—ln yeAterday n pa per we e bretno,iiont of I n deco relations re cently en:lnn:tied on Our Tex, :reviler by the CII- Lnanetle India/it. New r,r:enn. bring Pint er•rounts of revolting teeties. derived firdn toe Brow Flag of toe Pin,. The editor of the Flan s ..tit partial account, r - rll'iled us the lets 01 these,ii age marauder. l'.ltuora. he moat enrimake c wr regret to :earn .O tut na tr-ct-14irr. Mir Zan om nail Juni deeided under toe treaty to 'ter - tune an A nter- - aii zer 11 11, 1 .1 Mr ( . .llllUrll . s nous won kilted at the same lam, notate Cr badly mounded, and U.n throatier. it 4.r: about 14 years el age, wit. carved 011. At Ranch , ' SAII- wygu two menlsere killed, worried arid tier •,. d r., taken ' captives. Front Reece lei 14. I..ns Indian Men. Wtlney. the wife of t ata. W,l-ee t her broth er and meter-tn-caw. neer- earned eapttven. -- The aged mother, Mrs. her nodes. truilov• ed her ehddren, and did tits no., &mance, re gssdlenn 1.11 n.ivagu nmm - e. when the Indian, nein , ed her tied her hands behiaii her pierced tier with Ur, and serOW., :11161 lest her 011 the ground welter' mt in tier blued, as they nuppuned dead. After this, Cita - ever, the poor woman suc ceeded in renciiing the neighboring rancho in a moat nhodkingly 1111/r.1111,t1c011,1111011. She in now we understand a maniao. The destruction it pro. perry on dun aver Is immense There tins been a 10,0( ',evenly Houser by tire. Mr. Fangs and bin company escaped; they were La - ever reduced to ntate of mutiny. The foregoing is but a Mild outline of facto." A peta on ruittrettned to Preeolent Taylor, ho, been drawn op and n recesvinc the sprnetures of the eXzent, in which the riele.nrele.te eonda en el tea fronl.er itt art Lath. end the rt qtee inet.e ntrt.tire.v.A be Oben :it .Ptlcr to NT!' 'Thee on Tne barge ilar . ry Leer arts made n trip to w.th in two leagues of the Presides del Rio Grande, one hundred and thirty miles above Laredo, fluty prov mg the praetiesbaitty of thy; euvigatton at the rive to that point. The evreditlon was planned by Mayor \V Chapman, United Stairs Quarter master a, Brownsville, and the barge was earn monde! by Capt. Daniel M. Kingt.loory ',MOH WASHINGTON Ihe ,11111.; I JN. May ME= ,•alune - t . 111c.1.10V n dAy. t . `e °then, wer -alter p..l,,vek. road , or ms,r, H. .ed upon lo L. t.lldr . at Ihn itr.tprr •••.1 ttt on .o . to Le F r.ornittroot- It the Trra•ury. t,t. Int.. r.t...cn. to hentu-ky ttt he Coutittot •I 1 , 14..111 A dour., to take utiret lull Ftutirttio •I of I tlinota VOISI/111...1,11e .•ttice S xth Aud t0r.,13 p.acco: Put, (;. reslgat J. a • I C Jung r. , 1, r..la r. , I Mayor f it•nttioky. to.l 4..; r; tir r RBI MIEIE=EI23I9 IMEMII=I=9 =MEM Mr. t.g,ica, a •: i. rcpcnnd. of Mr. NltredAa last/ act At•,:rney for 1 , 1,: Not- men', and tn,nla 1!!!MII!III111131 I=l part..l.;tal, é r,ptl:at.,ll ki n no..,a. Mr. linoon tan nu,resnor to Mr. Mcd::.. in Ine lakitan af.tot, Lot I presume he in a good Whig. 'rt.- Ma j or littenOrn, -4,1 to i.ovo beton den, t.r t, vrry , st•a• v.Allintrt, th,i Ant, Ta Goy hen. w wile a man Teller mNee: Engnan , i. tram tne Lc =BEE of :h. llle UOn 01 a can 1111.4L1 I.lk. ..; . ..u.mg 01 ur ag d.dat fer !.. sir liilttrrtiel, 'be r.. r( Juiv dice y I• dge \••m,¢, ocsessed IS= .• tio- .; .1+ allttpls P. 111311 V a Tame al," am I I littr A de,,,,h,r,f‘t of tli 11= =MIME Enuoimr, mi.!, with taro, th, Colour! hinisca Tne 4.01u,e1 ,• bel,ved b, VKup for thr Spa.,k) rouNiun, but I !ear 11,1 i i• beyond his grasp. Yonne, uf New ark, Ls alvo a Kt/.M at Wilhards, the pubti. al ii-ad quarters :le has provided Lewd. I, the noise of I Wpuiy Tronwirer at New York, and taey have been ww.lited as mutheleat, but I Liel•ene twit he hes not etre yet detwilielv Jecukd tii aecept the pi., I have rei, ,, n tn 1 elieve that nearly ordonee oh the foreign appouitraentv. Inv:tiding fall mismorm. ourmi.ewn•rehip. and wocruinhip. worth having, have barn ailotied to applicants. Of UM= course, there rematits some room for arrange• Merits which may be mead aeceasury before the Issuing of the rotnemestons, bat I fancy that the 1!IITIS Flto7ll NEW YORK o, Jun.: rtlt•i'd To-day as the sevent , one rut almost Coati noed mu, with the prom . , of more m ...Me The cm, Is completely saturated will, water, and stew warm days would drvelope among or the diseases of the tropics The cholera Las to a certain extent oh turned a foothold here, but with ellilel.l creates little Moroi, though it has been a rich tame for druagusts Numerous specifies are eagerly par .Mastal, and it us nut uncommon Our people. when Lidding each other good morrow, to take from their pot:Lets a little bottle en taeilitutmt, to cheek the cholera, should ut come very sudden upon them. The city is lining purified as Cast as possible, acid will soon lie in decent CULlditiOn. The hotels are getting very thin. and altogether the city ling nn appeardnu e dullness muttons] hir the reason, and to iutt regretted. The manufaeture of steel its to he attempted on thh it the P 010..., in Marylaed, the cap Id to he tarnished Lyn N. Y. Go. The success of 00 miterpr.se luke thus, cannot bin he (toped for, by every mend un theorem labor. as it will add a new ulLirrt . or weatta to the umuntry, and make tin mote independent of our trams:ol/Inm. neighbors The sut- no mused alsonels with tonteruals t r r I uunhuities The 11'.1:1,,r. murder trial drugs along slowly, and like most criminal trml, in New York, when the parties are wealthy, in a 1,4,1,1 1,m,, Clint ,:t; end in lam acquittal. The woman war, was shot, made no signs before sac died, and a verdict is a goose only, and aconviction can only Ise rendered upon the Minieeit iom.lenee. Nn ntattkrarm the her itti ,, , , tairs Va•• part eel° have been married, indeed it is only claimed fry the wo man's frtana•, that aft tiaattuttytt t - ersvritatt Vora :foe West, watt chanced to la , at the Astor H ems , performed 111.. service. Marrlnge is not. such 4 COW i:11011 place event in a Woll.laLl'a life, that she forgets the name of Lae clergymen in a few weeks. 