The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 29, 1849, Image 2

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WrTax Prrtersentan Dsrve Chasm Ie patalshed
strati TrtsWeekly, and Weekly.—The Doily t Seven
Dollars per annum; the Tri-Weekly to Fide Dollars per
anonmishe Weekly As Taro Dollars per annum, micas
adroses. •
The Committee on Leave of Abaci:ice made a
ilD'Anylarrarm are cannily renamed to hand m' nm ,„,
-''heir favor, before 6 r st.., and it• early In theft's , ' as ; —.---,..... -. -
Igtaaticals . le., .6scverhaemeats not assetted fora .pest 'l/ . 10 inn order of the day, the election for mew.
fie., ln artably be Maraud maul ordered not b,r, ohhe Board of Education, was tokoo OP. and
.PiELLADELPHinnitniTH AMWRICIAN the fol4rw . g tle wed . Dr• Mousy, Dt
. Advertimmenta and tabverimion, to the Ninth Asocr , A ' a
‘,...2 ° A g - . e rt bi7c,.%naughey, A. Macklin, N.
rtaita had United Stases Gazette. Viiitsideiphia, '<retard ..- .. - ....•'. 0 .'s ,-".
- Fla forwarded from this offire i S. Pltiome,, y. mepoutall J. VI. Campbrif, Dr.
Bravos SY LlGtratita.--:.terday afternoon, ; Perry. r Eldert—A. Robertson, A. Mitchell, N.
.a little aver five o'clock, during. a heavy shower, I Newkirk,l &Mitchell, hL Harris, R. Sotttex,WEP
Atte steeple of the Thad Presbyterian church wit. I Hobback.
, struck by lightning. The damage done is not very Virltilli,the tellers were taking the votes in the
:grant, i t be:mg “ucii. ,34 Principally to the tearing of] 1 abaci riliction, the Rev. Mr. Hamill ante and
:sofrOfthe outside sheathing en 'Mc. Our office eing 1, P°.onl ed ° r ewintn°°, elPfenttoe of the pleas.
.neat the ehurelt we were almost Minded with he or j untrelt!! the' Gcl i i T i AmeablY " ,._ the ei'clipa
ictute flash, and the report which accorup led a'of we n°' n'r• r.Onander, neProtendir of the
was treMeadous. A cry of hire was .mELWd,ataly Princeton Theologieal Assembly. On motion,they
no sed, end the engines repaired to the iftr2t, but i w et ' hnd on a, i n Unite.
rder of the day, the prdicial
electric thu eleric fluid had pareed oil without Ig tine (mi The se l
ofind o
. of the ',Rev. Led Ray Davis, was taken u mute
p, and
wood wort. of We Ist eeph.r. !
the Moderator . Made She usual solemn charge.
It was 'decided that all the original parties ill
this cane should retire. A motion was made aria
lest, not to consider Dr. Plummer as one of the
original patties. .
It Wan council, that the original parties retire
actually from. the house, as welt in constro¢
blana gapers of the 17a tom., awe rather gloomy
ateacautts of the situation of that city, from !the over.
.01.71'.Thq seventh wow of the 2d, miry, the me-
Gia-ikidaortke'lot Mulavpahly are a uttraly over
lowed, and the people ans.obliged to mlve about
irt.boate. To. no 10 thi , dhluas., neel IY . 11 the
gardens are arreiril with wator,arl vege ab ler are
enormously high. New Orlmea Las it, y been
vistted lariat atmemasion of calnmittes, am! we fear
ti, e w on t i s 1G ;coal" yet, when the w4ers sub.
aide, „„ a a aza4ak i k i !!. ncames to act ui such a
'collection of nonalia:Maller
( '
The roll wen called, and the Rev. Gardner B.
Ptirry ;thought that ,the Brother Davie had been
guilty only oflthe en of Indiscretion.
Dr. Lemuel Leonard was in favor of sustainitig
• the appeals Mil yet he thought that Mr. Davli
bad not actaaillogetber correctly.
The long advertisement from the Dlavy Depart- Ma G. * ; t otoo.viottid
menthes somewhM encreached upon infi adver. severe a etieflre on. the Presbytery or Synod, but
tlgjagsnd I •
reading , space to day. Our readers wilt 111 c y hi,
d"breed is $h cane
Indulge us lbw of once. Some t - them may get prof. ! ' - ' l ll l.l4t it hoon...fitozght ti....,,im0tt0 be
- olotracts,asPittsburoli can furnish many of c i na tioid w yr , l o a. w t h e reebr a.4„. ,
as 6 4,d_as 7 10 tP L Y atbez "Y in tt ` 4 I'l-1 '1 - a tm the oonnsel for and against the appeal, in
lldkit}ttud we b.f. " men will lie • their allegations oat of the word.
contetrtabia for the contract.
Dr. Syriac! pped that the question on this point
would bee He agreed with brother Johnson
that we St not travel out of the record.
The seeding of the charges was ratted for.
The Moderator decided that the Assembly was
bound to regard the record alone.
Mr. Renshaw did not pee that brother Dews
had committed any sin, either toward the Church
or in a moral paint of view. He could not but
instal/ the appeal, and hope that brother Davis
would be restored to his church.
Gardner Spring was of the opinion that the
charges against the Rev. Mr. Davis ,hod bete
Dr. Phillips was of the some opinion.
Mr. Hunter did not thiak that the charge of
insubordination had been at all sustained.
Ur. Milker thought that the charges had not
been sustained, and would, therefore. vote for the
s lrbrelipa Adratra.
Ne Shall Visit for the edthi, of the foreign in
bronght by the Caledonia, with the deep.
estiniereist The telegraph only gave sufficient to
create astonishment at the magnitude of the events
taking place, and to sharpen the appetite for the
details of the exciting scenes and important
movements which are convulsing the continent of
The telegraphic accounts of the state of affairs to
Germany are very unsatisfactory and confused--
We glean from them, however, that a civil war
has broken out, groyrlug out of the eiforts of the
Central Parliament 4 'ratilifort, to establish a nit:
dorm! government, of , a common head for all the
eta:aka Germany. We infer from the accounts
that the People side with the Parliamentiind that the
Primal dread any arrangement which will over-
shadow them In their petty principalities. All Ger ^PPent•
many, Amnia and Huogary—the kingdom as well! Dr. Potts could not see that soy evidence bad
as Hungary proper—seem to be in commotion, been brought forwed against the appellant before
while the power of the Austrian Government tip. i either the Synod or Presbytery.
pears to be trembling on the verge Of entire over Dr. Hodge thought the main charge of limber
throw. In the midst of this upheaving of the ele- dictation and Schustnatical conduct had been tally
mantic( absolutism and the uprising of the apirit Of intstained. The second charge, however, that of
liberty, a dark mass is observed approaching from 4 , a fraudulent change of members from one church
the North, the hordes oldie Autocrat tit al; to another, van not sustained. On the whole, he
the Russias, are hastening to take pint in the des- I thought, that Mr. Davis should be restored to his
partite conflicts, and to crush the rising spirit of 'Church ; with an admonition, however, to be more
freedom. Where is France at this crisis, when cautious in future.
she ought to be en the watch to take hei post ia 1 Mr. Graham thought the appellant was clearly
preserving th e hh e ni ee of E uro p e 1 She is ee . i guilty on all the charger brought against hint.
gaged in attempting to restore the unnatural sway.; Mr Burgess felt that he could do nothing but eur
at the Paper which gives ton dignitary of the 1 lain the appeal. The evidence against brother
Church absOlute temporal power over a people Davis was not, by any means, conclusive.
who have resolutely declared their repugnance to Mr. Lord was clearly of the opinion that the
such a away. This is a disgraceful buaLness, sad first charge had been sustained, he was not so me
' Frame should is ashamed of it, and therefore ei' tail concerning the second.
cures herself nu the ground of raertering to pre. Dr. Slut did not bee that the charge of tasuLar
veot the intervention of Austria' There never ilination had been sustained. Under similar cir
wasiany had art performed, but on excuse was at. cumstancea he would do as bro s ther Davis had
tempted. We are not sorry that she has received done. Upon the whole, he should, most certainly,
a serious check at the gates of Rome, and that the .votztar thsenpPeaL
old Roman spirit to not quite extinct. The following Mr. Ke!rs'VieWlNl the circumstances conned`,
further account of the repulse of the French will ed with this case from first to lee; could consmen l
be read with pleasure and interest fi?onlY vote for sustaining the appeal.
In Italy, the French Geueral Marched, 'ramie on Mr. Hamilton felt that it was a solemn thing to
the 27th ult,; from Cev Ito Veebia, gives as account rivetse the decision of the lower jrldicatones, and
of the pressrs of the French tromps, by telegratatz yet he should feel corepelled to do so.
Gen Durham had set oat tau his smirch. in Rome, Mr. „_
where, according mall information, he mos calledbelieved. 201 none of the sPnniftns
by the people's wish; but haring met with more noes brought against this brother had hose tes
sera:us opposition than was expected, he took up mined. Maher Davis had beennlready chasten
position sonic distance front this clip and was pa as with a ma of froth and yet the wow's
trait* the arrival of the balance of the e
Tien. 'No date is given, but it tiorthelow had utterly failed in making out their
Ondinot was near Rome on the 30th ult.
On the 27th, the Assembly resolved to adhere
to their tesolutiou of oppasieg the entrance of the
Cannon are planted at the gates and along the
streets nod rood the; lead to Ceviti Vecchia.
The long covered gallery, erected by Pope
Borgia, between the cattle of St. Angelo and die
Vatican Palace, lizu been blown up by powder,
the fragments being used to block up the avenues
to the city.
An eye witness gives the following description
of the attack on the city. A company of the first
battalion of Traillears, sent to the gates of
being received with musket slims, returned in
good order, and soon another part of the division
advanced without difficulty, into the midst of the
capital, the streets of which were barricaded; but
they were received by a well directed fire of
musketry and a storm of missiles from the win
dows and roofs of t h e houses.
