The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 23, 1849, Image 3

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• : r EL • :af4,
Poe the Pllttsliliiihf;ititif O.satt•.
DeitilioU4'ext. worth=chalera ,
San: Antonio.
bra ;011izzcz,Iday 17,"P.; M.
News Musical been received the: Major denet
al Worth died at, Oda Antonia' , with the eigela;
which epidemic pieezuls to a great , extent ett . diet
place. Upwaid of one hundred diaiha had - taken
,M a ate days'. , , -
Thg high at 'New Orieitis.4 It is.
reported that peraoniarc Catching lit th
aueati. I
The telegniphlido from'. Jackson to Baton
Roogi.maa . prostrated by the storm of
' Bosnia, May 22—P.M, J..,
The Quincy Bank was robbed,,tbis morning, of
$5,000 of het cam hills.
Waturiae .•, May:22:
W. G. Howard was appointed P
at Pittsburgh, Pa., vice John Guthrie. •
Andrew outtrie„Penainn Agent (or the WtUit
ern District of Tennesee.
NEW Yana, May 22
Seventeen bodies, io all, have been recovered
from the wreck of the 11l rated steamer Etat4ro
State, amehg which were three brothers, named
ClNellttial. may p.
During the twenty Hair hours, ending at floor,'
to day, there were:ssveoteea new casig, and sigh
- ------ -
Maw You, May-22
Flour—Sales of Wetdern brands at 84,270
54,44 per bbL Sales of choice Worsen at,Ssgii
114,62 per bbl. Their is an improved feeling in the
Grain—Salesof Ohio noted Wheat at 103 pet,
bushel. Corn and other grains am without change.
Motley Market—Money in more abundant,
Five per cents ere in good request. The Gaeta
of the city have in their vaunt; eigkt and a tialr
millions of coin; the Sub Treasury over two nat
Crscueurt, May 2.
F Tho market.; are unchanged. Buena le In good_
- 1
elemand. ',, - ;
Tau Caavasszs Nast New Oanestre-Ova4.
now or a Feario on Crnr.—The No* Oe.
leans Bulletin, of the llth, sayer
Our latest now from The mamma at Sawed.
plantatkus it. up to 6 o'clock last evening, - -when
we were ingtrated, upon good authority, grata
the piles bad been driven , and that the work Wonld
be completeil lit about forty-eight hours, and Met
bleachlaY . etaPped by this evening. In All lin,;••
miry We hope this to be true, though, to tell the
truth, we have but faint hopes of it. At this timb
the water is gradually rising, and has completely.
submergedthe rear of the Second and Fourth - am*
of the Beebrid Municipity. In many plum the
water is miming ascribe Shell. mad in a torrent,
and raining the canal in a very material degree.-;•
Oa Wedirmday.night some. injudicious persons,
with a view of inherits. , the Fourth end 'Second ,
wards, broke through the temporary levee erected .
on the nortltisidei. of the canal, and let the 'Water
thrwgh,wbiah iota nevyer.lended to some Cliatlasee
into the Seventh ward. These bteacher, howev
er, have onus beetunopped. At this times the
condition of the inhabitants residing on Hereules
street, srul' Me other back Motets,. is truly Phiable,
and We yestardtny noticed the most extreme cora
of distress. Waxy of them are poor, hard winking
people r and acmes have not only lost their all,• but
are enable to remove to a dry spot. On theupper
galleries of sore eof the lonises, women and child
ren were entreating for relief, who, in many
"Looms,. WereWitlitmt the necessary ankles et .
food. Thent easedemands an instant relief atlas
handset oureitizens. What the 'damage already
atommts to, Is - utterly impassible to say; whit
will do if theicrevesse b o not Immediately stopped. I
can hardly be conceived.
In addition to the abo•re, we received late last
night the 6:dkuving cheering communication Auto
a gentleman, ahlre distimpashed for his saierailfie
acqtarements sr an eng.meer, and: as a Mahler
practical common mom The time is dated fern,
the Crevasse et Wo'ckte.k.„:P. fd.., and says, as fol
. There are two sten:idioms at the work, one
employed In marrying bags of dirt and other
tea:llls,ond the other to stand watch, in case ofw
raft coming down, so as to tow it out of the way,.
mutat= prevent a. repetition of the diaamer that:
occurred last evening. The work is now progress
ing hopeftilly under the direction of gr. '.Danber,:
who has about 160 white menet work,the planters'
famishing near 500 uegratm to fi
ll bags, etc. If no
untoward accident occurs, , I am °fine opinion,'
that, by to-morow nighe r asolid impression wdl bs y
made in slopping tlm outbreak. an of course ma-.
serially dim/Inaba:l the dow el water; in film, it is
not increasing now by any means."
The Delta same ,
Boats are freely plying through Benton, White,.
Hercules, and Dryades streets. Dryades street
market is surrounded by water, and tho boa
gradually approaching the back streets of La
it present the water is increasing at the rate of
an inch an boor. It will probably stop at Apollo
wee; which is the highest portion of the Mistucip..~
ality, being.oo a ridge: But, in the meantime the
water, it-istO be -apprehended, will' back thniugh
Melpomene canal, which is now filled to the brim,
with a refluent tendency,.and will inundate Camp
and other 'streets. This is upon the isuPPosition
that the crevasse is Hat stoppea, and the flow of
Rater checked. We tnuit, howe ver, that we base
men thesworst.
The kflowing is , ftom the same paper:
The Critiaise ht thi Powder Dfo ring. -We
aapin visited this scene of disaster last evoniegi
and regret to say we found our wont anticipations.
nearly realized. 'Since the opening in the 'levee
was Gast made,the breach bus neatly doubled ita
width, and was, last evening, from 130 to 140 feet
wide. The water was much deeper than on the ,
mikes evening on the., neighboring Pi" ,991 ° 05,
and had Made - Cita appearance on the rear' s if the
plantations at the F.ogiish turn, outhe opposite aide
of the neck. Operations were commenced about.
9 o'clock in the minim; to stop the crevasse, and.
some pn?grimawan made when the bands left on
for the
The Balletinadds:
The Crevasse new the '!Englieh Torn" has al- ,
- ready mined the crops on six °ref& niatiasione.
If tux stopped within the coraing•forty eight hours,
alltheline plantations in tho vicinity of the Messrs:
Villay, Urquhart, Senjarnine, and Lacoste will
be submerged. So far a crop equal to 1,500 hogs
heads has been destroyed
'I7..•CPRESSLY FOR SEWING.—The attention .of,
.JCA Merchants is united to anew =ticker SEWING.
RIM put up on spools, manufactured 14 John Byte, of
Patterson.. New Jersey, .whteh from themany . advan
tages It ?mamma over the.custemory , skein, must, be.:
fore long, entirely sinpersede the we of it. .•• ;
This silk is nendy.put la boxes of ciao doWn
-tifly of which boxes, or 50 dos spools, are contained
inane ease, ininably assoned for retailing. Among the;
many advantages which this new mode of putting up
Thkeadpreserna may be classed the fullowing,, ,
In.. The comnunet wastes no time in winding Or.
reeling the. oilk tied suffers no loss in the tangling so
cOMMOO to this operation, while the veentiout, trouble
ordiseogaging the skeirr tO entirety avoided.
at. Too country storekeeper unit have at the and of
they, ear his unsold *tackle good condition whereas . in•
retudnagby the skein, be hri& at the coda( thasessun,
a loge qatahatyea intermingled as to be =tett , ' siortb4
ltd. The Salesman instead of losing. time es is lb
ways the en*, In selecuag a eellatil,etelor frittla a par
eel of hundred or mere skeins, Will require but d mo;
mein nifind the speol of the shade - or cider he iale
seasett at
The quality of this silk is equsi to the ben Iboliotf ia
itte market. The quantity own spool is warranted un
Todd*, whichtis the Overage length of the ontinorY
skein. That commands the tame pore, the Colon; bra
welt askatted, and.kannot fail to snit oR pilkehosersj .
beirgoltbe a:mown - satiety.
For sale only br the ease, of 50 dna spools, hy
No. 51 Nn^h Third St Philo.
LOAP SIJCLAR--ZO bp 1171dbera 4, 6,4,1
Lear Sugar, or *differed rofinadie., in odor° atud
Waldo lry . MUER & RICHICTSON,
Fin 170 and 174 Liberty .4
(1113. 10 11141iiiiii.Slas Prim Cram, Pasts...
V tend and for aide ler
21,17 SitaxErt &RICA - UPSON
ajA1.1)3.-WIX) lb+ Sider, oadShouriany.fdairia
on consignment and for sale by
50717 NULI,EI2 &RACKET . SON .
SJOAO 011. , -30 :baskets lust kee'd and for sale • bi -
N ARI:I-45 461siaistile by
' 112 7/ 9 L - ' 8 P VON lIONNHOTtEr& CO
the One Pitcosors, 17 easp of new
itileßeregaiLavins and Cat:teem
myI 9 SON /a Cbl.
CLOVER 8/2,1D-6 Mb reed mod for sale by i ,
TVONEY-2 os.S. Cobs tto.p. imitliTenlaiiii•
llii d e by myl7 JAMES DALZEIA. ~..:
GLASS -1 1 X , biz bob') and 10x1Y Glass, io state sill
(or sate 6 mlB J 8 DILWORTH kg:* ,
g Fumitnni and Coach , o beat.
tient) , On etinalgriment, and will be sobt low, td
T o_.
plaist - tra — of unuiniicing ah - of - - new al
splendid imit of Pianos, a lfann sm ilia nasatfac a
of..Tanst. Chnaken, liosson—arnonts- than a insignifi
Piano Porte. 7 octant.
Atop, a snoalfr same Rano Pont, oclaVallf, carted
rotewOod,oflho Eyle of 160.1. Xlv; .il:4 • 1:=
7, sad 11 - aCtIVILA taargalch the anention aL
anis respectfully solicited.
.1014 a; R. MELLOR. :
Aggant htt Ohiskarines 'Plano Farm for Wait
fricrOntagiattgas., •
•r• a. cal:: Zali."4.
,_ . Satctrday; '
Mandilri • fru •—•i•-• ; • esda . • 7 •• j• V-
iWilianesela -- y ;; •-- -;—•••••• •• • •
• •
24 Rvid4r,
C01.1312M46 TOII BLSY.
d • 3e. DAt.zsa.z.
. -
. , PiVrastinait menitivr,
iii.b4llnkultis been manifested
4ulitny the'week jast:alasOsNiiinf quoinlio" es generally
6 .4‘1 41 .0. 6 4 ImpwtcintYaijsdon fromepor last week
ly Fzhiltal., re'
'the rivet has keptlnaa unaigehle order, but owing
Ito fibe prevalence ',Cheitita in thef west, business on
""r One be"?" Mad mat of she
aseamers engaged in the (roan been been compelled to
In3t, : hence, the general dullness in oar market. We
:are Out to• Plaintive, botirei'er,' that the • Cholers has
abated. at Itte'different NAntabelow and sif. ; em en
notnaged lb the belief, that bnialtss' with us'Will anon
Miire amps!. , - • •
By the Mutat end river Instistics, which we give to
uter, it will be seen, that,..nefurishatunding the general
'dullness of Avery thin. Arai* amount of business has
been done,
tty* gliOce at ow daily latporrhsts by river, we
Ita ratline
,Ve the risotto( receipti Cot the week yester
day • •
Floari,bble.. 4014,
Barter, buS-• • tt%
° 1 t; .....
Bacoil; bbds 40d
pes urea
Pork, tiblv. JU
boxes ..... •• • - 1.21
Iteerdsiedttes• •• •• • • 7
ekes 10
ero btsl
b s' tts
Baubts a
k,gi, 19
Window Glass, tam 1 . 12
Flu Wed, Able itt
sks • • .....
