:►il`RMlgiarfAl.'toi~i - -n-prinivrasitarfab - -Lom. 1849. .. ~ Old Eanahlished Line. • ' ON Tilp: Fait EXTENSION CANAL. ' rrproprietor of this well known Una of' Canal ka t ta is now simpered to transporteestencers ~,,d F r eight to ell gonna ou the Fate i•lxteltrion, New York Canal s sad the Lakes, aims the 'min favorable terms and with despatch. This Line rumba connentum with the sleartftioats BRAYER and CALEB COPP., between ' ' , lnaba me and Beaver, C Si Reed's Line of steam beets and vas Deleon the Letea,ond the Troy end Michigan Lake Boat. Line on the New Yor canal. . C. ALATiED, Prinnietor,yrie,'Pe. Bidwell & Brother. Agent., Belltre, W T Mather. Agent at .1 Meokimm,'e Passenger Odlee, Monongahela House, Pittsburgh. CONSIONE—W C Malan, ;sharers: J E &El Hull, SharPributtc....:mith le Deturtung, dw J It Plummer, West Greenville, , Wiek, %oath . ar..Co. dm Wm Co. Henry, Hartstowa Deals& Sathap, Buffalo' Darner, raw, k. Co; Sandithk . 1; Jet A Arirthttong, Devon; Kirkland A New labehaTgerri tirClurn & WiL lune, Mllvveu. 1 :2 ki.; .. ?Surrey & Datum, Racine; Joh.a BE tuale, ChiLeavri 'Wheeler ir.C.O. New fart. apt Pitt*, . 7gh -1014 Stairseille Packet Line „ 77 .,.. : .= r ,.. j. .1849, riculivaLsr ',:iigsril'ufveq'tterVolbt.w..,,.4 2.1 spiendid Packetlimite to Ton during the Iteasois, be tween Blikliavllleand Pittebergh—the boats to be tow ed bt three Misc., end - every every effort =dew accom modate peek:tent ' . - ' .• . Elltralettriage,—Boats will leave Pittsburgh every ?Sendai, Tuteday,•Tharsday and Friday, Cr :o'clock , r. fa From Blair , every Monday, Wednesday, Thundayand tiaturday. at Yo'clook,e. AL, and arrive at Pittsburgh the same day-- A two' hothe Mack from Indiana will meet the boor trilalteLergh. loth en up. ward and doemurardtrip..apitulog'pesseaau.thrngh from that place in one der • . . , • . Freight for the above Line will , he reeeore d I " the hosts -of the Boannen'• Line, by Jae Patten A C 0.,, who are oar authorised Agents. All frlit received free of commithieria . , 1 21.. MARSH .L A. Co. Ego F . 4llYr.il tr, o, L • Crown Dew Liberty lit, Pat.borgh A Hack !mites Blairsville or Youriginown on the arrival Of t —renthns lb boat in,cnordt,g. Pa, re from Pittsburgh to Youngillearn fh:-.4ecelvial et office of Boatmen , . Line through. _;_.• • • eßtedem PlTTlinintallilititailLEUOWearlif — M ligEilt2 IS AtfikW. Foch, T o e e , rag ID u eron prrrSITURQAI; HILABELPHIA,BALTLAI RE, N. YORK, BOSTON, fce, • . MOW, 11.1111tIDOrl. Philadelphia. . Turns fr. O'Colmoe. Pittsburgh. • . PHIS old esrabliehed Litre being new to full opera., I Coo, the prOprietors are prepared with their or extensive arrangements to forward laiereltrindlse, pro duet, do. to and fromthe above porte,an [there/ terror, with the regularity, despatch and safety peculiar en their =XI, of ' trans t criatiou seobvious, when tn.,- shipment Co the wa avoided. . gall ecatignmenu y and far this line race wed, char gas paid, and forwarded many required Sanctions free of charge fin cOmmiesiort. advancing or storage. No &aura; Orectly or indirectly, m steamboats. All ommounmattortspremptly encndcd to on ariPhaa . tins to the follogriar meanie: .. THOS. BOSBIDOE.I7I Market st, Philadelphia. TA.AFFE &Olt aMtNNOR, Canal Ravin. Pittsburgh. CPCONNOR'fr. Co, North at, Baltimpre. melt 24 ---- TEriVI'M E N2O - L'IN E . ri.: 1849. PM the Tranutortationafittercunitin. qet.veen PITIEBORaII,PRILADELPRIA, k BAbitIMORE. Good. iblpped by this Liu; see earned in four 'vecuon Potte Boats. TREsubacrllsera having made nrrangeruihns is Ouse of► want of State Treeke at Columars, to buye their goods forwarded over tbe Railroads m cars. to as to avoid the detention that Las heretofore occurred for the want of Trucks. Shippers will find this to their sdvuunaga. No charges made fdr receiving Or ship pipe, 01 for advancing charge.. Atl goods 'forwarded with despatch, and on as reasonable terms at any oth. or Line. .JOHN FARREN Cr Ito, aorncr of Ceuta ind liberty ft, Pittsburgh. FRETz A. Co, =Meat XtriNleaket sµ Phiindelphln. .-sF---;-; 1849. lIIIAGRIALEUP TS.A.I4/3PO /max BiAeQax r I .Tern. me aax r W. 8121011.131, Jaws Doer. Condeeted on enact gahlitith-keepirix PPrCr#l l of this 'old eetablithod. L.hc hare t the pock in the inns! coropiele order. and . we. DlCOashlrprepared to fur:rani Produce Mardian, duet to gad fteta the Eustern cities. We g alil that our our experience in the earrying lotudaess, and 7.eolone attention to the intereal• of eu, mart, will secure to us u Conanuanen and increase of the patromo hitheno extruded to Buteham - s lrine. . Oar siMingematits enable as to carry Freight with the When despatch, and our lateen char: dwuyo be as low as 1/O'lOAll3. cheerer by other reetwoatble We have opened on °thee tre No 11l Market hied, between th - suid Sth sts, Phllado. for the canoe:donee f Pl ih jace end hietchandise will be moored end . for. warded, East and W. at, orrAltout any c harge for for warding, advancing freight, et:stage or comtnlcelori. Bills Luling foreronled, trod every direction promptly Mani led to. . Address, or apply.to WSI. BINGHAM,' Canal RUM, CO; Liberty %Sap, io, Pitortrergh. .1311VCO11ANS k DOCK, No IP3 end WO Market street, Foi.oda. JAMES WILSON, Agent, No 122 Northaloormi street, Beldmore WIUSIAM TYSON, Agent, Mehil No 10 West street, New York Pen osylvaretssCiasl ititirlaciad-iiix promiXast Packet Lliae, itthEall 18 0 1 ft ' FROM PrITS-BUGH TO PIIIDO_DBLPHIA & DAT,. TI3IORE, (Exclusively for Passengers.) BRlstblio are tespectfull y inforteed that t ad conmience running. on the lath lust, and con- Ls throughout the Season. The binda are new, and of a sopetior elms, witien. Luged cabins, which will give •greater -comfort The can are the latestconstraelion. A beatviiff alWay• be in poicanid tiavelern are re . nuestedto tall and exmainottlenfbeinte miming pus aogeehiewhete.. - are only Mai through 4 One of die boats of thin Line will leave the landingtopposite U. S. Hotel, earner of Fenn Street and CtinaLLervery night et Mae dock Time 54 days. For informatiop, apply et the OfIle& Monongahela Home, or to D LEECH & Co mehl7 Canal Basin KEIGEIMI PTALT ABLE. BOAT LIMB, M INLIM ik For the Tranfportatudi 'retght 10 TO IHRLADELFDJA, auaLmoitt a. NEW YORE tUSINESS on: Canal being now resumed, the Proprietors of the above Line respectfully inform publie - that they are prepared to receive and for ward Freight with despetch r and at lowest rates. They would also call the numnien of. shippers East. ward to the fact that the Beats employed try them io. transportation c , &rena . med by diem and commanded by =of 1 Meat tain in Balk Will find it advantageous to ship by this Line, as the mthsenbers have madam. rangameoui at Colemhio to have such freight for Did. Moore bande wie handling. d directly front boats te eon , , thereby se. tin.rit.retto • Freight to Philadelphia goes clear-through in the boom . . . . No aerie made for receiving ',hipping or advancing E thaws. KLE P/N P, Canal:Darin, 'Sevenrop netore th Meet AGENTS—Tohn A. Shaw. Cincinnati ' ; Jr.. Mc, Calla/eh & Co. Enloe/ore; Jim tqcel & Co.,C phiat Pranciii A Thoemi,Celembie. mch3l PIr.IINEITIAYNIA CAN/1.1,.t u..' Romps,' 1849. M i tia Exe REM VAST PACKET LINE, • 1000 Pittthtergh to Pheizetelpkia and Baltimore. HAtelosively for Paseengere.) THE public. Ire rerpeetfutly Informed Martins Line willcalomeleemnningonhlooday, 19th March. The boats of air, Line are of a roperior elne., with enlarged cabins, 'which will give greeter comfort to passenger& boas will eitievle be in Port, end traveler are ',c ontested to call and examine them before engaging pas sage by other mates. They, will leave the I andip a, op getaitelhe U. Hotel, corner Penn etreef and • Canal. every night at 9 eelock. , . FARE—NINE DOLLARS THROLIfiIf. 4iege-31 Days. • For infatteletion, apply at Me Mime, atononaabele Vlor to D. LEECH & Co, Canal boaa —The orr . i2o i rLet f lbo a b ove, Line are now lylton of ru di ne In, in connection th t 9 the as 10 ,' va vatila Rail Road llom Lemisiotan to Yhiladelonin. ktl Museum •packet leaTe carry =ming aml ctn. lag. Time Womb, 2i day,. • meta .r LINE. EWES 1849*: ~.,_7_erthelturspOrtatiiirt of naerenenotte,• =EP , ITMLADELPHINANDPITTSBUROII. GOODS 'carried. on no Llne nottroooldppod ber". o -PiUsiguEtx nod Plitiladelpala, being dar ned In four reetion Tunable Donis over land'.o.ne a toll—to shippers 'or meretuthdize rerittiring , .o.4.ful handling, On. In of 1112p0111q1Ce.. No ehhree made for Steering or e hipping, or for 'advancing charger Alt goods forwarded with di.pntch, owl on nt rensonlble wino as by COT other Low. JOHN NI.T.ODM6. CoN Coon! Penn Plmsburgrh 4./tS ht DAVIS Co, , • marl , 137 Market & Cornmercetr, IIdeF&DEN &-Co, niranxnlintr and. Commia. don Motel:ants, Canal Boaki, Penn •-. . , LAMES M DAVIS It C Fioui Factors and IConunts 7.; ' Merchants, TV ea.km t.d , 511 Catatnercl a s r trant, byWait of theabove on Ft t ant,. Attip, A sauces madee oetand other tnerchantSza .13 1i,. , ,`-tt - trallAl • ' .. . . ..,.-- • • M 1849 • a,--- - :::: 5!--- ~....w,, , ,,••• „, . er.,....,.. , •Tranisp o rtatlCla adote. - ~ : ', , -. . !:,..:, 4 VIA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL AZRAIL . ROADS, TO RIXIATMLPILIA AHD BALTDI.OI. I'EBE Canny and Rail Ronda being now open, and In good orddr, ore nee prepared to, fororanl -all k de of aterchandue and produee to Philadelphia and Baltimore, with prornetssere and deopateh, and on 9s food terms ou any other Life. ' • C kftIeANULTY•er, Co., - . • Canal ntillill; Penn at, Pittsburgh. jaws-CHARLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia. mo`47 ROSBMORRILL & Co, Baltimore. .alkaos 184 9 •. • ac WAY WAY I I ItEiGELY LINE. illatravuto,,lolinstocan, 11.olltday.burgh, and • - - altlinteraiediato places. • Line will:conuaae to carry all Way Good. 1 ) . : ,--F. with their usual despatch, and at fair rare of A. AVANTILTir I CO, Pittsburgh. . WakeLaid,lalinstoarn. nolhdaysbargh. ~1372312:P ..M l . 4 ataas lordaa,Staith arSinchur, Dr F .SiLlierNaVr... - R,llkrrrylohn Parker F ion Bann. • ~bccivjgGrriVirtrLeharior tc , Co, Ino arDevill Gros, ~: , .I.4l.birtatobalvary;itutalt, Malicia/1 Ray. d:tmcb27 1849 431111111111. and' 'll:lplOlMPiiie7let lane. ~, , ,:,:,4 it, cl, EARK94-116iman•Proimiurr.. - , MHZ now lend etegant Patultger.rattet.. , , i t .• ', - -,I, , IIITAGIIRAL ; .- " - -;; . t -t .; •t; KE-ERIE. , 'ta -.lit; itHilell in eif .;• - ;,PENNSYLVANIL •MT mb tlr . l i - QELig crrr -. .1,2401 r, 4il -;:•' • ;, -0 , 1?; : ~..., . Yowling PAO" age betstk 13e1.0r.:Inti Priei-taviii . -.. coisumneedttuuttsg . , 84. I.couti,mttedurlbolut iiedo: sant* nutkailrefroestanx. Ps; imtiog;liehvoton,, , / the itipiyalpt ifta Eartntitlybpirfrou4;P lettitiOt,cd 0A . - glue*, tr. it j.artd . arriye-ticThie,irill.tW„ r pautngoo , ...w.takeiJelttorm4 bat* iffe;1311110.1i: , dm I.4.lrzei '' , ' '' ' 'ffeketi through to Erie slit eel,' .talr Le:. Lad by application to .10k01 . 4 ,4•0 f.. , En • Agi t . • • conic, of,Vgista • 111504 ate *GI ' .13 KECK, . in . ,* di g.. lades hotel .. • • - MEDIAL; REAT'CURE OF LIVER COMPLAINT,' Irt. . original, only true, ardiennitte Livet.l9ll. B Funcractia,-Ohla March 2/1/1/, JAW. Me. EL E. Selina: Dear Elr—l think it a ditty . I ova to Toasted to the public. genera iy,loatue that I have been afflicted with the LtversCamplaiot for a long addedad so badly that an aliceas forme,l arid broke, Pood left me in a very low male. Having beard of 2 celebrated lover Nils beam for sale by A II 8"-i l i4 and recommended to me itt Inc physician, Dr. It Smith, I concluded to give these a Mir trial. I parchated one box, emit found them to be mid what they ere recommended, THE BEST LI. VER. PILL EVEIL USED; and +tierKf lone taxes I End the disease hat entirely lee am, and an now P""qUY 7" ' it° "` thwY 'III COLEMAN. ky r :. utterly, March 26, lean • I certify that I net personalty acquainted wits Mr Oedema% and eau bear testimoby to the truth of the :theme certifieine. A R SFLARP •• Toe genuine Liver Pifts are prepared and sold by R E Sgt./ 'nu No 57 Wood meet, sad by dreggiste in the two eltir s. TO THE PUBLlCoriginal, only true and gen nine Liner p i ll. are prepared by RE Seller., and have his name stamped in black wax upon the ltd or each bog, pod hia a meatere on the outside wrapper—till °them are coatuerfeits, of base imitations. apt° R Ell_rcprielor ETA; J Of Ws criamMTIVE n 1,1.8.14 2. ROM the Rev ASA SHINN, a well known andpop ajar Clortraman of the Protestant Methodic Church The underlay:Led having bees aillietedrinrirot limp= unite with a disease ofthe stomach, sometime. Oro rinetrig greog pale in the stomach foe tenor twelve bean antigun Intectnission, and after having tried rations remtfiltcs will little effect, was famished with n bottle ofpf 13.117eLe*Ctrutinative Salatao` This he used ac. kandiMilutttedireatiorohund found Loverintaf Ihattbis medicine eimnedthe pain tostine,itt three or fonrmis ales, and in 'fifteen or twenty mlnuteseeery Imees77 sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine was at terwardsoeed whenever indientfortaor the approach et painwereperceaved, and the pain was thereby prevent . ed. 'lit continued to use the medicine every evening and sometimes to the =mina, and in a few week, heuithgvaa so far restored, that the at:Ureter was relies ed ethos large entount of oppressive p.n. From e perience, thereby; he can confintly recommend L Jayne 's Carminative Deiratn, non salutary medic ti t dteeasett °Win stomach and bowels. A /MINN() ' Allegheny city, jydt For saloin Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STAR Id Fourth street, near Wood, and also at the Drug 'Store of H P SE M WARTZ.'Vederal streett as A Iles, . _____ Great English lietacki • .FOl R loott fis A , N C I3 I AI,I A T IU 'I r' W..44 ,.' f ' t:r " We P eu u° re ' of T il ' s . • above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of London, England; aintihdrodneed into the United... Smirk under the immethateanklerintendenee of the inventor*" The extraordinary sticCe.} s of this medicine, in LK cum of Pulmonary diseases, wnrmnts the Amerman Agt-rit in soliciting for treannem the worst possible ea ses that coo be found in the ebmmuntry —ease. that seek relief in vain from any of the common remedies of the day, and have been given ilp by tho most disunsuisheti physichms as continued and incurable.. The Hoop:rt. an!Ralttutm has eared, ind will num, the moat desperate of 'case. Ills no quack TtOar‘O., bat a stmaderd Eng. bah medicine, of known and established eftiemty, Eveiy family in rho United States should be supplied with Ruchno's Hungarian Bahama. of life, not only to counteract the conirumpnve tendencie. of the climate. but {pi, sand as a preventive medicine to all eases 0 , ottfida, koughs,.spitung of blood, pain,lsi the aide and eliest,'lrritadeca and soreness of the tangs, brochltis Ift' entry of berating. hectic fevek, night sweats,