The 20th regiment of the line, which was in
front; was severely treated, and a company of
Voltigestre was almost entirely destroyed. At last,
seeing the impracticability of continuing the strug
gle, which had bewails en fatal to his troops.
Oadioat ordered a retreat, and the Expeditionary
Corps occupy at this moment a strong position
near Rome. We had about two hundred killed,
including several officers, among them is Oudinoes
Aid-de-Comp. There are also several hundred
The correspondent of the Daily News writing
frosaißome on the 30th ult., states that the French
did not reach Home at all; that all the fighting
took plains outside of the wail. The gates of San
Pancrazio, Peeler and Calealtegan were patina of
attack. A sortie ..22 made hy-Grarlialdi as the
French advanced, and the Celts are said by cor
respondents to have had six hundred tilled on the
spot. There were 452 Frenchmen taken prisoners,
V many of whom while crossing the streets were
heard to declare that they had been tricked into
the expedition by promises of being lead against
Fer the Putsburgh Gazers.
AftWorre—Can you inform thine who feel no
interest in the welfare of the ALM:MEW Cm user
who owns and derives any benefit horn the culti
vatiooof turkeys upon such sacred ground? Since
early spring time, the grounds of - the Cemetery
have been encumbered, (and might I not say tomb
stones and monuments injured and soiled?) with a
drove al turkeys, much to the annoyance of many
of our good citizens, who would much prefer oth
er decorationr—suciras handsome plants, flowers,
dro. The' =WM estate with which the peafowl
Is wont to welecime funeral processions, might be
ufierated--sithough such notes oven cause hor
ses to become Taber restive) but the turkeys are
decidedly objectionable to a
In pursuance of public notice, a meeting of the
citizens of the 6tb, 7th, and Bth wards, and others
interested in the condition of Pennsylvania Ave
nue, wan held on Saturday the 26th day of May ,
at the public school home of the Bth ward; the
meeting was organized by calling Robert 'Watson,
teq., tb the chair, and appointing Ralph Reed and
Joseph T. Marla, Secretaries.
Tbeobset of the meeting having been explain
ed by the chairman in n few tee:nut:3,mnd by read
ing thelcall of the meeting, a was on motion orb°.
zeph T Marks,
Roared, That G L Reis, A WilLiu.son,l Col
ton, Jr., E D Gazdara, Juba Alien, tad Ralph
Reed, ba a committee to draft rrlalutione exptean
moe of the views 4.11 Ine,tll4,r.
After ■ short tibNCIICC the committee returned
and made. veMs I statement, that In consequence
Mao member having resolubons pre vsr., aly we p a .
red, they wool& tubmtt only the falloutng brief
Resolved, That the courtr pnreilftd by the con
tracten for grading and paving Prnnaylvanta qv
cane, and the conduct of the. Street Comnimpione
of the second distnetmed oilier oily. officers. m re
Winn to said street, mere and receive the union!'
fled condemnation of thin meeting.
.•• - • -
Re=lced, That the citsens here assembled ap
prove of the memorial of Farmers And Mechanic
Turnpike Rued Company, and respectfully rime ,
the Coy Councils to give said tattional their im
mediate and serious count' e rams,
Reuriesd, That GL Rein, R. Reed, li Vahnes
[QM:, E F Smith, E D Gamine. and I (.purr, Jr.
be appotomd a committee to ummonahro the corm.
oils on behalf of the citizens in relation to the na
pes-sable condition of Pennsylvania Anyone, nod
the conduct of those whose immediate duty it is to
attend to said street, nod that said eemanuee make
a report to an adjourned meeting of the citizens to
be held on 'Saturday, the 9th of June, at C o'oelook
P. M. at this place. Tho rinsolutions i having been
reed, - were mutnimotudp adopted, and the proceed-
Inge ordered to be pubtahed in the city papers.. "7
ROBERT WATZON, Chairman..'
nazis s. cmar i
4 T blear. 9 es
• • ........
Geiterail Assembly of the Prallytertaas
ClPargth..o/4 aChOOl4 -
.162 #24°--N."7733Nnerrii.V ' • • . '-- idandir,g a i 28 '
"-Ilia Assembly met pursuant to iu)jcitutunent ,
Isqui gpefied with prayer by the ger. Kr.
The clerk read the menthe of Sanctity after:
Alexander Johhean could cot ausiste the
Uarid Waggoner could not sustain the appeal,
since he thought that the chine of insubordina
tion had been folly sustained, though he was pot
so certain u to the wooed change.
blelinight Williamson thought that Synod really
deserved *rake Cur unvelltri4 out of the record
as they hr&done. He &mild sustain the appeal.
Edwin Ir Nevin did not believe that there bad
been my insubordination towards ;this' Presbyte
ry, manifested by Mr. Davis. to regard to the
other potato, he did nol think that there had been
any evidence brought forward to overthrow the
Mr. A. G. Brown's opinion coincided with that
of the last speaker.
The Rey; Mr. Nelson we inclined to think that
the:punishment of Mr. Davis had been sufficiently
severe, and therefore he should be rostored to his
clitirch; but at the same time he thought that the
decision of the lower ceurta had been correct,
Mr. Baird thought that the charge of schism had
been made oat, bat that of insubordination had not
Mr. Mc..ammon would sustain the appeal. Ho
did not perceive that there was either fraud or in
subordination in :the conduct of brother Davis.—
Fla thought, that the conduct of the Presbytery
was highly censurable.
Mr. Blackley would be in favor of sustainsug
part of the appeal, but would not sustain it all.
nihir. Hill could not Epstein the whole appeal, as
neither could Mr. BroVu. °
Mr. Babcock thought that the prosecution be
low brokedown at every point.
Mr. Clarke believed that the Synod as well as
the Presbytery had been all along very desirous
of piling offences on the milde bill of Mr. Davis .
error, until it became a mountain. He thought
that it was a mole bill still, and would *mums the
Mr. Powers thought the puMahment of Mr. Davis
life, too severe. The principal offences charged
4 - must him had not been proved, and the minor
offences which he may have committed did not
merit suspension. He would matins the appeal,
but yet he thought that Mr. Davis had erred in
many points.
Mr. Read wits clearly of the opinion that the
punishment wits wholly disproportionate to the of
fence. Mr. Esarts could aof sustain the appeal.
Mr. Hodgeman was an wog those who would
sustain an appeal The evidence did not warrant
them in doing any thin% else.
In view of all the Panda of the case, Mr. Ogden
would sustain the apyeal, though he would not
vote for censuring Metier the Synod or Presbytery.
McDonnelly would sustain the appeal while he
wotild censors both the appellant and the Synod
of North Carolire/.
Mt wa,■ decidedly of the opinion that we
•could MOJA the COWL below in a Court, not
as • private individual, actuated by tiarty feel-
The gentleman went on at great length to ex.
press but resolution to vote for part of the appeal,
and yet for sustaining port of the sentence. Die
Mg hit remarlos, the Moderator announced that
the hour of a djournment had arrived. Several
notices want given to vanous Committees, agar
which the Moderator announced that, during the
session, fifty copes of the fifth and last edition of
Harris' Baal nee DireVory, i11t147) had been sent
as a present to the AsseMbly, and, on motion, the
thanks of the Assembly were unanimously ten
dered to Mr. Harris-
The meeting wia closed with prayer by Mr
The Artsemldy mat at the usual hour, and was
opened vial player.
The Co matinee on leave of absence, repotted
that they had given petmirsiod to several members
of the Geilend Miserably to return to their respect
ive boatel.
' The ease of the Rev. Le Roy Davit was main
taken up.
' kr. Geisha a thought .Ituit Mt. Davis had:it:Si
itsitif erred. He &d not know whether exit Will
illfmation of I Ir. Davis' leassnoe would be midi
to please Aim.
Mr. Stillman war of opinion that the firm charge
bad been remained, but that the ammad-had not
*ea. The siMenee however %Tattoo Severe.
Mr. hicCoritie twuld not sustain the oiglncm.
Mr. Nrirtwiir"i boLaved that the find 'chop
was proyediAnd not the second.
Mr. Porter would sustain the appeal, but at the
same time did not wish to imply tug censure on
the Presbytery.
The roll baying been gone timougb, a gentleman
moved that Mr. Fifer, a member of the synod of
North Carolina, have leave to express his senti
ments on thiisubmor; - permission was refused by
a vote of fifty two for, and sixty five against the
A motiou was made to reconsider the vote.
Considerable discuserion arose on this point, and
the reconsideration was but by a large majority.
Dr. Spring-inlayed that the whole question be
referred to a select committee, masisting of mem
ber'. Other gentlemen thought that the main
questnin as to the reception or reaction of the
appeal should be called up; and the votes were
accordingly taken, they were as foilowc—ln team
of sustaining the appeal, 47; in favor of sustaining
the tuition in part, 82; in favor of not sustaining
the report, 24. ,
Dr. Spring renewid his motion, that the question
Mould be referred to a select committee, which
was carried, and the Moderator appointed a com
mittee for that pumper..
The secoud miles. of the day "A request from
the MOM Slhitid of Philadelphia, requesting the
Esatern Presbytery, la which is Lafayette College,
be nulled to that,". was taken up, end the COM-
M int . ° =that aubjetil, through their chairman, Dr.
Phillips, reported.
After remarks by Iht. Steele, Brown, Phillips,
and Meaux. Stanton, and Knox, the report was
Mr. Joseph Patter rose and said, that not having
had a previous opportunity of examining the pro
test of theßest Mr. Nev in on the subject of slavery,
he, 4 / 4 metitallvarith some other gentlemen, wished
to append their names to the protest. Signed by
the Rev. Messrs Joseph Porter, Wm. Bonner,
and James Fullerton.
The committee on bills andeavertnres reported
so the subject of establishing &cheap Preebyterian
paper, the price of which should not exceed a
dollar and a balls }tear.
It was moved na an amendment, that the surplus
funds received from the publication of this paper
be applied to the relief of destitute clergymen of
the Presbyterian Church.
A great deal of discussion ensued on this point,
and the amendment was withdrawn.
A motion was made and carried, to lay the
motion on the table.