Lm 113
Whlekey, bbls 250
Admit Pearl, etka• • • 6
C•ka 1t
Pot, - esks
bbls 3
S;salts, csks- - • - U
Tobacco, bhds ..... .. 2,50
li 1 ffs loaf,s e
flockets,.dor ' . ..
Tobs, do: 97
Blooms, pes• FAX)
Pig Irotous 111
Fl2lll, bales ...... •• • • 49
Roffillo Robe., bls••• - 356
Deer Skins, lls 79
Dried Apples scks• • • 75
• " Apples
• •••
White sand, MI. 1113
Shot, k
L. 1 4 4 1 84— ....... • .T.lll
Sugar, hbds ...... •• • • 410
ecathers,sks 341
f,lha principal articles of
s point east on the Pennsyl
die 16th of 7ilsy, inclusive
I Pura, lbs 18,100
Whiskey, bbt.. • • 547
firocerias 141,6001
lbs• •• • rssoo
Ag'z.r.l pro, th.• 30,800
°old. boa- 1,30,
Feathers, ths 10,000
Wool, tbs. •••• • • • 6.2,411X1
lbs • ..... 7,000
WoI, bl~
C o 4
'Copon" bia=•
LlldoU bbla:
The following is a list.
.commeree ihipped (mut thi
,utirtinDanal [rota the 9th o
Tloar,.. bbfi....• 7,1119
Beef & Post, bbla 921
TObacco• a..- b —ll &30,190
'Hide* , tha 40,5111
tart, &is 70,500
COM& Ibi 72000
--.ltem,. &is... 210,590 1
the 34,390
The:tonnage of merchant]
by canal, ',twin the week ,
lows :=
:Dry Gbodiri tbs• •• • mop* Pig Metal, lbs 174.609
khuderato; lbs. •• • 204,319 Blooms, lbs 493.300
Dmories, D.— • • 916,9X1 Tobacco manf, lbs MALI
Coffe4 lb* ...... • • 510,1390 Liquor lb.%sou
Fish, the 200,700 Cloy, lbs 97,00
This & Shoes, En 51,000 Sundries, tbs 55,900
'Tin, tbs• 11,400 Oil, lbs. 15.300
Forrilture, Its 41,40. Tar & Rosin, lbs • 5,100
Drags, lbs 10,400 Queensware • • ... • 96,003
. No.Of boats, amornit:oCitoonnge, and amount of erdi
received at the Collector's Office, during ihe week end.
:ing 001001 ay, May 19 ...—:,.
No. Boats. Tonnage. Toll.
.Ittandly •, • • 14 653,1151 0534,19
Tuesday 20 916,840 e 11,74
Wednesday ..... • • • ..18 012,445 101.12
Thursday Yd e 45,040 759,18
Friday 10 1 09, 5 60 110,34
'Soloed./ 16 517,112 406,4 e
received from the east
eitiling May 19, were as fol-
ASHES--There is • good eupply of all mods in the
market, but owingl to the fitafted demand, no sake to
any large extent have :been trtutiaeted during We
-week. We continue to .quote regular sales in Waited
lots as the follawing ourrentiates: Pearls 5124; Sal
'; Pote4lasl; SeOrtehings 3 104 end Sod. Ash
51,64 e Ih.
, ALE—Tbe market enniinues steady, and prices re.
Main him. Sales are regalitrli sleeted from brewery at
1665V6,50,,caak Included.
2APPLEII—SeveraI lot 4 ofTteen apples have Seen
ceived'hy river, and the market Is fairly anpplied with
an article mostly of ordinary : quality. We may quote
iales to it;modarate extent freymitore, atpriees ranging
from 75 to 6125 IP bbL '
BACON—During the past week, a better feeling h.
.btaiited bt the market, With. a alight advance in prices,
for the better qualities of City and Western cured, of
which we quote sales ardonftling to some GO casks, at
the foiloiring rides Shoulder, 41041, Sides 5;051, and
Mimi an GBSGie fP fig vices mill looking op. Consid
erable qtiatititiesof good; quality country bacon have
been brought in, in loom:dela, which - in generally sold
Cremator* at Ito 10 below the above figures. Salesof
best quality Cincinnati sigare wed Canvassed hams, by
. the tierce, atS/09e
BUTTFR—The supple, itf roll . butter of ordinary
cslantly aie quite fall, and the. market is d 0.1 17 With
satall!salent, v.triwo , - ode oidlimiy at 9010e,ari; t eest
n 111012611. lb, by the bhL Stiles in kegs may 11.11.-
4 gaited at SOMe Receipts are moderate. ,
. i.BEEZWAX—From nitre :we quote limited sale \i at
!4E/L9c e lb. • •
BROOMS—The market u moderately suppled at
present, and farmer micas ace well sustained. The reg.
ulax Mons prises range according to quality tram 01,50
to 82,50 ge don
B 1 .001.1 S—No sales to any large extent have trans
pired. War ton IS the ruling figure for best quality.
BEANS—Of gout cle a r wtne bean, we note sales
at We ba •
EFIAN—SoIes from fired hinds are . astially ettroted
d'Aloe, and (rem store ellleift2e fr Do
BUCKETS AND 7 1 / 8 .9t. The receipts or patent
Beaver hove been quite, full; and the market a now
fairly supplied. Beleeof Buekets at BY;=,, end of Tubs,
large . size, Sg do.:
BATTING—The regular numeruturces posse of
beating mop freoe to lge tit, for cowmen to best.
CHEESE—Reeelpts of W B Cheese ore increasing,
end supplies ere more ihointlard. We nota sales of
gerod eontmort W B at 69j; of Cream ut le, and of
Goshen et Si 8(e
CANDLES—Revd= :itales of city sod Cinctona
dipped atitc,of mould of 1011 and of Star camlleti
COPPER—SaIes or copper in cake tutit ingot, at Iv
OPAIe, of sheadding at 27e, arid of old at Inelt9e C.
COTTON—Recelpts [once been moderate, and sop.
plies are light No saleS haste transpired, so far 11l we
could lentil during On creek:
COTTON YARNS.-Wa 4nd no change In own
eions: The following is a tilt of prices
" 11 to 13- " 800, NU, 1600. 6
°l4 IS Coverlet Yarn iii<db • .viia
Increasing le PIS to Not!1). Carpet Chem Mat
Lang 'Tali: , dol. Cotton Twine- • •yrtO
No WO- ....... -• -On 'fermate %Vick tatilt
COTTON 1311EET11NOS-s•Our quotations of last
week ardeiehanged,a4Y, for common, or Nonatook,
61, for Nal, 7c . for goad, by the bolt. 'The prices of
Pittsbargb manufactured dieeting6 are now curb as
fairly to cot:opera with the easten manufooture. They
RTC of an excellent quality, nod our Militinfluttpters hod
windy tale for, all they con' tarn out, at the quoted
figurea • •
COrtDAol:—The follticridz is a list of pnee4for th,
anions articles andel. dile bad
Merolla rope, by colb• •• • •
White Rope, by coil, • •
Tarred Pope, by ,coll,. • o• • • •
• do
Pocking Yar, 4 kCe 12.11,1.. •+ •
do • bustila, -
- a
132,003,0004,00 IP doz.
do p .15e• " tb.
Hem p 610 , 42w03p. pz.
cell ; —loc " lb.
ticrOort L.
Manilla, St •• ..... fine ► doz.
• CrtAMELS.—callaiit otistationa are ceithlmt .11
atioey andruzlea areragClerlY effected at the kaloaring
Naar Cinekers, per Ltd •• •
L'uttor• do " ...
Dyspeptic do " •
Eur acmeilts, p "
• •
dinaliblEdiii—Receipts have been ligbynnd sup
plies cael limited. We_ canine moderate *ales of kiln
Mail at ti; p
• .
DILIEDFIWIT—Wei notice fall supplies in sutra,
tilt's, rather a dull market. ":Saba of poncho. in b nn it n d
lam it /31,25, and of apple. 'at SIVISOc 4i be, as to nasi -
,soppties of remnant eun M are
yet quite limited, and ahles are readily et:lamed au Oa
DltUdt—Wri find Ma change in prices. The Wow
ing are the prices of asine of the principal articles un
der thin' head, at 'silialmtale *Mum, 3:434M dmtw
lioo4 1221014 e; ,Brimstone, • 40.1.0 r Camphor, 4043145 ci
ChlariciaLlme, ciak',s.o6e; Glue, Ilio/L3ei Madder',
Com; {Sal Eicala,AlOSo 9 110LCopperas,i102.
Wand. ,
FL :OM—The market, for the past fore days has brew
very dukv.iithaut,liatiever, soy important chatter , it ,
qui:maims, The quantities .hipplog east hams been
st;fair ertitt, tad tho mantles left in the market are
eqem . l, ir 'riot more than at:Anima to the demand. The
ordeal:6M firSticMidal 005010th to some IWO bbis at a
of . 5 0, 03 00 n.yeq? bbl. Bales hoot store have
belitt eariflriedmi !lathed:loth at (5415.93,97 4r bbl .
IrPlWrBoppliesand prices/amain
‘ tiltlite • UM ntthe • rata. t—Salcaps, Sis,srA
Mackarel No 1,111.2,=N0 9 VliSO, Mad No 3 st . •Sa P bbl,
Sates 001e/ring at „
FEATHERS—The morkeit is Inactive, wtli
ate saki only sa 333 , 350 •-•
GTlOCtklESl—Thdpi Is nothinit sew in Lac =act;
every thing remains quiet of farmerquotatiossi say, for
N 0 Sam, 5, 51 to Si for: 120,r to prime. 1.011 logs , Is
said atSidivie ib lb. • rm. 4stolassets there seems to he
a fair demand, but picas , thow talrox. a aide raw.--
Vire,itote . cmh city trade, unds. o thou
tinae,stt,trdM, and Nei. *Mall loge to country deal
ers at Via O gtll. BM* lame molazseigs sold ea 400
43e 9 gall; Rio Fopria at 7f fpGe, mid Mc. 4.105 i p.
ponud.. . :
umiketi: iutsettlod, esti we eitieliate
the 102tairkec rete. 'Must Me, By.
I; it =lli, and Ow 1101.433 c
GINSENG—SmaII aupplielase held in store militia: I
tund soles at 27c P
HAY—Qtantations are unchanged, with regains sales •
from wagon n 25909,50 21.
HOPS—Sales of best custom at 121
HEMP—We =ace the receipt of several lots by
neer, but can hear of no sales to any large amount.—
We may quote Walt natty at 8165 P too.
IRON—Sales of bar iron at 304}a; of sheet at Mit
CifelP St.
LEATHER--The market continues firm, with sales
of New York sole at 1701.12; of Baltimore at .211t:22ci
and of damaged sole at 146218 c lb.
LUMBER—Large quantities of Lumber were bought
foam the Allegheny during the late rise to that river,
and our dealers aro layin in ample stocks. Sales of
common at the wharf, at 1.2, and of clear at 316 p
LEAD—Hag - Ow sales of Pig at 41, and of bar at Oa
LARD—The market maintains its usual dullness,
with small sales only in tails, at 11, and in kegs at 60
die P D.
METAL-111 Pig metal, the following sales have
transpired: 31M UM, Pike furnace, Allegheny. at 524,1
and a mos, 1110 loos Black Link Icuat) at S 2O l h
and a small salt of Hemp at Sir.,:4l p UM
MALT—SmaII sales of Barley malt were reported to
us at 906100 e p
OlLS—Linseed is scarce, and will command 6Ue p
gull Moderate sales of Na 1 Lard at 07e, and of No 2
ut hko P gall.
