„ w'SBURGH GAZETTE. PiTTsnunana TUESDAY MORNING, MAT 29, 1549 WrTax Prrtersentan Dsrve Chasm Ie patalshed strati TrtsWeekly, and Weekly.—The Doily t Seven Dollars per annum; the Tri-Weekly to Fide Dollars per anonmishe Weekly As Taro Dollars per annum, micas adroses. • The Committee on Leave of Abaci:ice made a ilD'Anylarrarm are cannily renamed to hand m' nm ,„, -''heir favor, before 6 r st.., and it• early In theft's , ' as ; —.---,..... -. - Igtaaticals . le., .6scverhaemeats not assetted fora .pest 'l/ . 10 inn order of the day, the election for mew. fie., ln artably be Maraud maul ordered not b,r, ohhe Board of Education, was tokoo OP. and .PiELLADELPHinnitniTH AMWRICIAN the fol4rw . g tle wed . Dr• Mousy, Dt . Advertimmenta and tabverimion, to the Ninth Asocr , A ' a ‘,...2 ° A g - . e rt bi7c,.%naughey, A. Macklin, N. rtaita had United Stases Gazette. Viiitsideiphia, 'outhall, and the office w loch has, as my informant states to me, just been conferred upon him, rte the same which Mr. Tyler originally gave him, and from which he was only translated by Polk to ;mother asgood. The devotion duns ar dent young man was commemorated by Mr. /tucks', at the time, in the glowing language of which the above quotation is a specimen. I hope some explanation will be given of this appoint ment that will take away its present strange ap pearance. The report that the heads of all the democratic. office holders of, and above the rank of auditor, wil l be severed trout their shoulders on the first of next month, gliins ground, and bas already had the of fie( of almost frightening several of them Into a resignation. I certainly hope it will prove true, nod that the event will he followed by a Judicimui weeding out of the subordinates. It is said that Mr. Embank has already given the chief clerk dike Patent Offlce notice, that he shall not want hiM longer than will be required to induct hispuccessor into elllce- Mr. Sylvester, the person Oa notitled,has beenPong known as a very ultra democratic politician, nod doubtless expected dismissal as soon as Mr. Burke was superceded. But why did he not resign? Perhaps he thought it good policy to take all the chances, that of the clemency of the victors with others We have almost an empty town. The final decision of the Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston appointments has relieved from guard duty here numerous detachments of .coats sad skirmiehers who had apparently come op to see fair play between their respective candidates. The South Carolina chivalry have again spoke's and we find that they cilium in with the Accomac people, who under the head of Wise and Bagley , got up the recent anti-union demonstration in that corner of Virginia- The het is that these worthies are fellow workers in one cause, That i s the great rod and object of all their plots and gatherings. it is not that they love their riggers more than other slave holders, but they love the Utica 1011). They are now doing every thing within t h e i r capacity to excite the South In oppo sition to the North) that is, to the Union of the North; non intercourse with the free States, secession from them, confiscation of northern pro. petty, sequestration of their debts, are all openly preached by them. Their present attempt beats more immediately upon the union of the democratic party at the South, In favor of their wicked pur poses Through this means they hope to coerce the whiga of that division, either Into co-operation or passive submission. A Southern democrat olo• stirred to um, yesterday, that Mr. clay • had done the iireig Ottty atid the cannily one irreparable in -144 itepped in between Gen. Jackson and the nallifi-sa, end ad prevented his hanging the ring/enders of the latter opbylket neck, which he woifid have Intel done - brit fitr -- ttiat interposition. lam Inclined to agree with him. So far have these traitor' carried Owls audacity, that it would ' almost seem that the fate of the Union depended upon the wisdom and firmness of Senators Cloy and Benton. Those men are, in part, representa tives of the only :two slave States whose position gives them the power to check the designs of these mad incendiaries. Kentucky and blissouti axe ahead ydisposed to emancipatiou,if it can be effect ed in a safe and requitable manner, and both care more Mr the Union than (or Slavery. It is not yet Indisputably clear, however, that they , are prepared to sustain their great statesmen in the measures which may be requisite to put down this new Zinn ofnullification—We shall see. The North ',cannot prevent secession, bat the South can crush the viper that writhes in its own bosom. Fur the Piuthures Connie Ode to Rome obtriVintee. AY A 1 E. Upon the Alps. the song of Liberty wits sang— Along the rung. of the *poem". a wing— The land of Brutus from her slumbers woke, And Rome the bonds of despotism broke . Thou "Niohe of nsticms" long the eon Which wide reflected knowledge on the world, To freedom's. loftiest 4111.111 thy heart Nunn, ... . Her Sag ia on thy mountains now unfurled, Ruh oil the rust or ages from thy sheen— In all thy pristine glory be thou seen; Thy eagles scream along tile Tiber and the Po PrOleetrets of thy friends, the !COUTge of every f..,.. The Poet's sad dirge shall cease to foment The rain and woes that on thee were sent— The nahoi of thy sons unjustly withheld, Lo • Slavery'a death from the Vatican's knelled llre spud of Com reinsitit thy earth, And joys to the land that gave to II birth. Nneen id theHobe," laland•itlistress of the ace' I In Zeno dead! thou no longer free ! What merino th distant Roman mural ' Rut hark . Hear ye again t Lion. of SL Murk' The people eh for freedom on your bridge of sighs, Pisanrs disem tied spirit thus replies •. "Oh land in by-gone times the strong bulierailt of man, of Christendom, against the Turk— The pioneer in commerce and in wealth, Thy freedom thou host lost by stealth. Remember now Spinoloiti flight, ...i Thy glory round Chhiagala rowers The splendor of Lewitt:Oh Eel '11..L. ^ .- - - • . Thy COnqUal of Wanda powers. ‘ .May My and muse wish %lila thy pala ce 'Thy children dance ante mare open thelt te,lrww The twewitut4 song be heard upon the 01004111 waters Mingling with the low, sweet vowel of thy dark eyed M ' i l l ' y ' re ' OiTe 4 once again be free' And Italy henceforth united be— erH circling boundary, the Alps oral sea Pt - rum... 11, Aprill:th,lsll. rlZr The above Orbs was written before the late at tempt or Charles Albert to free Lombardy, lad been defeated, and before the Freneh and landed at Canto Vecchia, or at least before the enter saw the acCOUnt of critter event. 9 1. R. Tar Lent MAJOR GITIZA WOIRW. -- The death of this gallant officer, whose military career n one of the brightest and bravest is American history, must excite sorrow throughout the coun try. Returning Lately from New Grimm to his command at San Antonia, Texas, the first almost that we bets of him again, is his sudden demise by epidemic cholera He was in the 55th year of his age, and had escaped dead while intrepidly lead ing to victory in a greater number of tattles than generally boo fallen to the lot of a a American offi cer to be engaged ht. General Worth was a dts 'anguished soldier two wan—the war of 1812, in which he itcatiod his maiden sword. and won bright laurels for his brow—was one of the most brilliant heroes of the Mexican war, and termina ted with much success the Indian war in Florida. The Philadelphia Ledgergires the following sketch of his career "He entered the army. in the artillery service, as a private solder, during the martial fever that raged m the northern States in Ihl2, during the campaign in Canada. He signalized himself by Ms soldierly deportn.ent and gallantry, and wan soon made a lieutenant, in which capacity he again gave promise of his future laurels, in the military skill and daring he displayed. At Lundy's Lane he was badly wounded, imil,for his services on that bi•ody Held, as well as at Caippewa, be was bre