THE rITTSBRIGH GAVITA IMO • WHITE Cp rzTTBoutt, , ll3" , .. • .; 'G MAY i 849 •THUICSDAY MEND , ; pgrPrerfIIIIIMI Dint at ii ts pubatted ur te kly, aiid:weaktv—Thi. Dn4 is Seven &thus perraimrn; the Tri-Weekly is Five DqUilli par =am; the Week!) is 9Wa Dollars per anniust, ordmintnneen are earnestly ruerested to hand SO henna before S P. it., and sa.varly in die day sa pram:Jo:able. Advertisements not insetted COT • entei lied ate 'rill invariably he eb,rgal had, indexed ear ADEILAPIILd. 'SOILTII.. &MX= IQATfI• Marcasenieand subserrptione m the NOthim.,.. United :roues Gramm, Phil,delyheti received • •• ed from Ws office. • ! sae it page for Tclerr.oll , lCrg. Afpr Local 111aAier• page.' Ltrinot- Boza—Tho "G. berm rartoved from Its verati the Post Office - . , has eilon! !7 n., a alaOuvr I LeVi.l . l3 DT DE • initplkittlerz, la an G.= coaxal. any -t to-day. Ye. ,agYTras a del slag. no abowere dna, 910:rendoreathe city =nuns very berl ing annlnred: and no It. 4r3' h xr., Ecr,t4..: - .- • try*tr, ;he Ind bra, h4,:d Ini 4 the regs:'% , 6ry:petr!. 'Our .7, t io . .atonWCltillera 'bag c*.ierao prevailing.,„ tches, yetOrda)t morning, Imelat of Ws". I. nOWIIO, Cct gnats otactist B. Gunk- '94 ,14 . 145 13 11 9;i0 ii announced the. appcde .n.a!i, as Pension agent, are, Ean. 1 This apiatmeet to gise.very:general, If not urdliersal istiafedion, aa4 nit potion Winds better with his fellow citizens, and with !he Whig party, Alien Mi. Mimi. , •-: , ,,tataunwer iScaut..—This description of curren 4. ey liailitaly been much criml.dOwii, and laria late fy !hien, paid' ed at enyprice With Much difficulty. ::We are glad to hear that the COMMds'of that city have taken Maturates which will soon put their atitapar value. . Atthe meeting on Tueiday oiteitting'llM Councils- vetudisd—the.rtAeteet with r:eitlitihreti in the teiative, the,Ceitution with `F calf cue ' as we have been iikuniedtc; proceed advertise Immediately, tuid•iteltr at public sale, the Diatetd Lot& These loti ate worth about $150,000, being the moat valuable:: property about the two cities, they fetch any thing near their value, they will; together with the mice of this year, absorb all tier Scrip outstanding. With all deferettioe to the opinions of the gentle. men who unposed this resolutionaf the Councils we think it a moat %Vibe , and SACO measure, and re. juice that it has, at "last, been firmly resolved on.— So Ear finer injuring coy property r ant the Dia. Mond, consider that it will enhance its value, and improve the business ksturesoilhe whole ty. We hope the Committee having this matter in , hand, will proceed without delay, mud,thrui iaiae the credit of Allegheny to its tbrmer elevated stet . • The rutacethat the Councils had legal advise ageing the power of the city to sell these lots, we are informed by a toemime,,ii erroneous, The Cholera is somewhat subsiding in the Vest, and we hope' soon to be able to record the entire departure of the pestilence from our cants. try. It is a singular fact, that the Cholera lin now almost gone around us, without breaking out here. It first started in New hitt soon Wad. ded,aad the neat it is heard of Is to New Orleans, and from thence it has crept up therim, visiting in Intern, every city but our awn and Wheeling: It hat lately broken out in Galena end Chicago, so that iis now northward of us. It has been most • fatal in New Orleans and St. Louis, owing to the great number of emigrants arriving at those points. It has lately brokers out on the,Plainn, among the California Emigrants, and neonate' aay it is 'quite fatal will probably make its Way across the .continent to the Poetic, and back to the piece of its origin in Anit. Whether It will ever return aga4k on ha errand of destruction; is known pray ~t o Rim who appoints the tittles and the sea ant. 'Pao thing isVery evident, that then deinme is more prevalent and - fatal among person exposed to fagit 4 i.'liar4 4 ?iPht4 , 4; l , o o 4 4.Varicual4 , lll*. thenMettYotnenand that thirst. Onions who lead regular Gras, at home, cc cely : even fell vidtina. Thus the clinni has - pnireipally-epent its !three upon emigrants lately arrived, cud corn down with suffering and demi, ntioc, and' . lotlee,i fn miserable Pliten,also upon th e, criiWded de... , ..ka of steamboats, and latterly tned; tr 4311.14..tata,Eini grants, who have doubtless soffeisdla ' good. deal •of exposure, pail have prrbtbly ie their habits. It will most otelmlily bMek. cur ,in the gold placers In Californie,,end:nien wto made greid Sacrifice! , , and 11:1 ~ & ; depriyationa, lon the ,eni 'mg dial, Will perish m the min-cot S^c e,e - ted wealth, 'which cannot buy ex emption ham death. Wo observe some imporreoterittfst2o,. Fria Of &it, 2.36lmm:shaving been.syed fro !klo I,,rreto_ fora put . up. Thiswill be a greet , eqevenieece to does. silo have been onablei beri!foßire to obtain this secoianiodatioir; . - , On: neighbor of the Bader Dratoceat Is quite overcome, by the'extraordinary Ihthindity ore lady near.lierrisbarg. Hear lam: , A Mr. Miller. residing "tuto4liirktimag, bar had 'a prodygthuspiece of kolc. - . coo:Monday miming !art, his wiLa was obliging enough* give birth to five boys, nli of whom, the • - rhihilielphin Ledger ' calk are alive and doing welfZs.:What,maires the ate !legator,' or rather piers!,?{!, that she pro duced twins on one oceasioni end a trio on aboth - ar, making. altogether, with thit tut assignment, tea children triton? year"! -Greet . 3"botaptott! If we had such a wife, we should exclaim, with the 'filleted Mdierite,—"Blow your trumpet, Gabriel I'm ready to go!" . Another case of exuaordinary*undity has jug happened in Pluladelphin. A Mrs: Moore, late, married to her second hnsbandiltati Jest given _ . . . birth ID UMW boys. The Balletinitn, relating the acrount, says: ' " . Hon young husband seethed pmkellV Diet whekted at the weight of 14 ruipenethilities l so anon after kW mairimanial ipemnistlen. ap• peered to be cogitating serious y 1 sird 'mentally re volving upon his fame fans, an than In am blear with four children IA nine months, What am I t.elo expect in the next fear years! :The 014 con, solation we eanofkr him, is old We 'le advice to his hopehal soil Sam, Let lattokuvealler . beware of the "Traders.' - • Twe-Thwavine , SzeWainerik p4n.-7The New Yak, 'rainla iadaiet, from:lLlCEllemorth, U. Chsage . awhile iz Senda i copy if a *telex Ictkr r doted Stockholm, Aprif:2o, is which he a 4, proves satineOrilytthe eh:agent smuggling, teiopting hisniuggle goods . though the Swedish -, Ciatom Holm. Boxes werinnt Caliph/Ai: Ells. worth suspected did not contain whitt,he tinder - deTed. He had them openea In the premien of the Inspector of Customs, and, . 1 9 o. lll l9 i° ", w ere confizmed. • Be initantirrepoted thOrn,hinding &among to the Custom Hone suiharities Tim • - shipper afterwards ants letter,. Stating thnt the articles had bean sent by mititabe'ancl,Mr.fElll-• Worth's still remained at Lubec: This letter was . also pat in the hands of the castanibetwe °Mari. :Mr. Ellswurth San .17eider existing replan:calif the Swodisla Cos tout House, no inch attempt can alined, as to in ticlesTubnitteckfree of duty fare Minister. The • txrustailichatittabs them innatiusariehlybrOpea . and the contests je''Urnalized the Nugent Kea* before ddliverg.. Ho also sends a confirmation Of Ms statement is fatten from Baum Mindanao:tin, chief t3eceetery • attar Minister of Foreign Affairs, and from Baron Stieneid, the Minister, in which he says he had. informed the Swedish Charge at Washington that to dembt could be eatertaine. ethic E's perfect innocence of the malicious charges against him, which be Win first appeared ati obli-cire end scurrilous Sunday paper is SterekitOne, end were aster copied in any Borernmentjodinat }NW EVP2LAPD AcctincLar ote--The Bo!tion Atka times the whole coat of Mistant:wrens rail roads, thus kr, at about $.47,000,0004 tfost of this has been expended within the;:lait ' . ;glisett years, and probably three auntie ol the amintat has been famished by Boston. where 0.0 P4'rilip'cioy tome fomt Them are no geld cr,ittrctunnets In Ina Bay State, England and reana4vgant`furnisl.ed theiron for these tond.,end, Aught; tirit have been fully paid. . ' • • M*a. Fa7Lairpc mar rot, eifer all her ro • •lenve for - Califorata with a -,.cry'rmall rtlmtcr ~j larliesaeoomparaying her. Tke larhe'y aro rlOtweed tha M+72, ttsil - se• "fel mall enougs alone?' Bat that , a:A.6;4 , 4 t h orp i nt of;theirforefatheis to whom theOlfro' rOU*lntito alt the ladieilelTOs44L r4 O from .?.74tir,tirk Wadi tains als 4iteen geolletaigt-a Satiptwai NM; &dor, Mrs Griawat*rii,Fitnz . jiagyiwo - ohlidicil end arrant.. ' I ' ae ntii,a l4 tilemit4rot;the'Prestralsrupi chirroh—Old'llalrOrit, , 'mahatma tuntmon- - 70x-rn Md. " Wediesdaiah'i 23 ; ltbe meeting:WU lamed with t" Moderntor: The vainutes of Tuesday were read by the clerk, and ether some corrections, were adopted. The : Moderator called for reports, and one was mad! Thei'nufutemliel beakless of yesterday, the case of the Teti. Le Boy Davis was then called up. The::titoderator warned the Assembly that they were about to sit u a judicial body, and that their most imitates attention should be given to the mat ter hei'anethem. Dr. Plummer, who appeared on the pert of the Her. Le Roy Davis, stated that that gentleman was rd descendant of the great Samuel Davis, President of Princeton College, and a son of the Rev. John IL Davis. All his relations were in the ministry, and he had always been of the greatest id runtime. to the came of religion, since he woo the Ministry. Since his ordination, ho had en. ,Isted six hundred and twenty seven persona under banner of religion- And what had been his scunittry., reward ? He had received generally two hundred dollars a