POTATOES—The market is nearly but, with sales
only in limited quantities at 81087 e Pint
RAGS—Regular vales of good clams miaed from 1, 51
hands at 24c tiv 111
SEEDS—Very few sates are tanking, bat we mey
quote nominally at, for clover, 52,7203, Timothy 31,71
a:, and Flu at 9.50100 c P au.
SOAP—Sales:of Rosin at of vunvgated at 11l
7 13
7 15
7 14
7 17
7 19
7 10
- 44 CT
4 39
4 25
TAR—We note sake 01 moderate quoanues at S 4-
VINrA3 AR—Sales of god ostler at 4 , gall.
11 , 1NDOW GLASS—SaIes 01 city brands, S. by IS
$4; 10 by 12, 34,20; country brands 8 by 30, 53,2563,50'
10 by 12, 83,5063,7.5 boo
wiliSlCEr—Sales of Rectified at 16010: tt" gall
WOOL—The:prices at:who-11 our dealers buy, ranges
for the canons grades Irma LT to 15c
NO changes of Importance hare transpired i.i the
Local Money Market We notice a change of le in
Eastern Exchange, the present rotes being la pram••
instead of to, as quoted last week
Pittsburgh and Allegheny Co scrip is taken by the
Brokers nt 15 45' cent discount sAllegheny City terry,
no sale.
ALLECill.rf, Nay 2d, Higg.
I/green—The number offered at the yard on Monday
114 Mall, amounting only to about _vu head, which
• Id at Sellite, trot weight.
limited number were offered, with sales
61,..neff . 2 br head, for ordinary to best gimlet
Hoce—None were o3ered. 40 43 B . atom he re
Michigan No., 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
Caleb Cope, A. Murdock, Wellsville
Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Hudson, McMillan, Bridgeport.
Beacon, Cannel, Cia.
Michigan No 2, Gilson, Beaver.
Baltic, Jacobs, Mow asville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Louis McLane Brownsville.
Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
Beaver, Clark, Wellsville.
Camden. Hendrickson, McKoesport.
Wellsville, McNeil Sunfish.
Shamrock, Hare- Cia.
Isaac Newton, Hemphill Cia.
Pilot No 2, Shank, Marietta.
Bea West, Gormley, St. Louis.
Peansylvtuna, Gray, St. Lome.
Havant.—There were 5 feet 0 inches in this
channel, by pier mark, last evening at dusk, nod
falling slowly.
Brownsville Packets, 9 A. IS., and 4 P. M
Beaver Packets, 10 A. M, and 4 P. NI
Foa PitmenEnreis.
D Leech Sr cea. packet line—O o'clock P. M
Tux Nirw EnoLana No. 2.—This tine packat
steamer arrived in doe time on Monday rught,
Winging a fine load of freight and a goodly num
ber 01 passengers, with no sickness on board. It
is worthy of remark, that, notwithstanding the
fearful prevalence of cholera at the different paints
on the river below, the New England has not had
single caso on board during the reason.
1111...talMa Woasi VimmimarrxThn a:Stowing *thin
shores at once the demand for and the excellence of
this great medicine. Certtfiemes have been so math
plied in favor of thin Vorrsafug., dint %Ore consider it
unneeccthry to add any mum.
You, Jai y xt6. le-17
Kidd dr- Co.—The Vermifoge left us oa mle soma
time ago by your agent, is all sold It sells very r
pidly, and loves ;Telt a2IisISCIIOA A. we are enure
iy QUIOf the article, and beerier frs-questi calla Mr w
you will please send a, some itumeeaiimly.
C. A. irfOltHlS & CO."
For sale at the Finis Starr oU. KuPL &Co at yI 7
Bllnsanglsam, [near Vilest ...gild Pas
Warehouse., No. 137, Wo ad strW, Pittsburgh.
giW ILL constantly Se ep on hood agesal assort
ment or %Vara; of • rr own martufacrum, and
soperrorquaday. W boleatie and country Mer
chants ILIc respecOdlly turned to cell and en
amine (or Memaclocs, as we are deteranned to sell
cheaper then ha ever Leto re been offered to the pub-
[Cr Orders sent by mod,secompamed by the cash or
tray reference, setil be promptly attended In. m 7 1 .0
t)ROONIS-100 doom; Cont Brooms, reed otat for
sole by 1111EY, :tIATTREAV 1 & Co,
mylO 'water 4
C . T: d—,orene'd,rlfoorrs7.-e
-and Liberty eta. myth JOIIN 8F,1,L
11117T 1 .3h. Al:Aok—Jeat roc:a - Worn the earn,
da, and fora ale by mylB JOHN IT BELL
AtiSORTED taPICES—Fat op for ferntly o m. 01 tot
cent, coelmted to it sloton ltd boa, containthy
. . . .
hl.tard, Alvpiee, ' . .
thnuaraon, (linger,
Clove*, Pepper.
Warranted pore. Far male at the new :lpicc and
rlinettted Factory, corner of Ferry & Lteetly alv.
.. ______ . __ . .
DRIED PEACHES-1M beak Ohio halves, la. re
calved nod for stile by tl k W HAI:WAUGH
IIGARS-1110,000 Common Cigars, re 'a and for .
\j sale by myl7 S & W MAItHAUGI.I
— Z-- IN the Court of G Armen Pleas of Allegheny
ups. county, in the man., of the trust of APCturg
& Demotion, and ft ['Chita, Denntston & Co.
And now, to wit, May 12, leld—On henries
the petition oldie trustus, 'the Court order and decree
thlothe petitioners may file their account et preyed
the, of the execution of the trust up to this date, and
the said account shall be confirmed "nisi:" And the
Coon further fix Saturd, the 2sl day of Jane next.
when said 11CGOLIIII shall tie confintled ebsointely, and
saidutieven be dtstisissed and discharged front all
the du ix des and liabilities as trustee. aforesaid, unless
good cause be shown to the contrary. And that due
notice of the application Mr the discharge of the said
trustees, be given in the casette and Mottling Mercu
ry. By the Court
myl&d2w HIRAM ITULTZ, Pro
W n In•nranse ompany.
Secretary—J. FIN:ITT, Jr. President—FL hltu.ta, Jr.
Dm :cross—lL hillier, Jr., .1. W. Butler, Geo. Black,
Wm. H. Holmes, N. Holmes, Jr., C. Ihmson; Geo. W.
Jackson, Wen. M. Lyon, Tees. K. Llich, Jas. Lippin
cott, Jas. M'Auley, Alen Sismick, Thoo Scott.
Thin Company is WV fully organized, Mul prepared
to effect laturtmee on all dueriptions of property
• against L.. by Pire—risks of Inland Transportation,
nod on Hulls and Cargoes of Boats and Veirsols.
Applicauons (or lasartutes may be made (for the
presenl,) to B. Miller, Jr. President, at the werehoute
Robinsonof k Muds, No. 21 Wood street; or to J. Fin
ney, Ji., Secretary, at his office, No. 27 Wider street,
Pittsburgh. mylt
Tlits .sALE.
TILE undersigned Assignee of Samuel Hill, Esquire,
will offer at public vendee cc Ottterp. 04 the pre
mises on the 30th of May, inst.,at one o'clock in the
often:Mtn of that day, a TRACT OP LAND, own/M
-ing MO and a half acres, relate on the Monongahela
rover, about one mile above Monongahela Cary, In
Washington county. Pa. There are erected on this
tract, a new two story brick Dwelling Mime. Also,
log Dwelling House. There are two good Apple Or
chards en.the premise.; oboe' 200 germ cleared; 40 or
60 acres of which is first rate river bottom. There lea
strata of 6 feet of Stone Coal, under the whole tract,
espint to any on the Monongahela river, and so conve
nient to the river, that it costs bona trifle to remove It
from the hanks to ilia bolus. The larid is of tee beat
quality, and contains an threhaustible - quantity ,of
Limestone. This tract will be Sold in "-whole 'or in
pest, to accommodate purchasers.
Those wishing for further information. ore referred
to Judge Rill, residing on the premises Samuel Beck
et, residing near the lend, end Daniel Long, Inkeeper,
Cmcinnau Ohio.
There will also be sold on the 71st May, last., at one
o'clock in the afternoon of that day, on the premises, a
tract of LAND, containing 60 l acres, moo Fal
low/mid township. in said county; sdjoining lands of
the heirs of David Bonen, Jerome Citable and others;
shoot one half of which is cleared; on which is moot
ed Is Orin Mitt, with two run of atone% e now Saw
a good Dwelling Home, Lee.
The tenms will be made known on the day of sale by
A.141.0142 3 1=Th
W •
ILL b• opened (D. V.) for the admission of young
Gentlemen on ALonday,ths lith day of Apra.
• ritlM, (payable in advance f pat DESK. of 5 molar'
Englab, Classical and Mathematical depart-
Merit Iret
department Sld
A lasitml number of boarders will be received.
Fm• tosumentals, reference. and additional info=
Lon, tmq,XIM of the Principal, at the Institute, liobit
tan varft, Langton Federal street and Sandusky, I
Clustott's Cow.
Of Trimly Collcge, Rubins, Ex•Slsar,
Scholar from ,Ilse Royal School of Entuslmllan.
Federal oh Msr Robinson sh trisyredif
. r- RiV - Rhalt. ll OUS an Yubhc
•Prayar, Loy Sasmiscl I) L L . a
N nought ,. on Foooy Wotxhlio, by Jmtnei W Ales
andel Just reeelue4
JO by
nirga• tor Side.
NEWsabymulitrywrllballt Barge, Wayne&
end o ra ,zee n ent auktyruly-of 175 to Lu th er,-
16 . 5i1e by :IVISL B. WALKER, Esryb o t .
g y
'SPICE-4-0X en#11111; YP.bnge Pepp,r, to 5,
-bpi., in stoic ma MILLER.
rii-a/UTTER.C-4. 5V , 70 1 :171 1 1AN1r0 t ilil& Co
WAVE cesz
Urienim SUM Couta—Before Justices. Grier
Tho case of Lcigan vs. McMaster+, no action
brought to recover five hundred dollars, the value
of a slave, alleged to have been harbored by the
Defendant. The case was argued by counsel in
relation to the conscientious smvples of a juror,
who, the day before announced his unwilliagness
to set upon the trial; after having been sweat.
His Honor Judge Grier said the Juror was dis
charged on grounds of public policy, and to sub
serve the ends of an impartial administration of
justice. He thought th i rd when n juror honestly
could not discharge his duty, in view of what he
regarded obligations to his church or religious
creed, such Juror was entitled to the credit due to
candor, and the parties appearing in the United
States Court were also entitled to the benefit of a
fair and impartial trial by a fall jury, without pre
judice of conscientious scruples affecting the case.
But, as the case now before court was novel, it
was another question whether the trial could be
determined at the present session, A discharge
of a Juror was, in effect, a discharge of the entire
lery, and the court acoordingly directed the jury
to consider themselves discharged in the core•
The cause was continued till next term.
The Its, Me., of the General Asst•mbly
will preach in the 'Methodist Episcopal Church
corner of Liberty and Hay streets, this evening
(Wednesday.) at half past 7 o'clock.
Lest. — A little boy named Wm. Gardner,
strayed away from hll parents, yesterday afternoon.
Any person finding him will relieve hin anzieus
parents, by Ironing him in Irwin street, two doors
below Penn.
lauisx—We noticed the lowa Chief, "No Fear
in his Heart," stalking about town yeaterday,
wrapped in his red blanket. Though gettiog old ?
be is still a powerful man.
Fias.—The alarm of tire yesterday was caused
by the upper story of the house of Young Sr. Co.
at the corner of Ferry and Fourth strisets. It was
put out before much damage had been done.
MAYOR'S Orrice, Pittsburgh, May 22d.—The
unusual number of twenty persons—four women
and sixteen men—were brought before the Mayor
this [varmint. All the women, and eight of the
men, vivre taken from a negro ball room; for dis
orderly voodoo!. The women, and two of the
men, paid their tines, the bal.., were sent up
for,fiee days. Ton other cases were those of core
mon drunkenness. Three paid their fines, and the
remainder were sent to Jail far twenty four hours
STAIIIIIIIO. - A. stage driver was very severely
stabbed by a negro, a hand on one of steamboats,
last night. The pollee inform us, that they have
as yet, fruitlessly attempted to arrest the eneamal.
Providing for a police high alteel and sclux3l, fir du
education of coLarni children in the city of
Sac. I. 13e it enacted by the Senate and Rome
of Itepresentauves of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvanta to General Assembly met, and it is hereby
enacted by the authority of the same • That on the
second Tuesday of June next (if this act shall be
adopted as hereafter provided) the school directors
of each ward of the city of Pittsburgh chill elect
one of their own number as controller of an insti
tution to be called the public high school of Pate
burgh, and to be a body corporate by that name ,
said controller. shall assemble on the Thursday
next succeeding their election, and divide them•
'elves into three classes*, the tint clam to Barre
Mr one year, the second class for two years, and
the third dam far three peon, so that, at each
subsequent election of controllers which shall take
place annually on the first Monday of the next
month after the regular election for school dilee
tors. there shall be a third part of the whole num
ber of controllers chosen to serve for three years,
unless the term of service of either of such con
trollers as school director shall sooner expire, in
which event his tern of office es controller shall
also expire and the vacancy thus occurnng shall
be filled by an election of the director* of the
board from which each controller was originally
••• • •
2m. 2. That the sand controllers shall perform
the following duties they shall purchase real
estate and erect thereon a suitable bundles or
h•uilding - s for said school, or rent or hire the seam,
ti ey shall receive Imo itaidjschool such pupas, re
sin lest in said city, as are found on examination
pet Polly prepuce, and who desire to prosecute u !
sismLingti bustnem education in nets or sciences
not i ttenerelly taught in the yard schools, cuts
qualifv themselves for employment as teachers in
seek, s chool.; they shall also examine snob per
sons as shall present themselves kir teacher. In
any of the public schools of said city; and if, up
on oX.erninogion, found worthy, shall give nerrin
rat,. of their quslification , they shall appoint the
teachrars of the public high school and presetbe
and r‘v,rulato the course at study to be pursued
therein , they shall determine when boobs of
instruction shall be used in all the pubic saran's I
of said city, the nand controllers shall also provide
one school or more, when necessary. without ref
erence to the lsouodanes of the wards, for the rep
erste educsuon of the colored children, to be lo
cated in a suitable situation, and appoint the teach
ers therefor
Sec. If. For the purpose at ascertaining the
sense of the crosens on the question !
mentioned, a special election shall be held on the
first Tuesday of June nest, alter ten days public
notice, under the .roperintendence of the twbool
&rectors of each ward of s•uri city, at each school
house; at which the citizens qualified to vote foe
school directors may oiler tickets written or print
ed on the outside ...rimer and "fond' which
shall be deposited in separate boxes, and on the
inside those lavorable m the schools authonsed by
this act may have the words "For a public high
school" sad those opponent "Against a public high
school;" and those who see favorable to the cur
rent expenses of the ward schools being defrayed
by a uniform assessment to all the wards out at a
common Mud, may have the words "For a coin ,
mon fund" and those opposed to that measure
airy have the words "For a ward fend ;" and it a
majority of the votes polled than be in favor of a
public limb school, the proper measures shall be
pursued as above specitied to orgstuse the same,
and if a majority of voters shall to In favor of a
ward fond, the controllers shall, from year to year.
fix the rata necessary to defray the expenses in
tarred by the schools autbonsed by this not, and
Cie taxes shall be collected by a uniform assess
ment nod levy of the name on all property in said
ci• - y made taxable for school purposes, sad if a
majority of said voters shall be for a common food,
the director. 01 each ward nod controllers shall
meet together annually sod fix the rate of taxes to
he assessed for the purpose of meeting all the cur
rent expanses of the ward schools, and the schools
authorised by this set, excluding all expenditures
made-or to be made for real estate, buildings, or
any thing .PPertatoing thereto, belonging to said
wards, which shall be paid and defrayed by the
wards as heretofore.
Worthis.—As this is the season of tile yewwhen
worms are most formidable among cbildren,ilie propry
owls of l'irLorths Vernufuge beg leave to call upon
pare,. soliciting their attention to Its TIM.. for the
expelling of these annoying and often fatal enemies of
c.'uldren. Their invention is by a physician of green
erperience in Virginia, and after tong it for severs:
years in his own practice, and finding its SUCESI so
universal, he has been induced at last to offer Cit in the
public on a cheap but certain and excellent medicine
Call mud purchase at the Drug .tore of
mytlidkwT. J. KIDD k CO
up- CoNctrglyz Evnnerica.—Ttis Ilvramou 11.0 th
Among the •arions nostrums which are duly given
to the public for diseases of the hair, we have ever
been averse giving any credence to them. Hat from
the nanicroini reapect•ble testimonial., of the virtues
of the Hyperion Fluid, with which we have bee. fa
vored a perasal, we were inchned to make a trail of
the same, being confidently secured that If it did en
good it would do no harm, and the result was that it
certainly , gave to the hair a morn healthy and taxon
ant growth, and completely cleansed the skin almost
scarf and dandruff. We are assured that It i
an intalllble care for baldness, and a certain preven
tion to the hats turning grey. It in purely compounded
or vegetable extracts, and sale in as application.
For sole by opfilicodOt 1. NVII,CPX
(Er A gentleman of Pittsburgh, who had falloff-tido
inn open cellar after the "Great Fire,. sprained his wo
ele so severly that be was enable to refrain from cry
ioff, oat with the pain. A friend who had been using
Fahnestook k. Co's Rebefacient and been eared
or Raeurnatism gave him what remained in the bottle,
and al th ough his limb was greatly swollen, be ws
ecompletely restored to health in twelve bouts a n
(then from pain. This is but one of a great number of
ea... which have eaten under the observation of the
proprietors. Prepared and sold by
A F4.II.NgSTOCK at co,
comer lemma Virood; also, corner gib end Wood sus
Wiling an alphubetteel Ilst of Pest Office, through
out the United States; disthneer Don, Washington, U.
C. state and territorial capitals respectively; also ex
hibiting the Post Offices at each State r as well a coun
ty, with an appendix of the United States and British
Tariffs. Just rce'd by JOHNSTON k STOCKTON.
Inyla corner 3d and market Its
ORE.% hl CHEEBre-e2OO boxes; nierChblii tees} , 1101 1
Butter, past rood at the W K Butter end Cheese
Depot, ewe for sole by inyla B CANFIELD
. .
Sll-10 casks and 4 libls ti eels, lust ree'd and
A. sale by niyl6 .1 . 11 UANFIELD
ylitAIACCO—lu bas SIM cured Tobacco, veryfine.
4, for sale by myl6 1 8 DILWORTH es Co_
'OLL BUTTER-25 bbls In store and for sale by
J Co
RAPPINS: PAPER--00 rearm in store and
11V sale by layl6 m J DILWORTH tr. es,
SU!tIU r EB--410 cks - Feathers; 7do wool; 0.1(1
I 1.•
, mat recd cud for sale by
Au.sott=r Ctrl, lan Wntd l
April ldt, tall/. 5
Mr. R. E. &Hera. 13eing agitated for some time with
a rough, winch o r ., so coyote no outfit me tot my
daily employment. Frequently elite coughing, I
been so much exhausted, as to be obliged in as down
and 1.31 !hazing of ato good affects produced by
your Cough Spun, 1 concluded to give It a trial, cod
em happy teeny at produced the desired affect in my
case. Altar itsinglt one night, the coedit was abated,
and lam now perfectly well Jaects Jona:boa.
This pleasant and popular Cough Syrup Is prepared
and cold E SELLERS., Wood agreed_ Sold
also by Drusrits Ir.nenity in the Iwo cities and vt
BATF:3 OF DISCO trra-co armura) BY
Exchange Brokers, N 0.55 Marketmrect, near 4La at
Pennsylvania. Indiana.
Bank ofPinsburgh •—Pu,Brate Trk & B.t.the.• 1
Eachunge Bank Par B'ateSetip • • • • •• • • • 1 . Man. Bank • Par Virginia.
BksolPhiladelphin• • • •Par Exchange Bk.of Va , • I
Girard Etank• • • •• • • •par Farmers Bk.of V
- • —• • "
Bank of Germantown •par Bk. or rho Valley, "
" Chester County • • •par Bk. or Virg ono-.. —• "
" Bc-Itrdrure Co.. • •par M.& M. Bk., Wheeling
" Montgomery Co. • .par Morgantotru• •• • I
" Northumbellnud• .pat N. W. Bank Va—•
Columbia Bridge Co.• • par do Wellsburg • • • IJ
ikgleatcrum Bank • •-• •ptir do Parkersburg—
Fanners' Bk. Reading• par Tsar
F ormer Bucks C.o. par[ Bk. Tennessee• •• •- 5
Farmers B C Lancas`r• poet -I Kr. & Mercti'm "
Lancaster o. Bk.• • • •parPlantent' Bk.•— •• • -
Lancaster Bk. -- par!Un ton Bk.
U. States Bank ' /Missouri .
state Bk of htimuri—
North Carolina.
I Elk. of Cape Fear—••
;:fiereh'. lit., Newbern 2
IState Bank
Eitolaollla Ilk. pa
NV ash mom Ilk.- - • • • •
6kltvaburgl• •• • 1
Chainbcr•bnric. • - • -- • •
SrmurlA,3na to. Ilk.- 3
Mouth Carolina.
lenmden Bk ...... •• • • 2
lAetinsu Co pant,
Le wistown• •• • .
'Commercial H
.BY. of lieonamwo•--
Merchant. Bk'-.-. 2
Planters Clieetta'sßk• 2
Bk. of South Caroline• • 2
11.2, Waynesburg
flo nesdnle • • -- •
Bultm'eBo RRScrip •10
ICu mho! . land ltk. of A I
Far. Bic. of Maryland.
. .
C. fr. Co. Se rip IS—A II no s.' Bk. Frederick
Ohio. 'Frederlck C0.13k. • • "
:lode Bk and Br anclick t ,Ilagerstown
klount Pleas:rot ..... • • "
Steubenville • " il'atupsco Bk• 1
Bt. CleursviLle••-•• •-• • • " :Wachttr4l""Bk•—•--• "
Marietta • • ustratrimar • • • • .•
Now Lisbon- • ••1111 chlginka.
Cinolunati Bunks •• :Bk. of St. (Blur • ...--
in. of River Raiaen
LeJumbos do
7slMxr.SFirclu Co.Mllwra S
rt!e ,
6ti All Aolventßnnt. 6
IBank of England Noe,
—-- • I ( Geld 4 Specie Value.
Dstion• •—• • •—• --_ • ;Duests . 1150i . 20
Western Reserve • "'Eagle, old •• • • • 1860
Franklin ll'k Columbus " !Engin, nn. , •• • • • / 0 00
Milieu —• " Doubloons, lipuntsh. la 00
Lake Erie••• " IDo. Patriot•—•— • 1560
" tSovereigus 4 83
5 0a
•" •
Lanoagtt • •-----.--10 I(7 ¢icexe
Parm'ni 111 Canino —5O "fen limldere
Urbana —• II )Louisti , nnt • •
Bk of Kentucky I iNew York t porn
Bk.of Iranerville "adelphin • • • tpnn
Norbern Bk. Ken tu'ky • 1 1.3alutnore •—• •• • I pap
Now York—City Banks. par. Interior IPka•
In pursuance of the establishes' usages of the parry,
the Democratic Ammeter,. and Whigs of Allegheny
connty, ill Rascal:able to primary meetings, tu their
several Election Districts, on Saturday, the Id day of
June, 1949, to elect two persons from each district, as
Delegates to a County Convention, to meet at the Court
House on Wednesday, the Bth day of June. at 10 &elk,
A. M., to lout in noon:moon suitable ecadidate• to be
supported by the party at the General Election to Oc
tober next. The A.m.'s. and Whigs of the town.
ships (Pin excepted,' will meet at the usual places for
holding primary meetings, between the boars a(9 and
S P. and those of the Wards and boroughs and Pitt
township, between the boars of 7 and 9, P. M.
Chairman of the Committee of Correspondence.
April 97, 19.19.
Arorrtan—Jous of Pine toarnshtg, will he
a candidate far Auditor, subject to the decnuon of the
next Anutuatiorac and Whig County Convention.
rad Aver Tamp Wane
M'Ctsalev. of R 0411.0.1 Is:m.111p, rtll he
ennflulste (or the LAgtaleture, subrert to the decteton
of the Antilnuorte met Whtg County Convention.
Cat. W Ears, of Lower' nt. elms, oral bo mpported
by has numerous fnends tot the Legtsintare, subject to
the decision tithe Whig and Etatimnsonic Convention.
inyl7:dleyerT Pin
MT At the eabeasuon of many of his lauds, Also
drsirriwcuest hosnsented to be a undi
ese for th e Legislate., subject to the decision of the
%Vhig and Autonsoon. Convention. mg.l7:chkirS
Joart V. Ruction, Kaj., of Upper St Char town
slap, will be supported for the Jaime of Camay Treas..
urer, subject to the decision of the oppronching Anti
muocuwand Whig Concenticsi Sc.
Psornemosaay —The later of AlLepherry coon),
will time the elutes or Wx. I. MAIIZI for Domination
to this offlee Si the roaring County Convention Mt.
M. Is n good Whig, awl a every way competent to dis
charge the Mattes or the °Ace, and desernott • nomi
nation by the party Al.Laottiorr Comma.
Sossicrrutrs.—Caps Joan You's, of Roarison town
top vnik be supported tor the office of Sheriff, sables%
tn deeistan or thn approaciang Whig and Annum
some Convention Siroun
up:U}ltuvr ,
Cm. ElotosTC - Air.rOil ores, or i'ruto mann - hip, Nod! be
lospForrtrod for too offo.c of Frorhouolory, oubroct to the
4coralon of the Wlog Antrzoooourc Converlion
apo7 AVILA is
PrINCITALTI /1111 cnr.dltutc for the office of
Shen( of A'legteny county. yulnect to the decision of
ne , PPronehing V. It, nod Antithunonte Convention
ini nortnnattng county tick, CARTER Cr RTIS.
nAlth Word. l'ittatiorgh, Aped 2. 1242—awT
etunsuourcry.—Cei - W A., will be env
ported int the office of Shera sotheet to the non‘to.•
of the Anurnvonic and Whig County Convention.
muted/Glint T Wnun, Prressttan.
` , tea,. state Uiat 1 sill he a
eandotitto for nominal.. for •the other of Prothonota
ry. refute our next Whig and Antanatonit County
Conyenuon Your.. he,
• "
117 . nollie 'A'• , .aaa,l.o, ,o 1 NraaLrrh ILorotich,
otippornad, briar, the approaching Allt1111.0:1” .
and Whig l.ounly Ca.aennen, for nomination d
candidate form ember of Lep,latura, the
•pl 7 arter ‘Vrnini or 1)1..0 ELir.atni-ro
A.1T11111.1 - i oder ea a candidate f or non,
nation at a menthe,. of the General AakeruLly. before
the approach., Anentaeonie mad Wt.ds Convenutnt
J 1 Muse, of <r.: .lee lowa:hip Eltcal•eth township, w.ll be
pro•eutted by tits friends Mil i• c.dualLslate lot the Lego. lature at the sport:melons .:on of the Mang and
Antowasonie puny. urty9 d&wT \
DAvit, reeve r.oi Jet'emu roven.hip, onll Gc
ondulate for the Lep...tore to the deeislott
Cl the Ahtlintasonlr anti Whig Cooory Convention
suy SleorrY
Ni/1 Wll:it Von will plea. , anmoonro the nom.
of ALIIIMMILS WAnfnft. of Roo. town•tupa. 0 condi
&off for the State. Legt.laturn, sfolooot To lire tfoottion
of file Anmmnronr ..d Wt., Convention. The clam.
of Mr WILI•on. ff. well qualdird and anthicaual
omber of thift pony, soffl be carnostly premed by
tho.A who lea beet acqualron! wfth lona.
wys A lie. Wmo
Pluxrimooraltr. ALCM. W Malin, et Peebles
township. will he .apposed for tionunauon re this Of
fice before tie eneutng AnUmu.nie and 'Whig QM-
Vention. The known übilines of Mr. Maxi*, And his
long experie in the office, are sufficient guarantees
Mr th e correct nce
discharge oi lot dunes. if De should be
nominated rermditriwtsirteT jarralues.
EUlTOlL—Plestae ntmounce/0.11,.. el Find
ley Townriop. a r•lttialate lot Andttow, aubJect to
d<ctelon of the %VIII u,a Allllo.ollle
et. CLAIR.
Joua Nill.l.lM, of the borough of Shorpshurgh, vrtil
he a cruattlnte (or the Legastuturr, subject to Use do-
CV .011 of die NVlrag and Atuttouronte Convention.
Too . l'aagsr. of the aorough of lit'Keesport. w,II
Le a , nothotate (or twiniatiltdo for Member of Assem
bly the appro.:tang Antuaasowe aad Whig Coon•
ty t'unventiott roy33lkw:l
ratanOttotr•a7.-1 Offer tot•telf all a condidate for the
oftiett of Prothonotary. .uhteet to the decision nr the
approttehouy Ant/Masonic and Whig County Conoco•
ton tort:dtewteet Roaster Csenterturss
Carney Constnenonen-1 wdl be n candidate for the
office of County Cannuarioner, entneet to the deeleion
of the Amin:Lamm. and Whig Con•endoo.
and,:dleveteS GABRIEL ADAAS.
Conan . Couramatortsa.—Eartagan Bon., of Myth
Fayette township. wtll ho supporlmi berme tho ort•
proaching nurnanonic and Whig County Convention
for County Con...toner, subject to the decision of
amid Convention. Mr Boyles is a working man of
the party, and every way qualified and deserving of
the ollice. myllv,davv*ti NoartrraVmrfla
Covert Commtaxioxint—Mr. Editor: You will please
annce Wm. Elan, Sr , of Robinson township, its
a candidate for County Commis.ioner, subject to the
deciolon of the next ihnornasente and Whit; Conven
tion. my Red& wit SIXTII WA.
a ß etd l42 t srAB°N V r T ' !l eirg''L°- D owlgnenotse fTetisfetnslto
non and to a discerning public to general, (or the lib
eral liatronne hitherto received, announce En the
same nine tact they have made essential improve
ments the interior ns well as the exterior of the et,
tabllthment, daring lust full and winter, which will
greatly enhance the comforts and 'n cements of in
valids, who Intend to vicit this place during the ensu
ingAllll Pnllaer.
the prevailing duet.s are treated here, and they
will endeavor to keep op the reputation the a...Mob
meet has won through the west, by strict attention to
pollen. that entreat themselves under their cure.
In order to undergo the treatment, patients have to
provide themselves with two woollen blaittets, two
cotton Sheet, three comfortable. or a tight feather bed
and sa towels. Terms, six dolluu, payable weekly.
Darr rr., Woou A T) Mann, Prrrsuraan,
riONTINUE to manufacture 01l Mod. of COPPER,
tooth Wort.
. • .
Special attention given to swam boat work. •
tl OTC on hand, a hue assortment of Copper and Crass
kettle, Tin Ware, &o. ie. Steamboat Cooking !Stoves,
Portable Forget. various liter u very convenient liei
Ochs for tteambonts, California emigrantt, or rail road
" 7e a” vr . vqlll respectfully invite swain boat own and
others to call and roe Onl articles and prices before
purebtituig elsewhere. men
For Greenwood Garden
Nnv ItRIUMIIOI.3I . --The onetime,
TllOl3. eIIOTY, WI common° on
Monday, May 7, to Mil from the Old
Ornenwodi Landing, foot of rill at,
to the Gordon, leaving eit n o'clock, , ta., and at each
even hour until St o'clock, r. at., lark trip front the (Ar
den atlo r. a. .
• • -
The Saloons are supplied with all the delleacies of.
the mason. Tea at 6 o'clock. The Gkrden, with a
large collection of Greenhouse Plants, Dahlia., An
anal Flout Plants and Shabbery. The comfortable
wharf boat Greenwood, witl Iw plercil at the Pitt
street landing. myS
TIMED APPLI.R.-600 bush fur sale.
Las for
1.4431LLS &ROE.:
WRINGS -23 bblx (tech libuttlys, larding by
e ß and and far sale by
.Lf eau cornet Fourth and Market eta, Writes the at
terulon of ladles to his exeellent asiortment of the ffif
latent styles of Dress Goods, =table 4ar the selkspF,
Mein, Pink, blue and drab Bariger, Printed : do, 4
large miserunepP, silk end !bleu 'llesnisr, silk and Mi
en Less a.; linen do, of venous 'Makin British and
French primed Lawns; white antLembtoiderad.Mno,
line; embroidered Looms, French Gingham—all of
which will be offered at lour prices for grittily.
Wholesale Rooms on 51 story. • .myff
RE now receiving a very large stock et herb A Goods, of teem mei:amend iroportationdehieh
they will sell te the trade at mit prier,s as cannot rail
to give entire ratialeetlen. • •
, .
City uld Country March." are Invited to eel! and
examme our conk before purchasing elsewhere.
Sl - 51; STRIPE CASSIMEREBI-4 ease new rty le
fancy 'side stripe" Cassie:tares, lust real and for
sale by MURPHY, WILSON CO, •
myll 48 wood at
101113130 NP.—A handsome usortment o new an.
„LII, beautiful styles Bonnet Ribbons, jut reo'd and for
sale at reduced priced by
- rToWARD DUCK-5 bales heavy Cotton Duck,
.Llimitable for steam boat decks, wagon coven.,
dc., Mat received and (oriole by
FINE GOODS—Io pr Gold Spectacles;
d fine Diamond Finger Rings;
10 Idnoical obeli eased;
A 1 7: 1 . .m... 1 1 0 f Fmm, wi th fine pointing.
" with agate handles;
Gold and alive. waist Buckle. and Slides.
AIso—PARASOLS, dark green sad Giber lashiona
hie colors.
The above goods, arab a large assorimaht of Jewel-
Fattc7 Good!, &0., ➢rW be sold for scour or other
good money, at No 67 Market street, by
UMBRELLAS -10 mrea coin. and fing barnU.
brellas, cane and whalebone db., Jost received
.d for rate by SHACKLETT & WHITE,
Inge 99 wood it
PMEASOLS—Z cases cotton, gingham and silk
asParols, new styles and designs, peen Tare sa
tin, with fringes and plain borders, and beautifel ivo
ry and fancy handles, put recd and for sale b
fIASSIIERE-6 pieces very fine doe skin (black)
U Cassie:tem, recelved as • sample direct from the
manufacturer, for sale by H LEE,
myd Liberty stApposhe sth
TeRLAP AND WOOL SACK—On land and for
__ale by
- UT IL MURPHY Invites the attention
V chants to the large supply of new Goods just
opened In his wtorluale Rooms, on 4d story, northeast
corner 4th and market streets, Pittsburgh.
This being his second "'apply for this spring, he has
many kinds of goods at reduced orioles, • and some
style not to be found elsewhere. mrtddurT
,lORGIANII WORM ICILLER--dnother proof of
lel. the triumphant success of Morgan's Vermiftigc.
Prreeeveoo May 10080.
Mr. John D. Morgam—lfmy male is of any me to
the .odencg community, in regard to the article of
Morgan's Yew:linage, you are perfectly welcome W it.
I had two children sorely afflicted with worms; 1 bo•
came alarmed, and very lastly so, when I tried your
renowned Vennifisge, and mtonishlng to tell, Otte of
them was delivered of about fifty worms fifteen inches
lung, of the most frightfal kind, resembling more the
appearance of eels. The other child was delivered of
about 20. The children ate now doing fitmly. You
ratty well be proud of your Worm Killer.
Yours truly DAMP ilX111), irk& alley.
Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by JOHN D.
MORGAN, Druggist, Wood street, one door below Di
amond alley. royl4
:....,==ll: signed, Trustee* of the Wahuti
and Erie CaaaL hereby give notice
that they will receive sealed proposabiar Washington,
Device county, butane, on the 97th day of Jono one
for the comtruction of about twenty-four miles of said
Canal, emending from the proposed Dam across the
West fork of White River, mar the Smith Roelof Omen
county. to Maysville, to Davies county. On this pot.
non of her thou are to be constmet Ave Lill Leeks
and one Guard Look, to be built of timber, • Dam
across PlinkanPs Creek, end one or two small Aque
ducts, together with the mull vniety et earth work
centurion to a. canal. The line will be divided into sec
tion. averaging, about half a mile in length.
At the same time and place, proposals will be reeei
ved for truildiog, with cut none masoary, the piers of
the Anueduct over East fork of White River. The
atom (m.this masonry mein beprocnred from the wa
nes of tumble limestone to ha found on or seta either
the East or West fork of White River, from which
paint they can be delivered by water.
The line to be placed under eontract, will be ready
for !nape-Mora ten days prevew to the time of letting,
and all necessary it formstion in.referenee thereto will
be given by the Resident Eustis...
. .
Tatereas. Om= 1
Terre-Hoot. April Al.,
lav atiri
err Durum. Comer ofroorA
and D"" between
Market and Perry stteete. irsep2.ll'
Respectfully tenders his
professional servires to the eitmos el Allegheny my.
inhce, northeast corner of the Diamond. Refer Co
Dr. T F. Dale, Dr. T. R. Filson,
M 8. Troror, Dr. in. Dickson,
Dr 18. Herron, Dr. 11. EL Slavery
Dr. M. M. Knox, Dr. 11. R.13e11.
Wm. A Ward, Dennet; B. A. W. Black,
Rev. N. Wma. ap7Edima
6. W. DIDDLE, Dentist—.
• IoVIEILIto a natality., Wiry briek
leion Smithfield stree
Teetht, one door below
G•aa • giant street inserted from one
to en
enure seta.on the suction principle, with a bean
ufot repomperuannit of the natural gnm--restormg the
or Intent shape of the feet.
N 13.—Teeth envenom/ with little or no pain.
Lletayed Teeth permanently saved by plugging, pre
venting the tooth ache,. which is much better then ea
ring it, though it should be done in hire enamels, or
teen instantly. aptitly
in the Citizens , Insurance Company of Pirraborgh,
alb be opened to she Room. of the Board ofTrade, on
the hro Monday of November next, al Ino'elook, A. AA
N.Pro Lorimer, Jr boon Woods,
Wm. B. lirClure, Joseph Plummer.
Jostish Kmg,
Alex. Roseburg,
S. M. Kier,
J.,1t0 Sherd!.
— l l lrelgraii
T lf ,, ,F...ati n b m w e r n i t bej offertZ a tt i
m a large K i nd , opl . e i nklid .
tom Pumas, with and atothout Coleman', celebrated
;Eon. Attachment. The aboie instruments are war
tamed to be equal to soy manufactured this coun
try, and will be cold lower that. any broaght from the
tlut F IILUMF., No 112 wood at,
Yd door above ati
N. 0 --City Senp will be ipken el pet for • few
Le abate asportm cut Intl R. Ft.
lERACE HEARTH, manufactured Wm
Imparter article of Roit•ar Fire Linea Clay /13
wre and for We by KIER & JOrik
hsotorr ttosa a Hearth of sumo
oath) , Arra lOLUOUIIe 111 re for the put Gignicell months,
prououtes n upertor to Pro hearts- SOW to general
I —ld u Vietorins, In 1-loth boxes; 101 do Andsvii
dod; B do Ortiz; 1040 bi Lobregat Regarios, in 1-10Ib
boxes; 3 du Veuusßefoliii Ido El frbregat meth°
Itegvdiss; 10 do /Imo Babe Prin . ciPe.; 3 do Nationkl
'Fralosor Regalia; 4 do Leoilr =UN
. 13 do Rio Hondo;
d do La inteltigonio; 1 do LarriartultYplantation Rep.
has. The above Jost received and lor }n le by
- - - earner *ow! end water es
bbl. ockled Ssllupp ' 'y dollatutdore Shad;
✓ •
to do do Her-6 10 do EISTI•No Itlitad 3 Mark.
erel, 1 ecee smoked am
liallibuti bze Lubec seabed
ik'n s 6 , ( or 5 7 MYlO . ' WILLIAMS
riiErLs—to het eAao ..zus atmlikag Maio.*
• YOung Hyron; Edo Isnperlatuu •Granpowder,
coo? I,,,ece var..% glades, for sole by,
rqdins; Yd bbts pure Flaxseed Old n store and fa
%sale by, JOHN WATT & Co,
ntyl4. 110M01 of Lawny and Hand st
OUISVILL.II LIME-175 bbl. roe'dyfei , ,tmr Tele
-I.44rapb, sal for solo by
SUGAR CURED 11AS/9--111 S.olgrr & ohay , s
ruperior 6ugaz Hams, just I.ding and for sale by
rILAIM—SOO bk. assorted sites, just landing and for
kj tale by my - 14 W HARHAUGH
bbl. No I trantued onadj 114 bolt and bait
X bbls No 1 Herring; 10 do No 2 Mackerel; 10 do
No I Salredh,just reekl and for sale by
myl4 JOHN WATT & Co
"gCT'EW 1100 K FOlt SCHOOLS—Elements of Sly
.ol thelogy, or Classical Tattles of the Greeks and
RM.., to winch am added Stomp notice. of Syrian,
Hindoo and Scandloaviut Superstitions, together with
Mom of the American Canons, the whole companng
Polytheism with true Religion, for the use of Schools.
myls corner 3d and Market as
ICKSTASII-- , b,aaakai and cook . Pearia,_ jam reed
and (or aale by mylß .1B CANFIELD
CHEESE-00 holm ieet kee'd at the 'W
C R Butter and Cam. Depot, and tor c arA LD
ray IS
lIEEsE—or bga very nice and large, now larclingi
for sate by I/IMAM DICKEY *. Co,
in .19 Front a
MACKEREL -30 Dbl.. No Mackerel, for sale by
Wines a
BUTTER -2v kegeJusi t reed and for
nayie ➢POILLS & ROE
BACON -10.000 Bacon Sides.
01 Nit N. U. SatlAß-40 hnds u sure and •to
stile. mylB WOILLES is ROE
PLANTATION MOLARS/a—ln bbl, ond hi( bbbl.
myld braI.LLS fr. ROE
FEW lIRLIS. WHITE SEANS—edll on band
.d for sale. myld . INVOILLS A ROE
13`"N BIDES -0 Laub just read and for saia by
Irj[)ol,—Thehigheet market price in cash, .111 be
paid.for the different amtdes of weli mashed
wool, by rnytti 8 h W lIARESACOU
1,1119 SALE—Fivecrd7s7 - :digibly sitztatedWar
isktnit town of nirmiotom. 'rho' Inn 'are smut
ted on Nam. street, nem red in F Bowman's plan
70, 70, bu, II and trl—Lot No 70 (meting 21 feet an Ma
ry Ann street, 70 feet deep; the other four 23 feet front
orteh, by EU feet deep.
Terms—Greater part of purchase money may a
main fur sin years, secured by mongann. For patio
elate; lunette of MeIIOYEII,
myl6 /10 teeond et
ONUR.E.:Sftuinali:ZaT is. Russell & Rama
saa's 4. lump Cannren Tobacco, just reed and fa
rale by Anyt6 DULLER &. RICKETSON
lidaae-12 tierces Manning'. extra
Ex.,rwti Hams, received and lin halear AvGH,
S iill & erl V ier anal% frOnt
inyln at
BUT?LU-3 bbl prima Uaner, read and (oc uleb)-
NIAV OetiTLE GLASS—Sample boxes oettilin7:
perior brand window Olass received,. sod orders
will be promptly filed by B& W
B 00118! ROOKS '.!- The New American Osadader,
by Thomm 6 Fesseaden.
The New American Orchardist, 4' Wm. Emrich.
The Complete Selmer sod Rural Economist, hi Fes
Modern Domestic Cookeiy, by Wm A Handentui
!um reed by 301INISTON a STOCKTON,
- rayli Groomer 0X11,4 gad 34 la,
Exemcss remora , tans ----
Dteluslvely 13,Pu:re:mem
—The Botts of this Line wall leave
us follows, at 3 sfeloet at night:
Indiana—P Barkey, Wednesday, xay 10.
Ohlo—A Thursday,
Kentucky...a Trilby, Friday, 13.
Lenßstella-1 P Thompson, Saturday, IY.
Indlana—r Burisey, Sunday, 21.
Ohio—A Ciaig, Monday, D.
Eenisiegy—H Traby, Taes4y,
I ndia ns—J P TlLomploa, Wedneulay,
Ina—P Harkey, .l'odloT, 24.
Kentacky—H Traby, Saturday, 28.
Ltreniono—.l P nompson, Sunday, 27.
. Inctiana—P Blakey, Itouday;
Ohio—A Cntig, Tuesday. 20.
K.:ninety—Car H Truby, Wednesday, may M.
For passage apply to W BUTCH,
~O TTTaaa Home,
mylO no D LEECH& Co. 13.1n
male 1849. EitiMl
Warren and Cleveland Passenger Line .
Canal Packet--BWALLOW. • • .
9NB of the above Packets leave Beaver every diy
(Sunday@ excepted) and arrive next morning at
arrert, when they connect with the Mail Stages for
Akron and Cleveland, aniving at each of these places
before night. One of the packets leave Warren daily
at d P. )5„ and arrive at Beaver in time to take the
morning boat for Pittsburgh.
C E S LFWFINGWELL fr. Co, War ren, p ro.
Semill I A t,
C '
corner Water and d ate
Ml= 1849.
Cuomo. rt. Ctusitrastnt, p
EL O. Pstuu, Bearer, P. S
riling : Una be prep a red on the opening of nevi
4148taitlir="g141,AVD,P.- . "y en fr om
We Canal and,Lakea.
The facilities °Me Line are unattrpamed in number,
quality and capacity of Boats, espenenee of captains,
and efficiency of Agents.
One Boat loaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, ma
ning in cotmectionwith the steamers
Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line of first class
Stesiners, Propellers nod lies. the Lakes.
Aogirrs—R O Parks, Heave
Jesse Baldwin, Yo Ohio.
M B Taylor, Wane
Cyrus Prentiss, Rave "
Wheeler & Co, Akron, "
Crawford & Chamberlin, C eveland, 0
Sears & Griffith, Buffalo, N. V:
O m ffi c et4e? y r Water and Smithfield sts, Pittsburgh.
Steamer MICHIGAN No. 9.--Copt. Gibson.
LAKE ERIE, • ' Gordon.
THE above regale, and well known Beaver Peek
eus, have commenced making their daily trips to
and from Beaver, and will continue to ran between
Pittsburgh and Beaver 'regularly daring the season, as
Michigan No. 9 leaves Pittsburgh daily al 9 o'clock,
A. AL, and Beaver at 2 o'clock, P. M. Lake Erie
leaves Beaver daily at 8 o'clock, A. M, and Pittsburgh
at 1 o'clock, P. M.
These steamers will run in connection with
B GI Parks , Express titmice* Line, for Erie;
Taylor & LefAingwell's Warren Packets
Union Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland;
r aarke & Co's Pittsbrugh and Cleveland Line Freight
It 0 Parke daily New Castle Packets.
. .
_ .
CI • P trF PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agents.
JOLLY A . CAUGHEY, Agent. Pittsburgh,
Metal eor Water and Smithfield ma
1849 . MEM
• ME,
THE Proprietors of this old otabliehed and popular
daily line, consisting of SOCTEEN first class Canal
Boats, owned by themselves and mnning in venues , -
non with the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB
COPE, are enabied to offer unequalled /anilines for
the transportation of freight and passengers, on the
opening of Canal navigation, to all points on the Penn
sylvania and Ohio and N. York canals and the Lakes.
E. hL FITCH A Co, Clevelan d .
S. ts, B
C. BIDWEr eaver.
man Water street, Pittsburgh.
PiessTai g 7.
Forwarding &retina%
Agents jar the Pittsburgh andChreisnui Lane, Pine
burgh and Ens Liao via Brio, and for steam
&mu &aver and Caleb Cep.
Having purchased the large and substanual Whar f ßoat just built for the hroutingshela Resets, have
wah the addition of a Warehouse, the mast ample tte•
commodatiorts for receiving and forwarding, and
pledge their almost attention, promptness and dupatch
fo consignments to their can, and rely on their friends
tor • triaL marSdly B. it BRO.
Hoofing.-..Galvanised Tin Places
TBE sitbscnbers beg to call the attention ofl3uiklers,
Architects and owners of Buildings, to the Many
advantages which these plates possess over all other
metalhe substances hitherto used for roofing &o, es
they possess at once the lightness of iron, without its
liability to rant, having now been tested for several
years in this parucolsr, both in this country and In Eu
rope They are less liable to expiuulon and contra,
non from redden change oldie atmosphere, than com
mon tin plates, iron.sanc, or any athim meal now-mtad
for roofing, and miasequatitly form a mach better and
tighter ran; requiring far less frequem repaint, whilst
the first most Is but • trifle mora.
A fall supply, of all sizes, from 16 to 33 W.O, esn
sunny on hand snd for see by
14 and 14 Beaver street, New York.
The patent right for this article having been secured
for me United States. all ps,lns •.frmng thereon,
either by importation or 0111.,‘ h e prosecu
ted. cet.lod.twlTT
aunt wft - i - iiro Tiro
TfiE undermaned hove erected work., te, the cny of
New .Vork, for the purpose of Galvanitung all arti
cles of Iron, whrett it to derurable to PROTECT FROM
RUST, mach no Telegraph Wire, Bolts, Spikes, Nails,
Wire for Fences, and any other article which may be
required For Hoops for Caska, an a subsume for bale
Rope; for Clothes Lines, Lightning Rods, and a host of
other applications, it will be trend cheap and dumb!e.
They would particularly call aliention to the Galvani
sed-Wire for fences; it requires no paint, and will nor
Mel Also to Spikes lad Rolls, the preservation of
hich la of co mach Importance, that it will commend
self to the notice of all thin, Interested.
CFA. B. NIOELEWOOD k. CO., Patentees,
.c43o.4l4terlirT Nana 14 Beast, .4.N York
110. d 7 Afurictstreet, Ptitt au brah, P.
nESPECTFULLY announces to his friends and cies-
JR., tamers, that he has had at no past period so exten
sive • Stock ashe has at present. lie can offer to pur
chase., on vase moderate terms, at the old estabfish
ed Stand se Market street, almoit every article in hie
line-4ncluding Counting- room, Bed-chamber, Dinner
room, Parlor and Hall Paper. With Borders, Lana
teepee, Fin-hoard Punts, Paper sod Transparent
Wtratoor Shades, Bonnet and Binders' Boards, Wn
ting, Wrapping, and Tea Paper, he is abundantly sup
plied, and requests country merchants and housekeep
ers to call and examine Ms assortment.
Rags and Tanners' Scraps taken in trade, at the
prices. highest mch-Thditorior
too. 78 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
HCHER AND LAUFMAN, Importers and - dealers
in Foreign end Demesne HARDWARE, in
all am varieties, are now prepared to sell as low and
on as reasonable terms as can be purchased elsewhere.
We solicit our facade, and the public generally, to
call and examine oar stock, which commits in part of
such es Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws, together
with every artiste aerially kept in Hardware Store,
We invite the attention of Calpenters and Mechanics
generally to our assortmedt of Tools, which have been
selected with great can, and which we eta determin
ed m sell so as to giro eatialintion. apdtrurT
MRS. — MARSH' S NEW NOVEL—Mordaunt Half;
or a September Night; by the anther of "Two old
men's Wes, Emllia Wyndham," "Angelis,. etc.
apleid&wT earner Market and 3d sts
IL IL also, : . ford, Pa tem X00183.5.D, MMus., Pa.
UTROl.Erra I E GROCERS, Forwarding and Com.
mission /dere-hams, and dealers In Produce and
Pumburgh Manufactures, corner of the Diamond and
Diamond alloy, Pittsburgh.
Rsurawcsa—Dr. P. hoeuberger, I
Richard Bard, Pittsburgh.
lion. Jor. Morfiron, .., Lou ,
Rich. B. Elliott, Er' q. .'"
Simon Drum, Esq., Greensburirh,
T.Geramill & Co., Philadelphia.
J. ?Milken & Sons, Lewistown, Pa.
J. Reamer,
Hon. Wm. J. Dougherty, B)
MulhoVan & Ray, Malawiedford
1 0 0 - 0 - 1 17 Ili 11 B
No 12 Nom Surrn Stem; PHILADELPHIA:
V MANUFACIIIRER., (Awarded t h e first end blab
"' fdd . l . " th ° Yeftx. - //eltininre and Philadel
phia Exhibitions, for the noperierity of Ws Blinds, with
confirmed confidence in hie mannfaerure,) lake the at
tention of purchasers to his assortment of tool Blinds
of narrow and wide alma, with. fanny and plain Triw
mlogo, of new styles and colon. Alto, a !urge and
general moment of Transpamat Window Shades,
all of which he will mil at the lowest cash prices.
Old Blinds painted and trimmedio look equal to new.
HT DEALERS SUPPLIED ontinenl terms..
The chime of Allegheny county are respectfu ll y
writed to call before baying elsewhere—cmadent of
leulng all. Open in the evenings. inch2.coltila
Notice to Daipserreo!typs Artisu.
TAIST receieed, a small invoice of VOIGTLAEN
ta DER'S quicKwoiciuNG INSTRUMWM—
now cousin:tenon. These Insist:meats possess great
advantages ever all others ever made, coveting a e-3
size Plate, reducing the time of sitting one.half, and
p r ,,,d,„ e i ng sharper, clearer and better defined pie
tare. They, therefore, deserve the attention aid) As
lists engaged or Intending to engage In the business
- Fries for the Tab. 11 13.
A general usosonerit of Volmllender's only role.
bratedlnstramentslotril s
e ites, as well as Daguerreo
tYViti'kL4.4ll3lB'3ll4l7, Cinet e at, Ohio, is oar au
thorised egret for the sale of the above Insuumenta
A Lista Prices can be obtained by addressing, post
paid, • W. & F. LANUENHP.3.II t
• Exchange Phadelphut,
;moaners of Daguerreotype Matesa/s, an-I ("curet
Agents ler the sale of Volgthimder's Optical Instru
ments. mastkeeshim
400 B.S.M TANNERS" on, baxidsorna small
OlL—Coneiandy so hand, bleached and =bleach:
ed winter and spnnic Sperm, Elephant sod Whale Oil s:
ectiz u ed !elected N. W. Caast Whale Oil,
bets are now prepand aapply `Deelan'a Patent Oil'
in any quantity; machinists , manufacturers, hi,, are •
requested to cull and extuninc the article. Cerdlicatu
edits efficacy and npenority over all other oil ., from,
severnfof our man eztenslveonmufaeuarers, 1120 to
tmi COlStallol2. ALLEN do NEMLEE, Abu,
ZFand south wharvee, near Chestnut
febltinodem • Philtdelptua. — !:
Ithailluttortlems, on eon—
zittament and for axle by
• MILLER& niaiterigm
J. VEiernik—tifo"-H•
and for Soh,
Spin Turpentine A'
eildiriatiVNlMA—Mbiriftat ree , d awl for uk
Fbt4ii Siou_u-Au timed anCL:muh:V.
uno ApwittaNchitclozsi,t,
"IRMS,IO'n''IABIIB, - b;L -
Etrinarsavid Bale - tbrillartp.
*ATWO story Beek. House, oontsitner efahr
room ezeiesins basement' and' and
an table far two Wallies, Amsted on Liberty street,
/alettbeabaill be sold lowtbr &zip. Emirs of •
t4cf GIactUSOSIS
valuable Building Leta for Bala.
Tsubscribers am authorized tooter at private
A lade, and uponhighly tamable' Mime, ,rimmaltqr
of very velnableßailding Lets, eintuprioing a Gulp)
porton of the Lou lumbered .67, ent, 69 and-70,.00
Wood. , Genftl Plan of the City of Pilliburgb, aims•
ted at the south eaetwardly comer of Perm and Wayne
creme, fronting 246 test on the format and =eliding
along the latter about 600 feet to the Allegheny river,
and being a pan of the Real Fatato of the late /sum
Stevenson, Esq., deceased.
A pl. subdiviaion of the above Lots, in cantor•
mity with whieh it Is proposed to eel, may be seen al
the office of the undersigned, on Fourth, between Mar
ketsnd Ferry on. WILLIAMS ./r, HUHN.
To Rent.
::/IVO awry brick dwelling tionse,pLeasanlly
minoded in Oakland, lailLlive ac racortand.•-
will be . reined q low if application fra
made Immediately, (minim of '
. . .. . _
!lan dares Coal Land tog Salo,
GI MISTS!! on the Mononsahalariver,aboullamilea
la from Ihr.. argh and 3 miles above thad,„Lock, la
the immediate neighborhood of hlouni.Ljacta.Shorb,
'and Mr; John Herron , . purchase. This 011 a body of
CoaFtvill be sold at the low price 011133 par aere—one
third In hand, bal.. In five equal annualpayments, •
without Waren. • Title indisputable. Location may
g00d..-cannot bo annum!. For. gather
enquire of S. BALSLEY, who has a draft of and sm.
perry. Seeldencefll st, below Farm Mr. Marnskltew
N. B. There is umber sum of cool an thin nut,
about 60feet above the lower, af excellent guilty
OolliFiftleirltglabirlDrOSl — lifOlt. MUM.
210 •ACHSS OF GROUND, situated neartha
Piusbargh and Oreensburgh Tampike,4 miles
from the city, and adjoining the allegben=
etery, on whieb Is created a large and well
two story brick Dwelling Dame, together with stables,
carriage horde am. There is also no the o premise. a
l oWn y eroli df"a ns t w a d a" well ' b f """I
jal3 g" WM. YOU NG, 143 Liberty st
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
HE subscriber will sell, ist private saloolua vitas.
hie Property, on the,Fo.nb street glebing
hi. present residence, and give possesaion onmedialp
ly. There are about TEN ACRES OF CHOICE LAND,
me high state of cultivation. The hoprovesuants ate
a large and well finished brick DWELLING HOUSE..
Lau e gg tarn . , c ag i ldte r r F o on ut n buildi . n . a
. A g z a zi s dLe,
which &lushes constant supply of excellent water.
There ts a variety of Frtdt Trees and Shrubbery ets
the, premiers. lf the above described property is oat
sold soon, it will be rented for n due. Also for sale,
a large LOT, on Pe r u sylviula Amore, at the end ar
the board walk. Inquire of
.k 7 .4;:C=VT.7IZZ'ILZ.I3
,IfE Trustees of the Western Theo! Semltuuy
ti f ino lu f ttrt d p er m ided to soil on pa 6
o l
tr ea4 r re, o t par.
favorable terms, from pany %) rits OP-different visas.
A vramanteo title will be given. A plan ef tho /els erns
be seen or No. 119 Wood Moat.
For partieuhus, enquire of either °few undenaipird
Commnim JOHN - T. LOGAN
ALES. Ltu cr
At a wary low Rout.
A TWO story Brick House, on Federal at.,
one door above . the northwest coiner of the
orth Common, Allegheny—wide hall, parlor,
dining room and kitchen on the first Dear. Pour rooms
on YA story, with a finished attic.
Possession to be had immediately. Inquire of
apt 1 OEO B MILTENBMGER, 87 Front st
fleackstiate for Bates
riMHE following property in the city of Pinahlugh,
and near the borough of Manchester, on tho Ohio
met, is offered for sale on a.ommodating tam=
3 Lots (being rob-division of Lot No .402 in the plan
of the 'city of PWsburgh„) having 20 feet front on So.
Tenth street, by 040 feet to Strawberry alley . rear
Onset street.
10 one acre lota Yenning on an Avormo at. foot
arida, running from Beaver road to tho Ohio river. ad.
joining Philip.'. 011 Cloth Factory.
For terms, MUSLIM of CB •nsg B. BCDLLY,
or JAMES ('BABA, • , •
Dukes Bandits, 4th at.
au • ' rty • r airra7 -
I end Lots on Baldwin and Liberty attests, In Bib
inh Ward, 51 feet by Itto, and adjacent the p
depot °Rho Central Railroad. For tent= in.q=f
mutant Burka's Building thlt at
FINE two story Brick House, pleasantly
illsitated on the hill directly back of M. Andrew
Watson , . property, near rennsylvanta 11.V.:1041.
the noose and lot will be sold very low (o cash. For
farther information apply to D. W. A. A. S. DELL,
Atromeys at Law, 4th street, between IStaltblield and
Grant aplatf
Nlrrorahle terms— Let, of Oniund on the math
NJ side of Penn stmt., near the Monorqrahela
fronting HO feet on Penn street, end extemding 110 feet
in depth to an alley 20 ft vride; a most desirable loca
tion either foi private residences or for manufaettuang
purposes. Enquire of J SCHOONMAKER &Co,
febld No 24 Wood at
ACOUNTRY SEA. To LET— two story
T di LLltick Dwelling . , with 5 acres*lily improved
and, situated in Oakland, to let from.lst April
liteT street
FUR RP:St—For one to MX/ years, Romthe
first of April met, a large two storied brick
ling Boa., pleasantly Rimmed on the bank
of the Ohio river, adjoining the borough bf Manche+ ,
ter, with abort: font .res °fiend, out headings, fruit
trees, ie. Az. Apply to
JAMES A mrrausoN & Co
To Let.
fEA LARGE end well finirhed Room, amend,
urry, on the corner of Viroalund.ThlO w =
ternytherE:rehringe Offleaforiffoill
Peereaiiongiven immediately. Inquire of
_ ja3 Ar GILLS & RORER Übe at
TO LET—A Was brisk Damning nesse,
Imitable for two Wallies, situate-11os Federal I
eel, Allegheny, above M. Graves' OM.
Libelity st. Ipporate
TWO FITOTSifff - AlSib - LOTl3 — i'difTiNGE
TWO LOTS on Beaver same; in tho city o
Allegheny, above the upper Commons, on seblek
of erected a frame budding, two incites hil mutable,
for two small tenements. The lots are e achtorentj
Met in front by one handfed trot deep, and run back
to a meet forty feet wide. The buildings on the pro•
mama all ;tar a very handsome interest on the (new::
meta, and the property all be sold cheap for each.
Apply to 14. Sprout, Clerk's office; U. S. or in
novtl FAY A Co
TEN LOTS, 21 feet by 170,1altunted on the,highet
'ground, and fronting on the wide NorthCostunona
• the Buena Vista Exte n sion. Ten ni 5700 i en3ll. •
Exchango Buildings. St Clair 4t
av22•2m Oøc.
Seofeli Botao o Lid nor sate.
/FEN ACE.E. OF LAND, situsted itt Peebles town.
j„ ship, on the Monoogahelo, three utiles from Pius
burgh—La lots to suD purchasers, For further part.
tants apply to henry Wuoth, 31 at, thr to
n0v2.9-.11! . 4th, above Smithfield it
WARP-HOUSE FOR - TALK—The subscriber
offern for mile the three glory brink Wareham.
on Wood PlrCtt, ocgopiett by a_ Tanner & Co.
'ply Mt WILSON, Jr.
V FOU. SALE —4l Lot of Groan,' situate on Pena
street, between Ray and Marbury tutu, adhanlnit
the house and lot now 4:incensed by Richard Edwards,
having o front 0(25 feet, coal In depth (XI feet, wall be
sold on favorable terms. Tale nnexceptionable, En -
genre of C. 0. LOOMIS, th et, near Wood.
octal vbf
A DESIRABLE Building Lot In Allegheny city, R.
vombly Located, in size about Italian acre, and
win be sold on accommodating terms. Inquire of
fend J D ARLLIAALS, ILO wood ta
jech .FOR FLENI'—A room In the second stiTy:ll7.
low% Wood greet. MVO
Property W AlLoshany City for - gas.
Till; sobeenbera obir for sale a number of chairs
LOUrral.o.s in the Second Virard, fronting on the
0 . 3 .... 41 6 , 9nra1, on cosy tenni,. InqMre ot
W. OIL ROBINSON, Auy at Luar, St Clnir st
r of JAS ROBINSON, on Map
112,1441 r.. mfT
Wholesale and retail, at the
'DOBKIN TEA STORE, 70 Fourth street, near Wood,
Piustidigb.—Tbe subscriber having mat retuned
from New York, is now IlleCivinor a large fall supply
of fresh ()BEEN AND BLACK TEAS, from the New
York Pekin Tea Company, selected with gram tan for
retail sales. Gar stock being now heavy we aro pro-
pared to supply Grocers, 'lmola Sleamboatsond
dies with any quantity aad at any price they may wish;
pecker in f, I nod I pound peckagea, Slh. do cards.
tars, ti and 13 lb cony bone., nod Other cheat.
Remil Grocers are invited to call, as we can and
will sell better Teas at lower prices than any other
honao to Pittsburgh.
Our stock of fine. Young Upson, Gtuipoorder, sod Lt.
perial Green, and Oolong Black Teas are the beet In
the American market. ,
Lovering' doable; refined Lot., Crashed, and Pal.
iertled Suers, at retail, or by the barrel.
COFFERS—Stocha, Old Gov. Java, l.agaira, Supe
ale, and Rio Coffees, selected by the most experien
ced rodeo Broker in New York.
Sweet Spiced Chocolate, PickledCacamhers and
Onions, Ftvslt Peaches, pot up in their situ Jolla.
Mal am Raisins; in Zlb boxes.
N. All Ur . D. Jayne's Family Medicines for sale.
deee.d.k.wS A. JAYNKN.
BLEOLOAIs & 13138010eu. orkilii_
L , i'ir,s. No. OS, DIAMOND A.LLEY, a
1 -' !'" - ~ few doors below Wood street, mr,
4,...,,... I
P? t.."":-77'. '"
D 11.,, BROWN, having teen
^4 , ... tr,.1r4,...,,,, J regularly educated to ilia medic.'
~,..7.,, . .L=2 profivrtion, and been for some time
,„,' ~, , ,:,;x::,,.- . ..- 4 2-; to general . practice, now confines
1..•.,, , . ' , I. • his mention to the treat:n=l. of
:.--, ' •4. - .. -•••• those private and &tickle corn
,r,::. ..:?.. r :,.4 0 plaints for which his opporcorilUts
411 : :: !,.."..- and experience peculiarly qualify
..,2,.._ v il s : - ; ;;;.••• 'A him. II years assidnonsly devoted
ttiatr•74. =Mount of those comploints,(danng which
time he 'fins had more practice and Itu cared more pa:
dams ritotican ever NH to the hot of any private pray
Wiener) amply qualifies hint to 011ar egas.e.... a
„„,„„dv permanent , ,,eot, end satisfactory MID to allaglicted
withaii....„ di 5 ,,,,,5, and all diseases arising Morel
DT. Brown woaldinform those afflicted with privera
diseases which bars become chronic by time or agl
gravated,by the use of coy of the common nostrums of
the day, that thou compbutits can be radically mad thef t
°uglily cured; be having given his careful attention to
the treatment of such meth cad succeeded In htmdrede
of instances in curia% persons of inflammation of the
neck of the bladder, tindkindred diseases which often
rash from those eases *here others have consigned
there to hopeless dispair, 'Be particularly invites, each
an have been tang Mithunshecomfully treated yothai
to consult laths, when evarrxatisfacuon will begtna.
them, mid their cases treated an a cu.ful,thoronoilud
Intelligent manner, pointed out bye long experience
study, and DrleStigatlOn, which Dia impossible for thou
gaged m neral practice of medicine so give an
ono crams of d(seasa.
ll7liernia or Ruptoro—Dr.Srown also Metres pert
eons afflicted with Heroin to call, ashes has paid money
M. attention to thisdlnerlate, •
CANCERS also cured.
- -
Skin disowns; also Pi! s, Paley, elPispeedily awed
CM very low.
-Patents °fetal sod lieltigat • distance, by
staling • their disease in writing;' renng all the sy=A
tow, ono obtain medicines with threatens for use, by
addressing T. DROWN, M. D., postpaid, and =lasi
leg a. tea
Wager No. es, nutzwrid alley, opposite th 2
Elastrsuatart—Trr. Drora's casely distanced maw,
dp for Ahem:maws is a apeedy and certain Tartu* or
thatpainfol linable. It never foil. , ..,,., ~.., .. . .
°Mee' and Prisatc Coasalting: geom. thr,Witnu,
'lama alley, Piusharga, P. The ' , attar-W*l*m at
. .. : no Phr " <',q
GUM. y11.11.1111Tir..t% , 130 . ,
meow . likeir friends Lathe public tatt.)iliVAiii:.'
I o loam; !ury haturretirat math their late'etrt•hhiri,
Iheiltin Prim *cry_known tha the Pitudiurgh Ilitsteh tai
Ahmer teing‘ed,4 100110410 11Avont7
VlUMEY4. l a.Mificoh:. . fitTlEr4 tit:.
'_, {E_
z :.i