'file trustees of the Astor Library have selected a design for the budding—the production of E. and A. Saallater, who received 5300 as a prenuram.— The puma is spoken of very highly, and the build ing will be one of the choicest ornaments of the city. It is to be erected on Astor Place, a section of city now criviraled with residences of sur.. passing nchners.g. European politica are much talked of among the toreign residents of the city, and some strange inovementa are nankaug. Thu ilwiganeaD have - - frequent meetings, and have to preparation, a flag to hr tent to their countrymen at home. Last night one of the speakers proposed to take come neUon that should induce the Unmet] States to ac knowledge the independence La Hungary, and send a Minster thither. 11 the Hungarian. On , dependant upon American sympathy for success, their ease m as bopeless as Leal of the poor Irish ..., tor whom nO Moon was done on paper last year. The Lie of emigration oneltecked• and the oily swarms with new landed iteop.e.— The rseket ship Nov W o riatern , ken. dr , 1 souls. the largest rerrilier of passenger• that ever erossied the Atlantic. The grtot rush oonoo ",, Croln Irclat ti. b u t from Germany there is sin; a very art, l supply, enough to make arrival s from the t•Hreen Isle" lee. oppressive. In monev matters there is no change. Capital is aver abundant. and a low role of interest taken readily. Sound stocks are much wanted, and the whole hat of (aurora avoided very carsfally. The announcement of the arrival of the steamer at Halifax cheered Intrnetss in produce. Cotton is very firm at fall prices. Flour I. votnont change of ronsequence wan a good demon, for export. All land. of grain suntain themselves well. and u good amine id' Onto wheat would sell at 105 c. barreled provtiorins are dull, and a shade lower prices have hero accepted. Cut teems confab , n active re. [ple a d and bill pi...es are paid. say I Viiit ; for 'hot.' err. and hit hams. Lardis in ow id den nod, at , IV:a7 ior good id n Sales of Switch p g iron at 52071. nod ' olo,ot :oil tons Ant. Anthracite nt $2O oath. t.. NOT taSttI'TSTANI:I.Nti, ions L 190. I.lErAftVever, R,gts,r 3 0113,43 GI:.. Amount f:! , fl.frifilne of the ,efaeral of,rieN prior Loa, •L'ld s.orr Are_ .$ll , AL. et. f•ffW.f toffee ul ihe rms., of Jury, as per ro•-urds of ttos :sift ............... SI:100W t tt-unt otostottdrua of the Isolle of the 2016 Infloary, 101".. ns pi , r it.- rorJs of this eiti-e 00 00 • •••.c note. in of the perotml:ng officer, of which uniler the lust 1,1 - .:12.1..1 July, 1"3411, 52.-I 00 under act 'Putt lumlary. 1,17. and '3'2:1.0 tin• d•-r othoraci... ....... ........ Sit u lit) W. DI. Wright. M. D., Menthl. x re•lder.ret.., I ourth °p i pe ' ..tr 12. e 044 4 , •1. . &cit.., t, sroto 2 o'.-1.5.Lk to., 1' NI Y Pirn ntid Marine Insurance. - nit .le , ulyronrrlc.o 0, ea c. :it.) 21 Nlti rltn: •.1 cr. . m Mmil=! 1..1R. Alc 7. I P.., uvilm Caturar, 11,:( iliMilliElli Improvements In Dentistry. DR ti 0 !STEARNS ot ar.•l manu , aelure set Teg, ~, el, pog, sucuou or I , n oAt-o (A nd •L r , • •• expo•rd ~ ;Lo rt,“lener dog, I A r • me,. Four. gory . , 11hrhR to-, N. I.l . Fridde . s, F ki P. 51011 l'arx:ra I.tva, Syn., —Pr•pur,l by .1 W Ke WII.Lum We, fr, rale by A :tvur.• No 70 Fourth stir, o. •,,• r• of b r ,• rr , + in ram,i:e.. AOO paracJiar!V Igor . -t 10LA,.8r.uk.... --.\ ,:r prOVVki Lou. Let t;et...nttiou of Cocoa nut. n ruorulkoz itn.l ra.ntur r.,ornmrndr.t ;•arr.. a...0.y for invoLd. Pm.. •d I, iv Tea t.lole. No. ro Fourth •i tar 41 in nun.' —V00111J• 1.4 re tet •IJI rd ro , at,e t1a.1.1,,n .1 .6,0.. nar tact 11. ara t at who, nt , 1,4 of V11111.J• 100 .0 .t.O tot ot• Ow U•;, , lIIIMMEINIIII 14 , 1 \ F.•1:1-11 A it htl• • • ••• 0vt.41,1g rntrt %, VALZF'.I.I. N sHI,h r • — to., •'•• ,41,141, ri.r. 4,, • •u; • me ryf •tr,.•••••:, lo.~ln rate 1,..1•111 1•1 , 10 rr• Fro• •• I."": ' I=:ISC= anzotcnu.e. Ittomo. , y Fluml • •••b0•a1.,r.. lu . ntlre :rornr A tVro.i.n.• 1{•,• .1-4 • ••• • ! tt- - ...• 1•r... r ON Wrs •:. .•:111 tr . •ri..• :0. I wts: ••.*: 1:. '•• • ..::••• I ha,. . •., n • le , is, or. n.... •Isr W.ot, nod sr". 1) W 04.1 1 .1110 .1.6: n. • "•'', w•:•.•• :• lit Vt . rrnl ' Og . J rrel.itr• .n:l .001 t, /NO 1. 1 1..1S •.... .111.11 •'OW I:::tiosstld e.oe. U. FOE g , i , s% I:1. :I HI lI.PING I•H \., ,~~li.~. 11) Ow du). / l• t!, h. Ow $1 1,c,0 o r I/ 4:l , lparfo • In 1•11.., 4i4 ID ITT) I Cr_ . .n n. r v" • • M 1==11:1= AJUR 1VI)LIIIVR trr Oeser,• , or u-oototo - ov. ill or ) h r • cyprrlooo. ret) 1,l w.vr void Tllll. perhaps, Ile moot intoreolin e,or nu) f ide to 'del Ink ra by' aco Oen , Oro LV . I ve oloco“ Inc r: E. F. nrc no .13s, ' , V ~ t tr 011/er) 1101140 1,111 pOllll4ll .0 I.llol' lo ma) over inorre.or of inar orapany may ....rut. Oor. rd down WlOlll, pre, Lou, metal. ) "rico. 1 , t 211( 111.11 rollter• re.- , tord rrnor toe rrutro.l repot., Ir wour•l appear .I)nt ',v.)) none, or Or, thin arr otr tea, tl , lo pt rrero., Orr ,),.r•oneoto tn , Cll . 1 1 cower, ro roulr, 10 111,11 0111 . 1 111 ,1 Ih , 1110 vox, or ,onorn, Inn `cheat gore, and roe, r r , tho word, tar posnromoor of wlur b Ir. At prrorr.., poted bolo:ten the Apaches and 111rilcort moo) 112 1 111 a 01 Sonora It Is pooorole that, 01 2111.1 11,1 Major may boor nn opportunny of p .ovlng atagt rl.l g 12211.11111 U 1 Cole, •Ix.slokocro, mlorl) ser . l 111041 oxciy flood, arts Mr oleo-Indian urnil. moo .enve Int. 1: 011,Lver 1,11.•,..001J too It Ilic rn)no• mot the roto.,ry orourel their) .1 . 1 arrao grmonto 111, .111. oc.hoon 1.111)/ eronpiotr4 ) or nor Cho r.) 11,1111 ro 111 , 11 11111,1 ono rorn 0112 port ,Neoo ork. I on Or toll) Juor. for pu• )'briot) I'booo. who wish to 1 , l la jor 11' 1/11 It. mote ueocr tom 122 1:111 , 11111W, kn. ric Noose.) co Or ore Jure). at Louto, (Galt lion.e) loh Jut, Ir. Vrekoburo, 101, and at :Yew 011 1 ,,, 1 ,, Char,...11-th or ;lab --)N 1 . Herald To tho Ilonarakft .frag, ot the Court c/ G.>,. r Q," "-rrL, Prar rn aryl I." to. County 4 glienv rpm.: , •11.1V col It,IdIVA / • tiy l'.l.•Gut4ll the1.1..,•01d 1.1111,, 41;..weth thu; you, rwtillonci hnto prorldrd lintr•clt okatrrt..ll 101 a, nerommodst.m cm tray , . ; • , et Ply day.lll.ly hour, .1; ito 3J1,1 pr., • it.aL y,... .0 , 101 , ...IP G. o J,,,, . 01 )our 1... p.. .1 a , 111 do,y W. I :too q.t. petolo,r t• to/ 1.t..d vd I. Ir. ry .1 TO Ike Ihe lh , DI A rr • • and id,. LI w ...t/lIOLNLJ , wl.l ILL , plr...r.ltn lot 1.••11[.., 1.1.1 • ptt,, 41..! I• 11,1V141,1 W1..1 11/11, 1.4111.1....1.1......1 ior the preOII I II I I.IINIUMM IP I and 1 1 IT:1• 1 1,.. . 111111 that . 1,1 . 1 1 \ lichmd Daly, If Olulitn, P. Lyurh, A ?1111,r., Wro. SchofieN, John 1101111, l • M/elltle! Cannon, J. Shiplon. RI , nalal . - - FOR NEW ORLEANS. Tao pplenthd mranter "."'" sToRm. llopklne, master, will leave for Oro alio., and c aster, port.. 0115 MI 4, +I 4 P pl For Irctglo or passage apply on board, or 10 Jui k. Co., Agent,. ANA1:K1.111 , .1.-100 Lads large No ii 10 do do No 1. 10 dud. , 20 Of bbls N'ta 1 a:,tl; Masa. In •ver.uon, I.odiad and for sale by AIILLER it RICKETSuN. ju4 171 and IN Liberty 10. VIN}: 'I /ON A 1: RR ANDIES--17 half pre . l 1 . 10101111 .11.1 Our owl. importorion per women, op Bora, ju. rt. o sod for y. by js4 11111.1.F1R b. ItiCICACTSON (I 1.14;--60 Aare; .0.00 by T O l 1 : , .t.:II()4II4:dat.ILEK S. CU tY Wood itt. IVIISTRIIN INSURANCE COMPANI OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL i 400,000. lind. of I'IRE. \ p.d ..‘ bow.. rdlmoon .1.0 ntotu-..vet , . rt. •••Itta ed prt.“iptne.• II I.l,erroc , tn nr, In+ a ?nu o, el, they Ithyt• r.th 1,4 a • nil . , •te• r.rntectiott trr lirotar who tlehrtre to 1? , x.1-ron4-- R ,I:.,rr J r trro I J nu. ..• • II 0 J Ihrtotrl,,,,o ! t I.von. Ltpronroo. Th“.l. ch. 4 NrAtl e) Sc r.varvark, ole ot , .:0 Pennisylvanis ilospitel • Ingo. PROF, d , the Comm,,lter, !01, , Lqria tiny of tor , lurnishn, ~aelnu, and r,et nethe Weetrrn to!. 4.1,1 Sper4twn:loi, ..thre of 1 IV. K. at', urchneet. r 1,11,11 .rert ItuA;drry. prupo,:w tor tn. 1E ! wfW. wo! 031 r 11 , negtrgute nnotint og -Up , r•trnettir , n lin- IPlled ni)4l ner,mriiy then -Ann, the name' , undertake of, ot •ntb contraelOr. in the vartou- depurTment. of the The Committee ,11 W.° rceeive ...eparave propoank I,,,thruird on I.,,inatc. irwa,urement of rat, ,ineh Indders sect •tnte of On..tone mon nnd ..tone vent., per perch and foot. ,ork err pine, ,111, • 11/11 , per 'No. , 3m•trTmg wo. r r thou.- tad scet. boned tnenonre. enrpenter no on , will t• • P 1,1137 r. ~het r reeper,ove ..nip.-led .- led U.,. l'an•c• rite wort. tt, ^ In be dor. under r! r-e•,on n .1 apper. , on Genn...per nte v enr the l e e mmittee. rerel, , l at the tame 11100 Tor • r and , n010...a 110.poat..root..Iu n, pion ~be nee,: a: 11r Ke , r chine J„uGRAIIANI. BissEi.i.. I 8 „,,, i ,„, w‘i rrn k "" 1 " "" u 4 „k u lios ii,,KE,VELI. -The Brownsville Water Cure Establl•ll noel". - 1 ) Inr”d, of Ihr t..rzkl ; lOf . •Akte havr 3ondr m.provr- Irrrar • tt,.• r.; u. Irrr r xiettor r r- 11...A.Z11,11 .1., .• whir:: 011111.111 t, 1W r0111101,1...1 t.. • 41..1- ..1.17 L thL• Ma,. dor.: thy ,I`, raid ,„ ' or rt Itr rr potooon tor toOttlk . ,ltr paltrol• that tot, ttO ihrtot. t molt, rarr Ili not, :It Lot.lttrito tor . reatinro , ott:o .ott ;otter to lr' t 03011 abr.,. thrto- rotor., r• or it t.t irot irrrt t ,d .tt t oel• dot,. itrLdlair IMIII9IIII lat pros emell I ill Pianos. 11VM ~,,,.~ .Int.,—„ .;;L:. • R ' .1 . 11,/, IN NI 6.'111 “Rk. s I uril.Fl I k . )I! H. A r i,,. ,A1 ,, 121 OIN:11 - 1'1 I d a. A • . II I h 11 ' I)"'" 1 )1 ‘2 , 111 s 1 .4. kti Pl. h k (1111 , 1 , .1.1 1 I )!.` y l. SI 1. - k1 , 1 . 111././ L -11 1:1,;./1- A A. 'Af - T:' " 1 -• • T1,...4.:k iir,r " K1.1.\ I=l Mt= Itlll 1111 11.011 t•A 4a B AT J.: n 1• .a r • , u.. 111 11 AI ••• • •• • IA I .1 H i '"' "r""4 / " ! K, 1 4 11 ' 1 4 . \\ " 1,1;1 : 1; .I. Ire a T A K m, :Ct 7 l 131 'pi it t♦rmt. ♦ .1 11“1.%11.-• k SO' MIA I,Csi i• ALPhnr ot Black ,or mouroo, of vrry ,uperit. or ,„ r „ d r I 1••oortno—Is or the 4111 - 1.,:11 ton, some , „ r r Ap. 0. hi.sek 1.:0t0.drt0.... nd qua; Er, north , r 2„„.„ u•••• 111 nod Mork. t Ms Int _ 1-11'KA rATENT SODA Atol-70 .1,11. t rrnlo th 01 -m ,111,, w0r• t srup “If. • • tta phto Irn4r ud tor .ale ft 'HEL.I ti N.• \ nott,-; •r. tott , l.t •,;....r ‘• ',est mooth i...• otp• ••1,1,41, ni it will. - - • • too Dr) 1.. t ve :o I )': ~,.1 " J I DII.%Vt/R :11 A. Co 1e.011.41E, All.lllOll, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market street, 1 7 . 1t11 v uli v ..ris.• rt Ottr. • ti .11.imi,t Irr‘Mut, th•l I. • IN.II wor u• t•ltrop „ ~1 .1,, .to r•o/Ora, . A •• . ••• lur u I JII . 1C, , V.:111- , 1 . .. , 10.E RNI.PIt JAS [KS D. LUcK Jot, \ 41i..11,..•,31.., .1( lc ICI Ai II AN ‘,I.ICMA \ lie la, =ZEE 1 . 1 I'l HI. 11 11 ,, • V, '1 ,• 11 {lr, apr 1,4,11 I R KA'l' crr' CIF /.1.1,1 - :i.llV.S}' A 1F TILIN 1 iE4 , o tr. ry" lAyn4 r reef Prl the r o• Ar A „ t ,c. nom by too .rt . tttritt tn t ., , • . at Publ.- So, On UE' kLIA V, • 01 Al •NE, o M . a D o 0 " I rrentm, ••• vompl .•, the yr, b,... nd rno•,t i'Mr - r , . 0 ••ither or the Iwo et:wa, nod mu, rontir.to.lo,row t:r Otttuf tor all tune to rut rte. nod to ear .tte ,,, .tarli, afford on upoo tor the t ovevtmetit nt otottry, where td to b.lfoundtoe t hborbood, Or M I th, the two eider. rbr'y w'' .elg " ' ; '"" D "' ground rant (on e dollar par ion. on lertn.4 seenotmo.. doting to the pore haler, ',ditch "nil !I: mode known of thelimy ...of tot i n A (ion of 1.110 101/o 0.1110 . r SRMIU ed pee tt e,,,..., t o, to purrtutoe, •1 the Motor's ot her. I übR RT CAMPOKI.I., Alleghetri, ht,,, 2 Ch to a Coto. /011 N I) DA V IS. A Lte' arr. 111 a taw 4.1)5. fur C.) A 1 . 5} . / . \ CI:. 11ar.151 my3l . C`".s‘;'•,'"'"'" 17111 WM Valuable alsokss 7111 Wood greet be.ween .1.4 Jro ..n.11 . 62/nonsl alley. have roecrieta a I / Tirooonnoul ...1 older wort, amens a ~ch rue tho •or,orwur. Slod-oliancou., Exempt 00,1 Di.. or,rsor... rry 7 . ...-rdent Doplrerno iThrsor la MI. I.ow aad .'^`P^l• try S Tyng, D. D., kiltoi De \Vitt Clinton. I :vote I , ninr. ni Arnerroo. Reputdican Coristranny Darro.. tt M od Nl,..roorr,rn, 1.1 Iter. N Rico. D Dopro.to. Import ...1.. r.. 10 Doorr.or Ntoevrir Re • Mount.... rro. r rarrar.o. Mrorory .1A rstrureo I A irony. F.l - work, 4vo ,ve ..lo,nn \ 1.1.,0n . wort. comp,e, \ ork. Fr. d u, 11:ro 0,1 I*% , cr. Torrothtne , Theol. or too, Roloporls Anoodorr, sf Doper., Chrorri Receiving Ile f Ks ol,nre. t r no- People. by J.Curnirung. NI oar Dr g.o,nrty. Mo.lrrn Ageoutpltaltmenu, Holdout o pat, instant Thought. , on Scripture, by Cecil. rir,C ht•i poi...hod. Lae of ronot, Natural History of Etrou.,:r.dn, Mold, k.rrgdonvr. LoOtOrt• on Inlnnm. lit EN PREttrl—The Hill Difficulty, and rarer ogre riuts 1.11.• rrt die prem. of East. With other A Ise • r r y Door-, II Clorever, D. D., with Portrait 01 • A row r quo. roc'd and for sale by n. 19 na.iorr k F:NIGLISII, 79 Wood JOHN RIME'S SPOOL SILK. 121: It 1.1 11l \ ING attent,on Sler, ham. 1. invited to a new article of SEWINki ollk put up on spoofs, man ametured by Julio Ityle, of l'a , terkou, New lerce), which from the many tidying tar,. tt pn.. , •.e. weer t h e cu .:unary skein, must. be fore long. entirely supersede the use of it. MIA silk 11 »cMly put to boxy. of oae flaxen spools —fink ot which on, , or 50 dog 5p.,01.. are its ne lue assorted for retatling Among the 1..1N advantage. which this new mode of putting up Tt.re,l , l presents, I uytiech.sed the tollowing. I, lite r wastes no tint., in witidina o tttg r the silk, a CUII,MIC ml Anders no loss in the tit:l4lolg go oomnion to thisopera:m:l. while the ye.... trouhle 0. disengaging the .ketn t, ent.rely . avoided. kol Thn . ..wa ry storekeeper wilt ha: at Me tbr year ht. 1111. ill In good condition, whereas in retitling I.) Ihr •elll. Ile final, at the end of the season. a :sego quusit , y .0 intermingled so to he utterly worth less ~ottead of lo4Log :1111e. na $. al. w thr cam:, to 4riecting a certain color from a par r, .iodre.l or more Ake... requ.re .p.• mo• me, no hod tr, ,p-oi Of or shalt or color lie I. in The rprallty 1d tiva.lik I. equal to Italian in tro.y 011 •1104,1to warranted 10 rta , h '-fir 101,11.1 or int ordinary 111011.11.. thr rarao prior. the Mora are ell arrarted, 01.11001 ix' 10 1 all pt,chaacr.... in-mg 10 the greate, Por on' ..y Iry the rare. of 50 dot rpools, by aV AI .1 110R.s.fNI ANN at stlN , A o.' , No al sn-'q Taira! St Plula 5 g " In), BENNETT & BROTHER ; U. 1 . 1 ,17 NSW ARE ], A NUFACTURERS. 1111-rolzacehnen.lraesta Ptttabwrghd Pa. Wa7r.iomt, Pqr. 137, Wood :fret!, Pilisburgh. •\ ILL, COLA,. V keep on hnad a good aarart• ..enL ol Ware, , 'tar own tnanufeetnre, and ,penny qua]. • Vt. ',sale and eountr) Mer chants ate respectfuli t . • , ed to call and ca t he (or ...Inge' , al .rr are deo ruamcd to !It'll c ear, .01, tin,' tWI new, I,ccu offtre4 to the rub OrJe ACM by ynevl,•ec.omp•ri••••l by the calk or • I, prtmtrlly atrendrd to. .0)16 2000 miliaiii'm BLINDS, B. J. WILLIAMS, N., — 2 NORTHnd I,rahrr, I IA N '• t AM/ WINDitIV I a, ..N1 I %, MBR. (Awarded the fires amtl higt,• N..w York, Baltimore and rhtladel- T .1 tor tne ~m parlority or is Banda, with ~•,, a e,,,thaenet, in nit manufacture.) attea the et- 1 .I „ par • ....cr. to m. as-or meat of 2000 Stands .t wte .ais, with ioneY and Plain an.l larire and ol Tr...parent Window Shades, I.,rn h ,n wid .ell til /ow .•.t cash pric d 'rowed and Irtmn,ll to look equal to es new DLA I .1 - IRS. SUPPLIED on liberal leans. Thr raixcn• Al!vghmly county are rmipttlfully cd call,er elsewrYerr—confident cf orct our.; 411 m tn. even.ngs. m•htlf,:rod3m 44 nI, I I:V. It Notice to Daguerreotype Arttoto I' r n Vl/IGTI,AEN e) I)Ett IN,,TIII2MENT:4 •.• ,IrllrlloT. The.: In*trurttedts ru, a great I ..".. m Altung cne•lta... and •harpri. r,qtrr and hell, droned 1,. === A ((nk , n( I nltrunieni, al all ,lx (yr. an DAguerreo- NIP I'l rF It , )(1 01., I . our at( I 1 . 11 i 1.• , ,t" F L,,NN , ,E(011-111. Yhalattriph(a, • t•t, AL( ( e" , and marl( r.it,nt TANNERS' OIL. 4 ,„, rANNI.I2 3, hilll4l4olllC MY] l.:Irt• • pH. t ptto.tptp tt, c.tt ,ttt tt.t. 1,1. at heti and uttlpittscls „ Etry ttlid Osit 41 .•ettta 1.0p1•1 1,11.• tit. ‘.11.1 . .i/1 N ACIIIX I.:R --The. otal•cr. ~r. t Paten, ,k.r at ; til4; Y 1 ktiuittnurert. .1. ; node "111;11( r .r•, t . r.or.tyl,v, . irtm ..... \ ••..! ..t.u.l /I; CtIr•:11111 , 1.111 1 I . 