The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, May 14, 1849, Image 4

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- -n-prinivrasitarfab - -Lom.
.. ~ Old Eanahlished Line. • '
rrproprietor of this well known Una of' Canal
ka t ta is now simpered to transporteestencers
~,,d F r eight to ell gonna ou the Fate i•lxteltrion, New
York Canal s sad the Lakes, aims the 'min favorable
terms and with despatch.
This Line rumba connentum with the sleartftioats
BRAYER and CALEB COPP., between ' ' , lnaba me
and Beaver, C Si Reed's Line of steam beets and vas
Deleon the Letea,ond the Troy end Michigan Lake
Boat. Line on the New Yor canal. .
C. ALATiED, Prinnietor,yrie,'Pe.
Bidwell & Brother. Agent., Belltre,
W T Mather. Agent at .1 Meokimm,'e Passenger
Odlee, Monongahela House, Pittsburgh.
CONSIONE—W C Malan, ;sharers: J E &El Hull,
SharPributtc....:mith le Deturtung, dw J It Plummer,
West Greenville, , Wiek, %oath . ar..Co. dm Wm Co. Henry,
Hartstowa Deals& Sathap, Buffalo' Darner, raw, k.
Co; Sandithk
. 1; Jet A Arirthttong, Devon; Kirkland A
New labehaTgerri tirClurn & WiL lune, Mllvveu.
1 :2
ki.; .. ?Surrey & Datum, Racine; Joh.a BE tuale,
ChiLeavri 'Wheeler ir.C.O. New fart. apt
Pitt*, . 7gh
-1014 Stairseille Packet Line
„ 77 .,.. : .= r ,..
j. .1849,
riculivaLsr ',:iigsril'ufveq'tterVolbt.w..,,.4 2.1
spiendid Packetlimite to Ton during the Iteasois, be
tween Blikliavllleand Pittebergh—the boats to be tow
ed bt three Misc., end - every every effort =dew accom
modate peek:tent ' . - ' .• .
Elltralettriage,—Boats will leave Pittsburgh every
?Sendai, Tuteday,•Tharsday and Friday, Cr :o'clock ,
r. fa From Blair ,
every Monday, Wednesday,
Thundayand tiaturday. at Yo'clook,e. AL, and arrive
at Pittsburgh the same day-- A two' hothe Mack from
Indiana will meet the boor trilalteLergh. loth en up.
ward and doemurardtrip..apitulog'pesseaau.thrngh
from that place in one der • . . , • .
Freight for the above Line will , he reeeore d I " the
hosts -of the Boannen'• Line, by Jae Patten A C 0.,,
who are oar authorised Agents. All frlit received
free of commithieria . , 1 21.. MARSH .L A. Co.
Ego F . tr, o, L
• Crown Dew Liberty lit, Pat.borgh
A Hack !mites Blairsville or Youriginown on the
arrival Of t —renthns lb boat in,cnordt,g. Pa, re
from Pittsburgh to Youngillearn fh:-.4ecelvial et office
of Boatmen , . Line through.
_;_.• • • eßtedem
PlTTlinintallilititailLEUOWearlif — M
ligEilt2 IS AtfikW.
Foch, T o e e , rag ID u eron
• . MOW, 11.1111tIDOrl. Philadelphia. .
Turns fr. O'Colmoe. Pittsburgh. • .
PHIS old esrabliehed Litre being new to full opera.,
I Coo, the prOprietors are prepared with their or
extensive arrangements to forward laiereltrindlse, pro
duet, do. to and fromthe above porte,an [there/ terror,
with the regularity, despatch and safety peculiar en
their =XI, of ' trans t criatiou seobvious, when tn.,-
shipment Co the wa avoided. .
gall ecatignmenu y and far this line race wed, char
gas paid, and forwarded many required Sanctions free
of charge fin cOmmiesiort. advancing or storage.
No &aura; Orectly or indirectly, m steamboats.
All ommounmattortspremptly encndcd to on ariPhaa .
tins to the follogriar meanie: ..
THOS. BOSBIDOE.I7I Market st, Philadelphia.
TA.AFFE &Olt aMtNNOR, Canal Ravin. Pittsburgh.
CPCONNOR'fr. Co, North at, Baltimpre. melt 24
---- TEriVI'M E N2O - L'IN E . ri.:
PM the Tranutortationafittercunitin. qet.veen
Good. iblpped by this Liu; see earned in four
'vecuon Potte Boats.
TREsubacrllsera having made nrrangeruihns is Ouse
of► want of State Treeke at Columars, to buye
their goods forwarded over tbe Railroads m cars. to
as to avoid the detention that Las heretofore occurred
for the want of Trucks. Shippers will find this to their
sdvuunaga. No charges made fdr receiving Or ship
pipe, 01 for advancing charge.. Atl goods 'forwarded
with despatch, and on as reasonable terms at any oth.
or Line. .JOHN FARREN Cr Ito,
aorncr of Ceuta ind liberty ft, Pittsburgh.
FRETz A. Co,
=Meat XtriNleaket sµ Phiindelphln.
.-sF---;-; 1849.
/max BiAeQax r I .Tern. me aax r
W. 8121011.131, Jaws Doer.
Condeeted on enact gahlitith-keepirix
PPrCr#l l of this 'old eetablithod. L.hc hare
t the pock in the inns! coropiele order. and . we.
DlCOashlrprepared to fur:rani Produce Mardian,
duet to gad fteta the Eustern cities.
We g alil that our our experience in the earrying
lotudaess, and 7.eolone attention to the intereal• of eu,
mart, will secure to us u Conanuanen and increase
of the patromo hitheno extruded to Buteham - s lrine.
. Oar siMingematits enable as to carry Freight
with the When despatch, and our lateen char: dwuyo
be as low as 1/O'lOAll3. cheerer by other reetwoatble
We have opened on °thee tre No 11l Market hied,
between th - suid Sth sts, Phllado. for the canoe:donee
f Pl ih jace end hietchandise will be moored end . for.
warded, East and W. at, orrAltout any c harge for for
warding, advancing freight, et:stage or comtnlcelori.
Bills Luling foreronled, trod every direction
promptly Mani led to. .
Address, or WSI. BINGHAM,'
Canal RUM, CO; Liberty %Sap, io, Pitortrergh.
.1311VCO11ANS k DOCK,
No IP3 end WO Market street, Foi.oda.
No 122 Northaloormi street, Beldmore
Mehil No 10 West street, New York
Pen osylvaretssCiasl ititirlaciad-iiix
promiXast Packet Lliae,
itthEall 18 0 1 ft '
(Exclusively for Passengers.)
BRlstblio are tespectfull y inforteed that t ad
conmience running. on the lath lust, and con-
Ls throughout the Season.
The binda are new, and of a sopetior elms, witien.
Luged cabins, which will give •greater -comfort The
can are the latestconstraelion.
A beatviiff alWay• be in poicanid tiavelern are re
. nuestedto tall and exmainottlenfbeinte miming pus
aogeehiewhete.. -
are only Mai through 4 One of die boats of
thin Line will leave the landingtopposite U. S. Hotel,
earner of Fenn Street and CtinaLLervery night et Mae
dock Time 54 days. For informatiop, apply et the
OfIle& Monongahela Home, or to D LEECH & Co
mehl7 Canal Basin
For the Tranfportatudi 'retght 10
tUSINESS on: Canal being now resumed, the
Proprietors of the above Line respectfully inform
publie - that they are prepared to receive and for
ward Freight with despetch r and at lowest rates.
They would also call the numnien of. shippers East.
ward to the fact that the Beats employed try them io.
transportation c , &rena
. med by diem and commanded by
=of 1 Meat tain in Balk Will find it advantageous
to ship by this Line, as the mthsenbers have madam.
rangameoui at Colemhio to have such freight for Did.
Moore bande
wie handling.
d directly front boats te eon , , thereby se.
• Freight to Philadelphia goes clear-through in the
boom . . . .
No aerie made for receiving ',hipping or advancing
thaws. KLE P/N P,
Canal:Darin, 'Sevenrop netore
th Meet
AGENTS—Tohn A. Shaw. Cincinnati ' ; Jr.. Mc,
Calla/eh & Co. Enloe/ore; Jim tqcel & Co.,C
phiat Pranciii A Thoemi,Celembie. mch3l
PIr.IINEITIAYNIA CAN/1.1,.t u..' Romps,'
1849. M i tia
• 1000
Pittthtergh to Pheizetelpkia and Baltimore.
HAtelosively for Paseengere.)
THE public. Ire rerpeetfutly Informed Martins Line
willcalomeleemnningonhlooday, 19th March.
The boats of air, Line are of a roperior elne., with
enlarged cabins, 'which will give greeter comfort to
boas will eitievle be in Port, end traveler are ',c
ontested to call and examine them before engaging pas
sage by other mates. They, will leave the I andip a, op
getaitelhe U. Hotel, corner Penn etreef and • Canal.
every night at 9 eelock. ,
4iege-31 Days.
• For infatteletion, apply at Me Mime, atononaabele
Vlor to D. LEECH & Co, Canal boaa
—The orr . i2o i rLet
f lbo a b ove, Line are now
lylton of ru di ne In, in connection th t 9
the as
10 ,'
vatila Rail Road llom Lemisiotan to Yhiladelonin. ktl
Museum •packet leaTe carry =ming aml ctn.
lag. Time Womb, 2i day,. • meta
.r LINE.
EWES 1849*:
~.,_7_erthelturspOrtatiiirt of naerenenotte,•
GOODS 'carried. on
no Llne nottroooldppod
ber". o -PiUsiguEtx nod Plitiladelpala, being dar
ned In four reetion Tunable Donis over land' a
toll—to shippers 'or meretuthdize rerittiring , .o.4.ful
handling, On. In of 1112p0111q1Ce.. No ehhree made for
Steering or e hipping, or for 'advancing charger Alt
goods forwarded with di.pntch, owl on nt rensonlble
wino as by COT other Low.
Coon! Penn Plmsburgrh
4./tS ht DAVIS Co, ,
marl , 137 Market & Cornmercetr,
IIdeF&DEN &-Co, niranxnlintr and. Commia.
don Motel:ants, Canal Boaki, Penn
•-. . ,
LAMES M DAVIS It C Fioui Factors and IConunts
' Merchants, TV t.d , 511 Catatnercl a s r trant,
byWait of theabove on Ft t ant,.
Attip, A sauces madee
oetand other tnerchantSza
1i,. , ,`-tt - trallAl • '
.. . .
..,.-- • • M 1849 • a,--- - :::: 5!---
~....w,, , ,,••• „, .
er.,....,.. , •Tranisp o rtatlCla adote. -
~ : ', , -. . !:,..:, 4 VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL AZRAIL . ROADS,
Canny and Rail Ronda being now open, and
In good orddr, ore nee prepared to, fororanl -all
k de of aterchandue and produee to Philadelphia and
Baltimore, with prornetssere and deopateh, and on 9s
food terms ou any other Life. '
• C kftIeANULTY•er, Co., -
. • Canal ntillill; Penn at, Pittsburgh.
jaws-CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia.
mo`47 ROSBMORRILL & Co, Baltimore.
.alkaos 184 9
illatravuto,,lolinstocan, 11.olltday.burgh, and •
- - altlinteraiediato places. •
Line will:conuaae to carry all Way Good.
1 ) . : ,--F. with their usual despatch, and at fair rare of
A. AVANTILTir I CO, Pittsburgh. .
..M l . 4 ataas lordaa,Staith arSinchur, Dr F
.SiLlierNaVr... - R,llkrrrylohn Parker F ion Bann.
• ~bccivjgGrriVirtrLeharior tc , Co, Ino arDevill Gros,
~: , .I.4l.birtatobalvary;itutalt, Malicia/1 Ray.
431111111111. and' 'll:lplOlMPiiie7let lane.
~, , ,:,:,4 it, cl, EARK94-116iman•Proimiurr.. - ,
MHZ now lend etegant Patultger.rattet.. , , i t
.• ', - -,I, , IIITAGIIRAL ; .- "
- -;; . t
.; •t; KE-ERIE. , 'ta
-.lit; itHilell in eif .;•
- ;,PENNSYLVANIL •MT mb tlr . l i
QELig crrr -. .1,2401 r, 4il
• ;, -0 , 1?;
: ~..., . Yowling PAO" age betstk 13e1.0r.:Inti Priei-taviii
. -.. coisumneedttuuttsg . , 84. I.couti,mttedurlbolut iiedo:
sant* nutkailrefroestanx. Ps; imtiog;liehvoton,, ,
the itipiyalpt ifta Eartntitlybpirfrou4;P lettitiOt,cd 0A
. - glue*, tr. it j.artd . arriye-ticThie,irill.tW„ r pautngoo
, ...w.takeiJelttorm4 bat* iffe;1311110.1i: , dm I.4.lrzei
'' , ' '' ' 'ffeketi through to Erie slit eel,' .talr Le:.
Lad by application to .10k01 . 4 ,4•0 f.. , En • Agi t . •
• conic, of,Vgista • 111504 ate
*GI ' .13 KECK, .
in . ,* di g.. lades hotel
.. • • -
. original, only true, ardiennitte Livet.l9ll.
B Funcractia,-Ohla
March 2/1/1/, JAW.
Me. EL E. Selina: Dear Elr—l think it a ditty . I ova
to Toasted to the public. genera iy,loatue that I have
been afflicted with the LtversCamplaiot for a long
addedad so badly that an aliceas forme,l arid broke,
Pood left me in a very low male. Having beard of
2 celebrated lover Nils beam for sale by A II
8"-i l i4 and recommended to me itt
Inc physician, Dr. It Smith, I concluded to give these
a Mir trial. I parchated one box, emit found them to
be mid what they ere recommended, THE BEST LI.
lone taxes
I End the disease hat entirely lee am, and an now
P""qUY 7" ' it° "` thwY 'III COLEMAN.
ky r :. utterly, March 26, lean
• I certify that I net personalty acquainted wits Mr
Oedema% and eau bear testimoby to the truth of the
:theme certifieine. A R SFLARP
•• Toe genuine Liver Pifts are prepared and sold by
R E Sgt./ 'nu No 57 Wood meet, sad by dreggiste
in the two eltir s.
TO THE PUBLlCoriginal, only true and gen
nine Liner p i ll. are prepared by RE Seller., and have
his name stamped in black wax upon the ltd or each
bog, pod hia a meatere on the outside wrapper—till
°them are coatuerfeits, of base imitations.
apt° R Ell_rcprielor
ETA; J Of Ws criamMTIVE n 1,1.8.14 2.
ROM the Rev ASA SHINN, a well known andpop
ajar Clortraman of the Protestant Methodic Church
The underlay:Led having bees aillietedrinrirot limp=
unite with a disease ofthe stomach, sometime. Oro
rinetrig greog pale in the stomach foe tenor twelve bean
antigun Intectnission, and after having tried rations
remtfiltcs will little effect, was famished with n bottle
ofpf 13.117eLe*Ctrutinative Salatao` This he used ac.
kandiMilutttedireatiorohund found Loverintaf Ihattbis
medicine eimnedthe pain tostine,itt three or fonrmis
ales, and in 'fifteen or twenty mlnuteseeery Imees77
sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine was at
terwardsoeed whenever indientfortaor the approach et
painwereperceaved, and the pain was thereby prevent .
ed. 'lit continued to use the medicine every evening
and sometimes to the =mina, and in a few week,
heuithgvaa so far restored, that the at:Ureter was relies
ed ethos large entount of oppressive p.n. From e
perience, thereby; he can confintly recommend L
Jayne 's Carminative Deiratn, non salutary medic ti t
dteeasett °Win stomach and bowels. A /MINN()
' Allegheny city, jydt
For saloin Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STAR
Id Fourth street, near Wood, and also at the Drug
'Store of H P SE M WARTZ.'Vederal streett as A Iles, .
Great English lietacki
.FOl R loott fis A , N
C I3 I AI,I A T IU 'I r' W..44 ,.' f ' t:r " We P eu u° re ' of T il ' s .
• above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of
London, England; aintihdrodneed into the United... Smirk
under the immethateanklerintendenee of the inventor*"
The extraordinary sticCe.} s of this medicine, in LK
cum of Pulmonary diseases, wnrmnts the Amerman
Agt-rit in soliciting for treannem the worst possible ea
ses that coo be found in the ebmmuntry —ease. that seek
relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the
day, and have been given ilp by tho most disunsuisheti
physichms as continued and incurable.. The Hoop:rt.
an!Ralttutm has eared, ind will num, the moat desperate
of 'case. Ills no quack TtOar‘O., bat a stmaderd Eng.
bah medicine, of known and established eftiemty,
Eveiy family in rho United States should be supplied
with Ruchno's Hungarian Bahama. of life, not only to
counteract the conirumpnve tendencie. of the climate.
but {pi, sand as a preventive medicine to all eases 0 ,
ottfida, koughs,.spitung of blood, pain,lsi the aide and
eliest,'lrritadeca and soreness of the tangs, brochltis
Ift' entry of berating. hectic fevek, night sweats, <ma,
a on andtenerui debility, asthtna, their's', WlisMpl'ip
ea Vl ' licg " Mttles, mgt per bottle, with full diree•
dens for the restoration of health.
i n
Pamphlets, containing a nous of hhigltsh and Anacti.
e certi fi cates, and other evidence '
showing the on-
e sauna merits of this great Phlglish Remedy, may I it
o tai t* of the Agents. gratuitously. '
:For ale by 11 A FAHNESTOCK & Co, comer of
21 and Wood and Wood nodal, sm. marn
j .
. • TIM GEM ti
, tscrtre Yon
Ilonsumption, Coughs, Colds Asthma, Bronchi., LIT
, er Complaint, &dung Blood, Difficulty of Bread,
I fog, Puin to the Side and Breast. Prilptution or
the Heart, Intlocua, Croup, Broken Cod
solution, Sore Throat, Nervous Debit,
tyr,and all DiseiSes of the Throat,
Dream end !Henan; the most el'
factual andaperuy ouns
ever known for any al
the above Murie
-1 es, iv
•DR. SAVAYNTirbt.:
eartiOtraid ElTralp of Wild Cliarty‘
Thu medicine to no longer furlong Mot, of doer.] It hent sed away from the thousands lady
lunched ape e tide of expert:neat, and now atolls
higher in repel don, cud it becoming mons extensive
ly used than any other precaution of medicine ever
I.ruclueed for the relief or marring mall.
.It bars been introduced rep Fneregity through the
Untied States end Europe. and there are few towns of
imports:nee but what contain some remark able evi
dence of its good effects. For proof of the fore,-10
irmtetuents, and of the ulna and etheocy df. thin ..",..
the proprietor mill Blurt n from tar th e um y inou
,sand testimonials which bane Leen piesented to h iih t,.
noon of the first tespeetabilay—men Who have Lighlr
rimy,a et moral reipanstbilsty and version. than to oe y
(lily to (eta, because it will do another a layer, and
,n,,y....lrecg tie injustice. -Sorb testimony paavo eon
, Otiosely, that its surpridug excellence m est... Wished
by its intrinsic Merits, and•idGa - unqueationahle author,
, y of publiii opinion. The leatanmoemis relief it al
, fords, and the soothing ingdence flawed minuet thi.
mbole frame h y Ms ' use, reader, it a Coot sigrrero ,
remedy for the Maimed.
. .
. -
"When men, acting foam couscieutrour impulses,
rolltandrily bear testimony to the truth, of a thing, or
.parttenlar fact, sash testimony, being contrary to their
!are:ldly interests end purposes . , coerces conviction of
Is truth, and commends itself to a special manlier to
cuiversaretcderreen---41'llogan's Nlonsl Maxims.
STILL. ANOTEILX Con or FuLanuarth airearrov—
Them:lever was a remedy that has been as••ful
. desapettle Cases of Consumption, as Dr. no
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. /I strengthens the
system, and appears to heal the deers on the longs, ,
creating new ysr-v.o. by
Aber medicine.
enema Coy Apnl
Dr. Sampan—Dear Sin I verily behove Your Corn-
Round Syrup of Wad Cherry has been the means of
saving my life. I caught a severs cold, which gradu
ally grew worse, attended with a severe cough, that
'wasted all the remedies which I had recourse to, suit
creasing mail toy ease exhibited nil the symptoms of
Puhrtanury COnsotoption. Every thing I third seemed
u.have se effect, and my complamt increased so rapid
,y that friend* aa well as myself, goVe up ell hopes of ,
sty recovery. At th is time I A,11.11 recommended try ;
your invaluable =whether I did so with the most haft
rytesults. The first bottle had the effect to loosen the
tough, erasing rue to eXpeetorate freely; .W by th e
Imo I had used six bOttlen,l was entirely well, imd ars
Law ill hearty A rain ael ever was in ray Lite, and
would bat appy to give any Information respecting my
case, that other stamens may derive the benefit for
wtuch lam so grateful. For the truth of the above
Chests you to Fete,. Rasa, Groeer, West
Cheater of whom I purchased the medicine.
Res y yours, James Moans..
Wonderful' Cave of a ildirthaviirtignisrisr.
Dr. SamYne--Deur Sir I feel a debt of gratitude ear
a yult—and a day to the Maimed g.erslly, to offer
my bumble tr.stbnany in favor of year Com po und Sy
rup of Wild Cherry. Some thr. Tears since I was
violently attacked with' cold and 69ammanon of
Lungs, Which was 'accompanied with a distressing
rongh, rain in the "bream and head, a very ea.idera-I
ale.silisierge of offensive-maims from the Mugs, espe
cially upon change of weather, however slight. A,
Anal fellers idarm about my condition, but wide preuy
moo convince mm I was rapidly going into mum..
ion. I brew dalbt weaker and at length was scarce
ry able to walk about, OT 5T6.11 111.01 , 0 WhiSper Toth
ens the exceeding weakness of My lungs. 911/iPg , t h is
Eli. 1)44 tiled various preparations and prescriptions,
put fo.d no rcfier—gmwiug all the date worse
bare I waeadviseil and pentuaded by a dear friend in
Wilmiugton to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cl,-,.
most confess that previously I had been prenr•
diced enamel patent medluncs . and I oat stall RbTMO.I
:how coi ning not of 1114 hand. 01 cmperie, but under•
iI.OOPEOg: yotty claims to tharafesaiers,and pructice of
medicine and teeing l.plisat faith in the saying of my
%ends, ?forthwith purchnsed or Dr. Shaw, ono oryour
e a se L a fere bottler, and commencedlls ass. Sly
a watt tithed time of 990 r 25 months' standing, eon.
scquentlY It moo deeply oared. I found, however,
cousiderb relief .from the than of the first faux or five
bottles. lint being a public speaker, I frequently at
temptoete preach with my hicrcamag strength, .d
utereby ruptured those vessels that had already begun I
to heal . in this way, doubtless, my care or. greatly I
tetardcili In consequence of acting thas imprudently,
hail to i.e twelve or fifteen bottles before 1. was
=Stored. I have q.sunn, muc nallOT
amber of bottles would have
ma woad, bat kir
Me-above lad/scree. The Syrup allayed f,„„
, is h aeon, taci t, aw ay Me distressing cough, put a stop
in the discharge al matter from the' lungs ' and gore
hem and the snit system good health. I have defer
ral offering used certificate 'dull now, for the purpose
if being perfectly -satisfied with the permanency of the
cart, and now that i feed perfectly well I offer it with
Pleasure: Sao. I. P. JOITO •CC. -
Important Caution—Bea& Rearff
There ts but one gent:tido preparation. of Wild Cherry
and that is lir. Swarm's, dot brat ever offered to the
p . tiblke, which has been sold largely throughout tht.
Utak& static and seine pans of Europe; told all pte
paratione caned by the name of Wad Cherry have
own putout since this, under cover of moms decapuve
eltuurattauces, In order to give curreucy to their salts.
By a Ilule observation, no person need mistake die
pogo* item theridsc. foch bottle of the genuine is
enveloped with a boati r
tiful steerenginving, with rite
signa t ur e, Pea a thereon; also, Dr. Swaynets
signature, and at further security, the portrait of Pr.
Swayer will he added berealleroo as to distinguish
bit WV:Mai= from oil other. Now, It it won riot 101 .
the greet curative properties and known of 0 , .
Swarte t s Compound Spray of Wild Cherry, persons
would not be endeavoring to give eurrency to their
clitiout 1101.1Y1Y191^ by stealing the name of Wild
ch e m. R e m e mber, elvinys bear 114 told the twine
of Dv Swayne, and be not decrived.4i , . •
Oates, corner of Eighth; Rico Wert",
Philadelphia: •
For sale wholesale and retail by 00 es SNOW
DEN, roe he and Wood au; i ll A pAIINEsToc, k.
Co cot tat and Wood, hod . and : Wood son OtiM
r lomat market st; S JONES, I.6o.:Liberry tt;
• A.jripiapor Bawl and Penn sts'4oH2tl DUTCH
ELL, Allegheny city, and by'o.ll '<timetable dealers in
ritedieine. . peril
. .
PE , 2OILANT u .up.ri n. all other retageliee
,r;deryhtyt:eateuaßtleta, Bianthitts, A allele, and other
taxi eatetiealos tlut the tame penoto commtorell ths
or 11 in their Mod'. ten an din Mr.' ali
. 3ther remedies of the kiwi; and Irrlmc . 0 7 Ito,.
to try ether preparations they hove almost /amiably beta
m tostithrg the betmEtt erhieh vrago rraernabiy
tr i t i rTpate from the high pralses beg:awed by the prepratert,
and We Mame:lto the of Aerasm!Earturrette in . , es
a p =l , l w ihat .r
b b r ,
u gums, w railect tb reliere Wee, an/ vrhlth
Peipared only by'Da,..ll4l2`77=pu., 'oold 01;
le 7 m7 b 7 ALEX. JAY CIED
,dne/Xklattelf h i Fohrth 01.
. Dr. W. P. Inland's Premium Plaster.
DDgW. P. I.NLAS,PD, of the Medical College bf Mal
agelphia., now offers to the public no Indian Vcg
etabla Pram= Plaster, the qualities of which, eller
long and tried experience, hns been sanstactonly es
tabliihed. 'Po all yeomen who may be sitheted with
Prolapses /Atria or Fallen Womb, he recommends his
plaster, guaranteeing a sure and speedy core in th e
short spate or (font two to thee weeks, if applied with
care sietrrekt=tllseardlng all the countleee amW.IM
pl i
end ex ' bandages so long on use . Phis he feels
eoltheistai st=ing., Inosraueb no he has not faded
M ono e at of "three hundred and fitty-three pa
dents. • , '
Also for Rhaetian= and Weak Dream or Dark, m
tended w ith pabljthereris no to excel this Plane r
In abi dingradar effectinga time., For We by
L Wilcox, corner of• Diamond and market at
Ilratiate Reiter," Libcriyand St. glair ids
Dr:.l Sargent " Federal st and Diamond, Allis.
ghersy city
Jampoia k Co, u Denman and Diamond Dinning-
Inun. ion
T. Druggist, No 57 wood
MoriSßtaptr[&n,tt, has Jut received 200 dcre4l of alio
DeMiti.printand• SuraDst Medicine. , •
~.;Toycintient Shined recollect that R E Sellers i ore
'Agent fat Dittsbargh, and M Curry for Alleg heny
aps -
PIREP •I?IWNW-so Mils Piro Proof Punt, o
-*drab %alai, teed mid kot sale the paint war--
ha:de of - , :',::::l,kli_r#l l 4 4 PS , 6 wood o
~~:, r -:
. D 0 NV MAEfit Dila
cawrotiew SZTA.4.7 OP
Wooster .ad Blcarmg . dtpc
The mow a etraordlurr .le4letehlin tfie•Wortil
794 Katmai ts pod . ,Qttart Bottles:
U Mauer, pis.a.l , er,sad miamwilted as
perdu to asp ref. Ft 6.E.,
esesitindi tweeitestadr
or Ma
f l ete 4 et.
The peat beret] and . site•iarlty of this Barsaparilla
ovu ell other moillehma q till whilatt oradleatasthe dis
use, 4 lavigorstes Me tuft. It is one of tbe eery best
eraisa,AN,b Wlldrn. • Mr.DICINEN
P.m.. known it dot only per'es the whole wawa, and
tiutiirdieu puma, liett it • • —um out put
!Lob : • power rioureaut biefi ult. medicine And Brie. t
tole liu the greed bent . ha weasterl4l roamer. It hat
performed within the last two furs, more Mu 100,000
rues of sum eases of Abeam ; U taut 15.000 were
tomadelid Inenniblo. It ku eared the hue of more
than 10.000 ebildrem awing the two put mama,
10,000 cares el General Debility and
want ot riervoue Energy.
Dr. Torriusend'a Elana_pazilla invratea - tins whole
system permanently. To thows r ho have hut time
tunsenlatemaryy by An .(beta at medicine or indiscre
doe ansunituvel In youth:or dui *zanily. Indnlyence of
the paeans, and hrooyht oa a yenenl physical mauls
eau °ldle nervous aystens lasaituda, cant of ambition,
tainting •anaationa premature decay and decline image
Ise towards that fatal dims., Coneunistioa can le ea.
urely restored by. Ma plenum remedy. This Bane
parilla to far superior to any
Ilevigormting Cordial,
Al it mown and ttrigartiu tb. system, give activity
to the limb;
_and strength us dm muscular onion la a
mot t sevaandinvy.degres.
conentoption Cared.
Wean. mut StreariAaa Ctrataalptiaa tan it curet
Brenekriet Ossanuaptsma, Liver Ocesplaist Cal&
Catarrh, ()earth Asthma, Spleeny of
&nun es tea ClAwiet, Henan Pled, !fill.
DiAeodt Prefhae itsyrselsr.
net.; Pens in tl. nith her
to.. to H awed.
Irmo York efarli 49111.541.
DA Tonuaden—l rung bans that yew Benx i
Ala hem bun the means, thumb Proeldatau el ea
my Ufa I !au (by anent yam had • had Cough. t
hammy trans
and emu At lot I rabadlarge gaud
dee ef Ueed, had eight !rank and wan pailly deli&
nut and Maud, sad did 11111111p2412 IS Hu. I hare
may aul year BasupariDa a Uwe time, kat *ere kw
a auaduftl shangs bra inughl la ma. lam my
co walk aft •1111, the atty. I lake ae Mud, sad
thanitheeag6 la
a a
te lea
e a
m a&
w Iran hue. Out I am / alts.
Female lierifeillea
Dr. Tersesad's fissupailla esunia mad sputy
ea* f. Classaiptas, lirrause, !ream
Masi, or st Wady Outivaue Nu Les.
nless, es Was. admit/4 aidllabrlfssarms
tles, lasordinesse of tibia of kola diseases
theresf. ad (es
pans' pr.:rata,' the system—
mo .40an the rash el Lamm aao or maws,
u s e d
by hayalarity; Mao n sable's. Medan
b. 0.1•111 . use. las Its teritendla shifts
I. haus fuse.
.Persou a 0 ...atlas ad )
tskisgA eau hum* ream sad of
ellsryy ado Its I.IOBIUIS, lessordlaely claurosse
th arrests.a ef renal. frau. whale le the frau
ta.e at Bananas It will set H sed .1 a a
uses of a dalluts • luau te • t sersillutse si
uses performed bat ws sears as akali, am
e sands duns bars bees reported to a Thema.,
.1 eau wars' ila hue r.w wtthost
Ow oda st firer hada .1 tale deniable =Weise,
'AU bus Masud with Ise, Eder) , olfsprag.
To limbers sad Married Imam.
mu ext...we eh.sykri4., hoe Ben losluoay
Marta to raferenne to =Me compistan Ns mauls
no has season to miring .h• laapproeshisti list
tritiol pe m riod, • Tla tore if Bre ehmild notelet to
take la tea eattaht promulgator ay of lb.
omen. hoMbla dinanor to whisk remain an
catgut ol Oil time all& Tido period may ha ala
i/rya for onnral pun hy satyr lids oimiletat Noe
to It lea Manic flis ana approaehlag vo
manhood, u It la calculated to =let man, by spilda
ening tho land .ad to «.p the notem. Indeed,
Mu median* to invaluable for all the delicate din.
whirh mom an Robina
lt brutet the whole eyelet, resew., permanently lie
ene.rpet. remurnag the impuritim of tie
body, ma. farelienulaUng as to rirreitme sultsenuen.
nlnotint obicb u tbo can et meet tonicines taken he
female weaknam and diva... By Mos a fen boN.. oi
this medmine, many more and painful sinks! opera
den may be pregnant
Oremlag to Mothers and Children.
• It 1* the *fort 'and Man edinetnal medicine for purify
tug the oyster, and raining the suffering. autondeot
upon child-birth row discovered, le moorhens both
the mother and child. mien* pain aad disonse.
cre•sumod enrich. the food, those .be have toed It
think 11 la ludiopaenable. It Is highly rueful both before
sod Wier entwinement, am It preatuda dimmer. attemlont
upon childbirth-1s Costirenese Pile. Cramps, Pored-
Ina of die Pam, Dimpondency, Heartburn, Venni**.
Pain in the Beek and Law. False Patna Hantorrhaire
and in regulating the aentretione and equalising do cir
culation it has ao mind The gnat basely of this
medielne * it la alvay. oath, Lod the most dalicata use
k moot sancomflally, eery few easeu terietre any other
medicine in name • 11111. Cuter Oil. 0 , ll•geonia 1.
metal. Ezereisa In the ern dr, eta light food with
thla medians, will always anave • taf. std sary cos
notamby Magi Health.
Canoed., Chant, mad a variety of preparations gano
rally le tat., who...piled to tha flare, eery won it
of it, beauty. They sloes the perm of the AI, and
cheek Um eltrulmion which, whoa nature iv oat thonez
ed by disease or powder, or the skin intim. by the
Mk alba dad in soaps, beautifies Its own prod... Is
the " hum. fans Sides," as well as In the ranien ol
nal and dalimmely tined atsd variegated flotsam •
free, active end bealthl CimMatitan of Mu finiths es the
evonvizg.or Me pure, rids blood to tie est/emit., is
that which paints the etaantananes In the moo ..y I.
nu toady. It la that which Imparts the insieserik6le
shades o.d flukes of lovellema that all admire, hot
ado dm describe. This beady Is the drawing of a.a.
the mat afirriaddr or fey. If there la ant a tr.. and
healthy circalatioz tharl la no beauty. If Ms lady I.
fhb ut driven new, if she paid, cad ass emonatins,
and tha blow!. thick, geld sod hams Me La not he..
tiM. If akt. M brown al Ele., and Mars is pave and
and. Mood, it lie. a fob Mode to the cheek.. sad a
brilliancy to thob arm tbse M
Th. is why to soution ans 6 7=y the Bps.
lab ladles eve ao muck rod. Lodi. In the north
who usl. but UMW cure" or Ks moldhima in eirim
mama co have moiled their outplssieo by lb. appil
cation of deem.. mixtures, it May wish to re.
ran *Latium of Map, buOyant spirits, apultlLlg ayes
and lostaffti complazkum they should ime Dr. Thrik
oror• Sarsaparilla. Thedends who has. hied ara
more awn satisfied, are dalighted. Ladles of every
station crowd our MSc* daily
Notice to tie Ladies.
Thous that imitate Dr. Toomend Samaria, Ma
lavishly called their stuff a /resat ßenssLy fir . s
seam, As., /ea, and ham tooled ma bills Wid circular.
which rebates to tbe comphtints I lb. wore
--other am oho put up medicine, Mee, Mae dm (rem
amen. of Da Toimmod'• Beraparllle Vcomplaints
Incident to fatuelm, remaniumndea ihammeth&oilh_firo
moualy th ey did boa A amber of time Istures, Pins,
&c, ere toptiona to nuardes, am they swerve disease
aid undermine the coartitutios. Dr. Teensmins I. the
;oily ad best remedy fer the sawnes female com.
rsroily, if ever full. .f abeama perms..
IMb It ens be takes by the pelt delicate iamb,
n my case, or by thaws marlin Selsieraus mother.,
ekh the greatest edesarape, se It rearm ths mato
sod prelims pals or deafer, sad amustam both
molar sed child. Be caranil to pi la (maim.
This cart] date. toncloafvely proves that Wm Pers.
['arida bee perfect control ever the meet obstinate di*
rues of the Mood. Three persons cured In cos home
is unprecedented.
Three Children.
D. Tomvomoro—Dear SIT i I have b. plea.. to
lamina you that Wee .f my children hove been cured
of the Scrofula by Me me of your exc.hest medlciaa
They I.eftl at/ImA Imo ..,only with bad Sores have
takeo oolouv bottles; h took them may, for whlsh
I feel my. r4 under great obllmdiaa.
Yowl, Ompectfully,
ISAAC W. caAtr4, 106 Woomarot
iselosse K Phyeltoltnya
Dr. Townsend is absent daily retelling orders from
Physician. JO different parts of tha Unloa
Thrii.umettify that we, th. undersicned. Physician.
of the City of Albany, hero In numerous cum prem.-Hy
ad' Dr. Totortmecure Sarsaparilla and believe it to b.
ewe of the moo vaisableproperations in the mare..
D. P. cuL,nrc M. D.
J. wit.aori, U.
/liberty, April I,..dlliiii4ll:;% ; D.,E;.EaCCllDflinF, Y D
Owles to *it elle eaceowt,end immense rale of Dr.
Thermal'sDam iintabeg,
.of awn who were
formerbrout Agents, Nero coterdedeed Birthing/lamp.
dila ga.brica,F.Dhlny ?atm. Deena§ of Yellow M.,
Thvglitterelly yet It op in the sew&aped hot des, 'end ternabf thorn hive stale and copied our serer
tisentsto—eley - ate ottbk. werthirs• levitation, see
Mould be avoided. ,
rrkscipal Omc4 I FULTON Struel. Bert Building,
N. Y.; ILe&liug & Co., 8 State etrvet,Bostoo Dyott
dons, I 3 North Fterood strert.
Dance. Drurriet. 9elttmore; P N. Cohen. Cherlestno
Wri••ht Co., 01 Chartres hltrerL N. 11.. Iftf, Mouth
Pea tlie..erMhetry sod by ell the penal Drur
ante nett Mrrrhante womndly throughout the L
Wrot frottoe tuul the Ctuterlas.
N.B.—Persons inquiring for this medicine, should
not be indneed to take any other. Divan - ism put up
Parnaparillos, and of counm prefer selltng thet ow,
Do uut be deceived byanpnquire for Dv Town.
send's and take no other. Re-member the gene
-Ina 'Townsend's Saranparil a" sold by the sole agent..
R. R. SFII,P.RS. General Wholesale fr. Retail Agent
No. 17 Wood greet, and D. M CURRY, Allegheny
eny re,l4
Quack pulse, hacking cough, general wenkne.•,
eerier. sleep, variable appetite, Irregular bowal,
Pains between the shoulder blades behind.
InrsulaMt VI/servos. or COIVICXI,IO3 —couglking
night and day flabby ranseles, general der ihiygreat
shortness Of breath on soma up stale, ascending a
hill, or walking burn little lam. pulse always claire
I one hundred, fisr 'weeks together; drenching told
I sweats towards morning.
Catarrhal Consumption came. on like a romnion
catarrh - el cold, but about the period when that di.
ease aurally is expected to .abode, some at the sprin
ters. areaggravated The rough is more trpubl--
sonic, especially when lying dawn. Thorn is tiled
pole fn the chest, tan ditheult breathing, which is
wont onlying down. The appeurence of the exec
toration, which is copious, is changed from a t h ick
yellow mucus, to El thlnntr su bstance II lit very un
pletutant lo the portent . , and emits an niipleasoist smell
' , alien bunted. It is o f 11111101111 appearance, s
probably a mixture of pus and Mlle., en On engirt It
with Wail., pall rinks and pan swims. This disei.c
emy °Omit In any habit or at any age, and is champ.
tensed by the peculiarity of the cough.
The 0.1.010 of Liverwort effects the core of Chi. In
sidlottm ditense by expectoration, the and heals the
effected lungs. never PUT. Wherever this medi
,,,,,,,be,g,bi.en awl, we hear of its purees.. For thir
teen years It liar been before the public, and hos been
thoroaghly tested for all complain. of the Lungs, and.
has stored itself superior in merit to any thing in use;
We might give hundreds of testimonials from physi•
clans, the peen, clergy, and them who have been cu
red, but all we desire is to call the attention of the af
flicted. end for their own geed they will try ft.
Look out for counterfeits Always observe the sig
nature, "Gen. Triplet, M ," on the engraved label,
and prepared at the Wholesale Depot, •;73 Beekman
street, Kew York.
gold Li Pima/ugh by J D Morgan 03 Wood st;
Townated. 45 Market st; 11 gmyrwr, ear Market and
24 ins; Henderson k Co, 5 Liberty st Price reduced
to 111,50 per bottle. maga
Nb: O ' AfACKERFIL-76 tt , ll tie /Of Wa low
so c lone conowratot feh' '1..5 OA L ZELL
'ill; 1111111
.R . y a_maFdine for aamhi
Gold, foiToldSh.iThsts mad, applitation fo,
patent. They ore nosy offered for sole at the wart
huuse of Parry, Scott & Co, No. 103 Wood 'trees
Adccuturers to C‘Jifornia arc mcned to coil and ex
amine these labor-raving moraines They arc simple
i n the, construeum t , easily transported on the bark of
owl, or horses, welshing eighty pounds each, and
can be put In neerat.ll or half an hour. They ran be
61 ad with proclaim. ft 1. the opinion of those who
hamiseen the trial of one of these machines of small es t
size, that two tom wilt want the mineral from
bushel, of sand or earth in a day. without the loss of a
part:cite at the tattlers. They can be increased in size
and worked by Water or mule power, ifeep,dj,,,,
The operators work without going Into the water or
exposed to wet, mid consequently w:Omin en
s/angering Weir health_ They will require hot n. small
stream of wilier, and ran he used the whole season,
and ran be pot Otto operutibn where there is not suffi
cient seater to wash in the Usual way.
Price of smallest sire 833. Orders nein abroad, ac
companied by euh. will be promptly (filed.
H. PARRY, at Puiry, Scott b. Ca's,
No 103 IVood .t,
Illasprait Son' , Siida Ah.
THE subsenue. are now recenang their Fall stock
of the above article, three vessels, vim the Juniata
Itledailion and Lydia, liamng arrived al Philadelphia
and Baltimore, mid two more, the Stephen Baldwin and
Leda, shortly expected; they tire, therefore, prepared
to receive orders. They will receive donng the win
ter and spring regular supplies via New Oricaos
M:NT EAGLE . TRIPOLI—For cleaning m M doves and lamp glasses, silver plate, brass. Br
tiptnia, and other ware. It rapidly takes out all spot
and stains, and reproduces the beautiful and durabl,
lustre of new ware. Just received and for sale whole
sale and retail, by JOHN D IsIORG:AN,
MR;,,SA„,II,IhLe. eo-pne %T r ! thA4,N of fr i t:1 .. 714 1 1 1. h i l a rn i . nter ":
Co., to the remaining partners, has this day reared
from the firm. February 19.1549-if
PIB - 1111114/1 MA NI - FA uriltEls. —The under:
J to
Agent for 'the manufacturers, has on hand
and is constantly receiving a full supply of of f e r ,ths
made in Pittsburgh and vicinity. which he r
sale at manufacture. prices. GEO COCHRAN,
25 wood st
SiDIA 111;13HE:ft PASTE—I gross ironies India ROT.
ber Paste, on excellent article for rendering boots
and aboes.perfectly crater proof, and soft as a piece of
cloth. Ono application of Has paste is sufficient to
mote them naipervmus to water for 2 or 3 months, and
a perfect preventative from the leather crocking.
Reed and for sale at the Indip Rubber Depot, No 5
Wood feb' 1 & H PHILt,IPS
Diamond daeg, between Wood and Snridfirsem Saran,
.E M. BIGELOW would respectfully
inform the public that at his Factory
.las can amen be found a large supply
of Family Carriages, Harouches Hag
gles, and all kinds of fancy Carriages, equal In ele
gance and neatness to myVound In the Fast. Con
trails for any number of Carriages, Buggies sad We.
gons, will be promptly filled.
A I I work of has own manufacture wtl I be warranted.
lisnestasems—Col. R. Patter.n, IL H. Patterson, E.
D (inseam , Esq., Robert Robb, Esti , C. L. Itlagth, Al
der HUM Steel, febtM.Mo
PUBLIC ATTENTION to solicited to an entirely
I new article of RAILING, made of wrought iron
hers, and soft annealed rods, or wire, and expressly
ileeigimd for enclosing Cottages, Cemeteries, Balco
is. ruble wands, &e., at prices varying from 50
emits to 03.00 the runnig foot qui made in pannelis
Of various lengths, xi m g t
feet high, with wrought iron
posts 14 inch rya re, et mterviierinig distances of 0 in
JO lint. If dee.tetl, the pannels can he made of any
a right, in continuous spans of 50 to 60 feet, with or
without posts. No extra charge for post&
The comparativr-lightnem. great strength and darn.
hilt) of the \\ IRE RAILING, the beauty of its vaned
ornamental designs, together with the extremely low
prier at which it is sold, are causing to supersede
the as Iron Raiong wherever their comparauvr
inertia have been tested For fur th er particulon, ad.
dtes• RSUALL & BROT/Infts,
Agents for Patentees,
Diamond alley, near Smithfield .t, Pittsburgh
Corner Front and Vino streets, Cincinnati, 0.
.14,1 to el lowest market prier. rut MS:city
Fourth l/ A1" , , ,,,:et
t W
the new Carpet are
Fitch embossed Pinola covers Plain Turkey red Chinn
do do Table do Fig'd do do do
Worsted do do do do Bordenng;
VL Damask; Carper linntogs;
C IZ- r eotops Gothic. Transport... Shsdee:
Tn9tore Views do do
irkkh do do do
- do
hi.nlislit Views do do
Londsespe do do do
T Cothien do do
Cord and Tsesels, Rolers and Slats, Flack Poßte.
r Ends
The abase Clop& ans of the nehrst and newel,
styles, to whirl, we Invite the attention of our frtondl
pll4 ell. lOUtero. Itlld th ose retching to fonttsh or re
letush nen. Loots end houses,
Manofatnarer and d•a!er in .01 Inn& of
. .
T his old nmed, earner of Smithfield street and
I Diamond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. would respectful
'r cad the attention of Country Merchants, Hotel and
Sieunibstat Barkeep to a large and superior assort
ment at IMPORTE ers,D
CIGARS. among which will be
found the following brands, viz. Eagle, Rckalla, Cain
tell°, Prinelpe. IA Norma, Star Brand. Minerva and
Dollar Regattas, all of which will be sold as low as
can be had at any other house in the city.
Al. COOlllifiliY on hand and fob rain a large and
well selected snick of Virginia, filts.urt, and Foxe Cut
Chewing Tobacco
Also, novena, Cuba and Common Leaf Tobacco,
constantly on band and for sale.novldOm
. _ .
Birmingham, (near Pittabargild Pa.
Ware/tome, No. 137, Wood aired, Pittsburgh.
IFWILL conmantly keep on hood a good assort
ment of Wats; of our own manufacture, and
superior qualny. Wholesale and country Met •
chanty are respectfully Inv tted to call and ea
amino for themselves, as we are determined to sel,
cheaper than has ever before been offered to the pule
irr Orders sent by ntedi,accompanied by the cash or
refercce, yail be promptly attended tn. fehr.6
NEW Ca Ill'ETS—ltceivea the day direct tram
New style Tapestry 3 ply Carpet., ellr. super,
do do do do super,
do do Bro”el• Car - pets;
do Beyossols. very cheap, do
netiltolots super Ingram do
4-4, 3-4 an .564 heavy Venetian do
4.4. 3-4 and 3.4 ommrin do Jo
Al, of which trnase sold at a small advance, and
will guarantee ns low as can Ire purchased In the east
serle W Id'CLINTOCR. 75 Foorth sir
PROM the very liberal encourage
merit the solignher has received since
he has located himself in Allegheny,
,i•ig• has induced him to mire a lease, for •
term of year., on the property he now
occupies, In Beaver street immediately beanie the
Presbyterian Church From the long erperienee ur the
above business and a &etre Irs please, he hopes to mer
it and receive a share of public patmnage.
Now on hand end finishing to order, Rockaway Bun
gles, ripen and top Bugglers, and every deserrynlon of
Carriages made to order, from seventy-five dollars to
ataht nearer, Iseo3-dtf I JOHN SOUTH
AT the annual meriting of the Corporator's, held or
the tin mat, the following persons were Annul
ed llannaaggeta for the emoing year,
NATHANIEL 1101.111% UB;
l i
J. F mini, Jr , Secretary And 'haunter.
ual statement presented the affairs of 1111
dlompnit) very prosperous vondltloo. Their offic.
the city 1. No. 37 `Vain. street t
Last aide of the Diamond, where Venturi
lan ale of all the different sixes and color.
are kept anhand or made In order one
the latest .d moor approved Eastern lash.
•, at the .ttortest nettes and on the mot
eanonable wrote.
A ko, the enema llostorf toll or 'milt Blind Tramipe•
eney and foyer Curtains of all the different sired and
attlerna, on hand and for sale low for mull. Ohl Vet,
tan Illtnit a Pa t tie , ' over and remortsl, or taken In part
nyment tor net R Al WMTER V ELT, Propr .
N. 11—All wo,. Anne with the beet maternal and
drrtmardnp, and warranted to please the moat Ma
tous. mtattl-dly
Allegheny city, Actg. 10, 18/3.
1.11.110. E., runic.. 1 Mil W 11103.10.
Office at the Exchange, ttaltimore.
RuEnCED II ATEg.—The charges have b'', rrtlu•
rod an ell ,N1r,..,e. ~r from Mailroom
n b l u tjo h orall ‘ tetu 'h a ' ptc " Lddespaatc'l7:'ll. rfroediunc;l'al'-'
untore Wert of rawbargh, Pa
Ratxt- The charge (or a colegraph deapatolt to or
from lauluntore, Ptusburgh and Wheeling, In 45 rents
for the trot tell worth., and 3 cents for each edditiounl
tur No charde is made for the address and sigma
Utitll the completion of the Smith Western Line of
Telegraph nom Memphis, Tenn., to New Orleana del
pined. non he forwarded to I l deambla by th is route, and
willed or New Orleans
- .
j &VINO this ditty amociated themselves together
11. to pettner.hlp, under the Mtn and style of A• & J.
WutIONOUSI L or the nmealseture of TIN, EoppEß
AND ell Ek. r.i HON WARE on the corner ef Robin
son street and the Canal, 01 the lit IVanl, &Li-Lam:at
I cm, where they ern prepared to farmsh to order,
wholesale and retail, all arucles in their line with
Foundry Trimmings, and Carpenters" order. are . 0 _
Algae& which will receive Immediate auemion.
„May of Allegheny, Feb. 1,
A 'N' efl, *. :a of APE PA , Me Rowe Plin— l of
Cerro hl
ontemy cie,d ;
" Euena Via*
•• " Feu de Par*
.. • ,4 Chose de 1.7001
• d " Garde Franc-all;
" " Col C Auvergne;
The above Is suitable for papenng -Large public
roman. Just reed direct from Paris, and or sale at
dm witted...l,d of apt) NC HILL
J3ItIINCII hIEHINtit AT COST—Taftii. Johnson
40 Marked sirhet, will sell for the balances of the
season Moos?, their abet of French Merinos, compel
.ing the most choice colon Now is your time to se
cure bargains deel3
B•kk•r•o Br.o.learige Broker•,
COLLECTIONS.—DnaIt. Note. end A"lt.^r"
payable in any part of the Ullloll.COlierted Olt e most
favorable terms.
P:ICMANGE on New York. Philedeleinand Bal
timore; also. Cineltinau, Inw.vitle, Slil 11l Lo a ws awl
New Orleans, vsnstantly for Sale
BANX NOTES —Notes on all solvent banks so the
Unttell States eltsdounterl at the lowest rates. A
of Foreign and Amenean Gold and Silver Coin bought
and sold.
Otter No. 53 Market street, between 'A and 4th.
Pinstnirgh. Pa oent.s
BILLS on England. Ireland. ruid.Scotlgnii bought
a amount at the Current Hate. of Exchange.
Also, Dny
rafts peva hle in any part of the Old Countries,
from II to LIIOO, at the rate of P. 5 to the £ sterling,
without deducuon or ducount. by JOSH I . A 11.011 C
h hUrropeau rine General Agent, office ore
door west of wood. oell•Of
ALLAN [lux. truw.o turfy
Ji InForctin and Domenic Bill! of Exchange, Cer
tificate! of Deposita, Bank Notes and Com. canter of
3d and Wood Streets, directly opposite SL Chad. Ho
tel. moy2tAly
yy Ohio,
purchased In the lowest Mfg, by Baal/ Note.;
sepia 3.5 Matket street.
Buda OP EXOUsimoiciii;t t:'6ecke on
New York,
Philadelphia, and
Constantly for sale by N Baltimore,
aeon 35 Market it.
1300.10. &c.
xT EW BOOKS—Complete. Wort. of John M Mason,
D D, La 4 vol..
Mardi nod a V.tyage Hither, by Herman Melville.
Derder Warfare of N York, by W W Campbell
Bare a Little and There Little, by the author of
"Line upon Line, Find Precept upon Precept ^
Memoirs of my Youth. by A De Laminae.
Bluarnmed Lye of Franklin, part "iii just received
and for sale by JOHNSTON•ft etTmCKTOIN,
spot corner Third and,Marketrts ,
eOJEW BOOK - S—Dr. overtirihi Work on Epidemic
Cholera, Its Ilistory,Causci, Pathology and treat
Philosophy of Religion, by J. D. Morell, A NI
Bourne's Catechism of the Steam Fuld..
Chamber'. Cyclopedia of kingbolt Larry tare, 2 vols.
octavo, hoe ediuon, steel plates.
Chambers' Miscellany of Useful and Emert.,,, mg
Knowledge -10 vela, 10 mo.
Advice in Young lien, by T S. Arthur. gilt .
Element,. of Meteorology, by J. Brockleaby, M. A,
Proverbs for the People, by F. S Magoon.
University 'Nemo., by Dr. Wayluall
French's linlseast Lecturer. foe 141-7 —'The fitness
of Holy Scriptures for unfolding the spiritual tie of
men.' I vol, eve.
No. 0 Franklin's Lift, illustrated.
Received this day by R HOPKINS,
ap24 Apollo Buildings, 4th
VIM PUBLICATIONS—Essay *mike the Union
11 of Church and Slaw: by Haptutt W Noel. M A.
vol. 12r50.-81...Z.' An entire cdoloo of this work
was sold in one day, on to publication in London'
Leaves Iron/ Margaret Suitth's Journal, in the Pro.
slues of Massachusetts Hoye-Ifitlten, I vol. Ithno
Hoyt's Poems.—Sketches of Life and Landscape. by
Rev. Ralph Hoyt—new ed enlarged—with Magus
twos ItUno. SLOB
.A Cateohoin or the Strain J:rtgote,ttlustrattor of the
srientific principles upon which its operation depends,
and the practical details of li-S structure. in Ilt applies.
not, to mutes, !Mils. strain navtgatton, and railways;
with various suggestions of Improvement: by J Hnunte
C R. I vat Ltbso. The.
Chmtver's Lecture• on lir Pilenm'm ProgrMe._in,.
ed. Mao, Price reduced to SUM.
The Casinos, a Family Piature. Part I. leic.
Frank/tn't Lde, Illustrated. Parts IF and V. Ea
Tana.' Hietoriea, by Prof. Tyler—ll Mo. For ea
by mch24 II HOPKINS. 4th st.
Sole Agency for MUM. & Clark's Pianos.
ifffill JUST RCEIVED .cl olownclr a
near IT of eer,. Plano, from the
eelebrarOcl fartory of Nann• h.. Clark,
N. Y., entoornong cl, di and 7 oetey-. :
wall traportant onproyemento, both at thre , antsat and
extor,nr. by no oher,
Al.m.)—A huc ..,, , ,com, of Cineker , ng . • 1' , .." ,,, rac1 ,
r. to 7 octaves H. KI.KIIER. Sol , . As...
Al J. 1 , , Wmolturl i',..lTinrd at.
N 11. Tln ohnve will hr enicl etmanurverurers pri
res, without nay adthnon tor fright nr expeneect
multi Journal and Ch r,ilcle copy
A SI'LKSI;11) aimort, gent .
Lgaily Ad Ronesvood the no-. ate, ii..
iehied. Three Infant:nen., arr made a g
the aural parlorit and Iwol inatenale
laud wtllhe gold low for rash ley
F LILUAIF. 112 IV,ani street„
L'd door .I'.. ihith
N W—Thoke who are in want of a good nyr
are respertlialy flood toeizlrtine Ulc., hatora our
r.haeuig alyewhere. a• they cannot he earrnea by env
..o country, and wall Loa .old lower than any hroue hi
imen dm Euf L Ahlop.Lat received, two pmglo. of II 31.-
blirgh 1 1 139.lia0heture. warranted to ha setpa - nor to Any
• Id in this coantry. • ota.3 F. B.
suriber has been appodded .
Agent fa
the Kalb of cnaitears ISIYII(JVED 111:IM.41
es manufactured and and perfected by Mewir
March & 'Mute, of thnahmatt. The usual cotaPae
and extent being but four OCIBVtf, Messer At A if
with the general deluge lind demand
extended the scale allelic Instruments to ti en
oven 5 octaves, thui making it practic•blc to perfori
upon Mem any masie written for the Mama or Organ
AA , Wltbrtug sidermbashaws — , Arh mutrOved Lx 0w , .14
twattufully bronzed and onmarensedi verelenng iat a
once u moat etegiult and extremely desirable ert. le
The price is pot en low as to bring st swoon the reihi•l
f every one to obtain a perfect irmatcat titautinivia„
eat Me me time, a most elegant pee of (Drat
for a co sa mparative trifle H. KLEIIKLI,
At J W
I lthiAl Mt WM?
has nut received from F.ororw. ml for mle.
entirely new incentson of Pomo Vorte, caiied 44_ A
IN ET PLA.No nortTß. whinit me mane
and aweeter.s than the sinus PlaStp,oecuptee at one
fourth as much room. and is • much more .Iton ttild
handsome pieee:of furirtatte It ta parUelltarly derlrn•
Me where tttn saying of aa an otqect, bet., -t
ecedlngly neat and compact, and occupyme no more
mom titan a small side table. The sUbacttber Las at
nand a mml°l.lllll of as aapenonty born the cembrai
ted plamst,lgosehellett, In his own hand wntine.whieh
may be inspected.
ocull Atd W Vt'oodweli's
JUST reccired and tor sale at man
afactusers pnces, mutate IMov Piano
Fortes, A 61 and 7 octaves, of the tan..
elegant patterns of thrnitute and velth
the late Improved scale.
Also an hand and for sale low, 3 second hand Pian
Sole Avow for Chtekering's Pianos lor Western
Pennsylvania, dl Wood street. mar,
II of Summer, with an isaroduenon and brilliant Va.
mamas (no the Piano Forte. ar performed in an ai.
concerts in the United States by Henn Item.
Military Polka, by Henn Herr,
Comic Polka,
lltlver Bell Polka, . "
Just received and for sale by
mchl3 JOIDI II AIEI.I.OR, et stood st
. .
Vocal Exerelmi. --
A ND SOLFEGGIOS, with an ueemnpurnruenl (Sc lb •
fban-forte, adapted to the wants or pnvainpupil.
or elute. in vocal music. Selected rum t halm.
French and (terra,. composer.. by Lowell 31.40 a. 7.
large pages or closely printed muse, containing It progressively arranged. Pelee 73 cents.
Just received, n supply of the above, direct from thi
publmhera, by JOHN H. 111HLIA)R,
' mehtH el wood al
atiEMIJ 1848 .
Canal Packet—MALLOW, Capt. Ford.
" • "
.00EAN, Capt. V. are ea
Pak: of the above rackets leave Deaver every day
niandays excepted) and arrive text entrant; MI
Warren, Where they Conned with the Mail Statacv tor
Akron and Cleveland, moving at each a three place,
mane Inaba. One salaam rackent leave Were.% dal ta
at 5 P. AI., and arrive at BenVer la lane to take the
ma.aing steamboat for Pittsburgh.
al TAYLOR, , t Panora ra
1.11100011 TO nut Lame IN roar., 'wax,
Packetc-PadomaLvania, Copt. Jeffries
TY., Pollock,
" Lt. Emu, " Truby,
" Patrons, tiro
lucerne, er.
The above uew and splendid Passenger Packets have
co ..cooed Tunnies be tWeeet BEAVV.H AND ERIE
and w II reit ievelorly during the mascot -one hem
teeming Kern every mommg at 8 o'clock, and one [env
ier Beaver every evening, immediately after toe arri
val toi the steamboat ftliefugtm horn Ptttrburgh.
va st.
boats arenew
and comfortably fornmned. nut
Iglu s un through te lorry hours. Pauengco to any
penman the /Alice, or to Niovera Melly, will food this
mawthe most comfortable nod expednioun. 'rickets
throurh to all ports on the Lake can be procured by
rypiying to the progneiont.
It EED, PARKS A Cu, Deaver.
JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agt. Pittsburgh,
onr. Water and Smithfield set.
DBF—Jas C Harmsen, Buffalo, N Y.
C AI Reed, Erie, In.
C C Wick, Greenville, Pa;
and King, Jig Bond i Pa;
Heys to Plumb, Sharp burgh, W C Malan, Sharon, Pe;
D C Mathews. Pulaski, Pa;
R W Cunningham, New I.`,astle, Pa. jyl_,_
rliF, Proprietors of this Law hove put 0/1 &car Itork
1 and ore prepared to forward packages of ell de
soriptions daily, at the lowest rates.
J. C. BIDWELL, Agent,
Water •treet. Flltsf,ntg h.
octal 92 South Charier st, Iltaldmore.
PaMJIONger and Remittance 0111 es.
lIAN EDEN dr. CO. continue to bring persons
rom any part of England, Ischutil. Scotland or
IVales, upon the mow liberal towns, with their
usual ponctuallty and attention to the wants and cool.
fort of emiangninni We do not allow our passengers to
be robbed by the swiedling manias that itifeat th , . sea:
ports t it, we take charge of them the moment they re..
port thomselvea, and see to their wall being, and de
spatch them widiout any detention by the tent ships.—
,0„,, soy ith h .g,,,, r i ese ly, ar we defy no or our pluorn.
ben to show that they were tlettitsiod da hours Ly us di
Liverpool, whilst thoomuide of others were J.:mined
mambo, UnUI they could be sent in some old emit, at a
ch.p rate, whith toe frequently proved their matins_
We Intend to perform our contracts honorably, nest
what It may and not act as was the ease Mat scamn,
with ether rieicera,—who either performed nut all, m
when It suited their convenience. ,
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from 11 to
i tOl d kl 6 prak i ßl s. a . t , any 4 o . f 1,110 41v . inmal kn
Eueopeao and-Oenero/
COO i9Mlb Orsilitace doe, halm. Wqrbd.
vef BlarONS—Just received ue anion KOl-
nay's, 37 Market street,
30 pa colored Velvet Ribbon, snorted colors;
3U " black "
. -
8 " =Weider, Gimp; top• We Plain, ite
ROLL BUTTER-1U bbis fre.h, just
XI, sale by lebt7 ARMSTRONG k CROZER
. 1
' OR . 71 'profiZtelp;VheEP:p"rres, erte: E 7ll; ' ( h
o e
towlfni Ike itnportance orthe Pain KIIIIICtOr to every
Ras Orrice, Albany, o f 1.
DALI3I . lip Dea rer—With feelin of no or
dinars pirniiiiie I is4drc i ii, you In relation t olle bentfi
1 tit, rereiced frolle vour . tilvoluable Silo Extractor
Law]; lithe ilaithhirr, 6 , Years old, hod a ruche
of boiling vc.iter turned Alto her boson; her streams
were unit si crowd inwardly gathered be
fore the louse lo learn the cause oldie terrible screams
I lore her dna , * asunder and soon spread on you
salve. and she was carried and laid upon a bed. Sh•
WI, soon eced from her rains. and says - 111n, Io
as 1 could laugh." ad was soon w sweet sleep. She
unis -carded to a Lim, from the it of her shoulder
over more than half her chest, and round under . Ibe
111111. lh t the *lion:der and lirmuit it was very deep.
yet (row the first hour. complained only when it
as d re-se& The sow healed rapidly, and there is no
rosin, win of the muse lc s.
Km yours, with runner,
Tbe genuine Dailey, will ever premiere the seine in
nuantanenus relief. and saothing, waling. effect, in the
sever e ., ea ,. or B.rna,
cri e r Scads, Piles, ha.
Coutilerfea—no• under what names they
may appear—always irritate. acid inceease the pan.
L'POward P. Holmes, of Chatham. Melvin Bridge,
Coln mica county, N. Y.. have been efflicted with rhea.
mau•to in my Smart, fret, and all over my body, for
it , lyeats, so ant (could not stand, and sons eared by
c appitcations of Dailey's IV agical Pain Extractor
Dailey: Pie—l ere my finger with a copper foul,
polsonons nature of which caused my arm to swell
ce snitterubly,Avolt constant .hooting pains up to the
shoulder. A large satelliniutaking.plaee at the arra
"ti, 'with increasing pain, I became fearful of he Lock
law. In tht• extremity your Pain Fairoctor was 14.-
rended to me, anti which was prevail6l upon to
try The consequence was thakiParorded me almost
io•tont relief. and to three days I was completely co
corner Broome and, Sullivan sts, Sul 9.1 , 345.
NOTICE —H. DALL.B., is the inventor of this invala
aide remedy, and never has and never will commoni
eau: to any living min the secret of OA combination!
All Extractors, therefore, not made nod Pat up b
hon, are linsecounterfetts.
Blamorroe's DErar.--41.5 Broadway, New York
Cl3l;he.tnut street, Phiirt.
JOHN D MORGAN, General Depot; Dr. WM:
THORN, J.igenta for Pittsburgh.
Dailey', Amt.,' (Amirante Cure. All,
Cures humors, spuvin, quittor, pease, poll-evil,
sores, gall., and bruises. Pamphlets, containing nee.
nhcatea of respectable panics. may he had on applica
tion to JOHN D. MORGAN,
0v15,d Lyle Agent, Pittaburgh.
lONTAINING NO MERCURY, other Mineral.—
kj I , has power to cause all E X T ERNAL
SONO eS WuUNDS no discharge their putrid matter.,
al. lac° bulls Meal.
It nghtly termed ALL-HEALING, for there is
Scarcely a dumme external or intdrnal, that it will not
gtenent. I have used n for the last sumen year. for
all dteenses of the chest, lavoiving the utmost danger
end sponstbiltly, and I declare before hettven and
mete, that not 111 one eaxe has 1. (ailed to benefit when
:an patient wt. vonhott the roach ofmortal meant.
have had physic /art framed in the profe.ston. I
have Mlllatlega of the gospel, Judge . s or the ',coo, ol
tirrtt.eo, lawyers, gentlemen or the highest erudition,
and multitudes of the poor use it snery variety et
way, and there hue been but one voice ev —one universal
Its GlIOD!"
IiIIEUMATISM—It removes almoid imediately
the intlammution and when the pain ceases.
;Read the ilireetioint around the box )
HEAD-ACHE—The salve has cured persona of the
li.•ad-cache of twelve )cars standing, and who had it
rrguiar every werk so that vomiuitF todk place. EAR.
arc bet red with like eucceee.
Sr.\ 1.1.) Ill.:AD—We have cured ease. dial actually
defied ever) thin; known. ae well OA the ability of fit
teen to twenty doctors. Line man told us he had spent
Viloo on his children wtthnu any benefit, when is few
6.1,01 Ointment cured them.
HL Itetitt , --It le one o' the beet tht opt 111 the world f.
lll.E. , —Thounninds are yearly cured by the/ Oint
ment It NEV. Intl. in giving relief for the Pile,
Er Around the box are direction* for tunny Al AI
-o.rlOßttrifof Scrofula. Lire , Complaint, &lain,-
ton, Tier., CArado.n. Scald Hood. Sort Syns. Qetney,
Sore Throat, Bnalch,fax. :Venous Affsettoon. Pam.. Do
ri.r of oke `pine. head ache. antAma,Lteornesn. Ear ache.
Buena. enrn4. all l)aucut w So . . P . m .
. ztecl,.ng of the Lninbs. bores, fthrometiana,
/Wu. enid FOP CrouP, .hailed on Broken Brian, Tooth
orlie..deu• in a. Fact, 4 . •
CI 'LI., complaint, pout in the Chest
and ,nte te.nng oil . the Lour. or the other neenrnpa..
niter etthl teen Ointment in the true remedy.) It
4 a sure niguof of •rann to hove ••old font.
CORNS--Oceaminsia! une Of the Ointment bill aL
erayn L,ep cot, trent gm,' ng People need pover
he truubted setilt them it they one it frequently.
(yin lin. tOnt meal in good for nny part of the body
or Ina... watti: Intl:Lined some cameo it 'Mould be
ppnto t/Acit.
cri,?N—So Ointmr he Rrnmre unleas
1111111 C Of J N.\ I.LIsTER written veitl3 ape
For my Apr" ~n all the prtnetpal noes and
tow, tne l .nted
.S., Proprstaor 0( the allove snedsctar.
Prtnelval Office. Nu North Tturtl street, Phi
_ •
PRICE: 23 (*.\T9 PER BOX
Acas - rn t. Ptrrsactott—Braim h Ratter, corner or
Liberty and St Clair .to and L 'Wilcox, Jr, corner of
Market st
and the Diamond, also corner of 4th and
hanithheld at, J II Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn
ot.A..kla ward; and sold at the bookstore in Smlthileld
st. dJ ./01 front Second sr. in Allegheny city by II P
Seawarts and J Sargent, by J U Smith, Druggist, Llir
ounchain, l) Neeley, East Liberty; II Rosali.d, Me
liessport, J A.exonder &Son. Monougahela City; N
it b...l.4leoafty •
THE rnend strides which Ilydropathy has made
j +nice Ittri introduction into this ceamtry--the bril
liant and astonishing curative effects on cold water in
Carat., :ma net, dlor.e, when employed alb.' the
ibertint :lie c,.ebruied Priestritx.frave removed from
mc lasi•.d et all Intelligent and discerning public every
rintvels ni doubt as to its efficacy, and gained it uni
v,r.a: Considertng the unsnostactory result*
rt rerned.ea heretofore used In the treatment of ebronts
erimp.atani, teumplalnts, too, which ore Ineresfutsr
no y eibi It 11{0, be a natural wish to see the success
of a inetrind Iry which so molly unfortunate sufferers
sort be freed from their pains and infirminfirmities.firaues.
Tie subscorter having practised successfully this
method for right yen. at his Hydropathw establtsh
mem_ which rats been considerably enlarged and lop
prw.eit in all rts pane, and In every respect, is now
resins to receive and accommodate patients who may
rhos''.: to place themselves under his cue, skill and
l'hi.ipshurg. situated upon the 101 l bank of the Ohio,
opposite the mouth of the lbg Beaver, is Well known
inf 11, refreshing and salubrious atmosphere, its de
•tgbtful pummel. and charming natural scenery, com
bining every requisite to render the sojourn of the in
agrrealr a. and contnbutrog not a little In re-es
tablash impaired health and physical strength.
The establishment, the first Finned in the United
States, contort. every thing, both for pleasure and
erinvort. calculated tonsure a speedy and happy ter
rat nation 01 the ellftlell. of tae Yettent.
Persons wi•tong to eyed themselves of the advtutta
rs Itere adored, well pies, address the subscribe
by .ener. ;poi, pittdd 'debug as near as possible the
e n ter,. of their col:viands in order to decide end ad
vise on their tuners and euralitlity by the Ilydropethie
iretitneni, and also what will Le accessary for thorn to
'hire a:oity, tor their eiiiieeini nod personal use.
EDW ABU ACh ER, M. D. Proprietor.
Phihprhurg, Beaver county, Pa.
RPFILYMCM—Rev'aI, Kdhtclly , Armstrong; 1. D.
uric, Bey do; Hon. Thema, Henry, Bearer. Pa.; Dr.
Herter, do Prof. Ch. Elliot. Pit.burgh, Pa.; L. C
Rim Date; Rev. S. H. Sneed, 'New Albany;
Hen hi s I en, Prtimeton, N. J.; "I' 1.. Stanton, Es q.,
New York; Dr. Ch. Winter, Philipsburg; Wat.ll. Mc-
Connel Req. Pittsburgh; A. Bidwell, Esq., do.
„,2UNDRILY—IOO packages (rook Trio—Y. Iffy sot
, :unponder and Itopconl;
.out hags pnlnd Cirocn Rm Colne; 50 do 1.0g070.
do; (lido Old Jura do;
25 bags black I'rpper; 111 do Pimento;
15,11.5 d.. new' crop N Sugar;
WA Inns l'lnulauon Monoel.eni
50 do r+utr.ur Bow.° do
....rres (rook 151 to, Bunch
1.:•01,0.1 manuturtured Tobacco, yarn,. brand.;
NI 11.00 l,dgc dc Bro. 6 Ivost 'rub:Loco;
10 ” Ilertl4' "
10 I'llisburgh plug
1511bxs./.10 Widow 414.1,; 5)1 do 10012 do;
31. srg. N cooks Set:troll.,
5000 pouted. Conon Vero, oloorted Nut.
Togrn, 'moll a lull nod goncrul alosorlrecut of ion
curt 111 6rornry Itnr, ,m Ilnndt atO for sale by
r 1.011). Round Church
mhln Frouu tin on Laboto, Wood and Sl.t.t.h
SALIFURNIA RUBBER 1:001):5--.1ust received,
:iv Camp Blankcis, 20 officer' coats; I 2 pro Pants.
pairs neti hoed Alining Roots; 12 Isthmus Raga; 3
uttr Tanks, A nod 12 gallons each LU au/Asians,
'ill e
on each, 1 dos Buckskin Money Bella; I 5.3 oiled
niubric do do. 'llia above goods for sale at the Boh
emia Iluifiting Establishment, No 51Veoil Cr.
J. A. IIROW:g would respect
'lr inform the public, that he
cps on band at his stand on the
'Fit aide 41( the 11.30114. All,
ray city, a complete nagort.
nt of Vermian Molds; also
luu Shatters are made to or
e' irl me best aryl; artminted
aal to may In the United States.
Blind. van be removed with-
I the aid of a screw driver.
Icing purchasede Mack,
do, and wood of the eahmet es•
dishinent of Hammy &
I ant ma - paled to tarnish
tr old cuttemera, eta well as
targe t ...... every thing in their lute.
Igmor, No owl slgnet,
mehthl J. A. BROWN
)APF.R lIANOINGS-1 an now receiving, du en
I iron, tho 1111//lufaclu rx in New York, Phi/adel
pnin and Itnitlinore. a large and well relentedanort.
room of all lilt late.n and ino.l unproved .iy leg ot
In platod nod common PAPER HANGINUS, con
usung ci
preen of Parlor and Fresco;
10,11u0 Ilall and COI UM.;
Itblltro Dining-room, chamber and office
Paper—which I would parocularty invite the atienuou
of these bosom houses to paper, Li.• call and emmum,
at the Paper Warehouse of S. C. BILL,
ap2 tf7 wood at
1 ARBLITHNt/T has cocumenTerin receive a
large rumirtment of VARIETY GOODS,
001150110 in port of Artificial', Ribbons s Lac© liu
iti=y. Cloaca, Coupe, Imlay°, Cambrier,liellinga, Lac.
chub-t , Pongee liandkerchtcfa, tong Cravat.,
gingham and cotton Ilandkerchlabi, corded Skirts,
Sewing Silk, 'arcade, Buttons, Cranbr, Jewelry, Clut.
fiery, are. 'Country and city-mer chants . are res.
per Bally invited - to can and examine hg, deck,. b 4
Wood atreet, earner of Diamond alley. la,
'C't . "T"lltAtri - OF COFFF.I,;--Art ;nicht arbieTia re
_Us-gully coming into use tu a wholesome, nourishing
and Klaus bevr-retre, being morn pleasant and welds than voluMun Coffee, and far heek, paL
pflair ten Manufactured
will go as far an tuur
p.unti, 01 Collee. Manufactured by
/OLIN S. hIILLEIiKt, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sold et wholesole by It A FAIINESTUCK A Co,
rooter co Finn nod Wood and Sloth 0101 INoodstreets,
s A I:A 1" Illsronv ••-
c 1u 0nt1fr.7. 1 1,Y.,11. 81. "e 1"e r,verbst"t4un
et litershm, of Vols. and 2of the London edition, em
bellished win it portrait or the author-2 Vols. in_one.
Price, complete, Hie. A. large supply of the. above re
ceived s
h od] far sale by JOHN H MELLOR,
• eif wood a
SUN DRIES-4 bolesDotton; bp Feather.;ldo
Flu:seed; 4 tibia No I Lard, landing Irmo steamer
Ekiphr m tes, for male by 1.11411411 DICKEY an Co,
.923 Front at
3n. Galena Load, 111 gore an. (Di lai;
by .0 JAMES A HUTCapOII tr. Co
b~E DTC A: `~" '"~
—“st T
Scrofula or irtnerEvil, Rheumatism, Obstlnafe Cuta
neous Eruptions, Pimple. or Pustules on the Fate,
Blotches, Biles, Chrdnie Sore Eyes Ring Worm or
Totter, Scald Read, Enlargement and Pain of the
Bones and Joints, Stubborn - Ulcers
_S'yphilltic Symp.
tarps, Seilltiell or Lumbago, and 'MACAWS arising
from an injudicious use of Mercury, McCall or Drop
sy, Exposure or Imprddenco to Lite Also, aumuo
Constitutional Disorder..
In this preparation are strongly concentrated all the
Medicinal properties of Ss.B.Arsimas i combined with
the most effectual aids, the most salutary produotiunry
the most potent simples of tbe vegetable kmgdolfirend
,it has been Orally tested, not only by patientii them
selves, but also by Physicians, that it has recelaed
their unqualified recommendation and the approbation
of the public; end has established on is own merits a
reputation Mr vale< and efficacy for superior to the
ransom compounds bearing Mannino of Sarsaparilla.
Diseases have been eared, such as routa furnished
in the rords of time past; and what n has already
done for t he e thousands who have used It, It Is capable
of doing, for the millions auffering and stnagglipg
with disease. It purifies, cleanses, and stren,gMatis
the fountain springs of life, and infuses new vigor dire'.
out the whole ennutillraine.
• •
• .. .
The following stnelfiginknii *at 68 been, perma
nent One Oran inveterate case of Scrofula, commends
itself to ell rim:ital.:) , afflicted:
Sornmon, Conn., Jeml,lB4B.
Messrs. Sam. Gentlemen—Sympathy for Ihn
ted induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure
effected by your Sarsaparilla in the ease of my wife.
She wanuverdy aiEtcted with the scrofula on differ
ent parts of the body: the glands of the neck were
greatlyenlarged and her limbs much swollen. After
satiating over a year and finding no relief from the
remedies used, tit, disease attecked 'one leg, end be.
low the knee suppurated. Her physician advised it
should be laid open, which was done; bat +idiom any
pormtment benefit. In this simalion We beard of, and
were induced to um Sands' Sareapatilla. The first
bottle produced n decided and favorable erect, retie,
ilia bet More tlmnt any prescription she had ever la.
it and before she had used six bottle., to the anion
ent end delight of her friends, she Maud her
health quite restored. It is no over a year singe the
cure was effected, and her health remains good, show
ing the disease was thoroughly eradielled from the ,
system. Our neighbors are all knowing to then
facts, and think very highly of Sancildflarsapatilla
Your. with respect, JULIOS PIKE.
Extract from a loner received from his. N. W. Haxy
ria, a gentleman well known in Louisa county, Va.:
ttGentlemen—l have cured a negro boy of mine with
your Sarsaparilla, who was attacked with Scrofula,
and of a mrofulotor
Yours truly, N. W. HARRIS.
"Fredericks Hell, Va., July 17,194 A."
SAND,' Satoh. rsellita.-11 Stelae almost mmecessary
to threct attention loan article so well known, and ea
deservedly popular, as this preparation, hat paticptil
ellen who wish to use the extract of Sarsaparilla, It,
induced to try worthiess compounds bearing the name,
but containing little or none of the virtue of this vain
wide root; and we think we cannot confer a greater
benefit on our readers than in directing their attention
to the advertisement of the Alessi. Sands In another
column. The MAIM hue recently been enlarged to hold
cquart, and too who Swish a really pad article wil
ud concentrated in this all the medicinal value of the
root. The experience cif an hes proved its ef
ficacy in curing the venous diseases for whisk it is
r, commended; and et the present time move than any
other. perhaps, is this medicine useful. in preparing the
•y steal for a change of senson.—Home Journal, Sept,
• •
Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail. by A. Ill&
B. SANDS. Drums. and Chemists, 100 Fulton slice*,
corner of 'Willem, New 'Fork. Sold also by-Nag,
gate Generally'throughoutthe United :Oaten and Cana':
dn. Pace St per Bottle, al. Battles for Vs
(ErFor sale in Pittsburgh, wholesale sold retail, by
U, A. FAIINESTOCK, & CO., corner °Mood and
Prow sta, also, corner of Sixth and Wood sts; by L.
'X11.1.70X..Jr., comer of Southfield and Fourth sta,
old also corner of Market st and the Diamond; also,
0 ) ED WA It D FEN DERICII, our Monongala Mom
. •
fTilt "q.: U Frk:llEs:G WITH DISEASED
L unpreeetleutea BLICOCiII which has
heeded lit nee of the
all the 9.1011,1 farms which tremstion of the Wogs iss- :
rumen, has induced the proprietor apart io cap,.
Lan to this •
rho cluarmaltic weather which marks our fall and
months, in alwaryn a fruitful/10.CP of .
bece, If negl ected.tde[Ltlel
ut are b the precursors of that fall
The gaegtion, they how shall we nip the destroyer to
Fe_bad? how shall we get Most of ear coughs and
will be found oa ibocionoogYVaq. - % kilr99C 9 f39
kg have from erne to unto pulishedum eentheatee
tosens onr best known etrizens, who have eXpert,
raced its maratrve powers. Theseorlth a =moor te l
annoy from all pans of the coantry,—crern
ners of the Gospel, etc., together with eoplona nod
ices from the
rre have embodied an pamphlet form, and may be La&
Vv. of any
HUNDREDS OF of our agenm through fTL out the countr y. Ilef •
mire be,en used in this city.
ztuoinghout the United Stites and Cmatida, and we nba
cage any tnai to point OM
fwhich, when taken according to direction., aqd be
ore the lunge had become Wally disorganized, it has
over failed to
Why, then, need the aglicted hesitate kl• by rearm to
Mu miserable necoratria, gotten up by aim own belvid
eels it ler the assumed name of soma tip simnel ph,-
demo, and pnifeAttito ILO/06M by C[ll.lfiC6toe e, per.
tons equally UNP unknown? Whiles a medicine of
is to be had, what vouchers arc•atEFFICACY
home,--oar neighs
bonh—tuany of whom a has
In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed
within the reoeh of the poor as well the tinh i we Lae*
pot the price at
east one half the mud cost of cough medicine-A it ts
br sale by our agents in nearly every WWII and village
Wei the west, who are prepared to give fall Won.-
ion relative to a T. SALTlA,Pmprieto r
Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohire
PR. EDWARD ACKER, takes this means of re
turning his thanks to his friends and the public
lan extensive patronage he has received, its
forming them that be hes latelyerected a large and
ll constructed building ter the exclusive purposes
of his WATER.CURE DiTABLISHME,NT, as his old
ocauou, at Phillipsburgh, Pa., on the Ohio neer, oppo
site the steamboat landing di Beaver, where heaseeady
to receive patients as boarders, and treat them on fly
dropathio prfomples. In addition tq Ma, long expen
a and the great success which boa heretofore at
tendece, d
hue treatment of patieuts committed' to hie care
he has now the whlttiona3 facilities afforded by eta ex
ec building erected expressly for Illepruposh, con
awing commodious and pryrOOMA, and Ailed up with
every necessary apparatus for bathing., and delmitos
tertng the treatment to the utmost benefit and comfort
of the patient. Plelnisbargh is a moat delightful and
healthyvillag y of access by &mambo., and af
fords fine and wholesome as water. Dr. Acker assures
lilol.< rateted persons who may place themselves an
der his that every attention hall be paid to their
comfort; and ua an assurance of the substantial benefits
to be denved, he points with confidence to the but:
deeds who have been permanently cured at his ernab
nshirteni The Water Cure leaves uo injurious,effeets
behind, MA is too often the cage with those who have
been teemed on the old system. It removes the dis
ease, invigorates the &yawn, protects from the dangers
meident to changes of the weather, creates a nature
and active appetite, mid imparts vigor to the 'digeeuve
powers Tenes of 11,21121.11 and boarding reasonable.
For further particulars unpure at the establahreent, or
address the proprietor at Ptillbpshurgh.
DK. JAY fi AL.Tiitn 1'114..
We have bean informed by Mrs. Rose of et cureper.
:"o mad on her by Or, Jayne'. AltarraUve, which
wove, its soperieitty over every other remedy of the
lund.. She has ken afflicted tor the last sixteen years
with NECROSES or Will PE SW ELLINIIS, aUctided
Seth ulecration• arid enniation of ranotu heilei, du
nog which tune tunny pieces have been discharged from
the /rental none to the cranium, from both. her arms,
oriole and hand., rind nom brut legs, and from the Lott
lit urn! none, and from right knee, besidespainfni
o leer Poll other paits of her parson, which bone bathed
.he k of a no/utter of the mend einineut physicians of
• tut.—during most of the lima het soder/use have
iican eeratah ng end deplorable. Aliotit three months
• she War Itialleed to try Dr.laynele
March bee had an allot, shingly happy effect upon her,
uy removing all pain and swelling., and causing the
dicers to heal. nine time her general health
lateen, romp S.te restored,o that she now weighs
» the morn than tie did before its, CaLMlletlecal the we
st thin truly valuutilc preponer..- lent Eve. Post.
For wribcr tillorMal:oll,,,fp,re of Mts. Rovu,NO• 12E
filbert si, Plataitelphn.
For side in Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA STORE,
in Poem si. Wood. »4
_ .
T\ 11. TOWNSEND'S itiIiSAPA RILLA..-50 dozen
1) loot received of Dr. Townsend?. Sarsarithrilla, the
most extraordlnary medicine in the world! Thla Ran
ti act is put op u goers brill. It it six times cheaper,
pleasanter, and ivairanted superior to any sold. It
mires disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or
debilitating the patient.
Loan our roc Inalavions.—Unprincipied pentane have
copied one labels, and put up 'medicine in the same
duped bottle. See that each bottle tins the Written sig
nature of S.l'. Townsend.
R. E. SELLERS, Druggist, 67 Wood street, between
Third and Fourth, is'br.'Townsend's only wholesate
and retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genuine
article can bo had. .0
D.lll Curry hap been appointed die sole agent for
Allegheny city, of wham Me genuine nucleic earl he
11 A. FidessTuel,
G. W. Fautissve.
W bolestale Drug Store he the Oily at
Now Tork.
• andensVi at ere extensively engaged la die
• Wheletale business N 0.40 John street, in
lite city of New ork. and are prepared to supply
Druggists and ommary Merchants with Drugs, Pinata
' 34 .1 14...tni15, Foreign and Amertean Perfumery,
slander, eaver tr. Dodder . . Chemicals, la their own
n; e ugtio . eth w e irr s line o ern bi ( li p tiod...
.hued In tins or any worm city. • -
Sew Vork,Feble ILd. Parisi iggporigk.
A. li. flint, ff. I. C..tly
ri_RATEFUL for the ee m a ntes encouragement I
AJI have swotted for No yyayp t dter.
mined 00 t 0 ,,,, m y burins. cos is Having
engaged a eompetent pill. be enabled tp
ott orders p ro mptly, and do the,crotkAri Our usual ,
style and o.l•Cair prices, and ask the attention of mer..
°bunts and cititana to my largo stock orUPUOLSTF,
RY tiouga and Inds, afinMesset and Badding; VIII
-1.114 Materinle, Damas and Murexes, co rn i ce . Ri b .
grgem Dordenngs, Tassels ks
,' split and Roller ands. and
ever y uncle anaily kept in an establishment of the
(Ind. Orden respectfully aelieli o g v w ,prompay
tended to.
N. Br—Carpets made and putlnith:
=hal WM. NOMA
NOV • - TION. •
lugs. A VISSAM.LAND trapeetfylly adorn: 40z,
ly.L friends and the'pablin t he, hate prorated ahh
remoVed - thelr school ttrargimy and etanseniritt bona*
in LAtenhharroot, second du - albag eau at Peheralat,
where they arelprepver take la boarders, a,
well tka reit. own , Eta'? ',Ohara, told atharitheir
Maitre atteduno nn dosartad to Instruction In all
lb...ordinary hi.ehes of English education.
SAvan,-ers are referred to Mr. Whi. Elehbantn,
John U. McFadden, and - AO.", IF:SUM' C rtmabutjth.
Mr. A. Short and Mr. Grorgr Rrner oi Allegheny any
ety everotrered In this etty
Tbeere--mude on tar radar approved F.:anent plans—
Kind viola farbtooshte-EMSI CI auntie,. and colors. Also
or modeto orderrof all stres4sd at allprlOes. •
Country Merchants and othent are torerrto roll arid . '
examine the above for themselves ,as nil will be &Old •
wholesaler or retail, anti liberal dedoottoo %Vie So
arholesalept . trohmsers.
sadly' _ • A WESITHVELT,
- -
../TIHE 81.113SCRIBERS having removed from No.olo
1 Nos. 172 nod 174 Liberty street, ore, for vale goods
as follows, in store and how landing, vl.z;
MO bap prime Cot Tee, new crop;
40 " oldgoverguient Java Coffee;
150 hhds prime New Orleans Sugar;
bbls PlaniatithOdolesaelq. •
107 " St Jazncs Sugar lbws Moltimes;
100 hf eh. Young llyson Tea'
40 do Gunpowder nod Impeiiul Tani 11 .91,
40 do Chelan Powehont do crop.
70 do cony bas YH - P do
Bei rigs white Brazil Sitgat;
GO has white Havana do;
40 bgs Pepper; 20 do Alamo,
!Wholes liltmtard, inl and I cagy; •
Ind do Malaga Bunch Rale*
30 do do ' d 0.., dain layerri•
50 hf his do do do
• 50 qrdo
20 oaks BantoCurrams; 10 balei Sicily JUrnandst,
100 ago Richmond Tobacco;
50 baikets Bordeaux end Marseillis Olive 011:
200 libts and HO bf bbla No 3 huge klatikercli,
9 " Honey; 1500 146 Cheese;
4000 galls wooer and spring Sperm Oil;
1000 " bleached north west IThale Oil;
ION) ",, crudq •• do
300,000 Cruz and Sons Principe Began;
30 , 0 W-Hegazia. , do
'AI hfPipot , Co gac Brandy, of various brands;
9 puncheons Jamaica Spirits;
7 pipes Holland Gin;
• 20 qoaner coke sup Tenerife Wine;
in do Madeira do
20 do Lisbon , ,do
40 do Oporto ' do
GO do Sweet Malaga do
15 Indian bbla do do
15 hhds Claret; 20 qr elks Haut Santoro;
40 eases imp Borde= Claret;
30 basket. Champagne Wtoet
2 don sop, Stomach Haters;
200 Mils pure Rye Whiskey from to 5 years old
LLA:att 3 RICKhfy,UN
. Natio* to,the Public.
E heresy tmairy our friends and eorrespondema
u hemormrd.abroad, that we will rior„ onnah
ar CritCol4sl,l2lCllol, reCei•O fttl.6ol from any Boat for
which J. Newton loner In agent.
• TOHN KELLY k CO, isacceseeis to RobbVrine--
0 brener & Co., late Merchant Trdlota,l Na. 102
CHESTNUT Street, .above Third, Philadelphia, beg
leave to inform their friends and patrons' that they
hive reeened the latest SPRING AND SlDlAlgit
FASHIONS, with a large assotuneni of New Styli,
HOODS; comprising Cloths, Cassimeres, VestingsvAs
of every description—an of which are of their mraim.
=non, h
kc.aving been earefally selecyd to Peel.,
Ij7 StmhieLs visiting Philp 1ph(o, are rcapeellhl•
TIVTC I- 71.1THHER.FAHTE.—Just receiving, pros
I. bottled. of Rubber Pasta, superior ortlele,itighl;
tutportant to persons that wish to keep their lest dry.
It prevents the leather from cracking, and will take •
polish over it. For sale at the India .Ruhlier Depot,
Noe Wood street. moil 1& 11 PHILLIPS
11—E-subscriber, wenlesale mutufacturet of JEW.
LRY, invites wholesale dealers and pndlare tre
eing South and West—aloe, country store Jaspers to
Call andexuninolis stock of Jewelry, which will be
sold at the lowest prices for each or approved sweep.
lances. Constantly on bend and MUltirtOtininih.
Aerie assortment suitable foe My or country trade.
E. G. A. BAKP.Fte •
cornor of Fourth and Branch eta, up stairs,
ante:dem •Philirdeltibia
Paper Ilginga.
IcAPING poreluthed a three of th e largest Parto
n. in therast, INeve York, Philadelphia and
BO Morel a large assortment oftheneweet andkaost
improved styles of PAPER HANGINGS BORDERS,
ae., and mode a rr angements by which l will boons-.
bled to procure all new Patients
.simultsuicous with
their appearance in the Ehwent -Market, I wotaill in
vite the attention of those desiring to have their houses
papered with the latest styles of paper, to call and
examine wry stock; before parchasing elsewhere.
have now on the way nom the East, 20,000 pieces
of Gold Satin Glazed and common Paper Hanging.,
which lean sell at L e n
ees rangifmat 125 etoteal P
piece. mch S HILL, 87 wood Zt
HAVING Jost completed therebuildingef one smoke
boosey„we are now prepared to receive meat,
and smoke u in the most merchantable inanner."'
The houses are fined with all the modem.: improve
menu, and are capable of containing 300,010 lbs. each.
BIER fzION, Canal Basirt;•
al •
- PT(l74nll at
DHIN fiNll'ArEl—Havtng rt.t Mtn agency
loni. the sale . attire Mill Grove P rinting Paper, (9.
B. & Q.P. Klarkle,,Proprietora . ) we will be constantly
stippded wi th ell the different ones of eupirfot
&WO raterPannatafffirenutaszi.
OOLMNIAN, HALLMAN & CO. continue to maims
facture Small Iron, Spring and _Am. }lnner Steel.
Plough, Perk end line Steel, Rivets, Spikes and Wro't
Iron Nuts, all sizes, together with Coach and Elipue
Springy, hlf Pat, Taper and common Axles. •
Having reduced the puce of Wrought Iron Nats,
engine builders and others using the artiele, sill fled
it to their Interest to give this new branch of Plush:ugh
mutat:ten:re* their attention.
Coach birnoringe and maleable iron au liberal terms
Warehouse oil Water and Fourth sta. feb4o-11
zxoussicii tirLD[l.6li;"''* l
ST. CLAIR dTREET, P1T'1111117130%
And in now receiving a fine atiegmenee
, Which he is piennted to nuke 1 00.19 0 r
And in the IstestFonAi n ia r
Head C' , r Roo.-
lead Quarters for Boots
Corner of Fourth and timittsfilpds=7,.
TROTH & SCOTThaving eommeneclT
Tithe general Boot and Shoe business) end retell, arcreld respectwip
tne attention of their friends and the pabli3 gen
erally. to their splendid new stock, consisting of teens, ,
auae - is', boys', misses' and children. wear of every
variety, suitable for the season, and at mices-to eau
We umes A splendid article of home madd work,
such no gentlemen's fine Boots, ladies, mitiosand
children fine work.. Please call and Alumina for
yourselves. TROTH & SCOTT,
corner 4th and Smittifishit pt.
MS.—Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, itc. dra., al
ways on bond God low for rash
. .
Caunify merchants would find it to their lamest to
lye us a call when vtanni, the city.
~ in:hl4
• •• -
.W 11.50,9 & COs s "
TAIPORTERS sad Wholesale Dealer. in Foreign arid
/ Domestic Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery;lket, 199,
Wood tweet, Pmsburgh, are now folly prepared with
a recently Imported stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Sad
dlery, Carpenters. Tools, kir., to oder veryg`rear in
ducements to Western Illorehunti, as hr addition, to
the many.advernagea hod by our predecessors, M 6.1.
are. Logan k Kennedy, we have greatly increased our
facilitate, and purchase all oar good, from first hands
od the
.very best terms,
The banter members of the firm devote iheirwhote
attention to sales, and feeling confident of giving sat
isfaction, reopeetfully solicit a call from nil who may
visit this mtuitet. meh23
rrim undersigned ogres for note a aapatua cruets
of Mach for building, made by.-his Steam Pre.,
improved machine, for which he hm obtained h Inherit,
and agrees to give poschaseni n written entertain that
they axe stronger, and will ruin frost and wevareadt
er and Imbibe less moisture ox dampen thou any Mb'
er brick, possessing greater body and superiorlartare
and much more doable in every respect, each War
being s ubjected to a pressare of several tons,'skid
seining a handsome smooth stance and Men edged,
they make a front equal to the bell front brick.
They have given the greatest miusfaclion wall who
have purchased. A kiln can be seen at my waits, and
specimen at the Gazette office.
Thoie having supplied themselves Inc Moir buildings,
and wishing bandsonie front bnek, or imperial' hard
and solid paving brick, can obtain them •
ISAAC j.kiP;6 4 :4
Birmingham, Jude 1.2., If
hots No 1 intoned Sneer:. It ball do
No I do doi 0 kits No I. MeV: d0i.30 do No I Bel-
Lucre Herrin fit half do No ldo do; bbli No 3
Mackerel; 10 ti e Na I Bannon; lan arriving by canal
end for sale by Juttri WAIT,
epic, • Liberty it
10Pn RTNEIPMII P-1 nave mi. day esSocisted
V with me it the wbolende Uroccry, .Proddea n t l
Corm...too busineis, Mr tone Ve.liao“. underths firm
of JOH N WATT te. . PUHA' WATT. __
Pittsburgh, April 30,
C .
bRN BROOMS—ni daa Coy) liroami,--iii'd and
for sale by ar& R. ROBISON & Co .
DACOI4-r20,00u Ilams, 25,005 Sbanbiars in - • .n6EO
1)boat& for gala by ap:ta it )1.01U...;QN &Co
. .
At eur Gazdts Boitlines, ad tt.,'w,ean.ttPailf4tri.
at T scs GIP
.A V1c.U.,T113 LISA.
One insertion of Ht linen, or less •SO 50
Two insertions without:Her:tines ' • ' 075
Ono Week !,
- I'wo Weeks 1
Three .• . CO
One Month,' 4 th)
I'wo 600
Three " .... .760
a:e Lansei advertisements in rums plor'4l
One squar e 6 months, wltheut siteraarnai..•
" "rza... IS 00•
each additionael square for 6 Montsi,:;,;::: 500
„ „ 12
... ..tlO 00
One square G months, renewable v t
, !5 00
;41 t; .4 00
Bash Ildditional equare fort:months 10 00
Two a a qu ad a it ics . , 4 6 tn .l o u rils . , B re ir. 'wsll .Btb le ,, st 30 8
00 1Xt
*ILIN.LT ea I . II2.WSZCLT 131 Darts trains.
One sqtate.3 insertions,..Bl 60
” " each adiiitiopa/ ,
• • BtraiSias clasps..
'Five tines or leas , Ono 'est. 6 00
slz • . 0 00
eicyqa.r, daily & weekly, 10 00
. gI . 172011th11l " " 00
anvzirrisipsiista NA3III.
rat° 11121:11, ocley,than insertion, 60
121 , Two, " : 013
Tirge 6 Rats,4:6l..r •
. .