vatted, tint to captain and then to major. lie won, during his military Carrel, no leas than SAW brevets on the field of battle. On the [laid of NM klaktslaa, in Florida, where he commanded and gained a victory over the Indiana he was brevet ted a Lingadier--eind again, a major general, in Mexico, in one of the brightest campaigns that ev er attended the man-h elan ormy. servICLS, as a brave and ludicrous .ere always acknowledged by the commander chief, for lo neutral! the battles of Taylor and Scott, Worth led the advanced ariaultmg divisions. At Monterey he carried the principal fortresara— He amitsted to bombard Vera Cruz, arid was ap pointed governor of the mum after Its c-apatobiticat. At Cerro Gordo be took an active part, led the ad vane to Puebla, distinguished himself u Chem• boseo,lought the most sanguinary eogagement of the mar at hilohno,ond carried his pomt, though be lost nearly half his teen, and of the storming of Chepouitepes and Son Comme displayed the same valor and con tempt of danger that ever Miami We career." A {eller from San Antonio clam 7th, to the Plc. •yone, says He tiled as be lived, • true soldier, COOICIOI. 10 the last, surrounded by hi, broken hearted wife and children, and by tile miller,/ gaff and other At New York, the announcement of Geo. Worth'. death area lillloWed by a auapetutiou of the mama' dag, at half mast, from an the hotels end public 1A1.141101.. _ Prrratinaou, :day 21,1012 To clime Ereillenenee. the Alarms of the Sister Ct. tY) of Pettabsergh and Allegheny tutaltorav—The etty of 211. Louis ha.ng reeenity and while wakened by Cholera, been slatted by fire which has lard an Important portion of her business streets to rain—and several day. having already elapsed since we became acqua.ted wall this dis tressing ealamay, that has befallen a elly so dear to our community by ties of consanguinity and Malty, and by the most truer conargercial relations. It ap. pears expedtent and necessiry that the milord spa. porta, and benevolence of our citizens Ito say not. mg of their gratitude for relief under statist tottannits) should sock an opportunity for expression mad antrum in this ease, and knowing that relict to tre efficacious should be prompt. it is deemed proper and humane that our Mlle? rile. shoold net in harmony and con cert utt each an occasion, and that your tumors will he pleased - to null a public meeting et our citizens, to devise suitable means and mole of artion in behalf of the sufferers Very respectfully, your fellow citizens, D T Morgan. John D Davis. W B Co lard. W Itage/e y, Sidney_tltrong, R &I &lackey, M Moorhead, Barley, Brown A CO ! Party:OVl, Wallingford & Co Curling. Robertvon & Co M'Candless &Ca tupbell, Speng & Co. Philip Wilson, Wm Holmes & co 1 Punter, Id Leech & Co i.e B Murray, R Townsend & Co Kutner & Rehm, Neville B Craig, H Childs, Wm M Husk, Edvuird Gregg. D N White, Wm J Howard. Jos Snowden, Henry Woods, Henry S Msgr., Gee A Race, Charles Mater, Chas II Paulson, Kennedy, Childs & l'o. Palmer. Hanna & Co W Rohinsoa, Jr. Lion. & Co. K T Friend. Cooper' A Lovely, Jas. E Breading, R Tumor & Co Geo K Arnold, Whitmore! Wolf, Hampton. BOIS Lb & Co Murphy, Wilson &Co R H Hartley, flinger. Nicholson & Co. J Blackburn, B A Eihnestock &Co Bakcerell, Peers & Co. Film D Gautem, A A Muon & Co. E==2 The ctuxerui of Paoli:4.o and Al egheny are rage., ted to meet es Wednerday, the 30th sort, at 3 o'clock, at the New C.urt Haase, for the purpose, as stated in the above communlcatton, of sir:dewing their sympa• thy 'nth the retrace', in We law St. Louis fire, and of taking actwe measures for their. relief. JONATHAN RUSH, May Allegheny City. JOHN 11}"RROri, Mayor City of Pittahurgh. W. M. Wright, D., Dentist, on Fourth it, op ( p .i o r s r , l .7 tad r =e r n g c h e "i 's•S t ' rn " w " ..f.7l:lc *n t c o i r P. " ,c:14171 firs and Aarhus Inionranee.--Tor Ferm at/ROSE NAVIGATION ♦ND Fl. IXsoalXCr COI/UDR— chummed len—eontinnes to insure, upon every de sertpuon of property, at the lowest rein. Oretce., No 71 Market street. SAMUEL GOILMLY, Steel. Hoar. Funny, Secy. myfedam u:r PlSlStillia it Ant, WNW" MININI.I Co. DtVIDS.IIII. The Stockholdem of sill: above named Company ata notified that the Dividend of Ten Dann, par share, declared on the 173 W January leo, will be paid them or their legal representatives, at the *Mee of the Treas urer of said Company, in tko city 01 Pittsburgh, on or after the lllst day of May, inst Eastern Stockholder. will be mud e[ the office of J. W Clark S Po , Sosten. myll TflOS. AI. HONVE, Treasurer JOB PRINTING. BILL READS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Mansfasts, ThEe to ltng, Coal, arts, Law IllanAt o*oo BILL, 1-.110..6, CEItninCA.TES, roldedes, Ae. it , Printed al the shortest notice, at tow Klee', at N. de2l GA.12111/ 000100, Tnlan warn. Improvement. In Den y. DR 0. 0. STRARNR, late of Boston, is prepared to atanufartnro and set litocc Tama In whole and parts Users, upon Section or Atmospheric Suction Plates.— TOOTHACICIL CM= to Inlrn ■l.lOlll, where the nerve is capered. Office and residence nest door to the May or's office, Fourth street Ptiolenee Reims to—J. B. fir Fadden. P. 11. Ewen. ,in Pazmall Lemon 6 1 IL --Prepared- by J. W. Kelly, %NEI= street, N Y , and osale by A. Jaynes, No 70 be verag e This will be found a delightful arti cle ofvin families, and particularly for sick rooms. Beanie's Dames —An improved Chocolate prepara tion, being a COMbuintio• of Coto. not; Innocent, in vigorating and palatable, highly recommended part., Sul, for myelitis. Prepared by W. Eaker, Dorches ter, Mesa, and for sale by A. JAYNES, at the Pekin Tea Store, No. 70 Portaa st amble To nth Arttunren—To those afflicted with that dreadful 4COlar6e to America, the Liver complain}, the proprieton of Itl , Lane , e Liver Pills are happy to of fer this remedy, Is Kt..," complete and sale. 11 las been tried often In all parts of the country; it has been used to the practice of the most eminent yfflyaietans, and always with triarophant nieces/. :in, oretios these Pills to the public, the piOprietorr are Bethnal/ by a desire to alleviate human suffenotr, and prerrer remedy for one of the mon terrible dliessul,'whibb shall be within the easy reach of all. Flit IWO at the dnyl SION at mra4dave9 I MR &Co BY MAGNETIC TKLEGI A.PIL Etzpoivraumeszcnisinual Par th• Pittabiargh May OAKUM* LATEST IifOILLIGIN arsr.ws. Naar Yoax, May 2a By the latest electric telegraphic despatch to the New Yarn Herald, the following additional facts are communicated:— Bristol letters potilishril as the Pans National, reaffirm the slaloming. of the French losses at Rome. lip w the 2d the Romans remained ansultalued. An exchange of prisoners had been effected.— Tho Roman General had declared Ancond in state of siege Brealea bad been placed under military law. The disturbances bud been suppressed, but were momentarily expected to burst out,aguin. Cologne was to a very agitated state, and au so intrrection was haarly anticipated. The militia had come to contact with the king's treope at Eh. berkdt during the recent outbreak. The whole of the Menial" provinces are in a highly excited state, reedy to explode into ieltsl lion like a tram of gunpowder. The armed mania are disaffected towards the king of Prussia, and Incline to the Frankfort Assembly. The king of Hanover's troops had been over powered in a conflict with the Polytechnic students, and his majesty compelled to fly. The Hungarians are concentrating an army of 100,000 men, with which they will crush Austria unless she is protected by Russia. The unity of Jellachich bas been entirely destroyed. There is now ressou to hope that the Danish and Panama quarrel will be immediately adjusted. The Russian troops were pouring into. Austria in immense numbers. The young Emperor had returned to Vienna and been welcomed with every demonstration of en- TOE CREVESSE AT NFW ORLEANS. Nava Oaucara, May 22—P. M. A new engine is now trying to stop op the ere meson. The water is null rustling in rapidly and is rising at the rote of 6 inches in 24 hour•. The Com mon, Grazier and Coral stn. are overflowed. FROM YUCATAN New 011.LIAMI, May 72. The Indians had been defeated, nod the, etty o Balainier retaken by the whites. CHOLERA IN CLNC , :::r.. M 2S Theron no regular report s( t!. •.,,,rs; but the weather is cold and cloudy, and disease, is be lieved to be no wont. DREADFUL SHIPWRECK AND LOSS OF PHILAMILLPHIA, May 2 The Montreal papers report the km, of the enm grant ship, Marie, from Limerick, with 111 pas wingers All on board perished, with the exceptio. of lice of the crew who escaped The Merle foundered m the Gulf of St. Law New You, May 25. Megan. Howland and Aspinwall have received telegraphm di patch announcing the arrival of the steamen Oregon and California, et Panama with (argon valued at 5500,000. ==IMME! The reports rantxt Frailty are indefinite, b ibtae ts probably no decrease in the number cases The weather la cold and cloudy. Nay Yoax, May 25. The sirruner arr,vrd si liolarley, .1 D Williams; 1 bbl eggs, 4 jars, 1 box boner, °wens a • boanklu by meal, J Sproul. 7,olll9—Per De Wto Cdmon-2 mike been, 99 big hair, 19 bble, D Leech & um 3 bee broken glue. C Rohin.,n; 503 bele potk, Walhngford & co; 197 pup lend, Lb:abridge, Wileota k toi Del d do, Beteetell, Pears & c 9 41 Ws hemp, I Meraden & co; 331 cocks W liblrnee_74 mdse, Reidy., Jones & co; 81 bbl.: white Gaud. hitavanlfr• Leda.. 9114FT911—Per`Peru -11 ski rags, Wm Johnson; btl;s MU!, W H Johurso & co; 3 Wide tob, R co; .10 aids do, D Leech k co; 14 bbla floor, Cue Cal boast ' • 100 btds flour, 10 tob, Uitiou Line; bags oats Lambert. Shipton k co; 10 bbls flour, Meelurkui 120 do do. Baker & Forsyth; 68 do do, 1 9 Dilworth; L cob bacon, M lAS outs, D A Grier. • CINCINNATI—Per Permsylvertia--10 c r a c ks,,lixs w tombs, 1 Lc codw. sks l Thaw, es I box cerise, kw McFadden k co l blt. scorch ing, t Dickey k. FOR CINCINNATI. Tha het ronnnnmmqq uamer 1' Oreen lee, roamer, will leave for the ve and intermediate ports every Tuesday, at lo o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. oiy99 FOR Lotrisvuzi?.. The hoe „ VERMONT, liaLlexlett, master, will leave for above d Intermediate ports thli day, at to o'clock, A. K. For freight or passage apply en board. URLAPS—a bale, extra heavy al iuel Burlap. l) jam reed by SELACKLETT & WHITE, m 99 Wood et • style IClsuon, French ond Domestic, loci opened b yeil&oi my-_a & WHITE GINO 11_AM t}-7 FRlPilik,S—ldo pieces plain, fancy eoPd, and black Sewing Bilk and Bah HACK- ea, LETT ian Fge inn fr. WHITE opened by R I BBONS -16 0 elisions blnek.and colored mantna .d .tin Ribbons. Also, plain end filed Ganza, Oro de N.p .d Satin Cap and Bonnet Ribbons, •e -ry large assortment of new spring soles, jnat opened and for elle low by SHACKLETT & WHITH my. HOAIERY—A complete assortment of Wk, unbleached, mixed, and colored COMM Nom, opened and for sale by . mite . BRACRLRIT &wHITE MANNERS' OIL -- Able Tanner* , Oil, landing per 1 coma and tor sale low by coyly D OSIN-20 tibia Radii, landing ., canal and Ms JA, rola Li Vim, 1 DikLZELL PALM 130AP-1.59 bin Paha gas poa lam and 1 rate lityrby mySSI • 31,NM‘ DALZELL 1101114LCIIN0-2 btan !dawn's Blaclng, tandurd MI for sale by my 99 JA.IIIEAL,Z AUCTION SALES, John D. Davis, Aline.leaser. Sim seta 7 19 740 7 21 7 -2 7n 7 23 Lower Stock or Swplr ond Foamy Dry Goody, On Tbaceday looming, Slay 31.1, at 10 o'clock, at the Clintarneretal Sales R corner of ,Wood arid Fifth erten, will be sold, with ooms, out reserve, for C.llllll— large assortment of fresh nod seasonable ionple and fancy Dry floods, consisting of extra superfine London brown •nd black cloths, per blk awl fancy coinurneres, stannous, leans, !weeds, ni.OOT ' , canny, black 55010, dress inks , halynonc, lineages, de lari, splendid lawns, eingtoutou o•ll3alarla, salt ldkfs, bleached and brown aninosk linen table cloths, checks, I.lc lung+, drdlings, cottonntles, hosiery, gloves, huts, caps, hamlets, nbhons, Incr., sewing silk, he .s .Z 434 •21 4 23 4 2.1 121 4 31 Ai 2 o'clock, Groceries, tdocensware, Furniture, Ac. tall chests Young Ilyson Ten, ti bbls No 1 Itint'd 3 do No 3 mackerel, 12 do cider vinegar, 1 do itl, tl bus Va manufactured tobacco, t. 1.1 quarter so Spanish mgars, choice brands: No / palm soap, ding and wrapping paper, shovels, spades, forks, t/Indoor mantel clocks, looking glosses, ear: petmc&e A large and general assortment at household (new. turn, cooking stoves, kackeu utensil., As. mys JOHN D DAVE., Auct On Wednesday ood 'Thursday creams.. May Midi and flat, at :lo'clock, at the Commercial Sales Item., corner of Wood and Fifth stress., will be sold—A. large ceqction of valuable new booksrn various de partments of literature and science, embracing molly valuable works on Theology, history, medicine, por. try, Beaton and travels. Also, a large collection of quorio,octavo, pew and pocket Bibles and Testaments: Letter and cap paper, blank books. my 29 J D DAVIS. Acct Large Sale of Clathsrtg, Fine Shirts, qc., on three months credit. On Tuesday morning, SOW mat., at I 0 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth es, mill be sold without reserve, on a credit of 90days for approved endorsed paper on all stuns over 5100— A eery large invoice of Clothing, Fine Sturm. An, composing m part, super cloth, cashmere, cameos cloth, mohair, tiptoes. cashmarett, crown cloth and tweed dress, (reek and sack coats; black and fancy cashmere, Colloaode, Kremlin, Lamartine, Roxbury, California, fancy check and Palo Alto cas hmere pants; plaid cashmere, valencia, block and fancy satin, Igons mid summer vests; Floe Jaen bo- SOM, fancy and blue Merrimac, pink mental, Limon cheek and hickory shots; brown drill drawers; also, 5 doz Rough anti Ready teat., proof south mestere. Catalogues nap be °Whited mud clothing examined tithe Auction Rooms. turn .10/11V D DAVI9, A.t , MIUSDIENTS, MENTI Groceries, D. dundnee " • Lessee end Dien...ger.. Amto 4SO Stain banana. Agnou It uml puny duets, Ms 25.3110 Po; Copper " • • Potash, " •2,510 MRS. MADISON'S BENEFIT ()mat 8111. Mr. \V H. Crisp in the Rebel Clu O'Brien ..... • • • •• • Mr W. II Corp O'Donnell. Mr. Prior. Norah O'Donnell Mrs. Madison. DANCE, by Altar Homer. To conclude with the nanueal drama of the PILOT OF THE GERMAN OCEAN. Long font Coffin Mr. Prior The Pilot. alms Tom Jones Mr. Roy.. Kate Plowden Miss Comm. Ceichn Mrs. Prier. Weduesday—hl r Benefit. A N V ILS—Wroug ht in Iran Anvils, from the Temper ance•illee work• warranted; will be constantly on hand and sappheil to order, by mr2ll UEO COCHRAN 25 Wood Mll CE.HErS--50 hss Just reed at the W Butter and and Cheese Depot, and for sale by cay2o J 11 CANFIELD 7)OTASH-6 csusks test cord and for sale by J. ntyll9 JLI CANPIRLD SLATES —Nos. a, 1, 5 German Slates, rec'd and for sale by ilsrN C ARBUTHNOT, 114 Wood st SLATE PF.NCILS-1 task rred and for rule by m 929 C A RBUTHNOT PATENT THREAD-230 lbs Sm.,Cs .oprior. for .ale by znyttl C A R.I3I.UIINOT SPOOL COrTuN—aio dos Hoarard'i 3 cord while, WO ye., reactred and for sale. LILASS-4.0 bss 7zU Mass, to store and for sale to N-1 by ..5 19 JAM} DALZELL, %Voter at PEA :lUTA-50 hush Pee Nuts, ka store sod rot ea low to close cons,gomeut, by . . C "P" "6 for "d IRAI:NI & REITER, BACCIN-40,000 lbss Bacoa, assorted, ia smoke Lou rawly robe debecred in a week; for rode by APEB-4:00 reams crushand medium, for snle by Y tura J B CANFIELD • j . " ROE porn:in-6 cask. rust reed and for IMIG by nut, wrALLS & ROE IiATTING—Inon halts Nu I and 2, in store nnd sale. my -h AVOILLS & ROE - LARD—No. Ito kegs, conugned and for ~Jr also, ea kegs Butter. hrtllLl-9 &IMF: 1.;2 A VED HEM LIFE-9e Verossfuge Is the est ° cle. LLIIKUION, Va., Jan. 31, lean Arr. I. .51 IVSeen—Dear hit The vial of Sellers Vermsfuge 1 bought !TOM you some bum ago, brough from my tort 5 years old, the asnomehbag number of hundred Worms. I behove the would haver heed very short Mae, but her Sus medicine. Wm. Sassy, Jr. Prepared and sold by R E. SELLERS, 57 Wood,u; add also by I/curvets generally in the two