1 . 1 , 1 . 1 , 1. 1 ., N1 I.IS - 111, nr.• it • Ohio 1.19 It 1 111111 k IP rte. NI. Isenett wieer !Jr t.l3k, trip iion our vier.lew F3llll =ME /14 tmed Nous . \i , rnnMire Mrmtly in my own Min mmom:y ur•wcrolr for eTpeNt, Inrre o (M‘ i 10 WOO worm.. illWll 'WO mn,:mn. I cd yemr laver And I:mmh Syrup m and 11, y 11. me tn every tmtlnoc produced .1• I en,e , ..1 In merrliandMing I nm slit.. in 41 , •• cr Imnt tim firsi t enon where ,• C uoed m .cenon I .. . k tit ill,Oll, I may mum Mnt Mey nre Ott C :14.11 nre Mmtlned to Im•r n rem' your, mypectitdly, NV II PIINIMI R F SELLER, tins: %Vnn,l mc two m , 31 - I I 1,.111/1 /4 , 'I A I'' f , I EN A , 111.$ I.A pall n 1 •.ntr. nJtuatind •bout four nnti n hnit in,. , • n 1 1.1....1•14rni. and Iwo mil., !rm. ills A rne• I=l ote. and the recnatrol, to • r sl - hi-sorloo, tonher h the ',open, I. not ostvote so,. ',fore the Ilth oof June. •o- toieoon on that dot', ot 3 &slosh. P I +1 r,e .10s Coo-t Douse. oolknot reserve. to the rnt bohler For terms or pale and other or. en,too. of DAVID D ri - E. APorney s l'ittn ',rec.. twit door to Alaornout 3l'Mwocr • For San Francisco, California. 1114GULAR LlNErkky PACKKI'IiPS— ro eat. Olt umitnh June—lle wpertnr teal eu,,ng roppered and copper raatcet. tntp Ft ill lor the above poll• aboqe. ee gußrlrro oi her Iteurnt esursKecs rhi...1,1 hetet Au the •rgest an... end havtr, un• .poc.ous we„l, venttha. yeeethoh,tht,,,,, .' , .r• pri.scniter• la very Orairnbte opportu.aty •• , • ...re !..41e,,Infort and zaiety *43 TA,, , ,Y nr_,T It I: .14 rrcenved , at Trn • .0 iouri.. -•rcet. It very , argo and at . • J ••.forl, ot V.V . ...EN ANI) 81.A , 1a Fr.m. New loft, all of or!: has Leto re In„ • •/.1:• of rob. , nry ron,,zlng of • :“.• •-• ern‘on Cr,•lgal nuptre g I.e/ug atuli • - it% ti.s." WC , . RC are •Oug. , w , lo•r•roe. o. uer term,. to•u nay ttntl gror,rl La can l and orlt and prtutok. 1 , •••• can nave pock , o“ It nE U m...ter, or by • 6.• od rt , III,I,CI.CF jno tor (,kuoug. Black Tens (cons •c I.Y , per lip • N.ug Young . ..ChM, .nro .11, at, hire loin firr•kfast 30. Young (I ywr. em: rro, JSet• on 61.25 per lo .n 1 n•••• r..queggied .end and sdruple• or our s eu, and 11. them oniore purtheutng ~. I JIN A. JAYNES. 70 Four otra-I • I ) K A E . D71: ` ;‘ ,1 1,11: AND COIIhIIASION uFFICE. sik.N who,eaale and retail store*. and other e Im•m... to art as licolt-Iteepert. Sale. l'oriets, Rat sarpers. Waiters, Farmerv, Coach m..n. u Agents. Boos and Map Agents., Collectors, Iraeara WI braneliea or hustneas, ke. We have all men a iarge number of goodlnOlii.ooll6 on hand, , a h p a y i t em JOU Ip gi,ooo per annum. Those tu ‘at n..llUntloll.. ill any hod would do well to give it a call, aa we Any. agents in roch the a ur t e, I lie, witiOh enuble us to plume every applleant in a •uttal.:a a..oa'ton al :h.: attune's nom,. We have acquaint:km, all the snore named eine, trust en in able us to give entire !CAI. I! in el who may furor us with TA Lttß ATA I'M AN, D Seroud at, Iprotreco South and Get s; It I . ..r..nits to.,:tot in may port a the o bi„” 1.111.121101 et• th, e w.ll Ikea wants taunt. • a, mi.— .le.l to t , y addremttg tot a Iltit,,po..t.i.esdl .1. I.y Ittry wttl rartail halt trouble ts.tdes• ".... atterwott v.t)11.1 toeur hy . and, 41...ting01. 11110),10c111 (01 awl...ave. Adder TAN 1.,011 h. TA r mAN. REMOVAL., rt , R , NTII, Mrrt.ll.l Parlor, ha, rerno,,d t/ JI Shrtei +Freer, 011, door rrum on •I tutor., 1v respecifully. so:.rals a ..111.• otorm r, .age of has lorruel co•lonar Is, sold • susru.se :Itc• vou a•ae of •• 'nun) au us ours us .1, I .a....r. lay Jo, excenied in 11w ;stout 11 1 / 1 01..1 1 i•• 1113,14 r. ausl us alb th l sput.. a.. 0, as Ali..ll:l,ir nutdr lo ,111 i. 1, lOs In i•Ilror ,!lone a:1 v•ro.Urs MN, • ..0 ',ow-. ..... es••. 'odsr•. ,tork• so, 21 .I.lln ()V \ew ~t!eubs, w0L4.41 rr iitMy anoint., eon the o,a or riti•lide,h and emonoty, that he litenthd !morel! no Smithfield •Irrei,firoverrio nod. and Sit lb, •idr, a firm hi no.I tl-irote Na attelt• non to We to - venom, of ti• l't '•l3, who he haa ',lst .1111 111,111,..ti thereat., hAothe treated over mem- bandied mime la st woder end spstos, Ansi ton en, oetlone re•lort the patient to a proper •thie tthlta, It" herlln.l that hr 1124 aiurdi • eooe -urp.tssc.l by none to the country, :sod when prls o r.et-n.• 'nue ate I, would any, his .41 Warr ttii entry II about Went el idiot: ,eonsentrnee, and by lultit.g ..u•rs at oines, tt woo,' prveni amok of the .le , rose: Ile would recommend to perant trat.rathe and no ;amine-, as bring cheap and ell. u. le [ed \ 11 %I t A. 111 I d ) -Dr. Morn" w,ll Lc foun4 in hla oltee at nil mr• of :he day. I. te• - pt when out upon prole...tonal _ . • aurim -l'it =Pot Ttplfur oanny In no 471 raw , en/.1...ed a 4lttling tol 1..4 I . lllaatll/11a Nltmat Al.pter. “1 1 1,,• Clovc4. Wary anted pun. For min at the Spier and u.ta..d Faclury, corner of Ferry 4.1.tb,r1y .11111. S 11 BELL FILM AND DI Afilln.F. INSURANCE. 1 . 4141 KA NCI. GO 01 North Ainertea ortll j make pr'itt anlot and Ino.ted I.I2iIIIICC on pro. o. : rty 1,14 coy and vicinity, and 4.n allipmmta by I . llllli, Klnero, I.alt,a l nod by Sea. The properUn of Compau) arc well invested, and fttrroah an avail able land for the ample indemnity of all Nunn, who dealre to Loprotee•ed 63 , inaurande. auto Wlll l' ONES.. A pant. 44 Waller a 1414—Nu I 1111,35, cvasightd Old tor sale. alga, L.l/Irga Butte, to yCi 1TX:114.124. ROE . I tv• Iltr uttrAu. oi wit A, in.nd,og to r.g4le.. it. Int I,LiN,t,L.•, L a 1=1:12333 with t.../lursl,e , urni•hed with an,- e 001111,11..• - wag state room, and eir.erien ... leocompany the . NS. A,el WALL. South side of flo , k nfr^, •lsilotelonot W ANTED, o 59 5..,0ntl •Errrt, tlaltamor, `Ad AUCTION SALES. fly John D. Da • fa. A tiel4;:e-er A •SI Ure.i 1 ,, , • ; 0:t ri•orninr. J.. ••,: 1n .'rlork nt , ales llooe..• • •.,•• ni Wood ,11 el ..‘ INNA" i - . , „... .41 '.g. , .^ {N I e ..pitndn.l.traine. , ;111.NAN1 , 1.,11 12..'...k mi giga z., :7 1 71. ,. ..i1y7 ., ,,,-;:: `,.::.,,,,,1:7"Ti! _..,,,, nn,071. hti,ill.• 1 n I.entn.-4. 313(i i.:llt. ~... • ''''• i , r. ,0 ' '"'"'. "'''''4''' i''''."'d l'''' ' ' ' ''' .." r'-'" ‘' ii. - 7, - 7,; 0:'% 1 :' .r:,... A R ,. _ hdtf,. Mark dmon•k and 1./OWn , Vo7rannr, hr Grorrne, t/tte,,..1 VoLmg Tts.ll Lai Va mina/a , lurt•tl toltstren,l: lat!s No I ionekertl.l(l, - .1, Nu I pa:nt eap, orrsipmng paper. •I,ove:i...pad e , fork, tr...pa• mot and vemtimn witulotv Oltntlp, man tel rlock. A nirge and 4..n - r+ nod noLn+tnal,l new /1,1 Rtro , ltl mrsrnir.l,e A 1 . ...100n:1b, ~ r nio'nt of noede Ito , .1, rn. won lino., uo&n.n. nntl bootc•hcw., L+ tap, finerello,), , at..l purr. •Aoi nnel 'sand wettelee•..te jos I 6 ri Sr. at Aug.., On MOnany t . ,01.11K. Jll/1 , 11th. 0 at the COlTinerrln Rooms, comer ot Wined and Fifth streets. tiedl be road, that splendid pr. resioenco situated no the Lan:, or tne rat 0410, 10 rtr, We'd of the eity of Allegheny. now in the-occupancy of Sztml. and Wm. Wickersham, having n front on the river of 174 fret. and extending Lack an average of outwards of NW feet. eotnprising one acre of refittltd, to high 'tato of CUltlytnion, fent , trees, sitrubbrfi The Imam is a large double two story twilisk;fin• tithedte It, sic .ttt ie. vs.:. en :he modem eiontrion tot,. Pad Imprommenw. out Moser, wash house. stable and carriage house. he at sale. 1011 N n DAVIS, /met 17aggy and Pulite., iVagan at Anal°, On tVedne.dnv monitor,. lune 6th, al I I o'r.oelr. r . ollt of • ~ '010tne;,,,,, Keu..•. nor ror Wnot! and 1 - 1(14 ws, Will be uoid—one ..unttnl lon.h yc ed rond hood Huutcy• wall leather .ona top. In good or• der - , osmo, second nand two boron pNller't twins JOHN 1) IJAVItt. Au, AMUSEMENTS. THEATRE. L Itad Manager C. So PO4i cz. A CrIPI3 • NI. ,41:1[a • • ••W. If ewer. BENEFIT OF J FlOOkt. eplemlld 11111 To e.f100r,,,.. romantic Drnrno of 7. ARA II mum E PSI.: V GIRL in Orem..., • J An, Lot , otc • • WES rm.: 111 V P /ult.. the •ind Mrs h.,•r •• , ,,- , t,d• oryll SPARK, IN THE DARK. gnat - • %Jr Arches Lueret.a •• • • • • Nl•uli,on Wralortoday—Mr and Mr. 4 Archer'. GREAT SALE OP GOODS Al 111 1 / 4 ON E PRICE STORE, 60 Market street. A A. w att? I'm their patrons and tn ,, e , ineir . spro l A ta ''tha, stock h pFrttfa Thirty Day. dunng whirl, tune the who,- cc their ink. manse eslahit.stanetat unclad.% the, h, wholesale room.l win oe open for retail trade. sod for the display ono ol the largest and most in.laonahle nolsortmenta of FANCY AND STAPLE. GOODS to the CMIIIITA. watch have all beau marked down, wrJt mervgao d to.list Forty Ituusand Dollarsat their ttmeliectl the. I.ltest and richest style., hare 1, , -en re cently 0111C11...,./ the large peremptory putt.. -ales in New York at immense sacitfices, and will be found, ox ckatamatrott to t.e nearly utt+ halt les• than uru. price- The An( 11,01 tO portionof .heir I.oode eautocrkteJ helow, with their pre rek annexed. Pr.ment Cayttal gees Prlee -.Stu er.t.A ‘ l / 4 , V.l: .0• t M 0•0,•. 10 3 1,1 Cl. MO rule Mny 111 rle. 33, 1,1 elt 7:le 21.11. Hr cl .h : 1 / 4 , el• 3' .50, .1. klt trltnt,,• t & ".1 .t. ..AP Mr , tont id 0. /.1/0 , 1 )0, Muo.lo 3 1 Fe.le • 1,11 ern Ic, than (MLA I pt ..,• tax, J, 131,ae1,4 u-1/ to to lu per Ito pence Bonnet 110.1 n, iW Wrcurl,ll'ol:3o ill 1,. rt.. 31.1 u i! r 1. r n't ;tin- c 9) tn 144 Larn at ' t tab SI4 latltaior to,ieu• 2:, rt , faa autia a. law a. I - 1...1•*”• A lar, t.tork or Boi n. u atautt 17; pat r t. :tut •It I. Ihra. Guralt :Or ,•:. httu MIMfiIIME ,arli3,•,. 3 rn, odp.nr,il.lv I IJIII tr 3 to :41113, rent They I I, c.ri, ••3:' r tool . ro: -non L..nla cr \ • d. ',lna thr. A I , lA-••\ Orrt , no,: I. •\I at 1,1 I•et r•-• r. \od Four h d and °II oi; v : ::41 , 17 4 ,N, R : A I. " 1 1) Ke : 12(1"1:1 P i 0 r1 ;1:: ' 12 ' Aft\M " da l : N nle L.; H • I , ' , 11 . t o: oi , :a d• A r u ' , f t . : : to o l.o rr r ri .„ ? . t i ez . I ., ::frr h i s lo•p, 13 do my:l9 /111:111. 1.14:141'60N. 145 burrty .11: HA '7 Nitott.N . J c i1.1.114.11Tf,41.4 k. W. ALLACE, T)IT9'SRUR(.II Fitl-INrii .1/CU; MILL STONY: and MILL No• 214 ast.l 24d I,,berty atrect, near ...Canal (Mr h 1111:1 Stone.. of my own maneradtte, made or n 11.`W an I super,or ~ualtty 0181ocks; partse• war ete I. :aleu to Iteve the Amt. made c:o.e. and 1,1 the .I,m ,oar qua'Ary They are wlrrat,tl , to ne cp.! to ary the country, and .operto, to the great ma.. or Bur., whether to reign or Uome.tm manufa,ulc. and so!:', 'at the lox-.t inlvdlf.,ol-, . P•onre-- torre nt. a...torment, el reduced pto,tl, o ..,dd. [Ant., 11.11 01111 Stone., at: sues 4nchor .rv. v ro,J.uced 7e, leons, nll.l al• Innn C , f;r:!..l k.JI Save order• cr,, =l=lllllllllll= Pittsburgh Steam Marble Works. 1 1V1 O. 344 1.1f1111( TV npro.we Mtrtt... LOA TOM, .Le.. lurgr. varte, t•I Utc trre,t bralull:11 1 kur.l., orthu [mu , rot forcizu 011,1 sourloc, a i.r,rl or me.lc order, Ly tqa- COI., • • ..I I. r the orvcsl prtecs. T'. Couniry tort erlib cents orMl..ole re:• A.' ordur . uprourdrly roiled to a; tt I.lL.riropprrust `orolhhclrl.... nuo.ll. 11131 n 1V IV IVA 1.1. A r U=! Jl'ate.ll :4tomt ar Frrzt, , , Marr NIA 4 CHIN I-I—Q, arurie ni 111., km,' in co., they t. do lbw work wel,. and 1.111 laat a Ah,w 500 0: them are 121 utr, ni the he. it, ruotstr.... and we gas,. the Wong,. te,..• TOIIN oJ of per.ona suenority ove Olber For mrthrr pa p rtwu,arm. ad r dreg. me ...went,: at 244 Ltt.ert) et. Flualatt,h my.l4 , dote_ NV 41. cITEANI 1 - .SltlNE`tt ELIILELS - FOi gr.!. 3.3. A , and other non, blwxl. i, heed, or lend , tr, very short ‘,4, t.. and at the loweelpfl,• A •••• vorupth atlewit al . J4l Lin t// stt, I.ent the C.tne: MA W O . WA L rec LACE DLASTEN FARIS— For toed, and other purpose., ....ay,. hand at 244 Ltityrt • et. tnyAr W W WALLACE ti bILA CLIC At AIENT—AExart on nand. at Ai Ltherty sr. my3h W WALLACE KINDSTONM—AII asses and rn, a...ays on kj hand at 114 Lincrty street raylo DIURDOCK'S DASHER CHURN PATENT EMMMMMiI . . THE attention of the public se invited to ibis very aivalue Churn, which has the sinyantugr nil niacin ai combinutg the oid and tic, invcribuos lb pethe Ins uolity tlo• invent/an ts apparent. as by x asII1• pis wort 1•If 1, corer.' bensuth the dust, and does Aloofly Wll/1 Inc oseesefty at gourelovong a new Churn, as 11 caut Or ayphed to any enure in Use, and for one 4u:lst call 4/1, X. 4 the. anew:l:men. of the lots saml.tno.l or,th these el ,ratherthg the Buttet hi tro. o.ea, o ,y roe satd.• rr malted to and Tad, fn r Sl•i V, • taw, parrhtearie rinrsettere, at S 7, r aril, al Mail,: and Fad: ar at 6:1 Diamond alloy, la. crirti and Marl. et atrema. l'ataborell taral `AML KliOK•F.\ Two Loe• for Sale. • .. s . ...11 at pnvate ale, tho, fres Iwo> co taound, rtotated 0n' 01,13. r. Therm \ker4l of A Ileehei, each having a 1•5,... or 'AI runtruag track IoU Sect depth to a SKI leer upou nn hunt a %Wile w a by liart. rOIIIAIII4 OlOilt gil in hushi er-Nars lot 1 u' ,1111 . 0flAtile date:lota house a, aari ./1 Irwre are three •ba d .' trarrb 61 ..,t1 t' th, end the a , k et pa s vrol, briek, ,rll Os Whir II wilt to• SOO.. Virolourgh end Alie...henv or l'ottot wol 1.4 taken ru payturoo J S, II No .;NN'on.l .n ‘k 1111 l .ppu,Jlc illy -1) rt won pirn,ure not Ipe loheertb , CP intonn eittzens of rninborgli and s, i cor:lo..lnd 31 - ran,e ' J,ta to. to r..ectve melt . , upertor t‘c • PA , KED I'F:AS, 1 And wOl . I.r ruit•lnnlty on h.no y ',any and prrorr Iv p., zi t I/1 pneko 011, anal 11. rat* 10111, titru printed ratil Lind 01 re,. pr-, name. 0 111/: ~ .not . in I . lllll,lelplk. Ivan an 11,11/11141n '0 Irll,lll Tr, II not 11,11. • ; Imperla.l • . • II y.on • •• II v.on . Niark „.x =al== We ',II warrant all lac he •ya, in, 1.01 •111 Exton, ••• an) volt! IP all , r 1111 '. 111 V not prnve acceptable hr the •l•l I.e 011 . 1110.1, ,1110" ". o oh that underatandolg otve(l W e :.•t a lair trial. e• the nip , lo! able to ladebc:vreea our Tra• and tiro , lo—,nlnrc rol.l by other comp:. ..1 ell). Ail lover- ot nue Inch, o 10vv.01 , 1 good 11.1 road TEAS, drould givets. a .1/11. For ..ak l.y s Of. YOUNG k CO, N corin r L 1 and Fcrry rorecta, arid L. YOUNG tr. Co., rr corner ad and Ron 'treats CM= ging sulrecribet oilers for walet 03arge and epleniliil heeortinesit rosewirciti and mehorany .raid Ac tion P. n . s , with awl without Cotreemn'm celebrated Mellon AttadaTlGAL The above ttilaraMent• are wel , ranted to tau equal An any manufactured t.i tbr. cocm try, and will he sold lower the, any brought from the East- F. MU ME, yo ill wood st. N 13.—city Scrip tr,!! V r t Le above souTplimt. STEAM BOATS . --- Ile.' Anti .c,nt "lc Itg C<T I.A VAitTIN F.. . IV" 11,1 /O.OVe n , v CS N CISNA'ZI - t I'll-Ti`l4Sllll6ll DAII—v PACKET LINE. riltilS k 11r, f s, pua eo,fertisla4r. Cr. !sr,ec, sternest. hes ft,,ibed and f0nt,1,,,1, .”t1 mot poa.i•rful es the ,v.ttc.ry of ‘Ve... I reed cum. lortc.tt; procure. has 7rov Wed tor pss nragers. ' Liao Ltqc has Iseet. to operatlon for five Spun—bag r ertied a twiliodo( ry to thetr perlout. hoal, Will be tall ' . foot ol the y to foe the tycoo n.), of fretght and the entry of Pre,-,:igrra oath, ter. In s:1 erases' the parso4 . o o , oneY ant= be pm.; advance. NEWIVN, CATtr./.6 rltit ,, urgb evr, ,urlt/.1 • 11106111,4 tit In 0.0.10* every F•unOuv er,..14 at ID Mtly M OND.IY PACKET. Tue MONONto A C.tyt cvnt,- .Lund:,; n.,.. JI. Vartiing tvory Montlw, ev,,! The 11113FIINIA No 2. 4".yt. J. iit, V4 e.ral-rO4 ”Ili lea , e h.burgh rucaday looro., • A 10 WeI0Or; evewag, at It, r. a. WEDNESDAY PACKET. The Nl-IV. FM:LAN. N o 2, e.„, rvyr, Wydre,d,” twig • w TDURSDAY PACKICT. _ • The BRILLIAN Cup, G.Act. , r re Pitts burgh eve 'fleurealay et u'eleiet; Wheeling eve, evcniur ut 10 P. n. Pr.rr vrlll Patel:o46,o) every Frnouy tie mg a I - - ever, ceetimg IO r la. NY'S'A . 1.1,110 N ANY/ eI'InsSISL 11 - A - 11:5' USI3 CAN - A.i. AN I) STEAM I' ACKETI. 4 , 9. .. 4 =4 0 .21 acco I',:u! arch dal:';. at o'clock. A. M, and or: wok- -. (mooth onto. Randy and Beaver ew.. nal,) as 3 o'clock, and Non. Toil., ct 1 t, same vat:. Lau, r . New Lishno at n o'clock. I. . intatotka tho tnp canal nvci Ou,,orrd A. at a o'eloct. A M., and Aliso... a, io,,, c oorg t , At M.—thalc indaunt coat:lama. :11,(TL.1 cadrying Paz. Ranger, and Crorlot I din., on No ,. 1... J. ,. and Pm, badgh, onortcr krt. and cazoa than by my tatter tool., The proprietor. of this la, hove tar, pleasure •Of forming the ;hat they neve fined op two Brst nits, CaKai Bunts. Mr the aceommetlatton of purger:tsars and (reign, to rmt connection with the well known recline; cALEn COM:: Bh AN!. ft aftsl cetmert tna, et filagree.. ash the Palatine,gad CI gam na.“ tea other doily tines of steamer. down the tna• an nem. The proprietors pledge them- If to !parenefaipmtra or trotth.c tu near, tom for mita ignralth, :via ask of 101.1111, of the, patronage, • ;oklyritottizs) AGENTS. 11..511.1'N j I lIA ltuburib. :4.1 5 ro n.yil .1 I s. NUT', Cli—Th , 11, I hI:A%Tit,C F ClerLe, Inas ler, ve't Iv, ..a not,'loV 1% ell•Nitle inmeta Rtlllllll - F.IL ANGEII ENT!) for IEI9. moNe 31 , 11.3.. k ROUTE Ortly 13 lilies Hinging. Viv lituvoto vi'le and rsm.hetinit4 in Usltitn.o= a 3141 l'niludnaphem ryll .v to, I. U 7,114 ...amenl ATLUNTIo' t HAl;flr:. Cept Jurnt, I. r. 1,0 sldtin,t,aL', dm!) Ir,- N,V11.1.17. The mornlng „ , m 0n0 , 3 ,0,. 1 . p...en,i • wt:l V! I, 0Ar111... Brow.. vrile. o'rlock. I'. Si , .p.e.td.d r,.r, or t 11,11t000rr and Ini Itan.lo.- I 'mot, r the A M . mr,tv, 111. ..10“.a. sutue evriv tr..n ,o, tor • k ,k W,tor,gion , from 1.11,1.010 h to 114mor, lon“rs Slu,tsJ ProUt I`lll4lkurzb to rhilmletph..onl) 411 n 0,,„. r•tr. The wtlll,lVe n'r • du: Pa.,ncer. ky Our ~ .4• lodgx oft I,Vcr 11101111talilk thr nbdo`..ko, day in East , rn innit I eoliehe, anti se..ond n.,h t t p, cln, or eater Stemohnal or Kali ..morc and L.a jortvo,-.. di 0rp,, , , r.: Cunt^ nr.d Baltannre, , and rerun., l+ure,nchra char erect part., un.y W, inn. a, :04.1.. and v.-4; for 4 In h. ,• • . 11, the. 1 • •1.1...arg Vitro 2, order in •Ive 141.1 C arrtvirg It wen:foie =portant for to re: the.' I.ciore qwtog nil boant of Wet t 4..11.. Itlnnong - aheln Water. street, nt 01 Caark. Hotel. Piitsburgh. t:ti.n .1 MI-.:41.:131EN. A,t.nl I PittAbraigh A. Loulaville Packet Line FOR CLNCINNATI AND LeIf.USTILI,E. Th, new ciensucr rFLEGRA I'll I, rna.er, li. tam,. por, 4,h3 day. ru. u 1,.. nl !', o . C:a . k. 0. ~r ~. 1 or Irrsht or du. , on board or to ill 111,11/1. V, 11 1.; 1,1 , , II 1111.11:\ L/1 RI, LH PITTSBINA..II26;i) VILLA. 1 AC kin' 1.111114 , • tn,l paeFen got pox ktt IFI . R /1 No --ttClfa •nn r irove for C met l non and 1.n.,11/.. nn 11 toot at 10 lo'clock, A.NI For trete, nr ngo apply on boor! to 811411.11 N & Co, or lif 0 11111:1:1 Ht.R6 Fit .13 W.ll, f • ari Yr PI TV, 1'1T1 , 111,111.11 h \ I,l`ttl2T be elearolooa I ••o Snook. leave, Ptt.tomir Tue.J.e. al 9 o'e , oev P , tor 1-.1,, , ,:n.ew0. capto.a Proctr. oole's Landile. New Tne4'. I.audlng. .- A ,hart. Vancluao, Newport, Cow Creel., Monetin. Paoli linrinur, Par. rer Loot. Lt,ol floritngporl Ityrra,,, I • lioea,neport every Ttormley. at 3 o ot P:\ v.a Nlone on Prolay, al 6A. 7t1.. pa oong the ,-::;,pd part or the above Ina-ne and 13, me ~ e r, e , ••. 1 , 001 se,p •• h • oh :'•unelc, plat day a, tt Lo, .i , C',. public may upoll l / 1 1,1,0, rontinmng in 1 0, trade ilunr.• me ro•ncou Louisville and SS.. Louis Pocket Line. I 4 SD. It/A..11.AR TUFSDAY FUR ST. LOI'IN ht nlll/”. tag ~ r eeler I le, W r Wit: the wir..rtuctilmic por6.. every Tur,ny. at It, For bright or No ..,14, rlo t' 1.11 u. Nn. l. 15'1 Con, Raw, nu&r:1,16111 houaritte. 11F.1.L4,1K TOR ST LOUr... The low rusulinF p.uscogee me..mer til-1": LANE, A NI, " ,n•ter wiu leave for the core :,..eraithae pool eve• a: For itc,ghtor pa.. --- 118112 alial 'nil t:INi iNN.I II The ..p1 , ..,d.,1 rii..rin .4".. i I..ti:lltrtt' rA 1. Lint, All,. roaster. vit.; leave tor tilsava tad triteinfediatii ports this day. _For freight dt passage apply' VII toard of)Sil F.'S ZANESVILLI., ~ 'I he light drnugt.i .reamer . —.. r , ri..fAt ET, •:.;,; ‘ , - ,... — ift, ' Flopl, master, a; a 1.. t< for the above t arid trnertnerliate pot, Ltipi day, Tues day, at 4 o clock, r IL For issght or 00s000, apple os t'oard .1520 ruts tit ttlinl.lNG ~cN. LI 111111X.,TEPOR-P— -'1 hr. tie.it and sol.ttantial steuner i • PAI HIDSON. nisrter, will pe riot ro 111111611:1b, reeuirr rim,. hetorien Pittsburgh \l'h , ,,iiii nod brulreport She wttl lea,- Pittsburgh oit Nt , st,a,...ti,y nuo ratur4a) F. , ii...,gto,iige. apply on board I Oft 1V111,F.1.1N0 A !C L) FUNI - 1,41 Thet,ii iiieriner ,Ifivii. CI N VERrj.i.A. Cror, ailii,ar ail•ier hill !care or i.,,,... ....I iirrbrie ports on Niu,..lssi. mild 1it...411,5. al to A , F,,r ',trial or pirr,itgri. apol, or board. apt: ILFZIeLAR .... A s, tiirt 11,1.1.: pAili ET ay . c (..w. ..,- 11 ...: ' :: ' ,...,. 'l ,. Y o ' i ' L ' 'n a• • rep,. a Ws. 'Are- I,y pr e ket he,OVer II Pitts. 41. Y. tl..y 1 , 4 r it 11:1.1t MRSYTII, Ar IV3I, 12111131= To, N it *Egg.- '. `,'::,,,','.',.-.. '. ~,,,, I OW- rt. the . Y „ :; . ; ,' :;:,:n. i t ' t ' ; A :lt r ll:r t "' " ii ..t ''• tttriulay Ino m rr n t . l to n .1., 4 I•.i will Irnre R.r.t.vet tt I C. hi , a , vt nrr 4 o'c e„, .VO At r ..... NNIA. t..... I. r ttl lentvr ror ILe " 3 1'P'1 Itzt il- MiIIOVAL. GEO 13.21111LTK IL . NIIIARGIG. 1 2'S. u ti.F.NT. Forwastlior vid Comn...son Mer -1 ehnts. ha. runoved ,o No s: rtosh isswron WOINi wool Salonfieol ',cr.. awl iNEW ISOLIK P(.44 SCIIOOI.S.-111em,.. of hr, - , 0,, , 1,;.c.C1a,..m1 'rabies of tho Greek. mild . Roo, .. to win., AI, 111114,1 UM, nottera of Syrian, I f Is4lon nn I Sesndol.o.,An t 5, • r.utto.., tovlhnt 0014 ' thosr of th.• A 1..., 0 . •al NlllOll.. tlo• ..vho!e, rpinpn rum I Vol vl4,l•iii %volt its.: P•.h, ...1 writs. us. , of 4A0016 I Jun tocAl by JOIINSTON S. Sllsliatni, , tryis nor:.! Nr•Thsts.,* CLINTON PAPILRAIIII. pose of tate...arm, at Mt ehutort Paper' when. shy sent plea.m.l to receive the porton,. ea./ the former ea:teeters of th 6 n' Tlier:sl . et alilllll,C keep L,ee. hot a general boner,„lemrds. Idnnk i.dolts en. s , utert UtoY *1:1 • elehatlee for Henn Ids. and cuunn 'raga . Printer. and Ilan: enin,se, • . dd., every d••..,...0n pitnnag .pr r lee .hoot notice, and TIUMeoI leee.eeN optdl. dirrldtma EDMUND 5. HANN M122212/21 Prrntmt N ro 1212=2) M=EM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers