BY lIMINETIO t. 4 'RAPE • : r EL • :af4, Poe the Pllttsliliiihf;ititif O.satt•. DeitilioU4'ext. worth=chalera , San: Antonio. bra ;011izzcz,Iday 17,"P.; M. News Musical been received the: Major denet al Worth died at, Oda Antonia' , with the eigela; which epidemic pieezuls to a great , extent ett . diet place. Upwaid of one hundred diaiha had - taken place ,M a ate days'. , , - Thg high at 'New Orieitis.4 It is. reported that peraoniarc Catching lit th aueati. I The telegniphlido from'. Jackson to Baton Roogi.maa . prostrated by the storm of THE QUINCY BANK ROBBED.. ' Bosnia, May 22—P.M, J.., The Quincy Bank was robbed,,tbis morning, of $5,000 of het cam hills. APPOINTMENTS. Waturiae .•, May:22: W. G. Howard was appointed P at Pittsburgh, Pa., vice John Guthrie. • Andrew outtrie„Penainn Agent (or the WtUit ern District of Tennesee. NEW Yana, May 22 Seventeen bodies, io all, have been recovered from the wreck of the 11l rated steamer Etat4ro State, amehg which were three brothers, named Ladd. CHOLERA IN CINCINNATL ClNellttial. may p. During the twenty Hair hours, ending at floor,' to day, there were:ssveoteea new casig, and sigh deaths. - ------ - NEW YORILMARICET. POOP EXPORT. Maw You, May-22 Flour—Sales of Wetdern brands at 84,270 54,44 per bbL Sales of choice Worsen at,Ssgii 114,62 per bbl. Their is an improved feeling in the market. Grain—Salesof Ohio noted Wheat at 103 pet, bushel. Corn and other grains am without change. Motley Market—Money in more abundant, Five per cents ere in good request. The Gaeta of the city have in their vaunt; eigkt and a tialr millions of coin; the Sub Treasury over two nat lions. Crscueurt, May 2. F Tho market.; are unchanged. Buena le In good_ - 1 elemand. ',, - ; • Tau Caavasszs Nast New Oanestre-Ova4. now or a Feario on Crnr.—The No* Oe. leans Bulletin, of the llth, sayer Our latest now from The mamma at Sawed. plantatkus it. up to 6 o'clock last evening, - -when we were ingtrated, upon good authority, grata the piles bad been driven , and that the work Wonld be completeil lit about forty-eight hours, and Met bleachlaY . etaPped by this evening. In All lin,;•• miry We hope this to be true, though, to tell the truth, we have but faint hopes of it. At this timb the water is gradually rising, and has completely. submergedthe rear of the Second and Fourth - am* of the Beebrid Municipity. In many plum the water is miming ascribe Shell. mad in a torrent, and raining the canal in a very material degree.-;• Oa Wedirmday.night some. injudicious persons, with a view of inherits. , the Fourth end 'Second , wards, broke through the temporary levee erected . on the nortltisidei. of the canal, and let the 'Water thrwgh,wbiah iota nevyer.lended to some Cliatlasee into the Seventh ward. These bteacher, howev er, have onus beetunopped. At this times the condition of the inhabitants residing on Hereules street, srul' Me other back Motets,. is truly Phiable, and We yestardtny noticed the most extreme cora of distress. Waxy of them are poor, hard winking people r and acmes have not only lost their all,• but are enable to remove to a dry spot. On theupper galleries of sore eof the lonises, women and child ren were entreating for relief, who, in many "Looms,. WereWitlitmt the necessary ankles et . food. Thent easedemands an instant relief atlas handset oureitizens. What the 'damage already atommts to, Is - utterly impassible to say; whit will do if theicrevesse b o not Immediately stopped. I can hardly be conceived. In addition to the abo•re, we received late last night the 6:dkuving cheering communication Auto a gentleman, ahlre distimpashed for his saierailfie acqtarements sr an eng.meer, and: as a Mahler practical common mom The time is dated fern, the Crevasse et Wo'ckte.k.„:P. fd.., and says, as fol . There are two sten:idioms at the work, one employed In marrying bags of dirt and other 'ma tea:llls,ond the other to stand watch, in case ofw raft coming down, so as to tow it out of the way,. mutat= prevent a. repetition of the diaamer that: occurred last evening. The work is now progress ing hopeftilly under the direction of gr. '.Danber,: who has about 160 white menet work,the planters' , famishing near 500 uegratm to fi ll bags, etc. If no untoward accident occurs, , I am °fine opinion,' that, by to-morow nighe r asolid impression wdl bs y made in slopping tlm outbreak. an of course ma-. serially dim/Inaba:l the dow el water; in film, it is not increasing now by any means." The Delta same , Boats are freely plying through Benton, White,. Hercules, and Dryades streets. Dryades street market is surrounded by water, and tho boa gradually approaching the back streets of La fayette. it present the water is increasing at the rate of an inch an boor. It will probably stop at Apollo wee; which is the highest portion of the Mistucip..~ ality, being.oo a ridge: But, in the meantime the water, it-istO be -apprehended, will' back thniugh Melpomene canal, which is now filled to the brim, with a refluent tendency,.and will inundate Camp and other 'streets. This is upon the isuPPosition that the crevasse is Hat stoppea, and the flow of Rater checked. We tnuit, howe ver, that we base men thesworst. The kflowing is , ftom the same paper: The Critiaise ht thi Powder Dfo ring. -We aapin visited this scene of disaster last evoniegi and regret to say we found our wont anticipations. nearly realized. 'Since the opening in the 'levee was Gast made,the breach bus neatly doubled ita width, and was, last evening, from 130 to 140 feet wide. The water was much deeper than on the , mikes evening on the., neighboring Pi" ,991 ° 05, and had Made - Cita appearance on the rear' s if the plantations at the F.ogiish turn, outhe opposite aide of the neck. Operations were commenced about. 9 o'clock in the minim; to stop the crevasse, and. some pn?grimawan made when the bands left on for the The Balletinadds: The Crevasse new the '!Englieh Torn" has al- , - ready mined the crops on six °ref& niatiasione. If tux stopped within the coraing•forty eight hours, alltheline plantations in tho vicinity of the Messrs: Villay, Urquhart, Senjarnine, and Lacoste will be submerged. So far a crop equal to 1,500 hogs heads has been destroyed JOEtar ItYLEWSPOOIe 'I7..•CPRESSLY FOR SEWING.—The attention .of, .JCA Merchants is united to anew =ticker SEWING. RIM put up on spools, manufactured 14 John Byte, of Patterson.. New Jersey, .whteh from themany . advan tages It ?mamma over the.custemory , skein, must, be.: fore long, entirely sinpersede the we of it. .•• ; This silk is nendy.put la boxes of ciao doWn opoblu -tifly of which boxes, or 50 dos spools, are contained inane ease, ininably assoned for retailing. Among the; many advantages which this new mode of putting up Thkeadpreserna may be classed the fullowing,, , In.. The comnunet wastes no time in winding Or. reeling the. oilk tied suffers no loss in the tangling so cOMMOO to this operation, while the veentiout, trouble ordiseogaging the skeirr tO entirety avoided. at. Too country storekeeper unit have at the and of they, ear his unsold *tackle good condition whereas . in• retudnagby the skein, be hri& at the coda( thasessun, a loge qatahatyea intermingled as to be =tett , ' siortb4 ltd. The Salesman instead of losing. time es is lb ways the en*, In selecuag a eellatil,etelor frittla a par eel of hundred or mere skeins, Will require but d mo; mein nifind the speol of the shade - or cider he iale seasett at The quality of this silk is equsi to the ben Iboliotf ia itte market. The quantity own spool is warranted un Todd*, whichtis the Overage length of the ontinorY skein. That commands the tame pore, the Colon; bra welt askatted, and.kannot fail to snit oR pilkehosersj . beirgoltbe a:mown - satiety. For sale only br the ease, of 50 dna spools, hy WhL 11::RORSTNIANN te SONS / Solo No. 51 Nn^h Third St Philo. LOAP SIJCLAR--ZO bp 1171dbera 4, 6,4,1 Lear Sugar, or *differed rofinadie., in odor° atud Waldo lry . MUER & RICHICTSON, Fin 170 and 174 Liberty .4 (1113. 10 11141iiiiii.Slas Prim Cram, Pasts... V tend and for aide ler 21,17 SitaxErt &RICA - UPSON ajA1.1)3.-WIX) lb+ Sider, oadShouriany.fdairia on consignment and for sale by 50717 NULI,EI2 &RACKET . SON . _ SJOAO 011. , -30 :baskets lust kee'd and for sale • bi - EMT • SULLER.L - RICKETSON N ARI:I-45 461siaistile by ' 112 7/ 9 L - ' 8 P VON lIONNHOTtEr& CO _ the One Pitcosors, 17 easp of new itileßeregaiLavins and Cat:teem myI 9 SON /a Cbl. CLOVER 8/2,1D-6 Mb reed mod for sale by i , 13117 8 F VON IIONNEIOIIST k. Co TVONEY-2 os.S. Cobs tto.p. imitliTenlaiiii• llii d e by myl7 JAMES DALZEIA. ~..: GLASS -1 1 X , biz bob') and 10x1Y Glass, io state sill (or sate 6 mlB J 8 DILWORTH kg:* , g Fumitnni and Coach , o beat. V tient) , On etinalgriment, and will be sobt low, td T o_. plaist - tra — of unuiniicing ah - of - - new al splendid imit of Pianos, a lfann sm ilia nasatfac a of..Tanst. Chnaken, liosson—arnonts- than a insignifi ory cant .Rosaaixst 'Or Piano Porte. 7 octant. Atop, a snoalfr same Rano Pont, oclaVallf, carted rotewOod,oflho Eyle of 160.1. Xlv; .il:4 • 1:= 7, sad 11 - aCtIVILA taargalch the anention aL anis respectfully solicited. .1014 a; R. MELLOR. : Aggant htt Ohiskarines 'Plano Farm for Wait fricrOntagiattgas., • •r• a. cal:: Zali."4. GOMM; IMOD. _WZM ,_ . Satctrday; ' •11:; Mandilri • fru •—•i•-• ; • esda . • 7 •• j• V- iWilianesela -- y ;; •-- -;—•••••• •• • • • • 24 Rvid4r, BOAZgIOP TRADE C01.1312M46 TOII BLSY. d • 3e. DAt.zsa.z. . . - RA"nEii OF THE . , PiVrastinait menitivr, roi;mewscuipinnitaiirtze,lB49 iii.b4llnkultis been manifested 4ulitny the'week jast:alasOsNiiinf quoinlio" es generally 6 .4‘1 41 .0. 6 4 ImpwtcintYaijsdon fromepor last week ly Fzhiltal., re' 'the rivet has keptlnaa unaigehle order, but owing Ito fibe prevalence ',Cheitita in thef west, business on ""r One be"?" Mad mat of she aseamers engaged in the (roan been been compelled to In3t, : hence, the general dullness in oar market. We :are Out to• Plaintive, botirei'er,' that the • Cholers has abated. at Itte'different NAntabelow and sif. ; em en notnaged lb the belief, that bnialtss' with us'Will anon Miire amps!. , - • • By the Mutat end river Instistics, which we give to uter, it will be seen, that,..nefurishatunding the general 'dullness of Avery thin. Arai* amount of business has been done, tty* gliOce at ow daily latporrhsts by river, we Ita ratline ,Ve the risotto( receipti Cot the week yester day • • Floari,bble.. 4014, Barter, buS-• • tt% ° 1 t; ..... Bacoil; bbds 40d 0;',1 pes urea bee Pork, tiblv. JU boxes ..... •• • - 1.21 Iteerdsiedttes• •• •• • • 7 ekes 10 Lard, ero btsl b s' tts Baubts a k,gi, 19 Cbeesi,:ble Window Glass, tam 1 . 12 Flu Wed, Able itt sks • • ..... Lm 113 4.4 Whlekey, bbls 250 Admit Pearl, etka• • • 6 C•ka 1t Pot, - esks bbls 3 S;salts, csks- - • - U Tobacco, bhds ..... .. 2,50 li 1 ffs loaf,s e flockets,.dor ' . .. 111 Tobs, do: 97 Blooms, pes• FAX) Pig Irotous 111 Fl2lll, bales ...... •• • • 49 Roffillo Robe., bls••• - 356 Deer Skins, lls 79 Dried Apples scks• • • 75 • " Apples • ••• 19 White sand, MI. 1113 Shot, k L. 1 4 4 1 84— ....... • .T.lll egs Sugar, hbds ...... •• • • 410 ecathers,sks 341 f,lha principal articles of s point east on the Pennsyl die 16th of 7ilsy, inclusive I Pura, lbs 18,100 Whiskey, bbt.. • • 547 firocerias 141,6001 lbs• •• • rssoo Ag'z.r.l pro, th.• 30,800 °old. boa- 1,30, Feathers, ths 10,000 Wool, tbs. •••• • • • 6.2,411X1 lbs • ..... 7,000 li7c WoI, bl~ C o 4 bI 'Copon" bia=• LlldoU bbla: The following is a list. .commeree ihipped (mut thi ,utirtinDanal [rota the 9th o Tloar,.. bbfi....• 7,1119 Beef & Post, bbla 921 TObacco• a..- b —ll &30,190 'Hide* , tha 40,5111 tart, &is 70,500 COM& Ibi 72000 --.ltem,. &is... 210,590 1 faSkroc, the 34,390 The:tonnage of merchant] by canal, ',twin the week , lows := :Dry Gbodiri tbs• •• • mop* Pig Metal, lbs 174.609 khuderato; lbs. •• • 204,319 Blooms, lbs 493.300 Dmories, D.— • • 916,9X1 Tobacco manf, lbs MALI Coffe4 lb* ...... • • 510,1390 Liquor lb.%sou Fish, the 200,700 Cloy, lbs 97,00 This & Shoes, En 51,000 Sundries, tbs 55,900 'Tin, tbs• 11,400 Oil, lbs. 15.300 Forrilture, Its 41,40. Tar & Rosin, lbs • 5,100 Drags, lbs 10,400 Queensware • • ... • 96,003 . No.Of boats, amornit:oCitoonnge, and amount of erdi received at the Collector's Office, during ihe week end. :ing 001001 ay, May 19 ...—:,. No. Boats. Tonnage. Toll. .Ittandly •, • • 14 653,1151 0534,19 Tuesday 20 916,840 e 11,74 Wednesday ..... • • • ..18 012,445 101.12 Thursday Yd e 45,040 759,18 Friday 10 1 09, 5 60 110,34 'Soloed./ 16 517,112 406,4 e received from the east eitiling May 19, were as fol- o==Z=l ASHES--There is • good eupply of all mods in the market, but owingl to the fitafted demand, no sake to • any large extent have :been trtutiaeted during We -week. We continue to .quote regular sales in Waited lots as the follawing ourrentiates: Pearls 5124; Sal '; Pote4lasl; SeOrtehings 3 104 end Sod. Ash 51,64 e Ih. , ALE—Tbe market enniinues steady, and prices re. Main him. Sales are regalitrli sleeted from brewery at 1665V6,50,,caak Included. 2APPLEII—SeveraI lot 4 ofTteen apples have Seen ceived'hy river, and the market Is fairly anpplied with an article mostly of ordinary : quality. We may quote iales to it;modarate extent freymitore, atpriees ranging . from 75 to 6125 IP bbL ' BACON—During the past week, a better feeling h. .btaiited bt the market, With. a alight advance in prices, for the better qualities of City and Western cured, of which we quote sales ardonftling to some GO casks, at the foiloiring rides Shoulder, 41041, Sides 5;051, and Mimi an GBSGie fP fig vices mill looking op. Consid erable qtiatititiesof good; quality country bacon have been brought in, in loom:dela, which - in generally sold Cremator* at Ito 10 below the above figures. Salesof best quality Cincinnati sigare wed Canvassed hams, by . the tierce, atS/09e BUTTFR—The supple, itf roll . butter of ordinary cslantly aie quite fall, and the. market is d 0.1 17 With satall!salent, v.triwo , - ode oidlimiy at 9010e,ari; t eest n 111012611. lb, by the bhL Stiles in kegs may 11.11.- 4 gaited at SOMe Receipts are moderate. , . i.BEEZWAX—From nitre :we quote limited sale \i at !4E/L9c e lb. • • BROOMS—The market u moderately suppled at present, and farmer micas ace well sustained. The reg. ulax Mons prises range according to quality tram 01,50 to 82,50 ge don B 1 .001.1 S—No sales to any large extent have trans pired. War ton IS the ruling figure for best quality. BEANS—Of gout cle a r wtne bean, we note sales at We ba • EFIAN—SoIes from fired hinds are . astially ettroted d'Aloe, and (rem store ellleift2e fr Do BUCKETS AND 7 1 / 8 .9t. The receipts or patent Beaver hove been quite, full; and the market a now fairly supplied. Beleeof Buekets at BY;=,, end of Tubs, large . size, Sg do.: BATTING—The regular numeruturces posse of beating mop freoe to lge tit, for cowmen to best. CHEESE—Reeelpts of W B Cheese ore increasing, end supplies ere more ihointlard. We nota sales of gerod eontmort W B at 69j; of Cream ut le, and of Goshen et Si 8(e CANDLES—Revd= :itales of city sod Cinctona dipped atitc,of mould of 1011 and of Star camlleti • COPPER—SaIes or copper in cake tutit ingot, at Iv OPAIe, of sheadding at 27e, arid of old at Inelt9e C. COTTON—Recelpts [once been moderate, and sop. plies are light No saleS haste transpired, so far 11l we could lentil during On creek: COTTON YARNS.-Wa 4nd no change In own eions: The following is a tilt of prices MIMME " 11 to 13- " 800, NU, 1600. 6 °l4 IS Coverlet Yarn iii