A motion was made and carried, to appoint a
committee on the same subject, to report neat
Dr. Spring, chairman of the oommitte on the
care of the Rev. Mr. Le Roy Davis, made a report
to the effect the first charge against the appellant,
viz, that of insubordination and schismatical con
duct be sustained; second, that with respect to
the charges of miarepreventation and tahiehood
'brought against the appellant as regards the trent
ter of members from Concord to Prospect, the
appellant is acidness; third, that the Synod of North
Carolina erred in admitting into their record an
allusion to charges not before them; fourth, that
the decision of the inferior courts be reversed, and
that brother Davis be restored to the church of
Concord, at the same time that he be enjoined
more scrupulously to observe the peace and tran
quillity of the chnrch.
A motion was made to the effect flint the prac-
tip of reading iermons n `featly on the increase,
and recommending the use of manuscripts to be
It wes FROVRd to lay the manna OR thPlable,
but it was last—yeas .6, nays 79.
Dr. Plummer then rose on the ongmal question,
lon was interrupted in a powerful speech in favor
of manuscripts when ever clergymen wished it,
by the arrival of am hour of adjournment
Thr meeting Was closed with prayer by M
G•tiespondence of the Ptusbargh Gazeue.
W• 31111001,3, May 24, 1549.
The Union gives a louder howl than ever, this
morning. Stich expressions as "infamous," ..nefa
nous," .3re., arc., are freely interspersed through
the distrities. His sublect is; of count. the:suffer
ings of the persecuted democrats, who have lost
their offices. As Mr. Burke has psi released his
grape upon the public funds, and as it hes been an:
nounced that he bee become cimoerned with the
tritiou, it is sumarted that this is his cry of rage
endarisf, raised to excite public commiseration
Fir his pitiful case. I regret to notice that such ts
gut hardness of people's hearts, now a dap, that
not even the &wieners of a democrat compelled
to surrender a three thousand dollar office can
move them. Thu perhect inditlemicas with which
these soul harrowing narratives of the misery of
being deprived 01 ipublic salary are received by
the masses of both parties, to probably the most
awful feature of the whole dreadful business.
'Another cabinet meeting war held to day, and
It eat late. I hare no doubt that most of the time
was consumed is debating die mate of affairs in
etrlifirrnialallothing of each consequence in the
matter of appointments. The few that were made
were of Wings.
And here I wish to correct an error into which
was lei by believing an apparently uncontradicted
story, of the democratic papers. It was in taking
for granted, from the published statements, and
Commenting upon them as true, that the new Whig
Collector at New Orleans had turned out some
seventy odd democratic officers, In favour of so
many wings appointed. It seeuis he did not &a
miss any of them, but merely declined to re-op
point some twenty or thirty of those whose term of
employment had expired. He would have done
right, however, had be refused to reappoint a sin
gle one of them.
A whig of New Orleans complained to me to
day, that the identical "Young Virginian, ardent
as a Southern sun could make him," who did so
well at the beginning of Polka term, has just se
cured an appointment of travelling agent of some
sort in the South, worth upward. of 52,000 'per
annum. The name of this ardent young gentle
man is>outhall, and the office w loch has, as my
informant states to me, just been conferred upon
him, rte the same which Mr. Tyler originally gave
him, and from which he was only translated by
Polk to ;mother asgood. The devotion duns ar
dent young man was commemorated by Mr.
/tucks', at the time, in the glowing language of
which the above quotation is a specimen. I hope
some explanation will be given of this appoint
ment that will take away its present strange ap
The report that the heads of all the democratic.
office holders of, and above the rank of auditor, wil l
be severed trout their shoulders on the first of next
month, gliins ground, and bas already had the of
fie( of almost frightening several of them Into a
resignation. I certainly hope it will prove true,
nod that the event will he followed by a Judicimui
weeding out of the subordinates.
It is said that Mr. Embank has already given
the chief clerk dike Patent Offlce notice, that he
shall not want hiM longer than will be required to
induct hispuccessor into elllce- Mr. Sylvester, the
person Oa notitled,has beenPong known as a very
ultra democratic politician, nod doubtless expected
dismissal as soon as Mr. Burke was superceded.
But why did he not resign? Perhaps he thought it
good policy to take all the chances, that of the
clemency of the victors with others
We have almost an empty town. The final
decision of the Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York,
and Boston appointments has relieved from guard
duty here numerous detachments of .coats sad
skirmiehers who had apparently come op to see
fair play between their respective candidates.
The South Carolina chivalry have again spoke's
and we find that they cilium in with the Accomac
people, who under the head of Wise and Bagley ,
got up the recent anti-union demonstration in that
corner of Virginia- The het is that these worthies
are fellow workers in one cause, That
i s the great rod and object of all their plots and
gatherings. it is not that they love their riggers
more than other slave holders, but they love the
Utica 1011). They are now doing every thing
within t h e i r capacity to excite the South In oppo
sition to the North) that is, to the Union of the
North; non intercourse with the free States,
secession from them, confiscation of northern pro.
petty, sequestration of their debts, are all openly
preached by them. Their present attempt beats
more immediately upon the union of the democratic
party at the South, In favor of their wicked pur
poses Through this means they hope to coerce
the whiga of that division, either Into co-operation
or passive submission. A Southern democrat olo•
stirred to um, yesterday, that Mr. clay • had done
the iireig Ottty atid the cannily one irreparable in
-144 itepped in between Gen. Jackson and
the nallifi-sa, end ad prevented his hanging the
ring/enders of the latter opbylket neck, which he
woifid have Intel done - brit fitr -- ttiat interposition.
lam Inclined to agree with him. So far have
these traitor' carried Owls audacity, that it would '
almost seem that the fate of the Union depended
upon the wisdom and firmness of Senators Cloy
and Benton. Those men are, in part, representa
tives of the only :two slave States whose position
gives them the power to check the designs of these
mad incendiaries. Kentucky and blissouti axe
ahead ydisposed to emancipatiou,if it can be effect
ed in a safe and requitable manner, and both care
more Mr the Union than (or Slavery. It is not yet
Indisputably clear, however, that they , are prepared
to sustain their great statesmen in the measures
which may be requisite to put down this new
Zinn ofnullification—We shall see. The North
',cannot prevent secession, bat the South can crush
the viper that writhes in its own bosom.
Fur the Piuthures Connie
Ode to Rome obtriVintee.
AY A 1 E.
Upon the Alps. the song of Liberty wits sang—
Along the rung. of the *poem". a wing—
The land of Brutus from her slumbers woke,
And Rome the bonds of despotism broke .
Thou "Niohe of nsticms" long the eon
Which wide reflected knowledge on the world,
To freedom's. loftiest 4111.111 thy heart Nunn,
... .
Her Sag ia on thy mountains now unfurled,
Ruh oil the rust or ages from thy sheen—
In all thy pristine glory be thou seen;
Thy eagles scream along tile Tiber and the Po
PrOleetrets of thy friends, the !COUTge of every f..,..
The Poet's sad dirge shall cease to foment
The rain and woes that on thee were sent—
The nahoi of thy sons unjustly withheld,
Lo • Slavery'a death from the Vatican's knelled
llre spud of Com reinsitit thy earth,
And joys to the land that gave to II birth.
Nneen id theHobe," laland•itlistress of the ace'
In Zeno dead! thou no longer free !
What merino th distant Roman mural ' Rut hark .
Hear ye again t Lion. of SL Murk'
The people eh for freedom on your bridge of sighs,
Pisanrs disem tied spirit thus replies •.
"Oh land in by-gone times the strong bulierailt
of man, of Christendom, against the Turk—
The pioneer in commerce and in wealth,
Thy freedom thou host lost by stealth.
Remember now Spinoloiti flight,
Thy glory round Chhiagala rowers
The splendor of Lewitt:Oh Eel '11..L. ^ .- - - • .
Thy COnqUal of Wanda powers.
.May My and muse wish %lila thy pala ce 'Thy children dance ante mare open thelt te,lrww
The twewitut4 song be heard upon the 01004111 waters
Mingling with the low, sweet vowel of thy dark eyed
M ' i l l ' y ' re ' OiTe 4 once again be free'
And Italy henceforth united be—
erH circling boundary, the Alps oral sea
Pt - rum... 11, Aprill:th,lsll.
rlZr The above Orbs was written before the late at
tempt or Charles Albert to free Lombardy, lad been
defeated, and before the Freneh and landed at Canto
Vecchia, or at least before the enter saw the acCOUnt
of critter event. 9 1. R.
death of this gallant officer, whose military career
n one of the brightest and bravest is American
history, must excite sorrow throughout the coun
try. Returning Lately from New Grimm to his
command at San Antonia, Texas, the first almost
that we bets of him again, is his sudden demise by
epidemic cholera He was in the 55th year of his
age, and had escaped dead while intrepidly lead
ing to victory in a greater number of tattles than
generally boo fallen to the lot of a a American offi
cer to be engaged ht. General Worth was a dts
'anguished soldier two wan—the war of 1812,
in which he itcatiod his maiden sword. and won
bright laurels for his brow—was one of the most
brilliant heroes of the Mexican war, and termina
ted with much success the Indian war in Florida.
The Philadelphia Ledgergires the following sketch
of his career
"He entered the army. in the artillery service,
as a private solder, during the martial fever that
raged m the northern States in Ihl2, during the
campaign in Canada. He signalized himself by Ms
soldierly deportn.ent and gallantry, and wan soon
made a lieutenant, in which capacity he again
gave promise of his future laurels, in the military
skill and daring he displayed. At Lundy's Lane
he was badly wounded, imil,for his services on that
bi•ody Held, as well as at Caippewa, be was bre
vatted, tint to captain and then to major. lie
won, during his military Carrel, no leas than SAW
brevets on the field of battle. On the [laid of NM
klaktslaa, in Florida, where he commanded and
gained a victory over the Indiana he was brevet
ted a Lingadier--eind again, a major general, in
Mexico, in one of the brightest campaigns that ev
er attended the man-h elan ormy.
servICLS, as a brave and ludicrous
.ere always acknowledged by the commander
chief, for lo neutral! the battles of Taylor and
Scott, Worth led the advanced ariaultmg divisions.
At Monterey he carried the principal fortresara—
He amitsted to bombard Vera Cruz, arid was ap
pointed governor of the mum after Its c-apatobiticat.
At Cerro Gordo be took an active part, led the ad
vane to Puebla, distinguished himself u Chem•
boseo,lought the most sanguinary eogagement of
the mar at hilohno,ond carried his pomt, though be
lost nearly half his teen, and of the storming of
Chepouitepes and Son Comme displayed the same
valor and con tempt of danger that ever Miami We
A {eller from San Antonio clam 7th, to the Plc.
•yone, says
He tiled as be lived, • true soldier, COOICIOI. 10
the last, surrounded by hi, broken hearted wife
and children, and by tile miller,/ gaff and other
At New York, the announcement of Geo. Worth'.
death area lillloWed by a auapetutiou of the mama'
dag, at half mast, from an the hotels end public
1A1.141101.. _
Prrratinaou, :day 21,1012
To clime Ereillenenee. the Alarms of the Sister Ct.
tY) of Pettabsergh and Allegheny
tutaltorav—The etty of 211. Louis reeenity
and while wakened by Cholera, been slatted by fire
which has lard an Important portion of her business
streets to rain—and several day. having already
elapsed since we became acqua.ted wall this dis
tressing ealamay, that has befallen a elly so dear to
our community by ties of consanguinity and Malty,
and by the most truer conargercial relations. It ap.
pears expedtent and necessiry that the milord spa.
porta, and benevolence of our citizens Ito say not.
mg of their gratitude for relief under statist tottannits)
should sock an opportunity for expression mad antrum
in this ease, and knowing that relict to tre efficacious
should be prompt. it is deemed proper and humane
that our Mlle? rile. shoold net in harmony and con
cert utt each an occasion, and that your tumors will
he pleased - to null a public meeting et our citizens, to
devise suitable means and mole of artion in behalf of
the sufferers
Very respectfully, your fellow citizens,
D T Morgan. John D Davis.
W B Co lard.
W Itage/e y, Sidney_tltrong,
R &I &lackey,
M Moorhead, Barley, Brown A CO
! Party:OVl, Wallingford & Co
Curling. Robertvon & Co
M'Candless &Ca tupbell, Speng & Co.
Philip Wilson, Wm Holmes & co
1 Punter, Id Leech & Co
i.e B Murray, R Townsend & Co
Kutner & Rehm, Neville B Craig,
H Childs, Wm M Husk,
Edvuird Gregg. D N White,
Wm J Howard. Jos Snowden,
Henry Woods, Henry S Msgr.,
Gee A Race, Charles Mater,
Chas II Paulson, Kennedy, Childs & l'o.
Palmer. Hanna & Co W Rohinsoa, Jr.
Lion. & Co. K T Friend.
Cooper' A Lovely, Jas. E Breading,
R Tumor & Co Geo K Arnold,
Whitmore! Wolf, Hampton. BOIS Lb & Co
Murphy, Wilson &Co R H Hartley,
flinger. Nicholson & Co. J Blackburn,
B A Eihnestock &Co Bakcerell, Peers & Co.
Film D Gautem, A A Muon & Co.
The ctuxerui of Paoli:4.o and Al egheny are rage.,
ted to meet es Wednerday, the 30th sort, at 3 o'clock,
at the New C.urt Haase, for the purpose, as stated in
the above communlcatton, of sir:dewing their sympa•
thy 'nth the retrace', in We law St. Louis fire, and of
taking actwe measures for their. relief.
May Allegheny City.
JOHN 11}"RROri,
Mayor City of Pittahurgh.
W. M. Wright, D., Dentist,
on Fourth it,
op ( p .i o r s r , l .7 tad r =e r n g c h e
"i 's•S t ' rn " w " ..f.7l:lc *n t c o i r P. " ,c:14171
firs and Aarhus Inionranee.--Tor Ferm
chummed len—eontinnes to insure, upon every de
sertpuon of property, at the lowest rein.
Oretce., No 71 Market street.
Hoar. Funny, Secy. myfedam
u:r PlSlStillia it Ant, WNW" MININI.I Co. DtVIDS.IIII.
The Stockholdem of sill: above named Company ata
notified that the Dividend of Ten Dann, par share,
declared on the 173 W January leo, will be paid them
or their legal representatives, at the *Mee of the Treas
urer of said Company, in tko city 01 Pittsburgh, on or
after the lllst day of May, inst
Eastern Stockholder. will be mud e[ the office of J.
W Clark S Po , Sosten.
myll TflOS. AI. HONVE, Treasurer
Mansfasts, ThEe to ltng, Coal, arts, Law IllanAt
o*oo BILL, 1-.110..6, CEItninCA.TES,
roldedes, Ae. it ,
Printed al the shortest notice, at tow Klee', at N.
de2l GA.12111/ 000100, Tnlan warn.
Improvement. In Den y.
DR 0. 0. STRARNR, late of Boston, is prepared to
atanufartnro and set litocc Tama In whole and parts
Users, upon Section or Atmospheric Suction Plates.—
TOOTHACICIL CM= to Inlrn ■l.lOlll, where the nerve is
capered. Office and residence nest door to the May
or's office, Fourth street Ptiolenee
Reims to—J. B. fir Fadden. P. 11. Ewen. ,in
Pazmall Lemon 6 1 IL
--Prepared- by J. W. Kelly,
%NEI= street, N Y , and osale by A. Jaynes, No
70 be verag e This will be found a delightful arti
cle ofvin families, and particularly for sick
Beanie's Dames —An improved Chocolate prepara
tion, being a COMbuintio• of Coto. not; Innocent, in
vigorating and palatable, highly recommended part.,
Sul, for myelitis. Prepared by W. Eaker, Dorches
ter, Mesa, and for sale by A. JAYNES, at the Pekin
Tea Store, No. 70 Portaa st amble
To nth Arttunren—To those afflicted with that
dreadful 4COlar6e to America, the Liver complain}, the
proprieton of Itl , Lane , e Liver Pills are happy to of
fer this remedy, Is Kt..," complete and sale. 11 las
been tried often In all parts of the country; it has been
used to the practice of the most eminent yfflyaietans,
and always with triarophant nieces/. :in, oretios
these Pills to the public, the piOprietorr are Bethnal/
by a desire to alleviate human suffenotr, and prerrer
remedy for one of the mon terrible dliessul,'whibb
shall be within the easy reach of all. Flit IWO at the
dnyl SION at mra4dave9 I MR &Co
Par th• Pittabiargh May OAKUM*
Naar Yoax, May 2a
By the latest electric telegraphic despatch to the
New Yarn Herald, the following additional facts
are communicated:—
Bristol letters potilishril as the Pans National,
reaffirm the slaloming. of the French losses at
lip w the 2d the Romans remained ansultalued.
An exchange of prisoners had been effected.—
Tho Roman General had declared Ancond in
state of siege
Brealea bad been placed under military law.
The disturbances bud been suppressed, but were
momentarily expected to burst out,aguin.
Cologne was to a very agitated state, and au so
intrrection was haarly anticipated. The militia
had come to contact with the king's treope at Eh.
berkdt during the recent outbreak.
The whole of the Menial" provinces are in a
highly excited state, reedy to explode into ieltsl
lion like a tram of gunpowder. The armed mania
are disaffected towards the king of Prussia, and
Incline to the Frankfort Assembly.
The king of Hanover's troops had been over
powered in a conflict with the Polytechnic students,
and his majesty compelled to fly.
The Hungarians are concentrating an army of
100,000 men, with which they will crush Austria
unless she is protected by Russia. The unity of
Jellachich bas been entirely destroyed.
There is now ressou to hope that the Danish and
Panama quarrel will be immediately adjusted.
The Russian troops were pouring into. Austria
in immense numbers.
The young Emperor had returned to Vienna and
been welcomed with every demonstration of en-
Nava Oaucara, May 22—P. M.
A new engine is now trying to stop op the ere
meson. The water is null rustling in rapidly and is
rising at the rote of 6 inches in 24 hour•. The Com
mon, Grazier and Coral stn. are overflowed.
New 011.LIAMI, May 72.
The Indians had been defeated, nod the, etty o
Balainier retaken by the whites.
M 2S
Theron no regular report s( t!. •.,,,rs; but the
weather is cold and cloudy, and disease, is be
lieved to be no wont.
The Montreal papers report the km, of the enm
grant ship, Marie, from Limerick, with 111 pas
wingers All on board perished, with the exceptio.
of lice of the crew who escaped
The Merle foundered m the Gulf of St. Law
New You, May 25.
Megan. Howland and Aspinwall have received
telegraphm di patch announcing the arrival of
the steamen Oregon and California, et Panama
with (argon valued at 5500,000.
The reports rantxt Frailty are indefinite, b
ibtae ts probably no decrease in the number
cases The weather la cold and cloudy.
Nay Yoax, May 25.
The sirruner arr,vrd si lio<ton on sigtunley mor,
N 0 ,11.41 swots .I..mie tt..• tour...g aptheuttug ee•-ri
,sta th&l ~dart.
Thy wenther t. antavorqble
Pau.a.onerma, May 29.
mark. ,r
e mute .loe of
CMateD., W , vern t 4 511 NI, lAA I. demael .
Grara—rialrs ot Yrllc, Cora at 51. hr par WI No
ebaxtjrln otter 4aseriplinar
Proatrea.— Povt i. anct aavd Lard mar t.l
tin. and pnee• lavr an nparanl tendenri 11211,+n
has alOO7 advanced
Maas u no ea Imre "t oar= ari.ele• usually t r
porn d
The or-attmf II c'onfly o fat lb< appearance of rain
Nam , Yam, May 29.
fac , sum. ea, eaae.4.4-bsavy ass,
. toren bare umporut7y withirmv. fp
donnaatn present It continett to small loot fox est? este
*noun lOU
1,,510 -The demand:Jur Corn .• le, than it was. too'
Prumskma—Sates of ptcated meas.... full pries
Lard—The demand r tsar, but p.c. ar ea .er B.
son lam Mir demand, swath •eles to a corremtcmdmur
tent al, Salsa, hi gaSte. Shoulder. pickles
Umeertee—Tlaste 31 a mead, trade demand Meaugar
with miles of Orleans at Mere a nut de
mand Mt codee. but pace. ase unchanged
Wlaskey—Sales of Otuo. former prwes
Cotton—There is ao chows* worthy of rare. Stoppers
generally prefer ...slung W nett advice.
Monty Marker—At the meeting of the Seco. I Board
to day, stock.. •n.l treeteury notes ehghtly wlsianced
Treaeury nowt ..old•1 II; New Lo•n at 1.5 t
Flew —ll.l.atern! , - Vrrre made ka d.l, %I pIIMOUS
r , r ar4s Kt , e. or dern.W.
Whnkey -- The Acmanti n lai r A ith sa'r. ai 14.0516
May TZ
Corson—The foletv. news tt rons.lerad very laver
• le, nod the mark , •• firm We note sale. .., 4111,0
bale* at roll away
Finny—The .ales to day have been to • lair extent ,
meluding VAX , bbl. of Otto. of 1.4 40 per bbl
Grain—Sales of :tool bit 04 Cora at 40 .. .4de per bu
Provtylont—Sal ea or :Po/ bbis 01 Mrs. at $ll 40 per
I.roco-ncs—Th , mune% .1 unchanged. Witt a re,
said. lime. Of demand
Przishts has , : d.chn.d 00000 10 Leverpool i• •.•
=FOETID rot Tilt prilmsticoe DOILY CIALZECK
This morning at 10 o'clock, J. D. Davis, Auc
tioneer, sells a choice invoice of clothing, fine
shirts, dcc., on a credit of ninety days. Desists are
invited to attend.
The SiteetComsmuee are requested to call and
see the state of "Pennaylvanta Avenue," without
!other delay.
By order of the tith, 7th, Sth, and 9th wands and
Citizens of Pat Township.
Yeclerday goorsong r a protracted dine", Mr.
Sic.. Al WC,
His tonerei veal take place to.lay from his residence,
cornet Penn and St. Clair streets, at In o'clock, A. M.
The (Wends and •conaintancus of the family are re.
peetfally requested to attend without further notice.
Conitra.—Titoe. Cca!mamas of the Ctzth Ward,
.nll be sapporacd for the omee of Coroner, sabject to
the decision of the Whig nod Antitnesonic Coverrotion„
tuy29.drawsT Mu WBIOS.
/imp rtirtcumn, Fan, of Peebles toWnship, oral be
• candidate for County Commissioner, inbiect to the
decision of the Whig and Antimasottle Convention.
infadtvvio . r Many Wmos.
ertrrn it BF MOM,. in Sor 10 nor
TFIB attention of the public is invited to this very
valuable Churn, which has the advantage of all
others in combining the old and new inventions to•
The utility of dos invention ts apparent, aa by a Una
pie process th e ate forced beneath the dash, and
does away with the necessity of purchasing a new
Churn, as It can be applied to any churn iu uw, and
for end dollar can have all the improvements of the
age catuLdned with those of gathering the Beater in
the owed way.
The public are tosited torah and judge for them•
wlves before purcbatung elsewhere, at HT, corner of
Market and Falb street., or at 63 Diamdrod alley, be.
trees. wood and Market street., Pittsburgh.
HE subscribers will sell et pnvate sale, dime twit
valuable Lots of Ground, situated on Tmato st ,
i „ die Third Ward of Allegheny City, each having a
hoot of spa feet, funning back 100 feet in depth to .211
feel alley, upon which is built a stone wall, 25 by 1110
feet, which contains stone enough to build cellars for
two comfortable dwelling houses, and us from there
are three shade trees, of ti years growth, and the title
walk is pared with Wick, ail of which will
goo Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or County Scrip,
will be taken in payment
1 A H PIIILLIPS, No 5 Wood at
or to W5l BKNSON, immediately uppmite said lOts
7E:•antorti NoUc•
ALL persons indebted to the Estate of MATTHEW
CRAMFOI7.I), of Lathan* township, Allegheny
county, P-A, aro hereby notified to make immediate
payment to the understate* and all persona having
clams against said agate, to present thorn duly au
thenneated for adthrresel
myna:m . 3l.T JOSEPH HU
•Amtntriratorr. sotto•
LETTERS of Adatinistroukso have throe ffreemd to
the ondereigned on the Enate of Ram PEN
TON, hue et Loom St. Clair weruship.cees.d. All
= toddled to geld esla n te mo lt r a t jo make
11$ to :11r;drelletrIPIlem"far:ttLilt.
;013EPli T 51 . 1CNIGHT, A d eere
myth vrtrT JOHN BENTON,
27 Sauday, • •• •
5) Tuesda •
Wesluesday, •• • •
3 11
Thursdy, • • • •
1 Friday, • • • •
Orescs Prrisanou Classerca,
Tuesday Morning, Riley ZS, loan.
Owing to the excessive rains winch fell during the
Jay, yersiday, every thing was completely at a stand
in the muter, and scarcely any thing was done in any
branch of trade
FLOUR—We i tdte small oaks on the wharf al 1:3,56
IDSISin. end from store of sa,nawykl y bbl The re-
lots by river were comparatively light.
GRAIN—Very hate was brought in. and we heard of
o inks worth quoting Prices are generally without
CORN MEAL—Regular hauled sales are rtfroed
from store. w kiln dried at bbl
BACON—The market 'conunuee very firm, with
bask sales of City and Western eared at, for Should
ers 41, tsdes 51, and Rams at fife IP' Po. There la a
fair demand for good lots of loose country cored et a
to alc lower than the above figures. Best quality Su.
gar cured •anve..ed Hams are selling at fit elk per
BUTTER—Very little is arriving, but we notice lair
ppltes, wtdt a dull market. Good quality roll. bbls
ra be had from store at Ye. Bost gush!) , at logtuet
LARD—Pales to a limited extent at Ofc for No I in
'MI., Sales in kegs at 4442Gfc 4P ex
SOAP—Sales of Common Rosin at Ile4l, of Lest a
41e 9 lb. Sales of Variegated at 101.
CANDLES—SaIes of City and Cincliniati dipped at
Sc. at Mould at lOC and of Star at 210 9 /4
Frrrancimn, May 23, 1849.
The following is the amount of Merchimilize parsing
Fia4{ via Pennsylvania canal and railroad, from the
21st to tlic 26th May, in - clasive.
Flour, bbl. 5,477 Fara, 666 5.590
.C 6513,700
• 47,8 , 00
• 99,700• 99,700
Baron bs
robeero, Rm
N%.)1 •
Decr •fins
Col-bacrouN Ocrire, May W., 1919
Number of Boats, amount of Tannage, and amount
of Tolls, received at ens Otbee during the week end
ing Saturdat . May 26,1114 e
Mai. No. grata. Tonnage Toll
liianila), 21 12 , 469,919 9465 51
Tune , en. 17 635,414 645 5?
Wed. 23, 19 6.54,540 77539
Thur. , 24, 24 `45,5ai 759 %
Pri , 75. 12 474949 37 9 91
Vim., 2111.593.919 557 21
Burnsons, May Ws 1849.
Cattle—Th. , supply of Beeves at the settles last Mon
day was small, sad prices ruled much higher, which in
great meuure retarded operations. The teenage
reuhed MO head. of whleit 193 were sold. 91 Lea o
err usold, and HO were driven to Philtuielphis. Pa
nes ranged from 14 to 114,78 on the boot, equal to Bad
89,95 net: and averaging 84.371 gross.
Ho g e—Thesupply was good. but the market rather
inanuve We quote front 84,28 at 84,78.
Ns, tu•ruts no cut B.
publican of yesterday, says that Capt. D. Riley, of Me
strew. Pearl. has been successful In lus effort to nay.
gale the kaakaskla river ruder a contract for the
purpose. Caps Haley proceeded to • pond In the Aver
e• high es Tamaraveati, which he reached on the loth
teat, and he inmoded to proceed so high so Carlyle, if
Inn Water would permit. The practicability of the na
ua.tio, tdi
n th! • neer by . steam w in tam t t a , : i s it t h w ta b ll r er
m rar y tz.
used here ter several naciodia 01 the year. A veil a
mount of produce will dam find its way to market,
in good order and at rernoteensUas pores.—{9t Louts
May 29, 1549
The agricultural wealth of Ohio Is strikingly rem
plated in the itanstics for the year LAM, presented in
the report of the Board of Agriculture. The Cincinna
ti Atle• estimate , . the Wheat crop of that year, *tan
she date thus furnished., et T.i,000.000 bas. PLghteen
4,31.1111,1 only. nnt Including severtd of the farvet
wheat growing counties, produced upnls of 'OVA
me be The autumns Corn ere no wa t fell, but In ten
enannes only, where there are returns, the product is
eaansated at MIXIDJSZO ha; to the whole State it is sup
posed to have been 70,0[0A100 bo Of Went. the Atlas
esuatates that b. 1113,04 lbs were sheared 1449-2.OXt,
unti to eleven eountles. This productivetross Is scarce
ly excelled by the gold beams soil of Celtfornte
I Oleveland Herald.
Michigan No 2 Gilson, Beaver.
Balite, lecotts,Browneville.
Atlantic., Patldoson, Brownsville.
- Caleb Cope. Murdock.
Lake Erie, Gordon, Beavers
Beam, Clark. Belmar.
Constg, Boyd, Zanesville.
Emblilarf. anclimati-
Ha w. Caldwell, Larsirnlhe •
D. Win. - WrAgi nirtinnel, NOV
hale NeWtan.ZUMphill, Casella:ate.
Nliehigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Beam, Jacob, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parlorsan, Brownville.
Loss McLane, Bennett, Brownsville.
Lake Ene, Gordon, Beaver.
Telegraph No I, Haslep, Lonisville. •
Perri, Calhoun, Sandell.
Mt Vernon, &same Ctn.
Tau Rini — For the 24 bows preceding last
evening at dusk, there wem four feet full in
chanael and nearly at • stand. The Allegheny
had commenced swelling a little lam evening, but
it u still too low for steam boats to run.
Brownsville Packets, S A. M. and 4 P. M.
Beaver Packets, 10 A M. Rod 4 P. M.
Ctneinaltr—Z Taylor.
Aaron Hart-43in.
D. Leech & co 's, packet IMO. 9 P. M
TtlE •NO rna Rivins—The weather d
ring yestenlaf, was quite stormy, and if the rain w
• general one, there will be samensa to the nvers.
The Allegheny is toll too low for steam boat, b
keel boats ore among and departing between this e
ty and Warren.
The Zachary Taylor, Capt. Lucas. dial positively
leave to day for Cineumatb The Presbyterian Gener
al Assembly eLliourns to day, and me are pleased td
learn that all the dawn the river members of that body
rake passage on this floe Gear.,
CINCINNATI—Per Hamburg-100 bbls whiskey.
r.,•0 ; 100 B Noose; 30 do, Lambert & hip ,
4311; 130 bbl. meal, J Grier, 40 cots bacon, Sellers &
Nichols; 6 !Inds do J Mellesitt & co, 7 bss mime, W
Bingham, 40 Wads shoulders, 10 bbls lard *l4 Graff &
c¢l6 rolls leather, W Ringbam; 10 bbls lord oil, Kier
& Jones; 94 *is stuch,..l Berry; 19 mks rags, I cult
wio,s, Geo !tuna* 4 *es nes, Berry
molluscs, Tuley
& Beat; IU bids sogar, D Roue; 66 eats bras, J Mc-
Fadden; 34 Ole temp. I) Leech & co:s bbls lard oil.
Miller & Rieketsoo; 51 bls hem*, swear on board.
HOCKINGPORT—per Pilot No 9-50 dos bockats,
10 Us usual, D T Morgan; 20 Wads lob,/ A Roe; 10 bbls
linseed oil, li A Fahnesteek L. co; R bbd. bacon, R
& co; 1 boa aids., owner; II boo choose, Witt
& McCandless; 1 boiler head, Slouribergar & co; 7 Mid.
tab, W R Johoun; s 3 bgsoats, 1 bbl egg., I box do, 1
bbl batter, W Greer, 10 Rids %0b..) 8 Dilworth; 13 Wads
lob, IS bills wheal, 01 bgs do, D Leech 100; 170 be
oats, 13 Hubbard; 1650 &et lumber, ownen; 50 dos
bockats, Brown & Culbertson; 4 grindstones, IV W
Wallace; 0 do do, Robinson & Rappers; 18
do feathers, I Wile dearskins, 9 aka oats, 3 d>larley, .1
D Williams; 1 bbl eggs, 4 jars, 1 box boner, °wens a •
boanklu by meal, J Sproul.
7,olll9—Per De Wto Cdmon-2 mike been, 99
big hair, 19 bble, D Leech & um 3 bee broken glue. C
Rohin.,n; 503 bele potk, Walhngford & co; 197 pup
lend, Lb:abridge, Wileota k toi Del d do, Beteetell,
Pears & c 9 41 Ws hemp, I Meraden & co; 331 cocks
W liblrnee_74 mdse, Reidy., Jones & co; 81
bbl.: white Gaud. hitavanlfr• Leda..
9114FT911—Per`Peru -11 ski rags, Wm Johnson;
btl;s MU!, W H Johurso & co; 3 Wide tob, R
co; .10 aids do, D Leech k co; 14 bbla floor, Cue Cal
boast ' • 100 btds flour, 10 tob, Uitiou Line; bags
oats Lambert. Shipton k co; 10 bbls flour, Meelurkui
120 do do. Baker & Forsyth; 68 do do, 1 9 Dilworth; L
cob bacon, M lAS outs, D A Grier.
CINCINNATI—Per Permsylvertia--10 c r a c ks,,lixs
w tombs, 1 Lc codw. sks l
Thaw, es I
box cerise, kw McFadden k co l blt. scorch
ing, t Dickey k.
Tha het ronnnnmmqq uamer
Oreen lee, roamer, will leave for the
ve and intermediate ports every
Tuesday, at lo o'clock, A. M.
For freight or passage apply on board. oiy99
FOR Lotrisvuzi?..
The hoe „
liaLlexlett, master, will leave for above
d Intermediate ports thli day, at to
o'clock, A. K.
For freight or passage apply en board.
URLAPS—a bale, extra heavy al iuel Burlap. l) jam reed by SELACKLETT & WHITE,
m 99 Wood et •
style IClsuon, French
ond Domestic, loci opened b yeil&oi
my-_a & WHITE
GINO 11_AM t}-7
FRlPilik,S—ldo pieces plain, fancy eoPd, and black
Sewing Bilk and Bah
HACK- ea, LETT ian Fge inn
fr. WHITE opened by
R I BBONS -16 0 elisions blnek.and colored mantna
.d .tin Ribbons. Also, plain end filed Ganza,
Oro de N.p .d Satin Cap and Bonnet Ribbons, •e
-ry large assortment of new spring soles, jnat opened
and for elle low by SHACKLETT & WHITH
HOAIERY—A complete assortment of Wk,
unbleached, mixed, and colored COMM Nom,
opened and for sale by .
MANNERS' OIL -- Able Tanner* , Oil, landing per
1 coma and tor sale low by
D OSIN-20 tibia Radii, landing ., canal and Ms
JA, rola Li Vim,
PALM 130AP-1.59 bin Paha gas poa lam and 1
rate lityrby mySSI • 31,NM‘ DALZELL
1101114LCIIN0-2 btan !dawn's Blaclng, tandurd
MI for sale by my 99 JA.IIIEAL,Z
John D. Davis, Aline.leaser.
7 19
7 21
7 -2
7 23
Lower Stock or Swplr ond Foamy Dry Goody,
On Tbaceday looming, Slay 31.1, at 10 o'clock, at
the Clintarneretal Sales R corner of ,Wood arid
Fifth erten, will be sold, with ooms,
out reserve, for C.llllll—
large assortment of fresh nod seasonable ionple
and fancy Dry floods, consisting of extra superfine
London brown •nd black cloths, per blk awl fancy
coinurneres, stannous, leans, !weeds, ni.OOT ' , canny,
black 55010, dress inks , halynonc, lineages, de lari,
splendid lawns, eingtoutou o•ll3alarla, salt ldkfs,
bleached and brown aninosk linen table
cloths, checks, lung+, drdlings, cottonntles, hosiery,
gloves, huts, caps, hamlets, nbhons, Incr., sewing
silk, he .s
4 23
4 2.1
4 31
Ai 2 o'clock,
Groceries, tdocensware, Furniture, Ac. tall chests Young Ilyson Ten, ti bbls No 1 Itint'd
3 do No 3 mackerel, 12 do cider vinegar, 1 do
itl, tl bus Va manufactured tobacco, t. 1.1 quarter
so Spanish mgars, choice brands: No / palm soap,
ding and wrapping paper, shovels, spades, forks,
t/Indoor mantel clocks, looking glosses, ear:
A large and general assortment at household (new.
turn, cooking stoves, kackeu utensil., As.
mys JOHN D DAVE., Auct
On Wednesday ood 'Thursday creams.. May Midi
and flat, at :lo'clock, at the Commercial Sales Item.,
corner of Wood and Fifth stress., will be sold—A.
large ceqction of valuable new booksrn various de
partments of literature and science, embracing molly
valuable works on Theology, history, medicine, por.
try, Beaton and travels. Also, a large collection of
quorio,octavo, pew and pocket Bibles and Testaments:
Letter and cap paper, blank books.
my 29 J D DAVIS. Acct
Large Sale of Clathsrtg, Fine Shirts, qc., on three
months credit.
On Tuesday morning, SOW mat., at I 0 o'clock, at the
Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth
es, mill be sold without reserve, on a credit of 90days
for approved endorsed paper on all stuns over 5100—
A eery large invoice of Clothing, Fine Sturm. An,
composing m part, super cloth, cashmere, cameos
cloth, mohair, tiptoes. cashmarett, crown cloth and
tweed dress, (reek and sack coats; black and fancy
cashmere, Colloaode, Kremlin, Lamartine,
Roxbury, California, fancy check and Palo Alto cas
hmere pants; plaid cashmere, valencia, block and
fancy satin, Igons mid summer vests; Floe Jaen bo-
SOM, fancy and blue Merrimac, pink mental, Limon
cheek and hickory shots; brown drill drawers; also, 5
doz Rough anti Ready teat., proof south mestere.
Catalogues nap be °Whited mud clothing examined
tithe Auction Rooms.
turn .10/11V D DAVI9, A.t
Groceries, D.
dundnee " •
Lessee end Dien...ger..
Amto 4SO Stain banana.
Agnou It uml puny
duets, Ms 25.3110
Po; Copper " • •
Potash, " •2,510
MRS. MADISON'S BENEFIT ()mat 8111. Mr. \V
H. Crisp in the Rebel Clu
O'Brien ..... • • • •• • Mr W. II Corp
O'Donnell. Mr. Prior.
Norah O'Donnell Mrs. Madison.
DANCE, by Altar Homer.
To conclude with the nanueal drama of the
Long font Coffin Mr. Prior
The Pilot. alms Tom Jones Mr. Roy..
Kate Plowden Miss Comm.
Ceichn Mrs. Prier.
Weduesday—hl r Benefit.
A N V ILS—Wroug ht in Iran Anvils, from the Temper
ance•illee work• warranted; will be constantly
on hand and sappheil to order, by
mr2ll UEO COCHRAN 25 Wood Mll
CE.HErS--50 hss Just reed at the W Butter and
and Cheese Depot, and for sale by
cay2o J 11 CANFIELD
7)OTASH-6 csusks test cord and for sale by
SLATES —Nos. a, 1, 5 German Slates, rec'd and for
sale by ilsrN C ARBUTHNOT, 114 Wood st
SLATE PF.NCILS-1 task rred and for rule by
PATENT THREAD-230 lbs Sm.,Cs .oprior. for
.ale by znyttl C A R.I3I.UIINOT
SPOOL COrTuN—aio dos Hoarard'i 3 cord while,
WO ye., reactred and for sale.
LILASS-4.0 bss 7zU Mass, to store and for sale to
N-1 by ..5 19 JAM} DALZELL, %Voter at
PEA :lUTA-50 hush Pee Nuts, ka store sod rot ea
low to close cons,gomeut, by
. .
C "P" "6
BACCIN-40,000 lbss Bacoa, assorted, ia smoke Lou
rawly robe debecred in a week; for rode by
APEB-4:00 reams crushand medium, for snle by
j . "
porn:in-6 cask. rust reed and for IMIG by
nut, wrALLS & ROE
IiATTING—Inon halts Nu I and 2, in store nnd
sale. my -h AVOILLS & ROE
LARD—No. Ito kegs, conugned and for ~Jr also,
ea kegs Butter. hrtllLl-9 &IMF:
1.;2 A VED HEM LIFE-9e Verossfuge Is the est
° cle. LLIIKUION, Va., Jan. 31, lean
Arr. I. .51 IVSeen—Dear hit The vial of Sellers
Vermsfuge 1 bought !TOM you some bum ago, brough
from my tort 5 years old, the asnomehbag number of
hundred Worms. I behove the would haver heed
very short Mae, but her Sus medicine.
Wm. Sassy, Jr.
Prepared and sold by R E. SELLERS, 57 Wood,u;
add also by I/curvets generally in the two <nit*. sail
RSFS— , 2OO bbls Plantation /liniailes,
landing from rtmr Amax Hart, and for solo by.
488 JAI4IW, farrgatsoN a cd_
V.A.4 BrAti Wmdow Gliti_% =do l'axi.4
do; WO do 10114dcr. 30 do liti:18,do; for ore by
myBl 8 F VON BONN/108ST k Co
DBY APPLIE3-030 barb for axle by
FEATHERS -40U bbl, for
m 746 S F VON
CIIEF.I' X4O b. for oak , by
ROCKPOWDER—IW top for .ale by
O..CV . THE SNEATHS--.1.5 dor for race by
Ty AY RAKES-3U dor (or sale by
DOLL BUTTER—it/ bble frrob, for rale by
WINDOW MASH—taSIO belts for ..k by
TV .trAl F VON BONN 11011 ST h. Co
FIA)1.111—, 1"/ bids Flour, lit stare and kr sale b
nolde 31 Waist and al Front st
MOLetBtlEB-100 bbl, N O ?lunation Molasses, for
sale by toy IG L $ WATERMAN
SUGAR—"S Ithd prime N u Sugar, for mile by
LARD—I 2 bbl. No 1 Lord-,,t21 kegs do do, for sale
IQ OTTER-8 hl/11 fresh Roll Butter, 15 kegs do, (or
.1,) sale b • m 1. S WATERMAN
T,IRUIT-2.14.0 bush dried Ponebee (halyeN) 360 do do
r Apples. for sale by I riytti 1.8 WATERMAN
IroBACCO-20Z boxes 5 Lamp Tobacco, some of
whtch are of the moat supertor brands, just reed
on c m onsgnment and for sale by
- - • - -
ENDRIES..-111 sacks Wheat; 0 Md. Rye; I do Flax
-0 seed; 60 MA* whose keens; Il do Hickory non, for
sale Lry
tar..o L S WATERMAN.
TOTE FLOUR—A few bbl, prime Rye Flour in store
and for sale h royal. L S WATERISLaN
ÜBS AND BUCKETS—GS doe Bucket:, 6 do Tuba,
llargeil 4 do Keeler:, for one by
1. l 4 WATERMAN.
CIOTTON YARNS Sie-30,000 lbs assorted N., C
44,../ yarn:l4ollot.
fordsg-, Candle wick—Carpet die.;
and Cotton twine, ale by
my ail R.HEY, MATTHEWS it Co., 2 , Water at
win.= BEANS—WU:Ix for sale low 0 cloic coo
TV 4=mat, by HUEY, MATTHEWS k. Co.
DRIED FRUIT-200 bushels reaches; SYO do Ap
ples for sale by RILEY, MATTHEWS &
my -ea
LAXSEED—SdEbIa jun reed, and for @lda by
ORN BROOMS-sodoz jou Ind lb, .nla 6y
roy26 RtInMATTHEWS & Co.
Pni OT ASH-11 csks first sorts for soh, by
lay , 4 AMY. & Co.
SCORCHEYGS-43 cats [or sale by
my 26 HUEY, MATTHEWS dr. Co.
FISH -40 bbW No 3 Mackerel; 9) do No I Shad; 45
do No 1 lierroar, Jam reed and for saki by
ror2B RHEY, 10..Triimvs S. co.
pa METAL-200 sons Cold Blast; 45 do !lot do, lost
rec'd anal for sale by
WE have scam PUMPS, made on an improved
plan, so as not to freeze m the coldest weather.
Persons warning such articles, are invited to call and
sea them sr SCAIFE & ATKINSON'S,
mySS Ist, bear Wood Market ate
SUNDRIF9-13 bbls No 1 d; 31 sacks Feathers;
I do Wool; I do Ginseng, now landing from mar
Euphrates, for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY & Co,
mr23 Prom at
CHROME—IS eases Chrome Yellow,Green and
Red, for sale by m. 911.1 SCHGONALKER & Co
ROOFINGPAPER—Of superior quality, constant
ly oa hand; for sale by
CIFIEESE-100 has lust reed al the W Flatter and
1../ Cheese Depot, an d for rale by
1,3APE8.-8 reams crown Mid medium, Mr Yule by
mrts J I:ICANFIF2,I)
BACON BIDIEZ--14 Md. for mate by
roy2s ISAIAH DICKEY &Co, Front et
mw -150 hbis No 1, to mote and foPiralo
LA RD OIL-45 bbt. vintner strained Lord Oil We'd
and rot sale by 1914 W & APCUTCIitON
POT ASH- 4 Obis No 1 Pot Ash, ream and tot sale
by my:l4 W & R itPCUTaiLIKON
VISH-56 bble No 1 ittm'd Shad: au do Nb 1 Iler
for nide by JAHN " WATT,.
0324 corner of Liberty . 4 B.d ...
if 11IESSE—N bzs pritnene;rCbeme Jest We'd and
l_r for tale by W k R nrcerctworr,
m 724 152 Liberty al
UP ACON-2kk pieces prime fiecoThi - cf roonl, — Med
El and for sele by rept WICK & bI'I.ANDLESB_
POTASII-10 elks Pour& • prime article Mum.
tailing, received wed for sale by ,
1 Mr APW:ak—Lifik — i Dry Apples, calilleTtri—
Tay PEAOHF.S- 116 .k Dry l'oactop;b do
LI do for sal. by ...3' 24 WICK ArCANDLESS
CfDEß—ts bble ...rot Cider, this "day me'd mad for
yblb by mY24 WICK Is hrCANDIMI.I
_ •_ _
011 CD CIDED.--4, bbl Belled Cider, for erdeiby
ALERATUS-14 can Salem:l2j 12 Mils da; 12 bis
QllO pobe,fted do, fo ,
-440 • b Pea Insoles Fanuly
Flour, for sec by _ WICK & M'CANDLESS
Bcat.s." Boob' r
C. S. Porter.
• • • • W. 11. Ca.,
TvmmAY Evxmna, May
ISAIAH DICKKV k Co, Front et
For Ct . togreo,
The A 1 fast ra d io copperrd and copper
Yip fastened brig UNION. lard. Rain., muter,
will posture ly sail erabove ar early as-twen
ty giiiisierigers may oder. As the Wert accounts flout
P1M212. repninent vessels plenty, this would scent to
be the most route to adtfortua. For freight
or pasingc, baring fine scrommodanocs, apply tot he
mater on bond at flush A Cooper. when. FiciFt
Pout, or to JAMES II(BWEll,
niTiNn.l.7t E litelinnare and Eden eta, Baltimore
Ig.THE Neelbog Homo, on Third meet, above,.
A rrtAfield, meowed by the fanoly of the late
Dr. A. N. B.l'Dowell. givecron the
July nest.
me larly lot. aground in the Ninth Wank
tween the Firth \Turd Cro,harrswille suitable
r Inurborr yank. WM. ILI I...RUN/MON,
mr.hrlif Al B. Darlingtnn'k FA.4th .4
Young MEN to wholesale and retail stares, and other
respectable Icnitert, to art as Book-keepers, Sale.
own, Porters, thir-Seepers, Waiters, Ferment, Coach
men, Car Agents, Book and Map Agents, ColleolOra,
Overseers in all branches et do. We have
at alt notes n large number of good ad:sanens on hand,
which pay from :00 to dr.,000 perannum. These in
want of 'ligation. ninny hind would de well to gire
S call. as ire hove agents to each et the 100V0
6, which will enable ne to pine, even' appleani in
suitable situation at like stiortesi Bowe, We hgVelt
. . •
terse acquaintance to all the above named cities,
which we trait will enable us to lime entire-utiet,
thin to all who mar favor us with • call.
TA Y LON & TA YittAN; No. Si Secontlati,
between South and Gay.
N. B —Peraco. living to any part o( the U. States,
sod wishing to obtain a situabon in Baltimore, or es.
they oh the shove nines, will hare their want. imme•
Mutely attended to by addrestunT ai a line, (postitiadi
as by so dolma th ey will curtail both trouble an ex
panse, which they WM rwtse would incur by corning
to.the city, and seeking employment for themmiveL
N 0.5.9 Seeon
Baluonn,Nld .
SF4IARS-100 Regalin - ; - 100 Jo and
1.50 do Anfiguefah. just re4'd and for sale by
mysl JOIIN WAIF st Co., Liberty st
- ITINOGAR—R.. lints in, Cider Vinininr, in store land
V for .ale by irtra3 .1011:11lVATT Co.
LA RD OIL-10 LLIs W 8 Br. uA Co s. IC do Voitin
Mills do, I n store sod (or solo by
JAM FS D.U.7.b.LL,21 Water it
NOA MACKEREL—Vs Ibis in More sod (or sale by
nip% J. D1.1.Z8.1.L.
SUGAR-119 Mule N Sugar, arriving and fin sale
by mygti C Li GRANT
DRIED APPl.l:—$.O but.ints dried apple.. in gins
and lin nnle by nity2n DALZELL.
BA(X/N-1 Liza prime Bacon. And roo'd and for ago
by my .b 3 U If GRANT
WRAPPING PAPER-200 roam , medium W 7.1%.
ping Paper; 200 do crown do, 40 40 double or
do, on band and for .ale by
SALT—WO tibia No 1 Salt, for sale by
ray% WICK & OI'CANDLP 4 4
G ROVID . PKl rn 'Pf: i tl- 70
‘ l; , :o l o c ozeLruiLl , PAtt i r4or
A/FOUL]) CANI)LE-100 b. rummer Woiad Can'
111, die.. for rale by noti WICK &
EATIIKRF—PoPo lbs prime Ky. Feathers, oa Land
and for sale be mr.3 WICK & M'CANDL,ISS3
QCORCIIINGS —l6 cskiKeirribies;
WOOL—Thisday received .d for sale by
SHAD AND HERRlNG—Received and for sale by
nry2l WICK & ?I , CANDLESS
C OCOA -10 Las superior Cocoa, Jost reed and for
sale by my/4 WICK A aCCANDI..W , .4
• .
ALUM—II bbls Alum, for sale by
bzs W @ Cheese, recd and for gala
BBRANDY, beat quality—l cask just reed and for
elliLoll]DH OF I.l3lE—d esks jest ree'd end for
kj sale by mytel BRAUN & REITER
DACON 1171 - lliil- - -5 uercenn :ood ci - iifer, reed per
JP simr Parisi for said by GEOCOCIIRAN,
rar.o to Wood Id
J EANIt: Lam
i Lem3 , 4,
ro S:e m ul;:nril y le manufacture,
DARN MIZE.O—Jaat iree'd and for sale by
mr23 J KIDD
BACON -42 hhda rum:fried, now landing from stmt
Dolphin; for rale by
mygl ISAIAH DICKEY & Co, Front in
LA RD-2G bbl No 1. now landiug from stmr
phin: for sale by mygl ISAIAH DICKEY & Co
VOOL-3 oath, now lainlincfrom alrar Dolphin;
for sale by mrill ISAIAH DICKEY &Co
bags now banding from tmr Dig
phin; for sale by mygi ISAIAH DICKEY & Co*-
L INSEED OIL—IS bbl. Lamed Oil, pare, is L7n
order, for sale by
BALLAD OIL—Of superior quality, in bole god
ll bottles and lineks. for sale by
Ci PTS.II - .IIPENTINE-2.lbbls in fine order, Or safe,
oby nsydl . I SCHOONIIAKCIC& Co'
STHAW rApvt—M nun extra large Inisii'PaPti,
tor sale by .1 SCEICIONSIAKM kecr; •
24 'twist!
4.0 OZ. lodine; .10. oz loaide oz Poore. .•• - :' y.`4' of
lodine of Ferri; Cantle relei; 15 Ms irp,
dionyi 50 oz Sulphate Quittinei atilphate • hiptpkw;
Aeetate ilo; Nitrate Of Silver, pure.
Chloroform and Acetic Rherjeust cr.44 eittifeale
by my JICIDD&Xo
lIKTO. E LARD 01L—Lo bbls gotd quality N411.24/4
Ads d den VJ de? no,i;
,2 sUire dtd4ogiaL Rdkolj - 4y. - .;
= N 101.44.;!..
pI7rTER-4 bbl fresh' Roll • Btitar just' ree'crit'
. at the AV Batter and Cheeee DrY ' ft,and tor :ale
• mrn 1 B CAN FIELD.
CHU:RE-200 bI, It'd teed at the W it pi"thl.ll'
Chets• Detted, and for side by • '" , l
myltl J B CANFIELV..
AV/HITE SUCIAR-Y—Lovering`a loaf, cranked luta
V V pulverized Sugars, just reed and far sale bp Ihe
bbi or at retail, at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Paints „
VINE COFFEES—AIoeha, African, Java, Lagsura,
17 St Domingo mid Rio Collets, rust ree'd anct.for
sale at the Pekm Tea Stour, 70 Fourth st.
AISINS AND FIGN—ISUu eighth I,xs prime Aaj-
It and 50 small drums fosse Figs, last received
and (or gale at the Pekin Tea Store, 711 Fourth street.
111100OLATE., COWA AND llROSlA—Bileits
lJ Brom., No I Chocolate and Cocoa; also, Schnkiis
sweet spiced Chocoute, just reed and for wile at this
Pekin Tea Atom Foonli sc. .
ItirtIIICKERRIt-150 bbls Large
. N , o 3, /I,liosatt
/VI •etta ampertiou, la Gum order, i t At i tt riurr, -
Mg oral for sole by ROBER, ._ (IN
109 Second al
,-..; 0 Y . 21 1 ."4 •, pn ,r7TC.I, -- paid for all tie
yy - ditie — re r nt h' gra hj ac h s " Orele c alt washed wool, by •
my2l II LEF., Liberty sr, opposite 31b
Flab and Tar.
50 8131.5. No 1 Ilerringn, (May Inspect...o.)
bbl" No I Shad, "
20 do No 3 blacken'', (Boston jfivection,)
30 do N C Tar, in prime order, reed and for
sale by TAA PPE do CYCONNOI4,
tn .. ,
y 2/ corner Penn and AVaynesbil
HERRINGS 7 I4 - hirs No 1 lierringe,larid
jj. canal dad for 'ate lot. to clam cou.tignillell,,, by,
myl7 JAMP-S. DALZEL,I., water at
jy OIL— bbl.ibat reed altd for stale by
riov - ot-,7,'N'Tdsiironii!}, - ,`;',,do°„T:ig,
6 bble Fuse for blasting, for .lo by ....
mytte .6 S DILWORTH ft Co-
TOHN FORSYTH, 14lerettoot Tailor, has remiova
t/ to No. 34 Market street., ono door hoot ReOtititt
Rost sole.
Thankful for past favors, hepectfully whets a
continuante of the paironnips of h is former customers,
and likewise the pstronage of as many new ones as
are of the right stripe.
Orders in the Tailoring line executed In the most
fashionable manner, and with dispatch.'
Also, a fashionable assortment of ready mule C,14"
thing, of all kinds. Cheap for cash, of course.
Gentlemen' Varnishing Goods in all their varieties
always on band, saelt an Shins, 130.301111, Collars, Ore
vats, Stocks, Scarfs, Hosiery, Suspenders, Pocket
Hdkfs, Gloves, Drawers, Umbrellas, tec.ltt. tee.
IT Is with pleasure that We subteribere
f inform the ott*.rta of Pittstnagh and vi
dimly Win they have completed ammo
.1 And will hereafter be kept cortataitlyOni
hand. They are neatly and seettislY;patj
I op m metallic pa d cks of*, I and4l=.' s
Tett, " ;rre7e, Les of — the " e t eneera and '
depot in hiladelphia, with an inyiuttron to return dor:
Tea, if not liked. •
• Impertal HUTA.. PITEOUS:
g (Gunpowder
f 24 75 1,60 1,C5 1:33
50 75 1,00 1,„%1 1,50
g 11'.11*yso'l. 5p 60
b......., 7 7. t. 1 1t3 ' 1,50
Black o• • . • -371 50
$ Ficte and attn. Fine • •75 1,01. 1,50
We will warrant all the TEAS we oea to be equal
to, if not scratoon to any sold in this city, sod should
they not prove acceptable to the mote, hey too be ros
tamed, and the money vont be refunded, as it Moody
with that undennandmir we sell.
We ask a fair trial, that the public may he able to
lodge between OUT Tens and Moss heretofore told by
other companies in this city.
All taverner. di eh, dello. s and good flavored TEAS,
should give us a call.
For sale by JOS S 01. VOUNO dc CO
N corner 40, and Ferry street.:Ati4
F. YOUNG tr. CO,„
S W center 3d and Rom entail
EFA cts,NT —Horses while running utiltrgee
in the gelds are very - apt to bruise and initylef
Ihemselvee ninny wgys They are often disabled
.... to be (or if long linoe. If immediate use
timid he mode of B. A. Fultommek Co..' /tuba.-
mom end Cruised port well saturated. and Nor'..
~,,,o ed y rubbed in, n would nine relief emit mine MS"'
pain. No fanner should be without this celebrated`
medicine, as it is alike healing to man or beast.. Pm . .?
permit and .01.1 by It A FAliNE:sTOrii A Co, `a*
corner 01 Wood and lit its; •bo. corner Mb sty
Wood. myl7
THE ruidersigned have this day •ssociated ander
the name orThompssm Ration Ir. Son ter tbe-pair
pose or manufacturing paper at the Clinton Paper
Mill, where they will be p itied to reeciverho moron
age of We public, and the former costumers of the sr.
mot partner.
They will at all times keep cn hand a ife.neral
emu:neat of writing, wrapping, tea and tyrol paperer
bonnet boards, blank books, etc_ etc., ratan 11,51,
exchange for clean linen and canon rya, -4 7
Printers and Book Publishers can be supplied-Witt
every description of printing paper at abort antler, 111%
at redneed ytiara. THOMPSON HANNA:.,f^
April 49--mfaxl6m EDMUNOSAIAMIC,..,..!
fioi many yearn connected teid!t - fderere_ •&„
Putnam, and Into John Wiley; N. Yell and . ton na
. „
No. ci3 Wools num,
(Nearly opposite the St. Charles lENCIS, •
. Englisb, French, and German Rotlevw,ann.
MaPPlNS'and Neorpapan I mF"' CndATI fie_
oI vOuelt Banta ascerrause4 onsivyakiclrkisqdr
Civabn" rural
Alb Lucas trash Rice, landing and lorslalsEj
All=l.7=l.=BAGA.Ult 9SATIAI