year, and never more than two hundred and fitly. Such is the man against whom inch trilling charges were brought—charges ro frivSlous, that on them, we would not whip a child With a rye straw. Were the charges sus mire:S.4 the evidence? He would venture to assett,:that there was not a single particle of evi dence Sgainst him. The: leWned Doctor proceeded, and made a speech. which was one of the most eloquent we have aver beard, and which we are sorry that our want of apace preventa us from giving a full report of. ;. • Thelime fixed for the order of the day "the re port ofjhe Board of DabliOation of the Presbyterian Choler having arrived, wan taken up, and re ferred to a special committee, which was appoint ed by the Moderator. It was moved and carried, that the case of the Rev. Le Roy Davis be again taken up; and Dr. Plummer occupied the remainder of the morning section. sad had not concluded his rpeech when the /untenably adjourned. The: meeting was closed with pray. sr. Hodges, of Princeton College. Np e irrmoroon mama. The meeting was opened with prayer, by the Rev. Mr..l3oyle. The. minutes of the morning session were read by thePilk and adopted. The Moderator announeed that the first order of the afternoon was the Report of the Committee on Synodical Records. The Gimmittee mode several reports which wese,:with one exception, alter some corrections, adopted. hir._Lawrie moved that the Presbytery of the Creekmation be attached to the Synod of Mean Phis, Which was carried On motion, the second order of the day, the election of Trustees of Princeton College was postponed in order to aging Dr. Plummer, an Chair man of a Cotrunittee, appointed to examine the report .of theTruoteen of Princeton College, to Tr iton. The report was adopted. Among other things., the report contained a clans recommendlng that Dr. Mier, Professor in Princeton College, whose resignation was handed in and 'Accepted daring the present session at the Cruse* Assembly, be appointed Emeritus Prates• sor of Ecclesiastical History and Church- GOV erumebt, and the salary which he at present re ceived i be continued intact, during the term of his ininranite. The Rev. Mr. Gildersleeve thought that the 4 worder'natund life" . should be struck out, as it might be a bad precedent. Dr. ?lummer upped that the words should be tetained. fie had is youth attended therchuses taught by Dr.•Mider, and never had he seen such gandedess, each mildness, so much humility and virtee t gs this reverend lather possessed. Thodgh he might oat go to heaven la a chariot that lie reverend Eithet's mind, now that he was fonl. aid Weak, anew • extmostlng phi el:Leslie* in the service of Goa, wotdd not be exposed to even the matt ?MOW leer avant. • The auggestiati was withdraten, and before the metier( wan pot, the Rev. Mr. Narita prompt and said thin lds kelirops would certainly' prompt him to vote'for the motion, for be regarded the venom bto Dl_ a beautiful embodhitent of a Christian gentleman. He had known all the Pro femora' at Princeton College, and impacted and loved theca all, but never had he met with one en kind, good, so marl, beloved, both by hicasel4 (Mr. Nevin,) and all who knew him, al, the: venerable father whom it was propo red t 3 place above the dread of want.— Whether you met him in his study or the street, at chorea or in his own house, he was ever the came (I°4 man: Yet, while his feelings prompt ed latOo vote for thin motion, his reason Mende. Ho had loved Dr. Miller the more because he was rather a servant of God;than the church, bat there were other aged clergymen who bad toiled as zealnusly, equally. unknown •to fame, and unob trutlVOind suffering all the pangs of poverty, and the Assembly did not relieve them. He had met as he Was coming to this city, an aged minister of the gospel, who had gone to the West when . he wan ordained. lie was a man of more than ordi nary talents, has been tailing in his Godlike milt aion gnu long a period of time as Dr. Miller has al PrinOeton, and is now seventy two yearn of age.. The church with which he connected him self is poor, and he is now so impoverished that when hn ease him, he was unable to pay the time. on hie fait—fort—fin he has a farm of about fifteen acres. Pecommunicated to him (Mr. Nevin) the utter impossibility of his paying it, and he accord ingly lath him .the. small sum hi required. This nitfOrtneste kuothar was the hither Of a family, but hie circtimitances prevented his giving them a proper education. Yet no provision la made for him.; He loved equality. God taught this great prinelple. The church maintained it, and weahould surely not be exclusive. ller,dld not want it to be understood that he de signed these remarks to be applied to the present case, kr'such was not his design. He would not let dry reason influence his decision on this point; he would. follow the in:lonises of his own bout, and Would not wait Al the church woke up from its preschtlethargy: He would therefore vote for this motion. Which cave a comfortable livelihood for the remainder of his life, to this eminent man who had been justly pronounced the "Claristian Cheiterield of America" The Assembly proceeded to nominate persons to act as Directors of Princeton College, moil ntimber of gentlemen mere proposed. Onnietilon, the election wee made the first order of the day for Friday ; morning. The Assembly preceded to the nomination of candidate's Ihr the Professorship of Eceletinstical History and Church Government, in Princeton College, left 'Secant by the relignation of Professor Miller. Dr. Plunmtat nominated Dr. 1. W. Alexander of Nem York. Mr. SPring nominlied Pr- Plummer, who rose and declined the nomination: - Ma Nevin nominated In% Spring, who doollned• Sprinaoaltrated the Moderator, (De, Mur. ray) alto declared that i did not iniah Uto friend. ly relailada %Mach had enbaieted-between bin eon gregation'Atol himself severed. Dr. Statitoti nominated the Rev. Thaw.. s m ith , of South Piro' Mr. Br WII nominated Dr. Nt L Wee, of Cinein - th'. Palmier suggested that ttut Amenably ahonid uaite in a player, that God might direct them aright la selecting a Professor to fill a pouter co much importance. Dr. Sprnig you allied upon by the Moderator, and fakilled thin duty: . On maten, the election of a Professor magma& the order et the day for Saturday morning. The Cchandttee, on leave of obootox. =deo report. the Medawar then handed the Clerk a ma themealleri, which he hadreeemed from "Nacht- Nulg,' or ?'No fear in lea heart," end it wee - reed him Its fallow', Honored and Venerable *ethers. Chiore of a ureltt4tmich, 'have , epoken to your hear.og, end I 1 htio received the aioney which you kiadlitgeve we; ,1 have received a larget,hendlat, which I will expend'' fot geode and provision to take to my Iltattltrtuld' Mende. i will - .tell them rams, aod,.wha gaveit; Vehetable hither% I ay* ' curer are pupate, and you wjll never -hear the rune Lot Yoke: m imams Comer mum*, bat I eta told that the Greet Spirit zees both the While and thy- tad man. Matte l° yop may. yodi watdi he good. /The ibo;ie was cOmmtatiicated through Mt ftwih, the Missionary of the Xowaya. Oa motion, the letter was ordered to be printed, and Rip r4d. to the minutes. ". A report Dr. James A• WOOd, delegate -to the assecimiOn'ed Rhode IslandiliaS read. On motion; it was directed to be ptinte;V. The hoar of adjournment having arrived;'tlie Rey. Mr. Hamilton closed. the evening. amnion with prayer. i `Faros—An error crept into our replan or the Proceedings of the General Assembly, yesterday, with regard to our statement concerning the pe tition of Mrs. S. Bradford. We should have said that Mr. Potts read a memorial from 'Mrs. 8., asking 'the Assembly to restore to her, for the use of her cousin, Elias Boudinot, the bequest made by ber father to the Assembly. FROII WASIIINGTON. of the Plasbmgh Gass to Wasamatcat, May 19 The currency of tba rumor, that many changes in office here at the seat of government will be made about the first of next mouth, with other corroborative circumstances, renders it probable that that design is in contemplation. Tho first re movals are expected to be made amongst the class of Auditors, Comptrollers, and COMMIUMtIers, the men of $2OOO to $3OOO salaries. The Subordi nates will receive attention in due time. Tho above class of appointments will probably be token up next week and disposed of After them will come the, allotment of the Foreign ap pointments. It is stated today, on what may be regarded good aothpcity, that the missions to Eng' land and France have been assigned to Hon. Ab bot Lawrence, and Hon. W. C. Rives, respec tively. If a nice Consulship is given to some other eminent citizen of New England and Vir. ginia, the diplomatic claims of those two sections, May be considered satisfied. New York will come in (or one mission opihe tint class, and that, with a chargesbip and a consulship or two, will fill the measure of her pretensions. The mission to Brazil is considered appropriated by Pennsylvania. liomee Blaney, if he desires an official resi dence for a few years in the latitude of Rio, may be invited to fill it, or if he decline, which is proba ble, Hon. Walter Forward, or Hon. Moses Hamp ton, of the same State, are men .3(Mo:character and acquirethenta that eminently qualify them far dip lomatic service. Many think that Gen. Taylor , hardly went tar enough West in search of male. rink for kin Cabinet. If any overnight was com mitted then, it is probable that care will be taken to repair it in the appointments now wed to be made. Accordingly, ithss been already given out that a Commissioner of:lndian Again willbe sought among the Whip of Missouri, and that, cc now the head of the Land Bureau will be taken from a far western State. It need surprise no one if a Iforeign minister or two be selected from ;citizens dwelling even upon the right bank of the father of waters. Awl while speaking of appointments I likely to be apportioned in deference to the claims of the West,l may incidentally mention that there is good reason for believing that Gen. Lane will be recalled from his Governorship at as early a period as shall be Ground =intent with the best interests of the public service. I know that this is contrary to the opinion of many who will at once recognise the perfect justice and propriety of the proceeding, but who may have doubts as to its expediency. But Ido not speak upon the matter without the warrant of well informed men. Among the important questions of: national poly cy which are coming up under this Administration, are the modification of the:Tariff:and the re adjegt meat dour navigation system. The former sub• ject has been so much discusaed that I will not here more particularly refer to it, but the alteration of our navigation laws, so as to meet the policy and subserve the schemes of Englend,is anew theme, and one of the greatest interest to our whole peo ple. It maybe assumed that the leaders of the Democratic party, with their usual practical pa triotism, will advise es to rush pelt melt into the British plane, whatever they are, for extending her trifle, and adding to her strength. It may also be taken for granted that the bill now before the Brit ish Parliament for the virtual repeal of her nevigm , trust laws,twill pass the House of Lords, and will become a law. The aggregate tonnage of the world is now roughly estimated at ten millions of lons. Of this aggregate, Great Britain possesses StballtPar Wants of tone, and the ,Gnited States . goer three thilliotte Paw the togelle br posices nearly tunatliiiile of ell the etipping of the worth - water liar present system, Great Bri tain feels the she has reached her utmost point of devalopement, and at the same time she perceives that our country insipidly outstripping her in the rase for maritime dominion. She thereftre, as she hurdle° beLua done, wake to cheek us by tbrow,big out the bolts of reciprocity. See sees the immense importanoo of our entities trade, by far the greateit In the world, she envies our exclusive, pomession of it, and she is determined to share in 1. She is laying her plans to sweep our coasts from Piston to the Rio Grande, and from latitude Girty-niao to the bead of the Californian gull: In • s ubsequent letter I shaft endeavor to explain more in detail what these plans are, and how the adint t'es of the Democratic , party will bring them into Mow compliance with them. The position of the Administration is against all such schemes. The Uaidn has not yet announced to its readers the arrangement with Mr. Berke, to which I re ferred on Thuriday . Inst. Still I think there can be no doubt that it has been agreed ' , upon. I see by an 'inch' in that paper that tin editor is deprecating personal attacks upon himself, while he appropriates compliments with the keened ap petite. I thoroughly rigrie with him this time, that pommel attacks are to be avoided, and I have modes a rule never to indulge in them, and set. dam to retaliate, or even reply to them. Bat at die same time, I moat express my saprise that the Union prefers to perceive the impropriety of them, when for the last two and n half Months that paper has beet:item:Ding with the moat embittered person. al assaults upon Mr. Warren, My bumble self, and many caber persons of more consequence than ariselC Imre. Tux Miasmas To Tim Earritut—At the latest date from Newburgh a Coroner's Inquest was engaged in investigating the circumstances of title sad disaster. Among the moat afflicted of the sufferers was a Ms Noyes Ladd, last front Stmingeni, Conneeti got, who was one of a party of fotirteen—himself, wife, three children, mother, sister, four brothers; his wife's sister, MIME:Ii= Williams; Miss Delia' Avery, of Preston, Connecticut; Min Celia Gallop of Ledyard, Connection—all on their way to Springfild, Illinois, to reside. The following is hie statement of what he witnessed immediately alter the collision: "At a quarter past ten I was in state room No. 27, - which was occupied by my Wife and children and Mill Williams, when I heard a crash and some pastempres rush. I opened the state room door and heard some one say allswas right, that there was no danger. I went back and staid some ten minute; when 1 heard a second rush apemen. gets thr ough the enlace,who had come up from below,crying that the b oat was sinking. My wife was sea sick, and I was staying with her. I sew ed her and my children, and put them through • sky•llght on to the hurricane deck, and eller them sometwentyotherawboat I lifted up sabot Icould, othertrabove set:Met/8 them. Theo I heard a cry from tho stem of the saloon of some owe in Oarless The water was knee deep. The anise seemed to be alk. I opened some three stale room doors that ' were shut. In the third I fated a small boy, about , 1 seven years old, in shirt and drawers.- I put him on the hurricane decl,and then cliabedup myself. Sion after, the Sip Van Winkle came up, and L wept ocher with my family. My motheir was taken out of the ladies cabin through a hole eat in the ukase door. - She had climbed up, put her feet an the opperherth, and Supported herself by the ribs of the ceding. I bad heard her screaming, but did not know who it was. It was in pursuit of her voice that I found the box. She held her Ikea to the cabin ailing and screamed. She had to carte her chin to keep it out of the water, which was constantly rolling on - her face as the boat heaved. Shejays she could not have held out more than a toinutelonger. There was another woman in the cabin whose voice was 1201 as loud u hen. Her calls ceased after a time." The Lousy& from the Wreck. • Nrutagml, Saturday, May 19-1 P. M. The Empire it tall lying on the AIM the same les y -erday. There have u yet been bat seven bodies mauled. - The. Cannes Janis gill in lUS OD. waiting for witnesses from New York, in cluding the Captain and hands of the schooner Noah Browit. We have az list or 229 tatturigate saved. The (our brothers /Add, from Stimington, hue undoubtedly lowas ao traces oi theta have headset dlscoveied That remains or Link Noble Lava.. been taken:up the river. Many pinions in oar Lacrunualty believe the pant of the Empire la not altogether tree from censure. MORILLICY ov ElCialUrril ' 5141.11ZOLTs. We find, in I recent number of the fdaunphie • gin, rk g ,iallawfag very just rebuke, in tararentaio a criminal practice Indulged in by the commanders of'filaniiesippi veto boat., which oantuat ba too strongly depreentea la4YUy intelligent comma !illy,: 'Cho arid: lo with nor views on the anhjact, that we give I .endrso, wo oeiely hoping that so monk of it fa may ,tro prvyr grip applied to vim preallyo of nay fir our .17 the river" commanders ocatenzaboats, may be duly arefghed by them, mad earefellrguarded against.. ' the Int three Or Cour days but few boats, end yet an imMensonomber of emigrants, have pulsed this point, hartnd North. The America reputed Mikthe Marshal Ney,iwe believe) 460, and the Winfield Scott, 400. In the last week 3000 European emigrants have paned up the riv er. Every boat which had them at all, bad them in &oyes oflundreds, crowded and penned up like cattle; and nearly every boat buried from 15 to 20, between this place and New °Fleece. In every case, cholera has bed tEe credit' of sweep ing off the emigrants, and the whole country, from New Orleans to Boston, his been, or shortly will be, filled with horrible reports of the ravages of cholera' pon the Mississippi. Now cholera, when it docacome, is bad enough in in terrors arid works. With no disease or apt ' demic is the scythe of death whetted more keenly. Bat we submit to the common sense of the pub 11c, if there is any necessity of attributing the three or four hundred deaths which have taken place upon the river, between New Orleans and Memphis, in the last seven days, to cholera, Lr to any contagion. or epidemic disease. We huh ' mit It to common senor, if it is not wonderful that so few emigrants die, when one recoiled. t h e manner in which they are wended and packed away behind the engines of a boat, In a limited space, some thirty or forty feet, where scarcely e breath of ate can reach thorn over the hot boilers of the veaseL We have had the curiosity to visit the place in which deck passengers are packed, on some few of the boats touching at this point, and we can only expreu our extreme disgust at the manner in which the Lnfortunate emigrant, are treated. We have done our share of he rough work in this world, and we do not think we are over nice in the matter of steamboat com fort or elegance; but we must say that both our heart and stomach have grown sick when we have stood in the close pen of some steamboat, in which some hundred. of emigrants were miecra big crowded together—the air rank and reeking with effluvium, end the sick gaping for fresh air, and trampled spun by the paging throng. It is a mystery to us how the larger number of emigrants, than crowded together, Sad room to sleep in; and It in a yet greater mystery to us how any of them survive such terrible and unwholesome confine. mentr—men, women, boys, girls, and even in fants, heaped together in an uncomfortable and un healthy "litter.. The whole system of transporting emigrants on the Mississippi river, as at-present carried on, is an unmitigated and indefensible cruelty. It is al most so bad ns that practised in the Black Hole of Calcutta, and has not even the justification of re vengeful war. It is based upon a spirtof sordid speculation, and should promptly and ste*ly meet with the interference of the lowa The °Moms of boats now receive deck passenger after deck pas senger, looking always at the amount of passage money, and never once thinking of the 'cruel risk and waste of life which must ensue from an im mensely 'bver crowded denk. The unfortunate 'emigrant, never having travelled upon our river., knows nothing of the probable number on board, nor of the serious inconveniences to be encoun tered. We say the law should and must sternly interfere to check this course of things, and to protect human life. At present steamboat competi tion is recklessly gambling with human life, and humanity demands the prohibitory action of the law. We know steamboat men well. They are as noble hearted a elan of men as there is in the world—as quick in generous, as lively in sympa thetic impulses, when a case of disiteas Is before them. Butthe fever of competition blinds them to the view of probable remits; and they recklessly pursue the practice of a criminal system, to which valuable lives ore daily sacrificed. Through this system the banks of the Mississippi are being lined with graves. The poor emigrant, who comes hither to seek a home, fortune and happiness, escapes the dan gers of the ocean only to risk desperately the noi. irqme and deadly °oaf:Lament of the after deck of a Mississippi steamer. Lives are unnecessarily and wantonly sacrificed—Lamellas an broken up, and children orphaned in a strange land. This is all wrong—dreadfully wrong. The press should speak out,and, in the name of humanity, check, by the operations of the laws, one of the moat temble and destructive practices that ever die. grazed the commerce of a civilized people. Senator Ilentowe Appeal The following appeal of Mr. Benton is in his characteristic style—direct, bold, end unflinching. The ACCOMILC resolutions to which he refers, were drawn by Henry A. Wive, in his hotepur style, and go the whole for the altruism of dissolving the Union, rather than submitting to the prohibition of slavery in the sew territories To tits Paqin y'.llfissostry The General Assembly of our State, at its late session, adopted certain resolutions on the subject of slavery,and gave rue inatructiocis to obey them. From this command I appeal to the people of Mis sintrt—the whole body or the people—end if they 'confirm the instructions, I shall give them an op portunity to tied a f3enator to carry their will into effect, es I cannot do any thing to dissolve this tiniob, or to army one half of it egoist the other. I do am admit a dissolution of the Union to be a remedy, to be prescribed by statesmen, An the diseases of the body politic, any more than I admit death, or suicide, to be a remedy, to be prescribed bYpkftielans lOr thedltensetwf sterna:twat body.. Cara, and not 1011, Is the only remedy which my mind earl conteMplate in either case. I think it probable, from what I observe, that there are many eitizemi—good friends to the her. mony and Stahllitv of this Union—hem do not see the Missouri instructions and their prototype, the Calhoun address, in the same light that see it, and in the light in which it is seen by others who best understand it. For the istarmation of such snags, and to let them see the next step in this movement, and where ft m Intended to end, I herewith subjoin a copy of the keeenrac resolu tions, lately adopted In that county of Virginia, and fatly endorsed by the Richmond-Inquirer, as the voice of the Smith. Ido not, produce thews rem it:tints for the purpose of nmugeing them; on the tontrary see something in them se admire, as being bo ldand open, and as the tree interpretation and legitimate sequence of the Calhoun movement. I consider the Calhoun address, and its offspring, the Mismuri instructions, as fendamentally wrung but to those who think them right, the Accomac resolutions are also right and should be immedi ately imitated by similar resolutions in Missouri. I produce them to enable the people of Missouri to see what it is to which their Legislature would commit the State, and what it is they have in -eructed me to do. I eppeal from these instructions to the people of Missouri—the whole body of the people—sod In due time will give my reason. foe doing ao. It is question above pony, and goes to the whole people. Itt that point of view the Acconine re solutions present it—and present it truly; and I WWI do the some. I shall abide the decision of the whole people, and nothing lass. Itespeetfittly, THOMAS H. BENTON. 8b Louis, May 9, 1549. Flom Tsits.—By the arrival or the steamship Globe at New Orionis, Galveston dates to the 6th, end Brownsville to the 3d instant, have been re ceived. The cholera bad created great consternation in San Antonio. All the inhabitants who were able had fled the city. The disease had been partial lary severe among the Mexican population. Oa the 10th ult. there were fourteen deaths in the town and neighborhood. April 20, 1819. Mr. Audubon and pasty left thin place yesterday for the gold regions. They numbered fifty men and were all well. Messrs. Raymond and Hum phries leave next week for the sante destination. A letter was received here yesterday from the interior, stating that Gen. Parades, at the head of some tan or itilleen thousand Indians, war com mencing a war against the whites, 'Millar to that of Yucatan. • In the State of San Lot, the seat of his operation!, h e bad put to doe& nineteen whites, madatixtgafFeeneh,Ltateh, itmericans,ito. They have proclaimed an exterminating war against the white race. Judge Hotchkiss and Mr. Woodbury, both Tex ans, died in Rio Grande city within the lest few days. We have nothing else now, except that the cholera has entirely vamosed. J. L. H. The prisoners confined in the calalsoose at Sad Antonio, some seven or eight In number, broke oat on the night of the 19th ult. On the evening of the 21st nit„ the prisoners confined lathe Man shall jail did the same thing. One of them named Saddler, has been caught. The other two, fl'bott. K. Bonn& and Alexander Spars, were confined on the charge of murder. On Thursday, the lOth ult., Dr. Rains and Dr, McKay, or Rusk, Cherokee minty, met on the public; aquare—.llalna atrnek McKay a blow which killed him instantly, breaking his neck. linins hats been bald to ball in the- annt of fifteen thousand At Sabine tows, au Friday, the 2Qth ult. Copt. Staatiam was shot by Gain Gamer. At Thursday's. session of the Protestant Episco pal Convention of Pennsylvania, sitting in Phila delphia, the following resolutions, oared by the Bev. Dr. Jahn Coleman, wens adopted by en at. most unanimous vote; Rusteed, That the =Waal by the noun, of Bishop of the disabilities imposed by that b pdy on the Right Rev. Henry LT. Onderdonk,ll D., would give great satisfaction to the - individnale, clerical and lay, anuposice this Coteention; and also it is believed, to /my others, an well ic the Church generally, as in the Diocese under hls insiwitctnes. Roofood, moreover, That yeas such removal would cheer tho declining years of • venerable and distinguished servant of the Church, it would secure to his many admirable productoine their Just estimation by posterity, and be la accordance with the charity eo eloquently portrayed in the teaching, and en consistently inemplided in the conduct of the great Apostle of the Gentiles, Smcms or. A M VlDlsam—Boirren MAY 19.—Dr. Coolidge, the murderer of AZuksra; committed "lap in consequence of hariog been detected to a plat with a prisoner, who wee about to be libe. rated, to kill Flint, his (comer student. The plot One as &Nowa Flint was to be lured to a certain place, where he was to be kDled In such a man ner tooled lead to the impression that tot bed committed snick". A battle was to be placed near him containing poison. and a letter conkming "numb the murderer of Mathews. The Warden bind au the prisoner (be letter wittifthe details of tad-plot, nod at mica abut Coolidge up. Substo guently, on going le the cell, Coolidge we e (h oe d on the floor aspiring, and died shortly eller. The latter expected, if tho plot proved indessafo,l, that be would be liberated. Ho bad promised to pay 4, 1 1 y f amplic. 51,009 Or rnardering Fhat. - 4ZI Panl ,Cantik. eieheirriviai!hefhatOpthl4metiliet' ;ad Gazette 1243 file. Bxwc pipets to the . 26i1; FebnlET. The &Binges items , t re Wetted from them. . . The visit of the Chinese Coin=lts:Mier to the U. S. Sloop-of War Plymouth wu not for an offi cial interview with Ainahvis, the American Mere miesionft', but w en merely s compliment to coin. Geisinger. A fire at Karatlimn, the capitol of the province of Ke-vangse, destroyed 4000 boners, ineluchngtho odic.. Grille viceroy. Many people perished du ring the conlispation. The anneal sacrifices to the manes of Confucius the great Chinese philimpher, were made with much ceremony, in the presence of the Emperor and several Kings, in the imperial gardobs. The war against the pirates is carried on wit:: great vigor, and hopes ere held oat of their exit, mination. The Chinese Banker, in anticipation of dance. ties with the British, were withdrawing their cap, tal fro© Canton. A conference between the British and Chine. , Plenipotentiaries took place on the 17th, on beard the Brit sh flag-ahip Hastings, where .I..en was rrr ceived with great ostentation, and after the mules rence was set down t a magnificent banquet. The U. S. Ship Feeble, which had sailed from °sawn, for Japan, to see about the alleged rap ture of American seamen, returned to Hong Kong on the lath, four days:afterwards, on account oftbe small-pox having broke out among the crew. Cotivicrrtaa aT DITAITON AND SAYRIM--Sentente of Shorrm—la the criminal Coast at Washington on Friday, (a noes prompts having been entered in the forty-one larceny indictments against Daniel Drayton) both he and Edward Sayre* were tried and convicted of transporting upwards of seventy slaves belonging to different owners from the Dis trict of Columbia. The court sentenced Drayton to pay a fine of 13110 and costs in each case, and Ssyrea, in like manner, to 5100 and costs in each case—both to be imprisoned until the fines are Thomas Hand, alias Shuster, found guilty of stealing the Government jewels from the Patent Office, was sentenced to stiffer three years impris onment in the penitentiary. The writs of error to the Circuit Court, in the cases of Drayton, Seyres,Hand, nod Stone, IN:ICIViC tad of forgery, will BO argued on Saturday, the 2Gth Lust. The Yazoo (Miss.) Whig, of the 11th, says: We are sorry to taste that the cholera Is still very bad among us. Since our last issue of Tuesday, Sib ins:, there have been twelve deaths In Yazoo City; besides a great many mote not reported that have occurred near town. We cannot state the exact number now down with the dreadful dis ease, but it in large. On the plantations in this region it has been peculiarly fatal among the mi grant." The St. Louis New Era, of Tuesday, rays "Tile steamer Tumour arrived last evening nom & Joseph. Her ofScers report the steamer Mary lying opposite St. Joseph. pony seven deaths had occurred on boar. to that point." In view of the epidemic with which our city is at present scourged, several of the chinches have set apart next Thursday •be observed as a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer. la the neighborhood of Thibodeauxville, La., it has again made its appearance. Tux Wsrmrrows Corrnsatisrms.—The banks destroyed by the great fire at Watertown, New York, were the Black River Bank, Wooster Sher man's Bank and Henry Keep'. Bank. The valu ables were saved. The newspaper offices were those of the Northern State Journal and the Dem ocratic Union. By the destruction of tile Post OP Ace, all the mails from the South and west were lost., including letters, Sec. Six or eight horses were destroyed, and a female perished amid the flames. The American Hotel and all its out build. lags, the Episcopal Church and the Columbia Ho tel, were burnt, besides the expensive iron block of sums, and a large number of others. W. D. Wright, fl. D., Dentlst, Oirmel and residence on Fourth ,t., • opposite the Pittsburgh Houk. Office ir a .:. hours from D o'clotk to U nod from V o'clock rob P. M. 5ep16.17 Plre and Maurine I.nsu.rance.—TnsPrn.- zo¢al.t NaTIG•11071 son Fmk /Mstraatica Comeasv— chartered Itet!—coutinue• to iriaure, upon every de tertption of progeny, at the knew rata. Oartcz, N. 9 Market Street. SAMUEL GORMLY, Pres`t Roemer Fnert, Seel. mytt.dato Err Prrrsaranti arm Dorcas Alcamo Co. DiVIDERJ. The Stockholders of the above named Company are ttouLed that the Dividend of Ten Dollars pai d av declared o u t tae 119th January last, . d l bethew or their legal representatives, at the office of the Tut 4- ore, or Company, to the any of Pittsburyli, ori o after thr 21at day of May, ; net. PosternStockholders will be paid at the ornet of .f. W. Cloak d. Co., Boston tnyll THOS. 51. HOWE, Tleatlllet. JOB PIUNTIBG. SILL SEALS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Manifest', .Ltiar Lading, Carstmets, Lane Man.. Harm BILLII, Lattati,=Mar% micas, , enuents, de. de Peeved at the shertest notice, at low ink., at 1 deD Crezarm Orme., Thu r...a". Improvements ha DontLeery. DR. G. 0. STEARNS, late of Boston, is -mowed rnanafactore sad set Ricca Tutu in whole and par of seu. noon Suellen or Atmospheric Suction Plates Too2NACHiCTIEED to 1712 XMCII3, where the nerve exposed. Office and malacca° nen door to the Ida or's off ^P, Franh s , wet, Pinaborgh. Rana ru—i. D. Ikl , Faddec, F. H. Ewan. jolt . - Paxvtmr LEVIES SEEEIL—PECEEIEd by 3. W. RailV, william Meet, N. V. and for sale by A. Jayne.a, hr 71/ Fourth street. Ttua onll be found a deLigbefirl urn rile of beverage in families, and particularly ter nee 1.001133. B•atat's Baotea.—Art improved Chocolate prepay boo, being • cootbionuoa of Cocoa nut; innocent, wigoratang pailaabiC, lushly retromoreaded pan 4 ularly for trdlthde. Prepared by W. Baker, &Ache ter, Afars., and for sale by A. JAYNES, at the Pet Tee Stwe, No. 70 Fourth at maid To Tux Armenna—To those afflicted with that dreadful scourge to America, the !Jur complaltst, the proprietor' or 111 , 1.. e's Liver Pills are happy to of let this remedy, uat once complete and safe. It hos been tried often in all parts of the century; it bee been used in the practice of the most eminent phyalciatra and always with triumphant armee.. In offering these Pill. to the public, the proprietors are tatitatea by a desire to alleviate human surenng, and offer remedy for one of the most terrible &tease., which shall be within the easy reach of all. Per sale at the drug store of myttd&erS J taDD do co Dmasatat GaussAL—lttaj. W. LAJXII, Jr., wil he aupported for the office of Brigadier Cement, at th. military election. Election first bloodily OM day) o June. mr2t,WarS Blom Vowel-ma. Paornosorsay.—F. 0 rumen:a is:a eandidate for the office of Prothonota7, subject to the decision of the Antic:meanie and Whig Nominating Convention. , m7143.1*.vre8 CIIFFVP.--Ptlbss prima new C,k•vg- e, just res , l.l and for sale by , W& R WCUTCHEON, roy24 • _LW LH:mill V. LARD bbl. winter *trained Lard 01lirroe'd and far sale by ray 24 W& R itITUTCHEON PDOT ASU.-4 bbl. No I Pot Asti, reel and for sale by oty24 W & APCITTOUSON Figll-4 bbl. NO 1 tank% Shad; 00 do No I Nov rings; 30 do No 2 Mackerel; 20 do No 3 do; 10 do No I Salmon; Ti bl bbls No 1 Ilertiogo,_• Jook.ree'd end for sale by JOAN WATT. earner of Ltae - riiii4 lixx — it its BACON -200 pieces primal:Com, hot{ rnundLl.O'd and for .slay my 24 WICK /a Idg..ANDLti.3.3 OTAI3/1-10 rata Potash, a prime article for re tailtn,v, received and for sale by ra • ' % CK k. WC • ESS • . TIRY APPIAZ-1.9) aka DIT APP I ..r for bY .11 mr24 WICKA WOANDLESS DRY PEACHES-116 As Dry Fetches; 19 bbli do do; for sale by myy4 WICK lc BrOANDLESS CIDER -14 bbla sweet Cider, Oda day recdd and for axle by aryal WICK it IWCANDI.P.BB BCIDER -4 Ws Boiled Clder, for gale by MID WICK & bDCANDLESS ALEILLTUB-141 Cik}}3llefintc,lll bbl. do; 211 b .do pahrtrized do, for ru le by or 1 WICK k. AMAX .1.1398 W RtrPro PAPER-400 resint media= Wrap do,gd arir c i m T o r b orown doll° do doable ten on t alTdr y WICK lc EPCANDLESS 0 oALzy T-201) Ws No I Elaltiit'ocTuar WCANDLSIS 24 GISM rEtrylf - Vgt %%IMMO' FMMY FLOUR-140 bbl. Parkinson's rabtliy Son; for sa4s b WICK I WCANDLE9B M9ll.L.ff.='%%T•nmr,Nuld Can EATLIEKS-2000 lba.prinie Ky. Feathers, on hied F and ler sale by my 24 WICK k M'CANDLESS CORCHINGS-15 esti ScoreWm for silo by S 0r921 WICK Sr.-WCANDIASS irrooL—This day 'received and Cam eats by !j_ a n i % VICO lc bI'a&NDLESS SHAD AND BLERITINGT-Ttecrivrd d.r sl Ly my icsAatV. `,I!EA3 COCOA-10 bra superior Cocos, Jai reed and for sale by my 24 WICK & WCANDI4I9 A LIIM—LP Alum, for sale by .4 m il? IV IC A JLFCAIII4,I3}3 rIFIEFSE-103 boo W Ft Cheese, reed and for salt si by serf/ WICK & hIVANDLESS TO PAR.1477E189 AAA LllMlllibirullogg. THLt widen/gaud offers tor rate la All-Caen colour, Pa., IWO acme of well timbered LAND, ‘ yith excellent Barr HIIII nearly netr, and two tteVP Ftiune flosses, one 41 feel front by 47 beck; the other 33 fevt front by 30 boa- • The nail/ and land ire sawed four codes from the Allegheny river. A pest deal of PM!: 77418 ER of the best OlatfitY, and also a vast quantity ado very bra hemlock. Also, one adman the bona of the And hens, noir S pore, most athntrabl gdept ed for refUngostiere /umber MLA bp bitted O tt the Ire In winter, and he perfectly safe 110.1 an freshets.— rice 83,030, or 84 an gem. Tenns easy. Writ take a well cleared %moll Cann, milt good hose and or chard upon it, es part payment, if locution is gettable. and the balance In lumber, or as may be agreed on This io an excellent.oppostmlity for tnmbeucq, Anil the probability le great tbalftitwo or three years Un. property Will dabble 'lie take; In tons epee of its prommity to the Piers York 0,,g Eels a , ma. Tine. bet rudiment toveeer tan elt,turel ear Aral mill elm efr son the eana hich runs neatly through the eclat, of the land. Abe - fifteen acres in grass. No hilt •to rise to ha • loather from mill to riser. Trout endgame Inablinee. \Eor fortheigettlem late, address, (pon•paida - fl etta a*ae, Pnobttrith..!- SUNRAY TRIPS IP EtAyErit co. , • Tho steamer lIXAVER will leave SalaVoiZre; &O W'M r . 7 ) % t o'clock, to/ =am " . VII I !coca Slaver at t o'clock, P. M., mut active ai 1 o'clock Ears, Twenty-6v' Ccoul. OLIO n.qm 4.1315.917 t. ;MERCHANT: T*l i. ORi " . i'L:.•- -, • A o; . 46 Iliac' dretc • • AVING pastime's!. an erensive and eatehdlyrse :' leered stoet of 8rffilt:11114 SUMMO Goads, the subscriber respeelfelk informs Ids friends and the patio. that he IS now preparing to receive and are- CUM their olds. with dispCatchh,, and to the neatest, malt anbeantie, and feibfnnahld manner. As he is determined to do trosineas an the cash system, he lim. Mrs himself that he will be able to do Work as cheap as 11 Can be done at any establishment in the country. Ili since is varied, consistiog of Caseimeres, Broad cloths, V menet, Ae., which his friends ate respecihd ly ,nutted to eau.. for themselves toy:Melt GEORGE ARMOR. DR. R. MOROW. 'LP New Orleans, would respectfully . announce to , I the citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that he hoe located himself on Smithfield street, between Fifth and Sixth, West side, where he will devote his often toe tone trcalseent of the Cholera, in which be has m. with unequalled success, having treated over th,e hundred cams during the last winter end spring, a... no ease lading to restore the patient to a proper et,e of health; he darters ~ himself that he has • medi en, surpassed - by none in the country, and when po t" sly administered never foils to afford miter persons who are traveling he would say, hii tr...ticion can be put up to that they ran carryit abbot than with but little inconvemence, and by taking sin of do,es at times, it would prevent an attackof the would rotommend it to penets traveling and to families, as being n cheap and effec tual remedy. N. EL—lh. Morow will be found in .hls office at all ones of the day, except when out 'sport professional dots. rity24 Douse and Lad far Sate IN ALLEGHENY CITY.—A neat and com- JlM:riable brier Dwelling House, and Lot of romt, it/ feet front by l7b feet deep,) attests on we bank oldie river, near Fahnestockbt lead fac tory, to offered for sale low. Terms easy and tithe In druputabie. Apply to Abraham Fulton, Monongahela City, or JAMES BLAKELY, Pittsburgh. tny24 ddwv BRANDY, best quality—l cask Jan ree'd and far sale by BRAUN & REITER, iny23 comer Si Clair and Liberty sts CHLORIDE OP esks just reo4 and for sale by BRAUN tr. REIT= was onsaaa, Philnda c.. W. Mclnnes, Pinsbursti. la/FILLER & BICKETBON, WholesaleOroters, and 171 importers of Brandies, Wines and Begins, N. 172 and 174, comer tif Marty and Irwin streets, Pitts. Jinn, Pa. —• my 23 DAWN lIAMS-5 tierces to good order, rec'd per .D soor Paris; for raid by IiEOCOCURAN„ my 23 VA Wood it EANS—I arm Jeans, 'Steubenville manufacture, r'e'd on commission; for sale by myl tiEO COCHRAN PAE2rtEEN—Joot teed and for we by J KIDD 4.0 OZ. lodine; 50 oz lodide of Penman:um Z. of I_l lodine of Perri; Cando Ferri; 115 lba Tart And moon 50 or tlniphate Quinine; aulpluue alorplievr; Acetate do; Nitrate of Silver, pore. Chloroform and Acetic Ether, jest reed and for min by mrl3 J KIDD to Co • O. 2 I..A.RD OIL—lO bbl. good quality No. 2 Lard W pl Oil, in Ana order; 20 do No I, Conklin& extra, ni stone and for sale at lowest prices, by my 23 SFILLURS & NICOL. 9 3CFFEB-4 Obis fresh 801 l Butter, put "cod et at the W B Benet and Cheese Depot, end for sale by myZt J, B CANFIELD HEDI4E-5:0 it:situt reed at the W R BUM! and Cheese Depot, and for sale hy myS2 J B CANFIELD - DLL BILK PARASOLS—W. R. Mngphy has jot JD received an aoortment of black SIM Pons°ls, figured and plain some of which are extra eke. Dark Green Pe:roots, figured ood plain; large 80, brown do—an assortment received, and offered at low prices. at nortkoast corner of 4th and Market sta. m tri COTTON OSNABURO—YaI aids—One bile late 17 received at my Goods Musa of myto_ w R Munpny New Goods and Great Margarine' D D. THOMPSON, No 110 Market weed, near Li -1.1.„ betty, has iust retnmed from rho-Haltom Cites with his second rapply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. He has now on hand ono of the largest and best selected stocks that he has ever had the pleasant of opening to his customers and the pahllo--among which may be found every style of rich changeable and fanny Silks, Truk Satins, black Outdo Silks, all widths, for Cardians, dm.; with every width of black Silk Laces and Fringes, for trimminge; POLLARD SILKS, TISSUES, fig'd and plain Renege., Embroi dered Swiss; Orondung Lewin Emb'd Linen Ging- Mma, a newandbuitifal &Male; .plain and bard do; French Gingham", do. Ova Doti:caw SToci is very full, comprising. every description of Mimes and Canoes, some for 12' that sold this spring for 18; Linen and Muslin Sheet logy from Ito 3 yards wide' also, Sheeting Muslin', very low, with a fall anortitient of Hue Irish Linens, for window bangurgs; Torbay Red Chinn, embroider ed cod striped Drapery, Bad Holland, due. Ac. Osir Sham] department presents every description °Caine and embroidered Canton Crape, ehangeable. and fird uk Hre ege,. Cashmere arid Delahrs, plain and em broidered ThMet; also,a large assortment of Parasols, Boaters, de. Ac. Coach Makers will find a fall supply of Cloths, Da masks, Martens, de. kn., in their line. The above Goods have been ',imbued an the most advantageous terns, and purchasers may rely upon getting theta at the LaWM mall= meat . my=ulM7 ROOT. D. THOMPSON. Valuable Coal Lauri for Salo. BOUT four miles above Lock No. 2, et the mouth it of Pine Run, Illonougeheht River. The Coal is of thevery best quality, and amp of access. Any number oracles, from twenty-fire to n hundred, aught be obtained. Persons desirous of purchasing, can call on WACAMII REED, on the premises, or Wm. It cd, opposite the Post ogre, wko will give any In. t <,,mation concerning the weeny. The above will 1: AMA eta great bargain. - warden' CLIWZOr PAW —JED. MILL: r rim .deriigned.fiave this dap assoCutted the the name ofThompson Hllllll3 & for !helm .4o Or otanufanentring pacer, afahe CUMOD Paw where they wilt be please:4lo receive the plump e k te of the public, and the former =tamers of the se- partner. • • They will at all times keep on hand a stem! es ..,.runent of yarning, seseelokt, tea sod will paper,, b-ttutet haards, blaa books, etc. etc., which they w ill for clean linen and cotton rags. Printers and Book Publishers can be supplied with every dereription of printing hoer at shortnoslce,laed at reduced p lees. - THOMPSON HAWN*. April 1. 4S--my23sl6m EDMUND S. HANNA. For Oast Pronclaeoi - linitliforsaa. , • •1 2 1, REGULAR LINE OF PACKET SHIPS— To nil on the Dirth Jane—The superior fast satlrgsail and copper fastened !ship EUROPE, will sail for the above port se above, bay. raj three quarters alter freight engaged. This chip being of the largest class, and having so usually epacions and well radiated accommodations, offer, to passengers a very desirable opportunity whereby to secure that comfort and safety 110 recessa ry on ,o long a voyage. Passengers with fatales will be furnished with ten. ante and communicating state r 00103; and eZpOriel. cad physician will atm:wally the th.p. For balance of freight or paura asolv to • U. W. - .IE)?INWALL, Routh side of Dock street wharf w—fN lililorth Am. Philadelphia 84.000 FYry _ . AND COUNTY SCRIP, for N. s ale by S &DWYER, m 744 110 Second at STOCK FOR SALF.—A few Sewer Hand - M. Bridge Stock, for sale by - SCHOY 1108ftaid n FAMILY FLOUR-100 bbls Family Plow, for sale by lay 2 2 3 8 DILWORTH & Co w ' SUnA grw—Loverittra loaf, crushed and Ordreoir.l &Were, lure reed and for sale by the bbl or at retail, at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Foetal st. m 52 'VINE COFFEES—biceba.African, Java, Lavin., St Domingo and mo Coffees,Just teed and. for sale at the Patin Tea Stove, 70 Fourth N. mp2l I_, AISINS AND FIGS-200 eighth has prima RM. um, and 50 saiall drums tram blits, lust reached and for sale at tha relda Tea Stara, 70 Fourth atreas ut ilitix*LATE, COCOA AND 811051A—ktak %.1 . Brume, No 1 Chocolate and Cocoa/ also,Behm% !pined Chonoinoi Jost to end for mac al thh Pekin Tea Store, 70 Pewit et. say2ll ROWDIOR-700 kegs Illastiost COO do Hilo Deer, 200 do Dille, N 111 do do, Hy. 50 qr do do By - ble.Fase for bleating, for sale try ' J 8 DILWOIITH & Co ttg,d'ilLlo3-14 aka prime Feathers, foe sale by ral29 . J 8 DILWORTH A. Co Par elm Francisco. The flee renrA 1 berme f36 1 / 1 1.11 HOOP. ER, coot. Hooper;wIll tows dame!' ter the Om port, touceuz ot Rio do . Amite end Volparotoo, for provisions. Possenren et Ilip flololi M Hoop er will fie* 'Wert°, oleee4moaaUcina, wed ovary o gemeat mode to In sure their comfort and coma Elea For height or P s TMA Pi a t %ft. Am. or was. E.IIOOPF,R, 7{ llowly's whorl. TAR-I 2 skiTrlrdtor,Thri ---- ------- mill J 9 DTLAY OEM & Cto agecnatEL-20 Ws No 3 Mackerel, Jul reagl J n pogo ud said for We low by tayU UMM-DALZELL I . l l l9l , Saris good W lautiug peal, • n4-.1 and IV Liao , and for sale la* to Um tOallipl. nu_Wvay99- JAMES DAL2I2..L 12312110A193-410 bbta ematrroaf, powered and clarified, in store and for sale at re- Rd prices, by MAIM A. HUTCHISON .llc Co * Agana Si. Louis Sugar Refiner/. • my 2/ No 21 Water asd 99 runt at . T FAD--ew Goima Lead 'lost taa'd and fey We &JO sey93 4. o lll3WwwnisoN &co LIST-40 keg* awed Shot in sower tad. far seas bf 0 tarn JAILES Are &Co , WANTED TO PURCHASE— A Mod .Welly Hente, welt btoke ‘o the ;hefts. N°le - rak °tit nfed be Wend ,•• • • A.t..EXAMAH 6 RAY, Inn; - • . •Altaket at • - . T. pabEct are cautioned againsrapnrchating the . dreft drawn by Richardson rh ClMionJim.lllTa. dea & Co. and by them aecepted, for =O, dated Noy 15,1849, at 00 days after sight, and accepted May 19, 1819, payable to the order o drawers, tad by them ibe endorsed to P. C. fibilarion, IN o has notice that , p., mot pay f the some bar been stepped 01 Air/ands of Rdin ISPFadca 'ts Co. p' . A . IUCHARDSO, ony2l ' of Richerdsort 4t t tp. NOT/CZ TO COP(TaVEITOWiI, OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TI TA RDPIZA will bp retteliod at die Eke of they r Ohio see peedsyloania flail Road Company, Di the city of Pittsburgh, untii SATURDAY, the 30t1t of JUNE, tele. for the Guiding cad Bridging of the Rail Road from the womb of Rig Beaver to we State lino at Ohio, a distance of about twenty wiles. DiacEnse and specifications of tho world to be lam t,...... 4 ten offtra Vittslittrgb, datiog- the weo befogethe Icting ne.a Bement lb t/olowon'w ; m kt Er nineec ei d infonnailoll Ely be obtalinie at any en. at the office of Ziward warner; Resident Eton tier f of the Eastern Division, New •Brighton, Beaver , cuuntl i Pa. The work is well WOrthy Girths Election' of r t h ro ugh and energetic contractors, and the Ike prii,es through a fenilo country, and is ea of access at nil gouge. By °Wei of the Board of Directors. • AI. ROBINSON,Jc, Presidoult Pittsburgh, tiny 1.1, BHA York North Amerietto, Pencurylvenbut, New 'York bpt i p, g work. Rail Road Jon Wit Clete/mad, DE- Ed, and Onlo St /owned cony Witte dna% sa d mud bits:, with cofactor s' 4, to the Bell Road offica• REMOVAL. vOHN FORSYTH, fit erebantTaUo bas removed to No. 31 Alarkof street, ono door from Steirad, Raw rade. Thankful Of Past Amon, ho respectfully istu t iu, • smolinusnee of Ma patronage of bin tomer customers, and li kewise On potwinaga of as many mar oast as are orate right stripe. Alm , TalMring .Line stemmed in the most .fasHimablefwmones, wit!' divateh. Alroot Lubionable aucalment. of rowdy malt Clo. thing oLaltitlnds.. Cheap Or cub, otoosue. ' efoLleroeVAL Fqmisbloggitoods ill their varlados *rapt oti brad, 'soh es Shirts, Damns, Callus: crae vats, Stoats, Reath, Hosiery, Sospeogsrs Foram Hdirts,myi Ll Olovas, D ra wers, Umbrellas, ix. do. o. Alm AUCTION- StifSfir!'-.1- Faasay Caning,' and BrAncy wrivdi ffli atagedmi On Friday afternoon, at 3 front of the ottonforoild Sales e mow el Wood and streeu, will be mid, a splendid taro hone (tinily C•rriw, well finished and nearly neva - - One georaoroy Wagon, a good snide node to or. dor, and bas been in ase only a abort oats. myZ) JOHN H. DAVIS, nut.: stark 4r sa,,,z. Rimy Gouda. On Thursday coo - 'g , May 24M, at ID &Meet, at the Commercial Sales earner of Wood sad RID streets, will be sold-- A line assortment of fresh and seasonable staple and fancy Dry Goods, among which an impernao cloths, casomerea, riatinetts; tweeds. lean., fancy rings, black satht, dress silts, lineages, de lain,, mme. swiss =ulnas, plaid Vicunas, super mints, French and Manchester gingham:4 :bawls and silk hdlrfs In groat variety, bleached -and brown Mnalina, doniuk• linen table cloth, check- I , l l.lrings, drillings eottonades, ho siery, gloves, bassi Leghorn' bonnets, , ' • • e. At .2 o'clock, : Groceries, Queenneare, Furniture, no, Yong Hymn and Inmetiel tea, toffee, N 0 agar, No I shed, No 3 mackerel, Va noutufamured rebate°, No I palm soap, shovels, spades, Costa, venetian and glasses transparent window carpeting. blinds, mantel clocks, Looking A large and general -assortment of household - and • kitehen furninue, kitchen utensils, ice. taDD Large &a. of Maw:, Fine Marts, 4n, on three made credit. On TuevdaY knommlfr 8 3 th lost., AltieVelael4 at the Commercial Wes Rooms, earner of Woodand Fifth an, will be sold without reserve, on a credit of 90 day, for approved endorsed paper on all sums over stoo— A very . large invoice or Clothing, Pare Shinn compnsum In pan, super cloth, eassimere,Ameens Moth, mohair, alpaeca, cashmere; curd= chrth and tweed dress, frock and sack coats; blink and fancy care loscee, ..Uket, Collonade, &aorta, limautlan, Roxbury; California , fancy cheek and Palo Alto ens alma* panun plaid cashmere, nitric's, black and . fancy fat fancy and summer vests; Vine liana bo som, fancy and blue Merriman,k .moun t Union check and hickory shirts; brown dtill pin dravertrr, alto, 6 dos Rough and Ready water Proof south western. Catalogue: can be obtained and clothing examined at the Auction Rooms. nty2l • 101114 D DAVIS, Aar, • Extenrise Sale of Talualla, Saab, Later and Cap Paper, Mar& Pads. On Wednesday, Tbarsday and Saturday evenings, 214 24th, and delitlniM, at Videlock, u the Meitner- Mal sales rooms, corner of Wood and Ptllh Ms, will bo sold a large collection of trainable new books inereery department of literature and science, embncebbr by valuable worts on tbeelohistoll mimics), Po etry, fiction and travels; also gy ~ iree ittineebtla of quarto, octavo, pew, and pocket Licb S, Rae Ina LOA don editions wub clasps, London testaments wilt palms and parapbmws, latter, ceminerdal post, and cap paper, rau Sod baltboand blank bosh, maims. dam boots, ke, myil . JOHN D DAVIS, *eel Plutwrimmoil THEATRE. •: mad 11. Porter. ACTING AND &AGA BEAMuTA W. IL CAM, ItCombined swags of To and :farm ßlr. W fip tia Corinthian Tom: Tarmicenat Endue, /4e • To p z is mar c o r l sir Lawrence Me. Archer. Charles Mr. Prior. Kate O'Brien d Miss Crabs. To•k TOM AND JERR be Y, Mi OR ram LIFE Rd LONDON. Corinthian Tom Mr. w. Ulric Jerry Mr. Btt Prior nia. Mr. . Jemmy Green.... ........... ..ZKr.llarta. Kate Mho Craig*. ' Rim ..... •• • • ............. --411 ch Friar. • JaIIO ....... •• • • ..... r Madigan. , ~. tr:preparatiqui, The ?Mar 'and Mellen. Friday evening—Dlß. DIT4RI3 Farwell-Benefit. 40N 54' 13.., 'sew gyeti.,. I opening u the Ono ?gee Store t o ft lotu law u 111 Jar& A &AMON & Co - JAMES D. LocrawooD, (For many years connected with Manna wive a, Putnam, and hue John Whey,N. York sad Loader ' ) mouscum aim neat= or • ' ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN ROOMS N 0.63 Wan mart_ , (Nearly opposite their% Charie l a u ct i be 1 ROIL (CP English, French, and Gamin lirialews sad. M wh .PlArtei Newspapers impacted to arder,pirices of ich may be ascertained on application to au.' I, Camlogaes gnats. . myl2 A-ACIFLIMIEry-150 bbis Large No bfauweita- IVA senain9ecikm, fil Sas order,mom.m- Leg and tarnish,' ROBERTEAN EW; • ray2titOt mad at •tertyrufs. cub Pald for Ihi Ty &Siam panes of clam limbed wool, lry mr2l LEE ; Melt! , q apporlta Sib That wad Tara , 50 R 3o HLß b a rN o o l fshat orsiniv, airy" inspeolio 0'..) • 2, do No a Mackerel, atoston inspection.) do do N C Tor, prime order, reed 11124 for my .Ide by ?ARM & O'CONNOR,. lkdim cornet Pula Sod Wayne Ms LIANCY BUMMER CAll3l3Ditam—Vire have jou .11 - : received amy bander:lEl,lot of ninth Smarm Catlin:ere*, of a very fine quality which wo are set. ling at very low prices, sod to which Are would torte the attention or the anadercen. ns x , NDE lf &DAy_ SPLENDIDCLIATIOPADLEMED-yart received, 'Unarm handsome chtutseable tonteora very sowrior q.attinz,whi,gh we are Nen* arvery inferior pDAY. • roynt • lb Markel, NW ear *rite Di mond IDACON-4.3blas assbrted, now Ludwig from agar I) Dolphin; for rata by mit .• zsalla DICE= 46 CoMmit 43 bbls No 1, now lanifingtrom isms Dot , _LA phi.; for sale by my2l /9AIADUDICKEY d Co lITOCIL--3 sinks now" landimstrom strartfolpl4 U /or sale by mrti Lqnsoti =UT fs Co, isEATIIERS-48 bags yr /nndlisis.fimO sums DOI. _Wm for tato by mirl ISAIAH - DIM:WA Co L "I , Linerrog , PiTfie ny2l J SCIIO9DOLABERiCio EALENo 01L—Of rudiiiirqibiffsiTto end mnall battles Sad fluks.fornole g,- ge myM „ .1 SCElooNaWitHeit en Cif O PTS. TUERENTINE—IS bbis m crrder foriblis K 7 by sayll J'SCIEWO C Ml&Ullab Co D TOlNGEbusete sale bv zuvrt . . SCROOMIAAER teCO QT..I_I43IPbA.PER-10?gensilextramlamrtrti. Oar, :;111 j • 114 wood a{ PEFUN g Toatec rpm: reaseribei has bully:dud at We Petia Tea tittore.lG Fourth street, a vary Lan and well ie. r lamed stook of pats. GILIG3N AND EILACIETEAG, hoot New Trak, all of.whleb bas boon remilved MU country since the En t of February los&o all th e different grades grows ba th e Cehtstsl ui =g Our stock being among Ma largest In Ma Wes; we Sr. E.M 7 A l : ll, 7.'" l wtEggretr"l,"4::lll 4 .l examine our stock and prices.. nag van bavellPalk• ea in and I Iti whim, b _artot eatudsten, or by half chests. to writ their eouveautnat: Oar retail prices vary fin °Clang,' Bliet . Teas treat at et. to 54 6 0 Per lbg Mug Young Banda* AO Cr. Cargo 60, and &ghat Breakftur aci,,Young Brion, Gunpowder and imperial, from 36 ma. flAgter lb. Minutia are seqUdilini to send and ge.samples of of our Tees, and try them hokre mreltastug. mFou street TEAM Tiiil *Mt TIPAIIIII 1 du with ;demure amens wthseniiith iithwth the eider= of ritththirei and et . Pfaff kintlhe_ y /have etenplew arranire menu witlildeasre. J. C.Jeahles as Co' • of Philade Iphinaret... enSiefinf , . And win hereafter be dela acne:dad, on ... hand.- They. ma neatly and, asenrel .e arTd up in meanie packs 00,1 and Ilb l their preatedeand—ahowing the ithni of Tea, pnee, e , d am e of the consent and dispOt in Philadelphia* with an invitation to retina the Tea, if nor liked._ __ - - , - ranpowder:A •••• 414 tp I,Dil 460 Imperial ..... • /#4, 1,13 LSO Home " MI 7S" LOA Y, tyna.:. ...... Mit • 11,11:1 gr-033 's Elm nodal:is Flan. .7b. a the will watrant all Na 'TEAS we sett - to equal to, if DOI tO SAT void in thin city,. and shostid they not prove acceptable to the tit. they can be to. turned, and the 'nanny will be re,r_iss lawn, with that understanding we eeli. • •- - Ws, uk Air tdelothnt She pas be We be judge between out Tau and those Welders gold* other compliant iathis'elryi All lovers of rieb,leileionsidd good tarot . , IadTEM?, For yob by • 301110-9. M. VOlniiCiie N W earner tah and Ferry -end E. YOUNG & • mythderals W earner dd and Rees stoma intIEIMINGS-444 JIM canal and at Walser to clean consignonuss, by myl7 - JAMEiI DALZELLogratts RWMINZITr e Dp d IMULSTRAZIED .s ._ ° 417 - riartalcium • 0 7011 iNr i lletsite‘Oditle . atiludier Wile bt the dielde els' War ant to 'bloke asst= sem ih tam wet% Irker use seen se use be eldest for •Ic tam. • - 1( lenneditte use' ' esnild bo envie pc ./t Co:* Bede. deny And, the teased pats well_ satexated, and the tenuity subbed., in, it would give whet and ease* pain. No tamer iambi be whitest thluireehed I n as Ws alike healing to man or Pre: pared andsold by B A FhateD=OCK & CO, cornet of Woad and 1n %it* 11 / 0 1 Meer Ogi turd Wood.. min SPLENDID STOCK OF 'NEW SPRING GOODS. ~‘ A.... 1. MASON - ISL. C 0... • ` ' '-: - - OEM PRICE GICIRE-4[o. CO BIALUSET,IITIUGMF-WHOLEULIr AND RE T AIL. AA. AL a CO. hung comidemblyealarrd their ranee, Dans:able, Roagb an 4 i cs iy, 24.„,, 4 :E nt e More pa the anonsasdation or thAlt 111001/111* U.* 1n 1F.1111_0,7, 1.. de. ~., p to exisibitn* their tie. soziewr seueoNm - bezes at Donut add_ rat tail int u rlt l e' mos era t mock of stab amtGisbiate. Ribbonsof Menu are*. -dim, blink' and 'Oesonm able Imported sad dumdum Goods they-ban o,lo'. Teat 0 / and 11514 b best 4esga r, J ij a ,. tk,,,,, f.. gint, egremd xn OA dry. Melt lug* Skew! Saloon, Una- an ___ tsailtmelaltter , ' ' ~,-, .. er Midi snake: large roan, hes been guad op ma lad. novazetir AND 0 VBS . -EMT deret= l dud to their retail women; thereby giving Mem_ q. - /Aidiea lad gentlemen Moe and Iltiomsof ph, mom for the display of their namentre mode Being oat Albs. • = Bae z % a. m ., gi m pi. Limo eel:nanny in the retetpt of newt:Mode Monett Meets Nei rant Lao Veija„ fro_ de. - ;.- 10 New Pork, they are enabled aleriCre %o ffer 1 " I' l VlB/TEO and GIGIMLIAGe * I.O U-i ke tul. newest, West and most desirable staff od fortfos *able colon and min. ..- •- . b,,,,, ..,y hou., 1,11, 0 , .. i EALBROIDERICife LAMB, menounews,*r. - . Their amok ill part of • If_.nOW. Whin, cars, manalbe r lcallw,.. ch. limanum litiate of extra nab De r uder/*nee; l ai ar v ilikgymeh so E ns u a , 1,, ,, t . wn r i , d o, Manna, Dalai Mee sad Mambo of tbe.h.l!ibbane.linaktiatbn d!a Ha* 'tyke. duo, Foil de Charm VO.l l ad *W i lt.= ' ,EhigAseasia n ium i f.,i-ns.4/;trai thati tam Lahmi d. Grea ko.dtmet Polio, , B "' zi11 ' 1411 ' --? '_, themeeng Pareselle end Pansedenr, of '`uld' 1131 " re - 86 Hundred Nord , he. Pines atrium nada, elle; amintne % . loeinding tha bon wider *floe son and ... _.-Cateedbm ... ___ . . , e ,, dies-eplettaia &marts: • Cloths, Casainearnexundege, e '`''''''evoo , La Ek w,r entigi Plea. Rua, and Erna Plat% leans. Also, Flanns_th_Cheoltire :thazi 0144%, AIDOCCIS,Orie""n° ti t Lthe !9PViii4 4l 4 ' - G 0 w04248, c .. 4 N ,. 1 .' eas el sod Pf every aa- Ctudnes.fra lee• Piste ' ' -' • . dm kindred cans ago rje . e "., • " . and , 014 pat e , of entirely OR- Myles. Alm, CURD and DROWN , , ono black 8111-i for dresses, gnileetalegliae l Ge•af toyer landred twee or sdi the well keam'b s ods 7,1 nor Webb:sere. ' • ' '',,, - • .-, - Mate' 9 (lll . 4 ehednua,r. _., .77 1 ot oh.' tiee. see BllA w m us wis-caihmK , nutt Ores de ,r ltelne iin 045 1 ' e rMU ':11 : 1. 4% .111 4 . ; xi e a L u i f i na =e 6subu rdraiwziattga i n it iho ct rmm an ao6i at the most reasonalde rim. , ern ea a lilto do _ ___ ~ ',' . ,-"- '.•' '. ..-- - ,".- - , TAW plum emoted ti tr iz ttablishaseen, as welt MG= GIGGW3- *Ciandielllllueleti, . Vittoria when opig news sy kaviseir=t vee, Lawns, Book and Berne_ - AdMbas, Thiene; Panay annenalfaror Mann Meow • Ira to ot Macke, LingalAW M ,Uo 4 ll 4. 4l 4 l .llrallilAtiliyi. feral still gluon haneamintte teptirthanea,_ ... Every ar sooltGot Go-dix• ~.. .' ...;., ' '.-- ''' .• - ,•,.., , ..... deie aria, leirtates,„.. l,ol9 Y„ke't la 91 , new e =e 1 M LINEN Goons - Diatioa..eets.; itepthes, Dia- on it Vi Gkve " . "'' . 4 : 4 ll - mi e d b . n ire --,:. ' pen, dbaFT Bl24, X 11 04111104 uounpLivr sivu- Repo rt 4 " " " F ' ! l. a-m.14420s ik k l i rish um teem. lost Imo tied ZSUI ' 4 ddlifflitßett GUAVA USCG gal Al. 4 "V ieul aeWrt4Mttil*ei'BGlld, GOMM* • • ..;'t.' . STRAit . ;BOATS . .2• ontoriaami akiwrTsuirstou liStial DA.IL:Y.-PA.CKE.T LINE. you hem:iliac or wound pistcwx &eua• Irdea Whim, tempo:led of the laws; nettles; bee dad Welshed, luld 1 0 Wr-Mil W it* " • waters of the West. Every aretuareodetke su ck lent thatmona can proeare, hal beeaprasided fel pas.. Imam. The Line has been In operates for fire year, —has carted a million of ample trAttcart the kat We rt to thrirperreas: The Naos *III be at the feat af Wood street the da petiole to stank& for the tem ' ilea of 1100, Of Papule" on tha v el u '' ter. cheer the passays money mast be la &deuce. IMINDAY PACANIT. The'lStake NI IVTON,.Captain 11iiweat will to Pinabatztt <very Sunday gat 10 otbralti . Wb ery . Bnsulay , ere at 10 r. iv • MONDAT PACIEST. • Tbe MONONGAHELA, Capt.Etross,vrall leave Flow baP every Ataaday morning at 10 o'clek?,k; Wherfiril every Monday ertalai el 3,9 r . • , , PII7Ii2DAIr PACIMIgT e The RILITaIiNIA No. 2, Casa J, • *llll leave Piusburgb every Tuesday snerniag at 10 hi Igueggrteaerg Taesdw MIMIC el 10 r. mat -- IPIEDNZADAT PACTrET. The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Cape. 8. De will h ue n u b. tree , Wodooday, MMus i at eqocir; eVery WednesAiv evenlag a jo P. at. TUUTUIDAIi PACKET. The lllllLLlANT,CeptVeacs,.vrill teen Fitts• harsh every Thartierporeleg at 10 ceeloeir; IVlu3thes eint7 Thursday cream` at 10 PRIDAT PACKET. Tie CLIPPER N 0.3 Capt. Pitzs•Davz, kiln Pittsburgh every Pfiday morning at 103 clock; Whet 113. every Friday emfat as IQ r. R. • NEW LISBON AND PNIEBUILON MULTIPLE OF CANAL AND EITEAM FAcEEIE R 4 _ . • maim less. Mann • . Levees Pittsburgh dallyoni) o'leelli A. AL, =id we lives onannt °No Sandi, and Deane Sla. nal,) at and New Lisbon at II; sante task Leases New at schlock, P. M bulbs ea auislo canal to the tiver dudes nes .alnbta and o'clock; A. AL, and anises V an en M.-than making a =Unisons a wl tartylas sages; and (legal between New Lisbon and" bank, rout in 'shorter time , aturat less rates th an briny otbet e. . ... . This propzistots °Obis Line have* pleunre of to. kagasdlopublle dun they Inns Sundap mart class caw fortisßosts, swoonustodatios Osman i's* sag Proigkt, to tan In coaneatias -the well tams . Mamma CALEB COPE and BEAVEE r and comma gag, at glugow,' at* tins Pittsburgh and' Unela. nil sad other dady lines of stomas down the Olds aad Mississippi slum The Imprisons* plalgo thew selves to spare no somas or -lroabla to 'man sone thla salsa sod dispatchi and ask of tho publis a Um. ~ , A EtO2I.732SACIENTS:, - : , I O. iv. 'imam, , -- • r , a. e iv, Hausman, Pftua i sle 6 .- IL MANNA - k Co. ' • New Lisboa. myglut lateitaidas a c.a. . NOTICE—The eittair IfFSAVEIAC;E. Cube, we ter, will leave eller tAirmetiee, ibe VgethrtillaZim . . 110 21 1IIHAVAELICILSOZILIEINTS goy 1849. • . MONONOAIMI,A ROUTE. Only 23 Mlles Stkg.lo!kr., , Via BroWartine and Contberland to Baltimore mid • • - . - Phnadrpto. . Tlsplatuild and fart restore, vs man metoners TLANFIC,CeptJ Pattbuont BALM Cent A ambm LOUIS VLANE, Capt E Bennetr, are new • °14914F.1 nie a . n IlugggiteNtIVESVELE. Themommy boat will • Jeavo the lilenanonela lelar4abewe the Bride, May e o'elcmk precisely. Passangers will take SIMMS COACHES asEreares. yin at 3 otloek, P. DI, and the spimultd eara ea Ow Ba>timore and. Ohio Railroad ; at Cumberland,- at 8 o'clock, A. and emirs lit Baltimore the atm even. ia time for the evening line to Phllattedphla and va ittoi lid' s=ut hy. li Banlmore, any El home.' '‘ Ftem Fillabargh to Phnedelphis,enlyWhiners. Fare SAW The crabs boated:Ll lame ate o'ebsalt,egesit Ben. liar evenings. Femmes by this boat will lodge on boar! In comfortable Sum Roems4les first BUM. mis our the =Maim the following day in Eastern built Omelet, and lodge the second mght to Cumberland. _ Paesengen here choice of ei th er Steamboat or Rail Bold between Baltimore end rblladelp and the planate( at stopping at Cm:Me:land and and retuning Mom 4elte pleas/no. Ouches char tered toake perms to travel as they please. We m the Mob and way bills ter the Comb. On in tbe Pittsburgh ogles; On order to save • time on arrivin at lerommille,) Mention, Important tor pument g ers to get thelr tickets ht before plat on wean ante boat, at monies, lgetwntsbala_ limas, Wafer street, or fit Charles Hotel, Wood lip ritti. aponithe • • J. bIEnIUMEM-Ageits • FOR 02 , 11SIATI AND ..I4MLIVILLE. T4 . lq :Lt ra z i new Tr - Iliitelw ri ttmtill Uri° .for. than the MHb/or%eilo-oklock Pa ! ta .- • For frritht or . paragma i ori x rp ilyls fiEO BALUANBEZtaw i rt Fineman AND Loulavu.i.ErAcsxx Urii ..,21innet4at Astpluan; • iron, talutti 1 1 911),Itmvelit mai and Louisville ,on TbstrAty, Lit; tut, a L e *Work, A., 14. For (fel& orig. y bfulA ,to ItLIEBW.DO NEUArce, BMIL PITTEBUBOH HOCOMPOST, • • .6ptl.N.Stathi leans h TM Tuesday, at 9..takkek,, far Ettlabettabeta.neeMintemciatar, Waiter; Nov Landing ' Mataz ' s t.. ataTta il e 's , Ititnepart,Cas tftesk.. Polar. Lyme. kergant'BelPre and Hoe ' .R2MXEM3-4 , pairCS Haeltmotat crap it 3 O'ckte4. - P.M.!• Afatteat aa. , Ftiday, it. Aof the abovar t x tl eri.aeltre l , gra By above arrainums. DoatcnuOarohl lay at fitaatalsh crttel::ayaiatut keep that ilas as la Tlmablia Mai' eciaivaigar. the Main. the yr water teatoa . , IGertsvl to Janyl. Iit.,LOULt NtAekefi Line. 1140 REGULAR:Tin:OAT PACKET Kat: ST. LOUIS . The -thue fc= t ts filianenie . IfilesetU kayo the chavoCad linermediate polls *war r, j a p :H4dnefi l ear.. • Itc: fr eighter Arm lcui% L s liattus I Irr AC RBP.LOWS • fine fur 2"/Ua r llpancorer Pbenan, coste - 77Ca1l terroitor rf abate cad intermediate porta eve - Eliunntcy, 7.0 • eleel ht. • • - Ch4tipar •on bmud or to -0, Now Qom, Rue. l '-- ' ' FOR WHEELING ANA w inui tp 7 .- 7. 4 near wad Otanann imam nu Elcardie l i, ntasio_, , will' pm rIo r sn .regnins- ttilw me n Pfttalrgil Wheelins and iteintepon, str67lll lelvel'iai r b 1 an Wedassday gut Anandav .;<,,.' = .:. , . - For fraighl or IrimigeO9Sl_oa toinL_ ,A .. so ---7- Th K-111 Arqb atIN E/:.-+ - ;. 7:7 - •, - .Tira? _l=kChca ns eZnik nunner, .willuburinn ' • 1414n u t31 !"'Pr! fa aru bla s r: : i 1... _ t amain/kit 4....,•%., ; .-. .- crionsain t Witco bona .",-- apl7 .77 TREErtmarZliNIVVIIIRIA90`1 , ,, , : - .. . • _ L - 7 ' .! . ~ JENNY trtili; N ;. r .' • - eilia4ph vaster, nnll my** a 'icip • wnenil.;:inebtt onic Pit* Mutt r Innarrine,inaintokinstnikilynnrnen . ~..'. , •-,s, "j EE! & IMAtErfru L AM Nowt • . , .. v ' A Z I 3 1-hiiue irtsttn .an nod. phatel thrZb""2". Unatkntim For a Ihighl or uMatidr, v•I as b c'Ett • ' • Leo s . 4 and imon. scaueu bilfigliere4 ., ,to HG-,Trnas4d .. utstraANOE c0, , 0r liko:Alotedea,•..rin 1 - amkttpenusastll awl limited mum* Ws pro •.. la thrselz , l3 , stliallity, ..- :and ell- Wyman% by ref awl by lles, . Thecyropertie, or Y wall invemsdi awl Amu* *a 111114 • . 'C M I C the on =pie Inctemairr of All Waal lOW' ••• , lif be proeet dby inww we. moils WM.P.IOII •A 4 4-Wszer W O W Z I L a s U 111"I Tyt e t 'w I nit tn "us n7 rt,—rbbh I.!albimb""T=lt-LBE6
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers