. 1 ?•• • Zi 1:4 ES - :LIS D;IN -1786 • 'CAR. • CAW u3V time _:str 74 -#. 1107 .164frtat.., myrtly Lizatedgli;Casilminion thier..bauut Atuderros mita 'Street , 101 d Arecri, Dry tiloaa, Gr04.6111/2aamsi_shoesirolupwch.Fni itsstared,hktrats, Arstalairtfat ..4* 13.4u2ds RIAT=, Wholulde • wi rts, tot,neval Liberty and paowa ;MAMMON, •• v" Nei Co maiittlin( SteTtlisau; Ng- Atibunth• Pft- 41. v&itNESToCK & co, wholotwo;add 8e • ta il •Or.ggiv+, corner Wood and 6th tht: iyl aOktrar &'SNI,ITI.I W6oSeaale Chocers, 113 of I:4lWo4l4.tioet Pirrosboritit. -' - _ IdanNULTY• &Co., Forwarding and Cock • anadon Merchants, Quad Badn, ,Pimatrarga - Elniquessio nprinni Ami te Sel oaod Iron Wor sasanfit4iiniri Coich 824 -Ptptir. flarmairnd Arno, ?Virg asa Floret Stecl, ou. an, water luidPrirni strtets,rnminnigh. • Also, dealerr Inf,r.f.lapiantagi slut ,Malitab fle ia HAMA: WORKS,ON .111Elait ST,_OPPOSift: IiEADOP WOOD lETITSBuitatL .Enaunurvatinas ' CONTI:KUM - to tuniktifsetiaa Mbnarerits; Bunn Manly, Tamin ‘ liesd Burnes, Martel Pierer, Cm tro and Pict 'rein of fore4o. Inl - ininnsticrparblet m a ulaz and but prim N. IL—Drarriuss rtinininnts, ilke.;frifini ra, of try dnenption. Winn dun of loriblrp • • Lt „”- y*.a. mum, - • won J. 1111201L1T. , ENGIABEIA- SEEINErr4 G. Wholesede Omens, Cconnewood wad Fog. drixeltng glefchnensi and.deelers is Prodded and litte• kal6aghlannfacultes,Nos..77.lVolid. at., between gd And ad wee,. octi Ctosigan_ ,edieutKend reenedult ~.1,,T-Tdenthant, No. 80 Wood street. Pastnlegh•_alY l lions LlCsa 8' ACT Ottar: ' „ HAMMON STEWART, 611nutaetarer of floftyy Shirting; Chec,ks, lke.;.Renedes vu.A.city Allegheny. , ledoonall to erp & koe,) WOO! Deal; er and C. 0171131.111 0 13 !defend:, tot tha tale of Amegitan Woolens, ÜbellY.oPPaile 6 th it 6 .147 • • .46 7.50=01, I:I7IOIjOWEWX., r * " . X...C.71VA 17 9 1131.L.WAX1C11, LEWD & BUCENOR, Tobacco 0.1 d Bun - ctuansol Nan* Wa/07 al, le..l.6.ldorld.Whando, 1 /111T — AnD ----Ya”SONES ioncoesocrEto Atwood, 11C3ozent &Po.) Carosoisoian atol Ftizoraldiod Mgr 'etuunk dosIon„IA I.„lttoburgli • Alafottor.uurAK Go*, Pittantrgbi P. • •tcia= suits ' waxer Darn, 774.: 7, - ,;BAUM DICKEY ItrhalesoloCtroorrol =talon Morehordi, and - deo-ion i i?radtteaf Now ator, and Id 7 Front meets, PittoborgA. -• mord 4 ,- . AI _D. _CANFIELD, llate crtWallen, Onio,) Commie lion and Farirarding Illrichant, and a/AN:sell •deitlet Li/Wes/am Rennie - Cheese, Einnar, Pot and PearlAsb, and Weatani Proluoi generalty, sod test, batorcen Si.' d.ad and Wood, Mold/ rat op • ToiiN WATT, Merepaor 'to Ewalt - & Oebballa •• 0- Vliolasal 'Mader • aml.Cononiasion Mateluint, -. 4 'duller in Pro:nee and Pittsburgh tdannfaatoroa, ear , nes ofLibelly and Band areau,Finatongh Pia„talid lir AXE* 43 -Mesald deo, Arm orilgeo and , .1;4. -4 .74 -U.:BleGilize„),A dant- hetCharlesainildinge,, alteet,near-Vireod,Pittllargio • -•• • • , • BUTC tt Ca,LBnoorooro itt Leir's Ilotebioon C0., - Casualtdark Ideottbantil • lina Agootir of thee St IsmtEs Stead !kW Rofausey t : 140:45watertailli2 front otroets,Pinstarglt 0. - Daavtirro d Coy Wholieala'ate», Pro, dues. aud,Couudselon !dacha:Us, and Adam , the liasul.Yuwdem at N. Y.,No. X Wood d 4 D,nionetAmboiiuderrtaa- Mulls,Yangs, Colc V D1_4,33, dad Eno; mit door &gb of Dpunond" ritu. Ne • . k, Ca, oneenuot (1 inse p h , • Xaniel,)lShip • Te a = Water street: oe3l aOIWII. rdri-1,011, Wbolesale and Retail dearer -int lakteinandliastral 'tostrrantani, School Boooj Paper,. elates, Etael Anne, Qailla,.Printars , Carle, VA Ikatianaly generattnNa.Bl Wre3a Prtainallt- • ' Erßege bought or taken ta nada - 1 -13CktOOPCSIAKE , 11 tk Wbotpala tangrete, trlte,l4 wcia Amet, l'insbruita O • , DAVIS, Auctioneer, comer 614 • oc oad Janata, otilcarrort& STOCK TON sookaeUen, W. • • ' b. ' Jona FidaTD, law= , A. it. FLOYD,'whotetede °rocas, Commogiski t.V. - Moretti:o, ond. Deniers in Prdduee k Rinintt . 'laintro Bulldogs, fronting on Libeny,'SYbod wad .14 struts, l'ittatoggii, Pa. myt3 , vJ 'DAT 7 V , Wholesale Grocer, Cstanitston tit Ittettlissoli awl , &ales is rioilitett god Sitibur' ....nititattattits , No. 24 Ws= s P'• bat 13y2C0, DraggisalaW4qtasaiS7 • ,21a:4524arlast SI:Am dcansabase-Thinf at Puy*:, .banyhysill•liaaeeaossautly arikana a well salectsdia ssranera alba best and M.b.^ , a, !us • will sell Akan= yassonablaininixa- - Pay - deli= Ousgar *Oath arDl inh.PrasaPitTninada-Wand sap. 111 ad with anielsalneY a‘Y salY Van =Pusan. ",pxyaidans Presoiynans wuba senoyately gut .0.-VaMsdm.fittrannt!abnat Swum" at any banyal r —tal a tar ! " 4-- - a - -1 , I t.P!' at 7 k , t az ! h Ina gßaa*Pansl* on M & ehlubt De¢leia t¢ Ruin, .4aTiartql R , - PABllllll.l.,' :TTssvxaw, re. ji ., ENNEDY,CIELLUI I. 4bol,2danufaettitert of yell' " ' imparter 4.4,'lihuottulitli, CuPdt CL.du . Oda.. , ja3o4y -- ":" 77 " ---- Veirstvitas iron Works: - • ,SliN/A, -I.I.ILZELL Ccriassaufaciatura of all I. xiiiirzir;sbestizkeeithi.-aw Kalb of the attid.. quality. Wareliatuottild avatar and tOrtfroul ¢ ! ,taujd 1111 - WATEMANA oiwld.cmCer, orwaS ' azidecnzairtiort Brerchoptlsr a Pitts- BrinutiOnifit anli7,OP*l,Z44: 4 lY!"G rait • 4 riadailFioutst • • - -lq7. I * — roam 3L - - icantx-miarTi PVIUS FAJANimpt://G 04Vintiatz v i o v m d e - - "lptimpa Gumaxamesenuctf t . _and . les_ diunk in•jer6igitimigloricALTszt. ":-* /*Y"P' YCZCIA -nr-oFqincittilyaiir-Oca, ttio " .I TniraVir r eg as any carer lamas wen --AN/ .B 01; !Wholesale Greetcrs cad Cconnd s7: •,. lattbalni, Moil% Libropst;;Eittabarsk. WILSON 2;.' CO, (late Jones, MorybrEs —. ".LEl:Ccs),Wholcsale Dealers. In „Dry , Goods, NO. 48 , jWitoditrr.„.l, Pittaburgh, . rtor'a • It. 41114Mi N t it .t? • li,Merchant4aUrr and • Front auk, between ootlend Market sta.. Jane N i:r p: r n , r l s.t . tand an ati latiat i z;Patn iud . - • Pmirdi Meet, entrance on 4th near Market. ._ • • - -W — IttAMES SON,•No. 46 , Atiztat - st r • - "'door item comer .01" Ricoh, dealerrin ' and Domenic litEs ofAteluniga j Oartillottesof Depts. Bank Noses lunitivede: ' . x. Collections mad 'on all Ow principal; ditia4 z throgghont the United Suites. deciTyy _CKMASTI3I2, AsanductumOttic?, . =4 door Owe HallthEteld., south t tr ich * t r s "4' 4l ! (kn ' e .. ll Y!l 4l . V W "' Mika fa EtitUS ..• • ta. - ^ 4 7 • ..I‘,T..ll.oberti, at. D 4 grzu.a.uuc Bouomtg, will =OM to 'hi tom e 1;1=344;1/Lauer of the Ey!.. -., -Kim beta eupged idinin branch or the mull "' cot pinkish:lb Ibraateen'yeara,.iad haa conducted as ''' - ainablishataut for Ahiabriuurnent or Canaan of dui' ega alone lorneetral tura., . _ . ",' Ontol". add eenielodc• corner A t ßr!'" A " 41 a nd StraVicrtt alleyinilegtieny airy. - - sold OPZIECIN- TM& OTOnia.,-No. 711 Fourth— ic ' ' - az, nett Vitiod—' Ail , tivintities of,Gs and Blank ' Was,' 'dotta,up in gamier hott,aad Q•..' , 6 p o nd paeltates, -ranging' linat gt.tlie. - porpound , „PI , . /74 A. A g 1,10,4 Agt.' ibr Pektet.reisCo.- _l l oigliXoticittNWhaintdo Airtieer, inealiWar: jaraistiller u deale 'Prodnery Pittsburgh Idinusdie mtasiland sdrinxids'O Foreign. and Domino Wines iaad quo% NSC. l l.hibetn I ",c -1 ..: , 1...,..., 0 3.._ le .. ,,..ISTrd7 , - x ,, . - tune` atotk 4 superior 'I on. •.n0,nr.,•.!...t w iWil' . `g , erlueli will be sold low forensh:: - .. - ... ' 1iP_,..., 4 - A-rd i arniiiiiti C7 fereliante,aiDealerai 4 gis-, ik_santilaitdret, Piii:11:0 I d, st.,..Putaharth, .:.i.i lust c;.,14' , -,.... X an -- . PWICURALZFeLL. it,Whaiettler.tiroceri,- anot FenTariAr C4ll,- lderslmats,dealors pinglugh.gmpthittires,49DetlY /0 I 61,14M1 les UsaiMPtert4*,o,and mount' ',Lunatic:Urea, iikillilaberty - .llLit doa IDEMIOLIIS/a BUM - ft er n id A 4 Iterthaatal kw ins aticfrA uga i.za w th,,,„,,,, deQ eta in.kitancriza,i Pinnate, - . , andehliabla et 4. • Tbatiljdast pize; in cash, paid at all tlinas • Calmar of lecut " /1. aft*iswtmt . • Ntdolootiq.Deik4g on Dry Glocon:NcoO9 Vi , nod tr. =•:"‘ - 06-1-141tWitafTWe rebsf-tic*.irin, Aline sot Prodna generally, and nor .. 01 , 5 4t. 'and - • Mendoza", N. MI Water st. Oe"U.O: = • MEM" BAGALEY kCoo ' Wholesale Groeotileo.: I Twodsmoilealiors,No.llso Mann eireoubotwom, d 410:24intraldeirditadelpin.- itafteratit wok,. Merettants, o. 11,Libesty it, pualitripl; t:I(oalt BONNHORSr Ja•Co,Vtiolasalcarti. Mai ntimotil i te r tacrakaluA, LarlitsbaYgh a atoms walivalaatztlta -11 is rl hartreakavattla their -Wm flaar.ansaAaTaistaad) cerner at iraata tad Chai?,7o Ur*. I ftecoTroatolevarina sat 9 e t . i„ :=l hc4 / 1 3:Zigif =WOO' to em GroevisgCanzW 1 4143textkants, and &aka la raanne. tib:3s artia;rodouX).- x 8.414. tgIVEIE4NWi_ 2;1,V,b,..?!e1440_ JP od . , '• , '•A °09.4 . 11 ;:W 1 0. Mani , . treetattlekac t$ AA W - IVIL§DN, Dealer 1.11 • asebel., • 3.1w. ,1 47 F , eDerrefaVare,Dlilitary Oocela/kei o'. tall" 1,..41t1 , 1..1"- . • • " ... 1 , . ~-. . .- ; • •• _ •',.- :. 'Z• i ...." r ..; . .i ...-;' t.' 1 ; :: - ••:-', • 4 ' .: :.' ''' ''. i - ; :: •,'•'• --'.. - '.'''' . , . • • - • , t .. ••.. - ..., .... .„..., ~ .. . .. . .. , . • . • I ~1 •- • ~- • -1, 4 1 14 ••' .W...tc- 7 ,.: '' :' , 6 . ' , . ' • • ~'".,'-', I."; .. . - ”.. r.... . ' ..- :- • • ~. ! , • i . . • . • . .A••71.:,....P -2 :-' l , -:-.,-,..•*•,;. ....,....-:-••;.-: t , . - -"f%* . , ..: , ' 2, -- ...'?!F . F'?" •- ,1" . ' _ '' .' ' li k k ..' i '-- -: -, ~.., ;.1 , 4 , ..,. . ::::„..' C'l :ii 1 ..i P .. ' .. ,I . d .- • ' .:. .134 !.. , . t , •.• - . . •• . • ..,, .._ - 1 .:• ...-"!.:-.`..-- . l' '-' ~ 4 , 4 I . Mal - -' ,--- .11 L. '-'. ..,' - . ~ .... . _ . . . ' ' CARDS. DDIA D. WIOX • • ' • D.LvID arc•IDLIDs.. Alincir, & TOLMII, Asaccessors to L. O. T. D. VT Wtok,) , Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Cohtklission iderchans, dealers to tron,Nsils;Glass; • Untai Vann, and Pillsborgt Matotfacrarts.grocragy, Fora-rat sod'ind Water + sutets. Ptosbaralt._ , Mina and Voniiiatng Merchant., No. SRI Twit( 01. between Wood sod • • *ciliates. y . CE, filik stone and Mtn Pastash s tatestalandtteMM.2 , l4. Liatity sly stint the MURPHY, Whokiale *ad Ftemil dealer in ter Fotnign 'and Domezio Dry Comas, north east tamer of Market and Faarth its. '121,1"4 •s zatcsir , Aetna Drut. =eau, Pius• gasyl4 W 1..T011110, nlO, Z. SVCEML YOUNG& Co.—Dealers in leather hi era, &a. LA 143 Libertra. • and-ly Gtoe.ts, is,laber dzall t; t . AR &IL WCUTCHEON, Wholesale Groom, doe' • I • -ler. in Produce, Iran . ; Nails,Glaca. and I'm. be rth Matinfaiturea .genorsnt, U , ll,ibertyd Phu.' •'•• ' • et 1, - V7.7W:WMar;Wii`SeiWeirelryti&s .- • y 7 . and Itlllitary Goods, comer of Market dud dth altec i trittsbrtifib,' Pd. NAL—Watches land Clocks dect OlatfiTlitandseturee of Cotton and colored Lbten,Fron&es foe Dresses, he; Bescing Stlk&cott Colored' Cotton - Frutgla foc.silkt and giogharn Parasolsslohair, end Bullion made to ceder dn tiesltettest notice. 'serolt;_cOrner of Maidett Lane and William, advance ' es Ilista street, thitii floor, over Abner & stoie, NO 65 Melba Lane New York. yti u pEALEESLIST.I.IIDES.ANIMEATAitaiIoroec o, thoo_findirp,fte,Pko. 14a Liberty street, hone oat reociired. then SPERO PTOCK of ' goods, coat. priait&n.lagga assortment of articles in their turn, t o arjoett the attention of pureharen Is invited. .13TEAM , BOAT AO ENTB Osncs &tans ht. ALL Co, es= N 0.42 Watev Stlett. INSURANCE, I.I4DEININIT Ths Frer;4lin Foy Jusairodur Ca. of ..PitiLsiciphid.7 lA!RECTOR'.—Charles N.Ttaneker, , 'Mama Han, Jl.-1/tToblair\Wane ,r Hamel Grant, /Mob H. Smith, Gee. W Iliehards,-hfordecal D. Loan., 'Adolphe E. Bork, David S. Brown, Morris Patterson. • I Qualms N. Hamm; President. Charles G. Balloter, Secretary: •COUldurato Tote insonsice, perpetual .or diluted, OD every des/MT:Ion of proptstry to town or cduntry, at rata* low as are comdseentwith wearily. To Company have reserved %large contingent Food, whleherith their Capital and Premiums, safely invest maple promerion,to LOD asnarad.. The "W . " the al January la, It-19, as miblishedzadrocably to an act of Assembly, were as TwaP. l3 47 LPIVII. • Casth •$1,32i1,492 7:1 o thetr.inemporatirm mrioti of /9 rilits they Miro . imid upward. done mil ' foar hundred them and dollars, Mato by fifty thatch,' &Sordidly evidence attire adtantages o iniatiLOM on the o and .dispoution to meet with promputen it liallaules. , , J. GARDiriftrt WPM, Agent, Mee N comer Wood and id sta ' 5111LEWilarlitli dd. A. iII.A.DELEtd, Agent inpinsborgh for tho Del-P• ,SareMattteMatfltenciadeo Company &Phial adelphin Piro War apottbalaino ; and tearchandise of army desetiption, ; and Maine Wan upon hulls or duvet or'voStels, tikett'tipMs the mast faro midis terms. • • otsde in the Minimise Or W. B. Etoines a tiro., No. 97 - Water; near Market stinky Pitittnugh. 11:13.' , -Tha Woes& of this Cinaparry Once llad nub" ailment of thn'Agenep in thisniry; with the prompt itettand Peraltry - with - wirlitineerr Milts ppm them for lost Mu teem adjusted, ray warrant the agent in ' Malting the Confidante ind patronage orbit friends and thetocaretinittat large to ilas Delaware Bt. $. sumo Company, while, lel* the additional advantages - at Mt initimtion among the Mattliontlabing lai'ltilatiel phia—as hating im atoplayiaid , M MOW; which by the operation of 'Mr chatter is 'ecmarantly Inereatirm, ea - melding motel* parson moored 'Mlder share'iof the pronurof the eacapenyoonitanit involving hin6 natty . tesponsibhity whatever, and therefore as. mint-sales the-lama& prineipte OM:ImA or. every oncapz.. fea tto,e. and id lb most attractive form.' ' noci. H 1P126 - . llAlf lIII4IIIIIAI lart*Jtr..S.. T. 44 eato=ile r nii4 acZno h "ie ' P Trid ip itTL l VAZ i ,;Th'="'n.°llPlGM"d': G Caw - , Bawl W. Jam* Edward Emith John A Brown, Jahn VVlrius,. Roma P. Gore, Samuel I , 2StEntb., StGeao lirookAi . Charles Taylor, Ambrose White . Jacob btl.Tbsurdis, John 8 Ned„, Rickard D. Wood, ,Wm. Welsh, ' 'Frante.i Doskens, • , _• B. Amen Allibone, A.RTIIUR. G. COFFIN, Presh. . . D.,Smozoli.tioey.. • This is.ttte oldest. Dsurimee Company In the 'United Steles, fa ha .bean chanmedix 174 m , . a g ha x charier Ampl mA im sToidius: siskso as rsso e s e ! .Malents thanetex, inay.bo. censidered offsting am .ple seemity io the potato. . • JONFO.. Attar Cmirktiogitoom of Atoro,ed.,Joues,l‘. CO.,way leciarist frontsireets Pltudionib. • •-• ' erinTS fi r • Elites .bpeneppetnted At pid tam.vithideskiihe•CO49l; 42 .9. , bioi 9 l.•= l 4 etta'arilliliste Policies asilittiend to'llt.othei.troineas of de Ageneyou the wirehostse of At !ones & ,;•.mplR• . - ' ;WM. P. JONES, water in Oiawut. .8 nienontowlat, %ono. "1 DANSXIIO , PfIiiIB. CO. TOBACCO: CORLAUBSON_ ~BHCIIAM tB, -(GO.' l/ Smith Wherva A cad No. 11713tOda Shunt sr vitas to ; ,he eta le tad de that grSielly, ,up.ruubuigh, they laavfortado sneb arrangement. ...ritk the 'Antall. 'altnufeeldrees and do Croc. of er thWo.l4.ltVesandien, and diger place; ta intlatt a. :large saleonsumt supply, of the fallowing rip, tin= of TcAtaccoortielk Ira be wad upon Mt FCC*uy. modeling termsnit any bollettorme w WiaMs' or el.*. irbirtOndlall goods" ordened (mak Mesa wilt . rented eq.* m representarlom • . ! Havana; Domingo; Conn.; Iran. e , .Porto Rico;; Setusartnon. - Cabs; . • .Ignici4 •le Morn* Santo; ,lALSlllk't ode-bra* lanamtla Stag CI•CD, with o large elmortmeat of other popular bnulds, end Qasldieaaf pinstds, •Sh . tie, 12., NW and alai Lump; •NS 4E1%04 UN Ping; bates iflrglrtin:Tnoto, ta., user. and plain, m whole end Mtlf Sonet, wood. lOW Wgbg eitiO wins avery variety of snide Wang. '' .MN A. SHAW, PACKER OP PORE AND BEEP, • Conualidon lierehant and Fazwarder, • - s CANAL ST,t CINCLNNATI,OLUO. Der-Pardeutar wanton' paid to slut pusebnnlnn of arinty &Aide of Prod". in Win market. Alsd to the forwarding of flood' generally. Refer to Mann. JeltsSozseynk Co, • latockweliCineinnati, 0. • •-s-• 8. C. Parkhurst,. Esq. • • tapplanattrtt • Kier& Jones,: • • PittgbutBh, Eatabthis. Bnotlest, . • miuttdCan OEOUOilit octinuukar.. ' .963anqassint and Ftrrwarditaggetettuatit;', , 1,14- 4 83 woontr.; rnmurcriatt; noliTpsrllEB to trahnet • genetalContatisalon tntstl lkj seas, er ,d,,,,. gn= ly in the Purchase and gee bf Ameri can Mu • sad Ptodnee, sad to tenciving and formaglit •onsiv - Intkut tin ewe. *L . / 40ra far 1•6 M..emnen; he vn1111.15 earcuntstly,sapplnta 'nth d'eptineipal Articles of Pittsburgh Altingfactati rat the ;lowest ‘Wtiolement= - Ordept and 'cannignsanntl , 1111. EGOLF,_ treriDlSE BROKER ositcommiAiloo odort. lvl.ehaat, N 0.35 t3oogi From emelt (wend story.) NY'Lloodo portioned, parked, lamed, ' *Ott ibippod to order. Wool, Om, Gr*.o,, Dried Volt and Chemin received do 'consipoorni Orid liqdeforiiD blame. obtained. • Rzwroecii.—War.-801l 4 800, high's :and; ana, 36 Hunt Child ritual . Ittli•dirm GEORGE A:-EIERRY aniorx.sALll ciaocara4 AND. CODMIEBIONAJOICIIINT, AND DEALER Von t Naito, Cotton Yarns di Plttabinigh An t, Ito, 10 Aroa uf r ilir" , genetallY';a. • • 11...T.;•ZEEC old Dialw Oveleam • 4 ' laddrollirdwiire d0:133 Wood.lll4lelltadibiling.V,VO. I: B b=lki .. i t g utit s t l o P t=l Pl Zole r i l l= embsAmm—. mock— it hani.bei% f L n add Lb' best mum, from the beet mutes. end. wethiWore fm.la eidfdlent of being able tea adord utidaellanlo eakio r .outy favor !dm with a cal inelll;dant ' ' aPiiiital 6 VEL 3 lii..-406. ShO• -1,7 ie.; de Menne Forks; 10 do Ondn Shotaq Id 310 Seeker do; Ilitehms, kranocki 'And Tielmi Zellowy, Vgek, foksider madiractorots juiced fliv , dot!!! GEO COCEIRAMos mood e .. 1 rrrnounoti ••• AIME FACTORY. , :ssuua4iosisw. - twins w. Ames. JONER £ <MG% -itff!uguncroa.Eß* or . 9,lpg mid 141*.r, 1111-1k 11 6 1110 : 1 , odd Ploudn wiu6L notelk.endell tie spongy, luunntered lanai axle*, and dealers in MAI. Itablo dadtorylrd MOO ) .. P.Smicone ll . l /mI.P. semodttimlnam . Row Odd iron ate., titinbetr' put. • Hav•ral,PE„,a pui Whlab readers autdd, water WW by -••-• - removing all antoaareas natio um. watcr. rte =motin:tar lit /44 Volt, • _ clear and pore to Out eta Iri .S/ 1 4#4 1a44 = 1 Pa"" alla coo w "..hm o • imam , worm, &or large t Vac aaielt6fe ar Ilia with me bld-mul 'M N ac " Mara fa meg and da ra e, sow tot Malaita with the ingayzalenes laclUnt to mhos , in. 4 .04 - 60ti. doomed vita= ballotaeltod Sam Abe wag tospo, billneralf taming tba avy or boa& - from pawn& 18 the tytkei By this tily - procels, ihs eow e ri t /hang and 4/ atettlordraloaa to 'star tines Yea eff tgro oo t butiuoly, .alitholltttlltommdAS 41 °- •It sua tallumgall tha being snap Zack, andillituala mug : d ... l 7oh e be car oweniant and atataaatigl. Itntn ba WV , It Prettalthltb a h , thiL lOW akt 1 1 1 .4 t 4 1 W Vli w uja ori, h*4 ',2•411,er Paaral'ltad Markilt sty and Skuno. l6 Vandfra 110140.5.• Dipstailite GOOD j um ciatca µld in siskailits " i g a izzehaa strrouwri,- laa •BioitatittagitEMl.4lor .- . 'prs , . - (ChlotlMtet-Ltosmt 1:- 4 - ; imbteritroYslottel Moontlyieeived Ylifor from the. l mukataeturers) ittrifth eapptr mt.*" . Morro bro2Ml artletoi whieli Meg mill- MU at;:ato !dwelt- MIS kolltrieto tor cub otiloptrrredbil ", apfl ' ''' , VV al.f 141Tu . ' m. r ,enbrLateypsoilmlle 2J2=El=3l J: .D, . . . n. r.... ~ `.: 3`~.?74. LAW lOFFIRS. 1911%. TI iBLIN ATTORNEY AT LAW r. Budir, Pa . . . . TIMM, alsmanend tooollectioniand aim Imm nami entrastad io hiatin Halter and Armstrong counOss, P. Baler to . J. 3 ft Floyd, Liberty it. W. W.. Janes Marshall' do Pinsba rib . aIY • Thit Ca.., Wood et 1 lan7 y SWFITZUR. Attorney at Lao, office ad at.. RI a ..VP 0 ..4.!5A. , Charles Hotel. Pittsburgh, mill oh. 'attend promptly to golleetliona, in Washington, Payette and9reca coatUips, Pa, moOtonookzon a co, Church tCeicoaors, }Pnub"gl' 1:.). F l J. HENRY , Attorney and Coancellor at l.sts. Ohio. Collections In Southern Matt tin in - Indiana, and in Kentucky, firooptly and rare. lidlivttended to. Coannitraioner for the State of Penn sylvania, far taking Depoltuaas, acknowledgnienu, ~. mtr. r'core~oa Itiyta To-flon. Wm. Dell d Pen s Curtis, Munch d. 'Cart:ahem, Wm. Ilaysi tc Davi, 035 ArroitNif AT LAW. ;-. offlee removed th Fonetb ISteei, between Smithfield .ad Grant sweet • _ • 'wig! itertiLor i ' r. 1.1/ IttELSEN slrnrlll. D EASbErl,lllallorney etL-, Office. an 3m h „„ 10,1 N RAIIILIN, Attorney and Counsellor at Low J molCommlonioner for the State of Peonsylvamo &• Lem* Ain, (late al Pmebergh.) atcnountmerittsburgh: lion W Forevanl, Hamp ton &Aline', tereandleas & At'Clore, John E Parke, Ilissella& Semple, Al2Cord & King. lett:ly JOHN T. tatithAze, ATTORNEY •AT LAW, Fourth street, between Smithfield and arlirm lain-dent A . 7101L'i3rEl LAW, Fourth atteet, near Grant . -a H. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law, has re w/4 inflow" his office to Me Exchange lindatng. St. .Rlaust., next door to Alderman Johns. aprly BATS, GAPS AND BONNETS. .111.1CO11D & CO 4 (Simeessors M'Cord & King) . OIL Was hton•ble a ,s, I armies of Wood and NA Streets. rh&KFICULAIL attention paid to one Retail Trade. Gentlemen can rely upon getting their flat. mid CaPa from our establishment of the am b 1.4.3112.1.11 and Weartd•RULlT, of the za mum, and at the Lowini Merchants, parchasing by wholearde, are respectfully Invited to .all and examine our Stock; as 06 cart any with confidence that ea reksinis 441,1.1.131 14111TEICI, it will not sater Ina comparison with any holm in Philadelphia. Ght7 gi Vn .• .. CAISKORPLIA TIA 7S -12 do. water proof atican:MC Hats, just reeetved and for sale by AVCORD It Co, corner sth and Wood es -•61,017,438 11 • • I/4,7 4 24 2%3 • • , 919,001 • • .61,523 t•S •-• -4414:4= SPRING FASHIONS FOR 1840. M'CORD & Co. will introduce on Nettif ikaday, March 6d, the Spring style of fIATS- Those in want of a neat and superior hat, are lean to eel at corner of 6th end \Valid streets. nuinJ SPRINO BONNET RIBBONS. de.--.W Ft Murphy ba4 now, open n supply' of spring Bonnet }ribbons, of new and handsome styles. Also, new style Bed Belle; Lisle tares and Edg ings; Wen Edgings; Vietoni do; plaid Mealbs. and Sam:tents, embroidered Swiss Blundell, tee.; besides a large sisoriaterit of Spatig finals generally, el nortl), east Miter 4th' and Market streets. Wholesale Room up stairs. LOPIIILTAIIT TO TILE AFFLICTED . . _ hose's Celebrated Comedies.. p1t...7AC08 B. ROSE, th e discoverer and mile ma - pricier of these most porralur and beneficial rued. tuts; mad alio the laventor of the celebrated instru ment for inflating the Longs, in effecting a rare of - Quante diseases, was a student of that clement ptryst elan, Doctor Physic s and u a gradaate of the Umversl ty of Pennsylvania, and for tinny years since his bceu engaged in the invesugation of disease, and the applt- Cation or remedies thereto. • 'Madill the use of his inflating tube, in connecnon With his - Propltylneue Syrup and other of hts re medles, he has raided an unpaoleiled eminence to curing those dreadful and fatal maladies., Tubercular t.lon storthtion, lancers, Scrofiala Rherimausm, Asthma, Fever and Agee, revers of ni l kinds, Chrome fteysq.- las,, and all those obstinate tbseasevpecultar to tramdea. jorteed every form of disease vanishes Under We one of his remedica, to which humanity is heir-1301 by the use of one oompound only, for that is incompatible with Phyuological Law, but by the use of too reme dies, adapted to and proscribed for each pecultar form of divace. , Dr. Hose's Tomo Alterative Pills, when used arc in. 'variably aekneradedged to he sopenor to all other, as a purgative or liver pill, intommeh as they leave the • bowels perfectly' thee from cosiiieness; as also his Golden Its Wadi:mined by the faculty to possess pecu liar Ventres! adamedlo female diseases, but 14Ing satisfied thee a bare trial is sufficient to establish what has been said In the minds of the most skepdeal. The afflicted are invited to call open the agent, and Ottreirre.(gratis) one of the Mopea immphleu, pv.4 adetaited actual:materiel' remedy and Ins application. Ver.:arde by the followingagents, as well as hY meat Draniil7 throughout the country - Schoomaiket k Co, 24 Woad insect, Patsbergh, r'7l.2lTouniseed, dintigiss,,o Market it • Leti`Alleclihron, .near the P.O. Allegheny city; Joallarkley, Melamine, Beaver county, Pa. on 'TliANumUc.rer, " " " • • •nortledly 001./013, PAIN-1N ME SIDE AND CM:PT CU l—Hering a -to a -to long 'time been distressed =lb a =saw pain bathe side and chest, accosepanted =tire dry cough, I was induced, upon the urgent soh 's:tali= of a friend, to Dr. Taylor's 13alaant of 'Avai -1 Wert, and I must say this medicine has answered LW purpose Isdanirably. My distress ores produced by a severs hurt, and was so get= tout was with duheultr I mud swallow my food_ Indeed, lem wda4ed thus disease must hose terminated 1.11 Consumption, or some fatal disease, had it not been cured by this jttderiotta medicine. To alr who seek to prolong their bees, I would =toe the use of Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liver- JAMES ROWAN, ttto Bowery . Heine facilitates expectoration, reduce; Is. ter, resumes strength:omA may be constdered w n su pentirgrepannion for the sure and prevention of all ,'divcaacti in the Cheat and Lunge, and should be restat ed to, Cl= afterthese din ases have resisted the usu. al temadbm Inthdprnetlee of this old and very te epee:3lga plyaielan, this Balsam ol Weisman has Ar vind an enviable reputation for its virtues, m ripe ner to that of the abundant nostrums of the day, no was thorh.ss rer awl probity of its inventor, to that Of quacks and empities. CONSUMPTION CURED.—My son having a vio let:meals:Lased to cough violently, raising gumshoe, of thielkirattid matter, sod finally Ins could not mrn over to bed, frant weakums.. Ile manifested every smi tten of confirmed consumption. • For six year. he hail been subject to the autumn. Ilts physicians, Marone. 'Vennottle & .findenan, said he taus locatable, and =III soon die. Yet I was determined to try Dr. Tay lor.* Batumi of Liverwort, and strange as n mop op. peer, this medicine Mu folly restored Lis health. WPM& GALLON, 14 Norfolk struct Sold to - PlUsbnrgta by I D Morgan, Al Wood at Townsend, rahleAtet at.; H Smyter, cor Market and &LAN ilenticuren & Co, 5 Lateriy at. Price reduced to 11.60 per boob. . • Jarmo. Expectorant. ' Sums, Ctgumbiana eet.,o., Apr. 24, tall. Dana Blc-1 feel bound to you and the afilietedpinblie, to artul myself of this op. ,pormnitypfgering pnblicity lo the extraordinary offeets prim •=peenerant brirdyeelf. 'llaving been afflicted 'for sherd leant with a Severe cough, beetle fever Ind its coneemitanidlsenses and seemed only doomed to linger oat a attortbot. miserable existence, until the fall of .18210,dadtett, being more severely &nutted, and having resorted to all' my former remedies, and the pre •scriptlons oftWo ofitie most teepee/able phyaietans an the neighborhood without deriving any be t iegt, or t h e conitolation ofinniving but • few days or weeks at .fattliest—when rho last gleam of hope ' , me about to Intaish s 11114 recommended to Me your Expettorant— ang blesiedbythat Eking who does all things to the um of the meets-mad Contrary to the expectations of ply physicians and Mends,l was Inn few days raised 'from my beg - turd was enabled by the roe of a bottle, to attend to my btuilotss, eMoYing since Letter health than I had far teg years promos. Respectfully yours, tse., J.. W. Parer... For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 72 komill street. • mare 110—USSE i t AROAIATTCK VINECIAR;-The high ly sanatory, balsamic-and, tents properties of tie. inegairetideg t far superior to Cologne water for ilmordmary purpoacs Of the toilet, surpassing rho lot -ter la its porfunin It . prevents and removes pimples, letter and anPeritY 01 the skin, itrefreahes rid whiten. Aheakirt, rendering it eon and mitomi. It corrects the clammy end bluer taste of the mouth, imparting a fresh and pleasant breath. It eleatmes and whitens the meth, and hardens the gums. For all the above pur e...A.3la used with water i no , 4ch l rop i rrgen as may it al . remlvo .' h ba eali g ehe ." d . f m uri b p b l ' iM instantly to a bunt ot braise, it will evecically prevent fromit correct vitiated air, rod foommtles from eontrupem.it Is therefore vary Amend for muffling and perfortupg apartmans. For outs by SELLERS, Wholesale Druggist, lach2l SI Wood street, Pittsburgh Tinuassae. TEla lb certify that I purr -honed cum vial of Dr. Ldirli`o Worm Specific, at= two months ago abet gars tti awn of mina, mime seven yeasa old, two ataltpline full, and although the amount may appear larglalitl have no doubt but thaws VOLI upwards of gwo ownimfloa venoms paned rrom him io nteasunng Mostioutqnartur of an Inch to two inches no. W• whinny. ,Carrot co. Tetni A pee V, 1147 S- "--- RS!! vtlaralitar, mi GEORGIA,— . . . Cottranms, /att. 11th, MM. sip, IC& Sefleriw-VOur Verudfuge hu sold well, and h. boon higllt yokes of by all who harm used Vra. 1105 alMeells attending the administration dr your Vermiftege ha,lortiy ease I have heard of, I fun confident L eau sell more dorms the mining ormson than t did Jut. 1 velato ghul.o receive cmother sup ply of 4or I groat. :Yours, respectfully, . • AEZtlaill (Mao letter.] . EL CARTER. Prepared and sold by IL &SELLERS, 57 Wood at, and sold by druggiata generally, In Pittsburgh Rod Al leghny. . , irdrl ' —_ teas rullemo. t. r. Myra . ore. a. 00012.0 TM/MUM PITTMAN & CO., FORWARDINU f C 01611881.05 MERCHANT act..l42,siii.and at toot, m0227:41610 -,,, •1, • • BT. wins, mo. ?Vaha IE - inalnie'ribct Las timoiredlisleitale Grove vt..,....rtyoth.laillancOckittrect culd we meh4Tall? "ITHN F.''YERRY. PRU.,—Jastokc • gos lasso an , selectia — issot mote( fino Wsocees srul..learetrfrorbice sold es Chalky...in eny altipt:ostabladm..t " =l}rgllrl s , iiyaristy "tom Watchespnd vet* low prices. Frail jiswelled enrol Gold beTerisl4loW 83 ditrii47.o.4ADlTL - • W wasori, WOW", :...corner - Oth andenarker sts Per Grawnwes_ _ ..reltilse • , ITurr, new and fut. recallg stem boet.THOMAS I SCOT% kaveg thetkeWrefeed Wharf Dom, et dm .feletowery ter .Iknar Awing the din 'UMW& at to A fine estlleltiert Of the eLoleasiSireeOlionse Plante i , ,isaGatjall.l.lthoessiVar lee ,CTOILPSO and other re freehttientst ittrehhed itk *a .411091*.... ~.... , , ~ 1 , ..11munisptOp- It Os 'lions.% wrifee. Gerdig It for :Setetety lift at the wharf heat, will receive pe rept 4 0 4 4 r, -,., , '..,., ..,,,,,,, ~,_,.,t, -,z, _.. ::::...7, , ;; , 4;.TrZi . 7, ..: , 5 i4-47::t 3;T . ..r, 1 • PITTSBURGH.,.. FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE MEDICAL. ==nlM COPARTNERSHIPS. DLS.OlUtion. THE co-partnership heretofore esisung between (be subserthests, to the name of Frsend, Rhey & Co, as thIA day dissolved by mental consent. Geo. llhey will settie the business of the concern, (or which pur pose he a andlortsell to use the name of the Itrtn. PORTER R. FRlM`ip t JAMES WOUR, (IEO. Fehmary 7, IE4II Ces•Partnarshign The so litte r liters baYerthut day oeseeneed thee:Pelee! , n thenano, of RUE.V i thLaTTIIEWS tr. Co. for the purpose of transacting a ganernl Grocery, Cometirsion and Forwarding Benne., at the nand of the Into fine of Friend, Rhey h. Co., shore they will be pleeeed to seine the patronage of the eunemers of that house id our fnetota. GE(). RILEY, LEVI ALIT7'IIEIVF, Whi. EBBS. I=l We lake pleasure In reauo mention to the eou fidehee a44 , tur (tends arnl those of Pnenti. RheY k Co., .. ss, &hey. Matthews PORTER R. FRI JAMFn WOODS. anolntlun heretofore existing between the au name of Const.ol4 Ettrrket lard by mutual consent. ..—..._. •ealr the bunotees of the eon en, for Netuell pufltose they ore authortoed to use the Me of the cartem. N ATE{ A NMI. CONSTABLE, EDMUND HU .41 - CE, THOMAS BARN KS. The undersigned here this day associated themselreu In the name 01 BUR & BARNES, tor the purpijse of methufeeturtng Fire Proof Safes, Vault Ibots, &e he, of the stand of the late firm of Constnble. Burke & Co., where they will he pleased to reeelve the pa tronage of 010 CMllloo6lerfuf that house end their /beads. RD &MN D BURBF, THOMAS HARNISI.B. In reurnm from the Gun of Conataldr, Anrke k Co., orttlz moven- pleamna recommend Meow, Burke & Barnes in the confidence of my f r 0.11,1 ,, and thepuhhc. Feb. IL I-49 NATHANIEL CONSTABLL,. fe1,13-thr Dlaisolati s on termership Co long eZiating Under the firm of /a King, was by 'nun.' consent dissoleed on the lst inst. The Msineee will be closed us the ald stand* cutter of ea, using tint name of the firm for shot purpose. Being' desirous to have our business closed with as huta delay as possible we would re 17:i'rUaCieYouire" 51, 0.0 "'de ' Till& C D " . MT I CII;IV ° nelln IL P. KINIL co-Partn•rxhip. TOIIN D lIITORD having associated wthhim his brotherslaines Allterd, under the style el AFC.ord b. Co., will emoinue the Hat, Cap nod Fur balances In all tta Val 101. branches, wholesale and retail, at the old stand, corner of Wood and sth streets, w hero they solicit a conunuatton of the patronage se liberally he Mowed so the old fill. JOHN D Iit•COILD. 1023 JAMES B. I.PCOILD. N rettring from the old end well known firm 0 T bl`Cord & King. I most reepectflly recommend the' patronage of the public my nitccessers, Messrs. fel'eord & 11. D. KING. .DISSOLUTION. pennershtp of MI:11.1HIT k LEE I. d.O dsy dissolved by mutual eonsenh The bueureas of tho firm .nu be nettled H. Lea. J. It MURPHY, .ittsburgh, Jan_ 3T, le4o. II LEE. NOTICE—Tyr enderulgned will continue. the Woo' hominess and attend to um calc of Woolen hoods, • the old eland. LX.I.- In retirtng from the firm of Merrhy h Ir o. 1 ink F rent ple.k.urn In recommending Mr II I.ne to 01 conhdonce of my friends and the Pittrkhuuti, Jan. 3n, J It. MURPHY. TFIE muirscribers have this day e. doted Mau selves together for the purport of transacting wholesale and retail Dry Goats ;old Grocery Lowness, at No 220 Liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the style and firm of 111. , 511FIELD S HAYS. Pittsburgh, January 1,1515. N. D.—Our old customers and the pablte are monad to !(Yeas n vull7 - - - - ht. B. SCAIFE and Capt. JAMES ATIaNKON hare enierell into paneretnp, under thsl firm of ..IFF rt dr ATKINSON_, and will carry on the Tut, Copper, and Sheet Iron Warr manufactory Also. Blackszeihrting in all us breeches, al the old stand of Wm. H. Seade, First street, near Wood. paruenlor attention given to steamboat work. sett' CA- VF. flo;filly.ls;fojnted wolf me oflewhole l . •alr l.rocrry, Produro and Cow otmoon Inflow* blether Jorfoph, undo, the farm of S DILWOICO,I ac. J DILWORTH.' I 'lO-PART NERSEI IP - Wm Young having the day .aonintod with hon. John H. NlVnne, the len they businv anti herentler to conducted mai, th firm of Wm Young 6- Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, jeug !NU FL NrelTili. BOOK TRADE. ENGLISII AND ADIERICAP/ BOOKS . TAMES U. U)CKWOOO. (tor notay yew. connect rd yeah Mospon. Wiley mot Putman. tool lair Job Wiley, Nc,e lurk end London.) Las cstaattshed. tlooaccliang House of No. 83 stieet, bctsaeort and ath elfeata %ahere only be luund a ealuablti en./len turn of STANDAR', FllitiLLSII and A.SIHRICAN • I.:THORr:, or price* or low of th e Hasler eitiec: EDF" EV.; LlSei 'and OONTINENTAL.LiOuItS. re views, Ilingn.nen, Newspapers, to., truported lo ongm 114l1iITLIT1Cthini and INGORPORATED.BIEn• CLEITES ore entitled to receive their books' dutyfrie, ipcialftglsan and American Catalogue., turnishad Fa. ha to all those who desire them, or toot per mwl to wy odthcas. J. D. I. will alway•bn heppy to calif bit to ladles nml Rentlernan Ins 1.04x..k., to,.h 1111,1“, lo Ihr any ncuttrus nun which he may IgAilt.l tegurd,n,; Limn/. In) It) - kri7SW AND Its Remains, with an account of a clad to the Chaldean Chrtctan. of Ktordtatau, awl we Ychetru, or Devil Worrhipperi; mut rw sugatry Into the manners and ruts of We anetant assyrtans; by fiatteo Ilenry I , bYtrtbdt Esq., U In L. Just recd and for ado by at)7 JOLINSTON do 131 . 1JCIE VON Iteio lln tiooka, al Rood .iseller reet, : - .. anti o - n tnante of valuable collection of English and American &Kik in the dittetent departments of Ltterntare, whirl, he ',reputed to sell ZIA low they can be obtained in th. Eastern filled Kniltell and Con.ental Bookx,ly Mug in.,. and No e +raps pew, Imported to ordwr. - • • • • Th. Wm , o 1 nny Ro•lent Magazine or Nevrepape may be. pceruuned on apS;ration to PILL. Engligit antettran italogaes finttialmd grnti Mr. L. intends to unit the Smidern tines in a in days, and will Iro happy to execute any order , to Books, Engruttagn or Stationery, at 11 small *Avant. dm the coat. MTV XTEW BOOKS—Layard's Nineveh and its Het:mins, ii with tut account of it visit to the Chaldean Chns uans of Kurdistan, and the Vestal., or Devil- . Worstap• pen, and at loquiry into the manners and arts of the Ancient Assyrians, with an introductory letter by D Robinson 2 vela, octavo, with about 100 ilhmtrations. Chcever's Lectures on the Pilgrim's Progress / Col, 12mo. Pnce reduced to Cnsden's Concordance, condensed: reduced to ELno Macaulay's History of klitgland, Harper's Ileof Iwo vole. OCIIIVO—iarBC . print and fine paper, per vol. 75 cents. lresenins• Hebrew and Eriglrsh Leonconi now ed. improved. For sale by HOPKINS, myll_ 4th at, near wood BONS . BOOKS!'—Union of Church and State, by 'Rev B W Noel. The Church in Earnest, by Rev J Angel James. Advice to Young Men, by T B Anther; gilt. Young Ladles Essays of Elia—Charles Lamb. Epidemie Cholera, by Prof Coventry. Cyclopedia of Morel and Religious Anecdote. Complete Works of Charlotte Elisabeth, with me moir her husband. 2 volr,l vu. Illustrated with steel plates. Oregon and California in Isiebby Judge Thornton. Thu ate Expedition to the Dead Sen. Proverbs for the People; or Illustetaions of Practical Godliness drawn Horn the Hook Cl Wisdom, by 1, L I.lMVerally naottf,liy Dr Wayland. FAMellt• et Meteorology, by J Brocklesby A hl For sale by R norkiris. esy7 Apollo Building, 4th atiJ It 4 ihN PRIMEVAL: or The Co,llllUtiltiOLl and Prune IVI tree condition oldie Human Being. A roan-bu t/on to Theological Science, by Jain Horns', D. D. Lecture. to Young Men on various important sate Mac by 11 W Beecher. Channing's Works, complete: 6 rola, /Moo. The work. T S Arthur, uniform ..d. •0111. Just reed by myll it HOPKINS, 4th at, near wood . _ MACAULAY'S ENOLAND—Harper's fine edition, 8 no, portraits - , cloth-75 cents pevume. For sale by JOHNSTON /r. STOCK T O N. corner Market and Mists POOKSI BCPOKIM—FAtrat's Vonations of Portent, by Bev C Sperry; Acnophon's Watts; Tarn.' arks; University Barsons, by )yayl.nd ; Hamm] History of Itintliustasmi Life and 'Hanes of Ptubp Hen ry; Life of ace Henry Venn; Proverbs of the People of rbeoplanty, or maniferunion of (kid In Christ; Memoirs of J Powell Buxton, Hon; Christ Is dl all, by KlTg i yugt pibnC, hitese mpo s rLt s e o c d u t r n e o s d o es n T th h i e g tn's Progrss o Choeyerls Wanderings of o in the Alps; Anderson's Domestic Constitution, , Modern Ac comallshmants; Laid days of KIHbO Women of the Revolution, by Mrs Ellen Idle of Pollotri for solo by Inarl2 Etuarr & ENGLISH HTITIAN MAGNET/Sllll-Ilit claims to dlapatel ate ineituryi being en attempt to show the utility of It/ applienuon for lila relief of suifernuf; by W. Newohare, .author of ‘.'llna reciprocal anfluealca of Body and lted," etc. The best work on the collect published. For sale by ELLICYTT & marl 2 71) wood et 'MEW BOOKti—Oregon nnd California to le40; by /11 J. Quinn Thornton, late lodge of the Supreme Court of Oregon, and corresponding member of the American Institute. With no uppendtk, ineludtny cent and authentic inturntation no the subject of the GOLD AU NTS of California, and other valuable mut• let ofinteteal to the emigrants, etc. With illustraumm and a Lag. In two volumes. Raphael; or pages of the book of life at twenty by Alphonse de Lemattine, author of the "Mame* of the titrunibsts, or Pentanal ?demotes of the Patnots of the French lievolutton," etc. Just removed and for sale by JOUNtrroN a, L•roCKTON, corner market and 3d sts THE ASUCIOELICTEM • MEM attention of the,poblle is respectrutty (nailed io 1 the following certillentes: Ai. S. fishatts--/ loving toned entity of Gold weighed by your ATCOIIIIACII, I cod a the result pray. Au instilment eorreet;recommend the use of it t° 6 ". going to California, ns the best method for ob taining the reel - rain of Gold. Moo. J. 11. DUNLEVY, 00/4 Pinebtigh, Much 9,1819. PTITIMOIIeir, March 7, IBM Mu. Bums—Hear ffir; Having ataatined - tim.".fir.t. tooter," troundsetared at your moms, do not !mutate US,COMMtirel the useof those gentle/1m who uo about Vonioving to California In search of Quid. It Nivea si chase appmxitnatton to the ilpociflo grind ty of ototals,,tpld-Pda eorturtly enable the adveniurat to ascertain when hit placer Cold. marla Yours, resp'y. J. It. wcuircroblr. : .. TTW:T, r, nt, can be seen iS pplereitd ,variety' Of sap /Loyal Vel °vet -sad Tapestry CAirpeta, latest. sty/ea. Also, 8..- %alai 3 plys-md sup. and fine Ingrain Cupola, or Sup styles. and qualitiesi,atel to eminent/on ran slicer/ he found;Tible Linens; Crashes, thaws., Harnasks., reena,Cal Cloths, /today., to all of othscli ;Ira osiFtop, at4uuoo4rthe • - HOTELS YOUNT/LIN HOTEL LIGHT STREET BALTIMORE 7000 A ITI) 7111191100, raorarerom THIS establishment long and widely known as being one of the mom commodious in the city of Balumore, has receruly undergone very eXtart. sive alterations and improvementt. An enure new wing has been added, containing numerous and any The j art . r , riz n ta n end n a t al it e , ..nsive bathing ' nets treen .roornnuit.,l7 reorganized and fitted up in a Met antique mud ge ild stYk. In fact the whole arrangement of the Hone. has been remodeled, with a angle eye on the part of the proprietors, towards the comfoil and pleasure of their Guests, sad which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. Their table mil alway. be supplied with every nib strudel and luxury which the market affords. ..reed op in a superior style; while in the way of XVinesyke., they will not be seepassed. In conclusion the proprietors begto say, that nothing will be Left madam on their part, and on the part of their assistants, to render this Hotel worthy rho continued patronage of their friends and the public generally. The pnces for board have also been reduced to the followacy rates: Ladles' Ordinary, 61,75 per day. tientlemenie 1,60 'N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House wilt al ways be found at the Car and Steasalmat Landings, winch will convey baggage to and Irina the Hotel, free of chit r. Rift EXCHANG > fib soaves 07 gamy CO. Clam OM, errntarmodt The subscriber having assumed the manage• meat of this long established and popular respectfully announces to Travellers and the Public generally. thal he mill be en all times prepared to accommodate them in all things desirable Ina well regulated Hotel. The Howe is now helms thoroughly reps:wed throughout, aad now Furntture added, and no pants Will be spared to make the Exchange one of the very best Hotels in the country. The undersigned respactfully solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage the House has heretofore received. THOMAS OWSTON, fcb9dtf Proprietor. C 00.1173 OP YOURIII AAP G.Nr enteste, rerranuttott. THE subscriber respectfulli Itimetuncra that he has now opened his new and excellent Hotel for the necommodation of traveler., boarder., and the pubbe generally. Thu house and (tantrum are enurely new, and no pains or expense have been spared to render it one of the most comfortable mid pleasant Hotels in the city. The subscriber is determined to deserve, and there fore solicits, a share of public patronnirc octl4-y , JACOB HOUGH. Proprietor, _ _ _ ONITE - E1 - STATES HOTEL, CIIIISISSIT ST., r ISTWESA worn sllO n rrn am. AAPPOSiTE laic "Saul of the Wilted /State., Plias delphia. M. POPE MITCIIFILL, misenf Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS. Scrip at P.s, TAKF.N FOR CIIICKERING , S PIANOS. H.• . KLESER, a WoodwelPa. Ya S 7 Thud street. °Hen for ule an elegant lot Chtekerutg's Pia nos, itioston) to the lowest cash price, for Pittsburgh, Allegheny city, and enemy Scrip They comprise from em 7 octaves, and Were .elected by Mr. Chick , . ering for this market. They are warranted to be equal to any in the city, having all the Wert improvements, such as elreular orals, et, Buyers are tinned to call previous to purchasing elsewhere. end, also, to bring with them sortie good Judge. professional or oihrrwrae, to Judge orthe quali ty of the above instruments. H B--Written gnaranmes will br gnash with rarh Piano, entitling the holder to exchange in ruse the m artin:tent be proved m the leas, degree imperfect. or any. "14 H. B. MYI FRESH sralsa GOODS. — ghaekkit & White, T RY GOODS JOBBERS, Sia Wood meet, ask the kJ .m5llllOll of Merchants to their stock of AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, now receiving direct from First hands. Receiving sepia, suppliu of Gut pods during th. season. and devoting • large 'hare of their Penne to Rentern Auction sales, they can confidently tenet buyers they will Gad it to thus interest to rzamm. their stock. lust teethed, large Invoices of new style Do, Goods, Fanny Priens,*Camimeras, Cloths, Rumme Goods, Loess, White Goods, !MA Linens, Tailors Trunnunri and brown and bleached Shimming of van otm brands. mar 3 JALItIMB W. WOODWELL, Modern and Antique Furniture Ea, 'rm. ernes, Yrreatturtan. A Imam and splendid itatortment of Furniture, suitable for Stran:manta, Hotel& and pnente dere]. cdrununtly nn Band and made to order. the precut clock on hand cannot he eteeeded by y ntanunectory In the WrZWIII country. Persons • Wiling to purchase would do wall to epreAne a cell. • I ern determined tray prices shall please. Part o he stock consists In— Tete a Tete. Pallet Fi h :..q.te; Inns XIV Chan; M 15221 PUCCI Loa. XV Conantnaler; EMS= Freud, Mahogany Brilstred_os Piano Stooln; ,afas withand flair-cloth covon; 50 Mahogany Docking Chaim., 40 dot Parlor do s Fancy do LS centre Tables - Di pair Divans; ' 4 pair pier Tattles; 15 mob's top Dressing DarestaaL h Wardrobes- N Secretartes suer, I...Omagh's um Wash glands; 4 pole Outatnans; P pate tangy Work Stands; A very Ingte assonment M common rhaps and othe furniture ,on ntmterons to rdentlm. Q - Sir= Bout • furnished on the shorlehl nolie isd on the most reasonable terms. dee IS Chocolate, Cocoa, at.o. - W. Baker's Aracricat. sad French Ch.° Prepa. ed Poroa, Cocoa Paste. Brama, Cooott EhcU., ate. frO o m , nrc...h t a p si . th d ir c d ts cot o‘ t c =ra, f ur . bi; worom t i d purchase mom inuntiou. than tea or rioce, r quarnr it a ns7.l ' r! passed, the suhaenton recommend. Um above arneles„ MR nulactured by hinthelf, sod stamped with his name. His Brenta and ('neon Paste. as delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for invalutis, convaleneenta, and others. are pronounced by the most eminent phynciaris superior to any other preparation.. Flu menufactares are always on sole, to any quantity, by the most re spectable grovels ut the cementand by Limit agents, Ilawea.tirey & co., of Boston; Jame. M Boone & co, Hartford, Coon; Hussey & Murray, New Yotk, Groat Stone, Philadelphm; 'Nom. Brondigc, umorer, and Kellogg & Bennett, thnthanati, (thin. WALTkat BAK&It, Dorchester Mau. For sale by aug3l 1345.641.EY ft SMITH, Ars - Wrought alitiClust. Iron Biking l IF: subscribers beg leave to In-tem the goblin Mid T they hove obtained from the Fawn all the late and fashionable designs for Iron Hulling, Loth for houses and cernelerie. Persons %%intone to procure head some patterns tall' please call and examine. and judge for themselves. Ruiltng will be flinUshed at the short- eet nouee and in the beet.manner, at the corner Craig and 'Rebecca Streets, Allegheny city. anata-der lat. LAMONT KNOX. nancLOacturbd Tobacco. Q DXStkintry ac Horace. 'open," .teem 5 Ira; `3U 25 du At hllatler's " '• IL n=il=E=l 21 do do do 25 do do Pearl tc IlarorNl 14 do J Robitmon 57 ht do do 23 do do Wm Dawson 33d0 T 11/621404 37 do 47 A ndercon do I.T Dade, MEI= do Rate ha " 111 Just lauding from steamer and packets, and for sale by HEALD, bIUCKNOR 41 north water at and 10 north wharves, jeg4 Philadelphia Air A N - 17FACTll RED ToBACC:t.)--411 bz hf S auuaa A Son's superior sweat lb lumps. 'Shall' his Webster Old sapenor sweet Se lamps 35 " Lawrenog. Lattice " ba ZA " Gentry A. Boiister "3a & fis ?1..) " pullout (de la Eore) " On In " Me Lewl " Os •464 a Lassilenee I.ttinr "6s &Os ping Last landing from anemone, and for sale by HEALD, BUCKNOR & ON avatar at and 10 N wharves, my3l Philadelplatal XV. ilk.l. OLEAN, Book Blxvle WF. are still ang-aged In the above business, corner of Wood and Third streets, Pillsburgh, where wo are prepared ,o do any work our li ne with ! des patch. We attend to our work ("creamily, and taus faction will he given in regard to its neatness and du rability. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and taunt' sob stattually. Books in numbers or old books bound care fully or repaired. Names pat on books in gilt letters. Those that have work iu OUT line are invited to call. Priv , • low. mytaktf _ • SKI doe genuine French daft ' a very Imo stench,. A few dose. Phdadelplus Sins, from the manufactory of II hl Cruveford, to which the anention of boot waken ii inehed. Jvit W YOUNU& Co, 143 Ithrny. reccsve..l end for sole by Jel." _ . NOTICR. H . A VlNti sold our mare stook to C. IL GRA" with a view to elowng our old business, we hereby MY keit for him the parromage or all our friends mut cus tomers. 110 IV. POINDEXTF.II, THE, POINDEXTER. Pamburgh, Aug. 4th, 1843. C. GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission and . Forwardmg Merchant, No. et Water sr. Full - ay.'. L - AN D'lllCAtig rotivon - 1 -- ; AA FULTON, 801 l and Blass Fowler, hu ee l:milt and commenced baldness at his old stand, where he will be pleased to see hi. old eastern ers and friends. Church,Steamboat, and Bells of every sae, from ID to ItI,ODD pound...nits/ from pattern. of the mo.talTrn , etimodels, mid warranted to be of the hers motet - tat. hill.? with W.... Fumes,Goutors, Railing, for, titer regr- MI. every condo of BM. ClPtillgS, II required, Lamed and beached in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole proprietor of Busev's Aern-Arrar. nes ?duo- AO Insley celebrated for the reduction of triction no machinery. The Bears cud COIIIIMeIIiOn Cell be had of Luna ail daces. *Vol y PILINTI N 0 PAPSGiIt. MAE subscribers hams the exclupive Agency for selling the Printing Paper ill a new and esteasive paper Mill alit vicinity, will be at ail own well sup plied waft the different aims of paper of superior quali ty, which wo offes O.the lowest regular priers. Any sib, or qqal.l.lryoll be manufactured to order at ahort under. • ; REYNOLDS & SHEN, corner Penn sod Irwin Os INDlAtitiliCilifiliFi4:-.ltud reemval for ils California 'Papedition, a complete asportment of Dom Elastic Clothing, Si prices ranging from 85,50 to Stl,sd for shit of coat, puma and dm. For sale at die India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood at.. dec93 J & Ft PHILLIPS usT IikSIEIVED—Three more Of — lfir - 3. - SO justly eelobratedilamburgb Pianos, ased conmantly by List, Tlialt.irg and offset real Perr.:Tr . . T 'L, to g ether with a large ossartmeut of rosowooo and truneogany, of my own monufacture. The above i 011,610011. aro warranted ta be perfect in every respect, 11 .11 will be sold low for math. F FILUME, dec.lB No 112 Wood pt. 2d door from sth THE California. HE celebratedliasard Rite Powder, in kegs, hall hese, quarters sad cans, for sale by r.bl3 J'S DILWORTH & Co, 270r00d st —lBllWsailiticaiiisi6lai-A sit. 200 CAShS Mat received per stegracts !Walther A. and St Cloud, stator sale by ' W & mobli NO Liberty st L INSEED 014-10 Ibis ioAßACNulaforilebity,. m 1.1 corner Liberty and Or Clint Ala 1, iB4 M=UMOIJS PAPER . . HANGINGS. 1186111$15•JA5• BLOW ARD & CO., No. N Viand Mita - WOULD mill the attuationof thapublin to their IT present stock of Paper DemenEs, whid? ...0 dn rietY, beauty offinish,darabaity and cheap surpassed by any establishment in the Union. Beudes a large and fell assortmentof paper of their awe Manuthature, they are nourreheiviDLO dhtt',l 4th• portation French end EnKilsh stylemof EaPor . a." l " man, in by Mr Levi Howard, Onaof the dna, now Europe, consisting of Parisian manufacture, 1.0,1X9 piece. London do • dO 3O Of their own manufacture they hart_ 100,000 piceet Wad Paper, and 12,01111 pm:caught I V" .l° ' Mauls, tr.o. Messrs. Jame. Howard • fr. Co. have awed neither expense nor labor in their endeavor. to nval the =n em wall paper espablishmenvs, both in quality of man ufacture and variety of pattern: and they are warrant ed m assenting the public that they have succeeded. The whole assortment, foreign and home manufac ture manufa c turer. on terms as low as those of east ern and Importers. mebtruld a w. ToinTrud, c. inwsular Trod, of Philadelphia. POINDEITEE & REYNOLDS, FLOUR FACTORS, And General Commission Merchants, No. 47/ him= Seaver, between laeventh Twelfth sus-, PIIILADSLPIIIA. TitF. subscribers beg leave respectfully to nequobti their friends and the peat that they have ease elated themselves in Philadelphia, the thapuiPow ppf transacting a General Commiasion Dulness, and train that long experience in bpatronage . usiness will secure to the fair patronage. Up — Particular vacation wilt be given to sales train Flour end Produce generally; and any parchases ill the Philadelphia market for Western accoant. R. W. POINDEXTER, C. bL, RETNOI.DS. REFERENCES--The mereßants of Pitmburgh gen mut ly; Springer & Whiteman, Embitter tt Anderson, Cincinnati, Ohlo; H D Newcomb & Bro., W Weldion, Lewisßatner, J. Todd, Louisville, K 5.; Crow, Me- Creery & Barksdale, St Louis, Mo.; Hewitt, Norton & Co., W A Violet; New Orleans, La.; Gill, (Moue & Noyes, Ittgyegor le Morris, New York; Itt R Thomp ron-R Ca, Jahn Tiers Si Co, Peter Marseilles, Jpnea, Deal, & Burr, aptt.3m -- - J. C. P. EIVIITIL Attorney and Couneellor at Law, ST. LOlll9, MO. • Will give particular attention to the collection of Claims, nod all money received, shall be remitted withoutilelay. Raniassca—lion. R. Coulter, Supreme Bench, Pa; blessrs Lyon, Shorb & Ca Sr. Low.; Wood, Abbott & Co Phtladta, Jno If Brown ,k Co. do; Mr. Charles it Welling, do; Eon,;Mahoney &Co- New York; Qamit den. Blies & Co. o; Rougher & OrendortE, Baltimore; W FSi A Murdoch, do; Love, Martm & Co. do; Mr. John Falconer; Messrs. Loren, Sterling & Co. Pitts burgh; Forsythe & Co. do; Hampton, Smith to Co. do; Mr. L S Waterimm, do. mob:M:4l2m EW C OMES—At ZEBULON KINSEY'S, 67 Mar kett don very high hack Shell Teen Comb.; 3 " med..= " " " " low " plain high 11 " narrow beaded top " " 60 " fancy top Buffalo " 10 " plain " 110grom nom. horn; 30 dos shell side, assorted Sl ue; 30 gross rum horn Side; 3 dog shell dressing do; 12 dm Buiralo do do; 'I do Imitation do do; 60 do best English Horn; 6 do 8 8 S flne Ivory, exits sae; 1.8 do 88 do do, In hone:. 12 gross ti fine do do; 1 do comb Cleaners. npl6 PA/All&H., HASH& & (Successors to Ifuesey, Hanna & Co ) BANKERS, EXCHANGE. BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Fschaage, Certificates of Deposite, Bank Note., and Specie—Fourth street, ;warty opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo ney recelved on deposito—Sight Checka for sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal points in the United States. . . The bighest premium paid (or Foreign .d Americ • Gold. • Advances made on consignments of Produce, at:up ped Eat,_ on lateral terms. ap2 dREA'ffN VF.:MONI-22-ALI.I.LEIEgTIISCOVE.RAS PAT., Szcancotlurumrr 11t, Ism. Patna crasa-lerver easen.sint 7681c5, &feu, Bureau*, Boat Caw, Writing. Desk. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. 11111 E TABLES far mormaing every other te y veanon of the kind now extant. They eon be ex , tended lrom ten to twenty-five feet, and when mind the leaves are all contained inside; they are made to all Awes and plumes, and ate admirably adapted for Steamboaw, Hotel•, end large private famille,i, (erra nt; when closed a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUR HA US--Thera article* arc meal- partmularly to Mime who wiah to ec... mute room, and convert a sleeping apartment me parlor or sluing room, as they can he opened and rho at convenience, and when chat, the bedding is eaclo id A great saving In room and rent. All the bed steads when closed form a twantliol piece of funutar far a parlor or rating room. 1300 K CASES—A vent and useful article (or park, r drawing room. WRMNO ESS--For law offices i eountunrrooms, nil other other.; when opened n atenteormeinent hed tendt when dared It perfect Desk and Library alone • All these articles need no recommendation" the beauty of the whole is they are warranted notget olakpf repair. It will De for your Interests to rail to and carotene the articles, at the manufeeturer's store,No. h 3 Thad street, Plusburgb. addinon to the bore they ore mehlG pro‘ 3 ` AVs n'4 J , scooDwELl.. IC tiLl7Alt EAToN , s ck}rnPICATE TO UR In JAYNE—This certifies, that immediately alter having attended my brother, who died of consumption in March, 1849, I was taken slob with the Consumption Of Liver Camphont, and was retired so low with the disease, that (or four years I was unable to attend ID my business, either at beetle or thread, being for the most time confined to my bed. During the above peri od of time, I bad expended for medical attendance o regular Physicians and methenics, to the amount of g.ku, enthant receiving any benefit therefrom. In July, Ittea I commenced Wring Dr. Jayne's Medi cines, and have taken them mote or less ever since, and believe that it was try pet - revering in their WC, Mat I can now trulrsay that I have completely ree, erred my health. I b <Urea that J nyue's a.nttuve Pills and Expectorant are the best Manly medicines now m I reside in Springfield, Owego enmity, N. Y., and carry on a Menace and machine Opp In that place, and am not Interested In any =rink, In the sale of the above medicine., and make tblr ennifiente for the ben efit attune afflicted. ELIJAII EATON, dpongfield, N. Y., Sept. 16 1846. Jai ja wood call the efoion of the ede end mile. generally, to the following brands Tobaccos, la atom and to arrive, which being t o s ell .rent from manufacturers, he is enabled to sell al east prlCel: f bn 11 W Crenshaw 6s; 70 f " James Iladtwn On; al f u Lamartate ss; 24 Idirabean ss; " Painam 5s and Is; 15 " Robes s k Sisson ss; f " &tear Burl sr; 9 f Johns le Lewis la; 3 I " Warwick sopr le; 40 1 " Henry & James 5s to and Ps.; feb2l L S WATERNIAN — Pitt II whine Works sztrirsisrdi-y - = nritennon TORN WRIOLIT &. 00., a re yrrepaced to build Cotton and Woolen Machinery of ove' description, sorb an Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders, Drawing Fromea, Railway Ready Warpors,Simolers, Dreming Frames, Loom, Card Grinders, &e. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; all sires of Cast Iron, Faille% and Rangers of the latent patienis, elide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castings of every descripuita frimitithed on short notice. Yemenis made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Railing, he. Steam Pipe for heat tig Factories, Can Iron Window Sash and fancy Cas ngs generally. Orders left at the Warehouse ofJ. Palmer & Co., Liberty street, will have prompt anon don. Refer to Bleekstock, Bell & Co., J. R. Moorehead & Co., G. E. Warner, John Irwin & Sons, Pittsburgh ; Li. C. & J. 11. Werner, kgabonsille. benl.4 HIIIIGIITM 11l AN—anufacturer of all kiude of rot. inn and woollen machinery, Allegheny mty, Pa The idiom. work. being now in full and smicessful op eration, I tun prepared , to execute onion with dispatch for all kinds or machinery in my line, stickys willows, pickers, spreaders, cards, grinding machines, railways, dressing from., speeder.; Thro.stin, loom., woolen cords, double or single, for march.% or country work, muties,ineks, ke.; slide aml lunul lathes and teals in gen. mil. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans giv en for penning foctorira or mills at reasonable charge. Revak ro—Kennedy, Childs & Co Blackamrt, eels It Co., King, Pennock &. Co., Sat. A. Gray. istarco-Aernscorrowri— Air A. WHITE k world respectfully inform AIL. the public that they linen erected ashop on Lacock, between Federal in.d Sandusky streets They ace node making and are preptired to receive orders for every. description of vehicles, Conebea Chariot's, Rib touches, Ruggles, Moment, A.e., ke., which hem their !in n ! ilWac ri fli n tf:• " ll4 ' h m aL, "' th ' e c yTel c c i otidtt r t7ie w y o a r re k, enabled to do work on the most remediable terms with those wanting article. in their tine. • Paying particular attention to the selection of mate rials, and having mum but competent workmen, they have no hesitation towarrunting their work. We therefore oak the attention of the public to this mat tor. N. 13. Repairing done in the best manner, and on ties moat reasonable leans. parbtf Monongahela Livery Stable. ROBERT H. PATTERSON has opened I.ea the large stable on Firsts, running through . P to Second or between Wood and Smithfield it.. in the rear of the Monongahela House, nab an col:Well now nook of Horserand Carnage. or the best qualtty and latest styles. Horses kept at live ry m the best wanner. /YRaIT Parent Gra:read Galva= Battery and Paten , lnaulata Poles tor Medical and other ptopesu ISS is the only instmmont of the kind thathu even M been presented In this campy or Europe for med ical purposes, and Is the only one ere/ known to mats, by which the galmwde Said oda be eatmoyed to the Mi meo eye, the ear, the brain, or to eatpartof the body, either externally or internally, in .a definite gentle stream, anthems shocks or pain—vrithpmfeet gaiety— and often waft the happosst effects. The important apparatus I. nowlighly approved of by lousy of the most eminent physiemns of this coax. wy and Europe, to wham the ailliezedandothers whom it may concern can to referred. . Reference will Mu be s tree to many highly respectable citizens, who have b e , n cm ,d by means of thlsmost volttable appvetna of some of the most Memento perms amnion which could not be removed by any other blown means. Among /MOUE others, I, ETA been proved to be ad mirably adapted for the core of the following diseases, vim nerve. headaelte mei other diseases Of the brain. It Is with dos warmms abase thin the operator can convey the magnetic ffald with ease end safety to the eye, to ruler. sight, or CUTE antaarossm to the ear to system hawing; to the longue and other omens, to re) store speech' . and to the 'arida' puts of the body, for tila CUTE of chronic rheemetiam, *Amu, ermorlzt4 or tic dolurcexipanduis,or palsy, goer, shores Vim's dance, epilepsy, venue= from spreurts, some diseases pmeliar to females, COll l / I CLIOU of the limbs, looklaw, M. 0%. , Rights for votrounding counties of Western Pe, sad I privileges, with the Instrument, may be peme and kl6O ICEIM for the CUTS 01 diseases. Pell istatrectiAms will Ea 091111 for the varlowechemi• call to be used for casinos diseases, and the best man ner for operatleg for PM CUTE of those diseases Will el so be folly elplebied tothe Purchaser, and a pamphlet Ind into Hs • haeal t s:rpres:l). for Mere corn '233lllred by the •WrlttSal tee lSalkors Pittabusch_ _ _ CIiFY4E-100 has cum Ceram Cheese, use rao'd , end for Ws by mil J 8 Rajigusw DRY & VARIETY GOODS -• • vairan spina° GOODS. W E : " Cr! ontatOARD3SIVetZa selected - with mere than ustal case during the Mai few weeks, in the Nov York..and Philadelphia markets, and embracing a peal variety of tamort every de , seri.. of the latest and most fashianabla styles, and • large portion of it having been bought at the EAST. ERN AUCTIONS at a great reducdorl from the regu lar rame, weaveenabled to offer grout indocements to cash- buyers, caber by whelemie or retail: We would therefore respeetfolly invite thei attention of the public to oar Stocki foaling confid.t of am ability to mit buyers in almost every article they may whit in our lino. To Maladies wewould especially commend Ow stook of Set.lnento Dams Suss, of which wo have a very large and beautifel amorunent of the latest styles and most fahioaable colons. Lamas Duna (cove—Alouslin de Lateens, Poil de Checorre, silk, linen and mohair Lustros, Peinled Lamas, gingham Lawns, Foulards, new style Bares., English, French and Scotch Giagtams, linen Outs hoots in great varietn &e. An Boa - mere—Now awls, Bonnets, very cheap. Ramon AND FLOunflan—Of the latest styles and supe rior in quality. Panasout---A very large and handsome stock of Par asols, of almost every style and quality. Snawm—A fine ossonment of spring and summer Shawls, of all styles and prices. Fame. Ctonts—A good supply of super French, Eogliah andAmencauCloths and Cassimeres, m which we would mono the attention of persons needing such goods. ALSO—A (Oland general supply of Shirting Cheeks, Ticking., brown and bleached Muslim, Table Linens, Sheetings, Diapers, Omen., Thillings,sumnter Goods moos' and boys , wear, Jaeorosts, Malls, Swim, Nan woks, Muttons, Prims, Gingham, Crape, Lace, Cravata Gloves, Hosiery. silk 1(40(0, Crape Persons wishing to boy by wholesale, should call od examine our mock, as oar prices are such as to adre It their interest to bug. ALEXANDER & DAY, 71 Market st, northwest corner of the Diamond A. A. MASON & Co., No. 61) Market street, have on hand the largest variety . of Embroideries which they hove ever offered. Their usortment ima mate In part of the following goads, aic ths rich embroidered Muslin Capes, from 51,501105,110 Collars " In SlOal 500 crochet Collars, from 37i to 75 350 lace " 8 to I2i 700 Gimpore " "tt to 12i 1511 Jenny Lind " 6CI 1,00 19.0 muslin " 10.1.50 .590 pairs utuolin Can," 371 to NI Also, Mourning Collars, (nun lei to Call at the cheap one price store of A. A. MASON tc Co, No GO Market st.myl2 _ . NEW RIBBONS, BLACK SILKS, ILLS. BABA UES. &o. -W. R. 11.1121PFIT boo nu. morning re ceived by Express a lot of handsome straw colored, green and blue Bommt Ribbons. Also, glossy black Silks for dresses, Ifuotes, mantillas, Ac. BLACK Sins Larne —A large assortment lately revel. ved. WHISIL Coons for dresses—such as swiss and mull . muslin*, Nansooks, Ike Al., embroidered mustins for dress., all at lowest Prices, at northeast corner Fourth and Market streets. Wholesale /Imams up antra. rdyl4 bRENCLI LINEN AND LINEN LUSTRII2- - -PV: I' IL Mumma has now open a fall aasortmebt of a above articles, for dresses and sacks—among the lat ter ace some *carve colors, such as pink, blue, gr.., a... al., punk, Woe, green, and mode colors of Cha ntel'eon Levit', and a large assortment of embroider ed minims and Lawns. W. IL M.'s recent purchase •• now all rsveived and open, and persons wanting Dry Goals will do well to look at has large and fresh stock before purefiasuag— at northeast corner ith and market Cu. Wholesale Room. op stairs. my 2 • A Rrtaheinl FL I F je CFAL rs, Pl:in kl tissue ‘ p l a n p ' e r r "d s po " t o te r A ddo, Car mine paper (or colosing, Pink Saucer, Lehr. of eve ry corm, buds, tips, and callow*, can be obtained at Fli EATON Coo Trimming Store, a • Id 112 Fatah at E M P l i "Wi t l r ß lZ —W lTCVvers.7r:Tv ' eL " c l3(" ag7.7 l t 7 ; • grest var ano iety et small patterns. Also, Ny ODICLIA of al colors and shades, by the pound, °ante, or skein (or sale by apl.4 11 EA ,TON tr. Co, e 2 Fourth st Cti R Murphy, at aortheast nor -1,7 memof 4th and Market ; streets, bas neuron , . his sapply of spring and seminar Goods, and has a large assortment of Drs. Goods of newest styles, and staple Ow. of every kind, all of which will be sold low. I KEEN MUSLIN DE LAINE—W R Murphy bu received the above scarce and desirable article, of the fashiouable ahadu also, Green Badges. ap27 Mrll 0 Ll 4 S A 1, kiXITCY - 00 A A. MASON h CO, COMM inSiONERS AND IMPORTERS, 60 Manx= Sr.., A RE now opening the mast extensive and varied nsartment of Spring and Summer Coeds cod exhibited in the Western country convulsing upwanle et Eleven Hundred Cases, purchased m enure packa ges from the manufacturers, Importers, and large auc tion sales, by one of the lire reading in NOP York, who is coestautly sending as the newest and most fashionable goods. They name in part— Hal cane rich Spring Prints; cans de Leine; " Lair. and Meshes 35 " cotton and linen 120 " bleached Muslinsell ;Heehaws: grades; 30 " • o'd hie oHus; 40 " shirting Checks nod 27 " Bipkas Cotton domestic Cinches.; I sides and semen, Staffs 25D Brown Means; Also, rases nod packages of Botinctit, Flowers, Le cell, Ribbons, Silks, Shawls, Berea.. White Goods, Millinry Articles, Cloths tied Centimes., Liam., Ho siery and Gloves, kn. he. City and country merchants will lied their stock as large mid desirable as E 91110131 stocks, and an crud nation of their goals and price. cannot foil to con all that with their naneetable ijdventagea and facilities, they eau compete wane. Runes !min. This fact lids been clearly Demonstrated to hundreds of their paubms who formerly pardoned East. Their stock will always be found complete. 4P7 NEW GOODS, 1849. LY EN NEDY It SAWYER, comer Wood and Fourth street, ore now receiving,direet from Sept hands, large mock of Fanev and Vlniety Goods, ihcloding Clmcks of every variety, gold and silver Watelle.. Jewelry, French Priem, Combs, Maks mud E'es; Gloves and Hosiery, Suspenders, Gun Capt, and all other articles to their line—all of which having been purchased personally of the manufacturers paet, du ring the last winter, expressly for the Sprtgg trade, stall be mold wholeside at.. small advance be coat. Constantly on hand, ell descriptioas of Lookid,g Glass es, of oar own mmufacturiog, et eastern prices. mhtß Ikl - 111V FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS—At ZEUS .1111 WAIN KINSEY'S, 67 Market meet. 100 pis fine China Vases, amiAl; 175 sets t*ist and eat velvet coat Button* 40 fine velvet thrritet Deg* 53 do do gent's traveling; 100 gross fancy Ili slnuons, for dresses, 10 doe Nail Brushes, ess'd; 100 po fine talk Vest Haltom, assM; 250 do do gilt and plated, dm -15 dm rosewood Hair Brushes; 4 do Woebtngtoo do; 1 do Barbera do, 3 got Fish Lines, Flnb Hooks, Lime rick, &a. JEWELRY, Ire —5O gold lever Watches; kit do de tached lever Watches; 10 do Lepine do; 10 pr di. mend Forger Rings; do's fine gold Vest d Fob Chain* 2 do do Guards; Breda Ems, Flop ` Itutp GLOVE, j. Lite, „ t Jakir4.Mo dos Ladtm Cotton Gloats, ase , d; 300 do do ale Thread , fancy top, U.; 10 do gents' silk Glove* El do do kid do; 50 do Indies kid, pse`d; 10 do do fanny top silk. VARIETY GOODS-75 pkge American Pia% 300 hos Cotton Cords; 73 ps Paper 51uslird 500,003 ribbed Perouradon Caps; %Oar° dress Whalebone do* HO don Ivory Comb* Dressing Combs, Back Comb* the, • ICBATON CO.& am now opening their ..tkpring . stock of Trimmings, conaisung in parts( Blun t' la and Drew Fringes, Gimps, black and cold Silk Laces, black Flounce Loam Buttons, Britlsy Bonnet Trtmmings, gents, ladies and ekildreins pLuin,and lan ce /looney, Shine far men and boys, Combs, Bony and other Sum, Yarn, Spool Cowan, Beadles, Tapes, Bob =lcPsintre, ke. km awtthr theyt '' ' U t er g sm lbr re ' *o b :st ascent, between. Wo o d and Market. 4-IAvE - ip!trNo GOODS.—A. A. MASON ef. . _ 11 rEANFBP - FirNG GOODS.—A. A. ➢Leon et. to., No. 1.11 CO Market street, ars now opening 40 e4ses end roseksges of splendid SPRING GCK)M., comprising Lawns, Ntrushas s Ilareges, u. de Ldnas, Gingham., Prints, Fronch Camboes, Linens, Rthbome, Laces, Silk., Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, and a genera; assort ment of Goods. mehD --- o - WirPure, on. °Lomas; di9. ECEIVED THIS DAY, Carpeting and op awl. 11 of the latest and most approved pruternO, and at prices to snit purchase., and cheep as can • he p.. chimed in any orate Eastern cities, comprising the fol -1 owingg •IllietlOPC Extra Royal Velvet Pile Carpets; Aliminuter Carpets; any sire hall rooms or verl Tapestry do titmice. Sup Royal Brussels do Tapestry stair carpots; Extra sup 3 ply do Brussels do do Soperfinn do do Chenille Rugs; Extra sop Ingram do Tufted do Superfine do do Brussels do ' Fine do do Cheadle Door moll; Common do do Tolled do 10 4-4, SAS 'Tapestry Adelard do do Damask do Sheep atm do do 4-4, 3-4 & 1 torl`d Ve- It.-4 Fxrib'sed Plato, covers ammo do 6-4 do Talkie do 4-1,3-4 tr. 1 plemdo do 6-4 wool do I do Caron Ingrain do 6-4 worsted and lawn do do do Venetian do Brass Bair Rods 9-4 cotton Drugget; 16.4 wool crumb cloths 12-4 woolen do Stair Linen ft-4 do do 0-4 table do F.:aguish 'Cable 011. cloths Diaper do German do do do do. CIAO. 8-4 Floor Oil cloths; Snow-Drop Nark tan, 7-4 do do do Crimson Plash, 13-4 do do do Purple do 0.4 do do do Maroon do 4-4 do do do Carpm.Boulinr, Sheet Oil Cloths, of newTracksp'cit Window Shades i r rU till'o4:velo out to 6t receiving_ory Swing Stock of Carpets, Oil Clothsand o f Trmrm gs, to which son invite the nuenuon of all who es.* llama far tusk their houses or neamboats as we will he able to offer goods as low vtbey can . be purchrowo Otto Rost, and ade richest and lows' styles. Cull alid ammo our stock before parchastrg elsewhere.. Ware house, No 75 Eonrib at. ateb23 W. M'CI.INTOCIL 77v largest, Chea . i.ra and mall 7:widows& SIDLE of Gomis, adapted to Gentlemen's Spring and Summer Wear ' juit receirmg ati W. DIGIBV , I3I CHEAP CUR CLOTHIRG STORi, • - tle LIBERTY STREET. rplIE Pmpnetor of the above establishment w o nid rastamfully inform Ina numerous temente., that p e has just returned from the Fsistemeities *nth the most splendid assoruuent of goods in his tine, that was eiiir brought to this city, comprising all that is now fashiooable, elegant and Cheap In Clothe Cashmeres, C o .hrnsretts,Dnip De Be, and every description of cotton, linen and woollee SCI=E7 Stuffs; Shirts, Cra • an., Raids, Suspenders, tre., of are newelq 'tyke; which, together unth hb, very large and fasilmhatile rtoek of ready-made Clothing, he is prepamtno otfer at his meal law prices. Ceantrriderclannts, Contrattms, and nll who pur chase largely, axe pa4icalarly invited to rail and ex smite the sleek, which is decidedly the largest and most faslalonabla in the city, and great attetemn hits beet lied to gee up suitable to the wholesale trade. Orden is the Tailoring Sue executed in the • moat fashlerrable manner. and that nothing may,ke tsvinting to maitre to war mid beat style or caning. A gem- Orman who has hed_ gnat experience in ho r•ainern cities, has been added to the establishment. , mell2l.l3in - . SHACICLETT .4. WHITE. Dry Goods Jobbers, • ATO, 99 WOOD STRES'T—Mionld call-the attention ill of Merchants to 'hair large stook of Dome tie and Foreign DRY GOODS, Mat recoiling froltholm porters wed idimnfootarers, an . 4l which They iirrrelr at very low raasior cuh onapproVed credit.; Our stock Is now foil andrkomplow, and welt worth l take. the attention of buyetAas we are determine t to melt ' et ouch extremely bow **kern ratan* rag to . j[' *strong uolocaarsollor Watskmats to mks* 'll.4itolc• ..:. . . _181:141,.• . I=l=ll VOL. XVI. NO. 254, SCALPS & ATICIBSONt Pint rr, flint, Wool, Axa Hourr, Merman CIONTLNUE to tromufacturo Maas of COPPER: V TIN AND sailer IRON WARE. AD6, Black- smith Work. Steam Boats bailt to order. Ppecied attention given to steam boat. work. Hare on kande a One aisorunent of Copper . and Bran Ko , Oca, Tin Witre,tte.fte, Steamboat Cookingptovea, Portable Forges, various sues—a very cotmement ar ticle for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road We camp would reepectrolly yme 'ar , team boat ea and mbar, to rail and lee o th ar articles and ;idea before parehurna elsewhere. • fiti p p i 701ENIChLOLL. O P --a • 11:8 114 : ..a ---rn e' . t, soill sell for.Serip at par, the fhlloortag newmd second hand Mama One clog of rootavrood 0 octavo Pi ano, mado by Raker a. Hoven, N, "1". 5326 00 One do do 66 0 ,,,, L ,,..,.............. ............ mo:, ct, .One namorood 6 octave, Golev k. Co, N. V. • 2 W One do 6 do do d 0,.... 230 0.1 One mahogany 6 do do .nearly now— WO 0 ° One de 6 do Lood •• •• .. M 5 Pt One do 0/ do Roeenbesun One do 0 do German •• • • One do 6i do it A 111 Nam. Po 00 One do 6 do English • - ...... • 3000 my 3 — lNettiLtiatia THE PROTECTION FIRE. AND "s,Ar4RINE INSURANCE COMPA it4.,-,. OF OF HARTFORD, CONN. Cltaxtranto Canna' Stock, Annual Receipts, and surplus and $1,000,000. All tomes promptly paid at the General Ag Isoy Of fice for the Wmtarn Stales, located al Utncinssti, Ohio. This Company is of long standing, and well known Camelot:a the United Steles for Its solvency and prompt payment al' loesew—having inatuned and set tled, to the satisfaction of all concerned, over 6,000 taws* amounting to the egg - regale to lust termons os Doman* the receipts for which are on the. fllm of the Company at Hanford mud Cincinnati. The Putsburgh agency of this office was originally held by MOMS Atwood, Esq., and wax subsequently taxed out oldie Stans,.by a law amounting mtt prohi bition of all Foreign ItentrameCoamardesjost in sea l.] to escape toss by, thafire of 10th Apruclt4s. The agency in now reorganised under the charge of the undersigned, who will retries applleaticas and issue Follows atom ost LOSS O$ DAMAGE BY FIRE on Stores, Wasehoo,ws, Dwelling* At - 'with the eon. teats. Also, on Goode, Wesel sine alerchindiact atthe m rani. nut= Mal DUAND Navistarms, at e current rates orprendum. • 00ko at AL 11. BROWN A BROTHER'S,' No. 197 Wood SLIVOL . FAYETTE BROWN, Agent Protection Insurance Co. for Pirtabttrgh and Allegheny Co. '. sp2kdSaa it 411v - A7 I , i I 1=& 0 E. :1! skfisFk'f,•?l?Al.f,l 3 ; ' C T ' l l i 1 P A N EMINENT and experienced Physician from the 4 East, 0(20 years standing, offer. to treat all case. of o Delicate Nature with proorptnees and secrecy. 111. litlecess in Buffalo and other large cities hes been proverbial. lit, charges are moderato, and his cures permanent. Old eases of Glee; Stricture, Scro fula, Fluor Alba*, Rheumatism Ague, Syphilis, or way chronic or inveterate cases solicited. A eons warranted, or charms refunded. Omen, St Clair street, 2 deers from the Bridge. Teeth Extracted. advice to the poor grata N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the wont eau, of wry disease in Pittsbu hto calL ' .1.40.111 WILLIeei REISS, Maimfacture/ of Mineral Water Apparatus, slmut or Tux aouoss rams Altn No. 213 North Secondst. abovefine, PHILADELPHIA!. AN experience of more than Maly* years in the manufactunng of Mineral Water Apparatus, and the preparation of Almeria Water 'milord. and Foun tains, on an extensive scale, with a solentifimand prao tical knowledge of of both branches of badness, toge ther with recent improvements to the eonetination of the Apparatus and the precede% of the Water, which he has succeeded in adopting same his visit to Farts, and after years of ohne study and practical applica tions no applied to the arm is Mechanics and Mamie uT, enables the subscriber to COlme before the public with entire confidence, and offer them the best and most complete Apparatus, for the manufacture of Elba eral Water to Bottles and Fountalstaohat .c.ht be far sidled in the Batted States. le elm patters Wesel( that the enlarged nueeeas he has met with, and the prevent extensive and daily in creasing amount of hie business in both the above de partments., furnisher the most convincing proof of his claim to the supenonty a Apparatus over those of alt others, and of the panty mad oalithrity of the Water prepared therefrom. Persons who order the Apparatus from a distance, may he toured that their instructions shall be faithful ly complied with, and so packed .sts to carry rattly either by land or water to nay pert ante U./Rana. To avoid diaappoirnment, it Is recommended to those who intend supplying themselves the approaching sat son, to forward then orders at as early it day as con venient Mineral Water Apparatus, Generators., Pumps and Fountains, Ornamental Um and Pedestals for Stands, Counters and !lan of hotels, for drawing Hydrant Water, together with Corking and Tying Machines, and everything appertaining to the above business, constantly on hand, end for saloon the lama terms for cash, on2tadeodem CIROCERIESS--TOD bgs prime Green Pao Coffee; 75 pa_ , Y Imperial and G P Teas; 50 bus 1:41, 5:1 and 5, sprat Tobacco; 300 hbls N 0 and sagarhouse htoloues; 25 bids N O Snarl 150 bbl. Shad, Herrings, Mackerel and Salmon, 30 do pure Flusead Od; 5000 assorted Cotton liarne -75 bales Batting and Caalewick; 50 bus Popper and a; ' ID boxes Prl and Common Starch; 50 do mould and dip'eCandles; 10 do Star do .150 do Not Soap; • 100013 Sides and Shoalders Bacon; 75 dozen Corn Groom, in store and for sale by ap3o JOHN WATT It Co Liberty at /11/1 0 E w sitbsc razes ri . ber f =co oi lz L HO packages Y imperial and 0 P Teas 300 Oes Rio and Jars Coffee; 100 pkgs 5, 12, lamp; 10 and ,Vs span Tobaccm 00 bluts 0 Sugar, 21.81 tibia 0 Moasses; du GblB assorted Nos Loaf Saints 15 do Tanners 00; 14 00Z.ism Oil; 103 gross Blacking,; 'Mackerel, Nof, 2 affil ti Ibis and be b bbs; ass has Lichee scale Herring; 311 bis white Pipes; 20 bgs Pepper; 10 do Alsplem lasing Cassis; 601A1D11 Conon Yarn, ruled Nos;' ]OO bales Balling" 50 his Palm Soap; 50 do Toilet & VoNegated do, 25d0 Starch; 50 do Large Raisins; - 10 bales Almonds 96 do Palm Nati; 20 do R Wabuns; 22 do Filberts • bgs amoral Nom; 15 his Spiced Chocolais; 3 cases Lmitoricili 15,000 Principe and Regalli ' Regars; gross Cat and Dry Tobacco;.t) dos Bed Cords; 16 tin Rock Candy; 16 bin Sperm Candle; 20 do Sur do; Look Ombro Maddenllearoons Indigo;) 2 camas Clones; 1 do Notedegrr: 10 bbli Whiting; IS do Chalk; 60 dos Baclostig 4000 lbs Saleratain 20 bia fine cal Chewing Tobacco; Common raid half Spanish Cigars. ENGLISH A BENNETT, 37 Wood st, opposite St Caute, Hotel ap-4 ___ __ Diaphragms Bilker, for Hydra - iat Water. 4ississTHlS Is to certify thin I have ig. Cle Agenth ' is ' Rale of I & lug 4 Patent Diapr Filter, for the di ties of Plinth and Allegheny . /0 GERSON, Agent, for Walter BLO/bson, 349 Broadway, NAril Oct- 10. 12.45. INe have been using one of the above articles at the other of dm Novelty Worth for three months, bri trod, and feel perfectly salasfied that it is a wend toverithrt, and we takepleaatne in recommending them as a use- An article to all who lore pare water. Orders will be thataftillY received and promptly execated. _ octl9 LIAMIGSTON, ROGGEN to Co — atuMAT wzgyiraar S A &PA&VP7il. T uts U e N site All r tatsWEl= of informing`hta friends and th eriablle in general that he has the lanyestatock of the fosowing named arti cles alas own manufacture in this eny—Saildlos, lire toe Trunks and Mop., till bf which ho Will warrant be math of the best material and by the best mech anics in Allegheny county Beteg determined to 01 his inthufactures something lower th an hue been here tofore sold by soy similar establishment La the city, he would invite persons need of the above named articles to his warehouse, ma de 4 Liberty street, oppo site Seventh. Also, bandy ma to order for machine ,/ oct3thly 0. FREE? . PITTEIBLIELOn it EIItALE - 111W - ftriNg T " e l. S' org. 3' an " rllta. " 11 G " j ott Lu tr ' ihr kr p %I academic year, will commence on thie test of I enmi ty neat, in the same lauldnigs, N 0.62 Liberty street Arrangements have been made by whin& they will he able to , furnish yotmg ladies fay/hues equal to any in the West, for obtanung • thorough English, Classi eel, and Ornamental education A fall Connie of Phi. lisophical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered dosing the winter, illustrated by Imperatore. The de penmen. of Vocal and lastrommual Mule ' Modern langairges Drawling and Panting , w il l snob be under the care of a competent I'mfenor. By close attention to the moral and intellectual Improvement Of their pu pils, the Fnacmaks hope to metal a coottantulon of the liberal patronage they have Windt* etoyed. For tenth see circular or apply to the Principals, 1 , :20-dir IRON MONDRY FOR SALT—A small Iron Foun dry in a flourishing town, with Pauarns, Tools, fee , all ready for butane., will ha Buhl on themes.- dating items, or efelvange for Iron or goods. This infers an ere, Kent opportunity to a young man with small capital to commence the Iron Fopridry ha. sive. Enquire of SCAIPE to ATKINSON deer/. lancer Wood street — Seabee; 4.kilafr Stores, Gmates.tc.. — ikA AliAllA LL, WALLACE lc CO., Roo f Cluisch, lei. Comer Laken] and Wood atfeeta, aLallUaletura and infer for sale Platform, Float and Counter Scale., of me most improved quality; Cooking Stoves. , for wood c o coat, Egg Stoves of Venoms sises, Parlor and maim Grata+, Willow Wam, dr. ite. Thay law wthufacture th e Kitchen Rappe, which haa peen such general satisfaction to those having it in one, to all of t o they would respectfully UMW the attention of the citizens and the puldie generally. thr27-dtf DATF3a SOLAR LARH LalPi---IrniiteithWe A. thsorthent of Comehth &Co's eekbrauted mane lecture, and sopertor to all othen in Use, adapted to church., steamboats, factones, dwellings, public and private halls, and to all other tikes wham a cheap, safe and brilliant heath deurable. AlthAltmadeless Hell s, e ms Shades, Wicks, Catmints, Outs, Tflmmera, etc Alm, Gas Chandellera from eon th four ll tits. f deei W W N, 40 market at I —.- • _ 1 Has. ware...olhe per fauna 'von 00.414, WILSON &:O n k/mportars end Wholesale .L 4 Dealers m kiardwaxe, dory mai eillddMO, No Ido Wood urea, above have now In more a very cheap Ind well selected stop of ilerdwero, imponed eon, thaeleeline s of pnees in Etwopo, and wench they are detannined.toveS coresspoodingly low ellecal mu y who helm been hi the heletpr t eht ir e-AA ere pentea= tarty requested to call and too Ittrough•oox stock, as we confoleutlyoat4 behave they vale save. them menet*. bot., yy .ateby apZi - 13n12 _. ~ t=~.~ __. ~~ . ~r - 100 00 5000 E=M __ cy ,in'~toresmf Ici t ~kld.~(lTCflp.►.THFr - - XX)11 1 1' •Oir . Sl4 •yr ' • An D/WlAti A • , , •••
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers