ESTABLISHED A ILMSTRONG h CROZET., Commbsion hterebuit• 11 and 'Dealers in, No. Y 2 Markel igtreit Yinshomi, a - sisal m. 0., . w. t tlAta lIUMIIf [Fin A: HAYS, Wholesale dealers Ek Goo, ti wog-eine, Boom Shoe, Piusburgh maim. factored .11)0,1, he, N0.22' 0 liberty street., Pius tatrab. . etucn GESItQf amp.. BRAU7I h RETER. Wholesale and Antall Drag ,4l,e; roma/ 01 Liberty and St. Clair meant cuss ant.. ht. IL floats. PROW r•l' I HERTEION, Wholesale GO" and (nmmin. oo Merchants, No. ID, uiwir rialars 1 . pa • A. PA/INT:STOCK 3 Coo .M Bs Cruggists. comer Wood and 6th sts B-IGALEY & SMITH. Wholesale Grocers, 11 and 24 Wood street Pittsburgh._ _ . C A. Mc ANULTY & Coy Forarerdumf and Cont.• .11.1SiOn -Merchants, Cant) Rm.., Fi *b.* "• Isletl2 Duquesne. Spa Ina, Ai:sr StierTSAl Irani Works. YOLEM.A N, ALLMAN & Co, mama mums of kr/ Coaen and' Diane Springs, Hammered Aiks, Spring nod Play st Soo', Iron, &c. Warehouse on Water and From streets, Putaburgh. Also, dealers tolCor.h Trimnungs and fikileablo Coruna l . • 0012 Ms ABLE T7ORIL3 ON LIBERTY ST., OPPOSITE THE HEADOF WOOH,PITTSBURGIL EDMUND WLLICINEL CONTINUES manufacture Monuments,' Burial Vann& Tomas, Head Stones, Mantel Pieces, Ceo. toe and Pier Tors or:foreign and domestic marble, at a regular and fah an.. N. B..—Orasstoga for monuments, vaults, &c. furnish ed, of any deserrption. He solicits a shareof oldie patronagedif ara. a. Mann, JAMES I. NCI ENGLISII & BENNETT, Rote English, Gal ither 4. Co.) Wholesale Groenta Cornausaion and Pm wardmg Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pitts burgh Manufactures, No. 37 Wood at., between Od and 3d streets. anti EORUE COCHRAN, Comithuion and Forwarding Cl factotum, No. 20 Wood slum. Pittsburgh. 11417 ROME I.IIA.OI,IE.FACtOO.IIc -- H AMILTON BTEWART, Manufacturer of Heavy Shining., Checks, to, Beheem street, city of Allegheny. novl6-Atrs - HLEE, (mecemor a klurphy ALee,) Wool Deal . er and Commission Merchant, for the sale of American Woolens, Liberty, opposite 6th st. febl7 aryl Baltimore. arczNoa, 1913'.12, 11.111. a. c. x•cautacces, 208, s.WA.I[I6I, S BrII&LE , & DUCKNOR, Tobacco COMMia•SDIS Mt A r i.. cturgt, 41 North Water et, & 16 North Wborvo n0v304 . • - AHD Y, JONES & !faunae... to Atwood, 11 lone, & Co.} - Comaussion and Forwnrding Mer chants, deniers in Piszaburgti Manufactured Goods, Puisburgh. main la.= DIGEST, 111, TSAIAIi DICKEY it Co., WhOlesale Croce-iv, Coin- I mission IDerchants, and dealers iii - Prodnee,Nra.3B Water, and lin Front enrects. Pn"' T B. CANFIELD, pate of Warren, Cm:amis s) sion and Forwspi leg bletthant, and wholciale dealer in Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, Pat sad Pearl Ash, and Western Produce generally, Water Beet, between Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh, ap3 JOHN WAlT,(succeitsor to Ewalt Gebbart,) Wholesale Grocer and Cgtamieeion . Merchant, dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh hlumfactures, cor ner of Liberty and Band streets,. Pittsburgh Pa ASS JAMES lime of the firm of Alseo aad McGuire,) Merchant Tailor, Bt. Charlie Buddings, Thud street,_netv Wood, Pioributsh. TAMES A. HUTCHISON, R. Co.—Successors to OP Lewis Hutchison I CO., Cotamission Merchants; and Agents of the St. Louts !Rem Sugar Refinery. No. 4.5 avatar and 92 front an - eels, Pittsburgh: att3. JS. DILIVORTII d, Co , Wholes!, Grocers, Tito for t duce Mali Commission Merthaitta, and Ageota he Hazard roarder Co. of N. V. , No. 21 Wood it, Pittebargh. OHN 7 D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist, and deal t/ or in Dye Stuff's, Palma, 0111, Varnishes, Ac., N0...93 Wood airect, one doair South of Diamond .Uleg, Pitt. Jaur JAMES KERR, Jr., & Co, (successor to Josef:l — di ocll i Dav ll o Ship Chandler, 36 Water street. JOHN 11. HELLOS, Wholesalo and Retail dealer in Music and Musical Insu - ownts, School Boon. Paper, Slates, Steel Pens, quilla,n • rutters' (hods, and Smucnary generally, No. al Wood FA, Pittsburgh. Mrllogii bought or taken ita trade, sapid . - , JSCHOUNMAKER & Wholesale. Druggists, . No. ad Wood street, Pittsburgh. OLIN D. DAVIS. Auctioneer, corner and WoodJ streets, Pittat,urgh. 00.1 JOHNSTON A STOCKTON Printers Bboksellers, Frters and Paper 11dminfacturers, No. 44 Market at., Pitts . T & FL - FLOYD, (late J. Floyd k C 0.,) Wholesale 11.1 • Grocers, No. 191 Liberty strbet. saps JAM DA I ,ructgarc,iliTtit 54073 Mamba., and dealer as re.. D 4 Water st.,Pinsbas. “iStarg . tOWNSEND, tnaigird. and Aptdhee;[y. N 0.45 biwk. ltwon ttoonsauove st. burgh, will have .astantly oat and a well selected.. sortment of the best and freshest Medmines, which ha will sell on the most reasoaabbs terms. Physicians scuffing orders, will be promptly attended to, andiap govith oracles they may rely.upon as genuine. Physicians Prescriptto.o will be accurately and y prepared from the best materials, at any boat of he day or eight. Also (of sate, a large stock of fresh end good Peen. Men, . lES & JON, Forwarding mill eonisoWn Jsk chants, Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh mina factored oracles. Canal Basin, naar 7th st. •d2l PENNMILL, PITTNISUROLL,PA. KENNEDY, CHIL D & CO., Dioniseuners °lvory superior 4.4 Sheetingc, Carpet Chain, Cotton Twine tuid Baiting. NeWrxvitte Ironcorks. • - LEWISDILLZMA., h Co., minufactuiers of all , L sea liar, Sheet, 80i1ee.4103. Nails of the best quality. Warehouse, SI water and 103 frost st. Jana T B WATERMAN, Wbolegate Grocer, Forward- Dnrj a 6Van ' efs, C' cur i e•• and e 2 Front rt. LIION.II.IIX.CLIIVT IL IOU" X. sAwn -- SYRIYEDY & SAWYER, • LOOKING GLASS hlannisemreis, and Wholesale dealer. in foreign and domestic Variety Goods. NVestern merehanis, Pedlars andnthers are united to call and examine the prices end yna itp anar stock, as with our present increased Attila., its otaeratactor- Leg and purchasing, wp think we can offer as great Inducements to buyers as any other hour. won((ho Mountains. istS•ly lIMILL. its. D. !I'M.— WALT. C. WE. McGI LLS ea ROE, Wholesaloßrocers and Ramada. aion Morena:as, No. 194 Liberty EL, PittilbUrgh. .196 Air URPHY, CO., & time Jones, Murph & .I.V.i. Co.) Wholesale WlLSON Dealers in . Dry Goods, No. y 49 Wood street, Pittsburgh- noT2I 1/.. ...1.15.3, sits. NI2LIGL., VrAI. L. N 011.1.. NALLEN & Co, Commission and Forwarding ~ Iderehimm Water and • Front sm., between a and Merkel ' ___ - land _ W=::2l WIC 1111.8, 11LER RICKETSON, WhOresale Groce rs extd . izti4 Co p trizoisni .. on bleiclounn, Na.l7o,l.lberry;in., Pins. NrrlIEW WLLSONTFOiIraIt and Miiitnirnin .l.T.n. Ins. Rooms, c orner of Post Oleo Alloy and Fourth suisst, entrance oo 4dl near Muket. NIIOLISI/ & SON, No. 153 Market "I_, second door from comer of Foto*, dealers to Foreign and Dorocrue Ulna of Exchange, Certikestesaf Depoi. it, Hank Not. and Sped. to - Collection, mad on all the print:foal aides throughout the United Stares. deel7 XT BUCKIIteHTER, it.egmarsizt—Oecet - Fo• • st, Etq a ) 111 hard =ear above chi, torah side. C/a/genet= of all ' di: no with the greatest tare and legal =curacy. • , - .t Teen be Heal Renew ex . c .. tec... 0et30 7 17 ------ 'fndependani Pollee Office. WO. 105 FOURTH STREET..—Commitung NO. Magis trate, .ISLZSIII.X Setae. Chief of Pollee, RUM= Hague. ;nl6-02pin _ H. T. Roberta, M. D., QPTHALMIC SURGEON mill attend to the treat. memo( Diseases of the te. r. haS been engaged in 's branch of the media cal profession for sixteen yeari, and hat condaeled an establishment for the treaustentof diseases of the eye - isione for sewn] cars. Orrice and residence, corner df Sandusky at and Strawberry alley, Allegheny city., seta -CIPEIII, ILIN TEA STORTA.—No. Pk Point% 13Clr quantitiee of Green and Black Tenn, done up in quarter, hall, =I pun ;mimeo packniges„.rarming frornso cia. 'peep:ism 0460. • iyi A. JAVilai, AO for Pekin Tea Co; ROBERT MOORE, Wholeule Grocer, Rectifying , Distiller, dealer in Produce Pinshurgh Mannino tares, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No. II Liboriy street. On bond a •ory large stock of superior old Monongohela whiokey, 'slue% will be .41 lovo for cash. • lop= 10112C60N, llama. a. acraminfl. ROBINSON tr. C 9., Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commis/tura Merchants, awl Dealers in Pius- Manufactures, No. lUD Liberty at, Patshurgb. lartlO Commission Dislap-LL & Co, hoic-a Wle Grocer,, Commission surd Yormardurg Merchants, dealer , Produce and Purrhurgh Islanulactures, Liberty st. Pittaburcio Pa. feat LOBT. A CUNNINCiIIAbIi Whotango I 11. e Deal er in Produce and l'ltilbrirgb Idanulisturea, 4.44,4 liberty at. rv o. narnarta., 1 . 1.. Igb EYNOLIY6 &AIME, Fonolirdin .' Land Camralssi blerelmars Cor the Allegheny Vtlf 'Trade, deal ers in Grocenes, Product, !danufsetares and Chloride of inke. The higioral rices, rsh, paid at all times fo! roan rags. Calitel of_Pe. and grunn ots. Altai 6 C. IitIACEL.Z,SLIM. tiectuan - r k. WHITE, 1 `, Wholesale Dealers ft Foreign and Domesue Drygloods. No. P 9 Wood st. ingsburgh.MeV - - an -- ift. W. HARDAT;GH. WOOI - Merengrin4 peak. in Flour and Produce generally and Foroluding Genamiuion Merchants, No. Ph Wuter st, Pitts. SITU, BAGAI.EI' r. C., Wholesale GrocersPTO !t 0 Produce dealers, No. ^_ 'J Marko sweet, between kb and eh. North side, Plidade Jphta, nar y I.lTrOllBOll. tO/LN ItaTILXI:, akat . F . m NIEXKS, P ro duce and GeneralCOM : SmisFten Merebnnte, No. 17 Liberty at e ;', Sperm, Linerut and Lard Oils. F. ilON & Wholesale Oro. ecrs, Forwarding arid COMMIS.I6OII Itterehants, • era in Pittsburgh Manufaetwes and Weetcrit PTO , dnec, have removed to their num arasebouseold No. corner o ( Front 5t..4 Chancery La d e. . nos? tie. J. Sittltlf • & &COTT, Wbei6 17 1111 d Man &alms Boots, Shoes, P. 0., Bogs, ice., S . . W o raer of 4th find Southhohilsts? JUSY.JIgt, la 3 . . _. r,GodNNy & tiEST, Wholaatla Gram s kSf, and Commis- Jinn I.lnrclaatn, and dealers in Prodatz. No. 36 Irt., Pittsburgh.paint. .NVW ...MESON, Dealer jo Watches, Jew - airy, % Sliver W arn, M ilitary Goody kn., N. 57 Mar itOt SC nail L - 1/ p. . , 1r 1 : E l DA Ly IN 1786 CARDS 1011111 D. WWI, DA DI D 31 • CANDLIDAS ICI:& 11PCANDLM, (nuertooora to L. & J. La Wiek,) Wiroleanid Grocom Forwunling and Commission Merehanti, dealers in Iron, Nods, Lotion Varna, and Pittsburgh Manufacturesenerally, terprr ( Wood and Water •treeta. Pittaburuh. • IPST 130Whia—C4 and I , m-wording Merchant, No. 911 Frost at. between Wood and i l iket men.. roloal - • W . Canal maYl3 W . R. litltTßPlll,Dliotesare and Retail denier in • Foreign and Doziestie Dry Dead., north ens correu of Mattel and Fourth its. augs.3 001 - 3 e, 1/10.. UTM. YOUNG & Co—Dealers m leather hides, &e. T 143 Liberty St. ests34Y bra. steervekt sus. imay. n'evrenson & IL M'CUTCHEON, ,Wholesale Grocers, dra- V V • lera to Produce, Iron, Nail, 61.1., and Pitts. burgh Manufactures generally, 151 Ltbertyas, Pats burgh. ' deed - W. WILSON, Walcheioewelyr. Silver Ware, .• and Military Goods, corner of Market and 46 streets Pittsburgh, Pa. N. R.—Watches and Clocks carefully reptured. deed _ ILLUS.( ShiLYLI, Manufacturer of Cotton and yy colored Linen, Fringes for Dresses, &c., Snoring Bak and colored Cotton Inctges for sill( and gw,gharn Parasols. Gimp, Slohtur, and Silk Bulhon Prlnger, made - to order on the sharttat notice. . STO3M corner W . -Maiden LettlC .11 William, entrance No e 5 wmlam sweet, Wird floor, over Abner & klys , store, No 65 Maiden Lane New York /Yld 34r& M. MITCIIFILTREE, WholesaleDrewera . Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Lupo, erchants. Also t Importers of isods Aah and Blench ing Powder, N 0.160 Liberty sweet, Pitwidirgh, seys2l wiT4 2 'YO'CATcrdc co. PA .FRS LY HIDES AND LEATI;ER, Morocco, Shoe Findinp, tro.. No. 143 Liberty street, have oat received thew SPRING STOCK ofgeKele, com prising.• large assortment of articles in their line, to Which thb_aSentrou of purchasers is invited. mehtS PETWIGIEW & CO., STEAM ISOAT AI.ENTS 0171 C ....BOVE M. Au.rts total No. 42 Water street INSURANCE • INDRIBINITY. Thu Franklin Fare huuremec Co. of Prulaalelphia. IRECTORS.—CharIes N. J linneker Thomas .bleu Wagner, Samuel Grant, acob IL Oman, (seen \V Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph,' E. Bone, David S. Brown, Morris Pane non. President Cllllll.Ol N a rt,un., t. Charles C. Bucker, Si'icreta Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited. on every description of property in town or country, at rates sales! as ue consistent with seconty. To Company have reserved a large conungern Thant!, which with their Capital and Pre/mums, safely invest ed, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on January Ist, 1949, en tallcrar pnblmh a, ed agreeably to ea act of Assembly, were as 51,047.438 41 Roilt a"t 04,724 tel Temporary Loans 00,001 F 4 States . Cash, the. 15,004 37 St r a.,tiel 7/ Since their Incorporation, a period of 19 years, w ane paid upwards of one million four hundred thous and dollars, Meths by Are, thereby affording evidence ef the adveingges fl nsurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. utaiDir.LVFFIN, Agent, mart-dty (Mee N E corner Wood and hd eta lIIGLAW - MtLIC 31VTCA L liiiBIIOALNCE CO. I OLIN FINNRY, Jr, Agent at Pittsburgh or the Del. AY mare Alumni Befery Insurance Company of Phila. Fins Risks upon baildings mid merchandise of every description, and Marine Risks upon hulls or cargoes s: of v expels, taken upon the most favorable ms _ liQi •r Office in the Warchouseof W. 11.11ohnes & Bro., o. d 7 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N.B.—The success of thi: Company since the estab lishment of the Agency in this city, with the prompt ness and liberality with which every claim apon them for loss has been adjusted, fully Warrant the agent in inviting the confidence and patronage of his friends and the community at lunge to the Delaware M. S. Inn, name Company, while it hos the additional advantage* as an institution Among the most fititaistung in ?Wade I phla--as having on ample paid-m capital, which by the operation of IL* charter Is constantly increasing. as . yieldlag to each person insured his due share 01 the profits of the company, without itivolving him in any responsibility Whatever, and therefore so possessing the Almost principle divestedof every obnoxious fea ture, and in as most 041111CIIVC Rini. nand ' - vin.E..oll)-DICEILINIt IKSITA.A.Di CR" frtIPE Insarmtee Company of North examen, mrough J. as duly amhorixed Agent, the sufiscriber, oders to 1 permanent and limited ne ture On property, In 1111 1 y and its vicinity, and shipments by the U nit ' 'il Rivera. . s .; :sbt 41 A 0 Coffin, DIRECTORS. Charles Taylor, .. ,_ ~Skltti V. Jones, Ambrose White, Fkkised Smith Jacob M.Thomas, Jdhu ifi.. Brown, ' into, R. Neff, Jahn White, . Richard A Wood, Thelma, P. Cope, IVm. Weal, Samate.l F. thumb, Prantei hioskens, . . • ---.- • '''` - - nn Main D. Breimuarn, Seel. ' ' Thais tha oldest insurance Company ip the United States, haying been chartered in 1104. 1a charter is perpetual, min from as high standing, long experienCe, ample mean, and avoiding eh risks of an extra has .1,11111 . <11114.C1.1 . ,,it may be col:andel,/ as offenng P la security to the public. W. P. JONES. At the Counting Room of Arwood, Jones Co., W. ter and Front streets Pinaburgh„ mays Protection Incarnate Co. of Hanford Conn. CHARTERED IN le2S. APITAL LIMITEDD-85010D—tAND SURPLUS C PUND.—Tea tinderstamod, having been appoinhid Asada of the PrOtGaloll Insurance Co., will kaice risks on property in the city and incinny t and oust - moments by canal, and the riven and Intim PAYETTE BROWN, Office, No. 117 Wood street mch2e:d2w lID sugSCHIDER has been appointed Agent pro tem. of rho ILlmaranee Cdmpany of North Amens a, and will issue Policies sad attend to the other business of the. Agency, at the warehouse of Atwood, Jones £ aPt2 Wl5l. P. DON E 2 4 .. water st FORWARDING & COMMISSION C.: DA-lINHOICIII.I, J. 11.1:3•1..0 WIZ 4111&RLIM DANENHOWEIL & co. TOBACCO COMMON BERCHAMTS, No. b 9 South Wharves, PHIL/ JR. end NO. N -Lai. 117 South Water st. :LP BEGS to Strom the trees and dealers generally, of Pittsburgh, that they hare made such arrangements with the , Virginia manutecturess and the Growers of the West, West Indies, and other places, us will insure Is lare and consular supply of the (encoring descnp dons of Tobacco, which vida be sold upon as tmcom modeling terms u y other house m this city or else where, and all goods an ordered from them will be war ranted equal to representation: _Havana; St Domingo; Conn.; Yarn; Porto Rico . Penn'a.; 1 -Seal Leaf to- Cuba; Ignittl; A Florida; baron; ALSO—Sraneh's celebrated anotnaue Stag care.n• dish, with a large assert seat of ether popular brand*, sad qualities at poroula 6s, Eis, 12e, lfis and 2.15, Lump, Se, d, Ss and 100 Plug; Ladies , ?twist; Virginia TNVII4.. Se., sweet and.plain, in whole and half borne, wood and tin, together with every variety of article belong ing to the mad. let Gdly WOOL, YLOLiII. AND PB.ODUCE. LYtIAIV, RR ISO & CO., (Successors to Reed, Fluid k C 0.,) GENERAL COSITUSSION MERCHANTS BOSTON, MASS. • Particular attention paid to the sale of nll kinds of Pf. due_,_and liberal advances made 011 COIIIISSIIDC6I6 L. R. & Co. have leave to refer to— Messrs IL Robison & Co. 1 }„,t.burgh. MoGiB & Roe. $ Reed, Parks & Co., Beaver, Lawson & Covode, Wellsville, 0. Boswell Marsh, Esq. Steubenville, 0. S. Brady. EN. W F Peterson, East wh Nr. Messrs R Crangle & Co. Gill & Stout, Rhodes & Ogleby, Bridgeport, 0. dec.47-d&arbusyleS JOIN A. SILAW, PACKER OF PORK AND BEEP, Commission Etrehant and Forwarder, NO. 4 CANAL ST, CINCINNATI, 01110. " Particular anent= paid to the purchasing of of article of Produce In this market Also to the forrearding of Goods generally. Refer to • Messrs. &s. John Sarasey Co, " Menlo A Stockorell}Cincionau, 0. S. C. Parkhurst, Esq. • Lippincott A Co. • Kier & Jones, }Pittsburgh, Pa.. Ea Listr& Bennett, inure:am GEORGIC. COCHRAN. CommLafon and Forwarding agercLawt. nrr.9d WOOD re, etensemann CONTENTITEato transact general Corninission busi ness,, espeCially in the purchase and age of Ameri can ManufactriTts and Producc to 4, and in receiving and . care. .As Agent for to =Lute ' ds s, c lieVilt she principal articles of Pittsburgh plan conc hs at the lowest wholesale price. Orders and consignments ari=isetfulliaolicited. iti7 MID. • M. EGOLF, AiERcIIIiNDISE BROKER and Commismon Mer lYl No. 35 South Front street. 'wound story.) Philadelpld~irroo.J• porchawo, packed. tneured, trod airipped to °Nor. Wool, pe w , D r ,„r Frail and CheoSe received on consignment and stor age, with insurance. °Warned. agymgc.i...Wen. Bell G Son, Mr. R. Rigby, and Mf. HarveE Childs, Pittsburgh. • feb-dam GEORGE A. BERRY witozisAl.s. an.ocwas: FORWRDIMI CID COMMISSION 111111 CHAT, • AND DEALER IN Iron, Hathif Cotton Yarns & Pittsburgh Alaiininetures generally, so. 10 way gram., errneoun, 111101.08.11.,, 11110Tlidilig CO - 00 :, COMMISSION M PHIA ERCHANTS, PHILLDEL, For file gala of Prod.., generally. Libereladenners made on cousignlnenta -10.24-d&wilmT .. • . Trortoportottoo to iii;to4c.. itOftSE & COIN, #3oWotv",• • Commistion and Forwarding:Agents. nenToN,, will receipt Produce going East febl2-4 2 m _D. Sr. C. _ R; T. LEECH, JR., Importer and Dealer in Foreiget one, Domestic Aaddlery Hardware 8; Carnage Trimmings, 1t0.133 Wood au, Pittsburgh, P. TS now receiving hie @wing e apply el Goods, and I blab. the attention of Paddlers, (Niachmake re and Merchants to his stock. 11 has been bought upon the bestt so cow, and P.O therefore feels =en fr t or the ing able To afford satisfaction to ail who may favor him with a call. lOC blii7:d6in 1 .1 ,1 11:4 - E—Another bit of Platellattlible for the California service, lost received . Also, to arrive on the leth inst., by Express, • neat .Pd bandy article of Portable Gold , 4 tal4a, whim ev ery gold Stiller might to and4or sale by W WILSON, corner 4th and tnarkeiata LAW OFFICES. W3l TINI/3LIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Boar, P o W I n t..L .. s e i n so tr r , co i ti to coliecUOng and ail oth.r pn. R z , e r t t o o bon in Butler ant Arm,roi, J k R Floyd. I.lln-rt rine V a Nle ' rl ,3j o h n. r l7 . d d ' o ? I'd.burgh Key k Co., Wood J. 13 SWEITZER, Altorlor l LAW. odic. 'm -t opposite F. chnrl.. Roo-l. Y iu.burpL. vr mend promptly to COllerttort, W115111,r... oi 111 , 0 .d Omen counLos, Pa REFER TO DlllrittlOCk, Church & Carothers, Putaburtth D. T. Morgan, EJ. ENRI% Attortioy and room,: . H Cincinnati. Ohio. Collection^ in Southern Ohio and in Indiana, and in Koniuclo. promptly and care fully attended to. Corninowioitor old Ihr Som. or sylvania, for taking Depoisiuous, melt 00A 101.141i1Ct., & Raven ro—lion. Wm. Bell & son, Curtin. Church & Carothem. Wm. Hay, 1 , ,c) Uael. u 25 JAMES P. KERB, ATTORNEY AT LA W. are rertiov...l to Fourth street, between Smithfield and Grant street A:1,13m 11•1411 Mort UNLOP &SEWELL. artorre) at Law, Offices o n n Smithfield, between :Id nod .Ith so). JOIIN 11. RANKIN. Attorney and Counaellor at Law nod Comminsioner for the State of Penory)tmtna St Lotus, Mo . , (late of Pittsburgh.) h.) lieu W Forward, clamp. )on Miller, AEC:audio. AL Nl)Clure, John K Purite• I.ll.sells A Semple. ltl'eortt& Kota. mit ty JOILAT T. COCIIRA.ti, . .cit A TTORN1:1" AT LAW. Four! street, between Srruthlield and Grant. lal2-dam M. C. FRIEND. A TTORNEY AT LOW, Fourth .treet, !Isar Grant. patnoly O. H. ROBINSON, Attornry at L. has re.- . mooed hut office to tbe Exchmmelldutcs.FO. Clair st., next door Ire Alderman Johns. attrly HATS, CAPS AND BONN ETS &MORI) & v." (Successors to sl'Cord & King) I,••bliatiablra Ilatter's,` Comer of Wood and Fifth P ARTICULAR summon ruin to our Ft- nit Trude. liontlomeo can rely upon gollittr, Mor on ic at. end Caps front our estabfishment of the taxi nod 0...Ny.011r, of the Larkin mi., and at the w Cotton armer Country Merchant, purchaslng tip wttoleastc, are respectfully invited to gall and examine oar Stork, an we can say with confidence that nq rerant• oextxrr and Paler, It will not sutler in acomparison with tory house in Plladelphia. fehl, Li CALIFORNIA HA Tl , _ —l2 dorwater proof ts Califon. Hu. An, received and for axle by &PO .RD & Co. telOr corner sth and tO sin pm SPRING FASHIONS FOR 1549. IiM'CORD & Co. will introduce ou al Sonar day, March ad. the Spring style of HATS. Thos e In want of • neat and sop nor hot. arc InVite to .. call at corner of ath and Wood streets. tusr C.tPRIN.: BONNET RIBBONS, .4.0.—W IL Murphy 0 ha. now open u supply of spoug.Bonnet Ribbons, of new and hatulaeme styles Also, new style fig 'd Netts: Lisle Imre and Ede lags, Linen Eolcipg.: Vittoria do, plaid Muslin. b,;11 !aeon., embroideredyn S. hlo.Lns , &r hroolc. l east arge corner ..rtment .d Ma rin rke of Spg t o oodrect. g enerally. at north 4th NYbolesal. Rronma up flour. MEDICAL. IRTAIST TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. hose's Celebrated liemediea. DR. JACOB S. ROSE the discoverer and , Ole pro. pricier of thew most popular and beneficial med icines, and also the inventor of the celebrated in for inflating the Lungs, in edecting a cure of Chronic diseases. a student of that eminent physi etan, Doctor Physic. andgraduate of the rill re,. If of Pennsylvania, and for thirty years ce ',ce engaged in the investigation of disease, and thr appl.. cation tit remedies thereto Through the use of his inflating tube, ronrection with his rophylnetic Syrup and o th er of his Tenn-die, i he has gained an unparale•ed curing those dreadful and fatal maladies. Tubers ular Con sumption, Cancers, Scrofula, Rheinnanwn, Fever and Ague, Fevers of all kinds, Chronic Ery w iem re.- Las, and all those obstinate diseases peculiar to) n. Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the moe of his remedies, to which humanity is heir—not Ly the tow of one compound only. for th•t Is inrompatibie with Physiological La. but toy the awe of his re me - e adapted to and pre w scribed for each peculiar form of disease. - - Dr. Rose's Tonic Alterative Pills when rt.ed are in_ variably acknowledged to be superior to at; other, as siLpwumativerek7lyivefmr leave the Golden 1 ? ills is at:lnstated by the faculty to posse,. peen liar properties adapted to female discos:, hut Lein.; satisfied that a bare Mud pt static:am to establish what bas been stud In the minds of the most skepizeat. ASX/4444,4)4 IlViAtcd tweak! anon Ilte.asrsus._Jsms. For aide by the fol , ovring agents. as Well as by man tblanittb throughout the country: I 6eboonmaker de Co, tyl WOOll dart.. rllLabbb ;h: 1 111 Townsend, druggist. IS Market st Lbb A Beckham, - ne. the P. 0 Allekhen . Jos Barkley, Darlington, Beaver county, Pa. Jno F.lliou, Erman Fahey, T Adams. Heaver, novlo-.11 y rAIN IN THE SIDE AND rit rCu- RED:—Having a for long ume gee', di. tressed with a severe pain in the side and ellen, nem,. ionnied with a dry cough. I was unlaced., upon thy erg* lit soli citation of a blind. to Dr. Taylor's Balsam o Liver wort, tuld I moat nay this medicine ha, answ ere.l tie purposs admirably. Sly distress was prodoced a severe hurt, and was so gnat that it was with Maw u lty I retud swallow my food. Indeed, I ,un satisfied tins disease most haveterrutuated Cor p i ampo oo , or coon fetal disease, bad it am !wen eur,it by this /ed.' ini• mcdtentre. To all who seek to prolong their lives, I would advise the use of Dr. Taylor's Balloon of I,ter.. wort. JAMES lit •WA N 120 lioweqy This medicine faeilttates esti c . a . /ion , re d o ". ver, restores strength, and , consi d ere d aso. penor preparation for the r . mo s vent or a t diseases in the Chest and Lu mit, and thou Id be rino t• ed to, even after these dues ms have resisted the`ral remedies. In the pre. ee or ,h,.• nid very /timetable phyrdet. thin . 13olsoin ot Liverwort ha. or purred an enviable reput soon for its s„t„es,a. gupW nor to that of the oho/aria/It nostrums of the da, was the character .d probity of its inventor. to than of quacks and err,pirt cs. CONSUMPTI.ON CURED.—My son having u yt n. lent cold, used to cough violently, limning quantities on thick putrid frostier, and finally he could not torn over in bed, from weakness. lie th inifested every sy inp tom of eonfkrmedconsompuon. For Ms years be had been Mtbitict to the asthma lira physicians. :Miming Vennoule & Anderson, said he was ntrurabis, and plum soon die. let I arm determined to try Dr Tay lor's Haltom of Liverwort, and strange at it ma, sp. pear, am medicine 12. fully restored los health. SOPHIA GALLON, 14 Norfolk strer Sold In Pittsburgh by J U Morgan, iii Wood n, , Townsend, 45 hiarket st It Smyter, nor 5l arket a,./1 :Id sts; Henderson & Co, 5 Liberty at Price volution to MAO per bottle- t o n Columbnina c0.,M.. Apr. 24, le4l. DM. D. JAvNb.l5.l Daus Sta.—l feel bound to fan and the aithuted public, to avast myself of thi• op portunity of giving puha:nay to the extrmrdiriary rdects of your Expec brunt on myself buying bet &Molted (or several year. with a acvtre tong),. hecur fever and ita eOneortlltant diseases, nod neetaed Only cloonled to linger out n ahort hit intseratile existence. until the P M (all of I, when, benne more severely attacked. and having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pre- Sceipt.l6llll of two of the most rsoper table pity...tank in the neighborhood without deriVou, any benefit. or he cOnsolhUon of surviving but a few do), or weeks at fartheri—when the lout gleam of butte was atm. , to vanish, 1 trod recommended in me your Expectorant,— and bleased uy th i x lkilng who does al: things It, the use Of kite mean,— contrary to the elpectuttona of my phystetans and friend, I was init few do) s ralsed from my bed, and was enabled by the osr of u bottle, utbsud fo my bust 0r,., enjoying site better health thah had for Mu yea] s presto.. Respectfully ys or, he., !AA W. Fent, For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pektn Tea btore, 72 Fourthatreet. Mar2ll _ . l0 1 1 ; S : 1 2 , :; 1 , , ,o 'S rp t ba,.1.1 behigh y Vinegar render it far superior to Cologne incur m and to a pre erltea of m r the ordinary eurpoacs of the toilet, surpassing the In ter Le its perfume. It prevents and removes pinires, teller and asperity of the skin, it refreshes arid white. We skin, rendering it soft and smooth. It coerceut the clammy and bitter taste of Ma mouth. impair°, ,g a fresh pleasant breath. 11 CiClln.C4 arid whi tens the teeth, and hardens the gains For rill the in moo our. poses, IL Is used with Water IN PUPA nruporuo n as may he found most agreeable. Uy inhallng it am I rubbing it on the temple., It will remove headache II aagiled Lastingly to a burn or braise, it will eventual! y prevent mortification. It correct vitiated air, arid oarantres from contagion; it is therclbre very useful lot punning and parfurrung aeartments. For sale by RSELLERS, Wholesale Drtiggrat, 57 Wood street, Pittsburgh - - Dr. - McLane In Tennessee. THIS Is to certlty Mat I purchased one of Dr McLanes Won n Specific. some two months ago sad pee to a son of e r ne, antes seven years old, two nespoons (all, and although the amount may appear lerge,•yet I have no doubt but there was upwards of FIFO quarter ays pass ed from him, measuring born on of an inch co two inches long. (i W HOLLIDAY. Rose's Creek. Carrel co 'renn. Deo 27, 1-47 ta24 VERNIFUtS E IN GEORGI.— S ELLERS' COIXIABINI. I an. A eth, 1.49. Mr. IL E. Sellerst—Your Vennifuge has soldwell, and has been hlglty spoken of by all who have used it From the success awarding the administration of your Yercrufuge In every ease I have heard 01, I at n yo ur I son sell more denote the commg season than I did leer. I will be glad to receive another sup ply of 4 orb gross, Yours, respectfully, [Extract from letter] If. CARTER . Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 07 Wood st, and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Al mid lI,TRAM•7I. -. AF. PITMAN. 0.. IL aorgason. YEATRIAN, PITTMAN & CO., FORWARDING h COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 152 Second street, meh27:dGetts ST. LOUIS, 510. —_ • • RE 1110 T AL. Irp. subscnber has removed his Wholtenle Groce 0' Store to the corner of Hancock street and Alte gheny Wharf; next door to the Perry House. reeh272ltf JOHN F YEARN . opening, a large end scleettvl assort- Rent of line Watches and Jewelry. which will be sold s cheap as to any other catalthshmeat ut this or the Eutern Alse—A large lot of variety store Watches and Jew elry, at very lbw prices. Full Jewelled 19 karat Geld Levets, as low es thirty-live dollars. %V W WII SON. mirth= corner 4th and market sts For Greenwood Garden.. ilk: new and fast runtime steam boat THOMAS M SCUFF, leaves the Greenwood Wharf Boat, at the Point, every half how during the day, landing at the gardz gate. A collection of the choicest Greenhouse Plants anr sale in the Garden. Ice Creams aid other re in:aka:tants famished to the Woos . Baguets pot op at that shortest nonce. Orders for Hoattaty 101 l at lbs wharf boat, will rec.,re prompt a .01 PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 9, 1549 CO.PARTNERSHIPS. on-partorrohp :irr,tofore ex.ttng I.r•ween the .uip.,ll.era. In the ono, cf Friend. Rhi, A CA , • thi. Anyllosolved mulual enue.ent. Gen Rhey thr bu•lur.4 of ihr onc , r, wuoch put. po, he huthortzed u. I/1r Of tt tm PI , RTER R FRIEND, JAME: , W 1 ,01). liEf). {MEV February 7. I-49. Co-Part nership, The sntgeribers have this dnv 8•.VelO led them...elves In the name of RIIEY. MKPTHEWS & Co.. for the purp ,, e trattaaettng a genera, brocery. ( . 011111111./011 atd Forwartltng Rummest., at the stand of the late firm of Ertend. !they d. Co , where they trill be Wedged to rette,ve the pat ogage of the purloiners of that house and our fttend• GEO RtrEV. ATl'li FAN'S, February 7. till We take ro:eLoote :.L recommending to the of our neno. thew. of Frond. Fibre k .!o. our eucee,wrs n home., Racy. Muttheo, k Cu. PORTER R FRIEND, J AM ES WOODS feb9 - Di•aolntlon. e c k , r , :=l , , ....etze r tt , th & e thir , day comeent. Burke Borne. verti kettle the bonnier. of toe con vent. for which perm).. thou are nuthonked to •urre the II nine of the concerts NA niANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, TtiomAs BARNES The understgned hove this Jay ..ociated tbensaelvev zn the name of 111..X.KI:& B&RNEIS, for the porpnao n( 11M1TY61111.1.11 , 111K Floe Prot.( :Safe+. Vault Donn. de. at the •tan,l of the la, lrat of Constable. Burke & co where they will be pleased to meets,: the pa tr.,- ace of the eu•torner•ot that 11011 SP and thew (nenda. EDMUND BURKE, TIIONIAS BAILNES. In re' almt from the firm of Con•lnf.le. Burke & Co. I with Amer, pienaum recomMend :Megrim Burke Barn., In the eonfidrnee of mp frmnd• nod the potato. Feb I. 1 , -111 NATHANIEL iItNSTAIII.E. Mkt 1-dtl DI amolvailon -•• • • . 'THE oarturrsrop so totts emsung limier the firm ol .11`tord King. was by mu consent dissalesd on the Ist tnst 'rite business wall elo.ed et the old stand Iss - either or us. usom the name of the firm for that purpose. Boma dells,ua to hove our !rumness closed woh as hair delay as possaldv. we would re spectfully' request Moos tudcbted to call and settle Nor soeounts. JOHN D M'CORD, ja2" 11 D KING Vc...P•rtners hip. TOIIN D. M'llflßD t,enon with :11,11 too ltrothes Juno, 3112t0d. under the otyle of M'Cord & Co., VI ill cont.., the Hot, Cup and Fur bottomee in all n. noncom Itreneltet, wholesale and nt the old st.t.nd. eorner of %l ,K,AI and 5111 street, worts they +ellen !I cowl:mutton ot the pntsmmge so littera:ly be mowed ott me old firm JUJLN D Jaree JAMES 9 M'CORD. TN reurtne from the old and well known firm of 1 Itlleord & King. I m reopectilly recommend to lOr prtlronee of the pil oot l,lir my once..., Mount M'eord & pat H. D. RIND • 13 1 SKOL UTION. I H 6 E ptAze b ro y tt n ti , , u lane fin. loz settled II Lce JR. MURPHY, Pit... Th. Jun VI, 1040 H LEE NOTICF,—The undersigned coounue the Wool btodness and attend to the sale of NV.len Goods, at tnc uld stand II In retirtng from the firm nt slur,hy & Lee. I mite treat pleasure in reran/menet:lg Mr. Lee to the confidence of my friends tind the pub:. rill.fbllrgh, .1.11. 3a, LAP 1 IL MURPHY THE I,ll l• ha, ibis day a"ooiated them 1. *rive.. together DryS Nunn,. of tru,..actine a, whote.ak- and retall 1:ooda and firricer, a: No ta-rtt, °ppm.. Severvh 4nde rthe .1, .r 11111111 r 111 of BUSHFILLD HA), littsburvh. lanuouy 1,40 N H —Our rod customers and We pub, are invited gsvc us cnil 00 ..PARTNICASHIP. )1 7 e S n ' tc .A r i ed ri L 4 o " tti a i Cepr l l A lf 4 ,1 c A r I k e fir S m th c si f SCA IFE & ATKINSW. end will carry on the ISt, 'upper. and ',eel Iron Warr manufactory A,.). Itluctamttiung in al. its branches, at the o.d •tanti of 11 B. Scone, First crect, near {Foo d Part ruLar ...abort glum to steamboat woo, nee.: I, HE P A RTN ERSIIIP to . SNr. A R havolg been Isy the droth of one orthr parto , ra thr intere,“ of Win Hay, Jr. decnoted, to said ron•iNnap of Hides. Lcuther. akin, sin. Ae.. o-tIl he sold on the prentise• nit the 15th no, feb7-41 J A.kl E , LAI GHL/N, Adatto.:ratur IHAVE this Say ' associated won toe In the whet., rate tannery Produce and Corntrussion ' , atones., toy mother Joseph. under the fire. or l S DILWORTH & Cs. J. S DILWORTH January I. tO4O 1 10.— PARTNERSHIP—Wm. loon, havtoe V day vnw•tated with ham, John R. Nrenne, the ;es ther bangles. yell; hereafter be conducted under the arm of Wt. Young h WILLIAM YOUNG, lan3 INII R NIT'UNE. BOOK TRADE it ay be , htlPhorrTi Works; Utuverrity Scrsont, by Waybtart: Natural History of kitthumastn, Lae god Tmeit of l'hiiip lien ry; Lae of Rev Henry Venn; Proverbs of the People of Magoon: TbeOpbarly, OF mornfestation of um. in Matta: :lemons of 1 Powell Hoven, liner. Chan It ail. by 'rpm klapusta, as import and modes, 'the fungiam. ft vols. Chenver's Lectures on Ptigrun'i Progress ' Cheerers Wit/Wert/Igs of a Ptlertin to the Alps; Anderson's Dot nestic onsutution, Modern Ar compllthmentc Last days of Rbaha. Women of the Revolution, by Mrs Eli,,,Use of Pollak; for sale by rlO EL.l.l,trr CO wood vt HI'MAN MAWIETISAI-11.• C/111 . 011 10 OIKIILLs.Ion ate inqum. Orlog u to 9LOW tae 1411111 y 01 /11. Dr[pilrlll/011 tor the reisel o Audtring, N% Newnhazo, try . au hor of 'The reciprOC , ll mflurrire of Body rte. The work cm Ow 1.11,001 publiAlwd. For Bale! Lp ELLitrrrs. ENGLINH. marl/ 79 wood 0 LIFE OF FRANKLIN, Elustrated—ln cow... of j pubilcatEon En the social form, by !Imp, Bro thers. New 'tort. The !die of Ber.mmin Franklin. con. sEsnog of ht. Autobiography. and anarrative of Ms put.< um and serolers, by the Rev ll.llas,Engs fled spEendErlip eumr.:Estect l,y humergune.l4us•tle destama. by John 1. Chapman. engraved In the iltgbEnt goy., of art The wort I. prEnted in tar oavo ortn, on SY. perfine paper. from bold and lemble ct type. t It will be completed tn algal part, at 25 mean rata, and Earthed at bile( Entervala Each poet wail be received by ex press innardEntely after at. pub:trans.', Fart Int loot reectved and for sale by .1(11INSTON k STOVKT ,, N. corner market and 3d •1 vt AC A CLAY '14 , 111S !URN' OF , F—NIii : AND. Vol— II F j t TY:fe f I rl . u th ot 1%7 ' p ‘ Ort 4r s k li, a ‘ ll o d ' 11 I orb r /11-tory of Ilanntbut the Curtbagumits. by Jacob Abbott. Illustraima title, map and numerous engra• (711.11.11, Engll,ll Dicoonar), oruat'S .my 01 Lau, JO from tic F , euch of C Jr a- Illustralr W L d Arlan. or the t•Prele of Life. A collection of Thona and Otiaeraationo. deigned to delineate Lae, Matt aind a/.• Hari Roma twe of Vathtlag Nto, Entertainn.,ll,. translalloo; plendolly Wt....A. x role, P.Aoo Just recclved by H Fft , PKIN:+, lcletJ Apollo HAM 410 XTEW BOOKS—History of Mary Queen of t-tcola. VI By Jarott Abbott. %alb englaYlnga /Imo, .t grog Charica the Fast, of Kingland By Jacob Al.botr, vertlt engravings History of Alexander the latent. By Jacob Abbott, with engraving... 'lottery of lianninal the Cmllizton an By Jacob Abbott, wall engrving.. Received and fo rante by JOHNSTON h STOCKTON, tor murk. i I,rd 3.t0, NIF:W BOOK +—Oregon and Ca'born. in 1,1. i, hy J Wilton 'Thornton, late Juage at the Supreme Court of Oregon, and corresponding member at the Amerman Ing.utute. With an appendti, inetudins re• cent and authenor aitormanon on the subject ol the GOLD MINES of /Morino, mid other valuable mat ter of Ink rest to the convent+, etc. With tilustratiOns and a map In two volumes. Kaphaet, . page', of the book of life nt twenty. ItY Alphotote de Itemarune, author of the - Citatory of the txtrotaltatt.. or Pe ml Memo., of the }tame. of the Fret, h itevolunott.' rtc Just fecetved and for sale Ity JOHNSTON tiTOCKT(IN. tnehl4 corner market and .te PITTSBURGH STEEL WO RKD AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY ISAAC JONES, MTN r. Qno.. JONES & M A p i: 4 :::: , A . Cll ) . , : , R . ti e t : 4 p: o o r u gr s iz o n , n ,r d o. trizte , : nd . , l7 , l ,4 oc unit!, tommtcreil iron nth,. will r, in itto r .4 icabic crating..., Are capon Inrup.,.n..: vv.., ',lnnns gcnortiliy, corner Of Rot. Rod Front alt., Pt Eleven;line Filteri Cloak, FOR PURIFYI N G G WATER. 7 W Melt renders turbid water pure by removing all substan -'tip water. The crown Zier no .„ "" 4 " V e r t" , clear and pure In N. York, l i iri;„.", when it pluses an hour throngh Um . fili p e u ri m og , e u oel shows a lone is the cave more or I.•iss with ali c h c y ' ilr ' niT n ionte k f . b." The Reveraibieborer is neat and durable, and is not attended with the inconvenience incident in other Piheron., as 0 is cleansed without haing dotnehed from the water pipe, by merely tattling the key or handl. from one tide to the other. 117 this only process, tits course of water Is changed, and all accumulations fo impure substances are driven off almost Instantly, without unscrewing the Filter. It afro possesses the advantage of being a stop cock, and as snob in many cases will be very convenient and economical. Dean be attached where Wore le any preesureghlgli or low in a cask, tank, tub, &a_ With ease. To be lied of the role Agent, W, W. VILSON, octl7 corner of Fiiunh and Market its Tug AILYOIIf ETIOB attention of the üblic respmduony called to eT th following certi ficates: Ma. S. gamsts—Havlng tested a quantity of Gold weighed by your Armin:ooer, 1 hid the result proves your instrument correct: and rot °contend the use of it to those going to Califcraht. an a ce best method for ob taining the reel val. of Gold. ltlesp..youni, J. 11. DUNI XVI , Gold Mater. Piimbargli, March 0, 1049. Pivots - ea on, March 7, 18411. Mai Basun—Dear Ilt.ving examined the .firco rneter,7 manufactured at yo cc rooms, 1 do not hesitate to commend ato the use of those gentlemen who era shout removing to Califon, to In senrah of Gold. It gives a close approzin tellen to the specific grail ry of and will wins wily enable the adventurer LO MOO when his plat er Ls yielding Gold marl? Yours, reap' f I. IL APCLINTOCIi. _ Foreign and 13orne•ito Liquors. A GOOD amorunant of Foremn and Domestic Li quors, always ou hand and for tale in guanuuet to mit purchasers, by apbtd W & hi ?dr rCH FI.TIIVE Manpratts , Mooching Powder, (Chloride of Lime.) erfHE aubacribere have recently received (direct from the manufacturers) a fresh rupply of the abuse aqua article, which thug will at the lowest market pace for dealt px approved bills. W 3 hi KITCIiI4,TAIKE Dissolution 1'1... Ana Intl Tent. PpaarlUnTartea. eaatatlanshanent lona mist] wiilrty known as neir.y et the in.t cominocliou• 111 the ,try of Baltimore. hn• rei.eittiy undergone [lra. Rive alteritunit. and improvement, An emir. new I wino has liren added. COlllllllllll, nontrretta and wry fleeptne unarrniii.. and ey retrain.: bathing root. • 'e.' department ban al.° been coinpietely reorannixed and fitted uplllo. 111111111 t .d tity:e. In :net the whole arta - cement oldie Ho., has been remodeled, with a gingle eye on the part of the proprtetor, tewitrila ennifon and of thdr Gum, and which they reithilentiy assert veil, challenge coumarison with any lintel an the Bni,n. Their , able wtil away. heeupplircl with ever) .uh unnial and luxury which the market afford, .served up In a t .uperior .tYlc; while in the may 00 Wine, &c., they wll not hr .utprissed concl.ron the proprielnrs bog to may. that nothing wil h l be len undermost their part. and on the part of their awstanhi. to render th, /Intel wortliy the continued paironage of their friend• and the generally The prier. for board have elan been reduced to the follnwlng are.: Ladie, Ordmary, 81,76 per day. Gelnletnnatha 1.50 N. B —The Baggage Wagon of the Boone will al ways be found ur the Con and Stentrohoa. Landing, of charge ....tveY baggage in and fmw the Hor-i. free EXCIIA NOE ITOTIKL, coartin or 'ante axe are rt.alxmx.,'lm'araall, CS. The aubecriber having amain:ledthe manage. meat of th,. long cetuldi.lied mi popular Hotel. respectfully at to Traveller. and the Public genern!'v. that fie v., he at all times plepared to irCcortunwlnte themln oil dr.wabie ros a well refatuted Hotel. The HO k. IMIIV being thorou4hly rePuireo tU, hroughout. and neve Furniture added. and no spun,. to awl, the Evehaner one of the very beat Ilutri• in the rountev . The I , OIICII, n ronunuance of the very liberal patronage the Howe. hac heretofore received. Tilt wsToN. thb9litf Pener ~ t ro . _ LABIAICTINE OwlUs or ronerrn Ann nnAsrrirrnanin. too nrrni.renii THE aulisrrilier re - apt-equity eon that he ha• now opened hot new and e ..ellent Hotel for the areottunodation of traveivra. hoarder, o , ,bIIC c-r ally. The Itoo., iutil furniture 31.• mt. rod no ey or expen••• have I.rn apared t, t rader ne ef 11,,- mem t . nn.fortnt,le and Hotel. , ti or.r The Rat.acrilitir it determined to dr.eeve , a. „I there fore aohmts. a .hereof outdte patronage. ue 34-4 I y !AO 'li Proprle,or 100PESE CENT SAVED! OiTtPd IN 11(11 S THE V , RGEN , 1, , •71-1.. nit Baltimore atreen. near the Depot, Cumberland. t• noW Lomplrte order for the reeeption and PrfP,llo alloy of t. e panne. I'm.. in aearch of ease noil comfort, WO do weil to patmrule this CalabunlMelll--thr) the eliambara ele.t and iiire and the Table niatted any In Curnbetllnd. at , w , nty.fir- i•enta, guaranteed rood aa any that can he had In the piare, at any prier. or nn charge. No Atargc for trrttlq , olllll.lonof baggnye to and from the curt lath-d2m WAtiIIINGTON EVANS UNITED STATES HOTEL. eenvt-r .ere. lISTW.6OI VOCHTIt OPdP,TerrF. late B''' 3l "r P ‘ C t,i i e l.; : irr 4 Cl7l•Tl *. .. Ph"- mart., Proprietor # . 11.R1111 SPRING GOODS. Nhathell k IT hilt, D RY 000DS )(MUER:, Hu Wood vrcet, net the AND oi Merchant. ,o the4r •truk of AMERI. CAN AND FOREJUN DRY 6(5 , D0, no..vrcrtvlng direct from fir, hand. . • Reetivlnz mauler eapolte• Of Ea•st goods during the season. end devoin, • ler, .here of tn., attentlon to Eastern Atth,on eeten. Oar y COO eunfittchtly ht.urn t•uTerh they vetll htn: zt tn their antert, to examine their •toc reccorrcl noroore• or oow OtY Dro•. 'Coods, Fancy Pm., c•rooornerr.. rtn. Stow., .00d. !Awes. Wbor trooor, 111,4 Lunn, Txtiorr' Thumlog* arid brown and I , lcacbrd Shectrogro, varo orts trrandc rune] JAME 4 W. woonwKLL, Modern and Antique Furniture, rump STRUT. Prruocuti . . . . XA image ie,Or and l ti11...m.1W 1.....,kgatiir.....,.. W-cnci;l 'Urol.ure. ~.•,....., . .-,t.•:i: outtaloe for o Stcantioutto .1: '... 1 .. ,,, - ,. --:: Horeb and pr a, tiw,.; ' tors. conatonny on node o 1 a, nk doter The proacut stock no hand cannot Lo• raccedcd by arry manufactory in thc western country Pcrannit ornahing to pornhaAe tootaiti do ton't to 0:, me a, nal am deternuncd tn. pro,* +hail pred, Part of tho mock cons.. Id-- Te. a reit.; liu ff:.t Etage Lows XIV Chair., queer 1-:1/xabettl tha,t; Tea rovae: I- run Tabl,. To4leL tahlea; Lout. XV Cominotter. och Mahogany Bedsb-n,la hann Stool., 50 roras with Plush ama Flair-cloth mortar, 50 Mshog•ny Racking Uhtur, 40 do: Pa r,or .10 30 Farley un 25 pair Tables, 20 pair Dlvan, I pair pier Table, IS marble tap thessing Bureau, Wardrobe, n ~ , ereturies and Book car, ruart..Le top sVash Star.rls; ;•rr trilmnano, ret j asonaloe terms. EMEOMBM ed Cocoa Cocoa Baer. Broom. Cocox Shr)ls. Lc 111 merchants and ronentnerv. who would parch., We heat product. w Cocoa, free iron miUltUrntmn, wore nutruloo• than tea or code, and in quality nano,- patted. theano.erioer reennwu.ndt , tbr wave arwle, martufactured try himatif and •dasnped wahlna name. Ht. Brown and Cocoa PaAte. as dr.hente palatable. and aalutary dnnka for invalid, cnvalescents. and other, are pronounced lay ate moat eminent 1:tor oupenor to any other preps...ins mwattaet tire. axe always on male, in any quota,: y. by the mo.t ~- ,pecutb:e voter, tn the enmern . and by then u&entn, rmray Aen of ,n ~,,,Ntle.. Jame. M Dunce ro. Hartford l' n, & .Murray, New York. (;raut & Stone. Philadelphia Tnowas V Brundage, Bal timore; and Kalb:mg & Bennett. Citiemnati, Ohio wALTER BA KKR, Bombe., MARS- Foe sale I.y aug:ll BAT.A LEY k SMITH. Agta Wrought and Cast Iron Rolling. If V. rubs , rsber. hey loave to [worm the that 1 they have obtatned tenni the Ea al nil the late and Ismhtottable &warm for Iron itll.lfg. 1./1 for hotor• nod temetener Penoons wmhot, to procure hand roma pattern•and clamor. and ,tlao for theto.selvea Itaatog tell! ormr bed at the ruintl. crt nonce, and in the hem manr!er at the Cornet of Craig and Rebecca etreeta. A ileahenv auato-dtf A 1.A.11 - yNT k. KNOX Manufactured Tobacoo. BXSlioniry k Royathi s superlor sweet 5 10., 25 do NI A Butler a IS lit do Priee & Herwood • % 5 21 dodo do V, do do Peati & Harwood " 5k lb •• 14 do J Robinson 17 bid., do 2:1 do do Win Dawson 11 do T Wright', 35 do li Ander.on .• 9 do I. T Dade , . 5 do N Nlacon's ti o _Randal . thitdtha Horn , trainer and packet, and for snle HEALD, SUCHNOII k Cu. . north water an end to north Ad.arvea, toll t••..lodriptue • m L . :I; 1 ; ( .Jooes 75 emu.:,Wrl..ter (M 4 .xsprrmr 5, !unto `' I.oluer •` I,entry Kovs , r, tcs,l 11 , tpolo Ewe) " " •• 2.5 5%5 5. plug Just landlog holt, ....ow,. for 4,xot. by II KALI), BUCKNOR dr. Co, 41 N waLet st uad 14:N whirr'. es, my3l rmur) , ,.: AL. J. U LIiN Y. Book Binder.. UTE are and auguged 131 use above busineae. torn, TT of wa.Al and ni rd creme. rat•burgh, where we ore prepared in do ern: work to our line with den patrh. We attend to ocr we. k per.onalLy, and sau.. faction will he given a' rear to to ucatueek and du. rabtlity. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and hound all. atuntially Bookst mber! , or old hooka bound r are. fully or repalred Name. put on hook. in gilt iatier. Those that have work an oar lint arc welted to call Paces low Iny2o 11 CALF SRI:M. 4 -410 dui gentoodVritichTaii Sloti, y fine article. A !eve dutens PlillatteTton Skrint, from the tortnulartory of H M Crawford. In which the attention of boot milker. vs invited haat reneived and for .ale by YOUNt.: b ir27 Rd Merry M nuouNivicie,!., N 0.16 on be seen a splendid variety of sup Royal Vel. vet and Tapestry Carpet., latest style, Also, Ijru Reis. 3 plys and cup and fine Ingrain Comma. of sup styles and yin:dine.; and in connection can alway, he found Table Linens. Cranhea, Diaper, Dagiaska. Nlo reen, Oil Cloth, he be., to oil Di wbit:h we rail the attention of the public aactl - LT A %INC. sold our enare mock to C H Glum. tenth J . l • vmw to c:oung our nld girICS, we hereby. no. I icit for him d. patronc of all our friends nod cue• {omen. RU. %v POINDEXTER, THE Pi ills DEXTER. Cittabuntli, Aux. 4th, le4lt. / H. GRANT, Wholv.ale (Ironer.Cum..lon .11 j Alrrolant. No 41 Wotet st. nxl2 -- • lik:LL AND BRASH FOUNDRY. ALA VULTON,I3eII and Bolls. Vounder, ha. re built and coinmenred labour st al ins old :nad, where he will Ito p!earsd to we Ins old CUPLOHI nr• end inc... Church. Steamboat, and Hells of every .ire, from lit to 10,001.1 porn de, east froin patterns of the most ufq•rov -0,111104101N and Wlrril/llr 41 to be of the hest materials Mineral Water Pumpa. Counters. Railing, he., toge ther with every varany oi lira. CaAtingh it required, turned and finished in the neatest manner A. F. is the sole proprietor of B.taarrs Atert.Arrat- Vms AlhrAt., so justly celebrated fire thei reduction o_r: frt.. in machtricry. The Bores and t:ompositma c. be had of him at all nines. 1.0.1 y PRINTINU PAPER.. ' MEE subscribers having the of Agency for I roil thr Prtnung Paper aand extroolvo paper mill in tilt. vicinity. will be at all lintel wail sup piled with Mrs cliff:went %11, of paper of suponor gami ly, which we offer at the lowest regular prices. Any size nr quality will be manufaotured to order at short notice. ILEVNOLDS A PH tan rim corner Penn arid Irwin rair NDIA RUBBER CLOTIIING—Ioot received for ton 1 Cettiormu lilipcditioni n kiotoPloto 00 .. 00 :iit of Gum Eluatic Clothing, bat.lothing, at prices ranging from 106,50 ffi1,.50 fur run a coat, punts and For sale ak the India Rubber Depot. No Ci Wood at. detap 1 PHILLIPS T CST RECE:IVED—Three more of those Jus by tly tr celebrated Ilatenuroth us'd con tar List, Thalnerg and otlaer great performers, together Null a large assortment o( rosewead ond mahogany, of toy own manufacture_ The •bove instrUnientS Warmoted to he perfect in every respect, and Ann be sold low for mu, F and A nt No 112 Wood •1. hi door tram 6th_ 'For California. THE celebrated Hazard Hada Powder, in kegs, half kegs, quarter. and cams, fur ardo by Se.bl3 1 5 IiILNVOR'PIi a. Co, 27w00d .t sispradt's Pasant Soda Ash. 200 CAS/04 Just received ger meaner* Ivanhoe Ao and St Cloud, and for ss, , by W M arrefiELTREE, atobLS tea Liberty a HOTELS FOUNTAIN 110TRL. L I G II T STREET IS A I. T IMO R E MISCELLANEOUS ll= - MISCELLANEOUS. HNGINGS. ESEIRS. JA RA S. HOWARD b. CO, Mlll o. 82 Wood Btreel, the of t i t , t . te p n , i r m i r i t of g, t n h g e ,,, p w ol i tc h mr ea. u rio net). beauty of finish, dursthillty and cheap...L. , . al. sn...ed by an) establishment in the Union. Besides a :urger and full assortment or paperof their own insnumeture, they are now reeeirtng a direct un portat,on of French and Engliehst, len of Paper Hang tiiaa, oure based by Mr Lem Howard, one of the firm. tintAit Europe. consisting of Pa 11... manufacture, 10. Mai ram,. Londort do 5.1a41 do (it their own manufacture they have IlittJahl pieces Paper, and 11,101 1110CMsaun gth.sed Window Bltitda, he Nicest - , James Howard h. Co. hove spared neither experme nor labor 111 their endeavors to Viral the east ern wall paper e.thblinhment s , both to qualtty of Manman ufcture and variety of pattern, and they are IMILITI1Ill• .auring the puolie that they have succeeded 'rhe %Mon. n.wronent. threw, arid home immufac tune, will Le odered on term, low . those a east ern manufacturers and importer. mett27:4lll Y01N0.F.3.1., Pntidnurghour uoLhe Of Philadelphl. POINDEXTER X, REYNOLDS, FLOUR FACTORS, And G•norad Commtautenlorohnnts, No. 493 Mater Srairr, between Eleventh and Twelfth ate. , PHILADELPHIA. THE subsenhers hog . leave rearnectfully to ae.q nt. uad :how frnendln and the pncllc that boy have anow.. elated themselrr, in Philadelphia. for the purpose on tron•neling n Commownon Business, and trust lhat long experience In busmen. wtll secure to them , fir P.,r00.g fp- Particular attenuon win be given to sales of Flo or and Produce generally: and .y purchai‘es in the Philadelphia market for Western account. R. W. POINDLATER, DI. REYNOLDS.. REFERENCES—The me t ehantli of Pith.urgh gen. oral .y. Springer A Whiteman. brier Anderson, ClACliinall, Ohio: If D Newcomb A Lro . W li Clifton, Lewo. Rattner, .Ins T... I.ouioeille, Ky . Crow. Me. Crerry A Barksdale. so/ Louis, ; Hewitt, .Norton Co . W A VlDlclt, New Orleans, I.a. Gill. thlletts a. Noyes, Ml;regor A Morris. New York; W R Thornp on A Co.. Job n Tiers /9 Co, Peter B Jon.. & Burt Philad'n aii9 don J. C. P. SMITH. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, sT LOUIS, MO. IV";e,rr portecul arettention to the eolleeoon of Clam. and ail looney terelved, Attli be remitted wohoto ay. RE•t.Nces—lion. R. Coulter. Supreme Bench, Co , Me....r•. Lyon, Sborii k Co. St mute. Wood. Abbott do Co Entle‘ra, Inn if 13rnuin & Co. do; Mr Charier 11 \l'cihn6,to. EAo. Mahoney & fn Neve l'o.k. Chinch dcA. Rlt.. & Co do, Baugher & Orendorti EWA:llOre; W F! A Murdoch. do, Love, Martin & Co. do, Mr. iOlll% Fuleoner; ?[area. Lorenz, Sterling & Co Pmo. burgh, Forsrlic & Co do; Hampton, Smith & Co. do; M r L S Wiiturmus. do thelii&Aditto NEW ZEBL'L('N KfiNibErS, 67 Mar ket •treet— a dor very high book SheA Took Comba; " 0 0, 0 h , ph ° I I w headed iop •• Sr; " fancy ttnrro top Butralo " lu plow 20 It roe. corn. Horn, 30 dor ,bell nide, assorted si r..., 30 drool ram hors Side; J dot .hell do, It doz Hallam ao do, 4 do Imaatinn do do; SO do bent Logltsh How 6 do S S S fine Ivory, extra ode; IN do S S do In, IV lm ore; IR grog, S fine do do; I do comb Cleaner. apld W•r1,851,1 • 4,1 I• 1.14.. HANNA. WIC 1 MC. PALMIER, HANNA Plc CO., i?uere.aer, In liuFsey. Haunt & J )AN KERS, FACHANGE iIIOKERS, and den.ers P m Forel,. and DOIrIeSIIC betiOSlle, Bunk Notes. ond STlol,—Fourth !greet, near?, oppootte the Hunk of Putpnorgh. Current mo ney received GM Aelonute—Stglit Cheek. for sale, and theetulecnited tuout made on nearly ail the principal points in U Utates ME= Advances made on consignments 01 Produce. atop. Oed Eat.. on liberal terms. GREArINVE.NfION!—VALUABLE DISCOVERY! Psrawr SELItEIL. J.VART let, 16.49 Patent trateleter exteneun Tables, Sofas, Burp:nu, Book Cate, Wrtrtng LEVER OF WROU(afT IRON 'J'IIE TABLES far sorpaositig every other in. ve..tion o. it, kind now extant tit toted from from te.: to twenty-fwe feet, and whet r:used the ience. arc ail cottramed inaide; they arc made to tit 'tor., and sh..pes, and are admirably adapted tor SteliMboas. Hotel, and large private families, form ing hen closed a remnplete centre table ion AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval uable. particularly to those who sylph to econo. tots.. room. end room Ceeptng apartment title pMriOr Or sorting MOE, On lIICy CILII lie opened and shut nit fOllSCMeitee, and when shut. the bedding Is encl.- ...I A genii flirtng In room end rent. NI the bed 'trod. a - hr . ! cosed toren a beauttful piece a furniture. for parlor or sauna room BOOK eASKS--.1 neat and useful arttrie for parlor or drawing rooat. WRITING DS:SKS—or taw offices, counting mon., and other offices; when opened a most conseruent .'crud;bed eshert c;issed a perfect Desk and Library affirm hie. mese artmWs need no recommendation. Ole advantages they are pr agai n st oof agnst bug.. mrhld JAAIES•W WOOOCCEI.L. M R :I A ' NVt"l' l h : t A s . c il e i rt N ifies U trat r i l m ri ned l ia L tel .M y .2cc liß Lavine attended my brother, who died of con s umpt i on in March. I was taken sick with rho Conumpton or Lever Complaint, and WI. reduced so low with the Memo, that tor four years I was unable to attend to my bustness. either at borne orshroid, being for the most nine confined to y Led Durum the above part ed of ume, I had expen tn ded (or medical attendance o regular Physic,. and methetnes to the amount ol Sam, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In July. 1.42, I commencrd taklng Dr Jayne's Medi eines and have taken them more or less ever ounce, a lid bettor that 11 In. by perseve ts nog in thew aro, mat I ran now truly say that I have completely Tee, vered my health I believe that Jayne'', Sanative Pills and Pespectorant ave Um best (wady medicines now to I reside in rtprlngfield, Otsego county, N. Y., and carry ott a furnace .d machine shop to that place, and am not interested In any manner in me sale of the above medmines and tnake thus certificate tor the ben efit of those attbetrel. ELIJAH EATON Springfield. N. Y, SepL 16 lye. M rdA,L7ll:altrE,lt nlwn of t-•-rcT4 e nbe:i deawr• generally, to the following bland. Tobacco., .tore and in arrive. which benne consignmenLl di rect from enumnacturers, he is enabled to sell nu east ern per • la , / I Jas R V. Crenshaw: sa, IT James Madmen 5.; el t - Lumarune 5.; ;al !iltrabeau 5., ZI Putnam 5. and Is, Id I Huber. /a ahason 51, I Mazer Fluri 0 I Johns 5. Lamm I.; 3 f Warwick, sup, Is, 45 I Henry Is .1 WM. s and Mg "Pitt. Hochlino Works .sad Foundry. rtrrsnc AU LI, PA. Joio: OH & Co. are prepared to build Cotton and Woolen Machinery of ever, description, such s Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speed e rs, ce,wine Frnmes. Ranway !leads, Warners, Spoolers, Dressing Frnmea, Looms, Card Grinders, ,th Wi night Iron Snalloig turned, all sines Of Can Iron, Ponies and Hanger. of the latest patterns, slide and hand L r.l tiva., of all Ittnds Csuoings of every ciGSPI I puns far "•d on .hart notice. Patterns made to order lot tl 1.00 nag. Iron Railing, &e. Steam Pipe tor ben, it Factories, Cast Iron Window Saab and nine, generally. Orders beet at the Warehouse of J. Vora , & Co., Liberty street, will have prompt shell -1,011 R 4 , 1. to Blactemek, tell & Co, J. K. Moorhead n . (.1 E. Warner. John Irwin & Sons, P.t.burgh : O. h. J 11. Warner, Steubenville. mrl9 • • - Penn Machine wiGtrrstAN—Maolufueturcz of all kinds of rot. lA. ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city. Pa The shone work. being now in full and successial op n I am prepared to execute orders with dispatch for .0 kinds 01 machinery inn my line, such se willows, pie kill - , spreaders. cards, grinding machines. rail wa) , drawing frames, speeder, thrust., looms, ansolen cards, double ortangle, for merchant Or country work, raulesoar ks.A.c., slide and hand lathes and tools in gen eral. All kinds of sheeting mode to oilier, or ph., giv en for gearing (actinics or mills at reasonable charge. Ramaisciinedy, Childs A. Co., Illackstock, & Co. King Penoock & Co., Jas. A Gray NHW COACH IFSCTOHY;- ALLISoir.T. A the W p i u n bTi E e k. tha C t O the ' y ° Va d ve r's e r r ' e ' c ' t ' e f' d U3 a . sl j i d o r p on' on ldicock, between Federal md Sandusky street. They are now soaking and are prepared to receive orders for every desenpuon of vehicles, Coaches, Miami', 13a touches, 'Juggles, Photons, he , to , which from their long aspertenee in the manufacture of the above work, and the ihcilitthe they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do wont on the most reasonable terms with there wanting funnies in their line. Pitying particular attention to the wdeetton of mate nal, and havingium. none but rornperent workmen, they have no hes. in ar•rtanung there work. \Ve therefore trek the nitention of the public to rho, metier. N. H. Repsunng Pone in the beet manner, and a,, the most reasonable throw. _ th./.fitf Monongahela Livery Stable. ROUERT H. PATTERSON hat opened the large enable on Fast it, running through to Second st, Itetwee.n Wood and Snuthfirld to .1n the rear of the Monongahela Hunan, tonol an tall Tiy muck of Horne. and Camases of the hem tummy nod latest styles. Horses kept St ry the best manner. lytldly patent Graduate! Gahl:nsc Battery and Paten bun&hut Fol. for Medical and other purposm 911418 is the only instrument of the kind that has wet I been presented 131 this country or Europe ror toed teal purposes, and is the only one ever known la tn., by which the galvanic thud can be conveyed to the hu man eye, the ear, the brain, or to any panel( We body, either externally or internalty, in a delusive gentle lamest, anthirat shook& or pain—with portent .aleti— and often with the happiest egrets. • This imposers apparel. Is now highly approved of by many of the most eminent p_liyaletans of Ws coun try and Europe, to whom the aWlerted and others whom it may concern can be referred. Reference will also be given to many highly respectable citizens, who have been cored by means of this most valuable apparatus of some of the most Inveterate nervous disorder. which could not he removed by any other known meant Among venous others, it has heen proved to be eel- Durably adapted for the care of the following diseases, vim nervous headache and other diseases of the brass it is with this apparatus alone that the operator Call convey the magnet. fluid with ease and sy to Ste eye, to restore sight„ or Mare amaurosas; to ear to restore bearing-, to the tong. and other or ts, te, store speech; atul to the venous pert. or the body, rot the cure of chrome rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, or uc doloureuk, parulysia, or palsy, gout, chorea or St Vita r dance, epilepsy, weakness from prat., some diseases pecan. to females, contr.:boa of the locks., rte. em [tights for counties of Western l'a„ and privileges, With the instrument, may be ponittoset, uA also tested for the cure of diseases. Full tostruettone will be fovea for the •arioni rated- Call PIP be used for vinoll3 diseases, and the heat mon. per for °parallels for the eery of those diseases seal al. so be fully caplet/Ird to the purehuer, and a nampblet pot oda his bands expressly for these pa a, ary l-ally prepared by the pittlitoe. fhtqpj,,, o i 11 WILLIAMS, Vine et. Flasbursh (111 - --Itat laza ann. Cram Canute,tuft meld and for sale by mY3 J WCANFIELD DRY 1 VARIETY GOODS DEW GOODS, 1849 KENNEDY 24 sax,. VEIL corner Wood and Fourth stocke now reiving direct from first bands, large e of Fancy ec and Vdnety Goons, inF,uding Clocks of e•ery• vanes!, gold and olives Winches, Jewelry. Fiench Priem, Combs, Hooka„, E r , Gloves and Hosiery, Suspenders, Gun UV*, 1... ail other articles in their line—all of which having ~e en purchased personally of them anuficturers . ......Lt: rtg will the l ito oo l t d m sgo te le tx " :me7l r rittevattS'c'enTe cost. itomnantly on band, all descriptions of Looking Gies,- of our own naimufacta ries ei essmen prices . inha3 ‘TEW FANCY AND VABIETI GOODS—At ZED ULON KINSEY'S, 67 Market meet. BM pr. tine China Yeses &mil; 175 sets most and cut velvet vont Blowns, 40 fine velvet Carpet Bags; 1.11 do do gent', traveling; lliu gmas fancy snk Buttons, for dresses, 10 dm. Nail Brushes, ass'd; 100 gro fine blk Vest Buttons, nesl; IBS do do gilt and plated, dui 25 do. rosewood Hair Brushes; 4 do Washington do; , I do Barbers do, 3 gro Fish Lines, Fish Hooks, II& rick, Ac JEWELRY, An —5O gold lever Watches; 50 & de tached Meer Wineries, In do Geptne do; to fine dla mead Finger Rings, I doe fine gold Vest and Fob chninsi 2 do h do Guards; Bream Pins, Finger Rings, do. Ladies Cotton Gloves, ass . d: 300 do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, As.; 10 do gents' adk G d beves; 16 do do k, do, 50 do ladies kid, au'd; 10 de do fancy top silk. VARIEI'Y HOODS-75 pkgs American Pins 300 bee Cotton Cords; 70 ye Paper Muslin; 500,000 ribbed Percussion Caps; .-am gro dress Whalebone do; 100 dos I very Combs; Dressing Combo, Back Combs, tic. Ac. spa ir En T. IN k CO. are now ope r iong titei - iht f tMg . mock of Toniattngs, conamung 1171, part of mi litia nod Drees Fringes tamps. blackand col'd Silk Laces. black Itiou,,ce Lace, Buttons, Dods, Bonnet Trimmings. gents, ladies awl children, plum and fan. ey Hosiery, Shins for men sits boy s, Comb,. Ivory and , ether Fans, Vat Spricol Cotton, Needlea, Tapes, Bob bins, Pins Aces tee., which they offer foe sale, both wholesale and retail, at thirTnizmung Store, 62 Foarth Street. betweee Wood sod Market. rl4 XTEW RARING (ODDS—A A. Alssom A Co.. No. 11 GO Market street, are now opening 40 cases and package, of eplendul SPRING GOODS, comprising Lawns, Muslin Bereges. SI de Lames Gyrgn r, Font., French Cambers. Linens. Ribbons, Lena., Silks, Shawls Gloves, Hosiery. and c gesterni anon mem of Goods. trieltir Since the Derooloyorosental tkoo alsfornia L'Z :feu- - , ALEXANDER & DAY, No. 70 Alsatorr Snow, Frrrannuna ""Tlf AVE resolved on SELLING OFF Cho i r la mock of DRY GOODSl—the principal part la which have lately been purchased at the Lamm Alm. Hoe Sates in Philadelphia and New Tork, at a tre mendous and unparalleled nutrifice. NN'c !mu, made such a large reduction Iron our reg ular prices that we will t•ow sell a huge portion of car goods BELOW COS'' of importation. The early at. tention of buyers is invited to choice high colored, goods adapted to the Caluorma Trade. LADIES DRESS GOODS. . _ Plain and fignredCaluelianjashmere and de tunes all once* Very superior brothist fig'd Super cloak clothe, oil co and watered 14k silks, lore, Superior renannure silks. French merinos, all colors, big mid colored, itEeck hornbannes, Super black glossy Oro de Cross 'Jarred and striped Rhin sdks, alpacas, Visette and mantilla silks, Brock. nst'd and strip'd do, hest quality, Jenny Lod plaids, Pure .aum, bib alai bloc Victona Lyonese cloths, blk meting, very nett, Lamar.° satin merinos, Coherg cloths and emelt- Super silk warp alpaca an lustre,. !mitres; • Splendid plaid long shawls, A few brocha long shawls, Splendid terkerl shawls, the finest we have ever from N. York auctions, brought to this market, great,Pargains: now to be sold at great Plain and embroi'd thibetl bargams, shawls, all colors, Superfine and common bro.% Silk rulge, remarkably, cha square shawls; Si c k /Super lism shawls GENTLEMENS' GOODS French cloths from the celebrated "Johnny" mum factory. For beauty of finish and permanence of wear, these cloth. have uo auperioil u few pieces e.t.a fine pit black and olive carton beavers and other heavy cloths cor over coats, twilled French cloths, smanafac tared expressly (or Cia2k4 French and American Cu,. stmeres, rape r west of England do, super.Fronch ans Inc vesungs, the hest Imported. Plain and fancy velvet and cashmere merino sblrts and draw ers. Italian cravats. linen, cambric and silt hdkfs ha. air and glover STAPLE GOODS. . • , I r 1.6 linen, beet long cloth shrnungtrunsltuth bleach ed jand brown roushos of good qualny, remarkably look; ucktngs, cheeks, dont/este and Imported Ong , Lark, scarlet, Yellow and white flannels. a large tat very cheap, Yellow lot of "'byte and eroasbarrod coun try flannels, cheap; brown and bleached Barnaby table anen and tattle cosh, Baru..and Stench diapers and tower t; lingth mauler., Kentucky Jeans and tweeds BLANKETS. An. usual large atockf blankeis, direct from the hhomanufacturer some of which are the best ever od. all of which Viral be &coed out at unparalleled low priers. In addicon to the above enumerated good., our stock comprises a very large and complete asset tment of almost every article uwatly bound m dr,- goods store. and nil they have been =oily , „. t chimed at the eusern suctions, hence the late grnat ducuon or prices. We are enabled and determin ed sell them off at great hargaimi. Wholesale buyers, country merchants tailor. add the public generally are respectfolly invited to an car liiiiltranap.s. Bargains shall be given. tc, of the latest atid g moid approved partrrnas cord tt p o nces to suit purchorro and cheap as can be pur chased in any of then:astern dints, compraing tot fol. lowing varieties:— kW:a Royal-Velvet No Carpets; A.kauxuster Carpet.; any site hall MOM. or veal Tapestry do tlbulea Sup Royal Broswls do Tapestry maw carpets; Extra sup 3 ply do Brussels do do Superfine do do Cbcaule Rugs; Extra cup Ingram do Tailed do , epergne do do Browsel* do Floe do do Chem]le Door mot., au Tofnd H, 3-1 dr. {Tapestry Adehud do do Unmask do Sheep aks4 do do 4.4,3-4 24. I Par I'd Ve- 13-4 llPlmb'sed Piano covers , net .- 6 . .. de -4 'do _Table dd 4-4, 3-4 k. I plain do do 6-4 wool do do Cotton Ingrain do 6.4 wonted and linen do do do Venetian do Bran Stair Rods 18-4 wool crumb cloths Sioir Linen !--4 cotton Drogget; 12-4 woolen do 6-4 do do 6-4 table do I-Inglisb Table Oil dot* Diaper do < German do do do do (qr.,lt Floor thi Snow-P.9 N.P14m44 7-4 do do do Cnrason 1'1.114 11===I:=1= S 4 do ao do Alnioon do 4-4 do do do Carpet Binding; Sheet Oil Cloths, of newTranspint Window Shades Tapeniry Patterns, cut to fit ICro the is..e we are cousuntly receivincour Spring Stock of Carpets. Oil C,uth• and Steamboat Trinunolga, to which we invite the attention of all who wish in furs nish their houses or stencribrsts, as we will be able to offer goods as low as they can be purchased in. the East. and oft. nehest and latest styles. Call and ex amne our stock before purchasing ....where Ware house, No 75 Fourth st. meh2l W M'CLINTOCK The Largest, Cheapest and =at Fashionable Sock of Goods. adapted to. Gendeatca's Spring and &maw Wear, ts just retriolng at WM. DIGIMS CIIILIT CASII CLOTIIING STUB, Eta LIHER'rI" STREET, HE Proprietor of the above establishment would T respectfully inform his numerous customers, ,fist be has Just returned from the Eastern eines with the mow splendid im.rtment of goods In his line, Mae wits ever brought to this city, con:visa% all that is now fnehionable, elegant snit Cheap m Cloths, Cassiam Cashineretts, Drop De Etc, and every description of coat, Mien and woollen Summer Stuffs: Mans e ll.. vets, Hdlfs. Suspenders, fr.., of the newest styles, which, together with his very large and fashionable stock of teady.made lldothang, he ts prepared to odes at his usual law priers Country Merchants, Contractors, and all who put chine tersely, are particularly invited to call and ex amine the stock, which Is decidedly the largest and most fashionable in the city, and great attentit tt has been paid to get it up satiable to the who °sale trade Orders to the Tailoring line executed in the most fashionalilr manner. and that nothing may he wmiung to encore die newest and best style of cutting. A Ken dem. who has had great experience in the Buiern cities, has been added to the establishment. ;whet:dam NE IV - GOD - H. R. PALMER, PFFERS FOR SALE. AT LOW PRICES, a fall assortment of STRAW AND NIALLINK.- Y GOODS, of the most uppiosied style and pat terns, for the SPRINB OF legli,Consisting to pan of— Fancy and plain English, American, and Frumeh Straw; Florence, Rutland, Pedal and other plain and faring Braid; China, Ilice t leniry Lind, Loop and Roy al Wan edge Braid BONNETS. Rich French Lanni Fancy and pima Gimp, die. &a. Fancy Braid, Straw, (limp, Leghorn, and other Mis ses' and Litmus' HATS. Panama, 111.111 a, Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Straw snd other Sommer HATS, for men and hoys. Bonnet end Main Ribbons; Bonnet Saks; Arnhem' Flowers, &a. IC. lk.C. Straw Bonnet Warehouse, 05 Mnrket street. mahl:nlsat ' • A. A. at ssotv & co., . , . VII GO MARKET STREET—Have received by te: 11 cent Importhuons the follovvree Goods, vir., Six cartons 'Fhlbet Shawls, of van s qua.. and colors. Ftily dozen uttlemanderV hest quality Kid Gloves, together wttli good assortment of ced silk, tale thread. and rotten Giotto., for spring trade. lor lici li rrl pa di r e, ; : t brso ro, a , h , t 17crur.tvr,ergollarrs;31 eta , chet to r%M Mourning Collars le great variety. Dam tan s Lace Veils, the greatest assortment ever offered by as. French and English I 4 Prints; Hoyle'. Prints, small figures and lasi colors: small plaid French GiragbacruG British Furniture Chloe white satin Demist Table Cloths, Linen Dsmank, 0, 8 and 104; Green Berages; fkota black Grua tie Ithine Silk Cravats, .T 2 to 40 inch, the but goals imported; Pull's, Tomb linen cambric and been cambric Hdkfs, from to &IA White Good., such as /*coward Lawns, and Stain Hullos figured and plate Laces, whtle and col'd Tarlatunce de he. . We are in the daily receipt of NEW. GOODS, and LllVile the attention of purchasers to MO extensive sunk fet.dri NIEW . IIIIPRINC3 GOODIS • - AT DRY GOODS HOUSE OF W. It, 3IURPHY • Nero Rear maxim 4Ta use ?demurrer., Ern - section. PPERSONS orrtnfing Dry Goods will please hike no. lice that the above house has commenced tee.. Inn; As NEW SPRING GOODS, and invites the eisiia Or regular eustothen and buyets generally Goods will he offeredit low {meal, and purchasers wit] have a large and choice uaoronent to aeteet from ID. Country Merchants sod others are invited to aXanhino the assortment LA baltulesale Rooms, up stairs, where a large eworunent of Prima, Gingham.. and mAalrageneralty are now openlng. mad) DRY 00001 SWACKLETT di, WHITE, Dry Good. Jobbers, VD. Se WOOD OTREKT—WouId call the attention .I.lof Merehatus to their large stork at ESUrriostre .4 Foreign DRY GOODS, just recolVlNg from the Im porters and Matsfaeturers, and which they will sell te al very low ras fur cash or approved treats. Our stout is now full and eompleto, and 1,11 worth the summon of buyera, as we are detmotiund to evil at such extremely law priers as cannot fall to melt ,1 a strong induoement for Merahants to male u. hill with mewl HISKEY-700 WAS Whist/Ay, atoto and kss sale by •p'+3W 4. 31 MITCLIFI,TiItrE TE. VOL. XVI. NO. '234 MISCELLANEOUS INSIMANOIII - IT PROTEC flux FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPA. NY OP HARTFORD, CONN, ettalagaill ICU 1 1 1. Carnal Stock. Annual Receipts, and terra. 1un; . 911,0 - 0 . 0,000. All loPse rolaphy pant at the General Agency OF for the\ 'ester,' States. loon:e:I at Cineintlati, 01110. Thzr Onmpatny is of long standing, and well kno wn throdgbout the L'une.l Stems for its solvency and prompt payment oflocrea—haring Moaned and mu tled, to the sausfactical of all concerned, over 6,0X1 Lanz, gurtOunttta, Lei the aggregate to ILCIT XTLLZOirrI or n0t.481 , the receipts for which are on the • aloe of the Company no Harvard and Cincinnati The Pituburgh agency of this office was nrigutally hold by Moses Atwood. Fag, and was subsequently taxed out of the Stale, ivy a law antoutiung to t prohi bition of all Foreign Insurance Complutins, just in sea son to escape lees by the fire of lOth April, OMR The agency is now reorrunixed ander the charge of the undersigned, who will nweive applications and issue Polio.. against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE on Stores, Warehouses, Dwellings, An, with the con tents. Also, on (kinds, Wares and Merchandise a gluon the perils or lenaXO Navnximos, the current rates officwount. Office at AI. fl. BROWN !a BROTHER'S, No. 1/7 Wood street_ FAYEITH BROWN, Atroli Pi4tection 'ammo,. Co. for l',..shorgh and Al*ateny Co. ar Malta. Norma to the holders of PtitrAurgh etfy &vita T N roeformity with the 2d Section of the Ordinance T. of the 10th of April, 1549, directing the uudervigneid Ito negooatc FOIL CITY SCRIP, the Bonds end Mort gages of i eilivtdoels held by the City for vapory sold, amounting to TWENTY-EjGHT TROL SAND DOI, LARS"—publie notice is hereby given, that the said obligations will now be disputed of for this Corporate amines of the City of Pittsburgh, of the denominations of One, Two and Three Dollars. Further notice is hereby gleea. that City Bondy bearing interest from the 11th day of April, 1549 at the rate of it per rent per solemn, will sr aey time banal te r be issued to the holder or holder. of City Scalp, in nuns of One Hundred Dollars and upwards, aneording to the provisions of the Ordinance of the above dais. erell S. EL JOHNSTON, Cit' - - - .1.i..-..,4_1•A 24, 4 :44",;,:•,..tzaAg 1- 4.4 i .„. :-.. ..:f ~7 - -- 1 4 '''''s. t r fl 11 lIT E. ' VlOrilts,. ? ...,............._..._,..i.i , ..,:-.:.-. 11., A N EMINENT and experienced Physician from the Eat, of 20 years standing, offers to weal all cases cif a Delicate NI. re with promptness and secrecy. His success in Buffalo and other Ivgis cities has beet, proverbtal. His charges are moderate, and his cures permanent. Old mattes eaten, Stricture, Sara foie, Floor Ann., Rhetunatasan, Agoo, Byphills, or any .home or inveterate cases solicited. A core warranted. or charge refundei Orme% St. Clairstreet, 2 dome from the Bridge. Teeth Extracted. advice to .lie DOW' Trans. N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the worn eases o any disease Putsbargh to call. WILLIAM HM mg. Manufacturer of Mineral Water Apparalul, No 1 1 ar TAX GOLDria AN-11/00,12.3, 3 North Second st. above Vine, PHILADELPHIA'. N apemen., of more tltl. , welve. year. in as A N manufacturing of Mineral ate. Appirratuteld the preparrofon of Mineral Water hi Bottles and FOCA tarns, on an extensive scale, with a wreathe and pote nce! knowledge of of both branches of business, Bier with recent improvements in the constmatou the Apparatus and thepreparing of the Water ; which be has succeeded in adopting duce his visit to Pais, and after years of close study and pommel app/icai Loos as enablpes alied to the arta Mechanies and Chards w, p the subscriber in to come before the public ith entire Nonfidence. and offer them. thee est 11.114 molt complete Apparatus, for the manufacture Ike etOrilloil Water to Bottles and Fornitarms, that can be - nished in the Untied States_ He alas totters Maisel( that the enlarged access ha has met with, and the present ermaiva and daily in creasing maroon Of his business in both the above de partments, furnishes the moat convincing proof of kris Me tend oe soperionty of Apparatus over thaw of all oth of the purity and salubrity of Me Water -prepared therefrom. Persona who order the Apparatus from a distance, nay be warmed that their tostructions shall be faithful ly complied with. and an packed mtocan, safely either by nod or water to any part of the U. States. To avoid disappointment, it is recommended to those who inn-red supplying themselves the approaehing ma son. to forward their orders at as early a day as con venient. Mineral Water Apparatus, Generators, Pumps and Fountains, Omumentel Urns pod Pedestals for Stands. Counters and Gars of lintels, for drawing _Hydrant Watir, together with Corking and Tying Machtocal and business, con appertarmug to the above busine, constantly on band, and for sale on the lowest ten. for cash, apkihdeodem GROCERIES -10U bg. prrne Greem Rm CCoffee;. 73 pckge 11, Imperial and G P Teas; 50 boo 12s, 5s and 5. spun Tobacco 300 bbls N 0 and sugarhouse hlolmaes, 25 hhda N 0 Sugar, li3tal4M4Ajzim,,Uvitz T rl ale , 53 do mould and dip's Candler,. 10 do S;ar do 1.50 do N o t Soap; 10000 Side, dill Shoulders Bacem 75 cloud Coin Brooms, in store and for sale by opal JOHN WATT 8. Co ; Mem st rpfißeubscri receiving and offer (or wale at . JL low rates ar (allows, vim— opan kagealmperial and G P Teat has Rlo rod Javn Coffer; iSo page 3.12, 1 lump; 16 and s'. rpm Tobacco; on wile 0 Sager; 200 bbls 0 Molus.; 40 Mile assormd N. Loaf Sugar, 15 do Tanner: 014 Id do Lamp Oil; lir emu Blacking; filwkerel, No LI end 3, in LL's and Mar, 010 ba: Lubec wale Herring; 30 bra white Pipes; 25 bre Pepper; 10 m Aleye; 2 mats Guam.' 5000 Ilos Cotton Yam, rood Nor, 110 bales Batting; 50 bas Palm Soap; 30 do Toiler tr. Variegated do; 25 du Stat.; 50 do Lur e s H.111;•ie, 10 bales Almonds; 25 dO Pidin Noir, %) do E Walnuts: to do Filberts; 204 bp ground Nola; IS boo Spiecd Chomilate; 3 rues Liquorice; 1511)0 Principe and Regalia Segars; 40 grow Cut and Dry Tobacco; 20 do: Bed Conle; 13 ors IL.. Candy; 15 boa Sperm Candles; 1L do Star do I ask umbra Madder , 2 craw. Indigo; ease: Clover 1 do Nonaers; 10 blue Wtuting; 5 do Chalk, 50 dos Buckets; 4000 lbe Salem.; Po be. fine cut Chewing Tobacco; Common and half :Vanish Cigars. ENGLISH A BENNETT, 37 Wood at ; 14 1 1 12 0 opporm Sailisulea Hotel TUBS AND CHURNS. Pine and Cedar Ware faannfactory, No S 7, ca.. Miiima kap Ftrrn SY., Prrrlsonon. I ,1 yr. HE subserber keeps constantly on hand, Whole- V sale and retail, very low for cash— Wash Tuba, Barrel Chums, Bath Tubs, Staff Chants, . Horse Huekeu, Half Bushels, kr- Alt ether kinds Ware in his tine made to ordspr. ja.25-dly SAMITELIZROsMt.Ms . Diaphragm lllleer, for HreUrinal Water. THIS to to ,r• Lily that I saye, a, pointed Livingston, Roggen A. Cp. Bole Ag..., , A for the sale of.lerminws - li . e ' s -t` o n f ` Pittst; h ra.nrelfegt ' en the y. eill i t . JOHN OIRSOIV, Agent, for Walter AI G:bson, 349 Broadway, N.Y. Oct-10, INS. We have been using one of the airiest, articles it the andof the Novelty Works di/three month", on trial, and feel perfectly unsfied - thar it is • useful Invention, and we take pleasure inrecommending - Mem die age rm.rucle to all who love pure wages. • Ordetswill be thankfully neared and promptly executed. acne LIVINGSTON, ROGGEN re Co cillijil kV I.loliiiiiritallf , - . • $ Atil3FP.Mlitli'L. Y.—Tate, s T ut ij . N rifit A i l r sfres W er Moti r ot informing his friends and the public. In gene/61*ot he has the largest stock of the following named arti cles of hie own manufacture in this city—Saddle", Haw nee , T enn i... e a Whips, all of which he tmll.warrant to he made of the best material and by the best mech. nt All eg h en y county. Wing" determined to sell' his mann(aetures sornettung Lower tban hew been hem. . , toforn set by any aintipts establisenseur in tie city, be would invite persons In need of the ebobe named articles to his warehouse, Pia 644 Liberty *Woo!, imps. ,- bile Seventh. Also, bands Made to order for =Cline. it 0m30.1y O. /DERBY. - PITTROVII.OII. - IPB - 31-ML - F ail g il DIRE :second Session of this Institudon, ander the I 1. rare of Mr. and Mts. Gomm% Ter the _Tomcat 1 endemic year, will nereolertee Olt the floc of Fehrea ti neat, in the stone buildings, No- 39 Liter* Meet. Arrangements hare been made by which they will ... be ob(e to furnish young ladle. facilities eseal to any .„ in the West, for obtaining a thorough Erignah, ClrassJe cal, and Ornamental education. A full .munits of"- - liattpluoal and Chenusal Lecture' m lt/e il be deand during the winter illostrat,4l by apparel... Te o g g ,, partments of Vocal and lostnmeental Mane, Mod ena Languages, thawing apd Painung, will cash be under the wire of • competent Professor. By Mese atinetlen.• to URI morn) ant Ipiellectoal Improvement of then pe, • pils, the Principals hope to meat • comm./Ma of the , liberal patronage they bare hitherto en„MyetL Far ,` twins, see elreely or Apply to Na PrmeipMe. iteladtf IRON FOUR Mil! Mk SALX—A mod Imo Foul. J. dry in • flOarialting Wwwl, with Notonui. Tool", .1 ao.. all ready fur business, will he wild Ma teCCUArk:C. dawg terms, or exchange for Iron or goods. r 1 This odes an ezeellaut opponuollytictd loons isms with smelt eamtal to commence the Ina Fooodry be. --; sinew. Ebiglitto Of 80 .&IFF:4,.Angd5ON. .. deee. lot Bear Wood greet. :1 - ii - OW.l74l , lfleclvdst, Grates, *c. 24:. NAnBIII,LL, WAlloteli & W., Roca Coma, ~..: cotuoy Llbody and Wood Meets, etanufkotere. an for tale Ptetearm, Floor end Counter dlealagi. -Y-1 of the moat implotatqualltr t i...‘roking,titosas,feriaread",-- and coal; Eg Stores 01 'cartons aitel, hailo/0.14(!:4: common Ura a Hollow Ware, to. Ate. Tboy stoo,,V s , mentifeetato the Claw. Range , sehteh her glean egek ,',4,. general salt/ALMon to those having it in hw, le alp( which they vrould respeodelly Mena the glintlien tor.i ' - the otu.mru and the put.-- reneralty. . tietfkltf';:k- . PATENT SOLAR LARD LA - AfFa-An elionatreq., .-- assortment of Cornelius k Col estebrate,l, Mate. l'.'.,' torture, and superior to all others lc pci a4 t r__ o l; su '..j chose hes, stenbeew, bicionco, damage, pa ' sa d,: .' --+ • private halls, .aid to all other usestirliere A cheap, talk ,:,, - -I and brilliant heat is destrablo. . .. it. ......._,- - ",, Z , Also,UtraitOles, Hall LatitmeaCandelalsaA: Shudrs, Wicks, Chuntnea Cana, THanners, D.:. Gas Chau& oars, train otialbAllist. d ec.) W ri , '3, lid Market st'. - - ICordwdro-4"diaapor than Revori,- 1 - QUAN , W LLSON EL CO., Importer. and Whole's/4'l. ,L 1 /*hien to Hardware, Cutlery and Saddlexya,!',.:, lOt Wood street, *Dove Infut,ooo• cow in gores :,,. e hoop aid medl oolootod stn s , of Ifardwere, li. --., .., slime too decilibe of one. tri Europe, nod *hen Iher.:, are dewrmated to sell moreependtafti a /oiaratirlentli. ••,. who have been In ties halm of going its etehlmsale4 , .',',.; all and look Amu our stOckseri :... Italy drov ed to e in . 4 ,,,,, , 0c ze ,,,,,,-!.. we conhdently behave they a ove - .:1 P e' , Vkll. - S - b:. -- - 4,3 - AUIiY :ALPSpaddeandibUyiW ,1 yet.; 46 do bf samel , oo.ll ID do Glatalibalgfigr.; d. Sookm do; Az., Malebo% Maxis in4PicrV . ;r: tkLLoara, V, n do g fill sale at allusUldbms*Plict.. by no id titOef;CAMlNOlebrOddlit,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers